#i heart laika
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surinussyspecial · 1 year ago
I drew a little something for the Hiveworks micro comic summer~
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charrfie · 11 months ago
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merormerlin · 8 days ago
hey. hey guys. do you think that when Danny went to space, finally, he swam in the abyss? and he heard distant barking? and he looked around, there was Laika? there was her wagging tail, and slobbery ectoplasm, playing fetch with the debris she died with? do you think Cujo got a friend? do you think Danny returns sometimes to the stars, he brings dog treats with? do you think every time he uses his telescope, looks towards mars in the distant sky, he thinks of the little Russian dog who played in dust of planets and died for more than they lived?
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werewolfclaws · 2 years ago
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And while you're at it / Keep the nightlight on inside the birdhouse in your soul 🍀
A little postcard for @laikascomet ! It's so utterly amazing watching Laika's Comet grow from sketches to a full blown comic that's already completed chapter 1!
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magsev · 5 months ago
Now that we've met a larger cast of characters... does Rosie have any hobbies? (Outside of cultivating her impeccable timing for interrupting important conversations, of course)
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What a sweet question! Aside from her clearly rehearsed exposition interruptions, Rosie would deny she has any 'worthwhile' hobbies. However, she does have a few!
Cooking is her main one! Despite her ex-husband's claims that she couldn't cook one good meal, Rosie loves every step of the process! Her favourite meals to make are stir fries.
Her love language would be gifting food- if she had anyone to give it to.
Rosie also enjoys knitting and sudoku/crossword! She knits all the cardigans she wears to work.
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evenceflux18 · 1 year ago
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Another unfinished thing again and if ya'll understood this AU, kudos for knowing it🤣 cause I felt like it was so cracked but worth the time for me to just make some random sketch of them, I'm gonna slip Adelina for this one👀
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my-blue-birdie · 2 months ago
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brokerkisser · 1 year ago
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GIGGLING, collection of missing link promo images I rummaged from Laika's socials
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monstrsball · 8 months ago
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behold. my iwasuga bag.
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charrfie · 1 month ago
I am a different anonymous asker, but !!! You are so correct! I still don't understand (hyperbole) how people can favor cooked bell peppers. The texture is all wrong, as you said, and there is barely a crunch :( In my opinion, the crunch is one of the best parts of the pepper!!
This is awesome. Discovering every day that bell pepper heads are around the globe with me in solidarity. We're all holding hands and frolicking in fields together. I completely agree with you!!! The crunch is SO good, and it tastes so much more fresh that way. Its the whole appeal!! You completely avoid that weird.. floppy.. kind of sadness it develops after its cooked. You're HURTING her. Appreciate the pepper in its natural state.. look at her.. she's beautiful..
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veunho · 8 months ago
Do you ever spend an hour reading poetry for Laika and have both your heart broken to pieces but your faith in humanity restored a little?
You should.
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joyfuladorable · 2 years ago
do u have any peni hcs? 👀
also i love ur peni content where she plays a more prominent role :)
Aww, thanks! I can get Very Attached to characters who I feel needed More from the Narrative, lol.
Now, for headcanons:
Since Peni works for Oscorp, she Absolutely milks the fact that they Need her to pilot SP//dr to get Things like rare snacks and merchandise and music and trinkets for Spider's terrarium
She was already kind of an Oddball while going to boarding school when her dad was out being SP//dr. The typical parent-influenced child cruelty towards kids with absent parents
She was transferred to a school closer to Oscorp and her Aunt and Uncle upon getting Bit, and she’s kinda known as the “kid with her head in the clouds” and “kid who definitely brings a spider with her to school but as long as her grades are good and it doesn’t bite anyone then whatevers”
There’s a bit of contradictory info in the comics about how secret her identity as SP//dr is, but for the movie-verse I imagine Oscorp tries to keep that info contained since she’d be vulnerable while at school but also More Importantly to avoid a Media Uproar about them having a Child fight deadly foes on the regular
As I’ve said, I’d want Peni and Addy to be Besties before the VE#m Incident. Maybe instead of the ill-timed approach during school that the comics had, Uncle Ben would’ve introduced Addy to Peni as a potential support/partner during missions. Peni would be kinda resistant at first like the comics cuz What Is She without SP//dr and now there’s someone who could potentially Replace Her???? But then maybe they’d bond over music and that’d snowball into friendship as Peni showed Addy the ropes concerning mech piloting and “it’s different since you’ll be bonding with just the AI but I’m sure you’ll be fine!”
The “new” SP//dr design was based off schematics Peni unearthed after being in a bit of a Fugue State post-VE#m Incident. Maybe they were files her father had hidden away.
It's Awkward when Peni starts living with Ben and May. Peni was probably already a bit self-sufficient from living at boarding school, and Ben and May are scientists first, guardians second. That changes, softens, when time passes. I think by the time the VE#m Incident happened, maybe Peni was beginning to see them more like parents
It's kinda curious that Ben wasn't a genetic match for SP//dr. Maybe Peni's dad and him aren't blood-related??
In the comics, Daredevil is sorta like Peni's mentor? Would love to see him in the movie-verse, too, as like a mentor/dorky uncle who keeps giving her stickers with weird/funky imagery cuz he can't see them and thinks it's funny to surprise the both of them upon gifting like "here, kid." "...Uncle Matt, this is a sticker sheet of gold stars saying 'you tried.'" "Oh, huh, well, you're welcome." (She sticks one of these on him when he isn't paying attention)
And ohhhh MAN, I know we didn't see him in ATSV, but there's a Kamen Rider/Super Sentai-inspired Spidey who pilots a huge zord called Leopardon and he and all the other mech/robo Spideys are like a Squad in the comics. Would love to see him and Peni bonding over mechanics!!
Peni Definitely had a hand in building/improving the Go Home Machine with Margo
Something someone said to me on Twitter because of my Trust comic is that Spider probably hangs out with other Spideys while Peni is hyperfocused on her work. And I was like YES she Absolutely has to basically play hide n seek with Spider and go to all her friends to see which one has him
Spider likes being spun around like a yo-yo and has a Lot of fun hanging with Pavitr. Spider has a specific reason for liking each of the Squad, actually, and will go to them depending on his Mood
Spider is Highly Intelligent and can pilot SP//dr independently to help Peni with tasks (in the Spider-Verse Unlimited webcomic he helps Peni with her hardwiring homework)
Peni and Spider's psychic connection happens with feelings instead of words. In the suit, those feelings tend to synch so they're of one mind. With the other Spideys, Spider usually communicates with a Lot of gestures and hopping but will resort to Charlotte's Web and weave words if he needs to
Back to my mention of Spider with a Terrarium. He has multiple: one at Peni's house, one at Oscorp, and one at the Spider Society. None of them follow a specific aesthetic, just whatever Spider and Peni like at any given moment
Peni keeps a container of live insects on her person at all times for Spider. She has absolutely almost opened the container on multiple occasions forgetting it's not one of Her Snacks
In the spirit of Peni's heinous ability to chew bubblegum and eat chips at the same time, she Loves eating things with strong flavors and weird textures
One time she spent a Whole Week grinding levels for an MMO with her tech bud, Margo, and they celebrated their raid boss victory by turning the Go Home room into a massive blanket fort where they were found fast asleep in a pile of pillows surrounded by snacks (oh, shit, I should draw that hold on I'm adding it to my list, lol)
And to close on a somber note, Peni has a small shrine at home for her father, her aunt, and Addy. She always takes a moment with it before leaving the house.
And nooow, here’s some Actual Canon things in the Movie-verse I noticed after watching ITSV Everyday for a Week:
Her psychic link with Spider and SP//dr means she Feels when the mech gets Rough Up
Her eyes glowed red when Spider bit her and I imagine they just Do That whenever she focuses on their Bond
The SP//dr mech probably had its own sentience/AI since it emoted without either of its pilots inside. Remnant of her father, maybe?
Okay also speaking of her father, since he Built that suit that means he was probably a Huge Dork for designing the outer panel to emote like that (or Peni programmed it that way but it’s cuter to think her dad did it, lol)
Also, either her dad was a Small Guy or the pilot’s chair was adjusted to fit Peni after she took over, which MMM means it has to get adjusted every time Peni grows like that’s not a particularly efficient design choice??? Or maybe the hull can just adjust itself depending on the pilot, lol
SP//dr’s joints are Magnetized, which gives it a pretty broad range of movement
Peni was trained in some sort of martial arts, which makes sense if she ever needs to fight while outside the suit and gives SP//dr more versatility during combat if it’s in-built weapons aren’t viable
At the very least, Peni is Bilingual. Her New York probably has a majority mix of English and Japanese speakers
She embossed the Goober with a Spidey Insignia, which she either made on the side while working on the Goober or her universe just Has That, lol. Maybe it’s the insignia they use in Oscorp to label SP//dr-related things
She knew where Aunt May's house was in Miles' universe, so she canonically lives in Queens, too. I wonder if she tried going to Oscorp at all?
Heelies heelies she has Heelies which is so freaking Adorable!!
Wow, this is a lot more than I thought I'd write, lol! Hope you enjoyed! ^w^
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magsev · 5 months ago
Q&a!!!! Love these
What type/color of cat is the admiral?
LOVE this question!!! The Admiral is a tabby mongrel of some sort!
Because I have the privilege and the misfortune to share a house with the king of orbs, none other than my own cat who hates every move I make ❤️ I love him to bits and every time I’ve ever drawn the admiral or thought about him or breathed in the concept of the admiral’s direction- it’s just been my cat’s face there instead!
I miss him
(He’s in the house right now he’s just not around me)
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brokerkisser · 1 year ago
Thinking about my hc where lionel ends up losing one of his legs a couple years post-movie. Idk what kind of accident??? but he probably got his leg mangled in some way and had to get it amputated. Lionel later recalls this event as a "funny story", Susan always moans how it was NOT a funny story.
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spacecores · 2 years ago
today was a much better day and i got to see sooo much cool stuff at the LAIKA exhibit at MoPop ahhhh!! i totally slipped on taking pictures but it's so magical. getting to see props and costumes and rigs and full sets!!!! and models!!!!! from every LAIKA film was so incredible.
i maybe a little bit cried some bc it was so so cool and i was overwhelmed a bit lol. also there was a little video about their next movie called Wildwood, which is going to be set in Portland (shocked /s haha). I can't wait to see it honestly x) also if i wasn't an intensely weird anxiety ball i would've absolutely grilled the hell out of this guy who works for them doing trees, all the way since Coraline. he tried to be like, 'oh i just do trees' but!!!!! the trees in each film have so much character and add to each movie so much so good job LAIKA tree man u do good shit
also we went to a hot pot place and coaching my family through how to eat hot pot was interesting but they got the hang of it lol. so yummy too.
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charrfie · 1 year ago
Thank you pokemon black/white and pokemon ranger shadows of almia for being the best games in the series
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