#i hear you and it's noted but also um have you considered um them??
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everybody always talks about the picture of Morty that Rick takes out of his wallet in fear no mort but not enough people talk about this little picture of Beth that is on Rick's workbench when he's making the clone of her in star mort and like ???? it's just sooooo hard being a Beth fan ok I don't ask for much 😭😭😭
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jimingyue · 9 months
Cat Tumblr Dashboard Simulator
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🖋️ meowful-musings Follow
🕊️ birdwatching Follow
what's wrong with dry food??? my humans feed me it all the time and i think it's fine
💀 elusivehider-deactivated948204
op wheres the natural feeding option
🌲 outdoorsy Follow
you guys are getting fed?
#im a barn cat so maybe im missing something here #meowtthew don't look
7,192 notes
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☀️ pawsitive-affurmations Follow
☀️ pawsitive-affurmations Follow
extra special shout out to cats who have "common" coat colors. grey tabbies and black cats i am rubbing against your head affectionately <3
🪤 m0usetrap01 Follow
as a grey tabby i really needed to hear this :"3
#i feel like i never see positivity posts for moggies even tho we're the most common type of cat....
154,688 notes
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🎵 rage-against-the-meowchine Follow
i cant believe there are cats ACTUALLY advocating for kittens to be separated from their mothers before 12 weeks??? kittens still need to learn how to interact with other cats before being placed into their furever home omg you guys know you're advocating for undersocialized and aggressive cats right
❤️ loving-paws284 Follow
um op some of us??? matured early??????? i was separated from my mother at 7 weeks and i turned out fine... interesting how you assume that kittens being separated from their mothers at a younger age will lead to the degeneracy of the next generation...hmm i wonder where i've heard that before...
🐈 fluffy-the-cat Follow
OP got bit too hard during a play-fight as a kitten and it shows XD
🐟 tunafeesh Follow
also op have you ever considered that just because somecat is kind of scared and unable to deal with strange cats or humans, it doesn't mean they don't deserve to be adopted?? you sound like a vet psyop honestly
🎵 rage-against-the-meowchine Follow
oh meow god saying that kittens should be fully weaned before leaving their mother is NOT veterinarian rhetoric and i never said that they deserve to be euthanized!!! my mother literally died when i was 3 weeks old and it seriously messed up my development so stop putting words in my mouth, thanks
anyway friendly reminder that underweaned kittens are prone to illness and often struggle with basic cat behaviors like litterbox usage, and in some nyavinces it's even considered kitten abuse
#discourse #cant believe "kitten abuse is bad" is controversial now
32,456 notes
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🍃 naturalliving Follow
猫神 Kill Em All 1989
I am trash cat
410,757,864,530 DEAD BIRDS
#outdoorliving #outdoorcats please interact #outdoorcat friendly
48,971 notes
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🎣 salmonpurina Follow
can't believe cats are uncritically reblogging that born to die world is a fuck post. i know it's funny but op is literally an outdoor cat truther
#like cmon now you just have to go to their blog #lulu speaks
34 notes
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💀 tabbystripes-deactivated098712
gentle reminder that pushing cups off the table is not cute and can cause a lot of distress in your human!!!! gentle reminder that our teeth and claws can easily hurt them more than they can hurt us!!!!
🐰 evil-tabbystripes Follow
evil reminder that the cup should always be pushed off the table. evil reminder that you should always bite and claw at your human no matter what. you can do whatever you want forever
💀 tabbystripes-deactivated098712
make your own pawst
💀 laser-point-deactivated8574721
umm i know a tomcat who did that and his human ended up putting him down so...
👬🏻 nyasunaruenjoyer Follow
Nyaverage shelter cat behavior
#not nyaruto #re-nyab #pickles shut up
545,460 notes
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🌈 nyaoi-warrior Follow
saw two male cats sleeping together on the porch today. homeow behavior imo
💡 discourse-meows Follow
hey um what the fuck??? it's really not okay of you to go assuming other cat's sexualities, especially cats you don't even know???? as a queer cat i'm VERYY uncomfortable. real-ass cats didn't consent to your nyaoi fetish, thanks
🌈 nyaoi-warrior Follow
1. i was making. a joak
2. i'm literally gay???
#literally what's your pawblem
7 notes
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🎩 amazingcatshow12 Follow
reblog if you've ever caught the laser pointer
🎩 amazingcatshow12 Follow
i know you fuckers are lying
🍭 gaykittens Follow
this tom hasn't caught the laser pointer
🎩 amazingcatshow12 Follow
shut the heull up
988,653 notes
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🐾 b-e-a-n-t-o-e-s Follow
grey toebeans >>>>>>>>> pink toebeans and don't let the haters make you believe otherwise
🐁 ladymouser Follow
op shut the fuck up ALL toebeans are beautiful!!! just bc you're miserable and insecure doesn't mean you can bring others down based on things they can't control
🐾 b-e-a-n-t-o-e-s Follow
oh so the cat-human separationist wants to preach to us
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felixknow · 3 months
Hi! Can I request 64 with felix please:))
64. "please pretend to be my boyfriend."
Thanks for requesting! This one is a drabble instead of fake texts given the nature of the prompt. I didn't re-read or edit it, whatever happened is what happened LOL.
1.1k, fluff? Felix prevents it from being angst <3
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Your trip to the convenience store was supposed to be quick.
You and Felix volunteered to go for the whole group-- you because you weren’t essential to the recording session, and Felix because he wanted to stretch his legs after being stuck in that small room for hours, waiting for his turn to record.
“Changbinnie wants a smoothie but I’m afraid it’ll melt before we get back,” you say, going over the list in your notes app while walking behind Felix, trusting that he won't let you bump into anything.
“It’s only a ten minute walk. I don’t think it’ll be too melted,” Felix says. “It’s pretty cool out tonight. It should be okay.”
“Okay,” you mumble, glancing over the list once more. It should be easy enough to find everything, and you can probably offer to pay today-- Felix probably expects to do it himself, but maybe you can beat him to it.
“After you,” he says, holding the door of the convenience store open for you. You say thank you and hear someone snicker behind the two of you.
So it isn’t common to hold the door open in Korea, you think. It’s not like it’s unheard of. Why do people always scoff at it?
“Found Innie’s chips,” Felix says, pulling a bag off the shelf.
“I’ll go make Changbinnie’s smoothie. Can you also look for Han’s mini cheesecake and Lee Know’s chocolate?”
“Of course.”
You wander to the opposite side of the small store to the drinks section and go about getting a cup of ice, some fruit, some juice, and then you hear another scoff and a laugh over your shoulder.
“She hasn’t changed,” you hear someone say in a not-so-quiet whisper.
“Yeah. Still as ugly as I remember.”
A cold spike stabs through you. I know that voice.
Your heart increases and a cold chill runs down your back. No, please no.
You finish making Changbin’s drink and snap the lid on tightly. As you turn and rush back to the corner of the store where you left Felix, you catch a glimpse.
Of her.
The girl you thought you’d never have to see again when you graduated high school. The girl who tormented you day after day and made you dread even walking through the halls lest she be close enough to shout at you and get her clique of friends to laugh at you.
“What’s wrong?” Felix asks when you approach him. A frown etches onto his pretty mouth. “You look upset. Did something happen?”
“Um… someone who…”
“Sorry, what? I can’t hear you.”
You motion for him to lean down, and you whisper into his ear “someone who used to bully me is here. Can you please pretend to be my boyfriend or something? I just need her to leave me alone or not see me or something.”
Felix immediately starts looking around and seems to make eye contact with someone across the store.
“Of course,” he says to you, wrapping one arm protectively around your shoulders. “I’ve got almost everything, I think. We just need Chan’s gummies and we should be good.”
You nod and walk along silently with Felix, keeping your eyes to the ground. Your hands shake just enough that you consider asking him to carry the drink instead so you don’t risk dropping it.
“Got it,” he says, smiling as he takes them from the hook, now holding a frankly ridiculous amount of snacks in one hand.
“Here, let me have some of those,” you say, reaching for him, but Felix pulls his arm back.
“No, my baby never has to carry anything when I’m around,” he says, beaming a sweet smile down at you. “Let’s go, we don’t want to be late to see my parents.”
He’s really invested in this, you think, slightly smiling.
“Y/N,” a sickly false-sweet voice coos behind you. “Is that you, Y/N?”
Felix lets go of you and goes to the register, dropping the snacks on the counter.
“Oh, uh, hi,” you say, slowly turning to face her. “How are you?”
“I’m doing so well. How are you? You look… the same.” She smirks.
“Babyyy,” Felix whines, coming back over to you and wrapping both of his arms around your shoulders. “Come on, give me your drink. I told you I’m paying this time.”
He kisses your cheek and takes the drink out of your hand, then looks up at your former bully.
“Oh, hello. Are you a friend of my Y/Nnie?”
Her expression falls, the smirk dissipating faster than it appeared. She’s starstruck--you can see it in her eyes as they shine with admiration and also confusion.
“Wait… aren’t you an idol?” she asks.
“Oh, yeah,” he says, laughing softly. “Oops. We should get going.” Felix grabs your hand and pulls you with him to the register so you can finish your trip.
“Y/N, how did you start dating an idol?”
Felix frowns but maintains his composure, glancing over his shoulder as he talks to her.
“I saw her at a concert and thought she was the most beautiful girl in the world,” he says, taking the bag of snacks after saying a quick thank you to the cashier.
“I’m so sorry,” he says, cutting her off. “We’re not supposed to discuss our relationship. In fact, I’ll have to have you sign an NDA because we’re not actually public yet. Would you mind waiting here? I’ll send a representative of the company.”
“Oh, okay…” she says unsurely. “Felix, can I get a picture with you first?”
“I’ll come back without Y/Nnie and we’ll take a picture, okay? I want to walk my girlfriend home safely first.”
“Yeah, of course,” she agrees, refusing to meet your eye. It seems that her tough facade has completely been destroyed in the face of someone as charming as Felix.
“Come on, jagiya,” he says to you, grabbing your hand and intertwining your fingers.
Once you’re out of the store, you expect Felix to drop your hand, but he doesn’t.
“Thank you so much,” you say softly, squeezing his hand. “I don’t know what I thought that would accomplish. I just… panicked.”
“I think I’ll probably get in trouble for that if she tells anyone,” he says. “I’m probably actually gonna have to send someone with an NDA.”
“She’s really gonna think we’re dating,” you say, giggling at the absurdity of it all.
“That’s incredible,” Felix says, laughing too. “She’s never gonna be able to say shit to you again, though, that’s for sure.”
“Oh my god, this couldn’t have gone better. Thank you, so much.”
“Thank you for letting me hold your hand,” he says, smiling over at you. “I’ve wanted to but I didn’t know if we were close enough for that.”
“After this we definitely are,” you say, swinging your hands a little as you walk.
“I’m so glad,” he says.
Since when has Felix been shy to hold someone’s hand…?
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masterlist | Wanna see the other members? Ask <3 | Send me a number!
Do NOT repost my content on any website for any reason.
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amaya-writes · 1 year
You Call Them After A Nightmare Of Them Obey Me Edition
Series Mlist
Notes: I miss Obey Me and I recently used this prompt for another fandom so I decided to just make this a series and do it for every fandom. Will make another part with the other 4.
Warnings: n/a just fluff, one of those rare moments where Lucifer is soft, many petnames from all, Mammon is panicky, calls you princess n stuff, kinda wanted a funny scene for Levi so that's what I went with, also panicky
Characters involved: Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan
Gender-neutral reader, you/yours
"What is it, love?"
He picked up on the first ring. Of course, Lucifer did.
In your panicked daze you hadn't exactly considered what to say to Lucifer had he picked up your call. You just wanted to hear his voice, to know that he was okay and probably holed up in his office again sifting through paperwork.
But how could you actually tell him that?
"Oh- um- it's nothing, sorry I'm bothering you."
The soft scratch of pen against paper previously hung in the background of the call but Lucifer's hand seemed to come to a stop at the sound of your voice.
"You're crying."
It wasn't a question, but a statement that made your previous tears resurface.
"It's nothing."
"I swear, it's nothing you don't have to-"
"I'll be there soon, and I expect an explanation when I get there."
Lucifer cut the call even before you could think of an excuse. The sharp beep of the call ending made you sigh as you attempted to fix up your appearance, but the avatar of pride showed up at your door just as you contemplated washing your face.
He looked livid, to say the least.
But you couldn't find it in yourself to care, not when the only thought echoing through your mind was that Lucifer was here, and safe.
The fact that he looked ready to murder anyone who dared bring his beloved to tears was irrelevant.
"What happened?"
His voice took on a tender tone you would rarely hear from someone like Lucifer. The sound was enough to almost have you balling again, but you reared in your emotions for the sake of his sanity.
"I had a nightmare about you. I know it sounds so extremely stupid and I'm sorry I pulled you away from work but I told you not to come and-"
A sliver of a smile ghosted his lips as Lucifer ran a gloved hand through his hair. He seemed relieved at your words- a reaction you certainly hadn't expected.
However, he switched back to his usual seriousness the second he plopped down on the bed beside you.
"Do you know how many nights I've awoken in a cold sweat after nightmares of losing you?"
A shaky gasp left his lips as he spoke. Lucifer looked almost scared. An emotion you would never associate with the all-powerful demon before you. The mere sight made you instinctively caress his gloved hand in yours as Lucifer continued.
"Honestly, dear, I feel somewhat satisfied you care for me enough to harbour similar fears."
"You didn't think I love you?"
Hw turned to you at the question, slightly shaking his head as he replied.
"I didn't realise how much."
"Oh, Luci."
His nose wrinkled at the endearing nickname, but you didn't allow him a moment to respond as you quickly climbed into his lap.
"I love you, Lucifer. I don't think I've ever loved anyone as much, and I don't think I ever can. And the thought of losing you, no matter how bizarre, makes me feel like I'm losing a part of myself."
You leaned in as you spoke, dropping small pecks on his warm cheeks dusted pink.
"I know we don't do this often, because we don't have to. But I need you to know I'm just as hopelessly smitten by you as you are by me."
"I find that very hard to believe, darling."
Lucifer leaned forward to rest his forehead against yours, taking a moment to drop kisses of his own on your face and swipe at the remanents of your tears.
"Next time, just come to me. At whatever hour, whatever day- if you need me I'm yours, love."
It was rare to see such a soft side of the notorious avatar of pride, his words causing butterflies to swarm in your stomach as Lucifer leaned in for a slow, tender kiss.
Come morning your beloved demon would go back to his strict Tsundere ways, reserving his sweet words and touches for moments that mattered most.
But you were fine with that, because this was Lucifer. Your Lucifer. The demon you had come to love for all his quirks and flaws.
The demon who loved you just as much, even if he rarely expressed it.
The soft rings echoing through your room helped provide you some semblance of comfort, however, they could do nothing to quell the anxiety eating away at your psyche.
He was fine. It was just a dream.
Mammon was immortal. He had lived for hundreds of years, he was strong, stronger than most and he couldn't be killed so easily. You knew that, but- but after witnessing that awful, revolting nightmare you couldn't help but rethink those facts.
Because what if?
What if you woke up one day in this God awful Devildom to find yourself robbed of the only being who kept you going?
What if one day your number one demon, your world, your rock, your immortal and incredibly endearing thief of a boyfriend who stole your heart and soul and everything that came with it- was gone?
What if?
The question made you feel like emptying your stomach's contents on your bedroom floor, but thankfully, a familiar voice drafted through the air just as you were about to hurl.
"You finally wanna join me dont ya?"
You could barely hear his voice over the sound of the pounding music playing at whatever gambling den he had snuck out to that night, but there was no mistaking your favourite demon's cocky voice.
You almost screamed in relief at his familiar carefree tone, or you would have if you could just stop the sobs tumbling from your lips the second he spoke.
"Princess? Hey baby what's wrong?"
The thinly laced concern in his voice only served to worsen your mood, your sorrow quickly turning to guilt as you realised how stupid you were acting.
Mammon barely got nights out with Lucifer always keeping a close eye on him and Asmo, and the one night the two brothers decide to go out and party you ruin it with your nightmares.
Stupid, useless, human. The words echoed through your mind, forcing you to hastily reach for your phone and end the call.
You should have known your decision would only make matters much worse, but at the time you just wanted to hide under your covers and run away from the world.
Mammon was safe, and that was enough for now. You could deal with the rest later.
"Which bastard in this damned house hurt my baby?!"
Mammon's yell pierced through the dead halls of the House of Lamentation, jolting you out of your light slumber.
It was a good thing this was one of those rare nights when Lucifer was with Diavolo and Satan chose to party with Asmo, for if the three were at home you would be facing a much more embarrassing situation.
You contemplated leaving your bed to chastise Mammon, but the demon in question threw open your bedroom door just as you sat up in your sheets.
"There you are, treasure. Hey-"
He must have noticed the tear tracks staining your cheeks due to the hallway light, since Mammon quickly shut the door and joined you on the bed a second later.
"What's wrong?"
One of his hands almost automatically shifted to cup your cheek and turn you to him, the gesture causing your tears to resurface. But this time they were out of happiness.
How were you so lucky to find a demon like Mammon?
"Nothing um- I had a nightmare of you and- look I know it's stupid ok I'm sorry you can go back if you want."
"You really think THE great Mammon would leave his baby crying in your bed in the middle of the night?"
You couldn't help the scoff that left your lips at his response. His familiar mannerisms helped eliminate your previous fears, allowing you to collapse against Mammon's chest.
A surprised yelp left him at the sudden gesture, but Mammon still wrapped his arms around you to pull your form further against him. He shifted the two of you under the sheets a moment later, his arms never leaving you even as he moved.
His leather jacket was awfully uncomfortable to lean against, and he smelled of Demonus and his usual cologne strong enough to seep into your sheets.
The two of you would probably wake up with aching sides if you cuddled through the night, and he would spend the morning complaining about not washing off the glitter Asmo dusted on his eyes, which would also stain your pillows.
There were a lot of issues with your current position. But you couldn't find it in yourself to care.
Mammon was here. Beside you, in your arms with his heart beating softly to the sound of your breaths. And that was what mattered to you the most.
You knew he would never answer the call this late.
Levi was known for staying up through the night to spend hours gaming or streaming a new anime. His phone was almost always left on silent, something that Lucifer would constantly chastise the Otaku for.
Yet, as you shivered under your covers with the remnants of your nightmare clinging to your psyche, you couldn't help but hope Levi would defy all odds and just pick up the damn phone.
An annoyed groan left your lips as you shuffled further under your covers. Tears clung to your lash-line, but you refused to let them fall.
He was fine. It was just a nightmare, that was all.
Leviathan. Was. Fine.
"God, Levi, please pick up!"
Your frustrated cry echoed through your cold bedroom, but the only response was another series of rings from your phone.
After trying a final time you found yourself hopelessly collapsing against your pillows just as the first few tears slipped to your cheeks.
Most percieved Leviathan as the introverted Otaku who wasn't nearly as problematic as his brothers, but his position in the army ensured Levi had gathered his fair share of enemies over the years.
It wasn't often that he was called on duty, but when he was you always found your heart clenching in trepidation.
You couldn't lose Levi. It didn't matter if it was simply your dreamland—the mere thought of never seeing your purple-haired love again almost made you race through the halls of the House of Lamentation to seek solace in his arms.
But he was busy, and it was almost three am. And your stupid nightmares would probably seem childish and annoying to an immortal demon like Levi. Which was why as much as you hated it, you couldn't do anything but fall back asleep.
The familiar feeling of a certain demon's tail caressing your face made you hum in comfort. Your previous anxiety ebbed away, allowing your sleep-ridden mind to calm down and overcome the effects of your nightmares.
Only Levi could have that effect on you. Levi, who was supposed to be couped up in his room right now.
The thought made you snap your eyes open to sleepily stare at the demon standing above your bed.
A sharp shriek echoed through your room a second later, the sound causing a small smile to grace your lips as you tugged on Levi's sweater to pull him under the sheets with you.
"What- hey what is up with you!"
Levi sounded more pouty than annoyed, his tone making it clear he had noticed the tear tracks no doubt running down your cheeks.
The two of you remained silent like that for a while, with Levi awkwardly rubbing your back while you tried to get rid of the aftermaths of your nightmare.
"You okay?"
You considered explaining the situation to him, but you were too tired and instead settled on a vague reply.
"I am now."
"Oh. Guess that means I can't go back to-" you whacked his chest even before he could finish, eliciting another yelp.
"Ok, ok- I won't leave."
A pleasant hum left your lips at his reply, allowing you to happily collapse against his chest yet again. This time, however, you could feel Levi wrapping his arms around you.
Your night might have started off with a rough start, but at least you got a rare cuddle session from Levi.
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priniya · 3 days
ᯓᡣ𐭩 BEFORE US! ᡣ𐭩ᯓ
pairing. ollie bearman x webber!reader.
summary. a drunken encounter leads to a history straight out of rom–com, turning the world of a formula 2 driver upside down.
notes. reader tells ollie the plot of before sunrise. also, reader is said to be ollie’s age (kinda self-indulgent LOL) maybe part 2 of them meeting in spa? 😁
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it was eleven in the evening, while you were having a good time on the streets of hungarian capital city. your actions were not exactly responsible as you were there with a friend of yours that you met online a few months ago. also, you weren’t exactly sure how you managed to strain away from your father and oscar. well, alright — there was a possibility that a train, a sweet smile and a promise to be safe were involved.
honestly, you don’t even know how you ended up in that small bar, but in the larger point of view, you were happy that you let lara drag you there. you already had a few drinks in, you were going back to your booth, when you accidentally bumped into a muscular, tall guy, spilling the drink on your white dress.
“shit, i am so, so sorry.” the boy — because you could easily notice that he must’ve been similar to you in age — spoke relatively slowly, probably out of kindness as he couldn’t tell if you were fluent in english or not. some would call it offensive, but you considered it slightly endearing that the boy tried to be as considerate as possible, knowing that not everyone in the world speaks english.
his face fell to your chest for a tenth of a second, a small cough escaping his lips, before his cheeks tinted pinkish from embarrassment that he even let himself be so blatantly disrespectful towards you. what made it even worse was that the once white dress became see-through.
“shit, shit, your dress. i– here, take this.” he stuttered, swiftly taking off his grey hoodie, letting you take a glimpse of his toned stomach for half a second as his shirt rolled up.
people around you two, suddenly stopped existing and maybe the alcohol you’ve consumed that night was at fault — or maybe it was the charming aura around him, but you honestly couldn’t care less. he was the only guy that wasn’t trying to harass you or make your night less fun and definitely more stressful.
“you shouldn’t apologise, it’s all my fault. i wasn’t paying enough attention.” your voice was loud, but yet still soft enough, so only the boy you bumped into could hear you. “i’m yn, my friend lara is there in the corner booth, do you… um, maybe wanna join us? so i can get you a drink for bumping into you?”
it might’ve been a risky move — he could always say no, laugh at you and go away, thinking you were the most embarrassing person in the entire bar. or he could think that you were a pretty cute, interesting girl that he’d like to spend a july evening with. and, fortunately for you, ollie introduced himself with a quick breath of relief (that he didn’t know he was holding), said that he’d love to join you and buy you a drink, but he was there with two other guys and one of the friends’ girlfriend.
so, upon hearing that, as a responsible human being, you… suggested that they should join you as well, because you really felt like getting to know ollie a tad better. upon hearing that he wasn’t there alone, you nodded with a small smile, before suggesting that it’s not really a big deal and that maybe the four of them would like to join you and lara, who wouldn’t have anything against it since she was a social butterfly, loving bigger crowds.
two and a half hour later, you ended up walking down the cobblestone pathway, while your newfound group of friends was a few steps ahead. lara quickly got along with kimi, eliska and gabriele, so you felt less guilty that you got so occupied in the endless conversation with ollie, slowly trailing behind the group. a month or two later, you were told by eliska that she saw the way you and ollie click and made sure you could get along.
you weren’t sure where the six of you were going, budapest was a gorgeous city, but keeping your eyes on bearman was pretty much enough. he had your arm hooked around his as you slightly started to stumble from the tiny gaps in the path. a giggle escaped your mouth as he whispered a really cheesy joke, his lips inches away from your ear. then, your drunken mind thought that you should come clean with the cute boy about why you’re actually in budapest.
“i have a confession.” you started quietly, your words barely above a whisper. ollie let you continue as he simply nodded. if you weren’t tipsy from all the strawberry daiquiris you had at the bar earlier, you would notice how his body tensed slightly, almost as if he was afraid of what you were about to say.
the first thing that came to his mind was that you had a boyfriend somewhere in monaco, while he was really getting a vibe from you that maybe you were interested in getting to know him as much as he wanted to get to know you. just half a second later came the thought that you knew who he was and it was just as awful. he hasn’t been in the spotlight of motorsport for a long time yet, but he was aware of how people’s perception on things change once they realise what he does, and he really, really didn’t want it to be the case with you.
“this is not something i usually tell people on the day i meet them, but you’re so genuine and so, so nice to me.” your words were coming off as rambling, though despite the lump in his throat, the prema driver couldn’t help but think that maybe he could live with the thought of you bumping into him on purpose if he could listen to your cute rambling for a few more minutes. “and i’m really enjoying spending time with you right now, and-and i don’t want you to think that i’m like a liar or something, because i really am not.”
“hey, breathe. whatever it is, i don’t think i’m gonna perceive you as a liar.” his quiet chuckle with a nervous undertone was enough for you to calm down a bit. his hand dropped to yours, squeezing it for a little more reassurance.
“that’s what i’m really hoping for.” you whispered, looking down at your jointed hands, a ghost of smile lingering on your face. “so, there’s this sport you might’ve heard of — or not, honestly if it wasn’t for my dad, i don’t know if i would, but — gosh, i’m sorry i’m rambling again. alright… there’s, um, formula one, right? i guess you know, because it is a big thing in england, i suppose.” oliver nodded once again, a pit in his stomach growing.
“the thing is… i’m in hungary for that exact reason. there was the grand prix this weekend and i came here with my dad, because, um… he’s a manager of, um, one of the drivers. oscar? he won today, yesterday, technically.”
ollie couldn’t believe what he just heard. he was so scared that you were pretending just to boast about hanging out with formula 2 and formula 3 drivers, while you were having an inner turmoil of your own, weighing pros and cons of telling him that you were the daughter of the mark webber. he could see the nervous expression on your pretty face and his heart swelled, knowing that in those two and a half hours of constant chatter he gained so much of your trust to be told that.
for other people it might seem like it was nothing, nevertheless ollie knew how much fake people you must’ve met in your life, who liked you for your father’s achievements and not you. god, for a moment he felt like crying.
“i was there too.” he gave you a shy smile. before you were able to overthink every possible scenario with the worst possible outcome, his smile widened, his hip gently nudging yours. “i’m racing for prema in f2.” he chuckled at your surprised expression.
bearman, as he was a tad more sober than you, could easily notice the weight falling off your shoulders, once you recognised him, quickly replaced by a blush of embarrassment that flooded your cheeks.
“that’s why i thought i’ve seen you somewhere.” you muttered, scrunching your nose, gears in your brain working overtime. “i’m sorry, it’s— i haven’t really been up to date with formula 2. but i remember you from saudi, i wasn’t there, but my dad was really impressed. everything makes sense now, though.”
“no need to be embarrassed or anything, i’m glad neither of us recognized each other. you made me feel like a normal teenager for once.” he grinned down at you, your face matching his as he let go of your hand, wrapping his arm around your shoulder, bringing you closer, but you couldn’t really complain.
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you didn’t remember the moment, when your night turned into a reenactment of one of your favorite rom-coms — before sunrise. gabriele, kimi and eliska had to go back to their hotels, suspiciously at the same time, when lara’s curfew was coming. it was truly reckless for you to stay out with ollie till your train back to the place your father had rented for the four days stay in hungary. once you were alone, he made sure to keep you close to him at all times, so if an emergency occured, he’d be able to protect you.
“i feel like i’m in a movie.” your admission was soft as you slowly sat down on the grass in the park, the state of your white dress long forgotten as it’d be green once the sun was up.
“a movie you like?”
“my favorite one.” ollie smiled.
“tell me about it.” he suggested, plopping down next to you, uncorking the wine you two bought earlier in one of those 24/7 shops.
“it’s about two people that met on a train going across the europe.” you started explaining, ollie’s free arm slung across your shoulders once again, making you realize what his love language must be. “he’s american and she’s french, once they stop in vienna, he asks her to get off the train with him and walk around the town with him till he has to go to the airport, because it’s his last day in europe. she thinks it’s crazy, but she agrees and they spend the entire night together. nothing kubrick-esque happens there, all of the action happens during their dialogues. they share opinions and stuff. it’s kind of silly, but they end up in a park, too, with wine and stuff.”
“like us.” he commented, his eyes still lingering on your face as they were, while you were skimming over the plot of the movie.
“like us.” you repeated softly.
“so, what do they do in the park?” ollie asked another question, earning himself a small hum from you as you shifted closer, his thumb absentmindedly drawing shapes on your shoulder. your stomach was filled to the brim with butterflies as he asked all the right questions, made all the right moves, giving you all the right smiles.
“they kiss.” a whisper left your lips, tilting your head to get a better view of his face.
“they kiss.” it was the prema’s driver’s time to repeat the short sentence as you just nodded, noticing the way his eyes flickered to your mouth.
sweet silence embraced the two of you as bearman took his chance and leaned forward an inch or two, cautiously testing the waters. when you didn’t pull back, a smile tugged onto his face, before cupping your cheek with his free hand.
however, ollie didn’t kiss you for a moment that felt like eternity. his mouth just hoovered over yours, giving you a chance to back up, to show him that he read the signs wrong, but you didn’t. your eyes locked with his, before his lips were moving against yours in a sweet, gentle and almost tantalising manner. you couldn’t tell how long were you kissing for, but when the two of you finally pulled away, his mouth was tinted with the red shade of your lipstick, both with messed up hair and slightly swollen lips.
it was almost seven in the morning, while you were sitting at the train station with your hand clasped in ollie’s. the silence between you was truly the most comfortable thing in the world at the moment. budapest was slowly waking up in the background as you enjoyed his presence beside you.
“what do they do in the movie before they part ways?” he interrupted the silence.
“they promise to see each other in a six months time in the same place. they don’t exchange numbers or anything, though.” you recalled, wondering where was he going with this.
“and do they? meet, i mean.” he asked, already expecting the answer as you’d told him it was a trilogy.
“not in the set time. she can’t make it to vienna again, because her grandmother dies, but he does.” you nodded. “but they do meet each other again, eight years later, this time in paris.”
“good thing we’re not jesse and celine.” ollie joked, a grin tugging on your lips as you nod in agreement. “i do have your number, and we can see each other in spa on thursday, if you want to.”
“i do.” this time, you were the one to press a gentle kiss on his lips for a brief second as your train arrived. bearman just grinned back at you, leaving a kiss on your forehead. “i’ll see you on facetime then, and in belgium.”
ollie stayed for another five minutes after your train departed. his gaze dropping to the phone in his hand before he quickly sent you a message.
ollie: thank you for making this night amazing for me x
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kyracooneyx23 · 14 days
Maybe in Another Life
Leah Williamson
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sumarry: you and Leah broke up three years ago and your seeing each other for the first time since, but you find yourself regretting letting her go
warnings: angsty, not really a happy ending
'calm down honey.' Keira mutters walking beside you, looping her arm through yours as Georgia walks on the other side of you rubbing your shoulder comfortingly.
You chew on your bottom lip anxiously, watching your feet as the three of you walk along the cobbled footpath. 'It's not that easy, I'm seeing her after what... 3 years? I can't just calm down!'
Georgia rolls her eyes and even though your looking at the ground you can still sense Keira glaring at her. 'It's you're first time seeing us in three years as well.' She says softly trying, but failing, to calm your nerves.
You look up at her elbowing Georgia when she laughs at your stoic expression. 'It's different with you, last time I checked you never asked me to marry you.'
Georgia wiggles her eyebrows, lips curving into a smirk. 'Marry me?'
'Fuck of Stanway.'
Leah and her new wife were holding a party of some kind and had invited most of the lionesses and their friends from outside the sport. You didn't want to go at all and had deleted the invitation but then Keira called and insisted you go with her and Georgia. They had both tried to keep in contact with you, trying to find dates where you could catch up but you always lied and said you were busy or sick and although they probably didn't believe you they stopped trying.
But you and Leah hadn't spoken since that day, and as much as it hurt it was better that way.
You all stop suddenly, standing in front of a nice white fence that caged a beautiful front garden with flowers neatly growing everywhere which you thought was strange considering all plants normally died in the shitty England weather.
Georgia and Keira begin to walk forward opening the nice gate and continuing towards the front door only stopping once they realise you're not with them anymore. Keira's the first to notice turning around with confusion. 'What are you... oh. Y/n?'
Her face softens when she sees you frozen in place and biting you're cuticles, anxiety shown through your expression. She sighs walking back towards you and gently grabbing your hand to bring it away from your mouth intertwining your fingers. 'It's gonna be fine so just act normal. You ended on a good note right?'
'Right.' you mutter trying to hide the shake of uncertainty in your voice.
'But, um...' She sighs raking her hands roughly through her hair and her noise crinkling as though she doesn't know how to say what she's about to say. 'There's something I should've told you before, but I didn't want to you stress over it.'
'What?' you ask stepping back, knowing by the way she's acting the news can't be good. You're unsure if you can hear bad news right now.
The apprehension and fear in your tone causes Keira to wince and you can see Georgia also looking uncomfortable in the background. She takes in a deep breath bracing herself to break the news to you. 'Leah and her new wife, they... they've had a baby.'
The silence between the three of you feels suffocating as your trying to comprehend what you've just heard. And once you do a pang of hurt rushes through your body and you just want to turn around and leave.
You don't though and you just stand there starstruck not even realising the small 'oh' that escapes your lips.
You try to hide it acting as though this isn't affecting you, but you know your failing. Kiera's hand rests on your shoulders, giving you a comforting squeeze that only makes you feel worse. 'Sweet, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have...'
there is no time for the midfielder to finish her sentence as the door flies open and a beaming Leah stands there. Georgia sends you a sheepish smile and you realise she must've rung the doorbell, but you have no time to hold a grudge against her as your interrupted by the familiar voice of your ex-girlfriend.
'Kei,' she beams, pulling her best friend into a hug, moving into a position where you can look at her better. She looked just like you remembered, neat bleach blonde hair, tone biceps and that bloody grin that made you weak at the knees. But despite the similarities in her appearance there was something about her that just felt different, the way she pulled Keira into a hug no longer was with such force instead it was gentle a trait you assumed she picked up from being around a baby.
They pulled apart a moment later, Leah moving to give Georgia a hug whilst your frozen only moving your eyes to watch her. Then finally she looks at you her smile dimming a little but still there all the same. 'y/n, hey.'
She hesitates, staying in place for a while before moving closer and giving you a hug too.
'Hi.' you mumble as she wraps her warm, strong arms around you and as soon as your in her embrace you feel an ache in your heart at the action that used to be so common in your life but hasn't been there for years.
Perhaps Leah was also reminiscing, as her grip tightened and she held you for longer than she had with either Keira or Georgia. It makes you miss the way you used to wake up every morning with hugs from her. You no longer had someone to hug, living alone and far away from your family.
You try to convince yourself thats the reason you hold onto the blonde for longer than necessary was because you missed and craved human touch, even though you knew it probably wasn't.
After a long time you both pull away, arms dropping back to your sides simultaneously and a small smile reappears on her face, you force a matching on onto your face to try and remove some of the tension from the air.
'So,' she starts, leading the three of you into the house 'how've you been Y/n?'
You want to tell her the truth, that you've not been the same since she left but you knew that wasn't going to do anything good so instead you say; 'good, busy but good. You?'
Leah nods. 'Good to hear. I've been good, busy as well with football, settling into the new house and the baby.' It seems she only realises what she's said after it comes out of her mouth and she scratches her neck awkwardly looking at the floorboards.
georgia nudges you discreetly in the side to respond.
'Yeah, um... congrats on the baby.'
Leah returns eye contact, and you can tell she's read you and can hear the sadness in your voice so you shoot her a smile to prove that you mean it, to prove that it didn't feel like someone was stabbing you in the heart everytime the word baby was brought up. It clearly isn't genuine enough though as her eyes soften hinting that she can tell how your feeling. But she still gives you a grateful smile, no more words being said as you're led into the living room.
Only then does it click that the house is too quiet for a house that's meant to be hosting a party.
'You guys are like an hour early. you're the only ones here yet.' Leah tells you as though she could read your mind.
You turn around and glare at keira who tilts her head towards Georgia who whistles and pretends to not be paying attention. You'd make sure to let her know how you feel later.
Leah goes off to grab drinks for everyone, leaving you alone to look around the house. It's decorated like one of the houses you see in magazines, a minimalistic aesthetic with white couches and pale green rugs and beige pillows. It was pretty but nothing like what you'd expect Leah's house to be like, her old apartment that the two of you had shared had been decorated with posters and pictures everywhere, full of life unlike this place.
If you didn't know you'd think that an elderly couple lived here, the only hint of difference was the dummy on the table, a play mat hidden beside the couch and small pictures of Leah and her family. Her new family.
You don't realise that Leah's been watching you a small smile dancing on her lips 'You like?'
Leah knows you wouldn't like it, she felt almost two faced bringing you into this house. She felt like she was showing you a side of her that wasn't the Leah you'd known. This was the complete opposite to who she was and who you were, you were the person who begged her to let you put up even more pictures, fairy lights and posters than there already were in her apartment when you moved in with her which she pretended she didn't want but in reality she loved it, yet here you were standing in a house that even Leah sometimes felt like a stranger in.
'It's really nice Leah, simple but pretty.' You say softly.
'baby.' Another women bustles into the living room, she's got a bottle in one hand and is balancing a baby on her hip. She gasps when she looks up and sees you, Keira and Georgia.
She goes around giving them all hugs and greeting them but your to caught up in how perfect she is, how her smile lights up the room and how easy she makes it look to have a baby, that you don't notice when she comes over and hugs you only realising when she speaks. 'You must be Y/n, Leah's talked about you before.'
You'd expected her to be exhausted from having to look after the baby when Leah has football like you'd thought it would be, but she looked like she had endless amounts of energy. Leah really did find the perfect girl for her. A sad smile makes its way onto your face, your happy for Leah but you wish that you'd tried harder and that things could've worked out between you.
It takes a moment to register why everyone in the rooms eyes are trained on you, then you realise you still haven't responded. 'yeah... only good things I hope.' You say rubbing your neck anxiously not liking the way that she's smiling at you, and the laugh that escapes her lips.
You get caught up again, not registering her leading you to the couch and offering you a glass of water. You don't remember declining and then asking what the babies name is only snapping out of your trance when the word 'Lily,' registers in your head. The beautiful baby girl with Leah's blue eyes and it's mums brown hair was called Lily.
Would you have named your baby Lily? Probably not, it was too simple for you. But you couldn't change that, you couldn't change anything. You were too late to pick out names and choose a nicer more homey house with Leah.
You'd blown your chances that stupid night when Leah had come home from training and you'd had a nice home-made dinner, then watched a movie on the couch together...
Leah's hands fidgeted with the rings on your fingers, twisting them around and paying more attention to them than the movie she had chosen you to watch. 'One day, I'm going to put a ring on this finger.' She whispered playing with you ring finger that was still bare unlike your others.
'Yeah?' You hummed lightly trying to ignore the fact that your heart was racing excitedly and a grin was automatically growing on your face from the thought of getting to spend the rest of your life with Leah.
'We're gonna live in a nice cosy house, with our dogs and children and...'
You didn't want children, you didn't think you were ready for that yet and you were scared something would go wrong and even if something didn't Leah would always be busy with soccer meaning that you'd have to look after them a lot, you'd be tired and exhausted and then you'd get grumpy and you'd snap at Leah and Leah wouldn't want an angry wife so she'd leave you. You began panicking at the thought of it and you didn't even mean to say what you said outloud. 'I don't want children Le.' Then it all went downhill, She dropped your hand and the smile vanished from her face, replaced with an angry frown.
It turned into an argument, you'd both been screaming at each other, Leah couldn't understand why you feared it, the pain of pregnancy and the exhaustion of motherhood. But you weren't blameless for the break up either, you'd called her nasty things that you'd regretted the minute it came out of your mouth. You accused her of not loving you, even though thats all she did until you both decided it was over.
Georgia's arm around your shoulder brings you back to reality you look beside you and see her and Keira nodding absentmindedly at Leah's wife who's rambling about Lily and how difficult she is to put to sleep and how great Leah is at supporting them and...
You feel Leah's eyes burning into you and when you look to her you're correct, she's gazing at you brows pinched in concern and you realise you must've been showing your emotions on your face. But as soon as you make eye contact she look away as her wife holds Lily out for her to carry.
You watch as Leah sits down next to her wife in the armchair, taking Lily between her hands which look massive compared to the small baby. a smile falls on Leah's face as she places a light kiss on the baby's forehead. Only moments later after Lily is settled on her lap do you notice Lily's other mums head fall onto Leah's shoulder.
It was perfect. They were the mot perfect family, with the gorgeous wife and the cutest baby. And Leah the woman that could've been yours if you hadn't screwed up.
It's too much. Georgia notices you tense up and squeezes your hand reassuringly as you start to shake. Lily laughs reaching her small hands up to try and grab Leah's face which breaks into a beam. She leans over and kisses her wife's hair and you picture what it would've been like if that was you instead.
You feel Keira and Georgia's worried gaze on you as you begin fidgeting in your seat. chewing on your lip so hard that you draw blood and the pain brings you back to who you are, not who you could've been.
'You alright.' Georgia murmurs form beside you, but your brain ignores it. the only thing you can focus on is the vision of the perfect family sitting infront of you, tears of regret falling down your cheeks. Keira makes a small noise of pity and Leah's suddenly looks up, eyes widening as she sees you.
'Y/n, are you okay?' Leah asks more firmly than Georgia but still gently. It doesn't matter you don't reply all you can do is look at her with that pained expression on your face. You open your mouth to speak but no words come out. You can't possibly express the heartache you were feeling. You were mourning for the life you could've had if you weren't such a coward.
A frown falls upon Leah's face as she stands up getting closer to you. This brings you back to the present and you suck in a sharp breath.
You can't take this anymore, standing up Georgia's arm falling as she looks up at you in surprise. You brush the tears away as Leah comes to a halt in front of you. 'Y/n, baby...'
'I'm not your baby.'
Leah looks shocked her eyes widening as she realises the words she just said 'fuck, no it just came out. I didn't mean to. Shit, you're crying.'
'It's fine. I'm fine.' You let out but your clearly not the wobble in your voice gives you away. Leah tries to respond but you don't let her, the longer you stand here the harder it will be to heal yourself. You couldn't stand watching Leah with her wife wishing it was you instead. It stung even more because you knew it was your fault, you're stupidity and you're cowardness was to blame.
'I'm fine, I just... I really need to go, send my love to the others.' You pick up your small bag, quickly moving to the front door trying to get away without saying more. But its pointless as Leah's faster than you easily catching up with you even with Lily in her arms.
'Bye Leah.' you say halfheartedly hoping she'd get the hint that you were done with the conversation as you lace up your shoes. She comes to stand next to you at the door, rocking from side to side as Lily doses off in her arms. She looks disappointed as you prepare to go.
'I'm sorry.'
You stop your actions, looking up in shock. 'It's not your fault.'
Leah's lips form a tight line, she looked guilt ridden, opening her mouth to say something before quickly shutting it. Finally she sighs, 'it's not your fault either.'
She always knew the right thing to say, the regret that had been filling you up for three years emptied out after hearing those five words. She didn't hold the falling apart of your relationship against you, and that was enough to make you feel slightly better. if you couldn't have her love at least you could have her forgiveness.
You nod giving her a half smile before turning around to leave. You were going back to your place, which was more of a house than a home without someone to share it with. But at least no one could hurt you there except for you. no hearts to be broken and nobody to turn away. no one to love.
You turn back around to face the door, heart sinking as you see the tears building up in her eyes. You hear the scratchiness in her throat as she draws in a deep breath.
'Leah...' You say not knowing whats happening.
'Please don't say anything. I just wanted to tell you... um.' she defeatedly runs a hand through her hair and exhales shakily 'I wish we could've worked out.'
Your caught off guard, not expecting those words to fall from her lips, your heart squeezes in your chest. Leah looks almost embarrassed as she says it but there's vulnerability in her eyes. You wished you could've worked out as well, you wished you could've been the person who's finger she could've put that ring on. She'd been yours to loose in this life but maybe in another you could've worked out.
You cough clearing your throat, trying to stop the sick feeling in your gut. 'Maybe in another life.'
'Yeah, that sounds nice.' She says but her voice is barely a whisper. You spare yourself one last glance before turning to leave, praying that she couldn't see the tears rolling down your cheeks.
It only takes a few steps before your out of Leah's life. Again
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bratphilia · 11 months
exposure (w. afton x reader)
note: as promised, it's here. also fun fact i have ocd and exposure therapy is one way used in my treatment. so i turned it into porn. enjoy! i will most definitely write a second chapter
pairing: steve raglan / william afton x reader
tags: corrupt therapist!william, innocent virgin!reader, manipulation, oral sex (f receiving)
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your thoughts are interrupted as you hear a voice call your name. "hi," your therapist says, smiling kindly at you.
"hi steve." you return the smile and follow him to his office.
he opens the door for you and closes it behind him. you take a seat on the couch while he situates himself in the chair across from you. "so tell me, how are you doing? how are the meds working out?" 
"well, um," you start apprehensively. "that's kinda why i'm here to see you so soon. it's been a month and i don't think they're working."
steve gives you a faux look of concern, as if to say "oh no" and clicks his tongue. of course the meds aren't working. he handed you a low dosage of tylenol, a pain medicine, in an orange bottle without a label. any smart person would've found that suspicious — even more suspicious considering the fact that he's a therapist, not a psychiatrist. 
there's nothing wrong with you, either. you're just an innocent — rather dumb, in his opinion — girl with repressed sexual thoughts. thoughts he's been working his way up to helping you through them. 
"and the ache in your stomach is still there?" steve asks, just to make sure. 
you mumble an "mhm" embarrassed to look at him. he bites back a grin. "well, i have an idea."
you perk up at that. "ever heard of exposure therapy?" you shake your head 'no.' "it's a kind of therapeutic exercise that stresses the importance of facing the things that are giving you anxiety."
you stare at him blankly. of course you don't understand what he's saying. you're his dumb little girl, after all. 
"tell me, what are the symptoms you're having?" he asks. he wants you to say it — say that the root of your problems stem from overwhelming horniness, just as you've danced around saying in every session you've had with him.
you look down at your shoes. "well, uhm, there's this... tingle in my stomach. and the thoughts i'm having are... concerning to me. it's like i'm obsessed with..." 
you trail off and he raises an eyebrow. "...i guess what i'm trying to say is... i'm having really dirty thoughts. sometimes... they're about you.. or some men i see staring at me." 
steve tries his hardest to keep up the facade of a concerned therapist, but he can't deny how your words are going straight to his dick. "i see." 
"can you help me, steve?" you look at him with the most innocent, doe eyes he's ever seen. 
he cocks his head and smiles at you. "of course i can." he refrains from calling you 'sweet girl' — too unprofessional.
steve takes his spot on the couch next to you. he helps you situate your self so that you're leaning back. "can you spread your legs for me? you might want to take off your shoes for the sake of your own comfort."
your brows furrow and you do what he says hesitantly. you're wearing a cute, pastel blue sundress. when you bring your knees to your chest, spread just like he asked, he reaches to fold your dress over and reveals your white cotton panties. he could come in his pants from the sight alone.
you make a resistant noise when he reaches for your panties. "no one's ever touched me there..."
he already knows that. he can tell. but still, something about being the first one to break open that sweet cunt of yours fills him with even more desire. "i'll be gentle, okay?" he promises.
you nod your head and allow him to slide your panties down your legs, leaving them stretched near the bottom of your calves purposefully. it provides as a small restraint to you in case you squirm away from his touch. just as he expected, your pussy is red, swollen, and shiny with your slick. poor thing, he thinks.
steve brings a hand to run up and down your cunt, wanting to collect the slick gathered there. you moan and he feels you shiver. "th-that feels funny..."
"yeah?" he says before thumbing your clit. you let out a high pitched whine. his eyes move towards your face, fascinated with the way your eyes are fluttering.
"does that feel good?" he inquires, earning a "mhm" from you.
he picks up the tempo, rubbing the sensitive nub in circles with the rough pad of his thumb. you try to buck against his hand he brings his free arm to sling over your waist, halting your movements. "this won't work if you're moving like that. just let it happen, okay?"
"okay..." you murmur. it's easier said than done.
he stops rubbing at you. he has an even better idea. he leans down on his knees and kisses the spot his finger was just on. you let out a shocked "ah!" much to his dismay.
"gonna have to keep quiet or i'll stop," he says sternly. you promptly bring a hand to cover your mouth.
steve licks long, slow stripes up your cunt, flattening his tongue to cover as much as he can, gaging your reaction. your legs squirm but you can't move them much from the restraint the placement of your panties provide. he takes your bud into his mouth and suck at your clit, humming a little and shaking his head. you squeal against your palm and he pulls away, slapping your cunt.
"i told you to fucking stay quiet! you'll get us both in trouble," he scolds. it's a side of him you've never seen before. usually he's just so sweet to you. however, despite that, his tone sends a tingle in your tummy. you nod in obedience and allow him to continue.
he sticks his tongue inside you and it takes everything within you not to scream. he knows what he's doing too. the best part for him is watching you struggle. you wriggle around, desperately grasping at the firm fabric of the couch. he pulls his tongue out and kisses your clit once more.
"s-steve, i feel.. weird," you tell him, moving your hand for a moment.
"'s okay, just let it go. you'll feel better," he promises gently. his mouth encloses around your clit again and he slurps, flicking it rapidly with his tongue.
"ah, ah." you throw your head back and do what he says: release.
"mmm," he hums, lapping up what you give him.
"that was nice," you say once you catch your breath. "i really liked that. what kind of therapy is that called again?'
"exposure therapy," he lies. "how are the thoughts? are they still there?'
"no," you say in astonishment as you notice. "it's like my mind is all foggy right now? will it stay like that?"
"temporarily, we'll have to explore this some more at your next appointment. i'll make sure to bring something you can take home with you whenever those thoughts are disturbing you, alright?"
next appointment. your heart soars. and the thoughts are back once more.
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abbeym28 · 8 months
Clarisse La Rue - Between the Breaths
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Clarisse x gn! reader
An- Over 3.4k on this one!!! It didn't really take me that long to write it either! Thank you for all of the notes on I'm Your Man, it means a lot to me! Also, if anyone has request for any Clarisse or Luke fanfics, I would be happy to hear them even though I have no clue on how to do requests lol
Warnings- Training, weapons, somewhat gruesome part but really at all, Clarisse being friends with most of the Aphrodite cabin, reader can be from any cabin!! Pls let me know if I missed something!!
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Clarisse La Rue had been at Camp Half blood for awhile, and it's safe to say that she has seen a lot of things. Good things, pretty things, but also gruesome things, things that would break a normal person if they weren't strong.
But she was strong.
Just not as much when it comes to you.
You, who the moon and sun seemed to shine on in a whole different light then it did on the rest of camp. You, whose kindness had reached almost every demigod, each of which likes you in their own way for their own reason. You, who was the most beautiful person Clarisse has ever seen.
Except she couldn't ever get too close to you, or have a conversation with you that was long, for she was Clarisse La Rue, child of Ares, the favorite daughter of a man who didn’t like his kids. And you, you were just too good for her. But she would never let a crush like this weigh on her the way it had started to, so she found a good way to regulate it all.
It was fighting, of course.
She let out a battle cry as she stabbed her spear into the ground, getting annoyed at how the other camper had rolled out of the way instead of letting her stab them. Sounds of other kids also fighting in the training ground filled her ears and she could distantly pick up the smell of food. She could thank the instincts she got from her god-parent as she went in for another attack (this time one that would actually hit), but a yell stopped her before she could go through with it.
“Hey! Anyone who wants a snack can take one!” Luke Castellan stood off to the side with his arms crossed, and standing right next to him holding a tray, was you.
Younger campers ran over to the two of you, while older ones opted to walk or to pick up dangerous weapons that had been discounted to the ground.
Clarisse scoffed and began to walk the other way, clenching her gifted spear tightly in her hand. She was stomping down the path through the forest that led to her special spot, her favorite tree, but the sound of running footsteps from behind her made her slow down and lighten her steps.
She twirled around, spear at the ready to go through a neck, but it was your neck in which the spear was now pointed at. And, surprise surprise, your neck was attached to the rest of your body.
The back of her neck and the tips of her ears began to feel hot, the type of burning she swore she could only feel whenever she entered the Hephaestus cabin to complain about her faulty armor. Or whenever she was close to you at the bonfire nights. She lowered her spear a bit and her stance faltered.
“Oh, um, I was just.... Is this a bad time?”
“No, it’s not.” She dropped the spear from the attack mode and turned around, continuing down the path. You followed after her, balancing the last few snacks still on the tray you were holding as you awkwardly stepped over tree trunks and discarded branches.
“Well, I was just wondering if you wanted anything to eat, considering that you're, like, the most hard working person in training and stuff. You definitely need substances so you can keep your muscles. ” Wow, you definitely knew exactly how and what to say to a kid of Ares.
“I don’t need a snack from you.” Gods, she hoped you picked up more on the sarcasm and not the accidental longing that had slipped out.
“Clarisse-” -she almost melted with how you had said her name- “-You were training really hard for a pretty long time. You should- you need to eat something!”
“I don’t need to do anything that you or anyone else tells me to!” She whirled around, getting very close to you as you halted, but taking a few steps back as a precaution. She glared at you, and you could feel her heavy breaths on your neck. You were looking down on her thanks to the hill, but despite that she was still pretty intimidating.
And just pretty.
Her eyes flickered to the snacks, and then they flickered back up to meet yours.
“If I take one, can you leave?” You brightened at her question.
“Of course!” She hesitantly took one, and before she turned around, you could have sworn that you heard her whisper a “Thank you, angel.” Your cheeks felt strangely warm as you made your way back to camp.
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Throwing down another broken dagger, Clarisse groaned. The dummy she had destroyed was laying in shreds on the ground in front of her, and she was beginning to feel bad for whoever would have to stitch it back up. Someone began to clap behind her and her eye twitched.
“I think you got ‘em!” Selena Beauregard, daughter of Aphrodite, called from the sidelines.
“What do you want?” Clarisse called back, grabbing another dagger from the closest weapons rack near her. Silena watched as she twirled it around a few times.
“I’m here to ask you about something.” there was a strange sly smirk that situated on Silena’s face, that no matter what reputation the Aphrodite kid was, other campers knew that was the universal sign to run away.
Clarisse sighed and crossed her arms, the dagger she was holding pointing to the ground. She quirked her eyebrow as a way to say “go ahead”.
“We know you have a crush.” All of the sudden, at least six other kids that Clarisse could recognize as from the Aphrodite cabin jumped out of the bushes and came rushing towards Clarisse.
That was how she died.
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Okay, so she definitely didn’t die, but dying was definitely better than being forced onto a pink chair inside the even pinker walls of the goddess of love's cabin.
Could’ve Clarisse fought of all of them and then report them to Chiron? Yes. But she just really didn't feel up to using that much energy on a bunch of perfect haired people. And besides, the amount of strength they had did impress her, so she was going to give it to them just this once.
A twelve year old girl was holding onto her right hand, delicately and perfectly brushing on a coat of black nail polish onto her freshly buffed nails.
Clarisse tried to pay attention to everything that the girl was doing, but the distracting amount of sets of eyes on her made it hard to do so. Even so, this was the first time someone had ever painted her nails for her.
“Got the ice cream!” Mitchell, one of the only sons of the love goddess came through the cabin doors, and he was met with cheers from every magenta cabin corner.
It took a minute or two until a bowl was eventually passed to Clarisse, but it was snatched away by the girl doing her nails. She wrinkled her nose at her, and the girl stuck out her tongue as response.
“So,” Silena started off, pausing to take a bite of the ice cream. “Want to talk about it?”
“I don’t know what your talking about.” Clarisse stayed stubborn, but she most definitely knew what she was talking about.
“Girl, we see how you get whenever they are around. Do you for real think that we are all stupid?” Another voice piped in from a random bunk bed to Clarisse’s left.
“Who?” She paid hyper attention to how the girl had finished working on her ring finger and was now moving onto her middle one. Shouts of your name rang out under the tall ceiling and Clarisse immediately tensed up.
“I do not have a crush on them.” She scoffed, but everyone else noticed the shakiness in her voice and they all exchanged knowing glances and smiles.
“You soooooo do! And that's why we’re helping you!” Voices of agreement chimed in with their two senses.
“We see how you look at them!”
“Yeah, and there's, like, a certain tension that comes around whenever you guys pass by each other! It’s soooo cute!”
“With our help, there's gonna be no way that they aren't in love with you!” Clarisse glared at the direction the voice came from.
“You don’t think they aren't already in love with me?” It didn’t seem to far of base, since Clarisse herself didn’t believe you were, or that you would ever be. But hearing a bunch of Aphrodite kids practically admit to it hit a bit different.
“I think they like you.” Silena said. Some other kids quickly agreed.
“They get pretty nervous when you're around, and they seek you out whenever there's gatherings. Even when they don’t go up to you, they get more relaxed whenever they see you.” A girl, no older than eight, spoke up from a lower bunk. She was laying her stomach and coloring on a piece of paper while kicking her feat. Everyone turned towards her, questions in the air. The girl looked up and shrugged. “We make paper stars together.” And then she went back to doodling.
Clarisse chuckled. She was not going to underestimate an Aphrodite kid again.
Then, there was a knock on the door. You poked your head through the cracked open door and smiled at everyone.
“Hey, I was just wondering if- Clarisse!” You got more fidgety once you had noticed Clarisse in the chair.
She jumped up and rushed past you and out of the cabin. Shouts of “hey!” rang out from behind her, the most prominent one coming from the girl who was working on her nails.
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The next morning while getting breakfast, Clarisse could admit to herself that she was most definitely a fool.
With one hand of painted nails and the knowledge that she had run away from you, she would much rather stay in her fathers dedicated cabin and not anywhere where the kids from last night could find her.
She set her breakfast down at Ares’s assigned table, making sure that her manicure stayed unaffected. A flowery scent passed behind her, and a note was softly dropped onto the spot in front of her. Once she opened it, the note on the inside read : ”Try flexing at training today! ~ Silena + Aphrodite cabin” Followed by a winky and kissy face.
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The last thing Clarisse wanted to do was make a fool of herself in front of more than just you and one cabin. She was for sure going to look stupid showing off the muscles she had gained over the years, but maybe she was always a fool after she caught you looking at her while she stretched.
Training seemed to go by fast that day, and by the end of it she was sweating hard under the sun's glare. She placed her spear down on a bench and sat on the ground, trying to catch her breath from all of the extra moving she had done.
“Clarisse!” Oh boy, she knew that voice. You jogged over to her, a water bottle and towel in your hands. She got up off of the ground, making sure to purposely move her arms in just the right way. While she couldn't say that she was an expert on your expressions, she could say that you looked almost breathless.
“Oh-um, these are for you.” She smiled at you and took the two things from you and in an instant gulped down almost half of the water. You tilted your head to the side a bit.
“Only one of your hands is painted?” She raised her eyebrow before realizing that you meant her nail polish.
“Oh, yeah. I… I don’t really like sitting down for that long.” You nodded your head.
“That makes sense. That happens to me a lot.”
“Sooo, I’ll see you later?” Her simple question seemed to make you brighten up, and you watched as she picked up her spear and moved to go in the direction back to camp. She looked over her shoulder and winked at you, all while making sure to hold her weapon in a way to bring attention to her biceps and back.
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The fire in the pit got higher as Clarisse poked around in it to make sure that it would keep burning. You were across from her on the bench on the other side, talking to two of her brothers and sisters, and whenever she would catch a glimpse of you she would take it as a sign to add to the fire.
The way her siblings were getting close to you, and the way that you would laugh and allow them to touch your arm. It left a burning feeling in her heart, and a sinking feeling in her stomach.
She focused on running her fingers over the thick stick that was used to help the fire.
“Clarisse?” Gods, your voice saying her name had to be her most favorite thing about her life, and for her to just hear like, you must really have a tight hold on her- her eyes flickered up, and there you were, standing in front of her, fidgeting with something small in your hands. “I got some black nail polish from Silena, and I was- I was wondering if I could paint your other hand?”
Clarisse was taken aback. But still, she sat up straighter and moved over a bit. “Oh, yeah, sure.”
You excitedly sat next to her and reached over for her hand. She put her hand into yours, and it felt as if the fire had gotten hotter, and as if fireworks were going off over your heads.
She watched as you focused and delicately worked on her left hand. Your work wasn't as precise as the other girl had been, but for some reason she enjoyed this more, with how your hands would shake and a deep frown would mark your lips in that way that if Clarisse knew that you liked her as she liked you, she would lean over and kiss you until you couldn't even frown.
Clarisse La Rue was most definitely in love with you.
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Over the next weeks, you and Clarisse had gotten closer, but never close enough.
Whenever she wanted to hold your hand, she opted to fix your sleeve or to situate her hand on the small of your back.
Whenever you wanted to grab her and then kiss her till you couldn’t breath, you opted to fix her armor.
But despite all of the things the two wanted, you continued to dance around each other in a way that even Luke was getting tired of. But things changed after Clarisse had that dream.
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The sky was clear, and it was a perfect night to have a picnic on the beach. Clarisse had provided the blanket and the food, and all you had to do was show up and give her the attention that she had been craving while she was too busy.
Things were getting more dangerous around camp, monsters getting closer to the barrier and less new kids showing up for that reason.
Clarisse could fight monsters all day everyday, but it was these nice nights that allowed her to get back the drive to do so. She was close to convincing you to just spend the night sleeping with her in her cabin, not caring how many rules that could potentially break. But if she wouldn’t get that, then she would have to love this. It wasn’t a hard task, considering that anything that had to do with you was something that she would love.
She felt you snuggle in closer to her side, and her heart soared as her arm tightened around your waist.
“It’s pretty cold, isn’t it?” you whispered, and she could feel your breath against her neck.
“Yeah, but the moon looks beautiful, right?” She whispered back and you grinned.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.” She gently pulled off one of your arms that was around her to take your hand in hers, leading you into a simple type of slow dance waltz. She had never danced before, nor had she ever been taught, but she would do anything for you.
The two of you laughed gently, especially once one of you accidentally stepped on the other's foot. When it was nearing the early hour of one, she led you to sit back onto the blanket.
“I'm gonna find you a pearl.” She promised against your lips as you held her closely to yours. You brought her into a kiss, the best and most slow and sensual kiss she would probably ever experience. Once you drew away from her, you laughed a bit.
“Okay, good luck my love.” And so she bounded towards the water, wading in right at the spot she knew clams and oysters were.
Right when she was bending to pick one up, a scream peirced through the darkness.
Your scream.
You were yelling her name, and Clarisse dropped everything to try to make it to you faster. A cyclops had you in its grip and you were struggling greatly.
She wanted to shout that she had no weapon, and that you would have to use the power in which you had gotten from your godly parent.
But she didn’t shout, and she didn't move.
She just watched as you got eaten.
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Clarisse woke up with a start, sweat clinging to what felt like every cell of her skin. She flipped off the blankets of her bed and jumped up.
Nobody else had woken up because of her yet, thank the gods. She wanted to see you, to take you in her arms and know that you were alright, and to tell you that she was sorry that she was so weak. But that wasn’t something she should do, and she knew that.
She sighed and sat pack onto her bed, running her hand down her face. There was no way she could be around you right now.
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It was later that night in which you were finally able to track Clarisse down as she was sitting outside of her cabin.
“Clarisse, you skipped all of our meals together. Are you okay?” You were about to go sit next to her but she got up and began walking towards the forest.
You followed after her, speed walking to keep up. “Clarisse, wait! If something happens, we can talk- woah!” You were going down the path that you had followed her down so long ago, and while you weren't paying attention to where you were walking, you tripped over an arm of a tree that had fallen to the ground.
Clarisse whirled around and caught you before you could touch the ground, and you held onto her arms tightly to ground yourself.
“Wow it was a good thing you were there, Clarisse, or else-” but once you met her eyes, they looked watery. “Oh, honey, what happened?”
No tears had fallen, no matter how hard it looked as she was holding it all in. You reached out your hand and gently caressed along her cheek.
She then pulled you into a hug worthy of a bear, and while you couldn't hear her crying, you could feel the damp that had started to soak through the fabric of your shirt. She held you tight;y as you began to softly draw shapes onto her back, mostly hearts.
“I, I had a dream, and you died, and I love you, and I’m sorry I'm this weak and-”
”Shhh, shh, it's okay, hun. You are not weak at all, and you are justified in whatever you're feeling, okay? And… I love you too” You whispered the last part as she sniffled and pulled away from you a bit.
You looked into each other's eyes for a bit, and you found yourself falling into and appreciating her gorgeous brown eyes. She pulled you closer, and then she pulled you into a kiss.
Your arms moved to be around her neck as her hands that grip your hips loosened the more you both melted into each other. As you pulled away, doubt seemed to fall across her face.
“Are you sure you-” But before she could say anything more, you grabbed the front of her shirt to bring her into a second kiss, one that was just as good as the first one, if not better.
“I love you. And your muscles.” A grin broke across Clarisse’s face.
“I love you too.”
And then going in for a third kiss, she made a mental note to give thanks to the Aphrodite cabin kids. 
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After the Storm |1|
Tara Carpenter x Spider-Women!Reader
Chapter One: Mutant Lizards & Kisses
(idk how many chapters I'll do for this series but I'm just winging it for now)
Summary: After your fight with The Lizard, you climb back with quite a few injuries. Luckily, Tara's there to tend to them
Warning(s): Swearing, Police!Sam 🤭, mentions of fighting & injuries
Notes: Based off of this scene in TASM (gotta be one of my favorite scenes). Wrote this while taking a break from writing chp 6 of LTLI. Motivation for this kinda just came to me and I've always wanted to do a spider!reader thing
Masterlist|Next Part
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You limped, nearly collapsing on the roof as you held your side.Your trap for Dr. Connors did not work out how you planned, and your recklessness to get more photos than you needed ended you up with none.
You painfully crawled down, making your way to the fire escape outside the window you recognized. You knocked on it three times with your head, ignoring your pounding headache. You kept your head resting on the window as you heard clicking from the other side. Tara looked over to you and smiled before saying, “Come in,” then turning back to the assignment she was working on.
You push the window up, sliding through the opening as you exhale tiredly. 
“You should maybe, uh, consider coming in through the main entrance,” Tara jokes and you huff a laugh. 
You struggle to lift yourself until finally hopping into her room
“Also, my sister is under the impression that you require psychiatric attention….” Tara finally turns to you when she hears you grunt and her eyes slightly widen.
“Y/N.” She stood up from her chair and rushed over to you. You’re now leaning against the wall, when Tara comes up to you. 
“What the hell happened?” She asked quickly.
“You should see the other guy,” you say in a husky voice; you can still see Tara fretting over your injuries.
She carefully walks you to her bed, gently laying you down, not wanting to cause you any further pain. You tilt your head back as you continue to speak through deep breaths, “the other guy, in this instance being a giant mutant lizard.”
“You’re all bruised up–”
“Tara, I’m fi–”
“You’re not fine,” Tara interrupted in a sharp tone.
You both stopped your movement when you heard Sam’s voice from the other side of the door.
“Hey, Tara, I have to run to the station. Do you want me to pick up some ice cream from that place you like, on the way back?” You and Tara shared a look before she got up and you rolled to the floor. 
Tara opened the door just a few inches to greet her older sister. “No, Sam. I do not want ice cream. I can’t afford any distractions right now. I have a bunch of exams to prepare for,” Tara said, trying to fake an aggravated tone.
“Okay, I just remember somebody saying last week that her fantasy was to live in an ice cream house,” Sam reminded Tara. 
“Well that's impractical,” she said, shutting the door. “And fattening,” she added after opening the door, now shutting it again.
She turned around to see you peeking from behind the bed, giving her a dopey smile. “An ice cream house?” You questioned, still wearing the same expression.
Tara rolled her eyes, nodding, still not saying a word before turning back around to open the door once again. 
“Sorry…” Tara apologized to Sam. 
“It’s really good ice cream.”
“It’s just I can’t, um, I'm doing this um—paper and I’m really focused on it. Didn’t mean to snap at you.”
“It’s okay, I get it. How about I bring you a some for later?” 
“Okay, sounds good. Thanks Sammy,” Tara said with a smile before shutting the door one more time.
As soon as she walked back in the room, she gave you no room to talk. Already giving you directions to follow as she got her medkit from her nightstand’s bottom drawer. 
“Roll down your suit.”
You sigh but comply. “I’m fine, just a little banged up. I almost got him though—Dr. Connors. I can feel it, Tar. I’m gonna get him next time.”
“I swear, Y/N, if you get yourself killed I will make sure you regret it,” the younger Carpenter threatened.
“Why? Gonna miss me?” You teased, looking at the other girl as her attention was on the rubbing alcohol she was preparing. 
“In your dreams, Y/L/N,” Tara replied, but you saw the tiny smile she gave you before looking back at what she was doing. 
“Ah…” You softly groaned, feeling the sting as the rubbing alcohol made contact with your open wound.
Tara gave you an apologetic look, “It’ll be done soon.” 
“And when that's done?”
“What do you mean?” Tara asked with a slightly raised eyebrow.
“After this, how about we do something?”
She lightly shook her head with a smile before replying. “And Sam comes home to an empty apartment? Yeah, no.”
“I’ll get you home in time before Sam is,” you reassure her. 
“You’re forgetting Sam’s a police captain,” Tara’s body betrays her as she melts into your touch, feeling your hand gently sneak up her arm.
“Unless she can track my web-shooters, I think we’re good.”
 “I don’t know…” she looks down, averting her attention to one of your other cuts she’s tending too.
You left hand lifts her head, her chin resting on your knuckles.
“Come on…” 
Your foreheads meet and the towel in her hand is long forgotten. You brush your thumb against her bottom lip, you both slightly lean in until your lips are only centimeters apart. 
“Easy bug girl…” You heard her whisper.
“What’d you just call me?” You asked as you both lightly laugh, faces never pulling from each other. 
“Let's get out of here,” you said as you comedically shook your head around, causing Tara to giggle. “Just for a minute, come on.”
Your noses rubbed together as Tara leaned into you. 
“Noooo…” She hated how much she wanted to say yes to you.
“Yesss,” your smile never falters through this yes and no battle. You looked at how Tara looked away for a moment before looking back at you with a smile she was visibly fighting and in that moment you knew you won.
“...I better be home before Sam is.” 
When you land back on Tara’s fire escape, she’s clinging onto you for dear life while her face's buried in your chest. You smile down at her as you tell her, “We’re back by the way,” resisting the urge to place a kiss on her head.
“Yeah—yeah I knew that,” she replied, slowly pulling away from you.
You can’t help but chuckle at her shooken state. “Oh, you think this is funny? We were so high up—a drop that high is deadly, Y/N.”
“You think I’d drop ya?” 
“No, cause’ then Sam would bury you alive.”
“Speaking of Sam,” you’re both fully in the room now as you look at her bedroom door and then back at Tara, “Looks like she’s not here…”
“I already let you swing me around while a billion feet in the air; you’re still needy for my attention?” She teased, slightly tilting her head.
“What, you don’t wanna hang out with me?” You teased back.
You’re now directly in front of her, Tara’s legs hit the back of the bed and you can feel her breath on yours. Your hands end up on her hips and her left hand lightly cups your jaw.
In a husky voice you begin, “Tara, you have no idea–" 
Suddenly the front door can be heard opening, the various locks twisting and turning. You and Tara looked at each other before Tara shoved you under the bed. Footsteps came closer and closer until Sam opened the door to find her sister sitting at her desk, headphones in, and pen in hand.
Tara turned to look at the door, pulling out her headphones when she made eye contact with Sam. “Oh, hey Sam. I was just finishing up this paper,” Tara said innocently, giving the paper a single tap with her pen.
Sam slightly nodded, looking around—Tara noticed this. “Did you need something?” Tara asked the older Carpenter.
“Uh, no—no, I just thought I heard something. Anyways,” Sam slightly shook her head, “got you that ice cream. It’s in the freezer when you want it.”
“Thanks, Sam. Love you,” Tara responded. “Love you too,” Sam said back with a smile before leaving the room but not without taking one more scan of the room.
You waited another minute before crawling out from under her bed. 
“That was a close one, bug girl.”
“Is that gonna be a permanent nickname?”
“You bet it is, bug girl."
You playfully rolled your eyes, a smile grazing your face when you see her dimples show. "You're lucky you're cute," you tell her.
"Oh? Would you rather me call you my savior?" Tara jokingly batted her eyelashes at you.
You bit lip in thought. "It's got a ring to it..."
"Yeah, no. 'Think I'm sticking with bug girl for now."
"Worth a shot," you shrugged before walking over to her,"Now...where were we?"
"You were leaving–"
"Mmm, no. That' not what I recall."
Before Tara could respond, you began placing kisses that travled to her jaw then neck, making her knees grow weak as you slowly lead her to the bed until her back softly hit the mattress.
You hovered above her while she gratefully accepted your touch, holding onto your biceps while you continued to kiss her.
"Y/N, my sister's right outside. And if you've forgotten; she has a warrant out for your 'wall crawling vigilante ass'—her words, not mine," Tara said, breath hitching as you continued to kiss her neck.
You stopped mid kiss, looking around the room then slightly frowned, furrowing your eyebrows as you looked back at her. "Is she here in the room with us...? Cause I don't see her."
Tara let out a light sigh, raising one of her hands to cup your jaw. "Five. Minutes." She told you, holding your jaw with a gentle yet firm grip.
"Yes ma'am."
A/N: R because she didn't pack extra web fluid like Tara told her to:
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suzukiblu · 10 months
Day nineteen of fic NaNoWriMo, obligatory sugar daddy Tim/sugar baby Kon AU.
. . . huh, Tim thinks as he watches Kon rub his thumb over the goat's soft and fluffy fur, suddenly reminded of the cashmere. Okay, maybe his hypothesis about Kon's possible appreciation for nice textures is actually a thing, then. Noted and taken into evidence. 
“It's . . . cute,” Kon says, ducking his head a little and still slowly rubbing his thumb back and forth across the goat's fur as he looks down at it again, his face still all red. Tim makes a mental note about maximizing the amount of nice textures in Kon's life. He is gonna buy him sheets with a very high thread count, just to start. “Um–thanks, man.” 
“You're welcome,” Tim says as he has the incredibly weird thought that Kon has probably never actually owned an actual toy before. Like, maybe video games and things like that? He’s pretty sure he's heard Kon mention a few video games he likes before, now that he's thinking about it, but in retrospect he doesn't know if he even owns a console of his own or just played them with someone else at some point or . . . who knows, really? 
Like, Tim didn't decide to buy him a toy because of that, obviously, he really was just thinking of the idea as a cute little hopefully-the-right-kind-of-flirty reminder of how they “met”, but . . . 
It's a weird thought, is all.
. . . also, additional mental note, he should make sure to buy Kon a console if he doesn't already have one. And maybe a handheld system too, and obviously whatever games he wants for both. Maybe a couple spare controllers in case he wants to have anyone over, Tim has no idea, but better safe than sorry. 
“Let’s pay,” he says, redistributing the shopping bags between both hands again and then nodding towards the register. “Do you like video games?” 
“Sure,” Kon says, glancing sidelong at him again as they head for the counter. He’s doing that a lot, it feels like, though Tim isn’t sure why yet. Just intel to absorb, for right now. “Who doesn’t like video games?” 
“Do you have any?” Tim asks, and Kon looks–embarrassed, almost? Weirdly? 
“I can’t exactly have you over to play, man. No offense, it’s like a security clearance thing with the lab,” he says, which is not where Tim was going with that at all and is sort of . . . flustering, actually. Like, to hear, he means. He’s trying to buy things for Kon, not invite himself over to, like . . . pester him for attention or whatever. 
“Yeah, you'd be kind of hard to explain to my dad,” he agrees, putting on a wry expression. Kon's mouth tightens for a second, for some reason, and then he smiles awkwardly in his direction, not quite meeting his eyes. Tim represses a frown, wondering what that’s about. 
“Usually am, yeah,” Kon says. 
“Well, once we get you a place of your own, that’ll solve that problem,” Tim says reasonably as they wait in line together, though obviously he doesn’t really expect Kon to have him over or–
“You’d actually wanna come over if I had my own place?” Kon asks hesitantly. “Like–to hang out or whatever?” 
. . . Tim wonders who exactly ground all of Kon’s usually-boundless confidence into the dirt, because he’d just like to have a word with them. Or shove a doomsday weapon up their ass; whichever’s more convenient at the time. Considering how Kon usually acts, Tim doesn’t even want to think about how shitty someone had to be to get a reaction like that out of him. 
“I would,” he says. “We could order in and play something, maybe.” 
“I don’t actually have a console or anything. Shit, I don’t even have a TV,” Kon admits. “Which is not a request, for the record, just a statement.” 
“Okay,” Tim says, which as a response is something he’s just gonna let Kon interpret however he likes. He could just have a TV and console delivered to Cadmus for him, probably. Although he doesn’t actually know how big Kon’s room is, so in retrospect maybe that’ll be something to buy once they get to the stage where Kon’s picking out furniture for his new apartment/house/cul-de-sac. Easier to size and scale correctly that way, Tim figures. 
God, how big is Kon’s room? Is it just a room? Like a dorm or something? Is it at least actual normal bedroom-sized? 
. . . he really, really hopes it’s not a barracks situation. 
“I mean it,” Kon says as Tim pays for the goat and they leave the store. “Like, this was really cool of you, but you’ve definitely done enough. I didn’t do anything that special, you know?” 
“I feel like I’m the one who gets to value your effort in saving my life,” Tim says. “Like, monetarily and all. As a whole fiscal thing.” 
“It really wasn’t a big deal, though,” Kon insists. “Like, I didn’t risk my neck or anything. It wasn't even hard.” 
“You put in the time to learn how to do that with your TTK to begin with, even from halfway across the gallery floor,” Tim says. “Just because it was easy to do then doesn’t mean it was easy to learn to begin with. I think it’s really impressive that you even figured out you could do that to begin with.” 
“I mean–well, yeah, I guess,” Kon says, ducking his head as his face flushes again. “I just . . . like, it took a while to figure out how to do it right, definitely. So I wouldn’t say impressive.” 
“If you’re trying to be modest, maybe don’t lead with ‘I worked really hard on improving myself and it worked really well’,” Tim says, flashing him a wry little smile. Kon turns even redder, then grins sheepishly at him. 
“Look, TTK is badass, but it’s way less impressive than punching a giant asteroid into gravel,” he says. “Or superspeeding through all the bad guys in a microsecond.” 
“Why?” Tim asks, tilting his head. “Lots of people can punch an asteroid in half. You could break it down into its component parts and also make sure none of said parts escaped into the atmosphere or crashed any satellites. And you don’t need superspeed when you can keep the bad guys from even moving to begin with, right?” 
“Huh?” Kon says, looking–startled, a little. Tim’s been doing his research, but also just thinking–plus he's pretty sure that talking up TTK as a power is just about the best possible way to get Kon to be into Tim Drake for as long as possible, so . . . 
“I’m just saying, you seem really versatile. Like, you’re obviously not just a bruiser,” he says reasonably, though the more time he's spent trying to think about TTK lately, the more aware he's become that Kon tries very hard to be one whenever possible. Like–much more often than he actually should, in fact. “Your powers are really flexible, from what I’ve noticed. You can be a scalpel and a hammer. Possibly simultaneously, depending on your multitasking skills, I don’t really know how that works.” 
“Oh,” Kon says, the startled expression turning flustered even as he grins a little helplessly and ducks his head, twisting the handles of the shopping bag the clerk put the goat in around his fingers. “Uh, I mean, it depends, but . . . kinda, I guess.” 
Okay, well–he looks a little less boisterous and smug than Tim would've expected him to get over direct compliments to his TTK, honestly, but he does still seem flattered. Tim had just been prepared for annoying bragging and overblown pride as a reaction, not that helpless little grin Kon's currently trying to hide. So that's . . . weird, yeah. Huh. 
“Well, I think it's impressive,” he informs him with an easy shrug, and watches maybe a little bit too curiously as Kon's grin widens and he ducks his head lower. He looks so–not proud or arrogant, still, but pleased. 
It's definitely weird. 
Tim can't pretend there isn't an equally weird part of him that thinks it's cute, though. It's a little strange being the one hyping up the exact same superpower Kon's usually incapable of shutting up about while he tries to downplay it, but he guesses it's not that different from being the one carrying most of the bags right now. Just a little bit of a temporary role reversal while Kon's wearing a soft cashmere sweater instead of his usual heavy leather jacket and Tim's not wearing a mask. 
Well–at least not a domino, anyway. It gets a little more complicated going with the metaphorical definition, obviously. 
“I'm still buying you lunch whatever you say,” he says. “And a bigger wardrobe. You can't always show up in your superhero gear, somebody's gonna notice you eventually.” 
“Geez, man, how many times are you planning to see me in civvies?” Kon says, and if his accompanying laugh didn't sound a little forced, Tim would assume Kon was saying he was going to be bored of him before that was a concern. That laugh makes it sound more like Kon thinks it’s likelier that Tim is going to get bored of him, though. 
No, Tim is pretty sure that's wishful thinking on his part. It's too tempting to attribute evidence like that to mean something he'd like it to mean, is all. 
“I don't know,” he says, giving Kon a smile. “How many times are you planning to let me?” 
Kon stares at him for a moment, turns red, and then laughs self-consciously and looks away. 
His flirting standards are still extremely low, yeah. Thank god, because Tim absolutely sucks at this.
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gothgleek · 6 months
could i maybe request angus x female reader blurb where they are both the last left holding over and are left to their own devices after sharing a infirmary room with no privacy for 2 weeks?? maybe someone walks in on the other or something
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Omg this is my first Ask request💕 I hope you enjoy, I finished this while wrote it while I was stuck in traffic because I wanted to finish it before my birthday. Also this is a little longer than a blurb j hope you don’t mind 😅
Notes: Minors DNI, AFAB/cis girl reader, Angus is a munch, overstimulation, oral sex, ignoring religious guilt, minor religious kink, reader can be interpreted as a virgin, mentions of toys, getting caught, both parties are 18+
You never considered yourself to be a terribly horny person, not when St. Agatha’s Boarding School for Young Ladies kept your schedule busy and your roommates always around. But staying there over the winter break with only yourself and the hitachi toy your roommate gifted you as company? Yeah, you might as well have possessed by a lust demon.
But then Mother Superior had to go and break her leg, forcing you out of your masturbation marathon and take shelter at the boys’ school on the other side of town without your new best friend. (If you were a god-fearing woman, you would blame yourself for her accident.)
Unfortunately, even while rooming at Barton you could not escape your constant state of arousal. The unexpected attractiveness of your new roommate. Angus Tully did not make it easy either.
You tried numerous things to keep the monster at bay- sneaking off to the laundry room, using the shower head, your own hands- but nothing felt as good as your hitachi. Heck, you even started to have sex dreams about Angus but even that didn’t help your state of arousal. You were beginning to see why the nuns said the ongoing sexual revolution is a mistake.
That was until he walked in on you masturbating.
The both of you froze, him in the doorway, you on your bed humping your pillow.
“Um…” Angus swallowed. “Do you need a hand with that?”
You blamed your constant state of arousal and the fact that Angus wasn’t terrible looking (damn your weakness for his big eyes, nose, and curly hair.)
Your eyes grazed down to his broken arm. “I guess one extra hand wouldn’t hurt.” You said jokingly. “But you need to get me dinner after this, I can't have you thinking I’m easy. The nuns would kill me.”
You leaned back on your bed, your pillow under your hips and nightgown bunched around your waist. Rather than take his pants off, Angus knelt in front of you.
“I was actually sent here to get you for dinner but I think I’m gonna just have you instead,” Angus said while slowly peeling off your panties with his good hand. You made a sound of confusion and he looked up at you. “I don’t have a condom on me. I can’t have the nuns get mad at me.”
With that, he moved forward and gave your pussy a curious lick. You jumped at the foreign feeling. You didn’t know boys did that.
You closed your legs on instinct but Angus used his good hand to keep you open. He didn’t look strong but his big hand holding you open, you couldn’t help but melt.
Your moans were muffled as you held your hands over them but Angus was able to hear you well enough to navigate between your legs, giving extra attention to the spots you moaned the loudest. With days of pent up arousal and interrupted pillow time, it didn’t take long for you to cum.
Angus let you relax into the bed before speaking up again. You recognized the look on his face as a combination of cockiness and curiosity.
“You know you talk in your sleep?”
“Huh?” Your brain was still under that post-orgasm haze. “I do?”
“Quite a lot actually.” Angus told you with a smirk as he began fingering your sensitive pussy. You tried to close your legs but Angus used his shoulders to keep you open. “Just last night you were moaning my name. Wanna tell me what you were dreaming of?”
“I….” You said distractedly. “I don’t remember.”
“I don’t believe you,” Angie smirked. “You don’t have to be shy anymore, I already ate your pussy. Tell me.”
His fingers curled inside you and you let out a strangled moan. He seriously expected you to think under these circumstances?
“I…fuck… I just dreamed you had me bent over in the confessions booth,” You managed to choke out. “One hand was around my throat.”
“That’s certainly very sinful of you,” Angus mused as his thumb began rubbing your clit. “What else?”
“I woke up before I could finish.”
“Well you’ve had other dreams, like I said you talked a lot these last few nights.”
“I…” Your hips began bucking. “I’m getting close again.”
Was this really all it took after all these days?
“Keep talking and I’ll let you cum,” Angus said, rubbing a little harder.
“Oh um… fuck…” You tried to search through your memories as you felt your orgasm build up. “I dreamt of the two of us at the… fucking… the fucking spring fling.” You fisted the sheets in frustration and he pressed a gentle kiss to the inside of your knee.
“Go on.”
“I dragged you to a classroom and I was wearing… I was wearing a lavender dress… you pushed it up and started fucking me…”
“How did I fuck you?”
You let out a groan. “Please I’m so close!” You protested quietly.
“I wanna hear more first.” He added another finger.
“My legs were over your shoulders and I was lying on the teacher’s desk…You were grabbing my boobs…” His thumb was moving faster and that pressure in your stomach was reaching its peak. “Frank Sinatra was playing… is that enough detail for you?”
Angus didn’t respond, simply moving faster. With his brown eyes staring you down with a cocky smile, you couldn’t help but buck your hips up and cum with a moan.
Angus slowed his fingers and began pressing kisses down your thighs.
“What are you doing?” This bastard wanted to go again?
“I just wanted to see what you looked like before I tasted you again,” Angus disappeared between your legs and you felt him lapping at the wetness between your legs.
“Angus,” you hissed and you tried to push his head away. You couldn’t take more of this. You were about to melt into the mattress. Then you felt his tongue lapping up your wetness from the source. You moaned loudly and pulled your hands away from his hair to cover your mouth.
You bucked your hips up and tried to push him away but Angus just grabbed your thigh and pulled you back to him. He didn’t look strong but your body also couldn’t decide if it wanted to run away or run towards his mouth.
“Don’t run away from me,” Angus warned with a lustful look in his eye. He returned between your legs.
Angus pressed his tongue into you, as deep as it could go until his nose began rubbing against your clit. You began grinding against him, one hand leaving your mouth to pull him closer by his hair.
It took you a little longer to cum again but somehow Angus managed to pull a third one out of you. Your hand gave a final tug of his hair as your hips lifted upwards and you grabbed the sheets to let out a loud moan. To his credit, Angus didn’t cease his movements, letting you ride his tongue until you collapsed against the mattress.
While the two of you caught your breathes, someone knocked on the door while opening it. Angus shot away from between your legs and you did your best to sit up and cover yourself.
Not that it did much to convince Mr. Hunham, who walked in and immediately raised a brow at your guilty expression. Then he looked at Angus and saw the state of his hair and the mess you had left on his face. Mr. Hunham rubbed his face in an attempt to calm himself.
“Go to dinner,” Mr. Hunham gestured for you to get out of the room.
“Mr. Tully, a word.” He said sternly.
Two hours later, Angus comes back to your room, cleaned up with a small smirk on his face.
“I think it’s time for you to return the favor,” Angus rose told his feet and unbuckled his belt. His hard, weeping cock popped out and you couldn’t help but gulp.
“I’m not getting any sleep tonight,” you thought with tired glee.
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heartfullofleeches · 9 months
[mentions of cannibalism, self mutilation, light angst/body horror]
Thinking about Liu [parasite Yan] overeating... I mean it would rarely happen considering they practically starve themselves as they don't really like eating people, but if there's enough "obstacles" in their way Liu might a little greeedy. Liu may also binge eat the meat they store their freezer when they haven't eaten in a while or at times of intense stress and not having their darling around such as them being gravely injured/in the hospital or out of town.
As briefly mentioned in a previous post, Liu has a limited range on their shape shifting abilities which can grow as they increase in mass from the human flesh they've consumed. For example, as a 6'5 person if they wanted to be taller they'd have to sacrifice tissue from another part of their body like organs. With all the eating they've done in this time frame, Liu would have left over meat they have to put somewhere. They start out with lesser notable areas like filling out their chest/hips or growing their hair longer. Might add an inch or two or give themselves more weight/chub - but there's still more tissue left. Their hair can't be too long given that they are a butcher and people are sure to notice if they make themselves any taller as they were already a tall person before this. At this stage they'll make bizarre modifications such as another heart or adding more length to their tongue(s). They hate having this much flesh as it just reminds them of what they've done wrong. Most of their body is made up of stolen flesh. They're a monster. They have to get rid of it.
Liu will chew off the excess flesh if they have to. It goes from biting the flesh off their fingers to chewing the entire finger off and burying them with the rest. They do it mindlessly at times so imagine the horror on their Darling's face when they bite off a finger at a moment they think they're alone. Imagining an angst scenario where their darling tries to stop them from mutilating themselves further, but Liu refuses to let them come beat them and see what they've become.
On a brighter note because I don't want my baby to suffer, Darling braiding Liu's hair when it's long and down their back
Reader: Hm.... Something's different about you today....
Liu, an entire foot taller than the were the night before: um.... I've been growing my hair out recently?
Reader: Yea! Mind if I brush it?
Reader, holding a stethoscope: Check out what I found at a garage sale. Hold still while I check your heart beat
[Reader places the tool on their chest - hearing two, nearly identical but still distinct heartbeats at the rate their beating]
Reader: ? Is this thing busted?
Liu: .... I'm really happy to see you?
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azaarchiive · 7 months
☆be mine?; gojo satoru
synopsis; satoru is never second, so why aren’t you with him right now?
notes: valetines treat that’s a day late, sorry guys i got so fucking plastered yesterday but here i am now!
tags: alcohol consumption, rich 18 y/o gojo, jealousy, tiny age gap (between you and random), gn reader, foul language, use of petname (baby), mentions of throwing up, 995 words ❤️ happy valentines guys
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satoru was truthfully only here for you and suguru, he was not that fond of parties which was quite conflicting with his persona. it was just an excuse to get drunk and getting drunk weakens a person. plus alcohol tasted yucky to him.
nonetheless, when you wanted to throw a valentines party for all the singles, he just had to come. now, he was heavily regretting that choice as he could see your so called ‘valentines’ here with you.
you see, two days ago, your school was selling roses that you could give to anyone of your choosing for valentines. satoru with his marvellous brain decided he was to give you one, confess his undying love for you and finally make you two happen. you both would be the power couple, the dream team that everyone would envy while you two would snuggle and whisper sweet nothings into each others ears. sadly, that's not what happened.
a junior that had obviously had his eyes on you for a while had come to give you a rose and ask you out. while you had frequently reminded everyone that you were not into him as he had a reputation to be... popular with the girls, it still irked him how you talked to him and was still considering going out on a date with that loser when he was standing right here.
so, he didn't buy the rose. instead, he congratulated you and watched from afar how you two were getting it on in this stupid party with 2000s club music blaring in his ears and a cup of your strong concoction (it was 3/4s vodka and 1/4th sprite) in his hand.
"everyone can see you staring." a voice from behind him spoke, of course he already knew that person was there but was just too angry to face them.
"i'm way better than that loser, like i'm the strongest man alive, i've got money that will last a lifetime and a face that kills. i'm the ideal package!" satoru complained, huffing before finally turning around and taking a large gulp of your valentines special.
"then show her that, you have been here crying and complaining about how you're way better than the junior but she doesn't know that because you're yapping instead of doing." suguru sighed, having to hear the same 'in the strongest and richest' speech from satoru was a little tiring.
"why do i have to prove something that's a fact?" satoru asked frustratingly, taking another swing of the drink.
"ok, we all know you hate drinking so slow down and stop trying to look cool." suguru chuckled, trying to take away satorus drink from him only for him to snatch it back aggressively.
"i do drink! in fact.." satoru chugged down his drink, took sugurus drink and chugged it down also.
"what the fuc-"
"i'll show that little boy what a real man is!" satoru slightly slurred, given that satoru literally never drinks, you're heavy drinker mixer got him quite fucked up very quickly.
suguru watched satoru walk away, debating on whether he should try and salvage the situation.
"a party always needs some entertainment." suguru shrugged, getting a refill before making his way to watch the mess that was about to unfold in front of him.
satoru marched towards you, dragging you onto the couch as he flopped on top of you. you gasped from the sudden attack in shock.
"satoru- what the hell are you doing?!" you asked, trying to push him off of you.
"um, do you need any help?" the junior asked.
"hell no, back off!" satoru exclaimed, causing the junior to jump slightly and run away, he was not about to be purple hollowed on valentine's day.
"no, rui! ugh, satoru you scared him off!" you groaned, finally pushing him next to you as you laid there heaving.
"good, you don't need him." satoru shifted to face you, taking off his sunglasses.
you looked into his eyes, a whirlwind of emotions hit you as those deep
blue eyes stared into yours. you always found him attractive, he was charming and sweet whilst being an utter fool. satoru had a humorous personality and fuck, his million dollar face was worth everything in the world to kiss.
however, you couldn't tell if he thought the same about you. if he thought about the intricacies of your facial structure the way you did and if he thought about scenarios where you both went on dates or watched cheesy romcoms whilst snuggling together.
“leave that poor boy alone.” you muttered, your hand somehow finding its way to his hair. satoru leaned into you, his head on your chest while you played with his white strands.
“not when he’s trying to get with you like you’re not mine.” he muttered back, looking up at your face of shock.
“satoru, you’re drunk, you don’t know what you’re saying.” you said, trying more to convince yourself rather than satoru.
“get real, you know for a fact im in love with you. why wouldn’t i be? you’re fucking amazing.” satoru smiled.
“what- i- im-“ you stammered, this was not expected at all.
“it’s ok, i know you feel same way, im amazing as well. so please, don’t go on that date with him to try and substitute him for me.” satoru slurred, holding you tightly as he placed a small peck on your chest.
you felt flustered, heavily flustered. since when was satoru this perceptive? well, you guessed he always has been, you just hoped he wasn’t seeing right through you specifically.
“be my valentines? tomorrow i’ll treat you to a date.” satoru lifted his head, staring right into your eyes again.
“february 15th is such a side chick day.” you joked.
“my favourite day for my favourite side chick then.” satoru nuzzled back into your oddly warm chest as you jokingly slapped his head.
satoru was glad he turned infinity off for this, for you.
“so, you guys are finally together now?” suguru spoke softly, causing you both to jump up in surprise.
“oh my god, i didn’t see you there.” you jumped.
“you stalker.” satoru joked.
“whatever, i was scared that you were gonna embarrass yourself, which you did.” suguru smiled.
“either way, i now have a partner while you’re alone for valentine’s day, haha!” satoru replied.
“don’t be mean.” you scolded satoru.
“sorry baby.” satoru went back into your chest with a gleeful smile on his face.
“i feel sick.” suguru fake retched.
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corazondebeskar-reads · 9 months
ain't no rest for the wicked - chapter three
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ain't no rest for the wicked series
three: been sinnin' in this city
series masterlist | prev chapter | next chapter
Tess Servopoulos x f!reader x Joel Miller
words: 5.7k
summary: Tess and Joel go AWOL for a while, but return with a gift.
warnings: dark-ish Joel and Tess, smuggler!Joel, smuggler!Tess, boston QZ, QZ life, poorly negotiated d/s-style dynamics, poor communication, enthusiastic consent, oral sex (m & f receiving), p in v, degradation, stalking, canon-typical violence, threesome, cum eating, light rope bondage, cloth gag, spanking, punishment, sub drop, aftercare, strap-on, anal sex, rimming, light angst, edging, orgasm denial
IMPORTANT NOTE: I have updated the warnings on the masterlist to reflect that this has a bittersweet (imo) ending. It's not a happily ever after. Please feel free to DM me if you want to know spoilers before you decide if you will continue reading.
also on ao3
dividers by @saradika-graphics
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“Soon” doesn’t quite happen. It’s a month before you hear from them.
Honestly, you had forced yourself to accept that it was over. Maybe Joel coming over alone was crossing a line.
Not that it stops you from looking over your shoulder or getting your hopes up when you come home. But there isn’t even a moment where you feel watched from afar. You consider drawing a line of flour across your threshold, but you have a feeling it’d be undisturbed when you get back, no matter if they came or not.
The disappointment sits bitter at the base of your throat.
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That is, until you get home one evening, soaked from head to toe in sleet, and Tess is in your apartment.
When you walk in, you’re too busy trying to get your soaked boots and coat off with minimal sludge on your floor to notice. But when you do, you jerk so fast you nearly slide on the wet floor, falling back against the door.
“What the fuck,” you gasp, trying to recover from the embarrassing screech.
“Joel was right. You really ain’t got a sense of your surroundings, huh?”
“Not in my own home! M’not supposed to have to—“
She smirks.
Not that you notice; too distracted by where she’s lounging. It’s your bed but also it very much is not.
Your mattress is set up on a wooden frame. It’s not fancy, just unstained boards, but it looks well-crafted and sturdy.
“Um,” you say.
“Gonna come try it out?”
“Don’t you like it, sunflower?”
“I-I do, I’m just—“
“I told you, we’ll take care of you.” The smirk is gone, now. She’s startlingly serious.
“You said when I’m at yours,” you say.
“Did Joel not take care of you while he was here?”
“No, he did, I—“
She sits up and grabs your wrist, tugging you over. You follow easily, acquiescing when she pulls you on the bed and manhandles you…
(womanhandles you? Are you failing feminism? Where does the movement stand at the end of the world?)
… until you’re laying beside her with your head on her stomach.
“Isn’t this more comfortable?” she says.
She’s so soft, and she smells so good. You’re a little unfocused between taking deep breaths and curling your arm around her waist. “Yes, ma’am,” you say.
She grins. “Good girl.”
For a moment, you are both content to lay there. It really is comfortable. Soon, though, you’re pressing absentminded kisses to her stomach and nuzzling her breasts.
She rubs her hand up and down your back.
Your hand twitches near the hem of her shirt. “Um,” you mumble, anxious fingers fiddling with the folded fabric.
She lifts just enough to tug it off, going after yours in nearly the same motion. Your mouth waters.
She snaps your bra strap. “Off.”
You scramble to obey, not even bothering to unhook it but yanking the old, worn cotton over your head and tossing it to the floor.
She grins at your over-eagerness, but you barely notice, unabashedly focused on her tits.
“Please,” you whisper.
She nods, and before she can voice the answer, you find yourself clinging to her.
You had meant to latch your mouth around her nipple, but you’re practically climbing her to get close.
Her skin against yours feels like heaven. The creeping loneliness that burrowed into your bones hurts more than ever. At the same time, though, it’s beginning to bleed out.
She gasps softly as your nails dig into her side. Not enough to hurt but enough that she seems to recognize your desperation.
“I know, sunflower. I’m sorry,” she murmurs, holding you tight, just on the right side of painful. But you need it. The twinge in your ribs is giving you more comfort than you’ve known in weeks.
You nuzzle into her chest, placing kisses across her skin that swiftly shift from soft to sloppy. You suck and lick at any inch you can reach, finally mouthing your way to her breasts. Every brush scatters sparks across your shoulders and between your ribs, leaving you shuddering and gasping against her.
She moans as you lave at each hardened bud, and holds your head with an unforgiving grip when you suckle at one. Her back arches, pushing the fat of her breast into your face.
You don’t mind. Oxygen doesn’t seem super important right now. Her other hand has captured one of your own nipples, and she pinches and tugs harshly, her moans drawn out when you whimper against her.
She laughs, and it’s on the edge of cruel, but you’re unbothered.
“Look at you,” she teases. “So fuckin’ needy, huh?”
You hadn’t even realized, but you’ve thrown a leg over hers and are rocking your hips against her thigh.
“M’sorry,” you pant, after pulling off her breast with a lewd pop. You go to move away.
“Don’t stop; it’s cute,” she says, guiding you by the back of your head to her other breast.
Heat spreads across your face but also through your spine until it pools between your thighs. Fuck it, your brain decides, before it turns off for the day.
You’re gasping as you mouth at her, your panties dragging against your clit as you grind.
She slides her hands down and tugs at them, and you quickly lift and help her wiggle them off before sliding down to dispose of hers.
You had planned on returning to her tits and maybe trying to make out, but now that you’re down here, making out with her pussy seems like a much better idea.
You press a soft kiss to her thigh and look up at her, but she surprises you and reaches her hand out to pull you back up.
She guides you, pushing and pulling your pliant limbs where she likes. You let go of the knots anxiety tied to hold you stiff and quiet, a tug behind your ribcage urging you to give in, give up, give everything to Tess.
Something hazy and lax trickles through your veins—it doesn’t go unnoticed, either.
“There you go,” she croons as you gaze up at her.
You didn’t even really notice her laying you down or getting on top of you, but you don’t think about it for long because her knee slides up to your core, grinding until it pushes against your clit.
She catches your moan in a kiss just as she settles her cunt against your thigh.
The feeling of her heat on your leg sends your hips canting against the relentless pressure of her knee. As you squirm and buck, your thigh moves against her, and she moans, biting at your lips until they part with a gasp.
She’s less rough with you than Joel but no less commanding. Her hands grip true and firm, and one winds its way around your neck to squeeze at the sides as she kisses you. You can’t tell which makes you dizzier, but either way, you writhe beneath her just the way she intended.
“I know you’re his,” she murmurs against your swollen lips. “But you’re mine, too, ain’tcha?”
You nod frantically, or at least to the best of your ability, trapped as you are. She eases up a little to let you gasp. You manage to squeak out a “yes, ma’am,” before she increases the pressure again. You’re squirming now, each wriggle of your body bringing you together in a rush of warm, wet ecstasy.
“That’s right,” she says before releasing your throat and focusing her attention on grinding against you. “You wanna cum, sunflower?” Her finger tweaks your nipple.
You reach for her breasts with one hand, the other settling on her thigh, where she’s spread across you. “Want you to,” you pant.
“Oh, I plan on it,” she says. Her smirk is intoxicating, and so is the way her hair falls around her face while she looks down at you. “But you’re gonna cum now.”
Her voice permits no choice, and she jerks her knee against your cunt. The shock and delicious pain of it have you obeying immediately, with her not far behind.
She, at least, has the sense of mind to cover your mouth with her hand. When she’s coming down from her high, she slides it slightly to cover your nose, too.
“Cum again, baby,” she says.
You cling to her with bruising fingers as you cum, and everything goes fuzzy and gray. She pulls her hand away at the last second, rolling her hips against your leg until she cums again, too.
“Please,” you sob.
She doesn’t need you to explain, just rolls back until you can pull your leg out from under her and lunge, burying your face between her thighs.
Her nails scratch against your scalp, and she gasps when you suck on her swollen clit. She lets you lick and draw two more orgasms out of her before she pulls you away from her cunt.
“No more,” she scolds when you whine. “I don’t wanna be sore tomorrow when you come over.”
“Oh, am I coming over tomorrow?” you tease.
“Well, I just said you were, didn’t I? Don’t be late.”
You frown, something too close to a pout, when she rises from the bed and pulls her clothes back on.
“I know,” she says softly, pinching your chin. “You be good and get some sleep, okay? You’re gonna need it.”
She pauses, looking at your bathroom door. “You really got mice in there on purpose?”
You bury your face in your hands and nod. “I can scare ‘em off if you need it.”
She snorts and shakes her head, something almost fond in her eyes, something that will haunt you. “Nah, leave ‘em be.” With one last kiss to your forehead, she slips out of the door.
You hesitate, but get up and lock all the locks behind her.
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You’d be lying if you said you weren’t expecting Joel to be outside your work. He isn’t, though. You hesitate for a minute, wondering if it means you shouldn’t go over after all.
In the end, your cunt makes the call, and you find your way to their apartment successfully. Look at that, you think. You were paying attention, after all. They never need to know you knocked on two wrong doors first.
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Tess opens the third door and smiles. You flush immediately and give her a soft smile back, slipping inside and toeing off your boots. Once you set your bag by the door, you sink onto your knees. It’s all you could think about at work, and you don’t have the strength to fight the urge.
She ruffles your hair. “Look how good you are, pretty girl.”
Your eyes close briefly at the praise, and you look up at her. The fluorescent yellow bulb is obscured behind her head, warmth framing her like a halo.
“Unfortunately, Joel’s not been so good today, sunflower. You’re going to help me remind him how, okay?”
She gives you a hand and doesn’t let go after you stand, leading you into the bedroom. You freeze, though, when you see Joel tied to the bedposts with short lengths of rope and a bandana shoved in his mouth.
He squeezes his eyes tight when he sees you like he can block out the way your eyes are wide and brows furrowed. The shame burns across his body, but more than that, he aches to wipe the concern off your face.
So, he opens his eyes and forces himself into something calm. Accepting. He twitches two fingers against his bond to beckon you.
“Go ahead,” Tess gives you a little shove.
Logically, you know he submits to her. You’ve seen it. But it’s never been like this, never been him restrained or suffering.
He’s usually more like a devoted beast, content to kiss the hand that feeds.
Either way, you go to him and obediently duck so he can cup your face to the best of his ability. You press a kiss to his palm before looking to Tess.
“Someone here decided he couldn’t wait and jerked himself off in the shower this morning, even though you were comin’ over,” she says.
You look at Joel, baffled by the way you almost feel… hurt? It doesn’t make sense, but Tess’s tone seemed to imply you should.
She laughs at the look on your face. “Told ya,” she says to Joel. She comes up behind you, one arm slung across your collarbone and the other hand curling under your chin to grip your jaw. “Little slut’s disappointed.”
You, as always, burn for her amusement.
“Ain’t that right? You woulda been willing to help him out, huh?” she asks. Her grip on your jaw jerks your head up and down even as you’re whimpering, “Yes, ma’am.”
He spits the bandana out. “Told you, I wouldn’t have lasted. Had to take the edge off.”
Oh, she knows. She had come home last night and stroked his cock while telling him all about her visit. She hadn’t let him cum, then, either.
“That’s not for you to decide,” she says, letting you go so she can stuff his mouth full again. “Guess you gotta learn.”
She turns to you. “Climb up and get comfortable between his legs.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
He growls. You look sad, and he doesn’t like it. It doesn’t suit you.
Tess catches his eye and looks you over. “Hey,” she says, a hand on your shoulder. “You trust me?”
“Yes, ma’am.” And you mean it, more than you realized.
“Then stop feelin’ bad for him and help him out.”
“Yes, ma’am,” you murmur and climb up onto the bed, finding a home for yourself between his thighs. The dark hair tickles your nose when you press a kiss to the inside of his leg, nuzzling your cheek against it.
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You’re not stupid, but you think you might be an idiot. You know what this is. And what it isn’t. But the way your chest warms at being close, at being allowed to see him vulnerable, at being coddled a little by the both of them—well, it’s dangerous.
When Tess rubs a hand over your back and whispers “good girl,” in your ear, you decide you don’t care. So what if your foolish heart is collateral? How many times since the world ended have you gotten to feel anything? You don’t need forever; you just need whatever you have in these moments.
So you’ll take it and swallow it up, bottle it inside for when you need something soft and warm at the end of a bad day.
Unfortunately, all the thinking about things that aren’t has you jittering your right leg. It’s tucked under you and jostles your whole body a little. Your head rests on Joel’s thigh, a torturous inch from his leaking cock.
But you know better. And so you wait.
She takes her sweet time, letting him watch you watch precum leak down. The longer she leaves you there in silence, the more the buzzing in your brain fades to a gentle breeze. Your leg stops its fussing, and you breathe deeper, easier. His thigh is wide and warm, and you’re close enough to smell the deep musk of him.
It makes your mouth water and your mind quiet. She comes back over, and you shudder when her fingers trip up the length of your spine until they come to rest on the back of your neck.
“Go real slow,” she says. “Just kisses and licks, for now.”
You’re in a haze; the world narrowed to her voice and his cock. First, you wipe his leaking slit clean with the broad stripe of your tongue before kissing it softly. He groans, but it settles into a whine when you kiss down the underside until you reach his balls.
They’re hanging at a bit of an awkward angle for you to reach, so you shift to sink lower, steadying yourself with a hand on each of his thighs. You don’t think you’ve ever gotten to properly appreciate him like this, to feel the velvet skin against your cheek as you nuzzle in.
Tess’s hand stays steady on the back of your neck, tethering you to the world without having to focus on the threadbare sheets or the clangs and shouts from the open window.
You’re not sure how long you spend like that, wrapping your tongue around wherever you can reach without actually taking him into your mouth. He’s twitching here and there, rewarding you with tiny tastes of him as you go.
She tugs on your neck, pulling you back. You whine, but he whimpers louder. She lets both of you sit and catch your breath for a moment before she’s pushing you down again.
“Just the tip,” she tells you with a playful wink at Joel.
You wrap your lips around it and can’t help but suck hard. His hips jerk up, but Tess is faster, pulling you out of his reach.
“Hold still,” she says, swatting at his thigh. “Be grateful for what you’re getting.”
She waits until he nods before pushing you back down. You try to be gentler, a softer, pulsing pressure, but he’s squirming beneath you, and you’re aching to have him deeper, sliding just a little further onto his shaft.
Tess yanks you by the neck away from him and fixes you with a stern scowl.
“I’m sorry! I’ll be good,” you cry.
“You better be,” she warns and pushes you back down.
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By the time she lets you bury him in your throat, your knees are aching, and Joel is shaking with the effort to hold still. You don’t like the way he gasps and struggles; each sound sending a hairline fracture through something in your chest.
You don’t need to look to know he has tears in his eyes. You can hear it in the ragged breaths and grit of his teeth.
The sun has set. It has to have been at least an hour, maybe two, since this all started.
He lets out a wounded sound, and your own follows.
“Hey,” Tess’s voice cuts through Joel’s whimpers. She tugs at you gently, and you pull off.
“Why’re you crying, sunflower?” she says.
You don’t know how she knew it wasn’t from choking on his cock. It wasn’t like you hadn’t gotten teary before. You weren’t even really sure you were crying. But now that she’s asked, your chest feels tight.
Joel’s focused on you, too, throbbing cock forgotten for a moment.
“I’m okay,” you say, but it’s hardly convincing after it breaks on a sobbing gasp. “I-I—“
She gets on the bed and pulls you into her lap, where you curl around her and begin to cry in earnest. With one hand, she’s able to tug one of Joel’s free, and he’s more than capable of undoing the other.
He sits up on his knees and hovers, hands clenching and unclenching at his side. Tess cradles you and whispers soothing nothings.
Joel finally reaches out and puts his hand on the back of your neck, cupping close. He doesn’t really know what to do with himself.
When you feel his hand on you, unmistakably Joel, both in the breadth of his grip and considering you know where both of Tess’s hands are, you peek up to look at him.
“I’m sorry,” you say, and the chest-wracking gasps take over again. “I’m sorry.”
You’re clinging; you know you are. But it feels all wrong, all jumbled in your chest, like instead of finishing the puzzle, someone just jammed the pieces together until they stuck, no matter the damage.
“Why’re you sorry, huh? You did exactly as you were told,” he says, thumb rubbing over the nape of your neck.
“I don’t know, I feel sad,” you mumble into Tess’s shoulder.
Tess rubs her hand between your shoulder blades. “That was too confusing for you, huh? Put you in a weird place? Like you betrayed him a little bit?”
You nod, rubbing your hand over your clavicle. “Feels wrong.”
“I’m sorry, sunflower.” She kisses your forehead. “You need him to forgive you?”
Your throat is cinched around stone. All you can do is nod.
“Hey, c’mere,” Joel says and pulls you from her lap to his.
You curl up with your face buried in the crook of his arm.
“Ain’t nothin’ to forgive,” he murmurs, kissing the top of your head.
Your inhale sounds mortifyingly like a sob.
Tess shakes her head and raises an eyebrow at him, knowing he gets the same way. “You need to show her. Prove it. Let her earn it.”
“That what ya need? Need your own punishment, remember your place?”
You nod frantically against his collarbone.
“Okay, sweet girl. I can do that.”
Once you’ve settled and the tears subsided, he pries you away and tilts your chin up to look at him. “Lay across my lap.”
You remember his threat from your apartment, and for whatever reason, warmth spreads from your chest to your toes.
He helps you shift into position, arranging you how he wants. A broad hand splays across your hips while the other grips you by the jaw.
“Look at you. You’re just a little girl who needs a spanking, huh?” His grip intensifies, craning your neck.
“Yes sir,” you cry.
“Say it.”
“I—I’m just a little girl who needs a spanking.”
“Yeah? Why’s that?”
“‘Cause you’ll take care of me.”
It’s not the answer any of you expected. Tess gives a low whistle. Joel’s grip on your jaw slackens just a little.
His other hand comes up to brush against your cheek. He clears his throat, and when he speaks, it’s softer, quieter. “That’s right. I’m gonna take care of ya.”
Your lip quivers, and you don’t know why. Everything is suddenly in stereo sound. Your scalp stings. The brush of his dry finger scrapes against the apple of your cheek. There’s a crack opening somewhere, maybe your throat, maybe your stomach.
Tess runs a hand through Joel’s hair, and he releases your jaw, broad palm finding purchase on the upturned curve of your back.
“Jus’ relax ‘n let me take care of ya,” he rumbles.
The first hit is soft. A test. You don’t flinch when he lifts his hand to strike you again.
The third one stings, and you huff out a breath but hold steady. His hand on your back seems to be supporting your entire spine, given that the rest of you feels like it may melt into the horrible carpet. Another stain in their apartment, but at least this one will bring good memories. You hope.
You might have spent more on the thought, but the next smack lands hard and heavy, and you yelp, nails digging into his calf where they cling for stability. Physical and mental.
“Shh, you’re alright,” he says, rubbing his thumb back and forth where it lays.
The next hit is hard again. And the next. And the three after that.
You’re wriggling in his lap now, not trying to escape but simply squirming after each spank as if you could douse the fire he’s started.
He rubs your ass where his palm had just bounced from, and you suck in a soft hiss.
“I want to give you five more,” he says. “Can you take it?”
You don’t even think about it. “Yes, sir,” you say, shuddering.
His hand cracks down hard before you can brace yourself, and you whimper, kicking your feet a little and squirming.
The next one pushes the tears over the edge as you cry out, writhing a little.
“Good girl, you’re doing so good, darlin’,” he croons.
You want nothing more than to believe him. The words sink beneath your skin, and you expect them to itch like all praise. But they don’t.
The next three aren’t as harsh. At least, you think they aren’t? You’re feeling kind of sleepy. Or dizzy. Maybe both.
“C’mere,” he says, pulling you up seated in his lap. “You took that so well. So good for us, baby.”
Tess hands you a glass of water and kisses the top of your head. She kisses Joel’s, too.
“Y’did good, sweet boy,” she tells him.
You sip at the water while they kiss, something silent passing overhead. You don’t try to catch it; it’s not for you.
You feel quiet. Like sitting there in Joel’s lap, drinking your water is the only thing in your life. Nothing buzzes behind your skull; nothing sends you jittering and twitching and bouncing. It’s… well, it’s quiet.
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“Alright, I think you’ve both earned a reward,” Tess says.
Joel looks up at her.
She grins. “I’m going to fuck you while you fuck her.”
His grip on your waist tightens. “Can I…”
“Yes, I’ll let you come, baby,” she says. “I think you learned your lesson. And you’ve done such a good job with our girl there.”
You’re leaning against his chest, now, listening to the rumble of his voice. You’re not really sure what they’re talking about, but you think maybe you’re going to get fucked now. Which sounds great. You sigh softly, eyes fluttering shut.
“Hey,” he jostles you a little. “You awake enough to fuck?”
He nudges you again, and you blink up at him. “I’m awake,” you whine, nuzzling into his neck and setting your teeth gently against the tendon in protest.
“Didn’t you just get spanked?” he scolds. “You need another round?”
“No,” you mumble, even though maybe your pussy is saying yes. But you’re starting to think she doesn’t have your best interests in mind. “I dunno. Maybe later.”
He sighs, shaking his head. “Lay down,” he says, pushing slowly at your shoulder. You whine and cling with your arms around his neck. He wants you to move? It seems so cruel.
You tell him so, and he rolls his eyes before slipping an arm under your knees and standing up. You squeak.
You try to bury your face further into Joel, but he dumps you unceremoniously on the bed.
You pout, and he smirks as he prowls, trapping you between his knees and bringing your arms up over your head.
“You wanna keep up the attitude? I don’t have to let you cum tonight,” he says as he cages you in.
You whimper, less at his words than at the way you’re throbbing. “I’ll be good,” you whisper.
“Wanna try that again?”
“I’ll be good, sir.”
He kisses your forehead, still looming over you. “Yeah, you will.”
“You want her to help get you ready, baby?” Tess says.
“Oh fuck,” Joel whispers. He looks down at you. “Ever eaten ass, princess?”
You can’t help the moan that slips out, nodding. “Not in a long time.”
He cocks an eyebrow at you. “Y’keep sayin’ that. How long was it for ya, before us?”
You flush and suddenly can’t look at him. “Like. Years. Too long.”
“Don’t gotta be shy about it, sunflower,” Tess says. “We were just curious.”
Mortifyingly, you realize that means they talked about you when you weren’t there. Of course, they did, but you didn’t think it really went beyond “Hey did you like that” and “Do we want to fuck her again?”
“Oh god,” you whisper.
“C’mon and put that mouth to better use,” Joel says, rolling his eyes. He tugs you down further on the mattress before kneeling at the top of the bed, knees bracketing your head.
You don’t waste time, leaning forward to first lick at his balls before dragging your tongue back. You can’t help but nip at his butt. He pinches at your breast in return, and you grin as you drag your tongue in circles, coming close but never quite touching where he needs you.
He gasps when you finally lick across his hole, soaking him in your saliva but only using soft, light touches. He grinds down onto your face, forcing you to devote your attention to him, kissing and licking until your face is covered in your own spit from how buried in him you are.
It’s your turn to gasp when, just as you press the tip of your tongue inside him, Tess slides two fingers into your cunt and curls them. Having regained control of the situation, Joel gropes at your breasts, tugging your nipples until they’re stretched almost too painfully, and you don’t really recognize the wet sounds above you right away.
You almost cum when you realize they’re making out as they toy with you. Tess works you open with three fingers now as you twirl your tongue in tight circles. She pulls her hand free and breaks the kiss just to shove her fingers into his mouth. He sucks and licks your slick from her, and when she pulls her hand away, they both move in tandem without speaking a word.
He moves down off the bed to bury his face between your legs, bent at the waist so she can work lubed-up fingers into his ass. He moans against your clit, and you writhe under the weight of his strong arm across your hips.
He smacks your hip. “Cum,” he growls, pinching your clit and licking as deep as he can inside you. You do, crying out just a little too loud and wincing at the sound.
“Don’t,” Tess scolds. “Let us hear you, sunflower.”
“You think we give a fuck about the neighbors?” She pulls back from Joel and slaps his ass. “C’mon, give her your cock now.”
He taps your thigh and jerks his head toward the top of the bed. You scoot back a little.
“Ready, sunflower? You want me t’fill you up?” His fist is wrapped around the base of his cock.
“Please, sir,” you say, spreading your legs wide and tilting your hips up.
“Attagirl,” he murmurs. Once he’s settled on top of you, Tess grabs him by the hair.
“Just the tip, baby,” she says. “Let me fuck you into her.”
“Yes, ma’am,” he says while you moan.
He notches himself at your slit and gently pushes until the head of his cock is nestled inside you. His hands are balled into fists where they cage you in, and his chest heaves with the effort. After all the wretched edging earlier, he’s not actually sure he can hold back.
“Good boy,” Tess murmurs.
It helps, at least until he hears the vibrator click to life inside her. She moans and adjusts the harness a little before she slaps his ass and pushes in agonizingly slow.
It doesn’t stay slow. She drags it out just until you both are desperate before grabbing his hips and shoving the rest of her strap in. It knocks him forward to split you open.
You think you might actually die this time. How is it that she keeps coming up with even better ways to fuck?
You expect him to try to take control, but he lets her set the unforgiving rhythm, fucking herself on the cock held tight inside her by the harness and taking Joel apart with the other half. Each time her hips crash into him, he rocks into you.
“Fuckin’ hell,” Joel grunts, leaning down to bite at your tits so you writhe and whine beneath him.
You grip one of his biceps and reach up for Tess with the other hand. She entwines your fingers, grinning as you grip on desperately. Joel’s teeth have found your neck, leaving marks for you to find later.
You’re not sure how many times you cum. Or Tess, for that matter. Joel manages two. When Tess takes pity on him for the first, he breaks apart so hard that he buries his face in your tits, biting down and leaving hot tears behind. She fucks him through it, and he never goes fully soft, still twitching and throbbing inside you.
When he starts to protest from the overstimulation, she clicks her tongue at him. “No. Another.”
“I can’t,” he whimpers.
“Yeah, you can. Don’t you want him to cum again, sunflower?”
“Uh-huh,” is all you manage as the breath gets knocked out of you on each thrust.
“Be a good boy and cum for me again,” she says. She lets go of your hand to wrap hers around his throat.
You moan, remembering the way she held yours just yesterday.
He gets a glint in his eye even as they glaze over a little, and slides his hand up to do the same to you.
“Fuck, look at you,” Tess says, eyes flicking between you. “Both bein’ so good for me.”
It’s really all it takes. Joel starts to cum first, and when you feel him jerk inside you, this orgasm forcing some of his first load out to pool on the sheet, you snap, warmth flooding you as you tremble beneath them.
All of it sends Tess over the edge, too, and she reaches out to stroke your cheek as she cums, her other hand still loosely cupping Joel’s neck.
Joel’s shaking as he holds himself over you carefully, waiting as Tess gently pulls out. He follows, concern in his wrinkles as you wince.
“M’ok,” you mumble.
Tess goes to head to the bathroom for a towel but he stops her, grabbing her hand and bringing it to his lips. He jerks his head to the bed, and she sighs but crawls beside you to let him handle cleanup.
You watch him, brow furrowed just a little. He should be more tired than either of you.
“He likes to take care of me,” she says. “Of both of us. Sometimes, we just gotta let him.” She tucks an arm under you, and you roll to wrap your arm around her waist.
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Tess insists they walk you home that night. “But will you make it back before curfew?” you try to protest.
“Y’ain’t gotta worry about us,” Joel cuts in gruffly. “We’re the ones that gotta worry about you.”
You bite your lip but don’t argue. There’s no point once they’ve decided something, anyway.
Something about it feels off, like you’re in someone else’s skin, but then she slips her hand into yours. Joel trails behind you, scowl firmly locked in place as he shoots dark looks around.
You draw the line at them coming into the building. It feels sickeningly silly, like you’re playing pretend in dangerous waters. Your firm “no” doesn’t stop Tess from kissing your cheek or Joel from rubbing your shoulder before you go inside.
You’d always been fine by yourself before, but your new bed feels cold and lonely.
next chapter
*title from "HandClap" by Fitz and the Tantrums
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khunyuki · 3 months
"I've lived my life with blade and you always in my mind"
ɪɴᴛʀᴏᴅᴜᴄᴛɪᴏɴ: 𝙰. 𝚃𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚢𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐, 𝚓𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚑𝚒𝚖
Synopsis: Kagami was given an option she didn't want and she felt like going crazy. After all, the pressure and expectations that keeps crushing her already messed up her mind and health. So she decided that she's going to be selfish for once.
Pairing/s: Soshiro Hoshina x Fiancee!OC
Notes: This part is just the introduction with the OC's background and way of thinking so there aren't any moments between them yet. Still, this is quite heavy and all over the place just like her mind.
Warning/s: Depression, bullying, somehow eating disorder, anxiety, abuse, mentions of cheating
Genre: Angst
Masterlist: TOC, Next
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The Hoshina clan of swordsmen has always been active in kaiju-killing since its origins, with its current members serving in the Defense Force or being close to it. The Hoshinas have been cultivating their personal blade style, this still being used by the family members on the battlefield against kaiju.
The Uzui clan of ninjas has always been active in assisting the Hoshina clan from the shadows, with a only few of its members serving the Defence Force and the rest being assigned as bodyguards for important people. The Uzuis had been cultivating their personal blade style, however, only select individuals can manage to fully exhibit its potential, thus encouraging its family members to focus on their technical skills in weaponry.
With the decline of the Uzui clan's prowess, the clan head has decided to engage his only daughter to the youngest son of the Hoshina clan. This is not only to honor the long-time friendship between both clans but also to keep their reputation.
"The members of the Third Division that managed to subjugate the kaiju are all being met with roaring applause from the civilians! Um... I repeat, the kaiju that appeared today has been subjugated. Everyone within the danger zone, please continue to watch out for auxiliary kaiju. I repeat..."
The sound from the television delivering the news about today's kaiju subjugation could instantly be heard as soon as one walks in the cafeteria.
Uzui Kagami stops moving and watches the news. The segment was already ending but she could still catch a glimpse of the members of the Third Division before it completely disappeared.
"As expected of Captain Ashiro, she could kill a level 6 kaiju by herself with such ease."
"You idiot, of course she could! She probably could even solo a level 9 kaiju with how strong she is."
Ashiro Mina, the Captain of the Third Division which has a rivalry with Kagami's division, the First Division. Despite being known as the strongest division of the Defense Force, famous even overseas for its exceptional power, majority of them still admire her, just like the rest of Japan. Cause who wouldn't admire such a brave and charismatic woman who doesn't hesitate in saving people and eliminating kaijus.
Kagami, herself, admires Ashiro Mina and consider her as a great role model. Though she feels even more inadequate when compared, there wasn't even a use to comparing in the first place. Captain Ashiro would definitely come to the top.
"Compared to Captain Ashiro who's naturally strong, I wonder how that person become a Platoon Leader with how weak she is." Just as she thought of that, Officer#1 did it.
"Shhh dont talk so loud or she might hear you. Though it's true that she's weak." Officer#2 supported his claims, chuckling a bit. Were they talking about her?
"With how many strong officers here, choosing her amongst us all is a like making the wrong decision ever." Officer#3 further exaggerated. Yes, they were.
Well, they weren't wrong. Each officer belonging to the First Division is estimated to have a released force of 40% or higher thus making them stronger than Platoon Leader class. Furthermore, each Platoon Leader within the First Division has the potential to become a captain. For a Platoon Leader, Kagami's released force is at 43% making her a part of the bottom tier of the rankings. It truly is a wonder how she got in this position, she doesn't know it herself.
"The three of you! Extra training starting this afternoon until tonight for disrespecting your superior!"
While she was pondering over her thoughts, neglecting to touch her food, she was brought back to reality by her fellow Platoon Leader, Shinonome Rin's loud voice.
"C-calm down, Rin-chan. It's alright. They didn't say anything wrong so let's not make a big deal out of this, okay?"
The sudden attention they were attracting was a bit too much for her heart. Why would her friend suddenly act like this?
"It's because you're like this that you're being disrespected! It is an even greater disrespect to the people who placed you in that position to question their decision!"
"I-i understand. Look, I'll even train them on your behalf. Let's just finish eating for now, hm?"
Scared, Kagami tried to compromise in order to finish it faster so that the attention could move away from them.
"Just make sure you don't half-ass it or else..."
"I promise."
With that, things have finally settled and they once again resumed their meal. Other than the fact that Kagami had already lost her appetite and had been forcing herself to finish her food without showing signs that she's forcing it, it was fine.
Being truthful to her promise, she welcomed the three officers who badmouthed her earlier to the training room right after lunch.
"I know you guys have a lot to say so you can let out all of your complaints during this training. However, I wouldn't hold back since I made a promise to Platoon Leader Shinonome not to do so. Well then, I wish you good luck."
The beginning of the afternoon started with screams and shouts until it turned to grunts and silence as soon as it turned night.
"Alright, we're all done with the training. Good job everyone for keeping up! I'll be heading out first so make sure to patch up, have dinner, take a bath, then rest, okay~"
Uzui Kagami left the training room as if she didn't just leave a stack of corpses... I mean a stack of exhausted officers behind.
"Who said Platoon Leader Uzui was weak again? She's practically a stamina monster not even letting us rest for a bit." Officer#2 groans.
"It was Officer#1. Comparing her with Captain Ashiro thus bringing up the topic." Officer#3 blamed Officer#1 for starting it.
"Don't blame this on me! You talked shit about her too! And how was I supposed to know that her innate strength is even stronger than the released power of the suits could give?" Officer#1 almost cried.
"Let's not underestimate her ever again" they all agreed.
"She's truly so kind, not only did she defend us from Platoon Leader Shinonome, she even told us to take care still even after we insulted her behind her back like that" she wasn't defending you, she just doesn't want attention to herself😤
They all collectively agreed that Platoon Leader Uzui Kagami was an angel amidst the devils of the First Division. Oh how guilty they felt when they insulted such a person. They finally realized why her squadron was so overprotective of her.
If only the person intended to hear their words remained a second longer, she would've heard it. If only she didn't just listen to all the negative things being said to her but also the good things like the compliments and praises her division, mainly her squadron, sings for her. Then maybe she wouldn't have made that decision.
The next day, it was finally her long awaited day off but this time she wasn't looking forward to it at all. Usually she would be happy having the day all to herself, however, today just wasn't it because it's a day full of with misery for her. She would usually fall asleep with a heavy heart but last night, she didn't get to sleep at all due to the mix of insomnia, overthinking, regrets, anxiety, self-deprication, and just whatever bad thoughts that keeps you up at night. It was a sign, a premonition that today would be one of the worst days of her life.
Early morning, she headed to the Uzui family's estate. If only time could stop, she even wishes for a kaiju to appear though she immediately regretted it due to guilt of wishing deaths to hundreds of lives of people. She just didn't want to go there as much as possible.
The Uzui family estate's main branch is a humongous traditional Japanese household maintained through various generations. It is said that her favorite ancestor gained this mansion from his master as a reward for his excellent feats back in Taisho era. A flamboyant shinobi who greatly contributed in killing kaijus since, along with his three wives and children, after suffering from a career-ending injury, lived in harmony. If only the same thing could be said in today's time.
Today, a family meeting is being held just like it did every month. She didn't have any choice but to attend as it her duty as the sole heir of the clan head which is something she dreaded the most.
The purpose of the meeting is to talk about the state of the estate, business and etc... In reality, the true purpose of this meeting is to pressure and persuade her to finally quit the force and get married. She's getting older so she needs to bear an heir before accidentally dying on duty.
In the first place, her family was against her joining the Defense Force after her mother's death. As there were no next heir candidate, her safety and wellbeing is more important than not.
The only reason they allowed her to join was because her fiancee, the current Vice Captain of the Third Division of the Defense Force, Hoshina Soshiro persuaded them. Back when they joined, he made a promise to her family that he'll stay by her side and protect her from harm. They placed greater trust in his words than hers so they relented. The only thing they didn't expect was for him to leave her and join the Third Division.
When that happened, they blamed her for not doing anything to stop him. They criticized his actions and how he betrayed their trust so on and so forth. But when he soon got promoted to his current position, they were like a bunch of leeches. Foxes they are for acting like they didn't do anything wrong nor talked behind his back.
Kagami is repulsed to see this side of her family. She knew her family well, after all, she grew up in this household. She was fine with them insulting, ignoring, beating her but she would never allow them to talk bad about her fiancee even if it meant another round of punishment awaits her.
She loves her family, she truly does. But she is also aware that how they kept treating her is wrong but she couldn't do anything about it. They have her on chokehold, shackles on her wrists and ankles. She was granted freedom but she's still chained to this place because she chose to do so.
She wants to preserve her family lineage as that was her responsibility drilled to her since birth. She does want to fulfill their wishes and demands but she couldn't. Just as she has a responsibility to her family, she also has a responsibility to her work and to her fiancee. She doesn't wish to throw any of that away even at the cost of her deteriorating mental health. Yet her family demands that she deem the rest unimportant and ignore their wishes to satisfy their own.
Sometimes she wishes that she was stronger than now. If she continued the act of being the perfect child, maybe she wouldn't be struggling. The failures she'd experienced kept on piling up and it was suffocating her. Her family knows this so they kept shoving it in her face, further bringing her down.
If she was stronger, she could prove it to them that she could do it all without sacrificing her happiness. She could be a proud member of the Defense Force without looking down on herself. She could be Soshiro's wife, something she wished to be ever since she was a child. She could bear his child and bring an heir to this family. But she couldn't.
She is weak and she knows this. The Defense Force doesn't need her. Soshiro doesn't need her. Her family doesn't need her. They only want to use her as a tool to fulfill their greed.
Kagami doesn't know for how long she could keep this up. They kept feeding into her brain thoughts she didn't want to hear, things that aren't real. It happened for so long that she believes it to be true. She was pathetic, useless, incompetent, a waste of space, and that everything that goes wrong was all her fault. And she believes it. Everything is her fault.
She often wonders why she kept struggling like this. She had already accepted for a long time that she had no right to do so yet she still hasn't relented. She blames herself for not giving her family the satisfaction of seeing her break.
The thing is... She felt crazy. Everyday, she's having a mental breakdown. Everyday, she felt like crying and just laying down on her bed. But acknowledging it meant that she's admitting to the people that she's a failure.
She's been an imposter for so long, pretending to be a good person in front of other people that she didn't really know what she is. Was she the useless child her family tells her she is? Was she the perfect person she tries to pretend she is? Was she the kind person she shows her comrades she is? Was she really as reliable a fiancee she thinks she is? Or was she just a recluse who wishes to hide from people? Someone unworthy of being by her fiancee's side? Just what is she?
All she knows at that moment is that she has to smile. Despite the sinking feeling on the stomach, the need to vomit out her system, scratch her skin from anxiety. Act like nothing bothers her. That's what her family taught her. She didn't know. Her mind is a mess. Her thoughts are scattered yet she still had to listen to her family's discussion.
"On that note, yesterday, the Third Division of the Defense Force neutralized a kaiju once more. What an amazing feat indeed!"
"Vice Captain Hoshina is truly amazing! Juzo-sama, you must be proud for having such a great son-in-law!"
"Of course, Soshiro is my true pride and joy! I've been waiting for a very long time to welcome him in our family."
When they noticed she wasn't replying to their taunts at all, they changed the topic of conversation. Well, of course she wouldn't be able to reply, it's already taking her all to not pass out. She looks at her father when he said that Soshiro was his pride and joy.
She remembered Uzui Juzo, her father telling her she was his pride and joy as a child when her mother was still alive. After she died, he became an entirely different person who blames her for her mother's death despite her not being involved at all. It was an accident during checkup that killed her mother and unborn brother. She wasn't there nor did she do anything that day. Yet she still accepted his wrath for he is her father.
It was fine if she's no longer his pride. It was fine if he punishes her for no reason. It was also fine if he insults her in front of other people when she's there. For as long as he respects her fiancee then she is fine. It's fine.
"Speaking of, when will the two of you get married, Kagami-sama?"
Once again, the focus was back to her.
"Soshiro-san is very busy with work and has no plans yet."
"We've already waited for years! Just for how long are you going to make us wait?!"
The same old questions. Why do they keep on rushing when they aren't the ones getting married? She respects her fiance's wishes since she knows he's not ready yet.
"Maybe the two of them aren't in good terms?"
"Is that true, Kagami?"
Juzo, her father asked her to which she immediately denied, cold sweat trickling on her neck.
"Not at all, father. Soshiro-san and I are in good terms"
He rubbed his beard in thought. They truly were in good terms, at least that's what she thought.
"As they say, it isn't about the length of the relationship. Perhaps Soshiro-sama just doesn't want to get married to her"
"I heard Soshiro-sama is in good terms with Captain Ashiro! Oh how great it must be for them both being powerhouses, they're really compatible! Have you seen how close the two of them were during yesterday's subjugation?"
"Even the media kept on saying how good the two of them look together! Meanwhile, Kagami-sama seemed to be closer to her Captain than her own fiance"
Shameless, Kagami thought. These elders kept on saying whatever they want.
"Captain Narumi is my superior. Our relationship is strictly professional"
"Is giving another guy a piggyback ride professional though? Just the thought of being touched by another man other than my husband gives me a scare, what more of someone who hasn't married yet?"
"Are you implying that I am cheating on my fiance?"
"I never said that, Kagami-sama! How could you accuse me of such a thing?!"
Pissed off, Kagami could no longer manage her expressions. Her eyebrows were twitching turning into a frown. The smile she kept up from the moment she arrived until now dropped. She loves her family but how could they such a thing?!
"That is enough! This meeting had long since steered off course. You are all dismissed. Kagami, stay behind"
Before it turned into a huge fight where Kagami could be punished once more for raising her hand against an elder, her father stopped them. His eyes were closed as he still rubbed his beard, deep in thought. One by one, those nosy elders left not without leaving her a sneer or a smirk. When it was only the two of them, her father opened his eyes.
"I will only ask you this once. What is you relationship with the Captain of the First Division?"
"Captain Narumi is just my superior, father. I've... been tasked with looking after him for he is a bit hard to manage"
"Why would a Platoon Leader like you take care of your Captain? Isn't it the Vice Captain's job to do so?"
"Vice Captain Hasegawa is an incredibly busy man who has to manage both of their works as Captain Narumi refuses to do so. It was him who told me to make sure that the captain does his work properly"
"And why is that?"
Kagami didn't know why her father was interrogating her like this. Their relationship is only platonic and strictly professional. Never did it cross her mind to cheat on her fiance with another man. She felt like anything she says will be used against her no matter what words she chooses.
"For he only listens to me..."
Biting her tongue, Kagami didn't know how her father will react. She was sweating buckets and her throat was dry, making it difficult to gulp. It got even dryer when she notices his eyes get sharper.
"Why would he be listening to someone like you?"
Looking down, Kagami felt hurt by how sharp his words were. Someone like her... doesn't even deserve to be heard. Just like how her words kept on entering her father's ear and leaving on the other.
"I don't know father"
"Are you sure you haven't been seducing him?"
Ahhh, there it is. The accusation that she'd been expecting.
"I have not, father. Our relationship is strictly professional. Captain Narumi and I do not have feelings for each other. He is also aware that I am engaged"
"How would you know if he has feelings for you or not? Someone as dumb and useless as you should even be glad that someone likes you, even though I do not see why he would do so"
"Bring that man here next weekend"
"May I ask why, father?"
"I shall see if he's fit to be the next head of this family"
With widened eyes, Kagami couldn't believe what she's hearing. Was her father implying what she think he is implying?
"Father, I have a fiance! Soshiro-san and I have been engaged since we were children! It was you who had decided that from the start so why..?"
"You already said it. You've been engaged since you were children yet until now there had been no progress in your relationship! Not only did you not seduce your own fiance, you have also seduced another man!"
His voice was gradually getting louder and it fills Kagami with fear. Her father never believed in her words, at all. He had already decided that she cheated when she did not.
"Consider your engagement to the Hoshina's void! Forget honoring our promise to each other when my own daughter have already shamed me over and over!"
"Father, please! Soshiro-san is my fiance! We've been engaged since we were children! He is all that I have so please do not take him away from me! Hoshina Soshiro is the one that I love not any other man!"
Kagami crawled over to where her father is and clung to his clothes. Her father tried to pry her of him as he tries to leave but her grip was so strong. This can't happen. She can't let this happen.
"You can take everything away from me, just not Soshiro! Please! I'd rather let you kill me than let him leave me, father!"
She begged her father with tears falling from her eyes. She doesn't know what to do. Only letting her instincts do the work as she's already shut down from feeling anything. And her instincts are telling her to hang on, hold on to Soshiro.
"Please... I'll die, father. I will kill myself and bring this clan to ruin if you do so!"
When her tears turned to anger, she looked him in the eyes with such hatred she never thought she could feel. Soshiro is the only person that has been by her side this whole time, who keeps on supporting and encouraging her. She's been lost the whole time yet comes back everytime because he's there. He's her light, her hope, her entire life. She could endure all of the disrespect because he was there.
"You crazy woman! Is this how you treat your father after everything?!"
Using all of his strength, he slapped Kagami causing her to fall down the tatami floor with a loud thud, hitting her head. He stood up and kicked her body away from him, preparing to leave once more.
"You have never once treated me like your own child after mother died! You have never treated me like a human being and never respected my decisions! If you continue to take him away from me then i will truly go crazy and trust me you do not wish to see that"
She no longer clung to him and instead glared at him with much hatred, all the years of abuse coming out of her. Blood trickled down her face and the view made her father take a step back in fear when he looked back. She was filled with so much killing intent that her father almost peed in his hakama.
"Y-you... I'll give you one last chance. Leave the Defense Force and marry Soshiro at once. If you fail to do so, then consider your marriage and position in this family gone!"
He pointed his fingers at her and left without hearing her answer. If Kagami was in her right mind, she would never consider such a thing. She'd leave the family and still marry Soshiro but she wasn't. Her entire being is still chained to this family and she's drowning. With them forcing her under the water all the time. But this time, they crossed the line.
She's been running on adrenaline this whole time and once her father left, it all came crushing down on her. She lost her strength and laid on the floor, with her knees clutched to her chest.
Kagami wanted to cry. But tears were no longer coming out. She felt empty and broken. She should be used to this. Having everything taken away from her. She's been expecting them to take Soshiro away too but never expect herself to act like that.
She just want to see Soshiro.
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fallinfl0wers · 2 years
They wear your clothes
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fandom: genshin impact characters: xiao, albedo, scaramouche reader type: female, taller than them, tried to make it ambiguous enough so it can be read as reader being chubby too! summary: they've heard of the custome of borrowing clothes from your significant other, usually, a girlfriend borrowing from her boyfriend. since their clothes wouldn't exactly fit on you, they decided to try yours instead... genre: fluff notes: self-indulgent because i can't relate to almost half the posts on this trope (and a lot of other posts with some very specific descriptions on the reader compared to the character...) due to me not being dwarfed by most of my husbandos despite not being the tallest person around HAHA, also, i didn't consistently do this before, but from now on i will put in the tags the gender of the reader on each post rather than just in this section!^^
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He's heard of this strange habit humans have about borrowing their lovers' clothes, and at first, he didn't see the appeal.
But as he thought about it from time to time, he wondered... would you like to do something like that?
Listen, at most, Xiao only has about three or four outifts that look exactly the same and he uses them all if they don't get destroyed beyond repair during his fighting against demons, so it's not like he has many clothes to spare, let alone clothes that would fit comfortably on you if at all, considering your body is bigger than his.
He doesn't bring it up not to make you uncomfortable, though. He knows it could make you feel self-conscious.
He has never been truly self-conscious or insecure about his height, though. He thinks it's useful because it lets him be lighter and move faster than others.
But, man... if he hears you say you wish you could borrow his clothes too just for a while, he'll lowkey wonder if you'd be more comfortable if he was a bit taller and his clothes could actually fit on you--
So one day, while you were taking a shower and he waited for you in your room, he saw a fluffy, slightly oversized sweater of yours laying on your bed.
He blinked down at it.
And proceeded to take off his accessories and sleeve to try it on and see once and for all why humans seemed fond of stealing each other's clothes.
The sweater was already a bit oversized on you, so you can imagine... it was very oversized on him.
And he thought it wasn't that big of a deal but then he kinda looked down at himself, felt the soft fabric against his body, smelt the scent of the soap he knows you always use, the scent of you, impregnated on the sweater...
He looked tiny. And felt tiny too, in a weirdly good sense. He felt as if he was being surrounded by you, and since you were his comfort, it felt as if he was being surrounded by comfort.
When you get out of the shower wrapped on your towel, you can't even begin to process the picture before your eyes: Xiao, your beloved boyfriend, wearing your favorite oversized sweater and staring at you while his cheeks slowly gained a pink tone as he came out of his mind.
The moment you try to speak Xiao is already in front of you, gently throwing your sweater on your face so you won't see his expression.
"I... only wanted to see if it was warm. Um. It is warm. Wear it so you don't get sick.
After that day, Xiao sends hints to you that he wants to wear more of your clothes.
It isn't often, but at some point, when he's free and tired and you're not available, he will simply rummage through your wardrobe and pick the first sweater, hoodie or jacket he can get to feel closer to you.
He gives it a 10/10, wearing [name]'s clothes is free therapy and happiness.
And since his own clothes really won't fit you, at least he lets you wear his necklace at times. Plus, he personally crafts jewelry and other accessories of the like for you to wear instead, all filled with protective charms to keep you out of harm's way.
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He knows of this human custom, and he was never interested on it, honestly.
He can lend you his lab coat, it's a tight and small fit on you, and he wouldn't recommend you wore it if you were to actually participate in any sort of experiment; if you're ever interested on alchemic stuff, he already has a coat with your proper measurements.
Besides his uniform of the knights of favonius, I think he mostly wears dress shirts and that sort of elegant-casual clothes, always with his lab coat on because he spends most of his time experimenting anyway.
He actually overheard you talking with Klee one day while you were babysitting her when she asked whether or not you borrowed his clothes at times.
And, fairly enough, you sometimes borrow a scarf if you forget your own- but nothing more than that.
Albedo did what he knows best, and did his personal research on the topic: couples borrowing each other's clothes as a form of affection.
He spotted many couples throughout all of Mondstadt doing as much- many of them being a smaller female wearing a larger male's blazers, shirts or other garments alike.
Though, aside from that gendered trend, he identified that the most important variable in this situation was height and perceived weight between the lovers in question--
A conclusion he reached quickly during his first ten minutes of observing, something rather obvious: it is only functional for the smaller person in the relationship to wear the bigger one's clothes rather than the other way around, excluding cases where the builds of the two are similar.
He still quite didn't get why people liked it though.
So one day, you enter your room to look for something real quick, and tilt your head in confusion as you find Albedo wearing a dress shirt that belongs to you and is clearly not his size, staring at his reflection on the mirror analytically while smoothening down the fabric.
You frown, and if anyone saw you, they would see the question marks floating above your head.
The alchemist turns to look at you, and gives you a smile.
"[Name], good evening, how was your day? Hm? This? Yes, it is your shirt. I'm sorry for not asking beforehand, I'll do better next time. I was curious about this 'clothe stealing' thing some people do with their partners... I think I get it now. It is rather... comforting and reassuring."
From then on Albedo will ask you if he can borrow your shirts whenever he knows he'll have to spend a lot of time on his lab at Dragonspine, he says it makes him feel less lonely up there.
He still lets you borrow his scarves, and if your hair is long enough to be tied, also his hair ties.
For practical purposes, he can't simply buy oversized clothes to wear so you can wear them too and feel what he feels when he wears yours, but alchemy goes a long way, so he'll most likely gift you a bracelet, ring, collar or other charm of the like made with your favorite flowers, alchemically modified and solidify to last at least a hundred years intact.
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He might have a little... problem with his own height, but since he's convinced he's far too strong and amazing, no one can really know it unless they purposefully push his buttons (or look at the gigantic robot he piloted in Sumeru)
He's been around for a while, alright, but to be honest he really never interacted with a lot of couples enough to pick up on these kind of affection.
Probably though, during his time as a harbinger, he saw a couple of recruits exchanging coats before a particularly hard mission while spouting promises of "I'll return safely and we'll be together!" or something like that.
He thought it was just another weird human habit he wouldn't concern himself with because it was ridiculous AAAAND then you came into the picture, somehow broke down his walls and made him feel things he didn't want to feel again
Like attachment and happiness and joy and hope. Ew, what are those? He doesn't want them! (He does tho)
And since you're obviously bigger than him, while you hugged him, he suddenly understood that strange custom.
When you hug him, he feels all warm and fuzzy and fluffy inside- it's a comforting feeling that... well, feels so good he wants to cry.
So maybe, he thinks, wearing your clothes would have a similar effect.
And so here you have him, he made sure you wouldn't be around to see him do this, so he has no shame on dugging through your wardrobe until he finds the sweater you wear the most and puts it on to test his theory.
He looks at himself in the mirror and glares at himself for blushing-
Your sweater... it was soft. And fluffy. And warm. And it smelt like you.
He puts a hand over his chest, on the empty space where his heart should be.
He has no heart, so why does he feel like something just skipped a beat?
He closes his eyes, and he can almost feel as though you're holding him in your warm embrace. And he only puts your sweater back on place when he knows it's almost time for you to return home.
"I'm wearing your sweater today. ...? I'm not asking, I'm telling you. [Name], what's mine is yours and what's yours is mine, I don't have to ask for this sort of thing! ... ...I just want to, alright?! Geez, you just want to know every little thing, don't you?! it's just so comforting... hah..."
Man will let you borrow his clothes if you want honestly, he can't guarantee you'll be comfortable but if you want to, go off I guess.
He'll lend you his hat, especially during rainy days when you're stuck out on the rain.
No matter how taller you are, an inch or five or more, he'll claim you're his umbrella for the day even though you say you've brought a far more comfortable, actual umbrella.
He loves this arrangement secretly, despite how uncomfortable it can get. He's very close to you this way and he loves it!
Man will also gift you jewelry and he'll make some himself too- and if he suddenly has far too many new jewelry himself and leaves it "forgotten" in your desk or plainly on your lap, you don't need to know why! Just wear it!! (please)
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2022. fallinfl0wers.
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