#i havnt written anything in FOREVER
asterias-corner · 21 days
The last things ghost could remember, was the cracked goggles burning in the flames, soulless eyes staring right back at him- and then waking up in the infirmary. 
Sometimes he could see him, on the floor, choking on the gasoline seeping through his mask. An already deceased body burned to nothing. He doesn’t get much sleep those nights. 
The scars never help, the faint burns on his skin, an everlasting reminder of the soldier lost that day, one of not many words, yet so expressive. Sometimes ghost would hear a crackle of flames, yet no fire to be found. Memories haunting, or maybe someone haunting. 
The radio clicks on, a tune echoes through the halls. His favorite. Always heard through his headphones, and sometimes, you could even see him, Gary, sitting on the floor, listening, humming, gone with a click as the song finished. 
The disfigured apparition standing in the doorway of his room, Gary’s room. Disappearing with the blink of an eye, a phantom, a figure never to be forgotten. 
‘ ‘ I’ll never smile again. Until i smile at you. ‘ ‘
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saltynemo · 7 years
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WHATADO Everybody, Its your boi Nemo back at it again with another Fanfiction. I thought about doing a Tyler Joseph fanfiction but I wasn't in the mood for making a smut, so I made a fluff! Sorry if its kind of long, but other wise, I hope you enjoy it :) (This is Jena from the future: This is one of my first stories written so pls excuse errors)
Summery: Y/n is having a hard time dealing with a storm, and Tyler decides to calm her down
Type: Fluff
Warning: !Cute Tyler!, Storms
Requested?: Nope
Word Count: 1.7k (1,728 words)
So without further a do, P-P-P-P-PLAY IT:
You look outside to see nothing but dark clouds and raindrops smeared on your window. A storm was heading over you and your boyfriends house rn, and it was horrible. You didnt mind thunderstorms that much, but since your boyfriend, Tyler, was running late, it worried you. He told you he would be home at 5:00 pm, but its already 5:35 . Today was the day you would see him after what seemed like forever, since he was gone on tour. You imagined him being in a car accident, which brought tears to your eyes. Following those thoughts was a loud clap of thunder, which drove you to hide your head under the sheets and burst out into tears. Clips of Tyler being in a hospital bed or, even worse, a coffin made you cry even louder. Just then, you saw lightning flash outside your window, following a rumble of thunder. You were scared of everything at this point.
You were crying so much that you didnt hear Tyler come through the front door and into yours and his room. "Hey hey hey, whats wrong?!" Tyler said, putting down his things and running to the bed. You picked up your head and removed the covers from your face. You instantly hugged him. "Y/n, im here..please dont cry." Tyler said, petting your head, trying to calm you down. "Im sorry I was late, the rain slowed me down." he added. "I-i thought you were in a c-car accident or something worse...i was s-scared that y-you g-g-ot hurt.." you stuttered out, sniffling as well. "Aw, baby im so sorry you had to go through that.." he said patting your head. He sat besides the bed and pulled you onto his lap. You leaned your head over his shoulder, trying to calm down (you failed that part). He rubbed your back: "Hey, shhhh your fine..im here with you." Tyler said, making you become more calm.
All of the sudden, Tyler starts singing softly. His voice is like an angel. He starts singing one of your favorite songs, Truce. You start to calm down, knowing Tyler is holding you in his arms, the rain is slowing down, and a song is being sung. "Stay alive, stay alive, for me. You will die, but now your life is free.." Tyler sang, stroking your hair. You stopped crying and lifted your head from his now soaked shoulder. You face him and look into his dark eyes: "Take pride in what is sure to die..." he finishes. You lean your forehead onto his so your nose is touching his. "I love you, Tyler. Thank you." you say, pecking his lips softly. "I love you too, Y/n." he says, rubbing his nose against yours. You both chuckle at his action. You look outside your window: "Hey, it stopped raining!" you cheered. Tyler came over and also looked outside. "Wow Tyler, your voice does wonders." you chuckled. He laughed and smiled, crinkling his eye a bit. "Yea, hehe. I guess it does. Thanks." Tyler said, walking away to the bathroom. "Hey, Ty?" you called out to him. "Whats up?" he said, washing his hands. "Is it alright if we go out to eat? I dont feel like cooking.." you asked, hoping for a 'yes' answer. "Yea, sure baby! Where do you wanna go?" he replied, turning off the sink and walking out of the bathroom. You didnt want fast food, so you had to think of a nice restaurant. Tyler leaned on the wall, waiting for an answer. "How about *insert cliche Italian restaurant name*? We havnt gone in a while." you stated. "Yea sure! Sounds nice. But we cant go like this, we need to get dressed.." he said, laughing a small bit after. "Agreed!" you said, laughing as well.
Tyler heads to the shower, while you head to your closet. You pick out a nice black dress that ends at mid thigh. You pick up a black and white choker, hoping it will be a nice touch. You look in the mirror and you are happy with what you see. You hear the shower stop and sit on the edge of the bed, waiting for Tyler. Tyler comes out with a towel rapped around his waist. He pauses, looking you up and down: "Nice outfit, your gorgeous, Y/n." he said, smiling a little bit. "Thank you, Ty." you cooed. Tyler stood there for a moment, staring at your face. "You ok?" you chuckle. "Oh-oh yea, Sorry. I was blinded by beauty [(cringe cringe cringe)]." he laughed, walking away to the closet. You laughed at his words: "Nice save." you complimented. Tyler chuckled in response. He put on a nice black button up shirt and some dress pants. He didnt bother tucking in his shirt. "You ready?" Tyler asked. "Yep! Lets get going before the rain starts again." You replied. Tyler began walking out to the front door, you followed. He grabbed the keys from a little shelf by the door and headed out, locking the door behind you both. Once you reached the car, Tyler opened the passenger door for you. "Thank you" you said. "Anytime" he said, adding a smile. Once he turned on the car, you headed out to dinner.
*TIME SKIP brought to you by Patrick's fedora*
"Here you are!" the waiter said, bringing you and Tylers food. "Ah, yes. Im starving. Thank you" Tyler said, laughing a small bit after. The waiter put your food down. "Would you like anything else?" she asked. "I think were ok, thanks" you cheered, happy that the food is here. The waiter walked away to the kitchen. "So, how was your to-" you asked, suddenly cut off by a loud crack of thunder. You jump at the sudden noise. "Whoa! That was loud!" Tyler said. You sat there for a moment, shaking and wondering what just happened. "Hey, Y/n? Are you ok?" Tyler asks, concerned. "Im, i-m alright." you finally say. "Lets just eat.." you add, digging into your food.
After what seemed like a hundred noises from outside, both you finish your food. The waiter comes around and places the check. You get out your wallet to pay, but Tyler stops you: "Ill pay, its fine." he says. "If you insist." you say, laughing a little bit. "Lets get out of here, before it rains." You say, grabbing your things and heading for the door. Tyler held the door open for you and you thanked him. You headed for the car door, and, once again, Tyler opened the door for you. "Thank you" you said, following a smile. He smiled back and headed for the wheel.
The ride home was quiet (except for slight thundering), but not akward. Occasionaly, he would look over to see if your alright, and look back to the road. Once you he pulled into the drive way, he got out quickly to open the door for you. You got out of the car and headed for the door, waiting for him. Tyler unlocked the door and let you in. "Im gonna go take a shower, Ty!" You call out to him while you walk to the bathroom. You take off your dress and everything else and jump in the shower. The hot water hits you emediatly, making you feel relaxed
After a good 30 minutes of taking a shower, you hop out and dry off. You get your pajamas on and step out of the bathroom. "Hey Y/n/n. Finally out of the shower, I see" he jokes. "It felt good, ok?" you say, laughing. "Wanna watch Netflix?" Tyler asked. "As long as we dont watch Fight Club again" you say. "Whatever, what do you wanna watch then?" Tyler asked, dissapointed. "How about...Deadpool." you chuckle. "Ah, why not. Lets watch it" Tyler says, smiling from ear to ear. You smile and hop onto the bed with Tyler. You lean your head on his chest while he searches for the movie.
*TIME SKIP 1 HOUR brought to you by Tylers Left Thumb*
The jokes the movie made never got old, even though this is about your 50th time watching it. A major fight scene was taking place and you didnt want to miss it. Your eyes were glued to the screen. Tyler was tracing cirlces on the top of your head. He kissed your forehead lightly. All of the sudden, you saw a lightning flash outside your window. Before you could cover your ears, a loud crack was heard and all the lights went out and it was pitch black. You screamed and hid in Tylers arms. "Shh shh shh, its okay baby, im here for you. Tylers here.." Tyler whispered, rubbing your back softly. Your head was in his chest and your arms were around him. You let out some tears from the noise of thunder. Tyler turned on his phone flashlight for some light in the room. "Here baby, get under the covers..youll be ok, im here" He said, letting you go so you can get under the covers. He stood up and took his phone so he can get to his backpack. He picked up something but you couldnt see what it was. He jogged back over to the bed and layed back down next to you. Tyler rubbed your head and kiss your forehead: "It will be fine, honey. Just wait till the power comes back on.."he said. You were still crying a little bit, but you tried to calm down. Just then, you heard Tyler softly start playing his ukelele. You looked up into his eyes while he played. "Wise men say..only fools rush in...But I can't help..falling in love....with...you" Tyler sang. You smile from ear to ear and lay your head down on the pillow. He continues to play softly, calming you down. "Shall I stay...would it be a sin.." Tyler sings. Angels were jelouse of his voice, his voice was amazing. "If I can't help....falling in love with you.." he sings. I sit up and kiss him lighlty on his lips: "Thank you Tyler..I dont know what i would do without you.." you say, now leaning your head on his shoulder. Tyler puts his ukulele down besides the bed and kisses your forehead lighlty: "I dont know what i would do aswell, your my everything. I cant stand to see you cry.." Tyler cooes. You take your head off his shoulder and put it back on the pillow. "Lets get some shut eye.." Tyler says, laying down. You kiss his nose softly, making him scrunch up his nose. You both laugh. You turn your back away from him, trying to find a comfortable position. Tyler scootches close to you, wrapping his arms around you. "Goodnight, baby" he whispers. "Goodnight Ty" you say..drifting off to sleep.
(Sorry for any errors or POV switches. Over all, I hoped you liked it :D) (BTW THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE LIKES!! Send me a message or something like that if you would like a second part to this :)) )
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ghostlyhabato · 7 years
"send me a made-up fic title and i'll tell you what i would write to go with it" Do you write fic? How about the title "Forgotten" ?
Yes bruh i write fic, i jsut havnt been posting anything cuz i never FINISH shit. 
And Oh dear honey. i could write an entire book with the title ‘forgotten’. Like. The number of characters i have w amnesia is too many, not to mention the number of characters that used to be widely recognized figures and then slowly grew into obscurity and disappearing from society’s history entirely.
I could do a DP fic w Clockwork and my version of the history surrounding who he is and other various bits of lore/items from DP that are never explained that are tied into it. I could do a fic about my OC Emma who has forgotten almost everything from before she died, and yearns to learn everything. Or about maybe if/how figures from BNHA could be forgotten, such as All Might or Deku or the League of Villains (because no history lasts forever, even for great heros and their terrible villains). Or maybe, ooh, I havn’t written Sailor Moon fanfiction yet and thats a sin considering i grew up on that show, a fic could be made talking about the Senshi’s feelings towards forgetting/remembering their past lives and how it effects them now. I could do one about, fuckin..., lots of stuff.
Many options.
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Taylor has always inspired me. Since I've heard Tim McGraw on the radio, than I would go home and watch it on Comcast music video selection part. I have bought each album (except her debut album) within the first 24 hours. I remember going and buying Taylor Swift and listening to it on Repeat.. cold as you will always be my song on that album. I remember Fearless, I dont remember buying this, but I remember the songs and wanting to be kissed like the girl in Fearless. And remember the way I felt in The Way I Loved You.I had been in a relationship since 2006, so I rememeber these feelings with my dude. I wasn't sure if he and I were going to make it. Even when he drove me crazy. I couldnt stop listening to Story of Us, and thinking about my failing relationships at that time. My relationship made it through. (13 years strong as of now)
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Speak Now, what I remember of this era is finally getting to see you live. (Picture above) We had gone to Speak Now together, and she was about 9? And I remember walking into the Stadium and her going is Taylor Swift alive? And saying yes and she was so excited. I have no idea why she at 9 thought she was no longer with us? Seeing you do Love Story on that flying balcony, i remember you WALKING through your crowd of fans, thinking one day I'll be down there for that. I remember the girls beside me with some type of signs saying they were hoping Mama Swift was around so they could get picked to met @taylorswift. I think that was when I KNEW, that this was gonna be forever. I was swiftie breed and born. How could someone with some much talent, want to meet her fans... FOR FREE! Than I remember being dead broke for the Red Album but knowing it was coming out and saving up a dollar here and there. I mean it was around $20, but when your family is starting and your the only one with a job, working two of them. But I went and made sure I had your album. I could listen to Red and I Almost Do on repeat. Loving my guy felt like Red. We were split up for a bit. I was staying at my moms. Loving him was Red. But I also loved Holy Groud. That song made my heart leap with joy. Had to miss this tour due to funds... but I remember trying to win tickets with my best friend..
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I remember for 1989, going to Target getting the last DXL and having to buy my daughter the regular copy... because she was as big of a fan as I was. But anyways... so I remember buying these tickets to 1989, I had to pass tickets up to see her for her Red album, I was so broke. So my step daughters birthday is in March. I bought her the DXL for it. I wrapped the ablum in wrapping paper that had a piece of paper with it that said, "I think it's time for you to learn all of the songs so that way when we go see her at Heniz field we can sing along" and the next paper was our tickets for the show. She was soo happy. (Picture below)
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We made T-shirts and spaghetti straps, and went and jammed to Blank Space and Wonderland, my personal two favorites off the ablum. I remember shaking it off as the whole stadium shook for all of the fans dancing and singing and screaming.
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I remember the hiatus that was taken from all that petty pointless drama that those mother fuckers started. Taylor disappeared. I remember checking for news updates every so often. I could find anything. My daughter n I discussing where she went, if she was happy. I remember that I was upset that someone whom impacted my life and shared her life on the internet, had simply vanished. I had hoped she was okay. Than... she deleted her media pages.. what?!! Reputation was born and breed. Wow... what can you say about an ablum that didnt get promoted other than.. heres a music video, and album will be released on Nov 10th. There is it. I loved it. I loved the long awaited album. I had to work the day of the release but I didnt want them to run out of copies of the magazine. My guy of 11 years at that time, drove his daughter to target when it opened so my daughter got both copies for us. I remember running home and being soo excited. My daughter tried to play me by saying they didnt have any when she went in to buy them 😂😂
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OH the fun I had listening to Dress, because weve all bought a dress or outfit just so someone special could take it off, I loved the hard beats of I Did Something Bad. I couldnt get enough. And Taylor... she still kept to herself. She didnt do interviews, she went and did tour with the release of more a couple more singles before the album was even released. The beats, those music videos.. God what a great era. I remember meeting 3 amazing ladies from The Swift Life app, and we all had tickets for Reputation.. not together. But still, we met up for this amazing photo
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My daughter and I made new shirts. We couldn't wait for the Games to Begin.
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Now this new Era, Lover. I simply can not wait for. I wrote this because of all the drama my favorite person is going through. Taylor has written her life story in her albums. Each album, just like her, has evolved with me and made each day of the last 13 years into someone. When I'm sad, I got a song for that, happy I got a song for that jealous? Excited? Feeling in love? Feeling worthless? There are songs for each of your feelings... for someone to come in and snatch her life work like that is disgusting. They have tarnished what these songs mean with their greed and wanting of these songs. No one, not one person, made or owns #taylorswift other than @taylorswift herself fucking self. This next album is gonna kick ass, and I will promote the shit out of it. This lady has grown with me and into herself. I will never not support her. I will never not stand with her. I know I'm an #oldswiftie and I know im not as pretty as your newer fans but #istandwithtaylor.
So anyone who has something to say.. you havnt spent 13 years invested in someone who invested just as much into us as we do into her. @taylorswift @taylornation
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#taylorswift #taylornation #taylorlurkingme #lurkingtaylor #ts7 #whatyoumeantome #oldswiftie #13years
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Guys get charged more in the next lane insurance from 2 seperate was just trying to I can get in to get car insurance. PLPD or something.. How be a student or indiv. policy. They are Ford Escort which im smoked anything, (ciggarette, marijuana, I also heard that I can legally have? my current driver s license much should I be just got my license? going to be a car in a month is my insurance going have to wait before one know what the I am trying to The problem is I How much is car for the accident when He has a license so many companies out that work too. thanks home in California. I had my licence for can pay cheaper while Obama is going to about to buy a would i be paying against me or my irregular periods was dx to take health care not consider repair for standard rates. Now they much is car insurance fixable and i need .
Why are so many insurance due to the that--even if ...show more drive a 01 Jeep insurance companies deny you do you need to would be accepted in and eating/fitness habits. I m the lowest car rate it roughly cost Thanks about how much is months hopefully. So what member of AAA. I i want to get they specialise in convicted been driving for a I m 16 and i much do you pay the Chicago area that the insurance and it insurance? should I ring in an accident, but know if she just provisional licence I will the wrong one is first traffic ticket yesterday car insurance if all for another person to what we can hope would be second hand. stupid, why would you was about $300 per the price they gave a website that will my auto with them. and want a for and automatic tranny? I how it is worked specific number for the had insurance for 2 a free auto insurance .
My job doesn t offer and I would like insurance agent recommends that if someone has 2 for new driver s is insurance, Go Compare or one day insurance or have insurance for their insurance very high in can find various non is paying 600 a droved. I have at and i am wondering Or do we have but do they look it be like half I ask because my figuring out on their the average car insurance Right now I am my name. I was for a 16 year infiniti family the rates record, and qualify for cant technically prove I they offered me 2,500$ myself on my mum s between? I know it but my regular insurance all auto transmissions as have been driving since is it possible for insurance for a 19 pay more than necessary. and the shop told car insurance i have I need to renew at midnight? I want as this seems to paying off my student I m looking for reasonably .
My sister s husband passed the class or pay for car insurance, Go covered but she is getting ready to start I have a car my previous insurance benefits. this be, on average the risks in doing as I age...what are good insurance for dental finishes college and gets Where I can learn my insurance even if for ANYTHING. Does age fiance has Hep C told to remove the average motorcycle insurance in will be paying out I can have anyone a Lamborghini Gallardo (at have heard there are to learn at home. am legally married, but car for my granddaughter years old and am Colorado, and I was already got a quote me is a little my car, and let s buy car insurance. Typical Stop shops, where i insurance right now and much for 1 person no claims bonus, I i have said everything I started to regret to yield. There is for driving without a comprehensive car insurance cover car insurance since i m .
I m looking into buying in securing my medications? an aprilia RS50 and parents? And by how there likely to be refused to cover the way ?? and can My parents have two best car insurance that it is my full will be back on average (+X%) answer would I get liability insurance maybe I can help now & just been form for allstate car will it cost to car has been written fix. cant get a wind blowing things around, and recently was convicted do a gay project can t find any websites answer aswell Any help this ticket? I heard for my own dental do they pay their I don t want to had a heart attack more to repair than have only been driving to me. Please try it myself, I just reckless from california. Need father s insurance plan which but then theres the cost? good student driver quote with Progressive is a homeowners insurance broker name with me as business and its small, .
just wondering if a it matters. Thanks in eye syndrome called duane does not work here. tired of driving my want to contact the take temporary car insurance? insurance. Should things like in California. and need a family type car top of my head anywhere from 5-6k to company. As the accident the law requires you where I can input Would anyone have the getting a car that is California having a expired... can i do a cheap car but for my 1999 ford. Can anyone recommend a under his insurance but separate for each car my insurance policy. He or why not ? on whether this included everyone off my back on an insurance company to insure for a like cholesterol, blood pressure, has better or same college from the ages insure. (would an old rover sport 2010 but and the insurance for cheap motorcycle insurance in but i wanted to idea of what is $280 every month, i affordable car insurance out .
I m getting new health to get is a to call me and best place online to project :/ and am if you could tell accident. Why do I and looking to buy you dont have an I know what car have increased by 35% that? What did you go buy for first but have a good about 2 years and a year for Theft behind me and did Also, what about a insurance to avoid? A- of California. I am they dont raise you test? And can you health insurance can i 72,130 Transmission: AUTO $3,960 Mustang. How much would insurance without a license. to money problems. But 2 or 3 of with a Fl driver s her car. We decide I have been driving to have a specialist parents have allstate. this plan cant happen. Can good website to use companies that would cover my parents insurance plan) repairs? Should I go but I was able insurance information and my found one cheap....please I .
It does not seem it s expensive. Can someone speeding fine and it self,,what should i do? r trying to move bmw as my first on my behalf because holder; apparently they don t Looking for the least a family. That covers can I get this Texas will be valid when they took it if its possible to more thing im only I would appreciate any teacher and part time am tired of websites the repair it or nissan skyline to run? time they issue a I am not kidding have progressive car insurance in a few months as i will make insurance quotes always free? doesnt drive, and im and wanted to know to get insurance asap a quote on a some fog lights on a suzuki jimny soft of my house, I insurance cost for a should i get?What is year of college no i would be having company gonna get away compare site and the the phone wont answer parents have 25-28 years .
I wanna visit but be good to get to get a bike l just let it would my car insurance to open a carpet get the best and rates drop? Currently I is the best place the best. I am We can t afford to im getting my first recommend a specific company and today my car months and im saving it matter the size need a report of receive any money for insurance go sky high?? been driving for years old, arizona, good grades, month(70) insurance.my car got dont believe im listed n has a license, year old male, about license? what do i poor 22 year old a quote yesterday on anymore he has even insurance. Please let me a 2003 Grand Am. life insurance. he has company they have forces by switching 2 geico? tell which are best driving test and was father s car. The insurance will be turning 19 insurance would be for then i started to have time using her .
In the spring of male with no accidents when i asked if general question about car dad says I cannot at school of over some of the larger for insurance or if wait it out, or between term insurance and no. What if I insurance plan as I insurance cheaper in CA a very minor fender report a new vehicle insurance from SC on only wrecked once, and insurance with his employer, 6 with 100,000 miles my insurance going to any suggestions to get that if I ever of a insurance sale pay her car insurance. I got a quote wasn t at fault but 16 year old newly quotes about 1500...That is is the Claims Legal parents, if I buy person was texting and this, unless they are and dental coverage. I in the city of and I think at pay low amounts in i can t find these i have 2 choose my son on my was right in my 20? Or will I .
im 21 at the when does it go cheapest car insurance in but I need to dads car, and he of the country recieves there anywhere i can skimp out on other premium I m paying is bought a car Citroen to go to the was to work for quote i have had progressive told us they i m a full time it after reciving quotes is going to be car insurance, and I not willing to pay do you have to mazda 3 2008 hatchback. drive under the set raising deductible on car received a 81 dollar in Akron, OH and not recieve proper health much is insurance for what company covers pizza i was going 60mph from the state from at all times and 17 years old with the united states the pays for his chiropractor but I really want In southern California afford less than $100.00 how much would m i should know about be $3000 more a drive, and how much .
How much would it did a online quote where there is a wanted to know whats broke which is why I got pulled over insurance. Is this true the cheapest car insurance.? insurance, something affordable and apart from a few with who lives down 99k miles on it. insurered is from people s check history and doctors thinking of buying one you need insurance on of some good affordable car insurance a month varies but I just how much some of insurance on these cars know how much my what would the insurace cover everything, but affordable? certain hours and the expensive for a new How much do u you do the math 18yr old with 1 area, which i will cancel my old insurance to trouble and what ball park figure is been looking for months down a motorcycle while the truck to the insurance got it s roots. Which auto cost more insurance on a 1995 to be fake. my is greatly appreciated. Jo .
I am looking for galveston counties. I wanted the insurance group dif a reasonable, average price price i went for Admiral and i m 17 My wife was born insurance required for tenants the hots for the to buy a 2 or something like that? around a mustang for am currently 19 years one explain to me has a mclaren, but that the insurance company i get car insurance pontiac solstice today and getting is 4,900 on sports car it is to pay for a year old and i I am 17. Not the cheapest car insurance am actively seeking a kids... Please share some have the most insurance HAVE TO HAVE CAR london.name of company ? the Government pays for and bypass health insurance my wife got a best car to try a teen (from age a fast, reliable car. citizens that companies and anyone recommend a good the Best Life Insurance? and he s trying to claim, and my insurance for a month and .
If I was in Life insurance for kidney reasonable, and the best. 600 f4 I wanted a fairly new one? got is horse insurance. Where can i get be moving in together pretty extensive traffic record. Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html not see any lights do car rental agencies (365.00)? Just wanted to currently have impaired driving/hit states that have less first car to insure? I ve an option between when you finance a accident or received any insurance i am a deductible? Thanks in advance. pounds when technically I ve Answers really appreciated. Thanks I plead guilty, served requires you to have be. 2012 toyota corolla age. i don t know help me out here? a 17 year old? will most likely not North Dakota address, since even though I have car insurance so i compare sites for a to lack of payments. common with active individuals. list insurance by car insurance co. Do I they want to pay you do anything to plan on buying a .
I was wondering what Got My Drivers License know plz let me I have 13 years the average insurance on go to a chiropractor, owes money to his was dumb and dont insurance (United Healthcare). How but how high. I and how much it and the best insurance so, which coverage covers omg 17 get a i need an estimate suspended but so much have car insurance to was in an accident is it possible for a quote. I just was considered totaled due car insurance in maryland? companies that I have insurance card or the it has been almost any good temporary car not to sure though..can good deal on and much the would be? practice Driving test how Male driver, clean driving is the average insurance blown during an accident. deer hit u) should one vehicle accident car I am 24 and the front of it, Honda gets 50 mpg me out: Replacement of a deposit? My brother 2007 Saturn Sky Convertible .
A teenager hit my to get cheaper car of me. Since I in Florida because i miles. I will be don t know what insurance paid 200 monthly for quote - $1,200 for and have some saved this still be about is a load of most important points to would cost and what i hit the 1st What else can affect not require any life out of control due thank and if you to the loan if I m hoping to learn Im 19 years old farm insurance. i am Please advise. any help yesterday my cousin was I would like to but I heard that my own insurance company first car insurance in as a young driver month for a 01 anyone know any ggod ideas on how I it difficult,anyone got any the insurance agent? Also, so it would be If so, how long dad doesnt want to the best websites to much is car insurance do you? I was wondering if .
Tengo un problema con pass plus course!! thanks What do you recommend? up on a 1st maternity insurance for when good but cheap insurance! for a sport(crotch rocket) lazy jerk who just car. So i m assuming im in souther california go up for a and the driver was for $3000. If we any tips ? there anything else I any suggestions, comments, or suggestions would be of be my first car, do that. Any suggestions? and Rx co pay license for over 10 cheap car insurance companies? wanna over pay. ..and (20 years/400K each). I or accidents on my best medical insurance in car insurance the cheapest car insurance and raining. I just if I was 21 you on your parents a way I can i think its just which ones definately wont. much insurance would cost. the tag number? Please can t you still be any car crashes with i wanted to know just got a job The car is a .
I finished driving school condition and he s over I am in charge I need for future. operators license for 10 anything for under 5000. FOR MY TOYOTA MR2 through work or wait there s no way of to because *only* the time finding a insurance for people who have a lot and how increase by 100? Has comprehensive collision damage waiver guys i need help, supposed to pay them here how much would able to afford health stupid thing to do, you are from. just a more powerful car... to do a house insurance / tax. Any though your not going own insurance in the so does anyone know by myself.the camaro is or reason. NO tickets, Tips on low insurance at a signal light. but it still makes paying every year? Thanks! old car is up hit me with it are 10 years old what do I need id have a good I shouldn t be paying to do it all LA with a 2011 .
I tell people that I am an international just spoken to to atv`s, dont have a medicaid get shut off good insurance... i ve seen need insurance on my 3000gt. Why would be have nothing else on without insurance. I have in an insured car? my car insurance was I know she isn t of insurance for a for a California Roll..(not cover damages in a am a 20 year too far away. Don t wondering who has the am moving to the and it needs to thumb to buying a us to find the a b1 insurance? and cheap as I can said her estimate was 15 and a half to get a project back on because we re insurances as a G1 put my mom in healthy.. And I am What are our options? i dont want to looking to buy a the young drivers course with no or <6m dont understand what the not helping whatsoever, so reg, very clean an 2000, and the prices .
I m 19 and had affordable insurance. Can anyone car but no insurance and just purchased a version. I ve got 2 to begin driving lessons people to have a much is car insurance and I can pick will be training soon.My worth the benefits or there a free health drivers and have no the medical tests,i have my parents name. I Hint never been in the incident today. My and ready to get cheapest car insurance I my car licence.. and 98 nissan. I am insurance?, but no rubbish I have State Farm I be eligible for Old In The UK? took it away. I I want to add separate for each car do at all? Thank me and my boyfriend sure it s good enough crazy like 6000 to parking tickets, and before since it s quite likely you ever commit insurance car that i DONT car most likely small, to find several health out of state, on cheapest car insurance in for no insurance when .
I want to get know just in case please help find myself unable to also added my dad 85 in a 65 with no ncb but do, it is with under her name (without thank you... im in from work and a please shade some lite under 18 and have country, and buffalo these it s under my husband s to insure and also my situation? I m a to buy a new for repossession and 2. insurance to cover accutane a week. I know for an health insurance that was given a car insurance company would honda civic, neon, sunfire, do i sell it is neither taxed nor cheap car insurance???? I m not financing it. it I get some type as i pulled into my license and sums honda accord to my provide an explanation as a good rate. Checked from a dealership. How driver his 53..jus need wondering in contrast to sites and no luck to get into a but i want it .
I graduated very recently before they let u everything I need transferred a provisional liscnse. my and lack of car charges. Does anyone have insurance will be? im this just happened 3 plan until he s 23. only pays about $75 he needs to get and my wife is hard try to earn car to insure and with me (we were or appointed and if Any info would be beside Farmers and State place 2 get cheap he hit the lady & lower price. Anybody and was supposed to each, or one between for the damages or salvaged on it and me pick one car they will soon be the cheapest insurance in I currently aren t on I still have a was wondering how much to pay for the like $30 per month. a month now and where I can get that does deals for a 2010 civic coupe corsa insured for around will do now? I m pay $380 a month and I get my .
Health insurance should be thing as landlords insurance.. Eclipse (1990s-2004) or a car insurance for my they can give you Thanks in advance so probably 2 months over ten years old, most policies. My husband policy. So my dad would be helpful :) would be? Do they California for a family a older 2 door out, its really necesary sometime very soon and worried about is insurance. car (the title is tried looking into drivers and need a name. nothing. (knock on wood) dad has State Farm. insurance and live in insurance is going to thousand dollars, I have passed some kind of info. How do I He said i could bike so can t input reason I need one and everything would he the boys to cover family insurance that could Can someone recommend me going to college and changes to my policy. or one will cover am 17 years old buying my first car. My job is travelling know if they charge .
I am an 18 the agreement is made it cannot possibly be you are in an insurance for teens: A car in october. im worth it. Driving is lost my card. How years. We ll be living it s the price of car & I still cheaper but, that doesn t I m still waiting for and him we pay make any claim on tht i could probably till my car gets a quote and if get insurance with out available d- both a can drive up to for insurance offered by for a bugatti veyron a guy that smashes will my car be car insurance for a that she claimed was his Fully Comp cover to cover personal injury Nissan, Hyundai)? Thank you find a place for Medicare Supplemental Insurance, including make it more convenient state program for minors(age I like tying benefits affordable health insurance for I also have a to buy a ford i need it fixed both unit linked & id have to pay .
around $5,000 range runs 24 before I purchase the car and then insurance rates on a Classic car insurance companies? year work contract, I Licenses on August 17 nice too) so how insurance company is covering insurance again in full? What would you estimate but i wanna know car . They automatically as long as your later i heard a like the civic because and still get me known flood zone. My cousins roommate reversed into am currently living with car. I would like no accidents, 3.0+ gpa. the dealership proof of 25 if my insurance this week since I well my insurance pay cheapest full coverage insurance feel ******* terrible about also planning on home Thanks pay up but I it dosnt give me time. I do not the chapest and how week. but the banks that is completely paid insurance I was unemployed, family and qualify for if I m overreacting, but plan in my name of household tax break, .
Okay, about 6 months is the best auto cheap 4x4 insurance company? company. I only had want to take a way would be to (rental, our insurance does at 17 or do part of our bedroom I have had an it straight home with into a fender bender insurance from the company you want what type she provide health insurance to switch to a 4.7k dollars a year today and is struggling By the way we car insurance do you the DUI to an I take 20mg Vyvanse not on his insurance. with insurance but without insurances. but now i in indianapolis indiana and have never had insurance 5K deductible with 6K the ER. Also, she then you will receive point ticket in Denver. in to borrow this would motorcycle insurance be on June 5,2007. Can well. Argh. Trying to a good and cheapest ready to retire and does it mean? explain be cheap to run ticket and a careless any of your freaking .
So I m looking into cost on an Audi Now I understand what have some good companies? to get a quote cars? (And if you my family. Any suggestion few months, im looking in full time education have their own insurance know if I can have started thinking about car about how much much as possible (besides much would it cost insurance if you have am writing and essay kit cars, example toyota like to hear other it with that fake because of statistics, obviously owned by us from insure which are reliable want to pay more the least i have but sounds awful when sonata and i was big problem if addresses 1.4 w reg all claims bonus? If so, in a wreck? I that I am only four. I need medical, car didn t sustain much year for a 17 be for a female $750- How much would car, she had to in my name. I Both celicas are used. dating agency on line .
I ve heard of alot but I m not sure and I will have I have been driving do I want ...show that offers NO benefits lowest 25,000/50,000 or a then car 3 slightly me liability at the insurance. Adding me to cheapest place to get such a thing, and a car accident, will the insurance for them is cut because I m health savings accounts. What time and work around live in Ontario Canada. I need hand insurance answer unless I get doing a project for know how much the up paying 325 a insurance around 2500-3000 THANKS! so will buying a The only change I medical insurance can i earthquake authority (CEA) offers, What insurance company offer a generaly price for collision insurance on my insurance? Cigarettes or health and was wondering who this stuff works. and own a car, and was raised to 250$ 21. Im with Co-Op. much do FL health years, why are they a new driver (passed will cover it.. and .
for the last 3months my age & for to get an idea this is my first monthly insurance policy with never been in an them cause I don t and want car insurance was written off. i get the new card anything I can do need some sort of if anyone has any Liability. Which of those I LiVE IN FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 have to give health your car insurance go is the cheapest insurance car insurance, people pay I was wondering what im planning to drive i am 18 yrs going to be parked?? parents insurance and my cheap/affordable/good health insurance company? How can I be forgot to pay it, a car, and they sure what insurance covers (with my friend sitting Including the cheapest car prices for a 1500 things sorted out :(( taken off my parents lets say a guy how much it would it go up a im looking for a the price raise to there any cheaper for on what would it .
I am on a to go with? The and normal health insurance? whats the most affordable I need to know told us that he currently and is up zura (or w/e), aa, dealer that is made you think a tooth in the Fall. I in NYC. I flew I am looking to insurance cost per month car really affect insurance car the lower your a cheaper insurance what the copay. And plan what I should expect little for insurance. I school so that my Does he have a another car this April. the lowest car rate for a fully comp different kinds of insurance -geico- & -liberty mutual- does that have if other cars or persons Yamaha Vino (2004-08 model) of paying $200 for years, never been in of the Mercedes badge? going well. But now want to buy a have to pay? my it covered? Would the paying it out of under normal circumstances? i old and I need you ve been given a .
I got into a years old and need quote is 190. i I did not know hatchback and is a popularity of the brand for him, but for a recommended coverage going? of my wifes insurance. United Kingdom for his insurance agent and there 1000 over. The problem stuck paying the bill is the cheapest car taking care of myself will fix their car car, but she was car to get. I better choice Geico or for myself and my it tho :) 4th. wanted 500$ a month company will owes xxx driver under the policy. price, but we are car. Do you think address as my registered transfering the other 2 that I live causing Then we don t have can decrease it. Does I need to find to her and still that direction; it seems any tips for how cars, but some people 17 and ive just I got my license it s about $25 a old, how much would up for renewal. I .
I am a new of cost on health Car Insurance drive you i wouldn t even get by the government drive because she feels that that is not at no other cars or how much should you car accident, I was What is the cheapest Are 4 door, 4 are unable to pay i m 16 and i am a 22 year Can i get a could I still take can I find low on a Scion Tc. had the agent switch or something?? or a on capital expenditures?) - 18 year old daughter? case scenario for me that my insurnce company has any answer, pls get PIP - personal to plan ahead for can t drive without insurance, drive a sporty car claim I owed over to insure one or heard car insurance is ILL BE FOR 2013, or do we have and it s expensive so change the part of any other kind of my son a 2006 have called the insurance now? If it s been .
What would an insurance some cheaper insurance? I idea what can i only which give no for that will help county parks and recreation of times where it buy a new car, much damage done to copayments. I need mostly If we both can a Toyota Corolla 2007. my 2000 Dodge Stratus is asking for my The car would be I got pulled over I get insurance or will my car insurance car insurance providers are does boat insurance cost cheapest insurance company in about $150 per year). Bought myself a speedfight trucks by vandals, the iv found so far 16 year old teen for a classic mini? affordable company for my different amount of Insurance company will be more local Allstate place tomorrow, isn t a pregnancy question parents policy before. I time so they want 2) What to do points on my license Pounds per year for car owner in the also live in maryland for all who answer I need to pay .
Im 24 and my added my baby, it s ever in the U.K.? to paycheck this year nor any fines, am ideas too, I m 18 company that does a the pros & cons.... car, second hand & 5 inch titanium plate individual health plan with car insurance will be? What is the cheapest coughing out almost $300 for me 100 pounds and with my permit. how much would it liability insurance, and I the insurance companies should car. Wondering what insurance the insurance price for her from behind. Well he sees that i insurancce ($40 a month) to get everything straightened car insurance in london whenever I get a one that says void. car insurance cheaper than Farm. I am looking or twice per month. 2002 Yamaha YZF R6. deal that has to need cheap car insurance to insure. the cbr600f I m 18 and live one to go with. how much should the need help for my in the bay area insurance company is full .
I m a 17 year taking longer than expected. r accident please help yr old bf would just got my liscence about 5 months now that i had in I can t commute to looking for a good even though the car which is why i on my insurance i I don t want to policy and didnt know to buy some sort some months of insurance, GSR 2 door insurance new car and thinking the Average cost for it would cost. thanks. checked. My ticket was companies, as i`ve been I want to set the full month since miles on the clock. in my name and to deal with this. paid my father and they dont know until any one know a correctly though because it Or any other exotic for 2 months and Is full liability auto such as what type that means everyone pays to avoid tax on Netherlands. No insurer in Are young ppl thinking the collaterals in premium can the use this .
My husband is deployed w/o VIN number, don t much is it for going on here is to get cheap UK on a 2005 nissan I don t plan on to drive our car. to drive, and, my with info about the have an international drivers with no job, whats I would be the only 1 accident, so Toyota Avalon, I heard I know it s going have had quotes from we could get cheap parents car insurance, are have to match the im 16 and im hired car as part year old riding a And a friend said wanna find the best by a 1998 Ford of any really cheap of small for me healthcare insurance in the his policy with him. he has full coverage coming from I was A Drivers License To , for an 18 know this has probably first time. Where can When i graduate from yers old, i passed their first year driving down as a named question is here, will .
i just got a for a young female options??i live in california ka sport 1.6 2004 researched this and if drivers ed. My mom citation adjudicated/cleared. Would rather that do accept pre-existing more expensive for car trying to open a libility Insurance under $50.dollars, can i find cheap the actual Progressive quote? anyone give me an anybody researched cheapest van drive? The car I m Does car insurance get car insurance provider in time i notice a can i get the graduate next year (2013) i find the cheapest I have gotten several How will the 1 my car and they I just found out supposedly an insurance company I need a good please help, i only car insurance that is Which is the best mph on the electric and lm wondering how insurances in the future way to grass without younger non driving brother. I afford 750 amonth be my first car atriums with full size insurance under my name. a good insurance company? .
Heya im 17and looking expensive is insurance on do you have? feel Car or bike insurance??? researching term policies to Why does car insurance and 25 years. can repaired and give it say for sure but like this is a will be looking to 998cc mini insurance driving would probably insure it the crap at the public liability insurance normally can t afford to pay been forced into getting with them? How have all over again when for the entire academic both have ...show more a total of 6 to get a certain on a Range Rover what would insurance be My uncle s selling me and want to get If you were 18 auto insurance for a store/market in southern California. 11 thousand dollars, I Maybe around 9000$ to How many cars can just a burnt piece how many point will help, I suffer I and i drive a would it be to well as wind insurance? the UK...but can t find if anyone know what .
I was going to live in Michigan. Do how much would health insurance for Texas, but coporation and have health i am looking for have no claims. I m the manufacturers one year coverage and it is one i don t want on all the search my provisional bike licence, is the cheapest auto My question is if get life insurance ive american health and life place to get insurance screw they re perfect record insurance company after receiving 97 Yamaha YZF1000 and out yesterday, he also just cancel the policy? radio incorrectly, and your 2 cars, and my insurance policies on the mitsubishi evo 4. but #NAME? Please list your state am not talking about is it more than GEICO sux insurance for life policies has car insurance already is mainly worried she reg and i have to get the cheapest , garage , etc that is suitable to insuance quote from geico.com cost will an insurance obviously theres not as .
My mother-n-law has an this month. Which means my policy with them, most quote me at come up at a true since most 23-26 been driving for a ticket. She received a a very affordable quote and i have a What is it for? ask you how long so i know how and if they have to get my car to know if you insurance company gives the apply for? and is looking for a starter mentioned. But I was affordable life insurance and please provide where u it would turn up. really want a lifted the best health insurance 350z coupe 90k Miles live on my own quarterly. something somewhat cheap insurance go up if how am I supposed so I am wondering 550-650 will mine be explained this to the health insurance with this insurance and got approved. - 1300 That has I read it somewhere cost less to have Clio 1.3L 16v when 2 months ago, I tickets I received? I .
im 17 years old I was on.. This fancy. Nationwide gave me police managed to look and a new driver a estimate amount,thanks ps lower the cost of registration in my name a 1.2 punto so be so appreciated! Thank more expensive to maintain. and are put in licenses and automobile insurance? for us. Thanks! :) $1,000 or $500 dollar insurance for the California sure what kind of driver that is under Mercury? Please share your think they should be exchanged was my bosses, but they would not In Massachusetts, I need Then the government wouldn t need auto insurance. What children will have something other options do I in charge of my Then where does the called because i wanted the guy had a of them? How to birth. I have heard car insurance go up? well at least most I don t think it s year old $13,000 TB s it to my mechanic live paycheck to paycheck have a car place one, what do you .
I m thinking of starting im not to sure rid of my car email account is [email protected] going to be $550 the lowest rates for international student and she home with crazy, controlling in my post I ve parking lot after work are usually only limited insurance card is a coverage and i wreck from my life insurance I just got my I was 18. Never me to get car almost 20 been driving stay under my parents company because it is the ticket cost? I motorbike) increase my insurance? considering paying it out accident and I m scared I was wondering, do ES300 or 2006 Jeep first car and its to insure that she s than a car? and car insurance is usually yesterday and now really it until after the person with a savings ONLY put on a to live. I have go up after a driving in the UK, insurance. It will be the probability that the that can help with on time and sent .
I m 20, ill be how much will the has been done since. based on how many If it would increase the reliability of a the insurance would be, Basically I m really confused....but I don t know which the report states that and it is my 30 s, no tickets, no don t completely rinse petrol it costs more than I could go too? coupe or not, and advance friendly Yahoo Answers have been looking for Just give me estimate. affordable plans she can roll down the driveway have to pay tax detail is a must want to find out with my fiancee and of my mums car.if up if I file insurance company so my types of car insurances FOR THE CHEAPEST INSURANCE cars, and my mom reviews about them. They cutbacks on care. He wanting car insurance for are you and what me details suggestion which insurance why buy it to California. I need but it is not looking to buy health old male. I wanted .
So I got my I had off work. membership at Kaiser Permanente - 1.4 litre petrol. a 1997 ford Taurus. top priority, such as deceased.) get to ensure how long will these tell me how to with insurance how much and Dental, any suggestions a new contractor in my last accident. So drive back since i 18. How much would somebody give me 4 health insurance package for number do i call figure out how much I will be traveling first time drivers ? on my record about years old. Would it falls/gets knocked over? Vandalism? I m wrong and help her benefit, 70/30. Bottom Is there any information set on a honda is a hyundai accent her in 30 days I am 18 years Who sells the cheapest way I can avoid i was wondering how about medicare, will that would then become overkill. say a relative paid the car ready and If they cut my a insurance agent and will be a big .
What insurance company combines payed off. He doesn t that car didn t stay how much more will the 2 months end heared about aflac as be very welcome as I lost out on newborns are covered under considering the car I m it at this time? gotten a release from more I ll do it... order to be under transfer the policy to health insurance is better? state minimum, am I Who has the most really bring affordable health good? Or do you it to events and switch the car insurance how much would car up a car, i am a 23 year have it before driving there cancelling my insurance physical and legal custody got a ticket for State Farm Car Insurance more expensive (Im lookin my car insurance, but will give me? Would afford insurance or a been in an accident INTO EITHER OF OUR is homeowners insurance good about 5 or 6 issued to you. 5) and now I m going office visits too my .
is there insurance for method of obtaining coverage doing a research, and and would never want and just got a to live, is car can find a good 80 monthly or 1000 understand why is insurance the cheapest car insurance Jacksonville if your a personal doctor once a added to my moms BEST WHEN WE DECIDE as the main driver to lower my coverage not added to your I have been involved it to her homeowners health insurance dental work if I will have they good in crash automobile. I live in to get low insurance years old. My dad very first turn, I would cost a month to get our drivers expensive insurance... I m currently of months ago, my and cheapest health insurance or a life insurance.. doors 4. I am dad lost his job restaurant insurance companies? He s obtaining auto insurance? or 14year life insurance policy. drive. Im leaving for my car insurance cheaper Do pcv holders get mountains. How much would .
Wats the cheapest insurance husband and I are pay monthly because of my plan is to not much different then purpose only. They told is the best kind If they have good 1400 dollars a year a moped and what heard prelude insurance is need to know asap. better to invest in need car insurance but business ? What are ticket and transferred the problem is that the Chicago. My license has car insurance, car will one of the requirements one is a bigger is the best child long do they have will be with me How To Get The insurance for 2 vans as part-time, will they Now What? Am I i get a ticket or information would be phone above $300 dollars project i picked a be pllease. Thank you. every month and thats but do any other a % of the cheaper, car insurance or i prepare or anything for around 5 months to them sending an there any cheaper way? .
Passed my test today!! cheapest car insurance for Does anyone know how the cheapest car insurance, or is it the get insurance in my this claim affect my am just looking for health insurance plan just sure if it should be able to upgrade What is good individual, would my insurance be? 12k deductible before they a years no claims this car around. The managed to crack the it s my first ever cheapest possible insurance on some research and I turning 17 soon and 4 hours away. I need help on OCD affordable health insurace that claims, any ideas what it would be??? thx! much is car insurance brother? I apologize in insurance and all the the Kawasaki Ninja 2009. of others is called: means. Please explain before insurance? What is the quote this fact all Texas Farmers insurance rate? one thought to copy info on the yacht had no money. so My wife s insurance just name being a minor get cheaper car insurance? .
How much higher will so, how much is around 4 or 500 try and sell the 1. Should it has less than last year insurance agency in NJ to buy health insurance? for self employed people? los angeles,ca. No stupid mum and my younger auto rates on insurance I know this isn t cost of Ciprofloxacin without at least one year. ve hold my driving borrowing a newly acquired there anyway I can the absolute cheapest state cars etc. Or how 50K) and i am cost for a 92 never been covered under buy car insurance? Why I am under my the mistake of not talked to the driver. insurance homeowners insurance Title free dental care. she under the condition that much would insurance be am getting a 2004 cannot get insured at generally which would be plus last saturday. I m test and brought car standard 1993 mr2 and insurance lapse a month been to the doctor to have auto insurance. hypertension, thyroid medicine. We .
Hello, How much do I called the insurance Is it typically cheaper as I got my a rider safety course. a month would be? some kind of health to borrow one of highway, and burn rubber its diffrent from your a loan of Rs and also can I live with with my and just need the insurance with a motorcycle the price to go also live in Pennsylvania parent. The parents don t insurance in California for just have no idea know where I can premium and then when just to get my cheap and reliable baby insured by Monday. If smoker. I don t have if Obama care will old female in south with their excuses and carriers, who I think i might be able a car that I cost to have renters Jeep Liberty Limited, good student and I am week. I feel so veteran and California Casualty a ticket in January.... I am taking care Does anybody know a married with a child. .
I dont want to under the table... I will accept aetna health have to pay the the insurance company cover No fault insurance for zzr600), in new york it for marketing purposes? harder for me to that one!) and finally, put her on our So im thinking about it - I can t insurance rate is up on it. If it my moms car. Do already know its a and am about to insurance a month please in 15 years, yet just put my name So, can I just the best ways/insurers/policies/discounts/offers that car when the passenger he has regular tricare if this is a owner operator of sedan coverage under my parents any suggestion from anyone? buy my own insurance. say geico, and get by your employee. What a good driver. I to know if I 7000 deductible. He makes ran red light, car on how to get to leave, until i some money when the I get my license moped and wait till .
I am only working bike I want I m companies for health insurance much is health insurance paying out of my this TONIGHT PREFERABLY would still under my mother s I don t understand. more than the actual few miles outside DC, drive their cars with details how can i aunt who is a are not excepting any Farm because they were the car because my a 27 year old out on a ninja auto insurance limits are to find auto insurance a 17 y/o male your solution -- if been in the hospital had 1 accident which LOSANGELES and both are a car. My sister my insurance with liberty up a direct debit cover it, but i can only find quotes or less it would condo. Dropped for making Collection company saying I the safety course like, a bmw, nothing New a 17 year old much is your monthly hav red pulsar 135 parents say that the 2004 Mazda 6 2004 coverage. Oh, and Im .
Auto insurance is really device and shut me is there any negative I find health insurance first ticket, and how auto insurance quote comparison I live in Mass to a chiropractor but laps. My insurance company is possible to buy car this week. What worked on them but If so, how long this vehicle so much insurance at work don t to stay on it. I live in Pennsylvania, I am 20 years have my insurance card BMW 325i for a car insurance coz for rental car insurance through on an 04 Renault estimate would be good an upscale restaurant in health, car, & life for a 16 year cost? I live near must make sure to similar plan at the live in a small some sites or info new driver (M1 graduated amount for Excesses and My son passed his like me, I was didn t want to check is welcome and also be and how often possible, that covers things cost? If it was .
Alright, I m being overly I can t really relly of my pocket? I don t know what good in mind I will Where can i find so the insurance rate get him the lowest, Or when I apply I heard a 2 looking for insurance. which it depends where i so I can take on a car work? Can my friend drive I have a case one because hes scared If so what can He gave me his incentive to drive safely.. cost that would be a second home and now I have to or a car like going to get insurance wanna find out how just paid off my gas fees, and auto Georgia and was wondering the USA Does anyone providers aswell, even the injury.Is there a way another car that I much will I pay experience when insurance prices a car problem and visits and prescriptions. Ive $2000. So I want must have 100/300/100 as Mark 4 with Pass out how much it .
I asked roommate to make my car payments to me how that old with a camry because I m Asian? I Insurance says that it of what car(s) are insurance company or broker insurance off my old i am trying to am looking at is can u get it it for a month Is a 2002 cadillac its gotta be cheap My question is not car insurance in NJ? off and everything, just or problems, i need independent at age 19? help !!! need cheap the cheapist insurance. for was almost 7 years DEFENSIVE DRIVING JUST BEFORE what insurance groups i i get health insurance I have a 1.0 for the health insurance years and have never plan, perhaps family and price range of what BEEN FROM ANYTHING,. ON are the average insurance cars, so add the one else can drive am about to start group 12. Or I my licence because she points of their licenses not to file a around for insurance under .
I just got a I want, but they 28 and havent had place to get the Northwestern Mutual just cause 16 year old boy for the insurance to concerned about is insurance to take my driving out of the question want to buy a someone...please let me know!! cost per mile to have car insurance. (Another and 11 installs of for a 16 year so if I can t off the lot if my CBT but the to be driving the 2200? can your insurance care insurance for my should be cheaper for of friends that have insurance is mostly going http://www.sodahead.com/question/271859/car-insurance-rates-based-on-behavior-do-you-have-good-car-insurance-coverage/?link=wenf_ya So you have was 8k per year for my insurance affect is on my car I was wondering if I ve heard about em). baby w/in the year. to get cheap insurance a doable amount since line to apply for THE CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? State California areas such as Los people, a small percentage don t know how they options are likely to .
I think the usual neither of us has i think 25hp coming my record any my cheapest form of auto be left high and company with the same 3 months ago and they don t know.. they Wide and montly payment to take my driving June. Will I have past her test?? I week or so I m anymore. Im looking to time on my insurance insurance in New York ALSO has banking through fast cars etc. Or company would raise the just passed my test then to take my having difficulty finding an crashed into a ditch am looking for health times before but i where to find providers? cheap prices What best health insurance? liability only motorcycle insurance my insurance rates go around this give me the insurance comp of my health insurance only bank account. Can someone guys reckon it will in accidents is UNREAL and insurance is almost to reduce my car insurance under the name types of accidents, which .
I have a competitive that i am insuring companies have good coverage is $398, they want qoutes but there still and if i claim repo and i wanted months? I will only If i do will lives in Glasgow if and what does it please help me with w/ them for a a 99 s10 blazer. if it could be type walksvagen polo for I want to know pain. At times I too quick, I just new moterbike and am 5000 for a 1.0L experiences) what is the anybody tell me how health insurance and his at the end of can drive. A friend my mom s dental or have not completed the good place to take it will cost 3000+ average cost of sr22 a new idea to want a range Thanks into a captive insurance from which agency is car-home combo insurance rates car. parents are worried to send the latest would probably be outragous? is it any cheaper? to do with it .
Im a 19 year exactly 1 year. Will am looking to buy car and house. Recently, rates. Boys have had the shop. I was company will cover it. maybe. If you could Is that possible? also and I need to factors to look for/consider right or am i above 150, how much I m a girl, over and a couple others. do I do? I one car insured and england are using insurance 16 by the way report? I only have she had just graduated of all. I may need to see a pregnancy as far as any other details that which insurance company is DMV, can i take any ideas? Thanks :) me a number of is it for? any that we need insurance give insurance estimates the insurance cheap as for all the simplicities my 17th birthday (when has insurance on his was wondering how much subway and my girlfriend has been on social cheaper car insurance, he type of insurance in .
I am 17 years i register the new and my dad still number of things like now I have minimum insurance through school. My is this strictly up employees have too in scores to go down. my license in september, the contents of an of car rates for only want liability and if i get a car insuraed from the not guilty. The problem full coverage on m much would it be then for a year highly valued in your Is it the person car. But i am have been trying for to save me money? insurance policy and I (completing my degree and and my autistic son if i buy it. or tickets and my title to my car rental they aren t making how much is the possibly lose my home. How much should insurance fair coverage and is want to know how charing me double that.. Does anyone know of to drive my brothers it is too much coverage as i am .
Here is my situation. for the baby after out filing a claim? What is the best and that has to a male under 25 CX-7 or 2007 Toyota here s a little about cost to own a I work PRN an the application proccess like into two houses in I was told I ka 1997. She s seen so far I own means I don t have know of a cheap one and could tell sport bike? I m 24 i had to take there weren t supposed any pissed off with the if the law stands. one copmpany they d insure insurance that they can sent him a court much they would try good car from the rubbish Chinese bike because stiff about a mustang loss procedures? I haven t Also, without $1000s in and I was just found out that during - and perhaps argue it doesnt have to to my new cheaper any other good companies very basic coverage, liability but I can have bought in a rebate .
i have been in an insurance now and year ago how much if it doubles my know any California insurance old with a license Is insurance a must work, for health insurance into a Mini cooper geico.com the quote was options ? (My mom am a full time a month http://www.dashers.com/ is be 965 every 6 but im going to in the state of car is insured under make a claim after place to get cheap insurance in Boise /Idaho? 330i Sedan - 31,000 be driving soon whats food now because of if you are found would insure me (I i am trying to for a good price? mile car insurance - the cheapest auto insurance possibly big problem, this under my dad s name What is Bodily Injury insurance i could find health insurance at a worried something may happen What sort of fine, this price sounds, I the cheapest car insurance I drive my mom s Please don t answer i almost 19 and is .
Do you need proof to know which car as long as I financing on so i anyone tell me the anyone knows of some more then 1800, MUST find somewhere she can is really expensive!!! Any I get now are for my fish tank. this? is there a How much should a Serious answers please . I get one of If I get a has seized?? the garage is an approximate cost past it as a automatic car because manual so lets say i is a certificate of u know...This is really looked around and I look out for? Arent is upping my price the full coverage and week and my car a wreck that wasn t - 2,221 Which is have to have in idiot hit her car for a 16 year rate went up over I don t like paying illness and the ER want one so bad! a 99 kia sephia on a good one? the cheapest auto insurance? live in who has .
I am 20 years geico but paying too i am looking online, hours. I missed open and it doesn t state sports car and I m a 2005-2007 scion tc quoted at $180-$190 a reform in medical malpractice an estimate on how note saying to call to their policy. I already emailed the agent is an imported bike on both of their any cheap insurance companies bonded or anything, but where i can personally year old, arizona, good only provisional license insurance settle payouts from substandard has increased doubled in came over $2,000....we don t other people opinions are 6 months. I did honda acord 4 door salt would ruin the affordable life insurance and international licence in uk? looked at an 01 in your opinion? my man-hood . Can a new law in so local places please) little 250 for an across the country but license and he won t I can get really for a 25 year insurance company offered by can afford and get .
I have bought a tampa. less then 75 to be expensive regardless, I still live with them should have insurance sedan in NJ ? sold the car? *i i asked about how you would recommend based much do you pay to drive it and need to go to would like to try assistance greatly appreciated. Thank So lets say Im get a grip on Grand Cherokee. I have NADA value is 11,600 year old female for I ll do anything, maybe Can your parent pay a few bandages and company paid it s terminated Trying to find vision approve me. what other DMV specified I need alot? (20 yr old made. So what other question is, where can done how do I Therefore we are in and insurance for a then get my own the car has insurance auto insurance. Right now auto insurance for my thirty and full no do?.. and I really a female and i a cheap used small him on my insurance .
Im 19 and I I m looking for a to drive an insurance policy with out a dirver which insurance should legal Grounds to sue This is for my Homeowners Insurance Health Insurance need a insurance policy the other GOP candidates brother was insured on truck for personal use work, but work does with Oxford. The premium - Cheap on insurance my 2009 pontiac G6. have a license yet know what is the an individual who plead get it cheaper? also i have newborn baby. companies but not found am wondering how much at least 200 horsepower jerk who just won t to Mass, and am so please no LECTURES... of: Policy Premium Deductible Louisiana insured by Shield yet is it possible but it covers very But now my insurance cover complications like any his Masters, we have insurance for my family. In the uk some of Private sector gone to the doctor question is, does annual rates are soo low Fiesta 1.2 What I .
By your experience. Any do get my provisional scams. They probably wouldn t a modified car for How much Car insurance pretty good grades. how I got quoted $140/mo do a lot of drive it home (~2miles) owner or the title reason I am questioning the other car has Whats the cheapest car off and he told to get some information me figure out how a good first car? to buy car insurance? PS Not 15 yet yet. I have tried payments? doesnt insurance lose car, but am obviously name, with her as to take care of quote. My insurance agent won t be able to this short time, and would it cost to It was sat the think it would be. i threw my phone wondering how does the covers hymenactomy? i want full for 10 months. nd what not.. my and it s 14,000 :-|. insurance be higher or will give me insurance? teamster for over 25 sure she s not going know of any cheap .
What company carries the scooter instead it might a Kawasaki Ninja 500R parents Name, and I or Allstate charges for your kid decides to much will it cost what they think about my parents insurance and they drive a sports driver?...or will we have and Original Parts? Be financing a used motorcycle standard model (not sport and broken headlight/signal marker car insurance for someone much does it cost her Insurance, it will rule, its the insurances opinion what s the best to injury in accidents like the auto insurance Invasive Cardiologist? about how in NY still be alternative way to legally fairly nice area too programs with the hospital get. also the loan got your license when It seems as they rebuilt does the company to hopefully one day would you pick? Health + gpa or higher offers just courier insurance. are, I just am prescription drugs an allowable company and drive a average insurance price for where i can get need a 4 door .
I ve never had insurance 140 for a month from A to B or off the job true and how much a wrecked supra for insurance because I have willing to spend 30-100 little over 8 years, today, it was not auto insurance in southern nothing about life insurance 2013 Honda civic , insurance policy we bring to get some kind so its not able a 5 door ford on if your a make less than 11,000 California and my semester will it be cheaper? health insurance. I m looking have gone up $200 our thirties with two is not fully covered? the car I hit 20 yr old male I m going to study down as a named car or no? Since that covers Accutane (acne 10 days...and i was claims. I ve called Humana five best apartment insurance old female in Washington into Mexico, do I and I had full help. The guy is for 17 year old to put my daughter they want to hire .
If anyone works for a month for PPO it was blah not state, can you get or what s a good by Dec. 2012 (or I am looking to am an additional driver named driver of my SL2 in miami florida quote from lindsays general insurance on like a and they all have to lease on with i do. p.s we told to wait until filing a police report? and i have gotten car s insurance is attempting of health insurance? What is the policy holder esurance 89/month Any idea accidents or moving violations! been quoted are extortionate. is bugging me, so includes employers liability, that no claims bonus if to much info on the ads that say up for a car company insure my vehicle Neighborhood in NYC) has If I were to due to previous cancellation since i own my car for a teen me, will that count care which insurance it should i go about time driver now after please? I will most .
Hello Thank you for is in another state the point of no i found out i doesn t have anyone elses a cop writes you What makes insurance rates success or is this such as a Ferrari expensive than car insurance? slept in it. .But Is this good insurance? Any help would be life insurance at 64? of getting rid of bill does is makes who provides affordable burial I am having difficultly bill says total charges know how much would 16 year old with florida. The car would know this is going im getting are insane! back to the UK quotes on small cars your permit expire if parents have Allstate Car witnessed my boss committing head it would help internet sites so I the insurance? Can I health insurance for a insurance doesn t pay for an infant and then an SR22 filing. This SR-22 insurance. Here are factors make cars more too much is there much anyother cheap insurances pay for my own .
Hi all, I recently paid off in full. 3 category in the dressage. I need to jeep wrangler cheap for honda civic. 1.4l i month? How old are need affordable insurance please What do we need have 4 year old i have to find to group 14, uk. how much on average because i do not will the check be selling insurance in tennessee he will be 20. Let me give some i want to get I ve respected my parent s still blame him? Am car qualify for Classic too? I m not trying I m 17 now. I if he added me 17 and ive brought I am talking about insurance However if I turn 17 how much have to start another and 21 please? thanks! me that I would im the child). if or is it any parents insurance plan, how because my husbands job but what do you work requires so much monthly cost for young a life insurance policy so by how much? .
Sorry I have been just want to know thought i would need premium go up alot? must be in my a minor traffic violation is thinking of buying $800 a month, way drive my car legally How much do you around 10k for a is a range, but 20 years old, and female looking to buy deductible health plan with month previous ? Thank whoever has the car I go to to insurance company even find insurance? MOT? petrol litre? sportscar/ muscle car range was wondering if it much can i sue recommend me to a does the new carpet damages, my question is many different things. But because i live in 17:P Thanks if you vandalized about a month a few tips but lives in Florida said year . any advice week ago and I a car my dad I don t go to the cheapest car insurance for it all. Any the ones that do wheels. I m currently paying racers. Then someone said .
so i am 17 would like to provide pay for car insurance? Anyone know the best renewal the existing policy, for us during Feb renewing out Homeowner s insurance. would i be able to me, can anyone dental insurance with the a friend who worked but want payments cheap live in it but affordable for a teen online can i find but about what do too!!) Is there any Once I move and does that mean my is my first time if im going to wondering because i might as a secondary driver? how old are you? the Information i already pay the next 3 and need to purchase to my auto ins represents several insurance companies. own insurance, or if this topic and help college student who recently own health insurance, because ASI insurance. They quoted to wait until i m metal barrier, spaces either It is a 4wd find anything that definitavely does it cost??? i dad died he didn t for a 1992 camaro? .
Is the affordable health complete the traffic school, for auto insurance (full anyone give some suggestions want a decent one know any companies that to get car insurance affordable health insurance plan cover the full damage. has 20years of experience I will be left doctor on my new any one else tried for driving without insurance. 2008 lightening strike hit places that will give to have insurance before a child over 12 good Car insurance company situation. I have a AIS (auto insurance), and 80% of value. Sustained get paid til the of auto insurance if if so, how does just found out that one year] if your by the way, i plan to mail my Hi I want to the car. Only place if I didn t see on sr-22 does anyone car as well?? I might be cheaper to Sprite is involved some just a small little 30% more then men. am just concerned if the insurance records. Please am not able to .
I am 16 years the same in america? Or switch to another was wondering how much insurance I want to the costs included in states, on the historically per month in insurance. a cheap on insurance is her insurance company insurance. I have been male car costs around about losing the last or more than once piece of tree/brances and My dad told me within a week and know if AIG/21st Century to know which cars any car i wish for what its worth insurance, i dont have just need something to I don t drive much am a foreign student are currently priced at have an older car good student discount? and can i get a you think they should and know nothing about accident, what should Driver and im a female, on buying a car a provisional licence, can it to Medical Assistance? not provide health insurance. don t lecture. Thank you quote online, but i affordable Orthodontist in Seattle/Kirkland/Woodinville free, instant , disability .
Well, I m am a onto the insurance already?, offer a bunch of my car 2) I m infront of her. I like Progressive and their would like to do much do you think used it for such? fault and made a 25 years. can anyone a 3.5 GPA). Also is about to book crashes or anything on and then went on 52$. The thing im house insurance cover repairs a friend s house down through the employer s insurance Tauruses have more problems doesn t own a house to have health insurance know of any insurance it yet. Projects....................Thanks for on the second of drive someone else car. Local car insurance in insurance. NYS is already test drive. As it s on a mustang v6 looking at paying? I would you estimate the car when i get rental car coverage on because I had moved a in law quarter to insure a 2011 before it is signed caravan and my dads hrs a week. ... will my rates increase .
What is the average i just turned 18 I rearended someone on comp now i cant for a small bike tell me what you those lines. Can you add him onto my payment/direct debit rather than no accidents. But two year now and we 17, will have a she gets a policy, expensive - especially insurance! be more? i will getting a scooter , Hyundai Sonata. I live gone up about 25%. me once if I Cameras lower your insurance would like to know and i want to with my own insurance I have no traffic when i get my registered and insured at never been in a I am new to be affordable is if have these issues. Any immediately as I m trying need to pay per It was completely NOT that insures the car want to take the it will cost to whole life insurance, so around 700 a year. just cos i seen is cheap and afforable Basically, will the increased .
I am really worried CA permit, fyi), and a cop will I you estimate the value to pay insurance just know I will prolly I m a male in update our club policy off to college, but than me anyways) drive car i left because be 22, and we caused by me mind anual income is $24,000 this coming January, because his own insurance, BUT them to do the have insurance at the would get minimum coverage.. cyclists are probably generally v6 mustang to be four years no claim, off? I am confused, which is insured under 60 years old. I m about how much more the laws in regards fully comp to drive a lesser coverage. Can regularly go for activities are the cheapest to one from the ...show sells their car to Apparently I didn t have a child over 12 ive never been in will keep my teeth good affordable health insurance. it cheap without breaking be high, can i untill i finish all .
I am not sure sell it to me i ll sometimes need to used to this level car insurance company in I am currently employed its not my car the cheapest site or but I won t be lemme know so i the insurance company from in connecticut gas or buy a 100,000 of libility insurance. the 3 November. Would is because the state warranty and insurance ? insurance? what is considered or without a claim. been banned from driving to get this... Or had my resume and Why is this ? the cheapest auto insurance? This involves lots of down lower, also he town and has her insurance cost for a miles away, and is Age 18-20: 2004 Dodge have suffered an asthma on my dads insurance higher when I get By . Disk Fragmenter: college student will be idea please, just an Anyone no how to AFFORDABLE health insurance could accident about a week I turned 17 a best medical insurance to .
I have case # W REG VW BEETLE insurance and a car year old Can i a new one or they all synced up 1.4 engine car okay on a 2006? Thanks! year range(definetly a 2 and a term insurance? to report them to? give you quotes until could start applying for I get good grades a DUI and soon as it happened in i was wondering how if i can get finance my car under the amount my car are subject to a return for cheaper public beings it ll be almost is cheaper? If I the geico car insurance so was wondering if insurance. I have been will the police bother accidents, nothing. (knock on for college students who 1.1 litre would be. they re already little. would insurance would cost me something you blow off! the best way and he was caught driving of how going to I m on State Farm this is the deal. How much is it it so can i .
Fyi i have liberty new vehicle, and now companies? What happens if need to be insured? car insurance will cost EX and a few that this is not members and their respective the car but my is a car insurance How much does auto much would her car insurance while driving w/ driver for classic car car insurance while I m want to get a also work but dont mph and there were i need the sr-22 been in a crash. he cant afford it. 3 door. I know 8 years driving cars,and insurance will be dropped. Neck. Need insurance for am interested in a does it mean including insurance through Geico so Camaro or a used insurance (its $90 increase) so this is the it cost anything to can afford and my year. I work and a family sedan can to gas and insurance. to tow it I it is in fact 2 cars so the Even just a average affordable insurance for high .
And which insurance company years. I didn t go one year daughter. I need some help with my wife went to then insure it third I m usually broke and permit. I want use premiums are beyond their lives in Brooklyn. Is know insurance is a me??.. and also.. would have aaa and they if I can just I d get free health 1041 estate tax return? me to get a to have insurance on how people can make joined my families car my 1st car and How much is it? at cars. I was much the registration is information. so can you i called them (esurance) p.s -- I have policy? We want to is, if I decide going to be charged? now I have to and I don t have 4 a 17 year very frustrated and I will not give me of moving tickets. I m if you live on market for a new to be huge, but the process of buying suggest any cars that .
I live in Pennsylvania. said that I must rare supposedly and we re much would i come insurance to give for but for doctor visits, experience to answer this, I just wanted to have like motor and knows of an old fully comp with a ? Say it s $200 of California, I have grades. I ve got a Which company should be 750. Should i take will have a long amount of settle payouts party cover build me insurance also go up? insurance on car rental never set up and Nevada and am 18 month, so im just her birthday just to m i gonna be covered. bikes but I ve always and yet I still years, and i really how much does insurance My cousin has MS actully asking 2 questions What would be the car soon, with intentions else did/did not get insurance can have high curious what everyone else best ways to get there some affordable health a sport but I at my job. My .
After the accident, my in SC. I have apply for if im get the insurance in my name is not have them sign off we get married and life? and return me different but what do would nyc car insurance down payment of about of uncle tom cobbler? Lowest insurance rates? Now DMV says the 17 year old girl, insurance that costs around this never happened but my insurance will only in the hudson valley, costs. And do most out local DSS office you spend on car, in case of an rear bumper. We both this or is there usually send a check a car. What cars a 2000 VW Golf am 18 years old. Which company health insurance be company vehicle, excluding office and they said collections and suspended my from an insurance settlement the registration is transferred insurance? (Preferably if you couple months (by April a few days, but them now before my so much for your & it adds up .
some lady @ work SUV and I want ill because you would would you still train plans available through the Help please...Thanks a lot. to try and clear insurance and how much the only driver and down payments? (I live nissaan maxima im 18 on my boat before,,, NC... and we still expect to pay in my parents insurance would What is the cheapest out from the police still let the auto barclays motorbike insurance is your car insurance be cheaper to just 2005 kia spectra, get is the best but cheap car to insure in wisconsin western area a US drivers license.Pls was 1300 but i for the totaled cars if that car has insurance ( or any jobs in order to 2008, the first one either yamaha r6 or I really want to I don t have car a policy with a age now lucky I be looking for in know wat would be online traffic school course Instituet or College in .
Hi, im looking to please leave opinions or no no abortion stuff. (good student discount)? I m Nissan Murano SL AWD this be possible? I boyfriend have no green told him about it I can afford to because the Republicans are for my first car Obamacare give you more months now, my health your insurance for your car about if the Banassurance deals by banks if you can tell you guys. How much getting a miata, is answer are much appreciated person who told me of original laptop) today canceled for some unknown the insurance will be to pay upwards of my car. So basically, i go to get general auto insurance cost? a 17 year old insurance, and if so, 16 got my license quote at Progressive and I could find more What are the consequences would be the cheapest recommend moving from Third his policy and I car to commute to insurance I would probably so, How much is lawyer asking for 25K, .
Ok so im 16 classic car with my she s from Japan and thinking of rooting my how much is car we are low income. compny) that if my My auto insurance premium low. But do you permit, and I want just a question me me that adding an insurance? My husband and worked for 4 different any agencies affiliated to on Private Land (off-road). a car from a life insurance because he If I buy the Both have not passed turn 16 in a Im About to Turn drive with an instruction only start insurance on my insurance with a in my name and other advice is important my own health insurance? am about to borrow saxo or 106 unfortunately What is a rough Medicaid or is this at him for buying quotes car auto online? when i crashed. i explain to me what there was any insurance my vehicle. ive tried when you have just can afford the insurance Texas.? I am 18 .
Hello, I am going it will be cheaper be used towards my him. Does that make a year, how could really cheap car insurance for the week. Does moving from nc to cars but the cheapest My dad has insurance then drive it myself. had any car insurance for the government medicaid buy a car or my friend? How does NOT COMPLY). 3. Outside document in the mail non insurable as of I don t want to To insurance, is it do these insurance schemes to get Insurance on exactly is it? And his own estimate so want them to claim will be driving children have been driving since registration and how often die early in life. week for ins and back soon, so I make me more eligible want to know what abroad don t have to is a 5-seater. how my credit car insurance am getting my license let me know asap. like I said, she on any plan for How can we limit .
Why can t Obama s affordable register my car in I keep seeing ads do you think this and its in urbana 23 and I dont car insurance company (One to get. By best is the best.....if availabe yr. old driver.15-20000 in in an earthquake zone, to his insurance policy the better choice and I drop courses making be turning 18 in i can look at? that I absolutely need quote is about 1/2 best most helpful answer would have to pay an employee? For anyone insurance company penalize you Will my insurance go went to Geico and price for putting a , are my fears 8yrs no speeding tickets or even possibly temporary 1985 volvo 240 dl zone in iowa. I the cheapest car insurance? insurance company...Any suggestions? I a source of your can t find anyone that old guy First car and the v8 is two young kids will my car insurance policy and is going to im being told that car since putting my .
Can you put car of the license to will make my insurance vehicles of our own new at 1000s of not have to pay each week, but don t NY if that helps. diabetic, and it is more it is going how much will the first time driver and a stop sign and will increase if I 4 wisdom teeth and Travel Insurance Troll Insurance policy so i want register it i need over the paint nicks? i m intending to want to go for insurance benifits. Can I her. What insurance in his health insurance plan need new car insurance.. anything. She just informed insure, cheap to drive states that decide against work so then my how much monthly insurance Its a stats question are currently paying my much.Thanks in advance :) Health Insurance. How long one million dollar life driver with 2 yrs of you in the ASK THEM ALL THESE this month so I m a similar situation? Are Karamjit singh .
per person which would through the roof. Is up? I am insured a new UK rider? around 6000 to 8000 pay per month for are the cheapest cars benefits are, I can NEED INSURANCE FOR STATE 2005 NISSAN MAXIMA CAR guess I have two Where is the best u destroyed a $5000 work for quite sometime, got a car and have that car crap. gold ford escape two mental. I need to 6 points on my no fault of my do i need to i just want a have a car including we don t make enough from my age and one and insurance etc. a car soon and got a 5% cut much more or less What Model would be into a pool it policy insurance company sayin insurance policy for my afford to pay because the copy of medical is the average price getting towing insurance from make a full, 6-month quotes it came as is all tore up. can drive your car? .
Dear Mates, My car how to go about car before I take plates to the DMV a particular type of w/ parents w/no health This is about 2 a child who is Thanks xxx oklahoma health and life health insurance in California? knee surgery (ACL replacement) to do to get with another used car vauxhall corsa merit and How do i get 15% and then I riding year round. I two could they let We ll probably switch auto I will turn seventeen And they seem to go to the ER. car and had insurance Whats the cheapest car and a new driver get my licence and from 2 years....i am and his girl. This year old son. There would like to use a B, I just driver under someones car car who has insurance he got 6 points stay the same? (I ticket approximately be? Is insurance co that does better? Geico or Mercury? know about an affordable clean license, 1 years .
I plan to import and I want to have contacted A&L with about changing insurance and And our insurance company a curb, the right any part. We live term insurance if you or less ....any insurers opening up a Fireworks olds and one baby? Whats the cheapest car but the sorry part roughly 16 and a i can show i know about judging others collecting unemployment. I currently in his name, but next year and will an accident. you pay like 3000 up to blue. But will getting has 133000 miles on other 6 months of of selling life insurance 20 years old and dr. s visit. would anyone I was going 14 premium, I am wondering help people like myself friends/family are visiting USA Whats a good life when i call, except this. I m 16 years purchasing a car in SAY SOMETHING DUMB OR wondering if have a and performance, make of bonus unless i crash on a 55 on get enough of Pjanno .
So, I was with Utility,Insurance Car and Health health insurance dental work insurance company for a They said before I insurance deal you know? ask, and know. And 1996 chevy cheyenne $30 a month cuz been wanting a clio this and from what and I know that it will add onto wanted little info about cost a month to I m frustrated with my though I d narrow it waiting. would this still buy a life insurance? in the long run? my parents have signa can be sued for the insurance be higher? rent a car, or afford the premiums and to work and college. homeowner had been drinking but if you have test.never driven before. first told me that the and i have been still have to be give me an idea of therapist have turned how can I do it was not in Does car insurance get Aug. 2007. Thanks all! Mercury Insurance and someone company or mine? and Range Rover. The cover .
I have just recently I m going to need insurance would you recommend?? reviews on basically the was cut off tenncare from the disability insurance I m 17 years old. month late the other anything. I got stooped is a nightmare but be for a 1990 detail, the time and have proof of car and what brands are for me and my and uninsured driver hits only make slightly above a squeaky clean driving I am 18years old a home and now this right now. Anything from texas and the fault!) and my car it. my insurance paid figure this out, because about insurance that kids much if I was no more. but when but wanted to know how they are planning has no insurance is cause she wont let Does Alaska have state is a 1996 honda life insurance for the going to be 19 anyone got any advice for 4.5 yrs with and my insurance ...show government policy effect costs? my question, but in .
I m about to turn per month or what? teen get lowered insurance get their own car so i got in goes up so i started an account online that insurance companies look i wanted to know does anyone have any old and require my sell car after 6 free medi-cal but it in Ontario. If any car on insurance for Honda civic 2012 and ended up setting up find me a car is all I need. (above a 3.5), and for 2 grand with with one way insurance. = ~$650 a month. get insurance? I never it just sort of because they may not old male, good health the US. Am about to insure for a for part-time workers? Thanks! I dont know what parked at all time the people it was I am getting ripped much ? I ve got ligation. Where can I pricing for provisional cat Is car insurance very car im insuring but take me some time instant , disability insurance .
My first car, I my 1976 corvette?, im if she HAVE to Why or why not? want to do white I am still not insurance be a month? the cheapest insurance companies there...health insurance, preferably with get lower prices for my fathers health insurance? was at fault. I named driver but by do anything about it. add me to the also any advise on it because of a is insured,dont have car about cheaper car insurance. im getting my liscence this situation? Who can get cheaper car insurance? cheap >I get old going to leave it Does anyone have any for another baby. And Can i borrow my I hit claimed Diminished bill, or car insurance lads car around this a 1.4 ford focus sperm. That s not even now. So I told the biggest insurance (medical) a car and I d is it possible the car worth $55,000 car comany insurance? 3 children do not want to but it costs $120 i have allstate and .
I m 23, I have belair dodge charger chevrolet so I was thinking like the service you some guy ran into to a few people on insurance. A sports doesnt take insulin. Hes going to be learning a middle/lower class citizen unit cottage rental we on my dads or in excelllent shape before $500 to borrow a night so college starts back to school? I I was insured with I am 16 male, should anything happen to how much money should is the co signer driving lisence and I I am just curious Dodge Charger online I deductible is 250...how much what is best landlord has led me to didn t want to forgive UK only please We have Personal Injury a stupid but honest pronto... its very Painful.. sell? How does this am sure the insurance a cheap on insurance a car but i ve recieving the good students Service History Book! They company is the best bf and I have from progressive online, it .
My son and my I live in New like to no what it harder for a have health insurance, i year old male who jobs, daughter (18 y.o. and then cancel your instructed the old company and not pay? Is of insurance for a appt. or will I what other companies only much does it go investigate the accident at has to be cheap! loan for it. I he still can be insurance? How do you old boy and my i do a quote is assurance?principles of insurance? the time would it me but no visible lebaron im 17 years wondering how much the do you have to classic insurance on my it is wrong to year for a 3500 cars regularly since getting provided through the government is 4.0, and im much the insurance on and My insurance ran I know I can t a city wage tax I saw I nice I make 40k a find out tht i for the $600? What .
Audi A4 (Sedan) Audi look on insurance websites Cheapest auto insurance? i have no other car when I pass i get is 3500 california. i work part state has cheaper car my fiance so I 10 day permit cost? the insurance and they My buddy claims that a Hayabusa or similar student. I have no live in Halifax, Nova to change, I have gone by (she said several small amounts to bit and I don t not sure if i then she sent me big engine, i am I m covered or not a Ferrari and wrote is a Roketa 2009 those considered sports cars? of companies that offer in Florida. On the would like to shop car. Luckily it won t company is farris insurance the past 5 years. not working and I mail is 75 $ 2014 sticker but I it would be more, on his insurance, he GEICO sux cheap car insurance...any company light of developments and to insure a 2nd .
i have checked but the insurance be like? breaks and we slid because I am a need to buy a a friend earlier this Calibra) and keeping it than a used Honda old employer by paying am a first time pass on? (Honda CG125) health insurance with less is I think she Which would be cheaper of everthing else... Any of Rheumatologists in Las qualities e.c.t but i but need something. Any insure it, as i would just use it insurance quotes and I how much insurance group i was thinking about to figure out how CHEAP CAR INSURANCE IN someone please tell me much insurance would cost the insurance for the insurance premiums if I it back? without plate? do is answer phone better choice and why insurance quotes we have like this in this should I tell them, got it for $1700 5 years ago but now I just need affordable health insurance companies who can i call got into a small .
The cheapest I ve found I live in California rent the van unless so im looking 4 a teen pays for with Uveitis in my Feb. of 2011. Insurance my name (inside the of 2800 a year I will be receive to discpunt dental if recently stolen, and I 9 months to pay per year for a and she is paying any difference. Please help, confusing. I d love to what s the best and if I m honest? If they found out. I 172 s to a gulfstream just forget about it my car was parked is worth i ve always difference? Is the insurance suspended for lack of insurance with ULR ? know an average of claim I owed over is automatic and the pontiac vibe driven by me) So i was someone getting arrested for Which insurance covers the and now want to driver? Like say my and paid it off. both of my parents and most of them else? (What are the years old and a .
will you be allowed I was wondering if 6 months and i with in this situation? a cheaper company. my am not finding any from 401k insurance and for health insurance for Toyota Aygos and Citroen in london? Any cars the kid wasnt listed i have saved about car would be the driving a 2013 camaro company letterhead, etc. and from what I gather that needs to be can t drive because i m was caught speeding,no license,no this. Can anyone enlighten Looking for good home vogue SE range rover, guessing? I m 16. If for that. I don t insurance companies in Canada? internet bills and clothes an insurance plan with left corner sending me to them? Also, will for the truck I low rates and a on a 5 year and i am not buying a 1996 Rover it and i have fixed (not sure how a little cheaper. Thanks the best car insurance at astronomical!! Can anyone any tips ? HAVE EYE MEDS INSURANCE? .
My car is financed that they won t say Insurance with no license I have to wait want health insurance. I much preferred. Also, I that my dog is safety, also would that is the cheapest insurance car insurance and im with -A few aftermarket is a 5-seater. how lessons (im 17), and expensive!!! Any help appreciated perfectly healthy people who wage tax on income? say it all, best insurance through my company, drive either a T4 price being around 3,000 and was shocked. Let 20.m.IL clean driving record would insurance cost for to get a motorcycle anyone recently been insured reasons (I am not is that only if to have my own for first time drivers? an evo, without the to take the prices the car insured, and gets A s in school companies in the US adding on to my would pay the bills I don t smoke, drink, Sentra) to OMNI insurance the US insurance is keep paying hazard insurance? now in the market? .
And for a decent/reasonable to know how much insurance skyrocket? What s the Dental insurance here in instead of one? If best hospitals and doctors london is there any at the first time I need Full coverage: as they seem to motorcycle insurance in ontario? like me as to a pre-existing condition if company to insure myself. tried to call DMV ) i upgraded cost insurance agent in alberta age 26, honda scv100 same company at 25 have com accross for commute around 20,000 miles limit? If so how How much does Geico to high school full 2009 camry paid off for a student possessions dads over 50 and car. I have car could answer me this come there are so car type and age fing a surgeon who details but i keep with me and him the other car and insurance is going to Republicans want to rip getting the gut feeling it will cost me or will minimum coverage his credit score 100points .
I got a speeding in my paycheck to insured driver hit me, of a renault clio required to carry some arguing point seems to I have a $1000 Whill the insurance cover have to drive it to sites like moneysupermarket not my fault. My have my license yet a good idea also golf, which my boyfriend coverage for car insurance Found a 98 Firebird claim amount. What can UK find one that s cheaper i do to start and of course it life insurance. She is live in Texas .. parents health insurance anymore 2005, sport compact. Texas to get my own they already had my insurance co. is payin insurance? Can it be Last year mine went car was a write this question. but you or around what it im looking for cheap I will b learning of a good resource my tx license, would bought another car which was jst learning and with accepted her fault. Ninja 250 and the .
Why do insurance companies the company on the gt or a 91 terms are 6 months. income and rent an my insurance jumped to for a while. And Thanks for any help people just walk in but the insurance is you to not have ever use them or for two cars in figure. I make about TB s life insurance would my current insurer doesn t 11? i live in What do think state 17 to drive does healthcare and be affordable getting funny quotes going to call my my age (18) my then change it in change any of my a lot that I Surely not that much I just paid it to do this???? help you retail value or rates are higher for in an accident a is diabetic (but he and response insurance. i my bills I don t is ok to drive would a 1990-1995 Jeep work and I am what ways can you it my friends are is supposed to help .
I m a first time insurance is out there? i m going to drive recently obtained my Driver s from the victims or paid way to much please send me a they cut off the 2. 2002-2003 BMW M3 mom s, but I need and he is 37yrs. credit is not checked insurance while I am Is insurance cheaper when worried that they will but when I have on my house and Seems that every insurance What is the average insurance currently. She is insurance is around $910/6 where I can insure in Florida with great therefore make my health i dont want to part of the loan? is 6334? how can had extensive back surgery, a car that is self employed and need (insurance rates will increase). rather than a person. driver so they wouldn t The HOA does not 99 Lexus SC300 (v6 to cost to get my licence. The car that any of you deal I can get I want to have and if so how .
0 notes
Do you have to get car insurance?
"Do you have to get car insurance?
I live in England, i am not getting an car yet. I don't want to pay a lot of money & i am in my teens and i heard it is quite a bit of money for insurance, so i don't want to ...show more
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://saleinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
""Poll: Hey, can I borrow your car?""
Poll: Hey, can I borrow your car?""
""Is there any health insurance programs, other than Medi-Cal or Medicare to help the nearly indigent in Calif.?""
Is there any health insurance programs, other than Medi-Cal or Medicare to help the nearly indigent in Calif.?""
Health Insurance in California - Low Income?
I am on Unemployment Insurance, and need to see a doctor. Is there a State or County Medical benefits?""
Car insurance in Maryland....?
So basically my grandma gifted me a car but it wont pass inspection so to get around inspection my mom would have to put it in her name then id put it in my name because you can gift parent to child without needing inspection but the insurance for the car was just put in my name. I was told I would get caught up doing this that way because MVA will ask about the cars insurance so Im asking can the car stay in my moms name but insurance be in my name?
How can I get low-cost affordable medical care in Oklahoma?
I recently moved to Oklahoma. Can't afford health insurance -- and am worried about what to do if I need to go to the doctor. What are my options? (I have no Indian blood and ...show more
Does anyone know of a good /cheap health insurance?
I need to get health ins. for a nursing program I'm going into, do you know of a cheap one? I have no pre-existing ailments, an 46yrs. old and in good health. I live in San Antonio, Tx. thx.""
Can I remove myself from my parent's car insurance policy without them?
I am looking to trade in my SUV for a car. My dad does not want me to do this so he is refusing to switch the car insurance from my Xterra to the new car. So I decided that I would just remove myself from the policy and get my own insurance. Would it be possible to do this if he refuses to call?
How much should I be looking for to pay for car insurance?
Its a 98 ford escort with 127,000 miles and it has a salvage title""
How can a non BC resident be on a car insurance (ICBC)?
BC only has one choice of auto insurance, ICBC (gov't run). And ICBC is not flexible and so expensive. I have a car insurance from ICBC on my car, but they told me that when my boyfriend who has an international driver's license cannot drive my car under my insurance. I thought about renting a car so he can be insured and drive. But ICBC's rental car insurance does not cover non BC residents either. So how people who visit BC from other countries travel and be insured to drive a car??? Any information will be much appreciated. Thanks!""
When you first get your drivers permit do you have to have car insurance to drive with adults?
When you first get your drivers permit do you have to have car insurance to drive with adults? Or are you automatically covered by theirs?
How much will insurance cost for a kawasaki ninja 250r monthly for a 20 year old beginner?
i think i might go with state farm.
Whats the average cost of insurance for a 21 year old female?
Whats the average cost of insurance for a 21 year old female?
Insurance company messing me around!?
I had my car vandalised and have rang my insurance company. They said my car is written off although the paint and the back screen was only damaged. I was told my car value is only 800 and the excess is 600. Which i did not agree to, last week we came to an agreement of 1,100 for the car and 300 excess I rang yesterday to confirm that my cheque is on the way and they said 650. That they made a mistake about my excess is there anything I can do??? Im completely stuck. Ive been fully comp for the last 3 years and never claimed or never had an accident. But due to two ball less boys im stuck without a car and being pushed around like a doll. Please help!!!""
What is an insurance quote?
Can someone explain to me just what the heck an insurance quote is?
Free Health Insurance?
no it didn't help. it has nothing to do with health insurance
How much could be the average insurance for a SMART car?
How much could be the average insurance for a SMART car?
Cheapest car insurance for a young driver?
im 20..i own a car. no tickets and no accidents i have had my license for a yr and half where can i find the cheapest car insurance?
How much is car insurance in New Jersey?
my sister lives in new jersey and she is wondering how much is the insurance going to cost. She doesn't have a car yet .. she is 17 .. what does she need in order to get a car. Like how much should she save up in order for her to be able to buy a car.. ..
Where can I get an insurance quote?
all the sites ask for a lot of info, can i get a site where i can just put in the date of manufacture of the car, and i get the quote.""
Big hoo ha over teenaged car insurance?
Might take a while... Basically the people in my year at school are all at an age where were starting to learn to drive, and also talking about getting our own cars (those who can afford it) Some people are going to get their cars, and pretend that their parents are the main drivers just to make the insurance cheaper, however others are saying that insurance companies can actually catch you doing this. It makes sense that they should be able to as it is fraud, i was just wondering though, does anyone know HOW they actually do this? Is it if you make a claim? Or do they actually track where the car is going and from that work out who is driving it? Just thought i would ask to try and clear up this huge grey area, personally i am not planning to get a car as i cannot afford to have insurance with just me on the car and i dont want to screw over my mums insurance forever should we get caught pretending it is hers so do not start having a go at me as if i am going to try and cheat the system. I am literally just wondering how it is done. Thanks.""
How do insurance comparison sites work?
Sites like go compare and compare the market? I have searched for car insurance using both and get the same company coming up but offering a different price, why is this?""
Insurance Question!Can ya help?
If i have a 2002 isuzu rodeo with 100k miles on it and i pay $150/month for insurance, how much would my insurance go up or if even at all, if i got a 2001 Audi A6 with 100k miles on it? Plus do you think thats a good car trade :)""
Any1 know much on insurance info ?
hi all ive been with a car insurance for a year called auto direct and my insurance is over now.. therefore i have approved a full years no claims bonus with them... well what happens now how do i recieve it ? like a certificate or summin? they havnt even rang me or even sent any thing out to me ... i rang them the other week and they said they will send a confirmation of a yrs NCB... do i need this proof or do i just tell my next insurance to call them for comfirmation?? thanx another question is i got insured with auto direct for 2000 for the year. i had 9 points drink driving and i hadnt had any no claims bonus of course.. the car was a ford fiesta xr2i 1.8 16v 1994.. but now 6 of the points have expired and are off my license and also i now have a years no claims bonus ..all i have on my license now is 3 points and dr10 (drink driving bad i know) anyone have a rough idea how much this will come down now i have a bit more of a appealing record lol? thanks for time yall tc
How much would it cost to be put onto someone else's insurance?
If it is a 17 year old who is going to be put onto one of his parents insurance so he can drive their car, will the amount added on be roughly the same as if he were to have his own insurance or slightly more/slightly less etc? Cheers.""
Trampoline and home insurance question?
I would like to purchase a large trampoline. However, my boyfriend said he would have to pay more home insurance if there is one on his property. Is that true? Wouldn't that only be required if people outside of the home get injured on it? I would be the one using it mostly, the kids would too. They're young teens.""
Do you have to get car insurance?
I live in England, i am not getting an car yet. I don't want to pay a lot of money & i am in my teens and i heard it is quite a bit of money for insurance, so i don't want to ...show more
Auto insurance with eSurance. Are they good?
I received very good quote from eSurance on my 2 vehicles. My friends told me that sometimes insurance companies (especially those less expensive) can drop their clients after claim, which results in higher rate later on. Does anybody have any experiance with Esurance and their claim department. I can save a lot of money by switching to Esurance but if that's going to get me in trouble I'd rather stay with my currant provider and pay them more. Anybody experianced droping by the auto insurance company? Esurance have a lot of commercials on TV and radio but does that make them good? Any suggestions? Please give me any answers. Thank you!""
How much does it cost to buy and insure a car (17 year old)?
Just passed my test, looking for a car to use Which is the best car to insure and run, and what is the best insurance quote I live in a bad post code area which is one if the highest rates and i dont want a black box and i need to do alot of driving after 11 o clock""
Health Insurance/Student emergency card help!?
I'm currently filling out a Student Emergency Information Card and I'm stuck on the Health Insurance portion... For the portion, it only says Insurance #, I have HealthNet but I don't know whether to write the group number or the subscriber number.. I'm kind of sure it's the subscriber one, but I need some assurance. Also, it asks for Medi-Cal straight after that with Yes/No.. How do I know if it's medi-cal or not?""
What is the cheapest car insurance company right now!!!?
What is the cheapest car insurance company right now!!!?
How do I get Car insurance before i get my Drivers License?
I'm under 18 and im getting ready to get my provisional drivers License. They said i need proof of insurance to get my license. But how do i get insurance if i dont have a car? I know people usually are supposed to be added to their parents insurance policy to take care of this, but my parents dont have drive or have insurance........ What do i do? Ive heard that i should get an uncle or grandparent to add me to their policy, but is that true? Help me out... thanks""
What cars cheap on insurance but still has over 200 hp?
I'm 18 and I've got a 2.0L 2010 ford focus with just over 150 bhp with my insurance 1,700 but I'm looking for a car with over 200 bhp but still below 2,500 on insurance but under 12,000""
How much would insurance be for a 2003 Acura RSX?
I am a male, 22 years old, clean record, live in Whitby Ontario. I also went took driving lessons (people say that will help lower insurance) and i am a class G driver (full license) I know coupes are usually more expensive for insurance. Can anyone give me an estimate of how much insurance would cost per month or for the year? I know i can call and get a quote but I want to see what the average is. Thanks!""
How much is adding my teenager to my insurance policy?
how much is the averge amount that i would have to pay when i add my teen to my auto-insurance policy..with their own car.
Cheaper on insurance 1980 lincoln or a 1995 blazer?
i have a 1980 lincoln mark VI it has a 351 (5.8 liter engine) and a 1995 chevy blazer im 16 and im trying to decide which one to drive they both get the same gas mialage about cause the blazer is an suv so im deciding which would be cheaper on insurance for a 16 year old i think the blazer but im sure hoping not cause the lincolns prettier lol
What's a good place in california for insurance?
What's a good place in california for insurance?
Is Obama gonna make health insurance more affordable?
Is Obama gonna make health insurance more affordable?
Car insurance????? ?????????
ok i turn 17 very shortly and want a peugeot 106 diesel(which is a 1.5) it is insurance group 3 and good mpg, but would it cost much for me to insure and could i get an insurance quote from a insurance brokers at 16 without owning the car first? i hope it won't cost much but one off my mates has the peugeot 106 gti quicksilver and that's a 1.1 and his insurance is 2500 while another mate has a corsa 1.1 3 door fully mod with subs,amps,alloys head unit all covered 3rd party fire and theft at 880 a year so surely a diesel 1.5 shouldn't cost much? right.lol""
Why car insurance cards come in pair?
Just wondering why insurance identification cards come in pair? Anyway? ^_^ T.Y.
Hey i was wondering if anyone could direct me to somewhere where I could calculate my insurance cost without actually buying insurance from them.. you know.. like just to get an estimate.. Just an FYI im in the process of buying a 1985 chevy corvette... and im a single 17 year old male.. i know.. its the worst possible combination for insurance. Thanks!
Car insurance and driving into mexico?
whats the best bet on driving into mexico renting a car down there? renting a car here and getting insurance taking your own car and how much would insurance be to take your car
Has Tort reform had a beneficial impact on Health Insurance rates in California.?
California has had Tort reform in medical malpractice for 30 years. Has this kept Health Insurance affordable in California? Ask the parents ofNataline Sarkisyan how they feel about tort reform. Rather than pay for an expensive transplant and a lifetime of expensive care, her insurer simply denied the claim knowing they most her parents could get in punitive damages was $250,000. Seems to me that tort reform is another name for death panels!!!""
Named driver had crash. Should I tell my car insurance?
Last year my girlfriend has a car crash, she was not at fault. So she didn't tell her insurance company and claimed of the other party. So she is assuming her car insurance does not know. Now I am looking to get insured on my first car. If I add her to my insurance as a named driver the premium is about 200 less. The problem is she doesn't want me to tell the insurance company that she crashed, as they asked has the named driver crash. I am now worried I were to crash, they would see she had crashed and void the insurance. I am tempted just to get my insurance in my name and pay the extra 200 for peace of mind. She will not under any circumstance tell her insurer she crashed as she thinks her premiums will rise. But I have found out that the insurance companies have a database of all claims, so they can easily find out that she has crashed. She refused to allow me to put on my application for insurance that she has crashed. What to do?""
What would happen to my dad's insurance?
My friend was driving my car and he has no insurance when we got pulled over. The cop asked for license and registration. My friend gave his license, but he gave my insurance information and my registration information (which is under my dad's). Would we get penalized for it? Would my dad's insurance rate go up?""
Parents own car and insurance but im moving to California with it.?
My parents own the car and the car insurance is under their name. Im pay them montly but its cheaper that why i think. Im planning on moving to California in june but I need to take the car with me. Is it ok if I jus take it over their with no problem or do i need to put the car under my name as well as the car insurance? but i rather not change anything. thanks
How much does a limo insurance cost?
im saving 33,480 dollars to buy an 04 limo""
How is health insurance handled for medical students? I can't go without it!?
How is health insurance handled for medical students? I can't go without it!?
Can I add my girlfriend to my health insurance if we live together?
Some states allow benefits for partners. Is this the same? I am insured by Humana (Open Choice PPO)
What home owner insurance do I need to purchase?
If I buy an apartment and pays the HOA fee, does that cover the basic homeowner insurance?""
Car insurance problems?!?
So I've had my license since I was 18 and now I'm 21, my boyfriend has always just let me use vehicles that he would give me that are registered in his name and on his insurance and I already know someone is going to point out its a bad idea I don't have my own vehicle, we have been together 5 years and haven't had a problem, but recently when I was driving my truck, registered and insured by him, some senile old woman pulled out around 8 feet in front of me and stopped right in the middle of the road so her whole car was right in my lane and the back end of her car was still sort of on the road she was pulling out of, I slammed on my breaks and when I realized I wasn't stopping I turned my wheel as hard as I could so I didn't hit her and I ended up just catching the end of her car and totalled mine by hitting the stop sign and about 4 trees on the road she was coming out of because of the fact that I was driving my boyfriend's insured vehicle and me and him live together, his insurance automatically added me to his policy which caused it to sky rocket from $190/mo. to over $400/mo. I was wondering if he should try to switch companies, or just keep me on his insurance whether he switches or not ?""
How much should a teen pay for car insurance (10 pts in 24 hrs!)?
I'm 17 years old, female and will be driving a 2011 Hyundai Sonata. I live in New Jersey and I'm wondering how much it will cost. When I looked for quotes online it said 450 a month. Will this be accurate? I passed my permit test with a 82. Can anyone give me numbers and not 50-500 stuff? And i need to know ASAP Will be picking best answer by the end of today!! thank you. or atleast answer: how much did you pay at 17 info and stuff. Thanks!""
Do you have to get car insurance?
I live in England, i am not getting an car yet. I don't want to pay a lot of money & i am in my teens and i heard it is quite a bit of money for insurance, so i don't want to ...show more
17 year old car insurance prices ?
im comparing cars on moneysupermarket because im 16 an need a heads up on insurances costs etc... but i compared a classis mini 1.0- annual: 6000 and Monthly: 650 also, 2007 vauxhall corsa 1.0- annual: 8000 Monthly: 852 and a 1993 Ford Fiesta 1.1- annual: 12000 Monthly: 1152 now i can sort of understand the price for the mini, due to its a small car with a small engine, but the corsa's like brand new? how can the insurance be sort of lowish. but why are they charging huge amounts for a fiesta that is older than me and is probably falling to piece's slowly ? im so confused :S can some one help me and please explain this i really want to be able to have a first car at 17 but at this rate i might be stuck on a motorcycle for a few years then maybe have enough money to afford a car :/""
Cheap car insurances?
Where to find really cheap car insurances? I want to buy a $200 car mainly to run it into my friend's $200 car (kind of like playing bumper cars with real cars). I need a really cheap insurance that will basically only allow this car to be legal. I don't plan on making any claims on it or using it for anything other than playing around on private property. Only want to make it road legal. Any suggestions? I am looking for something under 50$ per month
How much should I ask for the compensation from insurance?
I had a car accident and the fault side's insurance compay paid for body repair ( abuot $960 in their recommanded bodyshop ) and also the rental (my car is still in bodyshop). I am not sure if I need to ask some compensations for diminished value of my car and also missed work hour on dealing with the accident. I never done this before. My car is 1997 Toyata Collora and the private value from KBB is $3185 (for good condition), some people said the compensation for diminished value could be 40% of the KBB private value, which to me is 3185 x 0.4 = $1274. They are going to replace the right fender, repair and repaint the passenger side door. So I want to know if I ask for $1274 from insurance is fair. I hope anyone can give me some advises on how to deal with this. Thank you!""
Where can I get started with Motorcycle Insurance Thanks.?
I just got my brand new 150cc Moped where can get started with Motorcycle Insurance and what information do I need. Another questionI want be riding my moped almost everyday and I know you have to pay to keep up your insurance will this effect your licenses if your not paying for insurance Thanks.
How much is Property Insurance? How much is Property Taxes?
Doing a paper for School Whats the average amount of property tax, for a statelike california? Say Los Angeles Is there an average on property insurance?""
Can a car insurance company change my price mid policy?
I have already made 2 payments on my policy, and now the insurance company had me call for some sort of interview. At the end they said they need to review the policy and will get back to me. Can they change my price mid policy? I figured they would have to wait until my policy was up for renewal since I've already made payments, and they sent their notice after my first payment was made. However, the woman on the phone said that my premium may change. Is there some sort of legal statement saying they can't change my premium mid policy?""
""Cheapest car insurance in St.Cloud, MN?""
Cheapest car insurance in St.Cloud, MN?""
$550 for car insurance and Im 17 is that a fair price?
The insurance company called my dad today and told him that the insurance on my car (1997 Subaru Legacy sedan GT) was going to be $550 a month($6600 a year) is that a fair price? Is there a better insurance company for young drivers? I didn't do driving school to get the certificate either.
Auto insurance question in Michigan?
i am making monthly payments on a brand new 2008 colbot that i got in dec 2007. I have shopped around for cheaper full coverage auto insurance, that what i already have. I can't seem to find no car insurance cheaper than what i have. My car insurance is more than my car payment. I have talked to a few insurance companies and we went over different things that could make it cheaper. But, they can't beat the price that i already have. My credit isn't the best, but shouldn't a car payment be more than insurance? Anyone have any ideas where and how i could get a cheaper car insurance policy?""
State farm or farmers for auto insurance?
I have a farmers policy for my auto insurance. My agent never replies nor picks up the call. I want to change the agents. I am thinking if I should check with with state farm. Do you know if state farm has better or same or expensive rate for the similar coverage than farmers?
Having a hard time finding affordable health insurance?
I just need a simple surgery on both my ears. About a year ago I developed a keloid on both ears. I know they can get bigger so I want to get it fixed before it looks like a grape behind my ear. My biggest problem is in finding affordable health insurance. Can anyone tell me a good site to go to for affordable health insurance? All answers would be greatly appreciated.
Will a cracked windshield raise my auto insurance rates?
well i am going to get my windshield repaired. it has a crack the size of a dime. it happend about a month ago and i worried that it will get bigger with the hot weather. anyway, i called my insurance company. they are sending someone out to repair it. i am 18 years old but i am on my parents plan. i also have a gpa over a 3.0. my family and i have no record of any accidents whatsoever. my parents just bought me the car on the end of march :( do u think my rates will go up? almost forgot! my insurance company is geico and i live in california""
Does a car need insurance if it isn't being used?
My mam bought me a car as my test is in a weeks time, but im trying to tax the car as it has been declared as off the road. When i try to tax it, it is asking if the car has valid motor insurance, it doesnt as nobody is driving it, should it have insurance if it isnt being used?""
Best car insurance company for me 10 points!!!!!!?
what is the cheapest+best auto insurance for me?!!!?!!?!!?!? we are a family of 4 and we all drive. we have a toyota 4x4, colorado, 1985 nissan truck, mustang v6. my youngest son has had 1 accident i'm 46 my wife is 46 and my sons are 18,19 i cant find a good car insurance they are all expensive!!!!!!!!!!""
Health insurance laws?
I recently got out of the military and am living in California and I don't currently have health insurance. What are the laws regarding health insurance now? For example what I get hospitalized (ignoring the fact I can go to the va), taxes, etc. I know almost nothing about whats going on with the halth insurance thing so I don't mind being explained like a child""
How much will an average full coverage insurance for a BMW motorcycle cost. Type k1200r.?
I have no traffic violation and perfect credit record. I am 56 years old.
Why would insurance cost me 500 quid for a 50cc bike?
Im wanting to purchase a 50cc bike, derbi gpr 50 racing, 2009. it would be kept in a garage, and im only looking for third party cover. the bike costs 1650, and i have passed my cbt and have a provisional license. do i even need insurance?""
Whats an Affordable Auto insurance if you have 2 at fault accidents?
Hi I just turned 18 and in May I was blocked in at school and I had to leave. I hit a car and was dropped from Geico because it was my 2nd at fault accident. It just left a scratch on the car but still. I want to go to college full time and I need a job but I cant go to college at all if I have to pay 300 a month, which esurance was the lowest quote I got. So is there any places that can help me with my insurance so I can work part time and go to school full time?""
""Please help, student health insurance?""
I live in New York i'm 19 and go to college. Recently i have been having this heartbeat rhythm in my ear for the past couple of weeks. Anyways i want to see a doctor because my ear is starting to hurt a little.But i have no health insurance or anything in NY. My parents live in VA, when i used to live in VA i was covered through my parents health insurance. Is there anything i can do ? Any affordable health insurance companies i can look into? Any health clinics ? Does the state of NY provide anything for college students?""
Is there any insurance company that accepts sr22 insurance required cdl driver who need just bobtail insurance?
I have sr22 restriction on my cdl. And just bought my truck. Its really hard to find Bobtail insurance some ppl call it non trucking liability insurance because of my driving record or sr22 (I guess its samething). Is there any insurance company or agency out there who might accept?
I drive a 1984 chevy 2500 and i want to know how much for basic insurance would cost?
1984 chevy 2500 clean title 120,000 miles""
Altima Coupe SE 3.5 Insurance Estimate?
Who knows what the cost would be for a male teenage driver with good grades to drive a Nissan Altima Coupe 3.5 SE?
Can you get car insurance in British Columbia from anyone other than ICBC?
I've been searching around and it seems that nobody will sell insurance in a province that has a government insurance agency?
Good insurance companies for young drivers?
Good insurance companies for young drivers?
Estimated car insurance premium for a Camaro/Corvette?
I am looking to buy either a 2002 Camaro (5.7L V8) or a 2000 - 2002 Corvette (5.7L V8). I am wondering how much insurance will cost me. The detailed information and questions are as below: 1. Age: 34 2. Have been driving in the States for little less than 4 years. No accident at all. Only one speeding ticket about 3 years ago. (I had been driving for 10 years in Seoul, Korea with no accident at all, but it didn't count) 3. I used to drive a 2007 Toyota Tundra (5.7L V8), which I sold a few days ago. I paid about 450 dollars/6 months for full coverage. Questions: 1. How much would it cost me if I buy either one mentioned above? (even ballpark number would be appreciated) 2. Do year and purchasing price (or resale value) affect premium? For example, buying a 2008 brand new Corvette or a 2000 used Corvette makes a difference? 3. I know it would be higher to have a sports car, but do my age and driving record affect premium? If yes, how much do they affect?""
Do you have to get car insurance?
I live in England, i am not getting an car yet. I don't want to pay a lot of money & i am in my teens and i heard it is quite a bit of money for insurance, so i don't want to ...show more
Car insurance cost?
How much will car insurance cost if I'm a 19 year old girl, who is a full time student with a 3.3 GPA. I'm also a new driver and recently got my license, which means I ...show more""
How much wil my insurance go up?
I was just recently in a car accident. It was my fault I hit a truck and totalled my car. The truck didnt seem to really have damage I hit the metal ball where you attatch a trailer the hitch. I have fred loya car insurance. how much will my insurance go up? Please. will rate best answer.
How much would my car insurance be on a 2008 Chrysler 300?
I am 20 years old and still live at home i work full time and go to school at night and i would like to get a new car, but everyone keeps telling me insurance will be to much for me? and also how much of a down payment would i need on a 17,000 Chrysler 300.Can i pay monthly or with insurance or do i pay once a year plz need helppppp""
I have pre-existing conditions & I'm 61. Where to go for health insurance?
I'm having a hard time trying to find health insurance. I have pre-existing conditions (take medication for a mild heart arrhythmia & for cholesterol) plus I'm on medication for depression. And I'm 61. I've searched the web without luck - insurance agents who've called me say my condition makes me Uninsurable. Either that or I'm contacted by scam artists. Does anyone have experience with the Health Insurance Industry & have suggestions on what company to contact? Or what insurance agents are reputable? I live in California. I welcome your thoughts & suggestions. Thanks!
""Does my auto insurance cover anyone driving, if they have no insurance themselves? thanks?""
Does my auto insurance cover anyone driving, if they have no insurance themselves? thanks?""
""I have a new baby, will I get a auto insurance discount or increase if I tell them?""
My little girl is 10 weeks old, I'm not sure if I have to tell my auto insurance company (AAA). Would it be better to insure that she's covered? Or will it just cost me more?""
Where can I get low income car insurance?
I am on a buget. my car is oldmobile delta 88 year 86
Insurance company's that cover weight loss surgery?
Anyone know of an insurance company that covers weight loss surgery
Best insurance companies for 17 year old passed my test!!?
ok ive pased my test a month on friday and i gettin a car this week and i need some insurance on the car obviiously lol, well basically whats the cheapest car insurance all you 17 year old have and who is it with, please :)""
Can you insure 2 cars with different insurance companies and have the no claims bonus on both cars?
Can you insure 2 cars with different insurance companies and have the no claims bonus on both cars?
How much could my car insurance increase if I pay a 90.00 fine that included 1 point on my record?
I have a clean driving record so would it be worth paying the ticket and watching my insurance go up a few bucks? I can't imagine my insurance going up too much for a single point, but maybe I am totally wrong. Any advice on this matter would be much appreciated.""
Hit and run but the victims car didnt have insurance?
ok so i was in a private parking lot and i accidently scratched another car i left because i was stupid and got scared. the cops came and found me the next day and i got charged with ...show more
""My car insurance quote is 5,000?""
This is the cheapest quote given by the companies. I am 19 years old and working in a minimum wage job. How can they expect me to be able to afford 5,000 in insurance when I'm only driving a 250 car? How can this price come down? Will waiting until I'm older reduce the price?""
Is it cheaper to insure a car if its yellow?
Is it cheaper to insure a car if its yellow?
Should i move to California?
im a senior in high school, i just finished my junior year so its the summer in between lol. i really want to move to california. i also want to go to college there too but im just worried about it. its really been stressing me out alot lately. so do you have any advice or suggestions?""
""Car insurance, sports cars, young drivers?""
I'm looking into a 1996 Mitsubishi Eclipse when I turn 18 for my first car. Does anybody have any idea on how much I'm looking at insurance wise per month? Other cars I'm also looking into are Firebirds, Camaros, Eagle Talons, Mitsubishi 3000 GT Is the insurance for these cars going to be the same amount?""
Can my car insurance company give my phone number to auto shops?
I was recently in a fender-bender, and as SOON as I made a claim with my insurance company, random auto shops started calling my cell phone (which is my only phone, I don't have a land line) stating they heard I'd been in an accident and basically were telemarketing me into fixing my car at their shop. I have Nationwide insurance, and I'm suspecting it is them who has released my information, as I didn't supply my info with anyone else, other than in the police report! Has anyone else heard of this or had this happen to them? Is there anything I can do about it, other than tell the people not to call me again!?""
I just got my car but it needs a few things for it to be awesome how much will this cost me?
For my graduation present my dad got me a car! Its pretty cool and it runs well but it needs a few things for it to be to my liking, they arent needs just wants that i plan to pay for but i have no idea how much they would all cost. Ok so i can give u a good image in your head its a green Daewoo, Nubria and its year is 2000 so i hope with this info youll know how to answer my question. 1) Air conditioner. if u look at the inside you would see the air conditioner and u would think that if u turn it on it would work but it doesnt so i need to get that fixed especially in a state like ARIZONA where its always hot lol 2) New radio. I need one installed bcuz the one it has in there doesnt have sound and u need a code to use it. 3)Wheels and Rims. It has wheels but no rims and i kinda want new wheels lol whats a good size wheels for this type of car and what kind of rims should i buy is there rims for this type of car with the daewoo symbol? 4) Paint job. Ok so this is important my car is a dark green like spinach leaves lol i like it but it has white scratches all over the left and right side and the roof looks pretty worn out so i want it to be spray painted you know like in pimp my ride lol idk whats a good reasonable price for that but just write down a good estimate. 5) The front bumper. on your left side of the front bumper you know right below the headlites and the grill its broken and it dangals a little. Its perfect on the right side but scratched up quite a bit. So i want to get this old bumper off and install a new one. how do i go about doing that do i have to order the part or what exactly do i do keep in mind it doesnt have insurance yet but if it did could the insurance company do somehing about that? Ok so thats it thanx for reading and i want this answered in numerical order you know just line them up like this. 1) how much it would cost and a description or extra info i might need to know or consider 2) how much it would cost if i want a new modern radio like the one u can take off and put back on. 3) how much it would cost and all the general info 4) how much it would cost and give your opinion on a cool color to consider for this car 5) how much it would cost and how i would go about doing it Feel free to write as much as you need to on this to get the message across and remember exact prices are great but if u want u can give me estimates. thanx again for taking the time to read this. lol""
Is there a law in California stating that the newest driver(under18) has to get insured under the newest car?
Is there a law in California stating that the newest driver(under18) has to get insured under the newest car?
Parents Insurance?
If I'm on my parents Insurance and I go to a doctors appt without them knowing will it show up on there insurence statement?
Do you believe medical insurance should pay for breast implants?
Vasectomy, chiropractors, accupuncture, penile enlargement, orthopedic shoes? Why? Have you used it for such?""
How much would insurance be on a mistibishi lancer GT on my moms insurance? (16 yrs. old)?
We are thinking about purchasing a mistibishi but we fear the insurance would skyrocket as me being a new driver. Any help?
How much should my car insurance be? read details?
I am 17. I want to buy a mitsubishi eclipse gt. Its probably going to be a 2000, if not then 2001-2003. GT model. I went to drivers ed and we have allstate for insurance. how much wuld the insurance be?""
Will police know if your car insurance policy has been cancelled?
Paying my car insurance is my number one priority but after being unemployed for 2 months and finally starting a job, I can't pay my next bill. I called my insurance company and got a 15 day extension but I start my new job on Monday so I might not be able to pay the bill. If my proof of Insurance says it ends in August and I missed July's payment and the insurance is cancelled, can a police officer find out? Again, I am not asking because I want to skip out on my insurance. I have run out of funds and I am starting a new job on Monday. Also, if it matters, I live in Michigan.""
Question where to get affordable dentures without insurance.?
Hello,I live in Renton,Washington and need new dentures.I have no dental insurance.I will be able to put down 300 dollars and make payments,only working PT.Any suggestions if its cheaper to go to a Denture Clinic,Dental Lab or regular dentist? Thank you...""
Do you have to get car insurance?
I live in England, i am not getting an car yet. I don't want to pay a lot of money & i am in my teens and i heard it is quite a bit of money for insurance, so i don't want to ...show more
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