#i havent translated the song or anything btw
pepsimanan · 21 days
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Hakaine Maiko and Hatsune Miku i've been listening to this one song a lot recently, so i decided to draw them ^^
CW: bright flashing colors
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azumasoroshi · 1 year
Izaya & Shizuo Drama CD??????
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so guess what i learned about today! it's truly incredible how much lesser-known content there is about shizaya once you start digging
ive known about dear girls stories for ages but i didnt realize there were actual drama cds for izaya and shizuo too 😭i thought this was just people pretending that daisuke ono and hiroshi kamiya were talking as shizaya (<-CLOWN behavior)
but nope 4 seconds in we got a Shizu-chan name drop so lmAOOO time to listen i guess
there's two of these translated by the DGS subs channel (tracks 9-15) so idk if there's more before or after these or if those tracks have different characters, which i probably wont watch unless shizuo and celty have one or something lmao
according to google translate, "kenka" = "fight" which is funny
can we talk about that official art btw because how did izaya get close enough to shizuo to steal his glasses without getting caught?? dawg???? i guess he came up from behind him or something but fuckin imagine izaya just hanging down from above and doing the spiderman thing...except he steals shizu-chan's glasses instead of kissing him. i should draw that actually
this is hilarious actually i cant stop grinning bskjgHDSH why are they talking civilly about the date. what are they doing
it took them 51 seconds to actually reference hating each other which might be a record! good job gays
wait we're skipping ahead?? to august 30th??? we're just not gonna explain why/how they were in a bathhouse together???? okay?????
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bro chased izaya up a mountain??? there are songs written about that kind of stufff bro 😭 like "id climb the tallest mountains and cross the widest rivers for you". something along those lines. shizuoooo you're so dedicateddddd <33333
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why does he sound surprised bsdkgshk 1. YOU called him and 2. YOU led him up the mountain. little shit
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i had to delete a whole segment because my brain is dead and i thought the dates were going backwards and i was like huh. interesting amount of nonlinear storytelling going on here
yes because august and september come before july soro good job
adventurer day, cleaning day, mid-year day? is this whole drama cd just them unintentionally celebrating obscure holidays together what the fuck
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shizuo was just talking about ironing where did you come from??? izaya????? and shizuo didnt even react bdsjkgsh i literally cant wrap my brain around this like how are they just casually talking
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izaya stripper au real (im sorry. my head is permanently in the gutter i think)
izaya i think you're losing it a bit because how the fuck do you watch someone IRONING HIS CLOTHES and still think it's entertaining?? does literally anything shizuo does entertain you what the hell
bro is down horrendous
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oh so THIS is the bath one, i thought that was the first scenario (half-year day) because of the cicadas?? for some reason. i mistook cicada noises for cricket noises im a clown
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damn izaya read his mind. #justcouplethings
shizuo joining in on the wordplay too GOD they're so annoying
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and cue giant crashing wave sound effect
the tweet above mentions that this basically confirms that shizuo entered the bath with izaya and i havent been able to stop thinking about it. like izaya would enter the bath to fuck with shizuo but here shizuo joins him. hmmmmmmmm
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translator asking the real questions here pFFF
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hella1975 · 8 months
Hi hella!!!
I feel like i always start these off or end them by saying that these things are going to be incomprehensible in some way, mainly bc i have trouble translating whats going on in my mind into written words so i really dont know how much of my list thingies make sense to you but this one is especially probably going to not make much sense. (also bc i send them a lot when im either very tired or not sober, but i am sober and wide awake rn so this might be a different kind of incomprehensible)
I found one of my old drafts for an ask from around a year ago and it was a follow up response to the last chapter you posted at the time, so im not sure how its going to sound without the context of that specific chapter, but i also mentioned in one of my other asks that i add stuff in last minute and that ask i added a shit ton of stuff so i dont have any of that pretyped out so im going by memory.  But im sending it again bc i havent seen you answer it 
(please do not interpret this as ‘why didnt you answer my ask >:/’ or me rushing you to answer asks or anything like that, but like I said its been a year so im assuming tumblr ate it.  If not and you just havent cleaned out your ask box and you find the original, congratulations you’ll know what i originally said.  Bc idk how accurate this will be)
Theres two different ways that you seem to write metaphors (idk if thats what theyre called im not caught up on my literary terminology)
 (im scrolling through your blog rn looking for my other asks and tumblr really did you dirty in your asks system like i started scrolling and the third one down was from 2021 and im fighting for my life trying to find my tag (thank you for my tag btw its very useful to me))
Anywho, most of your metaphors ( to me) can be split into two categories.  Theres the simple ones and the complex ones.  Now this might seem obvious but im going to explain to you how these have different effects on my brain.  
An example of the ‘simple’ ones is  
““If Nanook’s tone had a note of seriousness, then Zuko’s was the entire orchestra.”” (idk what chapter this is from its been a while)
You have a lot of these kinds of whatever the haick kind of literary technique this is (is this a metaphor i’ve been trying to google it for like ½ an hour and i cant figure it out) BUT these type of things that are simple and easy to process is one of my favorite things about the way you write.  I think this is a very common technique but the way you do it to me is just a lot more unique than the ways ive seen it done before.  Its extremely fluent with the voice of the characters and brings a perfect kind of vibe to the ‘conversation’ (or story, text, whatever) and it paints the picture of what your trying to say perfectly.  I also really like how these types of things arent ever in Zukos pov a lot (sometimes it is, but not nearly as much, I’ve noticed) and its not in the more serious like revelations that you drop these in.  Like I said, it adds to the voice of the characters, bc of the contrast of Zuko constantly having revelations and dramatic archs and stuff, and the other characters just in general being a lot more calm.  Its like when youre listening to a song and you have the lyrics and the like ‘main’ music behind the lyrics, but then when you listen to the song a lot you notice the smaller, like backup music that adds a lot to the song and makes it a lot more enjoyable than if it was just the lyrics and the louder more up front music.  
Then in contrast you have the bigger ‘metaphors’ 
An example of this is ‘You curse in words already invented’ 
When I tell you I could not figure out what this meant for months I am AWFUL with stuff like this and interpreting it my english teachers hate me bc of it.  Id have the question ‘why were the curtains blue’ and my answer would be ‘bc the people who decorated the room like blue maybe theyre interior designers and it goes with the room 😊 and thats so hot of them bc i love blue too’  
But even thought i couldnt figure it out it stayed in my head and i probably thought about it once a day (i mean this literally, i think about that part all the time) and i cant remember the context for that or anything but i do remember that i knew it was a wonderful phrase.  
I’ve mentioned in my other asks how whenever im reading anything at all that you’ve written (whether its tams, or toab, or in the tags of something even if its like 10 words), everything you type comes out so fluidly like a formula or a color wheel or however i put it last time i talked about this.  And this is on the prodigious end of the spectrum of this.  
But phrases like that are another part of the fic, theyre like the lyrics of the song.  Like the phrases that gets all the attention and gets put in fanart and that gets quoted in comment sections because they deserve that recognition and you deserve that recognition and are just a reminder of how incredibly talented you are.  
I mean that in the most sincere way that i know how to express.  
I am constantly in awe of you and your writing style, and i really do think of you as one of the most talented writers of everything ive ever read.  
And something else worth mentioning is that it isnt just your ao3 that portrays that.  Like if I were to just read your ao3 I’d be like ‘oh wow this person is an amazing writer’ But your tumblr persona plays into it a lot more (In my opinion).  Because then you see like more ‘backround’ stuff on ao3.  And more of your system (im not articulating this in the way i mean it very well) and you get privy to the fact that you’re not a 30 year old with a masters in english and that you’ve never had any formal education on writing.  I vaguely remember you talking about a story about a sailor (??? i might be misremembering that) that you wrote when you were a child and thinking ‘oh wow so she’s always been like that’.  And its stuff like that that you dont get on ao3 that kind of reaffirms how incredible of a writer you are.  
And this (to me) makes you a really easy person to admire.  (ik i touched on this in a different ask but i dont remember if it was one of my list asks or not) but as someone who probably isnt going to ever be able to get an education around writing, it kind of reassures me that i dont need that to be great at it.  
(i kind of feel like a lot of the stuff in this ask is too like ‘simple’ or obvious to be given a lot of weight, but this whole thing is about the kinds of things you do that brings me personally joy and the metaphors are one of them so)
Also on an off note when i was looking through your asks to try to find my tag, I noticed that i send you a heavy percentage of your anonymous asks (mainly without my alias) and I thought that was funny.  But also i hope it doesnt come across as obsessive or weird, I swear i do that to a lot of people on here, I’m just a very social person.  .😂
Also Im in your tbos server (lurking in the shadows) and someone pointed out that whenever you do the reaction emojis you always do the white ones, and thats going on the official ‘my favorite things about hella’ list because that was genuinely one of the funniest things ive seen. 
Also the ‘anytime you type its very fluid (im too lazy to scroll up and see how i put it rn) also carrys on to discord.  I think that i could probably block out the user names and be able to figure out that its you talking every time, you have a very distinct way of talking.  
Also i wanted to mention that every time you answer these i read them again and i want to say like 1/3 of what i sasy, i have no recollection of. And i never have any idea what im talking about. so i think thats funny.
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dragonji · 3 years
13 and 24? 👀 btw i think u recommended that one hua chenyu song to me and hes literally in my top songs now i love him so much he probably wouldve made it into my top artists if my headphones didnt break lol
13 is this one by Tai Yi! Idk hardly anything abt it bc I cant find translations and dont know enough myself lol but it has a fun instrumental and i really like his vocals!
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24 is Lay's Monodrama! Its on one of my moody playlists also Lay was my top artist this year which was. Well probably foreseeable lmao ive been obsessed esp w his lit and east albums. Apparently i was in the top .05% of his listeners so like<3 thanks king ily
Also YESSS that makes me so happy to hear i adore hua chenyu he just has so much power and emotion in his music and is so creative w his style i just. Dreamy sigh every time i think of him<333 ive been more into watching his performances on yt bc hes So Good on stage which is why i havent listened to him on spotify much but i rly want to get into some of the singing competitions and stuff ive heard he's in when i have the time!!
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ramudamemura · 3 years
ranking fling posses songs even tho nobody asked
i havent looked at translations for the lyrics so this based off of only the melody also I hope I don’t offend anyone for not liking certain songs as much I’m really really really sorry if i do
Umm I’m doing them in alphabetical order btw
ok so I really like this song it’s super super catchy but. But 😭 it has like those cash register sounds in the background and I mean it doesn’t ruin the song or anything but like it sounds like they’re trying to hard JDJDJDJJS I would not listen to this song in front of friends just because of the sound effects BUT like I said it’s really catchy so it kinda makes up for it!! My favorite part is when there’s the instrumental part that leads into a key change!! I rate this an 8.5/10
i like this one a lot too! One thing that’s kinda cool is how they go back and forth on the chorus like matenrou is first I think and then fling posse and the way they’re going back and forth almost makes it seem like they’re really fighting yknow!!! Ummm also it has like Moments where like idk they’re memorable like when doppo screams or Gentaro does the whispery thing and I like that!! This ones also 8.5/10
Black Journey—
dont get me wrong I do like this one but it’s probably in my bottom three 😭 I don’t actually dislike it THAT much it’s just that I really like all the other songs ig? There’s really only one song I dislike but we’ll talk about that later anyways this song is pretty nice I’m not good at recognizing voices but whoever is singing in the very very beginning (Gentaro???) did a very good job I’m gonna give this a 6.5/10
a lot of what I’m gonna say here goes for both of gentaros songs but they both sound almost unfinished? That’s not really what I mean idk how to describe it they both sound like they’re missing something?? theyre both extremely catchy and really well written which kinda makes up for it but it’s still kinda noticeable yknow? BUT im not saying this song isn’t good like it’s really good but it COULD be better I think but um for some reason the chorus makes me nostalgic?? I have no idea what for but yeah. Hmm 8/10
Im insane for liking this song so much it’s so obnoxiously upbeat and I swear I should hate it but I DONT because like yeah it’s obnoxious but it’s catchy and I can never be sad or angry while listening to it cuz it cheers me up. im embarrassed to like this song as much as I do 😭 but like. IDK it’s got a really good tune and it gets stuck in your head and it’s super cute umm I’m giving this one a 9/10
I feel like everyone really really likes this song but idk I don’t think it’s that great again I don’t DISLIKE it but I’d say it’s my second least favorite fling posse song? Umm what’s something good I can say about it well it has a nice beat I do like the beat a lot idk I’m just gonna give it a 5/10
pink colored love—
okkkk I’m trying not to be mean but like I HATE this song so much 😭 I’m trying to think of something nice to say about it but I genuinely cannot think of a single part I like im giving it a 1/10 because I feel bad giving it a 0
reason to FIGHT—
love this one!!! It’s very like energetic and pretty fast paced and I really like the chorus which duh is important cuz it gets repeated a lot umm my favorite part is when they like announce the group names??? I don’t speak Japanese but ik they say mad trigger crew and fling posse and Id try to find the lyrics but again I can’t understand Japanese and ik they say the group names several times and I don’t want to put the wrong part 😭 but yeah I like that umm idk it’s just a really good song 10/10
scenario liar—
just like with Gentaro’s other song this one sounds a bit unfinished and I don’t like it quite as much as his other one but it’s still really really catchy his voice sounds very smooth and nice here!!! Also it has this one like piano bit in the background that I like :)) I really like the chorus but the reason why I like this one less than the other is because the rest (outside of the chorus) is a tiny bit boring but still I’ll give it 7.5/10
im also embarrassed to like this one as much as I do but this might be one of my favorites 😭 no idea why but I really like it my favorite part is the right to left left to right part there’s more lyrics than that but that’s all i can remember AND it doesn’t have cash register noises so it’s a step up from dices other song I really really like it 10/10
Maybe it’s just me but I feel like this one doesn’t seem to be as popular but for whatever reason I’m like obsessed with it 😭 I really like Halloween and in theory this could be considered kind of a Halloween song??? Not really but like ghosts and stuff idk and it always gets stuck in my head I really like it 9.5/10
this ones cute the beginning sounds like .idk how to describe it like bouncy??? It’s very bouncy???? I like how they say the name of who’s rapping before they start that’s nice and I like the kind of call and response part thats a little towards the end idk I don’t have much to say 8/10
I like the original a tiny bit better than the remix but this ones nice too! It doesn’t have as much of the like bounciness but it still sounds good. The background part when each person like individually raps makes me really nostalgic for some reason? My only complaint is I don’t really like the siren noises they always take me by surprise even tho I know they’re coming 8/10
this is the only one I’ve looked at lyric translations for and the song itself AND the lyrics are both really nice. I love the piano part a lot it’s really nice and there’s this really specific line in dices part that I really like when it has the like descending violin thing which gets me EVERY TIME 😭 also towards the end I think it’s the last time they sing the chorus there’s like a drum roll added in (sounds like snare????) and I’m obsessed with it and also again towards the end they add like more background instruments to like flesh out the sound (?) and I really like that 10/10
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lesdoublesll · 5 years
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Okay so so sooo !!! My dear Alfie fans please listen to the sum up of my con cause it's full of things about Alfie too (Iwan seems to really like him x) ).
(In the second photo he sat on a dragon egg xD)
So I did everything like I did with Alfie last year : autographs a 30 minutes meeting and photos besides the panel, and I will tell you everything !
First of all, my autograph with Iwan. I had his album that he dedicated to Kraken Princess (yes thats me) and he was like "oh ok kraken princess this is great" while laughing, and then he wrote an autograph for my little sister Aline, trying to say "Aline" in a perfect french (and he is quite good really !!) I gave him a bunch of drawings and he really liked the chibi Ramsay putting his foot on chibi Reek (said it was cute and awesome and he laughed) (apparently he was still looking at my drawings when my friend did her autograph x3). I had an autograph with Gemma too !!! (Well it was mostly for a friend that does Yara cosplays so I havent a proper autograph but we did chat quite a long time for an autograph x) ) *-* she was so cute!! She was really happy and moved by my drawing of Theon and Yara and the long quote with " don't die so far from the sea", because it was her audition scene !
Then I did an awesome meeting with Iwan, I was just in front of him and we were ~9/10 with him. (Everyone was saying omg he is so small and I was like : YES HE IS GOD ARE YOU A FAN OR NOT X)) ) I will just report the Q&A here !
Q: How did you deal with your horrible character and how did you react with the other actors (Alfie and Sophie) before your scenes together ?
He said that he needed to do the difference btw Ramsay and him, to exteriorise it, not to think about what he had done, as a fictional character. He said with Alfie it was easier because they were the same age and they weren't not embarrassed to do intimate physical things, but it was harder with Sans (Sophie) because she was young (even if she wasn't the one embarrassed x) ). After those scenes, they needed to Forget about it and go at the restaurant and drink beers, a lot of beers (cause if you know Iwan you know he loves beers !)
Me: my favorite character of yours is Ash in vicious....
Iwan : Hiii *acting like Ash*
Me : *dying on the inside* hi xD so how was it to act with Ian Mckellen, cause I know I would be intimidated !!
Iwan said that yes it was intimidated, knowing how big all of the actors were, and that he needed to find his own respect (like Ash), but eventually he did. He was really impressed by how hard-working Mckellen and Jacobi were knowing that Vicious was only a little funny things and that they did so many things already.
Q: who would you be if you could be any other character in GOT ?
Iwan answered Dany (because Khal Drogo........and the long blond hair.) XD but he was so serious about acting Ramsay that he doesn't want to do anything else in GOT. He would have love a duo Cersei/Ramsay.
Me: Speaking about wigs, how was it to play Mick Mars ?
Iwan loved it because they had 3 weeks to learn the songs and musics, and it was a really funny and hard working atmosphere, and come on he was wearing a wig and high heels ! (And god yes he looks amazing with high heels !!)
Q: if you could play with any actor of the cast in anything else, who would it be and for which kind of film/serie ?
Iwan answered: Alfie ! In a comedy. Something like *laughs* a comedic detective duo where I am the shy one and Alfie is the stronger one (he was saying it while acting like the characters he was describing - which was CUTE )
Q: any funny memories from the GOT ?
Iwan said the wedding with Sansa actually because it was 3 am and they were exhausted. First of all all of it was beautiful despite the horrible things taking place and they were nervous laughs, but mostly because Michael (Roose) and him died of laugher everytime Sophie and Alfie arrived, because Sophie looked amazing and beautiful in her dress and Alfie needed to walk "like thiiis" (he said, doing the same walk as Reek) and we were all so tired we couldn't stop laughing.
Q: if you could be any character who would it be ?
Iwan said : Batman or Wolverine cause I always have loved Wolverine.
Someone : you could totally do Gollum.
Iwan did some offended face so I said :
"Oh no with the ears he should have done a hobbit"
He laughed at the mention of his ears and just said : " I know I missed the casting ". He was blushing aww 💕
Someone asked him : if you had to choose btw acting in film/shows/theater/or music ?
Iwan said that it was very hard in french "c'est très difficile" while stretching (and we saw his belly x)) ) (and that was kinda sexy) but that he would pick music if he didn't need to feed his family.
His favorite scene is the meeting with Jon, because Ramsay and Jon are the same and at the same time the complete opposite and that it was very important for his character. (And he wanted to meet Kit too !)
His favorite song is Paranoid (GOOD TASTE GOD) and his own favorite (even if he did a face like "uhuh I don't like my songs!") Is probably Courthouse ❤
He also said that he doesn't prefer playing nice or bad characters cause they are no such a thing as good or bad characters, the character is a person and as an actor his role is to understand this person. So what he likes is to play a lot of different and interesting characters.
I also told him a bit about my story and he was so sweet about it, asking how I was rn. :3
(JACK WAS SO FREAKING CUTE TOO OMG. We were next to him with my friend wanting to enter the same room so he said "Bonjour" in french and we answered bonjour too, so he laughed a little, and he looked so shy anwww. He also said that if he was to play any other GOT character it would be Theon because he is really interesting and constantly evolving ! But Alfie already plays him so well that he would not dare x33 I said I needed to marry Jack Gleeson rn xD Joffrey is only a cute fella really x3 )
Then I did my first photos.
And then it was the panels. (Pilou and Gemma were so cute and funny xD)
At the panel Iwan explained that there was a scene where Roose and Ramsay are talking about their plans versus Stannis, and then they begin to laugh crescendo together (and he did the laugh for us it was amazing xD) He also sang with Jack Happy Birthday to the translator !! It was awww (at the beginning he did it the Ramsay way and then it was so beautiful oww **)
My sum up would be : the cast was super cute, Iwan Rheon is a cute pie, he is so sweet and shy and Kind, He is so sexy omg, but I miss Alfie so bad ❤ there ;)
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Because I’m selfish could you do a shipping me with members thing? I’m short, half Greek and Scottish but raised in Australia (yes, I do have an accent) I have really long brown hair and hazel eyes, and I play bass and sing. I love to read and write, and I almost always have headphones on and music blasting. I also am a drama student and I love to act. Thank you so much xxxxx Love your blog btw.
hi! don’t feel selfish for this, i’mma keep it real with you pal - i have asked for several ships before nO SHAME
anyways, in relation to BoRhap - I ship you with Gwilym!!! At first I was going to say Joe, but I think I see you meshing with Gwilym really well:
When Gwilym got cast as Brian in BoRhap, you were the first one he called. First, to break the news. Second, to ask you for a little help brushing up on his skills. He knew you played bass, and it wasn’t exactly lead guitar, but he still wanted to know all of your little tips and pointers in case there was something he could use when he finally met Brian.
In fact, he came over the next day with his guitar, already ready to learn. You were happy to oblige, but you admitted to him early on that you didn’t exactly know how well you’d be able to translate your bass-centered ideas to the guitar.
“What’s different about the two?” he’d asked, seated across from you and leaning forward over his guitar, genuinely interested in what you had to say. He considered you a great mind on the subject.
“Well, the mechanics are similar, you know, as far as that goes, but the fingerings aren’t going to be the same…” you rambled on for a minute, Gwil transfixed by everything you were saying.
After you were done speaking, he’d grinned at you proudly. “You’re brilliant, love.”
He calls you brilliant a lot, actually. It’s his favorite thing to say to you, because of the way your eyes light up when he says it. They are already brimming with all kinds of energy, but after he calls you brilliant - that’s when he’s the most captivated.
You heard that word - brilliant - coming out of his mouth the most often when he was reading over your latest writing, no matter what style it was. Poetry, prose, he loved it all. 
“Can I keep this one?” he’d asked one time, holding up a piece of prose you’d written specifically about him. You grinned and took it back from him, looking over it for a moment.
“What’s so special about this one?” you’d asked as you sat back on the bed, preferring the poem you’d written about him a few months ago much more than this piece. But boy, did he have an answer for you. In fact, you’d never heard someone speak as passionately about something as Gwil would once he got going.
He stood up and gave you a 10 minute speech about why he thought you should let him keep that short story, introduction, body, and conclusion to the speech all included.
“So, can I?” he’d asked after a moment of you sitting there, dumbfounded. He gave you a toothy smile as he sat back down next to you.
“You were definitely born to be an actor,” you mumbled, handing the prose to him and shaking your head in disbelief at how much he’d fought for those two pages of writing. That’d gotten a chuckle out of him, and he peppered the side of your face with kisses before happily taking the story back.
Speaking of acting, Gwil LOVED coming to your performances. He took a whole week off of filming once just so he could see every night of your theater company’s Anything Goes. 
He’d posted a big long paragraph about your performance after opening night, telling all of his loyal followers how brilliant you had been, and how proud he was of you. And, of course, he’d put some sentences in there about how much he loved you and loved going on this journey with you.
And then Joe commented “-Bri” just to make fun of how eerily alike Gwil was to his elder double. Classic Joe.
Now, if we’re talking Queen, I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I really think I ship you with Roger - HEAR ME OUT, I have some (probably weak) reasons:
The reason I think you’d caught Roger’s eye before any of the other boys is because of your accent - he’d latched onto it almost immediately after hearing you speaking to Deacon, who had hired you as a bass tech. You were both eagerly discussing some kind of system that Roger hadn’t a clue about, but your voice was like a drug to him.
He’d made a point of inserting himself into the conversation, introducing himself and chastising John a bit.
“How come I haven’t met your friend here sooner?” Roger scolded John playfully, John just laughing and shaking his head.
“This is Y/N, she’s my new tech. I figured I’d introduce her to the most sane members of the band first, but first I have to figure out who those are.”
You’d laughed at that, particularly because of the mock hurt on Roger’s face before he’d reached out to shake your hand, you introducing yourself this time.
“That accent,” he’d had to point out, letting go of your hand, “Where is it from?”
“Australia. What about yours?” you’d countered, noticing a bit of a different lilt to his words than John’s.
Roger scoffed at that, shrugging. “Cornwall. Exciting stuff, eh?”
After that day, he’d always find reasons to come and talk to you, sometimes the reason being no better than him wanting to hear your accent.
The day Roger realized he actually might fancy you was when he’d noticed you writing on one of the off days and asked to see a sneak peek of what you were doing. Roger loved writing songs, and wondered if you had any good material.
You did. In fact, he was thoroughly impressed by your work, and spent the rest of the day work-shopping with you, which spilled over into a late night coffee run before it was time to go hop on the bus to head to the next tour stop.
You were in the coffee shop, talking about what Queen had coming up after this tour, when Roger had redirected the conversation.
“You know, I’ve never asked, what did you study back home?” he’d inquired, curious to see what kind of person you were. He’d pegged you as some sort of major similar to John based on your identical knowledge of his bass, so he was pleasantly surprised when you revealed that you were a drama student. “An actor, huh? That must be why you’re so seemingly interested in all of Brian’s stories. God, explains so much now.”
You had to laugh at that, shaking your head. “No, no, Brian actually has some good stories and knows how to tell them. Now you, on the other hand…” you’d trailed off, Roger recoiling in slight insult at what you’d suggested. 
Someone who could keep up with his humor and insult him while they were at it? You were growing on him quickly.
One thing he always really enjoyed doing once you grew more comfortable around him was (carefully) taking your headphones and listening to a little bit of whatever you were currently listening to.
At first, it annoyed you a bit, but when you realized he was genuinely wanting to pick up on some of your music taste, you allowed it to happen with little to no issue. 
Also, he’d started slipping you song recommendations on tapes of his, labeling them cute things and drawing little smiley faces on them. Though it was difficult to understand his scrawlings sometimes, you cherished those tapes.
While we’re talking about songs, Roger liked to hear you sing. One time, you were trying to explain a part of the song where you thought Deacon wasn’t getting a good sound out of his bass to another tech, and you started singing the chorus part where it started sounding off.
Roger was, for lack of better words, shook.
Like, he loved your voice.
So, clever little gentleman he is, he found a way to start getting you to sing around him more by pretending to hear issues with the bass in the songs they’d play during their sets.
“It was like, it was muted during the last part of the second chorus, you know?” he’d said one time, working his way into it nonchalantly. “Like, the part where, you know, Fred goes, ‘and I love the things…’“ he’d trailed off, pretending not to remember the next part.
You thought for a moment, then you sang in a soft voice just to clarify.  “And I love the things, I really love the things that you do, oh, you’re my best friend? That part?”
“Yeah, yeah!” he’d say, smiling and pointing at you like you were a genius for remembering the simplest lyrics in the whole set.
You caught on after a few times of false alarms from him, but you let him keep believing that he had you right where he wanted you. It was honestly really cute that he’d go through so much work to hear you sing, even if he didn’t necessarily need to try that hard.
(But don’t tell him that, for God’s sake.)
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prettysei-remade · 7 years
Tumblr media
graphic design is my passion actually the last time i made a graphic of any kind was when i was like 10 and i have sadly Not magically improved since then rip;; also dont worry the comic sans is ironic im not that awful......or am i 
hey there angels (instead of demons bc ur not demons ur all angels get it haha), it’s me, ya maknae! this is a very looooooong post so buckle in, my pals
exactly this time last year, i was probably laughing and/or crying at the thought of ever having mutuals here, much less having too many to do a proper follow forever in a rush the day before i post it (rip) so becAUSE i ran out of time and would probably give up in the middle, i decided to just talk abt how much i love everyone in the Stream Team gc and also make a shitty graphic so i could bless ur guys’ new years with ot13 and make it seem like i know what i’m doing :) 
ok im gonna get sappy for a sec and then u can all get to the part u actually care about (the part that’s also sappy but directed at specific people) 
my friends!! my loves!!! the bestest people on the planet!!!!! i love you <3<3 you guys are the sweetest, kindest, most understanding, most hilarious group of friends in the world and i’m so fucking lucky to know all of you. you make me laugh,,you make me cry (in a good way),,,,,you make me like myself when i dont feel like it,,,,im so?? blessed??? to have people to talk to and scream abt kpop with and be myself around. i’m more comfortable with u guys than probably anyone else?? like. even irl because 1) i’ll probably never come out, 2) none of my friends know anything abt kpop, and 3) none of my friends are rlly.....aware of the things my brain tells me about myself sometimes. which brings me to the last thing before i start yelling abt u all in alphabetical order: 
thank you guys for being the Good Brains to help out when my Mean Brain gets too mean. 
laura!! idk if u think abt this as often as i do (probably not) but like,, remember before we were friends and we had that ““discussion”” for abt .2 seconds regarding toppdogg going on the unit and then i thought u hated me for a couple weeks and then we became like the most amazing friends?? well reminding you of that is basically my long roundabout way of saying that our friendship is kind of a miracle to me, and i’m so so thankful that you’ve become someone i can trust with anything and not be judged for it :’) you always know what to say and you always make me feel special when we talk and just?? wow...don’t forget me when you become the biggest bts blog in the world......i saw one of your gifsets that had like 5k+ notes and almost shed a tear i was so proud of u.. i love you and thank u for being amazing all the time!! and for introducing me to twice and gfriend aka the most amazing girls!!! and of course....#laurjoo5ever <3
yo jo (that was lame im sry you deserve better) you havent been in the chat for super long but you’re One Of Us and also 1/2 of the Official Ruby-Got-Me-Into-IZ Squad so lots of love for you!! thank you for singing all star with me in an attempt to cleanse our chat of ******** (im just (all)starring out his name so he doesnt find this post and try to eat my heart again), thank you for being so nice and thoughtful and sweet and all the other amazing things youve been already, thank you for giving iz a shot and somehow becoming a fan in like 5 minutes (???amazing) you!! are a rock star!!! wow!!!!!!
ok alex i know you’re not tec h ni c a l ly in the chat but lets be real;;you’re still my Toppklass Queen ;; ur adorable! ur so kind! u work so hard! ur such a sweetheart! forget toppklass queen, u r the queen of my heart 💖 i cant believe we’re both hojoon stans AND yoongi stans it’s like we were meant to be friends or smth idk?? and you got me into winner and sent me the bEST videos of them holy shit im still laughing abt the one where theyre dancing to ‘hello bitches’ jshdkahds and mino’s duck song,,i cri :’( you have the best taste so i’m vv grateful to know you in the first place and! talking to you is super fun even tho we dont do it often <3<3 ilu <3
jess <3 our leader,,mother,,,resident Cutie Pie <3<3 i am so fond of you?? you’re loads and loads of fun to talk with and the chat would be so different without u, i’m not even gonna imagine it!! instead im gonna remember how you always cheer me up right away and help me remember whats good about myself and tell me that i’m not alone and give me great ideas for metaphors involving brains (like mental brains not physical brains)!!! our mutualness (mutualism? mutuality?? idk) goes waaay back, like, relatively, so thank you for following me in the first place bc it means we’re friends now !! love you <3 
kaliiiiiii!! my wonderful fellow scorpio (AHEM i mean what im not a scorpio who said that i’ll fight them) ur super fun and cute and as soon as you joined u fit right in even tho we’re all kind of weird and now you are One Of Us and it’s kind of hard to believe that you havent been since the beginning?? you’re such a cutie and i love love love talking to you and stuff <3 jdkjsldf dog pics are one of the many ways to my heart and your dog is amazing!!! thank you for sharing!!! you are amazing!!! tell canyon monroe i love him (again) and tell him from me to be nice to laura too,,anyway!! love u lots <3 
melia. you. are. the. best. my text posts never go noteless bc of you :’) you’re honestly truly just the greatest?? not just bc you like my text posts tho, youre genuinely sweet and suuuuper nice like,,i cant say anything bad about any of the Stream Team tbh but MELIA!!1! you would have to murder a man for a not-justifiable reason for me to say anything bad about you :/ i think you are an Angel and you’re so cute??how are u so cute i dont get it :(( thanks for being my friend and also helping me reject that guy that one time,,without you i definitely would’ve screwed things up tbh so seriously!! thank you and i love you <3<3 
minty i think i should tell u now that whenever i type “rip” on my phone the next suggested word is always “minty” :’) we’re always screaming abt kpop groups together like!! when clap was released u screamed about seventeen with me!!! when i told u i was getting into twice u screamed about twice with me!! when nothing else is happening u scream about toppdogg with me (and the rest of us)!!!! i love that youre as excited about your fave groups as i am about my fave groups because it helps remind me that it’s NOT weird to be really super extremely dedicated to things that make u happy and i still struggle with that sometimes so.... thanks for being you i guess?? also for getting rid of ******** from our chat with the power of ot13 :’)) love you <3<3<3 
kat!! my Superhero!!! the lifegiver for minsung stans everywhere;; i am so grateful for literally everything you’ve ever done in your life but specifically 1) translating every. single. one. of minsung’s often long and very complex posts, 2) being my role model for running an update-esque blog! like!! if kat can do everything she does for her blogs and translate stuff and be so efficient at everything, i can do it for my one tiny little blog!!, 3) working so hard but always being so so sweet to everyone and being so amazingly humble all the time and being somebody i admire not only as a blogger but as a person too <3 (wow that was che e s y lol) im love you!! <3 
hi kendall! another scorpio wowie!!! of course i say “another” bc i already mentioned how kali is a scorpio,,it’s not because i’m a scorpio. because i’m not haha. anyway. im sorry i let ******** come between us, i know you didn’t mean to create a demon that would eventually possess both you and your phone and try to eat all of our hearts. i know and i’m sorry and i love you!!! i also know that you still think those asks u sent were hilarious but i forgive you bc i know you love me too <3<3 i can’t believe my Ultimate Bias and the true visual of our group loves me!! wow!!! thanks for all your amazing selfies, they always make me smile :’) you rlly know how to cheer everyone up and get us in a happy mood and just,,,thanks for always being your lovely self! love u lots <3 
bella 💕 i love you, i love you, i love you 💕 idk if you know this or not, but you were actually my first tk mutual <3 i remember when i got the notif that you followed me back and i was so excited because this person!! this person with an amazing blog and who i already thought was super cool!! wanted to follow me!!! i still think it’s amazing that you wanted to be my friend but i can’t really say that i “can’t believe it” anymore because i can;;; you’re my friend and i’m your friend and i love you!! i’ll remind you of that every day if i have to. you’re the other 1/2 of the Official Ruby-Got-Me-Into-IZ Squad (along with jovano) and it makes me so happy that you’re a fan now too!!!! you’re just awesone tbh?? you help me with my shitty stuff and i try my best to help you with your shitty stuff and!! you’re one of my best friends!! i’m so so happy and lucky and blessed and thankful to know you! never forget how much i love you forever 💕💕💕 
jacqueline;; the awesome aunt that’s super nice and who helps people when they’re sad;;(i can’t remember jess’s exact wording but it was True);;;; you’re so cool and amazing and honestly i find it incredible how you’ve been with bts from the beginning!! is that a weird thing to say as a compliment?? shdfsdhkd sorry but sticking with a group from debut is really admirable, especially because bts didnt start out super big but you stayed with em anyway :’) you’re such a star and you reblog my selfies when i ask you to (btw ur tags on my latest selfies had me cryin;;find someone who will compliment you every day like jacqueline complimented my decent-ish selfies;;) and you’re so great to talk with and yeah!! i love u!!!! 
isaiah. i hope u believe me when i say, from the very bottom of my heart: you are the Meme to my Internet Connection, the Cherry to my Bomb, the Chanyeol to my.....You. idk. you take my worst text posts that i make at like 3am and add the best things to them and make them Good and i love our convos in the replies of my posts alsjdsfjjs also can i just say?? i’m still not 100% sure what the whole thing is with like the “kin” meme (i get what it is but i dont rlly Get It u know) but literally any mention of it ever reminds me of you :’) it’s actually astounding how many memes make me think of you tbh..anyway, ur very very cute and soft and nice and youve been mutuals with me for a Long Time so thanks for thinking im cool enough to follow!!! and for still following me!!! love you <3 
wow that took a long time but it was worth it!! tho i honestly wouldn’t blame you if you just skipped everything and only read the little section abt you lmao 
well, happy new year! i hope lots of really good, and happy, and lovely, and wonderful things are waiting for you in 2018 ✨✨✨
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Haaau. Oooh. Thats sweet. Do i really say holiii that much? I havent noticed. Okay, let's blame tumblr. It's not as if it works perfectly so...😂 Oooh, yes!! I'm in. Tag me in whatever you want. The meme of H and the lamb was hilarious. I love that comparison. Jajajajajja Gosh, can you imagine when he sings Familiar all by himself? Without JBalvin to do that part? If he sings the whole song when he comes to Spain, fans will lose it😂 (1). ((Any update of Liam the cat?))
HI!!!!! I don’t know! You have say it just a couple of times, really, but this girl says all the time and you reminded me of her, and now she reminds me of you,jejje. Honestly, that lamb is Honey! Jajajja. He’s like that too! He looks at you like: what? Do you have something to say? No? okay, bye. Jajaja. And let’s be honest, harry is very meme material,jajajajajja. (I’m so behind in his tour updates, btw. Haven’t seen anything🤦🏻‍♀️) Liam is coming in a couple of weeks? The 4th. Imagine if he sings in Spanish!!! I would die! If he does, he will do it Perfect (Perfect is capitalized bc of the song, omg). I’m sure he’s learning new words in Spanish. Hola sacapuntas, ¿como están todos? 🤣🤣🤣
Oh nono. Dont apologise. I was just laughing at myself. But thanks for the effort💖 This asks was easy to figure out. Oh, dont worry. Im more concerned about the inbox eating my asks (are they safe or are they lost? I never know) than you not answering. Really. (2)
Right? Like, you take the effort to write something and then you put it out there, without knowing if it will reach their destination or not. And at least with me, you know for sure if the ask is missing or not. But when you write people who has a lot of ask you’re like: did the ask get lost or did I say something rude? Are they ignoring me or have the blocked me??? Hjdfojriofjnoeirvjerv @staff!! Work on it!!!!
I dont like the sentence that goes “seria mucho mejor si participa”. Its nothing, but…me chirría* bcs of the possible undertone. Im very sensitive. Thats it. Though i must say that they compensate it with tge next sentence “voy a hacerte todo *lo que me permitas*”. Bcs consent!! Thats important. Oh, same. I dont usually hear anything in Spanish, mainly bcs i havent found anything that i like. Oh, you have almost the whole week free? Thats good!! (3) *i cant think of how to translate it xd
Jo, I haven’t read the lyrics yet (sorry Liam, I’m a very busy person,😅), but yes, you might be right. That sentence… if she isn’t participating… what are you doing then? And yes, that other sentence is better. I have to take my work (as a fan,lol) more seriously. Sdicsjdlncinsldcnlcjvls LOUIS JUST TWEETED LIAM???? Jfdbhkdbffvdfkv WHAT IS HAPPENING!!!!No, but my friends are idiots, jajajja, because I like a lot of Spanish music, actually. Like from the 80s and such,jajajajaj. And once, we were watching OT el reencuentro, and I knew all the songs and they wouldn’t stop teasing me, jajajaj. And o was like: see?? I like Spanish music. OLD Spanish music. Now, even Bisbal sings reguetón 🤦🏻‍♀️.I have to babysit my cousin on Wednesdays starting this week, so good. Bc I only work on Tuesdays and weekends. And someone else have offered me to babysit their children occasionally, so good good. More money for me to spend on the boys.
No idea what is Terra Chat. I guess i was too young? But i do remember messenger! You talked for 6h each day? Thats insane! I could not talk for so many hours. I would run out of topics or something. First time you failed anything, and you 6? Wow. Go big or go home, right? Jajajajaja. Luckily i dont think i’ve ever had any problem with the internet🤔. Its a lifesaver, really. (4)
Seriously, Terra’s chat was the boom back them, jajajja. But I was like 15, so maybe you were still starting to walk, jajajaa (I DON’T KNOW!!)? And yes we would talk for 6h every day. I would eat dinner at my computer, the days I would eat something at all. I lost 4kg the first week I started talking with him,jajajaja. IT WAS TRUE LOVE 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 (gaaa, I used to be the most embarrassing teenager you can imagine,jajaja (haven’t change much, I admit)) [philosophy moment of the day] Kids from today’s day should know the struggle to not be able to text every moment of every day. Having to compact your words into 180(?) caracteres, bc you only could send a text, and it costed money! EVERY. TEXT! Uffff, that gives personality to someone,jajaja. They have so easy to communicate these days😌. [end of philosophy moment]
You also have a JHO shirt????😍😍😍😍 one shirt for each? Well then, 2 more to go. I’ll swear, someday i’ll get myself something like that. What?! You didnt like Niall??? Soraya!! How so? He was lovely! Yes!! He (& his team) is doing so good! He’s conquering the world and im here for it. And also, his new dressing style is a blessing. I love the trousers he wears for the shows. He looks really handsome😍 (5)
The better part of them putting out they’re careers at different times is that you don’t notice you’re spending so much money,jajaja. Because everything is so expensive!!!! Don’t remind me, I’m ashamed I didn’t like him. 🤦🏻‍♀️. It’s not that I didn’t like like him. I just didn’t see anything special about him?? How??? Was I blind??? Probably! But now I just jsdkhfiowjefijowef  love everything about him. And yes, absolutely yes no his new style. I can’t wait to see him in person, omg!!! I’m so excited already, jajajaja.
Over again? Listen, can you belive that i discovered very recently that when they sang “hole in the middle of my heart like a polo” there werent talking about shirts?!! I used to hate that sentence bcs it made no sense to me! But they are talking about candys!! Of course. Solo songs. How did i forget?? Small stage? Mymy. You are a genius😂 Oh cool. I know nothing about cameras, but this one has an impressive name. JAJAJA. (6)
Jajajajajaja, I was shocked too when I knew about that too!  Jajajaja, I remember thinking, oh that’s makes much more sense that a shirt with a hole??? Jajajajajja. But I love that song live, seriously. You’d have to hear me and see me the concerts I perform in my car!!!  🤣🤣🤣🤣. I lose it with that song! My dream? To drive for 5-6-7 hours singing every 1d and solo songs, singing (screaming) every song, and with other four friends/fans. That’s my dream. Jajajaja. No dram job. No being rich. No nothing. Just singing 1d songs, jjajajaja.
Okaaay. I will call you if necessary. Same goes for you. JBieber and Zayn? What about them? Are they making a colabo or something? Are you asking about my toughts on them?? Sorry. Im a bit lost. (7)
No god, how could you Thing they would be collaborating, 😖, jajajajaa. No no. Your thoughts on them. Nah, I asked be I was going to tell you things my mom says about them, but I don’t want to offend you if you like them, jejeje.
Guess what. My friend (who is the most up-to-date on pop culture and music, and the one i always tell my theories to) called me yesterday “la reina del ocultismo”. (Just bcs i said that Shawn latest song sounded queer to me). JAJAJAJAJAJA. Anyway, I felt so proud. I might be crazy, but at least i have cool name. And i dont get bored🤷 (8)
LA REINA DEL OCULTISMO!!! Oh yes!!!! Jajajajajaa. Hey, I don’t follow very close Shawn, just what I see in my dash, or I’ve hear the songs they play on radio, but girl!!! He so gay!!! (And I don’t want to be offensive, okay? Offensive as in assuming he’s gay or something (wow, they just started playing It Isn’t in My Blood by Shawn,jajja) just because stereotypes). I saw and interview the other day, and he’s stance…mymy. But, well, again, I don’t know anything about him. “I might be crazy, […]And i dont get bored” #aboutme, jajjaja. And, please, share you’re crazy theories with me!!! Jajaja
YES YES YES. Of course i read fics. I read them everywhere, shamelessly. On the train, on the subway, at college, at family dinners (that one was risky, i must admit). JAJAJA. But sadly i have too many fics on the “to read” list. Bcs i dont feel like reading something with the length of a book on the phone, and also bcs once i start i cant stop until im done, so its quite inconvenient if i have to study. So, yes. I read them. What were you reading yesterday??? (9)
Same!! I read fics everywhere. I don’t worry to much about my family knowing I’m reading, bc no one understands English. But I freak out every time I let my iPad with a fic opened, bc they can see Harry’s or Louis’ name and I don’t want them to know I’m reading about them,😅😅. I run out of fics to read sometimes! That’s how much I read, jajajja. They’re always part of my bedtime routine, jajajjajaa. And, well, I was reading a fic, I liked it a lot, but I checked the author and she’s a bit “questionable”, so… I’ll reserve my opinion, if you don’t mind. I read someone’s opinion on the fact that people write stories about Harry and Louis, but then they don’t think they’re gay (as in part of LGBT+ community), and believe Louis is a dad, and all the rest. And they said why that is wrong, bc they’re fetishizing gay relationships. And it made sense. And if a queer person (I don’t know if I can use that word, sorry) says that, I have to believe it, y'know. So, when I read a fic from an author I don’t know, I check their blog, just to see. And I saw that, so I won’t be sharing the fic, sorry (which is a pity, but… 🤷🏻‍♀️)
Yeah. It was totally predictable. I know know. But…he looked cute. Well rested. Happy. And we had been deprived for too long so it was a gift to see him again. Thats it for tonight. Sleep well😙 (10)
He always looks well rested after a few days with his boy,jajajaj. I can’t wait to see what the future has planed for him. And also, I’m so curious about this new LiLo thing 🤔🤔. What’s all about? They now tweet each other. Liam talks about him all the time… we’ll see, we’ll see.
Well, that was a productive morning shift, jajaja. I’ve been almost 4h writing this,jajajajaa. The whole morning! Now, I have to check everything is correct before I close to go for lunch,jajajja. Thank youuuu. Bye bye!!
Pd: waaaa, I almost forget about my limo (liam,jajja). Well, I was going to bed, but before it I looked out the window, and called him. I was calling for a good half an hour. And then a black cat appeared, and I thought hey! they are coming! Then another black and wait cat came. And I didn’t stop calling Liam. And HE CAME!!! He came to my window, where Honey and I were. And I told him to jump, but his so fat… jajajjaa. So I called at my house phone so my mom would go to open the backdoor, and I went out from the front door. And when I reached my window he was up there, but he couldn’t go in, bc I had closed it, so Honey wouldn’t go out. And he jumped and went to the back door to wait for my mom no open the door, and then he run and run till my room, jajajaj, to see if there was food in his bowl. And, just that. They I “bath” him. And gave him a pill to desparasitarle(?), and put him a collar para las pulgas? Jajaja. And then I feed him. He was exhausted and hungry. My poor boy. I don’t know why he keeps going ou, if he doesn’t like it,jejeje.  Honey kept smelling him bc he smelled different, just FOR A DAY OUT!! (Jo, hablo TANTO!!!) Thanks for asking, love.
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wasraven · 7 years
92 statements tag
uh hi i got tagged by @javajaeyoon​ (hi hi hi ive never talked to you but can we be friends?)
1. Drink:
Water (wow im boring)
2. Phonecall:
3. Text message:
4. Song you listened to:
Shine Forever- Monsta X
(it’s good listen to it plz they need their first win)
5. Time you cried: yesterday night 6. Dated someone twice: um. nope 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: nah 8. Been cheated on: nope 9. Lost someone special: like death?? if not death tho um a few months ago i guess 10. Been depressed: i dont have depression but like just feeling down? like 2 days ago 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: no (don’t drink)
blue, silver/gray, purple
15. Made new friends:
yes so so many
16. Fallen out of love:
whats love im sry
17. Laughed until you cried:
so many times (a lot when i got too stressed tho)
18. Found out someone was talking about you:
19. Met someone who changed you:
doesn’t like everyone change you tho?? but yeah
20. Found out who your friends are:
im on my wayy
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list:
um facebook what is that ancient thing
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life:
um none ( facebook is not a Thing for me)
23. Do you have any pets:
yesyesyes guinea piggy
24. Do you want to change your name: when i was little a little bit but i like it now
25. What did you do for your last Birthday: studying for midterms and eating cake and cooking ramen with my friends 26. What time did you wake up: 7:00 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: thinking up prompts for mx and sf9 and streaming Shine Forever (plz help) 28. Name something you can’t wait for: when i get to see my friends again! and when SF9 and Monsta X get their first wins! and when i have more than 3 friends on tumblr lmao 29. When was the last time you saw your mom: this morning 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: being stressed and overthinking (also how smart i come off as) 31. What are you listening [to] right now: shine forever 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: yes. was he cute? idk man 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: when people aren’t direct 34. Most visited Website: tumblr and youtube and gmail and google docs 35. Elementary: done 36. High School: working on it 37. College: not there yet 38. Haircolor: “black” (brown, very light hair for an asian girl tho) 39. Long or short hair: mediumish its getting longer as i type tho. 40. Do you have a crush on someone: um not atm (there is a cellist i know who is...afjrngeo tho {guys cellists are the cutest always go for the cellists} 41. What do you like about yourself: my random energy (im very very similar to sf9′s inseong with a lot of kihyun thrown in) 42. Piercings: nah but i want like 6 ear piercings tho 43. Bloodtype: idk maybe A? 44. Nickname: Smiley. or chicken. 45. Relationship status: single. very single. 47. Pronouns: she/her 48. Favorite TV Show: um. probably Knowing Bros (is that the right english god i hate translating) 49. Tattoos: none
50. Right or left: right 51. Surgery: nope nope nope 52. Piercing: already answered 53. Sport: various sports like volleyball and football and skating and frisbee (im not athletic tho sue me) 55. Vacation: what?? im confused. korea + japan + canada 56. Pair of trainers: nike nike nike (+converse)
57. Eating:
58. Drinking:
green tea is good. so is black tea. and iced tea. and lemonade. so is starbucks (call me basic idc but i like starbucks the door is there if u dont)
59. I’m about to:
finish this tag, continue betaing, write something, fall asleep
61. Waiting for:
my life to appear
62. Want:
to be a better person
63. Get married:
definitely want to but i need a bf first?
64. Career:
practical: researcher, biochem, chemical engineering, mechanical engineer.
less practical: videographer, commercial director, cameraperson, video editing
practicality whats that and is money something you eat?: composer/arranger/producer, director, actor, photographer
65. Hugs or kisses:
hugshugshugs i live for human contact im super clingy
66. Lips or eyes:
eyes. all the way.
67. Shorter or taller:
68. Older or younger:
70. Nice arms or nice stomach:
um arms plz i guess?
71. Sensitive or loud:
can it be both? i need two sides to a person (im both, btw)
72. Hook up or relationship
relationship all the way.
[im not completely sure if im just demisexual or ace but im definitely not aro]
73. Troublemaker or hesitant
a mix of both is cutee. (im a ‘goody-two-shoes’ that has a tendency to um... ‘bend’ rules)
74. Kissed a stranger:
nope. never will (i hope)
75. Drank hard liquor
76. Lost glasses/contact lenses:
dont have ‘em but if i did i’d lose them once a day minimum.
77. Turned someone down:
yes. they were creepy. creepy is a nO.
78. Sex in the first date
nope nope nope nope.
79. Broken someones heart:
probably not .
80. Had your heart broken
nah (only kinda hurt)
81. Been arrested:
82. Cried when someone died:
yeah (a pet)
83. Fallen for a friend:
i mean...no
84. Yourself:
i don’t really have faith in myself but like apparently it looks like i do cause i seem confident??
85. Miracles:
86. Love at first sight:
ugh yes but no.
87. Santa Claus:
kiiinda (fite me)
88. Kiss [on] the first date:
if im feeling it.:/
89. Angels:
OTHER: 90. Current best friends name: /privacy/ is a thing. so. um.
91. Eyecolor: brown dark brown the same color as my hair. 92. Favorite movie: anything from studio ghibli, really.
(Tag 20 People) ahahha yeah right do i even know 20 ppl?
i tag (u dont have to do it, also if u already did it ignore me): @impy96​, @dearesthoney​, @99hwis​ [im not gonna tag ppl i havent messaged bye]
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