#i havent drawn in my sketchbook in a bit
selfryedxpunk · 2 months
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i drew drew 😁
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shiemori-writes · 2 years
Hey there Quinn! Since the request are open, I would like a Jack, Leona, Sebek and Floyd x reader (separately), where the boys find the reader’s sketchbook, and when they open the book, they see a bunch of doodles of them and in the end of the sketchbook, there is drawing of the boys and the reader, holding hand or something. Headcanons. Fell free to ignore. Thank you!
(This request might get spammed, Tumblr is eating my messages.)
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—doodles of us ♡︎
the boys find your sketchbook sketches of them! <3
characters: jack, floyd, leona and sebek! ♡︎
includes: sfw, really fluffy, gender neutral reader as always, and mutual pining! went a little bit overboard with leona whoops
notes: hello to you to anon!! ahh this was such a cute prompt!! heehee thank u anon <3 ALSO WOOO I HAVENT WROTE IN SO LONG THIS IS SUCH A TREAT!
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"—Wait prefect!! you forgot your.!..sketchbook...?"
you guys had just finished your little study (date) session in his room and was done for the day, you had just gone back to Ramshackle when he noticed that you had forgotten what seems to be your sketchbook, wide open.
Initially, he was in awe at your artistic ability, even by the doodles that were less polished, he thought they were adorable (he'd never tell you that though, hehe)
But then he saw doodles of what seems to be..him and you...ok ok cool.. him and you- wait— him and you?!
The doodles ranged from just doodles of his name surrounded by hearts, to him in chibi form, to tiny-him and tiny-you holding hands, god you were too adorable
He really couldnt stop his tail from wagging, nor the smile that was slowly spreading on his face, you were really cute y'know that?
At the bottom of the page he saw a different doodle, it was more of writing but from what he could tell, it was ai-ai gasa, which he could vividly remember you swooning to him, about how oh so romantic it would be with your crush,
And surely there the two of your names was, written under the little umbrella you had drawn, a little love-charm you like to call it, and while you had said you didnt believe it, you mainly just wanted to do it for wishful thinking.
He always wondered if he was the one you were talking about but now..
He felt his heart skip a beat and then another one, and another one..
He was thankful he was in his room right now, because he would absolutely die if someone saw him like this, red faced tail wagging at sonic-speed with an absolute love sick expression
He tried to calm his racing heartbeat with ease, (he is a runner after all) and when he finally calmed down he felt content, he was gonna return the sketchbook to you that's for sure, and maybe something more
He confessed not too long after <33
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He had just woken up from a long-cat-nap when his eyes wandered to your slumbering figure, clinging onto his arm, a calm look on your face
unconsciously smiling at the sight 'cute' he thought. He was glad he convinced you to rest, that damn bird was dumping his work onto you again, it was a pain, you need more rest, really.
He sat up, uncharastically-careful to not wake you from your state of slumber, stretching his muscles and letting out a yawn when he noticed the sketchbook beside him, open and what seems to be unfinished,
Curiously he took a little peak, wouldn't hurt right?
He flipped through the pages, feeling a smile curl on his lips when he saw how passionate you were for art, he was glad you had something you loved, but also hated how soft he was feeling rn, seriously herbivore what spell did you cast on him?
Hes just a softie in denial mwuehehe
Anyways, he stopped skimming through the pages when he noticed what seems to be..Him? Oh, ohoho he was gonna tease you so much for this herbivore. (bastard)
While the thought of you being flustered entertained him, he really did appreciate the way you saw him, and..oh? Was this a doodle of you and him? You really are a sap arent' cha herbivore? (lovingly)
He chuckled, finding enjoyment at the way you'd doodle you and him holding hands, or the way you drew his names surrounded by multiple hearts
'cute' he found himself repeating in his head
Looking at the bottom of the pages, he noticed the way you'd consistently draw an umbrella along with your names on it through every page, ai-ai gasa as you call it. He found himself remembering your ramble about how cute it was, thinking he wasnt listening as much, but he was, he always found himself listening to your voice, as sappy as that was (really herbivore your sappyness is getting to him ugh)
Seeing his name and yours doodled under the umbrella sure was somethin', he remembered you joking about how you'd try it with him as it was commonly reffered to as a "love-spell-charm" of some sort in your world
frankly he thinks it was dumb, why do that when you already have his heart hmmm herbivore? And do' ya really think a love spell would work on him?
^ but you didn't know that, maybe that was partially his fault for not being too forward but he blames you too for being dense (wow rlly leo? smh../j)
Closing the sketchbook, he found himself grinning from ear to ear, tail flicking from side to side in delight as he peered back at you, still blissfully unaware of his discovery, heh, he'll tease ya for sure, but for now, he's gonna cherish this peaceful moment with you, after all, time spent with you is his favorite time of all (apart from sleeping)
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"Ko~e~be~ CHAN!!!"
He sang through the empty hallway, pouting when he didn't see you
He couldnt find you anywhere!!!! It was so annoying!!! it was terribly boring too!! which!! he!! Hates!! Where's his koebe chan >:(
Angry eel later turns to sad pouty eel :(
(poor azul had to deal with his outburts)
Huffing in annoyance, he tried to work at his shift at the monstro lounge, to everyone's surprise, floyd leech????? Working??? The world must be ending!
But no, he just was hoping maybe, maybe his little shrimpy visits him, I mean, you did visit yesterday, so he now automatically assumes you're gonna do it everyday! And if not, well then he's just gonna squeeze someone, maybe that will make him feel better. Hmmph.
YOU DO VISIT YAYAYAYAYAY!!! (Jade and azul practically begged you at this point bc he was being so aggressive to the customers)
Upong seeing you his frown immediately turned into a bright grin, running towards you to give you the biggggesst squeeze!! ever!! because his koebe chans here! <3
He squeezed you tightly, (but not too tight! He knows his koebe-chan is fragile) and gave you the biggest kiss, a loud "mwah!" Was heard as he kissed your cheeks, giggling at how flustered you seem! koebe chans so cute!! hehehe!!
Ok maybe bringing you in was a bad idea cuz now floyd refuses to work...(cue azul ripping his hair out in the bg)
He grinned at Azul, waving goodbye as he dragged you out of monstro lounge with jade sighing and Azul screaming at him to COME BACK.
Asking where he was taking you, he just shrugged, "somewhere fun!!!" he replied, ah of course, as vauge as ever, you sighed, but couldnt help the fond look on your face when he looked so excited
(you just hoped he wasnt taking you for another swimming lesson hhh)
Annndd we've arrived!! To...Ramshackle??? Huh, you expected something more from Floyd, noticing your confusion, he simply smiled, letting himself in with your hand in his
"I saw shrimpy drawin' lotsa stuff!! I wanna see!!" He gestured to your sketchbook, like a child excitedly pointing his gift out for christmas
You were skeptical at first, but after he promised not to ruin anything, you gave him the sketchbook, with him asking questions about your drawings, whether it be a doodle or a finished piece.
He went silent
Were those,..doodles,,, of him??? :O
He started giggling like a little schoolgirl with a crush, finding more and more doodles of you and him holding hands or just being rlly cute!
Then he saw the umbrella thingy doodle, it was your name next to his!! He was floored! secretly glad his shrimpy loved him just as much as he loved shrimpy<3
Curious to what he was giggling at, you redirected your focus onto your sketchbook and was absolutely mortified at what he found, trying to desperately take it from his hands, dang it how did you forget you drew those?!
he however didnt give you the sketchbook, instead setting it ontop of the highest shelf (bastard p2)
He couldnt stop himself from giving you the biggest hug ever (part 2) Only this time, you can tell it was filled with more love and adoration, with him peppering your face with kisses
"hehehe! Dont be shy shrimpy! its really cute!! This means you love me right?? I love you too!!" He swooned, his face being coated with a lovely-pink color, he smile uncharastically bright and genuine. It wasn't the twisted smile he'd display when he was squeezing someone, or when he got amusement to tormenting goldfishie, (poor riddle lmao) but a genuine, awestruck smile.
Bewildered, you can only hide your face at the crook of his neck, mumbling complaints while he laughs, kissing the top of your head when you eventually said 'I love you too'
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Who would have thought, Sebek, the retainer of the soon to be crowned prince, befriend a magicless human like you?
Well..As much as he hates to admit it, there really was more to you then he gave you credit for, you'd always survive no matter what anyone throws at you, all without being unkind, and pushing through everything, and most of all, you liked him for him, and listened to him no matter what was on his mind, and that, he thanks you for, albeit clumsily (and very loudly)
You made it a routine to hang out everyday despite your busy schedules, often in the library (he got kicked out though, so you didnt stick for long) or in the comfort of his room, after all, diasomnia provides a more...comfortable space, no offense (name).
Anyways, during your normal sessions, you happily chatted away with Sebek, as he recounted tales from his childhood and the Valley of Thorns, a content smile on his face.
You hummed, sketching away while looking at the time, gasping when you noticed how late its gotten (and how hungry grim must be)
Noticing your sudden distress, he questioned you immediately, showing concern in a..very sebek way!
"Human!! What has gotten you so alert! Did I say something to alarm you?" He yelled, frowning at you.
You waved your hands, chuckling nervously, "Ah- no Seb, its really late- I'm afraid I need to get back to grim" you replied sadly, as he let out a quiet "oh" pouting at his unfinished tale
"Well-alright then!! I shall continue this story tomorrow human!! Be- be careful alright!! It is unsafe!!" He fussed over you, blush forming on his cheeks (which he denied he had) "Actually- I'll just escort you so I can-" "Ah its fine Seb!! I can handle it!" you cut him off, knowing he still has duties.
He huffed, "fine. B-but text me when you get there so I can ensure your safety!" He replied, to which you nodded. "Got it! bye sebek! i'll see you tomorrow?" "Of course."
And with that you shut the door behind you, leaving Sebek to clean up his room, when-
He furrowed his eyebrows, really out of all the things you forgot it was the thing you were always carrying around? Humans really are forgetful, tsk tsk, Not to worry human, he!! Your greatest friend and fae shall make sure your!!..hmm? Is that him??
Now he didnt mean to peak but..It was wide open! and- were those doodles of..H-him and you?!?!
Congrats for once hes speechless! Flipping through the pages whem curiousity got the better of him, staring in awe at how simple it was but..admittingly cute. Hmph. Humans!! Theyre just so!!..augh.
He found himself blushing more and more as he found more and more doodles, whether it was his name with heart scribbles, or him and you holding hands..It affected him more than he'd like.
The last straw was when he saw your scribble of an umbrella.. He knew this trope all too well, as embarrassing it was to admit, he's seen it before in the novels he'd read.
His heartbeat was going crazy
Did you really wish to court him?! Human how come you've never told him!!!
Huffing out in fondness he carefully examined the paper, feeling a wobly smile display on his lips. He was going to answer this strange courting method of yours human!! Just you wait!!
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end notes! "ai-ai gasa" translates to "love-love umbrella" which symbolizes sharing an umbrella with your soon to be lover/crush since sharing umbrellas are considered to be very romantic! it's also a love charm/spell of some sorts, though its not believed to work, its mostly done out of wishful thinking, and bc cmon its so cute! i decided to add that since technically it is a doodle! and ive seen tropes like this and its adorable imo, anyways thanks for reading! i hope you enjoyed!
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brambletakato · 6 months
ok i havent drawn a lot so ill do a big artdump of some stuff i abandoned or at the very least wont finish for a long while (id in alt and story/thoughts below the image)
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In a server that I'm in, we briefly talked about Descole hypothetically returning in NWOS and somebody mentioned he should bring Keats along. Inspiration struck and I drew this. I was hoping I could use Blender to make the buildings and whatnot, but I was intimidated by the task and ultimately ended up dropping the entire thing.
The building that Keats and Descole are on is… Meant to be a rough placeholder, I didn't mind redoing the entire thing but I wanted to at least have a vague idea before the entire draft slipped from my mind.
(More images in cut that are either old or kinda detached. also theres crossover stuff in there. be warned)
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HAHA YOU CLICKED READ MORE NOW I CAN SHOW MY INSANITY. MWHAHAHA. MWHAHHAHAHAHAHA. ok so errm this is campaign des that i mentioned a few times and yes that is The Mario from The Paper Mario. I think about them so much and its a bit pathetic bc its like "you're overthinking a kid's mascot" ITS SO SILLY YOU DONT GET IT...
Oh right the doodle uhh so I was thinking about them and just drew a hypothetical scene for funsies, it didn't happen in roleplay (and also because I wanted to draw paper mario without a reference and see where that went). It's an ex-villain and struggling hero dynamic and i love it sm
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Segments of a comic I drew for a friend in a super silly AU with dante from the limbus company hand on hip . Id get super embarrassed if i shared the details of the au because we kinda said "fuck it we ball" and made up stuff that shouldn't work at all lol. It's also why there's no text in the speech bubbles.
But the general gist of why I drew this is because we kept discussing a scenario where Descole has to fix up something in Dante's clockhead (vaguely inspired by that april fools episode) and i had a strong vision ab the comic. Also I had to make their head in blender because i was struggling with the perspective and wanted a flexible reference. First time drawing something not made out of flesh fur or fabric!! had a blast rendering the fire and the shine though. SUPER fun super recommend
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I just like this little doodle,,, the expression vaguely reminds me of a ghibli villain and it scratches my brain. im expecting him to move on twos at 24 fps very subtly at any moment now.
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And finally... um... yeah. "draw a character in this pose" sort of beat. sometimes I alternate using the sketchbook and marker pens in firealpaca and this is one of my rare marker doodles. Also this is pretty old afaik but i still think about it sometimes
happy sycamore sunday (even though hes not anywhere to be seen in these doodles)
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eebie · 10 months
Eeeeebles how do you draw so cool so much all the time do you do anythjng for motivation /inspiration bc iomm suffering wit drawing rn n u r seriously one of my FAV fav artists forever so if u Just so happen to have any advice on thar. aaughaaoauugghhhhh
AUUWUUWGHHHHH.... I LOVE U ANON ................ Well i feel u with the inspiration sometimes im like Bluuehhhggrhhhh i dont want 2 fucking draw/whats the point/idk WHAT 2 draw and usually those r thje times where i kinda like. step back like Woah, why am i putting all of this pressure on myself 2 perform when it only makes me even more stressed about it!!! does the entire opposite of what u want. its like messing around with ooblek the more pressure you put on it the more it doesnt wanna go anywhere And if you keep tryin it'll just. crumble up. So ease up a bit ^_^... let yourself rest. watch things that inspire you or just make you feel good! i know spiderverse is HUGE for me, as well as gorillaz and little nightmares, so that's usually my go-to.
Sometimes trying out new mediums helps a lot too!!!! the other day i was Feelin it real bad i was just sitting at my desk binging a show mindless like.. damn i havent drawn in forever, i kinda wanna but i just Can't like why bother... but i was also just. Bored out of my bualls (boredom is very good for creativity) so i grabbed my sketchbook anyways n decided to try something new with colored pencils. it was kinda Icky at first like wtf... this feels lame. I still hate drawing. but i just kept doing it like little scribbles, gently poking at the ooblek And That Metaphor Sucks Now and i'm not going to use it anymore. but anyways i just did some small nothings, no-effort doodlin which helped me relax, and slowly, eventually, i was like, hey i actually remember why i liked doin art in the first place! And now i've gone mad with power and use colored pencil all the time and it fucking rocks. so yeah just trying something new can help a bunch, esp if you're feeling stuck! watercolor is fun but unforgiving, so bewaaaaaare ehehe.
also did a whole other ask about how important it is to keep a sketchbook that's convenient to use while you're on the move, if you can get your hands on one! small and easy to whip out is the way 2 go, because it's a huge moodkiller when you have to haul around a giant ass brick that takes forever to get out and put away yknow! at the present moment i tear through sketchbooks like i am someone who really loves to eat paper as compared to when i had a really big notebook and barely did anything in it because it was 1. hard to move, and 2. intimidating as hell b/c of how big the pages were!!
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starlitsilver · 1 year
this might be weird to say as a 21 year old but i think...i need to start drawing the way i did in middle school again
i would like to hope that my actual art skills have improved since i was 12, but idk im comparing my middle school sketchbooks (well. sketchbooks and a shit ton of loose paper) and i feel like back then i had a lot more...creative freedom? like my art was more open, or something. and somewhere in the transition to adulthood, even though i never stopped drawing, i lost some of that :/
like my middle school/early high school drawings were just Whatever i wanted to draw that day. there were A Lot of dragons. random fantasy creatures. the Single Anime Eye (you know the one). weapons that operated solely on the rule of cool. extremely poorly executed attempts to draw complicated things. way more random character designs and scenes than i attempt nowadays....idk somewhere along the line i feel like i started restricting myself in terms of what i actually tried to draw more? even as i started trying to hone my skills a bit more seriously, and practice and study more. and i dont really know why...i havent drawn a creature in ages
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intomybubble · 7 months
I’m so sad
I started a new sketchbook (I havent drawn in a long while and my older more recent ones are only like 1/5th or 1/4th used) and it was going well but the binding isn’t great. Its an adhesive where the pages are meant to tear out easily, and the pages are beginning to fall out
The cover is cute, and liked the initial drawing i did last night so i was feeling good about it but… i dont think i should continue in it. It was from daiso like my previous ones, but the binding in those had a bit of stitching so they kept together
I’ll go back to the sketchbook i was thinking of using a few months ago, though the reason why i changed my mind was bc the cover was boring (one of my last sketchbooks looked pretty much the same but the pages were off white)
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shueyler · 8 months
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Got a new sketchbook and decided to doodle a bit. I havent drawn on paper in so long, but I lost my digital pen and haven’t been able to find it, so i figured I would try to get back into sketching.
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ttc-chapter 3
one of my goals for the year was that i wanted to draw in my sketchbook everyday for the month of january. its january 7th, i woke up at 10:30, didnt get up until 11. i showered, i did my chores. its 2 pm, and i dont want to do anything. i need to write thank you's for holiday gifts, i need to finish my english homework thats actually quite enjoyable, i need to finish setting up my new bullet journal. but i dont want to do any of those things at all, even though its the kind of thing i usually enjoy. i just feel no motivation or drive for my art anymore. drawing feels like a chore, i havent drawn for the sake of it in months, i just dont feel it. if im not drawing im not improving, and as a young person i feel like my improvement needs to be linear and upwards, im falling. the productive struggle of drawing, focusing, and creating those connections in my brain, just started to stress me out a bit a while ago, and now thats the connection thats there. just 'draw?' no. 'why?' i cant. 'you can' i wont.
sometimes it feels so pointless to do anything at all. everyday i just put away my laundry, do my laundry, shower, dry my hair, all these simple tasks stack up and suddenly every day is the same as the last. and its winter, so its cold, adn its rainy, and its cloudy. i envy people who feel cozy when it rains. i feel cold. my room is cold and all i want to do is stay in bed.
i think im going to read a bit today, maybe write those thank you's.
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acnhretreat · 2 years
wow this post sure got long.
i’ve been wanting to make some more animal crossing art
i’m getting used to drawing again after almost 10 years of stopping (with like one drawing here and there every couple years) so i’ve been warming up letting myself draw poorly and it’s been extremely freeing, since the reason i quit drawing to begin with was because i started feeling like i wasn’t good enough. at that time i quit drawing and got into abstract painting because “you don’t have to be good at it” but newsflash to past insecure me you don’t have to be good at any art to make it. and while logically i know this, and i actually believe it deeply with my whole soul that you do not have to be “””good””” at art to create art and in fact it’s very human to create art and whether art is “””good””” or not is subjective anyway and i’m genuinely, and always have been, a huge fan of “””bad””” art because so much “””bad””” art is sooo good. and i feel this way about like all mediums. catch me consuming and appreciating all kinds of art all over the place. but, sorry gonna overshare for a sec, i’ve got an eensy bit of a personality disorder that makes me an eensy bit insecure and filled with an almost unshakable sense of shame and humiliation. well, it’s my fucking life goal to break free from that shame. and thank god, the older i’m getting the stronger my sense of self and self worth are becoming. and finally, i’m allowing myself to explore drawing again, which i used to do and enjoy for hours upon hours every day of my childhood. drawing was my main form of escape and artist expression aside from writing. i create all different types of art but drawing used to feel like mine. it came so natural to me i never thought twice about it. i let a small comment that someone made get to me. and i am determined to concur this. i was 16 at the time, or maybe had just turned 17. when i stopped drawing. and i’m 27 now and it feels soo freeing to let myself draw and not be “great” at it.
since i was about 20 i’ve been trying to get myself back into drawing, dipping my toes in drawing just one little thing every couple years. i felt so stressed because i had a lot of artist’s acquaintances. i grew up in a pretty artsy town in northern california. and i remember when i started trying to draw again, i felt so frustrated that my peers had never stopped drawing, they continued to practice and got better. whereas i stopped and got worse. and i compared myself and felt so angry. i felt like i would be just as skilled as them had i never given it up! and it made it so hard for me to start back up again. my drawing abilities had regressed to the skill level i was at when i was in like 4th/5th grade. i wasn’t even at the level that i was when i had stopped drawing at age 16/17. and it took me a long time to get over the fact that i’m going to have to practice a whole lot more to get back to the place i left off.
this year i decided i don’t care anymore. i keep a sketchbook in my bed under the pillow on the side i don’t sleep on. pencils and markers within reach. and i’ve been allowing myself to draw whatever, whenever i feel like it. silly art, vent art. sometimes i want to draw but all i can do is write on the page and that’s alright too. i’ve spent the last 10 years mostly just writing and painting abstract to express myself, so that’s just what flows easier sometimes. but i’ve been creating. drawing stuff. the other day i thought to myself “i havent really drawn a picture of spongebob since i was a kid” so i took out my markers and i drew a really crude drawing of spongebob. and then i drew patrick and squidward and sandy and a jellyfish. and it did look like a kid drew it lol. and it was so fun to make. A couple months ago i took out a crayon and drew along with Steve on some episodes on Blue’s Clue’s like i used to do when i was 5. Steve actually taught me how to draw a lot of basic stuff. and that felt so nice to imitate what he draws on screen and get my hands comfortable creating shapes intentionally again.
the other day i drew a whole bunch of pictures of Stitches and some of them turned out looking real freaky and i actually was pretty happy with the end result, having a bunch of blobby drawings of my favorite animal crossing villager all on one page lol.
i feel so inspired by the animal crossing art i see online it makes me excited to get to draw more. sometimes i don’t have a ton of creative energy to draw a big elaborate drawing like i used to when i was a teen but i’m gonna baby-steps my way up to drawing more and more elaborate and interesting animal crossing artwork. not even to share with others people or anything, although i might someday. but just for me. for the love of my favorite game and for the love of drawing
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bubblellop · 3 years
Gonna draw on paper for the first time in 10 years
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goldiipond · 4 years
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doodling olivia every day is self care
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yaoihandsmyers · 5 years
michael time michael time
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yupyupppippi · 2 years
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sometimes I have to remind myself that I am getting better at drawing lol. here's 7 and a half years of improvement!
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angel-archivist · 2 years
may i ask ur process for drawing?
Sure I can try to explain it LMAO !!!! i havent drawn many of my uber complex pieces recently but I can give u my process for the stede n blackbeard drawing I made a few days ago!
I normally sketch things in my sketchbook first so I can get a bigger picture of how I want the piece to look! I always start w like an emotion I want to convey tho
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so my intial sketch was messy and goofy, but I felt it was too empty and I wanted to use my space more so...
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then I developed it more, the like block multiple image thing imo takes a little bit of practice to figure out its mostly, what looks good where and how do i feel the empty space? Boxes are like. my best friend, being able to separate things makes it easier to think about drawing something separate in them.
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after I have the basic page composition I just work cleaning things up, and making decisions about certain things.
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Then I do my coloring and overlays, for most of the ways I get my colors I duplicate the lineart color it a lighter color and then shift to the side a little. Then I use overlays of normally purple and red, and then put them on either multiple, difference, or lighten (?) i think i started using the last one more recently.
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skyfri-slj · 5 years
what is the FUCKING point of erasers if they cant DO THEIR JOB and just SMUDGE EVERYTHING?????
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thiswasinevitableid · 4 years
For the meet ugly prompts: #27? I feel like it has a lot of potential to be really funny for the OT4 :)
27: we have one night stands with roommates and sneak out of the house at the same time.
I interpreted “sneak out” kinda broadly. This is right on the line between SFW and NSFW: No sex, but it gets hot and heavy at the end.
Duck wakes up under moth-patterned covers, rubs his forehead as he grabs his phone from his pants on the floor. Shit, he didn’t mean to sleep this late, that could make things awkward if the guy from last night wanted him gone.
The bedroom door open and closes and Indrid, his hookup, enters in a yellow and pink bathrobe, holding a silver packet. 
“Good morning.”
“Mornin’. Uh, sorry, guess I was real tired.”
“We did do rather a lot last night.” Indrid grins, sitting down on the bed next to him, “here, my roommate is making breakfast sandwiches. I had him make you one. Do not take the pack as a sign you must leave, I just asked him to wrap it in case you were in a hurry.”
“Thanks. I should be gettin goin’, Winnie’s probably missin’ breakfast.” 
“One musn’t keep such a noble creature waiting.” Indrid hands him the sandwich. He’d shown the taller man photos of his cat last night both because he dotes on the flufflball and because it got Indrid to scoot closer to him. 
“Yeah, she can get in a mood....uh, you seen my underwear?”
Indrid scans the room, red glasses sitting on his forehead and giving Duck a perfect look at his brown eyes. 
“Ah, here we are.” He reaches under the small desk covered in art supplies, “my, those got some distance.”
“You were naked, I was in a hurry.” Duck mumbles, making Indrid bark a laugh as he brings him the rest of his clothes. 
When he steps out of the bedroom, he spots a tall man with a short, coppery beard standing at the kitchen stove. That must be the roommate, but Duck’s eye is drawn to the man exiting the other bedroom. His short black hair is mussed, there’s a pillowmark beneath his high cheekbone on one side, and his dress shirt is rumpled. 
The other man does not seem pleased to be seeing three people in front of him instead of one.
“Oh hey babe, you’re up.” The roommate turns, beaming, “made you breakfast, do you want some coffee? I can put it in a to-go up if, uh, if you need to leave.”
“Yes, thank you. I, um, I should be going.” 
The roommate smiles, quickly puts together a sandwich and coffee cup, complete with cream and sugar. The other man sips it and sighs, “you remembered.”
“‘How do you like your coffee’ isn’t just a cheesy line for me, babe. Gotta make sure you enjoy yourself start to finish.”
“Damn, that was smooth” Duck whispers as Indrid walks him to the door.
“Agreed. Though I rather enjoyed your one about pollination last night. By far the most creative response to these I’ve received” he points to the tattooed moth just visible on his shoulder. His wide grin goes shy, “I did really have a wonderful time, Duck.”
“Me too. Lemme, uh, lemme know if you wanna meet up again?”
Indrid nods, waves goodbye as Duck heads off the porch and down onto the sidewalk. He eats as he walks, decides Indrid has good taste in roommates because that one makes a mean breakfast sandwich. 
He gets to the bus stop, late September morning still crisp with the coming fall. Pulling out his phone, he discovers it’s dead. He did use it a lot last night, on their date, but only because Indrid was so clearly interested in what he had to show him. Why a guy who does tattoos for a living thinks a fella who’s a nerd for plants is interesting, Duck will never know. He’s just glad he does. 
Music out of reach, he sits and listens to the cardinals and kinglets calling in the trees. Someone sits down next to him, aluminum foil reflecting the sun off their hand and into his face. 
It’s the guy. The one from Indrid’s apartment. 
Should Duck tell him he has a big bruise on his neck? He probably knows, right? Then again, he was in a hurry?
“Hey, uh, don’t mean to be weird or nothin’, but you got a little uh-” He taps his neck and the man whacks his hand over the mark. 
“Someone you’re worried’ll notice?”
“What exactly are you implying?” The man glares at him, blues eyes going from charmingly flustered to suspicious in an instant.
“Nothin, just seem real worried for somethin that happens to almost everyone some time or another.”
“I like keeping my private life private. I don’t want random people knowing what I like in bed.” He snaps
“Okay, okay, jeez man, sorry I mentioned it.”
They fall silent as Duck’s bus approaches, and both stand to board it. Just his luck, this is route to the capitol square with the massive farmer’s market, so he and the mister touchy end up squished in next to each other. 
Two stops in, the man murmurs, “ I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have been so rude. I’m, uh, I don’t usually do things like, well, like hooking up with someone I meet on Grindr.”
Something about the way he says it, like he’s afraid he’ll get in trouble, brushes away Duck’s annoyance.
“No shame in havin a good time with someone. Wait, shit, was it a good time? Did somethin happen?”
“Oh no, nono,” the man hurriedly shakes his head, “it was just what I needed. Barclay is a great guy. I just feel like it was too easy, that getting that lucky on my first try is a sign something will go wrong.” He gives Duck a resigned smile, “in case you havent noticed, I’m an overthinker. Are you, damn it what’s his name, Indrid’s boyfriend?”
“Nah. He comes to draw in the arboretum where I work, we been kinda flirtin the last few weeks, and yesterday I finally said fuck it and asked if he wanted to get a drink later.”
“He’s certainly...distinct looking. In a good way, I mean.”
“Yeah, he is.” Duck smiles, thoughts drifting off to the memory kissing him gently as they finally fell asleep, his face captivating in the dim of the room, “probably see him again. Assumin’ he wants to see me, I guess.”
“I am supposed to wait until he arrives home to text him, correct?” Indrid pushes his phone as far away as possible to remove temptation.
“Maybe? I dunno man, all those rules about texting and shit are designed to sell books and bad youtube channels.”
“But I don’t want to come off as possessive or clingy.”
“Believe me bud, I know.” Barclay turns his phone around so Indrid can see the two lines sitting in the “draft” section, “I’ve been writing and re-writing this for five minutes because I want Joseph to know I’d for sure be down to see him again but there’s no pressure.” He sets Indrid’s refilled coffee down on the table. They trade a look, then burst out laughing. 
“Fuck, guess we both had a good time last night huh?”
“Very. Duck remains as wonderful as I hoped and I have not enjoyed sex that much since, hmmm, well, since the last time you and I were together.”
“That poor desk.”
“May it rest in peace.” Indrid sips from his mug, “Joseph is quite charming. You have excellent taste in men.”
“That a compliment to him or to you?” Barclay fluffs Indrid’s hair as he passes by him. 
“Mostly him.”
“Don’t sell yourself short, little moth.” A kiss on the head this time before Barclay heads to the shower. Indrid gets his sketchbook, turns on some mindless cooking show and settles on the couch.
Eventually Barclay calls from his room, “Indrid? Been about forty-five minutes, bet he’s home by now.” 
Indrid springs up, grinning, and grabs his phone. 
Duck was out downtown when the rain started, which is why he’s now hunkered down in the cafe by the capitol in hopes of waiting out the storm. He’s not the only one with this idea, and he’s made sure to make the chair across from him obviously empty in case someone needs a spot. 
“Hello again. Do you mind?” It’s the blued-eyed guy again, dressed for work in a suit and dress shoes. Duck hasn’t seen him since that first morning, in spite of going back to Indrid’s place multiple times over the last three weeks. 
“Go for it.” Duck scoots his coffee to the side so the man can set his mug down. He pulls out his phone, but can’t quite focus; he keeps wanting to look across the table. 
“How are things going with Indrid?”
“Real good--wait, how did you know he an I were still-”
“Barclay’s mentioned you once or twice. And your name is pretty memorable.”
‘It’s a nickname.” 
“That makes a bit more sense. Mines on the other end of things; there are a lot of Josephs in the world.” He sips his cinnamon-scented drink, sets it down again, “so, what do you do?”
“I’m a ranger over in the arboretum. You?”
“I work for an organization that checks up on businesses to be sure they’re meeting worker health and safety laws.”
Duck watches the rain out the windows, wondering if Joseph wants to keep talking or is just being polite. 
“Can I ask you something?”
“Did Indrid tell you about him and Barclay?”
“Yeah, ‘bout a week ago. He said he was hopin’ he and I could get more serious, but that he wanted me to know the two of them had a sorta, uh, fuckbuddies thing goin’ so I could make an informed choice.”
“That’s more or less where Barclay and I are at. Um, how do you feel about it?”
“I’m okay with it. I ain’t interested in anyone else right now, but when I thought about it, Indrid havin a thing with Barclay ain’t stopped him from bein’ amazin’ to me and I’m fallin’ hard for him. I don’t feel like some kind of side piece or whatever. I just feel like I’m headin for somethin good with a guy who has a casual partner. Did it bug you?”
“No” Joseph shakes his head, “which confuses me. I, um, I have trouble releasing control in much of my life. I assumed it would freak me out to learn I wasn’t the only partner in someone’s life. But when Barclay told me it didn’t really bother me. He even offered to talk to Indrid about being only friends if that was what I needed. It’s been awhile since someone was so quick to think about my wants and feelings when dropping unexpected news on me. Plus, I’ve spent a little time with Indrid when we’ve been over there, and I like him. He clearly cares about Barclay, just like I do, and in some way that makes me happy. Is that weird?”
“Not really an expert on weird. But I think you’re overthinkin’ things again.”
A small laugh, “True. Help me think about something else. Tell me...tell me what your favorite part of work is.”
Duck’s surprised at the interest, but gets glimpse of pleading hope, og someone a little hungrier for connection than he’s letting on, and finds no desire to refuse.
“Prairie restoration, it’s fascinatin….”
Duck’s not surprised to see Joe’s name come up on screen; the two of them have been hanging out more, both as friends and on double dates with Barclay and Indrid. He’s learned that his friend is a stealth-nerd beneath his professional veneer, that he likes game nights as much as Duck does, and that he makes a certain sound when he cums (that last one he learned on accident; he was snuggled up with an under-the-weather Indrid in the living room when Joe and Barclay got home from a date).
Joe: Are you busy tonight?
Duck: Nope. 
Joe: Do you want to go to the “Adult Swim” at the children’s science museum? I got tickets a week ago, but Barclay got called in to work tonight.
Duck: Sure, sounds lie a good time. 
Joe: See you at the museum at 7?
Duck replies in the affirmative, goes to pick out something less grubby than his crossfit clothes to wear. Maybe the short-sleeve button up with the whales; Joe mentioned he like it. 
His phone buzzes.
Sugar: Busy tonight?
Duck: Yeah, going to the museum with Joe since Barclay has to work. 
He realizes how this might sound, begins rapidly typing several explanations or offers to not if Indrid doesn’t want him too, but his boyfriend beats him to it. 
Sugar: Oh yes, I remember him mentioning that. Good, I’m glad the tickets won’t go to waste. Have fun, my sweet, please take picture of any interesting bugs for me if there is an entomology section <3
Duck: Will do, sugar.
He signs with a kissy face, gets two black hearts and a kissy face back. 
The Adult Swim is wonderful; the museum is artfully lit, there’s snacks everywhere, and even a fancy cocktail included with admission. He and Joe clink glasses, wander through the exhibits, laughing and playing with the interactive exhibits. There are no bugs, but Duck takes pictures of the light exhibit, which feature interesting color patterns he might like for tattoo inspiration. 
They’ve just finished fucking around in the paleontology exhibit, and Joe is looking through a viewfinder that shows him how a triceratops saw the world. Duck sneaks up behind him, growls in his ear, “didn’t spot the t-rex in time.” 
“If you plan on eating me, we should at least head into the bathroom.” Joe winks as he turns, heading out onto the balcony to look out on the city. Duck knows that if he follows him out there right now, he’ll kiss him. 
“Be right out, gonna go grab some more of those mini-pies.”
Joe nods to show he heard him as he pushes open the door. Duck hopes he doesn’t see him take several deep breaths to get his imagination under control before he goes off in search of an edible distraction. 
“Doors open!”
“Oh, hey man, Indrid home yet?”
“No, it’s Thursday the 12th, so the studio is prepping like crazy for tomorrow.”
“Shit, that’s right.”
“Cookie? I just made them.”
“Thanks--holy shit that’s good.”
“Thanks, I’ve been trying to nail the chocolate chip and potatoe chip recipe.”
“Think you might--aw fuck, ‘Drid just texted, he’s gonna be another hour.”
“You can chill here if you want. Uh, I’ve got Super-Smash Bros, if you wanna play.”
“Aw hell yeah.”
“Good morning, Joseph.”
“Gahoh, hi Indrid. I’ll be out of your way in a few minutes.”
“There’s no rush. I certainly don’t mind your company. I believe there are left over cinnamon rolls in the fridge, if you would like.”
Joseph gathers a coffee cup and a roll on a plate, sits down on the couch, and finds his pocket buzzing. 
“Here” Indrid takes the plate.
“Thank you. Looks like it’s my sister...oh, she got a new dog, do you want..” He stops as Indrid holds out a piece of the cinnamon roll on the fork. Hesitates, then opens his mouth and lets Indrid feed him. He starts showing him pictures as he does, Indrid commenting and laughing and, every so often, murmuring, “good boy” when he takes a bite.
“Ohfuck, shit, sorry!” Duck covers his eyes as Indrid quickly closes the front door. 
“Nono, fuck, sorry, that’s on us, thought you guys weren’t home until later.” Barclay’s apology is underscored by the sound of a zipper closing. 
“It’s quite alright, no harm done, Joseph you look very nice like that, carry on.” Indrid pulls Duck into his room, both of them snickering and blushing as Duck pushes him down onto the bed.
“My my, someone’s wound up.”
“Makes two of us.” Duck grinds down on him, Indrid gasping and grinning as he arches his back. 
“Indeed. Now get that handsome face down here. I have some things I wish to do to it.”
The giant stop motion monster continues rampaging on the screen as Duck loops his arm over Indrid’s shoulder. The first snowstorm of the year has come early, so they opted to switch their double date to a monster movie double feature (curated by Joe) in the apartment. Beneath their shared blanket, Indrid’s hand strokes his belly, skating down to the front of his jeans in teasing bursts. 
On the other side of the couch, Barclay has started kissing Joe’s cheek, the blue-eyed man sighing and turning to kiss him back. 
This is not a new situation for them. The last few weeks they’ve gotten more comfortable cuddling and making out in the same space as each other. Duck’s not complaining; hearing both Indrid and Joe gasping and sighing near him makes him hotter than a July afternoon. 
Indrid bumps his cheek with his nose, and Duck turns for a kiss. He gets one, but he also gets a firmer stroke down his cock, making him moan. Indrid smirks into the kiss, does it again, then a third time, Duck gripping the front of his white tank top with a groan. 
“Maybe we, uh, should dip out on the movie.” He murmurs. 
“We can” Indrid purrs, kissing him again, “but Joseph seems to be enjoying the show.”
Duck whips his head around; Joe is looking at the two of them as he leans against Barclay’s chest, between his legs, expression moving from desire to surprise to hope over and over again. Barclay, unbothered, continues kissing his neck and murmuring in his ear, the blush on his cheeks rising each time the larger man does so. 
“Or perhaps he’s envious?” Indrid cocks his head, “would you like your hand to be here instead of mine, Joseph?”
Joe’s normal eloquence is nowhere to be found, his eyes flicking between the three other men so quickly Duck worries he’ll sprain something. 
“I asked you a question, pet.” Indrid sharpens his tone on the last word and Joe whimpers. Duck has zero interest in Indrid ever calling him that name; but hearing it in his lilting, gently demanding tone directed at Joe sends desire zinging through him. 
“C’mon, babe, be a good boy and answer.” Barclay nips his boyfriend’s ear.
“Yes. Or, or, more accurately, I’d trade places with either of you. If that’s, would it be, do either of you?” He looks back at Barclay, who smiles tenderly and runs a thumb up his cheek. 
“Okay with me if it’s okay with them.”
“Do you want it as well, my sweet?” Indrid tilts up his glasses so he can look Duck in the eye. The affection in those brown eyes makes the T.V, the moon, the stars look dim. 
“Hell yeah.”
Indrid crooks his finger and Joe clambers the short distance on the couch to kneel by Duck.
“How shouldMMmmmmm!”
Duck gets a whiff of aftershave as Indrid yanks Joe forward by his shirt, kissing him and squishing Duck between them. The angle is awful but he doesn’t give fuck, buries his face into Joe’s neck, kissing the point where he feels his pulse moving like mothwings, mouthing and nipping at the skin as he slides one hand up the front of his shirt and the other down the back of his pants. When he squeezes his ass Joe squeaks and Indrid breaks the kissing, laughing. 
“I didn’t know you had such noises in you, pet. It’s quite endearing.”
“Indrid, Duck, please, I want, I want to, oh fuck it.” He pulls back just enough to not jab his knee into Duck’s belly as he falls on him, kissing him so hard and so long Duck’s chest tightens and his vision narrows. The taller pulls away long enough to breathily moan his name before feasting on his mouth again. 
“Yes, he does elicit such feelings, oh, hello.” Indrid giggles, and Duck can just see that Barclay is now on the floor, kneeling before the pale-haired man, kissing the skin exposed by his shirt before rubbing his beard across it, making Indrid laugh harder. 
“Can’t let you have all the fun, little moth.” Barclay rumbles
“I can think of many things you can let me haveAH, oh, oh goodness, I forgot how much you like to bite.” 
Barclay growls, reminding Duck of something important. He pushes Joe backwards, clambering atop him and pulling his shirt up as he does, stuffing the hem of it between those perfect lips. 
“Christ lookit you” he runs his palms up Joe’s body, the man arching and writhing beneath him, “you look like a goddamn fuckin centerfold, you’re so fuckin perfect.”
Joe’s moan is loud even through the shirt, and much needier than before. He grins, crawling onto him , “guess I ain’t the only one who likes praise in bed.”
Joe shakes his head, whining eagerly through the make-shift gag. Duck growls again, attacks his chest with bites, leaving an especially hard one when Indrid grabs his ass without warning. 
While Joe clearly enjoys the increase in pain, his responding thrash is sudden enough to send him and Duck rolling off the couch in a jumble. Someone’s foot catches Barclay in the shoulder, knocking him back onto the rug. 
“Whoops.” Duck says to the ceiling, laugh bubbling up from his chest and bounding about the room. 
“Sorry.” Joe says to the floor, chuckling as he sits up.
“That was very graceful.” Indrid teases from his spot on the couch, only for Barclay to rear up and pull him down on top of him, the thinner man squawking indignantly. As they all disentangle and sit up, Duck looks around their little circle of flushed skin and mussed clothes.
“So, uh, that happened.”
“Indeed.” Indrid scoots next to him, resting his head on his shoulder. 
“Is everyone, like, okay that it did? I mean, we seemed okay and said yes and shit but is okay in like a bigger sense?” Barclay holds out his hand and Joe takes it. 
“Do we, uh, wanna talk about what this is gonna look like?”
They all nod, and spend the next two hours hashing out the details of their newly forming polycule. Duck and Barclay agree they’d rather be metamours, everyone else will be partners, and that everyone should probably get some sleep before diving into the do’s and don’ts of what they each want from sex. 
Barclay and Indrid build a makeshift bed on the floor by the T.V, Joe and Duck on the inside with Barclay and Indrid on the outside. 
Duck drifts off to sleep with his head on Joe’s chest and Indrid’s arms around him. He knows they still have things to work out, that there will be hiccups. But for now, he’s happy to lay here, safe and loved, with his boyfriends. 
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