#i haven't really written fanfiction much at all tbh
shaylogic · 4 months
"Oi, don't wait up for me, yeah?" Charles informs Edwin, "I'll be in Crystal's room all night."
"Charles! I'm surprised at you," Edwin exclaims, looking flustered.
"It's not like that, mate--she's been having nightmares about David and I've agreed to keep her company. Said she feels safer with a friend looking after her, y'know?" He shifts from one leg to the other, one hand rubbing his other arm, absent-mindedly. "It's not a big deal, alright? Just didn't want you wondering after me." He shrugs non-chalantly and gives his partner a gentle clap on the shoulder before re-entering Crystal's room.
She's already changed into her sleep clothes and curled up under the covers. Crystal meets Charles' eyes and pats the bed beside her. With a small smile, he approaches and sits on the side of the bed, leaning on one hand and looking down on her.
"Would you like to talk before bed, or should I leave you to it?"
Seeing him only sit on the edge, she takes his hand and guides him to lay down next to her. "C'mere. Just lay with me, okay? If you don't mind. . .?"
His eyebrows raise and a twinkle of excitement crosses his eyes that he fails to suppress.
Crystal rolls her eyes at him and he chuckles. She pulls his arm over her side and holds onto him as best she can, letting out a long sigh. Charles feels a fluttering sensation in his chest, like a memory of a quickening heartbeat.
"Thanks for doing this. I'm sure it'll be less interesting than however you usually spend your nights, and I'm not much company to you when I'm asleep."
He grins, fingers attempting to brush lightly along her back. "I wouldn't say that."
She looks him up and down. "Oh, geez, you're not gonna' like, stare at me all night are you?"
"Well, I don't sleep, but I could try closing my eyes and laying here with you. Seems restful, anyway, doesn't it?" Her brow furrows, and he mirrors her expression, sobering up. "I'm not sure, uh, what your plan was?"
". . .I guess I'm not sure, either. I just didn't want to be alone in this big, empty room tonight."
"You could invite Niko across the hall for a sleepover," he teases, tempting her to explain why she chose him.
She recognizes this immediately and narrows her eyes playfully, pursing her lips, and refusing to take the bait. "You've got a cricket bat handy if any other ghosts or demons decide to pop up overnight. Niko would probably just talk their ear off and try to set them up with each other."
He chuckles. "Tough to argue with that."
. . .
After a while, Crystal's breathing slows, her chest rising and falling in smaller increments. Charles does observe this for a moment, before realizing he's doing exactly what she told him not to do. He shifts so he is staring up at the ceiling.
He can't feel Crystal's breath and warmth beside him. Without looking at her, he could forget she's there. He could just be laying alone in this bed for no reason.
He turns onto his side again, facing her and snuggling as close as he can without phasing into her. He has to focus to keep his form solid enough for her arm to rest on.
He closes his eyes and replicates breathing, concentrating on being present, and trying to remember old sensations. How would this moment feel, if he still had his body?
A cold chill runs down his core and he tries to focus on the memory of body contact sharing warmth.
While Crystal has one of the best nights of sleep she's had in weeks, Charles struggles to remember how it felt to be alive.
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stu-dyingstudent · 2 months
kid/academy/pre-genin Sakura Haruno fic recs
To be honest, there aren't many kid or academy Sakura fics out there, at least that I can find, and most of which are actually time travel AUs. Now, the tricky thing with it is that most of those tend to start where Sakura is quite young, but by the end of the story she is a genin. So, it gives me the difficult decision of whether of not I should include those on this list (I haven't decided).
Anyway, the other difficult aspect of fanfiction about a young Sakura is the writing itself. There has to be a good balance of childishness and eloquence to ensure that the writing is not just truthful to the character, but that it also flows with the story. These are some of the ones I like!
Started: 2024.07.25
Last Updated: 2024.09.13
note: feel free to check out my master list which has a bunch of Sakura Haruno fic recs (all organized)!
Satori (Between the Lines) - Jaylene || ffn || gen || T || academy AU || complete
While attending the Academy, Sakura's field experience assignment with the Konohagakure Intelligence Division ends up being more valuable than she'd ever guess.
Sakura lands herself working in Torture & Intelligence??? From the very beginning Sakura has been pegged as a "paper ninja" where she is constantly praised for her intelligence, so Satori (Between the Lines) is academy Sakura putting these skills to use. Super good read and includes characters we don't normally get to see in fics!
Time Flies Like An Arrow - Katlou303 || ao3 || gen || K || time travel AU || complete
Sakura traveled back in time with the intent of changing everything, but something went wrong, and now she's four years old having nightmares about impossible monsters and losing friends she has yet to meet.
Time Flies Like An Arrow is probably the most interesting take on a time travel AU I have ever read. Sakura ends up going back in time to when she is 4 years old and not even in the academy. The only thing is, she has no clue that this is the second time she's living this life and her mind is still one of a child.
Two Minds (are better than one) - Lesemaus16 || ao3 || gen || Tobirama as inner AU || complete
Tobirama doesn't generally object to being reborn. He does object to being stuck in the mind of a little girl, though.Sakura grows up with a grumpy voice in her head, telling her to train more.Tobirama's influence on Sakura might very well change the story. Or maybe not, who knows.
note: I think this might actually take place during the genin days, but I have to check since I can't remember.
Tobirama is such a great character (so refreshing) and his interactions with Sakura in this are gold! I hope one day Kishimoto will release some side stories about him and other characters from his time as we really don't know that much about them tbh.
New Day Dawning - IncompleteSentanc (Erava) || ao3 || narusaku || T || canon divergence || complete
One day, while visiting the grave of Nohara Rin, Obito stumbles across a young girl terrifyingly like her. He decides to ensure she doesn’t meet the same fate.As for Sakura? Sakura had no idea what she was awakening the day she went to visit her parents graves - but she never looked back. One way or another.(Feat. Sakura raised by Obito and the Akatsuki, and her eventual return to Konoha and all those she left behind)
Sakura is brainwashed and manipulated, but loved by notorious killers nonetheless. Incredibly well written and I won't lie when I say that the ending took me a bit by surprise. Also, I should warn you that this does take place over a long time and thus Sakura does not remain a child for the whole thing, but I just really wanted to put New Day Dawning on this list (just read it).
In Another World - eleventheeggo || ao3 || gen || T || orphan Sakura AU || ongoing
What if Sakura was an orphan instead of Naruto and Sasuke? A story about a socially stunted girl who has a thirst for knowledge and is surrounded by softies who love her all the same.
Orphan!Sakura is not something I knew I needed in my life! She is so precious and it's great to watch all of these characters come together for her sake. In Another World also discusses ROOT a bit, which you know I love, so I can't wait for the story to get there.
Your Move, Instigator (draw your weapon and hold your tongue) - Laysan_albatross || ao3|| third war extended AU || complete
“We are still under wartime policy,” the recruiter had told her parents. He had an envelope in his hand. He sounded sorry. “She has two parents who are successful ninjas. We would be remiss to overlook her potential based upon that alone.” The Third Shinobi War never ended. Konoha needs more soldiers, grabbing anyone who can fight, especially those who can't say no.
I feel like one of Your Move Instigator's biggest strengths is that it truly gets across the innocence (or loss) of these characters. They themselves don't fully understand what they are doing or why. They are just children following the orders given to them by adults, even if that means taking the life of another. In the beginning, Sakura even recalls times of her spelling and grammar being corrected in her reports along with other childish things. Konoha has shown themselves of not being above dispatching young children to fight, but this story just brings that devastation to new light.
cut the head off the snake - itsthechocopuff || ao3 || T || time travel AU || complete
when eighteen-year-old, post-war Sakura is thrown back into her tiny, pre-Academy body, she makes a decision. she'd had a childhood once already, and this time, she's more interested in Not Dying when the inevitable shit hits the proverbial fan. so she will work harder, care less, kill more, and smile when she's done. and hey, if she ends up reviving an extinct nature transformation to attract the most corrupt, power-hungry man from her timeline, all the better for her, right?
Probably one of the best time travel AUs out there!! Also, we get to see ROOT!Sakura in here, which I love in addition to Sai (my baby). I know I said it's incomplete, but it's only missing one chapter so you still get plenty of story. Anyway, definitely check out cut the head off the snake!!
Not so imaginary - FangirlJo || ao3 || gen || T || ghost Tobirama AU || incomplete
Haruno Sakura was 5 when she realises her imaginary friend was not so imaginary at all and resembles the Second Hokage by a lot. Like a lot a lot. In which Senju Tobirama is Sakura's Ghost Sensei. Things change, chaos ensues and Tobirama is once more reminded with the reason he doesn't have kids.
Damn, I just really love Tobirama as a character. This guy rocks and deserves more story time (justice for Tobirama!!).
Ground Zero - TheIzzatron || ao3 || gen || T || third war extended AU || incomplete
Desperate times call for desperate measures. If this means forcing weapons into the hands of children, then so be it.
A young Sakura is taken advantage of in her parents’ absence at war and is enrolled into the academy's "accelerated" program. The complete unfairness of the situation is skillfully conveyed throughout the story. Sakura is left to wonder why she too isn't learning about flowers and history like Ino? Why Ino isn't learning the fastest way to kill her enemies? The characters and their emotions are so well done that you truly feel just how cheated they are. They aren't heartless, they are children. Highly recommend.
Inherited Will of Fire - jokergirl2001 || ffn || T || gen || sakura can see ghosts AU || incomplete
She always knew she was a natural at genjutsu but what she didn't know was that being a natural meant she had some immense talent when it comes to spiritual energy. Well at least that's what the cheerful raven haired boy who apparently drowned himself on purpose said.
I only just started reading this now, but Inherited Will of Fire is super cute! Academy Sakura finds she is able to see ghosts after stumbling upon Shisui shortly after the Uchiha massacre.
One Change in the Story - Aingeal98 || ffn || T || gen || time travel AU || incomplete
It wasn't supposed to be like this. She was only supposed to go back five minutes in time. Instead, Sakura wakes up in a dark room surrounded by people wearing black cloaks with red clouds on them. The worst part? She doesn't have a clue who she is.
Praying for One Change in the Story to be completed!! Sakura lands herself back in time with the mind and body of her four year old self. With Pein being the first one to find her, Sakura's new life purpose is to be the Akatsuki's weapon. Similar to New Day Dawning, Sakura doesn't stay a child for the entirety of this fic, but I still think it is a notable mention. Sakura slowly loses herself to her new roll and in a sense becomes the embodiment of a ROOT agent. It was interesting to see Itachi's internal battle with the situation and Konan's guilt. However, even with Sakura bound to Ame, there are children back in Konoha who have an itch that a pink-haired girl named Sakura is someone important.
Y'all, please send me some good kid/academy Sakura fics!!!! Or write one...
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demitrius-kahnum · 2 months
Welcome To The Mindspace: 
All different types of fanfictions are welcome here!
Hello random users of Tumblr that don't really, if at all, know me! My name is Demitrius Kahnum and I'm FINALLY writing fics! These are prompts that I have that have been just ideas/thoughts in my head but have never been brought to writing fruition.
 Now please be gentle with me because even though I LOVE reading and writing I've never truly written things either for people to read in the sense of fics or books, but i do have a way with words and a bad habbit of writing too much due to just ‘cuz reasons. So! Please enjoy, have fun, and if you have requests please leave them down in the comments and I will get to them when I can- DO NOT SPAM ME OR MAKE DEMANDS. 
I won't answer to spam, demands, or annoyances that I haven't updated or done something specific that you want. 
Previous prompts:
 Warcraft One-shots and fuller length fanfiction (Durotan x reader x Draka, Draka x Durotan, Draka x reader, Durotan x reader, Durotan x Khagdar x Draka, various Warcraft bashing, etc)
other orc fanfiction (smut, oc x oc)
Avatar Recoms fics/one-shots (all of them tbh except for that one random one I don't like)
New Prompts:
Remy LeBeau/Gambit (Channing Tatum he did SO DAMN GOOD LEMME TELL YOU!) x Reader (and possibly the 97ver b/c let's be honest that man is FOINE!)
The Rookie x Detroit Become Human (Nolan x Markus) (extremely random I know, but idc)
Maybe some Bridgerton one-shots too?
Oh! And also some one-shots for the k-drama Eve: Because FUCK that ending and screw the creators nor giving me what I want! So I'll do it myself! La-El and Yoon-kyum desrve to be together DAMMIT!
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I have a spidersona but i feel i won't get accepted because I ship her with Miles...🤦🏾‍♀️
Honestly GO FOR IT - like RUN AT IT
The best part and root of fanfiction is exploring and expanding on parts of the character we don't get to see on screen. And OCs are THE BEST at doing that.
SO DO IT. GO FOR IT no matter who you are!!
TBH I've always been rather meh about canon couples because like.. I know they're gonna end up together so I don't really crave things like fanart for them.
To me Canon Couples are like a jumpscare. If I know it's coming it's gonna get less of a reaction.
That's why a lot of my Spidey-writing pre-ATSV is about dancing around MJ and keeping her platonic. I much prefer Felicia Hardy (The Black Cat) because she challenges Peter's character in a way we don't often see.
The same goes for SpideyPool too. It's so cute because Spidey is nice to everyone, but REALLY sassy with Wade.
Relationships and OCs can bring out so much color and variety in a character, that like...they're so useful writing wise. Not just in a fanfic sense, but expanding your writing.
AND I AM NOT ABOVE KILLING OFF CANON CHARACTERS - DO IT FOR THE ANGSTTTT and for the indulgence I'm genuinely surprised I haven't seen anyone kill off Gayatri and ship an OC with Pavitr cause like...nothing stopping you. That's a great fic opportunity.
And if Hobie gets a Mary-Jane: hell yeah I'd kill her in a heartbeat NO MERCY idgaf how happy she makes him and im deadass!!!! fjgdgjdgh
I will ALWAYS say OCs are the best writing practice, far beyond canon stuff. Because not only are you writing canon characters, but you're shaping and filling in gaps in your story, and reflecting how characters react when a whole new influence (your OC) is brought into the situation.
I know you didn't ask for this but
OFF-TOPIC SIDEBAR: Adults can ship their OCs with Minors - That's literally how all writing works
[below is a short rant where I beef about people who say 'Adults shouldn't ship their OCs with teenagers' - spoiler alert: EVERY minor ship in media is written by an adult.]
One final sidebar before I go cause I feel like this is such a weird thing people have beef with -
I find it SO WEIRD when people are like 'Oh adults shouldn't ship or write their OCs with minors that's weird and nasty'
Like ?????????? ?? ???? ?? Think about that sentence.
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So. Who you think wrote the movie then? You telling me a minor wrote ATSV?? They had a 16 year write the movie??
Or did an adult do it? Like how adults wrote literally every minor relationship you've watched..since the begininning of time?? Cause like - Wasn't....Gwen & Miles romance written by an adult?? Am I missing something?????
Stranger Things. Wednesday. Riverdal?? The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Leonardo and April?? MCU Spiderman 1, 2, AND 3???
TWILIGHT??? ALL teens dating, written by an adult. JOHN GREEN FAULT IN OUR STARS?? HELOO??
Like.........99.5% of the relationships about minors you read is written by adults. Almost EVERY ship of fictional minors are written by an adult shipping their characters together sfhkjghkjdfgshkjdg
Are we arresting people for that now cause if so put the writers of Euphoria IN CUFFS and put a curse on their land!!!!!
idk it's just funny logic to me cause like ?????? my sibling in christ you are enjoying the adult written minor relationship as we speak djkgfdgjkf
"Don't write your OC in love with Miles, the only adult that can do that is the dozens of adults in the writers room getting paid to do just that, most of which didn't create Miles or Gwen themselves"
umm.. ok.
Make OCs, ship them, explore character relationships, WRITE. Ship them with canon characters, talk about your OCs like they're canon, let them build relationships and grow within the story nobody can stop you.
And last point honestly saying adults can't write stuff like that - HORRIBLE writing advice. HORRIBLE.
Because if you're a writer who can only write adults and you leave younger people out of your story - or you write teenagers as adults because you have no experience writing them... not a good look. How do you expect to write a character arc with a character that doesn't age or go through stages of their lives? You need range to write all ages. Half of romance movies out there start with them falling in love as kids and reuniting, you need to know how to write people at different stages of life. Telling adults they can't write anyone below 18 is just...not good advice. Like you can't just...refuse to write a large part of the population??
N E Wayyyyyy Once again this became a rant lol but this isn't like an angry one, it's like a '???why is the statement??? why it exist when it make no sense'
here hobie look at him wooo
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hes so sassy looking :3 i love him his shape up is so nice
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galvanizedfriend · 6 months
Hi Yokan 👋
I have questions
First question - how’re you doing? Hope life hasn’t been too stressful for you!
Second question - have you been reading anything that has really resonated with you in the last couple of weeks/months.
Third (and most weird) question - if you could choose a superpower what would you choose? (Dumb question I know😂)
Fourth question - most proud moment in your writing career.
And final question - how’s writing going with the Wolf? Hope you’ve not struggled too much in starting it!
hope your doing okay! ❤️
Hi, friend! How's it going?
Can I just say, it's so lovely to get all these questions! ✨ I love this so much, thank you! 💝
First: I'm ok! Work is always stressful these days, I don't think it's going to give me a break until at least September. 😂 But it's not the worst right now. Tomorrow is my birthday and I just the best piece of chocolate cake humanity has to offer, so I'm cool right now. 😇 Just wish tomorrow wasn't Monday. 🥲
Second: I have read 7 books this year so far, but nothing that's stood out as being great, sadly. :( Still haven't had a 5 stars. I finished a thriller called None of This is True by Lisa Jewell which was pretty good, if you're into thrillers. 4 stars, maybe.
In terms of fanfiction, I've have been reading random pieces of non-Kc fic, as per usual 😂 But I have also read The Little Wolf by @morningstargirl666, which is absolutely fantastic, if you haven't read it yet. It's a retelling of the show's canon about the Original family and how they were turned into vampires, with special focus on Klaus' werewolf heritage, and it's so, so, so good! And so much better than canon! It actually gives depth to the siblings' relationships, and it has so many little nods to what we know of them in the future. Beautifully woven! I have also read Till I Tasted You by @kirythestitchwitch, which is a canon divergent AU where a spell goes wrong and Caroline ends up finding out Klaus is her soulmate. It's hot, it has absolutely nom-nom-able dialogues and A+++ interactions between KC, it features Damon getting his ass kicked! I don't know, it's just the whole package. 🤌
Third: This would be a very weird question if I hadn't spent an irrational amount of time thinking about that. 😂 I guess it really depends on what kind of universe you mean, because it varies. But I would very much like to have telekinesis like Prue in Charmed.
Fourth: That's a tough one. I'm an extremely critical person of my own writing, so it's hard for me to feel proud of stuff I've done tbh. 😂 But I think I was pretty proud when I finished The Wolf 2. It's not my personal favorite thing I've ever written, but I think it's probably my best written story. I really like the final part of that story, the way I managed to tie it back to TVD, I think it was very full circle and made the story a lot more unique. I also had a lot of fun writing the Mikaelsons and Caroline back in Mystic Falls after the time they spent in Nola. 😂 So maybe that.
Final: It's... going. 🥲 I took a pause after writing two chapters back to back, tried to work on some other stuff, and then I circled back to it. I've actually just started the next chapter, have a couple of scenes. I don't think this first chapter will be a long one, but I think it will take a lot of editing tbh. 😂 I haven't been at most inspired right now, so not sure how much of what I've written will stand the test of a re-read. I had plans to get a chapter out before the end of the month, but I'm not sure I'll manage it. 🥲 We'll see how this week goes. Pray for me.
Thanks for the questions, friend! I hope you have a wonderful week! ✨
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quigzahhutt · 2 months
8 (as unhinged as you can), 57, 58, 77
yessss im so excited
from the fanfiction ask game !
8 - Post an out-of-context spoiler from a WIP (as unhinged as I can)
hmm ok ok
George and Alex were currently bickering– no, have been bickering, for the last half an hour– the debate is something about a cuck chair? For some reason, both men are absolutely convinced one of them has to be plopped in The Chair™ while the other two fuck. Logan doesn't really understand why they can't just fuck him at the same time; its not like they haven't done that before. A while ago Logan had accidentally stumbled across George furiously jacking off Alex in the Williams motorhome. The pair fervently tried to shoo him away– which, first of all, rude; the motorhome is a shared space for both drivers– and second of all, well…  Logan may have ended up having sex with them. Both of them. At the same time.  It was messy and rushed and hardly even sex at all, but since then, the two older men have been absolutely enraptured by the young American. “Guys,” Logan tried to interrupt, “guys!” He shouted, eventually finally catching both men's attention, “what is the point of this argument at all? Couldn't I just be in the… cuck chair? If it's such a debate,” Logan grates out, overcome with embarrassment at the prospect of having to ask at all, “No–” both older men try to intervene at the same time, talking over each other. With a glare, George wins the battle and gains first speaking rights, “It just makes sense, no?,” the Brit said, his tone uneven and wonky, as if he's also embarrassed all the sudden, “Yeah, Loges, it's just the logical course of action,” Alex interrupts, gesturing with his hands “or it would be if someone wasn't being so difficult,” he says, sending a pointed look toward George. Logan could tell this was getting nowhere, and that both men were about to start arguing again, “What if you just... both have sex with me?” The youngest man states plainly; the two older men freeze, “What– did you guys not even consider that?” Logan huffs out in disbelief, “Well– we, um–” George begins, stuttering out syllable after syllable,
this is from an old logalex WIP I eventually abandoned; I was going for kind of a romantic comedy type thing but it just wasnt working out unfortunately :/ but maybe I'll finish it one day who knows
57 - how conscious are you of including symbolism or foreshadowing in your fics?
not too much tbh it just kind of happens as I go? sometimes I'll make a comparison or foreshadow something I think might happen as the season unfolds, but its not something I pay too much attention to in the grand scheme of things lol
58 - do you have a favorite piece of figurative language you've written?
ohhhhh this is a really good one, and I have been utilizing this a LOT in my recent works
The blanket on top of him seems to be the one he had seen thrown on the couch yesterday. It was soft– a dark navy with white threading frayed along the edges. It was obviously well loved, but it wasn't stringy or flattened; Logan clearly takes good care of it to balance out the overuse. There are loose smatterings of dog hair strewn over the surface of the fiber, embedded into the follicles, sticking out like fresh crops of black and brown grass; hints of a part of Logan's life he had never let Liam in on.
this is from my Liam/Logan fic (that I promise will be finished soon😭😭). I use a lot of figurative language in this fic specifically bcuz it's a lot more like... introspective than a lot of my other fics? but the visual of dog hair sticking out of the blanket like grass made me particularly teary and idk why😭😭 it's one of my favorite lines in the entire fic
77 - why do you enjoy writing fanfiction?
ohhh good question. I mean obviously as a form of creative expression but I feel like writing fanfic in particular is easier for me than just writing in general; I've always had a tricky relationship with creative expression because I have a hard time being artistic through typical means. Like, I can't just pick up a pencil and draw out an idea, it just wouldn't scratch it itch in my brain? I've always had to find more obscure forms of media to express myself in a way that feels satisfying. obviously writing and drawing are the big two main categories, but I can only ever express my creativity through hyper specific means of those forms, does that make sense?
I think I enjoy writing fanfic because it's creative, but in a more obscure way? it's about characters and people and it gives me a more strict guideline to follow so i don't get stuck on the tricky creative hurdles that make me lose motivation.
but I also enjoy writing fanfic because I know other people enjoy my work! not in a selfish way, but in the way of like... I'm providing content for a fanbase that other people consume. especially for like ships like sargebon or LiLo that are kind of more obscure; it makes me happy knowing im creating content for something that has a lack of it, if that makes sense?
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nube55 · 11 months
Hey lovely Nube 💕
Finally, finally, I have the opportunity to jump into your ask box & get to know you better!!! We're both huge fans of fanfiction so this ask game was made for us! As usual, I can't stick to one question only so, if you're ok with that, may I ask you: A8 | B5 | C2 | D8?
Looking forward to reading your reply 👀
Lots of love 💕
PS: your comment/reblog of Lucy's post about this stinky comment on her fic was perfect 👏
Hello Val!! 🎊 awwww thanks for stopping by!!! Hahaha don't worry, we'll get to all of them!
(Adding a read more cause this got LONG sorry I'm physically incapable of summarising)
What was your first fandom? Are you still in that fandom now?
My first fandom was Harry Potter. I am not in that fandom still and do not wish to engage in it anymore for a number of reasons, but it was my gateway to reading from an early age and it was an excuse to bond with someone I cherished a lot and who sadly isn't here anymore. I met some awesome friends through it too, friends that put up with me to this day! Hahaha
Which story have you read more than any other? How many times?
You know... come to think of it, I haven't read an entire fic all over! 🤔 (regarding multichapter fics). I do want to highlight the ones I've been going back for certain chapters/scenes that I love! This list shows a variety of writing styles that leave me on the ground swooning (Warning!! no concrete spoilers buuuut references to scenes):
Holy Ground by @lucysarah-c (ongoing): Lucy can pretty much give a masterclass on poetic writing and I'm not exaggerating. I come back to it for my faves: chapter 9 (aka Levi's quiet morning gets interrupted in the funniest of ways - for us readers, not for him lmao), chapter 11 (aka not knowing how to play Scrabble leads to interesting outcomes), chapter 15 (one OF THE BEST LEVI POV I'VE LAID MY EYES ON), and chapter 17 (when you can feel yourself in the scene, it's just that amazing)
North Star by @sixpennydame (ongoing): such SUCH a special story. I love coming back to chapters 6 & 7, the whole Mount Aspe arc is exquisitely written.
Spectrum by @19941117 (finished): I have nothing but praise for this story and the incredible talent of its author. It focuses on an AoT character I've never seen explored before, and has the most breathtaking of endings.
Silver Underground by @amywritesthings (ongoing): this girrrrl leaves Easter eggs everywhere so I had to go back an re-read many parts to come up with theories lmao. I really enjoy the first chapter, the pace in it, the dialogue, the tension. And the whoooole bit on the Underground arc makes my heart become pudding.
Please tell me I didn't f*** up any link hahaha.
What word or expression always makes you cringe when you read it?
Usually I cringe when I see a sustained behaviour that feels excesively out of character to me (in those cases I choose to opt out). I also feel cringe-y in NSFW scenes when intimate parts are refered to overly poetically for my taste. I'd rather have them refered to in a filthy way tbh 😂
Which fandoms do you read fic for?
Currently I'm 99% dedicated to AoT (had a YoI phase a couple years ago!). Buuuut I wouldn't mind reading some Vinland Saga stories 😏 (@atruewarrior I'm looking at you)
Well I think that's it!! Thanks for the questions Val, have a wonderful week! 🌻🌻
Ask a reader meme
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le-panda-chocovore · 7 months
Can I ask your top 10 fav fics ever (from any fandom, if you don't mind)?
Also, just curious, is there a story behind your name "le-panda-chocovore "?
Oh I think I can actually answer that without rambling too much !! (<- took an entire week to answer the ask and select the fics, and I commented on each one of them lol) It won't be a Top in order of preference tho, there's no actual classment, it's just the ones I loved the most.
The Way I Behaved - EraserMic (MHA)
This fanfic gave me the inspiration to write my greatest work (still unfinished to this day) and literally changed so many things about me. It also made me discover a whole genre of music that I've never listened to before and with which I am entirely in love now. Prepare to cry tho, because this is deeply heartbreaking. It's a Villain Mic AU where Aizawa was never a teacher. And it is good.
What if Percy did become a God - Percy Jackson and the Olympians (based on the books !!! do not read if you just watched the show !!!)
The title says everything. This is not a happy story, you will cry, I promise. It's short, like a 1k word OS, it's really poetic, it's deep, it's beautiful, and also, it's painful. Humans were never meant to be gods, not even Percy. It's written like a poem, I read it so many times and it hurt me every time.
Demon and Angel Professors - Ineffable Spouses (Good Omens)
Not a fanfiction but a serie of short works about Crowley and Aziraphale and the people around them. A teachers AU very nice to read with many Original Characters (the students) who are all captivating and appreciable. The story is extremely queer-positive and neurodivergent inclusive and physical handicap representative, honestly, you want to read it. There's everything inside it. If you have chronic pain or if you're a closeted queer or even a curious ally who wants to understand their peers, this is what you need. The love is so pure it's overwhelming.
Honor and Vengeance on the High Sea - Zuko (ATLA)
Tbh this deserves to be published, it's a novel itself (I haven't finished it yet). The author reappropriated the Avatar universe to write something completely new. It's an AU where Zuko becomes a Pirate after his banishment and fights against the Fire Nation Navy, and eventually joins the Avatar's team. There's a whole work around internalized homophobia, the discovery of the self, acceptance, injustice, family trauma and everything. Original Characters are cool too. Chapters are long and very, very complete, you can see the author has historical and cultural knowledge.
Strength, the meaning of - Asano Gakuhou (Assassination Classroom)
I can't believe a fanfic about this total asshole made it to my top 10, but it is beautifully written. The progressive mental breakdown of a man who used to stand proud above everyone, the slow fall down to hell without even realizing it. There's also his son's POV here, which is equally beautifully written. I really hate the man and I don't like the fact that the end of AssClass completely disregard the consequences of what happened on the character's mental state, and reading how even him wasn't okay at all is very pleasant to read. That's karma my bitch.
Je suis assis - BokuAka (Haikyuu)
Yeah it's in french and on wattpad. It has been a while since I read it but I still remember the principal. It's a OS anyway so it's not very long (we didn't do that 20k words OS on Wattpad, this madness is only popular on AO3 lol). Since I'm sensitive to everything that is around handicap, it touched me. It ended up being cute and warm. Honestly I was more thinking of another BokuAka fanfiction but I couldn't remember the name nor found it online so I put this one.
25 - Riren (SnK)
Yeah yeah I know, pedo ship etc, but I was 14 and this is a High School AU where they're both 16 so, it's okay I guess. Yes the name of the fanfic is twenty-five. It's in french, it's on wattpad, and there's Eren's POV too. I don't know how I'm supposed to describe it... I think you have to read it, it's not actually strange or weird but, it's a whole experience.
Here there be dragons - Centennial Husbands (the Sandman)
This is the exact definition of love. What is love to me ? This fanfiction. Engagement, devotion, caring, this is it, this fanfic has the meaning of all these words. I had a hard time reading it because I hate ultra-long OS (I need CHAPTERS, give me a BREAK) but it was soooo enjoyable, and I was crying the whole time 'cause it's so pure and beautiful.
Palm to Palm - KaRen (Assassination Classroom)
Yes I am a part of the extremely tiny fandom that ships Karma and Ren (I do ship Karma with multiple people throughout the manga lmao) but only in THIS specific context. And this is beautifully written, I can't stop re-reading it. Also, the name of the ship makes me laugh. Karma and Ren relationship after losing Gakushuu -the boy they both love above everything else- is peak romance.
Le goût du chocolat - L x Light (Death Note)
I honestly don't remember a thing about this fanfiction except a single sentence, but I do know that I totally fell in love with it. It was one of my fave fanfic when I was full active on Wattpad, and I even archived it because I didn't want to lose it. I should read it again now that I found it again.
Alright that's 10 !!! Finally !!
Oh it was so fun to fall back into all the things I read before ! But it was harder than I expected because, well, I only have AO3 for 3 years and I've been on Wattpad for 7 years, but I started reading fanfiction even before that, I just didn't have any account back then. So, I kinda forgot about some of the things I read more than 4 years ago, and I couldn't find the gems I discovered when I was 12. Most of the books that made out to this list are my recent lectures, it's a bit biased I guess.
Anyway, thank you for the ask ! It was fun to analyze all my bookmarks and everything !
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rainbowcrowley · 6 months
For the GO ask game — 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 14, 15 please :)
thanks, ginger! that's a lot and i'm sure i've already answered a few of those - let's see!
1. when did you first watch/discover good omens, and how did you find out about it?
already answered here!
2. do you have any merch?
besides the book itself: a bentley enamel pin a friend gave me as a birthday present and some prints of fanart on my cupboard.. not really, sadly. i should get one of those bildad the shuhite t shirts i've seen people wear in tiktok videos lol
3. have you created any fanart or fanfiction, or really any content for the fandom?
already answered here!
4. what is (if you read) your favorite good omens longfic?
ho BOY here we go. there's a few, and i can't list them all bc that would take forever, but i also can't just list one story bc that is nigh impossible, so i'll give you my top 5: Slow Show, The Anon Before Christmas (by the incredible @foolishlovers!), The Grindr Logo Doesn't Even Have a 'G' In It, Or Be Nice & (just finished and i am Not Okay) Good Expectations.
i consider everything multi-chaptered and over 50k words as a long fic. some of these aren't that long and one is over 200k, so.. yeah. also, heads up, always read the tags first and also most of these are rated Explicit. :)
5. what is (if you read) your favourite good omens one-shot?
again, i've read some many fantastic one-shots that i lost count. but the first thing coming to mind (yes i know i'm biased shh) is the first story of my best friend's ( @beccibarnes) series Not A One-Night Stand: 14 times they canonically fucked ("naons" for short). i remember her pitching the idea for this series to me and it was/is so much fun brainstorming all the ideas with her. i'm honoured that she let me beta-read them all and i can't wait for the future fics to come :') (no pressure tho, becci, i know how busy life was recently <3)
6. who is your favourite side character?
already answered here!
9. have you seen any other work by david tennant and/or michael sheen?
already answered here!
10. have you ever imagined or created a crossover with another fandom for good omens? which one, and what was it about?
i haven't thought of any crossovers - tbh they're not really my cup of tea - BUT imagined two au's, one more or less as a joke, and one "serious" one. the first, joke-y one is a human au that takes place in the city i live in (hamburg, germany) (don't ask) (idk how i came up with that). this one is mostly in my head, but even tho it's kinda silly, i really like it.
the second, more serious one is, again, a human au: a ballet dancer au. just bc i watched some documentary about ballet and the one male dancer they interviewed looked somewhat like david tennant... you get the gist. i have some idea written down in a dusty google doc, but that's it.
14. what is your favorite good omens-coded song?
already answered here and here!
15. do you have any good omens playlists?
not my own ones - but i saved some made by others on spotify heh
ask game for people in the good omens fandom!
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Well now you’ve got me started on the ikran racing au and now I’m curious so!
Nocorro fic recs for the noob please? 😂
BESTIE finally join the dark sideee.
As I said over dms; unfortunately for you, there are better locorro (and spiri, although I really only rec one hardcore) fics then there are Nocorro. Nocorro is like a desert spot, there really aren’t any aside from a few really short but cool one shots. It's a very small fandom, and it's pretty young right now so tbh most of the fics are not very good, so it'll be a short list anyway. So, as we discussed, here are the high quality, well written Spider ship fics:
For nocorro, there really isn't much. That's why I said I've come so fucking close to writing that ikran au; because I am deeply obsessed with the nocorro parts of it. I adore that au and the ghost neteyam one honestly best of all, but the ghost Neteyam one there is slightly more content for. BUT ANYWAYS;
Upon looking up my list for this I was furious to discover one of the three well written little nocorro one shots has been deleted, so beef begun with CherryApollo (jk queen I need more of them. Actually, a03 user CherryApollo; I know ur reading these posts, or else you wouldn't have tagged that fic nocorro, huh? You said "tumblr has it's claws in me so here's some nocorro" I SEE YOU, I KNOW UR HERE. THERE'S LIKE THREE OF US USING THAT TAG, AND IT'S MOSTLY JUST ME ALONE IN THE VOID. You listen to me. I liked that fucking fic, I had it bookmarked. Give it back to me. But seriously big fan of ur work).
The two remaining fruit themed CherryApollo nocorro oneshots better be your first stop just in case this sociopath decides to take more from me, Take a Bite of the Orange (p sure I was the commenter that took offense mentioned in the notes) and Follow Me Down to the Peach Tree, which did make me want to end it all. Both under 1000 words and worth a quick read.
There is also the ghost of Guilt by thatshowthemafiaworks @undercoverpan who has written us a ghost Spider au which has never failed to make me cry each chapter. The prose is not as flawless as the other recs here, but it packs some emotional weight the others don't. I also can't even fathom where it's going as it all seems entirely hopeless which is why it makes me cry.
The only other nocorro fic I even think is worth a mention is Crop Circles by our bestie @spicymiilk. It's not done and we haven't reached any nocorro yet, but know it's coming and it's good. I get my sticky little fingers in each good Avatar fic writer and I puppeteer the content I want, just look at whats happening here.
For locorro (still a small as hell ship), we can afford to be slightly more picky and I shall give you the best of the best.
Personally I would start with the locorro bible, Bitter by Icandigelvis @oppa86oppa . All of us locorro stans have said this, but this fic started our interest in the ship for most and it caused the cultural revolution of our Spider ship community. This fic still months later lives with me 24/7, and it really is one of THE fics I've ever read of all time. It went righttt into my collection of fics to show to my MFA prof who told me to stop reading fanfiction lol, like seconds after I finished it. Then I put it in the grad school jealousy collection because it's that well formatted.
The Restless Child series by @spicymiilk is a full length novel that will take you a bit lol. I am biased as I do beta it but it's real good. I keep not anticipating turns I should anticipate, but maybe we can convince Andrei to simply let us live for a sec because the fact that it's been like two weeks in universe hit me yesterday while editing and I wanted to fall off an ikran (👀).
There is also, NATURALLY, The Thunder Answered Back by @spicymiilk. This fic crawled up my butt what I can I say. You all got to read my massive post about it, hope u enjoyed that. I was walking back from work today, listening to Back to You by Louis Tomlinson ft Bebe Rexha, in 91 degree heat and it started to thunder and simply pour rain and I was like "I am lIVING The Thunder Answered Back vibes rn, holy fuck." You know it's good writing in general when it gives you a specific vibe. Tbh, that song is that fics vibes, perhaps locorro vibes in general.
I'm only gonna rec one spiri fic for a few reasons. One, because there is a criminal lack of content for them, and two, that fic is worlds above any other spiri fics. I think it's a great starter fic for getting into Spider ships and for getting into spiri in general, just because of how detailed and in depth the world is, my god. It's basically Spider and Kiri pov switches from their childhood up until wayyy past Way of Water and until the end of all conflict with humans. Like any good canon continuation, I disagree with and I agree with a ton of @milesocorro 's interpretation. I don't particularly enjoy the way the conflict concludes, but I really adore the way Quaritch is handled. I said this before to the author, but it's my favorite Quaritch confrontation I've read yet. I have a review up for it while it was still coming out, and I said there I was obsessed with Spider's tsurak and I still fucking am. That's my fav Spider iknimaya sequence too!! Anyways, that's my repeated pitch for Please be kind, please be gentle with me .
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skibasyndrome · 8 months
Hey hey Simon,
I'm curious about ♥️💥👻💕📗🎨
But obviously you don't have to answer all of them!
Hey Sophia, thank you so much for asking! 🥰🥰
❤️: What is your favorite line that you’ve written in a fic?
Ahhhh, I'm always so bad at answering these types of questions because I generally don't remember my lines, but because I went over the last fic very extensively with W @darktwistedgenderplural when they were beta-ing for me, I kinda remember a few of the lines from that story that I really liked, hehe:
But Simon halts after a few steps into the lake, the water nipping at his thighs in a way that makes Wilhelm wish he were one of those little waves.
It’s just them and the lake. That same lake where he first dared to believe that he and Simon could have a future together. That same lake where he first allowed himself to think of Simon as pretty.
💥: What is one canon thing that you wish you could change?
Hmmmm, I think I'd like to just have had more screentime for Wilmon because I love every single second of that, but tbh I don't think I'd change anything from canon because I love canon so so so much the way it is!
👻: What is your wildest headcanon?
my Wille praise kink headcanon possibly? no, hmm, idk, I don't think I have any wild headcanons necessarily (but do let me know if you remember anything wild I said, if there are any, I probably shared them with you lol)
💕: What is your favorite fic that you’ve written?
ATM I'd say it's You crave the Applause / Yet hate the Attention :)
📗: Do you want to write something outside of fanfiction? If so, what about?
Well, I do write lots for academic endeavors, if that counts 😅 I've done original writing before but haven't done anything in that direction in yeeeaaars. Idk if I'll ever come back to it tbh, but for now I'm very happy with fanfics on one side and literary analysis on the other <3
🎨: If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?
Vampire Simon my beloved (in the pretty purple costume for him to match Wille's valentine's ball look <3
Send me fanfic writer asks
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cer-rata · 15 days
⭐ : Most underrated character in your opinion
🌠 : Something about canon/fanon you dislike
⭐: John Henry and Natasha Irons. Not that they never get any shine. But...in a lot of ways they're haven't really gotten a lot to do in the past 20 years and that's sad. I think they're important for Metropolis, and the Superman mythos, and comics in general for what they represent, but...you know. They're there. There are characters that I think have been shafted worse, (Karen, Kara, Kenan, Jon, A--actually let me stop before I end up naming everyone) but Steel's tenure has been just...so uneventful for so long. He deserves to be on the Justice League at some point, and honestly. I would be thrilled if Steelworks got a book. Can you imagine a world where Steel and Mr. Terrific got to be characters at the same time? I digress.
🌠: That's an either/or slash, so I will ignore it and make two points instead. :3
Canon: I hate that Clark and Lois can't be like. Just...fine, at being parents even. Not even good at it but just not horrible? I feel like I've been talking about disdain for children a lot recently (it's a hill I will die on), but...I just think it's shitty writing tbh. And I looked pretty closely at the more recent examples. And they just smack of wasted potential. The stories are never allowed to go anywhere, which is so odd considering Bruce gets a new child to kick down a flight of stairs every 8 or so years. I don't' understand why the symbol of hope and progress that Superman is supposed to be is eternally saddled with making only the worst choices he can about his kids. I think even the Magog stuff in World's Finest was kinda like...Clark really?
And this is not to say I think he and Lois should be perfect parents, but there's a lot of ways for parents to stumble and shockingly, they often have to do with preexisting personality traits. Apathy and stupidity color neither Clark Kent nor Lois Lane, so if you want them to mess up their children, maybe at the very least tie those problems into flaws they already have.
Or again, maybe just tell a nice coming of age story for once.
Fanon: People don't read enough comics. And like...I'm not saying you have to read everything all the time, I cheat and skim and ask for summaries, but I mean more that the general cultural awareness of the content of Superman media is far below that of Batman media and because of that people don't pull from as much established stories as I wish they would, and as such tend to lean on other characters to support narratives that are supposed to be about Supers. Again that's not some kind of moral judgement, it's just a consequence of not being as familiar with the material and it happening often enough to kind of just become a thing. I do blame the publisher primarily for the way they've marketed a select few characters ad nauseam and somehow wonder why other books aren't doing so well. Batman is only so popular because of the long, decent and consistent history he has of pretty good media adaptations, and aggressive marketing. I feel like most generations have a moment where Batman was culturally a big deal, and that's not just a reflection on the fiction but on the money and attention given it to by its caretakers.
To me fanon is a theory that answers a question left open by the actual text. I think when people just...say things happened that didn't and are in direct conflict with what is written on the page, it's just ...fanfiction. Which I like, but it's explicitly not canon and I think that should be clear always.
And that does tie in to my first point actually, because the less you know about a character, the more you make up, and if you don't really get the bones of the original idea, then it's really easy to start projecting, and then you have popularized fan depictions consumed by people who only read fanfiction and suddenly there is earnest complaining about a canon that does not exist. Which just...makes it hard to communicate sometimes, and I don't have the patience always to drag out the scans every time I want to talk about my fave, but there's no real guarantee that anyone is knows has base concept anymore, you really have to check every time.
Don't be Grant Morrison. If you want to reference something specific, read the thing first. No one knows what Clark's reaction to Kon actually was and why it was what it was, and it's...well it's actually really funny to see discourse pop up about two characters where no one present knows what's going on, but also, like. Yikes.
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20 questions for writers tag game!
tagged by @widebrimmedhatsblog (thank you so much!!)
Total number of AO3 works
Total AO3 word count
Fandoms I’ve written in
Empyrean, Harry Potter and One direction
Top 5 fics by kudos
we never knew peace; here at your doorway; the ghost scar; when the flames burned green the dragons danced; between me and louis (this fic is a fever dream I do not remember it lmao)
Do I respond to comments? 
I always do !! or at least i try my best. I absolutely love receiving comments it's my motivation to keep sharing my writing tbh the least I can do is answer my readers !! i reread the comments an obscene amount of times so yeah I always answer
What has the angstiest ending? 
when the flames burned green the dragons danced. i mean it is inspired by blood & cheese of hotd so obviously its very very angsty and sad and just tragic.
What has the happiest ending? 
idk about happy fics, since i haven't finished my big fics but maybe here at your doorway has the happiest ending.
Have I received hate? 
Yes both in HP fandom and in the Empyrean (although I have to say this fandom is much more chill) and it's awful lmao. stopped me from writing for a few months and it was just so ??? because it's always hate about how I handle my characters and my plot and just ... omg go write your own fic then ?? But yeah if you have nothing nice to say then don't say it
Do I write smut? And what kind? 
I have written smut but most of it isn't published lmao. I write all kinds of smut like idk what u mean by that lmao. kinky, soft like idk
Do I write crossovers? 
I haven't written any !!
Have I ever had a fic stolen? 
Nope! and thank god for that
Have I ever had a fic translated?
Nope! My fics are not worthy of a translation lmao
Have I ever co written a fic? 
Yes I have !! but tbh we were both on the verge of sleep when we did it it was like 3am and I remember almost nothing of the process except it was so much fun. 
What is my all time favorite ship? 
According to Ao3 its Daemyra and Riorgail but i will always have a very special place in my heart for both hinny and jily. like those are my first loves fr and what got me into fanfiction
A WIP I’ll never finish?
I have a few thousand words of a riorgail canon divergence au where violet figures out venin are real after reading the note from her dad and confronts xaden about it. i started writing it before iron flame came out but at this point I don't think I'll ever finish it lmao.
Writing strengths? 
I get a lot of comments saying I write trauma responses really well (what does that say about me lmao) and also characterizations which is baffling bc I've always thought that was one of my weaknesses so I'm really happy.
Writing weaknesses?
I really struggle with writing dialogue i overthink it too much sometimes trying really hard to not sound cringy, Sally Rooney has helped a lot with that btw !! and I would also say I sometimes forget what I wrote in previous chapters so it can be hard to follow along some plots I introduced. I think I have the same problem as GRRM I want to create so many storylines and lore that I sometimes lose myself and idk what to do with so much information but oh well
Do I like foreign language dialogue? 
I do! Especially when i speak the language the character is speaking lmao. but one thing that annoys me is pronunciations, like for example hangrid and fleur like omg just write it in English or make her speak french !! but other than that I do love it. i don't think I'll ever write it tho
First fandom I wrote for? 
One direction (i was 15 guys and deep into the larry lore)
Favorite fic I’ve written? 
We never knew peace definitely. That's my baby, i work so hard on it and I think it's coming together much better than I expected. My writing has improved a lot and I think that fic is the prime example of that. I also really like what I've done with both violet and xaden in there.
I'd like to tag: @creative-girl; (and i feel like every other writer i know has done this already so yeah if u haven't feel free to)
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sky-fire-forever · 5 months
For the ao3 ask game..
🏜️ ⇢ what's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
Kinda stealing this answer from @scarlettrust who said something similar, but when people point out individual lines that they like? I eat that shit up. I also just love genuine breakdowns and analysis of my work. People notice themes or parallels that I don't even intend sometimes and I LOVE that stuff. I just love when people tell me how my stuff impacts them
Or comments that tell me something I've written is something they reread. Something about that is incredibly touching to me.
But like. Any comment makes my heart happy as long as it's not nitpicking my work tbh
🧩 ⇢ what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
This one is hard because it depends on what mood I'm in. Generally speaking, I'm pretty picky, but I can't describe like. In What Way. Vibes, really. If I feel like the characterization is off in a specific way that I don't like, I'll probably click off. Usually if the characters are Too Emotionally Intelligent tbh. I dunno how to describe what I mean, but if I think they're too transparently author inserts, I'll click off. Which is something I always worry about when I'm writing.
But just because I don't like something doesn't mean others won't! Write whatever you like and don't give a shit about other people.
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love
@izzyspussy hands down. His fics are great and make me feral and I love his characterization just... so much. Especially the way he writes the Ed/Izzy dynamic. Also just has... incredible ideas that I want to tear my teeth into
lovedhands on ao3 is another good one. I eat their shit up and I'm kinda obsessed with how they're able to write so much and how it's all so good.
@carrymelikeimcute writes some really, really good stuff too. Obsessed with the way they write Stede and Izzy tbh
For the Penumbra Podcast I've always gotta shout out @prydon who has written probably my favorite fics in the fandom. Her way of writing is incredible and she captures emotions so well. I also just think she's so creative and her ideas and the way she weaves things together in her fics are amazing
Also @blue-mood-blue who knows how to write angst in a way that scratches my brain
And like so many others, but my brain is too exhausted right now to name more, especially since I haven't actually read fic for tpp in ages.
If you like Avatar the Last Airbender, I gotta recommend @lovelyelbowleech whose fic War Games I've been reading for months
And of course there are so many other fics and authors that I adore, but can't name all of them. Every single fic writer in the universe is doing an amazing service and I appreciate them
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corvidcrybaby · 11 months
20 Author Questions
Shout-out to @the-frankenman-writes for the tag!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
4 - I actually only started publishing fics a little over a year ago and my main project has been a still-running longfic so I haven't been able to build up much of an archive thus far LOL.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
408,653. The longfic is a fucking TOME.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
At the moment, just Hellsing. I do intend to publish some Castlevania fanfiction soon, and I've got a couple of larger OC fics planned for Demon Slayer and My Hero Academia.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Guess I'm listing all my fics in order with an empty bottom slot, oopsie!
formulas fatal to the flesh - Alucard (Hellsing)/Transfemme Jewish Reader fic that also serves as the "pilot" for my OC longfic. I originally started writing this as a means of exploring my sexuality in the wake of HRT changing a lot of things about my desires whilst also issuing a love letter to my favorite series. Then everything got intense.
2. Interview With the Impaler - Alucard (Hellsing)/Transfemme Reader. This was me trying out some new ideas with how I write Alucard as well as just trying to contribute to the transfemme reader insert pool. It's really nice when you don't have to mentally change the genitals of the reader insert you're reading about to put yourself in their shoes and enjoy the fantasy, so I like providing more of it.
3. lesions of a different kind - Alucard Hellsing/Transfemme Jewish OC. My longfic, my baby, my first foray into long-form storytelling. She's choppy, she's unhinged, she's full of bigger ideas than I know what to do with, but damn it all, I'm having fun with her. This is the main story of Zemira Shani Makhabi, my homebrewed blorbo and shameless self-critique. She started out as a reader insert before I decided to turn her into a golem allegory full of meta commentary on what it means to relate to a fictional character. That, and so much BDSM shit like oh man so FUCKING much.
4. Operation: GREENHOUSE - Pip Bernadotte (Hellsing)/Zemira Shani Makhabi. In dead last, a fic involving a character who is unfortunately not very popular to write about, but I happen to find incredibly hot in his own right. Technically AU of an AU fic too? IDK man I just wanted to write steamy smut about these two because I thought their dynamic was fun bwahahaha
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Absolutely I do! They really motivate me to continue and I love connecting with people based on how they perceive my work.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
MWEHEHEHEHE that'd be Interview With the Impaler. I used the Mean Alucard tag for a reason. I may continue this story yet tbh, because I could make it ever angstier.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Operation: GREENHOUSE. Just ends with those two snuggling and teasing each other. Easy shit.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I'm extremely lucky to have never gotten a mean comment and hope it never happens.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
LITERALLY EVERYTHING I WRITE IS SMUT BWAHAHAHAHA I lean heavy on a few tropes - maledom/femsub shit, mind break/hypnosis/heat/etc, and a constant obsession with men's hands. Hands in general, tbh, I get really horny about hands.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I've never published a crossover but I like the idea of one. I would need to find two series which I REALLY wanted to compare and contrast.
11. Have you ever had a fiction stolen?
None that I know of
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
See above
13. Have you ever co-writtten a fic before?
Nothing that's published, but a pal of mine and I are cooking something cool up rn... You know who you are.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
ALUTEGRA BAYBEEEEEEEEEEE my beloved genderfuck angst-fest full of questions about monstrosity vs. humanity and forbidden desires and old souls and and and and look do you know how hard it is to have an OTP that literally never touch in the original series
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I don't have any right now but I live in constant fear I'll wake up one day without the drive to finish Lesions. That would make me so sad.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I can write really visceral gore and snappy action scenes, I can construct a layered character like a motherfucker, and I'm pretty damn good at dialogue, I think.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
OOF. Plot. Fucking PACING. I feel like my stories can sometimes feel like super compelling personalities flopping about in a sandbox. Which can work, for some cases, but I try to deliver on the promise of a compelling plot.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
It really depends. I've seen writers do it with tags for the translated words? It seems to work best for small, potent exchanges.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
I think this honor actually goes to Pokemon. I was doing a Nuzlocke comic once upon a time!
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
Probably Lesions, thus far, lol
Tags: @neet0 @rotten-hearts-sharp-teeth @brunette-barbie42
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epersonae · 2 years
five fic friday
Some more long bois this time, I guess, with one little fic, and a bonus entry.
Extended Courtship (20K, M) by @things-with-teeth - I had forgotten about this one and found it in my phone browser tabs, and on re-reading: it really is one of my absolute favorite post-S1 reunion fic. There's so much about it that I wish I had written tbh. We love a growth arc. (the crew having A List is one of my favorite things of all time.)
A love that won't stand still (231K WIP series, E) by @sassygwaine - I CANNOT BELIEVE I haven't listed this one before. Modern AU; Ed is a retired enforcer, Stede works for his dad's megacorp. Suspenseful, romantic, thoughtful. Also: the album Bleed Out by The Mountain Goats in fiction form. I have cried reading this probably more than any fic I've read, mostly because of the trauma recovery stuff, and because the Ed/Stede relationship reminds me so much of me and Ryn that it makes my heart ache. There's only one chapter left afaik, so this is a great time to read if you haven't already!
Prize Every Time (46K WIP, E) by @elapsed-spiral - modern AU rival amusement parks, of all things. Friends to lovers/enemies to lovers, You've Got Mail style. The tone of the emails is really delightful, and the transposition of the dynamic to the very low stakes tiny amusement park setting is funny.
Transformative Work (41K, E) by @mia-ugly and @pinehutch - a very curious entry in the post-S1 genre; Frenchie is the narrator, trying to "write a bit of fanfiction" for Blackbeard, to imagine a better ending. He gets some help. Some of it is very funny, some it is angsty, some of it is tender. (Ivan's fanfic is some gorgeous lyrical stuff.)
but that's none of my business (1578, T) by @chaotic-neutral-knitter - just a fun little fic wherein Lucius suspects that Blackbeard, newly arrived on the Revenge, might actually have a thing? for their captain?
bonus round, because it thoroughly melted my brain but it's so extremely ymmv that I feel like it needs to be recommended separately: Water Flowing Underground (22K, E) by @gaypiratebrainrot - yes, THAT fic, the schroedinger's rpf about a pair of actors named Stede and Ed cast as gay pirates named Gentleman Pirate Rhys and Taika aka Blackbeard. First of all, the writing is stunning. Secondly, heed both the tags AND the author's note. The questions of identity and transformation and fiction and, mannnnn, I dunno, it just lives in my head rent-free now. So I guess that is also a warning?
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