#i haven’t read the comic in soo long
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casreturns · 5 months ago
me and seo-an have the exact same mbti… it’s all adding up now 👁️👄👁️
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abacistat · 7 months ago
im currently reading red robin 2009 (i KNOW it took me forever just let me live okay i don’t even. god. this is a judgement free zone actually, justice for us slow comic readers like SORRY i haven’t read every run that has ever been released ever OKAY! im new to this kind of…as in last five months but STTTIIILLLLLL at least i’m reading the comics. not a lot of people can say that. let me be a slow reader.) (that being said i’m on the 10th issue rn ^_^)
ok anyway reading rr09 and i have soo many thoughts on it and so many drawing ideas but i have had a migraine since like. checks clock. tuesday night. it’s thursday morning. i did like a handful of drawing reqs on instagram but i couldn’t even finish them all cause god why does blue light have to make my eyes hurt??? why can’t i stare at my ipad screen with a headache(/s)???? wtf let me draw this is so fucked up. whenever this migraine decides to stop making me it’s bitch though i’ll be forced to finalize my tim design cause i really really really wanna make red robin art but my boy needs to be consistent… he’s so so so inconsistent rn… i’m so sorry. wanna do reference sheets for a lot of characters tbh….
do people do that??? can i just make a character sheet for a character that in fact already exists??? yeah. yeah i can idc if its unconventional actually. and if it isn’t, even better! def core four. def superfam. maybe batfam if i feel nice, like i love the batfam (sorry) but there is way too many of them??? okay anyway this is a really long winded way of saying i wanna come up w a complete tim design and i am asking for headcanons anybody has because i don’t have too too many ideas rn im SORRYYYY </3…it’s also five am so just let me go to sleep. but. yeah send me some tim headcanons i could try incorporating :-) feel free to yap ab them too im such a sucker for reading peoples little character studies <3 like yes how does that girl wearing her hair in a ponytail represent her struggles with femininity??? yeah. yaaayyy! ok gonna sleep now….bye
tldr; tell me your tim drake design hcs
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moonstone27ls · 2 years ago
Marvel comics...
heh small vent so don’t look into this too much.
Normally I don’t really get annoyed. At most I only really got upset when they retconned the Maximoff twins as Magneto’s. But every now and then stuff has changed that makes me go “whatttt”
I guess for starters that X-men Krakoa storyline. Has gone wayyyy too long. Too many characters which would not be so bad but too many to keep up with. And they don’t even bother catching up with the other characters. No I don’t mean the obvious main core cast. Referring to lets see I guess an example would be uhh Icarus, brother to Cannonball(to anyone who isn’t a marvel fan sorry you’re reading this and probably thinking I’m nuts). I heard some of the writers had thought of having him date Dust/ aka Sooraya Qadir. But ... as far as I know nothing has happened with his character since you know the whole resurrection crap. He’s kinda like a lot of characters they brought back, used for background maybe but no real development.
Another would be Kevin Ford/ Wither... as far as I know nothing either with that character. I dunno I thought they missed an opportunity to see if him and Selene would have interactions. Nothing, no “Oh whoa I was manipulated” or “I’m still loyal to Selene”. Then Northstar is apparently suppose to get his adopted baby resurrected... but haven’t heard a thing on that. One mention and its radio silence. I know storywise they got all these AUs, etc, etc. But so much goes on and all these new characters you forget there other X-men BESIDES the main core.
Uh not entirely fond that Marvel is apparently retiring Mary Jane as Peter’s love interest. Now before someone starts a shipping war with me. No I’m not entirely against Black Cat, no. Been use to her since the 90s.But I just you know added her in the cluster of love interests. A part of me doesn’t want them to shelve M.J. away. Just hope Marvel’s just doing this temporarily. Like how Scott/ Cyclops was with Emma Frost for a while. You’re use to the new gal but know the old love interest is just as important. I dunno I’m probably rambling sorry.
Anything else... uhh kinda find it strange that since WandaVision it seems Marvel is catering to Disney. I say seems. I only have two examples. Like how although Wanda was bettering herself and going on dates with Jericho Drumm / Doctor Voodoo... they still shoehorn in Vision. Pft... sorry Wandavision fanatics but I don’t care for Vision. That is a ship I wanna see retire, because it was always the SAME with them. Wanda loves him, he either gets reprogramed or treats her like crap Wanda goes through hell. Its why I couldn’t really like Wanda in MCU she put people in hell over a STUPID robot she couldn’t get over... not her twin brother. Her robot a robot if, he was so smart could have downloaded a copy of himself. (its been done peopleeee) 
And recently Agatha’s gonna be a villain now... I admit I’m not a 100% caught up in her history comic wise. Buttt... up until hat stupid show. I always got the impression Agatha was an ally. Soo why do this now? I dunno I really don’t oO. That one felt like to cater Disney+ subscribers and I admit that irks me a little. 
But oh well they need money I guess.
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callmeredarrows · 1 year ago
3 and 14
i’m soo sorry for the late reply to this ! (my artemis headcanons are coming soon, when i can get my brain to form coherent thoughts)
3. i think chappell roan is definitely favorite artist i discovered this year !! she’s a queer alt/pop artist with amazing lyricism and stunning visuals. she kind of reminds me of lana del rey/lady gaga/muna/olivia rodrigo stylistically.
14. i’ll be honest, i went through a total reading slump this year with both novels and comics. but one of the novels i read at the beginning of the year was soso good and i can’t wait to read the sequel!
it’s titled ‘his secret illuminations’ by scarlett gale, and it’s a very long fantasy slow burn about this monk boy who goes on an adventure with a warrior woman to help her track down a shipment of stolen manuscripts and has some themes of religious trauma. if you like character driven stories, malewife/girlboss dynamic, and fleshed out characters with actual personalities aside from the love story; i totally recommend it! there’s a sequel too i just haven’t gotten around to reading it yet. (it’s also lowkey jaytemis coded if you squint very hard 👀)
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seraphemin · 4 years ago
wish I were...
after Harry kisses reader, she watches him mesmerized as his ex walks by
‘heather’ by conan gray WARNINGS - ANGST. WORD COUNT - 2,109
A/N: this is the first imagine I’ve ever posted on here hehe. but this most likely will be a 2-3 part mini series of pure angst...so yay!
   "My goodness, I can't believe it's been a year and this is how we're celebrating it? " I take a sip from my wine glass with a raised brow towards Harry. We were sat on the floor at the recording studio, having a makeshift little picnic to celebrate a year. A whole year of a beautiful friendship. "Well I thought it'd be fitting, ya know this is where we met and stuff. Look, I even got those Korean chips that you snacked on that day!" I laugh as he comically picks up a chip and places it in his mouth, followed by an exaggerated moan. I try to hide the blush rapidly heating up my face at how much effort he put into this silly thing. It started as a little joke I brought up to him one day when we were having a lazy day, and of course Harry would take it seriously. He planned the little picnic basket after a day in the studio when everyone else left and he had asked me to stay a little longer to help him with lyrics and whatnot. It was a complete surprise and I couldn't help but adore how happy and proud he was setting this up. 
"Alright I gotta give it to ya H, you are the bestest friend anyone could ever ask for. I'm just happy that you didn't include those disgusting kale chips of yours." The smile that hasn't left his face drops into a shocked and offended look. 
"Hey, you said you wouldn't make fun of my addiction anymore." He scoots closer to me, gently poking my rib to which I immediately jump and swat his hand away. "I'm sorry- I'm sorry!" I giggled when he makes himself comfty sat right next to me. 
Subconsciously, I move closer till his shoulder touched mine. "I like this sweater, it's fluffy and keeps people warm." I say, huddling into the fabric that Harry gave me to wear when it got colder. "You know what, I like all your sweaters H, they're all impeccable."   He chuckles, "really? It looks better on you than me, bubs." I smile, using the over-sized sleeves to cover my face and faking a groan. "Oh you would with that cliché ass line."  "It's true! Beautiful in m'clothes." He mumbles and I had to only respond with gratefully lending my shoulder as a resting spot for his head. Considering he literally had to bend his whole body to do so every time he does this, I never understood how he found this comfortable. We shared a comfortable silence for a minute, sipping on our wine, the bottle nearly finished. The courage coming from it is telling me this would be the perfect time. It's the right setting to finally tell him that my feelings go beyond friendship and that it has been since the first month. The thought made me nervous at first, but there had been so many signs from him that had me thinking he's feeling the same way. Maybe those were just my expectations and how loving Harry is, but every time I look at him, I'm mesmerized. "Honestly don't know what I'd do without you bubs." Harry suddenly says and I snap out of my thoughts to glance down at him staring at his empty glass. My heart started beating fast and my breathe hitched when he pulls away only a few inches away to look back at me "This was a tough year and you've been there with me through it all, haven't been this close to someone in that short of time." He says lowly, looking right into my eyes. I take his hand in my small ones and play with his fingers in comfort, as we reflected on how this was both the best and worst year for him. While he became such a successful solo artist after the band and created the best relationships in his life, he reached a mental low dealing with his own insecurities and went through a breakup that took a major toll on him. They ended on good terms, but Harry went through the aftermath of a loss alone. I came in a month after his break up, hired as a lyricist to help him get out of this creative block but also to help him realize how much he was really worth as a person. It was a gradual slow process of friendship at the start, but it quickly blossomed into becoming best friends, growing feelings in between for me. "You're so good to me, I don't deserve it." He was so close and I couldn't tell if I was leaning in or not. My chest feels like it's bursting. "Harry, you've done so much for me, don't put yourself down like that. You deserve my love, mkay?" He looked so vulnerable, staring into my eyes as I couldn't pinpoint what emotion he was feeling right now. I was always able to read Harry easily, but maybe it was the wine that made it harder to understand what was racing through his mind. I couldn't register it. His lips on mine were foreign but felt right, like they fit perfectly. His hands cupping my face gently made me realize this was actually happening. My best friend who I've loved for so long was finally kissing me. "You absolutely deserve mine... "                                                        ***    My anxiety was getting the best of me. The party wasn't like any other rowdy and crowded New Year's Eve celebration. It was a gathering of close friends and mutual at a penthouse with just enough drinking and fun shenanigans. I knew all these people and they knew me, yet it wasn't easy to breathe regularly for some reason. I smiled and laughed along with the conversation among the circle of friends I situated myself in with Harry standing to my right, two people in-between us. I anxiously played with my fingers wrapped around a bulbous wine glass, zoned out but somewhat participating with the group. I caught his eyes, both of us giving a smile when he shot me a quick goofy face. His eyes trailed down to my hands, an obvious tell. I respond with a reassuring smile, placing my hand on my chest to which he steps outside and moves to stand next to me. I soften as he places a hand casually on my back, rubbing up and down. The nerves die down a bit. Usually, I would of been full comfortable but it was different now. After the kiss Harry and I shared, nothing had changed as much as I wanted it too. There was still the casual flirting and touchy gestures, but other than that, Harry never brought it up. "Soo, what now?" I had asked him when he dropped me off at my apartment. He gives me a tight smile and takes my hand in his, bringing it to his lips. "Still my best girl." I was confused afterwards, not fully understanding how he felt towards me. "Hey, I kind of wanted to talk to you about yesterday... " I approached him in the studio, his sweater keeping me warm that morning. "Oh yeah, you never told me what you wanted for Christmas. And by the way, I'm gonna need that sweater back sooner or later." He chuckles, going back to writing down chord progressions. Him avoiding the subject made me think he didn't want to talk about it, so I stopped trying. It made me insecure a bit to show him any type of affection back, but I didn't have it in me to tell him when I'm engulfed in his huge frame, feeling safe and happy at the moment. What made me snap out of my thoughts was his hand leaving my back and slipping into his jacket pocket. He then started being part of the funny story Mitch was telling, including his own side and little comedic comments that made the group laugh. As much as it brought a smile to my face, there was nothing more I wanted to do than take his arm, wrap it around me and kiss his cheek before laying my head on his chest. He took a second here and there to glance at me, probably aware how tired i was getting even though it was only a few minutes before midnight. The kiss defiantly affected something here, as much as Harry was trying to show that it hasn't, I can at least appreciate the acknowledgment that he shared similar feelings towards me. Maybe this was him thinking about the possibilities afterwards, knowing Harry wasn't very much a confrontational person and has taken time to learn to process things more logically rather than pure emotional instinct. When he catches me staring and throws a knowing smirk followed by a wink, I melt right on the spot but at the same time, holding back from rolling my eyes. I felt his stare kept on me when I looked away, feeling less frustrated and more understanding of his situation. Maybe I do just need to give him time... When I looked back at him, he was now looking away at something else apart from the group. I didn't give it a second glance till I noticed he was fully distracted before Mitch kept calling his name but getting no response back. Harry was in deep trance at something more fascinating than his friend's story, and when I caught sight of what was distracting him, I fully understood why. She stood out, so it wasn't to hard to point her out. But of course she would, she looks stunning in that dress that happens to only be a different shade of color from mine. The natural glam and brightening smile on her face as she talked to mutual friends perfected her look, but it was the sound of her melodic voice that just set the deal. It was her laughter from across the room that caught his attention first, what made him break his gaze on me to her. My first thought was concern for Harry and if he was suddenly feeling overwhelmed or distraught by her presence after a breakup. But then I looked back at him and only saw longing and adoration. It was a look I only was recently familiarized with. I purse my lips to hide the frown set on my face while I felt my heart beat much faster initially, watching him mesmerized as she walks across the floor to greet more party guests. Her blue eyes wide and shining, most likely something Harry was dying to see once again as he hoped she would turn his way. Is this what hopelessness feels like? Mitch gave up on trying to catch his attention as soon as he realized who Harry was looking at, and so did the rest of the group. But here I was, desperately looking up at him in hopes that he would suddenly break away and meet my own eyes that stood right next to him. "Guys! The count downs about to start!" Someone called out, followed by cheers and applause as everyone slowly started gathering towards the balcony to see the firework show and celebration of the city below. She moves away from the crowd though, choosing to be semi alone next to the aquarium with a glass of martini in her hand. More people started crowding around us, the group disintegrated into a whole, but my focus was on Harry. As much as my anxiety and tiredness was getting worse, it couldn't compare to the ache in my chest when he takes a hesitant step towards her direction. In a second, my hand flies towards his and gently tugs to me in a last ditch of desperation while I softly call out his name. Maybe it was the way he stopped and turned his head slightly before completely pulling away and walking towards her, leaving me engulfed with the crowd alone. Or that I could picture the loving look on his face when she finally sees him approaching and gives him a welcoming smile while the sound of people counting down from 20 is muddled into the background. All I could imagine to hear was his small 'hi' and compliment for how beautiful she looks, knowing how nervous he would be. "3, 2, 1! Happy New Years!" The celebration of those around me drowned out my glossy eyes as I see Heather take Harry's hand in hers, sharing that same complete adoration look on her face that I was only just becoming familiar with.
part 2 A/N: feedback would greatly be appreciated :) 
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burnxngslash · 3 years ago
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OKAY I’ve waited LONG enough before I can talk about my boy here. BUT just in case there’s still a good few of you haven’t gotten to the end of the event (because let’s be real, majority of us are working folk, terribly busy or parents) I’ll just go into spoiler territory below the cut. SO whatever you read beyond this point ya can’t pin on me you were warned.
Whilst I’m honestly not too thrilled with the clone idea. (I grew up reading comic books soo trust me I’ve seen the clone thing been done, and I’ve seen it take a really bad turn) I was still happy that it got us to see the layers in Albedo’s character. Example one as seen in the pic above, Bennett tumbles and begins to fall to his death, and WHO was the one to rescue him? ALFRIGGINBEDO that’s who. Everyone knows Bennett but surely Albedo doesn’t KNOW Bennett, but here he is without hesitation jumping off a CLIFF to save this child (my son). Whereas before we heard that Albedo used a child as a shield, I literally hope none of you fell for the clone’s antics and even begin to think that he’d do such a thing. To be real with you, I figured he was supposed to become evil one day or something going off of what Dainsleif had said about him, but we also need to remember this is a man that Klee loves, he takes his time to play with her, spend time with her once he’s done with his alchemic duties. He knows he’s not Klee’s blood relative but that’s irrelevant to him, he loves her to death and truly sees her as his little sister. What I really want to say is Albedo MIGHT give you the idea that he’s introverted (and maybe he is) but it doesn’t mean that he does not cherish the people in his life. I know in his voiceline he says how maintaining a friendship really takes effort and it MIGHT seem like he’d just prefer to be on his own, but his actions speak way louder than his words. Alright to stop this from getting too long I’ll put my second point in a separate post.
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streets-in-paradise · 4 years ago
Let’s talk about the amazingly on spot social commentary on The Boys
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Warning: This post contains spoilers from Season 1 and the first three episodes of season 2 of The Boys 
Tags: @nehoymenyoy asked to be tagged. I don’t know if my tags are working well but if they don’t i will send you the link of the post. 
I decided to make this post because i finished all the avaliable episodes of the series two days ago and, having a long talk with my sister about this topic, i tought this is too awesome to not discuss it here. We are both studying in careers of the social field, i'm in sociology and she is in social work. We watched the show together and talking with her inspired my own ideas i would like to share here.
This show was a wonderfull surprise in terms of social commentary. I haven't watched one with such a great commentary since American Gods. In that case i was expecting some degree of progressive commentary because i had read the book previously and i was aware the source material had some, the one added for the series is even better and it was great, but it wasn't a shock to find it. For The Boys i haven't read the comics first and , even when i loved the show for lots of reasons, the amazing on spot social commentary was a hell of a surprise. I have been frustrated lately in terms of the messages in entertaiment products because, even when there is a lot of intention for part of the makers to make more progressive points in their stuff, everything becomes bland marketing to me most of the time. I remember that some years ago media used to came out unintentionally with some really cool progressive messages ( like, for example, " a bug's life" and its anti capitalist message). That stuff seemed soo genuine and today i feel that everytime a product targets my demographic in that sense what they deliver it's soo bland and fake that the progressive intention of the message gets lost in the absolutely obvious intention of selling something to me using my ideals as catch. Precisely this is an important point of critic in this show. I didn't expected at all to get a genuine feeling in the social commentary of a superhero show. I'm not saying that this means i think the makers believe in this (after all, it's amazon), what i praise here is how good they did it. In a time when most productions claim to have a social commentary behind to come out as cool but result in shallow fake bullshit this series has provided me with something that feels autentic. Like American Gods, what i feel the show is trying to tell me actually gets me.
Before starting with the proper talk i want to dedicate a few línes to recommend a few scenes of the show i just mentioned. I was super dissapointed after finding out they will probably end up turning it into more bland fake bullshit for season 3 but, to anyone who likes well delivered social commentary, check on Orlando Jones's scenes as Anansi. He is my favourite character from the show and all his scenes are a blessing. 
I would also want to clarify that this post and the opinions displayed on it are from an anti capitalist, intersectional feminist and latin american perspective. I know the show is very american, the issues it discusses are most of the time worlwide but it has particularities of the american context so i will try to talk only of what i feel i know enough to have a word. I'm argentinian and we have our local versions of some of this problems but i will stay in the series territory trying to be as faithfull as i can to the american reality it gets inspiration from. Also, forgive me for any mistakes on my writing and expresions. English is not my native language. 
Superheros are modern mythology. How would this work in real life?
This is the basic premise of the show’s worldbuilding. The great thing is that this concept is not developed in an edgy, pretentious way. It is serious and painfully real because it’s not only a subversion of tropes, it says a lot of what superheros are to us as a modern times myth. In a superficial view, the world of The Boys feels like what the MCU could have become after the Sokovia accords if they would have been efficiently followed on a worldwide scale.
In that particular universe i use as reference, our superheros are noble and morally heroic individuals.State intervention is the factor threatening to corrupt their actions making them follow the interests of the system. The risk there, along with some very shady violations of human rights to powered people, is having superheros tied to something as unstable as political power. You can fear, for example, what a Trump-like president could do if he had power over the Avengers because, again, the heros are not corrupt, their line of command is. Now, if we strip away all the idealization we had putted on this bunch of powered persons and see them as what they truly are at the end of the day, people like everyone else. Why are we supposed to believe they are immune to corruption? If we also consider the phenomenon of strong privatization of security that has been growing worldwide . Wouldn’t they be more like security workers working for a private contractor? Less like heros and more like private military / security officers?  Now, this is what we are talking about. 
What feels so different from this show is that it assumes a surprisingly realistic point of view on a modern fantasy we are very used to consuming and still constructs a new power fantasy that empowers the viewer. I’ m saying this as an MCU fan, I had grown too comfortable with this optimistic fantasy and this twist from it is brilliant. To put some context on what i want to say here i will try to explain myself first on why i think that superhero fiction have this enormous popularity today and it has become such a huge thing in entertainment. Besides of the obvious reason of big companies producing big exciting action blockbusters for the genre, it’s curious to think on how much these stories gathered a lot of progressive audiences. In past decades action blockbusters didn’t felt progressive, today’s superhero blockbusters were embraced by progressive audiences and this was the start of a twist in general for the media. I think that there is a contextual social reason for this, not the only factor but one i feel is considerable. 
Late Stage Capitalism crushed us, we are so used to injustice and the control the system has over us is so big that we have slowly stopped dreaming of changing it ourselves. Instead, the fantasy of a superhuman who has the power we don’t have saving us from oppression feels really comforting. Captain America becoming such a huge icon in the middle of a time where extreme facism is rising again all over the world, for example. I don’t know much about his comic counterpart but, at least from what i see in the movies, Steve’s ideals feel to me like all those aspects from French Revolution’s  Enlightenment that capitalism dropped away once bourgeois defeated their feudal rivals and capitalism got consolidated, the freedom and equality that feudal lower classes fought for. Today, we feel too small to make a difference so we enjoy the fantasy of powerful persons leading the fight for us. Capitalism feels more unstoppable than ever, it is the only thing who seems strong to remain in a terribly chaotic world. The suffering this cruel system brings to this world is overwhelming, we feel only a miracle can save us now. This is what feeds the narrative of the superhero as modern myth and saviour of humanity.
The Boys tosses aside all our hopes and dreams, presenting us with the most realistic escenario. Superheros are not the miracle we are waiting for, they are humans like everyone else. They are not sacred entities existing beyond our societies, they are part of the system and they insert on it as part of the security industries. They can be corrupted and they work in corrupt institutions in benefit of the ruling class like every other security provider in capitalist societies. They become a new face of the security forces in constant tension with police and military because the myth of the superhero provides them with the public trust those other two forces lost. People lost their trust in cops but they trust sups because they are supposed to be this noble individuals mobilized by their personal feelings of injustice trying to make the world a better place … right? Police are the forces of the ruling class but superheros are supposed to be with us, or at least this is what common sense and propaganda claim, having our hopes as a base to work on. 
For someone so used to the typical superhero fantasy this felt like a slap on my face back to reality. It soo accurate , the system tends to capture any revolutionary input and turn it into profit. Even if the sups could had been a revolutionary factor at the beginning, the most likely thing to happen is for them to become a profitable industry. If we add to this what we already know of the actions of police and military in our real world we have a combo for disaster. The realistic twist is so fresh and painfully real, i can totally see this happening in real life if superheros were a thing. 
We have already introduced ourselves in the world of this story, let’s check on the first main character this series introduces to us. Hughie Campbell, a college age guy who works in an electronics store, lives with his dad and has the most boring average life you can imagine. This guy who is too afraid to ask his boss for a pay raise changes overnight when a superhero kills his girlfriend in front of him and the big corporation the asshole works for covers up the whole thing. The “average guy becomes a hero” trope is not new at all, but the use it has here feels fresh because it is not there only to feed the male geek power fantasy. Hughie is not a geeky average guy only so geeky average guys can identify with him in an action series full of geeky references,he is not there to be the nerdy guy from Robot Chicken. Hughie’s characterization makes a point for everyone. The smallest most unimportant person, the one who can't even stand up for themselves in everyday situations, can make a change. Remember Samwise Gamgee fighting Shelob in Lord of the Rings? Hughie killing Translucent gives me that vibe. If we consider the point i already stated about superheroes being there when we feel too small to fight back injustice, this is the exact opposite. This is a fantasy that gives us the power, makes us think in our own strengths. Hughie is standing up for himself for the first time in his life and he inspires us to fight for our rights. 
Pharmaceutical,Security and Entertainment industries and their business system : Superheros as lab rats,elite security forces and celebrities. 
This part of the post is the hardest to write and the most exquisite. There is so much to talk about about this system Vought shaped tying these three billionaire industries together. The first thing i want to mention, as a point to start, is Butcher’s ramble over the teddy bear with a camera inside in his meeting with Hughie. Perfect introduction for the character with a delightful moment of commentary. In our current societies people live in constant fear for hundreds of reasons. Fears over street crime had skyrocketed all over the world even when crime is not growing uniformly in every country and that accelerated the privatization of security, fears of parents over the strangers they leave they kids with when they are not home inspired products like the one mentioned in the series’s moment, fears on the effects of processed foods are an impulse for the diet industry and i could keep naming lots of other examples. Fears, and the emotional response they trigger , are the base of profitable businesses. 
I had been reading some authors that describe this stage of capitalism as an emotional one. Capitalism preached science and rationality during the past century but today its base of support is an emotional one. To excite the sensations of the people as consumers, to eliminate rational criticism, to push anti popular agendas through emotional excitement and mass hysteria. To cite another example that you can consider bounded to the series, Right Realism in Criminology is now almost common sense and there are people who keep asking for harsher punitive systems. This ideology, with the help of media panic, goes straight after their feelings and fears of being victims of violent crimes. Rational thinking is not the area of discussion, the base of the argument is on fear and pain. Fear of being potential victims, pain shared with the victims thinking in solutions that sound more like revenge than justice. 
Going back to my point, in the world of The Boys this type of punitivism seems to have succeeded even in a greater way than in our current world because it has superheros as backup. If real life harsh punitivism feeds on fear and a wish for social revenge, in this world it has the positive emotions supes inspire on people as a trust certificate for the persons who may not feel that way. They are loved and worshipped celebrities, their faces are everywhere, they have thousands of fans… who would see flaws in what they do? Can you imagine a world in which we worshipped cops and soldiers like we worship celebrities? This is it, people put their blind faith in them because most of them seem to be their fans. Even the people who are against brutality in the actions of security forces would end up trusting them because they are famous people. Our culture has taught us to make ourselves blind to the bullshit we see on the celebrities we love. Fans have a strong emotional attachment to their favourite celebs and this can turn into emotional manipulation in this context. If actors or singers in real life can have a fanbase that forgets to see them as human people how would these actual superhumans not end up being worshipped as gods? 
There has always been military propaganda in entertainment but this marriage between the industries through superheros is far more sinister than that. It makes you think about the unfair amount of credibility we put in celebrities. The plane crash scene of Homelander and Maeve it’s even more devastating looking at it from that perspective. Those persons had their full trust in them and they were safer with the terrorists. Can you imagine being a Homelander fan and dying there?  That’s horrible, the last thing you get in your life is the biggest disappointment ever from someone you trusted and stanned. 
 Speaking of Homelander, he is a right wing wet dream and one of the best villians i had ever seen, he makes me feel sick with how fucking despicable he is. His character is an excellent point to start the ramble on the third wheel of this corporate nightmare. Superheros are products of the pharmaceutical industry, injected with a drug since they were babies. In his particular case, he was raised like a lab rat and the series is realistic even in this detail. The lab rat kid with superpowers is another common trope that we see pretty often and here it also gets twisted. I’m thinking for example on Eleven from Stranger Things, she has been raised by abusive scientists who treated her as an experiment, yet she is this sweet kiddo who has a hard time socializing. Instead, Homelander is a monster without conscience or mercy and seems to be severely affected by his abnormal childhood. Brilliant, he is the ultimate product of this corporative triangle and depicts everything that's wrong with it. 
The cycle is pretty clear: drugs create them, they play their role in security and their media notoriety justifies their actions. As it is shown in season one,  the security aspect of the corporate complex represented mostly in Homelander’s actions craves to grow bigger and get supes into the military since, in the startpoint of the series, they only work with cops. Since the industry feeds on fear and Vought seems to have a monopoly in the production of powered persons there were no threats big enough to justify the intervention of superhumans in wars. Dismissing the importance of this monopoly for the company, Homelander suministrates the drug to terrorist groups in an attempt to create the first super villains. This is a perfect analogy of how the american war machine works. There is no way for terrorist groups from Third World countries to get access to sophisticated war technology without help from the ones who wield that power better than anyone. The first mentions of the supe terrorists reminded me of when i was in my course of worldwide history in college and i learned there how most of those famous names in middle eastern terrorism were actually friends with the CIA before at some point. Here in South America we have other history regarding the style of USA intervention, the Plan Condor dictatorships in the 70’s and early 80’s. I was just starting my career when I had a month of history classes about the Middle East and, being pretty ignorant on the matter, it shocked me the way in which the US villainized people they used to work with. I think the series makes a great point with this part of the plot because it hints something of this war mechanics. 
Gender politics of the series: a surprisingly complex approach on the topic of sexual assault ,a realistic critic to bland white feminism and the empty cashgrabbing ways in which mainstream media adapts feminist discourse.
This topic was even a bigger surprise for me. I wasn't expecting such an interesting approach of gender issues, mostly because this is the area in which media wannabe woke messages had become more dissapointing to me lately. Specially in a show about superheros, i wasn't expecting to get very interesting points.
I will start talking of the portrayals of sexual assault. We have two sexually assaulted characters in the series, Starlight and Becca. First, i think it is great that they didn't used the "rape as character development" trope. Actually, it's cool how they mock this conceptions. When Starlight saves a woman from being raped on the streets or when she makes a public statement about her sexual assault it's the people behind her, building her public image as a character, the ones who push that trope. In the first time their great character development idea is to sexualize her outfit, after the second event mentioned they literally push her sexual assault as development. I love how the public relationships team acts oftenly in a men writing women way, serving as mirror for the most common mistakes of writers on pop culture products when they write female characters.
Going back to my point, i like the effort they putted into portraying differences in both cases. Homelander is the typical portrayal of a rapist, a narcisistic monster without remorse, a deranged son of a bitch. The Deep is also a piece of shit, but of a different kind. There is a phrase that feminists of my country had popularized " los violadores son hijos sanos del patriarcado" ( it means, the rapists are healthy sons of the patriarchy. It tries to explain they are not crazy individuals who act outside societal circunstancies), the Deep reminded me of that.
He is not crazy, he is an insecure guy with a super fragile ego who abuses women for power. Insecurity on men under patriarchy tends to become bashing of women. This is not a black and white portrayal of a sex criminal, it is surprisingly complex. Of course,his actions were unexcusable. He will never repay what he did to Starlight and other women before her but he has chances of working on his issues and, eventually if he trully wants to get better, stop being the scumbag he is. He is not a deranged criminal whose only fate is to be neutralized for the safety of others.
I think this is important because, at least in my country, i had seen people using sex offenders as an example of why countries without death penalty should implement it. I don't support extreme autoritarian security measures and it makes me sick to hear that there are people claiming those as solutions in the name of women's safety. I like the approach they took to portray The Deep as the piece of shit he is but still showing the complexity of this issue instead of going for a more traditional dichotomic way.
Back to the mocking of mainstream media's attempts of adopting a feminist approach i mentioned, the season two got even better at this commentary on the "Strong Female Character" trope with the introduction of Stormfront. She is the literal embodiment of what shitty marketing says an empowered female character must be and has the biggest "I'm not like other girls" complex ever. That interaction she had with Starlight in "pink = bad, pants = cool" mood was super annoying and blaming her for the assault?? Freaking disgusting.
Honestly, i hated her soo much even before she showed her true colours completely. Stormfront represents everything i hate in Hollywood's feminism and the crappy meaningless messages it's pushing lately. She reminds me to all the fake "woke" advertisements i had seen on tv, like a Carefree (pads brand) advertisement that pissed me off last week because with the slogan " self trust is beauty" it portrayed girls who wear make up as fake and insecure.
Now, speaking of that particular scene of her killing Kimiko's brother. I felt literally sick, even sicker than in every Homelander scene. This bitch is worst than Homelander because at least he gathers a public that serves to his views. If you ever need to provide someone with a proof of why intersectionality in feminism matters use this racist bitch. Horryfying racism hidden behind the progressive mask of a bullshit privileged version of feminism, the thing i hate the most. She has a strong nazi terf vibe. I think she absolutely applies as mirror of critic to stuff like Rowling's terf nonsense. 
The introspective look this series has regarding the multiple issues on today’s attempts of gender approach on media entertainment surprised me. It’s everything i would had wished something to point out but nobody seemed to have the guts to make it happen because, as i already said, the current trend is what it’s being focus of critic here. 
I will end this now, i feel there is plenty of more stuff to talk about but this post is getting very long and, if i get more ideas i want to discuss, i can always make a second post. As i said before, this expresses my humble opinions and i’m open to hear different interpretations that can enrich my views. 
Thanks for reading this extra long ramble. 
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kdramalifee · 5 years ago
What are your most favorite/recommended dramas? I've honestly only have watched 4 cause never know where to start once I finish one. Thank you!! 💕
Sorry of the late reply ❤
Here’s a “few” dramas that I enjoyed. Some of them fall into more than one category so I’ve written what categories I feel they fall into for each one. I’m going to write the amount of episodes for each show, but I’ll only be counting by (approx.) hour, so if the drama has 32 episodes where each “episode” is half an hour, I’ll write it as 16 episodes. Also some of these have several names, so I’ve just used the one they use on mydramalist. I’ve bolded my favourites.
This list might seem a bit daunting (as it is quite long) but I recommend looking at the specific genres you know you enjoy and just pick one you think seems interesting (there’s no shame in dropping a drama if it doesn’t grip you). If you can’t decide which one to start first, send me a message with the ones you’re trying to choose between and I’ll help you decide ^^
Bad Guys: 11 episodes, Action, Thriller, Psychological. A police detective gathers a team of criminals to combat crime in exchange for reducing their sentence. Throughout the drama, secrets are revealed. 
Class of Lies: 16 episodes, Suspense, School, Mystery, Law. A highly successful lawyer falls from grace after the fallout from one of his cases. He fakes his identity to get the position as a teacher at the school connected to this case in an attempt to uncover the truth and save his reputation. 
Cross: 16 episodes, Medical, Suspense. To get revenge for the death of his father, Kang In Kyu becomes a (highly skilled) doctor/surgeon and gets a job at the prison where his father’s killer resides in order to kill him.
Doubtful Victory: 20 episodes, Mystery, Crime. A man who was wrongfully sentenced to death when he was younger escapes from prison and fakes his identity as a police officer to help prove his innocence.  (Just a heads up: I don’t think a lot of people liked this drama (it gets a bit draggy in the middle). I liked it, but I think that’s an unpopular opinion)  
Kill It: 12 episodes, Action, Thriller. Kim Soo Hyun is a veterinarian who is also a professional killer. One day he is hired in exchange for information about his past. At the same time a detective is trying to find Kim Soo Hyun. They both uncover a mystery regarding their shared past. 
Healer: 20 episodes, Romance, Action, Mystery.  "Healer” is a special kind of night courier, that gets his clients whatever they want, as long as it doesn't involve murder. He is hired by a famous reporter to collect information on a second-rate tabloid writer. He begins to uncover the mystery of his own shared past with the two reporters, thus putting them all in danger. (This is a very popular drama that a lot of people have seen, so if you haven’t seen it I would recommend it.)
Mad Dog: 16 episodes, Action, Investigation, Mystery. A group calling themselves “Mad Dog” fights against insurance scams. They start working with Kim Min Joon, the brother of the man who crashed a plane killing the child and wife of the leader of Mad Dog. They try to uncover the truth behind the plane crash.
Player: 14 episodes, Action, Investigation. A private investigation team consisting of a swindler, a fighter, an elite hacker, and a talented driver is asked to take back property hidden away by criminals.
Save Me: 16 episodes, Psychological, Suspense. Following the failure of her father's business, Sang Mi and her family move to Muji-gun where they have no friends or relatives. After a tragic event, the family is taken in by the “Spiritual Father” resulting in them being trapped in a cult. Four young men try to save her.  
Stranger: 16 episodes, Investigation, Mystery.  Hwang Shi Mok had brain surgery when he was a child, which caused him to lack emotion. Now, Hwang Shi Mok works as a prosecutor. He meets Police Lieutenant Han Yeo Jin at a murder crime scene and they work together to eradicate corruption at the prosecutor's office and solve a serial murder case.
The Guardians: 16 episodes, Action, Thriller.  After the murder of her daughter, Jo Soo Ji joins forces with a few other people to monitor criminals 24 hours a day and rescue potential victims before the crime is committed. Together with these people she fights to get justice for her daughter, who’s murderer is still free.
WATCHER: 16 episodes, Action, Suspense, Investigation. Kim Young Goon became a police officer after his father was imprisoned for the murder of his mother. The detective who imprisoned his father is the leader of the internal affairs investigation team and gets Young Goon to join in order to fight against corruption and uncover the truth behind the tragic incident.  
Angels Last Mission: Love: 16 episodes, Romance, Fantasy.  Lee Yeon Seo is the prima ballerina, but after an accident she has to give up her dream. After her parents' sudden death, she doesn’t trust anyone since there are a lot of people lurking around her and her inherited money. Kim Dan is an optimistic, carefree angel who is always getting into trouble. In order to return to heaven, he is tasked with a mission to find true love for the talented but emotionally distant ballerina
Are You Human Too?: 18 episodes, Romace, Sci-fi. After loosing her son to her father in law, a woman creates an android to replace him. Years later the android called Nam Shin III must pretend to be the son of the rich family when the real Nam Shin falls into a coma.
Chicago Typewriter: 16 episodes, Fantasy/Supernatural, Romance. The story of a popular writer suffering from writers block, a fan of said author and a literal GHOST writer who starts writing for the main character. In a past life, these three people were all members of the resistance wanting to free Korea from the Japanese occupation. The story is set in modern times and in the 1930′s. 
Circle: 12 episodes, Alien, Sci-fi, Mystery. This drama is set in both 2017 and the year 2037. In 2017 we follow the story of a college student working together with a woman that looks identical to a girl he knew as a child to investigate suicides that she insists are actually murders. In 2037 technology has advanced to the point where you can control human emotion (creating a city without crime). A detective enters this city in order to investigate a missing persons case from 2017. (The first half of each episode is set in 2017, the other half in 2037). 
Duel: 16 episodes, Sci-fi, Crime, Suspense. After his daughter gets kidnapped a detective tries all he can to get her back. Suddenly the culprit shows up without any memories, denying that he has anything to do with the case. They work together to find the detectives daughter and uncover secrets along the way. 
EXIT: 2 episodes (drama special), Sci-fi, Psychological.  Kang Soo is a loan shark that tries to get by day to day in his depressing reality. No matter how hard he tries, he can't escape the nightmare of his reality, and when he was about to give up on his life, he sees a flier asking, "Do you want to become happy?" He goes to the research center, however, he learns that happiness comes at a steep price of 300,000 dollars. He decides to steal the money.
Extraordinary You: 16 episodes, Romance, Fantasy, School.  Eun Dan Oh, a 17 year-old high-school student, experiences gaps in her memory and eventually comes to the realization that she’s living in a comic book. Not only that, but she is also a secondary character who’s supposed to die later on in the story due to a heart condition. She decides to change her fate and defy the writer to get a happy ending for herself. 
Go Back Couple: 12 episodes, Fantasy, Life, Romance.  Choi Ban Do and Ma Jin Joo are both 38-years-old and a married couple. Choi Ban Do has been burdened with being the breadwinner and Ma Jin Joo is a housewife with low self-esteem. Even though they loved each other when they married, they now hate each other. They both regret marrying at such a young age. The couple travels through time and finds themselves as 20-year-old university students when they met for the first time.
He is Psychometric: 16 episodes, Fantasy, Romance, Mystery, Comedy. After losing his parents in a fire, Lee Ahn acquires the power of psychometry, the ability to read a person or an object's past through physical contact, and he decides to use it to take bad people down. While he does not know how to control his power yet, he meets Yoon Jae In who tries her best to hide her painful secrets. Together with his foster guardian, prosecutor Kang Sung Mo, and the latter's colleague, investigator Eun Ji Soo, they team up to solve an elusive case that has been haunting the lives of Ahn, Sung Mo, and Jae In.
Life on Mars: 16 episodes, Fantasy, Mystery, Suspense. As leader of a crime investigation team, Han Tae Joo has propelled his career and risen through the ranks by trusting data over all else. One day, while investigating a serial murder case, he has an accident. When he wakes up, he suddenly finds himself in the winter of 1988. He doesn't know why, but he's now a detective appointed to work at a police station in a small city. To get back to the present day, Han Tae Joo tries to solve the case.
Signal: 16 episodes, Mystery, Fantasy, Crime.  Fifteen years ago, a young girl was kidnapped on the way from school, and Park Hae Yeong, who was an elementary school student at that time, witnessed the crime. A few days later, the girl was found dead, and the police were not able to find the culprit. As time went by, Hae Yeong started distrusting the police. Fifteen years later, Hae Yeong is now a police officer and criminal profiler. One day, he finds a walkie-talkie that allows him to get in contact with Detective Lee Jae Han who is in the past. They then set out on a journey to solve cold cases.
Splash Splash Love: 2 episodes (Drama Special), Romance, Fantasy. Dan Bi is a high school senior who has given up on math. On the day she is about to take the KSAT for college, she is transported back into the past during a freak rain shower. She finds herself hundreds of years in the past at the height of the Joseon Kingdom, which is suffering from a severe drought. She encounters King Lee Do who yearns to learn advanced mathematics and falls in love with him.
Strong Woman Do Bong Soon: 16 episodes, Romance, Fantasy. Bong Soon is a woman with supernatural strenght who pines after a childhood crush who now works as a police officer. She is approached by the CEO of a gaming company who has a distrust for the police and she starts working as a bodyguard for him. (There are some problematic elements to this show, but the romance is really sweet) 
The Guest: 16 episodes, Supernatural, Horror, Mystery. It centers around three characters who had their lives ruined by a demon called “Son” (the guest) when they were kids. Yoon Hwa Pyung is a psychic that can see ghosts and who was once possessed by “Son” causing his mother and his grandmother to die and his father to try to kill him. Kang Gil Young is a detective whose mother was killed by the demon and Choi Yoon/ Mateo is a catholic priest that exorcises demons and whose brother was once possessed by “Son” causing him to kill his family. They band together to find and stop “Son”.
You Who Came From the Stars: 21 episodes, Romance, Fantasy. Do Min Joon is an alien who landed on Earth 400 years ago during the Joseon Dynasty period. He possesses a near perfect appearance and enhanced physical abilities involving his vision, hearing and speed. Later, he discovers that he has three months left on Earth. And that is when he meets Cheon Song Yi, the biggest Hallyu star in Korea.
Come and Hug Me: 16 episodes, Suspense, Romance, Melodrama. When they were children, Yoon Na Moo and Gil Nak Won were each others first love. They are forced to break apart when Na Moo's father Yoon Hee Jae, a psychopath serial killer, murders Nak Won's parents. 12 years later, Jae Yi has become a popular actress and Do Jin is now an experienced detective trying to repent for his fathers sins. They meet again and start to develop a relationship.
Descendants of the Sun: 16 episodes, Romance, Medical, Action. Kang Mo Yeon works as a cardiothoracic surgeon and Yoo Shi Jin is the Captain and team leader of Alpha Team. They both get sent into an area of conflict, and start to devolop a relationship.
Hospital Ship: 20 episodes, Romance, Medical. This drama is about army doctors aboard a hospital ship, which is a floating hospital that serves people who live on remote islands. Eun Jae, a cold perfectionist surgeon whose fast-track career was derailed, starts working at the ship.
Just Between Lovers: 16 episodes, Romance, Melodrama. A shopping center collapses killing many people. When he was 15, Lee Gang Doo dreamed of playing for the Korean national soccer team, but a serious injury sustained as a result of the accident destroys those dreams. In the years after the accident, Gang Doo spends his days fighting through physical and emotional pain, struggling to support his sister and pay back a hefty debt, and working as a construction worker. When she was 15, Ha Moon Soo lived through the accident, and years later she is still plagued by nightmares. She lives above the women’s bath house that her mother runs and specializes in making architectural models that are an important safety element in any major building planning process. Years after the incident, a construction project is due to kick-off at the accident site, and they both get involved in the project, causing them to develop a relationship while struggling with the painful memories it brings back. 
Shopping King Louie: 16 episodes, Romance. The story of “Shopaholic Louie” revolves around a handsome shopaholic named Louie, who is the successor of a vast business empire but becomes homeless after suffering from amnesia. Meanwhile, Koh Bok Shil, a country girl who lives a life that is worlds apart from the rich and famous, encounters Louie in Seoul. They develop a relationship.
Thirty but Seventeen: 16 episodes, Romance. Woo Seo Ri, a violin prodigy at 17 who was about to study in Germany, got into a bus accident and fell into a coma waking up 13 years later. Mentally she is still only 17, while physically she is now 30. Due to a trauma he experienced 13 years before, Gong Woo Jin does not want to have a relationship with others. They get to know each other and try and open the door to the happiness that they once thought had been closed to them.
When the Camellia Blooms: 20 episodes, Romance, Thriller, Life. Dong Baek is a single mother living in the small town of Ongsan. She runs the bar-restaurant Camellia, while also taking care of her son Pil Gu. The people of Ongsan frequently gossip about Dong Baek. She grew up as an orphan, is a single mother and runs a bar where many of the men in Ongsan frequent. Regardless of what the locals may whisper about Dong Baek, local police officer Hwang Yong Shik is deeply in love with her. Meanwhile, Dong Baek's ex-boyfriend Kang Jong Ryeol suddenly reappears in her life. He is a famous baseball player, that hid their relationship when they dated. While Dong Baek tries to find happiness, something truly sinister lurks in the background. A serial killer roams Ongsan and Dong Baek may be a target.
Kingdom: 6 episodes, Action, Historical, Zombie. The King falls ill to smallpox and rumors start to spread that he has actually died. Meanwhile, Crown Prince Lee Chang is labeled a traitor by the Haewon Cho Clan, the clan of the current pregnant Queen and her father, Chief State Councillor Cho Hak Joo. While trying to uncover the mystery of what happened to his father, the Crown Prince goes with his guard, Moo Young, to Dongnae to look for the physician that treated his father, only to be stuck with Assistant Physician Seo Bi and a mysterious man named Young Shin in a village plagued with a terrifying disease.
My Country: 16 episodes, Historical, Action, Romance, Tragedy. Two friends ends up on opposite sides in a conflict involving the fight for the crown. Confronted with betrayal the two of them have to learn how to fight against their best friend all while trying to stay good in a cruel world.  
The Tale of Nokdu: 16 episodes, Action, Romance, Comedy. One day, Nok Du’s father and older brother are attacked by a group of female assassins. Jeon Nok Du chases after one of the assassins to the capital. To find out why his family was attacked, Jeon Nok Du disguises himself as a woman and enters a widow village where the assassins are hiding. There, he meets Dong Dong Ju who is an apprentice to become a gisaeng.
Age of Youth: 12 episodes, Friendship, Life.  Five girls in their twenties come to live together in a house called "Belle Epoque. As the girls feel a bond of sympathy and become closer, they also deal with their personal issues as they live out their eventful twenties. The drama follows their struggles and incidents dealing with relationships - within their circles, with dating, and with each other - and a variety of events they are experiencing including credits, part-time jobs, drinking, hopes and dreams. (This drama also has a second season)
Avengers Social Club: 12 episodes, Friendship, Life.  Features three women from different walks of life coming together for revenge: a fish store ajumma who envisioned a better life for herself, a housewife, and a chaebol’s daughter who was raised like a delicate greenhouse flower. They’re an unlikely trio who would never otherwise meet, but they join forces to carry out their individual revenges. Although they start out as co-conspirators, along the way they’ll build a strong friendship.
Chief Kim: 20 episodes, Business, Comedy. Kim Sung Ryong is a skilled accountant who works for gangsters. He makes his way into a company called TQ Group as a middle manager in the accounting department with the intention of embezzling money from the company. As he contends with hot-shot accountant Yoon Ha Kyung, financial prodigy Seo Yul and peppy intern Hong Ga Eun, Sung Ryong finds himself embroiled in office politics and notices other shenanigans by those in power that threaten to bring down the company. Sung Ryong slowly comes to realize that he’d rather fight against corporate corruption and fight for employees’ rights than complete the mission he originally came to do. 
Miss Hammurabi: 16 episodes, Law, Romance. Park Cha Oh Reum is a newly appointed judge who is assigned to the 44th Civil Affairs Department at the Seoul Central District. She is always on the lookout for injustice and is able to profoundly empathize with others. Compared to her, Im Ba Reun is a cool-headed man of principle with the creed of ‘Court that is equal to all’, and he is displeased with junior judge Park Cha Oh Reum who is overly sympathetic when it comes to cases. (There is one moment in the first episode (I believe) where something problematic occurs, but I think its only that one thing). 
Psychopath Diary: 16 episodes, Comedy, Mystery.  Yook Dong Sik is a 34-year-old office worker who is so weak and timid that he is used by everybody around him. After an incident, he becomes the scapegoat of his company, and so facing losing his job and his family turning their back on him, he decides to commit suicide. While doing so, he unexpectedly stumbles across a murder scene, but gets into an accident while running from the murderer. He wakes up with amnesia with the psychopath's diary in his possession. With no clues to his true nature other than the diary,and his fragmented memory lining up with the diary entry, he begins to believe that he is in fact a psychopath serial killer.
Happy watching! 
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nadjastersurveys · 4 years ago
Randomly Random - Part 1  
Middle name? I don’t feel like revealing my middle names here.
Favorite color(s)? I like purple but every color can be nice.
What college do you want to/or are attending? I’m not attending a college/university right now and I have no idea if I ever even will.
What do you want to/are you majoring in? -
Democrat/republican/other? Other?
Birthday month? I was born in October
Do you dress according to your mood? I’m not sure, I don’t really pay attention to that lol but I dress according to the weather and where I’m going to though.
Tomboy/girlie girl I still don’t know lol. I guess mostly a bit more tomboyish.
Are you good at doing hair/make up? I don’t wear makeup and the only hairdo I do is that I put my hair up in a ponytail lol.
Do you wear glasses? No.
Can you drive? No.
Are you shy? In front of people I don’t know, but I wouldn’t call myself shy in general.
Are you always worried or stressed about something? Not always but I get stressed and worried really easily.
Tell me about your dream wedding. I don’t dream about having a wedding lol.
Randomly Random - Part 2
Do you like to sing? When I’m alone, yes.
Do you like to write poetry? I don’t think I’ve ever actually done that.
Can you swim? I can but I’m not a swimmer, so I’m not good at that.
Do you like the pool or the ocean? I prefer actually swimming in the pool. I just dip my feet and maybe legs in the ocean/lake.
Do you hate water in your face? Well no unless it gets in my eyes lol.
Do you hold grudges? Noo, I don’t feel like that solves anything.
Are you/have you ever been in love? I don’t know, I feel like I am right now though.
Do you/did you ever sleep with a teddy bear?if so who gave it to you? I have a big bunny plush toy in my bed but not a bear. My mom bought it for me haha.
Are you a very random person? I don’t even know what that means lol.
What do you do when you’re nervous? I tap my fingers on everything and just do anything with my hands.
Do you love making new friends? Yeah it’s fun because I’m not very good at getting to know people.
Do you like the twilight series? Never read/watched those.
Favorite animal? Cats.
Randomly Random - Part 3
Do you have any pets? We have two cats.
What would you name your daughter? I haven’t thought about it yet lol.
^ your son? ^
What length hair do you like in a guy & why? Whatever fits them pretty much but I’d say boys with a bit shorter hair are usually more attractive, especially like a buzzcut lol.
Do you have friends who are shorter than you? No I’m the shortest.
When you get mad do you cry? Sometimes yeah but it just depends on the thing I’m mad about.
Would you ever consider modeling? Nah.
What color eyes do you wish you had? I'm happy with my eye color but sometimes I wish for more lighter brown eyes, like amber eyes.
Silver/gold jewelry? Silver.
Do you always wear jewelry? My earrings and my nose ring are the only jewelry I wear.
Are you afraid of needles? Not really.
How many kids do you want? I don’t know yet.
Long/short nails? Short but not too short.
Do you like wearing hats? Sometimes yeah.
Randomly Random - Part 4
Do you love taking pics? Yeah it can be fun.
Do you sunburn easily? Not super easily, no.
Does mall Santa Clauses or Easter bunnies freak you out? I've never seen mall Santas or Easter bunnies haha.
Do you prefer to call a person or wait for them to call you? I like when people call me first for sure but sometimes you just have to call first.
Are you scared of crossing bridges? Those wonky bridges, yes lol but I’ve never had to cross one.
Do you have a short attention…oh squirrel…span? Yeah.
Do you hate sitting in silence but get irritated if someone talks too much? Well yes something in the middle of those two is nice.
Has anyone ever called you baby or hun? No.
What’s your favorite kind of chocolate? Milk chocolate.
Would you consider yourself clumsy? I can be pretty clumsy.
Do you hate using public restrooms? Yess I try to avoid them as much as possible.
Do you like when a guy picks you up in his arms? No guy has ever picked me up in his arms haha but sure, that would be nice especially if he’s someone I like.
Ever bought ice cream from an ice cream truck? Yes but that was ages ago.
Do you hate chihuahuas? I don’t.
Randomly Random - Part 5
Has a teacher ever made you hate your favorite subject? Nope.
Do you like hairless cats? Yeah I think they look cool and kind of mysterious.
Did you ever cry at school? Yep.
Have you ever had a poem or story published? Nope.
If you had/have a kid would you ever let them get a tattoo? Well if they’re old enough then yes.
What’s your favorite thing to have for dinner? Just something with chicken or fish.
Would you ever paint your walls red? Nah, I like them white.
Have you ever licked a pole? No lol.
Has your hand ever gotten slammed in a car door? No but my head has lol.
Are you allergic to grass? No.
Do you love guinea pigs? Yeah they’re pretty cute.
Do you prefer to write on chalkboards or white boards?   Chalkboards are nice but I wouldn’t mind writing on a white board either lol. It doesn’t matter.
What is the worst thing you ever did that got you grounded? I don’t know if I’ve ever been grounded haha. I’m not sure what that even actually means. I was sent to my room a lot when I was an annoying 7-10 year old though lol.
Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars?   I could really use a wish right now so yes.
Randomly Random - Part 6
What would you do if your best girlfriend said she was lesbian? I’d support any friend who tells me that.
Have you ever been chased by a snake? No.
Where do you wanna work? I don’t know.
Is there something you tell yourself you’re going to do but never do? There’s some things, like I’ve been meaning to watch this one movie for like 6 months now.
Has a teacher ever called you an idiot? Not to my knowledge but I wouldn’t be surprised if they did lol.
What awards have you won? Medals from dance competitions.
Do you get nervous eating in front of people? Usually no, but that has happened.
Would you consider yourself good at taking care of kids? I've never actually taken care of kids so probably not now.
How old would a guy have to be before you wouldn’t date them? Right at this age I wouldn’t date anyone older than 18.
Be honest, have you ever tried weed? No.
Has anyone ever broken up with you with a note? Never broken up with anyone before.
Have you walked into a wall? I’m sure I have.
Do you have sensitive teeth? No.
Do you sleep with a fan on? In summer if it’s really hot.
Randomly Random - Part 7
When you hear sirens, do you get afraid its someone you know? When I see a firetruck go with sirens on I always worry if it’s going to our house.
Do you often get nosebleeds in the winter? I don’t think I’ve ever gotten a nosebleed because of winter lol.
What’s a word you use to substitute for a cuss word? I don’t use substitutes for swear words lol.
What was the worst thing you ever did to get detention/suspended? I’ve had detention mostly for forgetting to do my homework.
Have you ever suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder? No.
Have you tried the new crackle nail polish? No.
Do you enjoy the “i love you more” argument? No lol.
Do you like the color yellow? Yeah I like it.
Trees are awesome! Yes? Why not.
Do you suffer from nasal allergies? I don’t.
Marrying your cousin. Yay or nay? Well, no lol.
Are you distracted by anything shiny at the moment? Ooo shiny!! No.
Has your parents ever called you names? Like mean names? No like they were trying to be mean, they were just telling the truth haha, like lecturing me if I did/do something annoying or wrong.
Have you ever seen a cat have a hairball…i have soo gross Yes.
Randomly Random - Part 8
Have you ever had a tooth pulled, i have : / No, the thought of that scares me.
Do you still watch tom and jerry? : ) I’ve never watched that but I read the comics often as a little girl haha.
Do you use your hairbrush as a microphone? No lol.
What’s your usual morning routine? I get up, go to the bathroom, brush my teeth, get some breakfast and get dressed properly if I have to go somewhere.
Do you ever get bored with something so you’re unable to finish it? Yes I get bored so easily it’s ridiculous.
Do you wanna redecorate your room? I’m happy with my room.
Have you ever worn black to someone’s house & left covered in fur? Haha yes people who have cats have cat hair everywhere around their house usually, just like our house.
What would i expect to find under your bed? Just dust lol.
If i were to walk into your room, would i be able to see the floor? Yes it’s not messy and I hate when I have stuff that is not furniture on the floor.
What is something you did when you were a kid that you still enjoy? Dancing is one thing.
Has anyone ever said they would love you forever, was it true? I don’t think anyone has ever said that to me.
Do you watch America’s Got Talent? No but I sometimes watch some clips of it on YouTube.
Do you ever sit and look at old photo albums & recall memories? Yes that’s fun.
Do you watch onision on YouTube, if not you should he’s hilarious. This didn’t age well lol. I’ve seen some of his first videos and yeah they’re pretty funny but now he’s in deep shit and so many people hate him. I feel so uneasy and weird watching his new videos also because he disabled the comments in the videos and you can’t see the likes or dislikes either.
Randomly Random - Part 9
Don’t you just hate taking showers in the winter? Noo, I like it but I like taking showers in any season.
Do you say “epic fail” a lot? I’ve never said that lol.
How personal does a question have to be so that you wont answer? In surveys? I wouldn’t tell my last name or the place i live in like the adress.
Do you ever feel like sometimes you have short term memory loss? Yes because I have really bad memory.
What if a stranger came up to you yelled BATMAN & ran away? I would jump a little because it’s something I don’t expect to happen lol.
What’s your favorite kind of pudding? Vanilla or caramel.
Did you ever run over something with a lawn mower? Never used a lawn mower.
When someone says don’t look do you look? Well sometimes.
Have you ever played spin the bottle? Once yeah.
Did you ever have a cat that was obsessed with shoes? No lol.
I believe i can fly! Ever jump off things & try to fly? I haven’t haha.
What was your first Halloween costume? I’ve never dressed for Halloween I think.
Ever have chicken pox? Yep.
Did you eat your Wheaties this morning ? What was for breakfast? I had a smoothie and crackers for breakfast lol.
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thelastdragneel6417 · 5 years ago
𝗗𝘂𝘀𝘁𝗧𝘂𝗯𝗲 𝗝𝗔𝗚𝗮𝗺𝗲𝘀 part 1
(Ok sooo here’s my first time trying to write something original and good god am I nervous soo I hope you all enjoy)
The sun has now just rose above beacon academy signaling the start of a new day, while many would view this day to train or study to improve themselves as huntsmen and huntresses. For the (SUPER AWESOME AMAZING AND SERIOUS) team called team RWBY their is only one word that they would call this day
*At Team RWBY’s dorm room*
Yang: *laying on her bed looking throw her scroll before tossing it next to her* uggg I’m booored.
Weiss: * gruntingas she stops working on next weeks homework* normally I would scold you on your bluntness I agree it is quite boring today.
Blake: * siting on her bed reading her por - u mm I mean Um her “high class literature” yeah I agree but what do you ya think we should do?
Yang: *in a thinking pose* ummm how about we got the club?
Blake: *shaking her head* seriously is that all you can think of?
Yang: *in a hurt tone* HEY!!!
Weiss: besides we can’t the bullhead terminals are shut down for repairs after YOU AND NORA ALMOST DESTROYED IT BECAUSE OF YOUR IDIOTIC FIGHT *glaring at Yang*
Yang: *waving her hand defensively* hey in my defense Nora started it server her right for saying that pancakes are better that wallfls and besides I won it in the end.
Blake: no you didn’t Nora clobbered you into the ground.
Yang: *angry* hey whose side are you on anyway!?!?
Blake: *rolling her eyes* anyway how about we head to the library?
Weiss: that’s an excellent idea Blake. I think some time in the library would do us all some good.
Yang: ugggg no not the library I though we decided to kill our boredom not to kill me!!!
Weiss: you can stand to improve your book smart you barbaric bimbo *glareing at Yang knowing fill well that she probably a single second in the library during the new semester*
Yang: hey I’ll have you know that physical strength and training are more valuable than reading a few book right sis?
Yang: *confused* umm sis???
*yang and the girls all turn to look at Ruby’s bunk to see that she’s laying on her stomach kicking her feet in the air in a childish manner headphones on her head humming along to a song not paying attention to the argument going on*
Yang: Ruby? *no answer* hey Ruby?? *still no answer frustrated Yang walks over to Ruby lifts one side of her headphones and screams in her ear* RUBY!?!?!
Ruby: *leaps I. The air in shock before landing on her butt in shock* owww *rubbing her butt to suve the pain before glaring at Yang* why would you do that?
Yang: sorry sis but I could get your attention what were you doing anyway?
Weiss: yes I would like to know too? *internaly* probably reading on of her childish comic books uggg what a dolt?
Ruby: ohh I was just listening to JAGames *ploping herself off the ground before jumping back on top of her bunk*
Weiss: *confused having never heard of what that dolt they called a leader was talking about* JA who???
Ruby: *gasping in shock before using her semblance to bolt over to Weiss getting right up to her face* YOU’VE NEVER HEARD OF JAGAMES!?!?
Blake: *anoyingly picking rose petals out of her hair and book* let’s assume we haven’t who are you talking about?
Ruby: *wipping her head around to Blake before screeching* HE’S ONLY THE GREATEST DUSTTUBE SINGER OF ALL TIME!!!!
Weiss: DustTube??? You mean that stupid website where people post those idiotic videos of themselves???
Blake: I wouldn’t say that DustTube it that bad you can make some serious money if you’re committed to it.
Yang: yeah but a DustTube singer is not a good thing to hear cause most of them are absolutely horrible *cringing as she remembers that Oum awful rap named “It’s Just Today Mate” by Ten Team*
Ruby *scoffs like she’s offended* ugh JAGames is nothing like them he’s a thousand times better than them his singing, his rhythm, and his music makes it look like all those other wanna bees are just babies playing with a baby piano.
Blake: huh seems like you know this guy a lot?
Ruby: of course I do I’m his number one fan after all I’ve listened to all of his music and bought all of his merch and all his albums JAGames’ music have gotten me through some tough times so I will always love him even though he has never shown his face.
Yang: huh soo that’s where all that stuff came from I’ve always wondered about that also *grinning* aren’t you already dating a certain noodle boy right now for shame Ruby how could you break jaunes heart by having an affair?
Weiss: I still don’t know what you see in that dolt *rolling her eyes back not truly understanding why ruby would want to date that idiot but nether the less grateful that he has stop relentlessly trying to ask her out*
Ruby: *beet red embarrassed* Yannng stop that it’s not like that all *blushing* even though I really like him and his music I will always love my sweet knight more.
Ruby: anyway I’ve got an idea since I’ve talked about JAGames this long *an ear to ear smile creeps up on her lips before shouting* WOULD YOU LIKE TO LISTEN TO SOME OF HIS MUSIC WITH ME!?!?
Weiss: *appoled* are you crazy!?!? No why would we ever want to listen to your stupid music!?!?
Yang: I’m in sounds like fun
Yang: it sounds fun anything to beat this boredom and besides I’ve been trying to find some new music for a while now.
Weiss: fine then be that way but know that Blake and I won’t be bothered to listen to your childish music.
Blake: actually I’ll join in too.
Weiss: *absolutly shocked* WHYYYYYYYYY!?!?!?!
Blake: same as Yang seems like fun also I’ve just finished reading my book so I e got nothing else better to do.
Yang: see even kitty cat wants to watch with us *blake glares at Yang for saying that* so whatcha say I’ve queen care to join us?
Ruby: *giving Weiss the worlds most dangerous weapon known to man the dreaded puppy dog eyes* plweeessszzzzzzzzzz?????
Weiss: *unable to resist the deadly powers of the puppy dog eyes* I— umm I ohhh alright I’ll listen to your stupid music what kind of music does he make anyway?
Ruby: *jumping up and down excited* yay thank you bestie ohh he mostly makes rock -metal songs some time a little bit of pop and always follows a certain theme.
Weiss: *annoyed by knowing that she’s going to be listening to that barbaric type of music* and that I is???
Ruby: *embarrassed* umm video games?
Weiss: WHAT THOSE STUPID IDIOTIC CHILDISH GAMES THAT ARE A WASTE OF TIME WHY DID I EVER AGREE TO THIS *exclaimed loudly but secretly at the same happy because deep down she is a HUGE gamer a secret that she will take to the grave* AND YOU *pointing to Blake* ARE OK WITH IT!?!?!
Blake: why not? I don’t have a problem with video games sometimes they can tell a story better that a book.
Yang: welp too late to turn back know soo sis what song are we listening to today?
Ruby: *excitedly grabs her scroll unplugs her headphones and sets her scroll near her freinds* how about his newest one it’s a remake of one of my favorites I’m sure y’all will love it!!!
(Here’s the song if you want to sing along)
🎶following total atomic anihilation🎶
🎶the rebuilding our this great nation our ours my fall to you🎶
🎶that’s why we at vault-tech have prepared these educational materials🎶
🎶for you to better understand the seven defining attributes that make you🎶
🎶the future fotells a tale of when the world goes🎶
🎶BOOM🎶 (when the world goes BOOM BOOM)🎶
🎶nobody prepared🎶
🎶don’t think anybody cared about the🎶
🎶SOLE TRUTH (nobody cared about the SOLE TRUTH)🎶
🎶oh the bombs🎶
🎶they rose🎶
🎶 now everybody knows the🎶
🎶catostrophic hell🎶
🎶will be soo🎶
🎶and be up in the sky🎶
🎶even when the world feels🎶
🎶lonely and cold inside🎶
🎶even when the heart feels🎶
🎶for they will fall🎶
🎶For they will rise🎶
🎶for they would tear apart the view 🎶
🎶from your very eyes🎶
🎶take your hindsight and Change the world🎶
🎶for its now your chance🎶
🎶to use your hands🎶
🎶descend through the cracked in the dirt🎶
🎶take on the vast open🎶
🎶following total atomic anihilation🎶
🎶the rebuilding our this great nation our ours my fall to you🎶
🎶that’s why we at vault-tech have prepared these educational materials🎶
🎶for you to better understand the seven defining attributes that make you🎶
🎶resources are scarce prepare yourself for homicidal🎶
🎶 claim you’re rightful place🎶
🎶mark the writing on your face turn a🎶
🎶well the bomb🎶
🎶they took🎶
🎶your land and now you’re🎶
🎶Thers masses of🎶
🎶proposterous, demonical🎶
🎶use your senses and you’ll🎶
🎶you’re the hero of this🎶
🎶for they will fall🎶
🎶For they will rise🎶
🎶for they would tear apart the view 🎶
🎶from your very eyes🎶
🎶take your hindsight and Change the world🎶
🎶for its now your chance🎶
🎶to use your hands🎶
🎶descend through the cracked in the dirt🎶
🎶take on the vast open🎶
🎶now let’s begin with some simple instructions on what makes you a
🎶build your ability’s to carry more🎶
🎶will keep your aim right where you want it to be🎶
🎶bronze will tackle foes but how long for?🎶
🎶socialize enemies are closer than you think🎶
🎶outsmart your foes with gadgets capable of removing harm🎶
🎶agilety 🎶
🎶build your reflexes to defend from approaching scum🎶
🎶Tatic and strength is one thing🎶
🎶but some times all it takes is good luck🎶
🎶now take your world and throw it upside down🎶
🎶one man pushes through🎶
*insert guttiar solo*
🎶for you will rise🎶
🎶through hell and back🎶
🎶you fortell of time when you were under attack🎶
🎶put your hindsight and change the world🎶
🎶for they will fall🎶
🎶For they will rise🎶
🎶for they would tear apart the view 🎶
🎶from your very eyes🎶
🎶take your hindsight and Change the world🎶
🎶for its now your chance🎶
🎶descend through the cracked in the dirt🎶
🎶take on the vast open🎶
Ruby: *nervous* sooo what do you girls think???
Yang:That. Was. Awesome Sis that has got to be one of the best songs I’ve ever heard it was soo action packed.
Blake: I have to agree that was a very good song not my cup of tea but still very good nonetheless.
Ruby: YAY that two for three sooo bestie did you like it???
Weiss: *quiet as a mouse and as stiff as a board before throwing her hands up in the air and screaming*HATED IT THAT WAS THE WORST SONG IVE EVER HEARD
RUBY: *almost as pale as a ghost and on the verge of tear* W-w WHAT!?!?!?
(That’s all I can type was it good or shit (sorry if it was) this is the longest thing I’ve ever typed here I hope you all enjoy) (don’t worry jaune comes in next part with a secret)
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portfolio- · 5 years ago
It’s Okay Not to be Okay, Episode 5
Rapunzel careens too close to the ledge in this episode, with Moon Young spending the night at Kang-Tae's home, which led to a lot of hilarious yet poignant moments.
I found it funny that Kang Tae and Moon Young almost checked in at "Bates Motel", alluding to the television show of the same name. For those who haven't watched it yet, Bates Motel tells a story about a mother and child tandem, Norma and Norman, that resided in a motel somewhere interstate after the death of Norma's husband. I haven't finished the show, yet some of the reviews I've read online described Norma to have saved his son from around him and from himself as his mental stability declines. I find it interesting because isn't that the dynamic slowly beginning to form between Moon Young and Kang Tae. Not to say that Moon Young will eventually degenerate into a serial killer despite her harmful tendencies. She is ruthless and unforgiving, but as the show progresses, I am slowly believing that there is redemption at the end of the line for her. But right now, Moon Young's actions are becoming ruinous to those around her, something Kang Tae has easily seen and is trying to protect his brother from. The same can be said for how Moon Young's recklessness has been ruining her career. I really feel bad for Lee Sang In (the CEO of the publishing company) and Yoo Seung Jae (the art director) for all the mess they're about to clean up.
Eventually, Kang Tae is forced to bring Moon Young to their house, wherein she hid her. I had fun watching them bantering a-la Romeo and Juliet by the window. It was also funny how Kang Tae did so bad at hiding Moon Young; the man can't lie to save his life! And Moon Young didn't help by being loud and stand-offish.
One of the lines that resonated to me in this episode is "Your lies carry a hint of sincerity. You make me want to believe them." by Moon Young. I love how they fleshed out Kang Tae's character in this episode, giving depth to the man that has given his life for his brother. He is unbelievably generous and loving, and I can only wish that all patients with mental health issues have a family as accepting as he is. He has put up an almost perfect front to his brother. Remember his line, "Sangtae is always looking at my face."? Kang Tae has always been self-conscious and almost always has been in control, all for his brother. I cannot even imagine the sacrifices he had to make. It's a beautiful yet painful depiction of brotherly love, which is already a win for me.
The kindness that Kang Tae has shown doesn't just extend to his brother, but also to the people around him. Moon Young felt that. "You ran to me instead of running away." Not that Kang Tae has a messiah complex, but helping just comes as naturally to him. Still, anything that is too much can break a person. Kang Tae doesn't want to relinquish that self-sacrificing aspect of himself. He always wants to side with the conventional good, something Moon Young keeps on debuking for him. He tells Jae Su, "I'm getting forgetful these days." But is he really being forgetful, or he is simply letting Moon Young in? He must be afraid of her. I would too, if I were him.
Now, Nam Ju Ri. What do I say? Nam Ju Ri reminds me of my teenage years, wherein my friends and I cry over unrequited love and the lengths we go for them. What I find relatable about her is her request to Kang Tae about not being uncomfortable with her even if he doesn't return the feelings. Didn't we all go through that? If you haven't, lucky you.
I also want to note how the show tackled the idea of countertransference. Remember that scene with the head nurse, Park Haeng Ja, how she reprimanded Ju Ri about her dealing with Moon Young? It is definitely a struggle faced by health care professionals. It's a small world after all, and by chance, you will cross paths with someone you may have had a rift with previously. Remember that the health care profession shouldn't discriminate.
There is a lot of comic relief in this episode, from the workers of the publishing company to Moon Young herself. I can't deal with her kidnapping Sang Tae; it is a genius and a crime. Anything to keep Kang Tae within reach, eh? Now, is she actually prepared to have the brothers under her roof? Is Rapunzel, for all the adventure she longs for, ready to bump heads with the prince (or is it Flynn Rider) of her choice? For sure, another pandora box is waiting to be opened.
P.S. Let me just say, gods, Kim Soo Hyun's baritone voice makes me melt like a puddle. Gosh. And Seo Ye Ji is an angel, I love her.
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catravandece · 4 years ago
10 Female Favs From 10 Different Fandoms
Thank 2 @piyo-13 for this wonderful food 
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1- Sophie Hatter (Howl’s Moving Castle)
She is my perennial fav. I loved her in the Ghibli movie but I stanned her in the book. Trying to explain why I love her so much has to be its own post lmao
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2- Haleth (The Silmarillion)
Idk what it is about her but the combo of ‘warrior lady, famous friendship, leader in her community’ just hits smth in me. art credit @dakkun39. 
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3- MianMian (MDZS/CQL)
I’m gay and hate the establishment of injustice
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4- Saphira (Eragon)
I’m exposing one my my earliest obsessions here lol. I haven’t reread the books in a while but I straight up never paid attention in 7th grade history I was either reading Twilight or Eragon/Eldest. Big Lizard Is My Oldest Friend. 
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5- Holly Short (Artemis Fowl)
I didn’t start reading Artemis Fowl until high school and disclaimer I never finished the series bc college. I love how she’s really her own protagonist and not just the other half of a Holly & Artemis duo. Also the comic design is my stickiest idea for how she looks but She’s Brown Motherfuckers
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6- Amanda Grayson (Star Trek)
SPACE. MOM. God I fucking love her and hate JJA for having the audacity to fridge her. Did you know she was on the team that invented the Universal Translator? Did you know she got all kinds of shit for entering one of the first interspecies marriages and replied to rude journos with dick jokes??? Did you know she is my role model and alien lover Idol?
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7- Usagi Tsukino (Sailor Moon)
Ok in my adulthood I know I’m more like Makoto/Jupiter (tall girl LIGHTNING abnormal femininity) but Usagi is just made of kid me dreams. Moon princess magical girl destiny child long blonde hair flowy dress and cool style true love and group of best friends forever. 
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8- Jyn Erso (Rogue One)
I just have a lot of feelings about found family ok
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9- Avatar Kyoshi (ATLA)
Again, I’m gay and hate the establishment of injustice. Lady Strong I’m Gay. 
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10- Noriko Tachiki (Kanata Kara/From Far Away)
One of my best friends recced me this series years ago and I’m still mildly obsessed with it lmao. I am an absolute FOOL for “female lead gets transported thru time/into fantasy world”. She’s got romance, cool outfits, language learning finesse and unshakeable drive in the face of danger. I wish I could find more isekai like Kanata Kara and Red River and Fushigi Yuugi. 
This list is in no particular order lmao. Honorable mentions go to: Furiosa (MMFR), Yuri Suzuki (Red River), Amy Dyer (In The Flesh), Adora (She-Ra 2018), Yoo Eun Soo and Queek Nogook (Faith)
EDIT: forgot to tag ppl lmaoo. Calling out @wifihunters​, @mosshermit​, @daydreamingaquarius​ and @beyondtheeluvian​
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astrogone · 5 years ago
❝ @ mutuals, send me a 🍓 and I’ll compliment you! ❞     /     pt. 2
🍓 @sinisteraugurey: Maya, you are?!?! Brilliant!?!?!? Beyond than that!?!? You are truly one of the most kindest and funniest people I’ve EVER met. You are always shining on my dash and I always take the light from you as a gift sent from the Heaven! Every time I see you on my dash, I just go “!!! It Maya !!!” and get so giddy... It’s very chaotic but very soft of me because! Honestly!? You’re an extremely easy person to interact with, and really, with my anxiety, it says a lot and I do want you to know that your kindness will always cherished and taken with full gratitude and appreciation. It still warms my heart deeply remembering you welcoming me with open arms and I could imagine you would have a big smile on your face typing these texts while I was reading them. You are definitely one of the reasons why I decided to stick around the rpc for the long term and I can never thank you enough for that. With Delphi, my goodness, I already said this to you, but truly, you are the best roleplayer of her. Even though I don’t know the play she’s from, you have so so soo much passion for her, so I just know from the bottom of your heart, this Delphi of yours would be beyond than what the play had written of her. I highly adore learning and reading everything about her. You and your Delphi are the blessings to my heart and soul. <3
🍓 @theseancekid: Ash, oh my goodness, I am in absolute love with you and your blog!? We haven’t even interacted oocly just yet, but the moment we do, you fucking BET that we will instantly rule the world together ( this is a way to tell you to come to my IMs because I did say I would come to you but!? I have so much in my pan af hands bUTT DON’T LET THAT STOP YOU!!! )!!!... You have such a lovely and chill personality from how I see your OOC posts and how you interact with others, and like, every time I see you on my dash, I get so happy and hope you’re doing okay. You are such a delight to be in my dash and I am beyond grateful to have stumbled across your blog. Everything about the blog is so SO good and I always look forward to seeing more from you from aesthetics to writings to graphics and so forth. With Klaus though, dude, I honestly don’t know how isn’t the team of U.mbrella A.cademy not hiring you, like, that’s illegal. The way you write Klaus in IC posts and metas and such?! Holy fuck!!! Always, do I see life in him, and that is a big talent to have. To look into a character and create so much more in them? It’s amazing. No matter what, from your deepest passion of him ( which is too relatable lmfao ), you will always make Klaus mean so much more than what the show / comics ( I had only seen the show, but ) would give. <3
🍓 @sinnedfirst: Moth, aaaa, what a beauty you and all of your muses are. Every single one of your muse is so full of your passion, as everyone holds the right equal amount of love from you and I find that so so amazing. I always adore the ideas that you would come up with and how you would transfer your emotions and thoughts into your writings. I will always find the joy in reading everything you share to us. Seeing you when you are at your most comfortable and happiest state makes me beyond joyful because you deserve all of the good things in the world. You are so sweet and fun to be with, and I always get so excited every time I get your message / reply. You have such a chaotic and wonderful soul that I adore dearly much and I can never get enough of you and your Aries energy. Despite my anxiety, I do hope to interact with you more in the future when you are such a delight to be around with. I may look like a softie at times, but please keep this in mind that I will literally fight someone with my 5′0″ dumbass for you. We are the iconic duo like Eve and Atlas are together and anyone who would think otherwise can come to me and my fists alone, <3
🍓 @ebonhalo: Oceana, we haven’t interacted much just yet, but!? Hi!?!? You and Drakoris!?!? The instant winners of my heart and soul!?!? There’s not much content of Drakoris, but literally just by what you wrote about him in your blog and his document, truly, I find him so fascinating and I want to learn so much more about him and the universe he came from. I absolutely love that you had Drakoris as someone who was once an “ordinary” being before a huge consequence occurred and made him become so much more as than the universe itself. I just find that kind of character so interesting to see how would the drastic change affect the individual themself and those who would be associated with them. How it would shape them and what would they do with all of this new and different powers and influences. Please, PLEASE, you are always more than welcome to scream to me about Drakoris and the universe you have beautifully crafted so far anytime anywhere! Everything about your blog is magnificent and I can not fucking wait to see more from you. Plus, you have a pretty chill vibe that I can go down with easily, so! Know that I am so so SO looking forward to interact with you and Drakoris more! <3
🍓 @saveveryone: Besa, if you think I wouldn’t have much more to say after what I said in the tags of your promo, uh, you are! So! Wrong! Honestly, you deserve all of the love and appreciation and care, even when you feel that you do not. Believe it or not though, I will believe that you do deserve every good things in the whole wide universe for you. The way you wish to spread nothing but kindness and love and softness on everyone’s dash. The way you take no bullshit from any assholes and stay resilient, no matter what. The way you pour so much light into your beautiful May. You are incredible, friend. In every little ways you give, you give me the softest reminder that despite how terrible this world can be, how much so with Tumblr, you never stop shining. I want to take this chance to say thank you so much for giving the time and effort and energy to bless our dashes because, yes, indeed you are magnificent to have around and I truly can not imagine having you on my dash, or, really, anyone’s dash. To lose you would be like looting the brightest star in the universe. Just as anyone should be, I am beyond grateful to have find your blog in a community so massive. I adore the way you spill so much of yourself in your creations with your May. This love, this care, they make May so real and so beautiful. I always get excited seeing content about her on my dash. I want to learn about and and see more of her because my gosh, how you hold her with so much passion is amazing. Never ever stop shining, friend, no mater what. Despite anything, this light that you are willing to give to this dark world will always be taken with nothing but appreciation and gratitude. <3
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years ago
[found at: cheerleader2013]
Hi! Your name is? Stephanie.
Oh, and your how old? 31.
Cool. Do you have a MySpace? I’m sure it probably still exists, but I haven’t logged on in over a decade.
How about Facebook? Yep.
Does it annoy you when people spell simple words incorrect? It doesn’t annoy me, but I notice it and mentally correct it.
Have you ever been in love? I think so.
Are you sure? ^^^
Do you type fast? Yes.
What's your favorite kind of smiley face? :)
How many surveys have you taken today? A few. I don’t feel like checking how many exactly.
So is it true; behind every smile, there's a secret? No?
Do you have migraines? No.
Do you need a new phone? Nope, I just got one for Christmas.
Should you be in bed? I am in bed. I should be asleep, though.
Or cleaning? No.
When you write "c" and "l" beside each other does it ever look like a "d"? No.
Did you mess something up with the one you really like? I really messed things up with Ty.
Isn't summer oh'nine gonna be a BlAST? I don’t remember summer of 2009.
Oh wait... Are you a girl? Or a boy? I’m a girl.
Do you pop your knuckles? Or are you the type that finds that completely disgusting? I crack them. 
What's a pet peeve? Eating sounds is definitely one of mine.
What room are you in? Mine.
Are you warm or cold natured? Warm.
Does anybody know your deepest darkest secret? I don’t really have any deep dark secrets.
Do you find it hard to trust people? Not really. I just have a hard time opening up in general and expressing myself.
Are you as hungry as I am? I don’t know how hungry you are, but I am kinda hungry.
Did you have an imaginary friend when you were little? No.
Favorite childhood memory? All of it, really. I really miss those days.
Were you a 90's kid? I was born in 89, but yeah I’m still a 90s kid. I was a kid in the 90s.
Did you ever watch Rugrats? (the babies) Yep, I loved Rugrats. Still do. It airs on TeenNick at night and I watch it sometimes, along with Hey Arnold and Doug.
What about Hey Arnold? Yep ^^^
How old were you when you got your first cell phone? 16.
Are you a cheerleader? No, I was never a cheerleader. 
Play basketball? Nope.
Softball? Nope. I was never into sports.
Are you cool enough to play tennis? I never played tennis.
Do you have a Wii? Yes. It’s my brother’s, but yeah.
What's your favorite game? Ever? I love board games. And if we’re talking video games, then Mario Bros will always be a favorite. I’ve enjoyed playing Animal Crossing: New Horizons the past year.
Are you REALLY hyper? I’m never hyper. 
Does it annoy you when people type LiKe ThIs? Yes. I’m glad that doesn’t seem to be a thing anymore. I haven’t seen anyone type like that in a long time.
Do you type everything out or shorthand it? I type everything out.
Are you watching The Little Mermaid? No.
Do you like tacos? Yeah.
Can you choose between Taco Bell and Burger King? Depends what I was in the mood for.
Are you happy with life? No.
Where do you go to church? A local one. I’ve been attending virtually the past year.
Do you read your Bible every night like you should? No. 
Do you have a bracelet with hearts on it? I think I might.
Do you like pep rallies? I did enjoy those.
Have you ever dated somebody in your grade? I’m not in school anymore. Do you type the professional way? Like with my fingers on the home keys? No.
Or just a way you learned? I don’t type the proper way but it works for me just fine.
Did you just yawn? Nope.
Look to the right... Nah.
Do you have a pet named Felix? What about Stanley? Nope.
Do you like a guy named Dillon? No. I don’t think I’ve ever known a Dillon.
Have you ever kissed someone who's named starts with a "N"? No.
Do you wear contacts? No, just glasses.
Do you update your status a lot? No, I rarely do.
Does it annoy you how the word "a lot" is spelled? No.
Are you good at speaking English? I think I speak fairly well for the most part. I mean, I say things like “kinda” and “shoulda” sometimes but *shrug*
Have you noticed how EVERY actor(ess) on DC comes out with a song? DC as in DC Comics, the superhero movies? Which ones have come out with a song? I feel like you’re talking about something else.
Can you stand to go without brushing your teeth? No. Are you getting bored? Am I keeping you pretty entertained? No, just tired. It is 8 in the morning and I haven’t gone to sleep yet...
What made you start this survey because of the title? There wasn’t a title. I took it because it looked like one I hadn’t taken before.
How many days can you go without washing your hair? I wash it 3-4 times a week.
Ughh! Is your stomach growling? No.
What time is it where your at? 8:08AM.
Do you take care of your face? Not like I should. I don’t moisturize and I pick at it a lot. 
Swimming is the best! Right? No. I don’t enjoy it.
Did you learn to spell together by putting "to" "get" "her" together? I don’t think so.
Baby Wipes are pretty kick butt! Aren't they? I don’t feel that excited about them, but they are useful.
And doesn't baby oil smell SOO good? It does.
Do you like babies? Sure. I don’t want one of my own, though.
Do you have a lot of patience? No.
Have you ever had pneumonia? No.
What's your favorite number? And why is that? I like the number 8, because of the way that it’s shaped. <<< Saaame. It’s been my favorite since I was a kid.
So...how’s life? Oh, ya know. Shitty.
AhChoo! Do you ever randomly fake sneeze? ...no.
When your home alone do you turn up music and dance around the house? I’ve done that before, but no not regularly. I haven’t done that in a long time.
Sonny with a Chance is a dumb show, right? I wasn’t into that show.
Isn't it crazy how you remember some of the strangest things? Yeah. The most random things pop into my head.
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yoursummerfrost · 5 years ago
different anon but i just found out omgcp is ending (?) and i stopped reading in yr 2 and since then only consumed fic so my takes on the characters comes entirely from fandom which is how i ended up obsessed w a rarepair bc of your writing lol and i have no idea whats happened only that people are saying its gone off the tracks in a bad way & so i will b clinging to my fanon kent & bittyparse thank u for enabling me. also i followed u into the witcher and its consumed my life lol luv it
Ahh yeah it is ending! I haven't read anything that's come out this week but I kept following it until now, and I just feel too grumpy to engage w it rn and I try to avoid seeking out things to be grumpy about haha, so idk for sure the details of how it's ending but I've been bitter since like mid-y3, and haven't liked what I've heard about these final comics at ALL so I feel ya.
But long live our rarepairs!! And I'm so happy you followed me into The Witcher! Soo many fun ships to play with and I feel like yennskier has some excellent bittyparse vibes 👀 so I may try my hand at some of that after a few other projects I have planned haha
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seriouslynogood · 5 years ago
RULES: answer 20 questions, then tag 20 bloggers you want to get to know better
I was tagged by @sirius woho! thank you, you sweet lil twinkling star ⭐️❤️
1. NAME: Hannah              
2. NICKNAMES: Hannah Montana (apparently my drunk party alter ego I was given this year) otherwise never had any ☺️
3.  ZODIAC SIGN: Scorpio! ♏️
4.  HEIGHT: 5ft 10 (178cm) 
5.   LANGUAGES SPOKEN: Swedish, english and german (Ich habe es fünf Jahre lang gelernt, aber ich bin nicht sehr gut) (plus swedish and Norweigian is quite similar so I understand and can speak some).
6.  NATIONALITY: Swedish 🇸🇪
7.  FAVORITE SEASON: Spring/fall - that perfect time when the sun is warm but the wind isn’t quite warm nor cold, ya know?
8.  FAVORITE FLOWER: wow I loveeee plants! (I have a dedicated pintrest list just for them) Philodendron Pink Princess, Monstera, calathea medallion are to name a few but seriously the list is looooooong 🙈❤️
9.  FAVORITE SCENT: dunno, I haven’t really “scent” explored. Rose is good but can be too much sometimes. I like some flowery, some clean scents like cotton but also some deeper/richer scents. As spring has come around I’ve been wearing Daisy Dream by Marc Jacobs and that is a LOVLEY scent 🥰
10  FAVORITE COLOR: different shades of blue has always been a favoriute, but I’ve been really drawn to emerald green for the past year. 
11. FAVORITE ANIMAL: I love most feline animals (litterary almost cried seeing a clip from aristocats last week...and they’re cartoons 😂). Like everything from small kittens to big cats like lynxes and panthers etc (and I cant get tiger king memes out of my head now 😂). I also love Horses. 
12. FAVORITE FICTIONAL CHARACTER(S): oh gosh, do you have 90 minutes? there just so so so many! and its really hard because some I like in the books/comics vs Movie/tv. And some are better vise versa.  I just love so many fictional universes and so so many characters🙈 I’ll try to name a few in no particular order; Sirius black, Jace herondale, Bucky Barnes, Peter Parker, Felicity hardy, Emma Carstairs, Julian blackthorn, Jon snow, Daenerys, khal drogo, Ronan Dex, OG sg1, Kattnis (prefer the book where it isn’t as focused on the romance), Cedric diggory, Harry Potter, Tony stark, Thor (especially when directed by taika waititi), Loki, Klaus Mikaelson, Jason Todd, dick Grayson, the Phoenix force, Wonder Woman, Leia organa, Padme amidala, Han Solo, all the Star Wars droids basically, obi-wan kenobi, Mark Sloan, Billy Russo (In the punisher Netflix series), Donna Nobel, Ragnar Lodbrok, Lagertha, like the list is soo long and I have to keep going to the other questions 😂🙈❤️🙈
13. COFFEE, TEA, OR HOT CHOCOLATE: oh hot chocolate all the way baibieeeeee! 
14. AVERAGE SLEEP HOURS: its either 2-5 hours or like 9 depending on the night.
15. DOG OR CAT PERSON: cat! (again cries at pictures of kittens) but I like dogs as well (especially my moms cutie).  
17.DREAM TRIP: haha basically around the world. I have like so many trips dreamed up with friends and in the end it will basically end up being a around the world trip 😊
20.RANDOM FACT: I have mild dyslexia! But the funny part is that i’m better at writing and reading in English than I am in Swedish.
Gosh I dunno who wants to do this but if anyone following wants to do it I’m tagging you! I’m tagging @fallatyourfeet (I’m interested to see yours and you’ve tagged me in these type of things so hope you’re ok with it! 😊❤️)
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