#i have way too many WIPs
Having adhd is all fun and games until you write in multiple fandoms and have people wanting more of three completely different ships 😭 (people are nice! they’re not pushy or demanding thank you for the motivation and love)
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4seasonsofart · 11 months
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blkkizzat · 5 months
Y'all ever have so many WIPs and then get the urge to work on like 4 of them all at once??? Or is that just my ADHD ass? LOL
Literally have 4 documents open cause ideas for each keep popping in my head LOL
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nell0-0 · 4 months
RULES: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Thanks for the tag @musical-chan !
The fact I have to change a bit how I have my wips saved bc the titles are an actual word and then a keysmash lmfao. I'mma just delete the keysmash for this ksksks.
Random stuff:
Mieruko-chan meets Hanako-kun
Obito's crushes through the years
Elliot doodles (OC)
K+C wip (OC)
Role Reversal concept Nart (Naruto)
fam emo vibes
bw trainer sona
snack police archeops
LOZ + LU ones:
war shades 2
Linkle stuff
Culture shock au botw setting
First time in Warrior's era
Warriors and Mask about Fi
Flora and Wild_gem poopers
Hero shade wars stuff
LU chain in Twi's Hyrule
With Marin and Tune
Pokemon au
...and those ain't even all of them. I ain't including the fanfic ones either, just art pfpfpf. Gosh darn it. Too many to tag, so feel free to join if you wanna!
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daboyau · 3 months
Fanfic WIP game: brother
Hiiii! This is a common word that I use way too many times, so I’m going to do one from each WIP that it appears in. :)
“Two more brothers,” Big Mama hums, a sly little smile turning her lips. “Two more years.“
His brother wraps an arm automatically around his shoulders, pulling him in tight. 
When his brothers turn, it finally registers what, exactly, they pulled through the portal alongside Leo. 
His baby brother had always just come to him when he got hurt, and Raph had patched him up, no questions asked. 
Mikey tries to speak, tries to call for his brother, but the words catch in his throat as the taste of blood fills his mouth.
Raph groaned, the sound gravely and low, wondering how the hell his brothers had managed to pull off a rescue like this one.
Mikey’s hands were still shaky and Leo knew that they hurt horribly - had seen his little brother wincing and holding back tears more than once as he’d stubbornly gone about his daily life, keeping up with hobbies and chores, had seen the way those scars had glittered suspiciously gold when they caught the light - but he’d still managed to draw a cutesy rendition of their family on Leo’s left arm, a truly awesome piece of the new york city skyline on the other, and an inspired piece depicting various parts of the human anatomy on the one on his ankle.
He can’t pretend like delight would be the only thing he’d feel if he got to watch his brother choke in front of a crowd. 
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farah-o-0 · 1 month
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rajanilefreak · 4 months
SO six day ago I saw a prompt froM writing Prompts that I commented on. What I expected was to drop that comment there like a bastard child and eventually forget about it because 'busy' and 'too many WIPs', only remembering it if someone happened to comment on it.
Now I have a full on TMA AU in the works with Dryad!Jon, a whole lore dump of dryad development and growth and a whole new backstory just for the AU where a Guest for Mr Spider went a lot differently because technically the book doesn't exist until Jon's bully, who is also a dryad end up chopped down while in tree form and becomes the book. (new lore dump, sometimes supernatural books happen, but only if all the pages have dryad tree having been used on them).
So, as you can, see, I'm not doing fine because I already have 4 whole TMA WIPs going on and I did not need this AU to come along right now. 8)
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missdkpower · 1 year
Just casually writing Remus some leftist rants on Werewolves for this fic I am definitely going to finish...
"Why werewolves?"
The band shifts, eyeing their frontman. After a moment, he shrugs slightly without moving his arm, and says, "why not werewolves?"
"There gotta be a story there," Fabian presses.
The band again defers to their lead singer, who leans forward, resting his arms on his wide-set knees. “What are werewolves?”
The Prewett brothers exchange a look, the Gideon says, “people who turn into wolves at the full moon.”
The lead singer shakes his head with an air of disappointment that has Sirius recalling a similar reaction to his misbehavior in a very different context. “No, what are they, really?”
“Monsters,” Fabian tires, and is awarded with a pleased smile that has Sirius continuing to swim in memories.
“Yes. Monsters. And who makes them monsters?”
“Whoever bites them,” Gideon offers quickly as the full effect of the frontman’s lazy praise hits both hosts.
“No,” he replies with another disappointed shake of the head. “We do. Society decides what a monster is. The system creates monsters, because there is a need for them. Curt Siodmak wrote that even a man who is pure in heart may become a wolf when the moon is full and bright. Meaning, anyone can become a monster under the right circustances.”
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j0kers-light · 11 months
Y’all know I don’t care for Halloween but this snippet fic idea hit me on the 26th and I just had to write it.
Hope you enjoy how my brain works lol 🖤✨
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A loud thud from the hallway stole your attention. You were by all accounts waiting for Joker to come home, diligently working on your laptop in the living room.
It was All Hallow's Eve and you weren't in the mood for the scary festivities that everyone in Gotham was excited for. You were tired of the jump scares and harmless tricks being pulled. You rolled your eyes whenever someone 'tried' to scare you and grabbed fistfuls of candy as your reward for being 'brave.'
You just wanted the night and this dumb holiday to be over with.
You had your favorite drink poured up and a good playlist going in the penthouse as you waited for J but you still heard the literal bump in the night.
You barely looked up from your keyboard. "Nuh uh not tonight Satan."
Whatever it was, it wasn't your concern and you weren't going to investigate and get yourself killed in the process.
A few more minutes passed uneventfully until the lights flickered. You looked at the ceiling in disdain. It wasn't thundering out and you paid your electrical bill.
"No ma'am.. no sir.. we ain't doing nooooooone of dat." You got up and rustled inside a side drawer until you found your storm candles and a lighter. And with good timing, because once they were lit, the power went out.
Your ancestors were not having it.
This was not a cheap Halloween movie where they kill off people of color in the first five minutes. You had no patience for this foolishness.
If something was haunting your house it better help pay the rent or sit down and act like it had some sense. You were making great strides with your wip tonight and you refused to be murdered.
Then you heard the same thud, much louder, drawing closer. It was followed by the sound of you name groaned out in agony. Nope nope nopeity nope. You did not mess with the paranormal.
You slapped your laptop closed, gathered your drink in hand, and was walking towards your bedroom, all in the same millisecond. Time for bed. It could kill you in your sleep for all you cared.
The nonchalant attitude you had must've angered the spirit for the second you walked past the source of the strange sounds, it tried to grab you.
And that where it made a mistake.
You dropped your glass, swung your laptop and connected with something solid before going in with straight kicks and punches. If you stopped and listened you would've heard its pleas for you to stop but your flight or fight instincts had kicked in. And you were fighting. Period.
You were still dropping kicking the poor spirit until it grabbed your ankle and dragged you down to the floor.
You didn't know spirits had physical forms but none of that mattered. It had enough and cried uncle, "Y/N IT'S ME!"
You recognized the voice instantly and stopped fighting.
"Joker? What the...." you found your laptop (cracked beyond repair) and opened the lid to let the soft glow shine in the dark hallway.
Joker ripped off the white sheet covering his body and clutched his head. His hair was sticking to his forehead from all the grease and sweat. "Geeez doll you got quite the uh.. left hook. Owwww.."
You smacked Joker upside the head again just because you could.
"Why are you creeping up on me wearing a dusty bedsheet?! Have you finally lost it?" He quickly replied a 'uh yeah' before you shot him an unamused glare.
"Its Halloooweeeeen Bunny. I wanted to uhh scare ya. Well. That didn't worK." J pouted while rubbing his sore jaw. That would hurt come morning. He watched you stand up with a wary eye, "Where ya going?"
You stood over him hands on your hips and a stern gaze. It was high time you gave him a piece of your mind.
"You of all people know better not to try and scare a person from Blüdhaven! We fight first, ask questions later! What's my least favorite holiday, J?" you demanded.
He looked away with another pout. "Halloween." He grumbled.
"Exactly! I don't play with that paranormal mess! Now you done made me break my laptop across your head head trying to defend myself. And you're buying me another one since its your fault sneaking up on me! On God, I was ready to lay you out Joker. You play too much!"
He didn't know whether to be guilty or to burst out laughing. Your Blüdhaven accent was coming out the more angrier you got and he loved when your native dialect slipped through the cracks. It was kinda hot...
An angry bunny was entertaining to watch and even better in bed.
You stomped over J to head towards your private bedroom and in doing so, his plans of seducing you vanished. You were not in the mood. You might actually suffocate Joker with a pillow if you slept in the same bed right now.
Joker was left alone in the hallway as your bedroom door slammed shut. He could still hear you grumbling to yourself even behind closed doors. Joker waited a few minutes before bursting out laughing.
He made a mental note to make you angry in the future. It was a fun way to end the hallowed night.
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jimotheyy · 11 months
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I had a goofy lil idea to make Fionna and Cake tarot cards cuz of the star so here’s some of my drafts, feedback is always welcome
(Sorry if the quality is shit, I had to take photos)
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sleepingsun501 · 1 year
Wolffe art is almost complete 👀😈
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anaie-russie · 1 year
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catgirls are like therapy fr frrrrr
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nobodybetterlookatme · 11 months
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gold0kapi · 1 year
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Has anyone uploaded operator skins as references somewhere already? I’m really struggling to find good examples so I’m making my own. If no one’s really done it already I’ll post what I end up with for others to use.
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zephfair · 1 year
Writing Poll Game
Stole this from @iammistressofmyfate and thank you for letting me yoink it. 😘
Rules: Make a 24-hour poll with the names of your WIPs and then for whichever wins, write one sentence for every vote it gets.
I just really wanted to make a poll because I've never done it before.😊😊
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suntimeswolliw · 2 years
do i work on an animatic or do i work on a halloween drawing or do i work on an animation meme or do i work on old wips or do i work on art i started for asks i havent answered or do i start something new or
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