#i have to meet my doctor next week to have my test results read
illdowhatiwantthanks · 5 months
The Surprise (Part 1)
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Emily Prentiss x fem!reader Warnings: mentions of sex, some explicit language, let me know if I need to add anything please! Word Count: 1.3k
Summary: Your life with Emily takes an unexpected turn when Hotch asks Emily to come back to the BAU. It takes you about a month to pack up you and Emily's London flat and meet her in D.C. What she doesn't know is that you've brought back a surprise.
You collapsed into bed next to Emily, huffing and spent from a day of directing movers and unpacking boxes.
"You alright?" she asked, leaning over you to push your hair out of your face.
"Yeah," you breathed, closing your eyes. "Just tired."
"I am so–" She kissed your forehead. "Glad." Your cheek. "You're here." She pressed her lips into yours and you felt your whole body relax.
She kissed you hungrily, passionately, as if it'd been weeks and, well, you guessed it had. She started moving down your neck, and you groaned.
"I'm too tired for this."
"Even if you didn't have to do anything?" she said, her eyebrows raised.
You sighed, caressing her face. "You're very tempting, but I feel sweaty and gross and jet lag is kicking my ass. Tomorrow?"
"Of course," she said, planting one more kiss on your lips.
It was no secret in your relationship that, of the two of you, Emily had the higher sex drive. But she was always respectful, always made sure that you really wanted it. And if you didn't, she never, ever made you feel bad. It was one of the many reasons you loved her. And you'd both discovered that it only made the next time better.
You smiled, tucking her hair behind her ear. "Snuggles are okay, though."
"Just okay!?" she said, teasing you. She lay down and pulled you into her, and you rested your head on her chest, breathing deeply.
"More than okay," you whispered. "The best."
"I missed you so much," Emily said, placing a kiss on your forehead, and tracing the skin on your back underneath your shirt.
"I missed you, too."
After a few minutes, Emily spoke again, her voice quiet and somber.
"Thank you," she said.
"For what?"
"Uprooting yourself for me. Again."
You tilted your head to look at her. "I'd do it ten more times."
She held you just a little tighter after that.
"Oh!" you exclaimed suddenly, launching yourself out of her arms. "I forgot! I got you something."
"Oh, yeah?"
You pulled a folded sheet of paper out of your backpack and handed it to her, smiling mischievously. You crawled back into bed, sitting crosslegged as Emily propped herself up on her elbow to read what was on the page.
"Wow," she remarked, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "A blood test. How did you know?"
You shoved her. "Just read it, you dork."
Her eyes moved back and forth over the page. "HCG markers? Honey, you know I don't know what any of this means, right?"
You waited, holding your breath, nearly bursting with excitement.
"Gestationa–" Emily stuttered to a stop, her eyes growing wide. She turned quickly toward you. "Y/N, are you pregnant!?"
You nodded, beaming, your face flushed.
Emily's eyes were filling with tears, and you grabbed one of her hands in yours.
"No, you're not," she argued, fighting against hope as you nodded and nodded. "No, they said it didn't work. I called and talked the doctor myself."
You gasped. "We'll circle back around to the fact that you didn't trust what I told you about my IVF results later, but I don't want to mar our beautiful moment here."
"Y/N!" Emily exclaimed, looking at you, desperately hopeful and desperately scared at the same time. "It was negative...""
"It was a false negative," you told her, nearly giddy with the information. "I had them run it three times last week. It was positive every time."
A few tears dripped down Emily's cheeks and she sniffed, brushing them away and sitting up to grasp your face in her hands.
"You're pregnant," she said again, as if she still couldn't quite believe it.
"Yes." And the grin that broke out on Emily's face–giddy and hopeful and brimming with excitement–was the most beautiful her face had ever been to you.
"We're having a baby!"
"We're having a baby," you confirmed before she pressed her lips to yours, wrapping her arms around your neck.
She kissed the spot behind your ear, your cheek, the corner of your mouth. She kissed the bottom of your chin, your collarbone, then lifted up your shirt, laying her hands gently on your stomach and planting a kiss right in the middle.
"We're having a baby," she repeated, quietly, as if to the little clump of cells that would become your child.
And suddenly it was like a switch had been flipped in Emily, as if she'd moved from shock and disbelief to pure, unadulterated excitement.
"How big do you think he is right now!?" she asked, voice and eyes bright as she pressed her face into your stomach. She cut you off before you could say anything.
"Actually, hang on." She grabbed the sheet of paper from beside her and looked it over studiously, then started scrolling on her phone.
"So according to this, you're at six weeks," she observed.
"Mmhm," you confirmed, leaning back into the pillow and running your fingers through Emily's hair. "The due date's September 19."
Emily squealed. "Oh, honey, this says his little heart is developing!"
"Or her," you argued, but you were grinning ear to ear watching Emily. She was giddy, elated, happier than you'd ever seen her, and she was pretty damn happy with you. You pictured her next to you on the bed, so soon, cradling a baby. Your baby. Yours and hers. The thought gave you butterflies.
"And his little arms and legs and everything are starting to grow! Look at him, Y/N!" she continued, lifting her phone to show you what was essentially a concentrated cluster of organic matter. "He looks like a little shrimp!"
"Or she! Or they, we don't know!" you repeated, more emphatically this time.
"He's a boy, at least for now," Emily decided. She was so nonchalant, so sure about it, that it annoyed the hell out of you.
You scoffed. "How would you know that? You've known about the baby for maybe ten minutes."
She shrugged. "I'm a profiler. I know these things."
You scowled at her, incredulous. "You profiled our six-week-old fetus?"
"Sure you did."
But Emily had already moved on. "He's the size of a lentil!"
You sighed, but you were happy at heart. Happier than you'd been in a long time. You were home with Emily. Back in the States. And there was a little tiny human coming soon.
"Oh, babe, this says morning sickness happens around now," Emily read, absentmindedly stroking your thigh. "Are you having that?"
"Not yet..."
"That's good." She kept reading. "What about... sore breasts?"
"Yes. So be gentle tomorrow please."
Emily grinned like an idiot and kept scrolling.
"Mood swings? Yes," she said.
"Hey!" you exclaimed, smacking her over the head with a pillow.
"Not in a bad way! It just... makes more sense now."
You hated yourself for it, but at that moment, tears flooded your eyes. Damn hormones.
"It's not my fault, Em!" you blubbered. Alarmed by your outburst, she threw her phone to the side and quickly moved to wrap you in her arms. "I just have a lot of feelings right now. And I'm sorry I'm so moody, but you know what? At least your body isn't the Grand Central Station of hormones!"
"Okay," Emily soothed, pulling you close and wiping tears from your cheeks. "Oh, baby, that's a lot of feelings. Just let it out."
You shook and cried, and you were sure you looked absolutely pitiful. You couldn't remember feeling anything so strongly before in your life. You hated it.
"I can't stop crying all the time. I cried with the movers. I cried on the plane, even, and the flight attendant came over to ask if I was okay. I hate crying, Em! And I hate talking to strangers!"
"I know you do," she said, smoothing your hair. "But you know what? I'm gonna be right here with you, okay? I'll talk to all the strangers. And you can cry all you need to."
You hiccuped a bit and leaned into her.
"And soon," she said, slipping a hand under your shirt to place it over your stomach. "There'll be a little tiny us here, and it'll all be worth it."
You exhaled deeply and pressed your face into her chest. "You better do whatever I want for the next eight months."
She chuckled. "I'll do my best, anyway. For you and the little guy."
"Or girl."
"Guy," she said to herself, so quietly you knew you weren't meant to hear it. You smiled anyway.
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asdfghjklmals · 1 year
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GENRE + T/W: sfw, fluff. suggestive comments. WORD COUNT: 6.0k words. TAGS: satoru gojo x fem!oc, dadtobe!gojo, pregnant!oc, established couple. a lil' jealous!oc.
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SYNOPSIS: a compilation of short stories about the stages of pregnancy with oc gojo girlfriend and satoru. AUTHOR'S NOTE: please make sure to read 'accidents' before milestones. i couldn't have you guys miss out on oc gojo girlfriend and satoru's pregnancy journey. it was so fun to write this. a lot of research went into the baby gojo chronicles, i honestly think my fbi agent thinks i'm pregnant. REMINDER: if you want to imagine yourself in oc gojo girlfriend's character descriptions instead, please do!
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8 weeks: the first pre-natal appointment
it has been two weeks since you and satoru decided that you were going to keep the baby. this week was your first pre-natal appointment to "meet" baby gojo. you couldn't tell who was more nervous, you or satoru.
during your appointment, satoru sat in the exam room as the nurse drew your blood to perform tests and to confirm the pregnancy. the nurse also performed a pap smear, which freaked satoru out after he saw what a speculum looked like. he said it looked like a 'torture chamber tool' and you wholeheartedly agreed with him.
you exchanged soft smiles with satoru multiple times throughout your appointment. satoru was engrossed with the entire process. his curiousness was adorable in your eyes as he asked your nurse questions about all the procedures and tests she was performing. about an hour later after receiving the results of your blood tests, your doctor entered the room.
“well, first things first, congratulations on your pregnancy (y/n)! your blood test came back positive with hcg.” your doctor began, “now let’s talk about some upcoming lifestyle changes you'll have to make.”
“wait, when do we get to see the baby?” satoru interrupted. you glared at him, dark green eyes telling him ‘shut up, satoru’.
“we’ll perform the ultrasound after this, satoru.” your doctor chimed. “(y/n), i want you to start taking a pre-natal. stop eating raw fish, deli meats, and eat thoroughly cooked meats for now.”
you blinked twice. that meant no sushi for you. your heart sank a little. satoru noticed the disappointment shift in your mood. he felt a little guilty.
"so that's why you had me cook your steak well-done..." satoru whispered to himself. you scoffed at his sudden realization from two weeks ago. (read ‘accidents’ here)
“do you or satoru have any pre-existing medical conditions in either families?”
“no. but he might be pre-diabetic by the time he’s 40.” you snorted.
satoru chuckled and reported back, “there’s nothing on my side of the family to note.”
“that’s great to hear. just be aware of gestational diabetes, (y/n). i know you love your chocolate ice cream so watch your intake.” your doctor typed some notes in your patient profile, “your due date is looking close to october 14th. any other questions?”
“can the baby come earlier?” satoru quickly asked.
your doctor smiled at the both of you, “i wouldn’t necessary call it early, but babies are considered full term at 37 weeks. it would be good for the baby to be born around or after that time.”
“uhm, do you think i’ll be able to give birth vaginally?” you asked next. your sister-in-law had to have c-sections, so that worried you. her recovery was a journey for her and honestly, it scared you. but you were willing to do whatever it takes to make sure baby gojo arrived safely.
“as long as there aren’t any complications, of course. we can plan on that. we'll just have to monitor how your pregnancy is going.” your doctor picked up on yours and satoru’s quiet and awkward social queues, "and yes, you can still have sex while you're pregnant.
"oh, thank god." satoru sighed in relief as you smacked him with the back of your hand. he was so embarrassing.
"please, just ignore him." you looked at your doctor, cheeks cherry red.
she laughed and asked the most important question of the day, “are you guys ready to meet your baby?”
you nodded your head and giggled, “yes. i think satoru’s more excited than i am. he won't shut up about it.”
“i’ve been waiting two weeks for this moment.” satoru said with a sheepish smile, his hand scratching the back of his fresh undercut. his blue eyes peeking through from his sunglasses.
“okay, let’s get started then.” your doctor announced while snapping on her sterile gloves. “we’ll be performing a transabdominal ultrasound today, nothing painful.”
she squeezed a handful of gel to apply to your belly. you jumped in your seat.
“are you okay?” satoru asked, concerned at your sudden movement.
you reassured him, “yeah, the gel is just cold.”
your doctor laughed in amusement and started to rub the wand around your abdomen. you heard a fast thumping noise.
“is that the heartbeat?” you wondered, looking at the black and white screen. satoru smiled from ear-to-ear as he cupped his cheek in his right hand, his left hand squeezing yours. hearing his baby’s heartbeat might take the cake for one of his favorite sounds in the world, next to your laugh.
your doctor reported back, “yup. a healthy 138 bpm. i’m gonna take some pictures now…”
you saw a tiny circle in the middle of the monitor as your doctor clicked away on her computer mouse.
“is that the baby?” satoru asked, squinting at the monitor.
“yes. you see the little image that looks like a bean?” she clicked again, “it’s about half an inch… that’s your baby.”
“it’s so cute. how tiny. a baby bean…” you gushed. you turned to look at satoru. he was itching his eyes.
“satoru gojo, are you crying?” you asked in disbelief.
he quickly defended himself, avoiding all eye contact with you. “no! something just got in my eye.”
he was such a liar. his infinity would never allow anything to touch his precious six eyes.
your doctor laughed at the sweet moment between the two of you. you watched the love of your life stare at the black and white screen in amazement. your heart felt like it was going to burst watching him. you wanted to hold him tightly and never let go.
12 weeks: surprise! we’re pregnant!
it was so hard for you and satoru to keep your pregnancy a secret for the past 6 weeks. the only two people who knew you were pregnant were shoko and megumi.
your doctor had advised you to wait until the end of your first trimester to announce your pregnancy because of the risk of miscarriage. once you made it past the first trimester, you thought about how you were going to tell everyone. of course, you and satoru wanted it to be a surprise. an imaginary lightbulb lit above your head.
“babe, i have an idea.” you said excitedly, grabbing satoru’s arm as he was looking through your office drawers for something sweet to snack on.
“hmmm. what is it, sweetheart?” he asked as he unwrapped a piece of chocolate. you always kept a stash of satoru's favorite chocolates in your desk for him because he loved to hide in your office and avoid his sensei duties.
“you know how we usually take a group picture with the faculty, students, and sister school every year? let's tell principal yaga to schedule it early this year.”
“oh, i like where this is going.” satoru laughed. he read your mind. you high-fived him. he gave you a quick peck on the cheek. couples’ telepathy was really a thing.
“and why do we have to be here?” maki complained as she folded her arms. she wanted to train, not take a silly picture.
“come on, maki! it’s tradition to get a picture of all the students and faculty. it’s just that we’re taking the picture earlier than usual this year.” panda said as he patted her back.
“even okkotsu came back from his training to be in the picture. my sister flew in just to be in it too.” megumi said as he watched yuta interact with the students from kyoto. tsumiki was attached to your hip. megumi already knew the real reason why the picture was scheduled so early in the school year and why tsumiki was asked to be in the picture.
“alright! everyone looks great.” yuji cheered as he walked to his assigned spot for the group picture.
principal yaga gathered everyone, “please make your way to the field and get into your assigned spots. satoru will be pressing the button for the camera since he can teleport to his spot quickly.”
you nervously watched as all the students and jujutsu high faculty made their way to their spots, getting ready for the picture.
“okay everyone!” satoru shouted as he prepared himself to teleport next to you and megumi, “i’m pressing the timer!”
satoru appeared by your side as the 10 second timer ticked. satoru sneakily pressed record instead taking of a picture. “everyone say ‘(y/n)-sensei’s pregnant’!”
everyone stopped to look at you and satoru in confusion.
“what did he say?”
“(y/n)-sensei… is pregnant?!”
“wait what?”
“holy shit, (y/n)-sensei is pregnant!”
after a few seconds of questioning, everyone realized what had just happened. you had just announced your pregnancy.
in that moment, you were tackled by tsumiki, megumi, yuji, nobara, and yuta as they cheered around you in a group hug. ijichi, akari, principal yaga, nanami, ino, mei, utahime and shoko were all congratulating satoru. they took turns speaking with the both of you, giving you well wishes on a safe and healthy pregnancy.
“congrats, (y/n)-sensei.” maki said with a soft smile, embarrassed she complained about being here. she wouldn’t have wanted to miss this.
panda added, “yes, congratulations! we’re excited to see you and satoru become parents.”
“salmon, salmon!” toge congratulated you in his own words.
“thanks everyone. if you guys aren’t busy, we’re going to have a celebratory dinner tonight at splendid sushi. satoru’s treat.” you winked.
“hey! i heard that!” satoru shouted at you from across the field as he grinned. both you and satoru were thrilled to see everyone’s excitement on the news of baby gojo.
“are you nervous to tell my brother you knocked up his little sister?” you teased satoru. you kissed his cheek as he brushed the loose strands of black hair behind your ear.
“nah, i’m sure he wants nieces and nephews for his kids. plus, it was an accident.” he joked as he drummed his fingers on the restaurant table. you and satoru people-watched through the restaurant window, waiting for touya and his wife. (a/n: yeah, touya is married with 2 kids now. his wife’s name is hana. a non-sorcerer. maybe i'll write a wedding fic.)
you smiled as you saw your brother walk into the restaurant, holding the door open for hana. touya’s black hair and golden-yellow eyes beamed when he saw you satoru.
“satoru! how have you been, bro?!” touya greeted his self-proclaimed brother, pulling him in for a bro hug.
“i can’t believe he hugged satoru first.” you looked at hana in disbelief as she giggled, hugging you instead.
“they really are bestfriends now.” hana realized as she sat across from you.
satoru sat back down in his seat next to you, touya sitting across from him. “glad you guys could have lunch with us. it’s been awhile.”
“we have a gift for you guys! a souvenir from our last trip.” you lied to your brother and sister-in-law. you pushed a card and white box towards them.
“open it. it’s special, made especially for you.” satoru urged, touya and hana taking the card to open first.
“what do you get a brother who already has everything?” touya read out loud. hana curiously reading along with him. satoru placed his hand on your thigh. the both of you were grinning from ear-to-ear watching the two open the box. they pulled out a beige baby onesie.
touya read the text on the onesie, “how about the title uncle and auntie…?”
after putting 2+2 together, touya hid his face with his hands, both him and hana were so happy for you and satoru. your eyes started to water watching them. a tearful laugh came out of you.
“congratulations, you two. my baby sis is having a baby...” touya said as he got up to embrace you.
you hugged him tighter, “thanks, touya…” you softly said. the warmth of your brother's love and support making you extremely emotional. these pregnancy hormones were out. of. control.
18 weeks: an important question
"aren't you curious to what the gender is?" shoko asked you and satoru. you asked shoko to join you two for lunch today because you had an important question to ask the amber-eyed doctor in regards to your unborn child.
you took a bite of your chicken katsu before answering, "of course we are. but we decided not to find out because we want it to be a surprise."
“what do you want it to be? a boy or girl?”
“it doesn’t matter. as long as baby gojo is healthy.” satoru stereotypically said as he stretched his arm to rest over your shoulder. he secretly wanted a girl.
you added, “we raised megumi and tsumiki. we already experienced the best of both worlds. so i’m not picky.”
“i guess i’m just being selfish because i want to know the gender.” shoko laughed as she took a sip of her mimosa.
“oh! shoko, we have a present for you.” you said as you put down your chopsticks. you turned to satoru and he grabbed another white box with a card attached do it, similar to the one you gave touya and hana.
“it better be the gender of your baby.” she laughed as she took the present from satoru.
“it’s something even better.” satoru said with his signature shit-eating grin.
shoko opened the card, reading it out loud, “i need an extra pair of hands to help me learn and grow… i know that yours will be the best because mommy and daddy told me so…?” she looked at the card, confused.
you asked her clearly while trying not to laugh, “shoko, will you be baby gojo’s godmother?”
shoko stared at both you and satoru after she realized what you had just asked of her. she started to chuckle as she got out of her seat to hug you. “of course, i will. hopefully your baby won’t grow up to be a little shit like satoru.” she said as she punched the white-haired sorcerer in the arm, satoru completely letting her bypass his infinity to do so.
“there’s another gift in there.” satoru added, pointing at the giant glass.
shoko picked up the pint glass and read the etching, “you drink too much. you smoke too much. and you cheated on your medical exam. we can’t think of anyone more suitable to be baby gojo’s godmother.”
shoko laughed, “okay, this might have been better than finding out the gender of your baby.”
26 weeks: baby gojo’s first (external) kick
megumi came home this weekend to spend time with you, satoru, and tsumiki. normally, he would be spending his free time exploring japan with nobara and yuji, but since you were pregnant and tsumiki was back for her semester break from her study abroad program, he wanted to spend his free time with his family.
you were in the kitchen with tsumiki making dinner while satoru and megumi sat around the living room with his demon dogs, shiro and kuro. catoru was lounging in their cat scratch post and your spirit birds were out on the patio enjoying the weather. you didn’t realize how zoo-like your home was until now... and that wasn't even including all of megumi's shikigami either.
while chopping vegetables, tsumiki updated you on her high school adventures abroad. ever since she started at e.f. academy, she has been non-stop on-the-go with extracurricular activities. she told you about her latest projects, how the weather was in california, about all the friends she made, and even the boy she had a small crush on. (read 'wherever you are' here)
on the couch, megumi spoke with satoru about his shikigami and how he’s been able to tame a majority of them now. this was the first time in awhile those two haven’t bickered in your presence, and it was a sight to behold.
you rested your hands on your belly as you leaned your back against the kitchen counter, listening to your sweet teenager talk about how cute her crush was. you reminisced about your time in high school, how you thought satoru was a complete asshole when you first met him, and how his good looks and horrible personality made up for it. if your 18 year old self could see you now, she wouldn’t believe the sight. (read 'love at first fight' here)
you felt a little tap against your hands. “huh?” you said out loud, realizing what you just felt on your hands.
“(y/n)? are you okay?” tsumiki asked as she put down the chopping knife. satoru and megumi turned around from the couch, all the attention was on you.
“i think baby gojo just kicked my hand.” you announced. only you were able to feel baby gojo kick internally for the past couple weeks, but now, you thought that satoru and the kids would be able to actually feel the kicks from the outside too.
“hurry, come over here!” you said frantically, hoping baby gojo would kick again. satoru dramatically teleported beside you as megumi hopped over the couch ledge to race over to the kitchen, kuro and shiro following him.
you took all three of their hands and placed it on your belly where you thought baby gojo was. the demon dogs sniffed around you, their tails wagging happily. you pursed your lips, waiting for another kick. you felt kuro and shiro licking your hands.
and there it was. another gentle kick from baby gojo.
“i felt it!” tsumiki cheered as she jumped around the kitchen. her bright smile lighting up the room.
satoru hugged you from behind. you both smiled while watching tsumiki and megumi. megumi looked at his hand, and then back at your stomach.
“did you feel it, megumi?” you asked him with a smile.
“yeah, i did.” he said softly. “that was pretty cool.”
“what about you, daddy?” you grinned as you asked satoru.
megumi gagged at satoru’s new title, “gross. i’m leaving.”
you and satoru watched as your moody teenager made his way back to the couch, tsumiki’s attention back on chopping vegetables. satoru’s arms were still wrapped around you, his face nuzzled in the crook of your neck. baby gojo kicked once more.
“i think baby gojo is saying ‘let go of us so mommy can finish cooking’.” you giggled as you turned around to face the white haired sorcerer. you caressed his cheek with your palm. he snuck two kisses on your neck.
“fine… but i expect some alone time later.” he winked at you before kissing the palm of your hand.
you laughed, “sorry, babe, the kids are home this weekend, plus you get me all to yourself next week when we go to mexico for our baby moon.”
30 weeks: a first time parents' class
"babe, get ready. i signed us up for a class."
"what kind of class? it better not be another ‘how to have sex while pregnant’ class." you rolled your eyes at the ridiculous class that satoru signed you up for at the beginning of your pregnancy. you sighed, your belly weighing you down on your very comfortable white couch that you would probably need satoru's help getting out of.
he grinned at you as he grabbed your purse and your shoes. "a first time parents class."
your doctor recommended that you and satoru waited until your third trimester to take a 'first time parent' class. the class would teach new parents about the different kinds of births, pain management strategies, what to do if and when your water breaks, how to time contractions, postpartum care, caring for the baby, and baby first aid.
“do we have to go?” you asked, “i’m tired.” feigning exhaustion as you put the back of your hand over your eyes and forehead.
“of course we have to go!” satoru exclaimed as he sat down next to you. he was always so excited whenever it came to anything related to baby gojo. he slipped on your white sneakers for you, swiftly tying your shoe laces bunny ear style as you sat up on your elbows. you caught yourself smiling at him. he was so doting. you could definitely get used to this.
satoru studied you. you weren't wearing any makeup today, but you had the radiant "pregnancy glow" that everyone talked about. you wore a beige dress under a white crop t-shirt that hugged your belly tightly. “you look beautiful, so no need to change or do your makeup.”
“you just don’t want to be late.” you laughed. this was the first time that satoru gojo was on time for anything.
satoru teleported you both to the hospital in tokyo that you go to for your all your doctor appointments. apparently the hospital was hosting the class he signed up for. there were many pregnant women with their significant others, friends, mothers, and mother-in-laws sitting around the small auditorium.
as you entered the room, you heard gasps and whispers about satoru.
“wow! what a good looking guy!”
“he’s a total hottie!”
“that guy is gonna be a dilf for sure!”
“do you see the cutie with the white hair and blue eyes?!”
“where should we sit?” satoru asked as he held your hand. you looped your free arm around his bicep covetously, staking claim to your man as if your very pregnant belly didn't do so already.
“don’t pretend like you don’t hear all the women in this room talking about you.” you hissed at him as you sat down in a seat closer to the front of the auditorium. because this happened everywhere you went with satoru, normally it wouldn't bug you, but for some reason it did today.
“somebody’s a green eyed monster today.” he sang with a smug smile. it was his favorite analogy to use when you were jealous because your green eyes were so fitting. he sat down next to you, draping his left arm around your shoulder, his right elbow perched on the arm rest. after over a decade of being with you, he was unphased by comments from other women. he ate it all up in high school, but satoru gojo became a changed man once he met you.
“am not.” you said under your breath. you stayed quiet for a moment. “babe, i just think it’s funny how—”
satoru's left ear was saved as your 'i think it's funny how' rant was interrupted by the presenter, “good afternoon! and welcome to the first time parents class!”
even though you were jealous and didn’t like how all the other women in the auditorium were drooling over satoru, you couldn’t stay mad. throughout the years, satoru’s beautiful blue eyes have never strayed and he never made you feel unwanted, even when you argued or when you were being difficult and stubborn. he was never bothered by your jealously. you were the only person he chased after since the day he met you at jujutsu high.
throughout the class, satoru took notes on his phone and asked questions during the q&a. it was hard to stay mad at a man as dedicated and involved as satoru gojo. you decided to just ignore the women in the class, however, that didn’t mean that you wouldn’t cling to satoru when the class ends.
“so, what’d you think about the class?” satoru asked as he placed your go-to order of ice cream in front of you. he sat across from you as you glared at his sweet, handsome, smug face.
“it was fine. we learned a lot of information, don’t you think?” you deferred as you scooped a spoonful of ice cream into your mouth.
“yeah, and i learned that you still get jealous til’ this day.” satoru poked fun at you. “remember the first time i took you shopping in shibuya? you were soooo jealous of all the girls talking about me and you weren’t even my girlfriend at the time.” he laughed at the memory. (read ‘love at first fight’ here)
you quipped back, “satoru, everyone knows that you’re the one who’s obsessed with me.”
“true,” he agreed while taking a bite of your ice cream, “but it’s nice to see that side of you every once in awhile. what’s my baby gonna do when she’s not my number one anymore?” he mocked in a playful tone, shooting a bright toothy smile at you.
your emerald green eyes pierced his sapphire blue eyes. “what do you mean by that?”
“baby gojo is gonna be my number one.” satoru said nonchalantly, licking caramel off your spoon.
you took your ice cream away from him. holding the cup closer to you instead of putting it in the middle of the table to share.
satoru chastised you, “that’s not nice, sweetheart.”
“you’re insufferable, babe.” you rolled your eyes at him. “first, you let women drool all over you in front of me, then you tell me that i’m not your number one anymore. what’s next? you don’t love me either?”
“there you go with the theatrics.” satoru sighed, folding his arms. he wouldn't expect anything less from his life partner.
“i learned from the best teacher, i think his name was satoru gojo.” you winked at him.
"it's a good thing i love you." satoru said as he leaned over the table to kiss you on the lips. he tasted just like caramel.
32 weeks: nesting
"this fucking crib is going to be the death of me." satoru muttered under his breath as he struggled putting together the 'smart' crib that he bought. as soon as satoru found out you were pregnant, he spent a whole month researching cribs to decide which one he was going to buy for baby gojo. he decided on the most expensive one, thinking that it would be the best. rich people logic. this crib was called a 'snoo'.
"you didn't have to get such a high tech crib, babe." you said as you sat on the bed folding warm, freshly washed baby clothes and baby bedding for the snoo. you admired how cute and small the onesies were. because you and satoru didn't know the gender of your baby, you bought a lot of neutral colored clothing like beiges, tans, browns, and whites.
"my baby is going to have the best everything." satoru boasted. of course, baby gojo was going to be spoiled. they had you and satoru gojo as their parents.
during the past couple of weeks, you and satoru had bought a handful of important things that new parents would need for a newborn baby such as a crib, stroller, car seat, changing table dresser, and a comfortable lounging chair for your bedroom to put next to baby gojo's crib for the late night feeds.
satoru insisted that everything would be 'nuna' branded. the employee at his favorite department store convinced him after they mentioned that nuna was the "lamborghini of baby strollers and car seats." the matching stroller and car seat system was well over $1,000, you couldn't argue with satoru about how much he was spending because it would be hypocritical of you and your spending habits. so you let him get what he wanted.
after hours of setting up the snoo, putting together the baby stroller, installing the car seat, and building the dresser, satoru sighed, "what a long day." he crawled under the covers to meet you in bed, the back of his hand covering his face in exhaustion.
“it’s a good thing you could just use blue to move the lounge chair from the front door to the bedroom. you probably would've broke your back.” you teased him, knowing satoru gojo doesn’t do manual labor.
“the one easy part about today.” he complained.
while satoru took on his fatherly projects, you were able to deep clean the apartment, put baby clothes and diapers into the newly built dresser, add the clean bedding to the snoo, and re-organize all the drawers in the apartment. you were in the nesting stage of your pregnancy.
you turned to face him, your pregnancy pillow creating a divide between you and the exhausted sorcerer. he flattened your pregnancy pillow with his arm as you took his hand to lace your fingers with.
“you could’ve hired someone to build the snoo and the dresser, satoru.” you said to him, knowing that he normally would’ve.
“yeah, i know, but this is for my baby. i want to make sure everything is perfect.”
your heart melted at the fact that satoru was giving it his all to be involved. deep down, he wanted to be a good father and you could see that. you were proud of him.
"congrats, daddy. you just spent the day nesting with me." you smiled. you knew satoru secretly adored his new title.
the white haired sorcerer laughed, “what the hell is nesting? are we birds?”
“nesting is when couples get their home ready for the baby, satoru.”
“oh yeah? spending hours organizing drawers is nesting? because there’s nothing baby gojo will hate more than the junk drawer we have in the kitchen.” satoru teased.
you kissed the back of your teeth in annoyance, “you have been saying for years that you’d clean out the junk drawer. i found crayons in there from when megumi was in elementary school. he's a high schooler now. it only took me getting knocked up for it to finally be clean.”
you turned your body away from satoru. he moved your pregnancy pillow so he could cling to you (and so that he could be the big spoon).
“i’m just kidding, babe.” he whispered in your ear, kissing the back of your shoulder blade with his soft lips.
“uh huh. go to sleep, satoru.” you replied back to him, attempting to shut your eyes.
“so feisty…” satoru mumbled, still peppering soft kisses along your shoulder blade.
37 weeks: full term
"well... i can give birth at any time now." you said as you read your 'what to expect' app.
satoru placed his free hand on your stomach as he joined you on the white fluffy couch in your living room. you moved satoru's hand to where baby gojo was, using his hand to press firmly into your stomach.
he quickly pulled his hand away from you, afraid that he hurt you and baby gojo, "doesn't that hurt your stomach when you press that hard?" he asked.
"babe, no. give me your hand back. you'll be able to feel baby gojo's feet." you said, reaching for his hand that he reluctantly gave back to you. he leaned over to see what the hard feeling in your stomach was.
"that's baby gojo's feet?" he asked, amazed.
"yeah, baby gojo is literally killing me right now though." you said as you shifted uncomfortably. baby gojo liked to sleep in this position, making you lay on your left side more often.
satoru frowned, he knew you were uncomfortable now more than ever. "i'm sorry, babe."
you squinted at him, "what are you apologizing for?"
"for getting you pregnant."
you couldn’t tell if he was joking or not, so you nuzzled your head on his chest. he pulled you closer to him, "don't apologize for that. apologize if i'm not able to get an epidural or something." you snickered as you looked up at him, "ready to read week 37?"
satoru nodded and kissed the top of your head as you laid against him.
"baby gojo is as big as a canary melon. estimating 19 inches, and 6 pounds. at 37 weeks, you're 9 months pregnant with the end in sight." you read out loud.
satoru took the phone from you to read his part, "at a glance, if baby gojo was born this week, they'd still be early term. baby gojo is practicing for their grand entrance by inhaling and exhaling amniotic fluid, blinking, and turning from side to side. baby gojo can grab onto things now. baby gojo is likely to be sucking their thumb a lot these days in preparation for feeding sessions."
"it says babies grow about a pound a week. the average fetus weighs about 6 pounds. and that boys are likely to be heavier than girls." you read, "since it's a little crowded in your uterus now, baby gojo may not be kicking as much. instead, they're probably stretching, rolling and wiggling." you laughed because baby gojo was still kicking strong, sometimes it was painful, stopping you in your tracks in the middle of the day.
satoru blue-eyes widened as he read the next paragraph, "here's an interesting fact. at birth, baby gojo's head, which is still growing, will be about the same circumference as their chest."
"i pray to god that baby gojo doesn't have your big head or my vagina is toast." you joked.
satoru glared at you, shaking his head while chuckling. he went back to read through some of the pregnancy symptoms. he noticed that you experienced a majority of the symptoms on the list: the pelvic pain, leg cramps, pregnancy brain, and insomnia.
because you were of small stature, you started experiencing more pressure on your pelvis as the weeks went by. sometimes satoru would hold up your belly for you with his infinity whenever you were close by, and you were thankful for such a helpful cursed technique.
before bed, satoru would feed you bananas and massage your legs to help with the leg cramps. with your breasts and stomach as big as they've ever been, you finally got your stretch marks. for the majority of your pregnancy you were stretch mark-free, they didn't appear until the third trimester. satoru liked to call them your 'tiger stripes' when he would help you apply stretch mark creams and oils to your body. him helping you apply those creams and oils was a form of intimacy you didn't know you needed during this time. satoru always knew how to make you feel confident again.
your pregnancy brain caused you to be a little forgetful, so the acrylic whiteboard in the kitchen was your bestfriend. you left little reminders on the board for yourself, satoru, and megumi throughout your pregnancy.
lastly, it was hard for you to sleep now that you were in the home stretch of your pregnancy. every sleeping position was uncomfortable, and you had to wake up multiple times a night to use the bathroom. you never got a consistent amount of sleep.
even though being pregnant was uncomfortable, you experienced some of the best memories with satoru this year: your trip to mexico gifted from touya, your surprise pregnancy announcement, asking shoko to be baby gojo’s godmother, and all the special intimate moments with satoru. your unborn baby was already so loved by everyone. you couldn't have asked for a better accidental pregnancy.
you and satoru laid on the couch together all afternoon, enjoying each other's presence in this chaotic life for jujutsu sorcerers. catoru purred and slept next to you two on the chaise, your spirit birds perched on their stands as they watched over the apartment. you dozed in and out of sleep throughout the day as sleep was rare for you lately.
you felt satoru's warm hand on your belly again, you held his hand and lifted your head, emerald greens looking towards him.
"babe, i have a serious question." you said softly.
raising your hand to kiss your knuckles, he asked you curiously, "and what's your serious question?"
"are you ready to be a dilf?" you laughed.
"are you ready to be a milf?" he asked you back, chuckling, "cause you are definitely a milf, babe."
you smiled at satoru as he continued to plant soft kisses on your hand, "yeah, i'm ready to evict baby gojo."
little did you and satoru know, baby gojo would break your water next week to make their dramatic entrance into the world. yours and satoru's lives would be forever altered.
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satoru and oc gojo girlfriend go on a baby moon from week 27, read the bonus chapter, ‘baby moon’ here.
or are you ready to meet baby gojo? read the next chapter, ‘hello baby’ here.
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specialagentlokitty · 11 months
Melendez x reader - our stories
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Grumbling under your breath, you stormed over and slammed the file on the table.
“Your results.”
“Is that the way you treat the people you work with?” Melendez asked.
“Only arrogant assholes who think they’re better than everybody else.”
“Keep it up and you’ll be written up.”
You said nothing and he picked up the file to read through it.
“Run them again.”
“I’ve just run them, it’s a waste of time, clearly we need to start antibiotics.”
“And I’m telling you to run these tests again, so go.”
“It’s scut work!”
“And that’s what you’re on until you start treating people with respect.”
You scoffed.
“I’ll respect you when you start respecting me and Shaun.”
With that, you walked off and turned to Shaun who was waiting outside.
“Did you get in trouble?”
“No Shaun, I didn’t. And you’re not either, come on.”
He quickly followed you.
“I could hear you shouting.”
“It’s nothing Shaun, let’s just go rerun those tests.”
You were still stuck on scut work like you always were, and you were debating moving to a different hospital.
You had plenty of offers from other places, you were a highly sought out candidate for a residency.
So after a few more weeks of clashing heads with with Melendez, you began looking at a few vacancies, weighing up your options.
When your phone began to ring, you looked at it and chose to ignore it, since you didn’t want to speak to your boss.
When it kept ringing you simply just sent a message saying you were sick and turned your phone off.
But then your house phone began to ring, and with a heavy sigh you walked over and answered it.
You listened to the voice of the nurse on the other end, and you were already rushing around trying to gather everything.
“I’m on my way.”
Hanging up, you tossed it aside, changed, grabbed your mobile phone and rushed out of your apartment.
You drove as fast as you could to the hospital, running straight into the ER.
“You’re late and ignoring a call in.”
“Shut up.” You snapped.
“I have put up with you long enough, I will be writing you up and we will be having a meeting about your behaviour so let’s go.”
You began rummaging through all the files, looking for a specific one.
“That is enough!”
Melendez took the files away from you, and you slapped his hand away making a few people stop before they carried on.
“This kind of behaviour I would expect from Shaun, but from you? You are out of control and out of line.”
You barged past him, and you began to look at all of the rooms.
“Is this you trying to prove a point? You’re being childish!” Melendez snapped.
You carried on ignoring him and he grabbed your arm.
You spun around, shoving him backwards.
“Don’t you dare touch me.”
With that, you carried on and you disappeared from his sight.
He didn’t have time to chance you, he had things to be doing so that’s what he went to do, deciding he would deal with you afterwards.
So he went to his next patient with Claire, Jared and Shaun.
“My sister…”
“One of the nurses reached out to your family Joshua, she’s coming.” Melendez smiled.
Joshua took a weak breath, nodding his head as he let the doctors check on him.
“You need new lungs.” Shaun said.
“Murphy.” Melendez snapped.
The door was slammed open, and you rushed over to Joshua, taking his hand in yours.
“You came…” he whispered.
You placed your hand on his head.
“Of course I came.”
You looked to Melendez before turning to the others.
“Help him.” You said quietly.
“We’ll do everything we can.” Jared said.
You nodded and pulled a chair over to sit next to your brother, only half listening to everything that was being said.
Not long later Melendez came back in.
“I need to ask a few follow up questions.”
“Let him sleep.”
“Alright. Then I’ll ask you. Can we talk over here?”
You nodded, getting up to follow him but you wouldn’t leave the room, so he closed the door, letting you stay inside.
You kept your eyes closely on your brother.
“When he came in we did some tests, and an MRI on his lungs revealed masses we can’t make sense off.”
“So what do you want?” You asked.
“I want to know why, or I want permission to run some more tests. Until we figure out what’s causing his issues we can’t help Joshua.”
“What’s your initial prognosis?”
“What is your thoughts?” You asked sternly.
He sighed heavily.
“Right now, a transplant is his best option, but if we know what the cause is we can possibly find the real answer. Either way we will get it.”
“Then run your tests.”
“(Y/N), I want to help your brother.”
“Run the tests.”
With that, you walked away.
Melendez wasn’t sure what he expected from you, but it wasn’t that.
He knew you wanted to help your brother, but he wasn’t expecting you to be so recluse about your life what you would prefer them to run tests over answering a few questions.
But he ran the tests just like you had told him to do.
He came back with everybody with the results, and he looked at the rest of the team.
“Go, get some rest. We’ll handle the next step in the morning.”
He walked into the room and closed the door.
Your brother looked up from his phone, and he set it aside.
“We found some abnormalities on your tests, and we ran a few more with your sisters consent. You have extreme scarring to your lungs.”
Joshua sighed, coughing a little bit.
“I know.”
“You know? Does (Y/N) know?”
“Of course.”
Melendez sighed heavily as he walked over.
“There’s a few possible options, but the only long term solution is a transplant, how did you get scars this bad?”
Joshua smiled a little.
“Smoke burns after a while.” He said.
Melendez gave a look of confusion.
“When I was a kid.. I was trapped in a fire, but the hospital didn’t look that hard at me.”
“You have no other scars indicating damage from a fire.”
“Because I didn’t get burned.”
Joshua looked towards you, and so did Melendez.
“I won’t say anything else.. just do what you have to.”
Melendez nodded his head, and they did what they could to give your brother some more time while he wanted for a more permanent solution.
But the doctor found his attention kept going towards you, and even after your brother was cleared to go home with frequent check ups, and you returned back to work, he had questions.
So finally he decided to act.
“Can we talk?”
You sighed, doing the buttons up on your jacket.
“Make it quick.”
You followed him over to an empty on call room, and he closed the door.
“Joshua explained how he scarred his lungs. It explained he was left in a fire, he explained he never got burned, which for that kind of damage is a miracle.”
“These things happen.”
Melendez sighed.
“I want to run some tests on you to make sure the same thing doesn’t happen to you.”
“I’ll be fine.”
“If you were in the fire for even half as long I doubt it.”
“Listen to my breathing if you want, you won’t find anything.”
He walked over, and he listened to your breath, and it was perfect, not a hint of an issue with your lungs.
“I never breathed in smoke, because I stole an oxygen tank from the firefighters when they weren’t looking, I stole two, one for me one for Joshua.”
You sighed, sitting in the bench.
“My brother didn’t get burned because I did, I covered him so he wouldn’t get hurt.”
You rolled up your sleeve to show him your burned arm, and rolled it back down.
“Our parents were shit, they never loved us, and left us to burn in that fire. And I would’ve stood and watched that house burn down if my brother weren’t in there Melendez.”
You stood up, picking your bag up.
“So before you start thinking everybody is the same pretentious ass that you are, maybe you should take the stick out every once in a while and see we’re all human. We’re all healing over something, and it’s no excuse for you to take out pain out on us.”
“I know, I know and I’m sorry. Okay? I am. I was wrong and I should never have treated you with such disrespect.”
You walked turned to the door.
“Maybe we can start again, as friends?” He asked.
“Not a chance.”
Melendez watched you leave and he ran a hand over his hair.
He had messed up big time, and it was possibly going to cost the hospital and him one of the best surgeons that they had ever seen.
He felt bad.
And he wanted to make it right with you, not only that, but he genuinely did want to know more about you, and get your scars looked at properly.
But he knew it wasn’t going to easy.
Everybody had a story, and he had a feeling that was only a fraction of yours
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sequinsmile-x · 7 months
It felt almost cruel that the world carried on, as if hers hadn’t shifted with the loss of a baby she never got to meet.
Emily and Aaron try to move forward together.
Hi friends,
My insomnia is back in full swing, which means the hurt/comfort is also back in full swing.
Couldn't say where the idea for this one came from, but it wouldn't leave me alone and writing it kept me from accidentally napping on the couch after work and making my sleep pattern even worse.
As always, please let me know what you think <3
Words: 2.8k
Warning: Miscarriage
Read over on Ao3, or below the cut
When he wakes up alone, he knows where he’ll find her. 
It was a pattern they’d fallen into over the last couple of weeks. Usually, he’d be the one who woke up first, Emily’s face still pressed into his chest, a tiny patch of drool on his shirt underneath her open mouth. He’d always wake her gently, running his hand up and down her back in a way he had done on their first night together, a habit that had carried them through from boyfriend and girlfriend, to fiances to now husband and wife. He liked it, enjoyed the predictability of how much she hated the mornings and waking up, the way she’d grumble as she slowly opened her eyes, never quite able to fight a smile as their eyes met. 
The last two weeks had been different. She’d woken up before him every morning, the sheets on her side already cool to the touch. It made him worry she was barely sleeping, if she was sleeping at all, and it only added to the concern already pooling deep in his gut, seeds that had been planted days ago blooming and taking up all the space in his chest. He blows out a steady breath and stands up, rolling his neck as he steps towards the ensuite, the light streaming out from under the door confirming what he already knew.
He doesn’t say anything as he steps into the room. He leans against the doorframe and crosses his arms over his chest, giving his wife the lead in how they move forward. It was a grim pattern they’d fallen into, one he didn’t know how to get out of, and it broke his heart. 
“It’s already fading,” she says, the only indication she’d noticed him walking into the room. She turns to look at him, a positive pregnancy test in her hand, a tight forced smile on her face, “I have to tilt it in a certain way to see the result now,” she clenches her teeth and sighs, shaking her head at herself as she places the test back in the draw she had taken to keeping it in, “Soon there won’t be anything…” 
She trails off, but he already knows what she’s going to say, and he steps forward, his hands on her hips as he tugs her into a hug. She wraps her arms around him tightly, her hands in fists in the back of his shirt as she buries her face in his neck, anchoring herself to him as if he was the only thing keeping her upright. 
They’d been trying. Meticulously planning to have a baby that they’d both wanted for a long time. There was a box of ovulation tests in the cabinet that Emily started her days with to keep track, and a thermometer in her nightstand that she used to track her basal body temperature. It was something they’d wanted desperately, and when after a few months they got a positive result from a pregnancy test Emily had taken because she felt a little off they were overjoyed. Aaron had run into the bathroom the moment he heard her crying through the door, ready to comfort her but she’d beamed at him, the very same test he’d just found her holding clutched in her hand. 
Their joy was short-lived. 
The scan Emily had excitedly scheduled that morning, the only one they ended up having for that pregnancy revealed two things. Emily had been a week further along than she’d calculated, closer to 9 weeks than the 8 she’d estimated, and there was no heartbeat. The air had been sucked out of the room when the doctor told them, Emily’s hand slack in his as she nodded along when she was given instructions on what came next. It was a conversation she’d had once before in wildly different circumstances when she was a child herself. 
When they made it home from the hospital she’d finally broken down, cried the tears she refused to shed in front of anyone other than him. She’d deleted the app on her phone that was tracking her cycles, the one she’d only just switched to ‘pregnant’ mode, and tearfully told him the fruit for 9 weeks, a gimmick they’d both unexpectedly loved, would have been a strawberry. 
The pregnancy test was the only evidence they had that the baby had existed, and watching it slowly fade was devastating, another type of loss he hadn’t anticipated. 
“We should get ready for work,” she mutters against him, not loosening her grip, and he sighs, taking a moment to press a kiss to the top of her head before he pulls back, his hands on her lower back as he smiles encouragingly at her. 
She hadn’t been back to work since the miscarriage, but today was supposed to be her first day back. None of the team knew what had happened, something Emily had been insistent on, and they thought she’d been sick with the flu. The lie had worked, and it also gave them a good reason why Aaron wasn’t currently going away on cases. Whilst the reason their friends had for her absence wasn’t true, his desire not to leave her alone was. 
“You don’t have to go back today if you don’t feel ready for it,” he says, reaching up to tuck some of her hair behind her ear, “The boss has a bit of a thing for you so I think you’d get away with more time off.” 
She chuckles sadly and turns her head to kiss his palm, pressing her grateful love into his skin, “I do have to go back,” she says softly, reaching for his hand and linking their fingers together, “I can’t just keep sitting here thinking about everything that could have been,” she shrugs half-heartedly, “Plus, I’m not sure how much longer the others will buy the flu excuse.” 
He nods and runs his hand up and down her back, “If you want to come home at any time-”
“I just have to tell you,” she says, leaning forward to stamp her lips against his, “Thank you. For being…well you I guess.” 
He pulls her into a hug and kisses the side of her head, “You never have to thank me for loving you, sweetheart.” 
She feels tired in just about every possible way. 
She’d been back at work for a couple of weeks and it felt like she’d never been away at all. The team didn’t ask many questions beyond asking if she was okay on her first day back. Life carried on much like it always had for her and Aaron. They went away on cases, they spent their weekends with Jack, they loved each other. But there were moments when she felt stuck, when the grief would be overwhelming and make her breath catch in her chest. 
It felt almost cruel that the world carried on, as if hers hadn’t shifted with the loss of a baby she never got to meet. She knew they’d try again, the doctor's soft assurances that they could at her recent appointment ringing around her head, but it didn’t help. Especially since she knew if she was still pregnant they’d be getting ready to share the news with their friends, their chosen family, and the thought of it made her ache. 
She sighs as she settles into the couch, relieved to be home after a long couple of days away. She hears Aaron’s familiar footsteps on the hardwood floor and she smiles as she looks at him, gratefully accepting the glass of red wine that he hands to her. 
“Thanks, honey,” she says softly, shifting so she’s facing him when he joins her on the couch, “It’s nice to be home.” 
He hums as he sips his wine, “You’re telling me. That mattress in that motel did a real number on my neck,” he complains. She places her wine down and puts her hand on the back of his neck, pressing her thumb and forefinger into his skin, massaging the area she knew he carried the most tension, “God that feels good.” 
She chuckles and leans in to kiss his cheek, “When we’re in bed I’ll massage your back if you want.” 
“I’d love that,” he says as he turns his head to capture her lips in a kiss and smiles into it. He’s glad to see her more like herself, the sadness that had permeated everything in recent weeks still there, but not as overwhelming as it had been. He’d missed her smile, missed the sound of her laugh, and more than anything he wanted to protect her from being hurt anymore. It’s why he suddenly feels nervous, worried that what he’d been planning for a few weeks might set her back. He decides to go ahead anyway and he blows out a slow breath before he reaches into the pocket of his suit jacket, “I got you something.” 
She smiles curiously at him and tilts her head as he pulls a square box out of his pocket. Her curiosity suddenly turns to panic as she furrows her brows and tries to think of what the date is, if she’d somehow forgotten something important as she waded through her grief. 
“It’s not our anniversary is it?” 
He chuckles and shakes his head, reaching out and pressing the box into her hand, “No, Em. It’s not. This is just…” he doesn’t know how to say it, how to put it into words, so he clears his throat, “I think you’ll understand when you open it.” 
She hums, “Oh, that’s mysterious…”
She drifts off as she opens the box, her words caught in her chest along with her breath, making her feel like she could burst with emotions she can’t name. In the box is a necklace, a delicate silver chain with a tiny pendant on it, the detail of which, the seeds and the ridges, were only visible up close
It was a strawberry. 
She huffs out a noise somewhere between a laugh and a sob and she covers her mouth with the hand not clasping the jewellery box. She can’t do anything other than stare at the necklace, at the pendant she knows Aaron would have painstakingly chosen because of a comment she’d made the day they found out about the miscarriage. 
“I ordered it a few weeks ago,” he says, clearing his throat again, hating that he can’t read her expression, that he can’t tell what she’s thinking, “It took a little while because it was custom made. Dave gave me the name of a guy.” He adds, his smile fading as his wife still doesn’t react. Dave had made a joke, one Aaron knows he wouldn’t have made if he knew the circumstances, about Aaron enjoying the finer things in life now he had married into money. “I thought it would be good for you to have something-”
“To remember the baby by,” she says, finally finding her voice and looking up at him, tearing her gaze away from the necklace. Her chest feels hollowed out, like all the love she has for him is forcing its way up her throat, “Aaron…” 
He only feels more worried when she trails off again, her eyes shining as she trails her finger over the small pendant, and he swallows thickly, “I’m sorry if this was a bad idea, I just wanted to do something to help-”
This time she cuts him off by kissing him, her lips stamped against his as she grabs his chin, holding him in place as she rests her forehead against his, the jewellery box pressed between them. 
“No, it’s perfect,” she pulls back and looks at him, chuckling wryly as tears fall onto her cheeks, “You’re perfect.” 
He smiles and wipes her tears away, his touch soft against her skin, “You want me to help you put it on?” 
She nods and passes him the box, watching intently as he carefully picks the necklace up and undoes the clasp. She turns and pulls her hair to the side and she breathes shakily as he puts the necklace around her neck, his touch gentle as he does the clasp up and adjusts the chain. She touches the strawberry pendant, holding it between her thumb and forefinger and she sighs, closing her eyes as Aaron tugs her back into his embrace until her back meets his chest. He wraps his arms tightly around her and kisses her cheek, and she rests her hands over his. 
“I love you,” she says, grateful when he ignores the shake of her voice, “So fucking much.” 
He kisses her temple and pulls her impossibly closer, “I love you too.” 
One Year Later
Emily hums contentedly as she rocks back and forth in the armchair, the nameless melody turning into a yawn as she looks at the time.
3.20 am
She tilts her head down to look at the three-week-old lying on her chest, his eyes wide open as he refused to fall asleep. She chuckles to herself and kisses the top of her son’s head, taking a moment to breathe him in. 
“You really do get your hate of sleep from your Daddy, sweet boy,” she says softly, kissing his head again. 
“I don’t hate sleep,” Aaron says, smiling when she turns to see him standing in the nursery doorway, “I just get up early.” 
She rolls her eyes at him, “Sounds like the same thing to me,” she says as he walks across the room and joins them, perching on the arm of the armchair, “Did we wake you up?” 
“No,” he assures her, wrapping his arm around her shoulders and smiling at the sight of his youngest fighting sleep in her embrace, “I woke up and you weren’t there so I came to see how you were doing.” 
“We’re okay,” she says, turning her attention back to the baby, “We’re okay, huh? We’re just trying to get back to sleep after a diaper change and a 3 am snack.” 
Aaron watches contentedly as Emily runs her hand up and down the infant's back, lulling him to sleep against her. He wishes he could go back and tell his wife that they’d make it to this, that the clouds had parted and they’d found happiness after the storm. 
“He gets the need for a 3 am snack from you,” he says and she playfully narrows her eyes at him before she looks back down at her son. 
She strokes her fingers over his cheek, smiling as he twitches, the corner of his mouth turning up into something that resembles a smile. His eyes finally drift shut, his fight against sleep a battle he had lost, and he relaxes against her. The only thing that hadn’t relaxed was his fist, tight even in his sleep around the chain of her necklace, his little fingers next to the strawberry pendant that symbolised the loss they’d had before him. It was a complicated kind of grief, one she thinks she’ll never get used to. The acknowledgement that if she hadn’t lost that baby she wouldn’t have her son was hard to accept, a bittersweet taste left on her tongue whenever she thought about it. 
“You want me to take him?” Aaron asks quietly, drawing her from her thoughts, and she smiles and nods, taking a second to kiss her son’s forehead. 
“Mommy loves you, sweet boy,” she says, kissing him again, “I’ll see you in a little while.” 
She watches as Aaron carefully lifts the baby and carries him back towards their bedroom. She follows them, her fingers automatically reaching for her necklace, something she now wore at all times. She rubs the pendant back and forth between her finger and thumb, a movement she had found comfort in ever since Aaron had first put the necklace around her neck, and she smiles as Aaron gently lowers the baby into the bassinet, simultaneously treating the newborn like he was something precious and a bomb that could go off at any moment. He turns to smile at her once he’s done, his smile curious as he catches her staring at him. 
“Nothing,” she says, letting go of the pendant and letting it fall back into place against her skin. She walks across the room and climbs into bed, her exhaustion returning in full force as soon as she’s under the comforter, “I just love you, thats all.” 
He smiles and gets into bed with her, tugging her against him as they settle down, both facing the direction of the bassinet where their son was sleeping, “I love you too.” 
They fall asleep in tandem, and when they are woken up just an hour later by the baby crying, they are still tangled up around each other, not sure where the other ended and where they began. 
Tag List:
@ssa-sparks, @ptrckjcne, @lyds102, @glockleveledatyourcrotch, @hotchnissenthusiast, @danadeservesadrink, @ssamorganhotchner, @emilyprentissisgod, @notagentprentiss, @freesiasandfics, @emilyshotchniss, @thecharmingart, @paulitalblond, @hancydrewfan, @camille093, @whitecrossgirl, @moonlight-2-6, @rawr-jess, @florenceremingtonthethird, @jareauswife, @ms-black-a, @beebeelank, @aubreyprc, @zipzapboingg, @psychopath-at-heart, @criminalmindsgonewrong, @fionaloover, @kinqslcys, @prentissinred, @ccmattis-22, @denvivale317, @thrindis, @hotchsguccitie, @cmfouatslota77, @alexblakegf, @aliensaurusrex, @prentissxhotch, @emobabeyy, @victoiregranger, @stormyweatherth, @wanderingdreamer009, @ssablackbird, @luhwithah, @lex13cm, @prentiss-theorem, @dont-emily-me, @mrs-ssa-hotch, @jocyycreation, @itsmytimetoodream, @hotchnissgroupie, @controversialpooh, @capsshinyshield, @canuck-eh
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sissybabycucksophia · 2 years
The Adult Baby Adoption Part 1
(This story is complete fiction and although i may desperately wish it isn’t, there is no fact or real world experience behind this story. Also non of the images belong to me)
Having been single pretty much my entire adult life I’d never really had the chance to feel love or to be intimate with anyone and well with all my submissive kinks it was hard to get to know women well enough to date them. So after years of trying and the use of countless non kink sites to meet someone I stumbled apon a site which would change my life.
Miss Harrington’s Adult Baby and Little Space Adoption Agency! I couldn’t believe what i’d found, reading through the main information page 📄 it said: “Welcome one and all to Miss Harrington’s Adult Baby and Little Space Adoption Agency! Here at the agency we like to do thinks proper! In our mission we look to match Adult baby’s with Parents who suit their needs and desires! How do we do this? Glad you asked! Here at the agency we check both Parent and child candidates thoroughly to ensure the best possible match ups. Parents are subjected to several important tests to ensure the safety of adult babies at all costs, firstly their Police and criminal record checked to ensure they present no mortal threat to baby, then they are screened for any illegal drugs to ensure they do not break the law in secret and they are also credit and financially checked to ensure they can support your adoption! Once a Parent has passed these tests your safety is so guaranteed that you will sign a contract agreeing to behave and follow their instructions as their child! However before your matched both sides will answer a kink survey who’s results are then used too match you perfectly too the right parent or baby! Miss Harrington’s has been over 95% successful and for the low fee of only £200 pounds today! You could be a happy baby for the rest of your life!”
The excitement rushed through me as in an almost trance like state I scrambled to pay for and take the kink survey. Answering each question I began building a picture of the type of little sissy baby i was, eventually after excitedly blasting through the questions I arrived at the contract. “I ________ Do agree too give complete control of myself and my choices too the party in this contract known as Parent. I consent too Parent deciding all of my decisions for me and here In promise too stay with and obey Parent”. With shaking hands I signed the contract and felt a rush of excitement knowing that I’d just agreed to do whatever mommy said!
However weeks would pass having heard nothing and i began to believe even in the kink world i wasn’t wanted, until one faithful Sunday morning when i received an email 📧. “Dear Baby, CONGRATULATIONS!!! You’ve been adopted!! Below you’ll find an address, tomorrow morning head to that address to begin your new life as the baby you truly are! Do not worry about your Job, we have already contacted them under the guise of being your Doctor and gotten you 9 months Paid Stress leave so go now and settle in to your new home and get to know the parent who’s been chosen for you! Congratulations again baby and remember…. Follow your contract is all you’ve got to do!”. I couldn’t believe it! Shock and excitement rushed through me like a torrent to such a point i grabbed my Stuffed Stitch teddy and began crying in pure ecstasy into it.
The next morning I awoke and packed a backpack, stuffing it with food, a sleepingbag, comic books and Stitch i would put on my most little space clothing and set off. To my surprise the address was in the heart of London (quite the journey from my west coast of Scotland home), so off i went for the train. Getting sat on the train i knew there was a 4 and a half hour journey ahead of me so pulling out my sleeping bag i got myself all cosy inside and watched longingly out the window thinking about my new mommy! Was she pretty? Would she want a sexual relationship with me? What did she do as a job? Was she rich? Was i the only baby she’d adopted? So many questions rushed through my head as i watched the world go by. Truth be told as a bit of a of a childish move I deliberately decided to drink as much as possible on the train and held it so that the first diaper mommy put me in would be soaked.
Finally after 4 hours and 38 minutes the train pulled into London station, getting out of my sleeping bag i would pack up and get off the train. Then following google maps i would proceed too walk with my fit to burst bladder sloshing as i went, walking for a solid 20 minutes I finally arrived at a huge High end apartment building, stepping inside a security guard took one look at me and said “you must be ‘Baby’, take the lift to the top floor and knock the door… penthouse is expecting you” to which I stuttered and stammered as i replied “oh… uhm… ehm…. Yes… uhm… thanks you sir” and at that i headed across the lobby too the lift. Entering i road the lift to the top floor, when the doors opened i was met by a short hallway with one large and imposing door about 8 feet in front of me. Taking Stitch out of my bag i cuddled him in front of my chest, walking up to the door i stood before it looking the image of a pathetic little boy, cuddling my stuffy while wearing my dungaree’s, a long sleeve tshirt covered in little dinosaurs, a blue shin length puffer jacket, a blue woolly head, blue wooly gloves and a pair of blue earmuffs. Reaching up i knocked the door and the excitement of being this close to meeting mommy was making it really hard not to pee myself.
Then suddenly the door opened, there stood a man easily about 6 and a half feet tall, Muscular, arms covered in tattoos, grey hair suggesting he was older but perfectly cut and styled and him dressed very businessman like. In utter fear and shock my body gave up and seeing this man answer the door I instantly let go, pissing myself on the spot. “AWWWWWW~ hello there baby! Im so glad you finally made it!! Come give Daddy a hug” the man said as he pulled my head into his chest and began hugging me. All i could feel was the now warm and growing patch of piss on the crotch of my dungarees. Letting go the man looked at me and as he saw the piss stain chuckled as he said “ahhh now i see why baby wanted to be adopted, cause your still to little to use the bathroom! Well come in baby and we’ll get you changed out of that wet stuff. Taking me by the wrist the man lead me inside where before i knew what was happening he’d stripped me naked and sat me on a little pink plastic chair across from his sofa.
“Uhm…. I’m… uhm really sorry sir but I…. Uhm…. I think theres been an uhm… Mixup” i said as i watch the man fling my clothes into a laundry basket and walk back over too me. Sitting on the sofa and looking directly at me he asked “oh? How so baby? Are you James ******?” To which I responded, “well uhm yes but i ehhhmmm ticked saying i didn’t want daddies” i replied nervously using stitch to cover my penis. However at that the man pulled out a bundle of paper which appeared to be my information, turning it around pointed to the question which i was referring too and my eyes widened in shock as i reread the question in shock, “Im sorry baby but that question does in fact say which you’d prefer, and you’ve ticked Daddy!” The man said firmly as i began to flap and panic “no but im sorry but you don’t understand! Im baby boy who wanted a mommy gf i wanted a hetro relationship a dommy mommy! I have to fix this! Im sorry but I’m not into men!”
“So your going to break your contract? Alright, thats fine baby but i’ll be suing you for my £20,000 back after all that is what i paid the experts at the agency to be given an adult baby!” The man said quite firmly as he watched me trembling on the cold pink plastic chair. “But… but… but sir theres been a mix up…. I… No please don’t sue me I just wanted a happy life as an adopted ABDL!” I begged on the verge of tears. “Well, honour your contract baby and i’ll see to it you live a happy life ok?” He replied as he stood up, towering over me, and took stitch from my arms as well as grabbing my bag and walking over to what looked like a floor safe. “Now don’t get me wrong baby, i did in fact ask for a female baby from the agency and as you are with me, I’m slightly disappointed however i see looking at your profile and kink analysis that your a good 95% sissy! So from this point forth you will be my Sissy Daughter Jade not James. Truth be told looking at your skinny and weak little frame there, you’ll fit much more comfortably as a little girl” he explained as he locked anything male related in the floor safe.
Hearing him talk my heart sunk, I’d gone from starting the day as a man who was going to be regressed and adored by a beautiful woman too a sissy who was going to be humiliated and god knows what else by this superior specimen of a man to me. However walking over to me the man crouch down cupping my cheek in his hand he smiled gently and said, “Listen jade, I’m your daddy from now on ok? I know its not what you expected but I promise you will be looked after here. Let me introduce myself properly, I’m the CEO (Chief Executive Officer) of Shein, my name is Ulysses Carmichael and I’m a highly involved member of the Christian church. But you’ll just call me daddy or Father at church, oh that reminds me!” He explained, ‘oh shit he’s deeply religious too?!!! Can this get any worse for me! Im an atheist!!’ I thought as from his pocket he pulled a cross necklace, however clearly it was made for a little girl as at the intersection of the cross was the most juvenile and pathetic looking flower design. “For you Jade!” He said excitedly as he moved round to behind me and fastened it in place around my neck. “Thank you Ulysses but I’m actually deeply atheist and don’t believe in higher powers” i said trying to sound confident about something however i received a very blunt response. “Any daughter of mine, living under my roof and being taken care of by me WILL wear religious iconography, WILL pray morning and night, WILL observe rules and customs of our religion and WILL show me respect by calling me by the titles Father! Or Daddy! Or they can expect punishment of a very serious nature do i make myself clear Jade!” As he took me by the hand stood me up in front of him and waited for my response. What could i really say ? Other than cave in! With watering eyes and both hands covering my penis I whimpered “Yes daddy! Crystal clear daddy”
“Good girl, now Jade. Lets get you more appropriately dressed. I swear, once you accept your a little girl… you’ll love and thank me for doing this to you” Daddy said taking my hand and leading me through the huge and lavish penthouse to what can only be described as an explosion of all things pink, princesses and girly. Standing me next to the pink Disney princess adorned bed the man appeared to stop, looking me up and down as though studying me, “Ok jade, so here’s what you need to understand! I’m going to keep you regressed at an age of between 3 and 6. you will always wear pull ups and use them fully. you will NEVER be dressed sluttily and in fact you’ll always have very little skin on show because your my little girl. You will actively take part in little girl activities like ballet, choir, baking, gymnastics, beauty pageants and princess parties. You will publicly be seen and known as my daughter and as such when asked about our relationship you will be honest and tell said person the whole truth. Also you will go to elocution lessons and since you’ve clearly demonstrated poor and sloppy reading skills, in the mistake that lead you here, you WILL be retaught how to read and write” daddy said sharply. However as the man attacked my reading ability my eyes began to water and lip quiver as I became upset.
“Im sorry daddy, i didn’t mean to screw up… its just so hard and uncomfortable to read because i’m dyslexic” I whimpered trying not to cry. At that the man would wrap his massive arms around me and pull my face into his chest. Wrapping my arms instinctively round him and clinging to him he said “ssssshhhh sssshhh baby its ok, daddy is here not just for himself but for you too! Your going to be changing quite a bit to be the good girl daddy wanted to adopt! So now, daddy is going to make it his personal mission to help his daughter with this unfair disadvantage shes been put at ok ? Every night we’ll read before you go to bed ok? You will not let it hold you back in your new life ok sweet pee?” Daddy said rather comfortingly, as i nodded. “Now there, lets get you dressed Jade Carmichael!” Daddy said excitedly as he let go of me and began moving around the room grabbing bits and pieces. Firstly he would manhandle my small penis into an even smaller and humiliating pink chastity cage before telling me “you will never touch this ugly thing ever again! You will pee into your pull ups, you will never ask about it and it will be referred to as your princess parts!” He said as i turned a deep shade of red in embarrassment and quietly nodded. Next Daddy would grab a pink pair of pull ups with Cinderellas face on the crotch, holding them out daddy had me step one leg at a time into them before pulling them up too totally entrap my crotch in a fluffy, padded prison of regression.
At that Daddy smiled and kissed my forehead saying, “see! Much better, now we can’t see that vulgar thing at your princess parts… your beginning to look like a little girl!” He cooed as he then approached the huge wardrobe which apon opening it revealed hundreds of pretty, prissy, humiliation dresses. Picking one out daddy then approached me holding the pastel pink dress adorned with 3 large white bows down the torso, 4 large bows around the skirt and loads of frilly white detailing, sitting it down on the bed daddy then grabbed a pair of white Satin Glossy Opaque leggings which he then guided me into. Feeling the fabric glide up my legs then compressing around my diaper was such an unusual and arousing experience as all i could feel was the cage smothering my tiny erect penis. Then to further ruin my image if masculinity, Daddy would begin securing a pastel pink mid chest length wig with a fringe, making sure it sat perfectly daddy smiled as he finished positioning it and a slight tear came to his eye which he quickly wiped away as he instructed me to sit on the edge of the bed.
Once sat down daddy began to plaster my face with makeup, conturing and highlighting, rosey cheeks and nose, matte pink lipstick, pink sparkly eyeshadow and eyebrow shaping. By the time he was done my face felt so strange, heavier almost however i was yet to see what he’d done to me as he then began work on securing fake nails to every fingernail, all were matte pastel pink except for one nail on each hand which was matte grey with a matte pastel pink bow drawn on it (the knot of the bow being accented by little gems). “Right my little princess! Upsi daisy! Lets get you into your dress!” Daddy said excitedly as he picked up the dress and unzipped the back of it. Opening it up he held my pink pastel bow cover prison suspended in front of me too step into. Not really knowing what to say i nodded and daintily stepped into the dress, guiding my newly nailed hands down into the sleeves daddy slid the dress up into place. Then turning me round, he pulled the dress right into place and then i heard the zip traveling upward as the dress began to cinch from my waste up encasing me tightly in this beautiful prison of humiliation and helplessness, once fully zipped up all i heard was a loud CLICK as daddy locked the zip in place with a padlock. Coming back round in front of me daddy raised the dress skirt and began stuffing and securing 2 poofy white tulle petticoats, i was at a loss as to what to do or say now? After all what could i do? If i ran or tried to escape i was breaking a legal document but to stay meant never having a male orgasm again?! And dressing like this for the rest of my pathetic little existence!
Grabbing a pair of sparkly pink mid shin height Ugg boots, daddy pushed me onto a sitting position on the bed causing my poofy skirt to shoot up, patting it down so i could see i watched daddy slid the extremely fluffy inside boots onto my feet. Unlike other Uggs however daddy had modified these to have a sparkly pink belt around the neck of the boot which he tightened to stop me from removing them without him. Finally he pulled me to my feet, taking my hand tightly in his he used his other hand to dig out the girly little flower Cross chain and display it outside my dress. Walking me over to the full length mirror, daddy stood next to me holding my hand and watched as i caught a glimpse of myself for the first time… shock washed over me quickly followed by squirting sissy cummies into my pull up through my cage. Looking at daddy I quickly began to protest, “what have you done to me!! Im a man!! Please!! Let me live as a little boy!! This is fucking humiliating, i can’t live like this!!” I moaned yanking my hand free of daddy’s. Suddenly a very angry look washed over daddy’s face.
What happened next flash past me as though happening in fast forward ⏩. Daddy grabbed my throat, bent me over the bed, flipped up the skirt of my dress and smashed his hand against my pullup enclosed ass 10 times while lecturing and admonishing me for my disrespect, foul language, ungratefulness, being blatantly wrong and for being a bad Christian! With each hit daddy had to lecture louder to be heard over my screams and crying in pain as with each impact i began sounding less and less masculine and began to scream and cry more like a girl. Once he was done daddy forced me into a upright kneeling position with my elbows on the bed and hands clasped where he insisted I ask god’s forgiveness for such disrespect, ungratefulness and foul language towards my daddy. It was so demoralising and humiliating being forced to pray to a deity i have no belief in through tears of pain all while feeling like my ass was on fire, it was so humiliating more sissy cummies leaked into my pullups.
After about 15 minutes standing over me and making me pray allowed and begging forgiveness, daddy finally stood me up, wiped the tears from my face and said “Jade! Do you have anything you want to say to daddy?” To which I simply sniffled as I whimpered “im…. Im… sowwy daddy…. Pwease Pwease don’t spank me again… i sowwy” like some weak little baby. At that the man once again wrapped his muscly arms around me and hugged me as he said “good girl! I accept your apology but if you repeat those offences it will be 20 spankings! But enough of the disciplinary process. I wanted to celebrate the arrival of my baby girl today!! So dry your eyes princess!” Finally daddy would retrieve from the wardrobe a pink puffer jacket which was just longer than my bow covered dress prison, has pink frills arounds the pockets and bottom and a white fluffy hood. Getting me into it daddy would zip it right up too under my chin where he would padlock the zip in place with a heart shaped padlock “daddy… uhm…. Why do you uhm…. Keep padlocking these clothes on me?” I asked nervously as he walked over to what looked like a toy box. “Dont you worry about that little princess! Thats just an extra measure for now to make sure you realise that I DECIDE when you are allowed to or will be removing layers… not you.” He replied as he opened the toy box and began ruffling around. Hearing that my heart fluttered with embarrassment and regression as i stood examining myself in all my pathetic layers. Finally daddy returned to me, holding and Angel stuffy(stitch’s pink girlfriend), “I really shouldn’t give you this after having to discipline you but, in your adoption profile it said your favourite Disney character was stitch but since he’s blue and blue is a boys colour i figured i’d buy my little girl a pink stitch!” Daddy explained handing Angel too me.
Taking Angel in my arms i felt so touched that he’d read my profile and actually tried to prepare for my arrival. Cuddling Angel I felt the softness of her fur on my makeup coated face and smiled softly as I murmured softly “thanks you daddy~”. At that daddy would take my hand again and would lead me back to the living room, there he grabbed a jacket for himself, a backpack full of duplicates and opened the front door, clenching Angel tightly i panicked shaking my head as i said “no daddy please I can’t go outside dressed like this!” To which daddy took my hand and dragged me out the door and into the lift.
“Nonsense silly! Your a little girl and you look adorable! We’re going to an adoption day celebration at my church! The church flock is made up entirely of CEOs and billionaires who have done exactly what i did. So we’re all bringing our new babies too church today to celebrate what god has gifted us with!” Daddy replied keeping a tight grip of my hand. Looking at us in the lift mirror humiliation washed over me as here i stood only a foot shorter than this immaculately dressed muscular businessman covered in tattoos, while i stood wearing pink head too toe, holding a pink stuffy and with a face caked with feminising makeup and yet still quite obviously male by my totally unobstructed adams apple. I could only stand there holding daddy’s hand imagining what strangers looking at us would be thinking about me….. it was in that moment of thought i squirted cummies for the 3rd time into my Cinderella princess pullups.
(To be continued)
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callsign-magnolia · 2 years
I Hope You Dance // Ch. 42
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A/N: This is cross posted to my Wattpad, so if this seems familiar that is why!
TW: Mental abuse, emotional abuse, slight physical abuse, death and loss. VIOLENCE this chapter is especially violent so please be cautious when reading!
Description: When Caila meets Rooster, sparks fly. But, she's already married, to a man who she thought loved her, and won't let her go. Rooster will fight for her, he just has to convince Caila to fight for herself.
Word Count: 10.7k
Chapter 41 | Masterlist
Every night I stayed up, waiting for an officer to show. It was usually officer Watson, but occasionally it was a different officer. All in all, I did feel better with them there, but I still didn’t get the best sleep. Dahlia hasn’t growled since they’ve stayed out there, so maybe they’re keeping whoever was creeping around, away. A few weeks went by, and soon my birthday was upon us. I knew that at least Phoenix knew when my birthday was, but she didn’t say anything about it at work. No one else did either, but I had a long email from Rooster telling me ‘Happy birthday’ and my parents called me as well. After work I had a gynecologist appointment, which I wasn’t looking forward to but I sucked it up and went anyway. Once there they called me back and I changed into the flimsy gown before Dr. Bearden came in. “Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you.” He sang as he came into the room, making me laugh. “At least I can make you laugh before such an uncomfortable procedure!” He said as he sat on the stool, prepping everything he needed for my pap smear. “Well, it could be worse.” I said and soon he started. It was an uncomfortable feeling, but it wasn’t painful. “Can I ask you something?” I asked as he pulled off his gloves. “Anything you want.” He was so chipper and smiley it was infectious. “My fiance and I, we’ve been trying for a baby. Before he was deployed, we were trying a lot and we had a few moments where we thought I might be, but all the tests were negative.” He furrowed his brows, opening his Ipad and typing.
“Do you know if either of you have fertility issues?” I shook my head. “I um had a placental abruption a little over a year ago and it ended in a miscarriage. But other than that, no.” He nodded. “Well, a placental abruption could make it more difficult to conceive. If you want, I can perform a preliminary fertility evaluation, and we can go from there. If those come back clean, then your fiancé can go get checked at a urologist and after that, we will go from there.” I nodded and he did the blood work and we discussed birth control. “I will get back with you for the results. I want you to know a lot of women have these problems and you’re not alone. Going to see a fertility doctor is very common for people on the journey to creating a family. It doesn’t mean anything is wrong with you and it doesn’t make you less of a woman if you need helping to conceive.” I nodded, his words touching me deep down. I wiped my eyes and smiled at him. “That makes me feel better Dr. Bearden. Thank you.” We said our goodbyes and I booked my next yearly appointment before I went home, fully expecting to spend the night lounging on the couch with the dogs. But those plans were foiled when Phoenix let herself in as I had a beer in hand. “Hey.” Hangman came in behind her, shutting the door and locking it. “Hey?” I questioned as she walked up, taking my beer from me and putting it in the fridge. She took my hand, pulling me upstairs. “Can I ask what’s going on?” She just stayed quiet, laying out some flare jeans, an old tour shirt I had of my mom’s and my boots. “Get changed.” I furrowed my brows in confusion but did as she asked. Once I did, I went into the bathroom with her where she had plugged up my curling iron and pulled out my make up. “Sit.”
I was thoroughly confused but did as she asked anyway. She lightly curled my hair and did some light make up. “All done.” I checked the mirror, seeing I looked hot. “What are we doing?” I asked as she rifled through my closet. “We’re going to the hard deck for drinks.” She pulled out my white Stetson, perching it on my head. “Oh, I don’t know. I’m trying to save money for the wedding-“ “It’s your birthday. You really think you’re going to pay for drinks tonight?” I was a little surprised, and it showed on my face. “You remembered?” She gave me an incredulous look. “You think I’d forget? Never!” She said as she smacked my arm. “Come on birthday girl! We gotta get going!” She said, dragging me downstairs. I wasn’t worried about people forgetting my birthday, we’re all busy, so I don’t hold it against anyone. But now that I know Phoenix didn’t forget, I was excited. We always do things like this for each other, so I was excited to see what she had planned for us. They loaded me in Jake’s truck and soon we were pulling into the sandy lot of the Hard Deck. “Okay, close your eyes.” I eyed Phoenix suspiciously. “Oh, just trust me!” She said, yanking me out of the truck. I closed my eyes as she led me inside. I could hear country music playing, which was odd for the Hard Deck.
“Okay, open them!” I did and was shocked. There were streamers and banners everywhere, one hanging above the bar that says ‘Happy 30th Birthday’. “HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” I turned to see the team dressed very similarly to me, they all rushed over to hug me. Coyote lifting me into a hug before putting me down and passing me off to Fanboy. Soon I had greeted everyone and stared at Phoenix in surprise. “You did this?” She nodded. “Of course, you’re my best friend and you’re turning thirty! That only happens once!” She said before engulfing me in a hug. As she let go Penny came over, drink in hand. “And the birthday girl gets to keep vodka in hand at all times.” “Shoooot, you ain’t gotta tell me twice!” I said as I took the vodka soda from her before hugging her. “Thank you Penny.” She smiled, patting my back. “Anything for you honey. Now have fun! We cleared out a space for you to dance, now get out there and shake that ass!” I laughed, making my way over to the pool table where we usually occupy. “Let me get a few drinks in me before I start line dancing.” I said, making everyone laugh as Hangman and Payback set up for a round of pool with Fanboy and Coyote.
Bob came over, tossing his arm over my shoulder. “Happy birthday, Magnolia.” I smiled at him as he clinked his water glass on my glass. “Thank you, Bobby.” After my first drink, he got me a second and by the time I finished that I was dragging him out to the dance floor. I even convinced Coyote to join me for one. After a few dances I took a breather, walking up to Phoenix as I sipped on my fifth drink. “Hey.” I slurred. “Wanna know a southern secret?” She giggled but nodded as she sipped her beer. “You wear the hat, you ride the cowboy.” I said as I swayed, her tossing her arm around my shoulder to steady me. “What?” She asked and I nodded towards Hangman. “If you go take his hat off his head and put it on yours, I bet you fifty bucks that you’ll have the best sex of your life tonight.” “Oh my god.” She said before hiding her face in her hands. “Like I say, wear the hat, ride the cowboy.” She laughed before I made my way over to Fanboy. “Fanboy!” I cheered, him holding a hand out to catch my elbow and steady me. “Woah party girl, having fun?” I nodded as I wrapped my arms around his neck. “Have I ever told you how much I love you guys?” He bust out laughing, putting his hand on my upper back to keep me upright. “Oh, you’re that kind of drunk.” I nodded. “Sure am!” I turned, seeing Rita make her way through the crowd. I gasped, letting go of Fanboy. “Rita!” I cheered, stumbling through the crowd. “Hi honey!” I cheered, wrapping her in a hug. “Let’s get you a drink.” I said as I pulled her to the bar. “Sorry I’m so late. I was up at four a.m. for a meeting, and got off late. I needed a nap before showing up.” I shook my head. “Don’t worry about it, I’m just happy to see you. Penny!” I yelled, waving her down. Once she finished with her current customer she came over. “Yes?” She asked, sliding down the bar. “Two vodka sodas, please!”
She nodded, handing us the drinks before I turned, seeing Mav behind me. “Happy Birthday!” I smiled, hugging him tightly. “Thank you!” I squealed making him laugh. “Have you talked to Rooster today?” I shook my head as Rita rushed over to Payback. “He text me this morning. We have a call at eight a.m. tomorrow! I’m excited to talk to him again.” He nodded. “Well good, hopefully he gets to come home in early April instead of late April.” I nodded; it was only the middle of March now so hopefully I only had two weeks to go before he came home. “Ooh, that reminds me!” I said as I turned around to talk to Penny. “Hey Penny!” She came over, raising a brow at me. “Could we use the Hard Deck for our engagement party?” She nodded, propping her elbows on the counter as she grabbed a notepad and pen to write all the details down. “Sure, when were you thinking?” “The first Saturday in May. I was thinking around twelve or one that day?” She nodded. “I think I can make that happen.” I smiled and leaned across the bar, kissing her cheek. “Thank you, Penny!”
With that I went back to dancing and drinking, until I was sprinting out onto the back deck, leaning over the railing and throwing up everything in my stomach. “I told you not to mix the tequila with the vodka!” Phoenix said as she grabbed my hat and my hair. Once I was done, I sat on the ground, catching my breath. “Oh, come on, we all make the mistake.” She just giggled, placing my hat back on my head. “Come on, party’s not over.” She said as she helped me up. I walked back in, taking my drink back from Hangman and downing it. “Damn, maybe your call sign should’ve been Phoenix.” We all laughed but I came back hard. I was stumbling around, slurring my words, and laughing at everything but I was also having the time of my life. It was two a.m. and I was plastered, deciding it was a good idea to try and get up on the bar. “I wan-wanna dance.” I said as Mav grabbed me, trying to keep me off the bar. “Magnolia, no.” He said as I stepped up on the stool next to him, putting one boot on the bar. “HEY!” Penny yelled just as I was yanked down into someone’s arms. “I’m not having a repeat of Top Gun.” Bobby said, holding me bridal style. “I think she’s done.” Penny said and I whined. “No!” I said as I threw my head back.
Bobby set me down, before tossing me over his shoulder. “WOO!” I cheered as he took me outside. He propped me against his truck before making a call. “Yeah, it’s time for her to go.” I whined, trying to push him off me, but he just turned and pressed his back against my chest. “Okay, we’ll see you in a minute.” I wrapped my arms around him as I laid my forehead on his shoulder. “Bobby. I wan ‘nother drink.” He immediately shook his head. “No. It’s time for you to start sobering up.” I just whined as Hangman came out with Phoenix over his own shoulder. “Mind following me and helping me get her inside? It may take two of us.” Bobby just nodded, loading me into his truck as he followed Hangman to my house as I swayed and sang in the passenger seat. We pulled in my driveway, and I don’t even remember Bob getting out and coming around to my side, but soon I was tossed over his shoulder as Hangman unlocked the door. The dogs were so confused as to why I was being carried up to the bedroom by someone other than Bradley. I was giggling the entire way, up until Hangman pulled back the covers of the bed and Bob laid me against the soft cool sheets. “Come on. Let’s at least get your shoes off.” Bob said, tugging on my boots as Hangman went back downstairs.
Once they were off, I started unbuttoning my jeans when Bob grabbed my hands. “Woah! What are you doing?” I whined, pushing his hands away. “Need them off.” I slurred. “Okay, I let the dogs out one last time and I got a water and some Tylenol, but I also grabbed your prescription in case.” Hangman said as he came back in. “What are you doing?” He asked as he set everything down on the bedside table. “Gots to get sheens off.” He sighed and looked to Bob. “You grab a leg, then I grab one, we pull, drop them in the floor and walk out.” They nodded before yanking them off my legs and I grabbed the covers, pulling them up to my chin. “Goodnight, Magnolia.” Bob said and I groaned in response before there was a weight on the bed and the door clicked closed. I took a deep breath, inhaling Bradley’s cologne I sprayed on his side the other day, before slowly drifting off to sleep.
I opened my eyes, seeing the clock said four a.m. I groaned, rolling over, attempting to go back to sleep before I heard Dahlia growl. I sat straight up, seeing she was standing on the edge of the bed, hackles raised and a low growl escaping her throat. Her growling wasn’t what really scared me, it was the hackles. That tells me, there’s actual danger nearby. I jumped from the bed, stumbling to the closet and grabbing the case my dad sent me home with. I yanked it open, pulling out the rifle and loading it before I quietly walked towards the door. Dahlia jumped from the bed, attempting to get between me and the door but I pulled her back. I listened, trying to hear anything, and my heart dropped when I heard footsteps downstairs. I cocked the rifle, cracking the door so I could see the staircase. “Dahlia,” I whispered. “Speak.” A loud and low bark escaped her, and she sounded terrifying, startling me a little. She kept barking and I heard the steps creaking. “If you keep coming up those stairs, I’m setting her loose!” Adrenaline was pumping through me, I could feel my heart pounding. It sobered me up slightly, but not enough because I still felt unsteady on my feet.
The footsteps didn’t stop, so I raised the rifle, aiming for the top of the stairs, waiting. I had my leg in the way so Dahlia couldn’t get out, because I didn’t want her in the middle of this. I had hoped I wouldn’t have to fire this rifle, that my threat to set my dog loose would be enough but it wasn’t. And when I saw a head pop up over the stairs, I pulled the trigger. But because I was still very intoxicated, I missed. The figure didn’t even flinch and I knew that even with a second shot I would miss, so I did the next best thing. As soon as he hit the top step, I slammed the door open, rushing the person and slamming the rifle longways into his chest, sending us both down the staircase. We rolled over each other, slamming into a heap on the hardwood at the bottom of the staircase. I was disoriented, between the alcohol, the rolling and the impact on the floor, I could hardly make out where I was. After a second, I saw the rifle laying in front of me, and so did the intruder. I scrambled for it as he grabbed me by my hair. “AH!” I screamed, he reached past me for the rifle but swung my head forward, ripping my hair from his grip as I grabbed the rifle. I swung the rifle back, smacking him with it before turning over and aiming it at him just as he leaned back over me.
I pulled the trigger once more just as he threw himself back. I scrambled to my feet, just as he stood back up. I swung the butt of the rifle under my arm, connecting with his head, and knocking him into the staircase. "I'm the wrong bitch, and this is the wrong house!" I yelled as I turned to face him. As I did, his fist connected with the right side of my face, knocking me onto my back. I panicked, lifting the rifle just as he grabbed it. “Let go!” I screamed, fighting him for it. “NO!” He ripped the rifle from my hands, bring the butt of it down on the right side of my face. He grabbed my cheeks as I wrapped my hands around his wrists, forcing me to look at him. He was a little older, gray haired, well built, green eyes and all black clothing. “Your ex-husband says hi.” A sob escaped me as he brought the rifle down on my face again, over and over. I heard the crunching of bones, my ears were ringing, and pain radiated across my face. I tried to fight back, but eventually he straddled me, aiming the rifle at my face as I cried. I heard a deep bark before he was tackled off me and Dahlia pulled him across the floor. “DAHLIA!” I screamed, pushing myself up as he hit her with the rifle. I was wobbly on my feet, but I tried to grab him, but I wasn’t fast enough, the rifle connecting with my face one last time, sending me face first into the floor.
I heard him cock the rifle just as we heard sirens. He looked out the window before dropping the rifle and something else on the floor and sprinting out the front door. I was gasping for air, blood falling from my mouth and face as I reached for the rifle. My hand came across something smaller and I wrapped my fingers around it, pulling it close to my face. My right eye was already swelling, and I could hardly see, but I managed to make out the pink and white stick. “Oh my god.” I cried, dropping it next to me. I heard Dahlia crying as she hobbled over to me, laying down and laying her head on my back. Sadie rushed over, curling up in front of me, as if to guard me. I cried as the pain radiated across my face, a sharp sensation that felt like someone was ramming a nail through my temple and eye. “Miss Motley!” An officer rushed in, Sadie jumping up and barking at him. I could hardly see through my tears, but I laid my hand on her back, calming her as he came closer. “Oh my god. Dispatch, what’s the status on those medics?” He asked, bending down and resting a hand on my shoulder. “Two minutes out.”
“Miss Motley. What happened?” I could only cry. Between the pain, and the fear it was all I could do. Soon two medics came in with stretcher. “She’s inconsolable. She can’t answer any of my questions.” They nodded, coming over to me. “Miss Motley, can you hear me?” I was gasping, trying to slow my tears, but my attempts were futile. I managed to nod as they rolled me onto my back. “I’m going to check your pupils, okay?” One of the medics checked my left eye, holding my eye lid open as he shined the light in my eye. “Your right is already swelling, but I still have to check. This will probably hurt.” He said before taking his gloved hand and holding my eye open. A gasp escaped me as pain fluttered across my face, a sob following behind. “She’s probably got a concussion, that eye socket is likely broken and I wouldn’t be surprised if her jaw was as well.” I cried out, my chest heaving at the words. Soon they lifted me onto the stretcher, carting me out of the house. “Is there anyone you want me to call?” The officer asked, walking along side us. I couldn’t form a coherent sentence. “Phoenix. Natasha.” I sobbed, but he nodded anyway. I don’t remember being loaded into the ambulance or the drive to the hospital, too consumed with the fact that this man broke into my house once, came back and that Aaron was behind it.
The Dagger Squad were all tucked into their beds, sleeping soundly, some lulled to sleep by the alcohol in their systems, others from pure exhaustion. Phoenix and Hangman were sound asleep in their own bed, limbs tangled together when Phoenix’s phone rang. Still intoxicated she struggled to roll over, answering her phone without looking at the number. “Hello?” Her voice raspy from the deep sleep she was enjoying. “This is her.” “Who is it?” Hangman groaned, rolling over and wrapping his arms around her, hand sliding under her shirt. He was startled when she ripped herself away from him, jumping up and running to her closet. “Is she alive?” The question had Hangman jumping out of bed himself, grabbing his jeans from the floor and jumping into them. “Oh my god.” She gasped, leaning back on the door as her free hand covered her eyes. “What hospital is she going to?” She asked as she held the phone between her head and shoulder, slipping her own jeans on. “Okay, we’re on our way, thank you.” She said hanging up, throwing her phone on the bed as she snatched a shirt from a hanger.
“What happened?” Hangman asked as he buttoned up his shirt. “Someone broke into Caila’s house. Neighbors heard gunshots and called the cops. He didn’t give me details, but he said she was hurt badly, and she was being transported to the hospital on base.” She said as tears streaked her own face. She slipped on some shoes before rushing downstairs, Hangman hot on her heels, nearly forgetting to lock the front door as they went. “Call Maverick.” He said as he put his keys in the ignition of his truck. “I am. I am.” She tried and tried but after the third time of him not answering, she sent him a text. Soon she was waking up the rest of the team, Payback and Rita rushing around each other for clothes, Coyote falling out of bed when he heard the news and Fanboy rushing to grab Bob from his apartment on the way to the hospital. When Phoenix and Hangman arrived at the hospital, Phoenix was rushing through the ER doors before Hangman put the truck in park. “I’m looking for Caila Motley.” She all but yelled as she approached the desk. The nurse typed away on her computer before sighing. “She’s still in her initial assessment, so no visitors right now. You can see her when they’re done.” Phoenix was panicking, running her hands through her hair. “Do you know how long that will take?” The nurse shook her head. “It varies by patient, I’m sorry.” Phoenix sobbed as she turned, burying her face in Hangman’s shirt.
“It’s gonna be okay.” He tried to soothe her, without success. Soon the rest of the team filed in Maverick, Penny and Amelia bringing up the rear. “Have you seen her yet?” Phoenix shook her head, her eyes red and puffy from crying. “All I know is she’s hurt badly.” She said as the tears started once more. Finally, six a.m. rolled around, and a nurse approached them. “Which one of you is Phoenix?” It was like she hit the ceiling, jumping up so fast she sent the chair toppling backwards. “That’s me. That’s me. Is she okay?” The nurse motioned her to follow. “She’s hysterical and she’s not cooperating. We can’t do anything and she keeps asking for you, maybe you can calm her down.” Phoenix could hear her wails from the front of the ED, her heart shattering in two. “She’s right around here.” The nurse pointed back down a hallway, and in a trauma bay was Magnolia, fighting off two nurses and an x-ray tech. She took off in a sprint, gasping as she got closer. Her face was swollen and made her unrecognizable, bruises already setting in. “Magnolia.” She called, walking around the nurse and grabbing her hands. “Phoenix?” She nodded, sitting on her bed. “My god.” It was all she could say, seeing her best friend in this state. “It was Aaron.” She cried, finally laying back on the bed. “What?” Aaron was in a federal prison in Georgia. It couldn’t have been him. “He sent someone! He told me, ‘Your ex-husband says hi.’ I was so scared!” Phoenix nodded, taking in all her injuries. “Okay. Okay. We will take care of it, but, hey, Caila. Look at me.” She said, gently turning her face, trying to avoid the bruising, which was covering basically the entire right side of her face.  
“You need x-rays and probably some pain meds. Can you cooperate long enough for that?” She nodded, still sobbing. “Okay, let’s get your x-ray first.” The tech said. Phoenix stood to get out of her way, but Magnolia latched onto her hand, not letting go. “Don’t leave! Please!” She begged. “Can I keep a hold of her hand while you do this?” The tech made a face but nodded since it was the only way she’d let it happen. “Just don’t tell anybody.” Phoenix nodded as the tech placed the imaging plate behind her head and took the scans she needed before wheeling the machine out. “Now, they’re going to give you an IV. You drank a lot earlier so you probably need fluids and they’re going to give you something for the pain.” She nodded slightly, hoping it wouldn’t cause much pain, but her wincing said otherwise. They did the IV successfully before a doctor walked in. “We’re waiting on her scans. She needs to talk to the police before I give her pain medication, but I don’t want her talking to them or anyone else until I see if her jaw is broken because if it is then I don’t want her talking unless absolutely necessary.” Phoenix nodded before the doctor walked away. Phoenix looked back to her, giving her a soft smile. She brushed some hair from her face as tears continued to streak her face. “We’ll figure this out, Magnolia. I promise.” She said as she squeezed her hand, letting her know she would be okay in the long run.
Soon the doctor came in and informed them that while her jaw is not broken, it is severely bruised. He gave her the go ahead to speak to the officers and once they came in Phoenix sat in horror as she listened to her friend recount the break-in. “Thank you, Miss Motley. We’ll let you rest and get to work on this case.” She nodded as they walked away, the doctor returning. “So,” He said as he sat on the stool on the other side of the bed, opposite Natasha. “You have two fractures in your face. What we call a zygomatic fracture and a frontal lobe fracture. So that means that your bones are broken here,” He said, pointing to the edge of her cheekbone, by her eye. “And here.” He said pointing to her eyebrow. “Now the good news, you do not have to have surgery to fix it. It is a stable fracture but you cannot sneeze, blow your nose, strain in anyway while you’re healing. Not only will that cause extreme pain, but it can offset your fracture then you will have to have surgery.” Phoenix sighed, still gripping her hand. “I am keeping you at least until this evening, it’s now six forty-five, the earliest I could possibly be comfortable letting you go is probably seven this evening.” She nodded what little she could without causing extreme pain. “Okay, we are going to move you to a floor. Your friend is going to have to stay in the waiting room till we get you situated.” Magnolia’s cries picked up; fearing being left alone without someone familiar.
“How long will that take?” He shrugged. “I’d say twenty minutes, then we will tell you her room number and you can come back.” She nodded, standing as Magnolia grabbed her arm tightly. “I’ll be back. I promise, they’ll get you in a room and we’ll all come see you. The entire team, and Mav, and Penny, and Amelia are all out there.” Soon nurses came in, prepping her to be moved and Phoenix had to step out. Magnolia continued to sob as Phoenix walked towards the waiting room. Phoenix had to stop when she walked out, choking back a sob as she held her hand over her mouth. “Baby, hey.” Hangman said, rushing over and gathering her in his arms. She sobbed as he held her, moving to sit down and pull her into his chest. After a few minutes she calmed down, managing to clean her face of the tears. “What’s going on?” Maverick asked, leaning forward as Penny rubbed his back. “Someone broke into the house.” Everyone was immediately distressed. “She had a rifle in the closet that she got out, when the guy topped the stairs she fired at him, which is what the neighbors heard and they called the cops. She was still drunk so she missed, so she rammed him with the rifle and they both fell down the stairs.”
“Jesus Christ, she’s lucky she didn’t break her neck.” Coyote groaned, his hands running over his face. “They got into a fight for the rifle and he grabbed her hair, she managed to jerk herself free, which is the bald spot on the back of her head, and she fired at him again and he moved out of the way. She hit him again and when she turned around, he punched her and when she fell on her back, he fought with her and wrestled the rifle out of her hands.” She started getting choked up, Hangman rubbing her back in hopes it would help keep her calm. “He hit her in the face with the butt of it and told her ‘Your ex-husband says hi.’ Then just started hitting her repeatedly with the rifle.” She took a deep breath, fighting back tears. “If that nurse hadn’t told me, it was her in that bed, I wouldn’t have known. She’s unrecognizable right now. Her face is basically one giant bruise, she’s so swollen, it’s awful. He aimed it at her, about to shoot her in the face when Dahlia tackled him and dragged him across the floor. She did say he hit Dahlia with the rifle,” Everyone gasped, knowing that was a line you didn’t cross with Magnolia. “She stood back up to fight him off and he hit her again, that’s when the cops pulled up and he took off.” Everyone was on the edge of their seats, Bob and Payback feeling sick to their stomachs just listening. “He was the one that broke in a few weeks ago. He left her pregnancy test on the floor in front of her.” Everyone was pissed, and worried all at once.
“What the fuck!” Hangman yelled, standing. Coyote placed his hand on his shoulder to calm him down. “They’re keeping her for the day, the earliest they’ll release her is this evening. But she’s hysterical and she can’t stop crying. They moved her into a room, and they’ll give her some pain meds and maybe even a sedative.” At that a nurse came out, calling Phoenix. “She’s in a room resting, she seemed to calm down once we gave her the pain meds so we’ve held off on the sedative for now.” She nodded, standing as did everyone else. “Oh, are you all here for Miss Motley?” Ten heads nodded and she gave them a sheepish smile. “Normally we only allow two at a time. But I’ll let you all in there for a few minutes but after that only two.” They nodded, following the nurse up a few floors before they were led to a room. Phoenix slowly opened the door, giving it a gentle knock as she did. “Hey. We’re all here.” Caila just nodded, breathing deeply. When Phoenix told everyone the details, they expected bruises and injuries, but they did not expect the right side of her face to be swollen to the point her right eye was swelled shut. They tried not to show emotion on their faces, but it was hard seeing her in that state.
Phoenix took her seat on the left side of the bed, grabbing Caila’s hand as she did and Mav moved to the right side. “Hey, kiddo.” Tears welled in his eyes as he looked down at her. The little girl who used to run around in dresses and pigtails, now laid up in a hospital bed, beaten black and blue. “How you feeling?” The left side of her lips twitched up, attempting a smile. “Fabulous.” That made everyone laugh. “Has anyone called your parents?” She shook her head slightly. “No.” He sighed, pulling out his phone. She knew someone had to be informed, but at the same time she didn’t want them knowing. “Moms on tour and Daddy is with her.” He nodded. “Want me to call Jameson?” She nodded, knowing her brother wouldn’t come out and baby her unless she asked him too. “If he asks if I want him to come out, tell him no.” He nodded, stepping out of the room. “How the hell did this happen?” Hangman asked, receiving a smack on his chest from Phoenix. “I don’t know. You locked the door, right?” He nodded, looking to Bob. “You even checked it behind me, right?” He nodded. “Yeah, and we were both sober too.” Now they were left to speculate how the intruder got in. “Goddammit. There wasn’t a patrol car out front.” Bob said once the realization struck him, making Hangman slump in his seat. “My god, there wasn’t was there?” Bob shook his head as Maverick came back in. “Your brother will check in with you later, he’s gonna tell your dad to call me later. They need to know.” Magnolia sighed, realizing he was right.
Soon the nurse came in, ushering everyone out except Mav and Phoenix. “Get some rest, kiddo. We’ll be right here.” She simply nodded, closing her eyes. “I think someone needs to stay with her from now on.” Maverick suggested, and Phoenix nodded in agreement. “I agree.” “Me too.” Caila mumbled, making them chuckle. So, Phoenix and Maverick started working out a schedule of who would stay with her until Rooster got home, hoping the team would agree. At eight a.m. on the dot, Magnolia’s phone rang with a facetime call, from Rooster. Mav immediately picked it up, looking at Caila who had woken up and was looking at him. “I can’t talk to him, not while I’m in this state.” Mav sighed, stepping out of the room and into the empty hallway. He took a deep breath before answering the face time call. “Hey!” He cheered, smiling at Rooster through the phone. “Hey, Mav? Why did you answer Magnolia’s phone?” He asked, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “She went to the bathroom, and I didn’t want her to miss your call.” Bradley nodded, taking in the environment around Mav. “Are you in the hospital?” Mav’s face fell, but he recovered quickly. “Oh, yeah. Amelia took a fall down the stairs this morning and broke her arm. She’s having a rough go of it. Poor kid.”
“Hey, Mav.” Mav’s eyes widened as Amelia walked up to him speaking. “Mom and I are going to get breakfast for the team, what do you want?” He looked back at the phone, seeing Rooster with a glare on his face. “Mav. Tell me what’s going on.” Mav sighed, about to tell him the truth when Hangman flew past him in view of the camera. “Hey! Why wasn’t there a fucking officer outside of her fucking door last night?!” He was livid and you could tell by the look on his face. “We received a phone call from a Jake Seresin saying she was staying with a friend last night. If she wasn’t home, we had no reason to be there.” Jake was confused. “I’m Jake Seresin, and I never called! We went out for her birthday and then we took her home and put her in bed!” That set Rooster off. “Where the fuck is my fiancé?!” He demanded and Mav sighed, sitting down. “Since she’s come home someone has been creeping around the house at night. Dahlia kept waking her up, she called the cops, they didn’t believe her because of the manic episode she had.” Rooster was practically vibrating in his seat. “The team went over to the house one day, Hangman and Coyote beating her there. The door was open and someone broke in. The dogs were okay, but the house was trashed. Anything that involved you was destroyed, pictures, the bear you sent her for Valentine’s Day, even the bed. They shredded the comforter.” Mav took a deep breath, knowing the next part would worry him. “They had been taking pictures of you and her all over the place and left them in a folder for her to find.”
Rooster ran his hands down his face before pulling on his hair. “What the fuck? Why the hell hasn’t she said anything?” Mav pursed his lips, shaking his head. “She didn’t want to distract you while you were deployed.” Rooster opened his mouth when Mav cut him off again. “After the break-in, she had an officer staying outside the house at night. But apparently someone called, saying they were Hangman, and told them she was staying with a friend last night. She got pretty drunk and Hangman and Bob took her home and put her in bed before leaving. Dahlia woke her up and she realized someone was in the house.” He saw fear flash across his godson’s face, and it broke his heart. “She grabbed a rifle her dad sent home with her and she fired it as the guy topped the stairs, she missed and instead, she rushed him and they both went flying down the stairs. They got into a fight at the bottom of the staircase…. Bradley, she’s hurt and it’s not pretty.” Mav said, watching as Bradley sat in the chair, distressed. "What do you mean she was hurt?" He asked, voice shaking. All he could think was, ‘I’m thousands of miles away on a hunk of metal while she was alone, at home and in danger.’ “He ripped out some of her hair, and she landed a few hits on him, but she was still pretty intoxicated, and he managed to wrestle the rifle from her.” Mav had to take a deep breath, trying to keep his own tears at bay. “No. No.” He said as tears fell from his eyes, and a sob escaped his chest.
“She’s alive. But Rooster,” After a minute he managed to pick his head up, meeting Mav’s eyes. “He beat her pretty bad. He hit her in the face repeatedly with the rifle. She has multiple fractures in her face and a concussion.” Mav himself sniffled, hating that he had to break his godson’s heart. Rooster was trying to catch his breath, relief flooding him at the news his fiancé was alive. “He aimed at her in close range when Dahlia tackled him off of her. He did hit Dahlia with the rifle, but she seemed okay. He hit Caila one last time before the cops showed up and took off out the front door.” Rooster had his head buried in his hands; he hasn’t been this stressed in his life. “He was the same person who broke into the house previously.” Rooster sat up; eyes red from his tears. “How do you know?” Mav debated on telling him, knowing it was a sore spot with Caila, and Rooster because he was protective. “When he broke in the first time, he took the pregnancy test she had in the frame. And he left it laying in front of her before he rushed out of the house last night.” Rooster stood, his chair flying backwards. He was tense, the vein on his neck straining against his tan skin. “What the fuck!” He yelled, surely catching someone attention outside of his room. He paced the room for a second before grabbing his phone, holding it close to his face. “I wanna talk to her.” Mav’s breath hitched in his throat. “Uh, I don’t know if that’s a good idea.” He said as he peaked through the blinds into Magnolia’s room. Phoenix was standing next to her bed, a nurse helping her clean the blood from Magnolia’s face and hair.
“Why not?” He all but growled. “She doesn’t want you to see her like this, and Phoenix and a nurse are cleaning her up.” Rooster sat back on his bunk, crossing his arms over his chest. “I’ve got time.” Mav sighed. “Okay, let me talk to her.” Mav said as he stood. He walked into the room as Phoenix was halfway through braiding her hair. “Caila?” She looked at him with her left eye, the right still swollen shut. “Yeah?” Mav sighed, pursing his lips. “He knows.” She sighed, tears coming to her eyes. “And he wants to talk to you.” She immediately shook her head as Phoenix tied off the braid. Mav sighed, coming over and sitting next to her. “He deserves to know, and I think it will do him and you some good to talk.” She shook her head as Phoenix curled up next to her, wrapping her arm around Caila’s shoulder. “You probably should talk to him.” She sat there for a minute, thinking over it before nodding. “Good.” Mav said as he patted her leg and handed her the phone. She kept it turned away for a minute, taking a deep breath, preparing herself for his reaction. “Mags?” Her breath caught in her throat at the nickname. “Talk to me, pretty girl.” She closed her eye, turning the phone around so he could see her, and the room went silent. She opened her eye to see him with tears streaking his face, effectively breaking her heart. “My god.” He gasped, taking in her injuries. “Mags.”
She didn’t know what to say, how to make him feel better about the situation because in reality, nothing would. It wouldn’t change the fact he was the only thing she really wanted, needed and he was thousands of miles away. “I’m gonna kill whoever did this.” His voice was low, almost menacing. “It’s not worth it, Bradley.” She mumbled. His eyebrows shot up, looking at her in shock. “Not worth it? Not worth it?! This guy almost killed you and you say it’s not worth it? Caila, it’s worth it because you’re worth it.” She just shook her head, more tears flowing. “You don’t understand.” She cried. “Then make me understand.” She was gasping for breath at this point, Phoenix rubbing her shoulders to help try to calm her. “It was Aaron.” She sobbed and Rooster’s brows furrowed in confusion. “Honey, Aaron is in prison.” She shook her head. “He sent somebody.” Broken sobs disrupted her sentence. “He literally stood over me and said your ex-husband says hi!” Anger flooded him, it was almost too much for him to handle. But he held it together, for her. He didn’t want to stress her out anymore than she is, worried how it might affect her injuries. “Okay. Okay, we will figure this out. As soon as I’m home we’ll take care of this and wedding details.” A half smile formed on her face at the mention of the wedding. “We will go view the venue, I’m so excited to see it. We can finish planning the engagement party, and start deciding on cake flavors and flowers and anything else you want to go over!” He tried so hard to make her smile, to feel a little better and he knew it would take more than wedding talk.
“I love you.” She tried smiling, but it was too painful. “I love you too, pretty girl.” He said, blowing her a kiss, making a giggle erupt from her chest before she hissed in pain. “Okay, pretty girl. Give the phone back to Mav.” She nodded and gave the phone up. Mav took it, stepping back out of the room. “Let me talk to Hangman.” Mav nodded, walking out to the waiting room finding Hangman talking to Halo, Fritz, Omaha, Harvard and Yale. “Hangman, Rooster wants to talk to you.” He sighed, taking the phone and walking down the hall. “Hey.” “I don’t want her alone, especially at night. I know someone can’t be with her twenty-four/seven, but as much as possible.” Hangman nodded, leaning on the wall. “Rooster, man. I swear, we’ve been trying to be on top of it. If I had noticed that there was no officer outside, I would’ve stayed.” Rooster nodded at him. “I don’t doubt that. I just appreciate you being there when I can’t.” He nodded. “Man, when Phoenix’s phone rang, it scared the shit out of me. We didn’t know anything except she was hurt.” He sighed, running his hands down his face. “I know she won’t want me to worry, so if you could just email me updates? It’s gonna kill me if I don’t know anything.” Hangman nodded, sighing deeply. “We got her, man. I promise.”
With that they said goodbye and Rooster jumped up, rushing out of his room. He rushed down the hallways of the ship, shoving people out of the way, rushing to the commanders office. He had to get home. He couldn’t live with himself if something else happened and he wasn’t there to protect her. He stopped in front of metal door, taking a deep breath before knocking on the door. “Come in.” He stepped in, staring at Commander Williams who had his head down, going over paperwork. “Bradshaw. To what do I owe the pleasure?” He asked, leaning back in a chair with a smirk on his face. Commander Williams was always a little bit of a sadist, enjoying watching his crew work themselves to the bone. “Permission to go home, sir.” Bradley stood at attention, not making eye contact. Commander Williams couldn’t help but see Goose standing in front of him, his son being almost an exact replica of him. “Request denied. What makes you think you can ask me that son?” He asked incredulously. Bradley only sighed, his body slouching ever so slightly. “Someone broke into my home last night and attacked my fiancé. She’s in bad shape sir.” Williams nodded, humming at his answer. “Will she die?” The thought alone almost had Bradley on his knees. “No, bu-“ “Denied, and I hope you enjoyed that last phone call. We’re going dark.” So much ran through Bradley’s mind, now wondering how he would keep check on her. “Now, you have a hop in an hour and I suggest you get ready for it.” Bradley could only nod and walk away feeling defeated. He knew he would barely scrape by the next few weeks without communications. He just hoped the team would be there for Caila while he couldn’t be.
I heard my phone buzzing, my left eye fluttering open to see my brother’s name on the screen. I answered it, putting it on speaker. “Hello?” I croaked. “Caila. How you feelin’?” Jameson’s accent was thick, thicker than normal. “Codeine is great.” He chuckled. “So, you’re feeling great.” “I wouldn’t say great, but I’m not screaming and crying in pain.” He hummed. “So, I have not told mama and daddy yet. I wanted to talk to you a little more.” I sighed. As soon as my parents found out, they’ll come straight here. Mom will come off tour, daddy right behind her. “I just-“ I took a deep breath to keep from crying. “When will it stop, J? Is this going to be a lifelong problem?” He huffed on the other end, surely shaking his head. “No, and we’ll make sure of that. Has anyone talked to Jerry?” I shook my head slightly. “No, I plan on calling him when my swelling goes down a little.” It was a little painful to talk, but it didn’t stop me. “I’m so scared J.” I admitted. I’m sure it was clear to everyone else, but it was really the first time I was admitting it to myself. “I know, and you have every reason to be.” I took a deep breath, fighting back tears once again. “I just-what if something else happens? What if next time it’s Bradley that gets hurt? Or worse?” That was always my biggest fear, and I felt like we were drifting back to square one. “I’m just wondering if our relationship is worse risking his life.”
“Shut. the fuck. up!”
I jumped at the tone in his voice. It was menacing almost. “You are not running from him again. I swear to god Caila, if you do I will hunt you  down myself! When are you going to realize you deserve everything he gives you?” I know he’s right. God, do I know he’s right. “Do you remember what he told you that first day of your divorce hearing?” I sniffled, trying to think back. “He said, between you and anyone who wants to hurt you is exactly where he wants to be standing. God Caila. Let him do it.” I smiled at the memory. The way he cradled my face as he said it. I knew Bradley would protect me at all costs, I just hated that he may have to. “Right now, he's safe on a ship in the middle of the ocean somewhere. Don’t make any moves till he’s home, please. Who knows, they may catch the guy before he gets home and all will be well.” I scoffed. “Yeah, until Aaron hires someone else.” Jameson sighed. “He won’t and we'll make sure of it.” I could only nod even though I knew he couldn’t see me. “Gets some rest, C. You’ve got a lot of healin’ to do.” I just hummed in agreement. “I love you, J.” I could practically hear the smile on his face. “Love you too, little sister.”
With that he hung up, and I rolled back onto my left side attempting to go to sleep. I slept the day away, which was expected. The doctor released me with a few stipulations and meds. “Arms up.” Phoenix said as she helped me get changed into a pair of clothes she got from the house. I lifted my arms and she gently pulled one of Rooster’s t-shirts over me, it smelled like him and that made me feel better. She helped me into my shorts and let me slide my feet into my flip flops before she called out. “She’s dressed.” At that, the door swung open and Hangman and Fanboy walked in. “How you feelin’?” Fanboy asked. “The pain is starting to set in now that I’m off the pain meds.” He nodded as I slid off the bed. “So, none of us think it’s a good idea for you to be alone while you’re on these pain meds.” I nodded in agreement. “Rooster also asked us to be with you as often as possible and we had already been discussing that anyway.” Hangman said as he put his hands in his pockets. “So, until Rooster comes home, one of us is going to stay with you at night and as often as possible during the day. We’ll rotate out but Fanboy is gonna kick us off.” Any other time I would’ve protested, but it was like a weight lifted off my shoulders when he said that. “Okay.” I could see his face falter, surprised I didn’t put up a fight. “Come on. Let’s get you home.” I nodded, Fanboy and Phoenix helping me into a wheelchair before they wheeled me out. They helped me into the back of Hangman’s truck, taking me home. When we pulled up I felt my heart race. The house looked normal on the outside, but I knew on the inside, I had a mess to clean. Fanboy helped me inside, and my breath caught in my throat at the sight. Blood on the floor from where I was bleeding, I could see the bullet hole in the ceiling from when I fired the rifle when I was on my back.
Everyone pretended not to notice, but I could see in the way they scrunched their faces, they saw, and they knew. “Do you wanna go lay down in your bed?” Phoenix asked and I nodded. “Let me take a look at Dahlia first.” She nodded, calling the dogs in from the backyard. As soon as they saw me, they rushed over. Fanboy helped me to the floor, taking Dahlia’s face in my hands. “Hi baby.” I cooed softly. I felt around her face and she never flinched but I lifted her gums and saw she was missing a tooth. “Dammit.” I huffed, letting go of her gums to rub her face. “Guess missing teeth isn’t the worst thing after taking a rifle to the face.” Fanboy chuckled lightly. “At least you have all of yours.” I nodded as he helped me out of the floor. “A miracle if I’ve ever heard of one.” Phoenix nodded, taking my arm. “Come on, let’s get you in bed.” She helped me upstairs. She pulled back the covers for me, helping me in before covering me up. “Hangman and I are gonna go grab your meds, and get fanboy set up in the guest room. Need anything before we go?” I looked up, seeing my migraine meds as well as some water on the bedside table. “No. I’m good.” She nodded, gently kissing my forehead. “We’ll be back.”
I heard her walk out the door, and now, laying in my own bed, it’s like everything hit at once. The pain, the fear, the memories. It was like a punch to the gut that took my breath away, gasping for breath as tears soaked my pillow. I don’t know if I can handle this. This fear clawing it’s way out of my chest, threatening to collapse my lungs, break my sternum it was almost too much. After a few minutes Phoenix came back in. “Oh, Magnolia.” She cooed, sitting next to me. “We went and got your meds. She prescribed you some hydrocodone for the pain.” She pulled the medications out of the bad, opening one and dumping a singular pill into her hand. “Can you sit up long enough to take this?” I nodded, pushing myself up. I took the pill, drank some water and slid back down in bed. “We’re going to clean the floor-“ “You don’t-“ “We are anyway. We are going to take care of it, get everything cleaned up for you.” I nodded, knowing this was a fight I wouldn’t win. “When you pick up, will you set my pregnancy test in here? I just wanna make sure it’s safe.” Her face fell at my words. “Um, it’s technically evidence in the investigation. The police have it.” I sighed as more tears filled my eyes. “At least I know where it is and it’s locked up somewhere.” She nodded. “I’m sorry, Magnolia. Do you want me to stay for the night?” I shook my head, wiping tears from my eyes. “No, Fanboy is gonna be just across the hall. I’ll be okay.” She smiled at me. “Hangman and I are turning up the volume on our phones tonight. You’ll call if you need us?” I nodded. “I will.” She smiled, kissing my head before standing. “We’ll check in in the morning.” She squeezed my hand before slowly walking out. The door clicked and once again I was left alone with my own thoughts.
I laid in bed for a few hours, rolling from my left side, to my back. But soon my stomach growled, and I managed to drag myself out of the bed. As I walked out of the bedroom, I was startled by Fanboy topping the stairs, making me gasp. “Sorry.” He said, his face falling, telling me he felt bad. “It’s okay. Anyone would’ve startled me.” He nodded. “I um, was getting up cause I got hungry.” He chuckled. “I made some soup earlier. I thought you were asleep and I didn’t want to bother you.” I smiled at him. “Mind if I have some?” He nodded, helping me downstairs and fixing me some soup. “It’s tortilla soup. It’s my mom’s recipe.” He said as he slid the bowl in front of me. “Fanboy.” He stopped, turning to face me as I sat at the island. “You don’t know what it means to me that you guys are doing this.” He smiled, coming around and hugging me. “We’re family, Magnolia. We’ll always be here.” And they were. They rotated out like they said, Coyote stayed the following night, and I scared him coming down the stairs, his reaction being, “Rooster would kill me if you survived this, only to trip and kill yourself on the stairs!” I couldn’t help but laugh at his dramatic reaction. The rest of the team stayed with me, took me to doctors appointments, helped me cook and everything. For the first week or so, I was terrified to be home alone even during the day. Hangman managed to get an officer to be outside during the day as well, alleviating some of my fears.
Three weeks after the attack, most of the swelling had gone down and I finally managed to call Jerry while I was making lunch for Bob and I. “Hello?” “Jerry. We have a problem.” I heard rustling on the other end, telling me he was sitting up. “What’s going on?” He asked. “Aaron. He hired someone. Someone broke into Bradley and I’s house, destroyed anything that had anything to do with our relationship, they even destroyed the bedspread. But they also took,” I stopped, trying not to get choked up. “The pregnancy test I took when I was still with Aaron.” He gasped. “Caila, I’m so sorry.” I shook my head, carefully slicing cucumber. “It gets worse.” He sighed. “On my birthday, the team and I went out to a local bar, not gonna lie, I was shitfaced.” He chuckled lightly at that. “Jake and Natasha brought me home-“ “Was Rooster not there?” I shook my head. “No, he’s deployed and will be for a few more weeks. But after they dropped me at home, Dahlia woke me up when she growled. She had been doing it for a few weeks because someone had been sneaking around the house.” I was taking deep breaths, trying not to have a full on break down while I explain what happened. Jerry was quiet the entire time, only a few gasps here and there. “He dropped that pregnancy test right in front of my face after he beat me. Making sure I saw it as he ran out of the house.” Finally, Jerry sighed. “What did he look like?” I gave him the description and it went quiet. “Son of a bitch!”
I was startled, setting the knife down as Bob came in, brows furrowed. “Daniel McCreery. He’s the hitman Aaron hired.” I was confused. “Wasn’t he arrested?” Jerry sighed. “He fled the country to North Korea because they do not extradite to the US. So the FBI were monitoring his movements, but it seems they aren’t doing a good enough job.” A soft ‘fuck’ escaped my mouth. “So, he’s still out there? Loose?” Oh my god. This wasn’t happening. “Yes, I’m afraid he is. Are you alone?” I shook my head. “No, the team is rotating out who’s staying with me and there’s an officer outside of the house as well.” He hummed. “Good. Look, I’m going to look into this. Neither Aaron or Daniel is going to get away with this, I promise.” I nodded as we said our goodbyes. “Oh my god.” More tears streamed down my face, a sob escaping me as Bob pulled me into a hug. “It’ll be okay. I promise.” He muttered as I soaked his shirt with my tears. He helped me to calm down, helping me get back to making lunch. “Oh shit.” He said as he looked at his watch. “What?” I asked as he ran out of the kitchen. “I have somewhere I have to be! I’ll be back!” Before I knew it he was out the door, leaving me alone in the house.
I took a deep breath, trying not to panic. I rushed to the front window, seeing the officer that’s been staying in front of the house still there, stretching his legs as he leaned against the cruiser. Okay, you’re not completely alone Magnolia. I looked around the house, the breeze from the open window sweeping my hair around. The dogs were out back, laying in the sun and I was tempted to let them in so I wouldn’t be alone if someone came up to the house. But I knew I needed to learn that being alone didn’t always mean danger. So, I left them outside, I left the windows open, and I went back to prepping lunch. I had chicken in the air fryer we got for Christmas, I had homemade croutons in the oven and I went back to chopping the vegetables. To make myself feel better I used the Alexa to play some music, opting for some Ying Yang twins. Soon I start dancing while I prepped, feeling a little light on my feet as I did. But I stopped when I heard a voice. “Alexa, pause.” I whispered, in hopes I could hear whoever it was. “Honey? I’m home!” He had two more weeks, I thought as I rushed out of the kitchen. There, standing in the doorway of our home was Rooster in his dress whites, hat in hand. He was looking up the stairs, but as his eyes caught mine a sob escaped me and I rushed forward. I threw my arms around his neck, holding him close as I cried. His arms wrapped around my waist as he buried his face in my neck. “You’re home.” I gasped out. He just nodded, kissing my left cheek. “I’m here, and I’m never leaving you alone again honey. I swear.” He pulled back slightly, taking my chin in his hand and turning my face to the left.
I didn’t want him seeing my face, but I didn’t have anymore fight in me. “Oh, Mags.” He whispered as he caught sight of the bruising that was still a nasty black and blue color. He ever so gently pressed his lips to my temple, just brushing it so he didn’t hurt me. “I’m never leaving you again.” He said as he took my face in his hands. “There was a moment where I really thought I’d never see you again.” I said in between hiccups. “No. No honey. I will do everything in my power to protect you, from this point on I will take care of you. I swear.” I just nodded, burying my face in his chest. “I’m home, honey. I’m home.” A sob escaped me as he held me. “Don’t leave me.” I cried. “I will never leave you, Mags. Never.” He said as he held me tightly, his grip telling me he meant every word.
Taglist: @mak-32 @rosiahills22 @dhwanishah09
29 notes · View notes
positivlyfocused · 3 months
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An Awesome Update On My Teleportation Results
What happened this week is truly remarkable. I’m glad another person experienced it with me, so his account could support my own. What happened was a definite sign of me manifesting the ability to realize all my occult aspirations. Aspirations including teleportation, shape shifting, astral travel and more.
But that’s not all that came from this awesome experience. It also showed me the power of this Positively Focused practice. The practice offered, in this really amazing experience, an awesome gift. One that I know my clients will someday also experience. One promised as part of the Positively Focused Way.
More on that later. First, here’s what happened.
It prompts an emergency room visit
My good friend Mark and I planned to meet for lunch. I was eager about that because we hadn’t eaten where we planned in years. In fact, I was surprised the place remained open after COVID. That’s one reason we decided to meet there; as a kind of celebration that they’re still around.
I also planned the meal as a celebration. Five new people have become clients since this past January. These days, I celebrate new client arrivals by taking myself out for a nice meal. So this lunch was part of that celebratory ritual. We must amplify our successful manifestations by celebrating them, yes? Thus this practice.
I rode my bike downtown. Upon arriving I saw Mark walking towards the restaurant. We arrived at almost the exact same time. As he went in and grabbed a table, I locked my bike. We greeted each other and sat down. I wanted a better seat so I suggested we move to where we both could look out the windows.
The server brought us water and menus as we caught up on our lives. Then, as we talked over what we would order, something strange started happening in me. Here’s what I wrote, directly from my private journal:
A stroke? Or a supernatural experience?
My Broader Perspective tells me what happened today was a mystical event. I wound up in the Veteran’s Administration (VA) emergency room. I was with Mark. He and I thought I had a stroke. Here’s what happened. I went to the gym. I ran one mile, overdoing the pace to the point where I strained my calves. Then I performed my regular weight workout. That felt great.  Before that I ate an egg on bread and drank tea.  While Mark talked about it, nausea swept over me. Then I felt like I needed to vomit or poop. I went to the toilet and popped a bit, then returned to the table. I felt better but when I sat down the symptoms returned but with greater force. As far as I know, no external “triggers”, like smells or sightings of things like blood, caused this. The next thing I know, Mark is holding a cup of water to my lips with his hand on my shoulder. I had no fear or worry. I just felt I had gone “somewhere” and returned.  Mark said I suddenly “wasn’t there”. My eyes were open, he said, but when calling my name I was unresponsive. I did feel I had gone “somewhere” but I don’t know where and have no recall of where I went. 
Checking…just in case
I once again felt I needed to use the bathroom. Then I broke out in a cold sweat again, and felt odd in my body. Mark helped me to the bathroom, then, when I returned, he gave me aspirin and told me to swallow them as it looked to him like I had a stroke.  Not understanding what this was I felt it a good idea that we go to the VA emergency department ASAP. So we bee-lined it there.  I was treated with first-class service as usual. They asked Mark and I to recount the experience. Then they took my vitals. In the emergency room they took an EKG, blood and did a neural responsiveness test, which I passed. While waiting for the blood results, they also did a CAT scan.  Both blood test and scan returned normal/healthy readings except one which looked as though I wasn’t eating enough. They also gave me IV fluids.  The doctors diagnosed me as having had a vasovagal syncope episode, which essentially means I had a fainting spell. But there was no trigger…. Asking my Broader Perspective this evening if this was a mystical experience, they returned a very strong affirmative indication. 
A mystical experience indeed!
I’m writing this a couple days after the event. The nausea and “odd” sensations came and went twice. Then suddenly I was “out” of physical reality. That’s the moment Mark noticed me “not there”. I mean, obviously, my body was there. But my consciousness was not. That part of me that is “I” departed physical reality.
That’s why I didn’t “see” Mark get up from his side of the table. Nor did I feel him put his hand on the shoulder of my body. I wasn’t there after all. I “came back” with him standing beside me on my right, his left hand on my shoulder and holding a cup of water to my lips in his right hand.
Again, I have no idea where I went. But I speculate that this event was the first in a gradual series of experiences not dissimilar from how I soothed resistance keeping me from clearly perceiving dream reality.
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Durning the process of clearly perceiving dream reality, I at first didn’t recall any dreams. Prior to this, like many clients, I didn’t even believe I dreamed. With the right suggestions however, I began gradually experiencing snippets of dream reality. Snippets that finally coalesced into the long-form, super-vivid and highly satisfying dream experiences I now enjoy. Experiences I can recall almost at will any time.
I believe what happened in the restaurant represents the next step in a similar process. One that will eventually have me able to do all the things I mentioned in the first paragraph of this story. It’s a process beginning with waves of Kundalini energy clearing away energy blockages in my physical and ephemeral body. And now this experience where I “departed” physical reality, leaving my body behind, in front of someone who could verify what happened. Astounding!
What this definitely means
What’s also interesting is I experienced NO FEAR AT ALL about dying or about having a stroke. I was completely fine about it all. I wonder if that’s because I knew it wasn’t a life-threatening health event. Instead, it was the continuing unfolding manifestation of my desire to be able to do these things…
Instead of fear, I feel strong curiosity. Curiosity and eagerness for the next step. I’m eager to be able to be conscious of that place I “go” to so I may then direct my consciousness to another physical location, then have my body appear there.
That’s how Seth describes the process of teleportation. According to Seth, we can project our consciousness, the essence of that which we are, out of our bodies. Then we can “move” to another location. It doesn’t have to be on earth. Then, holding our intention in the new location, the body in our old location will dissolve and reconstitute in the new place our consciousness exists.
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^^It’s happening! (Photo by Warren Wong)
Imagine what that will be like! Imagine being able to teleport to any location, anywhere. The implications are astounding!
I also believe this initial phenomena is a kind of nexus for the other skills. Astral travel, of course, means traveling outside of the physical body. Shapeshifting too, it seems, would require temporarily separating from the body so the body can reconstitute along the lines of the consciously-held desired physical form.
Perhaps this is how the shape shifter avoids feeling pain associated with all that reconstitution. It’s not that the body turns into another one. Rather, the existing body is replaced by a new body, a vibration assembly that’s coherent to the new image consciousness holds!
An astounding future for humanity
The VA emergency room doctors said I experienced a “vasovagal syncopic episode“. Doctors don’t like saying “I have no idea.” I don’t think this was a vasovagal syncope experience. In such experiences, a trigger typically fires off the episode. According to the link above, typical triggers include standing for long periods of time, heat exposure, seeing blood, having blood drawn or fear of bodily injury.
But none of those happened. And while the experience seemed involuntary, I’m confident future ones will come with more volition.
In the meantime, many more, more serious implications arise with such abilities. One could, for example, go places “off limits” to unauthorized personnel. I could visit secret military installations, for example. Area 51 here I come! (jk)
I’m more interested in traveling to different countries without needing the “travel” part. Think about that! Near instantaneous transportation. The ability to travel ANYWHERE. That’s pretty intriguing. I’d like to see what it’s like on a habitable planet light years from ours…
But what’s most cool about this emerging ability is being an example for others to follow. An example that expands what it means to be human. That’s what I came into physical reality for: to expand past preconceived notions humanity holds and to open the door to a completely new reality for the human race. A race of super humans.
Prospects of that thrill me to no end. Let’s see what awesome results happen next!
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tinychaoticlife · 8 months
So I m here to share my experience with you (if you want a bookish knowledge how to cure depression and all that then this thingy is not for you ):
So let’s start first of all about me (if you don’t want to know you can skip to next paragraph) ohh you’re reading this then myself a dumb stupid girl who don’t know anything about anything . I was good at academics (now you probably know that this is all about academic depression but stick with this you’ll find more) and I wanted to be a doctor and those don’t know in India there’s this test called NEET for entrance in medical college. But I failed in my first attempt and after that I got into a severe depression but I was also preparing for the same exam. I’m in medical college rn (That’s not the point )
Depression: what I understand by depression-someone holding me under the water and I am begging for help but when I looked above the water there’s nobody except me
Above someone is my thoughts. Ohh man now I’m out of words but let’s try (Better to do something imperfectly than to do nothing perfectly:Robert H Schuller)
I don’t know how to start this (I think I’ve already started ) I’ve read somewhere that if I’m not able to share my suffering then they’re not worth of bearing (sorry for not giving credit). It started with the failure(It is so difficult to put your thoughts into words ) but I think failure is such a beautiful thing you can’t learn things until you experience them. I was so depressed at that time like when I feel sad my legs started to shake like a sudden jerk and I cried a lot means a lot even at tiny tiny things everything was beyond my control. If I start crying then it kept on going for like 3-4 hours for at least minimum three days a week. I m a very sensitive person smallest thing hurts me but little things make me happy too there were some moments of joy ( meeting my bf ) that were ecstatic. At that time I thought maybe I’ve bipolar disorder but I guess feeling things deeply is the point of having heart. But at that time I was feeling depression deeply :)
I had became so clingy that every time I feel depressed I need somebody mostly my bf and I had became so dependent on him like if he is not able to talk to me due to certain reasons then I feel even more depressed. (I’m very lucky to have him a big thanks to him ) But I think no one can help you curing depression it feels so good when we share how we feel but it gives only a short term satisfaction. And again we feel the same.
So one day I’ve decided to help myself by diving in to self help world. I’ve watched a lot of self help videos on you tube I don’t think that there’s any video left on you tube that I didn’t watched almost every ted talk related to self help I’ve read few books also (happiness trap , the subtle art of not giving a fuck ) but for me nothing helped I was desperately looking for that one thing which would cure my depression but I never found that one thing watching a new video reading a new book so that I can find that one damn thing but nothing.
It’s human nature to find peace in pain. You gotta go through that pain to find peace like for me I’ve to go through that pain, the key is I don’t know you have to find it on your own. Like I know this depression is gonna end when I’ll clear the test whether the results are positive or negative
Find your own way that’s all I want to say
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imaginesforjohnnydepp · 11 months
Wait, What???
One early October morning, Sidney found herself in the waiting room of her doctor's office, waiting for her name to be called as she played a word game on her phone. No one knew she was here; she told Nick that she was tying up loose ends from the wedding, but Sidney had a feeling that her mom knew what she was really up to. Nothing gets past Simone Severin. Today, Sidney was getting some blood work done for possible signs of pregnancy, she was experiencing all of the symptoms: morning (all day) sickness, fatigue, weird cravings. She took a pregnancy test a week ago and it came back positive but Sidney just chalked it up as a false positive, so she wanted a second opinion.
She looked up when the door to the waiting room opened, and a short woman with an iPad walked through. The lady looked up and her eyes landed on Sidney. "Sidney? Dr. Landry is ready for you." Sidney gathered her purse and followed the receptionist to a door with marked with the number 3 and opened the door. "She went to take a personal call but she should be with you shortly." With that, the woman walked out, closing the door behind her and Sidney was alone once again.
She started to worry: was it too early to have a baby? Of course they wanted to have kids, but they wanted to wait at least a year. They'd just hit the two month mark, and Nick would be on tour with his brothers until the middle of next year, which would be the entire pregnancy. The door opened again and Dr. Landry poked her head in the door.
"Good morning Sidney! So according to your chart you're getting some bloodwork done, correct?" Sidney nodded, a tight-lipped smile on her face. Dr. Landry had a knowing look in her eyes about the real reason the young woman wanted a blood test; she's also been in Sidney's position before as a patient wanting a pregnancy test. "Okay, let's get you started." The older woman went through the drawers in the room, pulling out needles, alcohol wipes and other equipment before instructing Sidney to make a fist before putting the needle in her arm.
Sidney watched as the blood went through the plastic tube and drip into the syringe and Dr. Landry gently pulled the needle from the vein and replaced it with a cotton pad and a bandage. "There! All done. If you want, you can either wait for the results or I can give you a call in a few days. It shouldn't take longer than a few hours. Two at most." "I don't mind waiting."
The doctor looked at her more closely. "Sidney, was this a pregnancy test by any chance?" Sidney nodded again, hiding her face in a curtain of her dark hair. She absolutely loves Dr. Landry; the two have known each other since Sidney was fourteen. They've covered birth control, sex, periods. Nothing was off limits, and Sidney never felt embarrassed. "I just wanted to be absolutely sure. I did one of those home pregnancy tests and it turned out positive but I just wanted a second opinion."
She listed all her symptoms and the weird cravings and Dr. Landry took note of everything on an iPad. "It definitely does sound like pregnancy, but I can tell just by looking at you. Your face is a little bit fuller than the last time I saw you." Sidney had a questioning look on her face at that, because Dr. Landry followed that up by saying, "I've been around this block before, as a patient and as a doctor. Moms always know. When I was pregnant with my first, before I even started telling people, I was meeting my mother for lunch and before I could even properly greet her, she asked me what colors I thought would look good in a nursery."
Sidney left a few minutes later, hoping to pass the time in Barnes and Noble where she updated her membership status and browsed for books, and the time just flew by. She was sitting at a table in the Starbucks, twenty pages into her newest read when her phone started ringing. Dr. Landry with the test results. "Hello?" The doctor's next sentence was enough for Sidney to drop to the floor. "Congratulations Mrs. Jonas."
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fierypearls · 1 year
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Making lemonade with my lemons
We planned on our April 2023 Spring break trip to Las Cabos, Mexico quite a while back. My work has been hectic since around September/October of last year so I, for one, was really looking forward to this trip. Shriya, my daughter, too had been excitedly helping me with the planning. I am a huge planner… I enjoy the planning process and the execution process. I like to organize things and plan ahead. Last thing I would want is to fumble and look for options while on the trip, wasting precious travel time. I like to read up on places in advance that I will be visiting … their people, culture, food, art, architecture, landmarks, history. I research best places to catch glorious sunsets from, chart out the routes to get to the best local eateries, determine family friendly activities, and do detective work to uncover hidden gems that blogs and vlogs on the internet would reveal.
And then, as luck would have it, in March 2023 I got diagnosed with cancer and my world changed.
After being diagnosed with cancer I wasn’t sure if this spring break trip would even be possible. Our focus shifted to mammograms, ultrasound, biopsy, MRI, labs, test results, doctors’ appointments, reading up on the diagnosis, getting questions ready for the breast surgeon and meeting with doctors to determine my treatment plan. I was prepping my daughter that we might have to cancel the trip and feared that she would be hugely disappointed. But Shriya was quite mature about it and told me I should not worry about it or feel bad cancelling it, and that my cancer treatment is priority now and that we can always travel again once I get better. I don’t say this enough, but I am grateful for a mature pre-teen, who had always been an easy and understanding kid. Additionally, my breast surgeon cleared me for the trip and since my surgery date was three weeks out, she actually recommended that I do not cancel and go enjoy family time. 
And so, we flew to West Coast Mexico.  
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We landed in Las Cabos and started heading towards our beautiful Westin Los Cabos Resort Villas in our airport shuttle taxi. Shriya was sitting next to me in the shuttle. A little into the drive, Shriya tapped me on my arms, and told me she needed to talk to me. I bent over and she tells me in her kind voice to put aside the worries of cancer for the duration of the trip and encourages me relish the present. She, somehow, managed to catch me red-handed thinking about my diagnosis 😊 She levied a hefty tax of $5 every time she caught me wandering off and thinking about my diagnosis there on out 😊
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Next morning, after enjoying a glorious sunrise by the beach right outside our window, we headed to San Jose del Cabo. San Jose del Cabo is a charming town about 40 minutes away from the center of or the marina of Cabo San Lucas. We explored the historic main square of San Jose del Cabo, shopped for souvenirs, visited the church, tasted delicious food, and admired the art galleries in the Art Gallery District. The Gallery District San Jose del Cabo is the cultural hub of Los Cabos with many upscale fine art galleries showcasing original paintings, sculpture, photography, prints and jewelry by local, national, and international contemporary artists. A fun tip -- the district hosts an Art Walk every Thursday night from 5 to 9 pm, from October through June. During the Art Walk, visitors can wander through the galleries, enjoy live music, wine and snacks, and chat with the artists.
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We had whale watching activity planned for the next day. Los Cabos is situated at the end of the Baja California Peninsula, where the Pacific Ocean and the Sea of Cortez meet, forming one of the most biodiverse seas on Earth. Whale watching in Los Cabos Mexico is a thrilling and popular activity that lets you see various kinds of whales in their natural environment. Humpback, Gray, Blue and Orca whales travel from Alaska and British Columbia to the warmer waters of the Sea of Cortez. The official season lasts from December 15 to April 15, but some whales may come earlier or stay later. The best time to spot whales in Los Cabos is from January to March, when calves are born and livelier. 
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We booked our tickets for the Whale Watching boat tour through Viator. Our boat served traditional Mexican breakfast and had knowledgeable and respectful guides who told us interesting facts about these amazing creatures. We were fortunate to witness a mamma whale teaching her calf how to jump out of the water and do a bridge! It was incredible to watch these majestic giants up close, in their natural habitat.
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Our whale watching boat sailed up to the El Arco de Cabo San Lucas (Lands End). El Arco de Cabo San Lucas is a stunning natural rock formation that forms a dramatic arch at the southern tip of the Baja California Peninsula. The arch is also known as Land’s End because it is the last piece of land before reaching the open ocean. It is one of the most iconic landmarks of Cabo San Lucas and a popular destination for tourists and locals alike. The arch was formed by the erosion of granite rocks over millions of years by the wind and the waves of the Pacific Ocean and the Sea of Cortez. And it marks the point where these two bodies of water meet, creating a rich marine biodiversity. The arch is a habitat for sea lions and a popular spot for whale watching.
 We enjoyed both local food and elevated dining on our trip. Arvind, my husband did fall sick for part of the trip due to heat and dehydration, but then with some good rest and with the help of the on-site doctor at the resort, he made a full recovery. Overall, it was a good trip. It felt liberating to savor the joys of life and embrace the present moment, without letting cancer and the future cast a shadow over me.
 Not going to lie, it was hard not to think about the diagnosis, the future, the unknowns and not getting sucked into the “why-did-this-have-to-happen?” quicksand. But, I’m proud to say per Shriya's strict rules, I ended up owing ONLY $10 to her by the end of the trip 😉 and I was able to enjoy the family time and this much-needed break.
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hellreads · 4 years
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five-rivers · 4 years
Danny slowly loses his memories from before the Accident.
“I don’t remember that,” said Danny.  “Are you sure I was there?”
Maddie raised her eyebrows.  “I talked to you about it just last week,” she said. “When I was asking you about what you’d like to do during summer vacation.”
“I remember that,” said Danny, uncurling slightly from his position on the couch.  “I just don’t remember the other thing.  I... maybe we talked about something like it.  When was it?”
“You were twelve,” said Maddie.  “It was just before your birthday.”
Slowly, he shook his head.  “Sorry,” he said.  “I remember, um...  What other vacations did we have?  Before the one where you thought I was crazy, it was, um...” He held his hands as if preparing to count on them.  “We went to New York that one time.  And then the Great Lakes before that...  Oh!  And that haunted house road trip.”
He frowned down at his hands, and Maddie felt something unpleasant curl in her gut.  
“Is that...  All you remember?” she asked.  
“Y-Yeah?  I guess the others were from when I was too young to remember?”
“The haunted house trip was when you were five,” said Maddie.  “Danny... have you been,” she didn’t want to say it, didn’t want to piece together other little oddities into a big picture, “have you been forgetting things?”
“No!” said Danny, defensively, sitting up straighter.  “I’m just...”  He chewed his lip.  “It isn’t as if I’ve forgotten anything recent.”
His abysmal grades and missed curfews begged to differ.
“One second,” said Maddie.  “Stay here.”
She went to her room and fetched one of her largest photo albums.  Danny was still on the couch when she came back, picking at the hem of his pant leg, and staring blankly at the floor.  Maddie sat next to him, making him jump.  She opened the album to a random page.  
“What were we doing here?” she asked.  
“Um,” said Danny, brows pinching together in confusion.  “Shopping?”
“For?” prompted Maddie.  
Danny shook his head.  “It’s just shopping.  It isn’t important.”
“Danny, this is from when we got you that model spaceship.  The one you have hanging up in your room.”
Danny blinked, and slowly shook his head.  
The doctor’s office looked clean.  It even smelled clean.  Danny was still doing his level best not to touch anything.  Maddie would have sighed at his behavior, but she was too tense.  She met Jack’s eye.  He looked terrible too.
“There are no signs of Alzheimer’s disease,” said the doctor.  All three of them sighed with relief.  “However...  You said the other symptoms, the difficulty in school, began after the electrical accident?”
“Yeah,” said Danny.  
The doctor nodded.  “Electricity can do strange things to the brain, sometimes.  We haven’t been able to find any structural damage, but the activity levels...”  He brought a colored image up on his computer screen.  “This is where long-term memory is stored,” he said. 
“Doesn’t red usually indicate high levels of activity?” asked Jack.
“It does,” said the doctor.  “This is actually higher than usual activity...  Honestly, I don’t know what’s going on here.  I would like to request that you make a record of things that you currently remember as happening in your life, and then come back a month from now.”
“That’s it?” demanded Maddie.  
“Right now, since we don’t know what’s causing this,” said the doctor, “the best we can do is monitor the situation.  We don’t even know if this is an ongoing deterioration, or something more gradual.  On the upside, other than long-term memory, there doesn’t appear to be any damage.  Your timeline after your accident is clear and detailed.  The cognitive tests we put you through actually put you significantly above average...  This is what we can do.”
Maddie didn’t like it.  Danny didn’t look surprised.  Or even particularly upset.  
She caught Jack’s eye again.  They would have to be ready to support him, when the extent of what he had lost fully hit him.  
Danny floated down the icy hallway next to Frostbite.  “This isn’t going to be one of those examinations where I have to get undressed, is it?” he asked.  
Frostbite chuckled, but there was an undercurrent to it that usually wasn’t present.  “Only halfway.”  He paused to tap Danny on the chest.  “Your mind is no longer entirely contained in your head, after all.”
Danny rubbed at where Frostbite had tapped him.  “You don’t think that has anything to do with it, do you?”
“I’m unsure,” said Frostbite as they reached the examination room.  “It isn’t unusual for ghosts to lose their memories of their lives, but that is both more immediate and more complete.  Sit down here, and take your shirt off, Great One, and we can begin.”
Danny made a face at the item that looked like an overly complicated dentist’s chair with a large metal disk embedded in the back, but obeyed.  
“Here we are,” said Frostbite, pulling a complicated ring-shaped thing from the chair.  “This part goes around your head,” he said adjusting it to fit.  
Despite his cold core, Danny shivered at the frigidity of the metal.  
“These are to monitor your core, along with the matching one built into the chair,” said Frostbite as he attached several flat disks to Danny’s chest.  
“Are they, like, ultrasound?” asked Danny, running his finger along the edge of one of them.  He didn’t like how they stuck to his skin.  
“They work on a similar principle,” said Frostbite.  He turned on several nearby monitors.  “With this, we will be able to see how your brain and core react in tandem.  Can you transform for me a few times?  I want to compare with the baseline readings we took from you when you first stayed with us.”
“Sure,” said Danny.  
“Alright,” said Frostbite.  “Now, I am going to try sending a few low-intensity ectoplasmic pulses and currents through you.  Is that alright?”
“Sure,” said Danny.  
The first few left Danny feeling lethargic and tingly.  Other gave him so much energy he had to leave the room for a few minutes to burn some of it off.  Another, interestingly, turned off his ghost half, not unlike the Plasmius Maximus.
There was a rest period in-between each test, to make sure that they weren’t mixing results.  During those times, Danny and Frostbite would laugh and tell jokes and...
...  Danny trailed off in the middle of a sentence.  “Frostbite?” he asked after a minute.  “What was I just saying?”
“I want to stress that this is currently just a theory, Great One,” said Frostbite.  
“It’s okay,” said Danny.  “Just...  What is it?”
“Your memories are recorded in both your brain and your core.  You know this, correct?”
“Yeah.  You told me that a while back.”
Frostbite nodded.  “Normally, if one is turned off, the other one is still recording memories, and the memories will be transcribed.”
Danny nodded.  
“Or, if they are disconnected, in the case of the Plasmius Maximus, or your parents’ ‘Ghost Catcher,’ they will swap memories.  However...”
“It is my theory that certain kinds of discrepancies between memories can lead to your core deciding that the discrepancy is an error and attempting to remedy it.  Great One, your core did not exist prior to your accident.”
“So, it thinks my memories from before that are wrong, and it’s getting rid of them.”
“I’m afraid it may be so.”
“Can you stop it?  I mean, you were able to artificially induce it, earlier...”
Frostbite made a face.  “The only things I can think of that could stop this would be unhealthy in the long run.  I do not believe you want to try to split yourself in two again.”
“No,” agreed Danny.  “Any-Anything else?”
Frostbite sighed.  “This is not something I can confirm,” he said, “but I suspect that the reason for your odd pattern of your memory loss is that the memories you dwelled on most often vanished first.”
“Oh,” said Danny.  “Because that would bring them to my core’s attention...”
Frostbite nodded.  
“Well.  That’s... not ideal.”
“I’m sorry, Great One.  Would that I could do more.”
“It’s all gone,” he said, without preamble, as he stood at Jazz’s door first thing in the morning.  
She looked crushed.  “Are you sure?”
Danny nodded.  “I remember remembering, but I don’t actually remember.  It’s weird and...  actually kind of a relief,” he said, tilting his head to one side.  
Jazz blinked rapidly.  “Are you going to tell Mom and Dad?”
He shook his head.  As his memories had disappeared, so had most of his remaining trust in his parents.  Between the memories of them caring for him, and the memories of them attacking or threatening him, the latter were more vivid.  
He still loved them, and his ghostly desires, that he literally could not remember living without, still focused on them, but that and trust were two different things.  It had been months since he’d started to fake retaining memories that he only knew about from reading his journals.  
“Sam and Tucker?”
This time, Danny nodded, the gesture much more enthusiastic.  “We were going to meet up later today, anyway.  Do you want to come with us?”
“Sure,” said Jazz.  She rubbed at her eyes.  “Give me a second.”
Danny nodded.  He wasn’t in a hurry.  “I’ll be downstairs.”
He could understand the grief.  He had felt it.  But it was over, now.  The only thing left was to make new memories.  
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angelguk · 3 years
→ on my mind 02 — a jeongguk scenario
member: jeon jungkook
word count: 25.6k
genre: domestic!au + established relationship + fluff + smut + mild angst
warnings: slow build / oral sex (f & m receiving) / multiple smut scenes / over-stimulation / breeding kink / creampies / mentions of infertility / pregnancy is a central part of the story line / pregnancy sex / jeongguk just wants to be a good dad / i am so sorry if the editing is not up to par i tried my best / mild possessiveness / mentions of misogyny and an asshole manager
soundtracks: (they long to be) close to you, carpenters + to you, yoona & lee sang soon + someone’s shining, wisue + who knew, chloe x halle, + but i’m trying to tell you how much i love you, saevom + pretend, lee aram + when the wind blows, yoona + meet me in amsterdam, rini + she, jannabi
special thanks to: @gukkheaven for seeing the baby version of this fic <3 / @a-life-thats-next-to-normal for sharing some much needed baby info with me!
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header credit @dee-ehn <3
read the first part here
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The first time you buy a test, you don’t tell him.
It’s a Thursday afternoon and you arrive home first. Jeongguk had texted you that he would be late today because Namjoon needed him to work overtime on a file that was due. You had taken the rare opportunity to scurry to your local chemist and purchase a handful of pregnancy tests. You’d dumped the pink boxes on the counter, trying in vain to avoid the blatant stare of the cashier as she packaged them into a small black bag. The trek back home nerve-racking. Your heart pounding painfully against your chest, the scruff of your sneakers against the pavement the only accompaniment to the tension you felt weighing over your body. It was only when you had passed a playground, eyes skimming over the hordes of children joyously dandling from monkey bars and slipping down sliders with wide grins on their faces, did your heart momentarily calm down. Lulled by the sound of their laughter until your pulse was relaxed once more.
You could do this — it’s just a test.
The apartment is eerily silent when you click the door closed behind you. You heel your shoes off, sliding your feet into the downy slippers Jeongguk had picked up for you a while back. You dump the bag on the dining table, hands shaking as you dig for your phone in your bag. Your fingers tap on the familiar pink app on your screen and you read the text that you’ve been subtly denying for the past week. Your period is late. Sometimes you miss a day or two but a whole nine days had passed and mother nature hadn’t sent you the usual reminder that indicated that you were not with child.
For some reason, the words sent a thrill through your body. It wasn’t like you were taking precautions to avoid pregnancy - quite the opposite. Ever since Jeongguk had admitted his secret wish to you, you’d both taken every opportunity to make sure you’d get knocked up. Most of the apartment had been rechristened during those activities, particularly the couch. The moment you’d told him you wouldn’t mind carrying his child a spark of desire had reignited in Jeongguk that you hadn’t seen since you started dating five years ago.
But for some reason, nothing was working the way you’d expected it to be. With Jeongguk’s new robust sex drive, you expected to be pregnant within a month tops. Yet, your period appeared each month without fail and it hurt to see the doubt creep onto his face every time he brought you a hot water bottle to lessen the cramps wreaking havoc in your stomach. For a while, you thought you were infertile. You considered taking up the issue with your doctor but it was hard to acknowledge that you may be. That either of you may be. Not when both of you wanted this so bad.
The fact that your period had been missing for a significant amount of time in your perspective was both thrilling and alarming at the same time.
When you finally pick up one of the pregnancy tests, you take your time, reading over the instructions. Three times exactly. One-line means not pregnant, two lines indicate that you are. Not hard, right?
In the bathroom, you struggle to pee. Your hand is trembling as you hold the collection cup and your flow is unsteady despite the two bottles of water you’d chugged on the train ride home once Jeongguk told you he’d be late. Things work out, regardless of your nerves.
Once everything is done, your hands are clean and the two pregnancy tests you’d unwrapped are sitting flat on the counter of your bathroom, you fiddle with the timer app on your phone, setting it to five minutes.
Those are the longest five minutes of your life.
You leave the bathroom, unable to look before the set time, your bottom lip caught between your teeth. You can’t sit, so you pace around, slippers slapping the hardwood floorboards as you try to attempt to calm yourself down but fail miserably at it because the clock hanging in the living room is ticking too loud; it echoes in your head matching the beats of the seconds you’re mentally counting down. Outside of your apartment, someone’s shouting a passing greeting across the street, there’s the tickle of a bike bell and a gruff woof echoing from the throat of a dog. The sounds of life outside the panic bubble you’re currently in draws you to the window. You pad over, lean down to rest your elbows against the sill as your eyes take in the sight of the evening sun dipping behind the silhouettes of buildings. The sky bleeds orange and red, bright fuchsia pink and cornflower blue trailing behind their wake like silage. The view is partially obscured by murky grey clouds but beyond them, you can still spot the lavender tone the two colours create when they flux into each other.
The sight slows down your heartbeat, a sense of tranquillity washing over your body as if you’d been dipped into the ocean. It reminds you of the sea view both of you had left behind when you’d moved to Seoul four years ago. You can’t help but slip into a reverie, nose full of the ghost-like remnants of salty air, the sand you’d played in as a child a phantom caressing the soles of your feet. The sunsets in Busan were better but Seoul is where Jeongguk and you had crafted life together, even if you sometimes wished you had never left your hometown at all.
The alarm going off in the bathroom yanks you right back into your quaint little apartment. You take a deep breath and then rise. Your knees wobble as you walk to the bathroom, a sheen of sweat building in the palms of your hands. The sudden urge to just get this over with steadies your steps until you’re standing before the counter again, staring at your reflection in the mirror. There are dark bags underneath your eyes and your face carries the worries of the day. You look worn and you feel it too. Coupled with the extra pressure of trying and failing to get pregnant, there’s so much on your back right now it feels as if it’s bent over. You sigh, eyes still refusing to falter and look downwards at the results on your counter.
It takes you a moment to gather the courage to pluck up the first test.
Your breath is trapped in your throat and your eyes suddenly feel hot and wet. Your vision blurs up and your hands are shaking but even despite the tears falling down your cheeks, you can see the results.
It’s one line. Negative.
The other one reads the same and all you can do is try to remember how to breathe as you roughly wipe away your tears. Your hands are trembling as you wrap up and dispose of the two tests, shoving them into the trash before you pile more tissue on top of it, wishing you could hide from the shame you feel too. The black bag with the other tests gets tucked behind your pads in the cupboard. Jeongguk won’t question that, so it's the safest place to store it.
You head to the shower next, allowing the rushing water to sweep away the dried tear stains on your face, hoping it erases the crushing feeling of disappointment sitting on your chest too. But it doesn’t and even as you move around the kitchen to make dinner, your actions seem slow, languid in a bad way, held down by the fact that no matter what you can’t seem to get pregnant.
Jeongguk knows right away something is off.
He came home late as he said he would, pressed a kiss to your cheek and muttered a small greeting before heading to the shower. When he emerged once more in grey sweats and a worn white t-shirt, he’d plopped himself down at the dining table, gave you a quiet once over and then opened his mouth to gently say, “Your eyes are red.”
“Bad day at work,” you lie, placing a bowl of rice before him.
“I don’t want to talk about it.”
You fall into a silence that should be comfortable but it isn’t. Every time you glance up Jeongguk is staring at you with a worried expression that makes your heart heavy. Even between bites of food, you can see his brain working, mulling over a way to make you feel better. Which sucks because Jeongguk shouldn’t be worrying about insignificant issues like this. He had a lot on his plate anyway. His extra hours at the office were taking a gradual toll on him. His eyes seemed hollower and he’d had to skip a couple of gym sessions so he didn’t even have his usual outlet for stress. There was a vein surfacing on his forehead and it pulsed every time he was thinking too hard about something. Like it was now. It hurt even more when you knew Jeongguk was putting all this stress on himself because he wanted to find a bigger place for his future family. The spare room you owned had long since been converted into his game room and he wasn’t about to give up that little luxury just yet. He was only taking on more responsibilities at the office because he believed that his future children deserve a place to run, play games, to just be a child. The image of the two negative tests linger before your vision and your heart breaks a little more because it feels like Jeongguk is working hard for something that’ll never become a reality.
He cleans up while you take your place on the couch. Even with the drone of the drama on the television and the clinking of dishes as Jeongguk washes up fills your apartment, you still can’t settle in and shake off the cloud that’s hanging above your head. When he does join you, Jeongguk lugs over the soft black blanket you’d whisked from Yoongi’s apartment, carrying his favourite bar of chocolate in his hands.
He shoves it in your direction, planting a soft kiss on your forehead. “Here, take this.”
“Why? It’s yours.” But you clasp your fingers around the plastic wrapping, the warmth of his lips against your skin ebbing through you.
He shrugs, shifting against you so that your legs are thrown over his and the blanket covers both of your bodies. Beneath it, his large warm hand searches for yours, latching around your fingers and giving them a gentle squeeze. “Take it. You said you had a bad day and chocolate always makes you feel better, doesn’t it?”
The corners of your mouth are lifting upwards as you tear the package open. It's mint flavoured. Jeongguk always had an affinity towards sweet mint flavoured things, and the chocolate melts on your tongue with ease. Slowly, the tension within you abates, your mind vaguely focusing on the screen before you, Jeongguk’s warm firm body burning beside you. You melt into him, breaking off pieces of chocolate and nudging them against his mouth until he parts his lips and allows you to drop them inside. His tongue trails against your fingertips despite the ‘gross’ you mutter into the evening air. All he does is laugh and pull you closer, brushing another swift kiss on your cheek. You settle against him, resting your head against the curve of his shoulder before the drama takes your attention. One of the characters had made a joke and the rise of Jeongguk’s chest beneath your head as he laughs calms you down so much that you can’t help but laugh too.
The evening winds down in this manner. Jeongguk unknowingly melting away the tension that had built up within you with each soft smile and laugh that he gives you as he talks about his day over the voices of the actors on screen. You listen intently, hoping you can take away some of his stress too until you’re struggling to keep your eyes open. He gently shakes you awake, taking your hand to guide you into bed where you promptly collapse between the sheets. You can hear his footsteps as he moves around, checking the doors and switching the lights off, but your mind feels foggy and your eyes are heavy.
When he settles in beside you, shirtless and having tucked away from the semi you don’t know he’s sporting, your breaths are slow and slumber is slipping over you. His arm finds its way over your waist and his chest is plastered against your back. You’re about to fall asleep, the dark deep wonders of rest right on the edge of your vision but you’re wiggling around, slotting the curve of your ass against Jeongguk’s crotch and that’s when you instantly wake up.
His erection is nudging against your ass and you can tell he’s still awake from the rise and fall of his chest behind you. He thinks you’re still sleeping because he doesn’t say anything, just trails a finger against the curve of your hips. The touch warms you even through the fabric of your pyjamas. But you’re suddenly on edge again, the negative tests flashing before your eyes. You were going to book an appointment with the doctor soon but would it hurt to try one more time before you did so? It really wouldn’t.
You wiggle against him harder, the growing curve of his cock against you eliciting a rush of slick from your cunt. When you grind into him, Jeongguk groans, a low rumble that slips from his throat. The grip on your hip draws taut. He knows you’re awake.
“If you keep doing that, we’re going to have a problem.”
You grin, hips still pushing backwards. “What if I’m willing to solve it?”
“I wouldn’t let you.”
You halt, ass still pressed against his crotch, the smile falling from your face and your arousal rapidly dissipating. Jeongguk’s pulling away before you can say anything, rising on his elbows so that he can look at you.
“I know Seungmin isn’t the reason why you were sad today. I saw the test boxes in the bathroom.”
It’s so quiet that you can hear the rush of blood filling your head. The tears you’d thought you’d run out of, reappear instantly, dripping down your cheeks. He wipes them away with a forlorn smile before shifting to wrap you in his warm arms. Your chest shudders with every breath you take but Jeongguk holds you together, whispering words of comfort against your ear.
“It’s okay, baby, it’s okay.” He holds you a little tighter when you start to hiccup against the crook of his neck, rubbing a large hand against your back.
When you finally calm down, you pull away, cheeks wet, to find that Jeongguk’s own eyes are tinged red too.
“Were they negative?” You nod, still, a little bit choked up. But then he smiles and moves to press a tepid kiss between your eyebrows. “Stop stressing. It’ll happen when it happens.”
“Getting pregnant shouldn’t be this hard. All I have to do is open my legs.”
“Hey,” He pats your damp cheek in chastisement. “Stop talking like that. You don’t have control over your body. Don’t blame yourself for things you can’t help. For all we know, this could be my fault.”
“It’s nobody’s fault.” You mutter. “I just - we’ve been trying for three months now and I don’t know what’s wrong.”
“We could go get checked. Both of us.” He’s pulling you closer again. “Don’t blame yourself, baby. Please.”
“I’m trying not to,” you whisper back, falling back into the comfort of his body. Jeongguk is like a pillar of strength for you, particularly when you feel like you have none left within you. And right now you don’t. But he holds you up, his hands caressing your skin softly, pushing off the worries that plague. You fall asleep like this, eyes crusty from crying and Jeongguk’s loving gaze watching over your features.
The next day, you book an appointment and try to ignore the nervous thoughts gnawing at your conscience.
Your period comes three days later and all that does is build on to the new feeling of resentment that you were developing against your uterus.
Jeongguk buys you your favourite chocolate, keeps your supply of hot water bottles going, cook’s dinner and tells you to stop worrying.
The late August afternoon sun warms your back as your drag Taehyung through the lake. You’ve got your arms wrapped around his neck in a playful choke-hold and despite his wild thrushes you manage to dunk him into the tepid lake water — retribution for what he did to you earlier. He’d shoved you right into the lake from atop some boulders, leaving you shocked and with water filling your nose for most of the afternoon. Somewhere in the background, you can hear Seokjin screaming at his twins because they’re copying your actions on each other and Jimin is hiding Bora from the two homicides about to take place in broad daylight.
You let go of Taehyung when he elbows you roughly and watch him rise to the surface, face tinged rose, but a good-natured boxy grin plastered on his features.
“If Jeongguk wouldn’t be able to beat my ass, I would end you Y/N,” he says.
You roll your eyes, playfully punching his arm. “Sure you would.”
Taehyung’s grin broadens. “I’m tempted to prove you wrong but you should get the boys before they murder each other.” He says before shaking his head. The droplets that fly from his mane obscure your vision so you twist around, waddling through the water, just in time to catch Minho body slam Minjoon into the water.
“Minho! You’re going to kill your brother!” Seokjin sounds beyond distressed, so on his behalf, you swim further into the water, and pull the two boys apart only to find them grinning wickedly at each other. They had just turned five and had reached the age where morbid violence was amusing instead of alarming.
“Boys, can we find something else to play instead? You’re going to send your father to an early grave.”
“What’s a grave?” Minjoon inquires, clinging to your waist as you haul them back to shore. Taehyung’s already out, meandering back to the cabins that belonged to Jimin’s affluent family. It was his idea to have a quick weekend getaway at the lake. He insisted that the kids needed to go out and play in the wild but he wanted to get everyone out of the house. The stress from work and studies were taking a huge toll on the relations within your group. You’d seen Yoongi and Namjoon argue for the first time in a while and it had been over whether Marvel was right in killing off Tony Stark. Yoongi had nearly thrown a plate at Namjoon’s head when he insisted that Tony deserved to die. That alone instantly made you agree to Jimin’s plan. You had to pack for Jeongguk too since he was swamped with work, another reason why everyone needed this mini vacation.
The man in question is nursing a beer by the grill, a languid grin on his face as he chats with Namjoon. The smile on his lips sends a rush of affection flooding through your heart because you hadn’t seen it for a while now. What with your uterus refusing to do its duty and the workload he was dealing with; you were glad he was taking a break now. He deserved it.
“A grave is where people go and sleep for a very long time,” You carefully respond, running a hand through Minho’s wet hair. They both have Seokjin’s bright eyes and the curiosity within them slightly unnerves you. “You should go ask your dad, he can explain it better.”
They shot off at that, sprinting to their father who’d given you a grateful smile when you’d dragged them out alive. Unfortunately, he was now trying to feed his third son Chansook, who was a stubborn eater according to his wife Seoyeon and coupled with the insistent pestering from the boys you could see him slowly going mad.
Instead of helping, as you should, to diffuse the situation, you head towards the kitchen, snatching up an oversized t-shirt on the way there. Seoyeon’s dashing from place to place, checking pots and pans with the help of Jimin’s wife Bora and Namjoon’s wife Eunbi. Yoongi and Hoseok take it upon themselves to cook the near twelve-packs of ramen needed to feed all the mouths present. You leave them to it, aware that Yoongi makes his ramen in a specific manner and you’d rather stay away than help him in case you ruined it. Seoyeon shoves a chopping board and some vegetables in your direction which you gladly take, settling beside Soomi.
“Is Bora outside?” She asks, slicing up a melon.
“Jimin’s got her. She’s fine.”
“Surprised she hasn’t cried yet. She hates being away from home for long periods.”
“Three days isn’t long,” You comment.
“It is in her world,” Soomi remarks, her laugh gentle. You glance at her, taking in the new wrinkles on her face due to being a mother and working at the same time. You don’t know how she handles it, especially because Soomi inherited her father’s dramatic and clingy traits. But even despite the stress, there’s a soft smile on her lips. You know she’s thinking about her child. The whole concept of infinite love that a mother possessed for her children was still lost upon you. You loved Jeongguk to the Sun and back but the love lingering on Soomi’s face at the simple thought of her baby was entirely different. Some part of you longed to know what that felt like.
“Can I ask a question?” You carefully pose, slicing the radishes Seoyeon handed you earlier.
“Go ahead.”
“How long did it take for you and Jimin to conceive?”
“With his stamina,” she scoffs, “Not long at all. I was pregnant by the end of our honeymoon. Why are you asking?” Her eyes are on you, shining with curiosity eerily similar to the twins’ gaze.
“No particular reason. Just curious.”
“Are you pregnant?” Her blatant question has your cheeks heated and you pray the rest of the occupants in the kitchen didn’t catch what she said.
“No,” you hastily reply. “I’m not. But we are trying.”
“Oh.” Soomi’s staring at you with a gaze you can’t decipher. “You don’t want to get married first?”
“We talked about that. We’re in no rush for marriage. We’re both it for each other as far as we’re concerned and a piece of paper won’t change how we feel about it. So we’ll skip out on marriage for the time being. Our parents know how we feel about marriage too. Even if they don’t exactly agree, it’s our relationship.” You make your tone firm on purpose. This question has been posed to you too many times, so the defence in your words is natural. But the look Soomi gives you is sharp enough to crack through the thin glass that constructs your resolve. Her gaze isn’t mean, but there’s a clear judgement in her eyes. She pauses, a gentle sigh slipping from her lips before she slowly opens her mouth.
“If that’s what you want, then do it. But I have to warn you, kids do shake up the picture quite a lot. Soomi taught me so much about Jimin already, things I would never have known about him. Some of them I didn’t like and others I loved and I bet she’s shown Jimin things about me that I never knew too. It’s a lot to have a kid and you need to make sure your relationship can handle the extra stress and responsibility you’re about to put on it.” She’s not looking at you, instead focusing on tying up her dark locks in a neat bun, but her last words linger in your head. “Don’t do something that might push you further away from each other. You love Jeongguk, but will you love him as a father when he messes up? Because he will. You’ll mess up a lot too. Parenting is one big learning curve that never stops curving. Even if you feel ready, Y/N, your relationship might not be.”
You move to interrupt her, a rebuttal resting on your tongue. But Soomi halts it, shooting you a glance that makes your heart halt.
“Have you thought about the pregnancy too? How your body will change? The mood swings, the morning sickness? How crappy you are going to feel? And for nine months too. That’s a lengthy time. Even with Soomi I was counting down the days until I hit the next week. I wanted it over and done with so bad if I’m being honest with you. Every pregnancy is different; I understand that — you might even be lucky and have a great one. But most aren’t a walk in the park. It’s a big commitment to make, with a lot of serious risks. Not that I want you to reconsider your choice, I just think you really need to think it through. Weigh the reasons you want this. You may want a kid right now but are you in the space to have one in nine months? That’s just something to keep in mind, Y/N. It’s not an easy thing, pregnancy or parenting.” She’s staring at you hard now, gaze earnest. “I just want you to consider that. You should talk to Jeongguk about it.”
You mumble a noise of agreement, your heart suddenly heavy in your chest. There’s a numbness that creeps from there, in the pit of darkness that now consumes the light that had once resided within you. You cut the ingredients they had you absentmindedly, Soomi’s words ringing in your head.
Even when dinner is set, memories and laughter have been cast across the table and everyone’s had their fill, you’re still mulling over Soomi’s advice. She was right, you hadn’t thought about the toll a child would take on the connection between you and Jeongguk. Or on you. You’d only focused on the happy little moments that would await you as new parents instead of the rough, ugly parts of the journey. There was a sudden panic gripping your soul instead of the familiar warmth you’d become accustomed to when you thought about having a child. Jeongguk had sensed there was something off with you too, because when you climbed into the sheets that night he’d wrapped you in a tight embrace, carefully resting your head upon his upper arm.
“Care to share what’s on your mind?” His voice is a whisper in the dead of the night, breath warming your forehead.
“It's nothing really. Just thinking about… the whole pregnancy thing?”
His body tenses. “Oh... The doctor said we’re fine though. Both healthy and fertile. It’ll happen when it happens.”
“No. Not that,” you retort, twisting in his arms. You tear yourself away, rising upright, the blanket falling from your bare shoulders. Jeongguk stares at you, eyes wide open and full of alarm. “Jeongguk.” There’s a tremor in your voice. “Do you — do you really think we’re ready for kids? I still work under a shitty manager. We live in a small apartment. You’re — you’re working so hard it’s practically killing you. We’re not even married—”
“Quit your job.” He says it firmly, rising up beside you. There’s a fire in his eyes that riles you further into the panic that’s overwhelming you.
“What are you even suggesting? I quit my job? So what? You can continue working yourself to the bone? Are you even thinking?”
“I am!” He slams back. “You hate your job, so quit! You’re talented and skilled and you deserve to work at a company that appreciates you! And where is this coming from? You don’t want to have kids anymore?” His voice faltering at the end, pandering out into the air that’s filled with tension.
“No. I — I want to Jeongguk. I just don’t know if this is the right time. There’s so much that’s not settled, we shouldn’t be straining ourselves any further.” Your throat is thick and your head is hot, unshed tears brimming within your eyes. He reaches out for your hand, rough large palms enclosing your own. You can’t look at him, staring hard at the wall instead, trying to swallow your sadness. “Maybe I’m not getting pregnant for a reason.”
“Don’t say that.” His voice cracks. “If you want to wait, that’s fine. Just know that you’re the only person I ever want to take that step with. Whether we’re married or not. I love you. I love you so much. I don’t want you to be sad about something that’s meant to make you happy. We can stop trying.” There’s a hand on your cheek, his thumb wiping away the hot tears that you weren't even aware of. When you finally look up, there’s pain glimmering behind his brown eyes and it shatters your heart into thousands of little shards.
He holds you as you cry, rocking your huddled figure lightly. His shirt is drenched in your sorrow, a growing wet stain spreading over his chest. There are hiccups stuck in your throat when you finally draw away, eyes hot and puffy. There’s matching wet stains on his own red cheeks. You brush them away, staring into his red eyes, hoping he can feel how sorry you are for giving him hope that his deepest desire could come true and then snatching it right back,
When he kisses you, there’s silent tears still streaming down your cheeks. It’s slow, gentle. The words that are stuck in his throat are communicated through this kiss. Like he needs you to know it’s okay. Your worries are valid and even though he’s hurt, he still loves you. Still needs you. And you kiss him back with the same intent, your heart aching in your chest because Jeongguk had been so happy when you’d agreed to start a family with him. A life that wasn’t just about the two of you as individuals, it would have been about the two of you as one. But that’s no longer a reality, merely a castle in the sky now.
The pillow is soft beneath the dip of your head. Jeongguk’s above you and you hold onto him like you’re afraid you might lose him, your mouths still attached. You’re terrified this might push him away, that he might find someone else that can give him what he really wants. Someone who will trust his intentions instead of doubting him.
He pulls away, eyes glossy, a look in them that tells you he can feel the fear in your kiss, the desperation to keep him closer. “I’m here.” His voice is thick, still heavy with heartbreak. “You’ve got me. I’m not going anywhere.”
The urge to prove that makes your fingertips twitch. You’re yanking at the hem of his shirt, your heartbeat pulsing in your throat. It comes off immediately, followed by his shorts and your own t-shirt. He’s not hard but there’s a sizable bulge nudging against your clothed core. You pull him down, revelling in the way he caves you in, and kiss him until he’s grinding himself against you, little gasps spilling from his swollen lips. Your fingers are tangled in his long hair and even though you’re hurting your heart settles. This is yours. No matter what happens, this belongs to you.
Jeongguk must feel the same because he’s coaxing a dark bruise on your neck, the need to display his love for you making his tongue swoop across your sensitive skin, teeth nipping when a rush of desire slithers down his back. His hips move harder now and he’s leaking in his boxers, the damp stain of the fabric matching the one on your panties. The air still feels heavy, but your joined pants now fill it. There’s a hand on your hip, pinning you down to the bed and at some point Jeongguk had kicked the sheets to the floor. You’re at his mercy, taking the rough grind of his crotch against your own. There’s a sting on your clit from the material rubbing you the wrong way, so you gently push him off, slipping off your underwear. The cool air hits your slick folds, making you feel more exposed and vulnerable than you’ve ever felt before. He doesn’t say anything, just slips down your body, draping your legs over his shoulder, his warmth breath grazing your thighs.
The first lick of his tongue against you has your toes curling. You watch him spread you apart, firm tongue dipping into hole, toying with it before sliding back up to your clit. When his lips latch onto it, sucking it hard, your back lurches off the bed. The noises that fall from your mouth spur him on, tongue moving quickly now, alternating between precise quick licks and slower ones, tongue spread against your pussy. You take it, staring at him as he devours you. The usual fire you’d become accustomed to during sex doused from his eyes, the brown softer now, almost calm. But there’s an urgency in the way he eats you out, your slick coating his lips, as his tongue flicks against your clit.
It’s hard not to grind against his face, but you’re still holding yourself back, despite the rush of pleasure that’s creeping into every muscle, every nerve and piling in your gut. When his tongue swirls around your clit, before dragging down your folds and dips inside you hard, that resolve you were desperately clinging on snaps. You roll your hips against his mouth, back arched and your head pushing into the pillows. The knot in your gut is tight. You’re close, eyes closing involuntarily and your thighs twitching under the firm grasp of his hands. Jeongguk can tell because his tongue is against your clit once more, flicking hard, coaxing the orgasm out of you. You want to push his head away, the need to snap your legs closed making your thighs tense but he doesn’t care, fucking your clit with his mouth until you unravel beneath him.
It hits you slowly and then all at once. A build-up that has your squirming beneath him, trying to get away, then your muscles lock. Mouth wide open and words falling from your throat that you can’t decipher because there’s blood rushing in your ears. Your walls clench around nothing and you wish he’d slipped in a finger or two but then you glance down, Jeongguk still lapping at your pussy with vigour, his eyes on you and your whole body just dissolves. Your bones feel like they’re melting into each other, eyelids heavy but you force them open and lock them onto his. When you finally muster the strength, you push his head away and drag him up to you, slotting your lips together. He tastes like you, and you’re fully aware of his erection, the bulge grazing against your sensitive nub.
He cups one of your breasts as you kiss, his thumb brushing against your hard nipple. You jolt, a sudden rush of wetness gushing from your cunt. Your hands trail down his body without thought, gingerly digging into the band of his boxers but then he’s pulling away, mouth latching onto your nipple and your brain short wires for a second. The drag of his tongue against your chest makes your gut feel strange, another knot settling despite the orgasm you had moments ago.
He comes up, mouth shiny with your slick and your chest heaving beneath him as he stares at you in a way that makes your heart seize. “I love you too.” It hits you then, what you’d been repeating when he was going down on you. You said you loved him. And it’s true - you do. You love him so much it hurts sometimes. It’s the most overwhelming, intense emotion you’d ever felt. It makes your heart feel like it’s going to explode sometimes. And even though you’re not sure you can give Jeongguk what he wants anymore, those words lessen the worry and guilt you feel. He loves you. That’s all that matters.
His boxers find their way to the ground when your lips latch onto each other again and then he’s guiding himself into you, groaning against your mouth as you squeeze down on him. It’s slow, his hips rising and falling onto yours in a steady rhythm, cock stretching you out. It feels so good and you let go now, moaning into his ear as your hands settle on his hips urging him into you, faster and harder. Jeongguk complies, your name stuck on his lips as he fucks you into the mattress, the curve in his stomach telling him he’s close. You clench around him, loving the way Jeongguk feels buried inside you, filling you up like no one else can. You’re tight and wet and he can’t help but lift your hips, grasping the back of your thighs so that he can pound into you the way he wants too. He’s hitting deeper now, the curve of his cock rubbing against that part of you that has delicious tingles vibrating through your body. It’s heady, the way he fucks you. You can feel him twitching, thrusts in precise, the need to cum driving his hips. When he moves to pull away, you push his hips back down.
“I — oh,” He says, breathless when you squeeze around him, ribbed velvet walls clenching on his veiny cock. “I’m close.”
“Inside,” you murmur, “Cum inside.”
He stares at you, eyes glimmering. But his hips come slamming back down hard and he fucks you like he never wants to leave your cunt. It’s exactly what you want and you’re not worried. After three months of trying what could happen now? So you let him have his way with you, his harsh thrusts bruising your hips. His own falter against you, warm cum spilling inside. Jeongguk’s panting beside your ear, your sweaty skin sticking together. His hair is dishevelled, ruined and damp. But there’s a soft smile on his face and when he pulls out, cum making your thighs feel grimy. He pecks your nose gently. It makes your heart calm. Then he rises, moving to the bathroom and returning with a wet cloth. He cleans you up in silence but it’s content, not tense. Your eyes are closed when he slips into bed again, the mattress dipping under the weight of his knee. He drags the sheets he’d plucked from the floor over your body and you burrow into his side, the thrumming of his heart in his chest a serene euphony to your ears. You fall asleep like this, the melancholy that was weighing over your heart temporarily subsided.  
There’s a faint ding from your phone. You pick it up, sliding down the notification bar to see a reminder from your period app. You’re three days late. You choose to ignore it, tossing the phone back onto your desk because there’s a file you urgently need to complete. Seungmin’s been breathing down your neck about it. Coupled with the fact that Jeongguk’s birthday is next week and you’re still trying to plan his party out, your brain felt like it was about to combust. Your period is probably late because you were stressed. Jeongguk had been swamped with work too and after the mini holiday at the lake house you’d barely seen him. So obviously, it’s stress.
You leave the office late, putting down a reminder to book an appointment with your doctor in your notes app as you exit the building. You’d been mulling over going on birth control for a while now. It seemed like the most logical approach. Partially because you’d grown accustomed to feeling Jeongguk’s cum inside you and also because you thought it was better to wait a little bit until you were both more settled and ready for kids. Some part of you still longed to have them now but Soomi’s words haunted your thoughts every time the idea popped into your head. You had no doubt that you loved Jeongguk but the negatives of parenting heavily clouded over the pleasant scenarios you’d imagined.
The apartment is empty when you get home. You shower first and then head to the kitchen, your phone in your hand. There’s a text from Jeongguk telling you he’ll be late. He’s close to a promotion thanks to all his hard efforts even if it means you spend less and less time together. You settle on starting dinner, so that he’ll have something warm to eat when he comes home. He was notoriously bad at remembering to eat enough while working late.
When you’ve finished cooking, you settle into the couch, laptop open on some random show so that you have background noise as you eat. But it’s not enough to entertain you and you find yourself swiping through your phone. You scroll through Instagram feed, pausing over a picture of Yoona’s new-born. He’s a cute baby even with all the wrinkles and scrunched up face. His name is Jonghyun and Yoona hadn’t been able to stop talking about him. Baby this, baby that. It was cute, her unadulterated love for her child. Even when he puked over everything and refused to sleep.
Your heart feels heavy now, ears focused on the incessant ticking of the clock instead of the chattering of the actors on your screen. The memory of your first time taking a test comes stinging back hard. How nervous you were, how disappointed you felt when it was negative. It all seemed like wishful thinking now but something about it had you sitting upright, empty bowl discarded on the coffee table and your laptop nearly tipping onto the floor. You open the app again, stare at the three days’ late notification and then run to the bathroom.
The tests are still packed in the black paper bag. Your rummage through it, yanking out three in your trembling fingers tips. For some reason, it’s easier this time. You pee, dip them in the cup and leave them lying horizontally on the bathroom counter in what feels like seconds. Your heart pounds every step of the way. There’s no way you’re pregnant. It wouldn’t make any sense. Your legs jitter when you sit back onto the couch and everything feels like it’s going in slow motion. Or are you just moving really fast? You can’t tell, setting a timer on your phone before pressing your palm against your heart, trying to calm the drumming against your ribs. Time goes quickly and there’s a familiar buzzing signifying that your results are ready. You can’t walk. You don’t want to walk. It would be better not to know. But what’s the harm in knowing when you already know they’re negative. It’s just a confirmation. You’re not pregnant.
When you finally rise, your breath is shaky and your legs feel like logs as you drag yourself to the bathroom. The counter beckons you towards the tests, bright white light shining down upon them.
Two lines. On all three tests. Positive.
You can’t breathe. Your hands are shaking so much and suddenly the floor feels closer than it should. Your heart threatens to burst from your chest and there’s blood roaring in your head. You steady yourself against the sink, chest heaving beneath the loose shirt that you're sure belongs to Jeongguk. It feels surreal. The harsh light of your bathroom is hurting your eyes but you keep staring at the tests, the new information sinking in slowly. Suddenly you’re hyper-aware of your stomach, how the band of your underwear digs into the flesh of your hips. You can’t think about anything else because it hits you then. What those tests mean apart from the positive two lines, you keep blinking at.
Pregnant. You’re pregnant.
The first person you call isn't Jeongguk. It isn't your mother either or Yoona.
It's Soomi.
She picks up on the fourth ring, mumbling a hello that you struggle to hear over the sound of Bora whining in the background.
“Bora! Sit down!” Soomi’s not focused on your conversation yet. Her voice is tight, clear irritation radiating through her words. Something hits the floor and there’s a shrill echo of Bora’s cries ringing through the line. Soomi sighs heavily. “Give me a second. I’ll call you back.” And then the line goes dead.
Is that your future? Is that what you really want?
For some reason you’re crying. There’s a hot heaviness in your eyes that throbs dully in your skull, the coming of a headache. You wipe them away with the back of your hand, the lump in your throat making it hard for you to speak. Why did you even call Soomi in the first place? You can’t remember why the panic you’d felt had driven you to dialling her number. Especially when she planted that seed of doubt in your head in the first place.
When she rings again, you’re tempted to decline the call. Soomi would even question why you’re telling her first instead of your mother or Jeongguk. But you don’t know what else to do right now. You can’t just throw all the tests away and act like this isn’t happening. There’s a being developing inside you right now. A person that is both you and Jeongguk. And quite frankly you’re terrified.
“Hey, sorry for that. Bora’s started throwing tantrums now. I just had to talk to her.” She sounds exhausted.
You nod, realizing a second later she can’t see you. “Uh, yeah.” Your throat is clogged. “It’s fine, don't worry.”
“How are you then?” There’s a click of a door closing behind her.
“Um…” You can’t say it out loud, the words crawling back down your throat. Soomi’s quiet down the line, like she can feel the fear in your hesitation.
“Y/N? What’s going on? Are you alright?”
You still can say anything, a tremble in your fingers that you can’t control. “I’m…” She waits, patient, and you know her eyebrows are furrowed together like they usually do when she’s concerned.
Wouldn’t it be easier to just say it all at once? Rip it off like a bandage? You settle for that, forcing the rushed sentence out of your mouth. “I’m pregnant.”
“You’re what?” You open your mouth again but Soomi beats you to it. “You’re pregnant?” There’s an incredulity there like she’s still trying to process what you’d said. At least you are in the same boat.
“Yes,” You reply, finally stepping out of the bathroom. The tests are shoved far into the back of the cupboard. You’d taken care to store the boxes away too instead of dumping them into the trash. But now you long to sit, and the couch seems incredibly inviting. It’s weird to crawl under the blanket, knees curled into your stomach. There’s a life blossoming there. A whole life.
“Oh my god! Congratulations!” She’s practically vibrating down the line and her happiness has you pausing. Why is someone else more excited for your pregnancy than you? “How far along are you? Does Jeongguk know yet? I’m so happy for you!”
“...I don’t know how far along I am. I just found out.” Your voice is monotone in comparison to her bubbly questions. She catches on quickly, falling silent at the lack of joy in your tone.
“Oh. Are you alright? Weren’t you trying for kids?” Now she’s confused, hesitant to be happy when you’re not. The problem is, there’s a small part of you that’s elated. Finally, after all that time, here’s what you wanted. Handed to you on a silver platter. But you’re too wary of it all right now. There’s ominousness creeping into your beautiful vision of a family, staining the picture dark. What if this rips you apart? What if it makes you hate Jeongguk? What if this is the wrong time? What if you’re a shit mother? There’s too much worry looming over parenthood. And it’s sitting on your shoulders.
The tears reappear, dripping down your cheeks fast.
“We stopped,” You croak out.
“Oh.” Soomi’s silence leaves your head throbbing. You know why you called. For reassurance. Someone needs to tell you it’s going to be okay. Not Yoona. Not Jeongguk. Not your mother. Soomi was the only one who could provide the reassurance you desperately needed. “Y/N, are you happy?” She asks a heartbeat later, like she knows your thoughts.
You hiccup. “I don’t know. I don’t know what to feel or what to do.”
There’s a small hum from her lips. “Okay. How about you get a glass of water first. Anything you want to drink.” She’s right. Your hiccups keep interrupting her and they’re uncomfortable. You leave the phone on the couch, returning after you’d chugged some water. “You’re back,” She sounds relieved, sighing through the line. You mumble a sound of affirmation, digging your cold feet under the fluffy blanket. “Remember what I said about parenthood?”
“Yes.” Of course you do, you hadn’t forgotten a word she’d said.
“I know I mentioned all the negative things but I don’t want you to lose sight of all the little wonderful things. Having a child is both a blessing and a nightmare — and I know it sounds hypocritical of me to be talking about all the nice things that come with being a parent when I just had an argument with my daughter, but I promise you, there’s so many moments that you’ll cherish during this part of your life. It’ll change a lot, some for the worse, some for the better. But it’s worth it. So worth it.”
You stay silent, shuffling in the cushions. There’s an urge to touch your stomach and you give into it, feeling the warm skin beneath your palm that’s going to stretch out, making room for the child within you.
“You know,” Soomi continues, a waver in her voice. “I cried the first time Bora could walk without support from either of us. She wasn’t that big and I was so proud of her but it felt like my baby was getting too old already. And now I can hardly get her to sit down.” She laughs softly. The memory she’s shared warms you. You can see it now, the tiny little feet, the unsure steps. “You know that’s waiting for you, right? With Jeongguk’s energy, that kid will never be able to stay still.”
And then you’re smiling, an easy one that tugs at the corners of your mouth. The pads of your fingertips trail along your stomach. “He’ll be so happy,” You murmur. There’s not even a slight bump but you already feel different, now that you’re aware.
“I know he will. I saw him staring at all the kids when we were at the lake house. He really wanted this.”
You hum again, but the mention of the lake house makes you heart break. “I told him I wanted to stop trying then.”
“Really? Why? If I may ask.”
You want to say it’s because of her, but you bite your tongue. Soomi may be a bit harsh sometimes but she was a sweet person and didn’t need to have that held over her head. “Just rethought it.” You settle for that instead. “Wasn’t sure if I was ready for parenthood just yet.” She’s quiet, like she can tell it was because of her.
“Are you happy, Y/N?” She asks again, not addressing the elephant in the room
You pause to think about her question. Really think about it. Jeongguk would be ecstatic. Over the damn moon. Yoona’s been nudging you to join her in this next stage of life and your parents would be overjoyed too. And you? What are you feeling?
“I’m happy.” There’s a sense of surety there. No matter what happens, you longed for this just as much as Jeongguk has. It’s a blessing. Even if it’s hard at the end of it all, it’s worth it. “I’m really happy.”
Soomi’s voice has a lilt in it. “I’m glad for you. You know it’s going to be okay. Jeongguk loves you too much to ever let either of you go.”
“I know,” You mumble, gaze on the door. “Do me a favour, don’t tell anyone yet.”
“Of course! My mouth is shut. Call me if you need anything, love. I need to check on Bora before she puts herself in danger.”
“Hmm, alright. I’ll call. And thank you Soomi.” You’re warm all over, skin buzzing with an emotion you can decipher.
“Anytime. I need to run. If you need a good doctor, I can refer you to one!”
“Thanks, I’ll let you know. Bye Soomi.”
It settles in when the line cuts, the feeling in your bones seeping into every limb. You are pregnant. There’s a miniature version of you and Jeongguk sitting inside your uterus. Evidence of your devotion to each other. Your love. You can’t stop touching your stomach beneath the safety of the blanket, the sheer wonder of it all still lost on you. Then Jeongguk is pushing the door open, and your hand drops from your abdomen. His sleeves are rolled up to his elbow, tie loosely pulled from its knot and there’s a glow in his brown eyes. You haven't seen them shine like that in months.
He toes his shoes fast and then he’s launching into the living room, a grin on his face that reaches your heart.
“Hello, my love. What’s got you so happy?" You tentatively ask. Jeongguk doesn’t reply, instead tackling you into the couch, firm arms wrapping around you. He holds you tight, this face buried into the hollow of your neck. You can feel his smile on your skin and your heart keeps fluttering. A wild butterfly caged in your chest.
“I got the promotion.” The alcohol reaches your nose then, remnants of his celebration still on his tongue. The words you want to share dance on your own tongue. But you keep them in check. Not now. You know when you’ll tell him. Soon, but not now.
“Really! I’m so proud of you. You deserve it, baby. You’ve worked hard.” You say into the tuft of his dark hair. He sighs against you, heart drumming against your chest. Content. “Let me warm your dinner. I’ll spoil you tonight.”
“I can think of other ways you can spoil me,” He grins, shifting so he can cup your chin, gently pulling you closer. You give in because you long to kiss him too. Have the surety of his warm mouth against yours, feel that love echo when you slip your tongue against his. He tastes like soju. But you brush it off, it’s probably not bad for the baby anyway. It’s not like you can tell him to stop and google whether this is safe for you. He’ll ask and you’re not ready to share this with him just yet. So you let Jeongguk push you onto the couch, mouth still latched onto yours. It’s easy to let go, lose yourself in his touch for a bit. Because it’s Jeongguk. The love of your life, the person who keeps you grounded, your best friend, and now the father of your child.
Soomi keeps an eye out for you at the party. She quietly orders virgins with you and the only person who seems to catch on is Jimin who keeps staring at her stomach with fear. But no one else is concerned, too busy exchanging stories over the table, their glasses clinking every once in a while. Taehyung keeps the liquor flowing, racking up a bill that’s going to bite your wallet. But you’ll let it slide for tonight — after all it is Jeongguk’s birthday.
The man in question is glowing, a never ending smile gracing his cheeks. The promotion at work came at the perfect time. He’s on a high, radiating pure unadulterated happiness. His joy spills over onto you and you can’t help but stay beside his side all night, eyes locked on his bright face. The laughter of your friends feeds the love blossoming in your heart and it positively combusts with joy when that sheepish smile creeps onto his face when everyone sings to him ‘happy birthday’. You leave the restaurant late; stories still being shared in the parking lot despite your friends halfway into their cars. Soomi sends you a wink as you carry Jeongguk towards the car and you catch the suspicious glance Jimin sends the two of you. They’ll have an interesting discussion later, you bet.
Jeongguk lets you drive, still woozy from the shots Taehyung urged down his throat. He doesn’t question that you hadn’t drank anything. You’d had a few bouts of morning sickness since you’d found out so avoiding alcohol in this situation was logical. Jeongguk thinks you’ve got a stomach bug. He accepted that explanation so easily, not remembering the last time you’d had unprotected sex. The ride home is content and quiet, Jeongguk cuddled within himself in that passenger seat. He’s beyond happy and it’s evident in the fond gentle glances he’s giving you. You pretend to not notice them, vibrating hard in your seat from the nerves wreaking havoc in your guts. Your fingers tap incessantly on the driving wheel, an accompaniment to the drumming of your heart.
You’ll tell him tonight.
The package is already at home, hidden in your underwear drawer. It's simple enough. A white ribbon tied neatly over the thin velvet black box and within it a positive pregnancy test, placed neatly inside a plastic zip bag, the cap on the tip on.
You’d thought about how you wanted to tell him over and over again but this seemed like the best idea. It’s not extravagant or dramatic and yet, for some reason you’re still so nervous.
When you kill the engine, your car now nearly slotted in the underground packing of your apartment, the silence is replaced by your rapid heartbeat. You turn to find Jeongguk staring at you, doe like eyes glimmering in the harsh glow on the parking lot lights. His mouth is turned upwards, cheeks flush from the alcohol in his system. Before you can say anything, distract yourself from your nerves, Jeongguk’s tugging off his seatbelt and leaning into your space, mouth moving onto yours. It’s a soft kiss, one that has you buzzing like you’re a teenager again, falling in love for the first time. He keeps a warm palm on the nape of your neck, deft fingers gently pressing into the sensitive skin there. You can’t help but curve into his caress, moaning quietly against his warm lips. When he pulls away you move to chase for it. He stops you by pecking your nose, leaving you blinking at him, hands clenched in your lap.
“Thank you for tonight. I love you,” Jeongguk murmurs against your forehead, fingers weaving towards your own seatbelt. He unbuckles you quickly, hands now on your waist as he urges you into his lap. You clamber on top of him, mindful of the gears that hit your knees. It takes a while to settle but when you do Jeongguk holds you to his chest, fingers running along your side. Your heartbeat is in your stomach now and you long to blurt it out. He catches your mouth against his before you can say anything, tongue coaxing you open. You kiss because if you try and reply to his statement now you’ll end up crying.  You don’t know how long to stay like this, making out in the basement of your apartment building like teenagers trying to hide from prying eyes. It’s nice until your hip starts to hurt from the uncomfortable position.
“Let’s go inside. I have a present for you.” You’re breathless in his arms, mouth wet from his lips against you. Jeongguk quirks an eye at that, shifting so that his crotch brushes against your stomach.
“Really? What kind of present?” He asks it slyly, hips rolling against you. You reward his bluntness with a smack on his shoulder, before opening the car door. “Ow! You can’t hit me, it’s my birthday.”
“Hurry up or you won’t get your present,” you reply, slipping off of his lap.
“Not far.” He whines, but he gets out anyway, shutting the door behind him.
“I don’t care.” You say, smiling back at him. “It’s a good one I promise.”
The questions start there and Jeongguk doesn’t stray far from you as you head towards your apartment. He keeps a palm pressed against the small of your back, pulling away only to give you space to open the door. Inside he latches himself onto you again, dropping kisses along your neck until you gently push him on to the couch.
“Wait here. Let me get the present.” He stares after your retreating figure when you head for the bedroom, curiosity making him finally stay silent. You return with a small black box and his mind starts guessing. A tie? The box isn’t big enough. A toy? What toy is that small? A pen? Why would you give him a pen?
He accepts the box cautiously, fingers immediately tugging at the white ribbon knot. He can feel your eyes on him as his fingers close around the lid. It makes him pause, gaze flickering towards your face because he isn’t sure what this is at all. Then he yanks the lid off, vision landing on the object within the box.
It takes him a moment to realise it’s a pregnancy test.
“Are you serious?” His hands are quivering but he plucks up the plastic bag that contains it anyway, dropping the box to the ground. His eyes are on you and there’s tears welling within your own. Jeongguk’s head feels hot and his chest is too small, heart widely slamming into his ribs. “Are you actually serious? You’re pregnant? You’re pregnant!” The smile that breaks onto his face makes you laugh with joy and all you can do is nod your head. Jeongguk moves so fast from the couch, wrapping his arms around in. Your chests are pressed against each other, hearts communicating through rapid thumping. He keeps murmuring it against your ear, like he can’t believe just yet.
“You’re actually pregnant. Oh my god. We’re having a baby.” He’s trembling in your arms and when he pulls away to look at you, you hold him steady. There’s a twinkle in his eyes that makes your heart stop and then he’s kissing you. It’s soft and sweet but there’s an urgency with every press of his lips against yours, one that you feel too. You long to have him closer, fingertips already digging into the fabric of his shirt. It should be off on the floor right now. Jeongguk groans into your mouth when your hands slip underneath the fabric. He’s practically levitating right now. It’s impossible for him to get any happier. And then a thought hits him so hard he’s left breathless when he pulls away from your lips.
“I’m going to be a father? Holy shit — I — you’re actually pregnant?”
“Yes, Jeongguk.” The shock on his face makes you giddy. You gesture to the test still clutched in his hand. “I really am.” You catch the wonder that whispers in his eyes when he glances at the test once more.  And then he’s on you, hands settling on your waist as he kisses you like you’re oxygen and he’s drowning. His erection keeps nudging against your stomach and the movement has you dripping instantly, panties sticking to your core. When you naturally roll against him, you don���t expect Jeongguk to pull away.
“What? What’s wrong?” He swipes his tongue over his rose lips, looking abashed. His eyes are still glued to your stomach.
“Shit — sorry. I didn’t mean to rub against you like that.”
You blink at him. Hard. Was the man who literally fucked a baby into you apologising for rubbing his erection against you? Really?
“Jeongguk,” You begin, attempting to sound patient. “Are you not going to sleep with me this whole pregnancy?”
“Can we do that though? Have sex? It won’t put the baby at risk?” He’s genuinely concerned, a hand coming out to brush against your tummy.
“I’ll be fine, Jeongguk. The baby’s only five weeks anyway.”
“You sure?” The warmth of his hand against you has you radiating, glowing bright like a star in the middle of the dark galaxy. You try not to preen under his attention, but the concern colouring his honey eyes makes your heart ache with fondness.
“Yes, I’ll be fine.” You try to hide that emotion with a nonchalant roll of your eyes. He notes it with a gentle scoff, the palm on your hand stills though.
The firmness in his voice makes your cheeks warm. But then he glances at you again. “You’re not tired? You don’t want to sleep?”
“Jeongguk, I suggest you take advantage of my libido before it disappears. You’ve already put a baby in me, what’s stopping you now?” He must read the irritation in your voice well because he stops being coy and settles a hand on your hip to pull you closer.
“Nothing, nothing at all,” He murmurs against your ear before easily lifting you up. The grin tugging at your lips is blissful, the feeling of Jeongguk’s sturdy arms guiding you to your bedroom licking at the flame in your core. You cling onto him, giggling in time with his slippers faintly pattering against the floorboards. You don’t know how he flicks on the lights in the room but he does so without letting you go, the smile curving at his own lips pressed against your chest.
Your back touches the mattress gently, the act tender in itself. The look Jeongguk gives you makes your heart flutter, a soft warmth building in your gut has his hands wander across along your body, pausing at your waist which he clutches firmly. He fits perfectly between your spread legs, the silk dress you'd donned for tonight hitched up your thighs, revealing spans of skin that Jeongguk keeps staring at. His eyes roam over your body, glittering in a manner that makes your fingers itch to close the distance between your bodies. You can't help but stare at back him, a stupid grin on your lips because this is really all yours. He's yours and you love him. And he loves being yours too. You can tell it by the way Jeongguk leans down, slotting his lips against yours, his body pressed firmly into you. The twitch of his clothed cock against your core has you groaning into his mouth, the sparks that journey across your skin from every slight touch he gives your body intoxicating. Your hands are on him a beat later, slipping into his soft brown curls. When your nails scrap against the nape of his neck Jeongguk shivers, a minute movement that has his hips driving harder into yours. The grip that lands on your bare thighs triggers an arch in your back, lining you perfectly against him. There hasn't been an exchange of words yet but you can feel it in every roll of his hips, in the way his lips slip down to your neck, painting purple and blue marks along your skin and in the way he glances at you when he finally pulls away, petal lips bruised and a glaze in his honey eyes that makes you want to do dangerous things.
"I love you." There's another kiss on your lips. His hands are in your underwear, fingertips toying with your wet folds. "I love you so much. So much." Another kiss and an expert flick against your clit. You think your heart might burst. It feels too full of adoration, bruising your ribs with every erratic thump inside of your chest. You just tug him closer, directing his mouth towards yours again and kissing him hard enough to leave a print of your ardour for him on his lips for eternity.
"I love you too." You mumble it into the air, the sentence soft and warm, containing all the adoration you feel towards him. Jeongguk beams, brighter than the sun. Your love for him blinds you but you don't mind it. No one has ever made you as happy as Jeongguk has. No one has ever made you feel like Jeongguk has. You love him so much that it hurts. And you know he loves you just as much too.
It comes easy, the way your clothes fall off your body as he kisses you. Suddenly your bare bodies in a bed, the desperation in your touches heady. He leaves you breathless when he finally settles himself between your legs. The first lick of his tongue against your dripping core has your hands balling into the sheets. Jeongguk doesn't wait for you to register the feeling of his mouth against your cunt. He hikes your legs over his shoulders, tongue slipping deep into your cunt. You jolt from the intrusion but Jeongguk pins you down, grip firm as he forces you to take every deft swipe of his tongue against your pussy. He knows how to unravel you, and he does so quickly, not holding back anything as he licks you open, groaning deep into your cunt. It's the little sighs that do you in, the mumbles of praise that he murmurs into you that spark something in your gut.
"Jeongguk." It's hitting you fast, a tremble in your thighs that you can't control spreading warmth throughout your body.
He hums, parting from your cunt with his mouth covered in your need. It gives you a moment to breathe, but then he plants a kiss on your folds and you feel your brain melt into mush. "You taste so good," Jeongguk murmurs, before swirling his tongue around your clit - a skilled motion that elicits a rush of slick from your core. "So fucking good," he reiterates, despite you protesting squirms, the hands on your hip unforgiving. And then his tongue is back inside of you, fucking you open with a vigour that leaves you heady. There's nothing that can stop your fingers slipping into his hair, nails scraping his scalp with how hard you grip at the locks on his head. Your hips rise subconsciously, grinding his face into your cunt and slipping his tongue deeper and deeper until you feel it snap. He reads your body too well, the heave in your chest enough indication that your high is hitting you. And just before it does, his tongue is on your clit, licking at the sensitive bud the way he knows you like it. It happens all at once, a heat bursting through your system and your thighs suddenly begging to be clamped shut. But Jeongguk keeps them open, laving at your core as you shudder beneath him, vision blank and your nerves tingling with pleasure.
The waves barely subside, but you force your eyes to focus, the gentle press of Jeongguk's lips on your cunt making your toes curl. When you glance down, gaze floating over Jeongguk finally departing from between your legs, your heart bursts. His face is flushed rouge, a pretty tint over his golden skin, and his curls are tumbling into his face mussed from your fingertips racking through his hair. Even from here you can see how hard he is, straining against the fabric of his boxers, the print of his cock reigniting a fire in your gut that blazes through your nerves straight to your core. He notes the direction of your gaze with a loop-sided grin before he's descending onto you, trapping you within his sturdy arms. His mouth is on yours a second later, tongue slipping against yours. The groan that melts down your throat has your heart thumping, and your hands travel down his back, yanking him down until his crotch is pressed right against your own. You like the way you taste on his tongue, and it shows by how you kiss him, lips eager for more and more. The moment wraps itself around you, needs forgotten for a moment as you learn each other through your kisses all over again. It leaves you breathless, a tiny sigh drifting from your mouth when you finally part, and the look in Jeongguk's dark eyes evoking a thrill through your system. It's the instinctual thrust of his hips into yours that has the mood changing, like a trigger has been set off because suddenly you're needy, pawing at him until he gives in. You can feel him against you, twitching into your heat, the damp spot building on the fabric a result of both of your desires. There's a chaste kiss along your neck, Jeongguk slowly working his hips into you, but the pulse inside of your core demands for something more. Your fingers tug at the band of his underwear, impatient as you push down the fabric. He just laughs, mouth pressed into the hollow of your neck, hips raised to assist in your ministrations. It takes some wiggling before they're off, discarded someone off the edge of the bed.
"Aren't you needy — oh fuck." Your hand is wrapped around his length; the twists you give around him shallow but you know him well enough to know where to apply pressure. It doesn't take long from Jeongguk to crumble into you, the breaths against your neck shallow and quick and his cock leaking all over your hand. He feels good like this, thick and velvet-like against your palm, a weight you ache to have in your mouth. But then your walls flutter, clenching on nothing as Jeongguk groans into your shoulder, his hips pistoning into your hand and your brain can focus on nothing but having him inside of you, filling you up like he should.
"Baby." There's a careful edge to his tones. The profanity he whispers a moment later melts into the heat of your skin. "Keep doing that and I'll cum." He feels taunt above you, like a string on the verge of snapping.
"You could do that inside of me," you retort, twisting your hips up. It's only a slight brush but Jeongguk is swearing into the heat of the air. His hands are on the back of your thighs in an instant, hoisting you up to meet him as he settles himself between your legs, the head of his cock nudging against your core.
"You're a menace," Jeongguk retorts, pressing his length into you. His eyes are on your core, marvelling at how wet you are, practically drenching his cock in your slick. It doesn't help that you look gorgeous like this underneath him, his hands wandering back to your waist as he tugs you closer. The soft smile gracing your lips makes his heart ache. He pushes in without really thinking it over, the urge to fill you up overriding any other thought in his brain. The gasp you let out urges his hips to hit deeper, the feeling of your tight wet walls fluttering around his length euphoric. He loves every part of you but your cunt has a special place in his heart if he's being honest with himself. You fit around him perfectly, like you were made for him. Even after years of being with him it still takes him breath away, how easy you welcome his length into you, the noises you make when he's inside you. The first time you'd had sex Jeongguk had nearly cried. He'd never reached his climax that quick and it hit him hard, slamming into his body as he fucked you into the mattress. For some reason he feels the same way now, balls tight with his release, begging to coat your walls in his cum. He tries not to stare at your tummy but it's instinctual.
You sigh when he bottoms out, the curve of your bum pressed neatly against his balls. "But you love me."
Jeongguk scoffs lightly, rocking his hips hard. "I don't."
You ignore the butterflies that erupt in your stomach because you know he's lying. The look in his eyes as he gazes at your stomach says something else entirely.
"You do," you retort, raising your hips to match his thrusts. "You love me." The curve of his cock rubs right where you need him most, but it's not the hard pounding you expected from him tonight. He's going uncharacteristically slow, the drag inside of you steady but not fierce. Like he's purposely prolonging this, hanging onto the feeling of your cunt wrapped around him. There's a distance in his eyes that makes you clench your walls on purpose, hard enough to yank Jeongguk back into reality. He responds with a hard thrust, one that coaxes a low moan from your lips. He hums low, hips still driving you into the sheets.
"Yeah I do." It makes your heart swoop, the heat that envelopes your body intoxicating.
The sound of you meeting fills the room, your slick dripping over Jeongguk's length. For a moment you watch how he disappears inside of you. It leaves a tingle travelling through your body, to see how well you take his cock, how he groans deep every time he buries himself inside of you. But then your eyes flicker back to Jeongguk and his unwavering gaze on your stomach. Even the hands settled on your waist are ginger, gripping you like you're fragile. It's only then do you remember the concerns he'd voiced.
"You can go harder," you murmur, the tremor in your voice a result of how good he's fucking you despite the gradual pace he'd opted for.
Jeongguk hums, still driving his cock deep into you. He's not really concerned about that. His hips move slow because he's still marvelling at the fact that you're pregnant. That the child developing inside of you belongs to the both of you. That he fucked a baby into you. It sets off something oddly primal in his brain, dragging up an urge that he has to bite down on. That's why he goes slow, savouring every whimper and sigh that falls from your bruised lips. Etching the way your body feels under him, pliant to his desires. How you stare at him with that soft look clouding your gaze. He doesn't want this to end. Even with the pressure in his balls tight, he drags it out, drowning the words that threaten to torrent from his heart with the sound of your meeting. It echoes in the room, colouring the air with your mutual love for one another. He lets it wrap around him, revels in it. But then you're wrapping an arm around him and tugging him down. His face lands into your shoulder and his palms get lost in the sheets. He feels your legs straddle around his waist, drawing him deeper and deeper and Jeongguk feels his resolve crumble into dust.
"Oh." The little exclamation fluxes into the crook of your neck, lost into the heat of your skin. It ignites something in your gut and your hips rise to meet his quickening pace. There's an edge lingering behind your eyes and you want it so bad. Jeongguk hears the desperation in the way you whine his name and he moves with purpose now, pounding you hard into the sheets mercilessly. It's what you want and Jeongguk intends to give you everything and anything you desire. Especially now that you're the mother of his child.
His high hits him quick, a fast sweet thing that zips down his spine has your walls cling around his length, holding him in like you need him there. There's nothing that can stop it, but you join him a beat later, your bodies moulding into each other, space nonexistence as your rapid heartbeats fall into sync. You feel him twitch inside of you, cum pooling around your entrance, and your brain short circuits for a moment.  There's a warmth ebbing from your core, echoing deep inside of your bones and the added feeling of your boyfriend caging you in his arms, his cum slipping from your core, unlocks something in your brain. It makes your heart fall into ease too, and you can't help but cling onto the security of his being even when he's mumbling about cleaning the two of you up in your ear.
"No.” The protest falls from your pouty lips, a neediness colouring your voice that Jeongguk can’t help but smile at. The glitter of his brown eyes leaves you swooning, but not as hard as the quick peck he delivers on your check a second later.
"Please," He reasons, voice gentle. "You're gonna feel gross tomorrow."
Your legs are reluctant but they fall away regardless. "Be quick."
He plants another faint kiss to your lips again before rising. "Of course I will."
“You stink.”
Jeongguk laughs at the grimace painting your features as he dives into you, smashing your nose straight into the pit of his armpit. He reeks, skin still slightly sticky from putting his muscles to work in the gym downstairs. Normally, he would prefer to drive out to the gym he’d signed a membership for. He’d usually shower there before heading home. However, since the news of the new addition to your family Jeongguk had been adamant on staying near home. Though the equipment in your building was arbitrary Jeongguk refused to go out further than needed. Even when you desperately wanted him to. For instance, right at this very moment. You can feel the revulsion forming at the back of your throat as he nuzzles you into his arms. You gag on it, shoving him off harshly. You can’t even muster a playful smile when he stares at you in confusion, face downcast.
“What’s wrong?” He says it innocently, oblivious to the stench that’s emitting from him. Normally, you don’t mind Jeongguk post work-out must. But something in your brain has registered his current sweat drenched body as the vilest thing on Earth.
“You stink,” You reiterate, shifting away from him. Jeongguk pouts, sniffing at the tight fabric that stretches over his firm muscles.
“That bad?”
“Like a pig. Please go shower.” You snap, snatching up the bag of salt and vinegar chips you’d left behind in you flee from Jeongguk. Usually you didn’t like the way this flavour lingered in your mouth, yet somehow with the past couple of days you’d demolished more packets of them than you’d ever eaten in a single month in your entire life.
“That is not the food a pregnant woman should be eating,” He comments, voice coloured with disdain. He attempts to pluck it out of your hands, but the sharp glare you target at him halts his movements immediately.
“Don’t talk to me when you smell like that.”
He frowns, raising a hand to rake through the damp brown curls sticking to his scalp. “You hate the way salt and vinegar crisps smell. Why the hell are you eating them at this rate?”
“Why are you not in the shower yet?” The eyebrow raised directly at him pokes at his composed temperament.
“Y/N. Apart from those, what else have you eaten today?” When you don’t answer Jeongguk evades your space once again. You cough back the bile that’s coating your throat.
“We had breakfast together, you know what I ate.” He doesn’t take the retort well, sighing heavily as he blinks at you.
“Breakfast was hours ago. What did you eat in between that? I want a serious answer.” There’s enough gravity in his words to make you mumble out what he’s asking to hear.
“Bread?” He repeats it like he can’t believe it, tone coloured with incredulity. “Bread. You just ate bread. Was there anything on the bread? Tell me it was a sandwich at least.”
“No. Just plain bread.”
The sigh he emits now is loud and full of frustration. “Bread? Y/N, you’re pregnant. You can’t just eat plain bread that’s not enough for you.”
“I know,” You snap back, a harshness in your voice that even surprises you. It makes Jeongguk pause for a moment, but you’re already too worked up to care about backtracking your thoughts. “I know that I should be eating nutritional stuff Jeongguk but I can’t. I literally can’t. I feel like I’m going to throw up over everything. It’s so hard to force food down my throat when I feel like it’s going to come right back up. So stop getting at me for that. I’m trying, I really am. Just let me be.”
He tilts his head, the perturbation in his eyes tangible. There’s a moment of silence between the two of you that lingers, Jeongguk’s gaze unwavering. It makes you feel uncomfortable, and you squirm away subconsciously. The minute moment has a dark cloud settling over Jeongguk’s features.
“I’m sorry,” He doesn’t make a move to kiss or hug you - which you’re both grateful for and irked at. It’s a peculiar feeling, repulsing your partner.  “I get that your sensitive right now. I’m just worried. You know tomorrow is our first prenatal visit. You’re still taking the vitamins right?”
“I am,” You affirm, sticking your hand back into the packet of crisps. “And stop worrying. You’re making me nervous.”
He sighs again, rubbing the nape of his neck with unease. In one fluid motion he’s off the couch, taking the atrocious smell with him. “I’m sorry again. I’ll go shower. Please, just consider eating something that isn’t salt and vinegar chips while I’m gone. And drink some water. Please? For me?” The pleading look he gives you, doe eyes wide, plasters itself into your brain. You mumble a noise of agreement, waiting impatiently for him to walk away. He does so with one last long look at you, his eyes holding a miscellany of emotions that you can’t decipher. You don’t want to either, but the feeling they give you creeps through your chest, sneaking its way into your heart.
When he's gone, you dig into your crisps unabashedly, yet for some reason the taste of them leaves a film of disgust in your mouth. You try to chug it away with a bottle of water but it lingers, provoking a wave of nausea that has you taking deep breaths. The show playing on the television is monetarily forgotten as you wander into the kitchen in search of something to calm your unsettled stomach. The cluster of bananas sitting in your fruit basket catch your eyes simply because the vision of Jeongguk staring at you with that imploring gaze is still vivid in your memory. He’s right though - you’re not eating enough healthy food to sustain the current exertion your body is undergoing. Making a whole human being is incredibly difficult and it was taking a huge toll on your body. From the constant nausea to the back pain and sudden scent sensitivity, you were feeling overwhelmed. Your moods had suffered too, your patience running thin with Jeongguk more often than not. The lethargy your body feels seeps negativity into every aspect of your life - and it didn’t help that Seungmin was still breathing down your neck asking for reports left right and centre like you had nothing better to do with your time. There had been a couple of close calls at the office this week we’re you’d nearly snapped at him, but you’d managed to hold yourself back in time. However, all those repressed emotions are following you, reappearing in the way you flare up at Jeongguk for the slightest mistake. It’s starting to eat away at you, this guilt that you’re treating him like this despite your boyfriend trying his best to provide you with everything and anything you wanted. That’s why you grab one of the bananas, swiftly peeling it open.
But then the smell hits you, quick and hard leaving no room for you to force back the vomit that nearly spews from your mouth. You barely make it to the toilet in time, head held over the bowl as you hurl out the obscene amount of carbs you’d consumed for the day.
You don’t even hear his footsteps but the sudden hard gently rubbing on your back isn’t unwelcome. He murmurs softly over the sound of you heaving, crouching next to your huddle figure, worry violently radiating from him. It’s a few more retches before it passes, you mouth bitter with the remnants of salt and vinegar crisps. It makes your eyes sting, and suddenly your throat is clogged with a devastating despondency that swallows you whole. You don’t even feel like you can move from the toilet, holding your head in your hands as you choke back tears. You feel discomfort everywhere, and this is merely the beginning of your pregnancy. Seven weeks in and a part of you is ready to quit it all already.
Jeongguk coaxes your head up, gently urging a glass of water into your hands that you use to rinse your mouth out. The distress in his eyes doesn’t help quell any of the negative thoughts swimming in your brain.
“Are you okay?” He murmurs, voice soft in the echo of your bathroom. His hair is still damp from his shower, golden skin on display - evidence he didn’t have enough time to tug a shirt over his head before he came to your aid.
“Obviously not,” You bite back, and then immediately regret it when you see the fall on his face. “I don’t think I’ll throw up again, but I really want to lie down.” He nods, evidently glad you’ve given him something to work with.
“C’mere.” You make a motion at the mess in the toilet but he brushes it off. “Don’t worry, I’ll clean it.”  His arms lift you up easily, gingerly guiding you to the couch where he nestles you in the soft cocoon of pillows and blankets, fretting incessantly over whether you truly feel comfortable or not. And then, he’s gone. You hear the sound of the toilet being scrubbed even though you’re in the living room and your nausea rears its ugly head for a split second. It’s a dangerous lurch in your stomach that thankfully subsides when you close your eyes and breath slow. Jeongguk walks in on this, shirt soaked with the droplets of water slipping from his curls and his phone in his hand. You don’t see it but he’s staring hard at his phone, eyes swiftly reading through a series of web-pages, bottom lip caught between his teeth. He wishes he could just text his mom the question plaguing his brain but he can’t. You’d both decided to hold back the pregnancy announcement until the first ultrasound. But in situations like this Jeongguk wishes that his mother knew. Or anyone he could trust for advice really. He feels like he’s waddling blindly through deep waters, constantly making the wrong decisions because you keep snapping at him. Even now that you’re reposed on the couch, face lax, he can still see how dull your skin is. It makes his heart ache. For the duration of your pregnancy the morning sickness had been present - but it had never been this bad. Coupled with your other symptoms, Jeongguk truly feels like the worst partner in the world for not being able to alleviate somewhat of your troubles.
That’s why he heads to the kitchen with purposeful steps, snatching up the half peeled banana you’d deposited on the counter before fleeing for the bathroom and dumping it into the trash. You blink your eyes open to the sudden sound of Jeongguk knocking pots onto the stove and rummaging deep through the fridge.
“What are you doing?” You croak, voice weak over the droning of the television.
Jeongguk twists to face you, a tiny smile on his lips but his eyes are nervous. He asks it anyway because if he does nothing he’ll feel useless. “How do you feel about ginger tea?”
“I’m listening,” You say. The smile on your lips is tired, but the fact that it’s there is enough confirmation to ease the worry that had become a permanent fixture in Jeongguk’s heart.
His jittering is getting on your nerves. Jeongguk’s always been one to move around to alleviate his anxiety but by doing so at this very moment, he’s adding to yours. You already feel sick to your stomach, the candescene of the clinic lights sparking an ache in your eyes. Instinctively, you reach out from your perch in the leather chair, giving his jerky knee a firm but tight squeeze. The movement halts immediately and from your peripheral gaze you note the sheepish smile that spreads across your boyfriend’s lips.
“Sorry,” he whispers into the sterile air. Hospitals always have that sharp alcohol smell and you’re quickly coming to the conclusion that you don’t like that smell at all.
“It’s okay,” you return. “You’re just making me nervous, babe.”
He’s got your hand in his a second later. “I know. I’m sorry. I just can’t believe this is real.”
You huff. “Well you better start believing. This is very much real.” Maybe that’s what’s causing the mini freak-out in your mind. The gravity of the situation was slowly starting to dawn on you. Maybe it was the smell of the clinic, or maybe it was the equipment surrounding both of you. But it was all becoming very real that this was happening.
Jeongguk seems to have noted the flash of panic flooding your features but before you can say anything the door clicks open and a sharp lady with pin straight hair walks in.
“Good morning, Mr and Mrs Jeon. Apologies for keeping you waiting. I hope everything is alright.” She moves quickly, dropping a chart on the counter beside the wall before turning to face the both of you. You quirk an eyebrow at how she addresses you but Jeongguk doesn’t make a comment, instead quickly rising to give her a small bow.
“Morning Doctor Lee, everything’s alright. Just some morning sickness and fatigue but otherwise she’s doing okay.”
She grants you a small glance, the smile on her face gentle. “That’s to be expected. There’s some remedies I can suggest but for the most part you just have to work through it. Otherwise, we can get into the first ultrasound.”
You give her a nod, hand still intertwined with Jeongguk’s and a strange knot tight in your throat.
“Alright, go ahead and lie down for me,” Lee says, dimming the lights in the room. She raises your shirt up when you’ve gotten comfortable, handing you a paper sheet to prevent the gel from staining your clothes. Your exposed belly in the faint glow of the monitor screen ticks of something in your head. But you bury that feeling away, focusing on the feeling of Jeongguk’s callused palm against your own.
“Okay, just undo your pants and tug them down for me.” You do as instructed, wiggling in the seat until the curve of your stomach is out for all to see. You can feel Jeongguk’s eyes on it, the sudden squeeze he bestows your hand a clear indicator.
“The gel is warmed but it still might be a little bit uncomfortable,” Lee continues. She’s right, but you let her spread it around anyway, the pounding in your heart frantic. “So we’re going to do a simple heart-tracing,” she says as she presses the probe into your skin. “This is just a general check on how your baby is developing.” You nod again, ignoring the deft hard press of the probe and she shifts it around
“See if you look here.” Your eyes snap right to the monitor, mind trying to decipher the blobs on the screen into a person growing inside of you. “There’s your baby’s arm, and right there is the head and neck. They’re developing very well. Look there’s the rib cage, and there’s the spine.”
“Wow,” Jeongguk murmurs into the silence of the room.
Lee laughs, pressing the probe in a little deeper. “There’s the heart, and if I go down… Yes, there’s the stomach. And right there is your umbilical cord. Everything seems to be coming along well. Oh, look!” You can’t even rip your gaze away from the screen if you wanted to. “There’s the baby moving, see how the arm is raising?”
You can see it, a tiny slight movement that you don’t even register happening within you. Your baby is moving. Maybe you let out a little gasp, maybe your grip on Jeongguk’s hand goes taunt, but suddenly this seems real with a clarity you’ve never felt before.
“Alright, so I’m seeing no anomalies. So we’ll do a crown-rump length measurement. This will give us a possible date of birth for your baby. But from the information you gave you’re thinking you’re around nine weeks along, right?”
“Yes.” Your voice feels far from your body.
“Okay, let me just take a look at the rest of your body. I can see that your bladder is full, that’s good,” she says. You zone out then, lost in the sudden violent realisation that you’re growing a life inside of you. It feels slightly terrifying in the faint blue glow of the room. And it worsens when Jeongguk starts asking questions, mumbling about your food aversions and diet. Doctor Lee responds in that calm collected tone of her’s, giving him suggestions that you see him eagerly internalise. Yet you don’t hear much of what she says, too busy staring at the image on the monitor.
“Would you like me to take a picture?” Lee suddenly states. “We can’t determine gender at this stage but I could take a few pictures of the baby and have them printed out for you.”
“Yes,” you say. “We’d like that.”
Lee nods, the softness of her gaze enough to ground you for a moment. “Let me just move this around here. We’d like one with the baby up and in a good position.” You can’t tell if Jeongguk is breathing beside you, his sudden silence vaguely concerning. But this his fingertips feather down your side, reassuring, a reminder that he’s here for you.
“Alright then, that sums up what we’re able to do for your first ultrasound. I just need to check some of the reports and then I’ll get back to you. Here’s some towels so you can clean yourself up.” She leaves you buttoning your pants up, the lights back on and a weight sitting heavy on your shoulders.
“Our kid is gorgeous.” Jeongguk breaks the silence with that, tugging your hand into his once more.
“We haven’t even really seen him, Jeongguk,” you return. There’s a delirious smile pulling at your lips. Yes, you’re worried about this new challenge. Parenthood truly did not feel like a joke, but every time you look at Jeongguk. See the bright adoration blooming in his eyes, that fear can’t help but subside. It virtually disappears when he brushes a kiss against your forehead, plucking up the tissues you’d used to wipe the gel off.
“Him? How do you know our baby is a boy, hmm?” There’s the thud as the tissues hit the bottom of the garbage can. You shift to help him clean up but Jeongguk stops you with a firm palm against your belly, honey eyes staring at you with tenderness.
“I don’t know,” you return. “I think it’s a boy. But I don’t really care. I just want a healthy baby.”
He flicks your nose fondly. “I feel the same way, my love. Everything seems to be going well so far. I just need you to eat a little better. You heard what Doctor Lee said.”
“I know,” you groan. “But the baby hates everything! It’s not my fault I’m not hungry.”
“I know, my love. But you still need to eat. Where do you want to go for lunch today? I’m thinking Paul’s.” Jeongguk sweeps the rest of the mess up, ever so diligent and nit-picky. “I’m craving pasta.”
“Fine, but don’t expect me to finish anything. Those portions are always too —”
“Mr Jeon?” The door swings open, Lee striding in with an envelope and her chart tucked underneath her white coat. “Here’s the ultrasound photo. As for the estimation date, we’re thinking around May 17th. If you have any other questions we can discuss them now.”
“I think we’re clear of any questions right now,” Jeongguk responds, gently taking the envelope from her outstretched hand. “Thank you, Doctor Lee.”
“Alright, let me know if anything happens or if any questions arise,” she says. “I’ll see you at your next appointment.” She sends you off with a smile, and the worry that claws at your insides ebbs away the moment your feet leave her office.
It’s in the car that you rip open the envelope. It feels weird, holding the picture in your hands. Because that’s your baby. That’s something you and Jeongguk made together. A life forming inside of you. Jeongguk leans into your space, a hand on your thigh as your both stare at the picture together, attempting to pinpoint where the arms and legs are forming. It’s surreal, knowing that this was happening inside of you right now.
“That’s our baby,” you whisper. Jeongguk grins, planting a warm kiss on your check.
“Yeah, that’s our baby.”
Your bump grows steadily over the course of your pregnancy. Suddenly waist bands are too tight, jeans don’t clasp shut, and you’re left rummaging through your closet for anything that sits loose enough to alleviate your discomfort. Jeongguk’s sweatpants swiftly migrate to your closet becoming a favourite item for you to don until one day Soomi insists on taking you maternity shopping. It’s not your favourite activity, to be honest. The harsh lights in the changing rooms illuminate your drastically changing body, bouncing off the roundness of your belly. It’s surreal, to see yourself alter like this, a totally new person staring back at you from the reflection. But you amuse her regardless, not minding the loose fitted clothes she swamps over you with that delicate smile of hers.
You and Jeongguk tell your parents first, during one late afternoon lunch, before announcing the news to everyone else you know. There’s hesitation in the initial reception, expected comments at the lack of your matrimony being muttered amongst your grandparents and parents. But that quickly dissipates when you hand them a picture of a recent ultrasound. They fall in love immediately, cooing and simpering with adoration for the child growing within you. It’s around then that the glow sneaks around, your skin vibrant and the smile on your lips unwavering. But the pregnancy isn’t perfect, there are still bouts of morning sickness and a growing pain at the base of your back that refuse to disappear despite advice for others and consistent care from Jeongguk himself. You manage through it though, a strange feeling blossoming in your chest whenever he places an absentminded palm against your belly, like a security blanket shielding you away from the bitter coldness of the world.
You can’t help but think about that feeling as you stare yourself in the mirror, sans clothes, tummy spreading far from body. With your first trimester essentially over, the changes in your body have become more rapid. It’s been odd to glance down and find a swell there instead of your usual tummy with its rolls and softness. Your fingertips give in, poking gently at the skin there. It’s still soft — just different, a firmness that tugs at your heart meeting your fingers. You should have gotten into the shower ages ago, a meeting awaiting your morning at the office. Jeongguk’s up too, the faint padding of his slippers echoing through the walls. You don’t realise how close he’s drawing until the door slides open, brown curls and wide eyes appearing from the sudden gap. There’s no need to hide, his gaze falling on your bare skin gently.
“Are you going to get in any day soon or is your body more fascinating to look at?” He’s annoyed. Despite your insistence Jeongguk doesn’t like the idea of you going into a stressful environment that you hate on most days, especially when his new position covers both of you. Seungmin doesn’t know yet too, and your manager is still a pain in the ass on good days. He doesn't want that around you when your body is preoccupied with creating life. But the idea of wasting away on the couch watching reruns of sitcoms and shunning away the comfort foods you once enjoyed sounds abhorrent. You’d rather be in the office while you can, and your colleagues are wonderful to — better company than a television show.
“You don’t think my body is fascinating?” He sees your pout in the mirror, shifting forward with a small smile on his own lips.
“I never said that.” The words wrap around you the same time his arms do, strong and firm but delicate in how he handles you. His lips meet your neck a beat later, the adoration they leave sinking straight into your heart. It warms you from head to toe, burning when his hands fall to your belly instinctively. “It’s more than fascinating.”
You hum, rocking into his chest. “Is it?” Your eyes don’t leave the mirror, engraving this image into the base of your mind where it will live with a clarity as clear as the sky. Jeongguk on the other hand is too busy looking at you, eyes trained on your face like he’s staring at a constellation hanging high in the velvet of the night. His hands travel, dropping low to settling at your hips. His own brushes against you, want evident through the loose fabric of his shorts.
“Do you want me to show you how fascinating it is?”
“I'm gonna be late for work, Jeongguk.”
“You don’t have to go at all,” he returns, a gentle press of his lips on your neck accompanying the statement.
“And why would I want to do that?” You retort, but your resolve is weak, body already pliant to the gentle shift of him as he draws you close.
“You don’t have to want to not go – I can just make you.”
His wandering hand is now at your chest, the fingertips that trail along your skin are delicate and yet they leave blazes of heat in their wake. “Please,” he burns the word into your skin, lips leaving a soft mark. “Just for today.” You feel it then, the crumble of your resolution. It happens the moment his hand slips low, right between your legs, grazing soft the way you like it. His other hand stays at your chest, squeezing soft before he catches your nipple between his fingertips. A precise flick, and the press of his tongue on your neck has you succumbing faster than the shore does to the hungry tide.
“Jeon–” He makes you watch, fingers landing right where you need them, sure deft presses against the nerves there. Your thighs are drawn taunt already, heightened by the sensitivity of your newfound body. It catches you gaze in the mirror, that bump, peaking forward as he works your open with his fingers. You can feel his muscles shift, ready to spin you, lift you up onto the counter like he’s done before and find his way between your legs. But you decide then, that you don’t want that just yet.
“Wait – wait, Jeongguk. Wait, I want something else first.” He halts, pauses with a curiosity in his dark gaze that makes you nervous for some reason. In baited silence you turn, shuffling away from him and sinking on your knees in a fluid motion.
“You don’t have to –” He starts, but you don’t let him finish.
“But I want to you.”
“Baby.” It’s laced with apprehension, but his cock is hard at the sight of you like this, pliant and on your knees, a pretty picture burned into his memory. “Your knees,” Jeongguk mumbles, gripping the counter when your mouth his dick through the fabric of his shorts. “You’re going to be in pain.”
“You know I like pain, Jeongguk.” And then your tugging the fabric down, sighing when he springs out, hard and needy. He’s already leaking, tip red and wet. He wants to say something, but it vanishes when you swallow him whole, head bumping into the back of your perfect throat with an evil ease. The groan that falls from his mouth and unearthly, painting the air warm. He’s forgotten how good your mouth is, how eager you work your tongue around him, fast and quick over delicate nerves that fall victim to your ministrations quick. He’s not normally this fast in reaching his edge, but the sight of you, naked and full in the mirror plague the back of his mind. It shouldn’t be hot but that fact that you’re carrying his child does something to base part of Jeongguk’s brain that he can’t put into words. It’s what drives his hips forward, motions muted because he doesn’t want to overwhelm you. But you don’t care, forcing more of his length down your throat until you gag, lips glistening bright under the bathroom lights.
“Baby,” Jeongguk mumbles, his hand reaching to pull you off his cock. “Baby – please – gonna cum if you don’t stop.”
You pull off with an obscene wet pop, licking your lips sinfully. “But that’s what I want.” You see him twitch, length dripping wet.
“No,” Jeongguk whines. “Not when I wanna cum in you.”
“Really?” He doesn’t even know why you’re surprised.
“Yes,” he answers anyway. “Really.” You’re pulled from the ground softly, and spun to face the mirror with care. His clothes hit the ground then, firm tan arms wrapping around you. They bend you forward, rest your hands onto the counter so you have support when he sinks down behind you, nudging your legs open with purpose.
“Thought you wanted to – oh fuck.” Jeongguk hums at that, tongue slipping right between your folds. He licks you open with a fierceness that has your knees shaking, deft movements filled with urgency. It sparks that heat in your gut, allows to spread fast through your body as his face burrows deep between your legs. His hands hold you still though, carefully protecting your belly against the bathroom counter. You can’t focus on anything but the feeling of his tongue sliding in deep, coaxing your walls apart eagerly. When he finally parts from your cunt you’ve forgetting how to breathe, forehead pressed against the cool counter and your lungs heaving.
“Good girl,” Jeongguk comments, dropping a swift kiss on your core. “Wet like this just for me, right?”
You sigh, a tiny noise of agreement. “Just for you.”
Jeongguk doesn’t comment, gripping you hard as he rises again, cock nudging right against your cunt with ease. He doesn’t move though, hands coming to gently lift your head. He forces you to look, honey eyes coloured dark even in the glimmer of the lights. His fingers journey along your features, quietly claiming the skin they touch.
“All of this, only for me, right?”
“All for you,” you immediately comply, hips shifting back. You want him so bad it hurts.
He pauses at your belly, settling at the base of it, swell cupped in his hand. “Only for me.” You don’t reply at first, because it feels like something Jeongguk is saying to himself. But then he looks at you, waiting, the grip on your body firm and unforgiving.
“Yours.” It’s whispered into the morning, like a secret of the night instead. Jeongguk smiles, that bright grin you’ve grown to love feeding the fire that burns fast within you.
“Mine,” he brands the word into your skin with a kiss on your neck. “Forever?”
He buries himself deep them, splitting you open with one sure thrust that coaxes a moan from the back of throat. It melts into the air, walls already adjusting to his length. You can feel the slick coating your inner thighs, tainting the base of his crotch and dripping down his length. You sway, but Jeongguk holds you up, keep your gaze focused on the mirror as his hips draw away, before returning back with a force that catches your tongue between your teeth. He fucks you hard with a need you’ve never felt before, a purpose driving his hips forward until you feel your body given way, the sound of your meeting resounding through the room, hard and fast and wet. And yet his hands hold you together carefully, delicate with your fragility but firm like he needs you to know something. You think you do, and this side of him is both pleasant and terrifying. Nobody has ever touched you like this before, fucked you open like this before. But then again Jeongguk did say only him. And he meant it, judging from how his hand snakes to your cunt, landing right where you need him as if he’s memorised your body, engraved parts of him into his brain forever. It feels like he wants you to do the same, with how hard his hips drive forward, moaning low in your ear as his body tenses. You’re close too, but not there yet. Jeongguk can feel that, knows that tremor in your thighs is not enough. So he bites it back, holds that drop in his gut as he moulds your body into his, thrusts deep and slow.
“God – Jeon – J-Jeongguk – I can’t – can’t–” You look gorgeous like this, head lolling back and your hips shift to meet him.
“You can,” his fingers move faster, determined. “Be good for me, hmm?”
“But–” It appears faster than you’d like, a violent flash that pulls from within as Jeongguk unravels you. You can still feel him, buried deep and throbbing hard against your walls. Your legs want to give in but Jeongguk holds you up, forces you through it with shallow bucks of his hips against your heat, groaning low when your walls tighten around his length. He falls then, right into the heat of his want, spilling deep inside of you with choked whine and a kiss against your shoulder. It feels long and like it happens in a blink at the same time, but even as he stills you can feel him inside you, twitching around the pool of cum dripping from your cunt.
There’s another kiss on your shoulder as Jeongguk slowly pulls himself out. His cum follows quick, slipping from your cunt with is. You note how he watches it, how his fingers twitch with the instinct to stuff it back inside. You can’t help but roll your eyes. That was something you did when you were trying and there’s already proof of that effort right in your belly. He moves to plant another kiss though, right on your cheek while his hands sneak down to fulfil their desire. You halt them with a gentleness.
“I need to shower, Jeongguk.” The comment produces a pout on his lips. You kiss it away. “You have work too, babes. Get in with me.” He complies, still insistently drifting his hands downwards. A simple man honestly. With very simple needs.
With Jeongguk’s new position and your new predicament changes have rapidly happened. The search for a bigger apartment commenced right after your birthday announcement. At first, you didn’t find it necessary to uproot your whole life from your current apartment, with its quaint location and scattered memories. But Jeongguk wasn’t thinking about that, mind already focused on the future. He wanted a better district, closer to primary schools and day cares with stellar reputation. It was mildly unnerving, to see him come back from work, tie loose and his cheeks flushed from walking up the hill to your home with a list of new places they should go to, recommended by his colleagues. You’d asked around too, and slowly seeing one or two new places jumped from five to ten and eventually thirteen. All of them were disappointing in some way; either Jeongguk or you weren’t satisfied with the garden space, or he found the baby’s room to cramped, or the apartment too close to the main roads. Or the furnishing would not be adequate enough for the rent the landlord was charging. He also wanted benefits, perhaps a gym in the apartment complex or space to build one for himself in a private home. It quickly became apparent to you that Jeongguk wasn’t just looking for a new space, but rather the perfect forever home for him and his family.
A word you’ve slowly become accustomed to saying in your head. Jeongguk was your partner, and for the most part your family – but this, the baby in your belly. That was your family. A child that belongs to you as much as they belong to Jeongguk. It’s a foreign concept, but your heart swells in anticipation for it every time Jeongguk comes home for work, exhausted by lightening up the second his eyes fall on you and your stomach. It deepens during your doctor’s appointments, quietly observing the attentiveness Jeongguk directs to those meetings, how he notes down every bit of advice the doctors suggest. And its blooms when you begin find copies of parentings books around the house. You’d bought a few of your own for your journey but the shiny novel labelled: ‘Parenting Guide: For New Fathers’ sitting on your kitchen counter does something to you. Jeongguk wanted this more than he let on, and the fact that he was willing to give it up when you felt reluctant shows just how much he loves and cares for you. It feels like a blessing that everything aligned in its own way, perhaps drawn into your life by the desires of your boyfriend and partially by your longing for them too.
You’re lucky enough to find the perfect place thanks to Seokjin. A modern high-rise with the perks Jeongguk wants and enough room for your family to blossom, plus a playground space for your baby to grow in. It’s an arm and a leg to afford but Jeongguk was adamant to provide, and in the back of your head you were already thinking of side-things you can do to support your devoted lover. You move in towards the beginning of January, your previous lease drawing to an end at the perfect time. The new year is ushered in with new furniture and kisses in empty rooms, your sweaters stretching hard over your growing tummy. The journey feels both long and short, marked by moments with your mother, friends and Jeongguk and most importantly by yourself. Hours spent in front of the mirror observing your body change and transform into something new – something strong enough to create life within. Perhaps it’s always been that, yet seeing it occur right before your eyes has been astounding. Jeongguk keeps a steady eye on you, a weight lifting off his shoulders when you finally hand in your resignation letter. Seungmin is surprised, but he stares at your stomach with grudgingness that makes you feel sick.
(And you are the moment you get home, even with the first trimester over).
“Women,” he had muttered under his breathe. “Good for nothing but having babies and abandoning work.”
At first you’d wanted to ignore it, have your final day in the office be a pleasant calm one. Your co-workers were pretty nice, albeit occasionally annoying and deriving too much gratification in gossip but they were nice. Yet how could you, when the source of your stress and anxiety had the nerve to speak to you like that.
“You’re a real fucking piece of shit, you know.” And just like that Seungmin had shut-up, narrowed eyes staring at you in disbelief. “What the fuck have I ever done to you? My work has always been excellent unlike the subpar shit you usually get from everyone here. And yet you’ve been nothing but an annoying piece of shit to me and half your employees here. I don’t know who made you like this but I suggest you leave that shit at the door when you walk in – or else you’ll be dealing with more than just an angry pregnant lady. I’ve heard some pretty interesting harassment lawsuits have been springing up.”
He hadn’t said anything, mouth agape as you’d gotten up, your bag tight in your arms. “Learn to fucking respect the people you work with, or else someone will teach you that lesson.”
You’d stormed out, passing quick goodbyes as your stomach swayed with dread. It had taken more from you than you’d expected but it trepidation had passed as quick as your head hitting toilet the second you’d gotten home. Jeongguk considered buying you a cake just for that, and you’d told him to shut-up. But you could feel like pride and relief in the hug hid given you after you’d told him, and that was all that truly mattered in the grand scheme of things. Not life-sucking leeches like Seungmin.
You never really wanted a baby shower. It just felt so overwhelming and attention-seeking to demand that everyone in your life pays mind to you and the baby you were growing, but as pregnancy went on, Yoona and Soomi couldn’t help but insist, taking on the burden of planning it. Jeongguk has helped too, picky over the food and colour co-ordinations to the point where Yoona is considering never talking to him again.
“He’s going to be a nightmare when you plan your wedding,” she says it over a mouthful of rice, swiping through flower arrangement pictures. “Why the hell does he know the difference between gold and rose-gold I can’t even get my husband to figure out two different shades of blue.”
You’d shrugged, the smile on your lips small. “He really likes art, maybe that’s why.”
“A designer’s eye,” Yoona comments, sweeping over the apartment. “I knew they was no way you were responsible for this. Remember when you wanted to paint your apartment walls orange… I’m so glad you met him.”
“Hey! Orange is a really nice colour, it’s very warm and welcoming.”
“Orange is gross and gives people migraines – who have you ever seen purposefully paint their home in the shade of bright orange?” The quirk of her eyebrow makes you laugh, but your still adamant like always.
“It could have been me; I could have been the first.”
“And the last if anyone was smart enough. How’s the baby room coming along.”
You’re up in an instant, partially weighed by the new heaviness in your stomach and chest. “Wanna see? Jeongguk did most of it.” She nods, following you through your new home to the room right beside yours. It opens up to reveal a wide room, painted a pretty pastel yellow, tiny birds and flower wreathes lining the walls. Jeongguk had done it himself, along with the images of Bambi placed on opposing walls. It was his favourite Disney movie after all, and if he aimed on converting your child into loving it too you don’t mind. The crib is adorned with pillow and plushies, carefully picked out for their softness, along with a faded blue blanket that belonged to Jeongguk. His mother had kept it, somewhat pristine for its age and former use. The rest of the room was filled with paraphernalia; a rocking chair given by Namjoon, an assortment of toys partially handed over by Seokjin as his kids have aged and pretty star mobile swaying over the crib.
Yoona’s delight is evident in her smile, padding around the room with the movement of something you can only describe as mother-like. “I could give you baby clothes by the way – Jonghyun is growing so fast and I don’t know what to do with them.”
“That would be nice, thank you.”
“You’re okay with boy clothes? Wait – are you having a boy?”
You roll your eyes, moving forward into the room. “No, we decided to keep it a secret from ourselves, you know this I bet Jeongguk told you.” From the sly shift of her gaze he did. “Soomi is the only one who knows.”
“Why Soomi and why not me?” Yoona pouts, looking exactly like her high-school self.
“Because,” you respond, “Soomi can keep a secret and you can’t.” Her laugh is soft and good-natures because she knows it’s true too.
You fall into small silence, one that feels like memories. How you’d met this girl at the tender age of ten and kept her in your life as you’ve grown from young and wild teenager, confused and reckless adults to this. Mothers. A part of your future that you never truly saw coming.
“He did all of this?” Yoona supplies into the silence. You hum a noise of agreement. “He really cares.”
“He does.”
“I think that’s nice. It’s good you meet him that day – and if I recall when you called me right after you were already calling it the worst day of your life. Now look.”
And you do, fondness creeping forth from your chest. “It was the worst day of my life. He cost me an important job.”
“And he ended up giving you this,” Yoona returns, moving to slip her hand into yours. “A fair trade doesn’t you think.”
“Not a bad one at all,” you say. Your laughs are as light as the dawn sun just breaking beyond the horizon, coloured bright like the paint on the wall of your child’s future room.
“You’re gonna miss this,” Yoona says, squeezing your hand softly. “Once it’s all gone and everyday feels like a challenge… These moments you’re gonna miss them.”
“You miss being pregnant?”
“Maybe,” Yoona wonders out-loud, the look she gives you sneaky. “Jonghyun needs a sibling.”
“God please, give yourself a break. And besides,” You glance at your tummy. “He has a friend on the way.”
Another moment of silence falls, as you both stare at your future while your hand clings to your past and present.
“Remember what I said, at my baby shower?” Yoona whispers, her fingers gripping onto you.
“I remember.” It’s funny that she brings it up, considering what happened that night.
“Well… I’m happy we’re doing this together.” You pause, turning to face her, the smile on her hips matching yours.
“I’m happy we’re doing this together too.” And when she pulls you close for a hug, you remember the girl you once were, unsure and stumbling. It feels nice to know that Yoona was there for you then, and she’s here for you now.
(The shower is more than a success, filled with memories you’ll treasure for ever – and images of Taehyung in a diaper stamped into your memory forever. Yoona and Soomi were right through; having one gave you moments to remember and it felt warm, to be surrounded by the tender adoration and love for your family celebrating the start of something new.)
Your baby is late. It’s fitting actually, because that’s something you would do if you were about to be born. But it’s starting to get on your nerves. There’s an unspoken edge hanging in the room, amplified by the constant concerned looks Jeongguk has been throwing your way since your child decided to hang in your womb for a little longer. You’ve been trying to ignore it, but it’s hard when he’s checking up on you for contractions and when the hospital bag has been sitting beside the door for three whole days now. You drown his concern (and yours) with bowls of popcorn and a strange new-found interest in watching old romantic comedies. Jeongguk paces around the apartment while Bridget Jones gets locked in a Taiwan jail for attempted drug smuggling. It would have been a funny moment, expect Jeongguk’s pacing as has the baby moving too and now there’s a tiny foot trying to murder you from the inside. So much energy, an obvious mark of Jeongguk’s genes because any child of yours would definitely prefer to not move instead of brutalising their mother’s insides.
“You’re sure we shouldn’t just go in? Get a check-up or something?” Jeongguk heads peaks from the living-room door frame, locks tousled from the fretting of his fingertips.
“No,” you return, shoving a handful of popcorn in your mouth. It’s more for the effect rather than from enjoyment because for some reason it tastes weird. “We called already, babes. It’s okay, leave the baby alone they’re not ready for the world yet.”
A hard kick into your ribs and you immediately regret saying that. Maybe the baby should just come out – you’re ready for them to.
There’s a line of worry digging into his forehead. “Are you sure? I don’t like this – what if something’s wrong?”
“Nothing’s wrong,” you say. And fortunately as far as you and the doctors know, nothing is. All the ultrasound and check-up appointments had confirmed that your baby was growing steadily and healthy inside of you. Maybe they just wanted to stay in for a little bit before meeting the word.
“Y/N…” He shifts into the room, beautiful face weighed with concern. “We can go just to check–”
“I’m not doing that Jeongguk.” It’s firm and a little mean but he was fussing like he was the one with a huge baby sitting on his bladder.
“Alright.” It’s a quiet resignation. He moulds into the pillow beside you, careful not to brush against your belly. During the early stages you didn’t mind but now there was a sensitivity that left you irritated and vexed if his hand lingered for longer that five seconds. But you can feel him staring at it and a part of you feels bad for dismissing his concerns. You reach out without a second thought, guiding his palm to the side of your tummy where the kicks echo through.
A huff drifts from his mouth, soft and wondrous. “Strong little girl,” he mumbles, following the pads of the kicks as they breach from under your skin.
“Girl? Did my mom tell you?”
“It’s definitely a girl. She’s stubborn for staying in there when I want to me her. Exactly like you.”
You flick his forehead, caught off guard by the awe sitting in his wide doe eyes. “Mean.”
“How?” Jeongguk whines, petal lips forming a pout. “Bubba, your Mom is calling me mean. Imagine – me!”
“And you called her stubborn.”
“I called you stubborn, she’s a by-product of you so it’s still really your fault.” That playful glint surfaces with an ease that shouldn’t leave you breathless. You hope she has his eyes
“Jeon, shut-up before I something terrible happens to you.”
“What’s the worst that could happen? It’s been six years of empty threats. If you wanted me gone you wouldn’t have had my kid.” You close your eyes in frustration, missing the very important airport scene that all romantic comedies tend to milk to the point of death. Jeongguk laughs at your misery, cooing with the baby kicks against your belly again, as if she’s laughing with him.
She. You’ve been avoiding any gender nouns since the baby shower but now that word seems fitting. A little girl. Your daughter.
“You’re both horrible people,” you return, idly dropping popcorn in your mouth.
Jeongguk gasps, as false as the acting displayed on your television. “Bubba did you hear that? Mom called you a horrible person and she was calling me mean!”
You whack his head, whining when the baby responds to his silly comment with a fist into your stomach. “God, Jeon stop. She gets hyper when you talk to her.”
“She?” Jeongguk raises an eyebrow, still smiling.
“She,” you return.
He falls quiet, staring at your stomach with careful consideration before you see it click in his head. “Anyway, as I was saying –”
It’s too late and your girl is already awake, kicking and punching every which way like you’re not the sole thing keeping her alive. Jeongguk just giggles but moves with to resettle the pillows behind your back, alleviating what discomfort he can. The tension that gripped the air suddenly lets loose, a calmness filling your head as the evening draws to a close. You only get anxious when you have to slip into bed with him, stomach too far stretched out for you to attain any source of ease. Jeongguk’s already learned to read you well, giving you space and extra pillows where he can, the only thing you hold onto during the night his hand. Somehow, you fall asleep, until your body jerks you awake, a searing pain bleeding through your lower limbs. The ache eats through your grogginess, pulling you up and out of bed where you find with a sudden violent shock that your pyjama pants are soaked. And yet you never panic, fumbling for the lights and heading to the bathroom to pat yourself awake before the next wave of pain stings through.
You poke Jeongguk awake, his eyes snapping open with an urgency that startles you.
“What’s wrong?” His back rips from the mattress as he twists to take you in. “Are you hurt? Sore? Hungry?”
“None of those. I think my water just broke though.”
“Your – what? W-water? You think?” There’s a pause, and then Jeongguk is bounding from the bed like he’s being hunted down and chased. The paleness that sweeps over his face coaxes a giggle out of you, which is immediately washed away by another brief bout of pain.
“Shit,” the word is mumbled again and again under his breath as he runs through the house, collecting last minute things. In a moment he’s guiding you to the door with no shirt but shoes on, keys gripped tight in his hand. “Do we do the breathing thing now? And when was the last contraction? I need to time them.”
“Jeongguk,” you sigh, “Could I change first. I don’t think going to the hospital in Micky Mouse pyjamas is very fitting. And you need to put a shirt on.”
He freezes, spine straight and forehead beading with sweat. “S-sorry–shit. I’m just freaking out let me help you.”
“I’m freaking out too, Jeon. But let’s be calm about it right?”
“Right,” he returns. “But we seriously need to get to the hospital because of the baby comes right now I might faint.”
“Not helping. Jeongguk!”
“Yeah, of course. You put out the set you wanted in the first drawer right?”
“Second drawer. The light blue ones.”
He leaves you staring at the hard wooden floors of your home as he runs to get them, a slight sweat building down your back. The contractions are still spread out, not frequent or concerning just yet. You wanted to stay home for a little to be frank, but judging from the frazzled nature of Jeongguk’s movements you’d rather not ask your boyfriend to wait before rushing into the hospital. You watch him with fondness as he dresses you in the living-room, doe eyes wide with concern and stuck on your stomach. There’s a shirt over his head at least, and a change from his sleeping sweats into clean dark ones.
“Jeongguk,” you whisper.
“Yes?” It’s said with high-alert. “Does it hurt? Should we do the breathing–”
“Jeongguk,” you interrupt. “I think you need to calm down.”
“I am calm.”
You give him a look.
“Okay, I’m not calm,” Jeongguk returns. “But I’m also facing the very real fact that our baby has decided to come into the world in the middle of the night and you’re not freaking out at all which is making me very nervous.”
“I am,” you reply. “I’m just trying to contain it because I don’t want to make it worse. And while I love you Jeongguk I need you not to go crazy on me right now. And I thought you wanted to meet her, she’s decided to come today since you were complaining about it.”
He frowns, lips puckered in an exasperated pout. “Sorry–just–it’s just–I didn’t think it was going to be this scary.”
“It’s not. We just need to get the hospital and everything is going to be okay. So let’s focus on getting into the car first and then we can do the breathing practises, okay.”
Jeongguk stills, eyes drifting to your stomach. You see his shoulder fall lax, a sudden protectiveness lingering on his face. “Okay, let’s start with that.”
You were wrong. Very wrong. About everything. Staying at home for even twenty minutes more would have been the worst decision you had ever made because when you baby decided to come into the world, she decided she was coming in fast. Viciously fast. Maybe Jeongguk’s crazed concerned was warranted. Your contractions speed up and get worse during the brief trip to the hospital, and by the time you’re walking in past the doors you’re considered maiming Jeongguk so that he never gets the idea that you want a child again. The staff is incredibly helpful, leading you to your room and bed while Jeongguk calls his parents and yours. It feels both rushed and like everyone is taking their sweet time with you, as if there was a baby literally trying to rip its way out of you. The nurses take the noting of the times Jeongguk recorded, immediately pointing out that your contractions have speed up but not enough to head down to the theatre. Soomi arrives during the two hours they give you to settle, occasionally popping into the check your dilation and contractions.
Her hair is a mess and you can hear the faint sound of Jimin consoling Jeongguk in the hallway. Which is stupid because he’s not the one giving birth, you are.
“Hey, how are you doing?” Soomi starts, drawing near with a container of food. She notes the look of disdain you throw it’s in direction, quickly discards it on a nearby stool.
“Thinking about killing Jeongguk,” you respond. The epidural you requested is not kicking in fast enough.
She laughs, a bright thing that eases you edges a little. “I said the exact same thing when Bora decided to come.”
“Where is she?” You ask, forcing a smile when Jimin walks in the stupid spawn of evil who put you in this hospital bed.
“Taehyung’s. Seokjin and Yoongi are coming tomorrow morning. You think she’ll be here by then? Soomi inquires. You catch the slip of her tongue, a faint smile spreading on your lips as you mumble a greeting to Jimin.
“So it is a girl,” you comment. Jeongguk halts beside you. Maybe you won’t murder him just yet.
“W-well, I – I mean – well, yes it is.”
You’re glad Soomi was the only one who knew. A secret kept right until the last minute.
“I told you,” Jeongguk interjects. “I had a feeling.”
“And I’m feeling like ending your life, so maybe don’t talk right now.”
Jimin’s laughter is loud and unabashed, a direct contrast to the nervous blush staining Jeongguk’s cheeks.
“And now you know why I was scared of Soomi, right?” Jimin comments, ignoring the threatening glare his wife spears into his head. “Have you picked a name yet?”
“Not really,” you return, noticing Jeongguk’s sudden silence. You reach for his hand, heart aching with the fear you might have heart him. He responds automatically, clinging right back onto you. “But there are ideas. We’ll know when we see her.” You say the last sentence while staring at his face, mind already conjuring the image of your girl. Will she have his nose? His cherry cheeks? Will she smile like him? You hope she does – Jeongguk has the best smile in the world. He’s staring at your face like he’s wondering the same, gaze flicking over your features with careful consideration, a gentleness in his eyes that warms you heart even when your contractions decide to resurface, clamouring to be heard in the waves of pain that follow.
“Hey,” there’s a soft hand on your head. “You’ll be okay.” Jeongguk looks worried but you can see him trying to hide it, shoulder tense but his eyes soft.
You respond with a mumbled noise of agreement. “Yeah, when this baby gets the hell out of me. Can somebody call the nurse; my beeper isn’t working.”
Jimin does, leaving Soomi and Jeongguk to hang over you like grey clouds in the sky. You stop focusing on them, letting the murmurs of their encouragement fade into the distance as your focus settles on the bright luminescent hospital lights. Everything shifts into a state of surrealness, marked by moments of doctors prodding you and Jeongguk catching your gaze from his place at your side. Eventually you’re pushed into the theatre room, followed by a trembling Jeon Jeongguk in scrubs and a mask. Soomi and Jimin linger in the hallways while the only thing you hear is one stupid word.
You push until you think you’ve split into two, squeezing Jeongguk’s hand because he should go through this pain too. He doesn’t protest, mumbling words of comfort in your ear while you attempt to crack the bones in his hand.
“You’re doing so well – see look she’s almost here,” he murmurs, hand a grounding force when he strokes your cheek. “Just one more, my love. One more push.”
And then finally, finally, you hear that cry, the pressure in your hips waning. It’s immediately replaced by a quiet awe descending on your both. The nurses congratulate you, cleaning and swaddling your baby up before hastily placing her on your chest. If the tears on your face are from pain or love you wouldn’t know. They are one and the same right now, the splitting of your heart aching in your chest as the love for your child pours out. She’s got his nose. You see it instantly, her eyes are still shut, but you think she has his eyes too. She’s so adorable and too tiny for the world. You feel it then, the fierce need to protect her from anything and everything. Jeongguk’s drops down to your level too, enclosing you both like he feels it too. There’s no need for words to be said, the silent exchange of wonder between you two enough as your baby breaks into weak forlorn cry.
Her name is a quiet decision, vocalised by Jeongguk reaching to graze his thumb across her small cheek. “Hello Jieun-ie…. Hi baby... Don’t cry bubba, we’re here. Hmm, we’re here my love.”
Jieun is a blessing. There’s something about her gummy little smile and those chubby mochi like cheeks that makes your heart warm with adoration. She’s got Jeongguk’s eyes too, little stars trapped in her loving gaze. It’s almost addictive, how soft and plush she is in your arms. You want her to stay small and tiny forever, under the protective gaze of her mother. Even the slightest thought of anything negative happening to her, makes your heart seize with terror. You didn’t know it was possible to have space for this much love in your heart but Jieun’s carved out a place just for her, a home in your heart besides Jeongguk.
You try and think of that love and warmth during moments like this - when she’s up all night, screaming her lungs out. You’ve checked her diaper, nothing. You’ve gently directed her wailing mouth to your nipple, immediate rejection from her chubby hands. You’ve rocked her around the room for the past forty minutes, softly bouncing her against your hip, but to no avail either. She’s not hungry, or dirty or tired. You’re lost on how to ease her back to sleep and your patience is quickly wearing thin. The gurgle of spit on your shoulder isn’t making the situation any more tolerable either anyway.
“Why’s my baby crying,” Jeongguk coos from the bedroom, voice groggy with sleep. You’d left him in bed and taken Jieun out when she’d gotten fussy, afraid to rouse him. He’d picked up some long shift once again and it pained you to see him shuffle to work early in the morning with barely any sleep on his face.
“I’ve got her; you can go back to sleep.” You try to reassure him but the incredulous look he gives in you in response has your put together facade crumbling. “I don’t know what’s wrong.” It’s mumbled in the cool air of your apartment, the shame in your tone drawing him closer.
“Hungry?” He says, there’s a hand against the small of your back, warm from the bed he was wrapped in.
“No,” You whine back, briefly closing your eyes when Jieun lets out a particular ear splitting wail.
“Oh no, baby. Don’t cry. Daddy’s here.” You press her into his hands wordlessly, a heavy weight on your chest when you finally take a look at him. He looks like he’s been run over by a truck, skin pasty and flat from sleep. His hair sticks out haphazardly from his head, a wild brown mane that’s overdue for a cut. There’s shadows under his eyes and a deep line forming between his eyebrows. A consequence of how often he frowns at things. Like he’s doing at Jieun now, eyes barely open in the dim light filling your living room.
You subconsciously reach out, pressing the pad of your thumb between his brows and massaging until his gaze relaxes. Jeongguk looks at you perplexed, murmuring sweetly into Jieun’s ear while he stains his shirt with her snot.
“Premature wrinkles,” you softly mutter. His eyes flash and then he’s shaking his head, gaze focused on Jieun.
“Bubba, why do you keep crying? Hmm?” He lifts her up gently, sniffing her bottom while she protests violently. “You’re not dirty either.” He cradles her tenderly once again and for a brief moment, she closes her mouth, wide eyes on her daddy. Neither of you move, frozen by the hope that she's satiated. And then her lips purse tightly, followed by them falling open with a thundering wail.
“Jesus,” Jeongguk whispers, hands gently running along her back. “Where do you get your lungs from? Huh bubba?” Jieun responds with a miserable cry, grubby hands flailing through the air. You catch one for her marshmallow fists, bemused when she smacks your hand away.
“What is wrong with her?” You can’t help but ask, feeling like you’ve been thrown off a boat and left to drown. Parenting shouldn’t be this difficult —  she’s only five months.
“Honestly?” Jeongguk's face seems down. “I don’t know either.” He rocks her softly and is rewarded by a softer cry. It takes a couple more minutes of bouncing from Jeongguk for her crying to wane away. You cautiously move closer, taking her hand into your own again, heart thumping when she grabs back at you tightly. You trail your thumb against her tiny fist, glancing up to find Jeongguk staring at your joint hands with a weird look in his eyes.
“Should we go to bed?” He asks, peering at you beneath his long brown bangs. Jieun hiccups at that, immediately falling silent when she nuzzles in her father’s neck. They have the same soft wavy brown hair, but Jieun’s is a little bit sparser, not as thick as her Daddy’s. You gently pry your hand away from hers as you nod, a pleased sigh coming from Jeongguk.
The bed is cool, sheets tipping towards the floor. There’s only a fraction of warmth against your skin when you finally crawl in, bones going soft at the touch of the mattress. Jeongguk makes a move to settle Jieun in her cradle but you shake your head, hand gesturing to the space beside you. He gets in without another word, gently resting her body between the two of you. Her breathing is even, eyes fluttering every other moment, teasing dreams you won’t ever hear and she won’t ever remember. You hope they’re good regardless.
You can’t help the wandering hand that settles on her plush little thigh, fingers grazing against the soft skin there. She’s so big already, it’s insane to see her grow so quickly right before your eyes. This was the girl who was kicking your stomach at every chance and sitting heavy on your bladder. The little baby that demanded you eat pickles with ice-cream and Cheetos dipped in chocolate syrup when she was in your belly. It’s surreal to see her sighing and gurgling outside of your body. It also makes you nervous, how little control you have over her environment. There’s no way you can ensure that she’s comfortable and safe at all times. Or happy and fulfilled. Which hurts like hell. This is your baby and you would do anything to protect her.
Maybe Jeongguk must feel the same because he pipes up, breaking the quiet of the night. “Are you worried? About Jieun?”
“Of course. Aren’t you?”
“All the damn time,” He mutters. You look up, eyes landing on the heavy gaze that’s directed at her sleeping face. “I’m so worried. What if we’re messing this up? I know we’ve barely started but sometimes it feels like too much. I don’t want to see her cry or you tired all the time. How do we know we’re doing the right thing? I want to make sure she’s stable and safe but there’s so much more to come and I’m going to mess up. I know I will.”
It’s a lot for you to digest. The way he blurts it out — it sounds like it’s been on his mind for a while now. It’s a stark contrast to the surety you were greeted with in the delivery room and the man who wanted this to happen in the first place. He doesn’t sound regretful, just terrified of the uncertainty of the future.
“Jeongguk,” You say, trying to wipe the exhaustion from your voice. He needs someone to lean on right now, and even if your heart feels heavy with the words he’s said, you’ll pretend to be that person anyway. “That’s okay. I’m going to mess up too. There’s no manual on how to do this. No one knows how to be a parent. Every child is different. We’re never going to be perfect. We just need to try our best at this.” You reach for his hand, intertwining your small fingers against his larger bigger ones. You give them a squeeze, pleased when Jeongguk looks up at you. “That’s all we need to do. Not everything will be perfect. We just need to try our best to make Jieun happy. Right?” He nods at that, holding your hand tighter. “And stop worrying. She loves you. You’re a great dad.”
He stares at you deeply, still gripping your hand. You watch that soft smile slip onto his face in silence, a warmth bubbling in your chest.
“And you’re a great mom,” He whispers back. You ache to lean over Jieun’s sleeping body, press a chaste kiss against your boyfriend’s lips. But a loud gurgle from her has both of you glancing down concerned. She’s kicking her legs gently, mouth halfway open and drool around her lips. You wipe her mouth fondly, letting go of Jeongguk’s hand to do so.
“We should sleep, shouldn’t we,” He mumbles, burrowing his head into the pillow.
“We should.”
“Hmm. Goodnight bubba,” He whispers at Jieun and then he glances up, eyes soft. “Goodnight Y/N.”
“Goodnight Jeongguk,” You return, giddy for some stupid reason. “Goodnight Jieun-ie.”
There’s a beat of silence, when the air is only filled with the rise and fall of your chests in union, punctuated by the occasional sigh from Jieun. And then Jeongguk is kicking your feet beneath the blanket, eyes open and on you.
“I love you,” He whispers, crust forming around his eyes. You kick him back, a warm feeling settling in your chest as your eyes flicker between your baby and the love of your life. It’s oddly perfect, despite the lack of sleep, despite how groggy the both of you are, despite the uncertainty of the future. None of that matters at that moment. Because you’re here, in your home, in bed with the two people you hold near and dear to your heart. You’ll tackle it together, whatever challenges the future holds for you. Because this is your family.
“I love you too, Jeongguk.”
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s-brant · 3 years
Baby Names
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(gif: @mishellejones) (SERIES MASTERLIST)
Summary: Y/N gets frustrated while putting the crib for her and JJ’s baby together and finds herself missing her dead brother more than ever.
Word Count: 2.2k
Warnings: Fluff and minor angst.
A/N: Asks and ye shall receive, here’s a little blurb about what happens after Tokens! You don’t really have to read the other parts to enjoy this fic if you don’t want to, but I do recommend it for some backstory. This was slightly inspired by this fic by @cognacdelights, so go give her stuff a read! Let me know if you liked this. Have fun!
Y/N Routledge thought she got over her brother's death long ago.
Though you never truly "get over" losing a loved one, though there will always be a small part of you, however small, that aches for their presence again, she thought she moved past the tragedy to the best of her ability...until last week.
To say that the pregnancy was a surprise would be the understatement of the century. She and JJ were both on the same page about children when their relationship began, and that page was that neither of them wanted them yet. Sure, the idea of it in the future stirred their hearts with fond emotion, but considering that they had yet to graduate high school and barely scraped by on their own, they weren't jumping headfirst into that aspect of adulthood.
They were meticulous about safe sex. They couldn't afford another mouth to feed, she wasn't sure she could handle the emotional trauma of having an abortion, and, underneath it all, he had some reservations about being a father. It wasn't that he didn't envision a future with kids in their relationship, he did, but the topic of fatherhood always took him down a dark path within his mind.
So, she went on birth control once they started dating and they went along with no scares for the next six years as they graduated and started figuring out what the next step for their lives was going to be.
Y/N could get lost thinking about it, honestly, but she tries not to get too swept up in the minor mistake that led to this.
"You, my friend, need to stop moving around in there," she whispers down at her protruding belly with a hand cradling the heavy weight of it, "I'm trying to get your crib set up without JJ yelling at me for not asking for help, and if you don't stop kicking me, I'm not gonna get anything done."
She's sprawled out on the floor in the living room of the Chateau with her legs stretched comfortably in each direction while she hunches over to read the directions of the Ikea furniture. The sugarcoated description makes her want to hunt down the company CEO for sport, because for how "simple and easy!" the construction of it claims to be, she is at her wits end.
The last thing she needed after having her grief over John B's death reignited by their decision to name their kid after him last week was to stress herself out over something as stupid as this, but she won't quit. With how much JJ has been coddling her the further into the pregnancy she gets, she wanted to prove that she could do something for herself.
Whenever she brings in the groceries from the car and goes to lift the bag of dog kibble out of the trunk, he rushes up behind her back and scoops it out of the trunk before she dares to touch it. It always ends with her hollering after him that it's under twenty pounds, the upwards limit of the weight she's allowed to carry according to her doctor, but he refuses to hear any of it.
Inside of her, she feels a sharp sensation of something hitting her right in the ribs in response to her comment, and she groans in frustration. It's as if he did it because he knows she wants it to stop, the feisty little fucker.
"You're definitely your daddy's son, aren't you? It's already enough having one of him, the last thing I need is a JJ clone."
Their three-year-old Rottweiler rescue huffs a sigh from where he lays, frog-legging it, on the floor next to the unboxed crib pieces she can't put together to save her life. His drooping jowls produce a puddle of slobber on the her favorite carpet that is past the point of saving from his constant wear and tear. After a year of having him, she decided to stop trying to prevent him from ruining it. There’s no point.
She smiles at him as she leans forward to read through the directions for the billionth time, saying, "I actually think he'll be a lot like his uncle, but that's just me. If he isn't, I'll feel a little stupid over the name situation."
John Booker Routledge-Maybank.
Hell of a name if you ask her yourself, but for every internal struggle it reopened inside of her, she couldn't help but love it as soon as JJ casually proposed the idea on his way out of the door for work one morning.
Going on without John B has been a learning experience in every aspect. Any time she wanted to turn to him for advice or tell him something about the recent events in her life, she had to walk out back to their dying magnolia tree and sit under the shade to talk to the wind. Then, once the tree finally died and they were forced to cut it down, she took to sitting on its stump and doing it there.
It got easier as time went on, but she can't keep herself from wondering what it'd be like if he didn't die ever since she saw the results on the pregnancy test six months ago. Whenever she does something like going to her OBGYN appointments or, case in point, setting up the crib, she pictures him there.
She can see him here now, petting Bowie's shiny coat until he falls asleep with his head propped onto John B's outstretched legs. He'd be twenty-three years old by now with his life barely starting to blossom to its full potential, yet here they are. Correction, here she is, and he's off somewhere at the bottom of the ocean, already decomposed to the extent that not even his bones can be salvaged anymore.
Her chest sinks in another sigh, and she flips through page after page of the instructions with increasing aggression.
"This crib is so fucking—"
"What are you doing?"
The sound of her yelping in surprise at JJ's voice coming from the door is enough to make him laugh to himself, though his amusement is buried partway by what he's walking in on. He specifically asked her to wait for him to put the crib together, knowing damn well it wouldn't be the easy task she thought it was, but he should've known she'd do it anyway.
She looks over her shoulder with a mixture of guilt and frustration painting her features as she throws her hands up in the air and gestures vaguely to the unassembled crib. Her eyes are shining with the rapid onset of hormone-induced tears.
"I can't put this crib together 'cause the instructions aren't right, all the pieces are labeled wrong, your son won't stop kicking me, and I miss my brother so much right now," she spews the words with no pauses to breathe until the very end, when she stops short to suck down a breath as soon as she gets the last part out.
It leaves JJ standing at the entrance to the house with this stunned expression.
There's no amusement to be found anymore. Once she turned and flashed those wide, teary eyes that never fail to spark an ache in his heart at him, his tired smile vanished and his feet started moving before he could say anything to her.
The floorboards creak beneath his half-laced boots on his way across the room to her. It prompts Bowie to pop his head up from around the side of the coffee table to catch a peek of whoever it is that's approaching his emotionally distraught owner. Upon seeing JJ's familiar face, the dog relaxes back into his lounging position atop the carpet and tracks JJ’s movements until he's seated next to her.
"This is about John B?" he asks.
Her cheeks are flushed in embarrassment at her sudden outburst, and she can't bear to meet his gaze right now. Despite him being her closest friend and husband, she feels as small and vulnerable as she did six years ago when she first learned of her brother's death from Shoupe. Time might as well be shaped in the form of a never-ending circle for them, directing them back to their seventeen-year-old state of mind every time things turn sour.
Y/N finally lifts her hanging head to look over at him after another few seconds and thinks she might crumble at the look on his face. He hates watching her cry.
"I guess," she says through a sniffle, "It's about the crib too, but I've been thinking about it a lot more since we picked the name. Our baby’s gonna grow up never knowing who his uncle was..."
With that, JJ takes it as his cue to pull her closer.
He scoots up behind her and lets his chin rest on the curve bridging her neck and shoulder together as he twines his arms around her body. It's a closeness that's as natural as breathing for him, so natural that he can hardly remember the years before it became normal for them to take part in little moments of intimacy like this. The warmth of their bodies cohabitates in the blurred line distinguishing where she ends and he begins, and he feels her relax, sagging in his embrace in appreciation of his miraculous ability to make her feel better no matter how worked up she is.
One of his hands rests on the swell of her bump in an absentminded effort to calm him too. Even though he isn't consciously thinking of it, he knows that her distress must upset the baby too. The contact steadies her, keeps her grounded to the moment rather than allowing her to slip away into the current of her negative thoughts, and she clings to every word he has to say.
He says, "You and I both know that isn’t true. He's gonna grow up seeing all the pictures you have of John B and ask about him all the time. And we'll tell him all the stories"—there's a pause of contemplation as he recalls a few particularly non-PG memories of his best friend—"Well, maybe not all of them, but you know what I mean."
This draws a soft bout of laughter from deep within her chest that he feels with how her body shakes ever so slightly with it. It seems so wrong to laugh with tears in her eyes but she can't help it. Her emotions have been scattered in every direction since the pregnancy began, and it has only gotten worse the further along she gets.
"If you ever tell him about the kief incident, I'm never giving you a bl—"
His free hand smushes over her mouth before she can say the rest.
"Don't even think about finishing that sentence.”
It's said so frantically, it makes her erupt in laughter hard enough to tickle her abdomen muscles with the aching sensation of it. The vibration of it under his palm makes him drop his hand a second later with the need to hear the beautiful sound. After seeing her cry, it's a welcome shift in mood, even if it's at his expense.
Her head is thrown back on his shoulder, mouth parted into a smile with the gleeful giggling filling the room. His stomach churns with butterflies at the sight of her. Even after all these years, he has the same reaction to her laughter every time. It makes him smile to himself and watch her in quiet reverence. It makes him ache with the same inklings of longing he felt for the first time when he was much younger.
Her laughter begins to die down by the time she can draw enough breath in to murmur a soft, "Sorry, angel," to him and reach down to hold the hand he rests on her belly as consolation for her joke.
They remain this way for another few minutes, tangled up in each other's arms on the floor of the living room with Bowie snoring a few feet away, before he manages to convince her to let him be the one to set up the crib instead. It takes a good five minutes of playful back and forth before she concedes under the condition that he'll let her paint the nursery by herself when the time comes, and that's all it takes for her to abandon the task in favor of finding something to snack on in the fridge.
In her defense, the crib is actually quite difficult to put together.
JJ doesn't consider himself an expert handyman by any means, at least not with anything outside of his area of expertise as an electrician, but he likes to think he knows enough to put together a "no assembly required" Ikea crib without wanting to bang his face against the wall.
In the end, it gets finished by the two of them in the middle of the night over a box of cold leftover pizza from the previous day. It takes them two hours of struggling before they get it fully assembled and placed where they want it in the room that'll soon belong to their son.
He pretends not to notice her sneaking back in to tie John B's old bandana around the wooden railing before they go to bed.
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Tag List: @gabiatthedisco, @fangirlvoice, @black-syren, @apparrio, @particularcth, @planetdemon, @idk-ijustworkhere, @krisphann, @astrydis, @k-k0129, @zarahsloves, and @stilesflannels.
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viastro · 3 years
in a span of three months | joshua hong
ミ★ synopsis: in which you teach joshua how to live.
ミ★ genre: strangers to lovers!au, terminally ill!reader, angst, fluff, some humor
ミ★ warnings: mentions of depression (not mentioned heavily), implied suicidal thoughts and intention (very brief), major character death
ミ★ word count: 20,351
ミ★ pairings: joshua hong x gender neutral reader
ミ★ notes: hi guys ! here’s the longest oneshot i’ve ever written so i’d like to apologize in advance BSJKGBDKB i just wanted to mention that this isn’t necessarily realistic before you go into it, and that the reader’s illness is not mentioned in this oneshot as i didn’t want to explicitly list one. i hope you guys enjoy this oneshot, it’s my best work and i put a lot of time and effort into it <3
ミ★ taglist: @coppertrashi @magicalhannie @brinnalaine @minluvly @wonunuu @suhfluffy @shuajeong @euphorencia @imjustuhhvibing​ @minghao-will-be-the-death-of-me @shuahaeee @jaeyuni @sunflowergyeomie
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january 2, 2021 
The date flashes back at you from your lockscreen, and a breath escapes you as you turn off your phone. Your leg bounces against the floor in anxiousness as you wait for him to tell you the results from your recent test.
“I’m sorry, yn.” You slowly look up towards your doctor, seeing the grave expression on his face. Your grip on the chair tightens when he folds his hands together, turning towards you. 
“We estimate that you only have three more months to live. We will give you medication…” The rest of his words are tuned out as your gaze falls down to the table, the sound of your heartbeat is loud against your ears. You bite the inside of your cheek, listening to it thrum. 
I’m dying, yet I can feel my heartbeat right now. I can hear it. It’s beating.
I’m alive.
You stand up from your chair when Dr. Park does, and you give him as bright of a smile as you can muster when you bow towards him. He stares at you with pity in his eyes, and you hate it.
You hate it so much.
“Eat whatever you want, do things you’ve always wanted to do. Live your life, yn. I’ll see you at your next appointment.” Dr. Park tells you, and you nod your head. Giving him a small smile, you grab your bag and walk out of the room, tightly squeezing the strap as you exit the hospital.
Once outside, you suck in a deep breath of air, having felt as if you were suffocating in that building the longer you were in it. Rubbing the back of your neck, you look over towards the Han River, seeing the Banpo bridge shine brightly during the night. 
Letting out a sigh, you head in the direction of the bridge, deciding to walk home rather than take the bus like you usually do. Your heart remains heavy as you look around at your surroundings, wondering what you should do during your last few months of living. 
It’s strange.
Having a known deadline on your own life.
As you make it onto the bridge, you turn your head to look out along the Han River as you walk. The slight wind from the water breezes past you during the night, and you somehow find that it’s the only thing able to calm you down from the raging storm within you. Letting out a small smile, you notice how pretty Seoul is at night.
With the city lights shining brightly back at you, the busy streets roaring with life even during the relatively late hours. The bright stars glowing down from the sky, surrounding the beautiful moon that reflects its light across the Han River. 
“Ah, life is beautiful.” You mutter softly, turning your head and looking forward. You raise an eyebrow when you see a blonde head of hair standing in front of the railing along the bridge, just staring out at the water. Coming to a stop, you stare at the person a few feet from you, wondering what they’re doing. 
Your eyes trail down to see his hands gripping the railing tightly, and you tilt your head at the sight. Taking a few steps forward, the man seems to have not noticed your presence. He just looks out across the water with a blank stare, the whites of his knuckles becoming more prominent when he tightens his grip again. At this point, you decide to interrupt.
“Hi.” You greet cheerfully, and the guy blinks out of his dazed state from the sound of your voice. He slowly turns his head towards you, and you feel warmth flood your face immediately at how ethereal this man is.
His platinum hair falls softly over his forehead, wisps of it flying up slightly due to the light wind. His deerlike eyes stare into yours, and you find that they emphasize his beautiful features that much more. However, the exhaustion is evident in his gaze.
“Hey.” The stranger replies, voice soft and airy, somehow matching his appearance even though he seems tired. 
“What are you doing?” You ask, stepping forward so that you’re now right beside him. His eyes widen slightly, before they relax to their normal size. He shrugs his shoulders, glancing over at the road when a car drives by. “Just standing on the bridge.”
You give him a close-lipped smile, tilting your head as you press on, “Why?” 
“Just cause.” 
You nod your head, turning around so that you can rest your forearms onto the railing. Raising your hand up, you rest your chin on the palm of your hand, letting out a sigh of content as you lay eyes on the beautiful scenery once again. The ethereal man turns to glance at you, wondering what you could possibly want.
“Live your life.” You say in a soft tone, and he simply blinks at you.
You turn your head towards the pretty man, “Life is short when you think about it. It can suck a lot of the time, as well as be unfair, but sometimes…” 
Your voice trails off as you look up at the stars, realizing just how small you are in this great, big universe. “Sometimes it can be beautiful.” 
The stranger tilts his head up and stares at the sky along with you, a comfortable silence settling over the two of you as you do so.
“I wish I could see it like you do.” You look over at him, finding that he’s still staring up at the sky. His breath is visible due to the cold temperatures, and you watch as he lets out a sigh. He turns towards you, giving you a heartbreaking smile, “Life hasn’t been kind to me.” 
The two of you stare into each other's eyes for a moment, and you find that you’re more similar than you originally thought. You feel the exact same way about life, and you’ve asked life for years, why you? Why did it have to be you? 
You could never find the answer.
And so, you smile at the stranger, who tilts his head at you, wondering how one can be so bright and cheerful. You reach into your pocket and pull out your phone, handing it towards him after you unlock it. He raises an eyebrow as he reaches out and takes it, “You know I could totally just take this and run, right?” 
You nod your head, letting out a quiet giggle that rings in the blonde’s ears. He finds the sound to be rather pleasant. “I know, but I have a feeling you’re not that type of person.”
He purses his lips, nodding his head in agreement. Glancing down at the cellular device, he sees your wallpaper, a photo of you holding a cat with a big smile on your face. His eyes trail back up towards your face, as if to ask what you want him to do with your phone. 
You sigh with a teasing look on your face, and you take the phone from his grasp, opening up the contacts menu before holding it back out towards him. “Put your number in.” 
The blonde’s eyes widen slightly, before he tentatively types in his number, handing it back to you. You grasp the phone in your hand, a breath leaving your lips when you finally learn his name.
“Why do you want my number?” He asks, and you look up from your phone, giving your new friend a smile. 
“Since life hasn’t been kind to you, I wanted to be.” You answer simply, and he stares into your eyes with an indecipherable emotion to them at your answer. 
After a moment, he turns his body towards the railing of the bridge again, staring out at the city without saying anything else. You follow suit, resting your forearms onto the cool metal as you breathe in the fresh air. 
“My name is yn.” You tell him in a soft voice, not expecting a response. A few minutes pass when you finally hear his voice say,
“My name is Joshua.” 
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Joshua taps the eraser of his pencil onto his notebook, blankly staring off at the projector screen while he tunes out everything the professor is saying. The only thing on his mind is you, the person he met last week on the bridge. 
You haven’t contacted him yet, and he’s beginning to wonder if you were just a figment of his imagination. That deep down, he wanted to stay, so his consciousness created a positive person to appear right before him, convincing him to live another day.
“Yn.” Joshua whispers underneath his breath, and he tilts his head to the side, having not realized how nice your name was until this very moment. He only pays attention to the lecture when his professor announces the homework, and he quickly jots down the page numbers to read. Throwing his bag over his shoulder, he steps out of the auditorium and begins to walk off campus. 
Some university students would usually go and meet up with their friends after class to go and eat, or they’d go and meet their significant other to study together. Then there’s Joshua, who does neither of those things. 
“Hey Josh.” The blonde nods his head at his boss in greeting, letting the door close behind him as he walks over into the back to change. 
Everyday Joshua just goes through the motions, doing what he has to do to survive, as dramatic as that sounds. Go to uni, work a six hour shift to pay for his tuition, head home and study, then barely sleep. He wakes up the next day and does it all over again. 
Joshua has gotten used to the feeling of being numb.
He tiredly ties the apron onto his waist before going and washing his hands. The call of his name makes him glance up from the floor as he wipes his hands on a paper towel, his boss appears at the doorway, holding the notepad and pen towards him.
Joshua sends him a tight smile, stepping forward and taking the pen and paper from his hand. He feels himself get a pat on the back as his manager walks past him, and he lets out a breath, before walking out into the restaurant. 
His eyes trail over to two women seated at a booth, waiting for their orders to be taken. Joshua doesn’t feel like going over there yet, as the words you told him that night ring in his head. 
Live your life. 
Joshua scoffs quietly, remembering the bright smile you showed him. He looks down at the notepad in his hand, wondering how you could find life to be so beautiful when he’s never seen it that way. His head snaps up when he hears his name be called, and he immediately walks over to the table, clicking open the pen.
“Hi. What can I get started for you guys today?” 
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“One sikhye please!” The woman nods her head at you, and you smile as you hand her the correct amount of money. She hands you your order number, and you walk over to the other side of the food stand, waiting to be called.
Your hands make their way into your pockets, your hand wrapping around your phone. Tilting your head, you remember the pretty blonde you met on the bridge. You suck in a deep breath of the cool air, looking up towards the sky to catch the beginning of the sunset. A smile makes its way onto your face at the different pink and orange hues of the sky.
You fail to notice the blonde head of hair looking in your direction, wondering how you always manage to have a smile on your face. It’s only when you feel that tingly feeling of someone staring at you that you look back down, turning your head to find those deerlike eyes boring into yours.
Your mouth drops open in surprise, and you grin happily, raising your hand up and waving towards the ethereal man. 
“Hi Jos-” You’re cut off when your order number gets called, and you hold up a finger at the blonde to signal him to wait, before quickly grabbing your sikhye and walking over to him. 
“Hi Joshua.” You finally greet properly, taking a tiny sip of the sweet rice drink as he stares at you quietly. He clicks his tongue, tilting his head at you, “You never texted me.” 
Pursing your lips at the fact that he was waiting, you slowly hold out the drink in apology. Joshua glances down at it, before looking back at you with a raise to his eyebrow. 
“Don’t you want it?”
“Take my apology drink.”
“But you just ordered this-”
“I can buy another one.” 
The corner of Joshua’s lip quirks up slightly, before he takes the drink from your grasp and takes a sip. You let out a smile, before pointing back towards the drink stand, “I’ll go buy myself another drink and then we can hangout.” 
You’re about to turn around when you feel a hand grasp your wrist, stopping you from walking over. Your eyes slowly glance down, before they trail back up to see Joshua staring at you, straw in his mouth as he takes another sip of the sikhye. 
He lets go of your wrist and walks over to the stand himself, ordering the drink for you. You’re left flabbergasted as he hands the employee his card, and you watch as a blush rises to the woman’s face the longer she communicates with the pretty man. 
Once he’s handed his order number, he walks back towards you, seeing the shocked look on your face. He raises his hand up and waves it in front of your face, and you finally look back into his eyes. 
“Why do you look so shocked?” Joshua asks, slightly biting on the straw as he awaits your response. Your mouth opens and closes, before you just let out a huff, reaching out and hitting Joshua’s arm softly. He still feigns pain, his hand reaching up and rubbing the area.
You giggle at his reaction, “Thank you for the drink, Joshua. Except now I feel like the apology drink I gave you doesn’t count since you bought me one.” 
Joshua shrugs, looking back over towards the drink stand when he hears your order number be called. He shoots you a glance over his shoulder, “Consider it a gift.”
It’s only when Joshua walks back and hands you the sikhye that you wonder how he’s been doing. You stare at him for a moment as he places the receipt into his wallet, and you find that the darkness under his eyes is still evident. You even think they might be a bit darker than when you first saw him as he looks back up at you. 
“Is something on my face?” Joshua asks when he notices the furrow to your brow. Your eyes widen slightly and you shake your head, giving him a reassuring grin. “I just thought you were handsome.” 
Joshua’s mouth drops open at your honesty, while you internally panic at the fact that that was your coverup for staring at him. You watch as a tinge of pink appears on his cheeks, and you honestly find the sight so endearing that you have to look away. 
“Let’s go to the arcade!” You exclaim, not wanting to acknowledge the fact that you called him handsome as you point towards the colorful arcade down the block. Joshua raises an eyebrow, running a hand through his hair when he nods his head. “Okay.”
The two of you go on your way to the arcade, walking in a relative silence, the sounds of you both taking sips of your sikhye filling the quiet. Joshua pushes open the door for you, and you smile, nodding your head at him. 
“What a gentleman.” The blonde lets out a scoff at the nickname, and you giggle at his reaction once he steps inside after you. You both walk over to the machine that gives you the game card, and you quickly shove your credit card into the slot before Joshua can, effectively paying for the game card the two of you will share.
Joshua rolls his eyes as he takes another sip of his drink, “You should’ve let me pay for it.” 
You don’t respond, instead heading over to the racing games without another word. Joshua pauses when you glance over your shoulder with a smile, “Consider it a gift.” 
He watches as you skip towards the game with the motorcycle, the sight of your bright smile still imprinted in his brain. He shakes his head as if it’ll clear his thoughts, before following after you. 
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Joshua’s head falls back onto his pillows as he stares up at the ceiling of his dark room, the comforter resting over him. 
He’s always had trouble sleeping. It started out by him sleeping later and later as he grew older, until he could only fall asleep at around 4 or 5 in the morning. 
Joshua’s eyes trail over to the window beside him, and he lets out a quiet huff when he sees that the moon isn’t shining back at him. The stars are a bit dim, but they’re still evident in the dark sky. 
He looks back up towards the ceiling, and he closes his eyes when the thought of your smile comes into mind again. 
Joshua glances at you when you let out another giggle, and he finds himself wondering for the nth time how you can be so happy. You rest your head onto his shoulder for a second while you laugh, and he freezes slightly at the contact.
“Your face when I beat you at air hockey was so funny.” You manage to say through your laughing fit, reaching up to cover your mouth with your hand in an attempt to stop more giggles from pouring through. Joshua rolls his eyes playfully, remembering how happy you were when you won the arcade game. 
“Was it really that funny?” Joshua asks, and you nod your head with an incredulous look on your face. He lets out a sigh, placing his hands into his pockets as he looks up towards the night sky. The two of you fall into a comfortable silence, just enjoying the scenery as you calm down from the joys of the arcade. 
You turn your head to look at the blonde, “Did you have fun tonight?” 
The blonde doesn’t respond right away, instead letting his head fall so that he’s now staring at the sidewalk while the two of you walk to the bus stop. You nod, understanding that he probably didn’t enjoy the games as much as you did. 
“It’s okay if you didn’t. I know a few people who don’t actually like arcades-”
“I enjoyed it.” Joshua answers, turning to look at you with a close-lipped smile on his face. He watches as your eyes practically sparkle back at him from the sight. “Really?” 
Joshua nods his head, and you raise your hands up to your warm face, feeling accomplished. He looks away from you as the two of you continue to walk, finding you to be rather endearing. Once the two of you make it to the bus stop, you turn around to face the ethereal man, giving him a bright smile that makes his heart stutter within his chest. 
“I’m happy you had fun, Joshua. I’ll make sure to text you this time!” You say happily as the bus pulls up, and you raise your hand up to wave at him. 
Joshua keeps his hands in his pockets once you turn around and head onto the bus. He watches as you walk towards the window seat, immediately pulling open the window once you sit down. You give him another smile and a wave, and he tilts his head at you. 
It’s only when the bus pulls away from the curb that Joshua raises his hand up and waves back at you. 
Joshua’s eyes glance over to the window again, and he decides that you were brighter than all of the stars in the sky tonight. 
He manages to fall asleep earlier this time, around 2 am. 
Your smile was the last thing on his mind before he did so. 
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Joshua sits at his desk, mindlessly doing his homework as the soft guitar instrumental plays in the background of his room. He taps the eraser against his bottom lip, before pressing the led onto the paper again.
The sound of his phone receiving a notification captures his attention, and he glances down at the cool metal, seeing an unfamiliar number. He slides up on his lockscreen and reads the message.
you: joshua ! it’s me yn >:D
The blonde lets out a breathless chuckle, lifting up his phone and sending a response back.
joshua: so you actually texted me this time
you: don’t make me feel bad ! D: i was busy after i met you that night 
i gave you my sikhye last week to make up for it !
The corner of Joshua’s lips quirks upwards at your use of emoticons, knowing that you most likely pouted as you typed the message.
joshua: it was very good
you: i know right
anyways, do you wanna hangout later today? i wanna go to the park to take pictures when the sun sets
joshua: so you’re using me as your professional photographer
you: of course :3
joshua: pft
you: see you at around 5 <3333
joshua: i’ll see you
The blonde sets down his phone, running a hand through his hair as he looks out his window. The blue skies stare back at him, and he watches as a few birds fly past. His eyes trail back over towards his laptop, and he sighs. 
“I’ll finish this assignment before I start to get ready.” 
It’s only a few hours later that Joshua’s walking towards the park, hands in his pockets as he listens to the sound of life around him. He looks around at his surroundings, about to enter the park entrance when he catches sight of a tteokbokki stand.
He watches as a couple hands the lady some money, before she prepares their bowls that will hold the yummy rice cake. He specifically eyes the mozzarella cheese she layers over it, and Joshua suddenly wonders when he became hungry.
“I wonder if yn would want some.” Joshua mutters to himself, tilting his head the longer he debates on whether or not to spend his money.
He fails to notice you standing not too far from him, smiling as you watch him practically waddle in place as he stares at the food stand. You walk up to the blonde, reaching out and resting your hands on both of his arms, peering over his shoulder.
“Are you hungry?” Joshua chokes on his saliva at your sudden appearance, causing you to double over in laughter and apologies as you try to help him breathe properly. He squints at you when he finally regains his composure, still clearing his throat as he pats his chest. 
“I’m literally so fucking sorry.” His eyes turn into slits at your apology, watching as your shoulders shake from the laughter you’re trying to hold back. Joshua gently pushes you with his hand, before turning around and walking into the park, tteokbokki now forgotten.
“Joshua! I’m sorry!” You laugh from behind, walking faster in order to catch up to him. Joshua doesn’t respond, but he doesn’t pick up his pace either, instead letting you hurry to his side. You smile at him, peeking your head in front of his face so that he can look at you. “Do you forgive me?”
“You thought me choking was funny.” 
“True.” You admit, and Joshua scoffs at your answer, rolling his eyes teasingly as he nudges you with his shoulder again. You grin happily, nudging him back as you pull out your phone from your pocket. 
“The sun is setting which means we probably only have 20 minutes to take the best sunset photos known to man. You’re my designated photographer today, remember?” Joshua begrudgingly takes the phone from your grasp, and you walk onto the relatively empty field of grass, raising your arms up towards the sky. The blonde just lets out a sigh loud enough for you to hear as he goes onto the camera app, 
“Ah, what a tragic life I live.” 
“You should be happy that you’re photographing such beauty!” You shout, and the corner of Joshua’s lip quirks up when he sees the furrow to your brow. He lifts up the phone so that you’re in frame, but peeks his head out from behind it.
“Do you want me to just take a billion photos?” He asks, and you give him a thumbs up. The blonde nods his head, going back into photographer mode as he starts to take photos of you. 
You’re quite surprised at how seriously Joshua’s taking this photography gig, with the way he’s angling the camera and the straight face he has on. You find yourself giggling at the sight, causing the blonde to pause when he sees your smile through the camera. 
Your eyes widen slightly when you see him stiffen, realizing your laughter might’ve accidentally thrown him off his game, “Was my giggling bad? Sorry!”
Joshua shakes his head immediately at your apology, lowering your phone from his face so that you can see him properly. It’s as if your heart stops when you do look at him.
His platinum hair is flowing a bit with the wind, similar to when you first met him that night on the bridge. His deerlike eyes are boring into yours, and you find a tinge of pink dusting across his cheeks as he runs a hand through his hair. 
Joshua hides his face behind your phone again, wanting to capture your reaction when he says, 
“Don’t apologize. Your smile is pretty.”
Your mouth drops open at the compliment, having not received one from the past couple weeks of knowing the man. Joshua captures the moment on your phone, a breath leaving his lips when he sees a smile make its way onto your face. 
“Thank you.” You mutter, radiance to your features as you start posing again underneath the sky painted with various shades of pink and purple. He nods his head as he continues to capture more photos of you, silently wondering how he finds you to be prettier than the beautiful sunset behind you.
“No problem.”
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You stare into those lovely brown eyes with a determined look on your face, making the blonde raise an eyebrow at you in confusion. He reaches his hand out towards you, and you stare at it, wondering what he’s going to do. 
It only results in you rubbing your forehead with a glare, while Joshua just goes back to drinking his coffee—now happy about flicking your forehead. You slam your fists gently onto the wooden table, and the ethereal man just stares at you in silence.
“You know what we should do?” You ask, and Joshua stays quiet, knowing you’re going to answer the question anyways. A grin makes its way onto your face as you give him jazz hands, “Go to the store so that I can buy groceries because my fridge is low.” 
Joshua lets out a sigh, giving you an unimpressed look as he turns to face out the window. He’s not surprised, really. The last time the two of you hung out was just Joshua accompanying you to the library so that you wouldn’t have to return your books alone.
“Come on! I’ll buy you any snacks you want while we’re there. Besides, grocery shopping is fun.” Joshua continues to sip from his drink, somehow not surprised that you find restocking your food supply to be fun either.
“Well, more fun when you’re with someone at least.” You correct, and the blonde finally peeks at you, seeing the knowing smile on your face. He glances out the window, shrugging his shoulders in an attempt to appear indifferent. “As long as you buy me the snacks I want.”
“Of course, Joshua. What kind of person would I be if I didn’t buy you your favorite snacks?”
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“No, not those snacks. Those are expensive.” Joshua just stares at you in silence, bag of chips in hand as he watches you reach out towards the off-brand version. You pick up the bag, holding it out towards the pretty man and waving it for good measure. “These are cheaper and taste the same. Trust me, Joshua.”
“You told me that you’d buy the snacks I wanted if I went grocery shopping with you.” Joshua mutters with a pout to his lips, and you simply flash him an apologetic smile as you toss the bag into the cart while taking the original one from his grasp and returning it. The blonde scoffs, nudging you with his shoulder, and you giggle as you walk off towards the next aisle. “Yes, but we’re on a budget here.” 
Joshua pushes the cart after you, listening contently as you explain what you’re missing at your apartment and what food you should make for dinner. His eyes follow your movements as you gesture with your hands, now explaining a story of how you almost set your toy kitchen on fire when you were younger. 
Your eyes twinkle underneath the fluorescent light, and your lips are turned upwards in a warm smile as you look back on the memory. Your voice is soft but cheerful as you tell him about the memory while throwing in some items into the cart, and Joshua finds that there’s a lump in his throat as he watches you giggle.
You turn your head to look at the blonde, just to find his pretty eyes staring at you with an indecipherable emotion in them. Feeling warmth flood your face from his stare, you look down at the cart to place the box of tea in your hands. 
“What’s on your mind?” You ask, proceeding to walk out of the aisle to go to the bread section. Joshua stays quiet for a moment, staring at your fingers peeking out of your sweater paws as your arms swing back and forth.
When you don’t hear a response, you move to glance back at him, only to pause when he pushes the cart forward so that he’s now walking right beside you. Joshua raises his hand up and fondly pats your head, making your eyes widen at the sweet gesture. 
You slowly turn towards him, just to find the smallest hint of a smile on his face. Warmth floods your face at the lovely sight, and you can’t help but feel slightly disappointed when Joshua’s hand falls back onto the cart handle. 
The two of you gaze into each other's eyes in silence for a moment, and you begin to wonder when that hint of a sparkle began to show in Joshua’s eyes over the last month of the two of you hanging out. He turns away when he feels the tips of his ears turn red, looking over towards the bread aisle. You watch as he takes a step forward with the cart as he suddenly says,
“Let’s get this bread.” 
You let out a loud laugh at the old meme, startled at the fact that Joshua even said that as you follow after him. 
As Joshua watches you choose the bread you want while also picking out some cookies for the two of you to share on the way to your apartment, he finds himself feeling content for the first time in a long time. 
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“Hope you enjoy it.” Joshua says as he places the last dish onto the table, giving the customers a tight smile before walking back over to the register. He rests his head into his hands, grimacing at the oncoming migraine he knows will come later in the hour. 
He peeks through his fingers to look at the clock, seeing that he’s still on shift for another three hours. The blonde lets out a quiet groan, wondering if his boss has any aspirin he could possibly take.
The sound of the bells chiming from the door opening is what has him look up, trying to mask the pain from his headache as he stares towards the entrance. His eyes widen slightly when he sees you standing there, a bright smile on your face as you wave at the pretty man. 
You quickly walk up towards Joshua, feeling happy that you were able to come visit him during his shift. You slam your hand on the counter that keeps the two of you separated, while raising ₩20,000 towards his face with your other. Joshua simply raises an eyebrow at you, wondering why you look so determined.
“I’ll have your favorite dish from here and for you to eat it with me during your break.” 
“Are you trying to buy me, yn? My favorite dish is only 7,000 won-” 
“Now don’t make me sound like a bad person! You should be grateful I’m buying us food—your favorite nonetheless.” You whine, and Joshua just chuckles at the pout to your lips. You squint when he doesn’t take the money from you, only for your mouth to drop open in protest when you see him pull out his card.
“I’ll pay for the meal. It’ll keep me safe since you wanted to buy me-”
“I did not!” You laugh, watching as the receipt comes out from the printer after he pays for the meal. He places his card back into his wallet, before motioning towards a booth near the wall. “Go sit down, I’ll let my boss know I’m going on my 30.” 
You nod your head, walking over to the booth and sitting down on the rather worn out cushions. While you wait for Joshua, you rest your head onto your arms over the table, closing your eyes. A sad smile forms on your face when you hear your heartbeat in your ears, a reminder that your time left here is dwindling. 
It’s been a month and a few days since you found out about your ill-fate on that cold, January night. 
However, you haven’t found yourself thinking about your inevitable doom as often as you thought you would. Instead, you’ve been spending your days hanging out with Joshua, and using your nights to plan out the next place the two of you should go to.
You don’t know when you decided to spend your last three months trying to help Joshua see the beauty in life.
But as you look up from the table and see his pretty eyes starting to sparkle at you when he places the food down onto the surface, the corners of his lips quirking upwards as he explains how his boss was teasing him,
You realize that you wouldn’t want to spend them any other way.
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The two of you walk down the street side by side, taking sips of the sikhye you bought for the both of you to make up for the meal. The comfortable silence is settled over you guys like a blanket, not needing any words to be able to spend time with each other contently.
You take a peek at the beautiful man, suddenly noticing that the dark eye bags that once adorned his features have diminished significantly. The roots of his platinum hair are beginning to grow, but it seems like he doesn’t really care. 
You wouldn’t care if you looked like Joshua, either.
He’s too pretty.
God fucking damn it.
You immediately look away from Joshua’s curious gaze, warmth flooding your face at the fact that you just blatantly announced that he was too pretty when the two of you were walking in a relatively comfortable silence. 
“Cha Eunwoo from Astro.” You lie, and the blonde nods his head in agreement after a moment, turning back to face the front. Silence falls over the two of you again, and you’re incredibly grateful that he didn’t ask more questions.
But you also find yourself a bit disappointed at the lack of them.
When the two of you end up at the front of your apartment building, you both turn towards each other to say your goodbyes. However, as the streetlight lays over Joshua’s blonde hair, almost mimicking the appearance of a halo, you realize you don’t really want the night to end.
“Thank you for visiting me at work, yn. Make sure to text me when you get into your apartment.” Joshua tells you with his soft voice. You hum in response, shifting from one foot to another. “Thank you for the food. I’ll try to visit more.” 
Joshua nods his head, raising his hand up to send you a tentative wave. “I’ll see you later, yn.” 
You smile softly, waving back at him as he turns around and starts to walk away. An internal battle goes on inside you as you try to figure out what you want to do, watching as his figure gets smaller as the distance grows between you.
Squeezing your eyes shut, you shout out:
“Do you wanna come in and watch a movie with me?!”
Joshua pauses at the question, like, physically and mentally freezes. His eyes are wide as he stares at the pavement, and he wonders why his heart is beating so fast in his chest at the question. There’s a small breeze that passes the both of you, and you bite your bottom lip.
The silence is deafening.
Joshua slowly turns to glance at you, and you feel your heart sink slightly at the shocked expression on his face. You’ve come to realize as the two of you look at each other, that you asking him to come in was a mistake. So you open your mouth to tell him he doesn’t have to,
“Okay.” Your mouth remains open at his answer, believing that you must’ve just imagined him agreeing to your suggestion. 
And so you respond, “Heh?”
Joshua huffs, walking over so that the two of you are only a foot apart. He squints at you, and you furrow your eyebrows in response to the expression on his face.
“Yes. I’ll come in and watch a movie with you.” 
The two of you stare at each other for another moment. With you just gauging what he said while Joshua stands in silence, amusement and shyness written across his features. 
You suddenly let out a gasp, the fact that he said yes now sinking in as you step over towards the entrance and slide your card so that the doors will open. Joshua chuckles at the obvious embarrassment on your face when the doors finally open and you gesture towards the inside of the lobby.
“Let’s go up.” You say with a tight smile, and the blonde nods his head, following after you as the doors shut behind the both of you. 
The way to your apartment is rather quiet, except for the quiet chuckles Joshua lets out whenever he glances at you and you having to elbow him in the stomach. 
When you finally unlock your door and the two of you step inside, you suddenly realize all of your medication that you have to hide. You turn to face Joshua as he slips off his shoes and steps into the pair of slippers you have for guests, and his beautiful eyes land on you, signaling that you have his attention.
“You can go and sit on the couch, I just need to tidy up a bit.” The blonde nods his head, watching as you scurry off to your bedroom, shutting the door behind you. He lets out a breath, before walking over towards the couch, gaze travelling around your cozy apartment. 
His eyes latch onto a framed photo on the table next to the couch, and he carefully picks it up, feeling warmth flood his chest at the sight. 
You’re standing underneath a fully bloomed cherry blossom tree, a bright smile on your face as you look at the camera. Your arms are lifted up towards the sky in excitement, a habit of yours that Joshua has noticed in the month that he’s known you. 
He gently places the photo back down onto the table when he hears your bedroom door open, and he looks over to see you now dressed in a set of strawberry pajamas. The sight is so precious to behold that Joshua lets out a soft smile, and your eyes widen when you see it.
He smiled. This is the first time you’ve seen him smile.
“Are my pajamas funny to you?” You squeak out in an attempt to not make him uncomfortable by mentioning his smile. Holding back from slapping yourself at your strange tone, you just watch as Joshua nods his head, an emotion akin to warmth flooding his beautiful eyes as he stares at you. 
“I expected nothing less from you, yn.” Joshua responds softly, and you find no sign of teasing in his voice. You cough into your shoulder, breaking the eye contact as soon as you feel heat rush up to your face. Reaching out towards the remote, you turn on the TV and point towards the couch. 
“Go sit and choose a movie, I’ll go and get us some snacks.” You tell the blonde, and he plops down onto the worn out sofa as you walk into your kitchen. His eyes trail after you for a moment, before he turns back to the TV and starts scrolling through your Netflix.
You come back a few minutes later with snacks in hand, just to smile at the movie he chose. Joshua glances towards you, quietly thanking you for the snacks as you settle down beside him, making sure to place a bit of distance between the two of you. 
“Have you watched this?” Joshua asks as he takes a bite of popcorn, and you nod your head, turning to him with a grin. “A Silent Voice is one of my favorite movies.” 
Joshua’s mouth drops open into an ‘o’ shape, before suggesting if you want to choose another movie. You shake your head, instead grabbing the remote from the table and pressing play. 
“You chose it, so we’re going to watch it.” You mumble, leaning back into the couch and taking a sip of your water. The blonde’s eyes linger on you as the opening of the movie plays, wondering how one person could be so kind, so bright. 
You feel Joshua’s eyes on you. You know that he’s staring at you. 
But you know that your heart would just go feral and your face would turn warm if you look back. So you blindly reach out towards him with your hand, turning his head to face the TV instead. You retract your hand afterwards, a small smile on your face as you notice Joshua shaking his head in disbelief at your actions.
“Watch the movie.” You mutter, warmth flooding your cheeks as you try to appear indifferent. The blonde takes another bite of popcorn before turning back towards the TV, trying to suppress his chuckles.
The two of you watch the movie in silence, except to offer each other snacks or to shit on one of the characters you each dislike. 
It’s nice. Joshua thinks to himself at one point, turning to glance at you when you giggle at a specific scene. He looks back at the TV, biting back a small smile from forming on his face, This is nice.
When the movie hits the 45 minute mark, Joshua finds that you haven’t been taking any sips of your water or stealing some pieces of his popcorn. He’s about to comment on one of the characters when he feels a weight slump onto his shoulder. 
“Yn?” Joshua asks quietly, turning his head to look down at you. Your eyes are closed, mouth slightly open as you release puffs of air. He lets out a smile when he realizes you fell asleep, reaching out and patting your head softly. 
“Silly.” He mumbles, before taking a glance at the clock and sees that it’s already midnight. The blonde carefully grabs the remote that sits on the table and turns off the TV, before moving the snacks and drinks off the couch to the best of his ability as he tries not to wake you up.
Once he’s done with that, he carefully settles you down onto the cushions so that you’re laying comfortably. He takes the throw blanket from the back of the couch and lays it over your body. Letting out a breath once he’s finished, he grins at the angelic expression on your face as you sleep peacefully.
“I’ll see you later, yn.” Joshua says softly, before turning around to walk towards your door. 
Except for the hand that grasps onto his own, preventing him from taking another step. 
He slowly turns to glance down at you, seeing you with your eyes still closed, hand holding onto his. Joshua makes a move to carefully release the grip you have on him, but freezes when you say in a soft voice,
Joshua stares at you, unsure of what to do as you continue to hold his hand. 
“You don’t want me to stay, yn.” Joshua mutters, an indecipherable feeling flooding him when your grip on his hand tightens a bit. 
“Stay with me, Joshua.” 
And so he does. 
He scoots you over on the couch, wondering whether or not he’s gonna fall to his inevitable doom during the middle of the night as the two of you can hardly fit on the small surface. Carefully, he lays onto his back, staring up at your ceiling as silence fills the room, the fuzzy throw blanket covering you both. 
You turn over so that you’re facing him, and your hand falls onto his stomach. The blonde just listens to the sound of your steady breathing, wondering how you fell asleep so fast as he feels himself beginning to become drowsy. After a few minutes, his eyes softly fall shut, breathing now matching your own.
Joshua finds that sleep comes easier tonight.
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You’re seated on the bench, waiting for Joshua to arrive as you stare at the date on your phone.
february 17, 2021
Letting out a breath at the harsh reality check, you tap your shoe against the pavement, turning off your phone to look out towards the road.
You have a month and a half left. 
“When did time move so fast? Whenever I was in the hospital it moved so slow.” You mutter, a sad smile gracing your features as you look around at all the people walking past you. Turning your head, you suddenly lock eyes with those  deerlike eyes you’ve come to know. 
Your once sad smile turns into one of pure joy as you stand up from the bench, waving your hands excitedly as Joshua walks over to you. The blonde reaches out and pats your head in greeting once he’s a foot away, and you chuckle in response, ignoring the fact that your heart rate is a bit faster now.
“How were classes?” You ask as the two of you begin walking towards the cat café. Joshua mentioned in passing a week ago that he wanted to go to a cat café, so you set up a reservation for the two of you. 
The blonde purses his lips, realizing that he’s been enjoying attending classes a bit more as of recently. You gaze at him expectantly, grinning when Joshua simply just nods his head and looks back at you. “It was alright. I was excited thinking about the cat café though, so I’ll probably have to add some stuff to my notes later.” 
“I expected you to be more of a dog person, if I’m being honest.” You state, and Joshua looks back towards the front, letting out a small grin. 
“I am.” 
“Then what are we doing going to a cat café that I made reservations for a week prior?” 
The blonde shrugs his shoulders, turning to you with mirth filling his pretty eyes. He motions towards your phone, and you raise an eyebrow, raising it up so that the two of you can see it as it unlocks. Your mouth drops open when you see your homescreen, the photo of you and your old friend’s cat that was taken a couple years back, and all the pieces suddenly come together. 
“Joshua! Did you only say you wanted to go to a cat café because you knew I liked cats? That ruins the whole purpose of this-” 
Joshua cuts you off by simply holding open the door to the cat café, and you blink in a state of stunned silence, having not realized that the two of you have already arrived. He chuckles, “I’m a dog person, but that doesn’t mean I don’t like cats. I’ve always wanted to go to one, so hurry up and go in.”
Pursing your lips, you walk into the café, but not without poking the middle of Joshua’s stomach as you do so, letting out a satisfied grin at the sound of his quiet squeak. Your mouth immediately drops open when a black and white cat snuggles up to your legs, and you kneel down, petting the soft fur as you let out inaudible excited sounds. 
Joshua lets the door close behind him, the sound of the bells attached to the door letting out a little ring throughout the café. He glances down, seeing you happily petting the cats before the two of you have even ordered. 
“Yn, I’ll go order for us.” Joshua tells you, and you simply nod your head without a verbal response, still softly squealing as more cats walk up to you. The blonde lets out a breath, shaking his head with the hint of a smile on his face as he heads over to the register to place your guys’ order.
You regretfully stand up from the floor, hoping the cats will follow you as you walk over to the table you reserved. You sit down in the booth, watching as Joshua converses with the employee as he orders the food and drinks. 
Resting your chin on the palm of your hand, you smile fondly when Joshua glances around to find you. Your heart warms when his eyes finally land on you, a grin forming on his face as he walks over to you. 
“There was a cat laying on the table behind the employee at the register. He was so cute, I hope he comes over to our table.” Joshua tells you as soon as he sits down into the seat across from you, placing the receipt onto the wooden surface. You open your mouth to respond, only to let out a quiet squeal when a cat jumps onto the empty space beside you. 
“Hi pretty!” You greet, sparkles in your eyes as the cat nuzzles against your hand, asking for more pets. Joshua smiles at the sight, unlocking his phone and taking a photo of you happily petting the tabby cat. The sound of the camera shutter catches your attention, and you turn to glance at the source, seeing Joshua smiling fondly down at his phone screen. 
“Did you take a photo of me playing with the beautiful cat?” You ask with a teasing grin on your face, not expecting an answer from the pretty man. You stroke the cat’s head fondly, only for your hand to stutter when Joshua says, 
“You looked cute.” 
A brief moment of silence passes between you, with Joshua staring at his phone, and you listening to your heart beat against your ears as warmth floods your face. Your brain tries to formulate a response, but it can only form inaudible screeching noises. So instead, you turn your head to glance at the blonde, only for your eyes to widen when you see a fluffy grey cat trying to get his attention.
“What?” He asks, looking up at you when he hears the urgency in your tone. You point towards the cat sitting patiently beside his chair, and Joshua furrows his eyebrows in confusion, turning to where you pointed, only for his eyes to widen when he locks eyes with the cat.
“You followed me from the register!” Joshua exclaims in a soft voice, reaching down to pick up the cat. You let out a bright smile as Joshua coos at the precious animal, petting the cat softly as his eyes sparkle with joy.
“Yn, this is the cat I wanted to show you.” He tells you, letting out a soft chuckle when the cat nuzzles his head into Joshua’s chest. You nod your head, about to respond when the waitress walks up to your guys’ table and begins to place your order down onto the surface. 
“Thank you so much!” You say, and the waitress gives you a smile, bowing her head in response. She makes a move to leave, only to stop when she sees you and Joshua continue to play with the cats that stayed near you both. 
“Would you like me to take a photo of the two of you?” You and Joshua pause, both turning to glance at the waitress as she stands by your table, a knowing smile on her face. 
You and Joshua don’t have a single photo together in the month and a half that you’ve known each other. You’re not sure how he feels about his photo being taken, as he’s usually the one behind the camera rather than in front of it when the two of you are together.
Taking a peek at Joshua to see his reaction, you notice the indecipherable look on his face, and that’s how you know his answer. You give the waitress a small smile, moving to open your mouth when you see Joshua’s hand outstretched towards her through your peripheral vision. 
You turn your head to look at him, only to see that he’s giving her a grin, phone in hand as he nods his head. “That’d be nice, thank you.” 
Joshua lifts up the cat in his lap and stands up from his chair, taking a step forward and sitting down in the booth beside you. You continue to stare at him in silence, the slight shock evident on your features when he finally turns to glance at you. He gives you a soft smile, before pointing towards the waitress preparing to take your guys’ photo. 
“Say cheese!” She says, but you continue to stare at Joshua, watching as he smiles at the camera, raising the cat’s paw as if he’s saying hello. Warmth floods your heart as you turn towards the camera, a bright smile on your face as you hold up your cat’s paw as well, matching Joshua’s pose.
As you lay in bed hours later, you turn your head towards your bedside table when you hear the vibration of your phone. Reaching out, you pick up the cool metal, seeing a few messages from Joshua.
joshushushu: [attachment 4 images] 
thank you for taking me to the cat café :3
i think you’re some sort of cat whisperer based on how many cats came up to our table lol
it’s late, so you’re probably asleep
i’ll text you in the morning ^^
sweet dreams, yn
You tap on the images Joshua sent, and you let out a smile when you see the first photo is of you smiling happily down at the tabby cat, softly petting her head. Downloading the image, your thumb swipes across the screen, and you feel warmth flood your face at the fact that it’s the photo of the two of you. Except you’re not staring at the camera.
You’re staring at Joshua.
There’s a fond smile on your face, eyes sparkling brightly at him as he smiles at the camera, seemingly having no idea of the fact that you’re staring at him rather than the camera. Biting the inside of your cheek, you download the image and swipe to the left, now seeing the photo of both you and Joshua smiling at the camera, a cat paw in hand as you each make them wave for the photo. 
You download the photo before swiping to the left one more time, and your breath hitches when you lay eyes on the image.
You’re laughing happily down at the tabby cat who was protesting the grabbing of the paws for the photo, not paying attention to posing anymore. While Joshua is now staring at you, the softest of smiles on his face as he watches you laugh with the cat. 
You let out a shaky breath, zooming into the photo and seeing that he really is looking at you. 
He’s looking at you as if you’re the most precious thing in the world.
You download the image, a small smile on your face as you go to your settings and replace the homescreen you’ve had for the last two years, exiting the app to now see the photo of you and Joshua as your wallpaper. The warmth from the photo covers you like a blanket, and you turn off your phone, placing it back down onto your bedside table. 
You roll over onto your side and close your eyes, ignoring the harsh reality check that’s looming in the back of your mind in order to try and retain that happy feeling.
You fall asleep with lingering thoughts of pretty cats and Joshua Hong’s smile.
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“Thank you, have a good rest of your day.” Joshua says warmly as he hands the to-go bag to the customer. She gives him a smile, reaching into her pocket to take out ₩15,000 and place it onto the table. The blonde’s eyes widen slightly, and he looks back up at her in a stunned silence, as if to ask if she really means it. 
The woman nods her head, “You deserve it. Thank you for the food.” 
Joshua watches as she leaves the restaurant, still shocked as he watches her figure disappear out the door. He glances back down at the ₩15,000, reaching out and picking it up from the counter, eyeing the money for a moment. 
“I’ve been working here for six months.” Joshua mutters quietly, taking the ₩15,000 and placing it into his apron. He lets out a grateful smile, grabbing the spray bottle and towel to go and clean some tables. 
It was the first tip he’s ever received.
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“See you on Friday!” Joshua calls out as he pushes back the curtain to exit the kitchen, only to stop and turn back when he hears his boss call out to him. The older man walks over to Joshua, grinning and resting a hand on the blonde’s shoulder. 
“I just wanted to tell you that you look great lately.” Joshua raises an eyebrow, wondering what could’ve changed. He does a onceover of his own appearance, and his boss lets out a laugh, shaking his head. 
“I mean you in general. You look happier, brighter even. I’m happy for you.” Joshua blinks in surprise, before letting out a small smile. He bows his head as his thanks, and his boss pats his shoulder once more and turns around to walk back towards his office. 
Joshua lets out a breath, before closing the curtain behind him and walking over towards the exit. He tilts his head, “How does a person look happy?” 
He pushes open the doors and moves to step out from under the cover, only to pause when he registers the rain falling onto the road. He sighs, glancing down at his empty hands, cursing himself for not bringing an umbrella. 
“Guess I have to sprint-”
“Joshua!” The blonde’s eyebrows furrow at the voice, and he looks up, seeing you hurrying over with a bright yellow umbrella. It’s a stark contrast to the rather gloomy atmosphere and all the black umbrellas around you. His heart rate picks up at the sight of your smile, watching as you make your way over until you’re standing a couple feet away from him.
“How’d you know I forgot my umbrella?” Joshua asks teasingly as you hand him the yellow umbrella, taking it from your grasp and holding it over the two of you as you begin to walk down the sidewalk. 
“Had an intuition.” You answer with a grin, and he rolls his eyes. The two of you update each other on how your days were, chuckles exchanged as you explain how you made the best kimchi fried rice of your life. 
“You should make it for me sometime.” Joshua says, and you peek at him, smiling and nodding your head. 
“Of course, Joshua.” 
The two of you fall into a comfortable silence, walking close beside each other in order to fit under your small umbrella. It’s when you’re close to Joshua’s apartment, and the streets are relatively quiet, that Joshua glances over and notices your hand sticking out of the umbrella. He watches in silence as you let the rain hit your skin, moving your hand as if it were a wave in the ocean.
“Your hand is getting wet.” Joshua points out, and you pause, turning to him as warmth rushes to your face at the fact that he caught you. You give him a bashful smile, nodding your head as you let your arm fall back to your side. “Yeah.” 
“Why?” You notice that he looks genuine, there’s no teasing tone in his voice, no mirth in his gaze as he stares at you. He just wants to know why you were letting your own arm get wet. You break the eye contact, looking down at the ground as the two of you continue to walk. 
“I just realized I’ve never played in the rain before.” 
Joshua stares at you for a moment longer, having not seen you so shy about something you wanted to do before. He lets out a breath, turning away as he reaches up and closes the yellow umbrella, promptly removing the shield that had been protecting the two of you from the rain.
Your eyes widen as you feel the rain hit you, and you turn your head, seeing Joshua place your umbrella down on the sidewalk. He looks back towards you, raising an eyebrow when he sees the shocked expression on your face. 
Joshua simply just closes his eyes and tilts his head up towards the sky, outstretching his arms as he feels the rain soak his clothes. That’s all you need to see for a smile to finally form on your face, and you let out a laugh, raising your arms into the air and spinning around. 
Joshua opens his eyes when he hears your laugh, and he looks over at you—only to feel his breath get taken away. The rain falls softly from the sky, landing on you as you laugh happily, a bright smile on your face. Time seems to slow down as he stares at you, heart stuttering in his chest as he watches you spin around, pure joy radiating from your features. 
He’s reminded of the first time the two of you met on the Banpo bridge almost two months ago, when you told him that life was beautiful and he didn’t understand how you could see it that way.
“I wish I could see it like you do.” Joshua mutters, and you look over at him, finding that he’s still staring up at the sky. His breath is visible due to the cold temperatures, and you watch as he lets out a sigh. He turns towards you, giving you a heartbreaking smile, “Life hasn’t been kind to me.” 
As Joshua watches you dance in the rain, he realizes that he finally understands what you mean. 
Life is beautiful.
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You lay in bed, still shivering even after having taken a hot shower as soon as you finished dancing in the rain with Joshua a couple hours prior. With a shaking hand, you pull up the comforter closer to your chin, wondering when you’ve become so frail, weak you should say.
“At least Joshua hasn’t noticed anything.” You mumble, knowing that your time left is short as you’ve been feeling more tired as the days go by. Rolling over, you look out the window to try and get sleepy, seeing the moon staring back at you. 
Your hand slips out of the covers, reaching out and grasping the air as you tried to reach for the moon. Letting your arm fall back onto the bed, you let out a breath.
You always wondered if you’d ever be able to reach the moon and the stars when you were younger. 
“Yn?” Turning your head, you see Joshua standing by the door to his bedroom. His blonde hair falls softly over his forehead, almost hiding his pretty eyes from sight. You watch as he walks over, reaching out and resting his hand over your head when he notices you shivering. 
“Do you want another blanket? You’re shivering.” Giving him a soft smile, you shake your head as you simply pull the comforter up more. 
“Why are you still awake?” You ask, and he stares at you for a moment. 
The corner of his lips quirk upwards, “I should be asking you the same thing.” 
Joshua chuckles, patting your head fondly before pointing back towards the bedroom door. You peek through the doorway, seeing his dark living room. “I’ll go back to the couch. I just wanted to check on you.” 
It’s when he’s about to leave that you reach out and grasp his wrist softly, promptly stopping him from taking another step. He turns to look back at you, seeing the same shy look on your face that he saw earlier. 
He’s reminded of the night where the two of you slept on the couch a few weeks prior, having experienced this exact scenario before. 
“Mm?” You bite the inside of your cheek, not wanting to respond. Instead, you weakly pull him towards you, and he takes a few steps towards your bedside. 
The two of you stare at each other for a moment in silence, numerous questions flooding your guys’ brain as you do so. However, you can only bring yourself to mutter out one word.
Joshua’s stare doesn’t waver, and you feel yourself growing more embarrassed the longer you wait for his response. You fully believe that he’s going to say no with the way he doesn’t hold your hand in return, and your belief comes true when he lets your hand fall back to the bed. 
It shouldn’t hurt. You know that you shouldn’t have gotten attached to him, or let him become so close to you. 
You’re going to die anyways.
Joshua turning down your request is for the best. It means there are still barriers between the two of you, that the last time you woke up with his arms wrapped around you was just a moment of weakness. That it won’t happen again.
The regret pools in your heart as you watch him turn and walk away, and you wonder whether or not you should apologize for even asking him in the first place.
Only for your eyes to widen when you see him walk to the other side of the bed, pulling up the comforter and climbing in. He arranges his pillows, before laying down and turning over onto his side, now facing you. 
You stare at him in shock, and he squints at you in amusement. The blonde reaches out and pokes your forehead, snapping you out of your surprised state. He chuckles, “You asked me to stay, so I’m staying.” 
A smile finally makes its way onto your face, and Joshua lets out a breath at the sight. The moonlight rests over you, illuminating your features beautifully, even in his dark bedroom. He feels himself smile back at you, eyes softening with fondness as he stares at you.
You tentatively reach your hand out, trying your best to hide the shakiness to it as you let it rest on Joshua’s cheek. He doesn’t seem unphased from the touch, he just continues to stare into your eyes as the look on your face softens.
“You look best when you’re happy.” You say quietly, and the blonde doesn’t respond. You watch as tears slowly fill his eyes, and your eyebrows furrow. You’ve never seen Joshua cry, not once in the time you’ve known him. Unexpectedly, Joshua’s hand comes out from under the covers and rests over yours, encompassing your cold hand in warmth. 
“I want to be a better person for you.” Joshua mutters, blinking away the tears as he tries to look at anything else in his room. You shake your head, your own heart breaking within your chest at how vulnerable he looks. You swipe away the tears from under his eye, and his eyes flit back to you, watching as a soft smile forms on your face. 
“You… you have always been more than enough, Joshua.” 
The blonde lets out a breath at your response, before his eyes softly fall shut. Your heart is warm within your chest as you let your eyes linger on him for a moment longer, his hand still resting over your own as he tries to fall asleep. 
Your gaze trails over back towards the window, seeing how bright the moon and millions of stars are in the dark sky. 
You may not have reached the moon and the stars like you originally wanted.
You look back towards Joshua, content washing over you when you listen to his steady breathing, seeing that he’s already fast asleep. You remove yours and Joshua’s hand from his cheek, letting it rest onto the mattress. A smile escapes you when you feel his hand tighten softly around yours in his sleep. After a moment, your eyes slowly fall shut with Joshua being the one to keep you warm, hand holding your own as the two of you fall asleep facing each other.
But you’ve reached the sun, and that’s more than enough.
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You stare at your medicine, wondering if you should even take it when you don’t have much time left. Shaking your head, you let out an aggravated sigh, taking out the pill and dry-swallowing it. 
You immediately regret dry-swallowing the large pill as you grab your glass of water, taking a large gulp to try and swallow it properly. Letting out a cough, you walk over to your fridge, not even feeling hungry as you stare at the food in it. 
march 18, 2021
It’s been two months. 
Your time is running out.
You’re about to grab a small container of yogurt when you hear your phone go off, and you glance over to see the screen lit up. Closing your fridge door, you walk back over to the counter and pick up your phone, a grin immediately forming on your face when you see that Joshua texted you.
joshushushu: be ready at 8 later, i’ll come pick you up !
you: so you’re the one planning now, huh? 
since when were you coming for my career
joshushushu: you’re just jealous cause i’m better at it
you: take that BACK.
joshushushu: see you at 8 <3
You chuckle, turning off your phone and looking back towards your refrigerator. Letting out a sigh, you walk over and take out the yogurt, grabbing a spoon and dipping into the snack. You quietly eat the yogurt as you walk over to your living room window, staring out at the city. 
The skies are blue, a contrast to the cloudy days Seoul had for the last couple of weeks. Your eyes follow the birds that fly past your window, watching as they get smaller and smaller the farther they go. You let out a sigh, taking another spoonful of yogurt.
“What a beautiful day.” 
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“Are you okay?” You turn your head to glance at Joshua, seeing the look of concern on his face as he looks at you. Giving him a smile, you nod your head, reaching up and rubbing the back of your neck as you look out the window of the bus.
“I’m okay, just tired.” The feeling of Joshua’s eyes on your side profile remains, and you hope that he doesn’t question it anymore. The blonde simply smiles, patting the top of your head fondly. “You can sleep, yn. I’ll wake you up when we get there.” 
You bite the inside of your cheek at his kindness, and nod in response. You rest your head against the window and close your eyes, ignoring the rumbling from the bumpy road. 
A few minutes pass of Joshua scrolling through his phone when he sees your head moving out of the corner of his eye. He looks at you, seeing your head bumping against the window whenever the bus drives over a pothole in the road, somehow still fast asleep.
Joshua reaches out and softly grasps your head, pulling you over so that you’re now resting on his shoulder. He stares at your sleeping face for a moment longer, finding that you look at peace as you sleep. 
“Pretty.” Joshua mutters, before looking out towards the window for the rest of the way.
It’s only half an hour later when you feel a hand gently shaking your shoulder, and Joshua’s soft voice telling you to wake up. Groggily, you open your eyes and sit up in the seat, scratching your head. You turn and look up to find Joshua standing up from the bus seat, throwing his bag over his shoulder. He lets out a giggle at how sleepy you look, “Come on. We’re here.” 
Turning towards the window, you see the Han River glimmering back at you. Raising an eyebrow, you stand up from the seat and look at Joshua, who’s just giving you a close-lipped smile. He extends his hand out towards you, and you stare at it.
After a moment, you reach out, feeling his warm hand encompass your cold one. He grins, giving your hand a squeeze before turning and guiding you off the bus. The two of you walk in silence as he leads you towards the top of a hill, but it soon becomes hard to breathe. 
“J-Joshua.” You wheeze out, and the blonde pauses, turning to see you doubled over. 
“Are you okay? Do you want to take a break here?” You don’t respond, instead trying to catch your breath as you hold onto Joshua’s hand like a lifeline. His eyebrows furrow, and he squats so that he can look into your eyes, watching as you begin to breathe properly again.
“We gotta work on your endurance.” Joshua jokes, and you let out a laugh, reaching out and slapping his shoulder as you stand up straight. He giggles, feeling relieved that you’ve caught your breath. He gives your hand a squeeze when he gets up from his squatting position, and you look at him. “Ready?” 
You nod your head, squeezing his hand in return, “Ready.” 
Joshua smiles, leading you towards the top of the hill once again. He makes sure to keep glancing back at you and even slows his pace as a means for you to not get exhausted again. 
When the two of you finally reach the top of the hill, he lets go of your hand, and you pout at the loss of warmth. You’re about to ask why he brought you here, only to stop when you see him unzip his bag, pulling out a picnic blanket and laying it onto the cold grass. 
“A picnic? At 9 pm?” You ask, only for Joshua not to respond as he just slips off his shoes and lays down onto the checkered blanket. You smile in amusement, tilting your head as you wonder what he’s doing. 
Joshua lets out an exasperated sigh, reaching out and patting the empty space beside him on the blanket. Pursing your lips, you slowly slip off your sneakers and climb onto the blanket, carefully laying on your back. Your head is turned to him, and you’re about to ask what now? Only for Joshua to gently grasp your chin, turning you away until you look up towards the sky and-
The millions of stars are shining brighter than you’ve ever seen. It was as if someone gathered a handful of sparkles and scattered them across the wide expanse of the dark sky, bringing light to unappreciative eyes. 
Joshua turns his head to see your reaction, and he smiles at the bright look to your eyes, your mouth being dropped open slightly in awe. 
He knew of your fascination with the sky ever since the two of you met on Banpo bridge. From the way your eyes sparkled at the sight of the moonlight reflecting across the river, to the content smile that would make its way onto your face whenever you’d look up towards the moon.
And so, whenever he would finish his evening classes at university, he’d take the bus to different parks and look for the spot that had the best sight of the sky at night.
Joshua wanted you to be able to reach the stars. 
“Do you like it?” You turn towards the pretty blonde, seeing the slight apprehension on his face in fear that you won’t be happy with his surprise for you. You watch as it melts away from the sight of your bright smile, and a breath of relief escapes him. 
“I love it.” 
The two of you turn back towards the sky, pointing at different constellations and talking about which star shines the brightest among the millions you can see. You let out a laugh when Joshua mistakenly points out lights from a plane as a shooting star, and he rolls his eyes, but the fond smile on his face tells you that he’s anything but annoyed. 
The two of you fall into a comfortable silence afterwards, just appreciating the beautiful sky. You feel warm, even though you’re in this cold weather, you somehow feel warm just by being with Joshua. The bright stars shine down at you, and you slowly raise your arm up to the sky.
Joshua’s eyes follow your hand, watching as it grasps at the air. His gaze trails down to your face, seeing you stare up at the stars with an indecipherable emotion in your eyes. He turns away, and your arm falls back down to your side. 
“What’s something you want to do with me?” Joshua asks, breaking the comfortable silence. You purse your lips, finding the question hard as you wonder how you could even answer this. 
You want to do everything with him.
You want to go to a karaoke place with him, go bowling, go to an amusement park and eat all the festival food. Watch a movie, play in the snow and build a snowman. Go to the beach and make sand castles, go grocery shopping, visit him at work. Go to uni with him, go on a walk, talk about your day, make him kimchi fried rice. Everything. 
You want to do everything with Joshua. 
Letting out a shaky breath, your eyes trail over to the trees down the hill, lined up on the sides of the pathway. You stare at the unbloomed buds, already seeing the beautiful flowers in the back of your mind that you know you won’t be here in time to see.
“Cherry blossoms.” You utter, and the blonde turns to you.
“I want to see the cherry blossoms with you.” Joshua lets out an, ah, a smile forming on his face at the thought of seeing the beautiful pink flowers with you. He looks back up towards the stars, “Cherry blossoms were always my favorite flower.” 
You listen to Joshua’s soft voice, holding onto every word as you stare down at the unbloomed trees. The blonde lets out a breathless chuckle. “April was my favorite month because that’s when the cherry blossoms would bloom, but I stopped being excited for them a couple years back.” 
Joshua grins, heart growing warm in his chest when he thinks of you spinning around excitedly underneath the cherry blossom trees, the pink petals softly falling around you. 
“But I’m excited to see them with you, yn.” 
Your heart wavers in your chest at Joshua’s sweet words, and you clench your fist at your side. Tears fill your eyes as you look away from the unbloomed cherry blossom trees, gaze trailing back up towards the stars. A tear escapes your left eye as you choke out, 
“I’m excited to see them with you too, Joshua.” 
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Laying in bed, you stare up at the ceiling tiredly, having lost almost all your energy a week ago. You roll over and look at your phone, watching as the screen lights up.
march 23, 2021
You let out a shaky breath, knowing that you should admit yourself to the hospital within a few days. However,
You open up your messaging app, tapping on your conversation with Joshua.
you: joshuaaa 
be ready at 2 ! i prepared a fun day for us :)
joshushushu: does it involve you paying for our meal? 
you: capitalism is the root of all evil.
but yes. yes it does.
joshushushu: okay epic, i’m in.
i’ll see you later ^^
you: see you <3
Turning off your phone, you take in a deep breath, before slowly climbing out of bed. The exhaustion weighs over you like a blanket, but you push yourself to make it to the bathroom to shower.
You need to get ready to spend one last day with Joshua.
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Sitting on the bench at the bus stop, you stare down at your sneakers as you wait for the pretty blonde to show up. It took you a while to get to the bus stop, as you felt even more exhausted by the time you stepped out of your apartment complex. You took your medicine and attempted to eat some food, but to no avail. 
The sunlight that was once shining down onto you suddenly disappears as you were thinking to yourself, and you look up to see Joshua grinning down at you. 
“What did you plan for today? Grocery shopping?” He asks, and you roll your eyes, standing up when you notice the bus heading your way. Nudging his shoulder, you answer, “No, something better than restocking my food and cleaning supplies.” 
Joshua lets out a mock gasp, making you giggle as the two of you climb onto the bus. You sit down in the window seat, the pretty man following soon after and continuing what he was saying. 
“Better than following you around the grocery store while pushing a cart for an hour? No such thing.” You laugh, slapping his leg and shaking your head at him. He grins, reaching up and patting the top of your head fondly. 
“I’m kidding. Doing anything with you brightens my day either way.” Joshua confesses, and you freeze slightly, before regaining your composure. Giving him a tight smile, you turn and glance out the window, watching as the world passes by. Cars filled with people going to wherever it is they’re going, people waiting on the crosswalks to cross the street, children screaming and playing on the playgrounds.
The world is roaring with life. 
“I’m happy for them.” You whisper, before closing your eyes. 
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“Yn, you shouldn’t have.” Joshua says when you lead him towards the entrance of a dog café. You grin, shrugging your shoulders as you muster enough strength to pull open the door. “You’re a dog person. I am simply returning the favor.” 
The blonde chuckles, stepping into the café with you following after him. You reach up and hold your bicep, lightly rubbing the area as it feels a bit strained. Your arm immediately falls back to your side when Joshua stops and turns to glance at you, wondering why you’re behind him. 
He lets out a fond smile, reaching his hand out towards you. “Come on, let’s go see the dogs.” 
Your eyes slowly trail down to his hand, warm and inviting. A stark contrast to what yours have become, cold and lonely. You look back up at Joshua’s face, seeing him tilt his head at you, waiting for you to grasp his hand. 
He watches as an indecipherable emotion passes your eyes, before you let out a smile and walk up to him, intertwining your fingers with his. He grins, and the two of you walk further into the café, only to be greeted by a golden retriever. 
Your eyes widen in surprise at the beautiful dog, and you’re about to bend down to pet it—only to stop once the sound of Joshua’s happy laugh rings in your ears. You turn to look at him, finding him patting the dog’s head with a bright smile on his face. 
“Come on puppy, yn and I have to go order our food.” Joshua says softly, before leading you towards the register. You let out a happy squeal when you see all the other dogs roaming around the tables, feeling excited to play with all of them. 
You and Joshua tell the employee what you’d both like to order as a few dogs come to stand beside the two of you. When you’re told the price, you reach into your bag with your free hand to pull out your wallet, only for your mouth to drop open when you see Joshua already handing the employee his card. 
“Joshua! I wanted to pay for us.” You whine, and he simply squeezes your hand with an accomplished grin on his face. He thanks the employee once he’s handed back his card along with the receipt, before turning to face you. 
“You’re just too slow~” Joshua teases, and you squint. You open your mouth to start complaining more, only to pause when you hear the employee’s voice ring out. 
“Sorry to interrupt, but if you’d like, we have a photobooth that you both could go take pictures in.” They tell you with a shy smile, pointing towards the back of the café where the photobooth is, and your eyes brighten at the idea. 
“Thank you so much!” You say, before pulling Joshua in the direction of the photobooth, your free hand already holding your wallet so that you can pay for it. 
“Yn-” You immediately shove your card into the reader when the two of you step into the small box, closing the black curtain. The blonde chuckles at your determination, and you smile as you pull out your card once the payment is accepted.
“How should we pose?” Joshua asks, and you shrug as you watch the timer start to count down. 
“You just gotta feel it.” 
“That’s not helpful at all.” 
“Just follow my lead.” You say with a laugh, and he grins in amusement, turning back towards the screen. The two of you lean your heads closer to each other, and you wink while Joshua simply smiles as the first photo is captured. 
This continues for the next three photos, with the two of you laughing and doing different poses for the photostrip. You both climb out of the small box, waiting for the two photostrips to be printed as you talk about how silly you each must look.
“Ah, they’re printed.” You say once the two photostrips fall out, and you grab them both. You hand one to Joshua, and you hear him let out a small giggle. 
You stare at the photostrip quietly, gauging the photos. Warmth floods your chest at the third panel in particular, and you let out a breath.
This was when the two of you missed the countdown as you were both facing each other and laughing. Joshua’s eyes are bright and filled with warmth, a smile on his face as he looks at you in the photo. Then there’s you, mid-laugh, nothing but joy over your features.
“Wow.” You breathe out, and Joshua chuckles at your reaction, nudging you with his shoulder. You blink, looking away from the photostrip and redirecting your attention towards the blonde. “Mm?”
He points towards the table in the corner, where quite a few dogs are resting around. “Let’s go sit there.” 
You bite back a laugh, knowing exactly why he wants to sit at that exact spot. Nodding your head, you grin when you see his features brighten, and the two of you walk towards the table. The dogs perk up at your guys’ arrival, almost all of them going around Joshua as the two of you sit across from each other.
“So cute!” Joshua exclaims, a big smile on his face when the golden retriever from earlier rests its paws on Joshua’s chair, licking his face excitedly. The corners of your lips quirk up, and you take out your phone, opening the camera app. 
You watch as Joshua grins, petting the golden retriever to try and calm them down as they continue to attempt to lick his face. Tilting your head, you take the photo right as Joshua breaks out into laughter. 
You lower the phone from your face when Joshua turns towards you from the sound of the camera shutter, and he lets out a grin when his gaze trails over to your left hand side.
“So busy ogling me that you didn’t even notice the cute puppy waiting for your attention.” Your eyebrows furrow at Joshua’s sentence, and you turn your head to the left, expecting nothing, only for your eyes to widen when you see the precious corgi sitting beside you in the booth, tail wagging as they stare at you. 
“Oh my God. Hi baby!” You coo, reaching out and finally giving the attention the corgi had been wanting from you. The corgi licks your wrist, and you giggle, petting their back as you turn to shoot a glare towards the blonde. He raises an eyebrow at the squint to your eyes, and he tilts his head in question.
“I was not ogling you!” You exclaim, and Joshua lets out an angelic laugh that makes your heart do a somersault within your chest. A sheepish smile forms on your face, destroying the “angry” persona you were trying to put on.
“Yeah, yeah. Tell it to the judge.”
“Joshua!” You laugh, and he laughs along with you. 
Your guys’ laughter rings throughout the café for the rest of the afternoon, pure happiness exuding from the two of you.
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“Oh sikhye, how you never fail me.” You say lovingly to the drink in your hand. Joshua simply chuckles at your antics, taking a sip of his own sikhye as the two of you walk on the sidewalk towards the bridge. 
“Thank you for taking me to the dog café, I had a lot of fun.” Joshua tells you, and you nod your head, a smile forming on your face when you remember how many dogs had been around your table. 
“You’re like a dog magnet, while I’m a cat magnet.” You point out, and the blonde purses his lips in thought, before nodding his head in agreement. “That makes sense.” 
The two of you fall into a comfortable silence as you make your way onto the bridge, the sounds of the cars driving past you both filling the quiet.
“I feel like you could be a catboy, though.” Joshua accidentally snorts his sikhye at your abrupt comment, and you burst out into laughter as he doubles over, coughing up the drink. Patting his back, you wait for him to calm down as he slowly stands back up to his full height, taking deep breaths. 
“A catboy?”
“I cannot believe me calling you a catboy made you snort your drink.” You say, the corners of your mouth twitching as you try to hold back from smiling. The blonde catches this though, and he reaches out and pinches your cheek. 
Joshua smiles at your reaction, feeling satisfied that he got his payback after you made him snort his rice drink. He’s about to ask why you think he’s a catboy when he notices you walking up to the railing of the bridge.
You rest your hand onto the cold railing, staring out at the sight laid before you. The skies are painted in various shades of pink, blue, and purple. The sun is setting in the distance, the dark orange reflecting off the Han River, making the water glimmer. 
“Beautiful.” Joshua finishes, and you turn to him, seeing the sparkle to his eyes as he stares at the scenery. You’re reminded of the cold January night where you met him over two months ago. 
His eye bags are practically gone and the hunch to his shoulders are now replaced with confidence. His features are glowing, looking healthy in comparison to before, but it’s his eyes that have changed the most. His eyes no longer appear exhausted as he turns to look at you, now replaced with something along the lines of content.
“We met on this bridge over two months ago.” You state, and Joshua doesn’t respond. He looks back out towards the water, resting his forearms onto the railing as the thought of that night comes to mind. You follow suit, taking a sip of your sikhye as the two of you stare at the scenery in silence, the memories the two of you made over the last two months playing in your head. 
“You know when I said I couldn’t see life as something beautiful? And that it wasn’t kind to me?” Joshua asks after a moment, and you nod your head, the memory fresh in your mind.
He lets out a breath, “Two months ago, life was so hard for me that I couldn’t even think of trying anymore. So I didn’t understand what you meant when you said that life was beautiful.” 
Your hand squeezes the railing, but you don’t turn to look at Joshua. You know that he wouldn’t want you to look at him as he addresses what he didn’t want to even mention for the last two months. 
Joshua glances at you, the sunset no longer capturing his attention. A small smile escapes him as he stares at you, heart warm within his chest. 
“I understand what you mean now.” You turn to look at him, immediately locking eyes with the ethereal man. The small smile on his face turns into a full one when he stares into your bright eyes, feeling happy just by being with you. 
Joshua turns away, looking back out towards the sunset. Your heart swells with warmth and heartbreak when you hear him say,
“Life is beautiful.” 
You don’t respond right away as you struggle to hold back the tears from escaping. Your eyes remain on the scenery laid before you, doing your best to control your breathing as you watch the sun set below the city. 
Letting out a breath, you feel Joshua turn to look at you with his soft eyes. 
Joshua’s happy, so you’re happy. 
You turn your body towards Joshua and give him a tight smile as you raise your arms into the air. The blonde grins, reaching out and taking the sikhye from your hand when he notices some of its contents spill onto the pavement from your gesture. You giggle at your clumsiness, and he just shakes his head. 
“What would you do without me?” Joshua asks with a smile, and you shrug your shoulders, turning and beginning to walk in the direction of the bus stop. He tilts his head at you, and he watches as you turn and glance at him with a smile. 
“I wouldn’t be as happy as I am now!” You answer, turning away before you get the chance to see Joshua’s reaction. Swallowing the lump in your throat, you swing your arms as you walk, suddenly wishing you had your sikhye in your hand. 
The sound of running footsteps makes you glance back, only to let out a loud laugh when Joshua’s arm suddenly wraps around your shoulders, the sound of his giggles ringing in your ear. He holds out the drink in your direction, and you grin, taking it from his grasp.
As you take a sip of the sweet rice drink, you let out a sigh. You take a peek at Joshua, finding the hint of a smile on his face as he drinks his own beverage in his other hand. He notices your eyes on him, and he looks at you, a warm expression forming on his face. He leans in and gently nudges your head with his, before turning back towards the front. 
It’s as if all the sadness, anger, and pain melts away from the fond gesture. A shy smile breaks out onto your face as you turn away, letting out a sigh of content.
“Ah, what a beautiful day.”
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Joshua glances down at his phone while he waits in the elevator as it goes up to the eighth floor, the floor in which your apartment resides.
april 6, 2021
You haven’t contacted Joshua since the day the two of you went to the dog café, let alone open his texts. He’s been texting you everyday and even calling you to try and get a response, but to no avail.
So he finally decided to go visit your apartment to check in on you and ask what happened. 
As the elevator doors open, Joshua steps out and walks down the hallway. Once he turns left to enter the other hall, his eyebrows furrow when he notices the man standing in front of your door. He walks up to the man, who glances up towards the blonde when he catches sight of him through the corner of his eye.
“Do you know yn?” Joshua asks once he’s a few feet away from the older man. The gentleman nods, holding up his ID card, “I’m their landlord.” 
Joshua almost lets out a breath of relief, finally having met someone who could possibly know where you’ve been. The blonde points towards your apartment door, “Yn hasn’t contacted me in like, two weeks. Do you know if they’re home or if they went somewhere-”
“You don’t know?” Your landlord asks, and Joshua pauses. A feeling of dread runs down his spine when he sees the look of pity appear in the older man’s eyes when Joshua shakes his head, no. 
The dread soon turns into regret when the landlord informs him of the information he hadn’t known for the last three months.
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“Are you comfortable?” The nurse asks as she replaces your tube. You give her a weak smile, glancing out the window and staring at the birds flying past it as you answer, “As comfortable as I can be.”
Once the nurse finishes cleaning you up, she bows in your direction and steps out of the room. You let out a breath, eyes trailing down to your phone. You press your finger to the screen, and the photo of Joshua that you took at the dog café shines back at you. 
A soft smile escapes you when you see how brightly he’s laughing, the sound of his joyful laughs still ringing in your ear as if he was here with you. The brief moment of happiness you feel turns into one of guilt when you’re reminded of all the messages, missed calls, and voicemails he’s left you for the last two weeks. 
It’s for the best, you remind yourself. You want him to be happy, and knowing that you’re on your literal deathbed would take that away from him. 
You bite the inside of your cheek once you feel the tears rise to your eyes, and you let out an annoyed huff. In an attempt to make the wetness to your eyes disappear, you move to stare up at the ceiling, only to freeze when your gaze lands on the doorway. 
The blonde is standing there, chest rising and falling as he stares at you, pain evident in his gaze. His eyes trail over your appearance, wondering how he didn’t see the signs from the beginning. From the times you told him you were having trouble sleeping, the loss of appetite, how easily exhausted you would become from simply laughing too hard in the recent weeks.
How could he not know? 
“Yn.” Joshua breathes out, walking over to your bedside and sitting down in the chair. Feeling the tears flood your eyes, you look away from him, staring down at your hands in shame. 
“How did you find out?” You ask in a quiet voice, knowing he’s going to hate you for not telling him. When you don’t hear his response, the tears escape your eyes, falling onto the hospital blanket. 
“I’m so sorry Joshua.”
“I’m so selfish.” Your eyes widen slightly, and you look up from the blanket, only for your heart to break within your chest when you see the tears falling past Joshua’s eyes. 
“I-I hated my life and I openly complained about it in front of you, but you were going through so much worse and you still saw the beauty in it.” Joshua mutters, his hands reaching up towards his face as he tries to wipe away his tears. “I’m so sorry, yn.” You feel a sob bubble up in your chest, and you shake your head at him. 
“Don’t compare your struggles and pain to mine. Your struggles and your pain are valid. You have nothing to apologize for.” You tell him, vision becoming blurry as you reach out towards him with your hand. Joshua bites his bottom lip, before grasping your cold hand with his warm one. 
“It’s not fair.” Joshua mutters, and you blink at him. His hand tightens gently around yours, and he looks up into your beautiful eyes that hold so much life in them.
The life you deserve to live.
“I-It’s not fair. You of all people deserve to live your life.” Joshua says, the anger and sadness heavy in his voice. You let out a small smile, squeezing his hand with as much energy you can muster. “Sometimes life isn’t fair.”
Joshua just scoffs at your positivity and you let out a weak giggle. His eyes soften from the sight of your smile, and he reaches out with his free hand, wiping away your tears with his thumb. You lean into the touch, and Joshua feels his heart stutter in his chest. 
“Can you stay with me?” You ask, looking up into his deerlike eyes. Warmth floods the blonde’s face at how ethereal you are, feeling content when he still sees the sparkle in your eyes. 
“Yeah, always.”
Joshua slips off of his shoes and scoots you over on the hospital bed. He climbs onto it and lays onto his back beside you. You rest your head onto his arm, turning onto your side so that you’re facing him, and close your eyes at the feeling of his fingers intertwining with yours. 
“Thank you.” You mutter sleepily, and Joshua raises an eyebrow. 
“For what?” 
The memories of the last three months rewind in your head like a cassette tape, all the joy, laughter, sadness. All of it. 
“For making my last three months worthwhile.” 
Joshua sucks in a breath at your words, and he clenches his fist at his side. He’s filled with anger, sadness, so many different emotions as he turns his body to face you. He finds that you’re already fast asleep, small puffs of air leaving your lips, a reminder that you’re here. 
You’re alive.
Holding back the tears from rising, Joshua closes his eyes and gently rests his forehead onto yours. He feels your breath hit his lips, and he finds that it’s the only thing that calms him down as he feels a wave of drowsiness hit him.
He soon falls asleep with the thought of you turning to face him on the bridge two weeks ago, with the bright smile on your face that he’s grown to love.
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“Can I please take yn out of the hospital? They’re right at the entrance. It’s not like I’m taking yn to an amusement park.” 
“No, Joshua.” 
“But Dr. Park, please.” Joshua practically begs, following after your doctor as he tries to walk back to his office. The man doesn’t even spare the blonde another glance, already set on his answer. 
It’s been a week since Joshua discovered the truth of your illness, and he’s visited every single day. Even if he had classes or a shift at work, he’d immediately take the bus to the hospital right after to come and see you.
He knows your time is soon from how frail you’ve become, the exhaustion and pain evident on your face no matter how hard you try to hide it behind the smile you show him. 
That’s why he’s desperate for Dr. Park to say yes.
“I’ll even have the nurse accompany us! Please, it won’t take long.” Joshua calls out, and he watches as Dr. Park’s shoulders slump as he lets out a sigh. The older man turns to glance at him, “Joshua…”
“Please, Dr. Park. Yn—” Joshua looks down at his shoes, swallowing the lump in his throat as he tries to muster up the courage to say the next words. “Yn doesn’t have much time left.” 
Dr. Park stares at the blonde, knowing very well that your time is drawing near. He looks to his side, remembering what he told you the day you found out about your tragic fate. 
“Eat whatever you want, do things you’ve always wanted to do. Live your life, yn.” 
Dr. Park lets out a sigh, before turning back towards Joshua, who’s still staring down at the floor. He purses his lips, “Fine. You can take yn, but not for long. I’ll have their nurse accompany you.” 
Joshua immediately lifts up his head, eyes bright as he nods his head frantically. He blurts out multiple thank yous, even bowing at least ten times before he heads back to your hospital room. 
Dr. Park just lets out a sad smile as he watches the blonde disappear past the corner. Shaking his head, he glances down at his clipboard and heads towards his next patient. 
You lay in the hospital bed, struggling to keep your eyes open as you wait for Joshua. Your gaze is glued towards the doorway, wondering when you’ll see those pretty deerlike eyes of his. Your eyelids feel heavy, and you feel sleep beginning to pull you in. 
“Yn!” Your eyes slowly open at the angelic voice, and you find Joshua walking up to your hospital bed with an excited smile on his face. The corners of your lips tug upward, “Joshua, you look excited.”
“I have a surprise for you.” Your eyebrows furrow in suspicion, and he lets out a laugh. A sudden figure at your doorway catches your attention, and Joshua steps to the side so that you can see. You squint when you see your nurse standing there, a wheelchair in front of her as she gives you a smile. 
“What are you planning?” You ask, eyes going back to the blonde. He shrugs his shoulders, reaching out and grasping your cold hand, giving it a squeeze. 
“You’ll see.”
It takes about twenty minutes until you’re finally in the wheelchair, as you’re no longer able to walk on your own. It was hard, since Joshua had to help your nurse by carrying you and placing you into the seat. You kept apologizing for being a bother, but Joshua would always reply, 
“You could never be a bother, yn.”
And now you’re being pushed through the halls. With your nurse holding onto the IV pole while Joshua pushes you. You can’t help but feel a bit of excitement run through your veins as the three of you slowly make your way out of the hospital, no matter how exhausted you are.
“What’s the surprise? Did you buy me a sikhye truck?” 
“You think I’m rich?” Joshua counters, and you smile at his response. It’s when you’re closer to the automatic doors that you begin to feel your heartbeat faster, ecstatic to be able to smell the fresh air. 
“Are you ready?” Joshua asks, leaning over to peek at your face. You let out a shaky breath, before nodding your head and giving him a thumbs up. “Of course.” 
The blonde smiles, and starts pushing you towards the exit again, watching as the automatic doors open for the three of you. The sunlight shines down on you once you’re outside, and you suck in a deep breath of the fresh air, blinking your eyes to get used to the sudden light.
Once your eyes open again, you find Joshua standing before you, arms stretched up towards the sky. A pose that you always did when the two of you were together. You’re about to ask what he’s doing when a sudden flash of pink flies past your face. You turn your head, eyes following after it until it falls onto the ground next to dozens of others.
A cherry blossom petal. 
You slowly look back towards Joshua, seeing the warm smile on his face as he stares at you. Your eyes trail upwards, and you let out a breath when you see the fully bloomed cherry blossom trees above you. The brilliant shades of pink and white are hanging above you, and you feel your heart swell. 
A breeze blows past the trees, and you watch as the petals begin to fall around you and Joshua. The beautiful and delicate petals gently flow with the wind, as if they were pink snowflakes fluttering past you.
Opening up the palm of your hand, you watch as a precious petal falls directly into the middle of it. You let out a wet laugh, tears trailing down your cheeks as you look back up towards Joshua. He’s smiling back at you, eyes filled with tears of his own as the two of you stare at each other. 
“I saw the cherry blossoms with you.” You say softly, and Joshua nods his head, a heartbreaking smile on his face. Biting your bottom lip, you close your fingers around the precious petal in your hand, blinking away the tears that keep flooding your eyes.
“Thank you, Joshua.” You mutter, and the blonde simply lets out a sigh, turning so that he’s facing the cherry blossom tree. You look up towards him, seeing the small smile on his face as he glances back at you. 
“Consider it a gift, yn.”
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You lay on your hospital bed, listening to Joshua tell you about the lecture he attended today. Your heart warms when you hear him let out a giggle when mentioning something his classmate said, and a small smile escapes you. 
It’s been a few hours since you were brought back inside from seeing the cherry blossom trees, and Joshua’s stayed by your side the whole time. He didn’t even leave when you took a nap, just staying in the chair beside your bed doing his homework as he waited for you to wake up. 
You know that your time is almost over as you feel your heartbeat slow while listening to Joshua, finding yourself growing more sleepy. Somehow, rather than being afraid, you feel content. 
You’re happy.
You can see that Joshua knows it too, as he keeps talking to you about anything and everything, when you’d usually be the one to fill the silence. 
“And that’s how—”
“Joshua?” The blonde looks up at the sound of your voice immediately, and his heart falls when he sees the smile on your face. 
It’s different from all the ones before. It’s not bright, teasing, exciting, no. 
It’s accepting.
“Y-Yeah?” Joshua asks, and you extend your hand towards him. He reaches out and grasps it, your hand fitting perfectly within his own. 
“What’s the most beautiful thing about life?” You ask in a soft voice, staring into those deerlike eyes that seem to hold all the stars in the world. 
You want to remember it.
You want to remember him.
Joshua bites the inside of his cheek at your question, looking down at your connected hands as he tries to think of his answer. You watch as his eyebrows furrow in thought, and you grin in amusement at how hard he’s thinking.
The thought of the arcade comes to mind, as the neon purple lights shone on your face as you turned to look at him with a bright smile.
The sunset, when you spun around with your arms in the air and danced along the grass as he took photos of you. 
Going grocery shopping, when you were telling him a story with the softest of smiles on your face. Your eyes twinkled underneath the horrible fluorescent lights, and he wondered how you could possibly look so ethereal even with the bad lighting.
Your strawberry pajamas that you love so much.
Visiting the cat café, where your smile was the brightest and you were practically glowing from all the attention from the cats.
When it rained and you were laughing and spinning around as you let the raindrops fall onto you. Not a care in the world as you smiled brightly and extended your hand out towards him.
Going stargazing, except when he turned his head and looked into your eyes — he realized that you shined brighter than the millions of stars in the sky.
Joshua looks back towards you, seeing you waiting expectantly. His eyes trail over your features, from your beautiful eyes to your pretty lips that always hold a smile. He squeezes your hand softly as he finally answers,
You blink at his answer, before a small smile breaks out onto your face. Looking away, you notice the full moon out the window, with the millions of stars surrounding it on this clear night. You let out a breath, feeling like they’re closer tonight. 
“What about you? What’s the most beautiful thing about life?” Joshua asks, and he watches as your head slowly turns back towards him. You give him a grin and squeeze his hand with as much energy as you can muster, finding yourself getting lost in his bright eyes. 
“You. The most beautiful thing about life is you, Joshua.” 
Joshua smiles, but his heart hurts as his eyes pan to your vital signs monitor, seeing that your heart rate is slowing. He looks back at you, and he sucks in a deep breath when only one thought comes to mind. 
There’s still so many things he wants to tell you, so many things he wants to do with you. However, as he stares into your eyes, he realizes there’s only one last thing you need to know.
“Yeah, Joshua?” You respond, now struggling to keep your eyes open as you stare at him. 
“I love you.” 
You and Joshua stare at each other in silence for a moment, having finally aired out the truth that the two of you have kept hidden for the last three months. The truth that the both of you kept denying, for fear of the future. A bright smile forms on your face, and Joshua feels his heart stutter within his chest at the sight. 
“I love you too, Joshua.” 
He lets out a breath, swallowing the lump in his throat to try and appear strong for you. As Joshua stares at you, he realizes just how beautiful you are. Even though you’re frail and tired, your beauty is unmatched as he looks into your eyes. 
And so, Joshua smiles back at you, and you feel warmth flood your body at the beauty of it.
You hope to remember his smile even in your next life.
Joshua hears your monitor begin to beep, signalling that your heart rate is dropping. He doesn’t look away from you, holding the eye contact between the two of you as your eyes slowly fall shut. The grip you had on his hand loosens, and he continues to stare at you as your nurse comes in once the sound of the flatline rings throughout the room. 
Joshua stands up from the chair, heart thumping against his chest once your nurse turns off your monitor. 
“Time of death: Tuesday, April 13th. At 8:13 PM.”
Silence fills the room as he leans down and presses a soft kiss to your temple, before pulling away and falling back into the chair. The smile that he showed you is now gone as he bites his bottom lip, trying to hold back the tears that threaten to fall as he stares at you, the smallest of smiles still remaining on your face.
Joshua looks down as a few tears escape, and he slowly rests his forehead onto your guys’ connected hands, sobs finally wracking through his body as he holds onto you. 
The moon and the stars shine down onto the two of you through the hospital window. They illuminate the room as Joshua sobs against your hand, knowing that you were finally able to reach them. 
You were finally able to reach the moon and the stars.
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april 13, 2022
Joshua looks away from the calendar on the wall once he’s handed the bouquet of bright sunflowers. He smiles at the employee, giving them his thanks before he turns around and walks out of the store. 
The sun shines down on him as he walks towards the columbarium, making his black hair appear a light brown underneath the light. 
The sound of the birds chirping rings through his ears, and he smiles softly as he steps in through the entrance. He walks through the hall, before he finally stops, looking up and seeing your bright smile shining back at him.
Joshua lets out a grin at the sight, placing your sunflowers into the mini slot that holds the bouquets. A breath escapes him as he stares at the photos in your display, all of the photos capturing your beautiful smile. His eyes land on the last one, and he bites the inside of his cheek.
It’s the photostrip of the two of you from the day you both went to the dog café. 
Joshua has the same photostrip on the back of his phone case, as a reminder of a beautiful day. 
“Did you miss me?” Joshua asks you, knowing that he won’t receive a response. He smiles softly, looking down at his shoes. 
“It’s been a year without you, and I still think of your bright smile everyday.” Joshua tells you, placing his hands into his pockets as he continues to stare at the floor. “I know you’re getting a kick out of hearing me say that, huh?” 
Joshua stands there before you in silence for a moment, holding back the tears that threaten to flood his eyes. He lets out a shaky breath, before looking back up towards you with a smile and begins to update you on everything that’s happened since he last visited.
From the new job he got at an early learning center as a teacher, to the cat he visits at the shelter that reminds him of you, to his new friend Jeonghan who’s more mischievous than you could imagine, to the fried rice he made in the morning.
He tells you anything and everything until he can no longer think of anything else to say. Joshua lowers his head, wishing that he could hear a response. 
“I miss you.” He mutters, the thought of your smile and contagious laugh coming to mind. There’s a dull ache in his heart that has remained since you passed, and he knows it will be there for a long time. 
But as he lifts up his head to look at you and sees the photo of the both of you laughing, he knows he’ll be okay. You want him to be happy.
Joshua sucks in a deep breath, before reaching up and resting his hand over the glass. 
“Thank you, yn. Thank you for teaching me how to live.” 
Joshua gives you a genuine smile, before taking a step back from your locker. 
“I’ll continue to live happily, so don’t worry about me. I’ll visit you again soon...” Joshua chuckles as he trails off, looking away as warmth floods his face at the thought of the next thing he wants to tell you. He lets out a breath, before smiling at you as he says,
“I love you.” 
And with that, Joshua turns around and walks away with a lighter heart. He steps out of the columbarium and walks down the street, the thought of your smile and the sound of your laugh lingering in his mind. 
He walks with his head down, hands in his pockets as he heads to the bus stop. It’s only when a pink petal floats past him that he pauses and finally looks up from the ground. 
The fully bloomed cherry blossoms are a few feet from him, planted on the grass near the sidewalk, painting the pavement pink. He watches as a breeze blows past him, making hundreds of cherry blossom petals gently fall from the trees. 
Joshua lets out a small smile at the sight, before looking up towards the blue sky. A content sigh escapes him as he watches a pretty white cloud float past him. 
“What a beautiful day.”
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lgg5989 · 2 years
MavDad: Have Hope
A/N: Here's the next installment of MavDad! Thank you to everyone for reading and your support. As always please leave ideas for future chapters in the comments! 😁💜
MavDad Masterlist
Also on Ao3!
Carole sat in the waiting room of the doctor’s office, her leg bouncing quickly, she was nervous. When they called her back last week and asked her to come into the office to review her mammogram results her first thoughts were of the women she heard of and knew that had breast cancer, but it couldn’t affect her could it? She had a sinking feeling in her gut that had kept her up every night. She just hoped that it wasn’t something she couldn’t beat. 
Carole was just leaving the dry cleaner’s when her phone started to ring. Digging through her purse, and almost dropping Mav’s dress blues on the ground, she managed to get to it before it went to voicemail.
“Hello?” she said into the phone.
“Hello. Is this Mrs. Carole Bradshaw?” a woman’s voice said over the line. 
“This is she,” Carole said, confusion laced in her voice as she loaded the dry cleaning into the car. 
“Mrs. Bradshaw, my name is Candice from Dr. Robert’s office, I am calling today in regards to your mammogram results, the doctor would like to meet with you to discuss them,” Candice said in a sympathetic voice. 
“Oh…okay,” Carole said quietly, sitting in the hot car in shock, “I…um…I can come in some time this week.”
“Can I put you down for next Monday?” Candice asked her. 
That was a week away, Carole thought, “Yeah, next Monday would be fine, what time?”
“Can you do a morning appointment? 8AM?” 
“Yes, I will be there Monday at 8AM,” Carole said, she would put the date on her calendar at home but she had a feeling that it would stick with her until then without the reminder. 
“Okay, we will see you then,” Candice said before the line clicked as she hung up. 
Carole hadn’t turned the car on yet, she was sweating a bit and on the verge of tears, the news shocked her. She could be jumping to conclusions but usually they just sent her a letter saying that her tests were clear. Goose had been the more religious one and Carole hadn’t been to church in a few years but she bowed her head and said a prayer, asking God to spare Bradley the pain of losing another parent, asking God for it to not be cancer. 
She drove home in silence, she knew that Mav would be there and Bradley wouldn’t be home from school for another hour. She walked in the house in a daze, slowly putting her stuff on the counter, eyes glazed over with a thousand yard gaze.  
Mav, hearing her come in, came down the stairs to greet her.
Mav gave her a smile, “How was your day? Thanks again for picking up the dry cleaning.”
Carole nodded, lost in her own thoughts, “It was fine,” she said, back turned to him reaching for a cup for water. As she turned around, hands shaking, the cup fell to the floor and shattered. 
“Are you okay? You’re shaking like a leaf,” Mav said, coming towards her trying to avoid the shards of glass on the floor. 
She turned her unfocused eyes on him before starting to crumple to the floor, Mav rushed forward to catch her. 
“The doctor called me…” Carole started, almost hyperventilating. Mav stood there and held her, confused on what the doctor could be calling about, until he remembered, a few weeks ago he had seen her mammogram appointment written on the calendar. 
“Carole?” Mav said in a shaking voice, grabbing her by the shoulders to look in her eyes. 
“I…I don’t know…for sure…” she got out between shaky breaths, “ Bradley…can’t lose…another parent.”
Mav pulled her into him as his own mind raced, thinking of the worst. What if Carole were to die? Bradley would be left without parents, Mav would lose his oldest and closest friend. The scariest thought being that Mav would have to raise Bradley…alone.
"When do you find out?" Mav asked quietly.
"Monday," Carole said with a huff, "they're making me wait so long…" 
"I'm going with you," Mav said resolutely. 
"Thank you Maverick," Carole said, leaning further into his embrace. 
The door to the right of Carole’s chair opened, startling her out of her thoughts, “Carole Bradshaw?” the nurse called. 
Mav grabbed her hand, "Whatever happens you know I'll be here for you both." 
Carole just nodded before standing up and following the nurse to the patient rooms, Mav right behind her.  
“Right this way,” the nurse said, “It says in your file that we are here to talk about your mammogram results, if you would follow me we are going to meet with Dr. Roberts in her office.”
As they approached the door the nurse knocked before they heard a muffled, “Come in.”
The nurse opened the door and ushered them into the room, Dr. Roberts sat behind her desk, as Carole and Mav walked in the doctor looked up, “Carole, I’m sorry to see you again so soon.”
Carole sighed, “Yeah,” she said shakily.
"Your mammogram came back abnormal, we found a small mass that I believe to be a tumor on your left breast," Dr. Roberts said matter of factly. 
"Is it cancer?” Carole asked. 
“We aren’t sure, we will have to schedule a biopsy then from there we can move forward with treatment options,” Dr. Roberts said comfortingly, “I know this is scary but there is no need to worry quite yet, and if the biopsy does come back positive, we are prepared to get you whatever treatment you need.”
Carole sat in silence for a moment before saying, “Thank you.” 
Mav cut in, “When will we know for sure?” 
Dr. Roberts looked at him, “It will take a day or so to get the biopsy results,” turning back to Carole she continued, “I want to do the biopsy today if that is okay with you Carole?” 
“That’s fine,” Carole said, “I want to know as soon as possible.”
Dr. Roberts nodded, “I understand, why don’t we get you prepped for the biopsy.”
“Okay,” Carole said, turning to Mav, “You go back to the waiting room, I’ll be out when I’m done.”
Mav just nodded, giving her hand a final squeeze before getting up and leaving the office. 
The procedure felt like it took forever, but it probably wasn’t more than 15 minutes that Mav sat in the waiting room. He didn’t know what was going to happen or how they would tell Bradley but he was not looking forward to it. 
The following days in the house were tense, Mav and Carole knew what was going on but they kept Brad in the dark until their suspicions were confirmed. Mav could tell that Brad knew something was wrong, he just didn’t know what. 
The call came in on Wednesday afternoon, Carole had practically been sitting by the phone all day waiting. She jumped to answer it on the first ring. 
“Is this Mrs. Bradshaw?” Carole recognized Dr. Robert’s voice. 
“Yes, this is she,” Carole said, voice nervous. 
Dr. Robert’s voice sounded like she was about to give bad news, Carole’s stomach dropped, “Carole, I’m so sorry to tell you that your biopsy came back positive for cancer,” Dr. Roberts said. 
Carole was silent. Her worst fears were coming true. She stared intensely at the knick in the counter top as she asked, “How bad is it?”
Mav heard the phone ring and knew what it meant, he ran down the stairs the second he heard her pickup. 
Dr. Roberts sighed, “Well its stage three, with surgery and chemo we should be able to get it under control, you should have hope.”
Carole pressed her hand over her mouth, trying to keep the sobs in and breathe, “Okay, when can I start treatment?”
“We would like you to come in on Friday morning, we will do a walkthrough of what to expect in the coming months and schedule your surgery and chemo treatments as well,” Dr. Roberts said. 
Carole couldn’t keep it in anymore, without realizing she never confirmed a time, Carold said, “Okay, I will see you Friday,” and hung up the phone before crumpling to the floor. Nothing could have prepared her for that. Stage three? Her hope was broken, how would she tell Mav, who was standing just in front of her with a crushed look on his face? How would they tell Bradley? She didn’t want to leave, she wasn’t ready to leave, she needed to be there for her son. She was afraid to die. 
Mav rushed over to Carole, cradling her in his arms on the floor as she cried. With a slow and shaky voice, he asked, “How bad is it?”
Carole stopped crying long enough to say, “Stage 3,” then through more sniffles, “They think…surgery…and chemo…might control it.”
Mav pulled Carole into a tight hug as she continued to cry, tears were forming in his eyes and burning as they silently streamed down his face, “We have to tell Bradley.”
“I don’t know how to tell him,” she said in a defeated tone, still wiping away the tears that refused to stop forming.  
“Let’s tell him when he gets home,” Mav said. 
Carole nodded, “Okay.”
Mav wiped his face and pulled Carole with him into the living room, they sat down on the couch, Carole leaning into Mav’s shoulder, staring at the pictures that filled the room, reminding her of happier times. Two hours later, when Brad got home from school, that’s where he found them. 
“Brad, come sit with us,” Mav said almost as soon as he walked in. 
Taking one look at the pair, Brad knew that something was definitely wrong, he stopped dead in his tracks, “What’s wrong?”
“Sit down and we will discuss it,” Mav said again. 
Bradley perched himself in front of them on the coffee table, Mav sighed glancing over at Carole, she needed to be the one to tell him. 
“Honey, I went to the doctor,” Carole started, her voice shaking, “My screening didn’t come back clear, they are saying that I have cancer.”
Mav watched as the color drained out of Bradley’s face, and tears immediately showed up in his eyes. 
After a moment, he tried to speak, his words only coming out as a strained whisper, “What did they say?”
“I have stage three breast cancer,” Carole said with a forcibly steady voice, tears flowing down her face nonstop, “They are going to do all they can to help me beat it, they said there is hope.” 
Brad turned his eyes to Mav and all Mav could see was a frightened young boy. Before Mav or Carole could say anything else, he got up from the table and sprinted to his room. 
Mav heard Carole’s breathing become irregular, turning to her he said, “Let me go talk to him, you rest okay?”
Carole nodded, staring at a picture of Goose and Bradley on the wall. 
As Mav made his way up the stairs he heard muffled sobs coming from Brad’s room, the door was closed. Without knocking he let himself in , Brad was sitting on the floor, crying into his pillow. 
Mav sat down next to him, putting his arm around him. Brad let go of his pillow and turned to Mav. He buried his head in Mav’s shirt and continued to cry. 
“Why? Why does she have to be sick?” Brad asked him between sobs. 
“I don’t know buddy, I don’t know,” Mav said into his hair, with each sob he squeezed Bradley tighter. Mav could feel the tears forming in his own eyes again. Not only did it hurt to know Carole’s diagnosis, but the way it broke Brad’s heart hurt him more than he ever thought possible. 
Brad squeezed back, “You can’t leave me.”
“Never,” Mav said quietly. 
Carole turned off the lights and made her way upstairs, she didn’t think any of them would eat tonight. As she passed by Brad’s room she found Mav and Brad leaned up against the wall, Brad’s head tucked tight into Mav’s shoulder. Both men were asleep and had tear tracks on their faces. She smiled sadly at the pair. She was determined to beat this, for her son, but it brought her comfort knowing that they both had Maverick during this time. They would need all the support they could get. 
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