#i have to first check if they will be willing to even rp with me because my fc might annoy them
falkarph · 5 months
rp prompts taken from the video game dragon's dogma 2 by capcom. some have been edited.
❛ a good sleep will ensure we’re prepared for the morrow. ❜
❛ i shall go to the grave with a smile on my lips, for i have no regrets. ❜
❛ this is the second time i’ve watched over you like this, isn’t it? ❜
❛ as i understand it, 'tis boorish to speak when you’ve naught to say, so i shall hold my tongue. ❜
❛ we‘ll see each other again, you can count on that. and when we do, you’d best be ready for the fight of your life. ❜
❛ i had nearly given up on myself, yet 'twould seem i am not without talent after all! ❜
❛ i learned the words but this is the first i use them. ❜
❛ don't bring trouble to my door, you hear? ❜
❛ 'twas never my intent to deceive you. i simply feared that if i spoke the truth, none would wish to involve themselves with me. ❜
❛ i dare not enter the palace. but i would fain escort you to the castle entrance. ❜
❛ pray visit me if you’ve the time or inclination. ❜
❛ all is preordained. even my death at thy hands. ❜
❛ there’s no shortage of ne'er-do-wells out there, willing to claim their medicine the only cure that they might inflate its price. ❜
❛ what are you doing? unhand me this instant! ❜
❛ love is as twin to madness, they say. they are bound fast, as night is to day. ❜
❛ oh, unwring your hands, you fool. as if anyone in this palace would dare say a word against me. ❜
❛ i find myself on edge when you stray from my line of sight. ❜
❛ save your honeyed words, traitor! ❜
❛ you would leave one of your own to die? ❜
❛ my efforts led only to my own ruin. ❜
❛ i believe i cautioned you to keep your drunken revelry in check. ❜
❛ they say you should be thankful for your life, but simply being alive isn’t the same as living, eh? ❜
❛ 'tisn‘t the first time i’ve taught an unseasoned whelp the meaning of betrayal. ❜
❛ my vision’s growing worse by the day i fear. ❜
❛ if i had but better known your heart, i could have shared in your burdens. ❜
❛ 'tis not my conscience that called me here, oh no. i simply cannot stomach acts of cowardice. ❜
❛ doesn’t seem like you and i are going to share a drink anytime soon. a shame, really. ❜
❛ and what business have you here, in the nobles' playground? ❜
❛ we’re lost, plain and simple. ❜
❛ 'twould seem my time here has reached its end. can’t say i‘m happy about it. ❜
❛ i possess no ill intent, i assure you! i merely wished for a closer look. ❜
❛ alas, though he was a just and goodly ruler, there is not a single person alive who remembers his name. ❜
❛ it can be a blessing to forget—and to be forgotten. ❜
❛ the flesh may rot, the soul, fragment. yet power—power endures. ❜
❛ no one has any care for me beyond my title. ❜
❛ another dogged adventurer, come to take my life? many have tried, and, as you can plainly see, all have failed. ❜
❛ naught can be achieved without sacrifice. ❜
❛ follow me. and, pray, take care not to fall behind. one can easily lose their way here. ❜
❛ if e'er you’re in need of a hearth to return to … then let it be mine. ❜
❛ i may be past my prime as a fighter—but i can still teach. ❜
❛ s‘pose it must make you feel a hero, seeing the person you caught yourself sitting behind bars. ❜
❛ do you think you can exact change in this world through good will alone? ❜
❛ reckon your road‘s been a long one. ❜
❛ i so hoped you’d visit. is that strange? ❜
❛ such knowledge has been known to cost a man his head. ❜
❛ shall we hunt a few monsters to start the day off? ❜
❛ the world shall not change with my death. ❜
❛ wilt thou slay me, or be slain? ❜
❛ 'twas all a farce and i the fool, exulting in my wooden crown. ❜
❛ do as you will. i care not what befalls me now. ❜
❛ i never knew how vast the sky was ere i left home. ❜
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arenabreadandbiscuits · 3 months
Hmm I'm thinking I'm thinking. Gotta make money one way or another am I right? Anyway, animation commissions?
Animations ain't easy so I'm trying to set prices correctly in a way were people get what they pay for but also where I'm not offering in a way that burns me out over something stupid..
Animations would include well of course the animation and the panels that I'll draw either in comic form or separate parts so you could have them.
I'm open to certain ships ((GIVE ME RADIOSTATIC AND ADAMS APPLE 😩)) but I'm more comfortable doing OCS right now. Things like holding hands, kissing, snuggling, etc and unlike this animation wip:
You'll get: FULL lineart and maybe after I see how colors work on Flipaclip and add those in for now but for now expect something like this.
Actually I'm thinking about it more and maybe coloring it won't be bad but I hate coloring in other cases so I you the Wips and the videos and color I think $100 dollars is fair right?? (Comms are used to help support me as I recover, find more info on that HERE on my writing commissions post. Obviously writing is a bit different from art so that why prices are what they are, prices can not be negotiable here because I don't want to accidentally sell myself short and then burn out knowing good and well I need to make funds somehow 🤦🏾)
Honestly this is a work in progress. I've done writing commissions, art and animation but it's just making sure I set things up correctly so hopefully I don't regret anything later. Like I know I can do it I just need the right customers to find me.
Customers of Value: if you are willing to be patient, checking in with me here and there while also not rushing me (because I'll literally send screenshots whenever you need them as I work on your art. Rushing me literally stressed me out so pls don't ^^')
Hm, I'm thinking of how I can explain this better.
What you will get:
at LEAST ten slides on your animation (pricing varies but not heavily so)
'manga' panels of how the animation is basically formed or came to be. (Four panels each page. 2 pages in total with no extra fees)
Screenshots of work whenever you feel you actually need it
A little writing blurb either of what happened prior to the animation or after it. 2k words minimum.
Bundle Example (reposted my own art lolol):
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+ the animation!
(screenshot from a RP I was in but I'm using it as an example of my writing for y'all to see.)
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I think the highest I'd make anyone pay is $150 at a minimum because it feels fair after all that. ^^'
What y'all think? Oh and did I mention I'll even do the lineart for the manga panels? I will.
Examples of my line art (reposted art of mine):
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Now we wait 🫡👀
I think I covered everything I need to but I'll make edits if I have to at any point in case I didn't! If you've made it to this part of the post I thank you for reading! ❤️
Payment methods for me, I will only take:
Current (but on hold for now because I'm still getting used to current ^^')
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diy-fire-water-pups · 7 months
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This is a blog for you to interact with some of the Paw Patrol pups: The Firefighter and EMT pup, Marshall; The Recycle Do-All pup, Rocky; and last but not least, The Cool Water-Loving pup, Zuma.
Before you can send asks or start a RP, please check the rules under the cut first. Hope to see you around and have some fun!
Ps.: Askbox opens from Friday to Monday early morning (GMT -3). It's closed as soon as I wake up.
1- Be respectful. There’s an actual person sitting in front of a computer or holding her cell phone here, spending time to play as her favorite pups, interact with people she doesn’t know and have fun; Time which she could be using for working and earning money to not worry about what to eat tomorrow, if her own dog and cat will have their food too and if the bills will be paid in time or late again. I’m here to have a good time. If someone starts being a bother, I’ll make use of the block button and delete asks or whatever’s sent my way. I’m not wasting time with assholes.
2- Same goes for the pups, actually - if I feel someone’s bothering them, I’ll do the same as above. Even if I’m not the one affected but I feel the pups would be. 
3- If you wish to RP, please send a DM to my other sideblog, self-indulgent-paw-patrol, so we can discuss about plots first. You don’t need to DM me if you just want to send asks or interact with the pups, though, that’s only for RPs.
4- EDIT! Thanks to some encouragement and the positive reception this blog has been receiving, I'm willing to try RPing crossovers again (Never did it here before, but I've done in other askblogs I've moderated in the past in other fandoms). The thing is, PLEASE TALK TO ME FIRST! Sometimes I don't know your muse at all, so it would be good to get to know them a bit first, before we plot anything. The ideal is for you to have an "About" page for your muses so I can check them out!
5- I’m willing to RP ships, be it platonic or romance, but absolutely NO NSFW will be allowed here. From the possible ships with the pups in this blog, my OTP is Rocky x Zuma, followed by Marshall x Everest and Chase x Marshall. I’m open for shipping the pups with OCs, granted I get to know the OCs first.
6- Feel free to reblog any posts you may find in this blog, including the pups' answers to asks they get. The only posts you shall NOT REBLOG (but you can like) are the posts tagged as #RP if you're not the one participating in it. That's basic ancient Tumblr etiquette!
7- M!A (Magic!Anons) are allowed but within a limit! The effect will be applied ONLY to the ask that sent the M!A. I won't be taking M!As that intend to affect other asks or RPs. Dare the pups to do silly stuff all you want, but within this limit. Also, I'll still hold my right to decline a M!A for whatever reason.
Rules may be subject to change in the future as I see fit. For now, that's about it!
Now I'll take the chance to promote my friends' pups askblogs too just because I can XD Make sure to read their rules before interacting too!
@jurassicsnowpups - an askblog for Everest, Rex and Tracker!
@pcwpatrol - an askblog for Chase!
@taking-to-the-skye - an askblog for Skye!
@stretch-n-fetch - an askblog for Liberty!
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pixiemage · 2 years
I was a bit curious about who would be involved in this season of Traffic Life, so I checked NameMC to see who has updated their skins recently. Some people, like Grian and Etho, NEVER change their skins so looking to them for sneak peeks is a moot point. (For example, we have NO IDEA if Mumbo will be involved this season, because while he HAS recently returned to Minecraft and might be more than willing to jump into a new Life season, his skin IS ALWAYS THE SAME. (Unfortunately, Lizzie’s skin is still a cat, so it’s unlikely that she’ll be returning this season.)
But we also have a handful of series regulars who have (within the same span of time) swapped out of RP/character/previous skins to put on their usual default, which basically confirms their reappearance this season. (This isn’t everyone, as some folks changed their skin days or weeks ago, and therefore it isn’t really new news. Grian, Ren, and Joel are assumably still involved even though they didn’t update their skins in the past few hours. Also Etho.)
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There’s also Scott, who is back in his Green Life skin, BigB, who seems to have ditched the cookie sweater, and Bdubs, who has made a habit of showing up to these games with just as many injuries as he left with:
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More notably, we also see that Skizzleman himself has updated his skin too, and while it was a liiiittle earlier than everyone else, it still hints at his return this season! And - this one’s a bit interesting to me - Cleo’s skin is NOT her default outfit, but instead, it’s her 80’s workout gear from HC S8:
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Now to deviate a bit…someone else pointed out to me that a few Empires members also spontaneously changed to their standard/default skins recently:
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Gem and Fwhip! While this doesn’t guarantee that they ARE in the series, it’s interesting to me that Fwhip’s timing coincides with the rest of the Traffic folks who updated their skins…and while Gem’s is from earlier on, it’s the first time in a while that I’ve seen her without either her Empires or Hermitcraft skin on display.
IT’S ALSO NOTABLE that both Gem AND Fwhip changed their skins to their defaults, and also changed them BACK to their Hermit and Empires skins respectively only 5-10 minutes before I took screenshots of their defaults in play. (Note how both screenshots have #2 not #1) So…fingers crossed? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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shining-gem34 · 22 days
SHIPPING INFO. Answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog.
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What’s your OTP for your Muse(s)?
Hm! I won't say it here, because I don't want to give the wrong impression. I will say I do have a few OTPs! My close friends/besties already know my bias!
What are you willing to RP when it comes to shipping?
Excluding the big NO-NO (r*pe, non-con, underage sex, and etc.), I'm pretty open and willing to try a variety of things for shipping. It can go from fluffy/playful to angsty next. On that note, I am also open to exploring toxic ships/red flags as well. :3
How large does the age gap have to be to make it uncomfortable?
As someone who RP's muses who are either in the three digits or immortals, I can safely say as long as they are both ADULTS who are consenting, all is good. I will say NO if our muses have a parent/child bond like Muse A has raised Muse B since they were a kid, or anything similar to that.
Are you selective when shipping?
In general, it's a yes.
Mostly because I don't get home until the evening and by then my energy is pretty low. It takes time for me to sit down and focus on tumblr replies. Too many things happening can feel overwhelming for me, especially if I think about making sure shipping with the same muses are different/varied. It hasn't happened yet as my activity levels here are random! But I am thinking it about now and rjrbrjrhrje Y e a h. That is why I made the shipping rule for new people who are following me the first time.
Otherwise, if we're already friends, chances are we already went feral about the characters/ship. I don't mind going straight into pre-established ship or RPing (plotting) how they got together. I'm not picky in that regard.
How far do steamy moments have to go before they’re considered NSFW?
I don't think I have reached that point on this site. If I do, I would say the moment they start stripping while kissing and getting handsy with each other. Maybe there's touching the private parts. At that point, as I try to follow my own rules, I would probably move the full NSFW into DMs/IMs.
Who are other muses you ship your muse with?
Uh. For reasons, I'll keep this short and sweet:
For everyone who saw read my ramblings in DM's or I drop something and leave like a rat, thank you so much for indulging me. <3 I had so much fun coming up with fluffy, silly, and angsty stuff for our muses together!
And it doesn't have to be just romantic too! It applies to platonic/familial muses too!
I do hope we can continue this and watch out muses get into shenanigans together. <3
Does one have to ask to ship with you?
Preferably, yes! If you don't tell me, then I won't know!
How often do you like to ship?
I'm thinking hard on this, because both outside and inside here? Not alot honestly. I do think about shipping however it usually ends up being brief and passing entertainment. So I don't really have alot of ships I am committed to.
Are you multiship?
Yes! It's surprisingly refreshing thinking of each ship being it's own thing and not a bunch of connected events. <3 I definitely enjoy the dynamics of each ship too!
Are you ship obsessed or ship more-or-less?
I say ship more-or-less than ship-obsessed. I don't actively seek out people to ship. Also it's too much for me to handle checking too many things happening at once. So, I'm usually committed to a few ships and if something develops naturally, or I feel something is happening? Yeah, I'll ship. :3
What is your favorite ship in your current fandom?
Me x Dan Feng
Finally, how does one ship with you?
I would say just be direct and ask if we can ship our muses together. I will say "yes" most of the time, especially if we have been plotting in the DMs and have a few IC already). If not, then yes I would like to discuss it first and get some IC interactions going. I always have a meme tag for a bunch of memes I've reblogged to break the ice, or starters if you prefer that!
Because, the more we talk about our muses dynamics and each other, I am more likely to fall in love and turn feral! I will be 100% on board shipping them! Like moreso if it's a character I am neutral about it's a BIG WIN because YOU made me love them!
Trust me it happened like....3-4? times now since I started this blog. I love it when people have so much love for their muses I just support them and fall in love too!
Tagged by: @memovia, @etherealguard, @grislyintentions Tagging: You!
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I can't figure out this spacing thing and I'm not about to find out. So hey! I'm Allul (They/Them, trying to figure that thing out)! I'm that fucking creature that's flooding your dash with posts about a boat girl and whatever other shenanigans my mind decides to get up to. I'd say I should apologize but really the longer you know me the more you realize this is just how I live my life
I'm 26 (Not for long) and a terrible chronic gacha addict that probably should've stopped a long time ago. But since i haven't I now have adopted boats (as this blog shows) along with....
horse girls
very bisexual prisoners
food personifications
cinnamon rolls
and plenty of other random things that go in and out of my mind on the daily. This may come at a surprise to plenty of people but I literally haven't even been here a year yet (shocking I know). Most of my writing career has been either super bad fanfics, skype rp (yes this sadly was part of my life), and forums of recently. Only after being dragged here by a few friends did I realize what I was missing out on and I'm glad I joined! I promise you I'm not intimidating as I may seem (If I even come off as intimidating) and really I'm a DM away from blowing your eardrums off about whatever you want. Like lets be real my first blog here was a goddamn pokemon. I think that says everything you need to know.
Anyway next is checks notes about myself and that's problematic. Because I have no idea how to do that :3. According to my friends this meme explains it best
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But as expected writing is my hobby (go figure) and beyond that is probably video games. A lot and a ALOT of RPGS, Fighting Games, and whatever is out there to get my serotonin running. Currently I'm down in the mines playing Granblue Fantasy Relink, Granblue Fantasy Versus Rising (are you noticing the trend), and dabbling in some other ventures (Gundam Versus if you want to know how niche my tastes get. I also collect plushes!
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in line with my crippling Granblue addiction music CD's!
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But yeah if it wasn't obvious I love talking about literally anything. My interests are kinda all over the place but most people can vouch that I'm a damn good listener. And that includes plotting even if my mentality usually is just a "fuck it we ball one" rather than really planning it out (I do love planning too! But sometimes you really just gotta go off and never stop). If you don't find me here on NJ's Blog well don't worry I have like 11 more as well. Featuring...
Morgan le Fay (Fate) (@talesofrainandstars_
Melusine (Also from Fate) (@robustdragonheart)
Nian (Arknights) (@unfetteredfreedom)
Mika ("Archive that may be Blue") (@witchoftrinity)
Architect (Girls' Frontline) (@explosivedesire)
Fenie (Granblue Fantasy) (@sourceoftheflame)
Miyoi Okunoda (Touhou) (@geidonteispostergirl)
"Sparkle" (Honkai Stars Rails) @sparklingsplendor
Hiroi Kikuri (Bocchi the Rock) (@sickhackbassist)
My OC Protag from Armored Core 6 "Raven" (@echoesofcoral)
Beyond that I'm always in Discord if you just want to chat or anything else. You can also find me on twitter where I rant about the most craziest things and cry when my favorites in gachas actually get content (it doesn't happen often). Other then that I have no idea how to end this so here's a picture of my dog
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anyway I think I've ranted long enough. Looking forward to talking with everyone more and anyone else who is willing to put up with my muses!"
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wyvchard · 3 months
Candlelight and Phoenix
What if Agent 13-12 (my Agent Phoenix) never had any connections to the agency?
The events of the game still happened, leaving another agent to receive the title of Agent Phoenix.
This is an alternate timeline of events that may have taken place. Some things are subject to change.
"Agent Phoenix. The thorn in Zoraxis' side. And basically my houseguest." The operative called Candlelight sighed as they stared at the agent who was clearly incapacitated by their latest conflict with Zoraxis operatives. They knew they should call their superiors and inform their superiors that the agent made their way to their house.
But they chose not to, choosing to shove the hapless agent under their bedsheets, making sure they made it through the night.
"... I am definitely going to get shot for this." They muttered, making sure to bandage any injuries they see.
Their earpiece was confiscated though, locked in a box that blocks off any signals from reaching outside.
They have several minutes to clean the house to clear any trace of their betrayal to their boss.
It wasn't the first time Candlelight hid an agency operative in their house.
But it wasn't this risky before.
One, Agent Phoenix is well known in these circles. They were the topic of the briefings they had to suffer through, after all.
Two, Candlelight is currently being monitored for a possible promotion. With the recent (and not so recent) drama regarding the operatives higher up in the totem pole, Dr. Zor is definitely a lot more picky with whom to promote.
Three, the agents they did spare feel betrayed with the handful they surrendered to Zoraxis. From inaction or direct action, both ended up in the same way.
"... You're helping us even if you're from Zoraxis. Are you from the agency?"
"No. Just someone trying to cling to the remnants of humanity and decency left in them. I don't see myself joining the agency, no matter how you push for it." They were bandaging the injuries on the agent whom they plan to kick out in the morning.
"Why? The agency would love to have you join us. I'm sure."
"... Will the agency actually be willing to have me? I'm responsible for quite a couple of deaths. Even if the higher ups are fine with it, no thanks. I know some people will be bitter towards me and I already have enough of it in Zoraxis, thank you."
"You can choose not to be in this situation anymore. I know Zoraxis doesn't really treat its employees too well. I mean, Ollie-"
"I'm choosing to stay. It's my choice. And as far as I can tell, the cost to switch sides is too much. I don't see how it's worth it. Unlike Ollie, I know I already have a gun pointed to my head. The agency will not be so inclined to help me unlike the other times. I don't have anything to give. It's more likely that I'll be asked to become a mole for them, which would bring me closer to death than if I stayed."
"But this is my choice." Candlelight took a deep breath as they put away the rags after making sure no room was amiss. The scent of the candles they lit should take away any more lingering traces.
They checked their watch, noting that they should keep tabs on the agent. When they entered their room, Agent Phoenix was still unconscious on their bed.
"Get better soon. I don't want to sleep on the couch again."
If anyone wants to start an RP with this version of 13-12, please feel free to send an ask.
@phoenix-and-found-family, in Vadas' and Basilisk's world / universe, it's likely that 13-12 became Candlelight. But it's up to you if you wanna reference them.
@the-one-and-only-043, just dropping some lore
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You will commit to your role. Once you tell me what role you want there is a very little chance I’ll change it so you better be happy with your choice.
A general knowledge of the role you’re playing. If you’re playing Wilbur or Ranboo’s character, you should know that you’d be playing their ghost version and revived version if they get revived; if you’re playing Fundy you may want to make yourself familiar with his cannon nightmares.
A light attitude! This whole rp thing is supposed to be fun, and if somebody is doing anything that makes you uncomfortable or threatening you, come to me immediately.
We will be ideally going through the entire DSMP storyline, from the start to end. You’re welcome to change plot lines to create an alternate timeline, but it is crucial to communicate that with everybody (especially me) to ensure that everybody is on board with it. This is a great time to fuse your character making and playing abilities with your knowledge of your blorbo!
To word it a bit better, you’re creating an original character who will take the role of a specific DSMP character.
Let’s say I create this character called Elle Woods (i’m a basic bitch okay), and she’s in the role of Jack. She’s gonna go through his part of the story and essentially fill in all his role. She’ll be a part of all of Jack’s arcs, and I’d play her out. She doesn’t have to do everything by book, but that’s specified above. Also, your character doesn’t have to be exactly like the original role’s character by any means. Certain things that are species specific such as the enderwalk can be either adapted to your character or even taken out or substituted (I have my limits, but you gotta talk to me before we both know them).
When is the last time to register?
The rp will be starting on the 7th of October, and I will be letting you guys know your roles in that week, giving you a week to prepare. Use it.
You need to make a new blog for this
All the role playing will be happening here on Tumblr, and you’ll be doing reblog chains
There is no Discord bc I don’t have it and idk if my parents are cool with me getting it (strict parents amirite), but if you wanna make a server that’s cool with me but please check with me beforehand seeing as I am kinda modding for it
This is open for everybody, no matter the rp experience! I’ve been in a few rps myself (though this is my first time running one), and I’d love to see some people branch out their horizons! It’s all about good fun
You’re welcome to play multiple characters if you’re willing to dedicate to it! Just DM me about it like everything else :D
In no way am I or this project associated with Dream, the actual Dream SMP, or any of the ccs involved. I am just a fan with an itch to rp and to watch ppl rp.
I am not planning on involving Tales From The SMP, but if the person playing Karl’s role or anybody else would like to organize it separately from the main project then be my guest
Oh yeah this ain’t gonna be clean by any means lmaoooooooo (if you really wanna pull a sex scene i’m not against it just please tell everybody that ur gonna do it for our collective sanity)
As a second to the thingy above, if you REALLY wanna play out a sex scene, it is highly advised you keep it to the DMs unless it’s agreed on that it’s…central to the plot ig…if everybody who’s on board with the project in the end doesn’t mind it, then cool, but please check with everybody. Better safe than sorry.
“Spore how tf do we communicate without a discord-“ if you really need to talk to everybody at once, make a post and tag everybody in it
If you have any specific needs or concerns (sex repulsed, trauma from certain topics, etc) please communicate that with me so that we can create a fun roleplay experience for everyone. We can get into technicalities when you DM me about it, but I will likely share it as an announcement to the entire group.
(@mean-gills @championofapollo @jinxneedssleep @apricityxys @medlabmech i’m just tagging y’all for signal boost and sign up bc nobody seems interested and i’m sad)
ROLES THAT ARE TAKEN (this will be updated as more people receive roles, and I’ll be linking their urls so if you wanna wrestle your blorbo outta their hands I don’t have to be the messenger. be nice kids):
Phil - me
Charlie - me
Sam - me
Techno - @apricityxys
Tommy - @mean-gills
Ranboo - @mean-gills
Wilbur - @championofapollo
Dream - @chocolate-milk
Niki - @azurecake16
Quackity - @azurecake16
Tubbo - @epicaxolotls
Eret - @x-ca1iber
Schlatt - @epicaxolotls
BBH - @chocolate-milk
Fundy - @chocolate-milk
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dfnkt · 1 year
So since one of these whiny cowards blocked me before replying I've gone ahead and just responded to their post here.
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Blue: My source isn't "dude trust me" I'm saying something relatively uncontroversial. I would also not be willing to look up links to "prove" to you that rape fantasies don't mean you're a rapist because that is also uncontroversial. Do it yourself. Google is right there. I'm not here to impress my professor I am literally just arguing on the internet i am not doing your legwork for you lmfao. If people don't believe me about my background that's cool. Maybe I'm lying, who knows?
Teal: I make sure I'm not role-playing with a minor by using websites that requires its user base to be 18+. Further verification is not my job. Are you suggesting that you ask for the IDs of everyone you roleplay with beforehand, and that not doing so is failing in your personal responsibility? What do YOU do to make sure you're not rping with a minor?
Red: I am ensuring I am not grooming anyone by not participating in grooming activities. I don't so much as talk about the weather OOC with my rp partners most of the time. There is no environment in which grooming can occur. Do you think that shit just happens on accident?
Yellow: I am ensuring I am not assisting a pedophile by not helping anyone gain access to children? Again. What do you think an OOC conversation in a roleplay looks like? How can someone even "assist a pedophile" by roleplay? What if YOU "assist a rapist" by role-playing fictional rape with them? Do you put everyone through a brain scan first to make sure they don't like it *too* much?
Green: none of that is my responsibility. I am responsible exclusively for my own actions. I make sure *i* do not harm anyone personally with my behavior on an every day basis. It's not my job to "implement systems" whatever the fuck you think that means lmao. What systems do YOU implement to make sure you're not assisting rapists if you roleplay noncon?
Black: it's normal to be against CSAM because real, actual children have been harmed. Two adults playing pretend in private isn't CSAM and suggesting they are is incredibly harmful. But you don't care about that, of course. The point for you is not harm reduction, it is to be on a moral high horse.
Peach: yeah you're right I don't check the ID of everyone I roleplay with on DB and neither do you. So what's your point?
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doublejango · 8 months
RP blog for Blitz from Helluva Boss, with other characters by request only. Please take a moment to check out my Rules & About, which you can find below the cut or by accessing my blog on desktop (which is where you can also find my Thread Tracker!).
Quick note: It is okay to reblog anything but RPs from me. Memes? Go for it, you don't have to send me anything and you don't have to reblog from the source. Art? Same deal. You like an Ask that I answered and you want to reblog it? Fine by me. Dash commentary? Sure! And tbh I wouldn't mind you reblogging RPs, but most of my partners don't want RPs reblogged. So if it looks like a roleplay post between two people, please leave it alone and don't reblog <3
If you're an Interview with the Vampire blog and wondering why this random demon account followed you, it's because I have an Armand side-blog. He's hidden over at @thatneverblooms.
I only want to write with people who are over eighteen. The older the better tbh. I’m in my thirties, so if you are too, that would be great! But as long as you’re over eighteen, we’re good. MINORS, DO NOT INTERACT. Do not follow me, send asks, anything at all, if you're under eighteen. This is not open to negotiation. My blog is not a safe space for minors.
I try to remember to tag for content that is likely triggering. I’ll use the tags example tw or example cw for those. I don’t anticipate there being a whole lot of that on my blog, but just in case. 
I will always try to send in a password, but if I followed you without sending one? Please give me the benefit of the doubt. I always read rules first, before I even check out the person’s writing. 
About following… please don’t be angry if I don’t follow you back. I will try to follow most people back, but if it really doesn’t look like we will mesh, whether because our writing styles or our rules clash, then I will respectfully stay away. On that note though, if your rules are convoluted to access, if they’re physically too difficult to read, et cetera, I also won’t follow. Plain text and readily accessible pages & links are gold, guys. Low contrast dark-font-on-black-background is aesthetic, but I am definitely one of those people who can’t read it. 
Activity: I am very slow. Very, very slow. But I generally don’t lose things, so please trust that I haven’t lost interest in our thread. If you want to remind me about it once, that’s totally cool! But please, do not push and push and push at me, asking over and over if I am still interested, and don’t try to guilt-trip me. I’ll tolerate that a little bit, because I know we all have different levels of social skills on here, but once it goes beyond being just a little pressure… I might just have to nope out entirely.  
I respect Dead Dove Do Not Eat and will fight for people’s rights to write it. I will always tag with what applies, either NSFT (as in Not Safe for Tumblr) or DDDNE.  I don’t necessarily write a lot of DDDNE, but I am willing to, and I will not judge you if that’s something you enjoy. I have some personal hard limits for it (absolutely NO minors EVER, no animals, to name some of them) that I am willing to discuss if we start going down that path, and will gladly hear yours! <3 I don’t really want to write a lot of smut on the dash, would prefer that if we’re going to do that, we both use a read-more? But I am open to it if it feels like it becomes important for our characters.  
If you have a lot of sideblogs, I probably won't follow them until we are writing on them <3 I struggle when I don't readily know who is who, and writing a thread is the best way for my goldfish brain to remember.
I will unfollow if you show no desire to interact. If there's just no blog interaction at all, I'll unfollow. You're still welcome to reach out, and I might refollow, but I try to keep my dash down to a more community-vibe-y level <3
And on a last note, aggressive virtue signaling doesn’t fly with me. If you need to post about how people are nasty for liking fictional, legal, not real content? You and I are not going to get along. It’s a short trip between the Purity Police and censorship/fascism imo, so I will avoid people who participate in that kind of culture like the plague. 
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summitclan-chronicles · 9 months
A Letter on Kittens
Since there has been confusion, I thought I'd dedicate a single wholesale post that hopefully clarifies everything!
Treated as adoptables.
Come with a set design, which cannot be fundamentally changed (markings, eye colors, tabby type, etc.)
Family is pre-decided before birth.
Events happen to character before player has any control.
Player control is limited to character actions.
Treated as homemade OCs.
Designed by the player from start to finish, including all details.
Family is decided by the player.
Player dictates what happened before & after introduction to the rp.
Player has total control of appearance and actions.
These two are both going to (hopefully) happen equally as frequently as each other to keep things well-balanced, checking for things like how many kittens have been born or loners have joined in a single event or season, what that entailed and how characters would likely recieve outsiders at that point in time (the equivalent in kittens would be how willing the parents are to raise kittens at the time). Overall, you are just as likely to see an ad for either one. Sometimes they'll even overlap!
So if you find the kitten system greatly bothers you, and I message you for first dibs on one, feel free to politely decline and ask that your name be saved strictly for loners. If the idea of being given something to work with and working with what you're given interests or draws you in, do the opposite. And if you just want to see what getting in is like, run for the first link you see! (And if you're unsure, try it out - you might like it...!)
To complete the loop, a confession I have is that the highly analyzed nature of wcrp has been tedious to me. I enjoy bonding with others over making designs, but I wished each day I could ask someone to do it for me, and I often muted the chats the players of my children had so I could be surprised by their designs, or only checked in for questioning. I lamented not being able to name my kids things that were important to my character, and the lost opportunity to have the players learn of the meaning behind them! So the kitten system is a reaction to that feeling.
Imagine how gratifying it will be, years down the line, when you find out your cat's descendant was purposefully named after them! Not only that, but there was a highly emotional and well-written thread about their warrior ceremony being how they found out! But the player isn't really an artist, so you never see their design until you rejoin the rp with a new loner. And you realize: no wonder they named them after my me - they inherited the silver shading from me! and you get to be the one that points that out to the server, who proceed to lose their minds.
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namjjuice · 7 days
I've never made a post like this, so please bare with me 😭😭
Hello, I'm JJ. I'm 18 (will be 19 soon) and I've been doing literate roleplay for about a decade. I've had a couple of different roleplay partners over the years, but for the most part, I've had a singular consistent partner this entire time (my now boyfriend). I'm in my first year of uni for a medical degree, as well as working a job, but I usually roleplay 5+ times per day, even more if we're both actively typing and I'm really into it lol. I'm in EST, and I tend to go to bed around midnight, but again, I often force myself to stay up to get a few more responses in if the plot is really good ^_^.
I do request that you be at least 18, as I do like nsfw plots! I understand that if you're under that age, you may also like that (as i did), but I just personally don't feel comfortable role-playing that with someone underage.
My second requirement is that you are at least somewhat literate. I usually roleplay on Instagram, but I'm definitely more open to discord until we develop more of a friendship due to it offering more anonymity. I usually write ~600 words per response, but it can and will vary based on your responses. What I will not do is a 10+ paragraph response. I just personally feel that a lot of the aspects of role-playing that I enjoy, like playing off of one another, gets lost really easily like that.
My RP Interests
NSFW (we can talk more specifically in private 💔)
Horror themes (gore, horror movie killers, body horror)
Any opportunity to include medical terminology :3
I usually do MxM, but I'm trans, so my characters often also end up being trans. I'm also willing to do FxM and FxF if the plot is good, but I think it's important to keep in mind that I AM a gay man, so take that as you will.
Some Fandoms I'm personally in include:
Hannibal NBC
DSMP (literally only pumpkinduo I got into it this year)
I will say that I have gotten into fandoms specifically because someone wanted to roleplay it T_T so even if it's not here, it may just be something that I don't rp in as much or something you could suggest if you're really wanting it.
Feel free to message me on here and we can talk to see if we're a good match! I don't check Tumblr that often, but I'll be on the lookout :)
And in case you didn't read it before, IM A MAN. I know some people aren't comfortable with that, so I'm making sure it's absolutely seen. That is all.
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findroleplay · 7 days
Hello roleplay community! My name is Cal and I'm a 26 year old male! I am again looking for a reliable roleplay partner, who is open to ooc, headcanon discussion and so on! For quite some time I've been craving a oc x cc Fire emblem three houses roleplay! Of course I'm open to double ups as well, since I don't want you to feel left out! The character I'm looking for here is Marianne von Edmund! I am willing to play any male from the base game (haven't done the dlc yet) in return! I would discuss a story together with you!
Optionally I'm also available for other roleplays (in that case it doesn't matter if OC x OC or OC x CC) in other fandoms or selfmade fantasy settings! The ones I am 100% comfortable to try out are
Otherwise I have a few more, which I could list in DMS then! Just react to this post in any sort of way since I will stalk it or dm me directly!
Now to a part which I hate speaking out, but I have two requirements. First one is obviously that I would like for my partner to be at least 18+ years of age, preferred 21+. Yes this is a story roleplay request. Yet I would like to bring in some NSFW elements occasionally. And the second one: I don't expect you to roleplay with me every day. But please send me 1-2 messages in ooc if you won't be able to respond/lack the motivation. I understand it. I do work full-time as well and have days or blocks of shifts where it's hard to keep up with the roleplay. But please, don't have me waiting for a RP or even ooc response for multiple weeks like a lot of my previous partner. It only resulted in them either losing interest in the plot because it wasn't moving or because they got upset since I contacted them too often.
check my pinned for more info!
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bramble-mouse · 2 months
Bramble's Big Stinkin' Roleplay Ad
I am a 29 year old they/them wierd-ass writer/roleplayer that loves g/t and vore probably way too much.
First and foremost: You MUST have your age in your bio! If you do not disclose your age or are a minor, I will not RP with you.
With that out of the way, let me get to the good stuff.
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Likes: -Vore (oral only please!)
-Borrower universes
-God/human interaction
-Gay shit. So much gay shit.
-Cute g/t scenarios
-Enemies to lovers/friends
-Big funky mythical giants
-NSFW stuff for the sake of it. If we have OCs that bond over time and it makes sense for them to bang, I'll be open to it! But horby things just for horby are a no for me.
-'Messy' vore associated kinks; scat, piss, vomit, etc.
-Cruelty for no reason; Most of my characters don't really have casual cruel streaks, but can either play the role for your OC for fun or may slip into that role if they are protecting your OC. Also, killing off your OC immediately doesn't do much for an ongoing story.
-RPing opposite OCs that are Minors. This is something that makes me incredibly uncomfortable.
-Straight up IRL self insert. I will not RP as myself, full stop. I have been asked to do this in the past, or RP with someone else who is just playing them self and I am super not ok with it. OCs only.
-Saying creepy shit to me OOC. Please don't be weeeeeird.
-Use of AI art for OC refs. Picrew, hand drawn/commissioned or even just a written description are what I like to see!
What I am looking to RP:
-Vore (primarily non-fatal, but I am willing to discuss a one-shot fatal vore scenario to RP )
-G/t (I like the beeg and the smol)
-Semi-literate (This doesn't have to mean a big novel of a post but I am looking for RP partners that intend to advance a story, even if its just something casual/slice of lifey)
-Borrower/Giant based plots (i.e. my OC finds yours is living in the walls, my OC finds yours lost in the woods). I don't mind cliche plots when I'm writing self-indulgent size content LOL. Or, if you have a really cool scenario you'd like to suggest, I'd love to hear your pitch! Let's just have fun!
-Straight up boning will probably not take place unless I feel it makes senses between our characters. Boning for the sake of boning is just not really my style :U
I would like to write one of my giant OCs! Bramble, a they/them giant wizard in training. Chill af, tends to be good for slice of life scenarios. Kind of a gremlin. They are an artist, a writer and love to do crafts. More playful and willing to pretend to be mean. They have a bioluminescent belly! Well suited for slice of life, borrower themed RPs and modern fantasy. They are only for a platonic RP as they are married. Frio, a very pretty he/him frost giant hermit who studies magic. Very gentle and sweet, very scared of hurting tiny folks, constantly fighting his rather gluttonous instincts. He's good at knitting, loves animals and cooking/baking. Good for a fantasy RP, slice of life or something with horror elements! He is good for romantic or completely platonic bonds! Aine, a she/her storm giantess archmage and magic teacher. A goofy mom type with a big laugh, a tendency to tease and be playful, but ultimately loves spoiling tiny folks and doting on them. She's silly and can be a bit careless sometimes with her play but always makes sure to check in with her tiny friends if she goes a bit far. Aine suits fantasy stories, both modern and high fantasy, as well as slice of life. She is perfect for mentor/student type stories, as an adoptive mother figure and also for romance if that is what suits the characters. Good for platonic relationships!
-I am willing to write one of my tiny OCs but it'd have to be with the right giant OC (and be non-fatal scenarios ; -; I'm bad at being mean to my little guys). If you are interested, please ask and I would love to tell you about them!
I am also totally willing to write canon characters!
My current muses are: F/FXIV: E.met-selch, G'rah.a Tia, E.stinien, Y's.htola, Hy.thlodaeus S/tardew Valley: E.lliot, F.armer Protag (they/them), S.ebastian B/aldur's Gate 3: K/arlach, A/starion
I love anything remotely D/&D universe so I am completely willing to write this world! I have a few OCs I can offer up for this that I don't have profiles set up for, but I can blab about them for you if you'd like to write this!
I'm currently watching the D/ragon Prince and A/aravos already has an ironclad grip on me. Once I'm caught up, I'd be willing to write him! (no spoilers please! I'm midway through season 3 as of writing this, and will update this section once I'm finished)
Please DM me on here if you are interested!
I tend to prefer writing through Discord channels! If you aren't comfortable giving me your Discord, I have absolutely no problem figuring out another way to write with you.
I have no expectation for how often you post. I completely understand that life and writing inspiration can be tough to balance out! I have chronic health things and a neurotype that can make me wander a bit, so I get not posting daily. Never feel pressured to match my post lengths either! Sometimes I get stoked on a post and need to barf out a bunch of stuff.
I do prefer you post a decent amount, but only because I need something to work with. Even just a few lines of dialogue and your character making a cup of tea are totally fine!
If you've read this far, thank you and I will offer you a thimble full of choccy milk. You're fantastic, bud.
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mxrp-official-steve · 10 months
Assorted announcements!!! Huzzah!
Hey there everyone, the funny boyska man here with some assorted parpdates:
#1: This months' update delayed
Since it's only been, like, 12 days? 15? I'm going to be delaying the next full progress update on the site again. Specifically; the next MxRP update will be on the Beta going live later this month (December 2023) and will likely correspond with people receiving their beta codes. The estimate on this has not changed at all, we're still on track for the back half of December! Which is gonna be really funny because it means I probably won't be home to join you all for the first few days, lmao. I'm gonna be visiting family at the time. I'll see what I can swing from my grampas apartment though.
#2: The log site is now live again!
Check THIS SHIT out! Not only is the log site cooking again, it's using the new layout for the site. It's also the beta site in and of itself- just incomplete and semi-functional. Just easier to launch it now so everyone is prepped and ready to crash the SHIT out of it pop on when the groupchatting beta goes live. Important to note that non-beta users (which is to say those without beta keys) will only be able to view pre-existing logs while the beta is live. Feel free to hop back on and grab your logs! Visuals not final, this is just the skin we're working with right now (me and Hex actually discussed a really fun feature pertaining to the layout that we're not willing to talk about yet because it's a 'in the future maybe' thing, look forward to that if it pans out!)
#3: A small reminder!
Ok so I asked Hex if I could do anything to help even though I'm bad at coding, and one of the things brought up was awareness of the github! So I'm pushing that again. The newerparp code is open source, and if you have experience with Ruby on Rails, any contributions/forks/etc would be adored. Hex has been a solo act so far on this project, and seeing other peoples' ideas put into practice in code contributions would help a ton, especially as the funny letters and numbers scare me.
That's all for now though, folks! Catch you around christmas for the gift of group chats and RP!
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penandswords · 3 months
(Under the Read More Because I don't want to clog up the Dash)
(Nothing has really changed, I just organized it better / Elaborated on some stuff)
Blog Specific Rules! / PSAs
1. To Endeavor / Hawks / Todoroki Family affiliated blogs
- While My About may have these canons in it. I do not want you to think you have to stick to it. I am willing to change / Alter / Omit things as needed in order to make things work.
- Do not feel any pressure to write a specific way. I want Interactions between us to be fun for both sides, and I do not mind exploring alternative ideas.
2. Rima's Quirk!
- Rima has a quirk that lets her sense / influence emotions of others. I will do my best to reach out to Rp Partners in OOC if it becomes relevant.
General Rules!
3. 18+ Only, No Minors
- Mun is 30, and does not feel comfortable writing with under age muns.
4. Basic Rp Etiquette.
- Don't God Mod / Write on behalf of my muse /
- Do not Kill My muse (Without talking to me first Pls)
- Mun Does not Equal Muse
- Just have respect for Me, and My Rp Partners. (No bullying)
5. Do Not drag Me into Drama.
- No Call Out Posts, No "Warning Me" about XYZ.
- I am To Old for it, and am Only here for fun.
6. I will Write, Crack - Serious, Short - Long Replies, Plotted - Not Plotted.
- Honestly I am not very picky when it comes to threads, If you have an idea come tell me. Even if you have NO idea, Yeet your muse at me and I will FIND a way to make it work.
7. I Am Crossover | Oc | and Canon Divergent Friendly.
8. My Inbox is Always Open, Memes don't really Expire for me.
- But If you DO send in a meme, Please send Me either the link or some kind of context to what it is.
- If you are a SIDE blog sending in a meme, PUT the URL of that blog In with the ask. (Mun Is VERY forgetful, and get's sidetracked easily.)
Contacting Me (OOC)
9. I LOVE talking to My RP partners OOC
- My DMs are always open. (Even If I am not logged in) So don't hesitate to send me a message. I will be thrilled to get it. (Same go's for asks)
- If you do not LIke Tumblr I.m's, My discord is available upon Request, OR you can send me an OOC Ask. (Just make sure you indicate that it's an OOC ask)
10. Mistakes
- If I make a mistake, Please do not be afraid to come tell me. (Nicely)
- Either from Losing A thread | Forgetting A rule | Forgetting a detail | Or even just being to chatty. Or any other reason. I promise I do not bite, I only want to make my rp partners as comfortable as I can.
- To add: I have ADHD, I can be VERY forgetful, and get Hyper fixated. While I do my best to keep in Reined in, Sometimes I get a little excited about something.
- If that does happen, and you get overwhelmed. You are welcome to come ask me to tone it down. I do my BEST to keep it in check, BUT sometimes I have days where my brain won't shut up.
NSFW / Ships!
11. Smut threads
- They are limited to Muns who are 21+
- Smut is reserved for Rp Partners I know and am comfortable with.
- Do not force these threads on me. (NO Means No.)
12. NSFW threads
- I am okay with most themes, but don't just YEET it at me. If you want to do a darker thread please come talk to me first. (Warn a lady first, I have to prepare my Brian )
13. Ships
- Ships will ONLY happen with Muses who are 18+ (Canonically No age ups)
- In order for a ship to happen, I need clear communication from my RP Partners.
- Casual Flirtation is FINE, I do not mind that at all, but If you want anything beyond that come talk to me first.
- I tend to lean more towards plotted / Story heavy threads instead of ship centered ones. Things like Ships are MORE fun for me if we can build it over time vs all at once.
14. All ships will be set in their own separate Universes. (Unless specified otherwise)
15. I will NOT ship with Enjis / Endeavors. (My goal is more of a platonic dynamic between them. Nothing more than that)
16. I do not have very many triggers.
- My Main Trigger tags are [ Trigger Warning ] and [ Tw: -Insert Trigger- ] (Without the Brackets) So If you have a specific trigger I will try to add it in. but These are my main ones for those who want to black list stuff.
17. Lastly! Just have FUN.
- Rp is MEANT to be fun, It is not a job it is a hobby.
About The Mun! Name: Liz Pronouns: She / Her / They Age: 30 (As of 2024) Birthdate: June 14th Favorite color: Dark Purple Rp Experience: 15+ years
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