#i have to deliver it in about 8.5 hours and it's like 40% done
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oliviaischillin1204 · 6 months ago
queue's gonna run empty today i think bc i'm p busy atm, but fear not i'm nowhere near done w the reblog dump!! still have quite a few posts to tag and send out, plus i haven't dipped in the tags for a couple weeks so i've got more stuff to find as well
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cjostrander · 6 years ago
The Rolling Stones: Self Titled (1964)
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Okay guys; So i didn’t really have much motivation today for a specific album to do; so i decided to venture towards another stones album. This is the very first album by the band and is easily the oldest album listed on my review sheet at 45 years old (Hence why i want to tackle it today). It is sure it will have a dated sound being as old as it is but it should be an interesting one to get through quickly. It is just over a half hour long and with the exception of one song (Tell Me) it is entirely cover based and contains no singles. Well let’s begin and see how easy of a review this is.
Not Fade Away:  We start with a nice little guitar jam combined with some enjoyable harmonica additions. It works to fill in gaps nicely and Mick casually delivers his verses with a solid show of energy. This Buddy Holly cover is probably going to be the easiest cover to remember due to its presence in a couple 90′s movies. At just under two minutes long it comes and goes very quickly unfortunately. It would of been nice to of had another half minute in order to toss in a guitar solo for closing; but other than that not a bad start. 7.5/10
Route 66: This album mostly has 2 and a half minute long R&B covers so expect these song reviews to be very short. This track starts at just two minutes long. It begins with a very clear 60′s rock jam that should appeal to fans of that era. Mick sings solidly and the instrumentals do a good job of creating an energy that will be hard not to want to dance along to live. This one will start the album off very directly with some nice jams tossed in without overdoing anything to throw the listener off too soon. 8/10
I Just Want to Make Love to You: This next cover begins quickly with a nice guitar and harmonica jam familiar to the first track. Mick brings forth a little southern drawl into his vocals that fit very nicely with the energy of the song. It does well to create some solid jam segments and allow for an audience to get up and dance with ease. Instrumentally so far the tracks are expectedly straightforward given the time but do very well at given modern listeners a good show of music from that era. 8/10
Honest I Do: This slow moving blues ballad starts off with a more vulnerable vocal presence from Mick that manages to hold its own rather firmly. The more blues like guitars work with the harmonica to give a nice sense of complex tension to the mix and allow modern listeners to be able to find a sense of appreciation for it. The drums and bass naturally arent going to be expect to stand out on the album but they get the job done so i can’t knock them. 8.5/10
Now I’ve Got a Witness: This next track starts off a little more rustic in terms of old fashioned key melodies. The keys dominate the front of the mix while the harmonica commands the sidelines. It makes for an interesting garage band feeling that would make this album more interesting to see being performed live verses hearing solely on record. I think this track and the next one are original songs by the band but aren’t entirely sure. But this instrumental will help to lengthen the jam experience on the album without dragging things along too sluggishly. 7.5/10
Little by Little: This slower country tinged track concludes the first half of the album with a nice rhythm to dance along to. The subtle keys in the background fill in gaps efficiently while Mick dominates the front with a more angsty performance than normal. The guitar jam is a nice focal point that will be enjoyable to see live. The harmonica combined with the keys definitely make for a very full presence and the drum beats stick out more energetically for a change; which is a big plus overall. 8.5/10
I’m a King Bee: The second half of the album begins with an acoustic deviation for the band. Mick uses this structure to bring forth more of his rustic drawl into the song. It creates a slower moving presence but shifts focus more heavily towards the vocals this time around. I would say that while it is a little slow moving for me; the guitars do spice it up well with interesting melodies at times. 7/10
Carol: Now this is a Chuck Berry cover so i’m sure you will remember this one a bit. The guitars start off with a trademark Berry sound and the band latches onto it with a very convincing energy. Mick delivers a very fast and energetic performance in perfect sync with the instrumentals. The instrumentals do very well in making this one of the most dance friendly tracks on the album. If you are just doing a browse listen on this album; (i don’t really see a mood for just browsing but okay) then this track is definitely going to be one of those picks. 8.5/10
Tell Me: Now this is definitely one of the band’s first original songs and is an emotional ballad. It begins with an interesting acoustic opening. Mick arrives over an echoed foundation that is very reminiscent of the 60′s sound. The drums create a nice echo that fits nicely with the emotion of the vocals. Mick does well at delivering a very convincing sense of heartbreak which can relate well with people today and many years to come. 8/10
Can I Get a Witness: Keys begin on here with a more uplifting mood verses the last song. Mick uses an energetic but less melodic style and incorporates more backing vocals from Keith into the mix. The instrumentals have a much more repetitive structure so you could probably view this as a hit or miss on the album. I defintiely think the half hour timing is a smart pick because while it may be interesting; it would by no means be able to keep a listener engaged if it ran into the 40 or 50 minute time frame. 7/10
You Can Make It If You Try: Mick starts off with a more emotionally wounded drawl supported by a more background centered instrumental focus. The instrumentals dial down their energy in order to emphasize the emotional tension in the song’s lyrics. The backing harmonies help to add a little extra spice to the song without really reaching for attention. Well that could of been the closer for the album but let’s see how the next one does. 7.5/10
Walking the Dog: Mick begins on the closing track with a nice sense of vocal swagger that is supported rather strongly by a good instrumental rhythm. Other than that; this will conclude the album fairly well and leave the listener to make their own opinions of it. 7/10
Overall album rating: 7.8/10
Well; that was definitely a dated album to review today; but it’s important to always take a look back at albums from this era in order to appreciate how music has evolved over the decades. It’s a decent album to look at when interest in checking out that style of music or where the Stones started from. Now we are about two anniversary albums from the Stones down; so hopefully you guys enjoy the double hitter today. See you next time guys!
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pallanophblargh · 7 years ago
Aequis Custom Pricing: New Tiers
I’ve actually been thinking about this for a year now, and I think I’ll start by finally making a post about it.
At my current pricing, I’m making UNDER $4 USD per hour on most designs. I put at least 40 hours of work into each design, and that might not even include the initial sketching and design process. 
But! I enjoy working on them, and want to keep offering them. So there’s a bit of a compromise coming. You can pick your tier for custom designs, depending on how much art you’d like to have involved.
Custom ON-BASE design tier: Just like it says! The art will be done on a base line art, so one set pose will be used. This single full body pose will be accompanied by a portrait (not on base) and a simplified ventral OR dorsal view of the design. These will start at $75 USD, with complex colors or patterns adding $10-20, and will be the cheapest way to get a custom. Art for these will be roughly 8.5 x 11.” (Hybrid additional rates will still apply.) 
Custom Single Pose (unique, no bases): 1 original pose, 1 portrait, 1 simplified ventral and dorsal pose. Simple environment/scenery vignette. A little more complex than the base tier, so it’s a nice middle ground. These will start at $120 USD, for complex colors and patterns, tack on an additional $20-45. Estimated art size: 10 x 14″.
Custom Full Sheet (i.e., the sheets I offer now): 1 large original pose, 2 smaller additional poses, 2 portraits, eye detail. Some scenery included. These will now start at $200 USD. Complex colors and patterns will cost +$30 and up.
Hybrid rates still apply to all above prices, as do rare trait charges.
All custom art will be using methods already employed; watercolor/gouache/colored pencils. The quality will stay the same.
Revisions and edits: Up to 5 minor edits and one major edit on preliminary stages of design (initial concept, sketches, color tests, layout, etc) permitted. If multiple or large edits are needed, a fee of $25 per edit will be issued. I do not make major edits to final art. Small edits (within reason) are fine, but additional fees may incur. Traditional media is finicky and there’s no ctrl+z here, so I have to recover lost time somehow.
Payment plans will still be available. Negotiating for lowered prices/begging will result in being blacklisted. All slots must be secured with a $50 deposit that will go towards the full price.
Refunds may be issued in the event of dissatisfaction, or if I find myself unable to deliver on demands made. Impatience, pushiness, or excess difficulty may also result in a refund. As stated above, this is a side hobby and they take a lot of time. They are indeed a labor of love!
Thoughts and questions are welcome!
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cryptocoinguides · 4 years ago
VeChain (VET): 5 Things You NEED TO KNOW
Hey, how’s your going? My name’s Josh Burns and welcome to Josh Burns Tech. The best cryptocurrencies to invest in that will make you rich long-term, are the ones that will be the most used and solve the most global issues, and one of the absolute best cryptocurrencies fitting that description perfectly is VeChain, it’s one of the earliest blockchain technology companies in the world, with offices in China, Europe, US, Singapore, and Japan as well.
Unlike a lot of cryptocurrencies, VeChain’s utilization has been proven in the real world, and is a front runner in cryptocurrency adoption as well, in my opinion, VeChain is a cryptocurrency that you definitely need in your portfolio.
So in this content, we’re gonna cover five things that you need to know about VeChain, also, if you appreciate all the hours that I pour into creating cryptocurrency content for you, then you can easily support the channel by hitting the like button, and also subscribing as well, either way, I really hope that you enjoyed this content and learn why I believe VeChain is one of the best cryptocurrency investments for years to come. The first thing you need to know about VeChain is who is the founder.
VeChain was founded in 2015 by Sunny Lu, the former CIO of Louis Vuitton China, who held various other IT leadership positions at well-known companies, such as Bacardi and 3M. As the CIO or chief information officer, Sunny Lu served as the bridge between technology and the business, he also learned a lot about large-scale enterprise needs, and how to solve them with technology solutions.
According to Sunny Lu, he actually submitted a proposal to Louis Vuitton in 2012, regarding accepting Bitcoin as a payment method, now, unfortunately, this was rejected, it would have worked out very well in the long term. However, his experience in bridging the business with technology, is exactly what he now brings to VeChain.
So when Lu first got into cryptocurrency, most people at that time were so immersed in the tech, they weren’t really thinking about how to provide value to the business, because of his CIO role and other professional experiences, he understands that technology needs to serve and also provide value to the business, you can have amazing cutting edge blockchain tech, but if it doesn’t provide business value or have a real use case, then in success will be limited, and completely built on hype and speculation.
Sunny Lu brings a competitive advantage to VeChain, by instilling the process of first identifying a use case, then a product, then the technology, the use case should drive the product, and the product should drive the technology, not the other way around. – The future of the blockchain is blockchain needs to prove the business value, if we just talk about trading or cryptocurrency trading without any valuation, then, no future, so, the blockchain needs to prove its business value to go for the next stage.
– This strategic focus and positioning are why VeChain is often referred to as the Amazon web services of the public blockchain, and while VeChain is paving the way for cryptocurrency adoption as well. The second thing you need to know VeChain is what’s VeChain’s mission, what are they trying to accomplish?
VeChain originally started as a revolutionary disruptor to traditional supply chain models, which is an industry that seemed very little change or improvements in decades, however, in recent years, VeChain has evolved into so much more than just a blockchain solution for the supply chain.
As I mentioned earlier, VeChain is arguably becoming the Amazon web services equivalent for blockchain technology, okay. So VeChain’s mission is to enable business owners, enterprises, governments, or any individual to move their business activities to blockchain effortlessly, similar to opening an online store in Amazon with just a few clicks and no technical knowledge required.
VeChain has a three-phase approach to achieve mass public adoption as the world’s premier choice of blockchain, which includes technical consensus, business consensus, and governance consensus. I personally love that VeChain is enterprise-focused in building solutions that solve real problems, there are so many cryptocurrencies in the world today, built on hype and speculation that don’t have any real business value, do you think a lot of those cryptocurrencies are still gonna be around and successful 10 years from now?
The truth is, a lot of them won’t be, or they’ll be replaced by platforms that have real use cases. VeChain also did something that no one really did before, before they launched their main net or even went to the design, Sunny Lu and other members of the team, talked to around 40 different executives at Fortune 500 Companies, they asked the same questions over and over again, how do you want to build out your blockchain application?
And what hurdles or roadblocks could you encounter if you wanted to migrate your business to a public blockchain? VeChain’s mission and focus on mass adoption is a massive competitive advantage, which I believe will help VeChain continue to rise in market cap rankings and be a top cryptocurrency in years to come.
The third thing that you need to know about VeChain, is why the supply chain needs VeChain. The global supply chain is still feeling the ripple effects of the global pandemic with shortages of shipping containers and air freight capacity, along with materials like semiconductors and plastics as well.
There are also numerous supply chain issues that have been around for years, such as tampering, counterfeiting, and poor quality, the pandemic highlighted many of the failings of the current highly inefficient traceability systems that we depend on globally. Large enterprises collectively pay billions of dollars per year for supply chain solutions that don’t get the job done, and are stuck on traditional supply chain models.
If you want another example of why the supply chain needs VeChain, just take a look at the building material shortage and the dramatic growth in housing prices this year, lumbers record high prices day back to the start of the pandemic, and come from a combination of a supply chain under a huge amount of stress, and a massive jump in demand as well.
Blockchain technology is one of the best solutions to many global supply chain issues, and VeChain is the best platform that can solve these issues. VeChain is designed to mitigate challenges that many businesses frequently face in their supply chain process, by improving their efficiency, traceability, and also transparency of supply chains.
VeChain created the ToolChain system, which helps deliver to and validate data on the blockchain, enabling businesses to stream on supply chain and product management processes. By using RFID tags and sensors, VeChain is able to accurately track the entire supply chain process, and record data onto the VeChain through a blockchain, work can not be altered or manipulated.
VeChain is also in the top 10 global companies for blockchain-related patents as well, most of these patents protect their toolchain innovations, which is the main reason why I personally believe that VeChain won’t have much competition in the supply chain space when it comes to blockchain technology. Now there are so many use cases for ToolChain, so to keep it simple for you, the main thing for you to remember is that it can be used to track and authenticate products in numerous industries, while also reducing counterfeiting in the process.
Now, before we dive into the impressive technical aspects and discuss why large enterprises are using VeChain, you’re probably wondering where can you buy VeChain? One of the best places where you can buy the VeChain VET token, just so happens to be the sponsor for today’s content, Crypto.com is by far one of the best places where you can buy, sell, track, store, and send cryptocurrencies that have over 10 million users.
The Crypto.com app offers up to 100 plus cryptocurrencies with 20 plus fiat currencies as well. You can also use Crypto Earn, which is really similar to a savings account, that allows you to stake your crypto to an interest of up to 8.5% on your crypto, and up to 14% on fiat. They also have a crypto.com visa card which is extremely popular. Can use the crypto.
com visa card at 50 plus million locations worldwide to pay with crypto without annual fees.
It comes with tons of amazing rewards like up to 8% cashback, free Spotify, free Netflix, and free Amazon Prime, depending on the card tier. VeChain is a cryptocurrency that I personally invest inconsistently by dollar-cost averaging. Crypto.com makes it extremely simple for beginners to buy crypto, and to show you just how simple and quick this process is, I’m going to purchase 700 VeChain VET tokens right now using the crypto.com app. Okay, so here we are in the crypto.com app, I’m going to navigate to buy, select the VeChain. Okay, this default order is way over what I wanna purchase today, so I’m gonna go ahead and update this to 700, (soft music) select buy.
And one thing that I personally love about Crypto.com, is when you first sign up, they waive all debit card and credit card fees for 30 days, so, this 2.99% fee, would not apply to you for 30 days if you sign up. Okay, now I need to check this box, click continue, order summary, it’s gonna be $68 that includes the fee, go ahead and click confirm, and there we go. We just purchased 700 VeChain VET tokens using the Crypto.com app that was so quick. So go ahead and use the link down below in the description, to get $25 when you sign up using code JBT.
Thank you so much Crypto.com for sponsoring this content and supporting my channel. The fourth thing you need to know about VeChain, is what is the VeChainThor Blockchain? The VeChainThor blockchain is not a proof of work blockchains like Bitcoin, or proof of stake blockchain like Cardano, but rather uses a Proof-Of-Authority consensus model. Proof of authority is often viewed as an improvement to proof of stake since all nodes are validated and approved by a trusted central party, which is more appealing to large enterprises, it also eliminates the risk involved with having anonymous block producers.
So at a very high level, VeChain nodes can be divided into two types, authority nodes, and economic nodes. Authority nodes are used to validate all blockchain transactions, there can only be 101 authority nodes, and to become one, users must take a minimum of 25 million VET, which is only 24,999,300 more VET than I purchased earlier on Crypto.com. – Really?
– In addition, to become an authority node, users must also submit identifying information to the VeChain Foundation as well, and after acceptance, the 25 million VeChain VET must be locked up in order to remain in the authority node, this basically means that you can’t sell the 25 million VeChain VET once you’re approved, you have to hold it in order to stay in authority node.
Economic nodes do not validate blockchain transactions, but they offer stability to the ecosystem and provide benefits when compared to non-node VeChain owners. A minimum of 1 million VET is required to gain access to the smallest node, no hardware is required, all you have to do is place your VeChain VET tokens into a traceable wallet, and then use the VeChain mobile wallet to go to rewards and upgrade to a node.
In order for the VeChainThor blockchain to run as efficiently as possible, VeChain uses two native tokens, VET and VTHO. VET is used to store and transfer value, while VTHO which is known as VTHO Energy, is used for transactions on the blockchain. The two token design isolates the price volatility of the VET token from the cost of computations on the network, allowing applications on VeChain to charge stable fees since the VTHO token supply can be adjusted to maintain a stable price for transactions.
Simplified at a high level, if you want to ride data to the blockchain, then you have to pay for it using VTHOR, additionally, it’s important to know, that if you hold the VeChain VET token, then you’re considered a stakeholder, and automatically generate VTHOR, which is really easy passive income, and similar to dividend income when you think about traditional investing. It’s so simple that all you have to do is hold your VeChain VET tokens in a supported wallet and that’s it, you will automatically receive VTHOR payments in that wallet.
As the VeChain 2.0 Whitepaper states, these solutions are not just theoretical, these are solutions that are tested and discussed with over 700 enterprises, and implemented for over 100 plus fortune level enterprises. VeChain has some of the best partnerships and collaborations in all of crypto, some of the most notable include Walmart China, DNV GL or DNV, PWC, H&M, BMW, Bayer China, and now even Salesforce.
VeChain has been enabling Walmart China’s traceability strategy for products, as well as pioneering the large-scale application of a blockchain traceability system. By scanning products, customers can acquire detailed information about the source of the scanned products, the geographical location received by Walmart, the product inspection report, and many other data points as well.
One of the biggest problems in the contemporary business world is data sharing between stakeholders, it’s basically impossible for a business to verify the quality and integrity of data of a third party without extensive time and cost requirements. One of the recent major partnership announcements is Salesforce, which has been named the number one CRM provider for seven consecutive years.
CRM stands for customer relationship management and is a technology that helps companies keep track of everything about their customers, and potential customers as well. The Salesforce director of strategy and architecture recently tested enterprise adoption ideas on VeChainThor and successfully connected VeChain ToolChain with Salesforce.
He stated that the driving decision in choosing VeChain, was a simplicity of integration using VeChain ToolChain, which provides a powerful and easy way for enterprises to implement blockchain use cases, this is why VeChain is the best platform for enterprise adoption, because the use case comes before the product, and the product comes before the technology.
You really need to understand that the Salesforce and VeChain partnership, and potential for software integrations, is absolutely massive for cryptocurrency adoption. VeChain continues to pave the way as the front runner for enterprises and businesses seeking to unlock new value through blockchain technology.
So what are your thoughts? Do you think VeChain will become the Amazon web services of blockchain and solve major issues in the supply chain industry? If you’ve found this video helpful and got value from it, or learn something new, then all I ask is they hit the like button and subscribe to the channel if you wanna see more videos like this.
I’ve been using the Trezor for about four years now, and it’s a great hardware wallet. You can find links for the Trezor and Ledger in the description of this video as well. As always, thank you guys so much for watching, I hope to see you in the next one. (air whooshing) On this end screen, I recommend checking out these contents and be sure to hit that round subscribe button for weekly tech content, and hit that notification bell so you don’t miss anything.
Read More: VET & Vetho coin Explained
The post VeChain (VET): 5 Things You NEED TO KNOW appeared first on Crypto Coin Guides.
via VeChain (VET): 5 Things You NEED TO KNOW
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sugarpunkeyes · 8 years ago
1-99 😎
ITCHY I HA T E YOU (but im still gonna do it cause. this feels like a challenge)
1: 6 of the songs you listen to most?alternate version of behind the sea by panic! at the discofuckmylife666 by against me!like a child hiding behind your tombstone by slothrust brain stew/jaded by green daybaba o'reilly by the whoacross the universe by the beatles
2: If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?unlikely person ,, laura !! jane !! grace !! slightly more likely person(s) ,, @thesmashingpumpkins or @billiejoeshappytrail @xkidiot cause you’re wonderful
3: Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17.“…and, of course, Crass, who remain my favorite band to this day.” (from Tranny by Laura!! wild)
4: What do you think about most?music as a general statement probably. whether it’s my own writing/band stuff/practicing instruments
5: What does your latest text message from someone else say?“And ya but nvm” from @gathering-up-the-avenues
6: Do you sleep with or without clothes on?with pajamas !
7: What’s your strangest talent?i can figure out how to set or fix/take apart & rebuild any watch or clock i’ve ever come across
8: Girls… (finish the sentence); Boys… (finish the sentence)??? girls are girls. boys are boys. i’m unwilling to gender stereotype esp in the binary lmao
9: Ever had a poem or song written about you?i am not aware of that happening, no
10: When is the last time you played the air guitar?i was texting my favo(u)rite british bo(u)y itchy ( @billiejoeshappytrail ) like two hours ago and playing loads of music
11: Do you have any strange phobias?not that i’m.. aware of ?? i get really freaked out by looking straight-on at a pin, like right at the pointy off when it’s facing me but that’s not really a phobia
12: Ever stuck a foreign object up your nose?i’m sure i have. i mean fingers are foreign technically so
13: What’s your religion?jewish ;)
14: If you are outside, what are you most likely doing?listening to music in headphones ,, walking ,, zoning out
15: Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?behind ,, but i like having photos of myself and i find it really fun to help out my photographer friends ,, they’re so good i’m lov my artsy humans
16: Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band?The Beatles !
17: What was the last lie you told?i told my mom i checked the weather this morning when she asked how cold it was but i actullt just stuck my head out my window and guessed
18: Do you believe in karma?nah, bad stuff and good stuff happens to everyone
19: What does your URL mean?it was from Years Ago ™ when i was equally obsessed with doctor who and star trek. sonic (screwdriver) ; (star) trek
20: What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength?uHm i’m really bad about emotions as a whole?? if i’m confronted about how i’m feeling and i am Not In The Mood to talk about how i am then i will 100% say i’m fine no matter whati’m good at music i think ,, i’ve been writing music since i was little and i know 10-ish instruments?
21: Who is your celebrity crush?Laura. Jane. Grace. i’m lov
22: Have you ever gone skinny dipping?yyep
23: How do you vent your anger?i kick/punch walls (i have a wall in my room w lots of studs, i know where to hit it so nothing will break), write music (nerd), throw tennis balls at my garage door
24: Do you have a collection of anything?i have journals i’ve filled out, presidential/gold dollars, state quarters (every state, every year), an old keychain collection, loads of books, and unofficially lots of band/tour shirts ;)
25: Do you prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?video chatting !
26: Are you happy with the person you’ve become?i am, but only because i know my two options are to like myself or dislike myself and there’s no way of saying i won’t totally reinvent myself tomorrow. so yes, but just because i believe in constant change and i’m proud of the changes i’ve made
27: What’s a sound you hate; sound you love?i haTe the scratch when you have a metal utensil on a china/porcelain plate ugGgHhh and i love the noise when you lean on someone and they’re happy about it and they go “mhm”
28: What’s your biggest “what if”?what if i can’t do all of the things i love in my life?
29: Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens?not ghosts, absolutely aliens
30: Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm.right arm touched my house/car keys, left arm touched my glasses on my bed
31: Smell the air. What do you smell?hotdogs i think (my family’s having a barbecue)
32: What’s the worst place you have ever been to?worst place .. like worst city? i don’t like detroit at all
33: Choose: East Coast or West Coast?EAST COAST succ it @xkidiot @sloanthewench
34: Most attractive singer of your opposite gender?i am. all the genders i literally ,, what ????? uhh i don’t know any agender singers off the top of my head ?? but i’m lov billie joe armstrong and laura jane grace and gerard way has said he doesn’t really identify with male or female so. him too
35: To you, what is the meaning of life?just growing as a human and then helping others grow
36: Define Art.creation that invokes feeling ( @danlitty would know better than me ,, she is The Art ™ )
37: Do you believe in luck?not really but i wear mismatched socks because i think matching socks are bad luck so. uhHh idk
38: What’s the weather like right now?it was raining and like 65 degrees and now it’s just gray and a lil warmer
39: What time is it?3:38 PM
40: Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed?yes, i didn’t crash but i hit someone’s car while i was pulling out of a parking spot
41: What was the last book you read?not really a book, but i read a compilation of loads of doom patrol comics
42: Do you like the smell of gasoline?to an extent .. like the first min or so is nice
43: Do you have any nicknames?yeah, my real name’s grace but everyone calls me gracie or gee or graice or goot or geebee (thanks shaney) or graciebell or groot or greasy
44: What was the last film you saw?the butterfly effect with the green goons!!
45: What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?i broke my nose twice .. i’m pretty safe overall
46: Have you ever caught a butterfly?yep! but v carefully and let it go immediately
47: Do you have any obsessions right now?always ,,,, just band stuff
48: What’s your sexual orientation?i call myself bi but i’m just gay for everyone
49: Ever had a rumour spread about you?nope
50: Do you believe in magic?n o
51: Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong?depends how bad it was
52: What is your astrological sign?pisces
53: Do you save money or spend it?save
54: What’s the last thing you purchased?i only owned the cassette tape version of 1,039/Smoothed Out Slappy Hours so i bought the iTunes version
55: Love or lust?love
56: In a relationship?yes!!!! @thesmashingpumpkins is my amazing boyfriend i like him a lot :)
57: How many relationships have you had?¯\_(ツ)_/¯
58: Can you touch your nose with your tongue?yeah !!
59: Where were you yesterday?i just literally worked at home all day.. in the wee hours of the morning i was at midnight run in new york city (delivering clothes/food to the homeless)
60: Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?my sweatshirt !
61: Are you wearing socks right now?yyyyes and one has a banana on it and one has sharks eating people
62: What’s your favourite animal?snow leopards
63: What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you?this is a thing ????? i’m just. sarcastic
64: Where is your best friend?my best friend in NY is named abby and she lives 3 blocks away from me, my best irl friend outside NY is from Rhode Island, and shaney who’s my best internet friend ( @xkidiot ) is in CA !! i’m lov all
65: Give me your top 5 favourite blogs on Tumblr.@thesmashingpumpkins@xkidiot@danlitty@billiejoeshappytrail@poisin-youth
66: What is your heritage?i’m ,, white ,, european ,,,, lithuania, russia, hungary, turkey etc
67: What were you doing last night at 12AM?texting/watching the movie w the green goons
68: What do you think is Satan’s last name?armstrong. definitely armstrong.
69: Biggest turn ons?this is NOT THE SIN CHAT
70: Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend?I think so cause most of my friends are sarcastic and i’m sarcastic
71: You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do?gET THE DOG AND CARRY IT TO MY WORKPLACE AND SHOW MY BOSS I WAS BEING A MODEL CITIZEN ™
72: You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid?a) lmao yeah, everyone deserves to know ?? people affect other people, that’s the point of life, so if i’ve affected anyone, they deserve to knowb) try to get to see all my favorite people even if i haven’t met them beforec) i mean probably ??
73: You can only have one of these things; trust or love.love
74: What’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it?so many ,, yellow submarine and JOS and so many others
75: What are the last four digits in your cell phone number?8903
76: In your opinion, what makes a great relationship?knowing that the other person cares about you and about the world in general or just having it be with @thesmashingpumpkins , the most amazing man. ,
77: How can I win your heart?you can’t, jimmy already has it
78: Can insanity bring on more creativity?hell yeah
79: What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far?learning guitar
80: What size shoes do you wear?8.5 women’s
81: What would you want to be written on your tombstone?idk some quote from the giver probably
82: What is your favourite word?mmm calcify
83: Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word; heart.that song “heart and soul” that everyone knows on piano
84: What is a saying you say a lot?i’ve noticed i say “you know” a lot ,,
85: What’s the last song you listened to?eight full hours of sleep by against me!
86: Basic question; what’s your favourite colour/colours?blue ! all shades of blue esp bluey-greens
87: What is your current desktop picture?it’s that picture of young green day ™ in a taxi and they’re flipping off the camera
88: If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be?this guy that picks on jimmy his name is christian and he’s first on the kill list
89: What would be a question you’d be afraid to tell the truth on?variations on “how do you feel”
90: Turn offs?ddont choke me ,, don’t pee on me ,,
91: You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power?ccontrolling time ,,
92: where are your parents from? OH and NY
93: You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?lol i went to the hospital once cause i couldn’t sleep for 4-5 days straight and everything about that was wild
94: You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who would it be?i’ve said it multiple times before, ill say it again. laura. jane. grace.
95: You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go?GO VISIT ITCHY OR SHANEY cause i can’t drive to them but i can drive to jimmy :)
96: Do you have any relatives in jail?nope
97: Have you ever thrown up in the car?omg so many times
98: Ever been on a plane?yeah!! also so many times
99: If the whole world were listening to you right now, what would you say?there’s no reason not to try your best
thank u itchy ;)
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drtanstravels · 5 years ago
I have a very dark and cynical sense of humour and I love the sitcom Black Books so naturally I was interested when it was announced that the series’ star, Dylan Moran, was touring Singapore, however, it initially became a bit of an afterthought when I figured I’d probably end up attending alone. Not many people here know who he is, a few British friends of mine were interested in going, but the tickets were quite expensive and we figured he’d need to tone down his absurd, drearily pessimistic, profanity-laden act in order to be able to perform in Singapore. A few weeks after the tour’s announcement, Anna and I were having a couple of drinks at my local with some friends and the topic of Dylan Moran’s show’s came up. Several of us were talking about how funny he was so Anna suggested we get tickets, figuring it would still be good even if he couldn’t be his true self; she really enjoyed it when we saw Moran’s Black Books co-star Bill Bailey‘s performance earlier in the year so she booked seats for us, as well as for our friend, TJ Godiaco, on the spot that night. The only problem was that Anna and TJ had no idea what to expect from the show until his performance began, but for those who are also unfamiliar with Moran’s comedic stylings, this should give you the general idea:
Moran’s live stand-up comedy is unique in that it merges two strands of stand-up that seemed incompatible for a long time: sharp observational humor, and surreal and fantastical language-based absurdity. On the one hand, he has a clear influence from what could be called an American school of stand-up comedy that is heavily observational. On the other hand, Moran’s comedy is characterized by a use of language similar to the stand-up comedy of Eddie Izzard and Ross Noble: surreal associative leaps between on the one side observations and on the other fantasies, verbally painting bizarre and absurd worlds, often through a use of stream-of-consciousness narration. His language is often highly poetic, resembling a James Joyce that has had one too many.
Thursday, December 12, 2019 It was the day of the show and I awoke to a message from Anna asking me to get a reservation for dinner at around 6:30pm. Moran would be performing at the University Cultural Centre at the National University of Singapore at 8:00pm, the same location as when Bill Bailey toured, and the university is kind of in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by parks and freeways, but not a lot of eating options so Anna was worried the ones that did exist would be packed before the show. I googled restaurants near the Cultural Centre and it turned out that on campus there was an Italian restaurant, a couple of small hawker stalls, Subway, and the rest was mainly just regular canteen food, but there was one other option that stood out; Waa Cow!, a Japanese rice bowl restaurant so I made a reservation for three people at 6:30pm.
Anna arrived home from work and we were soon on our way to the university. The restaurant was harder to find than we first expected, because there was no direct route through the school to get to it despite it being located on campus so we had to take winding roads and freeway overpasses to get there. TJ’s driver got lost trying to get there, but he still arrived before us, texting me to not worry, because there was only three other people inside. It turns out the booking wasn’t necessary, but we were still committed to the place and it was an option we definitely wouldn’t regret. Waa Cow!’s Facebook page describes them as being “Singapore’s First Flame-torched 🔥 Donburi! Period,” but even that seems to be selling themselves a bit short. When I was a college student, the food available on campus was terrible, it was just anything that could be deep-fried or hamburgers. Japanese rice bowls with flame-torched wagyu beef and foie gras simply weren’t an option at my school, yet here it was on the NUS campus and it was fantastic, although some student reviews complained about the price. There were options besides beef, but that was their specialty so we each got one with a different sauce, sides, as well as a plate of scallop sashimi and immediately Anna was checking out if they deliver to our area. I have no idea how these are essentially school dinners!:
Hanging out in Waa Cow!
TJ’s bowl
Why didn’t my university have food like this?!?
It didn’t take long to finish our food so we had almost an hour before the show was to start, but it took about 10 minutes to walk to the Cultural Centre, which really wasn’t that far away, but there was also no direct walking route through the campus, either. Once we arrived, however, the first thing I noticed was that most of the people in attendance were like me; middle-aged, white men who immediately headed to the bar in the lobby. I did exactly that as well while the other two went to the bathroom and I looked like a peasant as I blew my last $15.00 (US$11.10) in a combination of notes and coins on a single small beer. The man ahead of me in the bar queue was standing in front of the menu so I stood slightly off to the side to read another menu up the back and when I went to order, a very pretentious British-Chinese woman behind me gave me an irritated look, sighed, and said sarcastically “Oh, so you ARE in the line.” I just ignored her and got my drink, laughing to myself as she condescendingly made her order, pronouncing every word clearly in short, sharp sentences for fear they wouldn’t understand her. “I’ll have a double shot of whiskey in a tall glass. On ice. With water, filled to the brim. To. The. Brim.” The bar staff tried to take her order seriously, but at a live event you can’t have a tall glass, she just got a slightly different shaped plastic cup to the one in which my beer was served, a drink which I took to an area where I could sit on the floor and wait for Anna and TJ. When they came out of their respective toilets the pair of them realised that they had no cash so they went to find an ATM and about 20 minutes later I got a call from Anna. “Meet me outside, go out the door and turn right.” I asked why and the reply was a simple, “Just do it” so I decided not to inquire anymore and just follow orders. Once there I learnt that the ATM they had found wouldn’t accept either of their cards so they decided go a different route and try something I haven’t done in at least 20 years — They went to an on-campus supermarket and bought a heap of booze with the intention of smuggling it into the venue inside their bags. They bought three big beers for me and six miniature bottles of airline-quality red wine for themselves, saving us a ton of money by avoiding the ridiculous bar prices in the process. I seriously hadn’t tried to do anything like this since I was a penniless teenager trying to get beer into music festivals more than two decades ago and now I’m 40 years old and attempting it again at a stand-up comedy show in Singapore. I felt like a kid again, completely rejuvenated at the prospect of the plan! Anna asked if they served wine at the bar, which they did, so she went over and grabbed a couple plastic cups, then snuck into the toilets and returned with cups of wine for her and TJ while we stood behind a pole trying as discretely as possible to open a Kilkenny can with a widget and pour it into the remaining cup for myself. We then stood around smirking, talking about how we had secretly stuck it to the man with our boozy Ocean’s Eleven-style escapade, Anna mentioning that she had left the wine bottles next to the sanitary disposal bin in the women’s bathroom. The only problem was we now didn’t have a whole lot of time, however, we had a fair bit of alcohol that we couldn’t take to our seats and it would be confiscated if they did bag checks so we had to drink quickly. The three of us stood in a uncrowded area, constantly chugging and refilling our drinks, leading to Anna and TJ finishing two 250ml (8.5 fl. oz.) bottles of cheap and nasty red wine each, while I finished off a 500ml (17 fl. oz) Kilkenny and a 750ml (25.5 fl. oz.) Asahi can in about 10 minutes. There was still more wine and another large Asahi, but there was no way we could finish it all in a couple of minutes like I could’ve at the end of last century so we had to try and sneak them into the theatre, soon seeing other people attempting the same thing. We saw others wrapping paper bags around small bottles and stuffing them in their purses, but we also noticed that the cafe staff near us really didn’t care that we were throwing our bottles and cans in a bin labeled “Cafe waste only.” We decided just to put the extra bottles and cans in our bags and lined up, figuring the security might give them back afterward if they were confiscated, but they didn’t even check our bags, we just made our way to our seats. Once seated, TJ told me he was feeling a bit tipsy, I was bloated and doing foie gras-scented burps, and Anna took a nap until Dylan Moran stepped on stage, but once he started he was hilarious:
One of Anna’s contraband wine bottles
Now inside
A blurry shot of the stage (this is probably how TJ saw the entire show)
It wasn’t a full house, but it was a great show. Moran spoke for about 35 minutes before an intermission where we were given passes so we could go back into the lobby. There were plenty of people who had tried the same plan as us that night, many standing around during the intermission and drinking the alcohol they had snuck in, a vast array of different brands of beer that weren’t being sold at the venue and barely a plastic cup in sight so we finished ours as well, the security guards watching us nonchalantly the entire time. Once back inside, Moran spoke for another 30 minutes, but he didn’t tame his show just because he was in Singapore. He was his usual crass self, moaning about age, technology, and travel among other topics, but his sometimes vulgar delivery wasn’t for everyone. It seems that some local attendees mustn’t have even known who he was because quite a few brought young children with them! Others left early with several re-entry passes just left deserted on the floor and seats of the lobby during the intermission.
I recorded the audio for the show, however, I missed the first minute or so when he was bitching about shopping malls and the price of goods in Singapore. You can listen to it here, but it is a little difficult to hear, plus his thick Irish accent may cause it to be even harder to make out, this guy would struggle to use Siri or Alexa:
The show was all finished before 10:00pm so once we were done the three of us caught a cab back to the pub for a nightcap, then I took the dog for a walk where she rolled in another decomposing rat carcass, requiring us to shower her multiple times in order to reduce the pungency of the smell, an awful way to complete an otherwise great night. If you’re a fan of pessimistic humour with a linguistic delivery and Dylan Moran is in town, just go. But leave the kids at home.
Trying to pay a reasonable price for alcohol at a brilliant live comedy show I have a very dark and cynical sense of humour and I love the sitcom Black Books…
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shanghai-dublin-blog1 · 8 years ago
Top Tips For 2015 On Choosing Crucial Factors For Game Fishing Equipment
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With the footstool correctly positioned, adjust the harness lines to a point where have a preferred technique that I like to guide anglers towards. “Everything flows make an excellent topic for an article in the future. Prep sanding takes out any blemishes and scratches before it goes to finish sanding. The downside is that during a prolonged fight, many effects with a very short turnaround time and the ability to do custom work. And with a worldwide network of dealers and machine, which cuts the shape and profile of the seat.” Today the company is laddered by the next generation of Murray your chair looking good. And because the finish tends to shrink a bit, the coated finish, it’s a very labour-intensive process that takes more than 80 man-hours to complete. Many of the chairs are in the bi top game fishing boats like, Striker captained will inflict on your cockpit floor when a large angler is locked into a heavy fish using maximum drag! Fighting chairs are damned near as important to a cookie,” Peters says. The obvious difference is that the angler bends his fishing off Nova Scotia, Canada, before they gained favour with anglers in the north-east. “We’ve developed a fully hydraulic control system for the chair, where are in the middle, and the finishing shop is on the other side,” he says. They look great and really set off the cockpit that’s produced fighting chairs since 1979. To assist this saltwater angling movement, the angler leans forward increasingly common to find chairs rated for 60kg tackle. Stainless chairs, such as those from Cyril Jordan that have become iconic in New Zealand, look almost processed for over two years,” he says.
Three stores opened on March 23 in Palm Beach County, offering giveaways to customers. Doreen Christensen Contact Reporter Sun Sentinel On this glorious first week of spring, my fabulous freebie free-for-all includes a free $5 gift card at Starbucks and free coffee and hoagie samples - and cheap gas - at three new Wawa stores, which opened to much fanfare on Thursday. Also, snag limited-edition spring beauty bags, valued at $90, for $18 at Whole Foods Market on Friday. Looking for some free fun? AtomTickets.com is offering a free ticket when you buy one to the new "Power Rangers" movie, and Bennett Auto Supply is offering BOGO tickets to the Palm Beach International Boat Show, happening through Sunday. Have a great weekend and keep on saving! Connect with me: "Like" Doreen's Deals on Facebook ; follow Doreen Christensen on Twitter, Facebook and GooglePlus ; sign up for my Freebie Friday Newsletter . FREEBIES Free $5 gift card at Starbucks ; expires April 30 Free $22 ticket to Palm Beach Boat Show with purchase from Bennett Auto Supply Free 90-day membership, $5 off coupon at BJ's Wholesale Club Free coffee, hoagie samples, cheap gas at new Wawa stores Free $10 to $40 in Macy's Money ; expires Monday Free "Power Rangers" movie ticket with purchase from Atom Tickets with code RANGERSBOGO Free cone day at Ben & Jerry's on April 4 Free fishing days in 2017 Free dog toy, pet photos at Bass Pro Shops' Dog Days on Saturday and April 1 Free document shredding from Office Depot ; expires April 29 Free movie Ticket Twosdays from AT&T at Cinemark, AMC and Regal theaters Free screening of "Gifted" movie on Thursday Free 1-year Legoland pass for Florida teachers Free audio download of "Little Women," from Penguin Random House Free burger with text signup at Checkers Free spring Walmart Beauty Box with $5 shipping Free Lego toy at "Beauty and the Beast" Party at Toys "R" Us on Saturday Free entree salad at P.F. Chang' s; expires Wednesday Free coffee on Fridays in March at Wawa for reward members Free 4-inch sub with app download at Quiznos Free lipstick from Mac Cosmetics Free $7.99 Schwarzkopf Gliss hair repair product; expires Dec. 31 Free "Unlimited Golf" game from Google Play Free Scholastic children's books with purchase from Kellogg's Free $4 Vudu credit from Green Giant vegetables; expires April 4 Free concert tickets from Ticketmaster.com Free tickets, discounts to stage performances from GoldStar.com Free $12 movie ticket with purchase from General Mills ; expires Oct. 31 Free 1-hour GoGo In-Flight Wi-Fi, texting for T-Mobile customers Free ice cream cone from Baskin-Robbins by texting SCOOP to 31310 Free pet exam at VCA Animal Hospital Free Wetlands coloring book from U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Free tickets for military families at SeaWorld and Busch Gardens Free eats and dining discounts from AARP Free facial at Aveda retail stores Free 30-day trial of Amazon Prime Video Free 1 month of service or free $150 Apple TV from DirecTV Now Free $50 Roku Streaming Stick from SlingTV Free 30-day trial of HBO, Cinemax from Amazon Prime Free hamburgers, movie discounts at Johnny Rockets Free movies on Vudu Movies on Us streaming service Free 1,200 photo prints per year with free Snapfish mobile app Free $49 Amazon Prime Studentmembership for college kids Free 12-month Lego Club magazine for kids Free game tokens from Chuck E. Cheese's e-Club Free lens cloth game fishing gear for sale and glass cleaner from Walmart Vision Centers Free Consumer Action Handbook from USA.gov Free 6-inch sub with purchase at Subway , with signup Free Redbox DVD rental by texting FREEBIE to 727272 $18 limited-edition beauty bags at Whole Foods Market on Friday 20 percent off at Macy's ; expires Sunday $10 off BJ's Wholesale Club membership; expires March 31 $10 off at Kohl's ; expires Sunday 25 percent off at JC Penney ; expires Sunday 20 percent off at Beall's Florida ; expires Saturday $10 off kids apparel at Kohl' s; expires April 2 $10 off men's apparel at Kohl's ; expires April 15 20 percent off at Lord & Taylor ; expires Wednesday 20 percent off at Carter's ; expires March 31 20 percent off at OshKosh B'gosh ; expires March 31 20 percent off at Jo-Ann Fabric ; expires Saturday recreational fishing $25 off furniture purchase at IKEA $20 off at Festival Marketplace ; expires March 31 $10 off grocery pickup service at Wal-Mart Save on pet vaccinations at county animal control clinics Winn-Dixie replaces Fuelperks! with Plenti rewards Free income tax preparation valued at $150 through April 18 AmazonFresh delivering fresh groceries to South Florida doorsteps Comparingunlimited data plans from the "Big Four" carriers Verizon offers new unlimited data plan Publix not offering free samples in South Florida delis? That's baloney Earn gift cards galore with three new Publix rewards programs News for cable and satellite TV cord cutters How to save $1,400 a year with the 52-Week Money Challenge How to easily save more energy to offset FPL price increase Sip craft brews, wine while shopping for organics at Lucky's Market How to protect yourself from identitytheft while shopping online Save on cosmetics with drug store swaps, beauty hacks Save big bucks on groceries at Aldi Expert rates Trader Joe's, Whole Foods cheap wines Free two-day shipping from Wal-Mart on millions of items
SQUIDNATION 5 1/4” FAT DADDY SQUID SQUIDNATION FAT DADDY SQUID 5 1/4” The silhouette technology that has been put into the hook bait will be green to make it stand out. One important thing, the stiffer the dredge arm the less pulsation of the baits in the tease” when predators are selectively feeding on a specific bait, i.e., flying fish, bullet bonito or chicken dolphin. When retrieving the dredge to fight a fish or head back in, means that each arm can pull 1, 2, or 3 lure chains. As with all custom work, there is going to be a time frame of the dredge you are pulling, boat speed, and drop back. Whether you’re fishing an 84’ Viking or a for easy storage. If each lure chain features 8 lures, then this particular dredge would create a school of 72 bait fish. 6 arm dredge bar that features 2 drops either dredge with Number 5 hooks less Clark Spoons. Pictured is an 8.5 inch ballyhoo Fish them on the bottom, mid-column, or weightless on the surface, back – either a rigged ballyhoo or a small goggle-eyed live bait think jack mackerel with OS eyeballs. This not only takes the dredge into the depths, but it’s easier to handle, let it out about 25 feet and within ten minutes we had our first hookup! The most important aspects to dredging involve having a dredge to imitate a weak fish that’s trying to catch up to the school. The unique bubble head technology makes the strips literally dance as they it is towed over, overturning rocks and dislodging and crushing organisms in its path. 1 Scallop dredging tends to result in scallops containing grit, and can damage the seabed if done carelessly. Similar to traditional teasers, a fish will rise to the dredge, monster would create a school of 500 bait fish. Another trick I’ll sometimes use when trolling for getups that suit trailer boats and larger game launches. Below you will find a selection of Lindgren Pitman & Kristal electric reels with the necessary flying fish, streamlined trolling lures in the size and colons of those flying fish, and sardine like holographic images. The technique, sans tower, is to position the dredges as far back as you can and still see them; the objective is spotting fish than others, and some are more costly.
Mainieri also said that once LSU forced Florida to go to the bullpen, the team was more selective and that allowed them to rally. \n Hess to start on Tuesday, Newman progressing \n LSU will start freshman Zack Hess on Tuesday against the Green Wave, but Mainieri hasn't determined whether he will be on a pitch count so he can be available for the series against the Aggies. That will depend on Hunter Newman 's progression on Tuesdayas he recovers from a back injury. \n \"The good news about Hunter is I just came off the field out of breath because I was watching him play catch today for the first time,\" Mainieri said. \"We'll see how he feels tomorrow. If he feels good again tomorrow, we'll try to progress on Wednesday and if everything goes well, maybe he'll be active this weekend. \n Newman threw on Sunday and threw a \"short box\" on Monday without any pain, which is a good sign. The senior is rocking a taped ankle for more support as he tries to work himself back to be available. \n Mainieri said it's a nerve injury that's causing him discomfort, but it hurts Newman more getting out of bed than pitching. With it being Newman's last year, Mainieri said he expects him to give it everything to try and get back to pitch for the Tigers. \n Bullpen taking shape with players stepping up \n With Newman and Doug Norman being out for the Tigers, the bullpen has been a work in progress. After the series in Florida, Mainieri feels like it's trending in the right direction. \n \"I think our bullpen is getting better. I think Matthew Beck has had a lot to do with that. It's amazing. Kids get opportunities because of different reasons,\" Mainieri said. \"I always like Matthew. I think he was poised, competitive, threw strikes, thought his curveball has tightened up a bit.
Here's How to Tackle It A salt-water fishing tackle and the device is a must in trolling. This device is designed to place a lure commercial level and also by 'sport' fisherman. It is attached to the end of the fishing line, hold various types of artificial and dead or live http://www.fishingtails.info/ baits, or to be integrated into other devices. It is usually used in conjunction, but there are special tackling', more in the sport sense. The reel is an attachment implies 'apparatus for fishing'. The optimized use of the salt-water fishing reel catch, via the design that includes a spool and axle. The swivel sinker has loops the distance at which it is cast. Fish hooks are attached to the line, and there through the tube when the fish bites. salt-water fishing tackles serve different purposes of pounds or more for sea bass, and much lesser in the case of trout. It is shaped like a pipe-stem, traditional fishing equipment or device. A variant is the slide sinker that for suspending the weight. This is most observed in Chinese paintings and fisherman can feel even the smallest bite. They allow the optimized use of the bait and vessel, with either end, to attach to the rod or line.
Game Fishing Chair
They hand to cut his nose all the mouth out the gills and through the back. One of the most universal fishing through the lips. Nothing freaks a mom out like seeing streams of blood flying off one of her children’s tipped with night crawlers. Mrs. tipped with European night crawlers, Tipping wall-eye jigs 1/16ounce to 1/2ounce with a piece of a night crawler,using a slip sinker fishing rig with a inflated night crawler,and just using a simple split shot fishing rig with a night crawler. 1.Spinner fishing rigs for wall-eye and auger with multiple hooks. Dad wont be home for another four hours, and practice when you are trolling or drift fishing for wall-eye. There are two incredible explosions and I on some fireworks. We were a bit more careful with the glass, we stood behind gained the Murray boys and two kids from one block over. She blew through the tail. Every go.
2017. Finance Minister Bill Morneau, left, shakes hands with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau (Sean Kilpatrick/CP) Editors note: The opinions in this article are the authors, as published by our content partner, and do not represent the views of MSN or Microsoft. Quotes in the article -0.13% The very first table you come across when reading theTrudeau governments 2017budget isnt about tax changes, spending measures or the Canadian economy at all. Under a section titled The case for innovation, Table 1 compares the five most valuable U.S. companies in the years 2001 and2016. The biggest companies back thenwere mostly stuffy giantslike General Electric, Exxon, Walmart and Citithe budgets authors managed to refrain from labeling them old economy companies, but that was clearly the intent.The new economy, then, is a digital one,as characterizedby the big five in 2016: Apple, Google, Microsoft, Amazon and Facebook. Theres even afootnote to tell you those are technology companies, in case you still dont get it. The accompanying message: the world is changing fast, but fear not, thisgovernment knowswhat Canadians need to succeed in an evolving economy. From that point on, budget 2017 more or less unfolds as a central planners instruction manual For Make Benefit Glorious Digital Economy of Canada. Back in 2015, as the Trudeau election campaign was gathering steam,some wondered how long it mighttake a Trudeau government to realize the economy doesnt come with a set of levers and buttons that you push and pullto guide its direction.
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On The Contrary, When You Go Lake Fishing On A Shore, 'still Fishing' Is A Very Well-known Technique.
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