#i have to check LinkedIn for work. Hell world
dykemarcille · 2 days
you know when someone kinda corny comments on your post almost intentionally obtuse and condescending without even a touch of whimsy? they should just make a linkedin page I swear to god that is your perfect golden platform
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Why You Shouldn't Offer Too Many Services in Your Landscaping Business?
Offering too many services may increase your income, but you may not be aware that offering this small type of service to many customers can lower the quality of your work since you tend to hustle and work fast because you have a lot of commitments to these services for a small fee. 
  Do you think this is the right way to work? Do you think this is a good strategy for increasing sales? In today's episode, I explain how to earn more money by doing less by following the right strategy and understanding why your landscaping business shouldn't offer too many services.
  Whatever. you do. You got to do it right in order for it to all pass so you can actually get the check. You're gonna do a lot of different things, right.  You can't have any of those things wrong because you're serving people.  
- Keith Kalfas
  Why do you have to listen to today's episode.
  00:24 - “So imagine it's just like yellow Legos. And you gotta build that thing. So can pass, and the Legos are coming down the conveyor belt quickly. Well, what if there were red, not just yellow Legos? But there are green and yellow Legos. And now you're building two different castles. But they're totally different types of castles because they're different services. It's a totally different thing”
When you offer too many services, your business may suffer. The quality of all services may vary, and some factors may be the same, but others may be different. Know what's what before you jump in.
  2:05 -  “How long did it take you to learn how to do all this, right? So it's like, if you got too many services, it's over complexify the hell out of your business, lowering the quality of each service.”
When you offer too many services, make sure that the quality is not compromised.
  4:15 -  "So why don't you rather do just like ten $10,000 jobs are 100 grand, but what type of jobs? So are you going to get to that 10,000 by offering a whole bunch of different services like I was talking about? Are you going to just do one service like luxury hardscape outdoor living?
Wouldn't it be better if you focused on bigger projects instead of offering a wide range of services for a small fee?
  4:48 - “There was a meet-up with this person who was in a room in the highest-paid entrepreneur in the room of this group of people who did like over 20 million a year, and all he did was gutter cleaning. That's all I've got her cleaning, but he was like the best, most prominent gutter cleaning company in his whole multi-state area or something; that's all they did.”
After you refine the processes, you get the tools and can train people. It would be even better if you did just a handful of things really, really well, and tuned it and did it really, really fast and efficiently.
  5:40 -  "Now, the amount that you can get paid is not really tied directly to just your skill. Because if you have the skill, you can do something faster and make more because you can increase the rate and pace at which you do it. But part of how much you make, how much money you can make, is directly proportional to how many people are lined up willing to do the same exact thing."
This world is full of people with skills, and you're not the only one who has them. What will you do to dominate? 
Key Takeaways
“So it's like if you got too many services, it's over complexify the hell out of your business, lowering the quality of each service”
  “You could offer way more stuff to each customer in the form of packages could be a good thing to limit and increase the average ticket price of each individual customer from 40 bucks 200 bucks to 10,000 depending on each customer” 
  "So are you going to get to that 10,000 by offering a whole bunch of different services like I was talking about are you going to just do one service like luxury hardscape outdoor living?"
  Connect with Keith  
  Resources/People Mentioned: 
My Website: Official Site Keith Kalfas
My Podcast Page: The UNTRAPPED Podcast
Please leave us a well-written, positive 5-star review if you liked the show. You may click here.
    Check out this episode!
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babyboibucky · 3 years
The Match - Part 10
Pairing: CEO!Bucky x Fem!Reader
Summary: Sam helps you out in planning for the launch while Bucky is away.
Word Count: 4.2k (woopsies)
Warnings: SMUT is back, angry unprotected sex, spitting, a tiny hint at scratching and choking, some hurtful words thrown in yada yada yada, kinda intense asjkcackansk
A/N: STRAP THE FUCK IN BECAUSE WE BOUTTA RIDE A DAMN ROLLERCOASTER OMG I’m nervous for this because I found this part very intense while writing it. And I hope it comes across as that to y’all as well because my fingers ached from how hard I was typing this part lmfao. Team Bucky vs Team Reader/Team Sam here we goooo sksksk enjoy
The Match Masterlist || MAIN MASTERLIST
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You didn't accept Sam's invitation to connect in LinkedIn. Not yet. But it did give you several ideas, like maybe submitting a resignation letter? Get away from Bucky and his toxic ass? He has Mackenzie now, he can easily have her take over your position anyway.
However, you were also torn because you loved your job at Bucky's company. It paved way for you to improve your skills and you experienced a lot of growth too. And well, Bucky's there too but god, you hated him right now. As much as you wanted to wave the white flag, you didn't feel like it was the right thing to do.
You wanted Bucky to learn that not everything he wants, he can easily get. And Mark was right, that you weren't just a trophy employee or whatever. You were so much more than what Bucky probably thinks of you.
And you were going to prove him that.
"Hey, Bev. Can you ring up your boss for me? Tell him I want to go over some of the plans I made for the launch before I discuss it with Mackenzie tomorrow." you asked.
Beverly was about to lift the phone up when an unexpected visitor arrived. None other than Sam Wilson himself.
"I didn't mean to eavesdrop but did I hear you correctly? You've already made some plans for the launch?" he asked with interest.
You chuckled, "Sort of. Well, it's a rough draft of my ideas. I just thought it would be nice to get a headstart." you admitted.
Sam nodded and was about to say something when Bucky stepped out of his office, his brows furrowing upon seeing you and Sam conversing. Bucky eyed you before glancing over at Sam, patting his shoulder gently as a greeting.
"You checking up on us or what?" Bucky teased with a chuckle.
Sam shook his head, "Not really. Well, kinda. I figured that another presentation would be unnecessary, I mean. I'd love to work on the launch with your team instead of being on the sidelines for approvals." he admitted.
You shrugged, "I think that's a great idea too. Less time to waste, less back and forth." you pitched in.
Bucky frowned a bit, his jaw clenching at how you backed up Sam immediately. "That's fine, but I have a meeting in a few. Might last the entire day. Mackenzie won't be here until tomorrow too." he said.
"She and I can discuss her plans today and maybe I can pitch in some of my ideas too. She can present them tomorrow to you and Kenzie." Sam suggested, gesturing over to you.
Bucky stared at you and Sam alternately, his hands balling into fists at his sides. You could see his internal struggle about leaving you and Sam to discuss about the launch, without his presence.
You lifted up the folder in your hand, "I wanted to go over these plans with you but I didn't know you have a meeting. Sam and I can just refine these today, would save us a lot of time. We don't want to be rushing anything for this project at the last minute." you told him.
Bucky swallowed but nodded anyway, albeit with hesitation, "Yeah. Of course. I'll just catch up on the both of you later."
And with that, Bucky walked away but not without sparing you and Sam one final glance. His eyes met yours for a brief moment and you weren't sure, but you saw a flash of worry in his eyes before it was immediately replaced by his usual stern, ice-cold gaze.
You turned to Sam with a smile, "We can discuss in the conference room." you said and led the way.
The planning was seamless and you were surprised that you had so much fun exchanging ideas with Sam, to the point of almost forgetting about lunch break. It was quarter past noon when the both of you realized that it was way past lunch time.
"Do you want to grab lunch or order something instead? I honestly hate working lunch, just so you know." Sam said with a laugh.
You groaned, "I hate that too, honestly." you admitted with a chuckle.
Sam nodded, "Great, we can head out for a quick lunch?" he asked.
It didn't even cross your mind to hesitate, so you immediately agreed and even asked if you can take Beverly with you. You'd grown somewhat attached to her in the short time you've known her. Poor kid was being treated like an outcast by the other office girls. She always waited for you to have your lunch break too, especially that Mark has been pretty busy lately.
Sam was kind enough to agree about including Beverly for lunch. The two of you were about to head out of the conference room when Beverly peeked in, worry etched all over her face.
"I need your help." she whined, "I think I messed up Sir James' schedule. Mister Nakajima is on the phone and said that he's going to be an hour late for a meeting today. I forgot about Sir James’ meeting with another company today!" she explained, almost close to tears.
You rushed over to her and held her shoulders, "Hey, calm down. Did you tell Mister Nakajima?" you asked.
"I did and he got mad at me! Today is his only free day and he said that if he doesn't meet up with Sir James, the deal is off." Beverly said, stomping her foot on the ground.
You heaved out a sigh, knowing that the deal was very important. Mister Nakajima owned an auto manufacturing company which produces world-class materials for cars. Bucky had been working on convincing Mister Nakajima to be his permanent supplier for quite a while now. Big fucking deal.
You looked back at Sam, "Hey, I'm sorry. Can you give me a couple of minutes?" you asked with an apologetic expression.
"Take your time." Sam nodded with a smile.
You went over to Beverly's desk and took over the phone call, without knowing that Sam trailed behind you. He watched you carefully as you talked to Mister Nakajima, your demeanor calm yet confident.
"Hi, Mister Nakajima. I'm the company's Marketing Head and I would like to apologize for the mix up. Bucky has been working really hard on improving the quality of our products, he's been in meetings in and out. That being said, would it be alright if I take over this afternoon's meeting instead? Bucky worked on an amazing presentation and I honestly would love to go over it with you and just show you how this partnership would be beneficial for both our companies." you asked.
Fortunately, you were able to appease Mister Nakajima while also saving Beverly's ass for her honest mistake. As soon as the call was done, you reassured Beverly that everything was fine now and that you'll take care of Bucky. By the time you looked back at Sam, he was merely smiling at you.
"You're really good with people."
Lunch break passed by quickly, with you, Sam and Beverly engaging in all sorts of conversations. Even Beverly felt comfortable being around his presence. He mainly talked about his experiences at his first job, giving Beverly a couple of tips on how to navigate through the corporate world.
Sam was very kind.
The planning resumed after lunch and by the time Mister Nakajima and his associates arrived, the launch plan was pretty much refined with a lot of details. Sam excused himself to give you time to meet with Mister Nakajima, however, he said he'll be staying until Bucky comes back.
Presenting to Mister Nakajima made you nervous as fuck, especially that he didn't really work closely with you which might affect his decision. Luckily though, you knew Bucky's presentation like the back of your hand due to the fact that he had gone over it with you for a couple of times back when the two of you were still, well, fucking around.
Ah, the good old days.
The meeting with Mister Nakajima went perfectly well because as soon as you were done with the presentation, the old man simply asked for the contract to seal the deal. Although it wasn't you who actually worked on the deck, you had a sense of fulfillment. You were proud of yourself and you couldn't wait to dangle it right in front of Bucky's face.
"Thank you so much, Mister Nakajima. We are excited for this partnership." you said happily as you led him and his associates out of the conference room, just as when Bucky arrived.
He looked confused when Mister Nakajima greeted him happily, shaking his hand and telling him how good his presentation was. Bucky looked over at you, as if asking what the hell was going on. You merely shrugged and headed back inside the conference with Sam.
Bucky followed shortly and for some reason, he looked agitated. He was about to speak up when Sam beat him to it, giving him a hard pat on the back.
"The launch event is gonna be really good." he said confidently before glancing at you.
"You're lucky to have her, Bucky." he said before bidding goodbye, giving you one last look and a wink as well, something that Bucky immediately noticed.
When Sam left, so did the light atmosphere inside the conference room. Bucky turned to you with a scowl, his footsteps rushed and heavy as he approached you.
"What the hell happened with Mister Nakajima?" he asked gruffly.
You smiled as you handed him an envelope, "The partnership is a go. He signed the contract and his team will be keeping in contact with us and our factory soon." you explained proudly.
Bucky took the envelope from your hand and went through the contract before placing it back on the table. "I thought my meeting with him isn't until Friday."
"Beverly mixed up your schedule and before you even reprimand her, give the girl a break. It's her first job and with the amount of meetings you've been having, mix-ups are inevitable. What matters now is that I took over the presentation and Mister Nakajima signed the contract." you explained with nonchalance.
Bucky shook his head, "The end does not justify the means." he said. "Beverly should have been careful. My schedule is not a joke and if I miss another important meeting, that can fuck up the entire company."
You rolled your eyes, "Calm down, Beverly surely learned from today's mistake. It's done. The deal is on. Everything is peachy. The launch details have been planned out, Sam is happy with it. All I have to do is to secure your and Mackenzie's approval for it and then we can start with the execution. You're welcome." you said all in one breath, handing Bucky a USB containing the details of the launch.
You brushed past Bucky to leave the conference room but you were immediately pulled back with his hand around your arm. He looked down at you with an angry look on his face, almost fuming. You couldn't understand why the fuck he was so aggravated with you today. Sure, he had been testing your patience lately but it was the first time he actually looked like he was going to snap.
Not at the situation, but at you.
"Are you trying to impress Sam? Taking on my responsibilities while he's around?" he asked, eyes narrowing at you.
You scoffed, unable to believe what Bucky was accusing you of. Pulling your arm back, you took a step back and looked at him with disgust. "You're unbelievable, Bucky." you said.
"Had I not stepped in, we would have lost the deal. You promoted me for a reason, and I believe part of it is my leadership skills. And no, I'm not trying to impress Sam. I'm simply doing my fucking job." you hissed and tried to side step Bucky, only for him to block your way.
"Did he offer you a position in his company? What the fuck was the wink all about?" Bucky accused yet again.
"Oh my god, Bucky! You're blowing things out of proportion. He didn't. We talked about the event. That's it." you explained, pinching the bridge of your nose because Bucky was getting on your very last nerve.
Bucky had been fucking with you too much now and you could feel the last bits of your composure slowly slip away with every word that was coming out of his mouth. Coming for your job was one thing, but accusing you of flirting your way to another company? That was a low blow.
"Don't lie to me, I saw the notification on your phone the other day. Seems to me like Tinder matches don't work for you anymore, you moved on to LinkedIn now to find connections instead?" he asked and that particular statement struck a certain nerve.
You let out a bitter scoff, "Do you even hear yourself, Bucky? At least Sam was being professional and didn't use Tinder to hire a fucking consultant to threaten my damn job!" you slipped, unable to hold back.
The look on Bucky's face was a whirlwind of emotions-- shock, wrath, exhaustion-- and you felt like you were supposed to get scared. Gone were the blue orbs that used to make you feel safe, his eyes only held anger in them. And the thing was, your eyes looked the same as you held Bucky's gaze.
You were so fucking tired of everything, of Bucky.
"How did you-- it doesn't matter." Bucky said, shaking his head. "How much did Sam offer you?" he asked.
Your jaw dropped at the implication of Bucky's statement, "You are a fucking asshole, Bucky. Sam didn't offer me a fucking job. You really don't listen, Bucky. You never listen." you huffed out exasperatedly.
"Okay, maybe he hasn't laid down his offer yet. Perhaps, you let him fuck you too?"
Your vision blacked out upon hearing that and by the time you regained your senses, all you could feel was how your palm stung. You had walked up to Bucky and slapped him right across the face, hard enough to make the corner of his bottom lip bleed. Your entire body was trembling from rage as you stood in front of Bucky.
He tilted his head as he wiped the blood off from his lip, looking up at you with lust-filled eyes. And then his hand gripped your neck, tugging you close for a bruising kiss. You grunted against his mouth and pushed him away, slapping him again. Before Bucky could even recover, your fingers wrapped around his tie pulling him down to you for another kiss.
Walls crumbled down, tension was broken and needs were being fulfilled. The rush of emotions blurred the line between fury and lust with the latter obviously winning. All you could think about was the throb that you suddenly felt within your core begging for relief.
Relief that was denied from you for the past few weeks of playing cat and mouse with Bucky.
And with the way Bucky was kissing you, you knew he felt the same. It had been too long and both your minds were too hazy to even care that it was only five in the afternoon and that there were employees working just outside the conference room.
Was the fear of getting caught going to stop you? No, not now. Because you needed release and you were sure as hell going to get it. This wasn't like the other times you and Bucky fucked. You didn't care about Bucky at the moment, how he felt or what was going on in his mind. You just needed to release all your pent up emotions and you were going to use Bucky to get what you need.
Bucky pushed you against the table, your tailbone hitting the edge with such force that made you groan from pain.
"Yeah, why don't you make some noise so everyone can see how fucking needy you are for me?" Bucky growled, gripping your face with one hand, forcing you to keep your eyes on him as his other hand bunched your skirt up to your waist.
You let out a chuckle, "I'm not the one going to make noise here." you warned before reaching down to palm his erection.
Bucky hissed and bit his lip hard to prevent himself from eliciting a moan. His jaw ticked as he squeezed your face tighter, forcing you to open your mouth as his eyes scanned your features.
"Watch your fucking mouth, baby. I still own you, you're fucking mine." he said through gritted teeth, his eyes lidded as he looked down at you like a predator.
You kept your mouth closed but as soon as Bucky's fingers found your damp panties, you weren't able to stop your whimper. Bucky took the opportunity and spit in your mouth before crashing his lips against yours in a messy kiss. It was all tongue and spit, the way he kissed you as his fingers rubbed at your folds through the thin fabric of your underwear.
He kissed you like he owned you.
"I'm not yours, Bucky." you said as your hands quickly unbuckled his belt, unzipping his trousers and pulling out his hard cock from the confines of his boxers.
The groan that reverberated from Bucky's chest as you stroked him made you smirk. His hand on your face slid down to your neck, holding you tightly as he pushed aside your underwear and then he slid into you with no prior warning. The lack of foreplay made it hurt when he bottomed out, but the pain quickly turned into pleasure when Bucky started moving his hips against yours.
No words were further exchanged from then on. Only soft whimpers and hushed grunts could be heard. However, it was clear that even up until now, there was competition. You didn't want to make noise, didn't want to lose to Bucky. You didn't want to give him the pleasure of knowing how fucking good he was making you feel right now, with how each drag of his cock was making your toes curl inside your heels.
Your hands held onto his broad shoulders as he fucked you against the table, the fabric of his suit bunching up against your fingers. Bucky kept his gaze on you and not once did you falter, not even when the tip of his cock hit your cervix, almost punching the air out of your lungs.
Bucky held the back of your thighs and lifted you up, sitting you on the edge of the table and bending forward so he could angle his cock in a way that you would feel it deep within you. Your legs automatically wrapped around his waist, one of your hands scratching at his jaw as he continued to pound your sopping cunt.
"God, fucking missed this pussy. Can feel you clamping down on my cock, you gonna cum soon?" he asked, pressing the tip of his nose against yours.
You clamped a hand over your mouth, muffling the wanton moan that Bucky pounded out of you. Not wanting to be the only one to make noise, you clenched around him hard. Bucky let out a growl at how your walls squeezed his cock, his balls tightening as his own orgasm approached.
"Cum for me, Bucky." you whimpered, tipping your head up to lick at Bucky's mouth as your legs tightened around his waist to pull him deeper into you.
Bucky exhaled heavily through his nose, the veins on his neck popping out as he fucked your harder on the table. He kept his hand wrapped around your neck while the other held onto your waist so tight, you could feel his fingers digging deep into your skin. Even with your clothes on, you were sure that you'll be getting bruises from how hard his grip on you was.
"Go on, Bucky. Want your cum inside, want to feel you fill me up again." you moaned against his parted lips, darting your tongue out to taste his mouth.
The needy tone of your voice sent Bucky to the edge first. He uttered a string of curses under his breath as ropes of his cum painted your walls with their warmth with triggered your orgasm. Your body convulsed as waves of pleasure ran through your veins, starting from your fingertips down to your toes. Bucky kissed you and swallowed your moans as his thrusts slowed down.
It took a while for the both of you to recover from the intense fucking. Bucky nuzzled your neck with his nose, his heavy breaths warming up your sweaty skin. There was a short moment of peace that followed, the tension gone and was replaced by a heavy feeling.
You swallowed hard and slowly regained your senses. The release cleared your mind and the memories of the heated exchange from earlier were quick to come back. Bucky's accusations echoed in your ear and they were so clear it almost felt like he was saying them to you again.
Suddenly, you doubted Bucky's intentions when he promoted you. Was he really impressed of your skills at work or was it because you let him fuck you?
"Get off of me." you said, pushing at Bucky's chest until he straightened up.
Ignoring the emptiness you felt when his cock slipped out of you, you hopped down from the table and started fixing yourself. In the many times you had slept with Bucky, it was the first time that you felt disgusted with yourself.
You turned your back to Bucky as you adjusted your underwear, pulling down your skirt and pressing your palms against the fabric to iron out the creases. Your breath was heavy as you processed what had just happened. And just like that, your reserve broke and the strong facade you had built crumbled down into pieces, leaving you vulnerable.
"Hey, are you okay? Did I hurt you?" Bucky suddenly asked when he heard your sniffing, the darkness in his features gone.
His eyes were back to blue and there was nothing but genuine concern when he saw the tears in your eyes. Bucky tried to approach you but you quickly backed away from him, your arms wrapping around yourself as protection.
"Did you hurt me?" you scoffed. "In more ways than one, Bucky." you quickly added, wiping away your tears hastily with the back of your hand.
You were about to walk out of the conference but decided that it was probably time for you to actually speak up about everything. How you felt for him and how much you hated him for coming at you like that.
"I was going to admit that I like you. I thought about it and figured that I was too proud and a bit selfish for not considering your feelings when I rejected you." you explained.
Bucky blinked in confusion, "What? When?"
You shrugged, "The day you brought in Mackenzie. And I was more hurt than mad that you did that. Because you knew how much this job means to me and you had used it against me. You basically took advantage of my weakness, for what? To get me to cave in? Even when I clearly told you how fucking scared I was of the consequences of whatever kind of relationship we have?" you huffed out.
You didn't allow Bucky to speak, not yet. Not until you were done making him understand why you had been so hell-bent on keeping things professional.
"I wasn't born into a rich family like you, Bucky. I had to work my way up to where I am. Unlike you, I have a family to support and if I lose this job, it's not only me who would suffer. And it won't be easy for me to find another one, not after the reputation I'd have once we get busted." you further explained.
"I told you about it so many times and I wish you listened. Because maybe we could've figured shit out. Or I don't know, maybe the fucking was too good and you only wanted me for that." you shrugged.
Bucky quickly shook his head, "No. God no, you're more than that."
You chuckled again, a fresh wave of tears flooding the corners of your eyes. "It most definitely felt like it when you accused me of fucking Sam."
"Fuck, I'm sorry. Let me explain, please? I didn't mean to, I was too--"
"No, Bucky. You didn't listen to me when I told you how I felt about us. Now you're going to know how it feels to not to get what you want." you sternly said before walking over to the door.
You turned back at Bucky and refused to let his expression get to you. He looked devastated, his eyes glassy from the tears he had been holding back, his lips parted as he finally realized what he had done.
"Expect my resignation letter by tomorrow. As soon as we're done with the launch, I'm out."
The Match Special Tags:
@marvelslag @weird-mumbling @propertyofpoeandbucky @lostinthoughtsandfeelings @mostly-marvel-musings @squishybabies @megzdoodle @suchababie @annathesillyfriend @xhollycowx @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog @5-seconds-of-mendes @gogolucky13 @countonthesun @iloveshawnieboi​ @learisa @borikenlove @scarlet-natasha89
Everything Bucky Tag List:
@ddowii @jessou893 @stealapizzamyheart @bagelofthelord @mxnt @dontputyourfckingdrinkonmytable @jeeperky @ohladymacbeth @wildflowergubler @supraveng @twinerd14 @buckysmar @bakugouswh0r3 @sweetcoldharmony @wintersfilm @charminivy @amelia-song-pond @iamvalentinaconstanza @mcubqrnes @im-squished @tcc-gizmachine @sipsteacasually @prettyintopeerpressure @weloveyasmin @est19xxshit @bloodhon3yx @dressed-in-prada @lizette50 @thatfangirl42 @sunflowerbunny2 @unmagically @okiegirl24 @sugarpunch-princess @enlyume @vvipgotbb @slimeyderp @lyoongx @just-deka @nobody-will @jaziona92 @elisebuitron @dpaccione @suvikamahes98blr @buckybarneshairpullingkink @earthtonav @x-judyjude-x @nani-kenobi @just-here-to-escape-from-reality @belladonnabarnes @iloveangstposts @weenersoldierr​ @asemistablehundredyearoldman @reidbuck @lizzarooni @girlfriday007​ @bonkywobble​ @lost-in-the-stars03​ @its-yasbxtch​ @whoth3hellisbucky​
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sometime in this last week, or this week coming, my blog has turned/turns 10. god. a decade old. a whole ass chunk of my life i’ve spent on this hellsite. when i began on here, i was a kid. a lost, lonely, depressed and anxious 15/16 year old kid. a kid scared of her future. a kid confused about her future. what to do for uni. to change schools or not??? to do drama/acting at uni or english/philosophy or to move 8hrs away to another regional uni to “escape” her “washed up, dead end hometown” that was so typical of all the pop-punk music that she was listening to at the time.
she was a tad overdramatic, loud, “funny” (as described by her school friends) and terribly forgetful in regards to homework and school assignments. she was angry at the world, most especially the catholic school she was fucking sick and tired of attending. but she was convinced that since she was the so-called “funny girl”, that she simply couldn’t be depressed or anxious. she believed herself unloveable because she didn’t look like a weird mixture of hayley williams and emo-pop queen lights. but now, i no longer believe that i have to look like the women that i looked up to in the ~emo scene~. fuck beauty standards. i am loveable.
in the years since joining tumblr, i’ve managed to get through business college, my undergrad degree and, well, failed out of postgrad due to obvious burnout and health issues amongst other things. although i’ve lost many friends irl and many followers/mutuals online on here. for those who’ve stuck around to see me get through all of this, thank you. to all the friends/casual mutuals that have since deactivated or only followed me for a short time then unfollowed; thank you.
like obviously i was never/have never been a massive popular blog on here, like thebootydiaries or vampireapologist (who has since deactivated a couple of months ago) with tens of thousands of followers. my follower count is still close to the 8,000 range at 7,892. obviously that’s still a lot of people (and of course, porn bots lmao and many, many non-active blogs), enough like one super old post from like 2012 tumblr pointed out, enough for a small to medium sized city or town, or something like that. i don’t know how many people i’ve really reached. i really don’t know how i actually amassed this small army of people.
i am aware though, that on other platforms like snapchat (lmao does anyone even use it anymore in 2021???)/instagram/youtube/tiktok etc, i’d PROBABLY be considered as some type of ~micro influencer (🤮🤮)~. hell, i actually had a bot slide into my notes about being one on here on this hellsite back in 2019. i don’t know if i’ve ever actually ~influenced~ anyone on here with my shitposts (when i started making some) or my personal posts. i don’t know my reach. even though, now, i do occasionally get featured on buzzfeed listicles (although pay me buzzfeed along with the OPs of those original embedded posts), i still don’t know how many people i’ve reached… and even with my very occasional checks of google analytics lmao. on top of this, grappling with the loss of followers at times is much, much easier than it was when i began on here and the first few years following that. i know that my follower count doesn’t determine my worth and stuff.
but over these 10 years, i have grown. i turn 26 this year. back in 2011, 15/16yo me never thought she’d be here. she was partially down the suicidal thoughts hole, with things about ~picturing her funeral and wondering who’d bother to turn up. if only she could pretend to be dead for a day to see who’d give a fuck~ and 16-18yo me was defs down it with her HSC hellscape thoughts in 2012/2013. that 3rd floor tafe/tech women’s bathroom window drop and the thought of scarring her class for life (and that cool dude from catholic school that she crushed on who ended up at tafe with her) with jumping out of it onto the concrete below. instead, she just posted on fb about ~being a failure~ etc which ultimately did lose her a bunch of facebook friends lmao. it was practically the same thing. her mental breakdown after the end of her hsc, where she let her earrings go green and get infected in her ears because “fuck self care, bc what the fuck is it??? i’ll never get better! let me fucking wallow in my self loathing bc it’s the only thing that i’m fucking good at!!!” so i no longer have my ears pierced. oh! it was just all too fucking much!!
i am happier today. i no longer have those semi-suicidal thoughts. hell, i almost died in 2020 from a fucking bowel aneurysm, after my stomach tumour excision surgery. that forced me to put things into perspective. i appreciate the little things . i appreciate the very few friends that i actually have. yes. i’m still depressed and anxious. some days are still shitty and hard. but nowhere as hard and shitty as they were back when i began on here 10 years ago.
how the fuck last 10 years have gone past, with my ass on here; clearing out my blog and caring more about doing that than my uni work (lmao whoops); having made some lifelong friends both internationally (from the US) and long distance domestically in australia, it’s been a long ride; i honestly have no fucking idea. obviously over these past 10 years, i’ve debated with myself over and over and over again whether i should delete/deactivate this account or not. would it make me healthier??? more than likely. but then when i have meltdowns or just inner ramblings i have to get out somewhere, where else to post??? on fb?? obvs not. it’s “attention seeking” or the like on there. no one will read them. no one will resonate. but on here??? even if i got/get one “like” in the notes or one “yo i feel this” response in the tags or replies, it feels like i’ve reached someone??? okay yeah. i know this place IS NOT therapy and i’m not using my followers as amateur (or probs even actual professional) armchair psychologists…. which is a thing i think people need to stop doing internet-wide: but that’s a whole other post that i reblogged a few days ago lmao. i really need to get another therapist, actually lmao.
but it’s the community i’ve found hard to leave. i have what feel like friends, when i’ve never been employed (still as of yet); and when all of my irl friends/acquaintances are working and doing the whole ~adulting~ and ~grown up life~ thing right. it’s also the frenzied rabidness of spite with hating staff’s godawful ideas. the memes. oh the memes. and also the RaWrInG 20s XD emo scene reemergence on here that’s kept me here. the messy petty drama from time to time of big blogs fighting it out.
this place really is bizarre and fun sometimes. and also the fact that i can still hide behind the ridiculous “roaring pikachu” URL that i made all those years ago. i am anonymous. it’s freeing. but on fb it’s all like “WHY WONT YOU ADD A BANNER IMAGE AND TELL US 20 FUN FACTS ABOUT YOU!!!!!???? LET PEOPLE WHO HAVENT SPOKEN TO YOU IN 10 YEARS KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU BECAUSE WE’RE ALL FRIENDS HERE!!!” and the same goes for Corporate Hellscape Facebook™️ (linkedin) but in the professional sense instead. y’all know fuck all about me really. besides my posts. and i love that and live for that. okay yeah. y’all know more about my mental health than my fb feed obvs… which is probably a terribly unfortunate thing. but still.
over the last 10 years then, my superiority complex for being ~so original and intelligent~ or whatever the fuck i had in high school, has all but ebbed away. i’m not that smart just because i went to uni. hell, i literally did NONE of my in-class work and none of my philosophy readings in uni….. so i have fuck all idea of how i got through undergrad like that lmao. i’m not original when so many people can articulate the same thoughts that i have, but like, sometimes better, on a post (even though sometimes/most of the time the Tumblr User Hot Takes Tuesday™️ takes on here are fucking awful lmao). but still. originality is not something i really have anymore. or really had in the first place lmao.
so will i deactivate after these 10 years, like i’ve been saying for so, so long??? i honestly have no idea. but just know. thanks guise. have a nice gpoy selfie day XD. grab your wands. your tardises. grab your war paint. grab your whatever the fuck other fandom specific stuff that was one that hella cringe post from 2011 til 2015 random tumblr. that relic is as old as time itself. just as this mysterious roaring pikachu is for someone whose too loyal to leave this W E B B E D H E L L S I T E that’s just as much of a train wreck as she is. lmao.
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milindblogger · 3 years
How to get Instagram clients using LinkedIn?
Tumblr media
  Instagram is not about uploading a photo, sharing videos on social networking sites.
 Like Facebook, Twitter, Linked In, Tumblr this is the full-fledged marketing business model where you build your company, engage with your audience directly. 
But most of the companies do not know how to build their brand on Instagram.
 In 2021 if the company is not building their brand on the social networking platform they are losing lots of traffic, customers,
 Because this is the first place where the customer meets their brands and follows like a fan. 
So as a social media marketer this is your work to find where the loophole is in the 
company and approach clients for social media marketing service and fill the loophole with your Instagram marketing ninja technique.
 But how to get your first social media marketing client
. At the beginning of your career, you struggle a lot to find your first social media marketing client. 
But you don’t need to struggle to find clients for social media marketing. 
Here I am sharing with you a secret technique which is fully proved applied by a successful 
freelancer, agency owner in their career and using today also to approach clients for social media marketing.
 I share with you a simple and easy way to approach a client because lots of the players in marketing are still using the hard ways to find smm clients. 
So without any further ado let’s follow the steps.
1. Top niche 
First, you come to Google and search what top industry are desperate wants
Instagram services to get more traffic and build their brand around them.
Here is the list of industries that are best for Instagram marketing purposes:
1. Travel and hospitality
2. Beauty Industry
3. Lifestyle, home decor, interior designing
4. Business services
5. Photography
6. Pet keeping and pet training
7. Faison industry
8. Health and Fitness
9. Parenting
10. Music
11. Food
In 2021 this industry is growing like hell on Instagram.
Ok, now we find a profitable niche but how to find clients for social media marketing? 
wait I will give you one simple tool and teach you how to apply this tool to find a client.
2. Finding a client 
First, you go to google search and type “trak. in” this is the website.
 where you find the lots of funded companies that are listed here and also you see the industry, investor, or what amount is invested here.
This is the company who has money in the pocket for your Instagram marketing services.
 They want to find some golden nuggets who can tie up to his organization because they are in the mood for expansion.
 so this is the right time to approach the discussion maker of the company.
make sure when you approach them to check the company portfolio where they are lacking 
.what they are doing on Instagram. 
3. Linkedin 
Linkedin is the most powerful and professional way to communicate with the client. 
In this place we are sending the proposal, strategy to grow on Instagram.
 Now go to the search bar and connect with the CEO, Co-founder, brand director of the company. but don’t make a mistake while sending a connection request. 
Apply 3 steps golden formula while connecting to the prospect:- 
Step1:- connection request 
Step2:- information message ( after connection accept) 
Bonus tip:- ( make a loom video start recording what critical mistakes they are doing in Instagram and how you will help them )
Step3:- follow up-1 ( after 4 days of connection )----- this would be the action step.
Now you can see this is how you approach the discussion makers of the company. I hope this will be helpful to you.
I am here to save time and give you a profitable approach to a client.
 So you don’t have to experiment and follow these steps because in the timeless world to have to approach a client.
who already has your money in his pocket and needs your help with social media marketing services. This is the most credible way to approach a social media client in 2021.
If you want more detail click the link:-
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daprec · 3 years
BJJ Floating Mat System DIY Walkthrough
I’m going to share the process of building a floating mat system, from design to sourcing materials and build. I figured I try to take out as much guess work since I had no guidance and had to learn on my own. There were several pieces of the puzzle that came as some small surprises, but hopefully this helps the next person who decided to make the leap to a better mat system. I’m unsure of the process for other countries, but in my case I will detail the process for importing goods into New Zealand – it may differ in other places. I’ll include links to the factory for all the specific mats I ordered in the post.
Towards the end of Sept 2020, just after the Covid-19 lockdown ended in New Zealand, I had an opportunity to expand my BJJ club and sub-lease space in our existing gym we ran out of. I had an elaborate vision of a floating mat system underneath some juicy dollamur mats for use to train in.
I was introduced to the floating mat system years ago when I lived in Los Angeles on a visit to Kron Gracie’s academy in Culver City. I had worked down the street and wanted to congratulate him and have a look around. My friend Ollie Barre worked there and he showed me around, even Kron said hello and mentioned the spring loaded floating mat system to me.
It was about 1/2 a meter high with actual springs under the floor with plywood on top and tatame on top of the ply. It was amazing!
Image courtesy of Kron Gracie Academy Linkedin page
I knew that’s what I wanted but I didn’t have the budget for springs, so I explored other options. After a few searches I came across a couple videos:
How to build the ultimate spring subfloor for your Judo, Jujitsu and Wrestling mats
How to build a Bjj subfloor
Foam and ply – sweet I can do that! Let’s measure the space:
9.7m x 4m – pretty decent space!
After the measurement I needed to visualize the build. I knew I had to see it and make something for others to see the vision I had, so I modeled everything out in Maya and made a 3D render:
Concept render
I used real world units to keep everything to spec, that means the units I use in the 3D application are accurate to and equal to the units I would use on the actual build. The sub-floor would be the most difficult thing to explain to a builder, so I did a couple renders of what the underbelly would look like:
14 sheets of plywood with sub-floor foam block layout
Single sheet plywood foam block layout
I began compiling a list of materials I would need:
15 sheets of 2440mm x 1200mm x 12mm non-structural plywood
6 sheets of closed cell polyethylene foam
tons of liquid nail
timber for boxing in – unsure of spec at that time
5cm thick floor mats, tatame finish
21 wall mats @ 183cm x 122cm x 5cm
Living in New Zealand is awesome BUT sourcing some of these materials was going to be difficult and super expensive. I started calling around and emailing different foam companies and dollamur reps. I was getting quotes just for the dollamur mats of $5-6k NZD alone! I found a company that imports foam and was quoted $500/sheet of PE foam! I didn’t even bother looking at the wall mats – it would have cost me closer to 10K to get everything from NZ companies, so I decided to cut out the middle man and source materials myself.
Of course this lead me to Alibaba.com – the Chinese based website that gives people like myself access to factories where these things are typically made. After a few days of searching and multiple emails, I found a factory – Quindao Sanhong Plastic Co, LTD – that appeared to manufacture everything I needed – floor mats, wall mats and PE foam sheets.
It was my 1st time using Alibaba and to be honest I was SUPER dubious. I would be dealing with people outside of the country I lived in which carries a larger sense of the unknown.
I ended up chatting with a service person named Emily. She was incredibly helpful and thorough and made sure she understood what I required. I sent her an absurd amount of photos, videos, all of my renderings of what I had in mind, the measurements and other specs. She talked me into getting a more dense mat (40kg/cbm – a new unit of measurement I was completely unfamiliar with) for both the floor mats and sub-floor mats.
Originally I intended to have that pool noodle type foam, but Emily urged me not to go that route and go for something thicker – the cost was negligible so I went for it. Trusting someone you’ve never met overseas was hard, but I figured I needed to roll the dice.
The floor mat specs I went with were 3 rolls of 9.7m x 1.33m x 5cm with a tatame finish
Link to mats here
Floor mats
Next were the wall mats. I needed 21 wall mats @ 183cm x 122cm x 5cm Link to mats here
Wall mats
Next was the closed cell sub-floor PE foam. Quindao made 2m x 1m sheets of this stuff, and I needed 6 sheets total to accommodate my space. These were roughly $40USD / sheet so if I got it wrong I figured it wouldn’t be TOO much of a loss. Link to foam sheets here
This is the pool noodle foam I was expecting, but not what I ended up receiving
Emily was very patient and understand of my reservations in dealing with an overseas factory. After a few more emails and messages I pulled the trigger and made the order. At this stage Emily walked me through the process and gave me a general idea of several unknown import costs. Her estimate on the NZ import tax was very close, but she did inform me there would be other costs she had no way of providing an estimate for.
I forgot to mention that a couple months prior to ordering I had already setup a legit business in anticipation of building my dream in the future. Emily had requested an NZ Import ID so fortunately I was already qualified to apply for a NZ business import ID through NZ Customs. This cost me about $200 to register my business and get an import ID.
After providing all of my information, she came back with a total cost and import tax estimate I would pay on arrival. Freight costs from China to NZ were SUPER cheap – about $80NZD to ship 700kg worth of stuff, so that was fine.
I paid the deposit so the manufacturing could get under way. Once they were finished making all of the mats/materials I would then pay in full prior to loading onto the ship. It took them about 4 weeks to finish everything. At that time there was one final check through that they had all of my correct information and import ID and that was that. The order started on 11/02/2020 and was shipped on 12/08/2020
Because of Covid, there were huge delays with international shipping and unloading, so the wait time was longer than usual. It was supposed to take 40 days but ended up being much longer than that. The mats arrived in NZ the 1st week of February 2021 – phew at least they made it safe!
This is where a lot of the surprises and unknowns came into play. I received an email from some guy at a freight company saying my mats had arrived and I needed to send all of the arrival documents to my broker
Evidently I had to obtain an import broker to forward all of the documents to, which no one makes any mention of. But here’s where things get a little…rackety. I ended up going with EasyFreight brokers who charged me about $200 for their services. They emailed documents from NZ Customs where I then had to pay around $500NZD for the Import Tax.
Once the Import Tax was paid, my mats could then be released BUT…the mysterious freight company who initially emailed me now says I need to pay them $1900NZD before they ship my mats to Wellington. This fee was for unloading the mats from the ship and onto the dock and storing them in a warehouse until all of the documents cleared. This almost doubled the cost of the mats I ordered and by now the total cost was getting close to what I was getting quotes from NZ based companies.
I paid the invoice and they put my mats onto a truck to be shipped down to Wellington to ANOTHER freight company – not directly to me for whatever dumb reason. I contacted the new freight company, had a bit of confusion and back and forth but eventually I ended up having to pay them another $250NZD to ship my mats to the gym. What a racketeering outfit huh?
They delivered the mats and I immediately started ripping up the packaging to have a look at my new goods. I have to say that what I purchased exceeded my expectations. The floor mats where BETTER than what I expected, the wall mats were BETTER than what I anticipated and the sub-floor foam ended up being more closer to memory foam than pool noodle foam. Holy hell we’re gonna have some sweet mats to roll on!
To the build!
After a trip to Bunnings to pickup timber, liquid nail and a few other things, that tallied up to over $1000NZD we were on our way.
The 1st order of business was to cut the foam sheets into blocks. I had originally calculated 7cm x 10cm x 10 cm but when we laid everything out, we’d only be using 2 sheets of foam and would have had to cut relatively tiny blocks. So instead we went with 20cm x 20cm x 10cm blocks – much easier to cut and deal with and even then we had a ton left over (which we made use of by the end of it.
Foam blocks
I worked out the numbers and we did 3 x 5 rows of blocks per plywood sheet
1st row of 8 pieces of 2440mm x 1200mm x 12mm plywood with 15 foam blocks liquid nailed to ply
We had all of the blocks glued to the ply and realized we had HEAPS left over, so we decided to re-jig some things around and use the extra blocks in the spaces inbetween sheets of ply on the seams and corners. This ended up adding an extra level of stability between the ply and would be less likely to damage the mats on top.
Using extra blocks underneath ply seams
Once all the plywood was laid out and the liquid nail given a bit of time to cure, we had to then box everything in to prevent sliding. This required a concrete drill/concrete bit, about 10 dynabolts (basically concrete bolts with anchors), some timber 2 x 4s, more liquid nail and a bit of good old fashioned elbow grease.
We made a mess!
The guys marked where the holes needed to be drilled roughly 1 1/2 meters apart. After the holes were drilled and swept, we laid down a very long 2×4 that was already predrilled with the initial concrete hole drilling. A dynabolt was hammered into the hole as far as it could, then racheted down with a socket wrench to tighten. The 1st piece of timber would be the foundation the other boxing in pieces would be anchored to.
The farside wall was crooked so that meant our sheets were slightly offset on the outside edge. As long as the surrounding box was square, the top layer mats would hide the crooked ply and we’d be fine.
Timber posts are rather expensive in NZ and usually crooked, so we ended up gluing and screwing 2 2×4 together so that 1. they cost less and 2. we could straighten them much easier.
Boxing in almost complete
To secure the 2x4s to the base we used nails and several Stud to Bottom galvanized fixings. We needed to make sure there would be absolutely no flex with the box.
To have a nicer finish, we added a thin layer of finger jointed pine on top of the 2x4s secured with finishing nails. The grain and look of it is much more eye pleasing than the sides of 2x4s and I can stain or paint it later.
Finishing touches on the sub-floor box
We left about a 3cm lip around the box so when the mats sit on top of the ply, the outer frame would contain and lock in the mats from sliding. The mats came very well packaged in three 1.3m x 9.7m x 5cm rolls
1 of 3 mat rolls
We placed extra ply against the walls to create a wedge/spacing for the wall mats. Upon rolling out the 1st roll we realized the wall was not straight…at all, but we made it work. 1st mat down!
The middle roll was relatively easy to to setup and the velcro attachment worked out perfectly.
That tatame finish texture is looking nice!
The final row did prove to be a bit more challenging but we eventually squeezed it into the remaining space. We can do math!!
After a full day of work we got the mats installed. We started at 11am, did a Bunnings run to collect tubes of liquid nail, screws, etc, got to the gym at around 12:30pm and finished just after 1am.
The following weekend we mounted the wall mats which were relatively straight forward. We ran 2 rows of 5m x 18mm pine planks along the wall, one at the top of the wall mats and one mid mat for support. I forgot to take pics but we basically created a support system and something to drill into instead of thick firewall jib.
We finished in the evening, cleaned up and of course we had a roll!
Some after thoughts
I can’t tell you how happy I am with this setup. Having an extra 10cm of foam under the sub floor has made a HUGE difference. It only took about 3 weeks to break in the harshness of new mats, and the tatame finish has been amazing. They aren’t slippery at all and are like heaven to roll on. One thing I would have done, which I most likely will do soon is to place 1 screw into each foam block under the sub floor.
What happens is the vibrations of people moving on the mats will cause the foam blocks to shift if they liquid nail didn’t stick. Not a big deal as we can simply lift the mats/play and move the foam, but that’s the only thing I would have done. Everything else worked out perfectly and I could not be more happy.
I hope this helps anyone who is interested in building something like this. There are a LOT of unknowns that go into importing goods from overseas, but I covered all of the “gotcha” moments along the way. Also I can with full confidence say that Quindao Plastics manufacture high spec and high quality mats/foam. They exceeded my expectations, so you can purchase with confidence. I knew nothing about them, only went by their Trade Assurance certification rating on Alibaba, but who the hell knows what that means? I’m thrilled I rolled the dice – they nailed it!
Reach out if you have any questions
BJJ Floating Mat System DIY Walkthrough was originally published on davepreciado
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violetsystems · 3 years
I deposited my first check for my business yesterday at the bank.  I had to go to the teller because it’s an entirely different account.  They repeated the name back to me off the check and asked me if I wanted a balance.  If you look at my life from the right perspective everything seems amazing.  Truthfully, they say the American dream is owning your own business.  They say a lot of dumb shit about America.  Now more than ever.  Which is why it’s nice sometimes to stick around in a neighborhood and let people battle it out in terms of what they think of you.  It’s been about ten months of insane isolation.  I spend most of my time at home alone with my cat.  I talk to my parents every so often but nobody really else intimately.  Other than here.  I live in a city so it’s impossible to be alone once you leave the house.  I sometimes think that’s a hard balance to maintain.  It gets easier over time the less I worry about the outside world.  I know it’s hard to when you live on a planet in the middle of a dense, dark universe.  But these days I pay more attention to space in the news more than anything.  I just bought a few things for my business to experiment with.  A mini drone to learn Python with.  I flew it out on the porch for a few seconds until my neighbor poked their head out.  Everybody out here is always in everybody else’s business.  It’s almost a reflex.  Oddly enough when I fly it indoors my cat just rolls her eyes at it.  I’ve been continuing to apply for jobs and maintain a presence on the job sites.  But everything whiffs in such a weird way.  It’s like I’m invisible until I’m out on the street.  Then it’s everyone wasting my time and energy trying to project some secret messages or agenda.  It’s laughable at this point.  You’d think after years of fucking with somebody on a guerilla level you’d bother to at least acknowledge them with more than a glare.  And yet people can’t be bothered to be kind or understanding.  There’s not enough of it in the world.  So when you walk that path, everyone has their hand out.  Everybody expects it’s a given that we’re all in this together.  When it comes to my physical address behind closed doors most assuredly this is not true.  But considering my business address and my residence are one and the same right now, it’s not too hard to know I’m painted in a corner.  I don’t have friends that even check on me to see how I’m doing other than here.  Everybody in this city is too caught up in a lie or afraid of being exposed.  I can confirm this by simple math.  The people I still keep up with are business transactions at best.  There’s an icy veil between that where you get this feeling you aren’t welcome into any real social circle anymore.  This feels even worse applying for jobs in this city.  I just got out of a twenty year employment opportunity where you get to work with your friends.  Only to find ten months after being let go, none of those people were my friends.  I personally at this point care more about making money than friends.  The teller is friendly enough when they stare at my account from behind the screen.  It’s a nightmare to think over two years ago my life was quite the opposite despite having it all.  Dream jobs are in the past now.  Everybody’s godson is their own personal cybersecurity officer.  The nerds got rid of their IT managers and are locked in their bedrooms on zoom with their cameras off.  I’m more excited about drones on Mars and autonomous delivery.  And I still see no future for me here, there or everywhere.
The biggest lesson for me has been about validation.  There is a point when what you want to do isn’t the clearest road.  I’ve had my share of friends doubt who I wanted to be or become.  I’ve cautiously shared things about my life I couldn’t put into words only to have my concerns gaslighted or dwarfed for the main narrative.  People who lie are really good at one thing.  Continuing to lie.  When I catch people in lies, it makes me angry.  Mostly because the one thing I’ve always tried to do was be transparent, accountable and real.  The way I see America when I walk out my door is severely broken.  A thousand fractured narratives clashing together in selfishness.  I try to keep the peace and bridge things together as best I can.  But I’m no politician.  I’m not even an activist.  I’ve been duct taping my life together for almost a year only to realize everybody else’s is far worse off.  Social distancing through the plague has brought me to extremes.  It helped me distance myself from years of my life I’d been caught up in.  And yet now I find myself caught up in a city rather than a suburban area I crawled out from years ago.  College is so far away.  I actually took masters level courses in Psychology.  I wanted to go into artificial intelligence.  I settled for data analytics and human resources.  Never really did much with that degree other than learn how to spot crazy.  I don’t have any student loans to trade for leverage with an employer.  Everybody follows me around and talks behind my back to the point where I wonder if employers have a red flag tabbed on my LinkedIn profile.  The shit I have seen done with my life is so fucking amateur that people would rather erase me than confront the problem.  And therein lies the lesson.  You have to validate yourself.  Believing in yourself and walking away from the table is a tough thing when everyone negs you to think less.  But there’s a point when my Viking roots throw caution to the wind and I tell the world I’m done.  I’m sure my Gyspy roots concur.  Not sure about the Bohemian side.  I think here is the hidden key to Nationalism.  Everybody falls back on their shallow gene pool for comfort to ease the cognitive dissonance of society being a chaotic fuck show.  Primitive thinking that can’t evolve beyond pattern recognition.  The things I’m supposed to be proud of are very finite to me.  They don’t span generations or even decades.  The last ten months has been the most bleak and soul churning I have ever experienced.  And I experienced it quietly with my family and my real friends in a weird sort of intimacy.  And even my parents don’t really know what goes on with me too deeply.  There’s a point when you have to be your own person.  And some people can’t break free and stand on their own too without fear or pain.  So they’d rather fall back into a crowd.  Where they can stop being judged, negated or feel unsure about where they stand.  That is a crutch.  Sometimes the world is so hurt you need something to stand on.  And sometimes the bones heal you back all gnarled and distorted.  You look inward and all you feel is hate.  And that hate isn’t you.  It’s not a good thing to be angry all the time.  And yet I feel it too.  More so these days when I let myself get angry over things and people outside my control.  The people outside my door don’t ever validate me in a way that’s dignified or respectful.  And that says a lot about the world in general versus how I choose to live.  The real lesson I’ve learned is that this is the way it is.  If you want to change it, you must start with yourself.  And there’s some things you can’t change.  The hell of other people trying to intrude and muscle in on your place on this planet.  
It’s hard to love yourself when everyone else is judging your every move.  It makes you think there is something wrong with you.  And the world is always looking for something to point it’s finger on.  We’re all being judged.  We’re all under duress.  We are all paranoid looking over our shoulder.  I should know because I catch someone with a knowing look out my periphery every ten or fifteen seconds.  That’s a lot to subconsciously prepare for every day I want to live my life.  And yet I know there are people who are simply continuing to live through a lie.  To be further manipulated away from controlling themselves.  The reactionary bullshit in America serves a dual purpose.  Thinning out the herd.  We are so caught up in headlines we never read the fine print.  We are enraged, huddled together through protest and then led further down the rabbit hole with no end in sight.  We complain about government but can’t name a single piece of legislation other than guns that have saved our freedom.  I’ll name one for you.  The CARES act.  We know everything about everyone every second of the day but have never even asked anyone’s name.  And you can seek out that whirl wind circle jerk of group hugs and prayer circles all you want.  People are still just going through the motions.  Saying the right things to avoid confrontation even if it means blatantly warping the truth.  Ask anybody I used to work with.  I would ask them for you but they pretend I’m fucking dead.  And this was how it was supposed to feel I gather.  I was to be taught a lesson.  Freedom isn’t free.  It did teach me a lot about life.  Mostly that I’m not really sensitive to anything other than my own ethics.  There’s things I don’t do.  And these things are observed and never clarified.  I live in a silent void of rumor, legacy and shadow.  I’m living that life you people brag about in public.  Whatever that life is I’m not even quite sure.  I’m terribly alone in all of this and not at the same time.  And it requires me to have confidence enough to simply and effortless believe I’m worth it.  Like some vicious game of poker.  I’m all in at my own kitchen table.  I have no dreams left other than to be free.  And maybe to learn Premiere editing 4k drone videos in my spare time.  I don’t really fucking know anymore what to do other than to continue to not humor anyone’s dumb ass bullshit.  And to be real, this entire experience has taught me firsthand how worthless and fucked up my past is here in America.  Everybody wants some shame to hold over you so you stay a bargain.  Everybody wants to roast you and take your shine so they can look mediocre next to you at best.  Everybody wants to bring everyone down to their level regardless if it’s legal, civil or ethical.  And yet when you do the same, you understand what the problem is.  I’ve walked the walk for years and everybody can’t stop talking their shit.  Now people have run out of bad things to say.  So they either pretend I’m a ghost or speak like I’m some urban legend.  And thinking too much into that can drive an intelligent person insane.  Which is why knowing what I know I stay out of everything completely.  Even when I don’t you can see how much it drags me down to humor it all like a good sport.  These people out here do not play fair.  They never have.  And the only winning move is not to play.  I learned that from Wargames years ago.  Everybody wants to be a hacker now.  If you learn one thing from Hackers the movie.  The M1 is here to stay.  And never try to hack a gibson.  That’s the only ICE you have to fear when it comes to crossing my path.  Flatline your shit and leave you staring at the ground awkwardly with your well meaning intrusive bullshit.  End of line.  <3 Tim
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fullheart-emptybody · 4 years
🌷Sad Rambling🌷
It’s sad girl hours, let’s go...
My mom’s girlfriend is really supportive of me and in the career path that I wish to pursue. To keep it fairly simple, I love books and absolutely anything to do with them. (Editing, book design, publishing, marketing, literary agents, and of course, writing.) My dream is to one day write and publish a book or hell even more than one. It’s a tough scene to break into and I know that and I’m not naive. I can’t support myself by just writing books but maybe one day, which is why I pride myself in knowing a lot about the process of publishing a book and what goes into it from the first draft to setting up the display stands in bookstores and managing signing events. All of it is a passion of mine. 
I’ve made a lot of connections while in college and have built up an alright network of people and very kind professors. I have profiles on a lot of social media that are “personal” but everything that I post is done with the mindset of “a future employer could see this” which is why my actual personal accounts are all private. I even have my own website (that I built/designed myself) where I have samples of projects that I’ve worked on from publishing samples, marketing pieces, and just about everything that I have created that might help me in wiggling my way into the world of publishing and writing. (Along with my resume to! And other projects/writings that my professors have mentioned would be good to have posted.)
I have a profile on a lot of job/professional sites that I keep up to date with and check regularly. 
The one that I don’t really use is Linkedin. 
I have a profile up but it’s the one that I least check because a lot of my networking connections are more active on different platforms so I’ve never really had the need to keep track of it. 
Now, my mom has been with her girlfriend for about 4 years or so at this point and I love her, really. We’ve only ever butted heads a couple of times in the beginning of their relationship but other than that, we’re on the same page with pretty much everything. Except for Linkedin, apparently. 
I understand that it’s a good tool to use and that everyone in the academia world has one. I’m not knocking it for that or anything, but personally I just don’t use it and have nothing against it. 
However, my mom’s girlfriend has been really hounding me the last few days about it and I sort of had my tipping point like an hour or so go. She kept telling me that she knows people on the site that can help me and that she has a bunch of connections. (Which she does, however, her field of expertise is not the same as where I would like to go with my career path. She also works in the sort of “fine arts” field and has a decent reputation and coaches a lot of students.)
Like I said before, she’s very supportive and I always make sure that she knows that I appreciate her input and time.
But she wouldn’t get off my back about fixing my Linkedin. 
For example she’ll text me asking why isn’t my profile up yet? After I’ve had a pretty draining day and I’ll text saying I’ll get it done later. Then she’ll message back and say that I need to get it done by ‘x’ amount of time. When she first did it, I get it. She wants to see it asap. 
But then the demands kept rolling in. 
She was starting to talk to me like I was one of her students and she is strict because of her line of work. But I’m not her student. I’m your girlfriend’s daughter. 
When I did get around to fixing up my profile, I messaged her saying that it was done and to check it out. The response I got was, “Looks good. Message [Name] she’s been waiting for your message.” 
([Name] is one of her contacts that again isn’t in my field but wants to connect us because she thinks that this person could help. Which, spoiler alert, she didn’t have the insight that I really needed or wanted.)
I felt a little miffed that after the days of being hounded, receiving these passive aggressive demands when my mental health and tolerance for confrontation are extremely low, only to have this person who she had been hyping up to me not actually be able to help me. Of course, not one to be rude, I thanked the woman for taking the time to message me.
My mom’s girlfriend then demanded to know what was said in the conversation and I told her that I’d take some of her advice in rearranging my profile around and such. I had sent my thank you message to the woman around 5:30 ish. And barely an hour later she messaged me asking why I haven’t edited my profile and fixed it? 
I wanted to tell her to chill out and that’s it’s been an hour. 
But instead I told her that I’d do it tomorrow since I was tired and she told me to get it done my noon tomorrow and to send her a new link to my profile. At that point, I was starting to get irritated with her and just told her alright. I just wanted the conversation to end. When I thought the conversation was over she sent me this…
‘This is your time you’re wasting. You can write and write well when there is a deadline and you suck when there isn’t one set.’ 
For whatever reason, it hurt.
It really hurt. 
I’ve been in plenty of writing workshops in college. I’ve had some of my writing torn to fucking shreds in front of me and told me that I should transfer majors and barely bat an eye. But that message for whatever reason really hurt me. And then it made me mad. 
She has never witnessed any parts of my writing process. I’ve shown her samples of my writing but she has never once asked if the work that I was presenting to her was done durning a time crunch or not. 
I have taken 400 and 600 level courses and have banged out essays the day they’re due and received high marks for them. I’ve also turned in essays days before they are due because I have the time to do so. The common thread in a lot of my work that doesn’t do as well is because it’s a topic that I’m not passionate about. Believe me, I can clearly see the difference in my essays/writings when I’m passionate about the topic or not. 
The point is, she knows nothing about how I write. Not that she had ever asked before, but now all of sudden she knows that I work well under pressure? Like, she does know I have severe anxiety when it comes to classes and education. 
I felt hurt and for a few minutes wanted to drown my aching heart in food and was close to binging because of this unexpected hurt. But thankfully, my stomach started to hurt and just made myself some chamomile tea to help settle me down. 
So yeah...not feeling too good right now.
(Sorry for such a long rant, just had to get it off of my chest.)
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bo-sin-limite · 4 years
Fast-track to Nowhere
Dr. Kaufmann: After you reached out to me, I saw some pictures from Chile on your Facebook thing…is that where you live now?
Bo: Those are actually from like 8 months ago... I just got here from France as I want to go skiing and I have some friends with a shack up here. But before I spent like 3 months hitchhiking across Argentina - I love that place. You should totally check it out: Lush green Araucarnia forests, giant lakes and glaciers in the South. And up North it’s these crazy extraterrestrial desert landscapes, rainbow-colored hills with space-llamas. Worth it just for the hikes, but also fancy for lazy drivers like you. and Mother of God: the food is just fantastic. incredible steaks and red wines for next to nothing. You would love it there.
The Andes mountains cut across the whole thing, actually they run up through North-America as far up as Alaska. Anyway now I’ve just done Spain and France on my way to the Alps. I am so glad to meet you here after all this time. Last time I met you, you were in Düsseldorf working for some tech-company. What are you doing now? And what brings you up here?
Dr. Kaufmann: I am still in Düsseldorf, actually I just bought a flat there.
Bo: Now why would you stay in that shithole for so many years?
Dr. Kaufmann: I am still working with UltraCorp, the money’s good and I am now the Head of Innovation and Agile Project Development.
Bo: That actually sounds pretty breakthrough - congratulations!
Dr. Kaufmann: Well to be fair it’s not really like we invent anything - actually we scout for new products and ideas from others that we could try to implement in our company. Arguably it’s a nicer label for trying to catch up with the present.
I am here this week for the digital designer conference down in Zürich. Supposedly I am here to escape the mental incest pond of my company and discover the next big thing for UltraCorp. But then instead... I hate these conferences!
Everyone’s just repeating the same shit over and over. It’s like a ritual we perform to show we truly believe it.
It feels like all the people from the industry, we’re on stage together putting on a play for the world. It’s not like any of them convince me of their bullshit, but the good actors are so deep in-character that with some I am afraid they don’t know they are acting.
Alas, I am part of this doomsday machine and have my part to play.
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And while somehow we are all acting together, at the same time we are competing for attention - it’s the business version of hell! It’s like going to a physical manifestation of linkedin and being stuck there for days.”
A waiter comes by: Have the gentlemen decided?
Dr. Kaufmann: I will have the French breakfast with croissant, fresh orange juice and a Latte.
Bo: Just a coffee for me...and your wifi password please.
Dr. Kaufmann: Aren’t you hungry?
Bo: Can you put it on your company bill?
Dr. Kaufmann: Don’t worry about it - I’m buying.
Bo: Sweet. Then I will have the big Aussi Avo Smash and a plate of Jamón Iberico please. oh and make that a tall Chai Latte. Gracias
Dr. Kaufmann: So in between all these Xerox copy presentations, they give you caffein and sugar so you can stay awake to subdue yourself to yet another round. But the food is not really free - the buffet is a great opportunity for “networking”- it’s a goddamn snake pit. The more small talk I endure, the more emails I have to evade later.
You can’t even take a leak without being harassed by these goddamn sales reps with all their bullshit. It finally made me understand the suffering of being the prettiest girl in high school. These sales reps are fuckin animals! They are professionally trained to detect your weakness, conditioned to smile. Rejection turns them on. They offer gifts and politeness to force your natural urge for reciprocity...
Bo: Well that sounds annoying. But I guess it’s their job to get along with you.
Dr. Kaufmann: Yes, but they just take it way too far. They got all this hypnotic body language bullshit going on - they mirror your posture to gain empathy.  
They stop seeing you as a human being - really they just want to take you behind the shed and jump you. Never let them smell the scent of opportunity!
Once your business card is in that goddamn sales funnel - you will never be free. They will keep stalking you!
Bo: Poor bastards. I think you need to snap out of it. We should hike up to Müllers Zipfel today - that will give you some headspace!
Dr. Kaufmann: Can’t. Flying back tonight. I have projects to deliver and a hard deadline next week. That’s another reason I hate conferences: Your workload at home just stacks up - and you feel guilty as if you had gone to play golf. So on top of travel - you end up working the weekend. Once you have some seniority, you have to deliver shit, no matter what. You can’t really explain to people you would rather go to the gym or your weekend has any kind of tangible priority.
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Bo: But if you are so busy, then why did you come to the conference?
Dr. Kaufmann: Well my boss kind of made me, apparently he committed to some guy from the supervisory board. Plus I had to pitch my face to the CEO of GigaCorp…
Bo: Isn’t that your competitor?
Dr. Kaufmann: Yes they are. Except we are cooler, more sustainable and more innovative.
Bo: I figured you couldn’t switch to your direct competitor?
Dr. Kaufmann: Well it sucks for my future ex-company of course, but for me it’s actually kind of necessary. I have been with Ultra for like 4 years and it’s starting to look lame. I should switch within the next year or so - if they give me the right package...  
Bo: You mean a new challenge and some free time?
Dr. Kaufmann: Good one :-) No, I need to increase my headcount and a bigger bonus.
Bo: But the money you make right is already completely sick! Didn’t you just buy your 3rd house?
Dr. Kaufmann: I have a friend, he makes like 3x what I make. It’s ridiculous. Plus I need to up my headcount now, if I want to make C-Level before I reach 50.
Dr. Kaufmann: Well those actually increase my monthly cost. I do alright, but I am still not at that point where it’s really worth it...
Bo: You have it all figured out then?
Dr. Kaufmann: You just look at where you want to be in 10 years, determine the steps to get there and calculate backwards. It’s not exactly rocket science.
Bo: But then you are glued to rails. The rest of your life will be one straight line.
Dr. Kaufmann: It relaxes me to see I am on track - currently I am actually 2 years ahead of my plan. How else would you do it?
Bo: I’d run that train right off the tracks.
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whenwomenrefuse · 6 years
The Abusive Relationship
I was in a very bad relationship for over five years. I was mentally unwell due to parental issues from my youth and this relationship made me feel so bad I would stay awake until he was asleep so that I could sneak out of our bedroom just to cry into a thick pillow. The pillow crying had started by the year and a half mark, somewhere around the 2 and a half year mark I tried to end things. I was told no, it was all in my head, he made me stop my taking the pill, because he had “done some googling” and the pill can affect your mental health…no s$%t Sherlock but the problem is you. Even off the pill he got angry with me because I made him wear a condom; I went to a new doctors and kept my pill at work anyway. Why was it so bad? from the sixth month point of our relationship if I said no to sex, for any reason, he would firmly squeeze, poke and taunt me (even in public) until I gave up in tears and just lay there like a dead fish. This happened several times a week, if not every day.
By the start of our fourth year together I was contemplating suicide on a regular basis, thankfully a redundancy and six months of being his house pet (and other things) searching for work handed me a job on the other side of the country. I took it and had told him it was over after 2 weeks of knowing what happiness felt like again. He was insistent we could work it out. He was sure I had cheated on him and was feeling guilty (because after years of abuse I totally wanted to throw myself at someone else, wrong). I kept saying no, I told him to get help. He then faked having cancer (I foolishly believed) so I kept talking to him so he would get treatment. Then suddenly he showed up at my office on a Friday and I was pressured into spending the weekend with him. I hopped in the shower of his hotel room only to have him join me…I couldn’t even shower because he had to hug me and cry. Then he did the same thing as I tried to sleep. He gave me a very expensive bracelet (from a brand I had mentioned throughout our relationship as being hideous) and forced me to ware it, told me he had booked this trip as soon as I got the job over here to propose; I checked our joint bank account, the one I didn’t want to get, and he booked it a few days before, I was happy to throw that back at him.
Then at about 2 am on Monday morning I had to accompany him to the airport, he had offered to drive me to my place but I decided on making sure he returned the hire car and checked into his flight, I didn’t watch him board as he made me agree to trying to make things work. I agreed and left because I knew if I said no he wouldn’t get on that flight. I had to put up with around six months of constant stream of emails, texts and phone calls, which were mostly one sided and me just saying the minimal. Then it suddenly stopped, no explanation, he blocked me on Facebook (if I could have afforded fireworks I would have ordered some in celebration). Then the hell of getting my things off of him, including my car, went on for months. He ended up sending me my car and three boxes of some of the things I had asked for but mostly random things…including some of his junk.  Among the things I asked for, my baby photos (because I don’t have parents so I have them) and my books, particularly my copies of a specific book that I collect…not there. I did however receive a Bible. Which was interesting as neither of us was religious and I know we didn’t own a Bible. I opened it to the bookmark to find a section on adultery highlighted. Apparently he had found God and was now trying to show me the error of my supposed ways.
I was initially upset over the Bible incident, because I had not been unfaithful, despite the fact that I could have been….and these days think I should have been. I had to see him at a work thing for a few days just last year, because he followed me into the same profession (that way he could use all my notes and not worry about studying much himself). I played nice, but really I was dying inside. My boss at the time, could tell something was wrong and offered to switch places with me for the few days. I declined and spent a lot of the time smiling and being happy just to spite him. I got a lot of scowls for that. I have not heard from him since, unless you count the regular notifications I get from my professional LinkedIn profile to let me know “insert name of douche bag ex” has viewed your profile. I deal with this by never looking at his profile and hope that it eats him up inside.
My belongings are either somewhere at his house collecting dust or set up as a shrine or have been thrown away. I live with this because, I don’t really need my baby photos and I have started my book collection again. I live my life damaged, I have tried one relationship since and I couldn’t cope because the guy made a few pushy moves (not with sex) and I decided that I didn’t need that and couldn’t cope with it. I have no desire to date again, unless you count marathon sessions of tv shows or movies with my latest actor crush. No, I have a dog who makes me happier than the ex ever did…even with his unwanted face licks after he has been eating who knows what at the park. I can honestly say I am happier now then I have ever been.
I know you might all be thinking this, why did I never go to the police? I didn’t know I could, I was in a relationship with him, we were living together, why would the police do anything? And then there was the fact that I was the female, In my country, despite the first world listing and apparent equal rights. It has never felt like that. I have only ever felt equal to a man if they are from another country, where begin female is as equal to, or as irrelevant as being male. I have some aunts and uncles and cousins, but they do not know the full extent of what went on in that relationship, it is scary but hopefully therapeutic to get it out.
To anyone in a similar circumstance out there, get out, plan your departure in your head. Pack a bag, get on a bus/train/plane and just go. Abusive relationships are never okay.
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5 Days I NEVER book In My Landscaping Business
How many business days do you have in a week?
 As I run my landscaping business, I’ve learned the importance of taking some time off to rest and recharge. So I book days on my calendar and spend more time with my family.
 It has tremendously helped me, for I could work without burnout. That’s why I share my five emergency days in this episode and why they’re important. Because same as how important your business is, your health and well-being should also matter.
 Tune in and learn from this episode.  
    “Find out what your days are that you’re going to be taking off or you can’t do stuff, and book out days before that. Do not book customers on those days. It’s tempting when you’re with a customer, and they want us to do a $3,500 or $10,000 job right now, and you’re making that promise to a customer. That’s risky business because you’re banking on the hope that everything’s gonna go perfect; that it’s not going to rain, there won’t be equipment failures and breakdowns and everything, and that doesn’t happen; a perfect world.”
  – Keith Kalfas
    Why do you have to listen to today's episode.
    01:02 – Have emergency days on your calendar. Not having these can eventually lead to a hurt business.
01:52 – I take the whole week off on the fourth of July – the end of the business’ 100 days of hell.
04:27 – The Parkinson’s Law says that whatever space you give something, it will fill. The same thing happens in business.
06:59 – It’s tempting when a customer asks for an urgent $10,000 job, but make sure not to book customers on your emergency days.
08:00 – Nashville, Tennessee, August 17th to 19th Window cleaners, pressure/soft washers, and landscapers
Go to https://www.keithkalfas.com/events and save 25 bucks off your ticket.
GIE+Expo on October 20th
Go to https://www.keithkalfas.com/events for discounts as well.
09:34 – Also, I’ve teamed up with Kory Ballard, the founder of Ballard Products. Check the info below on how you can get discounts.
  Key Takeaways
“What we do is we take the entire week off. The fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh – whatever the fourth lands on, we take that whole. Let’s say the fourth ends up Tuesday. We take the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, and tenth – all the way through Sunday off, then we come back to work the following Monday. I take a week off, and whoever’s working for me gets a week off as well. That way, we don’t burn out.” 
“I’ve learned that I need to take some time off and spend it with my family because if you don’t take some time off and go on a little whatever canoe trip, it’s not good.”
“I’ve learned now that no matter what, there’s always going to be more customers that want stuff done.”
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    Resources/People Mentioned:
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stucktounstoppable · 3 years
81. Do the Hard Things for Success |Mark Drager
EPISODE SUMMARY INTRODUCTION: Mark Drager believes that EVERYONE has something to prove, whether big or small. Doubters, high school bullies, Parents, and your ex. Every person who's ever given you that worried look when you explain your idea. Hell, even that little voice in the back of your mind.
Your world is filled with doubt. You're surrounded by those who just don't get it. You can run down the list in your head with all the reasons why it just won't work, why you can't pull it off, why you're not smart enough, experienced enough, strong enough.
So, are you actually going to make this happen? Are you going to prove to yourself what you're capable of? Are you going to prove every doubter wrong? Mark Drager wants to see to it that you DO!! He is a brand strategist, podcast host, and the founder of a growth agency. His goal is to help those of us who have something to prove show the world, and ourselves, that we have what it takes to make it happen.
NEXT STEPS MENTIONED IN THIS VIDEO: 1. Check out his podcast We Do Hard Things. 2. Find him on Instagram.
TOPICS DISCUSSED IN THIS VIDEO: [0:00] – Intro [0:48] – Number 1 thing Keeps People from Doing the Very Hard Thing [10:45] – A Seat at The Table [14:06] – Sacrifice [20:54] – Top 1% - Give Your Word [22:44] – Do the Hard Work First [35:09] – Ok to Fall as long as You Get Back Up
ABOUT ME: Hi, I'm Stephen Scoggins. After fighting from homelessness and depression to build multiple businesses employing hundreds of amazing people, I've learned a lot about what it really takes to overcome your limitations and build your dream life. Now, my goal is to help one million people get from where they are today to where they want to be in life. To help with that, I'm releasing videos on this channel several times per week and posting regularly on social media. On this YouTube channel, I interview the world's foremost thought leaders on what it takes to master your life. I also have a library of free resources, downloadable ebooks, and personality tests to help you become the person you’ve always wanted to be. Just check out my websites below!
MASTER YOUR LIFE WITH FREE RESOURCES: My Website: https://www.stephenscoggins.com Free eBooks & Resources: https://www.stephenscoggins.com/resources My Blog: https://stephenscoggins.com/blog/ Stuck to Unstoppable Podcast: https://stephenscoggins.com/stuck-to-unstoppable/
CONNECT WITH ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/stephen_scoggins/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stephenscoggins/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/stephenscoggins Twitter: https://twitter.com/stephen_scoggin
Check out this episode!
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loadresort790 · 3 years
Chat Box Blogger Widget
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Chat Box Widget
Chat Box Html Widget
Best Widgets For Blogger
Youtube Widget For Blogger
Chat Box Blogger Widget Extension
The Chat app is just one example of a library of apps that are easy to install with step-by-step instructions, or use the Blogger Chat embed code. Check out all of the options in the POWR app library or consider subscribing to POWR Business which gives you the full access to the entire suite, including the Chat app!
Widgets are a handy, easy and simple way to add some flare to your blog. Whether you'd like to display the number of currently online visitors to your site or simply the weather report for Los Angeles, you can do it with widgets. We've assembled a list of 50 useful or simply cool widgets for your pleasure. And remember, the first rule of widgetizing your blog is - don't overdo it!
MyBlogLog's Recent Readers - this widget can easily be called a hit amongst blog owners; its popularity even managed to convince Yahoo into buying MyBlogLog. The widget lets you see the avatars of recent visitors to your blog, provided they're also members of MyBlogLog.
Chat Box Widget
Create your custom Live Chat widget for the website in only 60 seconds. Try a quick demo for shaping Live Chat Box by Elfsight for free. Adding a chat box widget to your blog is an easy way to build community on your site and keep your visitors coming back. It’s so easy we can do it in less than a minute. We’ll use Chatroll live communities to create a chat box widget, customize it, and add it to your Blogger layout. Here’s a screenshot of a Blogger blog with a chat box. Applying a Cincopa widget for Blogger allows you to captivate your readers' audience by creating a spectacular presentation with only one click of a button. Moreover, every modification or update you made by you in your media files, is automatically updated in your post. Always at Your Service!
Mashable - get the latest social networking news from this very site.
Flickr Flash Photo Stream Badge - display images from your Flickr profile with a handy Flash photo stream.
Preview Anywhere - see a live preview of outgoing links in a small popup which activates on mouseover. Some find this annoying, while others might find it useful.
Twitter Badge - if your life is so interesting that everyone must know what you're up to all the time, then a Twitter badge is the ideal counterpart to your blog. It'll proudly displays your recent tweets.
Digg News - display the latest Digg links on your blog. Themeable and fully customizable.
FEEDJIT - real time traffic data directly in your blog's sidebar.
LineBuzz - inline comments for your blog. Very handy for blogs with frequent lively discussions.
Flixn - display a stream directly from your webcam, so your blog visitors can always see what you're up to.
3Jam - lets your visitors send messages to your mobile phone, without them knowing your phone number.
Game of thrones map 1080p. Game of Thrones Map Wallpaper HD is the perfect high-resolution movie poster image with size this wallpaper is 559.88 KB and image resolution 1920x1080 pixel. Enter the world of Game of Thrones with official maps of the Seven Kingdoms and interactive family trees that capture the rich backgrounds of the characters and locations featured in the HBO series. Explore interactive family trees, the map of #Westeros.
Jaxtr - with Jaxtr, your visitors can actually call you to your mobile phone; again, your number stays private.
LinkedInABox - show off your LinkedIn profile. Perfect for personal blogs.
Box Widget - enable visitors to use box.net's online storage directly on your web site.
Price of gas - displaying gas prices on your blog might seem unnecessary to some, but it's cool if you have a traffic/travel related blog.
iBegin Weather Widget - Display weather information in your sidebar. Just like with Price of Gas, works great with travel-related blogs.
ClockLink - display time in various time zones with these nifty Flash clocks.
Film Loops - display the latest loops from your FilmLoops account.
Daily Painters - display paintings from famous painters on your blog.
WhoLinked - show your visitors which sites have recently linked to your web site. Works with all major blog platforms.
Criteo AutoRoll - displays links to blogs similar to your blog.
Bitty Browser - embed a cute, fully functional mini web browser to your blog.
Leafletter - create a mini website and embed it into your blog.
WikiSeek - search Wikipedia with this simple widget.
FeedCount - show off the number of visitors to your blog with this handy little button.
Technorati Link Count - display the number of links your website has from one of the biggest blog authorities - Technorati.
MyPageRank - another good way to show how 'big' your blog is is to show off your Google PageRank.
CheckPageRank - in addition to showing your PageRank, this widget also shows your Alexa ranking.
BlinkxIt - embed a link to related videos directly into your website.
Skype button - display your Skype online/offline status on your blog.
RockYou Horoscope - not something I would personally use, but some people are into horoscope. Hell, most people are into horoscope. Anyway, this widget shows horoscope (doh!) and does it in a nicely designed colorful box.
del.icio.us Tagometer - display how many times have del.icio.us users saved your page.
del.icio.us Linkrolls - this badge shows your latest bookmarks from del.icio.us.
Timelines - need to create a timeline? Seek no further. This widget makes it really easy.
PollDaddy - PollDaddy lets you create beautiful polls in no time, and display them at your blog.
Vizu - another poll-making widget, compatible with all major blog platforms.
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AnswerTips - display definitions from Answers.com for various terms on your blog. The definitions are shown in bubbles which are activated on doubleclick.
AnswerBoxes - give your visitors a chance to enter a term themselves, and get a definition from Answers.com
Now Playing - if you got to share your current playlist contents with the world, Sigamp will do the trick. Works with most popular music players, including Foobar, Winamp, iTunes and others.
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BuzzBoost - display headlines from your RSS feed on any website.
LibraryThing - show off the latest books you've been reading.
Plaxo Address Book - let your most faithful visitors access their address books direclty from your site.
AuctionAds - a widget that displays auctioned items on eBay, and gives you a percentage of the price paid when sometimes buys an item.
Dungeon masters guide 5e pdf free download. aStore - similar to AuctionAds, only for Amazon. Create a mini-store on your site and receive profit when someone buys an item through your store.
Plazes - show your current location on a Plazes map.
Stockalicious - track your portfolio with this widget, and share it with others. Let everyone know how much money you've lost.
Chat Box Html Widget
Yahoo! For Good - create a charity badge and ask for donations for a worthy cause.
Giftspace - your friends never know what to buy you for birthday? Let them know what you really want with this nifty widget.
Best Widgets For Blogger
MixMap - see where are the visitors to your MySpace profile from on a map.
Google Map Widget - display a searchable Google Map on your website.
Google Video Search - add a video search form and selected videos to your web site.
Youtube Widget For Blogger
Odeo player - display an Odeo player for and podcast right there in your sidebar.
Chat Box Blogger Widget Extension
See also:
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itsyourturnblog · 4 years
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After five years of working together, Sheldon’s boss has moved on to greener pastures. His new boss hasn’t even been selected yet, but he’s seriously freaked. “What if I don’t like them?” he complains to anyone who will listen. “What if they don’t like me? What if they’re some kind of control freak who wants to tell me how to do my job? What if they have totally different expectations than my old boss had? What if they want to bring in their own team and we all get fired?”
Few things are more stressful in a career than the prospect of a new boss. But if managed correctly, the experience can be positive for both you and them.
Before they start:
Look forward to working with a new boss.
I mean, actually look forward to it. Assume that your company won’t hire an idiot. In fact, consider the possibility that maybe, just maybe, a new boss with a fresh perspective is exactly what you need to enhance your skills and take your career to the next level.
Do your research.
Connect to them on LinkedIn with a nice note about how much you’re looking forward to working with them. While you’re there, take a look at their career progression, any interests or associations they have listed, where they went to school. Take a look at their endorsements and recommendations. Then have a peek at their other social media accounts. Search to see if they’ve made any media appearances — interviews, guest posts, podcast appearances or op-eds.
Use this information to get an idea of who they are, and what’s important to them.
In their first week:
Be welcoming, but not fawning. Any boss worth their salt can smell bullshit a mile away. Instead, be warm. Keep it light. Ask them if they have any questions. In other words, just be kind and decent.
In your initial meeting, follow their agenda, but be sure to get these three key points across:
This is what I’m good at.
This is what I’m working on.
This is what I’m excited about.
That’s it. In the first meeting, they don’t need to know your thoughts on which projects are bogus and which of your colleagues needs to be fired. Keep office politics out of the discussion. Make it clear that you are there to support them and help them get up to speed as soon as possible.
Over the next few weeks:
Make time for them.
New bosses often have a ton of questions. Take time to answer them as clearly and honestly as you can. If appropriate, prepare a short deck outlining your key metrics, strategies and challenges and take them through it.
Clarify expectations.
Are they expecting you to be super-fast in your work? Or super accurate? Or both? Do they want weekly check-ins, or are they cool only hearing from you when there’s a problem? Would they like you to regularly pop into their office for a chit-chat or are they more formal?
There’s a good chance your new boss’s expectations will be different than those of your previous boss. It’s best to get clear on that ASAP.
Set boundaries.
Sometimes, even the best-intentioned bosses can accidentally step on toes. If your new boss accidentally meanders into your area of responsibility, simply say, “I can take care of that”. If you have to leave work every day at 5:30 to pick your kid up from daycare, let them know as soon as possible.
Watch their back.
If you see your new boss is about to step into a hornet’s nest, let them know. If they’re in danger of unknowingly missing a deadline, let them know. This is how you build trust. And it’s how you become a valued employee.
Let go of the past.
This is perhaps the most important step. Things will change. This new person may have a different style, different ideas and different priorities than your last boss. Clinging to what was is a sure-fire way to become more of a hinderance in their eyes than a help.
What if the new boss actually turns out to be a bit of a jerk?
Okay, I admit that can happen. But if it does, it doesn’t have to be the end of the world. Remember: no matter what, you’re in charge of your career.
You can read more about that here.
Hey there! Here’s and idea… sign-up for my weekly newsletter (green box at top right of your screen on desktop, or under this post on mobile) so you’ll never miss a post. I promise I’m not a spammy nightmare. One per week, and that’s it.
Old Job, New Boss? How to Impress the Hell Out of Them was originally published in It's Your Turn on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
by Judy Sims via It's Your Turn - Medium #itsyourturn #altMBA #SethGodin #quotes #inspiration #stories #change #transformation #writers #writing #self #shipping #personaldevelopment #growth #education #marketing #entrepreneurship #leadership #personaldev #wellness #medium #blogging #quoteoftheday #inspirationoftheday
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studiesintea · 4 years
10 Things I Learnt from my First Year at Uni
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Go to Orientation to make friends - and not just with people your age. Usually O-week will be run by students in the batch above you, and they’re the ones who can tell you which professors to avoid, which professors whose classes you should fight for, where the best food places are, and where the hell that obscure room you’re having your first class in is. Some seniors will even disseminate compiled study guides to the freshmen in their group.
Be selective with your time. University is not cheap, and time is precious. Check sites like ratemyprofessor.com and ask around to know which professors to avoid. If you hate a class, try to drop it as soon as soon as you can. And don’t overload yourself with extracurriculars; those supplement your uni experience, but your studies still form the backbone.
Try everything. Hang on, didn’t you just say to be selective? Well, sometimes you can’t evaluate your choices properly until you try them out. Attend club introductory teas, or sit in for a few sessions to figure out if it’s for you. If it doesn’t seem worth your time, you can just stop attending. Don’t let anyone strong-arm you into doing something you dont find useful or fulfilling. Spend that time studying or making connections.
Make friends with your professor! My friends who were on a first name basis with their professors were the first to find out if a class was cancelled, how they did on a test etc. Ethical considerations aside, it’s great to have a few professors who you have a real connection to, both for your learning and for your professional growth. Make use of office hours, and message your professor for help if they give out their mobile number.
Use Linkedin. You know that function on Linkedin where you can see which people at an organisation went to the same school as you? Use the heck out of it. Reach out to people you don’t know for an informational interview, and ask them about the industry they work in. Write cold call emails; people are much more willing to help someone whose first line of their email states “I’m a student at XXX university” than someone who’s already graduated.
Take inspiration from (not copy!) a senior’s path. But how do you figure out what internships to do, what research programmes to join, and what to do after you graduate? Look up what your seniors did! Simply google “Linkedin (Your university) (University course)”. Find out which professors they did undergraduate research with over the summer, what clubs they participated in m, what companies they interned at, and who their current employers are. Note, I’m NOT telling you to copy anybody’s path, but to know your options. You’ll probably discover opportunities you didn’t even know existed.
Don’t let your homework pile up. The snowball effect is real. Don’t skip lectures or tutorials thinking you’ll catch up on them later; you won’t. Or if you do, it’ll be one week before your exams, when you’re speeding through 5 weeks worth of lectures and tutorials.
Seek help FAST. The counselor’s office is there for a reason. If you’re feeling stressed out, lost, or just have a lot of things on your mind, don’t be embarrassed to seek professional help on campus. Just take it as free therapy (you’re paying your school so much already!) Most likely if you have a problem, students before you have too. Also, if you feel the counselor you spoke too wasn’t understanding to your situation, you can (politely) ask to speak to someone else.
Everyone needs friends. How to make friends with your classmates fast: ask them if they want to grab lunch after class, ask if they want to exchange numbers. Ask them how they found a test, then initiate a study date. Finding friends is different in a big place like college, it’s a bit like dating, you gotta show your interest and see if they reciprocate.
Remember that everyone’s path is different. This is gonna be a long one, so read past the line if interested:
By the end of my first year of uni, the social media platform that was giving me the most stress by far was Linkedin. Going to a “high-achieving” high school meant that my dash was now filled with people in Cambridge, Brown, Dartmouth, etc. and/or studying things like economics, law or medicine at prestigious colleges, many on scholarships. Meanwhile, I was doing a “less prestigious” degree at a smaller, local university. It used to bother me terribly that I was achieving “less” than them - once I even burst into tears in my dorm. And now I’m a college “dropout”, happy that I made the choice that was best for me. It took a lot of work for me to get to that point, and it took learning to separate my self-worth from how people perceived my university, my degree and myself (one article that really helped me was this one.)
Of course, if you went to a prestigious university you’ll have a lot more opportunities than those who don’t. But not everyone has the same opportunities or knowledge to make it to those highly-selective colleges. People who attend Harvard aren’t inherently “better” people than those who don’t .
On the topic of “prestigious” vs “less-prestigious” degrees - if you’re interested in geology, there’s no use in going to the best law school there is and being absolutely miserable there. This might get a bit anti-capitalist but why does society even value lawyers more than geologists? Why does a consultant at McKinsey get paid top-dollar, while teachers, nurses, taxi drivers - who arguably do more to keep the world running - get paid a pittance in comparison? (Bullshit Jobs by David Graeber is great and goes into a lot of detail into this.) The value our society ascribes to certain professions has a lot to do with how much money it makes, which usually means how well it serves the 1%. Not its usefulness to society, the level of satisfaction people can get from those jobs, or the value they create for other people.
Your worth is not defined by your degree (or lack of one), the job you will have in the future or the size of your future paycheck. Your Linkedin profile will never be able to capture your impact on the world, your value to others as a sibling, a child, a friend, a partner, a parent, a mentor, a neighbour, or even a stranger who goes out of your way to smile to the bus driver.
To anyone who needed to here this today: you are worthy!
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maritzaerwin · 4 years
10 Key Benefits of Online Courses
“Should I opt for an online course or attend regular face-to-face classes?” I am sure most of you might have come across this confusion at least once before joining any course. Didn’t you? If yes, don’t worry, we are here to clear all your doubts and help you choose the best way out! 
Gone are the days when people used to lounge in huge classrooms and learn various courses. The internet era has brought a drastic change in the way people shop, work, connect, and study. Students started feeling more comfortable to take up online courses rather than choosing face-to-face classes. And, with amazing Udemy discounts and coupons, online learning has become extremely affordable. So, why not?
What Is Meant by Online Courses?
An online course is the delivery of a course lesson using a virtual channel as the source of communication. Unlike traditional courses, online learning is way more flexible and comfortable. All you need is a strong internet connection and there you go! However, it has a few similarities with non-virtual classes such as assignments, tests, and projects. Now, let us dive deep into this and know how online learning can be helpful to you in different ways. 
Top 10 Advantages of Online Courses 
Are you still not convinced with the perks online education provides? The below points will surely help you understand the need and benefits of online courses. 
1. Learn From Anywhere
The most exciting thing about online courses is that you can learn from anywhere. Just relax on your bean bag or lay back on your couch, the choice is yours! Online course helps you to choose your own comfort zone and study from any corner of the house. Isn’t it the best part of online learning? Hell yes!! Also, don’t forget to buy a cute pair of pajamas and say goodbye to your jeans. 
2. Flexible Learning 
There are a few online courses that allow you to register and learn any time you want. You can pause the lessons anywhere and continue it anytime you want. Not only this, the due dates of exams and assignment submission are also according to your schedule. With the help of online courses, you can easily manage your time for other things and learn whenever you are in the right mood to study.
3. More Choices 
The primary advantage of deciding to study online is you will have a plethora of options to choose from. Right from top international universities to the best of Indian colleges, you can select any course of your choice and avail world-class education right on your screen. It helps you not to compromise on your education and fulfill your dreams. Plus, if you want to explore more online learning & education options, you can always check out informative websites such as CareerMetis.
4. Review Classes 
It is no secret that you might lose focus during a long lecture. In such a scenario, online classes give you the opportunity to rewind the video and listen to the lecture again. You can also watch the entire class again in case you want to have a revision. The same is not possible in the case of traditional learning. To review lessons in traditional education, you need to approach the teachers personally. 
5. Ample Time to Think and Generate Ideas 
Attending classes in a classroom will require an instant generation of ideas and quick answers. On the other hand, learning online will give you enough time to think about an issue or formulate a thought by pausing the video. This will also help you to build confidence and understand the concept better. It will eventually increase your thinking capacities. 
6. Flexibility 
One of the benefits of online courses is its flexibility.. They will never make you compromise on your favorite pastimes and hobbies. By adopting online education, you can save a lot of time and work on improving other skills. If you are looking to learn more creative skills, you can make use of some fabulous skill learning courses. You can also use the time saved to play sports, spend time with your family, and hang out with your friends. Also, if you are a working individual, online learning is the best option wherein you can learn while you earn. 
7. Learn from the Best
Online learning helps you to learn the desired subject from the best teacher. For example, if you want to learn Spanish from a teacher in Spain, you can easily make use of online classes. If you want to learn a course from Harvard but cannot afford the time and money, you can make your dream come true by enrolling in an online course offered by Harvard. Perhaps, online education brings the best courses by the most experienced teachers from across the world. 
8. Less Cost 
Although a few cases available online may be very expensive, choosing online courses will also save you a lot of money. You can save a huge sum of money on travel, parking, lab fee, hostel feel, etc. The cost that you save by taking up an online course can be utilized somewhere else. 
9. Enhanced Virtual Communication 
The future is all about a virtual work environment. Online learning will ultimately improve your virtual communication skills, making you a better leader. You will know how to develop an effective bond by communicating virtually. You can also improve your texting and writing skills by communicating with fellow students and professors via texts and emails. 
10. Upgrade Your Technical Skills
Online learning will help you boost your technical skills which are a plus point for your professional career. You need to go through various course works, notes, and learning material online. These can be accessed using different apps, tools, and software. Getting to use various tools and apps will refine your technical skills and knowledge, thus offering you better job opportunities. 
Top Online Learning Platforms 
Now that you are convinced why online learning is a boon to society, let us discuss the top online learning platforms. With the help of the below online learning platforms, you can choose any course you like and enjoy a unique learning experience. 
1. Udemy 
Launched in 2010, Udemy is an American learning platform aimed to provide quality education to students and working professionals. The company has more than 50 million students and 57,000 teachers taking classes in nearly 65 languages. The platform has more than 1,50,000 courses to choose from.
2. Coursera
Another top online learning platform is Coursera. It has a library of massive courses and provides various certificates and degrees to its users. Founded in the year 2012, it has 47 million users and around 4300 courses to choose from. The key advantage of this platform is that the courses are taught by experienced professors from prestigious universities like Yale, Stanford and Princeton. You can also enjoy a bunch of free courses on Coursera and upgrade your knowledge. 
3. Udacity 
Udacity reflects the true meaning of online learning. It is known for its nano degree programs which are based on skill and project-based learnings. The assignments and projects you submit as a part of your course at Udacity are assessed by top industry-level experts and leaders. Once you complete the courses available at Udacity, your career is sure to touch skies.
4. LinkedIn Learning 
This list would be incomplete without LinkedIn Learning. If you are a working professional looking to boost your skills, this platform is all you need! It has more than 1000 courses on topics like business management, digital marketing, and web development, etc. After the completion of the course, the platform provides a certificate that can be added to your LinkedIn profile. 
5. Skillshare
Skillshare is yet another huge online learning marketplace. With more than 4 million users and 24,000 courses, the platform is one of the leading online learning options available today. You can find lessons on any topic ranging from graphic design, art, music to courses on technical and high-end topics. 
Top Free Online Courses 2020
If you are wondering which course to take up to improve your skillset without spending much, we have got your sorted. The below-listed courses will benefit most professionals and elevate their knowledge. Also, these courses will not cost you a single penny! 
Udemy’s Marketing and Design courses.
Oxford Home Study’s Management course.
Facebook Blueprint’s Digital Marketing course.
Khan Academy’s courses for primary and high school students.
Shaw Academy’s online diploma courses.
Udacity’s tech skill courses.
Tips to Keep in Mind While Studying Online 
Photo Credit – Pexels.com
Online courses are still a brand new concept for most of people. It might get a little difficult to cope up with the new trend and make full use of it. Online courses will take a little more effort to study religiously and maintain consistency. Are you planning to take up an online course for the first time? If yes, these points will help you to make your online learning experience an effective one.
Schedule a fixed time — Studying online can be very distracting. In order to get rid of the distractions, you need to set up an everyday fixed time on your calendar. This will help you be a regular learner and achieve great goals. 
Have a strong internet connection — Not having a strong internet connection can cause a lot of buffering during online classes. This will gradually lead to losing interest in the subject. Having a strong internet or WiFi connection is a mandatory prerequisite if you are planning to adopt online learning. 
Set everyday goals —To finish the online course on time, you need to be consistent enough. In order to complete all your assignments and projects, you need to set up everyday targets and strive to accomplish them. 
Note-taking —The most significant part to keep in mind while studying online is note-taking. Taking down the important points will increase your interest in the subject and also help you to go through the key points whenever required. It will also strengthen your base of the subject. 
Maintain a dedicated space to study — Believe it or not, the place where you sit and study plays a vital role. There is always a particular location or place that makes you more focused and active. Hence, studying in a dedicated and isolated space will benefit you in many ways. 
Indulge in group discussions — If your online course has group discussions and live sessions, then don’t miss them at any cost. Indulging in group discussions and talking to several people will improve your communication skills and elevate your confidence. 
Clear doubts — Do not hesitate to ask doubts. Asking doubts about your instructors will solve all your problems and help you understand the subject better. You can take down all the questions you have and ask them in the special doubt sessions held after the completion of the course.  
Create a study plan — The most crucial thing to do before starting an online course is to create a study plan. This can be done by making to-do lists and setting time limits. Learning according to the study plan will help you achieve all your targets and make online learning a fun concept.
Take short breaks — Learning without a break can be monotonous and boring. This can have an adverse impact on your learning. Giving some rest to the brain is as important as giving some rest to the body. Taking short breaks will keep your mind fresh and help you to study with full interest. 
Hope these tips are helpful to complete your online course in time. And, in case you are looking for some more motivation and hacks, you can go through these cool tips for a successful online course. 
Are you all set to sprawl over the sofa with your laptop on and eyes wide open to watch the online classes with utmost dedication? Didn’t you already start imagining this? If yes, don’t wait anymore and quickly choose the online course you want to enroll in. Learning new courses will uplift your skills and make you stand above your peers. It will give you sufficient time to document the classes, establish a vast global network, and prepare you for a globalized workforce. 
Hope the above-mentioned benefits of online courses helped you to take the right step by clearing all your doubts. Also, do let us know if you have any other queries revolving around online courses in the comments below. Happy learning!
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The post 10 Key Benefits of Online Courses appeared first on CareerMetis.com.
10 Key Benefits of Online Courses published first on https://skillsireweb.tumblr.com/
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