#i have to believe these are my feelings too or ill turn into mush
keratincrown · 1 year
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markiemelon · 1 year
mint choco
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genre. pure fluff ! no warnings
pairings. bff!xiaojun x fem implied! reader ♡
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—{3:11pm}♡‧₊˚ ↴
“stop leaving the toilet seat up when i come over.” you stormed into the living room. “no wonder you can’t get a girlfriend…”
“yeah, says the person who hasn’t even had a first kiss yet.” he teased you.
you were quick to snap back. “well if you hadn’t insisted on tagging along on that blind date-”
you were interrupted. “i didn’t even do anything!! it was like i wasn’t even there!” he rolled his eyes.
your face turned expressionless. “xiaojun.” you blinked a couple of times. “you literally put your hand over my mouth right as he leaned in to kiss me.”
he cleared his throat awkwardly. “yeah, well… i didn’t like that guy…”
“whatever.” you dismissed the conversation.
you looked over to the boy sitting comfortably on the couch, enjoying his mint chocolate ice cream. this was a regular thing to see when you went to xiaojun’s house, but you found it to be absolutely disgusting, nonetheless.
“how can you eat that…” you took a seat next to him.
extremely offended, he raised his eyebrows while he turned his head carefully to face you, being dramatic as ever. “what did you just say to me?”
you made a sloppy gesture pointing to the dish of the green mess.
“and what about it?!” he yelled in response to your silent comment. he slammed his bowl onto the coffee table in front of him and didn’t hesitate to jump up from the couch.
you looked up at the boy who towered over you. as intimidating as he tried to seem, you couldn’t take him seriously at all. you swallowed to keep your smile from showing. “you monster!” you instigated. “it tastes like toothpaste!!”
“no.” he took a moment to breathe. “toothpaste. tastes. like. MINT.”
and that was xiaojun’s last straw.
“okay, yn. you brought this upon yourself.” he swiftly reached for his precious bowl of now half-melted mint chocolate ice cream, taking a big spoon full of it, and taking it right up to your mouth.
you squealed at the feeling of the minty mush hitting your lips. the spoon stopped against you teeth, the only thing keeping the vial flavor from reaching your tastebuds.
nearly gagging, you tried to run and wash it off, but you were held back by xiaojun locking you into his arms.
“i have to wash this off!!!” you, and your threatened tastebuds cried.
“okay, ill get it off. calm down.” he tried to sound annoyed.
relieved, you waited for xiaojun to hand you the napkin on the table. you were completely caught off guard by the feeling of xiaojun’s lips connecting with yours.
your first kiss. this is exactly what you’ve wanted. but this is not exactly how you wanted it. your head was rushing, competing with your pounding heart. you never thought you would be kissing your best friend, and not be completely hating it, but there you were. you had no idea you could think and feel so many things at once. it was soft. it was sweet. it was cold…it was minty.
xiaojun pulled away from you, his grin only growing wider and wider as your cheeks got warmer and warmer.
he admired your priceless expression. “…i cant let perfectly good mint choco go to waste…”
“what was that for?!” you blushed and wiped your mouth with the back of your palm. “you said you would get it off!!!”
“and i did!!!” he said, completely shamelessly.
“you’re disgusting!” you scoffed to distract from your pounding chest.
“but not as disgusting as mint choco, hm?” xiaojun teased.
he didn’t take his eyes off of yours while he took his time to bring his palm up to your cheek. you couldn’t believe you were seeing this side of xiaojun.
being best friends with xiaojun, you’ve had your fair share of flirting and confusing butterflies. he got you flustered all the time, but he certainly never took it this far.
but right as you hoped for this to be a romantic moment, you would find that it’s just too good to be true.
still cradling your cheek, he grazed your lips with his thumb; that’s when your fantasy shattered. he just spread ice cream all over your lips again.
“ew! get it off! get it off!” you broke the stillness in the atmosphere.
xiaojun smiled. “fine.”
this time, you anticipated his touch. he leaned in to kiss you gently one more time… and suddenly, mint choco wasn’t so bad.
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this was hard to write because i love mint choco (´༎ຶོρ༎ຶོ`)
hope you enjoyed xx
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whumpshaped · 11 months
LOVING the paradox of helle not wanting to turn into their abuser and still enjoying hurting the prettyboy,,,,
incoherent rambly tangent ahead proceed w caution. idk if im making sense i feel a little ill and my brain is mush lol
heres the thing abt helle. they will likely never turn into an exact replica of their abuser bc of how much theyve made it their mission not to be like her. they dont yell, they dont really lash out, even if they get super upset their anger is a cold, controlled type of anger as opposed to lady marie's borderline tantrums. they dont want to use fear to control beck, and if i can finally get myself together enough to write, ppl will probably see theyre not doing a half bad job at it. beck is so easy to control and manipulate, and helle is charming and charismatic.
all that being said, helle enjoys inflicting a bit of mental/physical pain here and there. theyre kind of a sadist at heart. now, that wouldnt automatically make them a bad person- plenty of good sadists out there having fun w their willing masochists. the issue is of course that beck wasnt willing at all AJSJJDDK but!!!!! helle will cling onto the notion of sadist ≠ bad person in their head. in fact theyre a firm believer that if they manage to condition beck into kinda liking it, then theres no issue at all!
punishments r of course a whole other thing. helle considers those completely separate from just pure fun. they enjoy those way less as well bc the thing is..... beck truly and earnestly misbehaving either means he's put himself at risk or his conditioning isnt going as well as it should. both of which helle hates the thought of lol
but like what im trying to say is that when helle says smth like "i enjoy hurting him" thats a Completely neutral statement to them. theyre not saying it to be mean and horrible. they do enjoy it! and they consider it separate from whatever they do when they want to be mean and horrible!
SO ANYWAY. CONCLUSION. beck's not too subtle submissive streak makes helle feel way too validated and justified in slowly coercing him into getting on board with.... a lot of stuff. and beck does get on board. its always gonna be dubcon at best but he doesnt hate it. which makes helle's style of abuse and torment fundamentally different from what lady marie did. which is exactly what they want!!!!!! theyre very happy w their semi-willing boytoy
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chronicbeans · 1 year
Random Character Facts/Bios (Iolite Hospital)
Random info dump for my OCs! Yippee!!!!
TW: Chronic Illness, Hospital Settings/Doctors, Death/Embalming, Nihilism, Age Regression Due to Trauma
THE MORTICIAN: New boi! His name is Baxter and is Maya's uncle. He is a "land shark". Land sharks have a few defining features - floofy shark tails, short claws, paw pads and "toe beans" on their hands and feet, three fingers, and sharp teeth! Baxter loves death in the oddest of ways (he sees it as the most important thing in life, and uses it as a motivation to live how he likes). He is very excited over the prospect that EVERYONE will die, NOBODY will live to see their legacy, and as such, he believes that NOTHING matters. Unlike most, he fears never being forgotten after death. He is a hopeless romantic, falling in love quickly, easily, and obsessively. He currently has a crush on his assistant, Elizabeth. When "lovestruck", little hearts with X's for eyes will float around him, chirping out pieces of his thoughts. So he's just standing there, hearts in his eyes, as little hearts float and chirp things like "CUTE!" "PRETTY LADY!" "BEAUTIFUL VOICE!" "PERFECT!" His tail also wags when happy, the end of his tail curling to form a fluffy heart. Oh, he can also just like... Pull off a mean Charleston out of completely nowhere, with no warning. He'll be embalming a body, then just start dancing for no reason. He didn't even know he had a niece until Maya was admitted to the hospital. None of the doctors are really allowed to leave the hospital, instead just living in their offices. Only Dr. Cogsworth is allowed to go outside, because he is essentially an experiment on creating an artificial human. So, his creators want to see how he interacts with the outside world. Baxter is jealous of him. The only person he feels conflicted about dying is Maya, due to her both being related to him, as well as so young. So many things could happen in the Iolite Hospital that could hurt her, or worse...
ELIZABETH: She's a transgender woman, MTF. She's an Eyeless, much like Aluminum and many of the other doctors at the Iolite Hospital. She is very uh... off put by Baxter's nihilism. Not necessarily about the idea of nihilism, just by how enthusiastic and happy he is about his beliefs and obsession with death. She is also pretty conflicted by Baxter's feelings towards her, both from how off put she is by him, as well as the fact that her family isn't very accepting of relationships between land sharks and an Eyeless. Actually, they don't really accept relationships between any being with many animalistic features, such as tails, ears, and such, due to those animals existing separately (as in, normal sharks exist, too, alongside land sharks). So, despite the fact that land sharks are just like them with different physical features, many find them, alongside other animal-based beings, to be an odd choice to have a relationship with. Elizabeth never really denies his affection, and doesn't tell him to stop, either. She just finds it odd.
ALUMINUM: My baby boi. He's transgender, too! Specifically AFAB, agender, and he uses he/him they/them. He has allergic reactions to apples, cherries, and a few other fruits and veggies. This has caused him to just stop eating the majority of them, due to fear that it will make his esophagus more inflamed and narrow. So, his diet is mainly meat, bread, and dairy. He rarely eats nuts, due to them getting stuck in his throat. He is very particular about his meat, wanting it to be SOFT so it doesn't hurt. He needs to be able to turn it to mush with a fork. Dr. Cogsworth plans to try to convince him to go on a puree diet. Aluminum's favorite drink is strawberry milk, with his favorite food being cheesecake (but only the filling. He hates the crust). This has led to awkward moments where Aluminum will say "I love strawberry milk", then loudly slurp on his milk, with Derek standing right next to him, looking absolutely horrified, as Aluminum is confused as to why he looks so concerned. His room in the hospital is filled with plushies, sensory toys, a few baby bottles and his baby blanket from when he was a baby. That blanket is kind of a security item for him.
Derek: Strawberry cow boi. He is disturbed by the fact that people drink strawberry milk, but won't judge you for it. It is just odd to him as to why someone would WANT to drink the milk produced by his kind? He doesn't understand that, in the hospital, they don't go up to strawberry cows and milk them, and instead use powdered flavoring to make strawberry milk. Or that the carton milk isn't harvested from strawberry cows, either. Because he is so tall, when Aluminum is age regressing, he will just pick him up like a kid and carry him around. He also sleeps in a nest of blankets and pillows on the floor, since he doesn't fit in the hospital beds, and it reminds him of the hay nests of his home.
Dr. Cogsworth: He can't eat. Which is ironic, because he works with the digestive system. He didn't get to choose to be a doctor, due to him being built to be one. Due to this, he has always lived in the hospital, finding that he is both physically relaxed when in it, but also a bit stir crazy. When he goes out to meet with Father Cosmos, or to get supplies, he often invites people to stay in the hospital. He is always confused when they say no. He doesn't entirely understand why his patients are upset, but can see the small signs that they are. He just... Cannot comprehend not wanting to be in the hospital, but wants to help the ones who don't leave.
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^Here's a little bonus pic of Baxter being a loveable simping dork, taken from my phone's potato camera. Also, he calls Dr. Cogsworth Coggy just to annoy him.
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bugintheruins · 2 years
ty for th ask love 😌🙏🙏
bear in mind none of the details are concrete all of this has just been mush in my head for idk how long and its hard to put it all into word and fit together dhshjsdgfhj so i thing a bit of it is wrong
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Morel Oakbloom, age unknown even to themself, once halfling turned tiefling suffering with a curse thats slowly turning them to wood!! married to their beloved Tessie, with whom they own a joint business of an inn-bakery tavern thing.
after an incident one night, they have an encounter with what they believe to be Bloom, the goddess of nature in the nearby forest. this goddess, themself and their town worship, and after some chat she offers idk exactly what yet but smth along the lines of power or a wish or a favour or smth, and in return, they will owe the goddess a favour/service or something to that effect. coincidentally, tessie was dealing with some kind of illness at the time so morel agreed and as a result of this entities power, they mutated?? ig?? into a teifling, sprouting a tail horns and painfully over the course of the following weeks, grew over twice their original size.
unbeknownst to them at the time, the deal was made to a malevolent deity, Blight, patron of rot decay and trickery, and sibling to the goddess of nature it was impersonating ;~; SO morel must go workin for blight. with tessie with them, they head for their first “collection” however, they dont get very far into their adventures before shit goes bad. stop number one, a strange circus in the middle of nowhere, controlled by a supernatural force traps them in a hellish gameshow like set, about to incorporate them into its everlasting show, Blight appeares, displeased with morels performance in their work and sets stricter measures for them, tearing their hair, shattering thir horns and committing to staying by their side while theyre serving it. tessie is ripped away from them and sent home, in blights words, “for practicallity”. they serve blight for a time, until they manage to fend it off for long enough that bloom can step in and assist somehow and free them. they return imediately home.
after many years they become a cleric of Bloom and with her assistance, attempts to break out of the deal with blight, as thechnically whatever “contract” they were bound under was never broken. htis lead to themself and tessie being cursed, morel slowly becoming rotted wood, and tessie crystalising. bloom tells them this is curable by a potion, and so the two set out again, this time of their own accord. its around this time that they also unwillingly kind of adopt a small halflling fella by the name of moss (the story’s protagonist) and then shit goes down w him n yeah after a few years he helps out in the bakery and with potion experiments and the like :]
i feel like im forgetting loads but also this is too long already ;-; 
oh yeah also morel dies before the end of the story there wasnt enough of the cure for both themself and tessie, so they leave it to her
ALSO also i didnt mention anything about the root!morels that serve as messengers from blight but yknow thats a whole other post i think
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tenpintsof-sundrop · 5 months
Hi Anon. You also get an "essay style" response from yours truly. (The other one is sitting in the inbox somewhere, along with other things).
if you don't write for readers or socialization through interests.
I feel like it has been made abundantly clear that is actually why Nisha/Sunny writes and shares fics. Those two things are in fact intertwined too. The point is to talk and have conversations. Except people don't comment so that's very limited.
do not expect notoriety and admiration for this anymore
What? Now correct me if I'm wrong, but that's what being asked for. At all. In fact, I believe Nisha doesn't like notoriety at all. Fics getting popular are anxiety inducing for her. She's asking for camaraderie, not notoriety.
if you can’t complete something you’ve committed to already to a multitude of people, don’t do it? don’t say you will with schedules and promises just to fall short?
I don't know if you know this but a lot of things happen. Especially when you have chronic illnesses/disorders. Even without that lots of things happen and writers don't update or write for various reasons.
you cannot demand every reader and follower to comment on your eloquent authoring, reblogging every thing you write when it’s your interest, and interacting with you.
Yeah. But the ratio from likes to reblogs, even blank reblogs is astounding, and it's not just on this blog. And reminder, every time Nisha brings this up it's about all writers because she's noticed it happen to others too. So yeah, not everyone has to, but more people should.
not when you don’t respect the people who have given you a platform and the opportunity to spout ignorance.
I also feel like it's been made abundantly clear that Nisha does respect and love the people who interact with her. Do I agree with every single thing she says ever? No. And that's great. I don't need to be in an echo chamber. And for the record I don't really think any of it is ignorance.
don’t expect more than what you give.
I don't even think you realize what is being given. I'm a writer. I'm a slow writer. Because it's so hard. Nisha writes long, beautiful fics. And even the ones that aren't that long have so much in them. There's so much work into saying what's needs to be said through the chosen way.
maybe ask for critique and commentary AFTER you COMPLETE something and not with a bunch of unfinished work and not fall short on promises. AFTER you have respectful conversations. we’re done lol.
Commentary can happen during something. It's called a reaction. And some things are completed. Is the entire fic finished? No. But that chapter is. Critique and commentate on that chapter. That's actually how you get more sometimes! Also I don't get why you need to be respectful after something is done? That should usually be the default. And not being respectful about this, in these settings, won't really get you a conversation. That'll just be an argument, which isn't really the thing that should be happening.
-Rotten Anon
waking up to what that anon said literally turned my brain into (mentally ill) mush for the day, so you have responded to this really well.
like - one of the biggest reasons I write primarily oneshots instead of having active multichapter series is because people love to act as if I am unreliable and flaking out on a promise when I don't finish a series. people act like I'm villainous and doing it on purpose to hold their favourite story hostage? when there is so much more going on in my life that means I don't have the time or energy to write that story
and that person was talking about me not responding to asks or comments - over the past few days, I haven't been responding to asks or comments about Careful, because I am so emotionally exhausted when it comes to that fic, and I don't want to come off as rude when responding to people who are very enthusiastic about the fic when I am not feeling enthusiastic about it right now. I am upset about it - I am worn out and frustrated. so I would rather leave those comments unanswered instead of making rude, short comments just to say something to people
I responded to that anon in a sarcastic way, but they managed to summarize all of my insecurities about my writing in one post, and tbh, now that I have posted the last chapter of Careful, I may take a hiatus. because I can't stand it anymore
(I am probably never gonna write for CM ever again because the fandom reception is like this.)
anyway - thank you Rotten Anon. you are eloquent and smart as always
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megalony · 3 years
My Hero- Part 6
Thank you all for the comments on this Henry Cavill series, I hope you will all like this next part and the twist I have install.
Taglist: @lunaticspoem @butlegendsneverdie @langdonzvoid @jennyggggrrr @rogmeddows @radiob-l-a-hblah @rogertaylorsbitontheside @chlobo6 @rogertaylors-lipgloss @sj-thefan @omgitsearly @luckytrashgooprebel @scarsout @deaky-with-a-c @killer-queen-ofrhye @bluutac @vousmemanqueez-blog @jonesyaddiction @ambi-and-sunflowers @milanosaurus @httpfandxms @saint-hardy @7-seas-of-fat-bottomed-girls @mrsalwayswritex @rogerina-owns-me @hellsdragon @im-an-adult-ish @crazylittlethingg @allauraleigh @onceuponadetectivedemigod @ceres27 @thereisa8ella @qardasngan
Series taglist: @ropagrim @angelic94temptress @yourdaydreamerfan @lorelai-lilith @melisssaa @myartistrash02 @swthxrry @maan24​
Series masterlist
Summary: (Y/n) has a lot of health complications and frequent illnesses but believes her husband Henry is a saint for always looking after her and their boys. She doesn’t see how badly he wants her to rely on him or how much it means to him to have complete power and control over her.
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Why was this happening to her? What had she done to deserve something so awful like this?
The blood was flooding the floor like a river had been unleashed, tainting and soaking deep down into the carpet like a ruined work of art. There was so much blood that the wood panels beneath would be turning crimson.
It burned, it burned like she was full of acid turning her insides into mush and melting her from the inside out. All she wanted was to go back to when everything was perfect. This pain was unbearable, she couldn't keep feeling this pain for a second longer or she would die, it had to stop.
Why was this happening? What had she done?
"No, no my baby- my baby!"
Rubbing the tear that had escaped her lashes, (Y/n) took a deep breath before she finished putting the small pile of clothing away in the chest of drawers painted a pale charcoal grey.
That had been the third time she'd had a nightmare last night in the past week but that one was different. It wasn't the same as the one she had at the weekend about Henry, it was like a distant memory from a past life she couldn't recall. In the dream she was sitting in a large room with bright lights, blood covering the floor as she cried for her baby but couldn't see one around her.
She hadn't even realised she had been crying in her sleep last night until she felt Henry gently brushing away the tears as he soothed her. His arms coiled around her middle, her head resting on his bare chest and his hand rubbing over her stomach to try and get the baby to go back to sleep too.
"Not long now." (Y/n) whispered quietly, looking down at her stomach as she rubbed her palm across her bump.
She was seven and a half months along now so there wasn't much of a wait anymore before they got to meet their next baby and see if they had another boy or if they had a girl this time.
(Y/n) could feel the anticipation and excitement building in her chest and stomach already. She wanted this baby in her arms, she wanted to cradle them and kiss them and feel them close. (Y/n) loved being pregnant, even though they had been very careful when deciding to have kids because of her poor health, there was something so magical about having a baby. It was the sensations of carrying her baby and how charming and adoring Henry was of her.
But holding her baby was the best feeling in the world.
(Y/n) could feel herself jittering at the thought of having their baby. When she had the twins she was in labour for roughly twenty-four hours before it was decided she needed an emergency C-section instead. When they had Adam (Y/n) managed to get through the full labour which was only ten hours long compared to the first wait with the twins and Adam had been overdue whereas the twins were two weeks early.
Everything had been fine with the babies when they were all born, despite a few hiccups through the pregnancies and (Y/n) was sure that this time would be the same.
Looking around the room, (Y/n) smiled and continued to rub her stomach, envisioning the baby here in just over a months' time. They had decorated the nursery room ready for when the baby arrived, it was a simple custard cream colour with Disney and Winnie The Pooh stickers and picture frames on the wall. The cot was near to the window with a few teddies in there which the boys had bought ready for their new sibling.
Rubbing her hand over her face, (Y/n) smiled to herself before she left the room and made her way down the hallway. She had to go and get dinner started since the boys were now home and they would be getting hungry by now.
Padding slowly down the stairs, (Y/n) bypassed the mirror that she had been refusing to look in for the past few days. She didn't want to be reminded of her meltdown that had happened simply because she had been in such a deep sleep she forgot where she was and what had happened.
The bruises had all but faded now along with the thought that Henry would ever hurt her.
She peeked her head into the lounge, smiling when she saw Adam laid out on the rug in front of the sofa, his teddy tucked under his arm as he had a quick nap.
The twins were sat at the kitchen table with their colouring books out and a range of pens and pencils scattered around them and a few odd ones on the floor. (Y/n) loved the fact that all her boys got along and rarely had any squabbles between them, although with the twins she knew it was because Hugh was the more dominating character and Levi simply went along with everything.
(Y/n) kissed their heads as she passed them both before getting a few ingredients out, wondering what to make.
Sneaking up behind her, Henry wrapped his arms around (Y/n)'s waist and tucked his face into the crook of her neck, loving the way she jolted and the baby started to wriggle from his sudden approach and touch. He could feel her heart beating faster from the shock but the smile on her lips and the roll of her eyes told him she wasn't angry. It was a habit and a good trick Henry had of being able to sneak up on just about anyone, especially (Y/n) and the boys.
Although Henry didn't sneak up on Adam anymore since the last time he did Adam screamed and nearly cried.
"Alright baby, I'm heading out to a meeting, I'll be back in about two hours or so. You boys gonna be good for me?"
The boys chirped back their half hearted responses since they were too busy doing their colouring and drawings. When Henry was only going out for a few hours like this they didn't make a big fuss, it was when he had to go away for a few days or even a week or two that the boys clung to him and wouldn't let him go.
"Okay, I'll plate you some up for later." (Y/n) turned her head so their eyes met, her smile softening when she stared into his chocolate brown eyes that always made her insides melt.
"Thank you sweetheart. Oh, and don't forget Dr Harris will be coming in about an hour to see you."
When Henry's arms left her frame (Y/n)'s eyes darted over to the calendar on the wall near to the doorway which had all their names on and the things they all had planned. She remembered yesterday that Dr Harris was coming today but it had since slipped from her mind. (Y/n) didn't want to see him, it was always when her health was getting worse or her medication wasn't working that she saw him. She had her pregnancy check ups at the doctors with her midwife, he didn't need to come see her right now.
(Y/n) was okay, the seizures were a lot better than before with her medication and she wasn't feeling awful or like she wasn't okay. Her diabetes was fine as well because she was taking her insulin every day like she was supposed to. She wanted to think and feel that she was getting better and she didn't want to bother Dr Harris.
"Oh, Henry I don't need to see him, I had my bloods done last week at the prenatal appointment."
"Sweetheart you know he has to regulate your meds, he's only checking up on you that's all. I know you get worried but it'll be okay-"
"I, I just don't see the point in bothering him to come to me when I don't need a check up... it feels like a waste of his time is all."
Rubbing her hands together, (Y/n) tried to calm herself down and not start an argument or a fight but she didn't want this. There was no need for him to come and check up on her, when she saw Dr Harris it was because something was wrong and usually to do with her meds or her seizures but she was okay. She didn't want to see him without Henry either in case she said the wrong thing.
Walking over to her, Henry placed his hands on her upper arms and leaned down so he could look her in the eyes. His smile was as calming as always but the look in his eyes was a bit unnerving.
"He'll come and talk to you and check your meds and you'll be fine. Okay?"
(Y/n) nodded her head out of instinct without even thinking about it, nervously smiling before Henry kissed her forehead.
"I'll see you in a few hours."
(Y/n) bit her lip as she ran her hand over her face, trying to think of what she was going to do. She didn't want to see Dr Harris but she couldn't remember his number, it was in Henry's phone and it was probably too late to call him and try to cancel the appointment. Also, (Y/n) wasn't very good at that, she would be too nervous to tell him not to come round.
But if he came round he would ask questions that Henry usually answered and (Y/n) didn't want to talk. She was fed up of appointments and discussing meds and trying to make sure she wasn't doing too much and that she was practically housebound.
"Boys, dinner might be a while yet so why don't we go out for a bit?"
"Where?" Both twins turned to look at (Y/n) with curiosity in their eyes and grins beginning to form on their lips. They were all for going out despite not knowing where they would be going, they loved to go out even if it was for a simple walk.
"Why don't we go to the lake and feed the ducks?" (Y/n) scrambled her brain to try and think of somewhere within walking distance that they could go and the lake was close by. It was up in the park fifteen minutes away and the boys loved to feed the ducks and try and spot some swans.
They couldn't get the bus because the last time they went on a bus Levi had a seizure and although it had been an absent one, his muscles had locked in his neck and his hands and he had screamed and sobbed. (Y/n) had to sit him in the pushchair which Hugh pushed whilst she carried Adam and since then Levi wouldn't dare go on a bus he would cry if they even tried.
The moment she suggested it the twins were running from the table to go and get their shoes and coats.
When Dr Harris arrived, (Y/n) wouldn't be here. She would deal with Henry's response later.
"I took our sons out, Henry, that's all I did. Are you saying I shouldn't take them out anywhere now?"
"You know what I'm trying to say (Y/n) don't twist my words."
"Then stop overreacting."
The moment those words passed through her lips (Y/n) could see the effect they had on her husband. His chest tightened and pulled inwards and his shoulders tensed and pulled up like he was preparing himself for a fight. But it was the way the muscles in his face tightened and contorted that made (Y/n) shiver in fear. She hated riling him up like this and she never wanted to argue with him but she couldn't help it when he was acting like she had done something wrong when she hadn't.
All she had done was take the boys out to the lake and then today she told them she would take them out for tea tomorrow since Henry would be at work. The boys had been ecstatic, they loved going out for tea and they were excited to go out with (Y/n).
When Henry heard, the argument soon followed.
"Overreacting? You took the boys out on your own without telling anyone and now you're planning to take them out on your own again in the evening tomorrow. If Levi has a seizure and he screams to come home you can't drive or get the bus."
"That's happened before and I got him home just fine Henry-"
"You brought him back screaming the house down! You know how he is after having a seizure." Henry waved his arm out at his side to emphasise his point buit he felt like reaching out and punching something.
Why couldn't she just see this from his point of view?
Levi was a kid and he didn't react well after a seizure, even when Henry was there and had the car ready at hand to take him home, he still screamed and kicked out. He would scratch, scream and cry because if it was bad he hated feeling his muscles seize up and the feeling of coming out of a seizure was awful. And it loosened the muscles so sometimes he would pee himself because he couldn't help it and it made him want to curl up and hide.
Henry didn't want that to happen but (Y/n) was his mother, she knew how to look after him she understood him better because she had the same condition and went through the same emotions Levi did.
She wouldn't take him out if he wasn't well or at risk of a seizure. But he wanted to go out and they couldn't stay cooped up all day playing it safe because that was no life to live.
"He's my son too Henry I know how to care for him he still needs to be going out."
"What happens if you have a seizure in front of them with no one there to help? They can't help or look after you and you wouldn't be likely to walk back home after a seizure. You're pregnant for fucks sake, you can't be taking risks like this you need to wait until I'm home to take them out with you or take someone with you."
Reaching out to his right Henry slammed his hand down on the dining room table causing a violent bang to resonate around the room. (Y/n)'s frame jumped in shock and she took a step back when Henry approached her.
"You're not going without me."
(Y/n)'s stomach twisted and churned and her arms coiled into her sides but her eyes widened in their sockets, full of anger and fear when Henry stepped so close they were almost touching before he pointed his finger at her. The action was a warning, a demand that she had to do what he'd just said like he was her master and she was just a puppet on a string.
Reaching out (Y/n) went to smack his hand away from her face but his hand twisted and grabbed her wrist so tightly it felt like her circulation had stopped. Her mouth gawped open at him but his lips almost snarled at her like a rabid dog off a leash.
"I'll do what I want, you're not going to stop me so quit being a controlling bastard Henry." (Y/n) shook her head to move the hair from her face as she tilted her head up high to try and be level with her husband and show him that he wasn't winning this argument. He could have cares and worries and he could talk to her about them but he couldn't act this controlling and expect her to go along with it. 
He had the right intentions at heart but he was going about it in the wrong way entirely and (Y/n) wasn't having this. Snagging her wrist back out from his grip, (Y/n) coiled her arm to her chest before she turned and walked away from him, heading into the kitchen.
"Don't walk away from me. (Y/n)!"
Henry shook his head as his skin started to boil red from all the pent up frustrations rattling through his veins like drugs giving him a nasty high. His feet bashed down on the tiled floor as he kept up with his wife before he roughly grabbed her arm and spun her round so she was facing him again.
"We're not finished." His words were let out in a low growl as he moved his hand and grabbed her by th chin instead, his finger and thumb pressing violently into her skin making (Y/n) dread that he was going to puncture right through her jawbone.
Tears welled in her eyes as she stared up at someone she didn't recognise. Henry was never this violent or angry with her, this wasn't the man she had married, it wasn't the father of her children standing in front of her. This was a complete stranger that was making he cry out of utter terror.
"G-get off, leave me alone." (Y/n) grabbed Henry's wrist with both her hands and wrenched him off her as she swallowed a sob.
She could see tears welling in Henry's eyes as she struggled to get away from him, trying her best to hurry so he wouldn't grab her like that again but she wasn't quick enough.
"Where are you gonna go?"
"Let me go!"
Spinning on her heels, (Y/n) bashed her clenched fists into Henry's chest and tried to pull away from him when he was trying to pull her close. They were like magnets drawing together and repelling from each other in  constant battle.
A scream flew from (Y/n)'s lips when she threw herself at Henry to try and push him back but his hand that was gripping her shirt flung her from his chest and out to his side like he was ripping off a bandage and discarding it. She couldn't tell if he meant to let go of her or not but the power he flung her with caused her to spin and stumble at the same time before she collided with the kitchen island. Her body slumped down until she crashed onto the floor on her bum, her body shaking like she had been electrocuted.
Fear filled Henry's eyes as he crashed down to his knees in front of (Y/n) who didn't have the energy to pull away when he cradled her face in his hands. Both of them crying and flooding the kitchen with their tears and cries.
"You're my wife and I love you, you mean everything to me do you get that? I'm always going to look after you and do what is best for you for the rest of my life. I'm doing what I need to so you'll be safe and looked after, baby girl you can't argue with me this is what's best for all of us."
Henry's tears flowed worse when (Y/n) simply continued to cry but wouldn't open her eyes to look at him. It was like she was ashamed to look at him, ashamed they had gotten to this point and she simply wanted to disappear and forget him.
A gasp escaped (Y/n)'s lips when Henry's hands suddenly let go of her head causing her head to flop forward. Her eyes opened but she couldn't focus properly. She wanted to move her hands to cradle her stomach, she wanted to make sure their baby was okay but she couldn't find the strength to move. All (Y/n) felt she could do was to cry. Why was Henry being like this? He loved her, he had always been so loving and caring and done what's best for her, but this wasn't what was best for any of them. Why couldn't he see that?
When Henry knelt back down in front of her, (Y/n) turned her head away but he had other ideas.
His hands were rough, turning her head back so she was looking at him but she feared the crazed look in his eyes.
"This is for your own good."
(Y/n) didn't know what he was talking about until Henry suddenly squeezed the corner of her lips, making them pop open before his other hand smothered her lips. A desperate, smothered howl left (Y/n)'s lips as she feared for a dreaded moment that he was trying to suffocate her in an attempt to shut her up. Screams forced against Henry's palm and fresh tears poured from her eyes as she pushed herself back and forth against the kitchen island, wanting to move and get away.
Henry's left hand moved to hold the back of her head as his right hand practically smacked her lips and chin until the pills in the palm of his hand were forced into (Y/n)'s mouth.
"Swallow. Dammit, swallow! Come on baby girl, this will make it all go away I swear. Fucking do it!
His words were more and more desperate until his nails were clawing into her cheek and his other fingers were knotting in her hair and yanking on her head to tilt it back so she would be more obliged to take whatever pills he had forced into her mouth.
Growling, Henry grabbed the bottle of water he left on top of the counter, rapidly taking off the lid before he shoved the rim to (Y/n)'s lips and tilted her head back, forcing the water into her mouth until he was almost drowning her. It forced her to choke and swallow the pills despite her howling cries and choked sounds for air.
Her body trembled when he threw the water bottle carelessly aside before his arms pulled her into his chest and locked her there so she couldn't move.
"Everything will be okay, I promise."
(Y/n) wanted to cry, she wanted to scream and punch and attack him for what he was doing. But she could feel herself growing tired and all she could hear were those words whispered repeatedly in her ear until that was all she could understand before it all went dark.
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Family Problems Reunited
(C!Sapnap x GN!Reader)
!Warning! Hate speech, Bullying, Injuring someone, Swearing, Grammatical Errors (please just oversee them, if there are there)
Characters Mentioned Dream, Wilbur, Philza
Summary Family dinner but with a not so healthy family dynamic
Words Count 2003
Part 1
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Ever since you received the letter from Philza, you were always on edge and it shows. Every time things upset you or make you angry, something bad would happen. One time you were cooking some beetroot soup for you and the Boys. When cutting the beetroot all it took was a fly buzzing around you and seconds later the knife was stuck in the wall, the cutting board broke in two and the Beets were now mushed. Sapnap came into the kitchen and was concerned that someone died and got shredded. But just one lovely touch from your fiery boyfriend makes everything better.
Today was another one of these days. You were just sitting on the couch with a blanket over you. somehow you felt really cold and had a running nose. Every time you wanted to stay up all you felt was dizziness and an urge to throw up. You were sick and you hated it.
Hunger was spreading in you, but standing up would be uncomfortable, and just for your luck, the boys were out.
So what now? do you have to starve? you could message Sapnap, Dream, or George but you know they wouldn't notice it when they have fun.
You sighed, leaned back, and cuddled yourself even further into the blanket. The eyes of yours felt heavy and sleep washed over you. Just as you were bout to fall asleep the door gets pushed open and you were wide awake again.
"Y/n you can't believe what happened" Sapnap walked over to you with a smile but it soon faded as he saw your miserable statue "oh, are you not feeling good?" You glance into his worried eyes. His facial expression turns into pity and he sat down beside you. you know he wanted to comfort you but you hold him back with your hand "I think I'm sick. I don't want you to get sick too" He smiled at your kindness but he was built differently. No disease had ever got to him. Even when surrounded by ill people. His high body temperature must have burned all the bacteria away. "Don't play dirty, Love. Now get your man a hug" You were defeated clearly. How can you say no to him?
Dream and George also stepped into the room. Immediately they noticed the sickness "Ohu... Y/n. I hope you get well soon" Dream started "you know... because of the family dinner. bet they don't want you sick"
Dream knew about your toxic relationship with Wilbur. One reason more for the event that happened after his comment.
Just thinking of Wilbur made you boil from the inside. At this moment you wanted to tear off Dreams' head. You were about to stand up and jump at him but a hand stopped you from doing so. Sapnap hold your hand and pulled you further to him. He just knew how to calm you down.
"Hey guys, how about you leave for know" sapnap started "Y/n is sick and I don't want you both also sick"
George jumped out of the corner and talked in a baby voice "Aww... is our Panda worried about our health"
"no, I just don't want to take care of 2 sick idiots"
"Just killed the mood. Come on Dream" Dream was almost broke out laughing but followed the colorblind.
George stuck out his tongue to Sapnap and so did he. Childsplay, but It still amuses you and made you happy.
A pleasant head radiated off of your boyfriend's body and it made you cuddle up to him even more. you still felt extremely cold.
You had thought about the family dinner many times and it always ended with you murdering your brother in front of your father's eyes. Sure it's a family Dinner but you see no other way if it has to be friendly.
"Sapnap could you do me a favor?"
"what is it?"
"can you come with me to the family dinner"
Sapnap looked at you a little bit confused "I know It's family and all but you like the only person that can stop me from killing my bother" You sighed "What would Phil think of me?"
"I don't know Y/n-" He was about to talk further until you interrupted him with your puppy eyes. Sapnap looked away in hope to not blush and give in, but knowing you were looking at him like this made him weak. How can he say no to you?
"Fine... I'm coming with you, Guess I can introduce myself to your father"
You began to cheer and smile even brighter.
"Oh and Sap?"
"yes, love?"
"I'm hungry"
The day had arrived. Only the future knows if Wilbur will be dead or alive at the end of the day. It was nearly afternoon. You all would meet up when the sun is setting and of course, will dress up fancy because Phil said so. He's your father after all.
You already had your dress on. It had ugly wrinkles and you wanted to wear them out. All the time you never left your room. Dream probably would have made some joke about it and you hadn't got a nerve for jokes today. Not his joke to be true.
A knock echoed through your room. In the next second the door opened and a dressed-up Sapnap appeared. There aren't many reasons why today will be a great day, but he's definitely one of them. Maybe even two... or all. Sapnap in a suit. What a sight.
"Are you ready?" he asks you.
"Ready to be a disappointment? yeah, totally" as sad as it sounds, you said it with a smile. "come on, sweety, we need to go, we're already late"
"wait...What?" You glanced outside and it was true. The sun is almost gone.
And so you two lovebirds grabbed each other's hand and walked outside. You walked a bit faster and hoped to get to the location on time. You weren't going to a restaurant or another public location but you headed over to a house that Philza had rented for today.
At the doorstep, you knocked on the door. Immediately, as if someone had already seen you, the door opened. Phil greeted you with a smile but it drooped as soon as he saw Sapnap. He just wanted to ask you something but someone was faster
"look at who we have here. My lovely Y/n" you could hear the sarcasm dripping from his voice. It already made you furious. "oh what's Sapnap doing here?"
You stare back to where Wilbur comes from. "He's my boyfriend, get done with it"
Wilbur just laughed "he's still not family"
"Well he's a better family besides my biological one"
You were right and both Wilbur and Philza knew it. Phil was happy that you've found someone you can rely on and was more than welcome to accept him in the family.
You lead Sapnap inside. The fumes of the food hit you straight in the face. Wilbur soon followed and Philza showed you the dining table. Sure he only had thought about two guests so only two plates were made, but there was enough space to add another one. of course next to you.
the first round was all happy chatter and Wilbur getting Phil updated with his L'manburg thingy. For the majority of the time, Sapnap had left his hand on your leg.
And then the Main dish came...
Wilbur started to talk about Dream and his attacks and everything that they did. How gracious they claimed their independence and how they won the war. Wilbur talked and talked only about L'manber and Its future.
You had an empty glass and Phil wanted to fill it again and also include you in the conversation. "What did you do all the time. Will never told me"
You laughed inside of you. Sure Wilbur never told him. He doesn't even care about me. You knew you should lie to let it be friendly but you wanted only the truth "I was Kidnapped, my brother never noticed and called me a waste of resources. I finally joined Dreams side and I'm now banned out of L'manberg. That's it"
Phil looked shocked at your words. He glances over to Wilbur, demanding an answer.
"They were kidnapped, yes but I tried to save Y/n, but Dream made me choose between them and our independence"
Phil wanted to say something but you had enough. You stood up and raised your voice.
"Even if it was true. how am I less worth than your stupid independence?"
"Do you even know how much we fought for it?" Wilbur also stood up and slammed his palm against the table "I can't let all of our work go to waste"
"I know what you did. I was always there to help. I gathered almost all of the materials, but all you did was ignore me!"
"There was so much to do, there wasn't time"
"Yeah Time... then explain why you had fun with Tommy, Tubbo, and all the other citizens except me. Your own Sibling. Explain it to me!"
Wilbur shut up for a second
"See no excuses this time. Just say straight to my face that you hate me!"
"You should have never existed in the first place, Y/n, You're nothing to me"
Those were the final words. Silence filled the room. It was stuffed with awkwardness and anger. Both you and Wilbur stared into each other's eyes. You were so ready to grab your knife and attack him right then and there. But you didn't. You tried to behave and don't let the emotion get the better of you.
"Wilbur Soot Minecraft. You don't mean it don't you" Philza didn't ask him. It was more of a command.
Wilbur answered though while still looking in your eyes "I mean every word I say"
You wanted to scream. You wanted to paint the walls in his blood. You could feel Sapnaps eyes linger on you, watching your every step, knowing he will stop you when you reach over for an attack.
You looked down at your hands. The right one was touching a simple dining knife. Wilbur still had his hand on the table. You had to. At least this time.
You grabbed the metal and rammed it with full speed in his hand. The dull knife made it through his hand and met the table underneath it.
screams filled the room. Sapnap was just about to stop you but was too late. To be honest, he would have done it himself, if the arguing would continue. You gave a shit about Phil and how he thought about you. "I hope you die" You spat directly into Wilburs face. And so you grabbed Sapnap, Who also gave Wilbur a dirty look, and left the building.
Phil was hooked the whole time and just now realized what happened. Will pulled the knife out of his hand and also left the scene.
Phil smiled, nearly laughed "Yep, Everything's fine"
Back at home you immediately crashed on the bed. Sapnap shortly after it too. He turned you around to directly look at your face.
"I'm proud of you. Proud because you didn't murder him" He smiled and gave you a feathery kiss.
"But I still injured this bit-" you stopped yourself
"I would have hurt this Bitch more severe than you did"
"Glad we're on the same terms"
"With you, always" He kissed you again "now let's get to bed. I want to cuddle you until you forget every last mean word this ass threw at you"
You giggled while he nuzzled your neck and pulled you closer. Both of you quickly changed back into more comfortable clothes and hopped into bed. Sapnap grabbed you by the waist while you rested your head on his chest.
You could have done more today but you were pleased non the less for this small injury you caused. ___________________________________
PS: I also take requests. Running low on ideas right now.
Leave a follow if you like. It’s free and… YouCanAlwaysUnfollowLater (sry… Not)
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karls-writing-space · 3 years
Yo! If it's not too much trouble, can I have Coffee and/or roseship tea from that lil' tea thingie you had reposted a bit ago with C!Tommy and C!Technoblade? They're my favorites and kinda comfort characters so I'd love to see you write for em 👉👈 [-DreamerAnon 👀]
Ayyyy! Hey, DreamerAnon!
Ofc you can have C!Tommy and C!Techno for that tea thing! (We share two comfort characters!)
Coming right up, mate!
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Tea Asks -
Coffee and Rosehip Tea for C!Tommy and C!Technoblade
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Coffee - Do they get jealous easily? How do they show it?
Tommy does tend to get jealous quite easily, to be honest.
He tries not to let it show, though. Big Man over here doesn't want others - especially his S/O - to know that he gets jealous.
Honestly, he masks his jealousy pretty well. Tommy over here is pretty good at acting like he's not jealous in front of others.
He wouldn't really get jealous if you hung out with his friends every now and then. He trusts them, and he trusts you. So, it's kind of a win-win situation.
If you were hanging out with his friends more than him, or if you're hanging out with people he doesn't like, Tommy begins to get jealous.
He tries his best not to let others around him see him get jealous, but sometimes he can't help it.
When he has enough, he walks over to where his partner is and wraps an arm around their shoulders or torso. He would press a few kisses onto their face. He does show his partner random acts of affection in both public and private, so it wouldn't be all that noticeable if he was jealous.
The time his S/O would find out Tommy was jealous was when he tells them, which would be in the privacy of their homes,
Cue his S/O teasing Tommy and him getting all flustered and telling them to shut up [with no ill intent].
Rosehip Tea - How romantic are they? How do they show affection?
I view C!Tommy as a bit of a romantic guy. He definitely has had thoughts of meeting someone, going on dates, and the two showing affection toward one another.
He would be a physically affectionate person. He loves holding his S/O's hand out in public. He can be seen with an arm around his S/O's shoulders when he's sitting with them and their group of friends.
Tommy can be a little clingy when it comes to his lover, and he really hopes that they don't mind that.
Early-Morning cuddles are very much a thing. Tommy will tangle his arms and legs with his S/O's when they cuddle. Sleepy "Good morning, love"s and "I love you"s also occur during this time.
He and his S/O aren't going to be getting out of bed for a while.
That is unless they needed to get up for something.
If he's out somewhere in the morning, he writes little notes telling his S/O where he's at and then tells them that he loves them.
He likes playing/messing around with his significant other. Expect him to playfully roughhouse with his S/O at random times. He will be careful not to hurt them, and if he does, he will apologize.
Tommy tries all sorts of pick-up lines on his S/O. They're either rather cheesy, or really sweet.
"___, do you have a map?"
"Yeah. Why?"
"Because I just got lost in your eyes."
He loves to go on little adventures with his S/O. The two of you could be searching around caves and cliffs for a while, and then end the day sitting on a mountain stargazing and enjoying each other's company.
This guy tries to have candlelit dinners with his S/O whenever he can, but it either ends up with him almost burning the food or he forgets about the dinner date he had in mind.
When a dinner date does go as planned and doesn't get messed up, he plays Melohi in the background.
"It's for romance." He says as he leads his S/O to his dining room to eat.
He knows how to make basic meals - like Steak with vegetables at the side. He isn't a master-chef, but hey, at least he knows how to cook.
These dinner dates include him and his S/O joking around, complimenting one another, and of course, telling each other how much they love the other. He has this soft little loving smile on his face.
"I love you to the moon and back, ___. You're the best thing that's happened to me. Y'know that?"
"You... You complete me."
Hearing his S/O say that he loves him back, or compliments him makes Tommy smile grow as he blushes.
He loves having these moments with his S/O. It reminds him that he has someone who will love him unconditionally.
Coffee - Do they get jealous easily? How do they show it?
Like Tommy, it entirely depends on who his S/O hanging around.
If they're hanging out with Philza or Ranboo, he wouldn't feel jealous at all. He's quite happy that they're having fun with his friends. He'd also be quite relieved that they weren't hanging around people he thinks could hurt them, or that are his enemies.
On the other hand, if his lover is hanging around with other people that isn't Ranboo or Philza, he does get quite jealous.
When he's jealous, Techno won't say anything and will be a little annoyed. As time goes on, and they continue to hang around those other people, he will become more clingy and will want them to be around him more.
Technoblade will make up excuses to pull his lover away from those other people, and have them hang out with him for the remainder of the day. (with possible company from Phil and Ranboo.)
Would he admit that he was jealous?
Haha... no.
No, this will go to the grave with him.
Or, at least until his S/O figures out he was jealous and call him out for it. If they do point out he was jealous, he would deny it the first few times before giving in and admitting that he was indeed jealous. Piglin man would be blushing quite a bit as he admits it.
Rosehip Tea - How romantic are they? How do they show affection?
Techno isn't the most romantic person, to be honest.
He never really got time to settle down or really think about having a S/O.
That was until he met his S/O.
Then he tried to think of more romantic things to do with them that wasn't sparring.
He likes to cuddle his S/O while they read, or when he reads to them. The feeling of them in his arms is comforting to him.
He would read them stories about Greek mythology, or maybe would even read them The Art Of War. Probably would even leave his own comments on certain parts of the books he reads to his S/O - opinions, facts - anything he feels like adding.
Techno isn't very fond of PDA. He doesn't want his enemies to see him act as "weak", or to be an open spot for them to attack him or his S/O. He prefers to show affection in the privacy and safety of his or his lover's homes.
Very careful when cuddling his S/O. He doesn't want to accidentally crush them in his arms. His hugs are rather loose, but he still holds his lover close to his body.
His S/O is probably going to have to try and tell him that it's alright to give them tighter hugs.
Once he gets more comfortable with hugging his S/O, Technoblade will love having his lover in his arms. he thinks that they fit perfectly in them.
That and this guy is touch-starved as hell.
If he and his S/O share a bed, he would hold them while they sleep. He's really warm, and it feels nice to sleep close to him at night. He also holds them at night to convince himself that they're safe in his arms.
Hey, S/O! PLEASE play with his hair. Run your hands through it, ruffle it, style it - anything!
Techno will turn into a pile of mush because of this and will lean into his partner's touch. He loves the feeling of their fingers in his hair. It's very calming to him.
He won't take out the hairstyle they put in his hair until the end of the day. He loves any and all styles his S/O makes and will wear them with pride.
He tells his lover that he loves them as much as he can, and will complement and/or praise them when they do something that impresses him, or what he loves about them.
"Your smile is precious. Please smile some more."
"You brought home that many potatoes? That's... wow. I'm proud of you, ___"
"I love you, ___. I.... I can't believe that you're mine."
He will let his S/O wear his cape and crown! He thinks that they look great in his clothes, in general.
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starshipsofstarlord · 3 years
Hi! So I would like to request a Seb x reader one shot if you have the time ☺️ I just got diagnosed with Endometriosis today and am in need of some soft Seb... Could you write smth where Seb finds out that reader is always in pain during sex and never said anything, though he knows she has Endometriosis and usually cares for her during her period... and he then encourages her to get surgery to try and fix it? Only if it's okay though, I know it's very precise, sorry!
A/N; I am so sorry to hear about this hun, i hope there’s something that can be done, no one deserves to go through that kind of pain. I researched endometriosis and it certainly sounds horrible, I’m sending you all my love and support 💙
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Endometriosis - Sebastian Stan x reader
Masterlist Link
Summary; based on the request, I changed it a tiny bit so I hope that’s okay, I just feel like if r was in pain seb would notice, I hope you like it hun 🤍
Warnings; endometriosis, smut, oral sex (male and female receiving), 69ing, mentions of sex toys, illness, mention of alcohol, fluff, pain, swearing
divider by @firefly-graphics
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It hurt like a bitch, there was no way to put it, or at least it was a simpler revelation of description at the prying of your womb had you near to tears. You laid your head down into the pillow, mushing it into the fabric, as you wanted the pain to dwindle down into nothing, and thus you tried to ignore your own suffering, as you turned over to be on your back, severely wincing by the change in position. A groan came from the other side of the bed, as the man that was laid there began to shuffle, in the midst of waking up.
“Morning.” He spoke with a hoarse voice, the steadiness obliterated by his blatant hangover that was haunting his form. Sebastian rubbed a hand over his eyes as he fully awoke, stretching his back as he reached his arm out, swiftly hooking it around the back of your neck as you allowed yourself to lay on the muscle. “Guess neither of us got laid, did we?” He laughed lightly, shaking his head, as he tipped his chin up, blinking his baby blues up to the ceiling.
“Considering that we’re in the same bed, and that you’re not a stranger to me, I guess not.” You laughed to your close friend, whom was aware of your condition, but not the extent of it. “Looks like you’re going to suffer from no morning sex Stan, I’m sure that sucks for you.”
“Usually it’s someone else doing the sucking.” You smacked his arm at his off handed comment, pulling a smirk out from the man as he turned to face you, pulling you closer by the contact that he had upon you. “I’m guessing your disappointed that you’re not waking up to some muscular, blonde haired and blue eyes patriotic punk.”
“If you’re describing Evans, i swear that I will punch you in the dick, I said he was attractive once.” You put emphasis on the amount of time(s) you had ever mentioned it. A pout quivered his lips, as he shuffled beneath the covers, angling his hips in a more comfortable position so that they weren’t being crunched down on the mattress.
“You can punch my dick, on the agreement that you kiss it better.” Seb allowed a hollow smirk to mull over his handsome features, as you swatted his bicep once more, an unhumored frown conforming its position upon your face.
“I’m not one of your hook ups, I’m not gonna get on my knees for you buddy.” You bantered back, raising a brow at his inquisition. No, you were not a past sexual partner of his; it was a constant of him never having a serious relationship, he opted for flings rather than any long engagements, you suspected that he had feelings for someone else, but you were not sure of whom.
The thought alone of him being endeared with the image of one woman brought a pain to your body, separate from your medical suffering. Though your opinion wasn’t fair, considering that you as well, or had your time of sleeping around before the pain in your inner walls became too much, and that was one of the many things that you had given up, more or less.
To support the montage of your body’s self torture, you had a mixture of hormone and tablets that helped reduce the unexplainable sensation that willed around in your lower half, swarming around like an internal snake bite in your own body.
“69 then?” He joked, but it felt so serious. You knew he wasn’t being truthful, it was the relationship the pair of you had, though his face had moved closer, his breath fanning over your face, making your heart prominently race as you thought about such a scenario. “Having mentioned Evans...” he began to change the conversation, having felt the heat that had radiated from your body.
“Go on.” You pried at him, interested in hearing what his friend had opted to say about the pair of you. It wasn't every day that you heard celebrities gossiping about you.
“He thinks we’ve hooked up.” Sebastian stated, making your neck reel slightly back as you took in the fact, of well, the perceived view point of a world renowned, household name, actor. A part of you was slightly embarrassed, you held your own cheek as the words that Chris had passed on sunk in on you.
“We, no, never. Okay, I’m exaggerating, that would not be so bad, but it would definitely be weird. But like, why does he think that, of all things?” You asked whilst partially laughing. It made you partially aware of yourself, and the prospect of you possibly having made your feelings obvious, but that however hadn’t been the case as Seb scratched over the stubble that he had on his chin, and did that awkward Bucky smile that had became humorous in his new marvel show.
“Of all things; it’s like you’re trying to break my heart babes.” With one diverging look from you, he knew he was done for. It always pained him to keep secrets from you, and this was the one that he had been hiding for so long. “You’re really going to make me say it, aren’t you? Okay, fine. I still can’t believe that you haven’t caught on, after all this time, but this just shows that you haven’t noticed how I try and scare away every guy with my money and power.”
“Yeah, I noticed that.” Lightly you scoffed, having many memories of such a situation. It was a pattern that kept repeating itself, but to you it had just become normal, and to say you were fine with it was not incorrect. It gave you hope that he could reciprocate the emotions that you held towards him, though having a wish like that was altogether hopeless. He was just protective, that was all, he probably saw you like a little sister, or something of the sort, that really put a drab annotation on the prospect of romance.
“Ever wonder why?” Ever, more like all the time, but you allowed him to continue without disruption, by doing so more would be unveiled by that mouth of his, and you were eager to learn more, yet a little hesitant. “It is because I am so tired of being your friend, I love it, don’t get me wrong but...” you were dreading what was to come out of his mouth next, you squeezed your eyes shut, almost as if you were unable to see, the pain would not render upon your specimen. “I love you.”
“You what?!” Eyes snapping open, you were blatantly shocked by his confession. “That can’t be right Seb, you’re you, and I’m me, and-“
“We’re us.” He finished for you. As he noticed you relax from his contingence, which allowed him the time gap to slide closer, his warm and soft hand running up the side of your face as he watched you gasp from the sensation. It was not the first time he had touched your cheek, but it was the first instance in which he done so intimately; you were rather fond of the treatment.
You nuzzled your face into the curve of his hand, your brows lightly directed in a downwards motion as you lulled in his touch, and that was when you realised that he had frozen. “Shit.” You stopped him from moving away, pausing the sadness in his eyes for the current second. “I should have responded, that was my bad. I love you too, I’m not just saying that, so you know.”
“That’s a relief.” Sebastian sighed, falling back onto the mattress, bringing his face accidentally closer to your own. The tips of your noses were touching as your eyes ogled deep within the pools of one another’s, it was impossible not to seek a closer vicinity, and thus, you slunk closer, bracing the tips of your nails against his scruff, as your lips worked their way onto his.
“How would you like another kind of relief?” You pulled away, stroking down the smooth course of his shirt covered chest, prompting a suggestive dialogue in your tone. His brow raised as he thought about it for a moment, but then he remembered a rather distinctive matter he didn’t want to cause any obstruction to.
“What about your, you know?” He was referring to your endometriosis, having the knowledge about the unfortunate illness that interfered with your life. Through it all, the doctors appointments, the encouraging you to take your medication on days that you weren’t feeling particularly well, he was there. Now it made sense why.
To reply, you softly shook your head, combing your hands over his shoulders, as you answered him. “If it gets too much, I’ll give you the signal.” You spoke, leaning down to peck his lips, though you still saw the reluctance that was embedded on his forehead in the form of strict lines. “I promise.” You persuaded him, meaning the sentiment, as his eyes trailed down, his hand scourging a fierce, passionate grip upon your hipbone as his tongue weaved its way back into your mouth.
You moaned into the atmosphere of his mouth, grabbing onto his cheeks as you heaved breaths into the internal beyond of this man, rolling on top of him, as you swept your crotch down against his own, extracting a sinister sound out of his guttural throat. It was only turning you on more, and you knew that if you didn’t do something, even despite the recommendations of your doctor, you would be sufficed with a lack of pleasure, and that was all you currently craved.
It wasn’t fair how you had been dubbed with the condition. So many people in the world could have sex whenever they pleased, yet you were forced to commend under the sentence of experiencing a discomfort when all you wanted was the comfort of being intwined with another human being. That connection, it felt mandatory, however you were denied it, for every time that you proceeded to bed a stranger, or a partner of any sorts, the stretch of anything in your walls pursued you with a fracture of pain.
You’d even had to throw out your vibrator, whilst it felt good on the outside, the clenching of your empty walls sparked physical and mental hurt, and reminded you of the fact that whenever you were filled by any length, your body could not function to emit pleasure, instead it was the opposite that you were tasked with contracting. The thought and reminder often spewed tears in your eyes, but you held them back as you got lost in Sebastian.
“I don’t want to hurt you.” He admitted sentimentally, and your heart both became full and broken. It was sweet and scorching to the arousal between your legs to know that he was that concerned about your well being; he wasn’t just prioritising getting his dick wet. He resumed pressing succulent kisses on your lips, he lulled in the notion, he too wanted to be close to you, but he wasn’t willing to do inadvertently so to the expense of you being in pain.
That was the opposite of what he wanted, even as your hand wandered down his firm and pheromone driven body, that bucked in your grip, as your hand hooked around his bulge, your thumb stroking over his round sack as he grew beneath the layers of his soft sweats and underwear. “69 then?” You reiterated his earlier words, causing his pupils to blow wide, and his blue irises to darken into the juxtaposition of stormy skies.
“Will that be okay?” You confirmed it was, even if you weren’t completely sure yourself. The angles, the penetration, it was all elements, that combined gave you an equation that you had yet to figure out. The only way to do so was to try it, even if it concluded in an error, and not a sensible answer. To instigate the next step, you roused your sleep shirt from your body, leaving you in nothing more than your causal panties, but Seb didn’t seem to mind.
In fact he rather preferred the normalcy of your actions and undress, it made the strategy of shifting from friends to intimate lovers into one of relaxation, there was no absurdity nor discomfort yet, for either one of you. Your fingers dipped in the sides of your underwear, teasing the band, as you cocked your head towards Seb, licking your lips as you took in the view of him entranced by your being. “Am I going to be the one naked or...”
You were grateful that he took the hint, and stripped himself from both layers that kept his goods confined. He rapidly removed them, leaving his uncut cock open to your gaze; it wasn’t anything massive which was a relief, but it for now, it was to be attained in the confinement of your mouth, rather than the realm of your cunt, so that slight stretch could await. As you thought of that, you reached your hand out, dancing your fingers lightly over his shaft.
Seb emitted a soft huff from his obtainable lips, he dragged you to be laying atop of him, as your thighs surrounded his length on either side, it was warm, and rested perfectly below your where your cunt was hovering. How you wished to just sink down on it and- “Turn around.” For a moment you took time to refrain your memory to perceive what you had said before. And then, whence your words caught up to you, it was simple to do so, especially with the motivation of what was going to happen.
As you spun around, to be facing his lower half and have your own above his mouth, you watched his cock twitch, as it rested heavily upon his abdomen. You could feel your nerves kick in; it was a substantial difference from anything that you had ever done together, from looking at the stars and watching cheesy movies, to sexual actions, it was quite the leap. But a welcome one, you had waited so long to acknowledge your feelings to him, you'd be damned if you were not going to act on them.
A shiver rippled up your spine as he paved a lick through your slit, it made you tense up for a moment, and you try to register any diagnosis of pain, you coiled when he put one of your lips in his mouth. It felt good, which was a relief, and you took that as a sign to reap your front forwards, and focus on his throbbing hardness that was oozing precum against his perfect skin. The drop of essence looked like liquid moonstone, catching the ambience of the snooping sun that eyes through the crescent opening of the closed curtains, creating a luminescent light against the contrast of his skin.
Leaning forwards, as the initial shock of Seb using his tongue on you had settled in, as a faint plea from inside of you derived away in your eternal being, your tongue glided over the patch of fallen precum, your eyes fluttering at the heavenly, yet rare taste, it wasn’t every day that a man’s cum was relatively nice on your buds. Some perceived eating junk food as a lifestyle, caring not for how the receiver of their sperm would taste within the mouth of a giver on the other end. Sebastian hummed against your slick folds, as he danced his hands around your ass, grasping your cheeks firmly.
His fingers swept through the outside of your cunt, fooling around with your labia as his tongue swirled your bud, making your face grimace on the edge of pleasure, as your warm lips wrapped around the head of his cock, whirling your tongue within his slit, as your hand rested around the rest of his length, jerking it in your grasp, as his hips lightly heaved upwards against your face. He teased a finger around your entrance, running the tip along the wet flesh that mimicked your breaths as it clenched prosperously.
“Shit!” Tears webbed in your eyes as he entered the finger, though he considered that a resonating profanity of pleasure. To your dismay, it indeed was not though, the entry of the digit weighed heavy inside you, prying sorely against your walls as your giving to him paused, as you harshly gripped his thigh. “Shit, that hurts Seb. Fuck!” In an instant, he stopped, extracting his finger out from within you, as it caused you further pain, and helped you turn around, and lay languidly upon the bed.
“Oh my god, fuck, I’m so sorry y/n/n.” He panicked, immense guilt wavering his body, as he grasped your face, staring with sorrow into your seasoned expression. “I didn’t mean to- didn’t want to hurt you, shit, I should never have tried to-“ soothing his conflicting emotions, you stroked his shoulders, kissing him to ease his words into silence. He felt guilty, but so did you, you were the one whom had encouraged to pursue the rhythm of your shared sexuality to one another, deducting the poise of your actions with tear beaded eyes.
“It was my fault; I said it would be fine. I should have known it shouldn’t have, I’m sorry.” You reasoned with him, knowing that you had told him that it was to be something that you could manage, but from experience, you should have had better knowledge of how things would turn out.
“Don’t you ever apologise, you’re perfect, the only thing that I want to ease is your suffering. Is there any news on the operation that can be done, should I get you your medication now?” He wanted to be certain, to ensure that you didn’t put the accountability of your situation completely on yourself, he should have asked if a finger would have been fine, he shouldn’t have been swayed by your persuasion. “I could talk to someone, see if I could get the thing moved up, I can pay for it, get you further up on the ladder.”
“No.” You smiled, pressing an ample kiss upon his scruffy cheek. “I don’t want that, many other people are waiting for the op too, and I can’t have you paying for it. That would just be inconsiderate of me, you have already done so much for me, I can’t ask more. You’ve been there through everything, just wait with me whilst I wait for myself.” You pulled the sheets over your breasts, staring opulently into his serene eyes, shuddering as he swept his lips over your mouth once more, deriving you breathless for a moment.
“It’s okay to be selfish, if any of them had that chance, then they would take it. I can afford it, and I would want nothing more than to pay for it, it’s not just about sex, you know that. I love you so so much, you’re my best friend, the girl of my dreams, I’ve waited for you, I just want the pain that you live through to disappear. Out of all people, it’s not fair that it’s you, but it is, and this is the one way to fix the reductive searing of hurt that you live through.” You gulped, water glazing your irises as you stared at her, trying to diffuse your light sob.
His words brought acceptance to you within the scenario, as you took a deep breath in, confronting the trigger that had set off inside of you. It was difficult to handle and attain to, as you curled in his bare arms, exasperating your soundness close to him, as he competently cupped your face, kissing the tip of your nose. “Okay.” You agreed, nodding sincerely along with your words. “Okay, I’ll do it for me. It’s the right thing to do.” A smile raved his face, as you convinced yourself of doing so. It was to be a long road, but Sebastian would be there holding your hand, travelling down this path alongside you.
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-Saiou Oneshots- Despair Disease P2
!TW! Blood Vomiting Mentions (second sentence only) Implied Panic Attacks???- Fainting Implied Anorexia???- 
Kokichi POV
I woke up with a jolt, clutching my stomach and wiping the sweat off my forehead. I rushed to the toilet, vomiting into the water below. Lifting my head to check in the mirror, I took a good look at myself. My face was disgustingly pale, my lips a rosy red and my eyes glassy. My nose was a light pink, but it blended in with the blush coating my cheeks. I looked very ill. I must have a fever, I'm guessing.
My voice was coarse and raspy, a little cough erupting in the middle just to rub my sickness in my face. Kiibo suddenly came into view in the mirror, startling me. He stared at me with a concerned face, putting a hand to his mouth. I just pretended like I was completely a-o-kay.
"Kokichi! Are you okay? You look and sound incredibly sick! I can bring you medicine! How are you feeling? What symptoms do you have?"
At this point, I wouldn't mind sinking into the floor and dying. I only exist to play the role of a villain, as much as I would like to become friends with the others, my mind won't let me. Kiibo pat my back carefully, peering at my face in the mirror.
"Symptoms? We don't have time to list those! I'm about to pass out from feeling like absolute shit! I'm sick as fuck!"
I... I didn't mean to say that. That was the first truth I had spoken in a while. I decided to brush it off as an accident.
"Kokichi, if you don't want my medical assistance, what do you want?"
"Do you by any chance have any makeup? I don't want to look like this. I'm not fine."
Another slip up. I was meant to say I was fine. It's probably the tiredness... Kiibo brought a thinking finger to his metal chin, letting out a hum. I waited there impatiently, tapping my foot unconsciously against the floor.
"You're too sick to put on makeup. Just lay down and rest with Saihara-Kun."
I let out an offended gasp, my hand cramping and sore as I brought it to my forehead.
"I can't believe you could do this to me! I told you, I'm sick! I want to go and rest with Saihara-Chan!"
I complained tiredly. Another fucking slip up?! Something was definitely wrong. I had a feeling of dread deep in my stomach, and I wasn't looking forward to resting off a stupid disease. Kiibo seemed to catch on with my expressions, eyes widening as an imaginary light bulb popped up above his head.
"Ok Oma! I apologize for the off topic question, but how much do you like lying?"
The robot questioned me, awaiting a response as if he had the most clever plan. Stupid Kiiboy was probably as dumb as a broken clock.
"I feel like I'm going to faint, but I guess I can answer your question..."
Kiibo waited in silence as I nervously tapped my foot against the bathroom tiles. What if I slip up again? I decided to just go for it, confident that everything was going to turn out perfectly fine. Taking a deep breath, I blurted out my answer to the question.
"I fucking hate lying! I only do it because I have to win this game! It'll ruin the plan if someone starts caring for someone as fucking stupid as I am! Nobody likes me and nobody ever will! Lying is just the only thing I'm good at, okay?! It's the only thing I can manage to do in this stupid game! I only exist to play the role of the villain. I really want to be friends with everyone! I've never had any friends! But... I just can't... All because of my stupid lying...!"
My knees collapsed under me. What the hell was happening? I felt so overwhelmed! Everything was blurring around me and there were pools of sweat sticking my clothes to my skin. I could care less about what was happening around me, but the faint pressure on my back was providing me some cold relief to my dangerously warm body. My brain swirled; all my thoughts swarming around my head, however, I couldn't understand any of them. Everything I thought and felt was like mush, and I lost control over myself. My body collapsed with a loud thud, and I could weakly come to realize that puddles of blood were hurriedly rushing down my head, coating the tiles beneath me a sickening pink. My hands unconsciously traveled to my thighs, fingernails trying to stab their way inside the skin. Crescent shaped marks soon littered my legs. This was it. I'm useless now. There's nothing I can do. I am nobody. Because without my special ability, I am just an empty shell. An empty shell who could only speak the truth. That's right. Me, Kokichi Ouma, the ultimate supreme leader of lying, couldn't lie anymore. And with that information in mind, I fainted from shock and blood loss, the wet rag on my forehead helping me fade into a world of black.
I covered my mouth with my hand. Did that really just happen? I feel guilty... I made Oma-Kun reveal his true feelings that were clearly hidden for a reason. He was doing this all for a... Plan?
"Uhm... Kiibo? Can you stop with the fucking thudding noises, for Atua's sake?! I'm trying to sleep- OMG KOKICHI?!"
Saihara's furious yelling quickly turned into panicked screams as he leaned down to check the liar's heartbeat. Can I even call him a liar anymore...? Saihara stood up after checking, securely holding Oma in his arms as he jogged in frantic circles around the room, slurring out tired yet extremely worried comments about Oma being hurt.
"Saihara-Kun, please calm down! Oma-Kun is sleeping, and you'll get dizzy if you keep running like that! The blood on his head should be slowing down now since I wrapped the wound in a bandage!"
Saihara momentarily stopped before continuing to sprint before he processed what I had told him.
"Wait what did you say? T-T-The blood on his head?!"
The detective peered down in a panic to see the supreme leader's forehead wrapped up in a white bandage, little spots of neon blood peeking through the material. Shuichi shrieked before his body suddenly leaned back a bit.
I tried to catch the detective before he collided with the ground, however, it was no use. Saihara and Oma were passed out on the bathroom floor. How the heck was I supposed to fix this? Despite being a robot, I doubted that I had the physical strength to lift the two of them. I could ask the others... No! That would be selfish! They could possibly catch the disease too, just like Oma did! Speaking of Oma, I decided to try and pick him up first, and he was surprisingly light. Too light. Assuming that transporting him would be an easy task, I began to carefully walk to the beds, but I was stopped. Huh?
I sighed. Saihara's unconscious hands were tightly wrapped around Kokichi's arm, red marks from the detective's grip becoming visible on Kokichi's pale skin. It took a little tugging and a lot of effort, but I finally freed Kokichi's arm. It appeared to be insanely red from rubbing and pulling, I might need to put some ice on it for a bit. I added 'get ice' to my mental to-do list and took the smaller boy back to his bed, tucking him in as if I was his parent. Now to get Shuichi...
"Ahem, Kiibo? Are you in there?"
A voice asked from behind the door. Ah, Tojo-San must be here with Kokichi and Shuichi's breakfasts! I speed walked to the door, opening it to be greeted by Tojo and Gokuhara.
"Ah! Hello Tojo-San! And hello Gokuhara-Kun! Is everything okay?"
I politely questioned, Gonta giving me a nod while Kirumi extended the plates with top quality meals on them towards me.
"Gonta just wanted to help Kirumi! Gonta wonders if Shuichi and Kokichi are okay... K1-B0, are friends doing all right?"
I gave him a nod, smiling at how much of a gentleman he was. We had a little chat until I came to the realization that Shuichi was still laying on the bathroom floor...
"Oh, I better give these two their breakfasts before it gets cold! Thank you, Tojo, you're amazing!"
The maid simply nodded, flashing me a small smile as she began to return to the dining hall.
"And Gokuhara, thank you a lot! You are a true gentleman! Also, you can call me Kiibo!"
The entomologist's eyes lit up, sparkling. The sight was super cute.
"You really think Gonta is gentleman? Thank you Kiibo! Gonta appreciates friend!"
After a long hug, Gonta followed Tojo back to the kitchen like a little puppy. Or a big puppy. Both options work. Oh, right! I returned to the task at hand, transporting Saihara to his bed. Gathering all my strength, I scooped my arms under the teenager, lifting him with a minor effort.
"Either Saihara-Kun is very light, or I'm very strong..."
I knew it was probably me being strong, due to Oma feeling like air in his arms. Placing Shuichi onto the soft comfortable bed, I repeated the same routine as I did with the smaller boy, tucking him into the bed before glancing up at the glass divider in the middle of the room. I should probably dispose of that; I don't need it anymore since Kokichi gained the disease. Maybe I can give it to Angie, she might be able to use it for whatever religious rituals she conducts in the privacy of her room... Monokuma randomly popped up in front of my face and clicked his fingers (do bears have fingers? Paws? Taeys5rtfuyk) and the divider magically disappeared. Maybe Yumeno-San was working with the bear...?
"What the fuck.... My head hurtsssss..."
The supreme leader whined into Shuichi's chest, mumbling some random nonsense after that.
"I know right?! My head hurt so bad as well, and it still fucking does! If we weren't trapped in this fucking killing game, I would sue Monokuma for animal abuse!"
I stared at Shuichi, confused as heck. I do mean no offense, but at this point, I think Monokuma may have accidentally given Shuichi a stupidity disease...
"Wh- Animal abuse? How...? Wait, how did you two get in the same bed without me noticing? Kokichi, isn't your bed on the other side of the room?"
Kokichi simply yawned, snuggling into Shuichi more. I swear if I turn my back ONE MORE TIME, and something weird happens, I'm going to confront that damn magician.
"Guys, your breakfasts are on the bedside table there, and I also found pain meds in the bathroom, so take those. Kokichi is it all right if I see you after you finish your breakfast?"
A thoughtful finger was brought to the little one's chin as he ate a slice of bunny-shaped apple, the juice coating his red glossy lips. Swallowing his food, he grabbed another piece of the fruit and shoved it into his mouth greedily, as if he had been starving his whole life. Maybe that linked up to why he barely weighed anything...
"Saihara-Chan! Saihara-Chan! Wanna play a game of chess? I love chess!"
The two of them began playing chess as I read one of Shuichi's books while keeping an eye on them. Saihara raged very hard at Oma when he lost though...
"I suppose so! You wanna talk about that not fake breakdown, don't you?
Even my tone wasn't as cheerful as usual. I didn't seem as happy as I did before because I'm clearly not happy. I just spilled all my reasons behind my actions to this stupid robot.
"I do actually-"
"Just get to the damn point already. I'd prefer to not stand here for hours and explain my whole sob story to you!"
Kiibo nodded his head in understanding, fidgeting with his fingers as we stood in awkward silence. I was about to do a 180-degree turn and leave to go back with Shumai and play more chess, this was so boring. Not to mention I was nervous as fuck, which didn't help.
"Look, Ouma-Kun..."
The toaster blurted out to break the silence, not wanting to waste any more of my time.
"I'm sorry for exposing you like that. I'll try not to touch or invade any sensitive topics while you're sick like this. Monokuma is quite cruel to give you a truth disease..."
I nodded my head in agreement, not trusting myself to speak after what happened... last time. Kiibo placed a gentle hand on my shoulder, bending down a bit to meet my eyes.
"Hey, if you want to be friends or if you wanna tell me anything... I'll allow it."
A thumb softly caressed my sweaty shoulder as he spoke.
"I thought you weren't going to touch any sensitive topics, smart head."
Besides the obvious fact that I just admitted I thought of him as smart, I was mentally wheezing. Because honestly, what the actual fuck is a 'smart head'????
"Sorry, Oma. Wait, do you really think I'm smart?!"
I rolled my eyes, tapping my foot against the ground impatiently. This was getting boring...
"Yes... That's not a lie!"
Fuck you, brain. Why the fuck do you have to have to do this? What happened to 'it's a lie, nishishi!' huh? I'm not going to become the ultimate truther anytime soon, am I? Kiibo simply smiled and led me back to the bed, where Saihara-Chan greeted me with an excited smile.
"Oma-Chan! Oma-Chan! Ditch this hunk of fucking metal and come play with me!!!~ Hey, useless kettle! Get your disgusting arms off him! Oma-Chan is mine!"
I asked in shock, being pulled roughly into a protective brace by Saihara.
"K-K-Kettle?! That is very robophobic, Saihara-Kun! I will see you in court!"
Shuichi just rolled his eyes and grabbed a piece of a broken chess board and threw it at Kiibo as a warning to stay back.
"Eek! My c-chess board!"
I wiggled out of his embrace and knelt down on the floor, collecting the shattered chess board pieces.
Shuichi tackled Kiibo onto the floor, attempting to pull his metal plates off. Kiibo squealed in surprise.
"Saihara-Kun, please stop! If you get these torn off, Iruma-San will have more work to do! What if you kill me?"
Kiibo questioned desperately as I also attempted to pull Shuichi off his metal body, storing the chessboard fragments in the draw. Finally, we managed to get Detective-Chan off of Kiibo, and I was sweating like crazy again.
"Saihara-Kun, I understand you're sick and raging, as my new feature is telling me, but please don't do that again. I could've died!"
"Now that wouldn't be so bad, would it..."
Saihara mumbled, wobbling to the fridge to grab something, almost tripping repeatedly. He looked like a deer trying to walk on ice, it was a hilarious sight. But to be fair, I most likely wasn't much better...
"Saihara-Kun! Be careful, please!"
Saihara responded with some muffled curses and swears, arguing with Kiibo in the distance. All of a sudden, I felt an unfamiliar throbbing pain in my forehead, pink running down my face like raindrops on a glass window. Must be bleeding through the bandages. Luckily, Kiibo noticed and snatched a med kit from the bathroom, tending to the injury. It was a slight bit painful, yet I still managed to fall asleep in Kiibo's arms as he cleaned out the cut on my forehead.
I woke up with a jolt, my head spinning due to the quick movements and the shock that tickled my spine as I shook where I laid. Clutching my head - which was now wrapped neatly in fresh bandages - I observed my surroundings, seeing the familiar sight of a certain robot sitting next to me. His tongue was out, focusing on the task at hand. What was he doing? Shifting my body a bit, I was greeted with a sight that surprised me. Was Kiiboy... Fixing my chess board? This dude seriously cannot get any nicer...
"Ah! Oma-Kun! You're awake! I'm so glad, you were passed out for two days!"
Kiibo noticed me, worriedly sitting on the bed next to me. His hands wandered to the chessboard again, holding it out to me.
"While you were sleeping, I fixed this for you."
I took it into my hands, impressed at the quality. It looked as if it was new! I looked up at him with a huge smile. However, I peeked over his shoulder, and something felt off. As if something was missing...
"Wait, where is Saihara-Chan...?"
"Oh! Saihara-Kun somehow recovered, and he is in the dining hall with the others at the moment."
How did he recover...? Aren't we supposed to be sick? Monokuma told us that this motive was in effect until someone kills...
"I know what you're thinking. Saihara-Kun may have gotten rid of his disease, however he cannot remember anything. Nobody even knows you're sick, Oma-Kun. I just told them you were staying with me just in case..."
Nobody knew...? Saihara-Kun... Doesn't remember...? Things were going too fast; my brain couldn't comprehend anything. I sat up slowly to avoid my head hurting and took a large sip of the water on the bedside table. It had that odd taste; that weird flavor of water that runs down your dry throat when you wake up. That disgusting taste. Kiibo nodded his head in realization.
"Oma-Kun, don't fear! I'll get you a glass of fresh, clean water from the bathroom. I'll be back in a minute!"
I nodded tiredly, and completely forgetting I was sick as heck, I shakily stood up and walked to the door, keeping my hand on the knob to relish in the pleasant cold sensation. Then finally, I twisted the knob, and the door unlocked with a click. My body was moving on its own. I just wished to see my beloved Saihara-Chan...
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funtimebunnyblog · 4 years
How do you think the pillar men would react to a s/o who’s pretty innocent and a loveable ray of sunshine? Just the sweetest soul ever. Never having any ill intentions towards anyone ever, even if they’re mean to her. S/o has a lot of empathy and is just Disney princess level of kindness and nurturing. Sorry if that’s specific. I just always love the trope for couple that are opposites attract.
Did you mean: H O L L Y K U J O ???
Holly: Jotaro, make sure you eat all your vegetables 🥰 Jotaro: *is about to tell her to F*** off* All 4 of his new Pillarmen step-dads: 😡😡😡😡 Jotaro: *sweating* Yes Mom... 😰
I agree, dear Anon, I'm a bit of a sucker for big intimidating Pillarmen with a sweet little mate ❤❤❤ I'm even more of a sucker for writing it! 🥰😇😘 Please enjoy!
The Pillarmen (separate) with a sweet and nurturing s/o...
(Under the cut for length!)
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• From the moment he first met you, your kindness was baffling to Kars.
• Even before you two had begun a proper relationship, he took notice that you were always dotting on him.
• Sometimes when he was up in his study, spending hours at his desk as he worked away at piles of paperwork, you would pop in to check up on him every so often with a mug of tea for him in hand; brewed hot and black with no sugar, just the way he liked it.
• Somehow you just always knew what he liked and how he liked it.
• You often brung along a comfortable blanket to drape over his shoulders, pressing a soft kiss to his temple as you asked him if he needed anything else and encouraged him to take a break if and when he needed it.
• Nothing prompted you do do these things, he never once asked you for anything really, but it seemed as if you went out of your way to show a little kindness every time.
• Kars knew himself to be a cold creature but you were a person who made his frosty heart thaw with the warmth you radiated.
• As a man who considered nature precious life, he found himself admiring how unbelievably good you were with Animals.
• In fact, they just seemed to flock to you!
• Once, when you both went to an Animal shelter to look for a pet to adopt, Kars turned his back for only a minute and came back to find that you had somehow coaxed the meanest and mangiest old cat there into your lap.
• The shelter workers stood there absolutely gobsmacked as they watched the animal, that had scratched and hissed at and bitten anyone and everyone who had even dared to come near it, cuddling in your arms and purring like a kitten.
• "Aren't you just the sweetest thing?~" You giggled, lovingly running a hand on the cats bristly old fur as it rumbled contently, its purr was like a running motor. "What a pretty kitty you are!"
• Kars could only smile softly to himself as you both left the shelter that day with the mean old cat you were still lovingly cradling in your arms.
• He had to admit, even though he was thousands of years old and an Ultimate lifeform; you somehow felt like you were much higher above him, like a benevolent and virtuous Queen.
• Your sweet and motherly nature was the very first thing to make Esidisi absolutely head over heals for you.
• There were times you made his heart swell to the point of it hurting when he watched you waltz around the house, singing a happy tune as you did chores or cooked.
• Even though you knew he didn't necessarily need to eat, you always questioned if he was hungry and offered to make him food.
• And it was always delicious homemade food at that!
• You absolutely brought life to every room you passed through and it pulsed through everything you made.
• It was as if everything you touched left behind a little magic in his eyes.
• Once, when you two were still in the stages of getting to know one another, you happened to witness him have one of his crying fits for the first time.
• Esidisi had been very stressed that day and of course, it all overwhelmed him and came out in a flood of tears.
• Immediately, you dropped the laundry you were folding the second you heard him start to sob from the other room and ran to see what was going on.
• "Oh my goodness, what happened?" You questioned, coming towards him quickly.
• Even through his barrage of tears, he didn't miss the genuine concern in your voice and the worry etched into your face as you lowered yourself on your knees in front of him, taking his tearstreaked face gently into your hands.
• "Do you need a hug? We can hug!" You told him, opening your arms to him with no hesitation whatsoever as he struggled to get an explanation out through his bawling.
• The way you rubbed his back, crooning for him to take deep breaths, was something that would stay with him forever as usually people tended to just stand back and gawk at him when he was having a meltdown.
• You hardly even knew him and there you were, comforting him and letting him cry all over you as if you had known him your whole life!
• Each time he spent his evenings with his arms wrapped around you as you cooked supper, both of you singing, he was honestly starting to think he had fallen in love with a Goddess in disguise.
• You were the only person in the world who could make Wamuu, the greatest and fiercest warrior who ever lived, turn into a shy and blushing mess.
• The way you gently touched his arm and smiled up into his face as you spoke to him, asking him if he was hungry or tired after a long day of training, never failed to make this hardened Pillarman turn to mush.
• Your voice was like music to his ears, as if your words always held a secret song.
• When you did things for him, no matter how small on your part, he could always tell it was done purely out of love.
• "I thought you would get cold going out this time of year, so I made you a scarf and mittens!" You said with a smile, presenting him with the hand-knitted treasures one cold winters day when he was getting ready to leave the house.
• Wamuu was never a person to wear clothes at all. In fact, he would never be cold or hot or uncomfortable in any climate in the slightest being an Ultimate lifeform.
• But still, he stared at the folded scarf and mitts with wide eyes, holding them in his hands like one would a baby bird.
• He had seen you knitting on the couch these past few nights, smiling softly to yourself as you hummed and put love in every stitch. He had honestly thought nothing of it at the time but now it all made sense.
• You had spent all your free time making these... just for him?
• From that moment on, whenever he and the other Pillarmen went outside in the snow (doing God-knows-what), you can bet that he was wearing that scarf and mittens.
• With nothing else but his loincloth, of course.
• When the others questioned him as to why he was wearing such ridiculous attire when he had no need for them, he simply stood there with his head held high; his scarf swaying in the wind as he clenched his mittened hands into fists at his sides.
• "With all due respect my Masters; my beloved bride made these for me." He said calmly, the corners of his lips quirking into a soft smile as their expressions morphed into ones of disbelief. "And believe me when I say that I cherish them as much as I cherish her."
• The warrior actually felt a little boost in his pride seeing the little gleam of jealousy in his companions' eyes at his words.
• It only fed his little ego more when he showed up one day with a new knitted hat with a fuzzy pom-pom on top and Esidisi actually cried and asked if you could make one for him too.
• Santana had always rightfully believed that all Humans were the same; loud, annoying, primitive, cruel, dangerous...
• That was until he fell in love with you of course.
• You were a kind of Human he wasn't aware existed, a very soft and loving kind.
• You just seemed to radiate feelings that touched his very soul; like a bouncy ball of sunshine.
• If anyone had ever done something even borderline disrespectful to Santana, he wouldn't put hesitate them in their rightful place (in his stomach that was) but you on the other hand; you always brushed any rude behavior from another off with a smile.
• Always curious, Santana often found himself hanging around in the background, watching you carry out your housework routine.
• You didn't mind this of course, you always assured him that you liked his company.
• Sometimes you even lovingly referred to him as your shadow.
• "Would you like to help, Santana sweetie?" You asked him with a smile as you peered over your shoulder; you were rolling out and cutting homemade cookie dough to bake.
• He noticed you were always so patient, praising him for the littlest things; guiding his hands with the rolling pin, showing him how to flour the cutter and carefully peel away the outline of the shapes.
• "A star for my star," you beamed, holding up a warm star shaped sugar cookie for him to take when you had pulled them from the oven.
• He blinked as you waved the freshly baked cookie in his face, taking it carefully.
• A little smile curled around the pastry when you pressed a soft kiss to his cheek, thanking him for his help.
• You and only you could make him feel tingles from the insides out.
• One of his most favourite routines with you was when you sat on the couch on your phone or watching T.V at night; where you'd invite him to lay his head in your lap.
• Your melodic voice could only be compared to a Princess', your little fingers combing out the tangles of his thick red hair as you hummed to him or talked to him about his day before he was lulled to sleep by it all.
• Your sweetness, your warmth, your empathy; it gave him a hope for Humanity he never had before he met you...
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sobdasha · 3 years
Seivarden vs Food
I was rereading Ancillary Justice and this was a thing that stuck out to me this time: Seivarden versus Food.
Seivarden is a picky eater. Seivarden turns her nose up at food that is Foreign, tea that is Cheap or has been Used Too Many Times, food that is Beneath Her (see again: Foreign).
Being a picky eater is often a trait that establishes a character as being, well, Seivarden. Rich, upper class, privileged, sheltered, disdainful of things that are lower class or foreign (not to be confused with Exotic) because those things—and the people they are associated with—are lesser. Less deserving of dignity, less equally human than a person like Seivarden. And there’s definitely causation backing up that correlation.
On the other hand, this time around Seivarden’s issues with food struck me as being very autistic-adjacent. And things can be more than one thing: Seivarden might have the issues she has with food both because of her upbringing and because of what I see as autistic traits in her behaviors.
Let’s start with the food that Seivarden doesn’t outright complain about: skel, and I’m also going to count Nilter bread and bov milk.
By all rights, Seivarden ought to complain about skel. It is not described in an appetizing way. Skel and water are what you give ancilliaries, or people who receive welfare in the Radch—ie, people who are lesser humans it’s-just-God’s-will and so don’t deserve luxuries. Seivarden ought to be holding herself above skel. But Seivarden says she actually doesn’t mind skel (something about it implies to me that she more or less likes skel, not just that she’s used to it from serving in the military and can force it down, but that may just be my interpretation).
The thing that made Seivarden unable to eat welfare-skel was the welfare bit: the way the food was very carefully measured out to ensure that you get exactly what you are due and not a scrap more, because you are taking welfare and you are not worth “luxuries” (even though soda oopse I mean tea, is widely taken for granted as not being actually a luxury item) or basic human dignity.
(That definitely doesn’t sound like our attitude towards foodstamps in the US haha, nope! I’ve never heard those judgmental views expressed while working a grocery checkout lane!)
Seivarden’s only comment on the bread and bov milk, I believe, is one “I don’t want that” and general not eating much. This is the same time that Seivarden is starting her kef withdrawal and is constantly ill, over-sensitized, over-stimulated, anxious, and just in general not in a great place to eat even if the food were amazingly appetizing. So I don’t feel that it’s actually a snubbing of the food.
It’s possible that we don’t need to have Seivarden outright criticize the food, because we’ve already established that she’s a privileged, upper class, disdainful jerk. And Breq, while not turning her nose up at the fare, has already established for us that it is Not Exactly Great.
Anyway, my point is, while they may not be appetizing, the thing about skel and stale-bread-slush and bov milk is that they are all not-complicated foods. You know where you stand with them. Skel is leaves that probably doesn’t have any weird Bits in it, I doubt it’s prepared with seasonsings, you probably don’t have to worry about how well it’s been washed or if it’s going wilty since I guess they probably, like, grow it on board the ships with hydroponics or whatever? Maybe you get woody stalky bits but they’re probably easy to identify? The bread mush might be weird depending on how finely the grain is ground but it is, presumably, fairly consistent across loaves. Bov milk is. Also probably consistent.
In Seivarden’s other encounters with food, the way she complains about them reminds me very strongly of autism-related food issues. The foods are unfamiliar (so you don’t know what to expect and it’s upsetting), the settings are public (not a “safe space” to experiment with new foods, because other people will judge you/you will cause offense if your experience is not good, because there’s already a lot of outside stress to cope with depending on what stresses you out), etc. From what we see of Breq ordering foods, they’re all named things like “house specialty” or “lunch” with no descriptions of what will be in the foods: ingredients, textures, flavors, preparation style, etc.
(That’s the great thing about having a housemate who has gotten a feeling for at least some of the way I in particular eat—she has a rough idea of what I might like, she orders food for delivery so that I don’t have to worry about the upsetting experience of not liking my food at the restaurant to the point of not eating it [either offending the restaurant staff when it’s not their fault, or me wanting to run away if someone tries to helpfully “solve” it by insisting on ordering me a new food which is very kind but by that point I’m simply unable to cope and nothing can “fix” things except leaving me alone until I can escape]. If we’re uncertain about new food she’ll help me look for things that—if I don’t like them—she will almost certainly be happy to eat instead so at least it’s not going to waste. She’ll order from a restaurant first so I can examine the food at home, take my time scrutinizing how the dish looks and smells and deciding if I want to try a bite, no pressure. It turns out that I eat a lot more foods than you’d think, knowing me. But I still don’t eat a lot more food than neurotypicals consider reasonable and valid.)
(My mom’s parents made her eat what was on her plate, including vegetables that she absolutely hated to the point that or because they made her gag. So growing up, we didn’t have the stereotypical food wars despite being picky eaters. And lo and behold, after a certain age some of us remained picky eaters but all of us have become more adventurous and willing to at least try a bite of a thing if the environment’s good.)
Seivarden at the restaurant in Therrod is, Breq notes, already stressed. She wants arrack; Breq says it’s not good, have beer instead. Seivarden gestures okay, and then clarifies, but what is it made of. While being judgmental, because Foreign Beer, but still, not mutually exclusive. Then Seivarden gets a bowl of House Specialty—I’d been thinking of it is stew, but maybe I should be thinking of it as like curry but not served with rice?
We see through Breq’s perspective that this is a dish that needs analyzing. It has a sauce that covers everything and seems to obscure everything. It has—vegetables, actual vegetables, some of it recognizable as thinly sliced cabbage and the rest of it…something edible. Upsetting. It also consists of variously sized uncertain lumps covered in the sauce. Some of the lumps are probably meat, probably bov. Because of the taste? The texture? Meat is so problematic because other people will define “fat” and “gristle” and “veins” as meat while I do not. (There is edible versus inedible fat but I can’t always identify which it’s going to be, gristle is always inedible and what do you do if the restaurant has cloth napkins, the wait staff don’t deserve to get that discreetly-spat-out surprise, and mainly I just hate visually seeing veins and am compelled to tease them out but I’ve never actually had a texture issue with them.) Seivarden cuts a larger lump in half and it appears to be cheese. Probably. The sauce doesn’t taste a way Seivarden would expect it to (even if, as Breq says, it’s good).
“Why can’t these people eat real food? Don’t they know better?” Don’t they know better definitely implies Foreign. These people are uncivilized, their food is uncivilized, only civilized food is good for eating. But also, this whole eating experience is very upsetting and stressful—even if the food tastes good and turns out to be edible—plus Seivarden is already stressed by the smells and intense bright colors and still suffering some withdrawal from kef. I too would probably express some sentiment about why can’t they serve real food. Food that is familiar. Food that I know what it is without having to pick things apart and scrutinize them and risk a nibble while hoping for the best. Food that has a flavor profile I’m familiar with and like.
At the tea shop at Omaugh Palace, Breq orders “something rolled in a sheet of algae” (aka probably sushi, aka a potentially traumatic experience) and “fruit” and tea. Seivarden happily accepts the tea. Breq describes Seivarden as “feigning a lack of interest in the fruit” before taking a piece. Maybe it is the money issue (Seivarden has none and can’t order at the shop) or a propriety issue (you can treat someone to tea without implications of the hierarchical superior/inferior dynamic of family and clientage, but buying them a meal without a clear exchange feels off? Seivarden doesn’t want to accept a pity handout? You have to politely demur before accepting being treated?).
It is also, to me, a very familiar approach. The fruit is not named. Breq doesn’t specifically say it’s fruit she doesn’t recognize, but even if Breq recognizes it it’s entirely possible that Seivarden doesn’t—after all, she’s been lost for a thousand years, she hasn’t even heard of Omaugh Palace. Feigning disinterest would allow Seivarden to circumspectly take her time deciding how she feels about the fruit—how it looks, how it smells, how Breq ate a piece (does it crunch? Is it soft? Does juice unexpectedly spurt out? Can you nibble at it or do you have to put the whole piece in your mouth? Is there a part you eat around?). If you express interest, well-meaning people are more likely to pressure you before you’re ready and you risk having to take a piece and be like “Thanks, I hate it.” Possibly after spitting out the bite you took. Right in front of them. Because they were so eager to make certain you would enjoy it.
At the end of the meal, Seivarden asks what the algae roll is, now that Breq has eaten some of it and should have some kind of idea. Breq can’t offer any insight other than that it is good, and offers to get Seivarden one to eat back at the room instead of in the tea shop, which is kind at least. Seivarden makes a face and declines and comments that Breq is more adventurous. If it is, in fact, a sushi roll, it is a food that Breq cannot elaborate on, a food that is unclear what it contains, and a food that cannot be easily picked apart and nibbled on and investigated. It is a nightmare in a cute little package. “You have to put the entire piece in your mouth and eat it all in one go” how. How big do you think my mouth is. How do you expect me to put an entire questionable object in my mouth when I don’t know what is going to be in my mouth. What is it going to taste like. Are there going to be Bits. That is way too much things to sort through and evaluate and spit out if I don’t like it. Are you trying to personally torture me. Do you wish for me to die. Who keeps insisting on putting avocado in sushi, I have tried and I have tried but I can’t do avocado even it’s “hidden” by a lot of other delicious things, the avocado is not hidden at all and I hate it.
I don’t recall seeing anything specific with Seivarden and food in the other two books, so I don’t know if Seivarden still has a fraught relationship with food or if it gets better. If it gets better because Seivarden starts trying to be less of a dick. If it gets better because, aside from the parts where she’s having breakdowns, Seivarden is in a more comfortable environment (Breq, Radch space, a Ship, the military, no more welfare, it’s not what she expected but it’s familiar and she fits into the Hierarchy and she can derive support from it) and is better able to deal with adventurous food.
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solarwonux · 4 years
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prince!wonwoo x witch!reader 
w.c: 4.3k (I almost made it 5k but I stopped myself) 
warnings: murder, death, alcohol, tarot cards, running away, witchy things if you squint, angst, smut, ropes. 
note: special special thanks to my baby @starlightshua she named this beauty lmao. I re wrote this story so many times, literally the first draft of this was nothing like this and then I woke up at 5am today and rewrote the entire thing. I’m pretty proud so I hope you enjoy it. Also let me know if you want more of this, I have some ideas. Enjoy.x
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Wonwoo pushes the tavern door open a little too hard. It hits the brick wall behind it, the sound erupting through the wasted and nearly wasted bodies that occupied the space. He doesn’t care, he needs a drink or many of them for that matter so he walks letting the door rattle obnoxiously behind him. The people eyeing him down like he just murdered their first born and not interrupted their nightly escapades.
He reaches the bar taking the worn out stool at the end and taps his fingers against the wooden counter. He was a regular and sadly had gotten used to the mustiness that was etched into the walls of the place and yet he still felt out of place.
“What does our royal guest of honor want tonight?” Mingyu rapped his fingers drumming in front of Wonwoo, grabbing his attention.
“Not royal, but bourbon please.”
Ever since he ran away from his Royal duties and somehow ended up in a tavern that existed harmoniously to bring two worlds together. Wonwoo had seen and witnessed things he had only grown up hearing during his mother’s bedtime stories. A secret language they shared when hidden behind the comfort of his bedroom. Away from the torturous hands of the King.
“As you wish your majesty.” Mingyu’s sarcastic drawl took him out of the spiral inside his head. He rolled his eyes obnoxiously as he watched Mingyu throw his head back in laughter, his fangs catching in the reflection of the dim light causing a chill to roll up his spine. “You’re so uptight tonight, relax a little Prince Charming.” He winked at Wonwoo before turning around and walking away from him.
No matter how hard he tried to leave the life he had behind, everyone here in this tavern that belonged neither here nor there, loved to remind him that he still had the king’s royal blood coursing through his veins. Usually, he didn’t mind, sometimes he would play into the character when he was drunk enough to earn a few laughs. But tonight on the final night of October, he didn’t want to be reminded of his true identity.
On Hallows Eve, three years ago his life had gone south. He was set to marry a princess from a neighboring kingdom and he couldn’t wait to meet her during the annual ball. He had woken up that morning with a jolt and skipped a step as he made his way to his mother and father’s private chamber. When he arrived, his heart, in his throat. He found his father the charming King beloved by his people with his hands around his mother’s throat and a murderous glimmer behind his soft eyes while she slowly turned a rough shade of blue.
Wonwoo felt his world crash onto the ground. his father didn’t stop no matter how hard he pleaded for him too. His tears fell onto the palace grounds creating tsunami’s as he witnessed his mother take her last breath.
He ran, ran to where his feet could carry him. Packed up anything that could fit in the tiny knapsack he used whenever he went to explore the forest behind the palace. And left, leaving behind the life he had only ever known.
He traveled for three days on foot without food nor rest, before he came across the tavern that smelled more like rotten feet than whiskey. He met Mingyu, who had recognized him right away and gave him the tavern’s royal treatment. Food, water and the rickety old room just above the tavern.
“It’s not satin or velvet or whatever you guys use over there, but it’s enough for you to sleep. Just pay me back by working here every odd day of the week.” Mingyu said, clapping his shoulder and leaving him behind to deal with his new reality.
That night was the night he was able to mourn his mother’s death and his own one as well. The king had come out publicly with fake tears in his eyes to say that his wife and his second born son had fallen ill to an illness and that when the royal physicians realized it, it had been too late. Though, everyone in the tavern knew the truth and he found comfort knowing that they hated the king just as much as he did.
“Penny for your thoughts my prince.” The angelic voice he had grown to love so much took him out of his thoughts. He lived in his head too much and he was thankful he had you —a witch he had met during one of his shifts over a year ago, to ground him back down onto Earth.
“Don’t call me that.” He smiled and grabbed hold of your hand and brought it up to his lips. He kissed it lightly keeping his eyes on yours as they burned holes of fire into them. You tensed up feeling the heat run up your body. It was laughable. You, a witch who could make anyone succumb and fall at her feet, was letting a runway prince pursue her and turn her into mush at his feet.
“You liked it when I said in bed once.”
“That was one time, princess.” He winked, enjoying the way your cheeks flushed. Your body reacted amorously to him and each time it bubbled an emotion deep inside of him that he wasn’t sure what it was. It scared him and excited him all at the same time.
Wonwoo stopped believing in love three years ago but every time you were nearby. He believed that he could again.
“One to many times Wonwoo.” You toyed as you took the empty seat next to him. Your hand still entrapped in his and you weren’t planning on letting go any time soon.
Mingyu rolled his eyes and placed Wonwoo’s drink in front of him, “Wonwoo has a prince kink?.” He mumbled his voice laced with disgust. “I should’ve known.” and leaned against the wooden table, shooting daggers at Wonwoo.
“Not a kink if that’s what he is Gyu.”
Wonwoo didn’t care that he still had royal blood in him, because whenever he found himself laughing at Mingyu’s poor attempts to flirt with nymphs. Or your presence next to him he forgot that he did. He wondered if his mother had led him here to this repulsive tavern in order to meet the two of you.
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Although Wonwoo knew you were perfectly capable at defending yourself. He loved walking you home.
The two of you trailed down the dirt path hand in hand; chasing the blue light of the moon. Comfortable silence erupting between your bodies. Wonwoo never felt more at home then now.
“So what’s a witch like you doing with a commoner like me on Hallow’s Eve.” Wonwoo glanced at you his eyes sparkling like they held a million galaxies and you found yourself wanting to get lost in them. “Don’t you have rituals or cards to read, aren’t you the most powerful underneath a blue moon.” He edged on making you smile.
“Are you saying you want your cards read again?” You bumped your shoulder against his. His grip on your hand falters making you giggle.
Wonwoo’s eyes grew wider than the moon as he remembered the night you read his cards to him for the first time a few weeks ago and he blushed. “Last time you read my cards I ended tied up.”
“Well that’s cause you picked my sex deck Wonwoo, we’ve been over this.” You stopped walking and leaned up to kiss his cheek, leaving a plum lipstick mark behind. “Don’t act like you didn’t like it.” You whispered in his ear.
Wonwoo swallowed hard at your taunting tone. He knew you were right and he hated it. If you had asked him with that infamous bat of your eyelashes he would’ve done it again. “For once angel I want to see you tied up.” He blurted out, his cheeks turning a rough shade of red as he processed what he had said after he had said.
“Okay, but you’re going to have to catch me first.”
“Catch you, what a—.”
Before Wonwoo could finish his sentence you took off running. Wonwoo threw his head back in disbelief, his body coursing with exhaustion for a brief second before he took off as well. This is what he loved most, the adrenaline rush you brought to him. Although sometimes he thought you were too much he wouldn’t trade the moments he spent with you for anything in the world. Not even for his mother’s life and you had offered a few times, but he refused because with you he felt complete.
Your laughter rang through the howling branches of the trees surrounding the two of you. Wonwoo’s body felt like it was floating as he chased after you, the cool night air hitting his face as he ran with everything in him. It reminded him of the times he spent at the palace gardens chasing after his older brother, his mother’s voice ringing in his ears as she joined in halfway. It was these moments where he was the most carefree, that reminded him of his mother. That made him miss her with everything in his being. It was moments like these where the anger and resentment towards his father would surface and he wished he hadn’t had run away that day. But this was different because for the first time in his life he was running towards someone, a goal.
“Maybe you don’t want it enough Wonwoo. Are you even trying?” You teased, he could tell he was close from how loud your voice sounded. It only gave him motivation to run faster, so he did.
You faded into view, it felt like he was seeing you for the first time in his life. You were leaning against a tree, arms cockily crossed in front of you, waiting. He let his feet carry him like the wind around him and soon he was crashing into you like an ocean wave. You laughed silently. The impact, knocking the air out of your lungs making you feel lighter than a cloud.
Almost as if by instinct Wonwoo’s arms found their way around your body, his face morphing into one of concern. He didn’t mean to crash into you as hard as he did or at all, but sometimes when he was with you his body acted as if it were unattached to his brain. “I’m sorry are you okay?” He placed his fingers underneath your chin lifting your head up so your watery eyes locked with his.
You planted your hands on his chest, balling your fist wrinkling his starch white button down and nodded. “With-- y-you I’m always okay.” You gasped and closed the distance. Your lips were on his faster than he could blink and he felt himself melt.
In fairytales silver and water were a witches ' kryptonite. In this life you were Wonwoo’s.
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Wonwoo didn’t win but he should’ve known you were going to give in to his desires. Despite your sneaky ways he knew he could always trust you but still it had caught him off guard when you had given him the onyx ropes upon entering your small cottage.
“You wanted to tie me up right? Now’s your chance.” The amount of trust that laid behind your eyes was overwhelming. And no one, not even his mother, had trusted him like you did.
He placed the ropes down on your old wooden bed and kissed you with everything in him.
When his mother would tell him the damsel in distress stories during bed time. She always described the ending kiss as if it were the most magical thing in the universe, with fireworks exploding and butterflies running mayhem in pits of stomachs. But you weren’t a damsel in distress and his mother’s description of a true love’s kiss didn’t do this kiss justice.
Wonwoo very much felt like he was thrown in the middle of space and was now dumbly floating around. His body felt lighter than air, but heavy at the same time. He didn’t feel fireworks nor the butterflies but he did feel the adrenaline dip in the mouth of his stomach and the strikes of lightning that raced through his veins. He felt brand new, and he was ready to give himself to you, just like he had many nights before but this time it felt different, important and special.
Maybe Wonwoo was finally releasing the lock he had around his heart, but if he didn’t know any better--and he didn’t. He was positive that what he was feeling for you in this moment of vulnerability was love.
“I want to take my time.” He whispered against your lips as your fingers toyed with the buttons of his shirt. “I want to be with you forever but I don’t know how.” He crushed the hem of your silk black shirt between his fingers. Your hands stopped their movements and you pulled away. They wandered up to his cheek, your index finger playing with the tiny sunspots that only you were able to see. He looked so small and scared and you were sure you mirrored his same expression because the grip he had on your shirt got tighter.
You had been in love once. Many lifetimes ago and they had been taken from you because of what you were. You promised yourself you would never love again and you spent years alone, until you found yourself in the odd old tavern.
For as long as you lived in the old supernatural town, you never once paid attention to that old tavern. Until one night during blue moon much like the one tonight, a little over a year ago you found yourself drawn to it. Your feet carried you there by themselves, your mind on autopilot and before you knew you were sitting in front of the bar, looking at a curious boy that resembled the prince you grew up hating, but that was impossible because he had been dead for years.
To your surprise he was the prince and he had spilled two strawberry margaritas on you ruining your new favorite shirt. You cursed him out, wondering why he wasn’t deader than dead as he apologized. He dropped everything before taking your hand in his and leading you up the rickety old stairs that led to the room above. Without a word he tore his poor excuse of a room apart until he found you a clean shirt and you put it on not after pushing him out of the room for some privacy.
If you had known that you would still keep that same shirt hidden deep in your closet you would’ve laughed because that was the first night you started to fall for him and every passing moment you were with him felt like you were being reborn again. Like a part of you didn’t die behind the flames of the burning fire as you watched your lover yell out for his life. That memory was buried deep in your mind and you had never told Wonwoo in fear that he would look at you differently. Like you weren’t his lifeline anymore, so, you kept it locked away inside of your heart just like the love you felt for him. One day you would tell him just not tonight. Tonight you wanted to keep your secret and instead be with him in every way possible.
“Take your time but tonight make me yours please.”
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Wonwoo didn’t tie the ropes hard enough and it made you laugh at his shaking hands as they traveled down your flushed out body. You had assured him that you had suffered through worse than the burning of ropes against your skin. But he paid no attention to your statement as he finished his second and final loop on your bedpost.
He kissed his way down your body slowly, giving extra love the parts he knew would have you unraveling in no time.
This was one of the things you loved most about him, instead of getting what he wanted and leaving. He took his time getting to know your wants and needs. You’ve had many lovers in the past and none of them had felt nor treated you the way Wonwoo did.
With love.
“You feel so warm already.” He whispered against the skin of your stomach, slowly getting closer to where you wanted him most. His hands squeezed your thigh and prided them open as he kissed his way further down, hovering his mouth against your clothed core.
You whimpered, tugging at his roots in attempts to bring him closer, “Please Wonwoo please.” You let out an exasperated breath. “I need you close.”
Wonwoo smirked leaving an open mouthed kiss against your core, savoring your honeyduke sweetness that seeped through your panties. Your grip on his hair got tighter as he continued to tease you. Kissing you and humming like he was tasting his last meal. He lapped up once more groaning before hooking his thumbs against the waistband of your panties and pulled them down, sitting down on his knees and throwing them somewhere in your room, joining your already discarded clothes.
The coolness of the wind coming in from your open window made the goosebumps rise against your soft skin. Wonwoo sucked in a breath as he took in how wet you were and for him.
No matter how many times he found himself in this position, your body's reaction to him always left him floored. “Take a picture, it will last longer.” You joked, placing your leg against his shoulder and pulling him down towards you again. Catching him off guard, just like you always did.
“One day I will and then I won’t stop and by the end of it all, I’ll have my own private collection.” He winked laying down in between your legs again. He kissed up your thighs alternating between the two, taking his sweet time like he always did.
“I bet you’d like that...f-fuck.” Wonwoo lapped up your entrance and wrapped his perfect lips around your clit. He closed his eyes savoring your taste, his blunt nails digging into the skin of your thighs.
“Y-Your mouth was—ahh, your mouth was made from the h-heavens.” You arched your back, pushing his head closer with your legs entrapping him. Your hands grabbing on the ropes as you felt your orgasm approach.
A throaty groan fell out of his mouth, sending the vibration up your clit and through your body. The knot in your stomach starting to get tighter. Wonwoo’s index and middle finger swirls around in your pussy. Bathing in the wetness before he slowly inserts them. He always knew you were warm inside but today it felt like you were on fire and he couldn’t wait to devour you further.
He hums happily pulling away and sits up, your leg falling from his shoulder making you whine at the loss of his mouth. “Patience baby I’ll give you everything you want tonight.” He assures before pushing his fingers in even further, your heat entrapping him.
“Ah, f-fuck this feels better than my charms.
“You have sex charms?” He poses curiously. You were a book full of fairytales and he couldn’t wait to read you front in back until the last day of his life.
“I have charms for a lot of things.” You throw your head back in pleasure as he lets his fingers take control. “I-I can show them to you one day.” You let out a breath as you felt your orgasm nearing.
“Why not now?” He brought his thumb onto your clit and started rubbing figure eights circumoniously, while his fingers pistoned into you. If anyone were to ask him what his favorite pastime was he would cheekily answer that it was you falling apart because of him.
“Don’t need them...you make me cum.” You arched your back and pulled on your ropes as your orgasm flooded over you. You moaned Wonwoo’s name like an old incantation in your book of spells as he continued to help you ride out your orgasm.
You always looked beautiful to Wonwoo, like a goddess or an angel sent from above. But the way you looked when you fell apart underneath him, was breathtaking and he wanted to remember it forever.
“Did that feel good?” He takes his fingers out, his palm rubbing soothing circles against your thigh as he brings them up to his lips. Your spent pussy clenched over nothing as you watched him, eyes locked with yours savoring you.
You nod, “It was orgasmic.” You joked. Your weak attempt of a pun makes him laugh. You freed yourself from his poor attempt at binding you to the bed and sat up. Wonwoo watched you dreamily as you wrapped your arms around his neck planting a soft kiss to his wet lips.
“Make me cum again my prince.”
“I’ll make you cum until first light.”
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Wonwoo kept true to his word, pulling four more orgasms from you. Each one more intense than the other and you found yourself craving for more, but he had stopped sensing your exhaustion.
He had been right earlier that night in the forest. You were strongest on Hallows Eve and underneath a blue moon, but when it came to Wonwoo you were weak. You didn’t mind it because it was to someone who would without a doubt catch you if you fell hard.
You had read it in his cards the first and only time you drew them for him. You didn’t voice it because his face when you had exposed his kinks was priceless. And because you feared that if you did you would lose him before you could tell him how you felt about him. You weren’t sure when you would but if he kept looking at you and holding you like you were his entire universe. You would without a doubt forget your fears and confess.
“I love you.” Wonwoo’s eyes got wide as he brought his hands up to his mouth covering it. “Sorry I—I fuck I-“
“I love you.” You copied his actions. The two of you letting the silence overcome your ragged breaths. Until he laughed, making you laugh as well. You grabbed his hand and brought it close to your body.
It was unbelievable how afraid the two of you had been when the two of you had unknowingly fallen for each other long ago. Wonwoo sat up on his elbows and moved so he was hovering over you again. “I’ve never once loved, and I’m sure I love you more than anything in this world.” He pecked your lips repeatedly before laying half of his body on yours carefully and putting his head against your chest humming happily.
“I once loved but I didn’t love them the way I love you Wonwoo.”
“That must mean I’m special princess.”
You rolled your eyes, your hands coming up to his shoulders and kneading out the tension that had formed over years of unnecessary stress. “Not a princess...but you’re more than special.”
“In my eyes you’ll always be my princess.” He left a chaste kiss against your collar bone. “But you’re more than special to me too baby, and since we’ve established that can you tell me what’s been bothering you all night.”
“Nothing’s bothering me, why are you asking?”
“You didn’t drink tonight and back when we were walking home you were spaced out half of the time.” He traced a finger up your side teasingly.
You sighed and stopped massaging his shoulders. He was right you had been distracted for half the night wondering how you should tell him the last secret you had. This one you couldn’t keep hidden away because it involved him and his biggest heartbreak.
“I drew a card from my deck this morning.”
He hummed and lifted his head, his eyebrows knitting together, “What was it, anything bad?”
You bit your lip, knitting your fingers into his hair. “The Empress, sometimes I read her as a fertility card an-“
“You’re pregnant?” Wonwoo sat up, your hand falling onto his chest. You giggled, shaking your head profusely. Your contraception charms were safer than any kind of contraception out there.
“God no Wonwoo, not now, but you told me your mom loved peonies right?”
“Yeah, the palace was always filled with them.”
“Okay well for days I’ve been seeing peonies pop up randomly around this place and I just thought it was a coincidence. When I drew my card this morning, The Empress was surrounded by peonies, but I really didn’t think anything of it. When I entered the tavern last night there were peonies in the flowerbed growing. And now that I think about it they were there too the night I met you.”
“What are you saying, that my mom is here somehow?” His voice was filled with hope and you tried hard not to cringe at the sound. The thought had crossed your mind a few times but you always had to remember that even though the supernatural existed peacefully in this world. That rule didn’t apply to the dead, they had strict rules on their side of the realm. If his mom was making an attempt to contact him he was sacrificing her chances at reincarnation.
“I’m saying that maybe your mom didn’t tell you who she really was.”
“Are you saying she was a witch like you?”
As soon as the words left his mouth, he felt comfort. Everything about his childhood made sense. The random peonies that would appear in the garden during the mid of winter. The stories that didn’t feel like stories but more like memories. And her sudden death. He wasn’t sure if his father had known or if he had found out that morning, but whatever the case was he was positive that she had sent you to him. His greatest and last gift to him from her and had never felt more at peace.
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mandoalorian · 4 years
Being sick with nurse Maxwell lord pls that man can't ever cook a decent soup but who cares he's adorable
Made With Love [Maxwell Lord x Reader]
Summary: Maxwell Lord takes care of his sick girlfriend and makes her 'soup'.
Rating: PG
Warnings: food mention, brief mention of blood/injury, mention of throwing up, illness and death
Word count: 2.3k
Authors note: Thank you for the request! I must admit this was quite the challenge as I don’t usually write about food in my fics but the concept of Maxwell taking care of a sick reader by cooking her soup was just too adorable.
Submit request
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gif by @santigarcia
Maxwell didn't have many regrets. If he regretted his life decisions (even the questionable ones), he wouldn't be as successful as he was today. He always told himself to embrace his choices. But…. he did have one regret. One teeny tiny miniscule regret. And that was promising you he'd cook you some soup. Maxwell Lord, the cover boy of Forbes magazine. The man who founded Black Gold Cooperative. The same man who spoke in the White House and was on the television every night, was standing in his kitchen, before an abundance of vegetables, herbs and spices.
"I hate this." you whined, dramatically stuffing a pillow into your face as you tossed and turned in your big bed. Maxwell shuffled closer to you. He hated seeing you in pain. His heart ached. If he had one wish, it would be to swap positions with you. He'd rather deal with the flu than have you suffer before his eyes.
"I know sweetheart," he sighs, taking a wet washcloth and gently placing it on your forehead. "You have a temperature, but this might cool you down." He hadn't rinsed the flannel properly so little beads of water dripped down your face but you didn't say anything because you knew he was trying his best. If there was one thing you admired about Maxwell, it was that he always tried his hardest in everything he did.
"I already feel cold though." you shivered, pulling the thick quilted blankets further up your body. He handed you a glass of water.
"Darling, you're burning up," he shook his head sadly and you let out another whine. "Drink this slowly. It's important to stay hydrated."
"It's so unfair," you groaned before taking a sip of water. He was right, the cool liquid oozed down your throat and you felt grateful for his suggestion. "How come you never get sick?" You prodded your finger into his tummy and he chuckled lightly. "It's not funny Max."
"You're so cute," he sighs longingly, his lips curving into a smile. "I love you, you know." he boops your nose with his finger.
"Stop!" you playfully slapped his hand away from your nose but instead he cupped his palm around your cheek and nursed the side of your face, his thumb brushing across the plumpness of your lower lip.
He leaned in, the curve of his nose dragging across your skin and pressed his lips softly against yours. He didn't move, it was gentle and tender. Normally when Maxwell kissed you, it was hurried and passionate as he tried to throw your clothes to one side and pin you against a wall but this— this was like a whole new side to him. He rubbed his nose against yours and pulled away after only a few seconds.
"Your breath…." he scrunched up your nose and you gasped, feeling your cheeks heat up in embarassment. "Baby, did you throw up?" you nodded sadly and his heart fell in his chest. "Oh no baby." he soothed, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear and rubbing your tummy.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you, now you probably have all my sick germs." you sighed. You couldn't believe how foolish you had been not to tell your boyfriend.
"No sweetheart, don't worry. The kiss was worth it," he admitted sheepishly and you smiled. "I love you." he repeated.
"Maxie, you're being so soft with me. It's not like you at all." you hummed in contentment as he peppered more kisses from your cheek, to your jaw, down your neck, and on your collarbone.
"You know, when my mother got sick," Maxwell cleared his throat. "You know, when her illness got bad. Our house chef taught me how to cook her soup. I spent three or four days practicing but… I never actually got round to giving her it. Because, you know, she passed away."
You frowned, reaching out and lacing your fingers in his hair. "Oh Max, I'm sorry." you whispered sadly, finding your hand in his and squeezing it tight.
"No, I just mean," Maxwell straightened his posture and looked you in the eye. "I hear soup heals the sick."
"I wouldn't go as far to say heals." you stifled a small laugh and he smiled at you. He loved to see you laugh and he felt even better knowing it was because of him. "Wait," you paused, looking up at your boyfriend with an excited doe-eyed expression. "Are you offering to cook me soup?"
"Wh- no," Maxwell laughed awkwardly. "Me? Cook? I don't cook. You know I don't cook. I can get Lucia to come over and make you something or, we can order some soup from the Chinese place you like-"
You shook your head. "No." you said simply, but Maxwell recognised the gleam in your eyes which showed you were thinking of something. "I want you to make me soup."
"Baby," he sighed. "I can do a lot of things. But I can't make soup. Last time I tried, I was sixteen. Was like- twenty five years ago. I don't remember."
"I'm sure if you tried…. if you got all the veggies out, the herbs and spices…. I'm sure it would come back to you." you beamed. He knew exactly where this was going and he didn't like it one bit. "I know Lucia went to the farmers market yesterday and brought in some fresh veg. I was going to cook us a romantic dinner with it but since I'm bed bound… it won't get used. Unless you make me soup."
Maxwell said your name, stern but fair. Like the way he'd talk to his colleugues or business associates. You loved it when he put on that voice with you. It made you laugh.
"Yes Mr Lord?" you teased and he tsked, booping your nose again.
"You know I can't say no to you." he sighed, standing up and brushing his tailored suit down. "It's my biggest flaw."
You were beaming, a grin covering your face. You stretched your body out and folded your arms across your chest. "Life is good… but it can be better," you did your best impression of one of your boyfriend's infomercials. His head snapped in your direction and he looked just as annoyed as he always did when you impersonated him. "...if you made me some soup." you finished and he rolled his eyes.
"Finish your water." he ordered before padding out of the bedroom and heading into the kitchen.
You smiled. You loved your boyfriend so much. He had his ways. A lot of people were frightened of him but he was different with you. The feared Maxwell Lord was your cuddly teddy bear.
And that's how Maxwell ended up in the kitchen amongst a selection of vegetables. He placed a big pot on the hob and began to heat some water. He stared into the bubbling pool of water, wondering where in your conversation about soup, he had gone wrong. Wondering why he could just never deny your wishes. The water began to spill over the pot and he quickly turned the heat down, grabbing a towel and wiping up the mess.
Okay, now he had to cut the vegetables. He took some celery and carrots and began to chop them up. It was a messy job, and he had cut up way too much. Chunks of veg in all different sizes. He sliced his finger and practically wailed in pain as he bolted to the kitchen sink and rinsed the blood away with cold water. The things he'd do for you. He was just about to find a bandaid when he caught the pot of water bubbling over again. He cursed and wrapped a paper towel around his finger— a temporary fix— before turning the flame on the hob down even more.
With his good hand (the hand that he hadn't injured), he grabbed the selection of veg and tossed it into the pan. He was so rough when he done so, the boiling hot water splashed out the pot and dampened his shirt, stinging his uncovered skin. This is why I need a house chef; he thought.
The celery began to soften in the pan, and he was unsure how long to let them cook for. How soft did they have to be? He sighed, turning back to the messy kitchen counter and taking some vegetable stock to give the soup some flavour. He figured it was easy enough to make the stock. Just add water to the powder. He doesn't know how he went wrong… he must've added too much water. And the powder was all lumpy and crumbly. He emptied the jug of veggie stock into the pan, in hope the hot water would melt the powder down— or something like that.
But it didn't. He prodded the veg around with a wooden spoon, checking to see if the celery was soft enough. He still didn't know. He thought back to the house chef from his youth who taught him how to cook soup. Maybe he could find her number and give her a call. He shrugged off the idea. She'd probably be about ninety years old now, and Maxwell was determined. He wanted to do this himself.
Whilst the celery had formed a thick green mush, the carrots hadn't softened one bit. In fact, they remained just as hard as when he cut them up, despite them sterling in the pan for at least fifteen minutes. He was baffled, to say the least. Maxwell Lord wasn't a scientist but he was sure that there was something mysterious going on. This couldn't be right.
And the vegetable stock… it was brown, watery and clumpy and stuck to the green mush. As he mixed it all together, he decided it didn't look that bad. Maxwell sighed, resting the wooden spoon to the side of the pan. He could lie to the world, but he couldn't lie to himself. It looked disgusting.
Nevertheless, he had tried. He had spent time on it. He blamed you. If you didn't like it then that was on you. You should never have believed that he could successfully make soup. He did warn you. He grabbed a ceramic bowl and began to pour the inconspicuous gloop in. He popped a bit of parsley on top and slid one of the solid gold spoons into the bowl.
He padded upstairs, carefully holding the bowl of soup, and entered your bedroom where you were sat, propped up with an abundance of pillows, awaiting your meal. You held your arms out with desire as he handed you the bowl.
"Thank you sir," you said graciously, a teasing sarcasm dripping from your tongue. You looked down at the contents of what was in the bowl and the smile practically fell from your face. "Max… what is this?" you asked, furrowing your eyebrows together.
He smirked. "Soup."
You pushed it around in the bowl, eying up the rock hard pieces of carrot and grainy bits of veggie stock. "No it's not." you said cautiously, raising an eyebrow.
He knew it was disgusting. He knew you wouldn't want to eat it— but this was your game and Maxwell, as always wanted to play. "Eat it." he urged and you looked at him like he was crazy.
"Maxie…" you whined. He bit his lip, watching you shuffle around in your bed. You stuck the spoon in and filled it up with the thick green pulp. "I'll have some if you have some too."
He wasn't expecting that. "No." he grimaced, shaking his head.
"Yessss," you sounded so congested, but nevertheless you made your best attempt at a flirtation, fluttering your eyelashes, leaning into him. He felt so bad for you. Once again, he couldn't say no. He just couldn't. You licked your lips. "Open wide Maxie." you smiled, flying the spoon into his mouth. He sucked the 'soup' from the spoon and his face soured, although he done the best to hide it.
It smelt, so bad. "Delicious." he gritted out and offered you one of his charming television grins. "Your turn babydoll." he cooed, taking the spoon from your hand and digging it into the bowl.
He didn't hate you, he loved you very much, and he was already feeling bad for you. He placed the tiniest amount of the green mush on the spoon, with just one piece of hard carrot, and pushed it in between your lips. You took it like a pro, tears pricking your eyes as you swallowed it up.
"Good girl," he praised and you nudged his arm playfully. "Proud of you."
You shook your head, and stuck your tongue out jokingly. Maxwell gasped, stumbling backwards and slapping his hands over his mouth in shock.
"What!" you cried nervously. "What is it? What's wrong?!"
"Your tongue!" he yelled, dramatically pointing his finger. "It's green! It's turned green!"
"Its-" panic coursed through your veins. "It's what?!?!" you screamed and Maxwell burst into a fit of laughter.
"I'm kidding, I'm kidding!" he laughed.
"Maxwell Lord!" you shrieked, throwing a pillow at him. "Don't tease! You know I'm not well!"
Maxwell's lips curved into a smile. "I don't know what I'd do without you." he admitted, clambering back onto the king sized bed and crawling over you. "I love you so much."
You chuckled, shaking your head in disbelief as he pressed some more kisses into your jaw and your neck. "You're insufferable Maxwell Lord," you said. "But… I love you too." you smiled, wrapping your arms around his waist and pulling him on top of you.
Permanent: @supernaturalgirl @phoenixhalliwell @ah-callie @luvzoria @stardust-galaxies @wickedfrsgrl @goth-topic @nerdypinupcrystal @wonderfulfluffer (let me know if you want to be added to the taglist! if your name is crossed it out its because i cant tag you).
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what’s the issue with elisop? is it just bc you hc aesop as ace? im so concerned by seeing ppl adamantly opposed to mlm/wlw ships but im also genuinely curious about why you dislike it and other lgbt ships so much lol
hmm. that is a strong accusation, n i find it just a bit odd. are you new here? or perhaps you are taking personal offense at my dislike towards a favourite ship of yours and using the lgbt argument as moral high ground?
whatever the case may be, i thank you for asking. if u r truly looking for an answer, its below the cut n it is very very long. mind u these are all my personal opinions n i am in no way policing how others enjoy ships. just in case this wasnt clear; i dont wish to start discourse on this blog, especially since my takes are probably... unpopular.
firstly i would like to address the “disliking lgbt ships” bit, because this has very strong implications in itself. i have nothing against lgbt ships. i enjoy them, even. if the two characters have chemistry between each other, i ship it. however, the moment characterization is broken for the sake of romance, i lose interest. this is generally my stance on ships in general, n this applies for both straight n lgbt ships. 
the ships themselves are fine. however, i do have issues with the ship dynamics, so ill let u in on that.
i want to touch on mlm ships in particular; i believe u are familiar with the top/bottom dynamic that is rampant in these kinds of ships? (i wont deny that this dynamic can be found in other types of ships, but for arguments sake i will be focusing on gay ships because i feel that this occurs more commonly here) its such a popular dynamic that is prone to stripping the personality from one if not both characters, only for them to be reduced to being dominant/submissive. for a character to be pigeonholed into a stereotypical category based on... preferred sexual positions? its just downright insulting, never mind the larger more problematic implications of it. top/bottom is not indicative of someones personality, by the way. flattening multi dimensional characters into these stereotypes is so so so insulting.
unfortunately this is The Most Popular portrayal of just about any gay ship around. ive seen it being used everywhere in so many fandoms n it just about becomes apparent to me that ppl come to stories looking for a Ship. not the stories, nor the characters, just a ship. while id like to say theres nothing wrong with that, keep in mind not everyone is just looking for 2 characters that look pretty next to each other. if i ship something, i see interesting n meaningful interactions between 2 characters, which is so often not the case once u bring in the top/bottom dynamic. why is it so popular? because somehow this is what ppl like from a gay ship n hence it sells. ppl want the drama, characterizations be damned. ppl want to see the big kiss that happens in the end, n maybe the sexy parts that come after. characterizations be damned.
so u can say im a little wary of gay ships when they cross my feed. hell, as a joseph aesop shipper i see this trope everywhere n im pretty disappointed as well. small tangent but i feel like this is the reason why zh0ngli n ch1lde is so popular in g3nshin. i try to see the appeal, i really do, but after a long while of analyzing their respective characters i dont think they have as much chemistry as ppl think they do. dont even get me started on how incredibly ooc they make either of these very interesting n unique characters in ship portrayals. all because of the top/bottom dynamic that ppl want to see. i say this for that particular ship, but this is pretty much the case for a lot of ships out there, n the latter part is painfully true even when the 2 characters do have potential between each other. ill say it again im disgusted by the blatant disrespect to the characterizations if all ppl ever want is 2 pretty puppets to mush lips together. cos thats what theyre essentially reduced to this way.
n its so obvious to see when an artist subscribes to this rhetoric, because u can so clearly see it in the way they draw their characters. the “top” generally has sharper features to go with their “dominating personality”, while the “bottom” has disturbingly softer, feminine, dare i say sometimes child like features “to submit”. n thats where the uwu soft gay trope comes from, i believe. which, in case u still dont know, i hate with a burning passion.
so again for ppl with impaired reading comprehension, im fine with ships, including lgbt ones, but the moment u break characterization for the sake of the ship, im not that okay with it. u want to do it for a short crack comic? fine. but if thats the only way ur portraying the 2 characters then im immediately wary of ur content. ill still look at it cos usually the art is really good, but im very very wary. so im not “adamantly opposed”, just very critical of how the ships are being portrayed. if other ppl want to enjoy their ships like that, sure. just dont expect me to join in on something i dont agree on.
now id like to address not shipping “because i hc aesop as ace”. for ppl who are new to the blog (hello there), im an ace in a romantic relationship, so thats definitely not the reason i dont ship elisop. its more of being in a relationship has largely shaped my views towards romance as a whole. even before i met my boyfriend, i hated the romance genre in stories n media. most of it comes off as incredibly forced, especially those love triangles they seem to love putting into teen novels. thats one reason why i stopped reading when i was younger, but i digress.
did i partake in shipping when i was younger? i did. for a gay ship too (if anyone really wants to know, its kurotsukki from haikyuu. at least this was one that i can remember, i was mostly working on my 20 odd ocs for the longest time). i also used to write little short romance ficlets that i never posted anywhere cos i hated (n still do hate) my writing. but writing romance when u dont have experience was really just a way of projecting n probably a way of coping for myself, not that i knew at that time. but after i actually started a relationship with my boyfriend (whom i love n cherish a lot thank u very much), i began to see how much all these have skewed my views towards romance n have actually done some harm to our relationship. the bullshit that the general media feeds u constantly doesnt help in the slightest either.
quick topic shift to elisop in particular (about time, right?). i already stated that i only ship characters if i sense chemistry between the two personalities, n if u have seen the part where i dont ship elisop then u must have seen how agonized i am over not being able to have a concrete personality for eli. that is the main problem i have with elisop: eli does not feel like a solid character to me. n that is a huge problem, because if he doesnt have any defining characteristics besides being mild n nice, then he can be whoever i want him to be. (i have done this in my exorcist comics, i will admit this. n the fact that i can just do that... it really does not sit well with me personally.)
n that is dangerous.
back to young me doing lil ship things. i think its also pretty safe to say when u really do ship 2 characters, chances are u kinda really relate very very hard to at least one of them. that very quickly can turn into projecting, n shipping therefore is not “exploring the relationship between 2 characters” n it becomes “my preferred dating simulator 101″. of course this isnt always the case, but at least it was for me, n subconsciously it might be for lots of ppl too. n since this is ur mental playground, u call the shots, n there is no consequences if u slightly (or even entirely) alter one or both personalities to fit ur desired narrative. n u wouldnt even notice or know, cos ur blind to ur own biasness.
we bring our perceived notions into real life, im sure u know that. so when ur partner does not become that perfect knight in shining armour, or when they get upset at things that u do (which is a very normal thing by the way), n u think (very subconsciously), That isnt what my otp would do, something is wrong here (nothing is wrong, actually its just ur skewed perception of a stable romantic relationship). why wouldnt ur otp do this? because u are both halves of ur otps, there is no hidden secrets between them (apart from the pining part but thats irrelevant), n again they have been altered to fit ur preferred narrative. 
a real relationship requires a lot of communication between parties, because newsflash, liking someone doesnt mean that u have to like every single thing they do, they will make mistakes n it will hurt u, n guess what, the reverse is also true. if u do go with absoutely anything that they would do with 0 objections whatsoever, ur not crushing on someone, ur idolizing them, n that power imbalance is detrimental to a relationship. these things are not obvious to ppl, especially when the whole climate is hell bent on getting into romantic relationships by a certain age or some bullshit. communication is key n is pretty much the only way to solve relationship issues, because the other person has a lot that u r not seeing n vice versa. as similar as 2 ppl can be, i doubt u can have 100% the same thoughts on all things. i dont make the rules.
so in ur mental playground u focus on the fluffy parts, maybe there is communication, but rarely is there any meaningful conflict. thats unrealistic, n if u bring that mindset to an actual relationship, thats not going to end well. i say meaningful conflict, because yes, generally u shouldnt have conflicts with ur significant other. but inevitably when ur with each other for long enough, u will realize that there are habits that u must change in order to be with the other person. habits that are harmful to the other person directly, or harmful habits towards yourself that indirectly harm the other person. these are meaningful in a sense that if left alone, it will manifest into larger problems that will harm u, the other person n the relationship as a whole. its meaningful to the relationship.
all these is made even worse if ur neurodivergent. maladaptive coping practices, self sabotaging behaviours, inherent disabilities. all these must be adjusted n addressed. im so incredibly thankful for my boyfriend for being incredibly patient with me when working all these out, n it has not been easy for me to work on myself n all my problems, n im still not done working on them. this aspect is often not explored in romance in general (or properly), n there is a very good chance i would have still been stuck in the unhealthy mindset of “this isnt like my otp, maybe we’re not meant to be”. because loving someone is a choice. no one is made for each other, it is a conscious choice made between 2 ppl to make things work. this is how arranged marriages work, i am told, n i do see the appeal, not that it actually does appeal to me culturally.
special mention to the kurotsukki ship, cos from there i found a very, very good fic that explored their relationship before n after getting together, n it actually showed aspects of this problem in the incredibly slow burn of (at that time) 20+ chapters. it was just one fic (n a very good one at that, i believe it was called Leviticus), but it had a lesson i never thought i needed to learn, n learn it i did, with a lot of help from my dear. 
this is also probably the reason why i dont really want to delve too much into romance now. i know its a lot of work, n everything (mostly) that the media feeds u is really false advertising, but ppl eat that shit up n so it remains one of the most popular genres to date. im just very wary that if i do start on a romantic story, i want to be able to show it in a way like that fic did, the truths of relationships, because i dont want to make something that sells, i want to make something that meaningful to me, if a little indulgent. n that also includes being very careful in how the respective characterizations will change in a relationship. almost too careful now that i think about it, but its not something that i mind. i was never one for romance from the start, n now im very careful about shipping because of what happened to me persoanlly.
okay enough about me, lets talk about aesop. in any au u put the character in, the essence of the character must remain despite the change in environment. so lets say we have ur typical modern au. dead mom, check. shitty mentor doing illegal stuff? also check. autistic boy with social anxiety? we’re good to go. all these have implications on aesop as a character, n while ppl are aware of this, again the way they go about portraying it can go, in my personal opinion, very wrong. ppl who immediately woobify aesop completely because he has autism annoy me. ppl who reduce him to uwu soft boi cos he has social anxiety do not know how the disorder really works n as someone who has that i hate it to the core. ppl who do all these for the sake of ship have lost my respect. its insulting.
remember the top/bottom dynamic? not that elisop is completely free from that (even if i dont know much about eli, to put him in either one of those stereotypes feels very insulting to his character. i wont even say anything about doing it to aesop its so upsetting), but its not entirely made up of either. but now i want to introduce another trope i am very wary of, which is “i can fix him”. im sure u guys have seen the meme going around poking fun at this trope (for those who havent, its along the lines of “u can fix him? well i can be his worst nightmare”) n no doubt yall would have seen it n gotten sick of it in some forced hetero romantic bullshit. we have one damsel in distress with a saviour that solves all their problems just by existing n being romo with each other.
remember “my preferred dating simulator 101″? this is not mutually exclusive n from my point of view this is dangerously close to this trope. lets be real, if it was actually a thing that all ur deep rooted trauma magically disappears if someone were to waltz into ur life, we would want it. definitely. no painfully dissecting ur own problems n constantly facing them head on. real life states that this is not the case, but it will not stop us from dreaming. n so this trope is born n lives n will go on.
(finally) pulling aesop n eli into this, at least in my mind, u have one severely traumatized boy with lots of issues n u have this. nice mild guy who can be anything u want him to be. i hope u can see where im going with this, n thats the direction i see some elisop heading towards (i dont read a lot of elisop to be fair). if u came from my eli character talk, i mentioned that it is incredibly one sided. this is exactly what im talking about.
putting it all together in case u havent already, aesop is the damsel in distress, whose problems magically disappear because of elis godly kindness n little to no work on improving himself, n they lived happily n gayly ever after.
can u tell how much that does not appeal to me. 
never mind the butchering of character that inevitably happens somewhere somehow, the unrealistically perfect themes n implications of this trope makes me so viscerally uncomfortable. this is, of course, due to personal reasons, n i definitely see the appeal of this dynamic because i would probably have been interested in this once upon a time as well. but as i am now, with everything i have explained up there n everything i have been through, i would politely rather not.
n its difficult to think of another dynamic, because of how little i know about eli apart from him being this saint, which easily makes him a candidate for being aesops trauma panacea. never mind aesop rarely, if ever, does anything for eli as a character in return, n its so damaging to buy into this rhetoric, where a person like this who would solve all ur issues no strings attached exists somewhere in the world. they really dont. a relationship has to be mutually benefitting, or it will be draining n disastrous. maybe u say, Oh its nice to imagine it once in a while. n yeah, i agree, except once in a while is a little difficult to keep track of n that is sort of what happened to me. id rather stay as far away as possible from this kind of unrealistic fantasy, i just got this shit sorted out with myself n my boyfriend.
i have some other reasons, but theyre more personally problematic, so i wont go into them here. but this is mostly n generally why i do not ship elisop romantically. if u do, u do u, and have fun, but again dont expect me to join u. thank u for coming to my ted talk, this took a lot longer than expected.
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