#i have the first irl thing in. what three weeks now? that requires me to see ppl
the-kipsabian · 1 year
i have no idea how im gonna survive tomorrow
6 notes · View notes
dokoni-mo · 2 years
Crave: Part Four || William Afton x GN! Reader
summary: you're his now, but what next?
word count: 4544
warnings: age-gap relationship (reader is 20 william is pushing 40), allusions to mental illness, willy is obsessive, possessive too, and a little creepy, and a hypocrite, and narcissistic lol, and a little bit of a yandere, or at least becoming one, mentions of divorce, dysfunctional parent-child relationships, secret relationships, swearing, gaslighting, manipulation tactics, dom/sub undertones if you squint, willy is VERY egotistical, allusions to corruption kink, praise, kissing, Michael is in this
minors dni // pls read warnings!!
a/n: look ik i said i'd finish KNY first and i AM working on it i promise but i am down atrocious for willy rn and i cant help it,, this story and writing willy is also really interesting to me sooo yeah :)) taglist is still open, enjoy! (also disclaimer: i do not condode this type of relationship irl, this is just my take on being with peepaw)
part one // part two // part three
Sundays were always William's favorite days of the week. Something about them just always felt slow to him and comforting.
They were always placed perfectly in the midst of his busy schedule. On Sundays, nothing was required of the brit. He was able to take his shoes off and relax, knowing that the work week was still away from him. The calm before the storm, if you will. Back when he was still married to Clara, he would make a treat of them. Make his family a traditional American breakfast of eggs, bacon, pancakes, everything.
Not because he loved them, no. Of course not. It was for himself. He liked making himself a banquet. Living in America for so long, he found that he rather enjoyed it's food. The slight chubbiness in his stomach and thighs showed for it. If it were up to him, William would have the whole feast to himself. His family only tagged along because they lived in his house. And he allowed it to keep his façade. Kept them happy and content for a while, too. Shut them up.
But, this time was different. This time, making breakfast on a Sunday morning was special. Because he was making it for you.
And you were the only thing William ever truly loved.
William woke that morning as the sunlight of that beautiful Utah morning crept in through his window, hitting his pale eyes to wake him up. The brit often woke up early before the sun had even made her first appearance, but allowed himself to sleep in just a hair that day. How could he not? When he had the most adorable little bunny in the world curled up in his arms? And potentially disturb them? He wouldn't ever dream of it.
He kept his promise to you in that he didn't leave you throughout the night whilst you slept. He wouldn't even dream of that either. William had one night stands in the past, yes, but you were far above that.
He loved you. He would never leave you.
Just like how you'd never leave him.
Blinking the grogginess of his sleep away from his eyes, William took a deep, long breath of the cold morning air through his nose. Looking down, he could see that you were still asleep. You must've turned around while you were sleeping, because you were facing towards the older man now. William's arms were still snug around your waist, and your little hands were gently laid on the expanse of his scarred chest. Last night must've really wiped you out, since you were still snoring softly before him, your hair partially covering your precious eyes.
William smiled at the sight of you, reaching up to brush the hair out of your face and gently press a kiss to your forehead.
It's alright, little one. Rest all you like. You're safe with William.
The safest place you could be is in his arms.
Don't you agree?
William pressed a few more soft kisses to your forehead and cheeks as he watched you sleep next to him, careful to be quiet and light so he didn't wake you. You were so adorable. So perfect. Just having you next to him made the man feel warm inside, made him smile genuinely.
You were the only one that had ever had that affect on him. Even his ex-wife couldn't accomplish that. She had only been easy for William. He knew that in order to be normal, he would have to take a spouse eventually. Clara was just the only person available at the time. And, to add on, there was also the accident that was Michael. It was only natural for William to marry her. It's what a normal man would do. And his past flings were only just that. Flings. Something to keep him entertained for a night or two.
Clara was never his bunny. Never. She was never even close. Nor any of the other people he had been with.
You were his bunny. And no one else.
And that's why he loved you. For real. Loved you.
Just like you loved him.
As much as William would've loved to shower you with kisses until you woke up, he knew that you would be hungry when you did. It was rather rude of him to promise you dinner last night, then never give it to you. Poor thing, you must be famished. He was sorry, bunny, he was. William always wanted to take care of you. He was just so, so excited to finally have you. Get you all alone with him. Make you his, once and for all. You enjoyed yourself, though, didn't you? Oh, heaven knows William sure did. You were the best he had ever had. Perhaps it wasn't all that bad now, was it? But, still. William couldn't have his bunny go hungry. That was just mean. William could never be mean to you, bunny. Never.
So, allow him to make it up to you.
Leaning forward one last time, William pressed a long, drawn-out kiss to your soft cheek, his eyes lingering on your sweet face a moment longer as he pulled away.
"I'll be right back, bunny. Don't go anywhere." He whispered to you, careful as to not wake you up.
Pulling away from you and out of the covers, it was much colder for William in the cool air of his room without you next to him. You must've felt colder as well, considering how you groaned in your sleep and rolled onto your other side. You had pulled a bundle of the covers along with you, holding it close to your chest as you settled again.
William couldn't help but feel a little sad. He wanted to be those covers.
But, he had to have patience. Michael wouldn't be back from his mother's until tomorrow morning. William still had at least 24 more hours with you. After he made sure you had some good food and water in you, you and him could cuddle all he wanted.
Perhaps even more. Perhaps he could show you a few more fun games you and him could play.
If you were up for it, of course.
Before leaving his room, William crept over to his old wooden dresser and opened up its drawers without a sound. Carefully, William pulled out his favorite pajama pants and sleep shirt and pulled them on, relieving him of just being in his underwear. While he was nearly certain you didn't have any plans of waking up anytime soon, William still left one of his shirts on the end of his bed for you just in case. Shit. What if you did wake up? While he was cooking? You creeping down the stairs all tired in his shirt. It would look so good on you too. It would surely be too large to fit you properly, but not long enough to cover your lower half in any meaningful way. So cute... Come here, won't you, bunny? That's it, good. Lean up against the counter for William. Don't you and him just fit together so perfectly? William's big hands feel so good on you, don't they? Doesn't his fingers fit so well over your cute little butt? Precious bunny, don't mind him if he just had to-
Goddamn it William. Focus. (Y/N) is hungry. This could wait until later.
Giving your sleeping form one last look, William disappeared out of his room and into his kitchen.
Mr. Afton came to realize that he wasn't too sure of what you liked and didn't. Even after pestering Michael for so long about your interests, and snooping on your friends and classmates over the security cams in the Diner, William was never able to pick up on your food preferences. This was fine. He would learn what you liked and didn't over time, now that you and him were an item. This was the first time he had cooked for you, sure. But it wouldn't be the last.
You and him had a whole lifetime to explore together now. Surely he would learn your diet over time. He wouldn't be a good partner to you if he didn't.
William ultimately decided on something safe, yet also something that would let him guess what you did and didn't like. Toast (one with butter and another with jam), eggs (scrambled), a few pieces of bacon, and water. Surely you would eat at least one of the toast slices. If you didn't, perhaps you had a gluten intolerance. That would tell William a lot right off the bat. The eggs were a gamble, even more so the bacon. He knew that a lot of people didn't like eggs, and felt weird eating them. Elizabeth was like that. The bacon was a meat product too. You wouldn't touch it if you were a vegetarian, nor if your religion didn't allow it. And, if you were a vegan, you would only have the toast with jam. At the very least, however, you were going to eat one of these items. His sweet bunny was kind. You would be polite, and happily eat whatever William gave you that also aligned with your diet. And, if there was nothing you liked, he'd happily get you something you did.
It was a perfect test. William was rather proud of himself.
The brit wouldn't make you climb all the way downstairs for your meal. He wanted to spoil you. It was your first morning with him, this should be celebrated. This was the start of your relationship, and William would be damned if he didn't make you feel loved and cherished today.
Gathering up the plate of food and water cup on a tray, William carried up your breakfast to his room, pushing the door open with his foot. You were still asleep, and it didn't even look like you had moved an inch since he had left.
Silly bunny. You were so cute when you slept. He could watch you for hours. Maybe he would tonight. Just to drink in how cute you were. Hell, if he still had that old polaroid camera, maybe he could take a picture for when you weren't able to stay the night. William you are a genius. A picture would be perfect.
He'll look for it later. When you're in the shower or something.
Setting the tray down on his nightstand, William paused for a moment to admire your sleeping form for a second longer, hovering his face a few feet away from your own. You were so gorgeous. So peaceful and ethereal. You looked like you were a dream. Feeling his lips part, William lifted up his hand and cradled your cheek in his palm, his calloused thumb gently rubbing into your soft skin.
You were breathtaking.
But, it was time to get up, little bunny. William missed talking to you. And oh did he want to talk to you about some things.
Leaning forward, William pressed more kisses onto your face, this time harder and with more purpose.
"Good morning, my love." He rumbled out to you in between kisses. Gently stroking your hair, William could feel you stir underneath his touch, you being gently roused out of your sleep. You tried to protest at first with a few mumbles, and William couldn't help but chuckle. His breath fanning against your face, the brit continued to press more kisses to your forehead and cheeks until you finally cracked your sweet eyes open. You looked up at the older man, the sleep still laced in your tired eyes and voice as you spoke.
"Mmn... William?" you rasped out, making the man smile as he smoothed your hair.
"Yes, love," he responded, pressing another kiss to your cheek, "It's me. Good morning, my precious bunny."
You gave him a soft smile as you took one of your arms out from under the covers, rubbing circles into your eyes to wash away the sleep.
"God, I really thought I was dreaming." You mumbled to yourself, making William chuckle again.
"No, love, no. Not a dream at all." William leaned in and gave you a quick peck on your lips, "Though for me, it is a dream come true."
You let out a sleepy giggle as you sat up, pulling the covers up to cover your still-bare chest, "That's really cheesy, yknow."
"It's the truth, my love. Here."
William moved from your side of the bed over to his, picking up and holding out the shirt he got out for you earlier. With a small thanks, you took the shirt and pulled it on over your head, the loose clothing draping across your shoulders as you pushed the covers back down. Mr. Afton sat next to you and watched.
Damn. Mr. Afton was right. You were adorable in his clothes. You looked better in his shirt than even he did. And that was saying something. He had picked every single article of clothing long ago, and tailored it so he'd be as attractive as possible in them. Of course, he was a little biased. But still. You were just too cute.
"I made you a little something, too." William said as he reached behind up. He picked up the tray of your breakfast and set it gently in front of you, watching as how your face lit up with a smile.
"Oh, wow, this looks so good, thank you!" You exclaimed, picking up your jelly toast and taking a bite, "No one's ever made me breakfast in bed before."
William felt himself smile as his heart swelled in his chest, "It's not trouble at all, love. It's the least I can do after such a wonderful night, yeah?"
You took another bite of your toast and nodded, chewing and swallowing and wiping your mouth before you talked again, "I'm assuming you wanna talk about some things?"
Wow. You were rather blunt, weren't you, little one? William often forgot how smart you were. It's alright though. He loved that about you. How you challenged him. You were perfect.
"Yes, I do, bunny." He said, reaching up to smooth out your hair away from your face, "If that's alright with you, of course."
"Yeah, it's alright. I just have one question before, though."
"You lied to get me here, didn't you? About Michael needing help?"
William felt a chill run through his veins at your words, his pale grey eyes widening ever so slightly. How did you know? Did you really put the pieces together that quickly? You seemed to believe him last night, you had asked about his son a plethora of times. Or were you just putting on an act? Just being kind to the older man, because surely he wouldn't call you over that late at night for nothing, right? Damn. He had never had someone see through his lies so quickly before. William was a good liar. If we were being technical here, he had been lying for almost 40 years now. Of course he was good at it. And, he was good at covering his tracks too. Finding some way to make his lie believable when he had to lie again to keep it going.
But there was no point now, wasn't there? At least, not with this one. You were a clever bunny. No point of keeping it up.
"I..." William begun. He sighed to himself and nodded, "Yes, love, I did."
You took another bite of your toast, "Why?"
Based on how you looked at Mr. Afton, you didn't seem mad. Not at all. This was good for him. He couldn't imagine what it'd be like if you were upset with him. It'd break his heart. You seemed to like the truth. So, it's the truth he would give you.
"I just couldn't think of another way to get us alone, my love." William said, "I hated being without you. I wanted you for so long, I just... I'm sorry, bunny. I should've thought of another way."
Swallowing your toast, you looked at the brit with a smile forming on your face. Wiping away any crumbs, you leaned over your tray and pressed a gentle, soft kiss to his pale cheek, making his lips part in slight shock.
"It's okay." You said, "I lied too. So we're even now."
You lied to him? Oh, bunny. Naughty bunny. William didn't like bad bunnies that lied to him. Not at all. It was against the rules. You should never lie to William. His job is to keep you safe, and he can't do that if you're bad.
But, then again...
You weren't very aware of the rules yet. Not yet. That's something he wanted to talk about with you today over your breakfast. And you did forgive him readily. The two of you were even, as you put it.
William will let you off the hook this once. He had been doing that a lot these last 24 hours, but it's alright. You would learn in time. William could be a bit more laid-back for now.
For now.
"And what did you lie about, hm?" He asked, genuinely curious. He couldn't even think of when you possibly could've lied.
"When you called me," you explained, "and I said I had class in the morning. I lied about that. I don't have any classes today. I just didn't want to go out that late. You totally fell for it though. I mean, who has classes on Sundays?"
You were right. William maybe should've picked up on that. He was just too excited.
Oh well.
You breathed out a giggle, "Yeah, sorry. I just felt kinda guilty. But, I'd say we're even now. And I definitely don't regret coming over."
William let himself smile again at this, leaning in and giving a kiss to your temple, "It's alright, bunny. I forgive you."
When William settled back down in his spot, he made it a point to scoot a little closer to you, placing one of his hands on your bare knee and rubbing soft circles into your skin. He didn't like having to be so serious with you. He wanted you to have fun with him. But, William needed to be serious, so that you could have fun. So that you and him could stay together forever.
You needed to know your rules.
And, more importantly, he needed to gauge when it would be best to see you, and maximize the amount of times he could. You were a college student, so he knew you'd be busy. He was a busy man too. But he wanted as much time with you as possible. Having you near him made him feel loved. And safe. And warm. And comfortable. And...
You loved him just as he was. When no one else did.
His sweet bunny.
"Now, love," He begun, sounding sweet yet firm at the same time as he stared deep into your eyes, "I want you to know beforehand that I'm only doing all these things because it's my job to keep you safe. And happy, yeah? That I'm only trying to keep us safe."
You nodded in agreement.
William flashed you a smile, "Good bunny. Now, just for now, I think that it's best that we keep our... relationship just between you and me, yeah?"
You raised your eyebrows a little as you set your toast down, wiping your hands, "Our... relationship?"
William was a little confused.
"Yes, love." He said, "Is that not what people call it these days?"
You shook your head, "No, no! It's just... I was preparing for you to say just, like... That last night was great but we can't see each other anymore."
What? You expected him to just give you a one night stand? William felt his heart break a little at your words, his brow bending downwards as he cupped your face in his palm.
Did he not do a good job of showing you how much he loved you? Did you not feel loved? Bunny, you need to tell him these things. William wants you to feel good with him. Both emotionally and physically. He wants to show you just how much he loves you, and damn him if he can't get the message across. William loves you so, so much.
"No, love, no." He reassured you, "I meant what I said earlier. That I want you to be mine, forever. You remember, yeah?"
You nodded in agreement, a tiny smile reappearing on your sweet face.
"I mean it, bunny. You're the only one for me." His thumb traveled down to your lips, pressing against the soft skin, "My precious darling..."
Your smile grew as you pressed a kiss to William's hand, nuzzling your cheek further into his touch.
"But, we have to be a secret?" you asked, your doe eyes looking into his.
"Unfortunately, love, we do." His thumb went back to rubbing gently against your cheek, "Just for a little while. Believe me, I want to show you off to everyone. It's just, for now, it's... complicated."
"Wait... you're not married, ri-"
William chuckled, "No, no! Definitely not. I've long since been divorced, love."
"Then why do we have to be a secret?"
William smiled at your question. You were just so adorable. You wanted him to show you off, didn't you? Precious bunny. Of course William wanted to let everyone know you were his. Because you were. His. He didn't want anyone in this fucking idiotic town taking you away from him, no.
It's like he said. It's complicated.
"Because, love," he explained, "It just might be a little... jarring to some people. Especially to a certain someone we know."
Fucking Michael. William knew that if Michael found out about you and him, hell would be raised in the house. William didn't want to deal with the headache of it all. The little brat might run off and spread some nasty rumors too. Or, even worse, feed you all sorts of lies. About how William was no good for you. About how he was just a mean man that wanted to have you just for some good arm-candy. That William didn't love you.
That's the one. That's the one that made William's blood boil, at even just the mere thought of it. William did love you. He loved you more than anything or anyone in the entire world. And you loved him back. Who was Michael to take you away from him?
No one. Absolutely no one.
William knew you wouldn't want to be a secret forever, though. As easy as it would be. It was fine though. William didn't really want to keep you a secret either. He was genuine when he said he wanted to show you off. He wanted to kiss you and hold your hand in public and not apologize for it. Hug you. Let you walk around with his marks on your neck. Smell like his fancy cologne. And even, perhaps...
Oh. Oh, that was a good one.
Perhaps even he'd put a ring on your finger.
Oh, god. His little bunny. With the ring he got them on their finger. In a little wedding outfit. Having it written on paper. The honeymoon...
Yes. That was a good one.
He'd have to keep that in mind for later.
"But," you said, "Michael is still my friend. I can't just not see him around classes and stuff. He's still gonna wanna have me over and all that. Wouldn't it be... awkward?"
"It doesn't have to be," William reassured you, taking one of your hands into his and kissing your knuckles, "We'll just have to pretend for those bits, won't we? Perhaps if we get a moment alone, too..."
You giggled at his insinuation, a faint tint on your cheeks.
"Do you think you can keep our little secret safe, bunny?" He asked.
"Yeah," you nodded, "I can. I can keep a secret."
"Good. I promise to keep up my end of the bargain, too."
"So... when will we get to see each other then? I still have classes during the week, so, like, the weekends?"
William kissed the back of your hand again, giving it a squeeze, "That'll be the best time for both of us, yes. I know you're busy with your studies, and I'm busy as well. However..."
William let go of your hand briefly to reach behind him into the drawer of his nightstand. He felt around for a few moments before he found what he was searching for, pulling it out and shutting the drawer.
"I'm usually in my office while I'm working. Here." He explained, pressing the object into your hand, "This is the spare key. If you go in through the front, just take a right and keep going until you reach the end of that hallway. Mine is the last door on your left. You're free to come in whenever you want, bunny. Just make sure no one sees you, yeah? And if I'm not there just wait a little, and I will be."
Mr. Afton watched as you turned the key over in your hands, the silver reflecting onto your adorable face.
"You work at that diner that all the kids like, right?" You asked, "The one on Main with all the robots?"
William chuckled, "Yes, love. That's the one."
"Cool. I've never been there before."
Trust him, bunny. He knew.
"Well now you have a reason, yeah?"
William smiled at you again, leaning in and giving you a kiss on your cheek as he took your hand into his again.
"There's just a few more things, love." He said.
"What is it?"
William wasn't too sure how you would react to this last part. Your real rules. But, he also knew that you hadn't had a relationship before. Perhaps you would just think that they're a normal part of a relationship. It's not like what he was going to ask of you was hard or anything. It was just a few things to make sure you were safe. Something to keep your mind occupied with him. He didn't want you wandering off already, no. Not that you would. You loved him. When it came to you, however, William was more paranoid than normal. He didn't even want a chance for you to slip away from him.
It'd be okay. Surely. You loved him. You wouldn't mind a few rules, wouldn't you bunny? They're just so William can keep you safe. Isn't that what you want?
Of course you would. He just had to word this properly so it didn't' scare you.
"I would... appreciate it," He begun, rubbing soothing circles onto your knuckles, "If you would phone me at least once during the week. And tell me if anyone has been pestering you. And be honest with me. Always. No matter what, yeah?"
William reached out and smoothed your hair behind your ear, dipping his hand down to cradle your cheek again in his palm.
"Can you do that, love?" He asked, "Be a good bunny for me?"
He could feel your cheeks heat up again as you nodded.
"Yes, I can..."
Mr. Afton smiled, "Thank you, dear."
What a good little thing you are. So eager to please him already.
"But," you peeped out, "What if Michael answers instead?"
You made a fair point. William's son was rude. And often made William's life all the more harder. Hell, it was because of him that the brit couldn't show you off around time. Hide you away. That goddamned brat. Michael was lucky that he was the reason William knew about you. Otherwise, William would've never seen anything good about that boy.
William let out a hum, "Don't worry about that, love. I'll take care of it. Just talk to him like you normally would, I'll be there eventually. I promise."
"If you say so."
William felt his smile grow at your words. You were just too perfect. William wondered why he didn't enact his little plan sooner. The way he felt now versus before was starkly different. This must be what real, genuine love and happiness felt like. The older man would sometimes feel jealous of those who got to experience it, thinking he never would. But, here he was, and here you were.
You made him so happy, bunny. His sweet, precious angel.
"Is there anything else you want to add, bunny?" He asked, wanting to make sure you were comfortable too.
You shook your head, "No. Just, thank you for breakfast. It was yummy."
William took that as a sign that you were done and took away your tray, setting it on the nightstand, "It's no trouble at all, love. Now, come here. Let me hold you a bit."
The brit saw how you smiled as you scooted over in the bed closer to him, so pretty just for him. William leaned back against his headboard as you drew closer, wrapping his hands around your waist to pull you into his lap so that you were facing him. He took your sudden proximity as an opportunity to capture your soft, precious lips into another kiss, feeling how your hands rested on his strong shoulders. William's hands couldn't help but start to wander when he felt your heat close to him. Down your hips and waist. Down to your cute little butt, and those delicious, soft thighs.
You were still a little sloppy and timid with your kisses, but William didn't care. He was honored to be your first kiss. First time. First boyfriend. Everything. It's not like you'd ever want a different man, anyway. You were his. And only he could treat you the way you were meant to be treated. Can't you see it, little one? He already knows nearly everything about you. He did plenty of homework beforehand. Studied you. Researched you. Watched you. Planned everything just so you'd fall into his arms. He loved you. He loved you more than anything. He couldn't even put into words just how much he cherished you. And just how many times he's imagined this very moment before.
So, its okay that you're not the best kisser. Totally fine. You'll learn in time. There's plenty more kisses where this came from.
He made sure of that.
To Michael, the weekends always flew by with such speed that he barely even realized that they were there.
The brief reprieve he got from them was never nearly enough. Not even on the odd occasion that he had three-day weekends. Nothing would ever be good enough, so long as he knew as he had to go back to his damn dad's house.
Fucking hell. Michael hated his dad. He hated his dad more than anything he ever hated or will ever hate. He knew his father hated him too. He knew that when his sperm-donator looked at him, there was no love there. Michael wasn't sure if the old bastard was capable of love. There had been nothing there for all the years Michael had been alive. Nothing for him, nothing for Elizabeth, nothing for Evan, and certainly nothing for his mom. His mom was lucky, though. She was able to get out. Get a divorce and move two towns over.
But, Michael wasn't so lucky. The court had decided that his father should've gotten custody of him for whatever reason. Bull-fucking-shit. The only reason William wanted him was to keep his torture going. Michaels father knew the young man was miserable there, but didn't care.
Sick fucking bastard. No wonder mom left.
Michael had considered moving out when he was 18, but the idea was shot down nearly as quickly as he had thought it. He needed to go to college. And, his dad's place was the only thing close enough to a college. Michael couldn't afford an apartment either, not with the pitiful salary his dad gave him at the diner. So, Michael's hands were tied. He had to live with his old man.
Sick fucking bastard.
It was harder and harder each time to say goodbye to his mom and brother and sister. But Michael knew he had to, but always promised to come back next weekend. A promise he kept ever since he got his license. This time, however, seemed even harder.
The fights Michael and his father had that last week were horrible. Nearly full-on yelling matches with one another. His dad had refused to admit that he stole Michael's car keys. Mike fucking knew he did too, as much as the old geezer tried to deny it. Bastard went as far as to unplug the fucking phone from the wall too. Michael was basically on house-arrest for no goddamned reason. Michael was forced to clean the entire house too, until everything was nearly spotless.
"You're not going anywhere until this house is fit for the bloody queen, young man." His father had said.
Was this just some sick game his dad was trying to play? A new method of how he can make his son's life all the more shitty? Maybe. Knowing how he was.
But, still. Mike tried to remain optimistic. Both he and his old man had a few days to try and cool down. Have some stress-relief. Maybe Michael could just come home and they could pretend like the last week never happened. Which, he had learned, was the closest thing to an apology he would ever get from William.
Hopefully he could come home and it'd be alright.
Michael had gotten out of his mom's house a little later than he wanted. By the time he had gotten home, the sun had already begun to creep down the horizon, and the cool night air had begun its trek across the whole neighborhood. Pulling up to the familiar driveway of the house, Michael was quick to notice two things at once. The first being the most obvious was the pit of dread growing in the bottom of his stomach. It was okay though, he always felt that way when he returned home from a weekend at his mom's. The other thing, however, was the fact that the lights were on outside.
How long had it been now? That Michael asked his father to leave the light on for him? It must've been years. It was a simple thing to ask for, probably the only think Michael ever asked for from his father. But, of course, William had never delivered. Ever. It was one more way William made sure Michael's life was a living hell. Show him that he will never get what he asks for, or any sort of nice things.
But yet, they were on.
Taking a brief moment to collect his thoughts in the sanctuary of his car, Michael took a deep breath in and out of his nose, running his fingers through his combed, feathered hair. Once he was ready, he pushed open his car door and stepped out, locking it behind him. The young man then shifted his keys around in his hand as he approached the front door, eventually finding the lock and opening it.
"I'm home!" Michael called out into the empty foyer as he shut the door behind him. He looked around for a moment for any sign of his father, but saw none. Pausing for a moment, he listened for any sign of him tinkering in the basement workshop.
What the fuck? Where the hell was he?
Whatever. Old man was probably just at Mr. Henry's house or something. Maybe the diner. What did Michael even care, anyway? He could use this opportunity to slip into his room without a fight.
In the quietness of the house, Michael could hear how his footsteps echoed off of the wooden floors and onto the walls. It was eerie, in a way. But why? Whenever he came home from a weekend away, the house was always like this. Hell, it was like this nearly constantly, unless he or his father was using the phone, Mr. Henry was over, or there was a fight. But, that night it was just... different.
Mike didn't know what it was. Did he even want to know? He wasn't sure.
But it had to do with William. He knew that much.
Michael was smart.
Rounding the corner into the kitchen, Michael groaned at the sight before him on instinct. Of course he couldn't just go to his room without there being some sort of trouble. He had thought he smelled smoke in the doorway. There, at the head of the table, was the man of the hour. His dad. That stuck-up narcissistic piece of shit. The old man was surrounded by all sorts of papers, an ashtray pluming smoke with...
Was that a cigar? A fucking cigar? Michael's father only smoked those around the holidays.
What was the occasion?
Michael watched as his dad realized that his son was home, and how the slight smirk on his dumb face grew as he looked at the young man.
Hell no. Hell fucking no. Something was up.
"You shouldn't sneak up on me like that, Michael." His father said, setting his pen down and tamping out some ash from the cigar, "You'll give your old man a heart attack."
Michael rolled his eyes, "I said I was home. Or are you going deaf now, too?"
William chuckled as he took a puff of his cigar, which made Michael's skin crawl. The fuck was his deal?
"I'm not that old, son."
"You look like it." Michael mumbled under his breath, rolling his eyes.
William placed the cigar down as he took a bundle of papers into his hand, leaning back in his chair as he read them, "How was your trip?"
Okay. No. Something was definitely up now. William never ever cared about that kind of shit before. And where was all the sarcasm? And the griping? And the whining and throwing a fit? The old man was in too good of a mood tonight. He was never in a good mood when Michael came home. He hated Mike, and Mike knew that. Mike hated him too, and wasn't shy about showing it. And neither was his old man, in the past at least.
Something had to have happened. This didn't just come out of nowhere.
That bastard did something. Michael knew it.
But what?
"Since when do you care?" Mike asked, crossing his arms.
"Is it a crime to worry for your children now, hm?" William asked, a hint of sarcasm in his accented voice.
Michael rolled his eyes again, "Cut the shit, old man, I-"
"How are Elizabeth and Evan?"
"I... They're fine. Evan still carries that bear you gave him. And Liz asks about you all the time. She misses you. They both do. They wanna visit."
William's face looked indifferent about the matter, "They're always welcome. Just bring them next time you come back for the weekend."
"Yeah, bullshit they're always welcome."
William looked up from his papers and raised an eyebrow, "Someone's hostile tonight, hm? Traffic bad on the way home?"
That condescending prick. Michael was already getting heated, the redness of his freckled cheeks hard to ignore. He re-crossed his arms as he leaned against the wall.
"I know you did something." Michael admitted matter-of-factly. From across the room, he could see his father's smirk growing ever-so slightly as he set his papers down, dipping forward to rest his arms against the dining table. The old man laced his fingers together as he looked at his eldest son.
"Do you now?" William asked, making Michael clench his jaw.
"And what exactly might that be? That I'm supposedly guilty of?"
Michael swallowed the lump in his throat as he ran a hand through his hair, pushing it away from his eyes. Shit. He didn't think that it'd get this far without it just turning into a screaming match. Michael didn't have any proof William did anything. Not anything that solid, at least. But it'd have to do. It was enough to convince him that his father did something, and having known that damn bastard all his life, that was enough. William probably knew that too. Knew that it was just enough to rub in Michael's face, but not enough to accuse him of anything without sounding like an asshole.
Sick fucking bastard.
"I... I don't know." Mike admitted, "But I know you did something. You never act like this when I get home."
William tsked, "Getting mad at me over nothing? Come now, Mike. You're better than that, surely. You know, you sound more and more like your mother every time you go over there. Old bat's still rubbing off on you, I see. Pity."
Michael felt his jaw clench again as he pushed himself off the wall, taking a few steps closer to the table and pointing his finger at the old man.
"Do not bring mum into this!" Michael exclaimed through clenched teeth. "You did something and I just know it! Cut the shit already!"
"I'm still waiting to hear what something is, Michael." William said, not moving an inch, "Whatever it is you can tell me. You know I'll apologize for it."
That fucking liar. Michael's dad never apologized for shit in his entire life. And he fucking knew that too. Michael's vision was starting to go red.
"You never ask how Liz or Evan are! And you left the fucking light on after I asked you for years to leave it on and you never did!" Michael was raising his voice a bit more than he wanted, "You're just... different! And I know that damn look! You did some shit, I know it!"
William sighed and leaned back again in his chair, rubbing the bridge of his nose, "Michael, I'm not in the mood to do this with you right now."
"Bullshit! You want this to happen!"
"And what makes you think that?"
"Because that's what you fucking do!"
"Do what?"
"You fucking start shit because-"
"I didn't start anything, Michael. You're the one that's angry here."
Michael had to bite the inside of his cheek to keep himself from yelling, running his hands through his hair as he let out a laugh of disbelief.
"I can't fucking believe this..." He said.
"I can't either, Michael." William responded as he stood up from his chair, gathering his papers and tamping out his cigar, "And to think I deserve all this, after just trying to be nice to you..."
"But you're not! You're just-"
William held up a hand as he looked down at his son with a disappointed expression, cutting him off, "Save it, Mike. It's late, you should just go to bed, yeah? You're just tired from the drive. I'll be in the basement."
Michael watched in disbelief as his father made his way across the kitchen without another word, opening the door to the cellar and closing it behind him. How fucking dare that old piece of shit walk out on him like that. Goddamn it, he knew what he was fucking doing. He knew. He always fucking knew. He was just trying to fuck with Michael again. Play another one of his stupid fucking games and make Mike's life a living nightmare.
But Michael wouldn't give up so easily. No, he wouldn't he couldn't.
He had to know what his father did. He had to.
He needed proof.
And the proof was here. Somewhere.
After listening for a moment longer, when Mike was sure that his father was down situated in his workshop, the young man got to work.
If he was going to find some sort of proof, it had to be somewhere where William didn't think that Michael would look. Or, it was somewhere where William knew Michael would think would be too obvious of a place to look. But it could be both at once. Michael knew that was probably the case. William was smart, he had to admit, and knew how to hide things well. But Michael was smarter. And had the advantage of putting up with the old brit's bullshit for his entire life. He knew how William operated. Or, at least, could make a good guess of it. In the past, he had to find other things using the same logic.
The best place to start would be narrowing down possibilities.
His father's room would be too obvious. It definitely wouldn't be there. Bedrooms are the first place people stashed important items to them. So that they were near, and felt safe knowing that whatever they were trying to hide was in a safe space. William's bedroom was always neat and tidy too. Everything had a very specific place, and William almost never added or removed from his inventory of things. It would be too easy of a place.
Definitely not there.
The workshop was too obvious as well. It was like William's second room in a way. The old bastard often slept in there when he was working on a new project. It was just as tidy, too, save for the workbench. Proof wouldn't be down there either. Besides, Mike didn't like going there too much. It was creepy.
Not there either.
Could it be Michael's room? No, certainly not. That was too much of a risk that Mike would just find it on accident. Maybe in Liz's room or Evan's? No, for the same reasons. In the kitchen? Maybe. There were a lot of drawers and cupboards to stash things in, especially in the ones that were only used once or twice a year during the holidays. The living room was a possibility too. There were lots of nooks and crannies to store things in. Hell, knowing his father, if he really wanted to hide something, he could even go so crazy as to rip apart floorboards or tiles and hide things underneath them. William always took pride in his house and the fact that he owned it, and could do whatever he wanted to the things that he owned. Controlling piece of shit.
But, even still, all these possibilities didn't seem right. They didn't feel right to Michael. He had to think. What was the most on-brand thing that William could do to hide something. Think, Mike, think.
The bathroom? No. The diner? No, too far out of the way. Mr. Henry's place? No, too far still. Outside? No...
Suddenly, it hit him. Michael felt his lips part at the revelation.
What is the most visited room in the house that you don't think twice about going in to? Or what's in there? A place where you can easiest hide things in plain sight, because no one ever pays attention.
The laundry room.
Michael quickly made his way over to the room, flicking on the light switch as he entered. At first glance, nothing seemed to be out of place from when he last went in there. As expected, however. This was only a ruse to throw him off, Michael knew.
The first thing he did was tear open the cabinets above the washer and dryer, digging through all the contents to find something, anything. Nothing. He even went as far as to push on the backside of the wood, feeling for any pieces that broke off into secret tunnels. Nothing.
Bullshit. It had to be here.
Michael next checked the two hampers that stood next to the machines, digging all the way down and shifting through all the clothes inside of them.
Michael knew that he was close. He could feel it, taste it on the tip of his tongue. It was here. He knew it was. Whatever his father was trying to hide from him, it was here.
Think, Michael, think.
Hidden in plain sight... in plain sight...
In sight.
Michael spun around and knelt down in front of the washer and dryer, opening the washer first. Inside, a wet, dark pile of his father's clothes greeted him, and Michael sneered. Although the clothes inside were damp, it didn't stop him from pulling each and every last article of clothing, inspecting each and every one of them, and even pulling out all the pockets of the trousers and coat. Eventually, the young man reached the last article of clothing and threw it to the floor.
Nothing. It had to be the dryer.
Shifting his weight to his other knee, Michael opened up the dryer door. Inside, another dark pile of his father's clothes greeted him, although this batch wasn't wet like the other one. Still, Michael took his time pulling out every single article of clothing and checked it thoroughly, discarding it to the ground if it was of no use.
Quickly, Mike was able to reach halfway into the pile of clothes. Reaching in to grab another pair of dress-pants, Michael noticed a contrast of fabric within the pile. His grey eyes gravitated towards it immediately.
His father didn't wear things like that. He was an old-fashioned, dress-to-impress person.
That wasn't his father's.
Reaching in, Michael grabbed the article of clothing. It was soft and plush, but still felt like it had a lot of history to it. It felt used, and loved and cared for. It felt like it missed whoever owned it.
Michael pulled out the garment and turned it over in his hands. It took him a moment to process what it was exactly he was looking at, but when he realized, he felt his blood run cold.
It was a jacket.
He knew this jacket.
He went to classes with this jacket. He skipped classes with this jacket. He went to lunch with this jacket. He drove in the neighborhood with this jacket. He joked around with this jacket. He did homework with it. He called it on the phone. He gossiped with it. Hugged it. Squeezed it. Cared for it.
This was a jacket he knew.
Your jacket.
tags: @guinea-pig16 , @the-official-memester , @randomwriteralan , @mrsrogerwaters , @laylaaftonshit , @cherry-slushee , @insert-memical-username , @mrssafton , @horrorking2000 , @artist-anon08 , @tuttifuckinfruttifriday
apologies to any blogs tumblr wont let me tag!!
if i missed you pls lmk!!
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saunne · 11 months
Writing - Reflection and Personal Analysis (Pt 1)
(mostly rambling, if you want to read what I plan to do for the rest of NaNo, wait for the Part 2)
So I've been putting this off for two days, but I guess the end of the first week of NaNo is a good date for this kind of personal reflection. During this week of writing, of attempting to write, of abandoning writing and of writer's anxiety, I had time to think about a couple of things, to have some fairly enlightening insights on others and to better understand the whole mess I'm in.
This post is mainly for me, to keep track of my thoughts, my process and my difficulties and it may be long, so good luck to those who take the time to read my whole rambling. Cause this is but a frustrated braindump lol
First Issue - Brain is an obsessive 5yo without parental supervision
The first problem I have would be that I love writing. I really like writing. I always have a lot of imagination and a lot of ideas and therefore, in fact, a lot of WIPs, mainly fanfiction. I am part of several fandoms and I mostly operate with a main fandom and two-three secondary fandoms.
I have a tendency towards quite severe obsessive hyperfixation. This isn't new, it's something I've known for years, but that doesn't mean it's easy to deal with. My current obsessive hyperfixation is SVSSS. My current obsessive hyperfixation is not my Original Project, Erasde.
This is a Problem.
This is a problem because I keep thinking about SVSSS. My daydreams, my dreams, my ideas, my thoughts are almost constantly towards this fandom. I've had a Self-Insert living rent-free in my head for a while now. It's all-consuming. It's inevitable. It's obsessive.
My brain wants to work on these ideas and WIPs, read fics and daydream scenarios all day. My brain doesn't give a shit that it's NaNo and I was planning to work on Erasde.
I'm currently REALLY frustrated. Because I have to work on NaNo (and my thesis, but that's another problem), but my brain is a 5 year old chanting "SVSSS, SVSSS, SVSSS" over and over. I can't work on what I need to work on and I can't work on what I want to work on because of what I need to work on.
I'm really feeling like : (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Second Issue - IRL mugged me in a back alley
This year is a relatively light year for me. Which is good, considering I'm recovering from a burnout that had been brewing for two years and exploded with full force in November of last year. I was an emotional wreck, a wreck at work and study, and I was probably an ass to everyone who knew me back then.
I'm technically finished with my studies and I don't have any more classes to take. I just have to write my dissertation and prepare my oral exam to be able to validate my diploma. I have a small job that means I only work on Sundays, but I sometimes take a few shifts during the week for a little extra money. I do a little volunteering at the LGBT center, something I've wanted to do for years.
I went back to regular therapy, got an ADHD diagnosis that should have been done years ago, and I'm starting to understand why certain periods of my life and some of my relationships were so fucking screwed.
I'm healing, even if it's slow.
But I still have a lot of moments of no energy, of no desire, of stalled motivation, of fed-up-with-everything, of wanting to disappear into the nearest forest, of wanting to not having to speak for 5 and a half years and such.
So let's say that my spoons refill is very... random. Which is complicated during a challenge like NaNo, which requires a lot more energy than I thought. If I do NaNo, I have to sacrifice the energy for something else except sometimes there's nothing to sacrifice which makes it... complicated.
And it's also not something I particularly want to complain about with my friends or my family, who work 35 hours or more/week, in very demanding jobs. That would just be a dick move.
Third Issue - Brain won't brain correctly
Well, that's not new either. My brain hasn't brained properly for years, university life and my mental health on the ground have only made it worse but we're getting by. I will soon be put on treatment for ADHD, with Menylphredate. The cardiologist gave her approval so I collect my prescription at the end of the month, at the next appointment. I have very, very high hopes for this treatment.
But the fact is, my brain doesn't brain. In addition to not being able to concentrate, everything is mixed up in my head.
The biggest problem is a language problems. I am a native French speaker, but I have become accustomed over the last 4 years to writing almost exclusively in English. The vast majority of my writing in French was assignments for university, courses and analysis papers. I can no longer write fiction in French. Everything I write feels off, uncomfortable, messy, meaningless and it's fucking FRUSTRATING.
The mixing of styles is also a problem. I don't have a defined "novel" style. I have a fanfiction writing style, which I have worked on and which has evolved with my practice over the last few years, but I have no basis in style for a novel. Which has been really annoying this week because everything I've written makes me want to send my laptop flying out the window.
The fact is also that in parallel with NaNo and my fics, I have to write my thesis. I'm shitty with academic methodology and almost literally have to rewire my entire functioning to write academic papers, so when I then have to write fiction, it goes haywire. It's tiring. I'm currently on a short schedule to send the first part for review to my teacher and it's taken up all my energy and my ability to function this past week.
And I won't be free of this shit until February at best, April at worst.
┻━┻ ︵ \( °□° )/ ︵ ┻━┻
Fourth Issue - There is a Whole World in my head
Originally, Erasde was just a worldbuilding project. Like, worldbuilding for the sake of doing worldbuilding, to put the cool facts I was learning in history class in one place and absorb my excess imagination to be able to concentrate on my classes.
It then became a sort of "refuge" for my favorite fandom OCs, reworked to adapt to this new universe, and then joined by old OCs from an original project and finally by OCs native to the project.
The fact is that I built this world for 3 years, it's still not finished but damn, I have a fuckton of information to pass on, so many things that serve as clues, from Chekhov's gun, forshadowing and... Yeah, it's a nameless mess. I'm not necessarily the most organized person in the world, but we've reached a new level of fuckery with Erasde.
Figuring out how to organize all this mess is what blocks me the most about writing NaNo. Because it's not a fanfic. The people who read don't know the setting like I know it, they have to discover it and there is a limit to what the "in situ" setting can do.
Fifth Issue - Planning didn't go as planned
Because I should have planned and I didn't. Well yes, I did it, but not correctly. Or not enough. Or both.
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With fanfics, since I know the setting and the characters and I don't have a fuckton of information to pass along to make myself understood, this would have been less of a problem. I can get away with writing a multi-chapter fics mostly in freestyle, complete improvisation, or with the barest handful of notes.
Which will conclude this long rambling post and take us to part two, where I will actually explain my plan of action.
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Terra Week 2023 - Day 3 Package
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Prompts Addressed: Deception + last-minute-bonus!
Pieces: 1. Last minute Chrysanthemum photos and 'decode' 2. Conversation with Terra re. Deception
To be acknowledged/shared: FRI 24 MAR or SAT 25 MAR
Requires mod/re-share on Twitter (written pieces)?: No - published via Twitlonger.
I was at my grandma’s house today and I ran into these chrysanthemums. The flowers were more of a burnt orange colour IRL, but some of them were this deep red too.
I kid you not; these flowers immediately caught my eye and energetically screamed Terra (I channel and pay attention a lot to ‘energies’ these days).
Not only do the flowers have an oriental colour scheme to them, but I found out that they’re native to China and JAPAN. To me, when I looked at the flowers, the colours screamed passion and desire (for his friends and to ‘set things right’, as well as strength and perseverance). And pretty much the colour of fire that burns within the heart. Now to some synchronicities.
I happened to catch these on Day 3 of Terra Week.
When I opened the phone to take the photos, the lock-screen clock said 3:33.
: 3+3+3 = 9, the divine and most powerful number of the universe (Nikola Tesla’s number and frequency theories); going back to power and passion.
24/3 or 3/24 (today’s date). 2+4+3 also = 9.
333 is the angel number for ‘Optimism’, ‘Creativity’ and ‘Intuition’; the latter two are signs for me, but the first one may be a signal or encouragement for Terra?.
3 also represents ‘Trinity’. We can look at this this way: Terra came back in KH3, and he was reunited to be a trio again; him, Aqua and Ventus.
Terra was the 3rd out of the trio to be brought back.
Out of the current group of 3, Terra is the 3rd and final dream guide to awaken his unobstructed mentorship and full authority over me. This change flourished this month (M3).
Are you sick of the number 3 by now? 😂
Lastly, I don’t normally have my phone when out with mum, but I brought my phone this time… Was I being universally guided to this moment and post?
Now for the chrysanthemums themselves:
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What has already been set up for Day 3 is a conversation with Terra re. the prompt of ‘Deception’.
Please excuse us for 2 reasons: 1. First task and tough prompt means Terra went into emotional shock. 2. I had a heavy subconscious blockage during production.
But without further ado, please enjoy TW23’s first insight from Terra!:
Me: “You recall that I said after I got my drink, you’d have to start talking”.
Terra: “I know… After spending almost three years in your world, completely carefree, and having the time of my life… Just as I’ve forgotten all the horrible things about my past. And now I’m being subjected to going into total PTSD mode. Who’s asking for this stuff?
Me: “The Terra-Week community. I mean what the heck Terra? You said you were going to help me, and you were even excited about it, being the whole event. You even said not to put too much pressure on myself and to approach you and utilise you as much as I needed to”.
Terra: “I know… I just didn’t think it was going to be this difficult. Like can’t I just share all the fun stuff I’ve been doing lately and the good things I’ve learned? Aqua and Ven have been a part of this too”.
Me: “It may not suit the wider audience as it’s not a part of everyone’s, the central, collective timeline. You have to be just a bit more structured for this, which I’m guessing you would have remembered from 2022? Think about it this way; you have to give them a history lesson with a bit of philosophy involved.
Terra: “Oh, alright. You’ve been very patient with me… I guess I owe you. So what it is that you want to know regarding the prompt of Deception? You wrote down a few questions before speaking to me?”.
Me: “I wrote down two main parts, but who knows how many sub-categories or additions will come out of that”.
Terra: “Okay. So what’s your first question?”.
Me: “I guess ever since you heard you failed your Mark of Mastery exam, did you ever suspect that Xehanort had this entire plan, centred around you, to mould you into a suitable vessel for his darkness?”.
Terra: “Well, no; because if I did, I would have done something about it a lot sooner and stopped him. I wouldn’t be under someone else’s control while terrorizing a little girl [Kairi] in the meantime. And Ven’s heart wouldn’t have to sleep, nor Aqua be trapped in the realm of darkness for ten years trying to save my behind. There’s a good reason I didn’t wanna come back to this… Because I’ve always believed that I’m responsible for the things that happened. Do you remember that line I spoke in the keyblade graveyard?”.
Me: “I was stupid and helped Xehanort do it?”.
Terra: “Yeah… That one. Sorry, I’m getting a bit emotional. Go brush your teeth and hopefully I’ll have myself sorted by the time you get back”.
— 10 Minutes later —
Me: “I’m back”.
Terra: “Hey. I’ve got Ven here and he reminded me that everything’s alright, and that all my friends are back”.
Me: “Are you going to be okay to answer the rest of the questions?”.
Terra: “Yeah, I’ll be alright. I don’t wanna ruin that week and create more work for you. Ven’s gonna sit in with us”.
Me: “We left off with the keyblade quote; I mean the location of it”.
Terra: “Right. So as I was saying; the reason for that quote. If I was saying I was stupid, that means I was tricked. I just went along with anything, without looking into it too much and questioning people’s motives. Any questions I did have, they’d just give me a convincing answer and I thought that was it”.
Me: “Do you think that anyone else besides Xehanort was using you, or I guess throwing you under the bus?”.
Terra: “Nah. Not outside some of the Disney villains maybe. Ever since you revealed it to me, I still find it hard to believe that Master Eraqus was sucked in by a letter from a childhood friend. But then I guess I’ve been told the sad truth. That means that Master Eraqus was deceived too. Like me, he wanted to see the good in people and give them a second chance”.
Me: “But then how many chances do you give someone before enough is enough?”.
Terra: “That’s a hard question, especially if you don’t know what a person is really like. Like is it selfish to not give someone enough chances? That’s where I was coming from. I can see you’re getting sleepy, so I’ll sum up some ideas for you and try to finish it. Xehanort obviously knew what he was doing from start to finish. With Master Eraqus allowing him to remain in the room during our exam, how come I didn’t rule out that it was Xehanort who caused the balls to go dark and radiate me? How come they didn’t radiate Aqua or Ven when they also hit them? And then the plot to isolate me and have me journey without my friends. People are easier to manipulate when they’re by themselves and there isn’t, I guess, a Jiminy to the Pinocchio. But the thing I never suspected was that the stage had been set for me to kill my own master, with Ven being the subject. Like if I care for my friends so much, would I do anything it took to save them, even if it meant taking someone else’s life? Or at least contributing to that. It had to go that far for me to finally see what Xehanort was all about. And then you’d think it’d be safer for me if I didn’t go to the Keyblade Graveyard, and I just tried to restore things from my broken homeland. But because I was tricked, I became very angry, and I wanted revenge. The guy who I thought was all for me, took everything away from me. So, that’s what I’ve got for your Deception prompt”.
Me: “Thanks Terra”.
Production note: The time gap is real. Energetically, Terra broke down, so I went and washed up to let him recover.
Thank you and see you on Day 4! 25/26 MAR (TZ dependent).
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taeyungie · 2 years
hi i just wanted to address something regarding my asks recently so i'm redirecting to read the rest in the tags ⬇️
#first of all i wanted to say i'm really sorry for replying late or in some cases not replying at all#but i've been going through some crazy stuff irl and being here and having fun and making gifs is my only escape#recently i noticed that i've been getting a lot of asks from people who seek advice and comfort in hard situations for them#and i tried to reply the best i could but. i have to be honest#the amount of this type of sad asks that i get these days is being too much to handle for me. i'm so sorry#I'm saying this with a heavy heart because i love when people talk to me and when they trust me with things that mean a lot to them#and i appreciate it so much that you choose ME out of all people to talk to because as someone said i create a 'comforting surrounding'#i've been under a lot of stress these days but it's never been like this for me before. I could always handle everything#but these days... i just can't handle more. i'm so sorry#i have three unanswered asks of people that asked for comfort and advice on serious hurtful topics and i just cant collect myself to answer#and i want to clarify - i am not ignoring you. i'm just not in the right mindset to be a support for other people right now#it requires so much energy from me and it frustrated me because i want to do my best i want to provide the best support and love that i can#and i just don't have that energy right now#i might be okay in a week or two... but these days were bad and i know a lot of people feels that way. idk what's in the air#but i send you all my love and appreciation and i wish you the best of luck and i'm sure everything will work out <3#I'm really sorry that I couldn't help this time#❤️
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hazerdouswaste · 2 years
A way too long and frankly monotonous detailing of how wack the ACV inventory system is:
While convenient and honestly a good system, it's also objectively funny that all of the important stuff goes in one place and all of the stupid useless shit goes in a different place that never gets checked ever because there's no carrying capacity, and really weird shit just keeps accumulating
I walked around for weeks irl with the Really Important Medical Book from Lunden without even realizing the game had me keep it- WHY do I have that on me I specifically made sure it wasn't burned so that Lunden didn't need to go back to "balancing humors" and could use its knowledge (which is just three paragraphs that take up the space of an entire book because I'm choosing to take that at face value and not assume it was shortened for the sake of the game and that all of Lunden's ailments were one of three specific things) then I just fucking walked off with it which means no one in Lunden can actually use it
It took me quite some time as well to figure out I've been casually holding on to the dagger my ally/sort-of-friend used to kill my son because he's obsessed with killing kings or their heirs
Though having an unrealistic quantity of large items isn't uncommon in games, the fact that I have an entire legionaire statue on my person, several bird cages, two compasses with no engravings, thirty three broken bows, five rectangular stones, one wedge of moldy cheese, dozens of other kinds of weird niche items, and no idea why any of these items save for the statue are in the game to begin with cause I sure as hell can't use them is odd because, well, they're completely useless and worth at max probably five sliver each (statue aside, I just thought it was notable that I can walk around with that for months at a time). I wouldn't be surprised if they were put there as an excuse to write flavor text, because flavor text is fun as hell to write when going through the tedious process of making a game. (Having written this all yesterday, I now realize I never even chose to pick up specifically these items because you never know what you're gonna get when you loot something or someone.)
Also as a side note isn't it wonderful how fucking complicated weapon/armor stats are without any instruction as to what anything means? I still have no idea what L-res, H-res, or Eva mean, even having looked them up at one point; as far as I know the only important factors are the first stat, upgrade potential and maybe rune slots
It's also really convenient that in canon, but not visually, I have a boat following me at all times, because otherwise there'd be no explanation for opening my inventory and seeing my 4,600 "supplies" (which have no explainable unit of measurement, I'm assuming I don't have 4,600 crates) and 320 "raw materials" (again, what the hell is the unit of measurement there?) while I'm way to inland to see any of the rivers nearby. And honesty, if basically building a hut from scratch requires 600(?) supplies and 200-300(?) raw materials generally, the boat doesn't exactly have realistic inventory either. Who keeps building supplies in chests anyway? Those chests seem a little bit small...
I want a mod that simulates the noise of all of my dozens of runes, trinkets, scraps of metal, keys, roman artifacts, viper eggs, dead eels, broken gear, shells, dental, silver, and instruments I can't use banging together as I run
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its-only-v · 3 years
Bounty hunters, royalty & a band
This week, we’re looking at shows about high schoolers that you don’t have to be in high school to watch. At least two of these shows are popular in some internet circles but if you know three out of three, you win a prize*.
*Not a legally-binding promise
Teenage Bounty Hunters (2020)
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Teenage Bounty Hunters is exactly what it says it is but I think this show could’ve been titled better. It’s still much better than its original title which, I’m not even going to guess what that was going for. It sounds like it could be a CW show, but it’s not. Is it absurd at times? Yes. But is it absurd in a way that makes you question what’s happening in the writer’s room? No. Not at all. The way two fraternal twin sisters who go to a Christian high school in Southern America end up being bounty hunters and actually manage to be somewhat good at it actually makes sense. They accidentally crash their parents’ truck and have to pay for it to get repaired and bounty hunting just happens to be a lucrative profession they can do part-time. Trust me, it isn’t as nearly ridiculous as it sounds. It’s an absolutely hilarious show that was unfortunately cancelled after one season because it was criminally underrated. But - still worth the 10-ish hours.
Watch the Trailer
The first and only season of Teenage Bounty Hunters is streaming on Netflix.
Young Royals (2020-)
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Ah, royalty and boarding schools, two of the beloved inclusions of young adult fiction. But don’t mistake this for a Wattpad adaptation with questionable themes. Young Royals is a Swedish show that’s refreshing because it subverts your expectation of how things will unfold - and in a way that makes sense for the characters who seem like actual teenagers. They make shitty decisions, but they’re allowed. It also explores class differences — not in the way Gossip Girl did where the supposedly poorest kids were the children of an ex-rockstar who now runs a museum and lives in a Brooklyn loft. It shows you the diametrically opposite worlds a prince and a scholarship kid with a single mom live in and the different stakes they live by. And you will fall in love with their love story. They’re adorable together. Plus, their school is realllllly nice. I wouldn’t want to go back to being a teenager and go to a boarding school but for this, I might consider it. Luckily, it’s an actual castle you can rent on Airbnb so no time travel required, just approximately twenty thousand Swedish kronor, NBD.
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The first season of Young Royals is streaming in full on Netflix and the show has been renewed for a second season.
Julie and the Phantoms (2020-)
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This is the most PG-rated show out of all of these but don’t let that dissuade you from watching it. We don’t need Euphoria levels of realness in our escapist comfort shows. Sometimes, you just want to see a gifted teenage musician amaze the students by rocking it out with a band of ghosts. This is Netflix’s attempt at a High School Musical/Camp Rock style show and they killed it (Side note: Let me know when you watch this if the three remind you of Jonas Brothers). You have the main character who loves music but also isn’t keen on being on the stage because she’s lost her connection to music, a sassy best friend, a nosy sibling, a mean girl who is dating the love interest. And you know what, the music is actually good (very mild spoilers of their first performance). If you told me they were from an irl pop group, I would believe you. I love the characters and their quirks. They feel real and it’s a pretty grounded show apart from all the ghostly shenanigans, which, by the way, I am living for. Any mention of this show can’t be without a special shoutout to Madison Reyes who plays Julie who was just 14 (an actual teenager playing her own age in a teen show, can you believe it?) when she was cast. If nothing else, watch it for the incredibly talented cast. Surprisingly enough, the show hasn’t officially been renewed for a second season although I would be very surprised if there wasn’t another one since they are very popular (their songs have nearly 200 million combined views on the official Netflix Futures channel).
Watch the Trailer
The first season of Julie and the Phantoms is streaming in full on Netflix.
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hitodama89 · 3 years
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Okay so I promised to tell the story of my newest FR dragon Beasa; a tale that is full of weirdly good and bad luck one after another.
In all of my years in Flight Rising I have had a total of three dragons that I have either scried myself or seen a scry of and decided that it would be neat to get that dragon for real. (All of the rest have just... Come from somewhere and never left.) Those dragons are Seyn, Doom and Beasa. Doom was the only "definite must have" that I bred myself and Seyn I eventually found with a little bit of stalking from the AH. Beasa's colors sat in AH's search history maybe even years and definitely for months before her birth, but I didn't stress too much about it: if I did end up finding her some day then great, but if not that wouldn't be a huge deal either.
Finally, during the Secret Santa exchanges of last Christmas, someone suddenly gifted Beasa for me. She had the right colors and element and everything, so I definitely considered myself really lucky at that point! The problem was that her breed and genes were really far from the goal: that could definitely be fixed, but it would require A LOT of dragon money. Truth to be told I wasn't even prepared to put quite that sort of sums into the project, but as I had now suddenly gotten the dragon as a gift I didn't want to just go and abandon the idea either! I also didn't have that much money just lying around, so in the end I stored her to my project tab to wait for me to gather enough funds and at the same time wait for me to make up my mind about if I wanted to go through with the makeover or not.
Around two weeks ago I had just finished drawing the portrait of Oblivion who was at that point the last dragon I had aqcuired. Then I remembered Beasa and realized that I actually now had enough money for the genes, breed change, permababy scroll and all that! I decided that whatever, I'll just go ahead and finish her, as she had been sitting in her lonely corner for long enough. I slapped all that expensive stuff on her and admired her and was satisfied... Until I decided to check out what eyes would look the best with her. Her eyes were currently just common in rarity, but god the unusual ones would've looked absolutely perfect! They shouldn't be completely impossible to get with Scattersights either, right?
I have used a few Scattersights in the past, but only on occasions where I was happy to get anything other than common rarity as a result. Beasa was the first and only one where I decided to aim for a specific rarity. I had to go into my savings and pretty much drain even the last pennies from my vault as well as sell a few things, but after a few Scattersights I landed on the unusual eyes! I once again considered myself really lucky, transferred the now finished expensive pretty little bastard to my main dragon tab and thought the story would end there, with satisfaction and happiness.
Then a god damn WEEK later the Eye Apocalypse 2 happened and every eye rarity became available for pocket change. =)))
So yeah, that's the story behind Beasa's title, "the kid of fluctuating luck". In my lore she causes both good and back luck to dragons around her and it's impossible to predict which one you will get on any given day. She's still so so pretty and I love her a lot, but DANG did those irl bad luck streaks in her creation process end up costing me a very pretty (dragon) penny!
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badsext · 4 years
I wish you would write a Leon fic.. that's it. That's the message 😅
Scene Partners: Leon X Reader
Thank you for the request @misskittysmagicportal.  I love Leon.  I hope I’m doing him justice.
Summary: After Leon’s ill fated role as Neil Armstrong in the fake moon landing, he decided that fancy acting classes would be just the thing to launch (pun intended) his career as a serious actor.
Warning: Very irresponsible and spontaneous smut (Please use protection IRL) 18+ and suggested assault of a character within a play.  I hid the smut under the ‘read more’. These warnings make it sound heavier than it is...it’s actually super light and fun.
Johnny looked at Leon incredulously. “Where are you going at 10:00 AM on a Thursday morning?”
Leon looked his best mate in the eye and lied. “The pub, of course.”
In fact, this was the first day in months he wasn’t drunk or high...Alright, maybe just a toke or two to take the edge off. He even washed his hair and put on a turtleneck because that is what serious actors wore. Leon had lied and stumbled his way into a local university Theatre School, financing his tuition with a fraudulent cheque.
It was only an introductory scene workshop for beginners, but after watching the real Neil Armstrong walk on the Moon, Leon aspired to do great things. He arrived at the theatre more or less on time and with an inflated sense of purpose. It smelled like dust and leather and old wood. Framed photographs of former students lined the hallowed halls. Nervousness began to set in. He felt like an imposter, just like he did when Johnny had asked him to impersonate Stanley Kubrick some months ago. Accept this time, the only thing he had to impersonate was a man with confidence. After a brief internal struggle, Leon decided that he would go to the pub after all. There was always next Thursday.
As he reached for the door, a young woman had just entered, shaking the rain off her umbrella. Seeing how cute she was, Leon immediately changed course.
“Are you here for the workshop?,” she asked politely.
“Yes, I am,” he replied with a bashful smile. “I’m Leon.”
When she took off her coat, he saw how she wore a very similar black turtleneck.
“Y/N. Pleasure to meet you, Leon.” She paused, looking up from her cat eye glasses. “I think we might be late!,” she added urgently.  He followed her onto the workshop, sitting beside her in the back row of chairs. His interest in y/n distracted him from the enormity of the theatre and his growing stage fright.
The professor explained the warm up exercises, but Leon learned nothing. He was watching y/n chew on her fountain pen. They started with a series of vocalizations and deep breathing. Leon watched y/n’s chest and diaphragm expand and contract with each concentrated breath. Once she caught him staring, he would look up to the rafters or down at his shoes, thoughtfully scratching his beard. She smiled at his lack of subtlety.
The professor distributed scenes to the students at random. Leon looked down at his script. His stage fright resurfaced as he read the words at the top of the page. ‘Macbeth: Act 4, Scene 1.’ The ‘Second Witch’ part had been highlighted.
The students were given fifteen minutes to rehearse their scenes wherein Leon mumbled and stumbled through his lines. The actresses playing the other witches were good-natured about it, but everyone knew the scene would be shit.
He broke into a sweat as the actors were called to the stage.  His mind was nothing but static at that point.  He watched the actresses move their lips, hunched in crone-like fashion and wiggling their fingers over an imaginary cauldron.  They chanted in unison:
“Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn and cauldron bubble.”
When they stopped, everyone looked at Leon.  This was his line.  The last ‘bubble’ just hung in the air while the silence took over.  He gave it his best effort, though his voice was weak and his hands were shaking.
“Fillet of a fanny snake,
In the cauldron boil and bake;
Eye of newt and toe of frog,
Wool of twat and tongue of hog.”
His hands shook with such force that he dropped the script.
“Oh, bollocks - It’s gone in the soup!”  He improvised rolling up his sleeve and fishing it out of the hot cauldron.
“Leon...Leon!”  It took the professor several tries to rouse him from his panic.  “That’s enough, Leon. We mustn't paraphrase Shakespeare.”  The students giggled.   The professor pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed.  “Let’s try something else, shall we?”  
He turned and pulled two scripts from his briefcase, handing one to Leon.  “We need something to build your confidence.  You will play Stanley Kawalski.  He’s a proud, domineering brute.” He beat his chest for emphasis.  “And you...y/n, you will play Blanche, the jealous, simmering sexpot,” he said, casually handing her the other script.
“A Streetcar Named Desire?  Wasn’t that a film with Marlon Brando?,” Leon muttered nervously.
The professor put a hand on each of their backs.  “I’ll read the stage directions.  Don’t think, just use your instincts.”
Leon read the lines with as much bravado as he could muster. “I've been on to you from the start! Not once did you pull any wool over this boy's eyes! You come in here and sprinkle the place with powder and spray perfume and cover the light bulb with a paper lantern, and lo and behold the place has turned into Egypt and you are the Queen of the Nile! Sitting on your throne and swilling down my liquor! I say--Ha!--Ha! Do you hear me? Ha--Ha--ha!”
“Okay, now he walks into the bedroom.”
Y/N cried out a warning as Blanche, “Don't come in here!” 
“That was quite good,” Leon whispered, eliciting a small smile.
“Stanley goes into the bathroom and Blanche picks up the phone.”
Blanche: “Operator, operator! Give me long-distance, please.... I want to get in touch with Mr. Shep Huntleigh of Dallas. He's so well-known he doesn't require any address. Just ask anybody who--Wait! I--No, I couldn't find it right now.... Please understand, I--No! No, wait! ... One moment! Someone is--Nothing! Hold on, please!”  
Leon grinned out of character, so impressed by y/n’s acting.
“Blanch is going mad now, pacing back and forth.”
Blanche: “Operator! Operator! Never mind long-distance. Get Western Union. There isn't time to be--Western--Western Union!  Western Union? Yes! I--want to--Take down this message! "In desperate, desperate circumstances! Help me! Caught in a trap. Caught in--" Oh!
Stanley: “You left th' phone off th' hook.”
“Now he blocks her from the door.”
Blanche: “Let me--let me get by you!”
Stanley: “Get by me! Sure. Go ahead”
“But he only gives her an inch.”
Blanche: “You--you stand over there!”
Stanley: “You got plenty of room to walk by me now.”
Blanche: “Not with you there! But I've got to get out somehow!”
Stanley: “You think I'll interfere with you? Ha-ha!”
Blanche: “I warn you, don't, I'm in danger!”
“He takes another step and she smashes the bottle breaking it.”
Stanley: “What did you do that for?”
Blanche: “So I could twist the broken end in your face!”
Stanley: “I bet you would do that!”
Blanch: “I would! I will if you--”
Leon’s reading becomes increasingly stilted and awkward.  “Oh! So you want some rough-house! All right, let's have some rough-house!”
“He springs out at her.  She swipes the bottle at him, but he captures her wrist and overpowers her.”
The professor read the stage directions, but Leon wouldn’t move, delivering the next bit of dialogue with a sigh of regret.  “Tiger--tiger! Drop the bottle top! Drop it! We've had this date with each other from the beginning!”
“Overpower her, Leon.”
“Oh, I wouldn’t like to do that, Professor.”
“It’s acting, Leon...It’s pretend.”
“I don’t even want to pretend.  Stanley is horrid and I hate him.”
The professor rolled his eyes, disregarding Leon’s protest. Then he clapped his hands together addressing the other students.  “Okay, everybody, that’s it for today.  I want you off book by next week.”
The students started getting up from their chairs and shuffling their things.  Y/N approached Leon who was staring down at the stage with his arms folded.  He looked up anxiously as she leaned in to whisper in his ear.  Meet me in the ladies room in five minutes.
Leon was at first confused, then his eyes widened with surprise when he realized what she meant.  She laughed and swaggered away.
Y/N spotted Leon lurking by the door.  “Leon, that was three minutes, at most.  Luckily everybody left after class.  At least I think so,” she added with a cheeky grin.  “Come here.”  She grabbed his hand and pulled him inside the cubicle.  Do you want to shag?
Leon nodded his head. “Y-yes.”
“I liked what you did today,” she said, removing her knickers.  “It was very chivalrous of you.”
Y/N tilted her head and kissed him.  He inhaled at the contact of her lips.
She pulled back and looked him in his glistening green eyes.  “Go on then.”
“What ‘d ya mean?
“Fuck me, Leon.”
“Shouldn’t I, you know...foreplay?”
“Leon, I’m already soaked.  Get your cock out and fuck me.”
Leon quickly unbuckled his belt and let his trousers fall down around his ankles.  She turned with her back against the partition wall and one foot on the toilet seat.  He lifted her tartan skirt and drove up inside her, groaning at the tight wet sensation. She inhaled through her teeth, clutching  at his shoulders, then wrapping her arms around his neck.  Leon closed the gap between them, his pelvic bone at the base of his cock creating a throbbing pressure on her clit as he thrust.  The hard bouncing rhythm made her glasses fall askew.  She whimpered and moaned as the orgasm pulsed through her, overwhelming her senses.  
“Was that?...Did you?”
Her eyelids drooped peacefully.  “Um hm.”
He smiled, encouraged and continued thrusting.  His eyes shined like Christmas trees. She pet his curls, watching the pleasure wash over his face.
“I’m gonna…”
“Don’t stop, sweetie.”
He plowed into her, releasing his warm seed with a hearty grunt.
“Bravo, Leon,” she smirked.
@bubblyani @elliethesuperfruitlover @super-unpredictable98 @salvador-daley @helena-way07 @chipster-21 @punknatch @slutforrobbiebro
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Undercover; Jirou x Poly! Reader x Momo
Jsjsjs okay, poly x reader (Bc I'm a closeted poly irl lmao) How about jirou x reader x momo, but they're all pro-heroes. The reader is like an undercover agent-type hero. (Not like an underground hero, i mean full james bond stuff) But they went to UA with the rest of the class 1a. Maybe they're all at a school reunion & the reader is technically doing cover work in plain sight. An assassin is trying to kill/miam one of the top 10 heroes. Go from there. (Also, thx for telling me abt ur rq💛🥺)
UA’s year of 2048’s 10-year Reunion had people flying in from all over. Iida had to cut his meeting short and fly overseas, Jirou had to miss a concert that she had with her fans, totally forgetting and planning last-minute per usual, and of course, you had forgotten about it until your boss brought something up about it. At first, you had been sad that you would not be able to go and see all of your friends from years ago due to the crazy amount of work that stacked up on your desk, mountain beyond mountains of emails and files, begging you to take their case.
But luckily, going to the Reunion was a case itself, and a very important one. Eraserhead, one of the underground, older heroes, had been beginning to be threatened by an organization of hero-haters on social media. At first, it had all been just petty hate and bickering, until the threats began to pour in from this random account. Police had identified the IP address, only to find nothing beyond that. That’s when Eraserhead began getting “gifts” left outside his door, and notes too. Threatening notes, telling him to enjoy his last days before he was killed by the sender. Your company, the Federal Hero Unit Agency, had begged him not to attend the reunion and stay in his apartment with his husband Present Mic until the situation could be dealt with. But, he had refused to miss a night with his favorite past class. 
That’s when you had been contacted by your Boss personally, and assigned the case of protecting him through out the night, keeping a watch on him while not giving away your identity as an agent and protector. That’s right, you were an FBI agent that dealed with Hero Matters, including but not limited to stalkers, missing heroes, murdered heroes, and keeping track of where, when, and how the heroes were doing mentally. A hero in a bad mental state was a disaster waiting to happen. You had chosen the job, not only because the company was begging you, but you needed to help keep the heroes of the town safe. The heroes would protect the city, and you would protect them. This also gave you reason to keep a close watch on all your past classmates and how they were doing. In a world like your own, you wanted to be the first to know when they got hurt so you could go see them. They didn’t know how but you always knew when and how they were doing.
Checking yourself out in the mirror, you were fairly impressed by the look of the dress you had gotten last minute. A black dress that showed your shoes nicely, fairly simple but also cute. Looked well with your skin tone. “Ready gorgeous?” Your girlfriend Momo walked through the door, glancing you up and down and smiling. You turned to look at her, in her best color of red of course. He wore a low cut dress of course to your dismay that only promised that you two would have fun tonight if she wanted it. “Where’s Jiri?” You asked, surprised when she smiled lightly of getting to see the third to your Three Muscuteers. Your other girlfriend, Jirou, had been on tour of her concert. You would have happily joined her if it hadn’t required taking over a month off of work, which was not allowed. Still, you hadn’t physically seen her in such a long time, and FaceTime had got boring past a week of doing it.
At the same time, you and Momo had more time to yourself, able to fully spend hours and hours making love without Jirou wanting to run off and watch a movie or sing karaoke with her ADHD self. You did miss her though, and would be so happy to see her in just an hour at the school. “I’m so glad your work let you do this. I was not showing up to that party without someone to hold onto, I’m not that independent.” She giggled before turning to look at you both in the mirror. “Aww, we look cute. Hope Jiri didn’t just wear jeans and a shirt like she said she would. I think that was just a joke, but again, would not be surprised.” Momo exclaimed as you two made it to the door of the two bedroom condo on the top floor of the penthouse you rented. The roof allowed you ways to leave your house using your quirk and not be tracked by cameras. The more discreet, the better for your career anyways.
Out the grand doors of the lobby and into the limo Momo had arranged, you two waited eagerly to pull up to the school. UA, the place where everything had changed. You had moved in with Momo as roommates the first year, and from then had began getting romantic. It was only after you lost your virginities that you fully and verbally established a relationship with one another. Momo had promised to keep herself “pure”, but the way you kissed her lips was nothing but like an angel to her, so she couldn’t help herself. For a while, Jirou had only been a close friend for the both of you. Sure, Jirou kissed you but it was only “friendly”. You sent her your nudes, but only to get some feedback on how good you looked. Jirou would try on your clothes and change in your room, but it was only because you were both girls and it was no big deal. Jirou only came along into the relationship after getting drunk at a party and you all learning new ways for three people to touch at once. 
Boy, were you excited to see her. Finally, the limo pulled up to the school, lots of camera flashing following your arrival. Used to it by now, you held your hand up to your face to block the light, pulled your arm over Momo’s shoulders, and pulled her along with you up the stairs and into the building, ignoring all the yelling and questions. Immediately as you entered, a wave of nostalgia entered you as you were remembered of the many days you guys would sit on the couch, eat, and play ping pong, having the news play in the background of heroes and their work or fights. It only fit the aesthetic of what you were all training to be. Some would say you were each other's competition, but you all were friends. There was no doubt about the undying platonic love you all shared. Momo must have felt it too as she squealed and giggled, squeezing your hand and jumping up and down. 
“I have to go to the bathroom. Go ahead of me, alright? I’ll be there in a minute.” You smiled, gave her a wink, and watched her way safely in the room. After having so many villains want you dead, there was no problem being extra careful with the ones you loved, especially after knowing someone dangerous was possibly already in the building. You walked into the ladies room, seeing two girls already there. A woman with a black pixie cut and black dress, sort of similar to your own, stood at the mirror, fixing her makeup. The other had long, bright red hair and dark skin. You nodded to them, smiling as you walked into the stall.
Being as silent as you were trained, you slid out the earpiece and clipped it onto your ear, adjusting the mic to just under your ear, and the sound projector into your ear. You made some noise, then stepped out, nodded to the ladies again, and left. Quickly walking, eager to start your mission, see your girlfriends, and your friends. As you walked into the room, the party seemed to buzz extra loud as everyone saw you. Denki practically tackled you, not changing but from the peach fuzz on his chin and tattoo below his eye. You had seen Denki multiple times in public and when you scheduled to meet up, but this time just seemed special. “My girl! What’s up?! You look- so good!” He exclaimed, his eyes lingering on your figure. “Watch it tiger, this one is taken.” You looked behind him to see Mina, much taller, and with a more alt look to her now. “Yes! You’re dating Momo and Jirou right? They published you in Hero Weekly multiple times. You represent more than you can imagine Y/n!” Deku exclaimed. You smiled and winked at him, seeing that he hadn’t changed but from his hair style, and the fact that Todoroki swung his arm around him. “Good to… see you.” Todoroki mumbled slowly. You knew he meant well, but yet he hadn’t changed as well, personality included. “There she is!!” She turned to see Kirishima and Sero, running up to you full-speed. “Sero! Kiri!” You practically screamed, jumping into the arms of your awaiting guy friends. “God, I’ve missed you!!” You exclaimed, smiling ear to ear. 
“We saw you two days ago, chill dude.” Sero giggled, before separating. “Y/n. Kirishima. Sero. Please refrain from yelling inside.” You all looked behind you to see Aizawa, holding a glass of wine and wearing a suit. He hadn’t aged a day, and yet, the eyebags were just a little deeper. “Sorry Mr. Aizawa.” You grinned, giving him your best apologizing smile. Things haven't changed that much over 10 years. “Although your looks have altered, your personalities haven’t changed. Good.” Your past teacher smiled warmly, for possibly the first time, and walked away. You were about to begin talking to your friends again when you saw Shinso standing behind Aizawa, staring at you with surprise in his eyes. 
Slowly and nervously, he walked up to you. “Y/n…” He looked down at your body and back up you. You couldn’t help but get creeped out, knowing that you and Shinso had once been together, but Jirou and Momo had come into your life. You knew it wasn’t fair to lie to him, so you had broken up with poor Shinso and gotten together with your now girlfriends Jirou and Momo, ignoring the constant calls and desperate messages for months. “Hey Shin. How’s it going?” You asked, smiling and acting as nothing had happened. You two could still be friends after two years, right? You were both over each other and with someone else.
“Good. I’ve been working under Aizawa for a year now, I’m going to become a teacher like him.” He grinned calmly as you smiled proudly at him. “That’s so good! I… I’m really proud of you. Last time, you told me you wanted nothing to do with heroes. And now you want to teach the next generation. I’m so happy!” You exclaimed. Shinso was about to speak, before you felt someone hug you from behind quickly. “Y/n!!” You turned around to see your beautiful girlfriends looking at you, Jirou wrapped around you and Momo smiling off on the side. “My god! I missed you so much!” Jirou reached up and kissed you slowly before returning to hug you. “I missed you too.” You looked down at her outfit and rolled your eyes. She was just wearing a black ruffled top and jeans, and not the dress Momo had bought her. She still looked great though, so you choose not to complain.
After many hours of talking among your former classmates, exchanging contact, and talking about your job, you constantly kept on edge, keeping your eye on Aizawa as he walked around, saying hello to every single student and other teacher, Mic staying beside his side for the most part, and Shinso staying near him for some of it. Watching Shinso, you saw him and how he avoided all his classmates. He didn’t make eye contact with the classmates, and refused to talk to anyone really. He had not changed personalities anyway over the past ten years, and you almost felt sorry for him. At least he had gotten a new girlfriend. You couldn’t help but wonder how he was doing mentally. He looked absolutely ripped, but his undereye bags were terrible and his hair was just as messy since high school.
Finally, the main part started, and you began to get prepared. Holding hands with Jirou to your left, and Momo to your right, you felt a sense of blending in with the audience. You made sure to observe the people around you, and keep your thoughts to yourself as you evaluated each and every person. Finally, your main subject, Eraserhead, stepped into the main room. You left your girlfriends and stepped next to Eraserhead, smiling. “May I? Looks like you’re lonely.” You smiled, seeing that Mic was currently busy, operating the lights and speakers as he pleased. He refused to let anyone else do it but him. “Don’t play me Y/n. I know your job, and I know why you’re here.” Your older teacher looked away from you, before you nudged him playfully. “So, is that a no? Or an absolutely yes?” You smiled playfully as he looked back at you and grinned. “You haven’t changed a bit. Good.” He offered you his arm and you grabbed it, making your way to the seats offered for you. Your boss has made sure you had a seat right next to Aizawa. 
Over the next half hour, speeches were made, food was served, and laughs were shared. It was a joyful time, but you couldn’t help but look for Aizawa. He was all over the place, as if he was trying to get away from you. Finally, people began dancing. Getting nervous, you quickly got up and walked towards the teacher. 
“May I have this dance?” You grinned cheekily at him as he turned to you, unamused by your humor. “How about you leave me alone? I don’t need my former student protecting me. It’s my job as a hero to protect you.” He explained, but you just shook your head, stepping closer. “No way Sir. It is my job to protect you, and only you quite literally.” You winked at him, joking again. Finally, you turned your head and gave him your puppy-dog eyes. “How about that dance?” He nodded and grabbed your, smiling as you both began to make your way to the dance floor.
He told you about his recent retirement, and how he and Mic had been spending their recent times in their secret vacation home down South in the islands. You then began telling him about how you had gotten into a relationship with two of your fellow students, and he told you how happy he was for you all. “You girls were always close. I’m so happy, you deserve as many lovers as you desire.” He commented, making you suddenly so happy. “Mic dated two people once in elementary school. He was… such the player.” You both laughed, before Aizawa looked down at his phone. “Speak of the devil.” You noticed that Aizawa had gotten a text from Mic. “Excuse me for a minute.” Aizawa went to walk away towards the hallway, before looking back at you, seeing your worry. “I’ll be fine. Mic is waiting for me on the balcony.”
You nodded, going to sit down when you suddenly saw Mic looking around. “Has anyone seen my phone?” He yelled out, walking around. It took you a minute to realize it, but you quickly jumped up and looked at him. “Where’s Aizawa?!” You asked him loudly, causing some people to look at you strangely. “I… I don’t know, wasn’t he just with you?” Mic asked, looking at you strangely with confusion in his expression. “Oh god. Oh god!” You ran to the door that Aizawa had walked out, before pulling and pushing on it. It was stuck. Looking around, and then at the ceiling, you began to see a light green, almost neon, mist coming out of the sprinklers. “Everyone cover your mouths!” You screamed, bringing your shirt up to your mouth as the mist began to get thicker in the air. People began coughing, and everyone began freaking out. “Y/n?! Y/n!” You looked over to see Jirou and Momo running towards you. Jirou began to have trouble breathing, coughing and such since her shirt was very thin and not useful as a mask. 
“Momo, make an explosion and get everyone out. I’ll need all the back up I can get. Also, tell everyone to get low. This gas rises high and won’t settle on the ground.” You commanded your girlfriend, before Jirou turned to you. “What about you?” She asked, fear and panic in her eyes. “I’m going to go save our teacher.” You smiled, kissed her cheek, and ran off. Using your quirk, you were able to walk through the walls and see that the door has been blocked off by dozens of pieces of heavy furniture, too heavy for you. Finally, you were able to breathe. “Aizawa?!” You screamed, following the sound of slight mumbling through the dozens and dozens of hallways. 
Suddenly, you heard laughing, and turned around, knowing that the villain was right around the corner. You recognized that laugh… “Shinny?” You called out, hearing the laughing stop suddenly. He knew you were there. And you knew he was there. And he knew you knew he was there.
“Shinny? What are you doing?” You asked, eyes wide. With the way you were pretending, you made sure to look sad and betrayed. “Oh Y/n… I’m sorry.” He whispered at you. Looking out, you saw that they were on the balcony, Aizawa about to jump five stories off, but he wasn’t his normal self. Shinso had Aizawa under his control. “Shinso, please don’t do this.” You mumbled, walking towards him. You had to use Shinso’s love for you against him, something you thought you’d never do. “Oh Y/n, I have to. I have to make a name for myself as a villain, and taking out a big-time hero like this will jump-start my career.” He tried to explain, but you just shook his head. “Now, it’s time. Aizawa-” You interrupted Shinso, keeping him from instructing Aizawa to jump. “You knew I’d get out of there. You know my quirk Shinso. You knew I’d get out. Why?” You asked as you kept walking towards him. “I… I want you to join me Y/n. There’s a little bit of me that still wants to become a villain, but I want to do it with you. Please. Join me.” He reached his hand out towards you, and you instantly grabbed it. 
Walking towards him, you kissed him, and felt his hands grab onto your body. You could tell he wanted this, and you regretted what you would have to do next. You overpowered him, using every ounce of strength, and pushed him to the ground. “Hitoshi Shinso, you are under arrest. You have the right to remain silent. Everything you say can and will be used against you in the name of law.” You dragged handcuffs out of your pockets and whipped them around his hands, sitting on top of him as you did so. Before he could speak, you got out a piece of tape and stuck it to his mouth. As Shinso panicked, he lost control, and Aizawa quickly fell back onto the balcony, now fully awake and safe. 
“Y/n… I don’t know what happened, he-” You patted his head, smiling softly at the adult man on the ground who was now shaken up and scared. “It’s fine now Aizawa, he’s not going to hurt a fly again. Right Shinny?” You slapped Shinso against the face very softly and smiled, knowing he was hating every second of this. “T-Thank you. I’m sorry about earlier, you did great, I-” You shushed Aizawa, feeling happy about your mission becoming a success. “Just doing my job. You may even call me your hero.” 
The other students and faculty met up with you, all of them acquiring gas masks made by Momo herself, which she was very proud of. Mic was quick to hug Aizawa, and your girls were quick to hug you. They had been scared, not knowing if you were okay or not while they all struggled to get the door open. Finally, Momo had looked up how to make dynamite, and had blown up the doorway and the surrounding halls. Looking out onto everyone, you began to see everyone’s true nature again. Deku had been crying, Shinso had been keeping Izuku sane, Bakugo had been angry at you for going out on your own, and Kirishima was boasting about how manly you were to anyone who would listen. You only stopped for a second before looking down at the street to see Shinso being taken away in handcuffs. “Well, I’ve got to go. Duty calls.” You smiled at your girls, kissing them and beginning to walk away, hearing hoots, hollers, and farewells at your back.
You didn’t need to say goodbye, because it was not. Aizawa and Mic would send flowers to your office, Denki would want to play video games and catch up as if you were still teenagers, Bakugo and Kirishima would invite the Bakusquad over to grill out, you would see your girlfriends at home that night, Deku and Todoroki would want to have a couples getaway, Mina, Asui and Ochako would want to have a Girls Night out, and Iida… Well you saw Iida on missions a lot anyways, and you two were already heavily close. You were close with the entire class, and you were happy to see that even over 10 years, nothing had really changed about life.
Down at the street, you waved to your fellow cops before getting in the front seat next to your partner, and looking at the back mirror towards Shinso. “So… you’re a cop now?” He asked, watching you nod at his question. “Glad one of us is doing something with their life. Good for you.” He remarked as you looked out the window. In the side mirror, you could see Shinso begin to smile. He really was happy for you, and you knew that when he got out of jail, you’d be there for him to, hopefully to help him find his purpose in life too. Maybe he would find his own version of Momo and Jirou.
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risingsouls · 3 years
Tumblr media
[I know I said I wasn’t going to talk about it but idk. I don’t want to bother anyone specifically about it (irl or online) so emotional vent under the cut so you don’t have to look]
I’m just...it’s been a rough week (several weeks? months? years? idk but specifically this past week and bleeding into this one).To start at the top, idr if I mentioned it here but my brother tested positive for Covid last week and like...my parents and I are all vaccinated but it’s still been stressful and just flat out frustrating. Outside of worrying about ourselves getting it, my grandpa literally had just come back from stem cell surgery along with my great aunt and uncle who both have pretty significant health issues. None of us knew when my parents went to visit them. We literally found out the next day so the three of us went to get tested. we were negative but it might have been too early so now we’ve just been waiting in limbo a few more days until testing is more viable just to be sure. 
But my mom basically got her ass ripped by them for my brother being a fucking idiot. The reason it’s so damn frustrating is because he hasn’t taken this seriously from the beginning. If he wasn’t forced to wear a mask (and nowhere in this pos city mandated them of course), he didn’t, even in crowded spaces. We urged him to get vaccinated to protect himself, our parents, and my grandpa (my dad is retired and often helps my grandpa out) but he was too scared, even though by then my grandpa, my parents, one of our brothers, and myself had all been fully vaccinated and are just fine. We finally got him to get the the Saturday before last because he was supposed to be working as a para with kids who couldn’t get the vaccine and with this shit show of a town probably wouldn’t be wearing masks because the school system here is also a joke (he got fired from that job immediately anyway, no surprise). But then he got covid anyway. Which he probably wouldn’t have if he got the vaccine months ago when he was able. Add on just...generally worrying about him, about him just dying suddently from covid like one of our neighbors...it’s been rough.
(WARNING. SLIGHTLY MORE POLITICAL(?) HERE I mean not really but fuck this country is a shit show and a health crisis is just a political shit show here SO)
His shit and watching all these fucks complain about places requiring vaccines to go there are just...fucking irritating. Like fuck. Cool. Not getting it is frankly your personal choice. That’s fucking whatever. But stop posting your idiotic bullshit comparing this to the Holocaust (which I can’t BEGIN to explain why that’s absolute bullshit and disrespectful as shit) and whining about how you’re being “forced” to get a vaccine against your will. No one is forcing your plague rat ass. Businesses and even the government have the right to say, “okay, in the interest of protecting staff and customers and as many people as we can, you can’t come here if you’re not vaccinated. Go join the other plague rats elsewhere.” But these fuckers are too busy wallowing in their overbearing desire to be a victim that they’ll compare their situation to fucking genocide to make their likely politically charged decisions sound good. Oh and don’t complain when your dumbasses get this thing to mutate another thirty times and we’re constantly in a damn pandemic.
To top this off, two people I know died in the past week. The first was more a friend of my brother, but from what I can tell, it sounds like it was suicide. I knew him well enough and idk...it’s been weighing on me when it crosses my mind or I see people talking about him. It’s just sad and horrible and I can only imagine what his close friends and family are going through.
The second person I was actually very close to for a time and she helped me a really rough patch while I was going to school and was just a fun friend both at and away from work. We haven’t talked for a few years (we had a fall out after we went of vacation together but that’s neither here nor there) but a mutual friend/former coworker reached out to me today and told me she died in her sleep fairly suddenly on Friday and they’re not sure how yet apparently. And I guess it just kind of hit me from all directions. My own sadness. Feeling for her family who just lost her dad a few years ago to cancer and knowing that she just had a baby not long ago. And just...that life is so fucking short. People can be going strong one minute and then gone the next so like...idk. I didn’t mean this to get preachy but try your best to live life the way you want. Fuck what others think (unless it hurts others). Be kind and shit (I say after a bullying rant). You never know what people are going through or what might happen in the near future. Check in on your friends even if it’s just a hey what’s up not much convo. It could make their day.]
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purplesurveys · 3 years
Your ex taps you on the shoulder and says, “I still love you.” You say?  I feel like I’ve answered a similar situation recently, but I would assume it was a drunk text or wrong text, inform them about it, and move on.
Do you play video games?  Nah. I do feel a sort of connection of video games since I grew up surrounded by them, though; but I’m more of a watcher than anything. I like watching playthroughs of video games I’ll never play. Do you spend a lot of time with family?  No. We used to, back when the quarantine was still a relatively new thing – we hung out in the living room all the time. But now that we’ve settled in this new normal, we’re back to our normal routines and I usually like staying in my room.
Is your house more than two stories tall?  Technically, yes. We have a rooftop that serves as the ‘third’ floor.
Have you ever hit your significant other? Has he/she ever hit you?  My ex and I never hit one another; that’s a gigantic red flag even I would notice, considering I ignored most of the ones I saw hahaha.
What makes you an attractive person? (Talk about your personality too!)  I’m not sure if I’ll be able to answer this question directly, but I like my generosity. I’m not sure if I can call it attractive, though. But if we were focusing on physical features, I like my smile.
What color is your hairbrush/comb?  Pink.
What snacks do you have available in your household atm?  My dad splurged on chips in his last grocery run so we actually have quite a lot of junk food in the pantry at the moment. He also bought several packs of cookie sandwiches, wafers, sunflower seeds, and garlic-flavored peanuts.
Has anyone recently told you that they like you, or find you attractive?  Neither.
Are you attracted to the last person you Facebook messaged?  No, she’s just a good friend of mine.
Do you care about anyone that doesn’t care about you?  I guess I don’t, because I’m not even aware of them.
Was your last Facebook friend requests from a male or female?  Guy. It was another reporter, so I just ignored it and luckily he didn’t PM me just to ask to add him back, which others have already done. I really hate when work people try to make their way into my personal accounts.
Which one of your relatives is most likely to embarrass you?  My parents, especially when they are rude to service crew. Gen X-ers are impeccably talented at that, apparently.
When was the last time you ate a bar of chocolate?  Around two or three weeks ago when I had dinner at Angela’s. Her dad gave me a bar of Crunch so I can have something sweet after our meal.
Do you play any games on Facebook?  No, I never did hop on that trend.
What would you like to get a degree in?  I wanted a degree in journalism, and graduated with such. At the end of my college stint I didn’t want to pursue it anymore, but I pushed through with it anyway because it was too much of a hassle to shift and start all over.
Do you wake up a lot in the middle of the night? Technically not, because I stay up until the middle of the night anyway. It’s been a while since I fell asleep anywhere between 8 to 10 PM.
Would you prefer to read a book, watch a movie or TV show, or play a video game?  Watch a show.
Do you usually get popcorn or soda at the movie theater?  I don’t like either; I get fries instead.
What genre of films do you like the best?  Drama.
How many bank accounts do you have?  Two but I haven’t been using the other one in months. That was the bank account I initially opened when I first started ~adulting~ but when I got employed I was required to enroll in this other specific bank, so that’s what I mainly use now.
Have you ever had the flu?  Not really. I just get the occasional fever that pop out of nowhere.
What is your goal for the next few months?  Start saving FOR REAL, and also prioritizing furniture over merch for a while so I can finally fix up my room, which is quickly starting to look and feel like just a warehouse and not very homey at all.
Have you ever had some kind of sleep-disorder? How did it affect your life?  Nope.
Have you ever had food poisoning before? Describe the experience.  Yeah, it was from barbecue that apparently went bad, even though it tasted nothing of the sort. I woke up at 3 AM sweating profusely and with the most excruciating stomachache; I was feeling hot, cold, and nauseous all at the same time, and it probably lasted for like an hour or so.
What are two things that you have no problem paying full price for?  Sealed albums and my pets’ vet expenses.
Funny, charming, cute, romantic, smart - choose only 2 for the opposite sex.  Charming and smart.
Have you ever let somebody use you? Why did you do it?  It felt nice to help people.
You can go back in time & change something in your mom’s past - what is it? Good question; I’ve never encountered this before. I would let her live a more comfortable, privileged life, where she didn’t have to staple her shoes to keep them closed or have to choose between eating at a fast food restaurant or being able to commute back home.
Do you know anybody who is around the exact same size as you? Who? I’m not sure, actually. Everyone’s always slightly taller than me.
Ever been to a haunted house? How scared were you?  I haven’t.
Been on any websites today you wouldn’t want your parents to see?  Tumblr, I guess? My survey blog isn’t for any irls to see.
Which is worse: dusting or mopping?  I don’t really do either often, but I’ll go with mopping.
Would you marry somebody who was intensely religious?  Not for me.
Did you pull a senior prank?  No, that’s not a thing here. Did you graduate?  Yeah, elementary, high school, and college.
Have you ever been unfaithful in a serious relationship?  Nope.
What was the last song you listened to?  It’s a song called Epiphany.
Are you one of those lucky people with 20/20 vision?  Not ever since I was like 9 lol.
Is fashion one of your interests?  I’m way more interested in it now for sure, mostly because the celebrities I’m into these days put a lot of effort when it comes to their style; so it makes me more aware of the trends that come and go, as well.
Do you think you’ll eventually find that special someone?  I’m keeping it as a possibility, but it’s not a priority for me now.
Do you care what people think?  To an extent, I would say. My life doesn’t depend on it, though.
Is acting something you enjoy?  Never been.
What was the last thing you broke/sprained?  Do you mean a thing or a body part? Anyway, I’ll answer both. The last thing I broke was my BTS Mic Drop pen of V looooooooooool the figurine came off the pen :(( It was pretty cheap though so I’m fine with it; I can always get another one. Last body part I sprained was my ankle, when I had a bad fall a couple of years ago.
Have you ever fought with a friend because of their boyfriend/girlfriend? Because of yours?  Either hasn’t happened.
Has a stranger ever yelled at you for your language?  I don’t think so.
Whose house, other than yours and your families', are you most comfortable at?  Angela’s. Also JM’s, just because their family doesn’t hover and that vibe can sometimes be nice whenever I’m at someone else’s place.
Has any of your friends’ family ever yelled at you?  Never.
Did you ever play a sport as a little kid? Did you enjoy it? Not as a very young kid, but I took up table tennis starting when I was 12. Did you ever watch the show Full House?  Nope.
Is there a celebrity you are just DETERMINED to marry?  Now that’s just delusional haha. I’m pretty obsessed with some celebrities, that much I can admit; but thinking of them in the context of marriage is so many steps overboard.
Have you ever burned someone’s picture?  No. I could, but I am scared of fire and will probably just think of other ways to express my anger, like tearing up the photograph. What’s the longest hike you’ve ever been on?  Total length was probably like 3 hours. I haven’t gone too far when it comes to hiking.
Would you ever get a lip tattoo?  Not interested.
Who is the first person of the opposite sex that pops into your head? Hans.
Do your parents smoke cigarettes?  My mom tried it once in her life, I think. My dad has never smoked.
What does one of your T-shirts have written on it?  “Hope right here!”
Name a pet you definitely wouldn’t want.  Anything that’s supposed to roam freely in the wild, like squirrels.
Would you prefer your partner smaller or taller?  Taller, since I’m already quite pint-sized to begin with lol.
Do you enjoy going through old pictures? Sometimes. Other times, it's too painful. It also depends on the era of the pictures. < Agree, especially with the eras. Childhood photos are always fun to look at, but I have had to delete a CHUNK of photos from years ranging from 2014 to 2020 because I’ve lost a handful of friends from that period.
Do you believe people when they say they don’t judge people?  It’s hard to for the most part, but I’ve noticed very few people people really don’t. Most of the time it’s bullshit though.
What did you love the most about the town you grew up in?  That it’s pretty close to the metro.
What’s a movie that you laughed the hardest during?  Hmm, I prefer TV shows if I’m craving comedy.
What’s a movie you cried the hardest during?  Life Is Beautiful.
What’s your favorite restaurant?  Omakase for my sushi fix; School Tteokbokki if I want Korean; Yabu if I’m looking for a generous rice meal.
Is there a dessert you don’t like?  Anything with fruits.
Favorite album?  After Laughter by Paramore.
What’s a book that you read because everyone else was reading it?  I can name authors instead of books – John Green and Haruki Murakami.
Underwater or outer space?  Outer space.
Dogs or cats?  Dogs.
Kittens or puppies?  Puppies.
Bird watching or whale watching?  Whale watching. I don’t get to be in the water as much, so I would jump at the opportunity.
What is your spirit animal?  I dunno if I have one but let’s just go with dog and elephant, I guess? They’re my favorites.
What was your best subject in school?  History.
What was your worst subject in school?  Chemistry.
What is one thing you wish you knew in high school?  Don’t waste your time.
Who is your fashion icon?  Audrey Hepburn.
Diamonds or pearls?  Diamonds.
What color dress did you wear to prom?  For my own prom it was cream-colored/beige. When I went to Mike’s ball, I went with a royal blue gown.
What’s your favorite plot-twist?  I don’t think I’ve found my favorite yet.
Honestly, are you jealous of someone right now?  Not actively.
Honestly, what’s the worst thing you’ve done when you were mad?  I dunno...road rage, maybe?
Honestly, ever made anyone cry when you were mad?  It’s very likely.
Honestly, when was the last time you REALLY cried your heart out?  Sometime in the last week.
Ever pop someone else’s pimple? No thanks.
Do you need to return anyone’s phone call?  Nope.
Who are you closest to?  Angela.
Have you ever had a bad concert experience?  No, all the ones I’ve been to have been amazing experiences.
Are you currently sad about anything?  Not really. I can’t complain.
Have you had any form of exercise today?  Nah.
Can you handle blood?  Nope, I will feel faint if I see it 100%.
Has any place hired you underage for a job?  No.
Have you ever carried a concealed weapon?  I haven’t.
Are you currently searching for a job?  No, I like the one I have.
Does eating breakfast make you sick?  No?
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bayheart · 4 years
30 Questions !
haven��t done but like one of these things on here, haven’t really done ‘em for real since the ol’ DA days. but! Tagged by @wolfheart343 and hey, can’t say no to “warriors username ending with -heart” solidarity :D
Name: bailey irl, but bay online!! i’ve tried other names but bay seems to have stuck, though i do also like drift. :3c
Gender: female, but i kinda prefer he/him pronouns so who knows!
Star Sign: Pisces!
Height: 5’7”, and i swear All my friends are shorter than me??
Time: 5:00 PM
Birthday: February 24th!
Favorite Bands: GLASS ANIMALS, uhh fond of a number of Mother Mother songs, Mystery Skulls, Gorillaz, Imagine Dragons??? imagine thinking i can choose, ever,
Favorite Solo Artists: aw hell. i like some like, youtube artists, really love Stupendium and CG5, JT Music and others in those genres I suppose, but as for more popular artists probably Lemon Demon, Jack Stauber, uhh Hilary Duff maybe? Ke$ha? my taste is a mess.
Song Stuck In My Head: “Kissing Strangers” by DNCE at the moment, though for the last two days it’s been “Art of Darkness” by Stupendium,,
Last Movie: ah, probably “Iron-Jawed Angels,” we had to watch it in Honors Forum last semester to go with a suffrage reading. i don’t watch movies often :’)
Last Show: iiiii tried to get into Animaniacs a couple months ago but couldn’t make it all the way through. honestly, the last show i watched before that,,, was. when i watched TFA for the first time a year ago. i don’t watch a lot of tv ;w;
When Did I Create This Blog: looks like my earliest post on here is from 2015, though i didn’t use it often at first. i’ve been on tumblr since 2012, though.
What Do I Post: art! almost always mine, but since i don’t have a Proper main i also rb art that’s related to something of mine or is for me! :> i have also posted a fic like. Once. and i suppose i have ooc posts like this sometimes!
Last Thing I Googled: “movie about suffrage” because i couldn’t remember the name of the movie for question 10 LMAO
Other Blogs: oh god. um. [logs back onto my main] not saying what that is, but I have the sideblogs for wctfa, shadowsofhiraeth, trialofthestars, dirt-boss-positivity, and others i that i pretend i do not see <3 (read: old art and back-up blogs)
Do I Get Asks: not usually! i’ve Just unpinned the post asking for reqs so other than when i open those i don’t tend to c: i’d like to change that sometime though, being more interactive sounds fun!
Why I Chose This URL: ...so in 4th grade i made a warrior cats oc, right— bayheart’s been my BrandTM since i’ve been online, pretty much :P
Following: i don’t use this blog other than posting so i only follow 22 on here, but on my main I follow 242 people! many of which are inactive because i’ve been here for so long lmao
Followers: 231! :> idk what portion is from wc or tfa but i love u all. kis
Average Hours Of Sleep: depends on the day, i s’pose. last night i probably got like 3, but over the weekend i can get like 11!
Lucky Number: 5 or 7 c:
Instruments: OHHHH!! i learned piano from my big sister when i was little, then joined marching band (to play drums, but that didn’t happen) in 6th grade on flute!! i did marimba my sophomore year of high school and LOVED it, but i've more or less been on flute for like 8 years now :> or, well. was? i had to drop out of marching band this year for health reasons, but, i still like to play sometimes,,
What I’m Wearing: ironically enough, my flute section t-shirt from senior year and blue jeans. i'd rather be in my pajamas, but i have dinner in half an hour so there’s no sense just changing for a little while and changing right back.
Dream Job: ah, no idea! it, well. it might sound silly but i'd just like a simple job like doing organization in a lil cubicle or bein a receptionist or somethin. organizing and doing maintenance makes me happy! so does art, but neither of those pursuits pay very well so i don’t know.
Dream Trip: honestly i'd just like to take a trip to see some of my online pals ;w;
Favorite Food: shrimp alfredo,,,,, most pastas and Italian foods, and also seafood are my favs!! shrimp alfredo is a perfect combo sent by the gods
Nationality: American </3
Favorite Song: do you have an actual answer to this question or are you normal? uh. it's different every week, idk i’ve really been vibing to “What You Know” by Two Door Cinema Club lately?
Last Book I Read: a required reading for a lit class my first semester, “Smoke Gets in Your Eyes”!! it was really good actually, talked about how we perceive death and funerals and the likes, kinda morbid but the author didn’t make it as such, there was a lot of humor and it was a neat read :]
Top Three Fictional Universes I’d Like To Live In: top three,, hmm. i shall like the funny little robot universe (tfa), uh. the fullmetal alchemist verse kinda slaps outside of the whole government slaughter thing, and i’m also saying skyrim because please god let me be a silly little lizard man that can turn into a werewolf and have a kickass sword Please
mm, tagging, uh. @beeprowlz and @dzzystrs ; i’d be a hellraiser and tag more but i will only affectionately bully two of my friends <3
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dawnwave16 · 5 years
Gamer Girl
Yes another SAO/MLB crossover.  I love SAO so I can’t help it!  I was going through my grammerly works and saw the start of this and realised I had never completed it despite starting it in Dec so here you go!
Part 1; part 2; part 3; part 4
You would think that Lila Rossi’s lies would be exposed quickly once they had been posted onto the Ladyblog. In fact, you would think that they would be exposed almost as soon as they were spoken with someone so smart in the class. Either way, you would be wrong. It had been six months since the Liar had joined the class and the lies she had told still hadn’t been exposed. Marinette had tried at first but she had soon stopped when it became clear to her that as long as Lila had a story to tell, her class would listen.
As a result of this Marinette had stopped trying to protect her class from Lila’s lies. She had taken to simply ignoring her. She had started to ignore her class too. She didn’t make them the huge birthday cakes or mountain of cupcakes anymore. She didn’t bring in cookies for the whole class once a week and she stopped making personal gifts for everyone. If they wanted anything they had to ask for it but that would require that they remembered that she existed first. It was at the stage where if she didn’t remind her class that she was there, they simply forgot her. She honestly didn’t mind though as it had freed up quite a bit of time for her. Her design business had taken off in Japan as she had several friends there. If she wasn’t ladybug she would have considered moving there as she was much happier there then she was here in Paris. It was due to this that when Marinette had any downtime she had taken to gaming again. Not just any gaming but playing VRMMORPG’s. She had been a little wary of them after being caught in SAO several years prior but when Yui had contacted her after Kirito had logged in to ALO to try to save Asuna, she had willingly gone back into a full dive in order to help him and continued to do so as she went on frequent raids with his group. She had met Kirito when he had wandered into her clothing shop looking for a way to either upgrade or replace his black coat on one of the days that she had been running it rather than leaving it to an NPC. The two had partied together at her suggestion to get the correct mats and had become fast friends with him coming to her whenever he wanted his wardrobe upgraded. Unfortunately, she had reduced the amount of time she had spent gaming due to her class relying on her for so much but now that they weren’t, she had picked up where she had left off. Her stats had skyrocketed with her return to gaming and she had realised that her crush had made her act a little like Klien did whenever he saw a pretty girl. As soon as she realised this she had taken a hard look at herself and decided that while Adrien was handsome, he wasn’t worth making a fool of herself over. The fact that the girls in her class weren’t pushing her at him anymore helped with getting her to calm down too and now she was able to speak to him without looking like an idiot. The past week had been quiet. She’d seen her classmates all talking about something but Marinette hadn’t even asked what it was. She had a raid planned with Kirito and the others that she was looking forward too. Unfortunately, Asuna hadn’t woken from SAO. The blow she had taken from Kiyaba when protecting Kirito had killed her and not even the fact that the game had finished extremely soon after that had saved her like it had saved Kirito. The Asuna that had been pictured at the top of the world tree in ALO that had driven Kirito and herself back into gaming so soon after SAO had been cleared had been an AI that had been created by a mad man. Her family had been unwilling to believe that she was dead when everyone else had started to wake up, choosing instead to believe that she was one of the three hundred that were still trapped somehow. It had been a terrible blow to them when they had realised that this was not the case. The planned raid was one planned in her honour as this Saturday marked the anniversary of her death. Marinette still couldn't believe that three years had passed since she had been declared dead, nor could she believe all the VR events that had happened since then. Marinette had found it ironic that, now that she was no longer focused on Adrien, she had been able to see that she had had a crush on Kirito the whole time. When she had realised this the two of them had sat down and had a long conversation about their hopes and dreams. She had told him about her interest in fashion while in SAO and had kept him up to date with how her brand was doing IRL. In turn, he had told her about how his studies were progressing and how frustrated he was becoming by trying to read all the articles coming out of America about the advancements within his chosen field of study. His face when she had suggested that he have Yui run a translation program over them so that he could read them more easily had been fairly comical, even though she had reminded him that it would be in his best interest to learn English properly anyway. Marinette was drawn out of her musings when Mlle Bustier finally managed to get the class's attention. “Class I know this is may come as a surprise to you but due to the fact that Lila has to go to Achu and we won't be able to celebrate her birthday with her on the actual day, we will be hosting a party for her this Saturday.” The class immediately jumped into planning mode. “I'll do the music!” Nino called. “Ooh, Jeluka and I can organise the decorations!” Rose pipped up “Oh please! I'm going to London with Mummy and Daddy and I'm taking Sabrina with me. You losers can count me out.” Chloe sniffed while Sabrina nodded quickly, even though she didn't look too happy about it. “We could have the party at the park,” Mylene suggested which had Kim, Max, Alix and Ivan nodding eagerly in agreement. “I can't guys, my father has me scheduled for an all-day photo shoot,” Adrien said while he rubbed the back of his neck and appeared regretful. Marinette doubted it but she didn't say anything. “Awe, that's too bad, maybe we can facetime you in one or two of your breaks? I can organise that easily!” Alya tried to comfort him by saying. Marinette shared a look with Nathaniel who shook his head showing that he didn't but this story any more than she did. “What about you, Marinette?” Mlle Bustier said in a sickly sweet tone as though she expected Marinette would agree no matter what her real plans were. The class looked at her expecting her to say she would organise the food because none of the others had offered to do so. “I have plans for Saturday,” Marinette stated calmly. Mlle Bustiers eyes turned cold even as the class started to protest and say she had to organise the food. “Now Marinette, don't you think it would be nice to organise the food for the party?” Mlle Bustier's voice was saccharine sweet as she tried to convince Marinette that she should just comply. “If you want the bakery to do the catering you need to place an order and pay for it like everyone else. I have babysitting for Madam Chamack in the morning while she does her grocery shopping and has a few other appointments. I also have plans for the afternoon but those are personal and something I have been helping to plan for a while now. I can't back out of them now.” Marinette rebutted firmly. She was going on the raid in Asuna's memory no matter what. As she spoke the expectant gazes of her class had turned to glares. “Look, you guys haven't wanted me around for over six months. I have resigned as class president, giving that title to Alya.” Just as Marinette was about to explain more, Kagami walked in wearing a yukata. It took a moment for the class to notice her but Marinette noticed something that the class hadn't noticed and quickly walked towards her. “Do you need some help with retying your yukata?” She asked quietly, not realising that she had slipped into Japanese as she spoke. “Please,” Kagami's voice was filled with relief even as she let Marinette adjust and retie the garment. “How do you know how to do this, let alone speak Japanese so well?” Kagami asked as Marinette worked. Neither girl noticed the class staring at the two of them in shock. When everything was tied properly Marinette stepped back. “I have my own set of yukatas from some of my closest friends in Japan. When you spend as much time with people as I did in the game, you try to find other things to keep you occupied other than grinding for levels. Asuna, Lisbeth and Silica all got together to teach me how to tie mine without relying on in-game mechanics. They also worked on my accent which is why I barely have one when I switch to Japanese, or so I have been told.” Marinette smiled sadly as she remembered the times they had gotten together to have a girls night at one of their homes. The game mechanics meant that they hadn't been able to do much by way of dress up or spa treatments but because Marinette had the tailoring skill she could manipulate fabrics and they had taught her that way. She shook her head quickly and looked back to Kagami. “Are you comfortable?” Kagami nodded and thanked her and they spoke for a little while longer before Kagami left and Marinette turned to walk back to her seat, only to see the class staring at her. “What?” “Marinette, what was that? What language were you speaking? Since when are you and Kagami friends?” The three questions had been thrown at her by Alya, Mlle Bustier and Adrien. Marinette sighed and shook her head then answered. “In order, that as you so eloquently put it Alya, was me helping Kagami to retie her yukata as it is always easier to do when someone helps you, especially if you want one of the more complicated knots. The language, Mlle Bustier, was Japanese. One of the five languages I speak fluently. The other three are Cantonese, Italian and English. I didn't list French as it should be obvious. And as for your question Adrien, Kagami and I became friends on Friendship day
while playing that game. I stuck to French that day so I'm not sure she knew to come here but it doesn't matter.” Marinette was walking back to her seat as she spoke, taking care watch where she put her feet as the class had taken to trying to trip her every so often. “Why did you need my help when your uncle visited then if you can speak Cantonese?” Adrien said in bafflement. “Simple. Uncle Fu speaks Mandarin not Cantonese so we wouldn't have been able to understand each other. I also thought you might enjoy a day practising a language that you were being taught rather than just reading it.” Marinette replied with a small smile even as she sat down again. The class was still glaring at her but she ignored them and Lila quickly reclaimed their attention with some false tears and a sob story. By the time Saturday came around the class had forgotten all about the incident with Kagami and Marinette's refusal to help out with the food or having anything to do with the party. This left the class scrambling to organise food and drinks in time and unfortunately made everything a lot less enjoyable then they had hoped it would be. Marinette, on the other hand, had had a fabulous time looking after Mamon as Kagami and her mother had come round and between them they had dressed Mamon up in different yukatas and kimonos, teaching Mamon how to speak a few words in Japanese at the same time. Despite her very stern nature, Kagami's mother had seemed pleased to be passing on a small part of her culture to others who were eager to learn. The raid had gone well too and she and Kirito along with the others had shared some of their favourite stories about Asuna once it had been completed. Despite the sombre reason for the gathering, everyone had made the effort to be happy and to celebrate the good times they had had with her and with each other. They had held the get together at Marinette's home, which was above her in-game shop so they hadn't needed to worry about finding a private spot when they were ready to log off. When Marinette had walked into class on Monday, she had expected to be bombarded with stories of how great the party was. Instead, she was met with sullen glares and dead silence. Marinette raised an eyebrow but shrugged and ignored them, turning her attention back to her phone. She had woken up an hour early but instead of getting up straight away she had started messaging Kirito as he had been online. They had finally decided to give dating a try the previous day but they were taking things fairly slowly. Currently, they were talking about if she would be able to visit during the upcoming school holidays and trying to work out the logistics if she got permission to do so. “Marinette.” Mlle Bustier called. “Yes, Mlle Bustier?” “I thought you were going to do the food for Lila's party on Saturday. Where were you?” Marinette raised an eyebrow. “I told you I had plans for Saturday and that I would not be at the party.” “Marinette, remember what I said about -” “Mlle Bustier” Marinette cut her off, “While you might think that babysitting and going to the memorial of a friend is less important than a party for someone who does not like me, I don't. While my friend was declared dead three years ago, Saturday was the first time any of us had the chance to truly get together and remember her. Asuna died trying to give others a chance to live and she deserved to be remembered by those of us who were closest to her.” Marinette's voice was sharp and her tone was ice-cold as she spoke. Mlle Bustier and the rest of Marinette's class stared at her. “Footage was recently released of how she died if you are callous enough to demand proof. Unfortunately, I think you are because if anyone except Lila tells all of you anything you just swallow it but as soon as it's to do with anyone else you insist on having proof.” Marinette could tell that the class was about to start shouting at her but she ignored them and looked at her phone only to freeze. From what she was seeing, Yui had copied herself onto her phone and found all the videos from the past six months, as well as recording the confrontation that had just happened and sent it to the School Board. Marinette had planned to try to get a bit more evidence before she did that but it seemed that Yui had decided enough was enough. She was brought out of her frozen state when she heard Max asking if he had permission to play the video he had found for the class. She was about to warn them that it was fairly violent but Mlle Bustier had already granted her permission and Markov was projecting the video of the final SAO battle against the Skull Reaper on the white screen that Mlle Bustier had pulled down to cover the blackboard. The class watched in horrified amazement at what was being shown and gasped when they saw the younger Marinette on the screen amid the fighters. Marinette could see they were wanting to point out the fact that this was a game, you couldn't die because of a game and that none of the female players had died in that fight when they saw that Marinette's eyes hadn't left the screen and that the video hadn't ended. They gasped in horror as they watched everyone collapse to the floor and screamed when a girl jumped between the two players that were duelling, killing her. The video ended and the class was silent. Marinette spoke then, breaking the silence in a voice that was so brittle and hollow that none of them knew what to think. “What you just watched was the final two fights of SAO. The girl that died was my friend Asuna Yuuki. Before you say it's just a game, get Max to look up the details. It was well documented. I'm going home, don't bother to try to stop me. You just made me watch my friend die AGAIN, I think I've earned my mental health day. I will stay in this class for the rest of the term, then I will be transferring to a different class. I want nothing to do with any of you anymore, Mlle Bustier I hope you are proud of yourself for letting things escalate to this.” Having said her piece, Marinette turned round and walked out of the room. She knew there would probably be Akumas that would be created by what had just happened but at that moment she just wanted to be alone. Or better yet, surrounded by here real friends.
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valarin-sunstorm · 4 years
I support BIPOC
If you read nothing else of my post, please take note of these links.
Donate to Black Lives Matter
Donate to Black Visions Collective
Donate to Communities United Against Police Brutality
Donate to Campaign Zero
Donate to Innocence Project
I don’t really know how to talk about this concisely. I guess the first thing I can say is that I feel heartbroken for just a lot of reasons. I’ll try my best to get my thoughts out. I don’t even exactly know what I’m trying to say.
I wish to issue a statement of support to BIPOC. I wish to condemn not only racism, but colorism. I want to share my experience as a non-black POC. I don’t even know if I’m allowed to call myself that as someone who is biracial. I do not wish to detract from the struggles of the Black community. Rather, I want to share my experiences with the understanding that I still have a lot of privilege, but I also have a desire to stand in solidarity. Maybe this will be informative and help others to understand the pervasive nature of racism, and how tiring and hurtful it is.
I will be discussing racism, internalized racism, police brutality, and abuse.
I’m half Mexican. I haven’t really told more than a couple of people on here that. I’m white-passing by virtue of damaging myself. For decades I hated my skin. I thought I was ugly. Unsophisticated looking. I didn’t look like my white family members. I didn’t look like the white community around me. The only person who looked like me was my father and my eldest brother, who I had little social contact with. I have not gone into the sun for decades. I tried to bleach my skin. An endocrinologist told me that my vitamin D levels were on par with someone with severe malnutrition, and I had to be put on medication. Now I am pale in the way someone sick is pale. It mitigated some but not all racist comments.
I no longer live with my white mother. That’s a good thing. She had nothing but contempt for me on several levels. That’s weird, isn’t it? I think she liked my father by virtue of how whitewashed he was made to be. In the 1950s his family lived in a U.S. Naval base in Peru, though they were of Mexican origin. His first language was Spanish. They moved to America in the 1960s. He was made to assimilate into white culture and stop speaking Spanish. He doesn’t speak it anymore. My mother says it’s not a "pretty language.”
My father worked overseas for most of my childhood. I was raised by my white mother. My paternal grandfather died long before I was born, and my paternal grandmother died when I was young. We called her “Grandma Tina.” No one ever told me her real name. I found out it was Eutimia. I guess that was too 'ethnic’ for people to say. No one ever told me I was Mexican. I just looked different and I didn’t know why. I hated everything about how I looked.
My father became chronically ill in the past decade. He requires daily medication or he will quite literally die. A few years ago, he was having a medical crisis and trying to get home. The police pulled him over and arrested him for driving under the influence, despite the fact that he was not intoxicated and had passed their breathalyzer test. He was taken into police custody. My mother took me in a panic down to the precinct to collect him or at the very least give him some of his medicine. It was midnight. We arrived and the police officer regarded my mother with a smug smile. We could not visit my father because visiting hours were over. We could not bail him out because of the time of night. He would not allow her to give him the medicine, and assured us there was a medical facility on location. My mother tried to yell at the cop. I had to pull her away. I was afraid of how things would escalate, and how she could have made things worse for my father. The medical staff did not tend to my father. When we bailed him out the following morning, he was nearly dead. Much longer and he would have gone into organ failure.
Yesterday, my mother made a bigoted facebook posts condemning the BLM protests with no self-awareness about the abuse of power that had nearly cost my father his life. I spoke out against her publicly. I’ve always been scared of her. Even though I no longer live with her. She’s more abusive emotionally and mentally than I feel like I’ve even letting on. I feel like I can’t say she was truly abusive because she only beat me with a hairbrush once, and I feel like I deserved it. I am still closeted as gay and trans IRL out of fear from my family and the state I live in. I guess I’ve been closeted about my ethnicity in-game too. My character is pale, but my face claim is a white-passing man of Mexican descent. Maybe that’s self-insert-y but I feel a connection to it. I don’t know how to explain it. But I do know that I want to speak up.
I want to say this now. Even if it makes me uncomfortable. Even if it makes others uncomfortable. I feel like it needs to be said. I know that as someone who has the opportunity to pass as white, I have certain privileges and a duty to speak out against racism. Silence is Violence. I plead with the members of my community to do their best to hold compassion and openness for the BIPOC around them. I hope that people keep an open heart and a willingness to change behaviors that have been harmful to the BIPOC in their communities. 
For the past three months I’ve been working 6 days a week with no end in sight due to COVID-19. I may not be completely available all the time, or completely in the loop about things. I am sorry that I have not spoken up sooner. I don’t know if this enough, or if it’s appropriate. I just want to put it out there. If anyone wishes to speak, please feel free to message me.
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riizev2 · 4 years
The Living Timeline of Riize Wintersong
RPing is hard. Keeping track of nearly three years of continuity is harder. Here is my organized timeline of Riize’s life for those interested in RPing her now that I’ve returned. I recognize that this is based primarily on my own recollection of plot events, so I have chosen to tag in as many blogs as possible for those interested in hearing the other side of these stories.
However, times change. A lot has happened in two years and my recollection is far from perfect or impartial. In that vein, this is going to be considered a living document. It may change as new information is brought to my attention. Furthermore, some of the people mentioned here are not on good terms with each other (or with me lmao), so take some of this with a grain of salt. This might end up being more for me than for you.
That leads to what’s in brackets. Certain story beats that happened previous have been decided to be written out of continuity for a variety of reasons. Out of respect to the wishes of those involved, certain characters have been omitted even though they did have canon interactions with Riize previously. If I feel that the scene in question is still required to understand Riize’s current characterization, I will leave them in with brackets. The names and occupations of those involved will be changed for the sake of obscuring the identities of those involved and to open up future revisits to old topics now that I have more control over certain elements of Riize’s past. 
I’m organizing it by patch because using the IRL timeline might awaken Blizzard’s lore department. Bold information was originally supposed to be proper nouns and important events but it got a little bit away from me. Just fucking kidding I deleted one word and half the hyperlinks broke and all the bolding disappeared so nothing is bold now. Also Tumblr ate this post twice so I’m kind of trying to get it up before it happens a third time. If edits need to be made, I will write a reblog with the changes as they happen (unless it is basic grammar or more comprehensive formatting)
With that said, let us begin.
Riize Wintersong was born in Darkshore to a priestess and a druid. Her childhood was largely uneventful, training under her mother as a Priestess of Elune while spending her spare time exploring the coastline. As she grew older, she decided that her true love was the sea and became a sailor. Travelling around Western Kalimdor, she became a rotating member of various trade ships that provided food and supplies to other kaldorei settlements on the continent.
In the lead up to the Third War, Riize joined the Alliance Navy and sailed much of Azeroth. During this period she learned much about dwarven and gnomish engineering and worked to maintain the components of ships. While only obtaining the title of Seamen, these years kindled her love for tinkering.
Riize left the military after fulfilling her tour of duty in Northrend. Like many she did experience whispers of the the Old God Yogg-Saron, but did not yet begin her study of the Void until far later. During her time as a civilian she fished and sailed for recreation purposes. After the Cataclysm she returned to the sea as a hired hand on any vessel that would take her. This began her integration into less savory groups.
Riize’s status as a sailor-for-hire was the status quo leading into her playable first appearance in...
Patch 7.3
At this time, Riize is a member of the pirate gang the Dreadwing Vultures. Operating under the professional alias of ‘Nine,’ she sailed with the group for fun and profit. While occasionally brushing against the machinations of Unit Eight, her time with the group was generally enjoyable. Around this time is her first meetings with Corine Blythe, Saelkath Alzarah (@saelkath-alzarah) , and Kat Hawke (@kat-hawke).
[During this period Riize would begin dating one of her fellow Vultures. The two of them would spend long nights getting high and listening to vinyl records. While their life trajectories eventually moved in two different directions, she still values their time spent together greatly.]
Riize begins to make ties with the independent intelligence agency The Silent and a few of its high ranking members through their establishment at the Golden Keg. She begins to take up the place of one of their previous agents as an informant within the Dreadwing Vultures. This position does not last long, as the Vultures soon move to Ironforge and afterwards shutter completely.
Shortly after this event, Riize begins to study under Saelkath in the ways of the Void. Reaching into the darkness, Riize’s exploration is noticed by beings lurking in the Void and mentally affected irreparably. While initially curious, she finds herself drawn to understanding the Void and the denizens within with more fervor. She convinces Saelkath to reveal to her the rituals of the Cult of C’Thun and soon becomes a member herself.
[However, shortly after reemerging with her new focus on the Void, Riize is captured and held captive by a masked Light zealot in the Hinterlands. Detained and tortured for over two weeks, Riize was eventually able to escape into the woods. While too weak to fight, she swore revenge on the one who imprisoned her.]
Patch 7.3.5
While examining a job board in Stormwind Riize comes across a flier directing people towards Easterly. After communicating with The Silent, Riize chooses to enter the newly reforming House Draconis on an information-gathering mission. She meets the House’s heir, Strixena Draconis, and begins to establish a friendship with her. She completes her induction after kidnapping a priest of the Light out of Stormwind on Strixena’s behalf. She is initiated into the House shortly after. While initially believing she escaped Stormwind without notice, Riize ends up crossing the Warden Elyza Morrowbranch (@morrowbranch) who was more than capable of overpowering the newly minted Lady’s Hand. Beating aside, Riize chooses House Draconis over her previous bonds and affirms her loyalty to Strixena.
Riize’s involvement with House Draconis does not go unnoticed by those who knew her and soon she finds herself interrogated by Director Hawke. Remaining affable post-kidnapping, the two enter a tense truce. Working with Saelkath and her previous student Iceilla Nightbane (@iceillanightbane​), Riize partakes in off-the-record assistance on a small handful of missions on Unit Eight’s log.
During a heated argument between the two of them, Riize slices Strixena’s face and leaves her permanently scarred. Agreeing that her delving into the Void is making her lose control of herself, Riize is isolated within the barren White Room deep under Easterly’s catacombs. She is kept in solitary confinement for six weeks, with her only outside contact to the world being twice daily visits from Strixena to bring her food. While originally planned as an act of love, Riize begins to go mad. Her connection to the Void deepens in secret. When she is released she rekindles her vow of loyalty to Strixena and is rechristened as Riizen Draconis, the Phoenix of Easterly.
While working as a founding member of House Draconis’s intelligence branch, the Lady’s Hand, Riize meets the Arbiter of Dead Sun Harbor Eilithe Duskbringer (@eilitheduskbringer). While working together during the opening of the House’s gunsmithing store in Stormwind (Dragon’s Breath Smithing) the two kaldorei would develop a lasting friendship. Fulfilling her duties to the House, Riize recruits Joskinar Soulshread (@joskinar) into the Lady’s Hand. Near that time she also meets Aurelia Voidsong (@smoke-and-stilettos), Headmistress of Sordasa Academy. The Academy would act as the research division of the House, providing a vast bevy of knowledge to those who would seek it. Riize, Jos, and Aurelia would soon form a polyamorous relationship.
Patch 8.0
Strixena and other key members of House Draconis are jailed by a mysterious figure. Riize is not targeted, though the time spent away from Strixena eats at her. She tries her best to maintain the organization in her stead but is slowly pushed further and further out of power by inter-House politics. She settles into running the House’s business ventures while awaiting her sister’s return.
During a Unit Eight expedition to Ahn’Qiraj with Saelkath and a mage in SI:7’s employ, Riize witnesses the full power of her teacher’s magic and is horrified. Barely able to push through the ritualist’s powerful psychic influence, Riize helps destroy the artifact they came to collect to free Saelkath from its hold. While the trio are able to return to Unit Eight’s headquarters safely, Saelkath’s mind is shattered and she loses all memory of Riize. Heartbroken, she leaves her teacher in the medbay and disappears into the night. Riize never sees her beloved teacher again.
Eventually Strixena reemerges before the House as a Death Knight, a specter of vengeance unleashed upon the world. House Draconis begins to act again, though with far less of Riize’s input. Not long after, Dragon’s Breath Smithing is shuttered. The intelligence branch that Riize helped Strixena found is scrapped as well, resulting in her joining Aurelia in Sordasa Academy.
Things grew more dire over the coming months. War loomed on the horizon and the temperament of her sister grew even more volatile. The final straw came in the one-two punch of the closing of Sordasa Academy and the ultimatum that re-entering the House’s inner circle would require letting go of her attachment to her partners. Riize, Aurelia, and Joskinar would all leave Easterly for the old Voidsong Manor in the dead of night. She never saw her sister again.
Patch 8.1
The War of the Thorns escalated further, far from Riize’s gaze. The Void’s hold on her grew ever deeper until the Burning of Teldrassil snapped her from her stupor. Journeying to Darkshore, Riize learned that her parents had evacuated to the presumably untouchable kaldorei capital only to be lost in the fire. Riize had not seen her family in decades and never got to say goodbye.
Patches 8.1.5 through 8.2.5
AKA the period I wasn’t playing WoW
Riize, Joskinar, and Aurelia married in private far from the world. The trio would spend the following year together in seclusion, enjoying relative peace together far from the world and the war raging around them. While it was peace at the cost of ignorance, it was a much needed reprieve from the pain that had preceded.
Patch 8.3 through Past and Present
The rise of N’Zoth and the emergence of Ny’alotha took an unseen toll upon the Void-Blessed Night Elf. Visions began to infiltrate her mind showing her memories of lives unlived and roads not taken. In time it became impossible to distinguish the visions from reality. The usually energetic kaldorei would soon spend hours of the day bedridden, barely able to navigate through the illusions that danced before her eyes.
Riize re-enters a world that is unfamiliar during a time of uneasy peace. The public has turned its hatred upon the Void-aligned and allies have become few and far between. Familiar faces have disappeared, replaced by an endless stream of vitriol. Still, Riize searches for answers and closure to a life that has escaped her...
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