#i have so many more thoughts
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asterkatt · 1 month ago
okay so. wowie. just started act 5 of ISAT and my goodness do I have some thoughts. wowie. wowzers. while I was playing I didn't really get the chance to voice my thoughts because if you've played act 5 you know there is no time to do so. you are getting hit with one emotional train after another. no time to think no time to breathe only time to suffer. but the power of doing a let's play gave me time to think while editing so I jotted down some thoughts that you're now getting. you're welcome. (these will not be coherent at all just. as a heads up. sorry in advance) okay so. first friendquest I did was Mira's (which makes sense considering she's the first one that you run into). one of the things that really stuck out to me is that she - not just now, but even pre-game - has only tolerated the teasing from everyone. She has to remind herself that they're not being mean. she has to remind herself that they're not being mean. I just... she shouldn't have to do that. and that's one of the things I love about this game - the characters are so in depth and so well written that yeah, sometimes they unintentionally hurt each other. we see it over and over and over again with Siffrin. their family will tease them, they'll brush it off, but we'll see that he never really lets go of it. I have a feeling it's the same with Mira. she's okay with Siffrin teasing her, because "it's fine, everyone does." then continuing to say that she probably just has the "kind of personality where it's easy to want to tease me"?? MIRA NO- augh. my heart breaks for her. she struggles with her identity and purpose just like. well. just like everyone else in this game actually. that's. okay. (bookmarking that realization for later). something that's really interesting about Mira's friendquest in particular is how much she seems to be projecting onto Siffrin. I feel like out of everyone, she's looking for someone who can validate her struggles the most. It goes further than looking for someone who can relate - she wants someone who can relate and tell her that everything will be okay.
so, when Siffrin says what he does, she lashes out at them. the thing I found most interesting (and heartbreaking) about how she responds is that she isn't just putting Siffrin down - she's putting herself down at the same time. I'd even argue that she's calling herself out with her line of "always talking as if you're better than me! as if you know me!" because I feel like she struggles with not knowing who she is either. after all, who is she if she can't change in the way that her belief as a housemaiden calls her to??
and of course, this is all solidified in what she says next: "you're just as lost and useless as I am!!!"
because yeah. Mirabelle. Mirabelle. feels lost and useless. she doesn't know who she is if she can't follow the change belief in the way that is required of her. she doesn't know why the head housemaiden burdened her blessed her. she doesn't feel like she's capable. she wasn't able to stop the King before, how is she supposed to do it now?? she overthinks and worries about everything and I'm sure that includes all the choices she makes. I'm sure she's had doubts about all of her family members in one way or another - but she's chosen to trust them. to trust them to help her on this impossible, hopeless, last chance quest. and Siffrin just made it clear that she was wrong to do so.
watch me collapse into a inconsolable heap on the floor because of this game
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n1conicokneecaps · 8 months ago
LMK Season 5 Spoilers
Ok so all of us know that the scene where Wukong is about to fly into the pillar in MK's place is brutal and SAD and gut wrenching, but I haven't seen anyone really consider how absolutely TERRIFYING it probably was for MK to see his mentor do basically the same damn thing he did in season three.
Because despite all his character growth, Wukong is still throwing himself to the main conflict and insisting that he alone can tank it, can handle it for MK because surely this is HIS fault, so HE should be the one to bear the consequences. And thinking about that makes the part where MK uses the circlet so, SO MUCH MORE HEARTBREAKING. Because normally MK would never resort to hurting his friends, would never use one of his mentor's greatest traumas against him, but he's flying off just like he did the first time, insisting that he take the fall for the latest world ending calamity and MK can't, he WON'T, allow his mentor to throw himself away when he can DO SOMETHING this time.
Wukong s3: "this isn't your fight"
Wukong s5: "this shouldn't have to be your fight"
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respectthepetty · 6 months ago
Home isn't only good for money!
It's obvious that food helps these ghost find closure because it heals part of their pain, but I'm focused on the ship were all trying to sail because my favorite evolution in this show is going to be Home going from eating frozen meals by himself to helping Peach cook professionally again.
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Because the show began with them making meals.
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The meal that Peach prepares is made in Best's home using ingredients from his fridge which Home watches from a distance.
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And in the second episode, when Peach offered up a small homemade sandwich that was made with items from the convenience store, Home bought everything then he bought some more.
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Which was an argument between the two characters.
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Then episode three happened! In this episode, Home refused to let Pang and Peach use a gas stove, so they could only use the microwave, and this is where we learned that Home has never cooked a meal in his life.
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And orders takeout.
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He also admits to not wanting to eat alone and notices Peach's hand shaking again.
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Home thinks making noodles is difficult, so Peach tells him to wash the basil, but then Home asks for soap. He knows nothing.
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Yet he still tries.
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And the meal that episode was a home for two people who loved each other.
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We got Pang acknowledging they are a family while they were eating dinner, but also we got scenes during the credits of Home stealing Peach's glasses during that dinner.
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And now in episode four, Home casually watches Peach make the ghost's meal in the ghost's home.
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The scenes from the credits show us the group snacking on chips from a bag, only for Home to take an entire bowl of chips just to pour it out on the table, so Peach scolds him.
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All of this is simply to point out that for a boy who didn't know how to cook and had no one to eat with, each episode shows him putting in a bit more effort to connect to the people around him. The meals have brought the boys closer, and now Home is in the kitchen with Peach. He might not be helping with the meals just yet, but he with a bit of practice and a lot of patience, he'll be ready to help when the time comes, so Home isn't just good for his money, but good because he will make an excellent partner.
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chaoslibra · 1 day ago
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waitttt garage band touya is so fun to think about rn
u have officially unlocked kenzie’s touya brainnnn (i will not be held responsible for the yap that follows this!!!)
- garage band touya who cleaned out the garage of the todoroki estate (iddccc they come from old money argue with the wall) on a sunday afternoon so him and his high-school friends can play their silly emo covers
- garage band touya who is so loser boy, but is everybody’s high school crush because he has pretty privilege (same goes for keigo and tomura who defff are in the band too)
- garage band touya who’s loser boy ass has a huge crash out when bandmate himiko brings around her best friend (reader) to practice
- garage band touya who doesn’t usually sing, but swears he caught you blushing when he looked at you during one of the bands covers
- garage band touya who wears eyeliner and ripped band tees and has shitty self-done tattoos and piercings that he did in the middle of the night while high off his ass!!! (he pierced tomura’s nose and that poor boy had to go to the doctor because touya was too high and fucking MISSED, keigo still laughs his ass off thinking about it)
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cellarspider · 1 year ago
Since I’ve been thinking about it all morning: here. A partial introduction to my favorite villain.
In the days of yore, when I was a teenager and video game hype was almost exclusively magazine-based, I saw a kid reading a copy of Game Informer.
“Hey,” said I, “could I see that for a second?”
The kid, not knowing what they were about to unleash, handed me the magazine.
I had seen this on the cover:
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I had no idea what this was, but I knew that I wanted whatever it was selling.
I found out that this was an advertisement for City of Villains, an expansion to the previously-released MMO City of Heroes. I’d never played WoW with its Alliance and Horde split, so the idea was new to me. WoW also failed to present me with anything like the vibes of the newly-introduced lead villain, Lord Recluse.
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Yes, they liked this art so much they did it twice, and I’m glad they did. More below the fold on why he was so appealing for a young queer kid, for those who are intrigued.
I’ll keep this focused on a single topic for now: The intensely queer vibes that Recluse acquired over the course of the game’s plot. Keep in mind that this game came out in 2004, so the actual amount of openly queer content was very minimal. However, CoH/CoV developed a reputation as an extremely queer-friendly space, with a community Pride event becoming a semi-official yearly celebration, complete with the devs showing up as major NPCs, custom assets, and spawning in unique raids that tanked everybody’s framerate. Equivalents of this have carried over past the game's tragic shutdown in 2012, with community-run servers still staging their own Pride events.
If the art above doesn’t make it clear, Recluse had a much-beloathèd archnemesis, Statesman. If the art above doesn’t make it abundantly clear, this was always an extremely fraught relationship, with a complicated backstory that became more and more tragic the deeper you got into the game lore, eventually bordering on cosmic horror. But one thing was for certain, this was Hark A Vagrant levels of obsession over a nemesis.
The game at first seemed to backstep on that: oh, it turned out, Recluse had once been villainous life partners with a woman who went by the villain name Red Widow. She died decades ago in the collateral damage of one of Recluse’s nigh apocalyptic confrontations with Statesman, and her death left him with nothing but his obsession. So sad.
And then when Statesman died in the course of the game’s plot, Recluse spiraled into depression and nihilism that was only halted when someone managed to dig Red Widow’s soul out of storage and resurrected her.
It was always deniably presented, but the implication was very much that the two were functionally equivalent emotional anchors to his psyche, and losing both of them was something he couldn’t survive.
Also, there was that one time that the game’s Valentine’s Day event was advertised with a heart split down the middle, half Statesman’s iconography and half Recluse’s, topped with a banner that read “AMOR OMNIA VINCIT”, meaning “LOVE CONQUERS ALL”.
And that’s without getting into the first tie-in book. A prequel starting at the end of the 1920s, it was a delightfully and deliberately pulpy book, which… centered around a complicated man slowly dying of lingering health problems after his exposure to mustard gas in WWI, and his very good friend, estranged from his family for unknown reasons, who’d devoted the last ten years to caring for the protagonist, and helping him seek a cure. This has carried on year after year, even though the man’s illness has made him unresponsive to the emotional needs of others, something they both know is going to culminate one day in the two parting ways.
…And then they get superpowers, and their relationship does not get any healthier from there. But what it does gain is a surprising trans metaphor as our now-antagonist slowly metamorphoses into the spidery villain I know and love.
I completely missed this back in the day. I have no idea if it was intentional. But there’s a scene where this man looks in the mirror and sees the first signs of his oncoming physical transformation, and he likes what he sees. He has no idea where he’s going, but he’s excited for it.
…And he’s started killing people who refer to him by his former name, in the most literal case of “dead naming” I’ve ever seen.
Throughout the rest of the series, Recluse is unapologetically who he is, putting him in that category of queercoded villain that doubles as a power fantasy. He’s grown physically monstrous and loves it. He has respect from everyone around him, either legitimately for his capabilities or out of fear of what he can do to those who don’t give him his due. A new demigod who is only matched by the man he’s never stopped obsessing over. He wins just as often as he loses, and often salvages something from his defeats in ways that nobody expected.
He is terrible. And he is wonderful.
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lizpaige · 11 months ago
say what you want about greywaren, but i don't think we talk enough about the following:
declan's john wick moment
matthew punching declan in the face
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allamericanb-tch · 10 months ago
“i just can’t support taylor after [blah blah blah]” then don’t! it’s that simple.
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may-lee-lee · 4 months ago
Arcane season 2. Are we all screaming? We are? Good, good.
I have Thoughts. About All of Them. Because, first off, every arc of s2 should've been a season in it's own right. Maybe even break it up into four seasons. (Read break because MASSIVE SPOILERS)
Because--Okay, Cait and Vi, and Jayce and Viktor (which, yeah, one is canon one isn't but shhh right now I'm getting to that). Cait and Vi we see spend the entire show--and I mean, really, the entire show--fighting. Caitlyn spends the entire show fighting to prove herself, to prove she's more than her mother's daughter, more than her family name, that she's good at what she does and to be respected for her skills and knowledge. Vi, on the other hand, spends the entire show fighting for her family, over and over. Even when she's supposedly committed to bringing Jinx in--or killing her--she can't actually do it. Jinx is still family. When it looks like she's finally lost everything--lost Jinx, lost Caitlyn, the only person she had left--Vi fights herself. Even at the very end, she's still fighting to save Warwick, in the hopes there's something left of Vander in him. She fights to save Jinx, even though Jinx knows it's impossible at that moment (and don't even get me started on the relationship arc of Jinx and Vi because oh my god it was done so incredibly well). And in this show where you know no character is safe, do they doom their gays? No, they give Cait and Vi the only confirmed, soft future! They end it with the assurance that Cait and Vi might actually get to rest now, and that they have each other, and things are soft and calm and peaceful and they don't have to fight anymore.
So- Jayce and Viktor. That ending. That. Ending. It doesn't matter if you view Jayvik as romantic or platonic, because Jayce saved the world through the power of his love. And like, I'm being a bit silly but mostly not because, that's exactly what he did! Viktor spends the entire second season focused on this idea of his own--and everyone's--perfection. Even in the first season, he's so preoccupied with trying to fix what's 'wrong' with him. Whether it was the Hextech's idea, or just an amplification of his own ideas, Viktor's ultimate goal was to get rid of his flaws. So he could be what he thought he should be. (someone else on here talked about how that council room scene where Viktor confronts Jayce and Mel in his bot-avatar form is a glimpse into what Viktor thinks his own perfection looks like, tall and confident and dominant, things he didn't think he could be when he was just human. It was a good post, I'll have to try and find it again.) But also, so that he could have what he thought he wanted, needed. Viktor always wanted some kind of recognition. Not publicly, that much seemed obvious, but he wanted to be known for more than his disability, wanted to find his own version of belonging and community. I have my own (mostly headcanon) idea that Viktor was often stuck between the worlds. He was from Zaun, but his opportunities came at the hand of Piltover charity (I don't think Heimerdinger ever saw Viktor as a charity case, or intended that, but I do think Heimerdinger sponsored Viktor's admission to the Academy/scholarship maybe). So he isn't just creating his own perfection, he's creating his own community. Where he is finally not just equal to everyone, but wanted. Sought after. And at the end, when Viktor's humanity is once more revealed thanks to Ekko, it seems to give Jayce both a literal and metaphorical opening to bare his heart. He loved Viktor, admired Viktor, for everything about him. For his disability and his disease and his genius mind. And sure, Jayce spent a lot of the show messing that love up, getting distracted by Mel and her own plans for power, getting distracted by his own grief and trying to save Viktor and starting them down this path in the first place, getting distracted by his own anger and pain and trying to take Viktor out by violence- But none of it ever stopped Jayce loving Viktor. And it's finally, honestly, expressing this that let Viktor change from his goal of "perfection."
Even in the way they end, it's all an act of love. Jayce stays with Viktor, so that even if Viktor had to face his own fears (becoming nothing), he wasn't alone. He would never be alone again, no matter what came after.
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storiecraft · 1 month ago
affiliated oc's concept: sapphic sorority girls. could be in the same sorority or in different sororities on the same campus
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sickofthistoxicshit · 2 years ago
First 911 6x13 watch is done, I swear these two are at the very least sleeping together.
Like omg, the looks, the smiles, the exasperated "Buck.." When Buck talks about former women, he slept with.
I love partners in crime buddie! It's so awesome and amusing!
I loved the captains being indulgent of Buck and the gentle prodding.
And Eddie, knowing the exact time Buck was dead, I can't get past that.
And can we talk about the fact that Buck has a couch and the Diaz boys are still sitting with him in the kitchen?!
Or how about the fact that Hen and Karen came to tell Denny's father that they have to set ground rules for him to see his son, and right after that, we get Buck with Christopher alone in the kitchen.
Denny, yelling my dad could be dead and you don't even care, straight out threw me to you could be dead next year.
There were a lot of elements in the Denny storyline that we had with Eddie and Christopher.
Also, Christopher and Buck, Christopher insisting on seeing Buck in the hospital in 6x11 and Carla taking him, like Toni talking sense into Henren, then taking him in to see his father.
The stories are different but similar.
But I loved the Denny storyline and also loved Denny's scene with Chimney. It's obvious that for Denny, Chimney is the fun beloved uncle. He seems like a partner in crime if Denny warns him not to get in yet because it's not safe, lol.
Later, we have, in comparison, Buck's scenes with Christopher, not uncle, but dad.
Also, can we talk about Buck doing math and Eddie researching this phenomenon? Pulling a full Buck, next to Buck, in Buck's kitchen.
I love it!! I want more!!! 😍😍
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deleteduser3837492 · 7 months ago
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my silly lil bracelets. all specific for each song/album except vore I just wanted it to be cute and pink for obvious reasons 😂 I’m gonna be dumb and explain each bracelet below the cut because I guess hyperfixation. I see like imagery when I listen to music so putting it into bracelets has been fun. Have lots of ideas for other bands/songs too.
Why are you never real— from my favorite TMBTE song “The Apparition”. Has UV beads that change colors in the sunlight, like a disappearing ghost. Wasn’t sure this one would fit on a bracelet but I’m so glad it did. I think about this song constantly.
DYWTYLM (I have to say it in my head every time to remember the letters)—similar to vore just that they’re both sad or fucked up and I wanted them to be cute instead lol. But also I feel this song has a pop-y vibe so there’s that too.
High Water- has transparent blue beads (duh).
TPWBYT— almost every song on this album reminds me of water somehow (if not every single one) and I also think of the relationship described. So there’s two colored clay beads that initially are separate but mix in the end, becoming each other. Like drowning.
Euclid— the ending of a vicious cycle, lots of possibilities. Similar to like a star shower (think the scene in Howls Moving Castle where there’s stars falling to the ground)
Telomeres— for this one I imagine like deep oceans and whales. I really like how the gradient turned out gotta make more of those (scratches good brain itch)
Dark Signs—no streetlights, so lots of stars. dark. you feel me?
Nazareth— y’all don’t know how much I fw this song lolol I’d be surprised if it’s not top this year. always the first one I choose on my sleep token all playlist. anyway the line “guess what a hollow point does to a naked body” is what this one is themed for with red and black.
Aqua Regia— another UV color changer because SCIENCE you know? Aqua Regia being a compound that dissolves gold and platinum—also some clear beads with gold flecks in them 😉 (took more time putting the beads under a nail lamp for a few minutes at a time and sorting them only to find out the ones I used on the apparition bracelet were different colors when I finished the bracelet so rip)
anyway if you read all of this you’re a nerd and i love it we should be friends :) kinda wanna make more bracelets—was also thinking of some spirit box ones since im seeing them next month 😇
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you mean nothing to me
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ferahntics · 1 month ago
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Stars? 🌟⭐
(sneaking in Bobby from @palettepainter 's DB AU cause Of Course)
EDIT: Part 2 here!
I'm imagining that since he can remember what they used to read in the orphanage, he retains bits and pieces of his memories from his components, some more than others.
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stargirl230 · 1 month ago
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ghost of you
super quick Sua screencap redraw to celebrate the new video release - no I was not expecting it to be Like That and yes I was devastated
(no reposts; reblogs appreciated)
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shouyuus · 3 months ago
18+, mdni, vi-shaped but what else is new
car mechanic!vi who's basically been working at her dad's autoshop hounds auto since she was like seven years old, running around handing vander the fuel pressure meter and fetching water, who grows up in the garage to the point that all vander's regulars know her by name and also all her favorite sweets (bc she DOES have a sweet tooth, despite her tomboy looks).
car mechanic!vi who's closet is exclusively stained gray tanktops, leather jackets gifted to her by all her dad's patrons, and old denim from thrift shops bc she likes how they feel worn in and also why bother getting "nice" clothes if they're just gonna get greased up anyway? who hums to herself when she's working, always has a cool beer chilling in the garage fridge and is doing her best to make sure she can send powder to caltech bc she knows her sister is a genius and is gonna be like a rocket scientist one day.
car mechanic!vi who laughs when you pull up one day with your 1960's cherry red corvette, climbing out of the driver's seat with your white fishnets and your pink croptop and your plaid miniskirt, your heart-shaped sunglasses propped on top of perfectly blown out bangs, and the only thing vi can think when she lands eyes on you is how much she'd enjoy taking you apart on the hood of your car, your thighs hiked onto her shoulders, your palm-prints inked into the bright red paint of your car.
car mechanic!vi who grins slow, slings a greasy towel on her shoulder as she comes out to greet you, hitching an eyebrow as you motion towards the car, your cheeks stained the most adorable shade of pink she's ever seen, saying --
"i think there's something wrong with it --" but when you purse your perfectly glossed, cherry-tinted lips, vi has to force herself not to lose focus because sweet baby jesus on a harley, that should be illegal.
"-- think you can help...?" you shuffle your feet, glancing at her even as she takes her time looking you over, doing nothing to hide the way her eyes rake over the length of your body and back up again.
"sure thing, sweets. mind if i pop the front?"
you swallow, nodding eagerly; vi doesn't miss the way your eyes linger on her arms and perhaps flexes harder than is absolutely necessary when opening up the front hood of the car.
car mechanic!vi who bends over to take a closer look and actually does miss the way you physically have to tear your eyes away from the bend of her ass, because holy shit? it does not help that vi shifts to lean further into the hood, a slip of skin peaking out from beneath her tanktop, and suddenly, there's a spring-water rush of blood behind your ears, threatening to drown out all other sound as she pulls back with a shrug.
"looks like the cooling system's busted," she says, scratching at the back of her neck, frowning as she looks back at you, "there's a couple things we can do --"
you swallow, "just a couple?" you ask, before you can stop yourself. you squeeze your eyes shut as the words leave your mouth. woops. fuck.
car mechanic!vi who blinks, cocking her head at you before a smirk teases across her lips. she leans back against the front of your car, crossing her arms loosely over her chest.
"yeah, for the car. but... dunno, if you wanna stick around for a bit, i can think of a ton more things we can do..."
you lick your lips, scuffing your mary janes against the cool pavement of her garage.
"define a bit... and also a ton..."
vi's grin is crooked; there's a fox-bright gleam in her eyes as she pushes off the car and makes her way towards you -- and for a moment, you can't help but wonder if she's a lamb in wolf's clothing, or perhaps (the thought singes a tantalizing line up your spine) just the damned wolf itself.
car mechanic!vi who tells you that for the car, she can either order all the parts that have suffered wear and tear, and then just replace them.
"issue with that is, in these older models, even with the parts replaced, it won't last you too long before you'll need them redone again."
"so..." you teeter, looking around at the various tools hung across the walls, every inch of space utilized to maximize efficiency, the high ceilings, the slow-turning fans, the propped up cars, some missing the front two wheels, some just a skeleton of mechanical parts.
"but lucky for you, one of my old man's pals just put a brand new crossflow radiator into his 1960's corvette, and he paid me to help him rig it. and i can do the same for you."
by the way vi smiles, it's obvious that this is the option she thinks you should go for. you blink.
"cross... flow... what?"
vi stares for a few seconds before letting out a startled laugh.
"wait -- i thought you said this was your car?"
you nod, fiddling with your hands behind your back.
"and... you've got no idea how to take care of a vintage car like this, do you?"
you shake your head, feeling a now-familiar heat prickling into your cheeks.
"my -- my dad got it for me for my 21st birthday..." you say, just on the other side of petulant.
car mechanic!vi who hums low in her throat and closes the distance between you in a few quick steps, a hand drifting up to trace along the line of our cheek.
"and you're just daddy's little princess, aren't you?" she asks, noticing with a dull ache in her belly, the way your breath hitches at the word princess.
she bites back another smirk as you bob your head once, your eyes flickering down to her lips before refocusing on her again.
"well..." she draws out the word, tugging back, a satisfied warmth pooling in her chest at the way your lips push out into perfect pout at her distance, "if you wanna give you daddy a call to ask what he might want..." she lets her words trail off. but you're already shaking your head, your eyes bright, your expression over-eager.
(she thinks you just might be the end of her; if she doesn't end you first.)
"no!" you squeak, "i -- i mean -- whatever you think is best --" you amend hurriedly, blushing something furious as vi leans back up against her workbench, her gaze locked on the shape of you, the hunger in her eyes now so evident that it sparks goosepimples down the lengths of your arms.
"yeah? you trust me that much, pretty girl?"
you nearly go into anaphylactic shock; your lashes flutter.
vi thinks she might honestly blow a fuse as you look shyly back at her, your gaze somehow both molten and hard.
"y-yeah. i do. i -- i trust you."
car mechanic!vi who wastes no time drawing up a plan for your repairs, but when you glance over the receipt, you notice that the number at the bottom is way, way too long, and you're fairly certain (even in your advanced stages of crush-induced lightheadedness) dollar amounts aren't usually broken up by dashes.
"is this... where i should send the payment?" you ask, holding up the handwritten receipt.
vi grins, tossing you a look over her shoulder as she steps out from behind the wheel of your car, now parked safely in her garage.
"nope. that's just my number."
"your..." you look back down at the scribbled series of digits. oh.
"so... are you gonna text me the final cost?"
vi chuckles, "sure, sweets -- if that's what you'd like. and if you're feelin' real frisky -- we can text about other stuff too."
your breath catches in your throat like thread around a barbed wire fence. you nearly drop the receipt.
"l-like what?" you ask.
"oh... i dunno..." vi says, the tease now obvious in her voice as she makes her way around the shop, gathering this tool and that, bending down to haul a massive toolbox from beneath a set of shelves. your mouth physically waters at the flex in her biceps as she carries it all back over to her workbench.
"maybe about the kinda coffee you like," she says, leisurely, "or how you'd like your eggs in the morning."
car mechanic!vi who wastes no time in asking if you'd like to go out the next day, because as much as she really loves the thought of pinning you to the hood of your car right then and there, a part of her wants to do this properly. and, she muses, there's no better foreplay than sharing a banana split sundae with a pretty girl.
she sends you on your way with the receipt tucked into your miniature handbag ("what's that even hold anyway?" "uhm... my card wallet, the keys, and lip gloss!" "...ah. of course. all the most essential things.") and a promise to pick you up the following day, since your ride's temporarily out of commission ("don't worry, sweets, i'll take real good care of this baby right here." you immediately wonder if it's normal to feel jealous of a car).
and pick you up she does, at 6pm on the dot, in black pants so tight they might've been painted on, and a cropped leather jacket, though you hear her revving her motorbike a full 30 seconds before her text dings on your phone --
look outside, sweetness.
car mechanic!vi who is so polite to your rather bewildered parents, smiles wide and charming, easily slips into conversation with your dad about the vintage cars in his collection, calls your mom "m'aam" and compliments her pearl earrings, promises not to keep you out too late. so that by the time she tells you to swing onto the bike behind her, you're convinced that your parents might like her more than they like you.
"hold on tight, princess." is all she says before she rips off down the street of your cul de sac and you're yelping, burying your face in her back, the leather of her jacket butter-soft and warm against your skin.
car mechanic!vi who's just a bit too smug and more than a little smitten when she has to help you off her bike in the parking lot of the cute little retro-themed diner downtown, you shaking out your hair from the helmet she'd handed you, your cheeks painted sunset as she guides you into the restaurant with a palm at the small of your back.
who enjoys talking to you way too much, who wants to bottle up the sound of your laughter in one of those old fashioned coca-cola bottles, all sweet and bubbly, and save it for the summer afternoons when the air's thick enough to slick the skin, pop it open and pour it down her throat, swallow around the sound of you, giggling into the curly fries, debating with her about the perfect ketchup-to-mustard ratio for the most optimum fry-eating experience.
car mechanic!vi who tells you that the sundaes here are the best in town, and nearly melts at how bright your eyes get, how excited you look as you nod and flag down the waitress to order one.
"just one?" the waitress asks.
"trust me, one is more than enough," vi answers smoothly, shooting you a wink that might've induced heart failure in a weaker soul (and you truly do not think you're one of god's strongest soldiers bc you definitely had to take a mental breather after that).
but it turns out that she was quite right, because the banana split is huge. dauntingly-sized. and vi perhaps has too good of a time watching you gape over it (she's not at all thinking about how your cute lil mouth, so round now, would look stretched over her strap, not at all nope, nope, nope) before motioning for you to dig in.
car mechanic!vi who thinks, for the first time, that she might've bitten off more than she can chew (metaphorically, of course) when you cut off way too big of a bite, and white whipped cream smears across your lips as you struggle to get the whole thing in your mouth, your cheeks puffed out, lashes fluttering.
"careful there, sweets -- don't want you to hurt yourself," she says, in a decent stab at her usual suave tone, but her voice comes out just a bit hoarse as she reaches out to try and wipe some of the whipped cream from your lips at the exact moment your tongue flicks out to do the same --
her stomach clenches as your tongue accidently laves along the pad of her thumb and the dollop of cream drops onto the table between you.
"whoops," you say, your shoulders shrugging up as you finally swallow the bite of banana and cream, reaching for a napkin to wipe your mouth before dabbing at the tabletop.
when you glance up at vi, she's still staring, her expression strangely blank as you meet her eyes. but the second your gaze catches on hers, you see the way her pupils dilate, darkness eating into pre-dawn blue.
car mechanic!vi who tries her level best not to fidget too hard as the pair of you diligently make your way through as much of the sundae as possible, before you toss down your fork with a sigh, shaking your head.
"wow, i'm so full!"
"mm... could be fuller, i'm sure," vi murmurs into your ear, grinning when you shiver at the low sway of her voice, the gentle dance of her fingers on your waist.
"v-vi!" you squeak, even as she ushers you from the diner with a bright grin at the waitress, promising to come by again soon, and to send their love to her dad and younger sister.
and fuck, she really did think she wanted to take this slow, but holy shit, she can't wipe the image of you swallowing around the mouthful of cream from her mind, the feeling of your warm tongue as it'd flicked across the pad of her thumb.
"c'mon, sweet girl," she says, grazing her lips along the soft spot behind your ear and your knees almost buckle then and there, but her strong arm is looped around your waist as she helps you back onto her bike and cups your cheeks, "god, you have no idea what you do to me, huh?"
your breath hitches; what you do to her? what about what she does to you?
car mechanic!vi who can't help the way she presses in to kiss you, hesitating for a breath to ask can i? against your lips before you're nodding, just as eager as she is, and tugging her in to kiss her. you taste as sweet as she'd imagined (and lord, has she been imagining, even though it's been less than 24 hours), the lingering taste of whipped cream and chocolate syrup on your tongue as she licks hungrily into your mouth, moaning as you whimper, your thighs squeezing around her hips, your ass nearly slipping off the seat of her bike.
she hitches you back up without breaking the kiss, heat rolling up into her neck and shoulders as she feels your fingers twisting in her hair.
"f-fuck --" she pulls back breathless, her head spinning, her eyes caught on the press of your kiss-bruised lips, the way you purse them as you glance up at her, already looking so debauched she's tempted to pull you into the shadow of the diner and take you against the wall.
but, she falls half a step back and breathes, grinning crookedly as you pout at her.
"a-are you gonna take me back to your place, or not?".
car mechanic!vi who lets out a startled laugh and cocks her head, thinking that really there is a god, and that this -- just you, sitting on the black leather of her bike, your hair a bit mussed up, your cheeks flushed with color, asking her to take you to hers -- is all the proof she needs.
"you really are a spoiled little princess, aren't you?" she asks, swinging her leg over the bike seat and adjusting her grip. your arms loop around her middle and she tries not to groan at the feeling of your body pressing up against hers.
"well, daddy always told me that i shouldn't settle for anything less than the best," you say, and your voice would've been lofty, had it not been for the way you lean up to ghost your lips by the shell of vi's ear, chasing shivers down the length of her entire spine.
her stomach roils with heat. she turns to shoot you a smirk over her shoulder.
"well then. guess i'll just have to ruin you for every other girl who might come your way, huh?"
car mechanic!vi who definitely breaks the sound barrier tearing through the few streets separating the downtown strip and the auto shop, who's barely done parking the bike before she's pulling you bodily off the seat, hitching your legs around her waist and carrying you into the shop, slamming a hand on the switch to close the garage door.
she's already kissing you by the time she sets you on the hood of your car, the height of it perfect for her to pull back and pin you down by your wrists. she thinks that you have no business looking so perfect against the bright cherry of the paint, and grins as she looks you over, pressing a knee up between your legs just to hear your breath hitch and admire the way your cute little plaid skirt rides up.
car mechanic!vi who drops to her knees, pillows her cheek on your thigh and groans as she flips up the hem of your skirt to press her the flat of her tongue to the damp patch already soaking through your pink lace panties. who's mesmerized by the sight of you arching your back on the hood of your car, your fingers scrabbling at the smooth metal, reaching down till you can grip at her hair, your lips parting over your little whimpers and moans -- she thinks, faintly, that she wants to fuck you till your voice goes hoarse.
"vi -- what if -- is anyone -- ah --"
she can't help smiling at the way you can't quite get a full thought out, leaning back as she hooks her fingers around your panties and tugs them down your thighs till they're dangling off one of your delicate ankles.
"no one's here, sweetness -- so you can be as loud as you want," she says, reaching down to slick her fingers between your pussy, admiring the shine on her skin.
"b-but what if -- mmngh -- someone c-comes -- b-back --"
and it's cute, really, how worried you are about all of it, even as she teases a finger around your sodden hole, her thumb flicking up against your clit, making your body jerk up. she smiles, easing a finger in with a soft groan of her own, relishing the way you squeeze around her.
"mm, well -- let's see..." she says, her voice low and steady even as she tugs back her finger and pushes it in again, slow as anything, "my dad's out drinking at my uncle's bar across town, and my baby sister's at benzo's place with ekko --" she allows herself a crooked grin as you keen around her just as she presses a second finger into you, "they said they were studying but..." she shrugs, her eyes hooded as she watches you squirm beneath her, "i'm pretty sure they're hooking up so --" she runs a tight circle around your clit with her thumb, puffing out a breath as your thighs clamp shut around her wrist and she has to pry them back open with her other hand, pinning your knee to the hood of your car, keeping your other leg still with one of her's.
"the only person you gotta worry about coming... is yourself, princess."
car mechanic!vi who fucks you through two orgasms, eats you out for a third, before finally letting up and carrying you up to her bedroom above the auto shop, asking if you want to text your parents that you're staying the night.
you do, and vi only teases you a little bit about being such a good girl, but she lets you burrow in against her chest, lets you kiss her neck and tug her phone from her hands before planting one on her lips and trailing your way down her chest, tugging at her tanktop till she laughs and pulls it from her body.
car mechanic!vi who nearly loses her mind when you look up at her from between her legs, all wide eyes and parted lips, pressing your perfectly manicured nails into the corded muscles of her thighs and asking her in the sweetest voice to
"show me what you like -- please? i -- i wanna make you feel good too."
car mechanic!vi who fucks your face till both of you are breathless, her hips bucking up against your perfect mouth, her mind fizzling out at the edges at the way you're moaning into her cunt, the way you're grinding your hips down over nothing as she talks you through how to eat her out just the way she likes. who jerks you up and hauls you into her lap to kiss you sloppy, her fingers digging into the meat of your hips as she grinds you down over her still-throbbing clit, who fucking can't get over the sight of you riding her even as both of you tip into the realm of overstimulation, whining and keening and you collapsing onto her in the muted, twilight dark of her room.
"h-holy shit..."
vi laughs, "yeah. you can say that again."
you look up, a soft, pliant smile, "holy shit, violet..."
and the sound of her name on your lips convinces her, more than anything, that (contrary to all her big talk earlier), you're definitely the one who's ruined her for any other girl who might come her way.
car mechanic!vi who wakes up to your lips on hers, who groans into the taste of you, kissing you, rolling over to pin you beneath her even as the early morning sun spills lemon-bright and spring-water-sweet through her half-closed blinds.
"morning, princess," she mumbles against your lips.
"morning..." you giggle, gasping as she drops a tender kiss to your shoulder.
"sleep well?" she asks, trailing down the smooth skin of your chest till she can lave her tongue around your puffy nipple.
"mm --" you suck in a breath, "y-yeah -- had -- had good d-dreams -- a-ah!" you arch up into her, your body soft and warm as a daydream, and she just can't get enough.
"yeah? tell me... what'dyou dream of, hm?" vi asks, letting the world hum through her throat, rumbling over your skin like thunder across a distant horizon.
you twist your fingers into her hair, gently tracing the tattoo on her cheek before smiling down at her with a smile that looks like the shadow of the rest of her living days --
"i... i dreamt of you."
car mechanic!vi who comes downstairs to find vander in the kitchen, powder nowhere to be seen. but vander takes one look at her and grins, chuckling, rolling his eyes.
"alright then -- what's her name?"
she hesitates for a second before telling him.
"pretty name," vander muses, even as he tugs open the fridge to pull out a few eggs and a half-empty carton of milk. he pushes the milk towards vi with a pointed look.
"vander -- i -- i think she might be the one."
to which vander only laughs, cracking an egg with one hand into the oiled up pan. almost immediately, the egg whites begin to sizzle.
"this the girl with the cherry corvette?" he asks. wordlessly, vi nods. vander chuckles.
"good for you kiddo -- i always told you, haven't i?"
"that i'll know when it's the one? yeah... i -- i think i get it now." vi runs a hand through her bedridden hair, staring at the carton of milk and the ludicrously proportioned cartoon cow, advertising full fat contents within.
"well, as long as you're sure," vander says, cracking another egg, and another.
vi lets out a weak laugh, nodding as she opens the fridge to pull out some orange juice and a few boxes of blueberries.
"yeah. i'm sure."
vander nods, brows furrowing slightly as he flips the eggs with an expert twitch of the wrist.
"good. and -- how's she like her eggs done in the morning?" he asks, reaching over for a plate. vi stares at the over-easy eggs sliding from the old nonstick.
she lets out a tired little laugh, "probably like... poached, or something."
vander whistles, "got yourself a little diva, huh? well -- can't blame ya -- your uncle silco --"
"okay, thanks dad --" vi cuts him off with a deep groan, nudging him out of the way to place a small pot in the sink to fill with water.
vander chuckles, "you gonna introduce me when she comes down later?"
vi takes her time placing the pot on the stove and starting the heat.
"sure, yeah. i'll introduce her."
vander reaches over to ruffle vi's hair, cackling when she tries to duck out from beneath his massive hands.
"'m happy for you, violet."
vi stills, a helpless smile spreading across her lips like sun-warmed butter.
"yeah... me too." she says, "me too."
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blueboyluca · 2 years ago
“When I first heard it, from a dog trainer who knew her behavioral science, it was a stunning moment. I remember where I was standing, what block of Brooklyn’s streets. It was like holding a piece of polished obsidian in the hand, feeling its weight and irreducibility. And its fathomless blackness. Punishment is reinforcing to the punisher. Of course. It fit the science, and it also fit the hidden memories stored in a deeply buried, rusty lockbox inside me. The people who walked down the street arbitrarily compressing their dogs’ tracheas, to which the poor beasts could only submit in uncomprehending misery; the parents who slapped their crying toddlers for the crime of being tired or hungry: These were not aberrantly malevolent villains. They were not doing what they did because they thought it was right, or even because it worked very well. They were simply caught in the same feedback loop in which all behavior is made. Their spasms of delivering small torments relieved their frustration and gave the impression of momentum toward a solution. Most potently, it immediately stopped the behavior. No matter that the effect probably won’t last: the reinforcer—the silence or the cessation of the annoyance—was exquisitely timed. Now. Boy does that feel good.”
— Melissa Holbrook Pierson, The Secret History of Kindness (2015)
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