#i have so many cards... i don't need cards i need coins to level up the cards at this point
torgawl · 7 months
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vitaminseetarot · 10 months
PAC: 11/11 Self-Care Messages 🍊🌚🦂
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Hey y'all. I'm here to take a brief break from NaNoWriMo (I've been making big progress, I swear!). I've heard from some astrologers that this new moon is going to be rather strong, similar to the energy of the full moon.
After some scouring through the web to find horoscopes that weren't all doom and gloom, I figured now would be a good time to draw some cards for a few wellness messages. This was done to check current mood and energy and suggest healing or wellness methods mainly for stress relief.
I emphasize that if you have a real medical issue, best to take it to a doctor, even if you're thinking it's possibly a psychic thing.
Please choose your pile based on palette color below:
Pile 1 - Tropics Pile 2 - Pinkadelic Pile 3 - Mysterious Night Pile 4 - Solar Energy
Take care~☼
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Pile 1: Tropics
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The World, Peace, Surrender, Salt Bath, Receive, King of Cups, Knight of Swords, Seven of Coins
So you've done it, or it's been done. You've checked the items off your list. You've asked others if there was more to do only to be met with shaking heads saying "no, but thanks." So what to do now? It's easy to get used to this position of needing to be the big helper all the time. A king of cups taking on the world wants to solve every problem and won't rest until everyone is satisfied. But what would all of that take? Is it worth draining your cup, especially when others are learning to rely on it so much?
Your cards are suggesting a much needed rest time. If it's not a salt bath, then try just resting in bed, a brief sunbath, or a massage therapy session. It's not just resting your body, but your mind. You got two color cards which fell out. Surrender the mind for peace within the body. They're linked in this case. Knight of Swords says whatever happens to one will quickly affect the other. Recovery may take some time so please give yourself space to breathe.
This could be a specific message for some out there. I felt a brief pang in my chest that went away as soon as your reading was finished. I don't usually interpret this Salt Bath card in such a literal way, but… please watch your salt intake, more or less, make sure you're getting iodized salt. Some of you may be worried about doctor's visits? Just make sure you're drinking enough water in between salty meals. Keep your stress levels down, above all.
Take care of your heart health and try not to run yourself ragged with too many assignments and crisis alerts going off (what the heck there's a random phone alarm going off in my house now JUST as I'm typing this! And then it stopped as soon as I got up! Crazy). The message is to not respond to every single call and alarm that goes off okay! You definitely need time to rest, and boundaries for said rest. I mean deeply rest and clear your mind, let yourself suspend from the schedule with some suds. You can't get away to paradise forever, but you can create for yourself a moment in time.
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Pile 2: Pinkadelic
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Five of Coins, Trust, Bodega Cat, Acceptance, VI The Lovers, XVII Star, Ace of Cups
Tick tock, you've been waiting a while for this to come around in your life. I feel this is strongly a love related reading but let's see. If it's not a romantic partner you're attracting, it's a fresh start at life or spiritual awakening, the feeling of falling in love again with life. You've likely been waiting for a while, stuck in a limbo state, learning how to remain comfortable or at least steady in the unknown. Yet you're eager for that "more" or "other" kind of experience. The type of manifestation that makes life feel magical and new.
You need a quick pep talk. I might get a little cheesy with the message, but here goes: For anyone who has yet to meet you, you are that magic spark in their life. You're radiating the energy of wish making and affection and that has an effect on others around you. You're already on the way to attracting the one who will properly recognize that for you. I'm picking up on a lot of artists in this pile. Your magic seeps through to your art, your aura or energy rubs off onto what you make, and somebody special will see the talent in your work. You have way more talent in the arts than you think.
With that said, the Bodega Cat is a lucky cat here to remind you of your independence. You ultimately don't need anyone to come along and remind you of how amazing your work is. Once you see it for yourself, they will come. Once you see it as done, they will show. Perhaps more than it may seem right now. Just like the cat can be itself and people will show up to pet it and take pictures, whatever you bring forth will carry that same unique charm naturally.
You may be in the mood to go on a shopping spree. Treat yourself to something small and nice, like candy or a new t-shirt, it doesn't have to be extravagant. I recommend affirmations specifically on self-love for you, pile 2. Take a mirror marker and write nice things on your mirror. Pet a lucky cat when one stops by, as well! Sweeten your water with some fresh fruit for a sensual touch. Trust and believe. All of this beautiful magical energy is bursting outwards from you! Accept the wish that's there out in front of you.
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Pile 3: Mysterious Night
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Three of Swords, Growth, Dandelion, Perspective, XII Hanged Man, King of Swords, X Wheel of Fortune
I can tell that whatever has happened in the last few months, you've taken on a hurdle of challenges to get to where you are now. You've had to learn some harsh lessons, some of which may have felt like they were coming out of nowhere. The word 'Disappointment' was clear and capitalized. It seemed like you took many chances or opportunities on, only to be spun around and left in the dark to figure things out on your own. This last cycle was a particular struggle to build resilience while maintaining the motivation to keep moving toward your goals.
But look, you got both the Growth and Dandelion card in your reading! This is truly signifying how much you've really fought back and continued to nurture yourself in spite of the circumstances thrown in your face over and over. There's a spirit of not giving up even when you let yourself have the chance to process the feeling otherwise. Determination isn't about pretending to be happy in spite of comebacks. Disappointments happen; it's a chance to cry it out before smiling again, it's an umbrella and rain coat to let the day rain from time to time instead of expecting the skies to always stay clear.
You've weathered so much and gained an abundance of wisdom this past season, it's like at this point you're gearing up to be ready for whatever comes next. I don't know if you are necessarily expecting good things to come your way, however. Those might be the very things to sweep you off your feet. Or you may still be too on guard to notice the good luck. It's like the dandelion has gotten acclimated to the cracks, but is it ready for the wheel to turn and for the water to flow in between?
I feel like this whole reading is about being ready for a level up. If you need 999 XP to do so, then right now you're at 900. You're getting to the finish line. But instead of getting too worked up about the end result, however, you've mastered the art of hanging back and waiting for when the time is right. Your new perspective allows you to lay back and take a breather between these strong growth spurts. Remember to stay grounded to your toughened roots, pile 3. Try out grounding exercises and meditations. Spend time out in nature when considering the next moves you're going to make in life. No need to rush this kind of growth.
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Pile 4: Solar Energy
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Two of Swords, Fear, What You Seek is Seeking You, Change, XV The Devil, Ten of Swords, Seven of Pentacles, Six of Pentacles
I always forget how terrifying the devil card is in this deck lol! In fact I'm seeing and sensing a LOT of fear and anxiety in this pile which is why I went and added an extra tarot card. Six is pentacles on top of the deck is good as it shows help is on the way soon. Remember to stay centered and calm at this time, your chance to heal is coming for you, but you may need to yield some of the resistance behind allowing the change necessary to make way for that healing to occur.
It seems as though your pile conjures images of wanting to see daylight at the end of the tunnel. You feel that change is coming very soon and you're not sure if you're able to handle the next cycle after the one that you've been through. Quite the wringer you've been in for some time… I think a lot of y'all have done some shadow work recently, and it has not been the easiest. It's not always about meditating and journaling. Sometimes it's about seeing how simple, basic fears that are universal to humankind can get distorted and become something much more twisted. When you work past the scary parts, you can see the fear for what it really is. 10 of Swords is Sun in Gemini, learning that sometimes overthinking isn't going to solve the problem, especially when the worst is already past you.
A lot of good things seem to be underway for you even if they're not present at the moment. You've done a fair share of rummaging in the attic and going through all the old, little things. You're going through an extensive clearing out phase. Give yourself the opportunity to put the swords of caution down and accept a gentle wave of positive changes to restructure your life piece by piece.
I'm also getting that this pile may be particularly affected by seasonal affective disorder. Make sure to go out and get some sunlight outside, through windows, or UV lamps. I don't know for sure how Vitamin D supplements would help and you'll want to be careful with St John's Wort if you're on medication, but John's Wort is a good supplement I use for my tea to combat the winter blues. If you sense that your mental state may be getting triggered by lack of sunlight, please look into it.
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This reading has not been evaluated by the FDA to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any disease or infection. Please ask your physician before going online.
2023, @VitaminseeTarot ™
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enfyswanders · 24 days
London, Part 2: June 23-26, 2024
My friends, have you heard about our Lord and Savior, ABBA Voyage?
My friends Molly and Josh encouraged me to check it out. I like several ABBA songs, so I decided one of my big splurges for the trip would be a dance booth ticket for a matinée.
I was expecting a high-tech concert experience. I was not expecting to sob for the first 20 minutes.
But let me back up. What the heck is ABBA Voyage? It's a concert featuring holograms of the band ABBA in their heyday. Their prerecorded vocals and instruments are backed up by a live band that's shrouded in shadow for much of the show, but is occasionally brought out and featured. The venue is an arena specifically built for this show, in London's outskirts.
Walking into the arena, my first impression was "This is Pride for women in their 60s and 70s." The sheer joy from that demographic, with many of them wearing colorful, spangled jumpsuits, brought joy to my heart. (I didn't get a photo of any of the bejumpsuited people., but trust me, there were a lot of them. A fair number of them under 30, too!)
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The dance booth ticket, while one of the priciest ticket tiers, was worth it. The dance booth is an area for 12 people that includes a cushioned bench for seating, plus a lower level open area for dancing, and you get a private bar and table service, too. I had two delicious passionfruit cocktails waiting for the show to begin.
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When the show started, I got emotionally overwhelmed in a way I absolutely did not expect.
Feeling 1: This is the biggest arena show I've been to since well before the pandemic. There's something beautiful about so many people gathered to enjoy music together.
Feeling 2: I'm both excited and terrified for the implications this event has on the future of musical performance. On the one hand, it could make it much easier to see acts more places and after people have passed on. On the other hand, we lose the authenticity of live performance. Not a hair was out of place, no flubbed lyrics, no sweaty sheen on the performers' faces. They lampshaded the concept a little by doing a bit about a costume change gone wrong, but it kind of made me cringe. The show is, and will always be, perfect. In removing the precious ephemeral nature of live musical performance, what else are we losing?
Feeling 3: This is the closest I have ever come to a true time machine experience, and wow was it moving to "see" ABBA in their prime, something I could only do on video before.
Feeling 4: Traveling is Just So Much. I needed a release after everything from the first week.
So I cried for the first 20 minutes, huddled in a corner of the dance booth bench. I don't cry very often, so it really took me by surprise. Once I was done, I got up and danced a whole bunch.
Some interesting pieces of the show were having three femme vocalists from the live band perform "Does Your Mother Know"; an animated two-part short; some fun banter from ABBA; clips from their 1974 Eurovision entry; and at the end, there are holograms that come out for a curtain call that look like the band members do today, which I think was a nice touch.
Honestly, the whole thing was a religious experience. I was deeply moved and it made me think about the world in a different way. I will forgive them not playing my favorite ABBA song, "Take a Chance on Me," because the whole thing was just so amazing.
After the show, I had my first of many Adventures in Doing Laundry on the trip. I found a few coin-op laundry places near my hotel, but based on reviews they only took coins, specifically £1 coins, which is complicated because most businesses in London are contactless or card payment only, so I didn't get a lot of change. I asked at my hotel if I could buy some £1 coins, but all they had were £2 coins, which I took, and hoped for the best. Some of the online reviews mentioned that staff at the coin-ops could make change.
Unfortunately, this was a Sunday afternoon, and no staff were present. The first laundromat I visited only took £1 coins and there was no way to make change. Fortunately, the second laundromat I checked did take £2 coins, and I got to enjoy the sticker shock that it cost £20 to do a single load of laundry (about USD$25). While I sat there, I had a nice chat with a couple from Brisbane, where I used to live, and made friends with an older woman named Sharon, who I ended up meeting up with for dinner by chance after I brought my laundry back to my hotel. She was really fun to chat with, and gave me some tips for places to eat in the area.
The next day, I visited Kew Gardens Royal Botanical Gardens, which is enormous and I sadly didn't have time to wander the whole thing, or even most of it. I did get to enjoy the treetop walk, though, which was a really neat way to see the big old trees in the park from a different perspective. They had some neat sculptures, too.
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Next up, I visited some Richmond locations from Ted Lasso, including his pub (renamed on the show to the Crown & Anchor), the door to his flat, and a really tacky souvenir shop that wanted a shocking £65 for a shirt. I had some fish and chips at the pub, and honestly, I wouldn't recommend the food. I don't think they've changed their fry oil in the past decade. They were also slammed with Ted Lasso fans and the staff did not seem to be happy about that fact.
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After that, I decided to go see Big Ben, just to check if off the list, since it's such an iconic site. Dear gods, never again. Up until this point, the obnoxious-tourist quotient of my trip had been pretty manageable, but when you exit the Tube near Big Ben, the sidewalk is completely slammed with tourists and con artists who have no sense of personal space.
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I got a quick pic and booked it out of there, seeing the exteriors of Westminster Abbey and Parliament House quickly, and decided to return to Tate Britain, because I enjoyed it so much and it was fairly close by. I finally got a pic of my favorite piece there, a sculpture by Henry Moore called Reclining Figure:
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I started my last full day in London visiting the Mithraeum, the ruins of an old temple to the Roman god Mithras, which was recommended by my friend Ron. It was super cool. There's a whole immersive light-and-sound experience with the ruins, to make you feel like you're in the temple when it was active. There's Latin chanting and everything.
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Then I went to the British Museum. And if I thought the tourists outside Big Ben were obnoxious, well. There were a lot more of them at the British Museum. I mean, obviously I myself am a tourist, so I can extend some grace, but what annoys me is people who clearly don't have experience being in large crowds in cities having no spatial awareness and failing to notice that there are people trying to move around them, so they stop suddenly, that kind of thing.
The British Museum was crowded and only nominally air-conditioned in some places, so I was hot and uncomfortable the entire time. I only lasted about 90 minutes before I had to call it, which was a shame, because there is some cool stuff to see there. I think my favorite thing was the Rosetta Stone, but I didn't get a photo of that. Instead, you get to see this statue of Hermes:
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After the museum, I had booked myself for high tea at a fancy place called The Wolseley, but the reservation wasn't for another hour, so I decided to check another popular destination off the list and go see Buckingham Palace.
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Tea was absolutely wonderful. The warm currant scones scones were soft and moist, and the clotted cream and jam with them were absolutely scrumptious. The finger sandwiches (cucumber, salmon, chutney, curry chicken salad, and egg salad) were all very tasty, and the desserts were fantastic patisserie. I had an hibiscus herbal tea with it, and really my only complaint was that I didn't have a companion to enjoy the experience with. It was absolutely phenomenal and made me a quick convert to the joys of high tea. (And spoiled me for all future high teas on the trip, unfortunately!)
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On my way back to my hotel, I spotted something a friend told me about, that I'd walked past every single day and hadn't noticed: There's a fucking TARDIS right by my Tube stop.
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I guess the chameleon circuit still works okay.
This made me laugh:
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satoshi-mochida · 5 months
Some thoughts and details on my last Gamefly rental, Dragon Ball FighterZ(Switch version; no DLC).
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There's an original story mode in this instead of retreading the main Sagas like usual, split into 3 Arcs(that seem to be alternate timelines?). Beating all 3 Arcs will unlock Hard Mode for the first one, and I believe the rest get it once you finish the previous one in Hard Mode.
For this story, an unnamed Earthling Soul links with the Z-Fighters, a few villains who've been revived and/or the Androids after strange waves incapacitate them all as a huge wave of clones of many Z-Fighters and villains go on the attack and is somehow able to allow them to fight again. They're weakened, however, so you'll be raising your Link Ratio(i.e. levels gained from experience) with them to make them stronger.
Battles are done in any combination of 1 to 3 available fighters in Story Mode, and I think always 3v3 outside of it. The ones you aren't playing as can be called in for Assist Attacks or switched out with your current fighter.
Something I think unique to DB FighterZ is that, when one fighter is KO'd, instead of them tagging in normally, they'll fly in and arm clash with the winner of the last round, then both will jump to the starting positions before the player(s) gets control back.
Constantly fighting the clones over and over, as well as how the maps work(they're laid out like a game board, with different panels to move to, one at a time), reminds me of Budokai 2's story mode, which looked similar, and where later on, you had to repeatedly fight Majin versions of Frieza and Cell. At least there's more variety here, though it can get repetitive.
Base roster:
Goku(Super Saiyan)
Goku(Super Saiyan Blue; unlockable through several means)
Vegeta(Super Saiyan)
Vegeta(Super Saiyan Blue; same as SSB Goku)
Gotenks(Super Saiyan 3)
Future Trunks(Super Saiyan)
Android 16
Android 18
Android 21(unlockable)
Frieza(Final Form)
Captain Ginyu
Perfect Cell
Majin Buu
Kid Buu
Goku Black
Here are the unlock conditions for Super Saiyan Blue Goku and Vegeta:
For use in Story Mode, they must reach level 40. The easiest way I found was to redo the second to last battle in the third Arc over and over and equip them with Skills that increase EXP.
For use outside Story Mode: You need to earn 300,000 Zeni for SSB Vegeta and 500,000 Zeni for SSB Goku. Alternatively, you need to beat the 'Extreme Gravity Spaceship Course' on Hard in Arcade Mode, and get A Rank(Vegeta)/beat 'Hyperbolic Time Chamber Course' on Hard(Goku). There are Skills that increase the Zeni you earn to make the grind a bit easier, though I don't know a good farming method.
After starting the game, and selecting if you want to play online or offline, you'll be put into a Hub where you can walk or fast travel with ZL to different parts of it for each Mode.
In Arcade Mode, you can fight a set of 3, 5 or 7 matches, with Hard Mode for each being unlocked after clearing on Normal. I've heard Hard Mode really lives up to it's name, reaching 'SNK Boss' levels at times, too.
There's a Shop in the Hub where you can spend Zeni earned from fights on Z-Capsules, either 1 or 10 at a time, which can give you, alternate character colors, various customization options for your Lobby character that walks around the Hub or your online Player Card. If you get a repeat from a Z-Capsule, you'll instead get Premium Coins. Using them, either 10 or 100, will guarantee that you get items from Z-Capsules that you don't have yet.
In the Story Mode menu, there's a Gallery that lets you view story scenes that you've found, and this includes 'Special Events', which can happen when specific characters enter a battle. They're shown here in silhouette, with enemies marked in red, until you see them, and some are specific to each Story Arc. I like these, they usually have some interesting or amusing conversations between the characters.
The Boot Camp/FighterZ Dojo Mode is full of gameplay tutorials, which also pop up often in the first Story Mode Arc on Normal(doing them there also gives you some extra Zeni).
During non-Story game modes, you can collect the Dragon Balls and make a wish by making large combos, 70+ hits needed for the last one. More details here.
By winning fights under specific conditions outside of Story Mode, you can trigger a Dramatic Finish, where iconic moments from the series, plus some new ones, can play out. Here are the conditions to initiate each Dramatic Finish.
Yamcha feels like he got thrown a bone in this game: he feels fun to play(and is the type of fighter I'm good at), and can even get a reversal of his infamous death in a Dramatic Finish against Nappa.
Krillin and Android 18 have some really nice moments in this, and I want to see more of that.
Like with GBF Versus, the graphic style and animations are very well done. I watched a video from Boundary Break that showed how it looks away from what the player can see, and how some shots were made to work look really silly. XD
Next game being sent is: Super Neptunia RPG.
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twstgameplay · 1 year
Hello, mods! I've been playing TWST for a while and I've run into a slight dilemma with events orz
Is it worth it to grind to max the event spell cards for them? I've been doing that consistently for all of my event cards (the suitor event had my thaumarks crying because suitor Lilia and Riddle cost so much for their spells orz), but I'm not sure if its worth it or we can just skip it to prioritize on other things.
Oh! And is getting the SSR perfumes a good choice in events? I've skipped them so often cause I lack the funds and prioritized on max LB my event cards. I'm not sure if that's a good thing because I also have perfumes left on stock, but I've been hoarding them for a rainy day in case. Thanks!
— ♟️
The event mats that are used for leveling spells stick around after the event ends. So you don't have to level up the welfare cards spell right away. I've been collecting the spell mats to level all the welfare cards to 10/10 but I only bring them to 10/10 if they give bonus drops for the event battles or to complete the event mission/stamp card.
Welfare cards that uses event mats for spells are also the cheapest and fastest way to make progress on the maxed spell level mission for gems. Since you don't need to spend weeks collecting books from alchemy and SR and R cards don't cost as much as SSR cards in thaumarks. It can be a source of gems assuming that you have enough thaumarks.
For clearing the event shops, this the order of priority I follow if they are available:
Event Groovy Items - Welfare cards can only be groovied with these items. If you forget you'll have to wait until the event reruns to grab them again.
SSR Perfumes - These are very rare since the only other way you can get these is either Sam's Item Gacha or pulling a duplicate of character that is MLB. You need 3 per uncap and need 12 if you want to fully uncap any SSR. You can also think of this of getting an SSR dupe.
Keys - More keys means more pulls.
Voice Lines - I'm a completionist and like staff lore. Skip this if you don't care. It is limited content and they only return when they give the next voice pack for that staff member.
Sunshards - You can only get Sunshards when cleaning your room or in the shop. These are useful when there is limited event material for furniture. Books
Books/Starshards/Moonshards - To help with the alchemy and exam pain. Starshards are nice when you want to rush through an event that have lesson drops.
Lesson Boost Items - These aren't available that often but you can get them from Sam Gacha and the Alchemy shop. But I rather use my alchemy coins on books.
Honey/Snacks/Thaumarks - All useful items but you can get them with regular gameplay. I personally go for thaumarks last because I spend most of my LP on alchemy. Most event shops will have an unlimited thaumark option.
What I don't buy:
SR and R Welfare Dupes/Perfumes- After pulling on enough banners, you will be swimming in SR and R perfumes. There's also no point in uncapping a card immediately if you don't plan on putting them in lessons right away or have the resources to bring them up to that level. Also dupes can be fairly expensive to buy compared to other items in the event shop. You can also get SR and R perfumes from the Exam shop/Sam Gacha.
Groovy Candies - You get so many from alchemy that it is not worth purchasing unless that it is the only thing you can buy. Thaumarks are better than groovy candies.
~ 👑
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Take the lyrics of the Rawest Forst Remake and highlight any text used in Homestuck.
Hey, have you heard about that Mario guy?
Him? You mean?
Yea, the one with the mushrooms
You know, the one jumping around in the forest
Yea, yea, I know him, I know him
Yes? Okay, hey check it out!
Super Mario-oh RPG
It is the only one just for me
When I play the game, I get lost in a phase
Then I find out I'm stuck in Geno's Maze
Gimme Frog Coins!
Gimme Mario!
Gimme Frog Coins!
Gimme Mallow!
Gimme See Ya!
Gimme Geno!
Gimme Cookies!
Of course, we will get you that Mario
We need to mute that stupid voice
I need to get those dang frog coins to pay off all my credit cards!
There are many secrets in this game!
Many of which drive some peeps insane!
Why we try to cheat in a really good game?
Just sounds like crap and it makes you look lame!
Exiting the forest is super simple:
All you do is follow these path turns
For the rest of your gaming life
Gimme Star Egg, Gimme Cookies, Gimme See Ya
Gimme Great Guy's Casino, Gimme everything I need
Wait...wait...WAIT, WHO ARE YOU!?
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha...
My name is Exor, I'm the rappers angel
Travelling Blade with the Axem Rangers
Why should lamers like Mario with his Party go
running with these starless joes
Fix Star Road, I don't think so
Geno Whirl!
I don't blink slow
Let's do this!
Cause every time I try to rhyme a rhyme
I'm hitting my right eye more than nine times ninety nine
Lately's been a boredom and lack of interest
Little cats call us mad and in distress
Italian guy, gotta buy some time to blast right past
Rescue the captive princess next
Koopas and Goombas, them I laugh at
keep on pressing "A" to raise the level of attacks
Don't fight the poverty, know that the Kids that are lonely
can Drop it and play my game to get their bodies to act glad
My name is Croco
Gimme, gimme
Oh Hello!
Gimme, gimme
Man, it's really creepy up here
In the end of the game
Yeah, it is
I'm a little low on hit points
Gimme, gimme
You have any refreshments?
Something rare
Yea, you can take this mushroom
I am just a princess, please help me!
Let me escape, Booster is scary
I've heard rumours he's taking me to Marrymore
But I don't wanna marry more I wanna marry Mario
Gimme Frog Coins!
Gimme Mario!
Gimme Frog Coins!
Gimme Mallow!
Gimme See Ya!
Gimme Geno!
Gimme my frying pan and parasol
There are many secrets in this game!
Many of which drive some peeps insane!
Why we try to cheat in a really good game?
Just sounds like crap and it makes you look lame!
Exiting the forest is super simple:
All you do is follow these path turns
For the rest of your gaming life
🏠Four hundred and eighty-four of these words are in Homestuck!🏠
(I used the transcript on the pinned comment under the YouTube video, I fixed a couple of spelling errors but other than that it's unchanged.)
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em2dplatformer · 10 days
2D pixel art pick ups
Most games have some form of pick ups for the player to collect. This can be required items to continue, health packs for harder levels, power ups for new abilities or even just a bonus collectable for completionists. My game will also have pick ups, but before we can design some, I need to research how other games make pick ups and how their purpose is made clear by their design.
Health Items:
Health pick ups vary a lot in design. Most commonly health items will look like either food, hearts, potions or medical equipment. Because health items can look so different, there are common themes found in their designs to help make their purpose more clear to the player. The colour red is often used as the colour red is normally used for health bars. Symbols are also used to help distinguish them with the two main ones being the plus sign used in real life for first aid kits and the heart.
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Weapon pick ups also vary depending on the game. Any type of weapons both from real life and fantasy are on the table. Some games are more modern and use guns while others prefer melee weapons such as swords, axes, hammers etc. Unlike health items, weapons don't have common traits to show their purpose as their purpose should be clear from their separate design alone. You should be able to look at a sword and tell that its a sword. The main form of similarity between weapons should be between the same weapon type e.g. two daggers should look similar to each other while an axe and a sword should look different. Some games also use weapon sets, meaning several weapons (normally from different weapon classes) will have shared themes. Common themes include elements (fire, ice etc.) and materials (iron, gold, diamond).
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These themes are shown in their designs by colour choice and by using the same effects on each weapon.
Collectables are often heavily influenced by the game they're in. They can change designs depending on levels as well. Most commonly, collectables look like coins or other forms of currency such as gems. These collectables can have many different functions as well such as increasing the player's score, being used as an actual currency or as an achievement for finding all of them.
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Power Ups:
Power ups are probably the most varied design wise out of all types of pick ups. Their designs not only vary per game, but also per ability they give the player. Because of how many different types of abilities are possible in games and because those power ups need to reflect those abilities, power ups' designs in games vary heavily, even in comparison to other power ups in the same game and the same type of power ups in different games. While their often isn't a common way to show a certain power up, their designs are often so heavily inspired by the ability they give that their purpose is clear despite being unique. An example of this would be the fire flower from Mario as, even without the name making it obvious, the red to yellow petals imitate fire well enough that the ability it gives is still clear.
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Puzzle Pick Ups:
Some adventure/puzzle games require special items to unlock areas and/or proceed. These items vary depending on the type of puzzle its needed for. The most common type of puzzle pick up is the key. Even with common types like keys, the design can vary as well as the specific purpose. Most keys have a design specific to the door they're linked with such as the keys in RE2 that are designed with the card house motif in mind and the doors they're connected to use the same house. Other puzzle items are very specific to the puzzle such as the maiden crest and the demon crest from RE8.
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0 notes
anoddreindeer · 11 months
To Absent Friends
They'd accompanied Jack, Jo, Orius, and Ronnie back to the Walker estate, but he and Jane had left them just a bit down from the overbearing facade of the place. Douglas wasn't sure he could go in there now, after what happened to John, and not fill both Walker and that quack Greenway full of lead. He wasn't as sure about Jane - she'd never been as close to John as he had - but he hadn't argued when she'd turned to come with him to the cabin he'd rented.
Neither of them spoke as they rode, the silence one of shared sadness rather than discomfort. He dismounted at the town stable, and mechanically flipped a coin to the hostler that kept it up. Jane followed him inside, up until they reached the door of his cabin where she finally broke the silence.
"You gonna be all right, Doug?"
It was softer than her usual tone, but certainly not soft. Jane Sutton was a lot of things, but soft had never been one of them.
Douglas didn't look at her.
"Oh you know me, Jane. I'll be all right."
Jane gave him a searching look before turning on her heel and heading away to her own cabin. Douglas stood for a long moment, just looking at the worn brass handle on the door, before he finally reached out and turned it to let himself inside.
The room was unchanged from when he'd left it earlier, and dark; a shirt was carelessly tossed over the back of one of the chairs, his spare gun belt hanging underneath it, making a ghostly shape in the gloom. A half-full bottle of whiskey stood on the table, with two glasses sitting beside it, gleamed dully in the light of the moon as it shone through the window.
Douglas Hale had been the face of the Blackwood gang for as long as he could remember. He had charmed, threatened, calmed, and incited in equal measure whenever they needed him to - and sometimes when they didn't, though never to the point they couldn't come back from. But this-
He wasn't sure they could come back from this.
Douglas collapsed into the chair, too tired to bother lighting a candle. It didn't matter now, did it. John had been the glue that held the Blackwood gang together, the pillar on which the whole house of cards rested. He'd pulled together strong, talented folk by the strength of his will - and, sometimes, the strength of his arm.
With John gone, no more Blackwood gang.
Douglas sighed, and reached out for the whiskey and glasses. He'd had hopes for this evening, much softer hopes that included someone to share the bottle with, so he'd left two glasses out beside it; now the second glass would serve a much different purpose.
He filled up each glass precisely, two fingers and not a drop more, capping the bottle when he was done. One glass was his, and the other he set in front of the empty chair at the table before leaning back with a sigh and looking out the window.
"It almost don't feel real, John. You been shot so many times over the years, and you always stood back up and took out the sonuvabitch what did it to you."
Douglas looked down at his whiskey.
"Then again, things ain't be right for a while. I shoulda known - guess I did know, on some level."
He'd run with John the longest - ever since they were two stupid kids, making dreams about the kind of scores they'd take. More than twenty years, and some rag tag bounty hunter had come to Belle River desperate for his next meal. It hadn't even been that long since they'd come to this stupid, snakebit town, drawn in by promises of wealth and a steady job doing what they did best. The bounty hunter had showed up, and John had taken his shots before snapping the man's neck, and Greenway had been the only doc in town.
"You stood back up, but I don't think you ever made it off that table. And I didn't notice."
Guilt stung his insides, but Douglas' eyes remained dry. He should have seen it - John had his moments, dark moods that would take him every now and again, but none of them had ever lasted so long. Oh he'd react with his old fire if someone pushed him, but he just hadn't cared. Looking back, he'd stopped living, stopped caring about the gang and the money, stopped drinking. Hell, Douglas couldn't remember the last time he'd seen John eat.
It had been easier to pretend things were fine. That John had done what he always did, taken the hits and stood back up on his own two feet. The money was good and steady, and Belle River had enough to be getting on with without prying into John's silences.
And now whatever was left of him was truly dead. Douglas closed his eyes, the spray of black and rot playing itself out again behind his eyelids. He wasn't the best shooter in the gang, maybe, nor the quickest, but he'd practiced drawing and aiming so long he hadn't even thought about it. Too quick to think, too quick to act, he could only react; one shot to the heart, after John had taken eight other bullets without falling, and that was the end of it.
He'd frozen. He'd threatened to shoot John - and been threatened in his turn by the man - so many times, and yet he'd never once felt the impulse to act on it. But John had drawn first- John never drew first- and then John was falling, his bullet in his chest.
And then Veronica - sweet, mischievous Veronica - had stepped up, pulled his gun out of his hands, and shot John in the head.
Steel wrapped in soft velvet; Douglas was man enough to admit he had a type. If John hadn't already been dead, no doubt Douglas would've never heard the end of it from Jane.
But John had never cared. Douglas paid court to the women he found attractive, and bedded the ones who fancied him, and John never gave a damn - not even when they tried to shoot one or both of them. He'd put them down like any other bounty hunter, or throw them out if they got too clingy, and he always said Douglas' business was Douglas' business.
"You would have liked her, I think. Even if she was set on your bounty."
The empty glass didn't respond.
"You always did respect fire. You knew it 'cause you had it too, and it kept the gang going."
Douglas exhaled and tipped his head back, looking up at the ceiling with eyes that didn't see it.
"We never should have come here; the job's wrong, the town's wrong, that damn house up on the hill is wrong. Jane was always the most sensible of us three, and she didn't want to stay. Shoulda listened."
Silence reined in the room for a long while, before Douglas straightened up with a sigh. He reached out, grabbed his glass, and saluted the empty chair.
"Here's to you, John. Here's to you, and the gang; to the years we had and the money we made."
Douglas drained the glass smoothly, barely feeling the burn as the whiskey went down his throat. He slammed the glass down on the table, the motion shaking the other shot but not spilling a drop.
"May you finally rest in peace, you son of a bitch."
0 notes
ursbearhug · 1 year
Since I cannot scroll in peace because I'm seeing only 12 same posts, and before anybody gets smart with me they're from the same mutuals with the same time stamples, I'll share a random memory from the past.
For those who have never played Nostale (no fault really) it had this interesting system of companions. You could tame a pet (selective, not every wild mob can be a pet) and at certian levels you'd get a companion (I'd say human companion but at 40something you get this weird human/dog hybrid thing. Also not sure if Sakura qualifies as human). I'm not a person who got really far in Nostale because past level 20, leveling up slows down to a screeching halt, so you'll not learn about 60 or 80 post game activities, simply because I've never got there. It worked like this; you run up to a monster, that is equally or lower leveled than you, check if it is catchable indicated by little icon next to it's health bar, you weaken it because it's Pokemon and then you repeatedly use capture emoticon/action until you succeed. So from what I can jog up from my memory, you could tame chicken (first pet), sheep (my fav I cherish all the sheep I've tamed in my 2008 glory days), hamsters (that's what they were called here, don't know about other translations. They were shooting ranged spikes at enemies, so go figure), differently coloured jelly monsters and many more but one of the most prevalent and recognizable pet was this turtle thing.
For you see, Nostale had this atrocious leveling system. You level up your character *and* your character's profession level. They are separate bars, that gain exp differently and one was more important than the other. Getting exp and level up was really whatever because you can get good gear regardless. But profession level allowed you to wear SP cards, which in turn turned you to jacked up, specialized version of your class, with set skills and it's own profession levels as well (yay...!). Like warriors could be basic bitches and play with 3 spells because the rest were dogshit but they could also turn into Berserker SPCard and weaken themselves to deal more damage. Or go the au contraire route and become Crusaders and deal heavy damage with crossbows. Some SP were better than others, especially in terms of how useful they are in pve and pvp content.
So why is that relevant? Well, as I said post 20 getting levels was abysmally slow. No without reason, of course, because you can get 50% more exp for the low price of real life money at a moment's notice! Oh so sexy! And how efficient! Get 50% more for an hour and spend more coin! Obviously, not everyone can throw money away at viddy games. To get SP cards you needed to be certian level (like fabled level 35 for the 1st spec) or... Buy them from other players! But to equip it, you need particular profession level. Since the way these two bars progress are slightly different at some point people realised it's actually more efficient to put your character in particular spot, to endlessly grind low level mobs with the turtles' aoe attacks, leave the computer on and fuck off to touch grass. Your profession level or SP profession level is slowly (and I mean SLOWLY) raising, while you're actually living your life. And just like SP cards, pets can be sold as well. So if you wanted to level up an alt character you just get the desired SP card (it depended on the class really. Mages usually went for Red(1)/Blue(3), Rangers had absolutely overpowered and busted 1st spec so unless you were intending to grind for the 4th one, you didn't even have to put too much effort into it, and warriors were in tough spot since none of the original 4 specs were really that good), get the turtle, spend your parents hard earned money on the funny bubble and like 50 exp boosts, leave your character at the pea spots for like 48 hours and voilà!
This also lead to easy bots, that were punishable. It became so annoying for newbies (because whales were taking away mission objectives from them), that mods started to scour the fields and kick out or ban players who didn't respond (botting makes responding impossible for most cases and you cannot respond if you're not actually in front of your PC).
In the meantime, guild wars 2 has fancy way of taming animals as ranger. You go to particular spot and look for 'juvenile' version of desired pet. Sometimes it's like "spot the difference" and it's the exact same picture and sometimes it's total opposite. Some pets are soft locked behind events (wyverns and smokescales, my beloathed). My problem with them is usually that they're not marked as tameable and you have to specifically hover over them with your mouse to see if they are. I swear looking for hyena shaved off like 5 years off of my expected life spawn.
There is small part of me that goes "what if we download and check how much NosTale changed? 😝" but I must know better and not drown in nostalgia.
My favourite part of the game was the Top the blacksmith. That's his name, not a command.
I also really liked artstyle for art. Especially thrid SPs. The frozen mage, the crusader and demolishionist were so pretty.
Anyway, warm garlic bread and gay bear sex.
1 note · View note
jawakertokensmod · 1 year
[Jawaker Tokens Generator] 2023 ~(Jawaker Tokens Mod) Jawaker Tokens Android iOs
Jawaker Free Tokens Hack Generator.38 second ago. يجمع جواكر ألعاب ورق مختلفة للعبها عبر الإنترنت ضد مستخدمين آخرين على جهازك ستجد هنا ألعاب ا مثل jakaro أو baloot أو tarneeb أو trix تم اصدار لعبة جواكر jawaker لاول مرة في عام 2011 و قد نمت بسرعة كبيرة رابط الموقع
صديق دائم ا بسهولة شديدة أو يمكنك اللعب بمفردك أو مع أشخاص أخرون.Jawaker Free Tokens Hack Generator 2023 No hUMAN Verification.Free Jawaker Tokens Generator 2023 Mobile [All Unlocked 100% Work] is available for free {(Tokens)} generator without human verification no survey directly from your browser, undetected. You can get free unlimited tokens in Jawaker by using the generator you can find in the link below. It works on all devices without the need for mods or hacks and allows you to generate unlimited tokens for free. It is completely undetectable and easy to use. How do you unlock everything in Jawaker hack no human verification or survey 2023 MOD APK IOS android IPA Reddit Telegram Discord How do you get unlimited Tokens Cheats Codes version tool PRO edition Download PC App Tricks!
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jawakertokens2024 · 1 year
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Jawaker Free Tokens Hack Generator.38 second ago. يجمع جواكر ألعاب ورق مختلفة للعبها عبر الإنترنت ضد مستخدمين آخرين على جهازك ستجد هنا ألعاب ا مثل jakaro أو baloot أو tarneeb أو trix تم اصدار لعبة جواكر jawaker لاول مرة في عام 2011 و قد نمت بسرعة كبيرة رابط الموقع
صديق دائم ا بسهولة شديدة أو يمكنك اللعب بمفردك أو مع أشخاص أخرون.Jawaker Free Tokens Hack Generator 2023 No hUMAN Verification.Free Jawaker Tokens Generator 2023 Mobile [All Unlocked 100% Work] is available for free {(Tokens)} generator without human verification no survey directly from your browser, undetected. You can get free unlimited tokens in Jawaker by using the generator you can find in the link below. It works on all devices without the need for mods or hacks and allows you to generate unlimited tokens for free. It is completely undetectable and easy to use. How do you unlock everything in Jawaker hack no human verification or survey 2023 MOD APK IOS android IPA Reddit Telegram Discord How do you get unlimited Tokens Cheats Codes version tool PRO edition Download PC App Tricks!
download bluestacks app player for windows to play and stream android games and apps on pc bluestacks app player has had 2 updates within the past 6 months قم بتنزيل أحدث نسخة لـ opera لـ windows محرك بحث رائع كبديل أوبرا opera هو واحد من متصفحات الويب المأمثلة والمحسنة أوبرا opera يتضمن ميزات عديدة من شأنها download android apps easily on uptodown the latest updated apks totally free and with no viruses 100 free games download the best pc games for free it is very difficult to find games to play these days without having to spend a lot of money especially if you are looking to have fun look no further my real games is the place you want to be new fortnite script https actgames site 29gc6yth how to use 1 download the archive2 install in the folder and run application3 insert to op
hi i have been using jawaker for more than 3 years now never had an issue however after my recent update it s not letting me go down when i have cards to put on the table please help thank you
Today, we got the Jawaker | ????? Hack at your service. This really is an Jawaker | ????? ONLINE Hack, which could generate Unlimited number of Coins to your game account.
This is the sole place online to get working cheats for Jawaker | ????? and became the most effective player in this great game. If you wish to take your game to a different level and improve your odds for winning, you need to use free of charge now our amazing Jawaker | ????? Hack Online Cheat Tool. Jawaker | ????? Cheat Tool can be acquired for your Android or iOS device, it features a user-friendly interface and is simple manageable. This Jawaker | ????? hack online generator is undetectable because of proxy connection and our safety system. It's 128-bit SSL, to produce your account as safe as you are able to so don't bother about bans. Our Jawaker | ????? Hack has very simply interface to produce it simple to use. Our hacks are always up to date and they are made for every one of iOS and Android devices.By having Unlimited Coins, you'll dominate the Jawaker | ????? game and win all challenges.This really is the key reason why many top players in the overall game uses our tool.
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Jawaker | ????? Hack Tool available for Browser, Android and IOS, it will allow you to Get unlimited Coins, easy to use and without downloading.
This Generator Jawaker | ????? Cheat was set up by the Famous Team "UNV Cheat Games" and will allow you to add as many Coins as you want without connecting and remotely directly on the web, because our Generator sends processed data to get information from the official game servers.
So if you're stuck somewhere, or just for fun, or to go beyond a level where you're struggling or to become one of the best players use our Generator and get what ever you want. Our Generator Encrypt Data to ensure maximum protection and minimal risk.
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randomshytt · 1 year
Justplay App
i know that you've seen the phone ads for Justplay; the app that promises you money every 3 hours.
You get money by playing either the preloaded games on the page, or by clicking the offer wall.
The games give you coins which you can then use to cash out on PayPal or for an Amazon or Walmart gift card.
If you haven't, here are a few screenshots of my Justplay account
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Justplay is actually legit if you don't mind having to grind or spend real cash in app to fulfill the tasks.
A lot of the offers require you to make a purchase and they'll give you about 1/4 to 1/2 of the money you spent back in coins.
I know that Justplay isn't a scam app but most of the offers are nearly impossible. For example, the one where you need to reach castle level 30 would be damn near impossible to do in 30 days without using any powerups because each level up takes more time as the castle gets better.
It's not impossible if you don't mind spending.
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For example, this game requires you to go from level 25 to level 700 to get the next award and the first award is probably about 25 cents.
These offers promise an insane amount of coins to reach level 1500 bc they know that no one will ever reach it. The payout for the final task would prob be about 10$ but can you get to level 1500?
Another issue that I have on JP is the fact that many of the offers I click on never show up as installed so I can't receive coins. There are simple rules for downloading and starting the offers but they rarely work for me.
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0 notes
wa-kaizen · 2 years
You as a celebrity | PAC
I am aware many people might find this topic to be interesting, so I wanted to see where this will lead us! I hope all of you have fun, and please remember to don't take anything to the heart!
if you will like this reading, please consider looking at my paid services!
1 -> 2 -> 3 ->
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₍₍...₎₎ ꒰ ❛ table of contents ❜ ꒱
┊how you start out
┊your first celebrity friends
┊work history
┊how your career will end
pile one ૮(ˊ ᵔ ˋ)ა
stayc - girl with the cap -
cards; knight of wands, nine of pentacles, six of wands, monkey, dolphin, cow, archangel roquiel, archangel bhokpi, archangel metatron
꒰  how you start out ”♡ᵎ꒱ˀˀ ↷ ⋯
Okay so! I do think you would have it a bit rough, but you would start out with a pretty decent company/employer. You know, not super rich but also not on the verge of bankruptcy. You would actually need to work very hard because I do not think that at first you would be on the level as other artists in your industry. Which is completely okay, it's normal, everyone starts out from somewhere and if you wouldn't have any talent you wouldn't be there in the first place. Though, I do think this would weight you down a little. You would for sure have to put on a fake smile - very believable one too at that - even though you are weighted down. You might find yourself comparing yourself to others a lot, especially people who have been in the industry for longer, not realising that they have far more experiment than you. This would go away after 1 year - & 2 months - after you start. You would get a bigger accomplishment - a win, a trophy, a privilege, a bigger sell, something like that. -
꒰  first celebrity friends ”♡ᵎ꒱ˀˀ ↷ ⋯
Honestly, at first, you wouldn't have any. Sorry to be harsh, but that's the reality of it, you would have a hard time fitting in, although you would get along well with your colleagues. Not friendly, but you would be treated nice by them. I feel like you might be in a depressive state because it won't be like anything you imagined and the friends you had will slowly fade away. So you would be very lonely and alone in the beginning. Although, as you get to shine more and get more confident in yourself you would gain new friends, and have a closer relationship with the people you look up to. They wouldn't really care about your money, they would be the same list level celebrities as you, and a bit higher. You would earn them because you would become more confident in yourself and take care of your mental health more. Complete 180 if you will. The key is really just taking care of yourself and loving yourself a lot, and not shying away from social situations. That will really help you.
꒰  work history ”♡ᵎ꒱ˀˀ ↷ ⋯
i feel like you would start out really young, as a teenager, about 17? - if you are past that age, don't worry. if you are younger please take care of your mental health. - i honestly think you would have 3 dollars and a dream. you will be pretty famous in the country you will start out from, but not internationally, maybe, just maybe in your home country too if you are a foreigner in that country. You would have to work really hard, but I think after you get to the generic popularity you were aiming for you will stop trying. You will not work harder and you will not try to face new challenges, it will just stay constant and an ever lasting fame, that would be the cause of you not being a popular celebrity, just a well known one. It's not a bad thing though, you would have more peace to yourself and would be able to be more free and less limited compared to the people in your field. Especially with your words! I do feel like you would be most well known and talked about in your early and mid twenties though.
꒰  reputation ”♡ᵎ꒱ˀˀ ↷ ⋯
You would be viewed as very kind and sweet by many, but also as problematic, strict and rude. There would be two sides of the coin, and the general public would choose the worse one. You made a mistake once, and now they are nitpicking you, and constantly blaming you for things. The people you hang around would affect this too, your friends to be exact. You would be blamed for their mistakes. And your company would set you up too because they would see the attention that comes with people bullying you and constantly misunderstanding you, so they would make you do problematic things on purpose. They wouldn't tell you it's problematic though, so you will do it and also so your excuses will be empty by time. The biggest one with this would be with cultural appropriation.
꒰  fans ”♡ᵎ꒱ˀˀ ↷ ⋯
They would actually be very sweet and understanding people! They would adore you a lot for your talent, feel sorry for you and also relate to you in many ways. There would be protest at least once about demanding your company to treat you better. The things they do wouldn't be a secret infront of your fans, infact they would try to spread the truth. A bunch of very hard working lovely people, who are just like you in different fonts. I can see them sharing the same feelings and emotions as you did once, at the beginning of your career. They might be a little bit depressed and find comfort in you. And they also try to do their best to help people and be a good example in general to everyone they can! I am also sensing a lot of grey eras so maybe they have a very complex way of thinking that's more mature compared to other fan bases. I feel like your fans are mostly older too, in their twenties.
꒰  rumours ”♡ᵎ꒱ˀˀ ↷ ⋯
s*x scandal, bullying scandal, smoking - ? - , racist, rumoured to be really rude and a victim of evil editing/hosting
꒰  career end ”♡ᵎ꒱ˀˀ ↷ ⋯
it will simply not end, you will always be talked about. even if you give up, even if you retire, even if you die, people will keep talking about you. you will always be known as someone who lived.
that's it pile one, thank you for reading.
pile two ૮ • ﻌ - ა
cards; judgement, four of wands, balance, donkey, goat, bat, lord wywysil, archangel mariel, cherubim
꒰  how you start out ”♡ᵎ꒱ˀˀ ↷ ⋯
Not gonna lie, you would never have to worry about fame, or not being able to achieve your goals. I feel like you would work in a group instead of alone unlike pile one. It will already kind of be set in stone for you, you would already have a base of fans waiting for you to get going, to publish something. So, that's that. You also wouldn't have to carry every weight alone, I can see you being very happy with your group and having a lot of fun, smiling and being happy. You would have 2 close friends and a very good friendship with the rest of the people. - though, i feel like this group is smaller than a group of 10 - You would honestly not have anything to worry about, everything would be taken care off for you.
꒰  first celebrity friends ”♡ᵎ꒱ˀˀ ↷ ⋯
They would be people around your age for sure! There wouldn't be anyone you are per se become instantly close with but you would make a lot of friends! Not a lot of them would be genuinely though, just a bunch. Some would want clout, some would want romantic involments, only a few would actually be genuinely interested about you, even though you wouldn't start out insane type of famous, they would be able to tell that you will be very much so an a-list celebrity so they would want to cling onto that. However! Your actual friends would love you a lot and would constantly try to help you and share some genuine happy moments with you.
꒰  work history ”♡ᵎ꒱ˀˀ ↷ ⋯
Honest to God, you would most likely constantly have a very reliable and solid career, always popular, always relevant, always gaining attention. However I feel like that down the road, 3-4 years to be exact, one of your coworkers would either pass away or get very injured and it would become a tragedy. I had a vision of it having to do something with a car. It would be targeted, and probably a person that's closer to you? It's the downside of fame. Sick people would always surround you. It would send the group on a minimum of 1 year hiatus. I am trying to keep this neutral but not going to lie this one is a strong music related group
꒰  reputation ”♡ᵎ꒱ˀˀ ↷ ⋯
You would actually be seen as an angel! You would be viewed as very kind, well mannered, funny and up to trend! Honestly it would be especially because of the love of your fans that people hype you up. Of course, you would still be viewed as very cool regardless of that. Strong emphasis on the funny tho, you sound like a mood maker, even without trying. Someone playful that gets along with everybody yet knows their line and keeps boundaries. Someone emotionally intelligent and very sociable. No one would really have any kind of major problems with you from what I am sensing. It boy/it girl/it nonbinary pal! Very lovely, you wouldn't allow fame to get in your head and you would keep being yourself.
꒰  fans  ”♡ᵎ꒱ˀˀ ↷ ⋯
Honestly? A little childish. In a way it makes sense for their age, not in a harmful way. Would be known for being funny but a little dumb. Reminds me of NCTzens tbh. One thing about them? They are going to be supportive !!! You got a birthday cake? Happy birthday bro!!! You have a s/o??? Drop the love stories or else 🔫 They would love you to the moon and back and most of them a very healthy relationship with the fact that they admire you. They would support you a lot and 'break 4th walls' quite often, very self aware and such a fun fandom. They also support your work a lot, and talk about it any chance they get. Honestly just lovely youth that are all a little different but get hype when it comes to you. Very creative too honestly. They might sometimes lie for no reason tho. It's funny.
꒰  rumours ”♡ᵎ꒱ˀˀ ↷ ⋯
gay bar, leaving someones house after a looooong night of being in there, leaking a song, not being able to keep a secret, showering with your friend lmfao
꒰  career end ”♡ᵎ꒱ˀˀ ↷ ⋯
won't really end, you will just always be more popular with people that are around your age/are in your age group ^^
that's it pile two, thank you for reading.
pile three ૮₍๑•ˑก₎ა
cards: the fool, seven of swords, page of pentacles, rhinoceros, kangaroo, dove, archangel mary, archangel butyalil, archangel hope
꒰  how you start out ”♡ᵎ꒱ˀˀ ↷ ⋯
At first you would be very well liked, which would last like 4-6 months. You would be very hype, well liked and would always know when to and how to make the mood. I am pretty sure you would have an insanely good start and many people would like you for your talents and your charisma. Your looks too. I think the problem would occur when you would get too ahead of yourself and cause trouble. Do something that completely ruins your reputation. I am not sure what it is, or if you would fully be responsible for it, but it would have a pretty big damage on your career and you would loose stuff.
꒰  first celebrity friends ”♡ᵎ꒱ˀˀ ↷ ⋯
Your very first friends would be people from the same company as you! Or label, at least. They would try their best to get along with you and treat you friendly. The people who you would connect with the most is your teammates. Not sure how, but you would definitely have some. The people who you would create with would be the closest to you. Although, they too, would not side with you after your incident.
꒰  work history  ”♡ᵎ꒱ˀˀ ↷ ⋯
I am not going to lie, your career reminds me of Jay Park's a lot. He was in a very great idol group, messed up, then became a very successful ceo and even has two labels. You too will experience something of the sort. Because believe it or not, you will come back from the deep ends and shine really bright. You would get way more far and most people ever would, getting yourself more and more up from the depth. You would do expectationally good in your field, and a lot of people would have deep respect for you. Especially those who are younger than you and people in your age group. You might even become rich, and I don't say that lightly. You have both the talent, smarts and mental strength to do so.
꒰  reputation ”♡ᵎ꒱ˀˀ ↷ ⋯
You would be seen as someone very charismatic and cool. You would actually become the role model of many people. Someone charismatic, hardworking, well spoken and intelligent who learns from their mistakes. You would be known for the good mood you are able to create around you and that you are very well liked by everyone around you. Someone that's not scared to be themselves let that be a happy or sad experience. Someone open with their emotions and feelings and aren't afraid to express if there is injustice happening infront of their eyes, yet they are easy going and a chill person in general.
꒰  fans  ”♡ᵎ꒱ˀˀ ↷ ⋯
They are here for a fun time, not a long time. Not much to say, very chill and live in the day people, they focus on the present. They actually don't engage in fanwars and are very mature, they just want to vibe and enjoy whatever it is that you do in peace. They might connect more than other fandoms! They use your work as a form of relaxer and letting go of stress, not to as an extreme hobby if that makes sense.
꒰  rumours ”♡ᵎ꒱ˀˀ ↷ ⋯
something related to mental health, injurying someone seriously, being violent, hitting kids
note; i feel like the haters will make a lot of fake rumours about you with fake evidence.
꒰  career end ”♡ᵎ꒱ˀˀ ↷ ⋯
you will announce that you will be stepping back actually! you would still be talked about and respected once you step down, your life would just be more chill. you would even still get money from your projects.
that's it pile three, thank you for reading.
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femboty2k · 2 years
Hey I'm writing a thing
Well if you'd like to read the first chapter (20 pages and nearly 7000 words) of my new lesbian Sci-Fi romance story , "Sparks", it's below the cut. I probably won't post an update on it until the next part is done, so I hope you all like my sweet bubbly android girl and her hopefully soon to be buff mechanic girlfriend.
"Dee. Hey Dee. Diz! DIZZY!" 
Djen's voice boomed over the small electronic blips that emoted from her friend's communicator. It wasn't uncommon for her to find Dizzy playing video games on the job. With a sudden "BWAA" from an internal alarm system Dizzy snapped to attention, pausing her game and sliding the device into a desk drawer.
"Thank you for coming to Axial Tilt administration! How can I- oh! Djen! It's just you, you scared the Sparks out of me…"
Djen chuckled, leaning forward to rest herself on the desk.
"You beat level eight yet?"
The bubbly android's eyes flickered with excitement at the question.
"I did! And now I'm trying to get the gold medal on level nine and… wait, why are you all the way up here? Does engineering need something requisitioned?" 
She stared intently at her reptilian friend, her eyes flashing to a simulated furrowed brow on her visor-esque face. Djen waved a hand nonchalantly before combing it back across her fin-like mohawk.
"Nah, I got off early today. Wanted to come invite ya out for drinks later, Heck's gonna bring his new boyfriend and I don't wanna be a third wheel."
"Lemme check my schedule, I was supposed to get my coolant changed at some point this week…"
A flash of backwards text scrolled down her visor fast enough to rouse a small giggle from Djen. Once the text cleared Dizzy gave an affirming thumbs up. 
"Not due for that til tomorrow, I'll be there! Same place as usual?"
Djen stood from her relaxed slouch and stretched a bit.
"Not this time, Heck's been telling me about this cool new place on the promenade ring, supposed to have a bunch of android options too. I'll send you the address to your com, just try not to mistake it for picking up a coin or something."
Djen flicked her forked tongue playfully before departing for one of the elevators. Dizzy's electronic giggling trailed off as she checked the time. Her shift was almost over.
Once the station time rolled over to four o'clock the android stood from her chair and happily trotted over to the employee computer. A quick series of numbers was all it took to get her on her way back to her apartment on the habitat ring. Piling into the elevator, her optical sensors were drawn to a view she never tired of. The elevator passed right by the spinning beauty of the promenade ring. Its shimmering lights and busy walkways contrasted gorgeously against the backdrop of deep space where the station floated along the Starhop highway.
A flutey chime let her know that her stop had arrived. She made sure to give others a wide enough space to get around her bulky self as she exited the lift. Another day of work had come and gone and she was finally free to see her friends. 
"I should probably put something on, wanna make a good first impression on Hector's partner…" 
Talking to herself as she walked was a quirk she never quite got over. Not that it bothered her to attract the occasional confused glance or chuckle. Like her namesake, her mind was always just a bit dizzy. 
"Did I leave my key card inside? No...maybe? Oh no what if I did- wait, got it."
Her mechanical hand snatched the card deftly from within her jacket pocket where it had hid beneath her wallet. Once inside the haven of her apartment she took immediately to her closet. Though she didn't need to, and many androids opted not to, she loved to wear clothes that she found colourful or cute. A collection of sweaters, cardigans, jackets, and skirts hung side by side like a curtain of circus hues. She adored the soft fabrics and bright shades, although the variety never helped with how indecisive she could be. 
An hour passed along with a few com notifications as she tried on dozens of combinations. Just as she settled on a soft pink sweater and simple black skirt, her doorbell rang. 
"One second!"
Picking up her previously discarded communicator she saw the messages she had missed.
"Hey Diz, here's the place (followed by the name of the bar)" 
"Yo Diz! I'm gonna swing by on the way to the place so we can walk there together, see ya soon" 
"Diiiiiiiiiz you gettin ready?"
"Dee open up"
Panic washed over her circuits as she rushed to the door and slammed a hand into the control panel. With a soft "woosh" the door slid open revealing Djen in her usual drinking outfit comprised of her work jacket and a pair of jeans.
"You were trapped in your closet trying on clothes again, weren't you?"
Djen's words were followed by a flick of her tongue and a small smile creasing the corner of her fanged mouth. Dizzy clasped her hands in a pleading motion.
"I'm so sorry! You know how indecisive I am!"
"Yes I do, which is why I'm not upset."
The two shared a quick laugh as Dizzy welcomed her friend inside.
"That a new sweater?"
Djen's eyes fell on the pink fleece that fell so delicately around Dizzy's solid metal frame.
"It is! Like it?"
She struck a pose showing off the garment in its full glory. Djen gave an approving nod.
 "It looks great, Diz. You ready to get goin'?"
Dizzy's eyes quickly darted around the room to ensure she had everything she'd need.
"Let me see… Yep!"
"Right on, it's not a super long walk, I'll show you where to go."
It was always a joy to walk the many halls of the station. Axial Tilt 4 was the most recently completed in a series of habitat stations being constructed along an interstellar trail called the "Starhop Highway", a trail connecting known Allied Federation space and the new frontier of the Cosmosphere. Outside the layered rings that rotated to simulate a gravitational pull, the stars danced in a cosmic waltz that made any viewport well worth stopping at. People of all sorts, shapes, sizes, and species came to the station. Whether it was to work or simply live on the exploration frontier, they all found a home on the station's rings. 
As the mechanical lift came to a gentle stop at the promenade ring the two friends stepped off and into the crowds.
"There's no way you forgot that! The scales on your hands were dyed pink for like a week!"
Dizzy's voice filtered through the bustling noise of the busy groups around them. Djen, hiding her face as they walked, bubbled out an embarrassed retort. 
"How was I supposed to know it wasn't for fins!"
"Because it's called hair dye Djen!"
"You're never gonna let me live that down huh?"
"Nope, never."
A pixelated animation of a face sticking its tongue out emoted on Dizzy's screen.
"Oh hey, there's the place. Heck should be inside with his boy already."
As soon as they entered the establishment Dizzy’s optics caught a glimpse of Hector sitting comfortably in a booth next to a person she hadn’t met. It didn’t take long for him to take notice and wave them over.
“Diz! Glad you could make it! Love that sweater, it looks great on you!”
Hector was much more peppy than his usual self. Every time he came up to the administrative office to see Dizzy or to fill out a requisition form he was much more aloof, maybe a tad sluggish as well. She could tell that being next to his partner was like having himself plugged into a wall socket. 
“Aw, thanks Heck! Thanks for the invite too! I’d rather be seein’ you guys than just spending the night in watching outernet streams”
Djen slung herself lazily onto the bench across from Hector while patting the seat beside her for Dizzy to join. Plucking a drink menu from the table she glanced over at Hector.
“So Heck, you gonna introduce us to your man?”
Hector’s cheeks grew flushed at the question.
“R-right! This is Aartos, he’s my uh, my boyfriend.”
Hector stumbled through his words for a few moments before Aartos patted him on the back with a large hand. He was a Fenri, tall and broad with arms like solid trunks of wood. His thick deep blue hair was pulled back into a neat bun for the occasion which made his stocky horns stand out even more impressively. 
“Hector’s told me so much about you both, it’s very nice to meet you.”
A warm smile accompanied a small bow of his head. Hector, calming down a bit, slid a drink menu forward towards Dizzy as Djen and Aartos struck up a conversation.
“Oh! Diz! You gotta check out some of these Android options, they sound nuts!”
Dizzy raised a finger to the remark.
“And bolts?”
Electronic snickering filled the booth as Hector shook his head in playful disapproval.
“Never gonna quit usin’ that one huh?”
Dizzy took the menu from him, blinking an animated set of innocent looking eyes.
The evening passed quickly with the help of drinks in between friendly arguments and shared laughter. When it came time for Dizzy to go home, though she wouldn't admit it, she needed a little help. She'd opted for one of the stronger simulation chips available to androids wanting to see what intoxication felt like, however it proved a bit too strong, and Djen ended up walking her home. The simulation was only programmed to last an hour or two depending on preference, so Dizzy did the most logical thing she could think of and turned in for the night. 
"Station time: 10:00 a.m, good morning DZ-1. You have a scheduled maintenance appointment today in: two hours"
An automated message scrolled across her screen slowly as she roused from a deeper sleep than usual. 
"Woah… those drink simulations are no joke…"
Groggily she looked around the room to let her optics calibrate for the day. Her eyes fell on something out of place during the process, a jacket draped over the reading chair in the corner of her bedroom.
"Oh scrap, guess Djen left that here. Maybe I should get it back to her…"
There wasn't any real reason to hand deliver the jacket. Djen knew where she lived and would certainly stop by sometime after her shift in the shuttle bay to pick it up. But the longer she thought about it, the more enticing a walk around the station seemed. She would need to go out for her coolant appointment either way. 
"Come to think of it, I've never been down to engineering before. Djen and Heck usually just come up to administration if they want to see me. Sounds like it's time for me to pay them a visit."
Seeing a part of the station she'd never been to before was exciting. She'd heard plenty of talk of the engineering bays from her friend's, but seeing them was a different experience. It was a long ride down the station lift to reach the sector, but the sight was worth the wait. 
The elevator doors opened to a cacophony of noise assaulting her audio sensors. Grinding metal, hissing steam, mechanical whirring, a symphony of industrial feedback. Stumbling off the lift and onto the main bay floor she scanned the crowd of bustling mechanics. She knew that Djen worked in the shuttle bay, but the confused android had no idea where exactly that was, or where she was for that matter.
"Pardon miss, you lost?"
A gruff voice called out from behind her.
"Who, me? Who said that?"
"Down here, miss."
A short, rodent-like man stood behind her clutching a schedule tablet in his claws.
"I'm the foreman here on the main floor, you seem lost. Where're you headed?"
"O-oh! The shuttle bay, I'm looking for a friend of mine, she's a mechanic."
The foreman tapped a few times on the computer slab he held, after a moment he held up a map of the engineering sector.
"Shuttle bay's off to the right there, take the tramline."
Sighing with relief, her memory systems saved a flash of the map.
"Thank you so much, I'll try and stay out of the way the best I can." 
The foreman gave her a nod before wandering off to bark orders at a few work droids who were unloading a cargo container. Quickly she made her way to the tram, finding a spot between an industrial Android much larger than her and a hulking Fenri enjoying a thermos of something warm while clicking through news feeds on his communicator. The ride was brief but it was enough to overflow her sensors with sights and sounds. So many of the other bays we're filled with their own genre of work noise and sights of heavy machinery with sparks being shot into the air by power tools and welding torches. Finally the electronic voice sounded over a set of aged speakers: 
"Shuttle bay. Watch your step please."
Frazzled, Dizzy stepped off onto the platform and took a moment to scan the crowd before her. A display floated across her visor delicately as she looked for Djen's familiar face. A flurry of beeps alerted her to a section of the bay where a shuttle was docked for repairs. Zooming in she saw Djen talking idly to an older looking man as she worked on an open panel.
Perhaps a little too oblivious to her surroundings, she charged off with the jacket in tow. 
"Djen! Hey Djen I brought you your-"
Her optics spun frantically trying to see what she had ran into as she fell. A solid "CLUNK" echoed across the shuttle bay as she made contact with the floor.
"I-Im so sorry! Are you alright? I wasn't watching where I was going in really sorry-"
As her sensors regained focus she looked up at the person she had hit, surprised to see that they seemingly hadn't even noticed. Before her stood a woman of titanic stature. Easily taller than Dizzy herself and holding a large tool box over one shoulder. Her optics scanned slowly over the woman's arms. Such immaculate musculature, she looked like she could lift a shuttle on her own. A tuft of her fluffy hair tossed to the side as she finally took notice of Dizzy lying speechless on the floor. Something about her had frozen the android's processor entirely, and unbenounced to her, a small error message was displaying on the lower left hand corner of her visor.
"Woah! I am so sorry I didn't even realize I knocked you over!"
The woman slammed the toolbox down, extending an urgent hand out to Dizzy.
"I'm so used to bumpin' into machinery and some of the big bots we got wakin' around here… hope I didn't hurt ya or anything."
It took a moment for Dizzy to compute what was happening and being said to her. As their eyes met another load of data simply stopped. Dizzy felt a sort of, flutter, in her internal systems. Something she couldn't describe. 
"Uh… hey, you alright?"
Finally she gathered herself long enough to take the woman's hand and nod as she helped her up.
"Wow you're a hefty one, how'd I not notice bumpin' into you? Again I'm really sorry about that…"
An awkward silence began to mount before again the woman extended a hand, this time a bit more sheepishly.
"I'm Mal, I'm a shuttle technician."
The words "shuttle technician" were enough to drag Dizzy out of her daze, shaking the error message from her screen.
"I-Im Dizzy! Sorry, I was just a little uh… shaken up. I'm an administrative clerk up on level eight. It's nice to meet you, Mal.
She projected a smile, shaking her hand and gawking for a split second at the strength of Mal's grip.
"Administration huh? What're you doin' all the way down here?"
She suddenly brought her tone down to a whisper.
"Did you get lost? It's alright I got lost on my first day and ended up all the way down at the airlocks."
Dizzy waved a hand dismissively and beeped out a nervous electronic giggle. 
"N-no no, nothing like that. I have a friend who works down here, she's also a shuttle technician. She forgot her jacket at my place and I wanted to go on a walk to give it back to her. Guess I got a little caught up in the crowd."
Mal's face shifted into a beaming grin that made the error message reappear for just a moment.
"Who's your friend? I can help ya' find em'!"
Dizzy shook her head.
"Oh I don't want to take you away from your work or anything! It's bad enough I've distracted you this long and-"
"Aw come on, I bumped into you and now I'm tryin' to make up for it! Really, it's no trouble. I'm gonna have to walk across the bay at some point anyway. So, who's your friend?"
Dizzy scanned the crowd again realizing that she had lost track of Djen in the conversation.
"Her name's Djen, I just saw her but… I think I lost her."
Mal grinned, plucking her communicator from her belt.
"Hey Djen, it's Mal, where are ya? Got a cute bot here lookin' for you." 
Almost involuntarily, Dizzy's internal alarm blared at the words spoken over the cons. Mal shot her a concerned glance while waiting for Djen's response.
"You alright? I didn't knock somethin' loose did I?"
"N-no! No I'm alright, just a reminder for an appointment I have today. I keep them audible in case I get distracted…"
Her reasoning made sense enough to put Mal at ease. Before long the communicator beeped for Mal's attention.
"Hey Mal, Djen here. I'm over in docking Bay four, tell Diz not to bump into anything on her way over."
"Little late for that haha! We'll see ya in a sec."
A light tinge of embarrassment washed over Dizzy as Mal motioned for her to follow. She spent the rest of the walk fiddling with the drawstring on Djen's jacket, unsure of what to do with her hands. Her mind wandered to a blank space of watching Mal walk in front of her until finally a hard metallic clap on her back shook her from her stupor.
“Diz! Djen to Diz! Do you read me?”
“Wha- Yes! Yeah, I’m alright, sorry. Hi Djen.”
An animation of a small pixelated version of herself played on her screen giving a thumbs up.
“You sure I didn’t knock anything loose? I’d hate to have caused a friend of Djen’s any trouble.”
A nervous hand brushed another falling bit of curls from in front of her face. Dizzy could see her face had a slight tint of red to it. Not wanting to have upset her, she waved frantically at the self accusation.
"No! No not at all! All systems nominal! I promise."
The two stared awkwardly at each other for a moment before Djen took notice of the jacket.
"Aw hell, is that why you came all the way down here?"
She took it gently from Dizzy's grasp.
"O-oh yeah, I almost forgot. You left it at my place after you walked me home, I wanted to go for a walk anyway so I thought I'd stop by."
Two reptilian arms found their way around the android's chassis.
"Thanks Diz, that's sweet of ya. Thought I was colder than usual down here."
Something about the scene seemed to make Mal a bit tense. Dizzy saw her eyebrows furrow before returning to a relaxed state.
"Well uh, I gotta get back to the uh, I gotta go fix somethin'. Was nice meetin' ya Dizzy! Hope I see ya again sometime!" 
She gave a friendly pat on Dizzy's shoulder, though it was noticeably less enthusiastic than their meeting had been. Dizzy could tell that something had happened between now and when they met up with Djen.
"Mal's big but she's a peach. We hang out sometimes after work over in the workshop."
Djen's words fell softer on her audio receptors than they should've. Her gaze was still following Mal as she disappeared into the crowd of mechanics and forklifts.
"Djen to Dizz, come in Dizz. Hey, you alright? Mal didn't do anything did she?"
"O-oh… No, nothing like that. Plus she seems so nice! Nothing's wrong."
The words came with an animated smile, but Djen could see through the digital facade. 
"Diz, come on, how long have I known you?"
"Uh… Four cycles? Maybe five?"
Djen sneered.
"Yeeeep, and how long did we date?"
"One of those cycles…"
"Yep! So, I can tell when something's up, spill it digi-gal."
Dizzy's screen glowed a dull pink to signify something along the lines of a blush.
"Djen i-its nothing, really, I'm just stressed about my wake-up day, that's all. I don't know what I wanna do yet, you know how I get when I can't decide…"
Djen embraced her friend in a one armed hug.
"Aw, Diz. You'll think of something, you still have a few days. I'll help too, if ya want it."
Dizzy nodded.
"I'll let you know, for sure. For now though, I gotta go get my coolant changed, almost forgot. See you around?"
"Absolutely, I was gonna swing by after work and drop off those games I borrowed from ya, beat the last one a few days ago. You were right! They were really good."
Dizzy enjoyed sharing her friendship with Djen. She had been her closest friend ever since she had transferred to the station. The two had even dated for a short while before deciding to just remain friends. This was why it hurt so much to lie to Djen about what was on her mind. What she had told her wasn't entirely false. She was worried about what to do for her wake-up day, but it wasn't what was looming over her. Something happened in her mind when she met Mal, something she didn't fully understand. Surely a relaxing few hours at a coolant station would help ease her nerves though. 
The walk certainly had helped her clear her head. Around noon the station would quiet from its usual array of sounds to a dull rumble of activity. Many of the crowds had already filtered into their workplaces or apartments, leaving only the ambient meandering groups of citizens and people passing through. She stared out of the vast viewports as she walked. Watching the stars and ships float by in displays of antigravitational grace. Even after she found herself nestled into a comfortable chair with coolant tubes winding their way out of her back she found herself absently gazing out across the endless expanse outside. 
Usually she would nap during coolant changes. The process was long and there wasn't much to do during them besides stay relatively still and occupy herself for around two hours. This time though, she couldn't quite find the silence in her mind to let herself drift off to sleep. Thoughts still raced around despite the relaxing scenery. In her mind she could still see Mal's smiling face beaming back at her. 
"Wonder if I'll ever get to see her again…"
Eventually the stars that floated by eased her enough for a short nap to drape itself over her mind. Across her screen a small animation of blocky looking sheep hopping over a small fence made of simple lines displayed as she drifted off.
Meanwhile, back down in the engineering sector. Mal had thrown herself back into her work, furiously wrenching away at a set of bolts that secured two panels together. A smooth scaled hand touched her shoulder softly from behind, grabbing her attention. It was Djen, delivering that day's delivery manifest
"Havin' trouble with those bolts? Think I saw a hammer drill somewhere over by the tool shelves. Want me to grab you one?"
Mal wiped a bit of sweat away from her brow, slowing down a bit after finally realizing how hard she had been going at her work.
"O-oh, nah I'm alright. How's that wing comin' along? Never seen one of those new shuttles before, guess all the old ones are back near Tilt Zero huh?"
 Djen flicked her tongue in the air as she sat on a nearby metal crate.
"I like the new ones. No weird panel placement, everything's easy to get to. That was the fourth wing I was able to get finished up today, good stuff."
"Aw nice. Hope I get to work on some of 'em'. I'm dyin' to know how those new thrusters work."
She set down her wrench, awkwardly fiddling with the adjusting wheel until Djen broke the silence with a loud yawn raising her scaled arms above her head.
"Got any plans after work? I was gonna go get some grub then see Diz for a while. Wanna tag along? You two seemed to have somethin' going on."
Mal's blushed softly.
"I dunno… we just bumped into each other, it's not like we're friends or anything. A-and I don't wanna get in the way of you guys hangin' out!"
Djen, clearly not buying Mal's poor attempt at lying, flicked her tongue teasingly.
"So all the blushing and staring earlier was nothin', right?"
Mal quickly made an effort to hide her face.
"Was it really that obvious?"
Djen laid a reptilian hand on Mal's titanic shoulder and gave it a soft pat.
"To everyone except you two. To be honest I don't even really think Dizzy knew what was goin' on. We were basically together for like, a month before she picked up on it and I asked her out. Fun times."
Mal, frustrated with her own obliviousness as well as Djen's immediate observation of the situation, plopped onto the floor.
"Aw c'mon Mal! No shame in catching feelings for someone. Even if you guys just met. Why don't you come hang out for a while. You two can get to know each other better, see if there's anything there, ya know?"
Mal laid back on the floor, gazing up at the massive work lights that lit the shuttle bay.
"It's just… I mean I want to but I just…"
Djen sat down next to her.
"It's alright Mal, take your time."
A flurry of emotions, frustration, embarrassment, and perhaps just a touch of longing burst from Mal's mind as she again covered her face with her gloved hands. Something was mumbled from beneath the thick work leather, but Djen couldn't quite hear what it was.
"Can't hear ya, Mal"
The pile of distraught mechanic sighed, removing one of her hands from her face.
"I said… I've never even been on a date before…"
Mal had expected to hear laughter when she said this. But what came instead was a small chuckle accompanied by a friendly shake of the head from Djen.
"Don't tell her I told you this, but Diz hadn't even considered relationships until her and I got together. I think we only went on like… what… three official dates? These kinda things go all sorts'a ways, Mal. So what, neither of you are real experienced with the whole dating thing. Wouldn't you at least wanna be here friend?"
Mal sat up from where she had fallen.
"I-I dunno Djen I'm just so nervous… And I mean like I said we've barely even met-"
A scaley hand interrupted her.
"Which is why you're gonna tag along with me and come hang out. You never answered, wouldn't you at least wanna be here friend?"
Djen offered a hand to help her up off the floor. She took it, clasping her hand in a powerful grip and hoisting herself up, nearly yanking Djen to the floor in the process.
"Yeah… Yeah I do."
Djen grinned with glinting fangs.
"The let's get a move on ya big softy. Pretty sure Diz'll be home by the time we're all cleaned up and headed out."
Dizzy was roused from her nap by one of the attendants gently tapping her shoulder.
"Pardon, ma'am? Your all done! Feel free to run a system check to make sure everything's alright, then exit out the door to the left."
It took a moment for her to shake her dreams of electric sheep from her mind before processing what had been said.
"Oh! Thank you!"
She let out a bitcrushed yawn.
"Geez I slept heavy through that one…"
Her inner display flashed lines of scrolling system data as she checked herself to make sure the new coolant had settled in properly. She had gone through an improper coolant change before, and never wanted to again. Once she was sure she wouldn't spring a leak if she moved she stood from the soft padded chair and checked the time.
"Station time: 1:45 P.M."
"Still pretty early in the afternoon, maybe I could go ask Hector if he wants to grab some lunch. I think he's off today."
Strutting back out onto the promenade she clicked through the contacts on her communicator. Her pixelated wallpaper had small animations of cats playing with digital balls of yarn everytime the cursor ticked down to a different name. The call rang for a few short moments, the electronic tone buzzing softly underneath the noise of the milling groups around her.
"Hey Diz!"
Hector's face appeared on the screen. His curly hair pulled back into messy bun in the same way he wore it while he worked.
"Heck! You free today? Just got don't with a coolant change, might go grab a bite to eat, wanna come?"
Hector's smile furrowed into an apologetic half grin.
"Sorry Diz, Aartos and I have plans. I gotta run by the pharmacy to pickup some more needles then we were gonna go catch a movie together."
Teasingly Dizzy displayed a blushing animated face in reply.
"Awww you guys are so cute! You two have fun then! Tell the big guy I said hi!"
"I will! Take care Diz!"
The call ended with a click. Holstering the device within her satchel she weighed what other things she could do with the remainder of her day. She thought about continuing her walk around the station. Maybe going to the botanical gardens on the other side of the promenade. She could go to the observation deck and stargaze for a while. Going home and watching a few outernet streams also had it's appeal. No matter what she considered, the thought of going back to the engineering sector to see Mal again kept resurfacing.
"I should really apologize to her for running into her like that… We didn't really get to meet that well cause I was all… Frozen up…"
She thought of their initial meeting again. Of how tall Mal at looked from where she had landed on the floor, and how strong she felt helping her up with only one hand. Her circuitry fluttered at the memory filling her with a feeling of familiar unease, though she still couldn't quite grasp what it was.
"Maybe I'll just walk the long way home… Clear my head."
Emotions where never Dizzy's forte. Ever since her awakening she had difficulty parsing both her own feelings and those of others. She'd gotten by fine for the most part, but once in a while there came a situation where it truly did keep her from knowing just what was going on. It made her feel small in her own mind. Much like how looking out at the endlessness around the station made her feel small within the infinity of the universe. One thing was certain though, she did want to see Mal again.
The silence of her apartment was welcoming after a long walk through the ever busy shopping districts and residential halls. She took refuge from her swirling thoughts in a blanket and her laptop. The chunky compact kept her company when she didn't want to interact with the world outside, instead opting to scroll through netzones on the outernet and watch streams from her favourite online personalities. It wasn't a very social way to spend her time but it helped her recharge both her physical battery as well as her mental one. Before long a few hours had flown by, and an 8-bit notification tone from her communicator dragged her focus away from her computer.
"Oh it's Djen!"
"Message: Hey Dee, just got off work, wanna hang?"
"Reply: YES! I've just been watching streams for a while. What were you thinking?"
"Message: Well I'm starving so I'm gonna grab a bite over at the courtyard on the promenade. Wanna meet me there?"
"Reply: You got it!"
"Message: Oh and btw, was gonna bring Mal along. That cool?"
Dizzy's software hitched a moment while reading the message.
"Reply: Yeah! I wanted to apologize for running into her anyway. See you guys there!"
She was careful to set her communicator down before falling face first onto her couch. Why was she so nervous? Only a part of what she was feeling was the lingering embarrassment from running into a stranger and falling down right in front of her. She tried hard while getting dressed to try and find words to describe the feeling, but all she could come up with was "anxious", which fit the description well enough. Whatever the true identity of this unknot emotional distress, she could at least take solace in the contents of her closet. A sleek looking overcoat and a brightly patterned floral dress was almost all it took to give her the confidence to not waste any more time.
The courtyard was a sort of simulated outdoor area on the promenade. It was filled with lush greenery that gave the many restaurants and shops a bright and relaxing feel as the android milled about waiting for her friend. She had once again found herself idly fiddling with a part of her coat, something she now identified as a nervous tick. 
"Yo Diz!"
Djen's voice carried over the conversations of others from a nearby table where she sat with Mal. The two of them were still clad in their work clothes. Deep blue jumpsuits with "Axial Tilt 04 Maintenance and Engineering Dept." embroidered on the back, though Djen wore hers under a leather pilot's jacket while Mal had tied the upper half of hers around her waist to reveal the white tank top she wore beneath.
Dizzy took the seat closest to Djen, still fiddling nervously with a coat button beneath the table.
"Djen! And Mal! I was wondering when I was gonna see you again!"
Mal combed a tuft of hair out of her eyes to get a better view at the menu she was focusing on to hide her blushing face.
"Yeah me too!"
An awkward silence settled on the group, only the sound of Djen clicking through a news feed keeping the tension company. Then, in unison, Dizzy and Mal both looked at each other and spoke.
"I'm really sorry for bumping into you earlier I didn't mean to-"
"I wanted to apologize for runnin' into ya back in the bay I should really look where I'm-"
The silence returned but this time their eyes had met. Neither of them knew how to break the tension, Djen watched on entertained by the pair. Finally, Mal began to laugh. Perhaps it was slightly forced, but it was enough to get Dizzy to electronically giggle along at the situation as well. Mal set down her menu, gathering herself with a deep breath.
"You go first."
Dizzy let go of the coat button that she had nearly fidgeted out of its stitching.
"No no! It's alright I interrupted you!"
Scratching the back of her head, Mal moved forward with her statement.
"I was just sayin' that I was sorry for bowlin' you over! I'm a bit of a ditz sometimes, don't know my own size and all that."
A warmth washed over Dizzy's motherboard.
"It's alright! I'm sorry for bumping into you too. I was lost and should've been paying more attention. You were just doing your job!"
Djen interjected by sliding her menu into the center of the table, her trademark fanged grin gracing her face.
"Now that you two are done trippin' over that. You wanna split a pizza, Mal?"
It took some time but Dizzy settled into the social situation as the evening went on. Mal regaled the table with stories from her home colony where she had grown up wrangling livestock and working on her family's farm before taking up an interest in becoming a mechanic by fixing the family tractor. 
"Yep! My dad saved up for a whole three cycles and sent me off to school. Last time I checked in on him he was gettin' help from the neighbor boys since they're finally old enough to help work the machinery."
Djen loudly slurped up a hanging strand of cheese that hung from her pizza slice.
"Sounds kinda like the work you were built for Diz."
Dizzy perked up at the mention of this. 
"Oh yeah! Sometimes I forget I was built using a worker droid pattern. I had all my parameters taken down some cycles ago."
Djen pounded a fist on the table.
"Remember when we met and you helped me shove that huge hunk of scrap out the airlock? I kinda miss your haulin' days."
Mal looked at Dizzy with excited disbelief, trying her best not to talk with a mouth full of crust.
"You were a worker?"
Dizzy was already filtering through dozens of pictures on her communicator to find proof. 
"Yep! I used to live on a different station before I signed up to move out here. I was on the maintenance crew. There it is! Here, see?"
The picture was of a much different looking Dizzy standing next to who Mal assumed to have been her old co-workers. In the picture she looked much more rugged and boxy than her current appearance. The paint on her chassis also had a more industrial feel as opposed to the more rounded look she had painted with a soft shade of whitish-pink.
"Back then I just went by Dee. That's why Djen calls me that sometimes. If I remember correctly this picture was taken one cycle after my wake-up day!"
Mal found the picture endearingly wonderful. She had never realized how much an android could change their appearance, though it made perfect sense with it being much easier to modify a mechanical body than an organic one. She took another bite of pizza, questioning the term Dizzy had used at the end of her explanation.
"Your what?"
"My wake-up day! It's uh, sort of like a second birthday? But it's the one most androids celebrate. Okay, so when an android gets built, that day is their manufacturing day. Afterwards they're given a life with the population of wherever they were built until their mind wakes up and they realize they're a person! It's weird, but it makes sense if you're an android."
Mal's eyes were wide with curiosity as she listened.
"So when you were built, you weren't like, conscious?"
"Not really. I knew I existed and got to know the people around me. But it took me a little bit to start viewing myself as an individual instead of just a unit. I got lucky though, sometimes awakenings can take whole cycles. Every android is different, that's why a lot of us prefer to just celebrate our wake-up day, or day of awakening if you're religious, since it's when we really start being ourselves." 
Mal threw her hands over her head.
"That's so cool! When's your wake-up day?"
"In a few days actually! I'll be turning 24."
Her screen glowed the soft pink hue it did when her face simulated blushing. Mal excitedly tapped her fists together at the Information.
"Oh I gotta find you somethin' for it!"
"What?! No you don't have to! Really it's not that big of a deal!"
Djen sat back and watched the two argue over the importance of the theoretical gift. Mal's insistence eventually wore Dizzy down, though she was sure that it was just because Dizzy was becoming more and more flustered every time Mal smiled and told her it was important for everyone to get at least something on their birthday. Or in this case, their wake-up day. 
When the group parted ways Dizzy and Mal lingered for a brief moment at the table together. The awkward silence had returned but this time it felt less tense. Like neither of them knew what to say but it was easier now to try and think of something. Dizzy spoke up.
"This was fun! We should hang out again sometime… Do you mind if I give you my Pulsar info?"
The question was labored, thick with uncertainty and unsease. But her courage was not in vain. Mal reached for her communicator, and with a soft nervous smile that showed off the slight gap in her front teeth she exchanged her own information for Dizzy's. 
"We absolutely should hang out. I'll uh, I'll message you! When I get home, I mean."
Dizzy displayed an animated smile.
"I will too!"
Neither of the two really knew how to end the conversation. So it fizzled out as Mal shuffled away, her large form eventually disappearing into the late evening crowds. Dizzy's thoughts on the way home were filled with a light airy buzz. And though the feeling that had plagued her all day still remained, it had grown into a sense of anticipation and wonder more than one of anxiety and dread. She slept easy that night after a long conversation with Mal over the Pulsar chat, unsure but happy with how things had gone.
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nei-ning · 2 years
I just had long weird dream. I don't remember all of it anymore but I remember these at the end.
My ex-friend, mom and I tried to go watch this outdoor ice-hockey match. The area was in the middle of woods, near old stone church. Mom got us there first and we sat down to wait the game. I then realized I had no money for the ticket so I dig out my wallet abd much for my surprise it was full of new shiny coins! I found 2 euros to myself and then 1 euro coins few, rest were cents. Then a woman, suddenly, passed us, smiling and being excited and happy in cartoonist way as she said: "Oh, you don't need to buy tickets! The card was your payment." I never saw the card, but I knew I had had this dark gray "bank card" for one time payment only so maybe I had used it here? The game didn't start so we left, then hearing the game starting so we tried to get back, but couldn't. The ground was unstable, many leveled forest ground. I tried to help mom drive by pointing her directions where to go so that we would get back. She either refused to go and try those roads or just didn't see them, no matter how well and clear I saw them. Like this small road going to this church's yard. Mom just didn't see it even that I and my ex-friend saw it. We eventually ended up stopping on top of this small waterfall which was pouring down in the little pond at the edge of the small town city. The water was very pretty and kind of jelly-like so we tried to build a bridge down but it didn't work out :'D
At the very end of the dream, there was Rise Raph. I know Leo was there too since I saw a flash of him but I don't know was the rest of his family there. Raphael had his eyes closed, small "oh, it's nothing or too bad!" kind of smile on his face as he told Leo he's diagnosed with PTSD.
Well, it wouldn't be a surprise if they all would suffer from PTSD! Leo and Raph having it worst.
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riceacc · 3 years
How to Teambuild on ARB And Score the Highest
Yes, even if you can’t read Japanese because I can’t either
Hey y’all, it’s Picklesz and here I am for a post I don’t think has been made yet! Although I can find some translations I don’t think anybody has made a guide on how to score the highest in this game, and with the advent of tiering — or you just want to high score contest all the songs — I think this may be helpful for newcomers or people who simply don’t know what the card skills mean (it took me a while to memorize them all too). And has someone who has played the game since day one, I know my way around things :)
Disclaimer that this is based on my own research from playing the game for over a year and figuring out what's good myself although I think I am right
Anyways, on with the guide!
What Actually Matters?
In ARB, there are a few things that matter when you build a team, some way more important than others. Namely, there are three things. In order of most importance:
1. Leader Skill
This is clearly the most important. Leader skill determines how much of a stat boost you will get, and some of them won't apply unless you meet certain criteria (but more on that later).
2. Auto Skill
Auto Skill determines what boost you get while playing a song. These can either make passing the song easier or increase your score: obviously you want increasing your score if you want to score the highest.
3. Stat Synergy with the Leader Skill
The least important but should at least be mentioned. Leader skills can boost one, two, or three stats (though there's only two cards in the game that I know of that increase three stats). If you get late game, you'll want to have all your cards in your team to have their highest stat/stats be the one that the leader increases.
I will be going over all these in depth! So lets start with the most important one.
Leader Skills
Leader skills are the first thing you need to think about when building your team. Generally, there are only two leader skills that you want when building your team: multi-division and division only. These skills, however, have specific requirements; if you don't meet them, your skill will not activate. Multi-division requires that the cards on your team be from three or more divisions, while division only requires that all your cards be from the same division.
These skills are the best skills because they have a higher boost than all up and division up (division only and division up are different). If your leader skill is maxed, multi-division and division only will boost your stats by 120% while all up and division up will only be 90%. Even their level one are better, so unless you have a maxed all up card and not a multi-division/division only, you should always be using one of those two skills.
Examples of the skills:
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The text on the right side of the slash signifies what type of leader skill it is, this one multi-division. Notice how the text below has 120% in it...
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While this card only has 90%. This skill is all up, and as stated earlier is less than either multi-division or division only adds up to.
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So when it comes to division up and division only, how can you tell the difference? This card is an MTC only card. Notice how it has character after MTC...
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While this one does not. This one is simple division only, division being MTC on this one. These type of cards will all have their division abbreviation to tell you which one it is (BB, MTC, FP, M, BAT, and DH).
So, how do you upgrade these cards to get to the 120% percent? Well, there's two ways: star pieces and leader skill tokens.
Star pieces you can use on any card! You can get them from tiering in events and in the biscuit shop once a month. However, you can only get the gold biscuits to buy them from selling SSRs and SRs, so I recommend selling dupes from the event box that you don't want to get these and use them on cards you do want.
Leader skill tokens you can also use on any card but there is no way to actually get them. You have to wait until ARB decides to give them out, usually on half-anniversary or anniversary - that's the only time we've got them in the past.
One last thing: in the long run, you want a leader skill that increases one stat only. This is because the boost stacks much better when it increase one stat by 120% rather than two stats by 60% (all stats doesn't exist on any multi-division or division only card so don't worry about it). You can tell if it increases one or two stats, because one stat will say 120% in the description while two stats will say 60%. However it's really not a big deal unless you really need those few thousand extra points and you have like. Ten maxed cards so you can afford to be picky.
Auto Skills
The bread and butter of your team. While you only need one card to have a good leader skill, ideally every member of your team will have a good auto skill that boosts your score (from here on out, I will be referring to score boosts as simply boosts).
So what is a good auto skill? Well, if you're just starting out, it's any skill that scores, but if you want to score the highest there are four specific skills you want: critical tap, combo boost, perfect boost, and tap boost. Don't worry, I will actually be at least briefly going over every auto skill because there are a LOT and being able to recognize the text for each one is important (although unfortunately due to the ten image limit I can only show pictures of the best ones 😭). So in order of best to worst, here are all the auto skills!
Critical Tap
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Look for 4% in the auto skill description!
Easily the best auto skill. It gives you a 4% boost on all notes, with the caveat of being the timing on notes gets stricter. You can disregard that because it literally does not matter if you get a perfect or not when you are getting a 4% boost on every note you tap and if you're reading this guide you're probably getting full combo anyways. This the the highest boost you can get on every single note so having at least one of these is amazing.
Combo Boost
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Look for 3% in the auto skill description!
Basically a poor mans critical tap. You get a 3% boost on all notes as you as you keep your combo. Again, most of y'all are probably getting full combo anyways and if not you can always use the autoplay cassettes!
Perfect Boost
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Look for the word "perfect" and 3% in the description!
A poor mans combo boost (see the pattern here?). You get a 3% boost on all notes as long as they are perfects. You probably shouldn't use this with critical tap if you don't get a lot of perfects as the timing gets harder but it still is the third best auto skill.
Tap Boost
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Look for 1% followed by 3% in the description!
Lastly, the poor mans perfect boost. You get a 1% boost on all notes except tap notes; you get a 3% boost on tap notes. As the overwhelming majority of notes are tap notes, you can essentially disregard the 1% part unless you are playing Ore Ga Ichiro which I swear has a flick note every other note.
Those are the best auto skills in the game, however there are many others. I'll go over them all briefly here :)
Scratch Note Boost
Look for 2% followed by 6% in the description!
You get a 2% boost on all notes except scratch notes; you get a 6% boost on scratch notes. The 6% boost sounds nice except you rarely have scratch notes so uh. 2% boost on all notes is not very good.
btw the green notes are scratch notes if you didn't know
Long Note Boost
Look for 2% followed by 3% in the description!
You get a 2% boost on all notes except long notes; you get a 3% boost on long notes. This doesn't even have a niche because you can literally get a 3% boost on every note with combo or perfect and a 4% boost with critical tap. Literally what were they thinking when they made this skill. Don’t use it.
Flick Note Boost
Look for 2% followed by 15% in the description!
You get a 2% boost on all notes except flick notes; you get a 15% boost on flick notes. That sounds nice until you again remember you rarely have flick notes except when playing Ore Ga Ichiro Part A. In fact, some songs like Sensenfunkuukou Part A (god I hope I spelled that right, Jiro's first solo if I didn't) don't have a single flick note in it despite the fact they give this skill to every Buster Bro event card I swear. So really just stay away from this one too.
Perfect Up
Don't look for anything this skill sucks 😭 but for real this skill will simply have the word "perfect" in the description.
PLESE DO NOT USE THIS SKILL UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE. This skill makes all of your notes perfects. It does NOT score at all. If you are aiming to score obviously you do not want a skill that doesn't not score. I am so sorry if you rerolled for ARB Riou or Dice back in the day because they both have this skill and it SUCKS and does NOTHING.
Um. Anyways. Here're info on how to upgrade skills and what they do!
You can upgrade your skills with either skill tokens or rainbow auto skill tokens. Upgrading your auto skill makes your skill last for longer whenever it activates and will have a shorter time in between activations, so you definitely want to upgrade them.
You can buy skill tokens in the event shop, biscuit shop, or coin shop. You need three mic tokens and ten attribute tokens for every level, and once you hit level 5, you need specific division tokens as well. It is pretty expensive but it does get easier over time to stockpile.
The rainbow auto skill token you can only get either when they give them out OR you completely empty the event box of the rate up card. Once you do that, they replace the rate up card with the rainbow auto skill token. You have to either be ridiculously lucky in the box or spend every minute in the game or both to do this, but it is possible.
Now that that long section is over, on to the last part of this guide!
Stat Synergy with Your Leader Skill
As alluded to earlier, you eventually want all your cards highest stats to be the stat your leader skill boosts. Honestly, you should NOT worry about this until you have several maxed auto skill cards and a maxed leader skill to use it with. But for those who are at that point, here's an example of the stat synergy I am talking about.
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These teams technically have the same skills (the Jyuto and Riou card I switched have the same auto skills). In fact, on paper the second team should score higher because I've upgraded the Jyuto card's leader skill so his power score is higher than Riou's. But because their stats are different, the Riou card actually works better on this team because it works better in line with the leader skill and leads to the teams ultimate power score being 2,000 points higher, a pretty noticeable difference.
The case is not always so clear cut, because, well, not all cards have the same auto skill. But if you want to score the highest, especially if you are tiering, you will want to keep this in mind.
So how do you figure out the trade-off between stats and skill when the cards you are switching don't have the same auto skill? Honestly, you just have to play a no attribute song twice and find out :( I don't have a surefire way to track this. In my experience if you are debating between two cards and one of them is Riou the Riou card always scores higher. I do not know why and that is probably just me because I own all of his event cards but uh. Put Riou card on your team :)
Anyways! To increase your stats you actually have to enhance the leader skill of your card. Those ways were outlined earlier, but this part of the guide is why I actually recommend you enhance event cards of characters with good auto skills that you KNOW you are going to use. If they have a good auto skill you can get a max card with maxed stats for free! Again I would not do this unless they have auto skill and you WILL use them since it takes a lot of time but it is totally worth it.
That's all for my teambuilding guide! If you guys would like to see more guides on ARB I am more than happy to make more! Feel free to send my any questions through my ask or reblog and ask :) Take care!
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