#i have not fully proofread this so there may be typos
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the-haunted-office · 2 years ago
Dumb ghost has probably gone and gotten herself lost, September thinks as she sighs and climbs into one of the glass picture frames in the office. "Mountain by the Sea", her favorite Bob Ross painting. The original, too, as the aforementioned dumb ghost had raided the vault it was kept in ("liberated", as the ghost had put it) and given it to her. Probably the nicest thing she'd ever done, and as an apology for literally chewing off one of her legs when the two of them had gotten into a fight a couple months ago - no doubt a gesture done at the request of her living alternate, but a kind gesture nonetheless.
The dumb ghost has been missing for a week or so now, though, having gone into the In Between in search of Thisday, and hasn't been seen or heard from since. It's far from impossible to get lost in there, with its infinite stretch of nothingness in every direction through time and space and infinite shards into other dimensions, although September and Thursday both agree that it's unusual for Doom to get lost in there. She's probably utilized it more than anyone, after all, and she has the other 999 souls (including the one that had been stolen from her) of herself from other timelines to prove it.
(Cut here due to length!)
Still, it's annoying to have to go looking for the little shit. One more person to look for in addition to Thisday and Jane Smith. They are all still searching for her, trying to get back not only the souls that were taken from Sept and Doom, but also Jon's soul, and who knows who the hell else who has been taken by her in the interim.
Missing. Missing. Missing. All of them, missing, two after going into the In Between, one after being brutally murdered. September has no intention of being added to that list. Perhaps she'll get lucky and find all three at once, kill Jane, and bring the other two home.
Slipping through the glass of the picture frame, she comes out in the In Between, its familiar sickly green expanse a second home to her. She knows her way around in here pretty well, even though nearly everything looks the same. There's the grouping of shards through which she used to watch the goings on of the Haunted Office. Doom would already know about all those, and so she would have moved her search out a bit further. After all, the shard leading to Thisday's office would have made contact with one from the Haunted Office group, which would have been how he'd gotten there in the first place.
Occasionally in the In Between - although it seems to happen more frequently to the Haunted Office, for some reason - shards into dimensions will collide with other shards. Any unlucky persons who happen to be standing nearby the reflective surface in their world, which would leads through one of the shards, could very easily be knocked from one dimension to the other, oftentimes unwittingly. This seemed to be the case with Thisday, who had been in the middle of a Story when he'd opened a door and found himself in an office not his own.
The current suspicion is that he's respawned back in his office after being murdered and hasn't been able to contact them on account of losing his phone, hence why Doom was out looking for him in the first place.
Well. Sept is going to find them. The Days may be idiots, but she finds herself inexplicably fond of them.
She moves beyond the shards she knows lead to the Haunted Office and peers into one. It's definitely an office, although it's not hers. She can tell because the ugly orange carpet is there - all of that hideousness has been replaced in her office by 90s arcade carpet at Thursday's behest.
No sign of Doomsday or Thisday, though.
She moves to the next shard, speeding along forward through time next to its cousin. Peers into it. Same office, from the looks of it, and the same ugly orange carpet.
Still no sign of either Day.
Next shard. Same office, no Day.
Next shard. Same story.
The search goes on like this for hours. Shard after shard after shard, and no sign of either Thisday or Doomsday. It would be a tiresome effort were it not for the fact that Sept, being a Benign Reaper, never experiences exhaustion. She can't even feel pain, much less fatigue. It's still a tedious and frustrating process, though. She should have told Doom to spray paint expletives on the walls as a way of telling where she'd been - perhaps that would make finding her easier.
Dumb ghost.
She's about to move on from the latest shard when she catches sight of someone on the other side of it... and is immediately filled with rage when she realizes who it is. She'd recognize that horrid, mangled soul anywhere - not to mention one of the ones glowing faintly from a ring around her finger.
This is the one they've all been looking for.
Abandoning her search for the Days, Sept dives through the shard and, without a moment of hesitation or warning, goes straight for the Malignant's throat with her claws, fully intent on ripping it out. Who cares if they're both dead and both Reapers, if she can tear off one of Doomsday's ears (although it had grown back), then she can tear out this woman's throat.
She doesn't make it very far, though, as Jane turns, smiles at her, and in a movement faster than Sept has ever seen (or not seen, as the movement was so quick she couldn't see it), grabs her by the throat instead and slams her to the ground, pinning her with only one hand. Sept roars and struggles, all of her limbs scrabbling uselessly at the carpet, ripping it up, tearing foot-long claw marks in the walls, but it's ultimately useless.
Jane has grown exponentially more powerful since her escape into the In Between. And it's no mystery as to why, as Sept can see all the extra souls she is carrying around, packed like sardines in bunches around her fingers, neck, and ears. All packed into her glittering bundles of jewelry.
"432. Pleasure to see you again," the Malignant states, plain and easy as greeting a colleague on a normal work day.
Though she's pinned down, September wastes no time in making her demands, even as she struggles on the floor. "GIVE THEM BACK TO ME. GIVE OLLIE BACK!"
Her demands are deftly ignored. "Didn't I tell you to know your place, 432? And that's back at the office, sharpening pencils."
"GIVE OLLIE BACK!" Her voice is no longer her own voice, but hers plus those of dozens of others, the voices of the other souls she's merged with, all speaking in a discordant disharmony, slightly out of sync with each other.
"What's the point in struggling, my dear? You already know your purpose," Jane says, her voice sickly sweet.
"There's something I think you should know," Jane says, again ignoring the demand. "Do you know why you were so obsessed with sharpening pencils, 432? Because you were programmed to."
September stops struggling momentarily. Jane, knowing that she has her attention now, continues.
"That's right. There's no harm in telling you now, seeing as we're both dead. We had chips planted on all you employees so that we could run mind control experiments on you. You were programmed to want to sharpen pencils, and do nothing else, while everyone else was programmed to shun you for it."
September feels her world grinding to a halt. All those years - years - of being lied to, shunned, whispered about, made fun of, manipulated, gaslit by all of her coworkers, all a part of some experiment? She can't believe it, and expresses as much.
"Oh, it's true. You all had the chip planted on you."
"I don't believe you," Sept hisses, and begins to fight back again, although it is again to no avail.
"Let me guess. You want proof? Hm. Those experiments really did a number on you, didn't they? Very well. There's only one employee who lives, who of course still has the chip. Do you know who that is?"
It takes her a couple of seconds, but then it dawns on her. She doesn't have to say who it is - she can tell that Jane knows she has figured it out.
"That's right. Even she had one implanted on her. That's the only reason she likes you, you know. That was her programming. Treat you with kindness, one person out of hundreds, and see how long it would take you to break down. Too bad our experiment was interrupted."
No. It's unbelievable. She can't believe it. Thursday... her only friend... programmed to be her friend? All those times in the break room together, talking, getting to know each other, Sept confiding in her that she wanted to transition, Thursday giving her her new name... All of that was programmed?
And now...? All the time they've spent together now...?
"You see? You were never meant to have any friends, 432. You were meant to work. And I suggest you get back to it now."
The Malignant Reaper finally releases her and September doesn't move. She just lies there, stunned, her world shattering around her as the shards scatter in the In Between, while Jane once again escapes and vanishes.
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nemotakeit · 5 months ago
i think that if we dig all the way down to the roots of tøp's musical theme, it all comes down to that constant internal conflict between desperately wanting to be seen and desperately wanting to stay hidden. we can see how they've been making gradual progress in "managing the tension" but it's still there on Clancy. dare i say it's the central theme of the lore as well.. the reason the character & the era Clancy feels so rebellious is because he's actively fighting to Be Seen. the oscillation continues, but a subversive variable has emerged.
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it-was-summer · 2 months ago
Buy Me Presents, Baby
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A/N: Minors; DNI. I DONT CAREEE I WANT HIM!! Anyways, this may or may not be based on true events in my life. If you're reading this also know that I wrote this Christmas Eve and it is now 5am on Christmas Day, the powerhouse of lust. Hope you guys like this because I DID NOT proofread this AT ALL!! I mention the pill (oral contraception), so sorry if this is an issue, I'm just a girl. I KNOW there is a typo in here... i know it. Merry Christmas!! My gift is porn!!- Love you, Em
edit- the typo was fully in the title… go to bed at a reasonable time kids.
Link to the Ao3: Buy Me Presents, Baby Link to the: Yee olde masterlist Tags: Woof uhh okay! newly established relationship, Christmas sex, Spanking, Creampie, PnV sex, Reader gets called girl.. I apologize, Oral contraceptives are mentioned at the end, lingerie, that one bow lingerie... yall know which on I'm talking about?, That ONE!! WITH THE BOW YES!!, I had to use the word pussy.. IM SORRT IM NOT HAPPY ABOUT It, dirty talk, cock this cock that, not proofread, merry christmas.
Genre: Porn, no plot. Some fluff? Pairing: Established relationship!Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Plot: You and Spencer exchange gifts for Christmas, and one of your gifts happens to be a little physical.
Word Count: 3,669
Spencer doesn’t know what’s gotten into you. 
Though the longer he thinks about it, he should have seen the signs of your recent… restlessness. Being in the BAU came with its challenges, and one of these challenges was— of course— being away from home. Usually, the two of you would find a special time that worked for both of you to meet up and spend some well-deserved time together. 
Lately, it has felt like the world was against you, though. Every time you had free time, he’d plan a date night with you, only for him to be called away on a case. The one time you planned a date, you came down with a cold. The cycle kept repeating in a million different annoying ways. 
The cherry on top? It was almost Christmas. It's nearly Christmas, and neither of you has seen each other for a good three weeks— it’s miserable. 
So imagine his excitement when his phone doesn’t ring early Saturday morning. When he steps out of his shower, he checks it again— nothing. He’s beaming when he calls you, your sleepy voice answering him before he says, “Dinner tonight?” 
There’s a pause, followed by some rustling, “You’re free?” 
“Mhm,” He hums with a grin, grabbing his glasses from the case and placing them gracefully on his face. 
He can hear the excitement in your voice. " You want to exchange presents?” He remembers the playful tone in your voice when you said it, but at the time, he thought nothing of it. He chuckles softly before agreeing, saying a sweet goodbye, and hanging up the phone. 
Dinner begins and ends at your place, decorated in lights and festive trinkets, and presents wrapped neatly under the fake tree in the corner of your living room. The gift exchange went smoothly; you got Spencer some reading essentials, followed by a special edition of one of his favorite books. Spencer, in turn, had bought you a pair of earrings you pointed out back in November and a framed copy of your favorite painting.
It was getting late now, with a warm cup of tea in his hands, you turned and whispered in a playful voice, “I still have one more gift for you.” 
His eyebrows raised at that, bending his head to look at you as you sat with your back pressed against his chest, “More? After the special edition Tolstoy?” 
“More. I was saving it for the twenty-fifth, but…” You trail off, your eyes leaving his as you glance toward your bedroom. “I could go get it ready now?” 
Spencer smiles, thinking about it momentarily before he decides that he might not be home for Christmas. He mutters a soft “Yeah, okay.” 
You stand up quickly, an excited look in your eyes when you tell him, “Okay, stay here!” And then you’re gone. 
Spencer’s watching your bedroom door close with a faint smile. He stretches as he waits, his tea finished, when he hears you call out for him, “You can come in now!” 
He stepped into your room with nothing but good intentions, that is, until he saw you lying on your bed in lingerie. Maroon satin material lays smooth against your skin, and the shape of a tantalizing bow teases him at the center of your chest and your underwear— barely there. 
He clears his throat in a vain attempt to appear calm and collected, though he’s sure you can see his blushing cheeks and growing arousal. He opens his mouth to speak, but the words die in the back of his throat when you sit up on your elbows, pushing your breast out toward him a little more with an innocent tilt of your head. “You don’t like it?” 
His voice cracks when he says, “No! I mean— that is to say, I do like it! I mean, I’m sure you can see how much I–” He nervously adjusts his sweater, shaky hands pulling at the collar. 
You let out a soft hum, relaxing a little. " Are you going to stand by the door the whole time, or?” You tease him with a low laugh. 
He quickly walks closer, shaking his head as he gets closer to the edge of the bed. The bed dips as he climbs onto the edge of the bed. He watches as you roll on your side to adjust for him, waiting until he is lying beside you before you whisper, “If you don’t want to, it’s okay–” 
“I do! I do. It’s just we’ve only–” He motions between the two of you slowly, replacing the word. “A few times, and I wasn’t expecting,” His eyes trail down to your chest, his fingers twitching– itching to feel the material against his palm.  
When he looks back into your eyes, you smile at him with a little sigh, “I know. I just saw it, and I thought of you.” 
Spencer feels like his entire body is on fire when you say that. His pants become increasingly uncomfortable as he croaks softly, “That made you think of me?” 
You hum a sweet-sounding “Mhm,” you lick your lips, “Cognitive association, right?” 
Spencer thinks you’ll break him with the way you’re talking to him; your voice is low and quiet, clearly amused. He holds back a sound when he feels your hand take his and guide it to your barely clothed hip. For some reason, he wants to spew some facts about cognitive association, but in a rare moment, his mind goes blank. 
His mind slows, and the only thing he can process is the feeling of satin material against your body. He drags his hand along your side, higher and higher, until his fingers trace the bra’s underwire. His eyes flicker over to yours as he leans in, pressing a slow kiss to your lips. 
Kissing Spencer always starts soft, tender, and languid. It then slowly devolves into something passionate, heated, rough– something you adore. And you’re starting to feel the shift in this kiss, his tongue slightly grazing your bottom lip– a silent plea you happily fulfill, parting your lips to let his tongue tentatively enter the kiss. 
You’re smiling into the kiss, shifting with him so you’re under him before grabbing the back of his neck and pulling him deeper into the kiss. Spencer lets out a tiny sound of surprise against your lips at the rough movement, and he pulls away slightly, his lips barely touching yours when he says, “So aggressive,” His tone teasing as he captures your lips in another giddy kiss. 
With your eyes closed and mouth occupied, your hands get to work. Blindly, you pull the bottom of his sweater, your lips only leaving his to help him pull the piece of clothing off his body. He’s eager to get his lips back on yours, his tongue resuming its work against yours, a kiss that makes your head spin and thoughts go hazy with how intense it feels. 
You move your legs up and around his hips, pushing his hips down to yours with ease. Spencer whines into the kiss, his lips moving slowly against yours until he pulls away to kiss your jawline. His hips grind down onto yours, your breath hitching at the feeling. 
Feeling his hardness through his pants makes you realize just how badly you need him, and it seems it does the same for him. His lips latch onto the lower side of your neck, sucking and licking softly at the sensitive area as his hips grind against yours harder. 
The feeling makes your core squeeze around nothing; the new desire to get something, anything, inside you plants a seed in your lower abdomen. You feel shamefully needy as Spencer continues leaving light red and purple marks on the sensitive skin of your neck, his breathing heavy as he decorates you with marks. 
You’re surprised to see that he’s actually moving lower, his markings getting closer to your collarbone when he pulls away, looking up at you with those lust-filled honey eyes, “May I?” The tips of his fingers tug lightly at the satin red bow covering your breasts. 
Your legs leave his hips as he pulls the bow apart with a simple flick of his wrist. His eyes stay trained on your breast as he takes one into his hand and gently rubs at your nipple, eliciting a soft, quiet moan from you, “So pretty,” Then he dips his head lower to bring your left nipple into his mouth, licking at the sensitive bud with precision. 
A sound— embarrassingly loud— escapes your lips at the feeling, your body squirming against his. You’re sure you can feel him smiling against your breast, his right hand moving to your right nipple, pinching it lightly. 
Your fingers latch onto his hair, gently running them through his hair and occasionally pulling when his tongue does something particularly amazing against the bud of your nipple. You can feel electric arousal coursing through you, soft moans and sighs leaving you with every touch. 
However, he’s pulling his lips away from your breast soon after, his cheeks red as he mutters a low, “Need to make sure you cum,” And you find yourself nodding in agreement as his hands leave your breast, pulling the lingerie’s satin thong to the side as he swipes two fingers along your entrance. 
You let out a little sigh, feeling incredibly needy as his fingers brush against your clit teasingly. “Did dressing up like this make you this wet, or did I?” He asks, his fingers curiously leading back down to your entrance. 
Shifting under him, you let out a breathless chuckle, “A bit of both,” 
He grins at that, his head now to the side of yours, his thumb pressing against your clit slowly as he slides a finger inside you. You tense for a second with pleasure before relaxing as the feelings, his finger gently curling inside of you as his thumb presses down harder on your swollen bundle of nerves. “You’ve been fantasizing about this for weeks, haven’t you?” 
His voice against your ear isn’t something you expect, but you aren’t surprised for long as he slides a second finger into you— your thoughts turning to mush, “Yes,” You whisper, your back arching slightly at his fingers move faster inside you, curling and pleasing you at a medium pace. 
Spencer lets out a low hum, his eyes watching you as you get lost in pleasure, his thumb pressing against your clit a little harder as he finds that sweet little spot inside of you. He can feel the way your walls tighten around his fingers, and he’s envious of his own hand, wishing it was his cock instead. 
Your moans only add to personal envy, his fingers moving and caressing your G-spot with greater precision. He tries not to groan, watching you arch your back off the bed. A cry followed by a string of heightened gasps from you has him wholly enraptured. 
When his fingers start to get rough inside you, you’re already seeing stars, your left hand reaching over to grab onto Spencer’s bicep at the feelings, fingers gently digging into his skin as your body shakes. “Love watching you get close,” Spencer groans softly against your ear. 
His lips slowly resume their markings on your neck, and the added stimulation sends you falling over the edge with a loud cry of pleasure. Your body shakes against him, and your high-pitched moans, accompanied by heavy panting, have pride swelling in his chest as his fingers help you ride out your orgasm. 
His fingers only stop when your body goes slack, his lips leaving your neck to gently kiss at your lips— a gesture you return lazily. The feeling of his fingers leaving you has you feeling empty, but you’re quickly distracted as Spencer drags his soaked fingers to his lips. Your eyes widen for a second as you watch your boyfriend lick off every bit of you on them, “Let me get a taste,” Your voice is soft as Spencer leans in, kissing you fast and rough. Your tongue drags along his to get a second-hand taste of yourself in his mouth. 
You’re quick to pull away, your hands hooking into the belt loop of his pants, gently yanking at the loop. Spencer laughs at the feeling, and he looks into your eyes with a shameful look— lustful and pleading. You know how badly he wants to dive straight in, but his determination to make you cum too many times to count usually gets in the way of his cock. 
“Haven’t seen you in three weeks. You can make it up to me later.” You joke softly, your fingers undoing the top button with ease. 
Spencer grins as he slides his pants down his legs, kicking them off. He finds himself blushing at how your eyes shamefully stare at the outline of his cock in his boxers, precum already wetting some of the fabric. He finds himself doing the same with you, though, his eyes taking in the undone ribbon of the lingerie at your sides, the way your legs are parted to give him a delicious view of your dripping sensitive folds. 
Your fingers slip into the waistband of his boxers, gently tracing his cock with your fingers, a soft, pleasured sigh leaving his lips at the feeling. “So hard,” You mutter, leaning up to kiss a part of Spencer’s jaw. 
Spencer lets out a low hum of agreement. Being as busy as he has been, he hasn’t found time for any kind of sexual release as of late. “It’s been a little while since I’ve–” 
“That’s okay,” You sigh sensually, your hands wrapping around his dick slowly, “Take off your boxers.” 
Spencer’s more than happy to comply, hurriedly discarding his boxers at your request. He watches as you pull your hand off him to take off your underwear, and Spencer squeaks out a nervous, “Leave it on?” 
Grinning, you nod, your fingers pushing the thong back to the side of him. He groans at the action, looming over you now, his hands on either side of you. “Flip over,” 
A jolt of excitement runs through you at the request, quickly flipping over on your stomach for him. A pleased sound leaves your lips as his hand moves to pull your hips up, forcing your back to arch for him. He slides his thumb and index inside the sting on your thong as he slowly rubs his cock in between your folds– the head of his cock gently kissing your clit. 
The worst part about being in an established relationship and having just started having sex with your partner is the anxiety that follows you after you say something risky. Your lips part nonetheless, your hips pushing back against him quickly, “That’s right, get that cock wet with my pussy.” 
You were never dull during sex, but Spencer was not expecting something so vulgar to fall from your lips. His hips stutter against yours before he finds himself incredibly turned on by the sudden confidence and vulgarity in your words. His hands yank your hips back roughly, lining himself up to inch himself inside of you slowly. 
About halfway inside you, he pulls out till it is just the tip and then repeats the motion— it’s infuriatingly hot. You let out a soft whine at his toying with you and start to move your hips back against him, but that is met with a surprising spank to your ass. 
A sharp gasp leaves your lips at the feelings before you blink, lifting your head to peer at him over your shoulder and whisper a little, “Harder,” 
Seeing your half-lidded eyes looking over at him, your soft lips begging him to spank you harder, Spencer feels a shiver shoot down his spine. He’s sure he can feel himself grow harder as he pushes deeper into your pussy and delivers a solid smack to your ass with the flat of his palm. 
He then follows the motion with a comforting rub of his hand against the swell of your ass. For a second, he’s worried about hurting you or making you uncomfortable–  unexplored territory. The feeling of your walls tightening around him for a second, fluttering in a way that has him bottoming out inside you without hesitation, reassures him. 
“God,” He huffs as he sets a pace, his hand occasionally delivering a hard spank to your ass whenever he feels your hips moving with his. You feel terrific; the feel of your reddening ass under his hand, the soft skin of your hip in his other, he’s surprised that he isn’t drooling. 
You, however, are starting to feel yourself beginning to drool. Moans and groans coming from the two of you has your head spinning, the rough feeling of Spencer’s hips against yours making your legs feel weak. 
Spencer pulls all the way out as he feels himself getting close, his soaked cock resting against your ass– the sight is something has him letting out a shaky sigh. He doesn’t need to say anything before you’re flipping over on your back again, legs spread and lips wet as you mutter a needy sounding, “More.” 
Spencer can’t find it in himself to deny you or himself, moving closer to you and lining himself up with your entrance again. As he sinks into you, you move your legs up, your hands holding the back of your knee. The new position lets him sink in deeper, and Spencer’s sure you’re an angel. 
You’re practically sucking him in, his breathing getting heavier as he moves against you, His eyes dipping between your face and between your legs– intelligent eyes watching the way his cock disappears deep inside of you. “You take it so well.” 
His hands reach up slowly, tracing the back of your thighs before replacing your hands at the back of your knee, bending your legs back further. He places a chaste kiss on your forehead, the gentle gesture leaving your head reeling when accompanied by this immense pleasure. 
You gasp out at the slight burn of your thighs, toes curling slightly, when Spencer starts to roll his hips in fast, tight circles. The roll of his hips makes his cock hit your G-spot, your eyes rolling back at the feeling as a guttural-sounding groan joins the lewd sounds leaving your lips. 
Spencer takes that as his sign to snap his hips into yours, his forehead pressing against yours as he moans and whines. “You feel so fucking good. I’ll never leave again.” 
You can feel your lower abdomen tighten quickly at the rough movements. A shaky laugh leaves you at his mention of never leaving, but words fail you as you cry out. The past few times the two of you have had sex, he was never this rough. You aren’t complaining, but his frantic, rapid thrusts are leaving you with the feeling that you’ll beg for a repeat sometime in the future. 
A long whine leaves you as you feel yourself getting closer, your hands holding tight on Spencer’s shoulders, your body jolting slightly with his rough thrusts. “So good! You’re fucking me so good. Please, don’t stop.” You beg without shame, “Need to cum, make me cum again.” You beg through moans. 
Spencer almost cums inside you upon hearing your begging, but he holds off— a new mission in focus. He slows for a second, moving one of your hands off his shoulder and under your knee before he slides his hand down to your aching clit. His thumb makes quick, tight, hard circles without warning— the scream that leaves your chest has him worried for your neighbors. 
“That’s it, tighten around me like that.” He pants out from above you, his eyes locking onto yours as he speaks. He watches the way your eyebrows raise in pleasure, and your mouth starts to let out a mix of silent screams and loud groans. “You look pretty when you cum around my cock, my pretty girl.” 
Your legs are shaking with that, the coil in your abdomen snapping with force as you bite your bottom lip to try and silence the sound of your orgasm– a groan that almost sounds inhuman. Spencer’s quick to follow, his hips roughly snapping into yours with his thumb continuing its torment on your sensitive clit. 
The feeling of overstimulation has you letting out a weak-sounding whine, almost a sob. You’re gasping hard as he keeps going, frenzied thrusts that have your free hand gripping the sheet tight until he bottoms out in you with a shaking groan. His hips thrust into you a few more times as he empties himself into you, shaking hard. 
A moment passes with neither of you moving, your legs moving down to the bed, and the realization sets in. Spencer looks at you with wild eyes, “I’m sorry, I wasn’t thinking–” 
You laughed weakly and held up a hand, “Spencer, it’s okay.” Your voice sounds a little raw as you relax into your bed slightly, with him still hovering over you. “I’m on the pill, remember?” 
“Well, when taken correctly, it’s 99% effective, but if you’ve forgotten a day lately, it’s only 93%.” He pouts lightly when a giggle leaves your lips, but he smiles against his better judgment. “I’m serious, what if…” 
“I doubt it will, but if it does come to that, we’ll deal with it.” You mutter, slowly reaching a hand up to rake your fingers through his messy brown hair. “Clean me up?” 
Spencer notes how your voice sounds: shy and a little desperate. He tilts his head, a playful smile on his face as his eyes trail down to your parted thighs, “Insatiable this evening, I see,” He jokes as he begins to lower himself, soft fingers rubbing against your inner thighs.  
You groan in faux annoyance before you feel his breath fanning against your inner thighs, “Merry Christmas,” You tease softly.
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lizdive · 7 months ago
Heyy :3 I saw your Lynette! Reader and I'm love with it 🥰 Can I also request some version for Welt, Gallagher, Argenti? Ofc platonic all they wayy [I love ur work 🫶🫶🫶]
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Yes you can nonnie 🫡🩷 thank you so much for your sweet words MWAH MWAH 🫶🫶 thank you for requesting !! if you’re unsatisfied just tell me and i’ll redo it <33 ALSO !! NOT CLICKBAIT I GOT TWO POSTS OUT TODAY AND THE CROWD WENT HOME 💯‼️ *Comically gets tomatoes thrown at me* /j
notes 𐙚 gender-neutral reader — "you" used to refer to reader ,, reader is a teenager ,, reader is based off of "lynette" from the game genshin impact ,, platonic relationships ,, mentions of being sold, close to being 'used', creepy old men, and other things relating to lynette’s past ,, mentions of various other characters in various parts ,, platonic relationships ,, not proofread ignore typos
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⭑ Much like Dan Heng, WELT did not expect you to fully trust anyone on the express quickly, which was why he tried to make himself seem as welcoming as possible even though he very much is welcoming on his own.
⭑ He was patient with you and respected your boundaries, and when you’d give him your wacky replies he’d just nod his head and leave you alone. He never pushed you to do stuff with any of the members and was overall pretty chill.
⭑ His comforting and welcoming vibes alone helped you trust him easier than the other members of the express, and soon enough Welt found himself walking around with you trailing behind him like a duckling. If he was sitting in the parlor cart, you were next to him practicing or showing him your card tricks. If he was in his room, you were probably there just in the corner doing your thing.
⭑ Tea time anytime anywhere. WELT will always have the time to enjoy tea and snacks with you whenever you’d like! If you make your treats yourself, he’ll help you make them, too. It’s nice bonding time. He’ll also learn a thing or two about tea making from you as it seems that you take the art very very seriously.
⭑ He’s not a swordsman by any means but he’s seen many different fighting styles in his time so he’ll give you some tips on how to improve. He’d still prefer for someone else to properly mentor you and by someone else I mean Dan Heng as he’s the closest one to a swordsman on the express.
⭑ Like some others in the first part, he’ll keep something sweet with him in his pocket so if you’re ever craving something sweet or feeling hungry in general he’ll be able to hand you the sweet treat easily. Feels bad whenever he doesn’t have anything on hand, especially when there aren’t any stores nearby.
⭑ He can do the talking for you if you want him to. He’ll calmly tell others that you aren’t comfortable with conversations and that he’ll be doing the talking for you during interactions. If they don’t cooperate then he’ll just,, leave with you. He needn’t waste both of your times with someone who cannot respect boundaries.
⭑ Not surprised by your feline features as he’s seen many things in his time, but if you lean more into the feline mannerisms he’ll give you extra head-pats and ear scratches and may buy you cat toya if you want them. Makes sure you take care of your nails too!! Doesn’t want you hurting yourself.
⭑ He doesn’t mind participating in your performances. He,,,, he has experience on stage,,,, ahaha,,,, WELT can entertain a crowd! Doesn’t like the tricks that involve the both of you getting a bit messy thought like the water container, but he’ll indulge you in any other tricks! He also doesn’t mind watching your performances! He’ll smile and clap after every trick, praising your skill and what you do. He’s very supportive and would be honored if you teach him how you do what you do.
⭑ If you ever open up to him about your past, he’ll be there for you as he pats your head and rubs your back soothingly, telling you to take your time and that he’s so proud of you for getting through that and having the courage to tell him all of this.
⭑ Like Veritas, I don’t think WELT do anything to the man should he still be alive. He’ll help you forget him if you’re bothered by the memories and help you heal should you be repressing emotions. He’ll teach you how to accept and will make sure by the end of your journey you’ll be the best self you can be. He’s already so proud of you.
⭑ You both are like old people with technology and both learn as you go. A member of the express teaches WELT something, he’s quick to message or tell you about it and vice versa.
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"Humans are complicated creatures. Even when they are not doing so intentionally, they will still unconsciously hide their true selves. Though I can always notice a few 'redundant' details, I won't expose their facades when it isn't necessary."
"That’s… very nice of you?"
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⭑ You were a performer at the bar, many of the patron and visitors flocking to the bar just to watch your amazing performances. GALLAGHER couldn’t deny that you were a talented kid, and he also quite enjoyed your performances.
⭑ You were young, so it’s not surprise some people did try to get you to work for them instead in hopes of exploiting you. GALLAGHER would always step in if they were being too insistent and sometimes even kick them up, however most of the time they left you alone due to your eccentric replies. They always made him snicker in amusement secretly.
⭑ GALLAGHER will make you drinks as you work and fix up small snacks if there’s anything available. Because of you he’s become a bit of a tea-making expert. Every time you take a break or finish a performance he’ll have a nice cup of tea set up for you in the staff room at the back. He awaits your feedback.
⭑ When you invite him to joins you in your tea breaks? He’s either tossing the bar to Siobhan or another employee, and if there’s non then uhm,,, yeah he can’t join you but he’ll make it up to you! And if you help him with drink making he’ll cry a bit internally. You’re such a good kid,,,
⭑ Not only are you both a good duo in the bar, but you both are a good duo in officer work. He’s is a bit intimidated with your swordsmanship, but he also admires your quick and clean cuts. You become his unofficial official assistant sometimes when it comes to snatching up criminals and it’s actually kind of fun.
⭑ You suck at technology, he’s decent at it, he doesn’t mind. If you want to improve he’ll help you out but if you don’t he’ll supervise you whenever you’re using anything relating to technology so that you don’t burn the bar down or something. Is it possible to get hurt in the dreamscape? I can’t remember. But still, he doesn’t want you to get hurt.
⭑ Calls you 'kitty' jokingly but if you get upset he’ll drop it. Also, only he’s allowed to call you that. Nobody else. He feels that if others do it then it’s mocking you — even if they mean well he just doesn’t like it so only he can do it.
⭑ He’ll help you practice but I don’t think he’d perform insane acts with you. Maybe the more simplistic ones or ones that don’t require him doing really complex things. He just doesn’t want to mess up and ruin your acts. If you want him to do a dramatic announcement for you before you go on stage, he’ll do so happily.
⭑ The moment you open up to GALLAGHER trust that he’ll make sure you’re much more guarded and kept safe. He’ll also be much more observant of the patrons and visitors and nobody will be offering you work offers. He’ll ask you during your break times if anyone tried to do anything to you, and if so, to give him as many details as you possibly can. No need to ask why — he’ll deal with them.
⭑ Should the man that you were sold to dare be alive and enter the bar, GALLAGHER will have him out of there before you even catch a glimpse of him. He’ll also make sure that man is out of the dreamscape. Man, Sleepie has been needing a new toy as of recent!
⭑ Does the talking for you but at the same time not many people will be talking to you anyways after your performances because you’re having your tea break and so he’ll tell anyone that wants to interact with you that you’re unavailable for the rest of the time.
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"If you explain a magic trick, then the allure of the performance is lost. Personal relationships are the same. If you want to understand me, why not learn a bit at a time, and gradually piece together a complete picture?"
"I like how you think, kid. Don’t change your mindset ever, got it?"
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⭑ A new feline-featured performer holding a show in a planet nearby? Oh how delightful! ARGENTI’s getting a ticket to your show the second they’re available! He’s always loved performances and shows as they show how skilled others are and are always so beautiful.
⭑ He absolutely loved your performance and even wanted to thank you personally for the lovely time! And so after the lights were back on and all guests left, he made his way outside in search of you with an appreciative rose in hand which he expected he’d be able to give to you.
⭑However, what ARGENTI didn’t expect was for you to give him the wackiest response ever. He blinked, handed you the rose, and then continued to converse with you. He’s like Sunday but oblivious — there is no winning with him he can talk for hours.
⭑ It’s a huge yapper / listener situation. You travel a lot for performances and he travels a lot in search of Idrila, so you can’t escape him because he has the excuse to follow you around. Well, he does protect you even if it’s not needed due to your swordsmanship, but it’s convenient so you guess it’s fine.
⭑ ARGENTI also does all the talking for you which is a nice and huge bonus. Sometimes he does it without even realizing and nobody is able to make him shut up. It’s a big win win for the both of you and he never brings it up out of concern because you don’t seem bothered by it.
⭑ Finds your feline features beautiful and would love to help you groom your ears and tail if you’d let him !! He’s be very gentle as he brushes out the loose furs and if you like head pats / ear scratches he’ll sneak them in while he grooms your ears. He’s somehow so good at it for being a first timer (or so he claims.)
⭑ Very present in your performances and will always be there to support you and cheer you on, handing you a rose as a congratulations for the successful show. If you perform for him alone during your free-time, he’ll clap with a big smile and tell you how wonderful that was and how you’re improving so much.
⭑ ARGENTI is probably the best performance partner out of everyone because he puts in so much emotion with the tricks and acts he pulls. Also, he doesn’t mind being in front of a large crowd and he manages to captivate their attentions so that’s a bonus. You’re deadpan and he’s very emotional. A good duo.
⭑ If you open up to him, ARGENTI will be appalled. Not at you — never ever you — but at that disgusting man who dared to even think about using you. He’ll promise you that he’ll make sure nothing like that ever happens again and then he’ll ask if there’s anything he can do to make you feel better. Would you like a specially prepared fish dish? Some sweets? Tea?
⭑ Speaking of tea, he loves tea time with you! It’s a nice time for the two of you to bond and relax from life, enjoying the flavors of the teas that would vary each time you prepared some. If you teach him how you make your teas he’ll be over the moon.
⭑ I don’t think ARGENTI is bad with tech, he’s probably pretty good, so he’ll help you figure out how to not bust everything that contains some sort of tech or machinery. If you break things he won’t be upset or anything — he’s a pretty patient person. He’ll care more about you and if you’re injured.
⭑ Spars with you and constantly praises your agility and clean cuts. You both share tips and tricks for tending to your weapons and fighting in general, too. ARGENTI won’t be too rough on you but he will put up a challenge — he genuinely wants you to improve!
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"Building a relationship with someone is like gambling. No matter how much information you have, it's hard to predict how other people might change. I've always had the habit of keeping a safe distance from others, but in your case... I'm willing to shoulder the risk of losing a bet."
"I promise you, you will not regret this gamble nor will you lose."
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mapofthesea · 2 years ago
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producers!yoonmin x assistant!reader, fem!reader, bi!yoonmin
genre: smut with some plot, slight fluff
summary: There’s no telling just how long you'd been stuck in the windowless studio, and you’re just about ready to walk out and forfeit your paycheck for the week, until your bosses strike up an interesting bargain
warnings: swearing, slight arguing/playful name calling, mentions of alcohol consumption but no one is drunk, dom!yoonmin x sub!reader, unprotected sex (don’t do it), they're kind of in a situationship, thigh riding, oral (f receiving), oral (m receiving), masturbation, hair pulling, degradation, praise, spanking, choking, penetrative sex, some mxm, cum eating, big dick behavior and practice from both of them, hinting at feelings
a/n: this is mature content so if you are under 18 years old or uncomfortable with this, please do not go below the cut! I also do not proofread of edit my work so there may be some typos, but I hope you enjoy nonetheless!
When you’d first been hired, the request came through your temp agency, and you knew nothing other than the address before you showed up. By then you were no stranger to the life of an assistant; you had fallen into the line of work after failing to find a job in your field. The first few temp jobs were exactly what you expected. Fielding phone calls and delivering coffee to big wigs in uncomfortable, cheap dress clothes became your new normal for several months, so when you arrived at the gray office building you figured you knew what you were in for. 
Yoongi and Jimin proved to be nothing like your previous employers, and their charmingly personable attitudes made them unbelievably easy to work for. At the end of your week as their temp, you had pouted and delayed your departure by attempting to tidy up their shared studio. 
“You’re not a maid, you don’t have to do that.” Yoongi cooly remarked. Even with his ears sticking out endearingly from the sides of his beanie, his dark gaze made you freeze. 
“I-I know, I just- sorry.” You withered under his attention, shifting from foot to foot as you waited for the anxiety to pass. “I’ll go. Bye Yoongi, it’s been super nice working for you guys.” 
You kicked yourself as the wave of disappointment saturated your words. Yoongi hadn’t done anything wrong, and there was no reason to unload your sadness on him. 
“What? I thought they told you?” Yoongi chirped. “We hired you. I expect you to be back tomorrow.” An unbidden smile cracked your face and you couldn't help but notice Yoongi had mirrored it. 
“Oh, oh! Um, see you tomorrow then.” Your heart thumped embarrassingly fast as you skittered out of the office, only seeing the email full of praise from them once you were tucked into the comfort of your bed.
“Remember when you used to be nice to me?” You hiss at the man who had just fully sat on your shins, uncaring that you squirm under him. Jimin rolls his eyes at your remark and stays where he is until you snake your legs out from under him. 
“I am nice to you. I pay you.” Jimin coos and pulls your legs into his lap, his familiar touch skittering over your bare calves. After being their one and only assistant for a year and half, your working hours have become more muddled. Business often mixed with friendship, and the lines of professionalism had officially blurred to a proportion you never expected. 
“We also buy you food,” Yoongi cooly adds, plopping himself in the chair across from the two of you and sweeping his hand toward the boxes of empty takeout that dotted the coffee table. A microphone and mixing board live among the mess. You sigh listlessly. They had been working on this new song for hours, tossing ideas back and forth, and although they all sounded wonderful to you, neither of them were happy with anything. 
“Can I go home?” You drawl, feeling the strain of laying on the couch in the way your neck cricks and radiates a sharp headache. You subconsciously rub your fingers into the tightness at the base of your neck. 
“No,” Jimin answers immediately. You sit up straight on the couch and rip your legs from his lap. 
“Why?” It comes out whiny but you’re too tired to care, still rubbing at the knot in your neck. “Yoongi?” For a second you have hope he’ll let you go but he shakes his head, dark wavy strands slipping over his eyes. 
“Sorry, need you here.”
You sputter, disbelief making your eyes go wide. “Okay...can I at least go get you some coffee? More food? Or something?” Sitting in the darkened studio for so long with no definable task was making you feel a bit stir crazy. You had cycled through all of the games on your phone and been scolded for spending too much time on TikTok. Even the book you kept stashed in the bottom of your tote bag was only able to occupy you for so long. 
Yoongi shrugs, half of a grin on his lips. “Dunno. You have an untrained ear, slightly less bias, maybe you’ll add something to the process...” he trails, sinfully pink tongue slipping out between his lips. “You’ve also got potential as a muse.” 
God. It’s painfully cliche but it makes your heart stop and your thighs clench. Suddenly you feel too hot in your shorts and sweatshirt. Jimin tuts. 
“Potential.” He makes a half hearted jab, knowing all three of you are lingering on the same string of memories from just a couple of weeks before. You push the thoughts away and find a spot back on the couch, suddenly conscious of how close you sit to Jimin on the small couch.
He shuffles just close enough that your knees touch in a reassuring way that sends cascading warmth down your spine. Your face is surely flushed but you do your best to pretend you’re unfazed, picking at the skin around your cuticles as Yoongi fiddles with the soundboard.
“Again.” Jimin’s foot taps into the plush carpet in time to the music, and you know you’re in for a long night.
The track runs on a seemingly unending loop, only punctuated by your bosses bickering about technical intricacies and which word choices would serve the song better.
Yoongi fiddles with a new beat and you whine, sagging into Jimin’s side. He welcomes you into him and the intoxicating scent of his cologne has your eyes fluttering. His jaw ticks and you have to bite back the groan of desire as you watch his muscles clench and unclench as he concentrates, fingertips tapping the new rhythm in time against the top of your thigh.
For a moment you wish you were drinking; dumbly wanting to feign needing help opening the soju bottle just to hear Jimin’s little coos of how delicate you are, to have Yoongi gently take back your hair to see your flushed face when he thinks you’ve had too much to drink. Your saliva suddenly feels too thick and your head spins with the barrage of lustful thought. Jimin’s hand feels as hot as lava on your thigh and the sight of Yoongi’s finger circling one of the little knobs with deft precision makes your stomach tumble. 
“I-are you guys hot?” Your voice is raspy as you spring up from the couch, resisting the urge to fan yourself with your hands. Embarrassingly, they both shake their heads and you catch sight of the thermostat set clearly to cool. Yoongi chuckles as he seems to look inside of your head at the neurons connecting as a flush of embarrassment crosses your face. 
“I’ll be right back,” the words are barely out before you leave the room, slipping into the hallway and all but sprinting to the bathroom. Your body feels both too hot and too cold at the same time, and under the harsh overhead light of the bathroom the dark circles under your eyes are prominent, your baby hairs sticking up in wild directions from your scalp. You bend over the sink, gripping onto the cold porcelain. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!” Your words echo into the bowl of the sink but you can’t bring yourself to be embarrassed about the potential of either of them hearing you over their music. You stand, glaring at the image of yourself in the mirror for a few seconds before you decide you have probably been hiding in here for a suspicious amount of time. Determined to find a way for them to let you go home, you barrel out of the bathroom and back into the hallway. 
“Hi,” Yoongi’s voice startles you, and his presence in the cramped space is even more alarming. In all the time you've known him, he's never been one to completely abandon his post while in the thick of the production process. 
“...Hi? Are you guys done?” A kernel of hope lights in your chest. If they’re done, you can make your escape to home and deal with the heavy pull of arousal in you core by yourself. Yoongi shakes his head no and raises his hands above him, stretching his arms and allowing your eyes to feast on a strip of creamy skin above his waistband. Your face reheats, tongue darting out to lick your chapped lips. He looks divine. 
Yoongi’s eyes follow your own, and a beautiful little smirk sprouts on his face. “Just came to use the bathroom.” His voice rumbles the same way it did when he dropped you off at your doorstep a few weeks ago with a sinful kiss and your knees quiver.
You nod stupidly, tripping over your own feet as you side step the door to allow him passage. He dips his head in a subtle nod and as he approaches and you can smell the musk of his cologne. Despite the step you took away he makes an effort to brush by you, one of his strong hands clasping gently around your own. You hadn’t even realized you were holding your breath until he leaned in close enough that you could pick out his individual eyelashes. His thumb presses into the back of your hand, a firm reminder of the reality of the situation as his words slip into the air between you. 
“We’re both willing to take a break, if you could think of something else more...interesting to occupy us.” His canines sparkle in the light of the hall and you have the overcoming desire to feel them scrape against your neck. 
“B-both of you?” The question all but jumps from your mouth, a product of your disbelief of the last night they had made you feel this way, which you were still partly convinced was just a delusion of your drunkenness. Yoongi nods, strands of hair obscuring his heavy stare. 
“Yes.” He’s gone in a flash, the bathroom door shutting behind him. The thud reverberates through your body and you stand stunned in the hallway, body buzzing with anticipation. Jimin is waiting just beyond the wall, and the image of his legs spread wide on the couch just waiting for you and Yoongi to return springs into your mind. Desire drives your feet and before you know it you’re back in the dimly lit studio, palms sweating when you finally see him again. 
“You’re back.” His voice is cool and level, gaze fixed on you as you approached him. Suddenly emblazoned by the knowledge Yoongi had given you, you nod and edge closer to the couch. 
“Heard you’re looking to take a break?” Jimin’s eyes cloud with the realization of your words, seeing through the facade of your question easily. He swipes his plush bottom lip with his thumb and hums in affirmation. “If you’re willing to provide one?” His voice is thick with lust, sending butterflies through your stomach.
The subtle tilt of his head is all it takes for you to advance toward him, plopping yourself easily onto his thigh, facing the mess of the coffee table. His hands are immediately on your hips; fingers digging into the flesh with an addicting pinch of pain. Your hips rut at the contact, pushing into the muscle of his leg. The pressure sends a spike of arousal down your spine that makes you moan and Jimin responds by curling his fingers under the waistband of your shorts. His fingertips feel like ice against your hot skin, and he uses the shock to gain control of your hips. 
There’s no use putting up a fight once he has you, manually rocking your core against his leg. Even though you can’t see him, you can hear his little pants of appreciation as your head rolls back against your shoulders. The fabric of your underwear is slick and pulling right against your clit, the layers of friction making you feel like you’re going crazy. Your nails dig into Jimin’s arms, enjoying the feeling of his muscles moving. 
The door swings open and even though you know it’s Yoongi you gasp, whipping your head toward him. Your face flushes at being caught but Yoongi simply appraises you, eyes roving over your heaving chest and Jimin’s grip on your hips. The weight of Yoongi’s stare only makes you wetter, slicking the crotch of your cotton shorts a darker shade. Jimin chuckles and moves faster, allowing a consistent grind of pressure against your clit that makes tears edge your eyelids. 
You gasp, arms flailing outward hopelessly. In your scramble your arms clash into Yoongi’s form, scrabbling to hook into the fabric of his hoodie as your clit throbs and your climax approaches. Yoongi’s hands encircle your face, gathering your hair into a makeshift ponytail and stooping down until you can feel his breath against your cheeks. 
“Pretty girl,” he flutters his thumb against your lashes until you open your eyes. “There you are.” His feline gaze turns your brain to liquid, enjoying the attention from Yoongi while Jimin gives you the release you’ve been waiting for. 
“P-please,” you struggle around the words, and don't have the energy to articulate your needs, but Jimin holds your hips still and bounces his leg, baring your pussy down against him directly. Unable to squirm away from the pleasure, a moan rips from your throat into Yoongi’s chest as you come, pitching forward as the pleasure curls your toes. Despite your exhaustion you continue to cant your hips against Jimin’s leg after you come until Yoongi tuts and pulls you up slightly, depriving you of the surface. 
“Look at the fucking mess you made of my pants, baby.” Jimin growls. Your face flushes in embarrassment but you can’t deny that the sight only turns you on more. Knowing that you were the one responsible for the mess on his sweatpants and the subsequent bulge makes your mouth water. On unstable legs you pull from Yoongi’s embrace and lean down over Jimin, giving your other boss a prime view of your ass in the ridden-up shorts doing little to preserve your modesty. His hands are on you immediately, tugging down the fabric of your shorts and panties as soon as you nod your approval. 
“Can I kiss you?” You relish the way Jimin’s cheeks sport a pretty blush at your question as he nods. A warm fuzzy feeling spreads through your chest as you connect your lips with his own, gently coaxing out the demon of a man you know lives inside- the one who pushed his cock down your throat in the backseat of his car the last time you went out together.  Yoongi’s deft fingers part your folds and you moan into the kiss which only spurs Jimin on. His tongue finds a home in the depths of your mouth at the same time that Yoongi spreads your asscheeks with his hands, humming at the sight of your bared pussy. He pauses all movements, making you twirl your hips impatiently, before releasing a glob of spit that runs hot over your pussy. You shiver, keening at the embarrassingly attractive action. He wastes no time running his fingers between your lips, circling your clit with your combined wetness until your knees go weak. Jimin bites your lip and disconnects the two of you, staring sinfully at the trail of saliva that connects you. 
“Yoongi gonna make you cum again?” The question is rhetoric, but you still nod furiously at the idea. Yoongi laughs heartily, clearly amused by the desperation. 
“Gonna do more than make you cum, baby.” Your head swivels back to catch a look at him sinking onto his knees, easily pushing the coffee table back so he has ample room to work. Your pussy flutters at the idea of him eating you out, a dream that had been plaguing you since you first heard him craft some of his most infamous lyrics. 
You're so enamored at the glassy look in his eyes that you almost miss Jimin asking to shed your sweatshirt. The fabric comes off easily, goosebumps arriving as the garment leaves you. Jimin groans as he’s presented with your tits, hanging perfectly in front of his face as you're bent over for Yoongi. 
Jimin captures one of your nipples in his mouth, tugging at the nub like a man starved. Yoongi dives into your pussy, licking a broad stripe all the way through your folds. His tongue splits your lips and explores every possible inch. 
“Oh god,” the sensation of them both working on you makes you feel lightheaded, in total disbelief of the way the night has gone. “F-feel so good.” You mewl as Yoongi licks tight circles around your clit, Jimin’s teeth scraping against the sensitive skin at the curve of your breast as his hand engulfs the other, pulling and pinching in all the right places. 
“I- can’t fucking, oh my god-” no words seem to do justice to the feeling of pure arousal slipping through you, and the lewd sounds of being devoured sends your mind into a perfectly numb lull. Jimin and Yoongi are everything, everywhere, moving in a sinful tandem of lips and teeth that you don’t think you will ever recover from. The bubbling heat in your stomach rises, aided by the slurps of Yoongi absolutely devouring you, his nose digging into you as he pushes his tongue as deep as possible into your hole. You can only imagine how wet his face will be when he pulls away; chin, cheeks and lips stained with the evidence of your arousal. 
Your legs wobble, knees shaking from the effort of keeping your body upright as your orgasm barrels toward you. Jimin scrapes the top row of his teeth across your nipple as you come, body trapped between two sources of unending pleasure. The short break between orgasms has made you dizzy, keening as Yoongi devours every drop you give him. Over sensitivity rushes in, and the men work faster than your blissed out brain can comprehend.
Once the ringing in your head stops, you can feel the delicate press of Yoongi’s lips against the backs of your thighs: Jimin’s cool fingertips soothing down the bites he created on your chest.
“Come on, pretty. Such a good girl. Come lay down.” Jimin’s hands pull you gently, easily back onto the couch where you had spent countless hours before. The cool leather feels amazing against your heated skin and you quickly resign yourself to pressing the entire front of your body into it, head propped on Jimin’s thigh. This close, there was no mistaking the heavy bulge in the front of his pants. Your fingers twitch, inching toward him.
Yoongi’s dark chuckle makes you pause, peering up to see him standing over you, a satisfied smirk on his face. Just as you’d imagined his chin is covered in a gleam that could only come from being buried deep in your pussy. Your hips twitch against the couch.
“You wanna suck Jimin’s cock? Will you let me sit and watch you make him come?” You nod dumbly against Jimin’s leg, not daring to take your eyes off of Yoongi as he maneuvers himself back into his trusty chair. He sits and makes no secret of palming at himself through his shorts as your mouth waters.
“Please?” You ask, as if they would ever be able to deny you anything. You can feel the sweat drying onto your body, and the heat reigniting in your stomach makes you restless. Wiggling your fingers playfully toward his cock, you fix Jimin with your best pleading stare.
“You know this cock belongs to you, baby. Take it.” Heat flushes your cheeks as you scramble for his waistband. Suddenly seized with an insatiable hunger to have your mouth filled to the brim. Jimin lifts his hips in aid, exposing inches of flawless skin before his cock springs to life, unbidden by any clothing. He takes the break to pull off his top, balling it up and throwing it directly into Yoongi’s face. The older man grumbles in good nature and swats the shirt away. Your hips push against the couch cushion as you reach for him, the weight and warmth of his impressive cock making your head spin. Jimin moans at your touch, encouraging you to pump your hand over him slowly.
He intakes a ragged breath as you speed up, impatient with yourself. “C’mon baby, take it.” He grinds out the words and you shiver, shuffling forward until you can comfortably lower your head over him, wrapping your lips around the tip. It had been only a few weeks since the last time you gave him head, but that didn’t make his length any easier to adjust to. Your eyes water at the intrusion as you push further down, wiggling your tongue against the underside. Jimin’s thighs twitch under your ministrations.
“You’re so fucking good at that, Y/N.”
Emboldened, you push more of him down your throat until you’re fighting against a gag, spit dripping down to the base of his cock. Unable to go further, your hand occupies the rest, pumping in time with the movement of your head. The mess of praise and the burn of Yoongi’s eyes on your body makes you moan around him.
Jimin’s hips immediately jump, pushing further into your mouth. Your eyes widen and tears push forward as Jimin takes full advantage of your mouth, your nails scrabbling at his thighs as you try to clear your mind.
“Shhh, baby. Look so pretty drooling and dumb on my cock. Our girl is so good, isn’t she Yoongi?” Jimin’s voice shakes, a giveaway of his impending orgasm.
“The best girl,” Yoongi’s voice is clipped, and even though your eyes are blurred with tears you’re sure he’s working his hand over his own cock. You moan again, using the vibration to your advantage as Jimin grips your hair, holding you in place.
Your lungs constrict as his whines reach a peak, cock twitching incessantly until he’s coming. You swallow with every spurt he gives you, the bitterness easy to dismiss in the heat of the moment. Jimin’s grip loosens just as the last ropes of his cum shoot out, streaking across your chin and lips. He grins, satisfied at the mess and your performance. His now free hand takes a handful of your ass, pinching it and landing a slap against the flesh.
“Open?” He asks almost sheepishly. You obey easily, putty in his hands as he inspects your mouth to be sure you swallowed everything he gave you. He hums happily at the sight, gathering up the stray bits of cum on your face with his thumb before pushing it into your mouth. You suck the pad of his thumb clean, eyes heavy with lust as you swirl your tongue around it. Jimin growls, ripping the appendage out to slap your ass a few times in quick succession.
The pain makes your spine curve with pleasure and you almost can’t believe how wet you are again, but Jimin’s fingers quickly dip into your pussy, cooing when he feels your slick coating his fingers. Your own mouth parts in a frustrated groan, annoyingly aware of how achingly empty you are.
“Please fuck me.” Your voice is raw and shaky, and you worry that maybe their inaction means they couldn’t hear you. Jimin’s hand stays steady against the swell of your ass while you wiggle your hips in frustration. Impatient tears well in your eyes as you watch Yoongi slowly remove his hand from his cock; the tip an angry red from all the time he spent playing with it while you sucked Jimin’s cock. It feels like years pass before he even gets up from the chair.
“You wanna get fucked?” His deep voice makes your heart do cartwheels in your stomach. Yoongi’s hand caresses the nape of your neck, lightly combing through the mussed strands there. You nod vigorously, attempting to sit up so that you can convey your need to him even more.
“Please Yoongi, please I’ll do-“ a sharp tug on your hair makes your brain short circuit, words dying in your mouth. Your breathing turns shallow, anticipatory when he uses his primal grip on you to pull your body upwards until you’re sitting up on the couch. From here you are afforded the full view of them both. Jimin’s chest is still heaving from coming, his body covered in a sheen of sweat that only makes his appear more surreal in the dim studio lights. Yoongi had shed both his shirt and bottoms, presumably while you were busy with Jimin. His cock bobs against his stomach, gleaming with precum as he moves. Your heart jumps at the proximity of Yoongi’s body, the way you can see the veins in the arm that holds your hair flex as he pulls your scalp harder. You keen, hips pushing against the air at the sprouting pain. Yoongi laughs, licking at his gleaming canines you want to feel buried deep in your shoulder blade.
His grip holds you still, obedient as your eyes dart wildly between them, hungry to see what their next move will be.
“Such a patient girl for us, right Yoongi?” Jimin’s velvet voice makes you want to cry out and beg for release again, but you bite your tongue so you don’t miss what he says.
“Hmm, very patient.” Yoongi appraises you, sitting at attention, nipples pebbled with your arousal. “Although I think she could stand to wait a bit longer.” Your eyes widen, surprised and momentarily terrified they were going to leave you in the dust.
“No no no no, please don’t!” You can’t stop the tinge of anxiety that spikes through you, the sudden concern that they no longer wanted you if they had each other. Not to mention the burning desire that you knew you wouldn’t be able to quell even with your most favorite vibrator. Hot tears let loose down your cheeks, dripping off of your chin in mere seconds.
“Hey, baby, stop,” Yoongi’s hand releases your hair to tap at your cheek, light enough that you blink through your tears to focus on him. He smiles in the sweet gentle way you’ve come to know means he’s sincere. You can feel Jimin’s calloused fingers brushing gently over your shoulders, curling into the tensed muscles as you ground yourself.
“Do we need to stop?” All of the air in the room gets sucked out with his words, all three of you frozen in time.
“No, no,” You puff out. “Don’t wanna stop.” You grasp his arm, fingernails digging into his milky flesh. “I j-just feel so empty.”
His cat like grin returns at your words, your tears receding into glossy begging eyes. “Oh, baby, you’ll be full of cock in no time. Can you sit pretty for just a few more moments?”
Curious as to why you need to wait, you watch Yoongi intently, but are somehow still shocked when he catches Jimin’s plush lips in an earnest kiss. The younger man sighs contentedly, wrapping his arms around Yoongi’s frame. The way their lips move together is mesmerizing, and you faintly remember watching them kiss once before, when you were admittedly drunk and thought maybe you were mistaking the passion between them.
Now you knew for sure what you were seeing, and that it was making fresh waves of arousal drip down your thigh. Jimin reaches for Yoongi’s cock, stroking him with playfully light touches you know are meant to drive him crazy. You can see everything from your seat on the couch, and their symphony of moans sends your hand right between your thighs. You rub your clit in time with Jimin’s tugs, making sure to keep the touch just as feather light as it seems to be for Yoongi.
As sensitive as you are, even the simple touch is making your mind go hazy, losing yourself in the moment and the feeling of your own hand. You moan, pressing down into the pressure of your hand: embarrassing close to coming again just from watching your bosses make out.
“I thought I asked you to sit pretty?” Yoongi’s voice is clipped and breathy at having just pulled Jimin’s hand off of him, but it still startles you enough that you rip your hand away feeling like you had been caught.
“I-I’m sorry, it was just,” you stumble on the words, face flushed as you decide on how much you should admit. Jimin raises an inquisitive eyebrow, his cock fluttering back to life.
Your blush deepens but you nod, hair falling into your face. Yoongi seems less amused at your disobedience, but the dark look on his face only makes you want him inside of you more. You bite back the whimper growing in your throat and still, waiting for instruction.
Yoongi’s steps forward, easily crowding your vision until he’s all you can see. One hand grips your throat, lightly at first, then increasingly hard as he sees the delight in your eyes. The press of his hand over your throat is intoxicating, just the perfect amount of pressure that has your mouth hanging open absentmindedly. You feel good, knowing that you he was going to take care of you. Jimin’s deep groan at the sight reminds you that he’s there just moments before Yoongi breaks your distance and captures your lips in a kiss.
It’s nothing as gentle and sweet as the few you’d shared before. His teeth are immediately nipping into your bottom lip, tongue surging forward into your mouth without abandon. Spit slicks down your chin and over your cheeks and you moan at the feeling, Yoongi practically swallowing you up like you’re the last person on earth. Through it all he keeps control of you by the hand on your neck, only letting up when you’re gasping for air.
You feel oddly vacant without his hand on your throat, but you have a feeling it won’t be the end of your experience with it.
“Such a pretty, desperate little thing. Can’t wait to fill you up, fuck.” Yoongi’s eyes flutter at the thought and before you know it he’s moving you, pressing the length of your body down against the couch. You’re acutely aware that Jimin must have moved to the chair to make room for you, but all thoughts get wiped from your head as Yoongi looms over you.
Your legs part, unashamed for him to see just how wet you are. He grins, kneeling between them and fisting himself a few times.
“Please fuck me, Yoongi, wanna feel you inside.” The stream of consciousness barrels out of you, followed by a string of curses as he obeys and pushes the head of his cock into you. The stretch is intense despite your extreme arousal, but the loving hands caressing your stomach help morph the feeling into pure pleasure. When the clouds of pain start to clear you moan, high and loud, latching onto the cushions under you.
“You look so good split open on my cock.” Yoongi works his hips into a smooth rhythm immediately, eyes honed in on the sight of your pussy swallowing him up. The press of him inside of you is serendipitous, the perfect angle means he’s nudging against your gspot with every single push.
“Prettiest fucking girl, look at you taking cock so well again.” Jimin is suddenly beside you, hands groping your tits again. You keen, overwhelmed with the sensations as white hot pleasure burns through you. Yoongi speeds up, bracing his foot for more leverage on the perfect angle as he pounds into you.
“So f-full,” you gasp out, tears of pleasure running into your hairline. Your clit throbs for attention, the final thing you need to fall headfirst into that wonderful pleasure. You gasp and writhe, pushing your hips upward to meet his thrusts.
“If you don’t stop that I’m gonna come right inside of you.” The words are a warning but your pussy immediately reacts by gripping his cock tighter. A broken moan spills from his mouth and he growls.
“Wan’ it.” The words come out soft, strangled by the loud squelching of your pussy, but Jimin is close enough to hear. He turns toward you, smiling with the intensity of a million suns.
“You want him to come inside of you? Fill that pussy up and make you ours?” Jimin is sure to speak loud enough that Yoongi will hear, but the man drilling into you looks pointedly only at your face, awaiting his confirmation. You look between them both, shivering with need.
“Yes, wanna have Yoongi come in me,” you lick your lips, “please, and,” You pause as Yoongi swipes his finger across your clit after hearing your affirmation. The last bits of your sanity are about to be washed away with your orgasm, but you breathe through it.
“W-wait!” You yell, Yoongi stilling as well as he can so close to his orgasm.
“Want Jimin too.” You gasp, barely trusting your words. The man grins, placing a kiss on the swell of your breast.
“Of course, baby, I’m so fucking hard right now I can’t imagine not coming all over these pretty tits.”
Tears of frustration brim again, hormones going crazy.
“No, in me.” You whine, petulant at the idea of him not coming inside you tonight. Both of their eyes widen, staring at you like you had just unlocked the secret to eternal life. Yoongi’s thrusts return with vengeance, finger circling your clit deftly.
“Can’t get enough of it, huh? Such a little slut that just one man coming in you isn’t enough?” You nod as his cock twitches, moments away from your own blinding orgasm. Jimin’s lips are devouring your neck, seemingly emblazoned by your admission. It only takes a few more swipes of Yoongi’s nimble fingers before you come, back arching off of the couch like a woman possessed.
The sounds and curses that leave you are barely human and essentially decipherable as your body warms under the glow of an intense orgasm. When Yoongi finally comes, your pussy gripping him tightly so he doesn’t leave, he continues strumming at your clit until your nerves feel set on fire.
“Good girl, taking all my fucking come.” Yoongi praises you as he finally pulls out, watching his come slip out with him before he retreats to stand beside you. Your head is still in the clouds, mind numb from absolute pleasure as Yoongi pats your thighs so he can get out from between them.
Jimin brushes the sweat slicked strands of hair off of your forehead, leaning close enough to him that you can see his individual eyelashes.
“Still got it in you? Want another load?” Your stomach flips, pussy clenching at the idea and you nod so hard it makes your neck hurt. Yoongi shuffles up until he’s next to your head, obviously sleepy as he plops down onto the floor with a lazy grin. He kisses your cheek playfully as Jimin moves.
He wastes no time in assuming the same position Yoongi had just left. Pliant and fucked out, you give him an exhausted smile as you watch him line up and push into your entrance.
“Still so fucking tight even though you just got railed. So willing to have two cocks back to back.” Jimin’s voice burns through you, low and sexy in a way you rarely get to enjoy. His eyes twinkle as you nod, gasping at the length of his cock. He begins his onslaught even faster than Yoongi had, pushing through your walls with a blindingly perfect rhythm.
“F-Fuck me so well,” you slur, grasping for his arms as he drills into you. Jimin is gasping, clearly close to his own end as you start to feel the hazy warmth of an orgasm come on. Yoongi kisses you even more as your moans heighten, sure not to cover your mouth so that they get to hear every sound you can give them. “You’re gonna look so pretty full of me and Jimin’s come, so fucked out and dripping.”
Even without any attention to your clit his words have you just seconds away from coming, and you warn Jimin of this.
“Already gonna come without me even having to touch your little clit? So fucking wet and desperate that just my cock will do it?” Your head spins, eyes tipping back into your head. His hips stutter, faltering for just a second as your knees lock, pushing his cock even further into you until you’re coming. Your eyes squeeze shut as you scream your throat raw calling his name and begging for his come.
You can’t stop the tears that spill out of you even after you feel him empty into you, the weight of his body pressing into your own as he makes sure not to waste a drop. You pant together, chests rising and falling in time. The way your skin sticks together doesn’t even bother you right now, but Jimin moves just slightly and the cool air rushes in.
You mumble, still working on feeling like a human again.
“What’s that?” It’s Yoongi, who’s still sitting by your side, laying his head against Jimin’s toned bicep.
“Cold.” You try, voice absolutely wrecked. You poke at Jimin’s side. “Heavy, too. Move.” You wiggle beneath him and he sits up, giggling at your sudden attitude. He’s still lodged inside of you, his and Yoongi’s come slowly leaking out of you and onto the couch, but this somehow feels just as normal as your usual day at work. Another chill passes through your body and Yoongi tuts, striding order to the thermometer. You and Jimin both watch his naked form as he goes, cranking the number up so that the room gets hotter.
“Told you we keep it too cold in here,” he mutters to Jimin, who shrugs and looks down at the mess between your legs. You flush.
“Sorry about the couch.” Jimin laughs as he pulls out, clearly still a little aroused at the sight of come pouring out of you.
“Fuck the couch. It’s your spot anyway.” His fingers dance over your pussy and you whine, shaking your head and clamping your thighs shut.
“Too sensitive.” It’s simple, and he nods easily, slipping off of the couch. You lose sight of him for a second before he’s back, slipping your sweatshirt back over your head. The warmth instantly cures you, putting a satisfied smile on your face. Yoongi reappears from what you assume to be the bathroom with a damp towel, silently asking your permission before gently cleaning you up.
Your legs twitch and you have to physically bite back a moan when he runs the fabric over your clit, but you’re happy to be cleaned and have him help you into your shorts. He hands the towel off to Jimin as you sit up, pointedly looking away from the mess on the couch.
“Shit, forgot about that!” Yoongi springs forward, shirt halfway on. He leans over the coffee table and flicks off a switch, the recording equipment going dead. His face blanches as he looks over at you.
“I’m so sorry, Y/N, I didn’t turn it off before we…” his hands wave uselessly in front of him. Jimin, at least dressed, looks equally mortified.
“We can delete it all! I promise, we won’t even listen to it again! I’ll do it right-“
Your laugh bubbles out of you and stops them both in their places.
“I don’t care, guys.” Their faces twist in confusion. Surely you wouldn’t want them to keep it? “You were stuck on the song anyway. Use it as the backtrack or something.” You shrug, taking supreme delight in the surprise on their faces.
“You’re so fucking hot.” Jimin groans, appreciative, and you glow under their eyes. He immediately dashes over to the computer, locating and examining the file. Yoongi finishes redressing and even wipes off the couch before bundling you into his chair with him. His hands comb through your matted hair and examine the marks on your neck until he deems you to be okay.
“Thanks for the song inspiration.” He chuckles, mouth tucked against the nape of your neck.
“Happy to help. Let me know the next time you need some new ideas.” Despite your sleepiness the idea makes you squirm, to which Yoongi groans.
“I have a feeling we’ll be needing lots of new ideas. For a very long time.” Maybe you’re crazy, or cock hungry, but you swear you feel him twitch against your ass. “But for now you should probably go home.” You both watch Jimin as he fiddles with some instrumentals, layering them over the peaky audio the three of you recorded on the desktop before popping on his headphones.
Yoongi sighs. “You’re sleepy, and if you stay here any longer while we mix this you’re definitely not gonna be walking tomorrow.”
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n3ptoonz · 1 year ago
absolutely not are you cra- gunshots
'That Can Be Arranged'
Pairing: Bi Han/F!Reader
Fandom: Mortal Kombat 1 (2023)
Warnings/tags: None, angst if you squint, Bi Han sucks at feelings but it's all good, reader has an older brother, reader's father is a cryomancer, reader got jokes, Bi Han in love, sphinx has to stop writing after midnight, 3/4 proofread might be some typos in this mf
Word count: 2.5k+
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Bi Han was to accept an arranged marriage to bring peace to the centuries long clan war between the Lin Kuei and your clan; both have Grandmasters that wield the power of cryomancy. Overwhelmed with stress and self doubt, he snuck away to his favorite place to train and meditate and has been going there ever since before time ran out.
You were to be the one to get married in order to bring peace to the two clans. You didn't even know the name of the enemy clan due to your father favoring your older brother more your whole life. Overwhelmed with stress and being fed up with both of them constantly in your ear, you snuck out to wander around and see what or who you could find.
You were the rebel between you and your brother. There's no surprise he's favored more, but it's mostly because he's older and has to carry on the title once your father passes. You kept questioning your father, asking why not just find him a wife? And it was always the same old "but war" "but this" "but that", and tried to instill you with fake confidence to believe you were the only way peace could be achieved.
It was a beautiful night with clear skies and shining stars. The world was quiet. The more you walked through the woods, the more you appreciated the outside before you had to be bound to the enemy clan's temple. You stopped in your tracks at the sound of what sounded like someone exercising. There were grunts and shouts only a fighter would have between each move. You quietly got closer, peeking behind a tree to see a tall, handsome man with a defined body under the traditional fighting attire he wore.
You just sat and watched him channel his energy into his punches and kicks. The way his muscles tensed when he wasn't getting a move right was fascinating. You were always sheltered since childhood, so finding another person on without your father's influence was the absolute highlight of your night.
He stopped for a moment, standing straight up and looking in your direction. He saw your shadow move right as you hid behind the tree.
"Can I help you?" he said. His voice was deep and raspy, and he asked that question like you just bothered him. He figured you weren't initially a threat due to the fact that he's usually just attacked by his enemies, while you hid. Also he could see a bit of your flared sleeve.
You peeked from behind the tree before fully stepping out, a sheepish smile on your face.
"Didn't mean to interrupt, I was just admiring the view. Looks like you could use a sparring partner."
You saw his brows furrow at your suggestion. Just who did you think you were? Thinking you could take on the Grandmaster of the Lin Kuei?!
"I am not some entertainment for you to watch. And I don't 'spar' with women-"
"-who could whoop your ass? I wouldn't either." you cut him off mid sentence and crossed your arms with a smirk. The only person you've ever sparred with was your brother, otherwise with one guard that you've been close with since a kid. So to take on an outsider was like a rush.
Whatever you were doing worked, cause now he was offended and wanted to put your pride in check.
"Alright," he said, taking a small weapon out his shirt when you put a hand up to decline. You took out your own blade and flipped it in between your fingers.
"May the best one win."
You two had been meeting up and sparring for about three weeks now, and with every encounter, you both had just talked more and more about yourselves. You talked about your life as a daughter of a stubborn father who favored your brother all your life, while Bi Han talked about his rift with his brother and the stresses of filling in his late father's position as head of his clan. Neither of you really thought to reveal your roles in your clans, afraid the other would be put off.
"I get married off next month." you said bluntly after you sat in silence. You both had been sitting together and stargazing in the grass. Honestly, you never thought he'd be down for something like this, but you certainly weren't going to complain. "So...I won't be able to come here anymore. I am to prepare to be bound to the enemy's temple and probably bear his children. Ugh, it's probably some old fuck--who I won't be fucking."
Bi Han wore a slight bit of a smile at how crass you were. You laughed it off, but you were dead serious. You looked over at him already looking at the side of your face.
"How our fates aligned like this, I am getting married tomorrow. Also an arranged marriage. I guess we both won't be coming out here anymore." he said, his voice slightly disappointed as he turned his eyes back to the sky.
"Really? I thought the men were still able to do as they please. It's what my brother says."
"He's not entirely wrong, but I am not that kind of man. I wouldn't be that kind of husband. Even though I don't know this woman and I don't know how long it'll be before I actually love her, I would still respect her in some way."
You could tell he was genuine in his response. He couldn't even look you in the eyes upon saying what he really felt. When you first met, he was cold but an odd hint of welcoming, even if you did come off as immature. He didn't want to admit it to you, but he was slowly falling for you. It was wrong, as he's literally about to get married to somebody else, but it's what his heart says.
"Wow..." you muttered, unable to stop looking at him even though he was focused on the stars. "Didn't think you'd be into that sort of thing."
He looked down at the ground, resting his elbows on his elevated knees and sighing. "I may be cold and reserved, but I am also human. How I choose to express affection is usually the problem. It's why I don't focus on things like that."
You then looked up at the stars, fidgeting with your hands before speaking.
"...Is it wrong to fall in love before an arranged marriage?"
Bi Han's head raised, but he still didn't look at you. He then stood up and dusted off his clothes, choosing not to acknowledge your question.
"It's getting late."
Your heart sank a little as he said that, going back to his cold demeanor. You wanted to apologize if you made him uncomfortable, but like he said, he didn't focus on things like that. You just nodded stood next to him, extending your hand as a farewell.
"This is goodbye." you said, fighting back the urge to shed a single tear. These last three weeks had been the best time of your life, and it was all to dissipate all over again. As he looked at your hand, knowing this was a farewell, he too wanted to shed a tear. He just couldn't do it. He can't shake your hand. He's too afraid he'll end up vulnerable in front of someone he's only known for three weeks, and he hasn't cried since he was a child.
"You should get home." he promptly said, walking past you as he gathered his things and left. Feeling the wind hit the side of your face from how fast he took off made you want to sob and throw a fit. How could he be like this? Ah...remember, he just doesn't focus on things like this. You stood there as your hand just fell to your side, holding back a flood of tears that could flow at any moment.
After five seconds had passed, you turned around just to see that...he was gone.
"What?!" you exclaimed. It was 9 in the fucking morning and your father just let you know out of the blue that you were actually getting married today. You stood in his office now fully awake in your sleep attire and angry. Why would he decide now to tell you such a thing? Your brother tried to make sense of it while you just ignored him.
"Father, I am not ready!"
"Sure you are. It's just a 3 week difference, why are you so worked up at this hour?" he sat back in his chair so casually as your brother stood next to him. You got so worked up you stormed towards the door and knocked over some important looking books on a shelf.
"I'm running away!" you shouted, slamming the door behind you. This was beyond belief. He really loved keeping you out of the loop. Right before you were on your way, you saw a pair of gauntlets that your father was going to give to your brother...and they grant the power of cryomancy. Hell, what do you have to lose?
Unfortunately, the guards kept getting to you before you could escape a few times, locking you in your room until it was time. For a few hours all you could do was throw a tantrum and emptily threaten the guards lives.
Eventually, there came a knock at your door. You didn't answer, just sitting in the corner of your room with your face buried in your pillow. It was the same guard you grew up with. You thought aw damn, you couldn't lash out at him.
He simply offered you words of comfort and sat on the edge of your bed, letting you know your father wants you to be ready in 15 minutes. He even offered to help you pick your best outfit.
A long 15 minutes later, you cleaned yourself up and made yourself look presentable. Though, you still stepped out of your room with a scowl, glaring at the guards that were on standby. You slyly hid the braces under your flared sleeves. If you needed to use it, you wouldn't hesitate to. Who cares if you weren't trained to use them? You'll figure it out.
"You look lovely, miss. I know you don't think you're ready, but I trust that the Grandmaster didn't choose someone twice your age. Your mother was actually younger than him by 2 years, if that helps." he said, trying to cheer you up. The corner of your mouth lifted into a half smile, appreciating his efforts.
You escorted yourself to sit with your father and brother before the gates that opened up to the temple. The usual traditional practice had started, and you looked the most uninterested among the rest--even resting your head into your palm.
It was a rather nice day. How convenient that it wasn't snowing to all hell on a day you were pissed off.
The gates finally opened, and here came your supposed future husband. You rolled your eyes and looked away for a moment. As you refused to look at the man walking up to the throne, your father stood up and greeted him.
"Bi Han, Grandmaster of the Lin Kuei. My now...former rival. I welcome you to our temple."
You froze in place. Did- Did you hear him right?
"Excuse my daughter, she is a little shy. I offer her to you as a gift of peace. We mustn't fight any longer, two cryomancy clans should stick together, not separate."
As your father rambled, you slowly looked over at the man. It was...really Bi Han. He is the man you were arranged to marry...and you were the woman he was arranged to marry today. No wonder your marriage was pushed back.
You quickly stood up and just stared at him. As his eyes fixed onto you, his gaze went from a slight shock to softening. He couldn't believe it himself. It was really you. He was arranged to marry the same woman he fell in love with in a span of 21 days.
"...but, to make this interesting, what do you say to a duel? You and my eldest son, for my daughter's hand?"
It's like you got water splashed into your face after a dream sequence. Did you hear him correctly? A duel?!
Your brother was the fiercest fighter you knew. You never could stand sparring or generally physically fighting him, he would always go low when he thought he was going to lose. Just what is he going to do with a cold Grandmaster who usually only has regard for himself?
"Seriously? For my hand? That's unnecessary, it was neither of our choi-"
"I accept."
Your eyes snapped to Bi Han, whose look of determination was back onto his face.
'I will not lose' he thought, chanting over and over in his head. He will earn your hand to prove he's worthy, even though he didn't need to. He couldn't lose this fight or you.
"Splendid. May the best one win." your father said, sitting back down and gesturing for you to follow. But you just stood there in awe. He was actually doing this.
"Sweetheart, I know you're excited, but let's sit for this. Who knows how long this'll go on for?" he motioned for a guard to push your chair in behind your knees. You decide to comply, truly curious as well.
It's been an hour. Both parties evenly matched and no telling who had the upper hand. However, you watched your brother with close attention. He hadn't done anything suspicious just yet...
...Spoke too soon.
As soon as Bi Han was gaining on him, he pulled a hidden weapon from his pocket, slicing Bi Han's cheek. You just sunk into your chair, in utter disbelief at the sight.
He did another sequence of dirty moves, and the next one was bound to be fatal. You knew this because he has already told you before, this wasn't going to end well for either side. At the next slash before his big move, you got up in fit of rage and used the braces to create a large wall between them two made completely of ice.
"Must you be so damn cowardice?!" you yelled. You turned to your father who had a look of pure confusion. "You raised a fool. And it wasn't me."
You ran down the stairs and over to Bi Han, who had a bunch of cuts on his face and arms.
"Are you alright?" you kneeled in front of him, who was on the ground in pain, but didn't want to make a big deal about it. He looked up at you with such love and respect in his eyes.
"I'm in love with you." he said, shocked at how blunt he was with his own feelings, but he didn't care.
"Thought you'd say that." you smiled. Standing up and looking through the ice, you helped him stand and held his face, mindful of the cuts splayed across his cheek and nose bridge.
"I do. You do. Boom, we're married." you said, kissing him without an ounce shame. Once you heard the clamoring on the other side of the wall, you quickly backed away and took his hand to make a run for it out of the gates. Now this, was now the most fun you've ever had in your life.
As you kept running, Bi Han caught up with you and couldn't help but process everything that just happened in the last two hours.
"Are we going to have a proper wedding?" he asked.
"That can be arranged."
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taintedtort · 2 years ago
prompt ✧ who’s the lalalalalala vs okokokokok
characters ✧ xiao, wanderer, venti, childe, albedo
warnings ✧ gn!reader, none!
a/n ✧ stolen from tiktok + these are all kinda obvious but i liked the idea anyway (not proofread and idec abt typos or anything)
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✧ okokokokok
he’s ready to listen to you talk all day long. nothing is more soothing to him than your voice. whenever he’s away from you, he longs to finally be done with his daily duties so he can come back and listen to you ramble about your day while you play with this fingers. wont take his eyes off you while you speak, he wants you to know he’s paying attention and enjoys listening to you. he might not add much input, but he’s nodding along.
"tell me more about what you did today."
✧ okokokokok
he’s content with listening to you talk as long as he gets to lay down, preferably on you. if you talk with your hands a lot, he may hold them so you don’t wack him in the face if he’s resting his head in your lap. if you absentmindedly run your fingers through his hair while rambling, he‘ll melt. if you do that, he‘ll probably fall asleep. you’re not boring him, promise, you’re just too comfortable.
"keep talking, i’m not asleep i swear."
✧ lalalalala
he can get a little hyper and start ranting on and on about things, especially if he’s drunk. sometimes he’ll just tell you stories about things he’s seen in his past, usually before bed, like a bedtime story. he‘ll also sing you to sleep if you ask him to. he doesn’t let silence overtake you two, always finding something to talk about. he’s also very lively while he speaks, his face letting you know every emotion he’s feeling while his hands exaggerate his words.
"may i tell you a story?"
✧ lalalalala
don’t get me wrong, he loves hearing you speak, and i think if you’re also more of a lalalala person, you two would just have deep conversations all the time. if not, then don’t worry! he can find something to talk about and entertain you for a bit. he likes talking before sleeping, those before bed talks are the best. waits the whole day to tell you what happened when he went out just so he can tell you before bed. most of the time one of you ends up falling asleep mid story.
"let me tell you what happened today—"
✧ okokokok
he‘s fine with silence, so he doesn’t feel a need to fill it… or so he thought. when he’s huddled up in his cave working alone for hours on end and finally hears your voice calling out his name, he swear he gets butterflies. when you sit and ramble to him, you sometimes think you’re being too talkative and annoying because of his lack of interest. he’s fully absorbed in his project, tuning you out. well… that’s what it seemed, but he was listening to every word you said and making mental notes. when you abruptly stopped talking, he turned his head to you after a few seconds.
"what’s wrong? you were telling a story, please continue."
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jungkoode · 26 days ago
what’s the secret to quick success like you?? how did you manage such exposure in such a short time??? do you ever feel pressure? i have been posting for a while but my stories have never managed to reach your levels in such a short time
Oh, anon, if only I had a secret formula, I’d be selling it and retiring early (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و but honestly? I have no idea. I feel like this is where I’m supposed to be all fake humble like, Oh, I don’t know, my writing is terrible, I have no clue why people read it!—but no. I love writing, I put a lot of effort into it, and I think I’m good at it. I fully expected some people to be interested, especially readers who like realism, slow burns, and an absurd amount of detail. But the level of engagement I’ve been getting? That caught me off guard (⊙_⊙).
If I had to give advice, I’d say it’s a mix of tagging properly, making your stories engaging, and actually enjoying what you write so you don’t get bored of it. I also talk a lot. I love engaging with readers, discussing theories, and replying to comments—it’s genuinely one of the highlights of my day (⁀ᗢ⁀). I think that kind of interaction makes people want to stick around. I also post snippets sometimes, because when I’m hyped, I want everyone else to be hyped too. That probably helps!
Do I feel pressure? Oh, absolutely. I may love the notes and kudos, but I also feel the weight of expectations crushing me like a poorly stacked Jenga tower (╥﹏╥). Not to be dramatic (I am), but every time I post, I feel like I need to match or surpass the last thing I wrote. I re-read, edit, and proofread everything at least five to ten times, sometimes using text-to-speech because my brain refuses to catch mistakes on its own. And yet, typos still slip through (눈_눈). It’s exhausting, but also, I love writing too much to stop.
At the end of the day, I think the key is to actually love storytelling. Engage with people, find your hype squad, and maybe cater to a slightly wider audience. Like, I’m Jungkook-biased, but I also adore all the members, which is why I give them full arcs in every fic. Having a variety of works helps—right now, FMU is the one gaining the most traction, but 25h (a Yoongi fic!) is coming in second instead of KGP, which I honestly didn’t expect (°ロ°).
Anyway, I hope your works get the recognition they deserve! Just make sure you actually enjoy the process—it makes all the difference ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ.
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delulustateofmind · 27 days ago
Hehe why hello there my beloved Snail. Ngl girl you have no reason to be apologetic about not proofreading your response because I was highkey cringing at all the typos I made when I read through the message I sent last night (still can’t believe I sent it to you like that my bad) *sighs* that’s what I get for rambling before bed. Alas it’s when I get the time to be insane on tumblr. Regardless, THANK YOU FOR ANSWERING ALL MY QUESTIONS!!! I did want answers but I didn’t mean to send so many😭, I really hope that didn’t take you too long. No because our interactions got me smiling, giggling, twirling my hair and kicking my feet. I got hearts in my eyes if you didn’t notice😍 THE ZOOMIES GO BOTH WAYS. I may not be running five miles (damn girl🫦) but I was walking around and zoning out to my playlist and now I gotta collapse after 15k steps today. Your responses are like a little treat in the morning I LOVE waking up to them, and this is so wonderfully fun!!!! This is what tumblr should always be about fr🥹.
Now I wanted to say this yesterday but it completely slipped my mind because all my neurons decided to detonate at the same time. I think it was one of your older asks, about how Geto would never fully trust a darling that would completely submit to him without fighting back. You learn a lot about somebody when they snap and I really love the way you reversed that with Suguru as the affectionate husband and reader being unable to trust him without ever seeing him express any type of confrontational behavior. Because in truth every girl wants the perfect man until she realizes she doesn’t know him at all behind the carefully curated mask. This would prompt me to ask if reader ever brought this up before serving the divorce papers? But then again I feel like he would just dismiss her feelings while saying something like his true nature is to lover her or something while kissing up her neck. Wasn’t expecting the mental hospital route in the medical AU but such a delectable surprise nonetheless. UGH ITS WRONGFUL IMPRISONMENT BUT WORSE!!! But you’re right Snail ehehe I think you should write another medical fic with our babygirl… IM NOT NORMALLY THIS GREEDY I SWEAR WAHHHH JUST TELL ME YOU SEE THE VISION. The blood draw scene, darling who avoids doctors on purpose, Satosugu trying to catch you up on all your vaccines (they’re really just sedatives to make you cute and relxed), THE HOME VISITS YOU MENTIONED😭Your writing is doing things to me and I can’t help it!!! In all seriousness though do whatever your heart desires, take a break even, you spoil me too much😂. I eagerly await the epilogue of Hysteria because I need to know how this one ends. You mentioned it may or may not have a happy ending and I won’t lie I don’t know how this is going to end up as happy unless she forgets all the events both leading up to and at the hospital and gets to go home in an ignorant bliss. Can’t wait to see how you’re going to do it!!!
AHHHHHHHHHHHH MY IDOL WANTS MY DISCORD REAL?!?!?!!! I’ll DM you trust. Very embarrassing bc you’re going to see my account and notice I just followed you. I promise I’m a real fan I’m just like this with every blog I follow. NO KIDNEY NECESSARY YOU’VE GIVEN SO MUCH ALREADY!! Though hehe if you wanna give me your heart I wouldn’t mind *batting my eyelashes at you btw* love you lots and as always have a splendid night or day or whatever time you usually get my messages!!
-Your silly zoomy 💖
AHHHH!!! Hi 💖 baby!!
I'll give you my heart 🥺🩷 (Sorry to everyone that sees us flirt every day)
In terms of the pre-divorce: You're very spot on with Geto's character!! Their marriage was very stable, while reader is having doubts of trust because well never seeing your partner get angry....is odd. Anger doesn't mean abusive, it's an emotion we all feel! So always having him be the calm person would just be annoying.
There are definitely some drawbacks of predivorce. They're both in the medical field. Which means there's days or sometimes a whole week when they can't see each other...plus Geto kept asking reader if she could move to his hospital since he doesn't really like her working in the ER (crazy stuff happens all the time) and he's not sure what he'd do if he lost his wife because a patient freaked out, someone walking in with a gun/bomb, someone thinking his wife is hot and kidnapping her. So when reader constantly says no, he does get a little frustrated but never shows it. Just flashes reader that sweet polite smile and says "okay angel" when in reality he's having a freak out.
Obviously, they had their sexual issues, and I just think those came up from life. Not seeing each other often and are exhausted from the work week. Other than that, it's pretty normal. They'd travel with Satoru, sometimes Shoko. Go on dates, visit reader parents (not his), cuddle on the couch, and watch something reader wants. He also makes reader's lunch every day in a cute bento box.
I lied not really happy ending??? But epilogue should be out Sunday or Monday at the latest. It's not as bad as TiLR. Maybe that could change
Love you 💖 baby!!!
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blackhairedjjun · 11 months ago
requests vs. soft thoughts
so i've received a few requests in my inbox, and as per my guidelines i only accept soft thoughts but not full fic requests (except for special occasions like the 300 followers event). in a nutshell, the difference between the two is this:
soft thoughts are shorter, unedited, and do not have fully described scenarios. fics are longer, edited and proofread, and have full scenes that take place.
if you want to ask a soft thought from me, please expect the following:
not edited; there may be typos and grammatical errors
no title
broad descriptions only instead of descriptions of specific places, events, characters' thoughts, etc.
compressed scenes - important scenes or events will be described in a few sentences or a paragraph instead of being fully explored over several paragraphs
little to no dialogue
for an example of a full fic, see: rebound and restoration
for an example of soft thoughts, see: guard!yeonjun x noble!reader
please keep this in mind when you send me an ask! requests for full fics will be deleted. thank you!
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thehuntiswhatdefinesus · 2 years ago
Upcoming Stuff
tl;dr: I’ve decided I will fully rework the beginning of the fanfiction, meaning chapters 1 (The Castle) to 6 (Corruption). Minor changes may happen to the chapters afterwards for consistency.
But why?
I’ve recently had a little bit of an issue getting into a writing groove for chapter 35, which in itself isn’t such a problem for updates because I have the massive backlog of chapters waiting to be edited and slowly released.
The spark, however, is just not there.
I’m frustrated with the story flow and even fiddling about with the plot for the third arc didn’t really make me happy (that’s done though, I know where I’m heading with the story, so, yay! ♥)
And after much thinking and talking to fellow authors (who read and comment on the story) and my proofreader and some more back and forth thinking, I’ve figured out what is killing my vibe: the inconsistency in the early character development, story pacing (time frame) and the werewolf’s backstory.
How could this happen?
The reason for this is that at the beginning it was just a “I want this character to get railed by the Dimitrescu family” writing experiment without much thought behind it and I had neither an overarching plot nor a villain for the story until I was halfway through writing chapter 14ish (which I wrote in January 2022).
I have a better grasp of the characters and the story now and while my backlog allowed me to fiddle around and edit some things into the chapters post 7 (”Clean-Up”), with most of the editing happening in chapter 10 (”Control”) to adjust Bela’s characterization, it was a crutch at best.
The more I’m progressing the story in the later chapters, the more I feel like I’m doing heavy patchwork to balance between what I need characters to do and what they can do based on previous conversations and interactions, without outright retconning older chapters.
Now, I have no idea how obvious all this inconsistency even is for readers but it continues to bother me nonetheless.
So what’s the plan, exactly?
- I’m currently working on editing a document with the entirety of the fanfiction, hopefully typo free and properly formatted, as it’s currently online, in case anyone will ever want to see it and as a memento for myself
- for the reader, nothing will change at first, I will add a new chapter as usually in two weeks, then once more in 8 weeks (spacing updates out because I’m not actively writing new-new material and anxiety goes brrrr)
- I will rework the released chapters and then replace them, all at once, when I’m done reworking them
What’s going to change?
- there will be some minor character adjustments to bring them more in line with the later characterization (when I had a better grip on writing them)
- some characters may potentially make an appearance earlier, in some way (like the grand chambermaid)
- as such, some scenes might change or be moved around in order
- I’m actively trying to keep all the plot beats in the rewrite
- basically I’m adding more stuff to expand the time frame that the werewolf is in the castle before chapter 8 (”Catastrophe”), solidify the werewolf’s background and the way the daughters (inter)act
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quinesone · 1 year ago
Yeah, I think it depends on the length/type of the fic. I'm also usually the one-and-done sort of writer, but that is usually for plot-less/character study type of one shots or drabbles where most of the edits I do are simply grammar and typo checks (pre- or post-publishing), and, occasionally, moving paragraphs around. I'm dipping my toes again into writing multi-chapters, and for this one I want to prioritize getting the words down more than writing it well. Thus, when drafting I put a lot of things in [brackets] that I would get back to later. (I still do this for short one shots or character studies, but not as much as multi-chapters.)
So for me, first draft would be the piece, complete with a beginning to an ending, that may or may not include my little bracket notes. Second draft would be when I go back and comb through all those brackets, filling in or fixing whatever I put in there. I may also end up removing or moving parts or scenes, or rewriting. I don't think I've ever fully rewritten anything.
I don't think I usually go to a third draft phase, but if you consider another round of proofreading, cross-referencing my notes, and then making appropriate edits as a separate draft stage, then that's my third draft there. I think it also depends on whether I have an outline from the start or not.
That's as far as I can recall about my fanfiction process right now. My original fiction writing process is much more of a mess, so I won't get into that right now. 😂
When writers refer to first/second/third drafts are they rewriting their entire work over again? I typically just read through a few times and make some changes as I go, not a full rewrite
It depends on the writer, but for the most part it's not a full rewriting from one end of the story to the other.
Most of the time, it's more "reworking" than it is 'rewriting." Finding a passage that doesn't flow correctly or realizing some event needs to come earlier or later in the story. Revising would also be a good term for the drafting process. Taking the original shape of what's been written and cutting a bit here or adding a bit there to get the end result that you're looking for.
I'm a one and done kind of writer, personally. First draft best draft 🤣 I don't have the patience for much beyond that (unless it's something I'm incredibly invested in). So I'll open the floor to the writers who take a more measured approach to things. How do drafts work for you?
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jin0 · 3 years ago
Coming Home To You [TASM!Peter Parker]
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Summary : Peter always comes home to you. Always. Even when he's technically not supposed to. Because that's not what broken up people do.
Pairing : TASM!Peter Parker x Reader
Warning : Minor DNI, 18+ ONLY, angst, groveling, wounded pete, a lot of flirting and sexual tension, smut, p in v, slight mention if titty worshipping, wounded sex
A/N : merry xmas to all those who celebrate !!! I've been blocking on this for two days but i finally finished it so yeah !!! hope you guys enjoy !!!
again, i didn't proofread so all mistakes and typos are mine !!!
(the teen wolf fans will probably recognize the song 🙈)
Typing frantically on your laptop, you tried to keep your eyes open. They burned, either from the light of the device or from the sleep deprivation, both worked actually. You hared yourself a little more every second for not deciding on a career path that didn’t require less education and homework. Now it was clearly too fucking late to back down, you were already in your second year and your parents and family members were so proud of you ? You couldn’t disappoint them like that by giving up on the way.
As you tried to finish the very last sentences of that annoying essay you had to write, a sound took you out of your thoughts and concentration bubble. Your turned your head slightly towards it but never fully turning. You were hidden well enough by the closet besides the window and that gave you the possibility to hide yourself. If it was a burglar, faking ignorance would probably save your life. Now, you were pretty sure it wasn’t a burglar, not on the twelfth floor of your apartment building at 3:37 in the morning.
Hearing the sound of something banging against your window, you exhaled, already feeling exhausted by the possible encounter.
“Come on… Please… Please gorgeous… Please baby… Let me in…” Begged the man outside.
You would recognize this voice in-between millions and that idea just made your heart hurt. This wasn’t the moment for you to deal with this. Not when it still hurt you that much to have him around. You heard him sigh and thought he was leaving you in peace but instead the rattling sound of your window followed.
You spun around in your rolling chair and watched in absolutely shock as he opened the window and let himself in. Your anger of the moment was quickly replaced by terror and worry when you noticed the deep wounds covering his chest. Still in his suit, three enormous slashing marks covered his torso, blood still dripping out of them. They were fresh, he probably came by directly.
You rushed to his aid, helping him climb in a gentler way than he was doing. The man was practically throwing his entire body on your floor. You wrapped one if his arm over your shoulders and helped him walk towards the seat in your room. You exhaled, eyes trembling and watery, observing him with anger and sadness. He would end up dead in front of your window one day and you couldn’t handle that.
Looking up at you with pleading eyes, he breathed heavily, trying to gather a little bit of energy and oxygen back into his body. Right after the fight with a psycho owning a whip which happened to also have blades, he had swung directly towards your apartment. He needed to see you, craved your presence around his. It was unbearable to go back to his apartment and May was definitely out of the picture.
“Come one beautiful… Don’t look at me like that… I can’t handle it…” He whined in pain, both internally and externally.
Watching you carefully, he could see through you like an open book. You weren’t just angry at him for being here, you were terrified and he hated himself for doing this to you. You were his everything and making you feel pain was the last thing he wanted but that was very ironic to think considering the current state if your relationship.
You let out a heavy sigh, rubbing your forehead. You had to gather your thoughts, compose yourself and get to work. God, you were lucky you had like two phrases left to write on your paper and they were generally useless, just for show honestly. You were definitely not going to be going back to work tonight.
Going to your bathroom, you gathered the essential things you would need to fix him up before going back to him. You should’ve thrown all of this away but you didn’t, you couldn’t. Not when you stayed awake at night waiting for him to leave your window. You should’ve told him to stop but you couldn’t. There were so many things you couldn’t do lately and all had to do with him. He made you feel so much that now you were left with nothing.
You sat down on the seat, trying to take the least amount of space and not touch him. He was still staring at your every move and probably got that you were trying to avoid physical contact. He hated this. You should’ve never felt this way, been pushed this far. He forced you in this tony corner, away from him and that was ten times more painful than the wounds on his chest.
He’d been thinking about you so much lately. You probably knew that he spent hours watching you sleep by the window. He couldn’t sleep anyways and when you overworked yourself fighting crime, the criminals did end up disappearing. There wasn’t much to fight anymore, just swinging around m, desperately looking for something to prevent him from running to your apartment to beg for you to be with him again.
He couldn’t bear the feeling of his own bedsheets anymore, freezing and unfamiliar. They felt like they belonged to someone else, like he was sleeping in someone else’s bed and that was partially true. You had made his bed yours, his sheets too, his entire apartment was yours and so was he. Everything he was, was yours and he had been stripped off of it.
He couldn’t do this anymore, this life of lurking around you, sleeping on the floor with the shirts of his you had worn and given back. It had been two whole month and he was running out if things that smelled like you but he still had his memory to save him, a reminder of the feeling of your skin on these pieces of fabric. He had never felt so lucky for the enhanced senses, everything in him being able to vividly remember the feeling of you and your body heat in his arms. All that was still so fresh in his mind but he was greedy and needed the real thing. He was craving you, begging for you to be brought back to him.
He groaned in pain, violently brought back to reality and out of his daydreams but his eyes still focused on your beautiful face. He would never get tired of seeing you.
“Sorry…” You muttered softly, rubbing the wet cloth over his wound.
“Don’t be…” He responded, tone just as soft as your.
Stopping your movements to stare at him back, you were lost in his eyes. He always complained about them being boring but you loved them. They had been your favorite feature of his and now you just felt nauseous looking at them.
Reaching up to hold your face, he slid his fingers softly all around your skin. You felt tingles run down your spine and your entire body as he took hold of your chin delicately. He was looking at you, pleading with you, begging once again, for you to let him in. Not your apartment but in you, your soul, your heart.
“Please… Please baby, look at me… Please… Don’t push me away…” He begged, nearing closer and closer to you.
The simple view of your lips made him dizzy with want (or blood lose). He needed to taste them, taste you. He needed a little bit, just a little bot to keep going. He was desperate.
You started shaking your head slowly, fighting off tears and your own annoying feelings. You couldn’t let him in, not that easily, not like that, not now. Closing your eyes and turning your face away from him, you refused to cave. Not now, not after what happened.
You stood up abruptly, turning around and forcing him to be faced by your back. He couldn’t see and hear you, breathing heavily and frantically wiping your eyes with your shirt. He, himself, was fighting back tears looking down on his chest with a sad smile.
“Why did you come here Peter ?” You queried, looking through the window. He could see the reflection of your face, you were crying heavier tears each second. All because of him. He couldn’t let this go on. He needed to do something, he needed to fix the both if you, no matter what. Or at least make sure that you weren’t crying because of him ever again.
He stood up, wincing loudly, which pulled a reaction out of you. You spun around, rushing to force him back down on the seat which made him chuckle. Even in a situation like this you cared about his wellbeing.
“P-Please whatever you’re about to say… Say it from here, seating down and not fucking up your wounds further.” You pleaded, taking back the wet rag and the other necessary supplies.
“Okay… I’ll stay still for you buttercup.” He chuckled, watching you glare at him. You constantly said you hated the nickname but he knew better.
And he was right, you loved it. It made you feel at peace for some reason. You had missed hearing it all the time now.
Watching you with big doe eyes as you covered his chest in bandages, he reached for you once more. He delicately cupped your cheek and raised himself slightly to bring himself closer to you. This time you didn’t reject him, simply chuckling but also closing your eyes in anticipation. You felt his breath on your face, his lips kissing your cheeks tenderly before going to the tip of your nose and then bending his neck to reach your lips.
He was hesitating, not because he didn’t want to kiss you, god he wanted this and only this. He’d been wanting this from the moment you walked out the door, hitting himself in the chest repeatedly and cursing himself for staying still as you walked out of his apartment. He wanted to run to you, spin you in his arms and keep you close against his chest as he kissed your soft, plump lips repeatedly telling you that he was sorry, he didn’t mean it, he loved you and he wanted you to stay with him for ever. He had dreamt of it but was always brutally brought back to reality by his alarm. Hell, he ended up smacking it with his fist and instantly regretted it when he remembered you had bought it for him. He had spent the morning crying with the shattered debris of his broken alarm before deciding that he would rebuild it with the help of his memory, pictures of the both of you that featured it in the back and web fluid.
What he had been hesitant about was the moment you would reject him, push him away. He had been waiting, expecting you to, he deserved it after all. To be pushed away further, kissed by the freezing rejection instead. He would’ve deserved it, after the pain he caused the both of you. He wanted you to reject him, as punition for being a moron. Except you didn’t want that, you didn’t reject him, you even come towards him, soft smile on your lips. Oh, he had missed it, your beautiful smile, real and directed at him.
His kips puckered, reaching towards yours and grazed your skin before fully pushing his face against yours. It was light, so light he was pretty sure he had dreamt it or at least hallucinated it. He was breathing in your scent, eager to keep peppering light kisses against your lips.
He left himself be guided, practically controlled by your movements. What you chose to do he would follow, so when you pushed yourself in his direction, making sure that he laid on the arm of the seat again, he didn’t fight back.
Detaching your soft lips from his, you let your fingers slide down his chest softly, chuckling when he tried to reach for one more kiss. He just wanted one more, needed it even. You laid your hand flat on his stomach, successfully avoiding the open wounds, to settle him.
“Easy there, bug boy…” You chuckled against his lips.
He should’ve been embarrassed about the effect the nickname had on him. He instinctively wrapped an arm around your waist to bring your closer to him and he was very pleased when you didn’t resist.
“Fuck… That nickname… I missed it so much…” He muttered, holding your cheek close to his face and kissing the corner of your mouth tenderly.
Peter had always been really needy for you, always finding a way to touch you. He had to have his hands on you or he would be terrible to everyone around. You didn’t even want to mention how feral he would get when fucking you. You often ended up begging for five minutes of rest at least.
Pushing himself up, he felt like he was repeating a never ending cycle : pushing himself towards you, desperate for your touch, suffering from the lack of it while trying to be as docile for you. He knew how much impact you had on him, it even scared him sometimes. Being this in love for you, it was terrifying and it did make him make bad decisions. The main one in his mind was the one that had created the situation you were both in currently.
“Peter… You can’t… We can’t…” You said, words slurred and muffled by his lips. You couldn’t cave m, not now, not like this. You wanted explanations first and honesty too.
“I know… I know baby… Fuck… I know, I’m trying… But I just… I need one more kiss… Just one more… One last…” He begged, rubbing his nose against yours. His eyes were looking down on your mouth and he was trying to contain himself as you bit your lips, trapping them behind your teeth. He wanted to do that, fuck, he needed to do that. Bite them, suck them, all just for you.
“Come on Pete… We both know that one last will never be one last, not for real at least…” You were amused by his lying, you both knew better.
“Yeah, I know… I always come back to you… Always needy for you… You… And only you…” He said, voice low and deep, filled with a craving sensation. He was keeping his hands nice around your waist but he wanted to keep them roaming on your body.
“If you always come back to me Pete… Why did you break up with me then ?” You asked softly.
He had been expecting this question or at least for you to say something that would give him an opportunity to talk, explain his reasoning and the goal behind his actions. He needed to tell you the whole truth, he couldn’t go on any longer.
Pulling away from you with teary eyes, he grabbed your face in both his hands, kissing your forehead and cheeks repeatedly.
“I know baby… I know I fucked up… Fuck, I can’t ever forgive myself for this princess…” Taking a long pause to breath in and compose himself, he backed up from you, putting on distance between both your bodies. “I-I just can’t… The hold you have on me… The power you have on me, buttercup… Fuck… It terrifies me… Because if it came down to it, I would risk it all for you. Even if it meant putting the rest of the world in danger in the process. I’m scared of the person I’ll become if you life or happiness is on the line…” He revealed, a soft yet sad smile stretching his lips. He wasn’t looking at you anymore but far off in the distance, probably zoning out.
Taking a big breath, you wiped the tears off of your face and repositioned yourself in his hold and on the seat.
“If… If it’s so dangerous for me to be around you… Why do you keep coming back here ? Why do you show up at my window at least once a night ? Why don’t you just… stay away, Peter ?” You questioned, voice as steady as you could make it.
When he laughed, you felt slightly stupid about your question but then you remembered who this was. This was Peter, his reactions were surprising but he would never make fun in a serious conversation. Not this one at least.
“You say that like it’s the easiest thing ever… Staying away from you…” He chuckles, looking into your eyes deeply. His hand had slid under your shirt to caress the skin of your waist. “I couldn’t do it when we were together… And I definitely can’t do it now… You’re… You’re pulling me towards you without even knowing it... Every time I try, I end up right back where it started. I end here, hanging on your window like a fucking idiot, hoping I could erase this stupid conversation and idea out of your mind. What fuck ass idea was this anyways ? Breaking up to protect you ? Please, I’m not protecting anyone without you around… Not even myself.” He joked, pulling you even closer to him and laying his forehead on your shoulder.
You stayed silent, letting him find comfort and peace against you. Truthfully, you had needed him just as much as he said he needed you. Everything you did, you would think about him and it would end up in a stupid fight between you and yourself. A part of you wanted to move on, out of spite, and the other wanted to wait, to give the both of you time to hope and calm down. At the end, both had won in a way, you weren’t necessarily welcoming him in your life that easily but you were also not rejecting him or his love.
“Pete… If you weren’t injured I would kick your fucking ass for thinking this kinds of shit.” You exhaled, throwing him a pointed look. He turned his head to see your eyes and chuckled against your skin, gripping you tighter in his arms. “Like, you were scared and just decided to push me away ? Instead of talking to me about it ? Because breaking up was such a genius idea huh ? And what did you think you would become if I was in danger ? Jeffrey fucking Dahmer ? Please Peter, the worst thing you did to a literal lizard trying to turn the whole town into lizards was cure him.” You spat sarcastically, still glaring at him, his face buried in your neck.
“Talking wouldn’t be doing much about the situation, beautiful. It would probably make me even more in love but let’s not get into that right now…” He responded, breathing in your scent and rubbing his nose against your neck. “I think we can both agree that I’m simply not the best at making decisions… I’m not the most rational guy there is… And I do tend to let fear drive me sometimes…”
“Yeah, we noticed.”
A comfortable silence settled in the room. This was the first time in a while that you both felt at peace in silence. Usually, you felt like the emptiness and lack of noise in the room was suffocating you, a glaring reminder that something was missing. To fill it you would play music, but music could only do so much in comparison to the soft voice of the man you wanted. You had missed him tremendously and only now were you fully confronting that fact. Your heart, which had been in this violent state of constant destruction and pain, was finally settling. You wanted to laugh, he was scared of the power you had on him, he would be surprised to find out about the power he had on you.
You were pulled out lf your thoughts by his large hand wrapping itself around the back of your neck, squeezing it a little bit and pulling you towards his face. Only now did you resist, wanting to give in more than anything, kissing him tenderly like you used to. You wanted to and he knew it, better than anyone.
“No… Peter…” You breathed out softly, a smile on your face.
“Yes… Please… Yes…” Responded the boy, still longing desperately for you and the softness of your lips. He was pecking your lips more and more feverishly, feeling that you were loosing this battle against yourself when you grabbed his other hand.
This little back and forth did not last long, his tongue already licking your lips and tacking the opportunity you gave him by parting your lips to moan his name, desperately. When you felt it slide in your mouth, you fully closed your eyes, letting the pleasure take over. His lips, warm and tasting as sweet as honey were wrapping themselves around your, swallowing eagerly, each and every and everyone of the sounds you would make. He had needed these, praying to everything out there to let him dream of you so that he could remember better, more vividly. He had needed you, the feeling of your skin against his, your scent on him, drowning his senses and filling his brain with thoughts of you only.
You nose, rubbing against his face, you pulled away slowly, smiling even more when he whined for more, constantly following you as you tried to detach your lips from his. Inhaling his scent, you felt at home with him so close to you. He was always coming back to you, and you would always come back to him.
“You can’t do that Peter… You can’t keep coming here knowing that you and I aren’t together anymore… We can’t keep doing this… It’s not how broken up people are supposed to act and you know it…” You said, trying your best to sound stern and severe when truly you didn’t mean any of the words you said.
“I can’t beautiful… I can’t stay away… I can’t move on, I won’t. I don’t want to…You have my whole heart in your hands and I can’t just take it back you know ? It’s rude to take a gift back. And I was raised to be polite.” He responded with a teasing tone that you knew like the back of your hand
He wasn’t just saying that he couldn’t take back his heart, he was begging you not to force him to do so. He wouldn’t survive taking it back, even if it was in perfect state, filled with good memories and love, he couldn’t take it back. Because he would crush it himself to make sure he would never love again after you. And Peter had a certain talent when it came to defying Destiny.
“Hey, look at me.” He raised himself, seating up fully and grabbed you by the waist, hoisting you up on his lap. You knew better than fight back, he wouldn’t mind injuring himself further to have you close to him. This man was an absolute danger to his own safety, an absolute terror.
“I love you princess, and I’d rather fall off a building and let myself crash than let you go that easily. I’ll spend as long as it takes, fighting to be yours again. Or at least officially, I’ve never stopped being yours anyways.” He declared, a grin on his handsome face. God you hated him and his stupid grin that made your heart beat so fast you felt like the motor of a fucking race car.
You exhaled shakily when you felt his lips against the base of your neck. Kissing tenderly on your soft skin, he started sucking and biting when you moved your face out of the way to give him more space. How could you resist him when you had craved him so badly ? You couldn’t, and you wouldn’t. So you didn’t.
“Peter…” You muttered, slowly rolling your hips on him.
He gripped you waist tighter, as if you would run away if he didn’t. He couldn’t let you go, not like that. You were his world, the drive he needed to keep waking up every day, the motivation behind his spider activities, everything he did led him back to you. He even found himself thinking about a family and the life you could live together and that, that killed him. Every moment spent thinking about it was a new reason to fight for you and your love. His heart was already yours, beating more and more for the woman he dreamt of calling his wife one day. Yeah, he would fight for you.
“I’m sorry buttercup… I love you… So, so, so much…” He repeated, his lips traveling around the skin of your shoulders and neck. You knew he was waiting for you to stop him, keeping himself focused and controlled to not lose it on you. You scent and the warmth produced by your body were intoxicating, but your little moans as he kissed sensitive points of you body were drugs he refused to let go of. You were his drug and if getting clean meant living without you, then he refused to do so.
You slid your hand over his large back, reaching all the way up to his nape and playing with his hair in an attempt to calm the rapidly disappearing control he had over himself.
“Peter, look at me baby…” His eyes snapped towards yours, entirely focused on you by the second you called his name. He tried to keep in a whine when you called him by this pet name he could never get enough of. “I love you too Pete, but you have to promise that next time you feel scared about us and what could possibly happen, you’ll talk to me. These are the stuff we deal with as a couple, not just you carrying everything on your back. Let me help you, not just because that’s my duty as your girlfriend, but because I fucking love you and that’s the only thing I want to do.” You smiled through teary eyes.
Poor Peter, he couldn’t hold it anymore. He had kept in so much tears in the last days, so much feelings that he refused to share, express with anyone because the only person he wanted to do that with was you. He couldn’t help but cry in silence, burying himself in your arms and muttering your name repeatedly. You chuckled against his forehead, kissing him tenderly and rubbing his back to call him down. You would have a lot of things to discuss, most concerning his tendencies to take on everything on his own. All that you would discuss it, later. For now, you just needed each other and you wouldn’t miss anymore second to be there for the other. Two months had been long enough.
The moment both your tears stopped, his lips were already on your, crashing against your and kissing you so passionately, you both felt dizzy from it. You had tried to get him to love less to not worsen his wounds but he wouldn’t have it, not until he was sure to have tasted you well enough. He needed to have the taste of your skin carved on his skin, he couldn’t imagine going on another period of time without it. His lips roaming your body and biting onto as much space possible to leave marks on you, you didn’t keep in any of your sounds. He would make sure you couldn’t anyways but you would do it. You had missed the feeling of him on you, his hands gripping your body parts and striping you naked under him, you had missed it all so much.
Hands tightly wrapped around your waist, he kissed stifled a laugh against your jawline when you cussed him out once more for abandoning you for two months. He internally started making a little list of all the things he would do to make it up to you. He would spoil you rotten, for as long as you’d allow him, not just to fix his mistake, but because he wanted you to have everything you deserved and beyond.
“I’m sorry baby, I’ll never leave you again. I promise…” He promised, lips attached to your ear and sharing every sound he made because of you.
Every groan, moan and curses coming out of his mouth, you heard and each one made you sink further in this endless pit people called love. You were done for, it was official. Peter was officially everything you needed right now and you were comfortable with the life you had decided to live.
You sung his name like a mantra when his fingers parted your folds and lapped at your core, pulling violent orgasms out of you. His own throbbing cock didn’t matter at all when he could be satisfied by pleasing you. The pleasure, so high and violent that you had been crying in pleasure, his name never leaving your lips once. It was all you knew, all you cared for, all you wanted.
Looking up at your beautiful face contorted in pleasure, he was never satisfied, never getting enough of you and the taste of you. Your sweet juices pooling in his mouth and drowning his every senses, he couldn’t stop. Or simply didn’t want to. He would spend his life between your legs if you allowed him.
“Come on princess, I know you’ve got one left for me… Just one more okay ? For me ?” He pleaded, biting your sensitive inner thighs and enjoying the little whimpers coming out of your mouth as you tried to keep yourself from cumming, unable to handle another violent orgasm like the previous ones.
The moment he entered you, girth throbbing and desperate to be held tightly in your warm heat, he felt like passing out. He had stopped bleeding a while ago and felt his wounds heal rapidly. This had simply cemented the fact that you made his world spin so fast, he lived in a constant state of dizziness.
You felt so familiar and real, he couldn’t believe that he had ever lied to himself this blatantly when saying that dreaming of you would be enough. Nothing was enough compared to you, not even dreams of you. The feeling of your skin, warm and sweat covered against his was unmatchable. And nothing would ever be able to make him feel like he felt with your velvety walls wrapped around him so tightly he could suffocate. He had missed you so much, he could cum from this alone.
“F-Fuck, princess… I-I can’t… Fuck… I missed you so fucking much…” He groaned, voice strained from trying to sound as stable as possible.
You on the other hand didn’t feel much different. You had missed every part of him but feeling his pulsating cock in you spread this burning feeling all through your body. This lava like sensation was a violent reminder of how much this man could do to you. He could tear your world down and rebuild it as much as he wanted, you would let him do anything he wanted to you.
Holding your thighs apart and biting on the swell of your breast desperately, his hips drove into your pussy, spreading you open further and further around him. His entire body was covering yours, god he was so fucking tall, you could only see him. Your hands were spread over his back, nails gripping tight in his skin and leaving deep red marks on the way. Your moans echoed in the room and his head, you sounded like an angel, a goddess even, one that he would worship for the rest of eternity and never get tired of it. He had missed you so much, everything about him was screaming in joy to have you again.
Fuck, anyone should be checked in a mental institution for loving someone else that much, loving them enough to completely disregarding their own safety. He should probably tell you about the rookie mistakes he made in fights because he would see things that reminded him of you. Today had been one, he had seen a cat and remembered how you mentioned wanting to adopt a cat with him. You’d name it Spider Kitty, he thought the idea was absolutely genius.
He kept your tits, heavy and supple in his mouth, sucking onto you vigorously and letting the vibrations of his groans and moans get muffled by your skin. You yourself couldn’t hold your sounds anymore and he didn’t want you to, but the vision of your fucked out state, drooling and biting onto the bedsheets that you gripped so tight, you tore it up, was too beautiful to pass up on.
“Look at me gorgeous… I want you to see how much cum I put in you… I want you all filled up with me… Keeping it all deep in you, it’s all yours… All of me is yours…” He moaned, plowing into your wet cunt deeply.
The only sounds heard now were only your cries of pleasure and the sound obscene sounds of your skins slapping against each other. Both of you, desperate for each other, did not stop until the early rays of sunshiny started showing. Both spent but happier than ever before, laid comfortably in the arms of the other. Your head rested on his chest with your body nuzzling to his side, your leg perched on top of his. One of his arm held you tightly while the other drew shapes over your naked body, roaming from you ribs to your belly and descending to your thigh. He was watching you carefully, loving the feeling he was basking in, comfort, peace, love. He had never felt so lost before but your absence had scared him in a way he refused to live again.
He kissed your forehead tenderly, smiling when you scrunched your nose in your sleep. Even in your sleep, you were so gentle with him, laying your fingers softly on his wounded chest. He let out a heavy sigh, not one of exhaustion but of happiness. He was at ease and so were you. He fell asleep a few minutes later, lips still pressed against the crown of your head.
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deathbxnny · 3 years ago
A change we make together. (Kazuha x Reader)
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Content: Angst and some spoilers to Kazuha's story quest + Fluff
Pronouns used: She/Her, reader is referred to as a woman.
Word count: 1.9K
A/N: Thank you so much for 102 Followers! Take this as a thank you haha! <3
(Edit: I fixed some mistakes and typo's)
((Also not fully proofread, because I'm very busy. The story may be randomly edited if I see any mistakes.))
The world was brighter with him. 
That’s something you knew for certain, as you traversed the streets of Ritou. The sky was clear, and the sun was warm as it shone upon you, nearly seeming to mock you for the cold emptiness in your heart.
You pulled your Haori closer to your face, avoiding peoples curious stares. A shaky sigh left your lips, your eyes trying to focus on your way and the brightly coloured decoration that adored every corner of the city. 
The painful feeling in your chest got tighter and tighter, as your mind raced with fear when passing some soldiers. A fear you couldn’t get rid of no matter how much time had went by since the... incident.
You were just starting to notice how hard the lack of sleep was hitting you. Quickly ducking into a dark alley off the street, you took a deep breath, your fingers gripping your hidden blade tightly. Tears filled your eyes, as you gritted your teeth in fear.
You shouldn’t have come out here. But you couldn’t help yourself, when you received that letter. Your heart ached for the freedom of the outside world. It’s been so long, since you’ve left your hide out. You thought that you were finally strong enough to spend a couple hours outside, but you were wrong. Nothing has changed. You were just as scared, as you were back when it happened. The incident that killed your brother and forced your dear lover to flee without you. 
Why were you even here again-?
Your hand shakily reached into your pocket and pulled out a small letter. Yes, that was right, you were here because of him. Your lover has finally returned to come and take you away with him. And you were supposed to meet him here at the festival.
Your eyes skimmed the contents of the letter for the 100th time that day. You had it memorised all ready, yet his handwriting comforted you. Your heavy breathing calmed down, as you took a seat on a small crate in the alley way. You could somehow hear his soft voice, when you read the words on the paper.
“To my darling (Y/N),
This letter will be much shorter than most I have written, so I apologise in advance for it. But I’m glad to announce that there won’t be any need for us to communicate in such way anymore, after what I must tell you.
I’m coming back for you and this time to take you away with me on my journey through all of Teyvat. 
Please meet me at the Irodori festival. I’m looking forward to finally seeing you again, my dove.
Forever and always yours,
Kaedehara Kazuha.”
After neatly folding the letter into your pocket again, you exited the alley and made your way down the street into the centre of the city.
Walking past some vendors, you couldn’t help but stare in awe at the beautiful décor and colours that adored the streets and shops around you.
A long-forgotten giddiness filled your heart, as you watched the people around you celebrate. When was the last time you went to a festival? It’s been a long time that’s for sure.
Suddenly, you felt something small bump into your legs. “Oh-! Sorry, I didn’t mean to bump into you!” Looking down, you gazed upon a small girl clad in red, smiling brightly up at you. “Ah, don’t worry about it… are you alright?” You softly asked, as you tried calming down your beating heart. The girl nodded happily, as she stepped back from you.
“Dodoco says, that you have a very pretty dress, miss!” The girl said, as she pointed at the small stuffed keychain on her large back bag. “Why thank you, Dodoco. Yours is as well.” You responded, returning her happy smile.
“Klee! Oh man, excuse me miss, I hope she didn’t cause you any trouble!” A young woman quickly pulled Klee to her side, as she bowed to you apologetically. “Ah, please, nothing happened. There is no need to apologize.” You simply chuckled, making the woman smile a little back. “Come on, Klee. Mr. Albedo is waiting for us.” Klee grabbed onto her hand, before brightly waving goodbye to you. “Have a nice day, Miss!” Klee said, as she and the woman quickly disappeared into the crowd.
A small chuckle left your lips, as you continued on your way. You felt much lighter in your step now. 
As you passed by the centre of the city, you glanced at the even brighter décor and books. But most importantly the beautiful paintings, that a foreign artist drew for the festival. You couldn’t help, but stare at a certain one of the paintings for a moment, halting in your step.
The man depicted in the painting looked suspiciously a lot like your lover. Perhaps it was only a coincidence, but the sight of the familiar features made your heart burn painfully again. You needed to hurry up and find him, before your heart stopped. 
You walked faster now, fighting your way through the dense crowd to the harbour. You could already see the sails of the large boat, that you will call home for a while, in the distance. The Alcor.
At the sight of it, you felt overwhelmed with unknown emotions. One hand reached towards the letter, the other towards your sword that hid beneath your Haori. Freedom was so close.
Then you saw him, standing at the end of the harbour. His wild, white hair glowed in the sun. His back was turned to you, as he spoke to an unknown woman. But you could still make out that it was him.
Your mouth moved, before you could stop yourself. “Kazuha!” your voice surprised you, as the loud sound of the ocean waves crashing along the shore fills your ears. Your legs moved without realizing it, finally closing the distance between you and your lover. 
For a moment, you thought that your voice was drowned out by the merciless ocean and wind, but he had heard you. He whirled around at the familiar sound, his eyes wildly looking for you, forgetting the confused woman behind him. And there you were, tearfully running towards him, desperate to finally fall into his arms. “(Y/N)…?” His voice came out as a whisper, as his arms reached out for you.
Throwing yourself into his warm embrace, your arms wrapped around his torso, pulling him impossibly closer. One arm wrapped around your waist and the other cupping your head; he couldn’t believe that it was you. “You actually came, my dove…” He whispered, as he buried his face in your hair. “Ofcourse, I did. I waited so long for you to take me away…” you sobbed, hiding your face in his chest and gripping his clothes. His familiar scent filled your senses, making you feel lightheaded. 
“-So, you must be our dear Kazuha’s girl, ey?” The woman, that was conversing with Kazuha before, gave you a teasing grin, as she put her hands on her hips. Suddenly getting shy, you and Kazuha parted to face her properly. Your lover simply chuckled at your red face. “Yes, she is.” He took your hand in his proudly, smiling a little at the tall woman. “Hah, well in that case everyone is ready to go then, yes? The names Captain Beidou, by the way. Captain of the Alcor.” She introduced herself, gesturing to the massive boat as though it wasn’t anything special.
You only nodded your head, too overwhelmed to speak. She seemed to understand however, as she gave you an encouraging pat on the shoulder, before boarding the ship to get the crew ready for departure.
Alone once more, you allowed the wind and the ocean waves to fall over you and your lover. You took a deep breath, trying to memorize the winds and scents of your home, before you finally left it for the first time in your life.
Sudden fear struck your heart, as you realized what you were about to do. Your future was just a couple paces away, onboard that massive ship with your lover. In an unknown world, where no one knew of who you both were. Simply two lovers travelling the world together side by side, making it their home no matter where they went. 
It was right there, but you were so scared of leaving the one thing you knew existed for certain. Something, that you could consider as safe in your mind, despite it’s horrors. It was the only place you were used to, so how could you leave it for the unknown abyss of the ocean? For places you’ve only heard in whispers and read in books. Were you ready for change?
Your eyes drifted to the distant city of Ritou. You watched the people pass in and out the harbor, living out their lives in peaceful ignorance. You thought of your dead brother, who had fought desperately for change, only to fall to ashes at the shoguns throne. You felt your throat grow tight again, as your eyes burned with tears. 
“Let go, my dove. The past was only a fleeting moment of our life, the main part is starting now.” Kazuha’s gentle voice soothed your disturbed soul. Like a bird in the sky, drifting through the wind, his voice filled you with an unfamiliar feeling of freedom, relief. You could nearly reach out to grasp it between your fingers, the change to your eternal suffering. You just needed a final push.
Stepping back, he slowly boarded the ship, reaching a hand out for you to take. His bandaged arm made you wonder what scars your brothers vision left on him. How it set his arm ablaze with it’s final wish of freedom and justice. Maybe now is your chance to finish what he started. “Let’s go.” He said, a smile stretching across his face at the way the warm evening sun hit your perfect face. Oh, how he missed your divine beauty. No poem in the world could even begin to describe you.
Kazuha’s eyes glinted with an understanding. Determination and bravery filled you at the sight, as you firmly grasped his hand and allowed him to pull you aboard the ship. It was like the strings of your past were cut, finally allowing you to breathe for the first time in years. “Kazuha” you gasped, as your body hit his chest, your hand grabbing his shoulder for support. “I know. And I’m right here, dove.” He whispered, as he took you further towards the deck, his hand firmly in yours. 
Standing in front of the crew and their Captain, she gave you a happy grin. “Well? Are we ready?” she asked. “Yes, we’re ready.” You said, a rare smile gracing your face. And for a moment, Kazuha felt as though he had seen paradise itself. 
The crew cheered, as everyone quickly went back to their post to finally get moving. You hid your face in Kazuha’s chest, listening to his wild heartbeat with a small chuckle. “Your heart is trying to escape your chest, my love.” You teased, making him let out an airy laugh. “Just for you, my dove.” He teased you back, pulling you even closer, as he nuzzled his face in your neck. You giggled slightly, when his breath tickled your neck. 
“I’m glad you’ve decided to join me.” “I wouldn’t dream of ever leaving you, never again.”
As the Alcor slowly disappeared beyond the horizon, the two lovers huddled closer, watching their former home drift away. But they didn’t mind, as final change and freedom engulfed them.
Okay so, I hope you guys liked it! I'm really sorry for any mistakes, but school is keeping me really busy, so yeah.
If you have any personal requests for any characters, please let me know!^^
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unnerving-presence · 3 years ago
Can I request Michael with a s/o whos a virgin??? Like him being their first time and trying to make it as enjoyable as possible, maybe with a fluff ending with aftercare perhaps???
Im sorry im just a fucking whore for Michael dodbdkdjdkd he can slit my throat and throw me in a meat grinder and I'd say thank you 😩😩😩
i’m so sorry if the nsfw isn’t good! i don’t write fics often and i don’t really know what i’m doing when i do. hope it’s good enough though shdhdj
NSFW Below!
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It had been harder than expected admitting to Michael that you were a virgin. How would he react? Would he be more rough with you than before? Would he take advantage of you being untouched? Michael was unpredictable. There was really no telling with him.
Your thoughts were all over the place. So much so that you didn’t even notice the shape standing right infront of you, his head tilted to the side in curiosity. Of course he knew something was wrong. He always knew. And of course he just had to know what was on your mind.
He will get impatient if you do not tell him fast enough. He’ll grip your jaw and bring you closer to him, meaning that he wants to know now. Michael won’t harm you, his cold glare intimidates you enough.
“Michael I.. I don’t know how else to tell you this but.. I’m a virgin. I’ve wanted to tell you for a while but I just didn’t know what you’d think. I’m sorry.”
Was that it? You just wanted to tell him you haven’t been touched by anybody else? If anything that’s a major turn on for him. He’ll reassure you by lifting your chin up with a finger before he takes your hand and brings it down to his groin. The tent in his coveralls is painfully obvious, and that’s enough to make you slightly gasp at the feel of it. It’s enough to tell you that he is not mad.
Some part of Michael wants to take advantage of the fact that you’re untouched. He would love to absolutely destroy any sense of innocence you had before. You’d be lusting over him, and only him. He wouldn’t mind that at all. But he knows that it will take time for that. Michael isn’t a particularly patient person when it comes to his lust, but he can wait for you.
A lil nsfw under the cut :) I did not proofread this so there may be some typos and it may be written poorly
It takes everything in him to hold back from thrusting harder. ‘Gentle’, the voices tell him.
Large, calloused hands knead your thighs as he thrusts into you once more. Your arms around his neck tighten and your legs quiver. Michael’s thrusts get faster by the minute. It’s not fast enough to overstimulate you, but just enough to get you moaning again.
“Harder.. please..”
Michael is in awe. This really is your first time. You’re so sensitive, yet so desperate for more. Michael doesn’t hesitate to comply, his hips connecting with yours just a bit harder. He adores the way you gasp after each thrust, almost as if it’s taking your breath away.
Michael lets out a quiet groan, your walls fluttering against his throbbing cock. He can tell you’re getting overwhelmed, and it spurs him on. The feeling of pure euphoria has you crying out, the sound muffled by you burying your face in the fabric of his coveralls. One of his hands leaves your thigh and brings it up to your hair, pulling you away from his shoulder. He wants to hear each and every one of your delicate moans, and he is not going to let you hide them from him. His thrusts get increasingly harder, setting the perfect pace that has you writhing in his grasp.
Your hands settle on Michael’s chest, your head tilting back as you fully submit to him. You had never taken a size this big. You had never taken any size, in fact. It had surprised you that Michael could even fit inside you. Now you didn’t even have time to think such thoughts, not when the swell of his cock had been dragging so enticingly across your ever so tightening walls.
The hand at your hip tightened, his own way of asking if he could go faster. A quick nod tells him all he needs to know. He gently wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you close. He removes his hands once more to grip the insides of your thighs, spreading your legs further.
The change in pace was sudden. Too sudden. Hitting deeper in you than before. His cock hitting just the right spot. Each push and pull of his hips had driven you crazy. You couldn’t stop the moans from falling from your lips, but you didn’t care enough to try and stop them. You just wanted him. You only wanted him. He was the only person that was ever able to make you feel so good.
“Michael I-“
He knows. His hands move to wrap around your waist once more, his thumb caressing your back as your whining gets louder. Michael brings his forehead down to touch yours, maintaining eye contact as your orgasms get closer and closer. You can feel it. He can feel it. His cock twitches as he fucks you harder, faster. Your warmth hugging him so tight as he pushes his cock back into you.
It was all too much. The unrelenting pace, Michael’s labored breathing in your ear, the hands caressing your back. You mewl in pure ecstasy as you finally finish, closing your eyes as you bask in the delight of your orgasm. You move your head to rest on his shoulder as your whole body shakes in pleasure.
Michael grunts into your ear as he feels you squeeze around him, your juices dripping down his dick and smearing across his groin. He thought you couldn’t get any tighter, he thought you couldn’t feel any better than this. He sloppily thrusts into you once, twice, before cumming inside of you, giving you another orgasm in the process.
Michael rubs up and down your back, calming down your still recovering state of bliss. He slowly pulls out of you, prompting you to let out a tiny squeal as his cum drips from your abused hole. Michael silently chuckles at the sound. Cute.
You hadn’t realized Michael had pulled away until you had heard the door open. Did he really just leave you? After all that? Your worried thoughts had been calmed after you Michael had walked back into the room with a small towel and a glass of water. Michael had already cleaned himself up it seems. His coveralls had been zipped back up, and he looked suspiciously clean. Did he change his coveralls? You don’t have time to dwell on it before Michael is pulling back the sheets and wiping his and your release off of you, making sure he hasn’t missed a spot.
Throwing the towel to the side, he lightly pushes the glass of water closer to you before taking off the mask and climbing into bed with you. He was going to stay with you until you had fallen asleep.
You hadn’t expected the boogeyman to be so considerate, but it wasn’t unwelcome.
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problematicsashawaybright · 3 months ago
You've got this bestie!! Something I've learned during my first couple years of college is that it's always better to turn in something terrible than to turn in nothing at all. If you can't put your 100% into an assignment, put in your 50%. Or your 25%. Hell, even your 5% is better than 0% yk? If you turn in nothing, you can guarantee you won't get any points. If you wake up in the middle of the night and type out a half-ass essay on your phone and submit it without proofreading, your professor may give you partial credit for getting words on paper or just for trying. One time I was so lost and confused during my astronomy test that for one of the questions, I wrote "I'm so sorry, I don't know :(" (including the handwritten frowny face on a physical paper test) and my professor took pity on me and gave me half credit for that question. What's that phrase? You miss 100% of the shots you don't take or something? Idk if I'm making sense because I've been awake for 36 hours and I'm eepy, but basically what I'm saying is that it's better to half-ass an assignment and turn it in than just not submitting anything. You have nothing to lose and at least partial credit to gain if you submit a typo ridden essay you're not even sure is fully in English versus nothing at all. (These examples are all based on real things I have done during my associates degree + my first semester of my bachelor's) (again idk if I'm making sense, but good luck!!! I believe in you!!! /gen)
clicking the "I promise I didn't use AI" button when submitting my final assignment knowing that AI could never even dream of writing a paper this bad
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