#i have not been suddenly struck w inspiration lol
kmfoxtail546 · 5 months
100 Years Coming
A Lucifer Morningstar x Trans!Male Reader by. KM-Foxtail-546
Chapter Summary: It's your first day at the Hazbin Hotel after being brought in as the receptionist by Alastor as a cover for helping with his wounds. You're exploring the hotel to get to know the layout after Alastor only showed you half of the layout. You're to the opposite of Alastor's Radio Tower when you find an intricately carved door decorated with snakes and apples. And are those... Ducks?
No use of Y/N
You can also read it on my Ao3!
Warnings: Hurt/Comfort, Minors Do Not Interact, Lucifer Trauma, Mentions of Depression, Depressive Episodes, Comforting depressive episodes, mentions/descriptions of trauma, mentions/descriptions of emotional abuse, Lilith is mentioned, relationship trauma, trans reader, male reader, male x male romance, cuddling I guess? Lol it's hardly anything compared to what's to come. Unedited
Word Count:1,908 words this chapter
Author's Note: Special thanks to @dragongeeks for Roleplaying with me in the first place and giving me the inspiration to finally write my first fic. Extra note at the end.
Chapter 1: A Door of Snakes and... Ducks?
You sighed slightly as you wrapped up putting your new room together at the hotel. Having already helped Alastor with his bandaging for the night you thought about what you should do. It was relatively late but you were still wide awake, mins buzzing with energy after moving yet again for the 5th time in just 4 months. It was getting tiring but at least this time it was by choice and not by those pricks who keep following and harassing you wherever you settled.
Deciding to step out of your room you adjust your vest and start wandering the halls. Alastor had only shown you half of the layout of the hotel. Seemingly having drawn an invisible line halfway across like some child. Thinking on it for a moment you head towards the areas you hadn't been to familiarize yourself with the rest of the layout. You'd have to know it for your new job as the Hotel's receptionist anyway considering you'd have to show new guests to their rooms.
The energy seems to shift as you cross that invisible threshold that Alastor had seemed to make, shivering slightly as his very essence that had drenched that half of the hotel left you. You pause for a moment before venturing forward, determined on your mission. Most of your exploration is uneventful and it seems to be an exact copy of what you'd been shown.
As you're wrapping up with the uppermost floor of the hotel you come across an intricately carved door. It was stunning with by far some of the finest craftsmanship you'd seen in either life or death. It was decorated with detailed imagery of Snakes and Apples, hints of Eden hidden among an overall circus theme but then you notice something, Is that... Are those DUCKS? Like all over the door there are little rubber ducks hidden among almost every detail.
You snort slightly as that finally seems to tip the edge of your curiosity. You're about to just open the door before you think better of it. Knocking firmly as to make sure you didn't walk in on anyone. There's a yelp and shuffling behind the door along with the muffled crash of what sounded like a squeaky pile. After a couple moments someone seems to rush up to the door and open it. You go speechless, awe-struck as you find yourself face to face with none other than Lucifer Morningstar himself. The Sin of Pride and King of Hell.
Lucifer looks disheveled as if he'd just been interrupted from something. His desk was a mess with several discarded Rubber Ducks. You finally snap out of it when he asks what he can do for you and you sweep yourself into a full bow, suddenly feeling panicked. "I'm so sorry Your Majesty! I didn't mean to interrupt you or anything. I'll leave if you need me to."
Lucifer's eyes widened as he suddenly spoke very quickly. "NO! No no no. It's uh. It's okay. You don't have to leave at all, I wasn't. I wasn't really doing anything at all. And please l, just call me Lucifer." He smiled awkwardly at you and cleared his throat. "A-anyway you don't have to bow like that for me. At least not here at the Hotel. While I'm here I am very simply Charlie's Dad."
You reluctantly stand back up like normal before gasping as you notice the piles upon piles of ducks in the room behind him. Forgetting to think you rush past him inside of the room, stopping to look at each individual rubber duckie. Taking great interest in his collection. "Wow! I've never seen this many unique rubber ducks. I think at all even, let alone all in one place. Do you collect them? Or do you somehow make these yourself?"
Lucifer looked confused at how you took such interest in his ducks. Anyone else he'd run into who saw them(except Charlie obviously) had made fun of them. So he certainly hadn't expected you to observe them so intently. Feeling suspicious he asked "I mean I make them myself. But why do you want to know?"
You could feel his suspicions at the back of your neck, raising your hands in surrender. "I promise I mean nothing bad in it! I actually really like rubber ducks and ducks in general. And all of these are so unique and amazingly creative and well made! I'm honestly really impressed. I don't think I could ever make something like; well to be honest ANY of these."
Lucifer's suspicions faded at your heartfelt response, before utter confusion set in. "You don't. You don't think that they're stupid or childish? I mean it's such a stupid hobby honestly and-"
You turned around and interrupted him the instant he started to speak like that. "What?! God no I LOVE rubber ducks. I mean they're not the most important thing to me but I find them super adorable. And once again I find it really impressive that you can make things like this."
Picking up a duck with a ringleader get up and a baton, you laughed as it waved it's baton and spit confetti out it's mouth. "See? Stuff like this is absolutely amazing. The fact that you can make such amazing things. Isn't that enough to keep doing it?"
You grabbed his hand and put the ringleader duck in it. Closing his hand around it and holding it like that. Smiling gently as you did so. Lucifer stared at where your hands met, before a tear streamed down his face.
He'd been in a depressive episode over these ducks, as well as several other things before you knocked on his door. And now here you were, telling him about how impressive and amazing his ducks really were. He'd expected the typical harsh words everyone else gave him over them, not words of encouragement.
Upon seeing his tears you immediately panicked and rapidly pulled your hands away from his as it re-clicked in your mind just who you were talking to. And you'd just made him cry without even knowing whether you did. "Oh no! I'm so sorry. I. I don't know what I did, I didn't want to make you cry!"
Lucifer tried to catch his breath. "No. No you didn't do anything wrong. This is all me okay? I. I really shouldn't be reacting like this, especially in company. I just. Give me a moment." He was fidgeting with his wedding band again and something seemed to click in your mind.
"You know. Special interests like this are really interesting. I mean I have an odd collection or two. I even keep a collection of certain Hell Times magazines for inspiration with my designs. I really admire the fabric work displayed in them." You pulled him into a tight hug, feeling terrified that you were severely overstepping your boundaries but also having a good feeling that he needed this.
At that simple gesture Lucifer broke down, hugging you back tightly and sobbing into your shoulder as he tried to process your words. You felt startled but carefully lowered the two of you down into a duck bean bag chair on the ground. Holding him as you rubbed his back. Simply sitting there with him speaking comforts to him as he broke down.
Lucifer barely managed to speak after SEVERAL moments, doing so quietly. "Sorry, I haven't had anyone say such things to me since. I don't know since I was just a kid? That was a LONG time ago." That made you confused. "Really? I mean you'd think that Lilith would have said such things to you at least once over all those years. I mean you two have been married since humanity was first even a thing." Lucifer shook his head. "No, I mean most of the things you just said are essentially the opposite. Lilith as well as anyone else always told me that I shouldn't ever focus on these stupid ducks. That they're a waste of time among several other hobbies. I mean if I wasn't doing my duties I'd essentially get yelled at."
You felt concerned. "Lucifer. That's hardly anything but normal. That's actually REALLY bad. Nobody should've been treating you like that. Hobbies like this are important for your mental health. Especially when it comes to eternity."
He teared back up again and simply hugged you as he sobbed all over again. Feeling horrible for breaking down like this, especially someone he'd JUST met and didn't even know the name of. He eventually started to settle down again but this time it was more out of exhaustion than anything else as he yawned.
You smiled at him gently and picked him up, carrying him over to his bed and setting him down. Standing next to him. He didn't raise any complaints, complying with your actions. He did after all feel more than just a little bit exhausted. He was about to conk out as you started walk away. But he grabbed your wrist gently. "... Please don't go. I don't. I don't think I could stand to be alone in my bed right now. I know you already did a lot for me. But I don't think I can sleep without you here right now."
You smirked teasingly. "My my Mr. Morningstar. Are you asking me to bed with you? You haven't so much as asked my name." His eyes went wide in panic as he fumbled over his words, trying to explain that that wasn't what he was insinuating at all. Before blushing as he heard you laugh.
Lucifer huffed slightly. "You're just messing with me! But in all seriousness please? And I suppose I should also ask you what your name is." You told him your name, introducing yourself properly and explaining you were hired on as the new front desk attendant.
You cleared your throat after introducing yourself. "But yeah of course.ni'd be happy to help you out here. If you'd just allow me to remove my vest and dress shirt that would make me a lot more comfortable to spend the night here." Lucifer flushed red and nodded before looking away.
The two of you chatted idly as you got yourself more comfortable before he finally looked back over at you as you settled into the bed next to him. His breath catching as he saw your top surgery scars, reaching towards them lightly before putting his hand back down. Deciding against asking about them. Noticing his interest and curiosity in them you answered a silent question. "Top surgery scars. I was biologically female upon arriving in Hell and had them cut off with Angelic Steele so they wouldn't come back after my first 10 years here."
Lucifer nodded in understanding. "Well, I'm glad that you're more comfortable like that. People are prettier when they're comfortable in their own skin." You flushed bright red and distracted the subject. "You were tired right? Why don't we get some sleep. It'll do you some good."
Lucifer blushed again as he made his next request. "Could. Could I hug you again? It felt nice." You smiled at him gently and pulled him up to you for a cuddling hug as you guys were laid down under his covers. He completely relaxed and fell asleep. You following suit not too long after. Besides, what could a couple of hours hurt anyway?
End of Chapter One
Author's Note: Okay! That was the end of my first chapter of 100 Years Coming. Please tell me what you thought of it in the comments!
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lavellander · 2 years
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no talk her she angy >:O
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cotccotc · 4 years
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❄️   icicles ┆ yjn
genre/s: jeongin x gn reader, fluff, best friends/idiot crushes au (lol), boarding school au
wc: 2.3k
warning/s: swearing, reader is carried on jeongin’s back, one mention of death (as a joke, not within the context of the plot)
a/n: as always, i hope y’all like this !! winter’s on it’s way out where i live, but i loved the premise of this too much to discard the idea :)) also if it isn’t well edited, well...... Oops :D
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“i bet you can’t reach it,” he whispers. he points to the icicle hovering above you, hanging down from the awning outside of the library. it’s on the thicker side, connected to a few others. and though it’s long, he’s correct in assuming it’s too high up for you to reach without jumping up to it. and probably while jumping as well. but you can’t let him off so easily.
“how much?” you ask, voice hushed as well.
“how much what?”
“how much are you gonna bet?”
he chuckles.
it’s nearing midnight. you’re not supposed to be out this late, let alone with a friend. and he isn’t just any friend, either. but he wouldn’t know that. he’s too oblivious. always has been. it’s been four years and he still hasn’t an inkling of how you truly feel about him, nor does he presumably feel the same way.
well… actually... 
eh. that can wait. on with the scene.
“if you can do it,” he says, a cocky smile on his face. “i’ll use my card to buy all of your meals tomorrow.” he pauses. “deal?”
you cross your arms. “hm…”
“and…” he looks around for inspiration. then, finally, he adds, “and i’ll give you a piggyback ride back to your dorm.”
there’s a lot at stake. the crispness of the air accentuates the goosebumps forming on your skin at the prospect of being carried by him once again. piggyback rides are one of your favorite activities with jeongin, as well as your preferred mode of general transportation. maybe it’s because you’re (rightfully) lazy and nights like these tend to take a toll on your tired feet. maybe it’s because he only rarely allows it and would never admit he loves it as much as you do. or maybe it’s because the closeness makes you giddy, the contact makes you warm, and the prospect of taunting him is far too thrilling to pass up... 
but that icicle is just so goddamn high.
“deal,” you say, stifling your excitement. you stretch your hand out for him to shake, and he obliges. as you ready yourself for the jump of a lifetime, he surveys the area for signs of authority. it’s not the first time you’ve snuck out together like this. you’ve only ever gotten caught once. sophomore year. they let you both off with a warning… but it’s clear to see how effective the warning was.
with a slight running start, you make your first attempt. not even close. i personally applaud you for trying, but honestly, it was a little hard to watch. yet, you won’t give up just yet. “three tries?” you suggest to him as he covers his face with his gloved hand to muffle the sound of his laughter. 
in between bouts of near-silent laughter, he mimics you. he mockingly saunters over to the icicle, just barely leaping into the air and flapping his hand. as he leans over to laugh some more, clutching onto his abdomen through his puffer coat, you can’t help but giggle as well. it was a pretty pitiable try.
“fine,” he sighs, face still scrunched up in amusement. it’s actually quite cute. despite the seering embarrassment coursing through you, you’re glad to have been able to put that smile on his face. even in the dull, yellow-tinted lighting in the courtyard, you can make out the prominent dimples in his cheeks. after some more breathless chuckles, he continues, “try again.”
and so, you do. it’s a better one this time. you get closer to hitting the tip of the icicle than you thought you could. maybe it’s the sight of jeongin laughing like he hadn’t laughed all day. maybe it’s the slight thrill that accompanies sneaking out so late. whatever it is, it propelled you further into the air. but still, nothing.
“you have no technique,” he remarks, still speaking in whisper.
you scoff. “you try, then.”
“fine! step aside.” he takes a few steps toward you, arrogantly gesturing for you to move over so he can get into position. you concede, backing up. just as he’d done, you scan your surroundings just in case. however, right as you turn your head to the side, a bright light shoots out from the distance. your eyes widen and heartbeat quickens. it’s a pointed light; one much whiter and brighter than that of the lampposts commonly found in the courtyard. a flashlight. and it’s getting closer. 
just as he’s about to take to the air, you grab the arm of his coat and give it a tug. he follows your gaze to find the flashlight as well. he jolts, letting out a small gasp.
“hey!” a voice calls out. whoever it is that’s holding the flashlight knows you’ve broken the rules. 
“quick,” he says, voice louder than before. he takes your hand in his. “let’s go.” pulling you along with him, he runs down the cobblestone path toward the dorms. eventually, your speed matches his and you’re able to catch up to him, running beside him and holding his hand all the while. the feeling is electrifying. the wintry breeze sweeping through the night, the feeling of his gloved hand wrapped tightly around yours, and the rush of adrenaline coursing through you as you run are all enough to make your heart race. eventually, you lose sight of the flashlight behind you. you’ll probably get called down to the headmaster’s office tomorrow morning. maybe they didn’t see who you are. maybe they’ll let it slide. still, maybe you’ll get in trouble… but you don’t care. you will tomorrow, but not right now.
the flashlight has disappeared. the two of you slow down, relieved to have outrun your opposition. as you come to a full stop, he lets go of your hand to place both of his on his knees, panting. you put your hands on your hips to do the same. after a beat, you make eye contact. and immediately afterward, the both of you are sent into a fit of laughter.
“that was close,” he sighs, looking up at you in awe of what’d just occurred.
while chuckling, you reply, “yeah.”
a moment passes. your laughter fades back into shallow breathing as you take a look around, realizing you’re still not even close to the dorms. a chill runs through you. you didn’t even realize you’d broken a sweat until a gust of air drifts through your coat sleeve. you visibly shiver, prompting jeongin to straighten his stance.
“here,” he says, unwrapping the scarf around his neck. he then drapes it around you, wrapping the cotton fabric around yours. you watch his hands as they adjust the scarf. you’d given him the navy blue gloves as a christmas present last year. they’re now a staple in his winter ensemble. you look up at him. he’s been looking at you.
“no problem,” he replies with a smile. the dim light could never drown out the sparkle that permanently resides in his eyes, nor diminish the charm of his dimples. as he looks at you, you suddenly feel much warmer than before.
he turns away from you, slightly bending his knees. “come on,” he whispers.
the piggyback ride.
you giggle. “w-what?”
“get on my back,” he clarifies, grinning even wider. “we don’t have much time!”
“but i didn’t hit the-”
“close enough! come on, before my knees give out.”
“fine! fine.”
you do as he instructed, hopping onto his back and wrapping your arms and legs around him. you let out a bit of a squeal as you leave the ground, sending butterflies through his stomach. he holds tightly onto the backs of your legs to support you. he keeps his knees slightly bent as he begins your trek to the dorms ahead, your chin resting comfortably upon his shoulder. it’s a familiar feeling, yet it never ceases to heighten your senses.
every so often, he lets out an exaggerated groan. as they become more and more dramatic, your smile widens. you begin laughing after his longest one, giving him a playful slap on the cheek. and, of course, his reaction is magnified. you then have to shush him in order to preserve your obscurity.
“has anybody ever told you how annoying you are?” you ask, hushed beside his ear. 
“never in my life,” he retorts. 
you giggle. “well i’m telling you now.”
he glances at you, smirking. “doesn’t count. you’re not just anybody.” he turns back forward, continuing down the path. you don’t know what to say. warmth flushes through your cheeks, rendering you speechless. he knows he made things awkward, but frankly, he doesn’t care. that same clever smile remains plastered on his blushing face for the rest of the silent walk… the too silent walk.
“we’re almost there. thank god,” he remarks, a hint of playful sarcasm in his tone. what he says is true. your destination is near. but alas, his comment garners no response. seeing as it’s late at night - or, rather, early in the morning - you’ve grown tired. thus, after the heat within your face settled and your head relaxed upon jeongin’s shoulder, you dozed off. “y/n?” he whispers. still nothing. all of a sudden, though, he hears a soft noise. a breath. he understands.
and he thinks it’s absolutely adorable.
he’s honored, in fact. you trust him enough to fall asleep in his arms, regardless of the hell he gives you. there’s a certain sense of understanding that lies beneath the layers of banter you’ve built throughout these past few years that has always given him a sliver of hope. the hope that at times like these, you’d feel safe enough to be yourself, the hope that you’d accompany him on more late-night escapades despite the pressures of authority… and, subsequently, the hope that there’s something more between you two than just friendship. it’s a funny feeling. hope. not yearning, not pining… just a hypothesis supplemented with a hell of a lot of optimism.
as he reaches the entrance to your dorm building, he’s struck with the realization that he can’t enter. for multiple reasons. the first is that he’ll need your keycard. he couldn’t even open the door if he wanted to. consequently, he’ll need to get you down from his back - begrudgingly so. thankfully, however, your resident assistant knows what you two have been up to. yeji approaches the door with a knowing smirk. jeongin innocently smiles back through the glass panel on the door.
yeji opens the door with a short sigh as she sees your condition. “what’d you guys do this time? go for a hike?” she steps outside wearing little to protect her from the weather. a knitted sweater and pajama pants don’t really cut it when it’s below freezing out. “sheesh,” she remarks. “nevermind, i guess.”
jeongin silently shushes the redhead before him. “they saw us,” he mouths out to her. she takes a look around for any signs of trouble, just as the two of you had done earlier. then, she carefully steps around the boy and taps you on the shoulder.
“wake up, sleepyhead,” she whispers, continuing to poke at you. 
suddenly, you become aware of the prodding sensation at your back, as well as the faint noise echoing from beside your ear. a voice. you groggily open your eyes, lifting your head up from jeongin’s shoulder. it then occurs to you that you’ve stopped moving as well.
“come on,” yeji continues.
“hi,” you squeak, voice raspy from fatigue, before an involuntary yawn slips out. you straighten your posture, allowing for yeji to take hold of your arm. then, jeongin bends down a bit, giving you the ability to step down from your position as yeji holds onto you for balance. “thanks.”
once you’re down, jeongin stretches his back and arms. “i thought you were dead, you know. until i heard you snoring.”
you chuckle. “oh, please. you should hear yourself in geography class.” he clicks his tongue as you and yeji each let out a quiet giggle. 
“it’s getting late, you two,” yeji says, clutching onto her own arms for warmth. “and cold. let’s go.” she starts toward the door, gesturing for you to follow her inside. you almost make it in, too, before you remember something.
“oh! the scarf,” you exclaim. well, whisper-exclaim. you unravel the cloth around your neck, walking back over to the boy to whom it belongs. you do exactly what he’d done for you, draping the garment around him before wrapping it over his shoulder.
he can’t help but blush. you can’t help but notice.
“chop chop!” asserts yeji, beginning to shiver from the cold.
jeongin blinks up at her before returning his gaze to you. “goodnight, y/n,” he murmurs. the look he’s giving you sends a chill through you. a small smile, genuine eyes… your face takes on a familiar warmth once more.
“goodnight, dummy,” you reply, nonchalantly. his grin widens. 
yeji crosses her arms. “i will close this door right now.”
“alright!” you respond, turning toward her with your hands raised in defeat. you step inside, striding past her and toward the hall.
“now, get back to your dorm before you get suspended.”
“yes ma’am,” jeongin remarks in return. “g’night.” they exchange a smile and wave before yeji finally closes the door.
jeongin can’t help but grin to himself as he stuffs his hands into his coat pockets and starts his departure to his building. his cheeks are ablaze, which he’d normally suggest is due to the cold. not this time, though. now, he has a pep in his step. he’ll meander home, beaming with a sense of joy. joy, giddiness, excitement… hope. and, when he finally arrives back at his dorm - much to his sleepy roommate’s dismay - he’ll stay up a little while longer thinking about you; the subtle sounds of your breath beside his ear, the way you’d let out a hushed laugh at his remarks, and how absolutely darling you looked wrapped up in his scarf. little does he know you’ll be lying wide awake doing the exact same thing.
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tags: @stayndays, @hanniiesuckle17, @leggomylino, @freckledberries, @pixielix, @kisskissbanggang, @mr-jisung-main, @childofthecosmos, @changnuggie, @kpopscape, @skzwriternet, @hyunsins, @sleepylixie, @sunshine-skz, @vera-liscious, @moonlit-lixie​, @thatrandomoneinthecorner, @sunshine-skz, ( join my tag list !! )
©️ cotccotc 2021 ~ all rights reserved. do not repost my work on tumblr or other platforms.
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obstinaterixatrix · 3 years
2021 fic retrospective
yeah I'll reveal the paper mask. if you reference the relevant fics in any way other than a 500 word essay about how great they are I'll block you. 11 fics, technically... 53k? ish? but about half of that was through cowriting (lol)
“I can’t stay” and other lies to tell, ORV, 2.5k
Han Sooyoung adjusts to post-epilogue life.
this one gave me such a huge headache... but I really like it! fulfilled my goal of having ysa punch out hsy (romantically) which is the only thing that matters. I love writing hsy and ysa but they're both smart and well-read in exactly the way I'm not so It's A Struggle. I have to put so so much effort into having like... one of those hollywood western sets. flat storefronts propped up to mimic the impression of a whole-ass town. that's me trying to write these gals.
a home to keep (out of reach), Kamen Rider W, 1k
While on the run from the museum, Wakana runs into Akiko.
oh the femslash life of writing an obscure ship from obscure(-ish) source material that aired over ten years ago. this has less than 20 kudos and I'm surprised I even hit that high. if I remember right I was in a mood of 'I need to write more gals and don't have specific ideas, someone give me some' and thankfully my friends obliged. Love You Buds!
being known, being loved, and other disasters you’ll never recover from, ORV, 2.5k
“Use your words” was supposed to be a thoughtless taunt; Kim Dokja wasn’t expecting to get a monologue.
this one's great. 10/10. utter genius. well actually I wish someone else wrote it and could dig into all of the complex ideas I couldn't quite grasp and it's terrible and I hate it. so it goes with this kinda thing. regardless, it 100% would not have been as good as it was (or wasn't?) if racher didn't let me call her at my 2am and talk with me for like two hours as I wailed and wept through the 4th scene. thanks racher <3
two sides, same coin, SVS3, 2k
With this, Mobei Jun can finally rest reassured that their relationship is plagued by no lingering ambiguity.
At all.
None whatsoever.
technically I wrote this fic last year and thought it was finished, but was struck by a brief bout of inspiration (and/or madness)
going nowhere // gone nowhere, Infinity Train, 23k
Two versions of a reunion without the train.
Side A: Ryan gets a call from the Parks and rushes back to Min-Gi.
Side B: Min-Gi doesn't get a call from Ryan but rushes to him anyway.
lmaaaoooooo I love cowriting fic. I have nothing but fondness for this one. if this fic were a living creature I would dote endlessly upon it. what started as a direct and targeted attack against lex got turned around on me and suddenly We Were Both In It... Together. 10/10, fantastic cowriting experience, lex expanded on a lot that I would've glossed over and really nailed a lot of solid vibes. I had a lot of fun breaking ryan's leg. speaking of, also big thanks to kly for the med reference (lol)
actually, that was a load-bearing wall, Persona 5, 2.3k
Makoto: Ryuji, how did you get injured? Is there anything we can do? Yusuke: He did not. Makoto: …Wait, why is Yusuke with you at the hospital?
sundry wrote all this, I just edited & spruced it up by making the texting segment look ✨phenomenal✨ (and after it was a prompt for me to write too, lol).
dreams not to keep, Infinity Train, 2.5k
Min-Gi has a weird stress dream about working at Dumpty's, one that is definitely meaningless and has nothing to do with complicated feelings that don't exist.
If I'm being transparent I had this vaguely drafted without any real intention of finishing it, then saw a dead dove fic in the tag that I found personally rancid, so I finished it out of spite just to bump it down. anyway I love dream sequences and psychological torment. this is a concept that was inspired by air and that I also drew to specifically antagonize lex (lol)
a door closed to light, Deltarune, 1k
There’s no good reason for Susie, of all people, to be barging into Noelle’s room. And it makes no sense why she’s the one who ends up doing it; Kris is the childhood friend—which makes them the obvious choice for a stupidly sappy rescue—and Ralsei’s like… basically one of those baby blankets, the kind with a dumb fluffy stuffed animal attached. So shouldn’t he jump at the chance to make friends or be a goody-goody or whatever?
I was actually visiting a friend when deltarune chapter 2 dropped and carved out time to finish it. I always knew noelle and susie would have more Solid Vibes when the game progressed, and I was right! the vibes are solid! thank you toby fox for being the number one lesbian ally that exists. but also since I was rushing so much I ended up missing a great opportunity for a joke and had to rush to change the ending (rip).
the unnamed ember that burns in your chest, SVS3, 1.5k
Mobei Jun takes a nap on Shang Qinghua’s bed and pines to a truly intolerable degree.
do you understand how agonizing it was for me to have a paper mask account that I wouldn't let myself reference at all AND YET I kept coming up with titles that absolutely slapped. are you kidding me. this was so goddamn romantic. fuck.
the rays of the protagonist’s golden halo don’t shine on us lowly side characters, so how about easing up on the collateral damage (you bastard), SVS3, 2k
Shang Qinghua and Shen Qingqiu have a fight after Mobei Jun gets injured while helping the protagonist (who, let’s be honest, would’ve been fine no matter what).
DO YOU UNDERSTAND. HOW AGONIZING IT WAS. FOR ME TO HAVE A PAPER MASK ACCOUNT I WOULDN'T LET MYSELF REFERENCE AT ALL. AND YET. I KEPT COMING UP WITH TITLES THAT ABSOLUTELY SLAPPED. I'm absolutely entranced by my own unrecognized genius. anyway this was fun I love writing petty squabbles and asshole friendships lol
as it turns out, dying isn’t the romantic gesture you might think it is, SVS3, 15k
Shang Qinghua wasn’t a protagonist. He was barely even a side character. The sum total of his dialogue never surpassed ten lines, which puts him just above cannon fodder. His death, sudden but not unexpected, was less than a paragraph in the epic of Luo Binghe:
The conspicuous absence of the man who could be considered Mobei Jun’s shadow was then explained to Luo Binghe. Just days ago, Shang Qinghua—whether by accident or a final act of loyalty—took a fatal blow meant for Mobei Jun. Scarcely did he have the time to draw a single breath before succumbing to poison potent enough to fell a great demon on the verge of becoming king.
In his previous life as a reader, Mobei Jun didn’t have any reason to pay him much attention.
Things are different now.
BLAH BLAH BLAH TITLES THAT ABSOLUTELY FUCKING SLAPPED YOU KNOW THE DRILL anyway this is literally the longest solo project I've written in years, usually you can't get me over 5k without my corpse being dragged by someone else. I'm a 2k oneshot kinda gal! I hate writing longform! it's so much work! so much effort! and yet! this fic drove me absolutely fucking bonkers and would not let me rest until it was exorcised. it has the most vibes per vibe out of all my fics. it's my magnum opus. and it's quarantined to paper mask account because if I ever acknowledge it, it becomes agonizingly obvious that nfsftlots was me going like 'haha so this is what I think a mo/shang roleswap would be. wait a second I could make them lesbians. wait a second I could make them lesbian ocs. wait a second I've written a novella.' anyway the last chapter of this fic was what I consider 8k of absolute madness. I'm spilling my guts here. I am relentlessly shaking your shoulder. can you even begin to understand what this story has done to me. I am narcissus at the pond absolutely enthralled by myself. this is the exact type of confession I love to read. you can make some pretty obvious parallels to how I'm acting now and a certain character in the fic and you'd be right to but you cannot mention this to my face.
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breathoftheweath · 4 years
Lightning in a Bottle
Word count: 1,364
Pairings: Zelink
Rating: G
Themes: Post-game, scars, being struck by lightning, just pure fluff
Notes: Inspired by the song Electric Love by Børns. Also this is my first time writing a fic, blease be gentle lol
The sun beat down relentlessly on Zelda and Link as they rode down the dusty path. They had been traveling non-stop for weeks, checking on the Divine Beasts and working to rebuild the once robust kingdom. As it turned out, defeating the Calamity was only the beginning of this long and difficult journey.
“If we continue at our current pace, we can make it Gerudo Town right before sunset,” Zelda declared excitedly, all her attention on the Sheikah Slate in her hands.
Link smiled at her, her excitement infectious. She was truly her authentic self lately, no sense of royal propriety restricting her enthusiasm anymore. While the Calamity was definitely a massive tragedy that ransacked Hyrule, he couldn’t help but feel that it was an opportunity to make some much-needed changes to the outdated social norms of this country.
His reflection was interrupted by a big drop of sweat plopping on his nose from his soaked bangs. He recoiled in disgust, and out of the corner of his eye he caught a familiar glimmer. There was a river not too far from the path, and he figured a short break wouldn’t hurt anybody.
“Where are you going?” Zelda asked, finally looking up from her Shiekah Slate as Link turned his horse in the direction of the river.
He didn’t respond, just taking off his boots as soon as he dismounted. He grasped the hem of his tunic and started to pull up, eliciting a panicked shout from Zelda.
“What in the world are you doing?!? We still have a lot of ground to cover today, and you’re here stripping???” A faint blush creeped up her face as she said that.
“Relax Princess, this won’t take long,” he said, tossing his tunic to the side and shaking out his bedraggled hair from its tie.
Needless to say, the princess did not relax as he swan dived into the river, making a resounding splash. He didn’t heed her protests though, as the water made him feel more refreshed than he had ever felt before. He gently laid back and let the soft current wash cooly over his sun baked skin.
Zelda had managed to make it to the river bank, nervously pacing up down as Link enjoyed himself in the water.
“Please be careful Link, the current here can be treacherous. I don’t want you to drown out there!”
“I’m fine Princess, if Ganon couldn’t kill me I doubt a little water will do anything.”
Suddenly, without warning, he was pulled underneath the surface.
“LINK!!” she screamed, running to the edge of the river, eyes scanning for any sign of the knight.
Then, a pair of hands reached up and grabbed her collar, pulling her into the water with them. Spitting out water and gasping for air, she heard a devilish laugh next to her.
“By Hylia Link, why in the world would you do that??”
“I don’t know, it seemed like fun,” he grinned wickedly. She glared at him, but couldn’t stay mad at him for long. She had to admit, the water felt amazing.
They spent the next half hour or so relaxing and playfully splashing water at each other. When they had their fill they clambered up the embankment and plopped down on the warm grass. Zelda wrung out her soaking hair while Link laid down, stretching out his sore limbs. She happened to notice the numerous scars all over his torso, varying in size and shade, some white and almost faded, others red and glaring. A wave of guilt washed over her. As a knight, scars are to be expected, but she couldn’t help but feel partially responsible for how extensive his were. Maybe if she had done her job better and sealed Ganon away sooner, maybe if she had worked harder to protect him —
She noticed Link staring worriedly at her, and she wondered if he could hear her thoughts. Who knows, considering how quiet he always was perhaps he was telepathic. She shook her head to rid herself of her guilty thoughts, and instead reached out to touch a long red scar on the left side of his stomach.
“How did you get this one?”
He looked down to see which one she was referring to.
“Uhhhh moblin attack. It had a spear and I only had a boomerang at that moment.”
“Ouch. What about this one?” She pointed to a smaller one on his right bicep.
“Arrow from a Yiga scout.”
“And this one?” A pale blotchy one on the palm of his hand.
He grinned sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head with his other hand.
“Uhhhhh that one was from uhhh...reaching into a cooking pot for a baked apple too soon.”
“What? I was hungry!”
Before she could admonish him more for his carelessness, she happened to notice a strange looking scar near where his hand was on his head. It looked like branches of a tree, thin pink tendrils reaching from his shoulder up his neck, ending right at the base of his jaw. He shifted to his elbow, and she could see that the scar reached down his entire back as well. She had never seen anything like it before.
“What caused this one?” she asked softly, as she gently brushed her fingertips across the raised skin. He paused for a moment before telling her.
Zelda had heard of unfortunate citizens who had been struck by lightning, but she had never heard of any of them surviving. Any guilt she had was quickly washed over with intense curiosity. Link saw her eyes light up as a thousand questions bubbled over.
“Where did you get struck by lightning? How did you survive? What did it feel like???”
He chuckled. A lot had changed over the past one hundred years, but Zelda’s scientific curiosity had never gone away.
Then, an evil smirk spread across his face. “I’m not telling you.”
“W-WHAT?!” she sputtered. “You get struck by lightning, and somehow survive, and you won’t even tell me what it felt like???”
“Goddesses you know this is the meanest thing you’ve ever done to me right? How will you sleep at night knowing that you’ve deprived me of this knowledge?”
“Like a baby.”
“Liiiiiiink,” she whined.
He laughed. She was so cute with her nose all scrunched up as she tried relentlessly to get him to surrender his lightning knowledge. He couldn’t help but lean over and kiss the tip of her little nose.
She froze. He too late realized this might have been a breach of her personal boundaries. They had grown to be very close but he wasn’t sure exactly what level of intimacy she was fine with, or exactly how she felt about him, and —oh goddesses he hoped he hadn’t ruined everything over a little impulse and why hadn’t he moved yet he’s still way too close to the princess oh no what should he do —
He felt her hands cup his face and suddenly his racing thoughts stopped. He looked into her dark green eyes and saw a gentle expression that both reassured him and made his heart flip. Before he could say anything she closed the distance and pressed her lips to his.
He felt a jolt of electricity course through him, numbing him. An intense heat seared his body. His thoughts swirled dizzyingly around in his head, unable to grasp ahold of any of them. He still hadn’t quite processed what was going on, but he was too drunk on this feeling to care.
As she pulled away, all he could feel was a sense of exhilaration, and he didn’t want it to stop. He breathed heavily as he slowly opened his eyes. She still had her hands cupped on his face, and he reached up to clasp one so that she could feel his burning skin. If she felt the same electric love he felt at that moment, she would understand what it felt like to be struck by lightning.
“I don’t think we’ll make it to Gerudo Town in time today.”
“Eh, it’s been a hundred years, one more day won’t hurt.”
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strsburn · 5 years
concussions and crushes
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concussions and crushes
summary : in which the reader gets hurt during the Washington Monument incident and is not only sporting a crush but a mild concussion
see also : reader thinks peter doesn't like her, the way she likes him, but that is far from the truth.
pairing : peter parker x fem!reader
genre : fluff, fluff, and more fluff
words : 1,467+
side notes : I literally started writing this while I was watching spiderman homecoming today, like BOOM idea as soon as the elevator scene came on, inspiration struck and suddenly I've written over 1k words lol. Also this is kinda rushed so sorry not sorry for any errors.
also I changed things because I didn't want this to be an EXACT copy of what happened in the movie so don't be like "bUT tHiS dIdNt haPpEn iN tHe mOvIe"
"You look like you got hit by a truck." The familiar dry tone has you looking up from your phone, meeting the eyes of a slightly amused Michelle Jones. 
"Thanks, that's the look I was going for today." You respond, sarcastically causing MJ to break into a grin. You had spent all of yesterday watching compilations of cats falling off of things, in hopes of getting rid of the nerves that plagued you due to decathlon the following day (today).
"So, what's got you all shaken up? By the way, don't move this would be the perfect sketch to add to my "people in a crisis" collection." MJ asked nonchalantly as she pulled her pencils and a sketchbook out. 
"Decathlon is today, and uh I'm just really nervous because well, Peter was the smartest person on the team, but now that he left everyone is counting on me and I don't know if I can do it." You rambled. MJ didn't even flinch as she continued to draw out your features that were pulled into a small frown.
"Y/n, you're one of the most intelligent people I know. You'll do fine, now hold still I'm almost finished with this sketch." Strangely enough these words were enough to put your mind at ease and you slowly relaxed into your chair, causing MJ to cheer as she could finally finish her masterpiece.
"Alright we are now at our final question, which will determine who takes home the trophy for the state championship." You held your breath as the lady read the final question, you held hands with MJ who slightly bit her lip in anticipation.
Her eyes lit up when she realized she knew the answer to the final question and before you could blink her hand was hitting the silver bell on your table. 
"Midtown high?" The lady raised her brow questionably. 
"Zero." MJ stated in an obvious tone, her curls bouncing as she shrugged. The lady blinked in bewilderment as she re-checked her cards.
"That...is correct." Your team cheered giving hugs to MJ who tried to feign annoyance but the smile on her face said otherwise. 
You were able to sigh in relief as you realized it was all over and you could finally be at peace. 
"C'mon, y/n we are going to go and see the Washington monument." Liz called, waving you over, you nodded hesitantly and went over too afraid to remind her of your fear of heights. 
"See, I told you guys we didn't need Penis Parker." You heard Flash comment and you gasped just realizing Peter hadn't been at the event, despite re-joining the team a day prior. 
Your thoughts went back to the curly haired boy whom you had spoken to only a handful of times. He was rather awkward, and fidgety but he had a kind heart. You found it rather cute. Although Peter didn't seem to like you very much, if him running away everytime you initiated a conversation, was anything to go by. 
You were brought out of your thoughts by MJ who insisted she'd rather read than go to the monument that was built by slaves. 
"You sure? Do you want me to stay with you?" You asked her, not wanting her to be by herself. Unfortunately she waved you off, telling you to go have fun. You smiled and headed after Liz who was already taking pictures, despite the large sign stating that any sort of photography was forbidden. 
As soon as you were all in the elevator, you headed for the corner to hold on to the rail, your stomach in a knot knowing you were only going higher by the minute. 
You looked around in order to distract yourself when your eyes caught sight of a bright purple glow emitting from Ned's backpack, that only seemed to grow brighter as the minutes passed and you moved forward out of curiosity.
"Hey Ned, what's that purple-"
Before you could finish your sentence a loud boom rang throughout the elevator and you were slightly thrown back at the force as the ceiling exploded. Ned threw his backpack to the floor, smoke drifting from it and you pushed yourself closer to the wall, looking at the ceiling in trepidation. 
"Nobody panic, we are all safe." The tour guide said monotonously, not calming your nerves in the slightest bit. 
Just as she said this, the doors to the elevator slid open and officers began to motion you all to climb out. You decided to go last, too afraid to take any sudden steps. You watched as your classmates filed out. Leaving only you, Mr. Harrington and Liz. 
Just as the rest of you prepared to move, the elevator creaked and then plummeted sending you all to the floor. You screamed, your vocal chords straining at the pitch and volume as you felt your heart drop to your stomach. 
Just then, everything jerked to a stop and you looked up at the lack of movement your eyes widening when you came face to face with a familiar red mask.
"Hey, it's alright I got you. I got you." Spiderman reassured his white eyes narrowing as they focused on you. You could only nod, your hands still clenched tightly around the rail.
"Alright, move. Everyone out, faster people." Spiderman urged, you pushed lightly on Liz's back motioning for her to go first. She smiled in thanks trailing after Mr. Harrington who pulled her up. They both turned to you expectantly but you gasped as the elevator once again dropped, causing you to cry out as you fell, hitting your head on the rail, causing it all to go black. 
"Y/N!" You heard just as your eyes slid closed. 
"Y/n, can you hear me?" 
Your eyes opened at the sound of your name and you moved to sit up, your head pounding. 
"No, no, no. Stay still, you have a mild concussion." You furrowed your brows at the slightly familiar voice and you squinted your eyes, trying to gather your surroundings. You turned to face Spiderman who gently held your hand in his, a paramedic standing by your side. 
"W-what? What's going on?" You mumbled. 
"You hit your head on the railing, when the elevator fell. I'm so sorry you got hurt, y/n." Spiderman spoke. Your eyes furrowed more in confusion as it all came back.
"How did you know my name?" The whites of his eyes widened at the question and suddenly Spiderman was speaking a mile a minute, saying he hoped you felt better, but unfortunately he had to go. Without another word, he shot a web out of his hands and swung out of the area, leaving you with the paramedics and a still slightly bruised head. 
"Hey, y/n good to see you're still alive. Had me worried, I'd have to draw a portrait for your funeral." MJ commented bringing you into a hug. You could hear the slight undertone of worry in her words and you smiled at her. 
"Thanks, MJ. Glad to be here." You continued to walk to class as she started to once again speak about some case of the black dahlia. 
You nodded and turned to head into English when you bumped into someone causing you both to let out sounds of pain. 
"Oh, I'm so sorry y/n." You met the eyes of Peter Parker, his cheeks burning in embarrassment. 
"It's alright Pete. Missed you at the decathlon." You smiled. 
"O-oh yeah, sorry about that. I was uh...sick. yeah like, super bad." He shook his head. 
"Right..well I'm glad you're okay now. See ya, Pete." You added after MJ pulled on your sleeve impatiently. You smiled at Peter before walking around him to class. 
Just before you could enter, you felt his hand wrap around your wrist.
You turned to face him, leaving MJ to slip into the class with an amused grin. 
"Yeah, Peter." You asked hesitantly. 
"W-would you maybe, uh like to go to homecoming with me? That is, if you don't have a date- not that you wouldn't! I mean, cause you're beautiful so I under-" 
He stilled as you carefully stood on your tip toes to kiss his cheek. 
"I'd love to go with you, Peter." You watched as his cheeks once again turned a bright red and he grinned widely.
You matched his grin, turning to enter the class. You knew you were more than late but at that moment you didn't care. 
"See you later Peter. Try not to run away from me this time." You said teasingly as you walked away from him, missing the small fist pump he gave as he watched you leave. 
Perhaps he liked you after all. You smiled at the thought. The day had turned out a lot better than you expected. Mild concussions and all.
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ihaileysenpai · 5 years
2 and 8, you, confessing your love to Midoriya.
#2: “In the least creepy way possible, I know where you live.”
#8: “I’m sorry, can we just pretend I never said that.”
Love Makes Us Awkward
 (Izuku x Hailey)
Bud, this was fun to write and I think that I got a bit carried away lol
Palms sweating.
Heart racing.
Face flushed.
‘Jesus, is this a panic attack?’ Hailey originally thought when her body started reacting.
But reacting to what exactly?
It didn’t click at first, Hailey’s mind racing at the possibilities that could be the cause. But luckily, the cause noticed and took concern.
“Are you okay, Hailey? You look anxious about something.” The green-haired Izuku Midoriya questioned softly.
“O-oh jeez, sorry! Izu.” Hailey sheepishly laughed, trying to play it off. “My anxiety face isn’t known for being appealing.”
Izuku shook his head, “I-I wasn’t thinking that! Y-you always look pretty- I mean nice- uh- you just looked like you were worried about something!” He stammered, his freckled cheeks flushing with embarrassment.
Hailey chuckled and gently ruffled his green locks. “Oh Izu, you’re so adorable when you get embarrassed. And I appreciate your concern but I’m not too sure that what I’m worried about will ever go away, not if keep dwelling on it and not taking any action.”
Izuku thought he understood what Hailey was referring to, “Is it the hero course stuff? You know that I can help you out with any of it!”
“Izu, it’s not-“ Hailey tried to interject, but Izuku persisted.
“After school today we can do whatever you need!” 
“That’s sweet of you, Izu, but really.”
Izuku blinked, realizing that maybe he was jumping the gun a bit too quickly with some high enthusiasm. He sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck. “Oh sorry, I guess I came on a bit too strong there. It’s just like you said, you won’t get what you want if you just sit around and not take action.”
Hailey thought for a moment, even though Izuku didn’t understand what the context of the whole thing was, he gave her some pretty good advice. 
Taking in a deep breath and exhaling for some confidence, Hailey smiled. 
“You’re right, Izu.” She said, standing to her feet from her desk. “I’ll come find you when I figure out what I need to do.”
Izuku’s eyes lit up and he smiled as he nodded his head in agreement. “For sure!”
Then their homeroom teacher entered the room and told his students to get ready for their training exercises. 
When entering the girls change room, Hailey was met with Mina’s knowing gaze.
“You’ve got it bad, huh?” 
Hailey turned and gave her classmate a confused look, “Got what bad?” She questioned.
Mina wiggled her eyebrows, “Your crush on a certain boy~” She cooed.
“Kero?” Tsuyu croaked as she and the other girls took notice of the conversation.
Hailey’s face blushed a bright pink, “Wh-what are you talking about?” She attempted to divert the attention away from her.
“I saw you talking to Midoriya and your face just screamed ‘I have a crushbon you’!” Mina gushed, just itching for details.
Hailey sweated and her face became redder. “Oh jeez.”
Mina giggled at Hailey not even trying to deny her feelings.
“Aw! I think the two of you would be so cute together!” Mina exclaimed happily bouncing.
“Kero, you would be good for each other.” Tsuyu chimed in. 
The other girls voiced their agreements happily. Hailey scanned the girls and their faces, she thought that Uraraka had a crush on Izuku and she’d have to respect girl code, but Uraraka shot her a thumbs up with a supportive grin.
“So when do you plan on confessing?” Tohru gleamed, Hailey could see the hype radiating off of her invisible friend.
“I-uh- uh… I don’t know if I should! I mean, I don’t wanna ruin our friendship if he doesn’t feel the same.” Hailey sputtered awkwardly, covering her arms over her head.
“Don’t settle just like that.” Kyoka remarked, pulled up her jacket to her hero costume.
“I agree, just because you have doubts doesn’t mean you should bottle your emotions. You should be honest with Midoriya.” Momo added, with her own mature input.
Hailey awkwardly stammered incoherent words as she began to panic, unsure how to approach such a situation. 
What would she do? 
God, what would she say?
“Hey, hey, hey.” Mina called softly, “Calm down, you can always do it later, not right now. How about after training? Or after school?” She suggested.
“I-I don’t know.” Hailey sighed.
“Don’t stress, you can take your time with this kind of thing. Get the right timing and then some.” Momo chimed, seeing her classmate’s nervousness.
“Um no! It should be today! Some other girl might try and confess to him if she’s waits too long!” Tohru argued.
That struck a cord with Hailey as she realized that Tohru made a valid point.  She would probably feel better if she got it over with as soon as possible and not risk being subject to Izuku dating someone else.
“O-okay! I’ll try and do it today.. I’m guessing you’ll all want details.” Hailey suddenly joked and the other girls giggled.
Life was not planning on going easy on Hailey, because as training went on, Izuku had gotten badly injured by Bakugou and was sent home after his wounds got healed by Recovery Girl. 
Hailey grumbled as she stuffed her books into her bag back at the 1-A classroom. 
Shouto questioned if she was alright, after noticing her behaviour.
“Just frustrated that something I planned for didn’t work out.” Hailey replied in frustration.
“What was it? Can I help?” Shouto inquired.
Hailey shook her head, “No Sho, thanks but it’s.. not a big deal. It might actually be a sign that it shouldn’t happen.” Hailey sighed softly.
Suddenly, Mina pushed past some of her classmates, Bakugou grumbling as he walked out of the classroom.
Mina pushed a strip of paper into Hailey’s hands.
“Take this!” She urged.
Hailey looked at her with an unsure gaze, “What is it?” And unfolded the piece of paper to see that an address was written on it.
“Get your man! No settling, remember?” Mina exclaimed.
Then Hailey realized that Mina had somehow convinced Bakugou to give her Izuku’s home address. 
“Mina-“ Hailey tried to admit defeat, but was ushered out the door of the classroom.
“Just go before it’s too late!” She cheered.
Feeling a bit more motivated, Hailey started to run out of the school and towards the address.
Later when she arrived to the apartment complex, Hailey awaited in front of the door to the Midoriya household. That confidence that she had was beginning to be drowned out by Hailey second guessing herself with doubt.
‘Am I seriously doing this?’ Hailey thought, trying to find the amusement in her anxiety.
But she couldn’t turn back now, or she’d look strange to the neighbours. 
Knocking on the door with little tune, Hailey waited nervously and twiddled her thumbs.
Suddenly, the door opened to reveal Izuku in his casual clothes.
“Hello- oh Hailey! What are you doing here.. and how did you know where I live?” Izuku questioned.
Hailey deadpanned and awkwardly chuckled, “In the least creepy way possible, I know where you live.” She then paused and added, “Because of .. Bakugou.”
Izuku thought for a second before shaking his head, “Oh really? It’s really nice of you to stop by and visit? Did something special happen?” Izuku prompted, sheepishly scratching his cheek.
Hailey felt her words get caught in her throat, “I-I-I-uh h-had to come h-here and tell you something that’s been on my mind f-for a while.”
Hailey cursed at herself in her head, she usually was more confident but this boy seemed to be her weakness.
“Izuku, who’s at the door?” Hailey and Izuku heard Izuku’s mother call out to him from inside. 
Hailey’s face continued to heat up as her embarrassment continued to grow the longer that it took to tell Izuku about her feelings.
Fortunately, Izuku noticed’s Hailey’s flustered expression, “One of my friends came to tell me something, it’ll only be a second, mom!” He called to his mom and shut the door so the two of them were alone outside.
“Sorry about that.” Izuku smiled awkwardly. 
“No problem! Your mom seems really nice.” Hailey waved off.
“So what was it you wanted to tell me?” Izuku inquired.
Hailey bit the inside of her cheek for a moment as she began to scratch the skin beside the nails of her fingers as she tried to think of how she was going to word her next few sentences.
Hailey averted her gaze from Izuku. “I-I d-don’t want this to end our friendship, Izuku. Y-you’ve been really great to me for as long as we’ve known each other.” Then suddenly a bunch of words came flooding out of Hailey’s mouth, contrasting her earlier nervousness. “God you are so smart, more than anyone I’ve ever known. You’re so driven and motivated to be a hero that I can’t help but be inspired by you! You just want to help people and will do anything to do so.” 
Then Hailey’s voice began to crack as she felt more emotions as she continued. 
“But that means you get hurt. And when you get hurt, I get scared and worried about you. When you cry, my heart breaks and when someone wants to hurt you, I-I wanna defend you!”
“Hailey-“ Izuku tried to interject.
“And I feel like this because I think I love you!” Hailey blurted and immediately regretted that she let it slip.
“W-what did you-“ Izuku breathed, his faced shocked.
“I’m sorry, can we just pretend I never said that?” Hailey quickly yelped and turned to leave, but was stopped by Izuku calling for her to stop and grabbed her wrist.
When Hailey didn’t look at Izuku, he gently pulled her face to look at him.
Hailey’s eyes began to sting with tears threatening to spill from the embarrassment. Izuku looked at her softly.
“I feel the same.” Izuku told her apologetically, “But I was too nervous and didn’t want to ruin our friendship too. I’m sorry that I made you wait so long.” 
“I’m saying that I think that I love you too!” Izuku exclaimed, then became a bit more timid. “C-can I.. can I make it up to you..?” 
Hailey giggled, “How do you plan on doing that?” 
“By this..” Izuku breathed and met his lips with Hailey’s own soft ones.
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neokollection · 6 years
Freaky Friday ㅡ Taeyong
Office!AU & FreakyFriday!AU ft. Taeil
A/N: Inspired by the French movie that’s the title... Also, there is a segment in which I specify that you’re not Korean ethnicity, that you’re a foreigner, so just... If that might bother you just pretend I didn’t write it lol- But the story is based in Seoul.
It a lil confusing with lots of scene/character focus changes, but yea And when I say ‘your’ and ‘his’ it’s kinda flipped- ‘your’ chest is actually Taeyong’s/no titty man chest.
Warning: Language, some explicit depictions of nudity and period stuff.
Word Count: 4.55K
ㅡ  Genre: Angst, [nothing like.. sad- Yet...] supernatural, a tad of some weird comedy to make it relatable
ㅡ  Teaser: You ever seen the movie Freaky Friday?
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Your feet were heavy with dread, your heels scuffing the tile as you tapped your ID badge to the familiar scanner by the glass doors- Letting it drop to hang from the lanyard around your neck lazily, you let out a deep breath as the automated doors welcomed you. You knew you’d be in trouble... It was the second time this week you were late. You wish there was a real explanation or excuse that you could give, but in honesty you simply had a severe habit of sleeping past your alarm. You’d already formed a half-witted plan on your curt bus ride to the office- Tag in and get to your desk as fast as possible in hopes your supervisor wouldn’t notice.
Yet, as soon as the automated doors opened, you could feel eyes upon you- Briskly rounding the corner, you sped to your desk, gnawing the inside of your lip as you knew you’d have to inform your supervisor of your arrival- You nearly tripped over your own feet as you saw the very man you’d been picturing at your desk, his fingertip swiping the space bar of your keyboard before inspecting it for dust... He lounged comfortably in your chair, his void of a gaze finally meeting your own at your audible gasp.
Stretching out his harm quickly to pull his sleeve from his iced wrist he then brought his elbow to rest upon your desk, checking the time upon his wrist.
“I’m so sorry-” you pleaded, “The traffic was awful and-”
“Save it-”
Frozen to the spot, you could feel nearby co-workers glance at the commotion.
“Save it for my office,” he finished, standing and brushing past you.
Smoothing down your hair, you quickly whipped around, in tow of his quick strides. You felt your insides churned as worried gazes met your own. Perhaps he’d fire you- Wincing to yourself, you tried to take a deep breath- Now that you graduated university; this was your first paid internship and you couldn’t be fired! How would you explain it in future interviews- Or maybe you wouldn’t even have future interviews?! Unemployment. The word itself struck a chord in you that made you feel sick and heartbroken.
The click of a door handle opening and the gentle breeze of a strong AC caused your thoughts to depart. Following him in, you fiddled with your fingers.
“Shut the door-”
Doing as he commanded, you took your time to slowly shut the door, fearing that once you were sealed off from the others your punishment would come swiftly.
“What did I tell you on Tuesday?”
“I’m sorry, it-”
“What did I tell you on Tuesday?” he repeated, this time his tone sharper.
“Not to be late again...”
“If you don’t want to come to work, maybe you shouldn’t.”
“It’s not that!” you piped up, able to feel tears prick the corner of your eyes.
You knew the next words you’d spill out would cause your saline tears to stain your cheeks- His gaze was expectant, waiting for you to continue. You couldn’t breathe- You had a lump in your throat, but your trachea was wound so tight you couldn’t swallow- The tears at bay slipped down, cascading down your flushed cheeks suddenly. He simply watched, his expression and gaze as stale as ever, before he turned his head, letting out a sigh.
“Don’t think crying will save you in this situation. You’re wasting more time.”
You let your head drop at his cold words, wishing he’d deliver the blow swiftly so you could leave.
“You’re fired.”
Clearly seeing no other alternative, he cut to the chase before glancing at his watch again. You let your head fall forward further in a nod of acceptance before turning around and reaching for the door handle, using your other hand to somewhat wipe at your damp cheeks.
You hung your head low, unable to tolerate the pitiful glances tossed your way. Staring at your shoes as you made the lonesome journey to your desk, you felt a comforting arm sling around your shoulder.
“What happened?” Joy’s soft voice came.
She timed her strides to match your own, giving your shoulder a comforting squeeze.
“It’s okay- You’ll find something else,” she whispered, folding her arms across to hug the stack of clipped papers she held as you dropped to your seat.
The bus ride home consisted of you constantly wiping at your cheeks, cradling the box of your belongings to your chest. 
As soon as you’d made it past your front door, kicking off your kitten heels, you dropped the box to the floor and ran to fling yourself upon your bed. Huffing to yourself, you let your tears fall endlessly, blinding reaching around for your cellphone that’d been stuffed in your pocket.
Just hearing his voice made you cry harder.
“Hey,” they replied, their tone softening.
“Taeil-” you wailed, rolling onto your back with a sniffle.
“What’s wrong? Where are you?”
“I got fired,” you whined
“Don’t cry-” he tried, crooning softly through the phone.
“I’m a failure- I can’t do anything right-”
“Babe,” he piped up, “That’s not true- You’re amazing and brilliant- You’ll find something else.”
Sniffling some more to sober yourself, you nodded to yourself at his words.
“I’m such a baby...” you murmured.
“You are,” he chided with a chuckle.
“I miss you,” you interjected randomly, wanting nothing more than his familiar cotton fragrance and warm embrace to coddle you.
The line went quiet for a moment as he was in thought.
“Come over later.”
“Can I?”
“Of course,” he chimed, his singsong voice making warmth spread through your chest.
You cleaned yourself up and spent the day organizing your semi-disastrous of an abode into something passable. At approximately seven, when you knew Taeil had finished his last vocal lesson, you’d scrambled to grab your belongings and stuff your feet into a pair of sneakers.
It was exactly what you’d imagined. Warm arms wound around you, tender hands cradled you, soft lips met your own, and a reassuring presence to soothed your mind. Rain splashed upon the windows of the apartment, beginning as slow heavy drops, before peppering the glass rapidly. You lay idle in his arms, slumber calling upon your sore eyes. Bright flashes caused your heavy lids to open, followed by booming thunder. An affectionate hand smoothed from the nape of your neck to your cheek, pinching gently at the tender flesh. Nuzzling into his side, he was forced to relinquish you, settling with toying with your earlobe lightly- A quirky habit of his you’d come to adore.
You jolted, your world spinning for a moment before you were faced with unfamiliar papers and hands. Standing, your knees kicked the expensive office chair from beneath you, your wary gaze sweeping over the familiar room. This was... the office. The one you’d been in less than twelve hours ago as you were fired. Yet- You’d never been on this side of the mahogany desk before. Glancing down, you confirmed you were standing in your previous boss’ space, doing a double-take as you notice the patronizing watch that gleamed upon your wrist. Or it was just that. It wasn’t your wrist. Stumbling, you raced to the nearest bathroom, shoving the door open without a damn as it smacked the wall.
“Oh my God!” you wailed upon facing the familiar face of Mr. Lee.
You opened and closed your mouth, watching as the reflection mimicked you- You even went as far as to slap his handsome face, hoping you’d wake up from this bizarre nightmare.
It was warm. Falling asleep on a stack of documents upon his desk had never been so heavenly-
“It’s storming pretty hard- You should just stay the night... After all, you don’t have to get up early tomorrow-”
Movement. A body shifted, a warm hand falling from Taeyong’s shoulder to his back. Suddenly, he was stumbling off the bed, kicking Taeil in the process.
“Ah- AH! W-What?!”
Taeil held his side, writhing in the sheets with a disgruntled expression.
“What the fuck is this?! Are you some pervert or something?!”
Sitting up, Taeil let out a bewildered huff.
“I-I don’t get it- What did I do wrong?!”
Grabbing the bedside lamp, Taeyong held it threateningly.
Cowering, Taeil let out a series of hollers.
“Alright! Alright! Don’t! If you don’t want to stay the night that’s fine!”
A stalemate ensued. Taeyong was rather confused how casual Taeil seemed- For kidnapping someone you’d think there’d be provisions in place to hinder their escape.
(Y/n)... Glancing down- a soft purple hoodie, skinny jeans too tight for his liking, and Hulk socks- He dropped the lamp, letting it clatter to the floor as he felt ‘himself’. Taeil let out a pained wince at the sound of the lamp dropping. Speechless, Taeyong kneaded your breasts in confusion, squeezing them to make sure he was alive and well. Jolting to the bathroom adjacent the room, he barged in, jaw dropping once he saw his reflection.  You weren’t in the usual formal attire he’d grown accustomed to, face bloated from crying, and hair messy and mused- But he still recognized you.
Papers and pens littered the floor as you searched for Mr. Lee’s phone. Upon finding it, you dumbly stared at the screen, it was nearly 8 o’clock- That seemed about right... But you were confused as to what he was doing still in the office. Pin number... You thought for a moment before placing his thumb against the scanner, thanking God for the 21st century... With trembling fingers, you dialed yourself.
The apartment was silent, lone for the hypnotizing rain and huffs of disbelief.
“Babe... You’re scaring me-” Taeil murmured gently, approaching hesitantly.
“I don’t know who-”
The sound of a phone ringing interrupted Taeyong and for the first time he realized he had your voice.
A brilliant idea took over his mind upon the second ring and he scurried past the small man to look for the phone.
Supervisor Lee was what the screen read. It was him calling himself, but he was actually calling you? Answering, he was met with his own voice.
“Mr. Lee?! T-Taeyong?”
“I-It’s me! What did you do!? Why am I you?! A-Are you me?!”
“I didn’t do anything!” you cried.
Hearing his own voice speak to him was something he was sure he’d never be able to grow accustomed to.
“Where are you?” he inquired, steading his voice.
“At the office- Where are... Oh God! Is Taeil there?!”
“I don’t know who the fuck Taeil is, but there’s some short guy here-”
His attention was snagged from watching dumbly on the sidelines after he heard his name. His brows grew closer and closer to meeting with each word he heard.
“Meet me at my place.”
“I don’t know where your place is!” you wailed.
“I’ll text it to you,” he barked, voice booming.
You never knew you could sound so threatening...
“A-Are you going?” Taeil questioned.
Taeyong chose to ignore him, charging out the room and to the door where he stuffed your feet in what he assumed were your sneakers.
“W-Wait!” Taeil hollered, running after with your coat in hand, “It’s cold a-and raining...”
Taeyong reached out to snatch the coat, but Taeil didn’t relinquish it easily.
“Who are you meeting?” his eyes were pleading.
“It’s a long story-” Taeyong warned, pulling harder on the jacket.
“What did you mean earlier? You said you don’t know me...”
“God! I don't know what the fuck is going on either, but I’m not (Y/n)!”
“Then who are you?!” Taeil screamed back, the corners of his eyes pricking with tears as he began to question your sanity.
Finally able to rip the jacket from his hands, Taeyong was out the door, tugging it on as he made a beeline for the elevator at the end of the hall. Nimble fingers made quick work, texting you the address of his high-rise. Stepping into the elevator, his felt your body shiver lightly and so with an annoyed huff shucked your phone into his pocket before zipping up, tossing your hood over your mess of hair. With his hands in your pockets, he felt around for a wallet, eyes narrowing as he withdrew a metro card, staring at the plastic incredulously.
Having the address, you pulled on Mr. Lee’s trench coat. Looking around the office you saw no sight of an umbrella, opening draws and cabinets in the process. Forgoing the umbrella, you rushed out of the office and into the elevator.
Shit- It was cold. Running from the revolving door to the curb of the street, you waved a hand dramatically to hail a cab, able to feel Mr. Lee’s hefty wallet in the pocket of his coat. Yet, they all seemed to be occupied, zooming past as their tires splashed carelessly. You could feel yourself nearly soaked, irksome hair sticking to your skin.
Finally, one pulled up, slow as it’s windshield wipers seemed to wave at you.
This time it was Taeyong’s phone that rang and you hurried to answer.
“Where are you?”
“I’m in a cab-”
“Where are you?!”
“On the fucking subway,” he hissed, “Listen, the code to get in the building is 2020# and to get into the room it’s 6772#”
“Okay,” you nodded dumbly, relaying the number in your mind.
“Don’t do anything- Just go in and wait for me-”
A choked sob erupted, causing the cab driver to glace in his rear view mirror at the drenched man crying in his backseat.
“Are you crying?! Stop-”
“I’m sorry,” you blubbered, having surprised yourself at hearing Mr. Lee’s voice crack.
“God- How much did you cry today,” Taeyong asked rhetorically out of annoyance.
“It’s your fault!”
“If you have any problems call,” Taeyong ordered.
Sighing to himself after hanging up, he shucked the phone into the pocket of your coat once more.
“She’s kind of cute, but-”
“Dude! ‘But’ what??” harsh whispers were exchanged.
“She probably doesn’t know Korean...”
Taeyong was able to see the two exchanging whispers in the dark reflection of the windows as the metro rode in the tunnel- Able to see their fleeting glances directed towards you. Even when stepping from the subway car to transfer he could feel eyes upon you... Or rather, himself. An elderly man’s appreciative gaze and small smile forming as he passed, his lazy gaze shamelessly trailing from your sneakers to your face. Perhaps he was just hyperaware. Climbing an escalator, he finally came to stand in line at the transfer platform.
“Where are you from?”
The sudden English caused Taeyong’s ears to perk as he glanced to his side to find a man in his mid thirties with another man hanging off of him- They reeked of beer, words slurred and expressions expectant. Brushing past them, he felt multiple pairs of eyes upon him.  Walking further down the platform, he chose to wait at a different car.
Tonight was possibly the longest night in either of your lives.
Was the main entrance here? You’d wandered around the side of the building, the rain once again drenching you. Giving it a go, you input the code, sighing in relief as you were granted access. Curiously, you glanced around the place in search of the elevator. It was nice and spacious, but nothing outrageous- You’d expected him to be the Christian Grey type to live in a penthouse. The elevator dinged, signaling it’s arrival. Water droplets followed you as you made your way in, pushing the ‘11′ button.
1107 was what his text read. What had been the code? 6776? You’d tried it, frowning as a red light appeared. 7667? Glancing down the hall awkwardly, you fished the phone from your pocket to dial Taeyong, knowing very well the CCTVs were watching.
“What?” he snapped.
“What’s the code to get into the room...?”
“...I’m coming up now-”
And with that you heard elevator doors slide open, a metallic voice announcing the arrival. Seeing yourself was possibly the oddest déjà vu you’d ever experienced. You had no words other than;
“Is that what I really look like?”
You looked a mess, but a part of you was slightly relieved as well- Perhaps the change in perspective was beneficial... You weren’t that bad-
Your thoughts were interrupted by a dramatic sigh.
“You’re fucking drenched. I’m fucking drenched,” he corrected, jamming in the code.
Neat, it was so neat- Tidy and organized just like his desk, a can of Febreeze upon his counter to match the fresh linen scent.
“Wait,” Taeyong muttered, taking of your sneakers before tucking them aside, making a beeline for the nearby bathroom.
He made a beige carpet for you, hanging his trench coat to dry in the bathroom before laying a towel by the entrance. Looking up at himself he hadn’t realized how short you were in comparison.
“Take off everything,” he instructed.
Mouth opening and shutting dumbly, you looking down at your sopping slacks before back to yourself.
“Hurry,” he ushered, reaching out to begin pulling off his blazer.
Awkwardly, you began fiddling with his tie, confused as to how to undo the knot-
“I’ll do it,” he muttered, yanking you down by the tie before swiftly making work of it.
You could feel a heat rise to your face at the action and proximity. Your ears felt searing. Flinging the tie to the ground he then began to undo the buttons of the dress shirt, causing you to jerk back.
“W-What are you doing?!”
“It’s my own body!” he reprimanded, “Why are you acting shy?!”
“Why do you need to undress?!”
“Because everything is drenched! I’ll get sick- Just go take a shower-”
“No!” you gasped in horror, covering his chest with his arms, as if it were your own.
“I don’t want to see that,” you shot back, regarding his body.
“It’s not like it’s a bad sight!” he argued, “You should be thankful you get the chance to see it-”
Fuming, he pulled at your arm to drag you to the bathroom. Struggling against yourself all the way you finally were able to shake him off once in front of the mirror.
“If you don’t want to look just close your eyes and I’ll do it for you-”
“Shower together?! You’re a pervert!”
“No!” he bit back, “I mean undress you, you shithead!”
“It’s your shithead!” you argued back childishly, pushing him out of the bathroom and slamming the door.
Your newfound strength made you ponder for a moment how shoving another person could be so effortless. Silence graced the two of you for several minutes before Taeyong piped up with your voice.
“What happened?”
From his proximity you could tell he was on the other side of the door. In response you let out a sneeze.
“I told you!” Taeyong reprimanded, slapping the door.
He’d been right.
“Open it-” he ordered, the knob jingling, “It’s my body-”
He was right again, it was your fault he’d gotten sick, but-
“How about if we shower together?”
You were about to raise your voice at him again, when he continued.
“I’ll close my eyes and you can wash me and- then you can close your eyes and I’ll wash myself-”
“I wash my body?”
A hum sounded.
“We don’t know how long we’ll be like this...” Taeyong began, sighing, “Please just... I’m prone to colds and- There’s enough to worry about right now...”
Opening the door, you kept your lips pursed.
You couldn’t shake the feeling that you were being disloyal, that you were cheating on Taeil. Alone and naked with another man, your boss at that- You felt dirty, even though the hot water had the purpose of cleansing. You kept your eyes averted as Taeyong turned on the shower before continuing to strip his body of his damp clothes. He faced away from the mirror as he began to discard your clothes, forming a heap next to his own. Carefully, you placed a hand over his private area as you glanced down briefly to step into walk-in shower. A gasp suddenly left you as you turned around, facing a nearly naked you.
“I’m on my period!”
“I forgot- I have my tampon in... J-Just leave it in...”
Scratching your scalp in annoyance, he shucked your underwear to the side before kicking them away and peeling off your socks.
“This is insane,” you whispered to yourself, about to cradle the face you wore in your hands before an airy cough interrupted, Taeyong’s taut chest expanding and concaving with each cough.
Hands were on your shoulders, pushing you beneath the stream of steaming water. Out of habit, you covered your chest- Taeyong’s-
“Don’t look down,” you sputtered, eye meeting your own, “Don’t look at me- I... I have a boyfriend-”
Rolling your eyes, Taeyong nodded in understanding, “I know-”
“Oh my God... What am I going to do?! Did you just leave him? He’ll think I’m mad or-”
You were cut off as a hand pushed you further beneath the water, making you gargle your words. You kept your eyes closed as a cologne-esque scent filled the air, shivering slightly as a cold liquid came in contact. Soft hands briskly rubbed over the expanse of your skin, the tight and sore muscles relaxing under the warm touch.
“Bend down...” 
Squatting acutely, you let hands rake through your short tresses, the sensation rather unique.
“You’re so short,” Taeyong remarked.
You weren’t that short.
“Hurry up,” you complained.
You hissed suddenly, bringing a hand to your eye and standing, whipping your hair back in the process.
“You got soap in my eye-” you complained.
“You got soap in my eye!,” Taeyong countered from behind you, squinting.
Facing the water, you rubbed at your eye, a warm body pressed to your side- Boobs pressed to your arm as both of you vied for the hot water to hit your faces.  The sensation caused hair at the nape of your neck to stand on end-
Stepping from the shower, you felt dirtier than when you’d entered... And to make matters worse, you were feeling the urge to piss.
“I need to...” you trailed off, standing before the toilet.
“Then do it-”
“I don’t know how to- I don’t want to touch it!”
“Then I’ll do it,” Taeyong fumed, reaching out, before getting his extended hand smacked away.
“No! I don’t want me touching it either,” you whined.
Ripping several sheets of toilet paper from the roll, he held himself- The sensation odder than anything you’d ever experienced.
Silence and an awkward tension loomed over the both of you.
“What were you doing when it happened?”
“I was just at home... With-”
“What were you doing?” Taeyong emphasized.
“Taking a nap- Kind of, but the thunder and rain were so loud...”
“Right... It was raining... I fell asleep on my desk- But I only closed my eyes for a minute.”
Taeyong was aggressively Googling on his laptop, fingers smashing the keyboard in determination.
“Looking at the variables we have in common... We were both sleeping- Or on the edge of consciousness...”
Humming in acknowledgement, you picked at Taeyong’s fingernails.
Glancing toward Taeyong, you found him resting a hand upon your abdomen.
“I guess you weren’t kidding that time you called in sick because of ‘that time of the month’...”
“You remember that?”
“Yeah- It was the first time anyone ever used that excuse-”
You gave him a wary side-eye in response, “You’ve always been a douche-”
“Excuse me?”
“You’re not my boss anymore; I'm finally free to give you a piece of my mind,” you fumed.
“Go ahead and call me whatever you want.”
Turning from him, you distracted yourself with your phone- Knowing his nonchalant attitude had the preface of provoking you further.
“We need to go to the store-”
“You go-”
“It’s for your body,” he countered, brows creasing.
“These are adult diapers,” you whispered lowly, pushing the man beside you to the next shelf.
You reached for a box of tampons before a hand landed upon the box-
“Wait- Shouldn’t we get pads instead?”
“Pads are messy,” you muttered, shaking your head, “It’s best the just-”
You heard quiet whispers behind you, glancing over your shoulder to find two girls, most likely in their teens, covering their mouths quickly to stifle a giggle. You quickly tore the box from the shelf, pushing it into the idle hands of Taeyong.
Your cough was getting wetter, sniffles coming every so often.
“Cough medicine-” Taeyong murmured, snatching a to-go bottle off a rack near the check-out.
“10,000 won-” [~ $9]
Your gaze turned to yourself, expectantly awaiting for your ex-boss to fish out his wallet. So he did, withdrawing a slim Gucci wallet from your puffed coat- A wallet that so obviously belonged to a man.
The walk back to his place was quiet, no doubt two minds filled with thoughts of the next plan of action.
“Let’s just... try to go to sleep and maybe we’ll wake up fine in the morning?”
“I can sleep on the couch and you-”
“No, I don’t want my neck to have cramps when I wake up- I’ll sleep on the couch...”
Silence once again filled the air.
“But first you have to help me with...” he motioned, holding up the plastic grocery bag.
...This probably would win the record for all time most compromising position. A hop and a skip later, you were tearing open the box of tampons in his bathroom.
“Keep your eyes shut-”
Legs spread on the toilet, you were faced with your own heat. You wasted no time, tugging the dangling white string before shoving the new plastic applicator inside, earning a small hiccup of surprise from Taeyong.
“It’s uncomfortable...” Taeyong complained as you had him stand, pulling your panties back into place.
“It’s fine-”
Taeyong pulled the sweatpants he’d leant your body up as you began to wash your hands.
“Why don’t we just sleep in the same bed? I don’t want a crook in my neck tomorrow either- Besides... It’s not like I can do anything to you,” he added, gesturing to his current state.
“That’s not true.”
“I’m sick,” he retorted, jabbing a finger into his sweatshirt-clad chest.
“All the more reason not to- I don’t want to get sick-”
“You’re such a pain in the ass,” he grumbled.
“Did I seem like some naïve submissive underling to you?” you questioned, raising your voice.
“Yeah- You did! You were a lot more agreeable.”
“Fuck off,” you fumed, brushing past him.
The sky darkened quickly, the world outside falling silent. You made yourself comfortable on the couch, the sound of leather wheezing under each minute shift you made. Wondering about Taeil, you sighed to yourself- You hoped you’d be able to paint over whatever mess Taeyong left behind- Your boyfriend probably confused beyond his wits... As his long paragraph of a text had conveyed... God- You couldn’t believe you’d even been coerced into taking a shower with him- All because of his stupid cold bullshit- Once the sun rose you’d be on a bus back to your place to act like none of this ever happened.
yea ig this calls for a pt 2
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sunnysidewrites · 7 years
Assassin!Seungcheol Pt 1
Requested by anon: Can please request a seungcheol mafia au with angst and fluff 💘 
hi lil anon i was actually already planning on writing this au right before you requested! I hope this was something along the lines of what you were looking for!! happy bday to papa cheols he is sUCH A BIAS WRECKER!! AND IM SORRY I WROTE SO MUCH FOR THIS!!! THIS ALMOST SURPASSED WOLF!WONWOO’S LENGTH JLSDJFDLS I WILL DO A PART 2 IF PEOPLE WANT IT!!!
also I was in the middle of writing this when all of a sudden i got a notification that @cheollies posted one and i was like oMG ARE U SERIOUS HERS IS SO MUCH BETTER!! go check hers out IM SO IN LOVE WITH HER WRITING OMG SHE GIVES ME INSPIRATION!!! my au takes a different direction bUT I FIND IT FUNNY HOW WE BOTH DID IT LMAO
warnings: fluff and a whole lotta angst, mention of some violence
Part 1 | Part 2 (Finale)
Yes another one
I apparently really like assassin and vigilante aus bc,,,, just look at wonwoo’s
anyways birthday boi papa cheols can run me over with this au bye
Seungcheol had always been involved in the shady realm of business
His father was a politician and,,,, well he wasn’t bad but he wasn’t good either
Seungcheol, however, thought his father did some questionable things
His suspicions were confirmed one day
“You’re gonna need to protect me”
And lil cheollie was like ???? what do you mean dad????
“Son, I have a lot of enemies, and that’s inevitable when you have this type of job. I don’t trust anyone else to do this job,,, so,,,,,,”
Poor smol cheols is still really confused like dad im still not understanding
“I need you to,,,,, take care,,,,,, of some people for me”
“Take care?? Like help them when they’re sick???”
“Sure…. Sick…. Let’s go with that”
And from then on, seungcheol started this dirty job his father brainwashed him into doing
He was only in middle school when he had to do his first “mission”
Since his dad didn’t want him to do anything big just yet, he only had cheols start off by dropping in poison discreetly in drinks
His missions slowly started to grow larger and next thing you know Seungcheol is taking up self defense classes
He’s now in his early 20’s and,,,,
His heart has completely hardened
I’m sad now
All he thinks about is how his father will be proud for completing whatever current mission he needs to do
The reassuring words of “i’m proud” always made him feel overjoyed,,,, his father had never once said that to him even when Seungcheol had good grades or brought his team to first place in the football championships,,,,
No. His father only congratulated him every time he took care of an “inconvenience.”
“If this is what I have to do to get him to notice me,,,,, then I’ll do it.”
His father is in the middle of negotiating with another distinguished political figure,,, but things aren’t going very well
Being the manipulative person he is, cheol’s father is blackmailing the man to give in
“You wouldn’t want anything to happen to your daughter,,,,, do you?”
“,,,,,You wouldn’t. Leave her out of this and settle this like a real man.”
“Oh, but I most certainly would, Park. Do not test me.”
The man mulls it over in thought before caving in
Ofc,,, seungcheol doesn't know about the dirty work his father does himself
He only thinks there's a reason for why his father has a need to get rid of bad men, and he just goes along with it
At this point he’s completely void of warmth and nurture
Whatever his father orders him to do, he does it without hesitation whatsoever
Until,,,, he meets,,,,
“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry!” you apologize for running into someone
He doesn’t have time to deal with this since he’s on his way to meet his father but he takes one look at your face and he is star!! struck!!
“A-ah,,,, it’s alright; I wasn’t looking either,” he says with a dazed look
And you’re like oh good sorry about that again!! And you rush off to wherever you’re going
He watches you leave but then he’s like o right i gotta meet dad
The rest of the day he just has thoughts on the stranger he bumped into
His next mission is to get rid of the man’s daughter, but he can’t immediately kill her just quite yet
His father tells him to wait it out if the man pulls any tricks on him
But as for now, the father is holding off any missions for cheols bc the other politician is his main concern rn, and there doesn’t seem to be anything shady just yet
Cheols is like welp ok guess i’ll just,,,,,,chill or smth,,,,,,
And cheols hasn’t had free time in a loooong time so he’s kinda unsure what to exactly do
He decides to just go to the gym and hang out around a mall or smth like he literally does not know what to do
He’s at a nearby mall one day just chilling on a bench and sipping his smoothie he bought from the food court when he suddenly sits upright
A few shops down is the same person he bumped into!!!
You’re on a lonely shopping spree that consists of just window shopping and going around to stores that seem to have cute clothes
And he’s just like ,,,,,,,,what are the chances of meeting her again,,,,,,,,
He casually walks over at a reasonable distance where he’s far enough to not seem like a stalker but close enough to have you in sight
When he sees you heading out of the store he just casually bumps into you
“Oh sorry -- omg it’s you!” you say pointing your finger at him
And he’s like lmao :) yes :) it is me :) totally coincidental :)
“It’s alright,,, i’m already used to it ;)”
And you’re like l m a o,,, k then
“Are you by yourself?”
“Well,,, just having some me time” you raise your hands to gesture to the bags in your hand
“You look like you can use some company ;)” cheols pls
And you’re like ahhaahaha,,,,,, well not realllllly LOL but,,,,, you can join if you’d like,,,,,,, or smth,,,,,
And that’s how you got Seungcheol to spontaneously join you in what you originally intended to be your me time
When you had to get going, he was like you wanna,, exchange numbers so we can do this again??
And you’re like ,,,,,,,,sure
Smooth cheol not really bye
You guys keep this up for the next few weeks, either you hitting him up to “have someone accompany you,” or him seeing what you’re up to and joining you regardless bc “you need someone to protect you”
I mean you lowkey do tho
You grow closer to Seungcheol but you’re utterly oblivious to what he does behind the scenes
And quite frankly, he wants it to stay that way
For once, he was not shunned bc of his work and he wants to keep it that way
He’s finally met someone who’s overlooked everything he’s ever wanted to hide and he doesn’t ever want that to be taken away from him
You and seungcheol have grown so close that you guys don’t even bother to use an excuse to see each other like how you did the first week or so of meeting each other
“Hey let’s go down to the new cafe down the street”
“Be there in 10”
Seungcheol didn’t realize how deep he fell until he saw you with another guy
Once the person leaves, he sidles up next to you and starts badgering you
“Who was that guy”
“What did he want”
“I think he was standing a little too close to you”
“He didn’t try anything funny, did he?”
And he’s like i don’t like it when guys get too close to you
And you’re like why do you even care so much?????
“Bc,,,,,,,,,,i like you you don’t know self-defense”
And you’re like uM IM NOT WEAK
“Try throwing me over”
“You’re like twice my size wtf”
“dO IT”
And you’re like ,,,,,,,,ok fine i’m weak
And the way you’re pouting and playfully hitting his arm
It’s all it takes for him to laugh with a twinkle in his eyes and he realizes
He’s in love
The curve of your lips, the crinkle of your eyes,,,, it’s enough to set him off
He only stands there staring at you and you’re like ????
“Earth to cheols???” you wave your hand in front of his face thinking he spaced out
You have a very perplexed look on your face and he’s like okAY I CAN’T TAKE THIS
He grabs your face and you’re like uH????????????
“You need to stop”
“Stop,,,, what? What do i need to stop????”
“Being so vulnerable. You only make yourself more irresistible”
And before you can even ask him what he means by that, he juST PULLS YOU IN AND KISSES YOU
And you’re like o H MY GO D WHAT WHAT WHAT WHAT
But the warmth emitting from his body and the softness of his lips make you wanna dIE and you both soon engage in a passionate kiss
You hadn’t realized you liked him until that moment
You,,,, love him
You both break away, completely breathless
“You’re too irresistible, I couldn’t handle it”
“Shut up and kiss me again”
Soon enough you have to part ways and call it a day and both of you are essentially floating back home on cloud 9
You close your door and lean against it, bringing your hand up to your lips
You,,, had your first kiss,,,,,,
Meanwhile back at home, Seungcheol is trying to keep his heart and thoughts from racing
He can still feel your body under his and just merely thinking about it makes him break out into a gigantic foolish grin
The next day, you text him to see if he wants to go check out the ice cream parlor
But,,,,,, you never get a response
You’re thinking he’s probably busy doing something but,,, he doesn’t respond the entire day
Nor does he respond the entire week after that
And you’re just,,,,,,, really hurt and confused
“Where,,, did i go wrong???”
You thought the feelings were mutual that night,,,, now suddenly he got cold feet and left you like this????
Two weeks pass and you still hadn’t heard of anything from him
You text and call him but to no avail
You’re just about to give up contacting him after calling him for the fifth time but you suddenly hear a voice that you’ve been waiting for
“Cheol what happened to you! I thought,,,, i thought,,,, you didn’t wanna see me anymore,,,,,,,,,,,,,”
And there’s silence on the other end
“Cheol, are you still there?”
“Look,,,,,,, y/n,,,,,, we can’t do this”
Your heart sinks
“W-what can’t we do?”
“This was never gonna work out,,, we should just end it here”
“Cheol, i don’t understand, let’s just meet up and talk--”
“No! Y/N, forget it! Forget everything we did. Forget about us. Forget,,, forget about me.”
“Cheol, stop talking nonsense--”
And the line cuts.
Your arm limply falls and drops the phone
You can’t eat or sleep for the next few days
A week later you return to the same cafe you bumped him at and a small inkling of you wants to meet him but at the same time you don’t know what would happen if you did
You end up going to the cafe every day because of that stupid little small spark of hope inside of you,,,, you keep telling yourself you’ll never see him again but,,,, your feet keep taking you there
Just around the corner of a building across the street, Seungcheol sees you desperately trying to find any signs of him
He grips his gun
“I’m sorry dad,,,, i can’t do it this time”
Might make part 2 if there’s a good response!!!!
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please read this disgusting goopy fluff nonsense
and then fire me from Fandom so i can finally be free
firesonic152 – 06/05/2017 i've been thinking about it and this au makes a lot more sense than i originally thought lmao
SuspiciousPopsicle – 06/05/2017 ?? which au?
firesonic152 – 06/05/2017 basically like. if they didn't find steve's frozen body until like omnic crisis time
SuspiciousPopsicle – 06/05/2017 XD
firesonic152 – 06/05/2017 oh just steve in overwatch au XDDD
but like what if discovering him was what inspired sep in the first place
SuspiciousPopsicle – 06/05/2017 =O
firesonic152 – 06/05/2017 gabe is just like mad infatuated w ~captain rogers~ and jack is just kinda jumping up and down in the corner like HEY I'M HEREE
SuspiciousPopsicle – 06/05/2017 oh god it's anotuer of thoae laugh or cry moments!! X'D
firesonic152 – 06/05/2017 XDDDDDDDD gabe just has the Starry Eyes for steve and jack's been friendzoned lmaoooo jack doesn't know what to do bc he's never been friendzoned before bc he's never wanted a relationship before LOL
SuspiciousPopsicle – 06/05/2017 XD omg i'm laughing this is GOOD i was wrong for doubting.
firesonic152 – 06/05/2017 XDDDDDD he's also never been friend zoned before bc he's never had friends before |DDDDD
SuspiciousPopsicle – 06/05/2017 :D haha whoops poor jack issat why he signs up for the program? for the D?
firesonic152 – 06/05/2017 AHAHAHA of course !!! gabe probably signed up bc he heard captain rogers was involved and he's alwaaayyys had a thing for captain rogers * w *
jack hates that he came here for the D and of course had to go falling for the only guy who just wants to be friends
everyone else will fuck him!!!! why won't gabe!!!!!!! he looks enough like steve, right ??? what's the problem
it's bc steve is a really cool dude jack. you don't have as much in common as you think.
SuspiciousPopsicle – 06/05/2017 omg
firesonic152 – 06/05/2017 also steve doesn't have The Chin
SuspiciousPopsicle – 06/05/2017 just stick that knife in and twist it
firesonic152 – 06/05/2017 XDDDD look i'm just saying if you can get the Mesmerizing Boobs w/o having to also deal w The Chin wouldn't you go for that one
SuspiciousPopsicle – 06/05/2017 yah i mean not personally XD but in general very yah
firesonic152 – 06/05/2017 XDDDDDD gabe is in love and won't even agree to jack's semi-joking offers to have sex and just pretend jack is steve
SuspiciousPopsicle – 06/05/2017 oh my god jack
firesonic152 – 06/05/2017 jack can't wait to finish this stupid program so he can knock steve out
SuspiciousPopsicle – 06/05/2017 that's the 'you poor baby' territory there
firesonic152 – 06/05/2017 XDDDD
SuspiciousPopsicle – 06/05/2017 so is this fixable? or does jack just have to suck it (metaphorically) this time?
firesonic152 – 06/05/2017 LOLLL well hm i didn't think that far |D
SuspiciousPopsicle – 06/05/2017 XD
firesonic152 – 06/05/2017 all the possibilities i can think of end sadly qoq
SuspiciousPopsicle – 06/05/2017 are celebrity crushes the same as normal ones? maybe it fades? or do they meet steve?
firesonic152 – 06/05/2017 hmmm well i assumed they meet steve and he's just as nice as everyone said and gabe is just over the moon but!! if we go w the "celebrity crush is kinda superficial" we can probably fix this THE PROBLEM IS STEVE IS SO GREAT THERE'S NO REASON FOR GABE NOT TO LOVE HIM IF THEY ACTUALLY GET TO KNOW EACH OTHER
SuspiciousPopsicle – 06/05/2017 oh! what if it's not, but Steve isn't with their squad during the omnic crisis? So Jack's the one that is always out in the field with Gabe, and Jack's the one Gabe sees day in and day out pushing himself and risking himself and being a hero. So, slowly, as they're out there trusting each other with their lives, Gabe's crush just kinda switches over to Jack. And by the time they're done fighting, Jack still doesn't realize that, and is Fucking Done with all this because it got him nothing but a broken heart when emotions were not even supposed to be part of the deal, so he's getting ready to quit and Gabe's all disappointed, and before Jack leaves, Gabe pulls him aside and is like, listen, I wanna say this to your face in case I never get another chance--I love you.
firesonic152 – 06/05/2017 zkdjfnakdfjnfakf!!!!! jack is like yOU MOTHERFUCKER I NEARLY WAS OVER YOU TOO
SuspiciousPopsicle – 06/05/2017 XD Jack responding by trying to pull away and asking Gabe if he got hit on the head or something during that last mission, trying to play it off as a  joke. 'It's only me, Gabe. Not Captain Rogers.'
firesonic152 – 06/05/2017 awwwww jac k gabe, at least, looks embarrassed lol
SuspiciousPopsicle – 06/05/2017 'Enough with the teasing. I know I was a little star-struck, but I'm being serious.'
'A little?' Jack laughs shortly and turns away to go back to packing. 'Gabe, my parents don't love each other as much as you love him.' And then, because he can't resist rubbing salt in his own wounds, he brings up his lowest point. 'Man, I was honestly surprised that you didn't jump at the chance to pretend I was him. Haha. Guess it's hard to settle, though--'
Gabe grabs his shoulder and spins him around to look Jack in the face. His eyes are much too wide, and Jack winces, realizing that he made a mistake and gave himself away. His gaze slides off to the side as Gabe speaks.
'Jack...did you...?'
'I just wanted you to shut up about him!"
firesonic152 – 06/05/2017 KJSNAKSNFJASF
SuspiciousPopsicle – 06/05/2017 '...I was right there in front of you the whole time, but I wasn't ever good enough. Not even as a substitute.'
firesonic152 – 06/05/2017 NOOOOOOOOOO
SuspiciousPopsicle – 06/05/2017 :D YAAAAAAAAAY
firesonic152 – 06/05/2017 Gabriel doesn't even know what to say for a second because, yes, for awhile there he was so infatuated with Steve he didn't notice anything else, but Jack is his partner. They've had each others backs through everything and how could he not fall in love - really in love - with the man who distracted him from the agony of all the injections with gallows humor and childhood stories, who sat quietly beside him on the dropship processing the horrors they had witnessed, who again and again  was ready to give up his life for him?
And Jack still thinks Gabriel never noticed him... After everything, how could he not?
lol jack just wants senpai to notice him
SuspiciousPopsicle – 06/05/2017 XD
firesonic152 – 06/05/2017 Gabriel decides kissing Jack is a much better plan than staring at him blankly while trying to sort out how to articulate everything he's feeling
SuspiciousPopsicle – 06/05/2017 Jack's surprised at first, warm in Gabe's arms, but tense. For just a moment, Gabe thinks that maybe this will get through to him, that Jack will understand, that everything will be all right. Then, Jack's fist catches him in the side, winding him, and his legs are suddenly kicked out from under him. Gabe finds himself on the floor, staring up while Jack wipes his mouth with the back of his hand. Some trick of the lights behind him make his eyes look incandescent with his rage.
'What the FUCK was that for?' Jack demands. 'I've been busing my ass for YEARS to try to catch up to your goddamn idol, and NOW you want something from me? What? Is it finally sinking in that I'm the CLOSEST you're going to GET? IS THAT IT?'
'Jack, listen--'
'FUCK YOU, Reyes!'
He tries to step past out of the room, but Gabe is quicker. He grabs Jack and manages to drop him. They scuffle briefly. Jack's anger makes him hard to pin down, but it also keeps him from using his head to fight. Eventually, Gabe gets the upper hand and keeps it. He's got Jack pinned to the floor beneath him, glaring poisoned daggers and breathing too hard. There's a glassy sheen to his eyes that Gabe is equal parts amazed and horrified to realize are the start of tears.
'Jack, listen to me! Rogers is good, but he's not the guy I want on my six. He's not the guy I want to trust my life to. He's not the guy I want at my side for however long I'm on this earth. That's you, Jack. That's all you.'
firesonic152 – 06/05/2017 I'M NOT CRYING YOU ARE
SuspiciousPopsicle – 06/05/2017 XD no i did my crying i cried for gabe jack can fukkin suck it!
firesonic152 – 06/05/2017 XDDDDDDDD
SuspiciousPopsicle – 06/05/2017 Jack isn't fighting, but that doesn't mean he's given up. He's nothing if not stubborn. 'You're fucking with me.'
'No, Jack, I--'
'This is payback for all the times I teased you.'
'No. Jack...' Gabriel sighs, staring into Jack's eyes and seeing the conflict there. It kills him that he's inadvertently caused so much pain. 'How can I prove it to you? If I'm going to lose you, I at least don't want to watch you go, knowing that you couldn't even trust me.'
That gets a response. Jack looks away, but not before Gabe sees the fire start to die down. '...I trust you,' he mumbles.
'But not about this?' He's still lying on top of Jack, keeping him pinned to the floor, but he shifts to make himself more comfortable, folding one arm across Jack's chest to nestle his chin into, and curling his other hand over Jack's shoulder. He rubs gently at the tense muscles, trying to offer some reassurance that his affection is genuine.
'I... I don't... It doesn't make sense,' Jack insists. 'You love him.'
Gabriel takes a moment to consider, embarrassed by the strength of his old feelings about Steve and the effect they had. 'I love the idea of him. Never really got to know the man. I know you, though, and you're every bit the hero he is. I love you, Jack. Not just the idea of you, but you. Your dedication and drive, your strength, the way you look out for your team. I love your recklessness, even though you've scared the hell out of me often enough. I love the way you can fall asleep anywhere, even if it takes you a while to nod off. I love the way you're so stupidly picky about your food. I love your dumb, bleached blond hair.' He closes his eyes and nuzzles Jack's chest. 'I love feeling you close to me, love the way you smell, love how warm you are.' Playfully, he squeezes one of Jack's pecks and peeks up at his face for his reaction. 'Love your chest. I love you, Jack. Have for a while now. Surprised you didn't pick up on that the way you picked up on that silly crush.'
firesonic152 – 06/05/2017 SHRIEKS!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT'S SO GAY!!!!!!!!
SuspiciousPopsicle – 06/05/2017 WELL THANK GOD FOR SMALL FAVORS XD
firesonic152 – 06/05/2017 dkfjnafkjnasfkajnfd Jack just huffs and lets his head fall back against the ground, completely red. "Could've saved me a whole lot of time and heartache if you told me this, like, months ago."
SuspiciousPopsicle – 06/05/2017 XD Gabe has successfully tamed the wild jack
firesonic152 – 06/05/2017 AMAZING "Can I kiss you agai-" Gabe starts to ask but Jack is already grabbing his face and pushing their lips together.
firesonic152 – 06/05/2017 LMAO STEVE COMES TO THEIR WEDDING
SuspiciousPopsicle – 06/05/2017 Jack's settings immediately switch to KILL XD
firesonic152 – 06/05/2017 AHAHAHAHA
Gabe grabs him by the wrist, yanks him over, and whispers into his ear that if he can be polite for the duration of the wedding, Gabe will set a goal to break the bed fucking him afterwards
Jack snorts and is like "we do that all the time"
Gabe shakes his head and jerks his head in the direction of torbjorn
"You're forgetting Torb's wedding gift to us"
Jack's pupils dilate and he just kinda nods
SuspiciousPopsicle – 06/05/2017 XD Good god. It's lucky for the world that Talon didn't brainwash Gabe, 'cause they coulda just led the strike commander around by the nose at that point XD
firesonic152 – 06/05/2017 XDDDDDD
SuspiciousPopsicle – 06/05/2017 do you think jack would kick a puppy if gabe promised him really good sex afterward?
firesonic152 – 06/05/2017 in a heartbeat
SuspiciousPopsicle – 06/05/2017 XD omg sex is the magnetic north for Jack's moral compass
firesonic152 – 06/05/2017 y e p Jack even SHAKES STEVE'S HAND
SuspiciousPopsicle – 06/05/2017 W O W
firesonic152 – 06/05/2017 granted his grip is way tighter than it needs to be and he gives steve a very icy look but STILL
SuspiciousPopsicle – 06/05/2017 XD
firesonic152 – 06/05/2017 Steve: wow your husband doesn't like me huh :smile: gabe: y eah
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