#i have no information on boys be maid but assume it has nothing to do with dankira lol
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ahh yes the long awaited sequel to dankira boys be dancing
#for legal reasons this is a joke#i have no information on boys be maid but assume it has nothing to do with dankira lol#looking forward to voice actor reveals 👀
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The Dragon's Gold
Chapter Three
Pairing: Aegon II Targaryen x Aerys Reyne (male oc)
Summary: Aerys Reyne, son of Naerys Targaryen, the second-born daughter of King Viserys and Queen Aemma, has been best friends with Aegon since childhood. As boys, they had been inseparable. Many said that it reminded them of the early days of King Jaehaerys reign. When the princes Aemon and Baelon were still children. Wherever one boy was, it wasn't long before the other came running behind him. That was until forbidden desires of the heart forced a wedge between them. After the death of his grandsire, King Viserys, Aerys finds himself torn between two sides: stand by his oldest friend or stand by the only mother he has ever known.
a/n: I want to clarify that Aerys is the same age as Aegon. Dialogue in italics means that the characters are speaking in high valyrian. I was just too lazy to attempt to translate it. Though, there may be some high valyrian thrown in here and there. No beta, so I apologize for any or all grammar and spelling mistakes.

Red sap was leaking from the eyes of the carved face of the heart tree. It reminded Aerys of something he had been told years ago. A boy from House Blackwood said that when a Weirwood tree cries, it is a sign that something bad is coming. Aerys had believed it to be nothing more than superstition, but now he was unsure. Perhaps there was some truth to the tale. Now that everything in his life had seemingly gone wrong.
His bones and muscles ache from sleeping on the hard stone floor. Though the hot bath he took earlier helped. The old maid had stayed by his side, using soaps and oils to scrub him clean before she allowed him to get out of the tub. Fortunately, he had been allowed to dry himself, but she insisted on helping him dress. She had chosen a black tunic with the red lion of his father’s house embroidered in red thread on the breast, soft black lambswool breeches, black leather boots, and a black wool cloak.
The boy assumed he must have slept at least two or three hours. Not as long as he’d hoped, but it would have to do. The poor old maid who had found him lying naked on the floor also had the misfortune of informing him about the passing of Lady Laena Velaryon. In truth, the news did not trouble him greatly. He couldn’t recall ever even meeting the woman. Prince Daemon and his lady-wife had run off to Pentos shortly after their wedding. They had refused to return, even after the birth of their daughters, Rhaena and Baela.
Aerys felt for the two girls. Even if he did not know them, the pain of losing a mother was all too familiar to him. Aerys was informed that he and the royal family would travel to Driftmark to attend Lady Laena’s funeral.
His fingers toyed with a stray thread on his tunic. The events of the previous night still haunted him. Aerys had yet to face the rest of his family. Instead, he had chosen to hide away in the garden until it was time to go. No doubt, the whispers of his face were spreading throughout the castle. The lords and ladies of the court were prone to gossip. He could hear it now; the king’s eldest grandson was a clumsy, drunken fool. As if they needed something else to whisper about him and his family. Aerys had heard the terrible whispers about his parents many times before.
His father, once a highly skilled knight and jouster, suffered a terrible leg injury during the tourney he had hosted in honor of Aerys’ birth. His horse had fallen on top of him, crushing his leg completely. The man had become quite dependent on the milk of the poppy to dull his pain. This caused his father to have violent mood swings, and unfortunately, his mother was forced to take the brunt of it. This continued for a few years until he died after catching the pox from some Tyroshi whore.
Aerys’ mother, Princess Naerys, took the death of his father very hard. The maesters had to lace her nightly tea with sweetsleep for her to get any rest. Most days, she would lock herself away in her bedchamber. The only person she would see was Aerys. Rhaenyra had told him that his mother would hold him in her arms and sob for hours on end.
However, after weeks of this, his mother's mood had finally begun to improve. The princess seemed to be returning to her normal self. That was until two women came forward, claiming that his father had sired bastards on them. These women were both of noble birth, so their children were acknowledged by his paternal grandmother, who acted as regent until his brother Robb came of age. Despite his mother’s many protests, his father's three bastard sons had been sent to Castamere, to be raised alongside Robb and Aerys.
Not long after, his mother went to sleep and never woke up. The maesters determined that there was too large a dose of sweetsleep in her usual nightly tea. Whether his mother was killed or had taken her own life is still debated. Though Rhaenyra maintains that his mother had been killed. Whatever the truth was, his mother’s favorite handmaiden was found responsible and had lost her head because of it. Aerys did not remember much of this, as he had only been four years old at the time.
Aerys lifted his fingers to graze over the cut. The wound on his cheek was beginning to scab over, and the bruising on his cheek and around his eye was becoming visible and sensitive to even the slightest touch. He flinched and dropped his hand back down to his side. Noon was approaching; soon, it would be time to set off. The King, Queen Alicent, and Aemond would travel by ship, while Aerys, Helaena, and Aegon would all travel on dragonback.
The prince hadn’t left Aerys’ thoughts since the moment he awoke. He was the one Aerys wished to avoid the most, but the gods were never kind enough to grant his wishes.
“I knew I would find you here.”
Aerys scrunched his face in anguish. Of course, speak the Lord of the Seven Hell's name, and he shall appear. Aerys bit his tongue to stop himself from lashing out. There were so many things he wanted to say, but he wasn’t sure how to express himself. He didn’t think saying whatever came to him in anger would be the right thing to do. So he stayed quiet, hoping the old gods before him would grant him mercy and send the boy away.
“I was hoping we could speak before we had to depart-”
“There’s nothing to discuss.” Aerys retorted, clenching his hands into fists.
“Aerys,” the prince sighed. “I am sorry. I was a coward. It’s all my fault-”
“You’re right. It is your fault.” Aerys turned around to glare at the boy.
Aegon's eyes widened. For a moment, blinded by anger, Aerys had forgotten the state of his appearance. He covered his cheek with his hand, turning back towards the tree.
“What happened?” Aegon asked, his voice cracking.
“I tripped and fell down the stairs.” Aerys scoffed, chewing on the inside of his cheek.
The prince stepped forward, taking Aerys by the hands. Aegon turned Aerys around to face him, his thumbs running over his bare knuckles. Aegon's hands were cold to the touch, as they normally were.
“Please, don’t be cross with me. I am sorry for what he did to you. I will go to him, and I will confess that it was all my fault. That I was the one who convinced you to lay with me.”
“No, you will not.”
“Nothing happened, Aegon. I was distressed about Rhaenyra’s departure and spent my night wallowing in my sadness. I got drunk and slipped while trying to find my bedchamber. That’s all.”
“No, what happened between us, it-it meant something. I know it did.” Aegon sputtered
“Nothing happened!” Aerys asserted, wriggling free of the prince’s grasp.
Aegon flinched, his lips trembling. His violet eyes welled with tears. In Aerys' mind, the prince looked like a sad little puppy. He wanted nothing more than to pull him close and apologize, but he could not. This was the way it had to be. It was better for both of them.
“The carriage is ready. It’s time to depart!” Ser Criston’s voice called from behind them.
Aerys did not speak another word. Quickly, he passed the white knight, keeping his head down, not having the courage to look the man in the eyes. No doubt Ser Criston knew what had happened. He was the queen’s sworn protector, her confidant. There wasn’t much she didn’t tell him.
When Aerys made his way to the outer yard, the royal family had already been gathered there. Helaena and Aemond stood off to the right side of the carriage, silently waiting. Queen Alicent was attending to the king in front of the carriage entryway. Finally, his eyes landed on the reinstated hand of the king. The man stood to the queen's left. Though Aerys quickly averted his gaze.
Ser Harrold moved to whisper into the king's ear. The man swiftly turned his head around.
“Gods, be good! What happened to you, my boy?!” His grandsire asked, his eyes scrunching up as he looked over the boy’s face.
Aerys found his gaze moving towards the queen and her father. The queen kept her head down, not making eye contact. Ser Otto kept his face neutral, and his eyes held no expression.
“I had a bit too much wine last night. I slipped, your grace.”
“Yes,” the king hummed. “It’s been difficult for us all. Princess Rhaenyra’s presence shall be missed. Come, sit with me.”
The king was loaded into the carriage before Ser Harrold motioned Aerys to follow. He sat on the king’s left while the queen sat across from them with their children. Aerys kept his eyes trained on his lap as Aegon entered the carriage last. Fortunately, Ser Otto would be riding behind the carriage on horseback. So Aerys did not have to worry about facing him just yet.
The journey to the dragon pit was not a very lively one. No sounds were made except for the king's small grunts of discomfort. His illness was getting worse; everyone knew it. The maesters had removed one of his arms just a few years back. The man spent most of his days sitting in his chair. The simple act of standing for too long could take a heavy toll on him. It saddened Aerys to think of his grandfather being in so much pain. He couldn’t imagine being so helpless, unable to do anything as his own body began to deteriorate.
“Do you remember-” the king coughed. “Do you remember the lady Johanna Westerling?”
“The lady of Casterly Rock? I know of her, but I'm afraid I don’t remember much of my time in the Westerlands.”
“Yes, of course. I forgot how young you were when you came to court.”
The mention of the court caused the boy to shift in his seat. He had been very young when the king requested him to be brought to court. It had only been a fortnight after his mother’s death. Aerys was under the impression that he would only be visiting. That was until his brother Robb had informed him of the truth.
Aerys remembered crying the entire journey to King's Landing. He had just lost his parents, only to lose his brother later as well. As the firstborn son of their father, the lord of Castmere, Robb had to stay in the Westerlands. The only communication they had was through letters and the incredibly rare visit. Robb had become so busy lately that it had been two years since they last saw each other in person.
“Well, the lady Johanna has proposed a marriage between you and her eldest daughter, lady-”
“Lady Cerelle?” Aerys questioned, interrupting the king.
“So you remember her?” The king mused, raising his brows with a sly smile.
“She was at court for some time before returning to Casterly Rock. We got to know each other a little, that’s all.” Aerys shrugged.
The lady Cerelle Lannister was quite a boisterous little thing, with hair like gold and beautiful emerald eyes that reminded him of Agana. Though Aerys found her antics amusing, Aegon never took a shine to her. He would always try to convince Aerys to run away and hide from her whenever she tried to play with them. Aerys remembered how Cerelle had given him a daring kiss for all to see during some great feast. Aerys wanted to melt into the floor as all the lords and ladies laughed at the two. That was until Aegon moved forward and pushed her to the ground. He received quite the scolding from both the king and the queen. Aerys shook his head to rid himself of the memory.
“What was your reply?”
“I have yet to give it,” the king groaned. “I had wished to speak with you about it first. You're nearly a grown man now, Aerys; it’s time to begin thinking about such matters. The daughter of the lord of Casterly Rock would be a good match for you, but there are others. You’re quite popular with the young women of the realm,” the man smirked.
Aerys blushed, dropping his head to hide his embarrassment. It was a fact that his grandfather liked to taunt him with. Aerys’ popularity with women was never something he had strived for. All he had ever done was be kind and gallant, as a man should be.
“I believe we’re here,” Aegon grumbled as the carriage stopped.
“Already?” the king sighed. “The three of you will arrive at Driftmark first, as you’ll be on Dragonback. It should go without saying, but I expect you to be on your best behavior. You represent not only yourselves but our entire house. The way you conduct yourselves is important.”
The three dragon riders nodded in agreement. Helaena was the first to exit the carriage, and Ser Criston extended a hand to help her step out. Aegon went next, with Aerys trailing behind. The shadow of the giant pit began to loom over the three of them. The guards outside of the dragon pit noticed them immediately. A moment later, the giant iron doors creaked loudly as they opened. Two of the older dragon keepers came to meet them at the entrance.
“Jiōrna, Aerys!” The dragon keepers called as he entered. “ And welcome to you, Prince Aegon and Princess Helaena .”
“ Thank you, ” Aerys and Helaena replied kindly.
“We’d like to get on with it,” Aegon said.
“Of course, my prince,” the dragon keepers bowed.
The three followed behind as they led them deeper and deeper beneath the dome. The sun's light shines through the thick outer iron doors of the man-made caves, which open to the hillside. Helaena went ahead of the boys. Dreamfyre was resting in her nest., something the she-dragon was very protective of. The dragon keepers did not think having the boys near the pale blue dragon was wise.
Aegon was next to leave. The light reflected off of Sunfyre's beautiful golden scales. It was almost blinding. The beast lifted his head as they passed before laying back down. A few dragon keepers were already waiting with Sunfyre to assist Aegon.
Syrax, Vermax, Arrax, and Sea Smoke had all gone to follow their riders to Dragonstone. Only three dragons remained in the pit. Sunfyre, Aegon’s golden dragon. Dreamfyre, Helaena’s beautiful pale blue dragon. And Agana, Aerys’ dragon with scales of silver and aquamarine. The aquamarine scales surrounded her emerald eyes and trailed down her spine. Small pearlescent white-colored horns grew from the top of her head like a baby goat. The dragon keepers that remained with Aerys came to a stop when they reached the end of the dragon pit.
The sunlight did not give off the same radiance that the moonlight did when reflecting off Agana’s scales. A loud purr echoed in the air as the dragon stretched her neck forward. She pressed her muzzle against the giant iron bars to reach her rider. Aerys raised a hand and stuck it through the bars. He held it out, and immediately, the dragon nuzzled her face into it. The heat of her scales filled him with a sense of strength. It was not unheard of. The dragons were the true power of the Targaryens. It’s said that when King Aenys Targaryen bonded with his dragon, Quicksilver, the sickly king began to thrive.
“I missed you too,” he said softly.
Aerys pulled his hand back as the large gates swung open. Agana lowered her head to the ground. His small hand ran down her long neck. Aerys stopped to walk around her giant wing. The boy used the ropes attached to his riding saddle to help scale his way up her back. When he reached the top, he grabbed one of the saddle bars to pull himself up. Aerys swung his leg over the saddle and strapped himself as he had done a hundred times before. He believed he could do it even with his eyes closed.
“Open the gate!” He yelled to the dragon keepers.
Agana moved to stand on her feet. Aerys held on tightly to the handlebars of his saddle as she began to turn around. He could feel the ground tremble beneath her every step. The sounds of chains rattling filled the air as the giant gate that opened to the hillside began to rise.
He didn’t even need to give the command before the dragon was off. Agana ran forward, her large wings beginning to fan out. As she reached the end of the cave, she leaped into the air. Aerys felt himself being thrust forward, but the saddle straps kept him secure. His grip on the handlebars tightened. The loud flapping of Agana’s giant wings was all he could hear.
There was no other feeling in the world as great as the one you felt being on a dragon's back. The power of looming over everyone and everything. The freedom of being able to fly. There were many times he never wanted to go back to the ground.
Agana flapped her giant wings as she went higher into the sky. Then she began to glide, only flapping her wings now and then. The boy released the handlebars and stretched his arms out to the side. He closed his eyes, enjoying the wind blowing through his hair. Agana suddenly dove down. Aerys could see the sea surrounding them below. The boy quickly took hold of the reins and pulled back. Just as they were about to dive into the waters, the dragon pulled up. There was a giant splash behind them from how swiftly the dragon moved. She was toying with him.
It seemed like they both missed the sky even more than he thought they did. It had been a whole week since Aerys had taken her out to fly. The dragon disliked being kept inside the dragon pit. The two used to be free to fly together nearly every day, but then life had become busy. Aerys found himself always stuck with tutors and septons. He understood how she felt in a way. Sometimes, the red keep felt like a giant cage to him as well.
Agana let out a roar, freeing her rider from his mind. He looked forward. Aerys could make out the silhouette of the giant castle far into the distance. They will be arriving soon.
Agana landed in a clearing not far from the shore. Aerys held on tightly to the reins as he was jerked side to side. He waited for Aegon and Helaena to land before he loosened the straps and swung himself off the saddle. He began to climb down the dragon's side. When he was a couple inches off the ground, he jumped the rest of the way down. Agana growled and moved her neck to shield her rider. The boy sighed and peeked around her head.
“I’ve been waiting for you to arrive,” Rhaenyra smiled.
However, her smile disappeared when she got a good look at him. The boy rubbed the dragon's muzzle before he moved forward to greet his aunt. The woman gently took his chin into her soft hands. Her violet eyes hardened as she examined him.
“What happened?”
“It was nothing, I fell.”
“You fell?” She asked incredulously.
“Yes,” he replied, pulling away from her grasp.
“Hello, sister,” Helaena called warmly as she and Aegon stood at Aerys' side.
“Hello, my sweet sister.” Rhaenyra greeted her with a small smile. “And you, Aegon.”
The Targaryen prince gave her a brief nod. “To you as well.”
“If you’ll excuse us, Princess, we wish to express our condolences to Princess Rhaenys and Lord Corlys.” Aerys cut in.
The woman furrowed her brow and nodded. “Of course, come on.”
Aerys held out his arm to Helaena. The princess readily accepted it, wrapping her arm around his. He helped her keep her balance as they made their way from the sandy beach to the castle.
The hours seemed to pass by so swiftly. Aerys had done his best to avoid any run-ins with a certain Targaryen prince. Instead, electing to spend his time with his cousins, Jace and Luke. The younger Velaryon had clung onto Aerys the moment he saw him. Jace had been unusually quiet. Probably due to the news of Ser Harwin and his father, Ser Lyonel. Aerys himself was saddened by the news. Ser Harwin was a good man. He cared deeply for the princess, and she cared deeply for him. The boys learned a great deal from him.
The rest of the royal family had arrived a few hours after they landed on Driftmark. Everyone was waiting around for the burial to take place.
“It’s time, boys,” Rhaenyra called, motioning for her sons to follow.
Aerys traveled alongside them, holding Luke’s hand as they walked. The boy looked over at all the people's faces. Most had their heads hung low in respect. He spotted Ser Laenor. He looked so sad, so defeated. Aerys wanted to make his way to him, but he noticed the boy standing next to him. It was Aegon. He had been staring at Aerys since he arrived. Aerys looked away, choosing to stand beside Jace. They watched silently as the ropes were attached to the casket. Then Vaemond Velaryon, Lady Laena’s uncle, began to speak. Aerys watched as the man’s gaze turned to Rhaenyra and her sons. He could hear the venom in his voice as he spoke of Velaryon blood. Aerys had to stop himself from rolling his eyes. Of all the places, did he need to do this here? Now, in front of all these people? In front of the dead woman’s husband and her weeping children? The boy was glad the man spoke in Valyrian rather than the common tongue. Only a few in the crowd were fluent enough to understand.
Then Prince Daemon laughed. It had initially startled Aerys, but he supposed everyone grieves differently. Perhaps he, too, was appalled by the lack of courtesy. To use a woman’s funeral to take a jab at the princess, how tasteless. As the casket hit the water, Aerys felt himself being watched. He turned his head to find Prince Aegon still staring unabashedly at him. Aerys turned his head back towards the water. Perhaps he could escape through the crowd as they made their way back.
Everyone had returned to the castle shortly after Lady Laena’s bones were laid to rest. The sky had begun to turn dark. The wind started picking up, sending a chill down Aerys’ spine. He was wandering about the castle. Lord Corlys had wished to speak with Luke, and Jace had been pulled away by his mother. Aerys dashed to the castle, trying to avoid Aegon’s eyes. Fortunately, Aemond had unknowingly provided Aerys with the perfect distraction.
Aerys found the castle a bit ominous. Skulls decorated the halls. Trophies were displayed everywhere, evidence of the Sea Snake’s many conquests around the seas.
“Do you plan to avoid me forever?” There was a slight slur to the prince’s words.
Aerys stopped in his place. He closed his eyes and let out a weary sigh.
“Perhaps I do,” the boy said, turning around. “Did you need something, my prince?”
Aegon sauntered over, raising his hand to run his thumb over Aerys’ lips.
“I like it when you call me that.”
“Call you what?” Aerys tilted his head in confusion.
“My prince. You always call my brother Prince Aemond or just Aemond, but you call me your prince. I quite enjoy being yours,” he smiled sadly.
“Stop it!” Aerys hissed, pulling his head back. “We already had this discussion . ”
“Don’t pretend it meant nothing. I know it did, for both of us...”
Aegon took Aerys by his forearms. Aerys raised his head, looking towards the stormy-looking ceiling. Why did he insist on making this so difficult?
“The feelings we have for each other go far beyond the love of family. I understand how you feel. The shame, the guilt, the self-loathing. I felt it all, too. But I can tell you now that the thought of not having you by my side is worse than all those feelings combined.”
Aegon took Aerys’ hand, placing it over his beating heart. His violet eyes welled with tears, his lips trembling as he smiled. It broke Aerys' heart to see him this way. His iris eyes wandered up the castle walls. His cheek began to throb.
“Aegon, it didn’t mean anything,” Aerys said, forcing himself to pull away. “We were drunk, and we made a mistake. There’s no need to make it more complicated.”
“Well, I’d say it already seems a little complicated to me,” the prince retorts.
“What do you want me to say, Aegon? How did you think this would play out? I am a man, as are you! What we did, nothing can come of it. I am a man of the houses Targaryen and Reyne, and you are a prince of the realm. Us, this,” Aerys gestures between them.
“It can never be.”
“But it can!”
“And how would that work, Aegon? We marry women and then sneak off in the dead of night to meet each other in dark hallways like we are doing now?”
Aegon cupped Aerys’ face in the palms of his hands, pressing their forehead together. Aerys’ body stiffened but did nothing as he allowed Aegon to pull him close. It was so easy to give in to him.
“Just because I have to wed Helaena does not mean this has to end.”
Those words immediately brought him back to the present. Aerys pulled back his head to stare at the prince incredulously. Aegon, as if just realizing what he said, went pale. Aerys immediately pushed him away. The boy stared at him in disbelief.
“Aerys, just listen-”
“Helaena? What do you-”
“My mother confirmed it this morning. Helaena and I are to wed within a fortnight.” Aegon said as he kicked at the stone floor.
Aerys scoffed, running his hands through his hair.
“You’ve been betrothed, and instead of telling me, you dare to confess some love you have for me? You want me to be your whores? Is that it?”
“No, of course not-”
“Really? Because that’s what it sounds like to me.”
“I didn’t mean it that way. Just tell me what I can do to make this up to you?”
“There’s nothing you can do, Aegon, just leave me be.”
“No, not until you forgive me.”
“There’s nothing for me to forgive. You’re not mine, and I-.”
“But I am!” He yelled desperately.
Aegon’s hands grabbed onto Aerys.
“No, you’re not. Last night was a mistake. It was an awful mistake, and I regret every moment of it.”
“You don’t mean that.”
“I do.”
“No, you don’t.” His hands cupped Aerys’ face. “Please look at me.” He begged.
It took Aerys a moment before he allowed his eyes to meet Aegons. He is sure that Aegon’s tear-filled eyes matched his own.
“That night was special. It meant something to both of us, and you can’t deny that. What we feel for each other, what I feel for you, it’s real.”
“No, I was drunk and upset about Rhaenyra, and you were just...there.”
“That’s it?” He scoffed. “So, what? I was just some plaything to give you comfort?” The prince spat in disgust.
Aegon dropped his hands and stepped back. His eyes had gone cold as he glared at him.
“I suppose so,” Aerys said.
The prince looked as if he were about to cry. Quickly, he cleared his throat, hardening his face as he sniffled.
“Alright then,” he muttered.
Aerys did not have a chance to speak before the prince rushed past him. Their shoulders collided, and Aerys struggled to keep his feet planted on the floor. With tears streaming down, he dropped his head. He raised his hands over his face to stifle his cries. How could this happen? Why was everything going so wrong? None of this was supposed to happen. He had been so stupid. He should have never gone out to the city. He should have never gone into that brothel. He should have never allowed that kiss to get out of hand. But how could he stop himself? When there was something inside of him begging him to continue. Something inside that longed to touch him, to kiss him, to hold him.
The boy shook his head. No, he needed to stop thinking about it. What happened was a mistake. One that could never happen again. The throbbing in his cheek was a reminder of that. He raised two fingers to dig them into the small cut on his cheek. He could feel the wetness coating the tips of his fingers. Quiet whimpers escaped his lips as he struggled to push past the pain. He deserved it for what he had done.
Aerys stared up at the white canopy above him. He watched the shadows from the candle flame on his bedside table dance. His arms rested above his head. The young man hadn’t slept at all. It seemed his mind had refused to rest. He had been staring up at the canopy for hours. The giant castle had gone silent. There was a pleasant chill in the air. Aerys found himself enjoying the cooler climate of Driftmark. The boy sighed and turned to his side. He stared at the wooden shutters in hopes it would lull him to sleep.
An urgent knock on the door made him jump. Aerys pushed himself up, putting all his weight on his hands.
“What is it?”
“Something has happened. The princes were injured, my lord.” A maid called from behind the door.
Aerys jumped to his feet. He quickly redressed and slipped his boots back on. Aerys could hear the loud chatter as he sprinted down the hall. As he descended the stairs, Aerys could see that everyone in the castle seemed awake. Everyone was gathered closely. He gasped when he saw the kids. The twins and the boys had blood on their faces. Aerys was infuriated by the sight. How could this have happened? Who had done this to them? The girls were a little roughed up, but they seemed alright. He immediately went to the boys. Little Luke was crying and clutching his nose.
“The maester says it’s broken,” he sobbed.
Aerys placed a kiss on the top of his head.
“What happened, Jace?”
“It was Aemond, he stole Vhagar!” He said in a hushed voice.
“What...? Where is he?” He asked.
The boy turned and pointed his finger. He patted the boy’s head and went to find the white-haired prince. He squeezed his way through the crowd of people. Aerys saw Queen Alicent kneeling beside a maester. The boy noticed Aegon standing near the fireplace and went to stand at his side. He peered his head around and gasped. The maester was stitching the left side of Aemond’s face.
“It will heal, will it not maester?” Queen Alicent asked.
“The flesh will heal, but the eye is lost.”
Gasps filled the room when the maester announced that.
“Where were you?!” The queen demanded as she stepped towards Aegon.
Aerys gritted his teeth and turned his head when the queen slapped the prince across his face. It was an unseemly thing to do. He watched sadly as the boy cupped his face.
“What was that for?!” He exclaimed.
“That was nothing, compared to the abuse your brother has suffered while you were drowning in your cups, you fool!” The woman had a wild look in her eyes.
Everyone turned as the lord and lady of the castle made their way down the stairs. Aerys took the chance to look over Aegon's face. He frowned when he noticed a handprint start to form. The prince discreetly squeezed Aerys' hand and smiled to reassure him. It did little to comfort him. Rhaenyra and Daemon were the last to show up. Aerys and Aegon stood quietly as both sides began arguing back and forth. Aerys had to bite his tongue when the queen claimed Lucerys had wanted to kill Aemond. Lucerys was a sweet boy, a handful at times, but sweet. Aemond may not have been Luke’s favorite person in the world, but he doubted the boy would kill him.
“It was my sons who were attacked and forced to defend themselves!” Rhaenyra refuted. “Vile insults were levied against them!”
“What insults?” The king questioned.
“The legitimacy of my son's birth was put loudly to question.”
“He called us bastards,” Jace put in quietly.
Aerys noticed the looks exchanged between the lords and ladies in the room. The thick tension in the air had grown. Aerys had heard the rumors before. It was hard not to. It was practically all everyone whispered about at court.
“Aemond, look at me. Your king demands an answer. Who spoke these lies to you?”
The room grew silent as they waited for the boy to answer. It took a moment before he raised his head to look at his mother. Of course, he had heard it from her. The strained relationship between the queen and Rhaenyra was no secret.
“It was Aegon.”
Aerys frowned; as much as he would like to deny the boy's claim, he couldn’t. Aegon was fond of Rhaenyra’s sons; he always has been. But even Aegon has muttered the word bastards when talking about Rhaenyra’s sons. He did not do it around Aerys, as the first and only time he did, Aerys refused to speak to him for a fortnight.
“Me?” The boy replied, confused.
Aerys felt the boy tense up as the king approached them. He quickly pulled his hand away from Aegons.
“And you, boy. Where did you hear such calumnies?”
The prince remained silent. The two jumped when the king screamed the boy's name.
“Grandfather, he would never-”
“Silence! Tell me the truth of it!”
“My king-”
“We know, father. Everyone knows. Just look at them...”
Aerys stared at the boy sadly. Aegon would not even look at him. Aerys stepped away and turned to face the fireplace. His grandfather’s yelling caused him to tense up. Aerys stayed quiet as the king and queen began to speak.
“I will have one of her son’s eyes in return.”
Aerys turned to look back at the queen in horror. The woman had seemingly gone mad. Everything was happening so quickly. The king tried to calm his wife, but she would have none of it. She ordered Ser Criston to take Lucerys’ eye. Fortunately, the man had refused.
“Alicent, this matter. . . Is finished. Do you understand?”
The crowd watched silently as the king began to walk away.
“And let it be known: anyone whose tongue dares to question the birth of Princess Rhaenyra’s sons should have it removed .”
No one failed to see who the king's words were pointed at. He was making it clear, not just to everyone, but to the queen herself. Rhaenyra thanked her father before turning back to her children. Aerys could feel the tension only rising between both sides of the room. He wondered if his grandfather’s words had done more harm than good.
Suddenly, the room turned to chaos as Queen Alicent ran at Rhaenyra with the king's dagger. Aerys had tried to run to her aunt's side, but Aegon grabbed a hold of him and kept him at his side.
Everyone had gone quiet as they watched the standoff between the queen and the princess. Rhaenyra had gotten the last word before the queen brought the blade down. Lord Corlys had caught Rhaenyra so she would not fall. The blade had sliced open Rhaenyra’s arm. Aerys had gotten away from Aegon. Quickly, he rushed to his aunt’s side, looking over the wound. A heavy trail of blood began trickling down her skin.
“Do not mourn me, mother. I may have lost an eye, but I gained a dragon.” Aemond rushed to his mother's side.
Aerys turned his head, his dark eyes scanning over the crowd. He noticed what was clear for all to see. The lines had been drawn.
The sun had seemed to rise earlier than usual. The crowd dispersed quite quickly after the events between the queen and the princess. The king had Queen Alicent and her children escorted to their chambers immediately while their ship was being prepared. Daemon had gone with Rhaenyra and the boys to have a maester tend to their wounds. Aerys was preparing to head back to King's landing. Aerys shared tearful goodbyes with the boys before they were ushered to bed. As he exited the castle, he found Rhaenyra and Prince Daemon talking. Prince Daemon noticed the boy first, nodding his head towards him. Rhaenyra turned her head to look for him. Daemon stayed behind as the Princess walked towards Aerys.
“I am sorry we did not have another chance to speak earlier.”
“There were more pressing matters to attend to.”
“Your cut looks fresher than it did yesterday.” She frowned.
“Aerys, you know you can tell me anything. If someone hurt you-”
“I reopened it in my sleep. That’s all.”
“Perhaps you should join us at Dragonstone-”
“My place is at court. I must do as my king commands.”
Rhaenyra huffed, a smile spreading across her lips. Her violet eyes traveled across every inch of his face. Warm, soft fingers trailed across his uninjured cheek.
“My little dragon, always so noble.”
If only you knew, he thought. The woman pressed a quick kiss to the top of his head.
“You’re always welcome at Dragonstone.”
“I will keep that in mind.”
The woman pulled him into her arms for a hug. Aerys was careful not to touch her injured arm.
“We have to go, Aerys!” Helaena called from behind.
The two pulled away, sharing one last silent look of goodbye. Aerys walked with Aegon and Helaena to the sandy shores where their dragons lay. Dreamfyre was the first to perk up as she spotted Helaena. Sunfyre and Agana continued to rest their heads together. Vhagar was lounging away from the others. Aemond was not allowed to ride the ancient-looking dragon on the way back due to his injuries. Aerys was still deciding how he felt on the matter. Aemond was well within his rights to claim Vhagar, but he did feel sorry for little Rhaena. Luke had told him that the girl wished to claim her mother’s dragon for herself. But claiming a dragon was not so simple. The rider doesn’t simply choose a dragon and gets to have it. The dragon must also accept the rider, and Vhagar had accepted Aemond.
Aerys pulled on a pair of riding gloves to protect his hand. Once again, he scaled up the silver dragon. The four dragons stood to their feet and began to shake off all the sand.
“Race you home!” Aegon called after he commanded Sunfyre to fly.
“He’s a fool,” Helaena sighed.
Aerys watched as the giant pale blue dragon lifted off into the sky. He gripped the reins to prepare himself.
“Sōvēs, Agana!”
#aegon ii fanfic#aegon ii targaryen#aegon ii x oc#fire and blood#hotd#hotd aegon#house of the dragon fanfic#king aegon#male!oc#targcest#asoiaf fanfic#aegon the second
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Dollar Bin #55:
Steeleye Span's Parcel of Rogues

Twenty two years ago, in the depths of the Bush administration's lies and war crimes - which are idyllic in comparison to the bizarre abhorrence of the present moment - I slipped away from parenting my two year old and the adults in my care to weed through my local dollar bin and take a $4 chance on Steeleye Span.
To my ill-informed 27 year old self Steeleye were nothing more than a weak-ass Fairport Convention spin off that RT and the boys had trounced in a surely apocryphal game of footie back in 69. They did not rock and were fronted by someone not named Sandy Denny, so they were not worthy.
But it'd been a rough day and I wanted something to show for my efforts. So buy the record I did.
Thank goodness: Parcel of Rogues gave me an introduction to one of my favorite 70's bands and it contains one of the best three song cycles in my collection.
Side 1, admittedly, is a slog. One Misty Moisty Morning has a hook but desperately needs drums; Alison Gross, with its rockin' refrain about the "ugliest witch in the North Country" kinda rocks but is indeed gross, The Bold Poachers gets your hopes up with its minor chords and doom but it is followed by The Ups and Downs which, as my daughter this afternoon accurately declared, makes her "want to go to her room and shut the door with a bang" on all my terrible music.
But: Side 2! The Wee Wee Man is far less silly than you assume it must be given its Weird Al-worthy title and, after that first track, The Weaver and the Factory Maid plants a bold flag of hope. Indeed, I remember sitting up way back in 2003 and telling my now 23 year old to pay attention, as something exciting was happening.
She ignored me, of course, and continued slobbering on her toys. But she should have listened!
I anticipated the eventually fevered bounce of the track all through its opening stately verse, but when the groove finally arrived, preceded by a doodling electric guitar riff that stands on its own and then is joined by a caustic fiddle, I picked up my kid and high stepped about the house, arms swinging and boots pounding. She liked that. And the closing outro, with Maddy Prior alone, her voice doubled and then tripled masterfully, sealed the deal. Steeleye Span!
Rouges in a Nation follows and it still basically breaks my heart. My life has been one of privilege: I've never been forced to pit myself against another human being in deadly conflict. But I've read plenty of books about those who've done so, men who've had to kill or be killed.
For me, Rogues in a Nation is a fitting soundtrack for such horrors, a Scottish song to be sung by those who've survived but are forever stained.
I don't think you say enough about Prior's harmonizing here. Masterful pathos!
Scotland stands behind the climax to this stirring trilogy as well, offering up another tone altogether on Cam Ye O're Frae France. Drums appear with military brilliance beneath satisfyingly violent guitar strokes. But the real power and greatness comes, once again, from Prior.
As a sophomore in college I earnestly visited my music history professor during his office hours so as to play him Richard and Linda Thompson's The Great Valerio; it just seemed like something worth doing. The teacher, who I see recently retired, was a genius: he taught us to understand the opening movement of Beethoven's 5th by comparing it - stunningly - to the Flintstones' theme song.
Anyway, I'll never forget watching him encounter Linda's voice for the first time: she has zero interest in sounding beautiful or meeting gender norms as she traces the tight rope walker's dangerous paces; rather she just beats the hell out of you; after all, that's what the song calls for.
"Who is this singer?" my teacher demanded, standing up from behind his desk to crank the song up louder than anything I'd ever encountered through a stereo system. "She barely sounds human; it's like she's some kind of God!"
I was brought back to that moment when I first brought home A Parcel of Rogues and heard Maddy Prior's delivery on Cam Ye O're Frae France. She's descended from her place on high and is about to do 5,000 push ups one handed; we should cower.
Prior, like Linda Thompson, is not pop singer, nor is she delicate. Rather, she has come to kick all our asses.
What more could one want outta the dollar bin?
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Unlikely Allies (1/?)
Pairing: Peter Pevensie x Female!Reader
Warnings: none
Word Count: 2k
Part Summary: Y/N is the Telemarine Princess. She’s devoted to her family, including her uncle Miraz, who’s keeping many secrets from her. When her aunt gives birth to her cousin, her brother runs away, leaving Y/N lost...
"Princess Y/N?" A faint voice appears in my dream. "Princess!"
I wake up yawning and stretching out my limbs. I whine, what time is it? "Yes, what is it?" I grumble, rolling onto my side.
"Your Royal Highness," the servant greets as they enter my room and I assume they bow. "It's your aunt, she's given birth!"
I fly up from my laid position and immediately climb out of bed. "Take me there at once!"
My maid rushes me to my aunt and uncle's bed-chamber. It's the early hours of the morning, but I don't care! A cousin! Finally! People travel in and out of the room as I turn the corner. Lord Glozelle stands outside the door, guarding it.
He bows his head as I pass, "Your Royal Highness."
I enter the chaotic room, utterly gleaming. A circle of people surrounds the bed, chatter high.
"Auntie?" I make myself known.
The crowd parts, allowing me a path. My aunt lays in her bed, holding my baby cousin. My uncle is beside her, smiling ear to ear as he stares down at the baby.
My aunt looks up at me with a bright smile and waves me over. "Y/N! Come!"
I hurry over to her side, settling down on the edge of their bed. The little boy is wrapped securely in a gray blanket.
"Your cousin, a boy!" My uncle tells me, overjoyed.
My aunt extends her arms out to me, handing me the child. He's utterly precious. The true Telemarine black hair is already on his tiny head.
"Hello! You're so handsome!" I greet him, allowing his small hand to wrap around my finger.
"Y/N, your aunt and I were talking," Uncle begins, glancing between me and his wife. "We would like you to be the Godmother."
My eyes grow wide. "Truly?"
"It would be our pleasure," Auntie giggles, placing her hand over mine.
"I would be honored!" I laugh breathlessly. "Thank you, Uncle! Auntie!"
Suddenly, fireworks erupt outside, signaling the start of the celebration. "A son! A son! Lady Prunaprismia has given Lord Miraz a son!" One of the guards announces from the tower to the village.
"My Lord!" Lord Glozelle barges in frantically. He notices me and bows swiftly. "Your Royal Highness!"
My uncle sighs, a tad annoyed by the interruption. "Yes, Lord Glozelle?"
"It's Prince Caspian, he's gone!"
"What!" I panic and hand the baby back to my aunt before I rise off the bed. "What do you mean gone?"
"It'll be okay, Y/N. We'll find him," Uncle Miraz tries to assure me calmly as he stands.
"Where is he?" I question the Lord.
"My men say they saw him ride into the forest," Lord Glozelle informs.
"What! No! He'll die!" I rush out. "There are Narnians!"
"Those are mere superstitions, your tutor has plagued your mind!" My uncle laughs. "Narnians are extinct. Come Lord Glozelle, we'll begin the search immediately." My uncle stops at me, before departing. He brings his hand to my cheek gently with a comforting smile. "All will be well, Princess."
I nod, praying he's right.
Satisfied, he departs with his men, the room shrinking in population. I turn my attention to the balcony and the full moon. "Caspian..." I whisper my brother's name, praying he's alright and safe.
A few days later...
I ride toward the soldiers gathered by the river's side. I take notice of their wagons... they're empty, how odd. I dismount my horse and spot my uncle.
"Uncle!" I call over, gaining his attention.
I hurry over to him, Lord Gozelle, and the other members of Lord's council. They appear to be in a rather heated argument.
"Is everything alright?" I question worriedly. "I was on a ride when your men told me to return to the palace."
My uncle forces a convincing smile as he ushers me away from the men privately. "Yes, My Dear, I'm sorry to have frightened you."
"You're not telling me something," I accuse knowingly. "Is it Caspian?"
Peter, Susan, and Trumpkin hide behind a pile of lumber, watching as my uncle and his men discover the mess we've left.
"I say we shoot now," Trumpkin suggests.
Susan preps her bow and arrow. That's when I see her, Y/N... my sister.
"Wait!" I place my hand over Susan's arrow.
"What is it?" She asks.
Miraz ushers her away, his hand pressed to her back. Something's wrong.
"My sister..." I mumble.
"You have a sister?" Peter questions.
"Y/N..." I whisper her name in a daze as I watch her. "She's speaking with my uncle."
Out of my peripheral, I see Peter searching for her. I can tell when he does because his features shift from confusion to astonishment.
"Return to your ride. Everything is okay, promise!" Uncle Miraz guarantees. "My one request is that you stay out of the forest. Go straight to the palace."
"It's Narnians, isn't it?" I interrogate enthusiastically as he escorts me to my horse. It would be the only reason the guard has been so jittery and anxious. "They do exist! Oh, I knew it!"
"You and your fairytales," he laughs, helping up onto the saddle. "Be on your way, My Dear. I'll return shortly."
"Alright, I'll go tend to your baby for you," I tease him, sending him a wink.
As I watch Y/N ride off down the path toward the castle as I asked, Lord Gozelle appears beside me.
"You should tell her," he advises.
"That her brother is a traitor and has brought back our greatest enemy" I shake my head, turning over my shoulder to join the Lords again. "No, it'll destroy her."
"Why do you care for Y/N, but Caspian is dispensable?"
"Y/N would never betray me," I state with utmost certainty. Then, I snicker. "Besides, she's a young lady. She can't take my throne."
I ride along the path that lines the forest. The trees blur as my horse gallops swiftly back to the castle. My mind is wandering with curiosity. Miraz tells me that there's nothing to be worried about, but I can't help and question whether this is true. Abruptly, a cloaked figure appears on the path, blocking my way. My horse becomes startled and I'm bucked off, hitting the dirt with a thud. The wind is knocked out of me and I struggle to catch my breath. The cloaked figure hurries over and grabs me, dragging me off the dirt path.
"Get off of me!" I scream, thrashing about. "I am Her Royal Highness Princess Y/N! I will-" Then, the figure removes their hood and my eyes recognize my brother. "Caspian..." I whisper in disbelief.
"Hello Y/N," he grins.
"You're alive!" I fly up from my position, wrapping my arms around him frantically. Then, I fully process the news and pull back. "Wait until Miraz hears! He's been so worried!"
"No, no!" He rushes out. "You mustn't tell him you've seen me! Y/N, he's behind all of this..."
"What? No, no, that's impossible. He-"
"When he learned he had a son, he sent assassins after me! I had to run!" He squeezes my shoulders urgently. "It's all true! Everything Dr. Cornelius taught us, it's all true!"
My eyes grow wide, it can't be... "You mean about Narnians!"
"Yes! Aslan, the Kings, and Queens of Old, it's all-"
"Caspian, you can't just run off!" A male voice interrupts, followed by rushing footsteps.
"What if Miraz..." A girl begins to shout, but as she, a boy, and a dwarf appear from behind the greenery briskly their eyes land on us.
The dark-haired girl looks down at me strangely, as if she already hates me despite just meeting me. She seems like a know-it-all. I don't even know her name. The boy, tall and blonde, peers at me with parted lips. Surprise not easily hidden. The dwarf, well, he glares a lot. Two out of three already hate me. Caspian must be telling the truth, these truly are Narnians.
Caspian glances between the two and myself. "Y/N, this is-"
"Let me guess, High King Peter," I determine, meeting the boy's gaze.
He appears more astonished than before if that's possible. What? Just because I'm a Telemarine doesn't mean I don't know the legends of Narnia.
"You revealed yourself!" The girl huffs. "She's going to run and tell Miraz!"
"Let me guess, Queen Susan," I remark a bit snarky as I help myself off the ground and brush myself down. "I wouldn't tell."
"Are we just supposed to take your word for it?" Peter challenges.
"Miraz may be my uncle, but Caspian is my only brother," I argue.
"And your loyalty lies with your people, right? Am I wrong?" He presses further.
"And you're loyal to the Narnians?" I snicker mockingly. "Last I checked you disappeared for over a thousand years."
"Even the Telemarine Princess agrees with me," the dwarf huffs with a roll of the eyes.
"At least my family didn't murder millions of innocent creatures," he fires back.
I reach for the dagger resting on my belt and point it at the boy. "Take that back!"
Fearless, he steps forward, directly in front of my blade. "Your entire empire is the reason Narnians are almost extinct!"
"Our father wouldn't have harmed any creature!" I scream.
Caspian wraps his arms around me, pulling me into his chest. "Y/N, Y/N, calm down!"
"Enough of this, we have to return to the camp," Peter announces assertively as he begins to march away. "Bring her."
"No, we're not taking her with us!" Susan shouts.
"We have to!" Peter argues over his shoulder.
Caspian presses a hand to my back, leading me in the direction Peter is headed.
"What? I'm not going!" I challenge.
"Good!" Susan scoffs.
"You must," Caspian tells me calmly. "You know of us now."
"I rather drop dead," I fire back.
"That can be arranged," Peter grumbles ahead.
"Shall I send you back to wherever you came from?" I threaten the former High King.
He turns over his shoulder with a glare. "Anything to be dimensions away from you."
"Stop it!" Caspian finally breaks, looking back and forth between the two of us. "Please..."
"Miraz will send the Lords after me! It's in your best interest to let me go!" I reason with them.
"Perhaps she's right," Susan uncharacteristically agrees with me. "Caspian, we can see her another time. For now, we have to be smart."
Caspian's clearly torn, an internal battle ensuing in his mind. "What if Miraz finds out we've been together. He may retaliate against you."
I frown, "Miraz would never... he cares about me."
"I'll formulate a plan," Peter interjects, causing my brother and me to look at him. "A few men and I will sneak into the castle in two days time. We'll stage it like a kidnapping to avoid any hostility toward Y/N from your uncle."
"That gives me two days to prepare and learn what I can about what Uncle is planning," I try to convince Caspian.
"Very well, but be careful until then," he practically begs, bringing me into a hug.
"Goodbye Caspian," I mumble against his chest as I part from him. This is harder than I had expected. "Now go! Before any guards ride by!"
He nods and begins to back away. "I'll come back for you!"
Susan and Caspian run off in the opposite direction with Trumpkin. Peter lingers behind for a second, walking backward to follow them. "I'll send messages to you until it's time," he informs me. "Be ready!"
I nod, feeling sick to my stomach at the thought of what will happen in two nights. "Yes, alright," I manage to say with my voice shaking.
He nods, satisfied with my response, before jogging off to join his sister and friends. I stand in the woods, alone, utterly dazed and confused. One minute I'm riding home, the next I'm reunited with my brother and learn that Narnians are alive. On top of that, everything about my life that's been concrete, such as my home in the castle and my love of my aunt and uncle are being taken away. My brother or my people? That's the question and I only have two days to figure out an answer.
Tags: @i-hav-no-life @hellomyweirdos @candyheartsandcigarettes @gillybear17 @hauntedphotographybookstaco
#narnia imagine#narnia#narnia fanfiction#caspian x reader#prince caspian#peter pevensie#King Peter the Magnificent#peter x reader#peter#susan pevensie#edmund pevensie#lucy pevensie
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Since you won’t write the darkest timeline AU I wrote something for it. Here you have Thomas and Anthony:
“You wanted to see me, Uncle?”, Thomas asks while sitting down on the chair opposite to him. Nothing beween them but the big oak desk, the one his mother had hid under before Anthony first kissed her all these years ago.
Anthony tries not to think about that. Just as he tries not to think about the fact that in a better, kinder world this would one day be Thomas office. Alas he doesn’t live in this world. He lives in a world in which his son, his only child, calls him uncle. Where his heir is his brothers son.
Thomas for his part seems unbothered by all of this. He is a man of twenty now, a good man, Anthony knows, having soaked up every information that his wife, or anyone would give him about his son. Anthony knows that he never lets the weak get picked on and that his son always helps the old maid living across from him. It’s a relief to know that his son is a better man than he is (not that it’s particularly hard).
“Well?”, Thomas asks again, sounding more annoyed now. Anthony remebers a time when he was Thomas favorite person. When the boy would throw himself into his arms, when he would take him to eat cakes and try not to flinch when someone else would assume Thomas was his son. Which happened often enough as the boy looked more like him every day. Anthony doesn’t know what changed later on, when the boy would give him nothing but a short nod and an judgemental stare. He isn’t suprised though, Anthony managed to disappoint every single person dear to him, why should his son be any different? The son that thought of him as an uncle.
Anthony knows that his family knows, just as Kates does but nobody in the ton does. Because why should the viscount chose the plain older sister over the diamond, the one he had wed all this years ago? They are all idiots, Anthony thinks.
“You aunt has informed me that you’re planning to look for a wife this season?”, he says and gets a glare in return.
“Well if you must know: I won’t be actively looking for a bride but I do plan to consider it, if someone happens to catch my eye”, Thomas answers truthfully. It’s clear that he rather leave than stay any longer. Anthony hates that his son can’t even stand to be in the same room as him.
“I see”, Anthony says, yet doesn’t want Thomas to leave yet, desperate to prolong any moment with him, as they are so few and far inbetween. He offers instead: “I could lend you some advice, if you want”
At that Thomas laughs outwardly, as if Anthony had just told a particular funny joke. Anthony scoffs. He had never liked not being taken seriously. Even now as a man of almost sixty years he hated it.
“Do not worry, Uncle. If I need advice I will ask my father”, Thomas simply answers with an almost cruel smirk on his lips. It feels like punch in Anthonys stomach.
Charles Woodruff.
Anthony hates to even think of the name. The name his son carries, the man that has what he wants most in the world.
“Well, your father doesn’t know much of the ton, seeing as he is just a simple countyman”, Anthony spits out. He regrets it as soon as it leaves his mouth but he can’t take it back now.
Thomas glare hardens and he frowns. It so familiar it makes him shudder, after all he sees it every morning when he looks into the mirror.
“My father may not have a Viscounttitle but I am none the less proud to carry his name”, Thomas says. Anthony tries his best not to let his heart shudder at that. He fails. Curious how many times a heart can break, he finds himself thinking. He briefly wonders once again why his son hates him so but figures he deserves it anyway.
“Of course, I apologize”, he says quickly, hoping they can move the conversation away from Charles Woodruff.
Anthony hates him too much to bear think about him any longer. He is man enough to admit that he only hates him because he was lucky enough to marry Kate. Hates that he had to give her away on her wedding day when he wanted nothing more than to be the groom.
Thomas doesn’t seem to be finished just yet, however.
“I know you are Uncle. And even if my father may only be the second son of a thirds son’s earl to carry a name such as his is still better than the alternative”, he says and every word cuts Anthony to the core. “It certainly is preferable to simply being a lords bastard, don’t you agree?”
Anthony almost chokes on nothing. Thomas knew. He doesn’t know why it suprises him that much. The similarity is too striking. The same hair, the same eyes, the nose. The way Anthony looked at his mother and his mother looked at him. Of course he had figured it out.
He doesn’t say anthing, doesn’t deny it, doesn’t cofirm it either. He just sits there and wishes things were different. But they aren’t.
“I was just trying to help”, he mumbles quietly. Thomas snorts. The boy that normally is so full of kindness and smile gone in front of his real father.
“Don’t worry you helped enough already. I learned enough from you. You taught me so many things. I will be aware to not marry the sister of the woman I love and I will be aware to not leave both woman brokenhearted”, Thomas tells him sarcasm dripping from every word, the anger so clear in his voice that Anthony can’t help but flinch. Every word is true and there is nothing he can say to defend himself.
Thomas gets up to angry to stay any longer. Anthony doesn’t stop him, doesn’t have the energy for it left.
“If you excuse me I promised mother to meet her for tea. I hope that’s alright with you, father”, Thomas spits the last word in his face and it hurts. It feels like losing his father over again, only now he is losing his son.
Thomas closes the door with enough force that the shelves shake and leaves Anthony alone in his office.
It’s the first time Thomas has called him father.
This was everything I never knew I wanted.
Heartbreaking, beautiful, Amazing Perfect! Show stopping!
Because of course Thomas realized when he was about 14 that he was not Charles Woodruff’s son. And of course than means he knew what happened. Knows what probably happens when his uncle and mother can’t be found for hours at a time at family events. Knows what it means that Sarah Bridgerton is far lighter haired than the other cousins.
And he resents his true father. Because his mother always looks so sad when she re-emerges, her eyes flickering over the crowd. And he vowed he would never never be the man his father was.
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Kaeya and Diluc’s brotherhood
I still see many people claiming that Kaeya and Diluc don’t feel like brothers or that they hate each other etc. So in this post, I’m going to compilate all the evidence I’ve found on why they don’t hate each other and how they show that they care.
NOTE: This is just a post meant to show evidence as objectively as possible taking into account official info that we have until this point.
Edit: This was written back in January 2021, so bare in mind that there might be new info that has been released ever since, but I’m not going to modify this post. Maybe I’ll do a Part 2 in the future, we’ll see.
Edit 2: I guess this post kinda counts as Part 2 since we’ve gotten so many new tidbits about them.
Before we begin: I will be using English translations for the images shown, but I’ll be also using Japanese translations, especially when I find the English translation to be unreliable. While the English translation is not actively wrong, it does take some liberties in some of the lines and this can lead to wrong interpretations. I know that Chinese is the original language for both the webcomic and game, but unfortunately I don’t know Chinese. However, I do know Japanese and from my experience, I’m sure the Japanese translation is more accurate than the English one. If you consider this to be a problem then I’m sorry but that’s how I’m going to do this analysis.
First of all, we should start with the most obvious thing. Kaeya was adopted by Crepus, it’s literally written in his in-game profile:
“Kaeya Alberich is an adopted son to the Ragnvindr Family, the renowned wine tycoons.“
We don’t know if he changed his last name at some point or if he has always been an Alberich, but that is not important. Crepus just saw a boy who had nothing and offered him a home and family. And this makes him Diluc’s adoptive brother by default.
Why don’t they show this brotherly bond? Because as we all know, they had a big fight after Crepus died and Kaeya confessed that he was a spy from Khaenri’ah. After that Diluc left for 3 years, so obviously a lot happened in that period and by the time Diluc came back, it was difficult for them to just talk to each other like nothing had happened.
But do they hate each other? NO. There are several instances, both in the webcomic and the game that show they aren’t so hostile and actually care for each other.
Since the webcomic happens before the game, let’s look at that one first.
The first time we see Kaeya in the webcomic is precisely at Diluc’s manor. Now, if Diluc hated him so much, why have Kaeya there instead of other knights? Note that while they don’t talk to each other so much here, they don’t show hostility either.
Kaeya knows exactly what Diluc has done (he attacked the Fatui guy) but remains silent. Also, yes, in this dialogue Kaeya refers to Crepus as Diluc’s father, but this is because they’re talking in public. Since their fight, they don’t want to refer to each other as brothers again, so they try to talk to each other as if they’re just acquaintances.
Now comes the part that confused me and many people in the first read.
This is not an accurate translation. I’m assuming whoever translated this wasn’t sure what term to use here, so they went for “like brothers”. In Japanese, he says “My adoptive brother Diluc” here, revealing their actual relationship in this line.
Now, after this, Kaeya witnesses something that may be related to Crepus’s death. And what does he do? He goes to see Diluc and give him the information. Because he knows Diluc has been investigating the Fatui and wants to know the circunstances of their father’s death.
He goes to the manor and he’s greeted by the butlers and maids as Diluc would be, because they still consider him one of the Masters of the house.
Now, I want to point a few things of this translation:
Kaeya refers to himself multiple times as “your bro Kaeya” and Diluc ends up denying this. This is actually something I only found in the English translation. In Japanese, Kaeya doesn’t call himself that, nor Diluc says that either. At this point they just treat each other like strangers. Diluc treating him like just another knight and Kaeya staying distant because he knows that’s what Diluc wants.
Also, cute to see that the maids really like Kaeya. This translation isn’t accurate either, but they do tell him to “Please come back again!” (In Japanese, Kaeya just says “Sure”). Adelinde in the game often says out loud “I wonder if Master Diluc and Master Kaeya will get along again...”. The people of their house still care about them both.
(Edit: I’ve confirmed that Adelinde’s line is not said in English, she says something completely different than in Japanese, at least I haven’t heard her say it after several minutes of her talking. However this is said in Chinese, as I clearly can understand their names being said in her dialogue.)
Now at this point there’s no much interaction between them but we see again how Kaeya goes to see Diluc and give him information.
Note that it is always Kaeya the one who goes to see Diluc. We’ll see more examples of this later on. It’s pretty clear that Kaeya feels very guilty. He knows Diluc was hurt by his actions and feels responsible for how Diluc is nowadays: a very lonely person who doesn’t trust other people easily. Still, Kaeya wants to help him, that’s why even though Diluc acts coldly, Kaeya still goes to see him everytime he finds out something of interest.
When Diluc finds out that Kaeya does have something of interest to say, he always offers him a drink as a means to say “Fine, let’s talk”. Yeah, this is still a little cold but Diluc listens to Kaeya and trusts what he says. He even goes so far as to work together with him to pay back the Fatui. Kaeya does this because he knows how much Diluc despises the Fatui and wants to take revenge, he’s always trying to help Diluc as much as he can.
And this all ends up with... the vase.
Basically, a vase broke when Kaeya visited Diluc in his manor, and he told Diluc he would buy him another one. He does keep his word and buys him a new, eccentric one. Diluc insists that he told Kaeya that it wasn’t necessary, but Kaeya also insists that Diluc should keep it. Why does Kaeya insist so much? Well because inside the vase is Diluc’s Vision.
When Diluc left the knights he also gave up his Vision. But after his return, Kaeya knew just how much Diluc still wanted to protect Mond and enact justice. He knew that Diluc needed his Vision back, but Diluc is too prideful to just ask them to give it back. So Kaeya was the one who returned it to him. If this doesn’t show how much he cares for Diluc, then I don’t what to tell you.
This vase is so important that you can find it in the game. And not in any old place, you can find it in Diluc’s manor:
Would you say that Diluc would keep this if it wasn’t important to him? Why keep a vase that’s so different from the rest of his own home? Because Diluc cares. That vase is a present from his brother, who used it as a means to return something important to him, of course he’d keep it.
Now, we’re going a little ahead, but everyone knows about this little scene, where Kaeya asks Diluc about the vase.
English translation exaggerates the phrasing but he’s basically asking “Did you sell that vase too?”, to which Diluc says “I don’t remember”. Diluc is just tsundere here, not wanting to admit that he still has the vase, and it’s in the entrance of his own manor. Good old Pallad here knows that at least, a shame that we don’t see more of this conversation.
Well, going forward... We see a few more interactions between Diluc and Kaeya in the game. The first one happens after Kaeya joins us, in which Diluc comes out of nowhere to make his epic entrance and trash an Abyss mage. Not much here, it’s just an introduction for him as he makes his typical comment about the knights not been very useful.
The next time we see an actual interaction between them is in Diluc’s mission. Where Kaeya wants to test Diluc, to see how far he’s willing to go to continue protecting Mond. But Diluc misunderstands, and believes that Kaeya just wants to get back at him. He may think that Kaeya wants to get revenge on him because of what happened in the past (as Diluc was the one who started the fight after Kaeya confessed).
After the ordeal, we discover how Kaeya just wanted to see Diluc’s resolution. Diluc still believes that Kaeya may tell his secrets to the knights though...
...but of course Kaeya denies this.
And it makes sense. Because think about it. Do you really think that anyone other than Diluc knows Kaeya’s biggest secret? I don’t think so. If the knights knew that Kaeya was supposed to be a spy from an enemy region, they would never have him as a knight Captain, they would most likely have imprisoned him or exiled him. Obviously Diluc didn’t say anything. Why though?
Well... two reasons I think. First, Kaeya hasn’t done anything wrong, not yet anyway. He hasn’t betrayed Mond, he’s always helping it. So until Kaeya does anything suspicious, Diluc doesn’t have any reason to expose him. The other reason should be obvious: because he still cares. Diluc knows what would happen if people knew about Kaeya’s origins. So he keeps quiet for now, and Kaeya does exactly the same for him. Kaeya keeps secret of his activities as the Darknight Hero.
They both know secrets that can cause problems for the other, but choose to remain silent, because they know the other isn’t doing anything wrong.
And I want to remark what Kaeya says at the end of this dialogue:
This is very important. Firstly, it’s the first time (in the Japanese translation at least) that Kaeya calls Diluc by his name without any title, symbolizing that he’s talking very honestly here. And second, what he says. Kaeya is happy to see that Diluc is not alone anymore and has someone to help him. Why? Well... because he cares. He knows how Diluc has been working alone for years and doesn’t trust people anymore, yet now Kaeya sees how he has found someone that he can trust, someone that can help him: the Traveler.
Kaeya is very pleased to see that his brother is no longer all alone, as he knows Diluc doesn’t want to be around him or other knights. Even if Diluc shows that he cares about some individuals... such as Jean, as he helped in her party during her quest. And let’s not forget that Kaeya was the one who planned that party, that means he went to see Diluc and asked for his help and Diluc accepted.
Finally, let’s go back to that one scene in Venti’s mission. Because first of all... they are drinking together.
You really think Diluc would go and drink with Kaeya if he hated him? This scene shows that while they’re still distant, they do see each other sometimes and even drink together. Diluc doesn’t seem uncomfortable, like he’s been forced to drink with him. No, they look like they just decided to drink together with other guys. This shows that their relationship is healing a little. Furthermore...
Now this is yet another case of the English translation exaggerating things. He doesn’t sound that agressive in other translations. What he’s actually saying here is “You’ve always loved selling things. You’re the one who sold Father’s mansion, right?”. It’s just a fact, it’s not agressive. He’s not trying to provoke Diluc with that line. Diluc doesn’t seem affected by it either, he answers with his usual tone of voice, they’re just chatting.
However let’s ignore for one moment the phrasing and focus on what’s important: Kaeya calls Crepus “Father” here. For the first time in the conversations we’ve seen, Kaeya has openly called him “Father” in front of Diluc, and Diluc doesn’t say anything, as if that’s a natural fact. Again, it’s another proof that their relationship is not as bad as it seems. And for once this is not a mistranslation, in Japanese he also says “Father” here (Tou-san to be concrete, that’s exactly how Diluc refers to Crepus as well).
And this is all the scenes that we have of them so far. So let’s recap.
Kaeya and Diluc had a fight, and they’re obviously not the same as they once were. They’re still a bit bitter and don’t trust each other completely. However, Kaeya definitely shows remorse, and he actively reaches to Diluc to help him, be it directly or indirectly. It’s clear that Kaeya cares for Diluc, a lot.
Diluc’s case is more difficult, as he seems to be way more stubborn. But, we still see that while he keeps his distance with Kaeya, he hasn’t been actively agressive to him. He listens to what Kaeya says and trusts his information. They also work together when they have to. And he kept the vase that Kaeya gave him too.
So yeah, right now their relationship is not ideal but we see how little by little they’re showing how they still care about each other. I’m sure that in future missions we’ll eventually reach a point in which the Traveler discovers their past together and maybe they’ll help out. Remember: the Traveler is looking for their sibling. Sibling relationships in this game are very important, and we have a lot of them: Aether and Lumine, Jean and Barbara, Childe and his brother (and siblings), Albedo and Klee (Albedo says he sees Klee as a real little sister) and of course, Diluc and Kaeya. And this is just so far, I’m sure they’ll be more in the future.
I’m confident that by helping Kaeya and Diluc (especially Diluc), we’ll help them be more honest and work to repair the damage that was done. As Kaeya is from Khaenri’ah, he’ll be important later on, and we know for sure that one day he’ll have to make his choice: Mond or Khaenri’ah. But I just can’t see Kaeya betraying Mond, not when he works so hard to protect it and he shows so much care for his adoptive family. Eventually Diluc will start to trust him again. And even if they don’t go back to be as close as they once were, by the end of the game, they’ll be brothers again.
#Genshin Impact#Kaeya#Diluc#Ragnvindr bros#This is merely informative#I know that it's not completely objective but I've done all that I can to find all evidence#I just hope that people read this and understand their relationship a bit better#Kaeya Alberich#Kaeya Ragnvindr#Diluc Ragnvindr#mine
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Mission Debrief: Chapter 43
Alright, before we get into it- full disclosure; the hivemind is in full swing at the Operation Strix discord server, so pretty much anything I write here is going to be an amalgamation of all the conspiracy theories and reactions we vomited out as soon as the chapter dropped. On that same note, I think writing these the day after will start to be the norm. Just so I have the chance to calm myself before going on a twenty-page tangent about everything Endo may or may not be planning.
Okay [deep breath] let’s get into it.
First, let’s start off with Franky, before we get into the juicy stuff.
When the chapter first started, I thought we were going to get backstory on Franky. Endo seemed to be alluding to this on his twitter page, and I was actually interested in possibly seeing more about his and Twilight’s relationship. Of course that didn’t end up happening; instead we got another side story about Franky trying to get some action by finding a lady’s lost cat, but seeing as how it’s Franky we’re talking about it seemed appropriate. Also, how can I be upset when-
The princess herself arrives! I gotta say, I loved the lightheartedness of most of this chapter. Yor’s always a delight, and pairing her together with Franky was a smart move on Endo’s part. They built off each other’s wackiness and I love this moment with the two of them. Just like with Twilight, we see that Franky genuinely wants to make the world a better place (and also get rich along the way) and Yor’s so impressed with him. I also liked that moment where Franky is surprised to find Yor still playing Loid’s wife even when he isn’t there- much like how he was with Anya while he was babysitting her. Just another little nod to the fact that he sees the Forger girls as being more than players in a game of elaborate house.
Then- just a quick thing before we get into what I know we all want to talk about- it’s interesting to me that Franky isn’t a one-man operation. He has a whole network of informants that he works with, and it makes sense that someone in his line of work has a many ears on the wall as possible. It’s a surefire way to stay plugged into the goings-on of the Ostanian underworld, unless of course...
...They get taken out by Garden.
Garden. We finally have a name for Yor’s group now; we thought it was The Shop for the longest time, but apparently that’s only part of it. Yor alluded to this briefly back in ch. 29 when she described The Shop was being in charge of information gathering, and once their job was done it was Yor’s turn to come in and do the actual assassination. In this sense we see The Shop was being more of a support role in the same way that Franky is, though it’s still safe to assume the Shopkeeper is still in charge of both The Shop and Garden. At least for now- until we get more information to say otherwise, anyway.
Of course, the interesting thing is our silhouetted figures standing in this panel- not to mention the fact that Franky states that all the members are capable of taking on a whole troop of soldiers (for reference, a troop ranges between 9 and 100 men, though it usually hovers around 50). We know Yor is capable of doing this, but now that we also know the other assassins of Garden are as well, it begs the question; is Yor’s strength truly a unique thing in this world? And if it isn’t, what could be the source of it?
OSO-R, the drug used during the Tennis arc, was described as being in its trial stages. I originally chalked up it’s fast development time as just being part of manga logic, although I’m now starting to question that theory. It’s possible the roadmap for OSO-R has been around for much longer than first thought, and may find its traces back to when the war had just ended. Loid describes Garden as having been around for some time. We also know that Yor was just a child when she started up her assassination gig, so it’s possible that she and others like her may be have been exposed to a serum similar to OSO-R a decade or so before. Given Ostania’s track record of human experimentation, the scenario is possible.
Also going back to what Franky describes as “the shadow government”; it’s interesting that we’re hearing rumblings of a government operating outside the public’s view literally one chapter after we were just introduced to the concept of a royal class at some point in Ostania’s past. There’s a lot of things that cab be construed from this (such as Garden serving an authority that doesn’t necessarily align with Donovan and the government) but listing everything would just turn this review into one long-winded mess. So instead, we’re gonna entertain a fun theory- one that may or may not be true, but if it *does* end up being confirmed later on down that road, you heard it here first.
Mr. Green is a part of Garden.
Allow me to state my case.
When ch. 39 came out, I found it very unusual that a brand new character we haven’t seen before got a majority of the panel-time alongside Damian and the boys. It wasn’t very suspicious at the time, given that we’d just been introduced to Becky’s maid Martha, so we all just assumed Endo was building up his side characters a bit. For all intents and purposes, that may very well be the case.
I know one person in particular who latched onto this panel right here, and for good reason; why would a security guard stationed at a school nowhere close to the border know about code words being used by people trying to cross over illegally? Yes, he was supposedly in the navy, but the way he phrases it here heavily implies that these code words are a recent affair, or at the very least are still being used currently. Why would he know that? Even if he was in the military, it’s information that has absolutely nothing to do with being in the navy.
Mr. Green is also very strong; strong enough to make the boys think they were going down rapids when in actuality it was just him rowing so fast. Now, I don’t know if you’ve ever paddled a boat before, but it’s hard work- and it’s certainly difficult to the get that boat going at cruising speed, let alone fast enough to cause rapids. Yor’s the only one we’ve seen with strength like that and- yes, Green was supposedly in the navy, but at this point in time we don’t know anything else about him. We don’t know what he did after the war, nor do we know how he wound up in Eden Academy in the first place.
This is where we start going deep down the rabbit hole. Hang on.
This gentleman who we’ve never seen before is clearly aware that Garden exists, or at the very least is privy to Yor’s actual job. Much like how WISE has plants within Loid’s hospital, this man likely works to support Yor in some way. If such is the case, we can likely assume that- because the shadow government is supporting Garden- they would have their assassins posted in key areas for various reasons, likely to keep an eye out for traitors or to keep them spread out to cover a wide area should the need ever arise to deploy them.
We’ve only ever see Yor target traitorous politicians and outright terrorists (I realize this one is just a daydream, but you get my point). It would make sense, seeing as how she works at city hall and it would likely put her in an advantageous position when hunting them down. Of course, politicians aren’t the only people who might catch Garden’s attention. Given the amount of political and economic unrest that is currently going on in the country, there likely would be some people who would be fed up with the state of things. Such people may not be like Franklin Perkin- someone who would take direct action against the government- but instead would rather try to steer others towards a mindset that stands in opposition to Ostania. Such a person may try to target more impressionable people- people who are likely to listen and learn from an authority figure in their lives. People like...small children.
Eden students.
Garden. Eden. I see what you’re doing there, Endo.
Traitorous professors? Renegade academics? It would make sense to have a Garden assassin stationed at the most prestigious school in the country; the amount of information and contacts that are positioned around there are second to none, and what better way to suppress insurrection than at the source, at the very foundations of knowledge itself? Also, for kicks and giggles, let’s not forget that the name Mr. Green certainly fits with the plant motif Endo is going for with his assassin group (Garden. Thorn Princess. Briar. You catch my drift?)
Am I grasping at straws? Probably lol. I’d also like to reiterate that this is in no way all my thinking- a lot of crazy people put their brains together for this one, good or bad. But hey, it’s about all we can do until the next chapter! And at the very least, it’s a lot of fun to wonder what-if!
...She’s coming.
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Ultimate Ship Meme: Azulaang
Rate the Ship -
Awful | Ew | No pics pls | I’m not comfortable | Alright | I like it! | Got Pics? | Let’s do it! | Why is this not getting more attention?! | The OTP to rule all other OTPs
How long will they last? - Until I say so. I can see them being together after death as spirits.
How quickly did/will they fall in love? - Ooooh boy. Azula struggles to understand friendship. I think she'd fall in love fast and hard but take the longest to realize. Aang wouldn't let himself get attached at first because Azula is unapologetic and one of the things I like about Azulaang is how it would push Aang to deals with the nitty gritty gray, not in a The Fire Nation was right all along way but in how even Kyoshi and Roku's conflict resolution let to disagreements. I think it would take Aang longer to fall in but once they reach a semblance of common ground he'd be well aware he's falling in love and would enjoy the ride.
How was their first kiss? - Let's see my fanfics. In Blue it was awkward. In Weightless it was sweet. In Smut it was horny and hate filled. In canon I think their first kiss would be very passionate and then they snap back to reality and Aang would evade while Azula denies so they wouldn't talk about it but they'd for sure be thinking about the kiss.
Who proposed? - Technically Azula. As soon as Aang hears about a Fire Nation wedding, either his friends or he learns about Ozai and Ursa's wedding, his mind would be set on a wedding. He wouldn't say anything but he'd squirrel away relevant wedding information like he'd hear a song and go "I want that instrument to play at my wedding." But Azula would have her life planned out by other people and there'd be a set date where Ozai now Zuko are supposed to comb through suitor requests (it was probably Ursa's role. If she's there she'd talk to Azula directly instead of Lo and Li. I don't think Lo and Li are high enough rank to determine the suitor but I think it would be customary/expected for their input to be asked). Azula would tell Aang something along the lines of "I should be wed." and he'd agree and then Azula will spend an abnormally long time wondering if he married her because he liked her or because it's his duty until she asks him while he's discussing potential baby room colors pre wedding.
Who is the best man/men? - Sokka and Toph. Azula was going to pick Momo but he made a better flower girl. Yes she did this to annoy Zuko (and because Toph didnt want to wear the bridesmaid outfit) it's okay though Fire Lord Zuko was the guest of honor.
Who is the braid’s maid(s)? - Katara, Suki, Mai, Ty Lee. Mai pretends she hates the outfit but she's secretly pleased.
Who did the most planning? - Aang did the most thinking but Azula did the most planning.
Who stressed the most? - Externally Aang. Internally Azula.
How fancy was the ceremony? -
Back of a pickup truck | 2 | 3 | 4 | Normal Church Wedding | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Kate and William wish they were this big.
100% Azula's fault. Aang has no clue what Fire Nation weddings are supposed to be like.
Aang: Wow I can't believe all weddings in your Nation are this big.
Azula: They're not. It's because I'm Royalty and you're the Avatar.
Though I hc that Aang wants to get married in all the different Nations and Azula secretly wants to experience a small wedding so they get married 3 more times with one of them being a very small Air Nation wedding.
Who was specifically not invited to the wedding? - Hmmm I'm not sure. On one hand, Ozai redemption. On the other hand, Ozai death.
Who is on top? - Aang. Azula thinks she wants to be on top but she'd rather be pampered and Aang is more comfortable communicating and attending to needs. Aang has no strong preference either way and they do switch but this is their usual dynamic.
Who is the one to instigate things? - Azula but she denies it.
How healthy is their sex life? -
Barely touch themselves let alone each other | 2 | 3 | 4 | Once a couple weeks, nothing overboard | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They are humping each other on the couch right now
I think it's up to the reader's preference but I can see them being very private (Azula) and naturally talented (Aang) to the point where they assume every couple has sex daily. Hc that Aang and Suki talk about sex freely (ex: When I do __ should I __ or do girls prefer ___? I can never tell with Azula. Why do guys do ___ after ____ ? I've tried asking Sokka but he doesn't give me a straight answer.) Much to the fear of Sokka and Azula.
How kinky are they? -
Straight missionary with the lights off | 2 | 3 | 4 | Might try some butt stuff and toys | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Don’t go into the sex dungeon without a horse’s head
Again up to the reader. They both like learning new things and are prodigies so I think they'd end up reading about things to try in bed (Azula) and would try things out to see what they like (Aang) until they learn what they and each other generally like/dislike.
How long do they normally last? -
Does the Avatar State remove your refractory period? >;3c
Do they make sure each person gets an equal amount of orgasms? - No. Aang likes overstimulating.
How rough are they in bed? -
Softer than a butterfly on the back of a bunny | 2 | 3 | 4 | The bed’s shaking and squeaking every time | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Their dirty talk is so vulgar it’d make Dwayne Johnson blush. Also, the wall’s so weak it could collapse the next time they do it.
Neither can dirty talk. Azula is rougher. Aang likes to take it slow. She sets the pace in the beginning but he decides when it ends.
How much cuddling/snuggling do they do? -
No touching after sex | 2 | 3 | 4 | A little spooning at night, or on the couch, but not in public | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They snuggle and kiss more often than a teen couple on their fifth date to a pillow factory.
Azula refuses to cuddle in public but in return they cuddle all night.
How many children will they have naturally? - hc them having twin boys at first with one firebender and one airbender because poetry. But Azula really wants a girl so they have a third child she is an airbender with Aang's charm and knack for getting in trouble and Azula's ruthlessness. Amon kidnaps her and instead of easily escaping (Aang's genes) she instead viciously mocks him the way only a preteen can (Azula's genes.) It's traumatic enough for Amon even before the parents show up. Then Aang wants another one and Azula wants another firebender so they do the do and surprise triplets! (maybe it has to do with ejaculatimg in the Avatar State lol) So 6 in total and lets say its 3 boys 3 girls with 3 airbenders 3 firebenders.
How many children will they adopt? - None. Azula is wary of motherhood and I know people like to hc Aang as adopting and while I can see him acting as a father figure to several kids I think he'd greatly prefer biological kids especially airbenders. It's a flaw that was barely touched upon and def not handled well in Legend of Korra.
Who gets stuck with the most diapers? - Servants or Aang. After a kid or two Azula would be comfortable enough to change the diapers but it would still be mostly Aang.
Who is the stricter parent? - Depends on the kid. Aang is more lenient with airbenders and Azula with firebenders or girls. I can see Azula being strict with training & studies but not with sharing whereas Aang would have less rules but they'd be more heavily enforced (ex: no airgliding without supervision until you've mastered the safety course)
Who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous stunts after school? - Azula. She's pretty lenient with the term dangerous esp. when it comes to firebending as long as basic safety measures are applied (ex: you can pracrice lightning as long as it's not pointed towards yourself aka dont be Zuzu) but Aang is of the mindset "How are you gonna learn airbending without dangerous stunts?" And after the first few incidents she started stepping in.
Who remembers to pack the lunch(es)? - Azula but Aang cooks them.
Who is the more loved parent? - Appa
Who is more likely to attend the PTA meetings? Azula. When Aang attends the teachers shower him and his kids with compliments ("You're doing so well teaching your kids the values of the Air Nomads. It must be so hard being The Last Airbender"). They do the same with Azula but unlike Aang she sees through it and manages to get an accurate assessment of how their kids are doing.
Who cried the most at graduation? - Aang was more happy than sad. Azula cried before and after.
Who is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law? - Aang. He is a notorious lawbreaker. Azula would bail the kids and she could do so quicker than Aang in a few cases because of her connections but she'd be mad so their kids would rather call Aang or break themselves out.
Who does the most cooking? - Tied. Aang at first but then Azula wants to learn and after Aang teaches her since she has less experience she finds more enjoyment in cooking.
Who is the most picky in their food choice? -
Technically Aang since he's a vegetarian. Azula hasn't tried as many foods and she's used to not making a fuss at the family dinner table to the point of which Aang notices.
Who does the grocery shopping? - Both. Aang has a better eye for vegetables/fruits and Azula is better with prices (it's not about the cost it's about the value).
How often do they bake desserts? - Aang bakes them when he can/weekly. They're fruit based so if Azula doesn't want dessert he gives it to Momo or flings it at a target.
Are they more of a meat lover or a salad eater? - Gee I wonder. Aang eats salad Azula eats meat.
Who is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner? - Aang but Azula tends to figures it out. Azula is more likely to plan a dinner but she wouldn't make it a surprise.
Who is more likely to suggest going out? - Aang but Azula is a close second. It would be a tie if it wasn't for the bathhouse.
Who is more likely to burn the house down accidently while cooking? - Accidentally? Aang. On purpose? Azula.
Who cleans the room? - Servants or Aang.
Who is really against chores? - Azula hates cleaning up but she's neater.
Who cleans up after the pets? - Aang.
Who is more likely to sweep everything under the rug? - Aang.
Who stresses the most when guests are coming over? - Azula.
Who found a dollar between the couch cushions while cleaning? - Aang.
Who takes the longer showers/baths? - Azula. In the Fire Nation Palace Aang has taken to chatting with Azula in the Royal Spa while he feeds her (and mostly himself) cherries.
Who takes the dog Appa out for a walk? - Aang
How often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays? - Never. Once they like the room they like the room. If its an event they'll go to a different location for it or leave the Air Temple as is.
What are their goals for the relationship? -
To stay together.
Who is most likely to sleep till noon? -
Aang slept for a hundred years so I'll give it to him.
Who plays the most pranks? - Tie. They've both pulled elaborate pranks as kids.
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Beast Tamers
Ch.1 | Ch.2 | Ch.3 | Ch.4(1) | Ch.4(2) | Ch.5(1) | Ch.5(2) | Ch.5(3) | Ch.5(4) | Ch.6(1) | Ch.6(2) | Ch.6(3) | Ch.7(1) | Ch.7(2) | Ch.7(3) | Ch.7(4) | Ch.7(5) | Ch.8(1) | Ch.8(2) | Ch.8(3) | Ch.9(1) | Ch.9(2) | Ch.9(3) | Ch.9(4) | Ch.10(1) | Ch.10(2) | Ch.10(3) | Ch.10(4) | Ch.10(5) | Ch.10(6) | Ch.10(7) |
Ch.11: The Hyuga clan (1)
Hinata wakes late in the morning. She takes her time leaving her bed. First she stares at her empty bedroom, then rises on her arms, stands there as the air brushes around her. She doesn’t look at the calendar and keeps her eyes away from the mirror as she brushes her hair looking out to the garden.
A maid comes to check up on her and seeing her awake, informs the guards outside to call for more maids and hurriedly comes and finishes brushing her hair.
They are nice. They chatter and liven up the room and make sure to ask Hinata about her wellbeing and if there is anything -anything at all- that she needs. But what Hinata needs is far away from her grasp and she only smiles and nods and asks for a light breakfast the maids run to get.
The maids leave her with her body freshened, her hair brushed and her kimono comfortably hugging her belly. Neji enters immediately after the last maid excuses herself from the room.
“Lady Hinata,” he greets. He has been a reliable partner now that Naruto is gone, making sure to accompany her, making sure she takes care of herself. Making sure she attends her medical appointments with Sakura. “Lady Sakura is ready to see you.”
Their walk is quiet, and a far cry of those uncomfortable silences that used to fill their conversations in the Hyuga compound. It’s a quietness brought by spending so much time together they have almost lost topics to talk about.
The normal topics, of course, the topics they can share and not feel like they need a confession and a justification to be understood.
Hinata feels ashamed to speak of her past and Neji feels guilty over them. So they rebuild a relationship by putting a mantle over their shared past. The selves they don’t really want to remember.
Why would they? Those times won’t come back and they are better off without them.
Neji helps Hinata go up a set of stairs and Sakura’s pink hair can be seen in the distance, moving towards them with a fast pace and a smile Hinata can’t help but return.
“My lady!”
“Sakura,” Hinata feels herself a little short of breath, but taking into account the size her belly is growing into it is to be expected. Sakura has assured her it is the most normal of changes.
The medic greets Neji as well. His presence growing into everyone in the compound as his role as Hinata’s caretaker has cemented over time. As his care is so obvious they have all bonded over their shared relationship with the clan’s lady. Short nods here and there, the shared of their day’s as they meet each other in the hallways.
Hinata is the first to notice and comment on Sakura’s new feature. “Sakura… wh-what is that?” Sakura tilts her head in confusion and Hinata points to her face. “Your f-forehead-”
“Oh!” Sakura’s hand jumps to her face, “Is it showing already?”
Her hand brushes away her bangs and reveals a diamond shaped tattoo in the middle of her forehead, her eyes look up in an attempt to see what she clearly can’t.
“It looks like a diamond shaped… seal?” ventures Neji and Sakura nods as she lets her hand rest at her side again.
“Correct. Found the technique in one of the scrolls Lord Jiraiya brought this time. I’m just surprised it’s showing already, it’s supposed to be harder, I think- or well, it’s what was written in the scroll. I have yet to read it in full, though, so maybe there’s something I’ve missed.”
Sakura massages her forehead as they come inside her office, offering a seat for Lady Hinata, Neji usually stands near them at a distance. “But hey, I’m not complaining.”
“W-what is it for?”
“Chakra storage, basically. It had a name but I- well, I frankly just skimmed past it, sorry,” Hinata giggles at her honesty and Sakura smiles as she takes a seat in front of her, “It said it was the pinnacle of chakra control or something, so I thought it would be harder to- you know, show results.”
“Your chakra control is formidable, Lady Sakura,” comments Neji, remembering the way she fights with bursts of precisely released chakra from her fists for maximum damage. If her control was lacking the energy would just run wild inside of her and all that power would probably destroy her from within. He wonders who trained her and how, even he would have trouble managing all of that output at once. But he is a Hyuga first, so-
“Who t-trained you?”
Neji has to bite down the snort that threatens to spill forth.
“Mainly Lord Minato, but Lady Mito and Lord Jiraiya helped me too, after I was capable of becoming a sparring partner to the lord, he also gave me some pointers.”
Hinata keeps her hands to her sides as Sakura’s glowing hands caresses her belly.
“Well… Lord Minato did always tell me that I had a gift with chakra control, but I always assumed he was being nice,” her green eyes lock with Hinata’s and they crinkle, “I guess he was right.”
“I w-would say so, too,” Hinata says, full of conviction. Sakura thins her lips and whispers a thank you that makes her feel warm all over.
“How much chakra can you store?” Asks Neji then, his arms crossed over his chest and his eyes scanning the ground around them.
“Years’ worth, it said. I have a couple of months now, but I’m not stopping.”
Neji looks solemn the next moment, lost in his thoughts, “that’s good.”
Sakura agrees. Whatever adds something to them. She senses Lady Hinata’s increasing worry in the way her eyes travel from her to Neji, so she changes subjects with a chirp in her voice. “There were also a bunch of new scrolls about healing techniques,” Lady Hinata’s eye open with curiosity, but then Sakura remembers immediately after how this topic could lead to Lord Naruto’s wellbeing, so she keeps on talking, “nothing about pregnancy, sadly, my lady, but as always, I can assure you that I have done my research and studying.”
Her hands leave Lady Hinata’s stomach and the lady’s hand cover the empty space immediately after. “I know,” she whispers and her thumb gives her pregnant belly a rub, “I t-trust you, Sakura.”
Lady Hinata looks like the epitome of a pregnant woman now. Round belly, motherly looking. The soft and kind expression mothers ought to wear. Sakura is glad this child will have a mother like that.
“I will do my best to answer to your expectations, my lady.”
Hinata gets flustered and Sakura pokes fun at her for being so nice the next second. What a lovely lady, they have. What a lovely wife her master has. Sakura can’t help but remember hushed worries, whispered secrets, and seeing her lady now in front of her, full of… everything that was denied to her master before, is enough to make her feel emotional.
Everything is all right with the lady. Everything is all right with the child.
“I’m sure the lord will be happy when he comes back,” Sakura assures, and she can see the worry in her lady’s eyes.
But Sakura can vouch for this particular topic. Naruto will be happy.
Lady Hinata looks a little too in her thoughts that week. She spaces out and more often than not Neji has to repeat whatever he was saying for him to get an answer.
Not that he minds doing so. But it is an issue that nestles inside his mind, so one afternoon, after their walk, as he pours a refreshment for Lady Hinata, he asks.
“Is there something worrying you, my lady?”
Lady Hinata says nothing, so Neji knows it is something important.
She sits with her feet dangling off the hallway near her bedroom, one hand on her belly, the other swirling her drink with conscious effort. Neji sits, too, near her but not close, far away but not distant.
“If it is something you don’t want to share-”
“It’s a b-boy.”
Her hand moves up to her mouth, as if the words came out without her permission, but there is no pain behind the action, there is no worry in the air. Just… resignation.
“Does Lord Naruto-?”
“Sakura, you and m-me are the only ones who k-know.”
Neji closes his mouth. Undeserving, is the only word that fills his mind at first. He feels he pushed Lady Hinata to share this information. If she had wanted then she would ha-
“Yes, my lady?”
“I… I’m scared…” Her voice is a whisper, drowned out, the wind around her sounds louder than her.
Neji is sitting at a proper distance one moment and the next he is right beside her, her hand on hers. “Don’t be. Lord Naruto will love the child and you know it.”
Because she did, right? If anyone knew him as a man and father it was her and it was enough to see Lord Naruto around Lady Hinata to know how much the man loved her and the child- It was a love they had never known, sure, but it was so clear, so strong that even Neji could swear on it.
“That’s not…” Hinata takes her time with her words, as emotion fills in and pushes around her, “that just m-makes it harder, d-doesn’t it? What Naruto h-had to go through...”
“My lady…”
Hinata sips on her drink in an attempt to keep her feelings in check, but Neji’s concern shows so clearly it strikes a chord inside of her she can’t control. Her chin trembles and she only has time to let her glass on the floor before a tear falls down her cheek.
Neji is right there, with a tissue she doesn’t know where it came from dabbing at her face. It only makes the tears fall heavier.
“My lady…”
Hinata doesn’t intend to bare herself in front of her cousin this way, had always thought this confession would be shared in a boring afternoon, after they had shared the updates of each other’s lives, almost like an afterthought. Neji, you know-
“Th-thank you for being h-here.”
Neji’s hand stops. His whole body freezes. No.
And now that Hinata has let her mind free, she can’t stop it.
“Th-thank you for not h-hating me like e-everyone else…”
Neji feels like he can throw up. The disgust that creeps up on him as Lady Hinata is the one thanking him for…
“Lady Hinata, please-” her face lifts up and stares at him and Neji has never felt so vulnerable and ashamed. He had entertained the idea, had imagined a scenario in which his cousin didn’t resent him like she should, had dreamed of earning the chance of being able to do something more than be a bad memory. “don’t... “ his hand wipes the tears that stain her cheeks. Half his body is screaming for him to reject whatever chance of forgiveness Lady Hinata offers and hide away and forever, his shame dying with him. The other half is eager to catch this chance, hungry for something he has learned too late, so alien he barely knows how to handle it.
Lady Hinata, even after all she had gone through, was able to keep on loving her father, and if she could do that to a man like that… Neji was kept up at night sometimes, would she have the same deference with him? Would that be possible?
He didn’t know he would feel like screaming in pain when given this opportunity.
“I… realized too late- I... do not deserve this opportunity.” His hand trembles and he is barely holding hers, but she grabs onto him, not with strength, but firm. If he lets go, she will let him. “If… you are willing to give me this chance, then I- whatever you may need, whatever you may ask, I will-”
Lady Hinata shakes her head, “No, I want… not as a s-servant but as my f-family…”
Neji feels hot running down his cheeks, and he can only nod. “Okay.”
“Okay,” she repeats, her head falls to his stomach and Neji moves closer. Her hand on his hand, his other arm awkwardly surrounding her.
“I will be right behind you, then,” he swears and Hinata nods against his clothes. The closest they’ve been, the most vulnerable they have ever been with each other.
“I don’t think we have ever hugged, ever,” he adds.
Lady Hinata snorts and her shoulders shake, her breath warm against his body. Neji rubs circles at her back, “I’m right behind you.”
#naruto#naruhina#Naruto Uzumaki#Hinata Hyuga#uzumaki naruto#hyuga hinata#fanfiction#fanfic#beast tamers#ch.11#part 1#mah babies#have a great one and see you next week!
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The Kims | 18+
Genre: smut, angst, drama, au
Main Characters: Kim Minseok, Kim Junmyeon, Kim Jongin x Reader (oc: female)
Warnings: profanity, sex scenes, aggression, mature themes, slavery(not literally idk)
Summary: When you thought life wasn't a fairytale and you were no Cinderella, truth slaps you in the face when you become an orphan overnight and your step-family sells you off to the richest family in town.
Kink List: gangbang, double penetration, virginity, mention of tears, mention of blood, screaming, size difference, verbal degradation, uniform fetish, biting, leaving marks, dom!Jongin, masochist!Jongin
Part 2
(Part 1, Part 3)
Three days have gone and you have settled in the Kim household. Baekhyun guided you through it, all the things you must know and do. He also introduced you to the other two slaves in the mansion: Yixing and Kyungsoo. He was such a good friend to you, he made sure you never felt alone.
Nothing have really happened regarding the thing Minseok asked of you. The Kims were busy the past few days, Baekhyun said. Either way, you were thankful.
You often see Junmyeon walking around the house. It seemed like he was the brother that was home more, other than Jongdae who was married and had to stay home of course. You barely saw Minseok and Jongin. You were kind of thankful for that because you didn’t know how to interact with a grinning playboy and a scowling grumpy-pants. You were also grateful to the fact that Junmyeon hasn’t paid much attention to you.
After settling in your room, you help Baekhyun, Yixing and Kyungsoo in their jobs. Baek was the driver slash errand guy, Yixing was the gardener and Kyungsoo was the house chef. You were the only person there who felt like you weren’t serving any purpose at all. To let yourself feel better, you help the three in their respective roles.
“Oh, Baek!” You call out to Baekhyun who was now entering the house with tired eyes. “Hey..” He lazily greeted you, slumping back on the huge couch in the living room.
“I’ve been with Yixing all day. I helped him trim the grass outside.” You smiled at him as you drew yourself nearer to the boy who was resting. “Lucky you.” He sighed.
You sat beside him and patted him on the back. He laughed and leaned his head on your shoulder. “By the way, why are you so busy today?” You say, petting his head that was leaning on you.
“Jongin and Minseok is back. They got me to run around town to finish whatever business they left before they went abroad the last two days.” He rolls his eyes, tired at his bosses’ orders.
“It’s okay, Baekhyunie. We’ll survive.” You tried to cheer him up but he suddenly sat up. He shifted his position so he can look at you straight in the eye.
You raise an eyebrow at him, demanding an explanation. “They’re back and you won’t be so free anymore especially with Minseok around. Address them properly always. I think they’ll be home tonight.” He held your wrist tightly as if you’d die if you forgot what he just said.
“Stop worrying about me, Baek. I’ll be fine. I knew what I was getting myself into.” You gave him a reassuring smile yet it didn’t convince him that much. He still looked like he’d fall to his knees any second right now because of his worry for you. “Baek, I’ll be fine, I said!” You offered him another smile.
“Okay, if you say so.” He finally gave in, giving you a toothy grin. A dirty Yixing suddenly entered the house. “Baek, Minseok just pulled in the driveway. Y/N, be in your room.” Yixing informed you and Baek.
You quickly get on your feet to go back to your bedroom in the fifth floor. Baekhyun also rushed outside to meet Minseok. Your heart was pounding as you entered the mansion’s elevator and wait for it to arrive on your room’s floor.
It was the first time Minseok was present ever since he assigned that ‘task’ to you. You quickly hurry inside your bedroom and take a shower, knowing Minseok would want to see you presentably when he arrives.
You briskly took a bath and dried off. He was already downstairs for sure. You pull out a sundress from your tiny cabinet. You barely saved some of your nice clothes from your old home.
You took your towel off, about to put on the underwear you chose for today but someone opened your door and entered your room. In a flash, you turn around without thinking about your current state which is you being unclothed. You see Minseok in a large hoodie and denim pants. He looked so different from the first time you saw him.
“What’s the point of wearing clothes when I’ll take it off you later?” His voice was husky as his eyes scanned your bare body. You wanted to cover it but sadly, he has seen everything already. You only squirmed in unease as his eyes continued to be glued onto you.
“Shy, aren’t you? By the way, I got you a gift.” This made you look at him in the eye. He gave you a sly grin that sent shivers down your spine. A pink paperbag was handed to you.
You accepted it with a shy smile and a mumbled thanks. You open the bag expecting to see souvenirs since he was from another country. Instead of souvenirs, you see shiny blue cloth and a tiny white string. You get it out of the bag and your eyes widened at the provocative piece of clothing.
You were a virgin but you knew what this was. It was a lingerie that somehow resembled a maid’s outfit.
You bring a hand to your mouth to try to cover the shock that took over your senses but it was too late, Minseok already noticed. His eyes glinted with so much amusement as you scan the piece of cloth he called a ‘gift’.
“This isn’t your first time, right?” He tried to tease you but when you look at him in the eye with uncertainty, his jaw dropped and the amusement in his eyes glistened once more. “You’re a virgin?” He asked, disbelieving. “Answer me.” He commanded when you only blushed at the question.
“Y-Yes, sir..” You bit your lip nervously. He chuckled, his eyes never leaving you. “Wait a sec. Put that on while I get back to you.” He holds up a finger and went out of your door.
Tears immediately welled up in your eyes when you assumed he didn’t want you. You kept overthinking, biting your lower lip harder than you did earlier. But still, you slipped on the lingerie costume he bought you despite thinking he won’t even come back. He left because you were undesirable and had no experience at all, you concluded in your own head.
He walks back into your room, a smirk playing on his thin lips. Your eyes immediately meet his and his smirk grows when he sees you in the lingerie he bought. “If it’s your first time, you deserve more fun.” Minseok wriggled his eyebrows and you were confused.
Jongin entered the door, in a dashing suit but a tired look. You don’t know why but wearing this costume and having two pairs of eyes scan you up and down got you feeling funny in your stomach. It was a weird feeling you never had before.
“Hyung, she’s a virgin?” Jongin asked Minseok, licking his lips while looking at you. You shiver at his stare as the funny feeling intensified.
“There’s only one way to find out.” Minseok paced around you like a predator with hungry eyes. Minseok may have been the first man to come closer but Jongin was an untamed monster who claimed your neck without words.
His breath on your nape made all the hair on the back of your neck stand. It was hot, intoxicating and addicting. You couldn’t recognize your own voice as you let out your first moan when the tip of his tongue started drawing circles on your skin.
You were about to moan once again when Jongin started to suck your sensitive skin but Minseok caught it with a kiss. There was a smile playing on the corner of his lips as he suckled on your bottom lip.
You wanted to moan and call out the name of the two sirs but their mouths were stopping you from thinking any further. All you could make out were incoherent groans as their mouths attacked even more, succumbing to your moans.
Jongin’s mouth traveled south and his tongue teasing your chest made you lose your balance. You fell to the floor, leaving Minseok’s lips in the air. The coldness of the floor hit your back and the feeling you were having down there intensified. However, despite falling, Jongin had his lips glued onto your left boob that barely fit the lingerie. He devoured it like the animal that he was as you arched your back and asked for more.
You could barely keep your eyes open but when an electric shock struck your core, you knew it was Minseok down there kissing the insides of your thighs. Your eyes rolled upwards helplessly as they claimed your sensitive spots you never knew you even had.
You felt Jongin’s teeth grazing your nipple and you couldn’t help but plead. You didn’t even know what you were begging for but you were sure that if you did, they’d give you what you want.
“S-Sirs..” You breathed as Minseok’s lips neared your femininity. His index finger was playing with the string on your pussy that barely covered it. Your eyes fluttered open as the absence of Jongin’s mouth missing on your body.
He sat up, looking at your limp body that was laying on the cold hard floor. “W-What’s wrong?” You stuttered, barely saying it aloud as Minseok teased your pussy by kissing your thighs and pulling your thong just to let it snap back to your swollen clit.
Jongin let his hand wander on your torso and you assumed he wanted you to beg even more. “Sir..” You breathed out. It felt like fire ignited in his eyes. Surprising you on purpose, he puts your nipple in between his index and middle finger and pinches it with so much intensity.
Your eyes roll back as the tingling in your femininity also heightened. You were all over the place— begging, moaning and gasping for them as they devoured your body with so much lust.
“You’re quite noisy for a virgin.” Jongin commented as you screamed when he pinched your twin peaks at the same time, twisting them with force. It was both pain and pleasure.
You felt Minseok stop from teasing you down there. You wanted to ask and call them sirs but Jongin wanted to hear more of your piercing cries. He kept pinching your hard peaks as he looks at you straight in the eye.
“Jongin-ah.” Minseok called him out, stopping him from teasing you further. “Look.” He pulled Jongin beside him as he forced your legs to open even wider.
“She’s dripping wet..” Jongin met your gaze and he never looked as hungry as this. You were startled but at the same time, you don’t want anything more than surrendering to the wild man.
Minseok helped you up on the bed and untied the tiny cloth that was the only thing covering you. Your naked body was now revealed as Jongin pulled your thongs down at the same time.
“Mmmh.” Minseok satisfiedly hum as he cups your breasts, jiggling them in his warm palms. Your back arched against him as you look for support. It was all too much.
Jongin took his pants off, his 8 inches springing to life. He brought you to his lap, giving Minseok the space to unzip too.
“You sure you can take this?” Jongin asked yet his eyes were so dark, it was impossible to say no. You just nodded. You heard yourself gasp at the sight of Minseok’s member. He was no smaller than Jongin. They were so hard, big and veiny. You couldn’t imagine taking it inside your barely five foot body.
Minseok was now facing you as you feel Jongin’s dick growing more and becoming harder than it already was. You gulp at the experience awaiting you but you couldn’t back out too. It wasn’t even because they were your boss but it was the fact that you would go insane if the two men didn’t satisfy you with their members already. They teased you way too much.
You feel Minseok’s tip teasing your entrance. You threw your head back as your hip moved on its own, letting his dick slip around your wet pussy. “Stop teasing. You won’t like it if I get worked up.” He warned with a deep voice yet it didn’t even catch your attention. You only grew hornier as Jongin teased your other hole with the wet tip of his cock.
“Fuck it, you whore. You wanted this.” You have never heard Minseok growl like this. It was usually Jongin who was aggressive but Minseok had enough teasing. He inserts his dick inside your hole, making you screech in pain.
You feel something break inside you as the pain and pleasure took turns on you alternatively. You knew something was coming out of your own vagina. Whether it was blood or you getting wetter, the brothers didn’t care as Jongin started to pound your ass too. You were riding two large penises for your first time, tears raced down your cheeks as the pain you crave pierce your two holes.
“Stop crying. You asked for this, right? You horny fucking slut.” Jongin groaned in your ear, speeding his pace up. You knew it ached, it even made you cry in pain but you also know that if ever they stop midway, you’d beg for it too.
Jongin gets more aggressive, pulling your hair down and holding your jaw up as you rode him. The pain that was attacking you, made your hips want to move in sync with their cocks. Minseok devours your whole boob as you continued to bounce on the two dicks: one in your pussy, the other in your ass.
You felt Jongin’s teeth sink into your shoulder. “S-S-Sirs..” You begged once again, feeling something coming to you. “You’re gonna cum, you filthy slut? Not before us.” You bite your lip in attempt to stop yourself but your thighs trembled and your eyes rolled back. You reached your peak as Jongin and Minseok also released inside you.
You look down at the mess on your bed. Blood, cum, tears. Minseok pulled his dick out of you as Jongin made you stand.
“Look at that mess you made, Y/N.” Jongin said, pointing at the sheets stained with blood and sin. “She’s even a squirter. I knew I made the right decision.” Minseok gave you a sly grin as he got off the bed, trying to zip his pants up.
Jongin shook his head at what his brother said and got off the bed. You were sore and walking was painful but you had to clean yourself and the bed up. But before Minseok left, he said something. “Don’t worry about cleaning the bed, I’ll send a maid.”
“Also, Junmyeon will be so happy about this.”
#exo smut#exo#exo au#smut au#exo fanfiction#exo fanfic#jongin smut#kai smut#minseok smut#xiumin smut#exo kai#exo sehun#exo xiumin#exo suho#exo lay#exo chen#exo baekhyun#exo d.o#exo chanyeol
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Actually, Jamil is Snow White
Now that I have your attention with my batshit theory, let me explain it along with my other predictions for the future events of chapter 5 in a 2,500+ word mess of an essay.
The past chapters have all correlated to the plot of the original Disney movie in some way. So how does chapter 5 correlate with Snow White? For the movie's story, it starts with Snow White living with her stepmother, who is vain, self-centered, and afraid that one day Snow White will surpass her beauty. The Queen makes efforts to suppress Snow White's beauty by making her a scullery maid, but Snow White does eventually surpass her. This causes the Queen to order her Huntsman to kill Snow White, but the Huntsman can't bring himself to do it and he presents the queen with a decoy heart instead.
What's interesting about TWST is that Neige has already surpassed Vil at the very beginning. Furthermore, rather than focus solely on his own beauty and beat down potential rivals, Vil attempts to nurture the beauty of the rest of his dorm and the VDC team. So how in the world do we correlate the events of the chapter to the original movie? Well, we know from previous chapters that the person twisted from a character might not be the one to actually take that character's role in the story. Though Farena exists, the one Leona tries to sabotage is Malleus. Though Rielle exists, the one Azul makes a special deal with is Yuu. Even though Neige has played a bigger part in the story so far compared to Farena and Rielle, he still might not actually be the Snow White of this story. So who are our possible candidates here?
As the person meant to rival Neige's cute appeal, Epel is the first one to pop into mind. Perhaps the NRC team's performance during the VDC goes well enough that Epel suddenly gets tons of popularity. The internet latches onto him, so much so that, at least temporarily, he ends up surpassing both Vil and Neige in Mira's beauty calculation. However, this wouldn't make sense. The Queen is supposed to hate and sabotage the Snow White, and Vil has no reason to do that to Epel after spending so much effort helping him with the express goal of having him beat out Neige. So who else?
While browsing Pixiv one night, I came across a funny comic (it was long ago enough that I don't remember how to find it again, unfortunately) where Azul actually did livestream Jamil's evil monologue in chapter 4. Rather than becoming a big scandal though, it actually becomes famous because of how good-looking Jamil is, so much so that Vil finds out about it because Jamil's name is the one Mira tells him when Vil does a beauty check. Vil proceeds to change his plans for the VDC by dumping Epel and choosing Jamil as the sole main vocal so that Jamil is his "poison apple" against Neige instead.
With the recent update, Vil's plan for the VDC is officially finalized, so that comic is firmly in AU territory. However, what if something similar happens? The NRC team's performance goes amazing. However, it is not Vil or Epel that gain attention, but Jamil, the 3rd main vocalist. Against Vil and everyone else's expectations and plans, the internet goes wild over this mysterious pretty boy, boosting Jamil into the position of most beautiful. Even Neige had to spend some amount of time getting gigs and whatever to attain his fame, but Jamil has done basically nothing outside the VDC and now he's suddenly the best... How would Vil feel about that?
With the whole trend of the previous overblot causing the next, this theory of Jamil = Snow White makes sense. Though they could always make it so it's Neige and Epel doing the stuff and then at the end Jamil delivers a speech or something that gives the final push to overblot, it would be a lot more interesting (and funny) for Jamil to be thrust into the spotlight earlier on and be a main reason for Vil's overblot.
However, all of this assumes that the beginning of Snow White correlates with the beginning of chapter 5. Let's consider that the beginning of chapter 5 actually correlates with the situation later in the movie when the Queen is plotting to get Snow White with the poison apple. In this situation, Neige would actually be the Snow White of the story. However, unless we pull some funky timeline stuff, the theory I've seen of Rook betraying Vil wouldn't happen then, since we're already past that point in the movie. So what is next? In the movie, Snow White bites the apple and falls asleep. The dwarfs return to their cottage and chase the Queen, who eventually falls to her death when a lightning bolt destroys the precipice she's cornered on. (Fun fact from Wikipedia, her scream while falling was reused for Sleeping Beauty when Maleficent gets stabbed by the Sword of Truth). Anyway, the dwarfs proceed to put Snow White in the glass coffin until a year later when the prince kisses her and takes her to his castle.
Welp, look here, we have the dwarves in TWST, so they could definitely fulfill the try to hurt Vil part here. But what would lead them to do that? Assuming that as RSA students they are heroic, they would hurt Vil if they felt that he had hurt Neige. Vil's plan for the VDC competition seems to just be performing like normal and hoping that their hard work and effort will shine through and win them the competition, so either something has to happen that causes a last-minute change to that plan or some sort of misunderstanding (Vil getting canceled) happens. How would a misunderstanding happen? It could originate from fans angry that Neige didn't win, but Vil has plenty of his own fans to counter that and make an even-sided battle. Some new falling out between Vil and Epel could occur, resulting in either Epel himself going and hurting Vil's reputation or someone else (the media or Neige) seeing Epel distraught and believing that Vil is abusing him in some way. If it's Neige that could be interesting since it'd kinda be a situation where Epel is Snow White and Neige is his Huntsman. Neige x Epel new otp??? haha anyway, there's also the possibility that the RSA students are not heroic, and the dwarves go and make rumors about Vil themselves as an underhanded strategy to give Neige the victory.
All this talk is making me forget about my boy Jamil though. How would he fit in here? Again, from the previous overblots, we know that Jamil will likely oppose Vil in some way. We have also established that this chapter 5's start = the Queen's poison apple plan's start, so Neige is the Snow White. The remaining roles for Jamil are the dwarves (unlikely since we have actual dwarves), the huntsman (unlikely since timeline and also Rook exists), and finally, the prince. Jamil x Neige new otp??? lmao anyway, What would this role mean for his involvement in the story? Well, the prince only shows up at the end to wake up Snow White, so that would make this a situation like I mentioned before with Jamil just showing up to do a speech or something that pushes Vil over the edge. Boring, what else could we do?
Well, what about the original fairy tale of Snow White? In there, the dwarves don't kill the Queen. Instead, she lives until the day of Snow White and the prince's wedding, where the prince makes her dance in red-hot slippers until she dies as punishment for trying to kill Snow White. Why would Jamil give enough of a shit about Neige to go against Vil like that though? Well, y'know what fuck it let's squeeze someone else into the role of Snow White. Kalim certainly has the hair color for it. Since Kalim is just one of the backup vocals and hasn't had much going on aside from his personal character development this chapter idk what Vil could possibly do to him. Perhaps something pertaining to his family's wealth and fame? Whatever it is, some sort of threat to Kalim would be enough motivation for Jamil to do something to Vil. Interaction between Kalim and Jamil would also serve to finish up whatever development is going on between them. Seriously bro I know Jamil was probably just stalking Kalim in that one episode to make sure he's safe but that scene is really haunting me WHAT DOES IT MEAN?
Whatever, let's keep this circus rolling with some Rook discussion! Again, we got the theory that Rook will betray Vil like the Huntsman betrayed the Queen. To discuss this idea, we gotta discuss Rook's motivations first. In episode 5-27, quoting from the translation on the wiki by Kanade Musings, Rook claims that "being a mere spectator to beautiful people and beautiful things provide [him] with such happiness" and he is "here to offer what help [he] can to help save beauty." However, he points out that "Vil does not need [Rook] to save him;" instead, what Rook wants "to protect is not Vil himself, but rather the 'beauty' he possesses." The chapter ends with Rook saying that the others would understand what he's saying if they encountered a "beauty that is blinding" and would "bring light to [their] lives."
So, with this information, would Rook betray Vil and why would he betray Vil? Well, there's the possibility that RSA's performance wows him and he switches to protecting Neige's beauty. However, this doesn't feel right to me. Neige is very famous. His first appearance was in a commercial that Cater got even when not specifically trying to find stuff on Neige. I would seriously doubt that Rook has not already done research into Neige and observed what beauty he has. If Rook doesn't already find Neige extraordinarily beautiful, I doubt that a single dance performance could transform his opinion of him. However, what if that was compounded by some loss of Vil's beauty? However, would Rook allow that to happen? He expressly said he wishes to protect Vil's beauty. If Vil lost beauty, would Rook really abandon him, or would he work to bring Vil back to his senses and restore his beauty?
Now, going back to the idea of Rook doing a betrayal, we already established way back at the beginning of this monstrosity (if you made it this far please take a hydration break or something alright? take care of yourself I love you) that Neige is not necessarily the Snow White of the story. So, we have the possibility of Rook turning against Vil on Epel's behalf, which... doesn't seem right. Idk it might be because I still just can't envision a scenario with Rook outright betraying Vil. Again, Rook has spent a bunch of time observing Epel and watching him grow. What could Epel possibly do that could mega boost his beauty in Rook's eyes? He's spent time observing Jamil too, though not as much as he observes some other people. Like, Rook is a hunter, extremely skilled at assessing targets and figuring out what makes them tick. For his opinion of someone to seriously change, it would require equally exceptional deception or change on the target's part. Seriously, why would he betray Vil?
Okay, how about we consider what exactly Rook finds beautiful. As we know from the auditions (ボーテ!100点!), Rook was able to find beauty in every person's performance, no matter how clumsy or unskilled they were. So, we get the sense that at the very least, Rook considers things beautiful that most people wouldn't consider beautiful. Then, what makes Vil beautiful to him? We know Vil is beautiful by normal person standards, but Rook doesn't go by normal person standards. Does Rook feel drawn to his determination? His power? Something we don't know about yet? I don't think we know for sure, so we don't know what it would take for Vil to lose beauty in Rook's eyes.
Well, there's a part of Rook that hasn't really come up in the main story yet: his fascination with the nonhuman students. This just brings up more questions. Since Vil is human... as far as we know... Rook's behavior towards him is motivated by something different than that which motivates his hunts, even if that something different is just a different way of being beautiful. ARGHH I DON'T KNOWWWWW we're going into his voice lines
Alright, ceremonial robes home tap 3 (from twstarchives): "There is beauty that some are just born with, but the beauty you work hard to achieve holds immeasurable power. Isn't that right?" Okay now we're getting somewhere, he appreciates hard work! Oh yeah didn't Vil say some stuff cause he felt defeated by Neige being better even though Vil put in all this hard work? The development of that sort of attitude would probably constitute a loss of beauty. Hard work would therefore also make someone beautiful in Rook's eyes.
So, who works hard? Yep, Jamil we're bringing you in again. Remember, a change is needed to drive the plot and prompt a change in Rook. Haven't we had a major change in Jamil's attitude already? Starting with having to funnel all his hard work into Kalim and keeping himself under Kalim, after chapter 4 Jamil is now channeling his work into himself and finally showing off his true talents. Given that Rook can't possibly stalk everyone in NRC in-depth, he likely doesn't have a complete idea of Jamil's capabilities especially given how Jamil was specifically trying to stay under the radar. This may give Jamil the possibility to surprise Rook with his full power, potentially shifting Rook's opinion enough to give him a significant appreciation of Jamil's beauty.
With all this information, I think I can try and build a rough simulation of events. So, the VDC teams do their performances and wow the crowd. In the meantime while the judges are deciding who wins, some shit goes down: Vil gets canceled or something, Jamil gains popularity, idk something with Neige & the dwarves. Vil's mental health takes a turn for the worst and he resorts to underhandedness. He enlists Rook for some plot against Jamil or Neige. However, Kalim gets caught in the crossfire. Inspired by Jamil's beauty and efforts to help Kalim, Rook ends up going against the plan and Vil. Vil overblots, blah blah backstory, then the judges release the results of the competition, and the winding down/aftermath/party time is the 2nd day of the festival whatever when the gang can go see all the other booths and stuff.
Even after all this I sincerely doubt my final prediction here will come to pass but y'know, all about the journey not the destination. Honestly, I thought of the title of this post when I was only partway through like "Haha isn't this theory about Jamil being Snow White so out there" but nope that's actually a foundation of my ideas now. What am I doing??? Anyway, hope you enjoyed reading this mess. Please feel free to message me or something if this rant gave you any ideas that you wanna share.
#twst analysis#twst#twisted wonderland#vil schoenheit#jamil viper#neige leblanche#rook hunt#epel felmier#twst theories
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Her Secret
Summary: We’re all aware of Emily’s untold secrets that she took to the grave with her but what about Lauren? The one thing both woman have in common is you, and the memories they took with them in both of their deaths
Pairings: Emily Prentiss x Reader
Prompt/request: None, just an idea I’ve had in my head for a while.
Warnings: Cursing | Death
Wordcount: Almost 4k
Master List
AN: Time line might be a little spotty because the show did not give many details but I promise its still comprehensible.
Its beautiful for a sad event. The white flowers are such a stark contrast to her personality. The color reminds you of a time before, before they knew her and before all of this happened. One of your eyes feels kind of funny so you reach for it, pulling back to examine the small drop of water on your finger. You compose yourself and push the large, black, sunglasses up your nose. Maybe you shouldn’t be here. You were dressed in all black with a black umbrella. Despite it being a sad day, it was unnecessarily sunny.
You spot her team making their way down the walk way. Three men carrying the dark coffin with one Caned man in the front and the women in tow. You take a step back into the shadows as they near the podium. As the service progresses the amount of speeches and tears are--overwhelming. Images of Emily, once known to you as Lauren, flash across your mind as you hold back any and all emotions associated with this event.
You knew she wasn't really "dead," she couldn’t be. Emily Prentiss is invincible and would never go like that. You saw the woman known as "JJ" glances your way but she says nothing about it. Probably assuming you were another one of Emily's secrets taken to the grave.
Emily’s not dead. Emily wouldn’t die like that.
You kept repeating it in your head.
Italy - 2004
The violets surround the mansion like a protective field. Their peaceful existence mocking your volunteer imprisonment. You only took this job because you and this other agent were the only ones who spoke fluent Italian. She was supposed to take it and you were the understudy or whatever but then she got knocked up so here you are. Being mocked by fucking flowers. Your thoughts are interrupted by Doyle approaching you with his brunette arm dealer on his arm. You turn away from the balcony upon his approach.
“Lauren deve restare qui mentre scappo. Per favore, tienila d'occhio.” Lauren has to stay here while I run out. Please keep an eye on her. He’s always been so bossy, and for what? To make himself seem more powerful than he actually is? We’re all aware of the danger working for him provides.
“Si signore.” Yes sir. You turn to acknowledge the woman in front of you but she speaks first.
“Perché? Non posso venire con te?” Why is that? Can't I come with you? She whines.
He gives her a look and she backs down. The Captain heads out with his guards behind him, leaving you alone with his lover.
You’re not sure what to do with her. Is this a form of babysitting?
She clears her throat. “I know.”
Hearing her speak English was a surprise but it makes sense, there was always something different about her. You arch an eyebrow and reply, “Sai...che cosa?” You know....what?
She holds up a finger for you to give her a moment. She turns around and sticks her head out the door; then closes and locks it. “You’re not really from Tirana, are you?” Who is this woman? You maintain a neutral face while she continues. “The fact that you never eat with us was a dead give away. You’re always held up in this room.” She gestures to the large room filled with files, records, and books. “Like you’re trying to avoid something. I’d also like to point out how you rarely present any Albanian customs.” Where are you going with this Reynolds... “At first I thought, ‘Maybe they’re one of Doyle’s assassins that I’m not supposed to know about.’ But then I started paying attention and realized you’re nothing like that.” You let out a sharp breath. “Its okay.” She takes one of your hands. “I won’t tell Ian. There’s already enough death in his life and I wouldn’t want to see you be one of his next victims.”
You’re stuck in the moment and words are hard to form. All of your training is slipping through your fingers. For all you know she could be bluffing, trying to get you killed. You go with your safest option because you don’t know this woman at all. You pull your hand from her and take a step closer. Peering into her eyes for any sign of fear and when you find none, you proceed. Leaning in as close as possible to her. “Non farei acquisizioni così pericolose se fossi in te.” I wouldn't make such dangerous acquisitions if I were you. You whisper. You could never be sure if your suspicions were correct but this, this was all the confirmation you needed. What’s that old saying? Takes one to know one. “Agente.” Finishing off that last word you brush past her.
Virginia - present
Being back in The States with Doyle still running around is unnecessarily risking. Emily’s defeat is the only reason you’ve come back. To watch her team grieve over the coffin is saddening but having to hide is the shadows is unfair. Am I not allowed to publicly grieve? Are my tears not worthy? The grip on your umbrella tightens. She’s not dead. Emily doesn’t loose. Emotions are running high and the speeches are getting long. Last time you talked, she claimed to be alone. No family and no fiends but clearly she was wrong. What you’d give to be laying under a plum tree on a wool woven blanket with her head in your lap. Eating pastries you raided from the kitchen and telling the Captain that you needed her to help analyze costs. What a fool.
You were so entranced with the memory that you didn’t notice when the pale, dark haired agent approached you. Aaron Hotchner, the unit chief if I’m not mistaken. “Agent.” He acknowledges.
“Sir?” You mumble.
“Your profession was easy enough to guess, though I’m not sure of your name.” Those knitted brown sweaters and golden, dainty necklaces. The short chestnut hair with soft curls that smelled of honey shampoo. The way she’d nudge your foot during dinner while casting discreet glances. Its all gone. “Agent?” He calls again. “Are you alright?”
Before you say anything you make sure your voice is clear. “Tell me Agent Hotchner, did she suffer?” That question didn’t need to be answered but you just had to know. A favor was called in on your behalf by Lieutenant Parks, he gave very few details about her death but you’ll take that over nothing at all. This was the one question you didn’t have an answer for. With nothing but silence from the man, you have your answer.
Reaching for your pocket there’s a small clear box; inside of the plastic is a handful of pressed violets. Without looking you hold the slim box out to him. “Please, make sure she gets them.” After he takes them you make one last note of the sight in front of you. All of her friends, family, and coworkers gathered in one place with Emily’s grave as the centerpiece. You turn to finally face the man, tilting your shades so he can see a bit of your eyes. “Dead or alive.” And then disappearing in to the back of the cemetary.
Italy - Spring of 04′
Two months ago you were staring off of Doyle’s Spanish-styled balcony thinking, “What would happen if I called it quits?” You had enough evidence and entail for him to never see freedom again. So what was stopping you?
Her. She was making you second guess.
After having her call you out for being a spy, you were very careful about what you did and said around her. Its not like she had any definitive proof but at the same time neither did you. What you said that day was a total bluff. Its a miracle you’re still alive. You were left with only two conclusions: one was that she herself is a spy, or two, she’s one of the smartest people Ian has ever brought home.
Then came a day where the boys went out to wherever and it was just you, her, and the maids. Most of them are Russian and speak poor Italian so they usually keep to themselves. You’re at the dining room table pretending to run numbers since that’s literally your job- well that and vetting backgrounds of sellers and buyers. Essentially a secretary with dangerous patrons. The position is mind numbingly boring but it does allow you to remain invisible while observing the operation. Think about it, who’s going to notice the secretary while discussing millions? They’re idiots. They allow you to sit in on every single meeting because you’re just the person who runs numbers. A debatable perk to this job is the amount of free time you posses. Usually its spent digging around the operation, sending information back to HQ, or actually enjoying small aspects of the city. That brings you to right now where you’re doodling random shapes on the bottom corner of the paper.
Lauren is on the couch wearing a button up satin dress, quite short for Ian’s taste so you’re surprised to see her wearing it. She’s read something you’ve never heard of, not that it matters. With no idea why she’s in here with you, you retreat back into your own mind.
“The maids have left.” You suddenly hear beside you, nearly jumping out of your skin.
“You scared me!” At the realization of your chosen language you gasp and watch as Lauren smiles widely. You shoot to your feet repeating no over and over. Actively trying to take back your words while she looks rather amused.
“I knew it!” She points at you all accusingly and shit. You keep shaking your head no and trying to get her to be quiet. “I was right about you!” And here’s the perfect time to have a maid to walk in. Lauren says something to her but you’re too wrapped up in your head to translate. All your years of training, expierence, undercover work has just been thrown away over your stupid mistake.
They’re going to kill me. They’re going to have my head on a stake in the middle of the garden for the world to see- or worse! I’ll be tortured for my crimes by one of Doyle’s men.
You’re pulled out of your thoughts by the brunette waving her hand in front of your face. “Don’t worry,” She say softly as you notice the house keeper is no longer with you. “I told her they could take a break...” At your confused face she continues. “So now we can talk.”
Virginia - present
To say you had no idea where you were going, was an understatement.
You hadn’t been to Virginia in years so everything felt unfamiliar. You took quick peaks at your surroundings as the rented porshe pushed through the traffic. Everything hurt, not the traditional pain you experience over a broken toe but the emotional kind that coursed through your entire body.
Is this what a broken heart feels like?
You kept telling yourself she wasn’t dead; couldn’t be. Not your Emily, the woman you know is a fighter. She’s fucking invincible and would never let herself die at the hand of that monster. If she was really dead, wouldn’t you feel it? Wouldn’t you feel your connection to her sever?
At the reorganization of the build ahead of you, you pull the car into the left lane.
Italy - Spring of 04′
She is so fucking clingy. Always starring at me when no one is watching and going on less missions with Doyle. Speaking of him, the man likes to take her everywhere; calls her “Ho il mio portafortuna” his good luck charm. She usual goes out with him whenever he’s traveling but lately she’s been making little excuses on why she wants to stay for the day. Instead of spending the day recuperating from a headache (like she’s told him) she’ll bother you.
That accent and the way she pronounces her R’s makes you wanna melt, but then she starts asking you a million and one questions. What’s your favorite food? When’s your birthday? Have you ever broken a bone? Do you enjoy reading? Its always something with her. I think she’s trying to annoy me. So far you’ve been answering her questions in Italian to insure that you don’t fuck up again.
Doyle is none the wiser, he still sees you as a secretary and her as arm candy.
But you must admit that Lauren is growing on you. She hasn’t said anything in English to you lately or exposed you to Doyle. You’re rarely ever alone but when you are, she gives you one of her finished books and sits in the room quietly. Its comforting. Today she’s given you Niccolo Ammaniti with a note scribbled in pencil on the 5th page, “Hang in there.” Smart woman, writing it in light pencil so I can easily erase it without leaving a trace...also paranoid woman but rightfully so.
Virginia - present
You adjust your shoe so as not to slip before going into the building and suck the shades into your pocket. The giant letters, I. O. D. S. stare back at you in Ariel font.
Maybe I shouldn’t be doing this. Just accept her death and move on.
Inside of Investigations of Death Services you nod to the secretary, an ex of yours, and continue on to your destination. While in the elevatored your vision feels blurry but now isn’t the time for tears. Arriving at your floor, you spot his office and walk in without so much as a knock or invitation.
“One second,” he speaks into the phone. “Can I help you?” His dark eyes look angry, like he doesn’t recognize you. You take a step forward, offering your closed palm to him. “What? What is this? A fucking magic trick?” You slowly open your palm towards him, revealing the silver clover pin. The suited man looks like he’s just seen a ghost. “Shane, I’ll have to call you back.” He hangs up the phone, then reaches from you hand. “Where did you get this?”
Snatching you hand back and putting the silver back in your pocket. “You really don’t remember me, do you?”
He narrows his eyes on you before answering. “Can’t say I do.”
“Back in 03′ you knocked up Carin and proposed I go on assignment. Granted I was the only person who was fluent in Italian--or so I thought. Come to find out there were five other agents who could’ve been assigned there. You chose me because I was up for your job.” Your anger is boiling over quickly. “You were a shitty employee and they were ready to fire you.” You take a daring step forward. “Until you proposed infiltrating Valhalla with one of the foreign operative agents. You told them there were only two fluent agents. Back then we had never met but I knew who you were, Hell, we all knew how much of a screw up you were. Guess you don’t recognize me anymore? I mean in your defense its been years and I’ve lost a few pounds due to the stress you caused me but that’s for another day. How about we go back to 2003.” For a man with toxic masculinity issues, he looks pretty scared. “You couldn’t just out right suggest me so you have to offer up someone else. Coincidently Carin got pregnant right around the time she was starting her training, by you I might add, and could no longer go.” A wide smile starts to grow on your face. “Bet you were counting on my death, huh?” Awe poor baby seems to be shaking. “No...you’re too much of a pussy for that. I bet you were hoping I’d go to Italy and screw things up for the whole operation.” Now you’re toe-to-toe with him. “Mess up so bad that they’d have pull me out and demote me. Or! Reveal myself and hope Doyle’s men killed me or I’d go sprinting home with my tail between my legs.” His silence is starting to irritate you. “So which is it, Mark? Hmm? Cat got your tongue?”
“I’m sorry!” He yells with a reddened face. Out of the corner of your eye you see his co-works looking through his glass walls but you couldn’t care less. “I’m sorry, y/n. What do you want from me? I’ll do anything!” Now we’re getting somewhere.
You push the pin into his face “Where is she, Mark?”
“Where is who?” He’s still fucking shaking.
“Asking me another stupid question and there will be hell to pay.” You’re not really going to hurt him but considering the circumstances, this is justified. The man put your life on the line over some stupid position, a bit of threatening wouldn’t hurt.
“Okay okay. All I know is that after you left she was taken by ALPHA and later faked her death. When Lauren Reynolds died, Emily Prentiss got to go home and Ian Doyle went to a North Korean prison.”
“And now...”
“Last I heard she was working for the Behavioral Analysis Unit at the FBI but was recently killed under suspicious circumstances.” At your expression, he continues. “We know she died during a scuffle with Doyle and there was a funeral but we are yet to have a death certificate on record. Sometimes it take anywhere from a week to a month for us to receive proper records on agent deaths. I thought that-”
“Stop, talking.” You cut him off through gritted teath.
Italy - Autumn 04′
“What is your problem, Lauren?” You’re out on the patio in front of the pool on a warm day. Lauren has a four course meal on the table, courtesy of the chefs.
“Nothing...” She shrugs with a mouthful of strawberry.
“You want me to leave.”
Another fucking shrug.
“Be serious.” You’re trying to stop yourself from stomping your foot.
She puts down her food and clasps her hands together. “Yes I want you to leave.” You watch as she gets up and smooths her skirt; taking your hands in hers. “Your time is thinning and you’ve been her a lot longer than me.”
“And leave you here alone? No way, I know you’re invincible but even Superman had his down fall.”
“Superman?” She loops you in closer. “Why not superwoman? Awfully sexist of you.”
“Oh, shut up.” You nudge her back a bit. “But wouldn’t you miss me?”
She gives you one of her wide smiles. “Let me show how much I’d miss you.” She leans in for a light kiss against your lips. You pull away quickly so as not to be seen. El, like the letter, picked out a blind spot that’s covered partially in shadows. “I have to leave in 15 minutes but until then...” She trails with a very telling expression.
“Where?” You laugh. “Not in the second floor bathroom again because that was...tight.”
Her perfectly plucked eyebrow arches upward, “And you were loud!”
You hop past her to sneak a grape. “Hey! You do know that was mine, right?”
“What are you going to do about it, Superwoman?” You turn to grab another grape, while doing so you feel her presence behind you. “Don’t start something you can’t finish, L.”
“Oh why not?” She lightly trails down your backside. “It’ll be so much fun.”
You turn back to her. “Ten minutes?”
“In the library?” She smirks and you nod along.
Virginia - present
This four hundred dollar airplane ticket is going to serve its purpose but paying it back is going to suck. Your government salary was nice and all but $400 is still a lot.
Just two days before, you rushed around you place to pack all of the essentials for a quick flight to Paris; charger, hygiene, two outfits, and the pin all tucked into a stylish backpack.
That brings us here, standing in the streets of downtown Paris alongside the buzzing mopeds weaving through the streets. In front of you is the little café Elle would go on and on about, naturally this is the first place you could think to look.
You didn’t even know what you were looking for. The woman you fell for was a brunette with light curls and bangs.
You were looking for Emily. The woman Lauren introduced you to. The woman you grew to love in the same way you love Lauren, but Lauren is dead. Has been for awhile, now its time to find Emily. Your Emily.
You find nothing, no one who even slightly revels Emily on your first day there. So you find a hostel to lay your head in and continue on the next day. Again and again with the same routine for five days straight.
You wasted all of your time here for what? A memory? A dream? Two woman who no longer exist on the same astral plane as you?
That’s when you see it, a head of dark brown hair a few tables ahead of where you’re standing. With all hope lost you almost think its a mirage.
You sit a few tables ahead of her, careful to keep your face hidden. When the waiter comes around to take your order you give him very specific instructions.
Emily’s POV
Being a dead woman is lonely and isolating...at least the coffee is good. The waiter who dropped off the hot beverage not too long ago has circled back with a cheese croissant in hand. That’s odd, I hate cheese croissants. “Cette personne là-bas m'a demandé de te livrer ça.” That person over there has asked me to deliver this to you. He points over his shoulder to a person who’s face I can’t quite make out. “Ils m'ont également demandé de vous donner ceci.” They also asked me to give this to you. He reaches from his front pocket and softly places a silver clover pin that I haven’t seen in years, and a pressed Violet. I can feel the air drain out of my lungs at the objects in front of me. “Merci beaucoup.” The only person who knows what these objects mean are Doyle and-
At the sense of being watched my head shoots up at the source. At first there’s nothing there but then I spot the familiar figure. Its been weeks since I’ve actually seen them, it can’t be. I must be seeing things. Closing my eyes and taking in a deep breathe, I open them to see that they’re gone.
“Boo.” I hear in my right ear; looking up to see y/n standing beside me with a bright smile.
“You scared me!” Realizing how loud I am, I take a breath.
“Miss me Elle?” I left you behind, twice. I died twice without letting you know. You’ve had to start over too many times and its not far.
“Y/n, how did you find me?”
“Really, Elle. Did you really think I’d fall for that party trick you pulled at the BAU? I’m not dull, and besides,” Y/n/n gently puts their hand over mine on the coffee mug. “You’re my Superwoman, you’ll never die.”
*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・**・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*˚✧₊⁎ ⁎⁺˳✧༚ ゚・*:.。..。.:*・゚・*:.
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WIP Wednesday: Procrastinating with Productivity!
So, hah, still not finished with the fun fluffy thing I was distracting myself with, because LO! I’ve been writing what I’m supposed to instead! Hahah!
One of the things that has been driving me bonkers about the Thomas-As-Heir fic is the Barrows. We won’t be seeing much of them - even less now than we have in the past - but I just...........I’ve not been able to convince them to be people instead of stiff, two dimensional, wooden puppets. I think I’ve finally had the necessary break through to at least get Mr. Barrow into the third dimension.
I’d introduce you to Samuel as well, but he’s really just there to open the door, fetch Dad, and Not Look Like Thomas. (Not that I describe him much in this version...)
The man who entered the room was tall, broad, and oddly lean, like someone who should have weighted more than he did. His eyes were dark, his hair - what was left of it - was pale, and his face had a decided oval shape to it. His hands, when he laid them on the counter, had very long fingers, the sort that seemed custom made for playing the piano or engaging in delicate crafts. In short, he looked every inch the clock maker, and not a thing like either Thomas or the young man who had let Robert in. “Lord Grantham,” the man greeted respectfully, his voice deep and slightly graveled with age. “Samuel says you’ve come concerning my older son, Thomas.”
“I have,” Robert confirmed, keeping his tone carefully pleasant. Even though he was forced to admit, on some level, that Thomas looked more like Cora than either Mr. Barrow or Samuel, looks weren’t proof of anything. After all, Edith didn’t look a thing like anyone in the family. One of his old war chums had once commented on the fact in a rather embarrassing manner. Robert had barely forgiven the man, and only because they’d both been squiffy at the time. “I’m sorry to trouble you on a Sunday, but I’m afraid it’s quite urgent.”
“It’s no trouble, my lord,” the man replied, his words much more distinct and deliberate than either of his children. Something in his manner made Robert wonder if his slow speech was from more than respect. A medical ailment, perhaps. Hadn’t Barrow taken time off a couple of years prior because his father had been ill? “What can I do for you?”
“It has come to my attention that your son Thomas might, in fact, be adopted,” Robert informed him, working his way through his carefully prepared lie. He’d spent the entire train trip rehearsing it. “If that is true, then there are legal steps that I, as an employer, need to take. It’s nothing you need worry about,” he assured, “Simply a matter of taxes and paperwork resulting from the new adoption laws.”
The other man blinked, clearly perplexed. “I was unaware that the new laws involved taxes at all.”
Inwardly Robert cursed. He’d hoped that the other man would know as little about the new laws as he did. “I believe it only applies to domestic staff living in. Anyone not keeping servants wouldn’t know about it.” He prayed that the Barrows weren’t so well off that they kept a maid.
Thankfully, the other man seemed to accept the bluff. “I see,” he nodded, then frowned again. “And Thomas serves you? In your house?”
“He’s been part of my household for sixteen years and currently holds the position of butler.”
“I see.” Mr. Barrow sounded impressed by the fact. He was silent for a minute, then nodded. “Yes, I see. I’d have not thought him capable of such dedication, but if he has I am pleased to hear it.”
It was Robert’s turn to frown. “I take it you don’t keep much contact with him? Your younger son, Samuel, seemed surprised to learn he was alive.”
“As you said, my lord, we’ve not heard from him often since he left. He did write to let us know he’d taken a position in a house before the war, presumably yours, but the last we heard from him he’d joined the war effort. As we received no letter from the war office informing us of his death, the missus and I assumed he’d come through, but Samuel was still young enough he might have thought otherwise.”
“I take it Samuel was too young to fight?”
“He was just old enough when the war started, but he didn’t join until he was conscripted. I was not well at the time, so he was needed at home.” In case there was any doubt, the man added, “We were honoured when he was called, of course, and grateful when he was returned to us. He is our greatest joy.”
“More than Thomas?”
Mr. Barrow nodded. “Yes, my lord. You see, Samuel is ours. Thomas, as you have been made aware, was adopted. We had given up on a son, by the time we took him in. My wife did not do well in child birth and my brother-in-law, a doctor, was quite concerned for her well being. When Samuel was born, seven years after we took Thomas in, she was bed ridden for months after. We were afraid she might die.”
“Good God,” Robert winced at the thought. The other man told his story well enough that it was difficult not to believe. “Who took care of the children while she was ill?”
“My daughter Peggy was thirteen. She’d accepted a job as a maid for one of the local families, a solicitor, but we brought her home.”
If Peggy was anything like his own daughters, Robert couldn’t see that having gone over well. Still, with a daughter to oversee things and a son who was actually their own, he could easily see the Barrows losing interest in the boy they’d adopted. It was a well spun story and he reminded himself firmly that it probably wasn’t true. Trying to get his investigation back on track, he asked, “And you never told Thomas he was adopted?”
“It is never a good thing, for children to know the people raising them are not their natural parents,” the other man informed him. “It would encourage disrespect and poor behavior, at the very least. True, with Thomas we’d need not have worried about his natural parents coming to claim him once he was working age. His father is unknown and his mother died in childbirth, although her name is on the birth certificate. Still, we felt it best to keep it to ourselves.”
And there was the place where the stories intersected, the one Mr. Barrow was telling and the one from the journal. They lined up, to the letter, which meant they had to be true or very well rehearsed. Baiting his hook carefully, Robert asked, “I don’t suppose you can provide any proof that he was adopted?”
“Of course, my lord.”
“Excellent.” Robert smiled. Now he had them.
#downton abbey#downton abbey fanfiction#wip wednesday#robert crawley#lord grantham#original character#mr. barrow#thomas's father
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Falling for you | Pt. 1
• Pairing: Jimin x Namjoon • Genre: fluff, nsfw-content | Rating: Mature | Christmas!AU / Curse!AU • Words: 4,1k | AO3 • Disclaimer: mentioning of blood, accidents, alcohol
written with @cassiavioletblue
↳ Everyone told him that love was the highest aim, that it was what completes you and made you happy…but he was never lucky like that. It just took a piece of him and left scars on his heart every time. He was done with that. He had given up on love a long time ago so he should stick to it or else not only he would be affected.
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He glanced up at the luxury property as he crossed the street walking towards it. A massive twenty-something story modern building of tinted glass and stone. In front of it, there was a doorman wearing white gloves and dressed in a long red coat hailing for a taxi for an old man, before opening the door for him with a big smile. A shy thank you came from his lips, as he slipped into the building where he felt even more out of place than before. Maybe he should have decided to wear something else? He had never been to this part of the town and had never planned to do so. Usually, he had no business being here. But he really needed the money.
He frowned, trying to ignore the fact that the chandelier hanging in the lobby probably cost more than he had ever spent in his entire life, walking up to the elevators to push the button, Jimin took a deep breath.
"Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, jingle all the way!" His voice was echoing through the hallway, as Jungkook wiggled happily, dancing around, while holding a bunch of folders in his hands. "Oh, what fun it is to ride…" His singing stopped abruptly, when someone's chest hit his nose, making him stumble back. Jungkooks gaze wandered up the dark blue tie until he met his boss's eyes. "I know, I know. You're more the Halloween type of guy but the spooky season is over, Mr. Kim. Only four more weeks until Christmas!" A big grin appeared on his face as he pushed the folders into Namjoons hold. "No more warlocks, demons or witches. Just cinnamon, cookies, presents ...and love. It's my personal mission to get you into the mood, sir."
“Then I’m afraid I have to tell you your personal mission is bound to fail spectacularly.” He wipes a bit of glitter from the folders that he has no idea where it came from as Jungkook isn’t carrying actual Christmas decoration but he wouldn’t be surprised if Jungkook love for Christmas would manifest in glitter that magically appears on people who hate Christmas whenever he is near.
He wonders how someone can be so happy about a season where you have to hear the same songs you had to listen to all the years before, where everyone is stressed but points out that it's about ‘peace and family’ while everyone is getting crazy about how many presents they still have to buy and how much money it’s going to cost. He hates it with a passion, honestly, but keeps it to himself. Maybe it’s also because it’s supposed to be the ‘season of love’ and he closed that chapter a long, long time ago.
Jungkook frowned a little, but it was soon replaced with a smile again. “Are you always this self-fulfilling prophecy type? With this mood, how are you supposed to even enjoy the most wonderful time of the year? He sang the last part of it, posing as he stretched out his arms with jazz hands as if he’d just finished a massive dance piece waiting for his applause. But there was none. “Can’t believe I took the spot,” He sighed dramatically, “If I had known I’d be working for the grinch himself…” Jungkook grinned teasingly, knowing that Namjoon could take a joke - or else he really wouldn’t have been working for him as his personal assistant. It was his dream job actually.
When he first arrived at the interview, Jungkook didn’t think he’d stand a chance against all the other people with far more expertise than he had. Kim Designs was a very well-known Company, that Jungkook always had admired and in a ‘go big or go home’ moment, he had filled out the application in the middle of the night, a little frustrated and drunk on wine after being dismissed for the nth time by various of companies because of his lack of experience. And to his own surprise, the former assistant had called him in for an interview. The elegance, the simplicity and yet, the intricate little details that were Kim Namjoon’s trademark were always a personal favorite of Jungkook and although he still wasn’t so sure why he had picked him, he was happily working for him now.
“But you’re coming to the office party, right?” Jungkook asked with a raised eyebrow, before another sigh came from him. “The Christmas party? In your office? That is every year and you never attend?” The ring of the doorbell made Jungkook walk a little more backwards towards the elevator that was about to arrive on their level, without leaving his boss out of view. “I told everyone you were coming this year. Said you were really happy about it!”
Namjoon just pulled a face, “You’re lucky I need you or I would send you straight out to door so you can bring your Christmas-nonsense somewhere else!” The truth was Jungkook was the best that could have happened to this company and he was really fond of him so he would keep him no matter how crazy he would get during those last two months of the year.
The party would probably be like every year: He paid for it, for delicious food and colorful drinks, for decorations and little surprises - all made by a party company of course so he didn’t have to even step foot in the room. No one expected him to be there anyways, except for Jungkook maybe, who somehow never ran out of hope and determination.
“You can say it, Joon! You love me!” Jungkook winked at him, before turning around swiftly just right at the moment the elevator stopped. He pushed the button and the two metal doors slid open. Knowing about Namjoon’s appointment, Jungkook was keeping a smile on his face, awaiting the substitute maid that Hayoung wanted to send in, while she was on vacation.
Inside the elevator, he was realizing that he was facing the wrong way, Jimin turned around with blushed cheeks. “I’m here to see Kim Namjoon. I’m supposed to be taking over for Hayoung.” He spoke as calm as he could, trying to cover up the fact how nervous he was. He knew who Kim Namjoon was. Everyone did.
“That would be me.” Namjoon tried to hide the fact that the person in front of him was nothing like he had expected. Hayoung was a sweet old woman, the motherly type and somehow when she had said she would get someone to cover for her during her holiday Namjoon had thought she would ask a friend, someone her age. However, the boy in front of him couldn’t be older than himself! And he was pretty enough to be a model with full lips and a soft smile that turned a little shy when Namjoon looked too long at him. He cleared his throat, getting himself together before walking ahead. “Let’s go to my office, there we can do the formalities and we can decide when exactly you will start. I suppose Hayoung already explained all your duties to you before she sent you here?”
Jimin gave him a nod, passing Jungkook with a smile, who turned back around to let his eyes wander up and down the maid’s back. His eyes widened as he raised his eyebrows at Namjoon, pursing his lips into an appreciative nod. Pointing at the young man, he gave his boss a thumbs up, his mouth shaping all kinds of ‘wow’ and ‘omg’ words as he walked into the elevator. To top it all off Jungkook began to form hearts with his hands before he started to hum ‘all I want for Christmas’ again.
Namjoon furrowed his brows, shaking his head at Jungkook to tell him to stop. He received a very confused look from Jimin and realized that the younger’s relaxed and confident facade was slowly but surely starting to crumble. Was he scared of him? It didn’t surprise him when people from outside believed the media that painted him as an ice cold, scary, power hungry man because of his sudden success but he would have thought that Hayoung had told Jimin that he wasn’t like that. He opened the door for Jimin and the younger almost stumbled when he stepped on the carpet.
What a great start for someone who was supposed to clean his precious apartment…
Jimin sat down on one of the chairs in front of Namjoon’s desk, folding his hands together to keep them from nervously shaking. Was his expression already a ‘no’? Had he found someone else?
“Hayoung told me everything I need to know.” He began answering Namjoon’s question from before. “What your preferences are, where I can find everything, and she gave me a list of duties that need to be done daily or weekly. Oh, and of course the list of things I shouldn’t touch. She made sure I studied it well, before coming here, so I hope I can replace her for her vacation accordingly.” Jimin took out a thin folder, holding it out for Namjoon to take. “My personal information as requested.”
Namjoon put it aside right away, never taking his gaze from Jimin. He could read that later. What was way more important to him was if he could trust Jimin to stick to the rules, to not sniff around or steal or…worse. “Why did you take this job, Jimin? I’m sure you have better options than cleaning, don’t you?” He cut straight to the point.
Jimin froze on the spot like a deer in headlights.
“I mainly work as a florist but as you might know, it’s a job you have to do with all of your heart and yet, it doesn’t pay much. That’s how I know Hayoung. She always comes to buy fresh flowers for years. I assume some of them were even for your apartment.” He explained without hesitation. “I’m not really the type to work in a bar or be a waiter. I don’t mind cleaning, though and Hayoung has been speaking so kindly about you.” He smiled at Namjoon, feeling a lot more at ease the more he was talking. “And it’s Christmas, Mr. Kim. I hope you don’t mind me saying this, but I could use a little extra money.”
“Money won’t be the problem, I pay well - if you do your job right. If you have a problem or need more cleaning supplies or anything comes up you can talk to me. And I mean talk to me first. My apartment is very personal and private and exclusively visited by me. As you might have guessed there are things that are of utmost importance to me. I am very peculiar about order and privacy and that you keep everything you see and hear to yourself. Do you think you can handle the weight of this responsibility?” He downright stared at Jimin by now who didn’t seem to know where to look.
“Absolutely,” Jimin’s smile reached his ears, looking up at him with a smile, before averting his gaze shyly again. In front of him sat a man with way more influence than he could ever dream of. He could destroy him and his reputation with a snap of his fingers. Jimin had absolutely no interest in angering him. Hayoung had explained it to him perfectly, the need for order and privacy, when it came down to the newest collection. Just one word to the wrong person could mean a great damage for Kim Designs.
“Then I’m glad to have you here.” He pushed the paperwork over to Jimin. “Please fill those in before you start. The money will be transferred to you at the end of your job. Two weeks, is it? Unless you need it sooner, then I can talk to Jungkook and he will figure something out as I trust you wouldn’t get Hayoung or yourself into trouble by just taking the money and vanishing.”
“That’s fine,” Jimin took a pen and began to fill out the form quickly but thoroughly. “When do you want me to start?” He asked, lifting his head to look at Namjoon again. “Oh, Hayoung hadn’t told me about it, but I happened to notice there was no decoration. Do you want me to set up some Christmas lights? I bet they would look great in your entrance.”
“No!” He blurted out, startling Jimin so much the pen slipped over the paper. He felt immediately sorry for him. “Ah, sorry for that, it’s just... I don’t really like the whole Christmas ordeal. It’s Jungkook who makes a fuss about it. Jungkook my personal assistant, you’ve seen him pass you at the elevator but I’m sure you’ll get to know him properly some other time, he basically handles my schedule on his own for me.” The alarm on his watch reminded him that he had to be in a zoom meeting in ten minutes, so he got up and Jimin mirrored him right away. “As for when you start, the sooner the better.” He got out his set of spare keys from the drawer and gave them over to Jimin. “These are my keys, don’t lose them or you’ll have to pay for the locksmith. You can let yourself in whenever you want, I often work late so you can clean whenever your other job allows it. Take your time in the beginning, I’d rather pay for an extra hour than coming home to a half-cleaned apartment.”
Still confused about his behavior but with a smile, Jimin took the keys from him. “I will do my best.” Was all he could say, before Namjoon had closed the office door right in his face, leaving Jimin startled once more.
Taking his bag, Jimin placed it on the kitchen counter and looked around the apartment. He could hear faint noises of a conference call behind the office door and because he didn’t want to be noisy and listen, Jimin took out his notepad, where he had scribbled down everything important that Hayoung had told him.
The apartment was far bigger than he had imagined, so Jimin was glad for the order of tasks he was given or else he’d have probably felt a little overwhelmed. After dusting off the shelves and cleaning up each and every counter, Jimin was sweeping the floor, making sure he didn’t miss a spot, and everything was back at its place just like before. Not an inch too far to the left or right. Just like Namjoon wanted it.
Hayoung would have been proud of him, Jimin thought to himself, when he pushed the button of the elevator again, waiting with a content smile.
“So, when was the moment you wanted to tell me Hayoung would send such a bombshell, huh? Is he single? Maybe I could slip my number in...or drop my card here somewhere...He probably is married, right?” Jungkook let out a small whine, as he looked up from his notepad, where he had scribbled down everything Namjoon had said in the last twenty minutes. “You know what you should have done, make him wear a maid’s costume.” He grinned, leaning back a little, “I’m just joking!” Raising his hands in defense, he added quietly, “You can’t deny he’d look good in it, or well, he probably looks good in anything. What was his name again?”
“I didn’t know who Hayoung would send and I also don’t care how he looks.” The last part was a blatant lie, but he knew if he confessed that he thought Jimin was very attractive Jungkook would never let him live it down. Also, he refused imagining Jimin in a maid costume (maybe at home in his bedroom when he was alone...)
“I don’t know if Jimin is married…” Jimin didn’t wear a ring on his finger but maybe he was wearing it on a necklace under his clothes “...but you better be quick if you want to ask him out because he will only be here for a couple of weeks.”
He placed his pen aside and looked directly at Jungkook. “Is there anything else on my schedule today? If not I’ll leave you to your swooning over Jimin to make some private calls.”
Jungkook shook his head, as he got up and took his bag with him. On his way out, the elevator already opened up before he could even push the button and Jimin smiled right back at him. Jungkook greeted him with a light bow, slipping into the elevator while the other passed him.
Jimin was holding onto something wrapped in paper and only the green ends sticking out told Namjoon what it was: flowers.
“I thought you might like them on your dinner table?” The younger man walked up to Namjoon, showing him the bouquet of flowers. “Do you like them? I arranged them just how I’d normally do it for Hayoung, just added a little more...now that I know what your lovely home looks like.” His eyes fell onto the phone in the other’s hand and the papers in front of him that indicated the other was still working and quickly added. “Maybe they make working a little easier if you can look at something pretty. I’ll put them in a vase for you and then you can decide.”
“That’s nice.. thank you.” Namjoon was a little overwhelmed. Normally he asked Hayoung to get flowers for birthdays or celebrations; he rarely got them for himself for no reason. However, Jimin had a well-trained eye and the light, soft colors brightened the room very nicely. The call that he was about to make was forgotten as he put the phone aside, following Jimin into the kitchen where the younger was busy filling the vase. “Did the cleaning go well?” He asked after a moment of silence, because he didn't know how else to start a conversation with Jimin.
“Yeah,“ Jimin cocked his head aside, looking at Namjoon with a smile. “Did I miss anything last night? I’m sorry if I missed a spot, I tried working off the list Hayoung gave me. Maybe you want to look it over and see if everything is included?” He arranged the flowers a little more, so they looked perfect, before turning it around to Namjoon to make him see. “I didn’t vacuum your office though, as you were still working when I was finishing everything. Are you always working this late, Mr. Kim?”
“No, no, it was perfect.” Had he sounded like he was questioning Jimin or wanted to reprimand him? Namjoon pressed his lips together. He really didn’t have a talent for small talk. He could handle a room full of people easily - if it was a meeting. But as soon as he tried to talk casually with someone it backfired.
“You made the right decision, please don’t try to vacuum my office while I’m still in it.” He tried a small smile. “I’m in contact with people from various time zones that's why I’ll have to be in my office during strange hours.” He explained, keeping it to himself that yesterday he had simply lost track of time.
“Just making sure you’re not overworking yourself. Even a busy man like you need to rest. I don’t think you come up with all your ideas on sleep deprivation…” Jimin pushed the vase over to Namjoon carefully. “Do you mind placing it onto the table for me?” He turned around to open the cabinet with the cleaning supplies to get out all the things he needed today. There was no need to do all the rooms daily, so he was switching routines, taking out the piece of paper again to check Hayoung's notes.
Namjoon didn’t move, holding the vase to his chest but keeping his eyes on Jimin, fixated by the way the younger licked his lips in thoughts while studying his list or how he pushed the hair away from his face. He wondered if it was as soft as it looked…
He was about to head to the stairs that lead to Namjoon’s bedroom, when Jimin noticed the vase still being in his hands. Jimin chuckled, looking up the taller man. “The dinner table, Mr. Kim. Or do you want it to be somewhere else? Should I take them up to your bedroom maybe?” Namjoon’s stare made him nervous, the long gaze he was holding made him avert his own. “Is…is there something on my face?” Jimin wiped over his cheeks nervously. He had quickly eaten some sandwich on his way over here, after he had closed his shop, so he wondered if there was sauce on his face. That would be more than embarrassing!
“Ah, dinner table of course!” He rather had Jimin thinking that he hadn’t been sure where to put the flowers then confess that he had been caught by how beautiful Jimin was. He was also pretty sure that Jimin was doing all those lovely little things that made him so charming without even realizing it. “Your face is fine.” He answered Jimin’s question a little stupidly, leaving it at that without giving another explanation, simply because he didn’t have any that wouldn’t include how he could stare at Jimin for hours without any reason.
Jimin couldn’t help but giggle at Namjoon’s cuteness. It was strange to see a man, who he only thought of a well-known designer, someone wealthy and smart so flustered out of a sudden. It was kind of cute.
Walking up the staircase, Jimin smiled at the other over his shoulder when out of a sudden he stumbled forward and over the rug that was laid out at the top. Falling hard on his knees, Jimin yelped in pain, just for it to turn into laughter, quickly giving Namjoon a sign that he was doing okay.
Namjoon hurried over to him, nonetheless. “Are you okay? Did you slip?” Jimin fell so quickly that he hadn’t seen anything at all. Hopefully the other wasn’t hurt because - and he felt a little guilty thinking this - if he couldn't come clean then Namjoon would have no possibility to see him again. And he really wanted to see him…
“I’m fine,” Jimin was about to get up, when Namjoon’s strong grip pulled him up easily. “Oh, please don’t worry.” He quickly waved the other off, I just stumbled over your rug, that’s all. I’m usually not very clumsy, but I think looking one way and going the other is never a good idea.” His eyes fell down to where Namjoon was still holding onto him and his heart skipped a beat, quickly trying to cover the blush appearing on his cheeks while he brushed off his knees. “It’s best I fall up the stairs, not down, right?”
Namjoon chuckled. “If you put it that way then yes, please only fall up the stairs.” They were standing a little too close together from how he had pulled Jimin up but neither of them stepped away. Up close like this he could see Jimin’s eyelashes that fanned out beautifully, hiding Jimin’s eyes with the way the younger was looking down right now. There was a rosy blush high on Jimin’s cheekbones and Namjoon almost brushed over it out of instinct, before he quickly stepped away, shocked by his own desires. What the hell was he doing here?
Jimin flinched from the sudden step back when moments before he had gotten lost in Namjoon’s eyes. “I ehm…I need to be in your bedroom.” He stuttered the words nervously, realizing too late how they sounded. “I mean…clean your bedroom. I wanted to change the sheets and…that’s where I need to be. Not in the sheets, I eh…” Jimin was about to slap himself, feeling his cheeks flush red as he grabbed the cleaning utensils again and taking another step away from Namjoon.
With that Jimin vanished so quickly Namjoon couldn’t even utter another word. Which was probably better because else he might have told that he would very much like it to have Jimin in his bedroom and in his sheets.
Namjoon shook his head hoping to get rid of those strange ideas. What was he doing? One night stands where fine but this? This was dangerous. He had given up on love a long time ago so he should stick to it or else not only he would be affected but also Jimin.
The poor boy had no idea what he had gotten himself into, he was just sweet and charming and Namjoon should make sure to keep his distance from now on if he didn’t want to destroy that.
A/N: Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells... Let’s get into the christmas mood with a little love story shall we ;) Once more we couldn’t keep ourselves from writing our favorite pairings. Thats how it is now lmao. Anyways...why is Namjoon afraid of affecting someone with falling in love? What’s happening there huh???
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seven sins | chapter five.
pairing: bts x reader (min yoongi x reader) fandom: bts warnings: non idol!au ; historical!au ; princes!bts ; concubine!reader ; sex ; oral sex ; dirty talk ; spanking genre: smut word count: 2.2k+ previous: 1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 4
summary: even in times such as yours, you still led a privileged life with nothing to ask for. that is until first your father, then your mother died and you were left to care for your two younger sisters. the position for royal physician seemed to be open and with your father having been a general and your mother having been a maid for the queen, you thought you might be able to get it.. little did you know that your visit to the palace would put a completely different offer on the table.
a/n: this story is genuinely so easy to write, like wtf, I’m so excited with each chapter. I haven’t felt like this in a while so I truly hope you all are enjoying it

You had just taken your herbs when somebody entered your room. Thankfully, you had hid them quickly enough as to no questions being asked.
“The queen wants to see you,” the maid said with a little bow.
The queen, huh? The one person you hadn't seen at all during your stay here.
Your mother had always told you stories about her, how her bitterness had consumed her life, having to live with seven sons that were not hers. Nobody officially knew that. Your mother obviously did, because she had seen the pretend baby belly all these times, but in truth, it were consorts like you who had born the seven boys.
And, let's be real, they all did look like they had different mothers.
But why did she want to see you? As far as you knew, she didn’t mingle around consorts like you..
While you had seen the king a couple of times throughout your childhood, the queen not so much. So the chances of her remembering you were almost zero.
So what was this about?
You immediately bowed when you stood in front of her a couple minutes later, “Your Royal Highness.”
“I don't think you and I have officially met,” she smiled, yet it wasn't a genuine one, “Usually, my husband and I pick the Royal Noble Consorts for our sons together, but you, I have not had the pleasure to talk to yet.”
“It was.. a very rushed decision, your majesty.”
“Yes.. I heard. My sons were all very eager,” she got up from her throne and walked the few steps down to be face to face with you.
She grabbed your chin, turned your face from side to side and then looked you up and down.
It was as if she was mustering you.
Like you were a cow.
Disgusting, actually.
“With how many of them have you had sex yet?” she asked.
Very.. straightforward. But you could play that game too.
“Three, your majesty.”
“Three,” she repeated, “Yet, you don't seem to be with child, yet.”
“Your husband, the king, has decided that only Prince Seokjin may get me with child,” you needed an excuse and, thank you Jimin, for giving you the perfect one, “I unfortunately did not have that pleasure yet.”
“My dear Seokjin,” she sounded almost sad, but then her expression hardened again when she looked back into your eyes, “Let me ask you a question my dear. Do you think that men are fools?”
What.. question was that?
And what was this about? Her husband? Her sons? Men in general?
You had to be careful with your answer.
“I would not necessarily say that, your majesty, but I do believe us women are a lot smarter than what men take us for.”
That made her smile, “I agree. Wholeheartedly,” she turned around and walked back to her throne, “Which is why you might be able to fool my husband and sons, but me.. not so easily,” she sat back down and looked at you with her nose high in the air, “I will keep my eye on you, little one.”
This wasn't meant as an encouragement or as a caring statement.
This was a warning, or maybe even a threat.
Like she knew you were hiding something, she just wasn't sure what it was yet.
And you understood why. Other girls only slept with one Prince and got pregnant so quickly, yet you had slept with three so far and you weren't. Yes, your statement about Prince Seokjin was correct, but, again, his mother wasn't stupid. She knew that not all of the boys would care about this ‘rule’ and would just do whatever they pleased.
Then there was also the fact that you had come here within a day, skipped several consort ranks and were now one of the top ones. How? How did you do that? What was your agenda?
She might think you were an assassin, when the reality was a lot less cruel.
Yes, you were an impostor, but only because you needed to convince the king of your medical talents. This wasn't a plot to kill him, this was – if everything went according to plan – a plot to benefit him.
If the queen was already on your trail, then maybe it was time you finally catch the king and talk to him about this. Maybe dragging this out for much longer wasn't a good idea.
And so as soon as the queen dismissed you, you made your way towards the king's quarters. With the guards all knowing you by now, they let you in.. or maybe it was because the king wasn't even there.
However, there was someone there.
Someone that made you gasp.
“I don't think these are your quarters,” Prince Yoongi smiled a little, a book in his hand as he was standing in front of you, but not facing you.
You had seen him from afar a couple of times, but he had never spoken to you before. He seemed to be one of the reserved princes. Something that made him mysterious and interesting.
“I.. am looking for someone, your majesty.”
“I thought you were supposed to be here for us.. I think you might be a bit too young for my father.”
“No!” you quickly said, shaking your head, “I'm not..- that's not..-”
Yoongi chuckled and closed the book, turning around to face you, “I wasn't serious,” now that he was so close for the first time, you could really see his features. His perfect skin and hair, his smile, his eyes.. if anyone had asked you, you would have described him as a young god.
“So.. what are you really doing here?”
Well, good question, wasn't it? You couldn't exactly tell him, you didn't know him enough. If you came clean to him or any of the other princes, there was no way to know what they would do with this information, neither of them knew your father like the king had known him.
So he knew you weren't here to sleep with the king, but why else could you be here then?
You straightened your back a little, then you bowed.
“I am here for you, your majesty,” smooth. Very smooth, (Y/N).
“Me? My, my,” Yoongi put away the book, then slowly approached you, “How come?”
“I was tasked with giving all seven of you pleasure, yet I've not been able to achieve that task. I would..-” you gulped down hard when his fingertips ran over your cheek, “Like to be with you.”
Yoongi couldn't help but chuckle, “You know, love, usually we ask for the concubines to come to us, not the other way around. But.. I have to say I like your forwardness. Makes you unique from the others. But then again, that's what all of my brothers have said so far. Just how unique you actually are.”
He, just like Hoseok, intimidated you in a good way. They stood tall and made you feel like you were completely theirs in that moment and you liked that.
You liked the way Yoongi's hand came up at the back of your head and pulled you close until he could kiss you. You liked the way he dominated you with something so simple.
But you had to remind yourself that you were still standing in his father's quarters and while doing it in a bed would be a nice change for once, this bed was probably a bad choice. Because while his father might scold him, he would definitely kill you for it.
Yoongi seemed to notice your hesitation and began to laugh.
“Alright. I see. Let's go somewhere more private, shall we?”
You would have assumed that like with Jeongguk, you'd just go into the nearest available – semi-quiet – room, but Yoongi took you to his room instead.
“Some of my brothers have already enjoyed their time with you.. but today,” he stood behind you, opened up your hanbok and then immediately pulled off the undergarments, “You are all mine.. understood?”
“Yes, your majesty.”
And while the rest of the princes wanted to be called by their name, Yoongi actually seemed to like it when you called him by his title.
“Bend over for me,” he whispered into your ear, shivers running down your spine, but you did so without hesitation.
You walked to his bed, bending down until your upper body was lying on his satin sheets. The coldness and softness of them against your nipples alone made you want to moan.
“We used to never talk about concubines, you know? A comment here or there, maybe, but we never had a real conversation about it,” Yoongis fingertips ran over your ass, then his hand slapped the soft skin hard, “But my younger brothers can not stop talking about you.. about how soft you felt and how warm you were. How good you felt around them.. god, I got hard just thinking about my cock being buried so deep inside of you. But I'm a good older brother, you know? I thought I'd let the younger ones enjoy themselves first,” you could hear him undress himself and the more he talked dirty like that, the more anticipation started building within you, “But you coming to me like that.. how am I supposed to refuse?”
“Please, your majesty,” you whined.
The room was silent for a moment, then Yoongi let out a dark chuckle, “Oh, you are a special one..” and with one swift move, he buried himself inside of you with absolutely zero warning, until all of his shaft disappeared.
You thought he might let you adjust to his thickness, but Yoongi was eager to feel every inch of you. His thrusts were fast and hard, his hand continuously coming down hard on your ass cheek.
You didn't even try to hide your moans this time, mostly because it was obvious that he fully enjoyed it when you screamed for him.
“How are you so tight,” he bit down on his lower lip, grabbed one of your legs and pushed it up the bed so he had a different angle he could pound into you.
And god, that angle.. that angle did it for you.
The only one you had reached your height with so far was Jimin, but now Yoongi managed to make you come within the first five minutes and you knew that you would come again since he didn't stop there.
He didn't even give you time to come down from your first height, the only two seconds of rest you got was when he turned you around and pushed you a little further up the bed so he was now looking at you while fucking you into oblivion.
He was holding up your legs, never once looking anywhere other than your eyes and while holding his gaze wasn't easy, you didn't look away either.
His eyes were dark, filled with nothing but lust and he was practically eating you up with them.
“You're a good little slut for us, aren't you?”
“Yes,” you moaned, making Yoongi chuckle.
He wasn't used to concubines talking back, but it spurred him on even more. It made him go even harder on you, it made him want to take this even further.
And there was always one thing he had wanted to try, but never dared to ask anyone.. even though the concubines were there to make him happy.
“Get on your knees,” he ordered as he pulled out of you.
While you did so without hesitation, even if confused, he continued to stroke himself.
He grinned down at you, gently brushing through your hair, before he grabbed it all and tilted your head back, “Open your mouth for me, beautiful.”
Have you done this before? No. Did your instincts kind of tell you what to do? Absolutely.
And you weren't stupid, you knew what was about to happen.
And.. you didn't hate it.
He shoved his cock inside of your mouth, letting out the longest and most pleasurable sounding moan you had ever heard in your life.
It was clear that you weren't experienced, but he didn't seem to be either. This was new for both of you, so you just experimented a little. You listened to his moans that got louder each time you sucked a little harder, each time your tongue slid over the base of his cock and each time you kissed his balls.
A part of him wanted to drag this out longer just because the feeling was so new and exciting, but soon he couldn't control himself anymore.
The sensation he was feeling, the power he felt in that moment.. it was all too overwhelming.
“I'm..- I'm going to..-” he tried to warn you, but you didn't even pull back, despite knowing what was about to happen.
And fuck, that turned him on even more.
He came so hard, spilled himself fully inside of your mouth and even though the taste was bitter and it felt weird, you just.. gulped it down. Part of you thought it would be rude to spit his.. royal seed out. That sounded weird, but it was true.
And Yoongi loved that.
It made him feel like you fully were his, even if just for a moment.
His chest was heaving heavily, his face completely flushed, but he pulled you back up and gently wiped over your mouth with his thumb.
“Stay with me.. the entire day,” he whispered, “I want you again.. and again.. and again,” he grinned, pushing you back onto his bed.
And then all that could be heard from within his rooms were your giggles, mixed with the occasional moans.
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Strange Kids, Those Frye Twins
In which Ethan Frye notices the oddly weird behavior of his children that indicates a much deeper level of sentience than anyone could’ve thought they had.
Ethan Frye didn’t know when he started noticing it, the strange… patterns he sees in his children. He could’ve chalked it up to his absence for the first six years of their lives, something that could’ve existed long before he entered their lives and would exist long after.
He would’ve chalked it up to that if it weren’t the general uneasiness their behavior caused in him. The queasiness he felt in one look that lingered on for a second too long, the too quiet steps that one would attribute to a Master Assassin, not two six, seven come November, year old kids who haven’t even started training, or the slight tilt of their heads when they thought they were alone, even for the briefest moments, before they caught wind of some else’s presence and just started… staring at whomever dared to interrupt their… whatever.
And at first Ethan brushed that story off, dismissing the cautiousness of the maids and servants as mere stories. That was until he experienced it himself one September morning, the third of September, he remembers. It was almost midnight, he was exhausted, and he had been working so hard that day that he didn’t even have time to wish his children goodnight. Not like he usually did, but it was nice to put in the effort sometimes. He was on his way to his own bedroom, footsteps quiet due to years of training, and passed the twins bedroom.
The door was open, an unusual sight to Ethan. He paused before passing the door, masked his presence by hiding in the shadows, and utilized his Second Sight, only to see two small figures of… of… Ethan didn’t know how to describe it, but his head was hurting the more he looked, and the warmth in his chest clued him in to the fact that those were his children. With his Second Sight, he could see that they were sitting on their beds, Evie on the left side of the room, and Jacob on the right. Their heads were tilted, and one leg dangled off the bed, swinging side to side in a hypnotic motion. They were a mirror image of each other. Mid swing they paused the movement of their leg, almost as if they were frozen in time, and in the blink of an eye, their heads were turned to Ethan’s direction, as if they were staring right at him through the wall.
Something told him to stay there, to not make himself known and wait until their attention was somewhere else, but that queasy feeling came back again and he knew it wouldn’t go away until the twins weren’t staring at him through the wall. So he deactivated his Second Sight, and took a few loud steps until he was in front of their strangely opened door, in their line of sight.
They were still staring at him, six-year-old eyes wide like saucers, and almost shining in the completely dark room. Ethan looked around, trying to understand what the hell his kids were doing. The window was closed, and thick curtains had been placed in front of it, allowing nothing but darkness to be in the room. They didn’t even light a lamp, which made sense since they were supposed to be sleeping, but it didn’t feel… right to say that was the reason. It wasn’t true.
Once his inspection of the room was over, he met the eyes of his children once again, and he swore they hadn’t blinked this entire time, eyes both watery and shining like a child, but dry from not functioning properly. Ethan wondered how that could be as he tried to figure out something to say now that he held their gazes, or gaze. He often thought they shared one eye, one touch, one mind, and soul, and that theory only seemed to be proven correct in the years to come.
“I thought you two would be asleep by now.” He scolded himself for letting that be the best thing he could have come up with in that moment.
Jacob, always the aloof one, well towards Ethan at least, didn’t respond. The twins both blinked, finally, in unison, before Evie responded, for the both of them, Ethan assumed. “We do not need to. Goodnight.” They continued to stare at him as he stood there for a few more seconds, until he gave a curt nod, voice caught in his throat at the abrupt farewell, and moved past the door, not even bothering to remember about the open door until he heard the pitter-patter of a child’s footsteps, purposely loud, that he knows, and the click of the door as it shut.
That night, Ethan wondered if they had left the door open on purpose or not. Was he meant to see that, or did he intrude on something meant for someone, or something, else? Each answer made him uneasy again, and he knew that his children wouldn’t stop making him feel that way.
His children, he didn’t know just why yet, but his children were indescribable. He didn’t know what the reason was for their behavior or what actions they were going to take because of it. And no matter what excuse he brings up, whether it be due to their grandmother’s influence, some strange drink or food, or whatever, it never seems to fit. It never seems to describe what was the root of this… he didn’t want to call it an issue, but it was definitely a mystery. One that Ethan doesn’t believe that he will be able to solve in his lifetime.
The queasy feeling comes back to him that night at dinner. He is the first one at the dinner table, a strange occurance, as the twins’ grandmother always told him of how they would rush to the table at dinner time, the appetite of toddlers insatiable. But he waits for his children, watching the entryways to the dining room to greet them. It hasn’t fully settle in, that queasy feeling, not until he looks away from the entryway and sees Evie and Jacob sitting in their respective chairs across from him. Evie on the left, and Jacob on the right.
They’re a bit taller now, Ethan denotes, when he figures out that they aren’t using a book to make them taller. Of course he realizes this before the shock of their sudden appearance can settle in fully. Once it does, the queasy feeling comes back in droves. He didn’t hear them walk in, let alone see them. Sure, there were other entries, but those were only known to Ethan and his allies in the Brotherhood, used for late night meetings and exchange of information that can’t be disclosed anywhere else. Ethan doubts that they know of those, but couldn’t, nor wouldn’t, put it past them. He also couldn’t excuse the possibility that they just… appeared, no matter how absurd he thought the explanation was. He kids were absurd, yeah, that’s the word! His kids were absurd.
Evie places her hands upon her lap, while Jacob places his on each side of the small plate in front of him. Jacob’s hands are wet and red, as if he ran them under hot water, and he’s slightly hunched over, staring at his empty plate with no emotion in those hazel eyes. Evie sits quietly, spine straight and fiddling with the white ribbon in her braided hair with her left hand, also wet, and also red.
“I’m surprised you two are late. You’re usually the first ones to be at the dinner table, according to your grandmother.” He can see the frown form on the twins’ faces, or face, they are alike in so many aspects, at the mention of their grandmother. It is a quick change from their blank stare just a second before. Ethan’s hand reaches for the bell to signal the servants to bring out the food. He is aware of the gaze on his hand, not red and wet like his children, and Ethan should probably ask about that before they started eating. “Did you two just finish washing up?” He asks, gesturing to their hands as he watches the servants bring in plates of dinner in a straight line. When he turns back to his children, they’re both staring intensely at him, head tilted just a bit, just for a second, before straightening out. Ethan tries not to startle at it, and coughs to keep his composure. They both nod, once, in response to him as the plates of food clatter in contact with the table, and the servants bow before leaving.
He can vaguely hear the servants’ whispers of a couple of children gone missing around town earlier. He should probably set an earlier curfew for his children.
He tries to spark up a conversation with the twins to distract him from that.
“So, what have you two been up to today?” He asks as he watches the two fix their plates with their red and wet hands, listening to the clinks of utensils as they grab their fill. Once they were done, Jacob and Evie switch plates, a strange ritual that Ethan has yet to figure out, but doesn’t want to interrupt, so he waits until they are done to grab food for himself.
Evie shoves food in her mouth before she can answer, and it is Jacob who speaks to him this time. “We played,” is his answer, and Ethan tries not to let the shock and unease show. It isn’t Jacob’s response that shocks him, but the fact that he spoke to him instead of Evie. He and Jacob had never truly gotten off on the right foot, the boy suspicious of him ever since his return from India. Ethan understands, of course. Understands that all he knew was his sister and grandmother, and never him, but even Evie was more open to Ethan than he. Evie spoke to him, Evie returned his hugs and signs of affection, Evie was a daughter. Jacob was not a son, or at least not yet. Ethan’s sure that it would resolve itself soon, he hopes.
And Ethan knows he shouldn’t be thinking these thoughts, knows that some part of Jacob, and therefore some part of Evie, feels the distance between them. The rift that exists due to years of absence. But he was trying to make it better, couldn’t he, and therefore they, recognize that?
Ethan moved to put food, pork, on his plate, grabbing greens as well, just to set a good example for his children.
“You shouldn’t be out all day,” Ethan starts, as he watches Jacob pick at the food on his plate. Did he not want to eat? Even after Evie had picked out what she knew he wanted? Strange. “You two aren’t able to defend yourselves properly, and there are a lot of strange people out there that could hurt you.” Evie blinks, swallowing her food before looking at Jacob, then down at his plate of food. Jacob was eating now, fingers tapping on the table.
“We are fine.” Jacob says once more, before the two eat in silence. Ethan decides to join them.
His eyes rake over his children, at Jacob’s chubby cheeks, his hair shiny, like his mother, and the way he twirls his fork around in between bites of food. He looks at Evie, who has been silent this whole dinner, who looks at Jacob out of the corner of her eyes, the ones that they share. The ones that sees everything Jacob sees, and observes him as if she’s waiting for something to happen. Her dress today is pink, a color he doesn’t see her wear often, and in her shiny hair is a white ribbon that Ethan doesn’t remember her wearing earlier. Although now that he’s thinking about it, did Evie change clothes throughout the day? Did Jacob? He doesn’t remember what they were wearing this morning, but it couldn’t have been black slacks and a blue shirt, in the case of Jacob, or the pink dress that Evie wears, could it? As he tries to think back to this morning, think back to his children, he realizes his memory is a bit fuzzy. He can’t visualize them clearly, can’t visualize the clothes they’re wearing, the expressions on their face, the words they spoke.
Was he just not paying attention? Was he just an awful father for not noticing?
Ethan focuses on his children once again. Playing, Jacob had said, but there were no signs of it on their figures. No dirt on Jacob’s clothes, no sweat on Evie’s brow, no harsh breathing from hours of playing. They’re cheeks are unusually flushed, but not from running, just from being extremely healthy. Now, Ethan could chalk it up to them just washing up before dinner, like they said they did, but he knew that it was a lie, that they didn’t do any of that.
What the hell did his children get up to today?
It was mid afternoon, The Twins could guess. Father is the one who kept the time, and Father is out doing god knows what. The Twins are in some field, one they’ve visited many times before, with lots of flowers and a stream not that far off. Evie, a Twin, sat down in the tall grass, dull brown hair flowing over her shoulders, touching a dress that had no color. In her lap sat a book, one she had read so long ago, and many Times before. Her skin was paler than normal, eyes less shiny than they should have been. Her eyes flickers over to her Twin, Jacob, who was near the stream, running back and forth as a crow rested on his thin, raised wrist. He wore pants and a button shirt that had no color, bare feet barely touching the grass as he ran. Dull brown hair flew over his unlit eyes, barely breaking a sweat as he hops into the air. The bird stayed perched, but gave its black wings a flap. Jacob settles down, catching Evie’s gaze and walking towards her. Evie closes her book, setting it down beside her, to her left, always to her left. Jacob, a Twin, her Twin, sits to her right, keeping his left arm raised so Evie can see the crow, a rook, clearly. Its black eyes stared at Evie, head cocked to the side, and Evie did the same.
Once their inspection of each other ended, Evie nods, looking at Jacob, who gives Evie a wide smile at her approval. Evie speaks, voice far beyond her years, petting the crow’s head with her finger. “A crow, this Time?”
Jacob nodded, rubbing under the bird’s beak. “Yup! This little bugger’s gonna be my Bird!” Evie nodded, moving her dull hair out of her face. “We need a name for him!” Jacob declared, looking around to spot something to give him a clue.
The Twins pause, blinking once, twice, before craning their heads near the trees that block the field off from the rest of the world. There stood a little girl, older then The Twins’ given age, around thirteen or fourteen years old. She’s wearing a pink dress, and has a white ribbon holding her hair in a braid. Next to her stood a boy, same age as the girl, wearing black dress pants, a blue overcoat, and black boots, strange dress for the slightly warm weather. The two were walking over to The Twins, bending down in front of them with wide smiles.
“Little girls shouldn’t play with animals like that, y’know?” The pink dressed girl says. Her hair doesn’t get in her face like Evie’s did. Evie blinks as she registers she was being talked to, and leans away a bit as she realizes the two strangers are in her space, in Their space. It was Their space. Jacob moves his arm away from the boy as he tried to touch his Bird. The rook gave a small caw of caution. Jacob eyes narrow at the frown on the boy’s face. “Come on, my friend and I have a better things we all can do then sit here in the dirt.” The little girl says, tugging on Evie’s dress without color. A sound of disapproval comes out of Jacob’s mouth, an animalistic sound almost. One look from Evie placated him, as his Twin took her arm back.
“Our friend has a carriage, you know! He said he’s going to let us visit the countryside, and you can come with us if you want.” The boy said as he tried to pet Jacob’s Bird once more. The Bird nipped at his fingers, cawing even louder. Jacob can feel his teeth grind together in annoyance, an emotion he doesn’t feel often in this Time.
The Twins stay silent though, still staring at the strangers with suspicion.
The strangers falter under the stare of The Twins, but didn’t back down. “Come on,” whined the girl, “it’ll be fun! I promise!” She widens her eyes, something that The Twins are sure worked on many others. Not them, however.
The Twins are smart enough to know the strangers are trying to lure them somewhere. For what, The Twins do not care. All they care about is the fact that these strangers are in Their space, Their bubble.
The Twins gave one look to each other. An ask for permission. An understanding reached. A decision made.
In unison, they, The Twins, turned back towards the strangers as the sun seemed to dim, gone so, so fast, leaving the field in a semi state of darkness. In that state of darkness, The Twins eyes glow a color that could not be described, like ancient beings thought to only be seen in the sky. The wind blew, picking up speed slightly, whipping the stranger’s hair and clothes around them as it got darker and darker. The Twins remain unaffected by the change in weather, eyes boring into the souls of the strangers, who were unable to look away from the only source of light in the pitch black of the field.
A caw from the bird, an unseen flap of its wings, and as soon as the change started, it was over.
When the light returned, The Twins were petting the bird, staring at one another as another understanding was reached.
The strangers are gone now, were never there as far as The Twins are concerned.
There is new life in The Twins, that much anyone could tell if they could remember what they looked like before.
Their cheeks are rosier, hair shining in the sunlight, the eyes that they share bright. Evie holds a white ribbon in her hand, holding it out towards Jacob. Jacob nods and sets his Bird down on the ground. He stands up, adjusting his blue shirt and wiping off the dirt from his black pants, before settling behind Evie, his Twin. He grabs the ribbon from her hand and moves her shiny brown hair from hair face, letting it fall behind her. He braids her hair, tying it together with the white ribbon, readjusting the braid until it falls over her left shoulder, settling on her pink dress.
“Colin.” Evie says once Jacob was done, fiddling with her new ribbon. Jacob looks at his Bird, who looks back at The Twins with a tilt of its head. The Twins did the same.
“Yes, Colin.” Jacob says, happy that his Bird has a Given name for this Time. Evie smiles as well, standing up with her Twin. Colin gives another flap of its wings, wanting to fly, and needing permission. Jacob nods, and The Twins watch the bird fly towards the sky, circling over them for protection. They take a few steps over to the river, feet barely touching the ground as they bend down, Evie to the left, Jacob to the right. In unison they submerge their hands in the running water, interrupting the age old flow. They sit like this for a while, watching as the water starts to bubble up, like a pot of water sitting over a fire. They keep their hands there and watch as steam rises from the water, surrounding them and clouding their vision.
A few seconds pass and they remove their hands, now wet and red, from the water. The Twins are clean now. They stand up in unison, wiping the dirt from their knees, and Jacob raises an arm for Colin. The Bird came, sitting on his wrist with a cry.
“No.” Evie says as she goes to pick up her book. Jacob turns to her with a frown. “No.” She repeats, turning to her Twin. “He will not know what to do with Colin.” She states as a fact. It was. Evie gives her brother a sympathetic look. “Colin will still be here, Jacob. We will come back after Father leaves.” The frown never left Jacob’s face, but he knows his Twin is right. With a lift of his arm, Colin is gone, circling the air once more. “He needs Father’s trust.” Evie states another fact as they walk out the field.
“No.” Jacob objects, crossing his arms over his chest.
Evie sighs, taking his hand in hers. A touch that calmed her Twin down. “It doesn’t have to be a full conversation. You know that as well as I. Just establish a connection so Colin doesn’t see him as a threat.” She gave his fingers a squeeze, and Jacob lets out a huff.
“Fine. I draw the line at 3 sentences, though.”
“Deal.” She says, connecting their foreheads for a brief moment.
The Twins walked back to their home hand-in-hand, with a cry of Jacob’s Bird loud overhead.
As they prepare for bed that night, The Twins stand at the foot of their beds, staring at the opened door in anticipation. They can sense Father’s presence before they hear his footsteps, purposely loud this time. The Twins tilt their heads towards each other for a moment, reaching another understanding before focusing their eyes on Father’s figure.
Ethan didn’t know why his heart was beating so loudly as he walked towards the twin’s room. He tries to keep it in check as he approaches, footsteps loud in order to cover up the banging of his beating heart. Which sound the twins heard first, he is not sure. Once he reaches their door, he gives them a crooked smile, an odd thing to do, but he hopes expressing kindness would placate the… fear? Did he fear his children? God no, of course he didn’t, but it was something akin to that, was it not? The knowledge that his children were something else, something much… older or certainly not human, but at the same time they were. Maybe an ancient subset of human, or maybe something that came before, evolved into the now.
Whatever his children were, whatever they are or have been or will be, Ethan would have to deal with it accordingly, deal with their absurdity in a way that would not have them turn on him once a wrong step was made.
“I just wanted to say goodnight,” he states, fingers drumming on the doorframe, and as he looked at their slightly glowing eyes, he wonders how many times his children have been on this Earth before, how much knowledge they have, how much they experienced. They blink at him, and Ethan feels his uneasiness return.
“Goodnight, Father.” They say in unison, and Ethan is once again shocked at Jacob’s speaking. He watches them climb into bed, laying down on their side and facing one another without blinking. At this point Ethan knows he’s observing something he shouldn’t be, so he closes the door and walks back to his room for the night.
Yeah, he would have to deal with his children accordingly, even if he doesn’t completely understand what the hell they are yet.
#assassin’s creed syndicate#assassin's creed#assassin’s creed#jacob frye#ethan frye#Evie Frye#ac syndicate#assassin’s creed fanfic#assassin’s creed fic#fanfic#horror#?#would you call it that#Frye Twins#eldritch beings
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