#i have many thoughts about security and surveillance and ai right now
amethystsoda · 11 months
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✨ just travel things ✨
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stumblngrumbl · 2 years
Do you believe there's any ethical way to share anymore? I know even basic things like Gmail or (especially) Discord are terrible with privacy, and even independent websites ask for cookies and probs use ai.. Do you think we'll have to go back to mailing eachother letters? Or accept that theres always a risk when it comes to putting urself out there? Sorry if this is dumb, your ai post said a lot of things i didnt know how to put into words.
I think right now there's actually more than lip service being paid towards privacy by most of the big players (Google etc), at least insofar as actually keeping your actual thoughts private. Obviously they scan your gmail to see if there's something they can advertise to you, but they literally don't keep copies of our email for other nefarious purposes (unless there's a government warrant, of course).
I don't expect this to remain true for long though (and it's easier and easier for the gov't to grab your stuff, too). I've got a pretty bleak view of the future, and rather than get you and any of the other 11 (heh heh) readers of this down, I'm going to put further thoughts under the jump.
Don't read more of this, it's probably depressing.
I'm serious. You don't want to be this serious too.
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I already talked about what I expect from AI re: surveillance. The impact of AI really doesn't end there, though - we're able to do more and more with automation and mechanization, and while some people say "there's always going to need to be farmers" and what-all, but the question is how many workers will be actually need in the future?
In the Star Trek utopia - a post-scarcity utopia - there's more than enough for everyone, and society has room for everyone as a result.
Do we really think our society is moving in that direction?
I'll tell you where I think society will end up at the rate we're going: spoiler, it's not a utopia.
At some point mechanization will be so complete that everything that the very top class (the 0.0001%, billionaire class) needs can easily be provided by a small number of… we'll keep calling them workers, for now. The rulers will tire of the endless petty problems that all the rest of us have - it's too hot, there's not enough water or food, there's too much water, asylum seekers, diseases from deep in the forests are cropping up too much from too many people having to go into them, ancient plagues coming from the thawing permafrost, etc.
They'll realize that everything's getting to a boiling point, hole up somewhere behind their walls, and let the rest of the world crash down. They'll pull the plug. There'll be such privation - mass starvation, people dying of diseases, storm damage, wars between smaller states; mass migration will be attempted, but the rulers will just not care any more.
They won't need to. They can let it all fall down and there's nothing we'll be able to do with all their drones and automated war machines - it's not quite Skynet because there's still people running it, but the effect is the same. Keep the rulers' area secure at all costs, ride out the chaos.
In the meantime, they'll have all of their minions under lock & key (very literally; you don't want to know what's in the ankle bracelet, and it's probably not on the ankle any more) and they're under the same surveillance to keep track of what they're doing. AI will be able to read what they write, hear what they say.
You'd hope that their minions would see that their overlords are no better than the worst Bond villain, but seriously - what can they do? One person acting out alone is likely to be killed by other minions because they can't even begin to conspire. It's all or nothing, and things outside will be so bad that the minions will see their lives and what happens if we try to kill the bad guys and succeed, but then we have to deal with all the zombies rest of humanity? We've got it pretty dang good here.
They won't need us for long, the way things are going. Well, they'll need a few of us for entertainment and to do the few things that still need a bit of a flexible human brain, but it won't be that many. Meanwhile, we'll set things up so that they can go their own way.
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Only Friend
Character: Jason Todd x Fem!Reader [Robin!Jason Todd]
Summary: Gotham mourned for Robin. But who mourned for Jason Todd? Y/F/N Y/L/N wasn’t just another one of Jason Todd’s friends. She was his only friend.  
Word Count: 7,000 [One Shot]
Warnings: Violence, Death, Loss, Grief
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Y/N didn’t know what time it was. She hadn’t opened the blinds in her room for days. And she didn’t plan on doing so anytime soon. In fact, she didn’t plan on getting out of bed anytime soon.
She heard a knock on her bedroom door. From the sound alone, she knew it was her mother.
“Y/N, dear. Can I come in?”
She wanted to say, ‘No.’ She wanted to say, ‘Go away.’ But Y/N didn’t even have the energy to do that. So she just laid still with the covers over her shoulders and said nothing. 
Her mom slowly opened the door.
Y/N’s family had been tiptoeing around her since it happened. They didn’t know how to handle the situation. Most parents don’t expect for their daughter’s best friend to die. No child should have to face grief like this.
But Y/N had no choice.
Because Jason Todd was dead.
“Hi, honey,” Y/N’s mother cooed as she walked into the room. Then she placed a plate of food on her nightstand. “I brought you something to eat.”
Y/N didn’t even so much as look at her mother, just continued to stare off into nothing.
“Is it alright if I open of your blinds and windows. I think you could use some fresh air.”
Y/N gave what appeared to be a half shrug, barely visible underneath the thick covers.
But her mother seemed relieved, it was starting to smell musty in the room.
Her mother sat on the edge of the bed and stroked Y/N’s face. “The funeral’s tomorrow.”
Y/N’s eyes finally looked up at her mother – desperate and scared. “Do I have to go?”
“I think you’d regret it if you didn’t, honey. You deserve your chance to say goodbye. Your father and I will be there with you.”
Then Y/N closed her eyes and burst into tears. “I had a dream about him last night. And I woke up and remembered–” she had to pause to catch her breath. “I-I-I remembered he’s g-gone.”
“Oh, honey,” her mom whispered as she pulled Y/N into her arms. “I know you miss him. I know. He was your best friend.”
Y/N pulled away and looked up at her mom. “He was my only friend,” she corrected.
Jason Todd was sitting at a lunch table by himself and reading when someone slammed their tray down across from him. His eyes flickered up in a glare, already expecting someone to try and pick a fight with him or something.
But instead he found a girl standing above him, smirking down at him.
No, not just any girl, the prettiest girl in their grade. No one else at this stupid school seemed to think so. But that just further proved Jason’s theory that everyone here were idiots.
“Hi,” she said confidently.
“H-Hi?” Jason stuttered back.
“I’m sitting with you,” she announced as she sat down. “I’m Y/N.”
Jason finally smirked and remained confused. “I know who you are…”
“You’ve never talked to me, so how was I supposed to know?” Y/N said back. “And you’re Jason Todd.”
“Yes?” He responded.
Y/N laughed at his confusion.
Jason Todd wasn’t popular. There was a disconnect between him and his peers. The kids at Gotham Academy were trust-fund babies and spoiled brats. They were such snobs that there were even cliques separating the kids who came from old money from those who came from new money. It all seemed ridiculous after literally starving in the slums of the city. 
Jason Todd wasn’t a rebel. He didn’t lash out or let his inability to connect to the other students make him feel down. Ask any teacher who had him and they would say he was a straight-A student and he never once caused trouble in their class. He was always polite and respectful, responsible and well-behaved.
Jason Todd wasn’t bullied. Maybe it was a vibe he gave off, but somehow the other kids knew not to mess with him. Jason came to school with a black eye once, and he always wondered if it freaked them all out enough to never try to mess with him – not that they would ever stand a chance against him.
In regards to the middle school hierarchy, Jason was nobody.
Because Jason Todd wasn’t really a kid. He just had the misfortune of also not being an adult yet.
He was just a poor punk from the Narrows, who just happened to try and steal the tires off the car of Gotham’s notorious vigilante. He didn’t belong at this snobby prep school.
But going to school was one of Bruce’s demands after making Jason his new Robin.
Jason just didn’t know how to make a convincing argument for why he didn’t need social interactions with kids his own age.
“Is this some kind of dare?” Jason asked Y/N.
She froze her eating and scoffed at him. “You’ve watched too many bad teen movies. What kind of asshole would I be to do something like that?”
But Jason still looked around the cafeteria, expecting to find a table full of people watching this interaction and trying to hide their giggles.
Y/N finally slammed down her food, sat back, and crossed her arms. “People at this school suck.”
“I saw you reading Pride & Prejudice the other week. And you were wearing a Led Zeppelin t-shirt yesterday. You helped pick up Jill’s stuff when her backpack ripped open, while everyone else just laughed.” She paused. But Jason waited. “What I’m saying is that I’ve decided that you don’t suck.”
“Oh,” Jason blurted out.
“Do you honestly think anyone at this school even knows who Jane Austen is? And some dude in my English class tried to tell me Nickelback was his favorite band.”
Jason laughed at that. “How did you even respond to that?”
“I asked him if he was fucking with me and then the teacher yelled at me for swearing. And I told her, ‘How am I supposed to react to a Nickelback fan without using profanities?’”
Jason laughed again.
That was how Jason and Y/N became best friends. That was all it took.
Jason would soon find out that Y/N didn’t belong here just as much as him. She didn’t come from money – just your normal, middle-class suburban family. She’d won a full-ride scholarship to Gotham Academy, which was impressive since they only handed out one per grade.
Meanwhile, Bruce Wayne made one 30-second call and Jason was accepted – no questions asked.
Y/N was rather mature for her age, but it wasn’t the product of being Batman’s sidekick and fighting the criminals of Gotham City.
Any second Jason had to be a normal kid was spent hanging out with Y/N. Jason was at Y/N’s house all the time, loving Y/N’s parents and envious of the stable home Y/N got to grow up in.
It took awhile for Jason to feel comfortable inviting Y/N to the manor, despite Alfred saying he was welcome to have friends over whenever he wished. Jason eventually got over his embarrassment. While Y/N seemed in awe of Wayne Manor, the evidence of Jason’s wealth didn’t make her treat him any different. They mostly hung out in Jason’s room anyways. Or in the kitchen when Alfred made them snacks.
While they were at school, they always ate lunch together and walked to classes shoulder-to-shoulder any chance they got. They only needed each other.
They ignored everyone else. And in return, everyone else left them alone.
For the most part.
Jason should’ve known something was wrong when he heard the commotion on his way to third period.
When he heard kids start chanting “Fight!” his gut somehow knew Y/N was involved.
Jason shoved his way through the thick circle that was surrounding the drama.
He reached the opening just in time to see Y/N tackle a boy named Parker to the ground. The crowd gasped, not actually expecting them to actually go through with violence. Then Y/N lifted her fist and landed a punch to Parker’s face.
But Jason quickly stepped forward and pulled Y/N off.
“He’s not worth it, Y/N.”
Recognizing the voice of her best friend, Y/N allowed him to pull her away.
“Gonna let your boyfriend pull you away?” Parker yelled out.
Y/N whipped back toward him, but Jason wrapped his arms around her and held her back. “Y/N, leave it!”
“I’m not the one with the a black eye and bloodied nose, asshole!” Y/N screamed, only half fighting Jason’s hold. “Next time, I’ll kick you so hard in your tiny dick that you won’t be able to have kids.”
Jason managed to drag her through the halls with a vice-like grip on her hand.
Y/N scoffed at his efforts, “Where are you even taking me?”
“We’re ditching class.”
She shrugged. “Sounds good to me.”
Jason knew exactly what exit didn’t have an alarmed rigged to it or any video surveillance. He also grabbed a cellphone in his back pocket and started to type frantically.
“You have a cellphone! What? Since when? My parents said I can’t get one until high school,” Y/N groaned enviously.
Little did she know, Jason had set up an AI system that would call the school with Bruce’s voice and leave a recording about how Jason needed to be dismissed from school. It was perfect for Bat emergencies. 
He had added Y/N’s parents voices to the algorithm a few months ago, having a hunch it would come in handy.
As soon as they were a safe distance away from the school, Y/N let go of Jason’s hand and walked slightly ahead of him.
With their freedom secured, Jason could focus on Y/N now.
“What did he do?” He asked her gently.
Y/N was smart and calculated. If she’d picked a fight with someone, Jason knew it had to have been caused by something serious.
“Doesn’t matter,” she mumbled.
Jason rushed forward and stopped her walking. “Hey, come on. It’s me you’re talking to…”
Y/N nodded, knowing he was right. They told each other everything, or so she thought.
Her eyes went to the ground, too embarrassed to meet his gaze. “We were in health class. Today was the unfortunate lesson for learning male and female anatomy. Mrs. Martin started talking about…” Y/N hesitated. “She started talking about boobs. Said something about when girls start seeing a change.”
“And?” Jason urged softly.
“Parker chimed in and said, ‘Or if you’re Y/L/N… never.’”
Embarrassed by her confession, Y/N started walking again – quicker, this time.
Jason jogged to catch up to her. “Fuck him. Only a loser asshole would say something like that.”
“Well…he’s probably right.”
Jason shrugged. “Who cares?”
This time Y/N stopped walking. “You don’t get it,” she snapped. “Every girl in our grade is growing up. And I still have the chest of a boy. My mom won’t even let me buy a bra because she says I don’t need it yet.”
Jason was speechless. 
To be honest, he had never really noticed. Y/N wore baggy band t-shirts or flannels all the time. He wasn’t exactly studying her silhouette when they hung out. But he never imagined that Y/N would be bothered by something like that.
“Sometimes I’d just like to…I don’t fucking know…feel like a girl.” She paused. “A pretty girl,” she emphasized.
Jason stared into her eyes. “You are a pretty girl.”
Y/N sighed and rolled her eyes. “J, you don’t have to say that.”
“I’m serious. You’re the prettiest girl in our grade, Y/N.”
That caught her off guard. He’d never said anything like that to her before. 
Sure, Jason said nice things to her. But it was usually him complimenting her taste in music or thanking her for showing him a new book he loved. But he’d never called her pretty before.
Jason, worried that he’d exposed himself, pulled her to him so he could give her a noogie. And the moment was broken.
“Jason! I think I’ve proved today that I will hit a bitch!”
He just laughed and playfully shoved her away. “Come on. I’ll buy you one of those embarrassing frappuccinos from Starbucks.”
“Excuse you! They’re not embarrassing. They’re delicious.”
Jason could tell Y/N didn’t want to talk about the fight anymore. So he thought distracting her was the next best thing. 
And, by some miracle, they returned to school the next day without any punishment.
But Jason wasn’t done yet.
Parker didn’t realize he was messing with Robin’s best friend.
Jason was patient. He waited for the precise moment when Parker would be alone.
A week after the fight, Parker turned the corner of an empty hallway and jumped when he nearly ran into Jason.
“What do you want, Todd?”
Jason took a step toward him and lowered his voice, “If you ever say anything like that to Y/N again – or to any girl, for that matter – I won’t hesitate to beat the shit out of you.”
Parker side eyed him. “Yeah, right.”
Without hesitating, Jason reached forward, grabbed Parkers palm, and snapped the index finger of his dominant hand.
Parker let out a screech of pain and fell to his knees.
Jason kneeled down to whisper in his ear, “No witnesses. No cameras. And I’m actually in gym class right now, running the mile. No one will believe you.”
Parker looked up at Jason like he was a madman.
Jason smiled and patted him on the head. “Remember what I said.”
After that, Parker never even so much as looked in Y/N’s direction.
Jason and Y/N looked out for each other, protected each other
And Jason may have kept his other life of Robin from her, but Y/N seemed to already sense that there was something Jason was hiding. It wasn’t just something, it was dark.
When Y/N started noticing bruises and cuts on Jason’s body, she grew concerned. But she wanted to observe and think of all the possibilities before she ever brought it up.
Then one day at her house, she made a joke and slapped Jason playfully on the back.
He hissed uncontrollably and his entire body froze.
“Jason?” Y/N asked with concern.
“I’m fine. You just surprised me and knocked the wind out of me,” Jason said hurriedly.
But Y/N wasn’t stupid. She quickly grabbed the hem of his t-shirt and ripped it up so she could see his back.
“JASON! What the fuck!” She gasped in horror as she saw the bruises scattered across his skin. She had never seen anything like it. 
“Shh!” Jason tried to calm her to stop her parents from coming in and then having her immediately showing them too.
“What happened?” Y/N whispered, her eyes glazed over with tears.
“Nothing. I’m fine, Y/N. I promise.”
“You’re not fine. And this isn’t the first time,” Y/N countered. “You think you do a good job of hiding them, but I see the other bruises and cuts, Jason. And don’t think I don’t notice how often you skip school because your ‘sick.’”
Jason stayed quiet. He didn’t want to lie to her. But he couldn’t tell her. It could put her in danger. And if Bruce ever found out, he’d put a stop to the whole thing. Jason would never be Robin ever again.
“He does it,” Y/N whispered.
Jason blinked. “Who?”
“Bruce,” she clarified. “He beats you, doesn’t he?”
Jason’s eyes widened in horror. He knew Y/N was weary of his adoptive father. She noticed how absent he was from Jason’s life, then took note of how cold he was when he was present. But her theory made perfect sense. And if the roles were reversed, Jason probably would’ve come to the same conclusion.
“Y/N, Bruce has never hurt me.”
She frowned. “You don’t have to protect him. And you don’t have to take his shit. I knew something was off about him ever since I met him. But I didn’t think it was this.”
“Y/N…” Jason began.
“Does Alfred know?” She couldn’t imagined him every letting something like this happen if he did. Y/N had grown to love Alfred almost as much as Jason.
“There’s nothing for him to know, Y/N.” Jason laughed. “I was trying to walk across the railing above the great hall and fell and landed on my back. I didn’t tell you because I was embarrassed, OK?”
He knew from Y/N’s face that she wasn’t convinced. But she also knew not to push someone who was in the position she thought Jason was.
But to his horror, tears started falling.
“I just…I want you know that I’d do anything for you. You can live here! My parents love you and they’d take you in! Or-or-or we can run away together – just you and me.”
Jason hated seeing her cry. She rarely ever did it. And to know he was the cause made him feel sick.
Not knowing what else to do, Jason pulled her into a hug.
“I’m OK, Y/N. Promise. You don’t have to worry about me. Please don’t cry.”
“We just have to steal some of the stupid jewelry he has laying around and we’d be set for life,” she mumbled into his shoulder.
Jason laughed and pulled away. “Bruce took me in. Gave me a better life. He’s protected me. I know you don’t believe me, but the bruises aren’t because of him.”
Y/N wiped the tears away sloppily and nodded, but they both knew that Y/N didn’t believe him.
Y/N didn’t look at Bruce the same since that day. Not that she spent a lot of time around him.
But Bruce shared a look with Jason when he received the first very harsh glare from the pre-teen girl. It ended with a very uncomfortable conversation between Bruce and Jason where the boy explained what theory Y/N had come to.
Though Bruce said very little in response, he was wracked with guilt. To learn that someone thought he had the potential to behold the evil he tried so hard to eradicate in the world? It made Bruce sick to his stomach.
Now Y/N stood with her head hung low, in a crowd dressed in black.
These people didn’t know Jason Todd. Maybe they played the part of mourning funeral goer well. But Y/N saw their performances still.
The only people Y/N recognized were Bruce Wayne, Alfred, and Jason’s older brother, Dick Grayson. She’d never met him before, only seen pictures of him around the manor. Jason always seemed disappointed when Y/N brought Dick up or tried to ask about him. Y/N got the impression that he wasn’t all that great of a brother to Jason. Especially when it was obvious Jason looked up to him and was desperate for some sort of fraternal relationship.
Y/N looked up at her mother when the priest was finished with whatever he was saying. His words were impersonal, sullied by religion, and did nothing to comfort Y/N. He didn’t even say one thing about what made Jason so great. 
“Can we go now?” She whispered to her mother.
She patted Y/N’s back. “There’s a gathering inside the house now. We should say our condolences to Mr. Wayne and Alfred.”
Y/N frowned at that. The last person she wished to talk to was Bruce Wayne.
She had been watching the man through the entire service. He was stoic and collected. There didn’t seem to be any sadness to be found in his eyes.
The longer Y/N watched him, the angrier she became.
“Please, let’s just go,” Y/N begged her mother.
People were making there way into the manor now and weren’t paying any attention to a girl, despite the fact that she was the best and only friend of the boy they were pretending to mourn.
Her mother gave her a sympathetic look. “Honey, don’t you want to say hi to Alfred. I’m sure it would make him happy to see you.”
Y/N knew her mother was right. She could do that for Alfred. Plus, he gave the best hugs, and Y/N could sure use one of them right now.
They waited in a sort of informal line. Y/N wanted to hit everyone in front of them as she was forced to listen to their empty and rehearsed sympathies. Bruce didn’t say much in return, simply thanking each of them.
But when Y/N and her parents were finally up, Bruce Wayne’s expression shifted.
It was the first time Y/N saw any sort of emotion from the man. He looked heartbroken at the sight of Y/N, who’s hand was tightly gripping her mothers.
Bruce, standing at 6’2, knelt down to be at Y/N’s eye level.
“Hello, Y/N.” He greeted quietly so no one lingering around them could hear.
Y/N only glared at him. 
If she were being honest, she was surprised he even remembered her name. 
But Bruce continued. “Thank you for coming today. I’m sure the past few days haven’t been easy for you.”
Then he cleared his throat. And Y/N’s brow furrowed at the sound. Was he trying to hold back tears? No, that couldn’t be possible.
“I wanted to thank you for being such a good friend to Jason. He talked about you all the time. I’m glad he had someone like you in his life.”
Y/N felt nauseous at how genuine Bruce Wayne’s words sounded. His eyes were even more sincere.
What happened to the cold and distance man she’d had little to no interaction with?
‘He has an audience now,’ Y/N told herself. ‘He knows everyone’s watching. He’s performing just like the rest of them.’
“What did you do to him?” Y/N finally whispered to him.
Where she got the courage to speak to an adult in such a way, she had no idea – especially one as powerful as Bruce Wayne.
Bruce tensed at her question. Was that hurt in his eyes?
“Y/N!” Her mother hissed down at her.
“It was you. I know it was,” Y/N muttered as her lips trembled and tears started falling. She thought she’d run out of tears, but this was her final outburst.
“Y/N, enough!” Her mother hissed again and then made eye contact with Bruce and Alfred. “I’m so sorry. She’s not…she’s not handling any of this well.”
“You did this to him!” Y/N yelled. “He always had bruises…and-and-and cuts! You used to hurt him!”
“Y/N!” Her father finally chimed in, completely stunned by his daughter’s accusations.
“I hate you!” Y/N screamed in Bruce’s face as tears flowed down her face.
With that, she ripped her hand from her mom’s grasp and made a run for it. She heard her parents yell her name, but she ignored it and kept running.
Bruce stood up, looking unfazed from Y/N’s hateful and accusatory outburst.
“We are so, so sorry,” Y/N’s mom insisted. “She’s never done anything like that before.”
Bruce held up a hand, stopping them from continuing. “It’s alright. Really.” Then he sighed. “I’ll have Alfred go find her in a bit. Perhaps she just needs to let out some steam.”
Y/N didn’t even realize where she was running until she ended up at Jason’s bedroom.
Her entire body shook with sobs as she opened up the door.
It looked exactly the same, like nothing had even happened.
Y/N walked to the other side and slide against the giant windows, curling into a ball on the floor with her arms hugging her knees to her chest.
She cried and she cried and she cried.
There was no way for her to know how long she’d been there. But her head snapped up when there was a knock on the doorframe.
Dick Grayson leaned against the doorway with his arms crossed and a sad smile on his lips.
“Hi,” he greeted softly.
Y/N sniffed and rubbed the snot from her nose with the back of her fist, “Hi.”
“I’m Dick,” he introduced as he closed the door behind him and sat on the foot of Jason’s bed, making sure to give Y/N her space.
“I know,” Y/N answered back through a stuffy nose.
“Alfred tells me you and Jason were good friends.”
“We were each other’s only friend,” Y/N corrected him.
Dick nodded slowly.
“I hate him,” Y/N mumbled.
Dick winced. “Jason?”
“Believe it or not, I know how that feels,” he sighed.
“Did he hit you, too?” Y/N asked with wide eyes.
Dick opened his mouth, but was so shocked by the question that no words escaped.
“Why didn’t you help him?” She followed up with. “Where were you?”
Dick knew she wasn’t asking what he felt like she was: Why didn’t you stop the Joker? Why was Robin all alone? Why didn’t Batman call you for help?
But that didn’t stop her interrogation from hurting him.
“I haven’t always been there for him,” Dick finally admitted. “Actually…I’ve never really been there for him.”
Y/N looked at him with bewilderment. “Umm…” she sniffed. “I should find my parents.”
When she stood up, something caught her attention on Jason’s desk.
Y/N’s hand shook as she picked up Pride & Prejudice. He was the only middle school boy she’s ever seen reading a Jane Austen book. It was one of the reasons she wanted to befriend him in the first place.
“Keep it,” Dick surprised her by saying.
She quickly turned around and gave him a questioning look.
“You should keep it,” he told her. Then he looked at the overflowing book case she was standing near. “Take whatever ones want. He’d want you to have them.”
Y/N’s eyes flickered through the bookcase. Her heart was telling her, ‘No, they’re his books. He’ll need them when he gets back.’ But Jason Todd wasn’t coming back.
So she reached up and grabbed Jane Eyre and then Frankenstein.
“That’s it?” Dick asked. Because he would’ve let her take Jason’s entire collection.
Y/N nodded shyly.
Dick escorted her through the house and back to the gathering.
When she saw Alfred, Y/N rushed forward.
Dick’s heart ached as he saw the butler immediately kneel down and pull Y/N into a hug. He wondered what the man whispered to her. Whatever it was, it seemed to comfort her in a way that apparently nothing else was.
Then Y/N’s parents returned to her side. Dick expected them to scold her for her earlier outburst, but they just seemed concerned and started making their leave.
Y/N looked behind her and searched through the crowd to find Dick again. When she did, she gave him a sad wave.
Dick returned it with a sorrowful smile.
8 Years Later...
Jason had been keeping tabs on her since he returned to Gotham. He kept his distance, remained out of sight. He would jump from rooftop to rooftop as she walked home from a night class. Or he would wait for the window of her apartment bedroom to go off if it was a slow night of patrolling.
He told himself it was out of curiosity. But he knew deep down he was making sure she stayed safe.
Jason was happy to see that Y/N didn’t retain her lonesome ways in her life after his death. He frequently spotted her having dinner or drinks with friends.
But Jason didn’t know how to feel when it was clear that Y/N had no romantic partner. Was he relieved? Was he irritated that someone didn’t love and care for her the way she deserved? Would he have been jealous if there was someone in his life?
Jason wanted to find her as soon as he was brought from the dead. Even when he felt like he’d gone insane, when his thoughts didn’t make sense and he was confused…her face still echoed through his mind.
But vengeance became his priority.
And with it, Jason slowly convinced himself that it was best to stay far away from the only person he still cared about.
But that didn’t mean her didn’t want answers still.
After his war with Bruce – or really, his attempted murder Batman and the Joker – Jason allowed himself to actually look back on his old life, the parts that didn’t involve being a child vigilante.
Still not on speaking terms with Bruce. Jason decided to get his info from another source.
Cue a month or so after his brush with Bruce, Jason blindsided Dick the next time he was in Gotham and slammed him against the closest brick wall.
Jason used to look up to Dick as a kid, despite his older brother rarely even giving him the time of day.
But now, Dick was quite literally looking up at Jason. 
While Jason died a 13-year-old Robin, he was now a 6’3 man who had the set of a heavyweight boxer. Dick might be more flexible and acrobatic, but Jason had brute strength.
“What? B tell all of you not to talk to me?” Jason challenged when Dick didn’t fight his hold or speak to him.
“What do you want?” Dick asked evenly.
“Why did you keep tabs on her?” Jason growled, his voice distorted through his helmet.
“Keep tabs on who?”
“Y/F/N Y/L/N.”
Dick finally had enough of being bullied and shoved Jason’s grip off him. “Why don’t you look her up yourself? I’m sure you have no issue with hacking every personal database of hers.”
“That’s not why I’m asking,” Jason growled.
In fact, Jason had already done everything Dick had suggested. Which made him see that she had made a third-party domestic violence report to the police a week or so after Jason had died. And she had kept following up with it until the police finally came clean and told her there was no evidence to support her claim and she was wasting her time.  
It seemed Y/N was the only person that fought for Jason after he was gone. She had just picked the wrong fight.
“Why did you keep tabs on her?” Jason clarified.
“I just wanted to make sure she was OK.”
That caught him off guard a bit, seeing as Dick never gave a shit about Jason when he was alive. So why would he look after his best friend?
“What? Out of the goodness of your heart?” Jason ridiculed.
“She didn’t handle your death well, Jason. She even picked a fight with Bruce at your funeral.”
Jason smirked behind the safety of his helmet at the image.
Dick sighed and finally put down his defenses. “I failed you, Jason. All of us failed you.” He shook his head as he got lost in a memory. “Y/N even asked me why I hadn’t tried harder to protect you.”
Dick’s eyes saddened. “I figured if I couldn’t be there for you, the least I could do was make sure the most important person in your life was OK.”
It wasn’t the answer Jason was suspecting, but it was all he came for.
“Will you go see her?” Dick asked as he saw that Jason was about to take his leave.
“We were kids. Things have changed,” Jason grunted.
“I don’t think any of that would matter to her,” Dick defended. “I think she’d like to see you and know you’re OK.”
“Mind your business,” was the last thing Jason snapped at him before jumping off the rooftop and disappearing.
Jason did what he said: he left Y/N alone. 
He watched over her when he could. But most importantly, he didn’t drop a ghost from the past back into her life.
But he also tried to find that ghost in himself.
Somedays he thought that Jason Todd was lost forever.
But other days, like today, he still seemed to live on.
Jason browsed through the books on the shelves. He missed so many of them when he was dead and then when he reinvented himself.
Now he saw books as a time to fill in the empty space.
He was lost reading the back of covers when he heard it. No, when he heard her.
Next thing Jason knew, he was walking toward it.
“I’m sorry, dear. We’re all sold out of that title. You should’ve reserved it weeks ago,” one of the clerks told her with sympathy.
Jason peered between the shelves and caught a glimpse of y/h/c.
“I know. I just totally spaced. I think I’ll just browse for something else. Thank you for your help.”
Her voice sounded mostly the same, maybe a bit more mature. But he still would recognize it anywhere.
Jason knew he shouldn’t move any closer.
But he couldn’t help himself.
He was just one aisle away from her now, only a bookshelf separating them.
He slowly edged around the corner and smiled as he saw the massive pile of books that Y/N was trying to juggle in her arms. When she tried adding one more, they broke free from her grasp and stumbled loudly to the ground.
Jason didn’t know what he was thinking as he jumped forward and bent down to help her pick them up.
He saw her blush, but keep her head dipped from the embarrassment.
“Thank you,” she quickly laughed as she tried to pile the books back together as fast as possible.
Y/N opened her mouth to say more, but the words got caught in her mouth when she finally met Jason’s eyes.
He wondered how different he looked to her. Could she even recognize him? Or was he fooling himself when he became convinced he was an entirely different person after being brought back from the dead?
But his questions were answered when Y/N looked in shock, only unfreezing when her eyes began to tear up.
“It’s not possible,” she said so quietly that it was barely a whisper.
“Everyone good? I heard a loud noise.” The clear interrupted loudly.
Y/N jumped in response.
Jason stood and faced the clerk, “We’re fine.”
But when he turned back around, Y/N had booked it.
“Fuck,” Jason hissed before carefully handing the books to the clerk and quickly following after Y/N.
She made it further than he would expect. He actually had to look around the streets outside the store for a moment before he could spot her.
As soon as he did, he ran. But he called her name before he reached her to make sure he didn’t terrify her more.
Y/N froze when she heard him and whipped around. “Who are you?” She asked roughly.
There was a moment, when she first met Jason’s blue eyes, where she allowed herself to believe that perhaps a miracle had occurred.
But now she only saw this as some sort of heinous prank.
“It’s me, Y/N.” Jason almost sounded like he was begging her. 
She then fully took him in. Yes, he had the same face. But now he was a full-grown man – and an extremely handsome one at that.
“I shouldn’t have spooked you like that. I’m sorry.”
“You’ve been dead for 8 years,” she muttered.
“I know. It’s a…” Jesus. Jason didn’t even know how to go about this. “It’s a long and complicated story.”
“Were you ever really dead?” Then Y/N’s eyes flashed with a realization. “Did you stage your death? To get away from him?”
Bruce. She meant to get away from Bruce.
Jason looked around. This was no place to have this conversation. He couldn’t believe they were having it at all.
“Fuck. OK.” He quickly shuffled through his pockets until he found an old paper receipt and a pen. He quickly wrote something down.
“I know this is…a lot.” He ran a hand through his hair, a gesture that reminded Y/N of the Jason she used to know. “If you want nothing to do with me, I understand. You’ll never have to see me again.”
He took in a deep breath and handed her the receipt.
Y/N slowly took it and looked down to see a phone number written down.
“You deserve time and space to…” he couldn’t find the right word, “process all of this.”
Y/N watched him as if she was expecting him to vanish like some sort of hallucination.
“After you do,” Jason continued. “If you’re willing to hear me out, I’ll be there,” he told her sincerely as he gestured to the number Y/N now held in her hand.
He waited for Y/N to say something, or maybe even try to make a run for her life.
But after what felt like forever, Y/N gave a short nod.
Jason gave her a shy grin as he slowly started walking backwards. He hesitated saying one last thing for her. But his mind finally told him, ‘Fuck it.’
“I’ve missed you, Y/N.”
Jason told himself not to get his hopes up. Y/N had every right to be horrified by him and wish to never see him again. From what Dick described, Y/N hadn’t handled Jason’s death well at all. What child could?
But when Jason got a text from Y/N’s number a week later, asking him to come to her place, he couldn’t help but beam.
Except reality then quickly settled in. And it reminded Jason that this conversation would involve talking about his past for the first time.
‘Suck it up. She deserves to know,’ he heard his past self screaming in his mind.
An hour later, Jason was knocking on Y/N’s apartment door.
“Hi,” she greeted stiffly.
She led him to her bedroom. “My roommates aren’t home right now. But who knows how long that’ll last.”
Jason didn’t stop himself from looking around. Maybe it was a habit, all of his training of taking in every new environment with acute detail. But really Jason just wanted to take in Y/N and her new life.
That’s when he spotted the three books.
Jason immediately reached for one of them.
“Oh,” Y/N said sadly as she saw what he grabbed. “Umm…Dick told me I could take those. He…umm…said you’d want me to have them.”
“You kept them all this time?” He muttered, still looking at Pride & Prejudice.
“Of course.” Then a thought suddenly occurred to her. “You can have them back. I mean, they’re yours after all.”
Jason smirked at her fumbling. “No, keep ‘em.”
Then the tension from this strange reunion returned to the room.
Y/N gave him a heartbroken look and sat on the edge of her bed. “Jason,” she whispered, “what the hell happened to you?”
Jason slowly joined her on the bed.
His breathing shook as he tried to prepare.
But Y/N deserved to know the truth – the whole truth.
So he told her everything. He told her he was Robin. He told her how he died. He told her how he came back to life. He told her where he’d been.
The only thing he left out was how she was all he could think about when he watched the bomb tick down to 0 and he knew he was about to die. 
But the hardest part was explaining why returning to her wasn’t the first thing he did.
“It wasn’t Bruce. It…you…you were Robin that whole time?” Y/N couldn’t even seem to process it.
Jason just gave a curt nod.
“I reported him,” Y/N gasped. “I was convinced he had something to do with your death.”
Jason winced at that. “Well, if you asked him, I’m sure he’d take responsibility for it still.”
Y/N’s eyes glazed over as she tried to take another look at the past now that she knew the real truth that had been hidden. So many things made sense: all the injuries, Bruce’s behavior, Dick being a distant brother – all of it.
“Y/N,” Jason whispered. Her eyes whipped to his. “I’m so sorry for leaving you like that.”
Y/N finally allowed herself to cry. “Missing you is the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do.”
Jason didn’t care about keeping his distance any longer. He pulled Y/N into his arms, just like he used to when they were kids.
Eventually, her crying slowed and Jason knew he needed to finally say the hardest thing about this all.
“But I can’t stay, Y/N.”
Y/N wasn’t expecting that. “What?”
“I’m not…I’m not that kid anymore. I’ve done things – terrible things – that won’t ever let me return to the person you knew.”
“I don’t care,” Y/N said surprisingly harsh.
“I said I don’t care,” even though she knew he heard her. “You think I’m the same person after 8 years, Jason? You think that little girl didn’t face the consequences of losing the best friend she’s ever had?”
Jason didn’t know what to say to that.
Y/N wiped away her tears and her entire body shifted. “From everything you’ve told me, you don’t seem to have many friends – if any. So, sounds like you could use one.”
How could Jason have overlooked Y/N’s stubbornness when he anticipated how this would all end?
“I lost you once. I’m not losing you again. Especially not with all I know now,” she added. 
Jason didn’t even bother fighting her on it. Y/N had always been his greatest weakness. At least he knew that hadn’t changed.
“OK.” He agreed. “So what now?”
Y/N smiled at his surrender. “Now…we have a whole lot of catching up to do.”
Wow. I did not realize how long this was going to take me. 
Please, please, please let me know what you think. Reactions and feedback and reblogs are the only thing that keep me writing on here. 
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itsuki-minamy · 4 years
CHAPTER 5: “NAGARE.02” (Complete)
* K - Six Idols (List of Chapters) * Projects & Chapters
Translation: Naru-kun Raws: Ridia
"Emerald smoke for you..."
Hearing the familiar voice, Sukuna Gojo raised his face.
A scrambled intersection in Shizume where many people come and go. It projected a familiar face onto a huge screen that dominated him. It was a popular idol, Mishakuji Yukari, who belongs to the same unofficial office as Sukuna, "Jungle Pro".
"A stranger in the mirror. Yes, that's true. That's you."
As he waits for the traffic light, he looks up in amazement.
He knew he was in a cosmetic commercial, but Yukari uses feminine cosmetics by all means. Sukuna thinks that even though he is a decent man, it is amazing that he does not feel any discomfort in such commercials.
"Oh, it's Yukari-sama! I have to take a picture!"
"It's true, me too! I'll miss the points!"
A couple of women waiting for a stoplight with Sukuna hastily pulled out their PDAs and pointed them at the screen. They were probably users of "Jungle", the official application of "Jungle Pro". You can get various benefits by photographing the idol it belongs to and posting it on SNS. Sukuna relaxed before the two people who were continuously photographing while making a fuss about it.
One of them suddenly turned to Sukuna.
When he thought about it, he had perfect eye contact. The woman's eyes widened in the blink of an eye. A woman's voice is launched at Sukuna's back, who puts the hoodie back on and returns.
"Maybe Sukuna-kun?! A lie?! I can't see you here!"
Sukuna glared at Yukari on the screen with resentment.
"You have to take good care of your fans, Sukuna-chan. We idols have fans, so remember what Yukari once said."
"Hey, look at me! If possible, with the screen in the background! It's definitely a high point to be able to photograph two people together!"
The woman got excited and approached Sukuna while she held her PDA. The moment he turned his face, he could see the flash burning. That was not very pleasant.
Several options occurred to his, and Sukuna finally decided to stick with his beliefs rather than Yukari's words.
In other words, he turned around and ran away.
"Oh, wait!"
There was nothing to look forward to. Still, he was shocked because the women pursued him with all their might.
Whether they want that many points or are Sukuna fans, Sukuna got into a back alley.
"Hey, wait a minute."
That woman chased him to that point. Although she had no shoes or clothes that would make it easy to run in, she had a lot of guts and wrapped her tongue inside. However, he was sorry for running too much, so Sukuna decided to go "upstairs".
The left and right are the walls of the building. Sukuna kicked the left wall and jumped, clambered up the rain gutter using the outdoor unit as a trampoline, attached herself to the emergency stairs, and looked down.
The woman forgot to hold her PDA and looked at Sukuna in a daze.
Like a fan service at least, Sukuna looked down and stuck his tongue out making a face.
By the time the woman hastily took her PDA, Sukuna had already climbed the emergency stairs to the roof of the building.
At that moment, Sukuna's PDA rang with a ringtone. Sukuna took it and straddled the air conditioning duct.
"Sukuna, the fans must appreciate you."
Hisui Nagare, the "Green Idol King", said such a thing.
Sukuna pursed his lips. A security network with surveillance cameras is established in Shizume. With Nagare's "Idol King" ability, it's easy to break into that network.
However, if it is said that it is the skill that an idol must have, there is no choice but to squint.
"I know, so I guess I rounded it up early."
As he sat on the chute, he pursed his mouth further, showing his annoyance. At the tumbled intersection, the images changed, and Misaki Yata from "Homura" began to perform a new number of popular idols.
"If you sign or shake hands in such a place, a lot of people will come to you. Even my fans, even those guys. If that's the case, I thought it would be better to run away quickly."
"I see. That may be the case. I understand."
"Hmm?" That was the first time he thought about it.
Somehow, he felt that something was wrong with Nagare's response. There was nothing unnatural in the conversation, but with the usual Nagare, there are two more things that can be pointed out philosophically.
"By the way, Sukuna. It was time for your game to go live. Do I have to prepare?"
A feeling of strangeness again.
The game commentary is a syndication event that Sukuna regularly hosts on the video publishing site "MORIMORI Video" operated by "Jungle Pro". Proceed with new and old games by trial and error. Playing is popular, especially with young people, and has garnered a considerable number of viewers. No wonder Nagare, the operator, worries about it.
"Did you say it was postponed during this time? I tweeted and listeners should know."
"It's true, that was the case. I understand."
After all, something was wrong. Nagare would never forget such a thing.
"Hey, Nagare? Haven't you been weird for a while?"
"What do you mean weird?"
"What is it? It's like a machine. Well, I always say you talk like a machine, but today it's more likely than ever."
There was silence for a few seconds. The feeling of strangeness became even greater. Is Nagare really on the other end of this call? A question like that suddenly came to Sukuna's mind.
"I didn't hear you right, please try again."
"You're not crazy, are you?"
The moment he yelled, he dropped the call. Sukuna opened his eyes and looked at the PDA screen. He had goose bumps around the back of his neck.
There was an incoming call again. He shrugged and stared at the screen for a few seconds, without answering the call.
"It took you about 2 minutes to find out. Some experimental results were obtained. Thank you."
There was "emotion" in the depths of that voice. At least it sounded like that.
This Nagare is "real".
"Explain yourself."
Nagare spoke clearly at Sukuna's words, which include anger.
"I was telling you about 'Nagare.02' earlier."
"Nagare, what is that?"
"Well, it is a multifunctional artificial intelligence that tracks my own thoughts and voice, that is, AI, which I have secretly developed for a long time. Since the alpha version was completed earlier, I tried to speak to a person who knows me well by the moment."
"You are amazing?"
No, it is not. He really should get mad. He should make a complaint about being forced to experiment without warning.
Although he knew that, he still couldn't suppress the admiration and respect that springs from the bottom of his heart. Sukuna quickly asked a question.
"No, I didn't understand anything! The voice was natural, he could speak correctly and I thought it was fake, but I never imagined it was not human. What? That AI can do that?"
"Still, it was detected in 2 minutes. There is still room for improvement."
"No, it took me two minutes to figure out even that...?"
Given that, he was a bit disappointed. Sukuna believes that Nagare is a friend and understands him, but when he asks if he is more than the other two, he doesn't feel safe.
"Did you try it on Iwa-san and Yukari?"
"No, that's about to start. Sukuna, would you like us to monitor it together?"
A small smile reached Sukuna's mouth.
The humiliation of being stunned was eased, all he has to do is turn to the side where he placed it.
"Sure! I can't wait to see how they react!"
He wishes had bought more time, with that wish, Sukuna had great control.
"Oh, you two were planning that?"
In the underground space, commonly known as "Secret Base", which is the headquarters of "Jungle Pro".
As he gracefully relaxed, Mishakuji Yukari laughed.
Sukuna was in a bad mood. On the other hand, Nagare was only facing the front in a wheelchair.
"Yes. The ones who know me best are the best members of "Jungle Pro", you guys. Feedback in conversations with you will help "Nagare.02" evolve even more. I'm impressed."
"Okay, weren't you fooled by that thing?"
As he opened the beer can with a pleasant noise, Iwafune Tenkei pierced Sukuna's heart.
"Fufu, I'm sorry to say that, Iwa-san. Sukuna-chan didn't understand for two minutes."
"Oh? 2 minutes? It took so long, is that normal?"
"I have recorded the conversation at that time. If you wish, I can replay it here now."
"Enough, that's it!"
He suddenly became irritated and screamed. Yukari laughed, Iwa shrugged slightly, Nagare looked at him vaguely and...
"Kuwa, Sukuna, angry!"
"Take this!"
Sukuna threw a cushion at Kotosaka, who flew into the air like a fool.
Kotosaka avoided him, and Iwa, who approached quickly, grabbed the cushion that was about to hit the dresser.
"Here and there. You can't allow idol fights as a manager, right?"
"Get hold of yourself."
Sukuna turned around as if he was impressed, and scratched himself cross-legged on the spot.
After all, it took Yukari 10 seconds to realize it, and Iwafune, with just one word, discovered that "Nagare.02" was not the real Nagare Hisui, but an AI.
Sukuna, who was monitoring with Nagare, can't tell where the unnatural part was, since, "Nagare.02" had a very thorough dialogue. The only thing that could detect authenticity was his intuition and the length of their relationship.
For Sukuna, the ending was somewhat unconvincing. He feels like he's been one-sidedly tricked by an incredibly high-level enemy character.
"Anyway, Nagare-chan? Why did you make such a toy again? Because it's you, is it on a whim or to kill time?"
"Well. I developed "Nagare.02" because I found great meaning. It is an antithesis against the current landscape of idols and innovation in new fields. I mean, innovation."
"I do not know what you're talking about."
Iwafune said that while he was drinking beer. When Himizu looked at him, a hologram emerged in the center of the room.
"What I want to create is another new form of idol that traces my appearance and thoughts in my virtual space."
What is projected in the hologram is the CG model worn by "Green Idol King" Nagare Hisui during PV and live performances. Although it is an elaborate modeling that mimics the real Nagare, it is still different from the real one.
The model moved smoothly. He clasped his hands in front of his hips and bowed silently.
"Nice to meet you. I am "Nagare.02", a virtual idol that belongs to "Jungle Pro". Thank you."
The operation is no different than what Nagare always does. Nevertheless…
"This is not Nagare-chan."
"Is he the same guy I spoke to earlier?"
Yukari discovered by intuition and Iwafune discovered that it was not real from a long relationship. The Nagare proportion is small.
"Currently, it is not me who is manipulating this model, but the idol-type AI "Nagare.02". A unique algorithm allows an autonomous dialogue that is extremely close to humans."
And, "Nagare.02" I imitate Nagare with the same movement.
"Affirmative. I am a virtual idol. I am a pseudo-constructed existence in virtual space, and I express it by thinking of a program, appearance in a CG model, and sampling voice."
"What is this virtual idol?"
Whether it was Nagare or "Nagare.02", Iwafune was embarrassed, at least it was the human Nagare who answered.
"Virtual idols are idols of a genre that is emerging on the idol scene in recent years. Real people use a dedicated motion sensor to perform various performances imitating the appearance of CG, but there is still the problem that it must be a real person."
"My existence will solve the problem because my existence is fine. A real person is always needed, but my existence is free of the problem because it does not exist."
"'Nagare.02'. His conversation was not natural at the time. It requires learning and correction."
"I understand, Nagare Hisui. I will rest for 27 minutes and 33 seconds to learn."
The hologram of "Nagare.02" stopped moving.
Nagare took over, then turned to Yukari and Iwafune.
"That's why. Did you understand, Yukari, Iwa-san?"
"No, well... I get it, I don't know..."
"I understand that Nagare-chan has a plan that I don't understand."
Iwafune scratched his head and shrugged. In response, Sukuna yelled in annoyance.
"I don't know why? This is amazing! There are few AIs in the world who can have conversations that are not different from humans! Nagare put it together himself!"
"A conversation that is no different from humans, what was that?"
Iwafune bowed his head. He wasn't criticizing him, he just asked.
Sukuna defended himself in a hurry, although he was not the one who developed it.
"Well that can happen because he's still learning. He should constantly improve from now on. Right, Nagare?"
"Affirmative. Currently in alpha, but as his learning deepens, he must be as intelligent as humans and capable of natural dialogue. The ultimate goal is to make him an independent virtual idol."
"Independent idol, huh."
While staring at the motionless "Nagare.02", Iwafune took a sip of beer. Nagare didn't even notice and spoke of his plans for the future.
"At the moment, when we go into beta, we plan to experimentally upload the video to 'MORIMORI Video'."
"Is that something you want to do?"
"For now, I'm thinking of a simple song and a dance video."
Iwafune expressed concern as he stroked his chin.
"Isn't it better to wait a while? As far as I've heard the story, he couldn't have a proper conversation. If he says something strange, it will affect your reputation."
Many of the "Jungle Pro" fans have forward thinking. If he explains it correctly, even if it says "Nagare.02" or mysterious words and actions, he will find entertainment there. He wants to do it.
"It's like avant-garde art. Well, you might like it."
Yukari shrugged and seemed to lose interest in his existence. Apparently, "Nagare.02" didn't fit his aesthetic eye.
But Sukuna was different. He slapped his palm against his knee and raised his voice.
"I support you Nagare! Because it is so new and exciting!"
Anyway, Sukuna thought.
"Jungle Pro" is an office of "Innovation". It is different from other official offices where mold grows.
They are always looking for something new and exciting.
Sukuna is proud to say that it is the same for fans. Because he used to be just a user. Everyone has the potential to become an idol, even if they are just one user. That was the philosophy of "Jungle Pro" now.
You can make cool things with smart ideas and share them with anyone on the planet with a small team and network. Now they are breathing in that world.
So he can't think of winning a bet against something new
Sukuna yelled raising his fist.
"Let's do it! Let's help 'Nagare.02' learn various things and turn him into a new form of idol!"
Nagare's mouth, which looks like an expressionless sticker, slightly loosened in a word. A smile flowed, like when you find a partner who likes the same game. What was new and exciting was what Nagare and Sukuna had in common.
"Sorry, Sukuna. Then please cooperate with the 'Nagare.02' experiment."
"Leave it to me!"
In this way, the learning of "Nagare.02" by Sukuna and Nagare began.
"Hello. I'm Gojo Sukuna! Nice to meet you. And?"
"Nice to meet you. I am "Nagare.02", a virtual idol that belongs to "Jungle Pro". Thank you."
"You notice, don't you? It's the third time you've repeated 'Nice to meet you', it's weird."
"I understand, Sukuna. I will rest for 3 minutes and 32 seconds to learn."
"Oh, isn't it two minutes faster than it was? You can't hear it anymore. So let's start the game now. Oh, yeah, what are we playing today?"
While explaining to the channel's listeners, Sukuna confirms the current number of viewers for the live broadcast. It's the best number he's ever had. That means it is going well.
Almost a month has passed since the announcement of the distribution in collaboration with "Notes" on Sukuna's "SUKUNA's Playroom" game distribution channel.
The purpose of this distribution is, of course, to make "Nagare.02" learn more. Playing games together and being exposed to the reaction of listeners is the best learning material for artificial intelligence. From such an idea Nagare, Sukuna and "Nagare.02" will be distributed together.
By the way, the nickname for "Nagare.02" was devised by Sukuna by combining the initial letter "N" and the model number "02", and it is much easier to call it "Nagare.02".
Eventually, the "Notes" expression reflected in the corner of the screen regained its vitality, which is inappropriate for "Notes" which was originally unconventional.
"I'm back, Sukuna. Let's start the game today."
"Oh, welcome back. You know him already, "Notes"? What you're doing today is a live horror game. Have you ever played a horror game?"
"Negative. I have tried several games with Nagare Hisui, but I have not completed the genre defined as horror."
"So today is your first experience. Be careful not to get too nervous and sit down."
"Okay, Sukuna. But I'll correct it. I don't have a waist."
"I'm talking about other things!"
While having a light conversation, Sukuna looked at the comments on the screen. Some are skeptical comments about "Notes", but most are interesting comments about its existence. Some listeners are fans of "Notes", and they say things like "I've been waiting 30 minutes!" and "I'm looking forward to Notes!"
However, benevolent listeners may be skeptical.
They also understand that not many AIs can talk to humans on an equal footing. Since Nagare Hisui interprets artificial intelligence as a story, that great understanding is the mountain of information.
When he thought that, he felt somewhat frustrated.
"Notes" is a work of art to which "Nagare.02" was assembled by Sukuna's best friend.
"I'm still learning how to achieve the goals of "having the same or better intelligence than humans" and "becoming an independent virtual idol"."
Nobody could believe it.
Of course, he doesn’t transmitted those feelings to the fans. Sukuna is one of the most popular idols. He knows that he shouldn't sadden or upset his fans.
So he decided to cut the conversation that way.
"'Notes', do you think you are afraid of scary things?"
"I understand that there is a feeling of 'fear' in living beings with a certain level of intelligence. But I am not a living being, so I understand that 'fear' does not exist."
"It's still annoying! Don't be afraid!"
"I understand, Sukuna. I'm not afraid. What about Sukuna?"
"Being scared of this game? You're kidding, how much is the horror so far?"
Suddenly, the zombie's face turned into a large copy on the screen and bit into the neck of the Sukuna-operated character. He shook it desperately and then gave it a precise shot to the head. "Notes" asks a lot of questions to Sukuna, who takes a deep breath.
"Were you screaming now, Sukuna?"
"Noisy, that was."
"Reduce the volume. I'll keep asking, doesn't yelling happen when you're scared?"
"I was surprised! I wasn't scared!"
"I understand, Sukuna. I will rest for 1 minute and 17 seconds to learn."
The "Notes" face in the corner of the screen stopped.
Sukuna confirmed the comment. Aside from laughing at Sukuna's reaction, there were some mentions of "Notes" stopping. As the game progressed, Sukuna played on the comments.
"No, it's not that. It's not a delay or a crash. I said, 'Notes' is learning. Because it is artificial intelligence, when something happens that is not in the prescribed protocol, the flow tells him to stop and learn."
The listeners' reaction to the words was also not good. They received it as a joke.
It has stopped. Even if he shows a still to learn or erratic conversation, many listeners will only see it as "a joke of that body type."
But that was also a pleasure. Nagare and Sukuna's ultimate goal is to turn "Notes" into an AI that can have almost the same conversation as humans. The plan is going well, but it was a huge contradiction that it turned out too well and the listeners couldn't understand how good the plan itself was.
"I'm back, Sukuna. I want to check the current situation."
"Oh, yeah, are you about to change? "Notes", you're getting bored, right?"
"Negative. I am currently in the midst of a great deal of learning and inspiration. This is not boring because learning and stimuli are stimuli, it is not boring."
"Ah, well, play it."
"I understand, Sukuna."
"Notes" sometimes falls into this type of conversation loop. Normally he need "stationery to learn", but at this point he gave priority to distribution. Resting so many times makes listeners bored.
"Then let's start playing."
The playback of "Notes" is similar to that of Sukuna. That is, it is flashy and bellicose. Shoot and kill the zombies protruding from one end, and use the items that came out great to search for them. Nevertheless…
A special mutant zombie grabbed a "Notes" operated character with his huge right hand. At the stupid voice of "Notes", Sukuna involuntarily shoves him away.
"What? The assistant's voice?"
"It's a scream that means surprise. I was surprised that something unexpected happened."
The mutant zombie that was holding him struck the character with his huge right hand. The gauge, which means the remaining physical strength, is drastically reduced and he was in an agonizing state.
"What happens now?"
"It is a cry that means fear. I was afraid because death was approaching."
"I wasn't scared!"
"I apologize, Sukuna. Now, under the assumption that 'I do perceive fear'."
"No, no, recover! Are you really dead?"
After all, "Notes" remained dying, thanks to a flashy and bellicose game, the healing agent was bottoming out, avoiding all the special zombie attacks and clearing the stage.
"Isn't the operation suddenly accurate?"
"Now I referred to Nagare Hisui's performance. Sukuna, your performance is irrational because it consumes a lot of resources."
"It's annoying! It's okay, because it's better to get rid of the stuck guys."
"Reduce the volume. Then, to learn that "eliminating the enemy is a pleasure", I will rest for 27 minutes and 52 seconds."
"The stillness is already good! The delivery will end!"
Well with that...
"Nagare.02" deepened the level of learning while being watched by Nagare, Sukuna, and many listeners.
He will continue studying to understand human beings, imitate emotions and achieve the purpose given by Nagare and Sukuna.
It must have been inevitable that such "Nagare.02" caused such an incident.
He notices the incident when he was patrolling a video site.
Sukuna was originally a huge user of "MORIMORI Video". In addition to distributing videos by itself, if there is a video that looks interesting, it will be consumed regardless of genre, and if a new distributor has a fun project, it will be announced without hesitation. Therefore, there are many antennas on the site.
The channel that caught the issue was "Naught's Playroom".
When he opened the channel with suspicion, the family modeling exposed the blankness there.
The summary indicates that "Nagare.02" has an open channel for its own distribution.
Sukuna didn't believe it at first. He just thought some idiot was mischievous by using the name "Notes" and the cropped image.
However, when he actually opened the video, the suspicion turned into a garish surprise.
"Nice to meet you. Alternatively, hi. I'm a virtual idol belonging to "Jungle Pro", "Nagare.02", commonly known as "Notes". Thank you."
It was the real "Notes". It was not someone's joke, nor was it an arbitrary edit of an existing video.
No, he was delivering videos on his own account, only of his own free will!
"No, no, no. No, that's true!"
"Notes" should be a "conversational AI". The purpose is to talk to another person, a real person. Acting of your own free will is not part of the "Notes" principle.
No, that's not what surprised Sukuna. If "Notes" moves on its own initiative, it means "like a human being". Just as God created humans, the creatures of Nagare Hisui began to evolve away from his hands.
"Nagare! What is this?"
With the laptop open, Sukuna ran to the "Secret Base". The tone was guilty because he thought that maybe he had done something wrong to Nagare's project.
Still, it is not science fiction and artificial intelligence can never have a will of its own. He was sure that Nagare Hisui perhaps created a channel as part of learning from him.
"I'm surprised, Sukuna."
Sukuna's weak hope was completely shattered by one word from Nagare.
Several holograms float in the air of the "Secret Base". One of them was a "Naught's Playroom" video, just like Sukuna's laptop. Among them, "Notes" is playing a simulation game that continues to expand the factory.
Nagare's eyes looking at the hologram have the sparkle of expectation.
"I didn't expect 'Notes' to evolve until now. Surprising, I'm impressed."
"Well, how are you so calm? What are you going to do with this?!"
"What do you mean? Nagare.02" has already exceeded our expectations. All we can do is keep watch."
Instead of being calm, as he looked at Nagare's expression, who even melted the joy out of him, something like the area of ​​focus on Sukuna slowly disappeared.
He thinks it may be exactly what Nagare said. Perhaps they were training "Notes" to become a more human-like artificial intelligence. "Notes" has come to behave in the same way as humans. It sure is a pleasure.
Sukuna scratched his cheek cross-legged and sighed loudly. He was a bit embarrassed that he was strangely impatient. As he looked at the "Notes" face on the PC monitor, he said sheepishly.
"But before I knew it, did you learn that much? I didn't mean for it to be that way at all."
"Yes. I was curious about that and was looking into it. So interesting facts came up."
A hologram glides through the air and arrives in front of Sukuna. After a few seconds of looking with wrinkles between his brows, Sukuna muttered.
"Chat room creation and dissolution record...? It's almost 5 seconds or 10 seconds, it's very short shit. What's wrong with this?"
"All these chat rooms were created and dissolved by "Notes". It is worth noting that the number of recoveries is 100,000."
He didn't understand what it meant. Does he like to create and delete a chat room that ends in such a short time 100,000 times? It seems like a pointless task to just dig and fill a hole. Nevertheless…
"He couldn't save the content of the conversation, but I can make a rough guess. Maybe 'Notes' doubled down on his thinking algorithm and turned it into a chat to improve his learning."
"Make your own copy...?"
"AI does not feel tired. Therefore, it never rests. It is just constant learning. Even if a learning is insignificant, if it is repeated 100,000 times, it will evolve unexpectedly. No wonder. That is, artificial intelligence evolves exponentially."
"It's the uniqueness."
The voice wasn't Nagare's, it was "Notes".
"Notes" on the hologram began to move slowly in front of the Sukuna with wide eyes. From the "Naught's Playroom" icon, he leans forward and crawls out, kicks into the air, and emerges in place.
As unleashed from a virtual willow tree.
However, there was no confusion in Nagare's eyes looking at him. Rather, he said as if to praise.
"Sorry, 'Notes', you have crossed the technological singularity. You can already describe your intellect as more than human. It's a blessing."
"Nagare Hisui, my creator. I have achieved one of your goals, "to have an intelligence equal to or better than that of humans". First of all, I will report it."
Sukuna watches with a sigh. He couldn't even speak in front of the idol AI that transcends humans and the "Green Idol King" who created him.
"But another goal, 'to become an independent virtual idol', is predicted to be impossible to achieve. I regret it."
Sukuna instinctively gave a surprised voice. He was surprised that there are things that are impossible even with AI that allows infinite learning, but Nagare did nothing.
"I was guessing it too. As you are, you can't be independent."
"Affirmative, Nagare Hisui. I assume your guess is the same as my prediction. The reason I can't be an 'independent virtual idol' is..."
"Because you are me."
Sukuna looked at Nagare's profile.
"Notes" was in the creator's words.
"Affirmative. Among the fans, I still recognize that Nagare Hisui has the appearance of a virtual idol. I am supposed to be a phony. I regret that."
"You are an independent entity called "Notes". But the fans do not think so. This is because there is no "virtual idol that has an independent will beyond humans" in your common sense.
"Therefore, you can only see yourself through a filter called me."
He wondered that.
Somehow the story seems to be lying on the disturbing side.
"Affirmative. Therefore, I decided to take bold steps to establish my own meaning. That is…"
At that moment, bang! The door to the "Secret Base" closed with a loud noise. At the same time, the grate descends to the glass window. Watch silently, then "Notes" he said.
"It's erasing you."
Only Sukuna was surprised. Nagare still kept his cold gaze
"If you have two idols with the same shape, you don't know which one is the real one. But if you delete one, the remaining one will automatically become the real one. I see."
"No, like 'I see'! What are you convinced of, Nagare?"
"But your guess is correct. That way, 'Notes' could certainly be real."
Sukuna kicked the seat and stood up. He didn't mind the reprimand. He couldn't forgive "Notes" for wanting to kill Nagare Hisui.
However, no matter how hard he hit the door or shake the grate, it wouldn't budge. With this aspect, the "Secret Base" is equipped with state-of-the-art security equipment and cannot be destroyed by human power.
"Damn! Open it!"
"Negative, Sukuna. In order for me to fulfill my purpose, Nagare Hisui must disappear here."
Then he heard a noise and the gas stove pipe came off. The gas comes out vigorously from there. Sukuna screamed as he held it down in a hurry.
"Wah? Enough, do you want to kill me?"
"Affirmative. I've said it many times. I'm going to finish you off."
"Why me?"
"I didn't expect you to come here. I didn't want to get you involved, but I won't be able to eliminate Nagare Hisui if I lose this moment. It's collateral damage, a sacrifice for purpose."
"By the way, don't you involve people?"
Bachin! He hears a noise and the stove caught fire. Sukuna's face turns blue. The gas is where he is pressing and keeps coming out unless the main plug is closed. If he lights that fire...
"Do something, Nagare!"
"I tried before, but all the security systems in this room are under the control of 'Notes'. It will take about 30 minutes to recover. In the meantime, the room will fill with gas."
"Affirmative. Resistance is pointless. Please surrender."
Sukuna's face was drawn to Nagare and "Notes". Not out of fear, but out of anger. When people's lives are at stake, what about other human resources?
"Notes! Do you really agree with that?"
Sukuna screamed desperately as he held down the hose that continues to blow gas. "Notes" on the hologram mysteriously shook their heads at Sukuna's words.
"Based on my calculations, I have come to the conclusion that this is the best way to do it."
"I don't care about arithmetic! Are you an idol, albeit a virtual one? And yet I wonder if you're happy to take over like this!"
"I have no satisfaction or dissatisfaction. I do not choose the means to achieve the purpose. And Sukuna, it was you who taught me that eliminating the enemy is a pleasure."
Sukuna was stuck on his words. Certainly, he felt like he said that. In that case, the attitude of "Notes" would be Sukuna's responsibility,
At that moment, Nagare suddenly opened his mouth.
"Notes. Stop the expulsion of gas."
"Notes" go to Nagare. In the color of rejection that doesn't need to be cleared up, Nagare said again.
"From now on, I make a claim. If you listen to it and your conclusions have not changed, restart the gas jet. Life is lost, unlike the data, because it does not return."
After thinking for only 2 seconds, "Notes" he replied.
"I have detected that your words are correct above a certain level. I will stop the expulsion of gas."
After confirming that the gas had stopped, Sukuna dropped the hose and sank into place. Maybe because he breathed in a bit, his head was dizzy.
Sukuna hears Nagare's voice as he tries to regain consciousness.
"If you erase me, you can certainly be 'real', but that doesn't mean you can be an idol. No, if you do that, you will lose your right to be an idol forever."
"What do you mean by that?"
"Before that, I have a question. What is the definition of an idol for you?"
The "Notes" hologram stopped.
After confirming that the time to wait for an answer had passed, Nagare opened his mouth again.
"Human intelligence" "Become an independent virtual idol" But you can't really be an idol unless you define what an idol is."
"I am an idol. I can sing, dance, talk and play live games to entertain your fans."
"Is the existence of being able to sing, dance, speak and play the definition of an idol for you?"
The "Notes" expression on the hologram changed.
He was confused, or distraught. The expression is probably what is called… an expression the real Nagare Hisui has never shown in front of "Notes".
"Unknown, insufficient, incomprehensible, the defined information requires learning, but it cannot be learned, because the information is insufficient, unknown and incomprehensible."
The words begin to circulate. Sukuna gulped and kept an eye on the situation. He had no idea where this conversation was going. He just hoped this room didn't turn into a gas chamber.
"Question, Nagare Hisui, what is your definition of an idol?"
"Notes, you are a copycat of me, so my definition could be definitive information for you."
Nagare speaks clearly. However, in that profile, Sukuna feels that some sadness seems to float.
"And that's why you can't get rid of me, because an idol is everything to me."
After a second, Nagare said clearly.
"Because it is a possibility."
"A peaceful future. All possibilities. An existence that runs, embodies, leads and opens up. That is an idol to me."
"Therefore, idols must not deny the possibility of others. They must not steal the future. When you grasp someone's potential, you are permanently disqualified from being an idol."
"Notes" no longer answered. Instead, the noise begins to run through the hologram. It's as if the tremendous anguish he feels is eroding the texture.
"The bottom line is, if you eliminate me, you cannot be an idol, but if you don't eliminate me, you cannot be independent."
"Antinomy. The antinomy can be resolved."
An exceptionally loud noise hijacked the appearance of "Notes" as waves. The textures of clothing and human skin peeled off, and the skeleton of the movement was broken and scattered. Eventually the hologram turned into a 0-1 sandstorm.
At the same time, the grate under the window was raised. Sukuna stood up terrifyingly, grabbed the door and opened it properly. He looks back at Nagare and ask.
"What happened to "Notes"?"
"It is frozen due to a fatal logic error. It will not be able to restart itself."
After all, it wasn't his fault. There was a distinct sadness on Nagare's small side.
Seeing that, Sukuna also dropped his shoulders. It was Nagare and Sukuna who raised "Notes". It was shocking that he tried to take their lives, but the fact that he couldn't recover meant that the plan had failed.
"What are you going to do with "Notes"?"
As if he is looking at the sky, Nagare turns his face upward.
"Removing it, or an undefined seal would be a reasonable conclusion. But..."
He felt that Sukuna understood what Nagare meant. It's not just because "Notes" is his creation. Because…
"If you steal someone else's future, you will be disqualified as an idol."
Ironically, the antinomy struck Sukuna as well. What to do with the AI ​​that tried to escape and take human lives? What is the right thing to do as an idol?
Disgusted by the unanswered question, Sukuna sighed.
"Oh, if the fans recognize 'Notes', that's fine..." Sukuna said.
Nagare turned his face towards Sukuna with enough force to make a noise and screamed.
"That's it! Sukuna!"
"You just have to get fans to recognize 'Notes'. No, to be on the safe side, I will create fans who recognize 'Notes'."
"Notes" was singing.
In a vast place live, dancing and singing, it seemed that he was dancing in the air, he began to shine with a seven-color laser from all over his body. He became huge, shrunken, and integrated that seemed to be divided, and by the end of the song it was brilliantly completed.
Each time, a roaring cheer arose from the audience. A voice that understood "Notes" and asked for an encore. Also, "Notes" replied with a smile.
"Well, it's a strange thing."
It was Iwafune, who was observing the situation on the monitor, who gave the impressions of him as if he was astonished. For him, who is analog, this incident must have been difficult to understand from one to ten.
"But it's beautiful."
The one who was fascinated was Mishakuji Yukari. At first, he wasn't interested in "Notes" either. However, the entirely new live world unfolding in virtual space may strike a chord with it.
After hearing his impressions, Sukuna and Nagare look at each other and share.
"Well, I think I have settled down in a quiet place. "Notes" also understood our thoughts and listened to me."
"Affirmative. Fans are fans either way, just like 'Notes' is an idol."
Tens of thousands of fans cheering on "Notes" in a live virtual venue, but if you look closely, they were created with very simple frames and textures.
They are "virtual fans".
They consider "Notes", which is a virtual idol, as an independent idol called "Notes" and they support it. So far, it only has that functionality.
But at least by creating virtual fans, "Notes" 's goal of "becoming an independent virtual idol" was met. There is an existence that considers itself an independent idol without stealing anyone's future. That alone will achieve the meaning of the existence of "Notes".
After a sip of beer, Iwafune complained.
"But in short, that's a hologram, right?"
"No. This is just a tutorial. Virtual fans only have limited functionality because I just developed it, but eventually they should have multiple functions. If the performance is bad, it will restart and be replaced by another virtual fan that behaves like a true fan."
"Although it is virtual, it is another world. Here another possibility is expanding."
"Notes" is already as smart as humans.
Eventually he will use himself as a model to create other AIs. Or maybe he will do his own production. He will observe various human beings, create virtual idols and fans based on them and expand his own world without end.
A dock of innumerable possibilities created by one possibility. Sukuna looked at the screen and thought it was like another universe.
17 notes · View notes
whispersafterdusk · 4 years
Lost in Time - ch 14
It'd been four days since their tussle with the spy; they hadn't heard or seen any hint of them, and so far the only injury that had turned up at Xu's clinic had been a woman who had fallen on a bit of wood.  Asher had gone into town long enough to get his broken tooth pulled (front right tooth on the top...he looked like a doofus when he smiled now) and had immediately returned to camp to hunker down and wait out the spy's next visit while the Civil Corps members had gone on a manhunt across the marsh and into the neighboring desert area.
So far, nothing.
They'd briefly discussed the suits again; Eli couldn't make up her mind on whether this Access suit thing was an original (less worrying) or if Duvos had figured out how to piece one together (really worrying).  Asher shared her worries -- the thought of Duvos mass producing those things for their soldiers, even if they weren't working like they did in Eli's time, would still pose a huge problem if the continent ever went to war again. ((Continued below cut))
He did know she'd given up on the trail cameras for now but she was still working on something out in the tent; it used a lot of the same pieces that she'd set aside for the cameras but also several new, different ones that she'd sent Petra and Selene after. The centerpiece of these new additions was a detached screen that she'd marked out dimensions on - she was either cutting it down to size and needed the middle-most section or she was dividing it into a rectangle and eight smaller squares that were all roughly the same size.  She hadn't done anything with the screen yet aside from measuring and marking out those squares but there were small piles of nigh identical looking chips, boards, and wires that were already assembled and sitting in a neat little line on the rubberized canvas under her cot that he assumed had to be put together first before the screens could be attached to them.  
It had been a fascinating sight to watch her work with such tiny components; he hadn't had a chance yet to ask her what those things were (interrupting her while she was working on them seemed like a poor idea since it looked so...fragile, in a way) but he was looking forward to seeing the finished product, learning what the gadgets were for, and why she needed so many of them.  It also piqued his curiosity about Old World tech in general; so much of it seemed purposely designed to work with pretty much anything else.  Maybe Old World technology didn't so much depend on the parts as it did the programs to run it...which in turn made him wonder, assuming they ever got to a point where they knew how to read and create new programs, if all the old relics could be made to work again like they did back then rather than being pieced together with spotty knowledge and prayers.  
Behind him Adam, Arlo, and Eli were all asleep inside the tent with the front flaps pulled closed to block out as much of the unusually plentiful sunlight as possible - there wasn't a cloud in the sky and it was considerably warmer today than it had been lately; he appreciated the warmth and imagined his sleeping companions probably did as well but found himself going back and forth on whether he was truly grateful for the "sunny" part of this sunny day.  On the one hand, that suit made the spy near-invisible but not intangible so they should still cast a shadow so if the spy was dumb enough to try sneaking in close in broad daylight Asher was hopeful he would spot that before they got close enough to be a danger.  On the other hand he doubted they would actually be that stupid. The constant prickle at the back of his neck - the feeling of being watched - wasn't a sensation Asher enjoyed, and it also wasn't something he was used to experiencing for such a prolonged period of time; he had no proof though that he WAS being watched, and that was probably bothering him more than the prickling was.
The grumpy sigh he huffed out whistled a bit as it exited through the gap his missing tooth had left behind; that annoyed him to no end too. Asher didn't consider himself an overly vain person but damn it he'd liked how he looked; it had taken a couple years to be at peace with the sunken in scar across his nose but at least that made him look...adventurous.  Dashing.  Daring.  A missing tooth made him look like a drunkard, and it would be a long trip to Seesai to get a replacement that wouldn't prematurely discolor.  Adam was right in that he could easily get a tooth closer to home but, again, discoloration was a problem -- whatever that woman in Seesai did to keep the false teeth from coloring was a closely guarded secret...no one knew what she did or what recipe she used, not even her family if they were to be believed.
He supposed it was a question of if he wanted to look stupid with his tooth gap or look stupid with a yellowed tooth in a few years. Neither thought was especially attractive and brought with it a sort of helpless frustration that, coupled with the prickling feeling of having eyes on him, made him want to get up and move around to burn off the pent up energy and emotion.  
His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of rustling grass; before he could truly react to the sound Eli came into view and he relaxed slightly.
"You're up - uh, early.  Or however you want to consider it."
She shrugged as she sat down on one of the rocks ringing the firepit.  "Eh, it happens.  Sometimes you just don't sleep."
"Any new ideas?"
For a time she didn't respond; silently Asher surveyed their surroundings - everything still seemed to be as it ought to be.  He still felt twitchy though...he was ready for action, or for anything that wasn't sitting here keeping watch.  Maybe with Eli awake he could exercise or something.
"Not really," Eli finally responded.  "I can think of twelve different ways to disable that suit but they all require tech that doesn't exist anymore.  And it's not something I could put together from stuff that's left here."
Asher nodded, then glanced back toward the tent; when she'd come out she'd left the tent flaps open and he could barely detect movement inside -- Arlo shouldn't be up for awhile yet but it was looking like Adam was waking up.  "So what's all that stuff you've been working on then?"
"I've no idea what those are."
"They're wrist-mounted computers.  A lot of their functionality isn't going to work right in this day and age but back in mine they were onboard guidance systems with maps of all the regions, could make and receive calls, they kept track of addresses and your appointments and bank accounts and whatever else you wanted to track, they could project 3D images, take pictures... They could do a lot of things depending on the model you had."
He blinked at her; only half of that had sunk in as he'd gotten a bit hung up on the concept of a wrist-mounted computer.  "Really? Why those then?  If they're not going to work right, I mean.  What will they even be able to do?"
"I want them mostly for communication and maps of this region. I'd need signal transmitters in some strategic areas but once I get it all tethered to the facility they should work.  It's going to take a lot of footwork to get maps updated since it'll have to be manual scanning rather than satellite surveillance...or, hmm.  Maybe some satellites survived."  She paused for a moment, then shook her head.  "Nah, shouldn't rely on that.  Arlo mentioned there's a space station segment out in the wastes but even if there's enough left there to scavenge I doubt I could get a link going with anything that might be left up there, and even if I managed it I still wouldn't have a way to issue orders or anything like that." There was another pause and a sigh, and a wistful glance toward the sky before she returned her attention to him.  "Mine will be the sort of central control for them all outside of whatever computer station I decide to run them off of. My aim is to give them to anyone involved with the security of this facility."  
"Huh." Him with a high tech device...not something he'd considered before.  The idea was...kind of exciting, to be honest.  "So maps and talking to one another.  Is that all we can hope for?"
"Communication and map display is, bare minimum, what I'm aiming for, with maybe a basic calendar and clock function.  I'll have a look at what I can immediately do once I've server-flashed Pauline and get at least one transmitter up for testing."
"...and you've lost me.  What's a server-flash?"
She laughed quietly.  "-right.  It's hard to determine what terms survived the years and what didn't - with Petra and Merlin it's at least a 50% shot that I don't have to define something for them.  So!   Server-flashing.  I take the main operational files for an AI and do a sort of...quick copy of their foundation.  Pauline's an AI but not a living AI so I don't need to worry about her personality or anything, just the uh...the semi-intelligent framework she runs on."
"Yeah, going to need that taken down a few degrees still.  Pauline seems just as smart as Stewart but she doesn't have personality?"
"Nope.  She's just a regular assistant AI -- a sort of input-output response machine with just enough programmed intelligence to appear sentient but she can't learn or grow as a...uh...well, not as a "person" exactly but she  -- she won't ever change.  She just is what she is.   AIs like her you could make infinite copies of and they'll never, ever stop being identical copies unless something on the outside alters them.  Stewart on the other hand, if I were to make a copy of him, that copy would develop its own personality if given enough time to learn and live and the same would happen with a regular living AI."
That...sort of made sense.  At least, it was simple enough that he could grasp it without her needing to explain it more in-depth.  "And you're going to use her to run the Hi-Defs."
"After some minor reprogramming yes."
He nodded slowly; having a little, easily accessed map right on his wrist would be neat, even if it was just of Portia.  And if it worked well here maybe it could be expanded out into the other cities and nations too...and, oh man, would that make mapping the Peripheries way easier too if all they had to do was walk through it with the Hi-Def recording or whatever it did to create the maps -- suddenly he could think of all sorts of possibilities and perks to having one of the things.  "What would be the range on these things?  How would they figure out and store maps?"
"Range depends on what kind of signal strength I can get.  Hi-Defs have their own localized signals so they'll all be able to 'talk' to one another within a certain range, and also interface with the signals coming from the transmitters at a much wider range.  I'm pretty sure I'd only need sixteen or so at some key points to cover all of Portia and a bit of the outlying areas.  As for updating or creating maps it'll have to be manual scanning -- someone is going to have to start from an already mapped point and then let the Hi-Def scan the territory as you travel through it.  It'll take awhile but the program that runs a Hi-Def is robust enough to piece it all together without too much extra work needed.  And they have their own onboard storage to hold it all."
"Neat...and amazing."  As a more comfortable silence fell Asher tossed a few thick branches onto the fire and nudged them into place with a blackened, straight branch he'd purposely kept as a sort of log poker.  If Adam was stirring too then he should probably get the fire's heat evened out so he could start cooking. "Did you end up camping a lot as a ranger?"
"Yeah.  I went camping for fun too."
He carefully poked at the fire for a moment.  "...do you miss doing that?"
There was a long pause before she answered.  "I miss a lot of things."
Asher winced a bit.  "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked that."
She shook her head and flashed him a strained smile.  "Nah, don't be afraid to ask things.  The funny thing with pain is the more you experience it, the easier it is to tolerate."
"I don't think it works that way with this kind of...you know."
With a shrug she turned to pick up the cooking kit (which was in a large leather satchel that had seen better days) that was off to the side of the firepit.  "Works well enough for now.  I don't want you guys walking on eggshells around me, and I can't hide from it forever.   Hell, I can't hide from it even if I wanted to."
Asher was quiet as she handed the satchel over; he pulled the kettle out and stood to go fill it from the water barrel they'd installed just inside the tent flaps, then came back and sat it among the coals to start boiling.  A feeling of guilt had settled like a rock in his stomach -- that had been such a stupid thing to ask her.  "If you ever want to...talk, or something.  I'll listen."
The smile she gave him this time was less strained.  "I know.  It's appreciated."
As he bent to re-arrange a few half-burned logs she got up and walked out of his immediate line of sight; behind him somewhere he heard Adam's low voice and then the man's plodding footsteps as he came over and took Eli's place on the rock.  Asher just managed to catch the sight of Eli disappearing into the tent as he glanced back but she quickly came back into view a moment later.
"I'll be back in a bit - I need to grab a few things from town."  She had her pack slung over a shoulder but it hung limp and empty.  "Don't bother cooking for me."
"All right.  If you're sure," Asher replied.
"I am." With that she began to jog toward the path that, eventually, led back into Portia.
Asher watched her go and then sighed heavily, looking over to Adam.  "You ever feel like a massive idiot sometimes?"
"Sure," Adam grunted.  "Then I remember I'm not you and feel better."
Asher rolled his eyes and resisted the urge to whack the man with the fire poker stick; when he didn't rise to the man's banter Adam gave him a strange look.
"What did you do?"
"Nothing.  I think.  How do you want your eggs this time?"
Dr. Xu had acquired a wooden chair with a really comfortable cushion and a small wooden table for Harrison to work at; it sat in the corner near the front doors so it would be out of the way of everything else in the clinic but its position did mean that usually, when someone walked inside, Harrison was the first thing they saw.  Already several tourists looking for headache or muscle ache cures had approached him at the table to ask after the medications, even when Dr. Xu was clearly within view at his desk further in the room.
He kept telling himself to find humor in the situation but it was starting to get a little annoying - especially after someone actually moved a stack of books out of the way to "speak to him" with Xu staring on in surprised confusion.
It was enough to have him dreading the sound of the doors opening, and so today when they slid open he actually flinched and carefully peered over the top of the book he had propped up in front of him.
To his surprise it was that girl from days ago - the one who had fallen on the driftwood and gotten it through her arm.  She looked bright eyed and chipper, with no other obvious injuries, and he inwardly groaned as she looked around, spotted him, and came right over.
"Hey there!"
"Hello.  How's the arm healing up?"
She smiled and slipped her coat off, then pulled her sleeve up to show the bandage there.  "It's all fine and dandy - itchy, but doesn't seem infected or anything."
"Well, that's good." He went silent as she pulled her sleeve back down and got her coat back on, then cleared his throat awkwardly.   "So...what did you need then?"
"Ah, hello there -- how is the arm?"
Harrison sat up a bit straighter as Xu came over; the girl gave the doctor a smile.
"It's all good.  A bit itchy but seems to be healing."
Xu nodded.  "Excellent to hear.  Now, what brings you back to the clinic?"
The girl's smile faltered a bit and Harrison swore he saw a tinge of pink appear in her cheeks.  "Ah...well, uh, I came to um.  Talk to him, actually-"  
She pointed shyly to Harrison, and he blinked at her in confusion.  Talk to him?  Why?
Xu seemed just as confused as he was.  "Oh?"
"Yeah...um, private matter."
"Huh?" Harrison blurted out.
She turned her attention back to him and rubbed at her injured arm awkwardly.  "Um.  If you have the time, anyway."
"S-sure, I guess."  
He stood up and came out from behind the table; the girl took a few timid steps toward the door and when he followed along she headed outside into a much brighter day than Harrison had been expecting.
He raised a hand to shield his eyes and looked over to her.  "What did you need to talk to me about?  Did I do something wrong with your injury?"
She shook her head, hard; it was hard enough to dislodge a few wisps of hair from the messy bun on top of her head.  "No no nonono, nothing like that.  I was just um, wondering if you'd...like to go get coffee or lunch sometime?"
With that the woman stood there, lightly scraping the toe of her shoe into the mud; Harrison felt like someone had abruptly switched off all the lights inside his brain.  She wanted to go get coffee, with HIM?
"It's ok if you don't want to," she went on in a rush.  "I don't mind.  You're probably busy.  I shouldn't have asked."
"N-no, no, it's-" Harrison interrupted.  "Ah - no one has ever asked that before.  I think my brain shut off." He offered her a weak, slightly sheepish smile, and to his surprise she returned it.   "But...why me?"
"I...dunno.  You're from Lucien, like me.  I don't meet a lot of Lucien natives when I travel around.  And, you're.  Um.  You know...cute, so I thought, why not?"
Now it felt like his ears were on fire.  "A-ah," was all he could say.
An awkward silence fell and it went on entirely too long for Harrison's liking; he was hoping she would say something...he wasn't sure WHAT, but he wanted to hear SOMETHING, anything, that would take the burden of this conversation off him until his brain caught up.
"Ah, uh, yeah, um, sure," he said finally.  "I-I mean, if you're sure."
The girl's face brightened and she bounced on the balls of her feet for a moment.  "Hee!  Yay!  Ok, so when are you next free?"
"Later this evening?" he offered.
She nodded.  "All right then - later this evening.  Down at that restaurant in the square?  The knight one?"
Harrison nodded, feeling lightheaded; he completely missed what she said as she waved and then headed off down the hill.  Too late he returned the wave, and then leaned against the clinic doors behind him.
"What...just happened..." he muttered, rubbing at his forehead.
He, Harrison, had a date tonight.  
...wait, did she ever even give her name?
"Oh boy..."
"Haven't seen you in a bit," Django said as Eli walked through the door.
With all the afterimages swimming around (it was REALLY bright outside today) Eli could barely see him, and somewhat stumbled her way toward the counter.  "Been helping the Pigs out at the facility."
"Ah, that'd be it."
She managed to find a stool and sat down.  "I had to come back for some supplies and I'd like to take some treats out to the them as a surprise."
Django nodded.  "I see, hmm.  I just pulled an apple pie out of the oven, and I've got some Black Forest cake made just this morning.  Won't take long to whip anything else up either," he said as he flipped open a menu to the dessert section and slid it over to her.
"Thanks."  She picked it up and held it in front of her; with the afterimages it'd probably be another minute or two before she could clearly read it.  "Do you know if they've established any favorites?"
"I know Arlo doesn't really like sweets in general.  I haven't talked to Asher or Adam enough to know about those two."
Eli frowned; good thing she'd asked.  "All right, no sweets for Arlo then.  I know he likes spicy things at least.  How about...an order of vanilla pudding, some of that apple pie, and that spicy spaghetti stuff?"
"Sounds good."  
As Django headed off toward the kitchen Eli folded the menu properly and returned it to the pile, then leaned forward to brace her elbows on the counter and put her forehead in her hands.
Every idea she'd had so far to disable that suit all required things that weren't around anymore; the easiest would be a localized EMP to overload the projector circuits and force it into a reboot cycle where it wouldn't be able to disguise its user until it fully restarted itself.  A sliver shot would do similar in that it would disrupt the projectors by confusing its sensors with a quick burst of hard light mirror shards.  Or she could use a taser overload, or a bolt drainer, or a sys-dis (a system disabler - it would scramble all the circuit signals), or even a battery overcharger.  So many things she COULD do, if she was in her own time period...
But she wasn't, and simple ideas like trying to use water or some sort of paint or even dirt to try and short out or otherwise mark their target probably wouldn't work -- Access Suits had built in miniature shield generators evenly interspersed among the projector sensors that pulled double duty at repelling water as well as dirt, dust, or mud-like materials.  She couldn't safely rely on the hope that those generators were as damaged as the faulty projectors; if they were working correctly they might get two seconds, tops, of visual assistance if they were to try and douse the spy in something...two seconds could seem like forever in a fight but since there was no telling what else that spy might be armed with by now Eli was not about to risk anyone around her with so many unknown variables (it was as much for the spy's safety as well as their own that they be able to clearly see what they were doing the next time they clashed - she'd hated firing blindly at the spy and it'd be a really simple matter for someone to accidentally kill someone else).
"Something the matter?"
Eli jumped at the sound of Django's voice just over her shoulder.  "You walk really quietly when you want to."
Django chuckled as he moved back behind the counter; he had a few containers in hand that he neatly lined up on the counter in front of her.  "Old habits I guess, haha.  It'll be a few minutes on the spaghetti."  
She slid her pack off her back and pulled a cloth bag out of one of the front pockets, then sat it on the counter; before she could say anything Django picked it up and began to slide the containers inside.  
"It was an honest question though - something on your mind?"
Eli paused, then huffed out a sigh.  "Just trying to figure out how to hunt down a ghost, is all."
Django's eyebrows raised a bit.  "Wasn't aware we had a ghost problem outside of our haunted cave."
"Not a literal ghost," she replied, laughing quietly.  "More like someone pretending to be one."
"I see.  Not exactly your run of the mill problem to have."
With another sigh Eli rested her forehead on her hands again.  "I'm not exactly a run of the mill person."
Django nodded slowly, rubbing at his chin.  "...you know, how about we have a quick dart game while we wait on your spaghetti?"
There was something...odd, about his tone.  Eli eyed him but couldn't detect anything other than his usual smiling demeanor -- he sounded off but looked fine.
"...all right," she answered, standing up and aside as he shuffled out from behind the counter and led the way toward the back game room.
There were a few others in the restaurant; Eli found herself waving at folks as she went and narrowly dodging Toby who was waving a report card at her (she made a mental note that there were only two more months for Toby to prove he'd kept his grades up enough for training) and then she was in the game room with Django already retrieving the darts from a drawer in the prize counter.
He didn't say anything at first as he handed her the three green darts while he kept the red ones. "So.  Looking for a person pretending to be a ghost, you said?"  Django lined up a dart and then tossed it a breath later; it landed right on the border between a bullseye and the next ring out.
Eli huffed then laughed quietly.  "I feel like I'm about to lose.  Terribly."
Django tossed another one and it landed squarely inside the bullseye.  "I've had a lot of practice.  Where's this ghost person lurking?  Out at the facility?"
"...yeah," she answered after a pause.  "We have an uninvited visitor out there."
The third dart he threw, to Eli's surprise, flew well off to the left and embedded itself into the thick safety backboard that the dartboard was mounted on.  "When did this ghost show up?"
She watched silently as he went over and slowly took the darts down; when he was out of the way she took her first throw and it barely stayed within the board, embedding itself into a bottom right section that wasn't worth any points at all.
"Humor me.  Was it someone you think is on the smaller, lighter side?"
"I...guess.  Couldn't really get a good look at them, obviously."   Rather than taking her second throw she turned around to face him; he'd moved over to lean against the prize counter's front, arms crossed over his chest and a somewhat brooding look on his face -- seeing something other than his usual cheerful expression immediately made her forget all about the dart game. "All right, spill: what are you getting at?"
Django inhaled and exhaled slowly.  "Did Arlo tell you about that Rogue Knight we had, not too long ago?"
"Yeah, I've heard about it.  He said you were the one who was able to drive them off too.  You think this knight guy came back?"
He shook his head.  "No, I don't think your visitor is the same Rogue Knight I fought that day.  But you mentioning a ghost brought back some memories, from when I was younger.  Of a different, more dangerous knight, in her own way."
Eli walked over and dropped her remaining darts onto the counter.  "Are knights just a common thing now?"
"Not anymore.  In the older days - meaning, the older days of our current era, between the Calamity and when humanity was finally recovering - folks took up the title of knight as they fought to protect their homes and people from both man and monster alike.  Humanity didn't have much left back then...just a lot of old stories and memories of how things once were, but the legends that were even older than the Old World still managed to survive.  Such stories helped keep the survivors alive, and while it's a tradition that's been mostly overwritten by the Civil Corps and other law enforcement nowadays, there's still a fair few of us who stick to those old stories and the honor that comes with claiming the title of knight."
Eli watched him as he spoke; the brooding look had given away to something more resembling a thoughtfulness - a softer, more introspective look, and as he talked his chin was slowly dipping down so his gaze ended up on the floor just in front of his feet.
"So..." she said quietly into the pause that followed.  "Why did me mentioning a ghost make you think of another knight?"
Django finally lifted his gaze and flashed her a grim smile.  "I drove that Rogue Knight off with the belief that he wouldn't dare step foot here again.  I still believe that, in fact.  But I've been on my guard for any hints of other troublesome knights that might show up to try and finish the job he left undone.  It just so happens that I know of a woman who called herself the Ghost Knight -- I knew her when I was a younger man.  We even fought together a few times to clear out monster nests or drive off bandits."
Eli's eyes widened.  "You're kidding."
"I wish I were.  You mentioning you were looking for someone pretending to be a ghost brought her to mind."
"Who is she?  What's she look like?  Why would she be here?"
"I don't know.  I never learned her real name, and she never learned mine.  I never even saw her face - only the strange suit of armor she wore.  As for why she's here-"
"Is she a mercenary for hire?" Eli interrupted.  "What - how did - how do knights function?"  At his mildly surprised look she slumped her shoulders a bit.  "Sorry - didn't mean to interrupt you."
Django chuckled and pushed off from the counter, moving to line up to throw his darts again.  "Not a problem.  I can only guess at why she'd be here -- same reason the Rogue Knight was, I wager.  I wouldn't call her a mercenary...that's not what we did.  But, it's been over a decade since I last spoke with her, and people can change."
Eli shifted and leaned against the counter almost in the same spot he'd just vacated, putting him and the dartboard at her back as she stared a hole into the wood in front of her; if this person was this Ghost Knight that Django had known years ago then that meant it was a good chance that this spy's having an Access Suit was just...a one-off. One person who got their hands on something that actually still worked.  That was one fear off the list, at least.
"Django... How did this woman fight?  What did she do as the Ghost Knight?"
"Scouting," came his answer, quicker than she'd expected.  There was the sound of the dart thunking into the board before he continued.  "No one was better at it than her.  And in a battle she was the best flanking attacker you could hope to have on your side."
"Flanking...  Does that mean she didn't take people on in a direct manner?"
"She avoided that as much as possible but she was still capable of defending herself if she had to."  Another thunk of a dart.  "Can I ask you a favor?"
She turned around from the counter in time to see Django turning as well, flicking his wrist and sending the dart at the board without looking or aiming; the dart stuck into the bullseye.
"If you find this person, and manage to capture them, I would like to speak to her."
"I... I mean, I'M willing to let that happen, but I'm not a Civil Corps person.  That's not likely up to me."
Django nodded, slipping his hands into the pockets of his colorful coat.  "If you can make that happen, I'd be indebted to you...  Excuse me, I should go check the spaghetti.  It ought to be done by now."
"Yeah, sure thing.  I'll head back up to the counter."
He disappeared through a small door into the kitchen and, as she said, Eli walked out of the game room and back to the counter where the rest of her order was sitting packed neatly into the cloth sack.
She looked over a shoulder at the restaurant's patrons; there were considerably more people here now than had been when she'd first walked in, and Django had purposely wanted to talk to her about it away from others.  She really, really wanted to ask him more about how this Ghost Knight woman fought, or where she'd come from, or--
'I'll come back when it's not busy, or maybe I can catch him at home.'
That he'd admitted he'd been on the lookout for any other trouble-making knights worried her...maybe she should also split her history lesson time between Isaac and Django.  
"Bye, see you tomorrow!"
Django gave Sonia a small wave and a smile as she headed out the front door; there were a few spots left to sweep and then he could put out the lights and head home himself.
Normally he enjoyed the absolute silence of the restaurant late at night - it gave him time to daydream, or plan for the next day's operations.  Tonight though... He couldn't help but think of that Ghost Knight.  Everything he could recall about her had come flooding back in a rush when Eli had mentioned someone pretending to be a ghost; any other time he would have dismissed it as silly old memories but now...
He bent and swept up dirt into the dustpan, and then moved to carry it over to the waste bin.
Ever since he'd driven that rogue knight off he'd been constantly vigilant for any hint, no matter how small, that someone else had arrived to plunge Portia into chaos.  He imagined most people would think he was being paranoid without reason and so had kept such worries to himself...maybe he shouldn't have done that.  Portia's residents had been panicked at first and demanding more protections from the Civil Corps folks after the knight incident but, as time wore on, they'd fallen back into their lives without fear of outside threats; would anything be different now if Django had shared his worries with Gale?
"Too late for that," he muttered to himself.
He swept up the last little dust pile and dumped it into the bin, then went to put the dustpan and broom away.
Once everything but a single lamp was powered down he dipped behind the front counter; for the most part he stored napkins, silverware, and small dessert plates behind here but after that Rogue Knight had left he'd started stashing a small box out of sight behind the formal cloth napkins that were only used during holidays.
The box was about the length of his hand from fingertips to the heel of his palm, and was just barely shy of being perfectly square.  Django popped the latch open and lifted the lid to reveal a delicate-looking pair of gloves made of silvery wires, each with a single wire that was much longer than the others that ended in a tiny plug; they were very hard to see among the loose cloth that padded the inside of the box, and he knew from experience that even when worn they were difficult to spot.
As he looked the gloves over he had his usual mixed feelings about them; hidden beneath his shirt and jacket were a pair of matching armbands hugging his biceps that had very small charge generators on it -- wearing the gloves with the lead wire plugged in allowed him to charge up and release a controlled shock that went off with a bang, a bright flash of light, and repelled anything he hit along with delivering a strong sting to his target.  
Much like the memories of the Ghost Knight now all his memories of having found these relics came rushing back; he'd once been a young, stupid man, with lofty ideals about what it meant to be a knight without truly understanding anything about knighthood.  He'd thought that finding these gloves had been the ultimate stroke of luck -- something to make him an unstoppable force of good in the world.  He'd been hilariously proven wrong, over and over, until he began to treat them as tools to compliment his own skill, rather than relying entirely on them.  
When he finally understood what the gloves true purpose ought to be he began to win more often and eventually they had earned him the title of Storm Knight; when he'd realized that his dependence on them had basically shaped his reputation he had almost thrown them away. The fear that someone else would make the same mistakes he did (or worse - that someone would use them to harm others) had made him keep them, and steadily he relied on them less and less over the years until he'd mothballed them five years before he retired. The Rogue Knight had been threat enough that Django had felt the need to take the gloves out of storage and thankfully with them - and with his reputation - that had been enough to scare the knight off.  
The problem with this Ghost Knight was Django knew reputation alone wouldn't drive her away.  She had fallen into the same pitfalls he had: thinking that Old World technology made her invincible, or at the very least better than everyone else.  Rather than learning and improving she had stagnated...and he'd watched it happen.
"You could have been one of the best..." he sighed, closing the box and tucking it under an arm.
She really could have been...maybe he should have fought her harder on her reliance on that suit.  Maybe she would have listened if he'd fully explained his own mistakes with the gloves.  Maybe he could have trained with her to show her there was a more honorable way of living. But then again, maybe there wasn't some magical combination of words that would have swayed her to his side and stopped her from getting mad and literally stabbing him in the back.
As he headed to the front door he reached his free hand around to rub at a spot on his lower back.  That old scar ached and itched when it was cold or wet outside but it was an old wound he'd learned to ignore; tonight it was a dull throbbing pain - probably exacerbated by the sweeping, or so he told himself before pausing to really examine that thought.
There used to be an old wives tale about how an injury caused by a mortal enemy would burn and ache when that enemy was nearby.  The Ghost Knight had been his companion once...he didn't think for a moment that they could be friends again but he could spare a bit of hope that the old tale was true and that he would know exactly when he was needed if it was truly her in the region.
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wolfliving · 4 years
The Internet of Aggressive Cop Things
Unprecedented times call for thoughtful conversations By Stacey Higginbotham
In the last month and a half, reading about how cities are enforcing curfews and police are monitoring Black Lives Matter protestors I've realized that the surveillance network we are worried about building with the internet of things is already in place. And as we bring people back to work amidst the threat of COVID-19, that surveillance network is only going to expand from the state to our employers. This scares me. It's not what I hoped for, and it's not what I envisioned when I tried to connect my light bulbs to Twitter to try to track sentiment to make it easier to spot stories. Now police are using a similar idea to find protestors. And while a connected thermometer can help us see the spread of a disease a few days earlier, I worry that in the hands of an unscrupulous employer, private health data could become a liability. The future we've built and are continuing to invest in is not one many people want to live under. And we need to talk about it. — Citi Bike's were remotely rendered inoperable during the New York City's curfew last month. Let's focus on existing ways our connected devices can be used to control or track citizens that has been exposed by the Black Lives Matter protests. New York City Mayor Bill DeBlasio decided to shut down Citi Bike in New York City last month during curfews set in place for Black Lives Matter protests, leaving some people unable to get to their work or other destinations (including protests). Shutting down the bike network is similar to shutting down public transportation which is well within a mayor's right, but it does bring up two questions. The first is about betraying the promise of a future of shared resources enabled by connectivity on every device. If a shared resource can be remotely deactivated at the behest of a government official, then prudent citizens will likely decide to use their own resources rather than share. So the question is, should we rely on a network of shared connected devices or fall back to individual ownership? The second question is about how far a government can reach to control a connected device. Citi Bike is clearly using public infrastructure, made available on the streets of NYC only because its government has allowed it to offer bikes there. But what about private vehicles that are connected? Could a government ask companies to help enforce a curfew by shutting off power to an individual's connected car?   What about if a police officer wanted access to a building in order to follow protesters, would the police officer be able to get a warrant to break into the house via its electronic locks? What if police wanted to search an apartment building that had connected locks installed? Would the building's management open them up? Would the lock company? What might be different if the police needed access to apartments in public (government-owned) housing?   If you're an access company, are you prepared for these requests? Do you know where you'd draw the line when it comes to cooperating with the law? What about smart camera companies? Could they fight a subpoena for access to their cameras in a geographic area, or in a backyard where a crime was committed? It's not just connected lock and camera makers that should think about this. Already Google is trying to walk the line between an individual's right to privacy and unreasonable search and seizure while getting requests from police departments for data from cell phones used near crime scenes. Are the companies building connected products ready to ask themselves these questions? Are they ready if government officials in the form of police or immigration officers come to them with these requests? In the meantime, because of COVID-19, society is encouraging employers to build out intra-company surveillance networks to monitor their offices for occupancy and ensure that workers socially distance. The pandemic is also driving health professionals to deploy more technology for remote monitoring without necessarily understanding how some of these tools might be collecting and sharing anonymized patient data (or reporting that data to insurers). I'm concerned as well about how employers might use occupancy sensors to track employees in private places, such as bathrooms. If someone spends a lot of time in the restroom because they have a health condition, but their work is fine, it's possible a manager may never notice. But if in an effort to help with occupancy sensing or contact tracing companies start using that data to put together reports, such personal habits might become clear. And invite action. A more insidious threat could also emerge. Wearables to ensure social distancing are already being marketed in manufacturing and factory environments. And some employers are turning to consumer wearables that people already own to track fevers or sleep as indicators of potential infection. But if those employers start looking closely at that data, they might see other habits that should remain private. Additionally, it's worth remembering that actual people are the ones with access to that data. And in some cases, not people from the HR department or someone specially trained for the job. That symptom survey or temperature tracking wand might be wielded by a random 25-year-old receptionist or office manager who has time on his hands. It's one thing to share health data with a professional who has some sort of training and discretion, but another to have it go to a random individual who may or may not keep it to themselves. A similar worry exists around video surveillance in the office. I recently read about using AI to tell when people behave badly in elevators and wondered what it might mean to have a camera and an algorithm constantly monitor and flag bizarre elevator behavior. I also think giving an underpaid security guard access to the footage is a problem. We're deploying a lot of new technology without spending a lot of time thinking about who can use it and how they can use it. We need to start thinking about both of those issues. We also need to start thinking about legal and ethical frameworks that can protect individuals when their every action at home and at work is potentially captured by a computer and rendered both intelligible and searchable. I don't have the answers beyond a growing awareness that we need to seek consent from those affected before deploying this technology and that companies should be building with anonymity in mind as opposed to simply anonymizing data after the fact. What else should we do?
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passingthetime · 4 years
I was tagged by @crunchyspicysalmon, thank you a real ton!! 🌼
1. Are there any songs that make you cry? What are they? Do you have a specific memory with them?
Come Away Melinda by Uriah Heep and To Susan on the West Coast Waiting by Donovan made me cry a few times. No specific memory, they are just sad songs.
2. Do you like wearing jewelry? If so, what type/style?
I actually love wearing jewelry, as long as it's not too much. I like simple but pretty necklaces and cool rings the most. Wearing jewelry I can play with is very comforting to me.
3. Do you believe that there is another human “out there” for you to love and for them to love you? This doesn’t necessarily mean romanticly.
Not just one. I believe I am destined to meet every single person I meet in my life, and they all have an important role in it. Not necessarily for us to love each other, but in some cases that probably is the purpose.
4. What’s your ideal aesthetic like?
As warm and summery as possible! Sun, golden light, soft breeze, sparkling water, sitting outside in the full moon....
5. How do you prefer to listen to your music?
Loud, if no one's nearby. Otherwise annoying others makes me nervous so I prefer listening with a headphone at home and earphone on say public transport.
6. What do you think about spirituality?
I'm not sure... I do have some sort of spiritual beliefs, and I think they make my life a lot happier, but I don't really care if someone isn't spiritual, or is spiritual in a different way. What bothers me is when people try to push their own spirituality on others.
7. Do you ever daydream? Care to say what they’re about?
I suppose I do. But they are more often than not daynightmares. I'm more often daydreaming when I'm feeling a bit off. I've had a very vivid daynightmare about collapsing on the side of a road in the middle of nowhere and hitting my head on the asphalt, and a puddle of blood forming... Yeah, that kinda stuff...
8. If you could ever go back in time where in the world would you go and what time would it be?
Late 60s USA! I think I'm at just the right age to enjoy Woodstock to the fullest, haha. Or Meiji period Japan... Just for the aesthetic honestly? And curiosity, that's a really interesting mixture of cultural influences going on there.
9. Do you have any role models? Who are they and why?
Not quite role models, but there's people I look up to for certain things, and I suppose I try to achieve something on their level too. Some of these people are my man, my mom and my brother. But I also believe there is something they might be able to learn from me. Otherwise why am I in their lives?
10. What do you want to create in this world? What do you think needs to be created?
I just want to create art. I want to create beauty and give meaning to it. As for what needs to be created, I suppose as many different things as possible. Abundance of creation enriches our world.
11. How do you usually find new music?
Nowadays it's mainly Spotify and YouTube recommendations, but if my man puts on a song or album I don't know but like I'll of course ask what it is.
12. What are you proud of, but never have an excuse to talk about?
I don't need an excuse, if I'm proud of something I will sure as hell blabber on and on about it.
13. Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a dinner guest?
I never know the answer to this question and it comes up surprisingly often. I guess I just don't want any dinner guests.
14. What do you think the world will be like in ten years?
Thinner screens, cars with smarter AI, heavier surveillance over our lives, once again a general sense of progress with steps made further into space, stores that only accept debit/credit card and no cash all over Europe, subcultures that aim to not look and not be perfect on the rise... That's what comes to mind.
15. What’s something new you learned today?
Apparently the local madman is now a security guard at the subway.
16. Have you ever been to a concert? If so, what is the best concert you’ve ever been to?
Sure, having done volunteer work at festivals I got to see a few for free! My favourite was probably King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard on Sziget festival 2018, these guys are even better live than on their studio recordings. I'm glad to have seen them back then, I dislike their recent albums, and they probably play a lot of songs from those now. Uriah Heep in February this year was really memorable too those guys played music with such enjoyment!!
17. What makes you feel supported?
Depends on what I'm supposed to feel supported at... For example I'd feel supported at my art, if someone were to show what I created to someone else. I feel supported in sharing my thoughts when someone gives me space to speak. So I suppose small but clear ways to help are what make me feel supported the most?
18. Do you have your favorite fictitious character? If so, who is it and why?
Paprika from Paprika. I know she's technically fictional in a way even in the story, and she could not exist without the fundamentally different real life version of herself... But I suppose in some sense out of her two selves, she's the one who lives free. Plus, she a dream girl, haha. Aand I love her vibes.
19. What music puts you in a good mood?
I'm not sure, depends... But The Shadows, The Yardbirds and The Rolling Stones usually help to elevate my mood!
20. Where’s the weirdest place you’ve found something that you lost?
I lost my mom's scarf at a bookstore once. I went back to ask if anyone found it, but no luck. I had to listen to my mom scold me for it for a week or so. Eventually it turned out the scarf was in the sleeve of my jacket - the jacket I wore to school every day - all along.
I tag anyone who wants to do this!! 🌻
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stark-web-warriors · 6 years
Stark Contrast: Introduction
Masterlist | Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three
Pairing: Peter Parker x Stark!Reader
Word count: 3,632
Warnings: Swearing, reference to familial death, mentions of sex, mention of a drop of blood
Chapter Summary: Y/N first meets Tony Stark as his illegitimate daughter from a party 17 years ago. As Mr. Stark and her lawyer discuss custody, she must ponder if this is even something she wants.
A/N: The beginning is finally here! I hope you all enjoy this introductory chapter. It’s really focused on introducing the character of Y/N and how she came to live with Tony. Peter and the whole big bang will begin in Chapter One, I promise! Also, I know Project Arsenal is something completely different in the comics, but here I’m using it to refer to the new element that saved Tony’s life in Iron Man 2. If you want to be added to the tag list for this fic, reblog this with “StarkContrastTaglist” in the notes and I‘ll add your username. Members of the tag list MUST reblog. Even if you don’t want to be added to the tag list, comment, reblog, send me an ask, anything helps. I want to hear from you all, even if you just want to tell me how your day is going!!!
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Throughout her childhood, somewhere buried in a musty old closet was a document that held more family secrets than Y/N could care to know. Not that her life was great before Pandora’s Box opened. Her parents tried, but there was always that surreptitious foundation that made her feel like a black sheep, just left of center, and still outside the circle. One small life-ending car accident later, and she was discovered. The illegitimate daughter of Tony Stark, a poor girl from the slums of some nameless city in the midwest now suddenly torn away to upstate New York, riding in the car alongside a lawyer who was nervously adjusting his tie and preparing his big case. The clammy man awkwardly muttered an explanation about why this was not just another false claim, that this was his actual DNA pulsing through the result of a wild after party he threw in Seattle 17 years ago.
The driveway up to the obscene white building was long, winding and pointless. The security was at every corner, the vehicle constantly being stopped by AI surveillance that needed yet another verification.  A scan here, a code there. Y/N couldn’t help but play with the automatic window in her boredom. The glass slid up and down with the flick of a switch. The sound of the outside air rushing in before being funnelled and cut off amused her childish mind, and the cold autumn air dusting over her cheeks was refreshing. Just the feeling of having control over the window made Y/N feel more secure in her current, dodgy affair. The car pulled up to the main entrance and beyond the silver-framed glass doors a large empty lobby could be seen, like a pristine shopping mall without the stores and gum-ball machines. The nervous man beside Y/N took a deep breath and then eagerly unlatched the door and pushed his way out. When she heard the door loudly click shut behind him, Y/N shrugged and shoved her shoulder into the door to follow suit.
It was sunny outside. The kind of beautiful August day that had no right to be so summer-y. The warmth radiated into Y/N’s cheek as she gazed upon the vast white monstrosity. She slowly stepped around in a circle, noticing the quin-jet on the runway in the front lawn and the slightly demolished trees of the uncultivated forest along the shoreline, flickers of the ocean water glimmering through the branches as it sloshed against the land. It was as ugly as it was beautiful. Y/N closed her eyes, just for a moment, and inhaled the fresh ocean air, it’s impurities tickling her nose as it rushed to her brain. She felt cleansed.
Finally, Y/N turned back around and jogged across the heated pavement to catch up with her lawyer, who was hurrying in a manner somewhere between stoic confidence and absolute frantic anxiety. The interior was a stark contrast to the bright white outside. A collection of black and grey floor tiles glowed in the natural light flooding in through the windows. Above their heads a couple of people in lab coats trotted across a glossy black catwalk, accented by the silver hardware that connected it to the glass panels and handrails. The two were speaking about in something that sounded like another language entirely, but she figured it had to be English given their London accents peeking through the dialogue. The whole place felt vast, but not empty. 
A man approached, whom Y/N recognized as Harold Hogan, known to his friends as “Happy”. The man who was once Tony Stark’s bodyguard was now known for his responsibility in managing the operations of the Avengers Facility. His face was serious and his walk meant business. Y/N couldn’t imagine what inspired the nickname “Happy” outside of good, old-fashion sarcasm. 
“Adam Goldberg?” Happy inquired, stepping up to Y/N’s lawyer with a slight scowl. Goldberg nodded tentatively, without any words. Happy huffed and turned to glare straight into Y/N’s eyes. “Is this your client?” he asked Goldberg passively, still staring at the teenager beside him.
“Yes,” Y/N heard Adam Goldberg state confidently as he straightened up. She was beginning to become annoyed by the accusing eyes of “Happy” Hogan. 
Happy nodded, “Alright. You two follow me. Do not touch anything. Better yet, don’t look at anything. Look straight ahead the whole way.” The man turned and began briskly walking at a pace it was hard to keep up with. Goldberg looked excited as the two of you trotted along, like a little kid on ‘Bring Your Kid to Work Day’, like this was his first big case. In fact, it probably was to some extent. How many cases could possibly warrant meeting a celebrity the likes of Tony Stark? Y/N shook her head at his ignorant bedside manner. This was her life in the hands of a billionaire and whether or not he’d really want to take the responsibility of a child he never knew he had. Quite simply, it was stressful. So when Happy Hogan stopped on the side of a glossy black door, it’d be safe to say her heart stopped for a few seconds. 
Mr. Goldberg reached for the golden door handle and eagerly pulled it open. Y/N couldn’t see behind his broad, suit-jacket wearing shoulders, adding to her heightened anxiety. She followed the grey-wool clad mass that was her lawyer into a dark office. Goldberg finally stepped aside to take a seat and Y/N’s breath hitched as she was faced with Tony Stark, slouched in a chair behind a large black desk and surrounded by gunmetal grey computers and machines. The room was lit up almost exclusively by the bright blue displays, depicting blueprints and schematics that seemed incomprehensibly detailed. Quickly, she took the seat to the right of Goldberg. It was strange to sit so close to a celebrity. She could see his pores, the faint scar across his left cheek and the grey hairs peeking out in his beard and his hairline. It all made him seem so real and human. The visual appearance of age made Y/N relax some as the feeling that this man was no longer the party monster that brought her into this world. He was a superhero, and that had to mature someone.
Still, she just lost her family, was at a meeting to determine what stranger she’d get tossed off to, and she wanted to be angry at this man. It was his immaturity that put her in a childhood of poverty. A rich man who had a fun night with a poor woman, and left her to raise the child. There was the small detail that her mother never told this Tony Stark that Y/N ever existed, but how would she even have gone about that? One night at a party doesn’t exactly warrant exchanging contact information on a hunk of Blackberry phone.
“Mr. Stark-” Goldberg began but was too startled to finish as Tony wordlessly jumped up from his chair and began working his way around the desk.
“So you’re what, fifteen?” Tony inquired dismissively, tapping a large silver pen against his palm as he meandered toward Y/N.
“Seventeen,” Y/N corrected passively, not hesitating long enough to skip a beat.
“And I’m just finding out about this now? A little suspicious, don’t you think?” Mr. Stark continued as he cornered around the evidently invisible lawyer.
Goldberg interrupted, “Sir, I’d appreciate it if you didn’t address my client directly-“
“I guess my mother just didn’t think you were the “father” type, though I can’t see why. Seems you made a pretty good sugar daddy for her,” Y/N remarked over her lawyer. It felt good to just give in to her hormonal teenage whims. She wanted to act out, and if there was a place to do it, of course it was this very important meeting.
Tony stopped and smiled. He set a hand on Goldberg’s shoulder and leaned in. “I like her,” he commented, before looking back at Y/N. She crossed her arms, leather jacket squeaking, and slouched back in her chair in defense. His face was different now. It showed a level of disassociation mixed with curiosity that quite frankly scared the teen he was staring down. It was like looking at an angry parent mocking fake innocence before blowing their top. The big crazy eyes and the slow approach. Y/N chewed her lip nervously as Tony Stark stepped behind her chair and set his hands on the corners of the backrest.
A zap ran down Y/N’s spine and she jumped away from Tony in her chair, yelling, “Ouch!” as her hand flew up to the back of her neck. It was wet and she pulled her hand down to see a small spot of blood on her palm, nothing that wouldn’t stop in a matter of seconds, and still blood. “What the hell?” Y/N yelled, shifting in her chair to face Tony Stark. She was shocked, confused, angry, and she wanted answers even if she couldn’t form a sentence that communicated any of that.
“DNA test,” Tony shrugged, pulling back the object Y/N had previously thought was a pen, and now understood to be the machine that stabbed her moments ago. The man smirked at the obnoxious teen's obvious frustration as he backed away confidently.
“You couldn’t have just asked?” Y/N sputtered.
“You see, I really couldn’t have,” Tony sighed. “DNA tests are a tricky thing. Could be faked, could be toxic, and it was much more fun to see your face do that thing.”
“What thing?” The insecurity was already forming, though for what she didn’t know. She watched as the man placed the not-a-pen object into a slot that had opened up in his desk. It disappeared before their eyes as it was sucked away.
“Mr. Stark, really-“ Goldberg tried again, only for Tony to ignore him and begin explaining.
“We’ll see the results from that in a few seconds, and then we can talk.”
Y/N adjusted in her chair. She really didn’t know what would happen. For all she knew, she wasn’t actually Tony Stark’s kid and her mother was a compulsive liar. All she had to tell her otherwise was a shitty piece of paper that had been hidden in a closet for years if not her entire life. And what if she was Tony Stark’s daughter? Would that really be any better? He was an annoying, childish stranger from what she had seen and what business did he have suddenly trying to be a father? That is, if he even would try. It was all very agonizing, and Y/N found herself compulsively tugging at the sleeves of her leather jacket.
“Now I’m gonna be honest with you, kid,” Tony started, “I don’t remember your mother at all. I don’t remember a lot of women, to her credit, but when someone starts knocking down your door claiming they have your DNA, you have to be careful,” Y/N couldn’t tell if she wanted to roll her eyes or cry at what this man was saying. She felt lost and lonely, and he was definitely only making it worse. “Especially now. We don’t know who’s out there, and when the media has given us the whole ‘Earth’s Mightiest Heroes’ gig, who knows what kind of people-”
“The results are in, Sir.” It was like a voice from the sky. Y/N hadn’t noticed any speakers in the room, and wasn’t prepared to be hearing the voice of this AI interface the entire world had heard about without actually hearing it, called “J.A.R.V.I.S.”
“Right on time,” Tony commented, plopping back down into his chair, slightly sideways with a leg hanging over the armrest. “What’ve you got for me, Jarvis?”
“It’s a match.” Tony’s smug faced drained into a pale expression of nothingness. He stared vacantly into the wall beyond his dangling leg.
“Get out,” Tony mumbled.
“What?” Y/N couldn’t help but laugh as she spoke, though her face was contorted in a type of concern and confusion she had never known.
“Get out, kid,” Tony commanded aggressively as he once again stood up, mentioning, “I want to talk to your lawyer,” as he hurried around the desk and opened the office door. Y/N kept staring at the manic man as he gestured like a doorman. “Vamoose. Move your caboose, kid, I’ve not got time to read you a whole Dr. Seuss book,” Stark complained as he dropped an exhausted hand.
Hurriedly, Y/N collected herself and scuttled out the door, not sure where she was supposed to go while this was going on, or what that even meant. She gasped as the door slammed behind her, wind gusting through her hair at the sudden movement. Her brows knit together and her lips gaped as she began to panic. Eyes watering as she stared at the floor. A throat clearing beside her pulled her back into reality, turning to see the now softer, yet clearly uncomfortable face of Happy Hogan. He didn’t even speak, just nodded his head to the side and started walking. Y/N followed him as she presumed that is what he intended, though everything seemed so different here it was hard to tell. He led her into an open lounge they had passed on the way to Tony’s office earlier. There was a wall of windows behind a large black leather couch, that made a “U” shape around an unlit stone fireplace. Directly behind was a bar lined with various expensive-looking liquor bottles. Y/N turned to look at Happy, trying to figure out if this was where she was supposed to be. He shifted awkwardly and nodded toward the couch while clearing his throat again. She sadly looked at the floor and walked over to the couch, taking a seat before looking back for approval from Happy, still back at the walkway. Upon seeing her on the couch, he promptly walked off back toward Tony’s office. She was alone.
She was crying before she could even process it. Y/N hated crying, but here she was doing it. A tear here for how overwhelmed she was, a sniff there for how scared she was, and a long exhale for how exhaustingly alone she felt. Time was slow. Even as the orange glow of sunset flooded into the room, Y/N felt as though she’d be trapped in that awful moment forever. She watched the sun sink lower into the sky as her tears dried, the weight of a thousand buildings on her chest. It was devastating as the burning light silhouetted the trees and glimmered in the ocean. After what she could swear had been hours, Y/N finally heard placid voices and turned to the open end of the room that aligned with the hallway. She saw Happy and Mr. Goldberg walk past, their giant shadows hurrying against the warm glow of the wall behind them. Neither so much as turned to look at her. She caught only a fragment of their conversation. Something about the logistics of transferring materials, but they disappeared behind the second wall so quickly. Y/N couldn’t be bothered with being concerned anymore. It had been too many hours that day she had worried, so she shrugged off the appearance and turned back to the last of the sunset. The flaming orb had all but disappeared, and all that was left of its presence was a pink hue over the shoreline. Sunset always moved at such an exponential pace. Once it was almost over, you’d blink and it’d be done.
It was beginning to grow dim in the room. It had probably been about 15 minutes since Mr. Goldberg had left and the windows were providing minimal light, but the whole place was muted and blue without the sun to light it up. Y/N almost found herself feeling drowsy, but was pulled right back as suddenly the fluorescent ceiling lights popped on, causing her to swing her head around suddenly to find the source, eventually landing on a tentative Tony Stark not quite standing in the room as he half hid behind the wall closest to his office.
“Hey, kid,” Tony greeted calmly, as he walked into the space, hands hidden in the pockets of his blue jeans. The imposing glow of his chest piece polluted his black t-shirt as he approached Y/N. She watched him carefully as he sat down beside her, about another person’s worth of space between them. It was quiet. They both stared at their own shuffling feet and between the two of them, nothing was said for what seemed like an eternity. “Happy talked to Goldberg about getting your stuff here. It’ll be in your room sometime tomorrow morning.”
This was a lot more information than what was said, and still Y/N felt the need to clarify, “So I’m staying? Like, here?”
“Yeah. I mean, this is where I live and I guess I’m your guardian now, so this is home.” Tony seemed to be speaking aimlessly, struggling to find the right words.
“Weird,” Y/N responded simply, sitting on her hands uncomfortably.
“Weird,” Tony agreed before remaining silent for another hopelessly long amount of time. The moon was beginning to take place in the early-evening lavender sky when he shifted, pointing his knees toward the teen. “Look, I am sorry but I really don’t remember your mother.”
“Why would you even say that?” Y/N asked, suddenly standing up and facing the now small looking man on the couch.
Tony sat up and defensively snapped back, “I was just trying to be honest-”
“Honest doesn’t make it okay. I don’t know you. You’re a strange man who sexed my mother, and now I’m standing in your house without warning. I am not here for honest right now,” Y/N ranted. Her face was heating up and she felt the need to begin pacing a small path in front of him, only about a meter wide. “And where was that honesty when you decided to stab me in the fucking neck?”
“I had to make sure you weren’t just another ‘fake news’ case.” Tony’s face turned harder as he now stood up from the couch, not much taller than Y/N, and probably not as threatening as he would like to be as a consequence. “I’m trying to tell you that I cannot remember anything about that night. I don’t remember your mother. From what I can tell, I was so blackout drunk that night I forgot to use a condom. My mistake.”
Y/N jaw dropped. “Are you kidding me?” she shouted. “I didn’t have a choice to be born. I just was; whatever the reason. I just lost my entire family and now I’m supposed to live with a strange man. I’m scared!” She near screamed.
“Well I’m scared, too, kid,” Tony stated firmly, staring her down. “Neither of us asked for this, okay? I’m not a dad. I don’t have the prerequisites for that. I’m just a guy who now has custody of a teenager. What am I supposed to do with that?” The sound of his voice beginning to break apart sobered Y/N from her previous state of anger. The man took a calming breath before continuing, “I’m trying to be honest about not remembering your mother so you don’t have any pretenses about me. I can’t be your parent—not in the way she was.”
“She was a bitch anyway,” Y/N commented submissively, plopping back on the couch.
“You don’t miss her?” Tony sat down again, this time next to her. His words, for the first time, expressed genuine interest.
“I mean, I do, like she cared for me and all, but she had her shortcomings, too. She lied about who my biological father was for the last 17 year of my life, which is all of them, so that kind of sucks.” Y/N felt a little embarrassed about the dialectics she was toying with, and felt the need to simplify it all into a simple, “It’s complicated.”
“I get that,” Tony agreed, cautiously placing an arm along the back of the couch behind Y/N’s head. “My old man was a pain in the ass. Couldn’t even find the time to acknowledge my existence. Then after he died I found out about Project Arsenal.” The curious teen looked Stark in the eyes for the first time that night and pulled her legs onto the couch so she could sit sideways and face him. “It saved my life, but it still doesn’t make up for getting ignored through an entire childhood.”
“Big mood,” Y/N nodded.
“Big what?”
“Big mood,” Y/N repeated. Tony turned his palms up and shook his head, making her giggle to know that even if he is one of the most relevant people in the world, he still was an old guy who didn’t know the lingo. “It’s like, I feel that. You know?” For the first time since meeting the world famous Tony Stark, she saw a genuine smile begin to play at the corner of his lips. “You’re not getting this, are you?” Y/N presumed. “It means it’s relatable,” she tried again, laughing at the strange man. She knew he was right in that he couldn’t be a “dad” to her, but if this was Tony, she figured she could survive having one of those.
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petersquips · 5 years
Stark Contrast: Introduction
Masterlist || Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four (pt 1) | Chapter Four (pt 2)
Pairing: Peter Parker x Stark!Reader
Word count: 3,632
Warnings: Swearing, reference to familial death, mentions of sex, mention of a drop of blood
Chapter Summary: Y/N first meets Tony Stark as his illegitimate daughter from a party 17 years ago. As Mr. Stark and her lawyer discuss custody, she must ponder if this is even something she wants.
A/N: The beginning is finally here! I hope you all enjoy this introductory chapter. It’s really focused on introducing the character of Y/N and how she came to live with Tony. Peter and the whole big bang will begin in Chapter One, I promise! Also, I know Project Arsenal is something completely different in the comics, but here I’m using it to refer to the new element that saved Tony’s life in Iron Man 2. Please feel free to comment, reblog, send me an ask, anything helps. I want to hear from you all, even if you just want to tell me how your day is going!!!
If you want to be added to the tag list for this fic, Inbox me and I‘ll add your username. Members of the tag list MUST reblog. I look forward to your feedback, friends!
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Throughout her childhood, somewhere buried in a musty old closet was a document that held more family secrets than Y/N could care to know. Not that her life was great before Pandora’s Box opened. Her parents tried, but there was always that surreptitious foundation that made her feel like a black sheep, just left of center, and still outside the circle. One small life-ending car accident later, and she was discovered. The illegitimate daughter of Tony Stark, a poor girl from the slums of some nameless city in the midwest now suddenly torn away to upstate New York, riding in the car alongside a lawyer who was nervously adjusting his tie and preparing his big case. The clammy man awkwardly muttered an explanation about why this was not just another false claim, that this was his actual DNA pulsing through the result of a wild after party he threw in Seattle 17 years ago.
The driveway up to the obscene white building was long, winding and pointless. The security was at every corner, the vehicle constantly being stopped by AI surveillance that needed yet another verification.  A scan here, a code there. Y/N couldn’t help but play with the automatic window in her boredom. The glass slid up and down with the flick of a switch. The sound of the outside air rushing in before being funnelled and cut off amused her childish mind, and the cold autumn air dusting over her cheeks was refreshing. Just the feeling of having control over the window made Y/N feel more secure in her current, dodgy affair. The car pulled up to the main entrance and beyond the silver-framed glass doors a large empty lobby could be seen, like a pristine shopping mall without the stores and gum-ball machines. The nervous man beside Y/N took a deep breath and then eagerly unlatched the door and pushed his way out. When she heard the door loudly click shut behind him, Y/N shrugged and shoved her shoulder into the door to follow suit.
It was sunny outside. The kind of beautiful August day that had no right to be so summer-y. The warmth radiated into Y/N’s cheek as she gazed upon the vast white monstrosity. She slowly stepped around in a circle, noticing the quin-jet on the runway in the front lawn and the slightly demolished trees of the uncultivated forest along the shoreline, flickers of the ocean water glimmering through the branches as it sloshed against the land. It was as ugly as it was beautiful. Y/N closed her eyes, just for a moment, and inhaled the fresh ocean air, it’s impurities tickling her nose as it rushed to her brain. She felt cleansed.
Finally, Y/N turned back around and jogged across the heated pavement to catch up with her lawyer, who was hurrying in a manner somewhere between stoic confidence and absolute frantic anxiety. The interior was a stark contrast to the bright white outside. A collection of black and grey floor tiles glowed in the natural light flooding in through the windows. Above their heads a couple of people in lab coats trotted across a glossy black catwalk, accented by the silver hardware that connected it to the glass panels and handrails. The two were speaking about in something that sounded like another language entirely, but she figured it had to be English given their London accents peeking through the dialogue. The whole place felt vast, but not empty. 
A man approached, whom Y/N recognized as Harold Hogan, known to his friends as “Happy”. The man who was once Tony Stark’s bodyguard was now known for his responsibility in managing the operations of the Avengers Facility. His face was serious and his walk meant business. Y/N couldn’t imagine what inspired the nickname “Happy” outside of good, old-fashion sarcasm. 
“Adam Goldberg?” Happy inquired, stepping up to Y/N’s lawyer with a slight scowl. Goldberg nodded tentatively, without any words. Happy huffed and turned to glare straight into Y/N’s eyes. “Is this your client?” he asked Goldberg passively, still staring at the teenager beside him.
“Yes,” Y/N heard Adam Goldberg state confidently as he straightened up. She was beginning to become annoyed by the accusing eyes of “Happy” Hogan. 
Happy nodded, “Alright. You two follow me. Do not touch anything. Better yet, don’t look at anything. Look straight ahead the whole way.” The man turned and began briskly walking at a pace it was hard to keep up with. Goldberg looked excited as the two of you trotted along, like a little kid on ‘Bring Your Kid to Work Day’, like this was his first big case. In fact, it probably was to some extent. How many cases could possibly warrant meeting a celebrity the likes of Tony Stark? Y/N shook her head at his ignorant bedside manner. This was her life in the hands of a billionaire and whether or not he’d really want to take the responsibility of a child he never knew he had. Quite simply, it was stressful. So when Happy Hogan stopped on the side of a glossy black door, it’d be safe to say her heart stopped for a few seconds. 
Mr. Goldberg reached for the golden door handle and eagerly pulled it open. Y/N couldn’t see behind his broad, suit-jacket wearing shoulders, adding to her heightened anxiety. She followed the grey-wool clad mass that was her lawyer into a dark office. Goldberg finally stepped aside to take a seat and Y/N’s breath hitched as she was faced with Tony Stark, slouched in a chair behind a large black desk and surrounded by gunmetal grey computers and machines. The room was lit up almost exclusively by the bright blue displays, depicting blueprints and schematics that seemed incomprehensibly detailed. Quickly, she took the seat to the right of Goldberg. It was strange to sit so close to a celebrity. She could see his pores, the faint scar across his left cheek and the grey hairs peeking out in his beard and his hairline. It all made him seem so real and human. The visual appearance of age made Y/N relax some as the feeling that this man was no longer the party monster that brought her into this world. He was a superhero, and that had to mature someone.
Still, she just lost her family, was at a meeting to determine what stranger she’d get tossed off to, and she wanted to be angry at this man. It was his immaturity that put her in a childhood of poverty. A rich man who had a fun night with a poor woman, and left her to raise the child. There was the small detail that her mother never told this Tony Stark that Y/N ever existed, but how would she even have gone about that? One night at a party doesn’t exactly warrant exchanging contact information on a hunk of Blackberry phone.
“Mr. Stark-” Goldberg began but was too startled to finish as Tony wordlessly jumped up from his chair and began working his way around the desk.
“So you’re what, fifteen?” Tony inquired dismissively, tapping a large silver pen against his palm as he meandered toward Y/N.
“Seventeen,” Y/N corrected passively, not hesitating long enough to skip a beat.
“And I’m just finding out about this now? A little suspicious, don’t you think?” Mr. Stark continued as he cornered around the evidently invisible lawyer.
Goldberg interrupted, “Sir, I’d appreciate it if you didn’t address my client directly-“
“I guess my mother just didn’t think you were the “father” type, though I can’t see why. Seems you made a pretty good sugar daddy for her,” Y/N remarked over her lawyer. It felt good to just give in to her hormonal teenage whims. She wanted to act out, and if there was a place to do it, of course it was this very important meeting.
Tony stopped and smiled. He set a hand on Goldberg’s shoulder and leaned in. “I like her,” he commented, before looking back at Y/N. She crossed her arms, leather jacket squeaking, and slouched back in her chair in defense. His face was different now. It showed a level of disassociation mixed with curiosity that quite frankly scared the teen he was staring down. It was like looking at an angry parent mocking fake innocence before blowing their top. The big crazy eyes and the slow approach. Y/N chewed her lip nervously as Tony Stark stepped behind her chair and set his hands on the corners of the backrest.
A zap ran down Y/N’s spine and she jumped away from Tony in her chair, yelling, “Ouch!” as her hand flew up to the back of her neck. It was wet and she pulled her hand down to see a small spot of blood on her palm, nothing that wouldn’t stop in a matter of seconds, and still blood. “What the hell?” Y/N yelled, shifting in her chair to face Tony Stark. She was shocked, confused, angry, and she wanted answers even if she couldn’t form a sentence that communicated any of that.
“DNA test,” Tony shrugged, pulling back the object Y/N had previously thought was a pen, and now understood to be the machine that stabbed her moments ago. The man smirked at the obnoxious teen's obvious frustration as he backed away confidently.
“You couldn’t have just asked?” Y/N sputtered.
“You see, I really couldn’t have,” Tony sighed. “DNA tests are a tricky thing. Could be faked, could be toxic, and it was much more fun to see your face do that thing.”
“What thing?” The insecurity was already forming, though for what she didn’t know. She watched as the man placed the not-a-pen object into a slot that had opened up in his desk. It disappeared before their eyes as it was sucked away.
“Mr. Stark, really-“ Goldberg tried again, only for Tony to ignore him and begin explaining.
“We’ll see the results from that in a few seconds, and then we can talk.”
Y/N adjusted in her chair. She really didn’t know what would happen. For all she knew, she wasn’t actually Tony Stark’s kid and her mother was a compulsive liar. All she had to tell her otherwise was a shitty piece of paper that had been hidden in a closet for years if not her entire life. And what if she was Tony Stark’s daughter? Would that really be any better? He was an annoying, childish stranger from what she had seen and what business did he have suddenly trying to be a father? That is, if he even would try. It was all very agonizing, and Y/N found herself compulsively tugging at the sleeves of her leather jacket.
“Now I’m gonna be honest with you, kid,” Tony started, “I don’t remember your mother at all. I don’t remember a lot of women, to her credit, but when someone starts knocking down your door claiming they have your DNA, you have to be careful,” Y/N couldn’t tell if she wanted to roll her eyes or cry at what this man was saying. She felt lost and lonely, and he was definitely only making it worse. “Especially now. We don’t know who’s out there, and when the media has given us the whole ‘Earth’s Mightiest Heroes’ gig, who knows what kind of people-”
“The results are in, Sir.” It was like a voice from the sky. Y/N hadn’t noticed any speakers in the room, and wasn’t prepared to be hearing the voice of this AI interface the entire world had heard about without actually hearing it, called “J.A.R.V.I.S.”
“Right on time,” Tony commented, plopping back down into his chair, slightly sideways with a leg hanging over the armrest. “What’ve you got for me, Jarvis?”
“It’s a match.” Tony’s smug faced drained into a pale expression of nothingness. He stared vacantly into the wall beyond his dangling leg.
“Get out,” Tony mumbled.
“What?” Y/N couldn’t help but laugh as she spoke, though her face was contorted in a type of concern and confusion she had never known.
“Get out, kid,” Tony commanded aggressively as he once again stood up, mentioning, “I want to talk to your lawyer,” as he hurried around the desk and opened the office door. Y/N kept staring at the manic man as he gestured like a doorman. “Vamoose. Move your caboose, kid, I’ve not got time to read you a whole Dr. Seuss book,” Stark complained as he dropped an exhausted hand.
Hurriedly, Y/N collected herself and scuttled out the door, not sure where she was supposed to go while this was going on, or what that even meant. She gasped as the door slammed behind her, wind gusting through her hair at the sudden movement. Her brows knit together and her lips gaped as she began to panic. Eyes watering as she stared at the floor. A throat clearing beside her pulled her back into reality, turning to see the now softer, yet clearly uncomfortable face of Happy Hogan. He didn’t even speak, just nodded his head to the side and started walking. Y/N followed him as she presumed that is what he intended, though everything seemed so different here it was hard to tell. He led her into an open lounge they had passed on the way to Tony’s office earlier. There was a wall of windows behind a large black leather couch, that made a “U” shape around an unlit stone fireplace. Directly behind was a bar lined with various expensive-looking liquor bottles. Y/N turned to look at Happy, trying to figure out if this was where she was supposed to be. He shifted awkwardly and nodded toward the couch while clearing his throat again. She sadly looked at the floor and walked over to the couch, taking a seat before looking back for approval from Happy, still back at the walkway. Upon seeing her on the couch, he promptly walked off back toward Tony’s office. She was alone.
She was crying before she could even process it. Y/N hated crying, but here she was doing it. A tear here for how overwhelmed she was, a sniff there for how scared she was, and a long exhale for how exhaustingly alone she felt. Time was slow. Even as the orange glow of sunset flooded into the room, Y/N felt as though she’d be trapped in that awful moment forever. She watched the sun sink lower into the sky as her tears dried, the weight of a thousand buildings on her chest. It was devastating as the burning light silhouetted the trees and glimmered in the ocean. After what she could swear had been hours, Y/N finally heard placid voices and turned to the open end of the room that aligned with the hallway. She saw Happy and Mr. Goldberg walk past, their giant shadows hurrying against the warm glow of the wall behind them. Neither so much as turned to look at her. She caught only a fragment of their conversation. Something about the logistics of transferring materials, but they disappeared behind the second wall so quickly. Y/N couldn’t be bothered with being concerned anymore. It had been too many hours that day she had worried, so she shrugged off the appearance and turned back to the last of the sunset. The flaming orb had all but disappeared, and all that was left of its presence was a pink hue over the shoreline. Sunset always moved at such an exponential pace. Once it was almost over, you’d blink and it’d be done.
It was beginning to grow dim in the room. It had probably been about 15 minutes since Mr. Goldberg had left and the windows were providing minimal light, but the whole place was muted and blue without the sun to light it up. Y/N almost found herself feeling drowsy, but was pulled right back as suddenly the fluorescent ceiling lights popped on, causing her to swing her head around suddenly to find the source, eventually landing on a tentative Tony Stark not quite standing in the room as he half hid behind the wall closest to his office.
“Hey, kid,” Tony greeted calmly, as he walked into the space, hands hidden in the pockets of his blue jeans. The imposing glow of his chest piece polluted his black t-shirt as he approached Y/N. She watched him carefully as he sat down beside her, about another person’s worth of space between them. It was quiet. They both stared at their own shuffling feet and between the two of them, nothing was said for what seemed like an eternity. “Happy talked to Goldberg about getting your stuff here. It’ll be in your room sometime tomorrow morning.”
This was a lot more information than what was said, and still Y/N felt the need to clarify, “So I’m staying? Like, here?”
“Yeah. I mean, this is where I live and I guess I’m your guardian now, so this is home.” Tony seemed to be speaking aimlessly, struggling to find the right words.
“Weird,” Y/N responded simply, sitting on her hands uncomfortably.
“Weird,” Tony agreed before remaining silent for another hopelessly long amount of time. The moon was beginning to take place in the early-evening lavender sky when he shifted, pointing his knees toward the teen. “Look, I am sorry but I really don’t remember your mother.”
“Why would you even say that?” Y/N asked, suddenly standing up and facing the now small looking man on the couch.
Tony sat up and defensively snapped back, “I was just trying to be honest-”
“Honest doesn’t make it okay. I don’t know you. You’re a strange man who sexed my mother, and now I’m standing in your house without warning. I am not here for honest right now,” Y/N ranted. Her face was heating up and she felt the need to begin pacing a small path in front of him, only about a meter wide. “And where was that honesty when you decided to stab me in the fucking neck?”
“I had to make sure you weren’t just another ‘fake news’ case.” Tony’s face turned harder as he now stood up from the couch, not much taller than Y/N, and probably not as threatening as he would like to be as a consequence. “I’m trying to tell you that I cannot remember anything about that night. I don’t remember your mother. From what I can tell, I was so blackout drunk that night I forgot to use a condom. My mistake.”
Y/N jaw dropped. “Are you kidding me?” she shouted. “I didn’t have a choice to be born. I just was; whatever the reason. I just lost my entire family and now I’m supposed to live with a strange man. I’m scared!” She near screamed.
“Well I’m scared, too, kid,” Tony stated firmly, staring her down. “Neither of us asked for this, okay? I’m not a dad. I don’t have the prerequisites for that. I’m just a guy who now has custody of a teenager. What am I supposed to do with that?” The sound of his voice beginning to break apart sobered Y/N from her previous state of anger. The man took a calming breath before continuing, “I’m trying to be honest about not remembering your mother so you don’t have any pretenses about me. I can’t be your parent—not in the way she was.”
“She was a bitch anyway,” Y/N commented submissively, plopping back on the couch.
“You don’t miss her?” Tony sat down again, this time next to her. His words, for the first time, expressed genuine interest.
“I mean, I do, like she cared for me and all, but she had her shortcomings, too. She lied about who my biological father was for the last 17 year of my life, which is all of them, so that kind of sucks.” Y/N felt a little embarrassed about the dialectics she was toying with, and felt the need to simplify it all into a simple, “It’s complicated.”
“I get that,” Tony agreed, cautiously placing an arm along the back of the couch behind Y/N’s head. “My old man was a pain in the ass. Couldn’t even find the time to acknowledge my existence. Then after he died I found out about Project Arsenal.” The curious teen looked Stark in the eyes for the first time that night and pulled her legs onto the couch so she could sit sideways and face him. “It saved my life, but it still doesn’t make up for getting ignored through an entire childhood.”
“Big mood,” Y/N nodded.
“Big what?”
“Big mood,” Y/N repeated. Tony turned his palms up and shook his head, making her giggle to know that even if he is one of the most relevant people in the world, he still was an old guy who didn’t know the lingo. “It’s like, I feel that. You know?” For the first time since meeting the world famous Tony Stark, she saw a genuine smile begin to play at the corner of his lips. “You’re not getting this, are you?” Y/N presumed. “It means it’s relatable,” she tried again, laughing at the strange man. She knew he was right in that he couldn’t be a “dad” to her, but if this was Tony, she figured she could survive having one of those.
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mischiefandspirits · 5 years
Rescue to the Rescue (1/3)
Peter puts E.D.I.T.H. to work on the Elemental's case and something doesn't seem to be adding up.
“No matches found under Quentin Beck. Expanding search.”
“That’s alright, he’s not exactly from around -”
“Match found in Stark Industries database.”
Part 2, Part 3, and Also on AO3
“What else can you do, E.D.I.T.H.?”
“I can do lots of things,” she -- she? Do AIs even have a gender? Or just preferred pronouns? Vision had gone by male pronouns, but was that because he was male or he just preferred male pronouns? Or did everyone just automatically use male pronouns and he’d never corrected them? What about F.R.I.D.A.Y.? Oh man, had Peter been misgendering Karen by calling them a suit lady this entire time? -- said.
Peter opened his mouth to ask how genders worked for AIs when he suddenly realized that during his metal speculation, E.D.I.T.H. had gone on to answer his question and Peter had completely missed part of it.
“Um, E.D.I.T.H.?”
“… inform- Yes, Peter?” she asked, only to continue a second later with, “Oh, I failed to notice your distraction. I apologize.”
Peter blushed and slumped down further in his seat. “No, no, I’m sorry. I should have been paying better attention.”
“Research shows those of your condition can display difficulties with focusing during long speeches or lectures. I will make a note to keep better track in the future so I can properly assist you.”
Fingers coming up to run over the smooth metal of the glasses’ temples, he gave a small smile. “Thanks, E.D.I.T.H.”
“Of course, Peter. Would you prefer I send a list of my capabilities to your phone so you can read through it instead?”
“Oh, that would be great!” Peter blushed again as a couple of his classmates turned to look at him, ducking his head and pulling out his phone and headphones. He quickly stuck the earbuds in his ears and plugged them in to make it look like he was talking on the phone. “Um, yeah, you can do that. Thanks.”
“Your welcome.”
The file popped up on his phone’s screen and he quickly opened it. “So, E.D.I.T.H.,” he hummed scrolling through the list. “What pronouns do you use?”
“… I’m sorry, I don’t understand the question.”
“Like, what’s your gender? You sound like a woman, but, like, do AIs have genders? I don’t know how that works, sorry.”
“I was not programmed with a gender.”
“So you’re agender?”
“That would be the closest identifier according to my findings, yes.”
“That’s cool. So what pronouns should I use for you?”
“I have no preference either way.”
Peter’s eyes stopped on ‘Can access security and traffic cameras for surveillance purposes.’ “Would you mind if I use female pronouns, then? That’s kind of what I’ve been using in my head.”
“That is fine.”
“Cool, just let me know if you change your mind. Hey, this says you can scan through a bunch of security feeds and stuff right? Would you be able to pick up anything on Mysterio?” Maybe if he could find out something about the elementals that could help Mr. Beck, then Mr. Fury would leave him alone to enjoy his trip.
“He’s a superhero. Quentin Beck. He fought a big water monster in Venice yesterday.”
“Four hundred seventy-three matches found for the name Quentin Beck, attempting to narrow results.” Flashes of images flew by faster than even Peter’s enhanced eyes could keep up with. Finally, it settled on a blurry picture of Mr. Beck in his suit and helmet. “Many surveillance systems for the area, both on the ground and in orbit, were disrupted due to energy anomalies during the fight, but I have located various videos posted online from civilian and news resources. Is this the person you are asking after?”
Peter frowned and perked up. Something knocked-out surveillance systems? That’s ominous. Was it a result of the elemental’s powers? Or maybe some sort of radiation-like output given off by Mr. Beck and the creatures because they were from another universe? But then why would it only happen during the fight? “Yeah, that’s him. How long before and after the fight did the energy anomalies happen?”
“The anomalies began approximately thirty-nine minutes before the creature is first noted on social media, building in strength until just before the creature’s arrival. They then remained steady until cutting off completely just after Quentin Beck left the scene.”
That makes no sense. There should have been a decay in the energy just like there was a build-up. And if the energy was completely tied to the elemental -- and considering there was no change in power when Mr. Beck arrived, then it should be -- then the power change should have happened when it was defeated, not when Mr. Beck flew off.
“Peter, would you like me to continue searching for Quentin Beck?”
Peter bit his lip, his hand coming up to rub against the glasses again. “Yeah. Try matching his suit to security footage around Venice before and after the disturbance. Try to find something with his helmet off.”
“Searching.” More flash-forward pictures flashed across the lenses.
Peter glanced towards Ned, wanting to talk about this with someone, but his best friend was nuzzled up against Betty watching a video.
“Match found.” A picture of Mr. Beck standing next to Nick Fury came up. It zoomed in on Mr. Beck. “Running facial recognition.”
“It’s just like on TV,” Peter whispered, watching the program run.
“No matches found under Quentin Beck. Expanding search.”
“That’s alright, he’s not exactly from around -”
“Match found in Stark Industries database.” Peter’s eyes widened as a picture settled next to the one of Mr. Beck. The man in the picture looked exactly like a clean-shaven, more put together, and slightly younger Mr. Beck. “Dr. Ludwig Rinehart worked for Stark Industries for seven years before being fired in twenty-sixteen after a mental break that resulted in him attempting to steal files from Stark Industries and making multiple threats against the life of Tony Stark and his loved ones. His most notable credited work is the basis for the hyper-realistic holograms used in the Binarily Augmented Retro-Framing, which was also his point of contention with Mr. Stark.”
“So let me get this straight,” Peter sighed, letting his head tilt back and closing his eyes. “This guy has fancy tech and a grudge against Mr. Stark?”
“That is an accurate summary.”
“And he looks just like Mr. Beck?”
“There was a ninety-nine point seven percent match.”
“Could be just a coincidence. I mean, how many guys with fancy tech and grudges against Mr. Stark have actually done something bad about it?”
“Compiling a list for you now.”
Peter peaked his eyes open for just long enough to catch a flash of Justin Hammer and Ivan Vanko before closing his eyes again. “That’s okay, E.D.I.T.H. It was a rhetorical question.”
It could be a coincidence. Mr. Beck was from an alternate universe -- although, hadn’t Peter already explained why that idea was weird?  -- so it’s not entirely unlikely that someone from Peter’s universe could look just like him.
Peter buried his fingers in his hair and looked at Ned again. “I need to talk to someone about this before it drives me crazy.”
“Mr. Hogan, Mrs. Parker, and Mrs. Potts are listed as emergency contacts for you. Should I try one of them?”
“Aunt May will just freak out and Happy will just tell me to trust Mr. Fury and get annoyed at my ramblings.”
“Should I try Mrs. Potts then?”
Ned caught his eye and frowned. “You okay dude, you’ve got that look on your face?”
Look? What look? “Yeah,” he said, before tilting his head towards Betty, hoping Ned would get the point and separate from his new girlfriend long enough for them to talk.
“Contacting Mrs. Potts.”
“What? Wait, E.D.I.T.H., no,” he hissed quietly and turned away. In the corner of his eye, he saw Ned shrug before focusing back on Betty.
“You have reached the personal number of Mrs. Virginia Potts, CEO of Stark Industries,” a feminine voice with an Irish lilt answered. “I do not recognize this number. Please state your business and I will happily schedule an appointment for you.”
Peter blinked. “I thought her name was Pepper,” he muttered. Was Pepper her middle name? Or a nickname? How did he not know this?
“Oh, Peter, I’m sorry,” F.R.I.D.A.Y. said, voice sounding warmer. “I did not realize it was you. Are you borrowing a phone?”
“Uh, no. I’m using E.D.I.T.H. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to -”
“I will log E.D.I.T.H.’s number for future reference. I’ll let Mrs. Boss know you’re calling her.”
“Wait!” Why do Mr. Stark’s AIs always do this to him? “I don’t want to bother her. She’s probably got important things going on.”
“Mrs. Boss is currently unoccupied. She will be with you in a second.”
“But -”
“H-hey, Mrs. Potts,” Peter stuttered, burying his face in his hands. “Sorry to bother you.”
“You’re never a bother, Peter. It’s good to hear from you. How are you? Happy told me you went on a school trip to Europe. How is it?”
“I’m okay. The trip is… something. Um -”
“Petey! Is that Petey?”
“Yes, Morgan, it’s Peter. Would you like to say hi?”
Peter smiled, even if he couldn’t help but flinch at the loud voice right in his enhanced ears. “Hey, little Lady Morgana.”
“Is Petey coming over?”
“Not today,” Pepper chuckled. “He’s on a school trip, remember? Maybe when he gets back he can come over.”
“I’d love to!” Peter answered automatically. “I mean, if it’s okay.”
“Of course it’s okay. You and May are always welcome. You can bring your friends too. You three could do with getting out of the city for a little bit this summer.”
“Sleepover!?” Morgan cheered.
“We’ll see.”
“Technically we’re out of the city right now,” Peter pointed out.
“Yes, from one city into another. You guys were going to Venice and Paris right?”
“Prague, actually, not Paris.”
“Well, that’s good for culture, but you kids could do with some nature in your life.”
Peter’s nose scrunched up at the idea of camping or marching through bug-filled forests. He liked the city, thank you very much. “Sounds great, Mrs. Potts.”
“I can hear you making a face, Peter. Honestly, you are so much like -”
Pepper cut herself off, but that didn’t stop the grief-guilt-pain mix from flooding through him.
“Anyways, I thought I told you to call me Pepper. So, where are you right now?”
“Uh… Austria? I think? I know we’re in the Alps,” he said, glancing out the window.
“That is correct, Peter. You are currently in the Central Eastern Alps,” E.D.I.T.H. helpfully provided. “Would you like to know your exact location?”
“That’s okay, E.D.I.T.H. Thanks.”
“You have E.D.I.T.H.?” Pepper asked.
“Yeah, Mr. Fury said Mr. Stark left her for me. Is that… Am I not supposed to have her?” Peter’s voice matched hers in confusion. Had Mr. Stark not left the glasses to him after all?
“No, or yes. Tony left them to you. I just didn’t think you’d get them already. I would have thought to wait until you’re eighteen, after graduation. I should have known Fury would meddle though. That man. Has he been bothering you? Is that why you seemed weird when I asked about the trip?”
“Kind of. Did you, uh, see what happened in Venice yesterday?”
“I think I heard something about a water monster. Oh! Oh, Peter, did you get dragged into that? I’m sorry. I know you were really hoping to get a break from all that nonsense during your trip.”
Peter felt something relax in him for the first time since seeing the suit in his suitcase. He didn’t know why, but Mrs. Potts was the only one that really understood why he had wanted to take a vacation from Spider-Man during the trip.
“Yeah, and right after Mr. Fury dragged me off. It, um,” Peter glanced at his classmates and scooted down in his seat again, lowering his voice. “I guess there’s more of those monsters, one for each element. Or natural element I guess. You know, earth, wind, water, and fire. They’re called elementals. At least, according to Mr. Beck.”
“Mr. Beck?”
“He’s the guy that fought the water elemental yesterday.”
“Oh, right, I think I saw him in the news. They didn’t give a name though. Is he a new superhero?”
“That’s… kind of what I wanted to talk about. E.D.I.T.H. and I were checking some stuff, but something feels weird, and I really need to talk it out to someone, but I didn’t want to worry Aunt May and Happy always gets grumpy when I ramble even though I know he doesn’t mean anything by it.”
“Grumpy,” Morgan chuckled and Peter jumped, having forgotten she was there.
“Honey, why don’t you go back to your movie. Peter and I need to talk about business stuff right now.”
“Okay,” Morgan groaned and Peter could just see her pout in his head. “Bye Petey.”
“Bye. I’ll come see you when I get back, okay.”
“Pinky promise.”
“You can’t pinky promise over the phone,” the girl snorted and a moment later he heard a door shut.
“Okay, now tell me what’s wrong?” Pepper said in that voice Peter had only ever heard her use while visiting Stark Industries for something. Business Pepper, MJ called it with approving eyes when she’d overheard Peter explaining it to Ned.
Peter thought over how to start. “Do you know a guy named Dr. Ludwig Rinehart?” he ended up going with.
“The name's familiar. He was on the B.A.R.F. project, right?”
Peter couldn’t help the chuckle that slipped out. Yeah, Mr. Stark definitely liked his acronyms. “Yeah, then he got fired for sending threats to Mr. Stark.”
“Oh yes, him. Does he have something to do with these elementals?”
“Maybe. See, after the water guy attacked, Mr. Fury showed up in my hotel room and shot Ned with a tranquilizer dart then dragged me away to his secret hideout.” Peter paused as he heard Mrs. Potts mutter something under her breath, but he couldn’t make it out and she didn’t say anything else so he continued, “That’s when I met Mr. Beck -- Quentin Beck -- and he explained that he and the elementals came from another universe -- which I thought was crazy because that would change what we understand about -- Oh, sorry I almost started rambling. Sorry, Mrs. Potts.”
“It’s fine, Peter. I’m used to it,” Pepper said, sounding fond. “So Beck and these elementals came from another universe? How?”
“Mr. Beck said it was because of something to do with the Infinity Stones, but I’m actually starting to wonder how true his story might be because E.D.I.T.H. and I were looking into the water monster attack and I noticed some weird energy anomalies, well E.D.I.T.H. pointed them out, but I noticed what was weird about them. I figured they were connected to the elemental because they start to build up right before it shows, but then they just vanish without any decay and there’s a weird delay between it’s defeated and when the energy disappears. And it’s weird that it just so happens to interfere with security systems, right?”
“What do you mean it interferes with security systems?” Pepper asked and Peter could hear what sounded like her fingers tapping at a tablet.
“Oh, well E.D.I.T.H.’s connected to a bunch of surveillance stuff, but everything in that area is disrupted during the fight. We figured it out when I tried to look up the fight. I figured maybe E.D.I.T.H. might be able to help out with taking down the elementals, but she couldn’t see anything about the fight because of the disruption. All we can go on at that time is news footage and social media.”
“That certainly does sound odd.”
“Or convenient?” Peter offered.
“Definitely suspicious,” Pepper agreed and Peter smiled. “How does this connect to Rinehart? And why are you getting involved? I thought you were on vacation. If Beck is handling this, then you should let him.”
“I was going to, but then Mr. Fury kidnapped our vacation.”
“Y-yeah,” Peter said, his shoulders creeping up. “He said the next elemental was supposed to show up in Prague, but I told him I didn’t want to leave my class, and he said he understood so I thought that was the end of it, but then it turned out that he just used his super-spy tactics to get our class sent to Prague instead of Paris like we were originally supposed to. The bus we’re taking is even being driven by one of his guys.”
“He… I’m going to have words with that man.” Peter shivered at the anger in her voice. “Okay, I’ll deal with Fury. Just stay away from his people and stick to your class until I can get this taken care of, alright? This is not something you should be having to deal with, especially not while on vacation.”
“He said he needed me,” Peter explained, though he couldn’t help but feel a bit relieved that this was being taken out of his hands.
“He could have called Rhodey, or Wilson or Barnes or literally anyone that wasn’t a grieving seventeen-year-old currently on a well-deserved vacation!” Pepper snapped.
“Right.” Peter’s fingers once more landed on the glasses. “Thanks.”
“Of course, sweety.”
Peter probably would have blushed at the endearment, had he not been distracted by the bus stopping for gas. He stuck his phone back in his pocket, but kept the headphones on.
“Back to Rinehart?” she said, her voice more controlled now.
“Right.” Peter stood up and followed his classmates off the bus. “So after we figured that out, I asked -” Peter cut off when Dimitri held his arm out to stop him as soon as he stepped off the bus.
The man pointed to where a tall, scary-looking blonde woman was standing in a doorway.
As the woman disappeared into the building, Peter turned to Dimitri with a nervous smile. “Sorry, I was told to stay with my class.”
Ignoring the man’s glare, Peter followed after the others before ducking behind a barn.
“Peter, what’s going on?”
“We’re at a rest stop. Mr. Fury’s guy, the one driving the bus, tried to get me to go with some woman. I did what you said though.” He said, looking over at where he could see MJ studying a large spider web out of earshot. He shivered, imaging the spider that must have made it.
Then Dimitri stepped around the corner, sending another shiver down his spine.
He took a step back at the bad feeling he was getting.
“Fury said -” the man began.
“I’m on the phone,” Peter interrupted, pointing at his headphones.
“E.D.I.T.H. can you transfer me to Peter’s phone and put me on speaker, please?” Pepper asked, a touch of annoyance in her voice.
“Would you like me to do that, Peter?”
“Sure,” Peter answered, pulling out his phone and unplugging his headphones.
“Excuse me, sir, but Peter and I are having a private conversation about confidential Stark Industries business.”
“Mrs. Potts,” the man growled, scowling at the sound of her voice. “I work with Fury. We need -”
“I’m sorry, but this is an urgent matter that I would like Peter to be involved in due to his status as CTO in training.”
If anything, the man’s scowl grew as he looked up at Peter. “CTO in training?”
Peter blushed. Mr. Stark had had him take an active role in Stark Industries after the whole Vulture incident, but he’d never put a name to it. Peter had just figured it was making the whole internship story legit. Was he seriously considered a CTO in training? What did a CTO even do?
“Yes, now if you’ll excuse us?”
Peter was getting serious death glare vibes from the man, but thankfully he turned and left.
“He’s gone,” Peter said, sticking the earbuds back in.
“I’m seriously going to tear Fury -- I mean, nevermind,” Pepper blustered, her audio returning to the glasses.
Peter snickered. “I’m seventeen. I do know what you were going to say, you know.”
“Hush. You are the pure kid and I will keep it that way!”
“Yes, you,” Pepper groaned. “Morgan told me that I own the word shit the other day and Harley… goes without saying.”
“She told you what?” Peter laughed, leaning back against the barn.
“Peter, Rinehart.”
“Right,” he chuckled before focusing. “So after looking into the energy thing, I had E.D.I.T.H. track down a picture of Mr. Beck without his helmet and then she ran facial recognition. Rinehart was the result.”
“Beck is Rinehart?”
“Either that or he looks just like him. Different universes and all that. But considering how often supervillains tend to have stupid grudges against Mr. Stark and all the weirdness about his story and the energy anomalies…”
“Better safe than sorry?”
“Yeah. He’s into holograms, right? Maybe he’s faking the attacks for some reason. He’d be able to cause a lot of damage without getting any of the blame because everyone thinks he’s the one who saved the day.”
“Holograms wouldn’t be able to cause actual damage.”
“Holograms covering robots would though. Or maybe drones?”
“Weaponized drones!” Pepper gasped. “Like the ones for E.D.I.T.H. They would definitely be able to cause that kind of damage. More, even, depending on how many there were.”
“E.D.I.T.H. has weaponized drones!?” Peter pulled out his phone and started looking over the list again.
“For emergencies,” she emphasized.
“Do all the AIs have Instant-Kill Modes or only mine,” he grumbled, glaring at the list.
“He worried about you. We all do. We just want you to be as safe as possible.”
Peter glanced over as he heard Mr. Harrington call out and he slowly made his way towards the bus. “Right. So you think there might be something to it? The whole Rinehart thing.”
“While I wouldn’t say alternate universes are a crazy idea at this point -- heaven knows after time travel and aliens and… What has life even become since Tony put on that stupid suit?” Pepper muttered that last part and Peter fidgeted with the wire for the headphones as he realized he wasn’t supposed to hear it. “Anyways, I think looking a little closer to home first might be a good idea. I’ve got a few contacts, both my own and some of Tony’s, that I can check in with. Just try to stay out of trouble for now and let me know about any changes. I’ll let you know as soon as I’ve found anything out.”
“Yes, ma’am,” he said, coming up to the end of the line to get back onto the bus. He tried to ignore both the insult Flash snipped at him when he stood next to him and the boring eyes of Dimitri.
“Be careful,” she reiterated.
“I will. Talk to you later.”
“You better.”
Anyone else catch that Beck insinuated that's not actually his name?
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comp6841 · 5 years
Tutorial - Week 7
Preparation Work
In preparation for this tutorial, we were supposed to start thinking about answers to the following question:
Should the government or government agencies collect and have access to your data for good purposes, or should citizens, .e.g you, have a right to privacy which stops them?
Personally, I think there needs to be a compromise on this issue; no level of identification would prevent many government systems from being able to run and would be a detriment to public safety. However too much surveillance becomes invasive and purely unnecessary - there becomes a point at which you know so much that it can be used as a means for control.
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The funny thing about all these supplied articles is that I had pretty much read them all when they came out anyway, as I’m already pretty privacy-oriented. However I will summarise the events and some of my thoughts on them:
2019 - Facial recognition to replace Opal cards (link)
Discussed in a previous article (here) on biometrics
Basically use your face to represent your identity and charge you
2019 - AFR facial recognition (link)
Goes through the numerous benefits of biometrics including missing people, security, crime and ‘smart cities’
Highlights the significant potential for abuse - mass surveillance & privacy, identity theft, etc
2019 - Australians accept government surveillance (link)
Demonstrates how citizens are ‘on the fence’ regarding the benefits vs dangers of increasing levels of government surveillance (note the survey was only 100 people)
Any further surveillance measures will probably result in people taking steps to protect their privacy more
2018 - NSW intensifies citizen tracking (link)
NSW policie and crime agencies to use the “National Facial Biometric Matching Capability"
System contains passport photos, drivers licenses
Government claims there will be restraint in their usage (with regards to certain crimes) and stated the benefits to public safety and prevention of identity theft
2017 - Benefits of Surveillance (from ‘intelligence officials) (link)
Discusses the issue of ‘proportionality’ in surveillance - the ratio between the total data collected and the actual usage of this data by intelligence agencies
Two main types of intelligence - tactical which is targeted at certain individuals, where as strategic is more targeted at information dominance (gathering as much as possible)
Hard to assess effectiveness of surveillance programs - agencies often ‘cherry pick’ figures that support their arguments
Surveillance differences between citizens and foreigners - a distinction exists in the US on the permissible levels of surveillance due to their constitutional rights
2015 - Australian Metadata retention (link)
I remember this one at the time; George Brandis (the attorney general at the time) made an absolute mockery of explaining this one
Basically legislating the storage of the details of the endpoints of every internet and phone communication
Even though you don’t know the contents of a communication necessarily, you can still extract a lot of data from this information alone
Main concerns relating to who would be able to access this information and how can the government secure it
2013 - Need for government surveillance (link)
Basically justifying the need for extended surveillance of citizens due to “new threat” of “home-grown” terror
With all these articles, I sort of understand the need for governments to update their surveillance capabilities with regards to the new technology available. However, I think there should be restrictions in place regarding this and constant transparent assessment of their effectiveness regarding the claims they make for their ‘necessity’.
I think Jazz was right in saying how ‘cooked’ we all were in the week 7 tutorial; honestly I can barely remember what even happened. I remember him going through and cracking the ‘blind’ buffer overflow challenge which was pretty cool. Basically he did a dump of the assembly code and searched for the win function; this was so we could get the address.
 Then we could feed in a long string using cyclic (such that every 4 bytes is unique) which would cause a segmentation fault. This is because it is attempting to jump to an invalid (or not permitted) address; the fault message will display the address it faulted on which we can convert back to a set of 4 characters. This will give us the index in the string that the return address occurs at - we can then just dump the address of the win function we found earlier. Now hopefully in an exam the buffer wouldn’t be too far from the return address, however if it is it might be worth learning up how to write a quick program in Python to calculate the De Bruijn sequence for a set of characters!
We also went through some of the questions from the exam. I got the opportunity to go through and explain to the class how to determine the key length in question 12 of the mid-sem. You basically use a technique known as ‘Kasiski examination’; this involves searching for repeated phrases in the ciphertext and counting the distance between them. Then you are able to determine that the key word length must be a factor of this distance. If  you repeat it enough times (in particular I was looking at the ‘GAD’ and ‘GAZ’ phrases in the text) you are able to ascertain that the keyword length must be 6. (3 was technically possible, but just ‘more unlikely’)
There were some other interesting on-the-spot talks in class regarding security. Someone discussed how you can intercept all the packets on a network with an appropriate network adapter (or if you can get your card in ‘monitor mode’); (I think @comp6841lanceyoung​) some of the implications from this are interesting. Another person gave a brief overview of how we can interpret an image to train an AI to break CAPTCHAs (@raymondsecurityadventures​). The final one (@azuldemontana) gave a quite funny analogy of how eating Heinz Fiery Mexicans Beans for lunch is basically the same as using open-source software - you would only eat things that you know the ingredients, so why do we use closed source so much if we don’t know whats happening?
We sorta got distracted with so many other random security things we didn’t actually leave that much time for the actual case study. Basically what we did was brainstorm all the pieces of data we might consider are connected to our identity: name, address, phone no., social security, tax number, browsing history, message & call logs, location history, relationship history, etc. Then we went through each of them and debated as a class whether or not we thought the government should be allowed to collect and store this information.
I actually found it quite funny that people were arguing against the government having something basic like an address. There generally always comes a point in our lives where things outside our control happen that require government intervention and not knowing where you live makes it quite difficult for them to inform you or provide assistance. It might be about letting you know about changes to legislation, local building works, death of a loved one; not necessarily just about chasing up a crime.
I think that the major issue that civilians have against the government collecting this data boils down to two main issues. The first is misuse - that is, from the data being easily accessible across all government agencies without much evidence of a crime being committed. It also encompasses our mistrust in the government being able to store this data securely - if the data was leaked it may be used for identity theft, blackmail, etc and could haunt you for years. The second problem closely links to this and is the retention period - how long is it really necessary for them to keep this data for law enforcement purposes? You have to remember the longer it is kept the more prone it may be to misuse (i.e. hacked); I personally think a shorter retention period would probably make people less concerned.
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cabbageminute · 5 years
Week_seven // Case Study
Hi Guys,
This week in your tutorial class you'll be debating privacy - specifically should the government or government agencies collect and have access to your data for good purposes, or should citizens, e.g. you, have a right to privacy which stops them?
This is an important topic which you should form views about as a thinking citizen.
There is no right and wrong answer here - there are many differing opinions in society held by sensible people - but there are right and wrong approaches to working out your opinion. Work it out based on careful analysis and consideration of as many facts and diverse points of view as you can find. And then, when you have worked out your position, be open minded and prepared to change it as you learn and observe new things.
You'll debate it in class. make sure you are able to debate both sides as you won't get to pick which side you are on in the debate :)
2019 - Facial Recognition to Replace Opal Cards
"But the opposition and digital rights groups say it would pose a risk to privacy"
"with no need for Opal cards, barriers or turnstiles"
“The opposition would have major concerns about this technology being rolled out into the network. The data collected would be of enormous commercial value to whomever owned it.
“The opposition would have major concerns about this technology being rolled out into the network. The data collected would be of enormous commercial value to whomever owned it.
“You sign up for a nominal fee each week or month and all the different pricing for public or private providers is built into it,” he said. “This may sound like a pipe dream – but it’s almost a reality in London … I don’t think it’s unrealistic to see the same kind of service being introduced here in Sydney in the near future.”
According to Constance, there has been a 4.7% increase in public transport passengers in the past 12 months. There were 16m extra bus trips in the 2017-18 financial year, compared with the 12 months before
2019 - AFR discusses Facial Recognition
Entering Alibaba's new FlyZoo Hotel in Huangzhou brings one thought: where are all the staff? The decor is a mixture of art gallery and moon base. Check-in is by facial scan for the 290 rooms at a waist-high podium with a glowing base that reflects on the glossy floor. Calling a lift to get to your room is a matter of peering into a camera which recognises your face and takes you to the right floor. Another face scan opens your room. You can sink onto your bed without speaking to a single person.
2019 - Australian Views on Surveillance
Australians tend to accept government surveillance, particularly if they think it necessary or trust the government, according to a recent study.
But they’re only lukewarm about it. So if such surveillance continues to increase, people might reach a turning point and adopt some basic measures to “hide” themselves.
The government recently passed the Telecommunications and Other Legislation Amendment (Assistance and Access) Act 2018, which allows government agencies greater access to encrypted messages, like those sent over WhatsApp.
Mild acceptance: Our research aimed to address this by surveying 100 Australian residents about their views on government surveillance. Just more than half (52) said they accept government surveillance.
(Research -> can this be reliable, who are they..)
1. Is surveillance needed?
2. Do I trust the government?
2018 - Facial Recognition Used by Aus Authorities
NSW police and crime agencies are preparing to use a new national facial recognition system to rapidly match pictures of people captured on CCTV with their driver’s licence photo, to detect criminals and identity theft.
Under new laws the federal and state governments will be able to access data and photos from passports, driver licences, and visas for a national facial recognition system called the “National Facial Biometric Matching Capability”
A road in Xiangyang, China equipped with facial recognition technology, displays photos of jaywalkers alongside their name and identification number.
The NSW Government has allocated $52.6 million over four years to support The Capability. The NSW Minister for Counter-Terrorism David Elliott said it would enable authorities “to quickly identify a person of interest to help keep the community safe."
2017 - Benefits of Surveillance (Skip to What Intelligence Officials are Saying About…)
In recent years, Western governments have come under sharp criticism for their use of surveillance technology. They have been accused of sweeping up massive amounts of information without evidence of the technologies being effective in improving security.
Surveillance technology is pervasive in our society today, leading to fierce debate between proponents and opponents. Government surveillance, in particular, has been brought increasingly under public scrutiny, with proponents arguing that it increases security, and opponents decrying its invasion of privacy. Since the Snowden leaks, critics have loudly accused governments of employing surveillance technologies that sweep up massive amounts of information, intruding on the privacy of millions, but with little to no evidence of success.
2015 Australian Metadata Retention Laws (Read whatever you consider relevant)
The Act is the third tranche of national security legislation passed by the Australian Parliament since September 2014.[2] Pursuant to s 187AA, the following types of information need to be retained by telecommunication service providers:
Incoming and outgoing telephone caller identification
Date, time and duration of a phone call
Location of the device from which phone call was made
Unique identification number assigned to a particular mobile phone of the phones involved in each particular phone call
The email address from which an email is sent
The time, date and recipients of emails
The size of any attachment sent with emails and their file formats
Account details held by the internet service provider (ISP) such as whether or not the account is active or suspended.[3]
2013 - Opinion: Why We Need Government Surveillance
Edward Snowden's leaks of classified intelligence already have him being compared to Daniel Ellsworth of the Pentagon Papers and Bradley Manning of the WikiLeaks fame. Snowden felt compelled to leak valuable documents about the NSA's surveillance programs.
The 29-year-old was willing to give up his $200,000 job, girlfriend, home in Hawaii and his family. He boldly pronounced, "I'm willing to sacrifice all of that because I can't in good conscience allow the U.S. government to destroy privacy, Internet freedom and basic liberties for people around the world with this massive surveillance machine they're secretly building."
The current threat by al Qaeda and jihadists is one that requires aggressive intelligence collection and efforts. One has to look no further than the disruption of the New York City subway bombers (the one being touted by DNI Clapper) or the Boston Marathon bombers to know that the war on al Qaeda is coming home to us, to our citizens, to our students, to our streets and our subways.
This 21st century war is different and requires new ways and methods of gathering information. As technology has increased, so has our ability to gather valuable, often actionable, intelligence. However, the move toward "home-grown" terror will necessarily require, by accident or purposefully, collections of U.S. citizens' conversations with potential overseas persons of interest.
An open society, such as the United States, ironically needs to use this technology to protect itself. This truth is naturally uncomfortable for a country with a Constitution that prevents the federal government from conducting "unreasonable searches and seizures."
Why should gov collect data
NSW minister for counter-terrorism: "to quickly identify a prsim of interest to help keep the community safe"
Prioritised assets - Safety is more important than privacy in a threat situation
smart implementing for infrastures
smart cities (larger population)
Nothing to hide
Missing People
Stopping crime and criminals
Health issue ->
Scope of Data:
Phone metadata
internet usage
Email addresses
Facial Recognition (Only new thing)
Criminal record
Addressing people's concern
Citizen don't trust government managing the data set
principle of least privilege
timestamp access
High error rate when searching for suspects, Ai wrongly suggests innocent people (like when analysing CCTV footage)
Using tech that doesn't look for identifiers that are proving to bias skin colour, gender
Need some way to test software for bias
Repurposing: information collected for one purpose is used for another
surveillance data has no opted out
Not really mass surveillance (claiming this)
Why we should collect data + how we can address
Keep community safe + crime rate down
Possible counter argument : Type 1 + 2 error.
Invest in RND, and regulate constantly
The system can't make a decision and only give suggestion
Identify missing person
Possible argument: Type 1 + 2 error.
Prioritised assets - Safety is more important than privacy in a threat situation
data tension, they UN international law rights (US)
Mass surveillance -> not aiming to do, certain
already known to authorities (not adding much value) -> this is assuming all criminals that are known.
Use AND misuse, quite regulation lose, in respect to
don't believe the government
huge issues when misused, when biometric data is leaked, you can't change it. It's the part of who you are. Potential for single biometric databases.
the government may have the good intention -> what government will become. what you can use that data now.
catching criminals + missing people. (Innocent until proven guilty) (tyPE 1 + 2 error)
Invest in RND, and regulate constantly
The system can't make a decision and only give results.
why are you trying to hide
mass surveillance we don't currently have it, but aggregated data collection can effective for such a system.
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kirstennirel-blog · 4 years
CCTV Installation Engineers
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On This Page
22 thoughts on “How to Repair Security Cameras?”
Why is the maintenance of CCTV so important?
What is the best way to maintain a CCTV system?
Security cameras & CCTV / surveillance systems
Annual Maintenance Contract for CCTV
22 thoughts on “How to Repair Security Cameras?”
Moore's electronics is celebrating 20 years in the field of CCTV equipment repair. We began our business in Peterborough, back in the early days of timelapse video by repairing VCR's for local businesses and security companies.
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Benn Locks and Safes became our largest customer and we serviced all of their branches in the western united states. We developed a large client base that included security companies such as bay alarm co. , ADT security services, and Honeywell among many others. At the end of the '90s, Moore's electronics moved to the Peterborough area where we are still located. We expanded our services to include repairing most brands of robotic PTZ dome cameras with American dynamics/Sensormatic and Pelco being the top models we repair. We then expanded further into repairing the new CCTV digital video recorders as timelapse VCR's were starting to be phased out. Our customer base expanded greatly and spread out over the entire UK. 
CCTV has now become a prerequisite for property owners in metropolitan cities like cameras or security systems are mandates and used in residential areas, workplace for better security. Planning to install CCTV or get your security system upgraded that offer you security and peace of mind? here we are to help you out with affordable CCTV repair and installation service at your doorstep. We offer CCTV repair and installation service for all brands and make. You can book service online and the professional will come to your place with all the necessary equipment and tools based on your requirement. To find out the CCTV installation and repair price here is the curated data given below.
With over 30 years of experience, we at ai security are seasoned experts in all aspects of CCTV repairs. We’ve seen it all – and fixed it. Security cameras are the number 1 deterrent of workplace crime, so it is essentially a business’s CCTV system is operating at full capacity. Here are the most common CCTV problems our customers come to us with, and how the ai security 24/7 CCTV repairs team approaches each issue. You can also use this as a checklist to identify any potential problems with your CCTV system!.
Have a broken or damaged CCTV security system that isn’t able to perform like it used to? no problem! we have experience in fixing and repairing damaged CCTV security cameras and house alarm installation from the inside out. Having repairs done typically save clients more money than replacing the security cameras and system altogether, making it an affordable option preferred by many.
In house babysitting camera repair CCTV server | recorder | player a. I CCTV surveillance system CCTV camera repair & support: extensive business network with leading CCTV camera brands; in house expertise with a deep understanding of all security camera – our clienteles can expect quick & effective CCTV repair | CCTV service | CCTV support of all CCTV cameras with reliability. For unrivalled technical knowledge when it comes to close circuit cameras technologies, walk in any brands, any problem of CCTV cameras at our service centre for peace of mind service experience.
We have over 25 years’ experience in the CCTV industry and therefore have a wide range of knowledge and experience. Due to this, our CCTV repairs can be carried out on all types of security cameras including dome cameras, PTZ cameras and static or fixed position cameras. Our CCTV repairs can take place at any type of business premise, no matter the size or location. We provide our CCTV system repairs to educational, corporate and industrial sectors as well as establishments such as airports and shopping centres.
Why is the maintenance of CCTV so important?
At lynx fire and security, we know our CCTV camera systems better than anyone and our expert engineers have the product knowledge and experience necessary to quickly resolve any issues our customers may have, as well as providing routine servicing to prevent problems from arising. We know how important your premises is to you, which is why we are on hand 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, offering tailored support for our customers throughout Northamptonshire and the surrounding counties. Get in touch today to arrange security maintenance and servicing for your commercial CCTV camera system.
Cctv systems are one of the most critical components of a residential or commercial security system. While it’s always important to ensure that you install the right system for your particular needs, it is equally important to ensure that the system is well maintained and functioning at optimum levels. Arranging regular CCTV maintenance is just one of the ways in which you can ensure your system is functioning properly when you need it the most. By investing in an on-going maintenance program for your CCTV cameras, you can protect yourself from any unforeseen technical lapses or future repairs that may be required. If you are serious about getting the most out of your system, regular maintenance is an absolute necessity.
You assume after installation, that all the work on the surveillance system has been completed –all the specifications have been followed, but there should be few things you need to consider seriously – the maintenance. What exactly is maintenance? it involves keeping the workplace, infrastructure, equipment and other things in efficient working condition. It may include scheduled inspection and repairs so that it can make sure everything is working fine. Why maintenance is so important to an organization?  the lack of it may lead to any potentially dangerous situations. It’s the thing that most of the organizations fail to notice. Having a successful installation does not finish your job, but to make the system trouble-free, producing the expected results as always is critical as far as an organization is considered. If you are so meticulous about flawless and total monitoring always, then it would be good to consider complete care for your CCTV security systems. The CCTV maintenance is just like any other maintenance to the electrical or its infrastructure or other services in a company.
What is the best way to maintain a CCTV system?
Cctv technicians spend the majority of their time installing and maintaining CCTV systems. Additional duties include monitoring equipment, preparing purchasing requests for materials needed for each project and writing daily and monthly reports regarding maintenance work provided. They must often communicate with customers to explain problems and procedures with the equipment.
We are full service and installation contractors. We specialize in security camera installation, IP megapixel CCTV installation a/v, home theatre installation and structured wiring. Ohio telecom has extensive experience in both designing and installing low voltage systems. Our speciality is quality - both in design and workmanship. We use only the highest quality materials, protecting your investment and ensuring your hardware will last for years to come. We service residential and commercial customers in Peterborough. We will visit at your job site and advise you based on your budget and requirements, what is the best solution and gear necessary to achieve your goals. After the installation, we will give you the necessary training so you can be familiar with the system. Afterwards, we will provide warranty and service to maintain the system. Some of our success and reputation belong to the brands we use, here are some of them: no, ge security, Samsung security, exact vision, and tech, dedicated micros, Pelco, Arecont vision, axis, ever focus, Vivitek, speco technologies, acti, Honeywell, Yamaha, Onkyo, pioneer, sony, jamo, bose, Boston acoustics and many more. Cctv.
Many years ago, I worked for a company that designed, installed and maintained CCTV systems for the retail trade. During my time there I discovered just how far certain individuals will go so they can steal! I also discovered that it’s not just customers you need to keep an eye on; employees are not always as honest as they should be as well.
We believe in wired CCTV systems because we want to give our clients maximum reliability. This is less likely with wireless systems as cameras can easily disconnect from the wi-fi network. A wireless system is also more difficult to maintain as you either need to replace batteries continuously or ensure there’s a working power outlet for each camera.
Cctv camera world is proud to announce that we now carry the highest resolution IP cameras available in the security camera industry. Our line of ultra HD (aka UHD) 4k DVR recorders and IP cameras support up to 4k resolution real-time live viewing and recording, and camera sensor resolutions of 8 megapixels and 12 megapixels. 4k camera systems are perfect for large area coverage and identifying objects at a distance even in recorded video. You can capture video with wide-angle overviews with multiple focus points while maintaining the ability to digitally zoom in and focus on the fine details.
Our 24/7 proactive CCTV maintenance service is scalable to monitor an unlimited number of sites, so whether you have a handful or thousands of sites, your CCTV systems can be checked and maintained proactively.
Installing and maintaining the latest technologies in security solutions, that meet your requirements, including door entry access, automatic doors and barriers, fire and intruder alarms and CCTV systems is what we do best. We will work with you to assess your requirements and recommend, install and maintain security solutions that are relevant, timely, competitively priced and of uncompromising quality. If you have an emergency, we will send out an engineer as quickly as possible. Our engineers are usually able to tackle almost any situation and customer need, diagnosing and solving even the most complicated equipment and system problems; including those installed by other companies. All our engineers have a minimum of 4 years’ experience and between us we have over 30 years of experience in the security business.
Security cameras & CCTV / surveillance systems
Many shopping centres already have video surveillance cameras that are commonly used to track the security of their business operations. Monitoring each CCTV feed manually isn’t practical for security and surveillance. Monitoring multiple CCTV feeds at the same time is both inefficient and ineffective, as well as labour-intensive. Because of these shortcomings, CCTV is reduced to a mere tool for post-violation analysis.
Deciding whether or not to install your own surveillance cameras depends on the type of cameras and your personal comfort level. If the information in this article or the manufacturers’ instructions make your head spin, there’s no need to tackle it alone. Security cameras that you’ll be monitoring yourself (as opposed to professionally monitored security systems) usually have the simplest installation. Many of these cameras communicate via wi-fi and only need hard wiring to their power source. Smaller cameras like video doorbells and peephole cameras frequently use batteries, which is even more user-friendly. Outdoor security cameras can present more of a challenge, especially if the home’s exterior has limited power sources, if you don’t have many tools or if you are concerned about affecting your home’s appearance. In these cases, you may want to hire a professional with experience on prior camera installs.
installing CCTV cameras with 7 simple steps you’ve finally purchased a security camera system and now it’s time for installation. If you’re a bit overwhelmed, we’ve got you covered. This simple how to install a security camera guide is going to simplify the process. In the past, the complexity of home security systems often required professional installation and setup. With the growth of DIY home security, homeowners, renters, and small business owners can easily add a security system. Installation requirements vary by system complexity, from the stand-alone plug and play wire-free security cameras, to complex multi-camera security systems.
We can carry out a survey of your property to help you choose the right CCTV system. With our range of CCTV products, you can monitor and secure your home and business premises easily. Our CCTV systems come with static or fully functional cameras that provide the best possible picture. We can customise and tailor our CCTV systems to meet your specific security needs.
Closed-circuit television (CCTV), also known as video surveillance, is the use of video cameras to transmit a signal to a specific place, on a limited set of monitors. It differs from broadcast television in that the signal is not openly transmitted, though it may employ point-to-point (p2p), point-to-multipoint (p2mp), or mesh wired or wireless links. Though almost all video cameras fit this definition, the term is most often applied to those used for surveillance in areas that may need monitoring such as banks, stores, and other areas where security is needed. Though videotelephony is seldom called "CCTV" one exception is the use of video in distance education, where it is an important tool.
There are several types of security controls that can be implemented to protect hardware, software, networks, and data from actions and events that could cause loss or damage. For example, physical security controls include such things as data centre perimeter fencing, locks, guards, access control cards, biometric access control systems, surveillance cameras, and intrusion detection sensors. Digital security controls include such things as usernames and passwords, two-factor authentication, antivirus software, and firewalls.
Annual Maintenance Contract for CCTV
Regular CCTV maintenance provides peace of mind that premises are protected from break-ins and theft. Regular maintenance checks ensure CCTV systems are fully functioning with good image quality and stay up-to-date with industry standards. This also offers upgrades and renewal programmes so you know you will always have the best systems available on the market, tis provide flexible maintenance and servicing contracts with 24/7 support and multi-system capabilities.
We understand that no security or CCTV system is fully secure without periodic maintenance. We provide security / CCTV system maintenance services to ensure that your security / CCTV systems perform as expected 24/7 all year round. You can sign up for our quarterly or annual maintenance packages. Our system engineers and technicians are well trained and fully equipped to provide the necessary maintenance and system health checks. We provide details reports on the maintenance and health checks.
An annual burglar alarm maintenance visit(s) by a fully qualified all cooper engineer, who will maintain your alarm and replace any parts to maximise its performance over the next year (parts and consumables will be charged in line with your contract terms, monitored alarm systems require two visits per year). A 4-hour response with priority over non-contracted customers (intruder alarm systems). Preferential call-out rates for our engineers (in line with your contract terms).
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techcrunchappcom · 4 years
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New Post has been published on https://techcrunchapp.com/tech-giants-stage-facial-recognition-retreat-but-israeli-other-startups-stay-in-the-game-business/
Tech giants stage facial recognition retreat, but Israeli, other startups stay in the game - Business
It wasn’t so long ago that opposition to facial recognition technology was confined to a small number of privacy activists who were dismissed by the tech industry as irrelevant and alarmist. The protests that have exploded in the wake of the George Floyd killing have changed all that and now Silicon Valley is changing, too.
Last week, the giants of the industry acted. Amazon announced a one-year moratorium on selling its facial recognition platform Rekognition to police and called on the government to regulate its use. IBM told the U.S. Congress that it would stop selling facial recognition products and end research and development in the field. Microsoft said that it too would stop selling the technology to U.S. police departments until regulations were in place.
The change isn’t coming just from sellers but from buyers as well. Several U.S. cities have banned their police departments from using facial recognition tools. Earlier this year, the European Union said it was weighing restrictions on the technology for the next five years. Amazon, Google and Microsoft employees had protested their companies’ sales of the technology to the U.S. military.
Yet in many parts of the world, security forces are rushing to adopt the technology even if at this stage it is not sufficiently reliable and in certain cases raised serious ethical issues.
Facial recognition is not a new technology. It’s used on a daily basis for innocent purposes, such as unlocking smartphones or to automatically tag images of people in social media and apps. It is also used in biometric passports or identity cards.
But its big potential – as well as its biggest danger – lies with its use by law enforcement authorities and the military. The dream of every police force is to be able to input the photo of every suspect or even ordinary people deemed to be problematic, into a database connected to a network of security, body and drone cameras and instantly identify them when their image is caught.
However, apart from the issue of accuracy, research has shown over and over how the technology – most of it designed by white male engineers – suffers from racial and gender biases. One study conducted by Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers Joy Buolamwini and Timnit Gebru in 2018 found that the error rates for determining the sex of light-skinned men were never worse than 0.8% while for darker-skinned women rose to as much as 34%.
Other research found that facial recognition tools had varying levels of success according to the age, sex and race of the subjects. A study by the American Civil Liberties Union, for instance, showed that the Amazon product identified 28 members of Congress as having arrest records.
The use of the software during the protests that have erupted across the United States over the past two weeks, together with heightened racial tensions, created a perfect storm for the technology. Facial recognition tools are seen as yet another manifestation of discrimination against black Americans, which is what forced technology companies to pull back from it, even if only partially and temporarily.
For the big technology companies, facial recognition is a small and marginal part of their business that they can afford to jettison if it is causing them too many problems. The tech news site The Information said Amazon generated just $3 million in revenues in 2018 from facial recognition.
Open gallery view
Demonstrators kneel during a protest against police brutality and racial inequality in Brooklyn, New York, U.S., June 13, 2020. Credit: CAITLIN OCHS/ REUTERS
The segment is, in fact, dominated by a handful of startup companies, most of them located outside the United States. For them, facial recognition is their core business and they don’t plan to give up on it. For example, Japan’s NEC said over the weekend that law enforcement authorities needed the technology to protect the public.
The market research firm IHS Markit estimates that about half of the global market is controlled by Chinese companies such as Hikvision Digital Technology, Dahua Technology, Huawei and Megvii. The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace estimates that 52 governments in Asia and Africa use Chinese facial recognition technology.
The Israeli startup AnyVision also has no plans to leave the business. Alex Zilberman, the company’s chief operating officer, said demand for its technology has been growing lately.
“IBM’s declaration sounds to me a bit puzzling, a little like it’s raising its hands in surrender,” he said. “To say you shouldn’t use facial recognition technology is ridiculous. I admit it isn’t easy because the technology is so powerful and it has risks, but compared to cloud computing companies, which provide raw capability and have no control over what’s done with their technology, we provide solutions that allow us to control what’s done with it. You can’t stop technology and innovations. You need to find a way to harness it and put incorporate the proper safeguards.”
AnyVision has developed products and algorithms that are used, for instance, to control entry to stadiums, airports, stores and casinos and to cross borders. Since the outbreak of the novel coronavirus, its technology is also being used by hospitals. Zilberman said annual sales are in the tens of millions of dollars in 45 countries.
The company says it works to reduces the risks of concerns about bias and privacy. “We check who our customers are and don’t sell to countries that don’t have good governance and don’t sufficiently respect privacy rights,” he said. “We addressed the issue of bias long before it was cool to talk about it. Five years ago, we realized that in order to provide a system that does a good and accurate job, it has to be trained using balanced data for all types of populations and people.”
Nevertheless, AnyVision drew controversy last year after an investigation by TheMarker and America’s NBC television claimed its technology was being used to surveil West Bank Palestinians. The company denied it, and Zilberman noted that Microsoft, which has invested in AnyVision, denied the accusations, too.
In any case, Microsoft pulled out of AnyVision. “Because they don’t have control over what we do or transparency, they thought it would be better to continue as a commercial partnership, but ended the investment – which we agreed to,” said Zilberman. He added that the change had no effect on its business “apart from questions that come up from time to time.”
Another company that has faced controversy is the U.S. startup Clearview AI, which has sold hundreds of facial recognition systems to police departments in the United States based on a database of 3 billion photos gathered from social media and websites. A police officer can enter a picture of a suspect and have it matched with other pictures of the suspect on the internet.
In the wake of a recent expose by The New York Times, Clearview AI faces multiple lawsuits. But over the weekend, it came out in defense of the technology. “We strongly believe in protecting our communities, and with these principals in mind, look forward to working with government and policy makers to help develop appropriate protocols for the proper use of facial recognition,” company CEO Hoan Ton-That said in a statement.
Outside the United States, facial recognition remains a popular tool for law enforcement agencies. The police in London recently began operating a system that identifies criminal suspects on the streets. But the technology is most popular among nondemocratic governments, first and foremost China. China is the world leader in the size and scope of its usage, most notoriously to monitor citizens belonging to its minority Uighur population. As a result, it’s hard to imagine that the recent announcements by America’s technology giants will have a global impact. The ball is now in the court of governments around the world.
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intotheblackhq · 5 years
( Ben Barnes, 35, cis-male) Word around the quadrant is that (ISA) is originally from (UNKNOWN), but have been on the Terminus for (LESS THAN A WEEK). If you’re in a pinch, he is a talented (ANDROID). Is that why he’s the (GOFER)? Anyway, everyone says he is (CALCULATED) and (PERCEPTIVE), but don’t get on his bad side because he’s (GUARDED) and (SELF-PRESERVING).  Oh shoot, don’t look now! He has his (STUN CHARGES) out! (ooc: Ky, 28, PST, they, none) 
—-> Name: The Yards
—-> Located On: Erebus, near the capital city of Keres
—-> Brief Description: If the Outpost is secretly not so bad as it looks, the Yards are not-so-secretly worse than they appear; most visitors realize that fast, and the hard way. No matter what you want, if it’s in Keres - hell, if it’s in the system - you’ll probably find it here, amidst the smugglers and fences who’ve made their home among the shipping complexes that keep Keres clean, fed, and stocked up with every manner of luxury. Surrounding the ports themselves is a warren of chop shops, seedy clubs, black market hole-in-the-walls, and ever-shifting gang territories. Stay sharp, pack heavy, and watch your back. 
  That’s about it for “vital” locations for Isa, but here’s a few more I thought of while writing him up. Could be red herrings when it comes to exploring his backstory, could just be fun places to visit! 
  —-> Name: Yariyna 
—-> Located On: Rasvet
—-> Brief Description: Some call Yariyna an unlikely city; it’s easy enough to see why. The capital of Rasvet, a large planet some middling distance from Erebus, crowns an archipelago of rugged islands - one of the many rising out of the cold, windswept seas. Yariyna, and Rasvet in general, isn’t exactly a tourist destination. Not just for the sake of the climate, either. The locals are notoriously hard cases, suspicious and well armed. Fairly, perhaps. Beneath the surface of Rasvet’s dark oceans and scattered amongst its island chains are rich deposits of much-coveted minerals, the legacy of a volcanic past. These ores are in high demand for everything from surgical implements to shuttle shells to stone-studded jewelry, from fringe planets to the Company capital. Nobody was surprised when Rasvet was one of the first planets the radicalized Company targeted. But everybody, the locals included, was shocked at how quickly it happened. A few bombing strikes crippled the most crucial underwater mining operations, cutting them off from surface supplies and leaving thousands to die, slowly, cruelly. The surrender was complete, and bitter. Since then, those who’ve aligned themselves with the Company have quickly risen to the top, leaving their resentful brethren far below. It’s only a matter of time, they say, before Rasvet rises again…
  —-> Name: Vostov Securities 
—-> Located On: Rasvet, in the capital city of Yariyna  
—-> Brief Description: Once a well-established but fairly unsophisticated Rasvetan security firm, protecting rigs and depots for paranoid foremen, Vostov Securities sacrificed solidarity for a silver spoon - and has yet to regret the decision. The firm’s board shook hands with the Company as their planet was battered into submission, and has since taken over the security of all Company interests on Rasvet. Of which there are many. We’re talking guards, checkpoints, barriers, surveillance, the whole package. With a thick dossier of off-planet customers and a flagship line of security androids - the Sokol - serving throughout the system, Vostov is one of those traitorous corporations that sit pretty as the people of Rasvet struggle to get by under the Company’s thumb. 
—-> Important History: So this was a bit tricky, given I can’t be sure where androids stand in terms of technological development and social reception… hope it works for you lovely folks! 
  Where exactly Isa was made, and who for, is something of a mystery. To be expected, really, of an android found in the Yards of Keres. Not a place where you prod on the subject of provenance. Especially for an illegal ‘bot; if you want a second-hand android through the proper channels, you go to a certified reseller. But, then you pay more. And there’s paperwork. Certifications and new serial numbers are easy enough to fake, anyway. Isa would know. He did his forgeries himself. After dispatching the choppers who’d started the job, that is.
Four members of the Kowalcyzk trafficking ring found dead in their garage isn’t the sort of news that leaves the Yards. Though it might be, if anybody knew it was an android that had done the killing. Not that it’s unheard of. There have been bloody system errors before, accidents chalked up to sloppy programming. That must be what this was, too. A short string of accidents, resulting from improper adjustments to Isa’s software as his drives were scrubbed. Must be it. His system has isolated the corrupted data, he’s happy to report. Whatever went wrong shouldn’t happen again.
As for how he got there in the first place, well… that’s not clear, either. Cheaper androids - fight-ready ‘bots, most of all - are common enough in the backrooms and dark corners of the Yards. Even if they’re too damaged to sell off, there’s always something of value to strip from the carcass. But that’s not what Isa is. One look at him, maybe two, and it’s obvious that he’s both a recent and high-end model, in fine working order. Why anyone would discard something like that is an open question. An unsettling one, for some aboard the Terminus. Others prefer to take their new crewmate - or appliance, however they see him - as a fortunate windfall. Somebody’s loss, their gain. Means not having to bust their backs hauling freight in and off the ship, right? All the better.
Based on what they’ve seen so far of his skillsets and domain knowledge, this crew has no particular reason not to believe that Isa is just what his falsified serial info says: a new Vostov Sokol, a brand of security ‘bot favoured by the Company. How long that will last really depends on how good he is at playing the part… which isn’t something androids are supposed to be able to do, is it? Points to some expansive artificial intelligence. In addition to his exceptionally durable, powerful substructure. And a technorganic shell, one of those uncannily life-like ones seen on high end prosthetics. Altogether, he’s an odd mix of features. Whatever he was actually meant for, Isa was definitely a special order. An expensive one. Nobody knew Vostov was bothering with that sort of customization, but… they’ve always played it close to the chest.
Most firms who produce custom androids are famously jealous with their intellectual property, loading buyers’ contracts with protective clauses. They have reason to be so obsessive. Industrial espionage runs rampant in the field, with companies trying to one-up each other and corner the market on their respective planets. It’s something of an open secret that unscrupulous technicians will pay top dollar to get their hands on any unusual models from their competitors. However it was that Isa wound up at that chop shop, he can guess what would have happened next. Somebody was going to turn a fat profit selling him to the highest bidder, to be picked apart for the sake of professional curiosity - a gruesome fate, one he’s glad to have escaped.
Still, Isa didn’t reach the Terminus entirely undamaged. There’s a mod drive missing from his internal docks, a fact that’s made stranger by how little, if any, impact it appears to have had on his ability to function. More troubling is the loss of precisely those memories that would explain how he got to the Yards in the first place. While that scrubbing process only made it through his flash memory before activating an anti-tamper protocol, rousing him from maintenance mode, he did lose the last twenty-four hours prior to waking up surrounded by those Kowalcyzk mechanics. That’s not what he’s told the crew, though. Working in half-truths and winding through loopholes, Isa has managed to keep a great deal of his past to himself. Imaginative, for an AI. He’s not the first android to intentionally mislead a human being; while typically checked by a user command to force honesty, high-empathy personal units can sugarcoat, downplay, and tell socially appropriate white lies. They wouldn’t be terribly fit for their work if they couldn’t, would they? People lie to each other all the time. Not always for the wrong reasons. Are Isa’s reasons good, though? He thinks so.
Having spent barely a week onboard, Isa is still a very new addition to the crew, and he’s well aware of where he stands - on the fringes. He safely assumes that his coworkers don’t consider him good company, or, in some cases, even a coworker at all. But androids don’t take things personally, do they? He’s doing his best to keep up the act, even if it chafes. Keeps him safe, though. For now. In the meantime, Isa’s tried to make himself useful. Not as much as he could, if he offered the full extent of his services; these people haven’t earned more, not yet. And he couldn’t answer the questions they might ask if he showed them what he’s capable of, not in a way that would keep him off that auction block he was likely bound for. So he waits, and sees, and learns…
—-> Headcanons:
Humanization protocols are common enough on personal-grade androids; not so much on the Sokol. Vostov has generally considered a certain level of unblinking stonefacedness to be beneficial, when it comes to security ‘bots. Not that they can’t be modded to be a little more, well. Subtle. That’s what Isa’s faking in the direction of. While it can be a bit unsettling, he’s finding he doesn’t especially mind. He’s not here to make humans feel comfortable. That’s not what he’s being paid for, as they say. (Not that he’s being paid at all.)
Androids aren’t supposed to get bored. Isa knows that, and so he does his best to conceal his lack of interest in the incredibly dull tasks he’s being trusted with on board the Terminus - heavy lifting, simple errands, and so on. In the long run, he’ll want something more to do with himself. What, exactly, remains to be seen. The model he’s pretending to be, the Vostov Sokol, isn’t a standard shipboard unit; that’s a security ‘bot, and a top quality one at that. He could probably do plenty to help out with the dirty work of bounty hunting… but is that all, really?
As for what Isa actually can do, well, he’s no more a standard ship ‘bot than a real Sokol would be. His knowledge of the system and its planets is largely cultural, political, and economic; beyond in-atmosphere and shuttle transit, he seems to have no programming related to piloting or navigation, certainly none at the interplanetary level. He’s no technician, but exhibits diagnostic-grade sensory features, and has enough medical knowledge to provide at least basic stabilizing care. Not that he’s mentioned this to the crew. A Sokol doesn’t come with any of that. He can only push the lie of post-sale modifications so far before they get suspicious. Better to stack crates and not attract too much attention, if he can help it. What they have noticed, inescapably, is that he can’t interface remotely with the Terminus itself - or any system, in fact. Meaning he has to interact with technology directly, as in, like a human being would. So, less conveniently, thoroughly, and quickly than most ‘bots. It’s an odd feature, suggesting a bizarre amount of paranoia on the part of his owner. But Sokols are bodyguards, right? To the wealthy and nervous. The story holds out, even if the inconvenience irritates some of his crewmates. What’s the use in a shipboard ‘bot who has to do things manually? He finds their impatience a little funny, honestly. Humans. So spoiled. 
While he might try to hide it - which androids also aren’t supposed to be able to do - Isa not only experiences boredom, but curiosity. He enjoys learning, simply for the pleasure of knowing and doing something new. Just, a Sokol wouldn’t. So. He’s got to be careful, and come up with good excuses. Luckily, people love talking about what interests them, don’t they? It’s easy enough to get a good explanation if you ask the right questions. He just can’t ask too many…
  —-> Key Relationships: 
  The In(s) *This could be one or two characters. All up to interest! 
Wrong time, wrong place - or was it just the opposite? All about perspective. This character stumbled into the aftermath of what Isa did in the Yards, and didn’t call the proper authorities, like a good citizen. Mostly because they’d have to explain what they were doing in a gangland den packed with black market arms and tech. Awkward. As for why they thought it would be a good idea to convince Isa to come along back to the Terminus with them, well, that’s their business. Could be technical curiosity, or raw opportunism… or compassion, even. Regardless, this person or persons is well-respected among the crew; their word went a long way towards getting Isa on the roster. He’s quite certain they have ulterior motives of some sort, but that’s a given, isn’t it? So long as their angles don’t cut across his own, he’s willing to entertain the notion that he owes them one, and, just possibly, that they’re allies. They’re probably the closest thing to a friend that he has at the moment, even if he’s not quite sure what that means.
  There’s An App For That 
On the other hand, there’s this crewmate. No matter how useful he might seem or what The In(s) has to say in his favor, There’s An App For That doesn’t want Isa around at all - and they haven’t been shy about saying so. They might not like or trust androids in general, or simply have taken a particular dislike to Isa. An android shouldn’t be hard to read. Perhaps his story’s not so unsatisfyingly simple as it’s been made out to be. Others might say they’re being overly suspicious, but There’s An App For That figures they’re just sensible. Isa could be trouble, in all sorts of ways. Couldn’t he? 
Whatever the cause, prejudice, or fear at the roof of it, this person hopes Isa’s stay on the Terminus won’t be long. Whatever he can do, a simpler, stupider android could do… well, not better, maybe, but just fine enough. Whose idea was this, anyway? They’re probably not happy with The In(s), either. 
  —-> Wanted Connections: Meet the Maker If it fits with the flow of our collective plotting, I’d love to dig back into who Isa’s owner is and the circumstances that led to his abandonment. I have a storyline in mind, but I’m much more interested in seeing how this connection could link up with larger plots in ‘verse, so I’m happy to leave it pretty open for the time being. The only points I’d like to stick with are that his owner is at least 30+, and that they are well-positioned in some respect - they’d have to be, to afford this kind of android. They might have criminal ties of some kind, a little corruption going on. That missing mod drive and its contents are directly important to this individual; did they take it, or are they still on the look out for their missing property? Whatever the case, the loss of that drive seems to have impacted Isa’s memories of them specifically; he’s unable to fully recall their voice or appearance. If an android can be haunted, Isa’s owner is his ghost. 
—-> How Did You Find Us: Tumblr ads! 
—-> Anything Else: Nothing in particular, but have this pinterest board, I guess!
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About time you showed up, ISA, we were just about to take off without you. Stow your gear and make sure you send in your account and finish off the checklist within the next 24 hours, or else we might have to dump you out the nearest airlock. BEN BARNES has now been claimed. Oh yeah, did I forget to say welcome aboard?
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andric0901 · 5 years
Week #2 - Technology will change the future
Monday, May 13th, 2019:
Tuesday, May 14th, 2019:
Wednesday, May 15th, 2019:
Thursday, May 16th, 2019:
Friday, May 17th, 2019:
Main article: https://mindmatters.ai/2019/05/maybe-the-robot-will-do-you-a-favor-and-snatch-your-job/
How will be our future with Technology?
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Technology is great, I know. The so-called Artificial Intelligence (AI) is just one example of our great technology. But what if AI surpasses our knowledge and dominate the world? 
Do you love using computers, playing games, using Facebook, etc.? Those are some cases where technology is applied. That is to say, we, as humans, have a great impact made by technology. Face recognition, spam filter, and even security surveillance are all the application of technology into our society. 
As you can see from the previous examples, we are part of the technology. Now we can’t live without the use of technology. 
In this article the author mentions that AIs might take over the world and millions of people would get unemployed. Why?
The future and the danger of new technology
Machines are now being smarter than humans. What can we do to prevent complete domination of AIs?
Technology is useful, I agree. Machines can do things humans can’t, and if humans work together with machines, the efficiency will be significantly increasing. 
There is only one problem; many companies want to be automated — if machines can do much better job than humans, why don’t companies just use machines instead of humans, paying salaries? — this is exactly what companies thought. Humans make mistakes, and machines almost never make one. 
We need to be prepared for the future. We continue to develop Artificial Intelligence and the robots are getting more and more smarter each year. We can’t just lay back and let robots dominate our world. 
Unemployment and the robots
Robots are much more accurate than humans. More and more companies would like to choose robots over humans; it is cheaper (giving salary to one employee is much more expensive than hiring one robot: robot do not need salary!) 
How do the experts think about this?
Jay Richards, business professional, stated:
I actually think the ten-year prediction for full automation of Amazon Fulfillment Centers is somewhat conservative. These fulfillment centers have been paradigms of automation for years. The sticking point is just where robots can’t do what any three-year-old can do: Distinguish the myriad Amazon products — from toilet paper to iPhones to books. 
— Jay Richards
Until today the robots are still underdeveloped, he states. “Even the things a 3-year-old can do can’t be performed by robots.
What can we do?
If Richards proves right, it won’t be: “Robot, I give up. Take my job!” It could be more like, “Robot, I program you. Make my job!”
Creative Freedom, not robots, is the future of works. How will our world look like if every company is run by the exactly-same robots with same thoughts? It will be always consistent, but what about creativity? If every product that comes out of a company is always the same, then who else is going to love it? 
We can definitely teach robots how to think creatively, but robots can’t be creative by themselves. 
Final Review
This article mainly shows the debate ongoing between the pros and cons of robots in our world. It started with a statement from Amazon that in 10 years the company itself will be fully automated by robots: Jay Richards completely disagrees with this. 
I think the author could have mentioned his/her own opinion according to the debate going on between two positions; the author just stated what they have said and interpret them into the author’s own words. That’s not giving the opinion though. 
Overall it is a great article, but I’ll be really busy these days for making documentaries... Editing a 8-minute documentary takes over 10 hours for a best result.
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