#Lost in Time - ch 14
lowkeyerror · 3 months
The Family Business Ch.14
WandaNat x Reader
Word Count: 2.3k
Ch. Notes: Angst, action, gun violence, character death
Summary: Things quickly escalate as Fisk tries to end the struggle for power once abd for all.
An: ... So it's been a minute. Sorry about that and frankly idk when the next update will be, hopefully sooner. However, whatever you thinks going to happen here, I don't think you'll see this coming.
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Wilson Fisk didn’t often smile. He was a sad and angry man that did his best to keep a neutral scowl on his face. What was there to smile about when he had lost everything. His wife, his daughter, his freedom, all irreplaceable. Being in prison while his wife and daughter were being buried is an ache that will never truly get over.
The void inside of him can only be filled by power and control. He will have the city and he will claim it for all that he has lost. He knew that to be a irrefutable fact.
Now, his smile was something straight out of a nightmare. It sat lopsided on his round face. It was there and it was horrifying. His smile only widens as he heard hushed voice over his phone.
When the line goes dead, he claps his hands together. He leans back in his desk chair. The smile doesn’t leave his features.
“Sleeping beauty has opened his eyes.”
Plans change at a wits notice, and things pivot, but goals could still be accomplished. Fisk wants Dragos gone and like a shark surrounding an injured surfer he smells blood in the water. It is time for him to strike.
Bowling was the activity that you came up with. Something in a place full of people, something that you enjoyed much in your youth, something that Pietro was unequivocally skilled at.
“Another strike ladies are you even trying?” Pietro gloats after looking at the scoreboard.
You might’ve been putting in a decent amount of effort, Wanda as well, but the two of you could tell Natasha was handing the man the win.
“Natasha, maybe take him down a peg,” you whisper in her ear.
“I thought we were supposed to be cheering him up, lisichka,” she taunts you with a smile.
“He can be happy without his ego being stroked,” Wanda puffs out in annoyance.
Natasha laughs at their bitterness, but nonetheless when it was her turn she quickly bowled a strike.
“Let’s go Natty,” you clap for her and Wanda let’s out a whistle.
“Is this where I realize you've been letting me win all night,” Pietro pouts.
Nat plops her hand on his shoulder, “I’m afraid so."
You all share a laugh and for moment everything feels normal. You could almost forget your ties and affiliations and feel like normal people. The moments were becoming more present in your life to the domestic nature of your relationship with Wanda and Natasha.
By now you should’ve known that sitting in any of those feelings did you no good.
When your phone rings you answer it immediately.
“Y/n you will get through this. Do not let this be the end of what we’ve worked for, you don’t- you don’t need me malysh.”
“Papa? You’re awake, what are you you-”
“Y/N! Listen please, just take care of our family. I called you because, I trust you.”
As he speaks on the phone you gather Wanda, Pietro, and Natasha urgently. You have to go, it’s urgent. They can tell you’re shaken and when you put the phone on speaker they understand.
“Papa I don’t understand,” your voice trembles as you speak.
“Tell Flora, that my love with her doesn’t end with my last breath. Tell my Pietro that he’s the heart of all of this. Tell Wanda that all I want from her is for her to be happy.”
Natasha is the one that ushers you all into the car as you begin to shut down slightly.
“You can’t do this to us again papa,” your voice cracks in the end.
“It’s out of my hands,” you can hear fear in his voice and it terrifies you.
You hear a dark chuckle in the background of the call, “He’s right you know, it’s not in his hands.”
The smile in Fisk’s voice is present and it scares you, but you bluff the man.
“Haven’t you already made this play before, and it didn't work out for you did it?”
“Only because you interfered, and I got you back pretty significantly for that didn't I, sweetheart?”
Your jaw clenches, “Fisk , take a moment to think, really think what you're about to do. We are already enemies, in competition for control of the city, but that’s just business. Every move you’ve made recently has been personal. Going to war over turf it’s respectable, but if we go to war over family, there’s only one way this ends.”
“This is why I enjoy you so much kid, you have such an intelligent mind. Even under pressure you string together the right words. However, you’ve got it all wrong. There’s always only been one way this is going to end,” you hear the sound of the gun clicking.
“We will leave the city, just don't shoot him,” Pietro finds his voice.
You, Wanda, and Natasha look at him like he’s lost his mind.
“I didn't know we had guests on the phone with us, what a surprise. Keep talking little Maximoff, I like what you're offering.”
Pietro begins spewing nonsense, “We will disappear from New York and never come back. We will cut all ties with city and anything in it. It will be yours for the taking. Please, just don’t shoot him.”
“Anyone else want to beg for his life?”
Wanda’s mouth opens and closes a few times as her eyes water. You take the initiative instead.
“Wilson, you lost your family. Your wife and daughter were taken from you. Good people caught in the crossfire of your criminal actions. Who helped you get back on your feet after you got out of jail ? Who kept a corner of New York for you? Who gave you a jump start on your way back to this lifestyle? Who was there for you? The history between the two of you isn’t as convoluted as you’re making it out to be.”
Kingpin takes a pause, “That’s in the past.”
“It’s only history because you are making it that way. We have made a good relationship between our businesses until recently,” you keep him on the phone.
Natasha’s only about 5 minutes from the hospital, you just need to stall a bit longer.
“I’m not a beggar or a dog, Y/Ln. I don’t take scraps,” he says in a menacing tone.
You pause when he says your last name. It’s not something you hear regularly, you don’t ever use it. How’d he know about it?
“Quiet now Y/Ln, surprised I know that name? That’s not the only thing I know about you sweetheart. I know something that the Maximoff’s have been hiding from you, something that might sway your loyalty."
You look at Wanda and Pietro who were already on edge, but worse than that, they avoid your gaze.
“This is my family, my loyalty won’t ever change,” you speak strongly.
He chuckles, “Not even when I tell you they killed your mother.”
“They killed your mother. Ever wonder, why she didn’t come after you, why she didn’t bombard or harass you after you left? She was dead within a week. Your father was debriefed, and relocated shortly after your graduation. These people sweetheart, before your family, they’re the mob.”
You’re in front of the hospital now, but you don’t move to exit the car. It feels like something has pierced through your heart.
You want to say something to combat him, to say it doesn’t matter, but you couldn’t say that earnestly.
You push your feelings aside for a second, “We’ve both lost a lot, Fisk. Things that we can’t get back. Things that fuel us to want more than what the world has offered us.”
“We’re alike in that way sweetheart, robbed of a happy ending. Forced to create our own,” he’s trying to flip you but you aren't buying it.
“Losing another parental figure in my life isn't a happy ending for me,” you grit your teeth.
Natasha pulls you out of the car and starts giving hand signal directions.
“I sympathize with you, Y/n. You’re not one of them, you never were. I’ll tell you what, the Maximoff’s leave, but you stay and work for me. That’s my offer.”
“We aren't leaving without Y/n,” Wanda finds her words for the first time in the conversation.
“It’s either that or I put a bullet in his head. You’ve got 15 minutes to think it over, when I call back you better have an answer,” he hangs up.
“Y/n,” Pietro starts, but you don't look at him.
“We’ve got 15 minutes to save Dragos, that's what I'm focused on,” you dismiss his attempt at an explanation.
Natasha begins laying out a plan, “ We don’t know who in this building reports to Fisk, so we have to be careful if we go in. Dragos is supposed to have security at his door, I don't think the guards there would be ours if Fisk is in the room.”
“We need a deliberate distraction,” you open the car door and reach into your bag.
You bring out your laptop and hook your phone to it. You knew what room Dragos was in with Fisk’s call you should be able to ping how many devices were around him.
“3 guards, outside the rooms. These are the phone numbers, names, home addresses, close family,” you memorize the information.
You see a group walking into the hospital and figure its your best chance to blend in, “We’ve got to go now.”
Wanda and Natasha hold frustration about the way you’re moving, but they follow you nonetheless.
“We don’t have a plan for this,” Wanda argues.
“Blend in get to the floor they’re on and then I’ll handle the guards. Once they’re dealt with Natasha will go in and disarm Fisk,” you say straying from the group you walked in with to another group heading for the elevator.
Once you're in the elevator you speak to Natasha, “Send people to these addresses make sure they get pictures, the quickest means please.”
When you step off the elevator you spot the guards. You send them individual text messages, with their names addresses and a threat to their loved ones by name.
You see 2 of 3 panic while the other one believes it’s a bluff. Natasha sends the pictures of their homes to you, and you forward them to the guards.
You see them pale instantly, the look at each other and bicker lightly. Wanda wants to go forward and strike, but you shake your head. You wait as one of the guards takes off running from the room. The other follows not even a second after. The third looks at his phone and then in the direction the others had ran before doing the same as they did.
“Natasha, we’ll be on the other side of the door one steady knock when he’s disarmed so we can get in,” you instruct her.
She doesn’t hesitate to nod at your orders. Before she goes Wanda squeezes her hand in a pleading manner, but Natasha reassures her with a soft look.
You wait with baited breath when Natasha enters the room. For a moment it’s silent, no struggle can be heard, but then there’s a gunshot.
Wanda’s the first one rushing to the room door, with Pietro and yourself directly behind her. Her hand is on the handle as she attempts to yank the door open. You move her out of the way, and open it first.
Instead of a cool metal, you feel a searing hot metal burning your chest.
“Why don’t you all file in, so we can talk,” Kingpin rests the gun on your chest and you shuffle into the room, eyes shooting across to where Natasha grips her bloody arm.
Wanda and Pietro shuffle in, the red head immediately going to her wife’s side.
“Isn’t this a lovely little family affair?”
“Wilson, take the gun off of her. Your problem is with me, my family, they’ve done nothing wrong,” Dragos tries to reason with the man.
He digs the butt of the recently fired gun further into your chest and you grit your teeth, but refuse to break eye contact with the bald man.
“She is your strongest solider Dragos, she can take it. Y/n’s not even your blood, she’s your orphan project and you’ve raised her better than your incompetent children. She’s quick witted, brilliant, useful. I want her on my side,” Fisk eyes you with a shark like grin on his face.
“You’re out numbered,” Pietro reminds the man as he stands tall in room.
Fisk scoffs, “ Bed ridden patient, shot Russian, and girl with her gun to her chest. You and your sister aren’t enough to stop me, you could barely even run the business when I took your father out. None of the Maximoff’s have been running anything as of late. It’s all been Y/n, even before Wanda came back. She’s been the brains of this whole operation for a while now.”
“If you feel that way, then why would you go after Dragos first and not me?”
Fisk chuckles, “This information isn't something I've always known. I only had this epiphany a small time before I had an example made out of you.”
“I’ll never work for you,” you stand your ground.
“Then I’ll drop you where you stand and then I'll kill everyone in this room and own this cit-”
The gun was in your hand before he finished the sentence. You place it under his chin before cocking it back.
“Do it, kill me then sweetheart. This wouldn’t be your first time killing someone who just wanted to help you right? Poor little Lucas, didn’t even get the chance to grow up.”
You pull the trigger and instantly your face is covered in the mans blood. No one in the room saw it coming. You were usually better at not acting irrationally, but this time you had met your limit.
The gun drops from your hand and you rush out of the hospital without a single clue to where you were going.
“Go, someone go after her,” Dragos yells at his children and soon Wanda is on her feet.
“I will take care of it go,” Natasha reassures her.
Wanda’s eyes linger on her wife’s injured arm, “Wanda now.”
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Taglist: @natashaswife4125 @autorasexy @alexawynters @blkmxrvel @toouncreativeforausername @likemick @sgm616 @bstvst @dorabledewdroop @sapphic-simp4015 @natty-taffy @justarandomreaderxoxo @mmmmokdok @tarathia @bgwlsmahf25 @lezzylover @og-kxsh-420 @vanessashands @untoldreader @sxlfishbrokenheart @marvelgirlx @elle161989
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anki-of-beleriand · 4 months
A heart Made of Glass ch. 13
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Summary: Ten years ago you left Wanda and the Avengers to heal your broken heart. You never stopped being a hero, just as you never stopped being in love with her. But life had to go on.
Now, after all that time, she is back and with her is a young woman needing help and an enemy that may not be as afraid as Wanda to lay a claim on you.
Pairings: Wanda Maximoff x Powered!F!Reader - Scarlet Witch x PoweredF!Reader - Past Wanda Maximoff x Vision
Warnings: Angst, drama, mentions of cheating, fluff, violence, smut, Switch!Reader, internalize homophobia, hurt, comfort, Wanda being a complete mess, anger management issues, jealousy, Requited/Unrequited love, idiots in love, swearing, mentions of alcohol. More tags as the story progess.
Author's Note: This story is a continuation of Dirty Little Secret I was really surprised at the response I got for the story, I did all the tags you guys ask for but if I forgot someone please do not hesitate to tell me. Thank you for the support.
Oh, I am back and this chapter is a wrap-up for the confrontation between Reader and Wanda. They had been given a moment of solitude before going back to their own reality, can they really get past through everyting that happened to them in the past?
Please, do remember English is no my mother tongue so forgive my grammar, spelling and funny mistakes.
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9 - Chapter 10 - Chapter 11 Chapter 12 - Chapter 13 - Chapter 14 - Chapter 15 - Chapter 16 - Chapter 17 - Epilogue
Chapter 13
Can we change the past?
You never imagined this ordeal would end in the way it did.
The universe you left behind came crumbling down under the weight of its own shaky foundations, it became a cold unfitting world that disappear the moment you and the others touched the land of another Universe.
Everything was kind of blurry from the on.
You knew Wanda was taken away, and soon after you were also being carried to a room in which you lost consciousness after your body finally gave up. Your mind didn’t have the time to think about what had happened or what would happen after you were completely recover. You let things happened, and in that time you gave yourself to a blissful mindfulness in which you knew, sooner or later, you would need to face everything you had been running from.
It soon became evident that time was running out, with people coming in and out of your room checking over your physical and mental well-being before asking uneasy questions. Sometimes you would evade those questions, and some others you would give vague answers that would tell the others you were no fool.
You stretched out grasping thin air in your fist, tilting your head you started making a small sequence of Tai Chi you had learnt from Yelena. After more than a week of being in the hospital, you were finally able to feel your body as yours again. Your muscles flexed, and the shadows under your feet stirred with the silent command of your thoughts. You smiled glancing at your reflection through the window, everything was working just fine and you knew you were ready to go back home.
The door behind you cracked, and the knob turned to the left revealing the single figure of Doctor Jean Grey. The woman was beautiful, and her smile was infectious always putting your mind at ease.
“Hello, Y/N, how are you this morning?”
“Doc, I’m doing better now, thank you.” You spined around slowly, the shadows wavering around until they covered your feet, your smile grew cocking your head to follow the lead of your left arm then your right one.
“I certainly felt much better now.”
“I can see that.” The woman smile stepping closer to your bed while placing a single file on the breakfast table.
“Tell me you cam here with good news.”
Jean offered a single smile while taking a seat, she sat waiting for you to settle down on the bed. The room soon filled with silence that was only broken by the busy morning routine right outside your room. You had learnt your room was in one of the busiest wings in the hospital back in the Tower. Wanda had not been that lucky, though.
“Well, I do come with news, if they are good or not depend entirely on you.” Jean could see the change in you, even through the easy smile you wore the young doctor could see you were being overly cautious.
“Okay, I’m listening.”
Doctor Jean Gray sauntered inside the room with a light blush on her cheeks. Her eyes twinkling merrily glancing at the chart in her hands before settling then on you.
For some reason, the reaction of the woman made you squirm uncomfortably. You had been in this universe for two days now, but it wasn't until now that you were forced to go inside the examination room and get yourself a quick check-up. It was quite evident that in this world mutants and superpowered individuals were treated differently, and the rules governing each one of them were set to get control on the population. 
“You seemed rather chirp today, Doc, good news for you or me?”
Jean chuckled, placing the chart on the bed before putting a chair close to the bed.
“It's my anniversary, and I received quite the news today.” She stated tilting her head, you smiled back at her.
“Congratulations, then.” 
Jean nodded, putting a strand of hair out of her face, “thank you.”
“So that would be for you, what about me?” You finally asked leaning forward, your eyes drifting to the chart in your bed.
“Everything seems to be okay.”
“But…?” You arched a brow when Jean leaned back on the chair offering a serious facade.
“You had been quite silent in the last couple of days, keeping yourself out of everyone's way and most importantly,” here Jean stopped as if measuring her words, “your avoidance of your particular predicament has raised some concerns on our end.”
Silence followed such a declaration, you dared to lock eyes with the woman sitting in front of you well-aware of her ability to read beyond your initial thoughts. Jean didn't move nor did she give any indication of breaking into small talk, I stead she seemed to sit there and wait patiently for you to speak.
“I’m not sure I want to have this conversation.” You sighed, lifting a hand to the back of your head, scratching the nape of your neck. “But I guess it is inevitable.”
“It is.” Jean softened her features, grabbing the file she left on your bed, she opened it in a single page while presenting the form to you.
“How…how is she?” Your voice was above a whisper, but it was loud enough for Jean to hear it.
The woman leaned back letting you read the file while she started talking. 
“She is doing better now, trying to recover her magical core had been quite the challenge but our own team of witches and healers had come together to help around.” 
There was nothing much you could do but nod, your eyes drifted to the file with your thoughts trying to focus on a single issue at a time. Ever since the five of you got to that universe everything had been but a blur; your Wanda was taken straight to the hospital and she had been looked after Tony's team back in the Avengers Tower. 
“That's good.”
“I just want to do one last check-up before clearing you up, America has been waiting for you and the twins are very excited as well.” Jean chuckled, standing up making her way to the closest drawer and putting some surgical gloves out. “They seemed to think that having a pair of moms at their disposal would give them some kind of advantage in their mischief.”
You tried to hide your expression from the other woman, but it was inevitable. Jean offered a sympathetic smile while getting to work. 
“They are just children…” you mumbled feeling your body warm up, your muscles twitching just as Jean started testing your reflex. “I don't think they understand that much.”
“Mm, you would be surprised how much Billy and Tommy understand about the situation.” Jean leaned back, lifting her left hand and letting it hover right on top of your forehead. “They are pretty smart, and sensitive.”
You pressed your lips together not wanting to go into a discussion. Not that you could raise any arguments against that statement, you had noticed just how sensitive they were and how smart they were. They had come that first time into your room calling you mom without a care in the world, telling you about their day while also making you aware of how they had sneaked in to see you and Wanda.
Your counterpart had been amused by your reaction, while her Wanda had been just a tad bit concerned about the confusion the whole situation could create in the children. 
“If I were to be honest, you look more confused than them.”
“You told me you don't read minds unless you have permission.” You replied furrowing your brows, Jean had the sense of looking embarrassed but never lost her smile when looking back at you.
“You kind of scream that thought at me, sometimes it is inevitable.”
Jean then leaned back, grabbing your file and writing some notes down. 
“I think you're ready to go.” Jean cocked her head when the first thing you did was jump down the bed and go to the closest chair holding your clothes. “But Wanda…”
You winced, grabbing your clothes tightly before turning around, this time around Jean was looking serious, her eyes gleaming lightly.
“What about Wanda?”
The silence grew around the both of you, your body was already tensing the muscles you would need to run. Jean opened her mouth only to close it again as if she didn't know what to say or how to say it. 
“I think you should visit her, it can make a difference in her recovery.”
At the end of the day, this last visit from Jean Grey was just that, another attempt from these people to go to Wanda and make sure she was okay. For you to stop running and face her taking ownership of what would happen next.
It was complicated.
And you were unsure as to how to proceed or what was expected of you.
“Look, I just…”
Not sooner had you heard such a scream, you found yourself being tackled by a pair of bouncing kids. Your heart skipped a beat with your arms lifted at your shoulders height while the kids had their faces up to look at you with toothy grins. They were quite adorable, and in reality a part of you seemed to just instantly loved them, noticing the likeness they had to Wanda and yourself.
“Okay, guys let’s back up a little, remember what we talked to you about?” 
The room was suddenly very crowded, your counterpart came right in followed by America and Pietro. It became quite apparent that everyone was waiting for Jean to finish her last check-up on you before getting into the room and see how you were doing. You placed your hands on the twin’s heads ruffling their hair playfully while offering a tentative smile. 
“That’s okay, I’m getting used to the enthusiastic greeting.”
“And them calling you mom?” Pietro inquired, quaking his brow while placing his hands in his pockets.
You couldn’t help the little wince, recoiling from the comment with your body turning to the chair and grabbing your clothes once more. Billy and Tommy glanced at one another, with Billy opening his eyes really big while making a gesture with his head. 
“Anyway, I’m just glad to know your good to go, because I was thinking we can go right ahead and get a look around and perhaps…” America started babbling making her way to your bed.
You nodded absentmindedly, your attention drifting for a moment to your counterpart and Jean that had decided to step out of the room to have a small conversation. You couldn’t help but wonder what exactly was going on, and what they were discussing with your thoughts going over and over to the woman that was still unconscious somewhere inside the building. 
Everything was strange in this universe. 
A part of you knew that sooner or later the conversation of Wanda and you going back to your respective reality would come; but it was quite evident everyone was waiting for the right moment to intervene and perhaps get something done. 
“Well, I think you better change so we can get out of here,” Pietro broke your line of thoughts, his eyes gleaming mischievously with his lips curling into a familiar expression. “Billy and Tommy prepare something for you, and I bet you are dying to eat something that isn’t hospital food.”
“You are completely right on that one, I’m going to change and then…you guys can show me a good time.”
You offered a tentative smile, your heart dropping for a moment when the twins cheered babbling non-stop to America and Pietro. For a brief moment you wondered…
…was this what you were missing back home?
You had been welcomed inside the household of your counterpart. 
This time around, the guest room had been prepared and you could enjoy the joys of a soft bed and a nice view of the backyard while trying to get some sleep. The day had been quite unexpected, with the twins and America being active participants in different forms of conversations and different sets of games and rambles that you were not prepared to share with these people.
You had tried to get away from it, but Billy and Tommy were very adamant on having you close and including you in every single moment of their afternoon. You didn’t fight too hard to not be there, though. After a while you realised Wanda would not be joining the family outing and actually your counterpart ended up being just a good source of geek material that differed from the one you had in your own world. 
Not for a single moment did anyone mention the white elephant in the room.
And for that you were quite grateful.
But now, in the middle of the night with the stars twinkling above your head and everyone sleeping in the house you couldn't help but think about it. Time was running out, sooner or later you would need to go back and face the consequences of what happened back in Norway and in that other universe. 
Sooner or later you would need to face Wanda once more.
“It is pretty late for you to be thinking so loud.” 
You kept your attention on the stars, the room was completely dark which was one of the reasons as to why you knew she had come home already. The young woman took a few steps forward until she was standing beside you, her face turned to the sky with her arms hugging her tightly.
“I just couldn’t go back to sleep.” You shrugged leaning against the wall, your head tilted to the side. “It was quite an exciting day, I think I’m still in a sugar rush.”
Wanda chuckled, lowering her head, her eyes gleaming lightly, turning her attention to you.
“So I heard. The twins really took you everywhere and made sure you taste everything back in the restaurant, didn’t they?”
Your face fell when the memories of that day came back, the twins had never left your side while telling you stories about their adventures. Not for a single moment did they think or even entertained the idea of them not being part of your life in your other world. For them it had been natural to make sure that you and Wanda did not forget about them. That was one of the reasons why it had been a shock for them to find out you and they didn’t know about that restaurant.
“You should tell our other selves about this place, mom! I know they will love it!”
“Yeah, we love it, and you love bringing us here!”
It still burnt that this life was not yours, but there was nothing you could do. 
Wanda could read your thoughts; she could sense your pain and it was something she couldn’t take. Not with you. Wanda dropped her arms, stepping closer to you. Her hand felt warm on your face, brushing away your hair and mapping out the form of your jaw. It was so unexpected you couldn’t help but freeze in place the tension evident in the contraction of your muscles, your left foot stepping back and stopping waiting for the other foot to join. It didn’t happen, though, you stood there waiting for something else to happen. 
“They are good kids.” Your voice trembled at the very end of that sentence, but your eyes never waver in their hold of those green irises.
“They are. They are very much your children as much as they are mine.” Wanda offered a timid smile that soon vanished, whatever hold she had on you broke and the young woman turned around as if ready to leave. 
The tension in your body didn’t leave, and your mind was poking at you uncomfortably pressing over for you to speak. To say something, to ask the question you were dying to ask but didn’t dare to do so. It looked as if nothing else was going to be said that day, as if nothing else was going to happen and you were trying to get a hold of your beating heart when Wanda stopped by the door turning to the side and locking her eyes with yours.
“You will need to face her sooner or later, Y/N.” Wanda let her words sink in, her eyes softening lightly when she could sense the conflict inside of you. 
“Do I have to?” The question left your lips before you could stop it, Wanda lifted her shoulder stepping back. 
“I think you know the answer to that question,” she stated letting out a tired yawn, “what you really need to ask yourself, though is what would happen if that confrontation doesn’t come the way you expect it to be? What if it becomes everything you thought impossible with her? Are you ready to face that conversation? Are you ready to make a decision for you and her?”
You hated the fact this Wanda was so insightful and you hated even more that she was right. That was the real reason as to why you couldn’t sleep, as to why you were trying to bury your emotions and your memories, while also running away from what you were experimenting with. Of the changes that had come knocking on your door all those months ago.
“Have a good night, Y/N, rest and follow your instincts on this one because they…” Wanda left the sentence in the air, and it was you the one to finish it.
“They had never failed me.”
There was a flash of a smile and then Wanda left, closing the door behind her. 
But trying to follow your instincts was easier said than done.
A part of you knew the meeting was inevitable, after all, the both of you needed to go back to your respective Universe and this would never happen if you two kept on avoiding one another. But then, there was another part, the one you had been carrying with you for far too long, that was afraid of a confrontation that might broke your heart all over again.  
You played with time for as long as you could, taking advantage of Tony’s curiosity and Loki’s infinite questions. You became very helpful of Wong and Hank’s questions, and you couldn’t help but give in the twin’s whims every night before going to bed. Nevertheless, you had the days count on that universe, and it wasn’t as if you really wished to stay. You missed home, and you missed your friends and family; but the final step to get everything ready to go back was something you had never felt ready to do.
On the fifth morning you woke up on a guest room, you knew you couldn't run anymore. America had finished her breakfast and Y/N was reading the paper, no one did or said anything for a moment until you sat at the table with the coffee warming up the mug in your hands.
“Wanda is fully recovered.” Your counterpart stated, never leaving her eyes from the page she was reading, “she is confused, a little weak but ready to talk and go back home.”
“Talk?” You asked a little harsher than you were meant to.
Y/N lifted a single brow, her lips pursing tightly.
“With you.”
You opened your mouth to argue, but a kick on your leg made you stop. America was glaring at you, her head shaking slightly opening her eyes and glancing meaningfully at your counterpart.
“I know, I just…”
Y/N sighed, closing the paper and placing it slowly on the counter. Her eyes pierced you with a gaze filled with emotion, you shifted on the chair trying to look away but unable to do so.
“Whether you want it or not, you will need to have this confrontation. Whatever you are afraid of facing…I think you should get your shit together and face it right away. You are running out of time, and excuses.”
Your counterpart finished her tirade with a slap to the table, shaking her head as she stood up and left the kitchen. You cocked your head until you found America glancing at you.
“I guess there is no running from this, is it?”
America shrugged, biting her lower lip, “I guess not.”
You lowered your eyes to the counter before lifting them to ensure America was paying attention to you.
“Once this is over, are you staying or are you coming back with us?” The question caught her off of guard, America was looking shocked and her mouth tried to form a specific thought but was unable to respond right away.
You chuckled standing up, your hand on her shoulder.
“You would be more than welcome back home, but I know you missed this place greatly.” You squeezed her shoulder before walking away, a single wall of dark shadows spreading before you. “Think about it, America, I'll be back in a few hours and we will talk about me and Wanda going back home.”
“I will think about it.” America mumbled offering a half smile. “Good luck.”
You winked at her trying to show more confidence than you actually felt before crossing over the shadows and disappearing into them. The trip was short, with the shadows embracing you with a cold hold leading through the space until you stepped inside a dimly lit hall.
The place was completely silent, though you could make out the sound of chatter in the distance. You lowered your gaze to the floor, our ears twitching lightly ignoring the rest of the sounds and focusing on your heartbeat.
The last couple of months have been a complete rollercoaster for you. You never imagined, even in your wildest dreams, that Wanda would show at your doorstep with a young woman asking for help. For a very long time, you had put in the back of your mind the confrontation with Wanda. A part of you knew it would come, eventually. But you never intended to be the one to take the first step for the meeting to happen.
When you got to see Wanda face to face, and actually talk to her, your world came crumbling down around you. The barriers you had built around your heart and mind ended up not being as strong and resilient as thought them to be. Your heart still missed a beat at the sound of her laughter, and your hardened façade went away as soon as you saw the suffering and the heartbreak in those green eyes.
Wanda would always be one of your greatest weaknesses. 
And you hated yourself for that.
It was as if your own suffering didn't matter, as long as Wanda was fine and didn't have to feel what you felt. Yet you refused to believe her words or even offer forgiveness for the wrong doings in the past. All of this came crashing down in a single meeting, all the doubts and pain came back, but also the yearning and the confusion you were threatening to overwhelm you and leave you without a way out. 
You took a deep breath, your hand running through your hair helping your uneasiness. You closed for a brief moment, and your mind went blank emptying any thoughts that might come in and make you falter in your actions. The last couple of days, and actually the last couple of months, you had thought about this moment; you had given yourself and her a chance to step aside and let the past in the past and for the both of you ready to face the present without thinking too much about the future.
The room was in complete darkness, the lights were out and the curtains were still closed. You could hear the monitor in the corner, the bed occupied the left side of the room leaving a big sofa and a couple of chairs on the right. Hanging from the wall you could see the TV that was huge enough to almost cover the wall, the only thing that prevented this from happening was the side door leading to the bathroom. Tony was really into luxury, you closed the door behind you a little unsure on how to proceed.
The tension around the room only increased when you felt a pair of eyes on you. It didn't take too long for you to know who it was, you stepped forward making your way to the curtains. 
“Would you mind if I open them up? I prefer the natural light of the day instead of the artificial ones.” You turned lightly, finally locking your eyes with those of Wanda.
Your Wanda.
“That's fine.” She replied, her voice was but a whisper but you could get the strong laced tone that Scarlet used whenever she talked to you.
The room changed under the light of the day, while there was not much sun the sky was cloudless and the position of the tower as well as the floor you two were currently in allowed for the perfect setting for natural light. You glanced around a city that was familiar yet strange, the weight of that stare didn't leave you, not even when you finally turned around to lock eyes with her.
“You look fine.” Wanda lowered her chin, her fingers twitching on top of the bed wanting to do or say something else but unsure where her relationship with you stood at the moment.
“I wasn't that badly injured, but I think I did need the rest.” You took a step forward, then another until you were actually standing beside Wanda.
Wanda hesitated for a moment before moving to the left, she chewed on her lower lip before patting the spot on the bed.
“You can sit here, if … if you want, there is also a chair and…” whatever else Wanda was going to say was cut off by you taking her initial offer of sitting on the bed.
Wanda felt her heart do somersaults, her body tingling at your closeness and the little voice she had come to recognize as Scarlet’s whispering to her telling her to close the distance, to grab your hand, to not let you go. But she held back knowing that her position was precarious at best and whatever you had come to discuss with her needed to be addressed first. 
“How are you?” You fixed your position on the bed, well aware that the only thing you needed was to lower your arm and your hand would be touching Wanda's one. 
“I'm better now, a little sore and getting use to…” here Wanda trailed off with her brows creasing a little, “to be complete, I guess. It's difficult, but I think I am ready.”
Her words held a decisive tone, but her eyes were flashing the doubts running inside her mind. You realised right there and then that nothing much had changed in the last couple of years, there were things you could still read about her. 
“Ready for what?” You asked quietly, Wanda sighed shrugging.
“Going back.” She replied simply. “Getting out of your way, out of your life…I did promise you after all of this was over I wouldn't bother you any more…”
Her words stung your heart, spreading an electrifying pain all through your body until it hit your brain. You didn't understand why, exactly. That had been the deal, to help her out and then get her out of your life. Then, if you knew what was going to happen, how it would end, why were you having these doubts? Why did it hurt?
Wanda was in her own thoughts, a part of her she had tried to suppress, the one she tried to deny stirred in anger. Wanda wanted to speak out, to tell you she didn't want to go and that she certainly didn't want to pretend nothing had happened in the last couple of months. That seeing you had been one of her greatest joys in life, but it had also brought pain and sadness, that being in this universe seeing the twins and facing what could have been…
Without really noticing, tears started falling rolling down her cheeks while her heart shrank with the weight of her emotions. Wanda refused to give in, her fists closing tightly and her tears breaking her composure and without really wanting to she finally broke in front of you.
You observed the full process, the way her face changed and the tears pilling up her eyes. Wanda was trying to bottle up whatever she was feeling, whatever she was thinking. It was so easy to ignore everything the other woman was experiencing; it was easy to hold onto your shared past. 
But this was Wanda.
And you couldn't ignore her. That was the reason why you had to disappear after the breakup.
With a tentative touch, you let your hand fall on top of hers. Your thumb drew circles before leaning in and wrapping her in a hug. Wanda held onto you, her sobs filling the room while her hands tried to grasp your clothes. You didn't say anything, but for some reason you could feel it.
The apology you never allowed her to share with you. The broken heart she had been wearing ever since that day. 
“I'm sorry, I'm sorry…”
Wanda cried and once she started she couldn't stop. Fixing your position on the bed you made sure she was comfortably resting her weight on your left side, putting comforting arms around her while soothing her body with sweet caresses you had dared to make in anyone but her.
Whatever conversation you were meant to have with her, whatever it was you had come to talk to her about soon crumbled under the pressure of her tears and your own feelings for her. 
And just like that, you knew you couldn't let her go.
Not without a real conversation.
And not without a fight.
Wanda was not completely sure when she fell asleep, but right now she was completely aware of being awake resting on top of you with the warmth and comfort of your presence soothing her soul.
Her body tensed right away, though soon she relaxed into the embrace having noticed your even breathing and the relaxed posture of your body. You had fallen asleep as well and, at some point the both of you had ended up sharing the small hospital bed without anyone coming over to interrupt that moment.
Wanda nuzzled her face against your neck, she wished this was something she would share with you every day. How she had missed waking up in your arms, to see your smile in the mornings and your hyperactive body demand for the morning routine. Everything was so messed up, and she didn't know when she allowed her world to crumble into nothingness.
Her heart trembled with emotion, and her thoughts formed an idea Wanda knew was not completely hers but a figment of Scarlet. 
You have to fight back! You need to get her back! You need to tell her everything we discovered! Everything we know!
Her voice was demanding, yet it held a hint of desperation that Wanda was familiar with. It was the same voice she had woken up to back in the battlefield after the snap, the same one she had heard countless of times whenever she thought about you or a way to recover her life. Everything had been so complicated, yet it could had been so easy to recover her life to actually try to make a change and reconcile with everyone.
There were no more tears in her eyes, and the sadness and sorrow she had lived with all her life was a burden she was tired to carry with her. With some reluctance, Wanda let go of you stirring in the bed while trying to be careful in her movements, she missed your closeness and the warm that your body had provided but it was time for her to stand up.
You need to fight for her, you cannot lose her. Not again.
The voice echoed inside her head, and Wanda knew this time around she couldn’t allow her fears to stop her from at least getting a chance to be your friend. With that thought in mind, Wanda stood on weakened feet gathering her strength before walking towards the closes wardrobe and grabbing some clothes. She gave you one last glance before making her way to the bathroom, she would need to get ready for what would come next.
It was the cold what wake you up.
The cold and the fact you missed the weight of someone resting on your left side, you sighed blinking owlishly while patting the side of the bed where you were pretty sure your companion had been resting. In those glorious moments between being awake and asleep, you were trying to grasp the reality of the woman you had been holding. Your memory groggily moving through the smell of her shampoo, and the softness of her skin and then…
You remembered.
Wanda had been crying, you had held her, you had fallen asleep…
You stood up so fast that you fell of the bed hitting your head against the night table, while hitting your ass on the ground.
“Ugh, fuck…”
“Are you…are you alright? What…did you fall off the bed?”
You wished you could hide, but instead of that you lifted your face to see Wanda standing by the bed trying to hold back her laughter just as her eyes gleamed with worry. You could sense the blush forming on your cheeks, while your whole body seemed to protest under the pain of the hits you got when falling.
“I…yes, I just…woke up too fast and…I fell off the bed.”
That was all that Wanda needed to start laughing, she couldn’t help herself. She had seen you woke up and then lose all control while getting your feet entangled on the sheets and falling on your ass. It had been funny, and the fact that you now looked all embarrassed and were pouting made for the scene not only something funny but quite adorable.
You huffed trying to stand up, rolling your eyes while the other woman held against the bed trying to control her laughter.
“Yeah, yeah, laugh all you want, little witch…” the nickname slipped your lips without giving it a second thought. That made the laughter died and once more the room was filled with a tension neither one of you were ready to maintain.
“I’m sorry it’s just…your face, and the way you fell, so full of grace…”
“I bet.” You rolled your eyes trying to check your head and body before settling your eyes on Wanda.
The young woman had put on some jeans and a white blouse, while her hair was still wet after the bath. You furrowed your brows looking away while catching the time on the clock on the wall. It was almost midday, which would explain why you were so hungry all of a sudden.
“I guess you really are feeling better.”
Wanda bounced lightly checking her hands and body, she wouldn’t say she felt better but she certainly was tired of being in bed while letting everyone come in and out to check her over. This world had a peculiar way to treat people with powers and having so many people with magical abilities come in and check her magical core had been extenuating and rather uncomfortable. The only time she had felt at ease had been with her counterpart, and that had been a whole different situation.
“I just need to get out of here.” Wanda finally revealed offering a half smile, “I heard from one of the nurses they have a nice restaurant right across the street, it has sandwiches and pizza…perhaps…”
You blinked a couple of times at the suggestion, your hand went right away to your pocket and your wallet. You hope the money you carried with you had some sort of value on this place, with a shrugged you nodded your agreement.
“Sounds like a plan. Lead the way, then.”
Wanda couldn’t hide her smile at the acceptance, she turned around and grabbing a jacket dragged you out of the room making her way directly to the elevator at the end of the hall. None of them noticed the camera watching their every move or the shadowy figure hidden in a close-by room. Your counterpart smirked shaking her head, she owed her wife a nice dinner. Wanda had always been right. Always.
In the security room, Wanda Maximoff allowed a tiny smile on her face, she lifted her stare to Tony and Loki, both of them shook their heads still slightly confused about the interaction.
“Now, what?” Tony finally asked staring at Wanda then at Loki.
“Now, we wait.” Loki replied waving away his hand. “For now, I think they are right, I’m starving and you ought to feed us, Stark.”
“Why is it always my responsibility?”
“You’re the one with money.” Loki replied ignoring the indignant huff coming from the older man, and the amused chuckled from Wanda.
The restaurant was almost empty.
There were a few empty tables in the back, the one you chose was perfect for a nice conversation by hiding you two away from imprudent ears. The place was cosy, with decorations of blue and green creating a magical atmosphere with the dim lights around the establishment and the sweet aroma of spices that made you remembered home. You sat down facing Wanda who was looking troubled at the moment.
The waitress dedicated you a timid smile while putting a strand of hair behind her ear.
“Welcome to the Sandwich Emporium, what can I get you today?” Her question was directed at you, and her eyes never even bothered to look away as you grabbed the menu she was offering.
“I’m not sure, what do you recommend?” You glanced at the menu then back at Wanda, the redhead was glaring at the menu pursing her lips lightly while you merely frowned.
“Well, that depends on what are you looking for,” her tone of voice didn’t leave anything to the imagination, and you couldn’t help but raise a single eyebrow at that. The young woman opened her eyes wide blushing profusely. “I mean…I…”
“She is having La Tricolore and I’m having La Tartuffo.” Wanda point two pictures on the menu, before handing it over to the waitress, her eyes gleaming strangely while you just blinked slightly confused. “And I’m having some water, and she is having a cappuccino.”
“Very well, I’ll be right back.” The young woman left rather quickly, her ears burning red after having come across the redhead.
You had your eyebrows raised glancing over at Wanda who was trying rally hard to ignore you. After a moment she finally let out a heavy sigh, her head turned away from you.
“La Tricolore has beef, cheese, some hazelnuts, and that pistachio cream you…” here Wanda trailed off opening her eyes when she realized what she had done. “I’m sorry, I…”
“I like it, sounds delicious.” You placed your hands on the table not really bothered by what had happened but rather confused. “I’m surprised you remember.”
“I never forget.” Wanda brushed her hair away lifting her face to finally lock her eyes with yours. “I always…remember, Y/N.”
“I remembered too, Wanda. I remembered everything.” You stated but whatever anger you had held it had given way to bitterness and sadness.
Wanda winced tapping on the table before wiggling her hands together.
“I…I never got to…” She tilted her head, and you could see the tears hidden behind those green eyes. “I’m sorry.”
It didn’t even cover what had happened, all the pain she had caused on that day. But those words made your soul tremble, you scoffed shaking your head leaning back on the seat.
“It is too late, don’t you think?” You could see your words hurt her, and everything you had lived up to that point came rushing in piling up inside your mind until you just put everything away and left what was important.
Wanda nodded defeated, “I know, I just…I never got to say it to you.”
But it wasn’t about asking for forgiveness, and you knew that. And Wanda was also well aware of the fact. The question was not about forgiveness, the question was if you could move forward after everything that had happened.
“I never got to say it, I messed up. I was so afraid, I just…I didn’t know what to do, how to react, how to…deal with everything.”
Wanda spoke with a clear desperation tinge in her words, you could see the crumbling behind her eyes, how her soul would tremble while trying to tell you everything that you didn’t want to hear ten years ago.
“Vision was convenient.” Wanda said, this time around she grabbed the seat tightly her body completely tensed making her neck hurt as she forced herself to keep her head up and look at you. “I was so afraid, so lost and…and It’s not an excuse! I deserve your hatred! I deserved your anger! I just…”
“You could have told me, you know?” You finally said when it was obvious Wanda couldn’t continue talking. “I was there for you, and I could have helped. I thought you trusted me but instead of telling me whatever was happening you…”
This was not the conversation the both of you were supposed to have, or at least it wasn’t supposed to be this way. You weren’t supposed to understand, but to stand your ground and tell Wanda how much of a bitch she had been. But the last couple of days had taught you something about yourself, about Wanda and what could have been. And if Wanda was confused you weren’t fairing any better.
“I know you don’t get it, and that’s okay because you grew with Natasha and then you have Fury and Maria and Yelena…” Wanda waved her hand weakly, her tears rolling down while her eyes revealed the deep sadness she had always carried with herself.
“I lost everything, and I didn’t know how to deal…and you were strong, and brave, you were not afraid of anything and I was only me.” Wanda broke into a sob, with a crooked smile that showed you just how broken she was. How lost she was still feeling.
“I…after it happened I never…” Wanda started but couldn’t finish, you perked up at her words because this was something you hadn’t bothered to find out.
“What happened after I left? Were you happy? Did he make you happy?” You didn’t mean to sound so bitter, but your words carry with them poison that you had been holding for far too long.
“I didn’t stay with him, Y/N. I tried to look for you, to reach out for you but…but I couldn’t and I didn’t stay with Vision, I didn’t feel anything I just… I messed up! Okay? That’s what I did, and I didn’t know how to make it better and I’ve been trying to be good to make it better all these years…”
You wouldn't know about that.
Just as she was trying to do some good, you were trying to forget. It was one of the reasons why you kept yourself out of everyone's business and dealt with the superhero work alone. When Tony and Steve got into that quarrel and you saw what happened back in Lagos you knew you had made the right decision. Then, everything became more complicated and you just busy yourself with other problems, always trying to keep the team away while trying to get glimpses of news about Wanda. You knew it had been hard for her, and you also knew she was never alone.
That had always been the main issue, wasn't it?
“I was on the run with the others, but I just wanted to disappear. Vision…he was helping me with getting a new identity.” Wanda leaned back tilting her head to the wall to hide the tears rolling down her cheek.
It was an answer to an unasked question. The conversation died for a moment, the waitress eyed Wanda before offering a smile to you placing the different orders on the table.
“Do you need anything else?”
“No, thank you.”
“Well, if there is anything I can do, I'm Anne.” The waitress offered one last smile walking backwards and then leaving you two alone.
The food smelled delicious; you grabbed your sandwich allowing Wanda the moment of privacy. The silence grew heavier just as you distracted yourself glancing around the place while taking another bite from your lunch.  
“I was just trying to live my life, and then when Thanos happened…” Wanda huffed turning to her food, she was no longer hungry if anything she wanted to disappear. 
Everything seemed so pointless, the look in your eyes would never leave, and she would go back to a world in which she was despised by the only woman she had ever been in love with.
“This is really delicious; you should try it.” You interrupted her, offering a full smile while grabbing another bite.
Wanda blinked confused; she kept her eyes on you then back on her food. For a brief moment, she hesitated, she was no longer hungry and if she were to be honest she felt tired. You took a sip from your cappuccino, placing your hand on the table, dangerously close to hers.
“I know you are hungry, Wanda. And I also know…I didn't want to know, but I get it.” You passed your hand on your hair pressing your back on the seat. “I'm tired of this, I just…”
“I can't take it when you look at me like that.”
“Like what?” You crunched up your nose, Wanda lowered her eyes grabbing her food.
“As if I am nothing to you, as if you…you hate me and…”
She trailed off putting the food in her mouth and silencing her words. You frowned, pursing your lips while playing those words inside your head. 
“I don't hate you.” You softened your features, your eyes glistening under the weight of memories. “I could never hate you.”
Silence followed your statement, the shivering discomfort of what your words could mean infused the atmosphere with questions Wanda didn't dare to ask. You lowered your gaze and focused completely on the sandwich that was still on the plate, and for a good half hour that was all you and Wanda did. 
When there was nothing else coming in between the unfinished conversation, Wanda put her hands on the table her eyes down casted. This was actually the very first time the both of you came face to face without anyone or anything coming in between. It was a confrontation you never thought would happen about something you had always imagined. It always came with different scenarios, but the outcome had always been the same. With you finally finding peace and never looking back, and with Wanda filled with regret for what she had lost.
This conversation though was completely different. You lifted your face finding those green eyes staring back at you with longing and a deep sadness that had become characteristic of Wanda. 
“How did you end up in Westview?” The question rolled out of your lips with a hint of bitterness you could not hide.
Wanda winced playing the napkin on the table, you waited until the woman started talking again.
“I found the box you hid in your room back at the Avenger's compound.” She stated simply, her lips breaking into a grimace. “I never…after you left I never went back there until after the battle with Thanos and Steve’s funeral.”
Your eyes opened lightly in realisation; you remembered the box in which you had hidden the future you hoped to share with Wanda. The ring, the map, and the picture…everything made sense now; now you understood why Wanda had chosen that place and how everything had fit at one point or another. The only thing that was out of place had been Vision, your expression hardened and Wanda could tell you were thinking about Westview the life she had created there.
“I never thought of him, you know? I went there because I wanted to…” Wanda snorted lifting her face to the ceiling, her voice trembling under the weight of the memories. “I wanted to understand, and in a way, I wanted to find a way to go back to you. Not as…I mean, I wanted to at least be…be your friend.”
You shifted on the chair hearing as Wanda finally tell you her part of the story, how she had been completely alone after coming back from the Blip. Steve’s funeral showed her just how alone she was, and how lost she really felt; she didn’t have a work or a home or even family and friends. She spent her time driving around until she decided to ask for help and went to the only person she could think of: Tony.
In all this time you could see the story behind her eyes, you could read the suffering and the deep sadness in the gestures and the words that carried with them the flashbacks of those days in which you were ignorant of Wanda’s fate.
“I went there to punish myself.” Wanda broke into a bitter smile, “I guess I did a good job.”
“Wanda…” You started but the words tangled in your throat, the other woman waited expectantly but after a moment her face fell.
“You don’t have to…”
“You don’t have to punish yourself anymore.” You frowned lowering your gaze to the empty dishes on the table, you were fully aware of her eyes on you. “All this time, isolating yourself while unable to reach out to anyone…then, finding yourself in Westview with this Agatha…”
Wanda swallowed down her tears, she was trembling with a flame of hope flickering inside her heart. Wanda knew she had created the world around Westview, she knew that her isolation and her grief had broken out into an explosion of her magic to create a reality she could deal with. But she also knew her magic had been tampered with, and her illusion had been corrupted.
“I never stopped thinking about you.” She whispered with her hands grabbing the chair tightly, her eyes filled with unshed tears.
You nodded standing up while making your way to where she was sitting, you offered your hand though your face never changed. For a brief moment, Wanda hesitated, she glanced at your hand and then with a trembling hand accepted it.
“They do look like us, you know?” You stated flatly, your hand warm against hers.
Wanda furrowed her brows, her tears rolling down her cheeks but her eyes gleaming in confusion.
“Billy and Tommy.” You stated simply. “They do look like us.”
That night you sat right outside the house.
Music and conversation could be heard in the backyard, with the lights of the kitchen projecting shadows on the grass. The sky above hour head was still showered with white dots that resulted familiar yet so different to what you were used to; the air was cold but nothing you couldn’t take in a night like that one.
You took a deep breath filling your lungs with cold air, inside your mind thoughts came crashing down into a myriad of possibilities and plans yet to be executed. The conversation with Wanda had gone unexpectedly well, yet you knew a lot of things needed to be done and said before things would be okay.
“Aren’t you a little cold out here?” America crunched up her nose trying to balance the two glasses she was carrying with her.
You turned to her, chuckling before stretching a little to help her out.
“Aren’t you supposed to be a part of this great celebration?”
America shrugged offering a tiny smile, “the twins are distracted with Wanda, both of them, and the rest is just chattering around.”
“So you decided to come to me?” You shook your head taking a sip from the beverage the young woman had brought with her. “You’re crazy.”
“Not as crazy as you are.” America wrapped her hands around the glass eyeing you out of the corner of her eyes. “How are you?”
“I guess I’m okay, how about you?” You pointed with your head to the house behind you, “this is what you missed, isn’t it? Now that you are back, well…”
America nodded turning her body to yours, “I feel happy, but I also feel lost. I know that I found them again, and I have so many possibilities right now, I just…”
 “Don’t know what to do?” You asked, America shrugged lowering her eyes.
“I’m finally starting to understand my powers and to get some control over them, if I keep working on them I would be able to travel without getting lost.” America let out a sigh dropping her shoulders, “those are a lot of possibilities and right now I think I need stability and keep learning.”
“Wise words, you have grown some, kiddo.” You bumped against her shoulder; the young woman blushed lightly offering a timid smile. “It may take time, but I’m pretty sure you will learn to control them.”
None of you mentioned the possibility of America finding her way back home, while it was an option it didn’t mean that America would find it once she had some control on her abilities. But for now, the young woman was happy to learn more about her powers and herself, her heart and soul finally finding a place she could call home.
“You don’t mind me coming back with you and Wanda?” America finally asked biting her lower lip while taking the last sip of her drink to her lips.
“No, I think it’s going to be fun.” You replied glancing at the young woman, “but I have to tell you right now, the training is going to be brutal.”
“I didn’t expect anything else.”
You chuckled nodding, “good.”
America straightened up tilting her head to glance at you then back at the house. You knew what the question was she wanted to ask, but you didn’t rush it.
“Are you and Wanda going to be okay?”
“I don’t know.” The honesty with which you answered that surprised even you, you turned to America with a serious face. “I’m not sure what would happen, America, but I guess I’m willing to find out.”
“That’s good, right?”
You shrugged, and the young woman went back to rest her head on your shoulder still highly confused by your answer. The sound of laughter, music and conversation filling out the sudden silence that embrace the both of you, your thoughts coming back to Wanda and the day you had spent with her.
Only time would tell what would happen next, and you were waiting anxiously what would happen next.
Billy and Tommy were talking non-stop, they were excited showing Wanda the latest project they had been working on back at school. The young woman could hardly hold her tears while letting her children talk to her about school and their lives as if she had always been there.
At first, it had hurt.
Wanda knew they were not hers, and yet she couldn’t help but love them and see them with the same eyes she had seen the twins back in her universe. A part of her never thought she would see Billy and Tommy again, the moment the illusion had fallen around her and she discovered what she had done to Westview she knew there wouldn’t be a way for her to recover her children.
Yet here they were.
 In another world, in another universe looking the same as she had imagined them once.
This time around everything was as it was supposed to be, with you by her side raising two children being a happy family.  A part of Wanda felt envy for everything her counterpart had and she couldn’t have.
“Are you sure you can’t have a family of your own?”
Wanda huffed turning to the source of the voice, her counterpart stood right beside her with softened eyes staring at the twins that were getting ready for bed. Wanda dropped her arms to her sides, her eyes glancing back into the room then back to the woman standing beside her.
“I’m pretty sure, she…” Wanda wrapped her arms around herself furrowing her brows, “she doesn’t love me anymore. I am nothing more than…and ally, and even that would be to stretch out our relationship.”
The other Wanda pursed her lips, she stepped closer never letting go of those green eyes she was so familiar with.
“You don’t believe that.” Wanda stated holding back a smile when the other woman stepped back scowling.
“I have to believe it, I can’t…” Wanda sighed lifting her chin to the ceiling holding back her weakness, she didn’t want the twins to see her cry. “I have to believe it or I will break my heart once more and I can’t lose control of my magic, I…last time it didn’t go well.”
The room filled with laughter, Billy ran to the bed jumping up and down with Tommy trying to follow up before falling down on his face. Wanda couldn’t help but gasp ready to help out but stopping when a gentle hand wrapped tenderly on her forearm. It was strange to see herself staring at her looking the same yet being so different than she was.
The twins were back in the game, falling on bed while discussing some subject Wanda couldn’t hear pretty well. The fall was soon forgotten and both of them were ready to go to sleep.
“Go on, you can put them to be and I will wait for you here.”
“Thank you.” Wanda whispered to her counterpart entering the room and going to Billy first.
The woman offered a shaky smile, her trembling hand brushing away his dark hair while her lips curved into a smile. Billy smiled back blinking slowly.
“Are you okay, mom?”
Wanda nodded leaning in placing a single kiss on his forehead, “more than okay, Billy. Have a good night, baby.”
“Good night, mommy.”
Then, Wanda went to Tommy who was looking at her differently, he wrapped his arms around her hugging her tightly and this time around she couldn’t help but cry.
“I love you, mom.”
“I love you too, Tommy, now go to sleep.” Once more she placed a kiss on Tommy’s forehead and with that she stepped back walking towards the door. “Sleep well, guys.”
“Night, mom!”
The door close behind her, and Wanda stood there allowing herself the goodbye she had longed to have with the twins. She tried to give the right closure to her emotions knowing full well she would go back a world in which she would be all alone. No twins, no Y/N, only her.
“Thank you.” Wanda whispered locking her eyes with those of her counterpart, the other woman nodded curtly.
“I knew it was important for you.” The woman hesitated for a moment before continuing, “but you shouldn’t lose any hope, Wanda. You and Y/N…”
“Don’t, please.” Wanda said softly. “Don’t give me hope, don’t tell me it is possible because…god, I’ve been breaking my heart over and over again and I just…I can’t take it anymore.”
“Then don’t let it go, don’t let it go without a fight.”
Wanda lifted her face to see her counterpart dead serious, the woman came closer wrapping her hands on her forearms making sure Wanda could not look away.
“You love her, and I am pretty sure she loves you as well, whatever happened in the past it shall stay there.” Wanda then softened letting go of her grip. “Don’t give up just yet, you may be surprised.”
Wanda wanted to talk, she wanted to believe but at the moment she was just tired and overwhelmed by everything that had happened, everything she had lived up to that point. She was overwhelmed by the fact that you were so close to her yet so far away, that she would go back to a world in which the twins were not there and she would be, once more, alone.
It was a sunny day.
America went over the contents of her backpack, her body was tingling all over while a void filled with butterflies settled in her lower abdomen. She closed her eyes taking a deep breath, her hands trembling while she secured the zipper on the backpack.
“You look nervous, you know you don’t have to go, right?” Y/N came into the room glancing around before settling her eyes on America, the young woman turned around offering a tiny smile.
“I know.” She replied shrugging, her hands played with the band on her wrist she tried to look everywhere but at Y/N but at the end of the day she couldn’t help it, she lifted her face and let the tears fall down.
“I’m sorry.” America whispered waiting for a recrimination on her part, for Y/N to finally tell her how bad she had messed up the first time she had fallen on their Universe.
But it never came, nor from her or Wanda, or anyone for that matter. America surrendered to the warm embrace of Y/N’s arms, she let the tears and sobs she had been holding to scape and finally liberated her mind of the guiltiness she had been feeling all this time.
“Hey, kiddo, it’s okay, it wasn’t your fault.” Y/N whispered soothingly her hand drawing circles with a half-smile showing on her face.
“I just…I shouldn’t have run the way I did, I should have fight or something.” America replied, leaning back, she was furrowing her brows while lifting her hands. “I could have stayed and helped around.”
“It wasn’t optional, though. You had to keep going to survive, that’s rule number one in this line of work, America.” Y/N put her hands on her pockets, her hair falling to the side with an easy smile adorning her lips. “You did what you have to at that point and no one should ever blame you for that. If it hadn’t been that way well, I wouldn’t be here telling the story.”
America doubted very much that it would have happened in such a way, but she would never really know it for certain. Ever since she started travelling through universes consciously she had learnt to deal with the different realities, trying to adapt to them and survive them. She never thought she would settle in a single universe, much less that she would get attach to the people in it.
The sound of conversation broke the sudden silence in the room, the twins laughing with Pietro and Wanda yelling for everyone to go to the backyard was the signal America had been waiting for. She stepped closer to give Y/N one last hug.
“Thank you for everything you did for me, Y/N. I couldn’t say this the last time due to the circumstances…”
“Us running for our lives?” Y/N chimed in chuckling, America snorted rolling her eyes.
“Yeah, that, I mean you guys received me in your home and gave me a chance to a family, I just..I will always carry that with me.”
Y/N softened while giving the teen another hug, “anytime kid, you are welcome in our household whenever you decided to come back.”
“I know, I just think I am needed it elsewhere.”
“I think so to.” Y/N stepped back glancing to the open door. “Watch over them, make sure that they are okay.”
“I will.” America smiled grabbing her backpack ready to go.
It was almost midday by the time America and Y/n came out of the house.
The backyard was full with Tony and Loki working around the logistics and the twins just running around between the two Wanda’s and everyone else. You stood by the garden, the conversation that Loki was having with Tony, Wong, Hank and America had lost all meaning as you entertained yourself with the last sight of the world that could have been. Your body was completely tensed, your eyes drifting around until they fell on the form of Wanda, your Wanda.
“Are you ready?” Y/N asked, you turned to her shaking your head.
“Were you?”
“No, I was never ready whenever she was around.” Y/N replied shrugging, “but once we had made our mind there was nothing that could stop us.”
You snorted nodding, “that’s right.”
“Are you going to fight?” Y/N stepped closer, her eyes going from you to Wanda then back again.
“I am going to make things right, I’m not sure if they will end up the same way it did here.” You replied placing your hands inside your pockets. “I guess only time will tell.”
Y/N nodded stretching her right hand to you, an easy smile forming on her lips.
“I hope everything goes well for you and Wanda, Y/N, just remember what’s really important.” Y/N said grabbing your hand with a friendly squeezed. “Please, be happy.”
“Protect them and be for them whenever they need you.” You replied squeezing back.
“I will.”
“Well, I guess we can try the portal once more, are you guys ready? Did you say your good-byes?” Tony clapped before rubbing his hands, everyone went to get in position until the cries of two boys reached them over.
Tommy and Billy came running with Wanda following them close behind, Billy went directly to Wanda wrapping his arms around her while Tommy went to you.
“I’m gonna miss you.” He mumbled looking up at you.
You chuckled ruffling his hair playfully, “I doubt it, pal. You have your mom’s here, but I am gonna miss you.”
“Say hi to your Tommy for me, please? Tell him he has the best mom in the whole universe!”
Those words pierced deeply inside your heart, but the innocence and the smile in Tommy’s face made you held back any reaction that wasn’t one of agreement.
“I will, Tommy, be good.”
At the other side of the yard Wanda and Billy were having a similar conversation, Wanda hugged him tightly before trying to let go. Billy called to her, looking around before wrapping his arms around Wanda’s neck, his lips close to her ear.
“Everything is gonna be okay, mommy, don’t worry, mom will come around.” Billy offered a toothy grin to Wanda who was too shocked to talk. “say hi to your billy for me, love you mom!”
Wanda watched as Billy joined his brother right beside their mother, Wanda locked eyes with her counterpart who offered a half smile and a vision Wanda Maximoff would not talk about until several years later. For now, she was just filled with doubts, and hopes, and uncertainties and soon Wanda was drowned by the voices surrounding her.
“Okay, this shouldn’t be that difficult, everyone remembers their roles?” Loki asked once more standing to the side while pointing at America who rolled her eyes.
“I do, I remember.”
“Good, because if you fail the three of you are going to be traveling around without a proper destination and probably die a horrible dead.”
“That’s so comforting, Loki.” You replied rolling your eyes. 2Stop scaring America and do your job.”
Loki rolled his eyes flickering his hands while putting the golden book out of thin air, he sat down crossing his legs while looking to an invisible spot in front of him.
“Very well, your timeline is not that hard to find, it is the only one with a latent anomaly.”
“How can you tell is ours and not a random one?”
Loki glared at you before going back to his work, “I can sense it, and this one lack something, it is missing something, I guess that would be both of you.”
Soon everyone was taking positions, Wanda stood beside you shifting from one foot to the other, her hands wiggling nervously while she tried to keep her eyes right ahead of herself. You could sense her uneasiness, her hands twitching biting her lower lip. America came forward, she was showing off a frown filled with confusion that Tony helped erased with a whispered explanation.
You eyed Wanda out of the corner of your eyes, the woman was completely tensed still bouncing trying to hold onto something but unable to find herself at ease. You doubted it for a moment before you grabbed her hand in yours.
Her hand was warm and soft, at first she was completely tensed and rigid but as soon as she sensed it was you her hand started to relax and give in the feeling.
“It’s gonna be okay.” You whispered; Wanda offered a smile nodding.
“I know.” Wanda knew that as long as you kept holding her hand everything would be okay, she didn’t dare to say anything else but in a bold move she spread her fingers and soon her hand was intertwined with yours.
You jerked around but Wanda was completely focused on America, after a moment of hesitation you straightened up frowning lightly though your hand clasped tenderly Wanda’s hand.
“Okay, it was nice meeting you all, now let’s begin.” Loki closed his eyes and soon the golden light of his magic started gleaming powerfully forming a tight circle that surrounded you and Wanda alongside America.
America could feel the power, she was sensing it through her muscles and her fingertips while her mind became a mask of pure blankness trying to form an idea. She remembered the lesson, to follow the magic around her while also joining her energy with that of Wanda and Y/N, her power running through her arm in electric jolts and then igniting her eyes until she was finally ready to make it explode.
Pulling her arm back, closing her fist America stretched her arm hitting the space in between her and the backyard creating an explosion in the form of a Star. The portal opened until it was as big as America, you peeked in watching the white plains of Norway, or at least that was what you thought.
With a last glance to your counterpart and Wanda, you squeezed the hand you were holding tenderly.
“Ready?” It was all you could say before the young woman nodded and with a single step she dragged you right through the portal.
The world you three had left behind was waiting for you.
And you were not sure what would happen next, the only thing you knew for certain was that you didn’t want to let go of the hand holding yours.
The portal closed behind the three of you leaving everyone behind with many questions and little to no answers.
Billy and Tommy hugged Wanda still glancing the place where the portal had been moments ago. The woman glanced at her children knowing there was something bothering greatly.
“Mommy, do you think they will love us?” Tommy asked lifting his face to Wanda, Wanda furrowed her brows tilting her head.
“What do you mean, baby?”
Billy scrunched up his nose, “You think they will love Billy and Tommy the way you love us?”
Wanda softened at the question; she knelt in front of her boys not really knowing how to explain that in their world they both didn’t even exist.
“Billy, I’m pretty sure that they would be very lucky to have children like the both of you, and they would absolutely love you very much.” This answer seemed to satisfy the boys, and just when Wanda thought the topic was over Tommy talked again.
“They are gonna love us very much, mommy.” Tommy smiled snugging closer to Wanda. “Just like they love one another very much, that’s how you and mommy made us, right?”
Wanda didn’t answer, but a part of her certainly hope that Tommy was not wrong. She had always hoped that her love for you would survive in every universe, Wanda lifted her face to see Y/N looking at her with tenderness and love, and Wanda knew right there and then that her counterpart would be okay.
You never stopped looking at her like that, you just learnt how to hide it pretty well.
You were still pretty much in love with your Wanda.
And now that you were gone with her, only time would tell if love was still possible.
Wanda sighed wishing you would let go of your resentment and doubts and give yourself and her counterpart a chance.
With a last glance to the space where you and the others had been standing, Wanda turned around hopeful that the past would stay in the past.
Next Chapter: You are finally back to your universe, everything seems surreal as you and the others are taken to interrogation rooms before resuming your normal lives. Carol doesn't want to leave your side, and Wanda knows she needs to step aside even though that's the last thing she wants to do.
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Maybe in Another Life |17 - Final|
Pairing: Clarisse La Rue x Reader
Summary: You are a Hunter of Artemis, but you start to question what you truly want when you meet Clarisse and get to know her.
Warnings: None
Word Count: 3.5k+
Main Masterlist | Series Masterlist
ch. 1 | ch. 2 | ch. 3 | ch. 4 | ch. 5 | ch. 6 | ch. 7 | ch. 8 | ch. 9 | ch. 10 | ch. 11 | ch. 12 | ch. 13 | ch. 14 | ch. 15 | ch. 16 | ch. 17
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It had been a couple days since the battle of Manhattan, and you were fully healed. Apollo had saved your life, but you still ached like crazy after, you fell asleep pretty much as soon as you got to the cabin when you and the others arrived at camp. The first night back was one full of celebration, all the cabins came together, partying and cheering each other on. Even the demigods who had sided with Luke were welcomed back, at least those that lived and realized the error of their ways. 
The second day though, was one filled with grief and mourning. Everyone had been so excited to win the war, no one truly knew how things would actually go, there had been a real possibility of Kronos winning. After the win, after the celebrating, it finally hit everyone, they might have won the war, but it came at a great cost. Every cabin lost members, everyone lost someone, whether it be a friend or sibling. You might have been saved by Apollo but many were not, many Hunters had not been. You weren’t sure if the poison made you lucky, dying slowly was the only reason you were still alive at the end to even have the chance at being healed. 
Apollo might have been annoying, but you didn’t take him saving you lightly. You were as good as dead until Apollo intervened, there was no reason for him to do that, other than he simply liked you. You owed him everything, you owed it to your sisters who didn’t get the chance to continue on. You owed everyone who didn’t make it, you would spend the rest of your life dedicating yourself to making sure Apollos gift wasn’t in vain, that you deserved this second chance at life. 
You hadn’t seen Clarisse much since getting back to camp. She helped you to your cabin and then left you, after you insisted she go enjoy the night. The next morning at breakfast she came over to check on you but then quickly went back to her table. Breakfast was depressing that day, everyone sat quietly at their tables, no one was making jokes or being rowdy. There was a somber mood that coated the entire camp that day. The next few meals got louder and louder until there was a consistent amount of chatter amongst the demigods. 
You had only seen Clarisse at meals though, usually across the pavilion. You’d be at Artemis’s table with your sisters, and you’d look up, meeting Clarisse’s gaze, who was seated with her siblings at the Ares table. Clarisse had lost her best friend, you wanted to be there for her, you remembered what it was like losing Zoe. You didn’t want to push her though; Clarisse wasn’t exactly the type to be open about her feelings. You silently made it known you were there for her, if she wanted to talk, she could come to you, but if she wanted her space, you’d happily give that to her as well. 
You threw yourself into training as soon as you were able. You spent your days on the training grounds, shooting arrows or swinging a sword at the dummies. You said it was to stay in fighting shape, just something to help your recover but every time you slashed your sword at a dummy you saw the faces of your sisters, the faces of all those lost. 
“Hey,” Thalia called out, just as you dealt another hard blow to the wood dummy. You turned to face her, sheathing your sword in the process. “Just got word from Artemis.” Your heart dropped at that, that meant you were leaving soon. As much as you were ready to leave Camp Half-Blood, you weren’t ready, you hadn’t had a real conversation with Clarisse yet. “We leave tomorrow.” 
You gave a small nod. “Well, I’m always packed,” you said. 
You turned back around, facing the dummy. You put your hand on the hilt of the sword, intending to draw it again and continue your training. “You should say any goodbyes tonight,” Thalia’s voice made you freeze. “We’re leaving at sunrise.” 
You didn’t turn around; you just turned your head enough to see Thalia out of the corner of your eye. “Thank you,” is all you said. 
When you heard Thalia finally walking away you drew your sword and continued on with your training. You knew it was your last day to talk to Clarisse, but you didn’t know where to start, so you trained. You trained for hours, ignoring the other campers as they came and went, ignoring as lunch time came and went, ignoring as dinner time came and went. You finally stopped when the only light in the sky was from the stars. 
You looked up, your eyes instantly going to Zoe’s constellation. You sighed; you knew what you had to do. Even if Zoe wouldn’t have approved of your feelings for Clarisse, she definitely would have called you out for avoiding the girl just because you were scared. You once again sheathed your sword and made your way off the training grounds. You made your way to your cabin to put away your weapons, then you were going to go to the bonfire you knew the campers were having. It would be the last bonfire for all the Hunters there and you figured Clarisse would be there. 
After putting your stuff away and getting cleaned up you made your way to the bonfire. By the time you got there the party was in full swing, demigods were all paired off or in groups talking with one another. You saw most of your sisters there as well, most of them branching out and talking to other campers by this point. You passed by Percy and Annabeth, making sure to give Annabeth a small nod and completely ignore Percy, not even bothering to turn when you caught him frowning. You made eye contact with Thalia across the fire who gave you a small nod. You saw everyone, everyone besides Clarisse, the one person you had actually wanted to see. 
You soon left the bonfire, knowing there was one other place Clarisse might be. You made your way through the camp until you came to the Ares cabin. The cabin was dark and not a single sound came from it, most would assume no one was home but that didn’t stop you from walking up the steps and knocking on the door. 
It took a moment, but you finally heard shuffling and then the door creaking. “Hey,” you breathed out when you saw Clarisse standing before you. 
“What are you doing here?” Clarisse asked, she crossed her arms, but she didn’t sound angry. 
“We’re leaving tomorrow.” 
Clarisse nodded, suddenly refusing to look you in the eye. “I heard.” 
“I needed to say goodbye.” 
You reached up to grab Clarisse’s hand but paused midair, questioning your decision. You saw Clarisse eyeing your hand out of the corner of her eye. When she didn’t pull away or make any move saying she didn’t want you to touch her you got over your nerves and continued. You gently grabbed her hand, letting her arms fall to her side as you swung your clasped hands between the two of you, gently rubbing circles on the back of her hand with your thumb. 
“I’m sorry,” you whispered. 
“We both knew this day was coming,” she sighed. She looked up, giving you a sad smile. 
“Yeah,” you sighed, returning her smile. “Until we meet again.” 
Clarisse tugged you by the hand, pulling you in for a hug. You were sure she would never seem so vulnerable out in the open, the two of you were standing on the porch of the Ares cabin, anyone walking by could see the two of you. You knew everyone was at the bonfire though and they’d be there all night. You weren’t sure how long the two of you stayed there, you just hugged each other, enjoying the comforting silence. 
When you finally parted Clarisse went back into her cabin and you walked back to Artemis’s. You weren’t in the mood for a bonfire. As soon as you walked through the door you kicked off your boots and laid on your bed, looking up at the ceiling. The odds were that once you left camp, you’d never see Clarisse again. Clarisse graduated next year, meaning she probably wouldn’t be at Camp Half-Blood anymore, even if that wasn’t the case, it wasn’t often the Hunters came to camp. The war was fought and won, there was no reason for you guys to come back to the camp as often as you had in recent years. Unless you ran into her on a quest this would be the last night you saw Clarisse. 
The next morning you made your way to the top of the hill with your sisters. Your sisters crossed over the barrier, making their way down the other side of the hill. You were about to follow when you caught Clarisse running towards you out of the corner of your eye. “Give me a second?” you asked, looking at Thalia. Thalia nodded, then walked away enough to be out of earshot. 
“I just...” Clarisse started when she got to you. “I just wanted to say goodbye.” 
You smiled. “Goodbye,” you whispered. You reached out, offering her your arm which she hesitantly took, gripping your forearm. You pulled her forward, resting your forehead against hers. “Until the next life,” you whispered. 
You heard Clarisse let out a shaky breath and felt her give a small nod. “I’ll hold you too that,” she whispered. You couldn’t help but smile at her words. 
The two of you stayed like that for a second before you both of you finally, though reluctantly, pulled away. She walked backwards down the hill until she finally turned around, jogging down the rest of the way. Your eyes followed her the entire time, you intended to watch her until she disappeared from your view. You felt the air change and the hair on your arm stand up, you gave a sad smile, knowing it was time to leave. 
“You’re older,” you said, not even bothering to turn around. You knew who was behind you, you always knew when she was near, you could always feel her presence. 
“I know you feel weird when I look like a child,” Artemis said. 
“It’s just a little weird to be getting advice or be given orders by a twelve-year-old.” You chuckled before finally turning around to face Artemis. 
She looked similar to how she always did, however instead of taking on the appearance of a twelve-year-old she made herself look a little older, made herself to look around your age. It wasn’t often Artemis changed her appearance, she hardly ever made herself look older. Given the fact that she’s taken on this appearance to talk to you, even though you were all supposed to leave in a few minutes, didn’t seem like a good sign. 
You turned away from Artemis again, looking back over camp from the top of the hill. You had done this a hundred times, you had left camp without so much as a glance back, you despised Camp Half-Blood, you always looked forward to leaving, except now. It seemed camp was getting harder and harder for you to walk away from, you couldn’t help but assume it had to do with the daughter of Ares. Your eyes found Clarisse, walking down the hill, getting further away from you. 
“I’m releasing you from your oath.,” Artemis said softly but instantly breaking you from your thoughts. 
“What?” you asked, turning around. You looked at her with wide eyes, you weren’t sure you had heard her right. 
“You deserve to be happy.” she gave you a kind smile. She didn’t need to repeat herself, you really had heard her correctly, that didn’t make you any less confused though. 
“I am happy,” you insisted, stepping closer to Artemis. “I’ve always been happy with you, with my sisters.” You weren’t sure why she was doing this, you had remained loyal, you never broke your oath, you didn’t know why she was abandoning you now, you thought you had done everything right, you tried to do everything right. 
“I know,” she sighed, resting a hand on your shoulder. “But now your heart isn’t in it anymore,” she gave you a sad smile. Your eyes fell, she was right, she was always right. “You have been a great second to my lieutenants, to Zoe and then to Thalia. You’ve been an even better friend and confidant these last thousand years.” 
You glanced up to see Artemis not looking at you but down the hill at Clarisse. “I’ve seen you two together, you have strong feelings,” Artemis said softly, no animosity in her voice. “You have been willing to ignore those feelings, to sacrifice what you want, to honor your oath.” Your eyes fell once again, the feeling that you’ve disappointed your goddess washed over you. “I am not disappointed in you.” You looked up, your eyes widening, it was like Artemis had read your mind. She had always been good at reading you though. “You have fought admirably by my side. I will miss you,” she gave you a sad smile. “But I want you to be happy.” 
You looked back down at Clarisse, watching her slowly disappear from your sight. “Do you want to be with her?” Artemis asked. 
You opened your mouth, but nothing came out. Despite the conversation going on you were caught off guard by Artemis’s question. “I am loyal to you,” you found yourself saying. It didn’t matter what you wanted or what you felt, you were loyal to Artemis. 
“I know. You have never once wavered. I am not angry,” she smiled, so you knew her words were true. “You have stayed the course and pushed away your temptations and desires better than anyone.” Despite her words, despite knowing Artemis wouldn’t lie, if she was angry or felt you betrayed her, she wouldn’t bother with this conversation, she’d just punish you. Despite all that, you still felt like you had failed her. 
“Do you want her?” she asked again. 
“I-yes,” you whispered. There it was, you said it, it was the first time you admitted it out loud. 
“I am releasing you. You will no longer be immortal, but you are free to be with her, to love her, to live a new life, one that you choose.” 
“I don’t know what to do without you.” You had been with Artemis and the Hunters for so long, you barely remembered your mortal life. 
“I’m not abandoning you; I will be there if you need me, you will always be my friend, and a sister.” That brought you some comfort, you knew Artemis still kept in contact with the few people she did let leave but you never expected her to do the same to you. 
“Are you sure?” 
“Believe it or not just because I reject love does not mean I don’t want my Hunters to be happy,” Artemis chuckled lightly.  You couldn’t help but smile as well, Artemis could be harsh, but she did truly want her Hunters to be happy. “If that’s what they ultimately desire, so long as they don’t break my trust.” 
“Thank you.” 
“No, thank you. Thank you for a thousand years of service.” Artemis stepped forward and gently rested her forehead against yours. She brought a hand to the back of your neck, then she slowly began taking away the gifts bestowed upon you, leaving you mortal once again when she pulled away. 
“I can never repay you for all that you’ve done for me.” 
“You don’t have to; you’ve done more than enough.” 
“Thank you, for everything, truly.” 
Artemis gave a small nod. She looked down the hill at the Hunters waiting for her then back to you. “Also, it might be unconventional but feel free to continue to stay in Cabin Eight.” 
You couldn’t help but chuckle at that. “I appreciate that.” Artemis didn’t have to allow that, but you appreciated that she did. You were a child of Nike and despite Percy’s terms Nike didn’t have a cabin yet. You would have been stuck in the Hermes cabin and that was certainly not what you wanted; you would have rather set up a tent outside. 
“It’s been an honor and a pleasure,” you said. “Fighting by your side, my goddess.” You held out your arm and Artemis gripped your forearm giving it a firm shake before making her way down to the Hunters. 
Lastly, Thalia appeared beside you. “I’m never going to find another second like you,” she said. 
You smiled at the comment, giving a shy nod. “That’s true,” you said cockily. 
Thalia smacked you on the side of the arm before giving her own goodbye. “I owe you my life,” she whispered. 
You gave a little shrug. “Just doing my job.” 
Thalia tilted her head, narrowing her eyes slightly at you. “You deserve this, you know?” You scrunched your eyebrows, tilting your head in question. “To be happy,” she clarified. You sucked in a breath, giving her a small nod. “There’s nothing to feel guilty about, Zoe would understand.” 
Your eyes widened slightly, that was always something you worried about. Zoe might have been gone but you were constantly worried about disappointing her. You knew how much the Hunters meant to her, how seriously she took the oath, she was the one that had been by your side since the beginning, walking away now almost felt like a betrayal. Zoe was like Artemis though, she never thought less of those who wanted to leave the Hunters, so long as they didn’t break their oath to do so. 
“Thank you,” you whispered. 
Thalia gave you a final nod before running off to join the rest of the Hunters. You stood at the top of the hill, giving them all one final wave before watching them take off into the woods. You turned around, looking back down at camp, you let out a shaky breath before making your way back down the hill, intending to find Clarisse. 
You didn’t have to try too hard to find Clarisse, she was where she was the majority of the time, on the training grounds. She wasn’t in the middle of training though, her back was to you, and she was talking to Percy and Annabeth. 
“I thought you left?” Percy questioned when his eyes landed on you. 
“Change of plans,” you said. 
Annabeth tilted her head, her eyes flicking from you to Clarisse, and you could swear a small smirked appeared on her lips. You saw Clarisse’s body stiffen before turning to face you. “Didn’t Artemis arrive this morning?” Clarisse questioned. 
“She did,” you confirmed with a nod. 
“Then what are you-” 
“She and the Hunters just left,” you cut her off. 
You watched as her brow furrowed then her eyes widened in realization. “What does that mean?” she asked quietly, like she was nervous to hear your answer. 
“It means,” you hesitantly stepped forward. You were only partially aware of Annabeth dragging a confused Percy away. “I’ve been released from my oath,” you let out in a shaky breath. You reached out, ignoring the way your hand shook, and took Clarisse’s hand in your own. 
“You’re not a Hunter anymore?” You could see the hope in Clarisse’s eyes. 
You shook your head, giving her a shy smile. “I hope that’s okay?” Despite having feelings for her and knowing she had feelings for you, you weren’t sure if this was actually something she wanted. 
Clarisse crashed into you, wrapping you up in a tight hug. “Of course it’s okay,” she mumbled into your neck. 
You instantly wrapped your hands around her waist, pulling her closer. She pulled away just enough to rest her forehead against yours, your noses lightly brushing against each other, both of you hesitating to lean in. “I’ve never done anything like this before,” you whispered. This was all new to you, you might not have minded Apollo’s flirting, but you still had never crossed any of these lines before, you had never felt anything like this, even before joining the Hunters. 
“Me either,” Clarisse whispered back. Your shoulders relaxed at that. You knew she had a crush on Chris but knowing the rest of this was all knew to her definitely eased your nerves a bit. 
Clarisse finally closed the distance, kissing you. For a split second you froze but quickly gave in, kissing Clarisse back. You both smiled into the kiss as it got more intense. When the two of you broke apart, Clarisse rested her forehead on yours again, both of you smiling like crazy. 
Clarisse swung an arm around your neck, and you swung your arm around her waist as the two of you began to walk off the training area. You ignored the way Percy’s mouth was hung open and his eye practically coming out of his head and the way Annabeth was smirking as the two of you passed them. 
Taglist: @cxcilla @danonered @touchmyfracturedomens @luclue @manu-007s-world @death-in-love @nenas19 @mynameiskaci @fictionalwhor3
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thewhalesheart · 8 months
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ch 02 : p 14
a day of no witnesses and a promise.
yaay welcome back TWH ! here we are, continuing puffindive's story.
ALSO! the this is the first time cedarclan is mentioned in the comic! yay!
there's a lot of implications about the dynamic between coveclan and cedarclan here. the differences between the clans will become more apparent once we get to the first gathering scene. until then, i'll leave it up to interpretation 👀
a lot of information can be lost in 200 years! records are rewritten, writers can be biased, stories passed on verbally can change... it's a game of telephone! i'm sure that won't have any consequences!
previous / next / first
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sandiavolo · 1 month
As the Ash Cloud Passes Over Ch. 14 🕷️🔥
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A mere spark emerging from the sea of fire, dancing through the darkness as light that was needed. The great flames guided his birth, burning into the skin of his heart, coating it gray. 
A lost soul, now found by those with bloodstained hands. Yet Spider had been welcomed into the only kindness his life has ever seen. From the depths of the shadows, Spider has become a warrior of the Txepìva clan, and now, his calling is here.
As a human, Spider was weak. But as Ash Na’vi, Trr’ong was capable of things far beyond the comprehension of others. Without one or the other, he is nothing. 
It is time he reminded himself of which one he was.
...but even a wounded creature conceals its claws in its desires to live, until it can strike. Always be prepared...
He cried out, in shock and in pain. The front kick—his arms blocking an instant too late—sent him flying back to the edge of the circle. He managed to flip backwards to catch himself, but nearly caved in under the jolt of pain that sent shockwaves from the bruise on his lower abdomen, purple skin muddled by bright orange and gray.
Blood dropped from the injury for a moment, he stopped. His eyes were wide and staring—two brown, reddish holes—studying his brother with a new wariness in the dull glow of the morning sea. 
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Ch. 14 of the Ash!Na'vi Spider AU takes place the morning after the assault on Awa'atlu. With hundreds of Metk'ayina recovering from the dreaded attack of their mortal enemies, the Txepìva Clan, two particular Omaticayan teens are in the greatest race of their lives, hoping to reach their human-turned-Ash-Na'vi friend before he dissappears from their lives, again.
Kiri and Lo'ak already knew it was never going to be easy to find Spider/Trr'ong. They just didn't think it came with meeting an intense, semi-psychopathic Na'vi with a bit of anger issues, a man coated with enough scars to last at least six lifetimes, and a woman who could melt skin with her gaze alone.
Across the way, Trr'ong is dealing with his own inner turmoil, but...his family of daunting, ashen-skinned Na'vi is with him. He can't leave them, he doesn't want to leave them. When it becomes too much he finds solace in the only comfort that he's ever found...even when it comes at a price.
In other words, my apology after literal 2-month hiatus 😅 I love you guys for all you have done for me, it means so much that you might even bother to read this. But this story is truly a blessing to me, and I only hope you guys enjoy it as I do.
Enjoy! 💙
P.S. Door is still open to any questions, theories, or comments, especially cause I wanna help you guys enjoy it as much as possible
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feyhunter78 · 2 months
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Chapter Thirteen - It is the night to celebrate your dear friend, but the tensions with Jon only grow greater.
Note: This is the same day as the previous chapter
Ch 14
You have never seen a nameday so beautiful, the ones within King’s Landing are grand, opulent, but here in Highgarden, they are beautiful. The Great Hall is decorated with flowers, a feast the likes you have never seen set along the walls. The musicians are far more skilled than those in King’s Landing, and you find yourself enraptured by the fragrant blossoms surrounding you.
Margaery enters the hall on the arms of Tommen and Loras, Robb’s necklace in place, his ring on her finger, her gown is a thing of beauty, silk, and gossamer fabrics, delicate but vivid embroidery. Her hair is twisted up in an intricate style, her crown set between two strands of hair left down to frame her face, she shines in the dying sunlight, the sky behind her ablaze with pinks, red, oranges, and golds.
She and Tommen start the first dance, with those around them cheering to her health and the health of their marriage.
You have not yet seen Jon, and you are unsure whether you want to or not. He has been distant, holding you at length, avoiding you when he can. In the last few moons, you feel you have spent less time with him than you have the entire time you have known each other, and it is…strange. The distance hurts, he is your closest companion, your friend, your soon-to-be betrothed, your sworn shield, he has been by your side since you were five and ten. But now, now he is virtually a stranger to you. Not fully one, as there are still moments, times, when his eyes soften as he looks at you. When he carries you to your chambers because you drank too much with Margaery, when you learned he slept outside the door to your room when your travel party stopped at inns along the Roseroad.
It is those moments of warmth that worsen your pain. It would be preferable if he were to close himself off completely, act as the Kingsguard does, instead of this back and forth. Then in time, you would be able to bury your feelings deep enough that they would no longer be a sharp, piercing pain but a dull throbbing ache that could be ignored. That would be swept over like the ocean waves sweep over the sand.
Jon claimed his distance was because he was busy. That he was devoting himself further to his swordsmanship, that he needed to act with greater care and propriety in order to not draw suspicion upon you both. Yes, his reasons could be seen as understandable, but no one has ever truly cared. Since you were both young you have acted in a companiable and familiar manner, but now with the way he is acting, people are far more suspicious than they were before. How he does not see this you cannot understand. You know he is not an idiot but, it seems there are still ways of the court he has not learned.
You wrap your arms around yourself, feeling exposed without Jon at your side, perhaps he has grown tired of you? Your silk gown is a petal pink with silver embroidery, that cinches at your waist and dips low to display your décolletage. It is beautiful, but far more revealing, than you would normally choose to wear. Would Jon like it? He most likely would not even notice it, given how he avoids looking at you. 
Your hair is loose and styled in waves, and your customary golden bangles have been swapped for ones of silver, a diamond necklace is draped around your neck. Small rubies gleam from their places below the diamonds hanging from strands of silver. It was a gift from your Uncle Robert, given to you on your first Maiden’s Day. The irony is not lost on you that your aunt would choose it for the day on which she is attempting to sell you out like a broodmare. Though you will not deny, it is one of your favorite pieces.
Finally, you spot Jon, and it feels as if someone has draped a warm blanket over you, no longer feeling so alone among the crowd of strangers. He is with your father, which is both strange and not so strange, but what is strange is that Jon wears no armor. Instead, he is dressed in his house colors, in finery you did not know he owned, his hair pulled back, his sword nowhere to be found, and he is wearing rings, well one ring, a signet ring.
“Father, Ser Jon, this is quite a surprise. Have I been tricked, and it is truly my nameday?” You try to jest, taking a step towards Jon, a force of habit you cannot break, reaching to run your fingers down the arm of Jon’s doublet. “You look so very handsome, my champion, is this new?”
He takes a step back, avoiding your touch, and it is a dagger though your heart. He has never rejected your touch before, truly he must have lost feelings for you, but when, and why? Has another slipped beneath your nose and taken him from you? How would it even be possible?
Your Aunt Cersei was right, there is no point to loving men, they will always disappoint you and when you love them it will only hurt you more.
The hurt must have shown on your face, your father reaches for you, but you shrug him off, avoiding both their eyes.
Fine, if Jon wishes to be distant, then so shall you. “The Dowager Queen has a list of suitors she would like me to dance with tonight, I am afraid I will not be able to spare a dance for either of you.”
“A pity, but I understand, do have fun, little lion.” Your father says, giving your hand a pat before heading off towards the nearest feast table.
Jon remains in place, unable to meet your gaze. His boots are shiny, his strong shoulders, muscled arms, and broad chest displayed by the gray cloth that encompasses them. He is so very handsome, a marble statue, a god, an ancient warrior, a conqueror who takes what he desires.
Y/N now is not the time, you are angry with him, and he does not care for you. You internally chastise yourself, donning a mask of indifference.
“Well, are you going to return the compliment, or are you too busy to even speak to me?” You fully fail to sound unaffected by his actions.
“You look very nice, My Lady.” He says, in that same stilted tone that makes you want to scream.
You take a step closer, glaring up at him, unable to stop yourself. “Why are you speaking to me in this way, it is me, y/n, not some stranger.”
He sighs, and takes a step back from you, that same uninterested, stiff tone, drilling into your mind, past your walls of civility, hitting deep, triggering the tripwire of your insecurities and anxieties disguised as rage. “My Lady, it is not proper—”
“Shut up, shut up, I do not wish to hear from you until you stop acting like this.” You snap, anger boiling over in your chest. “Get out of my sight, Lord Snow.”
You turn away from him, blinking back angry tears, and search the hall for your aunt.
You have danced with an Algood, a Tarbeck, a Swyft, a Crakehall, a Blackmont, an Arryn, and Tommen to give yourself a break from the suitors. As well as a Hightower which your aunt quickly ushered you away from telling you he was a fourth son who had slid his way in, and not on her list. Now you dance with a Bracken.
Lord Hendry Bracken, who will be heir to House Bracken if his uncle does not have a son before he dies. He has light brown hair, ale-colored eyes, and a sweet smile. He is not necessarily charming, or overly handsome, but he seems kind and does not talk over you as the Blackmont man did.
“And then my cousin Bess chased me around the halls with a frog in her hand until her father caught us.” He says, laughing as he tells a story of his time growing up alongside his five female cousins.
You laugh as well, imagining a little Hendry running from a frog carried by his cousin, who was no more than a year older than him. “That is terrible, you poor thing.”
He shakes his head. “No, no, do not pity young me, after my uncle forced her to put the frog back outside, I ended up venturing into the gardens to ensure it had returned to its pond safe and sound.”
Your heart warms at his words. “That was quite sweet of you.”
He blushes and shrugs. “I have always felt compassion for those smaller and less able to defend themselves, especially when it comes to animals, they have no voices to speak with, so we must speak on their behalf.”
His sentiment makes you think of Ghost, of the way he and Jon communicate wordlessly.
“It is an admirable trait.” You say, giving him a radiant smile. You could not see yourself falling in love with Lord Hendry, but his kind words and humorous stories have lightened your heart, if only for tonight.
The song comes to an end, and you find yourself reluctant to leave him in favor of a new suitor.
“Perhaps we might exit the floor and refresh ourselves? Have you tried the wine in the golden glasses? The wine within is from a vineyard named for Queen Margaery, and it is perhaps the sweetest, most refreshing wine I have ever had the pleasure of tasting.” Hendry suggests, offering you his arm.
You take it with a grateful smile. “I have not, though the queen was telling me all about that very vineyard on our journey here.”
Hendry leads you over to the table and hands you a glass, you take a sip, about to speak when a flash of yellow and white catches your attention.
Jayne Westerling. You truly have no reason to dislike the girl; she is quiet, shy. Your Uncle Jaime described her as not a beauty worth losing a kingdom for, which you will admit you laughed at. But there is simply something about her that irks you. Something that sets you on edge, as if her sweetness is a farce covering a far more devious countenance.
You track her movements, your glass still at your lips, your grip on it tightening when you see her stop in front of Jon, your Jon, with two wine glasses in her hands. They have been talking, dancing, and spending time together. Is it her? Has she somehow stolen your champion?
“Lady Lannister, are you quite alright?” Hendry asks.
Jayne smiles, laughs, throws her hair over her shoulder flirtatiously, and you drain your glass then slam it down onto the table. “You must excuse me, My Lord, I have something I need to take care of.”
It is simple, find Margaery, have her direct you to her cousin who would anger Jon the most, and dance with him, as close to Jon and Jayne as possible.
The Tyrell man whose name you do not know, and do not care to learn, attempts to talk to you, but you are intent on listening to Jon and Jayne’s conversation.
There is more giggling, more flirting, and when you hear Jon compliment Jayne’s dress, telling her she looks like a flower maiden in summer, you turn to your dance partner.
“Do tell me about yourself, good sir, I am quite interested.” Your voice is not overly loud, but loud enough for Jon to hear, and it is dipped in honey, heated by the flames of desire, as near as you can fake them at least.
The Tyrell begins to blather on, and you laugh in all the right places, leaning in close, and letting him spin you in a way that nearly bumps you into Jayne.
When the song ends, you go up on your toes and whisper your thanks in his ear, letting your hands linger on his chest. You step back and giggle as you curtsy, agreeing to a second dance with him when Jon catches your wrist.
“My Lady, you are needed.” He says, his eyes steely as he leads you out of the Great Hall and down a side hallway.
The hallway is darker than the Great Hall, and it takes your eyes a moment to adjust. “Is it my father?” You ask, looking around, there is no one in sight.
“It is clear you cared not for the blathering on of that foul man, and yet you agreed to a second dance. Tell me, what game is it that you are playing, My Lady?” Jon demands, his eyes blazing, his hand still holding your wrist as he comes to a stop.
“How would you know if I cared or cared not for his words? Perhaps in the few moons you have been ignoring me, I have changed my interests.” You counter, fixing Jon with your own withering stare.
He laughs humorlessly. “You do not change interests, not so much that you find talks of hunting and tanning to suddenly be enrapturing.”
“I do find a good hunting tale to be interesti—did I not tell you to leave my sight?” You say, cutting yourself off before Jon can drag you off course.
He takes a step towards you, looming over you, his lips set in a hard line. “You did, but you did not say I could not return to it.”
“Semantics.” You wave your hand dismissively. “I do not want to see you, and I do not appreciate being pulled away on a lie.”
Another step. “It was not a lie.”
“Who needs me then? Surely it is not you, the honorable Lord Jon Snow.” You snark, crossing your arms over your chest.
He does not answer, simply watches you, drinks your torchlit form in.
“If you have nothing to say, then I shall return to Lord Tyrell, he had much to say to me.”
Suddenly your back is pressed against the wall, the stone cool against your heated skin, Jon’s strong arms encaging you, his head dipping low, his voice even lower, his dark hair still tied back and his eyes nearly black in the shadows of the hall. “You cannot keep on this way.”
You look up at him, still breathless from the dance and your argument. “What do you mean?”
His eyes flit down to your rising and falling breasts, soft skin exposed by the low-cut gowns your aunt had made for you, gowns meant to tempt your potential suitors, the ones you wished would tempt him. “You know what you are doing, y/n.”
“I do not, so unless you are going to tell me, I would ask you to release me.” You say imperiously, though you hope he does not release you. It feels as if it has been ages since you had his attention fully on you, since he dared to stand so close.
“The laughing, the flirting, the smiles and fluttering of eyelashes, the pouts? You are driving every man in the room mad with desire.” He says, his accent thickening, the rough brocade making your stomach flip, your heart nearly beating out of your chest.
“I am simply enjoying the party; I cannot control if men look at me, if they wish to dance with me. Would you have me say no? Answer every lord and knight who asks for a dance with an icy glare and utter contempt?”
“Yes. Yes, I would.” Jon growls, his breath warm against the shell of your ear, his hands curling into fists on the wall above you, his chest heaving with the act of self-restraint. “I would have you tell them to sod off, that your hand is spoken for.”
“But I cannot, there has been no formal betrothal, and it would be rude.” You tell him, lifting your chin in defiance. He has been hot and cold with you, and you are sick of it, you need to hear him say it, hear him admit he still wants you.
“Others take them and any sense of rudeness, you are mine.” He snarls, gripping the back of your neck, his fingers spreading out into your hair, his touch is not harsh, but firm, for Jon is never rough with you.
Goosebumps adorn your skin, liquid heat filling your veins. It feels good to hear him say it, to see him so possessive, see him feel the way you have felt watching that Westerling girl fall all over him. “Am I? Because it seemed that perhaps Lady Jayne had taken my place.”
Jon laughs, the sound harsh. “The Westerling? You have thrown a fit because of some girl I met only tonight?”
“I am not throwing a fit, I am acting as an unmarried lady must, to secure a match.” You argue, throwing the unmarried part in his face.
He shakes his head, before dipping it lower, trailing his lips along the curve of your neck nipping at the skin as he goes. “If you wish to be a married lady so badly, my lioness, I will take you to the Godswood right now and throw my cloak over you. Would that suit you? Would that cease these unneeded flirtations?”
You draw a quick intake of breath, eyes fluttering shut as Jon kisses the crook of your neck, using the hand in your hair to guide your head, exposing more sensitive skin to his touch.
“Would my starlight like that? To finally be Lady Dayne, the pretty lioness with her husband who trails after her, devoted, desperate, a lovesick wolf pup who wants only to make his lovely wife happy?”
This, this is what you have needed to hear.
“Yes, please, Jon, I want to be your wife.” You say, your hands pressed to his chest, desperate to feel his heart beating beneath his doublet.
“I want you to be my wife as well, more than you will ever know y/n, but we must wait.” Jon says softly, and your eyes fly open, the illusion shattered.
You shove at his chest angrily; he predictably does not move, but you do it again anyways. “Gods take me, I cannot wait any longer. I cannot stand pretending I am interested in others. I cannot stand their lewd words, their stares, and I cannot pretend that I am unfazed by the stares you get, the whispers I hear, the maids and ladies that do not shy away from lusting after you.”
“I know, I know, but—” The sound of footsteps makes him jerk away from you, and you turn away from the sound, arms folded across your chest.
“Oh Lady Lannister, Ser Jon, I had wondered where you two had run off too.” Jayne’s voice is cloyingly sweet, and it infuriates you.
You turn towards her with a placid smile. “Apologies, Lady Westerling, I seem to have eaten something that does not agree with me, and Ser Jon was helping me to my chambers.”
Jayne makes a sound of sympathy. “Was it the shellfish? I find they are often the culprit.”
“My Lady does not enjoy she—”
“Yes, it was.” You take a step away from Jon. “Ser Jon, will you escort Lady Westerling back to the party? I will return to my chambers on my own.”
Jon moves to argue, but your expression is unyielding, and you storm off in the direction of your chambers, wiping away angry tears as you go.
You know it is not fair to blame Jon, he is trapped as you are, but you are still angry. Gods, your father was right. It would be easier if he was a Targaryen, then he could steal you away on a dragon. No one would argue, no one would be able to cite him as not a good enough match for you, they would have to accept the marriage or face dragonflame.
The sound of hurried footsteps nearly makes you turn, but you have no desire to see who is coming down the hall, especially not as tears continue to slide down your face.
“Lady y/n, please, wait.” Jon calls.
“What, whatever could you want?” You snap, continuing to walk forward, vision slightly blurred, tears dripping onto your dress.
He catches up to you easily, pulling you into a shadowy alcove. “I simply wish to talk, to understand what has made you so angry.”
You fix him with a stunned look, blinking away your tears. “How can you not know? I have stated it quite clearly.”
“I understand you are upset that we cannot yet marry, but the plan y/n.”
A sob rips from your throat, and you shake your head. “It is more than that and you know it.”
Jon cups your face, his own a portrait of guilt-ridden agony. “Please, please, do not cry, my starlight, I cannot bear to see you cry.”
“Do not tell me what to do.” Your words sound much less sharp than you wished them to.
He wipes your tears away with his calloused thumbs catching them as quick as they fall. “I am sorry, y/n I am so, so sorry, I never should have danced with Lady Westerling.”
You pull away from him with an angry sob, continuing your blind storm down the hall. “I do not care about Lady Jayne.”
Jon beats you to your chambers, opening the door for you, giving you no choice but to enter or keep walking down the hall.
You enter, keeping your back to him as you throw open the balcony doors, lungs burning for fresh air. You are suffocating under the weight of this night, of this unknown plan, of the hurt you feel knowing you can not go a single day without speaking to Jon, without being near him. Yet, he seems to be able to survive moons without you.
“Then what do you care about, because I am lost, y/n.” He says, and you can feel his presence behind you, still in the doorway, close but not close enough, just as he has been since he spoke with your uncle.
“You! I care about you, Jon, as I always have.” You tell him, turning to face him, throwing your arms in the air helplessly, tears streaming down your face.
“Then why did you cast me from your sight?” He wears that hurt puppy dog look that never fails to melt you, but your anger keeps you frozen.
How can he not know? How can he not see the pain he has caused you? Jon is not a fool, he is not blind, and truly there is no one who can read you better than him and yet it is as if you have suddenly been written in another language.
“You have been so cold, so distant, these past few moons. Then you storm up to me tonight and act as if I am doing something wrong. As if I am hurting you, when it is you who has been hurting me.” You tell him, your hands balled into fists at your side to hide their shaking. “Even now you stand so far from me, and I know you say you are training, that you wish to protect our reputations, but I cannot go on like this.”
Jon says your name softly.
“No, Jon, I cannot hear another excuse. I know my uncle said something to you, but is he truly the man to take advice from? Seven knows I love him, but…” You wrap your arms around yourself, wiping your tears with your sleeves, uncaring if they are stained with cosmetics. “If there is someone else, if I have lost your affections, you must tell me because I cannot understand what else would cause you to hurt me in this way.”
“There is no one else.” He says fervently, desperately. “Y/N I swear it to you, there is no one else.”
You cannot look at him, casting your eyes towards the moon. “I love you Jon, but I cannot bear this distance any longer, you must make a choice.”
“A choice?” He rasps, the sound so quiet it is nearly drowned out by the wind.
The words taste bitter on your tongue, but they must be said. “To end this strange game, you are playing and return to being the man I have known for the last four years or continue to play it, and I will ask my father to release you from my service and allow you to return home to Winterfell.”
Your words linger in the night air, the space between you and him not even the length of two grown men, yet it feels like an ever-widening chasm.
“You would release me from your service?”
You wipe away a stray tear, throat tight with grief. “If it is what you desire.”
“You would send me away?” His voice is strained, and you chance a look at him.
He is beautiful in the moonlight, a tragic beauty, as to look upon him pains you. His dark eyes cannot settle on one part of your face, as if this is the last time they will ever see it. The thought tears at the flimsy hold you have on your composure, and you press your hand to your aching chest.
“I do not want to.” You sob, curling your fingers around your necklace, desperate for something to hold onto. “But I cannot play your game, I am drowning without you, and if you wish to leave, if it will make you happy—”
Jon crosses the balcony in two large strides, and pulls you into his embrace, crushing you to his chest. “I love you, gods, y/n I am so sorry, I love you, I love you, I love you. I do not wish to leave, do not send me from your side, it would not make me happy, you make me happy.”
“Then why, why have you kept your distance from me? There have been so many things I wished to tell you, so many times I wished to reach out, but you turned from me.”
Jon rests his forehead against your own. “Your uncle, he spoke of his grief, how he did not wish me to further entangle myself with you as it would only cause us both pain.”
“Why would you listen to him?”
“Because I was afraid, and I felt…guilty. If he had seen it, then others would. I thought that if I kept my distance until we were formally betrothed, I could spare you further harm.” He sighs and rubs his hands up and down your arms soothingly. “Clearly I was mistaken.”
He squeezes your arms playfully. “It harmed me too; do you think it was not torture? That I did not miss you? That I did not curse myself for turning from you, that I did not drive myself mad trying to stay away from you?”
“Seems well deserved.” You pout, wrinkling your nose, even though you know you are being slightly petulant.
“Aye, it was.”
You bask in his warmth, listening to the sound of his breathing, clinging to him like a drifter at sea. “Is that the only thing you have been keeping from me?”
“There is more, I cannot tell you until the morn, but I will give you something to tide you over.” Jon says, wiping away the remainder of your tears with his calloused thumbs.
“More waiting, how wonderful.” You deadpan.
His voice drops to a whisper, a smile tugging at his lips. “My father is alive.”
You jerk back, shocked then delighted, soon Jon will be claimed, you truly will be able to marry soon. “Truly? Oh, Jon, that is wonderful news.”
Jon pulls you back, tilting your head gently and ghosting his lips over yours. “It is. Though I would rather speak of him in the morn, for I found myself missing your touch greatly these past few moons and have not yet gotten my fill.”
With a giggle, you melt against him, looping your arms around his neck, letting him tilt your chin up so that your lips meet. It is like returning home, laying down in a familiar bed, the stress of the day falling away. He smells different, a hint of spice, and you taste no hint of wine on his tongue.
“Did you not drink tonight?” You ask against his lips, your heart pounding as it always does for him.
“I could not risk finding my way to your chambers, bolstered by wine again. Not when it had been so long since I have held you in my arms. I feared I would fall upon you like a savage beast.” He breathes, his hands gliding down your body, the silk so thin you can feel the warmth of his hands through it.
“I would not mind that.” You admit, running your fingernails lightly down the nape of his neck, relishing the shiver it brought forth, a soft groan slipping from his lips.
“Do not tease me, I beg of you.” He pleads even as he pulls you closer, his nose trailing down the curve of your face.
“I should, you paid me such a horrid compliment in the Great Hall, it would only be fair.” You say, an indigent whine slipping past your whispered tones.
“I do apologize. I wished to say how beautiful you looked, how you shined, how if you were a goddess I would fall to my knees and worship you endlessly.” He says, tracing the curves of your body with his fingertips.
You let out a shuttering breath, eyes closed, as you allow Jon’s words and touch to wash over you, to ease your emotions as they always did.
“Is that better, my starlight? Am I forgiven for such a grievous blunder?” He teases, nipping at your bottom lip.
“If you do that trick with your tongue, you shall be.” You say breathlessly, as the tip of his tongue darts out to soothe the sting.
“As you wish.” He says, recapturing your lips wholly, his tongue meeting your own in a familiar dance.
A wolf whistle followed by drunken cheering has you both dropping to the floor, chests heaving, and hands pressed over your mouths to keep from laughing.
“Perhaps we should move this inside?”
TL: @mostclevermiss, @solacestyles, @2valentines, @sharknutz, @idohknow, @bdudette, @pluraldoggo, @legolastheleafyelf, @faerie-film
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moanz111 · 1 year
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✩°⋆。 system error ⋆。°✩
synopsis ✧ you've always dreamt of having your fantasy-like love story. naturally, hearing the sweet melodic ring of your love alarm was what you wanted the most, right? until it actually happened. four times.
pairing ✧ uni student! choi san x fem! uni student! reader
featuring ✧ ateez; huening kai, choi yeonjun, choi beomgyu (txt); huh yunjin (le sserafim); i.n (stray kids) + other side characters who appear sometimes or are mentioned
genre ✧ smau + some written chapters, university au, soulmates au, humour/crack, fluff, mutual pining, slow burn, enemies (???) to friends to lovers
warnings ✧ occasional swearing, mentions of parties/alcohol, lots of teasing between beomgyu and reader as a love language, questionable jokes, small age gaps + english is not my native language so there might be some mistakes!
any other warnings will be put in each chapter! please tell me if i've missed something! ♡
start date ✧ 5.06.2023 ♡
end date ✧ tba
status ✧ ongoing, updates will resume soon
notes ✧ hi everyone! i'm very excited (and nervous) to post my very first work here! i hope you enjoy reading it as much as i enjoy writing it! lmk if you want to be added to the taglist! can't wait to start this journey with all of you! ♡
credits for all the used graphics belong to their rightful owners!
chapter list ✧
profiles - lo$ers, teezers, more side characters
ch 1 - would you still love me if i was a worm?
ch 2 - drunk tutor meeting
ch 3 - lost in the lights - written
ch 4 - message not delivered.
ch 5 - that's what she said
ch 6 - a pathological liar
ch 7 - family activities
ch 8 - stare back
ch 9 - a shift in the universe
ch 10 - that's my other bro
ch 11 - i stayed loyal
ch 12 - my ears are burning
ch 13 - character development
ch 14 - just be more confident
ch 15 - what rhymes with loser?
ch 16 - lover boy
ch 17 - what's going on in the universe
system error, © moanz111
please do not modify, copy, repost, or translate.
663 notes · View notes
deceptive-daydreams · 10 months
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Ch. 1 | Ch. 2 | Ch. 3 | Ch. 4 | Ch. 5 | Ch. 6 | Ch. 7 | Ch. 8 | Ch. 9 | Ch. 10 | Ch. 11 | Ch. 12 | Ch. 13 | Ch. 14 |
Smoke Signals
Chapter Eleven - Hoedown
W/C: 8K
Eddie x Fem reader - Grumpy!Bartender!Eddie x Shy!Reader
"Got love-struck, went straight to my head."
"Slut!" - T.S.
A/N: it's been a while...
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The air smells of cinnamon and caramel corn, arguably the smell of Fall though if anyone were to ask you, you’d say Fall smelled of spice and smoke from the chimneys of your neighbors.  The caramel corn was a tad overpowering, a huge batch being stirred back in the kitchen, courtesy of Donnie’s secret recipe.  Her loving husband, Nathan was doing the heavy lifting, clearing the room so that the center allowed for a dance floor despite Eddie’s protests.  Tables covered with checkered tablecloths along with chairs were set around the edges of the room and the boys had lugged in the hay bales that were stacked out back and set them where you and Donnie had instructed around the bar, the theme of the night coming together before your eyes.
Nancy was gently tossing the apples into one of the barrels in preparation for apple bobbing while Robin was organizing the table that had been designated for the pie eating contest, ensuring that they had all the pies queued up, ready to be devoured for the prize of free drinks the rest of the night.  It wasn’t very logical, filling someone up with pie only for them to be rewarded with endless drinks and most definitely puke everything up, but you weren’t going to strike down the idea after Nathan insisted it would draw people in, that “they’d pay to see that kind of shit”.  
Finishing off a quick makeshift arrangement of sunflowers and filler leaves in a mason jar, you set it among one of the tables proudly.  It was simple but it did the job.  Satisfied with your work, you continue placing the remaining flowers on each table.  Nancy had assisted in putting them together, doing her part as you both sat at the bar earlier in the afternoon, chatting and giggling, squealing even, whenever you made a joke about Steve falling asleep again the second they got him in the door the previous morning at Eddie’s house.
It took a village, some would say, to get the man settled in his drunken haze.  Steve had been babbling about how he could walk, meanwhile he would nearly crumble into himself the second anyone let go, his head going falling back and limbs going limp.  Nancy insisted that you didn’t need to assist any further, that you should go get some sleep, but you didn’t want the night to end yet, you didn’t want to go home.
“Sunflowers.”  Eddie mutters, his eyes glued to the arrangements.  He stops what he’s doing, apparently searching for something behind the bar.  There’s a twinkle in his eyes and the softest smile on his lips, lights creating a glow around him that leaves you in awe.
“Yeah, do they look okay?” 
Suddenly, it was so easy to be insecure, even in the presence of a man who proved time and time again that you didn’t need to be.  The people pleaser lurking within you had been awakened once again and it was targeting your downfall, plotting your demise.  If there’s even a hint of displeasure in Eddie’s face, it would surely feed on it, ripping you apart bit by bit, declaring that nothing you ever did would be good enough for anyone ever again.  
He’s lost in thought again, eyes glazed over with some kind of appreciation as he taps his ringed knuckles against the bar.  He almost resembles a kid in a candy store yet you nearly take it as pity, that vengeful little monster within you ready to pounce on its prey and feast on you for the remainder of the night.  
“Yeah.”  He exhales.  “Yeah, they’re perfect.”  It’s said in a whisper, as if he had only wanted you to hear him although no one else was close enough to hear.
“Are you sure?”  You ask, hands placed atop the bar as you lean closer to him, worry etched into your features. “Cause I can–”
“They’re perfect.”  He affirms, louder this time.  His gaze finds yours, huge chocolate buttons so filled with such adoration you become overwhelmed, palms turning clammy.  The monster inside of you has been smothered for the time being.
“Yeah, yeah, the flowers are gorgeous, where do you want this?”  Steve interrupts, carrying in another hay bale, gesturing to it with a nod of his head.
Before you can scan the room and provide him an answer, Nancy is pushing behind him, guiding him away as she instructs him where to set it before sending you a knowing glance.  
Knowing what exactly, you weren’t sure.  
Sparkly plastic jewels adorn the hatband of the once standard black cowboy hat.  You’d catered it exactly to Eddie’s style, opting to only glue tiny silver jewels and graciously leaving out the little tassels you had so desperately wanted to add on.  Then you decided, too flashy.  This way, he could remain in all black and still have a little wow factor.  He was the owner after all, he needed to make a statement.
What really made it scream “Eddie” though, was the bandana adorned in skulls and crossbones wrapped around the hatband just under the jewels.  It was certain to gain his approval, being ‘metal enough’ and all, as he would say.  You’d worked on it for hours before tonight, meticulously placing each jewel and criticizing your own work countless times.  It hadn’t been easy sneaking one his bandanas away from him either although you were able to snag it from his back pocket one night and he still hasn’t seemed to notice.  That, or he just hasn’t said anything.
“As promised, I have your final accessory.”  You state proudly, standing in front of the desk of the tiny office, Eddie raising a curious brow at you from his seat.
You hold the hat behind your back, almost too giddy to continue hiding it from him but refraining from showing it to him a second too soon.  He had changed his clothes since you’d last seen him about an hour ago after finishing up the final touches for Hoedown Night.  By that point everyone was running around like chickens with their heads cut off.  Now it was the calm before the storm, before patrons were let into the bar, before anyone could determine whether or not tonight would be successful or not, whether or not enough people would even show up.
From what you could see, Eddie wore his signature black jeans but rather than a regular black shirt or a faded band shirt, he wore a black button up that was slightly wrinkled and creased where it had obviously been folded previously.  He had it tucked into his jeans just right and though the creases should ruin the look, it only elevates it.
His hesitation almost worries you although the slight purse of his lips and a raise of his brow indicate that he was more curious than anything.  A darling expression that could’ve gotten him anything he wanted should he ask.
“Mhm.”  Biting your lip in instant insecurity, you debate trashing the hat completely.  
He’s going to hate it.
It’s ugly.
He’s going to laugh.
“Wait…”  He interrupts your bombarding thoughts. 
Oh god.
“Don’t tell me you got me a hat–”
“I didn’t!”  You chirp, a lie clearly detected as you shut your eyes tight, the corners crinkling.  
“You did.”  
Opening your eyes only means being faced with the utter humiliation you’d brought upon yourself.  Why would you decorate a hat just for him?  You didn’t offer such courtesy to anyone else, he was going to think you were even weirder than you’d already lead on.  What started out as a nice gesture has suddenly turned into some kind of stalkerish behavior, your mind blurring the reality of the actual situation.
Except when you chance a peek, a nosy squint, all you can determine is that he was wearing a shit-eating grin.  Not the kind that was warning you that in seconds he would be poking fun at your little surprise.  But if not that kind then you were clueless as to what to expect.  No one sports a shit-eating grin without some kind of humor behind it, some kind of motive.
“That’s why you stole my bandana isn’t it?”
The tension in your neck releases, muscles relaxing though you hadn’t even realized they were straining until now.  You should be tense and stressed at the soft accusation but it just further pushes you gently into familiar territory.  The teasing tenderness between two complicated individuals who only seem to understand each other.  
“I-”  You choke out a laugh.
“You did steal it!”  Eddie points an accusatory finger your way, that big stupid grin still adorning his face.
“You weren’t supposed to know!”  You defend.  “It’s a surprise!”
“You’re not a very good thief y’know.”  
It’s not unlike you to shy away from someone’s gaze but the way he saunters out from behind his desk and towers over you causes your eyes to catch the ugly gray carpet.  Large brown irises were only going to force your honesty to display itself across your face like a giant billboard advertisement; honesty that even you yourself hadn’t even taken the time to address.
“I don’t tend to steal.”  You mutter bashfully.
A disapproving click of his tongue is all you can make out without viewing his face.
“No.”  He says sarcastically, maybe with a dramatic eye roll although you’re not brave enough to glance up yet.  “A shy little thing like you?”
You can’t help the tug at the corner of your lips, his perception of you somehow becoming so endearing despite your years of self loathing solely based on your timid nature and mumbled sentences.  At the moment, being shy didn't seem to be such an…inconvenience.  It didn’t seem so unattractive and repelling and moreso drew him in, it wasn’t a luxury you were often offered.  “Shy little thing” would usually constitute as insulting but when it rolls off his tongue, all you can feel is accepted as you are.  It didn’t secretly say “you need to get out of your shell more”, it stated “I like you as is.”
“I’m sorry!”  You whine, arms dropping to your sides and in the process, you’d long forgotten about the very hat you set out to hide and planned a grand reveal for.
“Don’t apologize.”  He gingerly grabs the hat, studying it from what you can see out of the corner of your eye.
Then it hits you.  
“Hey!”  You snap your attention to his face, catching a smug smile from him as he twirls the hat in calloused hands.
On instinct, you attempt to snatch it out of his reach, failing miserably as he extends it upward in the air, almost like a school bully would.  Your hands continue swatting at the air as if it will grant you any success in retrieving it but to no avail.  Once dull embers erupt into passionate flames within his eyes, something you haven’t quite witnessed yet, a playful and energetic aura haloing him effortlessly, like it had always belonged there.
“Whoa there, squirt.”  He jokes, waving your greedy hands away.
“Just–just tell me you don’t like it so I can go fix it or–or something.”  You demand with a childish stomp of your foot.
His features fall, gaze shifting between you and the hat in thought.  You’re in crisis mode though you can’t stop thinking about how good he looks with his button down, the top few buttons undone and showing off a portion of his pale chest, faded tattoos peeking out. 
“What?”  He shakes his head in confusion.  “Don’t like it?”  
“Eddie, just hand me the–”
“I think it’s perfect.”  He decides, plopping the hat on top of his frizzy curls.
There’s that word again.
The Bourbon had never been so alive-at least not in the past few months you’d become acquainted with it; in fact the closest it had been to being this animated was on Wednesday bingo nights.  Dusty corners that had never been touched prior were now spotless and though no one else in their right mind would care to inspect such corners, you took pride in playing a part in sprucing up the aging building.  The twang of a banjo and the squeal of a fiddle backed up by a cowbell filled the room, played by none other than Knife’s Edge famous trio, The Scott Brothers, also known as Donnie and Nathan’s lovely sons who had been musically inclined from a very young age, the band forming back in elementary school as Donnie explained.  They specialized in family gatherings and local events, a rowdy bunch that kept the pulse of any party going.  
Now you were witnessing it in real time, local superstars riling up the crowd that had accumulated in their best country attire, flannels and cowboy boots galore.  The pie eating contest was just about to begin, a group of burly men accepting the first challenge, hopefully encouraging others to participate in the next round.  Robin perched herself atop one of the haybales with her handy timer, a straw hat tossed over her dirty blond hair and a pale blue denim long-sleeve tucked into her high-waisted blue jeans.  
Jett had been in better spirits than you’d recently seen him in, a win in your book.  With a dramatic show of the boysenberry pies balanced in his hands, he made a point to “accidentally” stumble and nearly let the desserts fall face first onto the hay covered floor but managed to save them and earn himself a cheer from the crowd before setting them in front of the contestants.  You were just content that he wasn’t pouting anymore.
“You gonna give it a try?”  
His voice pipes up next to you, hands resting atop his flashy belt buckle as he nods to the commotion.  He reminded you of an oversized toddler, his boots a size or two too large for his feet that had been trudging around all evening and his hat lopsided on flattened hair.
“What?”  You cross your arms in a self-soothing manner, the act of becoming the center of attention inducing nausea in the pit of your stomach, blood pressure most likely spiking at the mere idea.  “N-no, I’m okay.”
“C’mon, why not?”  Jett shrugs.  “Live a little, Bambi.”  He chuckles.
It should have been harmless, though the name fell from his mouth and all you could detect was something vengeful within his intention.  It was unknown what exactly happened between him and Eddie besides Jett coming off as jealous and the metalhead not taking well to the younger man’s attitude.  Other than that, there was no determining what stirred up the disagreement in the first place and it only created more confusion in your swirling mind, why Jett felt some kind of possession over you.
“That’s not my name.” 
You avoid his eyes, only gauging his reaction out of the very tiny window of sight in your peripheral.  The goal was to set a very clear boundary however the task was proving difficult, confrontation never being your strong suit.  A human doormat was usually the role you slouched into at the first indication of discomfort in any conflict.
His shoulders stiffen, head tilting in your direction as he ponders your response.  You could just about choke on your breath, the air getting lodged in your throat as you held onto it in anticipation.  You only wish you could scramble over to where Dustin had been cracking peanuts and shoveling them into his mouth like he was an addict.  You didn’t even like peanuts.
“Not your name?”  Jett questions with a scoff.  “You sure about that?” 
There’s no intimidation, only slight annoyance written across his face which was far better considering that you were expecting an outburst.  Jett was still a stranger in a sense, he didn’t put any effort into really getting to know you and yet he had this sense of entitlement about him.  He was only a few years younger and it only got you thinking, were you so blissfully ignorant just years ago?
“Mhm.”  You begin fidgeting with your fingernail.
“Alright.”  He shows you his hands in surrender, the sentiment only being drowned out by the way his face contorts into a cocky expression.  “What are you being so short with me for?”  He asks, a humorless grin on his face.
“Excuse me?”  Your voice is smaller than you’d hoped for it to be.  Realistically you had no bite to your bark and really, the most you had was a pathetic yelp if anything.  “I-I don’t…Jett you’re the one–”
“Did Munson go off and start rumors about me?”  He laughs though you’re certain he finds nothing funny.
Robin shifts her attention to the current conversation from her perch on the haybale a few feet over, confusion taking over her freckled face.  You can barely make out “what the fuck” on her stained red lips, cherry pie most definitely that she had snuck more than a taste test of.  Your eyes widen, communicating almost telepathically, a silent alarm.
“Why–I’m not understanding.”
“You can tell me.”
He’s no longer that sweet kid you’d met a few months ago, his words were like darts targeting you and you almost felt the need to squeeze your eyes shut so you could brace for the impact.  He was calm but not civil, venom spilling from every syllable.  And you’d never once been involved in the quarrel he created in his brain, it wasn’t fair.
“Tell you what!?”  You manage to snap, desperately attempting to stand your ground and not scamper away like a wounded puppy.
“Bambi...”  Jett singsongs condescendingly.
“Stop!”  With clenched fists at your sides, you huff out a frustrated breath, no longer tiptoeing timidly around him.  “Stop…stop calling me that.”  Your warning tone has his facade faltering slightly, worry pressing into the lines forming between his eyebrows.
Robin makes her move the second your chest begins to heave and she can’t quite tell if it’s from panic or anger although she wasn’t going to wait around to find out as she throws a friendly arm around you to steer you anywhere else Jett was not, insisting that she needed your opinion on something.  
Everything felt hot, your cheeks were scorched and your veins were burning with embarrassment and undeniable betrayal at the hands of someone who was practically a stranger berating you over nothing in public.  Reality settled back in the moment Robin sat you down at one of the vacant bar stools, her shaky hands resting atop your shoulders.  It was obvious the two of you had been riddled with anxiety.  
“I-um, I didn’t know what to do and you were just–you were giving me that look.  Y’know, that look.”  She begins to ramble, big blue eyes darting around the room as if searching for her own reasons.  “The kinda look that’s, like, screaming ‘help’.  Like, get me the fuck out of here but also I tend to read things wrong so now I’m thinking I just booted you out of a conversation…”  She glances across the room over at Jett and then back at you.  “Oh god, did I–did I interrupt something–”
“No!”  You blurt out, grabbing onto her wrists as a means to soothe her jumbled thoughts.  “No, no, you did good, Robin.  Promise.”  A reassuring nod lets her know you’re sincere, her demeanor immediately relaxing.  “I don’t know what that was, honestly.  All I know is that I kinda feel like a piece of meat?”  
Robin nods in agreement, some kind of panic settling back in her wide eyes which only further worries you.  She had known Jett long before you afterall, maybe she knew something she wasn’t letting on.
“What–uh, what was he saying?  I, um, I only caught some of it.”  She questions with a nervous swallow.
“It…it’s stupid.”  You whisper, gaze falling to the floor.
“Try me.”  Her confidence momentarily overtakes her anxiety.
It was ridiculous.  You felt ridiculous.  The act of explaining why you didn’t take well to another guy calling you a certain nickname was the epitome of stupidity.  And yet you spilled it all to Robin, voicing your distaste for the word falling from Jett’s lips while avoiding your mind screaming at you that only Eddie was allowed to use that name.  Something told you Robin could read minds solely based off of the smirk she began to display amidst your ranting.  You ignored it despite your face heating up and your palms becoming clammy at the mere thought of the doe-eyed man.
“Steve!”  Nancy barrels out from the kitchen doors in her stylish checkered sweater tucked into the bluest of blue jeans.  You wouldn’t know she was attempting a cowboy getup if it weren’t for her straw hat covering her perfectly permed curls.  “Steve!”  She grits, hot on the man’s trail.
Steve continues to nearly strut toward the crowd of people awaiting the bell to initiate the pie eating contest.  Confidence drips from him, a cocky smirk painted on his face and a toothpick tucked in between his teeth as he rests his hands on his hips.  Tassels hang from his tan jacket, a blue button down underneath and some insanely tight jeans fitting him in all the right places.  
“Steve!”  Nancy hisses again, gesturing down to her jeans, urging Steve to glance down as she widened her eyes at him.  
“Alright, chill out, Nance.”  He pays no mind to her, eyes scanning the room in wonder.
“Steve, your fly is down and your shirt is stuck in the zipper.”  
His brown eyes nearly fall out of his head, hands rushing to cover the area as he rushes back toward the kitchen.  You can’t help but snicker along with Robin, Nancy shaking her head at Steve’s negligence to his crotch.  
“Whoa!”  You hear a surprised Eddie, only eliciting more giggles from you and Robin.
“Steve, if you were happy to see me you could’ve just said so!  No need to pull your dick out!”  
Thankfully, no one else idled near the kitchen doors, unable to hear the sudden vulgar outburst.  Covering your mouth and attempting to get a hold of your laughter, you rest your head on Robin’s shoulder in defeat, your body shaking with giggles while she almost squeals.  Nancy attempts to shush you both although she can’t contain her own laughter, her hand pressed into your arm as she lowers her head.
“S-stop.”  She gasps for air.  “It’s, it’s not funny!  Stop, he’s gonna be so embarrassed.”  She finally gets out, the corners of her mouth almost appearing to be permanently upturned.
“What’s so funny?”
Steve stands behind Nancy with furrowed brows and cherry red cheeks, hands resting on his hips in his standard pose.  Offense lingers in his voice, the kind that bantering friends exhibit only spurring the three of you on.  
“Oh–oh c’mon!”  He throws his arms up, shaking his head in disappointment.  “You too?”  He looks at you with a hint of a smile.  “You already corrupted her into joining your little ‘mess with Steve’ club.”  A harsh finger jabs against Robin’s shoulder, sending her stumbling back.
“I tried to tell you!”  Nancy shoves his arm with a large grin.  “You didn’t listen!”
“Not cool, Harrington.”  Eddie emerges from the kitchen, the perfect image of a bandit in an old western with his all black getup.  “You ever take a girl out before trying to get to third base?”  He jokes, throwing an arm around Steve.
This was the first time this evening you’d seen him in his full outfit, hat and everything.  You weren’t usually into cowboys but he made it look good.  The hat was worn pridefully on top of his wild curls and he’d accessorized with his signature handcuff belt.  The one thing you couldn’t convince him to do was wear actual cowboy boots, the man instead insisting that he would only be wearing combat boots but you weren’t complaining, especially not now as you witnessed the final product.
“Shut up.”  Steve mumbles.
Eddie steals Steve’s hat with his free hand, ruffling his hair, no doubt messing it up in retaliation.  Steve swats at Eddie’s hand, shoving him off and grabbing his hat back with a fond smile pulling at his lips, his stubborn act disintegrating.
“Buy me a drink first.”  Eddie winks, only pulling more laughter from you.
“Very funny.”  Steve says blandly, eyes squinting.  “But I’ve actually got my eyes on that blonde over there.  And I’m gonna ask her to dance.”  He says matter of factly.
Eddie bows dramatically and gestures toward the dance floor, the center of the room covered in a healthy layer of hay.  As if he couldn’t put on more of a show, he removes his hat and places it over his chest.
“Your maiden awaits.”  
With a playful shove to Eddie’s chest, Steve makes his way across the room.  You can vaguely make out Dustin’s voice amongst the loud cowbell and shouting, excitement bubbling out of him as he cheers on the contestant he bet on.  A familiar tune begins to consume the room, each individual glancing to their peers in recognition.
Robin and Nancy begin to drift off into the center of the room, bouncing to the beat.  The smile on your face physically hurts but you aren't complaining, you couldn’t remember the last time you smiled so big and uncontrollably.  You couldn’t even remember the last time you’d connected so well with a group of people, if ever.
You were perfectly content, for once.  A social setting that would normally have you chewing your lips to shreds and nervously rubbing up and down your arms was actually proving to be…fun.  Observing from your stool, you didn’t even feel left out as you usually would under any other circumstances.  You can’t quite recall a reason for your anxiety laying so low though you suppose it has something to do with the acceptance everyone had granted you.  Nancy and Robin being so kind and taking you in right away, Steve and Dustin already treating you like a sibling amongst their little group.  You didn’t know what you did to deserve such treatment but it’s apparent you had done something right if for only once in your life.
Tearing your eyes away from the scene playing out before you, several pairs dancing about the room without a care in the world, your gaze catches an awkward Eddie leaning against the bar just inches away.  One of his curls twists around his finger, a nervous habit you’d picked up on.  The room erupts into a collective, tipsy, rendition of Take Me Home, Country Roads.  Loud clapping and hoots and hollers echo off the walls, and everyone sings.  
You knew Eddie has always been considered an outcast throughout his entire life based on what he’d shared with you but you never would have imagined him looking as bashful as he did now, a true wallflower just like yourself.  Though, while you were content in just observing, he seemed more uncomfortable, more lonely.  
Glancing back to the dance floor, Donnie sways to the music with her husband, lovingly holding onto each other in a drunken haze.  Every so often he jokingly spins her and dips her, something you’re finding yourself envious of but quickly swallow back the feeling.  Anyone in their right mind would want to be treated like the sun.
Dustin makes his way over to Nancy and Robin, Robin making a scene by initiating that one dumb lasso dance move and pulling him in, earning them several cheers which only created bigger smiles among their faces.  You’re sure you could just saunter over and fit right in.  But it didn’t feel right, leaving Eddie to be a wallflower on his own.  Especially since he didn’t seem too sure of himself, his teeth now chewing on his nail while his deep brown eyes surveyed the room.
“Wanna dance?”
It’s uncertain when exactly Steve made his way back over to you, it seemed like he had just appeared out of thin air but you could probably blame it on the fact that you were too enamored with the energy of the room.  His hand extends itself toward you, his shoulders shrugging as if to say ‘got anything better to do?’.  
“What happened to your blonde maiden?”  You ask, hoping Eddie would hear and maybe you’d earn at least a chuckle.
You didn’t, Eddie hadn’t even been listening, too busy in his head it would seem.  Steve shoves his free hand into his pocket, shaking his head in disappointment as he retires his hat from his sweaty head, abandoning it on top of the bar.
“I don’t wanna talk about it.”  He frowns.  “Just need my friends.”  A sincere smile tugs at his lips, his eyebrows knit together in that way that he almost looks worried though you know it’s his empathy coming through.
You nod, offering him a close mouthed smile as you hop off the stool and grab his hand, dragging him toward the crowd.  Taking both his hands in yours, you start to sway to the song, playfully singing to each other in an overdone country accent.  Steve assists you in spinning, getting more and more into the song with each passing second, his hair bouncing with every movement.
“I dunno how to dance.”  You giggle, accidentally stepping on his foot.
“That’s okay!”  He grins.  “I’m not sure I do either.”  
Amongst all the celebrating and the several toasts people are raising to each other, your eyes meet large round coffee colored irises, a certain sadness to them that was also diluted with a fond gaze.  Over Steve’s shoulder, you watch Eddie, and he watches you.  The biggest smile causes your cheeks to ache, your teeth on full display just for him.  His shoulders shake with a laugh, a whiskey and coke now firmly grasped in his hand as he shyly looks down into the glass like it could give him some kind of advice.
As Steve leads you both in a circle of missteps and stumbling, he catches sight of what had made your face light up like a damn Christmas tree.  It goes on for another minute or so, stolen glances between two pining individuals.  He can see it, he knows it all too well.  He’s worn that same look before.  It’s too distinct to go unnoticed by him.  
He used to look at Nancy like that.
“Hey, I think I want a drink.”
Steve wastes no time in dragging you behind him toward the bar.  It takes you by surprise and in all honesty, you weren’t quite done dancing and at least would’ve liked to get to the end of the song before returning to your little stool of solitude.  Steve calls for Jett’s attention behind the bar, ordering himself a vodka cranberry much to your surprise.
“I’m actually feeling a little queasy.”  He grips his stomach, twisting his face in discomfort.  “Think you could take over for me, Ed?”  
Eddie nearly chokes on his drink, setting the glass down as he clears his throat repeatedly.  He points to himself with a questioning look, knowing damn well that Steve knew he couldn’t dance.  It was even more humiliating that he’d never danced with a girl before and Steve more than likely also knew that.  Steve responds with a nod, his brow cocked, a look of urgency crossing his features.
“Steve, are you sure–”  You attempt to chime in.
“Yes, go!  I’ll be fine.”  He shoos you toward the dancefloor, giving Eddie’s shoulder a rough push.
Eddie resembles a deer in headlights, ginormous eyes glued to you.  His feet were stuck to the ground and as you tugged on his arm, he didn’t budge.  
“C’mon!”  You encourage him with a smile.
His mouth opens but words don’t form, a protest on the very tip of his tongue unwilling to make its way into your ears.  He couldn’t say no to you but he also couldn’t dance.
“I don’t know how.”  He manages to rush out.
Gently, you take his hand in yours, his calloused skin cold against your warmth.  You haven’t had a sip of alcohol and yet your confidence was through the roof, only for him.  You intertwine your fingers with his, his chunky rings giving you a challenge but you succeed.  
“I don’t either.”  You assure him with a squeeze to his hand, tugging him even further onto the crowded dance floor, much to his dismay.
The song continues, people bouncing around and getting bubblier by the minute which only seemed to overwhelm Eddie as his hand began to sweat.  As a means to distract him, you pull his hat off of his head, his frizzy curls now exposed while you boldly fit the hat onto your head instead.  His eyes shine but he remains stiff, not entirely convinced that he could freely move about the crowd.
“Let's learn together.”  You speak softly, a stark contrast to the screeching fiddle being played loudly.
Without a second thought, your arms wrap around his shoulders, his whiskey coated breath fanning over your face.  It’s evident that he’s unsure what to do with his hands, his arms limply hanging at his sides.  Despite his anxious body language, his eyes give him away.  He’s nervous but he’s giddy.  Stars gleam and glimmer within his sweet and syrupy eyes, no longer sad pools of pity.
“Right here.”  You guide him, using one hand to bring his touch to your waist.  “Like that.”  You whisper, unsure if even he heard you.  “And like this.”  You guide his other hand before resting yours around his neck once again.
“Like this?”  He takes a shaky breath, a thumb swiping over your hip.
Humming in approval, you take the initiative to start swaying to the song, a temporary fear flashing in his eyes until he feels your fingers toying with the curls at the back of his head.  He cutely stumbles every other step, suddenly becoming the equivalent of a baby deer though you don’t mind and actually prefer it, the image forever being burned into your brain, another moment for the wall you’d created in the depths of your mind.  
You don’t know how, you don’t know when, but your hand lands on his chest-his bare chest where the buttons have been purposely undone as a small act of rebellion.  His skin is warm and soft there, your fingertips gracefully tracing over a tattoo, skimming over the guitar pick necklace he always wore.  As the chorus kicks back in, you peek up at him, finding heavy eyes staring right back at you in awe.  
You start shouting along: country roads, take me home, to the place I belong.  He remains silent, watching you like you hung the moon.  You’re smiling, you’re happy, and god dammit he never knew he could be perfectly happy just watching someone else be happy but here he was.  If he could personally give you the moon he would, he’s sure of it.  He’d find a way.
An old memory resurfaces, one that usually only made him tear up out of sorrow but now, the perspective was shifting.  In a simpler time, he is six years old, dancing on his mom’s feet to old Chicago Blues.  He is young and innocent, full of life.  He is naive and blissfully ignorant to the horrors of the world.  And then in harder times…in current times, he is a Munson, a vessel for satan.  A nearly bankrupt idiot who can’t keep up.  A fuck up.  But now…in this moment, he rekindles the same feeling he once felt with Momma, a sense of innocence that he hadn’t felt in years, innocence that had been snatched from him over and over.  A warmth spreads throughout him, one that he thought was laid to rest when Momma passed.  He was certain he had bid it goodbye forever. 
Until now.
You make him lovesick.  Utterly and purely lovesick.  No doctor could ever cure him.  Not that he’d even seek a cure.  It scares him but he’d willingly die of a fever if it meant you’d keep looking up at him like he was someone.  Like he was a man and not a menace.  His legacy could end there with you, the girl that intruded on his life and made his stubborn ass soft.  The shy girl who cries when she gets yelled at broke through Eddie Munson’s titanium walls and stole his heart.
You can feel him start to melt into you, his hands sliding around to the small of your back, his chest pressed into yours as he begins singing along, finally letting loose.  Glancing over his shoulder at the feeling of a pair of eyes on you, you smile when Steve stares fondly, offering you a thumbs up.  
The song ends though you yearn to continue holding onto him, afraid that letting go would mean losing the moment forever, your memory serving as the only souvenir.  Before painfully parting, you glance up at him again, your nose accidentally brushing against his.  The contact sends electricity racing through your body.  It doesn’t help that he’s smiling so softly, so endearingly, his eyelids heavy and lazy.  Even if it was a side effect of the whiskey, you still reveled in it.
“Sorry.”  He whispers though you almost miss it as you study the crinkles at the corner of his eyes.
“Don’t worry about it.”  You mumble, your voice now small.
The next song picks up, something slow and steady that had you both swaying without a second thought.  You wanted to burrow into his chest, press your cheek into the skin and listen to his heartbeat.  If only it were that simple.
“Thank you.”  He speaks up again.  “Y’know for…all this.”  
A puzzled expression takes over your features, pulling back slightly to ponder his words.  
“I-I just helped, Eddie.  You should be thanking everyone else.  They really pulled through for this place.”  You remind him.
“I know, I know.”  He suddenly seems insecure, his fingers grabbing at the material of your shirt ever so slightly.  “I just mean–you didn’t have to get involved in any of this bullshit, my bullshit.” 
“I mean…I kinda forced myself in didn’t I?”  
He recalls the first evening you came into The Bourbon, the night you bargained with him, practically forcing him to hire you.
“I’m turning you away because you don’t belong in a place like this.  Things can get rough and you’re…too dainty.”
God was he wrong.  You were resilient.  Tough.  A badass.
“I’m glad you did.”  His honesty surprises even him.  He wasn’t big on getting mushy, never being offered the space to do so since his mom had passed.  But he doesn’t regret speaking his truth.
Your lips are so perfectly pouty it devastates him, eyes so full of adoration that he wants to fall to his knees and officially devote himself to you even if you wouldn’t have him.  
“Eddie!”  Dustin screeches, hurling toward Eddie and eventually crashing into his side, eliciting a grunt from the two of you.  “Sorry, sorry!”  He breathes heavily.  “Eddie, you’ve gotta see this.”  
For a split second your heart drops, afraid that maybe something bad happened but you quickly backtrack those thoughts when you analyze Dustin’s grin.  It was good news.  It was definitely good news.  
“Holy shit.”  Eddie mumbles in disbelief.
“Holy shit indeed.”  Dustin agrees.
You stare in awe at the piles of cash Dustin had counted in the back office, opting to act as The Bourbon’s temporary treasurer in the mission to save the place.  According to the boy, there was enough to cover costs for the next three months if Eddie played his cards right.  After that they hadn’t yet come up with a solution but it was something at the very least.  It was hope.
“You keep hosting events like this every month and you should be able to keep things going.”  Dustin advises, his mind quietly working out the logistics.
“Not only that.”  Steve chimes in, leaning against the doorway to the office, the three of you glancing back at him.  “What if I told you…that I know someone interested in investing?”
Your eyes catch Dustin’s then Eddie’s, an anxious fog overtaking the room.
“Who?”  Eddie gulps, clearly nervous.
Steve only smirks, the anticipation building with every passing second.  A flash of realization falls over Dustin’s face, his head shaking with a huge grin.  
“No.”  Dustin whispers.
“Yes.”  Steve nods.
“Holy shit.”  
“Do you mind letting me, the owner of said establishment that is being invested in, in on this big secret?”  Eddie grumbles, his eyes narrowed at Steve.
“What do you think about being business partners?”  Steve proposes, his eyes shining.
“W-what?”  Eddie asks, almost choking on air.
“You know I’ve been working under my old man for however long now.  Well I finally have my own startup and I didn’t wanna tell you, didn’t wanna say anything until I actually had the money.”  Steve rambles.  “And y’know, I always thought about investing.  ‘S a great place.  Would be a shame to let it fall apart.”
“What–what the fuck.”  Is all Eddie can muster up in the moment.
“Also, I vote that we make Miss Bambi here the manager.”  Steve snaps his fingers before pointing your direction.  “Gotta trust the business in good hands and she’s definitely got a knack for running things efficiently.  And putting you in your place.”  He presses a finger into Eddie’s shoulder.
“I-I…”  You were speechless.
“If you’ll have us, of course.  Take some time to think about it.”  
Glancing at Eddie, you can see the information still being processed, the gears turning in his brain.  The state of shock leaves him blinking rapidly, unable to catch up to this moment in time.  One second he was fighting for this business, expecting the worst case scenario and the next he was being offered an investment by his best friend.
“I knew there was a reason we kept you around.”  Dustin makes his way toward the door, patting Steve on the back.
Steve playfully puts Dustin in a headlock, continuing on as if it were business as usual as the boy protests.
“So, how about it Munson?”  
“Steve, I swear to god!”  Dustin complains, making no progress in escaping the man’s hold.
“I dunno, depends.”  Eddie clicks his tongue, seeming to finally fall back into his body as he stands.  “I don’t like being told what to do.”  Eddie begins.  “And y’know I can’t have King Steve bossing me around, that won’t do…”  
“C’mon man, you know I know nothing about running a bar.”  Steve scoffs.  “I’m just the sugar daddy here.”  
“Steve!”  Dustin gags.
You can’t help but giggle, beaming at Eddie as he grins.  
“Alright then, we have a deal.”  Eddie extends his hand toward Steve, making it official with a handshake before hugging him, a brotherly exchange that warmed your heart.  In the midst of the hug, Dustin was released from Steve’s hold but somehow had gotten stuck in the middle of the embrace.
“I’m feeling the love and all but my neck is cramping.”  The boy whines.
“To The Bourbon!”  Eddie announces, standing proudly on top of the bar, tequila shot in hand as his closest friends raise their own shots in the air.  “Grandpa Roy, may he rest in peace, would fuckin’ hate this whole Hoedown but in his defense he was a better business man than me and I’m the one who ran it into the ground.”  Everyone laughs, smiling fondly.  “I also wanted to thank all of you.  If none of you cared this much we’d be fucked.”  He grins.  “In conclusion, you’re all stuck with Roy’s dickhead grandson for a long time to come, sorry.”  Eddie shrugs, throwing his shot back.
The night had been more than a success.  Customers had long gone home and there was still much to do in regards to cleanup but Eddie insisted that everyone call it a night, not without a celebratory shot though.  Cheers and whistles fill the room as everyone takes their mandatory shot.  Eddie hops off of the bar, earning himself several pats on the back as he insisted they give Steve the same praise.  He was glowing.
Nancy and Robin rushed over, each of them linking an arm with him as they congratulated him.  You’d never seen him so openly happy, so ecstatic.  His grin was permanent for the remainder of the night, his cheeks must have burned from never relaxing his face.
And when all was said and done, when it was time to go home, it was your turn to congratulate him.  You didn’t get much of a chance when the news first broke and now he was locking up the front as you waited patiently next to the bar.  Steve insisted on taking Robin and Nancy home in Eddie’s truck since they had a few too many drinks.  Dustin offered his assistance reluctantly after Steve sent him several expectant looks.  
The bar was empty, completely trashed from the night’s activities though Eddie told you not to touch a thing, it was already nearing 3:00 AM.  You just couldn’t help yourself, gathering glasses onto a tray and delivering them to the sink.  A round of dishes wouldn’t kill you while you waited.  At least this way you were occupied rather than just sitting around, waiting for him to lock up.
“What are you up to, trouble?”  Eddie makes his way behind the bar to replace the cap on a bottle before returning it to its shelf.  
“Trouble?”  You smile, suds building up along your arms.  Too much soap.  “If you deem washing glasses as troublesome you’re really gonna hate that I take an extra minute on my breaks.”
You can hear him scoff from behind you, glass clinking as he tidies up, going against his own wishes.
“You think I don’t know that?”  
“Thought you said no cleaning.”  You utter under your breath.
His presence sneaks up on you, his quick hand suddenly snatching up a wet glass, drying it with a fresh rag, repeating the process with each one you’d just cleaned.  Your nerves are on edge in the best way possible.  The big lights had been shut off, only dim lighting encompassing you, creating a mellow atmosphere.  
“Well some of us…”  Eddie pinches the back of your arm.  “...don’t listen, now do we?”
Something about the condescending nature of his words ignited a fire in between your legs.  You knew very well that it wasn’t his intention although it didn’t stop you from releasing a shaky exhale.  Goosebumps traveled up your spine, you were pathetic.
You hum in response, unable to trust your voice, the room becoming hot all too quickly.  His gaze was trained on you, a hint of concern creasing his forehead.  He was too handsome, his button down doing way too many favors for him.
“You okay?”  He asks, his voice smaller than before.
“Yeah, yeah.”  You manage to squeak out.  “Just tired.”  
Reaching over you, he shuts off the steaming water, tossing his rag onto the counter as he pulls you away by your arm.  You want to whimper at the simple touch, every ounce of your body on fire, embarrassingly so.
“Let’s get out of here.”  He sighs, clearly just as tired.  
Guiding you out the back, he makes it a point to grab his hat that you had put so much thought into.  Stepping outside, he locks the door while you admire the moonlight glazing over the parking lot.  Everything is so…quiet.  Snow flurries fall delicately from the sky, gracing your skin with tiny little ice crystals, intricate designs compacted into a singular art form now just melting with your body heat.  It’s cold but you won’t complain.  Not when Eddie is automatically draping his jacket over your shivering frame.
“Doors are locked, cash is locked up–”
“Eddie?”  You call for his attention, big brown eyes immediately seeking yours like you’d just sent out a smoke signal.
When you don’t say anything, worry begins to settle into his features, the opposite of what you had intended.  
“Yeah?”  He asks hesitantly.  “Did I forget to–”
The second your lips hover over his stubbly cheek he’s lost any and all thoughts.  It happens in slow motion yet it’s over before he knows it.  Your lips are so soft and delicate against his skin and he was finding himself wanting more, his selfish needs yearning to claw their way out of him.
“Congratulations.”  You whisper, your breath tickling him before disappearing all too soon.  
It lingers like a ghost, haunting him in the most breathtaking sense.  You make your way to your car and he feels it, the apparition of your lips against his cold cheek.  And he just knows.  You hold the power to screw him up forever.  You have his heart in your hands and god, he hopes you’re gentle with it.
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198 notes · View notes
madarasgirl · 9 months
A Night for Hunting Ch. 14 -Interlude II
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T/W: 18+, NSFW, Alucard (Ultimate) x F!Reader, explicit sexual content, masturbation, size kink, corruption kink, mild blood drinking, throat/thigh fuck, dastardly vampire bullying his Reader in a good way, angst. Hi the ovaries woke up for this Ch. On AO3 Words: 4480
Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays to those who celebrate something else! I hope this December finds everyone in the company of those you love most. Another year is just around the corner!
Wow! 500 kudos and many, many notes for this fic. Thank you to all my readers for your ongoing support! And if vampire smut isn't for you, I hope you will enjoy the next chapter in the New Year!
The lights were dim in your bedroom, the quiet hum of the furnace coming on and your muted, laboured breaths the only sounds breaking the tranquility. It felt like you were on fire. The skin on your back was slick with sweat as you held your breath in concentration.
Pleasure shot up your spine. You sighed blissfully, sinking further into the bountiful pillows by the headboard so the fluffy surface eased some of the muscle ache from your neck as you plunged a small toy into your core repeatedly. In and out at a snail’s pace, to savour the sensation of the rounded ridges catching on your gummy walls.
A droplet of sweat beaded at your temple. Your clit tingled from your treatment as you pushed in the smooth dildo again slowly, relishing in the mild stretch from the thickest segment as it passed through your entrance. It was all you could handle.
So stiff! This felt too good. After being with Alucard's mouth a handful of times, occasionally the need gripped you. Damn that vampire for introducing you to his decadence. You bucked your hips up to meet the imitation shaft, lost in the fullness of your self-gratification.
You rotated the silicone clockwise, squirming from the newfound friction the motion introduced as you juiced around it. Your new toy was quite simple by modern standards, but it was wonderful. The pink device was silky smooth and retained your body heat, not unlike when you were with Alucard, whose frigid body warmed the longer he was within you. 
Your eyes opened to slits, fixating blindly on the ceiling as your thoughts wandered back to what you knew of a man’s touch. His fingers tracing meaningless patterns on your skin until you went mindless as the girth of his talented tongue entered– 
Oh, ALUCARD'S TONGUE. You picked up the thrusting and writhed as you sank your toy deep with a silent moan and turned on the vibrating feature, mind clouded with desire for your absent lover. It had been over a month. Where was he? Gasping, you clumsily flipped onto all fours as you continued to fuck yourself silly on plastic.
Close. The climax you seeked was right there. You pushed the buzzing dildo back in place with shaky fingertips and smushed your clit desperately with the other hand, your face buried in the pillows with your ass in the air like a common whore for your unbidden fantasies.
Something was amiss. Your own efforts could only be described as bland. Maybe what your worked up bundle required for release was a more delicate touch. Your hips swayed when you brushed your pearl again with a frustrated whine. 
“It appears I was dearly missed.”
“AHHH!” You screamed with the horror of a teenager caught masturbating by your mother as you crashed sideways into the mattress, fumbling over your loose limbs to dive into the sheets and hide yourself. 
The smuggest vampire stood by the window.
“Wha- what are you doing here?” You stared bug-eyed at him as you clutched the blanket, thoroughly conscious about your nakedness when you were not in absolute darkness. Not that the lack of light influenced a vampire’s vision. And not like he had never seen you bare.
“Oh? Clearly I came to visit my human. Don’t let me interrupt your activities, Sweet ♪,” he tilted his chin up and cackled. The beast stalked closer, an amorous gleam to his gaze as twin fangs flashed with amusement.
“Y-you should at least knock! I was busy!” You hollered. Still he approached and you scrambled back incrementally until your back hit the board. 
“You were occupied, yes, but you could be heard and scented from outside. Should I deprive myself of the show?” He lowered himself onto the end of the bed. “It was rather ravishing.”
“Cretin! Idiot!” Heat lanced through your body from embarrassment as you hurled insults. Freaking vampiric super senses!
The shit-eating grin stretched wider as crimson glittered with mischief. The hat disappeared, followed by the jacket. He stood and the cravat melted away in an instant. At full height, he towered over your bed, his overbearing presence swamping the modest room. It was impossible to look away. In this lean and handsome form, Alucard was still a giant. Another layer –the suit vest– vanished from broad shoulders as the said vampire dismissed it. 
“Stop stripping!” You squeaked.
Gah! A lithe porcelain torso with enticing rippling muscles appeared on display for your visual pleasure. The exhibitionist would coerce you into looking at him while he did unspeakable things to you. You flung the dildo at his face.
It landed in the centre of his palm with a wet slap. “A gift for me? Very well, I accept.” He dangled the fake dick from two fingers. It was tiny in comparison to the proportions of Alucard’s hand. You gulped as your gaze went to his mouth.
Time froze. His tongue rolled out from between glistening teeth, as long and flexible as you dreamed. You held your breath and watched in a trance as Alucard lapped at the pink rubber with languid swipes, curling his muscle around its circumference to collect your creamy nectar coating. His eyes never left yours.
He purred.
“You remain as delicious as ever.”
You ignored him. Your dilated pupils tracked your cream at the tip of his tongue as it retracted back into his mouth before it flicked around in a semi-circle to wet his lips. His tongue was thicker than your toy. Your pussy tingled –it appears she missed him. You cursed your traitorous body.
The toy dropped beside you with a plunk.
"What is it you desire from me?” You could hear the smile behind the words. It was an apt reminder that he was an evil entity. You didn’t care what the history books said about him being Christian, he must have worshipped Satan.
Alucard chuckled. You stiffened when even that sound shot to your loins. Did he know what his voice did to you? That sonorous baritone woke something primal. It was too unfair. Everything about your unholy lover turned you into a harlot. Was it really so long since you last coupled with him?
You’d rather have been caught by your mom. Nothing could compare to the level of mortification elicited by being discovered by Alucard. You fidgeted and looked at your feet bundled within the sheets.
You recalled his lips on yours, claiming you as his. His fingers were inside you… scissoring… Pressing your legs together, your lips quivered knowing your mind projected your longings. Your starving cunt dribbled with lust.
“Use your words, Sweet. There is no use for pride when it comes to our indulgent hedonism.” 
Your head snapped up, face scrunched with the need to protest his accusation.
“Neither is there shame in pleasure.”
You recoiled.
Descend with me.
The mocking was absent when you examined your vampire while taking shallow breaths. Why were you so hesitant? What were you holding back for? You’ve experienced the pleasures of the flesh together numerous times. Why did you keep resisting him for anything other than misplaced pride or the engrained idea that the carnal is shameful?
He was right. 
The mental blocks yielded, moved by his gentle lulling. The feeling of emptiness grew too great. With a quiet mewl, you grasped your forgotten toy and returned it to your hungry hole, again plundering yourself before your lover’s eyes. Alucard sighed with contentment at the sight. He was, as always, ever the attentive audience as he studiously observed your performance.
!!! Right there. Leaning back and propping yourself up on an elbow, you adjusted your angle to strike that sweet spot with each impalement. You wondered if he heard the slimy slurps of your greedy cunt. Probably. It was a sloppy mess down there.
“There is a rage swelling between my legs,” your undead lover murmured.
Faster. You raced to the finish line with haste. Quicker and quicker you charged ahead, your thighs tense and hands a blur of movement as your pleasure peaked. In the distance, you heard a faint, rumbling growl whilst consumed by your bodily appetites. It shook your core and you tumbled over the summit with stuttering hips and the sharp cry of orgasm.
Alucard was on top of you. His lips were on yours, his enormous hands covering every inch of you, the cooling touch providing some welcome relief from the heat of passion. Your skin remained inflamed with arousal, each caress sent sparks flying through your nerves. The body now only moved by instinct through the fog. You returned his kisses with equal fervour and grabbed him by his hips and across his back, desperately clutching your anchor to reality wherever you could find purchase.
He drew soft gasps from your lips as he nibbled your shoulder playfully and you flexed around the toy, groaning at the presence of the solid invader holding your pliant walls apart. Tentatively, you leaned in and kissed down his jaw, stopping at his throat. You peppered him with pecks and nuzzled the alabaster column before swiping up his throat. Sheltered under his larger body, you were lost to the throes of orgasm, his skin and scent now so familiar that your heart hurt. You forgot yourself. With no warning, you nipped him.
The undulating shadow limbs paused, the darkness they casted a monstrosity upon your bedroom walls. Finally, your vampire hissed dangerously and you briefly wondered if you offended him. Fortunately, your worries were short-lived.
The last of his clothing disintegrated and his cock sprang forth to catch your full attention. You stopped to inspect him, every inch of his ivory glory. With lidded eyes and gently rocking hips, you crawled up to that proud shaft and palmed it, rolling its heft between your hands and sniffing him.
He was an aphrodisiac. You moaned with want and peered up at him with your lips parted. The vampire’s midnight locks came alive midair, hellfire blazing as he watched you carefully. That gaze stirred at your softest, most repressed emotions regarding this breathtaking fiend and you keened with the desire to please him. You flicked your tongue across his glans and then took him in to nurse, just the tip.
He was salty. You weren’t sure what you expected a vampire’s penis to taste like, but Alucard was decidedly pleasing. Licking at his opening again for another sample, you realized you were in trouble –he might be addictive. You whimpered and tried to sink deeper into the fair shaft until he touched the back, the forced gargle barely clearing your mental haze as you drowned in the musk of male arousal.
You went down once more and gagged. You pulled back and tried again, spit filling your mouth and overflowing as tears came to your eyes after only a mere inch of progress was made. Again, but you were unable to stop the reflexive need to wretch despite how much you wanted to do this for Alucard.
Wrapping your lips around his side, you suckled downwards and gave him lollipop licks, alternating the force of suction as you went before periodically heading back to the top to take his head. You thought back to what Alucard did for you whenever he drank your pussy chalice and mimicked massaging the vampire’s thighs as you enthusiastically performed clumsy fellatio, but remained unable to swallow him whole.
His member was both too thick and too long, making you whine with dejection. How you wanted to return the favour so badly, to do something right and give him release. An ancient vampire who lived for centuries must have had amazing lovers in the past. Your chest clenched. The feeling of inadequacy permeated your thoughts and you were ashamed of your inexperience. Hanging your head, you stared at his crotch and pondered what to do next through pursed lips.
"Darling, there is ample time for you to learn."
Alucard was often an insistent lover who demanded his chamber partners to reveal all: every insecurity and imperfection. He wanted them to give him everything. Everything that was you also belonged to him, including your insecurities regarding your appearance and lack of experience. You were flawless. And he was looking forward to showing you this.
Bare hands wrapped your fingers around his shaft, placing your thumb to his frenulum and guiding you to stroke. Your hand was so tiny in his. The No-Life King groaned at the size difference. Yes, he will teach you the ways to satisfy these rapacious hungers. 
Like this.
That silken flesh glided beneath your fingertips, revealing the shiny head with each pass. The pressure increased fractionally around your hand, an unspoken instruction to squeeze harder at the base. The purring gave you encouragement and his actions touched you. Even now, Alucard took your comfort into consideration. How many others could say the same?
You caught his lips and plunged hard into his maw, pushing his tongue aside with your own and wrestling with it. Unwarranted courage made you dumb and you thrilled from the excitement of dominating the kiss. Tugging his cock with amateur zeal, you continued to swirl and shove at that delightful oral muscle before brushing boldly around pointed canines. 
Alucard ripped himself away, his mouth lined with rows of razor sharp dentition, eyes burning with untold rapture as you separated. Your female perfume saturated his sinuses. The loss of your sensibilities fed his need to corrupt you with his depravity. His gums ached with the need to drink, unknowingly biting himself while he witnessed you fall apart. He was leaking like a schoolboy, his balls tight with the urge to unload.
You succumbed to the devil's seduction. You were his, even if it took you until now to admit it. And he wanted you. Your legs trembled at the first revelation as you parted them to display your openings for his inspection. For his use. The dildo –wholly inferior compared to the vampire’s elegance– fell out coated thickly in cum, your gaping hole winking in anticipation. 
Yes, yes, yes. It was finally happening.
Ruby irises settled upon your lascivious presentation with a feral leer. The craving within them made you shudder in suspense. He promised many things back then, including taking you to Nirvana.
His shaft smacked your vulva and he slid between the lips of your drooling slit, dragging it down lengthwise. Once again he marvelled at your wondrous heat as you whimpered when he passed over your clit. The vampire sighed and stayed flush against your slit as he pushed your legs together to hump your thighs with zest. Wandering fingers found their way inside.
The teasing stimulation was both too much yet not enough. You wanted his cock, though on reflection, he was actually way too large and you'd rip. You didn't care as you locked your ankles over his shoulders to pull him in further and rocked against him. Your basest urges screamed for more and you moaned for him like a wanton whore while drizzling honey around the intruding fingers.
He grinned with utmost satisfaction. "That's it, Dear. How flattering to have a lovely little human offer herself to me so earnestly."
"Do you want this?" He asked.
"Please!" You spread as wide as you could to show yourself off again, but he pulled you onto your front. His heavy white pillar bobbed at your face, dripping with fluid. A hand threaded through your locks and held your head to his crotch, lightly pushing you onto him. 
You took him immediately without hesitation, fervidly filling your mouth with the heady flavours of sex. Delectable. Eagerness did not equate to skill, and you sputtered with a string of spit and coughing. Your eyes flickered to his with uncertainty and the unspoken plea for him to help guide you, hoping he felt your sincerity about pleasing him. You truly wanted to become adept at this.
Fingers rubbed your scalp for several moments before he drew back and drove his hips forward, precisely up to the point where you began to gag. He began to copulate with your throat, until you gagged repeatedly and slobbered over yourself. You heaved with discomfort, but though your eyes watered and your jaws locked, you did not attempt to escape his grasp beyond tightening with tension. You gave your trust in his touch and his experience even as you choked on him.
If you were finally honest with yourself, you’ve wanted Alucard to fuck you for years, perhaps even soon after you first met, only you were too overcome with fear of him then. 
He hit the back again, but didn't force himself further than the few inches that were already embedded. You tried to relax your throat and go loose. It became apparent you didn’t actually want control, but to let go and have Alucard lead. Let him have his way with you. Hopefully, he will sate himself as he did for you. 
The melody of gurgling and choking filled the room. All you could see was him. All you knew were his taste and his behemoth presence stretching your mouth.
Alucard withdrew and offered a chance to breathe, leaving you bowed over in a hacking fit as you greedily drank in the air. You inwardly thanked him for the lenience and sniffed, wiping away the spit before steeling yourself to try again. Sucking him wasn’t as distressing when you weren’t involuntarily fighting the intrusion.
He was enjoying himself as he maintained the smooth, steady thrusting. Blinded by tears, you worried about your unflattering gargles, but stayed put despite the cramping. Who knew keeping your mouth open was so tiring? You supposed that was why blowing was called a “job.” You swiped the bottom of his dick with the flat of your tongue.
Through bleary eyes, you saw impassioned red observing you intently. You returned the stare with docility as he continued to tickle your throat, putting your hand around the part of him that didn't fit into your mouth. You caressed his flesh as he demonstrated as he pleasured himself with your body.
His grip was steel, until he yanked himself out with a soupy slurp and leered at the sight of his fluids and drool sliding down your chin as you coughed and tried to catch your breath with a dazed expression. 
“Beautiful.” He exhaled. 
The hand tangled in your hair tugged to let you look the King in his eyes. "Do you want this?" He repeated.
Was that still a question? Spittle oozed down your jaws and pooled in your lap. Through lidded eyes, you whispered, "Yes, I can take it Alu. Put it in. Need you." The simple word couldn't describe how you NEEDED to be one with your vampire. If he wasn't holding your head, you would have turned over to present yourself again, to persuade your lover to finish what he started.
He growled upon brushing minds with yours, fully aware of your repressed libido come undone and he nearly went rabid with the urge to bury himself and seed you well. How you tempt him into the irreversible. "How improper for a lady such as yourself to beg for a monster's cock," he commented through jagged teeth. "Naughty girl."
You moaned at his words and wiggled free to spread yourself further and prove his assessment correct, if it would facilitate him in providing what you desired.
Alucard’s covetous gaze roamed your splayed body as agitated shadows whipped about. Strangely, the thought of making love to you remained tantalizing, but he didn't want to anymore. No, that wasn't it. More than anything, he wanted to have you. He wished to defile you in every way possible for a week straight, but he knew with increasing clarity that he wouldn't if it meant you might die for real. 
He was a selfish, Godless monster. He needed the option to turn you should anything happen to you, or if you decided to fall with him. All he wanted…was to be with you for as long as possible. He rumbled from the internal conflict as he brushed a palm down your calves and licked them.
He looked at you again and noted your complete ease and openness with him, a stark contrast from the paralyzing fear of when you first met. He preferred your bliss. You were lovely, warm, and willing. It would be so easy to take you. You were his. His to fuck, his to devour, and you were an absolutely scrumptious morsel. But at the thought of an existence without you, the void in his chest that did not beat ached.
Nothing was happening. Your eyes fluttered open before alarm seized you. There was blood trailing down his eyes! Gasping, your hands shot out to hold him, your heart throbbing at your vampire's expression – he was a broken man. 
Before you could ask if he was okay, he fell over your body to cage you with his arms, his bangs tickling your forehead. "You are a mere human. What have you done to me?" The powerful vampire whimpered, his face furrowed with emotion.
No, the instant gratification was not worth losing you. He got off of you.
”Wait! Don't go!” You scrambled up and reached for his wrist.
–Only to be spun around and sat in his lap with his overly long, gangly arms twined around your waist and neck unnaturally like rope to press the back of your head to his shoulder. He wouldn’t let you see him. 
His steely length wedged between your butt cheeks. You sat facing away from Alucard, disoriented from the sudden shift in mood, quietly panting as you waited for him to do something. He hooked his arms around your knees to cradle you while fingers meandered their way to your open pussy. Vaguely, you were aware of ferrous fluid flowing down the side of your head and neck. 
“Is this about my virginity?” You ventured, parting your legs further to grant him better access. “To turn me?” You had an inkling of an idea of why Alucard refused to take you.
Dexterous digits explored every ridge and valley inside your sheath and you melted into him. The pleasure was such that you regretted holding back for so long because you thought sleeping with the vampire was wrong. Being with him like this was meant to be, and it felt so right. 
His prodding and caresses were expert, yet though you suspected you knew why Alucard dallied with your inevitable penetration, you kept begging to be plumbed. You moaned and wriggled in his lap to try mounting him properly, earning a low, warning growl. 
Shadow hands materialized to grab your wrists and ankles, holding you down snugly on top of him with your back to his chest. He dominated the interaction from below. 
“I alone shall have you in this manner. No one else,” he declared. 
As if anyone else would ever compare. It wasn't like Alucard forever ruined your standards of what to expect from men. “I don't want anyone else, Alucard. Only you,” you clarified. “Alucard…” 
Your hips rocked in an uncoordinated ride of his fingers while he held you captive. No matter how you squirmed, you were unable to impale yourself on your vampire's rod. You whined piteously with need. This wasn’t exactly what you desired, but it was as close as he’d allow without fucking for real. 
The fingers scissored to stretch the ring of muscle before plummeting to the knuckles and continuing to dance. You wailed from the welcome assault. As you twitched, a consideration came to mind and you pouted. "Can't you simply make yourself smaller? When I lick you, I mean."
The wicked vampire cackled and drew you closer to himself. "Fragile little human, you have no understanding of how I must already restrain myself to be with you in this capacity."
“Then let go,” you told him, the phantom limbs thwarting your attempt to turn and look at him. You wanted to reason with him. It was his inhuman size that was an issue. If he was smaller, giving him head should be at least manageable, even if he became more animated.
He chuckled, "Tempting." A sharp talon traced down your throat as you held still with your head tilted up at the lights. "But you would not survive my passion." His tongue replaced the claw and lapped slowly down the same path before nibbling on your throat, causing your skin to pimple into gooseflesh. You tensed, your pussy pulsing with climax nearing as you felt the tingling of every individual hair on your arms with heightened clarity.
“Oh, you do not wish to be bitten, yet you want me to drink from you? Bad girl." You were a sack of boneless limbs, nearly incapacitated by your lover’s devilish ministrations as he read your deepest desires and voiced them. 
Your nails dug into his legs, you stopped breathing as your vision went white, blinded by the dazzling luminescence of the light fixtures above. The tip of a claw pressed against your throat and you winced at the briefest of sharp pains when he opened a tiny wound in the side of your neck. You hissed and tightened around his digits.
The vampire king was on your throat in an instant, lapping up the few droplets that oozed to the surface, moaning as he fed. Pain morphed into pleasure and you arched against him, nearly delirious from the staggering cocktail.
He snickered between licks. "If only I knew you were this partial to pleasure from the beginning.”
Alucard simulated intercourse. He pistoned against your rump with his fingers buried to the hilt inside your snatch. You spasmed from the relentless, ravenous assault as you moved as one.
At last you strained, shuddering around his digits as he sprayed your back and crack. His semen was indeed cool.
Sure enough, his face was now clean of his tears. Neither was there evidence of any blood on your back. It was as if Alucard never broke down. You reached back to stroke his hair, twisting around as much as possible to gently kiss his temple as he rocked up and down to fuck his essence back between your mounds.
You crumbled into his chest to rest. “How am I still a virgin after everything we do?" You questioned with a mouth full of cotton.
"You are a virgin according to vampire laws." He pecked your cheek.
You muttered, "I told you your vampire rules are stupid." He threw his head back, laughing raucously at your willful comment and pulled you tighter to himself. His teeth had retracted back behind his lip and he pressed his face to yours with a tender smile. "I adore you, sweet human."
~To be Continued~
Next Chapter: A New Home
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cuppajj · 3 months
Don't mind me as I found out this AU a day ago and heard you're waiting for BY ep 4 to form stuff w Dark Choco and Frigid Cacao and BOY do I have ideas.
(This is going to be a long ask, it's been cooking for a while and I need to ramble abt it, hopefully Tumblr won't eat it. Also a little spoilers about ep 13 & 14 and odyssey ch 1 if you're not there yet)
So, we're not talking about Dark Choco's perspective just yet (I'm also waiting on BY ep 4 for that) but from Cacao, we can establish stuff about how he feels about Choco in canon and go from there and speculations on BY ep 4.
Canon Cacao very clearly loves his son and truly longs for him back in his life. But, as referenced from the Hollyberry interaction, he's very reluctant to seek him out, preferring Choco approach him first instead.
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One of the ways Cacao shows his love is how he respects the boundaries of those close to him (and, in turn, expects the same for them to him. That's why he violently snaps at Clotted Cream and feels very betrayed by Vanilla for keeping Lily a secret in Odyssey) and I feel this applies to Choco the most. He understands Choco needs his time and space, especially after the whole ep 14, and won't feel comfortable around him or his kingdom for a while. There's also the chance that Choco may not want to have him in his life again (untrue) and he'd rather not risk finding out that's true by personally seeking him out and further upsetting his son. (That last one was just my interpretation but AUGH)
This is the building blocks I found for forming Frigid Cacao's side of the relationship. Should Dark Choco return to the kingdom, Frigid Cacao would feel Very Much Conflicted™️ about having him back, but for different reasons.
On one hand, he would be relieved and overjoyed to sense his son's return. There's so much lost time, so much regrets, he wanted to make up for it and rebuild his relationship anew. But on the other hand, this clashes with the Soltitude he built for himself. Accepting his son back in his life would mean breaking down his walls, thus tearing down everything he built and betraying his own light. Perhaps that part of him would also be angry that Dark Choco would impose this on him. But it saddens him to turn him away. And so on and so forth it cycles.
This duality is the internal conflict that, while it opens the gate for redemption (or at least loosen his terror and maybe actually get him outside), is also very hectic for Choco himself because it also manifests in his powers.
The licorice monsters are noticably more docile around him, but they can just as soon lash out randomly, coming in big waves and heading for only one target. The weather is constantly shifting from mild snow to freezing blizzards in minutes. The paths feel cleared out but it feels like there's always something out to get him.
That's assuming Choco didn't return to the kingdom after the Beast Yeast expedition (bc I'm assuming you're setting Cacao's fall after BY ep 4). But if he did, there's two possibilities. One is the more boring Frigid Cacao's reign didn't last really long bc Choco was there from the beginning. The other one, ooh the other one also works as a bad ending for the first scenario.
(I ended up writing a full oneshot for it. If you want, I can send it in another ask, hahaha)
As someone who hasn’t gotten to that chapter in odyssey yet (i really oughtta watch a video on it bc these quills brake for nobody), this is a really good reference for Cacao and Choco in beast ancients!! I won’t say much about Choco since yeah I’m waiting for apathy pt 2 but I’ve definitely been wanting him to be a huge source of conflict for frigid cacao in the au, and this helps describe it pretty well. Cacao’s fall is being worked on because the timeline of beast ancients is a WIP, it does come after BY 4 for all I know atm, and whatever happens to Choco in that episode will determine where he is and how he affects his dad when he becomes a beast. But the bottom line is that it is not gonna be easy for either of them either way :D
Would love to see your one shot btw!
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sanjisluvbot · 1 year
Isekai Yander Strawhats X Black Fem Reader Ch 16
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
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The trees cried like they understood your pain. The leaves scattering from their branches but the tree itself never leaving, you were certain that if they could you would be rooted into the Sunny never setting foot off of it again. They wouldn’t even bat an eye at this idea.
The story was getting repetitive and you were simply so tired. Tired of it all. Questioning your sanity every night, wanting to trust but never knowing who was fully honest with you.
Going to Law and asking him a single thing about what Sanji just told you would be a dangerous mistake as of right now. You trusted Law but when you really sit with yourself— you trust no one in this world, you could only trust your own judgement.
Right then you decided what you were going to do, and you couldn’t fight the smile that spread across your face, along with the tears finally falling over your tear duck running a stream down your cheeks. Anyone passing by would see this as a mental break down. You probably looked like a lunatic although at this point nothing mattered.
You laughed to yourself, you’d been taking everything so seriously for a while now. This feeling you felt right now felt like freedom, and you were overjoyed knowing you finally made a decision for yourself.
You endured so much for so long, you were desperate for a break. This has turned into something unimaginable and as more of your story unravels you were bound to either completely shatter or, finally just up and go for it.
Pondering to yourself and the woman you’ve molded into these last few months it was hard to differentiate whether you grew or shrunk. Did this entire experience make you stronger? Was everything that transpired worth it? The heavy bags under your eyes and constant frown etched onto your face portrayed multiple things.
Your pain was ignored of course, and Law never did say anything if he noticed. It felt like your heart was being squeezed thinking about him, you were conflicted but only because you didn’t want to make the wrong decisions regarding him.
You wanted to laugh at the high standards you held him in. He was a stroke of color in your bleak life and he made you feel like everything was going to be alright no matter what.
So why is it that your soul is telling you that he is in some way lying or keeping a secret from you.
You shook your head violently and pushed off the tree heading back towards the capital. You had already made up your mind, there’s not going to be any changes… no matter what.
Walking through the streets seeing the joy of the children and the fear on the faces of adults was surreal- now that you were paying attention. The children being taught propaganda and the adults who knew and were forced to keep the truth hidden reminded you of yourself as well. You wanted to scream for them, let them know that they would be free of burden in less than a week but you kept silent.
You had bigger fish to fry and fortunately as irrational and weird the straw hat crew has become, you knew they would do good for this country so you needn’t worry.
You passed Sanji's booth again, Robin and Ussop had joined just as they did on screen and you hoped that you could pass through the crowd without notice. You were going back to Law's base, thankfully he wouldn't be there because Luffy was going to make his first mistake of letting his presence be known to the animal pirates.
This would give you more thinking time, you needed to think of how to approach Law. You didn't want him to think that he lost your trust or that you were going to leave his side anytime soon.
You had seen from your peripheral vision that Robin’s head snapped your way so you dunked down and bit trying to blend in with the crowd.
In Sanji's booth Robin was nibbling on her noodles getting ready to notify the boys that you had swiftly passed by without saying a word. They let her know that they were aware, you were hard to miss of course.
Sanji told them about the conversation you had earlier but kept bits and pieces to himself. He held back his facial expressions when Ussop all but leaped for joy thinking you would no longer be spending all your time with Law and his crew. Robin was gleeful as well but she knew that your relationship with Law wasn't shallow enough to be completely torn apart by the revelation of him reading One Piece.
Nevertheless, the Strawhats were all on the same page about keeping you here as a crew member, they also had unspoken personal agendas pertaining to you.
They were all too smart in different areas for their own good, that is the main reason they mesh well together. They were the ultimate crew in this universe and after reading the manga that brought their universe to life, inflated egos befall clouding even the most rational aboard the Thousand Sunny.
Law stomped his way back to his base after dealing with the obnoxious captain who blew their cover. Cursing to himself until he saw you sleeping soundly next to Bepo. His heart rate sped up, seeing you look so peaceful and calm made him forget his anger and worries.
The rest of his crew welcomed him and continued their conversations and he sat next to you leaning into your side. when you woke up he was going to tell you what he had held back for a while, of course, it wasn't completely intentional and he was prepared to take on your anger.
He stroked Bepo's fur thinking about the way you would most likely yell at him, scream, cry, or any other form of anger he would receive from you. He wanted to regret what he had done, but at the end of the day Law was still a pirate. Not even just a pirate he was Captain of a crew with twenty loyal crewmates, He was also very aware that by the end of wano he would have a bounty of three billion.
He couldn't feel completely remourseful for reading the manga and entering your world. As he ponders he realizes his best bet at not completely shattering the trust built between the two of you he would keep that last part to himself for a little longer.
He didn't do anything criminal when he visited your world, although you and anyone else would consider it an invasion of privacy due to him being in your home. He scoffed at himself, when has Trafalgar Law ever felt regret for gaining knowledge, and this was other worldly knowledge at that.
Your universe was up to date with Vega Punk's technology and brain, in all honesty he was overjoyed at the opportunity he had been given. His sorrowful thoughts were mainly because you were his friend and his newfound lover.
He knew you would question everything about your relationship with him and his crew but he was ready to fight for you. He was still going to get you home safe and sound and he was still in love with you.
You woke up to the smell of food, the crew was setting up the table and Bepo started shuffling beside you likely smelling the savory meal as well. You trudged your way to the table helping Shachi and Penguin with plates and napkins.
The room was lively as you all ate and laughed, you almost forgot what transpired earlier till you noticed Law was eeirly quiet next to you.
" You're quiet tonight, something happen?"
He shook his head not saying a word. You'd leave it alone, either he didn't want to talk about it or he was in the process of orchestrating a plan. You weren't going to press him for information, so you continued on enjoying your food and speaking to the rest of the crew.
When dinner was done you sat outside the base drinking in the clear sky filled with stars you weren't able to experience at home. Law joined you after a few minutes, neither of you knowing how to spark up a conversation. There was obvious unspoken tension from both sides, little did the both of you know it would be about the same situation.
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A/N: I like this one a lot ☺️! I was thinking of doing a one shot in the future and calling it Romance Dawn. It would basically be how I originally wanted this story to go and more. I hope everyone is enjoying the nice weather, toodles <3
🏷️: [ message me or leave a reply if you’d like to be tagged or if I missed you ] @herwritingartcowboy @axulaphie @toshirolovebot @futmblr @rhicambo @marim0cha @sasukeswife3 @mitskikinnie100 @alaurannara @angstylittleb1tch @chaichaiiskai
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anki-of-beleriand · 26 days
A Heart Made of Glass ch. 18
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Summary: Ten years ago you left Wanda and the Avengers to heal your broken heart. You never stopped being a hero, just as you never stopped being in love with her. But life had to go on.
Now, after all that time, she is back and with her is a young woman needing help and an enemy that may not be as afraid as Wanda to lay a claim on you.
Pairings: Wanda Maximoff x Powered!F!Reader - Scarlet Witch x PoweredF!Reader - Past Wanda Maximoff x Vision - CarolxF!Reader
Warnings: Angst, drama, mentions of cheating, fluff, violence, Switch!Reader, internalize homophobia, hurt, comfort, Wanda being a complete mess, anger management issues, jealousy, Requited/Unrequited love, idiots in love, swearing, mentions of alcohol. More tags as the story progess.
Author's Note: This story is a continuation of Dirty Little Secret I was really surprised at the response I got for the story. Thank you for the support.
Nothing ever eneds, I thank you guys for being with me to the very end of this story, I hope you like this last one!
Please, do remember English is no my mother tongue so forgive my grammar, spelling and funny mistakes.
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9 - Chapter 10 - Chapter 11 Chapter 12 - Chapter 13 - Chapter 14 - Chapter 15 - Chapter 16 - Chapter 17 - Epilogue
The first snow of the season broke into the sky without a warning.
America wrapped her coat tighter around her body, she glanced around the hall rolling her eyes when her ears finally caught the sound of bickering down the airport bridge. The hand grasping hers called her attention, and she soon watched the same exasperation in Kamala’s face when the both of them found Yelena and Kate bickering all the way out of the plane with the stewardess watching them with relief.
 “Why are the fighting now?” Kamala finally asked dragging America away, “let’s go before anyone here thinks we come with them.”
America chuckled following Kamala down the bridge and into the airport, it had been this way since they decided to make the trip and go to Ulsteinvik for the holidays. Not something Mrs. Khan was happy about, and she had made it quite clear that was expecting a facetime with her daughter as soon as they got home, of this America was to make sure would happen without any delay.
They soon found themselves in a busy airport glancing at the signals around, before going for their bags. It had been almost six months since America had been home, and more than eight years since she had started the Young Avengers team with Yelena.
The world was a better place, but it was always expectant of a new threat that might as well come from the space as well as a different dimension. In all this time, America had lost friends, and had made new ones, she had found loved and had been part of a family that no one thought would be possible in this time and universe.
Kamala ran excitedly after the bags, speaking fast about all the things she wanted to do and see. America had always wondered how someone could speak so fast but she had gotten used to her girlfriend being a chatter more so if she was about to see her two heroes. America smiled happily when Kamala finally realized she had been talking alone while looking for the bags.
“Seriously? You let me rant all on my own so people would look at me as if I’m crazy.”
“I think you’re adorable.” America replied, Kamala rolled her eyes grabbing her hand and dragging her to the rental cars section.
“You’re lucky you can convince me with your sweet talk. Come, I think I hear the bickering from Yelena and Kate down this way.”
It took them at least one hour to get everything ready and to find a car that would take them down the road to their destination.
America glanced out of the window, and as it happened whenever she made the trip, she started remembering that first time Wanda brought her to Norway. She remembered how scared she had been, how lost and angry she felt at that time, and then how she found herself in the midst of more negative emotions that had threatened to just consume everyone around her.
A lot of things had happened since that fateful day and now America couldn’t be happier with the outcome. After a little more than an hour America could see the lighthouse coming into view, her lips broke into a smile and her stomach filled with exited fluttering.
“Gee, I think we made it just on time,” Yelena said glancing out of the window, “it seems as if a storm is coming over.”
“Well, it is just that time of the year, I’m just dying to get home and have bath, I don’t think I have one since we left New York two days ago.”
Kate wrinkled her nose nodding in agreement with Yelena, America rolled her eyes glancing at Kamala before they finally got a sight of the gate leading to the main entrance. America straightened up smiling, the house finally came into view completely and she found the many changes into the property that had happened in the last couple of years.
The small kiddie park to the sight was right now protected with a waterproof tent that protected the full structure and there was a couple of bikes tightly protected into the garage. Yelena parked the car and as soon as America stepped a foot out of the car she was jumped by a bundle of blue that came at her at full speed.
“America!!!” Tommy grinned at her, her arms wrapping tightly around her waist with his hair completely messed up, wearing a light shirt and pants.
“Tommy!!” America grabbed the five-year-old in her arms and lifted him high, he started laughing.
Kamala softened at the sight coming closer only to see another brown-haired kid watching from the entrance of the garage with a frown and a blue jacket on his hand. America carried the kid to the garage, with Billy still scolding at his brother lifting the jacket.
“Tommy! Momma said not out without the jacket!” Tommy pulled out his tongue hugging America tightly.
“Is that all you’re gonna say, little dude?” America knelt down, Billy hesitated before stepping in and hugging America still glaring at his brothers disregard of the jacket.
“Hi.” He mumbled, America chuckled kissing his forehead and pulling him up in her arms.
“It’s so good to see you again, guys.” America entered the place with Kamala and the others following them inside.
America smiled when she finally stepped inside the place she had called home inside her mind and heart. Her nose soon filed with the sweet aroma of fresh cookies, everything inside the house had been decorated for the holidays with a mixture of colours and lights that made the place looked quite homey. Everything inside the house had changed, the pictures that now decorated the main hall and the living room reflected and spoke of the stories that could be told about those changes.
Kamala found herself fascinated by the place, she had been to America’s home only a couple of times but this would be the first time she would spend the holidays with her family. The young woman made her way to the closest cabinet, and her eyes fell upon a picture of Y/N and Wanda smiling into the camera. They both looked completely happy, smiling while showing off the hand wearing the ring in their hands; right beside that one there was a picture of them in the Young Avengers lair with America right after the young woman had graduated from college.
Every single picture was taken at a special moment, and it was a continuity of stories the family had gone through over the years. Kamala let her eyes fell upon the last picture, her smile deepened when she saw Wanda the twins with America and Y/N on each side of the bed smiling tiredly to the camera.
“America?” You came right around the corner with your phone on your hand, your face broke into a grin coming over to the young woman and sharing a hug with her. “Oh, it’s so good to see you!”
America hugged you back, and you felt how the tension from the last couple of days left her body. The twins were talking in fast Russian to Yelena who was kneeling to make sure she did not miss a single word while Kate watched the scene with a lopsided smile. You chuckled turning to the room, your eyes gleaming happily at all of them.
“You guys are earlier! I didn’t expect you until tomorrow.”
“Yes, well, this is my fault, Mrs. Y/L/N.” Kamala said turning around, she blushed under your stare. “I just thought we should come earlier than planned because the weather has been worsening in some parts.”
“Always the thoughtful one, right?” You came to the young woman hugging her as well. “It’s good to see you too, Kamala, how is your mom?”
“She is fine, just a little upset I will be gone for over a month.” Kamal shrugged. “She did tell me to tell you that she expects you will come by next time.”
You nodded knowing how Mrs. Khan could get with the subject of her daughter and the family in general. You went to Yelena pulling her up to hug her before kneeling and grabbing the twins.
“You guys, I’m so happy to see you, now some things first.” You declared calling everyone’s attention. “Wanda is asleep she hasn’t felt well lately, so I expect you to be on your best behavious, understood?”
This time around you looked at Billy then a Tommy, both of them nodded squirming around in your arms until you put them back on the floor.
“Yes, mom!”
“Now, guys, remember what we practice?” The twins nodded their heads, Billy went to grab the jacket stretching his hand towards his brother who made a face but put the jacket on.
“Now, help America, Yelena, Kamala and Kate get into their rooms.”
You stood up winking at the young women, “the twins will help you guys settle down, you know for as long as you guys are here this is your home.”
America came to you giving you another hug, the both of you waited until everyone had gone back to the car and leave the both of you alone. The young woman stepped back, her dark eyes finally analysing the state you were in observing the bags under your eyes and the weak twitch of your lips.
“Is everything okay?”
You sighed shaking your head, “not really, Wanda has not felt well and I am out of ideas.”
America could tell you were really worried about your wife, she placed a hand on your forearm looking around then back at you.
“Have you guys talked to the doctor?”
“Yeah, he made some test and it all comes down to the fact that…” You trailed off shrugging, “they think the way the baby is just like Tommy and Billy.”
“they have powers.”
“Yep, and it seemed whatever powers they had it was taking its toll on her.”
The first time around no one spoke of the complications of pregnancy, no one had prepared you and Wanda to face a pregnancy with a set of twins that had powers whose energy sometimes was too much for Wanda to deal off alone. While it had been difficult, America had never seen the level of concern she was seeing in you right now back when the twins were born. You offered a weak smile shaking your head.
“Don’t worry, go get settle and I will wake Wanda so you can say hi.”
“Nah, don’t worry, I will do so when she is up. Don’t wake her up.”
You chuckled shaking your head, “you really have grown a lot, uh?”
“Of course, now that we are here we can help with the twins.” America heard laughter and something crashing into the ground, she winced turning towards the door. “I better make sure they don’t break anything.”
You watched America leave, standing there for a few moments you then turned around and made your way back into your room.
The place was dark, with a single figure resting on her side breathing in and out evenly. Your face softened almost instantly and whatever tiredness or worry you had felt dissipated when your eyes fell upon the figure of your pregnant wife. When you and Wanda had first come together, you had always wondered if a pregnancy was really possible. You wondered how the miracle worked and if Wanda was ready to face the fact that, perhaps, whatever child that was conceived might not be the same twins she had imagined at some point.
The world, the universe decided to prove you and her wrong.
As soon as you two started worrying about if it was possible or not, the miracle worked itself out and soon Wanda had gotten pregnant. The young woman had been terrified and she had cried her eyes out to Natasha because the last thing she wanted it was for you to doubt what was happening. She was so afraid to tell you her latest mood swing and crazy cravings along with the morning sickness had been an unexpected pregnancy.
Natasha had tried to mediate, but Wanda was terrified, she had tried to gather everything she had done in between the time of conception and the moment she found out about it to ensure she had proof of her fidelity to you.
You approached the bed remembering the day Wanda had told you about the twins. She had cried and you had laughed, you knew it was bound to happen. The other Wanda had told you the story, and all you had been doing was to wait. Wanda had been so relief, she just hugged you tightly promising to you she did nothing wrong and that her babies were yours.
The sleeping form on the bed shifted, you knelt in front of her your hand brushing away some strands of hair.
“Hey, sleepyhead, how are you?” You leaned in kissing Wanda on her forehead, the young woman fluttered her eyes open with her lips curling slightly.
“Hey, what time is it?” She asked groggily, you leaned in kissing her slowly melting into the lips until Wanda was putting you to her.
“America and the others are home.” You mumbled in between kisses, Wanda sighed offering a wicked smile.
“So we have a moment for ourselves?”  She wiggled her eyebrows and you couldn’t help but laugh at that, instead of taking into the offer you rested beside her kissing her face and neck.
“Mostly, the twins are in charge of settling them in but that won’t take too long.”  
Wanda pouted snuggling closer to you, her stomach pushing against yours making it difficult for you to actually hug her properly.
“I love you.” She said suddenly, looking up at you, you furrowed your brow never growing tired of her words.
“I love you too.”
This time around the kiss was a reassuring touch of lips, a simple promise of comfort while Wanda held onto your form with need. You broke the kiss, placing your hand on her stomach the little life growing inside her stirred restlessly.
“How are you feeling, love?” You nuzzled your nose against hers, Wanda sighed offering a comforting glance.
“I’m okay, just tired.”
“Soon, my love, soon the baby will be here and I will be able to help you more.”
“You’re doing enough, Y/N, stop worrying so much.” Wanda could tell these complications had affected your greatly.
This pregnancy had turned out to be quite the ordeal, Wanda never thought this time around things would be even more difficult than the first time. The baby inside of her had been consuming a lot of energy, and the young woman could sense just how restless the baby could get at times but mostly whenever Y/N was fuzzing over completely concern or helpless to help in the situation.  Wanda had tried to ease out your worries, but it was just part of your personality and part of who you were , and for that Wanda loved you even more.
“I worried enough.” You kissed Wanda again, needing for this moment to be special, for her to feel your love through the kiss while making sure your child was also aware of your protective nature. “I worried for you and the baby enough, I don’t want anything bad happening to either of you.”
Wanda cupped your face pecking your lips smiling, “nothing is gonna happen, now help me up because I want to greet America, I really missed her.”
You turned around standing up to give space to your wife, Wanda hid away her winced when she felt a pain on her side. When you turned to her she had already hidden her expression before grabbing your hand, squeeing it lightly putting you to her.
“Thank you.”
You blinked confusedly, “why?”
Wanda leaned back and the smile she offered you as enough to melt your heart all over again.
“For this.” She placed your hand on her stomach, then grabbed your other hand in hers. “For Believing in me, in us, for giving me this second chance. I love you so much.”
You furrowed your brows blinking slowly, your arms wrapped around her placing a kiss on her cheek.
“Baby, are you sure you’re okay?” This sudden outburst of honestly and love was not strange to you, but sometimes hearing Wanda voiced it made you think perhaps something had triggered such a reaction.
Wanda shook her head, grabbed your hand and dragged you to the door of the room.
“I just…I never get tired of telling this.”
You had been successfully distracted, Wanda could see the smile in your face while she tried to hide the pain in her abdomen. Making sure she held onto you she, follow you into the living room ready to greet America and the others while trying to forget her discomfort an enjoy the holidays with her family.
In the next couple of days everyone seemed to fall into a light routine.
You loved having everyone at home, with Billy and Tommy growing up so fast and ready to use their powers, having some helped was always a welcome change. You and Wanda had been working around the baby’s room while making sure everyone was comfortable at home. Kamala and Kate had been ready to help you out while also loving the good share of stories you could share about either Yelena or America.
All in all, the holidays had become a real adventure and you couldn’t be happier to enjoy the time you spent with your family. In all that time, you had noticed Wanda had been quiet with just a few winces that she would brush off to continue spending time with America and the twins. You wished you could brush it off but the fact that Billy had been walking around her with that overprotective glint in his eyes told you there was something else going on.
You dropped on the sofa completely drained; the twins were on the TV room watching movies before getting ready to go to the city with America, Kamala, Kate and Yelena, while Wanda was taking a bath back in the room. You
“Honey! I’m home!!” Natasha entered the place looking around with her arms full of bags, she raised a brow looking around to see you sprawled on the sofa.
“Honey, I’m freaking tired.” You replied eyeing owlish at Natasha, the older woman snorted making her way to you dropping some of the bags on the sofa.
“So it seems. Where is everyone?” Natasha sat to your left, her hand playing with your hair while her eyes flashed concern. “You look sick.”
“Nah, I’m tired.” You replied sitting up while leaning against the older woman, Natasha was not completely sure about your words but for the time being she would let it slide.
“How was your flight?” You asked to Natsha who could only shrugged.
“It was okay, I was actually wondering if I would make it on time.”
In the last couple of years Natasha had been living in France, after he last mission and clear demands for her retirement she had made sure that no one, much less people from any government would find out where she had been leaving after getting off the grid.
“Good, I think you’re just on time, Wanda was getting ready just before we go to the Christmas market.” You straightened up nodding to the different bags now on your sofa. “Let me take you to your room, you can get ready because you are driving.”
“Oh, sure, put me through the torture of driving you and your wife while my sister and America deal with the twins.”
“You know that’s the only reason I invited you guys over, so someone can watch over them while I have my wicked way with my wife.”
You chuckled watching the face that Natasha was making at the moment, she picked up half of the bags while you helped with the other half.
“Please, keep those torrid details for yourself.” Natasha walked right behind you, her mind making a mental note to ensure you would actually have a good night sleep that day while watching over the twins.
“How’s Wanda? How far along is she?”
“She is fine, she just entered the eight month so she is huge and a little cranky about the whole thing,” You stopped death on your tracks turning to Natasha, “please don’t tell her I told you that.”
“Your secret is safe with me.”
You sighed in relief resuming your stroll, “I think she has been feeling some discomfort, but she is just to stubborn to say anything about it.”
“A discomfort?” This time around Natasha didn’t hide her worry, the last time had been difficult enough and this time around they had tried to make all the right arrangements to ensure the pregnancy was an easy one.
Tony had helped with that.
“Yeah, I don’t think is anything worth mentioning, but…” You hesitated, your mind was raising red flags, there was something bothering you about the whole situation but Wanda seemed to be fine. “I think the baby is taking up too much energy.”
“So, another powered kid?” Natasha snorted, though her eyes softened lightly. “Are you ready for another one?”
You chuckled shrugging, “obviously, I am not. But I’m just happy to welcome the baby into our lives, I love them already.”
Natasha smiled letting herself be told everything you had done ever since you and Wanda found out about the baby. She was happy to see she didn’t get it wrong the moment Wanda crossed the threshold of that very home to come and ask for help. Natasha had always known the hurt in your heart was deep, and that it would take years to heal, but at the end of the day, your loved for the other woman had been deep and pure enough to just work it out.
And now, after so many fights, so many heartbreaks and misunderstandings, happiness had come alongside peace for the both of you.
“Well, we’re leaving at four, so you ready to make the trip again? I wouldn’t mind if you stay…” You stated watching as Natasha yawned stretching around, the older woman winked at you.
“Don’t worry your little head, Y/N, I’m gonna take a bath and I will be there ready to leave.”
It had become a tradition after the twins had been born.
They had been too small to remember those first times, but Wanda and you always remembered that first time. They were but babies wearing heavy coats and completely covered to protect them from the cold, Wanda had been walking side by side with you, her hand intertwined with yours looking around the town to see the Christmas Market already decorated and filled with decorations appropriate for the holidays. Every year decorations changed, and the Christmas Tree that decorated the main square was usually filled with crazy decorations that brough the attention of the children and everyone in general.
You wrapped your arms around Wanda, the brunette leaned back against your hold her lips curling into a content smile while Billy and Tommy grabbed the hands of Kate and Kamala. Everyone was enjoying the church choir, their voices filling the square with the smell of food and winter.
“Are you happy?” You whispered in her ear, Wanda tilted her head in a way that she could see into your eyes.
Her body relaxed into your embrace with a softening and a gleam you had come to associate with the state she was in. You smiled at her, and soon Wanda was kissing you slowly, the softness of her lips against yours danced for a while until the both of you broke.
“I never thought I would be happy again.” She whispered only for you to hear; you furrowed your brows but your wife eased out your thoughts. “And then you came into my life again and gave me the most beautiful gift ever. So yes, I am happy, Y/N, you are my happiness.”
You nuzzled your face on her hair, your arms tightening protectively around her frame.
“You are my happiness as well, Little Witch.” You pecked her cheek turning your attention to the twins, Tommy was looking back at you two furrowing his brows before turning his attention back to the chorus. “You have given me the most amazing gift anyone can give a person, my family.”
“My wife, such a romantic…” Wanda turned back to the choir clenching her jaw tightly holding her breath for a moment before easing in your arms to try and hide her sudden pain.
While you and Wanda were sitting in the back, America turned to Tommy who was grasping her hand rather tightly. She frowned seeing as the little boy was clenching his eyes close with a stressful expression crossing his young features.
“Tommy, are you alright?”
Billy perked up at the question, he turned worriedly to his brother grabbing his hand frowning at the obvious discomfort coming from his brother.
“Tommy?” Yelena put a hand on Billy’s shoulder to stop him from shaking his brother, Tommy had tears in his eyes lifting his head to America.
The young woman could see the distress behind his brown eyes, his face was contorting into a rictus of pain and confusion.
“Billy…” America started but soon the young boy turned around sharply lifting his hand.
“Mommy!” He exclaimed letting go of America’s hand and running towards Wanda.
The four young women and Billy followed Tommy’s actions, Kamala was the first one to react placing a hand on her mouth her eyes wide open when she realized Wanda was almost on the ground with red mist surrounding her body.
“Shit, what the hell…” America stood up and ran towards them while Kate held onto Billy before he could run towards his mothers.
“Wait, Billy, let’s go slowly…” Kate held onto Billy who was not really struggling against her hold.
Some of the onlookers had also realized that something had happened, many had tried to put their phones out while Kamala lifted a single protective wall around the woman. She and Kate exchanged looks making their way to Wanda.
You should have known that Wanda was not doing okay.
She had erupted into a fit of shivers, before exuding some of her magic and then falling with a hand on her stomach. Natasha was holding her from one side while you were holding the other one; Tommy came right away kneeling in front of Wanda.
“Mommy…” You glanced at your son then at America nodding at her, the young woman grabbed Tommy holding him in her arms.
“Mommy…is fine, baby.” Wanda said through gritted teeth, Tommy shook his head.
“Mommy, the baby…” Tommy started, your eyes open wide in terror when Wanda let out a scream holding her abdomen and crying.
The burst of energy coming from her was almost burning you, Natasha winced almost letting go of Wanda while locking her stare with yours.
“We need to go to a hospital, Love,” You started, Wanda grabbed your hand looking paled.
“Mommy!” Tommy struggled against the hold of America, watching with tears as his mom screamed again.
“Damn, I don’t think we can’t move her…” You hesitated lifting your hand, your eyes locked onto your son’s ones. “Tommy, can you help me?”
America put the boy on the ground and he came right towards Wanda, you smiled at him though it came more like a grimace. Tommy didn’t dare to touch Wanda, so he turned to you with big eyes.
“Baby, how is the baby? You can feel them?”
Tommy nodded looking half terrified, half powerless.
“Tommy, is mommy too weak?” You asked again, the boy glanced at Wanda then at you shaking his head.
“Baby, I need you to be strong, you will be with your big sister and your aunty and you and Billy will reach us in the hospital, okay?”
Before Tommy could protest Wanda screamed again, you twitched your hand in the air and the shadows consumed you, Wanda and Natasha. Tommy hugged America tightly, his tears were falling freely getting America’s cheeks and neck wet.
“Mommy.” The little boy whispered, America hugged him tightly lifting him in her arms, she turned to see Billy was now holding onto Kate.
“What the hell happened?” Yelena was as confused as the rest, America leaned back trying to make Tommy lift his eyes.
“Tommy, you know what happened?” America asked softly, the group was already making their way to the car.
“Mommy was sick. The baby was not feeling good.” Tommy mumbled, “she wanted out.”
America stopped death on her tracks, she glanced down at the boy furrowing her brows.
“She?” As far as America knew, you and Wanda had decided to keep the sex of the bay a secret.
No one knew about it, and thus so far all the colours in the room had been neutral colours, or those each one of the family favour. Tommy was crying softly, nodding.
“She is scared, she wants out.”
“You mean, the baby?” America asked once more, Tommy nodded.
“Is mommy okay?” Billy asked, the four women looked at one another then the continued their walk to the car.
“Yes, Billy, she is going to be okay, and your little sister as well.” America tossed the keys to Yelena who wasted not time to go into the car and start the engine.
The hospital was quiet, America and the others came rushing in until one nurse put a finger on her lips glaring at them. America was about to fight, when a hand on her shoulder distracted her. She turned to the source to see Kamala offering a softening stare, America huffed nodding walking towards the reception.
“Hello, good night,” she started in her most diplomatic tone, “I was looking for someone.”
“Of course, tell me…”
“America!” Natasha was coming right in, her pants had some blood on it and the older woman was looking tired.
“Natasha, what happened?”
“Where is Wanda?
“Where is Y/N?”
Natasha lifted a hand, she glanced at the receptionist then back at the women and the twins, she cocked her head signalling a waiting room at the other side of the hall.
Tommy and Billy were holding onto America and Kate respectively, America was comforting the boy in her arms while looking at Natasha waiting for her explanations.
“They are fine, right now they are in surgery.” Natasha explained, she lifted a calming hand to the sudden outburst of inquiries. “Wanda has been feeling the discomfort for quite some time, she didn’t say anything so Y/N or anyone would get scared and Christmas would be ruined.”
“That’s stupid! We wouldn’t care if the baby decides to come first! She could have told us and save us this heart attack.” Yelena crossed her arms looking away. “This is so stupid.”
Natasha let her hand rested on Yelena’s forearm, the young Widow huffed though she leaned closer to the touch. Tommy and Billy were holding hands, the came closer with their eyes filled with tears and their little faces showing the emotions going through them. There was a palpable tension in each and every single person in the hall, the sound of people coming in and out of the hospital alongside the voices of the staff were soon forgotten in favour to Natasha holding the twins.
Kamala grabbed America’s hand leaning against her frame, while Kate hooked her arm with Yelena’s one. The stood there for a moment, America berating herself for not being more attentive and letting those little discomforts pass instead of raised the alarm with Y/N and Natasha and Yelena.
“Is mommy okay?” Billy asked in a thin voice, he cuddled closer to Natasha who nodded briefly.
“Yes, Billy, she is fine.”
“Is her tummy hurting?” Tommy mumbled wiggling the fingers of his hand, “mummy was sad and her tummy was making pum pum pum and not bum bum bum like always.”
Natasha creased her brows at the explanation, she knew Tommy was the sensitive one and he was the one showing magical abilities that would be similar to those of Wanda. You had told her several stories in which the boy would be the first one to know exactly how others feel, and he was always ready to help. He had been the first one to sense something different in Wanda, and was always overprotective of his mother as soon as he found out he was going to be a big brother.
“Tommy, did you see something different about mommy?” Natasha finally asked leaning back, the little boy crossed stares with Billy before nodding.
“Mummy is always shinning,” here Tommy stretched his arms with big, brown eyes, “and she is warm, but…”
“She is gloomy and cold.” Billy ended having heard his brothers theory.
“Is mummy sick because of me?” Tommy’s eyes filled with tears, “I try to be good big brother, auntie Tasha, I swear.”
“Oh, baby no, you’re not to blame.” This time around Natasha hugged the twins tightly. “Mummy is just pregnant and these things can happen to anyone, you did so well protect mummy with Billy.”
“That’s right, Little dude, it’s just that your sibling wants to be born now, it is nothing else.” This time around it was Kate the one saying this, she knelt placing her hand on Tommy’s back.
“You guys are amazing, and right now that baby is going to be the luckiest one having such brave big brothers like the both of you.” Yelena continued placing her hand on Billy’s head.
The twins seemed to calm down under these words, both of them holding onto Kate and Yelena who decided to take them for a little walk to the hospital cafeteria. Natasha waited until they were far away before turning to America, the young woman had the same concern stare as the twins thought she was tyring to hide it behind a façade of faux bravery.
“How are they, really?”
Natasha sighed pointing to the closest chairs leading America and Kamala there.
“Wanda was in pain, her blood pressure dropped and by the time the doctor could do a quick checkup he decided the best option was for a c-section.”
“How is Y/N? Can we see them? What about the baby?” America was bouncing on the chair, her left leg was raising rapidly as she tapped the ground with her heel.
Kamala placed a soothing hand on her leg, leaning closer with her eyes on Natasha. America leaned into the touch dropping her eyes while taking a deep breath, Natasha saw as the young woman started taking deep breaths glancing at Kamala while offering a weak smile.
“Wanda is in surgery right now, they allowed Y/N to be there.” Natasha leaned back, she took a deep breath placing a hand on her eyes. “The doctor said this is normal, and that up until two weeks ago everything was just fine with the pregnancy, I guess having a powered child is really far too much sometimes.”
“Is she gonna be okay? What about the baby?” This time it was Kamala the one asking the questions, Natasha dropped her hand turning green eyes to the young woman.
“They are going to be fine, but we will have to wait.”
 It was past midnight by the time you finally could sit down on the hospital chair.
Your arms were holding the small frame of your daughter, a beautiful baby girl that was fast asleep with a crunched-up nose and closed fists. You held the baby closer to your chest, tears in your eyes while Wanda slept; you had never be so scared before that moment. The fact that Wanda had hidden her pain, and then the news that the surgery could be a dangerous ordeal and probably stressful for both, the baby and Wanda, left you powerless to do anything at all.
It had taken less than a couple of hours for you to almost lose your baby and your wife.
Your heart shrank painfully inside your chest, the heavy void that settled in your abdomen was still tingling inside your body.
“You gave us quite the scare, baby girl.” You whispered poking the kid on her nose, softening the moment she wriggled her nose but kept sleeping in your arms.
There was a knock on the door, but before you could say anything at all the door opened and you could see your friends and family coming on. Your eyes lit up watching as Billy and Tommy came to you rubbing their eyes, their steps were tentative and their eyes were searching around until they found the bundle in your arms.
“Where’s mummy?” Tommy asked in a groggy voice, you glanced at Natasha then at Tommy and Billy.
“Mummy is still with the doctor, baby.” You leaned forward nodding to the twins. “You guys wanna meet your baby sister?”
The boys nodded eagerly coming closer to you, both of them leaned forward being careful in their movements. Their eyes went big, and soon their mouths drew a smile while glancing at you and the baby.
“She is too small!” Billy said with his hand twitching at his side.
“She is.”
“What’s her name?” Tommy asked cocking his head.
“Well, baby, since mummy and I didn’t want to name the baby until they were born, we haven’t decided.” You winced sheepishly lifting your face to the adults in the room. “I guess she would be Baby Girl Maximoff until I can talk to Wanda.”
America approached you, her eyes showing not only how tired she felt but the tears she had shared moments ago with Natasha under the stress of the night. You nodded at her lifting your arms, in a silent offer for the young woman to carry the baby. America didn’t waste any time running to another chair and getting ready to hold the baby.
“You guys didn’t choose a name? Really?” Yelena finally asked watching from afar, while she loved the twins and she had helped raised them, when they had been born she had been the last one to pick them up. They had been so small she was afraid of hurting them.
“Well, we did think about it, we just…” You trailed off letting out a heavy sigh, your hand went to the back of your head scratching softly. “I want to do it with Wanda.”
Natasha gave you a hug, whispering in your ear.
“How is she?”
“She was not doing fine, they took her to the ICU for observation. The baby, she was so healthy and so full of energy…” You hugged. “The doctor thinks is because of her particularity, we still haven’t figure it out and he said if we want he could sent some samples to Stark Industries for further investigation…”
“You want them to dig into it?” Natsha inquired but you shook your head.
“I know my babies are special, Tasha, not because of their powers but because they are ours.” You replied looking while the four women all dotted on the baby talking with Billy and Tommy while making fun of America and Yelena’s childish behaviour.
“I guess at some point we will need to find out if it is too much, but for now everything is just as it should have been…Wanda was just spending too much with the baby and since she didn’t say anything…”
“I know.” Natasha hesitated before grabbing your hand. “You can go, I watch over them and the baby.”
Your face broke into a grateful smile, you leaned in kissing Natsha on her cheek.
“Thank you.”
With one last glance to the baby and the twins, you turned around and left to make your way to the ICU.
This was the quietest place in the hospital.
There were cubicles big enough to hold a bed with the multiple machines necessary to keep a person alive. It smelt strongly to antiseptic mixed with blood, the nurse station was lone but you didn’t need anyone giving you directions, you knew exactly where you wanted to go.
Wanda was paled, with bags under her eyes and her hair sprawl on the pillow. She was fast asleep, tired after the ordeal he had suffered early in the evening. You approached the bed, your heart ripping away at the sight; when your hand grabbed hers your blood turned cold. She was freezing.
With fear gripping up your throat, you leaned in placing a kiss on your wife’s forehead.
“Hey, Little Witch, how are you doing?” You held back your sobs, brushing your lips on her forehead. “You were so brave today, love. Our baby girl is so strong, she is with our family and her big brothers right now. We all are waiting for you.”
You lifted her hand to your lips, placing a single kiss on her knuckles you rubbed the single hand in yours trying to share some of your body warmth through the massages. You wished there was something else you could do, that there was something else you could say but at the moment you were just lost.
Never before did you imagine you would see Wanda like this. Bringing over a chair to be as close to Wanda as you could, you placed another kiss on her hand smiling through your tears you started talking to your wife making sure she knew you were waiting for her.
Wanda felt her body stirred painfully.
She knew she should be worried about, though she was not completely sure what it was.
She opened her mouth trying to grasp the air while her eyes were struggling to be opened. There was something holding her hand, it was warm and comforting, she stirred once more and with some effort made herself open her eyes.
“Ugh…” She let out a moan closing her eyes before blinking away the blinding light of the lights above her head.
Wanda knew that voice, without thinking too much she opened her eyes and sure enough they you were. Whatever fear or uncertainty she felt moments ago, it disappeared as soon as she registered your voice and saw your frame through blurry glances.
“Y/N…” Her voice sounded rough, unused, and her heart jumped wildly in her chest when you placed a single kiss on her lips.
“My Little Witch, you’re awake.” There was some commotion she could catch with her ears, she wanted to talk and ask what had happened, but the drowsiness was overwhelming and soon she was falling into a pit of darkness.
The second time she woke up, the light of the day was filtering through the blinds. She opened her eyes slowly, first making sure she would not hurt herself or that her body was actually hers and no more side effects of a drug were affecting her senses. Once she had made herself conscious of her body, she went to remember what had happened.
Like a jolt of electricity her hand went to her abdomen and she went to sit up right away.
A pair of hands on her shoulders stopped her from doing a brusque movement, and it wasn’t until then that she saw your face bringing over a peacefulness she only allowed around you.
“Y/N.” This time around the name came dry, but it was clear.
“Hey, Little Witch.” You stood up bringing over a glass of water with a straw. “Here you can drink just a little to wet your mouth and throat.”
Wanda did that, her eyes moving frantically around the room.
“Y/N, the baby…”
She gauged your expression, and while there was sadness there Wanda could tell you were just relief. You grabbed her hand putting some strands of hair out of the way, leaning in to place a single kiss on her forehead.
“The baby is fine, America and the others are watching over her.”
“Her?” Wanda asked confusedly, you nodded and this time around you couldn’t hide your smile.
“We have a baby girl, my love.”
Wanda sighed in relief, she lifted her head and you understood her need right away. When your lips closed around hers your heart soared with relief and love for the woman you thought you had lost. You kissed Wanda with the emotions that had overwhelmed you in the last couple of days.
“What happened? Are you okay? The Twins?”
“Hey, it’s okay, I will tell you everything and it is going to be fine,” you stated raining kisses all over Wanda’s face, “you don’t know just how much I love you, and how happy you make me every day, Wanda.”
“Y/N, what is it? What happened?” This time around Wanda couldn’t hide the concern in her voice, your actions were making her worried but you just kept placing kisses on her while grabbing her hand in yours.
“Just…give me a moment, please? I need to know you are okay, that you are here.”
“I am here, love, I always will be.”
You smiled before wrapping your arms around Wanda allowing the tears to fall, the fears that had consumed you in the last couple of days finally dissipating under the embrace of your wife.
New Years Eve came with a light snow, and the glimpses of a cold wintery sun above the sky.
Wanda sat by the window of the baby’s room.
She was sitting on the nursery glider feeding the baby while everyone got ready to welcome the new year. The last couple of days had been a total rush, with everything happening in the blink of an eye without giving time to anyone to process the events. Wanda had woken up in the hospital after being unconscious for a week, the doctor had been monitoring her case and they had made sure she had everything she needed it to improve her condition but, at the end of the day, everything seemed to be up to her to get along with the recovery.
When she finally woke up, she found herself scared for her baby and her family. He could see the devastating effect the situation had on you, the lack of sleep and the deep pain this caused in you was still visible from time to time in your eyes. It had taken some time, bit after a full check-up and two days under medical observation, Wanda was free to go home.
Christmas had already come and gone, and now she was just waiting to start a new chapter in her life with you and her family. Wanda softened her stare when her eyes fell upon the form of her baby girl. She had been a miracle child; a part of Wanda had already sensed just the power residing inside her. It was all consuming at first until it was finally getting into tune with Wanda’s powers and energy. A part of her had always brushed it off mainly because she thought it was supposed to be that way, but after the scared all of them suffered she realized she should have said something about it.
“You’re gonna be a troublemaker, I can see it now.” Wanda whispered poking the baby’s nose lightly, the little girl opened her eyes watching her with innocence before snuggling closer to her mother.
“I surely hope no, I can already see the kind of trouble she will bring when she starts dating.” You were leaning on the wall watching Wanda in silence, the young woman smiled at you.
“Are you thinking about that already? She is just a child!” Wanda giggled when you approached her, your lips had always been a source of comfort and tenderness, your kisses made her heart tingled and her soul soared with love.
“Our child.” You whispered without breaking the kiss, Wanda sighed leaning against you holding the baby tightly. “How are you?”
Wanda could tell the traces of concern shinning in your eyes, she lifted her hand to cup your cheek offering the most tender smile she could muster you with.
“I’m amazing, love, thank you for always worrying about me.”
You mirrored her smile placing a hand on top of hers, “I don’t know what I would do if you were not in my life, Wanda. After we found one another again, you and the children became my everything.”
“I know, love. You are my everything, you and our family.” Wanda lowered her gaze where the baby was fast asleep. “Elizabeth.”
“Uh?” You furrowed your brows turning to Wanda.
“Elizabeth.” She repeated glancing from you to the baby. “A couple of months ago you started talking about baby names, and this one got you so excited at that time.”
“It has a lot of history, you know?” You replied rather shyly, Wanda chuckled nodding. “It is a beautiful name, I just…you meant it?”
“Yeah, you like it?”
You blinked a couple of times before answering, “welcome to the family, Elizabeth Maximoff.”
The baby was still fast asleep, but Wanda felt her heart melting under your words. She could feel your love pouring right out to her and the baby, your lips bringing comfort before you lifted Elizabeth in your arms placing her on her crib. A flash of doubt passed through Wanda’s eyes, but you grabbed her hand putting her to you, your left hand on her hip and the right hand holding her left hand.
“She is going to be okay, I will watch over her with my shadows and we can go and see what you sons have been working on in the last couple of days.”
“Oh, God, Tommy and Billy,” Wanda exclaimed ready to leave but stopped when you held her back offering a comforting smile. “I forgot about them! I don’t think…”
“They are big brothers now, Little Witch, they understand what you have been doing lately.” You nuzzled your nose against hers. “We all understand. They are going to be out there waiting for you.”
Wanda slowed down her breathing closing her eyes while melting away in your arms.
“I don’t know what I did right to be back in your life, but I just…” Wanda had tears in her eyes, you chuckled kissing her eyes softly.
“A part of me knew you were my happiness, Wands. It took time, and heartbreak but…we are here, together.”
“Do you regret it?” Wanda asked out of the blue, you blinked a couple of times before shaking your head.
“I don’t regret a single thing in our past, Wands.” Wanda furrowed her brow ready to argue but you put a single finger on her lips. “I don’t. Whatever happened, however it happened, it brought us to where we are today, if it hadn’t been because of this you and I would have never found our paths again and would have never understood the importance of being who we are, of always being honest…of never give up.”
Wanda didn’t mean for the tears to start rolling down her cheeks, but it happened. You cupped her face in your hands, your eyes completely locked with hers.
“We got together at the right time, and we came back to each other when we were meant to. Now, we have a family, and a life full of love and adventures, a life away from the dangers of the world.”
“I thought you missed it, that perhaps…” Wanda sobbed hugging you tightly. “I love you.”
You chuckled hugging her back, your arms wrapping comfortingly around her. You knew about her fears, she had told you everything about them in her moments of weakness. You were always there listening to her and comforting her making sure she knew she deserved to be happy and that, whatever bad had happened in the past, shouldn’t be replicated it in her future.
“I love you too, Wanda. With all my heart. You and my family are all that matters to me now.”
“You are the very beat of my heart, Y/N. Thank you for giving me my family, thank you for being my family.”
You kissed her with all the love you held for her. Your lips moulding with hers, your hands mapping her form while putting her closer to your body; Wanda smiled into the kiss her arms wrapping tenderly around your shoulders. You pressed your forehead against hers, her eyes gleaming contentedly as they looked into yours.
“Are you planning on the fourth child, Mrs. Maximoff?” You asked earning a light-hearted laugh from Wanda, the woman winked at you breaking the contact while grabbing your hand and dragging you towards the door.
“Perhaps, are you ready for another one?” She asked coyly, you chuckled shaking your head.
“Oh, I am, though I was thinking we could…you know? Have some fun first.”
“Patience, my love, patience always pays, right?”
You grinned nodding, “it always does.”
Author's Note: So, this is the end.
This story was everything to me, and it happened in a moment of my life in which I have to live a lot of things. I grew so much, and I really love the final turn it took. I hope you guys like it as much as I love writing it, and I will see you in the next adventure!
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bluejaysandblackbats · 8 months
Fic Masterpost
UPDATED: 13 August 2024 8: 41 p.m.
(Organized by: Title, Chapters Posted, Chapters Written, And Progress/Completion)
11.3k km (1 chapter posted; 3 written; In progress) batfam
Almost There (3 chapters posted; 3 written; In progress) flashfam
Ango (Dwelling in Peace) (4 chapters posted; 4 written; In progress) arrowfam
An Oyster's Pearl (14 chapters posted; 14 written; In progress)
A Stone's Throw (2 chapters posted; 3 written; In progress) batfam
A Yellow Ribbon (12 chapters posted; 12 written; In progress) flashfam/superfam/yj98
blood on your altar (4 chapters posted; 4 written; In progress) arrowfam/titans/aquafam
Bloody Valentines (10 chapters posted; 11 written; In progress) batfam/titans/titans west/gl corps/flashfam/losh/new gods/shadowpact/superfam
Blue Ribbon Birdie (Oneshot; Completed) batfam
Bruised Figure (6 chapters posted; 6 written; In progress) batfam
Catch and Release (18 chapters posted; 18 written; In progress) batfam
Central City Lemonade Stand (3 chapters posted; 3 written; In progress) flashfam
Daily Planet Classifieds (12 chapters posted; 12 written; In progress) superfam/yj 98/titans
Eyes and Ears (44 chapters posted; 44 written; In progress) batfam
Five Little Ducks (13 chapters posted; 13 written; Complete) batfam
Five Stages of Mamma Mia (20 chapters posted; 20 written; In progress) batfam
Frozen in Time (2 chapters posted; 2 written; In progress) jli/gl corps
Hair Trigger (24 chapters posted; 25 written; In progress) batfam
Harvest Moon (3 chapters posted; 3 written; In progress) flashfam
Heels Over Head (1 chapter posted; 1 written; In progress) flashfam
Honor in Crisis (9 chapters posted; 9 written; In progress) batfam/titans/ntt/jli/gl corps/arrowfam
Human Cannery Co. (2 chapters posted; 2 written; In progress) yj98/superfam/flashfam
If There's Nothing Missing In My Life... (16 chapters posted; 16 written; In progress) superfam
In The Soup (10 chapters posted; 10 written; In progress) batfam/superfam
into the silent land (9 chapters posted; 9 written; In progress) batfam
It Takes A Village (11 chapters posted; 11 written; In progress) yj98/flashfam
Kitten Heel (7 chapters posted; 7 written; In progress) arrowfam/titans
Library of Ashes (6 chapters posted; 6 written; In progress) batfam
Lily of the Valley (30 chapters posted; 31 written; In progress) batfam
Lost Boys (16 chapters posted; 16 written; In progress) batfam/superfam/titans
Midnight Swan (5 chapters posted; 5 written; In progress) batfam
Moon Rocks (10 chapters posted; 10 written; In progress) batfam
Ocean View (10 chapters posted; 12 written; In progress) superfam/batfam
One in the Chamber (1 chapter posted; 2 written; In progress) batfam
Oracle of Jersey (2 chapters posted; 2 written; In progress) bop/batfam
Phantom Grin (18 chapters posted; 18 written; In progress) batfam
silence of your song (2 chapters posted; 2 written; In progress) flashfam
Space Oddity (9 chapters posted; 9 written; In progress) titans (fab five)/aquafam
Sweet Honey Bee (3 chapters posted; 3 written; In progress) flashfam
Tangerines (1 chapter posted; 1 written; In progress) batfam/yj98
The Brother Trap (16 chapters posted; 16 written; In progress) flashfam
The Flames That Burn The Brightest (3 chapters posted; 3 written; In progress) titans/arrowfam
The Juice Box Jubilee (3 chapters posted; 3 written; In progress) batfam/yj98/titans
The Kinker's Stowaway (1 chapter posted; 1 written; In progress) batfam
The Spin Out (6 chapters posted; 6 written; In progress) batfam
The Stowaway (1 chapter posted; 1 written; In progress) flashfam
Thicker Than Blood (0 chapters posted; 1 written; In progress) arrowfam
Titans Academy (8 chapters posted; 8 written; In progress) titans/arrowfam
To Touch Fate (26 chapters posted; 26 written; In progress) batfam/batman beyond
Traveler's Guide to Yesterday (1 chapter posted; 1 written; In progress) flashfam (rogue's gallery)
Where There's Smoke (1 chapter posted; 1 written; In progress) jsa/flashfam
Wild Eyes (3 chapters posted; 3 written; In progress) batfam/batfam (rogue's gallery)
Views From the Mountain (2 chapters posted; 2 written; In progress) flashfam/titans (fab five)
You're Just Like Quicksand (14 chapters posted; 15 written; In progress) batfam/batman beyond
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Maybe in Another Life |4|
Pairing: Clarisse La Rue x Hunter of Artemis!Reader
Summary: You are a Hunter of Artemis, but you start to question what you truly want when you meet Clarisse and get to know her.
Warnings: Slight Titans Curse Spoilers
Word Count: 2.6k+
Main Masterlist | Series Masterlist
ch. 1 | ch. 2 | ch. 3 | ch. 4 | ch. 5 | ch. 6 | ch. 7 | ch. 8 | ch. 9 | ch. 10 | ch. 11 | ch. 12 | ch. 13 | ch. 14 | ch. 15 | ch. 16 | ch. 17
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“Just let me come,” you whisper yelled at Zoe. The sun had just started to come up and though all the Hunters were awake, the rest of the camp wasn’t.
“No,” Zoe whispered back harshly. “We went over this. You are needed here; you are in charge when Artemis and I aren’t around.”
“That was before Phoebe got sick,” you pointed to the bed where the other Hunters were taking care of Phoebe. The shirt the campers had gifted her had been laced with something making her sick and it was going to take to long for her to recover, the others needed to leave for the quest now.
“This doesn’t change anything. We’ll just do it with four.”
“The quest demands five.” You crossed your arms, daring Zoe to argue with you. The prophecy said five and though prophecies could be miss leading the one thing they tended to get right was the number of people involved. Trying to defy a prophecy tended to not work out.
“I need you here and I’m not taking anyone else. Now, we have to go.” Zoe nodded at Bianca who quickly grabbed her bag and went out the door to wait.
“My decision is final,” Zoe snapped. “Am I clear?” she stepped closer, looking up at you. You were taller, you were older, but that didn’t change the fact that Zoe was in charge.
“Understood,” you said.
With that Zoe swung her bag over her shoulder and marched out the door. You unclenched your jaw and slowly breathed out through your nose before following after her. You might not have been allowed to go on the quest but that didn’t mean you weren’t still going to see them off like you always did. You were silently hoping the dread you had been feeling ever since Artemis left on her mission was you just being paranoid and now with Zoe you wanted to write it off as being petty about not being able to go on the quest yourself.
As a daughter of Nike you desired victory, almost above all else, it was an issue many times. You had gotten better since joining the Hunters and Artemis helped show you victory wasn’t everything, though you still desired to win and be on top at the end of the day. Winning wasn’t the only thing being a child of Nike gave you though, you also could usually judge who would come out victorious in certain situations.
Whether it be watching a game, a sparing session, or watching two sides fight a war, Nike was always there. Nike could sense which side would come out on top. It’s one of the reasons, while Nike was seen with both Ares and Athena, she was usually more connected with being at Athena’s side. Ares loved a good fight and though he enjoyed winning, he didn’t really care one way or another, as long as the fight was good. Athena, however, was all about strategy and that usually led to her victory. Nike chose whose side to be at based on who was more likely guaranteed victory, she could sense it.
With this quest, a feeling had brewed inside you and had since stayed there. If you were to focus on it, you would find that you were sure that the quest would be a success. You could sense that the group would be victorious in their mission. However, you knew the victory, like most victories in time of war, would come at a great cost. Winning was usually everything, but there was something tugging at the back of your mind telling you that this time, despite the victory that loomed ahead, you’d rather take the lost, for you did not want to pay the price of this victory.
You followed Zoe and Bianca up to the entrance of Camp Half-Blood, seeing Thalia standing next to the tree she once was. “Reminiscing about old times?” you snarked unable to help yourself.
Thalia turned, taking her hand away from the tree it had been resting on. She only offered a glare before dismissing you and solely looking at Zoe. “Are we ready?” she asked, her arms crossed.
“Yes,” Zoe answered.
Zoe turned to you, ready to say something, but you were looking around at the group before you. “Aren’t you missing-”
“I’m here!” Grover yelled, running up to all of you as he struggled getting his bag over his shoulder. “I’m here,” he said again. He rested his hands on his hips as he began taking deep breaths after running all the way from wherever he had come from.
Zoe looked down at the wheezing satyr. You were starting to think maybe you were lucky for not going on the quest. “Let’s move,” Zoe said, turning on her heel and already marching off without the others.
“Zoe!” you called out. She turned, looking up at you from where she stood on the hill. You stared at her, trying to find the words you wanted to say. You ended up not needing to say anything, Zoe already knowing what you wanted to say gave you a nod.
You stood at the top of the hill, watching them set off until they disappeared from your line of sight once they hit the woods. You let out a sigh before turning and making your way back down the hill into camp. You didn’t bother going back to the cabin, you already knew you wouldn’t be any help to Phoebe so you might as well stay out of the way. Besides, you needed a distraction, your mind was already spiraling with what could potentially happen on the quest, what might happen to Zoe, and what Artemis must be going through.
You made your way to the training area, picking out a dummy on the far end. You unsheathed your sword and swung, nailing the dummy in the neck. You dealt blow after blow onto the poor training dummy, the wood was beginning to splinter.
“So, they left for the quest,” a voice interrupted your training dummy demolishing. You spun around, slashing the blade down onto the dummy’s neck causing a crack to echo throughout the still sleeping camp. With your sword still in hand you turned to see Percy standing there. He had wide eyes as he looked behind you at the nearly decapitated dummy. “Chiron won’t be happy.”
You rolled your eyes, the last thing you cared about was what Chiron thought. “It’s a training dummy, it’s literally what it’s meant for.” Percy didn’t say anything, he just stood there shifting from one foot to another. “What are you doing here? It’s barely morning.” You gestured around to the still dark sky; the sun was just beginning to peak up over the horizon.
“Look, I get you’re a Hunter,” he said defensively, waving his hands around, “and you hate all men.” You rested the hand still holding the sword on your hip as you raised an eyebrow at him. “But, you don’t even know me! We’ve never even had a real conversation. I don’t think it’s fair to judge me based on-”
“Have you ever considered,” you interrupted him. “That I don’t hate all men and me not liking you, is solely to do with you?”
Percy opened and closed his mouth a few times before settling on a frown. He looked up at you with wide eyes as he pouted. You rolled your eyes; it wasn’t like you were going to take it back or apologize. Percy was a tad annoying when you first met him and then the other day, he had the audacity to question your shooting skills, he might as well be an enemy for life after that.
“Not everyone likes you,” another voice interrupted the two of you. You looked up while Percy whipped around, nearly tripping over his own feet. “You should be used to that by now,” Clarisse looked Percy up and down as she approached you.
You looked at Percy as he just stood there staring at Clarisse, pouting. You raised an eyebrow wondering if he would get the hint, but you got the impression he was rather oblivious. Clarisse crossed her arms and continued to glare at him. “Why are you still here?” she snapped, causing Percy to jump from the sudden outburst. “Bye!” she gestured away with her hand which Percy took as his cue and ran off back towards the cabins.
It was still dark, the sun taking its time to rise. Percy never managed to answer you as to why he was wandering around so early. You didn’t really care; you wouldn’t be surprised if Percy had been intending to sneak off. He was bummed, he couldn’t go on the quest and the only thing on his mind seemed to be rescuing his friend.
Clarisse glanced over your shoulder at your mostly decapitated dummy. “Not bad,” she shrugged. “But a training dummy isn’t exactly a moving target.”
“Is that a challenge?” you questioned, your eyes lighting up with excitement. A fun and intense sparring session is exactly the kind of thing that could get you to stop thinking about Zoe and the quest.
She cocked her head to the side with a smirk. “Think you can keep up? This isn’t going to be some fun little,” she wiggled her hand, “bow and arrow trick.”
You chuckled, knowing she had no idea what she was getting herself into. “I thought you would have learned your lesson during capture the flag, guess not,” you sighed. “I’ll even give you an advantage,” you smirked. “You can choose the weapons.”
Clarisse clenched her jaw; you wouldn’t be surprised if she was grinding her teeth. You awaited her response with a smirk. “Swords,” she finally said through gritted teeth.
You silently laughed. “Okay.” You gestured for her to lead the way and you followed behind her. You were surprised she didn’t argue with you about you kicking her ass the day before. You were going to take it as her knowing you were right.
When you got to the sparring ring Clarisse walked to one side while you walked to the other. You watched as she pulled out her sword, examining it and twirling around in her hand. You looked down at your own sword, extending your arm as you played with the balance until Clarisse was ready. You turned to check on her to see she was turning to face you. You both stood across from each other at opposite ends before you each took a step into the ring at the same time.
You and Clarisse circled each other in the sparring ring. You twirled the sword in your hand as you watched her movements carefully. Just because it was sparring didn’t mean you’d let her win. A bow and arrow might have been the preferred weapon of Artemis and her Hunters but all of you were skilled in a variety of weapons. You might not have remembered much about your time before you became a Hunter, but you did remember the first weapon you ever picked up, the first weapon you ever killed a monster with was a sword. The bow and arrow was an extension of yourself now, a second arm, but picking up a sword was like greeting an old friend.
Your sword was one of the only things you carried from mortal life to your immortal one. You left everything behind, only taking the sword you now currently held in your hands. The sword was a relatively simple thing, well simple compared to something like Percy’s, yours didn’t turn into a pen at your convenience or reappear in your pocket no matter where you seemingly lost it. The blade was celestial bronze, like most demigod weapons, the hilt was steel, with a golden laurel wreath on each side of the pommel. You had it specially made from a blacksmith or maybe it was a child of Hephaestus, you couldn’t really remember, it had been a thousand years after all. Whoever forged it, you had them place laurel wreaths to represent your mother, to represent your impending victory.
You knew you wouldn’t have to wait long, children of Ares were impatient, as well as cocky and arrogant. Clarisse would make her first move and that would set your eventual victory into motion. As if on cue Clarisse swung her sword, you smirked as you brought your sword up, your blade meeting hers in a loud clash. You gripped your sword tightly before pushing back, forcing Clarisse to step back. She glared at you before making her next move.
Clarisse swung, you blocked. She swung at you, you blocked again. The two of you fell into a dance of slashing and blocking each other. You eventually gave in, swinging at her occasionally, you didn’t always play the defensive. You knew Clarisse was good in a fight, she had a powerful swing, but you were curious if she was just as good at defending herself. Being good in a fight was meaningless if you couldn’t protect yourself. You could be the best fighter in the world, but it didn’t matter if you couldn’t block a simple attack.
“How long have you guys been out here?” a feminine voice asked.
You and Clarisse just clashed swords, holding them against each other as both of you turned to see Silena approaching you. You and Clarisse each released your hold and turned to fully greet Silena. You and her had apparently been at it for a while, the sun had fully risen and there were other campers beginning to walk about around camp. You glanced at Clarisse to see she seemed just as shocked, neither of you had been aware of the passing time, the two of you were so engaged in your sparring match.
“It’s time for breakfast,” Silena said. “And you have to eat something,” she pointed an accusatory finger at Clarisse.
Clarisse rolled her eyes but nodded, nonetheless. She had her sword resting at her side as she tried to catch her breath. You didn’t realize how exhausted you were until the two of you stopped. You looked over at the daughter of Ares then down at yourself seeing that both of you were dripping in sweat.
“Uh oh, someone’s in trouble with the girlfriend,” you joked, not able to help but take another shot at her.
Clarisse flicked a glare at you. “She’s not my girlfriend.”
“You too!” Silena moved her accusatory finger towards you. “Breakfast important! And she is not my girlfriend,” she looked at Clarisse as if the idea of dating the girl horrified her.
“Yeah, cause she’s to busy being in love with Beckendorf,” Clarisse teased, smirking at her friend’s reddening face.
“I told you that in confidence,” Silena stepped forward, slapping Clarisse in the arm. There wasn’t enough force in the slap to hurt Clarisse, but she did stumble back, but not without laughing at Silena’s antics. “Let’s go,” she demanded. “And you’re joining us,” she pointed at you, narrowing her eyes so you knew there would be arguing or getting out of it.
You and Clarisse both shared a look, having the same thought about Silena. Regardless the two of you followed Silena to the dining pavilion. All of you gathered up breakfast on your plates, making your offering to the gods before taking a seat at one of the tables. It was still early enough that the pavilion wasn’t filled with campers. It almost felt weird how normal it felt sitting at a table other than the one designated for Hunters of Artemis. You had planned to sit quietly as Clarisse and Silena talked but Silena kept including you in the conversation until the three of you eased into a discussion, both of them asking about your travels with your goddess, the adventures you’d been on, and all the monsters you’ve slayed.
Taglist: @cxcilla
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sleeplesssmoll · 4 months
Inspired by @definesanity I went through some of the sounds in the level select stages and really listened. I silenced the BGM and left on sound effects to get a better picture.
Mountain Echoes (mineral insight) has echo effects and faint percussion
Starfall Locale (star insight) has twinkle effects! It also has an effect like raspy whisper or breath?
Sylvanus Shape (plant insight) has running water sounds and wildlife sounds. Birds and such.
Brutes Wilds (beast insight) sounds like metal clinking (reminds me of mining). Also a wind effect and creaks.
The Poussiere stages have birds chirping and animal noises. There is wind and waves as well.
Mintage aesthetics has a low hum and a clinking noise. Bells? Lots of metalic sounds and chimes. There are also deep voices vocalizing in the background (at least that's what it sounded like to me). I couldn't hear it until the BGM was off.
Harvest Prime is dead silence.
Artificial Somnambulism is wild without the bgm. It's like being underwater and in outer space at the same time. There are occasion mechanical noises too. It has a musicality to it...
In In Our Time Ch 1, the rain doesn't begin to fall until Stage 13, The Rattenfanger (Where Forget Me Not reveals his true intentions and The Storm).
In Ch1-7 Scorched Woods there are Critter sounds(?) and frogs. Birds and stuff. Woodsy sounds!
Ch 3 has children's voices and a mechanical hum to it.
Ch 3-2 doesn't have the children, but it has nature sounds and gulls. The mechanical whirring is louder too.
Ch 3-6 Black Sheep wall, it begins to rain...
The rain and children's laughter are gone again in ch3-7 Scottish. It's just the gulls, waves, wind, and the machine.
In 3-13 A Yard, you can here pages flipping
3-14 Lost Lambs has a thumping sound? Or maybe a tapping sound, like placing something down.
Ch 4 also has various wildlife sounds and the machine whirring
4-8 Both sides of the table has people's voices. This plays in a few other stages.
Ch 5-1 Bon Voyage very heavy rain! Makes sense. Ch 5 has lots of ocean sounds in general. And wildlife sounds
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armpirate · 5 months
Anti-romantic || JJk | Ch. 14
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Pairings: Boxer!Jungkook x fem!reader || Enemies to lovers, neighbors
Genre: smut, angst, fluff, curse, illegal boxing, violence
Warnings: fuckboy!Jungkook x reader, smut, dirty talk, curse, mention of tarot and fate
Summary: Jungkook had always been carefree when it came to love. He always believed he was worth sharing himself with everyone, and thought it was selfish of him to ever think of keeping himself exclusive to just one person.
And maybe that was exactly what got him into the big problem he was in.
A curse that kept him away from love didn't seem an issue for him. The fact that his ex-girlfriend thought he'd be affected by the idea of the girls he slept with running away from him after sex was ridiculous. She actually did him a favor, and took a burden away from him.
At least that was what he thought at first.
He had never found himself thinking of the possibility of repeating with neither of his hook ups, because they disappeared before he was able to even think about it. But when he makes the mistake of sleeping with the sexy neighbor that lives in front of him, he finds himself hoping to get the chance for a second round every time their paths cross.
Y/n hated him the second he set foot inside the building by the way he started making her life a miserable mess for no reason. Sleeping with him was a big mistake she wasn't thinking of repeating. At least not until he came up with the excuse that she rejected him for a curse. Not only she thought he was annoying, but she was also convinced he was crazy. 
There was no way she could take him seriously.
Aprox. time of reading: 13 minutes
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Y/n attempted to roll her eyes as soon as she saw Jungkook getting out of his apartment at the same time she was planning to leave. It almost was as if he was waiting for her to leave.
—3A, where are you going looking so good? —he teased her.
She was wearing one of those floral dresses that were tied up at the front, and that had a skirt so light it'd probably be the easiest to lift it up. She usually only wore jeans and shirts to work, so that new outfit got him wondering where she could be going.
—Work —she huffed—. I have an interview with the city's mayor for a shared report —she stopped as she became aware of how much she was sharing with him—. Why am I even telling you this? Get lost.
—You're always so rude for no reason —he mentioned as he approached her, resting his shoulder on the wooden frame of the elevator—. I thought you'd start treating me better after I agreed on helping you with the article.
—You've done too many wrongdoings for me to forget about it only because of the article.
—Last time I checked you did them just as much as I did —he stopped her—. Shouldn't I be as angry as you are?
—Please, be —she clicked on the button of the elevator—. It'd be great if you just approached me for the article.
—That wasn't what you were saying the other night...
—Shh —she quickly turned to him—. I'll geld you if you bring it up again.
—You must hate having a good time. No wonder you're so bitter and sad.
—That's right. Now leave me alone with my bitterness and sadness —she replied back.
She thought she'd escape the walking temptation Jungkook was in when she stepped inside the elevator, but he sneaked inside before she could react to it and push him out again. He was making things so difficult first thing in the morning, she wondered if he ate crack for breakfast to have that level of energy so early.
Jungkook looked down at her, aware of the way her eyes kept shifting towards the buttons at her left, desperately trying to keep her eyes away from him and trying not to make any eye contact that could unchain another bickering.
She seemed so difficult, but at the same time he could bet she was so easy. The previous times it only took him an intimate surrounding and some heated bickering before she gave in.
If he moved the tip of his finger through her neck, would she move her neck to the side to allow him to brush her hair back and expose that area so he could kiss it? And if that happened, would she allow him to move down that light skirt to sneak his hand inside and let his fingers meet up with that glorious place he was sinking in not even two nights back? The image of her squirming to his touch, trying to control herself was driving him insane. But having it slowly escalate to him pinning her against the wall, and making out with her in the lewdest way possible was a growing need that he needed to erase from his brain.
She didn't do anything other than just being there. She didn't talk or look at him the few seconds they lasted in the elevator. Yet he was bringing out his most animalistic instincts.
Perhaps... why was he craving her that bad? It shouldn't even have happened the second time. What the hell was going on?
Y/n frowned at how Jungkook looked so stiff all of a sudden, seeing his panicked expression through his reflection on the mirror on her left.
He thought it'd be over, Jungkook was convinced he'd move on from the grip she had on him after they had sex the second time, but it only got him to want her even more. And with that same expression, he escaped the elevator as soon as its door opened, without even saying goodbye.
—Decent people say goodbye, you freak! —Y/n called him out, not even getting him to turn back to her— What the fuck is wrong with him?
He was the one constantly being a pain in the ass, and the one who sneaked inside the elevator, yet he escaped and ran away as if she had the most contagious illness. Who could ever understand him? Not her, and it wasn't like she wanted to either.
She was so consumed by her thoughts, so annoyed by Jungkook's attitude, that she didn't bother to look up when she collided against someone. A "sorry" came out of her lips, at the same time she was determined to follow her way to the station.
That voice...
Kyle Robson was right in front of her, with a surprised expression that she quickly mirrored when she confirmed it was actually him. He looked exactly the same way he did a few months back, before they lost contact because she didn't want to go any further with him, and he was determined on winning her over again after they broke up a little too many times.
Just thinking about all the time it took her to move on from that toxic on and off relationship made her internally squirm.
—It's so nice to see you —he smiled at her, poking one of his hands inside the pocket of his pants—. I see you're still living in the area.
It wasn't like she had any other choices to move out.
—Yeah, yeah —she nodded—. What about you? What are you doing here?
Unless he moved out, it was weird seeing him there. He belonged to one of the most crowded areas in Chicago, and she knew it by the way he refused to barely make a move to visit her there when they were dating.
—I came to see a friend.
Nice, now her self-esteem was starting to reach a new low. Even after she moved on from him, she managed to feel offended by his words.
He made Jungkook seem like an angel.
Wait... why did she even bring up Jungkook? His ass was everywhere even when she didn't want to think about him.
—I thought you had it difficult to get here —she barked back, unable to hide the pettiness in her tone as she replayed the same excuse he gave her years back.
—It's... —he nervously laughed— he was the one who drove me here.
He was really that dumb that he probably wouldn't know how to make something as simple as Google Maps work.
—Where are you going?
—To work —she simply said.
—Are you still working at that newspaper? —he hopefully asked.
Of course he remembered that. It was their middle ground whenever they met months back. If they wanted to see each other, he always made sure she was in the office to pick her up and take her back to his place.
—Yeah, and I'm already late, so...
—Wait —his fingers softly hooked her forearm before she could step away—, do you want to meet for a coffee or something? It was nice seeing you, and I'd like to catch up with your life.
It always started that way whenever they saw each other after breaking up. He offered to have a quick chat, they connected somehow, and later she ended up tangled in his bed, naked and with a single pinch of dignity as she hid herself under the covers.
It was such a poisoned cycle that she felt free when she ended it up for good five months back.
—Just in a friendly way —he assured her—. I could pick you up at work one of these days.
—It's not necessary —she stepped back.
But maybe a little distraction was exactly what she needed to get her stupid neighbor out of her head, and all of the unconscious thoughts she had throughout the day. Probably the fact that she was so busy with her work and those boxing parties kept her from meeting new people, to the point of recurring to the same annoying person that would brag on her face how she crawled back as soon as they met on their shared landing.
And it wasn't like she'd actually sleep with Kyle.
—I'll send you a place where we could meet later today, if you want —she answered—. Do you still have the same phone number?
—Yeah —he quickly nodded—. I'll wait for your text, then!
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Jimin entered the office, just to find Jungkook sitting at the edge of the desk while he stared frustrated at his own phone, which was quite unusual. They had known each other for years, and his friend had always been the type to ignore any type of connection through social media, texts or even calls.
He always moved better in real life.
But that day his eyes were fixed on the screen, with both hands holding the small device while his frown deepened with every second that went by.
Reopening his Tinder profile wasn't something he was planning. In fact, the day he created an account he only did it to find out what was all the fuss about with that app, only to find out it was similar to what he found in real life, with the only difference that those women were miles away, and most of them weren't even looking forward to meet up with him in real life.
It was a waste of time.
Jimin curiously looked over his shoulder, seeing the way the pictures changed as his friend scrolled left and right.
—The big Jeon Jungkook is using Tinder? —Jimin mocked him— I knew there was something off with you when you started showing up here at eight in the morning, but a Tinder account is going beyond my expectations.
—I'm just testing it —he excused himself, not moving his eyes up to his friend—. Capitalism has fucked everyone, because why the fuck do I need to pay to see who's interested in me? Huh? It's so annoying.
—I mean... that's where Tinder gets benefits from —Jimin shrugged—. Although it's not like you really need it. You're the first person I've seen that's able to get a girl's attention by just saying a word.
—Who says I'm using it because I need it? I said I was just testing it —he excused himself—. I don't need it.
He did need it though. At least for the short while that trance with Y/n lasted.
—Whatever —Jimin rolled his eyes—, there's a woman asking about you outside.
And said woman wasn't Y/n, even if he hoped it was. Jimin knew her, so he'd have said she was the one asking about him, instead of referring to a random person.
He sees Y/n coming back later than usual with her lipstick completely messed. If it was again that insurance commercial that bothered him not even two weeks back...
Jungkook was thinking of everything he'd tell the person outside if it was anyone he wasn't interested in seeing. He had enough money to pay the rent, survive and keep the business, anything else was a privilege he couldn't afford to have.
After huffing and saving his phone in the back pocket of his pants, he walked outside the small office and crossed the short corridor that led to the rest of the gym. He could see the silhouette of a tall well-dressed woman, who certainly didn't seem like she was there to train. Jungkook's steps suddenly became slower when she moved her left arm to her side, letting him see a bracelet he recognized almost instantly -and that he hoped was only a coincidence.
He didn't understand how she had the audacity to show up there, wearing a bracelet his father gifted to her, after everything she did to the both of them.
—What are you doing here?
It was shocking for him to see how those ten years away from each other fell on her, making her look completely different from what he remembered. The wrinkles in her face were a bit more marked, her usual long hair was chopped to her shoulders while also losing the glow it had when he was younger.
It just made him aware of how long it had been since he last saw her. Younger, selfish, and completely self-absorbed.
—I told you I needed to talk with you —she insisted.
—And I think I told you I have nothing to talk with you —he snapped back, resting his hands on his hips.
Yun Hee was also aware of the way years went through her son, giving him a manlier and more mature aura than he had when she last saw him. It didn't matter how many piercings he added to his face and ears, or how many tattoos he inked on the skin of his arms, his rounded face still remained the same as when he was sixteen, even if his big doe eyes squinted at her with disgust.
—How did you know how to find me?
—I searched you up on Instagram, and the location of this place appeared in some of your posts. I guessed you were working here...
—Well, those guesses should've taken you to the point of "If someone says they don't want to see you around them, don't go where they are". I think it's common sense.
—It was the only way...
—To what? —he tilted his head— I thought I was clear when I told you I don't care about anything that has something to do with you. It was all over the second you went out that door. You didn't care about dad or I, so why should I care about you or what you have to say now? Does it have something to do with me? Is it something that affects me?
—N... no —she shook her head.
—Then save it up because I don't wanna hear it. And don't show your face in front of me again —he roughly asked—. I really don't want to do anything I'll regret. Got it?
After clicking his tongue, he didn't allow his mother to say anything else. He didn't want to know, he didn't want to hear it. He had been doing great the past ten years, it took him so long to get over everything she destroyed, he didn't need her to do any of that back again.
—If she comes asking for me again —he told Jimin, stepping inside the office again—, tell her I'm not here even if I am. Unless you want to deal with the consequences.
Jimin had seen his friend in all sorts of moods, in different situations, but it was never as serious as angry as that day. And he didn't want to know how serious he actually was about it. At the end of the day, whatever problem he had with that woman was his business, and he had no reason to stand in between to try to understand it.
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Jungkook dragged his feet up the last two steps of the stairs, resting his head heavily against his door as he pouted.
It was the first time that happened to him, and he couldn't believe in what moment it all escaped his control.
That girl was basically ready for him, he had the chance to have an amazing night, and he ruined it by pushing her away after he imagined Y/n's for a quick second. He stepped on the floor, annoyed, kicking the ground before he started whining.
What the hell was wrong with him? Y/n was like a curse which he had no control over, she was ruling everything in... Right, the curse.
But among all the girls in the world, Y/n was really the one who would be punishing him? Seriously? The universe had to be joking if she was the karma he was supposed to face.
He certainly was tripping.
Shortly after he stepped inside his apartment, he heard the bell of the elevator stopping at his floor, having him faking pretending how much he didn't care about who it could be when he realized how fast he moved back to the door to check through the peephole. He moved quickly when he recognized her figure and the same dress she was wearing that morning, stepping outside his place to pretend he was just getting out.
—Oh, 3A, we see each other again —he chuckled.
—Unfortunately —she commented under her breath.
—How was the interview?
He asked that question to hide the fact of how annoyed he was over her pink lipstick being completely smudged, surprising the corners and the outlines of her lips. She for sure had an amazing interview by the looks of her messy hair and fucked up make up.
—Good —she mentioned.
—I can tell. Did you use your mouth too much? —he bitterly asked, raising his eyebrows.
Y/n looked at him confused, standing by her door, when he pointed at his own lips with his index. Her hand slowly covered her mouth, moving her thumb and index on the surroundings of her lips to find the sticky product somewhere other than her lips. She was so busy running away from the fact that she kissed Kyle out of desperation to feel attracted to someone else, that she didn't even care about her looks because she didn't expect to come across anyone on the way from the entrance to her house.
—You don't need to lie to me —he giggled—. I'm not the jealous type, so I don't really mind if you make out with someone else. I don't care about sharing.
But he did. He really did. Why was his blood boiling just after imagining Y/n kissing another guy?
—I din't cir ibit shiring —she mocked him—. I didn't lie. I had the interview, but then I met with someone and... Why am I giving you any explanations? —she stopped herself— Get lost —she repeated the same phrase she said in the morning.
Jungkook found himself in between the stairs and his door, groaning out of frustration before he stepped back inside his apartment. He needed to pay a quick visit to the tarot reader before things got out of his control. 
Taglist: @jk97bam @ttanniett
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