#i have folders for each character/media i like and i keep my pics organized
takasgf · 1 year
it takes much strength not to add every single rocky picture i save to my favourite folder
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bellybiologist · 4 years
Verzi, here!
Hello all. I am Verzi, aka Verzisphere and owner of Verzisnsfwblog!  I’m a black/filipino trans woman (she/they please) artist. For those new here, I draw male belly kink content, often stuffed, inflated, or having gained weight, and pregnant, though i will generally post all my art here, including non-kink stuff (some boys just be havin tums and look good doin it.)
Anyhoo, due to tumblr’s terms, all my actual NSFW will only be visible on my Google Drive, the major hub for all my art. But there WILL be some +18 themes.
I do NOT humor rhetoric or ideas of Antis or any neo-conservative shit here. And being able to tell fiction from reality is a bit of a pre-req!
Here are other important places to find me and where you can see all my other art!
===== The Links =====
Here are important links and other places to find me! Note that Adult content is posted on other sites!
My Main Blog: I go by Verzisphere basically everywhere
My Old Blog: verzisnsfwblog is Censored by tumblr, but still KINDA navigable. Lots of stuff that survived the purge is still up there if you wanna scroll for 50 years.
My Twitter: Twitter feed! Note,  I don’t like posting on there and don’t post full pics anymore. Mostly for announcements for followers only on there.
My Pixiv: where a lot of old art and such is uploaded! Due to Japanese censorship laws (and a crack down on 2021), art with visible junk after a point will be cropped/censored, and nsfw content will be in my drive.
My Patreon: How you can support me and influence what i draw on a monthly basis and get exclusive access to things.
My Ko-fi and Paypal.me : Alternative ways to throw support my way!
My Commission Info: the current pricing and system i have going. Not always open, so please heed the notices! (Currently: OPEN as of Aug 8 2023. (But consult Form for most up-to-date status)
Past Patreon Victors: This post lists all characters who won in past patreon polls.
Stream Doodle Nomination Pool+Rules: This document lists all nominations that are in the drawing for my weekly streams when I owe rewards. Rules for what and how to put nominations in there are also provided.
OC Database / Errene on World Anvil: I’m using world anvil to make wiki-like place to keep info for all my OCs (stuff i originally kept on discord)! Not all pages are populated, but stay tuned!
ALL my Art: This google drive folder was put together on the off chance i get stricken down by tumblr/twitter/pixiv (again), and its honestly, just easier for me to organize. Please read the Read Me! file before diving in!
the Everything Folder is basically everything that’s free to view up to when i updated. It’s organized how i have my files on computer. Search at your own risk! Cuz google drive’s search doesnt really work.
the Curated Collections folder are folders where i organized pics based on character, series, kink, etc. There are many that i still have to get to, but please let me know if there’s a collection you want me to put together! I also have descriptions on some of the folders that can be viewed by computers (folder descriptions are not available for mobile, unfortunately)
the New Uploads folder(s) only has shortcuts to new folders/pieces that I uploaded recently. Will make and delete one each month to keep things tidy.
Discord Invite Code:  KUYJwJW (+18 only please!)( My personal server where i sometimes post art that i dont post on The Medias.) 
==== Important Tags- i only sometimes tag with the fandom and characters discussed/shown in all pictures, but here’s important ones! ==== #verzi’s art All art i’ve made  #verzi rambles My text posts #reblog anything i reblog #verzi’s oc posts pertaining to my own original characters
I will also generally tag everything with the specific kink involved (stuffing, weight gain, mpreg, etc) for easy finding and blacklisting!
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picsofshiro · 6 years
You said you have a person on trial. How do you test someone to make sure they are trustworthy enough to run your blogs?
I run a 2 week-1 month trial from the moment they start posting on the blog to see a few things. but before that, here’s what I do. This is based off of how I also handle other social media pages as someone who handles 5+ facebook pages as a chat/post moderator, 5+twitter accounts, and 2+instagram accounts. According to fans/followers who follow our professional work, it helps them feel safe to interact with us as staff doing our job (radio/reporting) and interact with fellow listeners/viewers consuming media, processing it, and discussing it. The same can be applied to other public spaces like these fan blogs. 
1. What’s the person like?
I check out their blogs/have seen them interact before with other people in other online spaces in and out of fandom. This means how they interact with other fans, with interacting with staff/voice actors in public spaces. I love Voltron as a show, I just personally focus my love where it counts. Lots of people complain when interviews come out, hate what happened in canon. Can you be critical of things said? Sure. But the thing is, it feels weird to take anything said at face value when Voltron as it stands is not a completed project so things can change and how we see them as the missing pieces come together. I take everything with a grain of salt and see where things go and I hope the people I work with are the same way and are cordial when interacting with others on their thoughts on characters, ships, the show itself and when interacting with the kind people working on Voltron.
More for what I look for and how I run stuff is under the cut and the standard I try to set for myself and for others who wish to work with me cause this is more volunteering to help out, it’s not technically our content to own, its fan run, and nobody is paid. But if you’re gonna do it, you gotta give it the love it deserves.  
2. Enforce set rules.
I got common sense stuff like don’t let bigotry slide when it’d directed at us as mods and people interacting on the posts that are hosted here. Block ant!’s on site since they are a source of a lot of why our fandom is accused of being garbage vs any other group within the fandom that’s chill, especially those who still currently openly hate/dehumanize other fans minding their business. Block them if they interact with the blog via reblogs/likes if you catch them cause that stuff spreads to other blogs who assume our fandom experience is for them — it’s not. For the most part, blocking is good if I’m/the mod running a blog is just tired and doesn’t wanna deal with inane bs or things we’ve already answered if a user or anon didn’t do their research to look through my history of asks and whether or not I’ve addressed their question/didn’t read our response because they’re not looking for our actual answer, they’re looking for something else. I don’t deal with people spreading misinformation like pushing br0ganes which is currently confirmed never a thing by staff repeatedly, pushing whether or not a ship is canon (I have even politely said that I appreciate sheith’s bond over at pics of sheith but never said it was canon as a ship), and I definitely don’t like individuals that shit on characters/ships or how others express their excitement over content or their interpretations or fanon fun. And I don’t appreciate when people get upset with staff for saying something wrong when the show is not completed and they can only say certain things in a certain way if they choose to answer questions at all then attack other fans and justifying it because they’re upset. Nobody gets to throw a tantrum and hurt others. Take responsibility for shitty behavior
3. Choose your battles - carefully decide what discourse to address.
I understand that a lot of people don’t have the time or mental energy to do what I do when I happen to bring down people who claim to have some higher morality/authority to speak from. Sometimes it’s outright bs and I block immediately, not giving my attention, move forward, nobody has to know about it unless I want them to. Maybe I joke about it. But that’s it. I’ve actually just skipped out and blocked some IP’s on this blog cause it was a “nah” kind of day. But I make sure to get a screencap, maybe even post it to my main blog because my main blog is linked in the description of these blogs so people can dispute why they were blocked from interacting with the blog. Then we can examine how I misunderstood a message if that’s the problem, cause that happens. It’s the internet so people’s tone of voice is lost, people might have brain issues that cause them to type up the wrong stuff or they insist they said what they said and I have to see if I’m not the only one “misunderstanding" it cause we’re all trying to communicate here, in the common English language which his a clusterfuck anyhow. It happens where I just can’t read shit but I have and try to rectify my mistakes.
And when I do address it, I do so point by point, concisely. That’s what I get for having a mother who is a paralegal and helped write legal arguments, deconstructs her child’s stupid arguments when he got in a dumb ass fight with her. I learned from it and now I can frame my arguments properly to follow logical structures based on truth, understanding how the English language works to examine what they said and what it sounds like, and show the true meaning of what was said which is often something pretty screwed up. They usually (as far as I know between one anon and the next) never come back to bother me again. Mods have to be able to have the stamina to handle it, and run it by me to make sure the argument is sound because we try to keep ourselves and everyone else safe.
4. be open to opportunities
If they continue to argue with me on my main blog which is where I’m fine dealing with discourse unless it turns into violent threats/harassment, I’ve already blocked them across the board at all the picsof blog urls I have in my account. But let’s say this person has come to understand why they are wrong…then I can find their name, unblock them hopefully, and everything moves forward and I keep tabs to show that they’ve changed their behavior. Hopefully because tumblr tells me if i block an anon, that i can’t ever undo it but I’ve also heard it’s still possible so who knows really on this broken website?
How I run this tight ship and expect others to run it (no pun intended).
1. Screencap for an hour or two - organize by character/ship -> season -> episode folders and number the images so that it’s in order frame by frame, then play around with the same image and crop accordingly just for fun. This gives random choices and variety for the next part.
2. draft and tag - for characters I use canon voltron legendary defender names
#keith #voltron legendary defender #voltron #vld
vs keith kogane which his defender of the universe. I’m a stickler for canon which is why i also tag
#shiro (how he’s often referred to) #takashi shirogane (in written canon and uttered by his own character in the dnd episode) #voltron legendary defender #voltron #vld
for a ship blog, i follow a similar formula but people get upset if they are looking for 1 character but don’t care for the ship so i try to be courteous and leave out characters and focus on the ship - hence the following:
#sheith #voltron legendary defender #voltron #vld
then as a mod, i have fun and put my thoughts into the screencap at the end of all that when I feel like it, for example #keith looks cute here / #shiro just [redact] me / #wow they hold each other so tenderly
Do this until i get between 90-200 posts in my drafts, then hit queue at random to scramble up the order in which they queue. Will the blog visitors see a screencap from episode 1? or episode 10? nobody knows. But it gets boring if i just queued everything in order which is why I do this. Predictability is boring.
3. Set queue post to 3 posts a day and leave, this is a fucking hobby and isn’t your life - focus on what needs to be done, this is just low maintenance fun. (Look at me rhyming!) Follow the stuff above with how you handle discourse and of course the mod who should obviously love the blog of their focus can have fun with any individuals asking about headcanons/ideas about ships. I wouldn’t give someone who doesn’t ship Allurance because it will show in their work that they don’t care when they’d rather have Shance and vice versa. Or a Pidge fan running a Hunk blog when they’d rather do Pidge. For these other blogs outside of the 3 I’m managing right now, i might have teams of people simply because we can all keep tabs on each other and be held accountable for our actions if we make mistakes. 
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cryptswahili · 6 years
Understanding IPFS in Depth(1/5): A Beginner to Advanced Guide
A Complete Guide Including IPLD, Libp2p, MultiFormats & Filecoin
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Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash
This post marks the first in a new “Understanding IPFS in Depth” series which will help anybody to understand the underlying concepts of IPFS. We will keep the series as fun and engaging as possible 😊
This series is divided into 6 parts:
Understanding IPFS in Depth(1/6): A Beginner to Advanced Guide: In this part, we will try to understand What IPFS is, Why do we need it and What we can do with it. We will cover all the underlying components of IPFS in brief(which will be explained in depth in further parts) and see how they work together. If you want a short summary and don’t want to understand what’s happening “under the hood”, then this part is for you 😊
Understanding IPFS in Depth(2/6): What is InterPlanetary Linked Data(IPLD)?: In this part, we will dive into the data model of the content-addressable web. We will explore the details and specs of IPLD and play with it to get more familiar with it.
Understanding IPFS in Depth(3/6): What is InterPlanetary Naming System(IPLD)?: In this part, we will dive into the naming System of the distributed web. We will discuss it’s working, specs and play with it. We will also compare it to today’s naming system, aka the DNS. We will create a list of pros and cons of IPNS vs DNS.
Understanding IPFS in Depth(4/6): What is MultiFormats?: In this part, we will talk about Why we need Multiformat, How it works and What you are a user/developer can do with it?
Understanding IPFS in Depth(5/6): What is Libp2p?: In this part, we will study the networking Layer of IPFS and what it contributes to the awesomeness of IPFS. We will go through it’s working, specs and play around with it to understand it more clearly.
Understanding IPFS in Depth(6/6): What is Filecoin?: In this part, we discuss the incentivization layer of IPFS, filecoin. we discuss it’s whitepaper and it’s implementation specs including DSN, Proof-of-replication, Proof of Storage, Data storage and retrieval markets and Smart contract implementation on Filecoin protocol. We also discuss some flaws in filecoin protocol which are not mentioned in the whitepaper and suggest some improvements in filecoin protocol. You can read this part here:
Ultimate Guide to Filecoin: Breaking Down Filecoin Whitepaper & Economics
You can follow me on medium to get updated whenever a new part is published. You can also find me on twitter @vasa_develop
In case you want to know about similar projects, here is a list:
StoragePedia: An Encyclopedia of 5 Blockchain Storage Platforms
Hope you learn a lot about IPFS from this series. Let’s start!
When you ask someone about the latest Avenger’s movie, they probably aren’t going to say something like “the one on this server, at this sub-domain, under this file path, slash Marvel dash Avengers dot mp4”. Instead, they’re probably going to describe the content of the video: “the one in which half of the universe is destroyed by Thanos…”. This is obviously an intuitive way to think about content for humans but is generally NOT how we access content on the web today. Having said that, decentralized protocols such as IPFS actually do use this type of content addressing (labeling and finding content using the content of the file) to find content on the decentralized web. In this article, we’ll explore a little bit how this whole process works, what are the different components involved and how they work together. We will do this by adding a file to IPFS and then exploring what happens when we add a file to IPFS.
How Does It Work?
Let’s start by adding a photo to IPFS. We will add this one…
Instant photo by Karina Vorozheeva (@_k_arinn) on Unsplash
BTW, you will have to install IPFS on your system to follow along with me. You can install it from here. After installing IPFS, you have to start IPFS daemon(the software which communicates with the IPFS network in order to add and retrieve data from the network). You can start the daemon by ipfs daemon
When you add the photo to IPFS, this is what happens:
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What happens when we add a photo on IPFS
On terminal I get this:
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You can see the final hash here: QmQgQUbBeMTnH1j3QWwNw9LkXjpWDJrjyGYfZpnPp8x5Lu
But we don’t see anything related to the 2 steps(Raw and Digest). This all happens under the hood.
When we added the image, we converted the image into the Raw data which computer can understand. Now, to make it content-addressable(the thing that we talked about above) we have to come up with a method by which we can convert this image data to a label which uniquely identifies it’s content.
This is where hash functions come into play.
Hash functions take the data(any data from texts, photos, whole bible etc.) as input and give us an output(Digest) which is unique with respect to its output. If we change even a pixel in this image then the output will be different. This shows its tamper-proof property. So if you transfer this image to anybody, he/she can check that if the photo received has been tampered with or not.
Also, you cannot tell what was the input(in this case, cat photo), but just seeing its output(the Digest). So, this also ensures a great amount of security.
Now we pass the Raw image data into SHA256 hash function and get the unique Digest. Now, we need to convert this Digest into a CID(Content Identifier). This CID is what IPFS will search for when we try to get back the image. For doing this, IPFS uses something called Multihash.
To understand the significance of Multihash, consider this situation.
You stored this image on the internet and you have its CID, which you can give to anybody who wants to get this image. Now, what if you discover in future that SHA256 is broken(this would mean that this process is NO more tamper-proof and secure) and you want to use SHA3(to ensure tamper-proofing and security) instead? This would mean changing the whole process of converting your photo to CID, and the previous CIDs will be useless…
This above problem may seem a small issue in this context, but you should know that these hash functions secure TRILLIONS of dollars. All the Banks, National security agencies etc. use these hash functions to operate securely. Even the green lock that you see beside the address of every site on the browser will not work without it.
In order to solve this problem, IPFS uses Multihash. Multihash allows us to define hashes that are self-defining. So, we can have multiple version of CIDs, according to the hash function used. We will talk more about Multihashes in our Part 4 of the series, which dives deeper into Multiformat.
Well, now we have added our photo to IPFS, but this was not the whole story. What is actually happening is something like this:
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Large files are chunked, hashed, and organized into an IPLD (Merkle DAG object)
If the files are bigger than 256 kB, then they are broken down into smaller parts, so that all the part are equal or smaller than 256 kb. We can see the chunks of our photo using this command:
ipfs object get Qmd286K6pohQcTKYqnS1YhWrCiS4gz7Xi34sdwMe9USZ7u
This gives us 15 chunks, each of which is smaller than 256kb. Each of these chunks is first converted into a digest and then into CIDs.
IPFS uses IPLD (IPLD uses Merkle DAG, or directed acyclic graph) for managing all the chunks and linking it to the base CID.
IPLD (objects) consist of 2 components:
Data — blob of unstructured binary data of size < 256 kB.
Links — array of Link structures. These are links to other IPFS objects.
Every IPLD Link(in our case the 15 links that we got above) has 3 parts:
Name — name of the Link
Hash — hash of the linked IPFS object
Size — the cumulative size of linked IPFS object, including following its links
IPLD is built on the ideas of Linked Data, which is actually something that folks in the decentralized web community have been talking about for quite some time. It’s something Tim Berners-Lee has been working on for ages, and his new company, Solid, is building a business around it.
Using IPLD has also other benefits. To see this, let's create a folder named photos and add 2 photos into it (the cat pic and a copy of the same pic).
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As you can see both the photos have the same hash(which proves that I haven’t changed anything in the copy of the image). This adds De-duplication property to IPFS. So even if your friend adds the same cat photo to IPFS, he will not duplicate the image. This saves a lot of storage space.
Imagine, if I store this article on IPFS, and it’s each letter in chunked and has a unique CID, then this whole article can be constructed by just a combination of alphabets(capital and small), number and some special characters. We will only store every alphabet, number, and character only ONCE and rearrange it according to the Links in the data structure. This is powerful stuff…
IPFS also has a naming system called InterPlanetary Naming System(IPNS). To understand it’s significance let’s imagine that you have created a website and you hosted it on some domain. For this example, we will take my website: https://vaibhavsaini.com
If I want to host it on IPFS, I will simply add the website folder on IPFS. For that I have downloaded the website using wget . In case you are on Linux based OS like Ubuntu or MAC, then you can try it with me.
Download the website(or any website):
wget --mirror --convert-links --adjust-extension --page-requisites --no-parent https://vaibhavsaini.com
Now add the folder named vaibhavsaini.com to IPFS:
ipfs add -r vaibhavsaini.com
You will get something like this:
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As we can see, our website is now hosted on the last CID(which is the CID for the folder):
We can access the site using http protocol:
Let’s suppose if I want to change my profile image on the website. As we have learned above, if we change the content of the input, we get a different digest, which will mean that my final “Base CID” will be different.
This means that I will have to update the hash every time I update my site. Everybody who has the link to my previous website(the above URL) will NOT be able to see my new website 😞
This can result in a great problem.
To address this problem, IPFS uses InterPlanetary Naming System(IPNS). Using IPNS links point to CIDs. If I want to update my website CID, I will just point a new CID to the corresponding IPNS link(this is analogous to today's DNS). We will explore IPNS in depth in Part 3 of this series.
But for now, let’s generate an IPNS link for my website.
ipfs name publish QmYVd8qstdXtTd1quwv4nJen6XprykxQRLo67Jy7WyiLMB
This can take up to a few minutes. You will get an output like this:
Published to Qmb1VVr5xjpXHCTcVm3KF3i88GLFXSetjcxL7PQJRviXSy: /ipfs/QmYVd8qstdXtTd1quwv4nJen6XprykxQRLo67Jy7WyiLMB
Now, if I want to add an updated CID, I will just use the same command
ipfs name publish <my_new_CID>
Using this, you can access updated versions of my website, using this link:
IPFS is also a potential replacement to the HTTP protocol. But why do we want to replace HTTP? It seems to work fine, right? I mean you are able to read this article and see movies on Netflix, all using HTTP protocol.
Even if it seems to work fine to us, it has a few big problems.
Let’s say you are sitting in a lecture hall, and your professor asks you to go to a specific website. Every student in the lecture makes a request to that website and are given a response. This means that the same exact data was sent individually to each student in the room. If there are 100 students, then that’s 100 requests and 100 responses. This is obviously not the most efficient way to do things. Ideally, the students will be able to leverage their physical proximity to more efficiently retrieve the information they need.
HTTP also presents a big problem if there is some problem in the networks line of communication and the client is unable to connect with the server. This can happen if an ISP has an outage, a country is blocking some content, or if the content was simply deleted or moved. These types of broken links exist everywhere on the HTTP web.
The location-based addressing model of HTTP encourages centralization. It’s convenient to trust a handful of applications with all our data but because of this much of the data on the web becomes soiled. This leaves those providers with enormous responsibility and power over our information.
Here is where Libp2p comes in. Libp2p is used to communicate data and discovering other peers(computers and smartphones) on the IPFS network. The way this works is that if every computer and smartphone is running IPFS software then we will be part of a big BitTorrent like a network where every system can act as a client and also a server. So, if 100 students are requesting the same website, they can request the website data from each other. This kind of system, if implemented on large scale, can result in significant improvement in speed at which surf the Internet.
Ok, let’s stop here. If you have made it till here then you deserve a pat on your back. Well done😎
Till now, We have learned a lot of things about IPFS. Let’s recap:
IPFS is content-addressable. The data on IPFS is identified using CIDs.
These CIDs are unique with respect to the data referenced by it.
IPFS uses hash functions for its tamper-proof property.
IPFS uses Multihash, which allows it to have different versions of CIDs for the same data(this doesn’t mean that CIDs are not unique. If we use the same hash function, then we will have same CID. We will talk more about this in Part 4 of this series).
IPFS uses IPLD to manage and link all the chunks of data.
IPLD uses Merkle DAG(aka Directed Acyclic Graph) data structure to link the chunks of data.
IPLD also adds De-duplication property to IPFS.
IPFS uses IPNS for linking CIDs to a fixed IPNS link, which is analogous to today DNS of the centralized Internet.
IPFS uses Libp2p to communicate data and discovering other peers(computers and smartphones) on the IPFS network which can significantly improve the speed of your net surfing.
Below is a diagrammatic representation of IPFS stack.
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IPFS Stack
I hope that you have learned a lot. I will meet you in the next part of the series :)
Thanks for reading ;)
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About the Author
Vaibhav Saini is a Co-Founder of TowardsBlockchain, an MIT Cambridge Innovation Center incubated startup.
He works as Senior blockchain developer and has worked on several blockchain platforms including Ethereum, Quorum, EOS, Nano, Hashgraph, IOTA etc.
He is a Speaker, Writer and a drop-out from IIT Delhi.
Want to learn more? Check out my previous articles.
ConsensusPedia: An Encyclopedia of 30+ Consensus Algorithms
Getting Deep Into Ethereum: How Data Is Stored In Ethereum?
ContractPedia: An Encyclopedia of 40+ Smart Contract Platforms
A Beginner’s Ultimate Guide To DAGs
Clap 50 times and follow me on Twitter: @vasa_develop
Understanding IPFS in Depth(1/5): A Beginner to Advanced Guide was originally published in Hacker Noon on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
[Telegram Channel | Original Article ]
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fratboykate · 7 years
There's a picture in the SM part of the fic  where the kids are having fun at the beach, are we going to read more about their trips or vacations? Also, I thought Roa was gonna be the "painter" of all the kids, she has a very vivid imagination. Or maybe "the writer", since she makes up stories and things. And Aden is still to little, but I can see him working as a chef! Hahaha
I think I’ve talked about two vacations so far? Maybe three? I know we did their vacation to the DR when Lexa trashes his room, and we obviously saw them at The Hamptons, but I feel like I may have brought up another one at some point? I may have not published that chapter yet??? IDK there’s too many for me to keep track of what’s published and hasn’t been published yet tbh. 
The picture at the beach could be from the vacation in the DR. They’re all about the right age there. I don’t know how many more vacations are going to be mentioned in the main plot, but I know I have one or two vacation chapters on my phone. 
Roa is definitely a creative. She’s into music like Costia, but does she follow that path??? I don’t know. I haven’t decided. Whatever she does is creative though. Anya loves writing and she’s a pretty good writer, but she’s also the most sensible one of the bunch so she’ll end up going for what people call a “real” job. Most likely to follow in Lexa’s footsteps. Aden can be a naked chef lol. 
Also, I haven’t talked about this because I’m still pissed at myself/literally heartbroken but now that you bring SM AU posts…I don’t know if there will be any more of those coming. Why? I used to have a folder on my desktop with not only over 7k photos but also all the custom PSD files I’d created for each social media platform. Being the OCD nutjob that I am, they were split into folders by characters and within each folder the photos were separated by age. I had folders for kids with the dogs, for separate holidays, the wedding, birthdays, school, work events, etc. You named it, there was probably a folder for it and inside that folder there were probably subfolders for subfolders where I got really specific. Honestly if anyone had asked me something super random like “Give me a picture of Costia on 4th of July when she was 4” or like “Clarke at age 34 with Anya” it would’ve taken me maybe 30 seconds to find something to match that description. I started amassing visual references for story this last June. It was basically a full year of very detailed work. Weeeeell, somefuckinghow that folder accidentally ended up in my trash on Sunday or Monday and then I didn’t need to look for anything in it and I didn’t notice. I cleaned my trash Monday afternoon. When I was emptying it I thought “wow…I wonder why it says there’s over 8k files to delete” but I was writing the new chapter and I didn’t think too much about it. Huge mistake! Like 2-3 minutes later something in my brain went off because the number of files to delete was too high and I was like “Noooo…it can’t be!” and I went to check my desktop and indeed the folder was gone. The trash was still clearing and I instantly stopped it, but most of the folder had been deleted by then. I bought data recovery programs and I think I was able to get maybe half of the pictures back but they’re all renamed to like “File 001″ and my folders/organization system most definitely went out the window. The data recovery only got back the pics so all my PSD files for the templates are gone. I could try and organize the pics I recovered but just the idea of sorting through like 3k pics and figuring out my labeling system again gives me a headache. I’ll also know all the shit that I’m missing and it’ll make me angry if I want to make a post but don’t have that pic anymore. So yeah………..I think the SM AU is all but deceased at this point lol. Sad face. I know. I had a billion ideas left to make still. Trust me, I still can’t think about it without wanting to cry lol.
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