#cfsmau extra
fratboykate · 7 years
There's a picture in the SM part of the fic  where the kids are having fun at the beach, are we going to read more about their trips or vacations? Also, I thought Roa was gonna be the "painter" of all the kids, she has a very vivid imagination. Or maybe "the writer", since she makes up stories and things. And Aden is still to little, but I can see him working as a chef! Hahaha
I think I’ve talked about two vacations so far? Maybe three? I know we did their vacation to the DR when Lexa trashes his room, and we obviously saw them at The Hamptons, but I feel like I may have brought up another one at some point? I may have not published that chapter yet??? IDK there’s too many for me to keep track of what’s published and hasn’t been published yet tbh. 
The picture at the beach could be from the vacation in the DR. They’re all about the right age there. I don’t know how many more vacations are going to be mentioned in the main plot, but I know I have one or two vacation chapters on my phone. 
Roa is definitely a creative. She’s into music like Costia, but does she follow that path??? I don’t know. I haven’t decided. Whatever she does is creative though. Anya loves writing and she’s a pretty good writer, but she’s also the most sensible one of the bunch so she’ll end up going for what people call a “real” job. Most likely to follow in Lexa’s footsteps. Aden can be a naked chef lol. 
Also, I haven’t talked about this because I’m still pissed at myself/literally heartbroken but now that you bring SM AU posts…I don’t know if there will be any more of those coming. Why? I used to have a folder on my desktop with not only over 7k photos but also all the custom PSD files I’d created for each social media platform. Being the OCD nutjob that I am, they were split into folders by characters and within each folder the photos were separated by age. I had folders for kids with the dogs, for separate holidays, the wedding, birthdays, school, work events, etc. You named it, there was probably a folder for it and inside that folder there were probably subfolders for subfolders where I got really specific. Honestly if anyone had asked me something super random like “Give me a picture of Costia on 4th of July when she was 4” or like “Clarke at age 34 with Anya” it would’ve taken me maybe 30 seconds to find something to match that description. I started amassing visual references for story this last June. It was basically a full year of very detailed work. Weeeeell, somefuckinghow that folder accidentally ended up in my trash on Sunday or Monday and then I didn’t need to look for anything in it and I didn’t notice. I cleaned my trash Monday afternoon. When I was emptying it I thought “wow…I wonder why it says there’s over 8k files to delete” but I was writing the new chapter and I didn’t think too much about it. Huge mistake! Like 2-3 minutes later something in my brain went off because the number of files to delete was too high and I was like “Noooo…it can’t be!” and I went to check my desktop and indeed the folder was gone. The trash was still clearing and I instantly stopped it, but most of the folder had been deleted by then. I bought data recovery programs and I think I was able to get maybe half of the pictures back but they’re all renamed to like “File 001″ and my folders/organization system most definitely went out the window. The data recovery only got back the pics so all my PSD files for the templates are gone. I could try and organize the pics I recovered but just the idea of sorting through like 3k pics and figuring out my labeling system again gives me a headache. I’ll also know all the shit that I’m missing and it’ll make me angry if I want to make a post but don’t have that pic anymore. So yeah………..I think the SM AU is all but deceased at this point lol. Sad face. I know. I had a billion ideas left to make still. Trust me, I still can’t think about it without wanting to cry lol.
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