#i have been playing with the idea of kiyoshi finding the kid the grandma takes in in like ch428-9?
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flutteringfable · 7 months ago
bakugou was mentioned so briefly in ch430 that i deadass forgot he's a pro in the timeskip. i was gonna propose like a whole list of headcanons but no im just gods most forgetful soldier i guess kfnsjfnfndbfnf
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GoM + Nijimura + Haizaki + Kagami + Kiyoshi + Takao + Mayuzumi + Hanamiya + Ogiwara childhood headcanons please, thanks!
Hi dear! Sorryfor the wait, I hope you’re fine! Here I am with the headcanons! Since youasked them for many characters, I’ve been general and brief, if you want somemore of them just ask okay?
Have a niceday!
KnB Childhood Headcanons:
Kise Ryouta
-the Angel Child that everybody loves. The parents,the over-doting sisters, the neighbors, the old granny that rune that groceryshop….everyone.
-the sisters used to dress him like a girl. 100% sureof this, and he was more cute than every other little girl. Pink? Not aproblem, he slayed it. Braids, flowers in the hair, animal hairpins? Lookedperfect on him.
-he modeled both for male and female clothing, yeswhen he was still a child.
-the boy that all the girls in kindergarten fought forwhen playing house. He came to hate that game, it was boring and all the girlswhere the same. He knew he was cuter and a better wife than them. (Now, when heremembers how conceited and proud he was about his wife skills, he wants to dighis own grave. It was his sisters’ fault.)
-He was already sharp and definitely too honest, thetypical child that points out everything that adults want to hide or fake isnot there.
-He learnt quickly how to use his good looks and innocentface to have what he wanted. Not always in egoistic or cunning way, he was justhappy when he saw people smiling at him or praising him.
-He had a deep bond with his Grandma, a truetraditional Japanese lady. Strict and elegant but extremely caring.
-He got bored quickly and spent time searching for the“right game”. However, he quite enjoyed drawing (even if he wasn’t good atit)and singing! He loved singing and dancing! He organized little shows for hisfamily where he danced and singed for them, or runaway show, taking them veryseriously.
-He hated playing in the garden and getting dirty.Especially with insects, he was scared of them. Earthworms in particular.
Aomine Daiki
-The Wild Kid. The child that lives in the park or inthe garden, from morning to evening. His parents had to scream and shout everyday to bring him back home and put him in the bath. It was a real fight. Hespent all his holidays at his grandparents’ house in the mountains.
-Every day was an adventure. He loved rolling in themud, catching bugs and cicadas, exploring new places and obviously trying everytype of sports.
-Until he found basketball, then there was only basket.
-He hurt himself one day and the other too, uncaringtowards any potential danger. He got lost in the park or in the wood at least oncea week. The firefighters were in the end used to it and became his friends.
-He had a great sense of “justice”. I like to think ofhim as the child with the hero complex. He fought the evil forces (bullies, abad dog, strict adults…) and helped the weak (grannies, small animals, youngerchildren…)
-He stayed quiet only when Momoi managed to force himto play at her “girly” games. Usually he was the one dragging her into hiscrazy ideas.
-Disinterested in the adults’ world, honest and rough,he respected only the ones who earned it. Teaching him how to be polite was hisparents’ harder task ever. They still shiver at the memory.
-The Picky Child. Oks, I can’t stop thinking that hewas the typical child who wanted always something different. Especially whentalking about food. He didn’t throw tantrum, but pouted silently and refused tomove/do what he was told for hours. Extremely stubborn. Between him and hisparents, it was a battle of wills.
-Being the last son in a big family, he was slightlyspoiled. By his brothers and his sister mostly, who just found him cute andcheeky when he was little.
-He was quiet, but moody. He had to be the one todecide what to do and when, he didn’t care if others wanted somethingdifferent. He was going to do what he wanted either way.
-He liked playing alone, he especially enjoyedvideogames and watching cartoons. He had a soft spot for a superheroes’ tv-showand knew all the lines of the Purple Hero. He had costume of him and somerelated toys. He was super-fast at coming back home after school to watch it.
-Not patient and bored easily, he spent a lot of timedaydreaming.
-He was gentle only to younger children, especiallygirls. If he was in a good mood, he shared his sweets with them. On the otherhand, he hated playing with the older ones, but luckily, he was big enough toscare them off.
-ThePerfect Child. We all know his childhood sucked. He was manipulated to be theperfect being and his entire family, not including the mother, was strict as hellwith him. He spent his days learning and studying in solitude or with histutors.
-He loved spending his free time with his mother, whenhe could. She would read books to him or play in the garden; they also tookcare of flowers together and played cheerful songs at the piano.
-After she died, he would wait for the night to comeand then sneak out of his room. Some nights, he would curl on a big armchair inthe library and read fairy tales or stories of adventures (the ones his motherread to him) by himself. Sometimes, he would go in the garden and take care oftheir precious flower to be sure they were going to grow and bloom. At leastthem.
-he started playing the violin because playing thepiano without his mother brought back too many memories and hurt too much.
-At first he hated horse-riding, because the majorityof animals hated him and escaped as soon as they saw him. Now he’s like a sortof Lion King and animal bows to him. Except dogs. Dogs hate him.
-The Smart Child. The one that knows too many thingsand reads too much. At first he was very stiff and cold to adults and otherchildren, he preferred to play on his own, but he softened when his sister wasborn.
-He enjoyed mind games: puzzles, enigmas, crosswords…The problems arose when he couldn’t solve one, asked his parents but theydidn’t know too.
-He read a lot, everything he could find. From kitchenmagazines to encyclopedias. His favorites? “Fortune Telling” and “How The StarsShape Your Life”. Yeah.
-Very diligent and obedient, however he couldn’tsuppress his urge to talk. When he heard someone discussing something he hadread about, it didn’t matter who it was but he had to have his word.Embarrassing when he knew more than the adults present.
-His parents were strict with him, but in a normal andcaring way. They are very proud of him and let him know when he needs it.
-Shy with other kids and unable to socialize well,however he seemed to attract the troublesome kids. Maybe because he was veryresponsible and took care of them when they got hurt. He was the kid that othermothers loved because they knew that if he was there their crazy kids weregoing to be okay.
Kuroko Tetsuya
-The Where-Is-My-Child Kid! Usually super quiet,reserved and shy, but when you take your eyes off him he vanishes like a ghost.He was a curious and independent boy that wandered around following hisinstincts and got lost on daily basis.
-His parents tried everything: bright, neon cloths,some bells, a gps tracker…nothing, it took him one second to disappear, even intheir own house. In the end, they decided to put around his neck a card withtheir names and the phone number, just in case.
-Adorable, a little chubby and with always a cute,faint smile on the lips. Sweet and kind, timid yet willing to befriend otherchildren. Girls loved him endlessly and treated him like their little brother.
-I can see him drawing peacefully and reading. Heloved to take naps, everywhere and anywhere.
- Independent, he tried to be the little man his dadwould like him to be. Trying to not cry often and be strong, to do what he havetoo and be responsible. Helping out his mom when she needed, especially withhouse chores.
-The Dependable Child. When his parents had to leavesomeone in charge of the house, they would choose Nijimura. Strong, determinedand a born leader, capable to handle things even when he was younger. Like alittle soldier.
-grumpy and hotheaded he often picked up fights withother children, yet everybody loved him for his kind and honest heart. He wasjust a bit scary.
-He was the leader of a group of children at the parkand used to be the arbiter of every argument. Nobody dared to contradict him.
-He would took care both of his older sister and hisyounger brother, like a replacement of his father, when he had to stay inhospital. Very responsible and hard working, however he got stressed andinsecure easily and that’s why he ended up venting it into fights.
-Loved to play outside with other children and henever left out anyone. He also enjoyed from time to time relaxing on his own,watching his cartoons or chatting with his dad.
-He wanted more than anything else to be like his dadand make him proud.
Kagami Taiga
-The Sunshine Boy! A little tornado of smiles, energyand clumsiness. He tended to end up in every type of trouble and he visited thehospital once a month. The nurses loved him.
-He didn’t have a switch off, much to his mother’sdesperation, and he never seemed to be tired. He had to move, play, scream, laugh…endlessly.He slept few hours per night and was extremely loud and boisterous.
-He loved playing outside and had a passion fordangerous and reckless games. He was never alone, always dragging someone withhim.
-He got hurt easily: scratched knees, purple bruises,insects’ stings…He was also very clumsy and uncoordinated.
-Prideful, brave and curious. He liked nature, exceptfor dogs. He hated dogs, they were evil (his mother used to threaten him thatshe was going to buy a dog if he didn’t come home)
-Nothing was more boring than staying at home, readingand drawing. When it rained, for one hour or two, they would keep him quietwith cartoons, but he would soon grow bored and start to pester them to playwith him.
-He was hotheaded, but he rarely got angry or pouty.He complained, yet he regained his smile quickly. And it was quite contagious.
Haizaki Shougo
-The Spoiled Child. He and his brother had eight yearsof difference, so his mother spoiled him endlessly. At least when she was home,being a single mother she had to work very hard to maintain them. Yes, hecherished and respected his mother a lot (at least her).
-He had a superiority complex: he had to be the leaderof the group and the one who decided who could play with him and who not. Girlsweren’t accepted because they were crybabies and too weak.
-He felt like a great boss, going around the park andimposing his power. He said that his brother was the one who taught him how tofight and be brave.
-He had an older brother’s complex: he admired him andpraised him wholeheartedly; he wanted to be tall, strong and fearless like him.
Kyoshi Teppei
-The Golden Heart Boy. The one that deeply cares foreveryone, kind and always ready to help someone out.
-he would spend days and days gardening with hisgrandmother or fishing with his grandfather, quietly but cheerfully. Or,reading stories in the veranda and looking at the clouds. It had been hisgrandad who taught him how to play the harmonica.
-He was the pacemaker at the park, playing the role ofthe big brother to the other children. Actually, some of them began to call him“Onii-chan” for real, especially little girls.
-Making his mom happy was one of his joy. He wouldmade drawings or small jewels with bottle’s cap, glass beads and plastic stringsfor her. Because she was a queen.
Takao Kazunari
-The Mischievous Child. He had done everything. He hadpranked anyone, without a second thought. Most out of curiosity, sometimes as arevenge.
-carefree kid, always ready to get into troublevoluntarily. At first, they used to ground him, but then he would damage morethe house so his parents surrendered and just left him without tv or videogamesfor some days as a punishment.
-He had drawn on the walls of his house, put worms inthe tea cup of the neighbor, scared to death the mailman, scribbled on theteacher’s skirt, hidden in the wood the toy of a child he didn’t like,persuaded a girl she was adopted, sneaked out during the night…His parentsspent their time apologizing to the neighborhood.
-He found girls annoying, petty and boring. Hepreferred playing soccer or hide and seek with other boys.
-He loved animals and was quite good with them. He wasoften followed by strays and his house became a sort of hotel for abandoned animals.
-The Lonely Child. He liked to be alone, reading orplaying his games on his own.
-He hated to be dragged to the park or to some partiesby his parents. He usually hid in a corner and pouted for hours.
-He is an only child, so at time he didn’t know how tointeract with other children and was horrible at sharing toys. However, he wasgood with quiet kids who liked to read like him. Or playing videogames. Inthose cases, he would even talk a bit, in whispers, and maybe show a faintsmile.
-He’s still scared of family reunions, especially inbig occasions like Christmas. He was the only child and the center of theattentions. His worst nightmare. He still isn’t able to escape from his aunts’claws.
-The only one he liked was his grandfather, whobrought him in the countryside and would share with him silent afternoons justlooking at the sky or wandering in the woods.
-He liked to wander alone, everywhere and anywhere,absentmindedly. Luckily, he had a good sense of direction.
-The Big Brother. The precious little child that hasonly one mission: being a good big brother. He tried to be independent andstrong just for his little brothers, always trying to be a worth model andbeing able to take care of them. He was the one who took them to thekindergarten and then to school every morning, holding their hands.
-He would often go to the park and play basketballwith his dad.
-bright personality, a bit wild and lively, but verykind. A bit clumsy, he fell easily and it was very cute how hard he tried notto cry every time.
-He ate a lot of food and was always hungry, maybebecause he was moving and playing around a lot. His mother was stunned by that.
-The Devil Child. He looked absolutely adorable andcute, and you know why? Because he was enough smart to know that if a child wascute, he was going to have what he asked for. Obviously, he put the façade onwhen he needed too, otherwise he actually didn’t care about others. He liked tobe on his own.
-He was the only child of a single mother and trulycherished her, yet she had to work and he spent a lot of time alone.
-He used to go every afternoon to a small library andspent his time reading. There weren’t many books for children, so he soon beganto read the ones for adults. He liked the story of military tactics,mathematics and physics’ ones and manuals of chess and other games. The oldlady of the library treated him like his own nephew and is one of the fewpeople he truly cares about. He still goes to visit her every week.
-Straying cats loved him and followed him on thestreets.
-He had been banned from three different bars becausewhen he was eight he started playing card games with the old customers, butalways ended up winning the bet at stake. Sometimes he didn’t have to cheat towin, he was just too good.
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