#i have another asmo drawing i started and its still waiting and of course its a full body one so i think that will be the last one????
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gifti3 · 1 year ago
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it's Spooky Asmo time╰(*°▽°*)╯🧡🧡🧡
cropped and cleared:
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And I used the Red Velvet Rookie Album cover (Seulgi's version) as ref for the pose! Here's how it looks:
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thewritetofreespeech · 4 years ago
MC + Cursed Toddler-fied Boys
prompt: All the boys suffer the same fate as Satan by reading ‘The Forbidden Book of Toddlerization’
You have to wonder why they kept so many cursed books around, just out like this. You would think, like any normal person, with this continuing to happen, that they would keep them locked up or something. But no. They just leave them out for anyone to find….
“I’m going to the meeting!” Lucifer yelled, stamping his foot. His face twist in a petulant frown. It would be rather adorable, if you hadn’t been arguing with him for the past 20 minutes
“Lucifer, we talked about this. You can’t go to the meeting. You need to stay here.”
“No! I wanna go to the meeting! It’s very important and everyone is counting on me!” His arms are wailing now as he stamped his foot more.
Of course, you couldn’t let him go to the first of the month meeting like this. His pride would be wounded beyond compare if anyone else saw him like this. But reasoning with him wasn’t working. You had to resort to more, unsavory tactic to win. “But the meeting was cancelled. Lord Diavolo called earlier to let me know.”
Lucifer stopped stamping his feet and waving his arms to look at you with a vacant expression you didn’t know he could muster. “Really?”
Gods help you. “Yes, really.”
He seemed to think about this for a moment before he beamed, “ok!” His mood instantly brightening. “I believe you, because [Y/N] would never lie to me.” ‘Forgive me Lucifer’ You think to yourself. “What are we gonna do instead then?”
“Why don’t we play a game instead to pass the time? Would you like that?”
“I know chess!” He exclaimed loudly. “Let’s play that.”
Of course, knowing and being good at it were two different things. In this state you were actually able to beat Lucifer several times. When he retuned to normal the day was ‘conveniently’ put away for sometime after.
“Mammon. Please. I��ll just be gone for a minute.”
“Nooooooo!” Mammon wailed when you tried to get up again. Clinging to your waist tightly to keep you on the couch. “Onii-chan said you had to stay with me! Stay with me! Stay with me!”
After reading The Forbidden Book of Toddlerization, Mammon had, of course, reverted to the personality of a small child. His brother made fun of him, say ‘what’s the difference’, but Lucifer knew that this could be a disaster if he was set to wander free in this state across the Devildom. So he sat you to babysit him.
“Mammon, I promise I’ll be right back. I’m just going to get us some snacks for our movie.”
“Then let me come with you!” He whined, still clinging to you. In this state it seemed he had also taken on the personality of a baby duck. Imprinting on you and following you around everywhere you went in his room. He hadn’t left you alone for 5 seconds since he got this way. “I promise I’ll be good!”
“It’s not a question of you being good or bad Mammon-chan.” He liked to be called Mammon-chan right now. “It’s that you need to stay here. If someone sees you like this well…they could use it to tease you.”
“No…I don’t want to be teased anymore….” His voice was low, and sad. His bright eyes looking on the verge of tears, like kids do when they’re said, before he buried his face into your side. “Mammon-chan doesn’t want to be made fun of anymore. Mammon-chan also doesn’t want to be alone anymore.”
You sigh. Unable to argue with him when he was like this. Your hand lifted to pet his head, which he seemed to appreciate, before you text Satan to bring you some snacks. He was always reliable and would do it for you.
Once the affects of the book had worn off, Mammon denied any of this happening. The mere mention would cause his face to turn red and yell about how, “that didn’t happen!” You almost wish you had taken a video of it to show him. Guess you would just have to keep Mammon-chan forever in your heart.
You went to Levi’s room after class to check on him in his….condition.
Since he did remote learning a lot of the time, being an otaku, it was pretty easy to keep him away from people so they did see him in the current state he was in. Apparently as a toddler he didn’t like being around people either.
So, you had set him up comfortably in his room before heading to class. Promising to come back that afternoon to be with him.
“Levi! I’m back! How are you—what are you doing?!?!”
“Playing with my toys.” Levi replied, with an obvious expression, as a sea of toys stretch out in front of him where he laid on his belly on the floor.
Your brain stopped. Completely at a loss for words. Levi was going to kill you when he returned to normal, because toddler-Levi, left unattended, had unboxed nearly all of his figurines from their packaging. Some of which were incredibly rare, and unable to get anymore.
“I just…I mean…Why?? Why would you do this??”
“They’re my toys.” Levi replied with a pout. Sitting up. “I can do what I want with them. What’s the point in having neat toys if you aren’t going to play with them??”
He did have a point there. But adult-Levi was going to be so mad!
“Do you want to play with me?” The demon asked with a hopeful expression. “You can even be blue Ruri-chan.” The limited edition, color swap Ruri-chan from 1999. He was gonna blow a gasket!
“Yeah. Ok.” But then again, when were you ever going to be able to touch them again.
As expected, Levi totally lost it when he came to his senses. Of course, there was no one to blame but himself, in the end, so he just had to be upset and mope alone. Thankfully, none of them were broken or beyond just out of their originally packaging. He bought them all clear showcase boxes for his ‘ruined’ figurines. Some of them he could rebuy to replace; which seemed to make him happy to have two.
It had been hours since the affects of the book had taken ahold of Satan. You were starting to wonder if they would ever wear off.
Lucifer had left in search of another book, one that might help speed the process along, and left his younger brother in your care. Of course you were happy to help, but you were getting nervous you would never see the old Satan again.
“[Y/N]-chan?” You look up from your phone, waiting for Lucifer to text you back, to see the blonde demon looking timidly at you from around the corner. 
“What is it Satan?”
“Would you….read to me?” His hands holding out the small children’s book he had some how found in the piles of books covering his room.
You smile softly at him. Your heart warmed by his request. “Of course,” you tell him, and the demon scampered over to sit on the bed beside you. His long legs and body tucked neatly into you as he waited for you to tell him the story of a little lost chicken and it’s journey back home. “[Y/N] tells the best stories!”
After 3 stories, he had fallen asleep. When he woke up, Satan was back to normal. He doesn’t answer your questions on where the children’s books had come from, but you spot the red & gold spines on his book shelves sometimes.
There was no denying that Asmo was fascinated by art and all things beautiful. He went on and on about it any chance he got. So you shouldn’t have really been surprised when his toddlerfied self just wanted to draw all day.
“Look, look [Y/N]-chan! I finished another one!”
“That’s great Asmo.” You praise. Just like you had done with all the other ones he had handed to you. “Wow! This is really great! Is that a….chicken?”
“No, silly! That’s the white horse for our carriage when we get married!” The demon beamed, then shuffled over on his knees to instruct you on his picture properly. “That’s you, and that’s me. That’s the princess carriage that’s going to ride us off into the sunset. That’s Solomon and Simeon throwing flowers at us. That’s my brothers crying because I got to marry [Y/N]-chan and they didn’t.”
“You certainly seem to have all the parts here.” You praise. Giggling at his enthusiasm and picture.
“I want to have a perfect picture of when we get married. Because I love [Y/N]-chan! And we’re gonna get married and live happily ever after.” He replied, with certainty, with a smile.
“Well, I’ll be glad for that. Why don’t you draw me our perfect house for after we get married?” Asmo scampered off and did just that.
When Asmo came to, and back to his normal self, he took all the pictures he had drawn and framed them. Forcing his brothers and Solomon to take a tour of his mini-art gallery. The piece ‘Marriage of Two Bonded Souls’ was met with some controversy.
Beel, in his younger days, seemed to have boundless energy. Or you at least had to assume he did, because ever since he had read that stupid book he had been running around.
Lucifer had told you to take him outside. Irritated at hearing his large feet clump around the house, but trying not to show it since it wasn’t his fault. He even let you both take Cerberus outside to help run Beel out. It would be good for the pup too. Get some exercise, he said.
That had been sometime ago, and it seemed baby-Beel and Cerberus were an even match in energy. They had been running around, chasing each other, and play fighting in the back yard all afternoon. You were tired just watching them.
“Beel! Do you want to come in? I think it’s time for a break.”
Both Beel and Cerberus pop their heads up, in a comical and adorable unison head tilt, before jogging over to you. “Break time means snack time right?!”
You chuckle a little. Somethings never changed. “I brought some apple slices & peanut butter for you, for now. We can get you something bigger when we go inside.”
Beel grinned and sat in the grass with the container. “I like apple slices!”
“You do hn?” You don’t think you’ve seen Beel eat an actual fruit on its own. It was usually attached to, baked in, or covered in something, to get him to eat it.
“Yep! They’re crunchy and sweet. Just like you! Though, I guess you aren’t crunchy. Do you want one of my apple slices [Y/N]?”
You blush a little at Beel’s bright, unwavering expression. How could he look so innocent while still looking like that?
He finished his apple slices, minus one, before asking if he could go play again. You let him, but then all of a sudden he spotted playing with Cerberus and stood straight up. Seeming confused on how he got out here and what was going on. “Did I eat an apple? I haven’t had one since….do you think we have more in the kitchen?”
It was honestly hard to tell if Belphie was under the spell of the forbidden book or not. He’d been asleep for most of the time; which was not uncommon for him. Then he would wake up and whine a little about something; again, not uncommon for him. Then he would take another nap.
You had figure out that he was still under it’s spell by the requests he was making when he woke up. Juice boxes. More plushies. His ‘blankie’. Eventually it would run its course though, and Belphie would be back to his own sleepy eyed, grown up self. “[Y/N]?”
You walk over to the bed when the demon called your name. The boy half sitting up, but still tucked under his covers. “What is it Belphie?”
“I can’t sleep.” He stated. Which seemed ridiculous since he had been sleeping most of the day. “I miss Lilli. And Be-be. Can you sleep with me?”
You blink at little at the request. You supposed it made since. Kids often wanted someone to sleep with them, so they didn’t have bad dreams or could keep them safe. Maybe that’s why he had been sleeping so much. Because he hadn’t been sleeping well, just sleep.
“Sure Belphie. I’ll lay down with you.” The demon smiled softly, sleepy, before he scooted over to give you some space to lay next to him.
He slept for a while this last time. Clinging onto you in his sleep, with a soft smile on his face. When he woke up, it seemed he was back to normal. “Gosh [Y/N]. If you wanted to sleep with me, all you had to do was ask. You didn’t have to trick me with that lame book.”
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obeymeluv · 4 years ago
Quick! Kiss Me! [Part 3 - Mammon]
Same rules apply from Part 2: thoughts are italicized and bolded. May be slightly NSFW because the boys have a crush on you and such. If anyone has suggestions for Asmo’s part or Belphie’s, I’m down to hear it. I kind of have one for Belphie but I feel it’s a little cliché.
Also, I’ve logged back in and started playing Obey Me! since I have a three day weekend and the “Are You Kidding Me?!” event is making me want to write those baby headcanons. Might do that next.
You’d been following a buzzing, bubbling sensation around the house. It was enough to make your teeth rattle at points and you wondered if one of the brothers were using shadow magic to stay on the fringes of your vision (or just out of it). Sometimes it would feel like you were right on top of it, your whole body feeling like loose change in a can, and just as quickly it would stop. The cold wash of going the wrong way was a welcome reprieve.
Exhausted, feeling like you’d lapped the house several times, you dragged yourself back to your bedroom. It wasn’t very romantic but at this point you’d had it! The only thing your poor brain could think of was texting them one by one and just kissing them. If you were honest with yourself, you wouldn’t even need to text all seven. If you were really honest with yourself, you just wanted to text one of them.
And he was in your bed, cuddled into your pillows and half-wrapped in your sheets like he was supposed to be there.
Was he asleep?
You resisted the urge to stomp your foot or startle Mammon awake. His jacket was tossed haphazardly over your small desk chair but his sunglasses had been placed with care on your nightstand. Mammon? You placed on knee on the bed, planning to crawl towards him from the opposite corner. Mammon tended to wake up swinging and flailing; you remembered Belphie yanking him off of “his” spot on the couch but not before he’d fluffed his pillow and took a defensive stance.
Your little brain tap was enough to make him snort and stretch but not open his eyes. Tanned limbs dragged themselves across twisted sheets. He sounded like he’d mumbled something but you couldn’t be sure. You were sure he’d scooped up another pillow to stuff his face in and squeeze to death.
Was that a giggle? Mammon gave a contented little hum, snuggling his face into the new, cool pillow. Mammon! you tried again. It was weird to speak with your brain. Could you raise your voice just by thinking it? You froze in the middle of the bed, Mammon snapping up with a slow blink and a confused slur (and a huffy demon gurgle).
If he wasn’t hugging the pillow, he probably would’ve swung his arms out or fallen out the bed and taken half the sheets with him. Mammon blinked again, his white brows furrowing as he scanned the room. He leaned forward and you barely remembered how utterly blind he was as you watched the sleep lift from blue-yellow eyes.
“So who was the lucky—“ Mammon started off in his fake ‘I’m not interested’ tone but the words died out before he could make them any more indifferent. “Your lips are still sealed shut.” he lurched forward, your noses practically touching. “Your lips are still sealed shut!” he whispered again breathlessly, the quickness of his words matching the excited pulse in his throat.
Mammon’s heart squeezed in his chest. His mouth dried and suddenly he couldn’t think of anything to say. This wasn’t how he thought your first kiss would be but Diavolo be damned if he’d turn it down! The demon could barely filter his desire for you, trying to keep the YES! GIMME! KISS ME, KISS ME! in his head and out of yours. His face started to heat up when the pact mark on your shoulder glowed a soft golden color, painting both of your faces in a candlelight-like glow.
The tiniest part of his awed brain could feel his mouth slipping open in shock. You were a vision with golden highlights. Golden highlights from his pact mark! It made him want to take you on a fancy restaurant date and see it again.
Mammon? you were waiting on him now, ever so careful. So considerate. That’s what he loved about you. You put up with a lot of his walls and his loud behavior but deep down you knew. He knew you knew, and he was glad you kept his secret.
The people who made the loudest echoes were often the most fragile. He was a giving heart that had been corrupted against his will, and he had not totally hardened with the fall. You saw those scars and chips and cracks and somehow healed all of it with your human hands. With your smile. Your touch.
Hell, you just saying his name could wipe centuries of suffering from his mind.
“Was I your first choice?” Mammon’s voice turned raspy and tight. He couldn’t bear to hear you say you’d gone to one of the others first. He’d seen you going from room to room, slinking around the house in a way only the second-eldest could master. Years of trying to slip out past curfew and make off with a few odds and ends no one would miss without getting caught had its perks. Watching you touch doors and turn halls gutted him and drove him to seek refuge in your room.
He’d consoled himself amongst your pillows—your scent—and tried not to cry. Even if you didn’t choose him, he’d still have you as a friend. Maybe an in-law. That didn’t stop the cold twisting in his guts or the burning anguish in his chest as he realized over and over that he was one of seven. The other six were better than him, he feared. He was just scummy, scummy Mammon.
You don’t think you are? You tilted your head as you looked at him, hands coming up to comb gently through his hair and massage the bottom of his ears. Your hands smoothed down his neck, drawing him into a hug that was just…very you. Comforting and genuine and wholesome. He felt it first physically, then emotionally as your pact mark burned a little brighter.
You dummy, it was so light, so teasing and gentle that Mammon couldn’t help but smile as you cupped his face and brought his lips up to yours. “Of course you’re my first choice. You’re my first man, aren’t you?”
Mammon realized you said that with your mouth--your open mouth—and he exploded into a rolling yayayayaya victory warble. His eyes were a molten yellow, almost as bright as Diavolo’s (maybe brighter). Tears beaded in his eyes and Mammon blinked them away, stuffing his face into your neck as he tackled you to the bed. A burst of heat rolled over you as his horns came out a hot skin touched yours, the demon greedily snuggling into like he’d finally found his home.
He was scenting you with all his snuggling and ‘settling’ but you didn’t mind, patting his back and running your fingertips across the seams in his black jacket. In all his ‘settling’ you’d been turned onto your side and scooped up by him. Mammon locked his arms around you, feet tangling with yours. He’d tucked you under his chin to keep you away from his horns. “I can’t believe you took so long!” he whined, fingers playing with your hair, “making me wait like that! I’m a busy guy, you know?”
“I can take your place if you’re so busy!” you saw a hint of Asmo in the doorway and probably Levi behind him before Mammon’s wing blocked your view. They’d been called by the noise Mammon made earlier.
“Get lost, the lot of ya!” Mammon flapped his free wing at them. He hugged you closer and you briefly wondered if this what a dragon did with their hoard. You laughed at the thought. “This is my human! And my human is spending time with their first man!” he’d made a little tent out of his wing, peeking down at you with pride and love and a little hesitancy that begged you to back him up because his embarrassment was outweighing his ability to run his smart mouth.
You responded by kissing his chest, little kitten kisses that climbed his throat and jaw and could definitely be heard with demon ears. Popping out from just under his wing, you pecked his lips. His nose just to catch him off guard. “It’s very personal time.” you teased, rubbing his shoulders as his wing unfolded to show you off, sitting happily atop your man.
There were scowls and little demon grumbles you’d never be able to understand, but you didn’t care. You couldn’t even hear them over the sound of Mammon’s purr.
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otonymous · 5 years ago
Glutton For Your Flavour (Obey Me: Beelzebub - NSFW)
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Description: You’re about to become Beel’s next meal Warnings: NSFW/18+: Explicit/graphic language — reader discretion is advised.  Spoilers for Lesson 5 of MS (hard).  Please note potential trigger warnings: dub-con (as an inadvertent result of somnambulism), cunnilingus in two flavours (soft and rough), squirting and overstimulation, slight size kink, very faint hints of tetraphilia, blink-and-you’ll-miss-it blasphemy, slight fear (monstrous descriptions) Word Count: ~2900 words (~14 mins of smut & shenanigans) Author’s Notes:  My very first fic for the Obey Me fandom!  I know I’m late to the party, but I’ve recently started playing this game and the story and its characters are so amusing I had to write about it.  This piece may not be to everyone’s taste, so please, please, please note the potential trigger warnings listed above and skip if it’s not your cup of tea.  That being said, hope you all enjoy the read! 💕😆
“Bad luck to be sharing a room with Beel, but what can ya do after he destroyed yours while destroying the kitchen, and all for a dumb custard!  Be careful — he might mistake you for a snack and eat ya in the middle of the night, hahaha!”
The scene fragments, Mammon’s face wavering as his voice grows faint, consciousness seeping into dark corners like sunlight cutting through fog.  And when you open your eyes, you can’t quite place where you are for a moment, straddling the line between dreamscape and reality.
You sigh.  There it was again, the sensation so pleasant it had roused you from the deepest slumber.
Further blinking off the haze of sleep, you take in your surroundings: a large bed lying empty across from yours in a room almost cavernous in size and just as dark save for a candle burning low on a desk, the glow of its flame orange like the hair that was currently brushing soft against your inner thighs—
“So tasty…not…enough…need more…want to…eat…zzz….”
Eyes still closed, the demon’s face is shiny even in the dark, slick from cheek to chin with what must’ve been a copious amount of his saliva and your arousal, you blush to realize.  And when he doesn’t budge even after a swift kick to the face, you are ashamed to find the Lord of Flies’ show of strength sending yet another throb to your already pulsing clit.
He does wake though, Beelzebub’s amethyst eyes opening wide before he falls backwards onto the cold stone floor to realize what he had inadvertently done in his sleep.  And as the always-famished sixth born looks from the shredded remnants of your panties to the pool of wetness on the sheets where his chin had rested, he becomes even more tongue-tied than usual.
“I…uh…I’m sorry!  I didn’t mean to…I dreamt I smelled something delicious and I was so hungry…and somehow I’m here, on the floor…I don’t even know…I-I’m so sorry!”
His cheeks grow so flushed they remind you of the red spider sandwiches he packed away during dinner, stuffing them two by two into his mouth until Satan smacked his hand away for trying to take more from his plate.  The expression on his face is so full of remorse that even if you were angry, you’d be inclined to forgive the demon who was currently grovelling at the foot of your bed, swearing he would hand himself over to Lucifer and Diavolo first thing in the morning to be strung up and hung upside down for a fortnight, even (gulp) forgoing food for a day or two.
“Beelzebub…Beel…BEEL!”  You shout, interrupting his self-inflicted tirade.  “It’s okay, you didn’t mean it.  You were sleepwalking.  You don’t have to go to Lucifer and Diavolo about this.”
“No, I have to.  My behaviour was inexcusable—”
“BEEL!  Let’s…just…try to go back to sleep, okay?  We have our midterm in Devildom law tomorrow morning and I really don’t feel like failing just because I didn’t get enough shut eye.  So please, can we just pretend like this didn’t happen?”
Those orange brows are still furrowed when Beel finally lifts his head and nods.  But then his gaze is falling again on the wet sheets and the shiver than runs through that larger-than-life body seems to send another wave of anxiety through the demon.  He makes a mad dash for the door, murmuring something about getting a snack from the kitchen and “you can have the room tonight” before it slams shut behind him.
He doesn’t return for the rest of the night.
The exam was so disastrous even Mammon didn’t bother sneaking another peek at your paper after the first two questions.  And even if you had somehow managed to get back to sleep after last night’s ordeal, it wouldn’t have changed the fact that you were still distracted by the memory of Beel’s mouth on your pussy:
His long tongue, serpentine as it delved deep between swollen folds to taste you with gusto.  
The way he rolled your clit between those plush, soft lips before sucking it into his hot mouth, over and over again.  
The throbbing between your legs that refused to cease long after the Avatar of Gluttony had left the room you were temporarily sharing, sleep only forthcoming once you had succumbed and reached beneath the sheets to finish the job he had started, your moans licentious even to your ears as you pretended your fingers were his.
It was a pale imitation, of course.  That much you could see for yourself, stealing a glance at Beel seated two rows down — quill twirling between long, dexterous digits when he wasn’t putting ink to parchment.
But those gigantic hands were just a small part of what made Beel demonically attractive, as if the word “small” could be applied to him at all: tall and built, there were times when even you envied the ease with which he maintained that perfect physique despite his penchant for shovelling enough food to feed all three realms into his mouth on the regular.
The same mouth which brought you so much pleasure the night before.
Clearing your throat, you pretend not to see the smirk that spreads across Asmo’s delicate face, hoping the lusty demon sitting just to your left wouldn’t pick up on the very secret thoughts you were having about his brother.
[Private Chatroom]: Satan, Levi, Mammon, Asmo
Satan: This is going to sound crazy, but doesn’t it seem like Beel’s…hungrier than usual?  Is that even possible?
Levi: OMFG!  You should’ve seen the state of the kitchen this morning after Beel decided to camp out there overnight!  It was a total war zone, like that epic battle scene in Vol. 5 of TSL lololol.  Soooo good XDDDDD
Mammon:  Hey!  He’s gonna eat us outta house and home at this rate!  Shouldn’t we stop him?
Satan: You do it, Mammon.  Aren’t you always saying that there’s nothing The Great Mammon can’t do?
Mammon: …..
Asmo: Please, as if anyone — angel or demon — could come between Beel and a meal.  
Satan: Why was he camping out there in the first place?  Was there something wrong with his room?  I don’t remember him complaining about anything since he got shacked up with the exchange student.
Levi: Not like he could, seeing as it was his fault to begin with and a direct order from Lucifer.
Asmo: Maybe we should ask her.  I’m sure she knows something about what’s inciting his hunger judging by the way she kept staring at him in class today fufufu 😏  She almost failed her midterm because of it, isn’t that right, Mammon?
Mammon: ‼️‼️
[Mammon has left the chat]
Levi: He is sooooo transparent LMFAOOOO
Pressing a hand to your mouth, you try to contain your shock at the sight that greets you when you peek around the corner into the kitchen:
Curved, ebony horns sitting majestically atop a head of disheveled orange hair.  Thick, corded muscles that ripple across a broad back — readily apparently because the creature bent over a mountain of food on the ground was wearing nothing but a pair of pyjama bottoms, loose and slung so low over narrow hips that the sharp V defining his groin is visible even from the distance at which you stood.  
Because this wasn’t quite what you were expecting to find when you made your way to the kitchen in the middle of the night to search for Beel, thinking to approach him about the peculiarity of his recent behaviour: the way he now ate constantly and was less satiated than before, the fact that he seemed to be going out of his way to avoid you even though you shared a room.
In fact, he hadn’t said so much as another word to you after he gave you two dozen of his prized custards the morning after the incident, apologizing again until you had to be the one to make him swear he wouldn’t breathe a word of it to Lucifer.  The demon even made a beeline for the door as soon as he saw you emerge from the bathroom tonight, fresh from a shower.
It wasn’t hard to guess where he was headed.
Even still, you tried to focus on your textbook, reading the same line over and over again as you waited for Beel to return so you could have a proper conversation with the demon you made a pact with.  And when you could wait no longer, you made your way towards his favourite room in the House of Lamentation — silently, so as not to draw the attention of the eldest sibling.
But the growls coming from the direction of the open fridge this time sounded like Cerberus himself, enough so that you find yourself rooted to the ground, unable to take another step forwards or back.  
You had never seen Beel like this before, tearing into whatever he could get his hands on with a savagery that made your heart stop.  Teeth, lips and tongue devoured without second thought in a way that was simultaneously terrifying and…
Suddenly, he stills, throwing his head back to sniff the air once…twice…and in a flash, he is upon you, towering over your head as he rises to full height — bigger and taller and much more intimidating than you’ve ever seen him before.
You should have been scared.  Any person in their right mind would have if they found themselves cornered by a demon of Beelzebub’s calibre.  But the hands that balled into trembling fists at his sides made you feel oddly secure, your deepest instincts telling you that not all was as it seemed.
“You need to leave.  Now…please.”
“What’s going on with you, Beel?  I just want to help—”  You reach for his arm.  He jumps back as if burned.
“I SAID YOU NEED TO LEAVE!  I-I…can’t hold back…for…much longer!”
Handsome face screwed up as if in pain, Beel turns to put as much distance as possible between the two of you, squatting on his haunches with his head in his hands when he murmurs:
“I…I don’t know what’s going on with me.  This has never happened before.  I’m hungrier than I’ve ever been.  I eat and eat and eat and it still isn't enough.  The last time I felt satisfied was when…when…”
His voice dies down to a whisper.
“…when I tasted you.”
Putting out a hand, you steady yourself against the wall, knees suddenly weak at Beelzebub’s admission.  Or perhaps it was due to relief, the tension that had been steadily building in your strained relationship with the demon released to know that you weren’t the only one who desired to revisit that night’s events.
So you gather your courage, stepping softly towards the demon who crouched on the ground next to the lit fireplace, the heat radiating from the hearth warming the flesh you had deliberately left bare when you lift the hem of your night gown to expose yourself to Beel.
“What are you doing?!  I told you, I can barely hold back—”
“Then don’t.  I don’t mind, Beel.  I…I like it too.”
Amethyst eyes darken as they look up into yours, orange flames reflecting off pupils blown wide.  And when he speaks next, the deepness of his voice echoes in your body, as if its source were to be found within your own soul.
“Ask and ye shall receive.  I won’t touch you until you do.”
Nipples hardening beneath your gown, the rush of heat that floods your core makes you shudder when you say,
“Please, Beelzebub…I want you to eat my pussy.”
Back hitting solid wood, you barely have time to gasp before you are pulled to the edge of a long table in the centre of the kitchen, a long tongue running up the insides of each thigh in turn before they’re propped up onto broad shoulders, Beel’s breath blowing hot on the space in between.
“I’m sorry, but I don’t think I can hold back.  I’m just…so famished, so desperate to taste you again—”
His words cut off in a low growl as he presses his lips to your folds, saliva dripping from his mouth mixing with the juices that already painted a glistening sheen on pink flesh.  You fight to bite back a moan at the vehemence of his hunger, the sheer greed of his tongue — flicking at your clit until your back arched off the table, heralding the arrival of the cream that leaked only to be swept up by Beel licking from end to end of that swollen seam.  And when that still wasn’t enough, you nearly swooned to feel that serpentine tongue penetrate, reaching depths that surely only a demon would be able to achieve as Beel sought out more of your flavour.
He buries his face deeper into your pussy, nose nudging your clit as arousal smeared over the entirely of his visage.  The vibrations of his voice further stimulates your locus of pleasure, punctuating the lewd, wet sounds when he says:
“You smell so delicious.  All the time.  And tonight, when you stepped out of the shower…I couldn’t take it, not with the way your scent flooded my senses.  I had to leave or else…this would happen.”
“Oh Beel…you should’ve told me sooner.”  
Mind lost in a haze of lust and body boneless from riding out wave after climatic wave, you reach down a trembling hand without thinking, fingers innocently tracing along the smooth ridges of the onyx horns that lay against your abdomen.
Suddenly, his breath hitches at your touch and the Sixth Prince of Hell is throwing his head back, eyes squeezed shut and mouth open in a moan loud and deep enough to reverberate off stone walls, clattering stacks of dishes in cupboards and making you come once more — legs convulsing upon his shoulders as you feel a preponderance of fluid gush forth from your body right into Beel’s waiting mouth.
The pleasure was such that you’ve never known before, so good that surely, it must be bad in some way, shape or form.  But you hadn’t the energy to ponder further.  
No, the only thing you’re aware of when your vision goes black is that Beel’s mouth is still on you, feasting upon a pussy that continued to respond to the teasing movements of his lips and tongue even as you ceased to think.
Cheddar.  Pickles.  Ketchup and mustard.
The smell is what rouses you, but nothing could’ve prepared you for what you saw when you awoke in your own bed: mountains of cheeseburgers arranged on platters filling up every available surface in the room you shared with Beel.
“You can sleep for longer if you want.  I told Lucifer you’d be skipping class today because you’re not feeling well.  Are you…feeling well?”
Beelzebub lifts his head from where it’d been resting at the side of your bed, the rest of his body laid out on the floor as if he were guarding you like an oversized dog.  Those puppy dog eyes, full of concern, didn’t help his case either.
“I’m fine, Beel.  Better than fine, actually.  I feel fantastic!”  You smile, moving to sit up in bed.  The demon springs from the ground, putting an arm around your shoulders to help prop you up, and your heart can’t help but warm at how protective he was being.
He breathes, relief flooding those handsome features.  “I’m glad.  I was afraid I lost control last night and had to carry you back.  You were just…so tasty and…satisfying…”  
Those amethyst eyes glint as they travel to the apex of your thighs, and all of a sudden, he is grabbing at those human world cheeseburgers, shoving them into his mouth two at a time.
“Have some,” he says between bites.  “They’re my favourite and I thought you might like them too.  Besides, you need to eat if you’re gonna keep up your energy.”
You reach towards the nearest platter, taking one for yourself.  “Energy for what?”
Beel looks at you, expression completely serious when he says, “For the next round tonight.”
Thank you so much for reading!  Check out more of my work here! 📚
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mageofseven · 4 years ago
Bros and undateables react to MC who bakes in the middle of the night when stressed
I read this and my brain was like "so Beel's dream MC?". Of course, doing it out of stress isn't good, but Beel would definitely enjoy midnight sweets~
Anyway, will do, Nonnie! Please enjoy 😊
Also, like always, I'm splitting this into two parts: one for Brothers and the other Undateables for space reasons.
Was heading to the kitchen to get himself more coffee to continue his paperwork.
When he saw the kitchen light on, he expected to catch Beel raiding the fridge.
Instead, he found MC at the oven, pulling out another set of cookies to add to the already monstrous pile of them on the counter.
"MC, what are you doing?"
The human jumped at his voice then gave an awkward laugh.
"Yes, I have eyes, Love." He tells them. "What I mean is, why are you baking at 1am?"
"...I dunno."
The man sighed before approaching the human and turning off the oven.
"Regardless, I believe you've made enough cookies for one night. It's time for bed."
The human didn't move however.
"I can't sleep..."
MC proceeds to explain how they get bad anxiety at night and how usually they can power through it, but with some school stressors on top of it, it became overwhelming and they just needed to do something to distract themselves.
The demon frowned.
"Love, you should have just came to me if you were having issues."
"But you're busy with your work--"
"That doesn't matter if you need me though."
The firstborn smoothed down their human's hair, which was messy.
"Now follow me to my room. I'll make sure you get some rest."
"But what about the cookies?"
"I'm sure Beel will wander in and take care of them for you."
Just got back from a party and was heading to the kitchen to grab a snack before heading up to his room
Only to find MC awake and... icing a cake?
"Oi! Human! What's with the cake?"
"I baked it."
"Well duh. But why?"
The human finished icing it, making the cake a colorful one with all of the brothers' colors.
"Because I wanted to." The human shrugged, not meeting his eyes. "Do you want a piece?"
"Uh.. sure." The demon mumbled.
He hopped onto the counter next to them as he watched them grab a plate and cut a piece for him.
MC handed the plate and a fork to him.
"It's red velvet." They said proudly.
"Yeah, yeah..." The man mumbled, taking a bite.
His eyebrows raised.
"Man, this is good!" His face went red at his words so he dialed back. "I mean, its okay... ya know."
MC gave a small smile, but it quickly fell into a heavier look.
"Hey, what's with that face??"
MC quietly hopped on the free counter next to him.
They didn't answered, just lightly kicked their feet as they stared at the floor.
"Oh c'mon, Babe, talk to me 'ere!"
MC sighed.
"I'm sorry. My anxiety is just bad tonight... I wanted to keep busy."
The Avatar of Greed sat the plate down and put his arm around his Human.
"I don't get why you went to straight to baking..." The demon thought aloud. "But it doesn't matter. I'm home now, got that? You don't have to be anxious on your own..."
MC gave a soft smile.
"Thanks, Babe."
"Nothin' to thank me for. Now just let The Great Mammon take care of you!"
This boy's sleep schedule is kinda fucked up
So it's not unusual for him to be up at 3am.
The Avatar of Envy ran out of pop in his room so he ventured out to the kitchen to get some more.
Which is how he found MC in the kitchen with like... seven cheesecakes???
"...What am I looking at?"
"Well duh, normie." The demon rolled his eyes. "But why did you make cheesecake at like, 3am?"
Silence. Levi was suddenly worried that they hurt his Human's feelings and the look is their eyes definitely wasn't filled with the positivity that he's used to.
"Look..." He came up and hugged them close. "I just don't get it. Please don't be upset."
MC laid their head against their boyfriend's chest.
"It's fine." They mumbled. "I'm sorry... I just couldn't sleep so... I just came in to bake and this was the outcome."
"You should have just came to my room." He pulled back to look at them. "You could have been watching me play Rune Factory or something."
MC turned away from the demon, wrapping their arms around themselves.
"I'm not too clingy... right?"
"I... what?"
MC sighed.
"I didn't go to you because I was worried that you just wanted time to yourself and I'm always with you during the day..."
Levi just shook his head at every word they just said.
"Look... I always want my Henry with me." He blushed. "And yeah, I like my time away from other people, but that doesn't include you; just other normies."
"Are... are you sure?"
"I mean, yeah." He mumbled. "So... just don't worry about it, okay?"
This man usually has a better sleep schedule but tonight he had stayed up reading just a bit too long.
He started heading to the kitchen to get some water and found MC with counter surfaces covered with cupcuakes while they looked really stressed and teary-eyed down at the one they were drawing on with icing.
MC jumped and quickly raised their hand to wipe their eyes.
Satan strode over and stopped them, looking down into their eyes.
"Kitten, what's wrong?" He wiped away a fallen tear.
They avoided their boyfriend's gaze.
"It's not working..." They mumbled.
"What are you talking about?"
"The cats aren't turning out right..." Their gaze falls to the dozen cupcakes with cat faces drawn on them in icing, but didn't meet the human's standards apparently.
The blonde raised an eyebrow. Surely they weren't in the kitchen crying over cupcakes because their designs weren't coming out well?
He sighed.
"Give me your hand." He took the human's hand with the bag of icing and brought it over a cupcake. He guided them with the design and helped them make a cleaner-looking cat.
"Thank you." MC sniffled.
Satan pressed a kiss to their forehead.
"Now what's the real issue, Little One?"
MC didn't say a word, just lightly sat the icing bag down and stared at the cupcakes.
Their boyfriend waited patiently and just rubbed circles on their hand with his thumb.
"I... I'm not gonna be sent away if I fail a class, right?"
"What are you talking about?"
MC shifted their gaze to the ground.
The blonde sighed once more and wrapped his arms around their waist.
"Talk to me, Kitten."
They sniffled.
"I'm failing my Hexes class." They mumbled. "This semester got so much harder and my grade took a nose dive... and the requirements to stay in the program say I gotta keep my grades in a certain range..."
"MC... you should have told me sooner." He tightened his embrace around them and set his chin on their shoulder.
"B-But you can't always help me--"
"Yes I can, Kitten. I'm always ready to help you when you need me."
He kissed their cheek.
"And trust me when I say I would never let anyone take you away from me." He told them. "I'd fight the whole Devildom to keep you by my side."
He placed one last kiss on their temple.
"I'll help you study tomorrow. For now, let's clean up and get some rest."
Another one who just came home from a party and was heading towards his room when he heard a frustrated sigh come from the kitchen.
The demon poked his head inside and found MC staring down at... something. Whatever it was supposed to be, it just looked like charcoal now.
"Doll? What are you doing up?"
MC sighed.
"Baking." They eyed the black brick on the counter. "Or well... tried to anyway."
Asmo stepped inside and immediately went over to kiss his human.
They smiled a bit.
"Welcome home."
He smiled back and gave his Doll a big hug.
MC relaxed into the hug.
"My anxiety is just bad tonight for basically no reason." They explained, burying their face in the crook of his neck. "I was waiting for you to come home."
"Aww, Dolly." He pulled back and kissed their check. "You should have texted me! I would of been home sooner!"
"No, no, it fine." They pulled away. "Did you have fun?"
"Yep! Of course, I would have had even more fun if you came me, but I still made do~."
He gave them another kiss, this time on their nose.
"Now why don't we lay down now, hmm?"
MC smiled.
"Okay, thank you, Azzy."
Midnight kitchen raid. A usual nightly occurrence.
This time however, the Avatar of Gluttony's nose was greeted by a sweet smell as he approached the kitchen.
"Oh Beely!" The human displayed their plate full of fudge squares to him. "Please try them and tell me what you think."
Was he dreaming? The man felt like he was dreaming. Still, he didn't hesitate to accept the human's offer.
He made quick work of the fudge and smiled happily at his Muffin.
"Amazing." He stepped forward and hugged his human.
After a moment though, his smile fell.
"Wait...what are you doing up?"
MC broke away and sat the now empty plate in the sink.
"I dunno. I just couldn't sleep." They explained. "I guess I just..."
The demon stared down at them, waiting patiently.
"Ugh..." MC let their face fall into his chest.
He stroked their hair quietly, brows furrowing in concern.
"I got a test on Friday and no matter how much I study for it, I can't stop stressing about it." They sighed.
"What class?"
"History..." They mumbled. "Why do we have to cover a whole century of events in one test?"
Beel patted their head and hugged their human close.
"Can I sleep with you tonight, Beely? I don't think I wanna go back to my room."
He kissed the top of their head.
"Of course, Muffin."
Believe or not, its common for Sleepy Boy to be up late at night.
He sleeps so much during the day that he's usually awake starting from after his dinner nap to about 4 or 5 am.
Hence him being awake at 2am and heading towards MC's room, only to notice that their room was empty, but there was noise coming from the kitchen.
He found his Human sitting on the floor in front of the oven, staring into it.
"What are you doing?"
"Waiting for the brownies to bake." They said dully, not looking away from the oven.
"Are you baked?"
MC lightly hit his arm, but broke out into a small smile.
He smirked.
"Come on, I mean, who bakes brownies at 2am and just stares at them?"
Their smile fell, as did their gaze; they stared down at their bare feet.
Belphie frowned.
"Okay, what's the problem, Butthead?"
No response. He gave a small flick to their head.
"Ow..." The human rubbed their forehead, looking to the Avatar of Sloth as he stared expectantly at them.
They sighed.
"I've been getting nightmares lately... at least I think I have been."
The demon raised an eyebrow.
"You think you've had nightmares?"
"I... can't actually remember them." They mumbled. "All I know is that I'll have them and wake up crying with my heart pounding... but I can never remember why. Like, what the dream was about..."
"How long has this been going on?"
"About... two weeks I think?"
He flicked them on the forehead again.
"Ow!" They rubbed their forehead once more.
"Dummy. You are literally dating the demon whose an expert on sleep and stuff."
Silence. He sighed.
"Come here." He pulled them in for a hug. "Come to my room. I'll keep the nightmares away, got it?"
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obae-me · 5 years ago
Hi I love your blog and your writing. I don't know if your doing request or not, so if you aren't just ignore me. But could you possibly have a hc where MC breaks a body part and had to be in a cast how would the brothers (+undateables if you have time) would react?
Oh but this is soft tho, I love writing fluff, thank you so much for the request! 💜
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MC had been with him when it happened, and it’s something he’ll never forgive himself for. He forgets how fragile humans are and how anything can hurt them. Anything! He had prepared for monsters, demons, curses, spells, poisons, but he never thought he needed to protect them from stairs!
He was walking beside them as they both started to walk home from RAD, talking to them about an upcoming project. It was dark and rainy, and it bothered him none as he started to descend the slick stone steps. He was just about to warn them about their step when they stumbled down the stairs, hands extended to try to catch themselves, hitting each step with an awful sound before resting on even flooring with a groan.
He freaked out so badly, he called MC by five different wrong names before he finally got it right just as he reached their side. They were alive. Great. They were breathing. Fantastic. They...they had their right wrist bent in the wrong direction.
MC was fairly certain he didn’t even breathe or blink at all as he flew them towards the Devildom’s version of a hospital. He kicked the doors open, demanding MC got looked at, ignoring all of MC’s pleas to wait like everyone else. The poor doctor was not prepared for all of Lucifer’s commands and questions.
MC is not allowed to walk, not allowed to go to class, not even allowed to leave their room for a while. He’s so worried something will happen. He doesn’t even want them to sleep without him there first. His brothers are only allowed to come see MC one by one, following a strict schedule he posted outside MC’s door. Anyone found breaking the schedule will be severely punished. 
Is he overreacting severely? Yes. But does MC appreciate his affection? Yes. He’ll hold them close whenever their wrist hurts, petting their head and shushing them if they ever cry. He’ll do all his work for Diavolo in their bedroom, making sure to glance up in frequent intervals and check how they’re doing. He’ll watch over them so intently he’ll end up accidentally falling asleep in the chair by their bed, head resting on his folded arms.
Even after it’s healed, he insists on holding MC’s hand whenever they walk to make sure it won’t happen again. He’ll also pick them up now whenever it rains. He can’t afford anymore unnecessary risks. 
He brought MC along on another one of his poor-planned money making schemes. He wanted to show off and impress them, and MC only agreed to go along to try to make sure he didn’t get himself in too much trouble. Try being the key word here. 
It ended up being super sketchy, causing both MC and Mammon to run away from angry demons. Since Mammon is impossibly fast, he held onto MC’s hand to try to keep them together. However, even if MC ended up being an Olympic runner, they still wouldn’t have been able to keep up with his speed. So, they lost their footing and fell hard against the ground. There was a rough popping noise, but Mammon got them right back on their feet. It wasn’t until they finally got home before Mammon realized that not only were they scratched up, but their shoulder...didn’t look right.
He thought maybe he could fix it himself, which was the opposite of what he should’ve done. Now, not only did it look even worse, but MC’s expression of pain caused Mammon to panic like he never had before. He held onto them tight, much too tight, and MC was almost certain he’d end up passing out before they did.
He got a doctor right away, and while they were getting checked, Lucifer and Mammon were fighting worse than they had in a long time. Mammon had hardly fought this much for anything-or anyone-before. The only reason why Lucifer let him off the hook for something this severe is because it’s been too long since he’s seen Mammon so serious.
Mammon won't leave their side, but he doesn’t feel like he deserves to be near them either, so he’ll spend time pacing by their door for hours before MC tells him to quit. They tell him he doesn’t need to feel so guilty, it was an accident, stupid stuff like this happens to humans all the time. He’ll kneel on the floor by their bed, head against their leg, looking like a scolded puppy. It’s the first time they’ve seen him cry.
It’s not everyday Mammon will do whatever they want. Even if it’s not perfect, even if he messes up, he wants to get MC whatever they want or need.
After they’re fully healed, Mammon will still check their shoulder every day, and Lucifer doesn’t complain when Mammon tones down some of his schemes for the sake of MC’s safety.
He signed both himself and MC up for this awesome parkour class. He had seen an ad for it and wanted to go, only because he wanted to learn some cool moves that he had seen in an anime. Of course, this was a demon class, so already they had the students doing crazy things like jumping roof to roof and doing flips that would take years for MC to do properly. Unfortunately, they tried it out anyway, not wanting to wimp out of it.
Next thing they knew, they heard Levi scream as one of their legs gave out on them, unable to support their landing. He was by their side, already in tears, shouting incomprehensible words as he called for help on his D.D.D. Not only did one of the brothers have to carry MC home, they had to carry out Levi as well, his brain fried at the sight of their broken leg.
He blames himself hard, having to catch his breath anytime he sees MC in their cast. He had no idea human’s bodies were so brittle, they never seemed so weak in anime. They were always fighting, overcoming impossible feats. He was so lost in the world of fantasy he didn’t know real life was so...frightening. It was a reality check he really needed, he appears to treat MC more authentically now.
He’ll make sure MC is fully entertained while they’re on the mend, it's the least he can do. Most of his setup is now in their room so they can play games with him and watch shows together. He’ll talk their ear off about his favorite plots, and promise to MC that they’d get better and he would protect them, just like his precious characters. 
MC now has little drawings on their cast thanks to him, to liven it up a bit. Covered in chibis and little hearts.
He’s used to not getting much sleep, so he’ll watch MC as they rest, watching their chest rise and fall, making sure he keeps an eye on their leg. They’re not allowed to move it much, so he keeps tabs on how much they toss and turn, sometimes holding MC in his arms while they sleep to make sure they don’t move.
Even when they’re better he is always wary about them leaving the house. He should’ve never broken his rule, home is always safe, and now he can’t relax until he knows MC is safely home.
He was always afraid of hurting MC due to his wrath, but he never knew that they could so easily be broken. He hadn’t even intended to hurt them, he didn’t! He just...he was angry, he didn’t want them to come into his room, but they insisted, they wouldn’t listen! Now look what he had done to them...
He had slammed the door on them while their finger still lingered in the door-frame, he had no idea...he didn’t know something as simple as shutting a door would hurt them so. They both heard a sharp crack, Satan originally believed it had been part of the door, the wood breaking. Until he heard MC’s shriek of pain. He opened the door back up to see their finger bent backwards where the door had shut on it.
After he had tore the door off its hinges and resolved it to splinters, he ushered MC quickly out of the house to get their finger checked. His other brothers had to quickly come at MC’s request to keep Satan from harming the medical staff when told they had to wait to get checked. It took him far too long to calm down, having to be physically restrained by Lucifer and Mammon until he cooled off. 
MC’s broken finger had been on their dominant hand, so Satan did all the writing for them. MC never asked him to, he did it anyway. He felt like it was the bare minimum of redemption. He made sure to read up more on the skeletal structure humans possessed, and MC is pleased to find that they had never seen Satan be so gentle with them. He softly strokes their hand, has a hard time now raising his voice above a whisper around them, and MC swears he now has painkillers in his pocket at all times for whenever they need it. 
Satan takes after Lucifer in being much too prideful for simple apologies, he’s hardly wrong in the first place, but he said it to them once they drifted off to sleep, head in his lap. He didn’t move from his spot all night.
Healed wounds meant nothing, Satan refused to treat MC any differently from his delicate and precious books.
Trust him, he would have never given MC those ridiculously high heeled shoes had he known that humans were so clumsy and fragile. The heel of the shoe was so tall, whoever wore them might as well be walking on the very tips of their toes. They were a new fashion, and since he adored his adorable MC so much, he got them a pair.
The last thing he expected was to have them fall so dramatically after a single step. At first he planned on giving them props for their fall, it was like a movie scene, but then he saw how their ankle looked. Twisted and limp, MC started to hyperventilate.
He had seen some pretty disgusting positions the human body could get into, but this was wrong, it shouldn’t be like that. He had never been so serious or flown so fast before. He didn’t even say a word until they were in bed, getting some medication for the pain. He grasped onto MC’s hand and apologized repeatedly until MC was convinced he had lost his voice.
After they’ve been taken care of, he refuses to let go of them, cuddling them pampering them. He didn’t know just a simple misstep in the wrong shoes and they could just hurt themselves like that! He thought himself a master of the body, but he still had much to learn about humans, it seemed.
He calls himself Nurse Asmo for weeks, not leaving MC’s side, carting them around in a wheelchair even if they insist on using crutches or moving around themselves. He’ll have none of it. He feels responsible and so MC is under his constant care until their body is just as beautiful and whole as he remembers. He’ll want to make sure he takes care of them so well, their body will have no choice but to heal faster.
He’ll not forgive himself for allowing MC’s perfect body to get like that again. He’ll never let MC even look at high heel shoes, he knows plenty of adorable flats that would look great on them.
He’s always extra careful around MC, he knows they’re fragile, he’s well aware of the difference between strengths. Anytime he’s around them, he does whatever is necessary to make sure they’re safe at all times. Unfortunately, no matter how protective he is, sometimes accidents happen, especially when humans and demons mix.
He and Mammon were fighting over food, special food, limited edition flavor chips, and Mammon had stolen it. He didn’t even eat it, he sold it. It was an insult. They both were in demon form, battling it out, Lucifer trying to stop it, by force it would seem. They were all so consumed in combat, power flinging, furniture flying, they had no idea MC had walked in the room to check on the chaos, only to get caught up in it. A large cabinet headed in their direction, and if they hadn’t stepped back, they might have gotten fully crushed. Unfortunately, their foot ended up being crushed in their place.
Beel felt sick to his stomach, hearing the sound of the bone crack made his insides feel all twisted in a way he and his iron stomach hadn’t felt in centuries. The fighting immediately came to a close, the food they were fighting over seemed worthless to him now, for once he couldn’t care less. He refused to let any of his other brothers touch MC. In fact he almost didn’t want to touch them himself. He had such a hard time holding them, he ended up physically shaking, worried that he’d hurt MC even further. He doesn’t want to let them go, though, he holds onto them for an entire day, acting like MC’s personal shield. 
Beel skips classes, workouts, even his team practices to be with MC. MC is absolutely not allowed to move by themselves, he’s going to carry them wherever they need to go if they must go somewhere. Until they’re fully healed, all the meals are going to be MC’s favorite foods. None of the brothers get a say otherwise, but no one is going to defy Beel over this anyway.
MC never sees him fight with any of his brothers again, not with them around anyway, and if they thought Beel was already super protective, they weren’t ready for their new unofficial bodyguard.
Honestly, he was bewildered how MC hadn’t died yet--well, other than that--in the Devildom. Lilith had loved humans, and, he in the past, had loved them too, so he knew how weak they could be. However, MC had just...tripped...on their own feet, falling right onto their own face. He laughed at first, he will admit, he had no idea how hurt MC was. When they stumbled back onto their own feet, their face and chest was covered in blood.
He was frozen for a good few minutes, his mind buzzing, his heart pounding out of his chest. He kept getting flashbacks of that terrible moment in the attic, and it was only until MC grabbed his arm, disoriented and in pain, that he was able to move again. They gasped his name to snap him out of it. They weren’t flinching away from him, they didn’t look afraid of him, in fact they were leaning into him, looking for his comfort. 
He got them home as quick as he could, making sure MC didn’t have any more fumbles on the way. Obviously once they saw the state MC was in, all the other brothers were freaking out as well. Mammon accused Belphie of doing something to them again--it was taking Mammon the longest to forgive him-- which didn’t make Belphie feel better about it. Normally he would’ve just fought Mammon then and there for such an accusation, after all the things his older brother had dragged MC into, but he didn’t have the energy. MC needed to be taken care of now. 
He did feel guilty, even if he didn’t want to admit it. Once the doctor came, he left the room, getting some air. He would wait until after MC was asleep to come check on them and make sure they were okay. He would make sure that MC’s pillow was fluffed, that they were comfortable, and then he’d fall asleep at MC’s feet at the end of their bed. He’d wake up at the slightest movement, checking over their body and face for who knows how many times now. 
While they were deep in a dream, he took a permanent marker and drew little cow spots on their bandage. It was a silly gesture, he was well aware, but even having a small piece of matching patterns made his heart happy. 
He won’t say it but he’s so glad when they’re finally healed. MC notices a sharp increase in his energy levels as he asks them to do plenty of activities together. He hardly ever wants to do something with them besides nap. 
He’ll be prepared to catch MC if they ever trip again. He won’t let them be hurt ever again. Period. 
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He wasn’t there when it happened to MC, but Lucifer relayed the information to him as soon as possible. He didn’t freak out, at least, not in the way people would expect. It is rather unlike the Lord of the Devildom, however, to drop all his work, cancel all his meetings, and quickly make his way over to the House of Lamentation.
He excuses MC from classes immediately, making sure staying safe and healthy was their first and only priority. Not just for the sake of the program, but something in him stirred violently at the sight of seeing them pale, in pain, their forearm in a cast. He asked Lucifer for details. 
Upon hearing that it was due to some lesser demon, he laughed, but it was a terrible laugh. He calmly stated that he would handle it, but every member of the household could feel the house rumble. Not even Diavolo could stay completely tranquil, it seemed.
He knew the consequences of having a human in the Devildom, he knew the risks. He knew about the dirt in his kingdom that called themselves demons. He just didn’t realize how it would make him feel . Not only did MC have classes off, he allowed all the brothers to stay home for a while as well to make sure they were well taken care of. He had Lucifer give him daily updates on their progress.
MC is now curious why there are new changes to not only RAD but the House of Lamentation, Purgatory Hall, and even Diavolo’s castle. Simple things like ramps, elevators, railings, anything as a means of injury prevention. None of the demons need to use it, it’s all for MC, but everyone acts like it’s completely normal. All due to Diavolo’s ‘modern design’.
None of the brothers dare say anything about the Demon Lord’s frequent visits to their home, or to MC’s room. Not even Lucifer had him come over this often.
MC is thankful they never have to see the demon that resulted in their arm breaking again, but they didn’t know where they possibly could've gone. 
It’s safe to assume he knew about this. Except, there were plenty of timelines where something like this had happened, so he didn’t know the details of which unfortunate accident would come about. Whatever the case, he was prepared to assist and serve MC in whatever way he could.
He always thinks he’s seen everything and is well prepared for it, but it still doesn’t prevent him from having his chest hurt and his nerves shudder at seeing MC like this. On the outside, he’ll always appear neutral, so no one knows just how much he’s feeling for this human. He’s so much softer with them than anyone else.
MC doesn’t know how this demon keeps getting into their room without coming through the door, it freaks them out a bit, to be honest. They don’t complain about their room being so pristine you could brush over it with a white glove, though. 
MC thought that maybe, maybe, just once they could get away with getting up and doing things on their own. The brothers kept on fussing over them non-stop, but at one point they got called away to a meeting, leaving MC alone at home.
They got up out of bed, ready to stretch their legs and get some fresh air, trying to get some sort of normalcy back. They did all this not knowing that Barbatos was keeping a close eye on them from the shadows the entire time. 
Whether it was by Diavolo’s orders or Barbatos’ own volition, MC will never know, but they did find their little excursion to the outside quickly brought to a halt by some form of magic that transported them back to their room. Barbatos had them back in bed before MC could even reach the front gates. 
No matter how they tried, they were forced to stay safe, now even unable to get out from their bed. No matter how much they struggled, their own sheets betrayed them. The silent butler only showed up once MC gave up. He strutted over putting a soft but surprisingly stern hand over their shoulder as he went about taking care of them. Any words of protest fell on deaf ears. It was his duty to protect him, and not even MC could stop him. 
He had no idea till he noticed that MC hadn’t been to school for a few days now. When he brought it up to the brothers, they explained how MC had staggered back home one night, hand completely busted, and they wouldn’t tell anyone why. For MC’s safety, and just for the brother’s peace of mind, MC was to stay home until further notice.
Simeon’s an angel, so peaceful, anger isn’t something he fully understands, but he felt a burning pain in his chest. Why didn’t anyone tell him immediately? Was he just supposed to figure this out himself? It had been quite a long time since Lucifer had seen Simeon frown so deeply before, eyes cloudy with distress.
Simeon had never missed classes ever. He was always much too early, much too eager to stick to regulations. So when he ended up skipping class, it shocked Luke to his core and caused Diavolo to make a note that an angel had broken the rules to go check on a human. This program was turning up all sorts of surprises.
MC was pleasantly surprised to hear the soft knocks on their door, vastly different than any of the ways the demons announced themselves. Simeon strode in, radiating warmth, carefully grasping their hand in his, and gave it a gentle kiss. The pain MC had felt no longer existed. Simeon explained that it was still best if they heal on their own, but at the very least, they wouldn’t feel pain. He would be there to make it all go away. 
He’s around MC now much more frequently, guarding them, keeping them from harm. From that point on he urges MC to let him know when things happen.
He had been teaching MC more about magic. Not only did he think it would be beneficial for his human companion, but it would sate some of his curiosity. He wanted to learn more about MC, about their capabilities, testing to see in what ways their previous angel ancestor had changed them.
He knew they had a hard time driving out their power, so he tried different methods to assist them, methods they could use on their own. Magic rings, chants, wands. Unfortunately, once something worked, all their built up power flooded out of them at once, their temporary wand exploding into shards, and the bones in their hand following suit.
He used some of his magic to heal up what he could, being careful not to go too far or he’d overwhelm MC’s already weakened body. MC couldn't tell what was running through his head as he had them supported and cradled with one of his arms, the other one hovered over their hand. Magical circles and sigils running over their skin as it rushed to heal them. While his face seemed calm, his eyes looked a bit darker, missing the mischievous glint in them. They were tighter, laser focused, serious.
After he did what he could, both of them promised not to mention it to anyone, for fear both of them would never hear the end of it, or worse. While MC walked themselves home, Simeon used magic to keep an eye on them from his room, taking note what happened with him today. His mouth tight, arms folded across his chest, watching as the remnants from MC’s faulty makeshift wand burned rapidly in the fireplace. 
He has absolutely no idea how humans work or how weak they are. So when he heard MC had a broken bone, he didn’t even fully understand what that meant. Broke...a bone? He knew the word broke didn’t sound pleasant, and when he finally went to go see MC, his little head almost exploded.
Their body broke?? Human’s bodies could break like that?? And they couldn't just have it healed immediately??
He blamed the demons most definitely, but MC had never ever been so entertained when the little angel pointed at each and every one of the brothers--Lucifer included--and chewed them out. Each of them had different expressions. Belphie looked exhausted, Beel looked downtrodden, Asmo didn’t even seem to be paying attention. Satan looked like he was only focusing on not destroying Luke right then and there, Levi looked mortified, Mammon was the only one arguing back, and Lucifer was stunned speechless that a creature barely higher than his waist was giving him a lecture.
Until MC is fully healed, Luke makes sure to bring plenty of freshly baked sweets right to their door, not noticing seven pairs of glowing glares while he lingers in the house of demons.
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captainlevisteacup · 4 years ago
www i come back with another request *jumps jumps* what about the brothers + undateables with a m!mc who's an idol-? how would they react to mc's wearing his stage outfits around just because-?
Oooooooh I like this! Sorry this took a while, I was working on 5 other requests at the same time lol and THEN I broke my wrist by punching a door so I couldn't type hahaha im a genius, I know.
Here goes, and thank you for the request!!
The Demon Brothers + The Newly Dateables Reactions to a M! Idol MC Who Wears their Stage Outfits Casually
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Goes to every single performance of MC'S if his schedule allows it
Somehow always has seats in the front row
Never fails to get distracted by how MC moves his hips while dancing and still singing perfectly
Loves to go to his rehearsals sometimes
Always has a bouquet waiting for MC after his performance
The first time MC wore one of his stage outfits around the house for fun, he was mildly confused and amused
It was *slightly* distracting
Considering MC's immaculate body
It doesn't help that he goes to the gym religiously because he has an image to uphold
Always gets slightly flustered when MC wears his stage outfits bc
He's just so pretty, dammit
Why does MC get to wear flashy stage outfits all the time, yet HE gets shit about his jacket
Not fair
Swears that's the only reason its upsetting
Totally not at all because he doesn't like how many people stare and flirt with MC
Not at all.
On the plus side, always goes through MC's choreography with him
Its often the highlight of Mammon's day, since dance is one of his gifts
Begrudgingly allows MC to style his hair sometimes
On occasion, Mammon will be a backup dancer at MC'S shows
Mc always smiles the brightest when this happens
Equally amused and annoyed
Amused because OF COURSE MC would do that
It just makes sense for MC to be dramatic enough to casually wear stage costumes around the house
It annoys him because he KNOWS it draws attention to MC
And, well, he doesn't like that
Mc never knows his, of course
Though he does start to question why his fans are all so afraid of Satan
Oh well
Satan, surprisingly, is even more helpful with songwriting than anyone else
He has a natural knack for poetry and rhythm
Most of MC's songs have been helped along by Satan
Biggest. Fanboy. Ever.
Probably the president of any and every fanclub for MC
Is delighted when he *somehow* always lucks out and gets the first ticket to the shows online
MC secretly sets aside a ticket for him and just sends the price of the ticket back into Levi's bank account
Levi is actually a really big social media promoter for MC
Runs his official Devilgram page
When MC starts wearing his stage outfits around the house....
Heart attack. Panic attack. Asthma attack. All of them.
His heart can't take it
Tries his best to avoid looking at him so he doesn't stare
Needless to say, this fails miserably
He's the one who DESIGNED the stage outfits
MC BETTER be wearing them proudly
His heart swells with joy when he sees MC absolutely *owning* the outfits while making a sandwich
Unlike his brothers, Asmo loves when people stare at MC
Because, come on, with the makeup Asmo taught him to do and the stunning outfits? Damn right MC is stare worthy
Not as much as him, of course, but thats a different story
Doesn't really like being in the crowd of MC'S shows, much prefers the luxury of backstage
Literally has his own chaise lounge to recline on
Its even nicer than MC'S chair
Mc secretly bought it for him so
Of course it is
Doesn't like it, but for a different reason
What if MC trips and hurts himself?🥺
Aren't they hard to move around in?
They look too tight for MC to eat in😰
It takes MC going through his choreography many, MANY times to prove he won't get hurt wearing them
Beel always goes to the gym with MC
MC has to keep up a certain image, so Beel is more than willing to help him out and even coach him if he needs it
Tries to do the dances with MC, but dancing isn't exactly his Forte
He loves to watch, though
Goes to most of his shows when he can
Doesn't care
When he decides to care, its only because those outfits just CAN'T be comfortable
Gives Asmo a ridiculously long list of comfortable and breathable fabrics to use in MC'S costumes from then on
Rarely goes to MC'S shows, but is literally always watching the livestream from his bed
Constantly hounds MC about his self care
"Go sleep. You've been practicing for the entire day. If you don't go by choice, ill just hold you hostage in my bed until you fall asleep"
Aggressively caring murder bean
This man is endlessly amused
Insists on getting matching costumes with him
To MC'S delight, Asmo immediately makes much larger copies of all of his stage outfits for Diavolo
Lucifer hates it.
So much. Diavolo is a prince. Not an idol
Mc thinks its sweet
MC even dyed his hair to match the prince's red locks at one point
The red hair was, of course, a fan favorite
Admires the beauty of MC in his stage clothes
Has an abundance of tips on how to keep then clean and immaculate
Insists that he's too busy to attend the shows, and that he could just watch the recording later
Diavolo catches wind of this and is conveniently elsewhere on the days MC performs
Barbatos knows Diavolo is full of shit, but he appreciates it regardless
Not phased whatsoever
He's been exposed to any and every type of human fashion before
Although...he has to admit seeing MC in those costumes makes him feel some kinda way
Enchants MC'S stage outfits to glow or shimmer at certain times during the performance
Is, of course, there for every single one
Helps the brothers adjust to human world concerts
Thinks some not so holy things about the idol in front of him
○ \ \ \ ○
Simeon has seen some very beautiful clothes in the celestial realm, but this?
It hits different
Maybe its because it's HIS MC wearing them
Quickly dismisses this thought and insists they're just really pretty clothes
Listens to MC practice and provides feedback about their singing technique
Luke (Platonic)
In complete AWE
Shyly asks if he can try on one of MC'S dramatic jackets
It's 10 sizes too big for him but that just makes it more endearing
Luke absolutely loves to go see MC in concert
Always has a baked good waiting for MC after he performs
Is surprisingly the loudest cheerer out of all of them
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himbo-beel · 4 years ago
Follower Fic Giveaway!
For @taco-beel - GN! MC bakery owner with returning customer Beel! It was so fun to do this idea and I hope you like reading it just as much as I liked writing it!!!!
The building wasn't a new one. Years of powdered sugar had turned the dark counters a pale color and dozens of daily sandwiches had spilled slippery grease puddles no mop could scrub away. A spider web too high to reach had swayed in the breeze of the central air unit, empty of its maker and now only collecting dust rather than flies. Yet new faces came in every day. 
Most of the newcomers were human. Odd, considering the location of the bakery. Not so odd considering those that staffed it. Tucked on the corner of one of the Devildom's busier streets, the bakery was a popular place for both the demons browsing Asmo's newest line of clothes in the boutique across the street or watching Mammon's photo shoots at the fountain further up and students looking for somewhere quiet to wind down after another busy day of classes. There were becoming more and more of the latter, humans and demons alike but humans more often than not. New faces and new voices and new orders, ones you were more than happy to fulfill. It had been a while since you'd have a bear claw or a hot chocolate with just a hint of espresso like they asked for, but for everything that changed there was one that that stayed the same. 
Like clockwork, the bell above the door rang out its welcome to the customer that walked through them. You didn't look up from the dishes you were washing - no one else would be in the bakery at this time of day except for one, and after all the months he'd been showing up he was always more than happy to browse the goods you had on display. You rushed to wipe down the last mug to be rinsed to keep him from waiting too long, hands flying from the sink to the rag to the rack above to let it finish drip drying and hurried to the front to meet him. 
You were worried about the new muffin recipe you tested earlier in the day and that the free samples on the counter weren't all entirely gone, you told yourself, but your gaze never once looked towards the tray by the register. Your eyes were for the customer only. For his broad shoulders and messy red hair. For his bright eyes and small smile beneath them. And the crumbs on his lips that he wiped away with a thumb. 
"Those were good."
You blinked and remembered the muffins. You still didn't look towards the tray. "Were they? I guess I'll have to add them to the menu." You already had a name for them in mind and you scrawled it in large letters on the blackboard above the rows of cakes and brownies and small sandwiches that made up the late afternoon spread.
You were eager to show it off to him the next day. A plate stacked high with the muffins was set in the center of the display, the biscuits and donuts and pastries, fresh and warm, arranged around them in a way to draw the eye. They drew one eye in particular, and you leaned over the counter, elbows propped up on the surface to hold your chin in your hands, to get a better look at his back as he leaned over to look at them. 
"You made more."
You wondered if your smile looked as nice as his. "Of course. They were a big hit yesterday, after all. I ran all out of free samples." He scratched at a cheek, his smile widening. You laughed. "I have another two dozen in the back."
"Can I have them?"
"They're all yours," you said. You dragged the word out and watched his face light up. You knew what you'd started this bakery for, but, sometimes, you thought it was just to see his smile every day. Every day since you'd first turned the open sign to welcome customers in you'd seen your counter graced with his smile. Sometimes it was a wide, like now, when he spotted something especially delicious you made and the sight never failed to make your stomach flutter. Sometimes it was smaller, after a win of one of his games or a particularly good grade he was celebrating. Once in a while there was no smile. Days such as that were rare and far between, and never lasted long when you told him you had too much hot chocolate and needed to get rid of some. Every so often his brothers' laughter would join his own as they filled up the small space with both presence and volume. 
You always only had eyes for Beelzebub. 
You wondered if he knew. 
Wondered if he knew that you checked the clock at the top of the hour and counted the number of minutes it took for him to show up. Wondered if he knew that half the goods you baked were ones he'd said he'd enjoyed the most. Wondered if he knew that, even at home, you found yourself making larger and larger meals, nearly impossible to finish yourself, but no challenge for a demon like him. 
Maybe you could start bringing the leftovers. 
The muffins were packed in a large paper bag and you handed it over the counter, hand lingering on the handles and pulling back only when Beel's brushed against your own to take it. 
"I'm really excited to see if they're as good as yesterday's."
"You should be excited for tomorrow, too." You paused, waiting for the quirk of his brow you knew as his interest. "We're having a lunch special."
He cocked his head. "Have you done lunch special's before?"
You had to bite your lip. So he had noticed something - maybe he'd notice...maybe he'd notice other things. "You have to chance it up every so often to keep things interesting, right?"
Mac and cheese, even Hellfire Style, wasn't all that interesting, but it was easy to make in large quantities and fit in nicely next to the soup of the day. You stacked the mini sandwiches that were to replace the last of the donuts for lunch atop their plate and carried it out to the front. You nearly dropped it when you saw Beel already waiting in front of the counter. Your eyes flicked to the clock. 
"You're early."
His hands were clasped in front of him and he rubbed them together with a small laugh. "You said you were having a special and to be excited for it."
You hid your flush by bending down to slip the sandwiches into their place between small tarts and individual slices of cake topped high with whipped cream. You turned their plates this way and that until you felt confident enough to look him in the eye without breaking into a fit of laughter. "We are. I've been trying my hand at more Devildom foods and finally got it down on something simple."
You couldn't hold back a little laugh when Beel leaned forward, chin up and sniffing the air. "What is it? It smells spicy."
"Just macaroni and cheese. But I thought you'd like to try it."
"I'd love to."
You pressed your lips together as you turned around to grab a bowl. He said he'd love to! Your hand trembled slightly as you spooned a heaping portion into the bowl. And then one more. 
"I was thinking of you when making it," you ventured, turning back around. You were almost thankful that his full attention was on the bowl spilling over with pasta than your words. 
"You were? Of things I like?"
"Something like that."
Beel grinned and you found yourself matching it. "Can you try making whole roasting devil hog too?"
Your smile fell. And then came back, even wider. 
"Why not? What's your favorite seasoning?"
You had time to keep trying. Both with your cooking and your feelings. After all, you'd see him tomorrow, too. 
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ikeromantic · 4 years ago
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7+ Sinful Snuggles
Obey Me minis with the 7 brothers plus - approx. 4k words of fluffiness and spice.
I’m Not Asleep
It was supposed to be a cram session, but barely an hour in, Belphie is nestled against your shoulder with his eyes closed. 
“I’m still listening,” he sighs when you poke him. “Just keep reading to me.” He snuggles closer as you continue reviewing the chapter on 11th century Demon Accords - which honestly, is boring enough that your own eyes keep sliding shut. Belphie’s head slips from your shoulder to your chest. He sighs happily. 
Determined to press on, you keep reading. Or you try to. His hands slip under your shirt to draw slow, lazy lines across your skin, working their way down to your hip. 
He doesn’t respond, but his face is set in a blissful smile. You could try to wake him, but why fight it? His touch feels good, so good you lean back into the pillows with your own sigh of happiness.
Snacking in Bed
Beel shows up to your room with popcorn and snacks to watch reruns of Iron Chef with you. You both reach for the choco-crickets at the same time, bumping hands. 
“You can have the last one,” he says, blushing. 
“Ok.” You grin playfully and pick it up, noting the ways his eyes track the candy. It’s too cute and you’d honestly feel bad eating it, so you hold it out, touching his lips. 
Surprised, his mouth opens, taking your fingers and the chocolate. He licks the candy from between your fingers as you pull back. 
You can’t help but shiver a little at the sensation. It was . . . nice. 
“That last one was especially good,” he smiles. 
“Was it?” 
He nods, scooping up your hand. 
“W-what are you doing? I’m not holding anymore candy,” you tell him. 
He presses your fingers to his lips, kissing them from tip to palm. 
“Mmmm, you’re sweet,” he tells you, words muffled as his mouth works its way to your wrist and up your inner arm. You think your shirt will give him pause, but he nibbles right past it, up your shoulder, to your neck. His mouth is hot, and the way he suckles and nips your skin makes you feel faint -and pretty warm yourself. 
“I think I understand why demons eat human,” he whispers into your neck. “But don’t worry, I just want to taste.” 
You’d like to reply, but your brain is short circuited by his lips, tongue, and teeth working their way down your chest. In the background, Chairman Kaga takes a bite of his pepper. He looks almost as smugly satisfied as Beel does with your nipple in his mouth.
Too Slick
Asmodeus invites you to his room for a hot oil treatment. He swears it will add softness and shine to your hair. You agree - afterall, his spa treatments are always fun, even if they don’t seem to do much. 
When you get there, he hands you a robe. “You don’t want to get oil on your clothes, right?” He, of course, is already wearing one, seductively half tied to reveal his smooth chest and just a bit of his thigh. 
You slip into the bathroom to change. Asmodeus follows a few minutes later, just enough time for you to get the robe on. As the oil warms, he chats with you about new fashions and compliments your eyes, your skin, and the way you blush when he’s ‘just telling you the truth.’ 
When the oil is warmed, Asmo uses a ladle to trickle it over your hair and scalp. You feel it running down your skin, warm and slick. It’s a nice feeling, relaxing and *maybe* a little arousing. Then Asmodeus starts to massage the oil in. His smooth hands feel so good on your scalp, your neck, your shoulders . . . 
In your haze of happiness, you realize he’s pushed the robe down quite a bit. But you don’t mind it really. He’s still chattering away and the massage is nice. But when his hands slip past your lower back, you sit up straight. “Ok! I think you got my hair and then some!” 
Asmodeus laughs softly. “Still shy? Alright. It’s my turn then.” He takes the ladle and pours some oil over his head. “Ooooh that feels nice!” 
“Yeah, it really does,” you reply. Then you try to stand so he can have the chair while you rub the oil into his hair. Only . . . the floor is slick with drops of oil and you almost fall. 
Asmodeus catches you, but he slides too. You both end up slipping and sliding across the floor, clinging to each other, until Asmo manages to grab the edge of the door. 
You realize then that your robe’s come undone, and Asmodeus’ is hanging open too. Not that either of you can see anything, pressed up close as you are. It’s not about seeing . . . it’s feeling that skin-to-skin contact. 
Asmo realizes it the same moment you do and smiles. He wriggles slightly, rubbing his oiled self against you. “Mmmm, now that is perfect. And good for your skin.” You have to agree, which you do, in a vocal little half moan. 
Bedtime Story
Satan invites you to a hotel grand opening in the southeast demon forest - one of his contacts is hosting a huge party there, with rooms for the guests to try out. It sounds like fun, and you’ve never gotten to see the dark forest, so why not? The trip does not disappoint. 
The forest is exactly what you’d expect to see in a demon’s woods, with flesh eating trees and deadly poisons. Even the squirrels look dangerous. The party is great too. Good music, dancing, and conversation. 
You are pretty sure some of the demons in attendance would see you as an appetizer if Satan wasn’t at your side, hand on your back. He is the perfect companion, making sure you have something good to drink and that you’re enjoying yourself. As it happens, you enjoy yourself a little too much. 
“I didn’t think about how strongly the Spiritus Punch would affect a human. I shouldn’t have let you drink that third glass,” he sighs. 
You giggle. His slight frown is so funny. And attractive. You grab his shoulders and give him a quick, surprise kiss. You meant to get his cheek - but your lips find his. 
Satan freezes for a moment, but your lips don’t mind the happy accident. And he can’t help but react to your warm, hungry kiss. He finally breaks it, his breath almost as heavy as yours. 
“You’ve had too much to drink. Let’s get you to our room and in bed.” 
You smile in a way you hope is seductive. “I’d like to get you in bed.” 
His eyes narrow and you can’t tell if that reaction is good or bad. He puts his arm around you and helps you to the elevator. You lean on him, holding tight as the movement up makes you feel dizzy. Of course your shared room is on the top floor. Penthouse suite with a view. He opens the door. 
Your eyes go to the windows, where outside the forest sparkles with a thousand tiny lights. 
“Oh my . . .” Satan sighs. Your gaze follows his to the center of the room. Where . . . there . . . was only one bed! 
Levi scores two tickets to the TSL Convention, which is, of course, the most popular fan convention in all of Devildom. And he could have invited anybody (or sold the tickets, as Mammon won’t stop going on about), but he invited you. And he even put together a Henry cosplay outfit, just for you. 
Levi is going as The Lord of Shadows, and it is going to be so much fun. The convention takes up two whole city blocks, full of panels from the film actors, several music shows inspired by or featured in TSL, and then aisles and aisles of merch. But before you get started, Levi wants to get some pictures. 
You could take them with your DDD, but there’s a photobooth and the face Leviathan makes when he sees it . . . you can’t say no. 
“I’ve never taken pictures with a f-friend in a photobooth,” he tells you. His cheeks are bright red and his eyes shine. 
The booth bench is really narrow, and the two of you struggle to fit. “I - I think we’ll fit if I sit on your lap,” you tell him. 
The scarlet spreads to his ears and down to his neck. “M-my lap? You want to sit on my lap?!” 
You can’t help the wicked, playful smile his reaction elicits. And you don’t wait for him to say more. With a little wicked wiggle you put yourself right in his lap, turning to wrap an arm around his shoulder. 
“H-hey! That’s not - why are you still moving?” His eyes are so wide. 
You lean close, lips brushing his ear. “You don’t like it? I thought you loved Henry . . .” Not that you’re really asking. You can *cough* feel how much he loves ‘Henry’ from your perch on his lap. 
“Oh!” His eyebrows go up as one of your hands slides down his side. He is too much fun to tease. “This is just like the scene in I Was A High School Succubus Teacher Season Seven! I know what to do!” 
You are about to ask what he’s talking about when he grabs you and pulls you even closer. His lips find yours, and his hands are all over you. Under your costume, grabbing your hair, unbuttoning your Henry outfit . . . 
When the two of you slide out of the booth, breathless, red-cheeked, and disheveled, you are greeted by a cheering crowd of fans with ‘shipper signs and offers to buy your NSFW photos. 
Greedy Bastard
You didn’t have plans this weekend, which is how most of your misadventures with Mammon start. This time, he lost a bet in a private card game. The price was his service for a weekend, but they’ll cut it down to one night if he brings a friend. Which is where you come in. 
You almost tell him no when you see the outfits for this night of hosting. Tiny little hotpants and a top made of black ribbons . . . but then you see the way Mammon looks at you wearing it and, well, it’s worth it just for that. Of course, he’s not the only one that appreciates you in those clothes. 
The demons playing cards keep looking your way hungrily and more than one tries to smack your ass or give you a pinch in passing. You’re too quick for them, but the more often it happens, the more annoyed Mammon gets. 
“They have no business touching what’s not theirs,” he fumes at the bar.
 “They haven’t touched me yet,” you laugh. “Besides, work is up in another hour. I can last that long.” You snag the latest round of drinks, ready to take them out, but Mammon gets between you and the door.
 “Let’s sneak off early,” he suggests. He takes the tray out of your hands and sets it down.
“They’ll notice when they run out of booze,” you point out. 
“Don’t care.” Mammon steps closer to you. You can see the effect you have on him in those ridiculously tiny shorts. “I’m the only one that should get to see you dressed like this.” He brushes a hand down your side, tugging lightly at the ribbons. “The only one that gets to touch you.”
And then his lips are on yours, his body pressing you back against the wall. His skin is hot against the cool satin ribbons that criss-cross your chest. His hands caress you like treasure and his kiss is possessive. There might be an hour left on shift, but this greedy bastard is going to keep you all to himself anyway.
Helping Lucifer sort student records is not what one might consider fun. But someone has to do it and you offered to help so here you are. Sitting on the floor, surrounded by piles of folders and loose sheets of paper. 
Lucifer is at his desk, making notations on records, and in the background, the TSL soundtrack plays. 
It’s just past midnight and your vision is getting blurry. Every time you blink, it gets harder to open your eyes again. But you’re not anywhere close to done and Lucifer is relying on you to have these sorted. This discipline record for Caacrinolaas should be in the C section under . . . under . . . 
“Falling asleep on the job?” Lucifer’s voice snaps you awake. He sounds amused more than annoyed. That’s probably good. 
“Ah, just, taking a moment.” You waive the paper in your hand. “I couldn’t find the C folder.” 
He smiles. “This one right in front of you?” 
You blush and pick it up, flipping to the discipline section. C-double-A . . . 
Lucifer takes both out of your hands and sets them down. “I think we need to call it a night.” 
“But I’m not done,” you protest. 
“Are you contradicting me?” One dark eyebrow lifts. 
“It sounded like it.” He bends down and scoops you up. “I will have to think of a suitable punishment for your insolence.” 
You try to wriggle out of his grasp, not because it’s unpleasant but because he makes you feel so helpless, holding you like that. 
Moving around only makes him grip you tighter, pulling you against his chest. “The more you struggle, the stricter I’ll be forced to be,” he warns. 
You go still. He carries you out of the office and down the hall. If you weren’t half afraid of what happens next, this might be pleasant. Lucifer smells good, and his chest is a perfect pillow. Despite your anxiety, you begin to close your eyes, lulled by the gentle motion. You aren’t sure when exactly that you fall asleep, but you can pinpoint the moment you wake.
 Lucifer’s fingers stroke gently through your hair. His breath is warm against your cheek. “I didn’t mean to make you work so hard you passed out from it,” he sighs. 
“I didn’t pass out,” you mumble. 
“You’re awake.” He lifts himself up on one arm to look down at you. “You should be resting.” 
“I thought you were going to punish me,” you reply, taking in the fact that he’s wearing pajamas now, and so are you. In his room. In his bed. 
“Looking forward to it?” He smiles and the heat in his gaze sends a shiver down your spine. “I think it can wait for morning. But perhaps . . . just a taste before we sleep.” His hand tangles in your hair, pulling you toward him as he kisses you. His lips are spicy and sweet, and your eyes close, enjoying the moment. 
Tea and Biscuits
You agree to meet Barbatos at the demon lord’s castle for tea. Just the two of you. The way he says it makes it almost sound like a date, but surely a demon that can see past, present, and possible futures wouldn’t be interested in a short-lived human. 
When you arrive, he leads you to a balcony overlooking the garden. There’s a small couch for two and a little table with a samovar for tea and several plates of biscuits, cakes, and sandwiches. Your favorite flavored biscuits, cakes, and sandwiches, to be exact. 
Barbatos smiles. “I hope it’s all to your liking.” 
“You know it is!” 
He laughs, and pours you a cup of tea. You both sit down, hips touching. It makes you blush a bit, but Barbatos doesn’t seem to notice - or care - so you decide to just ignore it. It’s hard though, to ignore the way his hand brushes yours and the press of his leg against you. The way his eyes never seem to leave you, going from your eyes to your face down your body.
 “Is it alright if I kiss you,” he asks suddenly. 
The question takes you by surprise but you nod. You like him but you’d never expected him to return the affection. 
Barbatos leans forward, his hand gentle on your thigh. His lips meet yours in a slow, sensuous kiss that spreads heat through your whole body. 
You’ve kissed before, but never like this. Never with someone that has millennias of skill and knowledge of you that even you don’t have. He slides his other hand behind your back, pulling you onto his lap. The kiss melts you against him. Silk and sweet and hot. You aren’t sure how long it lasts, only that when it ends, you want more.
When Diavolo invites you out to see the newest movie, I Was A TeenAge Witch’s Familiar and It Was Awful, you imagine going to a crowded theater, getting some popcorn, and sitting in a slightly smelly, stained chair that you wouldn’t touch with a ten-foot pole if you saw it in broad daylight. 
Instead, you end up at his castle, sitting on a wide, comfortable plush velvet couch. The only two people in front of a theater-sized screen, where the as-yet-unreleased movie plays. 
Diavolo starts out on the opposite side of the couch, but keeps getting closer. To share popcorn, to offer you a sip of his drink, to point out some funny line in the film. Then his arm snakes around behind you, settling on your shoulders. 
You hop up, surprised. 
“I guess this means you don’t enjoy my company,” Diavolo says, looking up at you with big, sad eyes. 
“No . . . I do . . . just, I didn’t expect -” 
He shakes his head. “It’s alright. I’m sure you find me quite frightening.” 
“I don’t!” You sit back down and set a hand on his. “You don’t scare me at all, Diavolo. And . . . I think you’re cute.” 
“Is that so?” He grabs you with both hands and lifts you up. “What about now?” 
“Still not scared,” you say, though you are a little. 
He grins and stands up, still holding you above him. “Not even a little?” 
“No?” He tosses you into the air and you feel like a little kid, half-afraid and half-exhilarated. You let out a little shriek on the second toss and as you come down, he catches you in his arms. “Your reactions are so entertaining. Much better than any movie.” 
You can’t help but blush at the look in his eyes. Adoring and sensual. 
“It makes me want to do all sorts of things to you, just to see what you’ll do next.” 
You gasp as he begins to tickle you, his fingers finding all the sensitive spots on your sides. You reach out to tickle him back, surprised to find that Diavolo is absolutely ticklish all over the place. Both of you end up on the floor, laughing and panting in waves of tickle-attacks. 
“Truce!” You finally shout. 
He stops, his fingers in mid-wiggle. “But I am having so much fun . . .” His lips turn up in a slow, evil smile. “I’ll stop on one condition. You have to promise we’ll do this again.” 
You nod. “It’s a deal.”  
Like Magic
You agree to meet Solomon for a lesson in pacts. He knows more about them than anyone besides a demon lord. And he’s willing to share. For a price. You had to bring him the latest Madam Scream’s Scarlet Tarts as a trade for his secrets. A small price to pay. 
The two of you meet at a park in the Devildom. It’s almost as bright as a day in the real world, from the brilliant glowing mushrooms, tree fungi, and floating flowers. 
“You know, I could almost call this spot romantic,” Solomon says as he spreads out a picnic blanket to sit on. 
You raise an eyebrow. The sorcerer has been a little secret crush of yours, but you know when someone is out of your league. And an immortal genius definitely is. “Huh,” you reply. Great response, you think, but Solomon laughs. 
“I didn’t mean to leave you speechless.” 
You hand him the pastry box from Madam Screams. “I’m not speechless. I said ‘huh.’ 
He shakes his head. “I don’t think that counts as a word.” 
“And I guess you’re the final authority on that,” you mutter, feeling annoyed. 
He grabs your hand and brings it to his lips. “I didn’t mean to sound like a know-it-all. Forgive me?” He presses a light kiss to your palm. 
It surprises you so much that all you can do is nod, actually speechless. 
Solomon smiles. “Good. I wanted this to be a nice date.” 
“Date?” The word leaves your mouth before you think about it.
“What else would you call two people having a picnic in the park?” You think of a lot of things you might call it, but he’s smiling at you so sweetly that you just agree. 
He opens a grimoire across your laps and settles a hand behind you to lean over it. “This was my first real spellbook. I thought it might be a good place to start.” 
You realize as he talks that he isn’t just teaching you - he’s sharing something he’s never shared with anyone else. It makes you feel special, which must have shown in your face when he looks over at you because whatever he sees there makes him smile widely.
“We should do this more often,” he says, and before you can reply, his lips brush lightly against your cheek in a gentle kiss. 
With your heart beating so hard you’re sure he must hear it, you say, “Yeah. We should.” His fingers curl around yours, linking the two of you as you look up at the Devildom sky. 
Gossip Girl
You take Simeon up on an offered afternoon of looking at forbidden photo albums of the brothers from their celestial days. He promises to dish on the best stories, provided you never let on that you know about any of it. 
The two of you meet at Purgatory Hall in one of the unused rooms. It feels a little odd to be alone with the gorgeous angel, especially like this. One kiss away from an illicit affair. But you soon feel comfortable as Simeon settles next to you, flipping through pictures of Lucy, Mammon, Beel, and the others in their childhood and younger years. 
“Once, Lucy tried to make Michael happy by baking him a poppy-seed cake. But he used baking soda instead of powder . . .” Simeon’s eyes crinkle with laughter. “It came out more like a poppyseed brick. Lucy was so mad he threw it - right through the Metatron’s study window.” 
You giggle, imagining a furious Lucifer. 
“You have such a nice laugh,” Simeon says, looking at you from the corner of his eye. “I’d like to hear it more often.” 
“Th-thanks,” you stutter. Taking compliments has never been your strength. He turns his head to face you. 
“Did I make you blush just now?” He tucks a bit of hair behind your ear. “I didn’t mean to.” 
You nod, blushing even more furiously. 
“You don’t have to be shy around me. But . . . can I admit something to you?”
“I like that I can make you blush.” His fingers brush across your lips. “I’d like . . .” He stops himself and his hand drops away. 
“I’d like that too,” you say, unwilling to let the moment escape. You lean forward and give him a quick kiss. Now it’s his turn to blush.
The Incident
“No one must ever hear of this,” Luke tells you sternly. As sternly as he can, looking up at you and waving one little hand. 
“I swear to tell no one,” you promise. 
The two of you stand in the middle of a kitchen. At least, there’s a kitchen somewhere under the clumps of batter, berry jam, and soft butter. The results of Luke trying out spellcraft on his baking. 
It was *supposed* to be mystical muffins - a breakfast food that actually makes you look forward to the day. But it turned the mix into a growing, bubbling mass that eventually burst. Which is when Luke texted you to come over. The two of you set to cleaning it up. 
It takes hours to scoop, wipe, rinse, and dry everything in the room. You’re in the middle of a final wipedown on the cabinets when you realize Luke hasn’t said a word for awhile now. 
You turn and see the little guy with his head on his arm, a rag in hand. His eyes are closed and a light snore whistles from his nose. He’s so cute. Like a puppy. He can’t sleep on the floor though. 
You finish wiping and set down the cloth, then go to wake him up. 
He mumbles and rolls over, but his eyes stay shut. Finally, you decide to heft him up and carry him to his room. He’s a bit heavy, but you manage to lift him. His head settles on your shoulder and his arms wrap around your neck. 
He smells like warm milk and cinnamon, you think. And he is so soft, like a fluffy little poodle. You carry him to his room and lay him down. He doesn’t stir as you pull off his shoes and tuck him in. 
“Sweet dreams, little baker,” you tell him. He smiles.
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simpmeon · 5 years ago
Lilith Head Cannons
Just some random headcannons I have about Lilith and her personality and interactions with the other characters. Might do a part two if I can come up with more. Sorry if they're all scrambled I literally was like "thought. Thumbs. Post." Djdjjdjd enjoy. Also!!! If you want to add more to the post feel free and remember that this is not cannon, just my opinion on her character, or really her absence of one.
General Head Cannons
I like to think she also was an artist, especially sculpting and painting. She loved the statues of the ancient Greek Gods and would often try to mimic them to look like her father or her brothers. She was also there for the renaissance and fell in love with the style of the time and would paint beautiful portraits of her family that would hang on the walls. In her room dedicated to her in Devildom, there are paintings of flowers that I would like to believe that she painted.
A master storyteller. She would tell all the brothers stories that she would make up on spot before bed. It started as a cute toddler thing, her babbling nonsense for hours before they all went to sleep, but it soon became a thing that neither of the brothers could fall asleep properly without having a story told to them. Soon the useless babbling told into brave and riveting tales that would take hours to tell, and by then Belphie was guaranteed to be the first to fall asleep.
After the fall, all of the brothers could not go to sleep, not because of persisting nightmares, but because their little sister was not there to tell them a story
She's a great fighter. At first she learned basics in case her overprotective big brothers werent there to protect her, but soon she was on par with some of the top fighters in all of the Celestial Realm. She even managed to knock Lucifer down in mid air combat, despite being the strongest physically. This came in handy when her brothers would get into fights and she would often play middle man and have to physically pull them apart and toss them across the room.
She was the fastest out of all of them. Mammon is canonically the fastest out of the current demon bros, but when him and Lilith played tag, you could barely see anything besides the blur of wings. She has outran him several times and often managed to duck out of lectures from her oldest brother simply by just taking off.
She loved to bake and cook for her brothers a lot and often taught some of the newer apprentices the archangels favorite recipies so that they can prepare it for them. She loved teaching them because she would often fill the waiting time with embarrassing stories about her brothers and the archangels. ("No Luci I dont know where they learned that your drool in your sleep...")
Fiery personality, which was often her savior and her doom. She took no nonsense from anyone, rather they be a random demon, an archangel, her own brothers, or even her father. If she didn't like something that was said or a decision that was being made she would not hesitate to speak her mind no matter what the consequences were.
Insanely smart because of all the times she would spend in the Celestial Realms many libraries. No one would peg her to be the studious one out of the bunch, but she just found all the information fascinating. However, just because she is book smart she lacks common sense and street smarts which proves itself when she placed her hand in fire because "she wanted to see what it felt like". Many people think the scars on her body are from battles, but in reality its because she decided she wanted to be her own personal test subject, no matter how dangerous they would be. ("Hey Luci do you think I could bite through selenite?" "Lilith nO-" )
Asks "Can this kill a human?" a lot and to newer angel's it sounds like shes plotting to take a humans life, but to those used to her antics they would just sigh and respond with a "Yes Lilith" or "No Lilith that can not kill a human."
Snorts when she laughs. Theres no other explanation I just feel that she does. Full belly laughs in private, sweet delicate laugh in public to play up her delicate fragile flower persona that she hated so much.
Just like how I feel like she scrunches her nose up when she gets angry and how she will literally get right up in Lucifers face whenever he pisses her off, no matter what protests she hears from her brothers.
I like to believe that, like Lucifer, she was attracted to the piano. Lucifer would often be playing melodies in the sun room in the Celestial Realm and Lilith would always be the one to find him first. He taught her how to play and even if she just banged on the keys, Lucifer still found her endearing. As she grew older though, the two of them became the best piano players in all of the realm. Didn’t help that she was also regarded as one of the best singers in the entire realm too.
Loved helping Lucifer and Belphie in organizing and categorizing notes from their father that day. She would often make it a game where they would pick their favorite event from that day both as a way to see if they were actually reading the documents being given to them, and as a way to discuss her and Belphies favorite subject with their big brother.
Her and Lucifer were often regarded as the Jewel and Flower of the Celestial Realm. They were both undeniably gorgeous, not that her brothers werent all gorgeous, but her and Lucifer were often pegged as the most beautiful out of all the siblings.
Both put under undeniable amounts of stress and would often seek to reconcile each other because of it. Lucifer was an archangel and their fathers right hand man, and with Lilith being the only daughter fromt heir father and because of that also having a reputation to uphold as being a mediator, the two of them would often find one another in the arms of each other after a particularly bad day, whether that be Lilith just hugging Lucifer and stroking his hair or Lucifer just having Lilith lay on him as she took a nap.
However their titles came with double edged swords. He often was found reprimanding her for possibly tarnishing her reputation because she would often get caught up in her brothers tricks and pranks. They would often butt heads, but as much as he hated to admit it sometimes, most of the time she was right. She was the only one who could wrangle apologies out of him.
Lucifer often treated Lucifer like she was fragile and that really pissed her off. Whenever she would come back with new scratches and bruises he would often reprimand her for tarnishing her beauty and would have to convince their father to not punish her because of it. She hates being treated like that but knows better than to tell Lucifer that he was being overbearing.
Mammon was 100% the brother who didnt want a little sister until he got one.
Super cuddly with Mammon. In her early years Mammon was often the one who who she would just snuggle up into and fall asleep on, besides when she went to bed at night with Beel and Belphie. He would just be chilling on a couch after a days worth of work and suddenly would have a tiny baby foot stepping on his cheeks trying to get comfortable on his chest. Soon that's just how they would fall asleep together. Although Mammon would always deny that she wasnt cute whenever his brothers would catch them napping together and how he protectively held her.
Mammon was also the brother to try to use Lilith’s cuteness to woo people and definitely had her in those chest baby carriers whenever he went out of the house.
Lilith was really the only one would dote on him and treat him like a role model and he lived for every second of it. "The Great Mammon" nickname actually came from Lilith whenever she and Mammon would be playing with some dolls whenever she was younger and she called him that after her other brothers refused to play with her.
Mammon and her were the mischief causing duo. Lucifer quickly learned not to leave those two alone after her came home one day and found the two of them covered in flour and melted chocolate after they attempted to make cookies together. The mess was not what concerned Lucifer the most, but rather the fact that the oven looked like it caught on fire in the process. 
Her favorite person to play with because he was rough with her and almost as quick as she was, so games like tag and duck duck goose always melted into a high speed chase between the both of them. They were also highly competitive with each other and would often try to one up each other.
Can’t beat the one time Mammon managed to swipe the spell to make animals and decided to make one of toddler Lilith’s funny looking animal drawings an actual animal for her. Both Lucifer and God did not appreciate the sudden swarms of what Lilith dubbed “Platypus” running around the Earth, but God is a weak man and when he tried to chastise Mammon, she started crying about how he was a good older brother for making her drawing come to life and God let them stay.
He was probably the one she was closest to besides Beel and Belphie. Even though she would go to Lucifer for more deeper philosophical conversations, it was rare to see her not in Mammons room after a stressful day. He and Asmo were the dedicated ranting brothers because both of them would hype her up. Mammon was still her favorite person to snuggle up to and nap on. She would never admit that to Belphie but it was true. Mammon was just always so warm and comforting that she would go out of her way to snuggle up and watch movies with him.
Of course she was also the kind of sister who would throw popcorn at him from across the room, steal his clothes while he was showering, and blame petty things like stealing cookies on him. Their fights were never more than senseless bickering that would often lead to them calling each other names, but god forbid if any other angel agreed with the insults. The chances of having a fist connect with their face just increased, especially if it's one of their other brothers.
Levi probably was the one with the weakest bond with her out of all his brothers. He felt jealous how she would usually seek out the others before she came to him, but on the days where she would seek him out they would waste the entire day together. Levi’s tendency to love games started when he and Lilith would pass time playing chess and checkers. They would constantly challenge each other and every game had new tricks. 
Levi always had an obsessive personality and Lilith was always the one to stand up for him and even got him things to help with it, for example he was really into sea creatures at the time and so Lilith made him a clay sculpture of a whale and the boy nearly lost his mind. She never made fun of him. 
Most people who knew him as the crazy otaku would never peg him to be the chess mastermind but he could beat Lucifer ten times over from across the House of Lamentation with his eyes closed because of her. 
Her and Levi also were master strategists. She and Levi's pranks were so elaborate and so well thought out that Lucifer himself would be caught off guard. Sometimes it would be something as simply as moving everything in Lucifers room an inch to the right so he could stub his toe on his furniture and other times it would be slowly replacing people in the intricate paintings on the ceilings in the Celestial Realms cathedrals with poorly paintings of rubber ducks. Simeon when he came to Devildom still talks about how hes still finding some to this day.
Loves making Levi laugh. She would play whatever games with him to make him laugh. He would actually be the one to bathe baby Lilith because he would constantly make shapes and creatures in the water to entertain her. He treasures those moments in the giant bathtub just making horses and other animals out of water.
As she got older, it went from the bathtub to fountains. Lilith could be found tending the garden and suddenly would feel something wet by her hand and realize that an animal made of water just brushed against her and it always made her smile because it meant that Levi was near.
Because he was in charge of the Earths oceans, he was rarely home. When his father said that they have to keep an eye out on all creatures he didn't realize he meant ALL creatures. On particularly bad days where he was missing his family, he would always contact Lilith. Lilith always had time for Levi and even if she didnt she would make the time. He would tell her all about the marine life and how the water felt and Lilith always made sure to keep track of his discoveries in her various notebooks. Because their time together was often limited, Levi couldnt help but feel a tinge of bitterness towards his brothers.
Even though Satan never physically met Lilith, she was quite troublesome for him. Whenever Lucifer was about to go on a rampage, Lilith was always the one to calm Lucifer down. Even if the rage was directed at her, she always managed to calm Lucifer down and have him think rationally.
Satan knows the most about humans only because of the distant memories of Lilith talking Lucifers ear off about humans.
Even though he never physically learned to play the piano, he knows how to play both Lucifers and Liliths melodies by heart from hearing them both so much. Whenever Satan is restless he'll often play Liliths melodies on the piano to calm him down.
The only thoughtful gift he ever gave his brothers was a book of all the stories he could remember Lilith telling them. He claims it's because he wanted Lucifer to feel irreconcilable sadness when reading them, but its truly because whenever he was having a flare up of wrath he would go out of his way to find the book and read the stories to calm down.
Even after her death and after he sprang to creation, Lilith was still one of the only people to calm him down.
She loved to play princess with Asmo. She would be a little bossy towards him, but he just adored the fact that he was the one who would braid her hair and blush her cheeks.
He always made sure to be front row for her “fashion” shows and as she got older and more interested in art, he was always the first to volunteer for her to practice anatomy.
He would always take the time out of his day to paint her nails all sorts of pretty colors, her favorite shade being lavender. He was in charge of keeping the Celestial Realm beautiful, and he couldnt let one of his fathers treasures be nothing short of beautiful at all times. Lilith didnt mind because it just meant that her and Asmo could vent together.
Asmo and Lilith have a garden in the Celestial Realm. Technically, they're in charge of all the gardens, but the two of them have a very specific garden dedicated just to the two of them. Their father has very strict rules about what flowers grew where in the realm, but Lilith and Asmo's garden had pink and yellow roses, amaryllis's, tulips, blue bonnets, fox gloves, hibiscus's you named them they had them all in their garden. There were several statues made by Lilith and Asmo even risked getting his fingernails dirty in order to install a beautiful stone archway with a bench. It was like their own oasis just for them. They would have afternoon tea in their garden, gossip about the archangels, even talk about how cute some of the angels are turning out as they grew up.
Like Levi, he also rarely got chances to spend time with Lilith, and if they did have time together it was only for about an hour before one of the angels would just whisk her away to finish a task, but sometimes late at night he would find her in the garden reading a book or tending to the plants.
Would design most of her Celestial Realm outfits or put together her outfits for the day. Paint her nails and do her makeup the whole nine yards, seeing as she and her brother were the face of the Celestial Realm.
Beel & Belphie
They were probably the ones who saw Lilith the most. Not "The Delicate Flower of The Celestial Realm" Lilith, but Lilith herself, with her arms freshly covered in open wounds from combat training, dried paint streaked across her forehead, hair sticking to her forehead with sweat, and hands shaking and covered in blisters and bandages from her gripping her sword too tight.
They'd be the first of the brothers to know about her training, mainly because they caught her trying to tend to a wound on her shoulder blade and they would help her tend to the wound, mentally cursing Simeon for getting too close to her wings.
She was the most comfortable around those two. She would dress casually around them and would often indulge in her more unladylike tendencies because she knew they wouldnt judge her. In fact, Beel was often the one to lug her completed sculptures around the Celestial Realm and Belphie was always in her studio to watch her paint and sculpt.
Her and Belphie would often spend countless hours under the stars of the Celestial Realm just watching and observing the humans below. Her and Belphie would even disguise themselves to get more up close and personal with them.
Loved lazy afternoons where they would all fall asleep on top of each other with the warmth of the sun on their faces. Especially loved the post nap snacks and baked goods afterwards.
Favorite sparring partner was Beel because he knew he could give her his all and shed be able to strike him down. In fact how the rest of her brothers found out about Lilith being a skilled fighter is when they all rushed into the battle chambers and saw Lilith soar over Beel and then full force swing her leg around onto Beels stomach, sending him plummeting to the ground with a loud crash, followed by Lilith hovering in midair, blood trickling from her lips and her arms covered in fresh bruises. That was the first time she ever landed a hit on Beel and her brothers were there to realize that the Flower of The Celestial Realm was a double edged sword. Soon she was having routine sparring matches with her brothers, Simeon being her coach on how to take them down.
Her, Belphie, and Beel all shared a bedroom. Lilith had her own bedroom with her own bathroom, but spent more of her time with Beel and Belphie because that's where she felt the most comfortable. Belphie especially specialized in making sure she didnt have nightmares that night.
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princessdianaartemis · 6 years ago
The One Where The Almighty Has Had Enough
Prelude: I was working on something else when I thought: Well, if Sandalphon was responsible for Sodom and Gomorrah, what if he was responsible for the Nephilim massacre, too? And what if his counterpart for ‘punisher of illicit love’, was Asmodeus, demon of Lust (those posts about Aziraphale asking Crowley if that’s what he changed his name to)...this was born.
Also, here’s part two.
It was a crisp, early autumn morning when something in London shifted. There was a different feeling in the air, a mixture of ozone and sulfur that felt out of place in the foggy London morning, especially for the occult and ethereal being that realized their vacation was coming to an close.
The phone at the bookshop rung once before Aziraphale, who had been standing expectantly at its side, picked it up.
“I think it’s best you get here, my dear. I feel it’d be best to meet here than on the streets of London.”
Crowley, who hadn’t even been able to slip out an ‘angel’, answered, “Hmm, alright. I’ll be there in a bit.”
“No rush,” Aziraphale said. “I don’t think they expect to do anything with us until we are together.”
With the promise of more hellfire and holy water, Aziraphale began to influence his visitors to remember appointments they’d previously forgotten (and then realize, halfway there, that the appointment was tomorrow) and closed the shop. He didn’t bother locking the door. Lock or no lock, Crowley—or the others—would find a way inside. There was time, he expected, so he made himself some cocoa as he waited.
The sound of the Bentley coming to rest along the street eased the slight tension in the angel’s shoulders and he took a sip of the cooling cocoa. When the door opened, he raised a hand from behind his pile of books.
“In here, love.”
Crowley would’ve blushed if he had the time for anything other than fret.
“No sign of them yet?” he asked and settled across from Aziraphale.
“Not yet, but I don’t think they’ll be long.”
It had been about a month since Adam had contacted them about the angel and demon duo that were hunting down evidence of the, as he had heard it, indecency causing Heaven and Hell so much grief. Since then, they had felt the light push and pull of one side or the other. The wave of righteousness and tail end of the tan overcoat Sandalphon took to wearing on Earth or the outpour of lust that ended with the outing of politicians and other important members of the community which Crowley knew reeked of Asmodeus’ influence.
But, they figured the honeymoon was over and it was time to face their demons—well, demon and angel as it were. They weren’t disappointed when a few minutes later, the crackle of otherworldly magic appeared at the door. They prepared themselves, standing side-by-side as they always have.
The door opened with a light jingle of the bell at its threshold, but it wasn’t angel nor demon, but a boy with blond curls that smiled when he saw the confused duo.
“You didn’t think I’d let you face them alone, right?” he asked with the overconfidence of any eleven-year old as he strode over to them and stopped between them.
Crowley reacted first, hands on his hips, “What are you doing here?”
“This really is no place for you, dear boy.”
Adam just raised a challenging eyebrow, “Mum and Dad suddenly had a desire to come to London for a day trip. They’re having a break at the café across the street so I asked if I could come over to the bookshop. I think—I think it’ll help if I’m here. After all, your gangs still want their fight and they still think they can’t have it without me. They won’t hurt you as long as I’m here.”
They looked between each other, Crowley gaze a little more firm than Aziraphale who gave him a wide-eyed, puppy-dog look until the demon sighed, “Ah, alright. But both of you buckle up, we’re in for a whole lot of ugly.”
“Oh, it’s okay—nothing is uglier than Greasy Johnson and I look at him all the time.”
Crowley felt the quirk of a smile before another wave of magic, this time older and angrier, pushed through the door. The bell wasn’t a jingle but more of a terrified rattle as four bodies walked through the door and stood in a semi-circle at the center of the rotunda—demons to the left, angels to the right.
Aziraphale and Crowley stood likewise with Adam in the middle, all three matching in posture, shoulders back, and head high as they faced their superiors and the two hunters. Gabriel, with his condescending smile stepped forward, hands clasped before him.
“Wonderful, you’re both here,” he said, gaze sliding down to the boy. “Wish you weren’t—don’t want you to witness what we’re about to do to your friends.”
“Godfathers,” Adam said. “They’re my godfathers.”
There was a light preen from each of the beings at his side as Adam took a step back and closer to their warmth behind him. Gabriel’s smile almost slipped before turning to Beezlebub and sharing a disgusted look.
“Right, well, I’m sure the two of you know why we’re here,” Gabriel said and gestured to Sandalphon. “My friend here has been researching about the two you and your torrid affair. He’s found some pretty—well—”
“Damning evidence,” Beelzebub said, a wicked curve of zir lips. “And Asmodeus is here to verify just how damning it is. We should begin immediately, I am anxiously awaiting thizzz outcome.”
Sandalphon stepped forward and glared at the angel-demon duo in front of him, “I haven’t seen such audacity since the incident with the Nephilim. Their relationship, the arrangement as they call it, is an illicit and gross misuse of their power and immortal time. I would say that the demon has corrupted a holy being—but Aziraphale was barely holy to begin with.”
Crowley took a step forward, the fist he’d made at his side sparking with fire and he radiated that heat of demonic rage. Adam glanced back with a raised eyebrow, but it was Aziraphale that reached over and brushed his shoulder, drawing his attention away from the floor and towards him.
“It’s not worth it,” he said.
“You are worth it,” Crowley said. “I’m damned enough as it.”
Aziraphale shook his head, “I won’t let you, so you can stop thinking about it.”
The sparks disappeared and the hand that had been hovering at Crowley’s shoulder dropped to give a light squeeze to the uncurled fingers and they remained that way, hand-in-hand. Gabriel gave a dramatic gasp, hand flying to clutch at his lapel.
“See,” Sandalphon said. “They’re brazen in their affections; even right in front of us they’re not even ashamed of it. It’s abominable.”
“My, Aziraphale, how you’ve broken,” Gabriel said. “But, you still have another chance. We can still save you from the Snake’s influence. Now, Beelzebub does your—hunter want to put in anything or are we saving them for the punishment?”
Beelzebub turned to the demon who had been quiet and gestured for them to start talking. They did.
“I didn’t know that angels inspired lust,” they said, the voice slippery and sounding different to everyone in the room. “But this angel has been very, well, naughty even if he himself hasn’t done anything of the sort. The demon, too, but it is his job. What’s so strange about him is that he’s had less than demonic thoughts—love of all things.”
Crowley tensed and felt as the Prince of Hell’s eyes raised to look at him, but the hand that held his gave it another squeeze and the tension drained. In front of them, Adam scoffed.
“Since when is Love a bad thing?”
He was ignored as Gabriel laughed, “Well, it seems the two of you have a few little things to atone to—well, atone in whatever way Hell makes that happen. So, we’ll start with our little angel, why don’t we? Aziraphale, do you have anything to say for yourself?”
Aziraphale glanced over to Crowley at his side, then down at Adam before puffing up and addressing the Archangel, “It’s as Adam said, since when is Love a bad thing? We’re meant to be beings of love and we should express it towards everyone. Yes, my love for Crowley is different, but we have known each other for a ridiculous amount of time so of course it would be different.” He squeezed the hand in his, “So, do whatever you must, but I see nothing wrong with my actions.”
Sandalphon made a disgusted sound and leaned over to Gabriel, whispering something in his ear. Gabriel nodded and turned to the demon at his side who turned to her subordinate.
“What about you, Crowley? What do you have to say?”
Crowley hissed, long and extra-snaky, “What Aziraphale ssssaid.”
“Very well,” Gabriel said and turned to the two hunters. “Sandalphon…Asmodeus, you know your orders.”
“Adam,” Aziraphale said, a breath of a voice. “You need to get out of here.”
He frowned and turned an incredulous expression on the angel, “I’m not leaving you alone. Besides, everything will sort itself out—you’ll see.”
Almost as if he had summoned it, and it wasn’t too far beyond the realm of belief that he had, a roll of thunder ripped through the sky and shook the bookshop. Then there was a bright light in the area between the court of eternals and those accused and when it disappeared, there was a woman standing there.
Saying that there was a woman standing there was actually inaccurate. Saying it that way was like saying that a nuclear explosion had caused a bit of a mess. What is more accurate is saying that there was a corporation of a woman, if this woman were housing inside her a nuclear plant of ethereal Love, Peace, and Light. She was smallish, smaller than the men-shaped beings in the room, but not as small as Beelzebub and Adam. Her smile was more of a smirk as her eyes flickered from one side of stunned eternals to the other.
“Right,” She said. “That’s quite enough of this. I think this has gone on too long. It’s time I get involved.
Gabriel, reacted first, getting to a knee and dragging Sandalphon down with him, “It’s—it’s an honor, Your Holiness.”
“Quite. Now, get up, you’re making a fool of yourself Gabriel, dear. Beezy, Asmo, lovely to see you two. And you two,” she said and turned her attention to the pair of Earthbound beings, “you sure have brought me quite a bit of memos.”
Adam frowned as he studied Her, then his face lit up with understanding, “Hey, Grandma.”
She smiled, “Lovely to meet you, Adam, dear.”
“I know you’re in the middle of something, right now.” he said, “But can I ask a quick question?”
“Of course,” She said, “Curiosity is quite a human thing—and we are meant to encourage it. What is your question, dear?”
“Am I going to be smote?” he asked. “Smite? ‘Cuz Anathema was talking to me about the Bible and how half-angel kids were all killed because they weren’t allowed and then she said how Lucifer—that’s my not-dad, right—that he was an angel, which would make me half-angel so I’d be a Nephilim, right? So—is that guy going to smite me?”
Adam waved his hand towards Sandalphon who blanched, even more when She started to laugh.
“No, dear, you’re in a class all on your own. No one will smite you. No one’s being smote at all,” and She turned to the Archangel and Prince of Hell, “You two have been rather persistent, haven’t you.”
Gabriel cleared his throat, “He’s tainted, your Holiness, we can’t just let that slide. He’s been fraternizing with a demon, he stopped the Great Plan in its tracks. He’s—he’s immune to hellfire, there was something we had to do.”
The Almighty turned Her cryptic smirk on him, “Could it not be argued that you have fraternized with demons. You and Beezy have been communicating about this little hunt of yours. Sandalphon’s been tracking with Asmodeus, yet you call Crowley and Aziraphale’s relationship illicit.”
“It izzzz,” Beelzebub said, voice rather quiet. “There are feelings involved.”
She turned Her attention on the demon, who made zirself smaller, then straightened the grey blazer she wore, “Alright then. It’s time you listen to me for a change. I think it’s high time my children stop acting like brats.”
Adam stifled laughter by hiding his face in Aziraphale’s coat. And the Almighty began Her speech, arms spread out before Her like inviting them all into a hug, though the eyes grew stormy:
“The Great Plan was stopped because I willed it. Don’t you think if I wanted it to pick back up I could make it so? No, they stopped it because it was part of the Ineffable Plan,” She stopped when Gabriel’s back straightened painfully and Her smile quirked, “Yes, they were telling the truth, dear, those two are quite different.”
She turned to face Crowley and he found his glasses disappearing with a light flutter of Her hand, “Crowley, dear, you were never meant to Fall. You were made to question—I made you that way. But your questions should’ve fortified Heaven, unlike Luci and his main crew,” then She turned a frown at Gabriel, “I shouldn’t have left them in charge—they got paranoid—and overzealous and down you tumbled.”
Crowley’s exposed eyes showed too much, they were wide and red-rimmed as they gazed upon the Almighty. He squeezed Aziraphale’s hand and found a thumb sweeping along the back of his hand.
“But I suppose it’s a good thing that you did fall, if you hadn’t—you might not have met Aziraphale,” She said and turned Her attention to the angel who was providing comfort to the demon. When he found the Almighty’s eyes on him, he tensed. “You—my dear, I did good with you. Perhaps a bit too indulgent, but where it counts you’re a great angel. You were always meant to be with Humans, didn’t expect you to hand them your sword, but no matter. Yes, you two were exactly what Earth needed so I’ll grant you what you deserve—your own side.”
She reached into Her jacket and pulled out a sword, very similar to the one a certain Horseperson used, and She willed it over to Aziraphale who took it in his free hand and glanced up with a confused expression.
“A sword. Not one to protect Eden, but to protect Earth,” She said, “Mind you, you shouldn’t need to use it, but it’s a reminder to Heaven of what you are—protector, Principality, and Soldier of Earth, no longer of Heaven.”
Gabriel sputtered from behind her, “Excuse me? Your Holiness, excuse me, but Aziraphale cannot belong to Earth. That’s preposterous. There is Above and there is Below and Aziraphale, as great as you say he is, should be with us, Above. It wouldn’t be right for him to continue—dawdling on Earth. It’s what’s making him so soft in the first place.”
The Almighty’s shoulders tensed and, from above, there was a threatening roll of thunder. She turned in a slow shuffle, an orbit if you will, until She was facing the petulant face of the Archangel.
“Gabriel,” She said, Her voice was cold fire and everyone in the room felt it’s hot-cold rush on their skin, “I really don’t like doing this. But if you are acting like a brat, so you leave me no other choice.”
Again, She waved Her hand in a dismissive fashion and the next time Gabriel opened his mouth, he found that he couldn’t get a word in edgewise, no sound came out. He glared around the Almighty at Aziraphale who shot him an indulgent smile and waved with the hand holding the sword. The Almighty looked at Sandalphon who snapped to attention.
“If he fails to carry this message, it’ll be up to you to deliver it: Aziraphale is no longer of Heaven. He is still an Angel, but he carries my duties out on Earth. He should not be bothered and he will not bother you,” then She turned to the demons who twitched under Her attention. “Same goes for you.”
Beelzebub gave a shallow bow and She turned a wide smile towards Crowley. He was frozen in place, white-knuckled grip around Aziraphale’s hand (it was a good thing that circulation of blood was not needed in their bodies otherwise the angel would’ve found himself losing that hand).
The Almighty took a step towards them and reached a hand out towards the demon, “Take my hand.”
Shaking, he raised the free hand up and let her cool fingers wrap around his overheated ones. Aziraphale made to move away, but Crowley pulled him closer, bringing Adam closer as well.
“I don’t know what to give you, my dear,” She said, giving him a sweet smile. “An apology wouldn’t be enough. I can Forgive you, but it wasn’t me who damned you in the first place. But I could give you one thing. I could Raise you.”
Behind Her, the eternal court all gasped and a little bit of shock ran through the room. She could feel Crowley shaking, an unrelenting shudder that shook him from head to foot. Even Adam had wrapped his arms around Crowley so that he could stop feeling shivery.
“You mean—”
“An Angel again, can you remember what denomination you were—ah, doesn’t matter,” She said with a dismissive shrug. “I’ll make you a Principality too and then you’ll be equals. And, of course, the same rules will apply for you, no meddling from either Heaven or Hell while the two of you protect Earth together.”
Crowley’s eyes were yellow from end to end, and they dilated at Her words. He pulled out of Her grasp and turned to Aziraphale, dislodging Adam from place and the boy made his way around to his Grandmother. He almost glowed with promise and he reached across, surprising Aziraphale to a point that he almost missed the opportunity to miracle away the sword before Crowley impaled himself. He took both of Aziraphale’s hands in his, a wide smile spread on his face.
“What do you say, angel? Both of us—together, equals in the eyes of Heaven and Hell. No more worries, no more back alley dealings, no more fraternizing. We’d get to do everything we always wanted and were too afraid to do,” Crowley said, eyes tearing up. “Say the word and I’ll do it, I’ll say yes. Say it’s what you want.”
From the court, Sandalphon took a step back, reaching up for his chest and sharing a concerned look with Gabriel. The demons did the same, though their glances looked a little sad as well.
Aziraphale’s own eyes softened and he shook off Crowley’s grasp on his hands to reach up and cup the demon’s face with them both. He took a step forward, closing the breath of space, left between them and pressing their foreheads together.
“My love,” he said, and Crowley shivered against him. “Heaven does not deserve to claim an Angel as good and kind and dastardly beautiful as you. They’d try to destroy the Earth just to gain your attention, they’d go to war to gain your affection.
“I wouldn’t belong to Heaven, I’d belong to Earth,” Crowley said, eyes closing, though he might’ve just said ‘I’d belong to you’. “Just think of what we could be—I wouldn’t have these eyes for one, I’d be washed away of all Sin.”
“Humanity needs us as we’ve always been,” insisted Aziraphale. “Besides, would you even want to be around a barely holy being when you’re holier than me? And your eyes are beautiful, Crowley, no matter what you associate it with, I associated with my best friend—from the beginning.”
When Crowley opened his mouth again to argue, a simple ‘angel’ slipping out before Aziraphale shifted enough so that their noses brushed. It stopped Crowley dead in his tracks, red tracking up his face.
“Besides,” Aziraphale said with a chuckle, “how can I be your angel if we’re both one? You’re perfect, my love, exactly as you’ve always been—it’s never mattered that you were a demon, just that you could be destroyed because of me.”
Crowley’s frenzy dropped as the thumbs along his cheekbones began to stroke and he reached up to place his hands atop Aziraphale’s and mimicked his actions atop the backs. He chuckled and nodded, their noses brushing once again.
“Alright, my angel, you win,” Crowley said. “Sata—Go—oh, bugger it, I love you.”
Aziraphale gave a satisfied little hum, “Well, it’s mutual, obviously.”
Crowley pulled away, Aziraphale’s hands in his as he turned to the Almighty.
She gave him an all-too knowing smile as he shrugged, “Sorry. I think we’ll keep our arrangement the way it’s been. Hasn’t been all that bad.”
She gave a little laugh, “Well, I would like to give you something. Heaven and Hell won’t bother you, that I can assure you,” and She shot the beings behind Her a glare before turning back. “But you deserve something, my dear Crowley, and don’t say the cheesy thing you were thinking.”
Adam at Her side gave a loud gasp and tugged on Her sleeve. She bent down so he could whisper in Her ear and whatever he said had Her lighting up.
“Right, well,” She said and turned around, clapping Her hands together. “Guys, you’ve got to get on your way…and remember what I’ve said.”
The door to the bookshop opened behind them. Beelzebub looked like ze wanted to say something more, but a light nudge from Asmodeus had both of them bowing and exiting the shop with nothing more than a glare at Crowley.
Gabriel looked indignant as Sandalphon pulled his sleeve. He met the eyes of the Almighty and frowned, but when She raised an eyebrow, he just shook his head and let his companion pull him away. Then She turned to Crowley again.
“I owe you a favor,” She said, a twinkle sparking in Her eye. “You’ll know what it is—if not, Adam can help you with it. Unless—you know what it is now.”
He gave Her a small smile, “I think I do—but I think I should probably do it the proper way, don’t you think? Deserves to be done the old-fashioned way: roses, chocolates, candlelit dinner or a picnic, big public display, ceremony with all our friends—not that we have a lot of those, but I have a feeling book-girl would be disappointed if she missed it.”
The Almighty laughed and the lights around the shop sparked with it, “That he does—and that she would. Alright, next time you pray, I’ll answer it. Be safe, my protectors of Earth. Grandson, you’ve made me proud. Till next time.”
“Your Holiness,” Aziraphale said, addressing Her for the first time. “I—I know I shouldn’t ask but, well, curiosity is a human thing and it should be encouraged. Why now? Why did you come to our aid now?”
“Because, it’s time for the Ineffable Plan, this plan,” She said and gestured between them, “to come to fruition—it’s about five thousand years overdue.”
And with no more fuss, She disappeared much like She appeared—with a roll of thunder and a flash of light.
The bookshop fell silent. The buzzing of London bustling outside the only sound of life as they attempted to gather their wits. Adam spun around and pulled on Crowley’s sleeve until he bent, ear to mouth, and he whispered something. Crowley’s laughter pierced the silence and he ruffled Adam’s curls on the way up.
“Of course, kid, you’re the only one I could want,” he said. “Now, I think you’ve hoodwinked your parents long enough. Go on. I’ll be in touch.”
Adam smiled, a genuine, ear-to-ear smile that lit up his face, and he ran off, “Bye Crowley, Aziraphale, thanks for letting me hang around,” as he rounded out the door he threw a last minute, “Love you,” and they puffed with pleasure.
Like that, the two were left alone in the bookshop just as they’d been earlier. Crowley rubbed his thumbs along Aziraphale’s palm as he turned back to face him. They shared small and soft smiles as their foreheads came to rest against each other’s again.
“Protectors of Earth,” Aziraphale said with a laugh. “Well, my dear, what would you like to do now that the riff-raff is gone for good?”
“I’d like to get drunk and sleep,” answered Crowley, noses brushing. “But, I have things to do so that might be for another day. Do you mind if a raincheck for the imbibing of copious amounts of alcohol to forget that we were almost smote today?”
There’s a pout on the angel’s face that Crowley almost leaned into, but he laughed and pulled away instead. He brought the hands in his up to his lips and he placed a light kiss onto the knuckles. The pout on Aziraphale’s face slipped off as his jaw dropped a bit and he blushed bright.
“Don’t make plans for tomorrow,” Crowley said, finally let go to reach into his jacket and pull out a new pair of glasses. “I’m taking you out for a celebratory dinner—or would you prefer a picnic at lunchtime. Ah, we can do both—we have all the time in the world.”
Aziraphale just watched him, “My dear…are you alright?”
Crowley patted the pocket he’d pulled his glasses from and his smile grew again, “Just tickety-boo, angel. Picnic, dinner. Don’t even bother opening the shop tomorrow, I’ll be around for you during lunchtime.”
With a little wave over his shoulder, he was gone.
The pout on Aziraphale’s face returned as he waved a hand to lock the door and readjust the sign to say that the store would be closed for tomorrow as well and to pardon for any inconvenience. He settled in his chair, the book he’d been reading before everything sat next to his now cold mug of cocoa, but he didn’t feel like reading. Instead, he willed the cocoa back to a warm state and sat there, fingers running along his knuckles, wondering what tomorrow’s outings would bring.
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