#i have and i'm gonna continue doing so and i'm going to acquire like so many great things along the way
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dykeomania · 1 year ago
digital diary thanksgiving post because it's my account so it's my space and i'm gonna talk, okay to interact if you feel so inclined, so, for context, i'm not very close with my family and if we're being so honest i wouldn't really say i have much of one, anyway (my mom's around but we can get into the string of mommy issues on a different occasion), so, being home for me + the holidays in general naturally brings up a lot of emotions surrounding loss and grief and generally just feeling very far removed from any sense of normalcy that i think i had at some point in my lifetime but that i generally feel very detached from and that's something that i've really struggled with for quite some time now and i feel like i've been given more reasons to struggle with it over these past like, 4-5-6 years, consistently. (cont).
but while being home is a pretty activating experience it's also activating in the sense that it does give me an opportunity to reflect on everything that has changed for the better on my own accord and i think there's always room to be proud of myself in that sense. i tend to block out things that i just don't find to be productive or that are somewhat traumatizing so sometimes i forget my generational curses exist and i forget everything that my mom has done and said and i forget how much of the core values and sentiments of family that i just don't have and when i have to look them in the eye it's a little bit unearthing and honestly pretty fucking draining and tormenting. but it also reminds me of how far i've come and how much work i've successfully put in to make my life the way i want it to be and make the connections that i want and how if i just keep going, i could truly like, make more, just period-- i could make it all happen if i really wanted to. one thing that i can really pat myself on the back for is my personal commitment to self-evolution and how determined i've been to just make some shit shake, and it really has worked out and is actively working out and i see that, now more than ever. and while being home still brings up a lot of those gutting feelings that's very reminiscent of everything that i don't have, it's also very comforting in the sense that this is not. all. that i am capable of knowing. and that's just insane and important to me considering that idk when i was a teenager i remember feeling very suffocated by being home to the point where it was really dangerous and i thought for a long time that that was just going to be my life. and now i know that it's not and i know that no one has my back the way that i do, and it's crystal clear.
there's so many layers of nuance that come with being home i guess and there's a lot to peel back in terms of cycling through a bunch of poverty and abuse and domestic violence and narcissistic parenting and growing up with a chronically ill parent and god knows what else but i think the bottom line is like, i feel pretty close to the other side of it. and while being home is like insane and is a lot, on the flip side, that's a pretty good feeling.
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Academia - The Library
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Pairing: Aged up Damian Wayne x f reader
Tags: NSFW, academic setting, rivals to lovers, friends with benefits, smut, fingering, edging, oral, p in v, semi-public sex
Damian thought once would be enough. It wasn't. Because every week, you'd still show up to class well kept in your neat little outfits, still the image of perfevmction. And he still wanted to. Mess. You. Up.
The previous weekend
Damian had some free time on the weekend, so he flew to help his grandfather with an undertaking. After a brutal but successful meeting, which ended with Damian and Rhas acquiring 50% of equity shares from a competitor company, Damian was desperate for some releif. He donned his training clothes and was headed down to the dojo in his grandfather's keep.
When he turned a corner, an arm landed on his shoulder, an annoying voice calling his name. "Damian!"
Damian turned and offered a nod to Asher, one of his mother's lackeys.
"Yo, check this out," Asher rolled up the sleeve of his button-up to expose a bandage on his arm. "From that attack in Shanghai. Pretty brutal, huh?"
Damian knows. He lead it.
"Eighteen stitches, man," Asher continued bragging on.
Damian recalled the first time he ever got that amount. He was five, and his grandfather taught him how to endure the pain from a katana slice. Ever since then, Damian knew that being scarred was nothing to be proud of - rather, it was a symbol that he let someone get close enough to harm.
He offered Asher an approving nod. "Clean cut?"
Asher nodded. "Slid out from under him. Just like you taught me."
"Good man." Damian patted his shoulder.
"Damian," a new, gruff voice had called. From the end of the hall, a short, chubby man in a suit was approaching them. Damian let go of the notion that he was ever going to get to the dojo as he turned to meet his grandfather's business partner from Malta.
"Enzo," Damian took Enzo's offered hand and shook it. Standing close together, Damian was two heads taller and enjoyed the privilege of getting to look down at one of the richest men in the world.
"I heard you got her." Enzo spoke in Maltese. "The tiger." He said before glancing sideways at Asher.
The lackey turned to look at Damian, who in turn nodded, dismissing him. Asher obediently strode away.
"Yes," Damian answered back in Maltese. "We do have her."
"Is she up for sale?"
"Yes, she is in the auction tonight."
"Ah," Enzo's right eye twitched. "Me with my pet tiger. Imagine that." He said eagerly.
To save his life, Damian couldn't come up with what possible activity one needed a pet tiger for, but the rich could be sold on anything. He simply nodded.
"Is she pretty?"
The tiger? "It depends on your preference." Damian offered so as to not betray how the question confused him. His family needed better company.
Enzo rubbed his hands together excitedly "You know what im gonna do? Ill invite that dickbag who busted my operation in Greece for dinner-"
Damian did not want to be an accomplice to wherever this was going. "Let's keep that between you and god. I'm sorry, Enzo. I'm late for a meeting."
At last, in the training room, he obliterated the punching bag. Letting the sweat blend in with the blood from his knuckles, he tried desperately to focus on his hits and turn his mind off.
Why was he so distracted? Things are going well. Wayne techs stock has been on the rise for the week, and Gotham's crime scene was cooled down. And yet, there's this small itch in his brain he can't get rid of. You.
Not good. You were a distraction. Distraction wasn't going to help his reach his goals.
His mother found him like this hours later, still punching the bag with fervor.
Thalia threw a dart at the bag, aiming to pierce it. Without looking, Damian caught the small flying object before it could land. Panting, he turned around to his mother.
"Damian," she walked up to him. "You've been here for hours. Come eat."
"Right." He exhaled, only now registering the heat rising from his hands. "Coming."
"Is there something you want to talk about?"
He removed his gloves and ran his fingers through his sweat-soaked hair. "Just having a weird day."
That damned checkered dress sat so well on you. You wore it over a ruffled white button-up with long sleeves and a tie. So fucking cute.
The way you dressed, the way you carried yourself - it was obvious you derived joy from being perceived. The urge to tear it off you was overwhelming. The urge to hide you from anyone's view but his own was overwhelming. Damian grasped at his pencil, grinding his teeth together.
"Can anyone tell me why this works only in zero G?" Your professor asked, referring to a phenomenon he was explaining. Sure enough, no one spoke, and then you raised your hand. As usual.
"Yes?" The professor nodded at Damian, whose hand went up a moment after yours.
Damian didn't miss the moment you followed the professor's gaze to him, and your raised arm fell in disappointment. Your reactions always animated.
Maybe one time wasn't enough, he thought. Maybe twice will do it.
You favored the den on the second highest floor of the Gotham University Library. You usually reserved it for yourself when you need to concentrate; really isolate yourself. You were given a particularly difficult assignment this week. An interesting one, but a difficult one; to explain a phisics theory you were taught using historical conflict examples.
You studied the subject through and were now working on your essay outline when the door opened, and Damian appeared behind it, green eyes surprised to see you. He leaned back and glanced at the sign outside of the door, confirming the room number before clearing his throat. "I booked this room from three to six."
"Oh, sorry." You began collecting your notes.
Damian eyed your paper. "You working on Stelios' lab?"
You made his gaze. "Yeah,"
"Same," he dropped his bag on the floor near the chair and sat opposite to you on the big table. "Stay. We can share the room."
Your brows rose as you began to lower your things. "Really?"
He nodded. "What'd you get on his last assignment?"
"Ninety two. You?"
He clicked his tongue, shaking his head, and wispered. "Show off. I got a ninety."
You let out a chuckle. "Now who's the show off." You murmered, looking back at your paper. This was the first time the two of you had spoken since spending the night together. You were glad it was so casual.
"How's your neck?" You asked the question that's been eating at you for the past couple of days.
His hand lifted to pat the back of his neck, where you'd seen his scar a few days ago.
Today, he went for a business casual attire. A navy green T was unbuttoned at the top and tucked into his jeans. His long and veiny arms, which flashed a series of memories in your mind, sported a Rolex on one wrist and a leather bracelet on the other. The same ring you saw his father wear was on his index finger, with an engraved 'W'. "It's nothing. My barber got clumsy."
You nodded. "Is it healed?"
"Are you worried about me?" He raised a sharp brow. Green eyes interrogated you behind long lashes.
You looked away, unable to hold his gaze. You felt yourself go hot and suddenly you regretted the decision to wear the long-sleeved top that hugged your neck and arms under your dress. "You say it like its a bad thing."
"Not at all." He admitted, leaning back against his chair and opening his laptop.
The two of you sat there for a long time, how long exactly... you don't know. The room was warm and dimly lit by a yellow lightbulb above your heads, the light reflecting off of a small whiteboard on the east wall. The only sound was coming from the heater.
Every once in a while, you glanced up to watch as he typed away on his computer. Stoic and focused on his task. You admired that he was such a dedicated learner. Studious. Serious. Intimidating. Handsome...
Your lower lip was caught between your teeth before you realized what you were doing and looked back down at the textbook you were reading, copying your last piece of evidence.
An hour passed, and you were done typing up the first draft of your essay. You were stuck on one specific part and wished you could consult someone about your evidence. You licked your lips nervously. "Damian?"
"Do you mind looking over my third argument? It's supposed to be the strongest, but I don't know if the way I phrased it, the connection would be understandable."
He nodded and gestured you to pass him your laptop. You did. After a minute of assessing him, tisked. You eyed him expectantly.
"You used the phalynx formation as an example?" He asked.
He looked up at you. "Funny."
"I did the same thing."
He handed you his computer. You looked at his essay and worried your bottom lip. "Is he gonna think one of us cheated?"
He folded his hands. "Mhmm. I'll change mine just in case."
"No, I'll change mine." You assured.
"Y/n," his voice sotened. "Your explanation is exceptional. Stelios is a good prof, he deserves to read it."
You doubted your paper would even get to the professor. Usually, the TAs marked the lab papers. Though saying that would be irrelevant. "What about your paper?" You ask.
His eyes roamed over the paper. "Tell you what. I'll come up with another third argument. But since I'm being so generous. I'll give you the opportunity to do the same. Then we'll compare. The best argument wins."
You raised a brow, not sure whether you should feel insulted or intrigued. On one hand, the challenge of it seemed interesting. On the other hand, you felt slightly patronized. But the former outweighed the latter. Plus, it was good practice. You sat back and crossed your arms. "Deal."
He raised his Rolex and began to click buttons. "Is thirty minutes enough time?"
You nodded.
Half an hour later, you put down the book and pen. You stood up and wiped down the writing left on the whiteboard.
Behind you, Damian checked his Rolex and pursed his lips, impressed. "Right on time."
"You ready to hear my idea?" You asked.
He leaned back in his chair. "Lets hear it,"
You began drawing a formation and added the formula on the side.
"Hmm," he hummed behind you before adding. "Echelon formation. Gettysburg."
"Exactly." You smiled over your shoulder. Then excitedly turned around and began to explain your argument. God, this project had been fun.
By the time you finished writing out your demonstration, the whiteboard was covered in calculations. You turned around, the rush of the epiphany flowing through your veins.
Damian sat still one arm resting on the table, the other held in a position in which his fingers were playing with his full bottom lip. But he wasn't looking at your explanation on the board. His heated gaze was on you.
You cleaned your throat nervously, capping the marker and putting it down. "What do you think?"
He sat quietly for a moment eyes moving between you and the board. Suddenly he spoke, his words sending a wave of heat to your core. "Come here."
Your eyes widened. And you took two careful steps until you stood in front of him, your hands held in front of you. It was ironic. He was sitting and gazing up at you, but it felt like he held all the power over you.
Suddenly his hand reached to your dress, giving it a sharp pull tug, pulling your down to sit on his lap.
Your breath hitched, your hands trembling on his hard chest.
"Do you know how hot you are when you're passionate about something?" He whispered, licking his lips.
Your cheeks reddened. "Thanks,"
"Kiss me," he ordered.
You eyed the rectangular window at the door it was covered by a blurred glass, but still. "What if someone sees? Or hears?" You whispered.
"What if they do?" He challenged. "Dont make me ask you twice, y/n." He squeezed your hip in warning.
Cupping his face in your hands, you rushed to kiss him. He cupped your nape and pulled you closer, tongue caressing yours and entering your mouth. His hips grinded up, the top of his pants rubbing against your tights.
You let out a soft giggle against him. "Damian, not the 4th floor of the library, it's such a cliché".
His hand slid under your skirt, drawing circles against your tights. You were about to give another half-assed protest when you heard a tear come from between the two of you, followed by a wave of cold air against your thighs.
"No!-" You began but his other hand covered your mouth.
"For a second there, it sounded like you were going to be loud." His tone was soft but also threatening at the same time. His palm still covered your mouth as his other hand slid into your panties under your torn tights. "We can't have that now, can we... what if someone hears?" He threw your earlier words back at you.
You struggled to suppress your wimpers behind his hand. You were about to bring up the fact that he needed to stop ruining your clothes, but the deliciously slow movement of his fingers against you had your back arching. Your hands gripped the bottom of the chair behind yourself, as you forgot what you were about to say. Your eyes rolled back, and you moaned his name, muffled by his hand.
"Can't keep quiet, huh baby?" He taunted.
"I'm trying," your voice came out muffled behind his hand. Feeling bold, you lowered his hand, whispering. "Please, I'll be good. Just be quick with it."
"What if I don't wanna be quick with it?" He asked. "What if I wanna drag it out like I did last time?"
You began shaking your hand, knowing there's no way you could hold back your reactions if he were to edge you again. You were already getting fingered in the campus library, the stakes were pretty high. You lowered your lips, brushing them against his ear. "Or you we can go to my room."
He shook his head. "No can do, perfect girl." He hummed your nickname. "You're gonna come right here in this room - " His finger sped up against you. You bit your lip to silence your sounds.
"More than once." He continued.
Your mouth dropped with a silent moan.
"And every time you're gonna study in the library, you're gonna remember that." He finished, rubbing with speed and intensity. You began shaking, and he removed his finger, holding your hips down to rub against the bulge in his jeans.
He did a quick job of unzipping his pants and pulling down his underwear. "Look what you do to me, baby. Look."
You looked down to see him lined up against your entrance, and your eyes widened. Meeting his gaze again, you pleaded. "Wait, Damian, not again, please. I'm still too sensitive - "
There was a nock at the door.
Your hand shot up to cover your mouth. Damian didn't look worried. He just leaned back, holding eye contact with you, and spoke loudly to the person on the other side. "This room is till booked for another hour."
Then he pulled your hips down and until you sat on his dick. Unable to help yourself. Desperately, your hand covered your moth to stop your squeal. But he caught it. Damian grinned up at you, his chest rumbling with a silent chuckle.
"Oh. Uh, my bad." Spoke a masculine voice from the other side of the door before you heard footsteps retreat.
"Do you think he knows?" Damian grinned up at you.
You shook your head as he began to thrust into you with a steady pace. You kept your hand covering your mouth as he fucked you. Suddenly, he stood up, holding you up in his arms and walked you towards the whiteboard. He positioned the two of you with your back against the board and your legs wrapped around his torso, then began thrusting into you again. "You did such a good job on my project, baby. Such a smart girl."
Your eyes rolled back as you were filled with him, particularly when he hit a spot inside you that made you feel so hot.
"W- what did you end up picking?" You struggled to ask, as you were curious. "For your third argument." You clarified.
"I didn't." He panted against your mouth. "I worked on my business course midterm."
Your made dropped, and your brows furrowed. "You asshole!" You whispered against his lips. "You - ah! You tricked me into writing the assignment for you!"
"Sure did, sweetheart." He smirked bit your neck, just above your collarbone. "Guess you're not the only smart one."
You moaned. Why did being outsmarted by him feel so... hot? Like being taken advantage of but in a good way.
"You getting close, baby?" He asked.
He kissed you then. Whispering, "Come for me, perfect girl."
Not needing to be told twice, you did.
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poisonedprose · 2 years ago
₊˚✧ body heat
best friend!ellie williams x fem!reader
warnings: 1.9k words, mirror sex, shes lowkey kinda a perv, curse words, fingering (reader recieving), oral (r recieving), hair pulling, praise, degrading
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The roughness of your duty on patrol was finally catching up to you. Your shoulders were tense and sore. Your neck hung low as you sluggishly opened the door to your home, groaning at the unbearable winter cold that had overtook it while you were away. Your footsteps were quiet, almost scaring Ellie when she saw you enter the bedroom. 
She liked to hang out in your house, especially when you were away. She would always say she liked your house better. It never made sense to you, but you knew better than to question Ellie and her antics. 
She was sitting on your bed, reading the book you were currently reading. "This shit is so cheesy. I don't know how you don't throw up while reading these type'a books." She closed the book and put it back in its place on the nightstand. "Acquired taste." Was all you said as you shuffled out of your jacket, throwing it into a pile of other clothes that needed to be washed. 
Ellie was quick to notice the tired look in your eyes and the way you dragged your feet on the floor. "Hard day?" Her voice was softer now, she assumed you probably had a headache since you were paired up with Jesse for patrol. "Not really, it's just freezing out. Made it 10 times longer than it had to be." Ellie glanced at the clock, only just now noticing how late it was. 
"Yeah, it is pretty cold out, huh?" You silently nodded as you lifted your dirt-stained shirt above your head. Ellie's eyes scanned your body, landing on your bra which was significantly cleaner than your shirt. "I could warm you up." Ellie joked with a cocky smile on her face. It prided her that you were always comfortable enough to change in front of her. Though, she did feel a little guilty that she liked it so much.
"Oh yeah? How do you plan to do that?" You joined in on the joke as you kicked off your pants. The bruises and marks on your body were old, but the memories they hold are enough to still pain Ellie when she looks at them. 
Her eyes settle on your thighs, thoughts you'd surely scold her for plagued her mind. "Oh, I have a few ideas." She chuckled though she wasn't joking as much as she was before. You watched in the mirror as she stood up and walked over to you. You didn't pay her much mind as you continued undressing, taking off your bra as Ellie stood behind you.
She reached her hands up to help the straps fall off your shoulders easier. Ellie never understood how you were just so damn comfortable with her. She rested her hands on your shoulders as she watched you throw the bra into a different pile of dirty clothes than the one you threw your shirt into. "Your room's a mess." Her voice was quieter now, but it was still just as loud since her mouth was so close to your ear. 
"I'll get around to cleaning it eventually." You met her eyes in the mirror, but soon your eyes were traveling all over her face. Ellie took a deep breath as she removed her hands from your shoulders, placing them on your hips now, just above your underwear. "I think I'm getting frostbite just by touching you." She smiled, breaking the weird expression on her face that you couldn't quite decipher. 
You didn't say anything, too entranced by how Ellie was touching you. Sure, she'd touched you before, helped you get undressed before, but this, it was just different. Your lack of response didn't go unnoticed by Ellie, if anything, only encouraged her antics more. Her hands slip up from your hips to your waist, crossing over your tummy. 
You laughed lowly under your breath, her fingertips tickling your frozen skin as she glided them over your stomach. "You're gonna get sick if you keep picking up extra patrol shifts." She was focused. Focused on your body, staring at you, at her hands on you, through the mirror. You swallowed thickly, the air in the room becoming warmer. 
"Figured Joel could use the help." Ellie knows you're speaking but the words are just going in one ear and right out the other. She's too caught up on your body. Her hands continue to move higher, cupping your breasts hesitantly. "Even your tits are freezing." She lets out a breathy laugh, trying to ignore how incredibly turned on she is right now. 
"I wasn't kidding when I said it was cold out there." The small talk feels unnecessary at this point. Both of you know what Ellie's true intentions are, and honestly, you might just let her have her way this once. 
"Ellie." Her name sounds so sweet coming from your lips, she thinks. "Yes?" For what might be the first time tonight, her eyes meet yours through the mirror. "How is this supposed to warm me up?" Your voice is no lower than a whisper. She knows she's been caught. "Are my hands not warm enough for you?" Her voice is as low as yours just was. 
"Ellie." She might go crazy if you keep saying her name. "What?" She doesn't move her hands away, letting them rest on your cold boobs. "Maybe you should see if," You pause, debating quietly if you should continue. "Maybe I should see if..?" She repeats after you, urging you to finish your sentence. 
"Maybe you should see if other parts of me are cold." You're gonna be the death of her, she just knows it. "Oh, yeah?" The cocky smirk on her face is suddenly more attractive than it has ever been. "Yeah." No one else is here, just you and Ellie, but you still whisper anyway.
She watches your face as she slides her hands down your body. She can hear the hitch in your breath when her hands continue to slide further, ending up in your underwear. "Should I see if down here is cold?" You nod, too untrusting of your voice at this moment. 
You let out a breathy, shaky moan as Ellie's fingers brush against your clit. She circles your clit slowly, never taking her eyes off your face. She continues to dip her fingers down further, her palm pressed flat against your clit as she plunges her fingers into your cunt. You gasp at the quickness of the action, leaning back against Ellie to support yourself. 
Her other hand was now wrapped around your waist, ready to hold you up in case your knees decided to buckle. "Seems pretty warm to me," Ellie whispered in your ear. Your eyes closed as you took a deep breath. 
Her fingers felt so good and she was so close to you. Her entire being surrounded you, closing in on you in the best way possible. "Ellie." You utter her name barely above a whisper. There you go again, saying her name like it's the only word you know. "What do you need, hun?" She rests her chin on your shoulder. 
"Please." You whispered with need in your voice. "Please what?" She smirked and placed her lips on your neck. "More. Ellie, I need more." If she wasn't touching you, she would have sworn she was having some twisted wet dream. 
She doesn't say anything as she retracts her fingers that were glistening with your slick. You look at her through the mirror, confusion all over your face. You blink and suddenly she's walking in front of you and getting onto her knees. Ellie's fingers silently hook your underwear, pulling them down and letting them fall to your ankles. 
"This is okay, right?" She smiles up at you her fingers running up and down your folds. "Yes," Your voice is so breathy that Ellie has a hard time deciphering what you said. "Super okay. Els, please." You buck your hips closer to her mouth just ever so slightly. "Fuck." She whispers under her breath. 
"Be a good girl and sit still, yeah?" She doesn't wait for a response as she leans forward and attaches her mouth to your aching clit. A low whine comes from your lips. Ellie's left hand rests on your hip, which was significantly warmer than it was before despite the temperature outside never changing. Her right hand continued to finger you, feeling better than any other person you'd been with. 
Her tongue was lapping at your clit aggressively. She was doing her best to make you feel as good as possible, and fuck was it working. "Ellie." You slurred her name and your hand landed in her hair. You started out gently petting the top of her head but as she continued to lick at your clit and finger your wet cunt, your fingers tangled into her hair more and more, pulling at it every so often to let her know just how good she was doing.  
"Oh, baby." Ellie's voice was raspy, full of lust and need. She pulled her mouth away from you, looking up at you with swollen lips and blown pupils, her fingers never stopping. The moans she was drawing from you were like her favorite song on repeat. The way your tits looked from this angle and how your lips were parted and the way your eyes were half-lidded. 
"Fuck, look at you." She said mostly rhetorically but you looked anyway. Your eyes shifted from her eyes to the mirror, looking at the scene that was playing out. You never thought you'd like seeing Ellie on her knees so much. She watched with awe as you stared at yourself in the mirror. "Good girl." She mumbled, praising you for listening to her words so profoundly. 
Her hand rubbed up and down on your hip and her lips left small kisses on your thighs, further praising you. Her fingers were still working on you and you were so close. "Els." You've probably said her name more than anyone else's, but at this moment it feels like the only name you've ever even thought of saying. 
"Gonna keep moaning my name like the pretty little slut you are?" Ellie hummed as she reached her mouth to your throbbing clit. "Fuck, Ellie." You threw your head back and tightened your grip on her hair. Her half-up bun was becoming messy and undone the more you pulled but neither of you cared. "M'so close." You were so whiny now and Ellie loved every single second of it. 
"I know, baby. You gonna be a good girl for me 'nd cum on my tongue?" Her words alone were enough to set you over the edge. You moaned loudly as you came but Ellie's movements didn't stop, helping you ride out your orgasm entirely. Your hips bucked and you were borderline grinding on her face. She would never complain though. 
You took a deep breath, trying to collect yourself, as Ellie finally removed her mouth and fingers from you. "Fuck, we gotta do that more often." She grinned as she licked her lips, staring up at you with a cocky look on her face. You glanced at yourself in the mirror, looking at how your legs shook ever so gently. "Told you I'd warm you up." 
You look back down at her. It hadn't even occurred to you that you were in fact warmer. "Yeah." You whispered, still looking at Ellie who was still down on her knees. "I've just got that magic touch." She smirked and stood up, brushing your hair out of your face. "Yeah, magic touch." 
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weirdsht · 8 months ago
Cale and the gang with someone who's a mermaid? They're scared shitless because of the insanity their fellow merfolk are expressing towards creatures that haven't done them anything too big. They can be transmigrated or just simply too self aware of what kind of people they are going to face if they keep meddling with other creatures' affairs with no reasonable explanation.
I love mermaids lol 😞
It can be platonic or romantic. I LOVE HOW YOU WRITE 🔥🔥🔥
Out of Their Minds - LoTCF & Mermaid! Reader
notes: thank you for enjoying my fics! I wrote something more lighthearted this time because I'm realised I kept writing angst. Low-key wanna do a pt.2 of this ngl. Also I know betta fishes live in shallow water but they are the most magnificent fish I have laid my eyes on so I wanted to use them
tags: mermaid reader, male reader (it wasn't planned, i was addressing to reader as a man before I could realise it lol), set after cale heals paseton, paseton/reader if you squint, i made a bunch of bullshit information about mermaids since there isn't much known about them anyways
English isn’t my first language so there will be grammatical errors
Pls don't repost my work anywhere without my permission
Constructive criticisms and any kind of interaction are more than welcome
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Navigation Masterlist Out of My Mind (pt. 2)
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“This is what you get for working with shady people…”
You stare at the three mermaid corpses on top of a big rock. It was the middle of the night making the sight more eery. It makes you nauseous. Especially as you notice how one of them is armless.
However, you didn’t pity them.
“Serves you right to be honest.”
You whispered in the corpse’s ear as you sat on top of the boulder. Your mermaid tail swaying against a part of the rock that has no mermaid on it.
“How did you lose your arm though? Did you anger the Whale Tribe so much that they took your arm as a souvenir?”
Looking at the sea you wondered who killed them.
“Maybe it was that ruffian called Archie? But I heard rumours from the fishes that the Whale King will beat him to a pulp if he goes too far.”
Humming in disbelief, you continued talking to the corpse as though they were still alive.
“Hmm, but you guys crossed the line first so I guess doing this much to your bodies is nothing.”
You started thinking about what happened to the mermaid tribe as of late. Some shady organizations came and made a deal with them. You didn’t know much but you heard the organization called Arm was asking for a sea route.
“Wait, it’s kind of ironic, isn’t it? You’re working for something called Arm and you lost your arm when you died.” 
With your index finger pointing out, you tried to poke the cheek of the armless mermaid. But alas you couldn’t do it. Too disgusted at their mummified looks.
“Eww, you all look so gross. Why am I even sitting on top of you all? I’m gonna go back now before that weirdo magic spearman who keeps calling himself my hyung looks for me.”
Grimacing at the thought of the guy who insisted you’re his family now, you tried to get off the boulder you were sitting on. You may be an orphan, but you aren’t desperate to acquire new family members.
As you try to climb down, you hear a soft splashing sound from behind. It sounds like water being manifested out of thin air.
Wait… Water out of thin air?
That could only mean the Whale Tribe. Not just ordinary ones, but one of the Shickler’s children.
Panicking, you tried to turn around while climbing down. Which only resulted in you falling off the boulder and landing hard on your butt.
“Wait wait wait! Is that a sword? Oh my god, it’s Paseton. Wait no should I call you his highness Paseton?”
Teary eyes and mouth spouting a bunch of nonsense because of panic made the half-blood whale stop in his tracks. Usually, when he encounters a mermaid they would spare no time attacking him.
“Are you about to discard those bodies in the water?”
“What? No way! If I did that those weird people would find me sooner.”
“Weird… People?”
Paseton lowered his sword and you relaxed a little. You wiped your tears with the back of your hand before addressing the whale’s confusion.
“Yeah! You should know about it already. I heard the turtles talking about how the mermaids are haunting you because you found out they were working with humans! Oh, but you don’t seem hurt, good for you!”
You gave him a thumbs-up as if you weren’t on the verge of crying because you fell earlier.
The half-blood whale finds you weird. It looks like you have no intentions of hurting him. In fact, it looks like you’re supporting him?
“...You’re that rumoured eccentric mermaid. Son of the previous mermaid leader.”
“No need to make it sound good. I know the rumours actually call me crazy and not eccentric. But yes that’s me, the crazy orphan whose parents got assassinated by mermaids. They're the real lunatics if you ask me.”
Paseton hesitantly shook the hand you offered.
“But why are you here? I heard you’ve gone missing and the mermaid tribe are worried sick looking everywhere for you?”
“You’re one to talk, I heard your sister is going crazy looking for you too.”
Letting go of his hand, you began to explain what happened.
“You already know about it but the merpeople are getting help from above ground. That was also why they assassinated my mother, the previous mermaid leader. She wanted to straighten out the relationship between our tribe and yours. She also initially refused the offer that the humans made. Look where that got her.“
Because of that you became wanted by the merpeople too. They framed it as looking for the lost heir but what they really want is to capture you to exploit your abilities.
As thanks for not killing you, you explained your special abilities to Paseton. Your poison is three times stronger than normal mermaids. You also possess the ability to heal any poison that comes from water and it’s creatures in it. Another special ability of yours is transforming into a fish. A secret ability that only the direct blood of the true mermaid leader can possess.
“My poison is strong enough to do this.”
Stretching your arms, you demonstrated your poison to Paseton by letting it out on the mermaid beside you. This rendered the already armless mermaid tailless.
“The sight is disgusting each time. Not pretty at all.”
You gag as you watch the mermaid’s tail turn into green goo before it sizzles, leaving no trace behind.
“So what do you think? I was planning on leaving these bodies but I can get rid of them for you. In exchange, you’ll let me be on my merry way.” 
Paseton nodded and you took that as a cue to start disintegrating the corpses with your poison.
“Where do plan to go now?”
“Honestly? I don’t know. The mermaids have gone crazy, I’m too scared to even look at them. Both the whales and the whale tribe won’t leave me alone if they see me because they’ll think I’m one of those lunatics. Maybe I’ll forever transform into a fish and create a fantasy nation and call it Lemuria or something.”
You said it in a joking manner but Paseton can see the fear in your eyes as you talk about the merpeople. At that moment the whale tribe prince pitied you. You have essentially become an outsider with nowhere to run to.
He was about to make an offer when a water whip struck beside you.
“See? That’s what I’m talking about, now a water whip is out to kill me. Wait waterwhip? Witira?!” 
You desperately looked at the man in front of you.
“Hey, I helped you get rid of the bodies right? You said you’ll let me go right? So please explain to your sister I didn’t do anything.”
“What are you doing to my brother?!”
Witira’s angry voice from behind made you look at his brother more desperately. Paseton nodded as he walked towards his sister.
“Noona stop, he doesn’t mean any harm. We were just having a chat.”
“With a mermaid?”
Paseton begins explaining what happened to Witira. From how he gets help from a noble to you helping him get rid of the mermaids. He also explained how you’re on the run from the mermaids and the people working with them.
As Paeston speaks you tried to use their distracted state as an opportunity to go back to the sea.
Keyword being “try”.
“Where do you think you’re going?”
You feel the humpback whale half-blood scoop your fish form from the shore. 
“A betta fish huh? You’re quite pretty.”
Good thing you’re a fish so the siblings wouldn’t be able to see you blush. Your fins did shine a little brighter though. Light blue with a red and white undertone that makes you look purple glistened under the moonlight. 
But there’s no way they’ll know that’s how you show being flustered in fish form so it’s good.
“What do you want with me? I already did my end of the deal~”
You whined and flopped around Paseton’s hands, throwing a tantrum. The man only chuckled while his sister watched in amusement.
“Yes, yes. But I want to make another deal.”
That made you stop flailing around.
“Turn back first. The water in my hands is running out, you already splashed most of it out.”
Obeying, you transformed back into your mermaid form. You expected Paseton to put you down then. However, he didn’t and decided to carry your bridal style instead.
He may be the weakest of the whale tribe but his still stronger than most humans.
“So what do you want?”
You crossed your arms, pouting because you lost your chance to make a getaway.
“Well, I was thinking of taking you back with us. You have nowhere to go right? You can just live with us.”
Both you and Witira looked at him quizzically. 
“What’s in it for you?”
“We’ll use your abilities when fighting the mermaids. You also have an information network that consists of sea creatures right? We’ll use that too.”
“Those are my friends, not a measly information network thank you very much. Also, didn’t you hear what I said earlier? I’m scared of mermaids now. I can’t even look at them.”
“Who says you have to look at them?”
You questioned what Paseton was saying. Meanwhile, Witira observes his brother. She agrees with his plan. After hearing what happened to you and your abilities, she knows you’ll be a useful card.
However, she knows her brother. And she knows that the way he's looking at you means more than what his entailing. He also seems confident that he’ll get you to go home with them before the sun rises.
Hmm, maybe that’s her fault for spoiling him too much…
“You don’t have to face them yourself. You don’t even have to leave the Whale Tribe village if you want. You’ll just have to use your abilities from far away and help us defeat the mermaid tribe.”
You mulled about it for a few seconds. It’s not like you have anything else to lose as you already lost everything. It is also true that you have nowhere to go. Your sea creature friends can only hide you for so long before you have to run away again. It also doesn’t seem like the humpback whale is lying.
Plus Paseton is pretty cute.
Wait what?
“So I don’t have to face them?”
“Will I have my own house?”
“Hmm, not yet but I have a house that’s separate from our family residence. You can live there with me”
“Not bad… You promise I won’t meet them right? Including those crazy people that keep calling themself my new family.”
“I promise.”
“Can you buy me a large fish tank that’s installed in my house?”
“Making demands already? I’ll have a custom-made fish tank and pool, just for you.”
“Okay, deal!”
You raised your arms in celebration, already thinking just how beneficial this whole ordeal was for you. You’ll just have to provide them with your assistance that’s being used for the greater good and you’ll be spoiled as a compensation? Sweet.
Witira only shook her head at your conversation. She could already tell she had a lot to explain to her father once the three of you go home.
Oh well, as long as her brother is happy.
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loverwebs · 2 years ago
Your Lips, My Lips
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Pairing: Bella Ramsey x Costar!Reader
Synopsis: How much of what you say during your interviews with Bella is platonic?
Part two of A Perfect Pair but can be read on it's own!
Word count: like 800
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With Bella still holding her hand, Y/n giggled on her way into the room she was staying in and gave them a gentle squeeze before letting go.
They had both stopped running after they exited the interview room, but were still catching their breath due to the adrenaline.
"Why'd you say that?" Bella wondered out loud, wiping the little bit of sweat from their palm onto their jeans.
"Say what?" Y/n replied cluelessly.
"That we were gonna makeout," they said like it was obvious.
"I don't know," she shrugged, "I just thought it would be a funny way to end it."
"Oh, right," Bella laughed nervously, fidgeting with the buttons of her long-sleeve. "But, like, do you only make those types of comments around me because they're funny?"
"Do you want me to stop making them?" Y/n chewed on her lip, shifting her gaze so that she was only staring at the floor. "Because they're not funny if you're uncomfortable."
"No, no! I don't mind." Bella answered. "It's just— like, is it just because you think they're funny?" Is there any truth behind what you're saying? was what she really wanted to ask.
"I don't know, Bels." Y/n replied nervously, "I just say whatever comes to mind sometimes. But if it's bothering you, tell me and I'll stop."
"That's okay. It doesn't bother me."
"Are you sure?" Y/n asked, afraid she'd crossed a line.
Bella only sat down on the hotel bed in response and wordlessly gestured for her to join them. She followed shortly and looked at them curiously. "It...it does bother me a little—"
"Oh, Bels," Y/n groaned in embarrassment, placing her hands over her face. "I'm so sorry! I really am. I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable or anything. I promise I'll do better," she rambled, only stopping once she heard the fit of giggles that Bella let out.
They looked at her amusingly and smirked a little, which only furthered her embarrassment. "Oh my God. I can leave—"
"You don't have to go anywhere, love," Bella chuckled, gently holding onto her wrist in order to stop her from getting up. "Let me finish my sentence, yeah?"
"I don't know what you could possibly add to that, but sure," Y/n nodded for them to continue, face flushed when she felt the comforting hand on her knee.
"It bothers me. Just...not in the way that you think."
"What do you mean?"
They gave her a knowing look, then moved their hand from her knee and brought it upwards, moving hair away from her face. Their lingering fingers near Y/n's ear made her shiver, and she gulped at their proximity.
"What I'm saying is, it bothers me that you keep joking about it, when you could just kiss me already."
All Y/n could feel at that point was her heart pounding in her ears. "You...you...what?" She stammered, beyond surprised by the fact that she was forming coherent words at that point.
"Kiss me," the brunette whispered, face leaning closer to the girl.
Their lips were practically touching at that point, which Y/n still had a hard time grasping. She nearly pinched herself right there.
"I obviously want to," she started, "Are you sure you want me to—?"
"You talk too much," Bella said, rushing to close the gap between them.
It took Y/n a few seconds to reciprocate, but once she did, they instantly melted into each other. It was hesitant, but the delicacy of the situation faded away as their lips moved in unison.
Bella found herself squealing internally due to the unfound confidence she'd acquired, meanwhile Y/n maneuvered her body, bringing herself closer to them.
It was even more perfect than either of them could have imagined. Their lips tasting sweet and addicting, like the world's best flavor of their favorite thing had been discovered right there in that tiny hotel room.
Before they knew it, the soft, gentle kiss had turned into a heated, sloppy makeout.
Y/n's hand found it's way behind Bella's neck, wanting to bring them closer to her, which resulted in Bella fighting back a smile at her eagerness. They then cupped Y/n's face, shifting her slightly so that her back could land on the bed and kept their arms propped up for support as they made out.
Both of their lips matched each other's perfectly and they couldn't seem to get enough.
"Damn." Bella whispered while catching their breath, still reluctant to move away from her.
"You're a much better kisser than when we were on set," she teased. "You've had a lot of time to improve, I see."
"You're absolutely insufferable, did you know that?" Y/n scoffed, only smiling when Bella planted a soft kiss on the corner of her mouth.
"I'm just saying." Bella grinned, caressing her arm shyly. "Maybe it wasn't as good because loads of people were around."
"Whatever. If I remember correctly, you were the one who kept asking to reshoot the scene."
"I did do that, didn't I?" they blushed. "I guess I couldn't get enough."
"I knew it," replied Y/n, once again kissing them passionately.
i had a very different idea for what i wanted part 2 to look like but i ended up scrapping that for now cuz this one fits better. and i'll make the other one an entirely different fic later. anyway, hope u liked it :)
🏷️ : @lovelyyevelyn @kyleeservopoulos @randomstory56 @frasersgf @senassn @shrek-ellie @euphoricghost
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ateriblewriter · 1 year ago
Butterflies (t.z)
Continuation of I’m Here
TRIGGERS: self harm, self worth, hinting at other things (if you or anyone ever needs help please do reach out)
a/n: sorry this a year late. but here it is! read with caution.
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"Do you have any sharpies? Or a permanent marker or something like that?" Trevor untangled himself from around your body when he felt the time was right. He didn't wait for your answer before he started to rummage through the drawers of junk that were in the kitchen.
Trevor wasn't about to act like he all the answers in world or like he was going to be the one to fix you. Because in reality that would be impossible, you needed someone trained in that field to help you long term. But that didn't mean that he couldn't help in the moment or at least try.
And he had an idea, something that he had seen when he was younger. A reminder for when your feelings got a little too big for you to handle by yourself. It also a place holder until he was able to help you find the correct help you needed. Because he wasn't going to leave you alone to deal with this on your own.
"Um. I think there might be one in the cup next to the sink." You mumble trying to remember where they were. You knew you had some. "Or else it's in with my art supplies. I don't know. I'm sorry."
"Hey now. There is nothing to be sorry about y/n." Trevor carried you over to your couch and making his way to your art corner to start scrounging around for that marker.
It took him a minute to find your collection, it turned out they were with the art supplies that hadn't been touched in months. He picked out two colors, purple and blue, your favorite color along with one of his.
Returning to where he had left you, he made himself comfortable. He snagged a blanket from the bin and laid it across the both of you. Trevor wasn't
"Give me your arm" He said, not asking. You didn't have the strength to question what his motives were, so you presented him with your wrist full of healing scars. He grimmaced seeing them, wondering how long this had been going on and why he didn't notice earlier.
Trevor took the purple marker starting to draw something. He started off with the body, adding some sort of antenna to what was supposed to be it head. He then took the blue marker and made wings on either side of its body.
"A butterfly?" You question rubbing and tracing over the temporary tattoo with the tip of your finger.
Your friend nodded and explained the simple rules: you want the butterfly to live by letting it fade naturally and reapplying it when you feel that certain urge. Oh and if you do act on those urges the butterfly dies.
You could do that. Or at least try. It seemed easy enough.
"You think she's gonna like it?" Trevor asked peeling off the bandage that once covered his newly acquired tattoo that laid on his right shoulder. He was looking to get something new to add to his collection of art in his body and he chose a butterfly design.
"A butterfly?" Mason scratched his head. He was a little unimpressed and a bit confused. But that's because he didn't know the significance of the creature. "I don't know man, it just seems kind of-"
"Perfect, right?" Trevor finished his sentence. He had grabbed a warm wash cloth to clean the remaining goop off.
"I was gonna say weird. But whatever floats your boat." The younger man shrugged. He didn't care what Trevor decided to put on his body.
Trevor groaned, quickly finishing up his tattoo care so they could go meet up with you. You would like the new ink, he was pretty positive of it. He just needed to show it to you know.
You weren't paying attention to what you were doing. Sometimes you do things and it just sort of happens and you don't really remember it. It was almost like you were in some sort of trance. A trance that had you acting upon some of those heavy feelings that had been plaguing you lately.
"Shit" You mumbled when you heard the knocking on the door. You had completely forgotten that Trevor and Mason were coming over. There was a fresh mark on your arm that you needed to take care of.
You hurried to the bathroom in search of some sort of bandage for your arm. Maybe you could play it off as an accident. You didn't need to tell Trevor what had happened. It would be fine right? Oh god you hoped Trevor wouldn't notice.
You just found a bandage, when you spotted the butterfly you had just drawn on your arm the day before. You panic a little, the drawing didn't have a purpose anymore and had to go. You drop the band-aid to reach for a nail scrubber and start to get rid of the butterfly.
"Come on, Y/n, open the door!" Trevor banged on the door again.
"You think she forgot?" Mason crossed his arms. It wouldn't be the first time it slipped her mind that they were supposed to hang.
"No we were talking about it earlier. I highly doubt she forgot so soon." Trevor frowned unsure what to do. Should he wait for you, maybe you were still getting ready. But he had a sinking suspicion that wasn't the case.
Trevor fished the key you had given him out of his pocket and opened the door. He suggested Mason stay there. Mason had no idea what Trevor had walked into last time something like this had happened, so he agreed to stay put.
Cautiously he entered your apartment and started to look around for you. He found you in the bathroom scrubbing away. He notice the red on your arm and put two and two together.
"Hey, Y/n?" He called out. He wasn't fully sure if you had completely heard him so he tried reaching you again. "Can you hear me?"
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry" You continue what you were doing.
"Hey. Listen to me. You're okay. It happens. I'm not mad." Trevor wanted to grab onto your wrists to get you to stop scrubbing at the butterfly that had already been cleanly washed off, but you swore you could still see a piece of it. Instead he grabbed onto your shoulders and turned you to face him so wrap his arms around you and pull you in close. "It's okay. Wanna draw a new one?"
Let me know what you think! Anything is appreciated!
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adozowa · 5 months ago
Taken place in alubarna.
( 1 )
|| 2/? || swearing, violent themes ||
The reader is depicted to have long white hair, for better understanding -Read this
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It felt like you were walking in circles, it was exhausting. As you walk everywhere you go, sand. IS THAT A BUILDING? Yes, but it's made out of sand.
It felt like YOU were gonna turn into sand if you spend another hot minute in this desert. It's been a few nights, yes.... But no treasure... No food... No water... And only 4 arrows.
As you were walking, more like dragging yourself you had felt the ground shake. More like a rumble? Were the Titans attacking? No, rushed with all your leftover energy to where the movement was felt. And there was some big ass city that was supported by the ground below so it was a bit high.... So it is the rumbling??
Okay I'll stop with aot references
"Huh....? Weird. Looks like a -stampede of some sorts. Odd, why there though... "
You thought
With one push of your leg to boost ya, you ran in the direction of the city swiftly. Looking at the city, you thought
"Long ass stairs. . ."
You shot at the guard's chest using your bow, aiming for the critical hit.
The stampede of people seemed to get closer, so you went up the city pushing aside the probably now dead guard and into the streets without bumping into anybody.
"Is that... Straw hat? Didn't I kill him... No matter, he's getting strangled right now."
You didn't know whether to save him or go on your merry way with stolen acquired goods. Your curse spirit wanted to follow the goods, but your heart said another.
".... He looks dehydrated. "
(For better understanding, here's pic of the scene.)
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Croco, don't hold your son like that.
".... Oh shit-"
You had rushed to get him cause.... Some random person dropped him off and he started falling like a piece of paper, you positioned yourself under him until water fell on him? So much was happening you couldn't focus at ALL.
"Annnnnnnd.....- Gotcha. Wow, you're still alive? Well it looks like you're barely alive."
"WOAAH! It's you! That one girl that shot me!"
"Why do you say that with such casualty, and.. "
"Really? You look like one, and sound like one!"
"YOU- ghrr... I assume you have a fight to continue so, get out of my arms."
"COOL! can you launch me u- whoAAAAHHHH!! "
You shot him up in the air so high it looked like he was gonna become the chosen one, gomen amanai guys. HOLLOW PURPLE
Welp, you snuck yourself off again avoiding being stomped over by the group of "rebels" if that is what they are called.
Ya walked off with the not so good goods you stole while the fight was happening, kinda hoping to see a city that isn't made out of sand, and is stable with our any fights.
A few minutes go by and there's this building of some sorts? Looks ancient.
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Drawings.... Drawings... More drawings? You entered the temple exploring a bit hoping to find treasure, but there was nothing. You went back outside sighing but something changed, a trap door opened?
"I don't recall this here... And, someone followed? Shit. "
"Sniff not just someone, there's more. "
You used your amazing super duper cool sigma fox senses you claimed from the spirit, and sensed 2 to 3 people to be exact. Their scents are strong, but kinda good smelling.
You manoeuvred your way into the opened way and became as quiet as possible, as if you were the shadows itself. You heard sets of footsteps, taking off your shoes, you carefully followed the noise not getting too close.
A woman's voice? And a man's..? No, men's voices, there were 2 men and a woman. That sounds scary if you put it like that without any context.
You heard the woman speak about history you guessed, looking from the wall you were hiding in. You were right, but one of the men was tied up. Probably a hostage..
A cube with weird writings, looked familiar for a second but then it blurred out of your mind. Hm
Shit, did he know? How the hell did he know.... He looks strong, so probably a Haki user you thought.
"This is just the kingdom's history, not what I need."
Phew- guess you overreacted. Your mind was clouded with thoughts on how to escape, how to steal, and how to-!?
You heard a stab, finally gaining focus again. He had stabbed the woman, typical men ://j
"..... Oh. "
The building had started to... Collapse?
"..shit again."
You had heard the strawhat's familiar voice, but... You don't really remember a fruit with a saying like that.... Hm.
He had launched the unknown dude straight up into the top of the temple breaking it, you planned to leave but you just couldn't leave the woman here now... But you couldn't leave the other man tied too... Shit.
You went back up into the hole straw hat made. Making the decision to grab the woman instead, she was pretty you could give her that.
"Up we go.. "
"Ngh- who are you... "
The woman grunted in pain.
"I'm here to save you, woman. "
"It's Robin -gh... "
"You shouldn't talk too much, you were... Well, impaled. "
Robin looked up at you, eyes full of pain and distrust. She replied with a nod as you finally landed on the ground.
You had started patching her up carefully trying not to hurt her furthermore, you had a bandage roll with you for emergencies and whew- you were glad you had it.
"..... Why are you doing this.. "
"Doing.... What exactly? "
You replied still bandaging her torso carefully
"-Helping me, a stranger out... I could easily betray you, yet you choose to help.. Me? "
"Yes. Now I'm done, I'm not so sure if you can still stand up and walk- "
She stood up, her posture a bit off though
"oh. Guess you can stand up. "
"Do you have any gold on you, perchance?"
You asked with your brow cocked up and a smirk.. ',:)
She then pulled out a golden chalice from her coat and you snatched that shit IMMEDIATELY, of course your greed- still was there.
"Finally, some good loot.. Anyways you should be on your merry way now, so I'm just gonna...leave you here. "
"W-wait! Your... Name.. "
You had already disappeared, your shadow running in the distance holding the chalice up in the air happily
"yayayayayayayayaaya... "
She could hear your voice fading away as your figure disappeared into the sandy fog
Owh, it felt like it had been HOURS since you were finding your boat. It's not like you easily get lost, it's just... You have a bad memory.
"Where in the living shit is it.. "
You had groaned the heat melting your skin, making it glisten a little. You looked like a beauty under this heat if you ask me hegehuagahahauh..
"...hey luffy, you still haven't told us about that weird lady that supposedly... Shot you. "
Nami suddenly asked out of the blue as they were traveling back to their ship, suddenly remembering.
sanji rambled, but the crew is used to his usual antics when it comes to women... Man who will tell him you're not a big booty lady but a big booty man??
"... Oh I don't know! But he-... Er.... She-?... Meat??"
"That's way out of the topic, luffy.. "
Usopp replied to his captain's confusion..
"Whatever! But heshemeat helped me!! "
That gained a smack from nami..
"....hey wait isn't that hesheme-... That person over there again!"
He pointed at your figure in the distance.
"Oh it is..!"
Chopper recognizes your scent and smell and confirms his captain's statement.
"GOMU GOMU NO--!!!! "
Luffy shouted.
The crew shouted, knowing he was gonna slingshot to your body happy to see ya again!
You had heard a shout from the distance, were you hallucinating again.. Your vision started blurring a bit. But you made out a figure supposedly launching at you ..
"Kaito..? Is that you-"
"hhuh-.. WH- WHAT THE! "
You exclaimed at a certain straw hat on top of you, staring right into your eyes with pure happiness and mischief
He boasted out with a shit eating smile on his face, how could anyone smile that wide? It made you wonder.
"At least start with saying your name, straw hat.. "
You replied with a deadpan voice
"OH! IT'S LUFFY! And you? "
"It's.. I can't tell you that. "
"HUH? Why not!!! "
"Because it's... Top secret, alright? So just call me... Erm.... Greed. "
"Weird nickname, But okay!! "
"Also... CAN YOU GET OFF ME! "
"Whoops! Sorry! shishishishi-!"
That was by far one for the most out of pocket conversation you have ever had, or it's just strawha- er.. Luffy's aura that puts you off, it's so.... Free.
Huh... Free... The word doesn't sound right coming from you, maybe it's because you sold your body to basically the sin of greed but... It's alright! It's not like it can control you.. Right..
You zoned out at the thought, but what you didn't realize was luffy dragging you back to his crew.
"hmmm... Wh- WHA HEY!! "
you grabbed onto his shoulders tightly, you were piggybacked onto him as he used his free arm that wasn't supporting your ass weight.
He had shot both of your bodies where the crew was, ultimately he face planted into a nearby rock. While you got off his sweaty body and dusted yourself off..
His crew was staring at you with sweatdrops at your face, Usopp looked scared as shit with that big ass bow on your back,
Nami was about to punch luffy so far he could probably find the one piece that way
Chopper was hiding behind zoro,
Zoro was just looking at you with a deadpan expression, scanning your body for any threats
While sanji was having a nosebleed and his signature heart eyes.
"erghh... Greeting.. "
You cleared your throat at the awkward silence, until..
"Stop being a manwhore, love machine goblin good-for-nothing-cook."
Luffy got off the rock while nami scolded him, while sanji and zoro were bickering on the way to the ship and nami scolding luffy.. It was you and a... Weird animal?
You both stared at each other for a while, your expression deadly. Oh if looks could kill, yours would cause a massacre.
The small animal was sweating and shaking in fear, a shadow casted over your face as you crouched down to level with him. He jumped back in fear inching away a bit.
"Don't worry, I won't hurt you."
Oh my SIGMA you said that in the most soothing tone ever, it was calm and gentle. But with firm affirmation, like a true promise.
"What is your name, reindeer?"
You got his animal right, not racoon, not racoon dog, not deer, not sogged up stray with weird antlers. You knew his animal... Reindeer.
He soothed down a bit and inched close to you a bit without saying a word and latched onto your lower leg, nuzzling his face in your knee.
You were about to die then and there from cuteness.
You enjoyed the moment for a bit until..
Uh oh.
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quillpokebiology · 5 months ago
So how do you feel about all this…shiny breeding discourse??
Alright, this is gonna be a controversial one.
I'm putting a cut here because it explains some gross birthing processes, and I dont want to make anyone queasy. For anyone who doesn't want to read it, the tldr; no. I hate breeding for shinies bcuz of what it leads to.
I have.... very strong opinions on shiny breeding. On one hand, in theory, you're doing what most breeders do, right? You're breeding pokemon to get an acquired trait that you want. The people at @pokemonpetfinder do that all the time. But the difference is that the shinism gene is so, so rare. And by continuing to breed these pokemon for a shiny, you have a lot of extra eggs and babies and a tired mother/parents.
Okay, so you drop the eggs or babies off at shelters, so no harm done, right? But due to how rare shiny pokemon are (1/8,192) you have so MANY extra babies/eggs, and the shelters near you can't possibly take all of them. Overpopulation at shelters can become an issue, and that's when euthanasia starts.
But okay, fine. Lets say the shelters are ablw to care for them. What about the egg-laying/birthing pokemon? We don't talk enough about how much damage carrying eggs can do to your body. I'm using Venomoth as an example here, because I've seen a situation like this with a Venomoth. Do you know how big Venomoth eggs are compared to them? I'll show you
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Doesn't seem like much, right? That's until you realize that being moths, the lay a lot of eggs at time, sometimes up to 20 in one litter. You ever seen a gravid venomoth? They get super big, and it's painful. They can't fly because it's too heavy too, so they just have to wait until they can lay their eggs. And the hole is small and has to expand so much to get an egg out. Do you really want to put a venomoth through that, over and over again?
And even it's not a venomoth situation, where the eggs are normal for the egg-laying mother's size, gravid/pregnancy and birthing is still the worst. Nursing can be painful, headaches, sorness, tiredness, irrability, raging hormones that can effect your mood, etc, etc. You really want to put a pokemon through that over and over? That can be traumatizing for them! Trust me; I've seen shiny breeding facilities. Even with drugs used to get the shinism gene (I'll save that for a different post), it's still rare, and the mother's still have to go through so much. It's horryifiying entering one of those places.
But it's fine. You got your shiny. That's what matters, right?
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knave-of-clubs · 22 days ago
The Brainworms are eating me alive so I need to talk about the Calamity Gems and their associated Traits
(Below will be a lot of probably incoherent words, spoilers for Amphibia (mostly S2), and The Brainworms. You've been warned.)
Okay okay okay, disclaimer: I'm relatively new to the Amphibia fandom, so if you read this and go, "Bro, literally everyone already knows that" then cut me some slack. That being said, I've been sitting on some of these concepts since I watched the Temple episodes a month or so ago and I'm very excited to share my madman ramblings with the class–
As y'all already know, the Temples go Wit, then Heart, then Strength, yeah yeah old news, right? Okay, here's the new parts:
Marcy, our Wit, was tested for the Trait of Wit, yes, but also the secondary Trait of Humility. Humility, as in the ability to put put aside your pride and "lower your standards", so to speak. Humility, the ability to look past your pride and connect to others. Sounding familiar?
Anne, our Heart, was tested for her Heart, but also for her sense of Responsibility. Her ability to look her mistakes in the face and say, "Yeah, those are mine." Her ability to take accountability for her actions, and to be accountable for the well-being of others. Y'all can maybe start to see where this is going?
Sasha, our Strength, was tested for her Trait of Strength, and her Trait of Persistence. Bear with me, we're stretching a little bit here. Persistence is the ability to, well, Persist. To keep going, whether there are people who believe in you or not (although it certainly helped that, in Sasha's case, people did have her back). Persistence isn't exactly near-synonymous with Wit like the other two pairs, but the two are inherently linked— that's why the First Temple had to test the Marcy's willingness to give up for the sake of others, because it's in her nature as the 'Star' of Wit to Persist No Matter What (more on that another time 'cause it's a Fun topic)
So, if y'all haven't guessed by now, I'm sure that last one made it obvious: what I'm suggesting is that each Temple tested its Star for a secondary Trait linked to the next Temple in the cycle. Put simpler— Marcy was tested for Heart in the Wit Temple, Anne was tested for Strength in the Heart Temple, and Sasha was tested for Wit in the Strength Temple. It's a circle!! (Triangle, really, but whatever)
Part of why I came to this conclusion was also because of the arcs of the Calamity Trio throughout all of that Temple business, as well as before/after it. This was the section of the story where Anne was learning to stand up for herself and bite back when people try to intimidate her into doing things she doesn't want, continuing from the S1 finale with Sasha. This was the section of the story where Marcy was being forced to acknowledge that she tends to treat people like NPCs and slowly learning how to actually form genuine connections with others in Amphibia. Sasha's a little bit harder to pin down given that she only got two episodes before showing up at the Third Temple, but we know for a fact that Sasha "Queen of Manipulation" Waybright already had Wit to an extent— I think that what we see instead in "Toadcatcher" and "Barrel's Warhammer" is her acquiring Persistence by pushing herself harder and harder in training after losing Anne and giving up greater prices for the sake of her goals (which causes her to lose Percy and Braddock). This pattern of acquisition also, interestingly enough, seems to carry through to the S3 arcs as well, and by the finale all three girls seem to each have their own full set of Traits— but I'm not gonna ramble about that, I can do that in another post.
I think I've done a decent job of explaining myself here? But I'm gonna drop some assorted thoughts to see if I can make this more cohesive, because I analyse specific word choices way too much:
Heart is a value based on connecting to people, on seeing them and being there for them and loving them come Hell or high water. It's only natural that, when looking for a true Star to represent it, you need to make sure that they have the Strength to take Responsibility for their mistakes, and that they can handle the Responsibility of protecting the people they care about.
Strength is based on brute force, on fighting tooth and nail and being a steady 'rock' someone can depend on. So, if you want to rely on someone, you need to know that they have Persistence, that they're never going to give up when they commit to something, and that they're Clever enough to find a way to succeed in their goals.
Wit is based on mind over matter, on finding creative ways past obstacles, on solving every puzzle and never giving up on their drive to know more. But if you let someone drive themself to borderline-obsession with their passion for knowledge, you need to know that they have Humility. Why Humility, you ask? Humility is considered the opposite of Pride, the quality of being grounded and humble. Humility serves an anchor for when you're too lost in the maze of puzzles, of learning about everything, of knowing more and more until the world around you starts to blur together into meaningless faces. In Amphibia (the show), Humility is mainly seen in the connections that people make with each other, the friends and family someone is willing to drop everything to protect— it's the Heart that makes them truly Human (or Amphibian)
So, I'm gonna cut myself off here before I continue on trying to endlessly justify my thoughts to an imaginary audience in increasingly irrational ways–
But! If anyone reading this— my dear non-imaginary audience that I am very grateful for— has any questions at all, even if it's just, "Bro what the hell are you on?" I'd love to hear it! Because I'd be happy to further explain anything if needed. I know there are a lot of times where I don't make much sense when rambling 😅
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tiredmetalenthusiast · 7 months ago
To Start Anew (TF141xLATA!Reader) Ch.5 Pt.1
Hey ya’ll! So chapter 5 is gonna be in 2 parts! Tryin to keep them to at least 900 words (So it doesn’t get so long I start hating it lol). Enjoy!
Warnings: Language, honestly reader is just really depressed and trying to handle it, working through grief and anger slowly.
As the guys continued to sit around by the pool and relax, they are met by other’s staying in the hotel, getting plenty of looks from a group of women on a girl’s trip. A few of them openly flirt with Gaz and Johnny, Simon and Price getting dragged into a game of chicken with a few others.
They even have a good laugh as they watch Price get hit on by a grandma, he indulges her as she flirts with him, eventually thanking him for making her feel young again and indulging an old woman before she takes her leave to go watch her shows. The day grows darker and Johnny has acquired a group of girls that are hanging on his every word as Kyle is chatting up 2 women at once, Simon is practically ignoring the young woman next to him as she yaps his ear off about her life.
”Right then. Price I’m heading up, getting close to dinner.” Simon removes himself from the woman practically wrapped around his arm, towel around his neck as he begins his trek back to their room. “Och shite, right ladies sorry to run but the stomach calls.” They complain loudly but he catches up to Simon after grabbing his stuff, Gaz excusing himself too after both women kiss his cheeks, Price following right behind. “So where to Ghost? Any place good around here?”
Johnny and Simon chat about where to eat while Gaz and Price discuss plans for tomorrow. “So what’s next Cap? Hiking or more swimming?” Price thinks about it for a moment, “A hike might do us some good. We can check the map of the place when we get to the room.” Gaz nods looking over his shoulder for a second. “Think we should invite her? Might do her some good too.” Johnny decides now to chime in as Simon opens the door to the room. “Awe you gettin sweet on the poor woman Gaz?”
Gaz rubs the back of his neck, “I mean she’s fuckin gorgeous and a gorgeous woman shouldn’t have to experience a place like this by herself. Besides I’ve seen the goo goo eyes you’ve been making at her, mate. I don’t wanna hear it from you.” Gaz laughs as Johnny’s cheeks turn pink, “Aye she is a Bonnie lass. Shame she’s here alone and miserable.” Price clears his throat as they all start changing to go eat.
They opted for dinner at the hotel tonight, conversation was made and jokes were thrown around. They all four seemed to be scanning the restaurant, the vigilance not lost on them, it was becoming increasingly obvious that their new female friend was on their minds.
Alas she was nowhere to be seen but they did end up seeing her sitting by the pool. Looking as relaxed as she could sitting with her feet in the pool and drink in hand. She waved when she saw them and they decided to sit with her, because like Gaz said, a gorgeous woman shouldn't have to experience this place alone.
-After dinner-Reader's pov-
“Bit late for a swim isn't it, luv?” she shrugs and sips her drink. “Ah maybe? I don't know. I mean it's 5 somewhere right?” There's a huff of a laugh from them as they sit around with her. “Maybe jus dinnae try ta swim. Might be sharks in the pool.” Johnny puts his hands up as you give him a deadpan look before rolling her eyes.
“Maybe I can feed my ex to the sharks. Do you think they'd eat him or is he too rotten?” There's a small silence before you backtrack and begin furiously apologizing, hand pressed to your forehead. “Jesus fucking christ. I'm sorry guys, I really am. I don't wanna keep dumping all of that on you.” “You went through a bad experience during what was supposed to be the happiest day of your life. You're allowed to be furious and sad.” You turn to face Price, “I know that, but that doesn't mean everyone else has to hear about it. This is my problem to deal with, not you guys’.”
You down the rest of your drink and hold the glass in your lap, fingers gently drumming on it. “Well I'm guessing your family and friends are being supportive since they witnessed it with you, but are they actively telling you not to talk about it? Because that'd be pretty fucked up.” You shake your head and sigh, “No one is trying to silence me about it so no worries there. It's just that like, I still feel as though we're not close enough for me to be trauma dumping on you guys. We literally only just met for fucks sake!” You shake as a breeze blows over you all, mad at yourself for forgetting a jacket.
You stand, glass in hand as you sway a bit. “Uh anyway I'll just be heading back. Goodnight guys…sorry for all the whining. That's all I've done since I've met you all, so feel free to just stop me and change the subject or whatever.”
“No Bonnie. You complain as much as ye wan, it's your right! Everyone else can fuck off, these aren't their feelings they're your's and you should feel them.” You stare at Johnny, now towering over you with the others standing behind him. You feel the hot tears beginning to fall as a sob fights to leave your throat, “Good job Johnny, you’ve gone and made the poor woman cry.” He rushes over, apologies on his now pouting lips. “Shh sh sh! No bonnie! Dinnae cry I didn’t mean to!”
”Alright time to get you back to  your room. Let’s go.” Johnny wraps an arm around your waist to steady you as Price and Gaz use the flashlights on their phones to light the way. It took A minute but eventually they had gotten you back to your room and another getting you in because you were having trouble with the key. Once they got you in Johnny sat you on the bed while Gaz went looking for aspirin and Simon to get you a glass of water. “Did you eat before you started drinking?” You turn to look at Price and nod. “Yeah I had dinner at a little place outside of the hotel.”
You watch him nod as you wipe tears from your cheeks, sniffling before running a hand through your hair and taking the aspirin and water Gaz and Simon offered you. “Thank you.” Your voice sounds small and tired, a total 180 from what the guys are used to. They wait patiently as you down the meds and water, sobering up only slightly. The guys pull up chairs around you and share looks as you rub at your face, thankful you took your makeup off before deciding to get drunk by the pool.
”Sooo…Uh, any plans for tomorrow?” You shake your head. “Wanna come on a hike with us? They have trails around the resort we can travel through.” Your eyes show interest and hesitation, “I mean if you guys are cool with it? I brought hiking boots and clothes but wasn’t sure if I would go…” “Can I just say something real quick?” A quirked eyebrow is all Price receives as an answer. “As lovely as this room is, you did come here to have fun. We may not know your family but I can suspect your parents and his won't be too thrilled to hear you stayed pent up in the room the entire trip.”
The silence spans too long in the seconds after Price speaks those words. “You’re absolutely right. They wouldn’t be too happy to find out all I’ve done is mope around and complain to people I don’t even know.” “Trust us when we say we’d rather hear you complain about it, than have to sit through another meeting. What happened to you was terrible, luv. Don’t let it fester.” “Thank you guys. I know we’re not like friends or anything, but I appreciate your kind words. Uh, what time were you thinking of going hiking?”
Gaz pulls out a paper and looks at the map and times the trails open, “How’s 10 sound? We could go for breakfast and then head out.” You nod and look at the clock, bold read numbers flashing 12:30 across it’s screen. “Oh jeez it’s so late. Yeah that sounds lovely! Might wanna get to bed then so we can wake up on time.” “Aye good point Bonnie. Time for bed then.” The guys bid you goodnight before you decide to shower and settle in, making sure to set an alarm to wake up by at least 8.
Taglist: @cumikering @catmouseggy @hearmesingoutfromthelostandfound
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eldritch-spouse · 1 year ago
I swear this is my last ask for the night, I have been devoring your content and got the 601 badge for it, which I'm now proudly displaying on my blog. Anywhowitzers.
From my perusal of Vesper content, what if, his Queen desperately wants bio children of her own? Not just one. Maybe like, 4 with him. Originally was gonna shoot for like, 12 kids before she met him but understands that he has a limit.
His Queen has a big BIG momma bear streak as well and it breaks her heart when, with Vesper's mark, kids shy away from her out of uncomfortablness and she can't help but think, "Are my own children going to do the same?" She's always wanted at least 2 children of her own but upon learning about how concubi are around them, she's torn about if she should even try with Vesper and feels insecure about voicing what she wants because she's sure it would probably be countered with an immediate, "No." So she kind of slips into this funk, where engaging with rapture with him ends with a twist of deep despair because she knows that as much as she wishes for children of her own, she can't help but think it might be better to just give up that dream.
How would Vesper react to his Queen slipping into a depressive state upon that realization? Would he try to convince her that everything is fine as is? Would he try to speed up the process of turning his Queen into a Concubus so she wouldn't feel that desire anymore? Or maybe even try to actually conceive after learning about how she feels?
And then, let's say she does go through the transformation before having kids. She remembers her want for her own offspring and feels like a war is raging within her at almost all times. Her new instincts battling against her old dreams and desires. I feel like there would be times where she stares off into the distance, face twisted in disgust while tears drip from sorrowful eyes, and her hand clenched tightly against her stomach, nails digging in yet cupping herself tenderly.
- ZN
[It continues to fascinate me how people are so intent on shoving children upon Vesper. I've never even told you if he'd be good as a father, the sex appeal must create some sort of mental warp wherein people genuinely think it would work out- In spite of everything. Or maybe it's a deliberately torturous prompt, that I understand. I don't mind the asks though, congrats on the badge. 🎉 🤣]
Vesper will always push back on the topic of children, and it genuinely pains him that you're so focused on one, but you need to see things for what they are, and Vesper will not hesitate to open your eyes one day.
Look around you, you live in depravity. You are depravity- It's your new life! A child cannot he born into that life, ever. Not only would it wound everyone of his citizens to be in close proximity to them, that poor halfling would experience soul-shattering trauma that not a single person wants to imagine. You will not conceive anything in the grounds of Lust. Ever.
You cannot take an extended leave to the surface (or another Ring) for the purposes of carrying out a pregnancy and raising a child to at least eighteen years of age. He won't let you. That makes no sense to him. While it is true that demonlords of Lust have had kids before, these were mere transactions to acquire a direct heir who will grow up far away from them, which isn't something the most recent generations of Lust rulers are concerned with.
Can you do that? Can you separate yourself from your children after birth for that long? Do you fear they might resent you? It's risky business.
Vesper sits you down and he explains to you, at length, what a horrible idea having children would be. But please, there is no shame in having caring instincts. And, in his eyes, you should redirect that to the people around you. Take care of those within the mansion, take care of Lust residents in need (not just sexual need, of course), but please. For your own sake, don't try to establish contact with children.
Vesper is not about to sentence a potential child of his to a life of misery. He'd rather they not be born at all.
The Icon does tell you that your nature and your desires will change when your form does. That it will no longer be painful to exist childless, you will grow into a new age of your existence where that no longer weighs you down. Pain and sadness do not last forever, my Queen.
He will be there when it seems as if your own mind and body cannot come to an agreement, when your instincts fight, when you're torn inside out. It will fade.
It will fade.
One day you will be understand this is for the best.
Lust is not for the pure of heart.
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silver138 · 10 months ago
Perfectly Flawed
Perfectly Flawed - Chapter 1
Starts in Season 1. Mostly canon compliant.
word count - 2k
warnings - cursing? not sure if there'd be anything else yet
Summary: Lina starts her internship and meets the BAU team.
"Come on, Lina! Get your ass in gear!" Val yells at me from the other side of the bathroom door.
"I'm trying, dammit! You know how long it takes me to get ready, why didn't you try getting up earlier this time?!" I yell back at her, trying not to burn myself on my freshly-straighted hair.
She snorts and opens the door while muttering, "I don't know why you even bother trying to straighten your hair, anyway. It's always at least wavy by the end of the day..."
I make a face at her and retort, "Yeah, well, we can't all have perfect hair, Vallie..."
Shit-eating grin on her face, she fluffs her hair with one hand while saying, "Not perfect, I just don't turn into a damned poodle the moment moisture hits the air." Rolling my eyes at her, I finish the last bit of hair and turn off my straightener, unplugging it and setting it somewhere it won't melt anything.
After checking to make sure my makeup didn't smudge while dealing with my hair, I start walking out while saying, "There, use the damned mirror already, Val..."
She laughs and says, "About time you moved your ass...isn't your meeting with the feds today?"
I sigh as I sit down to put my shoes on. "They're not...well, I'm going to be working alongside them, I don't know if I'd be cut out for all the physical shit they do...but no, I'm doing the tech side of it. I'll be working under a..." I quickly grabbed the folder with the documentation I needed for the internship. "A Ms. Penelope Garcia. Huh, hope she's nice..." I say, murmuring the last part to myself.
"Oh, you'll be fine, Lina. You're so bright and cheerful, the sun practically shines out your ass..." Val says from the bathroom, mouth open as she puts her mascara on.
"I'm not that damned perky, Valerie, and you know it..." I huffed out, checking to make sure I had everything I needed in my purse. "Shit, you know if we still have bandaids?" I ask her, rushing in to look under the sink for them.
"The hell do you need those for?! You plan on getting a ton of papercuts or something?" she yells at me as I lightly slap her legs to move out of the way.
"No, Val, but it's good to be prepared. You never know when weird shit'll happen..."
Finding the box in the little first-aid kit we have under the bathroom sink, I grab some and look up at her. She stops fixing her hair and gives me an amused, waiting glance, and says, "Like?"
I roll my eyes, putting the box back, stand up, and say, "Like...if I have garlic for lunch, I've got mints and gum." She scoffs and waits for me to continue. I walk over to put the newly acquired bandaids in my purse. I continue as I pull out the various things I have in there for 'just in case'. "Mini sewing kit for if a button pops off. Extra contact solution, contacts case, and my glasses in case my eyes decide to go all funky on me. Hand sanitizer in case I touch something gross and need something til I can wash my hands. And yes, bandaids, because you know my klutzy ass will get hurt!"
She chuckles and goes back to doing her hair. "Yeah, there is that. You are accident-prone..." I sigh as I finish putting everything away in my purse, setting it down as I grab my shoes.
"You're still giving me a ride in, right?" I ask nervously as I put my shoes on, looking up to see her in the mirror.
"Yeah, yeah, I gotcha. You gonna be able to find your way to work the rest of the time?" she replies, swiping away any lipstick that strays from her lipline.
"I...yeah, I'll figure out how to get there, I just...really wanna make a good impression for my first day, get there nice and early, ya know?" I explain, buttoning up the blazer I chose for today while smoothing out the fabric. She steps out of the bathroom and puts her shoes on. I nod and put on my coat.
Grabbing her coat and keys, Val turns to me and asks, "Ready?"
I grab my purse and reply, "About as ready as I'll ever be..."
"Thank you again for taking me to work, Vallie," I say as she pulls up outside the building, idling as I get out of the car.
"Yeah, well, you're a pain in the ass, but you're my pain in the ass..." she says taking a bite of her doughnut.
"And the fact that you can be easily bribed with food has no bearing on anything, huh?" I tease as I grab my purse and the two boxes of doughnuts.
"Of course not," she replies. "You need me to pick you up?"
I shake my head. "Nah, I figure I can get the Metro back. I'll have to use it most of the time anyway, right?" I explain. She nods, giving me a serious look for once.
"Be careful, Lina. I mean it. Even if you don't end up applying for the profiler position, I'm still gonna teach you how to shoot, ok? Can't be too careful with all the crazy assholes around..." she says. She waves her hand at me. "Alright, go on, shoo, do your thing, I gotta go."
I shut the door with my hip, then yelled, "Bye, Val! See you at home!" She holds her hand up, then slowly drives away. Hiking my purse up on my shoulder, I carefully clutch the two boxes in my arms and walk up the stairs.
As I get to the door, it's quickly opened for me, and I walk in, throwing a quick, "Thank you!" behind me. Heading toward the directory to figure out which floor I need to head to, I hear the sound of clicking high heels rapidly approaching.
"Miss Rosalina Aschebrooke?" a breathless voice asks. I turn around to see a blonde woman in a vibrant dress, with matching heels and glasses. I nod, and she breaks into a wide smile and continues toward me while saying, "Hi! I'm Penelope Garcia, I'm the Tech Analyst you'll be interning with."
"Oh! Hi! I hope I'm not late..." I start nervously, slowly walking with her to the elevators.
"Nah, you're right on time. Did you really bring doughnuts for your first day?! Smart, food bribes work well here. That and caffeine." she says chuckling and offering to take a box as we step in.
"I...don't really think of it as a bribe, more like...edible reinforcements in my quest to get along with coworkers." I quip with a small smile.
"Ah, and she's funny, too! You're gonna fit in well here," she says.
The elevator doors open, and we walk through the bullpen and into the kitchen to set down the boxes. After snagging one of the glazed, Penelope leads me back out, calling people over as we enter. "Everyone, this is Rosalina Aschebrooke, she's gonna be interning here in Tech with me. Ms. Aschebrooke, let me introduce you to the BAU team." She walks over to a tall and stern-looking dark-haired man in a suit and says, "This here is our Unit Chief, Supervisory Special Agent Aaron Hotchner." He nods and shakes my hand.
She walks over to another tall man with dark hair, though he's dressed more casually and looks more approachable. "This is Senior Supervisory Special Agent Jason Gideon."
He leans over to shake my hand and says, "Nice to meet you, Miss Aschebrooke. Hopefully, this place agrees with you."
Penelope walks over in between two women, one brunette, and the other blonde, and says, "This is Supervisory Special Agent Elle Greenaway," I shake the brunette's hand. "And our Communications Liasion, Supervisory Special Agent Jennifer Jareau." I shake her hand and smile.
Finally, Penelope walks over to yet another tall man, though he's bald with a goatee. "And this," she continues while placing her hands on his shoulders, "Is my Chocolate Thunder, Supervisory Special Agent Derek Morgan."
As I shake his hand, he smiles and smoothly says, "Babygirl, you flatter me. A pleasure to meet you, Miss Aschebrooke."
Agent Hotchner looks between the two of them, sighing and saying, "Don't tell me I'm going to have to have another meeting from H.R. with you two..."
Penelope puts her hands up and innocently says, "No sir, Mr. Boss Man. I'll be good." and then flashes a smirk.
While everyone but Derek walks off to go back to what they're doing, Penelope yells out, "Oh! Also! There are doughnuts in the kitchen, courtesy of our new friend here!"
After she walks back to me, I quietly ask her, "Is everyone that works here ridiculously tall?"
"You'll have to see for yourself. There's still one more to meet. Hey, is Boy Genius here yet?" she asks.
"Come on, Reid, get over here!" Derek calls over to the cubicles.
Another tall man quickly makes his way over, tugging at his sweater sleeves and saying, "Oh, you finally decided to hear about the strategies there are for winning at poker? Well, one of them is...o-oh, h-hi."
Standing in front of me was a very slender and reserved man, light brown hair slicked back behind his ears. Penelope says, "Rosalina, this is Dr. Spencer Reid. Boy Wonder, this is Rosalina Aschebrooke. She's going to be here interning in Tech with me for a while."
Smiling and sticking my hand out, I say, "Nice to meet you, Dr. Reid. And you can call me Lina." I look over at Penelope and Derek, "Um, you all can call me Lina." I add quickly with a nervous laugh.
Looking from my hand back to my face, Spencer stammers out, "I-I don't shake hands, sorry. The number of pathogens passed during a handshake is staggering. It's actually safer to kiss."
Eyebrows shooting up at the last bit, I have to quickly shove away that thought as it pops into my head.
Taking a deep breath, I pull my hand away and reply, "OK, fair. It is cold and flu season, after all." I smile again and wave while saying, "How 'bout this? This should be ok, right?" A small smile grows on his face as he waves back.
"Y-yeah. Also, yo-you can call me Spencer," he says shyly.
"OK...Spencer." I say softly.
"Well, we'll leave you agents to it, I've got to start bringing Miss Lina up to speed, here," Penelope says, leading me to where she works.
I turn and say, "Nice meeting you all!" and then try to catch up with Penelope.
"So, what do you think of our team here, Lina?" she says as we walk down a hallway.
"Oh, everyone's really nice, Ms. Garcia. I think I'll like working here."
She looks at me with a smile and says, "While I'm happy to hear that, you don't have to call me 'Ms. Garcia'. You can call me Penelope or Penny, I don't mind."
I smile and say, "I can do that. I'm imagining you're going to teach me the systems you use here, right?"
"Well, that, and ask you a bunch of questions! Gotta get to know you! OH, if we don't get called in on a case, we should go out for drinks this weekend! Wait, how old are you Lina?" Penelope says.
"Oh, um, I'm 22, but I don't...I don't drink..." I start slowly. Penny waves her hand.
"That's fine, neither does Reid, when he actually decides to join us. It's more about getting to know you socially! Besides, there's dancing, and sometimes there's even karaoke!"
I grin and say, "Oh, I could be persuaded into going then, I love karaoke."
She squeals and says, "Perfect! Oh, this is going to be fun!"
Next Chapter
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vclvetfleur · 1 year ago
Freak Show Chapter 5
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Buggy x fem!reader
Summary: You make a plan to escape the marine base with your new savior and your continuous savior, your right-hand man. You sent them off to escape themselves while you and Buggy search for your stuff back
TW: Murder, possessive Buggy
WC: 2.6K
Notes; Two days in a row! I'm proud of myself for actually uploading less than a day of each other. I had the most fun writing this chapter. I think i'm finally getting in the mood of writing this fan fic. Please let me know any suggestions or if you're even enjoying this.
Chapter 5: Click Once Click Twice
The alarms blared loudly throughout the entire building. You sighed in exhaustion. This couldn’t be any worse. You opened the door and looked around before disappearing.
You and your crew have been in situations like this before. There was always a way out. You kept a lookout for Marines as you peered through every corner. You made a click sound to let Vivienne know the room was clear to go. She followed the noise and soon Cabaji and Buggy had to follow too. If they were going to leave they had to follow you and Vivienne’s lead.
One-click for go. Two clicks for enemy nearby. And if there were too many, you’d just retreat back to the crew.
You continued to look around, finding a Marine with a weapon in hand. You could easily take him out. You snuck up behind him, kicking your legs under his, sweeping him down on the ground. You covered his mouth before he could scream for help. You grabbed his sword before making the decision to give him a few hits to the head until he became unconscious. You couldn’t have blood on the floor. You would only be found out quicker. You dragged him into a room before shutting it behind you. You let out a click and had them follow right behind you once again. You now had a weapon. But it wasn’t yours. You needed to find your stuff. You came to Vivienne before reappearing, making Cabaji jump at the suddenness of your appearance.
“I need to get my shit. Can I trust you to get Cabaji and Buggy out here safely?” You whispered. “Why the fuck would she need to keep me safe?” Buggy loudly interrupted. You smothered him with your hand, kicking him in the shin.  “You fucking moron, there’s Marines all over the place. Do you wanna get caught?” You whispered at him, but in a tone that you were practically yelling at him.
You get go of his mouth. He seemed annoyed at the way you judged his competence. He’s been doing this far longer than you have been, yet you treated him like a weakling. Some new member of your crew. You practically forgotten the fact he was Captain of his own ship. He had over a hundred men following everything he said to them.
“I’m going with you. I don’t trust you to actually get any of my stuff.” He made a point. Realistically you probably wouldn’t. It had no value to you. And you had no loyalty to him to get his belongings back to him.
“Fine. Just- Vivienne get Cabaji out of here safely. If you need me,uhh fuck- Buggy give them your ear.” You thought quickly. “What?” Buggy said in disgust.
“Give them your fucking ear. You used it to spy on us. So it shouldn’t be a problem now. Now give her your ear or I’ll cut it off you.” You threatened him, raising your new acquired sword to his ear. You didn’t have time to be arguing. A marine could be turning a corner right now. He hesitated before flying his ear off his head and into Vivienne’s pocket. She squirmed at the strange exchange before taking a deep breath to relax her nerves. “Meet me at Port 249.” Vivienne ordered. Before she could run off with Cabaji, you left her with the sword. You could protect yourself just fine. But you weren’t sure if she could with minimal weapons.
You grabbed Buggy by the end of his shirt and pulled him off the side. “Now- listen to me. You’re gonna do this my way. I’ll keep look out. One-click.” You demonstrated the click. “That means clear… Two clicks means danger. If there are multiple, you attack. I’ll be right there. Got it?” You instructed him carefully. “Why two? Wouldn’t they hear you genius?” Buggy criticizes your plan. “Clicking twice for every hallway hurts after a while.” You shrugged. You disappeared once again, turning right. You clicked to let Buggy know your location. It wasn’t too long before you had spotted a few Marines looking out for you.
You let out two clicks. You snuck up behind one, watching as one of Buggy’s hands flew across one of the Marine's face. You grabbed another, pulling him away. He had no clue where you were once you threw him on the floor. He swung his sword around frantically as he watched his crew getting knocked out by Buggy’s flying limps. You stood above the soldier before taking your heel to his forehead. You stole his sword and grabbed whatever would be useful to him. A key. Perfect.
You hid it in your corset before taking loud steps for Buggy to hear where you were. It was difficult with one ear. Your steps grew softer once you could note that Buggy had an idea of where you were heading to. Every Marine you crossed was met with a guerilla attack and was robbed or left dead. No witnesses now that they had their sights on Buggy. There could be no risks.
You spotted a room familiar to you. It was the room you were taken to before being shoved into a cell. It’s where all your belongings were taken. You tried to unlock the door but to no avail. “Buggy.” You whispered loud enough for him to hear you. It was no use. You reappeared, waving him down. “Is there any way you can get the door open?” You asked.
Buggy investigated it before coming to his conclusion. “No.” He shrugged. “Let’s just find one of the fucks who put us there.” He seemed as though it was easy. You huffed, pulling out keys that you collected, and trying each one. But to no avail. None of them opened the door. “There was one I saw a while back. Fuck. We have to go back.” You admitted.
Buggy rolled his eyes and had no choice, but to agree. “I’ll go. You stay here.” You ordered.
“No way sweetheart. You aren’t getting me killed. No goddamn way. You’re gonna stay visible and I am following.” Buggy ranted, but you didn’t need more of a risk on your hands. You disappeared and made a run for it. You stopped in place, looking down to see one of Buggy’s hands holding your skirt to keep you from running. You stopped and attempted to kick him off of you. He just followed. He was way too damn persistent.
“Buggy, I’ve spent too much time with you already. I cannot do this now.” You groaned.
You felt a strike against your ass causing you to jolt up. “I think you liked our time together. Seemed like you did.” Buggy teased, his smirk coming across his red-painted lips.
“That was a fuck up and a moment I rather not relive.” You denied all feelings you had about the situation. It was for the best that you and Buggy never did anything like that again. If you had it your way, you’d never see him again. In all honesty, if you kept running into him like you seemed to constantly do, you weren’t sure if you’d deny him the same access you granted him just a mere moment ago.
“Oh really? Cause I didn’t really hear that come from you. What did you exactly say again, babe? Oh, fuck me, please. Please. I need you.” His voice becoming high pitched to mock you. You threw a balled-up fist into his stomach as you continued to walk in the direction you had spotted the first marine you knocked out. You should’ve killed him.
“Don’t call me that.” You warned him.
“Oh, what should I call you then? I think you fairly liked being called a slut earlier.” Buggy giggled at his own jokes. If there was one thing about Buggy, he always knew how to entertain himself. You wish you knew how to make yourself laugh at the most idiotic shit.
“You’re insufferable.” You mumbled under your breath. You kept watch out, making sure no Marines were in your way. You headed back to the room you locked the Marine in safe enough. Thankfully you seemed to clear out most of that hallway. You opened the door, knocking onto the floor as the previously knocked-out marine pounced on you. His hands gripped your throat, pressing his thumbs into the middle of your throat. You smacked his arm, attempting to pull him off. You felt an instant release, turning to your side as you tried to catch your breath. Your throat felt rasp as you tried to cough quietly, but there was no use in being quiet. You heard cries of agony and pleading. You turned your head and watched Buggy stand over the man, slamming him against the floor, while throwing a punch whenever he felt the opportunity to do so. It was as if watching a lion completely devour a giselle in the wild. You got up, grabbing his shoulder and arm in an attempt to pull him away. “Stop. You’re causing too much noise.” You lied. You just couldn’t watch a man get beaten alive. You’ve seen it plenty of times before, but this felt wrong. Almost territorial. “Just-grab-uh- grab his shit and let’s go.” You found an excuse.
“Not till I’m done.” Buggy warned you before throwing the man back into the room.  He smacked his boot into the unconscious man, blood spilling out his mouth.
“Buggy! Enough!” You screamed. This all caught the commotion of a few Marines. You heard a gang of footsteps hurling your way. “Fuck-“You whined. You quickly pickpocketed everything from the possibly dead man and disappeared. “Let’s go!” You directed Buggy. You grabbed his arm, dragging him away. You didn’t trust him not to continue to beat a corpse. You watched as marines swarmed the hallway.
You watched Buggy’s fists flying through people as you grabbed one of the knocked-down marine’s swords, throwing it in Buggy’s hand's direction. He grabbed the sword and sliced through a Marine in front of you. They pulled their swords out in difference. This was exactly what you needed. Weapons out and they could not see or hear you. You rushed over, throwing a kick into a marine’s ribs. You caught him completely off guard. You unarmed him and took him out with his own weapon. You sliced through unexpected marines one by one before clearing the room out.
Buggy reattached his hands and ran after you once making yourself visible to him. You quickly made it to the door, watching a marine guard it. You held no mercy and attacked as soon as you could. You grabbed the keys you stole from the now-dead marine in the storage closet and unlocked the door. You shut the door behind you once Buggy stepped inside with you. You made sure to keep a door at the handle, locking the door and barricading it incase more marines showed. You went through boxes before finding your stuff.
You squealed out of complete joy, holding your beloved sword close to your chest. You reattached your holster to your waist before sliding your sword in. You watched Buggy recollect his large brownish-orange penny lane coat, sliding it over his arms before putting all his daggers back in place.
Your eyes met and for a moment, just a moment, you felt slightly proud. You and Buggy were a pretty good team. You set every distain you both had and just completely whipped out rows of marines in your way. But Buggy took your look of proudness in endearment. He rushed to you, gripped your cheeks in his hands, pulling you in for a kiss. For a split second, you let yourself lean into the kiss before pulling away in an act of disgust. “No- never again Buggy.” You pointed a finger in his face like a dog.
“So, why’d you kiss me back?” His voice in a hushed tone, attempting to get you to recreate the kiss once again. You almost fooled yourself before shaking your head.
“No.” You told him once again. But Buggy would never take that as an answer. His finger lifted your chin up for your gaze to leave the floor and at him.
“Oh- don’t play hard to get darling.” He stepped closer to you, your back against a filing cabinet. Your breathing quickened, allowing yourself to feed into his demands. His lips pressed against yours, his stubble rubbing against your chin. His hands snaked around your waist, keeping your bodies close to one another.
“If we had enough time, I’d take you right here on this table.” Buggy broke the kiss. “What was that about never again?” Buggy joked before removing the chair from the door and unlocking it. He left you there speechless. You were fully at his will. He attempted to get what he wanted.
You quickly got yourself together, gathering all your daggers, along with a few stolen heirlooms of other prisoners before making a run for it to catch up to Buggy. You just now needed to get to an exit. But of course, it was heavily guarded with marines. You just wondered how Vivienne was able to escape in time. She never spoke into Buggy’s ear. Nothing. It seemed radio silent.
“Round three?” Buggy asked. You nodded, disappearing once more. With your weapons back, you both were unstoppable. You disabled each and every one of them within just a few minutes. You opened the door and made a run for the port. You saw Vivienne and Cabaji sitting at the deck, waiting patiently.
“Vivienne!” You called out to her. She stood up quickly and opened her arms to you. You grabbed her and held her as tight as possible. You never wanted to be away from her like that again. Buggy watched you two, slowly making his way to Cabaji. “God alright already! Enough with the reunion.” Buggy gagged at the willing affection you were so willing to give Vivienne.
“Get the fuck outta here before I shove you off the port.” You snapped back at him.
“Give me my ear back. I’m tired of listening to the two of you make small talk. It’s disgusting.” Buggy held his hand out as his ear flew out of Vivienne’s pocket and back onto the side of his head. The four of you went quiet. There was a sense of uncertainty in the air.
“I recommend you both leave. I’ll see you both again. Buggy- you’re still dead to me.” You continued the act. You weren’t going to stop hunting him down. He was the reason you were in this mess in the first place. You weren’t going to let that fact go easily.
Buggy gave you a nod of understanding before heading back onto his ship while you retreated onto yours. The differences of your arrivals were astounding. You hear Buggy’s crew cheer as they were beginning a celebration while you were swarmed with concerned, nearly sobbing questions. You let your crew know you were fine.
“What’s that mark?” One of your crew pointed out. Your neck was filled with love marks. You shielded your neck with your chin as your hand covered the other side. “Just some marine trying to choke me out.” You lied.
“HEY!” You heard shouting as your sail was setting sail. You looked over to Buggy’s ship, watching Buggy leaning over the deck. His hand waved at you to say goodbye, at least for now. But a sudden thud it the side of your head, noticing Buggy’s other hand fly over to throw a punch your way.
What a fucking dick…
Notes: I really hope you guys are genuinely liking the story :)
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owlbelly · 2 months ago
2024 bingo review
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no bingos. half-hearts are for things i started or did occasionally but didn't feel like i really completed to my satisfaction, which is maybe a little unfair because some of them (especially the garage clean/organize & woodchipping) i did make serious progress on but it's a huge job. so idk maybe i should have counted those! i counted "stretch/walk" because i did WAY better with stretching (almost every day for my legs/feet!) & i think i walked more than i did last year but i was hampered by tendonitis for a lot of the year again. i did a fuck ton of yard work though so that should count! i'm very bad at "going for a walk" as an activity in itself - i don't like walking the same route over & over again, i don't like walking up the big hill RIGHT at the start of the walk we always take, but i DO like doing hours of yard work to actually accomplish shit i can see.
my creative goals got put on the back burner again (as usual) due to putting most of my art energy into freelance...i need to not let that happen next year. i mean i need to continue to make money but jfc i also need to feel like i experimented & accomplished something new with my own art!!! feeling very hopeful about woodcarving, i'm really enjoying it now that i started. i just have so many things always that i want to make/do, & so little energy/time (executive function?). music also just didn't happen but i did acquire MORE instruments (stole my dad's mountain dulcimer because he doesn't play it, picked up a few hand drums at thrift stores, got a vintage keyboard for free) so like. bitch. either play them or get rid of them!!! i need to play them!!! i got a tuner as a holiday present so guitar/banjo are back on the menu too. i need to find local people to play with, i do much better with music when i'm not alone.
some of these are definitely gonna roll over to 2025 because i feel strongly about them, i also need to like...think about how to word things so that they're more doable or i can't look at them at the end of the year & go "welllll did i REALLY accomplish that?? probably not" because that's not a good feeling & i tend to be somewhat unfair to myself. i appreciate seeing other people's bingo sheets without bingos though, because it reminds me i don't HAVE to get a bingo! also there were a ton of accomplishments i made this year that weren't on that list at all, like organizing the fuck out of the house.
gotta work on the 2025 sheet now!
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treecut-place · 5 months ago
Just gonna leave a few requests here, I’m fine with waiting for them
I’d love to see
Leafpool x Hollyleaf
Leafpool x Jayfeather
Leafpool x Lionblaze
That’ll be it for now
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Oh hey I like leafholly :3
No warrior name since they came out looking pretty apprentice aged, but a few names I could think up for them would be Juniperskip, Juniperbranch, Juniperleaf (now they're all leaves..), Junipershine, Junipershade, Juniperheart.............
Also uhh *looks at the date of the last Everything* long time no see huh. I did not forget but Damn did Things Happen
To anyone wondering I/we're doing fine! While this blog has been put off on somewhat of an unofficial hiatus, list of things that have occured to the entity running this includes: quietly left the general wc fandom (I'm still into it it's just... the fandom........ scary), deleted outlook-rock, got into rain code, experienced ego death, became a big boy rain code blogger, turned out to be fictionkin, the nefarious personality disorder came (or was there all the time but I ignored it lmao), turned out to be a system, on all levels except physical is most likely not the same person(s) yall know from the early 20s wc profic resurgence but there's lots of memories of it, got into akuma kun, got into a bunch of shit actually, acquired cool mutuals, healed from the horrific trauma of being called a ribosome at wattpad, got even more queer uhhhh etcetera etcetera basically life went on at least for me
But aughhhh I kinda miss the profic wc fandom. It feels like just less and less people are really posting anything, and I don't really know exactly how much the general tumblr fandom has shifted but from what I can gather it's still heavily leaning into the more anti side as usual. But ever since I kinda branched out more, I feel way safer and just. Better. Than when I was just mainly posting cats
But yeah, uh!! Yomi (one of our Guys. proooobably was around in our wc days? can recall most people we sorta got to know back then) has actually recently made a wc sideblog, @/snakerocks! He's the only one that plans on posting abt cats in the near future, and while it's mainly his some others are also allowed to occassionally also post on it as guests lol. The blog is private so it doesn't come up in search results (unless you type it all the way) so he doesn't have to worry about fuckwads getting pissy about whatever he posts like they use to on public blogs. Sooo if ur enchanted with our wcposting you can go follow and ask him whatever, shipping or character or au/rewrite wise or whatever, no matter how random................ So yeah!
Anyway concerning this blog: I definitely won't delete it, I may continue to just post on and off whenever I feel like it, maybe it's gonna be slow and rare as always, maybe i'll get a sudden burst of kitty inspiration and get more active, I dunno.
I hope you all are doing well, whatever you are doing now <33
- ashley & Yomi
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dayseedrawz2 · 1 year ago
Someone gave me the prompt of Caine and Pomni Ice skating on the digital lake. I'm not exactly sure how to go with this one, but it's worth a shot!
Skating - Showtime (C×P) One-shot!
Requested by: @marvosa-yroz
Tha day started off normal. Caine rallied up all the players for the adventure
☆Good morning, superstars! Who's ready for today's show?!☆
His enthusiastic tone was followed by awkward silence
☆Wonderful!! Let's take a look at the agenda for today!!☆
Snap! Caine teleported everyone out to the lake
☆Since this so-called "winter" is coming to a close, I thought I'd make today's adventure just for the occasion!☆
With another snap, the lake was frozen over and surrounded by railings and a gate in front, and the cast was all given ice skates
☆Today's adventure is ice skating!! The rules are simple! Get into pairs, and have a blast! But watch out for thin spots! Bubble and I will be here to supervise! Have fun!☆
Then off Caine went. Outside of bounds, leaving the others to their own devices.
Most of the cast found partners to skate woth. Gangle with Zooble, Ragatha was with Jax (unfortunately), and Kinger brought a picture of... someone from his room leaving Pomni by herself.
She didn't mind. At least - not that much... I mean, what else was she gonna do? Partner up with kinger? He seemed content with his current "partner." She didn't really have a choice other than to lean on the rail and watch the others. Better than making a fool of herself! Still... she couldn't help but feel lonely...
Caine was on the other side of the lake watching the others from outside the arena. But he couldn't help but glance over at Pomni. One of his members was partner-less?? Now, we can't have that!! So he hesitantly took initiative
☆Hiya Pomni!!☆
The Jester was caught off guard
♧GAH!!! oh... It's you...♧
☆...Pomni, why aren't you with the others?☆
♧Well, for starters, I don't have anyone to skate with... not that I wanted to anyway.♧
☆Oh, come on now, who doesn't like to skate? I hear it's a very popular activity for humans around this season! Besides, I've been working very endlessly on getting the physics to be just right!☆
♧How would you know? It's not like I'd remember how to skate, let alone I'd I ever did. Whatever... it's fine. I'll just stay here.♧
The Ringmaster could tell something was definitely wrong. Not like he'd know exactly what or how to fix it. But may as well do what he could!
☆...Well, I suppose this is a first for the both of us!☆
With a snap of his fingers, he acquired a pair of skates of his own
♧Wh-what are you do-WOAH-♧
Caine took her by the hand and dragged her towards the center of the lake.
☆I don't usually do this, but I couldn't stand to see you miss out on this adventure! Consider this a small prize for your participation! Or... lack thereof...☆
Pomni continued the conversation while still trying to maintain her balance
♧ I can certainly tell... W-well, thanks, I guess...♧
They continued to skate together for the rest of the adventure. Not very well, but hey, they only fell like once... maybe twice.
Maybe this place wasn't so lonely after all...
Thanks again for the request!!
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