#i have a few friends in going into marine bio!!!
madwickedawesome · 2 years
Say yes or January 25th 9:32 pm 2024/j
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softcaesar · 2 years
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context: your friend invites you over to work on your marine report. you end up staying past the curfew. he offers his bed for you to sleep… basically the good ol' bed sharing trope
pairing : nanami kento x f!reader
content and warnings: SMUT IN PART TWO, no curses, college au, nanami is a marine bio student
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“I’ll be there in five?” you say, yawning.
“Just hurry up. We’ve got a lot to do.”
Five minutes later, you reach the front of Kento's dorm which buzzed with the comings and goings of its residents. You spot a tall figure standing next to the doors waiting for you. It’s him. You notice he’s wearing a navy fleece jacket and his usual tan slacks. Kento acknowledges you with a quick nod before retreating into building, signaling you to follow him inside.
“I reviewed the analysis you wrote,” he began, monotonously, “Still needs to be fixed. Your abstract, however, is written well. Very articulate.”
“Thanks,” you replied, glancing around. It stroked you as a bit strange how he complimented you. Before, he had never stated his opinions on your work, whether negative or positive, only ever dismissing you with a nod or a ‘mhmm’. On good days, he would thank you but today, something was fishy. You’d have thought he’d be sterner and blunter throughout the duration of the assignment, if not completely uninvolved. However, it was quite the opposite.
As you turn the corner, you realise that his dorm hall was much louder and livelier than the relative stillness of your apartment building; students congregated in groups studying or working on projects, while others played cards and video games in the lounge. You saw a few girls doubletake towards your direction and soon hushed voices spoke among the students.
"Look! It's Nanami!"
"Who is that with him?"
Kento led you upstairs to the second floor and down the hallway.
"You have a lot of fans." You joked. He ignored you.
“Where do you live.” His question sounded more like a statement.
“… the tool shed.” you whisper.
He pauses, raising a curious brow, “What?”
“Its called the tool shed coz apparently that’s where all the hoes live,” you answer and he immediately walks away. You jog up to him.
“I’m not a hoe,” you exhale and he chuckles, shaking his head.
“I’m sure you’re not.”
“It’s quieter over there.”
“Mmm,” he says, quickly looking back at you. “Must be nice."
“Yep,” you nod, “There’ll be vacancies around November. I can inquire if you’d like.”
“Don’t bother.” He states. His room is at the end of the hallway. He unlocks the door and pushes it open. There’s a small shared space, comprised of a slightly cluttered kitchenette and a bathroom. Two large doors indicate the two bedrooms of the dorm room; one for Kento, and one presumably for a roommate.
“You live with someone?”
“He’s visiting his parents for the week. This is my room,” he says, pushing open the door to the right.
Kento's dorm room was different than you’d expected. It was a spacious layout that he adorned with evidence of his interests. A number of fish figures, some made of Lego, were displayed on a shelf against the wall, along with various textbooks, one of which was open on a small table, dog tagged on the edges and plastered with yellow sticky notes.
“Which class is that for?” you pointed at the open textbook.
He turns to the side, pushing his glasses further up his nose bridge, shielding his eyes away from you.
You keep looking around. Kento's desk was clearly a science student’s desk, inundated with marine textbooks and piles of booklets and manila folders, and all sorts of student clutter, from ball point pens to scrunched balls of paper to flashcards. The white concrete walls were relatively unadulterated, save for the framed pictures of his family and friends, and a corkboard above his desk tacked with academic pamphlets, flyers and a calendar. Everything in Kento's room looked as if it had its own designated spot. And the twin-sized bed was neatly made with a navy-blue comforter, which beckoned to you like an oasis in a desert. You noticed a small aquarium beside his dresser.
“I’ve printed a copy but if you’d prefer to edit digitally, I can email you the updated version.” Kento breaks the silence. You say you would prefer the latter, having brought your laptop and forgetting your pencil case. He took off his fleece jacket, revealing a white t-shirt underneath that hugged the frame of his body perfectly, and took off his shoes. You follow his lead and do the same, trying but failing to suppress a yawn. Kento noticed and sighed.
“Let’s finish this quickly so you can go home,” he says. It’s all the permission you need to start, and you groan in gratitude as you sink down onto the fluffy grey rug, shifting forward to put your legs under the kotatsu. His room seemed to have an effect on you. It felt homely and comfortable, reminding you of your own room back at your dorm.
“Oh, that’s right. I was looking at the report before I came and we forgot to update the formula table,” you say with another yawn. Kento took out his laptop and settled at his desk, immediately typing, while you waited for your laptop to load and made yourself comfy. It was the first chance you’ve gotten all day to sit down and relax, and it felt great. Damn that 8am workshop. Exhaustion threatened to overcome you, but you had to finish this. Soon, you and Kento sink into a comfortable silence with the occasional question, typing intensely on your keyboards, brows knit together. Other than that, no small talk existed. Two hours pass by and you stood up to stretch, walking towards Kento to see what he was up to. He stopped writing on his notepad when your shadow creeped over his paper. He turned around slowly.
“What are you doing?”
He huffs, brown eyes illuminated by his open computer screen. “Writing tomorrow’s agenda.” He looks up and draws his eyes to yours. “What’s wrong?”
“I’ve completed the formula tables and edited the evaluation,” you stretch as you look at your watch which displayed a dim 21:53, “Damn, its late. Alright, I’ll get going. Text me if there’s a problem.”
Kento sighs deeply. “Thank you for coming.”
“No problem. Sorry if I didn’t do too much today, I was up at 5 this morning and I've only had one coffee. I’ll swing by again this week.”
He observes your tired face. There were dark circles around your slightly red eyes. Your skin was dull and your lips were slightly cracked. Before he could contain his sympathy, he opened his mouth, “Stay the night.”
Your face stills in confusion. “Huh.”
“Stay the night.” Kento stood up from his chair, heading over to peer out the window. “It’s dangerous for you to go back alone.”
“What...? Walk me home then,” you quipped. “Plus, if I stayed the night, where would I sleep? No offense Kento, but if you want me to share a bed with you, you'd have to buy me dinner first.”
You snicker as the tall man purses his lips. “I can’t buy you dinner right now but there’s some instant ramen in the cupboard if you’re hungry.”
“Oh my God!” You groan, beginning to stuff your laptop into your bag. Your cheeks feeling tight. “I was just kidding. I’ll just run super-fast. If you’re so worried, watch me from your window and save me if something happens.”
He walks closer and sits at the edge of his bed next to your kneeled body. “(name), just stay,” he demands. The way he says your name makes your stupid heart do stupid cartwheels. “The curfew began an hour ago and you can’t go about wandering. Sleep on my bed.”
“No, Kento. It’s your bed. I can’t ta–”
“Sleep in the hallway then.”
“It’s fine,” he says. “Look, I’m tired but not to the point where I’m about to collapse from exhaustion. Besides, I made coffee earlier. I can make it through the night. Take the bed.”
Still, it felt wrong to sleep on his bed.
He was reliable, trustworthy and knew what he wanted in life. Bonus, he was good looking. You saw the effect he had over the girls in the hallway earlier. There was no doubt he had a girlfriend. You were sure about it. You did feel slightly disheartened at the thought though as you had tried to flirt with him earlier this year but he had openly rebuked you and told you to stop. It was embarrassing to think about it. Your relationship with him was strictly platonic with a capital ‘P’. Friends offer their beds to their friends all the time right?
You were still unsure, really not wanting to spend the night in his room... with him. Alone. Anything could happen.
“I really can’t Kento, I’ll just go home. You probably have a girlfrie–”
“I don’t have a girlfriend, (name), just sleep,” he stood up and sat at his desk again, resuming his scribbling on his notepad.
You stand awkwardly, tugging at the strings of your hoodie. Great, you had been everywhere wearing these clothes all day. The lecture halls, the library, the café. You stared longingly at his clean bed, not a crinkle in sight. You didn't want to tarnish his spotless sheets with your gross clothes. You smelled stinky too. You silently hoped he'd have spare pajamas laying around...
“You can wear the pajamas from the bottom drawer. Return it in the morning. Don’t worry about washing it. Use the bathroom to clean up.”
It was as if he read your mind. Muttering a quick ‘thanks’, you rushed into the bathroom and washed up, changing into the clean clothes. When you return to Kento's room, the main lights were off. The nightlight beside his bed and the desk lamp were on, emitting a warm dimming effect. His eyes were looking at you. They searched your face before trailing down and up the rest of your body, a small smile on his lips. A pleasant shiver runs down your spine.
“Good night (name).” he says lowly.
“Good night,” you say back, “Wake me up if you need to sleep.”
Silence is your response. You almost let out a moan as you sink into his soft mattress. Warmth envelopes you and you knew that you were sleeping good tonight. You stare at his ceiling, thinking back to his small compliment earlier, to the sneaky glances you had sent his peaceful figure. To the strange offer to use his spare clothes for the night. To the furtive glances at you in his pajamas.
“Hey,” you whisper, “I can’t tell if you’re being really sweet to me intentionally, or if you’re really just a gentleman.”
“You know… if you have some sort of ulterior motive or something.”
His eyes glimmer. “It’d be pretty hard not to be sweet to you.”
The tension. It’s back. Kento's brown eyes don’t release you, but you’re a willing captive. Nothing could break this moment…
Nothing but a big, fat, horrendously-timed yawn.
He sighs again, you turn away, embarrassed.
“For fuck’s safe, (name), just sleep,” he exhales.
“You should too.”
“I have homework. Do you want some water?”
“No thanks,” you say, but he had already opened the mini fridge by his desk and tossed a cold bottle at your direction.
He returned to his seat. You smile in appreciation and take a sip. “Now, sleep. Goodnight.”
“You look pretty beat yourself. Are you sure you don’t want…”
He shakes his head. “I wish, but I have a lot to do. Besides, you’re using the bed.”
“Right.” What were you even thinking?
“Sleep well,” he says, settling down again at his desk. You re-adjust his pillows. Except, for whatever reason, your brain finds the back of Kento's head too intriguing. So, you roll onto your other side, facing the wall, shut your eyes, and let your exhaustion overtake you.
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the seven + a few others future headcanons
becomes a high school teacher
teaches high school marine biology (idk how it is in other schools but when we hit sophomore year we got to choose different bio classes ie: marine bio, ag bio, med bio + regular bio)
also teaches the mythology elective and is the swim team coach
we already know this queen is an architect with obvious inspiration from greek architecture
learns how to make blue food for percy and their kids from sally
has traveled all over the world looking at different architecture
learns the basics of many languages so shes able to communicate with the locals
her and leo team up to build a small school near camp half-blood for year rounders so everyone can learn consistently but dw they get summers off
love her but shes a nepo baby
she doesnt act like it tho
”are you tristan mcleans daughter?” “who?”
loves her dad to bits but does not like being seen out in public by the paparazzi
marries shel, they dont have kids tho, neither of them want to bring any into the world especially with america’s downfall and the government erasing women and poc rights
is basically leos big sister atp
him and calypso dont last, maybe a year and a half in they split bc calypso wants to explore the world and leo is very emotionally unstable and calypso has a hard time understanding
they end on good terms but dont ever talk unless its with a group of friends
he goes into a trade to become a mechanic and owns his own shop
starts smoking cigarettes/vaping
his friends dont really approve but they understand he cant quit just yet as hes not in a mental space to do so
goes to therapy with a psychologist whos a demigod that specializes in grieving and war trauma
they all go to therapy but hes the last one to do it
he’s still the ‘happy go lucky’ guy hes always been but as he gets closer w the others they start to see the true sadness in him
piper and him grow a lot closer after jason died and have a big sister little brother relationship
my girl stays at camp jupiter
takes nicos place at camp
horse trainer
her and frank also dont work out as a romantic relationship, they felt that the age gap was too much after frank turned 18 and hazel was 15 theyre still friends tho
hazel often visits leo in his shop
as much as leo reminds her of sammy, through therapy she has recognized that theyre separate people and to not push all her past feelings for sammy onto leo
not only does she train horses but she also teaches little kids basic math, science, and history to the younger kids
they all call her ms. hazel
she prefers to teach the really young kids (age 4-7)
wears her hair in different braid styles after BOO
my friggin HOMIE
i relate to frank a lot personality wise
therefore i think hed be a 4/20 fanatic after BOO
hes not stoned during training or during important camp duties
but otherwise you try talkin to him and you dont really notice until you look and see the far off look and red eyes and he just goes “huh?”
other than that hes a great leader
after he gets his cool new look from mars he takes really good care of his body including consistent exercise and eating really healthily (maybe he has a soft spot for fast food when hes hi)
him joining the military does not make sense to me
he lost his mom to war, and he was in one himself, idk about you but i would not wanna join the military after being the main character in a war
he studies to be a veterinarian for exotic animals
when no one is around he shifts into the animal to find out whats wrong
”dr. zhang prefers to work by himself” “why” “idk but hes always right, if it aint broke dont fix it”
rip home-slice
my other homie
my guy does not get taller than 5’8
stays at camp during the summer to train the new and old kids
him and will get a house together
teaches history at the camp school
cat dad (5 cats and counting)
takes nicos last name when they marry bc its cooler
him being a doctor doesnt click w me i more picture him being an EMT
EMTs are hotter anyways
does med training with new apollo kids whenever he gets time
if he’s not busy during working hours he drops by nicos classroom w his fav drink from dutch bros (starbucks is MID) and hangs out with him and his students
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pumpkinhrat · 1 year
Martin nearly drops his glass of wine in his lap when the notification pops up. A bit does splash over the lip of the glass and nearly ruins his freshly folded laundry, but he can’t bring himself to care. The message blinks at him from his phone screen: Tinder (now) – Somebody Super Liked you! Find out who.
Martin stares blankly at it until the screen starts to go dark. A Super Like. A Super Like? It’s been a week since Martin opened the account and he’s barely had 5 matches in the time since. He’s not even really sure what a Super Like is besides the fact that Tinder keeps trying to make him buy them. Did someone pay to match with him? Martin’s pulse quickens and before he can talk himself out of it, he’s typing in his passcode and pulling up the app. Immediately, a profile pops up with a bright blue star under the scowling face of–
Jonathan Sims.
Martin freezes, the skin of his neck prickling suddenly. What… He takes a furtive look around his flat, suddenly and bizarrely self conscious, as if someone’s gonna pop up beside him to judge his every reaction – ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous. He takes a large swallow of wine.
Martin’s first instinct upon discovering that his boss Super Liked him on Tinder of all places is, of course, to deny, deny, deny that it’s really happening. Because, really, imagining dour, dry Jon sitting down to set up an online dating profile after scoffing at Tim’s own profile so hard that he’d set himself into a coughing fit is unbelievable. It doesn’t help Martin’s denial, however, that the third picture on Jon’s account is one of Tim and Sasha crowding beside him at a bar. It also doesn’t help that Martin remembers that night very clearly and knows for certain that after Sasha had taken that selfie of the three of them, Tim had insisted on a photo with Martin as well. (“Gotta have documentation that I actually managed to drag all three of you out at once!” he remembers Tim shouting in his ear.)
Martin clicks through the rest of the profile with a deliberate sort of detachment, though his cheeks warm against his will. It’s not his fault that every previously unseen photo of his stuffy, starched shirt boss in jeans and a flannel ignites a new wash of fire down his back. The blue Super Like star continuing to glow merrily under each photo doesn’t help, either.
Martin mindlessly scrolls down a bit further and encounters the description he’d missed while scouring Jon’s photo album. The bio reads: ‘Stressed, depressed, well dressed. Put the bi in bibliophile. Looking for someone to raise a cat with.’ Martin’s attention catches on the second line, specifically the word ‘bi’. He knows that Jon had dated at least one woman before but he never wanted to assume anything about his preferences. It’s nice to know, he supposes, as his traitorous body sends another wash of elated heat down his back.
This is bad. Very, very bad. Jon had been alluring enough when he’d been Marin’s mean, unfairly hot boss who’d occasionally dress him down in a way that made his hands tingle. Cold, strict, and gloriously, mercifully unattainable. It’s been a few years since those rocky beginnings, though. Now, Jon has settled into his gig as Head Archivist and the spiky walls of his glaringly obvious inferiority complex have disappeared entirely. He still snaps and snipes, of course, but that’s to be expected no matter how close you are to Jonathan Sims.
This, unfortunately, means that Martin’s… interest (he refuses to say ‘infatuation’ as Tim had) in Jon has taken a bit more of a realistic turn. In the past year or so, Jon has turned into something of a friend, which is incredible on its own but also has disastrous implications for Martin’s ability to maintain his self control. And this? This is bad.
The wine (a thank you gift from Jon for hosting his birthday party at his flat the year prior) sits warm and soft in Martin’s belly as his thumb hovers over the swipe right and left options. Nothing about this makes a lick of sense, but Martin’s imagination never really needs much to go on in order to find the most ridiculous course of action and convince him to act on it.
He downs the rest of his glass in one go and swipes his thumb to the right. Who needs self control?
“And what, exactly, do you mean by concerned?”
Sasha cringes slightly at Jon’s sharp tone but Tim just slings an arm around his neck, snatching his phone and the offending Tinder account away from him. “Oh come on Boss Man, you know we worry! We’re just looking out for you! Consider it a favor.”
“A favor.” His tone is so dry that even Tim grimaces but he quickly recovers.
“Yeah! You were just whingeing about how terrible company Sash and I make on a night out, always running off for a bit of fun and leaving you by your lonesome. We thought we’d solicit you some company!”
“Must you phrase it that way? It sounds as if you’re hiring me an escort.” Jon gripes without much bite, crossing his arms where he leans against Sasha’s desk. Tim grins at him so widely he rolls his eyes and looks away. “So, what, you want to find someone for me to interact with while the two of you go off to- to do whatever it is you do? I’m just supposed to stay behind and rendezvous with some stranger?”
“Well,” Sasha says slowly. Jon turns his imperious look on her. “We tried to encourage you to, um, rendezvous with someone at the bar when the two of us break off but you didn’t seem to like that idea either.”
Jon puffs out an exasperated little sigh that is honestly endearing as fuck and levels a flat look at Sasha. “You know perfectly well that that is not something I’m–”
“That’s not what I meant,” she cuts in quickly. “It’s perfectly possible to make friends at bars even if you’re not looking for anything else.”
“Maybe for some people,” he mutters, looking away, and Sasha’s heart squeezes much in the way that had made her start this entire endeavor. She opens her mouth to explain just this but Tim beats her to the punch.
“That’s kinda the point, Boss Man. We know you aren’t particularly comfortable having full blown conversations with strangers, so we thought this would be is a great solution! Match with a few people, see who fits the best, then you can meet the ones who you think you’d actually survive socializing with.” Jon takes a breath and Tim quickly barrels on. “Aaaand if you don’t find anyone who meets that bar, then no harm done! Just delete the app and you’ll never have to think about it again.” He gently pushes the phone across Sasha’s desk toward Jon, the app open to the ‘matches’ page.
Jon stares down at it with clear disdain before eyeing them both doubtfully. “I appreciate the effort,” he starts carefully and Sasha has to bite her tongue to resist interrupting. “But isn’t this an entirely unnecessary endeavor? It’s not as if we go out all that often, anyway. Everyone’s far too busy to agree on nights to go out, and Martin hasn’t been able to attend in months.”
“Well, y’know, that’s also kind of the point, Boss Man,” Tim says. He yanks out a chair and sits on it backward beside Sasha so they’re both looking up at Jon. He taps his phone pointedly. “We want you to get out there, mingle with other people now that Martin’s lost his weekends to his mom and Sash and I are dipping into territory you’re not as comfortable with–”
“You two do know I am capable of hearing the word sex without bursting into flame, yes?”
“–and, hey, we get it, you’re not the most social guy. But everyone needs a little bit of time with a friend or partner. We don’t want you to miss out on that because our little quartet has encountered a few scheduling conflicts.”
Jon stares at them, a look Sasha does not like filling his eyes, and his lips thin slightly. “You think I’m lonely.” He says the word with such a tone of accusation that Sasha cringes again.
“We don’t think you’re lonely,” she corrects quickly. “We just think you’d benefit from new social connections now that we’re less available.”
“And we still wanna go out,” Tim adds. “As often as we can. We just want–”
“Me to have more options than just you three, yes, I understand the premise.” He turns his attention back to Tim’s phone and gingerly pokes through the app, huffing and making more Jon Noises. Precious. After an excruciating amount of time, he heaves a gigantic sigh. “I suppose it won’t hurt to- to test it out. See if your theory holds any weight.” He sounds reluctant but Tim and Sasha share an excited glance, Sasha giving an endeared little nose scrunch at the wording. What an utterly Jon thing to say. “It has– It’s been a while since Georgie, so I believe now is as good a time as any to ‘get back out there’. I hadn’t thought there’d be anyone particularly interesting on apps like these but…” He trails off as he clicks through one of his matches’ profiles and Sasha just barely catches a glimpse of a foggy silhouette on a mountain.
“We handpicked a few people that we thought you might gel with,” she cuts in quickly, before Jon can expand on his ‘but’ and shut the whole thing down. “The one you’re looking at right now is Tim’s favorite, though I think he’s a bit boring.” Tim makes an affronted noise but Jon just hums, scrolling slowly through the profile’s long winded description.
“Yes, quite,” he says, clearly not paying any attention to what she’s saying. Tim grins at her.
‘Told ya so!’ He mouths and Sasha gives him the finger under her desk.
“Well, whaddya say, Boss?” Tim asks after another few minutes, which Jon spends entirely on Martin’s profile. “Shall I get you all logged in on your phone so you can start chatting him up? Or am I gonna lose my phone entirely to you and this ‘Martin’?” Jon looks up at Tim, surprised, then back down at the phone.
“Oh, right, yes, this is–“ He fumbles to return the phone to Tim, as if looking through it hadn’t been the entire point of the account, and pulls out his own phone. “I’ll just take over from you now, shall I? It is, ah, apparently my account, after all.”
He says the last bit with no small amount of pointed wryness but Sasha ignores their squabbling, leaning back in her chair triumphantly. Another successful mission in order to expand Jon’s little world, this one possibly the most satisfying. She glows a little with the feeling of a job well done.
After all, what could possibly go wrong?
[Here is the previous part] --- [next part]
UPDATE: You can read the whole story by JJanuaryRain on AO3! Go give them lots of love -> "all's fair in love & tinder"
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tinywitchgoblin · 6 months
hi! i dont know if you're still doing ship requests for the bad batch, but I would love to submit one if you'll have me!
I'm just over five feet tall, so friends of mine call me Fiver as a little nickname. I have Auburn hair, super light skin, but a lot of dark freckles. I have full lips and narrow, up-slanted, green eyes. I’ve got a good few tattoos as well.
I've been called scarily patient and loyal to a fault. It really takes a lot for me to get angry. I try to be kind, even if in situations where I do not want to be. I tend to be more on the quieter side, but I know how to laugh. When it comes down to small things like cleaning or giving rides or covering a few dollars, I’ll do it if I can. I do have depression, and that's been a lifelong struggle, but Im finding ways to cope everyday. We deal, y’know? Honestly, the one habit I can’t kick is smoking (oops).
I’m also I biology student! I really enjoy lab work, and I love studying things like plants, fungi, soils, bugs, algae, and marine biology. I hope to work either in botany or holistic health care. I love being outside, whether it’s the beach or the mountains. I love both so much. I love swimming, hiking, staying in and reading, gardening, dancing! I pole dance, do barre, pilates, yoga, and aerial lyra.
But other than that, I’m just a bartender who really enjoys star wars lol.
Thank you so much!! I love your blog.
Omg thank you 🥺
(Also I relate to so much of this- I have a bio degree and love plants & marine bio too! I even did a couple of research projects with guppies and soil bacteria!)
I ship you with...
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The first thing that caught Hunter's eye was your tattoos. Having one (or multiple?) himself allows him to appreciate other peoples' tattoos as well. He'd asked you about them, and as you and he talked, the conversation flowed freely and you found that you enjoyed his company.
Hunter loves being outdoors, and when he found put that you feel the same way, he couldn't help but capitalize on it. Sometimes his family would come on adventures with you, and other times it was just you and him. From taking you on beautiful hikes, to finding somewhere to swim, to even sitting with you while you garden, being outside with you made his heart burst with happiness.
He also loves to hear about your studies. Listening to Tech infodump is one thing, but with you, it's completely different. He finds himself mesmerized by your passion, even if you're talking about a topic he doesn't really understand. Going back to the topic of spending time outdoors, when he finds out you enjoy learning about marine biology, he takes you to various places on Pabu (think tide pools & such) so you can study the life found there.
Hunter doesn't really understand what depression is at first, but he knows something is up when your symptoms start kicking in. He's super supportive, helping you in any ways he can. Whether it be getting you medicine, making sure you eat/drink enough, or just staying by you, he will put everything else aside to do everything he can to help you feel better.
Thanks for reading! If you want a ship request like this one, drop it in my ask box, and don't forget to reblog 💚
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plaguedocboi · 1 year
Hey friend!! I’m wondering abt going into marine biology or similar because I’d love to work with marine animals (aquarium or rehabilitation center or both, maybe in the field) and I was wondering about your experiences with that? Saw your best fishes post :) do you have a degree and if so, what’s it in? What have your experiences been working with the ocean friends? What’s your favorite part about it all?
My degree is in environmental biology (with a minor in sustainability) but I am considering going back and getting a masters in marine bio at some point. After I graduated I did an internship at the Pittsburgh aquarium for a few months, which definitely helped get me the experience I needed for my current job. I also have many years experience with my own personal fish tanks and have always just had a general interest in marine life.
The aquarium where I work now isn’t fully open as we’re in the middle of renovations, but I’m getting to build back the education and community programs that they haven’t been able to offer the last few years and I really enjoy that. We were open for a few days with some temporary exhibits and had over 2,000 visitors, and I love getting to teach people about the cool creatures we have. It’s very rewarding to see people get excited about something that they otherwise might not even know existed!
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Hi I really want to write but I don't really know how and I don't know how to start but I'm also really worried that people would judge me can you just help me and give me some tips
Hey anon! First of all there’s no right or wrong way to write! Good writing usually shares common characteristics like figurative language, literary devices, a strong plot, characters, and theme, etc, but different people like different things and if you write what you love, you’ll find your audience. There always may be people who judge you but that doesn’t mean their opinions are more relevant than those of who enjoy your writing, and those people may just not be your target audience. What’s important is that you genuinely enjoy writing it, because if you write to cater to an imaginary audience (or even a real one), you might find yourself losing passion or interest in the project while becoming more and more stressed, losing the audience your writing may have attracted if you’d just written what you enjoyed. Expanding your comfort zone is good, of course, but do it on your own terms, and know that you don’t need to treat all online writing advice like a rule, but a guideline. Writing advice, good, mediocre, and otherwise, can be a good tool regardless if you use it, because analyzing why someone might have come up with this advice or what they were going for can also lead you to develop more of your own helpful processes. I.e. back when people tried to avoid using the word “said” nearly at all because they didn’t want to repeat it— the goal ofc was to keep from being tedious and repetitive, but sometimes it’s best to keep it at “said” instead of trying to use different or more complicated words that don’t fit the point of the advice makes sense, even if the actual advice doesn’t.
Now, if you’re interested in having more detail or (literary) strength to your writing I definitely recommend researching literary devices, plot structure, character development methods, how to develop and communicate a theme, etc. What’s also very important is making sure you know how people in general work, if you’re looking for realism in your characters, so looking at some general psychology concepts can be helpful. If you’re looking to write with some type of structure, it can help to plan plot diagrams, write out character bios, etc. If you prefer to just let it all marinate in your mind and dump it out on the page, that’s great too! Discord can also be a nice medium because it gives the record keeping of the former but instead of structured documents, it’s just unhinged rants to your friends that still give you more concrete ideas. Personally I’m a bit more of the second type, although my avoidance of making documents or diagrams for my plot and characters does mean I have to do a lot of thinking, remembering, and planning in my head in order to keep a strong plot, proper character development, etc.
Last but not least, don’t be too hard on yourself! Many people you see writing, including on tumblr, have been doing so for a long time. I’ve been writing for maybe three years, and the first things I wrote were for my eyes only (and maybe those of a select few) and I certainly didn’t post it. Writing is a craft, and like any other, it takes time to develop and grow. There may be some rough spots at first, and that doesn’t mean you should give up. And if you do post it, remember that numbers do not equal worth. Many of us know the feeling of working super hard on a piece to only get a scatter of likes, maybe a reblog or two. But if you find yourself writing as a way of getting notes, or feeling like notes dictate the worth of your writing, it can be a good idea to keep writing but not posting it. Although taking a break can also be good and healthy! The best writing doesn’t often come when you sit down and force yourself to write, and trying to forge yourself to write when you’re not vibing it can sometimes just be more frustrating and can exacerbate burnout. Personally, when I have writer’s block, or anytime I’m trying to write, I spend a lot of time just thinking and daydreaming about scenarios until I feel that excitement and motivation to write again.
If you’d like more advice, feel free to send another ask or dm me here or at blue.e on discord! Happy writing <33
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umichenginabroad · 3 months
Week 4: Snorkeling and Venezia
Ciao again!
This past week featured a fun field trip for Intro to Marine Bio and my first big week adventure! For the first field trip, we explored different habitats in Ieranto Bay, a marine conservation area only accessible through kayaking or by hiking down. We took the hiking route, taking in the picturesque landscape as we went.
Around 45 minutes later we got down to the bay and split into three groups to rotate through the day’s activities. My group had free time first; I spent the hour at the beach, swimming and enjoying the lovely clear water. Kayaking came next. Although we couldn’t cross the entire bay due to strong winds, we kayaked to another section, going in and out of a few caves and observing different marine habitats. I loved exploring the caves, especially one where it was so low you had to use your hands instead of the paddle to navigate! Lastly, our professor guided us in snorkeling, pointing out several key organisms and marine structures we had discussed in class. This might’ve been my favorite part as I loved diving down to look at everything up close (I even swam through an underwater tunnel lined with bright orange corals!)
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(views of the bay during the hike down)
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(four of us representing UMich in Ieranto Bay with the water and cliff in the background)
Over the weekend, I visited Venice and a few of the surrounding islands with some friends. I can honestly say it was the most unique place I’ve been so far. Wandering around and getting lost was so fun as there was something neat around every corner. We stayed the night in Naples Friday as we had a very early train Saturday morning (yay 4 am wake up). The train ride went smoothly and 5 hours later we emerged in The Floating City.
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(Pictures of the colorful Venetian houses lining the edges of canals)
We took in the sights and wandered around for the afternoon before getting dinner (the pasta was delicious) and gelato (also delicious). Sunday morning, a few of us got up bright and early to see St. Mark’s basilica before the rush (slept in until 5am this time). My jaw was practically on the floor from admiring the intricate ceiling mosaics and it was worth every second of sacrificed sleep. Even today, creating artwork like it would be an impressive feat, let alone in the 11th century when the Church was constructed.
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(Part of the outside of St. Mark's Basilica featuring ornate mosaics and paintings)
After some morning sightseeing, we booked a boat tour for 20 euros each to take us to Murano and Burano, two smaller islands known for their glass and lace making, respectively. Our stop in Murano also included a live glass blowing demonstration! I am now the proud owner of a hand-made Venetian glass bead bracelet and an adorable glass snail (name is still pending). Burano was very quaint with canals lined with vibrant houses and filled with cafes and small shops highlighting their handmade lace.
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(First picture of a glass blowing presentation on Murano, the other two pictures of the canals of Burano. Yes, the tower in the third pic is leaning, it's not a crooked picture!)
Once back on the main island, we did a little shopping, ate some more yummy pasta, and took in the sights again before heading back to the main bus station to board our overnight bus, beginning our trek back to Sorrento. I lucked out and had both seats to myself on the bus, allowing me to get some much needed shut eye as I had my physics midterm that same morning!
I am already missing the charming streets and enchanting canals of Venice, but I have an exciting week and another weekend adventure ahead to keep me busy!
Marika Ruppart
Mechanical Engineering
Engineering in Sorrento, Italy
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bunny-j3st3r · 1 year
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Ref images courtesy of @hollowsart
for the sake of explanation even though it’s just my sona I’m gonna refer to myself in third person lmao.
In canon Au Sai is a mutant that was a marine biologist (I am not that irl sad it was something I wanted to study tho :( ) and had the ability to go to deep depths that humans typically couldn’t descend to because of there body having gills under their fur and their fur being basically insulation for deep waters (they would come out somewhat dry after being in the water, think magic and but not perfectly dry) and this was how they found Ferrol.
In this other au I think they would still be a marine biologist but they never went out to the trench at that time, maybe a punishment from Norman for trying to be a smart ass when they accused Norman of dumping oil and trash into the oceans.
So they got down graded away from the aquarium and ended up having to do a lot of paper work write up at a different lab, this lab happened to be where geneticized animals where being tested on to see if they could more helpful in the future for human kind.
Being a mutant they weren’t all to keen working in this area and they where pretty sure that’s why Norman placed them in there but the plus side was they made decent friends with a couple of the scientists there and would often go and see what they would be working on and give there opinions and thoughts.
At some point of time testing on spiders had began, now because of this they avoided the main labs for a short time as having a fear of spiders they didn’t really want to be around them, until they got an alert email.
A genetically modified Theridion grallator spider had seemingly gone missing, as small as it was they weren’t sure what damages it could do since they had yet to test this out.
As they read this and thought about leaving for the day till they found it, they felt a sharp nip on there neck, instantly slamming a hand down on to there neck they then found the poor creature, ah, they knew the other scientists weren’t going to be particularly happy but they were at fault for this one, should of taken better care of it.
Over the course of a few days they began to find themselves going through some changes, sure they where a shape shifter but there body was doing things that they knew couldn’t normally do and it was then that the process of Jester spider began to come into play.
some lil bits of info
- There spider name is Jester Spider due to the spider that bit them being called a clown faced spider, they designed there costume around a jester but they also gain a more exciting and freeing personality when in costume, thus calling themselves Jester.
- When in costume Sai does not speak, they use squeaks and honks to respond to situations, this is beneficial for them as not using there voice makes it a lot harder to figure out who they are.
- They modified there webbing so it acts still like webbing but also looks like silly string, each shot comes out a different colour. it’s also bio degradable so will often waste away after a day or so as if it were never there.
- Out of costume they seem to be more relaxed and almost tired all of the time, they prefer to take it easy. In costume they are more hyper and playful but they are also really hard to read, this makes them a rather chaotic foe for enemies as they really can not judge there next move.
- Before they got bit there tail wasn’t really that strong, it could be used to help them swim but they couldn’t really do much else with it, after getting bit they seem to be able to use it like a third arm, it’s able to pick things up as well as able to hang them from high places if they don’t particularly want to waste webbing. 
- They have bells on there costume but for some reason can still move extremely stealth like, the bells only seem to ring excitedly during fights.
- They are extremely nimble although it does not look it from there size, but they can move and play the same way a jester would act and perform tricks.
- They don’t shape shift in costume, harder to do and they would be found out quick who they were.
- More mutant types are to be expected in this au and ‘Jester’ has been accused of favouring them over humans, which isn’t true but when humans are protesting mutants just living peacefully it’s a little hard not to choose sides.
- JJJ still calls them a menace so in defiance they break into JJJ’s office a lot and leave small harmless pranks around, they think it’s funny but only seems to annoy JJJ more.
- They have there own villains to deal with here but because of there unpredictable nature, villains tend to find ‘Jester’ very hard to deal with, espically since ‘Jester’ just tends to go in with no game plan other than stop villain and keep civilians safe, but villains aren’t actually ever sure if Jester would keep civilians safe just to stop them because they act so chaotic. (the answer is yes Sai will protect civilians even if it doesn't seem it)
- They can pull tech things they need out from under there hat, this includes web bombs, spider drones, etc, the fun part is they don’t ever actually know what they might pull out, so it could be helpful, might also not be.
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xmadeoflightningx · 4 months
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if you’re hearing IGNITE by STARTISAN playing, you have to know DAMIEN RAMOUTAR (HE/HIM; CISMALE) is near by! the 36 year old MARINE TECHNICIAN has been in town for, like, 30 YEARS . they’re known to be quite RESENTFUL, but being WARM-HEARTED seems to balance that out. or maybe it’s the fact that they resemble NICK SAGAR. personally, i’d love to know more about them seeing as how they’ve got those CAMPING UNDER THE STARS, RESTLESS SLEEP AND DARK DREAMS, FAMILY DINNERS EVERYWEEK vibes. and maybe i’ll get my chance if i hang out around RIVERSIDE long enough!
Bio details:
tw: death/grief, military, drugs
The Ramoutar men were always meant for the sea. His father was a fisherman, like his own father before him and Damien always planned to join the family business. Whenever he could he'd find himself out on his father's boat learning the ropes and rigs. The long days at sea and unpredictability of nature however often left Damien's mother raising him and his baby brother alone. When Damien was six and a storm nearly capsized his father's boat, she had had enough. His parents divorced, his mother moving them to Hemlock Springs to be closer to her own family, finding the support she'd been lacking over the years.
To her surprise, his father had moved as well, leaving the family business to his brother and leaving the Caribbean to join them in Washington. He didn't quite leave the sea behind though and started working on a boat out of Seattle. Damien continued to join his father, splitting his time between his mother and father. Eventually his mother moved on, marrying his stepfather and Damien was glad to see his mother happy, despite the continued stress he brought her which each trip out to sea.
When he was 12, she'd implored him to stay behind, his half sister soon to be born but he insisted. He could never explain why but something had nudged him to go on that trip with his father. He never expected that it would be his last. The storm had come out of no where and his father was there one second, gone the next, swept out to sea. His grief was overwhelming and over the next few years as much as he loved his family, he struggled to find his place.
Joining the military out of high school among his band of brothers he couldn't help but feel something akin to the comradery he'd felt among the crew on his father's boat. After his initial term of deployment he continued to re-up, until he was at a decade in service. He had planned to re-up again when word came in from his mother, his sister had fallen in with the wrong crowd picking up bad habits and was now missing. He adored her, it didn't take him long to make his way home to help with the search. They'd found her thankfully and gotten her into a decent rehab and for the first time in a long time, Damien found a desire to stay, to be closer to family.
Discharging from the military and taking a few classes, he only made his mother one promise: not to be a fisherman. Instead he found his place as a Marine Technician and finally settled into Hemlock Springs, though he did get himself a nice houseboat in the marina and even has a sailboat in drydock. He hopes one day he'll be able to take his own kid sailing like his father had, if Aria allows atleast.
Wanted connections:
military buddies
friends of the family
neighbors at the Marina in Riverside
clients who's boats he helps fix
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nintendouniverse2023 · 10 months
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Scene I have a few ideas of Super Mario Rebirth Show AU, I figured that I would make My own AU Series of Sonic the Hedgehog with also of few ideas, with redesigns of The Sonic Heroes and Villains.
Bio: Marine was born on Southern Island in the middle of nowhere on the sea, where she was kept company by the Coconut Crew from a young age. Growing up, Marine dreamt of going out and see the world as the captain of her own ship and have adventures, eventually becoming discontent over staying on her island like a prisoner. As such, she would spent her days gazing across the ocean, particular at the Plant Kingdom, while wondering about what lied beyond her home. By the time she was seven years old, Marine finally decided to set out, and took up sailing and shipbuilding, making numerous attempts to make her own ship with Materials.
In Sonic Rush Adventure arc, Marine found Sonic the Hedgehog and Miles "Tails" Prower when they washed up on Seagull Beach. Claiming to having "saved" them, introductions were made and Marine promptly invited them to stay with her until they found a way home. The next day, Marine took the SS Marine out on its maiden voyage while Sonic and Tails watched, but she failed to control it and crashed. Her loss left Marine devastated, but Tails offered to build her a new boat. While Marine was unsure about it due to several issues, Sonic and Tails made the Wave Cyclone with a book provided by Marine. Proclaiming herself the captain, Marine "lead" the group out on their journey to different islands, looking for Materials. While Marine got to see new places, often wandering off despite Sonic and Tails' warnings, the group was attacked by several robotic enemies on their journey which Marine suspected was jealous of her adventures. They also met the rogue racer Johnny, who Marine goaded into challenging her, only to pass it over to Sonic. When reaching Coral Cave, Marine unveiled the isle by poking at an altar. There, they met Captain Whisker, whom Marine antagonized, and his crew, who were the ones behind the robot attacks. They also met Sonic's old ally, Blaze the Cat, who helped fight off Whisker, though the pirates got away with the Jeweled Scepter, an artifact in Coral Cave which Blaze tried to protect. Hearing that Sonic and Tails were actually from another world, Marine had them explain it all, and they decided to help Blaze recover the scepter which posed a threat to both their worlds.
Years after this event were Marine counties to join her friends an there quest as well as sailing across the seas. She then learned the truth about Sonic use to be a Freedom Fighter in the past and She was thrilled whe he form the new Freedom Fighters as a leader. She still rushed into actions in the seas if she was needed unless she rushed without thinking.
Appearance: Her fur is White, Black and Orange, Her swimshorts are gray and blue and her tank top and sandals and green
Voice Actor: Andrea Libman
Age: 11
Height: 4.8
Weight: 124 ibs
Personality: talkative, cheerful, carefree and energetic, but also stubborn at times, brash and overconfident and extremely scatterbrained
Favorite Foods: Sea food and Some Meat
Family: Mr and Ms Raccoon back at Southern Island
Allies: Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy Rose, Sally Acorn , Antoine, Bunnie Rabbio, Rotor, Shadow *Former Enemy*, Rouge, Cream, Vanilla, Sticks, Blaze, Silver, Team Chaotix, Diamond Cutters, Jewel Beetle and Belle
Enemies: Dr Eggman, Agent Stone, Dr Starline, Emma Robotnic, Team Jet *Sometimes*, Surge the Tenrec, Snively and Lyric the Snake
Likes: Adventures, Excitement, Her friends, Ships, Being the captain, Giving orders and Talking
Dislikes: Ghosts, Pirates, Being ignored, Being interrupted, Showing weakness Being tickled and Not going on adventures
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oreozfox · 2 years
🌟 BNHA OC- Kazuko Shimizu 🌟
I got the idea to just make a bio post for Kazuko after seeing similar ones by @epickiya722 ! This bio is formatted similarly to hers.
Kanji Name: 清水和子
Hero Name: Rejuvenation Hero Pegasus
Age: 18 (currently in Springs of Pegasus), 22 (current BNHA canon)
Occupation: Sidekick of Ms. Joke (currently in Springs of Pegasus), Pro Hero (current BNHA canon)
Gender and Pronouns: Female, she/her
Birthday: October 15th
Physical Description: Kazuko is a woman of short stature, standing at 5'3" (just over 160 cm). She has black hair, with a few strands of mauve, especially around her bangs. Her eyes are the same color as those mauve strands. Her skin is a dark shade of tan. She's a bit of an intense person, so she kinda has RBF lol. She's often glaring to some capacity. When she's not wearing her Hero costume, she often dresses comfortably, usually in big t-shirts (abt half of which were Keigo's lol) and shorts.
Family/Relationships: There isn't much on her parents yet in the story, but her father Mihiro Shimizu is a marine biologist (and the one Kazuko inherited the healing aspect of her Quirk from, as well as the mauve hair and eye colors). Her mother Carmelita Shimizu is from the Philippines, and works as a lifeguard. Kazuko is their oldest child, and has five younger siblings. Kazuko has a close relationship with her mentor Ms. Joke, despite their differing personalities. She also looks up to Eraserhead, whom she worked with for a time (and used to have a massive crush on). Now, Kazuko has a romantic interest in Hawks. Later, they start dating. Kazuko's closest friends are Miruko and Swordspirit (whom I'll make a page for soon!)
Personality: Kazuko is very duty-driven, focusing a lot of her energy on her Hero work. This makes her come off as very intense, serious, and "stiff", according to Keigo. She also has a fiery temper. She has a strong sense of justice, and hates feeling patronized or weak more than just about anything. Despite seeming cold most of the time, Kazuko shows a lot of respect for her elders and superiors, like the older Pros she works with. She also has a tender and friendly side which isn't shown often, but is still there.
Quirk: Kazuko's Quirk is Springs of Pegasus (which the fic she appears in is named after!). She can produce rejuvenating water which can ease pain, injuries, and fatigue in reasonable amounts (often not enough to substitute for a trip to Recovery Girl). She also bears a pair of white wings. They are not as large or strong as Keigo's, and they are simply a part of her body, unable to easily detach from her body. She can feel them just like others can feel her limbs, if not more so, making wing injuries especially painful for her. Her wings also have slight bioluminescence, able to glow in certain spots to light her way. The placement of these spots closely resemble the structure of the Pegasus constellation!
Hobbies: I haven't put much thought into this, but she can play the electric guitar and surf! To decompress, she likes to go on flights at night, especially if Keigo accompanies her. Has forbidden herself from playing video games, though, after she damaged one of Keigo's controllers when she got very angry at a game jdjshgjkdfhk (don't worry she bought him a new one lol)
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lovesickmermaid · 2 years
15 Questions & 15 Mutuals
Tagged by @pixlerelish 😘
1) Are you named after anyone? Kind of? My maiden middle name was Marie which is also my mom's middle name, but I changed it to my maiden last name when I got married.
2) When is the last time you cried? I think the question is when am I not crying? I cry so much I literally can't keep track. Probably this week at some point I cried. By the way, it's only Tuesday as I'm writing this.
3) Do you have kids? I do not. I'm not gonna go into the whole thing with kids and why it should be socially acceptable to not continuously ask people when they're going to have kids/why they don't have kids. It's weird. Just stop it.
4) Do you use sarcasm a lot? With people I'm really close with, yes, sometimes. I hate when people are sarcastic with me though, so I try not to be unless the context of the situation is lighthearted and fun.
5) What’s the first thing you notice about people? I don't really pay attention to what I notice about people when I meet them, but I'm just gonna go with their eyes.
6) What’s your eye color? Green!
7) Scary movie or happy ending? Happy ending always. I hate scary movies.
8) Any special talents? Crying over men who will never know I exist.
9) Where were you born? The land where palm trees sway... Florida. I was born in Florida.
10) Do you have any hobbies? I have a hobby about once every few months that I am overly excited about for like a week before I get bored with it and never go back to it again.
11) Do you have any pets? Two golden retrievers: Lola & Gracie 🐶
12) What sports are/have you played? I played soccer a looonnnggg time ago and I think that's the last time I played a sport. I took tennis as a class in high school, but that was just to get an easy A.
13) How tall are you? 5'6"
14) What’s your favorite subject in school? When I *was* in school I always liked the elective classes. I took Marine Bio in high school and it was one of the best classes I've ever taken. As far as regular classes go, I'd say English/Writing class was my favorite. I love expressing words and feelings through writing and I've been told almost my whole life that I'm pretty ok at it. As far as college classes go, criminology classes all the way. It's what I majored in and I found most of them so interesting.
15) Dream job? I don't think I've ever had a dream job, but if I had to choose it would be something in Forensics. I got my master's degree in forensic science because I was influenced by The Staircase on Netflix. Highly recommend.
I'm tagging @lephantomdelioncourt again because I have no friends on here and now you HAVE to do this because both me and @pixlerelish said you have to 💜 (I'm sorry if you've done this one already. I honestly can't keep up). K, love you!
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risingscorchingsuns · 7 months
hi everyone, welcome to my blog!!!
my name is Leon, and i really, really love demon slayer! kny has been a huge comfort for me for years, and it’s been a special interest of mine since about november 2023. i want to create a space that is safe and fun to share with other people who are as passionate about kny as me!! :D my main is @lavenderbrigade but im more active here!
a bit about me!
yippeee yay i love demon slayer!! it’s my main special interest, and it means a lot to me! rengoku is my favorite character and all-time comfort character, (i have a tattoo to honor him!) but i love every character, really!! my other favorites are sanemi, genya, akaza, mitsuri and senjuro, to name a few!!
my pronouns are strictly he/him! please do not use any other pronouns for me- this includes they/them! (i have nothing against they/them pronouns, they just don’t suit me <3) i am a gay trans man, and a lot of my writing for Hikaru reflects my experiences as such! :)
additionally, i am very neurodivergent and often struggle with tone and responding quickly to dms! please be patient with me- i am trying my best! tone tags are very helpful for me <3
This is a kny blog, but my other interests + hyperfixations include resident evil, (4 specifically!) deepsea marine bio, minecraft, and stardew valley! im always happy to talk about non-kny stuff, i just have constant rengoku autism <3
rules and expectations!!
i am 20 years old! that being said, this is a sfw blog!! i won’t ever post any direct nsfw here, but I may post gore/body horror at some point, generally aligned with what would be typical of Demon Slayer. any posts that contain more than mild gore will be appropriately trigger warninged! i also might post kissing and things like that, but never anything too explicit! my nsfw blog is @hikaru-after-dark- follow there for horny posting lmao
mostly though, this is just a fun safe space for me to blorbopost about rengoku and to share mine and my friends’ ocs :)
additionally, I have read the manga, and this page will contain spoilers!! please keep that in mind!!!
DNI and boundaries!!
DNI if you:
are a proshipper
ship RenTan specifically but really any of the ships that fall into that category
hate on furries
do not support lgtbq+ or otherwise queer people
look man just don’t be a bad person ok
not exactly a DNI, you’re still welcome on my blog, but please note i will probably not follow you back if you also selfship with rengoku! i mean no ill intent- doubles make me anxious and it’s a personal boundary 😓
My Tags!
I’ve got a few tags, and frankly im kinda bad at keeping them organized, but I do my best!
#hikaru eritora - my Karu tag!! Anything Hikaru related goes here 🪲
#leon writes - my writing tag! Here you can read my fics, oneshots, and anything else I write.
#leon rambles - this is primarily KNY analysis, but it’s also the occasional miscellaneous ramble! I love talking nonsense into the void <3
#leon askbox - anything that comes from my askbox!!
#leon says words - man im just talking lmao. professional yapper over here
#leon scribbles - my art tag! Here you can view my artwork :)
#not kny - exactly as it sounds! This tag is for anything on this blog explicitly unrelated to kny. It’s rare that I use it, but I like organization lol
#kny analysis - anything related to kny meta or narrative analysis!
#writing resources archive tag - this one’s mainly for me, but you’re welcome to poke through it! I keep my writing tips and tricks in here :)
I have some various side characters, but my main and favorite oc, as well as the face of this page, is Hikaru Eritora! I plan to reveal more and more of his story over time, but if you want to know a synopsis of his story, you can find it here!
My Writings!
I am an amateur writer!! So far everything I’ve written has been for Karu, but who knows! I just like stories :)
Full Length Fics/Oneshots:
Blazing Heart’s Rhapsody
Don’t Let Go
Requiem of the Subconscious
Completed RP Thread Archive:
Brothers in Arms (with @definitelynotgideon)
OC Refs!!
Here’s Hikaru’s ref!! I absolutely adore any headcanons, asks, or other questions I get about him, so please feel free to shoot me some!! My inbox is always open!!
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Thank you for reading, and for being on my page! Set your heart ablaze!!! ❤️‍🔥
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gr4ces-di4ry · 1 year
Intro post 🤎
Hii my names grace but i also go by gracie, i made this acc to use like a digital diary but also for my photography!
I'm 17 and im interested in photography (obviously 😭), space, animals and especially marine bio, insects, ISOPODSSS, botany, art, music (i play a few instruments but mainly electric and acoustic guitar), i have MANY more interests but I'd be going on for awhile lol
I hope to make some friends here or to at least be able to share my photos and interests for others to enjoyyy
Lastly the cameras i use are
- my phone
- canon rebel t2i and t6 and a canon film camera (i dont know what type off thw top of my head)
Thats all 🤎
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scriptdogtor · 2 years
Let’s talk territory. If this adaptation wants to remain true to the original, mermaids have predators like sharks.
What about orcas?
So like, how do they keep safe? Do sharks recognize territories like mammals do?
Also, if we are to assume merpeople get high, are there any underwater equivalents of weed?
Oooh, these are interesting! I'll try to break these down since there's a lot to elaborate on for each, but I might expand upon these bits if anyone has additional thoughts/questions.
First thing's first, from an ethology perspective:
We tend to interpret animal behavior from a human lens.
This is a natural, normal thing to do. We see a dog behaving a certain way and we attach a label (dominant/jealous/needy/etc.) to it. This gives us shorthand to communicate, but it can perpetuate myths or even miscolor our interpretations of what animals do. So when we talk about behavior, it's important to start with what we can see in the field vs. how we interpret it first.
Animals respect territorial boundaries becomes this species keeps to a defined, measurable range. Animals mark along the edges of this range.
Merfolk & Shark Predation
I've seen stories that have merfolk diets all over the place and that's great for storytelling potential. I know what you mean by the OG tales featuring shark attacks, but I'm not sure that means a shark would choose a merperson over easier prey.
I'll focus on sharks adapted to pursue larger prey. Think Great Whites, maybe Threshers, or Tiger Sharks. These sharks tend to be opportunistic feeders and are drawn to particular types of movement. They have preferred prey and it's not humanlike.
Thresher shark hunting (which gives me ideas for predatory merfolk):
Great White hunting patterns discovered by dorsal fin cameras (overdramatized but good info)
Merfolk have a size and likely social advantage to seals. For prey of opportunistic animals, it pays to be faster, smarter, or more difficult to catch than the prey next to you.
Love this practical breakdown of film shark attacks, and one of the most important things about this is that most shark "attacks" are curiosity rather than predation. Lots of good info about adaptations, too!
Orcas as Apex Predators
Orcas are efficient predators. That doesn't make them universally dangerous to humans or humanlike creatures, but our perception of their behavior has a lot to do with culture. They're also large enough that non-predatory behavior could seriously injure a creature our size.
I have been shoved by a cow and stepped on by draft horses, but I have not been shoved by an animal who swims better than I do and is 13,000 lbs.
Ultimately, a seal is going to make a more efficient meal for an orca, but there are so many regional differences in orca populations that maybe they might be a danger to some merfolk? Mer do have the advantage of not needing to go to the surface to breathe, so they could simply wait them out.
Also, shoutout to the Little Mermaid series because we all love Spot. You can tell where the animators referenced male and female orcas by how they shaped his dorsal fin.
Note on Sharks & Territorial Range:
I'm not actually sure what we know about sharks having defined ranges or not. I don't think they do? At least not in the way humans think about territories, which comes from our culture of defined, strict, labelled nation boundaries.
A lot of predators will stick around a certain range if they've got prey (see: some orcas sticking to food-rich areas in ranges as small as a few miles) but I don't know of any behaviors that maintain that range.
Any marine bio friends have any insights?
Merfolk Defenses
Even if they aren't a primary food source, merfolk can deliberately keep themselves safe. We can infer defenses from our similar anatomy and pull from what we know about marine life, too.
Likely defenses:
Social grouping. Your friends can watch your back.
Intelligence. Coordination means you're much more difficult to catch and much more dangerous.
Endurance. Humans aren't physically the best at much, but we were originally meant to tire out our prey.
Applying camouflage. You have the issue of both skin and scales/fins, but humans have been applying camouflage to themselves since the beginning of time. Merfolk can probably do the same.
Tools & weapons. Think of all the glass that gets littered in the ocean. Ouch.
Some cool adaptations for your stories:
Fin shape adapted for fast, efficient movement. I'm interested because 2023 Ariel's fin shape implies she moves more slowly than a few of her sisters.
Spiny fins. Careful your spines don't injure your merfriend's skin, though.
Echolocation or lateral line sensation. Perception equals better awareness of your surroundings before a predator can catch up.
Marine Recreational Substances - Tetrodotoxin
I had no idea what to title this. So you get this one!
With any substance, the dose makes the poison and the dose makes the high. My first thought is obviously tetrodotoxin, or the venom found in pufferfish. It's a sodium-channel blocker and can interfere with nerve/muscle communication.
Other sodium-channel blockers include lidocaine and cannabidiol. I'm not experienced enough in pharmacology to tell you how different these might be, but drugs that have the same mechanisms of action can have vastly different effects. Some drugs are more specific than others and have more narrow margins of safety. Still...it's interesting to think about.
I'll have to look into other venoms to see how they work, too.
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