#i have a cup specifically for water because if i don't i will simply Not Drink Water
keeps-ache · 22 days
my brother keeps taking my dang water cup c'mon man ! !
#just me hi#i have a cup specifically for water because if i don't i will simply Not Drink Water#and that can go on for much longer than healthy so lmfvsh#but he keeps TAKING it to wash it. i don't have a problem with the washing but he doesn't bring it BACK#Please brother. i'll die. audibly. that last part will be purposeful and loud. please#/i also have a cup specifically for everything But water#bc you cannot just simply rinse or wash a sticky cup. you have to use some funkin Elbow Grease in there and i Hate That lmdhv#plus i don't want to be thirsty and then have to go through the Process every single time. like i said i will just die. audibly. instead lo#it Is a little plastic cup that my mother bought when my youngest siblings were toddlers but man every other cup hurts my dang hands so it'#My cup now ehehehgh#<- that's the Sticky Liquids cup. Water Cup is green :) and also yellow but mostly green :)#it was not the colour i wanted but the other one was an awful shade of pink (<///3) and i like being able to just Know where it is on my#table when i need it lol :3#'keeps what about the bacteria' listen. Listen Listen. i'm going to die. audib-#//anywho i'm gonna ship off rn lol#that $1.75 is really in my brain atm.. ourgh........#it's either that or the pink brain disease gets me again. and ooouh boy will it Get me i know it hgkkfjvsh#//^ looked up pink brain disease and it gave me results for mercury poisoning#that kinda checks lmfvshjgb#/okay NOW i go. POW [poofs into a couple dry leaves]
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luboy7rt · 30 days
How I think COD GHOSTS Characters Would Sleep/Sleep next to you (GN - Teammate!Reader)
Note: This is like awkward coworker things. As if being forced to share a bed, not really romantic or anything, so it's platonic but could be for anyone. Just my thoughts on how these characters would react/act to this type of situation.
Includes; Elias Walker, David ‘Hesh’ Walker, Logan Walker, Keegan P. Russ, Thomas A. Merrick, Kick and Riley
Elias Walker:
- He does an awkward little ‘I'm just gonna scootch in right here’ murmur as he lays down on one side of the bed. A pillow between you two as he crosses his arms over his chest to sleep.
- He's dead asleep before you even touch your pillow, and he snores… loudly. Like loud. And he can sleep in any position. His time in the military trained him for anything. Even if you take up most of the bed, he can hang his legs half off it and still stay asleep.
- He ends up sleeping with a pillow over his eyes, his arm would keep it in place, it lowkey looks like he suffocated himself, but nah, he's fine. Somehow, he just sleeps like that just to ‘block everything out’ for no specific reason. (But hey it blocks out his snores half the time)
- Elias doesn't really shift or move once he's asleep, he just stays very still, you might assume he's dead every time You wake up through the night.
- Elias is the ‘right’ temperature during the night, he's always very warm, not too cold or not too hot. If you're cold, he's willing to simply offer you all the blankets, or if you're hot he wouldn't mind taking the blankets for himself.
- Elias tries to be mindful of what you want or need, you could just wake him up if you need to, just let him know if you need something. Like you want a cup of water? He would get up out of bed to go get you one.
David ‘Hesh’ Walker:
- Surprisingly, Hesh doesn't snore, but he does like grunt or groan when he sleeps whenever he shifts over or when Riley hops onto him/the bed to sleep with you both.
- He isn't very awkward if you two know each other ‘well enough’ but if you two don't? He's as stiff as a board, glancing at you every few minutes as if to ensure that this was okay, are you comfortable? He's not comfortable.
- Hesh puts a pillow between the two of you at the beginning of the night, but half way through he ends up holding that pillow, cuddling up to it just to have something to hold. 
- He spawls out when he sleeps, unlike Elias he shifts around alot, moving his body when he's too hot, to find the colder areas of the bed. Hesh is like a human-heater while asleep and you being in the bed next to him doesn't help.
- If you need something he will begrudgingly go get it for you, he would grumble or be sassy about it though. Only for your first ask, if he gets in bed and you ask him for another thing? He's not getting up till morning unless it's important.
Logan Walker: 
- He snores, despite being deadly silent throughout the whole day, he snores like his father. Very loud, Like put him and Riley in a room together overnight and Hesh would refuse to sleep near them.
- Logan would just opt to stay awake, silently staring at the ceiling as you sleep next to him. He reflecting his life, like he does every night. His hands grasped together on his lower stomach as he doesn't even move. 
- You might get curious and glance up because you don't even hear or see him breath, get jumpscared by his eyes being wide open as he ‘reflects’ or he also just sleeps with his eyes open somehow. Like half open, his eyes don't even fully close as he got into a ‘habit’ when he was young. (It scared the shit out of Elias and Hesh constantly when he was young, Elias would always just..  close his eyes at night, so he didn't have to see it or put a sleep mask on him)
- Logan isn't aware of this habit either, you try and smack him awake, and he wakes up but confused thinking you just smacked him for no reason, even if you try and explain it to him, he just waves it off.
- Logan’s freezing during the night, he ends up accidentally stealing the blanket a handful of times from you. You may need to yank it back over yourself or he just wouldn't notice your silent suffering or your annoyance.
- Logan isn't a fan of getting woken up, he would give you a side eye as he grunts if you ask for something.. unless it's very needed, he won't be moving. Claims his legs asleep just for him to forget about your request and fall back asleep.
Keegan P. Russ: 
- He's an asshole, puts his cold feet over you, never in a pattern, but just does it, even wakes you up with just putting his feet on you.
- He can sleep anywhere, Any position, any time. Give him five minutes and he'll be dead asleep.
- Suffers from nightmares, so he might scare you awake randomly through the night when he shoots up from his sleep and accidentally almost shoves you off the bed.
- Keegan is freezing, and he knows it. Randomly places his hand on your arm or his legs over yours if you two know each other very well, he's simply smug and likes messing with you.
- If you two don't know each other he's silently there. Won't interact with you, won't touch you, won't go near you, there is two pillows between you both as if you even shift he's staring at you. He would stay awake the whole night, not trusting sleeping next to someone he doesn't know very well.
- If you do ask him for something throughout the night he tells you to “screw yourself” or a flat out “No.” before going to go get whatever you ask for within five minutes. He won't get up twice though, so if you need a handful of things just ask while he's up because he will ignore you if you ask for something else after he lays down again.
Thomas A. Merrick:
- It isn't that bad at all, Merrick's pretty respectful, makes it comfortable for you both. He'll ask if you are comfortable when you sleep side by side. If you're not? He's willing to put a pillow between you, or he might just end up sleeping on a chair if you don't want to sleep next to him.
- He will scrunch up his body uncomfortably if you ask him to sit in the chair. Merrick can somehow sleep like that, but will wake up with back pains.
- Sleeping in bed next to each other isn't even awkward, it's just the silence that is heavy, he makes sure not to touch you, or bother you. But he does snore in his sleep, and it's never continuous snoring. No it's random loud snores or snorts while he's asleep, it's like a jumpscare how random it is.
- He apologizes if you wake him up to tell him off, and does indeed sleep elsewhere if you want him to. Merrick does care about your sleep, you both being teammates, he needs you in your best conditions and if he is ruining your sleep accidentally, he's willing to sleep elsewhere.
- Merrick is nice and warm when he sleeps, he wouldn't really mind if you cuddle up to him if you two know each other well enough. He will simply put his arm under your head and hold you close. 
- If you ask him to get up from the bed to get you something, he would grumble about it under his breath but get up to go get it for you, you can do this a maximum of three times throughout the while night before he gets too agitated with you and gives you a order to just go to fucking bed.
- Kick is.. well a difficult sleeper, he could either have great nights of sleep, or he'll continuously wake up every few hours. In turn? He wakes you up every few hours as well, he shifts, turns, throws a leg over you (you can throw it back over him or shove him off the bed, he will end up staying on the floor till the next time he wakes up through the night.).
- He also makes random noises? Like completely random, he's somehow really good at impressions while dead asleep, boots against the floor? No it's just Kick sleep talking..? conversations while he's dead asleep? It keeps you on edge the whole night, not knowing what is Kick… or what could possibly be an intruder.
- You two end up kicking eachothers feet all night long, Kick doing it too well.. kick you, randomly just attacking your feet with his own, and in retaliation you kick him back, this goes on all night. Neither of you get sleep.
- He ends up asking to hold hands with a smug look, just for his own amusement, he's trying to make this night difficult for you so he can laugh later. 
If you accept? Great, his interlocking your hands with a smug look on his face, ends up doing a death grip on your hand and he commits to the bit, he stays like that all night, even if it gets sweaty.. You'll have to fight him to get him to let go.
If You give him a side eye, tell him to shut up and get some rest, he'll be dramatic. Monologues out loud about his ‘disappointment’, makes it a point to call Keegan (if he could, Keegan might hangup or just listen to make fun of Kick next time they're on a mission together) and complain to him loudly for you to hear.
- Kick is a cool guy, not to hot or not to cold, he doesn't mind cuddling at all, he will put up a fight if you attempt to take all the blankets, if he gets none he will cuddle up to your cocooned form (if you are comfortable with that) 
- If you ask him to get up to get you something he just laughs at you and tells you hell no. Unless it's important, he's not moving from this bed until morning.
- It's actually not that awkward sharing a bed with Kick, his constant teasing, jokes and idiotic actions make it seem more like a friendly sleepover rather than awkward co-worker forced to share a bed.
- Riley decides to sleep in your room instead of Hesh's (after Hesh annoyed the poor dog by promising Riley to go on a walk, then forgetting due to getting back from a rough mission.) Riley ends up plopping head first into your pillow, carrying one of Logan's shirt in his mouth deciding it was his comfort item of the night.
- Riley just puts a good chunk of his weight onto you, plops his butt right to sit on you while you're asleep to attempt to wake you up. Like he will just sit like that and side eye you until you wake up and acknowledge his grand presence. 
- if you don't pet him or lay him down next to you, he gets in your personal space, like creepily stares into your closed eyes, standing over you with Logan's damn sweatshirt smacking your face until you get up or groan.. or pull Riley down to lay next to you or on you.
- Riley's tail wags when you finally wake up or acknowledge him, laying over you as you give him attention. 
- Riley does indeed quiet down after he gets what he wants, but he sprawls In his sleep.. despite being a dog, he takes up most of the bed. (It's why Hesh gets grumbley when Riley decides to take over his bed, because neither Hesh, Logan or Riley are winning whenever they share a room, as Riley makes sure to take over any bed space he could see). 
- Riley also snores, no one is sure if he's just mimicking Elias or Logan or if he really just snores really loud. Riley does indeed sometimes loudly snores when napping, you'll hear it from another room.
(Random Note; Lowkey. I want more COD GHOSTS content. more lore on Torch, Neptune, and Grim. Hell even Kick, Ajax and the OG members, Like old Task Force Stalker missions, would be so epic to know about)
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turtlecleric · 7 months
I Know Now
late as usual ~ nsfw, rise!donnie x reader (cw: altered state of mind)
“Yes, Donnie.”
"Tell me again."
You blow out a slow breath, closing your eyes and pushing down the hint of exasperation that's starting to bloom in your chest. He's worried, you remind yourself. Unsure. Hesitant in a way that you simply aren't. You can be patient, for him. 
"It will be disorienting and confusing," you say once more. "I may feel overwhelmed or scared. I may not be able to control my thoughts or actions. I may hate it."
Donnie searches your face, brows furrowed. "And you still want t-"
The movement of his free hand tapping rapidly against his thigh catches your eye. It makes you soften further, seeing how worried he is about this. About you. You step forward to wrap your arms around him, and his own slide around you immediately, making the bottle of pills in his hand rattle as he does. His cheek rests on the top of your head, and you bask in the comfort of his hold for a long moment before leaning back to catch his gaze. Somber, anxious eyes look back at you. 
"I trust you,” you murmur. “I understand the risks. And I still really want to do this. Okay?"
His mouth opens, but he closes it without saying anything. When he opens it again, it's with a firmer, more resolute expression.
"Okay," he says, nodding and pulling away fully from your hug. "Let's get you set up then."
He leads you to the bed nestled in the back corner of the workshop - one that he put together specifically for this. Sturdy, with a mattress that has just the right amount of give, an absurd number of pillows, and the softest blankets and sheets you've ever had the pleasure of running your hands over. The memory of when he'd first shown you the finished product makes you smile. 
It's perfect, Donnie!
Of course it is! I made it to your exact preferences based on the data I've collected over the past few weeks, and - oh, let me show you how the heating function works!
God. You love him so fucking much. 
Settled amongst the pillows now, with him kneeling on the bed beside you, your heart sings thinking about how much work he's put into this. The pills, obviously. The bed. The lectures and pamphlets and reminders that you don't have to do this - despite the fact that you were the one who requested it in the first place. Wanting to experience a taste of what it's like for him, so you can understand better but… also because you're a little selfish. He's told you countless times how much better his season is now that he has you. Alone, it had been miserable. With you… it's something incredible. And he always seems so content during his season - relaxed and satisfied and so goddamn happy. Giddy with it, even. You want to see what that feels like. 
"The effects should last approximately one hour," Donnie says, pulling you from your thoughts. The bottle rattles again when he gingerly shakes a single pill into his hand. "Don't forget that your heart rate will increase, and you'll start to feel really warm. That's normal. Oh, and don’t forget that-”
"Donnie," you call softly, cutting him off. You take the pill from him with one hand and use the other to weave your fingers around his and squeeze. "As long as I'm with you, I'll be fine."
His eyes soften, and the tiny smile on his face bolsters you. Before he has a chance to make you repeat the warnings (again), you reach over to one of the cup holders jutting out from the side of the bed and pick up a water bottle. 
(It's important to stay hydrated, dearest. Ooh! Watch this, there's a hidden cupboard for snacks that raises up when you press-)
The pill goes down easily, and Donnie immediately starts to ramble again. Reminding you of what to expect, of the contingency plans in place should you decide this really isn't for you and you need to stop. You half-listen, smirking when he falters for just a moment as you start to strip. 
You'd thought you might get a bit chilly since he keeps it relatively cold in here, but you're feeling okay even without your clothes. You get comfortable on the bed, lying down and… about to ask how long it will take for… hm.
He's still talking, but you're a little distracted by the way his throat moves as he speaks. The way his tendons stretch and pull when he shifts, when he turns his head, or... the glimpses of his tongue, his teeth, as he talks. 
Wait. Focus. 
You blink up at him. "...Huh?" 
He looks like he can't decide between worry or amusement. It's not an unusual expression to see on his face - you evoke that in him pretty often - but something about it mesmerizes you. 
"How are you feeling?" He says again.
Feeling. How are you. Feeling. 
It's hard to focus when you're staring at him. Looking away feels impossible, but you manage to close your eyes and think. 
You feel... warm. That's right. He said that would happen. You feel… hazy. Like your thoughts have to drag themselves through molasses to make it to the surface. Hungry? No, hungry isn't quite right, but it's... similar. Like a craving. You want. You want. You feel your pulse in your throat, hear the blood rushing in your ears. You miss him. He’s right here, but you miss him. 
When you open your eyes and see him there, you feel yourself relax. His gaze is intense. Heavy. It makes you shiver, goosebumps rising along your arms and legs, and you try to focus. Focus. Try to… 
Why aren’t you touching him? It seems stupid to not be touching him. More than stupid, it feels wrong. You reach out, resting a hand against his plastron, feeling the vibrations there as he speaks.
Wait, what is he saying? You see the movement of his mouth, and you hear the words, but… the meanings slip away like smoke in your hands. Your name is the only thing you recognize, and oh, the way he says your name has you shivering again. Shivering - but you're so warm. The thought makes you smile, but it falls when you suddenly become aware of every inch that separates you from him. You place your other hand on his arm, curling around his bicep, pulling him closer, because he’s so far away. Even when he moves where you pull him, letting you wrap around him and press your face into the crook of his neck, he’s still too far away. 
He says your name again. Quiet and gentle, and you love the sound of it. It echoes in your mind, a layered whisper that soothes something you can’t put a name to. You breathe him in, nuzzling into his neck as the both of you lie down together. Arms around each other, your legs entwined, he’s right here but you need him closer. You need… something. You need…
Hands massage your back. Your shoulders. Someone is moaning and you think it might be you. You want to say something, but you can’t, can’t, can’t - there’s an ache in your chest, a burning in your stomach. Your thighs are sticky. You need- you can feel your cunt throbbing.
A brief moment of clarity. Suddenly you can understand his steady murmuring, can fully remember what's happening and how you got here. 
“-okay, I’m here. I’ll take care of you, okay? You’re safe, I’ve got you.”
You need him. You need him, you need him right now, and you have to tell him. You don’t even care, don’t have the capacity to even be embarrassed by how whiny your voice is when you finally manage to speak. “Donnie. Donnie, please. Please, I need you. Please fuck me, please, Donnie, please, I need-” 
The moment he kisses you, all of your thoughts slip away. There is only him and you and him and you and him but then he pulls away, and it hurts. You miss him. You try to tell him, ask him to come back, but someone is whimpering, and you miss him, and it hurts, and you can’t think. 
You miss him. 
His hands find you again, his lips pressing against your own, and the relief is overwhelming. Your entire body shudders, shaking apart beneath him. You can't differentiate between the touches, his hands and mouth here and there and everywhere, everywhere, everywhere at once. Someone whines again. 
Donnie lies on top of you then, arms pressed between you and the mattress, holding you close against him, and oh. The weight of him, the smell of him, the taste of him - it’s enough to make you go boneless. Something, something - his knee, you think - slides between your legs, pressing against you. You can't help but grind against it as his tongue just barely glides against yours. It’s so warm. Everywhere, everything, warm and good and safe.
You’re trembling, chills running up your spine, lighting sparking along your skin. You’re flying, you think. Weightless, somehow, with only friction and pressure and Donnie Donnie Donnie. He adjusts, his knee moving away, but before you can protest something slips inside of you. His finger, you realize after a few pumps, and it's better, so much better, but it's not enough and you need more more more-
Donnie is whispering something that you don’t understand, but his voice alone is like a balm. Soothing your impatience. Your desperation. You focus on the rumble of it, then on the rub of his jaw against yours, then on the slick circles of his thumb against your clit, then his fingers - two, now - pumping easily in and out of you. Your hips are in constant motion, your arms clawing at his arms, and you can't stop seeking him in every way that you can. Time warps - there is no time, only feeling as you fight to somehow have him closer. 
He lifts himself up, and you miss having his weight press you into the mattress, but then you feel him start to press something bigger inside of you, and fuck yes this is it. His cock - this is what you were craving, what you need more than oxygen itself, and it feels so fucking good. The feeling of him inside you, filling you up, full, so full of him. And then he starts to move and - no, this is what you need. This delicious, wet friction, the feeling of him spearing you open again and again as you pull apart at the seams. There is only him and here and now, and it’s all you've ever wanted and it's yours. 
Are you coming? You can't tell if you are or if it just feels that good to have him pumping into you. You can't seem to think past each thrust, your mind going blank after every... Fuck, are you coming? Or does it just feel that good-
One of his words slips through the mist that's replaced your mind. Mine. It makes your skin spark. You've never felt more safe, more content, more full. It's almost too much. Just the brush of his scales against your skin is enough to overwhelm you, and fuck, fuck, are you coming or does he just feel that good inside of you?
You want to tell him… something. Something. You don't know, couldn't put it into words even if you could manage to control your mouth enough to speak. You might already be speaking. You’re not sure. His voice, though, you are sure about. It's a constant echo in your mind, and you can’t understand the words but at the same time you do. You understand. Safe, pretty, good, mate, mine. Yes, yes, yes. You’re his. Forever. 
Your heart is beating so fast. Your entire body is one big heartbeat, pulsing with every movement he makes. It’s almost scary - would be scary if you didn’t feel so fucking good and so completely, utterly safe. You're an imploding star, a burning, writhing, blissed-out thing that used to be a person and that may not ever be one again. You think you might be okay with that. 
God, are you coming or does it-
That thought is abruptly disintegrated when you do come. Your eyes roll back into your head, waves and waves of shimmering pleasure lighting up every nerve. On and on and on, it doesn’t stop. It doesn’t stop, and you’re sure now. This is you coming, and it isn’t fucking stopping. Someone is crying, and this shouldn’t actually be possible. It shouldn't be possible for a person to feel this way, and it isn’t fucking stopping, holy fuck. The wave swells in a way it never has before, cresting and cresting and cresting, and- oh. You’re crying. That's you. 
breathe, darling. got you, beautiful, mine, doing so good. breathe. that’s it, pretty girl
He’s comforting you, you think. What is there to comfort? There has never been anything that feels as good as this. You’re still coming and he’s still fucking you through it, and thank god, because if he stopped you might actually die. You reach for him, but he's already there. 
mine, mine, mine
You think you might be starting to come down from that insane high. The trembling seems permanent, but you can think a little, can take in more of what he's saying now even though it's a little slurred in your ears. 
“- got you. All mine, so pretty and perfect. Smell so fucking good, taking my cock like you were made for me, like the perfect mate. So good, pretty girl, you're doing so good. I love you so-”
He's happy with you. You're being good. You're good. You're good and safe and warm, and he's here, and this is where he belongs, always. Deep inside of you, fucking you, always, always, with his fingers in your mouth and his teeth in your shoulder. You can't separate pain from pleasure. It's all one swirling, overwhelming cacophony of sensation until you feel him release inside of you, coating your insides with his come, marking you as his in every way - and it does something to your brain. You think you really are talking now, thanking him, maybe, or just- fuck, you can't concentrate, you're so full. 
Part of you mourns, even through the thick haze of your mind, knowing that he will pull out of you soon. But you're surprised to find that he doesn't, that he only needs a few moments before he's hard and pumping into you again. More sweet, incomprehensible words fall on your ears like so many shooting stars, and time continues to warp, and oh, fuck, the wave is cresting again-
When you wake, the first thing you become aware of is the fact that you feel so unbelievably relaxed. The second thing is that Donnie is holding you, stroking your hair and speaking to you softly. 
You take a slow, deep breath, and his words stop, then start again. This time you push through the haze enough to actually listen. 
“You haven't stopped smiling,” he says, his own smile audible in his voice. 
His hand continues to brush through your hair, while the fingers of his other hand tap absent-mindedly against your thigh. It's nice. You bask in the feeling for a moment before you respond. 
“It was like… like you said. The way you feel now, during your season. I just felt really… connected to you. Safe. And happy.” You sigh, snuggling in closer. “And really, really good. I don't know why you were so worried I would hate it.”
His hands stop. Then start again. When he answers, you can't hear the smile anymore. “It's only like that when- when you're with the person you…” 
He trails off, and you wait for him to elaborate. He doesn't. The silence grows heavy. You pull back to look up at him, but he avoids your eyes, his lips thinning and his brows pinching together. You finish his sentence for him. 
“The person you love?”
His throat bobs when he swallows, and his tiny nod makes your chest ache. To think that - even after everything you've been through - he was still unsure. Worried that the pill would not only make you miserable, but also that it would confirm your true feelings. 
Or lack thereof. 
“Donnie,” you start, but he cuts you off with a kiss. Slow, gentle, and intimate. He kisses you until you forget how to breathe, and when he finally pulls away you have to take a few moments to remind yourself of what you were going to say. “You thought I wouldn't-”
“I was wrong to worry,” he says simply, cutting you off once more. “I know that now.”
You consider pushing further, but the pleasant fog that still clings to your mind makes it hard to think. You close your eyes and breathe, trying to focus past the memory of his lips on yours. It’s hard when his hands still trail through your hair. When you open them again, he’s still avoiding your gaze. 
“You know I love you. Right?”
His eyes finally meet your own, and you see something there. Something that’s too big to put a name to but that relaxes your concern nonetheless. He leans toward you to press a quick kiss to your forehead, and when he pulls back his lips have settled back into a soft smile. 
“I know, dearest. I know.” 
tag list: @yorshie @khayalli @thejudiciousneurotic @luckycharms1701 @mxalmighty @thelaundrybitch @justalotoffanfiction
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elminx · 3 months
Elminx's Long-Form Lemonade for Sweet Cleansing
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If you've been hanging out for more than a hot minute, you have probably caught on to a secret about my kitchen witching: it's not the NUMBER of ingredients you enchant; it's how you enchant them. For the purposes of witching, I prefer simple recipes (ingredient-wise) that have a bit of oomph to them. Do you need to stir a pot for 45 minutes straight? (see also my french onion soup recipe) What about starting a vinegar infusion that needs to be shaken every day?
This, as the saying goes, is where the magic is made. At least, for me.
So, imagine my surprise when my friends introduced me to a long-form way of making lemonade. Rather than simply juicing the lemons and adding some sugar and water - you combine the sugar and lemon peels and let them sit for some time to release the lemon's essential oils.
Not only does it make a superior lemonade (can confirm!), but it immediately had my magic wheels turning.
The goal is to make lemonade that will sweetly cleanse you of what ails you. This spell can easily be adapted to add specifiers—see the end of this post for more details.
As always, I will not tell you how to do YOUR magic. This is a technique, not a magic tutorial.
The Basics: When Life Gives You Lemons
Lemons have a long history of use as a cleansing agent. Cunningham's infamous green book lists them as a feminine plant, under the purview of water and the moon and used for the powers of "longevity, purification, love, friendship." (for what that's worth) From an herbal energetic perspective - lemons are considered to be cooling - they are used in the summer to cool hot termperatures and applied to the sick to help bring down fevers. Citric acid is also a bladder stimulant, which we will be making use of for the purposes of our potion-making.
What we associate with lemon as the "cleaning agent" is believed to come from limonene, a terpene found in the peels of most citrus fruits that is both antiviral and antibacterial. Lemonene is used in many cleaners that you can buy on the market but can also be extracted directly from the fruit, as we will do in this recipe.
The Technique
This standard high-end bartender technique makes wonderful, complex sour mixes that can absolutely make the perfect cocktail. Rather than extracting the limonene from the citrus using alcohol or vinegar, we use sugar.
This technique is called oleo-saccharum, which means "oil-sugar" - you are using sugar to draw the essential oils out of the lemon peels, making a natural (no heat) syrup. Note here: this syrup can be used on its own for all sorts of syrupy needs - you could stop the preparation here if you don't love lemonade.
This can be done on the fly (an hour or so), but I highly suggest letting this sit for 12-24 hours for the full effect.
The Recipe
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You will need:
5-6 lemons, the best-looking ones you can find
1 1/4 cups sugar
Filter Water (to taste)
Peeler, citrus juicer, optional
Additional magical flavoring, optional
Become better acquainted with your lemons. For the purposes of this recipe, I do this by holding them, talking to them about what I want from them (general or specific cleansing), and rolling them across a hard surface. This last part helps to separate the peel from the pith, which will help you cut away the peel in the next step. Because we intentionally try to release the limonene compounds in this recipe, you may wish to begin by carving your lemon at this step (BEFORE you peel). You could carve your intentions, your name, the names of the people you are looking to cleanse, or any cleansing runes or sigils that you use in your craft.
Carefully peel your lemon. You want to get as little pith (white parts) as possible, as they don't taste good. Take your time here. Really breathe in the scents of the lemon during this. This is the first part of the cleansing process - you are incidentally cleaning yourself and your kitchen as you do this part of the spell. Lean into this. It smells amazing. Revel in it. Think about how it reminds you of everything being shiny and clean as a child. Lemons ARE cleansing - really feel into this here. We won't use the rest of the lemon until tomorrow; you can juice it here or store it overnight in an air-tight container)
Add your lemon peels and the sugar to a mixing bowl and thoroughly massage the sugar into the lemon peels. This should take some time - think fives of minutes at least. You want to do this until you can feel the change in consistency in the sugar - try to incorporate all of the sugar with all of the lemons. Remember, sugar is inherently sweetening, and lemons are inherently cleansing - you combine these two elements here to make a sweet, cleansing spell. Let the smell of it clean out your nose and your sinuses. This is the meat of your spellcasting - you are working your spell into your ingredients. Talk to it. Use your energy. Pray over it. You will know when this step is complete.
Cover your bowl and let it sit at room temperature overnight or for up to 24 hours. The longer this extracts, the more intense the flavor in the finished product. In a pinch, give it an hour, but I suggest waiting at least 8-10 for the best effect.
The next morning, add 2 cups boiling water to your lemon paste and stir until it has thoroughly combined - this is a great place to reinforce your magic from the day beforehand. (This version had the addition of some freshly picked sour cherries which gives its red color)
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6. When this has cooled, add the lemon juice and additional water to taste. I personally put this in a half-gallon ball jar and filled it with water, and then my partner and I further diluted it from there.
7. Drink and enjoy. For an extra cleansing effect, consider that part of the act of citrus is that of a urinary stimulant - it will make you pee. Think about how peeing removes things from your life. Remove what needs cleansing. Your spell is complete.
This spell is as simple as that but it can be dressed up in some many different outfits with very little effort. Do you know a flavor (remember, all edibles here) with the right magic associations to add to this spell?
Add some blackberries at the infusion stage for good old-fashioned hedge witch protection. If you really need something out, you could experiment with infusing some jalapeno after you've made the lemonade (tread with a lot of care here...). I've worked with lavender and hibiscus here for calming, cool energies. I recently added a cup of sour cherries to Step 3 for a love-cleansing effect.
There are two ways you can add flavors to this spell: you can mix your flavor in during the sugaring phase, or you can do a secondary infusion after your lemonade has been made. Use your best judgment here - fruits can go in with the citrus peels for sure, but herbs and other more "tea like" ingredients might be better steeped afterward.
I haven't tried it yet, but I'm eager to use some of my savory kitchen herbs the next time I near to clear out my money flows.
Or alternatively, use it as the first step in a witchy cocktail (my go-to, as you know). This lemonade makes an exquisite base for a margarita—for a bougie twist, use white Patron and some Chambord; you will not be disappointed.
This is almost a blank slate - sweet cleansing could be used for anything you put your mind to.
Do you like my work? You can support me over on Kofi by tipping me, ordering an astrology commission, buying some art, or signing up to be a monthly supporter of my work.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 8 months
hihi !! kinda a specific request i apologize- can i get a pre-terapagos confrontation kieran having beef with the readers ‘raidon please? (also if possible i wanna claim 🧃as an anon emoji)
"So...you're a legendary too, huh? Brought here from the past/future?"
"I bet [y/n] loves parading you around. Everyone in the damn school can't stop talking about you....if only I had a Pokémon like that."
"No, not you. I want one like Terapagos..assuming it even exists."
Overhearing the obvious beef Kieran had with your 'raidon made you frown a little, especially as you, him, Carmine, and Briar were supposed to be enjoying a picnic right now.
Exploring Area Zero's underdepths became quite exhausting, so you suggested taking a small break from the Terapagos hunt. There weren't many safe spots down here, but after you eventually defeated a Garganacl with a mysterious tera type, you settled for the small island where a beautiful crystalline tree stood.
Apparently, the type was coined "Stellar" by Professor Sada/Turo, and it wasn't anything like the ones you've seen on Paldea's surface.
Its crown was certainly beautiful to look at, yet the lights were blinding as your Pokémon shattered it into pieces.
Carmine and Briar didn't get the chance to see it, and neither did Kieran...not that he really cared to begin with. But they all came over after you called out to them, before (mostly) everyone agreed to a picnic.
But even as you finished splitting up a sandwich, Briar was documenting some more stuff in her book, and Carmine was cleaning off the ceramic cup Sinistcha was in...all you could do was look at the boy who was still sitting alone by the water. He only took a bag of chips from the table, albeit scarcely munching on them.
This whole time, he was still sulking over you beating him back at the academy...so much so he didn't let any of his Pokémon out.
You didn't know whether that was because he felt like "punishing" them for losing, or that he simply didn't want them buddying-up with the ones who defeated them, being fully convinced you two are enemies and rivals. Nothing else.
He's still resentful of you...but isn't being as loud about it as before.
For whatever reason, though, your 'raidon decided to forgo drooling over the sandwich you were crafting in favor of keeping him company. But he didn't really seem to understand or care too much.
If anything, he couldn't stand to look at it.
Back in Kitakami, Kieran was stunned that something like an ancestor/robotic copy of Cyclizar could even exist in the first place. Watching you drive it around the land and fly on its back was the coolest thing in the world, and while you offered..he was far too scared to try it for himself...
To him, it's just another Legendary you could brag about.
Another Legendary that chose you and not him.
Just like-
"What the..? No. You can't have this. It's mine." He scowled, trying to push back the 'raidon's snout as it tried grabbing at his snack. "Go away, dumb lizard."
"Hey. Watch what you say to [Koraidon/Miraidon]."
Tensing, Kieran looked up to see you approaching him. Although he didn't move from his spot even as you sat down next to him, his brows still furrowed with annoyance and disgust.
"But that's what it is...a dumb lizard begging for scraps." He scoffed, watching as your companion rested its head across your lap, your hand on top of it. "Can you even call that a "Legendary?" I bet I can train it better.."
"We've..already taken care of that, but thank you." You huffed, shifting your gaze to the Carbink that were hovering nearby, before glancing back at him. "I left you half a sandwich if you're hungry."
He blinked, at first a bit surprised by your kind gesture. But he just shook his head, refusing to let his guard down. "Just give it to your 'raidon. I don't need it...b-but thanks anyways." He quickly added, seemingly flustered as he grabbed a rock and skipped it along the water.
Both you and the 'raidon seemed to notice this, smiling a little. It seems his politeness hasn't totally gone down the drain just yet. "You're welcome."
"So you told us the professor managed to bring two of 'em into the present, right?"
"...well, where's the second one?"
Your smile faded a bit, and that was all that he needed to know.
'It's not fair...why do they get to have two?'
"...I see, of course. What a stupid question for me to ask." His shoulders became slumped. "I don't get what's so special about you, [y/n]. You can catch any Pokémon you want..even ones that shouldn't even be here in the first place." Once again, he was directing his frustrations at your 'raidon, who just chuffed at his remark.
"Shhh, easy.." You soothed, petting its head, before you frowned at the boy who was holding onto so much hatred and envy for you, wishing things didn't have to be this way. "Kieran, I swear there's nothing "special" about me. You think I'm some "Pokémon magnet", but that's not true. You don't know what-"
"I'm ready to go. Here, [Koraidon/Miraidon]. Since you want them so badly." Without warning, he threw down the bag of chips in front of the 'raidon's face, getting up and storming back to the picnic table.
Briar and Carmine wondered what was going on, although the latter hoped that you would've snapped her brother out of this "funk" of his by now, seeing as you went over to talk to him.
Instead he seemed even more pissed off, insisting upon packing up and continuing further down. You just let your 'raidon eat the chips and listened in on the siblings' conversation.
"Jeez, there's no race to get to Terapagos, Kiki. If it's been down here for 2 million years..I doubt it's going anywhere."
"Well we should get a move on anyways. Getting too relaxed here. I wanna see it--no, I need to see it." You heard him mutter under his breath, seeing the way his fists clenched.
Despite them being literally two feet away, Briar was still off in her own little world, writing down more stuff in her journal. And she was more than ready to jump up and continue the journey if it meant seeing Terapagos for herself, too.
If anything, you, Carmine, and Kieran all felt like the adults here..making sure she didn't rush into an unknown section of the winding caverns the moment you cleared them of crystals.
Looking back at your 'raidon, you noticed that it also upset by Kieran's attitude--especially when it was just trying to cheer him up and be nice.
"Don't worry about him, bud. You did nothing wrong, he's just...lashing out." You cradled its head, touching noses affectionately. "Yknow, Arven kinda acted the same way when we first met him, didn't he?"
The Legendary nodded.
"And he eventually came around to liking you. So...I'm sure Kieran will, too. He just needs more time."
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The insanity doesn't stop
This time, we're going to be looking at into the spiderverse, specifically this scene (sorry about the weird cut at the ending, I accidentally zoomed in/out lol)
Which I have gone through frame by frame..
For fun. You can see what he's doing for the most part, but I needed to share my thoughts on it.
(It's mostly me being a homosexual though... happy pride month)
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Nothing important here really I just think this little sequence of him drinking is cute. Also WHY IS THE CAN CLIPPING THROUGH HIS HAND THAT POOR GUY THAT CANNOT BE COMFORTABLE LMAO. Also what the hell is going on with his laptop who needs that many tabs open. Loving the laptop + PC combo. This boy uses so much electricity...
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Awwwww look at him. He needed a little light because his blind ass couldn't see to write his invisible notes (Me too Ganke, me too. What are you writing about though why is it so important it has to be on paper and cannot simply remain a computer file? Are you doing homework.... at this hour?)
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Also he has the same getting up/sitting down sequence!! I think that's cute too, and it's probably just the animators being lazy and not wanting to animate a billion different ways of sitting down, but, hear me out; OCD Ganke. Now, I don't know much about OCD, but I do know that people who have it tend to repeat the same behaviors/patterns every day for every single activity. This could also explain the three of the same hat thing he has going on. Now, that's just a silly little headcanon to play with, so don't take it too seriously.
Is his ass really getting up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night (courtesy of his one billion energy drinks) amd leaving the fucking door OPEN?? BUDDY? YOUR ELECTRONICS ARE RIGHT THERE DIRECTLY IN SIGHT OF THE HALLWAY... AND YOUR ROOMMATE IS SLEEPING THERE.... WHAT ARE YOU DOING.
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Hehehehehehehehe aww look at him putting his headphones on I wonder what he's listening to. Also who texted him it's like 12am rn. GO TO BED (He checks it twice. It's 15 close friends reminding him to go to bed. He responded "I'm asleep dw" to every single one)
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Look at this EEPY FUCKIN GUY. OH he is so SLEEPY if ONLY there was SOMETHING he could DO ABOUT IT. Oh what's that? Put down the energy drink can and turn off my computer? What a ludicrous idea who would have ever come up with that. Pff. Psch. Apffttr. He looks like the bottom of a sting ray in that middle photo. Someone get this kid a break and also some fucking melatonin. And water. Stat. He's like a plant. Put him outside.
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Oh, look, he's finally decided to ditch his uniform that he's been wearing all day and get into something more comfy. Not the hat tho. The hat stays on every second of his life. Oh well at least he's probably a lot more comfortable. And would you look at that hes.. still wearing..... his shoes. B.. buddy you... you know you can take those off right. It's okay I promise. You got this. Is he barefoot in those too. Is he still wearing the same damn pants from before.
Do you think that while making his cup o noodles in the microwave he was playing music too loud and forgot to hit the stop button before it beeped and he just... kinda froze.... and looked up at Miles (who is sleeping like a fucking bear during the peak months of winter in hibernation. Not even a fucking jet engine could wake that boy up) and then kinda just awkwardly resumes what he was doing. Because I do. I do.
(ALSO, this is the second time his phone lights up. He does check it, I'm just not including it for sake of space)
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What is he doing in that first Pic. Clearly whatever he wrote down was important, but, like, is his computer updating? Is he just checking to make sure he input something correctly? What is this boy doing somebody please give me a 2 hour movie or a 500 page novel just on him immediately thanks
He's finally taking a brain break and... relaxing by reading comics. Not sleeping, no. Oh god no. But looking at comics. This kid has autism you cannot convince me otherwise. Who does this if they don't have some form of neurodivergency. Please bonk him on the head cartoon style for me I love him.
Also as you can tell by his million energy drinks and now empty and just juice cup o noodles, he doesn't clean up after himself ever. Maybe instead of buying a fourth computer, we invest in a trash can for your dorm. Hmmmm? Silly boy. I love it when they give teenagers teenager habits. Please give me more of this.
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This may not be 100% accurate, but take a look at how many energy drinks he goes through in one night.
The first clip is at the beginning of the scene, where most of them are unopened while there are already still five open ones (I can't figure out how to get the best picture of how many drinks there really are here while making it a collage... anyway). Since we don't see the beginning of the night, we don't know how many drinks Ganke has had prior to now, or what the interval he drinks them at is.
At the end of the clip, there are an estimates 12 open drinks total. One on the floor, two(?) By his comic, six by the right side of his computer, plus three on the left side of his computer. That means he drank 6 energy drinks in the span of however many hours we watched him for.
Bro has a serious caffeine addiction and needs to be grounded from money. ALSO, HES DRINKING THEM WARM??? BRO..
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And I know that they are energy drinks, because, well. One, just look at them. Two, how do we think Ganke manages to stay up all night doing God knows what for hours on end. We didn't even ever see him go to bed! He's still on his computer when Miles wakes up! Bro pulled an all nighter and for WHAT. BUDDY. And three: the design on the cup literally reads "ENRGY" bottom text "drink"
Drink it.
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Also them having part of their schedule on the wall is so cute too!! Do they share classes? How many? Also that says Ceramics. As per my first post of this series, if you look at the horribly lopsided bowl beside Ganke on the bed, that looks a lot like something someone who struggled in arts would create.
Who is that someone?
Well, it's not Miles. We've seen his art.
Is it Ganke?
Ganke the nerd? The Ganke among the most gifted students at Visions? Ganke who pulls all nighters and picks for on his computer often?
Hell yeah. Give him pottery. He brings home lopsided mugs and bent in bowls and dented plates for them to use instead of buying their own dishware, and Miles is so supportive of it even through the kettle he was using had a hole and leaked boiling water all over his hands. He's doing his best, he's not good with crafts. Give him a break.
Part One
Part 1.5
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olomaya · 1 year
I've been playing a half empty town (the lovely Newark Banks) for the past year and I'm finally building out all the community lots and unfortunately, I can't stop creating mods specific to whatever my need is at the moment!
While building out the library, I was like, hmm, you know what would be good? If I could find books without having to check each bookshelf to see what it has. So I created a mod to do just that. And of course, @aroundthesims had just the perfect object for it. So now, my Sims can simply go to the kiosk and pull up a list of all the books in the library and also search for books, either by Title, Author or by Category. If the library has it, the camera will then "lerp" (jump) to the bookshelf where the book is. They can even donate books to the library and request books to be ordered if the library doesn't have it.
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So good. I finish the library (almost) and then head to the gym to fix that up and I had no space to place a wall TV for them to work out. So I'm like, wouldn't it be nice if Sims could just do basic floor exercises without the TV ? So I created this exercise mat and added the S4 pushup and sit up interactions (and burpees! horrible, horrible burpees).
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They can (and should) also stretch which helps with soreness and fatigue.
Then I think hmm, wouldn't it be nice if Sims could buy a protein bar at the gym? And also sports drinks? And water? And the sports drink and water helped with post-workout fatigue? And Sims don't swallow half the bottle because we don't have bottle drinking animations and only cup/glass animations?
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So now I'm making new vending machine foods with customized eat animations.
So, at this rate, my town will be finished in 2027.
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byherbandcandle · 8 days
Sunday Witchcraft- Bath Spell for Creativity
I am once again finding myself missing having a proper bathtub in the apartment. Showers are nice and all, but baths have their own sort of magic in and of themselves. But for those who can enjoy ritual baths, I present you this: a bath spell to enhance your creativity.
I love doing this working on Sundays because it's a way to honor Apollo, but you can do it whatever day fits your need and invoke any deities (or none at all, if that's how you roll).
First and foremost, draw a bath as hot as you like it. To the water add salt (for cleansing negative energy), lemongrass (to remove obstacles), orange slices (to inspire joy in all that you do), lavender (to ease anxiety that comes with creative endeavors), and rose petals (to open your heart).
While the bath is running, prepare a cup of tea. I prefer something mint for this, as it helps clear my mind, and a minty green tea is ideal for the added boost to focus.
Light orange candles to promote creativity (if you want to design a sigil for creativity, carve it into the candle before lighting it). If you're working with the energy of the sun or with a sun deity, light a yellow one as well.
Relax in the tub. Drink your tea. For the first few minutes, don't do anything except allow yourself to unwind and relax. Breathe. Taking the time to focus on yourself is so important, and the creative juices won't start flowing if you're too tense.
Focus on what you want to accomplish, your chosen medium of expression, anything specific you're working on, etc
When you're ready, say aloud, "Open heart and open mind, I ask the guidance of the divine. Let the energy flow so that I may create." If you're invoking a deity and wish to follow this with a prayer to that deity, this is the perfect time to do so.
Remain there as long as you need. Do anything that helps stimulate your creativity.
Thank the deities, spirits, universe, etc, and end the ritual once you're ready by simply getting out of the bath and carrying on with your day and pursuing your chosen creative endeavor.
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malina-33 · 1 year
Femme like you - Chapter 1
Summary: You are the new tour manager for Arctic Monkeys during The Car era. You are practically the only girl in the team, also younger than the rest (27), so your skills are immediately called into question. In particular, by the frontman who is not used to being led by a woman.
Word count: 3,1k
Warning: age gap
A/N: Hi, you all!!! I'm so thrilled and excited to do this kind of stuff, but it feels like I'm making my dream come true. This series won't be very long even though I have an eye-watering number of moments I want to release in this fic, but English isn't my first language and it's pretty tough to write in it (so if you find any mistakes don't be afraid to text me and correct). I spent a lot of time to write this small opening chapter, that’s why following parts won't appear regularly, but I promise to uptade them every 2-3 weeks! They will definitely be longer that the opener😉
I read a lot of works with Alex, 'cause my addiction doesn't seem to disappear, so this idea just popped in my head and I couldn't resist. Never thought that I would be an author, not a reader in Tumblr, but voila - here I am. I really expect you to love it❤️
And yes, I know that their current tour manager is Steven Champan, but for the story I changed it slightly, hope you won't mind :)
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“James, seriously?” Alex looked away in bewilderment from the bottle of Hennessy to Ford.
“More than you can imagine” producer chuckled. “I will be with my family in Scotland, I haven’t seen them in a while, and she will replace me for the UK and European parts only, it’s about one and a half months”.
Turner looked him up and down with a displeased look, still sitting on the couch with a bottle in his hands “That’s ridiculous. She has never worked with us! She will break into all our well-established processes, not knowing the specifics of the work and will only interfere. We'll make it on our own, not the first time, man, huh?” Alex decided to soften his tone a little to appease his friend and cutely knitted his eyebrows.
“Al, you are being childish. C’mon, we have already agreed on everything, she is a good specialist, don't let yourself be deceived by her appearance” Ford threw a jacket over his shoulders, silently saying that the conversation is over.
“Just because she's your friend's daughter doesn't mean she's good!” The singer spat out the last argument hoping to reach out to the conscience of their producer.
“Give her a chance, you won't be disappointed” James said mysteriously, closing the door quietly behind him and leaving the disgruntled frontman alone with his obsessive thoughts.
You sat in your car in the parking lot in front of the Domino Records headquarters, nervously clutching a Starbucks cup. There were still 20 minutes before the meeting, but you arrived early. All the documents had already been signed, the agreements had been discussed, but the most thrilling moment remained - the meeting with the group itself and the technical crew.
When James Ford, your father's old friend from university and at the same time music producer for Arctic Monkeys, called you several weeks ago with an unusual request, you simply didn't have a chance to refuse. You've been dreaming of working in this industry since 16, especially since you adored this group and were at their concerts six times. Being their manager for one part of the 7th album tour sounded like a fantasy, but here you are, sitting in front of their label building, where you have a meeting with the musicians. If you caught the lucky girl syndrome, then you definitely didn’t want to let it go. At least not now.
From the trance into which you plunged by shaking coffee in the cup, you were brought out by the deafening creak of tires on asphalt. You immediately snapped out and looked in the rearview mirror. An elegant Cadillac whistled and stopped 3 parking lots away from you just passing the dividing line.
You weren't stupid not to realize whose car it was. The passenger got out, slamming the door sharply. He was wearing a beige trousers and matching jacket with black vest underneath, translucent red aviators were on despite a cloudy day. Paying no attention to your car and not even bothering to close his, a man quickly walked inside the building.
You followed the door closed behind Alex Turner itself with a blank look, finished your coffee in one gulp and also got out of the car, taking your purse from the passenger seat. Having heard about his "punctuality", you assumed that everyone else had already arrived, so you walked to the building as well. "There's no point in delaying this moment, let's start early" you bravely told yourself.
The studio in southwest London wasn't as big as you expected it to be. The guard pointed you to room 14, saying that you were already awaited. Inside, the bright corridors were hung with rare photographs, including images of early Monkeys' concerts. You smiled slightly as you looked at the photos of four young people laughing with their hands in their pockets. "Nice time" you thought.
You didn't really understand why you were so inflamed. You are all adults, lads have been warned about the change in management in advance so it won’t be a surprise for them, what could be the problem? You had enough work experience to know what to do, you were excellently good-looking and successful, then why did your palms sweat? Immersed in your thoughts you didn’t notice that you had reached the end of the corridor and stopped at the half-open door, from behind which quiet voices could be heard.
“Oi, she better buy me a bottle of beer on the way, my head hurts after yesterday. Why did I come so early, gosh?”
“It's been 5 minutes since you've been here, and you've already blown my mind’’. Seemed that it was Matt.
"I prefer to come sober to meetings scheduled in advance, but for the future I will keep in mind to see you no earlier than Tuesday, Mr. Turner”. Maybe it wasn’t the best greeting phrase, but you just couldn't resist. When you entered the room with these words, 7 surprised pairs of eyes met your figure. Alex, Matt and Nick were sitting on a leather sofa in the center of the room, Jamie was pouring water into a glass at a side table, Steven was sitting in a chair talking to Ben, who was reclining on the arm of this chair, behind them was a man whose name you didn’t know.
"I'm sorry," you quickly became embarrassed, realizing how inappropriate those words sounded. Silence reigned in the room for a few seconds, but was quickly interrupted by the awkward coughing of that same unfamiliar man. "Um guys, this is your new tour manager for these two months, Y/N Y/S" He said softly enough, stepping out from behind the chair and holding out his hand for you. "I'm Marcus, James' assistant, the rest you should know".
"Yeah, right, he told me about you, I'm very glad to meet you," and carefully shifting your gaze to the others you added "everyone".
You stood in your knee-length leather boots, denim shorts and an oversized cream-colored jacket not knowing what to do with the burning eyes on your persona.
"Actually, I brought a homemade cider as an ice-breaker, it's in my trunk, so after the official part of the meeting we can try it. Not beer, but still tasty," you said with an apologetic smile, trying your last attempt to ease the conversation. The room froze in silence once again, and in this moment Matt laughed out loud, slapping his knee and throwing head back on the headboard. Jamie and Nick joined him, smiling broadly, while Ben, Steven, and Marcus chuckled hoarsely as they looked at each other. Only Alex remained frowning as he continued to scan your figure.
"I like her already! Great move, miss Y/S" Matt said, obviously being amazed.
You breathed a sigh of relief as you sat down in the chair Marcus offered you. He was noticeably younger than the others, near your age, which immediately made you sympathize with him.
"Well, when we finally got to know each other, let's get down to business. As you all know James is on an unscheduled vacation due to family circumstances. Hence we are going to work with Miss Y/S in UK and Europe festivals, while I will assist her. I know that Y/N discussed with James all the main points about dates, places and stuff, but now we have to delve into details of the organization process itself. Ben and I will explain the tech part and the lads will share their preferences" Steven began the discussion by leaning a little closer to the center of your improvised circle. He seemed to be a very wise and at the same time charismatic man. Attractive, but platonically.
“Sorry, may I interrupt before we start” It sounded more like a statement from Alex. “How old are you, once again?"
"I'm 27, Mr. Turner. And let's make it clear, since this still raises questions. Yes, I'm quite young relative to you and indeed a stranger to your team. But I've known James for a long time, as well as your work, whose main fan I have been since 18. I have been in show business for 7 years now and worked with Maneskin at the very beginning of their career. It’s not difficult for me to provide my CV if necessary, but I’m here because I sincerely want to help my father's friend and ensure that you have the most comfortable atmosphere during your stay in Europe. I have an idea what it's like to be on tour for a year, I understand how tired you are, and that you need conditions for rest and creation. So I'll let you do your job without the interference and you’ll give me freedom to do my work properly, I'm sure we both do it very well, especially since you are not the only one, Mr. Turner, who can make a show out of nothing”. At these words the drummer whistled, turning to the gloomy vocalist, but you continued “I’m really extremely happy to be a part of Arctic Monkeys team, for me this is a great opportunity to test myself and work with such big people like you. So I don't see any problems in our interaction, taking into account that I'm here temporarily.
You glanced at the men with a soft, but tenacious look, catching your breath “Didn't seem to miss anything at this point, deal?”
Steven was the first to answer, smiling paternally at you and accepting your little speech. You also noticed that Turner shook his head, but smirked to himself, which relaxed your muscles a bit. If you didn't get along from the first sentence, then at least you can establish a normal business relationship. You understood that the nature of a rock star is unpredictable, following the development of the group and the change in the image of the frontman for many years, but you couldn't imagine that he would talk so irritably to new people. Yes, he certainly behaved ugly, but you also started the dialogue with a caustic comment. Apparently, you deserve each other.
After the temperature in the room dropped and everyone took a more relaxed posture, you began to discuss current tasks. Your first gig will be in Bristol on May 29th, so you have two weeks to get ready. In fact, everything has already been done even before the start of the whole tour. Now your duty is only to coordinate the setlists with the guys for each performance, to make sure that all agreements with venues are fulfilled, the rider is completed, the equipment is working properly, the buses are ordered, the hotels have confirmed the reservation, and the whole team has arrived safe and sound. Okay, maybe it's not so little, but you're ready for any challenge. This is your passion after all.
You will ride in a separate minivan with the management team, and not with the guys, which in general wasn’t a big surprise for you, but in hotels you will be provided with a separate room, unlike the rest of the staff, who live in double suits. You didn't know what caused such generosity, but you were pleased anyway. You talked for about an hour, agreeing to meet again at the sound check in a week, and then only before leaving for Bristol. During this time you will have to study all the venues, call the transport company and confirm the details of the trips.
Your meeting ended on a positive note, the guys were asking you about your life, your education and hobbies, you said that you had been dancing professionally for many years and even took up drumming at the university, to which Matt happily promised to give you lessons, triumphant that he finally met someone who doesn't play the guitar, but the drums.
“Be careful, Matthew, if it turns out that she is more talented than you, we’ll replace you without any hesitation. She looks better” Nick joked and immediately got the middle finger in response from the drummer. Even Alex genuinely smiled, looking back at the friend.
"Oh, don't worry, it's unlikely. But as for the cider I wasn't joking, at least I'm definitely good at that"
"Wait, did you make it yourself?" surprised Ben.
"Yes, I live in the suburbs of London and have my own small garden, I make cider for friends during the season"
"You know what, I'm already tired of this stuffy room, you say it's in your trunk?" Matt, confirming his status as the most talkative member of the group, stood up impatiently, stretching his stiff limbs.
"Yes, let's go and give it a try" you said, also getting up from your chair. “Who is with us?” you raised an eyebrow in question and the answer was six men who rose to their feet.
"Definitely need a smoke” murmured Alex in addition, patting his pockets for a pack of cigarettes.
“Damn, where did James find her?” you heard Jamie's question addressed to Steven as you left the room with Matt and couldn’t hold back a short, but self-satisfied smirk. "That's not the last ace in the hole, Jamie" flashed through your head.
"I'm asking the same question" but instead of Champan, the voice was given by Alex.
"Al, will you calm down today or not? Did yesterday's booze give you such a headache?" Cook hissed almost angrily.
But you didn’t hear the answer, moving away along the corridor to the exit.
When all the lads came out from the studio, you and Matt had already taken a wooden case with 12 bottles of cider out of the trunk of your white Range Rover and put it on the hood. Coming closer, Alex threw a jacket over his shoulders and took out cigarettes, offering you one.
"I don't smoke, thanks," you replied calmly. He arched an eyebrow in surprise and took a pipe of tobacco between his lips. “You better start, darling” He took a quick puff, blowing smoke in your face, and looked intently from under his eyelashes. Despite the sweet name, from his lips it sounded somehow humiliating. You didn't answer, turning around and taking one of the bottles, silently passing it to him. He thanked you, and you gave each man a bottle as well. "For the new leg of the tour! Cheers!" Steven exclaimed, raising the bottle in the air and you all clinked glasses together.
The eight of you stood in the parking lot next to your car. You and Marcus leaned on the hood, Chapman nestled next to your right, and the guys were in front of you. You stayed in pleasant silence, interrupted by the chirping of birds from a nearby square and breezes of the wind that swayed your styling. Satisfied sigh followed by Marcus and Jamie, which made you laugh cutely.
"Enjoy?" you asked playfully, taking a sip.
"Y/N, that's amazing! I’ve never thought our team would feel so acutely short of a personal alcohol supplier" Jamie savored the taste, taking small sips.
"It's only 6% alcohol, I brought this one on purpose, knowing that you will most likely be driving. But there is also 12% sort in my basement, so in case of anything, you know where to find me"
"Actually not, but for the sake of such a case, we will definitely get your address from James" Nick answered cheerfully.
You spent 20 more minutes talking about the process of making an apple brew and sharing your alcohol tastes. “What a topic to discuss” you hummed to yourself. Eventually you gave Ben, Marcus, Jamie, and Matt one more bottle, promising to bring more of 12% sort to the concert, and you were about to leave when suddenly your phone rang. A dark and mystical tune played from the back pocket of your shorts.
"Woah, that’s pretty old one" Alex said with unexpected liveliness.
"One of my favorites from yours" you replied quickly, pulling out the device. It was James. You decided to call him back when you would be alone, so you dropped the call, texting him that you would call back later.
"Hey Al, we haven't played it in a while. What do you think, mate?" Matt asked conspiratorially, giving him a little nudge on the shoulder.
"We’ll see, I think it's possible. NME will especially rejoice at this, still considering it insanely vulgar" the singer rolled his eyes, but couldn't help smiling.
"Isn't that right, Mr. Turner? Whose propeller is it then?" you grinned as you took an empty box and returned it to the trunk of the jeep.
"Miss Y/S, don't make me doubt your foresight as well" to your surprise, he came over to help you close the tailgate. You dusted your hands and shifted awkwardly from one foot to another, being locked between the car and the frontman. You could literally see wrinkles around his eyes and cider-wet lips that now were gently stirring.
"Who called?" the man asked more quietly than usual. "Uh, James, I think I should call him as soon as possible"
"Yeah, most likely" Turner reluctantly backed away from you, letting you through, and you walked to the driver's door.
"Well, guys, I was very glad to see you, I'm sure fruitful work awaits us!" you smiled reassuringly, swaying from heel to toe from jitters and excitement from upcoming events.
"See you in a bit, Miss Y/S, I will send you all our numbers and other necessary contacts tonight. Sleep enough these days, you will soon miss it" Steven winked and extended his hand to you for a handshake, so you answered him willingly.
“Goodbye, guys, see ya!” you only waved at other lads as you climbed onto the running board and sat inside the car. The Rover started with a pleasant growl, vibrating under your hands. You drove off, leaving the men in the parking lot, but noticing one fixed look of chocolate eyes in the rearview mirror. You attributed the recognition of the color of his eyes to a million views of concert photos on the Internet, but not to those few seconds near the trunk when you smelled his cigarette breath on your face.
That will be a roller-coaster indeed
A/N: Please, let me know what do you think about this duo, what are you expecting from them, what do you want to read in the next chapter? Let's get to know each other better in comments - how long are you in fandom, what are your favorite type of fics and etc? Your feedback is my force to write, love you and stay tuned - a big adventure is going to happen 🤭❣️
I also publish the work on AO3:
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kahvilahuhut · 3 months
breakfasts in small cafe
Summary: Klara goes to get a breakfast from a cafe she often visits, and plans to do some works and university stuff at the same time. In there, she meets a guy who recently joined their student organization's even committee, and decided to talk with him for a moment.
Warnings: No specific warnings, just fluff. There's food mentions, though.
Klara took off her headphones and put them in her bag as she entered the corner cafe. The barista waved to her while writing something on a paper - they already knew her order and name.
A vanilla yoghurt, scrambled eggs + a cheese sandwich. A glass of apple juice and a cup of coffee, with one small piece of chocolate left in it to melt.
Klara loved this cafe. It was barely known by most of the students and seemed to always be very calm - that is, until the evening. That's when it turned into a bar and cheap restaurant combo that many who lived here seemed to love.
She walked to the counter, greeted the barista and ordered the usual, though this time with their handmade granola bar, as a snack for the afternoon seminar. The barista brought her drinks as she paid for the order and told her to pick a table and wait a little. Klara thanked her, picked up the juice and coffee, and turned around to look for a free table.
The couch seats were all taken, which Klara didn't really mind. She needed a spot where she could charge up her laptop, if she really wanted to finish the presentation before the seminar. Plus, there were all the work emails and reports she had to go through.
A window seat, which she usually went for, was a good choice. The problem with it was that it was hiding behind a small wall for another couch seat, which meant she had to go and see if it's free.
But surely she could be a bit persuasive, for all that rare autumn sunlight.
As she suspected, it was taken - by a surprisingly familiar face. The new guy whom Leon invited into the event organization team.
Tobias was sitting there, leading into the back of the chair and crocheting something, one earphone in the left ear and the other earphone hanging around the right ear. Klara was surprised to see someone else use the ones that have wires - though they were clearly more popular than the wireless ones outside of her social circle, considering how they have persisted for two centuries.
He seemed to have half forgotten the breakfast he' was eating. An egg bagel on one plate - half eaten already, without the bacon that is usually there - an oat porridge, and a large latte, with a glass of water. Klara has never seen anyone order the oat porridge, either.
"Uh, hey. Fancy running into you. Mind if I sit here?"
He took off his earphones and gently threw them into his tote bag. "Hey! I don't mind at all, go ahead," he reached to move his porridge plate and coffee cup to make more space for her. "And yeah, I know, right? This is my favorite cafe here, though I rarely get to visit it during breakfast. Mostly simply because I live quite far away from here, but also because I rarely wake up to make it here in time for breakfast." He yawned, clumsily covering his mouth with whatever he was crocheting. "Uh, sorry. Had to wake up earlier for an interview today and decided to, well, treat myself after it. A bit expensive for my budget but you gotta enjoy life sometimes, am I right?"
Klara nodded as she placed the apple juice and coffee on the table, and put her bag next to the chair. "Cool, hope the interview went well," she watched him shrug a bit, then continued while sitting down, "Uh, weird question. If I may ask, how do you know about this place? No one seems to know about it when I ask them."
"Ah, well. When I was moving in I got a bit overwhelmed by all the boxes I had to unpack and decided to go for a short walk... Which then turned into a several kilometers long walk to see the whole campus. Somewhere in the middle I found this cafe, ordered one latte and a croissant as a take-away, some kind of motivation to finally start unpacking stuff. Have you tried their croissants? They're soooo delicious."
"Huh, interesting. You moved here recently, too, right?"
"During the summer. You?"
"Closer to fall since I had some things to do during summer, moved over there," she pointed at the small, green apartment building a few buildings away. "Awfully expensive rent, but at least I have a living room and a bedroom." If only I could spend more time there, she added in her thoughts.
"Ooh, the pretty one. That's so cool! Too bad the rent is high. But hey, at least you have this little cafe nearby. Lucky!"
"Heh, maybe. Um, hope I didn't interrupt anything important?"
"Your, um, earphones?"
"Oh, that! No, don't worry about it, it's some sociology lecture they're streaming. They'll post the recording later, so I'll watch it then."
"Soc- Aren't you studying IT or something?"
"Biochemistry, actually. I don't know, I just like them. Dad had lots of sociology books, I used to read them as a teen," he paused and looked down at his yarn, "Uh. Anyway. Don't worry about it."
Klara watched him go back a few stitches back and redo them. "What are you crocheting?"
"A sweater. Or, well, a turtleneck, actually."
"I thought you're supposed to knit them."
"You can crochet them too," he reached for the glass of water and took a sip. "Crocheted ones are a bit bulkier than knitted ones, which many don't like, but I personally love wearing one with a leather jacket."
"Really? Sorry, I varely know anything about either one." She looked up to thank the barista for bring her order to the table, and gave her a tip. Once the barista left, she turned back to Tobias and looked at his hand. "Listen, aren't you left-handed?"
"What? Oh, yeah. Well, ambidexterous, actually, though I'm definitely better at using my left hand," he shook the yarn off his left hand and waved slightly. "My left hand hurts a bit right now, so I'm doing something that lets it rest more. Didn't take the book I'm reading with me, and sitting idly is, well, hard. I'd probably fall asleep or something," he paused to look at the yarn, a slightly annoyed look appearing on his face for a moment, and then leaned back on the sofa and continued, "Crocheting mostly required only one hand to move, while the other just holds the yarn. Feels a bit weird to do all this with right hand. But hey, at least I get to train it a bit more."
"Huh." Klara sipped her juice and watched him crochet for a while. "That's an interesting color. Pink, but also orangeish?"
"Oh, yeah! It reminded me of whatever you get when you mix lots of strawberry slushie and some orange slushie together sometimes. I think I'll name it 'Slushie' when I'm done."
"You...name your sweaters?"
"For fun. There's the bee sweater, it's yellow with orange stripes. Or orange with yellow stripes, whatever. I embroidered a small little bee on it, too. Then I'm also working on something that would probably be called fish pond, I guess. I'm knitting that one, there was this funny blue yarn where the shade of blue changes after half a meter or so. Makes it look like water. I think I'll add some koi fish there, either only on the front or in the back, too. What do you think?"
"Huh. Depends on how many fish. It would be fun on both sides, though, I think..." Klara imagined him walking around the campus in the fish sweater. Not the weirdest outfit she has seen, and actually sounds quite cute, too. And probably warm. Would it be wrong to ask for one, since winter's coming and she still hasn't gone shopping for anything warm yet. Who am I kidding, why whould he even consider that, Klara thought. She looked up and noticed Tobias looking at her, as if waiting for an answer. "Uh, sorry, did you say something? I kinda got lost in my thoughts."
"Um, yeah, don't worry about it. I asked what you like to do. As a hobby, I mean."
"Uhh... wait a moment, let me think..." Klara looked up and tried to remember the last time she did something that was not studying or her internship. Would watching tv shows count? She thought about how she used to draw during her free time, and realized in the middle of the thought that the last time she did that was a year ago or so. "Um. I work out in the morning, if that counts? And watch tv shows. Uh. Sorry, I don't really have time for other hobbies." Even if I would love to have them.
Tobias smiled. "That's completely fine! I mean, I mostly do them because I either procrastinate my tasks or need to occupy my brain with something so I won't- um, feel bad. And knowing all the things you do, I'm glad to hear that you have at least some free time to watch tv shows and exercise. That's at least some kind of rest."
"That's a...very good point," she picked up her glass of juice and looked at the liquid for a moment before finishing it. "You, um, watch any shows?"
"Well, no. Not really my thing, same with movies," he replied, and quickly added, "I mean, I could watch them, with someone, but I personally don't really have an interest to, well, follow them, I guess? There are some that I kind off like, but also watch quite rarely."
"That's fine! I rarely ever meet people who don't watch them. You do look like someone who prefers books, though."
"I sure do. And video games," he smiled. "Though I haven't played any for a while, haven't had any time to go buy a console after moving."
"Hey, I play some games, too. How funny." She drank her apple juice, and suddenly remembered why she came here. "Uh, you're not using the outlet, are you?"
"Nope! Why?"
"I need to charge my laptop. And finish my presentation. And all kinds of other stuff, really, uh-", she took out her laptop and placed it carefully between the plates, then ducked under the table to put the cable in. "Oh, fuck, I think I forgot to reply to an important email yesterday, too."
"Oh, man that's awful. Though I personally believe that people should see it as a normal thing that others have a few days to answer emails-" he paused, a slightly worried look on my face, "Hey, um, I'm not distracting you from anything important, am I? I can go, if you want-"
"No, no, don't worry about it. I'll handle everything quickly. Actually," she looked at him, "do you have a molent to proof-read my presentation? I've been having problems with it and can't put my finger on where exactly is the problem."
"Yeah, sure, let me see it," he placed his crochet work on the table, barely missing one of the plates, and rose up, revealing the full cat illustration on the t-shirt he wore under his cardigan, cartoony cats in different poses and with different faces.
Klara glanced at each of them for a moment. "That's such a cute shirt," she said and pointed at the one in the right, a cat dozing off in sunlight, "Kinda wish that was me, heh."
"Thanks! Funny thing, I went to a cat show with my 'ex' a year ago and this was part of official event merch. One of my favorite t-shirts for sure."
"It's soooooo cool. And glad to hear that the fact you went there with your ex didn't ruin the whole experience."
"Ah, well, Frank wasn't exactly an ex and more like an associate with benefits, or whatever. Anyway, your presentation?"
"Oh, um, yeah!" She opened the document and turned the laptop towards him. "Like I said, I don't know what's the problem, but it feels...weird."
"Well, I don't see any problems either, to be honest, it's quite amazing. I also like your topic, sustainability at work and its connection to tax benefits of workers on different level is such an interesting point of view." He stopped at one slide, "Hey, I think I found your little problem. Your table lacks titles and a legend. Everything else is fine."
"Huh, that was it?" She looked at the slide. "Man, thanks! This means a lot."
"No problem, Klara, I'm always glad to help," Tobias said with a wide smile, "Honestly though, what a cool topic."
"Uh, thank you! Hopefully the professor will think so, too."
"It would be surprising if he won't. Hey, by the way, what time is it?"
Klara looked at her screen. "It's 10 am."
"Oh, hm, okay. Damn, just realized I need to be on the other side of the campus in half an hour."
"Hm, that's bad. Though, you'll get there on time if you hurry."
"Yeah, you're right, you're right," he nodded and walked to his own seat, carefully wrapped his bagel in a napkin and put it in his tote bag with his work-in-progress turtleneck. He finished his latte quickly and looked at Klara. "Well, um, hey, it was nice to talk to you. You're very, um, cool! And thanks for asking about the craft projects, I rarely ever get to talk about them. Hope I didn't sound too boring."
"You didn't, it's really hard to find people so passionate about things."
"Ah, great to hear, thanks! Well, see you later, somewhere!" He picked up his tote bag and started walking towards the exit, then stopped and turned back and glanced at her. "Hey, before I forget, do send me an update about how your presentation went. Would really love to hear more!"
"Sure, will do. See you, Tobias."
He smirked and waved to her, and exited the building.
Klara sat there for a moment, looking out of the window and watching him walk outside. What a fun guy. She couldn't remember the last time she had a weird, though funny and interesting conversation like this.
She turned back to the laptop and opened her email, now more somehow more relaxed than before.
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hasufin · 4 months
For All Seasons
Yesterday, I opted to start propagating my basil plants. I only bought two, you see (I don't start from seed because cats and indoor gardening are a bad combination). Basil propagates well - you cut a few stems of the plant off, strip most of the leaves, and put it in water. The stems will grow roots and after a week or two you plant those, let them grow into full plants, and by the end of summer those two plants are a fuckton of basil.
Now, you'll note the part where you're stripping basil leaves? This yields, well, basil leaves. I mostly have basil to make pesto, but I do use it for other stuff. Not, however, two or so cups at a time which is what I get when I go a-propagating. But I don't like to waste food, so... well, I either freeze it or - as I did this time - I put them in the food dehydrator (shoutout to @antarctica-starts-here, @fera-angelus, and their other partner for the gift which I use an awful lot).
There's a certain longitudinal aspect to all this. I bought basil plants in spring (and would have started them from seed even earlier if that were practical) with the intent to propagate them so that by late summer I have enough basil to make a year's worth of pesto which I will freeze. Along the way I am also preserving leaves in order to use for other purposes. I'm trimming and drying my other herbs along the way, too.
What I'm contemplating is, historically this would be an entire lifestyle. I would be constantly engaging in this cycle of planning, maintaining, harvesting, and preserving. It would be multiple cycles which feed into one another and define my entire life.
The first part to recognize is, prior to the 20th century, a successful society had only about 50% of its population engaged in food production. In the 17th century, if you passed 100 people on the street, there were another 100 people too busy farming, hunting, or fishing to be walking around in some city. And that's what a successful society was like. Less successful ones could have as much as 90% of their population engaged in food production. That means food was one of the most valuable commodities. You did not want to waste it, ever. It pretty much always made sense to do stuff to prevent food waste and increase food production. And many of our foodstuffs have their origin in preventing waste.
So let's go back to our farmer.
Well, let me go a bit forward. Modern farms tend to be monocultures: enormous properties with hundreds of acres of corn or wheat or soy; some specialize in fruits or vegetables; or they do specifically livestock for example. They're mostly just a few things. (this is not to say all modern farms are like this; I'm simply referring to the majority). These tend to be very big, or at least larger than historical farms, they are specialists, and they are operated by relatively few people. The yield per person is considerable, but they do not produce a sufficient variety of food to live off of - try to eat nothing but corn and you WILL die. By virtue of their size, farmers who are not engaged directly in tending their crop spend their time otherwise maintaining the equipment or property: mending fences, working on the all-important tractor, &c.
Historically, farms were much more varied but also smaller, and of course with less equipment and more people. The variety is significant, though. You don't want to be growing Just One Thing. Farms were at least partially self-sufficient: you're growing the grains, fruits, and vegetables to feed everyone on the farm and have enough left over to sell in order to pay whatever taxes, and buy whatever you needed.
This approach meant you tried to have crops which grew and were harvested throughout the year: you didn't want to be trying to harvest all your soybeans while the crows are picking clean the corn, after all. And some of this could be astoundingly deterministic: there's a cultivar of corn which was grown specifically because it ripens before a particular beetle's breeding season and thus the crop is not ruined.
We're told that being a farmer was a lot of work. But we're seldom given a view of what that means. We get a vague notion of plowing and harvesting, but what comes in between?
It's plowing a different field to grow a different crop. Weeding the first field so that crop grows well. Harvesting herbs and drying them. Harvesting vegetables and pickling them. Hunting for meat and smoking it.
You're constantly planning for your next few steps. You get fruit pies when fruits are in season. You enjoy a tomato pie because you have tomatoes in abundance and you'd damned well better use them lest they rot. You throw the kitchen scraps to the pigs, who get nice and fat, and once they're big enough you slaughter them. You've got your chickens, and if a hen stops laying eggs, you roast it; if the rooster is too old you have coq au vin and get a new rooster.
It's a constant juggling act to make sure everything is used, because failing to turn the compost heap one year means less potatoes the next year and that means grumbling stomachs the next winter. The question of "What's for dinner?" doesn't mean "What do I feel like having" nor "What do I want to make?" but rather "What can I make with the food which exists right now?"
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mins-fins · 1 year
caramel mocha? — sung hanbin
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hanbin, calm and collected overconfident hanbin is freaking out at one in the morning over something so small.
tags :: sung hanbin x m!reader , i love night imagines omg , his inner barista comes out , reader is older than hanbin , i swear this is important , that awkward moment when your in love with your groupmate 🤣 , so silly , tension!!! , hehe , i'm so in love with this man
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"you have got to be kidding me".
y/n, being the insomniac he is, jolted up at one in the morning for absolutely no reason and now could no longer go back to sleep. he decided water was his only escape.
so you can imagine his shock when he catches sung hanbin, the same sung hanbin who drilled into gunwook and yujin's head that they should go to sleep early and set alarms at the exactly correct time, awake in the kitchen aggressively stirring a cup of coffee.
y/n sighs, is this what he signed up for when he became a member of this group?
"hi y/n" he greets with his signature smile, but his expression doesn't match his actions, as he now begins stirring faster, and even more aggressively.
"why won't it—"
"hanbin why are you awake?" y/n immediately asks, skipping all the small talk they were supposed to have or something. he rubs his eyes, seriously sleep deprived.
"it's nothing bad" hanbin responds, a bold faced lie. "i just wanted coffee, that's all".
"first of all, coffee at one in the morning and at all is pretty unhealthy for you" y/n points out, grabbing a glass so he could get his water. "and second of all, your a horrible liar".
"don't say that" hanbin spits back. "your making me doubt my own lying skills" his voice suddenly lowers, as if he's actually upset.
"you didn't answer my question".
"i did".
"no you didn't, you lied".
y/n is right, and hanbin knows that, he just knows him too well.
"how would you know?"
"because it's so obvious" y/n sighs, placing his now empty glass in the sink. "tell me the truth".
hanbin looks like he wants to, then he hesitates, then he looks like he wants to again. "i— it's embarrassing, i don't wanna say".
"i think whatever your about to say, i've probably heard much worse" y/n states, clearing his throat.
still, hanbin feels embarrassed, he looks back down towards his cup of coffee and sighs. "i feel nervous, about the showcase tomorrow and, god— it's embarrassing why am i even talking about this".
"embarrassing?" y/n inquires, and hanbin wants to punch him because of how casually he asks that. "trust and believe, hanbin, there's definitely been much worse, it took me almost two hours to get gyuvin to go to sleep".
hanbin remembers, that wasn't that long ago, gyuvin was complaining about not wanting to go to sleep at 9 pm, but as soon as y/n brought up the debut showcase, specifically a certain part of their debut song, gyuvin ran to his room and was asleep in seconds.
manipulation at it's finest.
hanbin smiles as he remembers that thought, but his smile fades when he hears y/n laugh, instead feeling his face go completely red.
"your nervous about debuting?"
"i guess" hanbin mutters, staring at the cup of coffee before him. "i mean— i usually don't feel like this at all, but for some reason since it's the night before now i feel even more nervous than i'm supposed to so—"
and then hanbin begins rambling, he doesn't remember the last time he ever rambled like this, not even to matthew, and y/n simply listens to every single thing he says.
it's like he's not missing a word, with the way he's staring at hanbin, so intensely but also not. his eyes are simply so pretty, hanbin thinks.
hanbin originally thinks that the room is just hot, they're in july! it's hot! that's why his face is heating up at this rapid rate, not because of y/n and how hard he's staring at him.
"oh god" hanbin covers his face with his hands, face getting even redder. "i was rambling wasn't i? i'm sorry, you know, it's the night before debut and i honestly just feel super overwhelmed—"
"you don't have to apologize" y/n cuts into his sentence, giving a small smile which makes hanbin's heart melt.
"i know.." he mumbles. "i just feel like i have to".
y/n gives a soft chuckle, shaking his head. "your stupid".
"hey!" hanbin yells, though softly due to mostly everyone being asleep. "don't call me stupid, i'm your leader".
"your still younger" the older says. "i don't care, i can tell you what to do".
"oh screw you y/n".
somehow, hanbin is still continuing with his coffee making, and he looks to y/n for a moment. "y/n what flavor should i make?"
"tell me what flavor i should make" hanbin repeats, but this time he isn't asking. "caramel or mocha?"
"your seriously asking me about coffee flavors at one in the morning when we debut in four hours?"
"yes y/n, now tell me which flavor".
y/n blinks, rolling his eyes at how demanding hanbin had gotten in the span of a second. "just do caramel".
"but it doesn't taste that good at one am".
"so why did you ask me then?" y/n grits his teeth, annoyed by how dumb hanbin was acting.
"to get an opinion".
y/n scoffs, muttering a small "stupid.." under his breath, though a soft smile comes to his face. he hears hanbin give a small giggle, stirring his coffee even harder.
"y/n try this for me".
"i'm sorry?" he responds, and hanbin looks at him like he's crazy. "you want me to try your coffee?"
"i don't like coffee".
hanbin rolls his eyes. "just try it, y/n, it's not like i'm forcing you to drink it or anything".
y/n narrows his eyes at the younger, whose simply playing with his spoon. he sighs and moves closer, pausing when he sees hanbin holding the spoon.
"what? are you gonna feed it to me?"
"you mean you don't want me to?" hanbin questions, a small smile coming to his face as he sees y/n's still deadpanned expression. "i'm doing you a favor".
"do you think i can't pick up a spoon?"
"will you let me feed you or not?" he retorts, now getting annoyed by y/n's constant questions. he just wants y/n to try the coffee, not because he totally wants to feed him or anything, of course not!
y/n sighs, inching closer. hanbin stares for a moment, feeling his face heat up as he notices how close he is.
his aggressive thoughts don't mirror his actions, fortunately, as he slides the spoon into y/n's mouth, he watches as he blinks, scrunching his nose at what he's tasting.
hanbin feels his breath get caught in his throat. he's going crazy in his head right now, he doesn't know how he keeps himself together.
or why he continues staring at y/n's lips..
"it's.." y/n begins, blinking as he scours his mind for the correct word to describe the taste. "okay".
"i told you, i don't like coffee" y/n states, shrugging as he's completely oblivious to how much hanbin is freaking out inside. "that should be considered a compliment".
hanbin narrows his eyes, but he laughs. y/n is simply so.. casual, hanbin loves him it for some reason, y/n laughs again.
he has such a pretty smile..hanbin thinks in his sleep deprived mind, staring at y/n with crazily enamored eyes.
"alright leader-nim" y/n begins teasingly, he's been calling hanbin that ever since his actual announcement as leader, but he never says it seriously. "it's time to go to sleep".
"no it's not".
y/n's face immediately drops, and he rolls his eyes. he doesn't care, he immediately grabs hanbin's arm and begins dragging him away from the kitchen, making the younger yelp at the sudden action.
"y/n! i don't want to go to sleep, i still have to drink my coffee".
"you are not drinking coffee at one am when you have a debut showcase at five am".
hanbin feels like a little kid being dragged back to bed by his mother, he doesn't want to sleep, because he can't, but he knows y/n is tired.
"hanbin! your going to sleep! end of story!" y/n yells, staring at hanbin with that same deadpanned gaze.
"i'm not letting you be sleep deprived, i care about you, stupid.." y/n mutters the last part under his breath, not knowing hanbin caught it, and not knowing how red his face is.
"fine, i'll go to sleep, but—"
hanbin eyes flicker down to the floor, and his face goes even more red. "can i sleep in your room?"
y/n gives a small chuckle. "did you have to ask?"
"yes, cause then you'd make fun of me".
"just let me take you to sleep, stupid".
hanbin gladly let him.
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AUTHORS NOTE — i died then was resurrected then died again whilst writing this 😭 this is a filler because i still need to finish the matthew imagine that's been in my drafts for days my lord.. TY TO THE ZUMBLR DISCORD FOR ENCOURAGING ME TO FINISH THIS ILY ALL!!!
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I wanna request TomEdd fic about Tom being in a rut and I'd really like if it could include a little dubcon
This is fun and I'm always happy to write about monster Tom so sure! Also you didn't specify that you wanted breeding kink stuff but I felt like it goes without saying if Tom is in a rut so I hope that's ok (Nsft and dubcon past this point, proceed at your own risk)
It was always something Tom dreaded so much, even though it felt like it only happened every couple of months, which really just made it harder to keep track of, it seemed like it always happened when he was least equipped to deal with it. So he sat in his dark room, growling and whining in pain and frustration from under his covers, his large purple tail hanging out from under his blanket and over the side of the bed.
Edd felt terrible though, he was so worried about Tom. Even though he specifically told them to leave him alone and NOT go into his room, Edd couldn't help thinking he should try to help. Tord and Matt both seemed completely fine with just letting him suffer through it, and Edd knew he couldn't exactly go see a doctor or something, but there has to be something they could do.
He decided he would bring Tom some water, since he had mentioned before how overwhelmingly hot it could feel. So Edd got a cup of ice water then brought it up to Tom's room. First he knocked, but received no answer. Inside Tom's ears shot up and he got quiet.
He very slowly moved the blanket so he could see the door but was still hidden for the most part. His eyes blew wide at the sound of a voice from outside, a soft voice that he recognized. "Tom?" Edd called when he received no answer. "I'm coming in alright? I've got some water for you"
This was incredible, Edd would be perfect. Tom's tail started to wag at the thought of releasing the tension. He would be so cute when he was nice and pregnant, and Tom could snuggle him and protect him and hold him. The doorknob turned and at first Edd didn't see anyone when he looked in, being very confused.
He did spot Tom after a second, mostly due to his tail. The artist smiled, shutting the door behind him so the room stayed dim. "I brought some cold water," he took a few steps closer to the bed "because I thought it might help you cool d-" Suddenly he was tackled to the ground as Tom pounced on him, dropping the cup and spilling the water.
His back hit the ground, having not braced himself at all and getting the air knocked out of him for a second. "What- Tom the water! What are you doing??" Edd seemed more angry than anything, and the monster tried to get on top of him but he just pushed him and sat up, shuffling back some and pulling his knees closer "I was just trying to help" He softened slightly as he got a better look at the other "Are you ok...?"
Tom was maybe a little more than half shifted, and honestly seemed like he was in pain. His face was flushed and slightly scrunched up in discomfort, and Edd couldn't help feeling bad. But now the water was gone and there was a mess, he had no idea how he was supposed to help! He didn't know anything about how demon ruts worked and Tom always got weird when he asked too many questions, he seemed embarrassed.
Edd sighed softly "I wanna help, but I can't if you don't calm down!" He turned away from Tom and got onto his knees to get up, but turning his back to the demon was a mistake. He gave a high pitched yelp when two huge, fluffy, clawed hands on his back pinning him to the ground with his ass up, Tom now on top of him much more effectively than last time.
"Tom!!" This time Edd couldn't push him off, not only because of the new position, but also because the monster simply overpowered him. "Wh-what are you- Ah!~" He felt Tom grinding against him, pressing his bulge against him hard. It was an incredibly sudden realization when it hit Edd what he was going on, and it made sense why Tom didn't want them to bother him for a few days.
He could feel very hot breath on his neck as Tom repeated the motion, pretty much thrusting against him this time. He started going herder and faster, struggling to get out of his own jeans as he did. Edd was almost completely hard as well now and was panting quietly as his face flushed, he really was trying his best not to give in yet. But as he listened to his friend it just got more clear how hard of a time he was having.
"Fuck- Edd I just- I need it so bad I need you I-I can't take it" He huffed, voice breaking in desperation as he did. He spoke so quickly it was almost hard to understand him. "Wanna fuck you so bad, gonna fill you up with my cum and stuff it so deep it'll never come out, fill you so much until you're good and pregnant" It almost sounded like he was crying, getting harder and more frantic with his thrusts. Edd's whole face was deep scarlet as he listened. The monster growled in frustration, still rambling "G-gonna breed you 'till you can't walk and-and have you stuck on my fat fuckin' knot while I pump my cum in your tight hole- God please let me breed you I-I need it so bad"
Now. Edd told himself the only reason for what he did next was to help Tom, after all that's the whole reason he was in here in the first place, but it would be a lie to say it had nothing to do with him being able to feel how huge Tom was like this now that the jeans were off, or with the fact that Tom was pretty much huffing all of that next to his ear. He reached back- after a few seconds of struggling to do so in this position, and slipped down the waistline of his khakis as well as his boxers leaving his bare ass completely on display for the other, practically presenting himself to be breed.
The monster did pause to let him do this, at first only curious and confused before absolutely ecstatic. Edd felt the hands on his back travel a bit lower, as well as not holding him down as hard as before. He just closed his eyes for a moment, it felt nice. They opened right back up though as the hands then rather firmly grabbed his plump rear and spread them, leaving him feeling very exposed.
He blushed deeper and hid bit his lip some, not totally sure what to expect. More than anything he was afraid Tom was gonna try to go in without any kind of lube or preparation. The buzzing of thoughts swirling in his head stopped with a dysfunctional clash, as if they had all suddenly slammed into each other before disappearing, when he felt something wet and very warm against his hole. "wha-ah~" The brunette chocked, blushing deeper and whining when Tom licked it again.
The demon's tongue was long, purple, and wide, but it came to a point at the end making it easy for him to penetrate the sub and earning a little high pitched moan from Edd. He felt the clawed hands gripping him tighter as it pushed deeper, pressing on his walls and exploring his insides. Tom's big dark purple tail was wagging slightly as he ate his lover out listening to all of his wonderful sounds. It didn't last long though as he was really so eager to hurry up already. He pulled his tounge back out, Edd shuddering slightly as he did and giving a little breath.
Tom pressed his purple cock against the brit's entrance. His hole was wet now, as well as more ready to be penetrated, which was a nice bonus. It was needed, considering that like this Tom was roughly three inches longer than he usually was and considerably more thick too, meaning if he did intend to knot Edd the artist would have to be able to take almost eleven inches of monster cock, which would have been horrifying if he thought about it too hard.
thankfully the only thought now occupying Edd's mind was how hard his own cock was as it drooled pre onto the floor between his legs. Tom bit his lip as he pushed in, growling quietly as his tail wagged faster behind him and he gripped Edd's sides. He did manage to get the head in nice and slowly, but it took so much for him not to break Edd this entire time, and now that he could feel his little friend squeezing SO tight around him he couldn't stop.
The cola addict nearly blacked out when Tom suddenly pushed in as much as he could as fast as he could, a broken scream tearing from his throat. Edd swore to god he could see stars, unbelievable pain mixed with equal amounts of pleasure rendering his brain totally useless. The way the small ridges on the underside of the demon's dick rubbed against his prostate a couple of times upon entry felt wonderful. That and very literally feeling more stuffed than in his entire life were bringing the human close to orgasm already and it was terribly embarrassing, but he'd never felt anything like this, his skin was on fire.
The larger was panting heavily, growling and whining as he held Edd against the ground harder and started thrusting. "AAH!~ T-TOM!~" Edd screamed as his friend started pounding into him at full force. He could only take a few before cumming, starting to cry as he shook and twitched.
The monster didn't stop for a second, jackhammering into the human with no specific pace or pattern, too focused on relieving the tension and impregnating him. Edd just sobbed and moaned, the room full of his loud noises. He couldn't do anything but scream and hold onto the carpet tighter when it pressed into his sweet spot again and again.
The demon was panting and drooling as he tried to go as hard as he could. Edd was so tight around him and his insides were so hot and wet Tom physically didn't think he could stop if he tried. He bent over slightly to be closer to the brunette, nuzzling his face into the crook of the shorter's neck and growling as he humped him.
Edd whined and leaned into him slightly, feeling another orgasm coming as he was railed. "TOM P-PLEASE!~ AH!~" He sort of stuffed his face in the carpet towards the end of that, muffling his screams of ecstasy for the time being. This only encouraged the demon, who was starting to get close as well.
His knot was just starting to swell at the base of his cock, which thankfully wasn't a problem yet because Edd wasn't taking the whole thing. "f-fucking god-" Tom huffed, voice raspy and quiet "So s-so fucking good Edd" he spoke a little louder that time, and groaned deeply afterwards, trying to shove it in harder "G-getting close" He managed to warn, and Edd could feel the knot now as Tom pushed deeper, whining softly and panting as it stretched him more.
"I-I want it in me, please~" He begged softly, barely managing to get it out as he panted. Tom's tail wagged again as he tried to push it a little deeper before it was completely locked in place, pulling another sweet moan from the little human. He came again, crying out loudly as his did, the mess got on his inner thighs as well this time.
He was mid orgasm when the monster came inside of him, growling deeply and ripping his hoodie on one side. Edd gasped deeply, eyes opening wide before giving in incredibly loud involuntary moan, the heat being poured into him as he spilled more of his own juices onto the floor below him, whining and mewling. It felt like Tom came so much, he was so full and stuffed, everything felt so fuzzy once he started calming down again.
He closed his eyes and hummed softly when Tom nuzzled him, moving to be hugging him from behind instead of just holding him in place. Both men slowly collapsed to now pretty much just be cuddling on the ground, the demon giving Edd's neck gentle licks and kisses as the artist leaned back against his chest, just enjoying the affection.
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factorialsotherfandoms · 10 months
(Happy Ending AU, goes after Fit talks to Pac and Mike)
It's early, too early in Forever's personal opinion. Nothing specific woke him up, however, so he gets to work in his base. He isn't really up to thinking right now, so he simply grabs items from the witch farm and dumps them into barrels - he'll be able to find it later, he's sure.
After ten minutes or so he feels a little more awake and no less alive, and his communicator pings.
Ph1LzA whispers to you: hey m8 u up?
Seeing the message from Philza, Forever's heart skips a beat. He cannot help the grin that sneaks its way onto his face as he types out a reply.
You whisper to Ph1LzA: heeeeey~ do you need me?
Ph1LzA whispers to you: yes
Ph1LzA whispers to you: need a second pair of eyes on something
Any message from Philza is usually enough to peak Forever's interest - they've found a balance now, a comfortable one even, but it's still always wonderful to hear from him.
You whisper to Ph1LzA: I can come over?
Ph1LzA whispers to you: can I come yours i need a break
You whisper to Ph1LzA: always
By the time Forever has walked over to the warpstone, Philza is already there. He seems fine, and isn't carrying anything, just waving with an "'ey mate!"
"Philza!" Forever jogs the rest of the way over. "I knew waking up early was a good idea!"
He didn't, but it seems like one now.
Philza laughs, "appreciated. I've been trying to catch you for weeks, but god am I tired. Here, can we sit somewhere?"
"This way."
Forever doesn't really think before dragging Philza into the witch bar, grabbing a random potion for each of them and the atmosphere. His friend laughs and takes it, though it is quickly swapped for water instead.
Forever checks the cupboard. Potions of harming. Oops.
Still, Philza doesn't bring it up, just pours the water into a shitty cup and taps a nail against it.
The longer it goes on for, the more worried Forever gets.
"Is..." he hesitates a little. "Everything okay?"
"Just haven't been sleeping well," the words come with a yawn and a stretch. "I'll head back after this. Just gotta... This might sound really dumb, okay? I need you to tell me if it sounds dumb. Because I'm about at the point of asking Cellbit for help working this shit out, and I do not want to send him on a wild goose chase."
Those words really do not help Forever's worry. Still, he nods, and plasters a grin to his lips, "you could never be dumb, Felipe."
"Oh I can be plenty dumb. Do it all the time," Philza laughs a bit, but it tastes sour. "Anyway, the plan. Fit didn't laugh me off, and Missa actually gave me an idea. But, the idea's still a few bone short of a broth, and I'd tell you anyway, and well... Yeah."
"Yeah?" Forever considers the two people. It's... Whatever this is, it's not going to be related to why Philza is so tired and so strained - that's okay, he'll try again another time, for now he just wants to hear what he is being trusted with.
"Before I start... I trust you, okay? You can tell whoever you like about this, but you've /got/ to be sure they won't let it get back to the Feds - even if its via other parties. My judgement's shit on this, so I'll trust you with that."
Philza pauses, clearly waiting for a confirmation. Forever also pauses, then nods back - tries not to think about those words so casually said, the trust and the faith and the hope placed in him.
"And I know you've got a lot on your plate, so I really do just need you to tell me if I've completely lost the plot," there's something haunted in Philza's eyes with those words.
"I know, Philza," Forever flicks the name with his tongue, playing with it in his mouth. "I will. What do you need."
"Okay. So," Philza pauses after just those words. "For a bit, I've had this idea, right? Half of us don't have lives we can take the eggs with us, and nobody wants to get split up after. So? What's the point in escaping? Other than being free of the Feds. And I'm pretty sure some people will keep the Feds to keep the community. My thought then is, what if we don't /have/ to loose the community? What if we find an uninhabited world and rebuild our lives together there? Can bring the eggs, get unlimited respawns for everyone, portal through to the hubs so everyone can come and go..."
"Could it work?" Forever's mind is thinking. "It'd need a strong foundation, and a patron... I think? Worlds aren't really my strong point."
"But they are one of mine," Philza grins. "I should be able to hold it myself, for a month or two, even with fifty inhabitants. During that time, I can get in contact with my wife - she's a goddess so she should be able to hold it longer. If she agrees. And if anyone else knows anyone who'd help out, well, having Death as the only influence is probably a bad idea anyway. Forgot to mention that bit to Missa, probably should have, but details there can be worked out later. Need the rest of a plan first."
"Like the actual escape part?" Forever asks, not wanting to interrupt, but seeing Philza starting to doubt himself.
Philza nods, then frowns, "kinda? I have half an idea, but it needs stuff we don't have."
Forever's ears twitch up, "like?"
"My wings," Philza shakes them, hesitating a moment before pressing on. "I'm still not sure how to get the rest of you out, but... If I had them, I could get out, scout, maybe find help?"
Everyone has heard Philza complain about his wings, but few have seen the damage to them truly. Forever isn't sure how bad it is, but he's not even sure he could tell if he saw them.
And then Philza is, somewhat nervously, taking off his backpack, and then the cape which hides his wings. Nervously he unfolds them, and lets Forever see.
Gently Forever reaches out, running a hand down snapped feathers. They themselves are broken - far more of them than would be needed to ground Philza, every single one is cut in half or further - and the flesh beneath... In spots where the feathers are plucked, the skin is angry and raw. Under everything it is uneven, heavily scarred and warped like entire chunks were ripped away.
And the shape, when he looks... Philza's wings are different shapes, the bones of one - maybe both - snapped and regrown out of alignment.
"You just said clipped," Forever whispers. "This is..."
Philza shuffles uncomfortably, "they are clipped."
Forever doesn't wait longer. He opens his arms, and captures Philza within them. Squeezes his friend, holds him close, holds him tight.
"Does it hurt?" he asks.
There's a lie in Philza's eyes and the way he holds Forever a little tighter. Always, then, and Forever's fragile heart snaps again.
"Are they..." He hesitates. "Can they even be fixed?"
Philza turns and looks at his wings, shuddering at the state of them, "the feathers will be replaced in a few months, but last time the Feds came and clipped them again. The rest..." a hesitation. "Yes."
"How?" Forever demands. "How do I help you?"
"The End," Philza shakes his head a little. "The End would heal them... Maybe surgery, or some magic, but... When I've hurt them before, I've always returned to The End."
Forever wants to ask, he desperately does, to know why the End would heal Philza in a way nothing else can. He doesn't, though, he does a look struggling to stay present well enough. Instead he starts thinking - as President he doesn't really have the power to do anything, let alone to demand Philza be permitted to visit the End. There's no doctors here, and their closest thing to a witch is Cellbit...
There are tools Philza is unfamiliar with, though. Maybe... Philza's knowledge of the natural world is incredibly - Philza is incredible - but Forever knows he is less capable in the hands of redstone and machines. Perhaps, perhaps...
But no, not yet - speak to the other engineers first, at least. It's just a case of knowing who would keep Philza's trust. Pac and Mike, perhaps, they'd enjoy the challenge.
"And once they're healed, what would you do?" Forever asks.
"Fly," Philza says it like that word holds the hope of humanity and the life of the worlds in its hands.
"I meant about escaping and making us a home," Forever teases.
"Oh," Philza snaps back. "Yeah, that, um. So if I could get to the End I could just jump off and into the void, get out that way. Otherwise... There's a trick, with tnt and the bedrock. You know it?"
"Yeah, but..." Forever hesitates a bit, and he feels Philza emotionally close in the silence. "That's a one way ticket to death."
"Nah," Philza softens again. "You worried about me, king? I'll be fine."
"It's the void!" Forever objects. "You need a train, or a boat, or - or some protection! Otherwise you fall and you die."
"Hence the wings."
"Won't you suffocate?"
"Not if I'm careful; I've done it before."
Forever thinks in horror of the idea at Philza flying through the void, lacking in air, scorching himself. He grabs Philza's face, checks it - checks him - for scars from the void, for the pain it must have caused.
Philza's hands gently close over Forever's, "I'm okay, mate; it's not a method I'd recommend to anyone else. Wouldn't risk it carrying one of you, either."
Fuck, no, Philza definitely shouldn't.
Forever goes to object, but then he remembers... The End. Philza's insistence such a place could heal him. If - if - that is true, if Philza hasn't been madder than they thought this entire time... Then perhaps the void would love him as his own.
Calls into doubt if those are crow wings, however. Not that Forever could tell - he's never met a crow.
"You'll be careful?"
"I don't even have my wings, mate, it's only theoretical."
"You promise?"
"Alright," Philza relents. "I'll be careful, I promise."
Forever searches Philza's face for a lie, and finds none. Instead he grabs another bottle from the witch bar - this one on purpose, experimental painkillers. He gives it to Philza who looks confused, but doesn't even sniff it before he downs the bottle.
"So your plan is... Beg the Federation for wing surgery, blow a hole in the bottom of the world, fly in the void, find us a new place to live together... somehow get the rest of us out, then we're happy and free?"
"When you put it like that, it's really not much of a plan, eh?" Philza laughs a bit, that awful laugh that means he hates himself. "I guess... back to the drawing board. Missa was just talking about me being able to fly away if they healed, and I remembered maybe I actually /could/, you know?"
"It's not... The worst plan," Forever hesitates, considers a bit. "I would help. Don't beg the Federation, though, we're better off studying. If you did..."
"Yeah, I know," Philza pulls a face. "I just don't know where else to go."
"Try Cellbit," Forever shrugs. "He has so many books. Maybe one has an answer?"
"You think its worth bringing this up to him, then?" there's almost hope sparked in Philza's eyes. "It's not really like any of its actionable."
Forever nods rapidly - he knows Cellbit, and knows him well. He can see the hope fading, his friend being crushed by a torment without end. It's only half a plan - not even half of a plan, really, missing every key component possible - but it is hope. It is someone promising an after, one where, maybe, they can all be... happy.
He can't say that, though, so instead he grins. "He's already working on getting us away, why not join forces?"
"Ah, then I'm sure he has better ideas," Philza laughs again. "He always does."
"At least let him know he's not alone in trying?" Forever suggests. He knows Philza, he knows Philza, now he just has to convince him that, yes, talking is the correct plan. "He might like bits of your plan. And he can show you where to help on his."
"I guess I can carry his backpack and get his notepaper for him," Philza says. "... But you really think the plan is good enough to share?"
"I think Cellbit will appreciate knowing about it," Forever says, because the plan is missing parts, and it's so dangerous, and his eyes are still watching Philza's wings. "Do you brush those?"
"Brush... Huh?" Philza twists, and looks at his wings. "Oh, right, no? It's called preening. Like..." Philza twists further, further than a person should, and starts using his fingers and a needle to clear muck from his feathers. "Like this. Fit helps me with the bits I can't reach - or Missa or Wilbur or Chayanne, but Missa and Wilbur work and... I don't really want my toddler having to do it, you know?"
"I could learn," Forever offers. "If... If that's not too forward?"
Philza hesitates a moment, then plucks another needle from a pouch and extends his wing.
"We start where I can see you," Philza gestures to the soft, mutilated underside. "And... Maybe somewhere more private?"
It's not just about helping, though Forever wants to help - Fit is around so often he doubts Philza would ever need Forever's help. But, if he's going to make something... Then he his research done.
"You don't want the witches watching?" Forever teases, already getting up. "What a prude. Come downstairs, then, we can use the couch."
Philza gets up to follow, "are you sure you want to learn? It's kinda fiddly."
"Of course!" Forever replies. "Who wouldn't want to brush your beautiful wings!"
"Preen," Philza sighs. "You- never mind, let's just get somewhere comfy. It'll take a while."
"That's okay," Forever says. "I don't mind."
'If it's you' he doesn't complete it with - it's true, though. He might not be after Philza any more, but he does love him. He loves all his friends, the eggs, the islanders... But no matter what, Philza is always a little special. it's not burning passion any more, but it's there. It's there, and it always will be.
He wants to help. Forever can see a problem and a solution that hasn't been tried. Between him, Pac, and Mike, he's sure they can make Philza some sort of flying aid - he just needs to know better the shape his wings are in.
It's not even about the escape, the new home, with Richas, with everyone, the reward that could be promised to him if he assists... It's about a bird who is probably not a bird, and two broken wings, and an open sky.
It's about the fact Forever loves his friends, and one is hurting, and if he can help... Why wouldn't he?
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cosmictulips · 1 year
Earth & Fire Signs --- A Word if you please (PAC)
Considering last week was Water & Air, this week should be Earth and Fire haha.
So! if you have :: promenent Earth OR Fire energies or a mix of the two, this reading is for you! if you are dominant in planets that rule an earth or fire sign this is for you! IF YOU FEEL LIKE YOU NEED TO SIT AROUND A FIRE AND VENT TO SOMEONE THIS IS ALSO FOR YOU.
VERY SPECIFICALLY SOMEONE NEEDS TO VENT AND HONEY IF YOU SEE THIS, THIS IS FOR YOU. regardless of what placements you have, if you look at any of these pictures and feel a pull, READ THE MESSAGE.
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The Magician :: King of Cups, Knight of Wands, Knight of Cups, 09 of Swords, 06 of Swords, 04 of Cups, 02 of Wands
My darling pile 1's. welcome to the campfire. this is a comforting message that the universe wants to give to you. and I see you guys having two messages. Which is funny cause if you're anything like me, you might be worried about more than one thing.
And that's okay. I'mma need you to relax the tension in your shoulders, your face, your back. just relax. the 06 of swords in particular came out in reverse but I don't really read reversals but I do make note of it if it comes out that way.
So, you are coming from a turbulent time. a time that may seem kind of rough, and you know you were stuck there. now, despite your best efforts, you are moving forward. and I want to emphasize, moving forward slowly. I immeditatley heard "BUT HASTE!" no. take your time with this.
I want you to know, that your ruling energy right now -and for the forseeible future- is in the Magician. the card of manifesting. the card of recieving. because you decided to give up, let go, or simply just close a chapter whether it was successful or not, -and some of it was, believe it or not- you are being rewarded.
I can tell you've learned a lot here. there are so many people here. two knights, one king. you are leading others whether you recognize it or not.
And here's the real kicker here. Someone, wants to offer you love. I don't... know if it's romantic. but obviously with the knight of cups and king of cups, it can be. but for others of you, it just feels like someone wants to be let in. and you're finally letting in the people that you need to have.
I can tell that a good chunk of you have felt isolated. you worry with that 09 of swords if this time it will be different. you wonder if the trees will stop growing, if the birds will stop singing...if life will lose all its meaning again. and I promise you, it won't. winter is over now. literally, we are stepping into spring. and you're being asked to join with us.
Within the next couple of weeks, I see you all doing a couple of things.
planning. whether this is chasing a dream, chasing down some solid mental health help, or physical. you're planning. take the time you need to plan. keep it loose because you never know what can happen.
Someone wants to see you. friends, family, coworkers outside of work. be open to it. some of you -VIRGOS... but you know, not always virgos- are stuck in your head right now. Just say yes. trust me. you won't regret it.
I'm also getting a very strong message of healing. whether that's dealing with that anxiety of that 09 of swords, or just regular health. Just... let things heal. give things time. which is why I'm saying to go slowly. I keep thinking of this song from mumford and sons "not with haste".
I think it's a love song to be honest. but this can be about returning to friends, to a new path, to a new you. be gentle with yourself. you're on a good path.
Pile 2 !
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The Chariot :: The Sun, Knight of Swords, 05 of Pentacles, 03 of Cups, 03 of Wands, 02 of Cups, 02 of Swords
This is more of my fire pile and I can feel it lmao. helloooo fire dominants, fire signs, fire moons? regardless of if you're just big ole earth or fire, hello! the fire burns bright with you tonight. I think this is also the pile the people who need to vent will choose. I don't know, I just see passionate eyes and flames burning wthin someone.
and you know what else is interesting? I was listening to a more soothing playlist while doing these piles, but as soon as I got to writing this one out, a playlist called" glide" came on. and it is about flight.
and darlings, you will fly. Look at your major energy! the Chariot and the Sun! which is why I feel like there's this burning passion within someone or really, all of you. there's this need for freedom. there's this need to shine.
and look at what surrounds it! the Knight of Swords, 03 of cups and wands and the 02 of cups. you know your worth. You know what you want, how to get it and how to keep it. well... maybe not the latter.
You see, that 05 of pentacles is telling me that you're afraid to lose something because you've lost it before. you keep losing it, never had it, and don't know what to do with it when you do get it. and so you feel like you keep having to learn the same lesson again and again.
but look at all this expanding energy. you could be using it recklessly. you have the 03 of wands with the sun and chariot after all. but the Chariot and the Sun,.... as arrogant and ... prideful as they can be, know what they are doing. they are the leaders for a reason. they may not be like the Emperor, but they value freedom, and self expression.
and the people who are coming towards you, -02 and 03 of cups- see that too. if you haven't already, something is about to turn around for you. you'll be in a place of celebration. of being surrounded by love. and it's all going to start with you making the choice to not let go. do NOT let go of your vision, of your favorite self. of who you are. and if you're struggling to find who you are, what do you admire most in others? you have those same traits.
if you are worried about finances, don't be. you've learned the first time and now you'll no longer make those mistakes. trust the person that is coming in to love you, to apologize. -obviously, if this person has hurt you before, keep a wall between them-. I see you growing mainly in spirit.
and i hear a lot of you screaming, when is my time coming Cosmic? Star Commander, how the hell do I accept my fate? how do I claim what I so desperately want?
You see that knight of swords? plan. then act. talk. communicate your wants with the universe and then go there with steady and slow steps. remember why you are doing this in the first place. some things can be as simple as talking to someone is an academic advisor, or a financial one. others could be talking to a relative who has gone down a similiar path.
the point is to listen. LISTEN to what others are saying when they give you advice, and LISTEN to what your heart is saying. use that logic and reasoning, and go.
Pile 3!
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page of Swords :: The Empress, The Tower, The Hermit. King of Cups, Knight of Cups, page of Wands, 10 of Pentacles, 08 of Wands, 03 of Cups, Ace of Pentacles
I was going to say that this pile had a lot to say, but look at your leading energy. the page of swords. the card of communication haha following that with the page of wands! exploration and communication. of course this would be my talkative pile.
the message is pretty straight forward here so if this isn't going to resonate with you....you might not need it now OR it's not your pile.
This pile... You need to spend time alone. or you have been. or you have been and still need to. this pile has been going internal a lot and it's because you know you're ready for a big change. Taurus stood out to me a lot when I shuffling, so you might need to incorporate more traits of a taurus or are one. this is also interesting because heavy, heavy venus themes are playing out in my head right now.
It's okay to feel alone. to be introspective and be unsure of where you are going. and given how heavy this major arcana is, you have been feeling this way for awhile. years is what I'm hearing.
You're getting desperate but you're holding out strong. and I'll tell you one thing, your waiting period is going to be coming to an end. soon. the thing is, you needed this. I know a lot of you are going to be like "Full offense Star Commander but we don't desreve suffering". You right. but it's guaranteed by the universe so listen up to this ::
this suffering made you realize that you aren't putting enough into yourself. you needed to be confused, alone, and ... scared, to realize that you were being taken advantage of. to realize what exactly you needed out of yourself, out of others, and out of life.
and now look at what is coming towards you. in a month you can expect new opprotunities for something stable. in less than that you can expect people to be more open to you and you to be more open with them. people who love you have been waiting for you to shine again.
You are stepping into your power. your feminine, all caring, power. you're "i'm not taking shit so don't ask" power. Hell, a lot of you have been there and you've been growing it. these water energies are about passion, romance, and intuition. it's all emotional baby. you're understanding your mind and that is connecting you to the higher planes that you need.
You are no longer doubting yourself. and you are glowing. I already see some of you getting smaller successes. losing the weight, gaining weight ify ou need to, smiling more, just... all those minuit details people over look. ya know? you've taken and are taking the steps. and those steps are going to snowball into something massive.
You've worked hard to gain the stability that you are going to achieve. and if no one has told you yet, know that I am proud of you. I'm proud of what you have accomplished and will continue to accomplish.
I see love coming back in for you and becoming everlasting. for some of you, I see love progressing if you're involved with someone. I see familial bonds being formed with people either in or out of your family. I see finanical freedom and independence. I see you...glowing.
so do me a solid and don't dim your light ;)
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windvexer · 2 years
Thanks for answering my last ask, because well… I’ve been going by the book for literally EVERY CARD, pulling muddled readings 60% and then pulling more cards when cards don’t make sense to me, and I’ve been wondering where I went wrong. *obviously I know the whole “your personal method works best” but in this case it’s not working for me* But yeah, thank you chicken, it was really helpful bc I’ve been hitting a wall for a while and I think I needed to hear this.
Here is one way of reading tarot as a simple oracle which does not use spreads.
As far as I'm aware this is my original system. For me, it provides sterling omens that can be arrived at simply enough (once you are used to it) without using the book meanings.
The problem with book definitions is that sometimes they are very difficult to associate to any specific problem, and not everyone can read intuitively.
So perhaps you'd like to try elemental dignities. First, assign each card one of the four Western elements (earth/air/fire/water). This is easily done for the suits. The task is more difficult for major arcana. Lists of major arcana elements can be found.
Or, simply take all the major arcana out of the deck.
Next, assign a few qualities to each element. These qualities may be ones that also make sense for spellwork or other rituals, but remember that here our goal is divination, and it's fine to assign qualities that only make sense for divination.
Here is a starter list if you'd like to use my qualities:
Fire (wands): Very fast (the fastest). Passion and desire (carnal and otherwise). Intensity. Aligns with questions of want, creativity, and fulfillment. The spark of life and what makes us "glow." Force to get the job done quickly.
Air (swords): Fast. The mind and intellectual pursuits. Knowledge, rationality, objective truth. Matters of learning, education, and skills. Aligns with questions of knowledge, truth. Deceit and betrayal. Cleverness to get the job done precisely.
Water (cups): Slow. The heart, subconscious, and the current that runs underneath things. Feelings, poetry, and subjective truth. Matters of emotions, relationships, and bonds that tie. Aligns with questions of motivation, feeling, and wellbeing. Wisdom to get the job done best.
Earth (pentacles): Very slow. The physical bodies of things, and the institutions and structures that we use to care for and manage bodies, and create physical things. Labor, money, wealth, debt. Matters of physicality (a friend being present in body, versus in spirit). Discipline to get the job done completely.
Alright. Now, if you don't work with elements very much, you may actually need to spend some time getting on the same page with them. That's alright - it's part of the fun! (and good exercise if you want to expand your elemental sorcery)
Because next, what you've got to do is assign an element to your question.
I can't remember if you said or not what your original spell was about, that you were reading on.
But let's say that it was a job spell. To me, that would be an Earth question. If it was about a person discovering a career path that they're passionate about, maybe that would be a Fire question. If it was about discovering a career path that is best for their wellbeing, perhaps that would be a Water question.
There is a lot of ambiguity here (is a question about a friend who is a suspected backstabber in the workplace an earth, water, or air question?) but all you've got to do is pick the element you think works best for your question.
Alrighty. So we've cast a Fire spell, let's say, and we need to know how it will go. All the major arcana have been taken out of the deck. Now, find the Wheel of Fortune and shuffle it back into the deck.
Shuffle shuffle shuffle.
Hold the deck face-up, so the pictures are facing you. Pick up cards one at a time and set them aside until you find the wheel of fortune.
The card on top of the wheel of fortune is the best possible outcome for the spell.
The card beneath the wheel of fortune is the worst possible outcome for the spell.
Here is how you judge the omen:
A card that matches your question's element is a very good omen.
If my top and bottom cards are both Fire cards, that is great for my Fire question.
A card that opposes your question's element is a very bad omen.
Earth and air oppose each other
fire and water oppose each other
If my bottom card is Water, that means the worst possible outcome for my Fire question is very bad indeed.
A card that neither matches nor opposes your element is a decent omen.
Earth and water are good friends with each other
Earth and fire are just buddies
Air and fire are good friends with each other
Air and water are just buddies
Suppose my question is will this business deal go well? Which I have chosen to be an earth question.
I shuffle. The cards are as follows:
On top of the Wheel of Fortune (best possible outcome): Cups card
Beneath the Wheel of Fortune (worst possible outcome): Swords card
Now I can see that the watery cups card is good friends with my earthy question, and the best possible outcome is just fine - not perfect, but a good deal.
Unfortunately, the airy swords card opposes my earthy question - the worst possible outcome is very bad indeed.
Perhaps now I'd like to know how to prevent against this worst outcome - I may perform the operation over again, this time instead of the Wheel of Fortune using a card related to victory or protection (perhaps for a business deal I'd choose the Emperor or the Chariot), and choosing new meanings for my top and bottom cards. Perhaps this time the top card will be "best thing I can do to prevent a bad business deal" and the bottom card will be "worst thing I can do."
Because if you'd like a little more detail, you can start accounting for the elemental meanings and the card numbers.
Now, here is a note - if you are just asking for outcomes, it is easy to apply the "opposite element = bad outcome" rule. But if you are asking for guidance, opposing elements can begin to function more as warning signs than bad omens. Let's see this in action below:
Now I ask an airy question - what is the best way to stop this business deal going bad?
And instead of the WoF I choose to use the exact same swords card that was my bad omen the first time around.
I shuffle the deck and find that swords card.
On top of the swords card (best action to take to prevent a bad deal): Page of Pentacles
Underneath the swords card (worst thing I could do; would make the situation worse): Nine of Cups
Well heck! My most positive card is enemies with my question's element. How may this be resolved? To answer that, let's take a look at what to do with the card's position in the suit.
I guess you can use numerology if you want, but we're after something a lot more simple.
Aces may be high or low (that is, an ace card may be weaker than the 2 or stronger than the 10 -- choose for yourself)
Cards gain intensity as their numbers go up (the 6 card is twice as intense as the 3 card)
Furthermore, the court cards gain the following attributes (courts can be tricky, so feel free to remove them from your deck entirely):
Pages function as novices, learners, observers, students, and apprentices; lowest on the social ladder; outsiders looking in
Knights function as competent workers, people who get the job done, the person who goes out and does things; middling on the social ladder; involved in the situation
Queens function as leaders, middle managers, and delegators. The person to talk to in order to get the go-ahead. The person with many answers. Higher on the social ladder; managing the situation.
Kings function as bosses, executives, and rulers. The person who sets the game plan that the queens abide by. May be out of touch or even have fewer pragmatic answers than the queen. The person with the vision. Highest on the social ladder; controls the situation.
Let's mash a couple of things here together to try and understand why being a Page of Pentacles will help stop this Airy situation from going bad.
Because of the element traits of earth (discipline, jobs) and the significance of the page (novice, learner, low on the social ladder), I can determine that in this situation, the Page of Pentacles represents as behaving as a humble student of business is a great outcome for me.
Because of the element traits of water (feelings, connection, emotion) and the high intensity of the number nine card, I can determine that in this situation, the Nine of Cups represents me behaving in an intensely subjectively emotional way, perhaps to try and force a friendship with that business person.
I know that the Page of Pentacles card must reflect something positive and helpful (it is the best thing for me to do!) and that is how I derive the more helpful meaning.
I know that the Nine of Cups must be something unhelpful and perilous, which is how I derive the less helpful meaning.
How do I resolve the Page of Pentacles as being the opposite element of my airy question?
Here, I determine that my ideas of what it takes to succeed are backwards. The way I am seeing this situation is upside-down - by behaving as if I am so friendly to this business person, I would ruin the deal. What they want to see is that I am ready to learn the ropes and be easy to work with.
Well, anyway. I could go on and on as there are many nuances to this method.
If you've made it all the way to the end, now you can have an extra tip! If assigning an element to your own question is too difficult at this time, make the oracle even more simple. Fire is the best possible outcome, air is a good outcome, water is a fine outcome, and earth is the worst outcome.
Interpret only one card - either on top of, or beneath the Wheel of Fortune (as this variation is so simple that drawing 2 cards often doesn't make sense).
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