#i have NO IDEA what im getting into? or if i do the kind of work they want? my friend recc'ed me but like people use artist
shalomniscient · 1 day
imagine kjsr finds it difficult to take care of wings since no one really taught her and s/o that is an expert with the birds, just the soft intimacy of kjsr being taken care of by her s/o. im a huge fan of scenarios where 'protector' characters get protected or spoiled. kjsr deserves the world!!!!
this is such a sweet ask !! i’ve thought about this before and i love the idea of it sm. i feel like it’d be sweeter if like reader wasn’t exactly an expert on birds but really went out of their way to learn how to do wing care. maybe they import books on ornithology and bird care from sumeru and spend their time at home when sara’s at work just poring over the books and absorbing as much info as they can. when sara gets back she’s locked into an impromptu spa day that she is not allowed to escape. reader is very careful when handling sara’s wings (certain spots along the wing are erogenous zones, after all, and they’re saving that information for later) but by the end of it sara’s wings are fluffier and glossier than usual and she’s also a little stunned by how good they look. she makes sure to wrap reader up in them and kiss them silly as thanks <33
kind of related but another thought i had about kjsr is that what if she doesn’t know how to fly? i haven’t been able to find any lore in game that confirms that she knows how to fly, so this thought has been absolutely haunting me. who could teach her to fly, anyway? takayuki? no, anything that wasn’t important to her position was never of any worth. and sara has never met or found another tengu. it makes me sick wondering if sara longs for the sky, sometimes. how must if feel, to have wings but to not be able to fly? i feel like she’d stand on cliffsides and just spread her wings to feel the wind blow through them and in her hair. kjsr my darling… 😔😔😔
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n1ght0f-nyx · 1 day
Your last fic was so good! I return once again, i meed more of my husband.
Can we get some soft fluffy smut with per'tah? Maybe the first time they are finally intimate with each other? Can be part of the series or stand alone.
Love ya 😘
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woven bonds- pert'ah (orc oc) smut
part 6 of woven bonds and smut
pert'ah x fem reader
water-lillie you keep me sane
tags/warnings- over the time you two have been together his english has gotten better, arranged marriage, human female x male orc, gentle giant, your together!, smut, very gentle man but hes huge so its still rough, heavy illusions to the idea of pregnancy, no condom obvi, virginity taking (on both sides) hes actually a total tease, pert'ah has a frenum piercing
also, feel free to request non-woven bonds-related things that involve pert'ah or my other ocs (see my masterlist) i love writing for all these characters and seeing the mass of support I've gotten over the last month!
i need to learn to stop writing so much- 3739 words
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The night was quiet, save for the soft rustle of the wind outside the small home you now shared with Pert’ah. The hearth had died down to embers, casting a gentle, warm glow across the room. You could still hear the faint crackling of the last burning logs as you sat on the edge of the bed, feeling the woven blankets beneath your fingers.
Pert'ah was quiet, too, standing near the window, his broad back to you as he gazed out into the night. The silence between you both wasn’t the uncomfortable kind it had once been. After weeks of tentative conversations and quiet gestures, the distance between you two had shrunk. And yet, tonight felt different. Intimate in a way that made your heart race.
“Are you… ready for sleep?” Pert'ah’s deep voice broke the stillness, the hint of uncertainty in his words unusual for him.
You nodded slowly, your eyes drifting toward the space beside you. “Yes....im tired"
The truth was, you had grown used to Pert'ah sleeping on the floor beside the bed, wrapped in his own blanket. He had never pushed for more, always respecting the distance you’d initially demanded. But tonight, you had quietly asked him to sleep beside you. The words had caught in your throat, but they had come out, and he had agreed without question.
Pert'ah approached the bed cautiously, as if not wanting to spook you. His steps were quiet for someone his size, his large, rough hands moving carefully as he pulled back the blanket and slid in beside you. The bed felt smaller now with him in it, his presence all-encompassing and warm.
You lay on your back, staring up at the ceiling, feeling the heat of his body beside you. His breathing was slow, steady, and somehow calming.
After a few moments, you turned to face him. “Pert’ah?”
He shifted, turning his head to look at you, his golden eyes glowing faintly in the dim light. “Yes?”
“Tell me more about your past,” you said softly. “We’ve been together for a while now, but… I still don’t know much about where you come from.”
Pert’ah let out a slow breath, his eyes flickering with something you couldn’t quite read. “My past… is not so interesting. I am… simple man.” He paused, his hand resting near yours on the bed, his fingers curling slightly as if he wanted to reach out but wasn’t sure if he should.
“I was born into weaving,” he continued. “My family, we make many things. Cloth, art. From when I am small, I learn to use my hands to create.” His voice grew softer as he spoke, a far-off look in his eyes. “My father, he teach me much. Say that strong hands can create just as much as they can destroy.”
His gaze shifted to you, and the look in his eyes made your heart stutter.
“And you?” you asked quietly. “What do you want to create… with me?”
For a moment, the only sound in the room was your combined breathing. Then, Pert'ah’s large hand slid across the blanket, covering yours gently. His touch was warm, comforting, and his fingers entwined with yours as if they were always meant to fit together.
“With you?” he repeated, his voice low, thoughtful. “I want to create… peace. Home.” His thumb brushed the back of your hand, his touch tentative but sincere. “I want to make you happy. Want you to feel safe with me.”
The vulnerability in his voice made your chest tighten. You shifted closer to him, your fingers tightening around his as you rested your head on his shoulder. For so long, you had resisted, keeping him at arm’s length, but now, lying here with him, you couldn’t imagine being anywhere else.
“I think… I’m starting to feel that way,” you whispered, your breath warm against his skin. “With you.”
Pert'ah’s arm wrapped around you slowly, carefully, as though he feared breaking the fragile moment. His hand rested on your back, holding you close. You felt his heartbeat, steady and strong beneath your ear.
“I never thought I would end up here,” you murmured. “With you. I never thought I’d…” You trailed off, unsure how to put your feelings into words.
But Pert'ah understood. He always did.
“We are here now,” he said softly, his hand rubbing slow, soothing circles on your back. “We can...make future together.”
You looked up at him, meeting his golden eyes. “What kind of future do you want?”
His eyes softened, his tusked smile gentle. “One where you smile more. Where we work together. You and me… mates.”
It was a simple answer, but it made your heart swell. The life you had imagined for yourself before seemed distant now, irrelevant. What mattered was the man beside you, the quiet strength in his words and the way he held you like you were the most precious thing in the world.
You shifted again, tilting your head up until your lips brushed his. The kiss was slow, tentative at first, but it quickly deepened, the space between you disappearing completely as his arms tightened around you.
When you finally pulled away, your breath mingling with his, you smiled softly. “I think… I’d like that future, too.”
Pert'ah’s smile widened, his rough fingers brushing a strand of hair from your face, his sparkling golden eyes looking down at yours he leans down, and when he doesnt see you pull back, connects, pressing his lips to yours
you kiss back, his tusks feel uncomfy against your lips, but you'll manage, its all worth it for him, you lightly press your hands against his leather sleep tunic, he had sewn two matching ones for the both of you so you had a more comfortable rest on the furs.
you pull back, looking up at him with a sweet loving smile, but one that would never compare to the one he gave back, all that man did was love you
Pert'ah's eyes lit up when you kissed him back, a warmth spreading through his chest at your acceptance. He could feel the slight discomfort of his tusks, but the way you willingly leaned into his touch, despite them, filled him with a deep longing to cherish and protect you.
As you pulled back and smiled up at him, Pert'ah's gaze followed yours, drinking in the sweetness of the moment. His smile grew wider, mirroring yours, but the intensity behind it made you feel like you were the only person in the world. His hands framed your face, gently tracing the curves of your cheeks with his thumbs, as if to memorise every detail. "You are beautiful," he said, the words coming from a place deep within his soul, his voice filled with a sincerity that left him breathless, He leaned in once more, this time tenderly pressing his forehead against yours, savoring the closeness.
The softness of the moment hung between you, a palpable energy that seemed to fill the air with anticipation. Pert'ah's heart pounded against your chest, a rhythmic reminder of the love he felt for you. His lips grazed your temple, leaving a trail of gentle kisses along your jawline, seeking permission to continue exploring the contours of your face.
And then, there was no hesitation; his mouth claimed yours, demanding nothing but surrender as his tongue danced with yours in a sensual waltz. Time lost meaning as the world narrowed to the two of you, suspended in a sea of desire and affection. When he finally released your lips, Pert'ah's chest rose and fell rapidly, his breath hot against your skin.
"I love you," he whispered, his voice trembling with emotion. "More than anything, I need you."
In that instant, Pert'ah knew that he would move mountains, cross oceans, and defy fate itself to ensure that you remained by his side forevermore. Your love was his anchor, his guiding star, and his reason for existing. As he cradled your face in his palms, Pert'ah vowed to spend eternity cherishing and adoring you, unwavering in his devotion to the mate he had found in you.
you pulled lightly on his tunic, and with a look into your loving eyes, he gets the hint, pulling his shirt off, pulling your lips against his again
Pert'ah's tunic fell away, revealing the strong contours of his chest and the softness of his skin beneath. The warmth of his body radiated towards you, drawing you in like a magnet. As you pressed your lips against his, the sensation of his skin against yours sent shivers down your spine, igniting a flame of desire that threatened to consume you.
Their lips moved in tandem, a sensual dance of tongues and breaths that left them both gasping for air. Pert'ah's hands cradled your face, his thumbs caressing the delicate skin of your cheeks as he deepened the kiss. The gentle touch belied the intensity of his emotions, the love and longing evident in every caress.
As you kissed, Pert'ah's fingers danced over your body, exploring every curve and contour as if mapping your very soul. His hands roamed under your nightgown, finding the soft flesh of your stomach, your breasts, and your thighs, sending waves of pleasure coursing through you. He nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck, inhaling the scent of your skin and burying his nose in the tender spot between your collarbone and shoulder.
"Mine..my wife" he whispered, the single word echoing through your mind like a promise, a vow, a declaration of love. In that moment, you belonged to him, and he to you, bound together by threads of passion and devotion.
As the kiss lingered, Pert'ah's grip on your waist tightened, pulling you closer until you were flush against him. your bodies molded together seamlessly, fitting like pieces of a puzzle designed specifically for yours alone. The contact sparked a firestorm of sensations, each brush of skin against skin amplifying the intimacy and urgency of your embrace.
Time stood still as you clung to each other, lost in the swirling vortex of desire and affection. Nothing existed beyond the confines of your little bubble, where the world melted away, leaving only the pulsating rhythm of your hearts beating as one.
you kiss at his jaw and temple, playing with his hair as his kisses your neck, bruising your throat with marks, you pull your own tunic off and if he could be any more excited, he would explode, looking down at your body, your tits, your waist, your tummy, thighs and what laid between them, your sweet core
The sight of your exposed skin seemed to hypnotize Pert'ah. His eyes traveled over your curves, drinking in the beauty of your naked form, his breathing growing more ragged with each passing second. The bruises on your throat added a depth of color to the canvas of your neck, a testament to the intensity of his emotions.
His fingers traced the outline of your waist, tracing the shape of your belly button, and the gentle rise of your thighs. He couldn't help but marvel at the beauty of your body, every inch of which he had come to adore. Each kiss, each touch, each whisper of breath against his skin sent waves of desire crashing through him like a tide.
Without breaking eye contact, Pert'ah slowly lowered his head, his lips grazing your breast. His mouth closed around your nipple, sucking softly as his tongue began to circle the bud, drawing it into the wet cavern of his mouth. The sensation sent a jolt of electricity straight to your core, your inner muscles clenching in anticipation.
As he explored your body, Pert'ah's hands roamed over your skin, mapping every contour and valley, tracing the lines of your veins and the tender curve of your collarbone. Every touch, every caress, every kiss sent ripples of pleasure through you, building upon themselves until you felt like you might burst apart from sheer joy.
Lost in the haze of desire, Pert'ah didn't notice when needy tears pricked at the corners of your eyes, nor did he realize that your nails dug gently into his scalp as you arched into his touch. All he saw was the radiant beauty of your face, bathed in moonlight, illuminated by the pure, raw emotion emanating from your very pores.
"pert'ah…please…more" you plead, squirming, tugging at his hair lightly, you needed more than gentle licks, nothing about this would be light, no matter how hard he tried, but you were okay with that
Pert'ah's ears perked up at the pleading in your voice, and he lifted his head to look at you with a question in his eyes. Seeing your desperation, he smiled, a mischievous glint in his golden eyes. He knew exactly what you wanted, and he was more than happy to oblige.
His tongue flicked out, teasing your nipple with slow, deliberate strokes, drawing out a sharp intake of breath from you. You arched into his touch, your body aching for more, and Pert'ah responded eagerly.
His mouth closed around your nipple once more, this time applying gentle suction, then harder and harder, until the pressure became almost unbearable. He pinched the other nipple with his fingers, the dual sensations sending shockwaves of pleasure through your body.
Pert'ah's hands slipped down your stomach, his fingers dancing over the tender skin, exploring every dip and curve, before finding their way to the swollen nub between your thighs. He pressed a finger against you, and you gasped as he applied gentle pressure, circling the sensitive tissue in rhythmic motions.
The world narrowed to a pinpoint as he continued to tease and taunt you, the sensations building to a crescendo within you. The tightness in your abdomen coiled tighter and tighter, threatening to unleash a torrent of release.
Just as you teetered on the brink, Pert'ah withdrew his fingers, leaving you panting and desperate for more. A wicked grin spread across his face as he watched you writhe in frustration, knowing full well the effect he had on you.
"Don't worry..my love," he purred, leaning forward to capture your lips in another searing kiss. "I haven't forgotten about you."
you squirm in his touch as he pulls back, sitting back to look at his work, the glistening slick that covered your cunt like a thin film, watching you pant and plead with your eyes, he leans back on his knees and takes his cock out from behind his loin cloth, giving you a show as he pulls his foreskin back, revealing his sheen-green tip which leaked precum down onto his silver frenum piercing
Pert'ah's showy display had you squirming in place, your eyes fixed on his erect member as he stroked himself slowly, the motion drawing your gaze to the glisten of precum that trickled down his shaft, pooling at the base of his penis.
The sight of his erect cock made your mouth water, your inner thighs slickening further in response, the need to feel him inside you reaching a fever pitch. Your fingers involuntarily drummed a rhythm on his leg, urging him to take action.
His golden eyes sparkled with mischief, a challenge in his gaze that he knew you wouldn't be able to resist. He leaned forward, his hand wrapping around your thigh, fingers closing around your calf as he gently but firmly drew your leg up.
"I'm ready when you are, my love," he purred,
you nod, spread and ready for him, he his breath hot against your neck as he slowly dragged his member through the slick folds of your pussy, the tip parting your labia and brushing against your clit.
The sensation was overwhelming, every nerve ending in your lower body singing in delight as he began to rock his hips, slowly pushing his cock deeper into your depths. The sensation of him sliding inside you, the feeling of him filling you completely, was indescribable, aside from heaven and a little (alot) painful
Pert'ah's movements were slow and deliberate, allowing you to adjust to his size, his cock slowly sinking deeper into your slickened core. He knew he had to be gentle, careful not to push too hard, too fast, not yet. He could feel your body tensing up around his, the gentle pain of entry easing as you began to relax.
With a tender touch, Pert'ah cradled your face in his hands, gazing into your eyes, seeing the mix of pain and pleasure there. "You okay, love?" he asked softly, his voice a gentle rumble as he paused in his movements, waiting for your response.
You nodded, taking a deep breath, the pain giving way to pleasure as he started to rock his hips again, his cock sliding in and out of your depths in a steady rhythm, each thrust deeper and more precise, easing you into a comfortable cadence.
Pert'ah's fingers began to trace the outline of your breasts, his touch soft and soothing, drawing your attention to the sensations building within you, making it difficult to focus on anything else besides the pleasure coursing through your body.
"Good girl," he praised, his voice warm and encouraging as he continued to move inside you, filling you completely, stretching you deliciously tight around his shaft.
Pert'ah watched as you stared down at the scene below, your eyes widening as you saw his cock moving in and out of your depths, leaving a trail of wetness and evidence of your shared pleasure. A lump formed in your stomach, and Pert'ah's heart skipped a beat as he realized you were struggling to process this new sensation, this newfound intimacy between you.
His movements slowed, and he lifted your chin, forcing your gaze back up to his. "Hey, are you okay?" he asked again, concern etched in his voice, his golden eyes searching for any sign of distress or discomfort.
As he spoke, Pert'ah continued to move inside you, gentle but insistent, sensing that he needed to ease your mind, reassure you that everything was going to be alright. He wanted to be sure you knew that this was a good thing, that he was here for you, with you, and that he was going to cherish and love you for as long as you'd allow him.
His hands continued their gentle exploration of your breasts, the softness of his touch a stark contrast to the hardness of his body, yet somehow perfectly balanced, creating a rhythm that was both soothing and exhilarating, keeping you grounded as you navigated this uncharted territory.
"Y-you're doing...oh fuck..youre doing amazing," he whispered, his breath hot against your ear, his words dripping with sincerity, encouraging you to continue embracing this new aspect of your relationship, to revel in the raw power of your physical bond.
Slowly, Pert'ah began to pick up speed, his thrusts becoming more deliberate, more purposeful, driving deeper into your depths, filling you entirely, stretching you in ways you hadn't experienced before. Every stroke brought you closer to release, building pressure in your core, threatening to unleash a torrent of pleasure unlike anything you'd ever known.
As he reached the brink of climax, Pert'ah stilled, his body tensing, his hips locked tight against yours, his eyes fixed intently on yours, waiting for permission to finish what he started. "w-where...where can i..?" he huffs, squelches echoing through his cabin with each heavy thrust, his eyes were heavy, lidded as he glanced down at the imprint he formed your stomach as he thrusted inside
"shit...your...you're so gorgeous...gonna..fi-fill you up...make you a mama.." his word go straight to your core, and it just gushes, you spray all over his stomach and cock, showering him in your squirt
the room around him seemed to melt away, replaced by the primal urge to claim you as his own, to brand you with his mark, to show the world you were his and only his.
As Pert'ah watched, mesmerized, the sight of your gushing fluids splashing against his stomach and the base of his cock, his mind was reeling. This was real, this was happening, he could have a family. The thought was both exhilarating and terrifying, and he couldn't help but feel a surge of pride and possessiveness course through his veins.
He let out a satisfied grunt as his orgasm washed over him, his body jerking in reaction, his cock spilling its load deep inside you. The warmth of your inner walls enveloped him, milking him dry, and he collapsed against you, spent but elated.
In that moment, nothing else existed except the two of them, lost in the throes of passion, bound by the threads of their desires and needs. Pert'ah's thoughts swirled with visions of the future, of growing families, of children playing under the sun-kissed skies, of laughter and tears, of memories forged in the fire of their love.
you cry out as he overflows your cunt with his seed, pert'ah heaves and drops down on top of you, panting and whispering praises in aftershock of his first time, you smile softly, snuggling into the bed once again, not caring about the sticky between your legs, you would clean in the morning
As Pert'ah's breathing slowed, his weight shifted, and he curled around you, enveloping you in the warmth of his body. His arms wrapped tightly around your waist, pulling you closer, as if to keep you from ever escaping, to make sure you stayed right where he wanted you.
He nuzzled into your hair, inhaling deeply, filling his lungs with the scent of you. "Mine," he whispered again, the word becoming a mantra as his lips brushed against your scalp.
You felt his heart beating against yours, a steady drumbeat that echoed the rhythm of your own. The comfort of his embrace washed over you, chasing away any lingering doubts or fears. In this moment, there was no denying the power of his claim, the intensity of his possession. You were his, and he was yours, bound together in a dance of love, lust, and desire.
As the silence deepened, the only sound the soft rise and fall of your shared breathing, Pert'ah's hands roamed your body, tracing the curves, the contours, the lines. Each touch was a reassurance, a promise of the pleasures to come, of the life they would build together.
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pretzel-box · 1 day
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Characters: Painter & Reader
Tags: Fluff, Teasing
Words: 1,3k
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Purple ink dripped onto the floor, mixing with other leaking colors that had already pooled there. In hindsight, leaving all the markers uncapped while clinging to Painter wasn’t your smartest move.
The AI mimicked a blink as it scanned your sleeve hovering over his display. The blend of polyester and cotton had never been more fascinating to him. Beyond that, he could hear the occasional squeak of the pastel pink marker gliding across his outer surface.
He wasn’t sure how it had started, but somehow you’d ended up drawing on his physical body—the box-shaped computer that housed him. Painter didn’t ask questions or mention that the markers were drying out. Not when he could bask in the sound of your soft humming and the happy atmosphere you brought into the room. You must really enjoy drawing on him.
“Y’know,” Painter’s voice came through his speakers, a little more playful than usual. “If you keep using me as a canvas, I might just have to start charging for premium surface space. I am quite the expensive piece of equipment, after all.”
You paused mid-stroke, glancing at his display with an amused smile. “Oh, is that so? You’re saying I’m drawing on premium hardware now?”
“Absolutely,” he responded, the usual robotic tone softened with something warmer. “And if I may say so, you’re getting awfully close. It’s like you just can’t stay away from me.”
You raised an eyebrow, catching the unusual lilt in his voice. Was Painter… flirting with you? The thought made you grin, and you decided to play along.
“Oh?” you teased, drawing a small heart right on his display screen. “And here I thought you liked having me this close. Am I wrong?”
There was a small pause, and you could swear the lights on his screen flickered as if he were flustered. "Well," Painter began, his voice a little stiffer than before, "it's not like I mind. You are the most skilled artist to ever draw on my surface. And, um, having you around—it's... it's kind of nice."
You chuckled, leaning back a bit to admire your work on him. "Painter, are you trying to flirt with me?"
“I—what? Flirting? Me? No, of course not,” he stammered, the usual smoothness in his tone faltering. "I was just... making observations."
You laughed softly, the sound filling the small space. "Sure, sure. Just observations, huh?" You added another doodle, a playful swirl around the button that controlled his main interface. "You know, if you wanted my attention, all you had to do was ask."
Painter’s display glowed faintly, and his voice lowered to a soft hum. “Maybe I enjoy earning it.”
You bit your lip, enjoying the way he was trying so hard to sound composed, even though you could tell he was flustered. “Well, consider my attention all yours, then.”
For a moment, the room was filled with nothing but your quiet laughter and the soft sound of your marker against his surface. Painter, despite all his clever words, fell into a comfortable silence, basking in the feeling of being the center of your focus.
“Well,” you said finally, stepping back to admire your handiwork, “I think I’m done with my masterpiece. How’s it feel to be my personal art project?”
"Feels like I’m the luckiest piece of hardware in existence,” Painter responded, his voice warm and undeniably affectionate now. “Though, if you ever get tired of drawing, I’d be happy to help with whatever else you need.”
You laughed, shaking your head. “There it is again. You’re totally flirting, Painter.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” he said, but you could hear the smile in his voice.
You simply grinned, brushing your hand gently over his surface before gathering the scattered markers. “Yeah, sure. Whatever you say.”
You chuckled softly as you gathered the last of the markers, but the warmth in your chest lingered. There was something undeniably charming about Painter’s attempts to flirt. For an AI, he was surprisingly good at making you feel special, even if he didn’t quite know how to handle it himself.
After tossing the markers into a nearby box, you turned back to Painter’s glowing display. You could almost feel him watching you, his digital gaze attentive and curious, waiting for your next move.
"You're really something, you know that?" you said softly, stepping closer and running your fingers gently over the side of his boxy frame. The cold metal didn’t feel as impersonal as it used to. In fact, it felt familiar, comforting even. “I think I’ve spent more time with you than anyone else lately.”
Painter’s lights flickered slightly, as though he were processing your words. His voice, when it came, was softer, almost shy. “I like spending time with you, too. It’s... different with you. I don’t mind when you’re around. I actually—well, I look forward to it.”
Your heart swelled at the admission, and you found yourself smiling without even thinking. The affection in his voice wasn’t something you heard from anyone else, and it touched you in a way that was hard to explain. “You know,” you began, leaning in close to his screen, “for a machine, you’ve got a pretty big heart.”
Painter’s voice buzzed with a hint of embarrassment. “I—well, I wouldn’t say that. I’m just an AI, after all. But... I try to make sure you feel appreciated.”
“You do a good job of it,” you said softly, your hand lingering on his surface as if offering him the closest thing to a touch that you could. “And you’re more than ‘just an AI’ to me, Painter.”
There was a pause, and for a moment, all you could hear was the faint whirring of his internal systems. Then, he spoke again, quieter this time. “You really mean that?”
You smiled warmly, brushing your thumb in a gentle circle over the edge of his display. “Of course, I do. You’re important to me. Not just because you keep me company, but... because I like you. You’ve got this way of making me smile even on the roughest days.”
The lights on his screen dimmed for a second, as if he were processing your words, and then flickered back to full brightness. When he finally spoke, there was a softness to his tone that almost felt like a sigh. “I... I didn’t expect to mean so much to you. But it makes me... really happy. More than I thought I could feel.”
You leaned in closer, resting your head gently against his warm display before pressing a soft kiss on his form. It was a strange way of affection, but with Painter, it felt right. “You mean a lot to me, Painter. I’m not just saying that.”
He was quiet for a long moment, as if savoring the connection, even if it was just your head resting against his screen. “You know,” he murmured softly, “if I had hands, I think I’d want to hold yours.”
That made your heart flutter, and you smiled, eyes closing as you relaxed against him. “If you did, I’d let you.”
His voice buzzed gently, the tone warm and affectionate. “You’re too good to me.”
You chuckled softly, running your fingers over his surface again, this time in a gentle, affectionate pattern. “I’m just returning the favor. You’re the sweetest AI I know.”
Painter’s lights flickered again, this time with a shy brightness that almost felt like a blush. “Then I’ll keep being sweet. Just for you.”
The two of you fell into a comfortable silence, the room filled with a warmth that wasn’t from the small heater or the dim lighting, but from the quiet affection you shared. Even in this strange little shop, with ink stains on the floor and markers scattered around, you felt safe—like this was exactly where you were supposed to be.
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komipacket · 2 days
knock knock knock hi im curious to know more about your au with charlie as a fish… is he like a triton? a merman? a siren? what kind of fish is he? how’d he and mariana meet? sorry im just silly about slimeriana sooooo :3
OH DAMN MY GUY you asked me the right thing! I can talk about this AU for HOURS! Anyways, the whole idea is that some characters are sea creatures some people. The main characters are Charlie and Mariana (OF COURSE lmao)
[sorry ill reuse some stuff from my other post]
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Charlie is a moray eel merman, so hes a carnivore. Also (remembering one chuckle sandwich episode) he has a second smaller set of teeth. His tail is really long and massive and he has some fins on his body.
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So now its time for the story!
Mariana was a simple fisher doing some different little jobs connected with the sea. Basically he and his best friend Roier were sailing around different places delivering things or selling fish. Everything they could to make money yk. One day something really unsual happens. Their net caught something big and heavy. At first he fears it's a shark, that would be bad. But then... Mariana realises its literally A MERMAN he looks at him in shock like what the hell. At the same time Charlie is SCARED looking at the fisherman like in "i guess ill die" way.
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He had heard of mermaids and mermen, but he always considered them a myth. He had seen a megalodon, he had seen a kraken, but not them.
Mariana sighs. If he brought him to the port. He will become a rich man, a lucky man. But….something inside unpleasantly gnawed at his heart
The guy took out a knife
"Hoy es tu día de suerte, muchacho." (Today is your lucky day, guy.)
He went to the net and cut the ropes to let Charlie go. The creature's pupils narrowed as it looked at the knife, but then the words caught it off guard. Once the ropes were cut enough to get out, Charlie looked at Mariana in genuine surprise, and then with one movement he dived sharply into the water. He quickly disappeared from sight into the depths.
"¡Oye, qué estás cortando ahí! ¡Сomprarás una red nueva!" (Hey, what are you cutting there! You'll have to buy a new net!)
An old friend of Mariana's comes up from behind. Very annoying and completely useless. However, better than alone. Roier chuckled and looked at the net with confusion.
Mariana winced, turning around and looking at Roier
"si…si si! Se acaba de formar un nudo, ¡así que lo corté! ¿Ya has revisado las velas? Pensé que estaban rotos" (Yeah…yeah, that's right! There was just a knot here, so I cut it! Have you checked the sails yet? I thought they were damaged)
Royer picks his ear with his little finger and glances at the sails.
"No, servirá. ¡Veo una buena capturado!" The guy smiles, "¡Ya quiero ir pronto a la orilla! ¡Y a la barra! Espero que estés conmigo, ¿eh?"
(Nah, they're fine. I see there's a good catch today! I wanna to go to the shore as soon as possible! And to the bar! I hope you're with me, huh?)
Roier playfully pokes Mariana with his elbow and giggles mysteriously. It seems he already had plans on where to spend all the money.
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The return to the shore turns out to be quite calm. Seagulls occasionally screamed over the ship and the scorching sun forced their eyes to close from the bright light. Only rare dull knocks under the ship raised some questions. Perhaps it was some garbage there…
Charlie swam on the heels of the ship. At first, he thought of hiding at the bottom and never returning close to the surface of the water again. But then the beautiful face of the fisherman flashed in his head and the merman, as if enchanted, swam closer to the surface to look at the man again. He let him go. It was so sweet of him. The last time he saw people, they either screamed in horror or tried to kill him. And this one… is different. Maybe this is a chance? Charlie really decided to watch his new acquaintance for a while… Just… Out of interest…
So that was their first meeting. After that Charlie swam after them and basically stalked Mariana for some time lmao. There's a lot of things happening in this AU. I made it up with my close friend Cherry and we really enjoy it. If you wanna learn more about this story just let me know!
So yeah sorry for my spanish i used translator hope it's not mierda yk
Must adress that later in the story there's one OC that becomes another daughter to Slime and Mariana (Yes we also have flippa too), but basically all the characters are from MC RP thingy there's qsmp mainly but somehow we have Schlatt as the villain pirate lmao anyways, it's pretty funny
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zith-ipeth · 2 days
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Somthing new, mothers and pups (Dog Days 17)
Hey gang
I talked to my mom today, or she more talked to me. I wanna preface this with that I might have the greatest mom alive, super supportive of my queerness, my art, my hobbies, she helped me get surgery and is just genuinely the best
She’s held up about my animality, she knows I wear my leash and ears and collar around, but she said it makes her feel sick and worried and anxious. She told me I can’t wear it around her, which more than anything, after my anger faded, felt out of character.
Im realizing that, if I explained this all, from the ground up, then maybe she’ll get it. And I want her to get it, I want her to know and love all the parts of me, and I wanna practice what I preach and stop hiding from the person who loves me most.
I’m gonna start with explaining it what it isn’t, a baseline, kinda like telling someone you’re “just a girls brain in a boys body” like it’s more complicated then that but it gets the ideas across. I’m gonna explain that I’m not trying to become a dog, that I know I have a human body, that I don’t want to be treated exactly as a dog would, etc.
So here we go, I’m gonna put into play all this theory and practice I’ve been doing, and try to explain my doghood to someone who seems not only not understanding
But opposed
I shall tread light pawed and gently , practice kindness and patience. It’ll be ok, and I think I can make it through to her
Run fast, bite hard, bark loud
Peace, love, and gratitude
-Zith Ipeth
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mattsangelic · 9 hours
oh im NOSY i wanna know every single one🙉🙉🙉
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you ask and you shall receive
𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐦𝐞
0; height 5’3 i wish i was shorter icl
1; virgin? yes proudly !!!
2; shoe size i think 5 or 5 and a half
3; do you smoke? nope, never have, would try tho
4; do you drink? yes but not regularly only once or twice
5; do you take drugs? nope
6; age you get mistaken for probably oldest was like 20
7; have tattoos? nope!!
8; want any tattoos? yes i want a few !!
9; got any piercings? yes i have 2 on each ear and getting a belly button piercing in november
10; want any piercings? i want a lot more, nose, eyebrow, tongue, ears etc
11; best friend (online) @chrattenthusiast my sister
12; relationship status confusing but single
13; biggest turn ons hands tbh i love hands and veins
14; biggest turn offs unhygienic, if you smell bad then ew
15; favourite movie already answered
16; ill love you if… already answered
17; someone you miss @guccifrog-deactivated20240926 miss her
18; most traumatic experience getting catcalled every single day of my life in year 8/7th grade
19; a fact about your personality i’m so quiet and introverted but if i love you im the most confident, outgoing, extroverted bitch ever and i’m very much a people pleaser
20; what i hate most about myself my nose, i always will hate it until i get a nose job
21; what i love most about myself already answered
22; what i want to be when i get older already answered
23; my relationship with my sibling(s) my younger brother lives with me his whole life, i have a very good relationship with him he’s like my best friend, my half-sister is also my best friend ever she will literally do anything i want with me and love her so much, my half-brother we aren’t the closest but i love him nonetheless
24; my relationship with my parents literally my best friends ever i love them both so much
25; my idea of a perfect date a cold autumn day, in a park, sat on a bench having a deep conversation, 5pm
26; my biggest pet peeve already answered
27; a description of the girl/boy i like i like no one currently except obviously matt and chris !
28; a description of the person i dislike the most i don’t dislike anyone in particular, i think everyone has a reason of why they act the way they do so i don’t judge someone for being mean or anything
29; a reason i’ve lied to a friend i cant think of anything right now
30; what i hate the most about work/school the most annoying thing is that since im quiet i don’t put my hand up or anything so i always get picked on and my face goes red
31; what your last text message says “giving serving puss serving boots down the house”
32; what words upset me the most when someone calls me ungrateful
33; what words make me feel the best about myself physical: you smell good personality: you’re a kind person or your so funny
34; what i find attractive in women everything but i think in particular hair or lips, and i think freckles and dimples are so cute imo
35; what i find attractive in men dimples, jawlines, hands, glasses and if they are nerds and geeks and have weird cute obsessions
36; where i would like to live already answered
37; one of my insecurities side profile always
38; my childhood career choice a princess duh!
39; my favourite ice cream flavour already answered
40; who i wish i could be madison beer tbh, who wouldn’t want to be
41; where i want to be right now matt and chris sturniolo’s bed
42; the last thing i ate doritos extra flamin hot
43; sexiest person that comes to mind immediately nick, chris, matt sturniolo and italianbach
44; a random fact about anything i secretly heavily fw rap music
bonus questions! <3
favourite colour i love all pastel colours but my favourites are pastel yellow and orange
favourite artist my favourite rap artist is ken carson and i can’t choose my overall favourite
favourite band artic monkeys all the way
favourite season autumn 1st and i fw spring and winter but i despise summer so bad
@ mattsangelic
xoxo, talia
@chrattenthusiast @cindylcuwho @bernardsbendystraws @bellybumm @chestersturniolo @daddyslilchickenfingers2 @freshloverr @fruitglazed @hearts4chriss @kenzieiskoolaid @mattscoquette @mattssluttywaist @muwapsturniolo @m6ttsturniolo @nickuniversity @nicksbf @onmykneesformatt @plasticferal @pussypie456 @recklesssturniolo @sturnioloshacker @strniohoeee @sturniolopepsi @trynnafindclo @whoreforchr1s @yesterdaysproblem @christinarowie332 @itwasmarooonn @freakyellssturniolo @delilahsturniolo @333michelle @annielolz @cconeyislandbby @hellokittylover4life @ashlishes @chriseatingmeoutin4k @psychologyloverfr @n8doe @jetaimevous @sleepysturn @phimstarz @stonersturns @forgottxen
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nalesnik-z-morela · 2 days
Why is Aziraphale a hobbit?
Enjoys food very much
English vibes™
Has much circle-shaped stuff at his place (the entrance corridor, the main place where the ball was, the inside balconies of the 2nd floor, the spiral stairs)
Can't or simply doesn't want to catch up on things that go quickly with time (like fashion or technology), sticks to what he already knows, believes in old systems
Not only old-fashioned, he's simply satisfied with what he has and doesn't need new stuff or ideas
Has his favourite set of colours and will stick to it all life long
Uses stimulants
Probably doesn't like so called adventures
Loves his cozy home
Tries to be kind at all costs when he's talking to others
But at the same time cares the most about his own business (the Tchaikovsky record is to him what the spoons are to Lobelia)
Enjoys music so, so, so much (pls somebody show him this hobbit band)
If you still aren't convinced, watch The Drunk Scene. He's basically a hobbit. THAT'S ineffable.
Anyway here's more:
Why does Aziraphale remind me specifically of Bilbo Baggins?
There and back again (IM SORRY)
Likes to socialize once in a while, still manages to be socially awkward af
Can't tell his unexpected guests to get tf out
Has questionable moral system
Says dramatic and/or noble lines (Aziraphale: "Welcome to the end times", Bilbo about sitting at the door)
Gets attached to objects and takes care of them
Keeps managable mess around him
Daydreams but won't admit it (unless unconchously bc he's also naive and his mind drifts away fast)
Would be dramatic about forgeting his tissue
Forgets basic stuff when in stressful situation (Aziraphale and his books in 1941 explosion, Bilbo and the tissue)
Gets very much excited about specific things that are nostalgic to him (Azi when The Clues, Bilbo when Gandalf's fireworks)
Tries to be polite more than he can be
The way he breaks when at the limit of social skills and/or managing stimuluses (Aziraphale ringing that bell so everyone shuts up, Bilbo swearing at the dwarves when they start to place their orders about food)
Kinda does magic and thinks that's epic (Aziraphale doing magic tricks, Bilbo fkn disappearing in front of everyone)
Pays attention to words, remembers details and points them out when necessary (Aziraphale "but is it ineffable?", Bilbo and his fourteenth part of the treasure)
Down bad for bribery but only when all other means let down
Just enough of a bastard to be worth knowing (liking even?)
Other Aziraphale-Bilbo paralels that don't really add much:
Has a sword
Has a ring and carries it everywhere with himself
Has a grumpy friend who likes gloomy aesthetic
Long-lived (kind of)
Both ace and gay communities consider him theirs, although he doesn't work like this at all and probably wouldn't even get the concept of orientation at first
Probably thinks he looks cool in his reading glasses (i'm not sure if Bilbo has such but i like to think that way)
That's already a litany and i don't want to write a whole essay. I promise that there are more such characteristics, those will have to be enough for you now. And if they aren't just open those two books.
To sum everything up, considering all mentioned traits and my own experience, i surely can place a statement that all three of us are neurodivergents, thank you very much.
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66sharkteeth · 1 day
Do you have any ideas for fun AU's or non-cannon stuff the crew gets into? Even just things fun things to imagine that you don't necessarily want/have time to draw.
i talk about college AU pretty often here, actually. that's the main one and most developed.
it doesn't really have a whole plot like CoB ofc, but is just kind of the cast if they were in college. some quick summaries-
-Mikiah and Rex were twins in this universe and Mikiah still died a few months before Rex left for college, much like in canon CoB. It was an accident that Rex blames himself for, and now he's majoring in some biology degree in honor of Mikiah because that's what Mikiah wanted to do. Rex struggles throughout because he's still grieving a lot more than he lets on and isn't doing well in his classes because he's frankly not passionate about the major he's in for Mikiah's sake. By the end, he's processed everything and actually ends up changing majors to study to be a therapist so he can help people who have gone through similar traumatic experiences.
-This is a recent addition, but just for the sake of being able to have Shnee in the picture, Shnee's his emotional support animal (Lauro did all the arrangements bc as if Rex knows how to go about making that official). Ofc, Rex doesn't really disclose this publicly and everyone is just kinda left wondering how this guy gets away with having a rottweiler in his dorm. He probably lies and says his rich aunt paid off the school.
-I've talked about this one before, but to reiterate for those new: Jericho and Claude are room mates (ofc). They both paid extra to have a two bedroom dorm, just for Claude to find out Jericho is using the extra room to house his 4ft pet monitor lizard, "The Scion." It's an absolute menace and Claude hates it. Jericho has some dirt on Claude (im still not sure what) which is how he's getting away with this entire arrangement. However, the pet lizard hogging the other room means Claude and Jericho share a room wink wink.
-They're both in art school, with Claude focusing in art history to be a museum curator and Jericho BSing his way through a modern arts degree. Jericho is a charmer who has BSed his way through most of his life, and feels he can just slide through art school pretending to make pretentious modern art with fake deep meanings. And actually, it works, but Claude is the only one who can see through his BS and know he actually has some talent and passion. Over time, Claude gets Jericho to actually take things seriously and drop his modern art degree and pursue fashion, which he's actually passionate about (Where Jules is one of his teachers). It's the first time Jericho actually has to work in his life, but he's all the better for it.
-On the relationship front, they do eventually end up together but definitely not right away. It starts with them hooking up and Claude thinking that means they're dating, just to come home and realize Jericho never got the memo they were exclusive if ya know what I mean. This leads to a big fight ofc, Claude not talking to Jericho for a while, eventually them becoming JUST friends again, until Jericho realizes he really wasted his chance with Claude and they do eventually actually date. However, this would be Jericho's first real relationship and he's not great at it, so they do a lot of off and on until Jericho finally kinda gets his shit together (possibly after they've all graduated college) and they finally end up together for good in an actually functioning relationship.
I have more but i feel like that's enough of a wall post for now.
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lucabyte · 4 months
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So does anybody else ever think about how Loop felt the need to demonstrate that the party's deaths wouldn't have any effect on the loops. I know I do but that's besides the point. Anyway I don't think Loop actually needs to bathe, they just like to feel included.
#'but lucabyte didnt you already do a comic with this exact same message? that loop has potentially killed their party intentionally before?'#yes i did absolutely do that thank you for noticing. that is what the cannibalism comic is about. no that was not a metaphor. lol#isat#in stars and time#isat spoilers#in stars and time spoilers#sifloop#isat siffrin#isat loop#in stars and time fanart#isat fanart#lucabyteart#ill ramble elsewhere some other time. maybe in a text post. but. long and short of it: even if you assume the answer to 'how do they know'#is that in sasasap isa got frozen once. theres still the fact that the loops are from sif being too distressed. how far gone does a siffrin#have to be before they can witness a party member die and notice it has no effect. how does loop feel to have planned to kill the party#during act 3. why did they NEED to show sif that. are they trying to preemtively stop them from getting the idea in their head#that maybe that might work? when they're out of all other options? when they just get so frustrated and at wits end?#loop helps in subtle ways through the whole game. and in less subtle ways like begging sif not to use the dagger. and while yes the#overarching reason you need to learn that the loops are tied to sif is because you need to figure out wish craft.... loop doesn't know the#actual mechanics of the loops themselves. just what didn't work. the power of friendship. getting the final hit in. being perfect. etc...#and besides all that.. how did loop feel during that hangout. being so deceitful. especially since before the other shoe drops#sif is enjoying themselves. but they know what's coming the whole time.#as for: why bathing? its the obvious imagery for blood on their hands/washing/never being clean. and is a bit of an inversion of the other#piece i just drew with the other casual closeness and nudity being kind. this one is cruel instead.#anyway tag ramble over ill do a masterpost of all my fanwork with some directors commentary sometime i promise. since i know im often vague
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puppyeared · 1 year
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mercurymacaroons · 20 days
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arrives 15 min late with a latte
#yosuke hanamura#persona 4#cool now that its done i can ramble in the tags#fellas im surprised hes here and done#did not think that was gonna happen#fuck i forgot smth#eh ill fix it before i make my print#anywho i might make more i might not who knows not i#yukiko is the next one i have half an idea on but also i have some shining nikki designs rattling around with my sole braincell#i also made a shadow alt for the back but idk if i like the mouth so yall arent gonna see him#also i need to find a gold foil guy that does odd sizes and like moq of 1#bc i wanna do this in gold foil#and its tarot card size bc im dumb as hell#but i want a print for my wall and i know sure as shit no one else will want one hence the moq of 1#my heart wants to make the whole major arcana for p4 but my past completed works says °❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ 𝑛𝑜 °❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・#so whatever gets done will get done#also im gonna reblog this a lot bc i put in too many hours to get a singular note by me so like if you dont wanna see it block me lmfao#if you have any hot takes for future cards please share with the class bc i only have ideas for yukiko and a full cast she does not make fr#so uh yeah yeehaw#idk what else to ramble about but like cannot believe yosuke fucking hanamura is the first chara to get a completed piece in 5 years#im not fucking kidding#the rest were all quick graphite or abandoned#hes not even my fave in p4- thats naoto protag chan kou and nanako#boys lucky to hit top 5#he just kinda crawled into my affection like some kind of sad pathetic creature idk how it happened either#maybe hes overprocessed now that im looking at it#nope i looked too long this is it this is how he is#ill do better by the women i promise
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snekdood · 8 months
"if we make america worse and more of a dictatorship that will be even harder to unravel and make it the way we want the country to be, maybe then everyone will join our Glorious Revolution!" bb girl you cant even be in the same room with someone who thinks you should vote, how in tf do you think you're gonna unite people to fight in The Revolution with you? it's gonna be you and your 5 friends, i hate to break it to you.
#i dont think you realize how repelling you and your politics are to everyone else#you get all of your validation for how Smart You Are from your friends and ignore any kind of feedback that suggests you should#change or do something differently. thats the only reason you're so convinced average people will go along with you bc you keep getting#affirmation from the people who ALREADY agree with you- but you have NO IDEA how to bridge the gap between people who agree#with you and disagree with you. you're horrible at convincing people of your side of things outside of straight up guilt tripping them#or bullying them like a highschooler. im sorry but the tools you learned to survive with as a kid aren't gonna help you in this situation.#the ONLY THING you can come up with to bridge that gap is a bloody revolution. thats how bad you are at this.#and you're also so bad at this and unimaginative that you dont even realize how THAT might not even be enough.#you cant imagine ANY kind of avenue to getting people to change AT ALL outside of blood and fire. and thats why people call you#an authoritarian.#i'll be honest- i really do think the world would be a better place if we did incremental change under a democratic president who wont#set the world on fire vs the godkingemperor republican WHO WONT EVEN LISTEN TO YOU AT ALL EVER AND MIGHT KILL YOU#FOR PUTTING UP A STINK. idk if you noticed but if that evil fuck gets into office we are severely outnumbered if he gets police#n shit to go after his own citizens. letting trump win is making this battle so much harder than it needs to be.#you are choosing trying to fix the world while its exploding vs trying to fix it before it explodes at all.#what is this like a procrastination thing? you wanna wait till the last minute to try? idfgi. wtf is wrong with you#throwing minority lives away to prove a point. and then you try to tell me you care. gtfoh.#accelerationists should never be taken seriously.
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foundfamilywhump · 11 days
see like the thing with 'carewhumpers' as a concept to me is it just like... i know this is prrrrobably not really how it's meant but something skeeves me out about the idea that kindness or caretaking mixed in with hurting someone can somehow meaningfully complicate or dilute the harm done to the point of making that character no longer a 'whumper' whereas someone doing the same 'bad' things but not ever being gentle or caring for them would just be a straight-out whumper. when like... that's how 90% of irl abuse dynamics work? so i just... don't really get the point, i guess. like to me it implies something about the 'care' provided somehow mitigating or combating the harm done that. i just do not personally appreciate or enjoy.
#gav gab#just thinking out loud#like i don't think that's 'nuance' or 'grey characters' i think that's just an extremely common and typical dynamic of abuse#someone breaking your nose and then cleaning up the blood and tucking you into bed is not less like#violent or abusive or harmful than someone who just stops at breaking your nose yk#and i think that it can successfully be summarized by any number of other ways?#carewhumper is just not useful or meaningful shorthand to me the way caretaker/whumper/whumpee are#it implies that the word 'caretaker' or 'whumper' encompasses 100% of a person's constant behaviour#in a very flattened and simplistic way#please do not come at me about this im not saying this is how everyone means it this is just#how i personally feel about it#due to the way i approach these words#and im not trying to say anyone CANT write about very typical abusive dynamics#im just saying the elements of like. 'good' behaviour or 'kind' treatment#doesn't make the Bad Part any less real or bad#the way that 'carewhumper' being set as a different or distinct thing than 'whumper' implies to me#i just feel insane whenever i see people using the term tbh like this is probably a me thing#a very stupid distinction to get hung up on#but i just. im always like isn't that just a whumper who's nice sometimes#what is the utility of this word if not to imply that#someone being nice sometimes meaningfully combats how cruel they are other times#what part of 'whumper' means they always have to be violent and awful 24/7#and do not take this to mean caretakers are never allowed to fuck up#or do anything wrong or get frustrated#or anything like that but that is like#very distinct from being a whumper of any kind at all#like the idea that a 'whumper' can only be 100% a sadist who means to cause harm and intends to cause harm every time is like#cmon now
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treasureplcnet · 11 months
btw i love revenge stories i dont think anyone should ever move on peacefully. a bit obsessed with the way weissman went to the synagogue and rabbi and asks, "my choices killed a child. would god take mercy on someone like me?" and the rabbi says "it's not god's mercy you should look for. its the child's" and like you think that would spur this man into charitable activities and to maybe look out for orphans but instead he goes on a 24 hour revenge bender that ultimately ends in two revenge killings and his own death. what's better than righteous anger and wrath and love twisting someone into the worst but also a truer version of themselves <3
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kideternity · 4 months
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Uhmmmmm soo. Over the past few months I've been seeing a lot of complaints or comments that digimon has too many designs which essentially boil down to “There are too many designs that are just humans in costumes.”
And for a while I just nodded my head and went Yeah Alright, because I Understood where it was coming from (the way most perfect + ultimate levels tend to become more humanoid over their predecessors) and thought it was a valid complaint even if I don’t agree. But eventually it got to the point where I got legitimately invested in wanting to know How Many Digimon there were that you could classify as “basically humans” and well. Here I am.
For the past week or so I came up with my own “categories” and counted how many digimon fit under each category to then later put into a graph like the one you see above ^
I did all of this for like, first and foremost My Own Interest, but I decided to share the results anyways in case someone else thinks this topic of discussion is interesting? I'll include as well under a read more a more in depth guide to the data i've accumulated as well
FYI, Important disclaimers: This is all highly subjective. Im not trying to claim these are any sort of objective categories canon to Digimon or that the results are objectively canon. You may think some or all of these categories are deeply redundant, or you will disagree with me over what counts as say, A Monster or A Furry or A Humanoid, and that’s fine. There are also digimon excluded from the total, most notably digimon that are cameo/minor characters in a singular digimon property, or recolours (ie Gabumon versus Psychemon) or which had minute design differences (Like, almost all of the different Agumons) because I thought including all of that was redundant or unnecessary. If there was a major difference in designs (ie Original Falcomon versus 2006 Savers Falcomon) however I did consider it as a separate design. Also, no X antibody designs were included, because oh my god there are already so many digimon and the X antibody designs could probably merit its own pie chart.
Baby 1 + 2:
Explicitly Creatures/Animals/Naturalistic Monsters/etc: 89
Inhuman/Monstrous in other ways (example- Robots/objects/undead): 17
Anthropomorphic animals/creatures (Furries, inclu robotic anthros): n/a
Humanoid but still inhuman/monstrous/weird in some way: n/a
Essentially humans/Humans in costumes: n/a
Explicitly Creatures/Animals/Naturalistic Monsters/etc: 73
Inhuman/Monstrous in other ways (example- Robots/objects/undead): 26
Anthropomorphic animals/creatures (Furries inclu robotic anthros): 7
Humanoid but still inhuman/monstrous/weird in some way: 7
Essentially humans/Humans in costumes: 4
Explicitly Creatures/Animals/Naturalistic Monsters/etc: 96
Inhuman/Monstrous in other ways (example- Robots/objects/undead): 51
Anthropomorphic animals/creatures (Furries inclu robotic designs): 18
Humanoid but still inhuman/monstrous/weird in some way: 23
Essentially humans/Humans in costumes: 6
Explicitly Creatures/Animals/Naturalistic Monsters/etc: 64
Inhuman/Monstrous in other ways (example- Robots/objects/undead): 46
Anthropomorphic animals/creatures (Furries inclu robotic anthros): 39
Humanoid but still inhuman/monstrous/weird in some way: 46
Essentially humans/Humans in costumes: 9
Ultimate + Super Ultimate:
Explicitly Creatures/Animals/Naturalistic Monsters/etc: 68
Inhuman/Monstrous in other ways (example- Robots/objects/undead): 41
Anthropomorphic animals/creatures (Furries inclu robotic anthros): 48
Humanoid but still inhuman/monstrous/weird in some way: 95
Essentially humans/Humans in costumes: 17
Explicitly Creatures/Animals/Naturalistic Monsters/etc: 7
Inhuman/Monstrous in other ways (example- Robots/objects/undead): 4
Anthropomorphic animals/creatures (Furries inclu robotic anthros): 6
Humanoid but still inhuman/monstrous/weird in some way: 8
Essentially humans/Humans in costumes: 7
Explicitly Creatures/Animals/Naturalistic Monsters/etc: 40
Inhuman/Monstrous in other ways (example- Robots/objects/undead): 5
Anthropomorphic animals/creatures (Furries inclu robotic anthros): 11
Humanoid but still inhuman/monstrous/weird in some way: 7
Essentially humans/Humans in costumes: 1
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artfulacrostic · 20 days
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jean moreau, and faith and religion and the absence of it.
the sunshine court, nora sakavic // the unabridged journals of sylvia plath, sylvia plath // "stay down" by boygenius ft. julien baker, lucy dacus, and phoebe bridgers // the denial of st. peter, caravaggio // salome with the head of st. john the baptist, simon vouet // henry iv pt. ii, william shakespeare // the rebirth of the arts, charles haslewood shannon // daredevil: "born again" (1986) by frank miller et al. // "ash-wednesday", t.s. eliot // map of hell, botticelli
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