#i hate inazuma events solely for this reason
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electric-plants · 9 days ago
man i know hoyo is hard pushing ei forgiveness but having KOKOMI clap for her is so crazy
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inazumaeleven-fanfiction · 2 years ago
The Inazuma Eleven fandom almost has no engagement when it comes to their fanfiction. This blog is dedicated to remedy this by reblogging them in one place to make it easier for anybody to find the stories that they want conveniently. You may even find new fanfictions and pairing/poly ships that interests you as you scroll through!
This blog exists not only to promote fanfiction solely by reblogging, but also to act as an archive for the ones posted in tumblr! This will be run majorly by queues from posts found from variations of the inazuma eleven fanfiction tags so please be patient! This blog does not accept submissions of posts nor does it make an own post promoting any fanfiction!
You are highly encouraged to tag this blog on any posted writing pieces! Make sure it's either a link to an existing story or a post of the written piece itself please! Drabbles are accepted and will be tagged as such.
Non-fanfiction tags to filter out if you only want the archives: #ief mod talks, #inazuma eleven fandom events, #ief writing prompt rb, #inatober 2023, #inatober 2023 fanart, and for everything at the same time: #not ief
Now, let's review the following:
1. This blog will not reblog posts that:
are not inazuma eleven and anything related to any of the inazuma eleven games, manga, and any seasons of the anime series (crossovers are allowed here!!)
are just detailing WIPs or explaining how a story would go (unless there's a link to the story with at least one chapter)
have adult x minor ships
are romantasizing grooming (relationships w/ 2 year age gaps are not grooming!!)
have ships where they're both adults but the older have known the younger one when they were still a minor while they're already an adult
are romantasizing rape / are noncon and dubcon
are character bashing
have smut of characters 17 years old and below -> I understand that most of these may be created by people the same age as the characters but since it brings me discomfort, I will not be reblogging them here
are dead doves without the relevant warning tags (dead doves that are not anything above are alright as long as they're tagged)
2. Please TELL ME if I reblogged anything from above!! (I'll delete it)
3. Please do not:
repost another person's work and claim it as yours obviously
tag this blog for anything outside of fanfictions or fandom events
send me hate mail (it will be deleted idc)
use the ask / any own posts here (if there will be any) for pro/anti shipping discourse
send discomforting messages or very personal questions
write hateful things or criticism (unless asked by the author) on someone's work when you reblog
4. Please do:
REBLOG the fanfiction you like in your blog for it to gain traction!! This is the only way you can encourage your favorite writers to write more!!
COMPLIMENT THE WRITER when you like their writing!! The more you write in the tags/reblog/their ask box, the more you can make them happy!!
SEND THE WRITERS ASKS about their stories! I promise they will love you forever!
SUPPORT and BOOST your writers anyway you can, unless you want fanfictions to disappear forever :)
TELL ME if you do not want your work shared by this blog! No reason is too small for your discomfort!!
5. You are highly encouraged to filter the tags that is a spoiler to you or brings you discomfort! Here are the ones this blog will be using:
Series : #Ina11og #Ina11og2 #Ina11og3 #ina11timeskip10yrs #Ina11go #Ina11cs #Ina11gal #Ina11ares #Ina11ori #Ina11manga #Ina11games ; when the fic encompasses everything in a season / it wasn't mentioned where part of the season it happened: #ina11s1 #ina11sgo #ina11areori
Language : #ina11fEnglish #ina11fSpanish #ina11fItalian #ina11fBrazilianPortuguese #ina11fPortuguese (will be updated by the reblogged stories; if it's on a language I don't speak, I will either ask for someone whether it's within any of the rules above or I will google translate the information I need to know)
Characters : jpn=surname + given name / dub=given name + surname ; ie: #endou mamoru / #mark evans
Ships : character x character (x character...) will fall on alphabetical order ; ie: #endou mamoru x gouenji shuuya x kidou yuuto / #axel blaze x jude sharp x mark evans
Platonics : character & character (& character...) will fall on alphabetical order ; ie: #endou mamoru & gouenji shuuya & kidou yuuto / #axel blaze & jude sharp & mark evans
QPRs : character + character (+ character...) will fall on alphabetical order ; ie: #endou mamoru + gouenji shuuya + kidou yuuto / #axel blaze + jude sharp + mark evans
X Readers / X OCs : general tag: #iechara x reader #nsfw iechara x reader #iechara x oc ; character comes first: #endou mamoru x reader / #mark evans x oc
Story Length : #Ina11drabbles #Ina11multi #Ina11oneshot #Ina11below1k #Ina11below2k #Ina11below3k etc ; long fics reblogged so far: #ina11below102k
Triggers : tw *insert trigger* / cw *trigger* ; ie: tw sa / cw sexual assault
Canon / AUs / crossovers : #Ina11au #canon divergent #canon compliant #ina11 x other ; AUs reblogged: #boba shop au, #high school au
Genre : #general audiences #teen up and audiences #mature audiences #suggestive #nsfw ; #script format #script heavy #nonfiction format ; #general #humor #romance #tragedy #fluff #romcom #hurt/comfort (will be updated by the reblogged stories)
My rules on tagging:
Characters: Maximum of 8 relevant characters will be tagged
Ships / Platonics / QPRs: Maximum of 3 relevant pairs/sets will be tagged
X Readers / X OCs: Maximum of 5 relevant pairs/sets will be tagged
Other things this blog may rb (#not ief):
Inazuma Eleven fandom events - #inazuma eleven fandom events
writing prompts/dialogues for the funsies - #ief writing prompt rb #[genre] writing prompts
ie incorrect quotes if I'm feeling silly - #ie incorrect quotes
-> About moderator: inazuma eleven fan, any prns, adult, will bite when provoked - #ief mod talks #ief mod announcements
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