#i had to hold it together and not start crying while washing dishes
dicks-o-clok · 1 year
"A mechanite cries." Fuck you, Austin. Just gonna rip our hearts out like that??? Fuckin step on em too, while you're at it. A mechanite isnt the only one crying. Fuck
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cntloup · 7 months
RetiredHusband!Simon x Wife!Reader HCs
18+ MDNI fluff, nsfw, pregnancy
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After he retires, he'd settle at home. He does most of the housework when you're at work, but you love the times you spend with him doing mundane stuff, and you'd feel bad if you left all that work to him, so you have a laundry day when you both work together, but it almost always ends with you on the washing machine and him between your legs. Or your elbows on the washing machine and him behind you. 
He's a great cook. He makes some simple but exquisite dishes. In the military, he had to tolerate the bland MREs (idk how they taste but they look awful), so when he was back home, he'd learn to make some tasty meals for himself when he was living alone. And then for you when you came into his life. Your mouth starts to water at the delightful smell the moment you walk into the house. If you mention that you've been gaining some weight because of his delicious food, he'd honestly love it. He'd constantly touch the plush of your hips and belly, lightly squishing them with his hands while kissing you. He's happy that you like his food and you're well-fed and healthy.
Maintenance and repairs. He's excellent with his hands and understanding how things work, so the moment you notice something needs fixing, he’s on it. Most of the time you don’t even notice it cause he’s already done it when you were gone. He wouldn’t let it bother you even a second. If you ever find him working under the sink or in the garage working on his car, you’re in for a show. The way his muscles flex while working with a wrench, or when he manhandles a heavy object, his dirty greasy hands, sweat dripping down his forehead and his shirt sticking to his body, his pecs and abs visible to your hungry eyes, get you drooling and squeezing your thighs together. He gets super cocky if he notices (he always does), even more than usual. 
He makes sure to always have some fresh flowers on display in the living room and your favorites on your vanity table. Sometimes he stands by the door with a flower behind his back to give it to you when you walk in. He even learns how to make flower crowns and how to braid hair with flowers from youtube videos. After a few hours of grunting and groaning in frustration when he messes up, he finally masters the art. Only for his lovely wife.
At the end of the day, if you're both in the mood and not too tired, he makes love to you while holding your hand, your wedding ring glinting in the moonlight, a pillow placed under your hips so you'd feel more comfortable and he'd be able to hit that sweet spot inside you that makes those beautiful moans which he adores tumble through your lips. He praises you throughout the whole session, soft I love you's falling from his lips and calls you "my wife" and "Mrs. Riley" while slowly rolling his hips into yours.
He always cums inside. You love the feel of his thick warm cum inside your womb, and the thought of carrying his child makes you go absolutely feral. He'd love to have a family with you, the image of your belly swollen with his child stuck in his mind as his thrusts get harsher and more erratic, grunting out how he's gonna breed you. Your pussy flutters and tightly clenches down on him as the words leave his mouth.
After you announce your pregnancy, he’s glued to your side. And more handsy. He's always got a hand on the small of your back, your belly, randomly kissing your temple and forehead. He's just so happy to have you. And now you’re having a child?! He's over the moon! He's always by your side when you need him, rubbing your back and holding your hair out of the way when morning sickness kicks in, holding you in his arms when you cry, reassuring you and softly cooing praises into your ear if you’re nervous about giving birth and being a good parent. 
If you still go to work while pregnant, he’s got everything ready for you at home. All the housework is done, your favorite food is ready on the table, bath is also ready with your favorite oils and bath salts. You won’t lift a finger at home. Not on his watch. When you walk through the door, exhausted and body aching, he’s there to carry you to bed for a massage. He'll rub the sore muscles of your feet and gently massage your swollen tummy. If he feels a kick, he’ll grin so wide and rub your belly to feel it again, but he stops if you wince in pain, mumbling “sorry” and kissing you so sweetly. He'll give you a bath, delicately washing your tired body, his hand resting on your belly and placing soft kisses on your lips in between your rants about work and what a tough day you had. He watches you with so much love and adoration evident in his gorgeous eyes while you talk, admiring you. He's just so happy to have a little family of his own :) 
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comments/reblogs are greatly appreciated ♥ 
divider by @saradika-graphics
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aryxchse · 6 months
godly bonding day / platonic! hera x poseidon & percy jackson x daughter of hera! reader.
a / n : people should give more about hera and her other siblings other than z*us fr. and call me crazy or whatever but i've always thought hera married the wrong brother 🤞🏻
warnings : hera apologist right here, poseidon and hera being sweet siblings, zeus cheating, maybe swearing
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"alright mom, that's it," you said, holding both of your mother's hands. "we're having a selfcare day together."
hera sniffed, looking at you with teary eyes. zeus once again cheated on your mother, and the gossip spreads around olympus very quick. specially when your mother has little spies that follows zeus' every movement.
instead of taking revenge -simply because she was sick of it-, your mother called you to olympus for cheering her mood. and well, maybe you reminded her the revenge she took from zeus.
"selfcare day?" hera asked, tilting her head. the goddess and queen of heavens was so vulnerable in front of you. and it made you think like she was a normal mother, who was crying because of her husbands betrayal. "what is that?"
"i'll call percy and we'll take you to new places in the mortal world," you said, smiling at her. the goddess sat straight, considering the idea. "who knows? maybe he'll bring poseidon!"
hera smiled at the mention of her favorite brother. "oh i love poseidon! he's the dearest to me." you nodded at her comment, caressing her knuckles. "i know mom. today is your day, we can't let a man ruin your mood, not anymore."
hera wiped away her tears as she smiled. "oh my lovely daughter, you're so kind to me."
"of course mom," you smiled. "come on, let's go."
‎ 🦚
while you waited percy to call you to say the suprise were ready, you and hera visited multiple shops and places. hera appearently loved iced americano with chocolate chip cookies. and she loved the style old money, since she had to change her clothes to more comfortable ones.
now you guys headed to some old but vintage beach, were percy and poseidon were waiting.
hera took a sip from her third iced americano, smiling at the taste. "i sure want these in olympus," she said, stopping to take off her shoes. "their taste is amazing."
you did the same as you took a sip from your own coffee, taking the shoes inside of your bag. "i know right?" you said as the smell of the salt water started to fill your nose.
you both heard percy and poseidon talk pationetly about something, but they stopped and smiled the moment they saw you.
"hey baby," percy said, hugging your waist and kissing your cheek. you hugged him back with your free arm, smiling immediatly. "hi!"
"poseidon!" hera cheered next to you, running on the sand to hug her brother. poseidon laughed and picked hera up in his arms, turning around with her. "hera, my lovely sister!" he cheered back. "good to finally see you on the mortal world!"
"thanks to my daughter," hera answered, finally standing on her foot but still not letting poseidon go. "she helped me open my eyes."
you blowed a kiss to her as you stand next to percy, your arm still lazily hanged around his neck.
"well sister!" poseidon said, turning her around to walk around the beach. "let's have some dinner eh?"
‎ 🦚
who would've thought god of the sea made the best meal?
you all eated happily together, which was a weird sight. you and percy never thought your godly side of the family would bound this much. but well, maybe they needed a little courage.
you and percy insisted on washing the dishes, letting the divine siblings have their moment. they eventually agreed, leaving you both.
you washed the plates and handed them to percy to dry, while watching your parents laugh together from the window.
"i thought hera would never smile," percy grinned, drying some plate you gave him. you washed a fork, chuckling. "that's because she has the worst husband."
poseidon picked hera up and throw her on his shoulders, running around on the beach like two little kids. some thunders appeared but the siblings didn't cared, laughing like crazy. you and percy started laughing with them behind the window, getting happier each second.
"she really needed that." you said quietly, giving the last spoon to percy. you closed the water and percy finished drying up the spoon, putting back to it's place.
"believe me, he needed that too." percy said, stading behind you and hugging your waist. you gladly appreciated the love, hugging back his arms and resting your head against his cheek.
poseidon finally put down hera but the siblings hugged eachother, hera's laughter echoing through the beach. the lightning get really loud, but the siblings made a middle finger to the sky, clearly saying 'i don't give a fuck about you!' to their most annoying brother.
you smiled. "appearently gods need to have a bonding day too." percy nodded, kissing on top of your head.
"siblings are siblings everywhere after all." he whispered, and you chuckled.
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quirrrky · 11 months
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KUROO—your husband, was happily washing the dishes and you're admiringly watching him with so much contentment in your heart.
Today’s his birthday, he changed a bit over the year. He looked more mature, yet as goofy as ever whistling while he rinsed the plate. Things seemed so mundane right now, but your heart was full. 
You wrapped your arms around him from behind, your cheek squished against the broad of his back and his scent filled you in comfort. His heart dropped several floors down feeling your warmth around him. If he wasn’t holding something, he’d immediately hug you back. 
Gone were the days when you both had extra time to celebrate outside. He had important things to do at work, and you had your fair share of tasks in the office too. Both of you were still even in your corporate clothes with him wearing the suit you gave him the last time. He ditched the coat off, leaving the gray vest on matched with the cute black cat on red tie, which was his favorite by the way. 
For tonight, you made arrangements at home, agreeing that he’d take care of setting up a little something in your dining room while you dialed in for a takeout to have his favorite food for delivery instead.  Now, he insisted to wash the dishes himself.
“I’m almost done,” Tetsu said, and you nuzzled closely against him, your embrace tightening. You clung to him like he's the most precious in this world, because he was...for this day, pfft. “You love me that much, huh?” he quipped, teasingly as usual.  
“I do,” you answered.  
It’s his birthday but it felt like you’re the one being blessed.  
A few years ago, you never thought that you’d have someone like him in your arms like this.  
For such a long time, the thought of being with someone was a faraway dream. There were countless nights when you’d cry yourself to sleep, wondering if there’s really someone for you out there. There were times when you wished you had a hand to grasp, arms that could wrap around you when you’re beat and tired. Someone who’d hold you close when you felt like giving up.  
You spent days gaslighting yourself with the thought that you might not end up happy in a relationship in the first place. All those times, you’re so close to giving up on love and finding it.  
Tetsurou turned around, facing you and enveloping you in his strong arms, he caressed your head and his eyes held so much love that you couldn’t explain. Everytime you looked at him you were reminded that dreams do come true.  
“Who would have thought that I’d have someone like you?” He said as if he was talking to himself.  
You smiled your tears away. You wanted to ask the heavens the same thing. Who would have thought that I’d have someone like him? 
Slowly, he started swaying you and you rested your head on his chest. There’s no music on, just the sound of his heart in your ear and the sound of your peaceful breathing harmonizing together in your empty apartment.  
It was so simple yet it’s everything you never thought you’d ask for. 
“Thank you...” you murmured.  
“For what?” he replied. 
“For being born.” For being in my life, for being one of the greatest wishes granted to me. There’s a lot you’d like to say but you kept it inside, avoiding being dramatic as it was his birthday after all. 
Tetsu sighed, “If any, I should be the most thankful,” he parted a little and lovingly caressed the top of your head. “Because I’m still alive and I still get to hold you close like this.” 
Kuroo didn’t have a solid idea of what love could be like. He didn’t even have a family that showed him how, but in your arms, he found the home his heart had been searching for all this time.  
He made many mistakes, broke many hearts and had his heart broken. Love existed only as a word for him until he met you and finally, he found someone who made that word something real, something he could finally believe in.  
He probed into your eyes, seeking even deeper into your soul. You tiptoed, face closing in on his. Whispering, he asked, “Would it be cheesy if I say that you’re the best gift of my life?” 
You chuckled and nodded your head in agreement. Silly, boy. Your silly boy.  
“I guess I’ll just kiss you then...” Your husband grinned and you both giggled like highschoolers. He nuzzled on your cheek, giving it a small kiss, which made you turn for him to capture your sweet lips.  
Tetsu had an arm around your waist and a hand cupping the back of your head, while you had your hands laced at his nape. He pulled your body close to his and dipped you back, kissing you deeply with such unbridled passion, intensity and love.  
Scooping you up, he carried you in bridal style and broke the kiss with a ridiculous question. 
“Can I unwrap my present now?” Birthday Boy asked with a cute pout. 
You were chuckling and playfully returned, “What present?” 
“The one in the pretty dress,” he replied with a mischievous grin. 
You laughed as he took you inside the bedroom and threw you in bed. Soon, a squeal and fits of laughter were heard from your room and you both wouldn't have it any other way.
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© quirrrky 2023 - All rights reserved. No work shall be reproduced, reposted, modified, translated in any form or by any means.
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ripleylove · 3 months
SFW alphabet ; Rhea Ripley.
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pairing: Rhea Ripley x fem reader.
genre: fluff <3
A/N: I miss Rhea. These are my thoughts.
⋆ ˚。⋆𔓘⭒๋࣭
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Rhea is for sure clingy. Like, she'd be always close to you, holding your hand or wrapping her strong arms around your waist,and she always wants to feel your touch.
I think she loves to show affection through kisses and,more precisely,with sleepy cuddles. Her arm draped over your body carelessly,while her left arm is under your head,serving as a pillow (best pillow ever besides her chest).
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
She would be those kind of friends that are a "ride or die": you and her would do the most stupid and insane things together,all while enjoying each other's company. Also, she'd be your safe place to run to at hard times,her always listening and always giving you advices would always make you feel better and,most importantly,special.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Cuddles with her are MAGNIFICENT!!!! Like,of course she cuddles (and loves to be cuddled) and of course she'd be like a mama bear,cause her strong arms and her big figure would wrap you up like a burrito so perfectly, that you would never want to go out of her arms. Also,she loves to just spend days in bed with you,under the covers,in which the only thing that will be done,is giving and receiving cuddles.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
For sure,Rhea would be the most excited about settling down with you and starting a family: she only wanted you as her girlfriend, wife,and mother of her children. When she would see you playing with little girls and boys,she'd always have major baby fever,with one of her biggest smiles on her face.
To her,cooking and cleaning doesn't feel like any chore at all,if she gets to do it with you. For example, she would be eager to do the dishes with you after lunch or dinner,you would be washing and cleaning and she would be drying and placing the dishes in their respective places.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
If she wanted to break up with you,of course she would talk to you about it. For any reason,for example the distance while going on the road or any lack of communication, she'd always respect the way you think and you would do the same for her.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Rhea,being head over heels for you,would be the most loyal person you've ever met. If someone tries to flirt with her,she'd always shoo them away,because no one could ever get her like you do. If,for example, you would get jealous of her TV relationship with Dominik,she'd do anything it takes to show you that it's all fake and that you're the only one ruling her heart.
She would like to get married 2 or 3 years in the relationship, because she doesn't want to rush things,but if the love you felt for each other was too strong,she'd propose as soon as possible.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
She'd be so so so patient it would make you want to cry. If you struggle with past traumas or anxiety, in the first months of this relationship she would do late night researches on the topic while you were sleeping,reading any tips about panic attacks etc.,so she could help you without feeling helpless.
Physically, she's also very gentle and sweet. After you'd come home late at night,very exhausted, she would remove your jacket and your shoes, before wrapping you in her embrace. I also think she's the type to lay you on the bed, and to massage your sore shoulders,slowly lulling you to sleep.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Oh,as said before,she's THE hugger. Almost a professional hugger,I must say. Head on your shoulders,arms wrapped around your waist,and you caressing her back: that's how she likes it. If she could, she would be attached to you 24/7,because your arms are so warm and so lovely and the list could go on!! Hugging her would feel like heaven, literally. Especially if she'd start to tickle you,that would be literal paradise,but anything she does is heavenly (duh).
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Oh,I think she'd say it in like 2 or 3 weeks. I SAID WHAT I SAID!!!! Because,c'mon,it isn't impossible to fall in love with you and your personality. The way you'd always blush around her,or how you'd always share your food with her,or even the way you'd shily slide you soft hand in hers. She would be head over heels for you,like,I'm not even joking. Also she'd be saying that she loves you every single minute. Over text,with calls, while colliding her lips with yours etc.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Rhea doesn't get jealous easily,because she knows she's yours and you're hers. But,sometimes,you don't even realise that someone is actually talking to you to get you in bed,and often you just mistake that intent for a simple and unhurtful small talk. And this thing happened many times in many places,for example in a a bar. Rhea,ever so caring and attentive,would notice that,and she would come over to you (and the person you're talking with) and put her arm around your waist. "So,baby,where do you wanna go now?"
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
The feeling of her kisses would be like feathers,her plump and soft lips lovingly meeting yours in a passionate and sweet kiss. While kissing,she would hold your cheeks with her rough hands,and you would caress her long hair,sliding your fingers through her black strands. Her favourite places to get kisses are: lips (obviously), neck,hands and head. (although, sometimes you would kiss the tip of her nose,and she would act like she hates it,but she actually loves it).
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Around children,at first she might be anxious, but when you'd help her to hold little babies or when you would join a toddler that was playing with barbies,she would start to warm up to the children. She'd have the preference to newborns and little babies,because she dies from their cuteness,but she also loves toddlers! This whole babies thing started when your bestfriend Mina asked you to babysit her children while she worked,and Rhea joined too. (Now she got a little attached to the babies,but this is a secret).
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
To be honest,mornings with Rhea are different based on her and your mood. If you both are tired,you would stay in bed until afternoon while either sleeping or cuddling while watching any TV series; If you both want to try cooking breakfast, you would try cooking pancakes (which often would come out either burned or raw) or,if you both feel motivated enough,you would even go to the gym with her.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Obviously, she's a night owl. She goes to sleep at least at 2 or 3 AM on a daily basis,and,as much as you try to keep up with her sleeping schedule,you just fall asleep as soon as possible. But,when you would manage to stay awake with her,you would be doing the most random things: playing uno,watching south park together,doing each other's make up... in the end,nights with Rhea are never boring.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Rhea would talk about herself and her past only later in her relationship. During your first date,she would talk about her passions,her likings and her disliking, but she wouldn't go past that. Only when she started fully trusting you,she would talk about her experiences, and about the sad and happy things that happened to her. And you would do the same thing for her,of course.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
As I already said before,she is the most patient person ever. She understands your struggles,and doesn't shame you,instead,she helps you to overcome them. She hardly gets mad at you,but when she does,she doesn't shout or raise her hands,she just closes herself in your shared room to cool off. And,obviously, everything goes back to normal after a good talk <3.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
She would be the human version of a memories box: she would remember any little detail of yours,your favourite color,what you like to do and even your habits. Everytime you tell her something about you,it's like a little drawer in the back of her mind opens,and in there gets stuffed the new information.
She would buy you a purse you told her you've always liked,and you would be surprised. "You remembered?" You would ask,and she would answer: "Obviously! It's the australian memory!"
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Rhea's favourite memory could be when you went to the beach together. You played in the water and even had a swimming competition (that she let you win). Also,you tanned,and while doing this,Rhea had her hand over your waist,and the print of her hand was very noticeable. She had to take a picture,that she even posted on her Instagram stories,and she laughed her ass off for almost 30 minutes,while you were sat here pouting.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Saying that Rhea is overprotective is and understatement: when you go out,she always holds your hand and always protects you from paparazzi,to keep you safe from any uncomfortable situations.
When you protect her though, she feels butterflies making their way in her stomach. For example, if a nosy fan would bother Rhea with uncomfortable questions,you would immediately jump in the situation and protect you girlfriend without hesitation (she thought about it for weeks).
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Even though she's often on the road,she always finds time and effort for dates during special occasions (or even to pamper you). Taking you to fancy restaurants, going on a walk together, taking you on the beach or even going to get nails together were things you would do on a weekly basis,since Rhea always likes to spoil you.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
One of her bad habits is that she always cracks her knuckles, and you always scold her,and during your scolding she looks like a lost puppy (but she never listens and you keep on scolding her). "Rhea stop doing that!" You'd shout,and she would raise her hands in surrender. "Okay,Okay,damn!"
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?
She doesn't care that much about her looks,because she knows she's beautiful, and you even tell her everyday that she doesn't need makeup because hers it's a natural beauty; but she likes to take care of herself: doing her hair,her skincare,and choosing carefully her outfits. (she might get ready just to hear you compliment her,but nobody knows).
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Oh,without you,she would feel like every piece of her puzzle was missing,and she would make sure you know that. When she's on the road for RAW,you'd get a "i miss u :(" text at least every hour,and when she'd get to her hotel,she would immediately videocall you to stay up Kate while she watched you sleep <3
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
She would totally have a photo album in her gallery which contained 1000+ pics of you in any context: sleeping with drool coming out of your mouth,eating burnt pancakes,getting your make up done,and her favourite one is the one she took with her professional camera on your first date,that she still has in the back of her phone,in her cover.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
I think Rhea would hate people who ghost others. This might be,as she thinks,one of the worst trait a person could have. Also she hates people who don't help people in need for their own dignity and image. These are the biggest red flags a person could have!!
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
She just has to be next to you,or else she won't even close her eyes. Your heat and your natural smell lull her to sleep,and,without having you sleeping next to her,it would be impossible for Rhea to feel comfortable in a cold and lonely hotel room. That's why,like I have said before,she needs to facetime you,because even seeing you sleep,makes her feel better. <3
taglist: @stellakiddsblog @bibibi-tchx @p-mp @teenagedramaqueenlisa @thegalacticnacho091 @judgementdaysunshine
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lcvejoy · 1 year
and we hold onto this (for whatever reason)
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wilbur soot x gn!reader
tw!: angst, breakups, food mention, crying, other than that it’s fluffy and sweet. not proofread
word count: 1,248
a/n: literally wrote this in 10 minutes and didn’t read it over so i’m sorry if it makes literally 0 sense lmaoooo. i hope y’all like it!! (also this picture of wil is so cute hes so-)
there’s a stale feeling in the air as you’re surrounded by your friends. a large table, a potluck dinner, laughter and 5 different conversations, all while brown eyes with your same sadness across and to the left of you attempts to impossibly avoid your gaze.
wilbur joins in one of the conversations, you can hear his laughter and smooth voice. it’s all that seems to reach your ears as you play with the food on your plate. you missed the sound of his carefree and light voice, his laugh sweeter than nectar. a pang of sadness hits your chest like a tidal wave. a feeling you’ve invited to the dinner table often these past few weeks, but having him here in front of you, hearing his voice and laugh in the room and not in your head, has made the sadness hurt even more. it hits your chest, knocks the wind out of you, makes you feel like you’ve been thrown backwards.
“y/n? did you hear me?” a voice comes from your right, causing you to flinch and drop the fork in your hand. the sound is loud, it makes you physically cringe as you hear the conversations die down and feel multiple eyes on you. you lean down to grab the fork,
“no, sorry. what were you saying?” you respond quietly, looking over at your friend and placing the fork down beside your plate.
“i asked if you were okay. you seem like you’re in space” they say, voice quiet and full of compassion. you nod, forcing a smile on your face. how weird is it to be seen, studied, known. your friends see through you. you wonder if wilbur does too.
“yeah” you whisper, “i’m okay. sorry. didn’t get much sleep last night” you let out a light laugh. they smile back at you, a half-crooked, sad smile. a hand reaches up to squeeze your shoulder - as if to say ‘i know you’re lying, but we don’t have to talk about it’, before they turn back around to continue their conversation. you finally look around as conversations have sparked back to life, scanning the table before reaching wilbur’s spot. he’s looking at you. his mouth slightly agape, his eyes sad. you hold his gaze for a beat, before grabbing your fork and standing.
“m’gonna go wash this” you mumble for no one in particular to hear, as you scurry to the kitchen. you sigh as you reach the room, running your hands through your hair and leaning down onto the counter. the wound of yours and wilbur’s breakup is still so fresh, still so new, still prone to infection. seeing him is harder than expected, but this get together had been planned for too long for either of you to cancel.
with another sigh, you grab your fork and turn on the tap, beginning to wash it. your mind wanders as you grab the dish soap and sponge - you planned a future with wilbur. you thought he was the one. your parents loved him. god, you loved him. you wanted all the stupid, gross, lovey-dovey shit with him. a big wedding, a small family, a white house with a fenced in backyard, cats and dogs, growing old together. you would’ve done it all with wilbur.
“i think it’s clean” a familiar voice cuts through your thoughts. you flinch, dropping the fork into the sink. your head whips over to the voice, seeing wilbur standing there, looking at you. you hadn’t noticed the tears streaming down your cheeks until he brought you back to reality, causing you to quickly wipe them with your sleeve. you sniff, “well, yaknow, just had to be sure” you chuckle, though it comes out sad and strained.
there’s a silence, the air feels heavy, as you both just look at one another.
“y/n…” wilbur starts. you shake your head. “don’t. it’s okay” you reassure, breaking your gaze from him to look down at the fork in the sink. you grab it, walking over to the dish towels hung over the oven handle.
“i’m sorry” wilbur whispers.
“i said dont, wilbur” you sigh, looking back up to him. he looks just as broken and disheveled as you do.
he nods his head. a silence washes over the room.
“i miss you” his voice cracks, his eyes gather tears but he quickly wipes them away.
“i know we agreed it was best to part ways but it’s killing me, y/n” wilbur cuts you off, his voice is quiet but filled with emotion. you stay quiet, your heartbeat loud in your ears as you take shaky breaths.
“i-its so hard. so fucking hard to pretend im okay with this. that im fine. t-that i really believe it’s for the best” wilbur chokes out, he gulps before continuing, “because i don’t. i don’t think it is.”
you close your eyes to avoid the tears forming. you shake your head.
“wil, please stop” you beg “we both have other things to focus on. i mean, you have the band and-“
“oh, fuck the band!” wilbur shouts. your eyes shoot open to look at him as he brings his fingers up to pinch his nose bridge. he looks at you “fuck the band. fuck streaming. fuck everything, y/n. if it means i lose you, i don’t want any of it.” wilbur’s voice calms, it’s quieter.
you sigh and shake your head, “i would never ask that of you. you know that” you whisper “you love that band. and you love touring. and you love making music. and i love watching you do it, wil, i love seeing you happy but i-“ your voice breaks as a tear falls down your cheek, “but i cant sit there and wait for you to make time for me anymore. you were busy and you were happy and i waited and it’s fine but i- i couldn’t wait anymore. a-and all your promises, all the missed dates, all the times i spent sleeping alone, i just- it was too hard.”
wilbur takes a step towards you, searching your face for a reaction. when you don’t react, he walks over to you, standing in front of you. hesitantly, he reaches his hands to cup your face, wiping your tears with his thumb as his own tears fall from his eyes. he leans down and rests his forward against yours. a shaky sigh escapes your lips as you breathe in his scent.
“then i’ll wait for you this time” he whispers, “whenever you’re ready for me, i’ll be here. ready to change, to do whatever it takes, to show you the love you deserve.”
a wet laugh escapes your lips as you sniff, reaching up to hold his forearms as you close your eyes.
“i love you, y/n” he whispers, “i don’t think i’m capable of not loving you.”
you nod. “me neither” you agree.
his forehead leaves yours, being replaced by his lips. a lingering kiss on your forehead. he steps back, grabbing hold of your hands as you both look into each others teary eyes.
“whenever you’re ready” wilbur whispers. you nod - “okay” you whisper back. he smiles, as do you, before he walks out of the room.
you look down at the fork on the counter. a forgotten task. you smile, leaning over to pick it up. inspecting it in your hands. a breath, a sniff, a final wipe of your eyes.
whenever i’m ready, you think.
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humanpurposes · 1 year
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(1950s AU) A housewife reaches breaking point and seeks medical advice at her husband's request // Main Masterlist
Aemond x nameless female character
Warnings: 18+, smut, period typical sexism, dub-con,
Words: 5400
A/n: inspired by this ask on @lightningandfireinmybones 's blog, shout out to @b-vvitched for the prompt, I couldn't stop thinking about it :) Also available to read on AO3.
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She reads over the gold painted letters on the door to make sure she has the right room.
Dr A. Targaryen
General Practitioner
She brings her hand up to the door, hesitating for a moment before she softly taps her knuckles against the wood, thrice.
She holds her breath, unsure if a moment passes or a minute.
His voice comes soft and distant from the other side. “Enter.”
The room is simply four white walls, a dark wood desk and cabinets and an examination table with black leather upholstery. The harsh afternoon sun and a slight breeze bleed in from the open windows, floating through thin, white curtains. It’s surprisingly serene but still plain and inoffensive.
Dr Targaryen– Aemond as he insists as he shakes her hand– has harsh blue eyes, the left framed by a long scar slicing down his face, a pointed nose, curved lips, a sharp jaw and pale blond hair, stylishly gelled like some movie star. Something about him is unsettling despite the small smile and the impeccable manners as he offers her a seat in the green leather chair on the other side of his desk.
She contracts her hand slightly once he lets go of her. His grip had been rather firm.
He opens a brown leather notebook and flicks through a clipboard on the desk, frowning and tapping a pen against it as he goes over some paperwork and basic information she had given the nurse, as instructed.
She holds her hands together in her lap and winces at how damp her palms are. She’s sure it’s just the weather, and smooths them over her pale blue, rayon skirt. She checks her nails while she’s at it too. She had painted them red the night before, but they are already starting to chip from where she’d started her day with washing the dishes and doing a deep clean of the kitchen.
“You said your husband recommended you seek medical advice, is that right?” he asks, his head tilted down and his eyes meeting hers, expecting a prompt answer, she realises.
She swallows through the scratchy feeling in her throat, wishing she had accepted the receptionist’s offer of water. “Yes, that’s right.”
His eyes move over the page again and he gives a cryptic “hmm.”
The specifics often change but lately she’s realised that each day of her life feels the same. Wake up before her husband, make his coffee and his breakfast, make sure he wants for nothing and see him off to work. Help the mother-in-law with her shopping and her laundry. Bake a cake for the village fundraiser and drop it off at the the Church. Make polite conversation with the vicar and the other women helping out, compliment their babies, ask about the older children. Try not to cry when she’s bombarded with the dreaded question. “How soon can we expect little ones from you?”
Two weeks ago her husband had come home from work and found her on the sofa, staring into space, too tired to even reach for a book or a magazine. Everything had seemed to be going wrong for her that day, evidenced by the broken washing machine, the broken heel on her shoe, the cuts and blisters on her feet, the shopping left unceremoniously on the kitchen counter. She was absolutely exhausted, but when his dinner wasn't ready and waiting for him, her husband hit the roof.
Something snapped. Before she knew it, she was screaming, eyes hot and streaming with tears as she choked on her own sobs. She had never been so loud in her life. She can hardly even remember what she said.
Her husband’s voice screams inside her head. “Emotional… irrational… hysterical…”
“And you went to the nurse first?” Aemond asks. 
He looks back at the notes. “What did she tell you?”
She shifts in her chair. It should all be right there in front of him, why does she have to say it?
She takes a deep breath, as subtly as she can. “She suggested it could be a hormonal imbalance, or a symptom of…”
Aemond raises a brow, expectantly.
She feels a warmth rushing to her cheeks “... monthly courses,” she says quietly.
“And have you had issues with those?” he asks.
“They can be irregular.”
He hums again and writes something in his notebook.
She clenches her fist around her skirt and notices the soft ticking of the clock on the wall over the desk. It’s not too obtrusive, and the rhythm gives her something to focus on while neither of them are speaking.
Aemond shifts back in his chair, crossing a leg over the other, absentmindedly pressing the lid of his pen to his lips like he’s trying to solve a crossword in the morning paper. “What exactly was your husband’s main concern?”
There comes a familiar feeling, an emptiness in her chest like her body might concave, and a swelling in her eyes. She bites down on her lip to dispel the urge to cry.
Everyone around her loves to comment on how happy she is, how blessed she is to have such a happy marriage and a loving husband.
“He says I’ve been too emotional.”
“Emotional in what way?”
She tells him about the outburst two weeks ago, expecting him to tut and shake his head and chide her for her behaviour. Instead he watches her and listens.
“He says he doesn’t know what else to do with me. He says he does everything he can to make me happy, but that it’ll never be enough for me,” she says.
“And does he make you happy?” he asks.
Her answer hitches in her throat. The obvious response would be of course. He does what any good husband does, works, brings home a salary, sweet talks her mother and smokes cigars with her father when they visit every other Sunday. 
Happiness seems to be an external factor, something people comment on and praise her. When other people say she is happy she wears it with pride, like a medal or a precious piece of jewellery.
She loves her husband, as well as any self respecting woman does. She reminds herself that’s the whole reason why she’s here.
At her silence Aemond smiles to himself and begins to write. She follows how his fingertips grip the pen and how the tendons in his hands flex.
“Wait!” she says, shuffling forward in her seat.
He pauses and looks at her like he did before, with his chin tilted down.
“No– I meant to say yes. Yes, he makes me happy.”
His eyes move around her face and briefly down, over the pearl charm hanging from her neck, her white blouse and her hands bunched in her blue skirt. She releases them when she realises he’s looking and rests them on the arms of the chair instead.
This feels like a test, one in which every word and gesture will be put to scrutiny, earning either a curious “hmm” or a scratching of the pen against the paper. She wonders which is worse.
“How long have you been married?” he asks.
“A year in July.”
“No children?”
“Why not?”
His question leaves a tight feeling in her chest and in her gut. 
Aemond sets the pen down on the desk without making a sound. “Sorry, I know these questions can be obtrusive. You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to, but it would be useful to know what I’m working with.”
That’s an odd way to phrase it, she thinks.
“No it’s alright,” she says, her fingers moving anxiously over each other. “It’s not for lack of trying. We… try a few times a week. Usually on the weekends or when he’s not tired– he’s often tired after work.”
“And how is it?”
“Oh, um–” without thinking her hands move back into her lap and she starts to pick at the red nail polish. “He says there’s something wrong with me.”
Aemond tilts his head. “Wrong with you?”
She squeezes her thighs together at the familiar memory of her husband’s downright painful attempts to make love to her. He practically has to force his way inside of her and she can never stand it for more than a few thrusts before she pushes him off. 
He was understanding for the first few months, but she can tell it’s starting to irritate him now. She doesn’t understand why it doesn’t work, what she could possibly be doing wrong.
“Does he prepare you?” 
She looks up with a knitted brow. “Prepare me?”
He tuts and mutters something that sounds like “poor thing,” before scrawling another quick note. 
Then he stands, rolling up the sleeves of his white coat and the black shirt underneath. “I want to check a few things,” he says, cocking his head towards the examination table on the other side of the room.
She follows dutifully, propping her hands against the leather upholstery and pushing herself up to sit on it. Her black heels don’t reach the floor. She crosses them at the ankle and lets them swing a little. 
Once Aemond has washed his hands he approaches her. He’s tall, she realises as he stands before her. His hips are level with her knees and the edge of the table and while he’s not quite close enough to touch her, her legs twitch at the proximity.
She tries to avert her gaze from the somewhat intense expression in his eyes as he simply looks at her. Her eyes don’t stop moving, looking past his shoulder or down at her sides, but there’s not anything interesting to look at.
She focuses on the steady ticking of the clock, counting ten long seconds before she realises she’s holding her breath.
When she finally releases she finds herself focusing instead on the gentle sounds of Aemond’s breath through his nose, the smell of his hair gel, musky aftershave and the lingering scent of smoke. 
Warm fingertips brush against her jaw as he brings her to look at him. She can feel the slight roughness of the pads of his fingers, but he’s gentle when he touches her, almost cautious. 
He leans in a little closer until he’s touching her knees. She doesn’t let herself react but her heart is drumming furiously, more so when his thumb strokes over her cheek. He moves back and forth, grazing the corner of her mouth, before he swipes it over her lower lip. 
She relaxes her mouth as he presses and tugs on the soft flesh. It’s somehow both terrifying and oddly reassuring.
And then he settles, pressing both of her lips into a slight pout while his fingertips rest against her jaw and the top of her neck.
“Open your mouth for me,” he says.
She stares back at him with wide eyes. Had she heard that correctly?
The corners of his mouth curl politely, waiting for her compliance.
So she does as he asks.
With his fingers holding her chin, Aemond inches his thumb into her mouth, settling on her tongue. His skin tastes clean and faintly medicinal from the amber soap.
“You can close your mouth,” he says.
She keeps her eyes on his as she closes her lips around him, careful not to touch him with her teeth.
He hums again, low and contentedly. “Good girl.”
She shudders at the sudden weightlessness in her belly.
“Are you alright?” he asks.
She gives him a small nod.
"Good," he utters, "just breathe."
She loses count of the seconds on the clock as he simply settles inside of her. She does as he says, breathing deeply through her nose, looking up at him through her eyelashes, trying to read if he's pleased or not.
When he starts to withdraw and she instinctively drags her tongue along his thumb. She looks down at his hand, the imprint of her mauve lipstick on his skin, the glistening digit and the small line of spit that trails from her mouth, which he wipes away with his fingers.
“How did that feel?” he asks.
She thinks for a moment. “Good.”
He glances down and her eyes follow, to the fabric of her skirt. When she stands it falls to her shin, but seated, the hem rides up to just below her knees. He places a wide hand on her left knee, their skin separated only by a thin layer of nylon stockings.
“These outbursts of yours,” he mutters, “are they a regular occurrence?”
“Not really,” she says.
“What do you think caused it?”
She presses her teeth together and looks away from him to think. “Lots of things I suppose. It all piles up.”
“How did it feel, to shout at your husband?”
She huffs a laugh at the instinct that appears in her head, it’s not something she should ever admit, but there’s something about Aemond’s eyes and the feeling of his hands that make her want to tell him the truth,
“I liked it, I was just so…” she shakes her head looking for the right word, but she supposes there’s a simpler explanation. “I was so angry, angrier than I’ve ever been in my life.”
“What were you angry at?” Aemond asks, his thumb starting to stroke against her thigh. 
Would it be too much to list every aspect of her life that irritates her?
She hates a lot of things. She hates tidying the house just for it to get messy again. She hates it when her new shoes dig into her skin and make her bleed. She hates that she seems incapable of interacting with another person without suffering their scrutiny. She hates it when people tell her that her life is perfect.
Everything races around in her head, screaming and shouting at her until the noise becomes silent, just a throbbing pain in her head.
“Just… everything,” she groans, rubbing her fingertips against her temple. “I don’t understand it, everyone says our life together is so perfect, but I don’t feel perfect.”
His hand moves away from her and she looks up at the absence.
Aemond takes a slow breath. “Are you familiar with hysteria?”
Her heart sinks and he seems to see it in her face.
He purses his lips for a moment before he explains, “it’s essentially an excess of ill-managed emotions. It can lead to irrational behaviour and quite severe distress.”
She’s heard of the condition before, sparse stories here and there of men who had no choice but to seek proper treatment for their wives when they are too emotional… irrational… hysterical.
She’s not like those women, surely, and her husband knows that, right?
“Is that what's wrong with me?” she asks.
His mouth quirks. “Quite possibly.”
“But I’ve heard of women with this condition before. I’ve heard what their husbands do to them, I—” she can feel her eyes beginning to well with hot, stinging tears. “That’s not going to happen to me, is it?”
She hangs her head, dread pooling in her belly, until his hands cup the sides of her face. Aemond brings her gaze up into his eyes.
“Don’t send me away,” she whispers, blinking the tears from her eyes so they roll down her cheeks. “Please, there must be something you can do–”
“There there, pet,” he says, tracing his thumbs along her teartracks, “everything is going to be alright, hmm? We can sort you out.”
She nods at his reassurance and the feeling of his hands against her skin. It must be entirely improper to be so close to another man, even more so when she starts to realise just how much she likes it, a sweet sort of unease. Perhaps that’s just his nature, perhaps he’s just good at this part of his job.
For a moment he presses his lips together in a strange way, like he’s holding something back. “There is one treatment I’m keen to suggest,” he says.
“What treatment?” she asks.
He tilts his head slightly. “Hysteria is an instability of emotion. You need a release.”
“Like when I shouted at my husband?”
He smiles at that. “It felt good, didn’t it?”
She nods.
“We can undergo controlled releases,” he says, “you’ll be much happier for it.”
She takes a sharp breath when one of his hands moves down from her cheek to rest casually at her waist.
“I can start the treatment today, if you’d like?”
His face is close to hers now, She feels every flutter of his breath, the heat of his body separated by inches of empty space.
“Yes please,” she says quietly, like she might disturb the peacefulness in the room if she speaks any louder. “If it’s not too much trouble?”
“Don’t worry, pet, we’ve still got plenty of time left,” he says, stepping away. “Take your skirt off, and lie back.”
Suddenly her skin feels tight. “My skirt?”
“If you don’t mind?” he says over his shoulder as he walks towards his desk. “It just makes things a little easier, maybe the blouse too.”
She hops down from the table, heels clicking against the floor.  While Aemond’s pen scratches against paper, she turns her back and starts to pick at the buttons on the top of her blouse. She pulls it over her head and folds it, setting it down on the table, where her head will go. Then she pulls down the zip on her skirt and lets it fall around her. For the slightly mortifying prospect of standing there in her stockings and undergarments, the breeze from the window washes over the bare skin of her arms and torso. It’s quite nice, a welcome relief.
She waits with her heels close together and her hands clasped in front of her. Aemond has his back to her and she watches the way the sunlight catches in the silvery streaks of his hair. He tears a sheet from the pad of prescription papers and leaves it on his desk before he moves to the sink to wash his hands. It’s methodical, like before, well rehearsed and memorised for efficiency. Does he even have to think about what he’s doing, she wonders?
Once his hands are dried he reaches into a drawer under his desk. He keeps his eyes on the small object in his hands as he walks towards her.
She straightens her back and puts her hands on the table behind her, testing her weight so she can shuffle on top of it. 
Aemond looks up and she pauses.
His eyes dart up and down her body. “Shoes and stockings off too.”
Blood rushes to her cheeks but she complies, reaching down to undo the small buckles on each shoe. Once they’re under the table she stands straight and curls her thumbs around her stockings.
She looks up to Aemond. He gives her a small nod.
She starts to pull the thin material down her legs, so thin it should hardly make a difference. She shivers as the breeze meets a new part of her body. She straightens again, dutifully awaiting her next instruction. 
The corners of Aemond’s mouth curl. “Perfect,” he mutters. 
He steps closer to her, until she can make out the object in his hands. It’s a coppery colour, gleaming like metal, and no smaller than a tube of lipstick. He slips it into his coat pocket.
She follows Aemond’s hand as he reaches out and runs a slender finger under the strap of her brassiere. “I think we’ll keep this on,” he says.
She nods, though she doesn’t really know why.
A hum sounds in his throat and his eyes look over her face. “Lie back.”
She does as he says and fiddles with her hands, unsure of where to put them until she decides to keep them by her sides. Anticipation sets her nerves alight. She listens to every breath, each taunting footstep as Aemond comes to stand at the foot of the bed.
He moves slowly so as not to agitate her, but her whole body tenses when his hands clasp around her ankles. It’s obvious he’s trying to be gentle, but even when softly spoken his voice leaves a restless feeling in her gut. “Shh, try to relax, and just let me…” he lifts her legs up along her body until her knees are by her hips. His hands go to her thighs next and she lets out a short whimper of surprise when he pulls her closer to him.
“There we go,” he muses to himself, one hand on her thigh while he gently rests the other on her navel, over the hem of her panties.
Her hands are restless, fists clenching and nails digging into her palms.
Aemond looks down at her with a hint of concern. “You can tell me if you want to stop, at any point.”
“No it’s alright,” she breathes, suppressing the urge to arch her back.
His brows raise as he looks down, grazing his fingertips over her skin. Each movement has her breath hitching or her body squirming, no matter how hard she tries to relax, just as he’d instructed.
He brings both hands to her knees, closing them together before he reaches for her panties and slides them from her legs. She doesn’t see where he drops them. Her hands come into fists again as he gradually spreads her legs. 
She’s not sure what to expect or how this is supposed to help her control her emotions, but she tries to concentrate on staying still, keeping whatever dignity she has left.
“Look at that,” Aemond hums, circling his thumbs against her inner thighs, “you’re already getting wet.”
She can feel it, the warmth pooling between her legs. No one has ever told her it’s bad, but it’s one of those things she wonders if she should be ashamed of. She tries to shift but there’s nowhere for her body to go, nowhere she can hide from him.
“I’m sorry,” she mutters, “it’s not bad, is it?”
Aemond frowns. “You mean you don’t…” he trails off as his face melts into an amused sort of sympathy, like he’s piecing together a puzzle. “Bad news for your husband maybe. It means you’re aroused.”
Aroused. She repeats the word to herself a few times. 
Surely it is a bad thing to find herself in such a state, only she finds herself turning her attention to Aemond. Her gaze trails shamelessly over the veins and tendons of his hands and forearms as he kneads at her thighs, the curve of his upper lip and the tip of his tongue swiping between his teeth. If only she could read his mind, figure out what he’s thinking behind those pretty blue eyes, what hypothesis he’s playing around with inside his head. 
And then he reaches into his pocket. She lifts her head to try and get a better look. The coppery object looks more like an oversized bullet, with a slightly pointed head and a black button at its base. When Aemond presses the button it starts to hum. Even the noise of it sparks a reaction from her. She feels something strange, like a shockwave flashing through her body.
“Relax,” Aemond says, bringing his other hand to her hip. “I don’t want to have to tie you down.”
“No,” she utters, “sorry.” She lets her head fall against the upholstery and stares up at the ceiling, determined not to react.
Until something presses to her centre, humming against her. Pleasure pulses through her, unfamiliar but hot and bright. Her eyes snap shut and her hips try to buck but Aemond’s hand holds her down. 
“How does it feel?” he says.
Her first attempt to speak comes out as a broken whimper. “Good,” she manages, stilling her hips from trying to rock against the bullet. “Fuck…”
Something inside of her feels tight, tensing and tensing until she’s sure she can’t take any more. But he keeps it against her, making small, rhythmic movements through her folds, edging her closer to that rising feeling only to relieve her of it.
Her nails start to drag along the leather, clawing at it for purchase. She tries to stay still, to keep her hips steady but something has to give. She turns her head to the side, whimpering and groaning into her shoulder.
“There you go,” Aemond hums, as he finds a truly torturous pattern, slowly swiping upwards from her entrance to the sweet spot of her pearl, only to start over. 
“Please,” she whimpers as he tears her away from that feeling again. Blissful tears blur her vision and she feels utterly weightless. “I can’t stand it…”
He lingers the bullet just below her pearl. She’s so close to something. She can feel it. 
“Do you want to stop?” Aemond asks.
“No!” she cries.
He starts to move in small circles now and her body feels like it’s burning. “Just take it,” he says, “you can take it, just be a good girl for me, hmm?”
“Yes… yes…” she utters like a dreamy chant. 
The button clicks and the vibrations increase. She hardly registers the wanton noises she makes, but she’s all too aware of wet sounds of her arousal and Aemond’s short hums when her hips start to buck again.
“You’re so close, aren’t you?” Aemond says. “Come on, pet, you can do it, you’re almost there…”
She feels the hum of her throat as she groans his name and suddenly the tight feeling snaps. Her whole body releases, just as Aemond promised, and she feels herself come undone. He guides her through it, the bullet whirring against her and his hand steady on her hip.
When he finally withdraws, her limbs don’t feel like her own. She listens to her own breath and feels the rise and fall of her chest as she wills herself into a state of awareness. She props herself onto her elbows and her eyes meet Aemond’s.
He smirks, and looks down again, gently drawing a thumb through her folds. 
Her back arches and her breath hitches, though not as intensely as before. She can feel how slick she is now, how easily he moves against her. She eases under his touch and just lets it feel good.
“You did so well,” he says, “fuck, the way your cunt twitches when you come…”
She gazes at him with a bewildered kind of awe, at his parted lips, the golden glow of sunlight trailing down his jaw and his neck, and now the dark, almost hungry look in his eyes. She can already feel the desire rising again, the wanting for more.
“There’s something else I want to try,” he says. His thumb slips further down, teasing her entrance. “If you’ll let me?”
She holds her bottom lip between her teeth and nods.
“Good girl,” he hums.
That alone has her trying to roll her hips against him, but then he’s gone. She wants to groan in protest but keeps her mouth shut as she watches him remove his white coat and black shirt, both of which he drapes over his chair. For his seemingly slender frame, he’s surprisingly muscular. 
With his back still turned to her she watches his hands move to his trousers. She hears the clinking of his belt buckle and the sound of his fly coming undone. He reaches back into the same drawer, tears something between his teeth and discards a small, white packet on the desk. 
As he comes to stand before her once more she can’t help the small smile that graces her lips, unashamedly appreciating the muscles of his torso, his pectorals and the lines of his abdominals, and his now freed cock, already hard, and certainly larger than her husband’s.
He stands before her once again, bringing her knees down so he can slot himself between her legs.
She can already feel herself twitching and her heart racing. 
He doesn’t waste much time on preamble. “You’re fucking soaked,” he mutters, lining the his cock to her entrance and taking a hold of her thigh, “be a shame to waste it.”
She expects it to hurt when he pushes inside of her, and for a moment it does. She feels the way he stretches her out with just the tip. He moves slowly, dragging in and out of her, each time pushing in a little more. She can take the pain, at least until it starts to melt away. After a few strokes it feels effortless.
Aemond lets out a sharp grunt as he comes close to bottoming out. “How does it feel?” he asks with a small amount of strain.
It’s a different kind of pleasure, it’s duller and deeper, less frantic but it still burns in the best way.
“Good,” she breathes.
Aemond’s hands take hold of her waist as he increases his pace, dragging her into him to match his thrusts.
The air feels hot and thick now, the ticking of the clock drowned out by laboured panting, breathless moans and the soft sounds of skin meeting skin.
“Fuck you’re tight,” he hisses, sinking his fingertips deeper into her flesh.
“I don’t suppose that’s a medical term?” she says with a dazed grin.
Aemond huffs a laugh but it seems to spur him on, his jaw slack and his brow furrowed in determination. 
She wraps her legs around his hips and reaches up for him, but all she manages is to graze her fingertips over his torso. He snatches her wrists, leaning over to pin them on either side of her head as he brutally starts to snap her hips into hers. Like this he fucks her deeper and harder against the leather.
She feels her release building slowly, his cock brushing against a spot that has her eyes watering again.
“Going to come for me?” Aemond grits out, pressing his forehead to hers. 
“I want to,” she whimpers, arching her back to get closer to him, “fuck–”
He releases one of her wrists and slips his hand between them, circling her pearl with the pads of his fingers. 
He brings his lips to the shell of her ear. “You’re squeezing me so good,” he whispers harshly, “nearly there, nearly there sweetheart…”
Her legs start to shake as her pleasure peaks and her climax washes over her. Every part of her body tenses and moulds itself into him. Aemond doesn’t relent, he keeps fucking her until she’s whining and squirming, until finally he lets out a guttural groan into her neck. His hips still and she feels him throbbing inside of her, spilling himself into the condom.
For a moment she’s content to lie there, no matter how uncomfortable the surface of the bed is. She likes Aemond’s weight on top of her, his breath on her neck, the scent of him, the sweat from his brow against her skin. But they don’t stay like that for long. He pulls away from her and makes quick work of disposing of the condom and tucking himself back into his trousers.
“Nothing wrong in that regard,” he says, reaching for her hand to help her sit up. “If you’re having trouble it’s the fault of your husband. He needs to prepare you before he tries to fuck you.”
She flicks her hair from her neck to relieve some of the heat. “Oh, right.” She can feel herself trembling, but she feels light, like a weight has been lifted from her shoulders. 
“How are you feeling now?” he asks, placing a reassuring hold to her arm.
“Good,” she says.
Aemond carefully helps her back into her panties, stockings, shoes, blouse and skirt. He rights her necklace, wipes the dried tears from her cheeks, drags his thumb around her mouth where her lipstick has smudged and helps her down from the bed, keeping a firm hand on her until she nods to let him know she’s alright. 
He tears off a prescription paper and hands it to her. She quickly skims over it. He’s not prescribed any medication or recommended a lobotomy, thank God. 
“Contraction therapy?” she reads, looking up at him with a raised brow.
“I want to see you twice weekly,” he says, buttoning up his shirt. “Maybe we can go for three times a week, if you feel it would be beneficial.”
She tries her best to hide her smile. “Well I’m sure you know best, doctor.”
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General Taglist (comment if you wanna be added): @randomdragonfires @jamespotterismydaddy
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riveroftales · 26 days
😗Ummm…. Do you think you could do a little Drabble or some HCs about Genya with a mom figure? Like, maybe Himejima gets married and his wife meets Genya and is determined to give him a stable family and a good female role model. Like sure he totally ignores or is embarrassed by her at first but then she makes him food or cuts up watermelon for him 🥺 Maybe he eventually opens up to the “mom” and she tries to help him untangle all his teenage anger. MY POOR BOY NEEDS A FAMILY AND HIMEJIMA CANT DO IT ALONE. (Also pls feel free to ignore if you don’t like the prompt. Tysm I love your writing and the blind Genya AU kills me in the best way possible)
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➳ ғᴀᴍɪʟʏ
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Himejima was like a father to Genya. His father was an asshole, so having a good role model made Genya adore him so much more.
He loved his mother. His mother was gentle, smiled a lot and despite being weak, she was able to protect.
He didn’t have anyone in his life to replace his mother and he wanted to keep it that way. That is, until Himejima got married.
Genya was beyond happy that Himejima got the chance to fall in love with someone who loved him and who he loved back, but he didn’t know how to approach the new addition to their tiny family of two.
The poor boy’s cheeks would always flare up intensely whenever he saw you. At first, you thought he genuinely liked you which led you to reject him politely during the hashira training one day in front of everyone else.
It was after Genya passed out from embarrassment when Tanjiro told you Genya just got nervous around every girl whether he liked them or not.
Genya was basically your son, so you had a mission to get him to think of you as a mother.
Even though he ignored you at most times, you managed to talk to him even if he didn’t respond. You opened up about everything and told tales of your past.
You ruffled his hair often with a soft smile before you always went up to your husband to kiss his large hand since he was far too tall for you to kiss his cheek.
Genya stayed up late often to train, so you also started staying up to make him little snacks occasionally.
You would call his name and give him a small plate of a few pieces of onigiri and smile when you see his eyes light up as he ate. Your favourite part was occasionally surprising him with another small plate of watermelon cut into adorable shapes.
You really babied him a lot. He was a huge kid, but you couldn’t help it. Genya was like a shy tiger.
The kid occasionally started warming up to you and he started initiating conversations. He could see the way your eyes lit up every time he made effort into your relationship.
You often say together with the three of them, showing them how to make some of your dishes. Himejima would help with the cutting and washing, while you guided Genya with the cooking.
You cried for the first time in years in your husband’s arms after Genya had left for a mission and he had said, “Bye, mom! I’ll be back soon! Please make a lot of food for me when I get back!”
You obeyed your baby’s request. How could you not? You loved seeing the hidden joy in his face whenever you fed him some food directly. Himejima smiled to himself when he heard the laughter his newfound family let out. He was beyond thankful to the gods above that he was alive to experience something so precious.
Genya soon realised that you weren’t his mother. You were never his mother, and you would never be his mother, but he would love you the same. He loved his mother, but he also loved you. His mother taught him how to love because it was all she could teach before she passed, while you helped teach him the rest.
You were there to hold him when he cried in your shoulders on the day his older brother nearly blinded him. You didn’t judge him for eating demons. You didn’t look down at him when he confessed he couldn’t use breathing forms.
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You were there for everything. You were there during both Genya’s and Himejima’s sparring sessions, you were there to cook for your family, you were there to listen, you were there to love them. You were even there when Himejima had to leave abruptly to the demon amuse headquarters after an emergency meeting was announced. You were there when you saw Genya fall in the trapdoors on the floor which appeared so suddenly because you didn’t have a good feeling of leaving him alone, making you run up to his training ground to retrieve your son.
You ran as fast as you could when your husband’s kasugai crow led you to where the big battle was happening, only reaching during daybreak.
You felt your heart drop and tears sting your eyes when you saw corpses everywhere, but the sight of your unmoving husband was the only thing you were focused on.
The kakushi had to hold you back even when you screamed at the top of your lungs, yelling at Himejima to open his eyes.
You choked on your tears when you asked about Genya, your son. You knew he was also gone from the silence you received.
You couldn’t even cry anymore. Your eyes just closed before you passed out.
You woke up with a message from Sanemi that Genya had turned into ashes. Your little boy didn’t have a body to bury, meaning he’ll never have a proper funeral.
You folded Genya’s clothes really neatly and placed it in your dead husband’s arms as he laid so beautifully in the casket. You placed your son’s gun on top of his uniform, unable to watch the burial since tears were blurring your vision.
You woke up the next day, wishing you could feel the weight of Genya’s leg over your stomach as he slept in the most atrocious position ever while Himejima’s arms refused to let you go even in sleep one last time.
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the-guilty-writer · 9 months
I second the ask about Hotch's daughter with endometriosis!!! I'd like to see that
I just finished it ♡
Aaron Hotchner x daughter!reader
You truly wondered how women with endometriosis survived periods before thermotherapy products were invented. Hot water bottles and heating pads were a necessity for you during this time of the month. It wasn’t that they made the pain go away - they just made it bearable enough to allow you small bits of time where you could do something more than laying down.
At the moment, a hot water bottle and a maxed out dose of Ibuprofen were holding you together - barely. After twenty minutes at school, you were sent home by your English teacher, who was concerned about your nauseous complexion. Somehow, you'd managed to do some make-up work before taking a long (and much-needed) nap.
With your dad away on a case, the list of chores was longer than normal, but the pain made moving nearly impossible, much less cleaning. Dishes needed to be put away, the kitchen table needed to be cleared, and he laundry hamper was flooded with clothes, but there was no way you could do any of it while your insides felt like they were going to fall out. The only thing you absolutely had to do was pick Jack up from school. Everything else could wait.
All the energy you’d gathered went into the ten minute drive to and from picking up your brother. He requested a snack as soon as you got home, which you somehow managed to make him food without screaming in pain. It took every ounce of energy you had left to sit at the table with your brother as he did his homework.
The pain and fatigue clouded your brain, so much so that you hardly noticed the door to the apartment open.
“Dad!” Jack jumped up his seat and down the hall toward him.
“Hey buddy,” Hotch said. The tone of his voice was a testament to his exhaustion, but a happiness to be home.
“Dad, I made this painting in art class and I really want to show you. It's in my bedroom. Come look!” Jack didn’t give your dad a moment of rest.
“Okay,” he chuckled. “I'll be there in a minute.”
Jack’s feet pounded against the floor, running to his room in anticipation. Your dad’s longer, slower footsteps followed behind. As soon as he appeared in the doorway, you could tell the case has been a hard one. He looked beyond exhausted, horrors still haunting his eyes and crushing his spirit. Not even your little brother's innocent greeting could extinguish what your dad had endured over the past few days.
“Hey, dad,” you greeted him with as much enthusiasm as you could muster up.
“Hi sweetheart.” He planted a quick kiss atop your head before moving to the kitchen. “Where are all the plates?”
A displeasement crossed your dad’s face. You'd meant to empty the dishwasher earlier that day, but the pain body had stopped you.
“Still in the dishwasher,” you said, holding back a wince as your stomach cramped.
“I thought we talked about this.”
“We did, but-”
“You’re almost an adult. I expect you to start showing up like one.” He was calm but stern. Unblinking eyes bore into you. It made you want to cry.
Hotch turned and left the kitchen, his calm footsteps indicating he was going to Jack's room.
Despite the pain radiating through your body, you stood up and carefully made your way to the dishwasher to unload it. As soon as you leaned over to lower the door, a stabbing sensation penetrated your gut. Dizziness washed over your head and blackened your vision. In an instant, you had crumbled to the floor.
You weren't even aware that you'd let out a cry of pain until your dad was kneeling next to you, a gentle hand caressing your face. Through teary, blurry vision, you could just make out the worry in his fearures.
“It hurts,” you choked out.
“I know,” he said gently. “I'm here. I've got you.”
Strong arms lifted you off the kitchen floor, carrying you to the couch. A heating pad was laid across your stomach and a straw was brought up to your lips with the gentle encouragement to drink.
When you managed to open your eyes, Hotch was next to you, a look of concern on his normally serious face.
"Hi, sweetheart." The words were the same as before, but his tone was different.
"Hi," you whispered.
"Here," Hotch brought a hand behind your back and used the other to hand you a bottle of water, "have some water."
You took gentle sips. Your father’s hand still rested on your back, rubbing it soothingly.
"I'm sorry," he said.
"You didn't make me get up." It was true.
"No, but I jumped to conclusions about what you were able to do and it made you feel like you had to do something that caused you pain." Sometimes having a profiler for a dad was a good thing. "I'm sorry."
"It's okay," you said.
Hotch helped you lay down again, covering you with a warm blanket. "Can I get you anything?"
You snuggled into the blanket and adjusted the heating pad to sit in the best place for easing pain. "Just the TV remote."
Your dad smiled - his small but rare smile - before handing you the remote. The rest of the afternoon would be filled with watching bad TV and chick flicks, but he didn't mind. If it made you just a little more comfortable, then it was worth it.
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redheadloverr · 6 days
How he comforts you when having a depress!ve episode
TW: alluding to a depress!ve episode
A/N this is mainly for me, hoping other people will find comfort in this <3 (might make other character variations)
gn!reader x childe
your boyfriend has noticed that youve been rather distant recently and hes started to worry about you. you two dont live together so one day he decides to come over and check up on you. he brings your favorite snacks as well.
Childe noticed you were rather distant both over text and in your daily calls. though Childe has a busy schedule, he makes room to come check up on you unannounced.
you were curled up in bed, practically crying your eyes out when you hear a knock. you hadnt even gotten ready for the day yet. you slowly get out of bed and walk over to your door to see who could possibly be here at this hour. you check the peephole and notice your boyfriend standing outside your door with what seems like.. snacks? and flowers? you try your best to make your voice sound perfectly normal as you open the door and greet him. “Hi, baby.. what are you doing here?” his eyes soften as he see’s you. he whispers, “i knew it.” before he gives you a small smile. “i brought you snacks!” he says, handing them out to you. “oh and these are from liyue, i thought youd like them.” he looks at you and smiles gently, you can tell hes holding himself back from embracing you and planting a kiss on your head. you let him in, placing the snacks and flowers on your kitchen counter. his eyes shift all over your apartment, noticing how eerily clean it is.
“have you been eating?” he asks softly, though you can tell there was only one right answer.. and you had only wrong answers. “i..” you hesitated, and thats all he needed. he sighs and goes to your fridge, looking over it and seeing what he can make for you. “you dont have to make me food, i can just make something after you leave” you say, feeling like a total bother. he shushes you softly before looking up at you, “im not leaving.” he says with a warm smile. you try to protest telling him he has work but everything you say seems to go through one ear out the other. you sigh, too exhausted to even try to fight him on this. he hums happily as he finishes making you food, he serves it to you and tells you to ‘dig in’. although the thought of eating made you absolutely disgusted, the food he made always smells and taste delicious. he picks up your fork, grabbing a bit of food before moving it to your mouth. “say ah” he says, and you obliged. he smiles as he watches you chew the food. “is it good?” he asks, what he really means is ‘will you please eat it?’ and you have no other way to respond but with a nod, grabing the fork from his hands and continuing to eat as he heads into your bedroom. you finish eating your food, going to wash the dishes when you hear childe walk back into the kitches saying “what are you doing? youre not doing the dishes, go sit down on the couch.” although you’re happy to not be doing dishes, or any chores for that matter, you feel extremely guilty for making him do all of this while hes probably tired after work everyday. you go to sit on the couch and start to silently cry a little when childe comes back, seeing you try to wipe your tears away before he can see them. he sighs, and sits next to you, holding your hand. “baby, i love you. please dont shut me out, i want to make you feel better but in order for that to happen you have to communicate with me. i know you arent feeling the best right now and you’re probably feeling worthless and guilty and like a burden but you arent. i love you and i wouldnt be here if i didnt love you, okay?” he pulls you in to a hug as you start to cry harder into his chest. he pats your back, kissing the top of your head and holding you tightly. you finally pull away from his hug, looking up at him.
he smiles at you, quickly patting your head before he tells you he’ll be back. he gets up to go to your laundry room and back to your bedroom. he washed your sheets, you didnt even have to step foot in your bedroom to know he did. he comes back with a smile on his face as he brings back a blanket from your closet. “wanna watch a movie?” he says before he lightly throws you a plush you had in your room, your favorite plush, and sets the blanket down as he goes to turn on the tv. he turns on a movie before going to turn all the lights off, grabbing the snacks he bought earlier to the couch along with your favorite juice and places them down on the coffee table in front of you before sitting down beside you and wrapping the two of you in the blanket, starting the movie. you try your best to watch the movie but being with your boyfriend like this and seeing him try his hardest to make you feel even the slightest bit better always makes your heart pound. he’s your comfort person and although you still felt like a burden, him being there with you calmed you down enough to finally be able to eat and sleep even just for a little bit.
you wake up the following morning in bed with your boyfriend. the last thing you remember is that you fell asleep on childe’s shoulders during the movie and he must’ve carried you to bed and stayed with you all night. you smile to yourself, gently rubbing his cheek before silently getting up to go to the bathroom. the second you leave the bed and close the door, he sighs. ‘thank god, i’m so glad you’re awake..’ he whispers under his breath, relieved. he sits up, trying to compose himself before getting himself up to go cook up some breakfast. you come out of the bathroom, rubbing your eyes, wondering where your boyfriend had gone. a part of you thought maybe you had imagined it all, maybe he already left? certainly he wouldn’t… but would be? “Y/N! are you out of the bathroom? come here, my love!” you hear him call out to you, a sense of comfort washes over you. you quickly rush to the kitchen, facing your boyfriend. “Good morning, Y/N..” he brushes your cheek. “Good morning, Ajax.” you both embrace each other, with an added kiss to start the day.
you feel much better, much safer, now that he’s here with you.
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milaisreading · 1 year
Toddlers at Japan U-20
Warnings ⚠️: DON'T LET ME WRITE AGAIN. Idk how or why I thought of this☠️ Reader uses she/her. Requests are open
⚽️Blue lock belongs to:Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura⚽️
"Oliver...no." (Y/n) glared at the now 4-year-old boy. The black haired boy was seated in the kitchen at the Blue Lock building and drinking his milk... or he was supposed to, but was instead busy glaring at Hayate, who was sleeping in her arms. So now he was threatening to spill the milk as a 3-year-old Teppei and 4-year-old Niou kept quiet and ate their lunch. Neither really wanted to be om (Y/n)'s bad side.
"Hold...me." Oliver demanded as (Y/n) shook her head as the other two glared at the boy's demands. They all listened to (Y/n), so why should Oliver, who listens to nothing, have the privilege of being hugged.
"Oliver, please just drink up your milk. You know I can't hold you since Hayate is sleeping." (Y/n) said, feeling the said boy tighten his grip on her shirt.
"No!" Oliver exclaimed and threw the bottle and before (Y/n) could catch it, Sendo was already there and caught the bottle. The 4-year-old gave (Y/n) a toothy grin and handed her the bottle. The girl took it and put the bottle on the table.
"Ahh Sendo~ you are a real life saver!" (Y/n) cheered as she crouched down and kissed the boy on the head. Sendo blushed a little and giggled, pointing at his head.
"Kiss...another,please..." The boy asked and 5 pairs of eyes watched in jealousy as Sendo received another kiss.
"Kiss! Me too, please!" Teppei yelled as he jumped off of the chair and ran to where (Y/n) was, giving the girl nearly a heart attack as he did so.
"Teppei, be careful!" She warned the boy, who ran up to her and sent her a smile while pointing at his head.
"Here..." He pointed and (Y/n)'s glare softened a little and she did as asked, which caused protests from the others.
'I was just supposed to be a manager! Not a babysitter.' (Y/n) groaned as Oliver and Noiu grabbed Teppei's shirt and pulled the blushing boy away. The 3- year-old Miroku and Itsuki looked at the three fighting and then looked back at (Y/n). Huffing, Itsuki started patting Hayate's back in an attempt to wake him up. It started working as the white-haired boy started groaning, but Itsuki got stopped by (Y/n) who grabbed his hand and started scolding him a little.
"No no, Itsuki. You friend is sleeping. Hayate is tired, just let him rest." Itsuki pouted and (Y/n) went back to calm the other three down. Using the chaos, Miroku went and laid down on the ground, using (Y/n)'s lap as his pillow, which in return caused Sendo to start crying and throwing a small tantrum.
'How is Hayate not awake by now?! He could sleep through a tornado.'
After a good hour of calming everyone down, the boys were doing their own things, aka Sendo, Teppei and Miroku were watching a cartoon while Niou and Oliver were following (Y/n) around. Somewhere down the line she had successfully put Hayate to bed, which now meant for the boys she will hold one of them. This assumption caused both boys to start huffing and puffing when she didn't offer it to one of them. Instead all (Y/n) did was start cleaning up and washing the dishes, I mean... they were right there demanding attention! Oliver frowned and started pulling on (Y/n)'s pants to get her attention while she was washing something.
"Stop it Oliver, or else I am calling your coach and asking him to take care of you guys." (Y/n) warned as the others had a look of horror at the thought. Niou nodded his head in Oliver's place and pulled the boy away.
"(Y/N)!" The door opened and a 4-year-old Shidou ran over to the girl, hugging her tightly around her legs. The girl dried her hands and looked at the blonde while.
"Shidou? Where are Sae and Teru? Weren't you two together?" (Y/n) asked the pink-eyed boy, who pointed at the door. At the door was 3-year-old Sae, looking as bored as usually, but he wasn't who caught her attention, it was Teru. To (Y/n)'s shock the 3-year-old sobbed and held his forehead.
'This isn't good! The JFU will have my head if one of them gets injured!' (Y/n) thought as she removed Shidou's arms and ran to the door.
"Ahh, what happened Teru? Let me see what the issue is." The boy let her remove his hands and she started inspecting his forehead.
"Huh?" Sendo, Teppei and Miroku looked away from the TV and at the three. Sae rolled his eyes, not liking to be ignored by (Y/n). Oliver, Shidou and Niou were meanwhile staring daggers at Teru, but decided to say nothing, not wanting the coach to be their caretaker.
"Hmmm? Did Teru fall down?" (Y/n) asked Sae as she noticed the red mark on the boy's forehead. The redhead nodded his head silently, not showing any emotions really.
"Come here, Teru. Everything will be fine~" (Y/n) cooed and hugged the toddler, and to the shock of the other U-20 she started kissing his forehead. While Teru was enjoying the attention the others on his team (minus Hayate) were glaring daggers at him and planning their revenge.
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wonyrs · 11 months
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enha hyungs x fmr gnr non-idol au, est. relationship warnings food wc 939 + library #
‘ enha hyung as ur 'homies' ! REQ
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lee heeseung
" ayyy how u been bro?"
plays along and even replaces his normal petnames with something he'd usually call the members but NEVER you (until now)
um... hello? where is the endearing "why'd u call me that babe 😢☝️?" where is the begging for a kiss? where is the desperate attempts at pda we were hoping to see? this wasn't the plan at all (like... at ALL)
he tries to hide his laugh when u give him the stink eye and keeps up his act
even going as far to pretend like he isn't seeing ur hand inching closer to his and lifts it up to 'brush' the hair from his face
second attempt at holding his hand ended up with him fishing his phone out from his pocket and showing u an extremely!!! hilarious... insta reel.
ur plan has reversed; instead of him dying for ur affection, its now u trying to stop him from treating u like any other person before u physically cannot take it anymore
"ok man. i see how it is man. bye man." this is ur cue to stand up, run away and never look back for ur own emotional sake
if it weren't for heeseung GRIPPING onto ur shirt with the most gobsmacking laugh u've heard coming out his mouth, to the point tears were trsiling down his face from how hard he's laughing
"wait- wait [name]! you started it, come back!"
park jongseong
" how are u doing BABE? how's life BABE? "
mommm [name]'s acting weird again, i think the heat's getting to them
he acts like he can't see ur hand in the air and continues to kiss u right on the lips (but he still moves ur arm down for safety measures)
"what's good, dude?" "baby, who are u talking to? it's only us in this room lol 🤨"
u try again with dapping him up but immediately he turns around and oh so suddenly the wall is soooo interesting
for the whole hour u mess with him and call him 'bro, dude, gang' and shit like that while he just sneakily rolls his eyes and goes on with his day- while most likely wondering what on earth was wrong w u
he'd be in the kitchen washing the dishes while ure trying to hold his hand and have it dap urs up
but is he paying attention?
lmfao no
he goes on with his day since he knows u cant go another hour without his love and so he has nothing to worry about (unless u actually DO go for another hour, then he's actually going to believe something's wrong with u)
eventually u give up and go back to slumping on his back. the months u've spent together gave jay a clear understanding on ur antics and gave him some time to prepare for anything u had up ur sleeve
" tired already? an hour, new record babe. good job"
sim jaeyun
" why are u doing this to me "
the moment u refuse his hug and opt for a more... different greeting, jake malfunctions for a bit
he trys to hug u again but u extremely remain still
whines complains when u keep up the 'homeboy' act
"i swear we acted like a normal couple yesterday, did i make u mad pookie? 😥" sneaks in some of the petnames u absolutely LOATHE just for a reaction
hates when u replace the lovely kiss-and-hug interactions with dapping him up like a BRO
most likely complained to the enha gc abt ur 'unearthly' behaviour (u get his ass on that later) and cries that he might never see the old u again
the urge to drown him in all the love u've kept in since u met up is eating u alive But watching him practically cry over ur feet is helping u out a wee bit
"chat this is absolutely hilarious what are we thinking" "WOW! Hahaha so funny!! Such a kneeslapper! can u stop now 😐."
Hes dead serious when he says this btw Like full on eye contact with furrowed eyebrows, but a small pout is resting on his face
he was fine with the joke at first but then he just got more eager for ur touch as the hours went by
u stare for a bit before engulfing him in the biggest hug ever while peppering his face with an abundance of smooches
"finally! u dont know how long ive waited for this"
park sunghoon
" did u eat something funny? "
just stares. nothing else, just stares
eventually u have to drop ur arm because the silence just got too awkward
was he mad at u? (ofc not) Maybe hoonie just needed to load and take a bit to process the scene in front of him
"i dont think u should be doing this to your boyfriend, babe. it doesn't really fit the loving couple vibe yk 🤖"
even when sunghoon continues to act like everything's normal u keep on persisting with acting like close-bro-friends
... only to be met with the most baffled face ever.
he wonders if ure roleplaying as some character or just genuinely going insane
decides to go along with whatever you're doing and continue the day as normal as it can get
when u get tired of the lack of attention, u drop the act but unconsciously refer to him as bro
muscle memory(ish) fr
"dude can you at least act interested?" "um excuse me? what'd u just call me"
HELLO. where was this dumbfounded hoon when u need him?
ure actually laughing atp because he doesn't even look like he knew what was wrong
the whole time u kept up w the joke, he didn't even look like he cared UNTIL u got tired and talked in ur normal tone
"don't ever say 'dude' in a serious tone like that. scared me, babe."
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@ wonyrs 2023
note sorry anon for not taking ur request after like 2 weeks... i've needed some motivation to write SORRY.. also maknae version is next :> requests open!
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xoxoavenger · 6 months
In a Frame on the Highest Shelf
pairing: Steve Harrington x SingleMom!Reader
summary: James is getting smarter and Steve and Y/N are getting more comfortable with each other
word count: 2557
warnings: some self deprecating thoughts but they are assuaged
notes: big thank you to @ilovegerardwayd34d for having the perfect idea for the next part
previous part series masterlist
birthday celebration main masterlist
Their relationship is interesting, to say the least, after the party.
They don't change their daily life, except now Steve sleeps in the bed with Y/N. She hadn't known that his back was hurting, had felt bad when he popped it the first night in bed with a deep sigh and mentioned how much more comfortable it was. She had begun to apologize, but he told her to stop talking and took her into his arms. They both slept better in the bed together, James in the crib next to them.
Y/N realizes she made the right decision when she wakes up in the middle of the night to Steve not in the bed, instead laying on the ground with an arm in James' crib. Y/N knows this well, that usually James can't go back to bed without some sort of physical contact, and usually takes James into her bed. She thinks maybe Steve was worried about co-sleeping, which is kind of endearing, and she grabs her camera as quietly as she can. The flash is bright, but Steve just takes a sharp breath and rolls a bit.
"Steve," Y/N whispers, putting the photo and the camera down. She reaches over to shake his shoulder, because she doesn't want his back hurting even more. "Come back to bed." She watches as he unravels himself from James, who squirms before going back to sleep. She watches him for a moment, makes sure everything's okay, and then helps Steve back up onto her bed - or their bed? Could she call it their bed now?
"James woke up." Steve mutters, and Y/N looks at the clock. It's early in the morning, but early enough to go back to sleep. The perfect time.
"You did great." Y/N told him, kissing his cheek before laying against his chest. It's her favorite pillow, and Steve doesn't mind because he likes her pillow more than the spare one.
"Mhm." He nods, pulling her closer and pressing his lips to her forehead in a loose version of a kiss.
This life is perfect.
Until it comes crashing down and suddenly Y/N is at her lowest, lower than when she first found out about being pregnant.
It starts with James crying, and Y/N realizes pretty quickly he has a fever. She calls out of work, not able to leave his side. Steve picks up on the house chores, which makes Y/N almost melt if she had the bandwidth to care about anything but her baby. He washes the dishes, takes out the trash, does the grocery shopping and makes food. She lets him feed her while she rocks James the few times he's actually asleep.
"Today is day three." Steve tells her, and she just nods. If she looked up, she'd notice he has dark circles under his eyes that almost match hers, but she is too busy watching the rise and fall of James' chest. His mouth is open, nose stuffed. 
She is terrified.
"I should take him to the hospital." She says, about to cry herself. She's so tired, and she would do anything to take this pain away from her baby. She doesn't understand what happened, because they hadn't been around anyone who was sick. She had always been so careful, never wanting to cause her baby harm. This had to be her fault. She must have missed something.  
"I can drive you. We can go now if you want." Steve offers, and nods, starting to stand. She'll go in these stained, old, gross clothes, and she hopes there's something quick that can be done to help James.
"Yeah, let's go," She stops talking because James is shaking in her arms, eyes rolled back. "Steve," She has no idea what do, and she knows Steve won't either but her mind can't think.
"Let's go to the hospital now, come on." Steve seems freaked out, scared like Y/N but able to keep himself calm.
"What's going on?" She starts crying, holding James as tight as possible. He stops shaking, but her heart doesn't calm down. She wants to throw up and scream and somehow trade places with James. She feels so helpless, holding her baby as he breathes deeply through his mouth.
"We're gonna be okay," Steve leads her out, both of them without shoes. Y/N doesn't even have socks, but she can't feel the dead grass under her feet, only her baby in her arms. Steve helps her into his car before he runs around to his side, sliding in and starting the car as quick as possible.
"I think he's okay now, I don't know what happened." Y/N can't tear her eyes away from James, who is crying now. She doesn't want to put him in his carseat, even as Steve speeds out of the trailer park and onto the road. He's safe in her arms.
Luckily, the hospital isn't that far, and they pull up in record time. Y/N hops out of the car, looking over at Steve.
"I'll go park the car. I'll find you. Go!" That's all she needs, shutting the door and running into the ER.
Y/N lays in the hospital bed, James laying next to her sleeping. They've given him medication, told Y/N the seizure was only because of his fever and that they'll give him medicine but he'll get better eventaully.
None of that made Y/N feel okay.
Steve sits in the chair in the corner of the room, arms crossed as he watched Y/N smooth James' hair. She felt guilty that he was here, for pulling him into this whole mess. She felt her throat begin to tighten.
"I'm sorry." She whispers, looking up and over at him. He furrows his brows as tears begin to fall down her cheeks. "You can go home if you want." She doesn't even know what her words are supposed to mean.
"Hey," He gets up off the chair and moves to the bed, resting his arms on it to be close to her. "It's okay. Everything is alright. James is okay, it was just a scare. We are okay." He grabs her hand, and it breaks her. She starts crying harder, and then Steve gets on the bed, holding her around James just like he did the night they first kissed. That night wasn't that long ago, but Y/N thinks it might as well have been years.
"This is all my fault." She says quietly, shaking as the sobs rack her body. "I'm a terrible mom and a terrible friend." She tells him, and she truly means it. What kind of mother lets her kid get this sick? 
"You're an amazing mother. The best I've ever seen. And a great friend. I'm not just saying that." Steve struggles to get out, not sure what to say. 
"But ever since I came into your life, all I've done is mess everything up." She whispers, sniffling and trying not to wake James up. "Your parents kicked you out, Steve. And I have a baby. You shouldn't have to take care of him when I can't." She cries softly. Her eyes are closed, and nothing happens for a moment.
Then Steve reaches out and wipes her tears.
His hands are soft against her cheeks, and she keeps her eyes closed so she doesn't ruin it. They breathe silently, and she sniffles back her tears until Steve has dried her face.
"I wanted to leave." He whispers, and she finally looks at him. His eyes look sad in a way she hasn't seen before, even though they've had the discussion of him leaving his parents house multiple times. "My dad was a terrible father. And my mom wasn't much better. Before recently I didn't understand how parents were supposed to be. But you've taught me what to do. I know today was scary. But you can't push me away now. I'm staying because I chose to, not because I don't have another option."
She wants to say she loves him, but it feels like it's too much, so she reaches over and kisses him, James in the middle, just like their first kiss. She thinks it may be her favorite way to kiss ever.
"When we get home, our home, I'll go get groceries and make dinner while you clean the house and James naps. We'll get our shit together." He rubs her back and kisses her forehead.
"Stit?" James grumbles, because of course he had woken up, and Y/N glares at Steve.
"I'll get ice cream on the way too."
"So, what are you doing for Steve's birthday?" Robin asks. It's been a couple weeks since James went to the hospital, and he's feeling much better now, so Y/N and Steve were both excited to finally see the rest of the group. The adults are all at Eddie's, the kids at Y/N's. The doors are open at both, and Y/N is standing on the porch watching to make sure James is alright even though Max assures Y/N she's watched babies younger than James.
Y/N told Max she's more worried about Dustin.
"Steve's birthday?" Y/N repeats, pulling her gin and tonic from her lips. She hadn't heard anything from Steve about his birthday, which made her realize she didn't know when Steve's birthday was.
Check in the bad girlfriend column. 
"Yeah?" Robin asks, sipping her drink with a smile. "It's next Monday. I thought you would have plans, since he hasn't told me any." Y/N's heart drops.
"Monday?" She whispers, turning to look at Steve. He's laughing with Eddie, beers in their hands. Y/N feels the need to smoke a cigarette.
"Did Steve not tell you his birthday?" Robin asks, and Y/N shakes her head, walking inside. Robin calls after her, but she pretends like she doesn't hear, downing her drink and setting the cup down on a table. She knows where Eddie keeps her cigarettes, so she walks past everyone and into the kitchen, grabbing a cigarette and walking out to the small porch.
Steve didn't tell her his birthday.
Why didn't he tell her? They've had a busy month, sure,  but his birthday is important. Not everything can be about her all the time. She feels like shit.
"What's goin' on?" Steve is suddenly behind her, hand on her back as he stands close to her. She looks over at him sadly, handing him the cigarette. Every time she's had one, she shares it with him when he's around. She lets him take a long drag, and then she turns to him. She feels his hand move from her beck to her hip, and she tries not to let it distract her.
"Why didn't you tell me your birthday is in a couple days?" She asks, not breaking eye contact. To his credit, Steve doesn't try and act like he doesn't know what she's talking about. He doesn't look around and try to figure out an excuse. He keeps staring, even as he sighs. 
"James was in the hospital a couple weeks ago and we just got back to normal. I didn't want to stress you out and I knew you would want to do something." He tells her, taking another drag from the cigarette.
"Because I care." She whispers, putting a hand on her on his chest. "We're all okay now, we can celebrate your birthday." She puts the other hand on his face, rubbing her thumb across his face.
"We don't have to." He tells her, putting the cigarette out and letting his other hand fall to her waist.
"Steve, come on. It's your birthday." She's sure his parents always belittled his birthday, so she wants to make sure he has an actual birthday party. "Tell me what you wanna do, and I'll take care of it." She leans against him, trying to get him to agree, but he shakes his head.
"I just want-" He doesn't tell her what he wants, because all the sudden the kids are all screaming. Y/N and Steve only make it half way across the grass when Dustin appears, holding two pictures in one hand and James in the other arm. Max and Lucas pop up on the other side, and they all clamber out of the trailer.
"What happened?" Y/N asks as she meets them, taking James into her own arms. Dustin lets her, but his face has a wide smile that matches the other kids, all of which who have started piling out. James seems to be fine, happy even with all the yelling.
"Watch this!" Lucas yells. Y/N expects James to startle, but he must be used to the noise because he squeals.
"We were trying to teach James our names, and then we were quizzing him on yours," Max starts, pointing at the pictures. The first is Y/N in the hospital with James right after she gave birth. A nurse had taken the picture, and it was the only one she had with both of them for months. She smiles at the picture. "Who's that?" Max points at Y/N, and James kicks his legs into Y/N.
"Mama!" He squeals, and Y/N kisses his forehead. He's been saying 'mama' for months, but it's still cute.
"Who's this, James?" Dustin asks as he moves the pictures to reveal the first picture of James and Steve; the one of James on Steve's chest. James looks so young Y/N wants to cry, even though it was just a couple months ago. She's studying the picture so closely she doesn't realize what James says.
Everyone is quiet, heads snapping to Steve. Y/N's jaw drops as James continues to babble "dadada" and then wiggles to get out of her arms. She lets him down to the ground, her mind racing. Of course Steve being in James' life would be amazing, but she hasn't talked to Steve about this. They've been so busy, she's honestly forgotten about it. She watches as James toddles over to Steve, grabbing the leg of his pants.
"Dada?" He asks, and it breaks Y/N's heart. She can't ask Steve for this. She knows he said he chose this, but he can't say that he honestly chose an entire lifetime. She wants to know how James knew what that means, but clearly her son knows who it should be associated with.
"Steve," She starts, not sure if she should pick up James or not. She watches as Steve reaches down and grabs James up, turning so his back is to the kids and James can see them all. He's facing Y/N as the kids start to scream in happiness. Y/N watches as Steve clutches James, tears starting to leak from his eyes. She can see how much this means to him, and she doesn't want to take this moment from him. But he reaches a hand out blindly for her and she doesn't waste a second taking it. He pulls her in tightly, James in between them, just like it always is.
"I love you." She tells him, looking at him. She watches him blink some tears away, then kiss her softly.
"I love you both." He whispers, hanging on even tighter. She slots her head into his neck and keeps her arms around him. "So much."
Someone takes a picture, and Y/N knows it's going to be in a frame on the highest shelf for the rest of her life.
tags: @avada-kedavra-bitch-187  @one-sweet-gubler @sadbitchfangirl @gloryekaterina  @alexshaff2002 @m-rae23 @icequeen1371 @mcueveryday  @parkershoco @feelinglikeineedlotsofnaps @peculiarwren @kenzi-woycehoski @multifandom-boss-bitch @freezaz123 @mads-weasley @johnricharddeacy @sweetdreamsshifter @param8re @ashlynhasmanyhyperfixations @wish-upon-a-star-1310 @fangisms @alicetweven @damon-loves-pie @gaysludge @l0v3e1i  @luvrsbian  @zulpix-blog @scarletwitchwhore @taylortheyellowlobster  @ash5monster01 @nix-rose @param8re @loving-and-dreaming
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c-h-i-m-es · 1 year
kamo choso
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you have locked yourself in your dorm since last night. the finals are coming and everytime you think about it, is making your tension rise. 
the teachers being the villain in your story, have given the class a few projects saying 'it carries twenty percent for the finals', just three weeks before the finals and that just made you stress out even more. that should be illegal.
you feel like crying now. you have to buy some things for the house, have the laundry basket piling up, you still have to do the assignment plus have to start studying and on top of it all, are feeling hungry.
feeling yourself starting to panic, you grab your phone and call your boyfriend, the one who always comes to your rescue, no matter the situation. you chew on your lower lip as you hear the ring go.
he picks up the call after a few rings, "hi baby." you let out the breath you've been holding as soon as you hear his voice. "choso, baby i'm sorry to call you when you have to study as well."
"don't be ridiculous. you know i alway tell you to call me whenever you feel like it. now tell me is something wrong?" you open your mouth to reply to him but the tears that you've been holding back gets out. 
you don't have to be a genius to know how that managed to make choso so much worried in a second. "y/n, what's wrong? are you hurt?" you shake your head as if he could see it and try to calm down, "i'm sorry.. give me a minute."
"shh, baby take as much time as you need. i am here, yeah?" you nod your head, letting out a 'um' sound as a response for him and wipe your tears as you steady your breaths. after a minute or two, you're finally able to speak.
you clear your throat, "sorry for that, everything was stressing me out and hearing you just made me let it all out." you put your phone on speaker and put it on the table so you could hold your head in your hand.
"you know what y/n, i'll be there in ten. i'll bring everything we need and we can work together. how's that sound?" you could hear him move things around, packing up his things before he could even hear your reply, which he knows the answer to.
"yeah that sounds great. thanks." you already feel much better hearing from him and hearing him say he's coming over, he's just the vitamin you need. "uh huh, see you in a bit. i love you."
you chuckle, "yep. i love you too." you hang up the call and let out a long breath before you drink some water from your bottle. stretching your arms up, you walk to the bathroom to wash your face and feel fresh.
you suddenly feel motivated enough to work around so you put your clothes in the wash and do the dishes. you then clear out your kitchen counter, cleaning it along with the coffee table in your living room.
just as you're about to clean your room, you hear your doorbell ring. rushing back in front, you leave the cleaning rag and the cleaner in the counter and open the door with a huge smile.
you are greeted by your boyfriend with his backpack and a plastic bag in one hand. "hi." you hug him tight, extending the 'i's in your hi and ruffle his hair. he rests his head in your shoulder, placing a kiss on your neck, "hey pretty."
he strokes your hair, making you giddy as you pull back, "i've been waiting for you." you let him in and lock the door, following him into the living room. 
"well sorry for making you wait." he puts the plastic bag on the coffee table and sets his bag down, "you're in a lot better state than i expected you to be baby. i hope you haven't had anything cause i brought us food." you chuckle, shaking your head and sitting next to him on the couch, "nah i haven't, thanks a lot."
"don't even mention it." he takes the food containers out along with the drinks while you put on a show you two had been watching before. 
after the food, comes the clearing up so you can study. choso puts the empty food containers in the same plastic bag he brought them in while you get a rag and spray to clear the table. 
finishing up the quick clean up, he brings out his laptop and his notes while you do the same, bring them out in the living room from your room. 
since the table in your living room is pretty small for two people to study and spread out your materials, you kitchen counter is your study table when you two are together. you sit beside him, handing him the notes with some points you've highlighted for the assignment, him doing the same so you could see each other's progress.
"how about you write on the pros and i'll do the cons? and we could just change the way and order we write it?" you nod your head with a smile on your face, "you're making me wanna kiss you." 
he chuckles, turning away from you, "no one's stopping you but we've got some things that we need to get done here, pretty." you grab his hoodie, pulling him in so you could place a quick kiss in his lip, "i can't wait to get over with these."
he smiles, ruffling your hair, "i know baby, me too." as you go through his notes, him doing the same, "i've brought change though. do you mind me staying over?" you almost jump at him, turning to him with a huge grin on your face, "why do you think you even need to ask that?"
you pull him in for yet another kiss, a deeper one this time, pulling back just a little so you could see him, "i really love you, you know." he smiles, tilting his head, "yeah i know baby. i do too."
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justhere4kpop · 1 year
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Wooyoung x Single Mom! Reader
Your life gets flipped upside down when you take a new backup dancer job at KQ Entertainment, you lied in your interview how will you get out of this one?
Genre: Mostly Fluff, Some Angst.
Warnings: (?) Angst, Mentions of cheating, self-doubt, and arguing.
w/c: 8715
a/n: Ahhh the longest one I've written so far!!! Oh god, I really hope it's good and that you guys like it, I've never written anything this long and I'm so scared to post it hahaha. I feel like even as long as it is it might feel a little rushed. I have no idea....it took me a long time to write anyways so any and all feedback is welcomed. Okay AH! Enjoy, please!
tags: @cromernet @starillusion13, @jaehunnyy (for you Chippie)
Do I wake up every morning with my hair in every direction, toothpaste foaming at the mouth, a stained t-shirt and pajama pants, and a toddler crying because I can’t hold her? Not every morning…sometimes I don’t get to brush my teeth before breakfast. Today was a really important day for me though and I absolutely could not bring my screaming toddler to my first day as a backup dancer at KQ Entertainment.
“What do you think Sweet Pea? Pancakes for breakfast?” I looked at her. “How about some fruit too? Grapes, Cantaloupe?” she smiled.
“Mama!” she pointed at the plate.
“I know I know they’re coming.” I flipped the stove on and kept brushing my hair. This is what I get for letting her try to braid it last night. “I knew I should’ve prepped last night.”
Of course, the day was going to be crazy, I’m a ball of anxiety there’s no way I couldn’t be.
“Do you like the melon today? It’s in season so it should be nice.”
“Juicy.” she smiled. “I like it!” she raised it in the air.
“I’m glad, maybe I’ll get more the next time we go to the grocery store.” I ate with her and wiped her mouth when it got to be too much.
“Are you excited to hang out with grandma today?” I picked up her plate so we could go wash dishes together.
“Grandma is coming?” she looked at me.
“Yes, are you excited?” I looked down at her and pulled her step stool up since she insists she can ash her own dishes.
“Mmmmm I dunno.” she shrugged and I chuckled.
The doorbell rang.
“Hi Mom, thanks for watching her again.” I sighed opening the door a two-year-old attached to my hip. “Saja, say hi to grandma.” I nudged her and she hid behind my shoulder. My shy little girl.
“Oh still shy as ever I see. Does she talk to anyone?” my mom chuckled.
“She’ll talk to me, especially when she gets upset…she’s just nervous around people. In fact, we were just talking about you coming over.”
“Oh, how fascinating.” she smiled.
“Okay let me just show you around really quickly to make sure you know where everything is. It’s been a while since you traveled here and I really appreciate it.”
I gave her the tour around the apartment, sure it wasn’t big but it was enough to stress me out, and have trouble keeping clean. Important numbers on the fridge, obviously call me if there’s an emergency. Snacks in one cabinet, dry food in another, what she likes and doesn’t so far, what she likes to do all day, hopefully, if the weather is nice they can go to a park. I went to get ready while Saja was distracted and put my bag together.
“Where we going?” she asked and patted my bag by the front door reaching for her shoes.
“Unfortunately today Pumpkin you have to stay with grandma while Mama goes to her first day of work.” I pushed the hair out of her eyes.
“But-”her eyes gazed over. “But I wanna go.” she pouted and big tears started forming.
“It’s just like that time that mama had to drop you off at daycare for the first time sweet pea, remember how much fun that turned out to be. You met Junie, and Kiri.”
“But I no want mama go.” she hiccuped.
“I know baby, I’ll be back before you go to bed I promise. Probably even before dinner ok.” I hugged her and spun her around. “It’ll be hard today, but easy tomorrow ok? Just gotta trust me.”
“Otay.” she wiped her eyes. “Promise come back?”
“I promise. I’m not ever leaving you.” I kissed her forehead.
And so that’s how the first day of the rest of my life began. I got to KQ, nearly died from exhaustion on how much they taught us that first day, raced home to be there for my kid before she went to sleep, and did it again for months, some days it was picking her up from daycare, sometimes my mom would take care of her. Of course, I made some work friends who wanted to hang out but I couldn’t… I can’t just go drinking after practice, I have to get home to watch the new episode of Octonauts, read bedtime stories, and make sure her “homework” (coloring.) is done.
“Oh come on y/n, come out with us.” Jaeun begged.
“I-I really can’t, I have to get back home.”
“What do you have a kid or something?” he teased.
“S-Something yeah. I um…just a tight schedule and I’m trying to make ends meet.”
“Oh second job?” Eun suggested.
“It’s just important and I can’t just…I don’t really have free time. I’m sorry, I really do want to but I have so much to do…” I bowed. “Thank you really. I appreciate it every time you ask me. I’ll see you around.”
I started to leave when a voice spoke up next to me.
“Nice work today y/n.” came the calm cool voice of none other than Jung Wooyoung.
“Th-Thank you Mr.Wooyoung.” I said again with a bow.
“Maybe they can’t convince you out but could I?” he quirked an eyebrow…..Is he flirting with me?
“I’m s-sorry I really have to go.” I picked up my bag and left. Did Jung Wooyoung just talk to me….and ask me out? Are you kidding me? I can’t get…I can’t.
“Mama.” called out the small voice waiting by my front door.
“Hi baby.” I picked her up and smiled once more. “I missed you too.”
“You look upset.” my mom said looking me over.
“It’s ok Mom, maybe later.” I didn’t want to talk about it in front of Saja. “For now, let me see what you learned today?”
“Color!” she ran over to the table after I set her down and started telling me the names of the colors.
“Wow look at you my smart girl.” I smiled and looked at the drawing she made of the rainbow. “Definitely going on the fridge today.”
“Yay!” she smiled and went to pick out the magnet for the drawing.
“I got asked out for drinks again.” I sighed.
“I would’ve watched her honey, you can go.”
“It wasn’t just by my coworkers this time…it was one of my bosses….I don’t know I’ve maybe bumped into him like 3 times but I haven’t really ever had a conversation with him and I…I couldn’t say yes.”
“Why not, it’s been a while since you had a date.”
“Mom I’m not really…dating material…I have a kid and…I don’t know.”
“y/n, you should try it…just…take a chance.”
“Maybe….I’ll…I’ll think about it mom.”
“I just want you to be happy kiddo, and to not feel so alone.”
“I’m never alone…but it would be a little nice to…think about some help…Mom he doesn’t want kids! What am I even saying.” I sighed.
“This one!!!” Saja ran back in with a rainbow magnet for her rainbow drawing. “I want dis one.” she smiled.
“Okay that one it is.” I smiled and took her rainbow to hang it up. “And so now which one is your favorite color?”
“Yellow.” she smiled.
“Good choice.” I kissed her head. “Come on let’s get ready for bed.”
I got her into her yellow duckie pajamas, we washed our faces, and we brushed our teeth and read together, she’s trying new words but also told me what color each things were. My smart girl.
“Goodnight Princess.” I whispered and kissed her head leaving the room.
“y/n.” my mom called me over. “I really want you to think about having fun with your friends.”
“I will mom…I…They don’t know I have a kid and I just, I don’t know wouldn’t it just be weird I’m suddenly the mom friend.”
“Honey, you already act like a mom because you’ve always been the mom friend.”
“I just don’t want to get hurt again….I don’t want Saja to get hurt again.” I looked back at her door.
One year ago, it was raining, I’d just gotten fired from my job for falling asleep in a meeting because my good-for-nothing partner wouldn’t take care of his own child at 2am. I came home to a screaming Saja, no furniture except her bed and mine, and a letter on the counter with photos of my worst fear….he was cheating on me this whole time. At least he had the decency to leave his keys. I was so scared I called my mom and that night I did the only thing I could hold onto my screaming one-year-old and cry too. I just wanted the best for her, unplanned or not she deserved as much love as I could give her. In some small ways, she tried too, if she saw me having a bad day after I couldn’t find a job she’d offer me a snack, if I fell asleep while we were together she’d curl up next to me and stay put so I could sleep. She was truly one of the best things if not the best thing to happen to me. I just wish I could give her a good life where she doesn’t have to worry about things at 2 years old…she shouldn’t see me cry already. Now the opportunity was knocking on my door, figuratively of course…Just the prospect of a date was terrifying, could I really let someone in like that again?
Jung Wooyoung is nothing but consistent…consistently a pain in my ass, he really doesn’t quit I mean at first it was every other day he’d ask if I was busy after work, but now it’s twice a week…he won’t stop…He’s famous, he’s…he’s an idol he wouldn’t want anything to do with me if I said I had a kid. He’d leave me alone…can I really expose myself like that? What if I get fired? I really need this job…Christ, what am I going to do? Just keep saying no he’ll give up and move on. Right.
“Oh you’re just mad someone actually said no to you Wooyoungie.” San teased his best friend as he pouted at another failed date attempt.
“It’s the way she carried herself, and that she always looks after the others, I mean I’ve seen her make sure everyone has water before drinking herself, and if someone looks unwell she’s the first one to check on them.” Wooyoung groaned flailing on the couch.
“Didn’t know you had a thing for moms.” Hongjoong chuckled.
“What do you mean?”
“She’s a total mom friend making sure everyone else is taken care of.” he smiled at the younger one, rejection never looked so good on someone.
“You could’ve just dated Seonghwa if you were into that.” Mingi spoke up.
“He’s not my type.” Seonghwa flipped the page he was reading.
“No you’re not my type! I’m everyone’s type!” Wooyoung stood up flabbergasted by the thought. “Jung Wooyoung is everyone’s type.”
“Just don’t catch a harassment case.” Seonghwa sighed. “I like her a lot, she’s kind.”
How could she say no to Jung Wooyoung so many times, he’s charming, handsome, funny, super attractive, sexy, cute, hilarious, and a dance machine. Maybe he should start with…
“How about lunch?” Wooyoung smiled.
“Hmm?” I looked up at him.
“Come get lunch with me.” he nodded.
“Oh um I-”
“You never want to do anything after work so why not during, we get a long enough break, I’ll even buy for being a pain in the ass so much.”
“Really Mr. Wooyoung I’m flattered but I have my own, it’s alright.”
“You seriously have to stop calling me Mister, I’m not that old and I’m not even your boss.” he smiled. “Just have lunch with me…us really a group of us are going.”
“I……okay.” I said sheepishly thinking about how much my mom is going to yell at me for not going.
When he said group I wasn’t expecting all of Ateez to be the group. Oh god, do I look okI should really sit like Six feet away just in case there’s cameras and does my breath smell ok?
“Hi y/n!” seonghwa waved. At least he was kind….they all are I don’t know what I’m saying.
“H-Hi Seonghwa.” I flushed and waved back sitting at the small metal table with them, the chairs dragging on the floor causing the shrill sound to ring out.
“Guys this is y/n…the one rejecting Wooyoung.” he smiled.
“Okay so not cool!” Wooyoung yelled. “I finally get her to come down to lunch and you embarrass me.”
Lunch with Ateez was becoming a regular thing, every week now I’d go with Wooyoung and we’d chat and…I almost felt like another member, sure they did this with others but it felt really special…I felt special. Mom was right I do need more friends. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad if I just let go and got to know Wooyoung. 
“Like a good mother.” Hwa chuckled.
I did a spit take. “Sorry! Just inhaled too much water.” I coughed and my phone started ringing. “Oh sorry I have to take this.” I got up to answer around the corner.
“Mama!” the voice came from the small face on my phone.
“Hi Pumpkin are you having fun with grandma?” I smiled.
“Grandma makes Tteokbokki like you! But not as yummy.” she smiled and held it up.
“Oh? But I learned from grandma so shouldn’t hers be better?”
“Oh now you know it was your grandmother that taught you this recipe, I can’t cook to save my life.” she chuckled.
“And who’s that?” came a voice from behind me.
“Shit!” I jumped and dropped my phone.
“y/n? y/n?” my mom spoke.
“Mama?” Saja called out.
“S-Seonghwa. I-”
“So you are an actual mom?” he smiled.
“N-No I-....I um…it’s my niece and I” I felt the anxiety creep in, I got nauseous and I could taste the bile in my throat.
“Can I see her?” he smiled and sat next to me and picked up my phone but face it away in case I said no.
“Mom I’ll call you back ok. Saja it’s ok.” I smiled lightly at the phone and hung up. “Am I fired?”
“Fired??? For what? Did you steal a water bottle too?” he smiled. “Those are free.”
“No for…for lying about not having a kid.”
“It doesn’t matter that you have a kid pabo.” he picked my face up. “Why’d you hide it?”
“I really needed the job, it’s just me providing and…I didn’t want to be turned down because I have a daughter.”
“I see…y/n you were hired because you are insanely talented and can dance circles around any of those guys, mom or not. I think they wouldn’t have been making you stay so late if they knew, it’s important to be there for a child too.”
“I really need this job Seonghwa.” I felt the tears fall.
“You’re not losing your job honey I promise. It’ll stay between us….only if you let me say hi.” he smiled.
“I…” I picked my phone up and called my mom back. “Hi Mom, um…sorry my um…my boss scared me and he…yeah.” I nervously handed Seonghwa the phone.
“Oh that’s not who I wanted to say hi to hi Mrs. (l/n) you’re very lovely, I wanted to meet y/n jr. though.”
“Oh Saja, come say hi to Mister??”
“Seonghwa.” he smiled waiting for the small child.
“Hi.” Saja said smally as my mom came down to her level with the phone. “Mama??”
“I’m here sweet pea.” I called and peeked over Seonghwa’s shoulder. “Hi baby, what’d you have for lunch?”
“Potatoe.” she said getting quite shy at the man looking at her.
“And?” my mom prompted. “We tried pajeon, and Kimchi for the first time.”
“Kimchi?” Seonghwa smiled, “how exciting. Did you like it?”
“Spicy.” she frowned.
“Maybe we’ll try radish Kimchi she likes crunchy things.” I nodded. “I should get back to my own lunch honey, anything you want to say to Mr. Seonghwa?”
“......pretty.” she blushed looking away from the phone.
I think Seonghwa short-circuited he nearly dropped my phone.
“I’ll be home after work okay, be good for grandma, bye mom, thank you.” I smiled softly and hung up. “Mr.Seonghwa?”
“You really are ana amazing person.” he smiled and hugged me. “Next time we’re meeting in person.”
“Wouldn’t that be unprofessional?” I questioned.
“I don’t care that little ray of sunshine is getting spoiled by her uncle Seonghwa now.” he smiled.
If Seonghwa could’ve felt the eyes burning into the back of his head at the glare Wooyoung was sending the older man he’d probably be dead. I on the other hand couldn’t process what just happened…everything felt so strange, letting Seonghwa in on my secret…I wasn’t sure I liked it but it was…nice to let something out.
“And what were you two talking about?” Wooyoung questioned as we sat back down.
“Nothing, I was just making sure she was ok.” Seonghwa shrugged like nothing happened.
“Sorry just a weird phone call. I’m okay.” I nodded and looked down at my lunch.
“Aww cute!” Wooyoung pointed out the note Saja had wrote for me. “Where’d you get that.”
“Must’ve came with the wrap, I didn’t notice.” I looked at the scribbles that I’m sure were supposed to be words but what really made me tear up was the heart, it was mishapen and wobbly but it was her.
“Hey? Are you sure you’re okay?” Wooyoung lifted my chin up before the tear hit the paper.
“Yes, I’m ok.” I looked at him and blushed a bright red.
“Promise?” he held out a pinky for me. Saja does the same….
“Promise.” I whispered and let a few tears fall.
That’s where my relationship with Wooyoung took a turn. I noticed the small things at first…the little notes in my bag, the heart on my water bottle, and getting me lunch, or a snack, he always came to talk to me during breaks, and we always sat next to each other if we could during things, bus rides to venues for performances, meetings, anything. It all felt so nice. I felt…happy. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to give him a chance…even just one. 
“Hi cutie!” Wooyoung yelled over the phone as I answered.
“Hi Woo.” I smiled lightly at the phone and walked out to the little patio I had.
“Why so quiet?” he questioned.
“No reason. Just enjoying the peace.” I had just put Saja down and I didn’t want to risk her waking up.
“Listen I was thinking-”
“Isn’t that a dangerous game.” I chuckled cutting him off.
“Come to dinner with me?” he smiled. “Please?”
“Before you say no! Just…one chance, look I know you said your ex was terrible and left you with nothing but I just…y/n you’re great, and smart, and wonderful, and beautiful, and…and amazing…please…just one date so I can stop my terrible attempts at flirting. I’m running out of pick-up lines to use on you.”
“Wooyoung I….”I looked back at the apartment and a cool breeze wrapped around me sending a shiver down my spine. It would be nicer to try having someone else around. Was I ready for him to know everything? “Dinner sounds nice. Maybe Friday?”
“Friday.” he smiled, you could hear the grin. The wonderful grin followed by his melodic giggle. 
Maybe we can try again…maybe this time won’t hurt so bad. Maybe he’d stay.
You’re getting too ahead of yourself y/n. Just one dinner, and maybe it’ll be okay from there, just take it one day at a time.
Friday came quicker than I’d like and I still had no idea what to wear, what to do, all I knew was my mom was excited and I felt like I was going to throw up again.
“You know Saja likes watching him perform onstage, she says he moves the most like water.” my mom smiled. “She gets so happy seeing you on the tv.”
“I know…she asks to watch a performance before we go to bed usually.”
“Aren’t you excited?”
“No…I mean I am but, god this could go horribly wrong.”
“But it won’t, I’ve seen the little notes, you have this boy smitten like he’s a teenager.” she chuckled.
“Yeah but eventually I’m going to have to tell him about Her.” I motioned to my daughter.
“How do you know he doesn’t like kids?”
“I didn’t say that, but he has been thinking I’m just some poor single woman this whole time Mom, and I don’t know how to bring that up, Oh hi by the way I’ve been lying to you for 4 months, and actually have a two-year-old, hope that doesn’t change anything.” I groaned and pulled on the black cocktail dress I had picked out.
“Honey, I don’t think it will…you trusted Seonghwa with saying hello.”
“That was over the phone and this is different mom…this is a…potential love interest, you know a maybe boyfriend, Seonghwa is no more than a potential babysitter and even that’s a maybe.”
“I think you should let some people in…it’ll be good for you to have more than just me for her. Also I have plans for tonight”
“I know you’re right mom I just…. MOM!!! And you didn’t tell me!” I groaned and picked up my phone. “Fine.”
“Just giving you an extra push dear.”
“You are…I swear!” I hit dial.
“Hello?” the voice on the other end of my phone croaked out.
“Hey, could you…do me a favor.” I sighed.
“So you want me to meet your daughter, and babysit her while you go on a date with Wooyoung?” Seonghwa questioned me as I stood with him in the hallway.
“Yes…because my mom forced this…”
“How so.”
“She ‘made plans’ or whatever so now I need a babysitter or I have to tell Wooyoung I’ve been lying this whole time.” I sighed.
“Hey hey okay, I’ll do it.”
“I figured since you brought a goodie basket.” I eyed the stuffed animal behind him. “Saja.” I called out coming back inside. “Come meet Seonghwa.”
Seonghwa could barely contain himself waiting to meet my two year old.
“Mama?” Saja hid around the corner.
“Hey sweet pea, it’s okay…remember him, he’s from the tv.” I held out my hand for her and she walked over to hide behind me.
“Hi Saja.” Seonghwa said calmly and in a quiet tone getting down to her level. “I’m Seonghwa, I work with your mama, remember we talk on the phone.”
“....pretty.” she blushed.
“She remembers.” I pat her head. “Why don’t you show Mr.Seonghwa the painting you did.” she nodded and ran to go get her newest art piece and came back over, she stopped and looked between me and him before taking a cautious step forward. 
“Oh my goodness, look at this.” he smiled. “Okay let’s see….a cat?” she nodded. “Wow what a beautiful cat. What’s his name?”
“Rainbow.” she said quietly.
“Rainbow? What a perfect name.” he smiled. “And is mama going to hang it up?” he looked up at me.
“Yes” she smiled and ran off to find the magnet.
“She likes you, I promise, she’s just shy at first.” I breathed. “I have to get going I don’t…want to be late.” I looked at her in the kitchen.
“I promise nothing bad will happen.” Seonghwa tried reassuring me.
“Last time I left her alone with a man he took everything and left.” I brushed him off and grabbed my things.
“Y/n” Seonghwa placed a hand on my shoulder and I tensed up. “I understand, but you deserve some help, and some fun.”
“She’s all I have Seonghwa.”
“Y/n I promise she’s in great care, I wouldn’t dream of hurting either of you.”
I sighed. “Saja. Come give mama a hug please?” she came running over with a new magnet for her cat drawing.
“Where go?” she questioned holding her arms up for a hug.
“Mama is going to go see a friend because she really likes this friend ok? It’s called a date.”
“Date?” she questioned more.
“See when two adults, like mama and her friend like each other more than just friends, which is a very complicated feeling to understand even for adults, they go out to do things together, like eat dinner or watch a movie.”
“To see if they like each other’s company more than other people.” I smiled. “However no one’s company is better than yours sweet pea.” I kissed her nose. “So you stay here and play with Seonghwa and Mama will be back later, like when you stay with Grandma.”
“Are we go on a date too?” she whispered.
“Sure.” I smiled and she was blushing as I put her down. “Have fun okay?”
“Yes ma’am.” Seonghwa smiled and Saja walked back over to her table.
My phone dinged again and I made my way out and downstairs to Wooyoung and his very expensive car.
“Didn’t know you could drive.” I raised an eyebrow,
“Very recent, you look beautiful” he smiled.
“Thank you.” I blushed and he opened the car door for me. “Not so shabby yourself sir.”
“Thank you.” he smiled and closed the door gently and mumbled to himself he told me what he said later was “Wow she looks beautiful.” however I think  “okay rizz master Wooyoung, you gotta work.” sounds more like what he actually said…don’t let him tell you otherwise.
“So I was just thinking a quiet dinner without all the noise from the guys and maybe a walk?” he smiled.
“Sure, I’m just along for the ride.” I nodded. “It’s been a while since I’ve done this so you’re going to have to carry me along.”
“Don’t worry I’ve got you.” he smiled.
Throughout the course of dinner I learned that work Wooyoung, friend Wooyoung, and date Wooyoung are three very different people. He seems different.
“Yeah no order whatever you like.” he smiled and gestured to the menu.
“I’m not used to this kind of stuff.” its usually chicken nuggets and mac and cheese…why am I suddenly craving it…or pizza, I could so go for a pizza right now.
“Well only the best for you.” he smiled nervously. “How am I going to pay for this?!” he thought to himself.
“Right.” I swallowed nervously and looked at the menu. There aren’t even prices listed. “Wooyoung?” I looked up at him over the menu.
“Hmm? Yes, oh did you have a question?”
“Have you ever eaten here before?”
“Oh yeah loads of times!” why am I lying??” 
“What do you recommend?” I blushed a little, I knew he made good money but…I don’t know this seems a bit much.
“Well there’s the uh Hakarl.” he said and pointed. “That’s good and then the Bird’s Nest Soup.” he nodded.
“Oh okay. Why don’t you pick for me, I mean I want whatever you’re having.” I shrugged. He knew what he was talking about.
“I don’t have a clue what I’m saying! What did I even recommend!” he yelled at himself.
When the waiter came back he ordered for us and we left it at that, I finished my glass of wine and looked around at some of the dishes…they all looked interesting…to be kind…I don’t know if I can do this.
“Um excuse me.” I pulled a waiter aside and asked about the dish he had just served. “What did she order?”
“Ah that ma’am is the Bird’s Nest Soup” he smiled. “You see the saliva turns hard-”
“Thank you.” I interrupted and turned back to Wooyoung. Saliva? “Wooyo-”“Y/n” we both said at the same time.
“You go first.” he gestured.
“Wooyoung I really appreciate this but I…I can’t do this…this food is…it’s way too much for me.”
He sighed….here it comes.
“Thank god.” he breathed out. “I really didn’t want to find out what the other thing I ordered is.”
“Can’t we just go get a slice of pizza? Like normal?” I looked down at my hands.
“Please.” he stood up and walked over to our waiter talking to him before handing over his company card and explaining everything. “Let’s go before they bring it out.”
I nodded.
What started off horrible and scary turned into something magic, we found a place by the park close to my apartment and got three sliced of whatever pizza sounded good and just sat in the park. Much more my speed, much more…relaxed.
“I just wanted to impress you.” Wooyoung looks down at the slice of pizza in his lap. “I thought…maybe you’d like it if I took you somewhere special.”
“Who says Pizza isn’t special?” I looked at him but his eyes were turned down to the ground. “Woo?”
“I just….I really like you, especially the more I’ve gotten to know you, you’re kind, and gentle, and just…you’re absolutely wonderful y/n and I really fucked this up tonight.”
“Hey.” I nudged him. “Hey” I said a little more sternly and lifted his chin up to meet his gaze. “I’m still here aren’t I?....I appreciate that you think I deserve some fancy restaurant where we sit 10 feet away from each other and the menus don’t have prices and we’re waited on hand and foot, but…that’s not my speed. I prefer picnics and pizza and bullet train sushi and…fried chicken, and mac and cheese, and stupid little fruit cups.” I smiled at him. “I like it when we have lunch together and we eat ramen or tteokbokki, or even rabokki!”
“I’m sorry.”
“You have nothing to apologize for Wooyoung.” I kissed his cheek. “I’m having a great time eating pizza in my favorite park with my second favorite person on the planet.”
“Who’s the first?”
“No one you need to worry about.” I chuckled and blushed.
“Ahhh your mom then.” he smiled. “Thank you…for not letting me feel like I completely fucked this up.”
“Quite the contrary, you’ve shown me that I really mean something to you…I mean that place was faannncyyyy.”
“You do mean something to me.” he looked into my eyes and there was that intensity that he had when he was dancing. The look of “I’m doing this and no one can stop me.”
“Thank you.” I rubbed his cheek.
You know how it goes, he walked me home, I got the third degree from my mom on how it went…except Seonghwa joined in, I tucked my two year old into bed and then…I had a full moment in bed in my pajamas where I squealed and kicked my legs and just…he kissed my cheek and held my hand and and and…pizza. Yeah. I could…I could get used to having Wooyoung.
It was just like any other day, it was warm and sunny, Wooyoung wanted to go out on a date and we decided another park date, kimbap which of course he made, in fact he made all of the food we ate, mandu, rolled omelet, potato salad, some pajeon, and finally because this obviously isn’t enough food for two people he also made my favorite cucumber salad . I really am one special girl. 
“Woo this is too much.” I chuckled looking over at him as he kept bringing out more food.
“Nonsense, you’ll love this.” he smiles but you can tell there’s something bothering him.
“Are you ok?” I looked at him his face tight.
“Yeah, no it’s..it’s nothing I’m fine.” he nodded but he seemed more in his own head now.
“How about next time I’ll make the kimbap? I’ve been told I make it pretty good.” I smiled trying to lighten the mood.
Sure everything was going well, I really like him but I don’t know he seems a little distant recently and I can tell something is bothering him. I…
“Woo?” I said putting down my things. “You know we can talk about things right?”
“I….y/n…I….” he started and closed his mouth a few times. “What’s your relationship with Seonghwa?”
“Seonghwa? I don’t know…friends I guess. I mean I can certainly feel safe around him.” I looked at him confused.
“I know…what I’m about to say is…I know…Are you…Are you cheating on me?”
“What no?!” I looked at him incredulously. “Cheating?? Wooyoung I would-”
“Then why is it that you drop everything when he calls?” he looked at me getting a little teary eyed. “Why is it that when he calls you leave the room? Hmm? What private conversation can’t Wooyoung hear?” he was getting upset.
“Wooyoung it’s not like that-” I started.
“Well then how is it y/n! Because it certainly seems like you two aren’t just friends!”
“Woo please listen to me.” I said my voice quivering a bit. “Please take a breath and listen.”
“Then start explaining…I thought it was me and only me.”
“It is!”
“I saw you together!!” he stood up angrily.
“He’s just my friend Wooyoung I swear nothing more!” I looked at him, my own tears blurring my vision. “Wooyoung I would never cheat on you I swear, please just listen to me!”
“So you can lie about-”
“Mama?” a small voice called out. 
“S-Saja!” Seonghwa’s voice called out.
“Seonghwa?” Wooyoung looked over at his friends familiar voice. “What are you doing with a child?”
“Mama!” Saja threw herself into my arms hugging me tightly. “Hi!”
“H-Hi sweet pea.” I looked at her and moved her hair lightly, I could feel Wooyoung looking at the scene before him. “Wooyoung, this is Saja…my…daughter.”
“Daughter? Are you two-?”
“No! Wooyoung I’m just…I just babysit while you two go out.” Seonghwa looked at him.
“Is she yours?” Wooyoung looked at the child and then back to Seonghwa.
“No.” I said and held her closer. “She’s my ex’s…he left…Seonghwa just…he found out I had her and I needed someone to look after her because I really wanted to go out with you but I…” I felt like I could throw up.
“Wooyoung did…I wouldn’t do something like that to you.” Seonghwa looked at the younger male, anger burning behind his pupils.
Wooyoung looked between us grabbing his things.
“Wooyoung, don’t leave…you’ll regret it if you do.” Seonghwa warned the younger male. I covered Saja’s ears.
“Well what was he supposed to think Seonghwa…afterall I drop everything when you call, I go to you when I don’t know what to do, I call you late at night because she’s crying.” I shrugged. “I would think the same….Maybe I should go.” I moved to get up but Wooyoung stopped me before I could get further.
“No.” he looked at the blanket. “Don’t.”
“Saja why don’t you and Hwa go play.” I looked at her and kissed her forehead.
“Hwa Hwa!!! You It!” she got up and ran away.
Wooyoung sat back down and folded his hands together in front of me.
“Wooyoung I…This isn’t how I wanted it to go.” I looked away from him. “I promise there is nothing go on between us other than he’s my babysitter…I think of him as my older brother honestly. I have feelings for you and you only.”
He stayed quiet before nodding and looking over at Seonghwa and Saja playing.
“Why’d you lie y/n? About…her?”
“No one would hire a single mom…I needed the money before she got kicked out of preschool and we lost our apartment so I begged my mom to come help take care of her just until I had enough that I could come clean about it.”
“We have plenty of parents I don’t understand.” he looked at me.
“By the time I finally got to KQ I had been turned down so many times I-I-I panicked it was the only thing I could think of and I was desperate and they..you were all so kind and I-” tears rushed down my face. “And then you showed up and everyone else and then Seonghwa found out and I got scared and you kept asking me out and making me smile and…this isn’t how I wanted you to meet. I wanted you to meet her please.”
He stayed quiet and I wiped my face, before I knew it he brought me into him and rubbed my back.
“I really have made an ass out of myself haven’t I?” he whispered into my hair.
“I understand where you’re coming from though Woo really.” I held onto him.
“Tell me everything.” he asked
I told him our backstory, how my ex left, cheated, basically robbed me, how Hwa found out, I told him what I could and he listened.
“I’d really like to meet her if you let me.” he picked up my face and cupped my cheek. “I promise I’ll listen better.”
“Woo it’s not your fault, what were you supposed to think.”
“That my girlfriend wouldn’t cheat on me.” he squeezed me a little. “I’m sorry.”
“I’m sorry too…..I’d really like for you to meet her.” I looked at him. “This isn’t how I wanted you to find out.”
“Whenever you’re ready.” he brushed my hair back often like I do for Saja. “Some times…things work out differently than we want them to.”
“Are you still mad?” I asked.
“I’m still….trying to figure out why.” he sighed. “It makes sense but…I just…I.”
“You can be upset Wooyoung, its a big thing I hid from you.” I shied away from him.”Does it change how you feel about me?”
“I don’t know…maybe? I….I mean-” he looked up at me and I knew he could see it, the heartbreak on my face, I never was good at hiding it. “No baby I-”
“No…no it’s fine Wooyoung…” I moved off him. “I wouldn’t…” I stood up and turned away from him. “I wouldn’t feel the same about me either, it’s probably why I got rejected from everything else.” probably even why he left in the first place. “We’ll just go.”
“No baby, stay. We can have lunch, I’m sorry.” Wooyoung pleaded.
“Mama? Can I has water?” Saja came over tired from playing.
“Here!” Wooyoung jumped up and opened a bottle for her. “I made all this food would you like a snack?”
She looked at me and I nodded and we sat back down only this time apart.
“Y/n.” Seonghwa looked at me.
“It’s nothing.” I turned away from both of them to pay attention to my daughter. “It’s just me and Saja.”
Seonghwa looked over at Wooyoung who looked down at the blanket and pushed food over to us before looking to Seonghwa and away again.
“Saja what do you say?”
“Gram…Sa…Ham…Mama what was it?” she looked at me. “Oh! Hamyida!”
“Good.” I chuckled and wiped her face. “We’ll get going now, thanks for running into us Seonghwa…It was nice to meet you.” I got up and helped Saja up before starting our walk home.
“Mommy?” Saja looked up at me.
“Yes sweet pea?” I stopped.
“Why you look sad?”
“Oh don’t worry angel, I’m okay. I just really thought it’d turn out different.”
“Like what?” she questioned. Every the curious two year old.
“It’s nothing you need to worry about Saja.” I picked her up.
“Can we play with Hwa Hwa tomorrow too?” she yawned.
“I’ll ask him later baby. Let’s get you home.”
I got her home, and of course, she was asleep on me when we walked in. I put her down and sat by her bed, I couldn’t stop the tears that came down my face. I thought everything would work out this time, I thought that maybe…maybe one day he’d be here too…maybe she’d go to sleep and we’d stay up and watch a movie together, maybe we’d play games, or have friends over, or…it was always too much to ask. Too much for me to be happy. Not even a text when I walked through the door. Was this really over?......I’ll turn in my resignation on Monday. 
Monday came and went but my computer screen remained blank, I didn’t want to write a resignation letter it’s only been a few months but, I loved my job, I loved the guys, my friends….I loved him. I called in sick I just couldn’t see him, of course by now Seonghwa and Wooyoung had told CEO Kim who asked if there was anything he could do, if Saja was sick or anything. No. There was nothing anyone could do.
“Mama again!” Saja called out pointing to the finished episode of Paw Patrol. I replayed it for her and pulled myself into the chair more, staring at the blank document.
“Saja I’m going to the potty, don’t answer the door like usual ok?”
“Otay!” she smiled and sang along to the theme song.
I just wanted to splash some cold water on my face, something to get it out of my system.
“Hi!” I heard Saja yell from the living room.
“Saja? I told you-”
“Hwa Hwa!!!” she screamed and I ran out to see two men standing in my now open doorway.
“Sorry, I used the spare key.” Seonghwa flushed and spun Saja upside down.
“Why are you here?” I stood there wanting to grab my child from them.
“Baby I’m sorry.” Wooyoung pleaded. “Please can we talk.”
“No, it’s fine. You don’t need to apologize.”
“I do. Please.”
I pushed him out into the hallway and closed the door.
“Wooyoung you shouldn’t…you made it clear how you felt.” I looked away from him.
“No I didn’t because that wasn’t how I felt. That isn’t how I feel y/n.”
“Then how do you feel, because I think “I don’t know if they changed” after that means anything different but it-”
“It didn’t change how I felt okay! I…I panicked…I freaked out because I…You have a kid and sure I love little kids, I love Kyungmin, I love babysitting, and I love playing dress up and tag and…I really love them you know I do, but…it was scary. I no longer had to impress just you I’d have to impress your daughter, I’d have to figure out how to…be a good role model and…take care of her and I’m just a cool uncle or big brother I’ve never had to…be a parent.”
“You’re not her parent Wooyoung.” I crossed my arms. “And how do you think I’m going to feel! We Slept-” I quieted down. “You were the first person I’ve slept with since I had her and you just……..I’m her parent Wooyoung.”
“Yes but we’re dating, so that means I need to be there for her too, because you don’t just date the one person, that’s the most important person in your life I can’t just…I have to be a good example. None of it changed how I felt about you, after you two left I just wanted to do it all over again, I wanted to ask you on a picnic and play tag and push her on the swings and..please believe me y/n, I want to try again. I feel so stupid ok, I have real genuine feelings for you and I hurt you I know I did, I just…one more chance baby please. I’m sorry y/n please. I promise I’ll spend the rest of my life apologizing if you just give me one chance to make it up to you.”
I sighed. “It’s not up to just me Woo….give me two seconds.” I walked back inside and he stayed in the hallway. “Saja?”
“Hi mommy!” she called out from the couch where she was giving Seonghwa a makeover. “Princess Hwa Hwa.” she smiled.
“Oh how lovely.” I smiled and looked at Hwa…I need a photo. “One photo so we can remember your masterpiece?”
“You can take ONE photo. Make it count.” Seonghwa looked at me and I took a photo of him and Saja.
“Saja honey?” I came down to her level. “Would you like to meet mommy’s friend from the other day? The one with all the food.”
“Yeah!” she smiled. “The one mommy likes!”
“Yes, the one mommy likes.” I smiled. “Come on.”
I carried her to the door and took a breath, everything was going to change once I opened this door.
“Ready!” she called out. Ok.
I opened the door half expecting Wooyoung to dart…thank god he was still there when I opened my eyes.
“Saja, this is Wooyoung.” I looked at him. “Wooyoung this is my daughter, Saja.”
“Hi!” she smiled and waved.
“Hello Saja.” he smiled back. “It’s very nice to meet you.” He pulled a flower out from behind his back.
“Where did you-?” I looked at him.
“Flower!” she smiled and took it. “Mommy likes a maggisin!”
“Would you like to come in for coffee.” I looked at him.
“I would love to.” he smiled
This was it, Wooyoung was entering my life, he was seeing the real me and my daughter. I set Saja down to go play with Seonghwa but she stayed and talked to Wooyoung, she showed him all the pictures she drew and all the things she did for pre-school, he smiled and listened the whole time. He helped with a snack since she was getting hungry and he even let her do his hair, and for once in the past 7 months I’ve known him, I could finally breathe. It felt as though a weight has been taken off my chest and I could actually let him see me, the real me. It felt good. It felt so fucking good.
Wooyoung is a wonderful partner, truly. Saja loves him, she’s started calling him every night before bed if he isn’t here to tuck her in, she likes to tell him about her day, he plans dates with all three of us and sometimes even just the two of us, the guys have slowly been introduced to her and they all claim to be her favorite uncle (we all know its Seonghwa). Wooyoung has been maybe slowly moving in slightly, his stuff appears more and more, and what do you know he’s usually attached to it, and now, almost a year later her birthday was coming up and I had no idea what to do.
“Okay I know it her birthday but I was thinking we could bring her to work and surprise the guys for a birthday party?” he rubbed my cheek, the soft sunlight drifting in for the morning.
“She would like it, especially if San and Hwa were there, and Mingi, she likes being tall.” I kissed the palm of his hand.
“I’m sorry.” he said and looked at me fondly.
“For what?” I questioned.
“For everything. For being ignorant, and stupid. For-”
“You don’t have to keep apologizing for that.” I held his wrist gently.
“I told you I’m apologizing for it every day.” he kissed my nose.
“Good Morning!” Saja called out and climbed into the bed and on top of Wooyoung. “Wooyoungie!”
“Hi Princess good morning.” he smiled and kissed her head. “Did you sleep well?”
“From the looks of her bed head I’d say so.” I chuckled.
“Well I better get those pigtails back in before Hwa Hwa sees you then hmm?” Wooyoung lifted her up and got up to go to the bathroom with her.
“Woo?” he turned around. “It’s a great idea.” I smiled. He smiled back and nodded.
As I made breakfast Wooyoung made sure they got their morning ritual done, you always have to dance in the morning if you want your day to go well according to him. Saja likes spending time with him and frankly, this past year it’s been so nice to not feel like a single parent.
“Okay and 1,2,...3 and 4. Good! Okay Okay. shh shh.” Wooyoung spoke. “Eomma!!” he called out.
“Yes?” I peaked around the corner.
“Saja wants to show you something.” he smiled and nodded for her.
He started playing the music to Case 143, the chorus specifically and she looked like she was going to do it but then turned to Wooyoung and looked scared.
“I can’t” she whispered. He stopped the music and got down to her level.
“Hey hey what’s wrong princess?” he scooped her up.
“I can’t do it.” she sniffled.
“Of course you can.” he smiled. “You practiced hard with me while eomma was busy.”
“Too hard.” she looked away from him.
“I think she’s just nervous to do it alone Woo.” I looked at him and gave him a small smile.
“Do you want me to do it with you princess?” he pushed her hair back.
“Want Youngie do it too.” she whispered to him.
“Wooyoungie will do it too.” he nodded. “Okay? Together?” this time it was her turn to nod.
He started the music over and set her down.
She looked at him as they started and even though she was shy she saw him do it and knew he meant it when he said he’d do it with her. It gave her the boost she needed to do it too. Before my eyes here she was trying her best to dance along to Case 143 by Stray Kids and for an almost 3-year-old, she did a great job.
“Oh sweet pea that was amazing!!” I scooped her up and kissed her face. “Such a good dancer.” I smiled.
“Like Appa!” she smiled and pointed to Woo. I stumbled a little.
“O-Okay breakfast time.” Wooyoung clapped and took Saja and sat at the table to eat breakfast. “Baby? Come eat ok?”
We’d talk about it…after breakfast.
“I’m sorry.” Wooyoung confessed. “She started calling me that last week when I was watching her when you had to stay late with Yunho and I didn’t correct it but she knew you would be scared if you heard and-”
“Is that what you want?” I looked at him. “Is this what you want? You know you can’t leave if she starts calling you that.”
“You are what I want y/n. Nothing else. Just this.” he nodded, I’ve never seen him look so serious. “I may be young and handsome, but I-I I can be a dad too.”
“Are you sure?” I held his hand and he gave me a firm squeeze.
“I’m sure.” he nodded.
“Of course you taught her how to dance.” I wiped my face and chuckled.
“She’s got quite a talent, I think she picked it up from her mom.” he smiled and kissed my cheek. “I’m not going anywhere..in fact, I was waiting until her birthday but…Maybe it’s time I…move in?”
“And what else could you possibly bring over…You already live here.” I smiled and kissed him.
“I have some other things.” he chuckled and kissed me back.
“I love you Jung Wooyoung.” I smiled and held onto him.
“And I love you l/n f/n.” he smiled back and held my hips.
Do I wake up every morning with my hair in every direction, toothpaste foaming at the mouth, a stained t-shirt and pajama pants, and a toddler crying because I can’t hold her? Not every morning…sometimes I wake up in the arms of my loving boyfriend, sometimes with no clothes, and sometimes I wake up to the sight of my daughter getting ready for the day with her two favorite people, I see a smile on her face as her appa cries dropping her off for school, I see the joy on her face when the guys come over and San talks to her about her day, I see my daughter being surrounded by more love than I could ever ask for. Surrounded by her 7 uncles and her appa, better than I could’ve asked for. 
Sometimes I wake up to the biggest smile I could ever see, more radiant than the sun, and I know this is all real. Wooyoung is real, and he’s here Forever.
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chiquititaosita · 1 year
maki with a teen mom reader
osita note: I swear working at daycare has given me so much more energy to come up with ideas to write for myself and to post ofc
contents: wlw, teen pregnancy, single mom reader adorable baby girl!! , wholesome shit, (reader and maki are 20)
tags: @euphofic @luffyinlove @hangeslovers-world @abbyslev @hangespublicist @neptunes1nterweb @zarihaaa @yeagerzprettyblnt @sanjisblackasswife @roronoaswifey @roronoacherries @hqkalon @br4tphobia @kazushawty @ginger4sugar @noawithlove @backwzzds @killxio @mommypieck @etherealxmaya @chocolatetheoristcloud
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- you work at the local daycare in Tokyo.
-knowing how maki reacted to y/n having a baby when she was in high school is very shocking to her.
- your first kiss with maki was super romantic because they took you out on a date. y’all instantly clicked fr fr.
-she didn’t even expect you to be a mother, of a beautiful little girl
-“Wait you have a kid!?” It was shock to maki’s eyes, as you told her during y’all’s dinner date.
- “I do.-“
- maki knowing that she growing up didn’t know what a family is like. Her clan is so fucking dysfunctional she doesn’t even understand, how a baby is. she’s heard a few things about babies ngl.
- Really it doesn’t bother her that you have a baby. It just shows that to her that you’re more capable and stronger than she thinks you are.
-so in order to reassure you while she dozed off “Maki??” And then she just shuts you up by kissing you again when y’all are staring at the moonlight near a park. holding your face cradling your head, as she embraced you.
-“do you have a picture of them?” your eyes smiled gently as you have sparkles in your face brightening your world.
- when she first meets you with your baby girl Hana who is 18 months old (she’s a year and 6 months old) she’s in shock by how tiny she is.
-Hana looks just like you, and knowing you had her at a young age it’s crazy, she says mama and DADA!
-Maki loves her and you. When she finds out how much you’re willing to protect her from curses.
- That’s when maki fell in love with you even more of course
- but when Hana is eating in her high chair. She’s watching maki cook and wash dishes.
- “damnit it’s cute.” maki hates to admit that, but she finds your baby to be the most adorable out of all babies.
- “bring Hana.” that’s one time maki sent a text and you brought her. Y’all went to the aquarium together. Hana loved it fr..
- even when you had to close you asked Maki to pick hana up from daycare aka your job that you work at. she doesn’t even say no.
- the minute hana saw maki, she’s smiling happily, and yelled “MAKI!” her black eyes sparkled. When one of the infant teachers saw maki. They were so happy for you fr
- “hi princess.” maki will say in a motherly like tone hugging Hana. She’s is like one of her own. “mama?” Hana is calling out softly and looking at Maki. With those big dark eyes.
-“Mama is going to meet up with us.” Maki is super reassuring to Hana, like her mother always was before she passed (Makis mom btw)
-“you wanna go see the deer??” Maki will ask Hana, as she says yes, hugging Maki. Like a second mama. “I love you maki-san.” That was the very first sentence that Hana has ever said to Maki. She full blown cried and hugged the baby. “I love you too Hana-Chan.” She’ll smile happily.
-“im gonna take care of you and your mama okay?”
- when maki confesses you. You start crying because you’re overwhelmed at the fact that maki loves your daughter. She melts her stone cold heart.
-maki is always including Hana into ways y’all can spend time together. Like a family.
-“ but you’re not her father.-“
-“so, he’s a shit bag. He left a responsibility that I’m willing to take upon myself.”
-“I rather be the cool stepmom anyway.” She’d give that sexy smirk, and also would sometimes eat you out when babygirl is asleep in her room.
-“look y/n I know this is very sudden. But I want to be there for you and Hana.”
- the moment they told you they’re willing to step up they’re going to make it. And be the best second Mother to ever exist.
- let alone they’ll be so sweet and kind to their child
-“Maki-chan!!” Hana will be running to see her and hug them tightly just to be showered with kisses.
-“Hey pumpkin, everything good??”
-“yeah! I got to be a dinosaur!!”
-moments with them are super pure. Maki only has pictures of you three. Hana, You and Hana. Maki and you. Even some with maki and Hana.
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