#i had to double check because i thought she won last year too
stellamancer · 9 months
rika pokemon topping the yume ranking TWO YEARS IN A ROW is honestly the best and most hilarious thing i've heard all day.
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outsideratheart · 1 year
Meet Me At Henman Hill (Leah Williamson x reader)
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A/N: I know I late posting this but hey better late than never right? I really enjoyed writing this one so I hope you like it too.
Leah was scrolling through her phone as she worked through her second rehab appointment of the day. Her attention was fully on the screen in front of her as the physio applied pressure to her slowly but surely healing ACL when she was handed an envelope. She tossed it aside assuming that it was something from the club but then she saw the Wimbledon stamp in the top left corner.  
Miss Williamson,
You have been invited to sit in the royal box at this years ladies final as a guest of Y/N Y/L/N. Please see inside four tickets and details of what you can expect from the day. 
We look forward to seeing you at Wimbledon. 
She couldn’t believe you kept your word. After winning the euros Leah literally bumped into you in the hallways at Wembley. You told her congratulations and said seen as though she and England  won you would invite her to see you win Wimbledon next year. That day she understood what the movies talked about when they say you feel a spark when you meet someone special. It was a feeling that Leah yearned to feel again. Little did she know you felt the same thing.
Leah truly did think you were joking and given that you haven’t seen or spoken to each other since then she certainly didn’t expect to be given tickets never mind be in the royal box. 
“What’s this?” Beth snatched the envelope out of Leah’s hand and then proceeded to read to note out loud “so who are you taking?”
“Beth would you like to come with me?” Leah asked even though the answer is obvious. 
“Me? Oh I’ll have to check my— yeah I’m free” Beth jokingly checks her phone’s calendar.
“Viv?” Leah asks the Dutch forward.
“I would love too”
Leah then texts Kim to see if she would like to the join the three of them to which she happily accepts.
A few days later on Saturday 15th July, Leah along with her team mates find themselves walking the grounds of Wimbledon. She could feel the history that the grounds held. Knowing this was the final filled her with excitement but she was going to see you play live which makes the feeling double. She had watched every match you had played in the last 2 weeks.
When she took her seat in the royal box she couldn’t help but feel a little bit out of place. Even after the year she has had she still feels like that little girl from Milton Keynes. The front row sat the Princess of Wales and Princess Charlotte with Billie Jean King sitting behind them. She knew from your interviews how much of an inspiration the Tennis legend was.
The crowd erupted when you enter the court along side Iga Swiatek. The latter currently held the number one spot with you number two. Not only was the championship on the line but the world number one ranking was too. She could have sworn that you looked up at her as you warm up but she tosses the thought aside and tells herself that you were looking at your idol.
The first set couldn’t have gone worse for you as you lose the set 6-1. It seemed nothing you did was working and you couldn’t help but feel like you were failing everyone in the area. You had your team, you idol and then there was Leah, the woman you had a huge crush on, in the crowd. What she must be thinking as you throw the game away.
You don’t let it get to you though as you come out fighting at the beginning of the second set. You remember why you are in the final in the first place; to win. You give it everything you have and it pays off because you win the set 6-3. 
The final would go to a deciding set, one which you would go onto win but that didn’t mean Leah wasn’t stressed out from the first serve to the final point. She spent the entire set leant forwards, elbows resting on her knees and biting her finger nails. Her eyes well up with tears as she watches you fall to your knees when you score the match winning point. 
You were in a state of shock for a least a minute. You had won Wimbledon. It had been a dream since you first watched the tournament as a child and now you had done it. The team that had been by your side on this journey were the first people you wanted to celebrate with so you run up to them as soon as you could. Then once back on the court you looked up at Billie and bowed your head to her and that is when you see the arsenal girls but Leah stood out to you. You send her a quick wink before being whisked away to collect the Venus Rosewater Dish and take photos with whoever you were told to.
Leah was just about to leave the box when a Wimbledon official made their way over to her.
“Are you Miss Williamson?” 
“I am” Leah shares a look with her friends before answering.
“You have been invited to celebrate Y/N Y/L/N’s win at The Polo Bar here at Wimbledon” 
The official goes on to explain where they will find the bar and explain that they can get food and complimentary drinks there.
“Let me get this straight. First she invites you to watch her play and now she wants you to celebrate the greatest moment of her career with her” Kim says.
“We. She invited all of us” Leah tried to play off the invite. She knows the tickets were addressed to her and then the official came to her but she didn’t want to make a big deal out of this. Perhaps you were just being nice.
The four of them found their way to The Polo Bar which they learned was Ralph Lauren’s Polo Bar.  Leah started to believe Kim’s insinuation as there wasn’t many strangers in the bar. There were former and current tennis players, a few celebrities who Leah knew were your friends and then they were some people she didn’t recognise but she put them under the sponsors category.
It is almost two and a half hours after the match ended that you walk through the doors. You had swapped your Nike tennis dress for a pair of trousers, a t-shirt, cardigan and a pair of air force ones that look fresh out of the box, these were all white of course.
“Thank you so much for coming” You approach their table as soon as possible “I hope you enjoyed the match”
“Are you kidding me” Beth is quick to answer “That was incredible. I wasn’t sure if you’d win after losing the first set but you didn’t give up. It was incredible” the blonde repeats herself to make sure you heard her.
“It was tough but in this sport you can never give up especially not that early on in the game. Did you have a good time?” You look down to Leah who was sitting directly in front of where you were standing.
You could have got lost in her eyes.
“I was on the edge of my seat”
“I saw”
That was the confirmation Leah needed. You had indeed been looking at her from the other side of the court. Much to your disliking you were called away by your manager but you knew this would happen if you were to become the first British woman to win Wimbledon in the open area. It seemed that everyone wanted to talk to you.
Still as you shake hands with men in suits and woman who you can tell don’t really care for the interaction, you keep an eye of the English captain. She was having a good time with her friends which is what you wanted yet you cannot help but be jealous because you wanted to spend time with her.
Your friends knew that you had a crush on the blonde so they help you evade the introductions to people who you know you have no interest in keeping in touch with. 
Leah, unbeknownst to you, scans the room from time to time in search of you. So imagine her disappointment when you cannot be seen. Part of her knew thought this would happen. You wouldn’t want to celebrate with a room full of strangers, herself included. You were just being nice when you invited her here.
“Are you Leah?” 
“I am” she turns around to see Aryna Sabelenka standing beside her. As a tennis fan she feels a little bit starstruck but she also knows that she is one of your closet friends she tries to act cool.
“Y/N wanted me to give you this”
Leah opens a note, this time it was handwritten by who she assumes is you.
Meet me at Henman hill
Butterflies flood her stomach. 
“What does it say?” Viv asks.
“She wants me to meet her on the hill” 
“What are you still doing here! Go!” Beth is full of encouragement.
Leah leaves The Polo Bar and follows the signs for the infamous hill. As she turns the corner she finds you sitting on a bench waiting for her.
“Do you always communicate through notes?” Leah asks as she takes a seat by your side.
You shift your weight so you can face her with you arms resting behind her.
“No but I couldn’t escape and ask you to come with me so I enlisted some help. Drink?”
A smile tugs at Leah’s lips when she sees the souvenir plastic cup filled with the drink that is famously associated with the tournament.
“Why am I here?” It was a question Leah had asked herself countless times since receiving the invite.
“Because I like you even though I don’t know you”
“You just wanted to have the lionesses here for optics” Leah didn’t believe you.
“If that was true then I wouldn’t have invite you to my celebration and I would have given you general seating tickets but I didn’t. I gave you Royal box seats because everyone knows that winner of the tournament walks passed the exit near the royal box when they go to the balcony yet when I walked by I only saw the royal family”
“That doesn’t sound like a bad thing to me” Leah was oblivious to the point you were trying to make.
“I wanted to see you so they failed in comparison” 
Leah chokes on her sip of Pimms.
“But I’m just me. I’m just Leah”
“And I’m just Y/N”
“You just won Wimbledon”
“And you won the euros” you place your cup on the floor so that you can place a strand of hair behind her ear, it was the perfect excuse to get closer to her “Leah, I’m going to be very forward because right now I feel untouchable and I don’t know how long it will last. I think you’re beautiful, you intrigue me and I have been waiting almost a year for this exact moment”
Was it the euphoria of winning or the Pimms in your system that made you feel like you could fly, you couldn’t know for sure but the look in Leah’s eyes let you know she was feeling something similar.
“I have a present for winning today. Close your eyes” Leah was fully committed to what she was about to do.
“I’m not really one for surprises” 
“You’ll like this one. Close your eyes”
This time you do as you’re told. You wasn’t sure what to expect but it definitely wasn’t Leah’s soft lips against your own. The kiss was soft, gentle and didn’t last no where near as long as you wanted. When Leah pulls away you lean forward for more but a hand on your chest stops you.
“No, that’s for winning a grand slam” Leah knows she has you in the palm of her hand and she loves it. 
“This is my fourth grand slam meaning you owe me three more kisses” you pouted for a few second whilst gauging Leah’s reaction. When a smirk forms you know you have her permission to cash in. You remove Leah’s hand from your chest but keep ahold of it. The kiss is deeper this time and hold more passion than the first one. 
“Do you always do this after you win? Kiss a stranger?” 
You know Leah is joking but if there is even a slight possible they her question hold truth you feel the need to reassure her.
“You kissed me first but no I don’t” 
She could tell by your tone and the way you held eye contact that you was in fact telling the truth.
You kept looking at the clock next to the two large screens. You could only buy 40 minutes before you had to return to the bar and it took Leah a little bit longer to join you than you’d hoped but you think that could have something to do with the messenger of the note. Still, you only had ten minutes left alone with her.
This moment has been planned for the past 24 hours and you still had one last part to carry out.
“I have a surprise for you but it won’t be as good as yours” you led Leah down the hill and to one of the kiosks. As planned the door had been left open and you were able to get your treat from the fridge. 
Pimms wasn’t the only thing associated with Wimbledon; strawberries and cream were also a fan favourite.
“For you” you hold out a box containing the sweet treat.
At this point Leah realised this wasn’t some spare of the moment idea, you had this entire thing planned out.
“You knew I’d say yes to meeting you?” Leah asked before taking a bite of her first strawberry. For some reason it was sweeter than any other she had eaten before.
“No. My back up option was to sit on that hill, alone, take in the day and eat two boxes of strawberries and cream but I much prefer this” 
“Where are we going?” The blonde asks.
“Back to the bar”
“But it’s that way” Leah could point to the terrace of the bar. You were heading in the opposite direction.
“No, it’s this way”
“Y/N I can see the bar, it’s right there”
“Leah I wouldn’t direct you at the emirates would I?”
“Y/N” Leah persisted, she wanted to know what you were planning next.
“Fine, we are going the long way because as soon as I enter that room I will be whisked away and you will go back to your friends. I want to make this moment last. Consider this way the scenic route”
Within seconds you and Leah are walking in sync, each footstep hitting the pavement at the same time. She hangs on every word you say as you explain the history of the grounds. The passion your voice holds warms her heart. You move on to tell her stories how you used to come here as a child but never went inside the court because you preferred to sit on the hill. Leah learnt that you inviting her to Henman hill held more sentimental meaning that she realised.
When you got closer to the entrance of the bar your pace altered, every step took twice the time. Inside things were hectic and everyone wanted a piece of you but with Leah things were calm and easy. These are the thoughts that run through your mind as you open to door only to find that Leah isn’t behind you.
“I’m not ready to go in yet” her pout is adorable.
“I don’t have a choice. I was given 40 minutes and it’s been” you look down at your watch “41 minutes. We’ve had an extra 60 seconds”
“I want to see you again. Are you free tomorrow?” Leah asks.
“I’m not” 
“Oh right, yeah” Leah dips her head and tries to play it off but you don’t buy it.
“I will be here the whole day for media and what not then on the night there is a dinner to celebrate the tournament” you walk towards Leah and use your index finger to make her look you in the eyes “I’m free on Monday. I know a place not to far from here. How about I pick you up at 11?”
“You don’t know where I live. How will you pick me up?”
“I guess I’ll need to give you my number so that you can next me your address” you hand her your phone and she enters her number but before she gives you it back she texts herself so you have your number too.
You both walk down the hallway together and she watches as you save her contact.
“How original. Does that mean I get to give you a code name?” Once again Leah stops as she taps her chin methodically before typing. She proudly shows your her phone once she is done.
“What? It seems fitting. You won the game on one today and I happen to think you’re ace”
She was proud of the name and secretly you loved it too. 
The bar is empty when you enter. You look at Leah who shrugs her shoulders; she was just as confused as you were. You are about to ask a waiter where everyone is when you hear voices from the terrace. The only people left are your team, a couple of your friends and the Arsenal girls. They are all sat around a huge table. Your manager is the first person you look at and she simply smiles. She knew how much you wanted to celebrate tonight with those closest to you so after meeting the important people she organised for all media, meet & greets and whatever else to be scheduled for tomorrow. 
With your hand on the small of Leah’s back you guide her to a space that happened to be in the middle of her friends and yours. Something that you would later find out wasn’t a coincidence.
The night isn’t wild but it was just what you wanted. You recapped the match that you would remember for the rest of your life, Leah introduced you properly to her friends and to top it off Leah kissed you goodnight before going home. 
Who knew it took you winning Wimbledon to ask the pretty girl out.
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galebrainrott · 9 months
Hi Galemancers, indulge me for a moment.
Currently, I have a specific OC that I romance with Gale (and I write fanfic of.) However, my very first Tav had a horrific story arc and I just wanted to share it. Spoilers for the entire game
My very first Tav, who I lovingly named Wendy due to her orange double braids, was a street urchin. (Bard x Rogue multiclassed)
Most of her day-to-day pre-bg3 consisted of busking and hoping she made enough to get some food. If she didn't, well, she relied on her sleight of hand to get her by. Some would call it an unfortunate life, but she was happy enough to be able to sing everyday.
This was, until the events of BG3.
Tadpoled, lost, far from home and surrounded by strangers, she had no other choice but to rely on her guile and charm. She was funny, lighthearted. She kept everyone in check, made them feel comfortable, let them open up to her.
But she was in unfamiliar waters. Lae'zel, Karlach and Wyll had endless years of combat experience. Halsin, Shadowheart, and Gale no doubt had some fighting experience, even if just a little.
Wendy, however, was a bard. A performer. She lived on the streats and avoided trouble when she could. The first thing she killed was an imp, on the nautiloid.
It's a devilish creature, don't feel bad for it, she thought.
But it was so small, and looked almost like a toddler somehow. She had no time to process any of that until she had to kill again. And again, and again.
There were so many things to learn, things to read, things that were important to the journey. But Wendy was illiterate. There were many times when she, bashfully, had to ask Gale or someone else to read something for her.
Not to mention the fact that all of the armor was far, far too heavy for her. So she gritted her teeth at every attack. Just because Shadowheart could heal her, doesn't mean that it didn't hurt though.
She bonded with Gale, as she started asking him to teach her how to read. At first, she was scared.
Would he think of me less? She thought, I know how much he loves to read.
But he didn't. He taught her with an endearing passion, not at all talking down to her. She liked him for that. A lot of smart peoppe tend to be demeaning, but he was different. He just enjoyed the things he liked and loved to share them.
They got closer. But the journey went on. And she found herself having to make decisions that she was not prepared for.
The orb? Shadowhearts parents? Ascension? Vlaakith?
All of these choices, weighed on her shoulders.
There were times where she wanted to scream, I don't know! I don't know what any of that means!
Whenever one of her companions sought her counsel, she worried endlessly about whether she was making the right choice or not. Is it naive to not seek a goddess' forgiveness? Is it foolish to not want to ascend to power? What are we even fighting?
Then came her final decision. Orpheus, the orb or herself.
Orpheus, the heir to the githyanki and the final piece of their freedom, he can't turn into a mindflayer.
Gale using the orb? Obviously not.
Which only left her. But who cares about her, truly? If she had become a mindflayer, who would really grieve? She had noone back home, and she had only known her current friends for a few months.
They all had somewhere to get back to, something to want. But she?
So she did it, she became the mindflayer. All was won.
At the end, when she talking to her allies, they all suggested she hide away. Understandable.
She talked to Gale last, afraid at what turning into a mindflayer might mean for their relationship.
He, however, smiled, and proposed to her.
Even in my current state? She asked.
Your current state is that you're the one I love, he replied
So, anyway that HORRIFIC first game of mine is why I love Gale so much.
My tavs, henceforth, are stronger so that it's evened out a little.
Thank you Galemancers.
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elvisabutler · 2 years
like fallin' into a river
summary: time apart can do a lot of things, including help your now husband learn his way around a woman. you'd be more angry if you didn't reap the benefits. fandom: austin butler | elvis ( 2022 ) | elvis presley rating: m pairing: austin!elvis ( 60's variation ) x female reader word count: 1078 ( i know, shocked me too. ) warnings: talk of previous break ups. p in v sex ( unprotected, wrap it before you tap it ). oral ( female receiving ). 60s elvis. squirting. minor bit of praise kink. author's note: so this is the double dip for day eighteen: squirting with austin!elvis. this was going to maybe be 50s elvis ( because @blurredcolour exists to encourage me to write starry-eyed 50s elvis always ) but then ruby bell was like i'm going to post this pic and ruin ally's life. so!!!! 60s elvis, my favorite little ken doll won out. this is the last piece i had left out of everyone, the main and the double dips and i wrote this so fast i'm a little startled with it. seriously i said it in the professor presley piece but i love how everyone received all of my fics for kinktober and truly i am so thankful so many of you liked them especially after it's taken me this long to fully finish. this was a really good writing exercise for me and put me out of my comfort zone a few times but i loved it so much. as always my ask box is open for requests and we all know i've got like 15 different things in my drafts at any given time so yes. thank you guys and i hope you enjoy! also you know the drill, pick your elvis, the prompt called for austin elvis but you can envision either one. also good lord i'm sorry for the amount of fics i may unleash in the next few days. something has come over me and i may actually make a solid dent in my wips.
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There is a part of you that should be offended should be angry at Elvis sleeping around with other people. Yes, you two weren't dating and you were both free people at the time, but there might have been a small part of you- the romantic part of you- that thought that despite the fact that you had called off your engagement all those years ago before he left for the war and then immediately went to start on his assembly line of pictures- that he'd wait. You can't fault him for it though, because you were studying to further your life and in your mother's eyes catch a more suitable husband than Elvis Presley- Elvis the Pelvis- who she figured would have no career when he came back to the states. You've never been so thankful she was wrong though, and while it was a surprise to see Elvis show up on campus you couldn't help but feel flattered by the attention and the fact that he cared enough and you supposed missed you enough to come find you despite you never getting back in contact with him.
There is another part of you, the part of you that's currently spread out on your shared bed with your now husband between your legs licking at your clit with no signs of stopping despite how your fingers have his black locks of hair clenched in between them as you pull ever so softly at them. That part of you? Oh that part of you is so thankful he's slept with other people because you know that've taught him the skills he didn't have before. Skills that have you trying to ride his face while his hands hold down your thighs and hips, preventing much real movement from happening.
"Elvis." His name leaves you lips in a whisper, almost as if that's the loudest you can speak. "Baby- Don't- Want more."
He pulls away his face at don't and want more assuming you meant the words to be put together. You've told him to stop before and not meant it so it never hurts for him to double check where you're at so to speak. "You alright?" He murmurs, looking up at you in between placing a kiss to your inner thigh.
You blink at him once, twice, three times before focusing on his face and answering appearing just a little bashful. "Yeah. Just- Want more than your tongue."
The way his lips curl into a smirk is positively sinful and serves to remind you that once again, the boy you had left behind who you had told to break things off with you had been left behind and was replaced by this rather confident man. He moves off the bed and proceeds to crawl on top of you, his hand moving to pull back his foreskin before entering you, bottoming out as slowly as he could. Your breath leaves your body at the sensation as you allow yourself a kiss to his lips, tasting yourself faintly as you do. His thrusts start to increase as he places kisses down the column of your throat, your head lolling backward to allow him better access. You hear words coming out of his mouth, murmurs about how much he loves you, how much he loves how responsive you are and how he's such a lucky goddamn man to have you. It has your body heating up more than it already was, the praise rushing to your head, filling you with a burning fire that you're hoping he can continue to quench. His hand slides in between the two of you, cupping your pubic mound just for a moment before slipping his fingers next you your clit. You don't need the stimulation, necessarily, usually the brush of his cock against you when he thrusts can do the job but he seems to want to spoil you today. It seems like he wants to wrench every bit of pleasure from you today.
He lets your hips meet his thrusts, somehow keeping his fingers playing ever so teasingly with your clit in a way that has you just dangling on the edge of cumming as you chase that high. Your eyes had fallen shut at one point, too overwhelmed with the sensation of seeing him look at you with love and lust all rolled into one. He grunts something that sounds like "goddamn" and that's what causes you to open your eyes to see his brow furrowed in concentration as he does a particularly rough thrust that has you barreling over the edge. The coil in your abdomen just breaks so suddenly you barely have a chance to warn him your brain only allowing you to say his name over and over like a prayer.
"It's like a goddamn river down here you're so wet. Cumming so damn much." He's muttering to himself but you realize he's not wrong as he's sliding with so much ease and you feel a bit of a wet spot forming underneath you. Oh. He had done it again, wrenched that sort of orgasm out of you that he called squirting. You'd be embarrassed but the way it has him losing his mind, has him thrusting quicker just to find his own release demolishes any ability for you to be embarrassed, especially after he cums, his head falling to your shoulder and biting it lightly with a groan. He stays on top of you for a moment, both of you too fucked out to really care about needing to clean up and realizing neither one of your legs is going to immediately work. When you both have caught your breath and your bearings, Elvis nuzzles at your nose, a small smile gracing his lips. He looks, if you had to guess, pretty pleased with himself. "Ya squirted again. Keep doin' that and 'm gonna get an ego 'bout it."
Your lips purse as you shake your head. "As if you don't already have an ego." You pause. "Keep doing what you've been doing and I'll try and have it happen every time."
He looks at you with a raised eyebrow. "That a challenge, darlin'?"
The only answer you give him is a shrug before you find yourself being rolled on top of him with a trail of kisses being peppered from your neck to your chest.
And it was a challenge, not that you would ever tell him that.
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romanoffsbish · 1 year
Love is For Children ; Hope is For Suckers
Yelena Belova x Fem!R
Prompt | 2,084 Words
“After everything you've done, I still love you. with all I am.”
Warnings: Angst/No Happy Ending, Poison, Blood, Death
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"What are you doing here?" Yelena was in a state of total shock, you looked different, she admired the features of your beautiful face, and how the fresh haircut you got framed it well.
"Work," you cooly relayed, then reached out to hand her the manila folder in the hopes that the woman would take the hint and depart, because seeing her after a year hurt you far more than you thought it would, or that you'd care to admit. You've been fine, convincing yourself you were over her, but apparently not.
"I-I miss you Y/N," her tone was soft, but her words were heavy with a sense of pleading, "Please, can we try again? I want to fix us."
"There never was much of an us to start with Lena, it was a well calculated ruse that got me trapped into this lifestyle I never wanted."
"Don't say that!" Yelena cried out, "It was real to me Y/N, I love you, please tell me I'm not too late, we can't be over for good, please..."
"After everything you've done, I still love you. with all I am," Yelena's heart stopped at your confession, a hope that had once fizzled out began to bloom from deep within her chest. "I'm just not sure I'll ever be able to trust you again Belova." And just like that the deceiving hope died, because the damage she regretfully caused to your heart appears to be irreparable.
"For the sake of this hit succeeding I can pretend though," you shrugged your shoulders, then shoved the folder into her hand before shutting the door to your temporary room.
Yelena frowned, then walked across the hall to slam her temporary door shut. She hadn't expected to see you, well, ever again honestly. It appears that Valentina, the root of all of the blonde's heartache, had a different plan here.
"Why her?" Yelena's tone held a unmistakable edge as she spoke to your mutual former boss, and the woman on the other line giggled, "Yelena, you both still owe me a debt, so she has no choice but to be useful when I say so."
"Double mine Valentina, please, leave her be."
"This isn't a charity auction, she has two more missions, and then she's free for good."
"I hate you," Yelena growled, only to be met with a a soundboard of mocking laughter, "Yeah, until I put a fat check in your hand, then it's Valentina, who's my next hit."
"No, my debt is up after tonight Valentina, and I will not be back, you can count on that," she shouted, then instead of hanging up normally, she slammed the phone into the wall for what looked to be the same effect. "Glupaya suka."
(Stupid bitch)
The following morning came fast for the blonde who didn't get a wink of restful sleep. Her eyes never even closed, left to dry out as she stared aimlessly at the popcorn ceiling until the rising sun managed to break the precise focus she had on the bumpy top wall.
Not long after the rude awakening did her alarm go off, as she was in the shower, trying to wash away the look of exhaustion in the hopes that she'll look somewhat human again. The loud beep soured her further, no longer was she listening to the joyous tune: American Pie.
Fortunately it timed out as she was stepping out, her song now resumed as she works on drying off and stepping into her white suit. After twisting two front braids into her bun she made her way to the kitchen to down a mug of coffee with a shot of tequila mixed right in, while sloppily eating a blueberry muffin.
*Are you ready to go?*
Yelena sighed as she picked up her phone, the last thing she wanted to do was go to a party with you on her arm in a state of falsehoods.
*I'll meet you in the hotel lobby Y/N*
What the blonde wanted was your forgiveness, then after she won that she'd work towards total reunification, but as of right now it's only a fruitless dream for the heartbroken blonde.
"Did you read the files?"
"Y/N, this isn't my first hit, obviously yes."
"No need to be hostile Belova, I'm just trying to ensure that you're on your a game since I can smell the tequila on your fucking breath," you hissed at the woman you still somehow loved.
Yelena dejectedly sunk into the passenger seat, "I'm sorry Y/N, really," she muttered sadly, and you honestly felt your heart breaking.
"I know," you softly replied, your anger fizzling out just as fast as it surged, "We have to get through this event Lena, we're almost free."
Yelena nearly burst into tears at the sight of you briefly smiling at her, it was incredibly warm, and something that she dearly missed. Instead she returned the gesture and nodded.
Holding onto all this anger wasn't fair, you've been working solo for Val for over a year now, and you learned just how vindictive she can be. You'd always had a target on your back being a thrown away super soldier, the experiment was not a failure, but the rehabilitated program was thrown out when too much heat fell on the America agency running it. You were put into a witness protection of sorts, but of course the Director of the CIA would easily find you.
You knew Lena didn't want to hurt you, at first you were just a job to her, seducing you into this life was her assignment, but as she fell for you it was no longer a mark she was willing to work. She tried to undo it, but she only made it worse, and Valentina told you before she was able to, and so you are left to blame her.
Yelena even thought you hated her, but if you hated her this mission would be a walk in the park instead of a soul crushing reminder of all the good you ever had then subsequently lost.
After a few moments of silent driving you finally reached the grand ball, you pulled up in front of the massive place, handed the keys to the valet, then for the sake of appearances you rounded the car and offered Yelena your arm, "You ready to go in Mrs. Smith?"
Yelena looked at you unamused, you knew how much she hated the bland undercover names. She always used to grumble over it to you:  "Why can't we be the Bensons? Or maybe we could be the LongBottoms, you'd be Fanny!"
It always ended the same though, she'd pout, and you'd kiss her softly, but then you'd still say no. So the Smiths or Allens it usually was.
"We are too beautiful to be the Smith's," she whispered in your ear as you two entered the venue through the extensive security check. You softly giggled, and nudged her side, and for just a moment it felt like nothing changed as the blonde stared at your uplifted face.
Then it was back to business as your face neutralized while observing the room filling with people. Yelena held you even tighter when the perp was in your direct sight, she wasn't sure why, but her gut was telling her to run.
"May I have this dance?" your hand reached for hers, and she gladly accepted it, because she realized that a moment of pretend happiness was better than nothing, "Yes, but I lead."
Yelena watched your eyes narrow, but she was not going to back down, and you were not all that worried about her declaration as you let her pull your body flush against hers, and with a slow pace set you eventually waltzed around the room. Through the art of dance the two of you were actually communicating. Yelena would dip you whenever she felt the hallway was worth keeping an eye on, and she'd spin you when near the guys who were packing.
Then, in the heat of it all she kissed you, the only message relayed was one of love, and even though you were on a mission, you indulged the blonde, because your heart was fluttering in ways you never imagined it would again.
"He's on the move," you panted softly into her mouth, then you quickly dropped her hand, "Keep close, but remember, don't hover."
Yelena watched you walk in the same direction,  slipping down the same hallway, and this was the part where she had to rely on faulty comms, and your ability to knock out an entire room. This was a dance the two of you had been accustomed to, but it always left her uneasy, and as she heard your blood curdling screams through her comms she knew why that was.
It all happened so fast honestly, one second you're fighting a handful of goons without even breaking a sweat, then the sleazy guy you're after emerges from the shadows with a dark smirk, and when you saw a green vile and a needle in his hands you knew you were fucked.
The need to warn Yelena was high, but you were so paralyzed with fear, that the only warning she got was your pained response before your body slumped to the floor in a state of shock.
The men left the vile on the ground as they rushed out before Yelena could get to them. That moment came within seconds, Yelena barreled into the room with her gun at the ready, but slipping it past security was pointless because they were gone, and judging by the way your body convulsed you were next.
"Strychnine," she reads with a wobbling lip, it was a commonly used punishment back in the red room to inject the girls with this when they failed to meet Dreykov's standards. Yelena's cheeks became stained with bitter tears as the memories of watching those girls die replayed in her mind on a loop, your fate was sealed...
But you were a super soldier, so she wasn't going to just give up without a fight, her phone sat beside her running a search on how to reverse the poison while she worked to get you to wake back up, you had to wake back up.
"Y/N, detka, wake up," she tapped your cheeks, causing your slumped head to go side to side, "Please, I need you to wake up," she pleaded, hands desperately shaking your shoulders.
"Y/N, if you die, then so do I!" Yelena was desperate, so she began to attempt chest compressions, and after a second you were oddly enough, choking on air, "Okay Juliet..."
"What? No, I'm Romeo," Yelena gasps in offense at your ludicrous insinuation, "You're the clear Juliet here Y/N, moya krasavitsa."
(My beautiful girl)
"Juliet had a chance to live, and she gave it up when she saw her love laid dead beside her," you quietly reminded her, Yelena's smile was bright, but her dull eyes were unmistakable.
"Well, I was hoping I could get Romeo to safety, because I don't give up that easily."
You smiled sadly, "Hope is for suckers."
"Then a sucker I am, because I'm hopelessly in love with you, so please hold on," she admits through tears that slowly run down your arm soaking your cuff as you weakly cup her cheek.
"Love is for children, and ours was hopeless," you managed to choke out before you were actually spluttering over your own blood.
Yelena heard the sound of heels clicking from behind her, but she spared the wicked woman no glance, her eyes too fixated on your face. 
Your lips were parted as tiny, short wheezes slowly left you, Yelena pressed her soft lips to your chapping set, "Mne zhal', chto ya podvel tebya," you unconsciously smiled against her in your state of delirium. "YA tebya lyublyu."
(I'm sorry I failed you / I love you)
Suddenly your lips started to lose feeling, and your body slumped into her lap, "Please, detka don't go," she whimpered, causing you to jolt back into a temporary state of consciousness as you whispered so gently that it was a struggle for her to even hear you, "I love you too Lena," and what followed your words was devastating silence, you gave your final breath for her.
An unwelcome hand gripped her shoulder, "If you want revenge for her, you'll stick with me."
Yelena nodded, then listened to the retreating click of heels, "YA ub'yu tebya tochno tak zhe."
(I will kill you just the same)
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immcoconut · 1 year
Katsuki grimace. He wanted to enjoy his fucking drink in peace but some random asshole decided they were the star of the universe and started a fucking ruckus. Not that he can say anything, this is a public inn afterall
" Aren't you great at that card game too" kirishima enquired " why don't you challenge him? That oughta quiet the place down "
" Shuddup " katsuki had no desire to play against some random rookie but people were making too much commotion and it was irking katsuki to put that peasant in his place
Katsuki got up, shoving the excited crowd till he met this so-called champion and challenged him. This guy chose the wrong day to show off
Green eyes met his and katsuki froze in his tracks " deku"
Izuku beamed " kacchan!"
People around stood still, not really understanding what is happening or what should they do
Katsuki grinned. Never in his fucking life did he thought he would be meeting Izuku in this place
How long has it been? Since he last saw Izuku? Decades to the very least. It still makes him as happy as it did back them
" Fuck yeah - I fucking challenge you. Out of 3 wins, right now"
" Oh it's on"
"What are you betting" some random extra frog like said, she must be incharge of keeping peace in this inn
Izuku stood up " for you my darling" he pointed his finger at katsuki, his other hand on his chest " I would bet my everything"
Others cheered and Katsuki rolled his eyes. This fucking sap
Izuku is his legally wedded /husband/. So it doesn't matter if he loses his everything to katsuki. He can just take it back, without any problem. He's just making the game more dramatic, more enjoyable and breath taking for the people around
" Fine. I put my everything on the line as well" katsuki slammed his hand on the table, "it's on"
Spectators went fucking nuts where katsuki and Izuku grinned. This is going to be awesome.
Katsuki won. Mostly because he had few new cards in his collection, good cards, strong ones. Despite his extensive collection, Izuku was as hard to beat as back in the old days. Just as challenging, just as passionate, just as loveable
With every new card he presents, Izuku stared at it with awe. It makes Katsuki think that possibly the nerd was holed up in a place for the past few years and didn't have the chance to win new cards
Katsuki jumped up, chair falling over. He cursed at Izuku, he cursed at the cards, he cursed at the audience as a form of celebration - with middle finger held high and smirk on his lips
Izuku rolled his eyes. Katsuki knows Izuku's irritating with losing is conflicting with his happiness with his husband's win
" Now I demand you to give me your everything"
"Fine, come with me" Izuku narrowed his eyes, smirking
Katsuki licked his lips but before he could leave " is there any fucking extra who wants to challenge their new champion"
It seems only a few were happy with Katsuki's win. This could be because how their new champion's personally is compared to the old one or they could simply be intimidated by katsuki's cards and methods
Whatever the case is, katsuki hardly cares since no extra dared to challenge him. He followed Izuku to get his belongings with satisfaction written all over his face
Katsuki entered the double bed room. All the single rooms had been taken, leaving only double rooms behind. But it appears Izuku had no roommates to share the other bed with, unlike katsuki who was sharing his room with kirishima
Other than that, the room was spacious, with great amount of stuff messily put together.the open window is the only source of light so far
Izuku smirked and leaned in for a kiss and katsuki kicked him on the legs
"Don't fucking hey me. Ask me how I am doing, what I am doing. Did you really think I would jump in your arms after you haven't checked on me for a decade, you asshole"
"I thought it's been only 9 years"
Has it? He stopped counting after few years but it felt like a decade, not 9 years
"What are you doing here?" Katsuki stepped forward, wrapping his hands around Izuku's neck. "Does it mean the work is done? The curse has been lifted and you can come home? Come back to me?" 
Whether he shows it or not,  it truly has been great since they had seen each other And Katsuki had missed him dearly.
Izuku's presence, his company, his love- everything. Perhaps when you've been together with your lover, it's gets hard to tell how much you truly love each other until you stay separated for a long while
This is possibly what kept their long relationship so alive - the anxiety and ugly sadness of departure and exciting happy reunions
This is how their relationship blooms
"No my love" Izuku wrapped his arms around katsuki middle "I'm afraid I need more time"
Katsuki huffed, just when he thought they could be together again "then what are you doing here?"
Izuku hummed " it's a long story. I don't think it would bore you but we could be doing something much more /exciting/" Izuku unbuttoned katsuki's vest, keeping a steady eye contact to see how katsuki reacts
Well if they were to discuss some distressing, shouldn't it be better to do it / after/ some sexy time
" Fine" katsuki kissed Izuku, knowing full well where it would lead
What happened next is rather predictable. Katsuki was on his back where Izuku pounded into him like they were old horny teenagers. It was a tight fit- katsuki hadn't stick anything up there in such long time
But the more Izuku fills him up with his cum, the more katsuki's /hunger/ grows
At one point, when he was on the verge of collapsing from Cummings so much, he grabbed Izuku's arm "I want that! Transform, Izuku"
Izuku, sweaty and red, stared at katsuki "you're too tight for that, I'll rip your hole"
"I'll heal immediately, now transform"
"That does not sound enjoyable "
Katsuki rolled over, got on his fours. He reached back and spread his ass cheeks. Hours of fucking left his hole gaping and loose, izuku's cum making it look so wet and slippery "you have no idea what is enjoyable to me"
Katsuki smirked and Izuku was a weak man to his husband
He bit down on Katsuki's neck, gulping down his blood while his body below the navel transforms into his vampire form.
 Blood is not necessary for such transformation. It was just a excuse for Izuku to drink katsuki's blood - not that he usually looks for excuses, he simply bits down on katsuki until the blond curses him away
Full transformation to izuku's vampire form may break the roof, it also takes too energy and overall scary - half transformation is just fine for this cause
"Yes" katsuki's eyes shine bright, he spreads his ass more If possible " now fuck me with /that/"
Izuku's vampire true form was over twice the big as his human form- no wonder it's katsuki's favorite. He absolutely loves it when Izuku bounces katsuki on his massive cock, using the blond however Izuku pleased. Nothing gets katsuki off like being used by Izuku 
This katsuki however could only take izuku's tip. He came hard right away and passed out. Izuku had to rub himself against Katsuki's body to come all over the blond.
Izuku planted a kiss on Katsuki's lip. Just when he was about to clean his lover, he heard a knock on the door
Katsuki squirmed on his bed " zuzu, pull the curtains" he shielded his eyes from the bright moon light " the moon's in my eyes"
Wait…. The moon is out
Katsuki sprang up from his bed, immediately sitting down cause fuck his ass hurts
"Did you just take another man's name on my bed" Izuku narrowed his eyes which made katsuki roll his
"Check my room, should be redhead there. He's a werewolf. The moon is out - you should hurry"
"him?" Izuku pointed at the large creature at the far corner of the room. In the darkness it's hard to see what it is but katsuki think it just might be the werewolf he's worried about
" What the hell is he doing here?"
" He actually followed you here, from downstairs after the game. He thought we had important business so didn't enter the room. But when he heard your noises, he got embarrassed and stayed outside the room till you know -"
Katsuki slapped his palm on his face. Great. shitty hair just heard him moan and scream someone's name. Next time, they meet the yellow haired bard, they would be sure to embarrass him till death
" Afterwards, he explained that he's with you on a mission but won't tell what kind of mission without your permission. Then I explained I'm your husband. He was shocked at our relation because he had not heard of me all three years he was traveling with you but still he refused to go into details. I liked it, you found a good friend"
" Whatever " Izuku is right, he is a good friend " but it's night time. The moon is full. What did you do to him for him to sleep like that"
Katsuki had tried talismans, spells and so many jinx's but that shitty hair still remained a mindless creature driven by instinct in his werewolf form. It still made him mad that he couldn't find appropriate measures for kirishima
" I let him bite a chunk off my flesh. Vampire blood is poisonous. But it's not lethal for werewolves. It still makes them so sick that they start hibernating to preserve their strength to heal their body. I'm sorry, I know it's a painful measure, but I truly don't know what other way to contain him on a full moon night "
" A higher vampire blood " katsuki groaned, this is the only thing he didn't try " you're giving me bunch of your blood"
" Sure, but can't say bringing him in civilization was wise"
"Shuddup " katsuki crawled onto izuku's lap, pressing his head on Izuku's neck, the nerd must have drank from him again, his head feels a little dizzy
" He behaves ok on any other night. It's just the full moon ones that's problem. I had to bring him to civilization. He's been looking for his lover for a long time. He had promised to go back to her before he lost his mind in transformation. But when he woke up, the village was no more. Something attacked them- they died or fleed. He came looking for me for help and Now we're searching river bank villages for her"
Izuku nuzzled katsuki hair, deep in thought " do you think, I mean is there a possibility it was /him/ who attacked? I mean is she even alive?"
Katsuki looked Izuku in the eyes " don't say anything like that in front of him, he doesn't suspect himself one bit"  he lowered his gaze, hugging Izuku Tighter " we would look for her until he finds her or gives up. That's the only sensible thing to do "
" Maybe we should have discussed this outside, away from him"
Katsuki sighed " Lemme put my pants on" he squirmed around Izuku's lap, looking for the last bit of that /friction/. Izuku had put a buttplug on him, mostly because Katsuki likes to feel that cum inside as long as he can. It also feels good when it hits that place inside of him.
 buttplug is like a cheap entertainment to him, one that he still enjoys
" Before anything, tell me one thing Izuku, you put an actual /buttplug/ right? Not something that looks like it would fit inside me? If it goes up and lost again I swear to god-"
" No no this time it's real. I bought it for you.it has a handle and all"
Katsuki does /not/ trust Izuku when it comes to fricky stuff. He bent down In Front of the nearest mirror, spreading his cheeks apart to see the plug but the mirror was too far up to see anything. He can only feel it and trust it's going to be ok
"And also you're not allowed to wear pants"
"You gambled everything and I won everything - including your pants. And when I saw you're not allowed to wear My Pants, you're not allowed too"
"Can I at least wear underwear?" 
Katsuki sat still on the small extension like place In Front of their window. It's small but two people can sit here comfortable if you don't mind your body touching other
Katsuki only wore pants( and buttplug )where Izuku only had a handkerchief around his neck. Katsuki owns Izuku's everything and after bickering for quite a while, Katsuki allowed Izuku to own this handkerchief only. It's too small to cover his /junk/ so he just tied it around his neck like a necktie 
He looks hilarious as fuck
But thankfully, it's late enough that nobody is on the street to see izuku's sorry state
" Back to topic" Izuku leaned back " do you think that kirishima -"
" I don't know, he has no memory of the event. I don't know what happened to the girl or villagers but yeah - there's a strong possibility that …." Katsuki huffed " he hard about me from the annoying bard "
" Kaminari?"
" A came looking for me. He wants to look for her. But since he's a werewolf, he's scared that he might hurt somebody. He wanted me to keep him from transformation or maybe still be mindful - like higher werewolves. but I couldn't find solutions for either problem so I'm helping him travel instead. He can't kill me cause I'm fucking immortal and I keep him from hurting others "
" Unless someone distracts you "
" Shuddup '' Katsuki hissed, blushing. " I don't go around sharing my bed with everybody. Today only happened cause of you "
" I fuck you so good that you forgot about your duties? "
"Fuck off " katsuki tried to hit Izuku on the head but the nerd moved before he could " I'm seeing you after 9 years. Wouldn't have happened if you visited me twice a year " katsuki swatted Izuku with his other hand
"I'm sorry "
" At least you could have sent me letters. I didn't know if you were dead or alive for most of of my journey "
" Of course I'm alive? I didn't think that was something I needed to say. Only another higher vampire can kill me and I don't think I've given them any reason to kill me yet"
" I'm talking about natural deaths "
"I'm too young for that"
"Ugh " Katsuki visibly rolled his eyes "as if death follows rules. I could have been dead all these times and you could have returned to my corpse. What then?"
"But you're cursed with immortality. How are you dying "
"Maybe I broke the curse and died- finally "
" You couldn't find a way to break it in last century, how are you breaking it in 9 years?"
Katsuki wanted to push Izuku off the place but the nerd was so heavy that he remained in his seat
"It's just a figure of speech. I'm just saying why didn't you try to communicate with me"
If Izuku had send katsuki letters then katsuki could have sent him letter back because he doesn't have the nerds location
"I know I know, I'm just teasing" Izuku laughed, shivering slightly. Which should be impossible because naked or not, Izuku doesn't feel cold like humans do
"It's just - " Izuku paused. He seemed uncomfortable, as if it's a topic one mustn't ponder 
"Something wrong with work?" Katsuki tried to pull Izuku away from the dark corners of his mind that seemed to engulf Izuku as a whole 
"The lady I was supposed to see was cursed. Well I thought it was cursed because hairs were growing out of his body, teeth falling, bones bending in weird positions. But later I found out whatever she has, is contagious. It affects any human around her. She turned her parents into spiders, unknowingly of course. Her maids got turned into deformed creatures who dug holes in the estate. Now, even her cat is deformed. Poor girl tried to commit suicide but she keeps coming back to life " Izuku looked at katsuki, eyes pleading "it's been 9 years and I still don't know what to do. The only thing I know that it's spreading "
"What are you doing here then?" Katsuki missed Izuku- yes but if you matter is so serious, he doesn't want Izuku to abandoned the post anyhow 
" I wanted to see you. I felt so hopeless that" Izuku gulped "I needed comfort or courage, I needed you, kacchan. So I headed back home. Destiny is funny cause we ended up meeting in this place, thank goodness "
" Who's looking after them at this moment then?"
" they are hibernating. Every residence hibernates the entirety of winter. Even so, they are kind of locked in their personal jail cell…"
Katsuki stared at Izuku, the nerd has never looked so miserable and it's squeezing his own hurt in upsetting ways
" The nerd I love never gives us"
" Oh I would never give up" Izuku turned to Katsuki, the light back on those eyes " I'm lifting this curse, disease whatever, either it's going down or outlives me"
"Guess I should help you research "
" Absolutely not, you may be immortal but you're still human. If she turns into a worm, I am NOT sleeping with you "
" You asshole "
" Might still love you though "
"How can you love me but not sleep with me?"
"I love our pet bird too, never saw me sleeping with her"
"It's not the same"
"It kinda is" 
A sound broke their fight and Izuku immediately jumped back inside. A little black cat emerged and katsuki started laughing like crazy "you coward"
"I'm not a coward! I'm naked"
"Stop it" 
Katsuki kept laughing, making fun of Izuku for jumping like that. But for his carelessness in ridiculing his husband, he slipped and fall from the fourth floor
Now it was izuku's turn to laugh like crazy. Yeah- he did help katsuki back on his feet but only after he was done laughing
"The gates are locked. Get me back up there "Katsuki grabbed his head. He feels slightly dizzy but he blames Izuku sucking his blood instead of the fall he suffered
"About that, why don't we go for a walk? We don't really need sleep " Izuku handed Katsuki a dress shirt. Katsuki noticed how Izuku was dressed now. He still wore the handkerchiefs around his neck 
"At this hour? The wraiths will be down our throats "
"They stay away from me, remember?" 
Oh yeah they do
" Fine, but for fucks sake stop drinking my blood. You're a recovering addict "
Katsuki doesn't mind Izuku sucking his blood. Izuku used to do that everyday back home. But blood to vampire is like alcohol to human, they don't need it to survive, it's purely for pleasure and so so addicting
"But kacchan you taste the best! I'll be staying with you for some days before I can go anyway. so why not enjoy my delicacy "
"Then fucking what? You're going back soon anyway. Whose blood will you be drinking"
"Guess I'll have a reason to come back to you"
Katsuki sighed, he really can't argue with that logic
"Fucking sap, let's go on this walk of yours "
" After you my beloved "
"Wait lemme pull out my butt plug first "
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snowlessknitter · 11 months
The Masked Singer: S10 E6 (One Hit Wonder Night) Running Commentary
There wasn’t an episode last week because Fox was airing the World Series. (BTW, congratulations to the Texas Rangers on winning their first World Series championship.)
This week four new masks are joining the competition. As always, I post before seeing any unmaskings, so don’t take these as spoilers.
Donut 🍩: The judge immediately remarked on his height, so he might be an athlete. A lot of references to the Wild West and country music. He said he was part of a “megahit” that catapulted him to number 1. We also saw a police bridge, and he’s been around the theater. He said he just had the toughest year of his life. He actually does sound a lot like Bjorn Skifs (the lead singer of Blue Swede, whose song “Hooked on a Feeling” Donut is singing tonight), but I don’t think the judges would know who Bjorn Skifs is, just Blue Swede. My mind is kind of leaning towards the original RoboCop, Peter Weller (who is also an academic in addition to his acting career). The bonus clue: “How Bizarre” by OMC. He says he’s had “hit after hit”. I think Ken’s guess of Jeff Bridges is the most plausible, actually. Jeff Bridges has been in a bunch of hit movies and has a brother named Beau (the bow and arrow clue). As for the country and western clues, he won an Oscar playing a country singer in CrazyHeart (where he did his own singing) and was nominated for Oscars for his performances in The Last Picture Show (which is set in a dying Texas town), the remake of True Grit (set in the Old West) and Hell or High Water (which is a neo-Western film). I’m going with Jeff Bridges for now.
Hibiscus 🌺: Grew up in a large family. We see a gingerbread house, has interacted with Sharon Stone, David Bowie, and Elton John. Has married multiple times. She mentioned a “stint in a hospital”, which means she either had a prior medical career or possibly was on General Hospital, E.R., or Grey’s Anatomy. Bonus clue: “I’m Too Sexy” by Right Said Fred. She says she’s competed in beauty pageants and worn a tiara. I’m a bit stumped here, but I’m leaning towards Kim Zolciak only because she’s attempted a singing career.
Anteater 🐜 😋: I saw some online speculation that this could be John Oates from Hall & Oates, but let’s see the clues first. He’s had a long career. Saw a cougar roaring at him. Went through a dark time and moved onto a farm. We see an eye on a box. Just from the voice alone, this does kind of line up with John Oates. Bonus clue: “Somebody’s Watching Me” by Rockwell. He says he sang in front of 40% of the entire world. My first thought went to Live Aid, and I think Hall & Oates played that show. (Double checked, they did indeed play the Philadelphia part of the event.) But it’s the voice more than anything else. Oates doesn’t sing a lot of lead vocals with Hall & Oates (Daryl Hall primarily fills that role), but if you’ve ever listened to “She’s Gone”, you can hear John pretty prominently in that song singing the lower melody and there’s a rasp that was there in 1973 (when the song was originally released) and I can still hear it in Anteater’s voice.
Candelabra 🕯️: Seen calling Kevin Hart. She began her career at age 12. We see a butterfly 🦋 which means she could have a connection to Michelle Williams from Destiny’s Child. Well, Kelly Rowland has been performing since she was a tween, being a part of Girls Tyme with Beyoncé (which was a forerunner to Destiny’s Child). And of course, she and Beyoncé were bandmates with Michelle Williams. But…we see the state of California, and Destiny’s Child is from Texas. The bonus clue: “Two Princes” by Spin Doctors. “Who needs two princes when you have one Fire Princess?” Nicole’s guess of Brandy is a good one, and Brandy is from California. I’m going to officially say I’m stumped on this one. But I have a feeling she won’t be unmasked tonight.
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tabernaclehearts · 1 year
I Miss The Pavement
I'm saying this as I shove a quarter into the washing machine at the local laundromat—the rubber wheel of the door was flopping like a stretched-out hairband a minute ago, and I had tussled with it, holding the door under my armpit in an awkward headlock as I slowly pushed the rubber back in.
I miss the god damn pavement, being fifteen and wearing a ringer tee that was a tad too long, feeling the rough of it through the fabric as I napped on a summer day. I miss pulling pastel colored chalk down the street, running them into stubs that scraped my knuckles as I drew long arches of rainbows. The smell of waffle cones from the street shop, a sweetness that unhunches my shoulders and brings a glimmer back to my eyes.
I miss my old MP3 players, cheap $10 finds at Best Buy because I couldn't afford an iPod, having my cousin download music off of illegal websites and the result being 200 scratchy songs that are sometimes out of tune. I miss wearing flip flops and getting my feet dirty when I walked to JJ Bakery to get a slice of double-chocolate cake. My pocket money would clang around in my pocket and I thought I was rich, head held high as if I ruled the world. On days they didn't have it, I bought melon bread and pouted at my misfortune.
I miss the Fourth of July in 2015, my father wearing a pair of American flag swim trunks that sat under his beer-belly, holding a pair of tongs next to the grill. He waves them at me, clacking the tongs together like a crab, come here! It smells like popcorn because the neighbors are throwing a party, and the sound of children laughing echoes throughout the neighborhood. My tongue is stained blue from a snow cone, my brother triumphantly shows off a plastic trophy that he won from the sack race that morning. My mother comes out with a bowl overflowing with ripe watermelon and I persuade everyone to compete in a seed spitting contest. My mother laughs, that's not very lady-like, and I laugh deeply, the sound reverberating from my stomach to my mouth. She smiles before spitting the farthest seed.
I'm dreaming of Paris in the rain, smoking at the Seine to the tune of "Enfance 80" by Videoclub. J and I sitting at the bank next to wads of people chatting over beer bottles and cigarettes. Shitty XL pack of Camel Blues. I am so much older now, but I am still so young. Getting Italian food at a rooftop restaurant with a view of the Eiffel, the old white couples glaring at us as if Asian girls shouldn't be able to afford a Michelin star. I scoff and smirk at them as I take another bite of a burrata cheese appetizer that I could get for way less back in Italy. Smoking outside and staring at the tower, two feet away from the railing because I am still afraid of heights, after all these years.
Life is delicate, I think. It's like a spring bloom, tender-hearted and soft between the fingers. Squeeze too tight and it'll tear. Most of the time, I'm too tough. I don't realize it's broken until it's too late, the fragments wilting in my palms. I think I'm learning to be more gentle, to be kinder and to enjoy things while they last.
(He says he's a "Kafka on The Shore kind of guy", but the thing is, they all are. All men own a copy of it, I swear. Check your man's drawers or under the bed, because I know he's hiding it somewhere.)
0 notes
im-justine-b · 2 years
things i’m afraid to admit but have to
Year 2022, October 31st.
Thoughts from October 30th.
I actually don’t know what should be the right process for my healing. I don’t wanna waste time and the last two months of this year so I am trying to make the right thing and I guess it starts here. Maybe my actual therapy is this. Writing. Expressing. All while listening to this song that’s so depressing but actually comforts me.
♪ tired - beabadoobee
When I start to do things, like cleaning, that’s where all thoughts pour down, thinking I should probably write these thoughts down after this, then when I am finally in front of the screen, they vanish and I’m having a hard time starting talking. It’s like, it suddenly becomes  an essay assignment. So I decided to just let these thoughts out until they’re ready to flow again.
Yesterday, when I checked my facebook with my main account, scrolling down, i saw a friend suggestion and it’s her. in different name and i checked it, it’s a cosplay account she said, it was recently made. (October 30th)
made me think she saw my dummy accounts too if i saw hers.
I started having mild flashes, rapid heartbeat and deep breaths. I am still not okay. I said.
I tried to mind my emotions. But I refused coz i want them to be written down here so I can evaluate them better. So I can understand myself better. So I can ask myself better.
Why did i felt that?
Why is it so heavy in the heart and suffocating?
Seeing her name, her face, or even things that aligns with her.
But for that moment  that I saw her with that cosplay account, why did it bother me? why did it even made me feel that bad?
at that moment I am thinking, maybe I’m bothered to see her do something better than me. I dont know i can’t put it into right words yet. I don’t want her to be better than me, in all sorts of aspect, my thought.
Then I remembered that she’s been cosplaying anime even before. I remember how I find her cute with her kakegurui acts. I remember I was one of those reactors. I was once liked everything she does. I find her cute that she likes anime that much. I remembered how much I supported her with her pictured back then.
I was once of those people who believed with her facebook facade.
Then it made me realize that this feeling, this ugly feeling, is not about her. It’s not about her existence. It’s not about her name. Her face. it’s about what she did. It’s about what they did. It hurt me. It wasn’t fine. If someone betrays me and i did not expressed how that betrayal affects me, their existence haunts me. same case with jamie. and she’s a new one.
But that moment, I am tired. I am tired feeling this heavy towards her. That’s why i wanna heal from her. I wanna heal from the betrayal she did. I wanna heal from the insecurity she unlocked inside me. It is painful. It is ugly. She bothers me, that’s the fact. I’m afraid she’ll think she won over me. I’m afraid I’ll seem less cool about everything. I don’t want her to be better than me at all. Her ignorance irks me and it doubles the anger because of the fact that i am affected and it is “less cool”. As much as i wanna look cool about everything, im not. Im not cool seeing her name on facebook. Im not cool seeing her face on facebook. Im not cool seeing her dumb posts in it. I am affected with everything connected to her.
and as uncool as all of these may seem, I have to admit them. I have to admit all these ugly feelings and thoughts I had, I have, Im gonna have.
But it’s getting tiring. I wanna face these ugliness already. People around me surely thinks she’s not even an inch compared to me. They know I am so much better. And I know that too. I am well aware with that too. And that thoughts i think, is one of the reason why things still feel ugly with her. Maybe because when i get an ugly feeling in concerns with her, my inner self fights back with that feeling, invalidates it with thinking that
i am better than her, i should not feel this way.
i am better than her, this feeling is wrong.
feeling this ugly means she’s better than me.
being this affected means she won.
but maybe, it’s wrong. maybe it’s not really that bad if i feel things about her. She’s the one he betrayed me with. I am allowed to feel ugly about her. I am allowed to feel bitter. I am allowed to be affected. I am in the highest seat to be affected. They betrayed me. If i don’t feel this shitty it’s either I’m crazy or didn’t loved clark.
But I wanna let go of these ugly feeling already.
I am tired feeling this shitty.
So, justine. What do you think?
do you still need time?
At this moment, i just had the thought to message her. To talk. Maybe things will result good. But the i realized how she thinks. no thanks.
Maybe there are things that don’t need closure. or words to be settled. Maybe that’s what i have to learn in this tough time.
do i still need time?
with my my hatred, insecurities, all these ugly feelings attached to her.
what am i gonna do. with you. with your name. with your face. with your existence.
where should i place you?
then i realized.
you never said sorry.
*sudden cries*
you were never apologetic.
you owe me an apology.
because you will never realize you should be sorry to me.
and maybe. maybe. that’s the part missing.
you never said sorry.
maybe one day will come that i’ll be able to forgive you despite of it.
0 notes
katelynnwrites · 3 years
pairing: platonic Jill Roord x f!Reader
warnings: none
word count: 1246
summary: what having jillie as your team mom is like, told from various perspectives
Team Mom
You squirm in your seat, distracted by the pre game chaos of the locker room. Loud laughter was ringing off the walls and Lisa had her camera out, recording some hilarious new antic of Beth’s for the WePlayStrong vlog. Lia was blocking you but if you could just lean a little more forward...
‘Kleintje sit still!’ Jill swats you lightly on the shoulder with her free hand and you grumble but do as she asks.
Her slim fingers work quickly, tying off the braided ponytail with practiced ease.
‘There all done.’ She says, giving you a final once over.
‘Thanks Jillie!’ You’re quick to jump out of your seat, wanting to go see what Beth and the others were doing.
Shooting a bright smile at the older Dutch girl, you giggle as she rolls her eyes fondly.
Another shout of laughter goes up as you join Viv on the edge of the circle, looking on as Beth attempts to juggle three bananas.
Viv glances down at you, taking note that Jill had once again braided your hair like hers.
‘You’re good for her you know? Made her grow up a little.’
Turning your head towards her, you stare in confusion, ‘What?’
‘Nothing...just that you’re really lucky to have her. She’s real lucky to have you too.’ Viv tells you with a kind look in her blue eyes.
Not quite sure what to say in response, you settle on a nod before shifting your attention back to Beth who had once again failed to succeed much to the amusement of everyone else.
Viv smiles quietly to herself, watching as you go over to Jill, initiating your pre game handshake that ends with a tight hug, your team mom resting her chin on your head. It’s rapidly followed by one last karaoke duet of Breaking Free from High School Musical, the two of you jumping up and down excitedly. She shakes her head, realising not for the first time how alike the both of you were.
It had taken the entire team by surprise when Jill had declared herself your team mom the moment she met you. No one had been more surprised than her, in all the years she had known the younger Dutch girl, not once had she shown any interest in mentoring a youngin.
Nobody would have thought that the 24 year old would ever become a team mom yet here they were watching her pick up after you, check that you were resting and eating well, making sure that you had clean kits. She had even gone so far as to ensure you were coping with your school work.
Viv expected it, Jill calling dibs on you as her partner when lockdown was announced. Joe had decided it was best that the team pair up to quarantine together to ensure that everyone could have a workout partner.
What she didn’t expect was Jill bringing you back to Oldenzaal with her. Then again nothing Jill did should have surprised her any further. She was nothing if not a dedicated team mom.
‘Got everything? Boarding pass? Passport?’ Jill asked, once again double checking that you had everything you needed for the flight and extended stay in Holland.
Nodding, you glance unsurely at her before worriedly saying, ‘You sure about this? Like will your family be okay with me staying with you?’ Jill pauses what she was doing, smiling reassuringly at you.
‘You’re family kleintje. I promise that they’re really excited to meet you and have you there.’
‘Little one you need to get faster if you’re ever going to catch up with me…’ Jill teased, holding out a hand to pull you up.
Sprawled on your back after the long morning run, you let out an exhausted laugh.
‘You cheated.’
Jill withdraws her hand, dramatically placing it over her heart as she gasps in mock offense.
‘I cheated?’
Gesturing vaguely at the surroundings, ‘You grew up here. You only won because you know the surroundings better!’
‘Okay obviously you are not going to let this go so even though I won, I’ll let you have a rematch back to the house.’
She sticks out her hand again but you smirk mischievously and roll to the side, scrambling to your feet.
‘Last one back has to wash the stinky cleats!’
‘Now that’s definitely cheating!’ Jill calls after you even as she rushes to catch up.
The patch of sunshine you’d curled up in was warm and your spot on the couch was so comfortable you were dozing off.
Jill jumped onto the couch next to you, bouncing up and down in excitement.
You crack open an eye, staring at her in amusement.
‘The weather’s perfect for surfing! Davy and Boyd are coming too. Are you in?’
You grin.
‘Of course.’
Daan smiles, liking your new Instagram post of you and Jill’s family, holding surfboards with bright grins on all your faces. It’s captioned, ‘Having the time of my life with my bestie and her family.’
She hadn’t ever doubted that you would have a good time in her home country.
Jill suppresses a giggle, pulling a face and snapping a quick selfie of you fast asleep on her shoulder, mouth slightly ajar.
She tags you in it, uploading it to her story captioned, ‘Back to England with this one…’
You sit at the breakfast bar in her apartment, swinging your legs as Jill put the last pannenkoek on a plate.
‘Thanks Jillie.’
‘You’re welcome kleintje. Now eat up.’
Grinning, you dig into the food she made. Jill’s Dutch pancakes really were the best.
‘Now over here we have these two sleeping children. This one is only sixteen so she’s allowed to be a kid but this one….’
Lisa points to Jill, ‘This one is twenty four and still acts like she’s also sixteen.’
The camera zooms in on the both of you, your head on Jill’s shoulder, her arm wrapped around your shoulders. The bus is dark, the majority of the Arsenal girls fast asleep.
Lisa’s voice is soft as she continues, ‘Just kidding. She only acts like a kid sometimes. Even then, she’s the best team mom ever. Honestly the two of them are so much more than teammates, they’re best friends. You’ll never see one without the other.’
‘How do you feel about winning Player of The Match?’
‘Really thankful and grateful to all the fans who voted for me but honestly I couldn’t have done it without Jill. So this award should actually belong to her.’ You say, smiling brightly at the reporter.
‘Jill as in Jill Roord right? I’ve heard that she is your so called “Team Mom”?’
‘Yeah. She’s also my best friend.’ Your smile widens as you glance at Jill who was doing her own post match interview halfway down the pitch.
‘What’s it like having Jill as your team mom?’
‘It’s the best thing and also the worst thing. See Jill’s a morning person and she absolutely loves to go on morning runs. Meanwhile, I hate mornings and she knows that but it doesn’t stop her from jumping on my bed to wake me up every single morning before asking me to go with her.’
The reporter laughs and you grin in response before adding, ‘Aside from that, yeah I’m pretty lucky to have her. She’s helped me improve a lot not just as a player but also a person. Wouldn’t be who I am today without her.’
Dutch Translations:
Kleintje - Shorty/Little One
Pannenkoek - Dutch Pancake
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dipperdogrpg · 3 years
Holy crap where do I even begin with Traces Of Two Pasts.
Ok let's simplify what's now canon.
Tifa and Cloud use to play as neighbors before Thea, tifa's mom passed away.
Thea use to say how handsome Cloud is and see that made Tifa happy. Tifa's dad was not impressed. Lol
The boys made a pact no one is to go after Tifa and Cloud declined so was left out of the boys groups without Tifa knowing.
Tifa was seen as a prize to be won in her hometown when she got older.
Cloud helped Tifa search for Tifa's cat Maru many times.
Tifa and Cloud both admire eachother from a distance when their friendship drifted.
Tifa felt Cloud was not reachable, like a star. Similar how we view idols I think.
The boys lied that Cloud insisted Tifa should continue up the mountain and that they tried to bring Tifa back to the village.
Cloud accepted the blame and Tifa couldn't remember that day the bridge fell and went into a coma.
She knew Cloud was lying and felt he was protecting her. But she never got to hear Cloud's truth because he refused to tell her what actually happend that day.
The three boys tried later to have single time with Tifa but she would dodge their invite.
Cloud gathered his courage and awkwardly asked Tifa to meet him at the water tower and then ran away... Tifa ran away too blushing lol
Tifa went to maru, her cat, and asked what she should wear for their special date.
She snuck out late at night while her dad was sleeping to meet up with Cloud.
Tifa was wondering if Cloud was going to confess to her.
After talking with Cloud at the water tower and understanding how normal Cloud is, she thought she could see herself living with him and realized she loved him. (She loved Cloud for being Cloud. This debunks that dumb theory that Tifa only noticed Cloud because he joined SOLDIER)
Shrina picked up Cloud in the middle of the night.
When Cloud left Tifa cried.
Tifa recieved a letter from one of the boys that felt insulting like she is just a prize and needs to be taken care of. So she learned how to fight.
When she received news Shinra troops were coming to Niblehiem she went to check with Claudia if Cloud was coming
Claudia discovered Cloud only told Tifa he wanted to be in SOLDIER after Tifa asked her if Cloud made it in and 😏. Yeah mama Cloud totally picked up on the two teenagers liked/loved eachother.
Claudia and Tifa cooked together.
Tifa had a "dream" and think she heard someone calling her during the sephiroth incident. Familiar but also different. Headcanon it's puberty voice Cloud.
She was taken to corel first for treatment and then Midgar to also remove possible scars. DR. patched her up but her and then she needed work to pay her debt.
They also inflated the bill so it's was double the price.
To save money Tifa use to work at a bun stall as a vendor
She did this for years and cried when she saw Jessie Biggs and Wedge enjoying their time together. She didn't realize she was feeling so lonely.
One day she bumped into Jessie and they talked and became friends. From that point on Tifa was learning about Avalanche.
Marle found Tifa a second job at Seventh Heaven until the owner got sick and then passed away.
She met Barret and Marlene at Seventh Heaven and bought it to give Barret and Marlene a place to stay because they were homeless.
She used her life savings to buy it instead of paying off her surgery bill. That's why we don't see a scar when she wear her dresses.
Barret was the last member to join avalanche.
When Tifa discovered the doctor's son tricked her and stole the money she needed to buy 7thHeaven, Tifa was very angry. She went to go kick his ass so she could buy Seventh heaven once she got her stolen money.
Direct translation about the promise scene.
"It was just an idea, but from the moment it was made, it became an irreplaceable promise. And that night, when Tifa realized that the Cloud she admired was just an ordinary boy, she fell in love with him. The kind of 'love' that makes two people want to spend time together."
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I'll keep updating when more gets translated. Enjoy!
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wondernimbus · 4 years
meet the weasleys — george weasley
pairing: george weasley x female!reader
summary: george takes reader to meet his family.
requests are closed for now. please refrain from plagiarizing my work!
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"I’m nervous."
"Well, don't be."
"Thank you, George. That somehow just alleviated all of my worries."
George snickers and squeezes her hand in reassurance. “Just relax. My family doesn't bite—or, well, Ron used to, but that was back when he was, what, five? And besides, you already know him, and he's never bit you before, has he?"
"Not helping."
"And you've met most of my family already."
“I haven't met your mum. Or your dad. Or Bill and Charlie,” she argues, eyes worriedly darting from George’s own to the wooden door in front of them.
George laughs again. His eyes don’t fail to catch onto the way she’s frantically tapping her foot against the ground, how she keeps worrying at her bottom lip. The sight has him grinning widely; he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t horribly endeared.
“Listen,” he says, removing his fingers from her own in favor of turning her around to face him. George’s hands go to her neck, cradling the sides of her cheeks. “They’re going to love you. And if they don’t—well, I can always find a different family.”
”George,” she sighs.
”Only joking,” he grins, and leans in to press a very brief kiss to the tip of her nose. “But I mean it. They’ll adore you. Possibly even more than I do, although that’s up for debate.”
She lets out a long breath, pursing her lips together in a feeble attempt at a smile, but George commends her for trying. He drops his hands back to his sides and laces his fingers through her own again, turning to face the door like they’re about to venture into some sort of grand adventure and not into his family’s living room—and George is about to twist open the knob, until [Y/N] goes, “Wait.”
He glances at her. Her eyes are wide and the look on her face still so uncertain. Sucking in a breath through her teeth, she asks him, “How do I look?”
The grin on George’s face is so impossibly wide. “Like a billion galleons,” he tells her. Just because he can’t resist the urge, he swoops down to press one more chaste kiss to her lips. And then finally, he twists the knob.
The moment George steps foot through the door, he’s immediately enveloped by the wafting scent of something being cooked on the stove. It smells familiar, like he should know what it is, but George has never been much of a chef. But he recognizes the sounds—the voices—coming from the kitchen despite all of them mingling together to form one raucous chorus of chatter. He knows exactly which voice belongs to who—knows that the loud shriek is his mum reprimanding one of them, knows that the sound of someone whining is very likely Ron. That laugh is Bill’s, too, mingled with Fred’s voice. George just knows, automatically, without even having to think about it. George knows, too, without looking down on the “welcome” mat in front of the door, that there are going to be muddy boots on top it—and there they are. He steps around them. George knows that there is going to be a quilt magically knitting itself together on the couch without even having to look at it—and there it is.
And just like that, he knows he’s home.
Something about having [Y/N] in the vicinity of a place so important to him—a place that’s part of him—has his heart feeling full. He pauses for a moment in the doorway, taking it all in, but he’s snapped out of his brief spell of inexplicable happiness when his father comes lumbering out of the door leading to the kitchen.
“George!” his dad exclaims loudly, and just like that all chatter from the room behind him ceases (“They’re here?!” he hears his mother panic). “We didn’t hear you come in!”
”Likely because mum was too busy screaming,” George grins, and walks forward to envelop his father in a hug.
”Ah, yes—Fred arrived half an hour ago and terrified Ron out of his wits with some sort of fake—no, actually, nevermind that! This must be [Y/N].”
Arthur’s eyes have landed on her, and George actually has to give her a little nudge for her to say something. Her eyes widen like she’s surprised at being addressed (as though the entire point of this gathering hadn’t been to get to introduce her), but then her lips break out into a smile and she steps forward to shake his father’s outstretched hand.
”It’s really nice to meet you,” she says, eyes crinkling at the edges. George stands to the side watching the scene unfold, feeling oddly proud.
”Yes, of course!” Arthur nods with remarkable enthusiasm, smiling just as wide. “I’ve heard so many wonderful things about you! You’re Muggle-born, correct?”
She lets out a tinkling laugh. “Yes, that’s right.”
”Brilliant!” he claps his hands together—but George knows exactly where this is going, so he cuts his father off and says, “I think we can address the function of a rubber duck later over dinner, dad.”
Arthur pauses, seemingly dejected, but then gathers himself and nods. “Oh, right, well, I suppose—“
And there’s George’s mum, Molly, coming from the kitchen, hurriedly pulling off her oven mitts to rush straight towards [Y/N] and envelop her in a big, warm hug. “Oh!” [Y/N] exclaims, obviously taken a bit by surprise given that the two of them have never met before, but eventually she breaks out into light laughs and hugs her back. [Y/N] meets George’s gaze over Molly’s shoulder; he gives her this encouraging sort of smile, and then jokingly complains, ”Blimey. S’pose I’m not missed here anymore.”
”Oh, quiet, you!” Molly frets, waving a dismissive hand in the air (George laughs) and then pulling away from [Y/N] to grip her by the arms and gush, “You’re far prettier than I could have ever imagined!”
[Y/N] flushes a shade of vibrant pink. “Oh, no—but thank you—“
”Have you gotten your vision checked lately, [Y/N]?” It’s Fred, leaning on the kitchen doorframe with a toy snake dangling from his hand. “Or do you really want to be with Georgey despite his baffling similarities to a mountain troll?"
”We’re twins, you prat.” George smacks the back of Fred’s head.
“Ah, right.” Fred is grinning despite having received a blow to the head. “It’s lovely seeing you, future-sister-in-law.”
Fred and [Y/N] have known each other just as long as she and George have, having gone to Hogwarts at the same time all those years ago. All three of them had bonded over their mutual love for pranks, although [Y/N] had always been their babysitter of sorts—the one who made sure none of their jokes went too far out of line. George loved her for it; loved how considerate and gentle she was despite her undeniable mischief. But he’d only really gotten himself to tell her after the war; one brief visit of hers to the joke shop turned into two, and then three, and then suddenly [Y/N] was always hanging around somewhere in Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes, helping the business run along. It was Fred who convinced George, only six months ago, to confess his admiration for her after five years of holding himself back.
After the war, George had all the time in the world to take as many risks as he could. So he told her—and now here they are: [Y/N] ruffling Fred’s hair fondly, George trying to fend off his mother’s hands trying to fix his hair (“don’t you think you need a haircut, sweetie?”), and Ron making his grand entrance from behind Fred.
”Ron!” [Y/N] exclaims, catching sight of him, and then jokingly she adds, “I haven’t seen you in ages—last time I saw you you were the size of a Pygmy Puff.”
Ron scoffs out a laugh. “You’re only two years older than me, you know,” he huffs, but lets her hug him, anyway.
Brief introductions are made as Bill and Charlie enter the room. George watches as [Y/N] shakes their hands—Charlie hugs her, as he’s always been big on affection—and just like that George knows that she’s won all of them over, the way she’d done to him. The way she still does to him, after all this time.
Five minutes later they're being ushered into the garden behind the Burrow, where a long wooden table has been set up. There are golden streamers draped all around the bushes and hanging from the branches of trees, but that's hardly what captures George and [Y/N]'s attention first because at the very end of the long table, a large banner is floating in mid-air: one that says "WELCOME TO THE FAMILY!" in glittering silver letters.
George doesn't miss the look on [Y/N]'s face when she sees this; her eyes almost seem to well up with tears, and despite the picture-perfect setting in front of him—despite the golden streamers and the balloons and the faerie lights hanging in mid-air—it's that look on [Y/N]'s face that has his breath catching in his throat and his heart doing odd little double-takes inside his chest.
He loves her, he realizes. It’s nothing new—shouldn't be anything new to him, as he's known it for quite a while now—but still there are moments like this one where he pauses and has to take a while to let it sink in; the fact that the woman next to him, whose smile reminds him of every single happy moment he has ever lived through, loves him just as much as he loves her.
Knowing that is absolutely surreal.
"We didn't expect you to arrive so early!" Molly says, obviously harried as she passes by them bearing a cauldron of steaming soup. “The cookies are still baking—and [Y/N], honey, I sent Ginny upstairs to go fetch your sweater, she should be down any time soon—Ron, Fred, will you stop that!”
The two, who had been wrestling with the toy snake Fred held in his hands earlier, immediately drop their hands to their sides. “T’was Fred who started it,” grumbles Ron.
”And I plan on ending it!” Fred emits some sort of war-cry, but stops when he spots the look on his mother’s face. “Kidding, mum.”
It takes a good half-hour or so before the last of the dishes are finally set on the table and everyone is seated. There’s food of all sorts in front of them—treacle tarts, cakes, pudding, pie—and [Y/N], who initially thought she’d feel too nervous to eat anything, eats with ease. Like everyone else around the table, she’s wearing a fuzzy red sweater with her initial sewn in front; a gift to her from Molly. The moment she’d laid eyes on it she knew it was her favorite thing in the entire world.
She tells this to George, who raises his eyebrows and replies snarkily, “I’m gonna have to ask for you to return the necklace I gave you, then.”
”Oh, sod off,” she laughs, rolling her eyes, but she lets him spoon pie into her mouth.
“Gah, get a room!” complains Fred.
”It’s not like they’re snogging,” says Charlie.
”Would you like us to?” grins George, earning him a slap to the shoulder from [Y/N].
”There are children here, George,” she scolds.
”You’re only two years older!” protests Ron.
No one really notices, but the sun has long since sunken below the horizon. Everyone around the table is immersed in chatter; Ron, for example, has been roped into a passionate debate with Fred and George about the true purpose of Pygmy Puffs. (“They only exist to ask for food and jump around and make annoying little noises!” says Ron, to which George responds with, “That sounds like you, Ron.”) [Y/N], meanwhile, is offering an explanation to Arthur about the rubber duck.
“They don’t do much of anything, really. They float and squirt and sometimes they make noises.”
But Arthur looks disappointed, as though he’d been expecting something much more grand. So [Y/N], not wanting to bring down his mood, decides to add, ”I believe they’re also used to keep—um—Grindylows away from your bathwater.”
Mr. Weasley positively beams with joy. “Is that right? I told you, Molly, rubber ducks are magnificent little things!”
Molly gives her husband an exasperated look, but it disappears the moment she turns to [Y/N]. “We’re so glad to have you here, sweetie,” she tells her, reaching over the table to grasp her hand and offering her the most motherly smile [Y/N] has ever seen. “We’ve heard so many good things about you. George speaks so very highly of you—and he was right, you really are perfect for him!"
[Y/N] flushes, smiling. “Thank you, Mrs. Weasley.”
”Oh, no, no, call me Molly,” she laughs, waving a hand in the air. “You’re part of the family now, dear. No need for formalities.”
And [Y/N] does feel like it—like she’s part of this table. This family. Not just the girlfriend of one of their sons but someone who actually belongs.
It’s odd, in a magical sort of way, how all of their random conversations blend together to form one harmonious burst of chatter, how everything and everyone in that table just works. Like puzzle pieces from different sets, she thinks to herself. And they shouldn't fit, but they do.
So this is home for George. This is the place he grew up in. This is where his heart lives.
She can't help the way her eyes stray to him every now and then, noting the sheer joy reflected in his eyes, the way the smile on his lips never really goes away. How, even when Ron flicks a strawberry at his face—even when George threatens to send a whole army of pygmy puffs after him—there's still that joyful glint in his eyes.
With the end of winter right around the corner, surrounded by the family that has welcomed her with open arms, holding the hand of her very favorite person underneath table, fireflies flitting around above them as laughter echoes around the table: [Y/N] feels safe. Happy.
So this is home.
The next morning, [Y/N] and George find themselves walking along the edge of the woods where meadow rues grow, a little ways away from the Burrow. They walk unhurried, the soles of their feet swishing against the blades of grass with each step, hands hanging loosely intertwined between them.
They’d woken up before anyone else, when the sun had just barely begun to rise. George had told her to "Get up, I want to take you somewhere" and admittedly she'd whined a little, claiming to need five more minutes of sleep, but George, laughing, threw her over his shoulder and threatened to carry her all the way there if she didn't oblige.
But now, she's glad she came with.
At one point she stops walking, lifts her face to the sky and closes her eyes against the warmth of the sun, taking a deep breath and soaking in everything that the morning wants to bring her. George watches her without question, a fond little smile already tugging on the edges of his lips without him even realizing. [Y/N] is beautiful in the sunlight—or any light at all, actually. George isn't entirely convinced someone like her—someone so breathtakingly beautiful and gentle and patient—would want someone like him. But when he tugs on her hand, turning her around to face him, and when he cups her jaw and guides her closer to press their mouths together, she lets him. She doesn't even think about it. Just melts into him like it's the only thing she knows how to do.
And then she pulls back slightly but stays close, runs a palm down the length of George’s arm and links their fingers together.
"It’s not much," he tells her, voice uncharacteristically quiet. A little unsure. "But it's home." Because, now that the excitement from yesterday has faded, George knows what his house could look like to someone who hasn't lived there all their life—knows that it looks messy, like pieces of it were thrown together haphazardly. It’s not a manor. Nothing like the kind of houses you see featured on Witch Weekly. He knows that [Y/N] isn't the type to care, but still—
"I love it," she pulls away, throwing her head back in an actual laugh—the kind that reminds George of everything good in the world. "I love this place, George. And your brothers and Ginny and your parents. Yesterday was.." she pauses, calming down a little, taking in a deep breath as she squeezes his hand in her own. "It was magical."
Quietly, with her eyes skittering away to look back at the Burrow behind them, she tells him, "I'm really happy, George."
George knows he'll remember this moment forever. The day is just beginning, and he is standing on the edge of a forest-line with a girl who looks at him like in spite of however many weird things he does, whatever dumb things he says, however embarrassing and difficult and painful some days might be, George is still worthy of being hers.
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thestarsanctuary · 4 years
this is my first time doing a Mexican Reader so bare with me here y’all
Pronouns: She/Her but for the most part You.
Mexican! Reader
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The Karasuno team was not used to having 3 managers. Let alone a foreign one. Since you arrived from Mexico, you had introduced yourself to Tsukishima and Yamaguchi who had thankfully taken a liking to you. After a few months of getting used to the culture you saw that they were both apart of the Volleyball club. At that point you knew you just had to come and and check it out!
The first time you came wasn’t really much of a greeting. Yamaguchi had lended you his notes since you had been absent and you wanted to return them before the next day so you went to the gym and saw....well....boys. Lots of them. In a millisecond- all of their eyes were on you.
“Um...hi? I have this for Yamaguchi- where is he exactly?” You asked. You had seen some of these people around like the orange haired boy, and the black haired one as they were constantly together.
“Oh yeah he’s probably in the club room, I’ll go get him for you!” The grey haired boy said as he gave a concerning grin and ran off, leaving you with the collection of eyes watching your every move.
“So! You guys like volleyball...I do too! That’s cool” You beamed, trying to create conversation. The orange haired boy bounced over.
“YOU DO?! DO YOU PLAY?!” He asked excitedly, which made you feel a little relieved.
“No I don’t, but I used to watch all the time, I love the game.” You responded with a smile as he nodded his head in understanding.
“I’m Hinata Shoyo! I’m a middle blocker!” He grinned as he waited for the natural response to his position, but it never came. You just smiled and gave him a calm response. “Cool!”
Hinata felt himself feeling a little more shy. Maybe it was because you weren’t in disbelief or because he suddenly realized that you were a lot closer than he thought, but he shook it off and backed up as Yamaguchi came out of the club room.
“Hey y/n! Guys this is y/n! She transferred here a few months ago.” He explained as you gave them all a wave like you just came. Despite being there for 5 minutes. “Yo!”
Once you left Tanaka and Nishinoya felt their souls return to their body as they ran to Tadashi.
“DID YOU SEE HER SMILE?! SHE’S SO BEAUTIFUL” They ranted, stars in their eyes as the green-haired boy chuckled just a little.
“She’s in me and Tsukishima’s class, pretty smart if you ask me.” He responded.
How you got in as a manager was a pretty simple task. Yachi was supposed to take over for Kiyoko but she found herself struggling with the technical parts of being a manager rather than interactions and moral. And that- is when you stepped in eager to help in any way possible. So you did.
The boys already liked you when you came into the gym the first time, I mean after getting Tsukishima to tolerate you it was simply a downhill battle and it’s not like anybody was against another manager as long as they got to play.
These guys were extremely protective of you. You were this foreign first year who oh so easily volunteered to take on the job of helping handeling these kids, how could they not love you?
And that protection lasted EVERYWHERE. Somebody flirts with you? Daichi already there. Somebody insults you or your food? Nishinoya already got their number and will be telling them it’s on sight.
The girls love you! The girls nights are weekly because where could you find people to complain about and laugh at the boys to in secret? You shared with them recipies for your Chicken with Mole, and they helped make you some one time. You made the rice while they tried a hand at making the Mole and while they...struggled...it came out good and it was the effort that they valued the most!
Now since you’re Mexican you ate what you were familiar with for the most part. It wasn’t that you didn’t like Japanese food, of course not! But while you lived in Japan you didn’t have your family with you and food was the only way you could stay connected. So in your way of melting together the two cultures you sometimes made things for the team, including the coaches!
The team won a game successfully? No injuries or mishaps? Horchatas for everybody at your house no hesitation. Hinata actually got double digits on his test? Give that boy some of Enchiladas of his choice asap! The team loved your cooking! And you enjoyed giving them a taste of your home, it was a special thing between you all!
Sometimes on your bad days you would struggle with being the person you usually were. You seemed quieter and more timid when giving advice in tips. You were quite frankly, hiding in a shell the whole time. So when that happened the first time, the team decided to do some team building! They took you to an arcade [despite you refusing multiple times] and you played games all day. Watching Tanaka try and convince you that he is an amazing dancer definitly brightened your day. And even if he made a fool out of himself he didn’t mind. His lovely manager was smiling, what more could he ask for?
Overall- they all like to have you around and don’t know what they would do without you. probably die.
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Now with this team? It’s spoiling galore.
The first time they met you was when you were a second year transferring from Mexico and that already made you stand out from everybody else but that and the fact that you were somehow friends with Iwaizumi? Ohhh that set it off.
First off- you were a second year. Second off- not even Oikawa knew about you. What is happening?!
It turns out, you had met Iwaizumi because you lived near his family and on numerous occasions had asked him where everything was around here are as you walked to school together. You went to a separate place in the school when he went to go meet the team so you never met him until the night when Tooru slept over Hajime’s house and saw you knock on his door the next morning ready to walk.
Tooru opened the door cautiously wondering why you were outside his best-friends house in the uniform for their school. Wait- were you confessing? Did you find out his adresss and go to confess? He had to let you down easy- simple.
“Hi! I’m looking for Iwaizumi?” You said. You knew who this was you weren’t oblivious, but you had never met before so you had to introduce yourself.
“Look, I don’t know what you’re here for but Iwaizumi is not looking for a relationship right now because he is way to busy trying to pull up his trash gra- AH!” He squealed as Iwaizumi choked him by the back of his shirt.
“Shut up. Is it time already?” He asked you with a completely different tone than the one he had used with Tooru. Were you perhaps-dating?! After you nodded, Iwaizumi invited you inside while he got changed. Tooru started at you with wide eyes before walking over to you.
“So....are you and lwa-Chan secretly dating?!” He said as he got closer, with a wide grin on his face. You had known he was a character but he was really something right now.
“No?! Not at all actually I- I’m new? To Japan, I’ve been here for a few months and he’s been helping me figure out where everything is in this neighborhood.” You quickly explained hoping he would back up at least a little bit. It was as if he heard you and backed up.
“Oh- so what’s your name then pretty lady?” He said grinning. You were a little flustered and brushed it off to tell him. “That’s a beautiful name. Where you from then? If you’re new?” He asked and you explained you were from Mexico.
“Wow! I know a few words in Spanish!” He said as he recited the most basic words you had ever heard and somehow still goofed up the pronunciation. But he seemed so proud you almost couldn’t tell him he was wrong. But you did.
You became the manager because you seemed to be one of the only people Oikawa would listen to, because Iwaizumi listened to you. It was a cycle.
Once the team met you it was like love- at first sight~ You- this girl who has somehow made it so that people magically do what they’re supposed to do? Pls come immediately and shower these boys in affection.
They’re aggressively affectionate. Iwaizumi gives you headpats all the time for n o reason. None. We can all tell he favors you because even when you joke with Matsukawa about him and basically makes fun of you he’ll take it because your so nice.
You want a drink? Iwai will give you 10. Feeling a bit lonely? Matsukawa will give up his playful nature and give you a hug for as long as you’d like. Oikawa’s fangirls getting under your skin? Kunimi’s clearing that place out asap goodbye.
One time when the team was bumed out because they lost a match against Shiratorizawa, you made them all Horchatas and they were immediately like “...what is this ma’am” and you had to laugh, and they were all sitting so confused but smiling because your laugh was quite cute to them [loud or not] and you had to explain that it contained rice actually, as well as some nut milk and cinnamon [however you like them, they’d probably inhale it no matter what] and they enjoyed those things so much you brought them for every single last game until their last one.
One time, Kyotani actually asked if you could make him one for his birthday! He was so timid about it because he didn’t want to admit how much he liked it- but he was desperate. There was nothing worse than talking to people but you always seemed so nice to him, no matter how he reacted. So he asked. And you actually made him some as well as some Tacos de Papa that you had made the night before from Lunch. He graciously excepted and even listened as you explained how much you enjoyed making them because of the process and how you were happy he liked them. He even laughed and you two talked for a while that day.
Another time, you had been feeling homesick and you couldn’t take time off from the boys so you went to the practice anyways and everybody could visually tell you were out of it. You weren’t scolding them for misbehaving, and even let Kunimi leave early [he was going to leave either way] and in the end everybody was just worried. Who hurt you? Why were you so quiet? And WHERE were the drinks you had promised? A lot of questions were left unanswered because they immediately wanted to make you happier.
They decided they were just gonna talk to you. And they did. All of them- even Kyotani- sat and listened as you explained how you were feeling and it settled in for them that this is not your original home, and your family isn’t even here for you. It’s only natural you would get sad sometimes. So they forcefully sent Tooru off to get you a drink and all proceeded to abuse you with affection. It was hugs all over, people laying on your back, your legs, your side, everywhere. But you felt a bit better.
A new family is still a family. And these guys, were just that.
ok so im black im not Mexican so I was trying to look up foods and stuffs so tell me if I was like too much or gave off too little pls 😭 it feels so cringe to me idk, anyways thank you to @mrs-oikawa it won’t let me @ you but she submitted a request for this so I hope you enjoy! Send me any misspellings y’all!!! Thank you also for almost/basically 50 followers whattttt? <3333
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shemarmooresfedora · 3 years
Rebuilding Family
Summary: Y/N and Spencer were college sweethearts at Cal-Tech but once Spencer got accepted to the FBI Academy, he ended things deciding it was not fair to make Y/N wait for him. When they meet again years later, he discovers something unexpected.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
A/N: LOVES, I HAD NO IDEA ANON ASKS WEREN’T AUTOMATICALLY TURNED ON IM SO SORRY. they’re on now so please feel free to send or ask me anything, on or off anon!!! thank you @mercy-burning for telling me how to do it!
Chapter 29
“You’re going to have to roll me out of bed, Spence,” you groaned.
“Don’t you want to find out the sex of the baby?” Spencer asked.
“Gender is just a social construct anyways,” you put your pillow over your head to shield yourself from the morning light.
“Yes it is but we still need to go to at least check if little one is healthy,” Spencer countered.
“Fine,” you mumbled, “But you’re doing all the work, Dr. Reid.”
Spencer grabbed one of your hands and then wrapped his other arm around your waist to help you out of bed.
“What do you want to wear today?” he asked, opening your closet door.
“Ooh, that new sundress you bought me!” you exclaimed.
Spencer smiled as he pulled out a light blue sundress with daisies all over it. He helped you take off your PJs and put on clean underwear because bending over was such a chore for you now. Then, he slipped the dress over your head.
You let out an excited squeal when looking in the mirror, “I love it and I love you.”
Spencer knelt down to lace your converse up and then pressed a kiss to the big belly bump directly in front of him.
“I thought you would look adorable in it and I’m never wrong,” he gave you a quick kiss before walking over to his closet to get dressed for the day.
“I can wake Jo up,” you told him as you exited the room.
Jo was already on the floor, dressed and playing with her toys, when you walked into her room.
“Oh my gosh, someone is up early today,” you smiled.
“I get to see brother or sister today,” Jo beamed.
“Yes, you do, Baby J. You will also get an answer to that question because ‘brother or sister’ is kind of a mouthful,” you replied, “Let’s go have some breakfast. Daddy will be down in a minute.”
You were in the big chair with your dress up as the nurse squirted the cool gel on your exposed belly. Luckily, you remembered last minute to have Spencer put some shorts on underneath your dress.
Jo was sitting in Spencer’s lap right next to you, fascinated by all the medical equipment surrounding her.
“Okay, I’m going to take a quick look first,” the nurse stated.
As she moved the wand across your belly, her brow furrowed as she looked at the screen and her eyes widened slightly.
“I’m going to get Dr. Collins,” she grabbed her clipboard and rushed out of the room.
“What’s wrong?” you worriedly called after her.
You turned to Spencer, “Spence, what’s wrong?”
He looked just as panicked as you, “I don’t know, the monitor was facing away from me.”
Dr. Collins came into the room before your concerns could continue to exponentially expand, “Hello Reid Family!”
She picked up the wand and quickly scanned it across your belly, observing the screen.
“Yep, she was right. You guys are having twins,” Dr. Collins turned the monitor so you all could see.
“Oh my god, Spence!” your worried expression instantly morphed into one of pure joy as you turned to face him.
His smile was just as wide as yours, if not, wider. You could barely see his eyes because they were crinkled from smiling as much as humanly possible.
“Are you ready for two more?” you whispered after giving him a kiss.
“I’ll take as many as you’ll give me. Maybe they’ll find a third in there,” he joked back.
“I do apologize. Twins usually can be detected earlier but there are cases where one twin sort of hides out in your uterus and can’t be seen on the first ultrasound,” Dr. Collins stated.
“It’s no problem but you may want to tell your nurse to control her microexpressions a bit more. We almost had a heart attack in here,” Spencer chuckled.
“I’m sorry about that. I am able to tell you the sex of each baby if you would like,” Dr. Collins said.
You looked at Spencer and he nodded in confirmation, grabbing your hand.
“The one that was originally spotted on the first ultrasound is...a girl! And the shy one that decided they didn’t want to be seen just yet is...a boy!” Dr. Collins smiled, “Congratulations! You guys are free to go. You can schedule your next appointment at the front desk.”
“Thank you!” you beamed as she left the room, turning your attention to Jo and Spencer.
“Brother AND sister!” Jo exclaimed.
“I thought it was weird my belly seemed to be much bigger than it was with Jo,” you smiled.
“I can have one of those baby carriers with one on the front and one on the back!” Spencer excitedly rambled, “We’re going to need a bigger house with a yard! Oh and a swing set! Maybe I can build a treehouse!”
“I love the enthusiasm, babe,” you laughed, giving him a kiss.
“Jo, are you ready to be a big sister to two?” you asked.
Jo nodded enthusiastically, “We are all going to play together.”
“The babies may need a little time to get used to the world when they are born before they can play with you, Princess, but I promise Mommy and Daddy will still play with you all you want,” Spencer kissed the top of the little girl’s head.
You had all taken a family nap when you got home from the doctor’s office. You awoke about an hour later with Spencer’s arms still wrapped around. Jo was using your bump as her pillow. Spencer was speaking softly into his phone, he hadn’t noticed you were up yet.
“Yes, Mom. Twins!” he excitedly whispered.
“Twins, indeed,” you giggled.
Spencer looked down at you adoringly, “Sorry, did I wake you?”
“It’s fine, love. I shouldn’t sleep all day. I should probably wake Jo up too,” you assured him and began to nudge Jo softly.
“She wants to talk to you,” Spencer handed the phone to you.
“Hi, Diana,” you smiled.
“Oh my gosh, Y/N! You are giving me two more grandbabies?! I wish I could just give you a million hugs right now. Is Spencer treating you well?”
“Yes, very,” you cuddled further into Spencer’s chest as he stroked your hair, “The twins won the lottery by getting the best dad in the world.”
“And mom!” Spencer added,“...besides you of course, Mom.”
“I think your one grandchild that isn’t in my belly wants to talk to you,” you laughed at Jo’s grabby hands towards the phone.
“Hi Grammy!” she beamed.
You knocked on the LaMontagne’s front door.
“Hi!” JJ greeted, dressed as Cinderella.
“Ooh, very enchanting,” you giggled, “I went for a more comfortable look.”
You gestured to your kangaroo onesie.
“Aw cause the baby is in the pouch, very clever!” Penelope grinned.
You glanced at Spencer with a knowing smirk at the singular ‘baby’ because you hadn’t announced the news to them yet.
“Yeah about that,” Spencer set Jo down to go play with Henry.
Spencer was dressed in a green dinosaur onesie with scales running down his back and Jo was dressed as an archaeologist with a tan vest and bucket hat.
“Do you want to tell them?” he asked.
“No, you can tell them.”
“I told them you were pregnant so you should get to say this,” Spencer insisted.
“How about I tell them the first thing and you tell them the second?” you countered.
“We are having twins!” you exclaimed.
“A healthy girl and boy!” Spencer added, wrapping his arms around you from behind.
The room erupted into a cheer and a mad dash for your belly.
“Can I touch, please?” Penelope politely asked.
“Of course. You are all welcome to feel the twins.”
Everyone took a turn, rubbing your belly and saying hi to the babies.
“Jeez, I can’t even imagine two newborns at once. Props to you guys,” Will raised his drink up in the air before taking a sip.
“Oh, I think this one is more than ready for the challenge,” you leaned your head on Spencer’s shoulder, “He’s already started buying everything we need in double.”
A/N: i was on the fence between a girl or a boy or twins but then an ao3 commenter suggested twins and that helped my decision! please feel free to leave comments because i absolutely ADORE reading them!
taglist: (just ask to be added or removed!): @samuel-de-champagne-problems @g0lden-cth @spencerreid9 @averyhotchner @coldlilheart @k-k0129 @ickleronniekinsemotionalrange @harrystylesandthegoobs
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ushidoux · 3 years
Be My Last - Iwaizumi x  Reader (Pt. 5)
Summary: You have trouble getting over a past relationship and it’s preventing you from moving forward. (~1.6 words)
Warnings: angst, mention of kid and implied marriage.
A/N: We’re at the end here! I hope you’re okay with the way this ended, and if not... *shrug* LOLLLL, we can talk about it. Thanks for reading up to now!! <333 See you in my next fic!!
Part 1|| Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4 || Part 5
Iwaizumi returned late that evening to realize that you were nowhere to be found.
It shouldn’t have been this alarming for him to not see you hanging upside down off the edge of the couch watching tv, futzing around in the kitchen, maybe staring out off the small balcony or snuggled up under the covers.
But you were absent, and on top of everything, the sight of a dark home proved to be too much for him to handle. Moreover, the home hadn’t always really been his, had it? It was yours and Ushijima’s far before he’d even come into the picture.
He had just been filling a space, just as he’d promised you.
He checked his phone only to be further defeated by the lack of a text message to let him know you were going out. You always let him know.
Iwaizumi turned on his heels and went back to his car. The roads were clearer now and he needed to drive. He needed to go, somewhere. It didn’t matter where to.
Years pass.
“Hot cocoa, please!”
Your daughter collapsed in your arms as she made this request, having run in your direction from the opposite side of the sitting room. She grinned widely, her brownish-green eyes seeming to sparkle despite the low light of the room. She is truly the happiest child, you thought for a moment, smiling as you mussed her hair affectionately.
“Okay, baby, we can get some,” you agreed, pulling her close for a kiss on the forehead, because how could you say no to that pure joy on her face?
“Did you have fun with your new friends?” You asked, rising.
You’d been watching her for a while now, seated in an overstuffed armchair by a roaring fire, thankful to be insulated from the frigid winter weather (turned out the cold of Eastern Europe was an entirely different type of cold than you were used to). It was a pleasure to see her discharge energy, bouncing around the other little kids at the ski lodge resort you’d been residing at since this past weekend.
She nodded. “That’s why I’m gonna drink it really fast so we can play some more!”
You chuckled, and held her little hand tightly. At least someone was having fun.
You on the other hand had decided you hated skiing with a passion six hours into the vacation after spilling spectacularly more than enough times on one of the beginner slopes. Not wanting to ruin your husband’s fun, you’d convinced him to let you stay behind with your four-year-old so that she could socialize, you could have a break, and he could try one of the more exciting slopes. 
Everyone won.
Well, sorta. He’d pouted as he set out on his own, and now you felt a little bad. Maybe you’d try again the next morning for him after you left your little one at a kids’ event.
“Is Daddy coming back soon?” 
Your little princess’ legs swung excitedly as she sipped her hot cocoa with far too many marshmallows, just after you’d blown at it a little to make sure she didn’t burn herself.
“Daddy will join us soon,” you assured her, your own hands warm with a cup of tea.
“I’m sorry.”
Before you is a glass of water with too much lemon. You’re seated at a diner, the very diner where you’d first confessed your feelings for him, and he’s speaking to you but you barely hear him - all you hear is the rushing of blood in your temples. 
Why now? What do you do with sorry after all this time?
Wakatoshi sees your expression and cracks a weary smile. 
“I shouldn’t say that, should I? It’s too little, too late.”
He’s right but you don’t answer.
It’s weird to see him after all these years, seated just across from you as though you were on a date as usual. You can imagine a heaping stack of pancakes between you, covered in too much fruit and too much syrup and him chastising you before you force a berry into his mouth. You can imagine laughter. You can imagine gentle touches, kisses, hugs. You can imagine the words ‘I love you.’
Is that what he’s sorry for?
“To-... Wakatoshi, why did you message me?” You don’t mean to sound curt, but if you speak longer you feel as though your voice will give out.
He winces almost imperceptibly at the use of his full name. But he’s always been steadier than you, emotion-wise. At least you think so.
“I wish it had been different.”
“So do I,” you say, quickly before thinking. But you don’t really, do you? 
There’s a man who loves you, possibly more than he loves himself, than he loves anything in the world. And if it weren’t for this, for Ushijima ‘releasing’ you, no matter how harshly, you wouldn’t have had the experience to be loved by him.
“I was wrong.”
He was. He was absolutely wrong. But what’s wrong and what’s right no longer matters. What matters is what is.
He pauses and sighs. You can see his hands now grip the end of the table as though to keep steady. 
“Thank you for coming.”
There is another pause, one that is suddenly too great for you to handle, where you want to sigh but instead you draw in a double breath.
You’re embarrassed because you do not intend to cry. Not after all this. Not in front of him. 
“You didn’t love me enough to compromise,” you end up sputtering out.
Your tears aren’t falling yet but your eyes swim and you blink them back furiously. “Why all this? Why now?”
He blinks once and you can see his fingers tighten around the edge of the booth, knuckles white.
“I was stupid then. I’m different now.”
The fact that his eyes are so sincere makes your heart wrench. You know that he doesn’t lie, he’s never felt a need to.
It’s a response that infuriates you but your anger is cool rather than hot and it’s diffuse, deafening and directionless. There’s no one to be mad at except the very fabric of time.
What do I do with this? What can I do?
Your heart settles, and you measure your next words carefully. 
Your daughter’s eyes widened immediately as she saw him approach behind you, and in mere seconds, she jumped out of her chair to embrace her father, nearly knocking over her hot cocoa in the process. You managed to salvage it to your credit, and you turned in your chair to flash a teasing grin.
“How were the slopes?”
“There was once a time where I would have followed you anywhere if you asked me to. Maybe it was unhealthy, maybe it was naïve, but I truly loved you to that extent. I would have left everything behind if you asked.”
The solemn look he sports on his face, so stoic as a defense mechanism that it seems almost caricature-like, only confirms that he knew. He knew that every word you said was true, and yet... 
“I thought it was the best decision at the time. I didn’t want to hurt you anymore.”
Maybe he was right. That sort of reckless love, especially when not reciprocated in earnest could only result in pain. 
His intentions were good. They were good. That’s what matters.
He had a reason.
Hajime frowned at you, which in turn made his little princess, now perched on his hip frown as well. 
“Your mother’s not being very nice, now is she?” He murmured, as he approached, now settling her back in the chair across from you. “She didn’t even want to ski with me!”
His arms crossed over his chest as he stood beside you now, a pretend-grumpy look on his face.
Your four year-old gasped. “What?! Mommy’s mean? Are you a bully?”
“Hey!” You nudged Iwa in the ribs. “Don’t make me out to be the bad guy! I’m coming with you tomorrow!”
To this, your husband’s eyes lit up, and he wrapped his arms around your shoulders, resting his chin on your head.
“You’d do that for me, my clumsy little penguin?” He whispered, just low enough that your little girl, who had now contented herself back to drinking her hot cocoa couldn’t hear.
Your eyebrows furrowed.
“If you keep making fun of me, you’ll be on your own again, and possibly so for the rest of this vacation,” you grumbled back, but he laughed in earnest to your threat, pressing a quick kiss on your cheek before dragging the nearest chair towards your table to complete your circle.
“So what do my favorite girls want for dinner?”
When Ushijima’s hands finally relax, and he places them clasped together on the table, you find yourself reaching for them. It’s no longer a natural, intrinsic movement of the arm and hand, the way it was years ago when you always yearned for physical contact. It’s now measured and intentional.
You squeeze his hands and they feel different. They’re larger, colder, rougher than Iwa’s are. It’s not a bad thing; just not the same. You can imagine that intertwining your fingers with his would feel imperfect, maybe even wrong.
You’ve changed. And he’s changed.
You pause, and your hands linger. 
It’s hard to look in his eyes when you say this, but you do anyway. Their eyes are almost the same color, but Iwa’s are greener. An old idiom comes to mind and you banish it from your mind.
“You will always be my first love, but Hajime will be my last one.”
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blueskrugs · 4 years
In Between Being Young and Being Right | Mat Barzal
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this is for  @yes-he-mccann and the @hockeynetwork fic exchange! I hope you like it!  
this was written on a stack of looseleaf over the course of about four hours and I used up like half of a brand new pen on it.
length: 4.1k words
the torture of small talk with someone you used to love
You met Mat Barzal the summer after his rookie year, fresh off the high of winning the Calder, all good looks and a quiet confidence. 
You fell in love under the fireworks over Lake Okanagan. 
It was a whirlwind summer romance, and you both knew it. It was one of those relationships that usually came with an expiration date, when the sun set earlier and the nights were colder. You and Mat didn’t care, though, because you fell so hard and fast for each other that you couldn’t imagine a life without the other one in it. Besides, you heard the whispers of all your friends and family, the way they said that you and Mat were made for each other.
It certainly seemed that way to you too, because you saw the love in Mat’s eyes when he looked at you, the way his face lit up when you laughed with him, and you knew that love was reflected in your own eyes, even when Mat pushed you off the dock and into the lake. 
The summer passed in a humid haze. You talked about the future as you laid in the grass under the stars, hands tangled together between you. About Mat’s career. About you graduating college in a couple of years. Moving to New York. Following Mat and his dream. 
You sat around bonfires with your friends, sitting on Mat’s lap and wearing one of his hoodies, watching the sparks fly into the dark sky and feeling Mat wrap his arms around your waist.
The end of summer was creeping ever nearer, but you and Mat were as inseparable as ever. Until you weren’t, until Mat went back to Long Island for training camp. 
You felt the 3000 miles between you as you talked on the phone each night. You could feel Mat pulling away as the distance stretched between you. You also knew there was nothing you could do about it. 
“I think we should break up,” he said one night just after the season started. The Islanders had won, and Mat had scored a goal, but he sounded tired, exhausted in a way that was more than just the hockey game. You choked back a sob, but Mat continued on. “I just don’t think this long-distance thing is working.”
It wasn’t working because Mat didn’t want it to. There was more to it than that, you knew, but you didn’t push as Mat hung up the phone. You stared at your phone long after the screen went dark. You were wearing an old Thunderbirds sweatshirt of Mat’s, and it still smelled like him, but instead of being comforting, it was suddenly cloying. You pulled the hood over your head to sleep, letting the familiar scent wash over you as the tears fell onto your pillowcase. 
Life went on. You learned to paste on a smile and laugh when someone told you that they’d thought you and Mat had been perfect together, that you would have been together forever. You’d thought that, too. Last summer seemed like a lifetime ago.
Summer rolled around again. You hadn’t spoken to Mat since that last phone call; you wondered vaguely what you would say to him if you saw him again. You went back to the Lake with your family and hoped you never had to find out. 
You bumped into Tyson Jost, literally, one day in July in the middle of the lake. He was in a kayak, and he was definitely intentionally trying to knock you off your paddleboard. You splashed him with your paddle as he laughed. 
It was nice for a moment, familiar as Tyson pouted at you and tried to fix his curls, like it was last summer again. Except nothing was the same, and Tyson must have realized it at the same time as you, because his smile fell. 
“Hey,” he offered quietly.
“Hey, Tys,” you said back, sitting down on your paddleboard, letting one leg hang over the side and into the water. 
It  was quiet for a moment, neither of you knowing what to say next, just the sound of cicadas filling the air. 
“Haven’t heard from you in a while,” Tyson said.
You shrugged, tilting your face up towards the sun so you didn’t have to meet Tyson’s eyes. Tyson had always been nice to you, and you two got along, but he’d always been Mat’s friend, not yours.
Tyson nudged your leg with his paddle. “Miss playing Spikeball with you on my team,” he added. “We never lost when we were together.”
You laughed, looking back at Tyson, “That might have been because we’re ‘too competitive.’”
Tyson was grinning at you. “Nah,” he said. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
You laughed harder; you weren’t sure when the last time you had laughed this hard was. “Wanna join me out here for a while?” you asked when you caught your breath. 
“I’ll race ya,” Tyson said, already turning his kayak around for a head start. 
You beat him anyway. 
You didn’t see Mat at all that summer; you couldn’t decide if you were relieved or disappointed. His sister texted you once, but you didn’t respond. Mat still followed you on Instagram, too, would like your posts within a couple of hours, but he never interacted further than that. Your thumb hovered over the “remove follower” button on more than one late night, but it never actually got pressed. You still wore one of his hoodies to sleep sometimes. It no longer smelled like him, and it left you lonelier than ever come morning. 
When your work offered to send you to an important conference in New York City as a representative for the Vancouver area, you didn’t hesitate to say yes. You didn’t think about the fact that it was the middle of November, that hockey season in full swing, until a week later. You were in the middle of packing when your phone lit up with a notification that told you Mat had just scored a goal.
You looked at the Islanders hoodie that you had absently folded and placed at the top of your suitcase. 
New York was a big city, right? What were the odds that you would see Mat?
The odds were really fucking high, it turned out. 
You’d barely been in New York two days when you crossed paths with Mat. You were standing in line in a coffee shop, because your relationship was still a walking cliche, even after not seeing Mat for over a year. You heard his laugh before you saw his face.
You could never forget that laugh. You still heard it in your sleep, in the dark when you couldn’t chase the memories away. Except in your dreams it was never followed by a giggle that wasn’t yours. Like it was now. 
You resisted the urge to turn around, instead kept your eyes glued to your phone screen, but you weren’t really reading any of the words on it. 
A barista called out Mat’s name, and then he was brushing past you, murmuring an apology as he went past. He didn’t look at you, not really, more focused on getting his coffee. Not until he turned around, coffee now in hand, and you thought he was going to drop the cup for a moment as he did a literal double take. Frozen in the middle of a coffee shop in Manhattan. You would’ve laughed, but instead you felt like you couldn’t breathe. 
“Y/N,” Mat breathed. You almost didn’t hear him over the din of the conversations around you. 
His hair had grown out some, you couldn’t help but notice.
Someone else bumped into you, but you didn’t pay them any mind. Mat was still staring at you, but at least he’d closed his mouth. The barista called your name, and you moved to grab your cup from the counter. Mat grabbed your arm as you turned to leave but jerked back quickly, letting go like he’d been burned. 
You didn’t have enough caffeine in your system for this, and you didn’t have time for it, either. You were going to be late at this rate, but you paused anyway, looked into Mat’s eyes. You were both saved from speaking by a girl coming over and draping herself over Mat.
“Mat, baby, what’s taking you so long?” Mat shrugged the girl off of him, looking annoyed. She turned her attention to you then. “I’m Clara, Mat’s girlfriend,” she told you, her smile turning a little mean, as if she knew exactly who you were. She didn’t offer a hand, and instead, wound her arms around Mat’s bicep. 
She was tall, model-thin and model-pretty. Blonde in a way that was too perfect to be real. You were suddenly acutely aware of your own chipped nail polish. 
Mat didn’t say anything, but he refused to look at you.
You gripped your coffee cup tighter, turned, and fled, the bell over the door tinkling cheerily. It mocked you as you felt your heart break all over again. 
Mat had moved on; you hadn’t. And that was fine. Or, at least, that’s what you told yourself as you sipped your coffee and walked through the crowded streets of New York. Your phone vibrated with a text in your hand, but you turned it off without looking at it and threw it in your purse.
When you turned your phone back on later that night, back in the safety of your hotel room, the text at the top of your screen was from Mat. 
“I’m sorry,” it read.
Then, several hours later, another: “she’s not you.”
You scoffed. You felt a little bit like throwing your phone at the wall. 
Another text from Mat came through. You wondered if he’d been checking his phone all day, waiting for the little “read” to appear under all of his messages to you. “It’s just easier with her.”
You blocked Mat’s phone number through your tears.
That night as you fell asleep, you couldn’t help but wonder if Clara was the reason Mat had broken up with you. You wondered if she laughed at all of his stupid jokes like you always had. You wondered if she was friends with Tito, or if she had come to B.C. last summer and taken your place by Mat’s side. You wondered what would have happened if you had followed Mat to New York last year.
You would’ve followed Mat anywhere in the world once. Now, you were in the same city again, but you felt like you were worlds away from each other. You hoped whoever was on the other side of your wall couldn’t hear you crying. 
The Islanders came to Vancouver in February. You didn’t bother watching the game.
Soon, it was July again. You were going to a Canada Day party at a friend of a friend’s, and you were excited for it, for the chance to have fun on the lake for the day, just drinking and tanning. 
You didn’t know what impelled you to put on your cutest swimsuit, but you did it anyway. 
You’d barely walked into the backyard when someone barreled into you from behind, wrapping their arms around your waist and spinning you around. It took you a second, but you recognized the cheering voice as none other than Tyson Jost.
“Tyson, let go of me, holy shit,” you gasped. 
He did, but only long enough to turn you to face him and place his hands on your shoulders. He was out of breath and wasn’t wearing a shirt, but he was smiling at you.
“I didn’t know you were coming,” he said excitedly. 
You had forgotten that your mutual friends at the lake overlapped. And if Tyson were there, Mat probably was, too. In spite of yourself, you peered over Tyson’s shoulder. You didn’t know if you were looking for Mat so you could avoid him or because you wanted to talk to him. 
“I need a drink,” you muttered when you finally spotted him, down near the lakefront. 
Tyson raised an eyebrow at you, but pointed you in the direction of the alcohol anyway, before you were being dragged across the lawn to meet his sister. 
Kacey was in a conversation with Mat, because of course she was, and you stood by and awkwardly sipped your drink as Tyson jumped straight into the conversation. They seemed to be arguing over whether or not a hot dog could be considered a sandwich. 
Kacey was sweet, and she seemed fun, especially when you teamed up to roast Tyson, but soon she was being called by someone else, and Tyson followed, leaving you with Mat. You glared at his back as he went. 
“Hey, Y/N,” Mat said quietly, dragging his bare toes through the grass. 
“Hey,” you said, taking another sip of your drink. “You had a great season,” you offered. It was true; Mat had put up great numbers, and the team had made it into the second round of the playoffs again. 
Mat looked up at you, startled, like he hadn’t expected you to still keep up with him and his team. He flushed a little and ran his hand through his hair. It was shorter again, you noticed. “Thanks,” he mumbled.
It was awkward, and you hated it. You could hear all the voices of your friends and family in your head, telling you that you and Mat were meant for each other, would be together forever, but right now it was like talking to a stranger. 
“How’re your parents?” Mat asked.
You forced a smile. “They just got a puppy.” You had pictures of him on your phone, but you had left it inside the house. “Where’s Clara?” you asked, willing your voice to stay even.
Mat flushed again and wouldn’t meet your eyes. “We, uh, broke up,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck. “Before Christmas,” he added.
Not long after you’d been in New York, you thought, but you knew better than to hope that you’d had anything to do with it. 
“Y/N! Barzy!” Josty yelled then, effectively ending your conversation. “Come play Spikeball!” You both groaned good-naturedly. 
Your hand brushed Mat’s as you walked towards Josty, but he flinched and took a step away from you.
You glared at Tyson again as you moved to stand next to him. “I hate you,” you hissed. 
Tyson feigned innocence and tossed the ball to you. 
You and Tyson beat Kacey and Mat, because it had been a while, but you weren’t undefeated as a team for nothing. You let Tyson pull you into a hug and tried to ignore how you felt Mat’s eyes on your back. 
Mat and Kacey moved on from the game, but Tyson was already busy trying to pull in your next opponent. You ended up staying on Spikeball for a while, long enough that you were sweaty and in desperate need of water as the sun beat down from overhead.
You left Tyson and wandered off in search of the cooler filled with water bottles. Mat was already there, and you nearly turned around. He was about to twist the top off of a water bottle as you approached, but he paused. 
“Here,” he said, holding it out to you. “I think I took the last cold one, and I think you need it more than me.” 
You resisted the urge to stick your tongue out at him, and instead just muttered a grateful, “Thanks,” as you opened the bottle and gulped some down.
“You and Tys were tearing it up out there,” Mat commented. You narrowed your eyes at him as you screwed the cap back on your water bottle. There was a note to his voice that sounded a lot like jealousy. 
“Yeah, Tyson’s great,” you said casually. “I’ve missed hanging out with him.” 
Mat’s jaw tightened. “I think I’m gonna go get a beer,” he said, brushing past you before you could respond. You blinked bemusedly after him. 
You didn’t see Mat again for a while. It seemed like you were both trying to avoid each other now and succeeding. 
You were laying out in the sun on one of those giant lake rafts, catching up with a friend from high school when a boy took a running leap off the dock and hit the water with a spectacular splash. Mat surfaced near you a moment later, flipping his wet hair out of his eyes. His chain was backwards, and your fingers itched to reach out and fix it. 
“6.5,” you deadpanned instead. “Good form, too much splash.”
Mat latched onto the raft you were on and rested his chin on his folded forearms. He grinned at you, and it hurt a little bit to have that blinding smile directed at you again. 
“You wound me,” Mat laughed. 
“You got me wet!”
“You’re in a lake, babe, you’re gonna get wet,” Mat said. To prove his point, he grabbed your ankle and dragged you off the raft and into the water. 
“Mathew!” you shrieked, only just managing to close your mouth before you went underwater. 
Mat was laughing when you came back up for air. You pouted at him, but you couldn’t help but grin as well when you heard the rest of your friends laughing too.
“Just like old times, eh?” Mat said, quietly so only you could hear. He was still smiling, but his eyes were sad. One of his hands had come up to rest on your waist as you both treaded water. 
You placed your hands on his shoulders and dunked him.
It was after dinner when you crossed paths again, though it wasn’t by coincidence this time. The sun was setting over the lake, and you were settling on a blanket to watch the fireworks with your friend. Mat came over, stood awkwardly in front of you for a moment before he spoke, his words rushed.
“Y/N, can we, uh, can we talk?”
You shared a look with your friend. Mat was picking at the label on his beer nervously. 
“Sure,” you sighed.
Mat held out a hand to help you up, but you ignored it and clambered to your feet on your own. He still waited as you brushed yourself off before he started walking, and you fell into step beside him. Mat led you away from the party, back up to the mostly deserted deck overlooking everyone.
Mat looked out over the railing, still fidgeting with the label on his beer bottle. You rested your elbows on the rail and matched Mat’s pose.
“You blocked me, didn’t you?” Mat blurted. You bit your lip but didn’t respond. “Because I tried calling you after I saw you in New York, and I texted you when we were in Vancouver, but I could never get through.” Mat’s voice sounded accusatory now, and you felt a rush of anger surge through you. 
“What else was I supposed to do, Mat?” you asked. “You moved on, and then you have the fucking nerve to text me and tell me you dumped me because some other girl was ‘easier?’” Your voice rose, but no one turned to look at you. You took a deep breath. Your hands were shaking, and you gripped the railing tightly to steady them.
“What were you even doing in New York, anyway?” Mat spits back, definitely angry now, too. “What were you planning on doing?”
Oh. Mat thought you’d come to New York to beg him to take you back. You laughed, but it came out bitter. “I was there for work, Mathew. The world doesn’t revolve around you, asshole.” Except yours did once, and still did a little, but you weren’t about to admit that.
You pushed off the railing and spun around, wanting to be as far away from Mat and this conversation as possible. But Mat grabbed your arm tightly, kept you in place. His fingers wrapped around your bicep entirely. His hand was warm against your bare skin, and you shivered in spite of yourself. 
“Wait,” Mat said. His voice had softened. “This is so not how this was supposed to go.” He still hadn’t let go of your arm, and you made yourself meet his eyes. In the twilight, they were dark grey, closer to green, that wonderful shade you used to wake up to in the mornings when he had snuck into your bed. The wind blew, and you shivered again. “Here,” Mat said, shrugging off his jacket and draping it over your shoulders. 
It smelled like him, and you closed your eyes and let yourself breathe it in. 
“How was this supposed to go then, Mat?” you whispered.
Mat sighed. “I got scared,” he said. His eyes were on the stars as they appeared overhead. “Which is a terrible fucking excuse, I know. But we were 20 years old, and I’d never been in love before, and then suddenly everyone is saying we’re soulmates or whatever. And we’re talking about the future, and I just got scared. Scared I’d fuck up and lose you, which I did anyway. Scared of never knowing anything else, but it turned out I didn’t want anything else. 
“I went back to New York without you, and I missed you. I broke up with you, and I missed you even more. But I didn’t know what to do to get you back. I can’t tell you the number of times Beau called me an idiot.” Mat broke off, shaking his head. “And then I met Clara, and, yeah, it was easier. But only because no one, not even us, saw a future there. I didn’t have to listen to everyone saying that we’d be together forever, but that’s all I wanted to hear.”
You had been quiet while Mat rambled, playing with a loose thread on the cuff of his jacket. He broke off then, took a swig of his beer, then made a face because it had gotten warm. You couldn’t help but laugh, and Mat looked surprised, but pleased.
“I missed talking to you on the phone every night,” you started. “Even when you called, you weren’t there, not really. I could tell something was off, but we were on opposite sides of the continent. I wanted to believe that you were just busy or something, but there was nothing I could do about it.” Mat’s face twisted, into something sad and pained, and he made a move like he wanted to take your hand. He didn’t, though, just rested it next to your arm on the railing. “I still sleep in one of your hoodies sometimes,” you admitted. 
It was Mat’s turn to laugh. He wrapped an arm around your shoulders and pulled you in, and you didn’t resist.
“God, I was so stupid,” Mat groaned. You hummed in response, and Mat pinched your arm. “Do you think we could ever try this again?” he asked.
You looked up at Mat. Everything about his face was familiar– his jawline, his nose, his eyes– but older now. A lot had happened since the last time you felt like you really knew Mat, for both of you. Neither of you were the same person you’d been before.
“I hated all that fucking small talk earlier, by the way,” he added. “I can’t believe I did that to myself. Asking the only girl I’ve ever loved about her parents as if we barely know each other.”
You leaned into Mat more. “What about you being jealous of Josty,” you teased. “Can we talk about that?” Mat’s arm tightened around your shoulders, but when you looked up at him he was smiling. “I have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about,” Mat said. You giggled, and Mat’s face relaxed.
“Did you mean it?” you whispered.
“What? That you’re the only girl I’ve ever loved?” Mat pressed a kiss to your forehead. “I have loved you since I was 20 years old, Y/N, and I think I’ll still love you in another 20, and another 20 after that.” He brushed a kiss against both of your cheekbones. 
His face was very close to yours, and even in the dark you could see that his eyes were suddenly full of hope. He brushed his nose against yours. You surged forward to press your lips against his. Mat smiled into the kiss as you turned and wrapped your arms around his neck. He tasted like beer and sunscreen, like summer and coming home. 
The first firework went off above you; Mat’s hands tightened on your hips. Below you, people cheered. Mat pulled back and rested his forehead against yours. 
“I love you,” you murmured, and then Mat was kissing you again, his hands warm against your lower back where they had slid under your shirt.
And just like that, you felt yourself falling in love under the fireworks over Lake Okanagan all over again. 
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