#for the record number two was gojo and three was geto
stellamancer · 9 months
rika pokemon topping the yume ranking TWO YEARS IN A ROW is honestly the best and most hilarious thing i've heard all day.
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smoments · 9 months
✧ part 13: memories of a stranger // a satosugu reincarnation au
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❝ let's meet again, for the first time. ❞
╰┈➤ in which 19-year old gojo satoru happens upon a stranger at a cafe who speaks his name with a kind of softness and familiarity that satoru’s sure he’s heard before.
➽ chapter 13: for the life of us
Satoru makes it to Suguru’s apartment in record time - and he’s sure he looks absolutely unhinged racing down the street like he’s at risk of being murdered, but it’s all more than worth it once he’s standing in front of the elevator door to his complex after entering alongside an older man who initially looked like he was about to dive into a rant about how little elegance youth possessed nowadays, but softened the second Satoru held the door open for him with a fetching smile plastered on his face and offered him a brief, approving nod.
Satoru is just glad he didn’t have to use any alternative means to infiltrate the building. Unfortunately, as soon as he takes the elevator up - he remembers Suguru telling him once told him how it was always perfectly toasty at home even during winter, because he lived on the ninth floor - he realizes he’s never been over, and therefore has not the slightest idea what his apartment number is. He doesn’t waste any time reflecting on this minor hiccup, though, and instead gets to knocking on each door in numerical order. He’s been yelled at by three different people before he realizes that he can just ask the woman in the lobby, who looked like she wasn’t paid enough to care about the privacy of the people in the building anyway. 
“Please. It’s kind of an emergency.”
(It turned out that the protection of your residents wasn’t contingent on how fed up with your job you appeared to be). 
“And what is your relationship to…” she searches her memory for the name, eyes flicking to the ceiling disinterestedly. “this Geto Suguru?”
“Um. I’m his brother. Our parents gave us the same initials, you know? Thought it was cute. And I wanted to surprise him for his birthday, but he went out of town to visit his ex’s pet monkey, because apparently that matters more to him than our relationship as siblings. But I told him- I was like, you never even liked that thing, you always said it was filthy-“
She gives him an incredibly affronted look (he’s not sure why, unless she also owns a pet monkey), and delicately pushes a sheet of paper across the desk with two ring-adorned fingers.
“God, okay, it’s fine. Just go.” 
He grins. “Thank you, ma’am.” 
Once he’s singled out Suguru’s apartment number amongst the long list of names typed up neatly on the sheet, he returns to the correct floor and knocks twice on 906. Though all this weaseling might’ve tired out a more shameful person, it’s exactly what Satoru needed to lift his mood, and he feels far calmer than he did just ten minutes ago as he waits outside the door and wonders whether this will convince Suguru of his unending devotion. 
He tries again; three quick, loud raps of his fist against the wood. 
“Suguru?” He calls through the door. “Let me in?”
When several long moments pass without a response, he furrows his brow, turning away to look down the long hallway and running a swift hand through his hair that catches at his scalp. He tugs lightly in hopes of bringing a semblance of an idea to the surface; racks his brain for a logical explanation as to where Suguru could have gone. 
And then, it occurs to him.
Satoru nearly keels over when he finally arrives at the park, his palms balancing against the rough fabric of his dark jeans as he takes a second to catch his breath.
He straightens, a hint of worry weighing at his chest when he considers that he might have it all wrong - that he might not know Suguru as well as he’d like to think.
That he might have some other place closer to his heart, one he frequents regularly for his nightly rendezvous with some other customer whose paintings he features in. 
Then, he realizes that’s ridiculous. Satoru is as good as irreplaceable. 
And it helps that he’s just caught a glimpse of Suguru, too, seated on that very same bench with his face in his hands and his knees slightly spread. Satoru wishes he had an umbrella so he could recreate that night and maybe get a laugh out of him - though it probably wouldn’t be as dramatic given that the sun is glaringly bright overhead, blanketing each of the park’s glossy metal structures in a pure, blinding light that almost hurts to look at. 
Satoru makes his way over, his strides confident but his hands tucked into his pockets in an unintentional show of uncertainty. He takes a silent seat next to Suguru and feels him instantly tense up, making his heart sink.
Before he can lose his nerve, he forcefully reminds himself how little reaction he’s managed to draw out of him lately, and hope flutters in his chest, a meek, wavering sensation. Perhaps this is a good sign.
When Suguru lifts his head and lowers his hands, Satoru is fully prepared to see irritation displayed on his face, but instead, he appears drained somehow, his features faintly downturned. 
Satoru takes a careful, shaky breath in and tries not to think about what might happen if he screws up again. 
“I… I’m an artist because I’m arrogant.”
He doesn’t look at Suguru when he speaks, but he sees his movement still in his peripheral vision.
“I want to create something that lasts even after I’m gone. I want to influence people. I want to shape the way they think- or at least open their minds to something different. I want… I need to believe that even something straight from my brain is worth looking at.” 
He clears his throat after he’s finished, staring fixedly at the ground between his knees. He usually sits cross-legged, but today he finds Suguru’s posture more familiar, more comforting. The man next to him remains silent, his expression contemplative.
“So? Selfish enough reason for you?” 
A soft exhale of laughter from Suguru warms Satoru’s chest from the inside out.
“You make it sound like I was just asking you to feel better about myself.”
“Maybe I wouldn’t have to jump to conclusions if you’d just explained yourself in the first place.”
“Yeah. Maybe.”
Satoru chances a glance over at him and sees that he’s resting his chin in his hand, his gaze mildly thoughtful. 
“So? Care to explain why you stormed away like that?”
Suguru’s forehead pinches in discomfort. He rubs at his temple with his fingers as though trying to clear away some invisible mark and lets out a pent-up, frustrated sigh. 
Then, the words tumble out of him, quick and slightly urgent. 
“Don’t you think it’s weird how most people will go their whole lives without actually living?”
Satoru watches him silently as he speaks before turning away and pressing his hands together in thought.
“You’re gonna have to break that one down for me.”
“Well, maybe it’s different for you. You’re a genius. You have practically everything figured out already.” For the first time, a hint of bitterness seeps into Suguru’s voice, an underlying resentment. “And what have I done? I’ll be finished with school in a few years. I’m going to graduate, and then I’m going to get a probably shitty, meaningless job, and every day I’ll wait till it’s over so I can go home and do other shitty, meaningless things that make me hate everything a little bit less until I have to go back to work the next day. God, can you imagine? And it’s what most people do, too. I think that’s the most sickening part- that we’re all just okay with it.” 
He swallows, and the irritation drains from his face, replaced by a new exhaustion. 
“But you… What you do, it’s so clearly rewarding for you, you know? I can tell just by watching you paint.”
Satoru doesn’t reply that perhaps it isn’t the painting process he likes so much as the subject. “So…” he starts slowly. “Because I’m in such an unconventional line of study, I won’t ever understand the struggles that normal, everyday, 9-5 people face. But… why are you assuming that whatever you do is going to be something you hate?”
“Because I’m not like you, Satoru.”
Suguru’s answer, soft and vulnerable, is a stab of hurt straight into his heart. He shakes his head quickly and keeps talking, his voice heightening with insistence.
“Do you hate working at the cafe?”
“Well, not exactly.”
“See? There’s one thing. Did you hate being my model?”
Suguru gives him a skeptical smirk.
“That was charity work.”
“Look at that face! I bet people would pay you for it, too. Did you hate hanging out with me and Megumi?”
“That’s not even slightly related to work, Satoru!” He protests, an incredulous burst of laughter escaping his lips before he can stop it. Satoru grins too, but then he lowers his voice, lets solemnity envelop it. 
“Suguru. You’re the type of person who doesn’t need meaning to exist in whatever you’re doing, because you can find it for yourself. Aren’t you the weirdo who paid for a stranger’s hot chocolate? That’s pretty damn philanthropic, if you ask me. But most people don’t realize that stuff like that has significance in it, too.”
“Well. You were never a stranger, Satoru.” 
“True. And I’m dashingly good-looking, so that helps garner sympathy. But it’s, like… you think too little of yourself sometimes. It would help if you were more like me. Because there’s a lot of things I can imagine you doing with your life, but not a single one of them is meaningless .”
Suguru is listening intently now, his eyebrows drawn together. He responds slowly, falteringly, as if giving Satoru time to change his mind. 
“Definitely,” he replies confidently. “I think in every life, you’re doing something that matters to you, because that’s just how you are.” 
His heart aches with a faint sense of loss as soon as the words leave his mouth, and he suddenly finds it difficult to meet Suguru’s gaze, so he looks instead to the sky- clear and blue. 
Having put it into words, there’s something about Suguru that he’s beginning to understand. His sense of justice, his insistence that every event must have some deeper significance to it, his longing for meaning , it’s a frighteningly deadly double-edged sword - and he’s almost certain that it’s also what pushed Suguru to walk away from him the first time. It’s always been the same principle, hasn’t it? The same conundrum. It was just that before, the thing he found meaning in had to end with his death at Satoru’s hands.
But having experienced a semblance of that life already, Satoru understands the enormity of what is at risk. 
And he will not lose Suguru twice.
Suguru nods slowly, his eyes falling shut in a sweet, slightly bashful smile that feels achingly familiar and entirely new all at once. 
“Thanks, Satoru.” 
Satoru grins back at him, clasping his shoulder with a firm hand and letting it linger there for a second as his palm absorbs the warmth of Suguru’s body. “No more ditching, right? I’m supposed to be the bad influence in this relationship.”
Suguru rolls his eyes, but Satoru doesn’t sense any irritation behind the action.
“Let’s take it day by day, why don’t we?”
“What the hell is this?”
“Man, I don’t know, just put it in the thing.”
Once he’d come down from the rush of stress that propelled him through their conversation, Satoru remembered that Shoko had been holding out at the gallery for his sake and was immediately struck with guilt. So, after showering her with gratitude and escorting her home against her wishes, the two of them organized a shopping spree for the following day to put together a little gift for her - Suguru’s involvement came at his own insistence, as he felt that the whole thing was mostly his fault. 
And although he definitely owes both of them now, he also feels like a weight has been lifted off his chest.
He’s not sure what it is about Satoru’s words that have the ability to put him at such ease, but he’s already slept through the night without interruption (in other words, without tossing and turning for hours before giving up and lying silently in bed with his gaze fixed dismally on the ceiling in a weak attempt to fell the sense of panic stirring in his chest). It was a most welcome development, even if he did finally come to his senses when he awoke and was struck with a wave of crippling embarrassment. 
Why did he have to be so disgustingly honest about his emotions? How humiliating. He should’ve just stayed quiet- at least he’d still have his pride that way.
And how did Satoru know just what to say to quell his worries? 
And how could he have let himself become so sleep deprived that he didn’t even register the awkwardness of his actions until a day later?
He’s especially grateful for Satoru’s easy-going nature when they meet up after a morning of him stressing out and he realizes that nothing has really changed in his behavior, aside from a touch more cautiousness. He wouldn’t know what to do with himself if Satoru of all people abruptly went silent and judgy and started treating him like he had an infectious disease (which was what emotional vulnerability sometimes felt like to him). 
“I’m not entirely sure whether Shoko is interested in this kind of stuff.”
Satoru peers down at the object now laying at the bottom of the white basket - an adorable little humidifier in the shape of a beige cat - and breaks into an irrepressible grin. 
“How can she not be?! It’s literally the cutest thing ever! And one time she said her skin gets dry, remember?”
Suguru purses his lips. “I don’t recall, but if you’re sure she’ll like it. Oh - how about food?”  
“Covered! I told her I’d buy her Taco Bell too.” Satoru explains proudly.  
“Taco Bell? That was the first thing that came to your mind?” 
“Rude! You weren’t complaining that time we went and you devoured all our little cinnamon donut holes. Which I ordered, by the way.”
Suguru averts his eyes, a tinge of pink coloring his cheeks. 
“That was because I had no other choice. Fine, get the gift card.”
“Should I do the plain one with the bell or the rainbow one? Hey, they have a holiday edition out now, too-“
“She’s not eating the gift card, Satoru.” Suguru replies sarcastically, but shifts his gaze to just above Satoru’s shoulder as he leans down in front of the row anyway. “The rainbow one.” 
“Right?! Okay - they have chips two aisles down. Also, does she like stuffed animals?”
“Yeah, I think she has one of those,” Suguru replies, pointing to an array of feather-soft plushies lined up near the checkout desk with a hand tucked into his pocket. His gaze turns thoughtful as he appraises the display. “Hey, speaking of which - when I went home last night, the woman in the lobby gave me a dirty look. Asked me… what I had against monkeys?” 
Satoru freezes at his words and turns away from the stuffed animals haltingly, stifling a snort of laughter.
“Oh… I wonder. Might be a personal issue, you know? I wouldn’t dig too deep.”
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apollostears · 3 years
↬︎ anime: jujutsu kaisen
↬︎ featuring: college!gojo, choso, nanami, toji, and geto
↬︎ warning(s): swearing
PLOT. gojo takes you guys to his parents cabin in niseko, japan.
ADVISORY: reader is female and black unless stated otherwise.
college series
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➟︎ on christmas, gojo surprised all of you with a trip to a skii resort in niseko, japan (where his rich ass parents co-own). well, more so he surprised you cause them hoes had already been before.
➟︎ despite gojo’s track record for being overly chill, he was more than prepared for this trip. having everything already taken care of and all you guys needed to do was pack and be ready.
➟︎ that should’ve been red flag number ten
“NOW IM ONLY GOING to ask you once gojo, and be honest with me, okay?” you warned, all of you in the foyer of the large cabin.
gojo’s head nodded quickly, “yes ma’am.”
“why is there only three rooms? did you do this on purpose?”
you were more than annoyed. four out of the five guys were heavy snorers and two of them slept rough as fuck, and one was an occasional sleepwalker. this was easily the worst situation you’d ever been in.
“i told my parents how many it would be but i guess i forgot to mention that one of us was a girl. they’re used to the guys, so they assumed. i can get you your own if you want!” gojo quickly suggested, face red in embarrassment.
which was a first seeing as gojo had never gotten embarrassed in his life. at least, not in front of you or because of you. sighing heavily, you decided to cut the ray charles man some slack.
“it’s okay, i can sleep with choso.” you solved, moving to the raven-haired boy.
choso was someone you had slept with before, on several occasions. whether it be to have a sleepover or because toji was being too loud, choso was a good sleeping partner.
“CHOSO?! you guys are sleeping together?! he got you before me?! oh my god.” gojo went through five stages of shock and then pretended to pass out onto geto, who let him fall instead of catching him.
at least you thought he was pretending.
“oh god, he’s dead!” you gasped, holding onto choso’s arm in horror, when gojo didn’t move after geto nudged him with his boot.
nanami rolled his eyes, silently asking the universe why him? “he’s not dead dumbass.”
“damn.” toji muttered under his breath.
you frowned, “well someone needs to wake his ass up.”
without a word, geto hooked his arms under gojo and dragged him down the hallway to, presumably, their room.
“you ready angel? i got your bags already.” choso had asked you, your eyes moving from the train wreck that was gojo and focusing on the man next to you.
you smiled at him and squeezed his arm that you were holding. “of course! lets go.”
“hey! don’t try no shit, you understand?” toji warned, pointing a accusing finger at the both of you.
“we aren’t hoes like you are.” choso answered before tugging you down the hall to y’all’s room.
you could hear toji talking to nanami down the hall. “did he just call me a hoe?”
“why, i never!”
➟︎ gojo and toji taught you how to snowboard. the both of them acting like they’re in the winter olympics when they do the hard courses.
➟︎ nanami was very good at skiing and often did that during your stay, than anything else. you guys think it was because of the beautiful skii lady that was at the slopes everyday.
➟︎ you, choso, and geto were always at the skate rink. whether you could ice skate or not, those two always dragged you with them.
➟︎ gojo’s parents got y’all a cabin with an outdoor AND indoor hot tub and when i say you were LIVING!! those boys could barely get you out of there, you stayed in there so much.
➟︎ geto had this awesome not idea of you guys doing the camping in the woods workshop that the place offered and it almost turned into a slasher movie.
➟︎ all of you were in one, huge ass tent, so really you guys were glamping, and one of the skii resort workers decided it would be a good idea to play pranks on you guys.
➟︎ lets just say that if you guys could’ve gotten banned, you would have. like toji and geto almost got y’all thrown in prison.
➟︎ nanami makes BANGING hot coco and that’s a certified fact. atp he’s a dilf that has five adult kids living in his upscale tokyo apartment.
➟︎ snowball fights have ensued and both toji and gojo are excluded from them bc they provoke each other to the highest of hells and throw really hard balls at all of you.
➟︎ geto gets really bad frostbite but still decides to go out like he’s a fucking supermodel.
gojo in the background “hoes don’t get cold!”
➟︎ toji brought his tattoo travel kit and gave you guys a couple of small tattoos. somehow, y’all all agreed on getting matching tattoos. it was a small writing of ‘4lifers’ and it was honestly so cute.
➟︎ shoutout to gojo’s parents for co-owning a skii resort. the best vacation you’d ever been on.
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NOTE. lemme actually write something relating to them being in college 😭
↬︎ join the taglist: @rubinocore @nyxeclipse @sweeneyblue1 @knjkitten @namjoonswifeyy @sunrayyellowhalo @pimpnameyannie @brownmochi @mae-avenue @gabzlovesu
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dejwritesarchived · 2 years
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↠ characters: geto suguru, mentioned in the story: gojo satoru, toji fushiguro, choso kamo, nanami kento, yuki tsukumo
↠ warning: cam work, sex work, mentions of death, profanity, drug usage, this chapter specifically mentions non-consentual recording & sexual assault. so please read with caution.
↠ pairings: geto suguru x black!female reader, a hint of toji fushiguro x black!female reader
↠ timeline: cam boy!au, college!au, sex work au, non-sorcerer au, modern au
↠ chapter summary: y/n has her head in the cloud as she's deeply in love with geto, but it's always jules to tug her right down off that cloud.
↠ a/n: this took me forever to update, but it’s only because this story is slowly coming to a close with only four chapters left after this. just thanks for continuing to read this trainwreck of a fic tbh. love y'all.
prev chapter. masterlist. taglist . ao3
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YOU SAT IN THE LIBRARY WRITING NOTES DOWN IN YOUR NOTEBOOK. With everything that was going on, you still couldn’t even believe that you were even able to concentrate on school work. But you couldn’t forget that you didn’t want to be a cam girl forever, so you had to work harder in school to make sure that you’ll be able to say goodbye to the cam world. You were waiting for Choso since he said he wanted to see you considering that he was getting busy with his life and you were also getting busy with yours. The two of you have grown close and you didn’t expect that considering what brought you two together. 
As you were flipping through one of your textbooks, you heard a cute scream of your name. When you look up, you see little Yuji running toward you at full speed. You opened your arms for him to hop into as he finally made his way up to you. A smile appeared on your face as you hugged him closely. “Hello to you too, Itadori.” You smiled as you instantly placed him on your lap. 
Choso sat across from you at the table. Casually dropping not only his backpack but Yuji’s small colorful backpack on the table also. “I only had one class, so I decided to let him tag along. He seemed to be astonished at his surroundings, but the chicks dig it so..” Choso's voice trailed off as he looked at you.
You chuckle as you flip to a new page in your notebook to let Yuji draw in it. “Using him for cool points and attention, how cruel.” You jokingly say as you look at him. 
Choso shrugs his shoulders without a care, “He loves the attention just as much as me,” He says before he’s pulling his laptop out of his bookbag. “Since I’m here, I can get some work done.” He sighed.
You chuckle as you would tug the chair next to you closer to your side. You placed Yuji in it and slid over your notebook and the pen he was using to draw. Silence overcame the three of you as you and Choso went to continue your work with the occasional sound of Yuji munching on the snacks Choso packed for him. 
“I didn’t even notice your boyfriend isn’t with you, where could he be?” Choso asked as his eyes glanced up from his laptop to look at you. 
“The detectives called over the weekend asking him to talk to Jules. To see if he can help get a confession out of her,” You bluntly admitted. “Hopefully he can. So she can rot in prison.” 
“Hopefully, I always found it strange that she turned herself in so easily.” Choso pointed out.
“They must have enough evidence for her to not deny what happened,” You sighed.
“Then why need a confession?” Choso asked. “I don’t know, it’s Jules. Hopefully, he doesn’t let her get into his head during this process.” 
“I’m sure he won’t. He knows what the detectives need to make sure she stays where she’s at. Then he’s also number one on the ranking, so I’m positive he’ll be given the company.” 
“Can’t believe my friend is about to be the heir to a company, who would have thought.” He chuckled as he looked over at you. 
“Yeah…” Your voice trailed as you watched Yuji draw on the sheet of paper. “It’s strange, you know? Months ago we were just floormates.” You said.
Now you two were a couple. A couple that oddly had a cam website brought them together. The thought of Geto being the first to say that one important phrase caused your cheeks to heat up in embarrassment. To think that this all started with you two talking to each other in a convenience store. As silence overcame the three of you in the library, you thought about the memory of when you felt just as strongly in love as Geto. 
The two of you sat in the library together attempting to do homework, but in reality, you kept stealing glances at him as he was trying to finish up a paper. His long black hair tugged up into a messy bun on top of his head. The only thing you could hear was whatever alternative music he was listening to and the sound of his long digits tapping at the keys on his laptop. You could tell he was so into whatever he was doing on his laptop because he hadn't even felt you staring at him for the last two minutes. 
Your head is placed on the palm of your hand as you’re watching Geto in deep thought. You watched as he let his teeth graze at his lower lip. You took notice of the way he would bob his head to whatever he was listening to. Gosh, you think you were in love with him.
You've been thinking about the feeling of love for a minute now. The last serious relationship you were in, didn’t end very well. You hated to admit that you put up some barrier to prevent yourself from falling for anyone after moving to Japan. You had this ice-cold heart that because you flashed your breasts for thousands of viewers, no one would love you. The harsh words your ex from the states would say. No one would ever love a woman who shows other men the goods. It left a nasty taste in your mouth even thinking about what your ex said. When you moved to Japan, that’s when you met Toji. You fell for Toji, but once again that didn’t end very well. With Geto, you kept trying to think of a way to get out of it—particularly thinking about self-sabotaging because you felt that he would just get tired of you. Eventually, when this Jules situation blows over, you’ll graduate, be pushed into the real world, and eventually drift apart. Especially with the possibility of him running CAMPOP being on the table.
But the thing with Geto Suguru is that he was very good at reassuring you without realizing that he was reassuring you. He’ll quickly get on the side of the sidewalk closer to the street when you two would be walking to some places. He had this thing where when he went to the store, he'd come back with something that reminded him of you. He’ll kiss you out of the blue because he wanted to see what flavor chapstick you had on. It was little things like that—that had you smiling like a schoolgirl in a slice-of-life anime.
As your pen was tapping at the table, Geto finally noticed you staring. His cheeks glow in embarrassment as he gives you some smile that causes his eyes to close so cutely. You couldn’t help but return the smile before you’re going back to doing your homework. Which was just you copying Nanami’s notes he let you borrow. You wanted to shun him how neat his handwriting was and how organized his notes were. As you continue to write in your notebook, Geto was trying to get your attention with a whisper. “Hey! Hey!” He said.
You glanced up quickly after the second hey before you felt Geto’s plush lips on yours. He tasted like gum and his favorite energy drink. A taste you were a little too familiar with and knew was the taste of him attempting to finish an assignment before the deadline. His hand gripped at the chair you were sitting at and with ease, he’s sliding the chair closer to his. The kiss got intense with each passing second after you felt his tongue slide across your lower lip. Your mouth gasped open allowing him to enter to get a taste of you. Just as he deepened the kiss, the both of you heard a loud knock on the table you were sitting at. When you two pulled apart, cheeks burning in embarrassment and completely breathless—you were met with one of the library workers doing a sweep of making sure students weren’t breaking the rooms. 
When the worker walked away, you and Geto couldn’t help but snicker. The worker glanced back giving you two a glare before continuing to check for any rule breakers in the library. 
That moment in the library you were so close to telling Geto you loved him. But you didn’t. It did give you comfort when he told you he loved you. You smiled to yourself on a regular even thinking about it. Now as you sat at the table, Choso caught onto the goofy grin on your face. 
“What have you smiling so hard?” Choso questioned. 
“It’s nothing.” You uttered as you went back to your work. 
“It’s something. Does it involve him?” Choso asked. “As in Mr. Suguru himself?” His eyebrows raised in a teasing manner. 
“Of course.” You sighed happily as you closed your notebook. “We said the three words a couple of days ago.” 
“The three words? Gross, you’re being all lovey-dovey.” He joked. “How’d you feel about that? I don’t think I saw Suguru in a serious relationship, you know cause of the cam work stuff. But here he is saying I love you.” 
You rolled your eyes at the dark-haired man across from you. “I’m happy.” You said with a smile. “I thought this Jules situation would put a dent into our relationship. But it didn’t.” 
Choso gave you a grin, “Well, I’m happy for you two.” 
“I’m happy for us also.” 
Choso’s mouth parted to speak, but he soon felt a presence at the table. When both of you glanced over, you saw Yuki staring at the two of you. “I need to talk to you guys.” She then noticed Yuji at the table with you guys. “Privately.” 
“He’s too deep into coloring, he won’t notice. What do you want? Didn’t Jules make you temporary CEO or something like that? I’m pretty sure she would want your head if you’re not doing your job.” Choso explained. 
“That’s what I was doing. I haven’t even been able to do anything other than press conferences cleaning up her freakin’ mess. I just can’t do it anymore. I thought going towards her would help with subscribers and for me to be number 1, but the bitch is insane.” She explained.
“Miss, you said a curse word. You have to put money in the swear jar.” Yuji interjected causing Choso to snicker. 
Choso would stand up, “I’m going to take the kiddo to get a snack. Please have his swear jar money ready when we return.” He would grab a hold of Yuji’s small hand and lead him out of the area you were sitting in. 
“I could have told you that. Assuming that she was the one that gave you the idea to collab with me.” You spoke out once Choso was gone. 
You watched as Yuki try to stutter out some words before confessing, “She did. She thought it would ruin you and Suguru’s relationship. Where is he anyway?” 
“He’s busy.” was the only thing you said. “Why?”
“It’s nothing. I think I need to go to the police and I just thought coming to you guys first was the right thing to do.” 
Your head tilted in confusion, similar to a confused child trying to figure out what their parent said. “Yuki, what’s going on?”
“I have evidence that could put Jules away for good,” Yuki uttered. “And it goes beyond this fuckin’ murder case she’s connecting to.” 
“Evidence like what?” You asked.
“Tax fraud, extortion, refusing to play some employees…” Her voice trailed off. “Sex trafficking.” She whispered the last part. 
You leaned back into your seat. You couldn’t be shocked at the things you were hearing. It was Jules after all. When you enter the sex work industry, many people point out how predatory the men in the industry could be. The porn co-stars who thought the fact that they did porn gave them the right to not know that consent during sex can be taken away. The directors that change scenes last minute despite the stars not being comfortable with it. The agents that prey on fresh eighteen-year-olds. The cam website owners who withhold folding from its workers. Many people assume that only men could be capable of these things, but women could be just as predatory in the sex work industry. Jules was an example of that. 
“Why should we trust you? For all, we know this could be a part of her plan,” You said as you looked at her. 
You watched as Yuki's eyes were beginning to water. Her lips quivered and her hands begin to shake. Now, you were concerned as you watched the woman break down in front of you. You stood up to comfort her as her weeping only were growing louder gaining some stares from other people in the library. 
“She has these weird sex tape videos. I saw one with Yuki and—” Her voice cracked as she wiped her tears. “I don’t remember that video being taken of me. I really don’t.” Yuki went back to crying as you wrapped your arms around her to comfort her. 
You could see Choso return with Yuji. He gave you a confused look as you mouth to him. 
“We have to go to the police station.” You mouthed to him as you were rubbing comforting circles on Yuki’s back.
Jules was officially about to rot in jail as you said.
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— tags: @indiecursor @resonancesoul @luvingmyships @tojibreedingme @4dtk @warmchick @whatdidhesayyyy @gojos-hoe @thathoneybee3 @po3ticb3auty @levisblackbabe @whoatherenelly @sanerihru
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zzztobi · 3 years
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𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝 - 𝐣𝐣𝐤 ʚ₍ᐢ. .ᐢ₎ɞ — chapter one.
prologue | chapter two
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you woke up, went to your morning classes and came back to your dorm, waiting until your friends: megumi fushiguro and yuuji itadori, knocked on your door to go and grab lunch at the cafateria.
and there is where all three of you are now, eating lunch at the very end of the dining area, looking around for the green haired girl, maki, that accompanies you most of the time.
"she's late again," itadori fumbled with his mouth full of food, "close your fucking mouth when you're eating pig" megumi said while glancing at his friend, "but yeah, she's late again"
then, out of nowhere, maki sits down next to you with her now cold lunch. "fucking first years, they've collapsed the line to get food and now my hamburger is cold" you just laughed at her, making the frown on her face dissolve a little.
"we all been first years maki, you specifically know how hard it is" you defended. of course all first years looked like lost puppies, but sometimes a little bit of help is much appreciated. just like she did with you. even though her intentions were of getting your number and ask you out, she ended up helping you through your first year and becoming your first friend at college.
"anyway, are you coming to my first rehearsal today? " megumi looked at the rest of the group, changing the subject and waiting for a response to tell the leader of the band about the little audience. you and itadori nodded, mouth full of food, making megumi look at both of you in disgust.
"i can't, got a class on the afternoons. i'm sorry megumi" megumi just nodded in knowledge to the green haired girl. "it's okay maki, i'll deal with these two dumbasses myself" he said motioning to both itadori and you, earning a slap on his head by the last male.
after finishing your lunch, maki bid goodbye to you and the boys heading to her class, while the three of you headed to the rehearsals room.
megumi opened the door coming inside first, then itadori and lastly you. you could see the room was soundproof with the walls covered in acoustic panels made exactly for that. a little stage was placed in the right corner of the room; just a little bit elevated from the floor, with a drum set, a bass guitar and a electric guitar, both well supported. and lastly, a microphone in the middle of the stage.
there were also two red couches placed in front of the stage, as well as the amplifiers. at the back of the room, there was another door next to an enormous window, leading to the recording area. the view didn't surprise you one bit, since you've been coming to megumi's rehearsals since you got to know him last year.
but what surprised you was the audience that was sat down on one of the couches. looking at them you could recognize three of your teachers: toji fushiguro, your genetics teacher AND megumi's dad; gojo satoru, your biophysics teacher, and geto suguru, your zoology teacher. none of them seemed to have seen you, but your eyes were now focused on the men left in the room: one being megumi's uncle and leader of the band, naoya zen'in; the other two being your best friend's brothers: sukuna and choso.
"megumi you're late" naoya's voice made you come back to reality, noticing how the males where looking at you with raised eyebrows. "i know, i know, but yuuta isn't even here yet" megumi sat down on the other couch, you and itadori following after. he then realized the people in the room. "what are you doing here dad?"
toji then looked at his son, smiling to the three of you, his gaze lingering a little more on your form and the outfit you decided to wear today. "what? can't i see my son do the only thing that shares with me?" megumi just huffed at his response. toji's always been hard on megumi for choosing a linguistics degree instead of an science one, like him. so imagine his surprise when he found out that one of his son's best friend was indeed in a science degree, most specific that she was his student in the biology degree.
not saying a word back to his dad, megumi just started talking to you about his classes and how hard this semester was going to be. itadori was just on his phone scrolling through his social media, since he knew everything that megumi was rumbling about, being classmates.
unexpectedly the door to the room opened, a furious long haired girl coming in, followed by a non worried yuuta. the girl looked as if she was going to explode at any moment; face red and ears almost fuming. yuuta on the other hand, walked into the room as if he wasn't 15 minutes late, hands intertwined behind his head and walking as if he was in a slow motion film.
the girl, whose name you didn't remember, was the lead singer of the group, chosen after countless auditions. she was pacing around the room yelling some non-sense to the bassist and then heading to naoya, who was sitting on the drum set, getting ready to start the rehearsal. "i'm leaving the band" the girl spatted looking at naoya. catching everyone out of guard, the room went silent.
"what?" naoya stood up as well as megumi, who was now walking to where the rest of the group was. everyone looked at each other, looking for some kind of explanation. "i said i'm leaving the band. you better thank yuuta for this. " and with that the girl left the room as soon as she came in.
an angry naoya was now looking at the calm yuta, waiting for the younger male to say something. he then just dropped his arms from behind his head and started explaining. "i think she just got jealous because i was flirting with some random girl. she thought we were something when i told her we wasn't. she started yelling at me so i yelled at her too, telling her that her voice wasn't even that good, that she only made it to the band because she knew how to suck dick," a snicker could be heard from the couch next to you, the white haired man being the source of it.
"and well, she got mad and told me how she was going to leave the group and blah blah. i never thought she would do it, honestly" and with that yuta finished his explanation, making the drummer even angrier than before. "well, now thanks to your horny ass dick, we got no lead singer and let me tell you, we're not doing any more auditions because that shit drained me physically and mentally. so this is the end of this fucking band, hope you're proud of it!"
by now everyone was perplexed, looking at how naoya yelled at yuta, pointing him with his finger that almost went trough the younger's chest. taking some steps back, yuta looked at megumi and then at naoya again. "w-we could look for another lead singer, right megumi?" megumi looked at his friend with a shocked expression, "me? this is your problem bro. you should've thought with your brain instead of with your dick. not my problem"
yuta looked as if he was about to commit suicide, he got yelled at by his leader and his best hook up until now. he was left without a band and good pussy, could anything more go wrong for him today?
"i know someone who can sing!" surprised, everyone looked at the pink haired boy that was sat down next to you. he looked at you with a smile and realized what he was going to say. "y/n sings pretty good to me. i've heard her in her room." everyone then looked at you, hope plastered on their faces when pure horror was plastered on yours.
"fuck,it's true! y/n's got a beautiful voice, she just didn't attend the auditions last year because she was shy!" megumi supported yuuji's statement. "oh hell nah, don't believe a word they say," you said looking at all the people in the room, "i sound like a fucking dying dolphin!" your mouth left an awkward laugh.
naoya stepped down the stage, now walking to you. he looked at you in the eyes, some sort of hope running through his.
"please y/n if what they say it's true, join our band. you're our only hope"
you're definitely going to kill yuuji and megumi for putting you in this mess.
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TAGS: @cyberdeanpiegiant @sleepyymc @blueheartofrainbow @urfavidiot
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melliflovs · 3 years
Ball Game - Gojo x Reader
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Word Count: 2,238
Warnings: 18+ smut, wall sex, oral, slight praise kink
Summary: You go to your boyfriend's baseball game and find a special way to celebrate his home run.
A/n: This ended up going on too long so expect an equally smutty part two!
Never in a million years did you expect to date someone who was famous, especially not a jock. Yet here you are with a beaming smile on your face as your boyfriend stepped up to the home plate. The crowd going wild as he spun the metal bat in his hand, shooting a wave and a wink to the crowd.
"And here's number 69 Gojo Satoru stepping up for his turn to bat." The announcer began over the speaker, listing off his favorite color and pass times. "Bases are loaded and he's the right guy to finish this game off with a bang!"
The white and blue uniform stretched tightly against his muscles as he lifted the bat getting ready for the pitch. He always looked amazing when he played, radiating confidence and a level of calmness that you couldn't imagine with every eye in the massive stadium on him. He always used to joke about how he was so good at baseball that he could do it blindfolded.
He was probably right.
Even though he was the best in the league you couldn't help but feel anxious for him as he awaited the throw. Music started playing in the background as you watched Gojo nod to the pitcher, taunting him subtly.
You felt your breath catch in your throat as the man across from him cranked his arm back. Propelling his body forward. You saw a flash of white, the baseball hurtling over 90 miles an hour towards Gojo.
The familiar crack of the ball hitting metal brought breath back into your lungs as the stadium erupted into cheers, "It's going, it's going, and it's gone!" The announcer yelled as the ball disappeared into the bright blue sky. "Another home run from Gojo, making it his 12th his season. Beating his previous record of 10 last year"
You grinned from ear to ear as he jogged around the bases in a victory lap. So incredibly proud of him. As soon as his cleats touched home base his teammates ran from the dugout, surrounding him as three people lifted an almost full cooler over his head. You clapped and whooped as they dumped bright red liquid over him, drenching him.
Gojo looked so happy, jokingly shoving his teammates in fake frustration, dripping on the dirt. The team waved goodbye to the crowd as they headed to the lockers.
Slowly the crowds started to clear out now that the game had ended, the sun starting to set on the horizon. By the time you'd gathered your things, almost everyone was gone. You smiled at some of the usual vendors that stayed to clean as you began walking through the stadium for the last time today.
Gojo had been playing for the team for three years and for three years you were happily cheering at every game rain or shine. Most people who worked there recognized you by now and were always very welcoming. Some of the other player's girlfriends would sit in a group during the games but you preferred to be alone, it was easier to focus that way.
At this point you knew the stadium like the back of your hand, easily making your way towards the locker room and in turn your boyfriend. As the sky got darker you heard the click of the lights turning on around you, the warm summer air sticking to your skin. You'd need to take a shower when you get home.
You passed some of his teammates as they walked out of the locker room, they stopped for a moment to say hello and you politely congratulated them on tonight's victory.
"Didn't Gojo do great tonight, (y/n)?"
"Yeah, Geto. I was really proud of him. I bet he's in a good mood." Geto was always close with Gojo even though you always considered them to be opposites. He had his hair tied back in a bun, still wet from his shower. "Yeah." He grinned, "I bet he's in some type of mood."
You giggled at his comment. "Is everyone out of there?" You asked, gesturing at the locker room doors.
"It's just him in there now."
"Thanks, have a nice night." You said, bidding him goodbye as you headed into the lockeroom. It smelled slightly of sweat and men's body wash after their shower. Sunflower seeds littered the ground.
"Hey." You said approaching your boyfriend, "You did amazing tonight."
Gojo looked up at you with a smile, standing up from the small wooden bench he was sitting on. He still had his wet clothes on, stained red as his hair stuck loosely to his face. He leaned forward and gave you a soft peck.
Jokingly you scrunched your nose up at him when he pulled away. "You smell like fruit punch."
"That's what happens when you get Gatorade poured on you, babe." He teased. "You're sticky too." You said, shoving him away lightly.
"Oh, yeah? He grinned, lunging towards you and hugging you tightly against him. You felt his dirty clothes and skin stick to you. The sugar from the drink previously poured on him beginning to dry.
"Gojo!" You yelled, giggling as you tried to escape his grasp. Squirming around in his arms. "Now we're both dirty."
"Then I guess we both need to take a shower."
You froze as he held you, "Here?" you whispered quietly, your face growing hot at the idea. Anyone could walk in and the janitors would need to do their rounds soon but he didn't seem to care.
Gojo answered you by dipping his head down and kissing you. His hand resting on your cheek as his thumb stroked your soft skin. You melted into the kiss, your body relaxing as you wrapped your arms around his shoulders. His lips were smooth and tasted like fruit, you readily opened your mouth for him. Eager to give him access. He pulled you flush against his strong chest. One hand slipping down and tugging at the hem of your shirt, "Off." He purred, his voice smooth as he pulled away for a moment, eyeing your still clothed body before he lifted your shirt over your head.
Satoru wasted no time and pulled down one of the cups of your bra, your breast spilling out. The cold air around you made your nipple pebble, goosebumps rising on your skin as he flicked it lightly. His smile widening when you moaned quietly.
He twisted it carefully, the feeling going down to your core as you rubbed your thighs together trying to find subtly ease the tension. Gojo never took his eyes off you, relishing in watching you squirm under his gaze. It was no surprise your action caught his attention. With a smirk, he pushed you back against his locker and used his knee to separate your legs. You let out a gasp as he bent his leg, his thigh rubbing against your heat. The small amount of friction made your pussy begin to throb as you slowly rocked against him.
"So hot watching you get yourself off like that." He murmured before leaning down and locking you in a kiss. Your tounges playing a game of push and pull as you ground down on him. Your legs began to feel weak, your body relying more and more on him to keep you up. The cold from the metal behind you and the firm body in front of you made your head spin. As he pulled away his bit your lip lightly, tugging it between his teeth.
Gojo was intoxicating to be with and the man most definitely knew it. All smirks and smooth words when you were around him. Your breath hitching in your throat when his hand rose. He tilted your head up, forcing you to make eye contact. His face was flushed and his pink lips were swollen as he looked at you. You were simply enamored with him as he started to unbuckle his belt. The soft jingle of metal made you tense, the sound practically echoing in the empty room. Your eyes strayed down, trying to watch his hand.
The grip on your face tightened, bringing your attention back to his face. His actions never ceasing as he freed himself from his white pants, the black belt falling to the floor. "Eyes up." He said with a growl, his thumb running along your bottom lip.
Mesmerized you opened your mouth and stuck out your tongue, catching his finger and sucking on it lightly. Gojo's eyes darkened as he watched you. His bulge growing increasingly harder at the sight of your lips wrapped around his finger.
You felt pride swell in your chest as his breathing deepened. Releasing his digit with a pop you smiled up at him, leaning forward and putting a small kiss on the corner of his mouth. "I've had enough of this." His words confused you, "What-" You began, quickly cutting yourself off with a squeak as he dropped his leg from in between your thighs. The feeling in your stomach dissipating as his warm leg disappeared. Your clit still throbbed, missing the pleasure you were just receiving.
Gojo swiftly moved onto his knees, a playful glint in his eyes as he dropped down in front of you. His fingertips made quick work of the button on your jeans as well as the zipper, pulling your pants down around your thighs and exposing the plain pair of black underwear. You blushed in embarrassment, you hadn't planned for this, especially no in the locker room. Otherwise, you would've put on something nicer.
"How beautiful." He murmured before removing them too. The cold air left you exposed, almost completely aside from your bra. Gojo may have been on his knees but you still felt vulnerable as his hungry eyes raked over your nude figure. It set your body on fire, knowing that he only looked at you like that. So needy and hard, just for you.
A gasp left your lips as Gojo lifted you effortlessly, your legs resting on his shoulders and your back pressed against the lockers. His lips quickly sought out the soft skin of your inner thighs. He sucked bruises into your skin, his tongue and teeth claiming what was his. You let out a moan when he bit a sensitive spot, your back arching off the metal. You heard him chuckle in between your thighs, the vibrations traveling to your core. You must've been practically dripping by now, pathetically clenching around nothing. A lewd sound left your mouth as he licked along your slit, his tongue lapping along your folds and tasting you. "So sweet."
Your hands were quick to thread your fingers in his hair, letting out a low hiss as his tongue circled around your clit. His lips latched onto it, sucking and toying with the bundle of nerves as you felt your pussy throb. "G-Gojo." you moaned, thighs tightening around his head. His hand moved to the inside of your thigh massaging you softly as he spread your legs open again, easily holding you up with just one of his strong arms.
His eyes never left your face while he was buried between your legs, addicted to watching your reaction as he pumped his finger in and out of you while he sucked your clit. Your hands threaded into his white hair still stained pink from earlier, tugging him closer to your core. Gojo let out a deep groan.
He looked up at you, admiring the way your chest would rise and fall as you moaned. Your eyes were hooded, clouded with lust as you gave him a small smile. Teasingly you tugged on his hair hard, pulling him up slightly. With a glint in his eye, he curled his finger inside you. "Fuck, shit, Gojo." You arched off the locker again with a lewd moan, clenching around him.
Gojo's finger sped up, inserting a second as you gushed around him. He eagerly lapped up your slick. Your hips began to buck into him, quickly beginning to lose control as he continued to finger fuck you. The pressure in your stomach blossoming as your legs shook around him.
"M' gonna come." You stuttered, making eye contact with him as a blush coated your cheeks.
"Gonna come around my fingers like a good girl?" You felt his fingers curl again, arching deep inside you. With a high-pitched moan, you nodded dully as you coated his fingers in your slick. Gojo kept pumping, riding out your orgasm as you breathed in and out deeply, your breasts straining against the material of your bra.
He kissed the inside of your thigh one last time before lifting his head. You reached down moving some of his hair out of his face with a shy smile. He was still visibly sticky from earlier, his uniform and hair tinted light pink. "I like that color on you." You teased as he shifted to sit on the ground, moving you and placing you on his lap. "I think we could both use a shower though."
"Yeah," He agreed, shifting you slightly against his crotch. His erection was prominent once you looked down, you could feel it from how he'd placed you as well, "I could also use something else."
You drew him in for a kiss, shifting your core against his bulge and grinding down lightly. "Let's do it."
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angry-geese · 3 years
Blood Ties - Chapter Two: After The Rain
Choso x Reader, platonic Nanami Kento x Reader
Warnings: sfw. minor mention of violence and injury. swearing but its pretty tame.
Synopsis: upon hearing the new of his brothers' deaths, Choso's mind turns to revenge. your greeting at the school is far from warm. an unknown sorcerer appears, attempting to find one of Sukuna's fingers; of course that's going to raise some heads. saying other sorcerer's are suspicious of you would be putting it lightly
a/n: i apologize if the pacing of this one is a bit fucky. orignally chapters two and three were going to be just one but it ended up being like 6k words and i felt like this flowed better
Word Count: 1.8k
Prev - Next
Having spent much of his life in what's basically a test tube, Choso has never given the idea of soulmates much thought.
He knows they exist. And that he has one. But that's about it. It's hard to keep his mind from wandering. He swears he feels it tug. It's something you start imagining if you give it too much thought. Aside from the string tying his soul to theirs, he knows nothing of them. Not how they look, who they are, or even where they are. He could run himself in circles trying to find the other end.
But the world is much bigger than he first thought.
Upon first seeing it, Mahito hasn't stopped pestering him about it. In his defense, he’s curious. This is a whole new way to cause human distress. They sure love their soulmates, he’s noticed. Mahito wants nothing more than to see what's on the other end. Is it a human? A curse? What shape is their soul?
If he were to ever meet them, he would keep them far from Mahito. That part he’s certain.
Overhead the lights flicker. Conversation has died down, taking on a sleepy nature. He can't help but wonder about the point behind this. Choso pulls his knees to his chest, minding the string. Not wanting to bite his nails, he chews on the inside of his cheek. The metallic taste of blood fills his mouth. He finds it hard to keep still. It's a gut feeling, one brought out of a bond stronger than blood. His gaze follows the beads of condensation as they drip down the outside of his glass. The plastic piece crumbles between his fingers.
“Hey! Don't break the pieces!” Mahito’s complaint falls on deaf ears. He leans over the side of the couch, rummaging around for a spare.
The slightest look of concern crosses Geto's face. He folds his cards, setting them face down on the table.
“What's the matter, Choso?” Geto asks.
“My younger brothers are dead.” He says. His gaze never strays from the table.
“So you can sense that sort of thing,” Geto says, “what happened?”
As if on cue, his phone buzzes.
The number is blocked. His eyes narrow.
“Eso and Kechizu were killed by…” if his pause is for dramatic effect, or out of shock, it's impossible to tell, “three Jujutsu first years and an unknown sorcerer,
“Yuji Itadori and his classmates.”
There’s a moment of silence within the group. Not out of grief, or of any sort of respect, but shock. Water pools around the base of his cup. The glass clinks as the ice melts and falls.
Choso is the first to speak. “And the fourth one?”
“A foreigner.” Geto says. “Nobody I’ve ever heard of. Their grade is unknown. As far as the jujutsu world goes, there's no record of them. They don't seem to be allied with any of the major clans.”
"Why's that?" Choso asks.
"You'll see soon enough." He says.
He will shed no tears for their death. The possibility that one—or all—of his brothers would die was one he was aware of. In time he can grieve. The seed of revenge has been planted.
He will not rest until Itadori Yuji and this unknown sorcerer are dead.
Your first impression of Satoru Gojo was that he was full of himself, and out of touch with the world around him. His first impression of you was that you were a bitch, and thought you viewed yourself as more important to the grand scheme of things than you really were.
To be fair, your personalities clashed in the worst sense of the word. Where he was stubborn, and a bit loud for your tastes, you were shut off and outwardly hostile. When the two of you butted heads, it was akin to an unstoppable force meeting an immovable object. You were not having a good time.
Your welcome is far from warm. A strange sorcerer appears, claiming to be looking for Sukuna’s finger; of course that’s going to raise some concern. The elders weren't sure what to do with you. Half wanted you dead, the other half wanted information out of you first, before your execution.
Upon arriving at the school, you were unceremoniously locked in a room.
It’s sparsely furnished, with only a chair and desk, and a few candles for lighting. The low light gives you a headache. The door has been guarded with runes. Though you're uncertain of their use, they radiate cursed energy. On top of that, it's locked. As if the runes weren't enough to keep you in. They deemed you a big enough threat to take Grimsever and your bag, but didn't search you further for weapons. Not that they had to, there's nothing else on you.
There's no use trying to break out. The lock is on the other side. Breaking down the door only works in movies and cop shows. It's too sturdy to throw a chair through it. And you doubt you’re strong enough to take it down with your body.
Time feels thick as you slowly drift in and out of sleep. How long has it been since you last slept? Let alone in a real bed?
The chair is far from comfortable, but the silence combined with the warmth of the room is enough to make you doze off.
You’re not sure how much time passes when he returns. There's no clock. Your phone is dead. You sit waiting in silence. Following closely behind him is a blonde man, dressed in a suit. Another sorcerer from the looks of it. The glasses he wears resembles a pair of goggles in shape, hiding his eyes. Though you can't see them, you feel his gaze drift over to you. His reaction is hard to gauge.
“I'm sorry for the wait.” Gojo says. “This is my coworker.”
"Kento Nanami." He says. His introduction is short, and rather curt. He looks like an average businessman. His appearance is normal in every sense of the word, save for his strange, round glasses.
You introduce yourself. It feels rude not to.
“If it's not too much trouble, I’d like to get straight to business.” Nanami says. “How do you know about Sukuna’s finger?”
“My brother went missing looking for it,” you say, “I’ve been trying to find him.”
His eyes narrow. He finds it hard to believe you weren't after it, though you don't seem to be lying. Even if you weren't, that raises the issue of what your brother wanted with it.
“How long has he been missing?” He asks.
"I last heard from him a few weeks ago." You say. "He called me when his flight landed. He said he was staying in Tokyo, but he never said which hotel."
You give them a brief description of him, but neither of them seem to have heard of him. It's a massive city. How many hotels are there in one district alone? You could wander for hours trying to find the right one.
"He's a sorcerer?" Gojo asks. Though your description doesn't ring any bells, that's the one question this has raised. He can't think of another reason for him to know about it, let alone want it. Those outside of jujutsu society aren't supposed to know about such things.
He's a sorcerer, let alone one whose identity and ability is relatively unknown. That’s a problem.
You nod.
“Is anyone else in your family a sorcerer?” He asks.
“I can't say.” You say. “Probably. But it's not like I can just call them and ask.”
Even if they were, you doubt they’d tell you.
“Do you know why he was looking for it?”
“No. I don't know what he wants with it, but it sounded important at the time.” You say. “I wish I could tell you more, I really do, but he doesn't say a lot about his… work.”
"That's unfortunate." Nanami says.
They leave, saying nothing else, making sure to lock the door behind them.
The phone is his alright.
It doesn't take long to turn on. There's an outlet on the wall the desk is pushed up against. You have a charger in your bag. The battery hasn't been dead long, and the outside looks undamaged, save for a small crack on the bottom of the screen, and some dust.
There's only three contacts. Your sister, your mother, and yourself with the most unflattering photo imaginable as your icon. Leave it to him to use the same password he's had since middle school.
Five missed calls. Three from you. One from your mom. One from an unknown number. Doesn't look to be a scammer, but the area code isn't one you recognize. The texts aren't anything of note; the conversation between you and him is the same. He stopped responding the same time he landed in Tokyo.
There's one conversation that lasts up until a few days ago. The contact had no name. The area code you don't recognize. The texts are short. Usually one or two words at most. Their last conversation was about meeting up for lunch. James chose a restaurant, and the other guy agreed to meet him there.
The final text is nothing of note. A simple ‘on my way’.
He never sent another one after that. It must be around the time he dropped his phone. 3:12 am; Saturday morning.
It's strange he didn't pick up for mom. It's even weirder she said nothing to you about it. She tends to worry. A lot. With the way she acts, you could have sworn you were either the worst behaved, or most fragile child alive. She worries too much for her own good. A day didn't go by without her scolding you for doing something reckless. It doesn't seem to matter that you’re an adult, and capable of taking care of yourself.
His card was last used in a hotel in Shinjuku. Before that, it was used at a corner store, and that restaurant. Lucky break. He’s technologically inept, and shit with math; his online banking may just have saved you hours. You consider yourself lucky he didn't use cash.
They’re gone for nearly an hour. When they return, you don't give them a chance to say the first word. Unfortunately for you, they might just be the best help you can get. Whether or not they’re willing to do so is up for debate.
"I found the hotel he last stayed at." You say. "I don't have the key, or even the room number, but it wouldn't hurt to ask around."
Somebody must know something. He's a foreigner, traveling alone, for ‘work’ of all things. He would have turned some heads.
“If we help you,” he says, “and by any chance you recover another one of Sukuna’s fingers, you’ll have to hand it over.”
You give no thought to your answer.
"It's yours.”
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dejwritesarchived · 3 years
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↠ characters: geto suguru, mentioned in story: gojo satoru, toji fushiguro, choso
↠ warning: cam work, sex work, recorded sex, oral sex (m.receiving), mentions of death
↠ pairings: geto suguru x black!female reader, a hint of toji fushiguro x black!female reader
↠ timeline: cam boy!au, college!au
↠ chapter summary: the day has finally come for geto & [y/n] first stream together, will it end perfectly or go to shit? the return of jules and toji leaves both geto & [y/n] shook.
↠ a/n: artwork used for banner is not mine. credit to the rightful owner. i told you guys shit was about to hit the fan for this fic, but the question is....are you ready? remember flashback is in italics! pretty sure this the longest chapter i wrote.
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check out the character edits for cam competition here. also check out the character aesthetic here. also click here to join taglist.
↠ tags: @cocobutterbaby + @resonancesoul + @luvingmyships + @tojibreedingme + @suhweetdreams s + @seyawrld + @warmchick + @whatdidhesayyyy + @gojos-hoe + @thathoneybee3​
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GETO COULDN'T SHUT UP ABOUT FRIDAY. His hands seemed to shake nervously when he thought about it or his legs would bounce uncomfortably while he was in class thinking about it. When [Y/N] texted him suggesting that they should do their first collab considering that Geto dropped down to number 7 ranking on CAMPOP, he was so quick to accept it. It wasn’t due to the fact that he was plummeting down the rankings. He just craved the woman’s lips on him once again. When he exited his last class, [Y/N] was right there waiting for him. He gave her a smile as she approached him. Her arms linked with his tattooed one as they were walking out of the building.
“Today’s the day, you’re nervous?” She would ask as her eyes peered over at him.
“A little, I never did it with someone on camera.” He admitted to her.
“Well, just think of it like last time but with a camera.” [Y/N] responds. She rubbed her lip gloss-covered lips together before speaking once again. “After all, I’m just giving you a blow job on camera. Nothing too reckless.” She bluntly added.
Geto swallowed the huge lump in his throat before he would only nod. His worries would be that he would cum too quickly. The woman that was desperately clinging onto his arm at the moment has attached her mouth around him and he nearly cracked under pressure. The two of them planned to just do that and maybe answer a couple of questions for their fans.
“Any news on your account being brought back?” Geto asked her.
“Nope. I emailed them, but haven’t heard anything back.”
“Jules must really hate you,” Geto says.
“Because of you. She wants you and I somewhat have you, which angers her,” [Y/N] explained as they walked into the campus cafe.
The history between Geto and Jules was beyond complicated. She was practically obsessed with him, which confused him because he didn’t treat her any different than an employee and their superior. He’s only hung out with the woman once and her behavior wasn’t particularly Geto’s vibes. She was a money-hungry sociopath. He swore he would avoid the woman unless she requested to speak with him due to CAMPOP stuff.
He rubbed the bridge of his nose as he checked his gold watch on his wrist. Geto should have known that Jules didn’t want to discuss his contract. She just wanted him to be intertwined in her reckless ways. It was two in the morning and he was stuck in Jules penthouse that overlooked Japan. The laughter of other cam workers echoed in the high-rise penthouse as Geto was thinking about leaving. He had class and he needed to get some rest for it considering that it was three hours long. He would tug on his black leather jacket, saying his farewells to drunken cam workers that worked for CAMPOP. One, in particular, Ayaki Takahashi, was as drunk as ever, she was fairly new and young. If Geto recalled, Jules mentioned that she was only 18. Ayaki’s arm draped around Geto’s waist, “Suguru, you can’t be leaving already. The party is just getting started,” Ayaki slurred.
“I have class, which you should be getting going also. Don’t you start your first year at university?” He questioned. His voice was low and subtle so that only they could hear.
Ayaki would shrug her shoulders and take a sip of her alcoholic drink. “Geto, I make so much money already. Why should I go to school?” She questioned him. Her finger drove in his chest as she asked.
“Because you’re so young Ayaki. Do you want this to be your only source of income?” He asked.
“I’m okay. Thank you for being the kind guy you are SUGURUSUGA.” Ayaki would stand on her tippy toes kissing him on the cheek.
“Ayaki, come get some of this,” Jules said out loud as she was in the living room. “You’re a big girl right, you can handle this stuff.” Jules then adds.
Both Geto and Ayaki's heads turn to see what Jules was talking about. When Geto saw Jules use a playing card to cut through the white substance, his eyes grew big. Ayaki would let out a drunken giggle as she went to walk away but Geto grabbed a hold of her arm. “You don’t have to do this Ayaki. You can just leave with me. You shouldn’t feel pressured to do that.” He motioned to Jules who had just done a line of the cocaine on her expensive glass table.
“You heard her, I’m a big girl. I can look after myself.” Ayaki removed his hand off of her and joined Jules and the other cam workers.
Ayaki left Geto standing near the front door of the penthouse to leave alone and sooner guilt over chilling his body as the following day Ayaki just disappeared from thin air. That night was the last time Geto saw her.
As Geto was sitting at the table, he could hear [Y/N] whining over him taking her fries from her plate. The two of them were discussing tonight’s stream. [Y/N] would notice that Geto constantly was staring off, her hand waving in front of his face to break the trace he had.
“Huh? What? What did you ask me?” Geto asked.
“I didn’t ask you anything. Is everything okay? You've been staring off a lot lately,” [Y/N] questioned.
“I’m good. Just a little nervous that’s all.”
“You’re acting like I haven’t given you a blowjob before,” [Y/N] says as she sipped at the bottle of water she had.
Geto’s cheeks turned a shade of red. Even the thought of it caused him to blush like a hormonal teenager in a sex-ed course. Fingers combing through his hair before he let out a sigh, “That’s true. But you know you’re wonderful at that particular task. I just don’t need to cum too quickly.” He pointed out.
“Are you implying that I’m good at giving you head?” [Y/N] questioned. A smirk appeared on the woman’s face as she looked at him. Eyes glistening with so much innocence and Geto adored that look so much. He couldn’t wait to see her mimic it with his cock in her mouth.
“Don’t let it get to your head now,” He huffed once again, taking food from her plate.
“Stop taking my food,” [Y/N] whined as she would slap his hands away but he had already taken some and stuffed it into his mouth causing the woman to groan in annoyance.
“What’s up losers,” Gojo interjected as he joined your table, his fingers grabbing at [Y/N]’s fries on her plate who eventually gave up on eating her lunch.
Geto let out a snicker as he leaned forward, “I’ll buy you more okay?” He says to her and she would playfully roll her eyes before nodding.
“How does it feel being CAMPOP’s ‘it couple’?” Gojo asked, he would look between the two. He held a pen in his hand like it was a microphone holding it between Geto and [Y/N].
“Well, I’m extremely honored to be collaborating with such a wonderful guy,” [Y/N] admits as she motions to Geto. “Can’t wait for everyone to see what we have planned tonight.” She answered.
“Tonight?” Gojo asked. “You two are filming tonight?” He asked bringing the pen to Geto’s mouth who pushed it away in annoyance.
[Y/N] would grab a hold of Gojo’s hand to speak into the fake mic, “Yes, tonight at eight p.m.” She then gives Gojo a wink before he burst into laughter.
“Finally because Geto you’re holding on for dear god in the top 10.” Gojo would look through his phone before showing the two. “Remember Nanami from high school? He passed you and he just joined two weeks ago.” He said.
“Who?” Geto asked as his eyebrows knitted together as he grabbed Gojo’s phone to snoop the guy’s page.
“He was a year below us and we used to make jokes to him about his hairstyle,” Gojo explained the best he could. “Well, I saw him at the masquerade ball when you mysteriously disappeared. Jules recruited him.” He explained as he took his phone back from Geto.
[Y/N] soon took Gojo’s phone to get a view of Nanami’s page. The woman hasn’t been on CAMPOP in what seems like forever due to her account being deleted, but it didn’t shock her that the rankings changed on the regular. People had different kinks and sex fantasies every day. “Woah!” [Y/N] would say as she was looking at Nanami's page, her head tilting to the side as her mouth was gasped open. “He glowed up for sure. If you guys get the drift.” She placed the phone down, sliding it to Gojo. “A girl named Jessica texted you.”
Gojo let out a dramatic sigh before picking up his phone to text the woman back. “Wait, where did you disappear to during the masquerade ball? We were supposed to make sure Choso was okay with Jules…together” His crystal blue eyes stared at Geto and then stared at [Y/N] who quickly looked at her phone.
“I left early.” Geto quickly said, his hands toying with the buttons of his dark-washed jean jacket.
“And where did you go during the masquerade ball? Since you know, you’re BVBYGRL007 and all.” Gojo asked, his finger pointing at [Y/N].
Geto watched as the woman squirmed in her seat before speaking, “I was with a friend.” She admits shrugging her shoulders. “We had tons of fun, now that I remember.” She says. A grin on her face as Gojo’s face scrunched up in disgust.
“You guys are disgusting.” He sighed as he pushed himself from his seat. “You think you can send me the notes for our class today?” He asked Geto as he slung his backpack on his shoulder.
“Where are you going?” Geto asked.
“Jessica has an attitude, so Gojo has to fuck the attitude out of her,” Gojo admitted. “Good luck on your stream tonight. Don’t cum too quickly, that would be embarrassing.” He said to Geto who would only flip him off as [Y/N] was giggling at Gojo’s comment.
GETO WAS SETTING UP A TRIPOD in his room. It was the first time he ever filmed something that wasn’t in his streaming room. Originally the plan was to just film it in his streaming room, having [Y/N] placed in between his legs sucking him off delicately. However, after he thought about it, he didn’t think the viewers would have a good view of what they were watching. So, he decided to move it to his room. When [Y/N] arrived, she didn’t even notice that Geto mentioned filming the stream in his room. She was so stuck on baby pictures of Geto. She was hugging around a baby photo of him, gushing over how pinchable his cheeks were and how his eyes twinkled so cutely. He would watch as she plops down on his bed, her crop top with bedazzled word BVBYGRL007 showing a portion of her belly which Geto quickly looked away. He glanced at his watch, they had ten minutes before the stream started. The man would set his laptop on the desk which had his CAMPOP page on it.
“Okay, so this remote will shut down the stream immediately when we’re done,” Geto explained as he held the mini remote up in his hand. “I think it’s best if we end the show right after the blow job.” He adds.
“Why? I haven’t been on CAMPOP in weeks, my subscribers probably miss me.” [Y/N] whined as she sat up on her elbows.
“We tease them for tonight and give them the full show next week. Which then could promote your account if you plan on making a new one until you get your old account back. I'm positive, when Jules sees how much money we’re bringing in, she won’t have a choice but to bring your account back.”
“I highly doubt so, but it’s worth the try.” [Y/N] said as she watched Geto tear off the graphic t-shirt he wore. He would search through his dresser looking for the familiar muscle t-shirts he wore during his streams. The shirt showed off his toned biceps and upper half. His grey sweatpants were loosely hanging around his waist.
“Are you ready?” He asked as looked at her. His large hands grasping at the mask he wore when he was recording.
“Of course.” [Y/N] said as she positioned herself on the bed, she grabbed the familiar pastel pink-colored cat mask to tug on her face.
When Geto saw her give him a smile with that mask on, flashbacks of the masquerade ball circled his mind. Even the thought of it caused him to grow hard in the sweatpants he wore. Just as Geto was about to press the button to turn the camera on, [Y/N] stopped him. She climbed off the bed to take the camera off the tripod, Geto stared at her in such a confused manner as she walked towards him and gave him the camera.
“Let’s give these people a proper show.” [Y/N] says as she climbed back on the bed.
Geto felt his body temperature skyrocket. His skin felt hot hearing her say that. He held onto the camera, now realizing the woman wanted to do a POV type of stream. His heartbeat felt like it quickened and was beating so rapidly he had to take a couple of deep breaths to calm himself down. Geto wasn’t the type to be camera shy. After all, he jerked off for strangers on a cam website, but for some reason, the woman who was in front of him caused his breathing to go uneasy and his palms to be a sweaty mess.
The two of them were nervous, but as soon as the camera was on and the stream started they had to push that feeling away. Indulging in a temporary pleasurable moment for tips and views from strangers around the world. As Geto was standing at the end of the bed holding the camera at an angle that would be perfect for the viewers, [Y/N] kneeled in front of him on his bed. It was as if when the camera was cut on and on her, her whole demeanor changed. Her eyes darkened with sex appeal and she stared at the camera with so much innocence despite a mask covering half her face. Geto used his free hand to cup her face, his thumb brushing against her lip gloss-covered lips. Those lips he dreamt about kissing once more, those lips he daydreamed about having wrapped around his cock again. And it finally was happening for their subscribers to see.
Feeling her hand tug his sweats down sent a chill down Geto’s spine. As he gripped the camera, the notifications from his laptop on his desk were going crazy. His subscribers probably didn’t expect a stream with BVBYGRL007. He hinted that they knew each other, but to have her on his channel was an honor. In just a split second, he could feel her wet tongue wrapped around his thick pink tip. A sigh of relief could be heard behind the camera that was Geto was holding as he watch [Y/N] lick up the precum that decorated his tip.
For the past couple of minutes, Geto admired the woman take him into her mouth. Her spit spilling out her mouth each time she tried to fully deep throat his hardened member. His free hand combed through his hair as his eyes shifted close taking in the moment he didn’t want to end. [Y/N] was amazing when it came to puckering her lips to wrap around him. Geto’s eyes fluttered open when he felt her hand palming at his shaft causing him to let out moans of delight.
The way she glanced up at the camera through her eyelashes with him in her mouth caused the man’s words to get caught up in his throat. A moment where he wanted to praise the woman that was sucking him off was stuck in the back of his throat due to the incredible pleasure he was enduring.
Geto took shallow breaths, with each lick upon his shaft he felt his body jerk. Aching for more attention from [Y/N]’s mouth and growing a bit impatient due to her teasing. The long-haired male would thrust lightly into her mouth and with each thrust, he let outs a soft groan.
The messy that was created from [Y/N] taking Geto’s member in her mouth began to decorate Geto’s cotton sheets below her and her t-shirt. Which sooner when she pulled away, she tugged the pastel blue-colored crop top off, alongside her red-colored lace bra. When [Y/N] attached her lips on Geto’s member once more, the man couldn’t help but chew at his lower lip. The only sound that echoed in his bedroom was the familiar CAMPOP tipping notification sound and the sound of [Y/N]’s mouth gliding up and down his cock like a sweet popsicle.
Geto’s breathing grew a little uneasy as his cock was coated with [Y/N]’s saliva. His head fell in a complete trace as he held the camera. He was about to cum, he could feel it pooling in his gut. A huge flash of heat overwhelmed his body as his free hand was placed on [Y/N]’s head controlling her motions.
“Shit,” Geto muttered through gritted teeth. “I’m going to cum.”
She removed herself from his cock with a pop. [Y/N]’s hands squeezed at his member so delicately that Geto nearly dropped the camera. Her eyes made eye contact with the camera as her hands flicked. “Then cum SUGURUSUGA.” She says before her tongue slid across his shaft.
Her thumb massaged at his tip before her lips wrapped around him once more. Droplets of her drool puddled on Geto’s bed. But the dark-haired man didn’t care for that at all. His breath hitched in his throat as he felt the intense feeling. A low moan escaped Geto’s lips as his cum spurted out upon [Y/N]’s lips. The white substance dripped down from her chin
It was something about the way Geto’s cum looked upon [Y/N]’s lips. The way her tongue glided across licking up the mess he made upon her lips caused his heart to flutter. He looked at the woman like he was in love. Brain fuzzy with the thought of doing so much more than shoving his cock down her throat.
When he clicked the camera off shutting down the stream, his body plopped down on his bed. Sweat decorated his forehead as he tried to gain his composure. His chest was rising aggressively due to the overstimulation the woman put him through, “Are you okay?” [Y/N] cockily questioned. Her eyebrows raised as she sat on his bed unfazed.
“I’m good, I think,” Geto says as he looks at her. “As I said earlier, you’re just really good at that.” He added as he sat up. “I should go shower.”
“Yeah, I’ll have to get going also because Carson doesn’t have a key to the place and who knows when they’ll get back to my place.” She responded.
Geto wanted to suggest continuing. His body ached for her touch once more, but his mind couldn’t form the words to even ask. “I’ll walk you home.” He said as he would tug on his sweatpants which [Y/N] snickered.
“You’re just going to free ball down the hall?” She asked as she motioned to his grey sweatpants. His print was visible through the sweatpants and Geto rubbed the back of his neck nervously.
“Your place is literally about eight doors down, calm down, and let’s go.” He laughed before he watched her tug her bra and shirt back on.
The two of them exit Geto’s place and [Y/N] would sigh. “I smell like saliva and your cologne.” She huffed.
“Well, you’re going to smell like me for a while now that we’re collab buddies,” he said to her which caused her to smile a bit.
“I like being collab buddies with you. You’re a really good guy Geto, wouldn’t have asked for another person to collaborate with. Well agreed to collaborate with,” [Y/N] corrected.
Geto walked by [Y/N]’s side as they were walking down the hall to [Y/N] place. The thought of her wrapped around his cock still lingered in his mind and he was aching for more. He didn’t want to seem too greedy to make the move to continue what they started after he ended his stream. But instead, he was so quick to walk her back to her place hoping she’ll get the memo that they should continue.
“Do you want to come in? we can order some takeout and get cleaned up,” [Y/N] suggested.
“Yeah, we can do that. Wait, isn't your best friend still there?” Geto asked.
“Ah, they've been out with Choso lately. The two of them seem to be long-lost best friends,” [Y/N] joked. “Carson is trying to play matchmaker for Choso.” She adds.
“Well, then count me in, especially if we’re continuing what you started,” He flirted as he playfully nudged her.
A smirk appeared on [Y/N]’s face as she would only nod. “We can do that.” She says, but as they stepped closer to her apartment the two of them saw a figure hunched on the floor.
“That better not be Carson drunk,” [Y/N] sighed. Hoping that Carson wasn’t about to cock block once more. But as they walked closer, [Y/N] rolled her eyes at the sight of who it was.
“Toji?” [Y/N] questioned as she knelt to him.
Geto would sigh. Once again, an obstacle that wasn’t Jules managed to find their way in between [Y/N] and himself. Geto's shoe nudged the man’s leg and he didn’t budge at all. Toji was out cold, Geto could smell the alcohol on the man which caused Geto to scrunch up his face in disgust.
“I’m sorry,” [Y/N] said to Geto, she was frantically unlocking her door.
“You don’t need to apologize. Shit happens,” Geto sighed as he helped [Y/N] move Toji into her apartment. They placed them on the couch that was in the middle of [Y/N]’s living room which the two of them could hear his drunken mumbles as they stared at him.
Geto could feel the pit of jealousy forming in his stomach. He had [Y/N], but Toji seemed to find his way in her life again.
“Choso mentioned me calling it off with him,” [Y/N] spoke. “I sent him a text calling it off and telling him to focus on his marriage and family, maybe he didn’t take it too well.” She says.
Geto shoved his hands in his pockets as he was listening to [Y/N]. “What was your relationship like?” He asked.
“Strictly sex, just hookups. He’ll disappear and come back with a gift and I’ll forgive him.” [Y/N] huffed. She pinched at the bridge of her nose. “He’s a fucking headache.” She sighs.
“But are you over him?” Geto asked. Eyes looking over at the woman next to him.
He watched as [Y/N] thought about it for a second. Geto didn’t like the fact that she actually thought about it. His mind raced with overthinking thoughts as the two shared the similar silence they always found themselves wandering in. Her even thinking about an answer caused his heart to crack. But when he felt the woman tug him in for a kiss, he received an answer to that question.
Geto’s arms went around [Y/N]’s waist, bringing her closer to his body. But as the kiss got more heated, the two of them stopped hearing Toji’s drunken words as he was sleeping.
“I love you [Y/N].” uttered out Toji’s intoxicated lips. A soft drunken whisper that shook both [Y/N] and Geto by their core.
Geto took two steps back, his tattooed hands rubbing the back of his neck. The man was a major mood killer. “I’m just going to let myself out,” Geto said.
He watched as [Y/N] went to protest against his words, but her lips formed a straight line before just nodding. Geto would turn around and leave her apartment with a quickness. His mind racing with his own thoughts. Just when he thought he had [Y/N], here comes Toji Fushiguro reeling her right back in.
And Geto was nervous that this time [Y/N] would let Toji swivel her back in for good.
Maybe it was better to keep it strictly business between them. Just two CAMPOP workers collating and going their separate ways. That could be much better for Geto’s heart.
The silent walk back to his apartment down the hall was interrupted by his phone ringing. When he answered it and heard the familiar woman’s voice, his eyes rolled in the back of his head in annoyance. “Jules, what do you want? I told you if it doesn’t deal with CAMPOP to stop calling me.”
“Aww, did [Y/N] give you blue balls or something?” Jules questioned on the other end. She let out a giggle before speaking once more. “We need to talk.”
“I would prefer to talk in person, so please come downstairs. I’m in my car waiting.”
“Jules, I don’t have time for this.” Geto spat harshly as he stood in front of his apartment.
“Please, it’s urgent and very important.”
He was silent before hanging up on her. Pushing his phone back into his hoodie before walking towards the elevator. What had to be so urgent to want to talk about it so late? He made his way downstairs, waving at some familiar faces that he saw around the building. He stepped outside seeing the familiar limo, walking towards it and opening the door, and stepping in.
“Make it quick.” Geto simply said, staring at Jules.
Jules' red lipstick-covered lips rubbed together before speaking, “Want to say congratulations that little cam show boosted your subscribers. I’ve decided to give that girl her account back.”
“Is that what you called me down here for Jules?” Geto asked.
“Then spit it out already,” Geto responded, staring at her.
“Ayaki’s dead.”
“Ayaki’s dead,” Jules repeated to him. Her hands were placed on her lap as she watched as horror filled Geto’s eyes. Her lips curled into a smirk as she leaned back into the leather seats.
“How does it feel being one of the last people to see her alive?” Jules asked. “Cause that’s what the cops are going to be asking you soon.”
Geto swallowed the large lump in his throat. He felt his heartbeat quicken and his palms grew moist. He couldn’t believe it. He always questioned her disappearance from CAMPOP. Her account collected dust and lost subscribers due to her inactivity. But he now knew why.
“How‘d she die?” Geto questioned.
He watched as Jules shrugged her shoulders carelessly. His eyebrows knitted together in confusion. How could she not know if she knew she was dead?
“Anyway, I just wanted to let you know before anyone else. Since I’m aware you used to always make sure she was okay.” Jules commented.
“What about her parents? Do they know? They have to know they’re her parents,” He explained.
Jules once again shrugged her shoulders before checking her watch. “I’ll be sure to let them know since I’ll be covering her funeral expenses.”
Geto would nod. “Do you want me to go?”
“No, I’ll handle it. I am the CEO of where she worked. Just keep your head up Geto, don’t let her death get to you.”
Geto sighed before letting himself out of the car. He would walk back inside his apartment complex. Ayaki’s death is sitting heavy in his heart and mind. His heart seemed to grow heavier, his eyes began to water, and his breathing grew uneasy.
How the hell did Ayaki die?
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