#i had to dip into my gofundme just to buy food to be alive
autisthottygoth · 1 year
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smokefromthetent · 7 years
1. If you were on a 2 hour road trip and could only listen to one song on repeat until the trip was over what song would it be? Oh that’s tough I don’t do a lot of repeating songs... and 2 hours! I would probably choose “And The Winner Is” from the movie Little Miss Sunshine
2. If heaven or hell didn’t exist and wasn’t a reward would you still make an effort in being a good person? Of course
3. What’s your poison? Vices etc. Fast food, spending money
4. What’s your favorite thing about your hometown? Calvert County MD... idk just that it’s my hometown. Perhaps the beaches. 
5. Are you a better friend to your friends than they are to you? No, not at all. I think my friendships are incredibly balanced. Im very fortunate. 
6. Have you ever ran a red light? Many times. The first time I was pulled over was for running one. 
7. Who is the most influential person in your life? Many of my teachers and professors. 
8. Give me a hot take. What’s the unpopular opinion you stand by?
9. What would the ten year old you think about you now?
10. What’s your favorite city to visit/live in?
11. Tell me the story of your first kiss.
12. What was your yearbook quote (if you didn’t have one what would it be)?
13. What’s a non-sexual turn on for you?
14. Who’s your favorite non-animated movie character?
15. You fall into $10K and you have to spend it on yourself and not bills, what do you buy?
16. Have you picked names for your children yet?
17. Do you have any talents?
18. Which would you prefer: Netflix and Chill or Soundcloud and Chill?
19. Fill in the blank: I want to ____ your _____.
20. Is once a cheater always a cheater true?
21. In one word, What was the reason your last relationship failed?
22. What’s something therapeutic you do when you’re stressed?
23. What was your favorite non-Pixar Disney Film?
24.  Ruin a first date in 5 words or less.
25. Drums or Flats?
26. Do you remember your last dream? What about?
27. Do you want your kids to go to church, synagogue, temple, mosque? why?
28. If Gerard Butler, Russell Crowe, and Liam Nesson get into a bar brawl who wins?
29. Looking back would you have lost your virginity sooner than you did or later?
30. Do you have a favorite book?
31. Fuck Marry Kill:
For Women- Lance Gross, Michael Ealy, Barack Obama
For Men- Vashtie, Salma Hayek, Priyanka Chopra
32. Is college worth it? Why?
33. Favorite Cartoon growing up.
34. What’s your favorite social media besides tumblr?
35. Does your first crush still look good?
36. Do you think starting a gofundme is begging or helpful?
37. Sesame Street or Barney?
38. What you’re favorite R&B Album of all time?
39. What movie(s) do you know all the lines to by heart?
40. Would you date someone you met on here?
41. Would you rather be too hot or too cold?
42. Would you date yourself?
43. Apple or Android?
44. What is the first song that you can remember learning the lyrics to?
45. What are 3 of your favorite Michael Jackson songs?
46. Fill in the blanks: it’s not cheating if ___ ____ ____.
47. Could you put your dreams on hold to support your bf/gf pursuing theirs?
48. What’s is the title to your autobiography?
49. Is there someone you’re trying not to call or text right now?
50. What is your favorite emoji or emoji combination?
51. Do you have any deal breakers in relationships?
52. Are you Tre or Doughboy?
53. Favorite black cinema movie?
54. How long do you talk to someone before you expect a relationship?
55. Ruin a first date in 5 words or less.
56. How old are you and how old do you feel?
57. Tag your favorite tumblr blog.
58. Your house is burning down and your family is safe what is the one material item you’d grab?
59. How long until you introduce your bf/gf to your family?
60. Fill in the blank: All you need in this life of sin is you and your ____.
61. Kobe, Jordan, or Lebron?
62. What is your favorite Drake lyric?
63. Where did you meet the last person you fell in love with?
64. Do you know your love language?
65. Take a Myers Briggs Personality Test: what are your results?
66. How do you feel about Quentin Taurentino films?
67. Fill in the blank: Get you someone who will ______.
68. What’s your favorite movie soundtrack?
69. What’s your favorite fragrance on the opposite sex?
70. Is there any magazine, blog, or publication you read weekly?
71. Will you abstain from sex or go to marriage counseling?
72. There’s two kinds of people in the world: Those who pour ketchup on their fries, and the ones who put it on the side to dip. Which one are you?
73. Rough sex or slow sex?
73. Have you ever slept with a stranger?
74. What’s your dream music collaboration? Produced by who (Dead or Alive)?
75.  What song will you probably conceive your kids to?
76. Do you have a scripture or quote you live by?
77. Finish this sentence: If men had birth control _____.
78. How long should sex last?
79. What music do you listen to when you de-stress?
80. How soon should you text someone after getting their number?
81. How do you feel about the 80/20 rule?
82. Is sex a determinate in a relationship?
83. Is it wrong to move in with someone or “shack up” before marriage?
81. Send me a never have I ever.
82. What is your favorite video game of all time?
83. Who is your favorite book/movie character?
84. Can you define love as best as you can?
85. Does size matter?
86. What is your favorite thing about the person you like? Physically? Personality?
87. Five Year plan? Go!
88. If someone wanted to really understand you, what would they read, watch, and listen to?
89. Do you think of yourself as a human being or a human doing? Do you identify yourself by the things you do?
90. What does emotionally available mean to you?
91. Could you go into business with your ex?
92. What is the last song you sang aloud?
93. If someone liked you right now, would you want them to tell you?
94. How do you prefer to obtain your music Streaming, Downloads, or Physical?
95. Name an artist you like that your friends probably don’t listen to.
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