#i guess? what do you call a fear of things in your ear lol
sonderwrit · 11 months
C93: It burrowed into the brain
I Have to Be a Great Villain - Masterpost
Wang Yi fights with sentient ear wax slime and S-0 tries (uselessly) to help.
(SFX: *pah*)
WY: Ahhhh it, it crawled inside!
S-0: Host! Here's some tweezers!
WY: The ear canal's too narrow, can't use that! (Get out get out get out!)
S-0: What about a straw?
WY: (slapslap) Then start sucking for me!
Slime: Where should I start eating from…
[Note: Abnormal organisms eat differently from normal life forms]
Slime: When it comes to humans…the tastiest part is still their emotions.
Slimes: Especially…when they're being tormented.
WY: AHHHHH—! (falls on knees)
S-0: What's wrong?!
WY: I, I don't know—
WY: Feels like something's touched my brain.
WY: It's like being electrocuted….ahhhhh!!!
WY: I can't tell if it hurts or feels good.
S-0: Eek! Hold on, Host, I'll definitely, right away—
WY: Ahnnnn—hurry up! (wuu~)
WY: (What's going on?)
WY: (It's like my mind's suddenly crystal clear.)
WY: (Is this slime attacking my consciousness? It's unlike any feeling I can describe in human terms—)
Slime: Hm? These memories—are so familiar…
WY: (There's a voice?)
Slime: Could you be.. …?
WY: Who's speaking?
(S-0 hands him a rubber hose)
Slime: Hear.. …me? Ah… ..you
Slime: … …here!
Slime: Remember… …
WY: It seems like, there's something else there. But it's all static, I can't understand—
S-0: Okay, Host, stop babbling! Hurry and suck that jelly back out!
WY: Ah? You want me…to do it myself?
S-0: Of course. Has Host ever seen a cat who can use a straw? (*Cats will leak air if they try)
WY: You damn—you can't do anything but you're a champion at pissing people off.
S-0: Do your best!
WY: (I have to be careful not to swallow it by accident) *sucks*
*sucking sucking*
Slime: !
WY: (Is it not powerful enough?) *increases sucking strength*
Slime: No.. …it's not enough
Slime: It's not enough ahhhh!!
WY: (?!)
WY: (It's coming!)
WY: Ha—thank goodness…hah….that's dealt with.
S-0: *slams lid down*
S-0: Uh-huh, gave me a scare. I thought we'd die and exit this world right after we started our vacation.
WY: Looks like even "safe" scripts have lots of hidden dangers. We can't lower our guard.
*bangs case shut*
WY: (It assimilated the piece that broke off…no wonder it's a slime, what strong vitality.)
S-0: Huff…Host's body is all right? Shall we send this thing away?
WY: Aish, I feel fine now that it's left my ear. The other specimens might be even harder to deal with, so keep it under observation first.
S-0: That works too.
S-0: Right, just then the Gardenia in the Apocalypse world finished its run and gave us points.
WY: Oh, how were the results? A lotta points or a little?
S-0: Same as the one before, upper-middle levels.
WY: Oh oh, then what was the ending? Between Bai Mo and Qin Xian, who ended up as the city lord?
Slime: *regained a bit of energy*
S-0: The ending, hmm…
S-0: It was, "Bai Zizhi (FL's name) destroyed the Zombie Stone and then united all the lands, becoming the first ever female city lord in the Central Regions."
S-0: And then—huh! 
S-0: ?
S-0: She spent a blissful, happy life with the second male lead?
WY: Hah?
WY: Then what about Qin Xian? (Where did he go?)
S-0: Qin Xian…
S-0: Qin Xian went to deal with the next zombie swarm after you died…and charged straight into the mob for the sake of saving Bai Zizhi, sacrificing his own life in the process.
WY: ….
WY: In other words, the protagonist exited the stage before the novel reached its ending?
S-0: Mhm. *nods*
WY: All right, I got it.
WY: Keep the points for me, I'm not going to buy anything now.
S-0: Kay. Call me when you need me…
S-0: Wait, Host. Where are you going?
WY: I'm drowsy.
WY: Gonna sleep for a bit.
S-0: Aye, you can definitely rest. 
S-0: You need to hurry up—and extricate yourself from the memories of the last world, oh~
*scurry scurry*
Slime: Thank goodness.. …
Slime: Thank goodness this human is such a fool.. …
Slime: He didn't even notice that the "me" he sucked out of himself…
Slime: …was only part of the whole.
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vampiretendencies · 2 years
come out and haunt me, i know you want me — jj maybank࿐
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summary; putting words in jj’s mouth after an unexpected pregnancy has you uneasy about the future of your relationship along with a gnawing emptiness of what jj will think. warnings; pregnancy, one mention of throwing up, suggestive, talks of sex, fluff, all of my characters are always aged up but they had to be in school for this so i set them in high school, as seniors, making them 18. this takes place somewhat in season 3, except JJ’s house never got the eviction notice and they went back to school. also mention of luke. did it this way cause i felt like i was i need of a new setting other the chateau (rip it will be missed :/) pairing; jj maybank x fem!pregnant!reader authors note; decided to put this one out, as i have gotten a lot of requests about dad!jj and i’m giving them a separate masterlist of their own. i figured they needed to be in order lol. so i guess in a way this can be considered the first of dad!jj series. cred to gif owner !
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You’re spiraling over the life forming inside of you and JJ—oddly enough is fretting about his class project final. Something that would usually be of no concern to JJ, but he actually wants to pass senior year.
Building an ancient, time-consuming model of some old landscape and having an actual child were two completely different things. From opposite worlds and of varying natures.
Spontaneous cravings all the way down to a late period.
It’s instinct really, to skip school and confirm your suspicions— though, it’s pretty much certain. JJ caught on half way throughout the school day, so wrapped up in this project that he hadn’t noticed you slipping away. Sneaking out of the exit door after throwing up rancid lunch. If he was aware, there’s not a doubt that he would have followed. He was the one that showed you that escape route from the hell site on a monday long ago when school was too much to bare— that was when the two were freshmen, for now they are seniors carrying the weight of the future on their shoulders, including the plus one in your belly.
You’d sobbed profusely into your knees, they were pulled all the way up to your chest on that tiled floor. The detrimental pregnancy test, with two lines, is sat atop JJ’s bathroom counter, taunting you in a manner of ‘now you have to face me.’ Debating whether or not to take this as life altering or life shattering. You knew JJ like every crevice in the palm of his hand, but you could never be set on his reaction for something like this. Always prominent in his ways about 'being in this for the long run', could having a baby change that?
You had to tell him, there was no other way around it. For it's always been a do tell promise that nothing goes unsaid in the relationship.
"What the fuck am I gonna' do?" Is all that curses past your lips repeatedly through choked tears.
The tears are not for the tiny being inside you; its fear. The fear of the unknown, or the uncertainty. So young, so much ahead. A small sliver of a thought that maybe you'd have to do this alone.
Your heart almost falls to the heals of your feet at the doors opening and closing, and the throwing down of book bags. Shakily pressing your finger to the phone that's beside you, the time reading 2:30 PM, meaning school was over and you'd have to get your act together to face JJ. Whom, had left you several missed calls and text messages concerning your whereabouts. Even so, it would be of no surprise to JJ that you were here; basically, here every day and home when you had to be, that's how the story goes. It's imaginable that you'll be sticking around as often as you'd be able to, because telling your parents would indefinitely make them disown you. Having a baby with the Luke Maybank's son and the towns 'well-known kleptomaniac' wouldn't exactly be music to their ears. The only positive in that picture is that Luke's not around, you and JJ have been slumming it in his childhood home since. You'd helped him fix it up so that it would be 'livable', and he adored that someone would cherish him that much to do such things. He'll have another form of adoration, soon enough though.
"JJ, a beer is not gonna' help you get this shit done."
You could hear John B mumble at JJ, and as it would to most curiosity strikes. Taking in the push and pull of the standard refrigerator, not far away, the bathroom, kitchen, and living room all but feet away from each other. Easy access to eavesdrop and hear whatever words were to slither out of someone's mouth. God, you swore the walls were bound to cave in and topple atop of you. You picture John B's mouth agape and disgusted at JJ's lack of focus.
"Get's my brain goin', y'know."
His voice that you'd usually get giddy everywhere from hearing, is now taunting you; making your insides turn to mush. Quick to your feet, you clamp your ear to the chipped door whilst fixing your disheveled hair in the mirror, by tucking it behind your ear and wiping away the salty tears with pad of your thumb. Something JJ would do impulsively. As well as, the little pink and white stick that's knocking the breath from your lungs and tucking it in the back pocket of your printed shorts.
"You ready to start?" John B sighs exasperatedly. Aware that his best friend is never prepared for anything. You aren't sure of what they are 'starting' but you can't help but wonder if JJ's caught on, if he's noticed the tendencies you've acquired since becoming pregnant. Already being hesitant on telling him of the stick you peed on, or that this is going to dictate the course of the rest of his life. Is the new formation of hormones within you causing you to twist words or is it plain truth?
One could only hope.
"M'not even ready yet, need to do so much stuff before I'm ready."
It stings; like multiple daggers had been chided at your heart or a million bee's attacking. This only makes since that he's referring to not wanting to be a father, right? What else could he possibly not be ready for? It's assuming, it's jumping to conclusions, but right now it makes a hell of a lot more sense than anything else. JJ's capable of eons of things, being stuck with you and a baby for the rest of his life may not be in his peripheral. He's confirming it right now, you just heard it with your own two ears.
Unbeknownst to you it was a about a damn silly school project and that he would've stretched time and space to keep his profound little family in one piece. If only he'd known. If only you'd told him.
There were no supplies, no class instructions, to justify that it was only a monumental historic copy for Mr. Sunn's class. Just conversation.
You physically can't allow the words to come out of your mouth, for it will be in the form of word vomit after his resonating and everlasting statement. You can't face him, no, not about the life he helped form. Too soon, and too much. Selfishly, he's not ready but you want to hang onto him a little longer. With JJ is where you reside, and you desire to bury the love he's giving you and harvest it deep down; enough for two. He's not prepared, and all you're hearing is this is this the end of all you've ever known.
World record for misunderstandings.
John B was on the verge of speaking, yet he doesn't when the bathroom door creeks open. You appear in frame, a shell of the person you were moments ago, unevident that you'd shed enough tears for a small river. The hiding is beginning, you decide to swallow it down and keep it there. Dreaming up all the ways you'd have to conceal as huge a secret as this.
Trepidation; of JJ, and for yourself and the baby; blistering, mirroring that of an open scar.
"Is that my girl?!"
You're met with John B sprawled out on the vacant leather couch, another thing Luke destroyed alike with JJ. And, JJ's practically jumping from the recliner and swarming you in a hug that makes you form a half enticing grin whilst smothering you into his large chest. His sleeveless arms bulking in size at this gesture.
"Great, now we really aren't gonna' get anything done," John B grabs at his temples in annoyance. The partnered project supposed to be the focus of today. Conscious of the fact that anytime you are around JJ loses all logic because you become the center of attention. As if half his brain flies out the window he's so invested in you, rather than anything else. He gives up on any aspiration that this replica will be finished. You still saunter on about what exactly they 'have to get done', but they are almost always up to something. JJ's out of context words were what gave need be, and you were fixed on that.
"What happened today? Been thinkin' about you like crazy."
"Nurse sent me home."
You fib so harshly that is burns past your lips, the lie is so loud you're amazed he didn't see through it. You mumble into his chest has him releasing you, only to cup your cheeks in a squishing manner. He’s disastrously anguished to maul you with affection, but he decided to spare John B the show.
"Everything alright?"
And he tries to read your wandering eyes, but still taut eye contact is there so he thinks nothing of it. It is when you won't look at him that he's concerned, however you still do.
An 'act normal' practically engraved in your thoughts. When you really want to break away from his hold and run for the hills.
"Just a bad lunch."
"Yeah, that school meatloaf'll get you, baby."
Blonde fluffed out tresses catch glance and your mixed up mind is pondering on what color hair the baby will have. Will the small child be a constant reminder that their dad 'wasn't ready?" Stood together in the open space of his connecting hallway, you'll look back on this in utter agony.
"She told me to rest."
You mutter it softly whilst JJ has a stupid lovesick grin plastered on his face, peering down at you like you are his lifeline. And you're peering up at him, with a small glint and awareness that he'd be gone with the wind when you reveal the surreptitious unknown.
"Want me to come with you? I'll have this wrapped up in like ... five minutes," he's eager that you'll say yes, mustering a middle finger at John B who is sighing in vexation. What he would give to pass senior year, John B fully know's he'll have to beg Pope to do this for the both of them.
It's an immediate no, he's 'not ready', therefore a cuddle is the last thing that needs to happen. Maybe if you wouldn't have eavesdropped you could've just lived in ignorance bliss.
Though it was never the truth.
"No!," you somewhat interject, keeping the cause of all this in mind. "No J, m'really tired, finish what you were doing yeah?"
His grin immediately falls to a pout, he can't force you if you won't let him. Instead he says nothing, shaking his head 'yes' with knitted eyebrows. Pulling your cupped cheeks in closer to feather multiple light pecks to your hairline, each one more eternal that the last.
With recollection that you'd be gulping down this hard to swallow pill on your own.
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Coping; all you can manage to do.
Between punching multiple hard to find holes in your bedroom walls and covering them up with posters to gut-wrenching, pillow-screaming whimpers.
How does one ever truly 'get ready' for bringing a new life into this sought out world?
You'd been wallowing in the despair of having to be both a mother and a father, with JJ saying such things— it's nearly certain he'll be out of the picture.
Alike with you, avoiding him on any given occasion.
Saturdays were date night and he consistently topped the last date, because even if schedules weren't aligning throughout the week he'd have that day to make it up to you, how ever he saw fit.
You ditched.
Texting something about, 'parents are on my ass, can't come tonght.'
On all occasions you found a way despite your parents thoughts, so JJ's suspicion is growing like immovable fire.
With that being said, a day later, he was secure in providing you with a loving semi-guilt trip, along the lines of 'if you don't come over tonight you are confirming that you don't love me anymore,' with a dauting smiley face.
Such a baby, unfortunate that he's not prepared for one because they would've gotten along just fine.
The reasoning behind why you are hopelessly distant from JJ in his twin sized bed. He's grumbling and mumbling after you pushed him away with a 'm'too hot right now.' Blankets thrown about in such a dimly lit room, his vivdly colored TV played a miscellaneous movie whilst his bedside table lamp joined in with its yellow toned rays.
His arms behind his head, colliding with the headboard in such a sensous way, shirtless figure scanning yours in yearning. Jesus, he just wanted to delve into your skin.
How could he ever resist you.
If he can't consume you with his fondling embrace, he will caress what's in reach.
Touching hard on his thoughts, whilst the likelihood of raising a baby on your own is arising in yours.
It's roaring loudly, along with the reality that you hid it from him.
What would've been the right thing to do?
A wash of panic prods, with JJ's lingering touch now against your skin. His digits dance like clockwork, ghosting your inner thigh. Before you can even retch out a 'stop' he's beneath the material of your old Bait Shop t-shirt that he lended you. Palming the skin expertly, and while he's at it he inches closer with his breath thick against your ear. Your mouth ran dry, lying still and flat in awkwardness, prying your focus on the random film. The small twin bed not giving you enough time or space to come up with another excuse.
"Missed you so much."
His voice is raspy against your ear, igniting every filament of your body that belonged to him. The hold he had on you, sickening and you are conversant with what's about to leave his mouth.
The more he keeps circling, and clinging to the small mound of your stomach, the more his mind goes blank. It had this particular bludge to it and he can writhe it beneath his fingertips. Horror fills your irises, whilst a bewildering form of fascination filled his.
There's no right way to ask as woman if their stomach has gotten bigger or if they've been eating more. That's like asking to get beat with a bat. You just don't.
JJ has foraged every unreachable portion that molds you and that ... that wasn't there.
That undeniable little Goddamn baby bump wasn’t there.
He’s studied you inside and out, and that just wasn’t there.
It’s freshly shaped and growing with glee.
His repeated motions are coming to a halt and they pause directly in the middle. Feeling for what he deemed this to be.
What the fuck? It runs rampant in his mind— not negatively he just doesn’t know what to think, how to say it, or how to not come off as a complete dick by asking what he’s about to ask.
“Your belly is more round than usual.”
Merely thought out, and not too harsh. Just stating the obvious at the rounded baby bump that’s colliding with his calloused ring-clad fingers. The entirety of his large hand sprawled out in separated fingers. He sits straight up, hairs on the nape of his neck screeched outwardly.
“M’ a bit bloated.”
You don’t take his words to heart as it’s obviously not from that. You smile, lying through your teeth once again. And JJ senses it, this is as pregnant a stomach if he’s ever touched one. His hands fall backward, beaming down at you in longing that you’ll change your answer.
“Bloated baby? That’s— that’s not … bloated.”
There’s no interest in continuing on with this facade he’s felt it, he’s not a complete idiot. What informed John B of chants wickedly and is beckoning you not tell him. You’ve found you way back to his room with reason, so what’s the use in hiding it anymore. The bump would’ve become more noticeable anyway, you couldn’t have gotten away with it forever.
“M’pregnant J.”
You are seated upward now, facing him whilst reaching for his large hands to take them into your smaller ones. Shared hands, facing eachother in criss crossed stances on that same old twin mattress. He shakes his head back in forth in disbelief— how is this real?
“W-what?! When did you find out? How?— shit. I mean I know how … there was the time in the bathroom at the Wreck … and that one time in the twinkie … and-and let’s not forget about the time in the kitchen-“
“J, that’s not important right now, focus.”
You remind in interruption, nagging off his antics about the shared sexual rendezvous. The only only thing … the only fucking thing JJ feels right now is sheer euphoria at the moment he gets to meet the little baby.
Always envisioning of being a father and giving his children all the love he had stored away from the beckoning of Luke. The love he got from his father was convenient love, and after every fight his dreams of the future family he could have grew tenfold.
“We’re having a fuckin’ baby?!”
The fact the you didn’t tell him beforehand is in the back of his mind, but he’s overlooking it in sheer elation. Joy for what’s to come. For even that promise to tell each other everything is not enough to ruin this moment for him.
“Yes, J.”
“Let me see!”
He’s anxiously lifting the bottom of the shirt up, revealing a plump baby bump purging outwordly. And a toothy shit eating grin is plastered on his sweet lips, awe is evident and he’s stricken with amazement. You couldn’t have asked for a better reaction, a better lover. Breezing past the part of him not being ready, because clearly you read into things too deeply if this is his truthful response. And it is, it’s so genuine you feel it in your bones. As he’s colliding his hands with your stomach once more, and connecting his lips with yours in celebration. Molding and mixing them together with ease, an effortless depiction of besot.
If only he could frame this and let it drift on for eternity.
“Carrying our baby so perfect, pretty girl.”
Letting this little heavenscent angel inside of you be a reminder that misunderstandings are a bitch.
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malues · 1 month
HAIII!! I was super fixated on LOTS during my exams and it almost cost me. But it helped relieve stress at least :D ANYWAY. I got stuff I wanna say, and it’s nice to have a main creator’s opinion. But pls correct or change my headcannons or anything, I do like accuracy. :p Apologies if this is long (I literally hv no other ppl to talk ab LOTS stuff like this with)
I see Michael and CB always hv sharp teeth when rlly upset, and I interpret CB’s lil bump in his teeth as a fang. Is that a good interpretation to have? I like the idea of those two being an intimidating sharp teeth duo
Semi-related to above, I like to think operators and their patients are very super similar. Like they’re sort of fated to be that patients operator for a reason yk? Like Michael and CB mirror each other a lot in their own way, yet are so opposite. And it seemed that PB was clean and stuff, but his operator wasn’t (rlly cool mirroring). Crown and Sean just compliment each other and get along great. I’m also mostly fixated on Michael’s and CB’s dynamic, Michael and CB being a complete mental mess in their own rights, and little things like Michael likes rabbits and CB bunny ears jokes :> I also like the idea CB holds a form of resentment cuz his friends get chiller operators and he was instead locked up for months.
Also Michael seems like the type to get over-stimulated and lash out, or collapse onto herself. Would she pace around? (If so, I like to think she holds her pinwheel top still cuz it’ll spin from the air yk and it would be more over-stimulating) Does she pen click when frustrated? Does she chew? Or does she mess with her pinwheel pieces>
I also like the idea that CB throws tantrums and is prone to unintentionally lashing out, he’s over-energetic and he can’t help it. Like he lashes out at crown and his operator. Would his lashing out come from stress, fear or anxiety?
I think that’s mostly it. Uhhhh my only complaint is you should’ve made PB cry in episode 1c, I wanna see TEARS lol
Ok thank u! I’m excited for more episodes, livestreams, videos and whatever else u hv planned ^.^
I LOVE ALL UR THOUGHTS!!! ill try to answer these without giving too much away
the fangs/bumps in a characters teeth is less of an actual trait and more of a little thing i draw whenever i feel like itd be funny to show on screen, but more detailed interpretations of that are fine by me!
the relationship between operator and patient is really hard to explain, especially in a general sense. i wouldnt call it fate COMPLETELY but the patient that an operator is assigned isnt COMPLETELY random either if that makes any sense. im happy u noticed the similarities between cb and michael, and we'll get to see a lot more of their relationship as the episodes go on. both of them are very prone to lashing out if in the right context but for their own reasons. the lashouts originate from a lot of mixed emotions, but i think part of it comes from both of them thinking "Why am i stuck with this asshole?"
also i agree that i shouldve made pb cry in 1c. when faeb did those lines i was taken aback cause i didnt expect him to sound like hes on the verge of tears!!!! but i guess it makes sense
thank you for your kind words!! im excited for everyone to see whats next for the show
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haeryna · 9 months
I love idol and rockstar satosugu!! Do you think you’d expand more in depth on when Suguru got into a fist fight and when Satoru got bullied with reader sticking up for him 👀
sorry for the long wait anon, i was Scheming lol. i hope you like it! thank you for the ask <3 ↪ continued from here
tw: more homophobia (references to being called a slur), emotional constipation, not proofread, author is a sucker for angst
satoru is eight when the boys at the local playground start calling him names. at first they're petty things; "you run like a girl," or "too weak to be a boy." but you've noticed they've been getting bolder, recently. meaner. but it isn't until that day when that word falls from their mouth that you physically recoil, stomping up to them in your denim overalls and light-up pink sketchers.
"what did you just call him?"
the slur falls from the other boy's mouth as easy as breathing. satoru's lips are pressed in a hard line, but you can see the tinges of self-doubt in his eyes. before you can second guess yourself, you step up and slug the boy hard across the cheek. immediately he stumbles back, wailing, but you're too preoccupied with grabbing satoru's hand and running to care.
satoru will never admit it. but you saved a piece of him that day that he didn't even realize was there until later. he could feel his heart mending as he cooed over you, as you whined about the redness of your hands. the way you gazed up at him so trustingly as he gently blew over the braised knuckles, trying to soothe the sting. you were like his tether, he mused. keeping him grounded, keeping him away from his own thoughts.
"it hurts, 'toru," you whined, bringing him out of his thoughts, and he laughs, pressing a kiss to your hand.
"guess suguru and i will just have to teach you how to throw a proper punch, hm?"
you're twelve when you see the large crowd that's gathered in the courtyard of your middle school. when you push your way through, you can see satoru standing closest to the middle, the look in his eyes cold and hard. you tug at his sleeve.
"what's going on?"
before satoru can respond, another classmate eagerly replies, "geto is beating the shit out of some guy!"
your blood turns to ice in your veins, but as you move to try to see what's happening, satoru catches you in his arms, tugging you away. "don't," he chides, pressing your face into his chest and blocking your vision. "suguru didn't want you to see this."
"a fight, 'toru? why?" your voice sounds so bewildered, so hurt, that satoru almost cracks. he can't tell you about how suguru found out that the boy he's currently pummeling into the ground had been going around talking about how he wanted to "get a taste of the whore that geto and gojo have been keeping around." he can't tell you about the rage that had filled both of them, and the hint of fear. you had been their only weakness. the only reason suguru was fighting, satoru thinks, is because i lost the game of rock paper scissors.
after, when the crowd has dispersed, and after principal yaga has finished giving suguru and earful, you sit in his basement with him. tears crowd your eyes as you stubbornly push through, treating his scrapes with ointment and wrapping them carefully up in gauze.
"you don't have to do this," suguru says, softly. the pain you've been trying to hide in your eyes can't hide from him. "it's fine." your voice cracks and you sniffle as you press a bag of ice to his black eye.
suguru sighs, tugging you closer into his arms. "don't be like that. what's wrong, angel?"
"why were you fighting?" your voice is hushed, and you press the bag of ice more firmly to his eye, ignoring the quiet yelp of pain. "'toru won't tell me anything. what's going on, sugu?"
he sighs, cradling you a bit tighter. "do you trust me?"
you have absolutely no doubt in your voice when you reply, "of course."
"he was just, saying things that weren't right. and words weren't going to convince him otherwise." suguru brushes a strand of hair away from your face, eyes softening as he takes in your teary expression. "i promise i'll never fight unless it's absolutely necessary, alright?"
"I promise," he tells you, linking his pinky through yours with ease. "and i've never broken a promise before, have i?"
and he hadn't until that night.
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sassycheesecake · 1 year
A/N: I saw this earlier today and Iwa-chan first popped into my mind. Have fun reading lol.
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Warnings: slightly suggestive
Genre: fluff
You’re just doing the dishes on a normal Tuesday afternoon, when your phone rings.
Setting aside the plate you were just scrubbing down, you dry your hands with the kitchen towel on the counter before grabbing your vibrating phone.
You don’t recognize the number that’s calling you, so you frown in confusion before swiping your lock screen to answer it.
“Hello, this is (Y/N) speaking.“
“Good afternoon, am I speaking to the spouse of Lieutenant Iwaizumi Hajime?“
You feel your heart drop in your stomach, already fearing the worst: death, accident, arrest, murder, sudden enlistment,…
You gulp down with a heavy heart and answer back.
“Y-Yes, this is them.“
“Hello this is Captain Shimazaki speaking. I am calling to inform you that your spouse Lieutenant Iwaizumi Hajime came into work with a bruise on his neck. Actually multiple dark bruises along his neck.” He stops to cough awkwardly. “Although he looked pretty satisfied and happy this morning, please move your love marks down, so they can’t be seen when in uniform.“
You can feel your face heat up a thousand degrees, utterly embarrassed and wishing to sink 500 feet into the ground to disappear.
“U-Uhm s-sure, I will remember that for next time.“
For next time? Could you have worded that any worse?
“Appreciate it. Have a good day.“
“You as well, goodbye.“
You hang up simultaneously and put your phone down on the counter, leaning both hands on the cool graphite stone to actually process what just happened.
Too much distracted in your thoughts, you don’t even hear the front door unlock.
“Hey baby, I am home.“ Iwaizumi loudly greets you as he steps inside your shared home.
Taking his shoes off and putting them neatly by the door, he waits for your greeting back but receives nothing.
He saw your car in the driveway, so you have to be home.
“(Y/N)?“ The brunette calls out again, this time a little bit louder.
His rough voice finally snaps you out of your trance and you turn to look at him and the first thing you notice are the scattered hickeys along his neck.
Iwaizumi‘s face melts into concern, as he takes in your face. You look like you‘ve seen a ghost because your eyes widen in horror as you stare at your husband.
“Babe, what's wrong? You are as pale as a sheet of paper.“ With deep worry in his voice, he quickly approaches you and puts his warm hands around your face to grasp it gently.
“Uhm.“ You don’t know how to start this conversation.
“Well, your uh… I guess your boss called me earlier, basically saying I should tone it down a notch with uh… my marks on you.“
Iwaizumi takes a few seconds after hearing your words and all of sudden he bursts out laughing.
Slightly jumping at his sudden reaction, you are now even more confused.
“Gosh, this day keeps getting better and better. First I got to make love to my beautiful partner last night and this morning and then had a great day at work and now you’re telling me that you’re the one who should calm down with your marks on me?“ He keeps on laughing and steps closer to you, wrapping his arms around your waist and gently pushing you against the counter.
He leans in and slightly growls in your ear.
“Good thing they can’t see all those markings I left on you last night.“
Something hard starts to press against your stomach.
“Hajime, you can’t be serious.“
You can feel him pressing rough kisses against your neck, occasionally giving you bites and licks that make you swoon and melt on the spot.
“Come on, mark me up some more. Want to show everyone how sexy and seductive my drop dead gorgeous spouse can be.“
You give in and let him carry you bridal style to your bedroom, both of you leaving marks on each other and both of you so exhausted that Iwaizumi and you call in sick for the next day.
@rukia-uchiha-98 @wake-uptoreality @nerd-of-karasuno
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artist-issues · 10 months
You know... it also just seems really weird that Disney has been going out of it's way to subvert everything from its past.
If I put myself in the mind of "everything we were founded on, and everything we create before ~2016 was bad" I don't see why I'd keep going. Like... if Disney thinks Disney sucks, why be Disney? (money IG)
You're right! It must be a very discouraging thing to work for Disney nowadays, if you're the kind of person to think about legacy, or occupy your daily thoughts with some degree of foresight.
The truth is, there is a part of Disney that is successful because it was innovative--it raised the bar and set the culture.
But there's also a part of Disney that is trying to guess what the culture likes, and capitalize on that popularity--the culture tells it what to do.
That's all organizations. Some are brave and say, "no, this is who we are and what we believe, and you can take it or leave it." And usually the culture takes it, because the culture is inspired by strong leadership and clear identities.
But then they get a big following. And it's almost impossible for the organization that used to shape the culture to do anything but become terrified that they'll lose that culture. So then they start making decisions based out of fear, and self-glorification, and insecurity--the total opposite of the confident, bold, innovative identity it used to have.
Disney used to say "oh you think cartoons are just gags? Let me invent the first ever animated feature film--in color! See you in the National Film Registry, skeptics."
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It used to say, "oh, you critics think all my fairy tale and animal movies are too light? That they've got no weight to help the kids face real life? Let me make a smash-hit about a Nanny who convinces a work-and-harsh-realities-obsessed father that what his children really need is a spoonful of sugar. Because yeah, life's hard, but that's why we make the job a game."
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It used to say, "you think the animated genre died with Walt? You think everyone would rather watch George Lucas movies than a cartoon fairy tale? Let me introduce you to an Academy Award-winning Princess story we call the Little Mermaid. You can stop digging our grave; we just saved animation."
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It used to say "you think it can't be done? Hold my mouse ears." And it just did it. And didn't care if audiences said silly, shallow things like "girls don't need to be rescued by a prince!!1!" Or "grown-ups don't watch cartoons lol!!"
Nowadays, though? They're so big they don't know who they are anymore. And they're so big they're scared to lose anything, or take risks. I'm sure there's a lot of political pockets involved, too. They don't dare say anything but what the loudest, most complaining members of our society tell them to say.
They're no longer trend-setters and trail-blazers. They're a monument that is whatever the loudest people tells them to be. Has to suck, when you're the company that followed Walt's "Keep moving forward" motto.
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slut4thebroken · 1 year
Space wolf
Pairing | Keith Kogane x reader
Summary | Keith brings home a wolf, cat person!reader is not happy
Warnings | cringe worthy fluff
Words | 1.5k
Notes | I’m not used to writing fluff so I’m sorry if it’s bad lol. I made this in November and it’s been done for a while and I’m trying to get over my fear of posting my fics lmao
Ao3 link | <3
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“What the fuck is that?” Was the first thing you asked when you finally returned to the castle. You were on a mission with the blade, so you weren’t there when he arrived. 
“It’s my wolf.” Keith smiled, petting its head. “His name is Kosmo.”
“Why do you have a wolf??” 
“Is this her?” The woman standing next to him gave him a knowing smile. Keith blushed and introduced you to her before turning back to you. 
“This is my mom, Krolia.” He told his mom about you? No, don't be silly… He probably told her about everyone on the team. 
“It’s really nice to meet you.” You smiled, trying to act normal after Keith just came back and all of a sudden had a mom and wolf. Speaking of…
“Why do you have a wolf?” You whisper yelled at him. Krolia excused but neither of you acknowledged her.  
“We found him! What was I supposed to do? Leave him?” You stared at him with wide eyes. 
“Yes!” You said in disbelief and he looked at you like you were crazy. “It’s a wolf-“
“First of all, don’t call him “it.’” You rolled your eyes. “Second of all, it’s okay for you to adopt an animal but not me?” 
“That’s different.” 
“Princess is a dignified, intelligent, actually useful cat. That,” You pointed at the furry beast sitting obediently by his side, “is a wolf. Not even a dog- a wolf!” 
“Kosmo is a thousand times more useful than Princess!” He touched Kosmo and all of a sudden they were both standing right in front of you. You tried taking a step back but he wrapped his arm around you and put his hand on your lower back, pulling you into him. 
You gasped and stared at him wide eyed. Partly because of what the wolf just did but mostly because Keith was different. You didn’t notice at first that he was even taller than you now, or that he just seemed to be bigger in general. You put your hands on his chest to ground yourself. Yep. Definitely bigger. 
“I missed you.” He said before leaning in to kiss you. You snaked your hands up to grab his hair and the back of his neck. His other hand reached up to grab your hip. You pulled back but stayed close to him. 
“It hasn’t been that long.” You laughed breathlessly.  
“It has for me.” This time, when he leaned down, he put his head next to yours and wrapped his arms around your waist, hugging you. You tightened your arms around him. 
“How long?” You asked quietly.
“Two years.” That made you pull back just enough to look at him. 
“What? Where were you?” 
“Quantum abyss. Long story.” You frowned, running your hands through his hair and lightly scratching his head. 
“I’m sorry.” You wanted to know more, but knew he’d tell you when he’s ready. 
“Don’t be. I missed you a lot, but it was nice being able to get to know Krolia more.” He gave you a small smile. 
“I can’t believe you found her.” You smiled back at him. 
“Wait so you’re- you’re half Galra?” Your eyes widened at the realization. He did not look half Galra. You probably would’ve guessed maybe ⅛ Galra? But not half. You moved his hair out of the way to look at his ear then moved his lips to check his teeth. 
“What are you doing?” He chuckled. 
“You don’t look half Galra. I would ask if you’re sure she’s your mom but she looks exactly like you. It’s kinda freaky actually.” 
“She does?” 
“I’m serious, you guys look almost identical. Like if you were full Galra and a girl, that’s what you would look like. Don’t worry though, milfs aren’t my type.” You said teasingly and he pouted. God he’s adorable.
“I only have eyes for one Galra Kogane.” You smiled at him, playing with his hair again. “Spoiler alert: it’s you.” He smiled sheepishly and looked down. 
“I really missed you.” He hugged you again. After a beat he pulled away and gave you another kiss. 
He managed to convince you to let Kosmo meet Princess. That’s how you found yourself walking to your room, Keith beside you and Kosmo trailing behind him. You opened the door and Princess ran up to Keith. He picked her up and scratched her head a bit, listening to her purr. 
“I missed you too.” He chuckled when she started trying to rub her head on his face. “Kosmo, stay.” He waited outside the door while you sat on your bed with Keith and Princess. You gave each other a nervous look before he called for Kosmo. 
Princess immediately became hostile, jumping off Keith and hiding behind you. You just hoped that she’d calm down enough to sense that you didn’t see him as a threat. You don’t really know why, or how it happened, but you have a similar bond with your cat as Allura does with the mice. 
You turned around on the bed and put her in your lap, hiding her from Kosmo who was getting curious and starting to move closer. You closed your eyes and lightly pet her head, trying to let her feel your emotions toward the wolf. She was like this with Keith at first too, and it didn’t help that he was apprehensive about her also. 
You felt her start to calm down and become more curious rather than scared. She stood up on her back legs, resting her front paws on your chest, and peered over your shoulder to investigate. 
Keith had Kosmo sit, so the only movement was his panting and his tail sweeping across the floor. 
“It’s okay.” You whispered and she dropped down into your lap then started walking toward the space on the bed between you and Keith. Kosmo leaned forward as far as he could without getting up and Princess flinched back. When she realized he was only sniffing and not trying to attack she moved closer and sniffed him as well. 
“This is going a lot better than I thought it would.” Keith whispered to you. 
“Good thing too. Cause if they hate each other, Princess isn’t the one to go. Seniority and all that.” You whispered back, lightheartedly. Out of the corner of your eye you watched Princess jump to the floor. 
“I hate to break it to you… but if we’re going by seniority, Kosmo and I aren’t the ones leaving.” He leaned into your space and gave you a small smirk. You narrowed your eyes at him. 
You lunged at him, pushing him back on the bed until you were laying on top of him. He immediately started laughing alongside you and fighting back. He got you on your back and you started tickling him so he grabbed your wrists and held them down. Both of your laughter died down until you were just breathing heavily and smiling like idiots. A sudden weight being dropped on top of him, making him fall onto you, forced a breath out of you. 
“Ow…” You watched as Kosmo fell off of Keith until he was laying next to you, panting and ready to play. You gave him a faux glare. 
“I’ll let it slide this time, wolf. But if it happens again, especially if we’re in the middle of something, you will be banned from this room.” You tried to keep the serious expression on your face but broke out into a fit of laughter when Kosmo responded by tilting his head and looking at Keith. 
“She’ll warm up to you soon, don’t worry.” Keith whispered and Kosmo seemed content with that answer. He yawned and then put his head down on your arm. 
“He better not drool on me.” You said when he closed his eyes. There was a beat of silence and you looked at Keith who had a guilty expression. 
“He’s kind of a drooler… sorry.” 
“Remind me why I let you and the cosmic wolf in my room again? Let alone on my bed.” 
“Because you love me.” He smiled, releasing one of your wrists to tuck your hair behind your ear. “And by extension, him too.” He added and you scoffed. 
“Is that so?” 
“Yep.” He rested his chin on your chest and you brought your free hand to his hair, playing with it and scratching his head. He closed his eyes and he- 
He started purring.
You had to check to make sure it wasn’t just Princess but she was laying down on the other side of the room and you could feel the vibrations on your chest. 
“I do love you.” You whispered. “And I guess, maybe, the space beast too.” 
“You know you can just call him Kosmo.” He turned his head so his cheek was on your chest now. He was still laying on top of you and even if he crushed you to death, you wouldn’t even consider moving. Kind of like when your cat lays on you. 
He opened his eyes to look at you before saying, “I love you too.” You smiled and he closed his eyes again, continuing purring. 
“You better not drool on me either.” You could feel him smile against your chest. 
“No promises.” 
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muffinbeliever · 1 year
Neighborly Love [02]
Pairing: Coworker!Dean Winchester x Coworker!Reader
Word Count: 1131
Warnings: nothing ? trauma dumping lol but nothing that we didnt know already
Summary: Coworker!AU– Dean Winchester is the newbie around the office, and also your new cubicle neighbor. You have him all figured out from the start: a jerk, or so you think. It doesn’t help that he won’t stop flirting with you. Will Dean be able to convince you otherwise? 
A/N: oop hey guys *shyly tucks hair behind my ears* its been a while huh i was recently reminded that i actually told someone that id be posting the second chapter in december 2022 so we all know how that turned out... but anyways the only thing i can think of is #the hoes are gonna LOVE this have no fear y'all mother is here to feed you with a light chapter of lunch fluff
Masterlist | Neighborly Love Masterlist
You had just finished the fourth page of your project report, starting to double check for mistakes, when Dean cleared his throat. A quick glance showed him standing by the partition, his jacket hanging from his arm and an expectant look on his face. 
“Huh?” You asked, confused. You continued to proofread while you waited for his reply, your eyebrows furrowing as you tried to reword an awkward sentence. 
“I asked if you wanna get lunch,” he said. Your fingers hovered frozen over the keyboard. 
“Lunch?” You repeated, finally turning in your chair to face him properly. 
“Yeah, you know, the meal between breakfast and dinner? Eaten around midday? We get an hour off work? Which is right about now?” He teased, his green eyes twinkling with playfulness. 
“I know what lunch is.” You pretended to be annoyed to hide your amusement. “I was just processing the thought of lunch with you.” 
“Ouch,” he joked. “And here I was, doing a good deed by inviting you to lunch so you wouldn’t think of your breakup.” 
“Well, I wasn’t thinking about the breakup until right now,” you groaned. You had been so preoccupied with your report, you hadn’t given your breakup a single thought, but now, you had a whole hour to do nothing but that. 
“Then we’ll just have to go to lunch to take your mind off it,” he responded with a smirk. You debated continuing your work instead, but gave Dean’s offer a second thought.
“Beats work, I guess.” 
You saved your work and turned off the monitor before grabbing your purse. Your eyes swept the desk as you rose from the chair, and you had one arm in your jacket when you saw his grin. 
“What?” You asked, a little wary of his response.
“Nothing.” He was unsuccessful in feigning nonchalance. You gave him a pointed look.
“I…” He trailed off as he collected his thoughts. “I just think we got off on the wrong foot, and I’m hoping this lunch will be better,” he admitted. He rubbed the back of his neck and his eyes were averted, hinting towards his nervousness. You were thrown off by his truthfulness, but after a moment, you were surprised to find that you agreed.
“Yeah,” you said with a smile. The grin he returned conveyed his relief, and you swore the air felt a little lighter. “Come on, then. Part of inviting me to lunch is actually going.”
“Alright,” he chucked. “Where should we go? Lady’s choice.” 
The diner across the street was nothing special, but it was close and fast– two things you appreciated. The hostess seated the two of you upon arrival, and within five minutes, your orders were taken.
“So, Y/N Y/L/N, tell me about yourself,” Dean said, after the waitress set down your drinks. 
“There’s not much to tell,” you warned. 
“Oh?” He raised an eyebrow.
“Yeah,” you said with a shrug. “When you’re an only child and both of your parents are on-call surgeons, it’s kinda lonely and boring. I read a lot as a kid and focused on school. I always went to class and ran for student-body president. Don’t get me wrong, though, I had a social life and friends. I dated a couple of boys and fooled around with a couple more, but nothing wild. And then I went to college, but that wasn’t anything wild either.”
You were quiet for a moment, giving yourself time before continuing. 
“I met Zach during the second half of junior year. We were in the same class and, I don’t know, I guess we kinda just clicked. We got coffee a couple of times and worked on a couple of projects together. Even after the semester was over, we kept in contact and eventually he asked me out and we started dating. After graduation, I got this job and he took an offer at a tech company two hours away.” 
A familiar lump began to form in your throat. “It’s been a year since then, and I thought things were going fine between us, but clearly they weren’t. And I–” 
Your vision blurred from the tears brimming your eyes. You took a deep breath. Dean offered the glass in front of you, and you sipped at it while the waitress set down your plates. Your mouth watered at the sight of the cheeseburger in front of you. 
“Anyways, enough about me,” you said, once the waitress had left. “What about you?” 
Dean shrugged in response. 
As you ate, he talked about the house fire that took his mother when he was four, leaving his dad to take care of him and his younger brother, Sam, who was only six-months-old at the time. He shared how his dad turned to alcohol after the tragedy, and how it was the cause of the car accident that killed him ten years later. Bobby, a close family friend without kids of his own, adopted the brothers right after. Dean struggled through high school and vowed to never set foot on a school campus again once he graduated. He lived at Bobby’s until Sam finished high school, working as a mechanic at Bobby’s body shop. From there, Dean bounced around, taking the odd job here and there.
You listened to his story with rapt attention, admiring his animated gestures and shining eyes as he talked about Sam, who was now in his last year of college. The brothers had remained close over the years, despite their physical distance.
“Eventually, after working so many different jobs, I had gained experience that employers valued– at least, enough to overlook my lack of college degree– and I ended up here,” he concluded with a shrug. He was relaxed against the cushion of the booth, reaching out his hand to swipe a french fry through ketchup. His fingers drummed on the table while he chewed. 
“Thanks for sharing that with me,” you said softly, offering him a small smile. His fingers stopped their tapping.
“Thanks for taking me up on lunch,” He responded, just as softly. His forearms rested against the table as he subtly leaned closer, mirroring you. The sunlight hit him at the perfect angle, revealing the flecks of gold amongst his vivid green eyes and the smaller, fainter freckles dusting his cheekbones. Your breath hitched at the sight.
The corners of his mouth slowly raised to a smile– the movement catching your attention. Your gaze lowered to his lips and you found yourself wondering if they were as soft as they looked. 
“Like what you see?” He was parroting his first words to her using the same, smooth flirtatious tone that had irritated every nerve in your body yesterday, but today, you found you didn’t mind it one bit.
Taglist: @akshi8278 @skyewardolicitycloisdelena91 @lanea-1 @slamminmine @bluedragonflylady @cevans-winchester @bakugouswh0r3 @muhahaha303 @allaroundjejje
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Hello, my favorite writer! I just woke up from a nightmare 😭 And I'm here seeking comfort!
My nightmare went something like this: So, I went shopping with my parents and I soon found something that I liked and went to the dressing room. I go to lock the door, and Holy Jesus, there stands a big ass man (okay, he wasn't really that tall. I'm just short 🥲). Literally, I don't know why I didn't scream, but I just stared at him for a couple of seconds and told him to f-off. He surprisingly f-offed, and I went back to locking the door. I was having trouble doing that, however, as the door kept on sliding open. I finally got it to semi close with a small crack, and hahaha! In comes a knife in my leg (Ya'll, I actually felt it). I fall back, screaming. And when I looked up, there he was, that big ass man. I guess he didn't like me telling him to f-off (he was also a crazy ass stalker I think) and decided to come back with a knife to teach me a lesson. And yeah, we went on like that, me crying and him yelling, trying to get the door open (What's up with these nightmares about making other people magically disappear when things like this happens?) And then I remembered I had my phone on me after, like, 10 minutes (ew). So I called my parents with him still standing there and they came and saved the day.
I hated that dream so much omg, and I woke up in my dark ass room too. I seek comfort from my little Qin 😢 I just want my sweet little Qin Shi Huang. So, instead of me calling my parents, it'll be Qin. Adam and Eve for mom and dad ofc! I've been saying me and I, but it's really just reader, lol. Anyway, thank you! Anything else you can just make up! Muwah! ❤️
I have those types of nightmares all the time, or the ones where I'm trying to run and I'm running so slowly while everyone else around me is running so fast and it's so frustrating that I can't run away from whatever is chasing me. Hugs and kisses my dear!
-You couldn’t breathe or move, staring terrified up at the man who was in the same dressing room as you, you just wanted to try on the cute dress you found!!
-He had been there moments before and you asked him to leave, but when he didn’t you glared hard, “Fuck off!”
-He didn’t react, not even blinking but left, letting you breathe deeply in relief.
-The lock to the door wouldn’t work, you pressed your body up against the door, trying to wiggle the lock into place, but try as you might, it wouldn’t stay shut.
-A sharp pain filled your leg and you let out a shriek of pain, falling back, landing hard on the ground as the door blew open, revealing that man again who seemed to be leering and glaring all at the same time, “I didn’t like your rude words, darling~ Guess I need to teach you some manners!”
-Your breath hitched in fear, tears already slipping down your cheeks from the knife in your thigh.
-You choked, trying to scream, but nothing would come out as he stared down at you, almost like he enjoyed seeing you in so much pain.
-You grabbed your phone and instantly hit the call button, trying to call for help but he slapped your phone out of your hands, “Ahh-ahh~ we don’t want anyone interrupting~”
-Qin Shi Huang- Almost instantly his face was caved in as someone leapt up behind him, smashing his leg into this man’s face, knocking him back away from you as you tried to slid back, cowering in fear. Despite seeing your lover there, you were terrified as Qin shouted for help, getting the staff back to the dressing rooms where they quickly saw you and the knife in your leg. You were instantly in his arms, hugging you tightly as your hands gripped his shirt as your voice finally returned, a sob ripping from your throat. Your face was in his chest, one arm wrapped around your head, keeping you close while the other stroked your hair, trying to calm you down. He whispered softly in your ear, “I’m here now Y/N, I’m here.” Your hug tightened a bit, and once you gave a single nod, he smiled, relaxing as paramedics arrived.
-Adam and Eve- He was immediately grabbed by the hair at the back of his head as your father leapt up, sending him crashing hard to the floor, unconscious while Eve ran to get help, seeing Adam attacking someone. Once Adam knew this man was unconscious, he turned to you, seeing the knife in your leg and seeing you crying, cowering in fear. He was quick to rush at you, hugging you close as you sobbed, “Papa!!” he quickly picked you up, minding the leg and stepped out as Eve and the workers saw that you had been attacked. Adam was deathly silent, a dark aura surrounding him, seeing that you had been hurt and you were terrified, now clinging to your mama as she stroked your hair gently, trying to calm you down as you had the hiccups now. Adam carried you out to the ambulance and held you while they worked on your leg, letting you cling to him, your arms around his neck while Eve was rubbing your back gently, both of them whispering that you were safe now.
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unablethethird · 1 month
once again
Same with you skip the weird ones
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1: Name Robert [rob]
2: Age 14
3: 3 Fears 1- Friends dying/getting hurt 2-Going back to the last place i lived 3-Not being able to help/be there
4: 3 things I love 1-My frens 2-Laptop 3-headphones
7: My best friend You and yaya [irl]
8: Sexual orientation AroAce [fictoromantic/fictosexual, and kinda orchidromantic]
10: How tall am I 166cm [for now]
11: What do I miss
cant think of anything rn
12: What time were I born 4am
13: Favorite color red, orange, purple, black
15: Favorite quote "Light a man a fire and he'll be warm for the night, light a man *on* fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life"
16: Favorite place Arcade
17: Favorite food Imjaderah [rice+yoghurt+beans]
18: Do I use sarcasm sometimes, not rlly tho
19: What am I listening to right now
20: First thing I notice in new person Not sure, maybe symptoms???? but not on purpose
21: Shoe size No idea
22: Eye color dark brown [almost black]
23: Hair color black
24: Favorite style of clothing 1920s men atire
25: Ever done a prank call? Not that i can remember
27: Meaning behind my URL I mean this is the 3rd acc
28: Favorite movie THE LORAX!!!!
29: Favorite song right now it's
30: Favorite band FamilyJules? LemonDemon? Will wood? Chonny jash?
31: How I feel right now My body's scared but im chilling
32: Someone I love You /p
33: My current relationship status AroAce, platonically married
34: My relationship with my parents lol
35: Favorite holiday Eid al adha, free money
36: Tattoos and piercing i have Ear
37: Tattoos and piercing i want Sleeve tattoo when i transition
38: The reason I joined Tumblr Needed to continue a fic/comic that was on tumblr
39: Do I and my last ex hate each other? idk
40: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts? thank you fren /gen
41: Have I ever kissed the last person you texted? my dad? maybe when i was really young
42: When did I last hold hands? My little sister, i didnt want her to get run over when crossing the road
43: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning? As long as i have, if u give me an hour i'll take an hour, if you give me 30 seconds i'll take 30 seconds
44: Have You shaved your legs in the past three days? Nope, i get gender dysphoria from shaving my legs/arms
45: Where am I right now? Bed
47: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level? LOUD
48: Do I live with my Mom and Dad? Mum, not dad
49: Am I excited for anything? Turning 18 and going uni and being a human person with a human life
50: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to? Im an oversharer
51: How often do I wear a fake smile? Im autistic so not in a deppressed way
52: When was the last time I hugged someone? Cant remember
54: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not? H [irl]
55: What is something I disliked about today? My sister stealing money from my mum, i was this close to having smoke outta my ears, she should know better
56: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? God, im going to beat the shit out of him
57: What do I think about most? Cringe memories i guess?
58: What’s my strangest talent? I can bird whistle
59: Do I have any strange phobias? Touch might be strange?
60: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? Behind fs
61: What was the last lie I told? "I don't know who they were talking about" [i didn't want to hurt her feelings]
62: Do I prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online? voice, video is a nightmare
63: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens? Yea because either i've seen them or im delusional [im delusional]. aliens are a given, even a bacteria could be one
64: Do I believe in magic? Kinda? idrk, maybe
65: Do I believe in luck? yea
66: What’s the weather like right now? cloudy n cold
67: What was the last book I’ve read? DnD rulebook
68: Do I like the smell of gasoline? LVORE IT LOIF LVOE LOVE IT
69: Do I have any nicknames? I get called by my last name a lot
70: What was the worst injury I’ve ever had? not sure
71: Do I spend money or save it? Save
72: Can I touch my nose with a tongue? Unfortunatly no
73: Is there anything pink in 10 feet from me? My sisters deoderant
74: Favorite animal?
75: What was I doing last night at 12 AM? calming myself down
76: What do I think is Satan’s last name is? I dont think he has one, idk im not religious
77: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it? Corny/cringe as hell but Honeypie by JAWNY
78: How can you win my heart? havent thought about it
79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone?
80: What is my favorite word? supercalifragilisticexpialadocious
81: My top 5 blogs on tumblr Moots
82: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say? your god is the right one [chaos]
83: Do I have any relatives in jail? Not currently, but my dad and some uncles were
84: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power? Time manipulation
85: What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on? i dont think questions are scary
86: What is my current desktop picture? basic
90: Failed a class? classes
94: Had job? I have one now, dont always get paid though
95: Left the house without my wallet? Dont have a wallet
96: Bullied someone on the internet? no
98: Played on a sports team?
Unless school sport team counts
103: Am I a vegetarian/vegan? no
104: Been overweight? No
105: Been underweight? yea
106: Been to a wedding? ye
107: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight? Duh
108: Watched TV for 5 hours straight? maybe i dont remember
109: Been outside my home country? Technically im from iran, and i live in australia, so, yeah
110: Gotten my heart broken? i guess
111: Been to a professional sports game? no
112: Broken a bone? no
113: Cut myself? yeah Im stopping though
114: Been to prom? we dont have that
115: Been in airplane?
116: Fly by helicopter? no
117: What concerts have I been to? none
118: Had a crush on someone of the same sex? kinda
119: Learned another language? I know arabic and english
120: Wore make up? Forced to when i was younger but not anymore
123: Dyed my hair? Part of it purple, but its gone now
124: Voted in a presidential election? Cant vote, eitherway all of em suck
125: Rode in an ambulance? Yep
126: Had a surgery? not sure, memory bad
127: Met someone famous? Not that i know of
128: Stalked someone on a social network? mutuals tumblrs
129: Peed outside? Yea
130: Been fishing? nope
131: Helped with charity? yep
132: Been rejected by a crush? nope
133: Broken a mirror? Yep
134: What do I want for birthday? Wouldn't ever happen because it's expensive as fuck but a pump it up machine
i usually get a slice of cake tho
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for the nights and days of life by @mochalottie longass notes for chapter nineee:
-Beard! Jake is such a funny image. It’s long and flowing, maybe he braids it Omaticaya style.
-Baby Spider’s return!! God I missed him and Jake’s little lab bonding time. It's such a clear image in my head, same as their little hammock is to me. I always love when a scene is so tangible for me.
-Me and Jake holding hands and never forgetting what Tsantu did. We will never get over it and we will never forgive him.
-You’ve got metaphors on top of similes in this chapter, babe. How many ways to describe Jake’s eyes bingo. I'd cut some. I tend to go harsher with my edits for Andrei, but I've never done that for you so idk let me know if that's not your vibe! I think I had one person ask for harsher long notes and it's on my docket, but it was not you!
-HAHA Kiri and the other kids constantly reminding Jake about how cool every scar they have is while he goes into cardiac arrest.
-I adore the Max and Norm cameo it is flawless, I hope they keep sending each other shit. I am unclear as to what they mean by can they use some of it. Do they mean as evidence against the RDA? That’s my best guess.
-Neteyam: yay what a great day to finally hang out alone with my best friend and brother!
Spider: let’s go into this scary area.
Neteyam: oh.
-Lol of course Spider found hIS MOMS dead body and ship because he is literally Eywa’s favorite and least favorite. He’s the main character. All the shit happens to him. You know that funny saying, God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers, that's Jake comforting Neytiri and Spider. "Eywa gives her toughest battles to her strongest soldiers."
-The fear of having a disabled child, or even just a chronically ill child balanced with letting them live their own lives? It’s such a great concept to explore in Spider, and I love Neytiri doing it. Jake was human, he’s used to them, but Neytiri would have never seen a kid break an arm or an ankle or dislocate a shoulder or anything like that. It's horrible and scary for any person to see happen to their kid, but yet you know the kid will be fine. For Neytiri there is none of that background knowledge and comfort. It’s such a painful but interesting concept I adore it every time I see it.
-I also like audibly cooed at her making Jake foods he likes all the time because she wants to make up for food on Earth being shit all the time. That is the sweetest thing I've ever read gOD I love jeytiri.
-Jake snorting himself awake has me dEAD, simply cACKING, but also it’s so sweet because you kNOW his ass never slept deeply after the war, or before on Earth. He only sleeps deeply in the cuddle pile and I’ll cry. Him and Neteyam both, Neteyam will wake up at the slightest sound uNLESS he's in the family cuddle pile.
-Neteyam and Spider are the twins that came to literally like, stab Jake in the heart occasionally by reminding him of Tommy. You kNOW sometimes they cuddle or run off together and he can’t breathe for a second because they look like two different kids of a different species.
-You fucked up, potter is the british version of putter. I’m laughing when the British or Irish slang slips in. I only mention it because of your authors note saying you were trying to catch them all lol.
-Oh my god Neytiri going to say goodbye and reassure Paz that she has Spider taken care of? That has my entire heart and soul.
-Hilarious of Neytiri to specifically call human technology stupid names. That’s so funny. She’s like “Jake, someone is calling you on the stupid dumbass square.”
-Jake and Neytiri now must keep up the ruse of science being a swear for years to come. Norm says science on a call one time and they all gASP and cover Spider's ears.
-Norm and Max better come back with the RDA, like they sneak aboard and come to apologize to Jake and fuck shit up in person. I know that isn't the point but I miss them deeply.
-Neytiri at all times just lowkey at defcon 1 just like, always on the fucking razors edge. She is so full of unhealed and unchecked trauma and PTSD it's almost hilarious.
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pandoraolivine · 3 months
Akatsuki no Yona Oneshot
Flower Moon
An expansion on the sword training scene/Chapter 47 (Yona/Shin-ah)
My first time posting a fanfic here so pls be merciful to anything that is abnormal or out of place I truly have no idea what I'm doing lol. This idea has lived rent free in my mind for weeks now so I thought I'd write it out. Shin-ah is such an interesting character I was dying to flesh him out more, plus current manga circumstances have me missing my boy. Yes I know Hak and Yona are canon but this pairing will always hold a special place in my heart. I don't own any of these characters. (thank you again @roseodelle for proofreading for me🖤)
TW: blood
WC: 4,371
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Shin-ah didn't quite understand the idea of love. How was he meant to when neither he nor his guardian, Ao, had? His sole point of reference for the outside world was limited to the scene outside the window of his childhood home, where he would often linger for hours. One day, he witnessed longingly as two individuals had their arms firmly intertwined. He, with the naive nature of any child his age, mentioned the encounter to Ao.
"Ao, what are they doing? Are they hurt? Should we go help them?" The young Shin-ah asked. Ao grumbled, tearing his gaze away from the sword he sharpens towards the window. Though Shin-ah's vision was hindered by the mask placed on him since birth, he saw the moment Ao's face dropped. Ao quickly averted his eyes back to his sword.
"They're just hugging." Ao answered bluntly, the sanding of his sword more aggressive than beforehand. Shin-ah was more confused than he was prior to the question. His eyes found their way back to the couple as they tear away from the embrace, observing one place a hand on the other’s cheek.
"What's hugging?" Shin-ah questioned further. Ao, now scrubbing viciously, was silent-something Shin-ah knew meant he had touched a soft spot. He began to consider retracting his concern when Ao spoke:
"It's a thing people sometimes do to show love."
"What's love?" Shin-ah pried further. Ao's answers seemed only to lead to more questions for him. Ao stiffened, his sword slipping off his lap momentarily before he caught it. Though long baby blue hair covered Ao's face, Shin-ah's dragon eyes saw his gritted teeth.
"Something you don't need to worry about.”
"Do you love me?" Shin-ah wanted some sort of reference for the phrase. He knew he cared deeply for Ao, him being the closest to a parent he had ever had. He wondered if that was love. Ao sighed, his sharpening at a normal pace again.
"I guess you could call it that." He stated begrudgingly, his voice half a mutter and half a grunt. Ao finished with his sword and stood up, giving it a few test swings.
"What about the villagers? They hate us, yet you always go out of your way to protect them. Why?"
Ao froze mid overhead slash, his golden eyes wide. He reeled his sword back towards himself, then locked eyes with Shin-ah. His face was tight, temples throbbing intensely.
"I can't hate them-so I'll protect them. That's how I'll show them." Ao announced as he sheathed his sword. His large hand scratched the back of his neck, releasing a deep sigh. "You sure are chatty today, kid. No more questions."
Show them what? Shin-ah wanted to ask, but knew pushing his luck any more would further upset Ao, and he hated when Ao got mad. Ao waltzed to the door, readying himself for their regular bandit hunts. Shin-ah's mouth opened, fear of being left behind overtaking, when Ao lowered a hand towards the ground and outspread it towards him. Shin-ah grinned from ear to ear, rushing into a sprint towards Ao's side, placing his small hand in his guardian's.
Shin-ah physically shook his head in an attempt to purge the memory from his thoughts. Ao was always a bittersweet part of his mind, and it frustrated him how little he could remember of his face-a reminder of how long he had been on his own since Ao had left him.
But he wasn't alone anymore, he reminded himself. A girl who, with an aura more radiant than the sun itself, had rescued him from his eternal darkness. He even had brothers now, too. It had taken more getting used to than he had expected, and even now he found himself wandering far from the group out of sheer habit. He wasn't used to the constant company; Kija and Zeno especially tended to exhibit a particular need for closeness he simply wasn't accustomed to.
“Hak, you idiot.” He would recognize that voice in total darkness-even if he were completely deaf, the warmth of her presence reached him long before she herself did. Yona appeared from behind a tree then kicked the rock closest to her feet, crossing her arms in an extravagant huff. She blew a tuft of crimson hair from her eyes, and in doing so, spotted Shin-ah. Her lips curved into a devious smirk.
Shin-ah gulped, his eyes darting around the surrounding area. His beloved squirrel, Ao (though not fitting for a female squirrel, was named after the only name he ever knew) was chewing on his furry headpiece. Yona approached him with a plan clearly on the forefront of her mind.
“Yes, I want you to teach me swordsmanship. You are a swordsman, right?” Yona asked, her hands kneading into her skirt as she gripped it tightly. Swordsman? He thought, but he supposed it was the proper term for him. Ao had never really given him a special title for it. “Shin-ah, who did you learn swordsmanship from?”
There was a sharp jolt in his stomach, as if he had just leapt from a high ledge. “Ao,” he whispered. Though the name often fell on his lips for his beloved squirrel, it had been many, many years since it was spoken in reference to his guardian.
“...eh?” Yona gasped, eyes wide and bewildered. Realizing the confusion he had caused, he shook his head.
“Someone…by my side, a long time ago.” He confirmed to hopefully resolve any confusion, his eyes trailing off in thoughts of his guardian for a moment. He clenched his fist. “And then fighting in actual battles. Bandits and wild beasts, mostly.”
“That's amazing! I figured as much. I bet those villagers are regretting not appreciating you now that you're not there to fight their battles.” Yona exclaimed, though her brows seemed to lower slightly at the mention of his former village’s residents. He shrunk his head into his shoulders. He knew that the villagers were unaware to anything he had done for them-Ao had made that very apparent to him early on in his life-but it was the only guide he had been given on how to live through this unfortunate existence. His sole purpose was to survive, protect the village, and assist the rising of the blue dragon once the curse laid its hands on its next victim. Clapping her fists together in front of her in a prayer-like motion, Yona leaned towards him. “Teach me the swordsmanship you cultivated through actual combat, Shin-ah.”
Shin-ah twitched, finding himself at cross roads. He thought of Yona’s protector, Hak, and if he would be upset at him for possibly putting her in harm’s way. The Thunder Beast was adamantly against the idea of Yona wielding a sword, and Shin-ah knew he was not one to be trifled with. However, her glowing green eyes gleamed with uncontainable glee, and though he wore a mask, he could tell she was doing her very best to look into his eyes. How could he refuse her when the name she had given him sounded like sweet songbirds coming from her lips? With a sigh, he took his sword from its sheath and meticulously examined it for any potential scratches, as well as ensureed that the handle's binding was secure enough to stay in place as she held it. He hesitated one more moment before uneasily placing the sword in her delicate hands.
As soon as he let go, the weight of the sword quickly made itself known to her as it plummeted towards the ground. Despite trembling arms, Yona lifted the tip of the sword towards the sky, her eyes meeting his, with the fire he admired so much. He evaluated her stance. He then tilted his head to the side, pondering how to explain once he determined how terrible it was.
“Widen your legs…shoulder width apart. Better stance makes you sturdier.” He meekly suggested, not accustomed to being a teacher. He found it difficult, as much of his own studies had been from observing Ao and practicing on his own. He wasn't quite sure how to translate that knowledge. She did as he asked, then slashed the sword horizontally. The weight unbalanced her for a moment, but then she sliced the air going in the opposite way. She followed it with multiple more swings in an uncoordinated fashion.
Ah, there it is, he thinks, the problem evident. Unsure of how to best word his thoughts, he stepped behind her and wrapped his hands around her wrists. “Your wrists are too tight…loosen them. More fluid movement.” He directed, then showed her a proper crossway slice. He followed it with an upward swing, leading into a sharp thrust. “Move with purpose. Each move should lead into the next.”
“So, it's kinda like dancing!” Yona blurted out, practicing the move set he had just shown her. Shin-ah didn't have much dancing practice-or really, any, for that matter-but if the connection helped her, then that was all that mattered to him. His eyes were drawn to her hands, realizing just how much more battered up they were up close: etched with scars, splinters, and small cuts. His chest tightened. He wished that they would stay soft forever and that she would never experience hardship, but he knew that was not the kind of girl Yona was.
Why was he so fixated on her hands? He asked himself, finding his own face growing hot beneath his mask. He released her wrists and stepped back, tossing the recent thoughts from his mind. He steadied his headpiece and monitored Yona as she tightened her grip on the sword. Her eyes were blazingly focused. After correcting her stance as Shin-ah had shown her, she swung the sword in the fashion previously demonstrated for her.
Shin-ah found himself in a trance, incapable of tearing his gaze away. Her hair tossed across her face as she sliced, with stray pieces clinging to the sweat that lined the edge of her hair, her breaths deep but determined. She released small grunts as she fought to keep a steady grip on the blade that she refused to deem too heavy for herself. She went for the upward slash, her brow furrowed deeply as she thrust herself forward with her blade pointed at Shin-ah. He found his breath had escaped him and his rib cage seemed to squeeze at his chest. Had she paralyzed his heart?
Yona softened as she reeled the sword back. Her face pinched, releasing a faint yelp as she let a hand off the blade. He froze, a pit carving into his stomach as he saw the deep scarlet puddle on her pale hands. She stared indifferently at her now-bloody palm.
“I see, this sword doesn't have a guard.” She quickly disregarded her frown, then moved her hand back to the hilt. “Shin-ah, can you walk me through-”
He promptly robbed her of the blade, clutching the handle fiercely to his body. He'd hurt her. He was the one who caused this. He did precisely what he had always feared he would. He pivoted to bolt-his answer to any problematic situation-when a small hand grabbed his elbow.
“Shin-ah, wait. I'm ok, I promise. It's just a scratch.” Yona tried to reassure him, but Shin-ah still attempted to pull away. As hard as he fought to omit the sight from his all-seeing eyes, he could not rid himself of the crimson that stained her hands. He could not leave her like this. He grit his teeth, tossed his sword aside to the grass, then turned to Yona. He knew Yoon had gone to town to buy supplies so he would have to take care of her himself. He gathered her up, one arm beneath her legs, the other around her shoulders, then scouted for a nearby river. Yona cried out, the whites of her eyes taking over and her cheeks glowing, "Shin-ah, what are yo-”
He unintentionally cut her question short as soon as he leapt towards the body of water he had just discovered. Her small fists clamped tightly onto his overshirt, and he found it difficult to concentrate anywhere other than her face as she peered at the passing scenery of the surrounding woodland. They arrived at the fiercely-flowing river, where he cautiously set her down and guided her hand into the water. With one hand, he carefully cupped water over the cut, wincing as he reviewed the incision without blood once the water ran clear. “I’m sorry…Yona.”
“This isn't your fault. I was the one who was careless. I'm sure next time I'll-” Yona began, but was hastily disrupted by Shin-ah passionately jerking his head back and forth. He refused to allow her to get hurt on his account ever again. The bleeding stopped, yet his index finger continued to trace the lines of her palm. He snaps himself out of it then reaches for the bandages he kept in his pack for his arm wraps out. He timidly grabbed hold of her fingers and began to tenderly wrap the bandages around her palm.
He urges himself to stay centered on the task at hand and not let his thoughts drift back to her features, which he deeply desired to study. His work was abruptly disturbed by sudden heat on his jaw, which he faintly gasped to. He raised his head to see Yona's hand on his chin, accompanied by a smile so dazzling it threatened to overthrow the sun and melt his heart. Her gentle fingertips began to wedge beneath his mask so he swiftly seized her wrist to stop her. His hands grew sweaty and his fingertips twitched. Yona's expression sank.
“It's ok, I just want to be able to look into your eyes when I talk to you. Won't you let me? It's hard to read your face with it covered.” She pleaded, stroking his cheek with her thumb. He pressed his lips together and turned his head away. He detested to risk harming her with this curse he had been forsaken by. “I could never be afraid of you, Shin-ah.”
She gracefully proceeds to inch her fingers further to remove the mask from his face, and he finds himself unable to refuse her. He reluctantly let go of her wrist, illumination blinding him as he emerged from his realm of darkness. He instinctively squeezed his eyes shut, largely out of a deep-seated fear of his paralysis powers and the other being sensitive to the sunshine overhead. Yona's hand slid to his cheekbone and brushed the area around his birthmark. His eyelids fluttered open, taking in every detail around him like a newborn observing the world for the first time; from the leaves swaying in the wind, the waterfall miles away, to the fish swimming against the current. But Yona, the most brilliant light of them all, was the one he always found his way back to.
Her face was so much more breathtaking without hindered vision. He absorbed every minute detail: her freckles, the frizz of her wild hair, the cracks in her lips, her sun-kissed skin along her cheeks, the array of green hues in her captivating eyes.
“You have such beautiful eyes. I wish you weren't so afraid to show them to the world.” Yona said. He is met with the familiar urge to hide himself, although this time, not out of fear, but due to a stranger feeling he couldn't quite verbalize. “I don't see how anyone could see you as cursed.”
“I…” He trailed, unable to find the correct words. After muttering a grunt, he redirected his focus back to tending to her wound. As Yona withdrew her hand, the heat dissipated from his cheek, leaving him colder than he was prior with a shiver crawling up his spine. He finishes wrapping it up, taking special care to ensure it wasn't tight enough as to cause discomfort. It would have to do for now until Yoon could work his magic. Shin-ah knew the basics enough to tend to his own injuries from countless years of skirmishes, but he was hardly a professional. The last thing he wanted was to initiate further damage by addressing her wound incorrectly. His hands linger on her hand a moment longer, finding it difficult to remove.
“See? All better! Thank you, Shin-ah.” Yona sings, admiring his work. She then brings her hands to her lap, gripping the fabric of her dress. “I'm sorry for being so careless, and for upsetting you.”
“Yona, you could never upset me.” Shin-ah rapidly responds, quite offended at the very idea, shaking his head furiously. Yona giggles, a sound that could cure him even on his deathbed. “I want to protect you. I…never want to see you hurt.”
“I'm grateful for you, and the others, for that matter. It means the world to me to have so many who care for me.” She states, but there is an underlying tone to her voice as her eyes seem to drift towards the river longingly. “But I want to protect you all too. I never want to be powerless again.”
Shin-ah sharply inhales at how quickly her mood darkened. He frantically looked around for Ao, who was much more efficient at comforting others than himself, but she was nowhere to be found, so she must have returned to camp on her own. He grits his teeth together, his brain mulling over every possibility, but he drew a blank on what to do. He had never been good at this sort of thing-how could he be when none had ever been expressed to him? His guardian, Ao, was certainly not the affectionate type, and the villagers loathed him so much they would have ignored him to bleed to death and then complain about having to clean up the mess left on the dirt. He dreaded to see Yona so sorrowful; he desired nothing more than to be able to physically combat the darkness that engulfed her and beat it into submission so she would never succumb to despair again. His eyes gleam as an idea rolls into his mind, promting him to grab her unbandaged hand with his own, squeezing it tightly. Yona’s head whips towards him, her mouth hanging open at the sudden touch. She quickly throws on a smile, her thumb rubbing against the outer part of his hand.
“That’s why I need you to teach me the sword! I need to be strong enough to protect you the way you protect me.” Yona exclaimed, her eyes ignited with determination. Shin-ah immediately shakes his head, his dragon eyes able to see the fresh wound even beyond the bandages. He would never allow something like that to happen again. Yona's face scrunches to the side, lips puckered into a pout. Her features soften as she locks eyes with him once more. “Could I at least watch you practice?”
Shin-ah grew still as a statue. His golden eyes widened as he remembered how he spent his entire span of consciousness imitating every move Ao had demonstrated for him, even after his death. He was cast away into memories of his own solitude, his sole solace for the majority of his life being that Ao remained eternally with him due to the techniques bestowed upon him prior to his passing. Before he had time to resist, tears welled up in his eyes against his will. Yona immediately jumped to place a hand on his cheek.
“I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to upset you, we don't have-” She apologized, but was rendered short mid-sentence by Shin-ah, who coated her entire hand with his own and swayed his head faintly. His fingers followed the lines of her bandages.
“No…that's perfect.” He reassures, taking a deep inhale in a futile attempt to withdraw his tears. Yona grinned softly, her thumb collecting the overflow from trickling down his face.
“You’re such a kind soul, Shin-ah. I hope you stay by my side forever.” Yona states. He discovered he was completely unable to move-perhaps she had paralyzed him, just as she had done prior. He curled a fingertip just to prove he still could. What had she done to him, then?
“I'll follow you anywhere, as long as you let me.” Shin-ah vowed breathily, wandering in the lush emerald forest that made a home in her eyes.
Yona grew a toothy smile, her cheeks pink like the petals of a rose against snow. Her eyes lit up suddenly and she scrambled through her pouch. “Oh! I nearly forgot! I have a surprise for you.”
Shin-ah’s head cocked to the side, watching her closely as his hands rested in his lap. She let out a triumphant cry as she extracted a foreign object from her pouch. He heard a familiar faint ring, one that caused his eyes to expand and intercepted his breath.
“I noticed you lost the bells from your mask after we escaped the cave, and I was worried they were something precious to you that you lost because of me. So when I was in town with Yoon the other day and saw this, I knew I had to get it for you.” Yona explained, her hands cupped together as she presented a large golden bell threaded through a blue ribbon. He was too overcome with shock to move, so he silently stared at the bell, mouth hanging open and uncertain how to proceed. Ao's words reverberated in his mind: 'I'll know where you are, even if I can't see you.' Yona took note of his awe and sensitively laid the bell into the exposed palms of his lap. Shin-ah hesitantly drew it closer to his eyes, examining the intricate designs along the surface, slightly flinching at the ring that emitted. “I know it's probably not anything like the ones you had before, but I hope you like it.”
Like it? He scoffed internally, his heart practically bruising his ribs with its attempt to escape from his chest. He struggled to comprehend her thoughtfulness in wanting to replace the bells he had worn for so long. He didn't even imagine that she had noticed his bells were missing. When his original bells had fallen, he felt no need to retrieve them due to having friends who finally saw him. However, hearing the sweet ring once more stirred a tender and tormenting nostalgia he hadn't felt since being liberated from the caves he was bound to. He reluctantly rattled the bell again, the music plucking the strings of his heart into a melody that nearly brought him to tears once more. Don't you dare cry again, he ordered himself. Taking a deep breath, he clutches the bell tightly to his collar bones. “Thank you, Yona.”
He cursed himself for being incapable of verbalizing the depth of his gratitude for this gift. She sprung slightly forward and clapped her hands together, her signature enchanting smile adorning her face. Rising to her feet, she dusted the dirt off her skirt, surveying her surroundings. She then extended her bandaged hand to Shin-ah.
“Now, back to sword practice?” She asked. Despite the injury she sustained, she still approached him with the same amount of enthusiasm that she had begun with. He pulled himself out of his daze caused by the gift, snatching his headpiece to place his mask back on, as it was a force of habit that could not be broken easily. Yona frowned slightly, but knew it could not be helped-it would take time for him to be able to live without it. He reached for her hand, wincing for a moment at the reminder of her wound. He then decided to grab a hold of her wrist as she helped pull him up. She leads the way, but his feet are held down by stones he cannot see. Noticing his arm resistant, she turns around with her eyebrows narrowed. “Are you alright?”
His teeth grinded together, his legs trembling as he grasped the bell tightly. “I just...I...” he croaked, the words clogging his throat. It mustered all his strength to not let it morph into an inaudible blubber. 'I'm sorry...I'm going to leave you all alone.' Ao's final words assaulted his thoughts. Yona tilted her head as she stepped closer to him. He turned away in an attempt to further hide his face. “Please...don't leave me.”
Yona's eyes broadened as she peered lower at their interlaced hands. He whirled to face her, poised to take back what he'd said, fearing he'd said something harmful, when she freed his hand. Before he could react, a sudden flash of red surged toward him with two frail arms enveloping his torso. This was unlike anything he had ever felt before. She buried her head deeper into his chest, stunning him to the point that his arms were rendered useless, dangling midair. He recalled the couple he'd witnessed so long ago, and how he'd dreamed of the day when somebody would finally be willing to stare into his eyes head on without fear. He wondered what Ao would think of the friends he had made. Tears surged out of his eyes yet again and he inclined his head towards the heavens in an attempt to prevent them from flowing down his now raw cheeks. He, with reservations, slowly wrapped his arms around her shoulders and softly squeezed them. He hoped he was doing it correctly. Yona eventually draws back, her eyes reddish and glistening like stars from the sun's beaming light peeking through the overhanging foliage. She embraces his neck delicately with both hands and sniffles. “I'm not going anywhere. Thank you for being by my side, Shin-ah.”
They leave for camp together, Shin-ah never once losing grip of her wrist while his other hand cradled the bell firmly to his chest. He nearly stumbled on several occasions as a result of being so enthralled by her presence. He loved her, he decided. He didn't know much about what the word meant, but he knew he cared for her more than anything in the world; she who rescued him from his relentless world of shadows and gave him a moonlight name that he would treasure for eternity. He wasn't sure how exactly to express this love to her, but he knew he would do whatever it took to protect her and prevent her from wearing that melancholic expression on her face ever again. That's how he would show her.
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genderfluidgothwitch · 10 months
Bwuehehe. Writer questions 1, 15, 28, 32, and 46
1: What font do you write in? Do you actually care or is that just the default setting"
I use either Calibri or Ariel, depending. Basically any sans-serif font thats ADHD/Dyslexia friendly. Love reading/writing, hate when words don't stay put lol
15: Do you write in the margins of your books? Dog-ear your pages? Read in the bath? Why or why not? Do you judge people who do these things? Can we still be friends?
Good lord lmao.
I just recently started being okay with annotating anf highlighting books. I used to consider it sacrilegious to do so, and then I realized who the fuck cares? They're my books, and fuck it, if I'm gonna let someone else read it, they can have fun reading my thoughts while doing so lol. I do not dog ear, only because I have a tendency to either use scrap paper bookmarks, the fancy bookmarks I keep forgetting I own. I LOVE LOVE LOVE reading in the bath. Unfortunately my family hated when I would read in the bath for two hours. Something about there only being one bathroom for six people lol. I do not judge. Again, who the fuck cares lol. I will be friends with anyone, regardelss of how they treat books. Carry them around everywhere, hoard them on bookshelves, tear out pages, blend them into a smoothie, fuck if I care lol.
28: Who is the most delightful character you've ever written? Why?
Oh goodness, I don't know. I'll always have a special fondness for Cam and Maddie, but I think the most fun character to write has actually been Q Tomlin. They're a nonbinary genderfluid teen navigating high school, coming to terms with a lot of structural homophobia/transphobia, and also starring in a Shakespeare play!
32: What is a line from a poem/novel/fanfic/etc that you return to from time and time again? How did you find it? What does it mean to you?
What, like in someone else's work?
I guess one of my favorite lines would be from a Dylan Thomas poem.
"Do not go gentle into that good night/ rage, rage against the dying of the light."
It's very much a line about not being complacent. I found it funnily enough in a trilogy I read as a teenager when I found the first book in my summer camp's lost and found. It was the last week of the year and we were encouraged to take things that weren't claimed, so of course I claimed the book lol. I've always been a bit of a rebellious thinker, so can you take a wild stab as to why I fell for that line?
40: Please share a poem with me, I need it.
See above poem, but also, here's one I wrote a while ago that I still can appreciate:
After Life
We walk across trails of light, endlessly winding through the night. A journey to the worlds beyond to find something that lets us bond and become something new, something true, something that we never knew we could be until we tried. Too many tears we have cried, and too many hearts were broken. All these words we left unspoken, a mark upon these hearts, torn apart, if only we had been so smart as to remember who we were together. Now we face the land of forever. Alone now, nowhere near close to that we fear, a different place to call home, our own. Draw me near, this place I roam. I want something as real as this, this glowing land of perpetual bliss. Let this be real, oh gracious god, for I can’t believe that I can trod upon these golden paths to salvation, in desperation, to something great, the blest creation of life in heaven. And now I know and can question how I came to deserve this afterlife, After all the pain and strife I have cause to others, to brothers, and those whose mothers names I cursed in frustration. Can I still receive re-creation of myself when I can’t be bothered to try to just be me?
We travel across these paths of light endlessly winding through the night. I guess I’ll never get it right. So let me fall, in ceaseless flight.
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zmediaoutlet · 1 year
happy wincest wednesday, liz!! how does sam feel about their size difference? how does dean? any headcanons? i think we should talk about size difference this week❤️.
Happy wincest wednesday, Vicki!! <3
Well I Wonder If I Have Any Thoughts About Size Difference.
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This is the first post in my 19-page long tag for size differential!kink, lol. Begin as you mean to go on, I guess.
I'll shortly rb a one-two size diff ficlety/hc thing I did in the way back, too, but for now --
So it's so fun to have Dean feel All Kinds of Ways about the size diff, especially since it's fun to take canon as canon and say that he hit his max height of 6' at ~eighteen while Sam was struggling to keep up. But then when Sam finally does hit his real growth spurt(s) and rockets up, Dean's initial betrayal ("I'm older, how the hell are you taller?") turning into lust is of course delish.
I am sooooooo much more interested in Sam's own size diff kink, in particular if it's not just lust for being bigger (because of course he's bigger, than basically anyone he meets) but in specific a) being bigger than Dean specifically, bc of the hot-gut delight that might be possible re: the size reversal noted above; b) a lust born very precisely of Dean's alarmed kink. Which is a subtle distinction but one that I love -- in which Sam is just chill, like 'yeah, so what, I'm big af', but Dean's complicated tangle of emotions about it sets off a kink fire in Sam as a kind of call-response. (I like that all the time with them, tbh, but size is such a dumb gut-level neanderthal kink that it's particularly fun -- this waking realization of, oh, you like me to be able to overpower you? Oh, well then. I very much like making you come so hard your brain leaks out your ear. :)))
There's also a very delicate little turn to articulate in Sam that I really adore and don't feel like I see enough, which is this emotional/lust snarl around the tangled threads of: enjoying being bigger than Dean; enjoying that Dean likes it; but also feeling somewhat alarmed about his own enjoyment (re: previous fears of monsterhood or violence); but ALSO getting bizarrely off on that exact vague guiltiness or alarm. I have a major thing for sex volcano!Sam, so the moment where he'd be holding back and holding back and then erupting forward and using all that EVERYTHING to its fullest advantage is just. Lovely. And so I have written many words on the subject.
Hey -- friends, romans, wincestuous countrymen: what sort of size diff thoughts do you have?
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the-bi-space-ace · 1 year
Thanks @saturn-sends-hugs for tagging me!
Rules: Post the first sentence in your last 10 works; if you don’t have 10, do as many as you have.
The dark halls of the factory loomed over them like a storm cloud on Kamino. This one is from the first chapter of the sequel to "You're Calling Me Home Like A Ship That Got Wrecked". (psst I am 6k words into that chapter rn)
Fear is a natural response. Everyone is afraid of something. I felt like you at least deserved the first two sentences of this one. This is from something I've been working on for like... 6 months lol. I keep plucking away at it and never really finishing it. The batch and their fears and how they've dealt with them.
Crosshair finished putting his rifle in its case, cleaning off some oil and gunpowder before he did so. I don't even know what this idea is? It reads like the first draft of Chapter 1 of A Matter of Trust but I can't be sure tbh.
Echo turned onto his side, feet kicking at Crosshair's under the blanket as they got comfortable. Oh this is fluff. Nothing but tooth rotting ridiculously cute and sweet fluff. I never finished it. I think it's only 300 words. But the premise is like. The first day Echo and Crosshair actually get along. And it is so sweet.
Echo’s feet pounded on the ground as they carried him towards the ship - blood rushing in his ears while the collapsing building shook the earth. I had this idea to start writing little baby fics about head canons that I have (or trying to write them and fit them into my fics somehow) and this one in particular is focused on the head canon I have that the first time Echo hugged Crosshair he went: gross then hugged Echo back really tight. Fluffy as hell. This first line does not really convey 'fluff' but trust me. It's fluffy.
Crosshair registered the brief moment Echo froze. Wow I really have a theme going on here. Echo again. Aaaaaaand Crosshair again who would've guessed. More of them learning how to get along but this particular bit is actually something that would end up in... maybe the middle of a fic? Crosshair says something shitty and Echo gets pissed. That's as far as I got. Figured it could go into a larger fic eventually.
When Hunter offered Echo a place with Clone Force 99 he had known things wouldn’t be smooth sailing immediately.  Wow shocker it's about Echo again! The first line actually doesn't represent the fic idea super well. Echo dissociates and Hunter eventually needs to call Rex because he can't figure out how to snap Echo out of it. Fluff and comfort to follow!
Long before any of the other squad members were roused from their sleep Hunter was up, staring at his comm like it would come to life at any moment. Yet another one where I really don't know where I was going with it. Hunter is stressed about... something??? I'm sorry I am lost lol
Hunter watched through the slats as the group of droids and the Seppie general ran down the hall to investigate their little distraction. Aaaaaaaah this is a very very early draft for a chapter in "You're Calling Me Home Like A Ship That Got Wrecked". The rescue scene was originally very different.
Their escape had been going well, for the most part. Spoiler alert: their escape did not go well. This is a random scene? I wrote a random scene where they all get back from something traumatizing and it's the comfort part of the hurt/comfort fic! I tend to write scenes when they come to my mind and then fit them into larger ideas later on. I can not believe there were actually ten wips in my drafts.... the scary part is that there are more lol
No pressure tags: @floundrickthewayfarer
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h4zardousch3micals · 1 year
Performance Of A Lifetime - 1
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Alright, so:
3) Despite the Fallen Stars inspiration, Loodvigg is not evil. He is baby. (Spoiler alert I guess but all the Celestials will be sympathetic in this bc I do not have the heart to make any of them evil, whether I have the heart to traumatize them is a different story...)
4) Yes I'm going to be throwing a bunch of oc's in because I can >:3
That's all I think
A warm sunset spilled lazily from the horizon, dyeing the usually blue waters of the Living Ocean a deep, honey-like amber. On the South-east coast of Plant Island, a hive of activity began to materialise as monsters of all shapes and sizes were drawn in by gleam of flickering red and yellow lights and the sound of carnival music. The excitement was far from unwarranted: it's not every day that the circus comes to town, especially not the renowned, voyaging Audrey's Intrepid.
Backstage, however, beyond the hypnotizing spiral of ducks swirling in a little pool and the dizzying dances of eye-bleeding colours, was alive with a different kind of anticipation - thrilling, exhilarating, tension as a dozen little monsters prepared for the most nerve-wracking hour-or-so of their lives, just a few days away.
Or, that was how it was supposed to go.
"This is ridiculous. I'm not doing this." Loodvigg snarled, the feathers around his neck bristling like an agitated cat. He wobbled on unsteady legs: the diving board felt so flimsy beneath his feet and the bucket he was supposed to land in looked as though it were miles away. He wouldn't dare admit it, but something about the incredible drop made his entire body shake with fear.
"Awww, come on 'Vigg! It'll be fun!" Glaishur called out, having to raise his soft voice to be heard from all the way down there. He stood next to the comically shallow pail with a big, goofy grin plastered on his face, apparently oblivious to Loodvigg's distain for the current situation.
"If you aren't gonna do it, why'd you climb all the way up there?" Attmoz added, jabbing an accusing finger in his direction.
"Uh," Oops. Probably should've thought about that. Loodvigg desperately dodged the question with a question of his own, "Why do I have to be the one to do this, anyway? Surely this is more Hornacle's thing?"
Attmoz rolled his eye, "Fennec wants us to learn what its like to do eachother's acts so we know what they're thinking during the performance."
"Yeah! So get on with it..." A voice came from the nearby rows upon rows of almost entirely empty seats. Oh, right, their trainer was so quiet and pathetic that Loodvigg had almost forgotten he was there at all. The Sox's dark blue ears were pinned back and his vermilion eyes darted nervously around the empty circus tent. If he was trying to sound commanding; it wasn't working.
Loodvigg peered down again and felt an involuntary shudder creep up his spine.
"It's not that bad!" Glaishur explained, "Just close your eyes and pretend you're just walking down some stairs."
"If you're scared we can help get you down—" Attmoz added with an almost smug smirk."I AM NOT SCARED!" Loodvigg snarled, feathers puffing up from humiliation disguised as rage and causing both monsters to flinch. Almost immediately, he felt a pang of guilt strike his heart. He wanted to apologise, but a growing sense of shame made the words catch in his throat.
"Prove it then!"
Glaishur elbow nudged the air monster disapprovingly, "Attmoz, don't be mean!"
"Ugh, fine!" Loodvigg put his hands up surrender, "Whatever, I'll do it!"
There was probably a better way to word that - one that didn't involve taking the plunge both literally and figuratively - but it was too late for that now. Attmoz leans back slightly and folds his arms; Glaishur give him a reassuring thumbs up.
"Well, here goes nothing..." Loodvigg whimpered, taking a step forward and letting gravity do the rest of the work.
For a moment, everything seemed almost peaceful. Loodvigg could hear sounds, but the rippling and bubbling of the water made everything distant and fuzzy. His stomach stung where he'd directly struck the surface of the pool, but the cool water was almost soothing against it. It was comforting, in a strange backwards sort of way.
And then, in an instant, it was over. he felt two sets of arms plunge into the oversized pail and drag him out with terrifying efficiency. He coughed and spluttered; his lungs burned from the cold water that intruded into his throat and his feathers clung awkwardly to his skull, making him feel small and weak. He was about to crawl away, to go find a nice dark corner to hide in and sulk, when an unexpectedly joyful voice caught him off guard:
"Woah! That was awesome!" Glaishur cheered. When Loodvigg blinked the water away from his eyes, he could see that the cold monster grinning from ear to ear; eyes wide and sparkling from admiration and excitement.
"...It was?" He wheezed between hacking up blobs of water.
"Yeah! You hardly moved a muscle the whole way down; you looked so badass!" Attmoz clarified.
It was probably best to just let them believe that was intentional, "Oh, yeah. It was."
"Good job, kid. I'll let Audrey know about this." Fennec approached them and said with a happy saxophone noise, well, that and an odd whistling from the cracked key on his back.
"Audrey?" He echoed, eyes lighting up at the possibility. Though neither him nor his friends had ever met the elusive ringmaster, the other performers described her as a powerful, almost otherworldly figure. To be specifically pointed out to her as special - what an honour!
"Yes, she'll be very pleased to know everything is going smoothly." He replied, his gaze was still flickering towards every little noise but now his lower eyelids were creased upwards in a slight smile.
"Wow... Lucky you!" Glaishur squealed excitedly.
Loodvigg was just about ready to slink into a cave and sleep for an entire century but, as usual, Attmoz just had to have the last laugh, "But can you do it again?"
At the edge of the moving island the circus resided on, Scaratar studied the ripples of the water as the sun finally disappeared into the sea. A ladybird landed beside her, skittling and scuttling on its search for food, and she took the time to gently pet its smooth little wing cases before it flew away.
This serene moment was promptly interrupt by Loodvigg storming in - muttering something about how annoying a certain air monster was - and flopping down beside her. He resembled a cat that had gone outside during a thunderstorm: his expression was downtrodden and furious and his hair (normally painstakingly slicked back into place) was wild and a little frizzy.
"Woah, you alright?" She asked, unable to contain a few giggles, "You look a little... drenched?"
"I don't want to talk about it." He grumbled and covered his face with his webbed talons.
"Sheesh, okay."
Neither said a word in response and they stayed like that for quite some time: Loodvigg was too worked up to be interested in conversation and Scaratar knew to give her friend space. Eventually, Scaratar picked up one of the Circus' promotional posters and inspected it carefully. Loodvigg opened one eye, curious but not having the patience or energy to move much else.
"Why do you have that?" He eventually asked, "Where did you even get one of those? Didn't they all get sent out?"
"Uh, I got it from the pile before Fennec and Copper went to put them up around the Island. I don't know why, it just felt right."
"Oh," Loodvigg hoisted himself up by his arms and peered over at the poster, reading it out loud in an unamused tone, "New from Audrey's Intrepid, sixteen years in the making, marvel at the all new: CELESTIALS - A dramatic retelling of our world's most ancient history!"
"Well, you sure look like you need some Chapstick, don't ya?" Scaratar chuckled, pointing to a monster which resembled Loodvigg - only much older, much uglier and (as she described) much more dehydrated.
"I know, right?" Despite his exhaustion and grumpiness, Loodvigg couldn't help but crack a small smile, "And what's this? I don't exactly recall you having giant butterfly wings for ears."
"Actually, those are moth wings." She corrected.
"Close enough!" He rolled his eyes, feigning annoyance.
"Seriously though, wonder why they can never get the posters to look right."
He shrugged, "Maybe it's to make us look cooler?"
"...Because this looks cool!" Scaratar chirped sarcastically, shoving the poster in his face again which caused them to laugh out loud all over again.
"You have a point. Maybe we should ask Fennec, or one of the other performers..."
"Yeah, we should." She agreed, but the idea would soon be given up on as Scaratar's gaze shifted back to the distant sea. She suddenly asked, "Do you think there's more out there?"
Loodvigg blinked in suprise, "Of course there is. You've seen the other islands when we've landed there, even if they didn't let us put on the show 'cause we weren't ready yet, you must've at least gotten a glimpse?"
"Yes, I know. I meant... Do you think there's more out there - for us?"
Loodvigg considered the idea, "Well, if there was, surely Fennec would've told us?" Practice, practice, practice was all they'd ever really known, surely it was important if their trainer put that much focus on it?
"I suppose..."
"Do you... not like what we do?" He asked hesitantly, almost afraid of the answer, "Cause if you don't I can ask Fennec to change—"
"No, it's not that! I just...
I just wonder sometimes..."
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