#i guess one of the only posts that isn’t about the script rn lmao
Idk man, I said this before but I’ll say it again:
Saying “Mike is in love with the person who commissioned the painting/with Will’s feelings for him” is undermining byler and Mike’s feelings for Will!
Let me explain why:
When I talk about romantic love, right? You know what I’m talking about. And when you fall in love with a person, your friends might identify your behavior as being in love, etc. Simply because romantic love isn’t individual lmao. What I mean by that is that the feeling of being in love doesn’t change within each person! Of course it has its differences but at the core it’s all the same feeling! And feelings don’t stand on their own because of that! We all can feel feelings😭. We can literally have whole discussions about feelings because at it’s core we all feel the same thing when experiencing a certain emotion!
So when someone tells you how much they love you in the name of your partner, you’re gonna be happy about that because you think the feelings are attached to your partner! Someone could tell you the same exact thing in the name of a strictly platonic friend and you might get uncomfortable! But the feelings don’t change, it’s the person that does!
So apart from the fact that I think Mike has known LONG BEFORE the van scene that he’s in love with Will, If he didn’t know already and y’all think him being in love with the feelings Will has for him while thinking they’re from El (i also think that Mike understood they’re from Will btw) is good for byler…. Well, you’re incorrect💀. Mike’s not gonna be: “Oh so El doesn’t actually feel that for me? Guess I’m in love with Will then”… like bffr😭
Mike is not in love with a feeling someone else has for him, he’s in love with a person!! And if you think Mike actually thought Will was talking about El and it made him that happy, that means Mike was happy because it came from El, meaning he’s in love with her and then finding out that El doesn’t love him wouldn’t change that he’s still in love with her! This whole take is super ant!byler.
Take “Little Women” for example. Jo loves Laurie platonically! But Laurie falls in love with Jo. And Laurie confesses to her but she doesn’t wanna know. She doesn’t want him to be in love with her because she loves their friendship and doesn’t want it to be ruined. And Laurie tells her how he feels but that doesn’t change anything because what matters is the person and not the feeling! Jo doesn’t love him but Laurie continues to love Jo! Jo then meets Friedrich in New York and falls in love with him and what he feels for Jo is the same feeling Laurie felt for her but Jo accepts it from Friedrich because she loves him too! Both men were in love with her but she didn’t like hearing it from the one whose feelings she doesn’t reciprocate!! It made her super uncomfortable!
If Laurie had said the same thing he said while confessing his love to Jo in Friedrich’s name, Jo would’ve loved that! She would’ve been so happy! Because she thinks the feelings are Friedrich’s! Because she loves Friedrich but not Laurie! She’s in love with the person the feelings are attached to and not with the feelings on their own because that’s something that isn’t specific to one individual! And the same goes for Mike!
And my additional message is:
Mike isn’t oblivious to his feelings! And he isn’t bad at emotions either! Mike knows what he feels and he knows how to articulate it, and when he doesn’t do that it’s not because he doesn’t know how to! It’s because he doesn’t feel safe to do so. Mike already knows that he’s in love with Will! Not knowing it makes no sense for his character or his and Will’s dynamic! Mike is really observant and he knows what he feels! Mike understood Will in the van but was later on lead to believe that he misunderstood! Since the monologue Mike’s been under the impression that El actually commissioned the painting. He currently thinks that everything Will said wasn’t coming from him but from El and yk what? MIKE AND EL AREN’T TALKING! Mike isn’t talking to El either! He isn’t eager to discuss the painting with her because he’s disappointed that it’s from her! And furthermore he feels even more guilty now for not loving El the ways she wants him to. At first he thought it all came from Will and that’s what made him so happy! Because Mike is not in love with a feeling, HE’S IN LOVE WITH WILL AND HE KNOWS IT!!!
Mike is not going to be dumb and oblivious when the painting reveal happens! He’s not not gonna get that Will was talking about himself but he’s not gonna allow himself to entertain it again. It’s kinda like with Will. Will isn’t dumb either. He isn’t completely oblivious to Mike’s feelings for him but he doesn’t allow himself to hope because of how that turned out last time. Mike and Will aren’t stupid. They’re afraid! And so when Mike finally fully knows that the painting and what Will said in the van weren’t from El either, he’s not gonna be hurt that Will lied about it coming from El and be oblivious about it actually coming from Will, he’s gonna be hurt because Will had to lie about it all in order to make him feel better. He had to lie because there isn’t actually anyone that needs Mike. And Will “knows” that too. It’s this lying and sugar-coating and giving false hope that’s gonna push Mike over the edge because the whole painting situation combines and feeds into everything Mike is insecure about.
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Witcher of the Night (Chapter 23.2)
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Summary: Higher Vampires are known to be incredibly intelligent. Whence, Tybalt of Toussaint may also possess some humanly emotions just like how mortals do.
Warnings: Blood. Gore. Gory. I think I haven't been too descriptive in this part? I don't wanna say any more in the summary. I don't wanna spoil anything. The usual blasphemy.
Words: 3.2k (short, I know. Heh. Should've been included in the last chapter but I didn't. I think this deserves to have an own chapter.) Short but would give such emotions. I hope. 😉
A/N: Ugh. I thought school has been postponed in my country. It should've been postponed. I have no money and I'm terribly not in the mood everyday to even do anything---what about studying then? Updates will be slower because of the anxiety I'm having. Your words help the anxiety lessen a few whenever you comment for WOTN. Heehee! Mwah!
TAGLIST IS STILL OPEN FOR THIS ONE! Heehee! Don’t forget to REBLOG, COMMENT OR GIVE FEEDBACK IF YOU DID LOVE THIS CHAPTER! IT’LL MAKE ME SMILE! Sorry for the grammatical errors and such because English isn’t my mother tongue! PLEASE LEAVE FEEDBACK AFTER READING, BB! I apologize for errors!
Disclaimer: PNG's and pictures used in edits are not mine even the GIF's too. (All taken from Tumblr so credits to the rightful owners of the gifs) However, the edits and this fanfic is definitely from moi. Character development and personalities are based from my understanding and how I want them to be. This has no connection towards the books, games or show. First line was taken from a Geralt quote. (Here in Tumblr) I don't know if it was from the show because I hardly remember lines or scripts. (I'm forgetful as heck) LMAO. But, I can hear him saying it inside my head rn.
MY WORKS ARE NOT NOT NOT NOT NOOOOOOT TO BE POSTED ON ANY OTHER WEBSITES. My official username in Wattpad is “TATATHEPOTATO” and that’s the only other site I have for writing aside from Tumblr. Thank you, Tater tots!
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"I run into dilemmas all the time. Situations where it's hard to judge, hard to know what's right, make a decision. This is not one of them. You both disgust me and deserve to die,"
"What---what the bloody fuck, Witcha'?!"
"I didn't peg you to be an adopted vampire who suckles on that hag's slandering, inimical greed for power. You're intelligent. But, you use it for foolish purposes,"
"Feckin' heck! Yer' attacking me now? Want to pick up a battle in the middle of feckin' Bethleheigm's forest?!"
"Tybalt of Toussaint. You and your cunning sorceress wasted my time all along,"
Geralt of Rivia snarled through gritted teeth, the vampire grounded to a tree where the witcher has him pinned with a tough hand on his shoulder, while the other held a blade pointed to his heart, "---have been blood-guilty since the prince has even been born,"
He was certainly led on by their wiles. The sorceress and the higher vampire. Geralt was sure that the queen had no idea as to what they've done; as to what Ingrith has done. From the curse of Makeda's son up until the point where she has been the king's mistress. Though, the witcher knew he was done for all their bullshit that has been put up. All his energy wasted for a devil's snare that he obviously has been caged in.
He should've listened to you instead when you have tried shushing him in the middle of his impulsive decision making with the king. The white wolf trusted more of his knowledge rather than the instincts that his guts have been telling him.
Geralt should've trusted his midget more than himself. Most of the time, his decisions were always the worst if we could talk about what happened in the past.
"I wasn't taken in that time yet, Witcha'! The feckin' sorceress didn't take me before the prince has even been born!"
Tybalt struggled against his hold, fighting off Geralt's strength and trying to shrug his hand away. He could simply wave him in hand to hand combat, their strengths matching with one another. Perhaps, the Higher Vampire was stronger than the witcher. Yet, Geralt's anger was rather compelling versus Tybalt's sudden cedes, "---Guess, the truth always and will be set free no matter how we---!"
The latter heard the blade of his silver sword ripping his fabric apart due to being constraint physically. Geralt growled beneath his chest, vibrating through his armor that startled Rohesia who sat on a piece of log.
As Geralt convinced the old woman to come with, they've left her home. Notwithstanding his newly found strength of convincing or better yet, begging that he somehow catches himself trapped in. He sounded pitiful to be begging from a mortal to save his own human. The witcher couldn't imagine nor see himself to be in his own shoes right at that moment.
They've went on with their journey going back to Kaedwen. Tybalt looking oh-so-dumbfounded to see the woman who he talked to years ago about Geralt's existence---how they wanted this specific witcher to lure them in for another shitful death. Vesemir's prior visits never being mentioned to the vampire because she knows how they were trying to remove them in the continent one by one with their unreasonable rationales.
The white wolf was quiet, utterly speechless when he'd seen the vampire. His teeth tightly gritted together behind close mouth. Jaw set to bark deep profanities as to how he has been foolish not to point fingers at them from the start.
Hence, which is why; in the middle of hunting for a deer, Geralt had wildly attacked Tybalt. Face being punched from the witcher's fist and having no time to draw his sword from his back. The latter stumbled from his attack, but eventually recovered in an inhumane amount of time---at least, a second of using his agility to fight back. His vampire claws itching to grow but he was trying not to use them for what guilt was setting him reluctant over a battle with the witcher.
Tybalt needed the blood that Geralt spat on the ground when he'd given him a strong punch to the face. Their brawl being a release of their own frustrations over each other until the higher vampire began to try and use his invisibility with Geralt that made the witcher huff and growl, making him draw his sword out of his back as Tybalt stood on top of a tree branch, invisible and owning no shadow.
The witcher felt where he was hiding and had to use Igni to push him back. Fire slightly burning the side of his bearded face that instantly regenerated in a few minutes. Geralt's vexation for him even becoming more insufferable when the higher vampire hauled him over to the ground, pinning him down. But, the white wolf's anger was determined to come back to the castle with his cut-off head in his hand.
Resulting onto their current position against a tree with hearts blaring for rage, the witcher's resentment over your heart being kept at a trembling bay for whatever was giving you more and more questions about him.
"This was an endless hunt---Midget was right." he grumbled and barked, sending a nasty scowl.
"She knew?" Tybalt spat with a sardonic laugh, "---I thought it was er' affection that ye' didn't trust---I didn't thought ye' actually don't trust er' at all."
Geralt's conscience tingled with the need to have a battle with him until he was contented. He pushed him further against the wood, his amber glazing with a major amount of fury. Red as people can describe for his fueled wrath for anyone in his way.
Tybalt wasn't fighting back as he could read him through his eyes, indignation filled within them that made him emit a shaky cackle because of how he explained to Ingrith that their horrid truth will eventually be set free in the future. The unlucky fate they had was that Geralt has happened to know it rather than another mortal that they could murder just like the previous ones who Rohesia has spilled the beans over the issue.
But, this was Geralt. Gwynbleidd. The infamous butcher. If he would tell Tybalt how he didn't have feelings, then it was all just a damn lie because he was being controlled over his own spleen.
Tybalt of Toussaint was a cuckoo for even trying to rattle his cage. Geralt's teeth untamely barred as time was being spent with him. His hostility skyrocketing after knowing how he has been fooled.
"Heard the visions inside yer' head when ye' were talking in your sleep, Butcher." a heavy beat of silence, "---Ye' believe she'll eventually leave because it might be the destiny for a lass who lived in another world. Yer' fearful that she'll die in your hands. Scared that she'll leave ye' behind and grow old earlier than ye' do because she ain't no mutant like ye. The fight ye' had with er' was quite entertaining to be honest. Too childish to think that yer' still feckin' that sorceress ye' had. No questions asked. I must prefer to choose the unchaste one if ye' ask me---no wonder you want the woman who makes my palates tingle. She's fresh, young and smells bloody good! Sure enough, she's no vestal as she may seem anymore because I know ye' fucked that woman---oh, fuck ye' bloody mutant!"
Tybalt hasn't finished his sentence about diminishing his old flame and current one. The witcher didn't hesitate but give him a strong jab to his jaw, making Tybalt spit his own blood on the ground with a hearty laugh, earning a grimace from Geralt himself. His jaw tensing and clenching tighter than ever from hearing such things.
The higher vampire grinned like a Cheshire cat, teeth painted in crimson red from how the witcher has made him bust his lip from being punched in the face. He could avoid them if he wanted to, but he felt like his assaults and madness were well deserved for what they both have caused to his family, especially to you. It was about time Geralt would seethe into his own pique. The witcher should've done it since then---but, Tybalt has escaped back in the marketplace; escaping his profound wrath.
"Is the mighty witcher's weakness, a mere mortal who knows nothing of you, yer' past and the continent---were ye' even honest to her? told everythin' about yer' nauseating stories?"
Geralt growled another, his words vibing a snappy snarl as he grumbled so deeply, "Fuck. You went deep inside my head." he held onto his sword's hilt tighter, penetrating the sharp blade onto Tybalt's skin, blood seeping through his clothing which has ignited a deep groan and whimper from the latter.
"---Vampires. I loathe your kind."
The white wolf was about to deepen his blade against his chest, Tybalt's punctured wound oozing of claret blood. Geralt's actions making the old woman gasp from where she sat afar, seeing that they weren't having their little playtime anymore as it was all serious. Blood and wounds involving his interrogation over the Upir.
"Stop...Stop yer' horses," Tybalt whimpered, not knowing whether to laugh or revel in the pain as to how it felt to be stabbed on his chest. This was like an imbecile move for him; to accept such blade for the guilt he was feeling over his actions towards you---a mortal who had no idea what was happening in the first place.
Maybe, there was still a teeny-tiny amount of contrition left inside of him. The baby growing inside being the cause of his sudden compunction and change of events because of what the sorceress in the castle's next move would be and his sincerity would be the least that Ingrith wanted nor hoped to see.
His next words would cause him his life and what will be outside of the castle---for what was waiting for him and of being Ingrith's shadow since the moment he was taken.
Repentance is always achieved when one is left with no choice for his or her sins. Regret and realization for one's mistakes happens in the end. Though, in most cases, people living in malign don't realize it at all.
"It's in the cup! Inside the feckin' cup, alright!" Tybalt sneered and hissed, feeling the blade slowly being pushed further. His candor being answered with dubiety from the latter and a hoarse reply.
"Hmm. What lies must you be playing now. You're distracting me from sticking this blade inside your cold, withering heart, Upir."
The higher vampire held onto his silver blade with his hand, his skin frothing against the sword, palm burning for what Geralt has coated back before they even arrived in Rohesia's hideout. Vampire Oil. He was still dubious about Tybalt despite of being unaware for their clandestine schemes. Geralt never trusted his thirst for sins after all.
Tybalt accepted the pain, letting his skin burn from the blade. More blood seeping out of his fingers from how he tried wretching his sword off his chest. But, with all of Geralt's willpower, he kept the vampire in his place. His shoulder slightly beginning to burn and it took him one look to see Geralt fighting off to use one of his signs. Igni that he was also susceptible with.
"Ve...Venom from a female royal Wyvern, Cockatrice and a mixture of acid from a Bloedzuiger's insides---mixed with a taste that wouldn't let er' know that it is poison she's consuming," he stammered with a whimper, hissing another and growling back when Geralt pushed through the vampire's heart, paying no remorse over stabbing the vital parts of him.
The witcher only answered with silence. A death stare being thrown back, trying to understand what he wanted to say. His brows tightly netted in confusion, dazed and long enough for Tybalt to continue his divulge over Ingrith's secret agendas.
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"She...plans to destroy her insides---make her bleed." pause. "---If she's protected by the Djinn where yer' lass could resist Ingrith's magic, then there is no doubt that she could accept the vile that will be passed through her throat. Down...down, through her stomach,"
Her. Was it you? Geralt silently pondered at the thought, the gaze in his eyes faltering and turning livid. Teeth bared for his acrimonious comment said.
"Know when to fuck off with your lies! I'm tired of it!"
Geralt growled, his skepticism made the vampire weakly shake his head for his incredulity, mutely sparing his bleat with a low whimper and growl as he sent daggers over the blade stuck in his chest, "I...I spare my tongue to you when this is all an actual lie,"
The witcher scoffed, knowing that he was making a fool out of himself again and it was making him go on the warpath because he knew that cutting his tongue would be nothing to Tybalt.
"You regenerate. You can't outsmart me this time."
Tybalt's clothing was drenched in his own blood. Fresh cochineal saturating the under tunic concealed before his body armor that the witcher had no problem to prod. The higher vampire breathed deeply through his nose, his eyes mentally telling that he was relinquishing every ploy to achieve the sorceress' goals.
"Behead me then with yer' silver sword, Weccan. Cut all me' limbs and feed me to a Selkiemore. But, yer' little woman's drink shall be poisoned in the night of the feast. Three cups of wild fruit juice given to er'---safe for---safe for her as a token of appreciation and another for what she would gladly ask from the king. However, I do not know what cup is poisoned or what not. That's all I can say."
Geralt was snarling before the vampire. His nose scrunched in contempt. The idea slowly coming to his senses. They plan to poison you without a doubt. He needed to come back to his midget as soon as possible. The witcher will be risking your anger that hasn't faded still. Their poison was strong---potent as other mages or wizards may know that even it would take him effects once consumed.
Come what may, rue did not move the witcher's heart. He'd punctured Tybalt's heart, his blade passing through the body of the Upir who minimally spat blood out of his mouth. The silver sword being coated with more blood, splattering the tree behind him, drips of blood painting wood. A gash being given to his most vital organ.
Geralt knew it would take him months or even decades for such bodily destruction. Howbeit, he'd only punctured him in a part that would exhibit a vast amount of pain for his sufferings to yours; for what pain they've given to you was felt from the witcher. He came with you in terms of physical and spiritual---your existence had him coming in two's when it should've been only himself.
Nonetheless, Geralt of Rivia knew in order to survive was to exterminate each and every one who would hurt you because you were the most vulnerable including Cirilla. The witcher would do just that. Give agony to human or any other kind who breaths in the continent until you were safe and sound; to shed blood as he may see with the lesser evil on his side. As he may now try to see that particular side of it with no doubts.
He was not done with Tybalt as he pushed the blade further until the hilt, his heart clouding in blue when Geralt could know that something was happening again back in the castle---the heavyness going back and forth, every hour of the day dropping stones on his chest for what was happening to you.
Tybalt spat more blood once Geralt forcefully yielded his sword away. Crimson liquid filling the ground, his Ivory hair somehow catching onto the gore he has created in the middle of the forest. The higher vampire will be taking decades to recover---lucky if another higher vampire would help him with his regeneration but they both knew that no grudges will be held after because he gladly accepted the pain.
Gwynbleidd has lifted his blade off Tybalt's heart, staring with no remorse and filled with fury. Tybalt was mumbling onto something he couldn't understand. He could only decipher the words 'she' and 'save' over his anger, clouded thoughts before Geralt held tightly onto the handle of his sword, slashing through Tybalt's jugular with determination. Beheading the vampire with his own actions in silence as his amputated body and head fell onto the wet, bloody ground.
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He stared, thoroughly emotionless upon his work, thoughtlessly giving heed to the closed eyes of the former living vampire laying lifeless on the dirtground. Geralt grumbled a hum beneath his raging chest, scowling whilst he took a step to pick up Tybalt's head, leaving his body for whatever fate lays for him because the witcher knew he wasn't entirely dead with the slowest beating of heart.
Rohesia was stunned and speechless over watching the scene afar. The witcher's will and determination being sensed from the distance and she knew that this princess he was trying to save was an important person in his dangerous, ill-fate life for the risk he was willing to take---giving her knowledge that Vesemir have been telling the truth in which Geralt of Rivia looked up to him like a father figure and a son that he may never get to have forever.
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If you go back to my chapters, you'll know that I had a hint that this would happen to our precious wittle reader. If anybody remembers or had a hint on what chapter, COMMENT! Mwohahaha! RIP to our boi, Tybalt. You shall be missed. Can’t believe this was my first OC whom I killed off in a story. *sobs*
Taglist for WOTN: (Strikethrough means your blog can’t be tagged. Please check your settings) @alyxkbrl​​​ @himarisolace​​​ @barkingbullfrog​​​ @ayamenimthiriel​​​ @hellodevilslittlesister @turkish276​​ @spookypeachx @grungelovebug @fangirl-inthe-us​​​ @nympeth​ @amirahiddleston​​​ @gabethelobster​​​ @dreaming-about-fanfictions​​​ @uncoolcloudyhead​​​ @melaninstylezz​​​ @psychosupernaturalhero​​​ @missjenniferb @dance-dreamer​​​​​ @marvelousell​​​​​​ @kingniazx​​​​​​ @angelias134​​​​​​ @tapismyforte​​​​​​ @chook007​​​​​​ @butterpumpkinscotch​​​​ @deadlydemon​​​​​ @cheesecakeisapie​​​​​ @angelofthor​​​​​​ @carrieannewaywardson, @plantingmum, @stuckupstucky​​​​​, @shesthelastjedi​​​​​, @a–1–1–3​​, @gutfucks​​​​​, @raynosaurus-rex​​​​​, @britty443​​​​​, @suhke3​​​​​, @shadowclawstudio88​​​​​, @ruthoakenshield​​​​​, @just-a-sad-donut​​​​​, @gxrdenr0se, @singeramg​​​​​  @friendlyneighbourhoodweirdo​​​​, @alexwinchester23​​​​, @naturalthrone22​​​ @supernaturallover2002​​, @tellmesomethinggud​​
Overall witcher taglist: @pizza-eater-i-ate-the-pizza​​​​, @crazybutconfidentaf​​​​​
General taglist for any Henry Cavill fics: @agniavateira​​, @iloveyouyen​​, @rahdaleigh​​, @silverkitten547​​, @henrythickcavill​​, @kaatelyyynn​​, @marvelousell​​, @madelinelina​​, @summersong69​​, @raynosaurus-rex​​, @fckdeusername​​, @evansislife​​  @nothinggoesunpunished​
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melobee · 4 years
30 Questions
Rule: answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you want to get to know better
G’day mates! Welcome to my 30 questions post! This one tagged me to do this. So yeah blame her for filling up your dashboard....jk love you Laura 💜
Question 1: Name/Nickname
Melissa is my full name but my nickname I’ve gone by since I was like 14 is ‘Melo’ (pronounced ‘Me-low’. So many people pronounce it as ‘Mello’ lmao). Mel is also a common nickname I get at work and such.
Question 2: Gender
Female She/Her
Question 3: Star sign
Ok I’m a nerd for Star signs so I’ll give a more detailed answer than necessary
Virgo ♍️ || 150-180 degree || The element associated with Virgo is Earth || The type of Earth I am is mutable || The planet associated with Virgo is Mercury || I’m most romantically compatible with a Taurus, Capricorn and Scorpio || I’m least romantically compatable with a Gemini, Aquarius and Sagittarius || My opposite star sign is Pisces || Traits of Virgos, they are Kind, Reliable, Patient, Loyal, Idealistic, Overthinking, Shy, Critical and sometimes Stubborn
Obviously this isn’t all Virgos so take this with a grain of salt but yeah just a little in-depth analysis.
Question 4: Height
168cm | 5’6 feet
Question 5: Time
My Timezone is AEDT. Right now as I’m posting this it’s 10PM 23rd December 2020
Question 6: Birthday
31st August 1999
Question 7: Favorite bands
Imagine Dragons, OneRepublic, Major Lazor, Fall Out Boy, X Ambassadors, Galantis, The Chainsmokers, The Script and Coldplay
Question 8: Favorite Solo Artists
Ellie Goulding, Ariana Grande, Khalid, Logic, Nicki Minaj, Sia, Marshmello, David Guetta, Lauv, Eminem, Dj Snake, Kendrick Lamar, Post Malone
Question 9: Current song stuck in my head
Hmmmm atm it’s definitely ‘fire meets gasoline’ by sia cause our boi Pedro is in the music video 👀
Question 10: Last Movie watched
The Santa Clause Trilogy lmao
Question 11: Last show
The Mandalorian to absolutely no ones surprise
Question 12: When did I create this blog
Oh jeez idek sometime in 2018 I think. I only really started to blog since watching S2 of the Mandalorian though. Needed to vent somehow lmao
Question 13: When Do I post
Same reason as above when I need to vent or when I feel strongly about something and feel confident enough to vocalise it which is very rare.
Question 14: Last Google
Ok for this I’m going to bend it a bit cause my recent searches is to do with Christmas gift buying and that’s boring. So I’m going to go with ‘Triple Frontier’. Cause a certain someone is in this movie 👀
Question 15: Other blogs
Nope this is my one and only!
Question 16: Do I get asks
Oh god no I’m not that cool lolllll
Question 17: Why I chose my url
It’s a combination of my nickname ‘Melo’ and my last name ‘Beesley’.
Question 18: Following Count
Question 19: Follower Count
Question 20: Average hours of sleep
Sleep? Wtf is sleep? I do not know of this sleep. As an insomniac and a night owl (I know double whammy) I don’t get much sleep at all maybe 5-6 hours if I’m lucky. My sleep is very broken, so I usually wake up like 2-3 times during the night. I try to go to bed at 11 and I usually wake up at 7 which I absolutely hate. I’m NOT a morning person at all. It’s worse cause it’s daylight savings rn so the sun is up at 5am. I swear I don’t know how I function sometimes.
Question 21: Lucky number
I don’t really have one???? I guess if I had to pick it would be.....54! thank you random number generator
Question 22: Instruments
Not really sure what this is referring to. If it’s referring to instruments I’ve played then the only one I can say is I played to recorder when I was like 7 and it was forced by my teacher so it doesn’t really count.
If it’s referring to my favourite instrument then probably an acoustic guitar. I love me some acoustic covers. Plus there’s so much variety with this instrument it can be both upbeat and happy or really slow and somber. It’s all around a just a great instrument.
Question 23: What I’m wearing
It’s night and it’s summer so just some shorts and a singlet. Anything more and I’ll die from drowning my own sweat.
Question 24: Dream Job
My dream job is to be a voice actor. Key word dream. My realistic dream job however is to become a pathologist.
Question 25: Dream Trip
Ohhhhhh boy I have so many places I wanna go to! My first priority would be the UK (England and Ireland specifically). Nearly all of my heritage is from there so I think it would be really cool to go back to my roots amd explore the culture my family is from.
Second on my list is America not too sure about all the states I want to go to but I know for a fact that California, Nevada, Wyoming, Montana, Texas (cause of N.A.S.A) and New York is a must!
Third is literally any Spanish speaking country whether it be Spain, Mexico, Colombia or Chile. Just anywhere that Spanish is the primary language.
Paris and Italy would be a solid fourth
Norway, Sweden and Finland would be fifth
Japan is 6th
I’m not really interested in visiting Africa, Indonesia the Middle East or Asia (except for Japan) and I wasn’t interested in South America either until recently.
Question 26: Favorite Food
I’m a sucker for pasta and Italian food! Ravioli in particular. It’s been my favourite since I was little. Chocolate is another big one. Any chocolate with caramel in it I will swipe from you.
I can’t do spicy foods I’m so intolerant to it like even the mild stuff makes my face go red and my tongue go numb it’s ridiculous.
Question 27: Nationality
My ancestry however is British/Irish/Ashkenazi Jewish. 75% Irish, 18% British, and 7% Jewish with less than 1% French and German.
Question 28: Favorite Songs
I get too personally invested in my music SMH
1800-273-8255 | Logic, Alessia Cara and Khaild
First Time | Kygo, Ellie Goulding
Treat You Better | RÜFÜS DU SOL
All the stars | Kendrick Lamar, SZA
Runaway | Galantis
breathin | Ariana Grande
Ocean Drive | Duke Dumont
Powerful | Major Lazor
lovely | Billie Eilish, Khalid
Let you down | NF
Elastic Heart, Fire meets gasoline, Big girls cry amd chandelier | Sia
Capsize | FRENSHIP, Emily Warren
Question 29: Last Book
Like physical book??? Oh lord I legit have no clue. I think the last time I read a physical book was in high school for English don’t ask what it was cause I have no idea lollll
Question 30: Top 3 Fictional Universes I want to live in
Miraculous, Star Wars, Assassins Creed
Annnnnnnd that’s it I’m done I guess! As for the 20 people I’m supposed to tag that’s just too high of a number there’s no way I have that many friends 😂. So I’ll only tag a few and if you don’t want to do this, just ignore 💜 See ya later!
@littlemisspascal @razordest @thisisthe-wayson
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