fight like a girl
77 posts
  i’ll kick anyone’s ass. i’ll kick your ass. i’ll kick your dog’s ass. i’ll kick my own ass  
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arielollivander · 7 years ago
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Marauders Era Aesthetic Boards 002
+ Ariel Ollivander
Tonight The foxes hunt the hounds It's all over now Before it has begun And we've already won We are wild We are like young volcanoes
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arielollivander · 7 years ago
me: *is tiny*
me: (ง •̀_•́)ง
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arielollivander · 7 years ago
Mulciber didn’t have anything to interrupt his sleep. At the time he had mended things Alice, but still he drummed his fingers on his abdomen staring at the ceiling. The need to cause fear and mayhem whispering against his ears maliciously. Not many people stayed at the castle this year, and so it was relatively easy to move about. His stomach growls mid thought, and he arches a brow. Not even considering being hungry as a problem.
The boy stands up and gets dressed in common clothes to stumble out of the room he shared with Severus. Fingers combing through his ginger locks, while his other hand kept his hand on his wand. He had witnessed Ariel before she had seen him. There we are. A new toy to add to his collection, and on her way toward Great Hall of all places. Salazar what were the odds? The mischievous sneer returning to full volume across his lips.
His steps would stop when hers did, as he played a little game of follow the leader. Until she caught him. He scratches his temple with the tip of his wand as his eyes lock in on Ariel, with his crooked grin. Even though the dark cloaked over it for the most part. Because he had been following her light.
“Hello” The chilling giggle leaves his lips. “Couldn’t sleep?” Because she wasn’t supposed to exist no doubt.
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Evan Mulciber, she recognized the voice before he was properly in view in the dim light. Even though he was a year below her his reputation proceeded him. Sadistic and nasty he was, according to the majority of the student body, the last person you wanted to run in to in a dark hallway. 
Just her luck. 
Ariel pulled out her own wand, ready for whatever he might decide to throw at her. She wasn’t scared of him, but the hairs on the back of her neck seemed to raise involuntarily at the laugh. Still she stood her ground, “What do you want?” 
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arielollivander · 7 years ago
The girls wand in her face was less than pleasant but she certainly wasn’t surprised at her defensive nature. She herself would have probably reacted the same way if someone snuck up on her in the dead of night. At this point in time with so many horrible things happening one right after the other, it isn’t shocking at all to be a little jumpy.
“I just…couldn’t really sleep.” she replied with a shrug, not at all a lie but she wasn’t planning on going into the whole truth, at least not yet. “I assume that’s the same reason you’re wandering around as well?” she asked and wondered to herself if the other was also having issues sleeping after what happened to Julia. It was a horrible thing to have on her mind and no matter how many times she tried to push it out and replace it with something happy, somehow it always came crawling back.
“The castle has just been so empty I kind of assumed that I wouldn’t run into anybody out here.” 
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Gladys looked as tired as Ariel felt. This whole year had been exhausting, on top of the Julia business schoolwork was piling up. She meant to get ahead of it over this break, without all the distractions of her house-mates and friends. However, she had pretty well distracted herself with her investigation, and that lead to its own set of issues. 
“Yeah, pretty much exactly that,” Ariel nodded, lowering her wand a little more. She kept it raised enough so that the light shone on both of their faces, but a little bit less aggressive than she originally had it. The girl didn’t seem like she would attack her, if she did want to fight she probably would have done it while Ari’s back was turned. 
“That’s kind of the problem isn’t it? Too quiet to sleep,” She shook her head, huffing a little, “As stupid as that sounds.”
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arielollivander · 7 years ago
Gladys had been doing better lately. Ever since the incident with Julia sleeping through the night was tough. As the days passed she was fortunate enough to get in a few good nights sleep but in the near empty castle, even with the cheeriness of the holidays the fear was still in the back of her mind.
Normally she would wake up one of her roommates, talk to them about some crazy fact she had discovered or she would go down to the common room to read or draw. Tonight she chose to go for a walk. A nice stroll through the castle would be helpful right? Clear her mind, relax a little. Maybe if it weren’t so dark she would be less on edge. With only the soft flicker of candles lining the stone walls to light the way Gladys felt as though she was in a horror film, awaiting someone to sneak up behind her.
It seemed as though she was the one doing the sneaking. She turned a corner and saw a silhouette across the way. Someone clearly had a similar idea to her so she thought it might be a good idea to approach. As she got closer, the girl turned to look at her and though she had no malicious intent, Gladys did her best to look non-threatening.
“Hi…hello, s-sorry I didn’t mean to startle you.”
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Ariel raised her wand, lighting up the wand, the candles weren’t hardly doing anything to identify who the person approaching her was. Didn’t sound like a teacher or someone who might give her detention for her trouble, but still, she wanted to get a look at the face before she decided what to do next. 
She recognized the girl, the middle Gudgeon sibling. She knew Galvin and Davey a bit, being in her year and her house respectively, but Gladys not so much. Ari relaxed slightly, but didn’t lower her wand. For one, she wanted to actually get a look at her, for another the castle this dark and this quiet was more than a little creepy. If anyone else made an untoward move, whether it be Gladys or any other unknown threats Ari wouldn’t hesitate to curse or hex the offending party.
“It’s fine,” She said, “What are you doing out here any way? Bloody freezing out.” 
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arielollivander · 7 years ago
Dom wanted to smile at the comment, he really did, but his jaw still held a bit of a clench, and relaxing was difficult. After a moment, he simply lifted his shoulders in a half shrug, simply took another sip of his drink and moved away from the subject. One of the main reasons he didn’t date nice girls, didn’t date those soft, pretty, save the world types was because he didn’t want their pity and their saving, he was fine on his own. He simply wanted to be treated like any other jerk-off guy. When he looked up again, he offered Ari a small smile, perhaps a bit strained around the edges. “No matter. It’s not about girl at the bar. It’s about Ariel and Dominic having a drinking contest, isn’t it? That was the premise of this wasn’t it? Me drinking you under the table?”
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There was another pause, Ari shifted uncomfortably in her seat chewed the inside of her lip. Even she could recognize that Dominic wasn’t into this line of conversation, and they both took the moment to drink. She was about to break the silence, but then Dominic did it for her. Drinking contest, right. 
“You wish, I’m totally gonna beat you,” Ari said, “You’re not gonna know what hit you.” 
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arielollivander · 7 years ago
The more she thought about it, the more she read, the more Julia’s disappearance and murder weighed on her. There was just such a huge gap between when she was taken and when she was found, and that was really what turned her stomach. Thinking about that poor girl, kidnapped, scared, maybe even tortured Ariel could barely stand it.  
Every time she shut her eyes all she could think about was Julia.  How Julia might have hoped someone would help her, how someone should have saved her. And no one had done a damn thing. 
It was far too quiet in the dorm. Normally when Ariel couldn’t sleep one of her roommates might have been awake, someone to talk to, to distract her. If nothing else there would be the sounds of the other girls in their sleep, a purring cat, something other than complete silence. It all left her feeling incredibly alone. 
Ari let herself toss and turn for another ten minutes before she got up. Sleeping wasn’t going to work. Maybe a walk would calm her down, or if she was going to be wasting time she might as well be up and moving around. 
She was almost to the Great Hall when she heard footsteps behind her and she looked around, “Hello?”
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arielollivander · 7 years ago
Ariel leaned against the pole near the train station. While people visiting Hogsmeade didn’t necessarily show up on the train, some of the usual apparition points and floo fireplaces were near by as well. She and Molly had made plans to meet up after Christmas, exchange their gifts and spend some nice time in the village. 
That day the village was even quieter than normal, so the sound of footsteps approaching was clear through the snow. Ari turned, grinning when she saw the telltale fiery red hair,  “Hey Molls,” She said, approaching her. 
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arielollivander · 7 years ago
“Not as cute as you are.” Dom felt the corners of his lips quirking up, and he shot her a quick glance before his eyes trailed back to the girl at the bar. She was cute, and she was probably extremely nice. If Dom was here alone, he might have even rolled over and spoken with her. But then, the moment he rolled himself out and rolled over to her, would she be less interested? They were sometimes, when they saw the wheelchair. He let out a soft sigh, finally looked away when Ariel spoke again, rolled his eyes. “I can’t. I don’t do well with nice girls. They’re usually the ones that look at me like a wounded puppy, and I hate that.” 
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Ari shrugged, choosing not to dwell on the comment. She knew she was good looking, but now did not necessarily seem like the best time to dwell on it. Especially not while they were checking out another girl, “They--” For a second she almost asked why anyone would look at Dominic like a wounded puppy but then she remembered. She sighed, “Right well. That’s stupid of them. You’re not a wounded puppy you’re like a--Puppy with wheels. ” 
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arielollivander · 7 years ago
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arielollivander · 7 years ago
“Most likely.” He offered his agreement with a slight sneer, playful, but still there. He honestly could say he hated how much of a sucker he was for the girl, but that didn’t really stop him, either. He could admit to being a sucker all day long and he’d still be a sucker. His eyes lifted from where he’d been staring into his drink when she spoke again, and followed her eyes toward the bar. A grin spread across his face as he noticed the girl, offered a little wave, and then turned back to Ariel. “It’s definitely me. But she’s not my type. She looks like the kind of girl who would actually be nice to me.”
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“Shame for me. She’s quite cute,” Ariel raised her eyebrow, smiling at the girl. The girl looked away, looking a little flustered and she grinned before turning her back to Dominic again, “Aw c’mon, surely you can handle a nice girl for a little while?” As much shit as she liked to give Dom he did deserve good things, when he wanted them. 
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arielollivander · 7 years ago
Ü for Dom
Cool stuff last night most guy are really shit when they go down on you.You were not. Oh my god this is so stupid.
Okay so I know saying I had to skip out for work is a total cop-out but if I’m late they’re gonna hand me my ass as they kick it out the door. But we’ve hooked up 3 times now so we should probably talk about it. You want to meet up for coffee tomorrow? The usual place? 
Send me a  Ü for my character to write yours a fridge sticky note
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arielollivander · 7 years ago
Sorry we got in so late last night. I’d say I didn’t mean to keep you out but that would be a total lie, you deserved to have to have some fun. See you next week. Hope you’re not too hungover today!!!
Send me a Ü for my character to write yours a fridge sticky note
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arielollivander · 7 years ago
“Tried to make breakfast, I burned it (I’ll clean the stove when I get home). There’s leftover takeaway pizza in the fridge. See you and Al at work!” 
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arielollivander · 7 years ago
         It was much easier to call someone from across the other side of the room when there were less students in Hogwarts, though he was a little startled by how loud her sounded and how his voice echoed off of the walls around him. He jumped down the last few steps and pushed his hair back as it fell in front of his face. “Yes really, I was trying to figure out who would get the most use out of them and I know you like playing so, better they’re with someone who will enjoy them than sitting at the bottom of my trunk for the next six months”.
         He knew that Ariel was part of the gobstones club and he liked her, she had spirit about her that didn’t make him want to blow his brains out like many other Hogwarts students did. “So, how has your Christmas break been so far? Have you been out on the ice, yet?”
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Ariel cocked her head at him. While she appreciated the generosity, she didn’t feel great about accepting something valuable and not having anything to give him in return. It just didn’t seem fair, “I mean, it’s a pretty fun game. I could teach you if you want? That way you’re not just totally losing it?” 
“It’s been alright,” She shook her head a little bit, “No, I don’t actually know how to skate,” She admitted sheepishly, “What about you?” 
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arielollivander · 7 years ago
“I would completely agree.” He simply shrugged, took another sip of his own drink, eyes darting away for a moment before they landed on her again, offered a bit of a smirk. “You know, you’re the worst.” She wasn’t, but he did need to keep up a certain level of appearance. But damn if he didn’t want to drop the pretense sometimes. “Well fine. I guess I’ll just be on the edge of my seat until I find out.”
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“I know. But you’d be totally lost without me,” Ari teased back, almost a challenge. She took another drink, looked over at the bar then back at Dominic, smirk now almost a challenge, “Well, maybe to distract you I’m pretty sure that girl over there is looking at you,” She shot a lightly more subtle look, “Or me. But either way one of us could get lucky, right?” 
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arielollivander · 7 years ago
I wasn’t able to interview anyone about it towards the holiday. I’m meeting up with some people outside of school. Maybe I can ask some questions there. If you find a friend of Julia’s there, ask them what they would think she would want in a memorial? Try and see if anyone had seen her near the point she vanished?
Oh that sounds about right. I’ll probably walk through there and I’ll be sure to tell him hello. I’m going to ask Mary some questions about Julia I think. Where do you think you’ll start?
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Do you know who any of her friends were? Not sure which of them are still at school. Yeah? That would be good. I just want to know why her of all people. And why they held on to her for such a long time, it’s really horrible, what he must have gone through. It’s just really awful. Having trouble sleeping thinking about it.
No. You have to send him love. Give him a kiss on the forehead to really seal the deal. He’ll love it. Yeah, yeah she’ll be good. I think Reggie knew her too didn’t he? Just trying to figure out who here knew her. Do you need me to get anything in Hogsmeade for her memorial or anything? Everlasting Blooms or candles or something? 
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