#i guess llorumi since I do kinda ship it
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Alright! Like evryone here, I have *surprise* thoughts about ep 13 & 14!
I’ll start by saying that I ADORE the interactions between Lloyd and Harumi. SUE ME!
Yes, they’re enemies at this point. But the dialogue Harumi has is just too damn funny Goddammit. I love her being all snarky and sarcastic like this. GIMME MORE!
I also like the paralells of Harumi basically making Lloyd believe the ninja are dead to turn him to their side, nice callback. She knows it’ll get him angry like nothing else, so why not do it again?
On a more negative side though...
Yeah. With her glowing eyes we can basically confirm that she is, to some extent, mindcontrolled. And I’m pretty sure most people would agree that that is a very lazy way out. (Sorry guys.)
Personally I think it would have been better (and thought they were going to) if Harumi did the exact same thing as in season 8, but the other way around. You know, pretending to be with the Crystal King only for it to turn out she was on the ninja’s side the entire time (and even the ninja didn’t know). Because YES I WANT HER REDEEMED but it would also;
1. Line up with her death and sacrifice in s9
2. Show her use her previously negative strenghths to an advantage
3. Allow her to joing the CK to save her life while still improving
4. Allow the interactions they’re having
5. Be an awesome paralell to fool everyone again and for them to realise she’s on the good side
Technically they could still take this route, just-
It makes very little sense to me why she’d be this upset at Lloyd letting her die. At the moment in s9 she seemed almost accepting of death at that point. She also knew he was a long end away and it wasn’t realistic, because she isn’t stupid. Delusional undoubtedly, but not stupid. 
With the Prime Empire avatar I always imagined that they were talking about her life in the palace, which is probably at least half if not most of her trauma. A traumatic event is one thing, but you need to understand that the envoirement you’re placed in afterwards makes a great difference.
After Pythor Lloyd was taken in by his uncle and people who he’d end up calling brothers (and sister). Harumi was given money and told to ‘sit still and look pretty’, because they thought that would solve her trauma. 
One of them was a healthy enviorment, the other definitely wasn’t.
I still love crystallized and will keep loving the episodes because I can only get really cynical of a show a year or something later. I’m glad that they’re probably still gonna redeem her, even if it is with mindcontrol. I just- 
I expected maybe- just maybe- a little more.
still loved it though!
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ninjapolis · 4 years ago
Masterpost of My AUs
So, I have a ton of these that I never posted about...
Here’s info on ALL of my AUs, whether I’ve posted about them or not! Mostly in order of when I made them! I’ll provide a place for a link with each, if there’s no link I haven’t posted about it yet.
Future AU: (Mostly) adheres to canon. My fankids and their adventures, along with the shenanigans the ninja get up to when married! It’s polyninja, but the ninja are married to their female love interests too and the girls are married to eachother. Also contains Destinyshipping, Garmaclouse and Badboyshipping. Consists of two parts: Right after Lilly, the ninja’s youngest is born; and thirteen years later, when most of them are old enough to be training. Learn more here.
Serprincetine AU: Follows a completely different story than canon. 100% a polyninja AU. All of the ninja are serpentine: Kai is the prince of the Hypnobrai, Cole is a Constrictai training to become a Peacekeeper’s Guard, Jay is a Venomari mechanic, and Zane is a Fangpyre mercenary hired to kill Kai before his 18th birthday. A Peacekeeper is someone who’s supposed to keep the peace between the five tribes. Garmadon, an Anacondrai, is the current Peacekeeper, while Kai is his successor. Garmadon is going to die on Kai’s 18th birthday, so Lloyd hates Kai. Zane was hired to kill Kai so the Fangpyre could start a war. There’s a lot to unpack and it’s also a soulmate AU, so I can’t fit everything here. Learn more here.
Vampire Hunter AU: Follows a completely different story than canon. Lavashipping and Technoshipping. Jay and Cole are vampire hunters who have been hired by their village’s leader, Wu, to kill the vampires living in the castle above the town: Kai and Zane. Due to a long and harsh blizzard, Cole and Jay are trapped with the extremely hot vampires in the very nice castle. They can tolerate it I guess. Learn more here.
I Obliterate My Favorite Character for No Reason Other Than Angst AU/Kai Dies AU (first one is the official name/tag): Starts out same as canon but deviates in Season 3. No ships. Kai says in Season 4 that he wanted to die instead of Zane, so I grant his wish. Except he doesn’t come back because he’s made of flesh and bone. Read more here.
Everything’s Alright AU: Follows a completely different story than canon. No ships. Nothing bad happens, so the ninja can just live normal lives. Read more here.
Kai Smith is Now Kai Chen and He’s Evil AU/Kai Chen AU: Slightly deviates from canon. Kinda plasmashippy. Essentially Kai and Skylor swap places, with Chen adopting Kai and Skylor’s mom adopting Nya after Ray and Maya die and Chen and his wife divorce. Kai fucking dies, then tries to help his dad wreck Nya and Skylor, then dies again. Read more here.
Actor AU: Follows a completely different story than canon. No ships.  The characters are all actors, simply playing parts in a TV show. Most of them have different backgrounds and slightly different personalities. It has very little development, and it doesn’t really have much of an actual storyline. Learn more here.
Jay Suffers AU: Starts out same as canon but deviates in Season 4. No ships. All of the ninja except Jay die at some point and Jay is suffering. Ed and Edna place him in a mental hospital after he attempts suicide and he befriends Harumi. Mostly focuses on his time in the mental hospital, and I try to make it wholesome sometimes to offset all of the angst. Read more here.
Ninja Nya AU: Slightly deviates from canon. Contains plasmashipping, a hint of lavashipping in season 3 and 4 and phoenixshipping. Everything’s the same except Kai and Nya swap places: Nya is the ninja of Fire, and Kai is Samurai X/the ninja of water. Read more here.
Oni and Dragons AU: Slightly deviates from canon. Contains plasmashipping and Jaya, probably. Maybe Wusako, if you squint. And possibly glaciershipping to accompany the plasma. Oni and Dragons were created to serve humans like the FSM. Wu is also a full human. Wu and Garmadon aren’t brothers; rather, Garmadon is Wu’s former bodyguard. Garmadon is an Oni, and like most is sick of being bossed around by what he considers a powerless species. He and every Oni elemental master lead a revolt to gain their freedom, while Wu and the Dragon elemental masters fight against them. The Oni win, but Garmadon wants to completely control the humans and Dragons. He gets banished to the Underworld. Wu started training Morro, who was half-Oni and half-Dragon, to foster peace between the warring species. Morro gets killed by an Oni. Wu later starts training two half-Dragons (Kai and Nya), two half-Oni (Cole and Jay) and a Nindroid (Zane) for a second attempt. They later find Lloyd, who is Wu and Misako’s illegitimate child (Misako is still married to Garmadon) and 100% human. Dragons and Oni are both very protective species by nature, so Kai, Nya, Jay and Cole all become very protective of Lloyd. They learn about Morro much sooner, since Wu actually honors him and his death with a small altar and talks about him. They raise Morro from the dead, since he’s still the Chosen One (because Lloyd doesn’t deserve that burden). He kicks Garmadon’s ass and everything else is just shenanigans with the ninja, Morro and redeemed Garmadon. Wu actually acknowledges that he is not a good parent. The ninja are all adults because Wu learned from his mistakes like he should have in canon. Read more here.
The Pirate and His Dragon AU: Follows a completely different story from canon. The entire purpose of this AU is plasmashipping. This AU combines the popular concept of Pirate! Jay with my Half-Dragon! Kai because I thought it would be cool. Mostly just slice-of-life as they do pirate and half-dragon things. Read more here.
Garmadon’s Servant Kai AU: Slightly deviates from canon. Canon ships (Jaya and Llorumi). Kai starts training with Wu, only to soon reveal he’s been in cahoots with Lord Garmadon the whole time. He remains a traitor and nuisance until season 3, in which he pretends to chill out due to Garmadon becoming good. He slowly warms back up to the ninja until season 8, in which he’s the Quiet One instead of Harumi (Lloyd gets the healthy romance arc he deserves) and Kai essentially completely destroys any more chances of reconciliation with his former teammates and sister.
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