#i guess i’ll just watch supernatural instead for today :
coldbug · 1 year
biting gnashing subscription services die die die
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artiststarme · 2 years
Oblivious Eddie
This is kind of the opposite of @ladykailitha's current story. It turned out a lot longer than I anticipated lol. Featuring the screaming match that you guys voted on! I hope you guys like it and please share your thoughts in the comments!
Steve was at his wit’s end. Things were now back to normal in the summer after the supernatural happenings of the Upside Down in the spring. The older teens had graduated from high school (Eddie included), the younger kids were off at camp or work or rehab respectively, and Steve was working his usual shift at Family Video. 
He was alone today since Keith was out of town on vacation and Robin was touring the campus at Indiana State. He was bored out of his mind. The entire day, he’d had a mere four customers with plenty of time to rewind the returned tapes, organize the shelves in a way Robin would hate, and take a variety of magazine quizzes. He now knew that his spirit animal was a golden retriever, Tom Cruise would date him for his personality, and that his zodiac sign would find fortune in the next month. 
However, if something interesting didn’t happen in the next ten minutes, he was going to do something drastic like pull his hair out or something. As the minutes ticked on, he started getting worried. Steve prided himself on being a man of his word and he made a decision which meant he had to stick to it. But did it count if it was a thought to himself? Would he have to pull his hair out by the clump to prove a point to his own brain? Maybe he-
His spiral was cut off by the jingle of the door’s bell. Steve let out a sigh of relief, “Welcome to Family Video, is there anythi- Eddie! Hey man, what’s up?”
Eddie had gotten a part-time job at Thatcher Tire and was trying to bring in some money from work of the legal variety. He said it was time to make money like an honest man and develop the good habits of the working class. Steve thinks that Hopper threatened him about the drug dealing and Eddie had no choice but to abide by his rules because he was the one who cleared his name in the media and with the cops. Either way, Eddie should be at work but instead he was walking straight towards Steve with a swish to his hips. 
“Heya Big Boy, guess what.”
“What?” Steve asked in curiosity. He didn’t know what would make Eddie so happy but his face was nearly splitting with the force of his beaming grin. 
“I got a call from a concert venue in Indy and they want Corroded Coffin to perform! They said that my notoriety from Spring Break could work as publicity and bring in more people. They want us to play this weekend!” Eddie was practically jumping up and down in excitement. 
Steve hopped the counter in order to envelop Eddie in a hug, “congratulations man! What did the kids say? Are they excited for you too?”
Eddie pulled back slightly, just enough to place his hand on Steve’s shoulder and look him in the eye whilst pulling a strand of hair from its position stuck in his mouth. “The kids? I don’t know, I came directly here to tell you.”
The comment in Eddie’s earnest tone caused butterflies to flutter in Steve’s stomach. He wanted to tell him first? That’s so sweet. Then he shook his head, it wasn’t sweet. It was just a dude telling his bro some exciting news. That’s all. 
“They’re going to be thrilled, Eds! You’re going to do great, I wish I could see it.” 
“That’s kinda why I’m here. Would you, Steve Harrington, do me the honor of watching me perform the most metal concert ever in a dingy venue in Indy this weekend? I’ll be honest with you, I’m a little nervous and having you there would make me really happy.” Eddie looked at him with the biggest puppy dog eyes he could muster, trying to persuade Steve to go. And honestly, he didn’t even have to. As soon as he had told Steve about the gig, his mind started thinking over blackmail he could use to get Keith to cover his shift. 
But, as he looked into Eddie’s pleading eyes and pouty lips, all he could think about was how much he wanted to kiss him. Which… what the fuck?! Steve wasn’t gay, he liked boobies! He still liked boobies! But now he thinks he liked the picture of Tom Cruise in the magazine from earlier and maybe Matthew Broderick on the movie poster over there and definitely Eddie, fuck. Steve needed to have a mental breakdown, STAT. 
“Fine, yes, I would be honored to go with you. Now, get out of here and tell the kids. They’re going to be thrilled,” Steve said as quickly and nonchalantly as he could muster in the face of his fast-approaching sexuality crisis. 
“Yay! Thanks Stevie, I swear you’re going to love it. I’ll see you tomorrow for movies and beer at mine, right?” Eddie asked over his shoulder while walking to the door. 
Steve felt like he was being strangled as he watched Eddie’s ass walking away, “yep, I’ll be there. See you later, Alligator!”
The second Eddie’s van drove out of the lot, Steve was rushing to lock the door and turn the closed sign. He needed to have a breakdown in peace. He slid down the wall of the disgusting Family Video bathroom and let the pent up sobs explode out of him. He knew he was freaking out over nothing but he couldn’t help it. It felt like in the few minutes it took for Steve to realize he liked guys, his entire world had changed. He was an outsider now, a queer, a freak. Deep down, he knew there was nothing wrong with being gay. Love is love. But why him?
Honestly, this wasn’t the worst thing he’d gone through. Yeah, he couldn’t be open with his love for another dude without being targeted which sucked. But he fought literal monsters with a bat and came out of it relatively unscathed. So this obviously wasn’t the end of the world. 
Steve tried to think of what Robin would say in this moment but couldn’t come up with anything. He felt a rush of irrational anger at her because of it. Why did she choose to tour a college campus now? She was already planning on leaving him behind and now she missed his crisis when she was supposed to be there with him? Ridiculous, some platonic soulmate she was. 
After another several minutes of freaking out, he started to calm down. This wasn’t an awful thing despite his initial thoughts. He knew Eddie was gay after one two many beers and a miniature freak out on Eddie’s part. And he knew his friends should be okay with it. And Eddie was amazing, they went through the same things, and they’ve bonded over their matching bat scars. Looking back, maybe that’s why Steve hasn’t been able to get a girlfriend in months… because he like-likes Eddie!
A plan started to form in Steve’s mind. He was going to woo Eddie and show him what it would be like to have the full ‘Steve Harrington Dating Experience’. He’d flirt, take him on dates, the whole shebang. And when Eddie inevitably fell for him, they could be boyfriends. With the plan in mind and the crisis averted, Steve left the bathroom, opened the door to the shop, and continued plotting for the rest of his shift. 
This would be a piece of cake. 
This was much harder than Steve had originally anticipated. He did not consider how utterly unobservant Eddie was or how oblivious Eddie would be to his affections. Steve had been flirting with this fucking guy for a month now and he was no closer to making him his boyfriend. 
He’d started smooth the night after his breakdown when he and Eddie watched movies and smoked weed in his trailer. Steve had given Eddie a compliment on his outfit, brought beers, and rested his arm on his shoulder during one of the scarier movies. What did Eddie do? Nothing! Steve thought he might’ve seen the barest hint of a blush when he wrapped his arm around him but it was gone before he could check to make sure. So he vowed to spend more quality time with him to be more obvious. 
The next time was at Eddie’s concert. Steve drove Eddie’s van with Eddie and the rest of the van the entire way to Indy. During the drive. They kept up conversation about metal music, summer plans, and the kids. At one point of the drive, Steve straight up grabbed Eddie’s hand and intertwined their fingers. Eddie didn’t even break his train of thought and continued speaking, rubbing his thumb along Steve’s knuckles. Steve couldn’t even focus on listening as if Eddie’s thumb rubbing circles didn’t make Steve want to stick his fingers in his mouth. Physical touch was also not affecting his guy. 
He tried words of affirmation next and those didn’t work either. His flirts initially started small. He would compliment Eddie’s clothes, his hair, or the things he liked. Then they escalated to comment on his character, his personality, and ‘how adorable he was’. Yesterday, Steve literally told him that his ass looked great in his black jeans but would look better out of them. That statement made Eddie’s jaw drop and he let out a loud guffaw before continuing his conversation like Steve hadn’t just implied that he wanted to see his bare ass. Son of a bitch. 
He was trying out acts of service when Eddie called him out. Steve had been doing the dishes at the Munson trailer while he waited for Eddie’s shift to end when he came in. And he came in hot. He slammed the door behind him and waved his hands around in flailing outrage. 
“Harrington, what the actual fuck! What are you even doing? You’re so fucking confusing!” He screamed as he saw Steve scrubbing at a stain on a white cutting board. 
Steve whipped around to look at him and narrowed his eyes. He was the confusing one? He’d been flirting with this dumbass nearly every day for a month and getting nowhere. “I’m confusing? That’s rich coming from you.”
Eddie blinked in shock before his lips pulled back in a snarl. “First of all, nothing about me is rich. Second of all, yes it’s you that’s confusing! You’ve been fucking flirting with me for weeks and no you’re doing my uncle’s dishes! That’s confusing.”
“Why is it confusing? I’m doing the dishes because you weren’t home yet and I needed something to do. I’m flirting with you because I like you. What’s confusing?” Steve was legitimately confused at this line of questioning and he really didn’t understand why Eddie was yelling. 
“You like me? Newsflash- you’re straight. You’re the straightest person that I have ever met. I don��t know why you keep flirting with me or what angle you’re trying to play here but I’m not interested in being your experiment, Harrington.” Eddie yelled at him, his finger pointing at Steve accusingly before moving to hug himself in self-comfort.   
Steve saw his discomfort but elected to act defensively and yell back at him. “I’m not straight, I never said I was and you never asked! I like both and it’s really shitty of you to try and tell me who I like when you have no idea what’s going on!”
Eddie opened his mouth to talk but Steve plowed on, “your whole schtick is nonconformity and sticking it to the fucking man but you draw the line at me liking guys and girls? Maybe I don’t like you as much as I thought I did. You’re obviously just as rude and judgmental as everyone else. And you’re welcome for the dishes, fucker.”
Eddie grabbed his arms as he went to move past. “Harrington, Steve, Stevie. I’m sorry, please just listen to me. Steve!”
Steve jerked his head to the side to glare at him. “What?”
“Look, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to yell at you or not be appreciative of you washing our fucking dishes. I just, I didn’t know you liked both and I was losing my mind the past few weeks because I couldn’t figure out if you were flirting with me or if it was just you being a good friend or if you were playing a prank or something. I’m sorry and I do appreciate you,” Eddie was biting his lips nervously and his hand was still wrapped around Steve’s upper arm. He looked earnest and like he genuinely regretted his actions. 
Steve sighed, “I’m sorry too, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable-”
“I’m not uncomfortable! I was just really confused and I didn’t know what was happening. But uh, I like you too.”
Steve’s eyes met Eddie’s. “You do?”
“Hell yeah, man. You were my gay awakening in middle school. That’s why I’ve been so frustrated this past month. I didn’t know if I was imagining it or if I actually had a shot,” Eddie chuckled. 
Steve stepped closer to him and put his hand on the back of Eddie’s neck. “You definitely have a shot.”
And then, Steve pulled Eddie’s face closer to his own and their lips smashed in a kiss. Eddie groaned as their teeth gnashed in the bruising kiss. When they finally pulled apart, they pressed their foreheads together and breathed in the same air. Steve whispered, “you were my gay awakening too.”
Eddie’s answering cackles were so loud, Max came over to tell them to shut the hell up. She got a free front-row seat to their liplock and let out a scream so high-pitched that the window glass quivered before running back to her trailer. On the bright side, they wouldn’t have to come out to the kids.
@doubleb11 @nburkhardt @zerokrox-blog @newtstabber @i-less-than-three-you @carlyv @straight4joekeery @trippypancakes @pyrohonk
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twilightknight17 · 5 months
Today on P3R we are accumulating many small play sessions together that were done in-between anniversary prep and entirely too much minecraft. X’’’D
So let’s roll!
Where last we left our intrepid heroes, Minato’s boyfriend passed out in the middle of the bridge and was carried like a damsel back to the dorm to rest. And canon has no proof that that didn’t happen, so there. :P But anyway, for some reason we all go to school the next day as usual, and Mitsuru arrives at the end of the day to tell us that Ryoji is awake. So it’s time for a meeting.
We’ve got some questions about Nyx.
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I’d like to point out that he says “we” and includes himself as part of life/humanity.
So everyone is going to become like the Lost: listless, unable to care for themselves. And if everyone is like that, with no one left to take care of them, everyone will just waste away. Which is horrifying.
SEES, of course, wants to believe that there’s some kind of mistake. Something that they can do to avert it. But Ryoji says everything has already been decided.
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So, how long do we have before the Fall arrives, then?
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Well, then we can fight! We beat all those other Shadows; this is just an even bigger one!
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(We’ve fought Time before, actually. Half of Linear Time, to be specific. But I guess we don’t remember that.)
The Appriser would normally be born as just another Shadow, but because of the experiments, the fight with Aigis, and everything after, Ryoji exists instead.
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Please don’t make that face when saying that.
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Dearest. Darling. Beloved. You are giving me war flashbacks to a man who won’t be a problem for like eight more years. Even if you’re not technically making a whole fake reality. X’’’’D
He says “technically” he’s the same as Nyx, so he can’t be killed. He’s a Concept, not a person. But he’s just human enough now that Minato specifically would be able to kill him.
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You hear that? NEVER.
(I will, probably, just to see the bad ending. But that doesn’t count.)
Ryoji says we just don’t understand the terror of certain death, so he’s going to come back on New Years Eve, the next full moon, for our formal decision whether to give up our memories or not. After that, he’ll lose his physical form. But it’s fine and we shouldn’t worry because he’d just disappear when Nyx arrives anyway.
And then he leaves. Which… don’t. Stay here with us. Please.
No one is okay after that talk.
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And then it just dumps me back downstairs for my normal evening activity?
At least I can pet Koromaru.
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I guess we’ll go on the computer and watch ninja videos.
Yesterday was a terrible day, but we must still go to school today. And after school, we’re gonna go vibe at the mall.
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...or not. There are more and more Lost every day. And we have no way to make them better anymore.
I’ll go find Elizabeth. I’ve got a quest to turn in, anyway.
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……oh. Uh. Okay. Yeah. Let’s go.
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You know… it seems very lonely, being a Velvet attendant. They’re too human to be confined to that room all the time. Elizabeth, especially. She’s a free spirit if I’ve ever seen one. I can assume they have each other, of course, but… I dunno. Seeing Elizabeth get so much happiness out of experiencing new things with Minato is bittersweet.
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…look. I love my boyfriend very much, but I got the worst news on the planet last night. I think I deserve to make out with a supernatural girl who could bench-press four of me. Just this once.
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I spent some time alone with Elizabeth. But like I said, just this once.
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I understand. I will still bring you silly gifts, though.
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I guess now that all of that is done, I should bother to go to my student council meeting.
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...Atlus really didn’t write this link in a way that accounted for it taking all year. X’’’’D
Apparently the teachers want the offending student expelled when they find him, which Odagiri is having second thoughts about. Removing the “bad” kids isn’t going to make everyone else more “good”. So I think he’s finally getting the stick out of his ass. XD
All week, all your teammates want to do is go over the information you got on the third. So there’s dialogue to go over every bit of detail about what Nyx is and why and how this is happening.
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Don’t call him an it, senpai, what the fuck.
All the kids at school, meanwhile, are gossiping about how Ryoji’s parents got transferred again, so he’s had to move away. And how mysterious it was that he managed to fit in so well in only a month.
Minato? You doing okay?
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...me too, buddy. Don’t worry, we’re gonna spend all day on Sunday playing our MMO.
Maya’s happy to talk again, and has some news! She’s got a crush!
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In her homeroom.
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Look, I’m not the sort of person who gives a damn about fictional relationship options. Legit I do not care. Date the homeroom teacher if you want. But I just wanna know what she sees in Minato. I guess he doesn’t do half the stupid shit Akira does, but he’s constantly hanging out with weirdos and small children and spends his evenings eating too many burgers. Not that she’d know that, because he doesn’t interact with his teachers regularly at all. It’s not like Kawakami where we had a proper link and we actually knew each other.
She doesn’t know we’re talking right now! If she was confessing to “Tatsuya”, that would make more sense narratively.
Also, Mitsuru’s biggest fan wants me to drop off her present for her.
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I just said “no”. XD
After a full week of agonizing, we are calling another meeting to decide what we’re doing.
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We better all agree, or we’re going to have a problem in a minute.
No one is comfortable with having to confront the possibility that we’re all going to die, but Junpei is the one who finally cracks. He’s on the “anger” stage; he’s been making angry comments about Ryoji all week, and is angry now because he can’t actually do anything. Even if he wants to forget, Minato’s the only one whose decision actually matters in the end.
Yukari tries to make a joke to break the tension, and he fully snaps, yelling at her and all of us and Minato especially.
He says it’s Minato’s fault.
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(Kudos to Junpei's VA for the performance of the week here)
He’s not THAT THING. He’s our FRIEND. Do not call him an it! We’re all scared, but Minato couldn’t have fixed this!
Junpei calms down and apologizes for yelling and for snapping at Yukari. He knows it’s not anyone’s fault. He knows we’re all scared. But… I’m glad he got all that out there. Bottling it up would have made it worse. Better now than when we’re about to fight Nyx.
Meeting adjourned.
At least Fuuka is worried about Ryoji.
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...he sounded less like he was crying when he explained this time. But… I hope he’s okay alone.
None of us should be alone right now.
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yourlocalsonia2 · 1 year
Some writing thing I did in 6th grade
A little backstory: so I loved horror movies and stuff, and I wanted to write something. But the loveliness of losing motivation made me stop writing and I found this today and thought "maybe people could read this and either give advice or criticism"
Also the whole story was basically about this skeptic guy getting a haunted house and either getting possessed or dying in the end
TW: mentions of death, murder and a vague-ish description of a body
James had never believed in the supernatural. When anyone would tell him about ‘ghosts haunting others’, he would give them his beliefs on life and death. Because what idiot would believe in ghosts, am I right? But the world he knew and the beliefs he had all changed when he moved into his new house.
“So James, you said you wanted the most haunted house in the most haunted town in the state” 
“Amanda, I told you. Ghosts don’t exist, they are just ways people cope with a loss. Or they are just delusional" He pauses and thinks for a second "I didn’t say anything close to that in the first place!" He protested
 Amanda is James best friend and well, his only friend in fact.
“Well, if you ever call me in a few months saying that you believe. Or if some crazy thing happened in your house, I will not help you.” Amanda stated smugly
“I highly doubt it. Guess I’ll call you after I get all moved in so I know when you are coming.”
“Yeah! Remember to make room for me at the house!”
“Yep. See you later alligator”
End of  Prologue
The house was bigger than he thought it would be, It was almost like a mansion. But Amanda was right, well almost, as in the whole town was superstitious. They told him that he would be cursed or die if he lived in the house or something,but he wasn’t listening. While he was moving in, some of the townspeople were helping but also telling James about the ‘demonic possessions’ and other random shit that happened to the people who lived in the house. After everyone left he started to listen to a story told by the town's Priest,  Father Thomas. Why would a father be superstitious 
“About ten years ago a husband and wife named Juliet and Sam Johnson moved in the house for a getaway from their families. And for the first few days they were fine until Juliet started to see a figure of a child running through the house and mostly in their room and the living room, and a very tall and skinny shadow figure watching over her. After she told Sam she started to get scratches  and knife marks all over her body,she started to get frequent nightmares and panic attacks. Every Time they went to the hospital to try to get her pills to help, they would never work and it would keep getting worse. They eventually went to the church to have their house pure from any demons. The day before the priest came Sam woke up to Juliet getting up and going to the basement singing the song You are my sunshine in a very . He followed her into the basement and saw her with a knife writing into the concrete floor. After that she looked up and saw Sam looking at her. Sam was found the next day with multiple stab wounds in the head and Juliet was found unconscious with multiple deep stab wounds in her arms but luckily still alive….. while Sam had died a few hours before the ambulance could arrive. After that Juliet was taken to court and charged with second degree manslaughter then taken to an asylum.”
“W-what?” James was shaking, maybe it was from the cold or he was scared. . . . . No! Ghosts and demons don’t exist in the ‘living world’, demons only exist in Hell and ghosts are just figments of imagination.
Father Thomas looked with a face of concern and guilt, maybe it was for him, but it was most likely for the Johnsons. 
“Why-”His voice was still shaking but he continued, “Why was she charged with second degree manslaughter and not murder?And also, why was she put in an asylum instead of a normal prison?
“The reason why Juliet was charged with manslaughter was because after she had woken up in the hospital and told her what happened, she started to uncontrollably sob and say that ‘it wasn’t me, it was him’ and ‘it should have been me’. Eventually she became very unstable and started to talk about a ‘tall skinny black figure that watched over her and Sam, then a well dressed child who ran around the  house laughing and singing `you are my sunshine’. So they had the conclusion that she could have some major mental illnesses that heavily affected her personality and sanity. So, for her safety they put her into an asylum and they contacted her and Sam’s family and told them everything that had happened.”
“Ok” he said with caution, “Is she still in the place or whatever? And if she is, would I be able to talk to her about what happened in the house myself?”
“No, she was let out 5 years ago. I would not advise talking to her, the reason is that she has never fully recovered from what happened.”
‘Well that sucks’ James thought,’I wanted to talk to her and see myself’. “Thank you for talking to me Father, I will take your…uh… information into consideration.”. 
“Stay safe James If you ever need to talk,  I’ll be at church. “ And Father Thomas left the house,  leaving James alone with his thoughts. 
“Oh” He paused, “Ok.”
James was exhausted after all the unpacking, and now there are some demons in his house that could possess him or something.  He didn’t believe it though, but something made Mrs. Johnson murder her husband and sent her into an asylum, but what was it really…. 
End of Chapter 1
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yandere-daydreams · 3 years
Title: Closed Casket.
Commissioned by the very lovely @99shadowcat99.
Pairing: Yandere!Demon Brothers/Reader (Obey Me).
Word Count: 2.4k.
TW: Toxic Relationships, Dehumanization, Codependence, Threats of Violence, Mentions of Death, Implied Imprisonment.
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It was a closed-casket funeral.
For such a small detail, it bothered you more than it had any right to. You hadn’t been the one to arrange it, the one to speak to the undertaker and evaluate the damage – that was a responsibility that fell to her fiancé rather than you, a distant cousin, only brought up in conversations about postponed friendships and quickly thinning family trees. You’d done what you could to help, what a last living relative should do to help - paying for flower arrangements, speaking to financial advisors, sorting through her belongs and trying to guess at what might’ve held some sentimental value to someone more present in her life, but you never saw the body. No one ever offered, and you hadn’t known how to ask. She was gone, now, dead and buried, and you'd never gotten to see her, even if everyone who had said that it was probably for the best.
And it probably was. They were probably right. You wouldn’t feel any better, if you had.
And yet, you found it difficult to believe you could feel any worse than you did now, either.
Belphegor was curled around your arm. He had been since you came back from the Human World, slotted against your side, draped over your shoulders, and currently, splayed out on top of you, his face buried in the flesh just above your shoulder blade, his body forcibly tangled with yours in a way that was too awkward to be comfortable for both of you, a sacrifice he seemed more than willing to make on your behalf. You’d tried to shrug him off earlier, when he first decided there was enough space on the smallest loveseat in the common room for his strange, daily ritual, and when that failed, you’d tried to talk him into letting go, into loosening his grip enough for you to slip away when he fell asleep, into relocating to somewhere else, somewhere softer, somewhere with a pillow that could easily replace you when he was too busy tossing and turning to care, but Belphegor had always been so frustratingly picky when it came to where, how, and when he chose to sleep.
He’d chosen you, and he’d chosen like this, and he’d chosen now. There was little you could do to change his mind, after he’d already made it up.
Still, you tried. He wasn’t asleep yet, caught somewhere between permanently half-conscious state and a sleep deep enough to warrant medical concern for most living creatures, supernaturally inclined or otherwise. “Belphie,” You called, gently, pushing the temptation to try more forceful methods into the back of your mind. “Think you pick another spot? Just for today?”
“Can’t.” It was a simple response, his voice heavy with sourceless exhaustion, just as short and just as blunt as it had been the last time you asked. You weren’t sure what you’d expected, honestly. “You were gone. I can’t.”
Your frown deepened. You’d left for a week – nine days, at most. And Belphegor couldn’t have been awake for more than half of that. “That’s not--”
“He was lonely, sweetheart.” It was Asmodeus, this time, as he perched himself on the loveseat’s arm. He wasn’t any better than Belphie, nimble fingertips soon tracing aimless patterns over the side of your neck, the dip of your shoulder, taking up the space he could occupy since the space he’d like to was already in-use. “He’ll get better, in a few days. Once it sinks in that you won't be leaving again.”
You were out of practice. A month ago, you would’ve known better than to respond, than to ask questions to someone who took as much delight in festering doubts as Asmodeus did. A month ago, you would’ve brushed him off and found your way to Purgatory Hall for the rest of the night. But, it wasn’t a month ago, and you were tired. You were still thinking about that casket, and you couldn’t seem to think of much else. “What do you mean?”
“Oh?” There was a pause, a laugh, light and melodic and fluttering. You’d always liked his laugh. You could bring yourself to enjoy it, though, not right now. “No one’s told you, yet?”
“Don’t tease ‘em.” You hadn’t noticed how full the common room had gotten, not until Mammon spoke and you reflexively turned to face the sofa opposite to yours. He was standing, leaning against the back, his hands clasped in a way that’d put his anxiety on display far more transparently than his voice ever could. Beelzebub, too, his arms crossed over his chest as his attention shifted idly between you, the console in Leviathan’s hands, and the book splayed out in Satan's lap, his scowl serving as evidence of his annoyance. It always bothered you, how easily he grew frustrated by situations he chose to put himself in. It bothered you a little more, today. “Might as well spit it out, if you’re going to bring it up,” Mammon went on, shifting his weight, letting his eyes fall to the floor, then rise to the ceiling, then drift back to you. “There’s no point putting it off.”
“Weren’t you supposed to tell them, Mammon?” Beelzebub chimed in, absent-mindedly. If it'd been Satan, if it'd been Lucifer, it would’ve been pointed, malicious, purposeful. Beelzebub just sounded like he was trying to remind his older brother of something he’d forgotten. “You said you should be the one to do it, since you met them first. Then, when Lucifer said you wouldn’t be able to do it, you said that if the human threw a tantrum, you could just--”
“I didn’t say shit.” Mammon cut him off, his tone hostile, but it was a half-hearted anger, more petty than vengeful. “I said I could, not that I would, and Lucifer shot me down. If he hadn’t, there’d already be a deadbolt on every fucking door in the house. We wouldn’t be sitting around, talkin’ about it.”
“Every door?” Beelzebub looked confused. Then, he looked concerned. “I thought we agreed to just seal the exits.”
“I still think we should just use their bedroom,” Leviathan chimed in, never looking up from his hand-held. Something tightened in the back of your throat. Experimentally, you tried to pull yourself out of Belphegor’s arms, but he only held you tighter, and Asmodeus’ nails dug into your shoulder, rooting you back into place without a single word. “It’d be cool, kinda like a permanent save-point. We wouldn’t have to worry about baby-proofing the entire house, either.”
“We could use a leash,” Asmodeus suggested, never breaking his stare. He didn’t look away. You wished he would. You wished they’d, if nothing else, have the courtesy to wait until you’d left the room to start talking about things you didn’t know and didn’t want to know. “So we can make sure they’re always close by! Or, we could have Lucifer enchant a collar – having to hold a tether might get in way when I have to--”
“He’d never do it.” It was the first time Satan had cut in, but it was clear he’d been listening. His book was still open, his expression still concentrated, but he was tapping his foot, the disruption soundless against the thick carpeting, and you couldn’t remember the last time he thought to pretend to turn a page. He was listening, but he didn’t want to be. He was a part of this, but you doubted he’d every say as much out loud. You doubted he’d ever let himself admit he’d stooped to that level. “And if he did, we’d never hear the end of it. In a week, there’d probably be a new kennel in the catacombs, right next to Ceberus’.” He stopped, for a moment, shaking his head. For your own sake, your chose to believe the envy lingering behind his voice was his attempt at a bad joke. “You would prefer a bedroom, wouldn’t you, (Y/n)?”
He asked you a question. He was talking to you, now, directly, which was more than you could say for any of his brothers. It should’ve been an improvement. An opportunity, if nothing else, a chance to ask why Asmodeus was looking at you like that, why you could feel Belphegor’s careless smile pressing into your skin, but you hesitated, something catching in your chest. It felt too solid, too heavy, too rough and too jagged. It felt like it’d hurt to swallow down, later on, once the unease passed and you got over whatever scheme they’d planned out, while you were gone.
“I… What?” You weren’t sure what you wanted to say, but it came out as a question regardless, your reluctance blending messily with your confusion. “This isn’t funny. If you’re going to act like this every time I visit the Human World, I might have to stop coming back.”
Finally, Satan glanced up from his book. If you didn’t know better, you might’ve said he was smiling. “Right. Because you still think you're allowed to leave.”
The rest of the room fell silent. Or, maybe it didn’t, maybe it was louder than it'd ever been. You didn’t know. You couldn't hear anything, not over the sudden ringing in your ears. “I’ll have to, eventually. It’s not up to me.”
Beelzebub shifted in his seat, suddenly uncomfortable. “It’d be safer if you stayed in the Devildom. We can’t protect you in the Human World.”
Leviathan’s grip tightened around his console. In the background, you could hear the plastic shell start to crack. “We wouldn’t be able to see you. Not all the time. Not for more than a few weeks at a time.” He was quiet, for a moment. Then, he added, “It wouldn’t be the same. It wouldn’t… It wouldn’t feel like it does when you’re here.”
Mammon looked away, letting his head lull to the side. “You belong here, with us. You’re supposed to be here. We’re just doin’ you a favor. No one wants to watch you figure out how fucked you’d be on your own.”
And, finally, Belphegor groaned, exhaustion heavy in the gravely sound. He untangled himself from you, but the freedom was temporary, fleeting, his arms snaking around your waist, instead, his face soon gracelessly buried in your chest. His eyes flickered open, but barely, just enough to let him stare up at you through his eyelashes, a thoughtless grin pulling at the corners of his lips. He wasn’t divided, not like his brothers were. He didn’t try to pretend he was above holding you against your will. “You're not leaving again.” It wasn’t a question. It wasn’t even a threat. It was just a fact, to him. It was something that wouldn’t happen, that couldn’t happen, if only because his older brothers were willing to work so hard to make sure it didn’t. “We’re not gonna share you, anymore. We’re not gonna have to.”
You didn’t want to hear anything else. You didn’t want to be here, anymore, not if this was what it meant, not if it was going to feel like standing in front of that closed casket all over again, the urge to run and sob and scream silencing every reasonable thought you’d ever had. You didn’t bother trying to talk to Asmodeus and Belphegor, you didn’t bother trying to coo and edge and skirt around their anger, their unspoken threats, not anymore, not when your body was already standing on its own, shoving at Belphegor’s body and swatting at Asmodeus’ hand as he reached out, aiming to cup your cheek and tell you so gently to sit down and shut up. Beelzebub leaned forward, Mammon flinched, and you could’ve sworn you caught a row of long, pointed fangs flash across Satan’s sneer, but you didn’t care. You wanted to hit something. You wanted to yell. You’d wanted to ever since you came back to this damned house and its overly affectionate occupants.
“You don’t get to share me.” You couldn’t be shared. You weren’t theirs to share, even if they already seemed geared against the idea. You weren’t theirs to trap, either. You never would be. “I don’t need your protection, and you don’t need to see me, and the only place I’m supposed to be is the Human World. I don’t know what got into your fucked-up heads while I was gone, but you can’t just--”
“Sit down, (Y/n).”
You stopped mid-sentence.
Right. You’d almost forgotten Lucifer hadn't gotten a chance say his piece, yet.
He didn’t give you time to cooperate. There was already a fist curled around the back of your collar, dragging you back into your seat, the action so much more aggressive than Belphegor’s oppressive dead-weight or Amsodeus’ sweet, sickly temptation. You couldn’t see him, but you could feel Lucifer looming over you, standing tall, towering above his younger brothers as he took control of the room. You wondered if he’d been here the entire time, if he’d heard everything, rather than just your sudden outburst. You wondered if you should hope that he had.
“We missed you, while you were gone.” He didn’t sound mad. He didn’t sound mad, but none of them did, none of them sounded like they were plotting to keep you away from your home, your friends, the life you had outside of demons and angels and magic. None of them sounded dangerous, either, save for Lucifer. He’d always been easier to trust when he wasn’t pretending to be kind. “We’ve all been alive for centuries, and yet, you went and made a week feel like a small eternity. Do you know how difficult it is for a human to inflict that kind of suffering onto a demon?”
You didn’t answer. Across the room, Mammon laughed and Satan bristled. Belphegor melted back into your side, more than happy just to have his resting place scared into immobility.
“You’ll stay.” It was an order, this time. Not a suggestion, not a passing concern, but a command, something you would be expected to obey. He had the nerve to use that low, calm cadence, measured and pre-meditated. He didn’t want to let you convince yourself he was as prone to bluffing as his brothers were. “You’ll stay because we want you to. We’re willing to use force, but there’s no need for that. Is there, love?”
You nodded, your body tense and your eyes glassy, and Lucifer rewarded you with a breathy chuckle, a row of knuckles delicately pressed to your cheek. A miserable reward for such an unwilling sacrifice, but Lucifer didn’t seem to mind. It certainly didn’t stop him from leaning in, his lips brushing against the top of your head, his voice falling just low enough to make something sharp and cold shot down your spine, as he went on.
“It’s not like you have anything to go back to, anymore.”
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 3 years
Best Part Of The Day
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Summary: Dean comes home to find the reader home from work early but something is off about her and he’s not quite sure what to think of it...
Pairing: Construction worker!Dean x reader
Square: Roommates (Tell Me A Story Bingo) & Jack-hammering (SPN Kink Bingo)
Word Count: 1,300ish
Warnings: mature (language, mentioned past smut, minor injury, angst, fluff)
A/N: Written for @spnkinkbingo​ & @supernatural-jackles Tell Me A Story Bingo. Enjoy!
You screamed from in the shower when you saw movement out of the side of your eye. A deeper scream followed quickly after, Dean standing there all sweaty and dirty, hair matted down from his hard hat all day. You stared at him from the other side of the glass door, Dean immediately turning around. He squeezed his eyes shut when he could still see you in the mirror and threw his hands over his face.
“I am so sorry. Like so, so sorry. The door wasn’t locked and the shower card wasn’t up and-”
“Dean dude. Relax. It’s not like I’ve never walked in on you naked either,” you said. “We’re adults. It’s fine.” You turned and put your back to him, Dean humming to himself.
“You’re normally not in the shower right now,” he said.
“Yeah well...work sucked,” you said. You heard him shuffle around and the top of the hamper open. 
“Is this mud?” he asked. You looked over your shoulder and saw him holding up your dirty blouse. “I can get this clean.”
“Dean it’s-”
“If there’s one thing I know how to do, it’s gets get dirty clothes clean again,” he said. You smiled and nodded. “I’ll take this stuff down to the laundry room and take care of it.”
“Thanks Dean. I owe you one.”
“Dean?” you called from your bedroom as he walked past in a towel after his shower. He stepped back and you sat up on bed in your oversized shirt and underwear. “Can I talk to you about something?”
“Shoot,” he said. He stepped inside and sat on the end of the bed, holding the towel closed over himself.
“If I was late on my half of rent for the month…” you swallowed. He smiled and nodded. “Just a little while. I promise-”
“I got plenty from overtime and double time. I got rent the next few months,” he said. 
“Thank you.” He stared at you, probably hoping you’d tell him what had happened that day, why you who worked in an office was covered head to toe in mud at some point, why you were home showering an hour before you were supposed to be. Instead of asking though, he simply reached a hand out and gave yours a squeeze.
“How about we order way too much takeout and get drunk tonight?” he said. He smiled softly and you swallowed.
“Don’t you have a date with Cassie?”
“Broke up with me three days ago,” he said. You opened your mouth to speak but he shook his head. “I was thinking of ending things myself so it was really no hard feelings. We’re on different paths and all that crap.”
“You okay?” you asked quietly. “You guys seemed good together.”
“She’s moving to Cophenhagen for work. She didn’t want to be tied down. I don’t blame her. She’s you know, becoming an international lawyer and I jack hammer for a living.”
“Dean you’re a construction program manager. You build businesses. You��re building a freaking school right now. You don’t just use a jack hammer for a living.”
“You aren’t just an executive assistant,” he said. You looked down and you swore he moved an inch closer. “What happened today, Y/N?”
“Can we talk about it later?” you asked.
“Later. After our dinner, okay?” he said. You nodded and he moved closer, his bare leg touching yours. “Anything I can do to make you feel better?”
“I know you just showered but would...would you go to the pharmacy and get me a few things if I wrote them down?” you asked.
“Of course. Make up a list for me and I’ll go get dressed. I can order and pick up our takeout on the way back. Sound good?” he asked. You nodded and tucked your knees up. “Y/N. I don’t need to call the police for any reason do I?”
You shook your head and he smiled, leaning over and kissing your temple.
“I’ll be right back. I’ll get you my fuzzy hot dog pants while you write down what you need.”
An hour later you were exiting the bathroom, Dean dishing up a pair of plates for the two of you. He didn’t say a word about the things you’d asked him to pick up but you knew what was churning in the back of his head.
“It was consensual,” you said. “Sex with my boss.”
He looked up and nodded as you sat down at the counter.
“He was...rough. Like going at like the energizer bunny rough.”
“He was jack-hammering,” said Dean.
“Yeah. It’s not very...pleasurable on the receiving end, especially without enough lube. I mean, we were both into it at first. You know we’ve been flirting forever. But after he was just...an ass and he fired me and all he wanted was in my pants and I was stupid and fell for it and on my way out I got splashed by a truck going past and everything down there is sore and that’s way too much  information and I didn’t even notice you and Cassie broke up and-”
“Sh,” said Dean, wrapping his arms around you, pulling you into a deep hug. “It’s alright. You had a bad day. Promise he didn’t hurt you?”
“No. It wasn’t very fun was all,” you sniffled. “Then he was a dick when I said I didn’t want to sleep with him again.”
“You stood up for yourself. You did everything right today.”
“I slept with my boss.”
“People sleep with their boss all the time. He was always a decent guy when I met him. I’m sorry he just played along until he got what he wanted. You scared me earlier.”
“Sorry,” you said quietly, face buried in his chest.
“Not your fault. I haven’t been exactly honest about the Cassie thing.” You looked up and he smiled. “I haven’t felt...the way you’re supposed to feel in a long time with her. She’s a good friend but we were only ever meant to be friends.”
“Then why’d you stay with her?”
“The girl I liked was into her boss. I thought they were together on the low. I figured it was a crush.”
“Was it?” you asked. He shook his head and you leaned your head up, pecking a light kiss to his lips. “How about now?”
“I guess that answer depends on her. I’m already a sucker. Just need to know what she thinks.”
“I think you’ve been the one good part of my crappy day,” you said. “You’re always the good part of my day.”
“I’m a good friend then. A good roommate.”
“Yes. Kinda hard to tell your roommate you like him when he’s with a lawyer and you’re some assistant that her boss fucks.”
“Don’t talk about yourself like that. You thought it was the start of something more and there’s nothing wrong with it.”
“Why would you want to be with someone like me, that does that?”
“I’ve been the guy who’s young attractive corporate boss tells him things and he believes her and then he gets tossed aside after she’s gotten what she wanted. There’s nothing wrong with you. Nothing.”
“Where do we go from here?” you asked. He held you close and smiled. “Dinner?”
“Dinner. Watch a movie. Tomorrow I will take you to lunch if that’s okay,” he said. “Tonight we can still just be friends.”
“Okay,” you said. You stared at him and he pressed his lips to yours, still but leaving them for a long few seconds. “Or we could start tonight?”
“Tonight’s good,” he said. You smiled and he grinned. “I don’t let just anybody have my favorite pajama pants you know.”
“I know,” you said. “Thanks for taking care of me today Dean.”
“Never have to thank me for that sweetheart. Never.”
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Heya! Thank you for answering my request! Now, can I get yandere big bro. Not an incest obviously l. teru, kou and tsukasa and hanako with little sis/bro gn s/o?
Now the thing is s/o usually got a mistreat at school due to people jealous of them (kou,teru) on tsukasa & hanako case (a yokai seems to wanting tsukasa & hanako beloved dead)
However s/o seems to not mind it at all. Btw, s/o is student at the school. And seems to be reincarnated after they die, and seems to believed hanako & tsukasa after they said they were s/o ghost brother and s/o reincarnated.
Now what would be the scenario when they find s/o is sitting on the floor. Wet around their hair and their clothes seems to be been damaged. When they Ask what happen s/o said.
"oh, big brother, I'm sorry...i'm really is...today is your birthday...but..." S/o keep cry and then said this while sobbing so hard "today, there's a girl who want me to introduce her to you. But I want to give you the gift and reject her, the girl obviously didn't take it well and...she make her group do this" "i-i...keep...trying to saving money to buy you this caused i want it to be secret...but-i..guess..there's nothing to give to you" while showing a blue (blue sky) (blue light) kou.
Tsukasa & Hanako Case
"big brother...since this is your both birthday I thought it would be better to get you both a gift. But there's a girl who hate me. I didn't even knew why?" And then s/o just said while sobbing "I..know big brother hanako love donut, and and I'm sure big brother tsukasa loves it too...so I baked a homemade donut, but that girl destroy it...she...she said my cook is the worst and people who eat it will puked and not even a ghost want it" "also she steal the necklace that I buy for you two since she say I did not deserved that"
Green (hanako) red (tsukasa)
Headcannon and oneshot again please!
The Minamoto brothers and the Yugi twins with a bullied younger sibling❣︎
Warings: Hinting to murder?, bullying, abuse, slight cursing
A/n: Hey! Of course of course, I try to answer requests to the best of my ability!
I did this with the siblings combined so hope you don’t mind shshjsh
Heehee hope you enjoy, my love~
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Teru was your older brother and he made that known to the school
You loved the fact that you were known as Teru’s younger sibling
You loved your brother
But you knew you would be used for it
People would fake being your friend just to get close to Teru
Then once they got rejected, they always blamed you
You didn’t mind, you still wanted to be Teru’s younger sibling
Teru slowly picked up on this
He knew something was up so he told Kou
Those two tried to keep a close eye on you
But while they were there, it look like you had lots of friends
But when they left the bullying begun again
But sooner or later, the other girls true colors will start to show
Teru and Kou are protective brothers
The girls in your class should have known to not get on your brothers bad side
“Teru-nii! Looks like you got a lot of presents!” Kou called out, running to his older brother who was standing at the entrance of the school. Teru chuckled and looked back at his backpack which was full with presents from fangirls.
“Well, I guess I do...” Teru patted his younger brother on the head, making him smile brightly. “Where’s Y/n? Aren’t they supposed to be with you after cleaning the bathroom?”
“They are…” Kou's expression turned into a slightly worried one “but they said they had to go early. They told me something about wanting to get something prepared to give to you for your birthday…”
Teru sighed, he was worried. He already had suspicions that you were getting mistreated in your class but he didn’t know for sure so he never confronted you about it. He has confronted Kou about this and he had the same suspictions as well.
“Well let's go get them!” Teru clapped his hands and made his way towards the building.
“Do you think it's…” Kou didn’t want to finish the sentence.
“Let's hope not.” Teru’s carefree expression lowered at the thought. “Do you know where they went?”
Kou thought for a moment.
“No, but I know they aren’t in the old school building…”
Teru and Kou walked around the school for a while, looking for you in no avail. Kou pointed out little droplets of water that slowly got bigger reaching to the school's lockers. The boys froze when they heard sounds of sobbing. They turned the corner to see you facing your lockers drenched in water. You leaned onto your locker, closing it.
“Y/n..!” Kou called out, making you turn to him. “What happened?!”
“Who the hell did this to you…?” Teru asked, examining your ripped close and abused appearance. You looked at him and only cried more.
“I’m sorry big brother Teru…”
“Y/n, you don't need to be sorry, this isn’t your fault..!” Teru hugged you “What happened..?”
“I-its your birthday today… but there was this girl who wanted me to introduce you to her... but I said no, she didn’t take it too well and did this…” You sobbed into his shoulder. Teru’s grip on you tightened thinking about how this only happened while he was outside with Kou.
“I-I saved my money… to buy you a nice sky blue necklace… and I even got big brother Kou light blue one as well… b-but she destroyed it and I don’t have anything to g-give you…”
“Y/n that’s so sweet! We are extremely thankful!” Kou tried to lighten the mood a bit, giving you a gracious smile. You could see tears pricking the corner of his eyes. Teru was still angry that his suspicions were true, he was praying they weren’t.
“Who did this?” Teru sternly asked.
“I-it’s fine Teru…” You kneeled to the ground picking up pieces from the necklace she destroyed “She already left… there is nothing I can do now…”
“Y/n… please…” Kou kneeled down next to you and put his hand on yours.
“Guys, what would make me feel better is if we got home… can we please go home?” Your voice was begging. You just wanted to be in a warm blanket watching T.V. with your siblings.
That's all you wanted right now.
“Okay… I’m sorry Y/n, let's go home okay!” Teru gave you his jacket which you happily accepted.
“Even though I couldn’t get the gift, it meant the world to me!”
You sighed walking to your classroom. It was early and you were tired. You were happy your brothers didn’t ask you about it for the rest of the night, you didn’t want them to worry. You thought you would get a load from the girls who did this to you yesterday but you were shocked when she bowed in front of you instead.
“Y/n! I am so sorry! Please forgive me for what I did to you yesterday! It was very rude of me and I am very sorry!” She was shaking.
“Oh, uh, it’s alright..! No need to bow, I forgive you…” You put your hands in front of your chest, genuinely confused. Once she stood straight up you saw a big red mark on her cheek. She had tears in her eyes but ran to her desk before you could get a better look at her. You looked to Tsuchigomori who only nodded with an apologetic look on his face.
‘What happened this morning…?’
“Teru? You still look down?” Kou faced his brother as they both walked to class.
“Sorry Kou… just a little upset by the person who did this to Y/n…” Teru apologetically smiled.
“Well you slapped her, that taught her a lesson!” Kou encouraged.
“Trust me Kou,” Teru’s smile turned into a frown
“If a teacher wasn’t there, I would have kicked her ass.”
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Amane found it unforunate you were caught in the crossfire of him and his brothers conflic causing you too kill yourself as well
Tsukasa thought it was great that his younger sibling was now dead too
Gosh Tsukasa-
But what they didn’t expect was for you to get resurrected
You were able to see supernaturals yourself and you couldn’t age from the day you died but you weren’t a ghost like your brothers
Tsuchigamori helped you establish a somewhat normal school life
It was all good for the most part, you were back in school, Hanako was the leader of the 7 mysteries, and Tsukasa was just crazy happy
The fact you are getting mistreated is mostly Tsukasa’s fault
Like he can make a lot of enemies so when the fish yokai (that he killed) saw how close you and Tsukasa were, of course they wanted to kill you
It was also a perk that you were Hanako’s sibling since they wanted to get back at him as well for stealing their princess Yashiro away from them
You were weak and had a human body, you were perfect
Amane had no idea about this, Tsukasa didn’t know you were being abused but he did know he pissed off those fish AND HE PISSED EM OFF GOOD-
You figured you would be a target for yokai since your older brothers are powerful
Of course, you didn’t mind this
You knew this would happen so it’s alright!
But the thing was, it wasn’t so alright with your older brothers
Hanako watched the cherry blossoms fall from the tree that he sat under. It was November 25, his birthday, and you said you wanted to have a talk with the two boys. Normally you would talk to them separately because you knew how Amane felt towards his twin brother, but today you wanted to talk to them together. Hanako cancelled his normal cleaning duty and waited where you said to meet up.
“Amane!!” He heard a scream from behind him but before he could turn around he felt someone hug him, wrapping their legs around his waist.
“Oh, Tsukasa…” Hanako said softly, personally finding this kind of awkward.
“Where’s Y/n?? It’s been so long since I’ve seen them!” Tsukasa removed his head from Amane’s neck looking around for you.
“Oh, they aren’t here yet, and I remember them saying they saw you two days ago…”
“So long ago!” Tsukasa whined and Amane sighed at his childish behavior. It went silent but thankfully Tsukasa quickly broke it.
“Didn’t Y/n say to meet them here 15 minutes ago??”
“Yeah they did…” Amane started to get worried.
“They're late!” Tsukasa pouted.
“You’re late as well Tsukasa… And we should go look for them.”
“I’ll lead the way! I know where their last class is!” He stood up and started marching, Hanako closely behind him.
They walked around the school for a while, watching students run across the halls to their clubs, laughing and gossiping with one another. Tsukasa continued to march, not losing the bounce in his step. They came closer to the sound of someone crying, sobs getting louder as they approached a classroom. The twins looked at each other before Tsukasa opened the door.
You jumped slightly, removing your head from between your legs to look at who came in. You only began to cry more realizing it was your two brothers.
“Y/n…?” Tsukasa slightly whispered to himself, staying at the door's entrance.
“Y/n! What happened?!” Amane ran to you, fearing you were hurt in any way. He put his arm on your wet shoulder, looking around to see if there were any visible bloody wounds. He looked at your uniform which was damaged and had a few cuts in it. Your hair was also wet like if someone poured water on you. Tsukasa slowly made his way over to you, examining you up and down. You couldn’t make out the expression on his face but you knew anger was there.
“I-I’m sorry…” You said a little above a whisper.
“You’re sorry for what..?” Amane asked, moving the wet hair out of your face to get a better look at your soaked, tear-stained face.
“Big brothers...since this is both your birthdays... I thought it would be better to get you both a gift. But there are these fish yokai who don’t like me..!” You picked up a couple red and green gems from the floor. Hanako’s eyes widened.
“I... know big brother Amane liked donuts and I assume big brother Tsukasa likes them as well… but they took the donuts I made you saying my cooking was t-the worst and you wouldn’t want it..!” You continued “And they took the necklace I bought for you guys saying I don’t deserve it…”
“Were they talking fish..?” Tsukasa's voice was cold, eyes wide with rage. You only nodded your head.
“Amane, will you stay with y/n? I have something I need to do.” Tsukasa turned to Amane. Hanako already knew what he was going to do.
He was going to go after the mermaid and her fish. There was nothing he could say to stop him.
“O-okay… do what you have to do…” Amane nodded and Tsukasa left the room.
“W-wait… where is he going..?” You started to get up but Amane sat you back down.
“Hey, don’t worry Y/n… older brother Tsukasa is going to take care of this okay?” Amane hugged you.
“But I don’t mind the fish… it’s fine-”
“No. It’s not.” Amane’s aura grew darker before his loving brotherly smile appeared again.
“And hopefully by tomorrow, you won’t have to deal with those disgusting fish!”
“Y/n! Amane!” Tsukasa called out as he walked down the halls. When he approached the door he opened it revealing you and Amane laughing. You were somewhat dry and you stopped crying.
“Tsukasa!” You got up and gave him a hug.
“What happened to those fish…?” Worryness in your voice.
“Don’t worry about it Y/n! You don’t need to worry about them anymore!” He childishly smiled, bringing ease to you.
“Amane approached you two, smiling. He looked to see Tsukasa’s hand that was behind his back covered in blood. Hanako's smile dropped and he went silent. He quickly regained his composure and turned to you.
“Yeah, Y/n you don’t need to worry about those fish. Your big brothers will kill any other supernatural that dares hurt you!”
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thefanficmonster · 3 years
Caught Red-handed
Corpse Husband x Reader (Gender Neutral)
Warnings: Swearing, Struggling with migraines 
Genre: Fluff, Comfort, RPF (Real Person Fic)
Summary: Having suffered from migraines all their life, Y/N knows better than to give them much attention or let them hinder their work too much. However, their boyfriend is a lot more worried than they are and has taken it as his personal duty to ease their pain as much as he possibly can. 
Requested by Anon. Hi dear! Thank you so much for your request, I’m so sorry it has taken me so long to get to it, write and post it, but here it finally is and I hope you come across it and read it! I’ve never experienced migraines nor have I known someone who has so if I’ve misrepresented or written any misinformation, anyone who catches it, feel free to let me know either in the comments or in my inbox/messages! Love, Vy ❤
The first time I got a headache was in the middle of math class in eighth grade. I remember it so distinctly because I had never before experienced such sudden and such intense pain. I got to go home early that day and spent a good portion of the day trying to sleep it off but to no avail.
Since then I’ve grown used to having to deal with a pain so strong it renders me unable to function for a whole day about two times a month. Sometimes, I even try to be stubborn with it - I try to push through as much work as I can despite the migraine, but that never works out for a long time considering it ends up crippling me in the end. That’s never kept me from trying over and over again though!
Now, to contrast my nonchalance and even annoyance with these pesky attacks, is my boyfriend Corpse’s concern over them. I’ve tried explaining to him that I’ve grown used to them and that I try not to let them bother me and that he shouldn’t stress over them so much but I may as well be talking to a wall because all he has to do is see me squint my eyes or cringe and he enters concerned-mother mode. Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate it to no end, I just don’t want him worrying over something so small. Also, a minor convenience: if the migraine doesn’t hinder me from tending to my tasks, Corpse will. He’ll make sure I’m off the task I’m working and transported into bed in an instant.
That’s why I’m now clenching my jaw, struggling to maintain a poker face as I work on an important project I have to send to my boss by the start of next week. I’ve got plenty of time, but I like to stay on top of my work so it doesn’t pile on top of me, you know what I’m saying. Corpse is sitting on the couch next to me, casually glancing at me every now and then while remaining quiet as to not disturb me. So far so good, he hasn’t noticed anything and, if I didn’t know any better I would sigh in relief. There’s nothing to trigger the pain to arise any further - the lights are dim, I’m staying hydrated, and I downed two painkillers in the bathroom about an hour and a half ago - so I’m sure I’ll be in the clear at least until dinner.
“Wanna watch a movie when you’re done?“ Corpse asks, “Unless you’re tired or anything...“
I flash him a grateful smile, giving his knee a squeeze of reassurance, “I’d love to, babe. But I can’t promise that I won’t fall asleep.”
He chuckles, “Yeah, I know you’ve got a tendency of doing that.” Giving me a side-glance he adds, “It’s cute.”
I roll my eyes, already sensing a blush creeping up on my cheeks and neck which I hide by turning to face my laptop screen. One thing I can’t hide though is the wide grin that’s spread across my face as I mutter: “Shut up.”
Just then, a particularly sharp jolt of pain courses through my head, testing that ability to maintain a resting face. Thankfully, Corpse is turned in the opposite direction, searching for his phone, so I allow myself a brief cringe at the discomfort. 
Guess the painkillers are dying down on me, I think to myself, a second away from sighing exasperatedly at the thought that I have to down two more. It was wishful of me to think I could enjoy the luxury of a dull ache until dinner, now the migraine is straight up mocking me.
I quietly stand up from the couch and make my way to the bathroom so I can take another dose of aspirin because I don’t think I’ll be able to focus on my work for very long if it keeps hitting me with this intensity. Opening the door to the small cabinet above the sink, I automatically reach out for the bottle of pills but stop when I see a surprise.
Directly in front of the bottle stands a note written in, you guessed it, Corpse’s handwriting.
‘Already losing effect, huh? When are you thinking of coming clean?‘
Well shoot, am I that transparent?
I sheepishly exit the bathroom, walking back into the living room where Corpse greets me with the same stance as a parent greeting their kid who’s gotten home past curfew: legs crossed, arms folded over his chest, one eyebrow raised, the whole nine yards.
“Yeah, they’re already losing effect.“ I admit, a small apologetic smile tugging at the corners of my mouth, my cheeks burning with an embarrassed blush. “And I wasn’t gonna tell you at all.” I hurry to add: “Please don’t be mad though.“
Corpse shifts slightly, his gaze giving me a onceover as he contemplates how to pursue the case. I’ve already got several arguments/defenses ready - the perks of working for a lawyer - but I know he’ll dismiss all of them no matter how strong they might come off as in court. Bottom line: even statements that would fly in court can’t fly with Corpse sometimes. Especially when my health and well-being are the topic of observation.
“What have we said about lying?“ He finally asks, causing me to cringe and ball my fists in guilt.
However, I still have my arguments ready: “You never asked me so I never technically lied.” One might say I have quite the audacity to plead not guilty right now, even though I’ve been caught red-handed, but what can I say, I’m stubborn in nature. And Corpse knows this, he’s just testing me for his own amusement.
“Poor excuse, Y/N.“ He says with disapproval, shaking his head and fully embracing his disappointed parent persona. “You’re lucky I’m feeling generous today. So, as punishment for hiding the truth from me, you are to ditch that project you’ve been bugging yourself over and come cuddle and watch a movie with me. Bonus points for you if you fall asleep.“
I needn’t be told twice - not only will it wipe that look off his features but it’ll also get earn me a movie night with the additional benefit of cuddling with my boyfriend? - how could I refuse?
I can’t help it, I just gotta push my luck here and poke the bear with a stick, “If the punishments are so sweet I might start being dishonest more often.“
Corpse rolls his eyes, scooting on the couch and tapping the space he’s freed up for me, “I said I was feeling generous, don’t bet on it happening often though.”
Alright, enough luck-pushing, I should be grateful for this generosity instead. I should be using it to the max.
So, what’s stopping you from doing just that?
Good question, brain, good question.
Head still pounding just not as intensely, I slip under the thin soft comforter to find myself not only wrapped in it but also in Corpse’s arm, his warm embrace bringing me instant comfort, walking me on the tight-rope of falling asleep right away.
“Sneaky bastard.“ I attempt to mutter, yawning halfway through. 
I feel his lips on the top of my head, placing a quick and gentle kiss in my hair before he says, “You’re welcome, babe.”
Count your lucky stars, Y/N. You’ve got one of the good ones.
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fightxxmexxshiggy · 4 years
Don't fear the reaper
You love to go urban exploring and you make contact with a sexy supernatural being. I wrote this during KINKtober
Kirishima x female reader
Word count: 3420
Walking through abandoned buildings wasn't the safest hobby but it was definitely the most interesting one. You loved seeing all the graffiti, art and equipment from a bygone era. Sometimes you went with groups when the buildings seemed more dangerous but today you went alone. As you made your way through the abandoned factory for today's exploration you noticed all the dusty work stations, they were so eerie the way they were still set up like a worker had walked away for a break and just never returned. You were honestly tempted to film the place but seeing as you were doing this on a saturday and Halloween no less you decided not to push your luck. Walking carefully you avoided the broken glass and some more crumbling areas in the concrete floors. This space was so wide open it made you curious as to what had been made here in the factories prime.
As you headed towards the stairs that would take you to the second floor you heard a thump and a voice shout "fucking rats." From above you. Slowly you took the stairs one at a time and called out asking if anyone was there. After a bit of shuffling the voice spoke again." If you're a cop no one is here if you're an urban explorer I'm totally here and would love some company." Laughing you stepped onto the second floor landing coming face to face with a redheaded man with surprisingly sharp teeth. Smiling at you he came forward with a hand out for a handshake. Shaking his hand you noticed how large his hands were and how strong his grip was. Letting go you introduced yourself feeling a bit awkward now that you could see the face that went along with the voice. With a wide smile he crossed his arms over his toned chest, pulling his shirt taunt over the muscles. You really needed to get layed if a rando you just met on an exploring trip was getting you hot and bothered. You were so caught up in your own thoughts you almost didn't hear him introduce himself.
"The names Eijiro Kirishima and it's nice to meet a fellow explorer." You smiled at him before looking away to take in your new surroundings. The second floor was a bit dark and seemed even more dusty than the first if that was possible. Walking further into the area you saw a wooden plank laying in the middle of the mostly clear walkway. As you looked at it Kirishima chuckled and rubbed a hand on the back of his neck. "That plank was my fault. I was walking further in to explore some more and a rat jumped out at me." Laughing you told him you had heard his comments on the rat earlier from downstairs. It was quite interesting to see such a large man blush like a child at being caught cursing. Quickly Kirishima bent down and picked up the plank to place it back against the wall.
Damn the man had an amazing ass and those arms were so cut you were definitely sure your pussy had just clenched a little. This was bad, this poor man was just being friendly and here you were imagining what it would be like to have his forearm around your throat while he did dirty things to your body. Clearing your throat you asked if he'd like to join for the rest of the second floor exploration. "I'd love that pebble. I usually wander around alone but I'd never say no to having company as cute as you." Blushing you looked away as you started to walk with him going deeper into the dusty space. To your left there were tons of planks and glass panes leaning against the wall and to the right were mostly boxes stacked against the railings. You assumed this must have been office space for the owners and admins of the factory. As you walked a little ahead trying to see what was by the farthest walls you heard the floorboards groaning under your weight before they completely went out from under you.
You were lucky and grabbed a part of the floor that hadn't caved in as you fell. You yelled for help and saw Kirishima walk closer to where you were hanging. His face looked conflicted as he made no move to help or even to give you any reassurance. You realized he wasn't scared to fall in but you couldn't tell why he wouldn't help. Sighing defeatedly Kirishima walked over without an ounce of fear and crouched down to make eye contact with you. "I don't know what to do with you pebble, my job is to guide your soul to the afterlife but I really like you. You're so sweet and shy, much too good to be restarted just because the plan says so." What was he talking about? His job was to guide your soul? Why was he talking like he knew you? You just met him 30 minutes ago. Had you just become friends with a nut job who planned to watch you die?
"Ah I can see that you're confused, I mean I would be too." standing up to his full high he towered over you as you continued to stare up at him with a mix of confusion and fear. He placed back and forth for a moment before turning to you and smiling that big sharp toothed grin that moments before would have made your tummy do a little flip. If hanging half out of a hole in an abandoned building wasn't enough what happened next shocked you so much you almost lost your grip. Kirishima slowly began to lift off from the floor just floating in mid air. With wide eyes you stared in shock, wondering if maybe you had gone a little crazy while hoping he might help you so that you didn't fall to your death. "Well I know what I'm about to tell you is a bit unbelievable so I decided to show you that I'm not joking before I explain. I happen to be a reaper and today was supposed to be the day you die. But like I said I really don't know what to do with you seeing as I don't want someone as manly and fearless as you to just be gone and reincarnated as someone else."
As if to further prove his status as a reaper the man before you started to change. His hoodie and shorts, which were pretty standard for building walks, melted away into a pair of black military style pants and boots along with a fitted black tank top that hugged his chest and back muscles in a way that should definitely be illegal. His arms were covered in a few black band tattoos that circled his wrists and biceps. What was the most astonishing was that his spiky red hair grew long, long to the point that the ends floated around his hips. His still smiling face was covered with a half skull mask leaving his mouth still exposed. "Hey pebble do you want to live as who you are now even if that meant some things about you would change or do you want to die and have me guide you to the next realm? I'll do whatever makes you happier even if it's not what I'd like to see." His eyes shone with sincerity through his mask and his smile seemed a bit forced. You could tell that even though he wasn't human like you he still felt the same emotions that you did. From everything he had said and shown you you could tell he held affection towards you. Enough so that he was willing to go against what was probably as natural as breathing for a reaper. Looking up at him still floating above you a smile broke over your face. You told him you wanted to stay as yourself whatever the changes might be.
Kirishima grinned at you somehow managing to look sweet and scary all at once. Wasting no time he floated over you and grabbed you by the back of your shirt with one hand. Instead of pulling you back to the second level he drifted the two of you through the hole and down to the concrete floors below. Letting go of the back of your shirt he held out his hand to you still trying to give you some control over the situation. As you took his hand he gave it a grateful squeeze before moving to sit with you on a dust covered bench. "Listen pebble I want to be honest with you. The only way for you to stay yourself is if you became my anchor. An anchor is kind of like a reaper's chosen soulmate and we only get a chance to have one every 1000 years of service." This day was getting stranger and stranger by the fucking minute. You could live but you would need to become this man's soulmate, basically his wife. Looking at him again you could say you wouldn't enjoy the physical parts of such a relationship. Honestly Kirishima had no business being this sexy. Well if this kind of thing was gonna happen to you Halloween was no better day for it to happen on. Squeezing his hand you agreed even though you knew he had more to explain.
"If you're sure then I'll take us to my home so that we can link our souls without turning into dust bunnies." The world around you faded out and changed into a huge bedroom that was painted black and red with posters of an old superhero movie lining them. There was workout equipment everywhere you looked, well that at least told you that his muscles were all from hard work and not just random spooky reaper magic. With no small bit of embarrassment you sat on his bed and rubbed your fingers across the covers looking anywhere but him. Taking you straight into his bedroom instead of a living room or something told you exactly what you had been guessing at. Linking souls was definitely going to require sexual contact. "Pebble look at me." Looking up you took him in once again almost drooling over his now shirtless chest as he loosened his belt giving you a tantalizing look at his black happy trail. He walked up to you and held your cheeks in his hands. He searched your eyes for a few moments and when he saw no fear or rejection lowered his head to give you a kiss. This kiss was slow and gentle but full of so much heat you were sure every nerve in your body was on fire. Kirishima's tongue licked across yours as he savored the taste of his soon to be anchor. Not wanting to just sit there and take it you put your all into the kiss licking his teeth, nibbling on his lips, and even sucking on his tongue the same way you wished to suck on another part of his body. Kirishima broke the kiss panting heavily as he let his hands caress down your neck until they reached the collar of the t-shirt you wore. With barely a flick of his fingers your shirt was torn down the middle, your bra sharing its fate. He pushed the shredded material down your shoulders letting it fall to the bed.
"I'm going to be as gentle as I can for you pebble but I have very limited control over myself at the moment. Your so fucking beautiful I swear my supervisor gave me your case cause he knew I'd fall for you." Crawling over you he straddled your waist and began to kiss and bite down your neck stopping only when he reached your breast. Pushing both your breasts together he kissed every inch of them worshiping the heavy mounds. With no warning he sucked both of your nipples into his mouth, bathing them with his tongue before biting them. After every bite he flicked his tongue against the hardened peaks earned himself little whines and moans of appreciation. Once he felt that he could no longer hold himself in check with just adoring your nipples, Kirishima slid down off the bed to crouch in front of you for the second time that day. Slipping his fingers under the waistband of your panties and shorts he tugged them down and over your boots leaving you in only your favorite necklace and your socks and boots. His blood was fire in his veins as he took in the sight of you. Your pussy was so beautifully slick with your juices that it would have been blasphemous for him not to take a taste. Grabbing your thighs he used them to pull your ass to the edge of the bed where he drove in with no hesitation. Licking and sucking the lips of your pussy before using his tongue to separate them. Each swipe of his tongue drove you higher and closer to orgasm. He suckled your clit grazing it with those sharp teeth. The hint of danger from having such vicious looking teeth on something so sensitive threw you over the edge. The pleasure made you so mindlessly happy that you screamed out "eijiro." Like it was a prayer.
At the sound of his first name on your lips all rational thought was lost to kiri. He stood shoving his pants down just enough to free his throbbing cock before he pulled you so only your shoulders and head remained on the bed. With you folded over the way he wanted Kiri slammed his cock into your tight little hole. He was only able to fit about half of his massive girth inside before he had to pull back out leaving only the head inside. This move was the best he could do to get the right momentum to start his powerful digging thrusts. Each thrust was hard and determined, meant to help him reach his goal. And reach his goal is what he did, Kiri bottomed out inside of you after 5 thrusts. His cock head kissed your cervix on the last thrust pulling a choked sob from your throat. Being folded into such a position only made the stretching of your pussy feel that much more overwhelming. Kiri set up a hard measured pace,his only focus on getting his seed into your womb to link the two of you together. Grunting and growling he told you everything he planned. "Fuck pebble your so damn tight and wet. I need to get my cum inside your womb otherwise I might go insane. No one told me linking to your anchor would make me feel like this. I wanna destroy anyone who would ever think to take you from me." You whined desperately every time his cock head battered against the entrance to your womb. It was too much and not enough at the same time. Reaching up you tried to rub your clit only for kiri to grab your wrist and hold it in a firm grip. He was almost passed the point of words but managed a beastly sounding "not without me." Before he increased his pace and shifted his hips making sure every thrust hammered your gspot. Kiri leaning over you to rail your little hole was already a sight to see but the way his hair hung down and tickled against your skin made every nerve ending you had buzz with electricity. A few strands had started to cling to his face due to the sweat pouring off of him and you had to swallow to keep from drooling. This man was made for it seemed, he was everything you had ever fantasized about on those lonely treks through the newest abandoned explore. The sounds of your sex echoed through the room, wet sucking noises, the slap of skin on skin and the sounds only two people in a haze pleasure could make. As he got closer kiri started to slap three fingers on his free hand against your clit. The rhythm of the slaps matched his cocks thrusts so perfectly it caused your pussy to let out a constant stream of squirt. At his final thrust he locked his knees prepared for what was to come. Kiri's cum shot from his slit hosing against your cervix as the base of his cock swelled locking inside you. His cum was so hot and he hadn't stopped tapping your clit. All this combined with the swelling of his cock threw you over the edge, an orgasm ripping through your body so hard your eyes rolled back in your head. Once you had gone limp kiri pulled you up into his arms before turning and sitting on the bed, still locked inside you.
"You are my anchor now the other part of me that will light my way even in the darkest hour." Laying down kiri relaxed, one large hand stroking your back as your breathing began to even out. Just as you were about to drift off you felt shocks and tingling race up and down your arms. Leaning up you looked down at your arms and found you had developed the same tattoos that kiri had on his arms. When you questioned him on it he smiled happily before caressing each mark. "These are proof that our link is true and blessed by the fate in charge of reaper unions." Your heart did a little flip as you took in his love filled expression. By now Kiri's knot had gone down so you pulled yourself up and off of his semi hard cock. He protested wishing to sleep buried inside you but quieted down when you spun around and put your pussy over his face. Leaning down you took his cock in hand and began to lick all the cum and pussy juice from it. Following your lead kiri pulled your hips down and swiped his tongue through the combination of your fluids and his. Once you had his cock cleaned you started to tease him, digging your tongue into his slit. His hips bucked and his leisurely pace on your pussy became wild as he slurped and sucked away. Feeling mischievous you continued you playing with his slit but began to rub that sensitive spot just under the head of his cock.
That is where you went wrong or in this case very right. Kiri's switch was flipped as he lifted you clear in the air by your hips. He threw you into the middle of the room but instead of hitting the floor you stayed suspended in the air. He was using his powers on you! With his magic kiri floated you to sit on his cock no other part of him touching you but the cock pressed at your entrance. "Pretty pebble do your bolder a favor and count for me. I want to see just how much of me is claiming this pussy." You couldn't deny him since keeping silent only made him tease you gently with his tip. Frustrated and wet you began to count each inch. At six you really started to feel the stretching of your inner muscles on this heavy cock. At nine inches you had a little drool running down the corner of your mouth. At twelve inches your pussy was continuously dribbling squirt down Kiri's cock and balls. At fourteen you came whining his name, begging him to fuck you properly and end this delicious torture. All he did was laugh and slowly thrust inside of you keeping you well pleasured but unsatisfied. "It's ok pebble we have all the time in the world now. We're going to take this slow all night long." His last words were said on a beastly growl as he placed one hand on your throat and squeezed enough to make your pussy squeeze his cock in return. This whole Halloween had been nuts so an all night fuck fest with your new supernatural soulmate was just the cherry on top. Sobbing you reached back and grabbed hold of a lock of his hair looking for any part of him to touch that could ground you. His thrusts got harder as you pulled. Well you knew how to get him to fuck you harder. You couldn't wait to learn more tonight and for the rest of your eternity together.
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hintsofhoney · 3 years
Easy A
Pairing(s): Dom!Professor!Misha Collins x F!Reader
Summary: You visit Professor Collins during his office hours to see if there's anything you can do to raise your grade.
Tags: 18+, student/professor relationship, rough sex, spanking, rough oral (male receiving), praise kink, sir kink, degradation, dom/sub dynamics
Word Count: 2.9k
A/N: I am now absolutely FERAL for Mr. Misha Collins. This is entirely inspired by the GIFs I made below. Thank you to @treat-winchesterswith-kindness and @ellewritesfix05 for reading over this, and to @wonder-cole for feeding my Misha thirst. This is also the first part of a little mini-series I’ve decided to do, so keep an eye out for Professor!Jensen, and maybe a threesome or some Professor!Danneel in the future. Hope you guys enjoy!
You can also read me on Ao3!
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You chewed on the end of your pen as you watched your professor explain something having to do with the literary analysis of whatever book it was that you were currently assigned to read. To be fair, you had straight A’s in every single class but this one. In this class, you tended to doze off into daydreams about you and –
“How about you, Miss Y/N? Any ideas?”
You were snapped out of your daydream by the very man you were daydreaming about. Although you were nearly failing this class, you had made sure to make yourself memorable. At least, memorable to your professor. “No, sorry. To be honest, I didn’t read the book,” you shrugged, knowing that it wouldn’t get you in his good graces but maybe it’d be your way in. Oh, you didn’t read the book? Come see me during my office hours and I’ll show you what happens to students who don’t participate in class, is what you imagined he’d say.
Instead, he scoffed, folded his arms over his chest, and briefly shook his head as he stared at the floor. “Alright, thanks for being honest. Anyone else know the answer?” he asked the rest of the class.
You leaned back in your seat – as comfortably as you could; these damn lecture halls had the most uncomfortable seating – as some know-it-all in the back answered Professor Collins’ question. Continuing to chew on the end of your pen, your eyes traveled up his body. He was wearing a suit today, with a tan blazer, vest, and a bowtie. His biceps were constricted behind the sleeves of his jacket as he crossed his arms. You weren’t internalizing anything he was saying, but you were listening to his voice. You clenched your thighs together as you imagined him whispering dirty things into your ear as he fucked you over his desk. It was at that moment that you decided that in 10 minutes, when class ended, you were going to “see what you could do to raise your grade”.
“Professor Collins?” you asked, as you walked up to the podium as the rest of the class filed out. He was hunched over, trying to stuff his bag with papers that he had to grade. He looked up from his task with a smile.
“Y/N, what can I do for you?”
“I just… well, grades came out and I was just wondering if… if there’s anything I could do to raise mine?” you asked, batting your eyelashes innocently. You were pulling out all the stops.
Misha – that was his first name, which you knew from the syllabus; you had at least skimmed through that – chuckled as he went back to stuffing papers in his bag. “Yeah. Read the book,” he said.
“Yeah, that’d help I guess… if I had the time. I’m just so swamped with my other classes and I mean… look, I really need the A,” you pleaded.
He smirked at you, obviously getting the hint. “I’ll tell you what, come by my office hours later today. I’ll see what I can do.”
You smiled up at him innocently. “Thank you, Professor. You’re a lifesaver.”
You knocked on Misha’s door right at 2 o’clock, when his syllabus had stated that his office hours started.
“Come in,” you heard him sing-song from the other side of the door. You entered slowly, closing the door behind you. His office was just large enough to fit a desk, two chairs, and a small couch off to the side of the room. The corkboard on the back wall was decorated with pictures of him and his friends – who all happened to be just as good looking as him – out doing normal-people things that you never think professors do. It’s a hard concept to grasp; your school teachers having lives outside of school. You smiled at your professor sheepishly as you took a seat in the chair across from him, his desk standing between the two of you. He looked at you curiously as he tapped a pencil against the wooden surface, his tongue darting out between his lips before he folded his arms and placed them on his desk, leaning over it so he could get closer to you. “So… you really need the A, huh?” he smirked, and your thighs instinctively clenched together.
“Yeah… so if there’s anything I can do, please let me know. I’ll do it,” you replied, not even trying to hide what you were implying. He was into you. You could tell.
“Stand up,” he commanded, his tone of voice shifting ever so slightly, sending a shiver down your spine. You obeyed, watching him as he pulled out a few papers from his desk drawer. He turned them around to face you, and you read the word ‘Syllabus’ at the top. “Put your elbows on the desk,” he said again, the dominance in his voice going straight to your core. You did as you were told, placing a forearm on either side of the syllabus, forcing you to fully bend over. “What’s that say, right there?” He asked, pointing to a section about halfway down the page titled, ‘Required Reading’. You nearly moaned at the sight of his finger so close to your face; God, he had some nice hands.
“Uh,” you gulped, “required reading.”
“That’s right,” he said, standing up from his chair and walking around the desk. He was behind you now, and you hoped he was enjoying the view. You were wearing leggings today – ones that showed off your ass quite nicely – and you decided to forego the underwear. “Do you know what the word ‘required’ means, Miss Y/N?” he questioned, and you tensed up as you heard the metal clinking of a belt buckle.
“Uhm, y-yes,” you squeaked, the cockiness in you gone, completely overtaken by your desire to submit to him. You continued staring at the paper in front of you, not daring to look up.
“Tell me,” Misha commanded. You could feel him right at your side now, in the perfect position to spank you until you were begging him to stop.
“It uh… it means necessary… essential,” you replied, hoping those answers would suffice.
“It sure does,” he said, leaning over and looking at you, his head level with yours. “Glad we can come up with synonyms; I knew you were smarter than you were letting on,” he smirked condescendingly. “Now, read the rest.”
You took a deep breath before beginning to read the section. “Students are required –” SMACK! The belt came down on your ass hard, drawing a yelp from your lips. “OW!” you exclaimed, looking up at him.
He simply grabbed your head and pushed it back down. “Read. The. Fucking. Paper. Stop again and I’ll make you start over,” he hissed. SMACK!
“Students are required to,” SMACK, “t-to read three books,” SMACK, “th-throughout the s-semester,” SMACK.
“Good girl, keep going,” he instructed, as you felt his fingers on the waistband of your leggings. There was no way in hell you were going to fuck this up; a belt on your bare ass was going to bring you to the edge of tears for sure. You felt the cold air hit your ass as Misha pulled down your leggings halfway down your legs. You heard him huff a smirk, probably due to the fact that you weren’t wearing any underwear.
“The required readings include,” SMACK! You tried to stay still and ignore the intensified sting, “‘The C-Canterbury Tales’ by,” SMACK, “G-Geoffrey Chaucer, ‘Emma’ by Jane,” SMACK, “A-Austen, and ‘Wonderful Adventures of Mrs. Seacole,” SMACK, “I-In Many Lands’ by Mary,” SMACK, “S-Seacole.”
“And how many of those have you read?” Misha asked as you saw him put the belt down on the desk in your periphery.
You gulped, scared to answer truthfully, but figuring it was best to do so. “N-none.”
You felt Misha start rubbing your ass with his palm, providing some much needed relief to the stinging pain you were feeling. “So, let me get this straight, here. You’ve read none of the required readings for this class, yet you still want me to give you an A, is that right?”
You nodded. “Y-yes, sir.”
“Well,” he huffed, delivering a firm smack to your sore ass, “that entirely depends on how well you can suck my cock.” Misha grabbed you by your hair and pulled up, forcing you to stand. “On your knees,” he said, snapping his fingers at you and pointing to the floor in front of him. You obeyed, dropping to your knees the best that you could with your leggings constricting the movements of your legs. You watched as Misha unzipped his pants and pushed them down, revealing the bulge that was being confined by orange-ish boxer-briefs. He smirked down at you as he hooked his thumbs under the waistband of them and pushed them down as well, just past the curve of his ass. His cock sprung free and your breath hitched at the sight. He was thick, and big enough to where it wouldn’t be easy to take all of him without gagging – and you did not have a very reactive gag reflex to begin with. You opened your mouth eagerly, sticking your tongue out to show him just how much effort you were willing to put in and how excited you were to do it. Misha chuckled darkly as he stared down at you, taking the base of his shaft in one hand and grabbing the nape of your neck with the other. He tapped his cock on your tongue a few times, the salty taste of precum awakening your tastebuds. “God, you’re a dirty little slut, aren’t you?” he husked, as you smiled up at him with your eyes, his dick still resting on your tongue, your mouth wide open.
You nodded, attempting a, “Yes, sir”.
He smirked down at you, before slowly pushing himself into you. You hollowed your cheeks, bringing your tongue back into your mouth so you could swirl it around his tip. You brought one of your hands to replace his at the base of his cock, as you began to bob your head in a steady rhythm. Misha’s hand came to your hair, gripping at it tightly as you continued your movements. Spit began dripping from the corners of your mouth, and you began twisting slightly and pulling up on his shaft as you continued to suck. A guttural moan escaped his throat, which made you aware of the wetness between your legs.
“You must really want that A,” he groaned, looking down at you before pushing you down on his cock, forcing him to take you all the way. You looked up at him, your eyes glossed over with tears as it was becoming difficult to breathe. “But, I don’t think you’ve earned it yet.” Misha pulled you off his cock, allowing you to take a breath as he grabbed the belt off of the desk beside him. Placing the leather behind your head at the nape of your neck, he held on to each end as he pulled you towards him. He rammed his cock down your throat, using the belt as leverage to keep you in position as he thrusted into your mouth. You gagged with each thrust, his cock hitting the back of your throat every single time. You kept your eyes on him as he continued, his mouth open slightly as he looked down at you. He smiled before pulling on the belt and keeping it there, forcing you to hold his cock in your mouth. “You have no idea how long I’ve been picturing you in this position, Y/N. How’s my cock taste?”
You nodded to the best of your ability, attempting a “good”, but he was too far down your throat for anything audible to come out.
“Good? Yeah, I bet it does,” Misha smirked, letting go of the belt with one of his hands, allowing you to pull back just enough to where you could get some air in your lungs. He grabbed you by your hair again, the belt now tossed in the corner, and pulled you off his cock and onto your feet. He wasted no time bending you over his desk. “Now, let’s see how it feels,” he husked, before lining up with your entrance and ramming into you with no warning. You yelped at the suddenness of it all, however it wasn’t painful. You’d never been so wet in your life, which allowed Misha to thrust into you with ease. “Fuck, you’re wet. All from my cock in your mouth, huh? You really are a dirty little slut,” he huffed, as he continued to thrust into you hard and fast.
You gripped the edge of his desk, your knuckles turning white as you tried to hold on. The desk was shaking, and you were certain that anyone walking by was able to hear the sound of your whines and skin slapping on skin as Misha continued to ram into you. You could feel the coil in your abdomen tighten as his cock hit the back of your walls, expletives falling from your lips as Misha dug his fingers into your hips, using them as leverage as he gripped on and thrusted into you even harder.
“Fuck!” you exclaimed.
“That’s right. That’s fuckin’ right, take it. You want that A, don’t you?”
You nodded quickly. “Yes, sir!”
Misha reached around to your clit, starting to rub it in circles with the pads of his middle and pointer fingers. It was just what you needed to bring you close to the edge. You were seconds away from release, but something in you told you to wait for Misha’s permission. “You want to cum?” he huffed, continuing to thrust into you.
You nodded again. “Please,” you begged.
“Please, what?”
“Please, sir!” you practically yelled. You heard him smirk before he leaned over to whisper in your ear.
“Then cum.”
You felt your coil snap instantly, as if Misha’s words were all you needed to hear. You convulsed underneath him, instinctively trying to pull away as he continued to pound into you, but he grabbed your hips and kept you still. Your cunt was contracting around his cock as you came down from your high, and once you felt his dick twitch you knew he was close, too. It only took a few more thrusts before he pulled out of you and you felt his cum shooting out onto your bare ass, grunts and heavy breathing escaping his lips as he rode out his high.
You didn’t move until you were being handed a tissue, instructed my Misha to, “clean up the fucking mess you made” in reference to the cum on your ass. You obeyed, cleaning yourself to the best of your ability, before pulling your leggings back up. You threw the tissue in a nearby trash can, turning to face your professor who was in the process of buckling his belt. You steadied yourself against the desk and waited for him to look at you. After he was done putting his belt on, he finally turned his attention to you.
“So… do I have an A now?” you questioned, biting your lip in anticipation of his answer.
He smirked at you. “As of now. But, if you want to keep it, you’re going to have to start doing some work.”
“And if I don’t?” you smiled teasingly, not wanting this to be your last encounter.
“If you don’t,” he said, his tone low and commanding as he took a step closer to you, “then next time you're bent over my desk and I’m punishing you, you’ll be standing there reading the whole damn book, and not just the syllabus.”
You gulped at the thought, already knowing that your ass would not be able to handle that. “And if I do… do my work?” you pushed, placing a hand on his chest and batting your eyelashes up at him.
“Then you’ll be bent over for other reasons,” he winked.
“Sounds fair,” you smiled, sighing happily. You took a step back and grabbed your backpack off the nearby chair before swinging it over your shoulder.
Misha walked around to sit at his desk again. “I’ll see you in class on Friday, Y/N. Remember, an analysis of Chapter 7 is due.”
“Yes, sir,” you smiled, before starting to head towards the exit. As you opened the door, you were met face-to-face with a man just as gorgeous as Professor Collins. You recognized him from some of the pictures that Misha had up on his corkboard. “Sorry, excuse me,” you said sheepishly, trying to get past him before he could take in your disheveled look and put two and two together.
“Ah, Jensen, this is Y/N,” Misha said, before you could fully make your way out the door. You stepped aside to let Jensen in, who turned to look at you with his hands in his pockets. “She’s my… star student,” Misha announced, causing you to blush. Jensen smiled at you, offering his hand out. You shook it as he introduced himself.
“Professor Ackles, I teach anthropology,” he said.
You smiled back at him. “I’m actually taking that next semester, maybe I’ll be in your class.”
“If I’m lucky,” he smirked, letting go of your hand. You felt the heat in your cheeks rise.
“Right, well… I’m going to head out. See you Friday, Mi – uh, I mean, Professor. Nice to meet you, Mr. Ackles,” you said, before quickly making your way out of the room.
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babytaes · 3 years
the grim reaper(my home)
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summary:  Everyone depicts the Grim Reaper as a bad character, but he didn't kill you. It's just a trip to the afterlife, and he's actually being helpful by walking you there. Consider what it would be like if you had to travel alone. As she battles through life, Jay meets an unexpected figure, yet she doesn't seem to be terrified of him when he comes knocking on her door, why?
paring: jay x female reader
genre: angst, slight fluff
word count: 6k
warnings: profanity, ummmm rock chic jay.
𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖆𝖈𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖗𝖆𝖎𝖙𝖘: click me before reading!
➳ part of the drunk & dazed series
☆ ҉ ◢▅◣
I wish that everyone knew how their lives ended. It's essentially a game of guessing what will happen to you. Don't even get me started on the subject of Heaven and Hell. You've heard it all, the misery and the heinous methods in which people go out.
But why did death come knocking on the door at such an early age? You'll never know why they chose this age.
You didn't have your entire life laid out for you, nah, what a waste. Seeing it, however, was strange.
Well, there's him, or whatever entity they're referring to. The Grim Reaper.
You didn't notice him until things began to go wrong for you. A black object flashed in and out all of a sudden.
It was more predictable than unexpected.
Usually you would see him after work but I guess he had other plans. Despite your exhaustion, you flopped down on the couch and pulled out your phone to conduct an online search.
You giggled as you aimlessly scrolled through your phone and eventually peeked up to see a dark figure seated across from you.
As you laid your phone down and peered at the figure, you said, "So he finally wants to show his face."
“Don't tell me you can see me right now?” he cocks his head and looks about before returning to you.
“Well, I've only seen glimpses of you for the previous few weeks, but now I'm seeing you in all your glory.”
“Shit” As he hurriedly shot back into the dark shadows behind him, he widened his eyes.
“Wait a minute, don't leave.”
He was still there, hidden from view. He wasn't ready to leave yet. As you moved over to the door, you rolled your eyes at your phone and grabbed your apron. As you put your shoes back on, you exclaim and awkwardly wave your hand in the air before closing the door.
“You better be here when I get back, and keep in mind that we have business to discuss."
He rolled his eyes at your strange conduct as he smiled gently before vanishing back into the dark abyss, now entirely gone from your home.
“So Jay, what's on the agenda in Reaper business?” He noticed his old acquaintance gleaming at him as he peered up from his chair.
“Well, Jake, the previous several weeks have been a complete nightmare. They paired me up with this tough guy who was fighting for his life. As he continued, he rolled his eyes.
“It's been quite tranquil since they reassigned me to another case, but something strange happened today. I inadvertently made myself obvious to her, but she was unconcerned.
“Weird.” Jake shook his head and cocked his head to the side as he called out to him.
“So, two pieces of information I just got: it's a girl, and she appears to be somewhat odd. When you get back, I'd like to hear more about this."
As you put on a strange expression, he smiled at the boy as he spoke about jobs he had recently gone on.
“Yeah, there's something odd about it,” 
“I also—wait a minute, Jay, I recognize that look.” Jake pauses in his speech for a moment as he approaches you and analyzes your body.
“Please, dude, take a step back.”
He hears on the intercom times for a meeting today for all Reapers to attend, and he laughs at you. Jake makes a peace sign as he hits the door's slab and vanishes from view.
Sitting back in your chair, you raise your feet and begin to formulate a strategy.
“What am I doing here? I'm a doer. Let me just return to her and have that conversation she requested.”
He steps into form and vanishes back to the house he used to be in, softly cheering to himself.
Surprisingly, he can hear your voice but not yet see you, so he emerges from the shadows and takes a stroll through your home, taking in your life.
He saw photos of dogs and people he assumed were family and friends, as well as one thing that attracted his attention.
As he approaches it, he enters a familiar room and sighs as he makes his way to the gleaming object. It was a bracelet with scribing on it of some type.
When he reaches out to pick it up, he feels a searing feeling and drops it swiftly, muttering a torrent of curse words.
“What the hell was that?” When he looks closely, he notices symbols that resemble a cross.
“Fuckin Christ,” 
“Do all Reapers barge into your house and search through their belongings on the spur of the moment, or is mine defective?”
Jay, who has jumped up in panic, apologizes by turning around and raising his hands. When he glances up, he notices you resting on the door frame, arms folded, staring at him.
“Well, let's just put this inconvenience behind us and have that conversation you wanted to have, hmm?”
“All right, let's go into the living room, and by the way, your style is really fashionable. I had no idea you people dressed up so well to steal souls. Are there any employment openings?”
As he comes to a halt in his tracks, you turn your head to face him and stare at his unmoving form.
“Hellooo, please don't tell me they gave me a defective one. Jeez”
For a brief moment, everything came to a halt as Jay regained his bearings. "That was strange. Why am I blanking out because she's so strange?”
With a shake of his head, he smiles at you and walks into the living room, where he sits across from you, still perplexed as to who and what you are.
It wasn’t human-like.
“Thank you, no one seemed to realize that the original reaper gear wasn't cutting it for me. Also, I'm presuming you're a young adult, so you know what I'm talking about.”
You pull closer to him, laughing at his words, and lay your elbows on your legs, intently listening to him.
“So Grandma was right, you guys do exist. Tell me more; you know I don't appear to have much time left, so give me your answers.”
He let out a chuckle as he hastily covered his mouth, daring not to be affected by the earth.
He'd been doing this work for quite some time and appeared to be quite confident in himself and his abilities.
But there was something about you that made him feel comfortable and at ease, and he didn't feel like he had to hide, very apparent when a patient screamed at him or when they insisted death hadn't arrived yet.
It was strange, but it was great not to have to put on a show. Outside of the Reaper, he almost forgot who he was for a moment.
Maybe this one could get to know you, the cool yet elegant Jay. Not the dark version of himself. Even if his ultimate goal is to accompany you to the hereafter.
Maybe, just maybe, in that slim possibility, he'll take advantage of this opportunity to learn more about this person and why they're so interested in you.
“Before we jump right into this game, I have a question for you: why aren't you terrified of me?” As he stared at your blank expression, he spat out.
“Well, as I already stated, my grandma was a firm believer in the unknown. Even though she is no longer with us, she has taught me a great deal about the supernatural and unknown.”
You got up and walked over to the kitchen, motioning for him to follow you before opening the refrigerator and taking some fresh fruit out.
Jay promptly stood up and walked over to the chair, where he sat, watching your every move as you leapt onto the counter and turned to face him, before placing a mango slice into your mouth.
“All right, my turn, what's your name and what's my illness?”
Jay coughed and sat up straight as he removed a piece of paper from his pocket and read it loudly before setting it down.
“Y/N Y/L/N, you've been diagnosed with Heart Disease, and things aren't looking well for you. I know you haven't been to the doctor in a while, which is also perplexing. And my name is Jay.”
You place the fruit down next to you and cross your legs before responding to his comment, shaking your head up and down.
“Well, that's true; it runs in the family, but I'm not concerned because time is never on our side, and we all have an expiry date, which I believe is approaching soon. Right?”
Jay knew you just had one week left, but he didn't want to break your cheerful mood, so he waited.
“Well, I can't tell you when you'll die just yet, but your time is running out. I'm sure it's terrifying, but-”
Before concealing your lips, you chuckle loudly. Jay snickered as he looked up at you.
“Man, you're such a strange person; how do you manage to be so confident and direct? I'm becoming a little afraid, and I'm the Grim Reaper.” You leap from the countertop and walk over to him.
You cocked your head to the side and placed your hands on his face, pushing your face towards him. As you smile, his face flushes, and as he pulls away from you, he coughs before moving his hand to encourage you to continue.
“You have nice eyes, you know. Okay, now I'll tell you my story. Instead of countless questions, I believe it would be simpler.”
He just nods his head and lets you continue talking about your life.
As we all crossed the bridge into the next city over, you glanced out the window at the water. You'd always enjoyed being near water. It brought up memories of trips you and your grandparents took together.
When you arrived at your location, you grabbed your suitcase and exited the vehicle, leaving your parents behind.
“Are you sure you don't want to join us?” As they drove out of the parking lot and onto their vacation, you shook your head and waved farewell to them.
Even though you were 17, you still enjoyed going to your grandparents' house because it provided a sense of security that you didn't have at home. So you'd take them in a heartbeat.
Looking up, you notice Pops standing at the door, arms outstretched, waiting for you.
“There is my favorite grandchild.”
“Gramps, I'm your only grandchild,” you said, laughing as you took him in your arms and grinned as you stepped into the house.
“Oh, that's right.” He takes your stuff and starts to take it to your allotted room while laughing together. “Your Grams is out back,” he shouts as he approaches the top.
‘Thanks” When you walk out to the backyard, you'll find her sitting in her iconic chair, surrounded by books, muttering to herself. She puts the book down and leans in to hug you as she stands up.
“Aww, I've missed you so much. There's just so much you can talk about with your grandfather before he falls asleep. Please have a seat; we have a lot to discuss."
There's a sensation you've been missing, a sense of belonging to a place you once called home. They were the only ones who could supply you with a sense of safety and security, and you couldn't get enough of it.
“We talked about witches and wizards the last time we were here. Now we're dealing with Reapers, or more precisely Grim.”
When she stated those two words, your eyes lit up; it was a favorite topic of yours that she brought up frequently, but now you had more time to delve deeper.
“Let's get started; we've got a lot of ground to cover. Allow us to see The Unknown by opening our eyes. “Are you wearing your bracelet?”
“I never take it off,” you say. You shook your right arm and returned your hand to hers, shaking your head.
As you were swept away in a dark mist together, you grinned and took her hands in yours. Even though they appear to be ordinary, decent folks, there is something you should know about my grandparents. They are one of many people who have gained entrance to the supernatural realm, a place where anything is possible.
You tried to inform your parents, but they were skeptical of fairy tales. They tried to prevent you from seeing them, claiming that "they will stunt my growth," which is ridiculous because I've learnt more from my grandparents than from my parents.
Regardless of how hard they tried to stop you, you always managed to find your way back to them. We were linked, and nothing could stop you until YOU chose to let it. That day, however, never came.
You found yourself in a boat, holding your grandmother's hand, as it carried you across a vast chasm and into town. You come upon another boat that appears to be some kind of creature with a scythe. As he traveled down the river opposite you, strands of golden hair protruded from beneath his hood.
“Wait, don't tell me that person on the river was you now that I think about it?”
“I think it was, man, that was a long time ago,” Jay laughed and shook his head. Also, I had no idea you had access to that world?”
“Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to get back to the story.” As you spoke, he grinned.
“All right, honey, let's go; we can't linger for too long.” You both stepped off the boat and walked into town, taking in the sights. As you climbed the slope, merchants' stands and buildings crept up on you. It was weird to see individuals of all kinds here, going about their daily lives in the same way that those on the surface did.
You see vampires, werewolves, angels, and even ghouls all lingering together and with one another as you walk side by side with your grams. Despite the fact that they all had their own lives to live, they could join together to gather supplies and meals.
What a wonderful thing
You both entered a familiar building, and your grandma greeted the old man behind the counter.
“Oh, my favorite customers. What brings you down here and how is life above the surface? Another book you have in mind.”
Your Grams smiled as she let go of your hand and approached the man at the front of the bookstore, “you always know Melvin.”
As they conversed, you strolled through the big store on your way to the second floor. Before reaching the top, you yell out to Melvin.
“I'm hoping you'll let me take one.”
“Anything for my sweet Y/N, go ahead and look, there's a new one up there.” You hurried up the steps and across to the Book Wall, grinning ear to ear. From baby dragons to spell books, there was something for everyone. Anything you can imagine Melvin’s shop had it all.
When you took one off the shelf, you were greeted by a young boy who stood next to you. You couldn't tell if he was your age since down here, time moves at a different pace than it does on the surface. Still he looked quite young.
It was pleasant to see the creatures up close, even if you had never met them before. You stepped away from him, afraid of his reaction, and made your way to the chair sections. You sat down and picked up a book titled "The Origins of Reapers."
“How did you get here? I've never seen a girl human down here before.” You looked up from your book to see the boy you'd seen previously, frightened that he'd do something. You closed your eyes and shook your bracelet in front of his face.
As he waited for you to settle down, he laughed and sat next to you.
“I'm not going to harm you; all I wanted to do was ask a question. My name is Jake, what is yours?”
“My name is Y/N, and my grandparents have access to the world, so I tag along occasionally, may I inquire what you are?” you said slowly as you sat up straight.
He shifted in his seat and grinned, his face more dog-like. How could you be afraid of him?
“Well, don't be afraid of me since I'm a Grim Reaper in Training. I'm fairly innocuous. It's nice to see a human down here; normally, we only see humans when it's their time.”
You hear your grandmother calling from downstairs before he can continue.
You return his gaze and apologize as you rise, book in hand, and make your way to the stairwell.
“It was a pleasure to meet such a lovely human; please pay a visit to the Reaper Realm when you return. Simply request Jake.” He gave you a wave before yelling at Melvin.
“I'm leaving Melvin; my book is on your desk up here.”
As you return your attention to Jake, you hear Melvin's remark, but he vanishes into thin air as you descend the steps. Your grandmother expresses her gratitude to Melvin for the choice and exits through the front door.
“Are you all set to depart, sweetie?” With a shake of your head, you bid Melvin farewell as you close the door and return to the boat, where you sit down and take your gram's hand in yours.
"Let's go home," says your grandmother.
“So yeah, I've been traveling there with them ever since they introduced me to your world.” You came to a halt in the middle of your walk and coughed, wiping a tear from your cheek.
“My grandparents died a few years ago, and I haven't been back in a long time because I used to only go with them. It was doubly difficult because they both died on the same day, and she was telling me that she could see him on that day. I'm hoping she meant the Reaper, because they were the last thing to see them leave.”
You grabbed his arms on the spur of the moment and violently shook them.
“I know you must have records someplace, but could you please assist me in locating them as part of my dying wish? At the very least, let me see where they went; I need to know if they're okay.”
So this was the true you, the one in desperate need of a reconnection with the Gone. You received your response and devised a plan.
“Hey, don't worry... I'll see what I can do.  But there's no guarantee. I wasn't on the case at the time, so I'll have to do some digging, but I'll try.  “Can you tell me their names?”
Wiping tears from your eyes, you rose from your chair and dashed to your room, calling him over.
When you opened a box from under your bed, there were wonderful memories from you and your grandparents inside. You attempted to obtain more, but everything was returned to the Underworld, leaving you with only this.
Jay knelt down and picked up a photograph of you and them. They were regulars, and he had seen them around town. Hopefully, in the short time she had left, you could help her.
“Elizabeth and Albert Marvin were their names. I'm not sure if there's anything else I can do to assist you, but please do your best." As you hurriedly covered your mouth with your palm, a harsh cough came from your throat, and your chest began to throb as you placed your hand on your heart.
It was obvious that time was not on your side. You rise off the ground and walk over to Jay, looking up at him. You wrapped your arms around his frigid body, engulfing him in a hug.
Jay stood there awkwardly with his arms down as he gently moved you off and returned to the couch area.
“Like I said, there's no guarantee that I'll find them, and who knows, they could not even be alive. But I’ll try my best. It was a pleasure to speak with you, but I must depart because we are running out of time.”
He gave you a beeper before vanishing.
“Please page me on here if you need to reach me; I'll do my best to respond. You look after yourself.” 
You waved farewell as he left your house and returned to his, where he continued his exhaustive investigation.
He didn't want to let you down because he felt such a responsibility to you. He would complete whatever task he was given. He would do anything for you if he could see that smile on your face.
“Let's get down to business.”
 “Jay...Jay wake up” As you awoke slowly from your arms, you felt a push on your shoulder. As your eyes adjusted to the bright light, it took some time to figure out who was interrupting you.
“W-What exactly is it, Jake?” You and Jake have been coming in every day for the past five days, attempting to find a solution to your problem. Jake may have discovered something despite the difficulties.
“So, I just had an epiphany,  last time I saw Y/N she was at Melvin bookstore, so let's see if he knows anything about them.” You leapt from your chair and snatched a jacket as you ushered Jake out the door and toward Melvin.
For you and y/n, things were starting to look up.
Maybe you were going to do something good for one of your friends souls.
As you and Jake approached Melvin's business, you inhaled deeply and opened the door, eager to hear what he had to say to you.
Melvin's attention was drawn to the bell sound, and he looked up from his spectacles, saying, "Hey youngsters, what brings you here?"
“Well, we had a question for you regarding an old friend of yours, does Elizabeth Marvin ring a bell?” He pulled a photograph from his back pocket and presented it to him; his face darkened as he held the photograph in his hands and smiled broadly at it.
“Oh, my favorite customers. I don't have much information, but the last time they were in here, they were in a hurry and seemed concerned. “We have to make the crossing,” Elizabeth kept emphasizing.
As you and Jake turned to each other, you both had a frightened expression on your faces.
“Don't tell me they took the Crossing, shit,” says Jay You turned around and proceeded towards the door, thanking Melvin, while Jake grinned and waved farewell before heading out the door. He discovered you slumped against the wall, head down, groaning.
“Jay, please don't thin-”
“Keep your mouth shut Jake, because you know no one survives the Crossing without a guide. There are just too many wicked spirits out there, and you and I both know that getting to the finish is impossible. Jay growled as he stood up and kicked whatever was closest to him.
“Ugh, why did I do that?” 
Jake approached his friend and patted his back, unsure of how he would react. It was a small gesture. He knew it was impossible, but he didn't want his best friend to know. They still needed to be encouraged.
“I'm going back to headquarters to see what else we can find; meet me back there, okay?” As he watched Jake go from his sight, Jay nodded and thanked him for his assistance.
He didn't know what else to do, so he had to break the dreadful news to you. It turned out to be for the best. He was good at one thing: conveying bad information to others. What an ironic Reaper. With a shake of your head, you prepared to go to Y/N's flat.
Here goes nothing.
Jay was gone in a flash of dust and now stood in a familiar location, squinting as everything appeared to be different. Jay spotted clothes strewn on the floor, dishes scattered in the sink, and the bathroom's random lights flashing.
He was so preoccupied with the status of the house that he didn't see that your time was slowly eating away at you, that you were holed up under blankets in the bedroom with chest discomfort and dizziness that came and went.
Your once-young body was losing its ability to hold on to life. As you coughed loudly and grinned as you motioned for him to come over to you, you looked up and noticed him standing in the doorway.
You quietly sighed as you slowly climbed up, your hand resting on your chest.
‘So-so any news captain. “I need something to take my mind off the pain.”
As he prepared his message, Jay didn't make eye contact with you as he lifted your blanket over your body and patted it down. This felt different than relaying bad news as the “BIG AND BAD GRIM REAPER” As he was going to burst your bubble, something inside ached. What do people refer to it as? Sadness.
What exactly did you do to him?
“So, Y/N, please wait until I finish before you speak.” He took a big breath and continued, his lips curling in. “We've at a dead end; Jake and I spoke with Melvin, who indicated they were discussing the "Crossing," which in Grim Reaper lingo means "no go." That's a place where no one ever returns; it's only conceivable if you have a guide, which I'm not sure they did. They could be lost or worse, stolen by a spirit, for all I know. I-, I'm sorry, but I'm not sure.”
He heard your voice and looked down, avoiding eye contact. "It's okay Jay,"   He jerked up and glanced at your frail form, perplexed and terrified. In the light of your candle, he could see better, but death was creeping up on him. He just had a day  before he had to take you. He wasn't pleased with the situation or with you.
“It was a big ask, but I'm happy you and Jake did your hardest,” you said, a tear streaming down your cheek. That's all I requested, and despite the fact that it didn't work out, I liked the gesture, so thank you.”
“Thanks for doing business with you,” you said with a grin on your face as you extended your hand to him. As you looked him in the eyes, he took your weak hands in his and gently shook them.
“What, do I have something on my face? I don't want to appear unkempt.” You laughed and reached for your hands to be unlatched from his grip. Rather than releasing go, he drew you closer to him and kissed your gentle lips.
As you released each other, he wasn't thinking; in reality, he was panicked.
“Um- I don’t know what that is but I have to go. Sorry, I'll pick you up tomorrow-” “Please don't go,” you said as you took a big breath and clutched his hand. If I'm being honest, I'm afraid, and I could use some companionship before I take my final breath.”
“Sleep well y/n, we have a long walk tomorrow,” he said as he sat down on the bed and took your hand in his again before turning off the lamp. When you felt a squeeze in your palm, you smiled and laid over, allowing sleep to take control.
You were startled awake by Jay, who sat across from you, peering at the clock, as though intently staring at it.
You scooted up and waved a hand in front of his face to grab his attention, but he continued to stare at the clock.
“You have a few hours left, you know? Sorry, I was just doing some math." He turned to face you as you stumbled out of bed, grasping the bedside table before lifting yourself up like a drunk woman.
“Oh, well, it appears that my body is shutting down. Fun.” As you pushed him out of the room, you gave him a thumbs up.
“Let me get dressed; I want to look my best for when I DIE!” Jay was startled and furrowed his brows as he walked slowly to his seat, pondering why this generation was so eager to die.
You put on a cute hoodie your grandmother gave you and threw on some pants. As you fumbled about for shoes, you heard Jay ask a question from the other side of the door that made you pause.
'Are you going to call your parents or someone else?'
When you think back on your life, you were in theirs, but not much of them were in yours, which made you resentful of them. You didn't dislike them; you just preferred to spend your time and energy with people who made you feel at ease.
Your grandparents made you feel that way and you didn't have time to waste on people who you could care less about.
“I guess I'll send a text over.” Huffing, you took out your phone and entered your message into an already-created group chat.
"Hey guys, I'm not feeling well, could you come tomorrow?" you say.
(read 10:25 a.m.)
(typing bubbles)
(bubbles disappears)
Mom: This is such a last-minute thing, but your father and I are leaving tomorrow for a business trip that will last a week. Maybe when we come back. I'll send Sylvia over because I gave her the day off. “Be careful.”
Throwing your phone you yelled aggressively as you looked around your space. Even while you're dying, they don't give a damn about you. What is fucking family anymore?  You took one final look at your bed before stepping out and calling Jay, as if you didn't care any longer.
“Hey you good, I heard screaming but didn't want to interrupt if you were nude or something,” he said, looking up at your hesitant face. As you passed him on your way to the door, a smile crept across your lips.
“Oh shut up, come on, I got a request.”
Jay got up and walked past you as you turned to see your whole life stored away in a small space. Even if you didn't know where Jay would lead you, you had a feeling it would be better, right?
“Goodbye” As you walked slowly to your car in the parking lot, you grabbed Jay's hand in yours as you closed the door. As you held his hand even more, you felt it tense up.
“Hey what was that for?”
“You whine a lot, don't you? Come on, I've got a few more dying wishes before you take me and send me off somewhere, let's fucking go.”
He saw you let go of your hand as you walked to the opposite side of your car, hopped in, and turned on the ignition.
“Are you sure you're up for this? I don't want you passing out on me.”
Jay rushed next to you as he reached for your shoulder as a cough steadily burst from your throat, causing you to grasp your chest in anguish. You shook your head and gave your body a couple shakes as you waved your hand at him.
“I'm good, you know the exact time, so give me a heads up whenever I'm close.” “Anyway, less about my condition and more on the fun we're about to have.”
You put your foot on the brake and drove out the parking lot and on your way to the boardwalk that was a good distance away.
“Sit back, it'll be around 2 hours before we get to my favorite spot.”
Jay offered you a troubled expression as he laid his head on the window, pondering the time you had left while gazing out the window.
*8 hours left, you had eight hours left*
Coming up over the infamous hill, you notice the blue seas and immediately begin to brighten up as you repeatedly punch Jay in the arm.
“Jay... Jay... JAYYYY loook were here,” He grabbed your hand and swung it the other way before slowly turning to face you before your final punch. Don't bother Reapers while they're asleep; they don't get enough sleep as it is, and constantly bringing souls is exhausting.
“Please stopp I heard you the first five fucking times.” As he turned back to face the water, he rolled his eys and chuckled a little. The way the waves drenched the salty surface back and forth was more than simply water; it was an artwork.
Even though this might be your last moments on earth, you were glad you found someone to spend them with as you saw Jay's look. You put your hand on his shoulder and signaled for you to depart.
He stepped out of the car, mesmerized by the quiet waters, and walked over to your side, his gaze never leaving the sea.
“It's strange, I've seen my days of oceans before, and I've probably gone to all of them many times, but this one feels different. For a little moment, I forgot I wasn't human. Oh that remind me”
Jay rotated in a circle as he appeared to you dressed in more fashionable attire to placate the human crowd. He clutched your arm as he lost his footing for a second, then raced forward towards the boardwalk, thanking you.
“Hurry up, I didn't transform into a normal male for nothing, I want to see what you folk do up here.” He sneaked a glimpse at you as you laughed heartily at him, and before he knew it, you were running past him, his hand in yours, and on your way to the boardwalk's many attractions.
Spilled ice cream cups, lost money from arcade games, the sides of yours and his faces scorching from a lack of sunscreen, and not to mention the continual brushing of each other's hands were all part of the day. You took Jay's hand as the crowds filtered off the boardwalk and brought him to one of your favorite areas, the sand. As you approach the ocean now that the sun has lowered somewhat, it feels chilly.
As you stand in the cool ocean, letting the waves wash over your feet and taking a deep breath, attempting to relax, you feel a touch on your back. When you open your eyes, you notice Jay standing next to you, his gaze fixed on you. You laughed and placed your head on his shoulder; he didn't flinch or react this time.
He'd become accustomed to it and even loved it.
“How much time do we have left? Will I miss the sunset? Please say no.” You drooped your lips and glanced towards him, anxiously awaiting his response.
“Don't worry, you'll have time,” he said, taking your hand in his and pulling you down further away from the water as you both watched at the ball of light travelling toward the horizon.
The dazzling and flaming sun began to be swallowed by the sky as nightfall approached. The sky suddenly fills with beautiful, rich colors ranging from soothing blues to powerful reds and bright oranges, and finally thin, melancholy clouds.
Jay drew you closer, which surprised you, but you didn't mind because it was getting colder and fewer people were leaving the beach, leaving fragments of people strewn about. Jay drew your attention to himself before relaying the news to you.
Allow me to speak before I say what I truly need to say; these past three weeks have been incredible and eye-opening. I had no idea there were individuals out there that battled and were as brave as you. I understand how difficult it must be to go through all of these changes, but-”
A tear trickled down your face as you coughed, interrupting his speech.
*10 minutes left*
“Oh don’t start crying,” “All I wanted to say is thank you for allowing me to experience something different than my typical routine,” you joked as you pushed his chest. I don't get out very often, but tonight was enjoyable; I hope it distracted you from your worries.”
As you clasped your chest and pulled Jay out of worry, a fast cough attack hit your system.
*5 minutes left*
“I-i woul-l-d love to talk more about our fond memories but my chest is hurting and I think you need to get to the point.” You unbunched his shirt from your fist and let him continue, smiling despite your pain.
He embraced you in his arms because he was afraid he wouldn't have enough time to relay everything.
“Fuck it” 
He drew you in and kissed you again, this time more passionately than before. Your heart skipped a beat as heat rose from your stomach to your chest, and you weren't sure if it was a legitimate emotion or your condition was approaching. As you drew him closer to you, flinging your arms around his neck and smiling, the fragrance of salty sea water filled your nostrils. This moment, the taste of him… It calmed your racing thoughts and made you feel as if your heart was slowing down.
*1 minute left*
As you backed away from his kiss, your eyesight faded in and out, and as you looked about, your vision in the inner corners of your eyes started to go black. It was occurring, and your time was running out. You staggered into Jay's arms as he spoke into your ear, looking back at him.
“See you on the other side Y/N”
When you first awoke, you peered around at the dark waters, then looked up to see the real Jay. His Scythe's blade gleamed in the moonlight, and his velvet hood blew in the breeze. Not turning around you heard his voice, distinctly differently than before.
“Get ready, we're closing in on our dock.”
You slowly stood up and felt a prickling sensation on your wrist as you noticed your bracelet was lightly shining, something it had never done before. Perhaps it was the moonlight reflecting off of it.
You observed three figures standing at the dock through the mist and tried to figure out who they were. You didn't realize it until you got off the boat.
“Gramps and Gram, what?” Your voice trembled as tears streamed down your cheeks. You couldn’t believe what you were seeing.
“Is this a joke,” As you grabbed them in a deep hug, a hand pushed you closer to them.
“We missed you pumpkin.” You turned around and went towards the dark figure, making sure not to hit his Scythe as you drew Jay into a hug as you got snot on his coat.
“I thought you said you couldn't find them,” you remarked. “I had given up hope.” His face was obscured by a black gloom, so you couldn't see him.
“Um, sorry but could you change back to your normal self, just this once.” Jay reappeared in his usual body, simply regular old Jay, in a split second.
“I apologize for forgetting about that, but please don't thank me. It was all my pal Jake over there.” You turned around and raced over to Jake, hugging him and almost shoving him off the dock.
“Thank you thank you so much, I owe you one.” “Don't worry about it,” he said as he stepped back.
After letting go of him, you returned to the location where your grandparents were standing and took their hands in yours. It was time for you to leave, and all you had to do was walk away.
As tears streamed down your cheeks, you came to a halt and turned around to face him. It didn't take long for you to run back into his arms.
“I'm not usually this way, but I'm glad I found someone I can call a friend.” Jay, I hope we run across each other. Thank you for everything; I just wanted to let you know that your efforts are appreciated.”
You let him go and wave to him after pulling him into a goodbye kiss. You hear him calling out to you.
“I think I like you Y/N?”
“Well, I think we should talk about that the next time I see you.” You turn back and continue on your journey, giggling at his childish antics as you fade into the darkness.
As he and Jake hopped back into the boat to return home, Jay's smile never faded.
“I told you so”
“Oh shut it.”
He'd finally found that thing you'd always talked about, that haven where you felt so comfortable that the rest of the world couldn't possibly come crashing down around you. He was overjoyed to have discovered his HOME and vowed to do everything in his power to ensure he never lost it.
“See you soon Y/N.”
☆ ҉ ◢▅◣
➳ Navigate to the Maze
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shirophantomvox · 3 years
Analyzing Illumi Zoldyck's Character
Chrollo Analysis | Hisoka Analysis | Killua Analysis
What’s up y’all! Sorry for being away for the last few days. I needed a break from social media because I am so tired of seeing toxic, self-righteous people on my TL. Anyway, quite a lot of you liked my posts about analyzing HxH characters and somehow comparing them to VLD characters. Today, I’ll be talking about Illumi Zoldyck and I’ll try to compare him to a Voltron character. I know many people have already analyzed this character before, but it wouldn’t hurt to add to the discussion some years later. If you want me to write about anything else, send me an ask! The formatting of this post may be different than the one I wrote about Hisoka Morrow (click his name to view that post).
In the first season, all of the characters are contestants for the Hunter’s Exam. I say contestants because this is a contest to see who can win without any injuries and can keep up with each host. I forget what number stage they were at, but I do know they were at the stage where each opponent has to fight each other. They are declared the winner if their opponent forfeits or gives up mid-match. (Off-topic, but) I am going, to be honest; Gon was my favorite character but his flaws began to show, annoyed me, and later led to his horrific downfall (based from YouTube clips). He didn’t know when to stop and kept pushing himself over the limit. Anyway, Killua and Gittarackur are set to fight. This is when things take a turn for the worse.
Gittarackur is a form of a disguise for Illumi to mask his identity. His face is long; nearly (and reminds me of) in the shape of a Tiki. His face also reminds me of the Witch Doctor mask from Scooby-Doo and Hell-raiser. He has several pins stuck in his face to maintain the facial features of Gittarackur. On the flip side, if he removes the pins, his biological form is revealed. Once he does this, Killua is nearly paralyzed; he cannot believe his eyes and I’m sure the trauma he endured at home hit him like a sack of rocks. Illumi then tells Killua that he wants him to return home, that he cannot maintain a friendship with Gon, stated that he was going to kill Gon, but realizes that if he does so he will be disqualified and will not obtain his Hunter’s license.
I’m assuming the cops aren’t a thing in this reality and the only way for them to “destroy” under the law is by obtaining the license. What do you think? I rarely see police officers; all I see are the Mafia and every they suck compared to the Zoldyck's and the Phantom Troupe. Shit, it seems like they’re the police but have twisted motives.
It doesn’t matter if you’re a fictional character or not, first impressions matter and he bombed this one...even for a villain.
But you did this for what?
How can you hypnotize (by using Nen) your own brother into killing another opponent because he doesn’t want to become an emotionless zombie like you? At least, that’s my perception. Telling your brother to run every time he faces an opponent that he knows he cannot win against is the sickest shit I’ve ever seen. I know I’m jumping around but another thought popped into my head. As the seasons go on, Illumi expresses an odd way of loving his younger brother and to him, that means to make him suffer in the same way he had to. It seems like Illumi is jealous of Gon in a way. (I’ve seen clips on YouTube) Killua takes Alluka to the hospital to heal Gon. Illumi has stated several times to Hisoka that Killua was hiding rules from him and that he still wanted to get rid of Alluka. Although it is clearly stated why he wanted Alluka gone, I still think that Illumi was jealous of Gon simply because his younger brother preferred to be with a friend instead of him. This is why he emphasizes “You cannot have friends. Either they will betray you or you’ll betray them.”
As I read and watched as the seasons went on, I noticed something about Illumi and his family. We all know that the children were raised by their parents. Specifically, their dad is a trained assassin. I can’t remember but I think Zeno is their grandfather who is also an assassin.
I view him as a character that has suffered from abuse and trauma in order to mold him into an assassin. He is emotionless, doesn’t really care for others, has an odd relationship with Killua that he doesn’t have for his other siblings, and is a hypocrite. Killua can’t be friends with Gon but every time the show cuts to him, he’s with Hisoka? Something is fishy there. Are they more than friends? OK, thanks for coming to my Ted Talk. Here's the physical analysis below.
When masquerading as Gittarackur, his face has several pins in them and his hair is in a rock star form of Mohawk that is purple. I’ll give him 10/10 for uniqueness, yet it still reminded me of Hell Raiser.
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I’ve noticed that when he is in public he is in costume. Why doesn’t he reveal himself in public? I’ve researched this and no one could answer this question. My guess is that he is a verified hunter and assassin. How can you carry out your missions if everyone knows what you look like? Without the pins in his face, it reverts back to his natural state. To me, his large eyes and long, shiny black hair are his distinguished features. Although he may be my least favorite character, he does have pretty eyes. Haven’t you all heard of “I got lost in his/her eyes”?
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Yeah, that can be said about him. Most definitely. He rarely smiles and when he does, something BAD is going to happen. I saw him laugh crazily once Alluka began the healing process, the Nen (I guess) rose from the hospital and got on him. This scene reminds me of how Haggar reacted once the Komar’s quintessence bounced from Voltron and bounced onto her. Wow, these supernatural abilities make y’all feel that good?
Gittarackur and Illumi wear the same clothes, which should be a clear giveaway that they are the same. Illumi wears a neural green short jacket that has yellow pins in them, a light green shirt underneath, and green pants. His shoes remind me of loafers with a heel on them, something my grandmother would wear.
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I’ve said this before and I’ll say again, these bad-ass men in this show are very stylish and seem to be in shape more than I am. Although Illumi irks me, his fashion is great and this is why people prefer him to be their favorite character. Shows should always produce characters that are memorable; that is the key to a long-lasting fan base.
In conclusion, this anime (for the most part) has well-rounded characters that make the plot interesting and wanting more.
Illumi and Lotor are somewhat similar. They both grew up in abusive households and lost some sense of sensitivity, common sense, and were often “misguided” by their own selfishness. Illumi wants a better life for Killua by constantly brainwashing him into thinking that he cannot have friends and his can only find happiness through killing. Zarkon raises Lotor to be a prince that shouldn't work with planets and should destroy them. This explains why he used deceased Alteans from the colony, drained their quintessence, and didn't give them a proper burial. Lotor IS just like his father but Killua IS NOT like Illumi. Ironic, huh? As we all know by now, Lotor is the son of Honerva (Haggar) and Zarkon. After the rift accident, he became an emotionless, ruthless monster that colonized and destroyed planets just to gain their quintessence. He taught this to his son and once he was old enough to think for himself, he refused to act in such a way. Although he was exiled and said he wasn’t like Zarkon, he was; but worse. Lotor studied and gained knowledge about Altea and its people while using Allura to gain the secrets of Oriande. I say he used her because he knew from the moment he met her that he was harvesting Altean quintessence. While fighting the white lion, he yelled “Victory or Death” which is a common catchphrase the Galra use when they are in battle. In fact, the Galra have been victims of trauma from Zarkon. Zarkon’s ruthless ways of ruling had no other motive except for obtaining quintessence so he could live forever. Silva’s way of raising his children was done to mold them into assassins. Since he was taught this way he did the same thing to his children. Zarkon, Silva, and Zeno think that their ways of parenting are necessary for survive in life when it doesn’t have to be that way. Illumi and Lotor have experienced this horrific parenting and deal with it in different ways. Illumi is oddly obsessive of his younger brother and Lotor is a fucking liar.
This analysis was fun! Next, I’ll be analyzing Killua and Keith Kogane.
If you’d like to see more posts like this, send me an ASK!
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sunflowersoonyoung · 4 years
sweet & dangerous | hui
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w.c ↠ 2.2k
pairing ↠ hui x fem!reader
genre/s ↠ smut, incubus! hui, supernatural au!, dom! hui
description ↠ the gentleman whom often visits your workplace decides to surprise you elsewhere - somewhere rather unexpected.
warning/s ↠ suggestive themes, supernatural themes
a/n ↠ hi guys~! it’s been a while, hasn’t it? i’m pretty proud of this piece, it took me many nights and lots of proofreading, but finally it’s out! check out pentagon if you haven’t, they’re super underrated~
Remnants of sleep were still crumbling off you as the clock passed nine; over an hour since you arrived at your workplace - a small cafe. Tangerine light stretched across the smooth wooden countertop, emanating a dull warmth that took the edge off of the cold.
Your favourite coworker, Eunbin, was rostered on with you. Currently sweeping the front whilst humming, she seemed particularly joyful considering it was a workday.
“You seem happy today,” you commented, observing her as you absently wiped off the coffee machine. She tucked a strand of loose chestnut hair beneath an ear and gleamed at you proudly.
“I put some extra effort into my makeup today. I’m hoping Hoetaek will notice,” she hummed sheepishly. The subject of her excitement did not surprise you.
“You’re at work,” you scolded, “you shouldn’t worry about those sorts of things.”
Hoetaek was a regular, and also the focus of practically all fourteen of your coworkers. Once one had met him, they would swiftly understand why.
He was quite attractive, with a slim face and thick lips. It often drew attention towards him, turning heads. You had served him numerous times, and he always spoke with a gentle tone and polite attitude. A winning combination of beauty inside and out.
Also, there was something about his aura. You could never place a finger on it, but he was strangely magnetising.
Eunbin scoffed, retrieving the dustpan to collect the dirt pile from the floor. She tipped the dust into the bin and faced you with crossed arms.
“You know he’s handsome. What if he offered you his number? Would you worry about work then?”
“It would be unprofessional if I accepted it,” you replied firmly.
She rolled her eyes, her excitement stifled by your stiff response, “I’m going out the back for some stuff.”
The very moment she disappeared, the bell attached to the front door chimed softly.
“Good morn-,” you had to swallow a choked cry of shock as you met the curious gaze of Hoetaek. He seemed to be quite amused that he had found you alone, a strange atmosphere ebbing from him. Something akin to sexual tension.
“Hello, darling,” he hummed, feigning his usual demeanour but with a hint of shrewdness, “the usual, please.”
Hoetaek always ordered a vanilla-raspberry muffin and a latte - you had served him this every day for over a year. As you slipped his dessert into a paper bag, you could feel his scorching stare following you with every movement.
His soft palm grazed yours as he exchanged money, and you almost jerked away, surprised by the sensation. The contact shot hot electricity up your arm, wiping clean any thoughts that were bubbling up.
Disorientated by your overwhelmed state, you decided instead to focus on making his coffee. However, this became increasingly more difficult as you could feel him still watching you. In the corner of your eye, you observed him leaning across the countertop, running his tongue over his bottom lip tantalisingly before finally speaking.
“I’m glad I finally have you to myself,” he remarked, his inky irises peering at you - surveying your expression for a reaction.
You tried desperately to steel yourself, but despite that, you could feel your face prickling with heat.
A gradual smile stretched across Hoetaek’s face, amusement painting his features. You were working so hard to remain professional, and to him, it was entertaining. A sly side was emerging from beneath his pleasant exterior.
“I bet one of your coworkers wouldn’t hesitate to say something. But you’re a good girl, aren’t you? I guess that’s why you’re my favourite.”
The frigid room grew exceedingly hot, every word that left his thick lips dripping with guile and lust. You could feel a familiar warmth ebb between your legs, images of his firm thighs overrunning your mind.
Briskly finishing his drink, you sealed it with a lid and pressed it into his hands, forcing a polite smile, “here’s your coffee. Have a nice day.”
Hoetaek’s eyebrows raise incredulously, staring back at you as if you had just done something ridiculous, and honestly, you had. It was apparent that he was unused to rejection, because he faltered, numbly clutching his coffee.
“I get it,” he finally spoke, tucking his free hand into a pocket, “your work is important. I’ll just have to try something different.”
With that, he turned his back to you and strode casually through the front door, leaving you behind to simmer over his ominous statement.
“Everything okay?”
Eunbin’s return was unexpected, and she settled a palm on your shoulder. You were in such a daze that her abrupt touch caused you to flinch. She frowned at you, visibly concerned.
“Y-Yeah, everything’s fine. Hoetaek just came in.”
Her jaw immediately dropped, and she shrieked in alarm.
The sheets of your bed were soothing against your skin as you slid your feet beneath them. You stretched your toes, sighing happily.
Even long after work had finished, the incident with Hoetaek had never ceased to bother you. Things as simple as the colour of his voice were still replaying in your head. His parting words had especially troubled you.
Admittedly, you were bothered for more than one reason.
You had relished every passing thought of him bending you over the counters, feeling the silky head of his cock sliding between your folds. Now you were unbearably hot - your clitoris was throbbing against your underwear.
It had been quite a while since you had last touched yourself. As the warm pad of your finger ran over your swollen clit, you gasped, raising your hips from the mattress.
Though your pace was slow, you were ridiculously sensitive. Pleasure quickly began accumulating. You clamped your eyes shut, bright spots speckled behind your eyelids. You were so focussed upon the buzz washing across your body, that you failed to notice you were sinking into a deep sleep.
A soft white light shone against your face, languidly stirring you from slumber. You could feel leather beneath your bare skin, which caught you off guard. Your surroundings were hazy as if you were peering through a tinted lens. A broad figure came into view, his hands folded into the pockets of tight black suit pants.
“Hey, darling. Been waiting for you.”
Hoetaek was standing over you, carrying with him a heavy presence. He wore a white button-up, slightly undone to reveal a stretch of olive skin. You shrunk against the sofa upon recognition, covering up your almost-nude body.
He placed a finger beneath your chin and gently tilted your head towards him.
“I know you’ve been thinking about me. Who knew you were so naughty?” He hummed, curiosity painting his handsome features. He seemed vivid against the fuzzy background, every inch of him hyper-accurate.
It was strangely realistic, considering this was a dream.
“Up,” Hoetaek ordered, pulling you onto your feet by your wrist, “let’s find out if those fantasies of yours were accurate.”
You were so dazzled by his suave grin that you barely noticed as he spun you around and pushed you down across soft sheets. His palm smacked your bare thigh, urging you to crawl up the plush mattress till your head landed on the pillows.
His lips were just as full as you had dreamt of, and a pleasant scent tickled your nose as he kissed you. All of the heat in the atmosphere was soaked up by your body, filling you with desperation. You just wanted him to relieve you from the insatiable need that was eating you up, driving you insane.
Hoetaek’s fingers wrapped around your forearms amidst a dizzying kiss, tugging them above your head and clamping them in place. The weight and the subtle warmth of his figure draped across you was hardly enough contact to sate you, and he knew it.
Every slight sensation felt so real. The way his button-up brushed against your chest, the way his saliva tasted; you wanted to engrave every detail into your mind, so you would not forget when you woke.
His mouth began travelling down your neck, growing increasingly rougher as he progressed till his teeth were pinching the tops of your breasts. You groaned, arching your back against the bedding. His thumbs hooked the lace of your underpants, deliberately tugging them down your legs teasingly, letting his hands skim your thighs.
A warm finger ran between the lips of your slick pussy, and a sharp gasp slipped from your throat.
“Was it thinking about me that made you this wet?” He purred, eyes shimmering as he peered down at your vulnerable form.
Abruptly, his thick finger plunged inside of you, right down to his knuckle.
It took every inch of your willpower not to cry out, swallowing your voice and finding the pillow behind your head, capturing the fabric in your fists. Hoetaek tutted, “there’s no need to keep quiet - no one can hear you. What do I need to do to make you lose some of those inhibitions, hm?”
His question was rhetorical, and it seemed he had already planned out the answer. His hands were almost large enough to wrap around your thighs as he parted them, crawling between them. You breathed in to brace yourself as his hot breath hit your bare pussy.
Never had you ever felt such immeasurable pleasure. It crashed over you in electric waves, only accumulating more intensely with each passing moment. The way his fingers seemed to move in tandem with his tongue was almost unbearable. It was a clever tactic for him to pin down your legs, which were trembling uncontrollably.
You were so sensitive that when he suckled gently, your orgasm crashed into you. He seemed uncaring, overstimulating you mercilessly till your eyes burned with tears.
As you recovered, Hoetaek’s blurred figure loomed over you. Through a sheen of tears, you watched him lap up your nectar from his finger with a cocky grin spread across his face.
“Oh~, is that all it took?”
He reached down and unclasped your bra with one hand, exposing your bare breasts. With his other hand, he undid the buttons on his shirt.
“I can make you feel even better,” he hummed, kneeling to unbuckle his pants, tugging them down his hips just enough to free his cock - which practically gleams with perfection. The sight fills your mouth with saliva.
Hoetaek dragged you closer against him, roughly pushing the head of his shaft against your ebbing heat. You instinctively closed your eyes; he looked far too large to fit painlessly. Anticipation mingled with fear coursed through your veins.
Abruptly, his cock sunk inside of you with surprising ease. You gasped, squirming and writhing as your pussy clung to him. A groan rolled up from the pit of his throat.
“So fucking tight,” he growled, hips grinding against your backside. Once he starts moving, the air fills with only your simultaneous grunts. You can no longer see his face, your vision blurring as his cock reaches a place you have never managed to reach alone. It makes your head spin and your skin flush.
“Good girl, you’re taking it well. Just focus on me,” Hoetaek purred, his pace relentless, practically shoving you into the sheets. Everything fades away, your focus honing in upon the way he slid in and out of you.
It felt incredible, to the extent that when his thumb harshly pressed against your clit, you came far harder than earlier. Perhaps it was because you had something to clench around, but it was so overwhelming that drool began running down your chin.
You were gasping for air when you came down from your high, gradually noticing that Hoetaek had stopped. Through your fogged vision, he was smiling.
“You came pretty hard, huh? Better rest up, else you’ll be sore tomorrow.”
But you craved him and his sweet warmth. You wanted his firm arms wrapped around you, comforting you as you slept. Sadness washed over you as his handsome features began to blur into the background, till there was nothing but blackness.
Morning sunlight slithered across your face, stirring you from peaceful slumber. Shards of your dream still lingered, recalling arousal to the pit of your belly. You had never had such a vividly sexual dream, the immense pleasure still fresh in your memory.
You almost feared facing Hoetaek again, knowing you would be unable to see him the same way ever again.
Stiffness resided in your limbs, a sort of mild soreness warming your muscles as you stretched. It was strange; you had to assume that you had slept awkwardly. There was only one other explanation, but that was too farfetched of an answer.
Shuffling languidly from your bedroom, you planned to prepare for a day empty of activities. It was your day off, after all.
What alarmed you, dragging you back to reality, was the smell of pancakes. It was a familiar, sweet scent. You hastened your pace, hurrying into your kitchen to investigate.
Hoetaek stood at your stovetop, almost fully naked - save for his boxer shorts, orange lighting reflecting off his beautiful tan skin. You had to blink, dizzied by the impossible picture. He offered you a mischievous grin.
“Sleep well?”
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heliads · 4 years
I’ll Protect You
When a mysterious death threat shows up at your front door from Gerard Argent, you know who you have to go to if you want to survive- Scott McCall.
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Things were going perfectly fine up until the moment you found the death threat on your front door. It was a pleasant, sunny morning. You had actually woken up without feeling exhausted, which was nice. It was shaping up to be an agreeable day. Then, you had heard the sharp knock on your door.
Yawning, you stumble blearily to the front door. Your parents, tired after long days of work, were still blissfully asleep and so the responsibility for answering whatever insistently knocking early-morning caller fell squarely on your shoulders.
Oddly enough, by the time you pull open the plain wooden door, your would-be guest has vanished. You poke your head out of the door, blinking in the bright light of morning, but you can’t see anybody. Strange.
You’re just about to head back inside and dismiss the whole venture as one of the younger neighbourhood kids playing a prank on you when you spot the folded paper lying a few feet away from the doorstep. Frowning, you pad over to it and pick it up, but your confused look turns into a troubled stare when you unfold the plain, unwrinkled note. It doesn’t say much, just a few words typed onto the stiff white paper. 
We know what you are. We will be coming for you.
This alone spells danger, but it’s the grey heading at the top of the paper that really starts to worry you. This threat is sent by the Argents, legendary hunters of people exactly like you. And if they know what you are, you’ll be dead by morning for sure.
Checking the empty streets one last time for possible messengers, you quickly hurry back inside, slumping down into a nearby chair. Your parents don’t know you’re a werewolf, hell, neither do any of your friends. You’ve kept your supernatural identity a locked-away secret that only you know. You’ve never breathed a word about it, never gone wandering on full moons, and barely even used your supernatural abilities at all. How do the Argents know?
Of course, it’s not how they know that you should be focusing on. Regardless of what they did to find out your secret, they’ll be coming for you. You stare out of the window unseeingly, turning things over in your mind until you arrive at one last-ditch plan to save yourself.
Just as you’ve feared, there are people watching you from the second you walk through the doors of Beacon Hills High School. You’ve suspected for some time that there are a few junior hunters attending your school, and your theory is proven correct when they watch your every step. No one else seems to know about the fact that you’re a werewolf, but there’s a definite group of four or five people shadowing you no matter where you go.
Thankfully, the one class you need the most is your first period of the day. You head gratefully into your AP Bio class, nodding a distracted greeting to your teacher, who announces that you’ll be starting a partner project. Careful to avoid suspicion from the few potential hunters in the front, you slide quietly into a seat next to one particular dark-haired boy.
When Scott McCall notices you sitting next to him, he looks at you in confusion. “Not to be rude, but don’t you usually sit next to-” You cut him off briskly, pulling out your textbook and turning to the assigned page. “Yeah, but Ms. Finch said partners so I figured it would be alright.” You lean over the book as if starting to work on the assignment, but speak instead in a hushed tone.
“I need your help. It’s something really important.” Scott nods slowly. “Okay, what do you need help with?” You hesitate for a moment, deliberating on how best to explain your situation. “It’s the Argents. I know you’re a True Alpha, I need your help so they don’t kill me.”
Scott looks stunned for a second, then turns to you. “You’re a werewolf. How did I not know about that?” You laugh lightly. “I’ve been trying to keep it under wraps, but I found a death threat at my doorstep today from the Argents, and some of the wannabe hunters have been trailing me all day. I don’t know what to do.” Without attracting too much suspicion, you fish the note out of your backpack and hand it to Scott, who reads it quickly before giving it back to you.”
“That’s definitely a problem. Tell you what- head over to my house tonight after school. I'll get Stiles and the others to show up too, and we can all figure out what to do to make sure you’re alright.” You flash him a grateful smile. “Thanks. I mean it.” Scott returns your smile. “Hey, no problem. We’ve been needing to take care of the Argents for a while, anyway.”
The end of the day cannot arrive quickly enough, and you’re more than happy to quietly depart for Scott’s house. The hunters in the school have been eyeing you all day like you’re a prize pig they can’t wait to slaughter, instead of the fearsome monster that they all seem to fear.
By the time you manage to shake your followers and arrive at Scott's house undetected, the rest of the McCall pack is waiting for you. Scott ushers you inside, where everyone is gathered around the kitchen table, ready to help you with your little problem.
You pull the note you found earlier from your backpack and place it on the table, unfolding it so everyone can see the threat as well as the unmistakable logo of the Argents. Malia looks at it, thinking. “Chris Argent is still our ally, so this has to be Gerard’s doing. I thought we scared him out of town, though?”
Scott sighs. “I doubt we’d ever be that lucky. He’s probably trying to make his way back into Beacon Hills slowly, by taking out a wolf here and there.” Stiles squints up at you. “Also, Y/N, why didn’t you tell any of us you were a werewolf? We could have kept you more safe. I thought lone wolves were always unprotected.”
You tilt your head in acknowledgement. “Lone wolves face a lot more risk, that’s true. The thing is, I was trying my best to keep the whole werewolf thing a secret. I figured it would be easier to pretend to be a human if no one knew, and if I hung out with you guys, it would be pretty obvious that I was a supernatural of some sort.”
You look around the room, registering the confused looks on the faces of Scott and his friends. You spread your hands out in front of you, feeling slightly defensive. “Look, everyone who’s been associated with your friend group is either a supernatural or has been one at one point. If I wanted to make the hunters think I was a human, I probably wouldn’t be hanging out with the group that’s like 90% supernatural.”
Lydia nods, trying to hide a smile. “Y/N’s not wrong. I mean, Scott was a werewolf, then Malia was a werecoyote. Kira was human until she was revealed to be a kitsune, Liam was human until he was bitten, I thought I was human until I found out I was a banshee, Hayden and Corey became chimeras, Mason was host to the Beast, and even Stiles had to become the Nogitsune for a short while. Basically everyone in the pack has been a supernatural at one point.”
Stiles nods slowly. “I mean, I guess. I never thought about it that way.” Scott clears his throat. “Can we get back to the issue at hand? If Gerard Argent is coming back, then that spells bad news for Y/N. I’d like to make sure she lives long enough to graduate high school.” You laugh at that. “Me too. That sounds good.”
After a lengthy discussion, you and the McCall pack figure out what to do. You give them each directions to your house, and then the plan is set into motion.
By the time you make it back to your house, the sun is just starting to set. You toss your backpack into a corner of the room and make yourself a snack. Your parents are still at work, so the house appears deserted to any onlookers.
Just as you had feared, there’s another knock on the door. A voice calls out to you- “Come on out, Y/N. We know you’re there.” You give yourself a moment to collect yourself, then square your shoulders and walk to the door. When you pull it open, you find yourself face to face with at least half a dozen hunters, Gerard Argent at the front.
Gerard fixes you with a glare. “Did you really think that you could live freely and not be found out? We do not tolerate werewolves, a lesson you’ll be learning tonight. Beacon Hills is for the humans.” He gestures to one of the hunters, who hands him a crossbow. “Lone wolves do not survive for long out here. It’s a shame- you really should have known better than to be alone in a town like this.”
Gerard points the crossbow at you, an arrow aimed at the center of your throat. Before he can fire the weapon, however, a voice comes from behind you. “She’s not alone.”
Scott McCall steps out of the house, standing in between you and the hunter. The rest of the pack appears out of nowhere, encircling the hunters, who now look tense and afraid. Scott folds his arms over his chest, staring down at Gerard. “Do you remember the last time we spoke? We made a deal, one that is in your best interests to keep. The promise was that if you and your hunters left the supernaturals of Beacon Hills alone, we wouldn’t kill you on the spot.”
Scott gestures around to the pack. “We have weapons and powers that will allow us to take all of you down in the blink of an eye. So I’ll remind you, one last time, to honor our agreement. It’s as much for our benefit as it is for yours.”
Gerard maintains the eye contact for a moment longer, then looks away, nodding at his hunters to stand down. As they file out, Scott speaks one last time. “Y/N is with us. We have her back. If you even look at her again, I will slit your throat with my own claws.” Gerard spits out a few last words about how this is going ‘just as he had planned’ and that he is ‘warning you, Scott McCall, pride goeth before the fall’ before stumping away with the rest of his hunters.
Scott turns to you with a smile as the pack files inside your house. “See, that went pretty well. I don’t think they’re going to bother you again.” You laugh. “No, I think most of those guys looked like they’d rather move to Antarctica rather than have to deal with any of the pack again. They looked terrified.”
Scott laughs as well, but turns serious. “If you ever feel threatened again, please come find me. I know we just met and all, but I want to keep you safe.” You raise an eyebrow, smiling. “Man, I’d heard about Scott McCall’s need to save everyone, but isn’t this a little much?” Scott can’t help a smile. “You’re important to me, Y/N. I want to protect you.” You grin and nod. “Sounds like a plan. We’ll keep in touch.”
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smol-and-grumpy · 4 years
Confidentiality - Chapter 1: The Conference Call
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Reader
Summary: Four months. Four long months that she’s been hiding in lockdown. So when everything starts to go back to normal again, she’s going back to work as Jensen’s handler for the first Supernatural convention after the pandemic.
Chapter Warnings: A little angst, a dash of fluff
WC: 1703
A/N: For this fic, let’s pretend Jensen is single and the pandemic was over and done with after four months. Also I’m sorry ugh, it’s been a while since I wrote Jensen. 
Beta’d by: @dean-winchesters-bacon​​ <3
Series Masterlist ~ SPN Masterlist
Become a Patron ~ Buy me a coffee
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It’s Monday and Y/N is sitting in a darkened room as she starts up her laptop for today’s work meeting. She had drawn the blinds already, hiding her surroundings from her workmates.
The light on the nightstand illuminates the room enough for the people in the video call to see her features. That’s all they need to see, really. 
Logging onto her laptop with her password, she clicks open the email client, and selects her calendar. The cursor travels over the highlighted block and she clicks on it, searching for the login link to the Zoom meeting. 
It’s 4.56 PM, she still has four minutes left. Wonders if she should click on the link and let the computer connect or if she should wait. She’d hate to be one of the first ones because that’s always awkward. She would spend time talking nonsense with whoever was as eager as her to join a meeting too soon. 
4.58 PM. Now is a good time, probably. Not too early and she’d hate even more to be the last one. 
Moving her mouse over the link, she clicks on it and a window with the meeting pops open. There’s another click and then she’s there, her laptop camera lights up with a green light, signaling that she too can be seen. 
Seeing herself on screen is not something she enjoys. She nervously rights her hair, arranges it so nobody will notice the hickey that she tried to hide with concealer ten minutes before. It’s a fresh one, one he just gave her an hour ago, even though he knew full well that she’s going to have a meeting. It's her own fault because she had let him, always gets so fucking weak when he nibbles at her throat.
Y/N joins as the six people are talking about something. Nonsense, she guesses. She doesn’t really listen. 
There should be ten people in the meeting to discuss the upcoming Supernatural Convention. The first convention after the lockdown. 
“Hi,” she says and waves, because that’s what every newcomer does and she’s greeted with Hello’s and Hi’s back. 
But there’s one guy already sitting in there, looking like he owns the whole fucking internet, and she doesn’t know how he does it with the lighting but he looks downright pretty. It’s not really fair. 
“Hey, Y/N,” Jensen greets her by name. Of course he does, because he likes to rile her up. He’s also the only one who’s so abso-fucking-lutely cheery. “How are you?”
She smirks, “I’m fine, thank you. I hope you are too.”
Keeping it professional, that’s what she can and will do.
“Good,” Jensen nods and opens his mouth to say something more but he gets cut off by her boss who’s taking the lead. 
Y/N doesn’t say much, doesn’t have anything to say anyway during the first ten minutes of the conversation. Lowering her face, she takes notes because it’s a prep meeting where they get informed how it will work out and to see how the spirit of the people involved is for the upcoming convention — which she’s really excited about. It has been a while. 
Jensen and Jared do a lot of talking, as they want to know the details on how to make the experience great for the fans after everyone’s been holed up for so long. And she loves that. She always loved how they actually really care, unlike other show’s leads. There are some points that still need to be talked through and Y/N just sits back and watches. She could watch Jensen talk for days, it’s really mesmerizing. 
His hair is long, his beard too. Jensen’s new look is completely different from Dean. It makes him look softer, and rounds up the edges of his jawline. The graying of his beard doesn’t make him less attractive, and that’s also something that she thinks it’s unfair. She hopes they will let him keep it for the convention. Hopes that he won’t let them talk him out of it because ‘some fans might want to meet Dean and not Jensen’. It’s going to be another month until they go back to filming, so it’s actually feasible. She’s sure that apart from a select few, the majority of fans would love to take a photo with this look and she can’t blame them one bit.
It’s going to be weird when the look is gone. Honestly, she needed some time to get used to it herself, but it has really grown on her. Maybe she’ll mourn the loss — just a little.
“So, let’s recap,” Gina, her boss, says and Y/N snaps her mind back to reality, “Jared’s flying in on Friday already because you want to visit some friends, right?”
“Correct,” Jared nods his head in approval. “You did book the hotel for three nights for me, right?” The question is directed to her co-worker, Julian, who’s responsible for the boys' travel arrangements. 
“Yeah, I did,” Julian says with a nod of his head.
Gina nods, “Good, so Jensen, I see that you’re flying in on Saturday evening as per usual?”
“Yes.” Jensen says. He looks into his screen and licks his lips. She hates that she knows that he’s looking at her.
“I want you girls to be there on Friday evening at the latest? We’ll also go for dinner on Saturday and go over the Sunday schedule.”
“Uh, yes. I’ll be there,” Hannah and Kristin say in unison. Kristin is responsible for Misha but since Misha is also attending Sunday, she sits into the meeting as a formality.
That’s Y/N’s cue.
“I-I’m, uh, sorry, I’m still in the middle of booking my flight but yeah, I’ll be there on Friday.” 
It was a huge issue with Jensen and they’d argued today about the flight. He doesn’t want her to leave until the last possible minute but now she has the confirmation that she has to be there on Friday already.
She sees Jensen raising an eyebrow and hates him for it because he distracts her.
“Okay,” her boss nods, “Jared and Jensen, I’ll have someone picking you up.”
Jared smiles, “Okay.”
“Great,” Jensen huffs out. She can see that he’s a little irritated about something.
The others don’t seem to have noticed, but she does. Jared notices as well, but apart from him clearing his throat, he doesn’t say a word.
“Right, I need to hurry to another meeting. Boys, I’ll see you Sunday!” Gina addresses the boys before waving goodbye, and disconnects. People in the meeting follow her and disappear one by one.
Y/N too, disconnects and is about to shut down her laptop when a skype call interrupts her.
It’s Jensen.
As soon as she picks up, her screen lights up and the view of his face almost blinds her. Honestly, it’s like staring into the sun. Nonetheless, she rolls her eyes because of the things he pulled in the meeting. 
“Why are you rolling your eyes at me?” He asks, seemingly oblivious. 
She groans with another eye roll, “Because you tried to distract me the entire conference call!”
“Excuse me? I wasn’t the one who was trying to undress you with my eyes.”
Y/N cocks an eyebrow, frowning at him. There’s a beat of silence until he groans.
“Fine, alright, I did. Sorry, okay? And why didn’t you say that we’re going to fly in together on Saturday like we said we would?” There’s something about the way he looks and she detects disappointment. 
“As far as I remember, we did not settle on that because you ended up distracting me again and gave me a fucking hickey. And besides,” she sighs, “Nobody should know.”
“Would it really be so bad, Y/N?”
“Jensen, are we really going to have this conversation over Skype?”
“Fine,” he scoffs and stands up abruptly, walking out of the frame. 
Abandoning her laptop, Y/N proceeds to walk to the window to open up the blinds again. Walking back, she switches off the only other light source, and as if on cue, the door opens.
“Shall we have the conversation face to face instead?” Jensen asks as he barges in, walks to the bed of his guest room, and sits down. He rubs a hand through his long hair, scratches at his beard before he looks at her. 
“I rather not have it at all, but yet here we are, huh?” She strides over to stand in front of him and Jensen looks up, his features are so fucking soft, it makes her weak.
“Why don’t you want them to know? And I’m sure they would let it slide if you flew in on Saturday instead of Friday. You’re only responsible for me anyway and we’re a good team.” His hand reaches out for her, tugs at her wrist, uses his strength to pull her onto the bed with him. 
Y/N lands on her back with a squeal and Jensen takes the opportunity, looming over her and looking down at her. Her hand goes up, strokes his hair back, fingertips tracing along his beard.
“Because the only reason I’m still employed is because you let them put in the contract that you want me as your handler and no one else. They would absolutely hate it if they found out I was fucking their talent.”
Jensen chuckles, his nose touching hers, “That’s not true.”
“What’s that?”
“If anything, it’s me fucking you.” His irresistible smile makes Y/N melt a little before he kisses her. 
He lingers too long, kisses her too softly, too sweetly, knowing what effect his kisses have on her. 
Pushing at his chest, she makes him break the kiss, “I should look for a flight.”
“No,” he chuckles and pecks her lips.
“Okay, fine,” he pushes himself up, “but only because I have an interview scheduled.”
Right, he does. It’s going to be an hour long.
“You want me to make dinner to have it ready when you’re finished?” She asks while she sits up and walks over to her laptop.
“Nah, I’ll eat you,” Jensen winks before he walks out.
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Chapter 2
Please share your thoughts with me, I’d love to hear your feedback.
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pretend-writer · 4 years
Paranoid (Supernatural x The Umbrella Academy
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Summary: Things go wild when Y/N Winchester and Diego Hargreeves tries to make an announcement for their families. 
Pairing: Winchester x sister!reader, Diego Hargreeves x reader
Title Reference: Paranoid x Jonas Brothers
Word Count: 1.6k words
Warning: mention of the dead, mention of violence, swearing
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It was a small tradition that we'd all gather together and have dinner at the Hargreeve's mansion. Allison, Vanya, Sam and I would all cook together, usually something different every time just to see if the others would like the food.
Ever since Diego and I have started dating, Dean and Sam had sort of used this dinner idea to watch us. "I need to keep an eye on this boy" is what Dean would usually say, even though he wouldn't even see him the other times I'm alone with him. Didn't see the full logic in that but I guess it made him feel somewhat safe.
The Winchesters having dinner with The Hargreeves was always merry and cheerful. Everyone had smiles on their faces, enjoying the food and the company.
We'd usually share stories of what happened; Dean, Sam and I would talk about our hunts. The Hargreeves would talk about which take downs they had, usually bragging about who had the most arrests within the week.
Everytime this topic had been brought up, we would say that we needed to collaborate and work together. Diego, Five and Vanya had joined us on hunts every now and then. The rest were too chicken to face the monsters in the real world.
This time however, these fun talks didn't happen. The dinner table instead felt intense; Dean wouldn't stop staring at Diego, Sam was upset his dish didn't turn out better than he expected. Vanya had not slept at all practicing on her violin, Allison stayed up all night learning the recipe for today and perfecting it.
Everyone was just in a terrible mood and now with all the grouchiness, I wasn't able to deliver the news that I was hoping to tell everyone at the dinner table.
I was already nervous enough to say I was pregnant, with everyone in a bad mood I don't even know what to add to make my announcement even merrier. Well, I doubt nothing would make it better; I just knew everyone was going to freak out, especially my brothers.
Dean eyed me as I played with my food, biting his bottom lip and observed me like he always did when I was with Diego. 'You barely ate your food, 'Y/N.'
'Uh, yeah sorry.' I answered quickly trying to force myself to look unsuspicious. 'Just not really hungry.'
'Can I have your plate then?' Luther asked with his mouth full, pointing at my dinner.
'Knock yourself out.' He snatched the plate that was in front of me, digging into it as if he hadn't eaten for days.
Five cocked his head, I swear he had mind-reading powers too because he was always up to something. 'Diego, you're quiet as well.'
'Just enjoying my meal.' Diego smiled with the fork still in his mouth.
Sam looked to his left then right, 'What's going on? Am I missing something?'
'I'm just tired, I don't know about the rest of you guys.' Vanya yawned, slowly eating her food.
'Same, actua-'
'No way!' Klaus screamed interrupting me as I was about to talk to Vanya. He talked and blabbed a lot but I haven't heard him talk so loudly until now. 'You're kidding me right?'
Five sighed, 'Didn't we tell you to stop bringing your dead friends to the dinner table?'
'No, no, no, no, no. This isn't just some random friend. It's Ben!'
Everyone groaned at the same time, tired of hearing Klaus bringing Ben up whenever it was convenient for him. During important hunt meetings, he would cast him out of the group. Whenever Klaus had excuses, he loved using his brother's name to pin him for whatever that was happening at the time.
Of course Ben couldn't even defend himself. Poor boy.
'I know, I know. I sound like I'm lying right now but I PROMISE I'm not.' Klaus whined, trying to convince us that he was telling the truth.
'I'm tired of hearing your bullcrap Klaus. I can't even imagine what Ben has to hear from you every time you're not around us.' Luther commented.
'You guys would want to hear this though! Oh, please please please.'
'What is it about?' Allison questioned Klaus.
Dean shook his head, 'Really Allison? Why did you encourage him?'
'Oh, Dean. You would definitely want to hear this.'
Five rolled his eyes and sighed, not even questioning his brother. Klaus kept on yapping about how he wanted to tell us this huge gossip that he heard from Ben.
'Why don't you just get to the point then, Klaus?' Diego finally said what everyone else was thinking.
'Are you sure you want me to tell them about your business?' Klaus grinned, clearly enjoying this "big secret" he had.
Diego shrugged, 'I don't really have anything to hide. I love you brother, but I doubt you know anything about my personal life.'
'Okay then.' Klaus cleared his throat, standing from his seat with a huge grin on his face. 'Y/N is pregnant.'
Dean spat water from his mouth, covering it as some landed on my forehead since I sat across from him. Sam made a face, staring at me to see my reaction.
'That's the dumbest lie I've heard.' Luther laughed, 'Wasn't even close to getting me. Nice try though.'
'Seriously, Klaus. At least make us laugh.' Five snickered and continuing to eat his food, unbothered. 'Are you two not even going to defend yourselves?'
'Ah.' I bit my lip, embarrassed that Klaus had to announce my big news in front of everyone. My brother's reaction said it all, they didn't even know what he said was true.
'Surprise?' Diego blushed, scratching his head as he tried to hide his embarrassment.
We were already nervous to bring our pregnancy to our family, Klaus suddenly blurting it our in front of everyone had made things worse than expected.
Sam looked at me, then back to Diego. 'Wait, wait, wait. Pr-Pregnant? Am I- Are you-'
My brother was practically panicking; Not going to lie, although I was afraid of their reaction, the way Sam's eyes wandered around like a lost puppy was cute.
Dean on the other hand was at loss of words. His usual angry reaction was what I expected and seeing him not do or say anything at all sort of scared me.
'I'll be an aunt!' Allison cheered, jumping up and down her seat. 'Is it going to be a boy? Oh I hope it's a girl.'
'Have you thought of names yet!?' Vanya smiled, joining Allison. 'Wait? You think the kid will turn out to have superpowers? Oh wow.'
'Diego you may want to run.' I murmured, watching Dean not move a muscle. Being too focused on my oldest brother's reaction, I blocked out whatever Allison and Vanya was discussing on he side.
'Ah, Ben. You little shit.' Diego talked under his breath, burying his head in his arms as he felt Dean's glare.
Klaus spoke nervously, 'Aha. Ben says sorry but blames me for how I went on about it.'
Luther tapped on his shoulder, 'You're not helping at all. I mean, look at Diego. He's shaking like a chihuahua.'
'Someone please make it make sense.' Sam places his hand on his forehead. 'Y/N. How did it happen?'
'Well, Diego and Y/N obviously had se-'
'Don't even finish that sentence, little kid.' Dean cut Five off, 'Y/N. I don't even know what to say but what the fuck?'
'I wanted to tell you guys tonight the proper way but you guys seemed so intense, I didn't know how to start this news.'
Sam lightly smiled, despite the panic I still saw through his eyes. 'Y/N, you and Diego have been dating for about six years now. I'm happy that you found someone other than your brothers that loves you so much.'
'No, no.' Dean crossed his arms, he was the total opposite of how Sam was acting. It hurt my heart a little that my brother was acting the way he did but there was nothing that I could've done.
The room went to silence, everyone staring at me and Dean as we all waited for him to say something else. It was odd to see Dean say a few words when he was pissed, which frightened me more.
He continued to stare at me intensely, taking a deep breath and taking in the little detail that he got from Klaus' announcement.
I wished that Diego and I had told everyone instead, otherwise this awkward moment between my brothers and me wouldn't have happened. Or at least could've been slightly better.
Dean shifted his eyes to Diego, I practically heard my boyfriend gulping from right next to me. Him and Sam freaked out when I've told him we started dating, Diego couldn't imagine what was going on in Dean's head.
'You were my little sister that always needed me, a little nut that never left my side. Now you're all grown up, about to start your own family.' Dean unexpectedly started to tear up, sniffling quietly. 'You just grew up so fast, Y/N.'
'Dean..' I reached over the table, grabbed his hand and squeezed it. 'I'll always need you. I'll need you and Sam. You'll always be my brother and I'll always be your little sister.'
'That is so cute.' Klaus smiled. 'See, Ben? I told you blabbing this would've not been so bad.'
'Oh, nah. This is bad.' Diego looked at his brother. 'You really thought it was a good ide-'
Luther hugged Diego from the side, 'Congrats brother! Wow. I'm going to be an uncle.'
'Now we have to celebrate! Let's go clubbing!' Allison got up, walking towards me as she pulled me from my seat.
'Oh no. That's a huge no.' Sam shook his head, 'Last time we went, Diego was practically eye humping my sister. No.'
Five laughed, 'That's why she's pregnant. Duh.'
Dean quickly turned his head, 'Really!? Did you really have to engrave that image in my head?'
'That's for calling me a little kid, old man.'
'You're the one to talk! Future boy.'
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