#i grew up on old school Mario party and this is literally how it always is
chimeraterm · 2 months
Why I love Super Mario Galaxy and how it will forever be THE best game ever made for me (XC3 goes second guys im sorry)
I grew up with Super Mario Galaxy. At first the Good Egg and Honeyhive Galaxy were super easy for 6yr me, but I struggled to beat other levels. Overtime, I learned how to be better and beat other bosses. I still was pretty bad tho, as my biggest save file only got to 60 Stars before I ended up quitting. After all, I had more videogames to discover and more franchises to fall in love with (and perhaps school).
But even with all the unforgivable blast of a games I managed to get, like Wii Sports Resort, where I only ever wanted to smack my friends to death with the plane duel; or Mario Kart Wii, where I perfected the art of MKW Rainbow Road; I did not forget Galaxy.
It felt... different. Like a sort of game I could always come back to if I needed to. As I started growing up, I always kept 2 of my most favorite songs (remixed ofc because no Nintendo on Spotify), Gusty Garden Galaxy (which I reached when I played back from my save file at 46 stars 4 years ago) and Buoy Base Galaxy (which, to this day, I have never reached - YET).
I guess I always liked the feeling of being lonely in outer space yet having the power to conquer entire armies and retrieve a literal star.
In the end this led to me appreciating the sky more and to my ambition of one day becoming an astrophysicist.
One day, I dropped the Wii entirely. What use did I have for playing on my dusty-old Wii when I could play Mario Maker on my 3DS and troll some friends?
3 days ago I finally dusted off my Wii. The thoughts about finally 100%'ing the game could come to an end, but I wanted to beat from scratch, experience it all now. I think I am doing okay, but I know I am doing myself a favor. After all, I am completing that undone feeling of overcoming everything in my way, even if they are galaxies separating me light-years away from my objective. And honestly, there is nostalgia in between, as there always was, but it's not everything.
That sense of being powerful in a powerless state just brings you always back up. And it's why I recommend it to you. Sure, you may not have a Wii with a Wiimote and a SMG disk, but you can always boot up Dolphin Emulator and download a Mario Galaxy copy and try it for yourself. That I highly encourage.
uhm i havent really talked about what i wanted in the title i ended up ranting
anyways good night or day or led lights
#i do not know how to tag #i just tagged it with mario galaxy #slept in the chair for 30 minutes #theres a party outside wtf
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ingo-appreciation · 2 years
I think if Ingo, Emmet, Elesa, and Skyla all played Mario party together, they would either be surprisingly chill about it or they’d be the most insufferably competitive people you’ve ever met
I think they’d have a lot of fun joking about things just going wrong. Like every time someone rolls their dice they’d be like “get a 1, get a 1” and then accusing each other of sabotage when it actually happens. Universal constant though is if one person starts winning a little too much, it’s everyone against them.
If the twins are just playing it by themselves, the same rule applies. Either it’s very chill and they’re more focused on whatever annoying shit the computers are doing, or they’re trying to out compete each other and it’s a blood fest
Universal constant is nobody can beat Emmet at button mashing mini games. Emmet “I like winning more than anything else” submas can and will sacrifice a finger to button mash harder than anyone else
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probably-writing-x · 5 years
Too soon to say it
Harrison Osterfield x Reader
Request by the wonderful @fanficparker
My requests are always open❤️
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“Come on, it’s not that simple!” You shake your head, taking another handful of popcorn from the bowl between you and Harrison.
The two of you were in the middle of a video game night and were taking a break from your second round of Mario Kart. And the prospect of you moving away had just become the topic of conversation.
“Why would things have to change? We’re best friends!” He exclaims like a child, typical to fashion.
“I’m going to be in another country, you’ll be busy with work - I’m just saying things are likely to change,” You defend, trying to brush off the conversation topic quickly.
Harrison’s face falls as he pulls away the popcorn bowl before you can take some more, “You seriously think things aren’t going to be the same?”
When you look at his face, it pains you to be leaving him. The two of you had been best friends since your parents first taught you what a friend was. You’d been inseparable - closer than your parents and families ever expected from the two of you. You just fit together. And it grew and grew, from going to the same school, living on the same street, sneaking out to the same parties, and now living in the same London flat.
“Haz, we spend every day together here,” You explain, “I’m just saying it will be different because we won’t be living together, spending every waking moment with each other.”
“I have other friends,” He points out with a boyish pout.
“I’m just saying I won’t be living with you and it won’t be exactly the same, I’m not saying we’re just going to stop speaking to each other.”
He eyes you suspiciously and sets down the bowl once again, “If I win the next race, you have to stay!”
- - - - - -
“Harrison, have you seen my big suitcase?” You push yourself up from the ground as you’d been busy rummaging through your wardrobe to find it.
Today was the day you’d decided to first start packing as, three days from today, you were on your way to Spain for a year of teaching out there. It was something you’d wanted to do from when you were young. When the opportunity arose, not one part of you wanted to say no.
“I thought I’d left it in the bottom of my wardrobe but I-“ You start to explain to your roommate as you walk into the lounge.
There, in the middle of the floor, is the trusty suitcase that you’d been searching for. Though it’s misshapen and open with Harrison’s attempt to climb inside and zip himself in.
“Are you kidding?” You laugh, trying to shift the zip to expose him.
“I told you I could come with you!” He yells back from inside, his voice muffled by his contorted shape.
You’d dread to think how much effort he’d put into this, “And I told you that you could come if you bought your own damn seat on the plane. Get out of here, you div!”
“Okay, okay, okay,” He replies, “Get me out, it’s really hot in here!”
“Haz stop moving! The zip’s stuck!” You can’t help the exclamatory laugh that escapes your lips, “What the fuck have you done?!”
“Oh my god (Y/n) get me out!” The fear is seeping into his tone as he starts to wiggle around in the cramped space.
It takes a lot of yelling and too much stress but, eventually, he’s freed.
“You see what I’d do to keep you?” He comments, pulling his knees to his chest as he still stays seated in the case.
“Come on man, you’ll make me feel bad,” You sigh, “I’m only a few hours away.”
“But here, you’re a few steps away,” He comments, glancing between your retrospective rooms, “I don’t know, it’s going to be weird here without you.”
“It’s only a year, and you can still come and visit, I’ll come back for Christmas,” You remind him, the comments you’d already made a hundred times.
“I know, I know,” He assures you, reaching out his arm, “I’ve just never been without you.”
You blush a little and lean into his embrace, letting his arms wrap around you.
“Ew, God! Harrison you’re sweating!” You exclaim, pulling away from him.
“I told you - I was burning alive in there!”
“Get out of my suitcase then!”
- - - - - -
“How are you going to live without her, man?” Harry shakes his head, “I give it five weeks before this flat has gone to shit.”
“Five weeks? You’re being generous!” His older brother, Tom, scoffs as he hands a beer to his brother.
You and Harrison had organised a going away party at the flat for the night that was two days before you left. Giving you your last day to be just for you and Harrison - to prepare him to live without you at least.
“Let’s just say FaceTime will definitely be useful,” You nudge at Harrison’s side.
He didn’t seem much like himself tonight but you didn’t want to mention anything with all of your company around.
“Are you excited to leave, (Y/n)?” Harry asks, smiling in your direction.
“Nervous, worried, terrified,” You nod, “But definitely excited!”
You notice Harrison looking at you from the corner of your eye, his gaze not faltering. It’s deep and focused, like he’s clinging onto every last word you said.
The conversation flows from there on out but Harrison still manages to keep his eyes set on you with certainty that they wouldn’t lose you - in more ways than one.
- - - - - -
“Fancy sleeping in my bed tonight?” Harrison suggests as you’re both getting ready for bed, the apartment now semi-clean in the aftermath of the party.
“Sure, I’ll grab my duvet,” You smile and he heads out of the bathroom.
It wasn’t irregular for the two of you to share a bed, despite having your own rooms. You’d always grab both duvets and pool them into one bed for what Harrison called ‘optimum comfort’. Those were the nights where you’d sit and chat for hours and tell him a deep secret you were yet to expose. Or he’d confess to you that he’d got an audition coming up that he hadn’t mentioned. Or that he wasn’t ready for what life was throwing him.
“Thanks for tonight, it was lovely having everyone here,” You smile, “And you managed to invite everyone!”
Harrison smirks as he pulls back the covers of the bedspread, “I’m getting better.”
“Were you okay, though?” You bring it up eventually, “You just seemed a little quiet.”
He climbs into the bed and snuggles into his half, “Just feels strange that you’re leaving in like a day.”
You smile a little and climb in beside him, “We’ll be okay, Harrison? I’m not going to move to Spain and act like I’m living a new life.”
“I know, I know,” He shakes his head, “And I’m so happy for you, (Y/n), honestly.”
You smile a little at him and let the conversation fall silent. There was still something he wasn’t telling you.
“I’m so scared, H.”
The statement makes him bolt upright like a sudden danger had sprung upon you, “What do you mean?”
“I’m moving away from everything, what if I hate it? What if I’m a really shit teacher? Or I just don’t fit in with anyone there?” You ponder, “I’ve been waiting for this like it was all going to just be easy. But it’s probably the scariest thing I’ve ever done.”
“Hey,” He starts, “I think it’s impossible for you to be shit at anything - and you’re a people person with literally anyone, you’re practically fluent in Spanish more than English now, and it’s all just going to fall into place. It always does.”
You snuggle into him and wrap your arms around his torso, “It’s just a big move.”
“Of course it is, but don’t you remember telling me this plan when we were like ten years old?”
You chuckle, “We were sat in that fort we’d made in your garden.”
“And you told me that you’d already planned it, though you didn’t really know much more of what you wanted to do.”
“And you told me you wanted to be the next Leo DiCaprio,” You respond, glancing up at him with a smile.
“I’m getting there,” He wiggles his brows, “I promised you I’d thank you when I won an Oscar.”
You laugh, “Your Mum used to get so fed up when we ended up falling asleep out there. It used to get so cold!”
He smiles and holds you a little bit tighter, pulling up the duvets until they’re up to your chins. It feels like you could stay here forever.
“Well, we still have one full day,” He points out, running a hand through your hair.
“What do you fancy doing?” You ask quietly, fatigue taking over now you were wrapped in Harrison’s arms.
He pauses to think of any valid answer but his pause is just long enough to mean that you’re already falling into a slumber in his arms. When Harrison looks down at you, it’s like his whole world is wrapped up in this bed you’d struggled to put together when you first moved in. He lets your even breaths take hold of his thoughts as he circles through the motions of realisation that always occurred when he was this close to you. At what moment did he fall in love with his best friend? At what point did that ‘other half’ manage to grab a hold of his heart? And would he really let her leave without confessing that? It tugs at his heart to think of a day, a week, a month, a year, without her. But it makes things even worse that she’d been leaving with the lie he’d upheld since he first realised that his heart fluttered when she was near. And that didn’t happen with ‘just friends’. It’s not like Harrison when he feels a tear spill onto his cheek and trickle down the length of his face.
“God, you’ll be the death of me,” He mutters into the silent room, swiping at his face to stop any more tears.
- - - - - -
Your last day at home goes all too quickly, you run through everything with Harrison to make sure he was all set up for running the flat on his own. You check your packing once, twice, three times, before settling on the fact that you’d buy anything you’d forgotten once you were out there. You get your passport and your other essentials ready for the early morning. And just like that, the only thing left is leaving.
You find yourself sat out on the small balcony that came with this apartment, overlooking the typical city streets of London. It feels overwhelming to leave a place like this behind. You’d never been apart from home. First, it was your family, then it was Harrison. Wherever you went, there was a piece of home with you. You’d never really had that experience of being separate from it. Maybe you’d meet somebody out there that would become another piece of that home. But the prospect of a love interest was still yet to become of interest to you. You had everything you needed. Plus, Harrison was always hard to explain to any prospective love interests.
“Am I interrupting?” Harrison asks cautiously as he steps through the window and out onto the balcony, “You looked a little lonely.”
“Just thinking,” You give him a warm smile as he comes to stand beside you on the terrace.
He hums in response and let’s the silence engulf all of you once more. His lungs are screaming for him to say a thousand words with the breath they hold, his heart is yearning to stop feeling so tight at the thought of you. His head feels weak at the thought of processing one day without you.
I love you. Not in the way we’ve been saying since we were little. Not the ‘love you’ or the ‘love ya’. It’s I love you. Simple. Is it? I don’t know where it started, what caused it, why I can’t change it. But it’s consuming, heavy, crazy. It’s in every action you do, every word, every gesture, every expression. Living a life without you would be hell. But living a life where you’re always just my friend? That feels like a punishment that no religion could conceive the thought of.
“Haz...” Your voice is what snaps him from his thoughts.
It’s only then that he feels the tears pricking his skin, slipping down his cheeks.
“Shit,” He mutters, “It must just be the cold.”
The beaming sun outside and the T-shirt adorning his skin tells you otherwise.
“You know if you start crying, I always cry,” You chuckle, outstretching your arms and pulling him to your chest.
Harrison doesn’t speak and it scares you that he’s not the one comforting you - was he really not going to be okay without you?
“I’m just thinking about all of the Spanish boys you’re going to fall in love with,” He jokes, “And you’ll forget all about that pale boy from home.”
“Come on, if they love me, they have to love my pale boy,” You chuckle, “You’re my best friend!”
The statement makes him wrap his arms around you a little tighter. Not for the reason you thought - for the fact that you weren’t going to leave him. But for the fact that that’s all he ever would be. The name ‘best friend’ that always held so much weight had now become completely hopeless. It pained him that he could no longer accept that.
- - - - - -
You were on the phone to your parents when Harrison first started trying to write down everything his brain had been aching for him to say. It felt like it would give some sort of relief.
Dear To (Y/n), Squidge, My Love, Div, and all the other names that this twenty something years has given you.
We’ve been over this a thousand times, how you’re leaving me, how I’ll live alone, how Tom will get sick of me in the end. We’ve talked about it for hours because I started thinking that talking about things would make it easier. Make it easier to say goodbye to you.
It’s silly really - you’ll be back eventually. Whether that’s in a year, or two or three. You’ll be back. But I think it’s the fear of me realising that things are getting too late for anything to change. That somebody else could take my place could give you what I want to. you’ll leave and I’ll lose my chance of admitting anything real to you.
The truth is, for the past, well I don’t know how long, I’ve fallen in love with you. It wasn’t like I realised one thing one day and watched it develop. It’s like one morning I woke up and suddenly noticed it all. I noticed every single piece of you that ignites every single piece of me. I noticed who I am around you and how much I adore who you are around me. And, within that one day, it became blaringly obvious that things weren’t the same anymore.
I can tell you which exact day it was. It was not long after we’d moved in here. In June. We had a day at home where you decided to start decorating the lounge. You’d bought all of this new stuff that you’d been eyeing up for months. And it was all spread out on the floor. You were in this pair of grey joggers and a top you’d planned on wearing to the gym - although you never did get that membership. There was no particular thing that drew me to you. It was everything. It was the way you slipped in the kitchen in your socks as you tried to make a fancy lunch. The way you laughed and rolled your eyes when I failed to set up the coffee table. It was all of these parts of you that I’d never noticed enough.
He’s just starting to choke up when you say goodbye to your parents and he quickly folds up the page.
“Hey, we should probably start getting ready to go,” You lean against the doorframe and fold your arms.
Harrison glances up and nods, “Yeah, I’ll just sort myself out and we can go.”
You had it all planned. Sort out your final things, leave a little present on Harrison’s bed for when he got back from the airport, get to the airport with enough time to check in, and then you’d be gone.
- - - - - -
“Okay, is my passport in there?” You ask Harrison as the two of you are now parked in the airport carpark.
He’s in the back of the car rummaging through your carry on bag to check you’ve got everything in the right place.
“Yep,” He responds, “You’ve got your phone, laptop, purse, earphones...”
Harrison trails off as he slips the letter between the fold of your laptop - part of him hoping you’d somehow see it before you got on the plane. The rest of him hoping you’d never open that.
“Alright, then, we’re ready.”
- - - - - -
You’re just about to walk through to security when you and Harrison realise this will be goodbye. You want to take in every feature of his face. You wanted to memorise the way his eyes move when he smiles, the way his head tilts back when he laughs, the way his hair moves when he shakes his head. You wanted to memorise all of the features that made him your best friend, practically your other half.
“Alright, I think this is it,” You begin, looking at him a little hopelessly - knowing there was nothing you could say that would tell him how much you’d miss him, “I’m gonna miss you man.”
He smiles a little but it doesn’t meet his eyes, “Yeah, you could say that.”
“You’re all ready for the bills and stuff, and I’m sure Tom will be staying more often than not,” You assure him, “If there’s any complication with the rent or bills or anything, just let me know, okay?”
“(Y/n), we’ve been through the logistics!” He squeezes your hand, “I’ll be fine.”
You sigh and wrap your arms around him tightly, taking in his scent that always laced his clothes, “Thank you for everything Harrison.”
He pulls away gently and looks at you with complete focus, “Okay, there’s something I need to stay because, if I don’t, I’ll spend every day thinking that I should’ve done.”
You frown a little and take a step back.
He lets out a shaky breath, “God, I don’t know where to start. Okay, here goes nothing.”
“Harrison, you’re scaring me. What’s going on?”
“I love you (Y/n). I love you with every single fibre of my body, every single piece of my heart. And I know that I shouldn’t feel like that. I’m not supposed to. You’re supposed to be the one girl that I wouldn’t fall in love with - the one girl. And I couldn’t do it,” He shrugs as tears start building up to blur his vision, “I know this is the worst time and I know that it’s-“
“Haz, what are you doing?”
He stops dead, lips parting slightly.
“I need to catch my flight, I don’t know what you want me to say... I...” You stumble, heart beating way too fast in your chest, “I can’t do this.”
“(Y/n), please,” He croaks out, hand reaching for you.
“You want this to be how I leave?” You pull away from him, “Harrison this changes everything!”
“I know, I know,” He nods, “But it’s consuming (Y/n/n). It’s killing me everyday that I’m not telling you that I love you. It’s killing me every time I convince myself that we should just be friends.”
You’re trembling as he talks - the panic of not knowing how to respond starting to trickle through your veins.
“You’re the only woman I’ll ever feel that way about.”
“Don’t say that,” You shake your head, “What do you expect me to say? Is this how badly you want me to stay?”
“No! God no!” Harrison tries to grip onto your hand again, “I just needed you to know.”
“I can’t do this Harrison, this changes everything.”
“No, no, it doesn’t have to change anything. I just-“ He stops, “There’s no way you could feel the same?”
You look at how helpless he looks and it breaks your heart into unfixable pieces, “I don’t know if I can give you an answer to that H. I didnt expect any of this.”
That’s when there’s a call for your flight. Perfect timing.
“I don’t need an answer. But if, or when, you find out how you feel, I’ll be waiting here (Y/n). I’ll always be waiting.”
With one last look at the possibility he’d left you, you pick up your bag and walk away - tears streaming down your face for a reason you’d never expected. You don’t have to look back to know he’s still stood there. And you don’t want to look back. You just let him leave you with those words.
I’ll always be waiting.
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Headcanons + Making this to replace my old headcanons post.
Disclaimer: JUST GOING TO SAY NOT EVERYTHING I GIVE THEM IS SOMETHING I AGREE WITH! like Some characters will have a headcanon that’s more because I can ACTUALLY SEE Them enjoying an activity but even if they do I DON’T their are things that these characters would do that I DON’T think anyone else should do EVER!
Has a safe space in his room where he can be himself. It’s a place where He gets to let his guard down. that is his earth room
Has a tendency to be more attracted to those with a darker tone then him. then again its not really hard to have a darker complexion then him. (Regardless of race someone could have a tan or something, or just be a bit darker than him.) He himself hasn’t noticed this and probably never will.
Mirage sleeps in his room
If Rhys somehow got really sad and mopey he’d locate that ice cream truck and angrily threaten the ice cream man to give him all of the ice cream or DIE. Or he’d just want the entire truck, & if no one stopped him then he’d throw it through Ava’s window into her apartment.  
Sometimes late at night when everyone’s sleeping & Asch can’t, he summons Rhys to his room and forces him to read him a bedtime story. Rhys used to do this when Asch was younger as well. He really likes Rhys’s voice. 
If he was a human he’d probably be some NEET gamer who spends all his time roleplaying on World of Warcraft or something and he’d always rage about bad plot points or game mechanics in Anime & Video games.
The most likely to dirty talk
He sneezes like a kitten and when he does fire comes out. 
Would be god awful at pole dancing
 He doesn’t know what to do when it comes to love and isn’t used to physical affection.   Its.....very pleasant whenever he gets it...but it also feels too comfortable for him. He’s scared of comfort, despite loving it.  
Later on once he embraces affection he becomes absolutely addicted to it and is by far the most passionate of them. Though that angry scowl never leaves unfortunately . His passion rages on like a burning flame, like....an intense RUSH of desire. It can be overwhelming at times. 
In fact he DEMANDS the affection. 
In battle he’s more brutish than the others by far. A giant barrage of flames being sent EVERYWHERE . 
One time he read a fanfiction & thought it was 100% Canon. & when anyone said otherwise He screamed angrily and shot fire balls at them; Even when they weren’t physically there. Of course since they weren’t there he just  ended up burning the phone Ava got for him, but you know, whatever.
Loves curry 
Really likes chocolate and caramel for whatever reason, but he can’t stand other sweets. he also likes strawberries 
He enjoys the video game Indivisible, & some war military tactic games. He also likes rage games for some reason too even though he hates them, its complicated but he can’t stop playing, he gets too into it and too angry. He also enjoys racing games & MARIO PARTY, Especially when he wins.   
His favorite animal is the bull  
Dhaur is his husbando 
His sin is wrath  
 Used to hate Steven Universe at first then grew....to like it. then love it. It seemed so dumb to him at first but as he watched it he came to understand it more. 
Asch trusts Rhys more than the other daemos. He’s known him the longest and believes in his judgement he doesn’t think Rhys would EVER lie to him or deceive him.  Because of this Rhys is the only person Asch is ever fully open with. He wouldn’t leave anyone else he was this open with back on daemos. He is quite FOOLISH to believe this however. :) after all Rhys is working with Lady Grandma. 
He once dared Leif to eat a cactus after getting particularly angry in a game of truth or dare 
 Him and Rhal never get along ever. They always yell it eachother, and get into arguments.
Rhal has far more Knights than Asch 
As for Lady Bish. Asch is completely indifferent towards her.  
He doesn’t know why but he keeps on sniffing Ava’s bra for reasons obvious to the rest of us. Regardless he destroys them just the same
Smell/sweat Kink bitches 
 Probably into S&M.  
 He sometimes rehearses villainous Dialogues with himself in the mirror when no one’s around. 
He also does this with Rhys on occasion...if he’s feeling particularly BRAVE that day
Holds up a lot of pent up emotions and hides it pretty well. He prefers to let them out as anger instead..but when he gets drunk it all just POURS out of him. He just sobs and cries and hugs and kisses and laughs. just...everything. ALL OF THE EMOTIONS BESIDES ANGER he expresses openly. He doesn’t become a completely different person he just becomes far more open. He compliments a lot as well.
He got drunk once and decided from that day NEVER AGAIN! 
 Though when he first got drunk he really liked it. Despite the flavor. and downed like 3. 
 That was a #Mistake 
His favorite Crystal gem is Garnet, or Sapphire? Its hard for him to choose between them. 
 The thiccest of the daemos on earth. By that I mean he has the biggest butt 
 What I mean by that is he does a lot of squats, & Glute exercises. He also has a magic that makes all the fat he gains go to his butt but that’s not important. Its not always in affect only for emergencies.   
Would be VERY interested in science if he knew what it was
He would eat pizza with a fork
Gluttonous in any task he enjoys. When he eats he eats ALOT, sex would last a long time with him Though not many people know this about him because he takes his time. 
The  common one is Research, reading, observing, & ESPECIALLY LEARNING.
 He also adores validation give him it.. Wears a long trench coat to hide his big butt from the world well not hide but-. 
 specifically daemos since some uncultured daemos tend to be quite handsy.
 It doesn’t always work but whatever trench coats are cool. 
 has frequent discussions with Asch in his room. He’s the only one Asch is completely honest with. Asch trusts Rhys with EVERYTHING. 
If he was a human he would be a college student studying to be a scientist of some kind. 
He would also work volunteer jobs at the retirement homes. 
If he was a human he’d probably meet Asch by working as his grandmothers nanny. I don’t think Asch would live by himself.
has a tad bit more fat on him than the others. but his muscle can distract from that. Plus his fat isn’t even noticeable outside of his ass His lover would nickname him sunrise, because his smile can chase the night away, cause his face is what brightens their day, because he is the beginning of something new bright and beautiful. 
loves Rubix Cubes If he romanced Ava it wouldn’t be because he likes her it would be because he wants to use her. mostly for her nonexistent power ((magical and political)) 
Loves sweets more than the rest of them
I think I had enough for him last time. 
His mother and Asch’s were close.  
Spends waaayyyy too much time trying to over analyse tv shows he watches 
Is a big fan of Pheonix wright, Fran Bow, Gravity falls, Danganronpa, Dr. Stone, Dr. Who, Fnaf, & pretty much any other game or TV show that either gives you a lot to think about after the episodes/playthrough, is chock full of thousands of possibilities and theories, or requires a lot of thought and problem solving to play. He also likes strategy games like Fire Emblem, & Final Fantasy Tactics. OH! And Pokemon but not for the normal gameplay for the competitive scene. 
Due to having the element of water he is  usually cool calm and collected. but he also is able to flow with a situation if needed. He’s passive  
 Often reads to Asch because Asch has a harder time reading. Him and Asch went to school together when they were younger and thus have a closer bond than the others.  ((Lady grandma forced Asch to go)) 
Once asked Ava if she had any more of those porn magazines. Was pleased to find that Ava had an entire closets worth. Though not all of it was the fighting techniques he was looking for. 
He  has no fucking idea how a vagina works in the slightest. or what vagina’s even look like? Despite his extensive knowledge sex is one of the places where he knows the least. Because he has no idea what lesbian sex is he is completely oblivious to the fact that he’s been staring at 2 girls fucking it on in those magazines he’s found underneath Ava’s bed. 
 He once had to help Leif out with the creation of the Furby organ. It was incredibly difficult for him but also very insightful 
 The Furbies terrify him though.  That STARE its..just...ugh 
 The best at pole dancing. 
Is far more elegant on the battle field than the others. His attacks are more precise and careful than theirs are. 
He’s also the best at dancing...well fancy dancing. like ballet,  and slowdancing. 
Sleeps in Ava’s fridge sometimes. 
Starting teaching Noi how to read a bit more after they went to the mall. The shops are cataloged after all
 Is cold resistant to a point. I mean ice magic CAN still hurt him but like...less. I’d liken it to a Pokemon. 
His favorite crystal gem is garnet. If your talking singular gems then I’d say Ruby. But...like Garnets amazing why would you want to choose just ONE of them as your favorite when..
 Likes classical music, R & B, Soft...indie songs, Soft pop, Trap music & Bossa Nova 
If Ava did marry him she’d probably get locked into a loveless marriage for power that doesn’t exist 
If he found out about Ava’s lies he might have a fucking meltdown. :D like everything he was working towards EVERYTHING would have been for nothing. 
That is until the prospect of watching how the human world continues to function without magic...he’d realize they have TECHNOLOGY and how...amazing it is. 
The more he likes you the more he’ll want to stab you. Just how it is
The more he’s attracted to someone the more he’ll want to stab their guts out. he’s weird like that.
Big sadist I mean we already know this but like in all the ways? ya know?Like he literally gets an orgasmic feeling in his veins when he slices someone open kind of sadistic.  
If he was a human he would probably be a doctor or surgeon who only has his job because it allows him to legally cut people open.
would’ve probably been one of those school bullies who only bullies someone because he’s in love with them if he was a human
You could literally get him to do anything by being like “ I bet you couldn’t do that. “ or saying “ ____ go get the ____ for me” He makes everything into a competition.
Broke EVERYTHING when he was a child. 
Tried to eat a cactus, because Asch dared him to.  
Asch didn’t think he’d actually do it. 
 His sin is PRIDE of course, which is why he feels like he has to prove everything and lives to have his ego STROKED.
Later he tried to shove a cactus up his ass because a stranger on the internet said that only cowards don’t use cacti as dildo’s 
He had to go to the doctor many times. 
He really liked the large amount of sharp objects in the hospital room 
He may or may not be banned from that hospital
The nurse had to file a restraining order it was a sad day.  But they got the pricks out!! and that’s all that matters! PLUS Leif got a new thumb to add to his collection!
He really likes it because its a special decorated one. With PAINT on the tips. its weird and shiny. The nurse probably won’t need it anyways. 
He has a rotting placenta in his bedroom no one knows where he got it!(AND NOBODY ASKS) but it still has the umbilical cord attached no baby though :(   
He isn’t allowed outside anymore for obvious reasons
He found out what Furbies where and fell in love with them instantly . He stole 20 
He made a Furby organ. why? Because its infinitely stupider and more terrifying than a regular one. He forced Rhys to help cause Rhys is smart. It still took like 90 tries and costed Ava alot of money, and Furbies.
He keeps it in his room and he plays it constantly. Mostly to annoy Asch, Ava, and everyone else around him. He also loves the fact that its called an organ. 
He was dared to eat a jar of nails and he fucking did it. 
He obviously had to use healing magic on himself 
He’s really hot for Noi. Like...a bit too much no one notices though.
 A bit hotter for Ava than Noi though, That’s why he keeps wanting to penetrate her with his knife. The more he threatens to do this the more he likes you. 
His element is Life, or earth. Mostly life which is why he’s so vigorous and excited. 
This is also the reason why he’s so obsessed with killing things. when you live your ALWAYS killing, every move you make you end thousands of lives just like that!  Daemos of the life element seem to want to enjoy life to the fullest and never look back. EVER 
As such he’s also good at cultivating life, weather it be a plant or an animal. Everyones always surprised by this
Back on Daemos before his snap he’d actually be alot kinder to Noi, ((IN the first 4 episodes whenever Noi got hurt he was the only one to ever show any concern. I find that interesting in contrast to how he threw that out in some of the later ones. )) He’d often be the one that consoles noi or talks things out with him. 
Leif is more aggressive, energetic and far more cruel in more docile environments. He becomes much more empathetic, & Calm in hostile ones. ((Like that time where he actually got on Rhys’s case for being too hard on Asch, or the times when he was like “Hey are we actually going to let Noi die” and offering to heal Noi when he was writhing in pain when they came to earth.  ))  
He’s actually more perceptive then he seems, he cares about those around him NORMALLY its just going this long without killing anything is maddening for him. HE NEEDS TO KILL. to let it all out, once he does he’ll act as he normally does.  
He was the only one even remotely kind to Noi back on daemos, that changed when they got to earth. (besides Pierce. ) 
 Though due to his normal lack of empathy in a world where he’s human he’d probably be one of those people who just don’t care about how what they say affects those around them. Doing and saying whatever he wants regardless of how others may interpret that. 
He LOVES Skullgirls. He really likes the character designs and the fact that double always has organs or something hanging out. 
 He also loves all horror movies and video games where he gets to cause mayhem; Like Saints Row, or Grand Theft Auto!  
 He’d be the only one of the daemos that is fully accepting of the weird side of the internet. You know the WEIRD side. He’d be into all of the bizar kinky fetishes you’d find on Furraffinity you just know it.  
 He doesn’t actually like Ava he more-so see’s her as a trophy? I mean well he DOES but he’s mostly in the whole fight for her thing to win a prize. And she’s the prize.   ((Well at least before the newest episode)) 
The most Physically affectionate of the daemos even more so than Noi
Big buff bara man. LIKE BY FAR THE BUFFEST 
Would probably run an animal shelter or something if he could
Would be running an animal shelter or something if he was human
Likes….fluffy. waayyy too much 
He’s by far the most empathetic of the daemos. Yes even Noi then again Noi isn’t very empathetic. 
 Very tired 24/7 needs coffee to sustain himself. 
 Often by himself in the quiet. sometimes while alone with his thoughts they spiral out of control, Regret, Doubt, Despair, Uncertainty, Fear, Insecurity.  All at once. Does he cry not at all. He suffers as he stands Silent. ultimately its impossible to tell when he’s having one of these moments as he doesn’t show it on his face.    
 Big PP 
He is very loyal but his loyalty isn’t...friendship. He doesn’t really like Asch very much, but he does trust his judgement and follow his orders. He’s a knight after all, besides he appears to have some connection to one of Asches family members ((The daemos in that Flashback had a crown on their horn)
He likes standing because when he stands theirs no threat of getting too comfortable, no chance of falling asleep and drifting away, no chance of drifting into sleep and deciding to never wake up again, no chance of getting lost in the comforts of the object beneath him. 
He is the one that cares for Ava the most  
 Doesn’t really care about the cultural norms on daemos. he flows free like the wind and accepts any new and sudden changes. 
Heavyish sleeper, gets grumpy when woken up.  Like if your trying to kill him his instincts will kick in and he will wake up but otherwise he’ll just stay asleep. LIKE THROUGH EVERYTHING 
Though while he is the most empathetic of the Daemos he’s also prone to intense levels of apathy, where he just shuts down silent lost in his thoughts unable to be disturbed. these are only momentary  
His element is air. Because of this he’s mostly just free and flowing.  
 Sometimes gives Ava Piggy Back rides to make her feel tall 
 Potentially one of the only one of the Daemos that genuinely care about Ava. 
But also potentially only see’s Ava as a cute pet to love on rather than a person in and of herself. But ultimately he does also care about her feelings, and her opinion on things.
 I prefer to think the latter rather than the former. 
one time he accidentally befriended a large swarm of bee’s and they followed him to Ava’s house. 
 Gives Ava piggy back rides 
Out of the Daemos he’s the one who Ava is closest to. The others have yet to even notice this. 
 One time the boys found porn on the phone and just gathered around the phone looking at it confused all bug eyed. Pierce saw the filth on the screen and made the executive decision to yeet it out the window. 
Ava had to buy a new phone 
 Has a rough yet gentle touch. he takes care and caution when dealing with life. 
because of the above him and Leif have an impossibly hard time cooperating when its just them. 
The best with animals. 
 When not caught up in apathy he is the exact opposite. He becomes far too 
He would enjoy fortnight if he played it
Would thrive off of old memes 
If he was human he would be that one friend you wouldn’t want to hang out with because he fortnight dances, dabs, uses outdated memes, rick rolls people, and everything unironically.
 The least muscular & Thicc by far. he doesn’t have any meat on his bones, unlike the other 4. Flat boney ass. 
He’d probably be some sort of social media icon or a street performer if he was human. He thrives off of validation. Though because he’s a clumsy fuck street preforming wouldn’t be the best gig for him.
Likes music the most
Would probably be the first of the Daemos to watch and enjoy Steven Universe. ((Though I’d bet the others would come around. They always come around))
 He Rick Rolled Rhys one time. 
 His sin is Envy, he often feels insecure about himself, and he looks up to everyone else seeing how “Cool” or great they are. ALWAYS saying “GOOD JOB ____” whenever they do something cool, he’s always excited but with that excitement comes the thoughts...Why can’t I do things like that? I wish I COULD BE STRONG LIKE PIERCE, I wish I COULD BE SMART LIKE RHYS, I wish I could be PAMPERED LIKE ASCH, I wish I COULD BE HANDSOME LIKE LEIF. That’s why he’s so focused on being better than everyone else. I wanna try! Let me see it! LET ME TRY FOR ONCE. that comes from not only desire but ENVY. he just channels this envy in a much healthier way than most would. *Cough* Leif *Cough* 
 He has EXTREME insecurity problems and longs more than anything to be better than the others. 
After he found out what breakdancing was he dedicated SO MUCH of his time trying to learn how to do it. 
He may or may not be obsessed with that 
 He also really likes Ava. But he’s moreso in love with the idea of her? He doesn’t really listen to much of what she says due to the fact that he’s so scatterbrained and spacey. He just likes when she talks. He mostly fell in love with Ava because she was the first person to present themselves towards him as an option. back on Daemos he was relatively low class. Thus he was viewed as unmarriageable, worthless, dumb, WEAK, & Poor, So trying to enter a relationship with ANYONE was out of the question. The boy thought he would die without finding love.
 He thought Ava was actually GENUINELY interested in romancing him and because of that it excited him. NO ONE HAD EVER actually wanted to romance him. Back at home NO ONE liked him, no one was ever kind to him. Well Leif sometimes was pierce would show some kind of a...paternal affection rarely. But Leif also treated him cruelly and insulted him like the others.
Due to how loving and compassionate he is he was kicked  out of his household. 
 Despite this Noi isn’t exactly empathetic. He doesn’t pay attention to the emotions of others he’s far too caught up in himself.  
In the first 2 days on Earth He & Leif would shit talk Asch behind his back. Mostly talking about how they didn’t really like this plan and just vent their frustrations out at eachother 
Starting on episode 5 him and Leif just kinda. He became too scared of Leif to even approach him as much and thus he kinda grew apart from him. thus causing him to latch more onto Ava. AVA likes him, unlike them. HE HAS PROOF after all. 
 He’s also far too stuck up in the idea of a powerful princess loving him a lowly peasant a low ranking knight someone who.....who wouldn’t be worth anything to her.
If they were to find out about ALL of Ava’s lies he’d take it the 2nd hardest. Asch would be the first, Rhys the 3rd. Leif the 4th, & Pierce the 5th. 
 Mostly because the only reason why she chose him, the only reason why they went on a date wasn’t because she was interested in him but because she didn’t want her cover blown. He thought she actually loved him not to say she doesn’t care for him but-...he thought she WANTED him you know? 
She wouldn’t be a powerful princess, she wouldn’t be a cool sorceress, she wouldn’t be this big thing that he wanted so much she’d just be herself and then Noi’s fantasy would crumble. 
Its the dream the fantasy that someone so powerful so strong would set aside their time and pay attention to him take him out in hopes of COURTING him that he fell in love with. Not ava herself. 
That being said he does like Ava and even prefer spending time with her to half of the main cast.   
Has to take Prescription drugs
Ate cat food once when she was five
Probably into pet play
Really likes collars
One time she went to some bitch in her high schools  Quinceañera to release a box of 4000 angry bees upon it and run
 Spends alot of her time watching Anime when not with the Daemos
 Her favorite Crystal Gem is Amethyst because god damn
 No where NEAR as thick as Aphmau is. She’s alot more twiggy. 
Would totally do the WEED if her dads weren’t hovering around her 24/7 
 Has a lot of Girl on girl porn in her room. Specif under her bed and in her closet.
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oliveofthenight · 4 years
Heartbroken Strangers
“Oh, come on, just shoot the stupid zombies already!”
Nobu and Mara laughed as Aaliyah struggled with the plastic gun in her hands, aiming it at the zombies that flooded her screen. “What did you say about this game earlier? Something about it being super easy to beat?” Mara questioned, a teasing grin on her face that only grew as her friend whined.
“I can take the teasing from Nobu, but not you, too! At least one of you has to- no!” She hunched over in defeat as the last of the zombies killed her and the game ended. Half-heartedly, she dumped the prop back in its holster, letting out a huff. “I only lost because you two were heckling me! That’s the only reason!”
“Whatever helps you sleep at night Ally.” Nobu shrugged with a smirk, chuckling as she stuck her tongue out at him. “So, what game are we playing next? I haven’t tried the basketball hoops in a while.”
Mara nodded absentmindedly at the suggestion, while the girl next to her frowned, though there was still a playful glint in her eyes. “Hey, you’ve met your quota of teasing me for the day. You know playing the basketball game is just an excuse to make fun of my height.” Then, she turned to Mara. “What about you, Mar-Mar? Anything catching your eye?”
She looked around, before pointing at one game in particular. “Well, the Mario-Kart one looks fun. And hey, I’m rusty, so you might have some chance at beating me.” She mused, nudging her friend in the ribs.
Aaliyah brightened up immediately. “Yes, I’ve been practicing at that one, actually. You’re both going down!” She took ahold of both of their hands, getting ready to take on the crowd with them, when her phone buzzed in her pocket. Stopping briefly to take it out and read it, her happy expression turned into annoyance. Grumbling, she shoved her phone back into her pocket before looking up at her friends. “I’ve gotta go. You know that big dinner I was telling you about? To celebrate Uncle Harry getting engaged and all? Yeah, I was hoping I could just avoid it by spending time with you both, but I got caught in the act. Mom wants me back to help finish cleaning the house. But it was nice spending time with my two favorite people for a few hours.” She smiled at them.
“It’s been fun, and I’m sure I can bust you out of your house another time,” Nobu chuckled as he started walking beside Aaliyah.
Mara settled in on the other side of her. “I know I can, your family has a soft spot for me after all,” She joked, causing Aaliyah to roll her eyes with a light grin.
“That’s because you’re too lovable not to make them soft, Mar-Mar.”
“Says the one who’s clearly more lovable than me.”
“Am not! You’re short, happy and adorable, you couldn’t be more lovable if you tried!”
“I’ve gotta say, I’m with Mara on this one,” Nobu cut in, grinning as Aaliyah laughed.
She pointed an accusatory finger at both of them. “You two are evil in your double teaming. It was a mistake to bring your two forces together today.”
The guilty party gave each other a look before Nobu spoke again. “Well, it’s too late now. We’ve formed an alliance against you, there’s nothing you can do about it.” Leaning forward, he poked her forehead before shoving his hands in his pockets. “Now get going before your parents decide to chew you out for being late.”
She groaned in response. “Yeah, yeah, I guess you’re right. You’re lucky I love you two, I would have died ages ago if I didn’t.” She wrapped each of them into a hug one at a time and both were returned just as tight. She waved one last time and hopped into her car, leaving the pair stranded awkwardly.
“Well, it was nice meeting you,” Mara stated.
“Yeah, you too…” The two stood silent for a moment, before turning to head their own way home.
Though Mara was more than a little surprised to see Nobu still by her side. “You take the subway home too, huh?”
He nodded stiffly. “I take the green line, you?”
She blinked in surprise. “Oh uh, me too actually. Are you getting off at Sue Street?”
“Yeah,” he responded. “Dang, I wonder how many times we’ve walked past each other?”
More attempts at conversation were made, about the weather, their time at the arcade, but all ended in brief and dry answers; before silence became the more favorable alternative. Though walking side by side, they looked to be more strangers than anything else.
The ride on the train was filled with more awkward silence as the two sat next to each other, faces illuminated by the screens of their phones. One pair of eyes would occasionally drift upwards, looking at the one next to them, before dropping their eyes once again. This little game continued to be played, sneakily avoiding the other one’s stare until Nobu’s phone buzzed. Mara’s eyes shifted over to his phone, he was on the messages screen. Nothing was out of the ordinary, until she saw one of his contacts. It had Aaliyah’s nickname, though beside it was also a heart. Her brows furrowed before the screen quickly faded to black.
She looked up at Nobu, who sighed and rubbed his eyes. “There’s a good explanation for that heart,” he defended, but the heaviness in his voice didn’t sound convincing.
Sitting up a little more, she turned to face him. “There always is. Admittedly, I’m not much better at hiding it.”
“Look, just because,” he started off on his ramble until he fully processed her words. “Hold on a second, you too?”
Mara looked away, hesitating before showing him the background of her home screen. Though much of the picture was covered by apps, it was a picture of Aaliyah, grinning widely with a twinkle in her eyes, a bunch of little hearts surrounding her. “She thinks it’s because we’re friends that I have this as my homescreen. Which is true, though my feelings run uh, deeper than that…” She mumbled, hurriedly turning her own phone off as nervous laughter started bubbling in her throat. “I don’t know why I’m showing you this, I literally just met you today. Oh god, please don’t tell her. I’m already trying my best to get over it-”
“Hey, take a breath. It’s fine. It wouldn’t be my place to tell her anyway.” He nudged her shoulder gently, knocking her out of her nervous state. There was a brief pause as the two listened to the train running along the rails before Nobu spoke again. “It’s been around six months for me, what about you?”
Another laugh made its way out, bittersweet in its sound. “Four years.”
The answer drew a low whistle from the boy. “That is a long time. How have you managed to keep it in for so long,” he asked, before quickly throwing in, “if you want to say.”
“It’s fine, it actually feels kind of good to talk about this,” she said, wrapping her arms around herself. “I guess fear mostly. Ally knows I’m bi, and she doesn’t judge me or treat me any different for it. But, if I told her anything of what I felt, it’d probably all change. It’s not exactly my first time having a crush on a straight girl, telling only makes things worse. It doesn’t make it much easier to keep it all in, especially when she’s my best friend. But between the two of us, you have more of a chance than I do,” she finished, playing with the hem of her sleeve.
Nobu’s face shifted into a frown. “That doesn’t mean that doesn’t suck though. I’m sorry you have to go through that.” He offered a comforting half smile that made the ends of Mara’s mouth tug upwards.
“I’m fine, really. If being friends is all I’ll ever get, then I’ll take it. I’m just glad she’s with me, even if she’ll never be able to return my feelings,” she explained, the heavy weight in her chest lifting a little just hearing herself say the words.
He nodded, looking up at the white ceiling above them. It was a good way of thinking about it. He wasn’t sure he’d even know what to do in her situation.
He snapped back to the present when he heard her question. 
“When did you know? That you fell for her, I mean.” Mara looked at him as he went deep into thought.
There were so many times he had fallen, he wasn’t sure if he could pick one. “I think… It started when she first met my moms. She just fit in so well with them, there was never an awkward pause or anything, just laughter. Then, mom sent me to the kitchen to get tea she had just made and when I came back into the room, I just got hit by this feeling. Seeing my moms teasing Aaliyah, everything felt right. Everything clicked into place like that’s how it should have always been.” He could still remember the way Aaliyah looked at him, mid laugh and her eyes shining brightly, time had slowed down in that moment. He looked over at Mara. “What about you?”
The same thoughtful look came across her face as she searched for the moment. “It was after I had a rough few weeks around freshmen year. She was trying to cheer me up, but it wasn’t really working and suddenly she just pulled me into a hug. She told me that everything was going to be okay, and that she was there for me and wasn’t ever going to leave me behind... and that struck something in me. The feeling hasn’t left since,” she admitted, catching a small smile on Nobu’s face out of the corner of her eye.
He leaned back in his chair, thumb absentmindedly running over the case of his phone. “I guess we both have some pretty good reasons to fall for her,” he stated, closing his eyes momentarily until he heard the brakes of the train screeching to a halt and the robotic voice of the monorator calling out Sue Street.
They stood up, making their way off the car and out of the subway. Their conversation continued as they walked, swapping small stories. Nobu was laughing as they reached the top of the stairs. “You can’t be serious,” he proclaimed.
“Oh, I’m one hundred percent serious. Half of Ally’s face was dyed red for an entire week, all because she didn’t want to go to school.” Mara grinned, shaking her head as she remembered it. “And guess who managed to sneak in through her window to hang out with her after she got grounded for it?”
His jaw dropped. “I’ve seen pictures of her old house though! Her bedroom was on the third floor. You’re pulling my leg, there’s no way you could do that.” He crossed his arms to further emphasise his statement.
She smirked at his disbelief. “Don’t believe me? Ask Ally yourself then. She’d call me a ninja every time I snuck in.” There was a wave of uncertainty that flashed across his face which she couldn’t help but chuckle at before she looked at her phone. It was already six forty-five. “It’s getting late and I promised dad I would get dinner started. But, I guess I’ll be seeing you around.”
“That you will. I’ll see you later ninja girl,” Nobu said with amusement flickering in his dark eyes.
Mara rolled her eyes with a grin. “If I’m a ninja girl, I’ll be seeing you first,” she called out, waving as she began walking away. He laughed at her response, waving back until she disappeared from sight.
It was a strange thing to bond over, to have fallen for the same girl.
But, it was a start.
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control [jeremy h. x squipped!reeader] pt.1
like what i do? consider buying me a coffee!
haha so i literally was on the fence abt how to do this first part before CB helped me decide ‘yeah this would work better so’ ;)
i’m gonna post this first part on it’s own since this one isn’t really heavy at all - but i’ll try to post the heavier parts w some fluffy stuff for people who need it/don’t want to read control
warnings: mainly just pain in this part. we’ll get into worse things later.
           The first day of eighth grade at a new school was stressful. You walked into your first class with shoes tied a bit too tight, backpack light, and your stomach tying itself in knots. You remembered finding your name taped into the corner of a desk, right next to a first: at the head of the list. You remembered not having friends for a while. And then you found yourself sitting behind Jeremy Heere in eighth grade physical science, and you found yourself partners with this awkward, tall, noodle-y thirteen year old for some stupid project that you actually didn’t remember. Jeremy Heere had planet stickers on his bedroom door. Jeremy Heere laughed at the same stupid jokes you did, liked the same music as you (plus more that you two got each other into), and loved video games like Spyro and Kirby. Jeremy Heere was your first friend, and then Michael Mell was your second, and the rest of eighth grade didn’t seem so tough anymore. You had friends to sit with at lunch, people to bitch about classes with, and video games to win and lose at sometimes with two pretty nerdy guys. But you didn’t mind that last part - you were fairly nerdy as well. They didn’t judge you for the little doodles you’d leave on your class notes or on your knockoff Vans or on the cuffs of your jeans - and neither did their parents, honestly. Michael’s moms accepted you like their own, treating you as if you knew Michael as long as Jeremy had. Jeremy’s parents were kind, his father soft-spoken and his mother bold and full of life even on her longest work days. You felt at home with the two of them.
          Freshman year wasn’t so daunting either - the three of you moving onto Middleborough with a lot of familiar faces. Freshman year was when the three of you went to homecoming together for about thirty minutes before ditching to go play Mario Party 7 on the GameCube that Michael Mell still had in his basement with his brother sometimes chilling in the background every so often. Freshman year was when Jeremy met Christine Canigula for the first time, saw the winter play with her in it, and immediately fell. Freshman year was when you realized how the butterflies that stayed in your stomach whenever you were near Jeremy weren’t just anxiety-fueled, but a soft sort of yearning that fluttered whenever his hand brushed your own. The end of freshman year was when things started turning rocky. The start of sophomore year is when Jeremy starting becoming distant, and in turn, that’s when Michael followed him out of your life. Hanging out started to become a happy daydream, lunch grew too quiet and a time to lose yourself in doodles and music, and your afternoons were filled with homework and no one to bitch to about it. Late sophomore year is when you heard about the divorce.
          You’d been standing next to Jeremy after school one day, a week later, stomach churning with anxiety and loose feelings that began to resurface. “I’m sorry about what happened, Jeremy.” You’d mustered up, fingers curled tightly around your bag, sleeves dipping down over your fingers. 
          He looked over to you, slouched forward and hands shoved into his pockets - a habit he’d recently picked up, as if maybe he could hide himself if he just kept trying. “Yeah.” He sort of smiled a little, “it’s... fine.” He lied. You remembered how Jeremy would badly lie: teeth slightly clenched, gaze averted, voice quiet and wavering every so slightly at the end of his words. 
          “Is there anything I can do-”
          “No.” He said, a bit blunt, before finally adding on, “it’s uh.. it’s fine, [y/n]. Thank you.”
          You watched his dad pull up, gaze distant and soft. Jeremy left your side. Fifteen minutes later, your dad’s car pulled up to the curb and you were quick to enter the car.
          Five months later, you were a junior - so close yet so far from that bit of freedom you craved. Just two more years and you’d be out of high school, and you could deal with college when that got closer. Five months later, and you were stuck with Jeremy Heere in four of your classes. In your American History class, he sat desks ahead of you, close to the door - and you’d caught yourself staring at the back of his head while your attention evaporated, and you prayed that he didn’t notice that shit because staring was creepy, fuck, you didn’t mean to stare at him. In Chemistry, he sat next to Michael at a table close to the teacher’s desk - the one in front of him preoccupied by a certain Rich Goranski and some baseball player who’s name you never bothered to remember, all because they were trouble and that was the easiest way for your teacher to keep an eye on him. In American Literature, he sat across the room, hidden behind multiple football players which gave him the perfect cover to nap behind because that was in the mornings and he was a tired little shit sometimes - something you understood a bit too personally. And then there was algebra, where you sat right next to Jeremy Heere, who always asked you for your calculator because he forgot his own. 
          You’d begun to keep your head down, your focus on anything but the people around you, and your task to keep invisible. You hardly stood out - plain clothes that were usually dark in color, hair sort of kept neat as you could keep it, and the normal shitty acne that you’d been trying to get rid of. Maybe it was the stress. You’d caught yourself picking at your nails plenty of times (and fuck, you were going to have to find out how to break the stupid habit), or keeping close to the walls and shoving your hands into your pockets, or fuck - when anxiety reared up bad enough, you’d take to biting your nails. In the eyes of the world around you, you could only assume you were written off as some emo freak or some shit - not that you’d care, frankly. You were left alone for the most part, and that’s how you enjoyed it.
          Jeremy, on the other hand, wasn’t. Something apparently turned Jeremy into more of a target than you - and to be honest, you weren’t exactly sure what it was. You’d seen Rich make shitty remarks to him, ranging from just a simple “tall-ass” to shit questioning Jeremy’s friendship with Michael being just that. Maybe one day you’d gather your courage and tell Rich to fuck off. But you weren’t a blip on the radar - not like how Jeremy was. So you told yourself it was better you stay safe for right now because Jeremy had Michael: you had no one, and you weren’t sure if putting that target on your back would leave you to survive high school. The regrets were there, sure, but at least you stayed unseen.
          At least, until around three weeks into the school year. You had this habit of going to the mall after schools just to wander - never really buying too much since you’d been saving your money from your allowance and your commissions (as sparse as they’d been) for some sweet merch you’d been eyeing up. This habit didn’t lend itself to every single day of every single week - but it had been enough to call it a habit, just because the idea of heading home alone to do nothing but drown yourself with bullshit homework assignments and commissions started to turn your stomach. You didn’t spend a long time there anyway - just sort of wandering into Spencer’s or into GameStop before leaving, maybe grabbing some pretzels or cookies or something first. One Thursday afternoon, you tore out of Spencer’s as business picked up, and as fate would have it: you stumbled right out into the familiar frame of Rich Goranski. Lucky for you, he’d been alone - about to make some comment as he studied your face. Recognition flickered. He knew you.
          Your breath caught in your throat as you flung yourself back a step, “shit - fuck, dude, I’m sorry, I should have-”
          He looked absent. “[y/n].” He said, voice quiet, processing slowly your presence before he blinked several times, as if he was coming back to life right before you. “Right?”
          You gave a slow, cautious nod. “Yeah... look, I’m sorry about-”
          “Tomorrow,” he cut you off, “after school, behind the gym. We’ll talk.”
          Anxiety squeezed your organs. “Fuck, dude-”
          “We’ll talk,” he repeated, and that pretty much solidified the thought that well, shit, you’re probably going to die.
          You nodded slowly before he walked off, muttering something softly before stealing a quick glance over his shoulder at you. And then he was gone, swinging into some store before you let out a long sigh. Okay, so - Rich was going to kill you, you decided. At least that means no chem test for you to fail? You frowned. Weak attempt to be okay with that - but... then again, when you really thought about it, Rich wouldn’t just... kill you on school grounds, right? Especially right after school?
          You swallowed hard, before heading towards the exit. Twenty-four hours. Time to see how many scenarios you can dream up.
          The entirety of Friday was swallowed up by dread and panic and everything shitty. Your heart was beating hard in your ears during your last class, and you’d been pretty damn jumpy all day - accidentally nearly throwing your calculator when Jeremy asked for it, right on cue, and then you came up with some bullshit excuse that you weren’t feeling too peachy keen, Jeremiah, but you’d definitely feel better later. He stared at you before sliding the case from your calculator, slowly turning back to Michael to continue his work. Could that have gone better? Totally. But he seemed to buy it at least - and that’s all that truly mattered in the end. Your leg bounced continuously for the entirety of lunch and throughout the remainder of your final class, anxiety screaming for some sort of release and endless leg bounce was the best way you could channel it. The moment the bell rang, you shoved your things into your bag and bolted out of the room, heading towards the gym. To your surprise, you were alone when you first arrived.
          Twenty minutes later, Rich showed up, bag hanging off of one shoulder and hands jammed into his jeans pockets. He gave you a once-over, before shrugging his bag from his shoulder, tossing it to the ground. This was it: he was gonna fucking kill you and you sort of stumbled back, wondering if you could outrun him-
          “... Jesus fucking - Relax.” He frowned, staring you down as he stretched, joints popping as he did so, “didn’t think you’d show up.”
          You nodded slowly. “Yeah. Yeah, uh, figured... you’d probably hunt me down if I didn’t - but... look, Rich, about yesterday-”
          He groaned, “god fucking-” He cut himself off there, watching as you tensed up, before letting out a heavy breath. “You...” He paused once more, studying your face, “you...” He spoke slowly, “you remember me freshman year, right?”
          You nearly said no. But you did: Rich Goranski, who sat next to you in Biology and... was actually rather quiet, speaking with a strong lisp that you weren’t sure if you remembered correctly because you’d never heard it again. Rich with the D&D dice set in a little pouch in his bag, who sorta smiled at you a little when you brought up this idea for a campaign you had but you didn’t have the players for. Nodding slowly, you finally answered him: “yeah. Biology-”
          “Then you remember how I was-”
          “Yeah? We talked about D&D a couple times-”
          “Don’t fucking bother me with that nerd shit,” he spat, “that’s not important right now.”
          You pressed your lips together for a moment, before finally speaking once more. “I... I don’t see what this has do to with yesterday-”
          “Shut up about that shit!” He snapped, and you flinched slightly and took a step back. He watched you, before he started to regain his composure. “Sorry. Habit.” Shitty habit. “Look. I thought you could use the help I got.”
          “What help? You went from being kinda nice to being a huge fucking dick-” You started before catching yourself. Anger flared up in his eyes. “Sorry-”
          “If you don’t fucking want my help, then fine-”
          “No!” You started, “no - dude, I just... what’s this help?”
          The smallest little smirk started to play at the corner of his lips, and he stood slightly straighter. “You like Jeremy, right?”
          Fuck, was it obvious? “How did you know-”
          He didn’t answer. His smirk became more apparent. Something about it was unnerving - and... Rich didn’t feel so Rich-like, as weird as it seemed. “I’ve got something that can help you with that.”
          “With... Jeremy?” You started, furrowing your brow, “look - Rich, Jeremy and I were friends-”
          “And you can be his friend again, and more, with a SQUIP.” Something about he said that made you feel uneasy. 
          But curiosity reigned supreme in the end. “A... what?”
          “A SQUIP,” he repeated, “it’s this grey, oblong pill with a supercomputer inside of it. You take it and,” he reached up, tapping the side of his head, “you don’t have to worry about shit anymore, because you’ve got it telling you all the right moves to make. You’ll be cooler or smarter or whatever the fuck you want to be! You want to fuck Heere - you can.”
          “I don’t-” You paused, cheeks growing warm, “is that... safe?”
          “It’ll help you.” He said. “Look, it’s six-hundred dollars-”
          “Six-hundred?” You parroted back, “oh, fuck, yeah sure, let me just pull out my fucking wallet with six-hundred in it right now-”
          “Are you always a sarcastic little shit?” Rich asked, stepping towards you, “give me your phone.”
          You pulled it out, unlocking it before holding it out. He opened the contact, and you could only assume he was punching his number into it. Thoughts simmered in your mind as he handed the phone back to you. Questions bubbled. You didn’t speak.
          “Text me when you get the money.” He gave you another smirk, “I know what you’re thinking but... it’s worth it. Trust me.”
          He turned, swiping up his bag in one hand before shrugging it back onto his shoulder, and left you standing there in the hot afternoon sun. Trust him. You looked down to your phone, Rich’s contact still open. You looked back up, watching him disappear into the distance, and started off towards your home. Six-hundred bucks for a pill that’ll change your life, by the sound of it. All you had to do was trust Rich. 
          You let the thought sit with you all through the rest of the afternoon, all through the half-assed attempt at homework that you’d probably finish throughout Sunday and Monday, through dinner with your parents. It wasn’t until you’d been tidying up your room that you found this old shoe-box hidden underneath your bed, and counted the cash that you’d found inside of it - seventy dollars. Why you’d hidden it away, you weren’t sure, but you remembered still having money from commissions that you’d been saving up on PayPal. Seventy as well, you were pretty sure. With your weekly allowance of fifteen dollars, that left you with over a hundred and fifty. Maybe getting six-hundred wouldn’t be too rough after all.
          So you took the leap and you trusted Rich.
          The next day, you called up as many family members as you could looking for any sort of work you could do. Your grandmother was happy to take you up on the offer, and for the next few hours you were outside doing a ton lawn work with the promise of fifty dollars fueling you forward. It wasn’t until you were sitting in her living room, ice-cold lemonade and cookies (the traditional grandma offerings, in your experience) between the two of you with conversation flying, that your phone started to ring and you were greeted with your aunts asking if you could babysit since your parents had said something about you wanting work and that they were willing to pay you forty for tonight - ten dollars an hour. Before you could question why Alexander (the oldest of their kids at age fourteen) couldn’t handle shit, you learned he’d been getting into fights and they couldn’t exactly trust him right then.
          So you thanked your grandmother for the refreshments and the money, and offered up to come help out again if she needed you within the next week before you head home to take a cold shower and head over to your aunts’ in a few hours. Time flew past quickly, and by eleven that night, you were sitting in your bedroom with ninety bucks to add to your total - and that was the moment it hit you that you should probably transfer your funds from PayPal to your bank account then instead of waiting.
          Sunday you started to clean things out, finding anything that you could sell. Thanks to trading in shit at GameStop, a lot of your old video games managed to add up to almost a hundred - only at the cost of childhood nostalgia. Counting everything up, you had roughly three-hundred and thirty dollars. This wasn’t so bad. You could handle this.
          Then came the idea of baking. That usually had a good payoff, right? Besides - you weren’t against the idea of baking at all, since it was rather therapeutic. You focused on baking cooking the entire night after dinner. You managed to rack up fifteen during the school day, fifteen more for baking shit for someone’s younger sibling’s birthday, and then twenty more from their mom for being such a nice kid and doing this on such short notice. Thursday comes and these seniors approach you after school, saying they heard you were the kid that bakes shit and asked if you wanted to come with them - and then immediately clarified they need your baking expertise for brownies, if you caught their drift.
          You did. You weren’t one for weed, but you were one for money. The girl with them drives you to one of their houses that looks a bit too fucking fancy for this kid to just be a stoner who goes to Middleborough. But you shook the thought away - you couldn’t really judge, could you? Money was money, and this wasn’t harming anyone. The three of them sat, talking you through everything while two of them pooled their money together to pay you upon your refusal of any brownies. The two come up with sixty, thanking you for being a bro and also using their vegan ingredients (which you honestly thought deserved an extra ten since vegan weed brownies weren’t your area of expertise) before the girl - Martha, you caught - drove you home.
          She asked you why you agreed. You told her you needed the money. She shoved an extra five into your hand saying that she can’t really pay much since she’s short on cash. You thanked her anyway, and immediately proceeded to do laundry the moment you got home just as a precaution because you really didn’t need to explain the smell of weed.
          Your allowance came the next day. That night you ended up texting Rich that you’ve almost got all the money, if the offer still stands. He told you he’d give you another week. The deadline surprised you, but you figured that you could maybe try to get some commissions if anyone was willing to buy. So you knocked down your prices seemingly out of nowhere, and you end up getting two takers for two full-body, full-background pieces for twenty each. You’d regret the work later. Through a mixture of art, more yard work, the selling of a couple books, you managed to withdraw what you needed with your allowance that Friday giving you the final bit you needed. You texted Rich. He told you to meet him behind the gym in an hour. You told him you’d have to sneak out. He told you it’d be worth it.
          So you trusted him.
          Picking the remainder of leaves off of your shirt, you looked up to see Rich approaching you, his truck pulled onto the grass with headlights shining behind him. His shadow stretched toward you, and soon he was standing before you, a shoe-box tucked under one arm and a Mountain Dew in his other hand. When you go to question him, he stopped you.
          “I’ll drive you home.” He said, shifting the box. You could hear rattling inside of it. “Where’s the money?”
          You reached into your sweatpants pocket, feeling the large wad of cash and for a moment, you had to wonder if this was a good idea or if Rich was just scamming you. Slowly withdrawing the money, you hold it out to him and he took it, shoving it into his own pocket. “You’re not going to count it?” You asked, watching him pop the box open.
          He looked back up at you. “Do I need to?”
          “It’s all there,” you said, “but... I just thought you’d-”
          “I trust you to not pull any shit.” He plucked a pill from the box, stepping towards you, “look. For some fucking reason, you have to take this shit with Mountain Dew. It’s going to fucking hurt for a bit but... it’s not gonna last long.”
          Cautiously, you took the pill from his hand, watching him uncap the Mountain Dew and hand it to you. You only watched him place the lid back on the box, stepping back for a moment to set it down, as he stared you down. Finally, you placed the pill on your tongue, and took a swig of the soda, the taste of mint chasing it’s way down your throat. A small smirk twitched at the corner of Rich’s mouth. Fear filled your stomach.
          “I... don’t think it-” You started, only for a sharp pain to stab through your head, “fuck-” For a moment, you thought that’d be it before the ache spread through your brain, pulsing. You let out a hiss, shutting your eyes, “shit, Rich-”
          Your legs shook underneath your weight, the pulsing threatening to knock you over, and before you knew it, Rich was there to steady you. But finally, your legs gave out, your hands flying to the sides of your head as you dug your nails into your scalp as the pain slowly increased, your breath growing more labored between the soft swears that started to spill from you. Then there was the strangest sensation of what you thought was something forcing it’s way into your brain took over. And then, all in a moment, it’s gone. You steadied yourself, looking to Rich as you were about to try to stand.
          “Was that-”
          “Wait, Rich-”
          Barely a moment later, you’d been thrown to the ground as pain spiraled throughout every single fiber of your being. It grasped you strongly, seizing you with nothing but agony as spasms ran through you involuntarily, a shriek finally escaping you before Rich pounced, a hand clasped over your mouth as he swore, trying to keep you still. Tears streamed down your cheeks as your thoughts were gone, replaced with nothing but pain and the occasional swear and something else-
          > [Y/N] [Y/L/N].
          > YOUR SQUIP.
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amariemelody · 7 years
5 Things Meme
I was tagged just this Tuesday (an eon ago) by @hobbitsaarebas for this meme. So sorry that it took so long, Hobbit, and thanks for thinking of me always! 
I tag @afro-elf, @zetsubonna, @platonicharmonics, @indi-flying-with-dragons, and @the-omniscient-narrator. Have fun if you like, loves! 
Here we go, under the readmore! :D 
5 Things You Can Find on My Blog 
Note: I don’t post very much to my Tumblr blog here, but still!
1.) Positive, uplifting, pro-black content, especially pro-black women & girls content. Hell, you can see that in my blog’s headers. Gotta take care of your people; gotta love your people. And then you start and continue to love yourself. ‘Tis vital for a healthy heart, soul, and identity. 
2.) Shippy things! Mostly Marvel! I ship the hell outta SamSteve, SamBucky, SamSteveBucky, RhodeyTony, etc. I don’t quite consider myself an active black gal Marvel blogger because of how little I post, but I do hope I post a lil something that some people like and enjoy-I know I certainly like and enjoy those things. 
3.) Links to my AO3 fics. I...don’t quite have a large fanbase. Haha...hah...hahaha...hah. -lolsobs- So as soon as I finish editing and posting to AO3, I gotta excitedly head over here to my Tumblr blog to post the good news! I only write stories about and with characters of color, especially. Feel like I’m doin’ the fandom lord’s work and I love, love, love it! 
4.) Just about anything I find hilarious.It could be yet another meme, videos, joke posts, etc. Ya’ll can usually find that under the “I iz HOWLING”, “I iz CACKLING” or even “I’m done” tags. Yep, yep! :D
5.) Correspondences with my friends. I love, love, love, love getting tagged/mentioned by them (can ya tell by me doing this? Haha!) and I strive to return the favor in kind. I love when they reblog things from me and I reblog things from them. I love hearing kind, encouraging words from them-it never fails to brighten my day. You can find a lot of this under my tag “Chitchat with friends” and “Being tagged by friends is WONDERFUL!” 
5 Things You Can Find in my Room or House
1.) Romance/erotica books. Comic books. Romance/erotica books. Graphic novel books. Romance/erotica books. African American-centered books. Romance/erotica books. Educational and classic books (ex. I love and read the shit outta Cyrano; I’ve re-read it 4 times so far.) And now I also have fucking nursing books right now because I had the brilliant, dumpster fire idea to go to nursing school. Fucking hell, Amarie. Fucking hell. What were you thinking. 
2.) My wittle Windows Surface RT tablet! I got her as a surprise Christmas gift from my friend’s family just this January! I gave her a pink screensaver (wallpaper), and so I thusly named her “Pinky”! (Her freakin’ charger had to be replaced, tho. And I gotta take her to Geek Squad ‘cause her keyboard acting up next...grrr...) 
3.) Posters! I’m a huge, huge black gal nerd and proud of it! I have 3 Spider Man posters (well, one is really a calendar from my 13th birthday party, but shush), a Sailor Moon poster, a Lego Batman movie poster, a Transformers: Bumblebee poster, a Monster High poster, a Marvel characters poster, 2 Falcon (Sam Wilson, baes) posters, and finally one Tuskegee Airmen poster!! 
4.) Makeup. Uhh...I’ve been told that I have a pwetty face shape and I’ve been told that I’m pretty good at using makeup to softly highlight my features. Uhh...I get compliments. That’s all I know. ‘M just here. 
5.) More books. 
5 Things I’ve Always Wanted to Do
1.) Travel, travel, travel! Especially wanna go to Paris, France (I’m a huge ass romantic sap). And recently, I wanna go to Disneyland and spend a whole mortgage payment and then some just to finally hug Princess Tiana. 
2.) Write at least, ehh...30 to 50 fanfictions. Wanna make a whole library for you all. 
3.) Take a ballroom dance/waltz class. I wish to whirl ‘round and ‘round the ballroom. 
4.) Play Super Mario Kart Brothers, or whatever the hell it’s called. I’ve never owned a game console (I be broke & so I’ve only ever had books and Sims on my PC), so that’ll be a novel experience for me! 
5.) More traveling. 
5 Things That Make Me Happy
1.) Thinking hopefully about the future. Honestly, it’s the main thing that keeps me going. I think about what a mostly great career I’ll have as a nurse (I’ve always wanted to go into healthcare, but never even dreamed that I’d be an RN). I think about my lil chute-chute of a car that’ll be all mine. I think about my time that’ll be all mine. 
2.) Watching cartoons, especially old ones from my childhood. Ya’ll, prolly about 98% of what I watch is literally cartoons. I’m learning not to beat myself up about that/call myself immature. Like...if that’s the worst thing I do to cope with life right now, then ain’t nobody getting hurt. 
3.) My wittle entitled white boy of a cat, Dante. Sweet baby boy has gotten me through many a hard day and night. 
4.) Music, music, music! 
5.) Reading 
5 Things On My To-Do List
1.) Finish my physical and shit for my clinical packet at school. 
2.) Pharmacology homework 
3.) Fundamentals of nursing homework 
4.) Speech class homework
5.) Clean the goddamned house 
6.) Sleep (Fuck it, we need a 6th one) 
5 Things You May Not Know About Me
1.) I have a vivid, surrealistic imagination. One of the most common complements I get on my fics is along the lines of “This was so vivid that I could picture everything so clearly! I could smell that scent, I could see them dancing!” or “You painted such bright, beautiful pictures in my head-I could see and understand everything so easily! It was like I was right there in the scene!” 
Yeah, it was just like that for me, too-I saw it like that in my head, too. I just have the ability and desire to translate that onto the page in black-and-white. So thanks a ton!
The...slight problem that this causes, tho? I can’t turn the strength of my imagination off...and so I can’t watch horror movies. I am 25-years-old and I can’t watch horror movies and I don’t think that’s going to change any time soon. It’s all just as real, just as vivid, just as valid to me and I take on the emotional tones of the movie just as easily as if I were watching Brandy’s Cinderella or Rugrats in Paris: the Movie.
I become terrified & affronted when I’m tryna listen to music on YouTube and a fucking ad comes on first for a horror movie and I smash that “Skip Ad” button as quickly as I can-lately, it’s been It and I just...ugh. Ya’ll, not everyone can handle horror movies. 
It’s not kind. It’s not good. 
2.) Umm...I wanna cuddle Bucky Barnes. Like, if I could cuddle Bucky Barnes one day, my life would be complete and I’d need no more fulfillment. Just...lemme cuddle Bucky Barnes and all will be right in my world. 
3.) I am an avid tea drinker! I especially love to drink tea when I’m working hard-be it at writing or homework! I drink plain English breakfast tea, lemon-ginger tea, Constant Comment tea, Jasmine green tea, plain green tea, English black tea, french vanilla tea, and just about every other kinda tea you can imagine! Yep, yep! 
4.) I grew up and still live in the south, but I got my parents’ northern blood. So I love, love, love, love, love and prefer the cold. You can betcha ass that I’ll get up a 5am in the morning just to go for a walk in the freezing, pre-dawn morning. It’s like a soft, soothing winter wonderland and I love it! 
5.) I am a proudly self-professed romance sap...but I couldn’t give less than a shit about sci-fi. I’m just...not a sci-fi person. At all. You gotta put some black folk up there in them stars before I think to care. 
Well, then! That was quite a long and enjoyable meme and I hope you all had fun! Thanks so much again to Hobbit and much love to one and all! :D 
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ripple-rp-blog · 7 years
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MARCIA HUMPHREY, 22                                      GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE CLASS OF ‘18
———————— “What is the point of being alive if you don’t at least try to do something remarkable?”
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Marcia Rose Humphrey was born to Juliana and Frederick Humphrey on July 17th, 1995. Bright eyed and smiley from the moment she entered the world, most parents would be ecstatic to have given birth to such a loving and caring daughter. However, Marcia’s parents didn’t seem to harbor that sort of appreciation for their child. This was evident from the moment they laid eyes on her; Marcia was supposed to save their crumbling marriage, but instead, she just seemed to make all of their problems worse.
An only child, Marcia quickly became excellent at learning how to take up the least amount of space possible. She would always clean up after herself, never ask for seconds at the dinner table, and got the best grades she possibly could, striving to be the perfect daughter. However, nothing she did seemed to be enough, so she quickly came to terms with the fact that her parents would probably never give her more attention than was necessary, and she began to find joy in artwork.
Marcia was aware that parents were supposed to love you, so for the longest time, this was what she thought love was; doing things for other people without being acknowledged for it. It wasn’t until she was first told the words “i love you” that she understood the difference between her parents “loving” her because they had to, and someone loving her because they wanted to.
In school, Marcia excelled in academic classes, but also took to art class. While the kids around her were scribbling outside the lines, Marcia’s drawings as a child were the type that, in a normal house, would be hung on the front doors of the refrigerator and kept there long after the child artist grew up. 
The need to please other people stuck with her throughout her childhood and into her teenage years. For example, if she ever noticed someone copying her test answers in middle and high school, she would angle her paper so that they could see her writing better. This meant that her kindness often got taken advantage of, but she didn’t let others’ manipulation break her spirits.
It was sitting in her sophomore photography class where Marcia was first introduced to her one true passion, photography. Somehow, this art form managed to combine her three favorite things; art, math, and other people. She became the school’s go to photographer, taking pictures at football games and dances and people would constantly ask her to take headshots and senior pictures for them ( maybe because she was good at photography, but also maybe because she would rarely charge people )
In her graduating class, Marcia was by far the most optimistic person around. Everyone knew that she always had a smile on her face, so her having big post-grad plans was no surprise to anyone. Her hard work throughout her years of school finally paid off when she was rewarded with a full ride to an art school in California. She was ready to leave, ready to finally grow a spine, ready to start a new life without worrying about pleasing other people. However, those plans were quickly derailed two weeks after her graduation.
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Marcia’s mom had always had problems with her memory. Sometimes, she would forget the name of an old classmate she had known a few days before, or would put her keys in a different spot than usual and lose track of them the next day, but Marcia and her dad never thought anything of it. But it was the fit that Marcia’s mom threw at her graduation party that changed Marcy’s opinion on her mother’s behavior. Marcia wasn’t sure what triggered it, but Juliana very publicly began to scream at Marcia and her father, calling both of them mistakes, telling her father that she should’ve left him when she had the chance and telling her that she wished Marcia was never born. It was embarrassing and heart-wrenching, and Marcia’s dad packed up his things and was gone by morning, no trace of him to be found.
Frederick thought it was just part of Juliana’s normal behavior ( the two fought fairly often, although never as serious as this fight was ), but Marcia knew it was something deeper than that. She somehow convinced her mom to go to the doctor, and after a long and emotional appointment, Marcia’s mom was diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer's. Without asking her mom what she wanted Marcia to do and without reaching out to her father to explain the situation, Marcia emailed her school and pulled out of the fall semester that night. To Marcia, there was no question. Juliana was her mom and Marcia had no choice but to take care of her.
Nowadays, Marcia has fallen into a pattern. Juliana will have good days, where Marcia can take her out of the residential facility she is in and make her a home cooked meal or take her out to see a movie. But usual, the days are hard and emotional, Juliana taking her deeply rooted anger and frustration out on her daughter. Although sometimes, it’s hard to remain positive, her tenacity and optimism continues to shine through.
Since high school, Marcia has grown a bit more confident in herself. She has switched stumbling over her words for rambling, and has begun showing her work to more people. She currently works at an a.c. Moore while doing freelance photography as often as she can. While she’s not the world’s most famous photographer ever, people tend to like her work and that is more than she could have ever asked for.
This reunion is exciting for her because she cannot wait to reconnect with the people she cared about in high school and because she wants to honor the memory of someone she truly cared about in the way he always wanted to be remembered.
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Marcia is in school! she attends Glendale Community College (mostly night classes) and is studying both journalism and photography with the hopes of one day being a photojournalist.
She would love to be a successful photojournalist and travel around the world a bunch. She loves learning new things and loves photography, so traveling and reporting via photos would be her absolute dream. She also would like to get married, have kids, etc., but in the back of her mind, she knows that all of this is second to taking care of her mother.
Marcia’s favorite candy is heart gummies, but peach o’s are a close second.
If Marcia was a crayola crayon, she’d be the color sunglow!! Not only is it yellow (a bright color that just reminds me of Marcia in the first place), but it’s also a milder yellow than some other ones out there, showing that she’s a bit more mellow than most other people.
Let me talk to you about Marcia and her boyfriend. The two of them met when they sat next to each other in English class their sixth grade year, and became fast friends. Their friendship was awkward and weird (as most middle school friendships are), but they managed to remain friends long enough for Ashton to ask Marcia out the following year. Somehow, the two of them are still together to this day. They’ve been together through awful fights, Ashton being arrested, Marcia’s mother getting sick, literally everything, and they don’t plan on separating any time soon. Each of them means the world to the other, and they are extremely dedicated to making their relationship last.
Whenever Marcia gets nervous, she has the tendency to chew things. If it gets bad enough, nothing within close proximity to her is safe. She’ll chew pencil erasers, bottle caps, the tops of pens, the ends of her hair, the inside of her cheek, her lips, the collars on her shirts, anything except for her fingernails. For some reason, she has never once chewed her fingernails and probably never will. Her hands are too important to her to be ruined, and in fact, she spends extra time cleaning under her fingernails in order to remain as presentable as she can be at all times.
Marcia plays as toad when she plays Mario Kart/Party.
 Marcia has a golden retriever puppy named Ralph!!  She just adopted him from a local shelter a few months ago because he had a respiratory infection and was going to be put down so she rescued him and gave him a loving home and now he’s feeling a lot better!! Ralph sleeps in the bed with her every night even though he has his own bed on the floor.
Marcia is a hardcore morning person. She wakes up around seven every day without trying and is just a fine of getting up and seeing the sunshine and hearing the birds chirp.
Marcia loves coloring the tips of her hair!! She’s done green, pink, purple, red, blue, and blonde. It’s an easy way for her to express her creativity, and as soon as she’s not feeling it anymore, she can just chop it off.
Marcia actually likes cleaning?? Everything in her room has to be clean before she goes to sleep at night or else she can’t  sleep, and she’ll often reorganize her closet or her drawers to calm down after a stressful day.
Marcia’s favorite date/hangout is doing escape rooms!! Not only do they let her solve puzzles and use her brain, but the aesthetics and the work put into the design of them are usually super cool. Marcia and her boyfriend currently hold the record for the fastest time at three of their hardest rooms at local escape rooms.
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My Top Ten Favorite Video Games of All Time
As of right now.
10. Madeline European Adventures (Creative Wonders, Microsoft Windows, 1996)
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Keywords: point-and-click adventure, single player
This short, cute PC game from my childhood follows young Madeline on an adventure through Europe. The game has the same sweet, unassuming art style as the books and cartoon. You help Madeline by completing simple tasks like collecting flowers and piecing together a ripped up train ticket. The simplicity and childish wonder of this game fill me with nostalgia.
9. Spaceteam (Henry Smith, Android, 2012)
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Keywords: couch co-op, multiplayer, party game
I think this might have literally been one of the official tag lines of the game, or maybe it was in the trailer or something, but I commonly introduce this game as “a game where you get to scream at your friends.” Also, chaos. The premise of the game is that you work with your friends to fly a spaceship. Each player has a unique dashboard, and some of the instructions that appear on a player’s screen will be for controls on another player’s dashboard, meaning that everyone has to yell out their commands as they get them (while also listening for instructions for their own dashboard).
The aesthetic of Spaceteam is simple and elegant. The background music is a perfect fit. I love the uniqueness of the characters in the Waiting Room. Even though your character’s appearance has no bearing on the actual game, it’s a nice aesthetic touch that seems superior to simple sprites distinguished from each other only by color or something like that. It adds that small, additional silly moment of “I’m the pink guy with the elephant trunk and pageant queen sash.” (I also love that silly moment when playing with someone new: “Is that who I’ll be in the game?” “Nope.” “Oh.”) And the opening lines (“...as a SPACETEAM!”) are so satisfying and iconic.
I love the complexity of the controls; rather than just tapping buttons, playing Spaceteam involves turning dials, moving notched sliders, and swinging broken panels back into place.
The picture sectors are by far my favorite because of how ridiculous and diverse the verbalization that people come up with are. Sometimes it’s as simple as yelling “California! CALIFORNIA!!!” over and over again, but other times it seems impossible to communicate with anything less than “Partially drained pool on a hot day! PARTIALLY DRAINED POOL ON A HOT DAY!”
Spaceteam is a simple game and not as popular as it was in its heyday, but it’s still a fun icebreaker and party game.
8. Old School RuneScape (Jagex, Microsoft Windows, 2013)
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Keywords: role-playing game (RPG), massively multiplayer online (MMO), third person
I never played RuneScape Classic, I only recently got into OSRS, and I only play free-to-play (FTP) because I’m too cheap with money to spend it on RuneScape and too cheap with time to try to generate enough in-game currency to buy membership. As I understand it, RuneScape has something of a reputation as a game of mindless grinding and meaningless achievement. This is probably somewhat deserved. There is a lot of repetitiveness in improving skills (“skilling”) in RuneScape, and it’s not really balanced by any creative aspect in the way that the gameplay in Stardew Valley is. There are quests, but I quickly ran through all of the free-to-play quests (with the exception of two that called for me to murder innocent people and therefore, to this day, lie incomplete in my quests list...). There’s also player-versus-player (PVP) combat, but besides the aforementioned aversion to murder, I don’t really stand a chance against even a mediocre player.
But there’s a lot to love about OSRS. While I initially cringed at the extremely dated aesthetic, I grew to love it. Is it ugly? Yes. Do everyone’s eyes look like unholy, black, triangular voids? Yes. But the same things that make it dated and ugly also make it visually interesting and unique.
What really redeems RuneScape for me, though, is the other players. RuneScape was the first MMO that I ever played, and I was really pleasantly surprised by how genuinely kind, helpful, and thoughtful the other players are. Veterans are eager to help out new players. Multiple people have given me super high value items or gold for little or no reason, pretty much out of the blue. One player asked me if I help other people; when I said something like, “Most of the time,” he rewarded me for my honesty with gp and told me to always be good to others. Another gave me gold for complimenting his outfit. Someone gave me a shit ton of runes because he had just won a game of hide and seek and I happened to be walking by, and another person gave me a piece of gilded armor for doing a trivial task.
Part of this, as one player who I talked to pointed out, might be that veterans like to “flex on” noobs, as the kids are saying these days. But I think that part of it is really just that RuneScape is a world of abundance, and when people prosper, they’re eager to share that prosperity with others. I really love that, and I wish that the real world was more similar.
That same conversation leads me to another important point of the social world of RuneScape: surprisingly long and deep conversations. Conversation with the players around you is a way to pass the time while skilling, but, then again, maybe playing RuneScape is an excuse for or avenue to conversation. As far as I can tell, it’s near impossible to find someone to have a pleasant, real-time chat with on the Internet. Sites like Omegle tend to be plagued with bots and horny men (although, actually, I once met someone on Omegle and we’re Tumblr mutuals to this day. So sometimes good things do happen). But everyone I’ve met on RuneScape seems happy to chat about the game and life and whatever else, and I’ve had some really interesting conversations.
7. Swapples (OMGPop, Web, c. 2006)
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Keywords: tile-matching, match 3, multiplayer, online
It’s not that Swapples, a fairly generic tile-matching game, is especially stunning. The game is cute and fun, but what I really appreciate is the OMGPop model. One of my favorite things about playing video games has always been playing with other people. Back in the day, my friends and I would drop OMGPop links in our Skype group chat to invite each other to play these silly games. I love the simplicity of that: no one has to make an account, or friend the other user, or download or buy anything, they just click the link and you’re ready to go. Sadly, OMGPop no longer exists, and I don’t know of any other site that does this.
6. Mario Party 8 (Nintendo, Wii, 2007), Mario Kart Wii (Nintendo, Wii, 2008), Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Nintendo, Wii, 2008)
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Keywords: party game, competitive, multiplayer
I grouped all of these together because they’re the three multiplayer Wii games that I would play with my brothers and friends when I was a kid. I don’t have that much to say about them except that playing games with people is fun!
I’m neither competitive nor at all skilled, but I still enjoyed Brawl for the following reasons:
1) Chaos, comebacks, and rooting for one player or another. I think “Stay out of the way and try to let the big guys beat each other up” is a pretty standard tactic, but yeah; it’s a good one. Even if you don’t win, you get to watch the match, and hey, maybe one of them will kill the other and you’ll survive slightly longer!
2) Badass female character action. It’s superficial, but hey, I loved playing the female characters in Smash: Peach kicking people in the face in her pink high heels; magic-wielding, gender-bending Zelda/Sheik; Samus turning into hot as fuck Zero Suit Samus after her Final Smash.
3) The drama of the story, perhaps exaggerated by my young brain, but a factor contributing to my liking of the game regardless. The idea of all of these different characters coming together to resist being forced to fight each other to the death is pretty romantic.
5. Undertale (Toby Fox, Microsoft Windows, 2015)
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Keywords: role-playing game (RPG), single player, third person, overhead perspective, pixel art
It took me a looong time to get around to playing Undertale. I had known about it for awhile, but I only actually decided to play it after everyone on Tumblr started freaking out about Delta Rune.
I definitely wasn’t disappointed. This game is iconic.
The tag line pretty much sums it up: “The RPG game where you don't have to destroy anyone.”
Historically, I’ve had two problems with video games:
1) Too hard. Games that are too difficult are basically unplayable, and unplayable games aren’t very fun. While I get that if you work at anything long enough, you’ll probably be able to do it eventually, I’d still rather start with an easy game and work up to more difficult ones. I don’t have years of video game experience that would have improved my reaction time and hand-eye coordination and given me a knowledge of strategy. While any game is playable with time and effort, games are most fun (at least for me) when level of player skill and level of challenge are in some kind of balance (there are those masochists who will plug away at games like Getting Over It for hours upon hours, and power to them, but I am not one of them, at least not currently).
2) Too violent. This problem is twofold and relates to the above. The first problem is my general distaste for violence, even fictional. I’d rather help someone than hurt them, if possible. The second problem is that I often get bored by combat. Again, this is partially due to the difficulty being too high; repetitively training myself to improve things like my reaction time and aim seems rather dull to me on the face of it, although I now understand a little better how it could be a welcome challenge. Other times, it seems like combat boils down to just numbers (player stats, etc.), which again, I didn’t immediately see the appeal of, although I now get how it could be intellectually stimulating to calculate and strategize.
Undertale manages to craft a unique and entertaining game without having either of the above problems or reducing the game to a more visual novel-like format.
The save points (which sport the text “...fills you with determination”) feel like a promise from the game that as long as you stay determined, you will be rewarded. I really appreciate that.
This is a fantastic game. It’s sweet, ridiculous, suspenseful, funny, creepy, tragic, and inspirational. The pixel art aesthetic is wonderful. The soundtrack is excellent. Everyone, especially people who think that they don’t like video games, should play this game.
4. Stardew Valley (ConcernedApe/Chucklefish, Microsoft Windows, 2016)
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Image: my own screenshot
Keywords: farming simulator, role-playing game (RPG), single player, online co-op, multiplayer, third person, overhead perspective, pixel art
Stardew Valley is a lovely, whimsical farming simulator/country life role-playing game that feels like home. I haven’t played any other farming sims (other than a brief stint with FarmVille, which I pretty quickly abandoned), but what seems to set it apart is the relationships that you build with the other villagers. They’re simplistic in some ways; a big part of the social dynamic follows the typical RPG format of “give person gift, now they love you,” but each villager’s likes and dislikes are (mostly) unique, and the dialogue and cut scenes help to make the relationship feel more real. You can even marry one of them and have children.
You also get to know the villagers’ schedules to some extent and get used to seeing them on holidays, which is weirdly pretty realistic. Predictability makes things easier to code, but human beings also just are predictable. We have routines. We look forward to holidays. The game can get boring, and obviously there are limitations in what you can do to affect things in the game that would not exist in real life, but it still feels pretty real and satisfying.
Co-op mode, in which one player can invite other players to work on their farm with them as farmhands (and may ultimately propose to and marry them, if they wish) feels like a weirdly accurate simulation of what it’s like to run a household together. You worry about money and talk about how much each person should be able to spend. You think about the relationships that each of you has with other people. You collaborate on furnishing and decorating choices. It feels like good practice for the future.
3. Pokémon Leaf Green (Nintendo, Game Boy Advance, 2004), Pokémon Sapphire (Nintendo, Game Boy Advance, 2003)
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Keywords: role-playing game (RPG), single player, third person, overhead perspective, chiptune
My Pokémon games were me hand-me-downs from my brothers. I’m not really sure, but I don’t think that they’re the most popular ones of the series. Regardless, I loved them. I loved caring for each of my precious Pokémon, training them to grow big and strong, and watching them improve and evolve. I caught a Ralts very early on in one of the games, which is apparently quite rare, and lovingly raised it up to a Gardevoir. As a Psychic Pokémon, Gardevoir became kind of a sign of protection and positive mental health for me, a sort of good luck charm. I had a Blaziken named Peeta, after the Hunger Games character. I tried to make sure that each of my Pokémon got time to play and didn’t have to spend eternity cooped up in my Box; this wasn’t always super compatible with my other goal to “catch ‘em all,” but the thought was there. I have such happy nostalgia associated with this game and each of its different aspects: the different biomes and weather, planting berries, the shops and Pokémon centers, the Poké flutes, the different types of Poké balls, the ancient Pokemon, the thrill of potentially catching a legendary Pokémon, the music.
2. Humongous Entertainment suite - Pajama Sam (1996-2003), Freddi Fish (1994-2013), and Putt-Putt (1992-2003)
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Image: my own screenshot
Keywords: point-and-click adventure, single player
The HE games are point-and-click adventures featuring a young boy with a silly superhero alter ego (Pajama Sam); a fish (Freddi) and her friend (Luther); and an anthropomorphic car (Putt-Putt). These exploration games fascinated me as a child, and the Pajama Sam aesthetic had a huge impact on me. “No Need to Hide When It’s Dark Outside,” in which Sam journeys through the fantastical Land of Darkness that he never knew was in his closet, is the most iconic. The game is mostly dressed in shades of purple, blue, and black, with occasional pops of bright yellow and orange thrown in. The game effortlessly tows the line between creepy and charming, with characters like two doors that come to life and act as game show hosts to test Sam before he can pass through. Beyond those two doors lies one of my favorite scenes of the game, a hallway of logic-defying doors: doors of all sizes, shapes, and colors, on the floor, walls, and ceiling. Gravity doesn’t seem to work normally in this strange, liminal space. The mines in the game, in contrast to most of the other imagery, have a lot of stark red and gold, but black border and background elements make the mines just as creepy as the rest of the game, and perhaps more menacing. Like a lot of children’s games, “No Need to Hide” also contains a lot of wacky, mismatched imagery (hot dogs as the ends of cattails, giant paintbrushes next to multi-color geysers that double as paint pots) which, in this case, can be attributed to the fact that the Land of Darkness, for all its forests, rivers, mines, and more, is still contained within Sam’s closet. The confused chaos somehow feels very representative of what the inside of a child’s mind is like.
“You Are What You Eat from Your Head to Your Feet” and “Life is Rough When You Lose Your Stuff” are similar to “No Need to Hide,” but the soundtrack improves, bringing in varying kinds of jazz music, from swing to bossa nova, as the final element tying the Pajama Sam aesthetic together.
I also have to give a nod to the first Freddi Fish game. The aesthetic of “The Case of the Missing Kelp Seeds” is similarly bizarre and wonderful. The dark and creepy junkyard guarded by an angry “dog” fish, the sketchy manta ray watch salesman, the “peanut butter and jellyfish” sandwich that you have to feed to a hostile lurking eel, the fish cabaret. It’s just really creative and aesthetically interesting.
1. Paper Mario series - Paper Mario (2001), Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door (2004), Super Paper Mario (2007)
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Keywords: role-playing game (RPG), single player, third person, player-controlled party members/allies
Paper Mario, Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door: turn-based combat
Super Paper Mario:  real-time combat, action role-playing game, side-scroller, platformer
The only Mario games that I’ve played other than the party games, I used to play these with my younger brother. We’d take turns playing and watching the other person. I love the idea of Paper Mario, and of course the characters and art style are unique, creative, iconic. We started with Super Paper Mario, and I remember that one the most vividly. In Super Paper Mario, the paper version of Mario actually has the ability to go 3D, finding secret locations and paths inaccessible to those restricted to two dimensions. Something about that is just really cool to me, and it expands on the theme of exploration of all nooks and crannies (check ceilings, look under loose bricks!) from the game’s predecessors.
So much weird stuff happens in this game (note: some spoilers ahead, obviously): seemingly cute and innocent Mimi forces Mario into slavery after he accidentally breaks a vase, then later transforms into a horrifying spider monster; Mario visits the underworld and swims in the river Styx, where long, creepy white hands grab at him; there’s an entire secret alternate version of one of the central locations, “Flipside,” called “Flopside.” This game is just wild, and I love all of the different settings and characters and how the plot progresses.
Honorable mentions/good games that didn’t make my top ten: Frog Fractions, Jackbox games (Drawful, Quiplash), Zoo Tycoon, Depression Quest, The Stanley Parable, The Beginner’s Guide, Doki Doki Literature Club, Firewatch, Donut County
So that’s my list! I’m still very new to the world of video games. There are a lot of genres that I haven’t even tried yet. I’m very open to recommendations!!!
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britesparc · 7 years
Weekend Top Ten #278
Top Ten Multiplayer Games
I am a miserable loner who, generally speaking, views games either as a way to wind down or as an interactive narrative device. Games are a puzzle, something to solve, to conquer; or they’re a story, savoured and revealed by degrees. There’s the mechanics and there’s the message and the best games – my favourite games – tend to marry the two magnificently.
What I’m saying is I don’t play a lot of multiplayer.
There are other reasons for this; I grew up an only child for nearly a decade. I was introverted and happy in my own company, sufficiently set in my ways by the time I started school that I was reluctant to have friends round too often. So as much as I read about fantastic multiplayer experiences in the pages of The One Amiga or PC Gamer, I tended to be unable to enjoy them, aside from occasional visits with my cousins. When I did dip a toe into the waters of online gaming in the late 90s, I found something else was also true: I was crap. This I knew in advance, but it was a fact reinforced when my meagre skills were pitted against hardcore gamers in matches of Quake II or Unreal Tournament. And now I am an old boring fart, with small children; and as much as I might enjoy doing a “raid” in “Destiny” or words to that effect (spoiler alert: I don’t think I would, actually) I’m always reluctant to start playing a game that I can’t pause if the nipper wakes up crying.
Also I just hate other people.
Despite all this, there’s always been a part of me that wished I could enjoy the games and experiences I’d read about; and there have been, in fact, several games which I’ve just adored in multiplayer mode. As it happens, most of these involve local play; “couch-based” multiplayer; split-screen work. I guess I just like playing with my friends. And so to the list! Here are ten games that I think are absolutely amazing when played against (or, indeed, with) another human being. My favourite multiplayer games, coming from me, someone who doesn’t really play a lot of multiplayer games. And there are games here that, in a way, represent their respective franchises; in these instances, I’ve just picked the one that I’ve played the most or had the most fun with.
Now, let’s press A to join…
Mario Kart: Double Dash!! (2003): Not the most beloved of Mario Karts, but the one I’ve played the most; first with my brother and then with my future wife. All Mario Karts are amazing, but this one holds an extra-special place in my heart.
Worms World Party (2001): Again, just happens the be the Worms I played the most, most often against my brother – but really all Worms are equal and all Worms are sublime.
Perfect Dark (2000): Controversial opinion alert: GoldenEye is a better single-player experience, but Perfect Dark rules the roost in multiplayer. Endlessly customisable, with the inspired (and – as far as I’m aware – never really replicated) “Counter Op” mode, where one of you is Joanna Dark and the other one is every bad guy in the level. Top-notch.
Lego Dimensions (2015): Another game that really just stands in for a franchise, but in a lot of ways the pinnacle of the genre. Lego games are excellent, not least because they’re fun and friendly and great for little kids. But the added bonus of Real Lego and the interactivity afforded by the portal-thing you have to build (forgive me, I have forgotten the terminology) allows more opportunity for successful cooperation or, more likely, accidental sabotage.
Quake III Arena (1999): Can’t believe we’ve gone this far before getting to an online shooter! Q3A was the first online-focused game I ever bought (and I think maybe the first one that required a 3D accelerator card, too). Lightning-fast and engineered to within an inch of its life, in a way it’s the polar opposite of Perfect Dark: nowhere near as customisable, nowhere near as many ways to play, but what’s there is just multiplayer perfection.
Halo: Reach (2010): Halo is probably, right now, my favourite multiplayer game. Unfortunately the things I like about it – the things that make it similar to Quake, basically – seem to be getting ironed out in favour of something more similar to Call of Duty, a franchise I’ve never really gotten on with, multiplayer-wise. I like Halo because I like the vehicles, the expansive levels, the bunnyhopping, energy swords, and pink lasers. I like its marriage of cartoon excess and gritty militarism. Reach is probably the online apex, Bungie going out on a high; I’ve not really played much of Halos 4 and 5 in multiplayer (although that’s more to do with having kids than the games themselves, I think).
Sensible World of Soccer (1994): How could I forget SWOS? The greatest sports game of all time! Exquisite arcade perfection when it comes to the football, but also a wealth of options and different ways to play. Creating leagues of custom teams and seeing who comes top out of Cybertron FC, Arkham United, and Hollywood Directors is always a good laugh.
Bomberman Battlefest (2010): I’m not sure which version I played the most, so I’m actually going with the most recent version I played – if for no other reason than I’m playing it at the moment (well, not literally at this moment – right now I’m typing – but you get the drift). The core gameplay is exquisite, a perfect blend of simple mechanics and frantic action, where you always know exactly what to do but get increasingly frazzled in your attempts to do it, until eventually you get increasingly blown up.
Fable III (2010): A beautiful co-op multiplayer experience, where you’re just two people going off on an adventure. The ability to enjoy the experience of the single-player game together, to hop into each other’s worlds, was fantastic. I’ve reluctantly picked part III over the otherwise superior part II because I actually married my (real) wife in-game, which was rather fantastic.
Minecraft (2011): This one’s here for my daughter, displacing the likes of Civilization (great turn-based gameplay), Command & Conquer (fun strategy), and Carcassonne (an excellent board game, but really, it’s better when you actually play the board game). Minecraft is great, obviously, but in Creator mode it’s so simple for a kid to understand, just running around interacting with the world and making great stuff. You can be there, lend a hand, or sit back and watch them get to work. Awesome stuff.
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