#i graduated hs and repeatedly did so throughout my life she just didnt want to get a job and believed her own bullshit
aviatrix-ash ยท 2 years
Probably not making any art these next few weeks, learned recently the faa decided late next month will be when they change my exams/requirements, so if I don't get these done before then I'll be tested on new plane maintenance stuff when I've spent the last 2 years learning old plane maintenance stuff. It works out for me personally tho, as it seems now, I will be doing very very old plane maintenance stuff post school.
But I can't lie when I mention they needed to update aviation maintenance curriculum. It has rarely been updated since about the 1950s. :'))
So yah, I'm like 75-80% ready for this exam, I'd have had it done sooner but I've been fighting burnout for real. Been going at this almost nonstop for over 2 years now. Had a couple 2 week breaks in between, it helped a little. I'm at the point where the burnout has been hovering so long tho it's hard to recognize it some days. But Iwould like to get this done and out the way before the sky cops screw me out of nearly 800 bucks for 2 exams I've been studying my ass off for. ((':
Plus I want that license in my hand so bad. It's a deep personal thing. I've worked even longer and harder just to get stable on my feet long enough to be able to go back to school. Just got 2 1/2 months left tho, won't be too hard, it's just getting thru it. That victory will be sweet tho, and then that's when the real fun (and more flying) begins ๐Ÿ˜Œ
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