#i got so pissed off i put my headphones in and did busy work till they left
kenmasangel · 4 years
you get shot infront of tsukishima
synopsis : you and tsukishima work as police officers and it is known that this field isn’t safe from dangers, in fact it’s one of the riskiest jobs out there. so what you tsukushim’as reaction to see his s/o getting shot right infront of his eyes?
characters : police-officer!tsukishima;  f!reader
genre : angst, fluff
warnings : injuries/blood, cursing, grammar mistakes
request : i have one AU in where y\n is a spy or work for police or something like that in which she get's shot or something like that and how the haikyuu boys react to it or more specific tsukishima or any other will be ok if you do it
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“straighten your arm, so you are sure to have a good aim,” tsukishima explains, holding your hands so he can guide you correctly.
the sound of the bullet being shot echoed in the practice room, lending on your target perfectly, “see? this is what i’m talking about,” he adds his warm breath carresing your neck. it would’ve sent shivers down your spine but you were taught to keep your composure, to have this poker face and to numb down any type of emotions; after all this was your work and you knew what you signed up for when you decided to join the police. “okay now that i got it let me do it alone,” you straightened your position and he got away from you
3 other shots, 3 other perfect lendings earning a smirk from the both of you. you turn around getting rid of the soundproof headphones, “don’t say anything,” he says before heading out of the practice room
“what? say what?” you hide your smile, now walking next to him
“you know what i mean y/n, i am not gonna tell you did a good job,” he rolls his eyes
“oh honey, i don’t need you to tell me, i know i did a good job,” he scoffs at your reply
you and tsukishima kei have been working together in the police for 9 years now
he was here before you and he didn’t miss a chance to tease trainee you every time he could
at the time you were focused and had one objective : integrate the police forces
and him butting in your buisiness everytime he could didn’t help and you weren’t afraid to twist his arm and threaten him to break his balls when no one was looking
as you finally got into the police, making yourself a name among all those cocky officers, fake peace guardians and mysoginist dickheads whose ego would get hurt easily by seeing a woman outshining them
tsk, poor things
one thing was sure is that you could always rely on tsukishima
and despite all the bickering, arguments and teasing, you couldn’t help but fall for the man who represented your pillar
of course you could count on yourself more than anyone, but kei was that breeze of fresh air that you inhaled pleasently after getting out of a suffocating room
needless to say he had also fallen for you, fallen really hard
he was known for being the brain of the team, very rare were the people who could go past his cold, inaccessible shield
to say it in another way, almost no one passed his vibe check
by now you guys were living together, everyone knew that you were a thing after you dramatically announced it once the contract’s interdiction to date was over
“omfg y’all, i made it! 4 years in the forces wohoo!” you held your glass in the air making your teammates scream back in entusiasm.
your teammates told you -lowkey forced you- to go celebrate this new chapter of your life in the police forces, it was the end of an era after all; an era that prevented you from many things because of that goddamn contract. you had alos gotten a promotion, everything was doing just great for you.
what no one knew was that you were dating tsukishima for quite a long while actually, you weren’t planning on telling everyone so soon but the events that happened that night lowkey forced you to do so.
“thanks everyone for celebrating with me tonight the beginning of a new era for me! let’s enjoy the night!” you weren’t one for emotional speeches.
everyone was drunk by then but tsukishima, of course, (mr. i am a mature man who doesn’t drink). he was watching over you, laughing at himself when he saw you fighting with your collegue about who would win a spicy ramen competition between, “i don’t care that you’re built like a whale or a blob fish, it doesn’t even matter! i would win that eating competition, i’m tiny but mighty narita-san! let’s wrestle so i can show you,”
“she really called him a blob fish,” he comments amazed at how incoherent what you said sounded. “need someone to share your thoughts with?” a feminine voice made an apparition next to him
“no,” he didn’t even bother looking at the woman next to him
“oh c’mon handsome, playing hard to get?” she gets closer to him. “just take a look at me and you’ll change your mind,” she whispered
“ew you stink, get away from me,” he pushed her off him
“you’re gonna make me sad,” she tried to get closer to him again
“and i am gonna make you feel pain, get the fuck away from him,” you appeared in front of  them, pretty pissed
she looked at you up and down, scoffed “are you his mom? leave us alone, we’re having a great time,” she tried to put her hand on his thigh but he pushed it away “most definetely not,” he answers
“i am his girlfriend, so back tf off don’t make me repeat myself,” you added getting closer to them. “you really don’t wanna mess with me,”
“is she really your girlfriend?” the glue chick insisted
before he could answer you  grabbed his arm and dramtaically pressed your lips against his making all your collegues and the people around you in that club gasp.
i mean the people who don’t know you started cheering and your collegues gasped, that glue of a girl included.tsukishima couldn’t help but smirk against your lips as he wrapped his long fingers holding the back of your neck pulling you closer, it lasted until you didn’t have any more oxygen in your lungs.
he grabbed your hand and led the both of you out of the club, “but baaaabe i till get to wrestle with blob fish-kun,” you pouted
the day after was supposed to be a weekend but you’ve been called for idk what reason
needless to say everyone was off, some remembered few snippets, some thought it was their imagination
anyway, everyone knew but no one really talked it out you know ? some type of unspoken rule or whatever but no one minded
anyway back to the present moment
you’ve been tracking for months a drug network or whatever the heck it is called
after months of intense tracking, following clues, interviewing suspects, sleepless nights and living of caffeine here you were going to finally stop the mfs
and tonight was the night
all your team was ready to catch them it was a matter of hours only
“areyou ready for tonight?” asked you tsukki handing you your coffee
“of course i am, especially after practicing my aim,” he smirks. “thanks by the way,” you add, head still down readeing your reports
“hey... hey yn,” he tris to catch his attention but you just hmm in response. “tsk, dumbass,” he flicks your forehead
“ow, what ? i am busy!” you retort. “yn i know you; you’re not busy you’re stressed, everything is gonna be fine okay? you’ve got this, we’ve got this,” he held your hand
kei was not big on affacetion, he never really showed it especially in public he was more of a sarcatic remarks and teasing type of boyfriend but it never stopped him from showing affection when it was needed, like this moment. it was also not your type to show affection or feelings as you learned how to control them; it was much needed in your job. yet it didn’t bother you when each of you got out of your way to be comfort each other
you smiled at him and peckd his lips quickely before anyone could see, “you know i love you right,” you smiled at him
“well, i’d love me too. i mean who wouldn’t after all,” you roll his eyes at his smugness
“excuse me sir, but i don’t mix up between my personal and pro life. would you please stay 6 feet away from me,” you nag at him
“so petty and for what?” you stuck your tongue as an answeryou continued checking all the reports and files before you went on the spot, everyone was getting ready by now and you were alone in the office when you received a very much unexpected call
“hello? please come help me i’m in depot 5, building 3, neighborhood koenji, in front of the subway station please hurry before they find me,” the call ended brutally
you place that person mentionned was familiar to you, of course it was where you were going to catch the heads of that network of drug trafficking. you quickely went with the procedure to report the call and the emergency to the central
“yuki please be quick we can’t let them go, i am going now tell the others to join me there and send more men,” you blurt quickely before taking your protection and gun and leaving
once you arrived there you parked the car where no one could see it
wearing your protection and your gun tightly held in your hands, you looked for a discrete entery where you could sneak inyou finally ended up getting in from the back stairs leading to the 3rd floor before taking the stairs to go to the depot basement
you tried your best not to make any noise, and when you heard some noise you quickely hid behind a broken furnitureyou mentally asked yourself if you team was going to be there soonyou heard the voice of many men, plastic and metal sounds, anyway; sounds you’d hear in a depot filled with drug dealers, ya know the drill
at some point you heard the sounds vanish and going awayyou waited a few minutes before you thought it was a good idea to come out your hiding spot
as you walked closer to their previous spot you stumbled into a metalic box that was on the floor, “who’s there?” you quickely hid behind a pillar
“i said who the fuck is there ?” the man shot in the air but you didn’t budge
“it’s rats, Mo’, let’s go,” another man added
great, just great yn you mentally scolded yourself
you decided to go wait for your collegues in the third floor since they would get there soon
as you saw the police car parking next to yours you hurried quietly to join them
“y/n you sick fuck they could’ve caught you,” tsukki hurries out of the car to see you
“shush! i couldn’t let them go, i wanted to make sure they didn’t leave,” you explained. “so they are there, all the heads are there. i couldn’t find the person who called thoough, and of course there are many bodyguards; 4 in the main entry, 2 in the back, i also heard there are some on the roof.” you explain when the others came in. “i got there through these strairs leading to the 3rd floor,” you add, everyone nodding
“okay so here’s how it’s gonna go,” starts daichi; since he is the captain of your team. he proceeds to explain how things are gonna go, the way you’re going to catch them ...ect
you, kei, and two others were teamed up together
the plan was going perfectly fine, everything was in order and it was bound to succeed
heads were being captured one by one, everyone getting neutralized
but nothing can go 100% fine, right ?
the four of you were going up to the roof so you can capture the guards there and finish the mission
you slightly opened the door and entered the opened space, before you could comprehend what was happening you a felt a horrible pain in your leg and a compilation of balls being shot in the air
“YN! yn, stay with me, don’t you dare close your eyes,” kei hurries to you after him and the two others had shot the guards and called back up
you felt him wrap his jacket around your thigh tightly, “yn baby please, everything is gonna be fine you-,” he gasps after he felt his hand getting wet after he took your head, his eyes widden seeing how bloody his hand was and as he realized you hurt your head when you fell due to the shock
“kei,” a feint smile appeared on your face before you succumbed to your succumbed and let your heavy eyes take a rest
“YN? YN? no, no, no, no, are they fucking coming?” he asked your teammates who nodded. “baby stay with me,” he squeezed you tighter before scooping you up and deciding it was better to take you down himself and not wait for the emergencies to come since he thought they were taking too long
you woke up with a horrible headache and how your muscles felt so sore, only the febril rays of the moonlight getting through the window illuminated the room. the annoying beeping of the machine next to you increased the pounding in your head
a nurse quickly came in, “hello there, how are you feeling?” you looked at her confused, finding a difficulty in letting the words slip from your dry throat, the only thing you managed to say was ‘pain’. “it’s normal,” she proceeded to ask you a bunch of questions, checking that machine and do her work
after she left you tried to remember what happened but the last thing you could remember was when you opened the door of the rooftop, hearing bullets getting shot and that’s it
“at least i’m not dead,” you sighed, going back to sleep
you woke up due to yelling in the hallway
“i told you to call me as soon as she woke up! you had one job!” you recognized your boyfriend’s voice
“sir, sir!” the nurse called him out but he opened your door and his expression softened as he saw you awake, softly smiling at him and rolling your eyes
he hurried to you, taking your hands in his softly, “i really want to hug you, but i don’t want to hurt you,” he started. he let out a shaky sigh, “ i was so scared, i didn’t want to believe i had lost you,” he burried his face in your chest, you noticed his shoulders started shaking slightly
“hey it’s fine baby, i’m here, you can’t get rid of me easily,” you started playing with his hair. “we’re gonna be old and bitter and people are gonna say how i aged like fine one and how your wrinkles are covering your grumpy face,” you chuckled
he lifted his head to look at you, “what?” you ask, your voice in a whisper
“i love you,” he said, you smiled soflty and carressed his cheek.
“i really want to kiss you but my breath stinks,” you chuckle, he rolls his eyes. “how long has it been? you ask
“week and a half, it felt like forever,” he pressed his forehead against yours, cupping your cheek
“i’m back now, right?” you smiled. “come, ow,” you tried to make somle place for him
“omg careful dumbass,” he leaned next to you and held your hand
“how are the others?” you ask, looking at your interwined fingers
“everything is alright, we got all of them we’re done with this case,” he tried to end the topic. “i’m glad,” you voiced your thoughts
“i’m glad you’re alive,” he added. “i don’t want to be away from you, i want to spend the rest of my life with you,” surprised, you looked at him with wide eyes. “love, life is short especially with our job and i don’t want to take the risk to spend one more day without you being my wife. i want to bicker with you over the dumbest things, see you tease me back when i tease you, wake up everyday next to you and your horrible bedhead, enjoy our food together and i can keep on listing what i want to live with all day long. i know this is not the best proposal ever but i’ll make it up to you,” he balbbered all of a sudden, you just kept staring at him this whole time, tears blurring your vision but you blinked them away, the situation itself was already way too emotional for you
“so, y/l/n y/n, do you want to become old, bitter and grumpy with me?” his eyes were full of hope
“i wish i could hug you right now,” you started. “but yes, i want to!”
he cupped your cheek and kissed you deeply, he still tried not to hurt you
“but you are the one with the horrible bedhead,” you pulled away
“right, you’re the one with the stinky breath,” he teased you
“hey, are you crying? i should be the one crying,” you noticed his glossy eyes
“what are you talking about, it’s allergies, tsk,” he flicked your forehead, you winced in pain and hid your face, over exaggerating, making him worried. “didi hurt you? omg baby i’m so sorry love, i didn’t mean into, should i call the doctor?”
you finally showed your face and stuck your tongue out, “dumbass,” he smiled.
he cupped your face and pulled you into another kiss
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theonlygamergost · 4 years
Gestures are louder than words - Fd!au
This fanfiction is based on the Family Dynamic au made by @antarctic-bay if you would like to know more, go check them out!!!
Also please bear in mind that the things written in this might not be canon!
Of course, this fic was grammatically corrected by the amazing @im-default
To get a better context, read this first, if you don't want to, have a quick summary :)
Tommy comes back home in a very bad mood, Wilbur and Phil are concerned but end up making the situation worse, but Techno knows how to make Tommy talk : ASL (American sign language.
Warnings! Bullying, repressed anger, yelling, angst, hoo boy angst, crying, angst with a good ending, fluff and brother bonding moment :)
(The cursive and bold words are meant to be when they speak in gestures)
“Ah, welcome back Tommy!” The inviting smell coming from whatever Phil was cooking welcomed him in just like his brother, both of which reminded him of his oopsie: He arrived home late.
Well… Phil did end his shift early, but arriving home after him for all of the brothers meant “they stayed out too late” since he always arrived home deep into the night.
“T-thanks...” Tommy sighed, Wilbur was on the counter, too absorbed into his algebra problems to notice him. Techno was nowhere to be seen but he wasn’t surprised, his door was closed so…you could imagine where he was, hint: when he wasn’t home his room’s door was open.
Closing himself in his room, he allowed his back to slide down the door until he sat on the floor, bringing his knees to his chest and squeezing them tight.
He wasn’t sad, he wasn’t crying, he was simply angry, hoo boy he was angry.
Taking a deep breath, he got up and sat at his desk, grabbing a notebook out of his backpack.
“You go around with a plushie? Pff, what a child…” Tubbo reached out for his bee plushie “Give me Spins back!”, needlessly since another bully pushed him on the ground.
“Aw~ the doggy wants his toy?”
“Give. It. Back.” Tommy appeared behind the bullies, shoving one of them onto the ground.
“Oh my… the Ally of Justice, The Protector of the Weak!” one mocked him.
As a punch was about to hit the bully’s face, a teacher arrived and stopped both of them, blaming it more on Tommy than the real bully, sending them both home.
The music from his headphones brought him back to reality, scribbling down words for his English homework, god he was pissed.
How dare they bully Tubbo! And for his plushie Spins! Of course, he had already made a plan on how to get back at them, no one messes with his best friend without paying for it, yet he still couldn’t see that situation as a win for the bullies.
The teacher always saw him as the one at fault, he was the “Black Sheep” of the Pandel brothers, the disgrace of the fami-
A knock interrupted his train of thoughts, “Dinner is ready! Come wash your hands, you gremlin” came from behind the door, a distant “That’s kinda mean Will” accompanied it.
He sat at the table, one of the chairs was empty: Techno was missing, but what’s new? It was his habit to skip dinner, Tommy wondered if he would have skipped tonight’s one too.
“Techno! Food’s ready, come eat!” Phil half-shouted while serving the food, all of them stood quietly waiting for the response.
“Techno?” Phil took off the potholders and peeked into his room, a muffled “Kinda busy right now, I’ll come at the table in a minute” came his response.
Phil’s cuisine had always been better than restaurant’s in Tommy’s eyes, and the omelette with bacon and cheese he had prepared today was just like everything else he cooked: amazing.
Tommy once asked Phil where he had learned how to cook so well, his response was a simple “Mom and dad were both very good at cooking, you’d also be surprised how much you can learn from watching videos” kinda cliche, but fair enough.
“How was your day at school boys?” Phil asked after swallowing down a bite, Tommy gestured at Will to go first.
“All and all, my day went pretty well. Had a test but it was quite easy, Nikki and I also went to a bar and chatted ‘till it was time to go back, pretty chill day.” Wilbur nodded at his own thoughts and drank some water, then both of them looked at Tommy.
“What” He stared back, eyes flickering between the two brothers.
“So? How was your day?” Will encouraged him to talk, Tommy rolled his eyes. “Nothin’ special” he started, ”The history teacher scolded me for chewing a gum in class and…” after a deep breath and a couple of thoughts processed, “N-nothing else happened.” he decided to stay quiet. He couldn’t be bothered to explain the whole thing to them, especially since Phil could scold him for punching that dick-bag in the face, that would just put him in an even worse mood.
But of course, his brothers wouldn’t let that slide.
“Are you sure that’s all it happened? You don’t look like someone who had a “Nothing special” kinda day.” Will had always been curious, maybe too curious at times, Phil also nodded: They weren’t blind, they could see that Tommy wasn’t in a good mood.
“Oh come on Will, I was the one who lived my day, I’m telling you, nothing special happened!” Techno emerged from his room and grabbed a plate, no one really noticed him though. Tommy shoved a bite in his mouth to avoid saying more than he should.
“I know we are being kinda pushy Tommy but-” “Yes!!! You are being very pushy Phil!!!” At this point, he couldn’t hold it in, he wasn’t mad at them… but the rage he had suppressed before to avoid making a scene at school had to get out somehow.
“We are just worried about you Tommy! Show some appreciation!” Will stood up for Phil: the brothers didn’t like it when someone yelled at or didn’t treat their older brother well, many times Tommy had done what Wilbur was doing, but his mind wasn’t calm enough to think right now.
“Oh?! Worried?! For me?! If you would really be worried you would just LEAVE ME BE!!!” He turned around and slammed as hard as he could the door shut, the noise echoed through the Pandel house, then silence.
Tommy took his pillow and started punching it, letting the anger and tension out, after a couple of swings, he threw it to the other side of the room.
The rest of the Pandel brothers ate in silence, each of them absorbed into their own thoughts about the same topic: Tommy.
“So…Who is gonna go talk to him?” Wilbur broke the silence. “It’s better if no one goes talk to him right now, you heard him, he wants to be left alone.” Will looked at Phil “But we can’t leave him in that state! We have to-!” the older one finished his sentence “Help him, I know, but talking to him now will only make things worse, so let’s wait until he comes out” He stood up and grabbed Tommy’s plate, Phil moved what he left into a small container. “And if someone should talk to him” He opened the fridge, “It should be Techno, he has more chances of talking to him without an immediate rejection” Wilbur stared at the food in his plate in defeat, Techno simply nodded and ate the last bite of omelette: He even might have an idea on how to approach him.
Tommy left his room as Techno entered his, to put up his plan he had to stay in the living room, so that’s what he was going to do.
He grabbed what he needed to study and sat at the very end of the counter, immediately focusing on the textbook in front of him.
After Tommy looked at Techno weird since he rarely studied in the living room, he opened the fridge and grabbed a glass, filled it with milk, and went back to the sofa where he had dropped off his switch, sitting down and plugging in the earphones, he started playing “Breath of the Wild”. Tubbo had already finished it and Tommy wanted to try it out, being too broke to buy it, Tubbo lent his out of pity.
“Techno can you help me with this?” Will approached the counter with his textbook in hand, the pen in the other hand was busy scratching his head “I keep getting the wrong result and I don’t know-”
“No” He replied without taking his eyes off of his textbook, “Awww come on! I need to do this for tomorrow!” Techno sighed and patted the seat next to his, closing his homework to make room for Wilbur’s.
Almost an hour had passed and Techno had both helped Wilbur, who was now doing other work next to him and had finished his own stuff, he stretched his arms and back gaining a smile from Phil who was also working on his old pc.
After pouring a glass of milk for the rest of the brothers, including himself, he drank it all down and flopped on the sofa right in front of Tommy, who looked up to see why the seat had moved and then went back to his game.
Techno sat in a more comfortable position and started to tap on Tommy’s leg with his foot to grab his attention.
At first, all he got was some annoyed sounds, then his legs were pushing him away, and finally, he got his attention.
“What?!” He barked, eyes fixed on his smirking face. For any other person, Techno simply started waving his hands around while mouthing words, but for Tommy that was way more, that was Sign language.
What are you doing? Tommy rolled his eyes and placed his Switch on his lap, I don’t want to talk right now, Techno snickered, As if you have a choice. The younger one sighed.
At the start of the year, Tommy wasn’t doing so good with grades, his problem was that he couldn’t remember anything no matter how hard he tried. Yet Techno had noticed how he could remember fighting moves (taught to him by Deo) and other stuff pretty easily, his solution? Sign language.
The sentences were very short to gesture and way easier to remember, like that, Tommy’s grades went up in no time.
As a consequence, Techno and Tommy were the only one in the house that knew how to talk in ASl (American Sign Language), so of course, they used it to share secrets or just to annoy Wilbur since he couldn’t understand.
They also used it to talk in the cafeteria to either insult each other without getting scolded or to have a normal conversation. It was their own special way of communicating and bonding over stuff.
I know that Will and Phil bothered you about your mood, but you seriously need to let it out, his body got stiff as a self-defence mechanism, Unless you want to become a ticking time-bomb and explode near someone you care about... again.
Tommy’s eyes widened at the flashback of him shouting at Deo for something he hadn’t done came back, he was so mad he insulted his dear friend heavily, it took him an entire week to make the guilt go away and another two weeks to muster up the courage he needed to talk to him again. Deo forgave him but… to this day, Tommy still hadn’t forgiven himself.
After a minute of zoning out, he started gesturing and mouthing again:
Two students started making fun of Tubbo and I intervened, I punched one of them but… Techno’s arms were crossed as he was reading what Tommy was saying, Let me guess Wilbur looked up from his textbook and saw Techno gesturing, he wanted to yell at them to use their voices so bad… but he had to endure it this time… for Tommy’s sake.
A teacher walked in just as you punched him, blamed it on you, and sent you both home? Tommy looked at the console in his lap and slowly nodded, Techno sighed and patted the empty space next to him, smiling at the blonde boy.
Tommy crawled to the spot and hugged Techno, who just embraced him tightly while caressing his back in comfort, and the bomb, slowly defused itself: Tommy started sobbing, letting his emotions out.
“I’ll help you avenge him tomorrow” Techno whispered just before grabbing a blanket and wrapping it around the both of them, “We’ll make them pay, I promise Tommy” Tommy nodded and got even closer to Techno.
A shaky “T-thank you…” was all that came out of Tommy’s mouth before more sobs took over.
Will, who saw the whole scene, shook Phils arm lightly, pointing at the younger brothers.
He smiled at them and looked back at Wilbur, who leaned to whisper in his ear “Let them be” to then pat his shoulder.
Wilbur looked back at Techno and Tommy and smiled too.  
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tendousthoughts · 4 years
Different Type of Love
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Y/N or Ship(s): Y/N (Y/N x Kageyama)
Genre: Angst with a fluff ending
Warning(s): Foul language (cursing)
Summary: He gets too personal with his attacks, and I guess I’m just too emotional but I don’t know who wouldn’t be hurt. I get it I am a fucking idiot, to much of a crybaby. I get that I’m not what you want.
A/N: I am not a Kageyama lover, but I can imagine him just getting so mad at me to the point he says something he will regret. This is a huge angst. Serotonin by girl in red is stuck in my head lmao plz help. Please feel free to reblog! Sorry for the grammatical and spelling errors!
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Welcome Back
He walks in and his anger is radiating off of him.
“Hey baby I-” He walked right past you. Like you were invisible to him. Without even a word.
I wonder what happened ~ y/n
You take a breath and follow after. Finding him in the room you guys share changing into some comfier clothes. As he finishes and sits on the bed playing with his phone, you slowly walk up sitting next to him. He moves a bit farther from you and you take the queue to move back a bit.
“Y/n, what do you need?” He spoke with annoyance.
“Uh,” You sit there dumbfounded. It was the first time in months that he had called you that. “Are you free for dinner?”
“Maybe. Can you leave me alone now?” He spoke not even sparing you a glance.
“Ya um talk to you later I guess,” you grab your stuff heading to the spare bedroom feeling like shit already. Not having any idea what had got him so annoyed.
Did I do something? Why is he so annoyed? ~ y/n
You cuddle up in the bed wearing his jacket. It smelled just like him, for some weird reason it just made you more uncomfortable. Maybe because it was just a remembrance of how you're just an annoyance to the real person. That you had to go to his things for comfort, not even him could deal with you. You took it off, placing it on the desk next to the bed. You grab your phone and headphones next to it. You plopped them in and tried to relax. He didn’t even say anything mean. It was just the tone, hurt, if that made sense.
You wake up to a presence around you. Turning around you see Kageyama behind you. He has his arms wrapped around you and his face in his hair. You smile a bit. So maybe it wasn’t you, maybe you were at the wrong place in the wrong time. You smile softly as you feel so warm and comfy your blushing. Then you wake up, for real this time. The bed is empty. Just that jacket, and you.
You walk into the room he was in. There he was sleeping, like there wasn’t a care in the world. It was five. You had set up a date at six, but he just looked tired. So you decide not to wake him. You smile softly getting ready. Grabbing your keys, you call up Tsukishima, your ex. You don’t know why, but you just want to check up on him. You guys are still close.
“Hey y/n? What’s up?” He states.
“Just wondering if you and Yams want to go for dinner, on me?” You state, hopeful.
“Uh, let me see,” Tsukishima got quiet for a second before returning, “Ya that seems fine send me the location we will be there soon.”
“Oh ya of course!” You smile with excitement. “Thanks..” your voice kinda dies from the excitement.
“You good?” He knows you too well, just like an older brother.
“Kinda, just Kags got kinda annoyed today about something and he doesn’t wanna talk. But, it is all good see you soon!” You smile getting in the car and buckle up.
“Ya. Don’t let him get to you, you're better than that. Bye see you soon,” he chuckles and he hangs up. You sent the location, putting your phone in silent, and went to the restaurant.
You talk to the worker and they switch it to three people. Five minutes later they arrive and you are shown to your seats. “Yamaguchi you’re looking really nice you got to send me that skin care routine,” you laugh a bit.
“Ya I will for sure, it really helped me.” He smiles a bit. Grabbing one of the menus, “You don’t have to pay I’m fine paying.” He smiles a bit.
“Oh um you sure I want to pay,” you smile.
“Oh, I guess you can then but if you don’t feel comfortable with it tell me okay?” He smiles. Tsukishima is lucky he ended up with such a nice guy.
“Ya of course,” you look over at Tsukishima. He is looking through the menu.
He looks up a bit, “thank you for dinner, and inviting us otherwise we would still be in our house basically doing nothing.”
“It is nothing, I just wanted some company and you guys are always fun to hangout with,” you whisper softly looking at the menu. If Kageyama wasn’t so busy maybe you could be with him right now.
You guys order, then get the food, eat, make jokes and just hang out. You feel needed something you haven’t felt in a while, being with Kageyama.
“So Yamaguchi, how is Tsukishima treating you? I’ll beat him up if he is treating you anything worse then as if you are a king!” You joke.
“No need he is treating me perfectly, how about Kageyama?” He is looking at you with a smile.
“Okay I guess,” you mumble trying to avoid the conversation you mention ice cream, you don’t want this to end, you don’t want to have to go home.
“Oh ya that will be on us though!” Yamaguchi smiles softly.
“Okay I guess, you guys pick the place and I will pay up in the front,” you walk up and a good looking male is at the register.
“Um, can I please pay for the dinner now?” You smile softly.
“Sure, um by any chance can I get your phone number?” He smiles a bit as he rings up the price. You blush, not thinking you automatically say no.
“He’s cute,” Yamaguchi chuckles as he sees you blushing.
“Yams..” Tsukishima mumbles softly.
“Oh but my Tsuki is the cutest isn’t he?” Yamaguchi smiles at Tsukishima’s blush.
You smile, getting ice cream with them and then heading back.
Here we go, brace yourself ~ y/n
As you unlock the door there he is as soon as you walk in. You have your headphones ready, you can’t handle screaming today.
“Where the hell have you been?” Kageyama takes note of your outfit.
You do what he did to you this morning, walk right past him.
“HEY! I AM TALKING TO YOU!” He follows. You start to change and get into comfy clothes then head to the spare room not ready for his bull shit.
“AYE STUPID,” He screams clearly pissed and you can’t tell why. He did the same thing and now he wants to be annoyed. “FUCKING IDIOT OVER HERE! CAN YOU STOP BEING SO IMMATURE. JUST TELL ME WHERE YOU WENT!” You stay silent. “GOD FUCKING DAMN IT, I WISH I GOT A BETTER PARTNER!”
“What?” You mutter out playing with your phone.
“What do you mean what?” He looks at you with pure disgust.
“What do you want from me?” You mutter, “J-just leave me then” you voice cracks as tears flood your eyes. “You come home and you're pissed for god knows what reason then you take it out on me. YOU tell me to leave you alone and I do. I was hungry, so I asked some people if they wanted to go for dinner. UNLIKE YOU they actually want my company,” you can’t even look at him. “You push me away and when I do the same thing to you, I messed up huh? YOU asked for space. FUCKING 50 calls! YOU called me 50 times! YOU asked for space!”
It finally hit him how much he has been hurting you. He runs up to you and just doesn’t know what to do. “I didn’t me-”
“You think I don’t think you didn’t mean to? I know you, unlike how you don’t know anything about me. You always like to pretend to be the best boyfriend when anyone is around. Whenever I need you, that just switches.” You can’t help the words spilling out. “I feel so lonely...”
He looks at you and tears are slipping. “Y/n, I really love you please I am sorry. Please don’t break up with me. I am sorry. Today was tough and I shouldn’t have done that. I know, I suck I know but please... I will be better.” You look at him, he looks like a mess. “I was worried, got up and you weren’t there. Then you weren’t answering and I thought you left and then I saw you all dressed up when you came home and I just flipped out. I shouldn’t have.” He began to panic and you could tell. He began breathing heavy. This only happened one other time, he was having a panic attack and it seemed like he might have had one earlier due to what he was saying. “It’s hard to breath.”
“Babe..” You pulled him to the bed and held him tight. “It is going to be okay, take a deep breath with me on the count of three, one, two three, breath,” you repeat till he is calm.
He is still crying holding on to you tight just repeating, “I’m sorry” uncontrollably. You hold him till he falls asleep. Maybe he wasn’t the best but he does truly love you it seems. Maybe he is just bad at showing it. You could work with that. No. You guys could work with that.
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n-ctarinenga · 4 years
Rose Coloured Boy [ luke hemmings ]
surfer!luke au | pt.2 [ read first ]| word count: 4,914 | masterlist
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From the moment you opened your eyes, you knew something about the day was off.
It had been a couple days since you spent the night at Luke’s, Calum’s ‘special friend’ having not returned after your little message through his bedroom door.
You felt bad, but Calum assured you that everything was okay, her just being a bit embarrassed about the previous evenings. You did your best to believe him, but also made a mental note to be extra nice to her when Calum brought her to Michael’s dinner.
The lingering feeling that you had done something mean was definitely one of the things bothering you, but for the life of you, you couldn’t figure out why your mood was so up and down, nothing else obviously annoying you or giving you reason to think the day was gonna be bad.
That is, until you rolled out of bed and the bullshittery began.
It started with smaller things, not being able to find your favorite lipstick, misplacing your keys on the coffee table in the living room instead of on their usual hook beside the door, Calum having took the last of your jello cups before leaving for work himself, annoying things, but still, small annoying things.
Jumping out of the shower, you braid your hair over your shoulder to keep it out of the way, pulling your underwear, jeans and work shirt on before applying a small amount of make up to make you feel like you’d put in at least some effort for the day.
The second you walk out of the door with your bag over your shoulder, you feel like you should turn around and walk back inside again. The freak heatwave that showed up the day before doing nothing to make you happier as it felt like you instantly started sweating when you stepped out of your air conditioned apartment.
Plugging your headphones into your phone, forgetting to charge your airpods the night before, your usual casual steps today looked like an assault on the earth, your grumbling obvious to anyone who had crossed your path on the walk to work.
You expected the cool air of the cafe to make you feel better, but as you walked in and saw Ali behind the counter, you knew something was wrong.
Frowning as you walk behind the counter, you gently place a hand on her forearm as she rests on a stool beside the till.
“Everything okay hun?” You ask quietly, knowing her long enough to know that the sunny smile she shot to the customers wasn’t as full as you knew it to be.
“Not entirely.” She confesses, keeping an eye on a couple women in the corner to make sure they weren’t listening in, “this morning I got a call from my mom. Things aren't doing well with my brother and his ex wife, and it looks like the drama is finally on our doorstep." She spits bitterly. 
You'd been well aware of the situation Ali was talking about, having been her confidant for the last few months as the strenuous process of divorce meant her older brother was now living at home with their mom again, bringing his troubles with him. 
Sighing, you hug Ali and rest your head on her shoulder, letting her know you’re there for her. “You just say the word and I'll call Mali or Kaykay in to come help. I know how important your family is to you.” You tell her as you pull back.
This makes her smile, and you offer her a friendly grin as you pat her back before walking out the back to put your bag down. As you place your keys into your bag and hang it on the wall, you take a deep breath. What was bothering you obviously wasn’t serious if you couldn’t even figure out what it was, and at least you didn’t have to deal with the situation Ali did.
That is, until her brother's ex wife walked through the door before the lunch time rush. A few people were already trickling in, and as you saw her pass the shop window, you shot a look at Ali, nodding your head towards out the back in your silent way of telling her you’d deal with it this time.
You were nice to all the customers, for Mali's sake, but you couldn't find it in you to be nice to the woman in front of you after hearing all the pain she'd caused your friend's family.
You take her order and put it on the board while you finish up making a coffee for the customer before her, and call out their order and name as you place the coffee down on the bar beside the counter. 
Turning around to make her coffee, you hear someone calling for your attention as you put the next lot of coffee in to brew. 
Seeing her standing there as you turn around, you frown as she holds the cup you just placed down. 
"I ordered a latte with two sugars. This coffee is black." She says with disgust in her voice, and you fight the urge to cross your arms in front of you. 
"That's because it isn't your coffee, it's that gentleman's." You signal to the man standing off to the side, a regular who was obviously annoyed. 
"I didn't order black coffee and you gave me black coffee." She protests, to what you don't have a clue. 
"I haven't made your order yet, and that drink isn't yours, it's his. You weren't meant to get that one." You explain more slowly, hoping to get through to her. 
She rolls her eyes, pushing the cup over to your side of the bar. "Just make it again and get it right this time." 
You grit your teeth, your annoyance turning quickly towards being pissed off, and do your best to bite your tongue as you turn around, remaking the man's coffee instead of hers first, handing it to him with an apology, which he accepts with a sympathetic smile. 
You make her drink as quick as possible, quality not at the front of your mind as you throw the lid on and put it on the coffee bar, calling her order and name out like any other order and praying she finally leaves the cafe. 
As she does, Ali returns from out the back, thanking you and running the till while you get busy making the coffees for all the backed up lunch orders you now had. 
It's only around an hour before closing time that Ali gets a call from her mother, letting her know she needs to come home as soon as possible. 
Seeing the worry on her face, you push back your own frustrations of the day and tell her you'll close early, you still owing her for closing on her own a couple days prior. 
She gives you a big hug before she leaves, which helps your mood slightly as you remind yourself you only have a few customers to handle before you could go home. 
You manage to survive the last hour before spinning over the sign on the door, breathing a sigh of relief as you do. You take some extra time to clean up, sweeping up and wiping down the counters ready for the clean up and baking crews that would be in during the early hours to make all the food for the day. 
Your body ached and protested against the heat as you slid the roller door down in front of the glass front of the cafe, your back straining slightly as you bend down to lock it closed. 
The walk home sees you stomping most of the way back, but not with as much gusto as your walk in this morning. You could feel the fatigue of the day clinging onto every fiber of your being, the heat only amplifying your discomfort. 
Breathing a sigh of relief as you walk into your apartment, closing the door behind you, you smile slightly as you see Calum in the kitchen, a set of tongs in his hand as the smell of honey and soy marinated chicken wafted over to you. 
"You're a sight for sore eyes." You groan happily as you make your way over to the kitchen, dropping your bag on the way and wrapping your arms around his shoulders.
You feel him laugh as you hug him, him patting your arm with his free hand as he turns what you now see as chicken kebabs in a frypan. 
"Rough day huh?" He asks. You just nod, letting go of him and leaning against the counter. 
"Go have a shower and relax a bit. These are still gonna take a while." He instructs, and you just throw out a salute to him as you walk towards the hallway, picking your bag up on the way and dropping it inside your bedroom door instead. 
You take a quick shower, annoyed to find you'd run out of shampoo, but happy to wash the sweat and grime of the day off your skin, wrapping a towel around yourself before making the short trip across the hallway from the bathroom to your bedroom. 
Taking note of the clothes sitting on the end of your bed, you realise Calum must have washed and dried the load of clothes you'd had sitting on your desk chair, and you thank your lucky stars for Calum Thomas Hood. 
You grab some underwear out of your dresser and pull it on, going through the pile and pulling out a pair of biker shorts you'd brought to be trendy, but ended up just wearing around the house, and frowned as your search for a shirt stalled as a bright yellow design on black fabric caught your eye. 
Pulling it out of the pile, you realize with slight horror that Calum had scooped up the shirt you were still yet to return to Luke as he grabbed the clothes from your chair. 
After waking up in his arms the morning after you stayed with him, your head was in too much of a spin to realise you were shoving his t-shirt into your bag as you got dressed for work, ending up bringing it with you to the cafe before finally realising where it was when you got home. Secretly, you had been wearing it to bed the last two nights as well, the smell of salt water and Luke's cologne helping you drift to sleep better than any white noise machine ever did. 
Pulling the shirt up to your face, tears spring to your eyes as you only smell laundry powder on the fabric, the calming smell that helped instantly ease you washed away. 
Truly feeling the meaning of "the straw that broke the camel's back", you feel every ounce of frustration and annoyance hit you at once, a choked sob coming out of your mouth as you let yourself sink to the floor, leaning your back up against your bed as the tears of frustration overwhelm you. 
You're not sure how long you sit there, but obviously it's long enough because sooner or later, Calum knocks on your door, opening it slowly when you don't respond. 
"Y/n….. Y/n/n dinner is ready." He calls, before stepping inside your room and seeing you sitting on the floor.
The sight in front of him is heartbreaking to him, knowing you for so long and knowing how much it took for you to get to this point. His eyebrows knitted in concern, he crouches down beside you, placing a supportive hand on your shoulder.
"Really, really rough day?" He asks, repeating his question from before. You do your best to answer him, but with your throat raw from the sobs that wracked your body, you settle for a nod instead. 
Calum sighs, not really knowing what to do. It was rare you ever got to this state, so he didn’t have much experience when it came to knowing how to cheer you up or pull you out of your feelings.
You dry your tears with the sleeve of a shirt you pull from your bed, not really caring about the tear stains soaking into the fabric as Calum puts a supportive hand on your knee. 
“I’m sorry you’re feeling like this. Do you wanna talk about it? Come out and have dinner?” He asks, and you shrug lightly.
“I’m sorry, I just wanna go to bed.” You say, quietly and tiredly. “Can you put my dinner in the fridge for me please?” You ask.
Calum nods, patting your knee before standing up again.
“You call me if you need anything, okay?” He asks, and you nod. He walks out, quietly shutting the door behind him and leaving you alone again to work through what you needed to.
Taking a deep breath, you pull yourself up, throwing back your blankets and crawling into the cocoon of your bed. You can already feel the tears soaking your pillow as you stare at the wall, matching glow in the dark stars covering it much like the ones you helped Luke put up in his bedroom.
Unknown to you, Calum hadn't moved from outside your door, worry weighing on his shoulders for easily one of his bestest friends.
He wracked his brain trying to think of what he could do. He needed help to help you. 
Taking his phone out of his pocket as he walks down the hallway back to the kitchen, Calum scrolls through his contact list, trying to figure out who to call. 
His mom? She'd have good advice, but you were a private person who probably wouldn't want your roommates mom knowing all your issues. Mali? Another good option, but also your boss. 
Calum scrolled through his phone with a frown until his eyes caught the name of the perfect person for the situation. 
Hitting call, it only takes two rings before Luke picks up his phone. 
"Gday, how's it going?" Luke answers, and Calum lets out a sigh of relief. 
"Uh, not good mate. Do you have a minute?" 
"Yeah, of course. What's wrong?" Luke asks, worry evidently growing in his voice. 
Calum quickly glances down the hall to make sure your door is still shut, lowing his tone so he's sure you couldn't hear him. 
"I went into y/n's room a minute ago to tell her dinner was ready, but when I walked in she was crying her eyes out. I know she had a rough day and I asked her if she wanted to talk, but she isn't even coming out of her room for dinner." He explains. 
On the other end of the line, Luke feels his heart drop, worry washing over him as the image Calum described made his chest ache. 
Before even thinking about it, Luke is getting off his couch, grabbing his hoodie, wallet and keys before walking out the door. 
"I'm on my way over. Thanks for calling me mate." Luke assures Calum, still on the phone with him as he locks his door behind him. 
Calum sighs in relief, both men saying their goodbyes before hanging up. 
As instructed, Calum puts your food away in the fridge, settling down in the living room for his own dinner with his girlfriend on facetime, feeling a lot better knowing Luke was on his way. 
While you and Calum were close, Calum knew that there was something on a completely different level between you and Luke. Beyond the mutual feelings you were both oblivious to, there was also an unspoken connection you two shared that people around you could pick out from a mile away, Luke and yourself joking more than once that you were actually soul mates.
Sometimes, it was hard not to believe. 
Luke is convinced he hasn't skated so fast in his life as he stands outside your apartment door, breath coming in short bursts as he texts Calum to let him in. 
Inside, Calum sees the text notification at the top of his screen, excusing himself from his girlfriend and his food to jog to the door, opening it with a smile and pulling Luke into a quick hug before pulling back. 
"She's still in her room." Calum lets him know, giving him a pat on the back. 
Luke nods his thanks, gently walking down the hallway before stopping outside your door. 
Taking a deep breath, he knocks once, three times, then twice. 
You frown as you hear the all too familiar knocking pattern on your door, dragging your hands under your eyes to wipe away your tears as you roll over, facing the door that slowly opens to reveal the man that makes your heart burst. 
"Luke?" You question, your voice worn from emotion as you sit up slightly, resting on your elbows. 
No matter how much Luke tried to mentally prepare himself, it felt like he could never ready his heart to see your tear stained cheeks and frowning face meet his. 
Before Luke could even say hello, a disappointed look crosses your face as you will your voice not to break. 
"You should go hang out with Calum." You say, laying down again and pulling your blanket up to your chin as you roll over again. 
You assume Luke has done as he's told as you head your bedroom door shut, but you're proven wrong when you hear his wallet and keys kit your desk, the bed dipping behind you as you feel him sit down. 
"You know I'm not gonna leave you alone while you're like this." Luke states, quietly but affirmatively. 
You wish you could respond to him, fight for your point, anything, but the energy to do so escapes you completely. 
Looking down at you as you stare at the wall again, he tries to think of the best thing to do to help you. He knew you weren't much of an emotionally verbal person, so asking if you wanted to talk probably wouldn't get him an answer he would be satisfied with. 
Glancing around, he stands up, and you feel the warmth of his body leave the space behind you. You hear him move around the room, walking from one side to the other, before the slide of vinyl against paper, soon followed by the opening notes of the 1975's first album, one of your all time favourites. 
Your bed dips behind you again as Luke sits down, but this time you feel the covers lifting too. You feel an aching feeling in your chest as he wraps his arms around you, pulling you in closer to him as his head rests behind yours, the sensation of his breath light on your neck. 
 Still without the energy to speak, you instead move your arm from where it rested beside your head to lay it over the top of his, giving his hand a squeeze as you laid in his arms. 
You lose track of time as the tears start to slow, drying on your face and pillowcase as you find yourself sinking into Luke, his steady breathing helping you level out your own. 
After a while, you feel like your body has awoken again, suddenly regaining feeling of your fingers, your toes. You know you look a sight, but slowly you roll over in his arms, burying your face in his chest as you wrap your arms around him. 
"Thank you." You say quietly, barely loud enough for him to hear. 
With your head against his chest, Luke knows you can hear his heartbeat race faster, happy to hear you finally speak again, and the feeling of having you curled into him. 
Luke would happily spend the rest of his life in this position with you, but instead he leans forward, one hand on the side of your face as he presses a kiss to the top of your head before pulling back, using his hand to hold your face to look at him. 
"Do you think you could handle having something to eat?" He asks, hand still trailing patterns onto your back. 
You think for a moment before nodding, feeling the absence of food as you're reminded of its existence. 
Luke kisses your head again before sliding out of your bed, slowly pulling you upright with him. It takes a moment for you to feel comfortable on your feet again, holding onto Luke's hand for stability. 
Noticing you were wearing his shirt, Luke smiles to himself as you squeeze his hand, sniffling slightly. 
"You go wash your face, make yourself feel better, and I'll heat up your dinner, okay?" He instructs, and you nod as you wipe your face with the back of your hand. 
Splitting up, you walk across the hall to your bathroom as Luke heads into the kitchen, noticing Calum must have gone to bed a while ago. 
While you wet a washcloth to dab at your face, you try not to look at the state of your reflection, knowing it would probably only make you feel worse. As you take a deep breath, you can hear the microwave in the kitchen come to life, and you look to the ceiling as you thank whatever higher power gifted someone like Luke into your life. 
Your heart ached as you thought of the man in the next room, but you pushed the thoughts aside as to not start off a new wave of tears. 
Tidying yourself up, you twist your hair into a braid to keep the most part of your hair out of your face, dabbing on a small amount of moisturizer to help out your reddened skin before you walk out of the bathroom. 
The smell of the food hits you instantly, and your mouth waters as you walk down the hallway, steps quiet as you notice Calum's door shut and light off, his slight snore being able to be heard from the hall.
As you turn into the kitchen, you see Luke placing a single plate onto the table, loaded with white rice and chicken kebabs that Calum had put aside for you.
"Bon appetite." Luke smiles as he sees you walk in, pulling your seat out for you. 
You feel yourself smile for the first time tonight, and sit down, letting him push you into the table, but frowning again as you notice you're about to eat alone. 
"Grab you a plate, I can't eat all of this myself, and I know you're hungry too." You insist. 
Luke hesitates for a moment, before walking over to a cabinet and pulling a plate out for himself. When he places it down beside you, you load a solid half of your food onto his plate. 
Sitting down together, you eat in peaceful silence, thankful for Calum's cooking skill and the man sitting beside you. 
You and Luke wash and dry the dishes together after your meal, and as he hangs the dish towel back on the front of the stove, you wrap your arms around him, resting your head on his back as you squeeze him tightly. 
"Thank you. For everything." 
Luke squeezes your hands that link in front of him before you let go, letting him turn around and lean on the counter as he faces you. 
"How are you feeling?" He asks, and you think for a moment before speaking. 
"Better. A lot better. Not so tired, not so hungry, not so sad. Today just… was shitty times a thousand til you showed up." You laugh lightly. "How about you?" 
Luke smiles as he raises his eyebrow slightly. "Good, not tired, not hungry, very happy to help." He replies. 
Out of the corner of your eye, you notice Luke's board beside your own at the front door, and you tilt your head slightly before looking back to him. 
"Did you skate over here?" You ask, and he smiles again as he looks down to the floor with a nod. 
You feel a sense of pride at this news, feeling good that he was finally comfortable enough to travel distance on his board. 
"Hey," he says, head popping up to look at you as an idea strikes him, "do you wanna go for a skate? Get some fresh air?" He asks. 
You feel a large and genuine smile cover your face at his question, and nod furiously, a wave of joy washing over you at just the thought. 
You grab your shoes from the rack beside the door and plant yourself down beside it, tying your laces while Luke does the same, lightly knocking you with his knee on his way down, making you laugh. 
Doing up your laces, you sit back for a moment as you wait for Luke to finish doing his, and in that moment, you feel everything around you start to slow. 
You feel your heart beating harder than it did before, as you focus on the man beside you, the small grin lingering on his face, loose curls falling over his forehead, how close his body sits next to yours. 
The nights previous events flash through your mind, remembering how he knew exactly the way to comfort you without even knowing what was going on, how your bodies fit perfectly together as you laid in your bed, sitting beside him at dinner and stealing a glance at him any chance you could get, how he kissed your head and made you feel calm, protected, loved. 
You loved him. You truly, deeply loved him. 
"Luke?" You say quietly, just enough to get his attention and before you can catch yourself as you start to hear your racing heart in your own ears. 
Hearing you say his name, his head pops up, his eyes looking straight into yours. You feel like all the air has left the room, as your impromptu decision makes your hands start to shake. 
Sitting with his knee touching yours, your shoulders close together, your eyes flick down to his lips for barely a moment, before you carefully place your hand on the side of his face, gently holding it as you lean towards him, and connect your lips to his. 
Time stops altogether for you as you feel the shock of the situation stun Luke, before his hands make their way to your face, holding you like the most delicate thing on earth as he kisses you back, a breath he's been holding for years finally leaving his lungs. 
White hot heat runs through your skin everywhere you feel his touch, and as you pull back only the slightest distance to allow you both a breath, you can't help but think you could easily spend the rest of your life drowning in him. 
Your hand falling to the side of his neck, you lean your forehead against his as your eyes flicker open, his blue eyes reminding you of the ocean he so adored, but as they looked back at you, they held more adoration than you had ever seen him feel towards the sea. 
"Hi." He says quietly, pressing a shorter, but none less intense kiss to your lips. 
Smiling into it, you pull back just enough to let out a small laugh. 
"Hey." You smile back, reattaching your lips and letting your hand tangle in the hair falling over the back of his neck while one of his moved to your waist to pull you closer. 
"Fucking finally!!" 
You nearly headbutt Luke as the loud voice behind you scares you out of your skin, your instant reaction to spin around and fall back into his chest as you see Calum standing in the hallway with a huge grin on his face. 
"Jesus, Calum!" You yell, your heart pounding out of your chest for a different reason now. 
Luke lays his head on your shoulder, and you can feel him laughing behind you as his arms wrap around you, holding you as you start to calm down. 
"Sorry, sorry, ruined the moment, leaving now." Calum says, hands flying up in self defense as he steps into the kitchen. 
Covering your face with your hands, you let out a deep sigh as you hear the fridge open and close before you drop your hands and see Calum walking back out, heading towards his room and walking backward as he holds a caprisun and his thumbs up in your direction. 
"Love you guys, I was never here, support you fully!" He calls, slowly closing his door before shutting it completely. 
Looking over your shoulder, you see Luke sighing before meeting your gaze. 
"I think that went well." He says, a playful smile on his facing making you both burst into laughter. 
You shake your head as you climb to your feet, offering your hand to Luke, which he accepts, pulling himself up. 
As you dust yourself off, he grabs your boards, handing yours to you before opening the door. 
You nod your thanks to him as you grab your lanyard from the hook beside the door, pulling it shut and locking it behind you. 
"Hey y/n?" Luke asks, catching your attention. 
Turning around, he catches your face, a grin on his own as he gently pulls you closer. 
As your lips meet his, you feel a chill run up your spine, your hands coming up to ball into the side of his hoodie. 
God, you should have done this years ago. 
taglist: @spicycal​ @softbabiestan​ @irwinkitten​ @mrandleer​ @smalla-than-a-bugg​ @candidcal​ @lukeskisses​ 
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draconida · 6 years
Shance Fic Recs
Well, while I was in my AO3 profile, I realized how many bookmarks I have! So I've decided to make fic recommendation lists.   [This list will have other parts, and I include fics with Kuro and Sven]
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1- Black to Blue by PuppetMaster55
Lance, the undisputed (no longer, since he finally got the team to stop questioning his position like a month ago) leader of Voltron finds himself in the absolute strangest scenario: being the Blue Paladin.
Lance, still finding his place on team Voltron, wakes up to the weirdest world: one where he's the Black Paladin.
OR, I take a universe where Lance was always the Black Paladin and have him swap bodies with canon Lance, throwing both sets of teams for a trip.
[This fic is the beginning of a series in process, super recommended]
2- Black & Blue by starboyshiro (this author writes a lot of love to Shiro)
“Something wrong, babe? Did you have a bad day or something?” Shiro asks, plopping down on the couch next to Lance.
“Nothing happened, I'm just looking at all of these cute cats thinking about how much I want one, but can't have one.” Lance frowns, resting his head on Shiro's shoulder as he continues to scroll through Instagram.
Shiro can't stand to see his boyfriend upset. That's been a proven fact since Day One of their relationship. It's only natural that when Lance mentions his disappointment at never owning a cat, Shiro goes above and beyond to cheer him up…
3- I Fold by starboyshiro [Explicit]
“Do you even know who I am?”
“Am I supposed to?”
“Most people around here do.”
An intense poker game turns into a rather steamy night. Can this scrawny grad student handle the force of the famous journalist Takashi Shirogane?
4- Is That A Bowl Of Popcorn In Your Lap Or Are You Just Happy To See Me? by munchiesafterdark [Explicit]
“How many bags should I do?” Shiro called, waving the four unopened packs in his hand at Lance questioningly.
“I think two should be fine,” Lance shrugged. “We can always pop more if… we…” He trailed off, train of thought vacating the station as Shiro turned his back to him to put the remaining packs of popcorn into the cabinets. His hips swayed to an unheard rhythm, defined muscles flexing as he reached up and slid the popcorn into place on the top shelf. Lance’s eyes trailed down to the V of his back, the sweats hanging low enough for him to spot the curve of his round ass. Yet another anomaly of those pants was the manner in which they accentuated his bottom while still remaining baggy around his legs.
The obnoxious ding of the microwave nearly startled Lance out of his skin. His shift on the couch must have been audible, Shiro raised a brow at him over his shoulder, a cocky smirk crossing his lips as he leaned over to retrieve the finished bag of popcorn.
Fuck, he was toying with him! Well, two could play that game!
5- Nasty Smoothie by strawberrylovely
Lance works in a smoothie shop. Twice a week, a certain customer comes in and orders a nasty smoothie. Lance is head over heels.
6- A Hit and A Miss (tletoe) by strawberrylovely
Basically, Lance goes to a party with Hunk and blows his friend a kiss. However, he wasn’t expecting the cute stranger standing in front of Hunk to think the kiss was for him.
7- you should let me (love you) by godsensei
There’s something in the bathtub. Suddenly, Lance is pissed at his past self for watching so many horror movies with creepy shower scenes. He’s certainly too young and beautiful to die like this, right?
Right, totally.
He hesitates, but creeps forward, peeking slowly behind the curtain.
Hm. There’s a hot guy in there.
8- just call me daddy by proletaricat [Explicit and omegaverse]
It's the typical a/b/o story - someone's off their suppressants, surprise heats, bam sex! Except this time Lance escapes capture with the help of Hunk and Shiro has to apologize for his behavior later, interrupting Lance in the middle of his Altean telenovela. Then they bang. It's... it's basically just a PWP with daddy kink and knotting.
9- Sometimes Playing Around with the Occult Can Turn Out Well (Like... REALLY well) by gorgawesome [Explicit]
Lance had the best costume prepared for this Halloween Party. He was totally gonna slay and finally get laid for the first time in MONTHS!
Except it's Halloween Night and he's stuck looking after the family bookstore, because local robberies or something. Honestly? He was too busy pouting to be listening.
Can an awful, boring night turn for the better? Yes. Yes, it can.
10- I found religion between your thighs by KillTheDirector [in process]
He had been topside for over four decades, enjoying the freedom he never had down in the pit. Routines were established then broken then reestablished, but Shiro abided by them because that’s what kept him alive.
Then he met a witch that was more suited to being an incubus than him.
11- One Symbol Off by Silas_Writes [Explicit]
anonymous whispered: Incubus/succubus shiro and witch lance use summoning circles and potions inappropriately
12- To Seduce the Seducer by singtolife [Explicit]
At a college party, Shiro meets Lance, and they hit it off immediately. Only to find out after they have sex that this amazingly sexy guy was a little too good to be true.
13- Blue Skies in Stockholm by Shanced [Explicit, non-con and Kuro]
Lance gets captured by Shiro (who was fused with Kuro by Haggar) and the rest is self indulgent kinky sex. Lance gets raped and wrecked by Shiro and develops Stockholm syndrome, or the likes of it, Shiro can apparently unfuse with Kuro and they have a really good time.
14- Treadmill by kitausu
At 2 minutes of torture in, Lance heard the buzz/click noise of someone’s electronic key activating and opening the door to the gym. And of course, because this was Lance’s life, Hunk had pushed him onto a treadmill with a mirror right in front, affording him an absolutely stunning view of the man walking through the door.
Had Lance loved till now? He was pretty sure that he had never even felt an emotion before seeing the beautiful male specimen reflected beside his face in the mirror.
or, Lance waxes poetic about Shiro's everything, and Hunk set it all up in the first place.
15- Black & Blue & Red All Over by thesynapticsnap
When Lance shows up to the gym with a limp and covered in bruises, Shiro assumes the worst (spoiler: It’s nothing bad! Nor anything kinky, surprisingly).
16- Car Door Blues by ShiekahKami
Shiro never would have expected that accidentally knocking that cute guy out could change his life for the better.
17- Give It a Shance by YonaDawn [in process]
The domestic life of Shance. At least until they become Twitter and Youtube famous. Then it's a wild domestic life.
18- Bowling for Balls? by EllaAniMine
They were just supposed to be bowling... It was harmless fun, or it was supposed to be.
Lance thought he was being funny, but a message that was supposed to be a joke was sent, and now Lance isn't laughing.
19- llévame si quieres by kalakauuas
Shiro takes his dogs to the park and meets the world’s cutest uncle and his niece.
"Lance and his little niece, petting Shiro’s dog, looking soft and serene; it’s like nothing could ever be truly wrong in the world if this is able to happen. What Shiro wouldn’t give to have this sight in front of him over and over again. He scratches Sirius behind the ears, and gets a reassuring lick in return as an act of solidarity. You’ve got this. Man’s best friend, for real."
20- (Mg,Fe2+)2(Mg,Fe2+)5Si8O22(OH)2 by starboyshiro
Lance and Shiro decided to expand their little family and adopt a dog. What they name him is rather questionable.
21- You're Worth More by AbandonedLibrary
Lance wanted to prove his pod his worth after that jackass rolo came in with black pearls in hand.
As the pearl expert in the group he needed to keep his name sake.
Though... Lance learned there are things worth more than pretty pearls.
22- Curiosity Caught a Cat by c0cunt
Shiro has been distancing himself from his friends and family for a long time. All he really has now is Matt's cat, Zekrom. At least, until a man crashes into his balcony to pet his cat.
23- Head Over Heels by saecchii [Kemonomimi and Explicit]
Shiro gains a new roommate, who he is absolutely smitten with.
24- Stray Cats by kitausu
Lance is really enamored with the cute guy who keeps coming into his pet store and buying WAY too much cat food.
or, Shiro moves into a new apartment and sees how many strays there are in the parking lot and just HAS to feed them.
25- Kiss the Bees by kitausu
Lance is smitten with the beekeeper next door.
26- BlueVoice by kitausu [Explicit]
Lance runs a relatively popular voice RP blog and one day hears his own voice coming out of the headphones of the really hot guy next to him at the gym.
27- Change of Plans by kitausu
When Shiro is left at the alter, he decides to go on his honeymoon alone. Enter Lance, the man Shiro had hired to take him and his would-be bride on a month long tour of Europe.
28- To The Grooms by AChapterCanBeABook
There is no better way to celebrate the best day of your life than reminiscing with the people who you love the most and who have been with you through nearly every step in your life. Let's not forget a little bit of embarrassment which goes along with best men speeches, especially if your best man is your brother and the other best man is his accomplice in this whole thing. nevertheless, it doesn't fail in livening up a wedding as well as making in just that much more sentimental.
29- Tell the Truth by thesynapticsnap
Lance is bitten by a 'love bug', turning him into a blushing, stammering mess around his crush- Shiro. Shiro helps him deal with the negative side effects, learning more about Lance's crush and considering his own feelings as they talk.
30- Guess Again by thesynapticsnap
Keith confronts Lance about something he witnessed during a team mind-melding exercise…too bad he’s got the wrong culprit.
31- Smooth by thesynapticsnap
Lance’s first meeting with Shiro doesn’t go as planned – it turns out so much better than he expected.
32- Blind Date by kitausu
“What’s the crisis? I thought you had a blind date? Didn’t go well?”
Lance wailed, collapsing into the couch with a dramatic sigh.
“Yesss, Hunk. He’s too handsome. He’s just so hot. You would not believe what he did to me. I still can’t believe it.”
or, Lance goes on a blind date and can't handle how hot Shiro is.
33- SandMan by Might_suck_but_thats_ok
Shiro goes on a blind date with Lance.
34- Lucky by zombiegardener
Shiro accidentally tells Keith that he's dating one of his frenemies from high school over a Saturday morning phone call, because how is this his life?
35- Boundaries by zombiegardener
It's really hard to keep a relationship secret when you're making out in the middle of a hallway.
36- beauty queen on the silver screen (living life like i'm in a dream) by heavenlyrare
What do you give to someone who already holds the world in their palms?
The sweaters Shiro’s mom knits him every Christmas actually serves a greater purpose for once.
37- Text Me by strawberrylovely
Shiro, trying to get away from two girls who won't stop flirting with him, sits down next to a stranger who he pretends is his boyfriend. The stranger, who has pretty blue eyes, goes along with it.
38- Undateable by strawberrylovely
Lance just wishes someone would date him. Shiro offers to do just that.
39- Black Friday by strawberrylovely
Lance is gonna get that stand mixer. Unless of course a handsome stranger gets to it first.
40- Midnight Tradition by strawberrylovely
Lance goes to a New Years party and meets a guy named Shiro. They may be strangers, but they kiss at midnight anyway. After the party, Lance doesn’t think he’ll ever see Shiro again. That is until the next New Years party when the two meet again and a tradition starts.
Parts 1 / 2 / 3
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thiiiiiiiiiiiighs · 5 years
Working Late
Prompt: reader works for Eddie Brock and Venom can no longer handle their strictly professional relationship
Pairing: venom/reader, eddie brock/reader
Rating: nothing graphic. this was 100% self indulgent to write lmao. I think on the citrus scale it’s like lime
Warnings: i don’t even know what to tag? uhhhh alcohol mention, lite swearing, smo*ching
Yes this is what I did instead of buckling down and studying for my calc exam, it’s a long one lads.
After a long and disgustingly busy day, there were only two people left in the office. You and your boss. Not that you didn’t mind staying late, after all you happened to be his most trustworthy employee. It was already dark outside and you knew the cleaning crew would be coming by soon enough. Still, the long day was starting to take its toll: your head ached from having your hair up for too long in too tight a bun and your feet were beginning to ache. The silence of the office was broken by your boss’s voice
“Hey [y/n] can you come in here real quick. We just need to review the paperwork and we’re good to go”
“Sure thing Mr. Brock, give me just a moment.” You called back as you put your shoes back on and gathered what you were working on
“You know you can just call me Eddie once everyone has left, right?” He called back with a layer of sarcasm.
You headed into his office and, out of habit, shut the door behind you. You sat your stack of papers down at his desk and plopped into one of the chairs. He turned around in his swivel chair dramatically and leaned his elbows on the desk:
“I bet you’re wondering why I called you in here today..”
“Eddie I already know why. We always look over each other’s paper work at the end of each day.” You quirked an eyebrow and gave him a grin.
“Do you have to take the fun out of this?” He have an exaggerated frown before handing you his stack of papers. “Also do you mind if I unwind a bit? It’s been too long of a day..” he asked as he started to loosen his neck tie and bring out a small flask.
“Fine by me, but only if I can too.” You pulled the hair elastic out and let your hair fall into your face. Pushing it out of the way, you said “I don’t even care what it is but lemme get a swig of that.” He handed over the flask and finished undoing his tie. You lifted the flask to your lips and took a painful shot of straight whiskey. Eddie laughed at your displeased reaction. “I do not know, nor will I ever know, how you can drink that shit straight up.”
“It’s an acquired taste.”
The both of you worked in silence checking and rechecking each other’s work. This was the most boring part of the job. The silence was broken by Eddie yawning as he got up. “You want any coffee? I don’t know how long this will take to finish and I’m starting to drag.” He turned around and gave you a perfect glance of his shapely ass which left you a little lost for words. He turned to face you holding up two mugs, “how about it?”
You shook your head and snapped back to the conversation, “oh uh, sure, thank you.” You could feel a slight blush creeping up your face and mentally reprimanded yourself for staring.
Eddie a voice said in the back of his mind. We caught her staring again. As quietly as he could, he spoke back to his other “venom now is not the time. Just piss off till we’re done and I’ll buy you whatever brand of chocolate you want.”
He could practically feel Venom glare at him tempting offer, but I don’t want chocolate I want her.
“You know the rules!” He whispered, “if you do anything reckless I will put on the shittiest dubstep I can find, then you’ll be sorry.”
Despite his efforts, you heard him mumbling to himself. You felt bad, keeping him here so long. You stood up and walked over to him. You placed a hand on his shoulder and he whipped around to face you. “I’m sorry for keeping you so long Eddie, if you’d like I can stay and finish. I don’t mind.”
That’s it lover boy. I’m making a move if you won’t.
Eddie suddenly backed up and went rigid. “[y/n] I’m sorry.” Pitch black tendrils sprouted from his skin and engulfed him. Razor sharp teeth split into a wicked grin and ghostly pale eyes formed to stare down at you. Beads of saliva dripped from the jaws of the intimidating beast and whatever it was, it was eyeing you.
You froze. You could only stare back at the unwavering gaze of the monster that now loomed over you. In a split second decision you grabbed a clipboard off the desk and swung before turning and bolting for the office door, hoping your quick decision would catch the monster off guard
But damn that thing was quicker. Just as you got your hands around the door knob, it was there and pinned the door shut. You nervously looked up to face it.
“What do you want from me?” You managed to whisper, just barely audible.
“I’m curious to see what he likes so much about you. You’re feisty, I like that.” The beast grinned even wider.
“What the hell are you?” You grimaced.
“We are Venom. You’ll be happy to know I have zero intentions of hurting you. Think of me as Eddie’s wing man.” He squinted his opalescent eyes but maintained his eerie gaze on you.
“Wait what..?” You took a step back and pressed against the wall. “Eddie is with you?”
Venom gently brought his taloned hand up to face and brushed a stray strand of hair behind your ear. “We are bonded. It’s complicated. We’ll explain it later. You are my focus tonight.”  He shifted into relaxed lean against the door with a wicked hand propped on his hip. “I’ve caught you staring at Eddie before. Even tonight. You aren’t exactly subtle when you admire his ass.”
Your jaw dropped in surprise. “I-well-how dare you!” Your previous state of fear was quickly replaced with embarrassment. “And it’s not like I’ve never caught him staring at me before!” You crossed your arms and tried your best to frown.
“I told him to keep it on the down low but he can be real dense sometimes.” Venom closed the space between the two of you and towered over you. “Mmm” he almost purred “I think I see why he likes you.” He eyed you up and down very nonchalantly.
“Why’s that?” You met Venom’s gaze once more.
“You’re hot as hell, not to mention thick.” He smirked as he leaned down to be level with you. You turned a bright shade of red and stood there gaping at him. You stayed silent for what seemed like minutes before finally coming up with a response.
“If that’s all you like about me then that’s just shallow.” You averted your gaze in hopes of calming your racing heart.
“Oh please there’s more to it.” Venom bent down and scooped you up in his strong arms so you were at his level. “You are intelligent and clever, not to mention funny and passionate. Eddie loves your dedication.” He paused for a moment “he also happens to think you have a cute butt.”
You were absolutely dumbfounded. You couldn’t help but gape as this giant monster complimented you like no one had before. You tried to form words but the only thing that left you was a mess of “I, uh-what?”
Venom leaned in and whispered in your ear. “He’s been too nervous to admit it but he thinks the world of you. And so do I” He placed a gentle kiss one you jawline and pulled away to gauge your reaction.
Your eyes had unwillingly started to water and you couldn’t begin to process what was happening.
Venom looked disheartened. “We understand if you’re not interested.” He said as he started to set you down. Finally, as if your brain was restarted, you wrapped your arms around his neck and you kissed him. He let out a surprised noise, but is quick to recover and reciprocate. You lean into him and shift to wrap your legs around his waist. You trail your kisses down and find his angular jaw as he lets a hum of content.
Just as he started to nibble at your racing pulse, you both heard the door to the office slam open followed by the rumbling of the cleaning cart. You look at each other and simultaneously nod. Venom sets you down and starts to recede as you fix your blouse and straighten up the room. The two of you take your respective seats just in time as the door is flung open by the janitor.
“Oh, sorry you two, didn’t even see the office light on. Don’t mind me I’ll only be a minute.” He put his headphones back on and collected the trash before leaving.
As soon as the door shut behind him, you both burst out laughing.
“That was too damn close.” You said as you wiped a stray tear.
“It really was.” Eddie looked at you with a dreamy look in his eye. He rested his head on his hand, “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner. I don’t know why I was so nervous.”
“Because you’re a pussy” Venom peeped out from Eddie’s collar and grinned mischievously.
You let out a small laugh and stood up. You placed a kiss on both of their cheeks before lacing your fingers with Eddie’s. “I think we’re done for the night, wouldn’t you agree?”
Eddie couldn’t help but grin widely, “let’s get outta here.”
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sychip66 · 5 years
My  18th birthday is next month. I have been waiting for this day for as long as I  can remember. I woke up and was feeling very feminine today so I put on some ripped pants and a very cute shirt with the perfect shoes to match.
             I went downstairs to see mom and dad eating breakfast. "Where are Deja, Mekell, and Miles"? I  ask. "They already went to school, much like you should be". father replied. Since I didn’t want to deal with my dad’s attitude I decided to eat breakfast at school.
            When I got to school I  went into the cafe and got a nice warm chocolate muffin.  After finishing breakfast I went into the library to finish my letters to my dad, mom, and my birth mother. "I'll print them out and give it to them after graduation". I thought.  You see since freshman year of high school I knew I was pansexual. I didn’t realize I was non-binary till a sophomore year and ever since then I have wanted to tell my parents but, I live in a dysfunctional household and I could never actually tell them face to face. So since sophomore year, I would write each of them letters about me coming out. The letters I wrote also contained years of emotions I have felt through all my life.
       After school, I met with my  girlfriend Kendris."How was your day?” I asked. “Exhausting, I have so much homework to do. It is probably going to take me all day I gave her a quick kiss and then we went on our separate ways.
       When I got home I saw my dad’s car but not my mom's.  Just then a notification popped up on my phone. It was mom. Staying late at work. Don't wait up”  The text read. "Great, only dad's here,” I said. I walked inside and greeted my dad like I always did. Miles was already there. I knew that Deja and Mekell would be home later. I went upstairs and did homework. When I finished,  I decided to have a snack. After the snack, I went back into my room so that nobody could bother me. I put on my headphones back on and wrote in my diary. The next thing I heard was a knock on my door. “Time for dinner”. Dad said. Deja, Mekell, and Billy were already at the table. I sat down and dad brought out the plates. After handing out our plates dad went back downstairs into his and mom's room. “Typical”. I thought.  I ate dinner while watching YouTube on my phone with a pair of headsets on. After finishing dinner I washed the dishes that I used and went back into my room. I took a shower, read part of this book I was reading, kissed my dad goodnight and went to bed The next day when I woke up I went downstairs and made some breakfast. I made an omelet and some bacon with a glass of orange juice to wash it down. Dad probably went back to sleep after he dropped Deja, Mekell, and Miles off. While figuring out my outfit I  went with a flannel shirt with a very nice pair of jeans. I finished getting dressed and went downstairs to kiss my parents goodbye. When I went downstairs I saw that Italy had woken up and was keeping my dad busy while he was getting him ready for preschool. “goodbye, Love you” As I always say before I go to school. I drove to school and made some final touches to my letters. The bell rings and I had to go to my first class of the day “TGIF!” I thought my head                                                                                                                                                                                            
         When I got home dad was there. I was about to walk into their room to do homework when he called me down into the living room. I walked into the living. I put two and two together and realized that the papers he was holding were the letters that I had working on for years.” My stomach sank. My heart raced. I knew that there was no way out of this and that I would have to face it head-on. "So". He started.
        “I read your letters that you typed”. Dad continued. “I had no idea that you felt that way, all these years you just had these pent up emotions. How come you didn’t tell us”?  “Because. I said. You have always taught me that children should be seen and not heard. How can I voice my opinion when you don’t listen to me? Whenever I try to tell you something you always have input in it. Especially since you say the most hurtful things sometimes knowing that I won’t retaliate because you are my father. That’s what hurts the most”. I continued.” You also know that you have damaged me so much that I can’t even talk through my feelings. I can only write to them. That is part of the reason why”. I concluded“ I know that I haven’t been the perfect father and I blame myself for that. I have gone through a lot of things to get to where I am now. I know that sometimes I get angry really quick and sometimes I lash out on you and your siblings. I know it’s not fair. To you or your siblings. I am so sorry. I hope that you can forgive me and I hope that we can have a healthy relationship” Dad concluded. “I don’t forgive you,” I said. Dad’s face was full of shock and anger. “What did you say,” Dad said with a tone that I knew meant if you fuck up and don’t say what I want you to say then you will deeply regret it. My heart sank to the floor. My knees weak, my arms were heavy. I realized whatever came out of my mouth would determine his next action. Part of me wanted to say “nothing, I forgive you” and then we would carry on like we always did, but I decided that enough was enough. “ I SAID I WON'T FORGIVE YOU” I screamed. “ I don’t forgive you t this moment in time. You have done so much in my life both good and bad. You need some serious help. I understand that you’re angry but that doesn’t give you a right to yell at people for no reason. You have been with me for almost 18 years. Do you know why I don’t talk to you or confide in you even tho you keep begging me to? It's because I know after we have the conversation it seems like you don’t even listen or you “forget”. Then things go back to before. This family is broken and dysfunctional and neither you nor mom seems to be paying attention.  It's also because you always tell about stupid shit. You yell at almost each of us almost every day. Do you know how crappy that is? To feel like whatever you do isn’t good enough? You attempt to set these high standards when you're a FUCKING HYPOCRITE. Dad, I love you and I love mom but you guys are emotional black holes of emotions. Especially you. So it could be days, months or even years but I will forgive you. After everything that you had put me through I will forgive you because I love you.” Dad was really pissed after that. He stood and faced me our faces inches from each other. I was terrified and happy at the same time. I am glad I finally got all of that off of my chest
Then mom came home with dinner in her hand. She took a few steps into the living and reacted to the tension. “What’s going on?’ Mom said. Immediately after that, there was the hardest smack. I fell down on the ground feeling my stinging cheek.
“Get out of my house.” “What?” I said. “GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE YOU FUCKING FAGGOT!” He said but with more anger in his voice. I was speechless and surprised but I wasn’t hurt. I wasn’t sad. I was completely numb from the emotional pain that I was supposed to be feeling. Mom was begging and pleading for me to stay while my male parental unit was just standing there watching me while I pack. “I knew you wouldn’t listen, if you keep this up then everyone around you will leave and you will die alone with nothing to show for all the accomplishments that you did. I walked out of there feeling like the weight of the world had been lifted off of my chest. I walked around the neighborhood to take some deep breaths and to think about what just happened. I finally called Kendris and asked if I could stay with her. She said I could so I took my bike with all of my stuff in a duffel bag wrapped around my back and rode towards her house.
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humble-althemist · 6 years
Pay the Pool Boy, Darling
written long after i actually got my words for @rarsablack ‘s three words challenge, because of complications. i did write 1k, and in 2 hours once i actually sat down to write, so that’s something? 
still, totally not within the rules of 24-hours-after-words-are-recieved though, so whoops. don’t follow my example, kids.
my words were: waterslide, cleaning, and reflect.
The summer of '85 is incredibly hot and Dustin and the little brats are incredibly persuasive - with their complaints about sick toddlers and pissing babies in the Hawkins public pool - so by mid-July Steve's house has become the new hangout, whenever Steve isn't working at Scoops. Or rahter, his pool has. 
Even his parents are on board with it, somehow. Last week his dad even helped Sinclair and Wheeler set up a slide on the deep end, hooking the garden hose up to the top to make it a water slide. Steve is honestly mystified, but he doesn't question it out loud. Doesn't ask his father where this welcoming, free-spirit shit was when he wanted to do that five years ago. 
What is more in character, is that his mother agrees to all of this only on the condition that they hire a pool boy to start coming by twice a week and clean the kid off everything thoroughly.
And so it is that on the morning of July 20th, Steve wakes up to the sound of the side gate and his mother's high laugh out by the pool, quickly followed by a softer laugh he can't quite put his finger on. Steve isn't usually nosy exactly, but he rolls out of bed at that, stumbling over to look out his window down at the backyard. And what he sees makes him rub his eyes, hard, because that can't be...
"Hargrove?" His breath catches a little and he frowns.
Steve watches as his mom shows the half-naked blond at her side where everything he'll need is, and gestures to the house like "my son's in there, feel free to bother him for anything you need." 
He dodges behind the curtain as Billy's eyes trail up the house, and feels like an idiot when he realizes he's breathing hard at the thought that he might have seen him. Get yourself together, Steve, he thinks to himself. It's your damn house. What's he gonna do?
But still, that day Steve stays upstairs until he hears the click of the gate and sees that Billy's gone, and the next time he's out of the house before Billy even arrives.
He manages to avoid interacting with Billy in any way besides a couple shared glances through the sliding glass door for three whole weeks before his mother hands him a check one day "for the pool boy," and tells him to deliver it. 
He wants to ask why, why she can't give it to him, or why they can't just leave it in the back for him to find, but he knows how whiny that'd sound and besides - it's not like Steve can say he's busy. She knows he's not today. So Steve sighs and takes the check from her.
Billy's got his headphones on and his hair tied back, walkman already blasting Tank as he walks into the Harringtons’ backyard and pulls his shirt off over his head to get started on the pool. So it’s been about a minute before he glances up and spots him, reflected in the still water of the pool he’s about to clean like a fucking ghost.
"Jesus, Harrington," Billy jumps, pulling his headphones down around his neck and hitting stop on the music as he glances up across the pool at where Steve stands, next to the open door. 
"Make a fucking noise or something next time," he grumbles, looking back down at Harrington's soft, frowning reflection and shaking his head. It's the first time he's seen him out of his work uniform since summer started and boy is that a shame, but he looks good anyway, if totally scared of Billy and trying not to show it. Billy feels a bit of regret at that but does a better job of not showing it than Steve is. Just winks at him when their eyes meet, reflected in the water. 
"Thought you were avoiding me for a while there, pretty boy," he says, pulling a cigarette and his lighter out of the pockets of his little shorts and lighting up.
"I am," Steve responds, glaring. "My mom wanted me to give you this though." 
He holds up an envelope, not stepping forward so Billy can reach it or looking at all like he wants to hand it over to him.
Billy doesn't step forward either. Just smokes and watches Steve stand there.
"What is it?" he asks, and Steve shrugs.
"Birthday bonus or some shit?" he sighs. “I don’t actually fucking care."
Billy grins.
"You not gonna wish me a Happy Birthday, Harrington?" he asks. "Eighteen. 's a big one, isn't it?"
"Yeah, it's great," Steve says with absolutely zero enthusiasm. "Now you can finally smoke," he deadpans.
Billy laughs, surprised by Steve’s humor, and turns to walk around the pool to join him at the door, biting his lip as he nears him.
"Yeah, and uh... fuck adults, vote in elections... get thrown in jail for fucking up a pretty boy's face till he needs four fucking stitches..." 
He reaches the corner of the pool, almost arm's length from Steve now and glances up at him, letting the regret show on his face at last. When he tries to cover it up again though, it's stuck.
Billy looks away and bites his bottom lip, sucking in another drag. Steve meets his eyes in their reflection on the sliding glass door this time, and this time his frown is different. More open, cautiously optimistic even. Idiot. Billy's heart clenches, and he glances up at the real thing, stepping toward him.
"I didn't mean to...” he tries, earnestly. “I was really fucked up last fall, Harrington, I shouldn't have... Did it scar?"
Steve just stares at him disbelievingly for a second, until his head seems to clear a bit and he nods, pulling his hair back a little to show the little white mark on his brow. Billy grins a little.
"Looks badass, at least," he says, trying to make light.
Steve rolls his eyes and puts his hair back down.
"Just take your fucking check, asshole," he sighs, pressing it into Billy's chest as he turns to leave.
But Billy stops him. Grabs his arm.
"Wait," he says. "D'you wanna..." he clears his throat and laughs a little uncomfortably. Glances back at the pool. "I've been wanting to try out your stupid waterslide since I started this fucking job, but I'm not supposed to go in the pools I clean, so uh..."
Steve looks at him blankly for a moment.
"What, you following the rules now, Hargrove?" he says drily, shoving his hand off, and Billy steps back. Tosses his cigarette to the ground and crushes the end beneath his sandal.
"Trying to," he says with a wry smile. "But if you break 'em with me, was there ever any rule to begin with?" he smirks.
Steve snorts and shakes his head like he’s never met anyone dumber than Billy and he probably hasn’t, but then he's closing the sliding door behind him and pulling his shirt off over his head, and Billy grins.
"Go turn on the hose. Spiggot's 'round the corner," Steve sighs, tossing Billy's check and his shirt onto a lounge chair away from the pool.
“Aye aye captain,” Billy winks, and does as he’s told, laughing when Steve turns to kick him.
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imagine-loki · 8 years
Met With A Zap, Chapter 2
TITLE: Met With A Zap CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: Chapter 2 AUTHOR: fanficshiddles ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine Darcy and Loki meeting for the first time. They instantly dislike each other and are constantly at one another’s throats in arguments. Darcy even ends up using her taser on him at one point. Others around them get fed up of being stuck in the middle of their pranks and arguments. But eventually, Loki finds himself falling for her sassy mouth. RATING: M 
‘Oh, Shit.’ I muttered as Loki stood up and stepped towards me. He towered over me and I knew I should have been scared. I was, but I didn’t want to let him know that.
‘How dare you, mortal, attack me.’ Loki scowled. 
‘Well that’s what you get for creeping up on me and invading my space.’ I said as I leaned forwards a little and poked his leather clad chest. He slowly looked down to my finger and back up to my face. If looks could kill, I’d have been dead long by now.
‘Do not touch me again.’ He hissed. 
‘Loki.’ Thor growled in a warning tone. Loki looked round and then back to me. He stepped backwards and put his hands up in defence. 
‘Darcy, Jane. This is my brother, Loki.’ Thor said as he stepped next to Loki. 
‘Not your brother anymore.’ Loki muttered. He was clearly annoyed. Thor dismissed his opinion on their relationship.
‘Loki this is Darcy. And that is Jane.’ Thor pointed to us both and Loki didn’t even look at Jane. He was too busy glaring at me. 
‘I’m starting to have second thoughts on staying here.’ He drawled. 
‘Oh come now, brother. Darcy was just acting on impulse.’ Thor said cheerily as he smacked Loki across his back and chuckled.
‘Well perhaps she should keep her impulse in check next time.’ 
‘Perhaps if you had your horns on I might have realized it was you and not done it.’ I argued back as I started to tidy my taser up. Thinking I better make sure it’s always handy in case I needed to zap a certain god again.
‘If you are both finished with your lovely introductions, Loki, I need your help with something.’ Stark said. My eyes widened.
‘Wait, you mean antler boy is staying? Actually staying and helping?’ I asked Stark. He chuckled and nodded.
‘Unfortunately, yes.’ 
‘Who are you calling a boy? I am a god, you mewling quim.’ 
‘LOKI!’ Thor shouted at Loki again. 
‘Yeah, whatever. God, man, boy. You’re all the same.’ I grabbed my iPad and made a swift exit from the lab.
‘Anyone needs me I’ll be in the lounge.’ I shouted back to them all.
I made myself comfy on the sofa and put my earphones in. I turned the music up loud and went back to my game to kick ass. I imagined the opposing team as all Loki’s.
He definitely seemed to have evil in him. I could see why he had sent the destroyer to earth with that anger attitude. After Thor had went back to Asgard, it had been a few months before Thor returned here. As there was an attack on New York. It was some aliens from another world. Thor had joined with the other Avengers and they whipped some alien ass. Not long after, once New York was rebuilt, me and Jane were ‘shipped’ over here to help with research. My research being on finding the best way to win easily in territorial war.
Thor had then heard word about an Asgardian causing mischief in some other ‘realm’ as he called it. He knew it was Loki. So that was their mission for the last few months, finding him. I wasn’t sure why he had to stay here though. Or why Fury allowed him to do so. Considering he obviously had an evil streak in him. It didn’t really make sense.
‘Darcy.’ I just heard Thor’s voice over my music. I pulled out the headphones and looked up to see him with Natasha and Steve. 
‘Whats up?’ I asked them all. 
‘I want to apologise for my brother’s attitude. He is not accustom to the Midgardian ways yet.’ Thor said as he sat down with a few pop tarts.
‘No, I think he is just not happy about being electrocuted.’ Natasha said as she looked at me and laughed. ‘I can’t deny, it was pretty good seeing him like that.’ She admitted. I grinned back at her.
‘Well, at least now he knows not to mess with me.’ I shrugged.
‘Nobody that knows you, Darcy, would mess with you.’ Steve laughed. I winked at him.
‘Don’t they know it!’ I grinned.
‘Just tread careful around Loki. We don’t want him destroying the place. I don’t trust him.’ Natasha said seriously.
‘Hey, I’ve managed to refrain from causing Bruce to Hulk out. I’m sure I can handle antler boy.’ I shrugged. ‘Why is he staying here anyway?’
‘I can’t get him back to Asgard with the Bifrost destroyed. Father also thinks it is a good idea for him to help us out here. His magic and knowledge will come in very handy. Fury agrees.’ Thor explained.
‘Isn’t he a bit dangerous though? He did try and kill you.’
‘He was not in a great place when that happened. I believe he deserves a second chance.’
‘Hm. But what if he ends up destroying New York or blows us all up? I don’t fancy being toast for a psycho god.’ I grumbled.
‘Why Darcy. I thought you were all about second chances? Bruce has had plenty of second chances.’ Thor said as he motioned to Bruce who just so happened to walk in.
‘Touché. But Bruce doesn’t have much control when he Hulks out. He’s… Not himself.’ I was standing my ground.
‘Perhaps. But I believe that is the same for my brother. He was not himself when he did what he did. He was blinded by a desire to be king. Please just try and give him a chance.’ Thor put on puppy dog eyes that did melt my heart. I rolled my eyes and nodded.
'Fine. I promise not to taser Loki again. Unless, he deserves it.’ I said as I put my hand over my heart. Thor beamed with happiness and went to get, yep you guessed it, more pop tarts.
I finished my battle of territory war then I decided I was hungry myself. So I went to the kitchen. Clint was there cleaning his bow.
'You know, you’ve been here for 3 months, yet I am still to see you actually do any work.’ He smirked at me as I went to the fridge.
'Oh I work. I make sure Jane actually eats and stays sane. If it wasn’t for me, she would live in the lab forever without eating. Though right now it’s Darcy’s eating time.’ I heard Clint chuckle.
'I hear you got along to a great start with Loki.’ He said casually. I turned around to face him, a piece of toast mid-way to my mouth.
'Well, yeah. He sneaked up behind me, I didn’t know who it was. What else was I supposed to do?’ Clint laughed again as he finished cleaning his bow, pulling the wire so it made a pinging noise.
'Well, at least he knows not to mess with you.’
'Exactly.’ I sat down next to him with my toast. I wasn’t quick enough to stop him as he snatched a piece off my plate and stuffed it into his mouth.
'Thanks Darc.’ He mumbled through his mouthful of toast as he headed away.
'You owe me toast!’ I called after him. I just heard him laugh in response.
I really liked Clint. We got along really well. He was like a big brother, but one that I actually liked. We seemed to click from the first moment Jane and I arrived.
Unlike a certain god and I.
Loki just so happened to enter the kitchen as I was finishing my last bit of toast. I glanced at him, noticing him looking at me and glaring. Clearly still butt hurt over his shock.
'Hey, antler boy. I want to apologise for tasing you. It was just a natural reflex for me, I had no idea you were Loki. Not till it was too late anyway.’ I rambled. He clearly was pissed off about his nickname I had for him, from the glare he gave me.
'If you were truly sorry, you wouldn’t call me by that ghastly name.’ He muttered.
I watched as he studied the kitchen. He opened each cupboard and looked at all the contents. I couldn’t tell if he was looking for something or just familiarizing himself with everything.
'Whatever, dude. It’s you that wear horns on your head. Besides, if it makes you feel any better, Thor was tasered when I first met him too.’ I noticed a slight smirk tug on the edge of his lips.
'And pray tell, did he take it as well as I did?’ He asked as he still looked through the cupboards.
'Nope. He took it worse, passed out… What are you looking for?’
'Something decent to eat aside from pop tarts that Thor is constantly going on about.’
'Well, good luck with your search. I’m away to shoot some bad guys.’ I said as I walked away and left him to it.
Loki’s POV
What an oddly irritating woman. I was of course not going to let her get away with what she did to me. Nobody messed with the god of mischief and got away with it.
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allhallows-art · 8 years
So, I’ve decided to redo this shit I did a while back. A long time ago, I compiled a huge list of AU’s and I’ve decided to repost it. If you want a bit of writing done for the following people:
SuperMega Game Grumps Markiplier ( and crew including Tyler and Ethan ) HatFilms Sidemen Cow Chop CancerCrew Then all you have to do is pick from the list below, send the number to me along with who you want it to be about. I’ll try and get through them as soon as I can. They’ll probably all be shit and jokey bc that’s my writing style but I hope you enjoy Thanks to @apocalypto-12​ for rekindling my love for writing and feel free to pick some Au’s and I'll write them for you babe
1. ‘my parents are rly religious and forced me to this meeting I hate everything the entire world is against me what the actual fuck did a stranger just send me nudes’ 2. I’m passionate about this cause and I will give you this flier if I must shove it down your throat 3. all our friends are drunk 4. it’s 3 am and I’m still in the library studying for finals and I’m losing my grip on reality and I think I just saw a ghost 5. We’re studying in the library and there are two people very obviously fucking in the stacks and we keep sharing embarrassed glances 6. You decked me in the head while you were playing frisbee golf 7. I’ve been sitting in this seat all semester why did you decide to sit in it today 8. my friend dragged me to this party and I just saw my ex quick make out with me 9. it’s 3am, in the dead of winter, some motherfucker pulled/set off the fire alarm and I am being very vocal about how I’m gonna make that fucker pay 10. you’re the fucker who set off the fire alarm with your awful cooking (or) I’m the fucker who set off the fire alarm with my awful cooking 11. dude your headphones are loud like I can make out most of Kayne’s lyrics and I’m sitting across the fucking room 12. you live above me and I’m going to murder you if you don’t stop throwing parties Sunday night 13. ‘me and my roommate decided to decorate our house for Halloween but got really into it, and ended up re-enacting several scenes from nightmare on elm street so loud the neighbours called the police to investigate screams’ 14. I broke your nose at a mosh pit 15. “You were chased by the cops, got in my car and just yelled ‘Drive!’” 16. “You broke into my apartment drunk thinking it was your friend’s house and I should call the cops but my cat kinda likes you so we’re good” 17. “You saw me reading the same book you did and we got into a heated discussion on how much it sucks 18. “My cat steals underwear and I come home to find you chasing my cat to get your underwear back.” 19. “This horrible umbrella won’t extend! Oh, shit I just hit you in the stomach/crotch! I’m so sorry.” 20. “I drunkenly tried to fight you and knocked myself out but you were kind enough to take care of me till I woke up.” 21. “I thought you were my friend so I slapped your ass in greeting.” 22. “I’m watching The Lion King on my phone and I’m trying to hide the fact I’m sobbing uncontrollably but you notice anyway.” 23. cat person and dog person meet at petco and their pets won’t stop hissing and growling at each other 24. we’re both ‘team leaders’ at a summer camp for little people and you may be hot but goddammit my collection of twelve-year-olds are going to beat yours into the dust 25. a mutual friend invited us to their laser tag party and we’re the last two alive on opposite teams and goddammit if I’m going down you’re going down with me 26. ‘I met you last night when you were drunkenly patting my dog in my backyard at 3 in the morning and when I asked you what the hell you were doing you slurred something about dogs being great and then you threw up on my feet and then fifteen minutes later you were passed out on my couch so that’s why you’re here right now also what the fuck is your name and why were you patting a dog in a stranger’s backyard in the middle of the night’ 27. 'last night was a haze for both of us and somehow we woke up hungover in a bed that isn’t either of ours and neither of us recognize this apartment we should probably get out of here before someone calls the cops on us’ 28. 'i found you sleeping on my balcony when I went out to water my plants why are you here and more importantly how did you get here we’re eighteen floors up’ 29. ‘I called the wrong number and started talking about my life and you only interrupted me after a few a few minutes of me revealing some pretty personal stuff and now your invested in my life troubles’ 30. ‘we’re two thirds of the threesome we had last night and we’re walking awkwardly out of the last person’s apartment together’ 31. ‘I’ve had a really awful day so I started kicking a car out of frustration and it turned out to be your car I’m so sorry’ 32. I always see you doing weird shit at ridiculous hours of the night and it makes me feel better because I do weird shit in the middle of the night too 33. “I’m going to need you to put on some underwear before you say anything else." 34. “So why did I have to punch that guy?” 35. “I hope you know that my name is actually ________.” 36. "That is the tenth demon summoning this week holy shit.” 37. “Why exactly do you need chloroform at 2AM?” 38. “You need to stop leaving dead bodies in my kitchen.” 39. I asked you to babysit one time and now my child keeps asking when you will spend time with them again 40. “I’m so sorry that my child pointed out how your shirt- actually never mind I agree, that shirt is horrendous” 41. “You’re drunk and walked into the wrong apartment and fell asleep on my couch oh god you’re going to be so confused in the morning” 42. “I’m at work and my son needs to be picked up from school do you mind?” 43. “Okay well it turns out you’re really good with kids and my son has started calling you daddy and insists we move in so ‘we can be a real family’” 44. “Our dogs whine whenever they’re apart so we spend pretty much every day together” 45. “I walked in on your ex yelling at you so you grabbed me and kissed me so she’d go away and I’m kind of freaked out I literally just met you last week” 46. I’m giving out candy for Halloween and you brought your little sibling trick or treating and I think that’s sweet 47. I accidentally egged the wrong house and I’m trying to apologize but it’s one in the morning and you’re pissed off and I’m so sorry 48. “I live below you and I was minding my own business watching the snowfall out the window WHEN I SAW A BODY FALL ARE YOU REALLY PUTTING UP CHRISTMAS LIGHTS NOW” 49. “our Christmas party turned into a tropical theme because the radiator is broken and it’s hotter than hell in here - damn you look good without a shirt I never noticed before asgdhfjgkhl” 50. You’re allergic to cats but my cat really likes you my bad 51. You caught me having a Barbie movie marathon and now I’m trying to keep you from telling anyone about this! 52. met at a family reunion but not related to each other 53. your kid hates my kid 54. Accidentally “parkoured” through your window and I must pay you back but I’m dead broke 55. It’s a rainy day and I see you get side-splashed by a car and I’m laughing so hard until I get hit too 56. Drunkenly sold my soul to a demon and now I’m their bitch but this might be not so bad 57. Work at the same shitty restaurant and have all the same shitty shift times 58. 'What the fuck are you doing its midnight why are you playing 'My Heart Will Go On' on the piano' 59. “I came up to your apartment to ask you to turn down your music and have quieter sex, but it turns out that you’ve just been jumping up and down on your bed in your underwear listening to music alone 60. 'I heard you singing backstreet boys at 3am and decided to sing along oops’ (other old boybands can be substituted) 61. 'I was walking by the roller coasters and SOMEONE’S SHOE FLEW OFF AND HIT ME IN THE HEAD 62. you’re the drummer for my brother’s band and I find you hot (bonus: the band is really shit and the drummer doesn't want to be there so uses the other person as an excuse to get out of practice) 63. we go to the same coffee shop every evening to do homework but we never speak to each other until today 64. I’m only your friend because we smoke weed and get high together 65.
66. “I want to blame my young child from accidentally breaking your window with a baseball, but it actually was in fact me, and I was aiming for your roof I am sorry 67. we have apartments next to each other and sometimes you’re blasting shitty music but other times you’re jerking off and that’s even louder than the music please quite down 68. “I’m a biker and one day I was biking in your neighborhood while you just happened to be outside watering the plants and since you’re so goddamn cute I accidentally steered into a pole and now you’re giving me first aid (holy shit you’re even cuter up close)” 69. “I’m at a karaoke bar and I’m sober enough to realize that your voice singing my absolute favorite song is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever heard, and you caught me staring and winked at me oh shit" 70. “it’s 2 in the morning and I was just trying to get home but I left my sunroof open all day and now there’s a squirrel in my car and it scared me and I drove into a pole – would you please stop laughing you’re a cop. you’re supposed to be helping” 71. “you can’t get tattooed drunk, come back in the morning and if you still want my name on your ass we’ll talk" 72. ‘I walked into the public bathroom at a mcdonalds and you’re dangling halfway out of an air vent do I even want to know what you were doing’ 73. ‘I found you on the roof of my house passed out with a black eye holding a fire extinguisher’ 74. I accidentally texted the wrong number with a cat meme and you replied back with a different one unexpectedly and we just kept going ‘till I was convinced I would marry you 75. I’m best friends with your brother and when we were face-chatting you walked past in your boxers and bent over to pick something up and I tried averting my eyes but that ass 76. Detective partners 77. Reincarnation 78. Childhood friends with adjoining houses/rooms 79. This is the end of the world and we’re all we’ve got 80. I keep calling tech support because you’re helpful and your voice is cute 81. Competitive buskers who eventually for a band 82. Pen pals who vent to each other every week 83. Working at a theatre together during midnight premiere of a blockbuster 84. Meeting while waiting for hours in the a&e 85. Panicked yelling in unison because of lost baggage between connecting flights 86. Book store 87. Reluctant team mates who save the world together 88. Stuck in an airport because our flights were very delayed and it’s like 2am 89. Pretending to be siblings because of reasons 90. Teaming up to rescue respective abducted children 91. Trapped in a bank during a robbery 92. I’m pretending to be your bff bc you look very uncomfortable with that person at the bar 93. New fbi partner is hot 94. You accidentally shipped this weird thing to my apartment 95. Inappropriately timed confessions 96. At a ski lodge somehow got stuck outside in a storm hey look an abandoned cabin logically thinking go inside for warmth 97. Oops friend looks like the only place to sleep in this house is this small twin sized bed guess we are sharing 98. Inappropriately timed proposals 99. Called the wrong number while drunk 100. Hitchhiker 101. Arranged marriage 102. Fallen angel 103. Fashion designer 104. Zombie apocalypse 105. Backpacking across Europe 106. Mermaid 107. Band on tour 108. Small town lovers 109. Ice skaters 110. Dancing partners 111. Singing partners 112. Lawyers/ detectives 113. Writer and editor 114. Photographer and model 115. Stuck in a lift together 116. Phycologist and a patient 117. Partners in crime 118. Dystopian 119. Utopian 120. We both got kicked out of our rooms bc our room mates are hooking up and we are now avoiding each other 121. Laser tag 122. Walked by a rollercoaster and got hit in the head by a shoe 123. Swim team 124. Got mistaken for a celeb by their biggest fan 125. Sorry I set the fire alarm off for like the forty ninth time I tried to cook 126. I’m a werewolf but I’m embarrassed to tell you bc my wolf form is more like a Chihuahua 127. We both tried to rob a bank at the same time 128. Mistaken identity 129. Trapped on a desert island 130. Lab partners 131. Runaway royalty and a confused commoner 132. Android ad human 133. Immortal and non-immortal 134. Detention 135. Time travel 136. Came to the wrong Halloween party 137. Pranked the wrong person 138. Accidentally scared a kid and their adult is angry at me 139. Rival super heroes trying to save the same small town 140. Neighbours who only met because “I cannot get this stupid jar open can you help?” 141. We made a bet at the beginning of laser tag guess who won pay up 142. I’m on the FBIs most wanted for killing a ton of people but dw I just wanna date you bc your face is smoochable and you give me butterflies 143. Life sized version of clue in an old abandoned manor 144. Reunited after surviving zombie apocalypse 145. “are we both robbing the same house?” 146. Kissed them as a distraction to steal their wallet 147. “you know you’re singing out loud to your headphones, right?” 148. “I think my dog likes your dog” 149. Little kids getting way caught up in make believe 150. Lives alone in the woods next to a waterfall finds a confused lost person walking round 151. Fighting a squirrel 152. Spy 153. Private security 154. Angry biologists 155. Historians 156. Crazy cat hoarder and frustrated allergic to cats neighbour 157. Modern royalty 158. Got up at 2am for snacks at the store and found you trying to sleep in the hallway bc your roommates have his fiancée over and I guess I’ll lend you my couch 159. My cat went into your apartment through an open window and likes to piss everywhere and ruin furniture and now your back home from the store and you found me in the middle of your living room but I promise I’m not a burglar 160. Its 3 am and as much as you have a great music taste people are trying to sleep 161. My best friend somehow broke me to and tonight it the season finale of my fav to show and no internet streams are working can I watch it on you to please I promise I’ll go back to my apartment once it’s over 162. “I moved into the apartment next door and its totally haunted crash I crash here tonight” 163. “I may or may not have just robbed a bank and please help me get away I will pay you in sexual favors also cash” 164. “I don’t know you but you were at that party last night and long story short I now have your name tattooed on my ass2 165. “my friends dared me to go on this rollercoaster and now we are at the top and it looks hella scary and hello hot person next to me careful I might puke” 166. You thought you were alone at the bus stop early this morning so you started singing fall out boy loud but your Patrick stump impression could use some work and I’m not afraid to point that out 167. We’re rival up and coming singers and every time one of us releases a song the other covers it to try and make it better. We’re also always trying to out cute each other and top each other but half our fans ship us; our agents use this to their advantage and decide we should do a duet bc it would be popular but now we are in the studio together and I know and I kinda wanna know how your lips feel 168. Help I cannot find my cat and I know its 3 am but me and Neil cat rick Harris would appreciate the help 169. I’m a computer hacker trying to hack government systems but accidentally hacked your computer as you were searching up sex positions and looking at questionable porn 170. I’m a fandom blogger and you’re an aesthetic/fashion blogger and I accidentally followed you through that Tumblr radar thing but you’re too cute to unfollow 171. I sent you one of those ask memes Reponses saying that I would date you but we’ve never talked and you live half way across the world but now you’re interested whoops 172. You started banging on my door at 3 in the morning bc you got the wrong apartment and now I’m inviting you in for tea to bitch about the person you thought lived here 173. Person A accidentally falls in the pond trying to reach something and person B is a bystander who can’t help but laugh 174. Person B must grab person A from falling into the t6raintracks because they did stay behind the yellow line 175. you’re a store clerk and oh no I just spotted my ex can I hide behind your desk thingy 176. We’re neighbors and we’ve never talker but your cat may have gotten my cat pregnant guess we’ll have to raise a kitty family together. 177. A toddler broke your nose and I may or may not have snapped my thumb n an intense game of Mario kart and now we are sitting next to each other in A&E 178. I tried to rescue you from being robbed but got knocked out and you had to take me to the hospital after getting your wallet stolen 179. I purposefully get your coffee order wrong so you will talk to me again 180. I work at the checkout ad you are clearly not old enough to buy that 181. We are both con artists scamming each other 182. My hamster escaped and I think he went under your door 183. “Hey we hooked up last night and it turns out you’re my child’s teacher” 184. “we are neighbors and every night at 3;14 you start yodeling?? Why?? Is that you yodeling?? Its been two months??” 185. “I woke up this morning to find you in my living room with a goat wearing a poncho who are you?? Why is the goat wearing a poncho?? How did you get the goat here I live on the 12th floor?? 186. “I was playing beer pong with a coin and accidentally threw it in your eye at a party” 187. “okay I get that you’re a good thief and you don’t want to go to jail but I’m the tired af detective sent to catch you I stg if you let me bring you in I can get you a good deal” 188. “We’ve been nothing but friends our whole lives but then we played seven minutes in heaven on a dare and now I think I’m in love with you” 189. “My guitarist quit the night before a gig that could be my bands big break and apparently, you are really good but if you screw this up for us I will hunt you down and slit your throat” 190. “it’s the middle of the night and I’m walking in the dark and there’s this guy following me and he’s gaining on me and I found a phone booth with a lock on and tried to call my sister but my hand was shaking so now I’ve ended up calling you and I don’t know who you are but please help” 191. They captured you and put you in a room with me because I can suppress other people’s powers so you hate me but I’m just lonely and bored and want to talk to you 192. Esteemed rival chefs who find each other shamelessly buying ramen at 3am 193. “I know it’s the apocalypse but please can we keep this stray dog” 194. We’re at a murder mystery party and I’m sure you’re the killer 195. Your grandma is forward even though we are just friends 196. “We got into a really heated Wii tennis match and the rec and now I wanna bang you” 197. “you are literally the last person I would expect to see at Disneyland but hey wanna ride space mountain” 198. “YOU LIKE GAME OF THRONES TOO?!” 199. “in interviewing you for a newspaper can you please stop flirting with me and we can get coffee afterwards” 200. “we’re enemies by day but league of legends allies by night” 201. Ancient gods 202. Whoops I accidentally summoned a demon 203. Co captains who always argue 204. “I didn’t mean to throw the water balloon at you I meant to hit my friend behind you” 205. There was a food fight and I accidentally threw spaghetti at the scariest kid in school 206. “I happened to glance in your window when you did some air guitar and then you caught me looking” 207. “I live a block away from the pizza place that’s open until 2 am and you’re like always here which is nice because I get to see you but, um is you sleeping here because you’re literally always here” 208. “I swear to god if I hear you taking a shower at 3 in the morning I will fight you, the pipes in this building are right above my room WHY are you taking a shower at THREE IN THE MORNING” 209. 210. “I can literally hear you sneezing through the walls and I bought you some chicken soup because I have exams to study for and your sneezing is seriously distracting” 211. “Im the poor loser you lent your umbrella to yesterday and my cat scratched through the fabric I’m sorry” 212. “we were partnered for this project and both forgot to do it and now have to pull an all nighter at my house” 213. “I came to this Halloween part as Frankenstein and you came as frankenstein’s wife and now everyone thinks we are dates” 214. We’re the only ones at this tiny bus shelter and you’ve been crying for the past ten minutes and id give you privacy but its pouring down with rain outside so “do you want to talk about it?” I guess 215. You’ve just moved into my apartment and I want a drink but you’ve been in the kitchen for an hour and you will judge me for drinking whiskey at noon on a Sunday 216. We’re both in the brass section of the marching band and you won’t stop making ‘horny’ puns 217. You work in construction and I walk by every day to give you a bagel 218. I sit behind you in lecture and bio1102 is not the place to watch porn 219. We were the only idiots who showed up to ballroom dance class without a partner 220. We are in class and you keep throwing paper balls at me why 221. Its 2am and I’m knocking on your window, wake up let’s go on a late-night walk or something idk can we hold hands already 222. Our kids got paired up for a project and I meant just drop my kid off at your house but now we are at the end of a three hour talk 223. Battle of the bands 224. Our grandparents are in the same nursing home and hate each other whereas we don’t. 225. Arrested at the same protest 226. How do you keep getting my name that wrong on my coffee cup? 227. Only two people who bought tickets to this movie 228. Our manager is making us push this crappy item no one needs but you thought my campaigns was funny so you bought it 229. I desperately need you to fix my laptop but please don’t judge me for my browser history 230. My kid’s hamster died while she was at school and I don’t know how to tell her 231. I made a dumb science joke in class and you’re the only one who laughed 232. Everyone in our dorm has gone out but I have the flu and hear you coughing pathetically from the next room wanna share my stash of cough drops and have Netflix marathon 233. Got into a seriously heated argument in the comments of a mutual friends post 234. Rival street performers 235. My kid shoplifted from your store and I marched her right back to apologies 236. Why didn’t you tell me this place was haunted before I rented it from you? 237. My band plays at the same restraint every Friday and you always make obscure requests and I know you’re trying to stump me but you have rally underestimated how much of a music geek I am 238. m the caterer and you’re the florist for this wedding and we bond over talking about how bad of a person the bride’s mother is 239. We’re chaperoning these kids at an ice skating rink and that last couples skate was pathetic how about we show them how it’s done? 240. We both work at rivalling gossip magazines and keep trying to outdo each other ridiculous stories 241. I accidentally caught the neighbor’s yard on fire and I didn’t think it could get worse but the volunteer fireman reprimanding me is gorgeous and probably thinks I’m an idiot 242. I didn’t mean to get you arrested I thought I was helping 243. Your pizza keeps getting delivered to my house and I need to talk to you about your choice of toppings 244. Graffiti artist/ mural painter 245. You’re the only major film critic who’s hated my movie and I need to talk to you about it because I agree
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