#i got incredibly lazy at the end. and then tried to figure out how to change dpi and upload but i couldn’t figure out the upload but so.
vohtaro · 7 months
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onepiece-fics · 1 year
How would the strawhats react to you having a nightmare?
Content: x reader fluff. Established relationship. No particular warnings.
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It’s 3 am and you wake up in a cold sweat. You’ve just had a horrible nightmare that felt too realistic. You look around your room to make sure you’re in reality before you decide to sneak away and go to your s/o’s bed.
It takes you a few tries before you manage to shake Luffy awake, he is quite a heavy sleeper after all. When he opens his eyes you’re not even sure that he’s fully awake yet, his eyes darting around the dark room before they settle on you.
“Huh? Y/n what’s wrong? What time is it?” he asks you, confused. You look down at the floor, embarrassed to say.
“I had a nightmare, Luffy. Can I sleep with you for the night?” you ask him with a blush on your cheeks. A sleepy grin forms on his face and he snickers.
“Of course you can” he says and pats the place on the bed next to him. As you lay down he tangles his limbs around you and falls back asleep almost immediately. You lay your head on his shoulder as you too fall back into deep, sweet slumber.
When you got to Zoro you hesitated. Should you wake him up or should you just cuddle into him? It’s not like he’d wake up anyways, right?
You end up trying to climb over his sleeping body as you try to get into the other side of his bed, struggling to not accidentally punch him in the face. As you lay down you lightly hold on to his bicep for comfort, you had just woken up from a nightmare after all.
Suddenly, Zoro stirrs in his sleep. His eyes open up slowly but surely and when he sees you laying next to him, he just stares. You smile back at him, unsure if he’s still sleeping or not. He raises his head to look around the room, trying to see if any of the other guys noticed you, but theyre all asleep.
“What’s up?” he whispered, voice deep with sleep. You shiver at the sound of his voice.
“I had a really scary nightmare,” you tell him “it felt so real that I didn't dare to be alone”. He gives you a lazy smile and wraps his arm around you so that you end up with your head on his chest.
“Well, don’t worry y/n, you’re safe with me” he says before closing his eyes once again. 
When you had walked over to Nami’s bed you saw how incredibly cozy she looked. It would be such a shame to wake her up, so instead you try to sneak into her bed to cuddle her from behind. The moment your knee hits her bed though, she stirrs.
“Y/n? Is something wrong?” she asks as she sits up and rubs the sleepiness out of her eyes. You shake your head. “I just had a really scary nightmare so I figured that maybe I could sleep next to you…” your sentence falls off, feeling awkward having to explain yourself. She takes your hand and pulls you down to lie next to her. Your arms tangle around each other and Nami starts playing with your hair.
“Do you wanna tell me about it?” she asks. You shake your head, her fingers in your hair already relaxing you enough where you dare to close your eyes.
As you finally fall asleep, Nami smiles and gives you a kiss on the top of your head before she too drifts away to sleep.
“Usopppp… Psst, hey!” you whisper at him, trying to carefully shake the man awake. His eyebrows furrow as he wakes up and his eyes light up as he sees you standing by his bed. “Y/n? What’s wrong?” he asks as he takes your hand in his. You start climbing over his body to lie down next to him.
“I had a nightmare and I can’t go back to sleep”. Usopp yawns and does a big stretch before pulling you into his warm embrace.
“Would you like for me to tell you a bedtime story?” he asks, a tired smile forming on his face as you nod. 
He starts telling you a story that you could swear he’s already told you 5 times, but in all honesty, it didnt matter. His voice and his embrace was enough to soothe you back to sleep. 
When Sanji finally woke up after you poking him, he first thought he was still dreaming. With a goofy, dreamy smile on his face, he looks at you, his eyes full of love.
“My dear, what are you doing up so late?” he asks you as he caresses your cheek.
“I had a nightmare… And I was hoping that maybe I could sleep next to you tonight” you tell him. His face immediately lights up, waking up faster than ever.
“Of course my love,” he says and scoots over and pats his bed, “come right here”. You climb under the blanket with him and he twists and turns to make sure you’re as comfortable as possible.
“I’m afraid Luffy’s snoring is quite loud, I hope it won’t keep you awake” he says, giving a dirty look to where the captain is sleeping. You giggle and shake your head.
“As long as I’m next to you, Sanji, I’ll be alright” you whisper. Sanji could swear his heart skipped a beat and he has to hold himself back from making any loud, excited noises.
“That makes me very happy to hear, dear. If there’s anything else I can do for you, just tell me, okay?” He says as you enter his embrace. Listening to his steady heartbeat and feeling the sensation of his fingers running across your back is well enough to make you fall asleep right away, despite the captain’s snoring.
You climb into Robin’s bed silently, thinking that you won’t disturb her sleep, but as you plop down next to her, she suddenly opens her eyes.
“Y/n? Is something wrong?” she asks, worry in her voice. You smile at the concerned look on her face and shake your head.
“No, I just had a nightmare and I got scared” you whisper. The look on her face immediately goes back to normal and she moves a hairstrand out of your face. 
“Are you okay, dear? Is there anything I can do for you?” she asks. You take her hand.
“I’d just like to sleep next to you if that’s okay”. She gives you a soft smile and moves the two of you over in a better position so that you can bury your face in her neck as she plays with your hair and gives you kisses on the top of your head randomly until you fall asleep, having completely forgotten about your nightmare. 
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midnightmah07 · 9 months
Isabelle had always been the odd one out from her family, her father being the only one who truly understood her because he also was ahead of his time while her two sisters made fun of Isa for having her head in the clouds and thinking too much about her books and the betterment of her country. So, because her and her father had this strong bond Isabelle was willing to do what it takes to make him proud and make their countries prosper, which was exactly why she didn't say no to the marriage proposal that was made for her.
Leona honestly didn't like the idea of an arranged marriage just as much as Isa didn't, but different from her who decided to use this situation for the greater good Leona kinda just... Went with it. He didn't like it but like- his brother had already decided anyway so what use was arguing? Plus, look at the bright side, maybe he could move out of his home after he got married. — I have to say I am still searching for a stronger reason as to why Leona just let this happen to him, right now I am using the excuse of his brother thinking this could be so good for Leona and for their country and Leona knew there was no use fighting because his fate had already been decided the moment the letter accepting the offer arrived
Leona and Isa definitely didn't hit it off when they met. They were 17 and 15 respectfully and because of Leona's rudeness and unwillingness to get to know Isa and give her a chance Isabelle didn't like him at all. I wanna say though they do have a sort of enemies to lovers thing going on, a lot of the time it's really one sided, with Leona just being slightly annoyed at Isabelle if anything; as years went on Leona learns of how Isabelle is seen, she's an outcast, different from everyone else and treated like a monster for her Unique Magic, just like he was. He felt a sense of empathy for her but in his own way, never really letting it show a lot.
It was around this time Isabelle's crush on Neige was cut short, and through their conversation both of them learned something: Isabelle was extremely loyal to Leona and their engagement regardless of how she felt, and Leona was able to be kind in his own weird way, offering support when she least expected it.
On Isabelle's end she figured out just how much Leona hated his family life, she figured out that his unwillingness to try and do anything wasn't because he was simply lazy but because of a bigger issue and she started seeing him in a new light. She noticed how incredible he was on his Spelldrive matches, how he seemed like a completely new person, and I assume this was when something started growing inside her hehe
They started being more cooperative with each other, Leona often teasing her just to get a reaction out of her because he thought she was cute as a mouse (heh), and their chess matches started here as well. Still, Leona was a bit closed off, and it all went downhill with his overblot that just caused Isabelle to be worried sick and dump all of her emotions on him, telling him she was so angry at him because he never seemed to want to try anything with her, never seemed slightly interested in her and never made an effort to change. She was scared he could've died and she was never able to sort all of this with him.
I assume after that Leona opens up to her more little by little, and he tries to get his pride down and his walls down. It doesn't happen from night to day but slowly Leona starts showing more and more that he cares about her and make small gestures to tell her he's trying, and that makes her really happy.
A while passes and one day they get caught up with their emotions and kiss, but they pretend it never happened bc Leona? Talking about his feelings? Pfft-- and Isabelle didn't know what to do. They were both unsure. But after a few days both are forced with the reality of their own feelings, and while I'm unsure how they start dating I'm assuming it's probably Leona who tells Isa he loves her, and it happens a while before book 6, just so I can make Isa suffer hehe
Bonus: when Isa reaches 21, the age they're supposed to get married, they travel around the world bc that has always been Isa's dream + Leona wants to stay away from home🤸🏻‍♀️
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dangermousie · 5 months
OK, terrible screengrabs but I am lazy. Going slightly insane, I rewatched trailers for clues. We saw Nan Ya stab XY with a butcher knife as he's on top of her with an axe (I didn't cap the sequence but you can see in this shot her knife goes into his chest):
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Near the end there is an extremely blurry fast shot of:
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ZL going after someone with a knife. Going by height/build/clothes I'd imagine it's XY.
So - they did kill him together? Good for them if so BUT even those incredibly incompetent cops who apparently never heard of forensics would be able to figure out if the dearly beloathed XY got stabbed in the back or front and if he had one stab wound or two!
SO?!?! My theory is he tried to go for it, got knocked out by XY instead, and then when XY tried to murder him when he was unconscious or to continue with murdering NY, NY killed him which would explain why the man had one wound - on front. So it really IS the parallel with stepbro case, with ZL being in NY role (making the cops comments about how XY and stepbro death have similarities be more on point than they think.)
(Also, I stand by my point that if ZL was the killer he'd never let her take the rap but I can see why he won't talk about this since it would look bad for NY and he didn't actually see what happened. It would explain the missing hour and a half for him, too.)
Or maybe the cops really can't count to two or tell front from back. With those two's mental abilities, it's not to be ruled out.
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worldwright · 1 year
The Trigun Gang Learns To Swim, AKA I Have Ideas But Do Not Know How To Write Fic
So my sister teaches adults to swim and has some fun stories, and I have wanted to throw these idiots in a pool for months so. here goes
- idk how they got a pool. maybe there's one on the Earth ships. we're not worrying about that
- Meryl sits at the side with her feet on the top step covered in three inches of water for half an hour insisting she's good no she's fine not going in this is good thanks
- Milly loses her footing as she walks in because she didn't expect the water resistance and needs to be rescued by the instructor because she can't figure out how to surface again
- this does not help Meryl's confidence
- Milly gets used to walking around and conspires with Wolfwood to carry Meryl into the water. this ends with Wolfwood being rescued by the instructor because he also did not expect water resistance and did not learn from Milly's mistakes. Meryl is desperately clinging to Milly like a koala
- Vash has at least seen large bodies of water in pictures and has perhaps seen videos of people swimming so he figures he's got this. he is also trying to show off. he slips straight into the deep end and immediately some plant instinct kicks in and he goes limp and just. floats on his back. it takes several minutes to shake him out of this, after which he is extremely embarrassed
- Vash has weirdly neutral buoyancy and can almost just chill upright without treading water. the only reason he doesn't outright float is his prosthetics increasing his density
- Wolfwood sees this and assumes it's learnable, much to the instructor's distress. much flailing ensues
- Milly is still being a ladder and refuses to move close to the walls to let Meryl off. she's slowly crouching lower and lower to try and get her senpai in the water. Meryl is now clinging to her head and shoulders
- Vash does some kicking exercises and picks it up quickly. he's the most at home in the water and is soon doggy paddling around. Wolfwood tries to push him under. they are giving the poor instructor a migraine
- Vash, suddenly underwater, quickly learns that he does Not have the normal human diving reflex of Hold Breath as he instinctually inhales a lungful of oh-shit-this-isn't-plant-tank-soup. Meryl dives straight in to save him. this goes as well as you'd expect
- Vash sits on the side of the pool for a bit after that
- now that Meryl has been fully submerged she insists that she's been fine this whole time and would quite enjoy standing here in the shal--niCHOLAS D WOLFWOOD GET AWAY FROM ME
- Meryl Stryfe Learns About The Deep End™️
- Wolfwood Is Temporarily Banned From The Pool
- Wolfwood Discovers The Snack Bar
- The Gang Discover Chicken Strips
- obligatory 30 minutes after eating before swimming. the instructor does an emergency safety briefing because these idiots are Something Else
- after the snack break, Vash works on consciously holding his breath and discovers he's pretty good at it. he swims back and forth across the pool underwater for a bit
- Milly tries to go upside down underwater and has a bad time. the instructor helpfully informs her that you have to exhale. or hold your nose. Milly develops the novel method of puckering up her face like a pug so that her upper lip blocks her nostrils. Wolfwood is in hysterics. Meryl finds it incredibly endearing
- after they have all sufficiently demonstrated that they are able to not drown under minimal supervision, the instructor cracks open a crate of pool toys and goes to have a fuckin cigarette
- they have an intense watergun shootout all around the pool deck. looney tunes style. do you see my vision
- Vash and Milly pretend to die dramatically at least three times each
- they all manage to fall into the water at once and decide to call it a draw all around. then they just float for like 20 minutes playing lazy bumper boats
- they are eventually kicked out of the pool because the staff are Not staying two hours past closing thank you
- sunscreen and pool water and evening light are washed off in the showers and they have their best sleep in years
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chikuto · 1 year
Hello I saw your post about your breakthrough with ADHD and art and!!! Yeah!!! Similar hat!!!
Something I think that goes into it as well is the idea that ADHD people are undisciplined, like 'oh they're so smart in class but just don't apply themselves' but it's because (at least in my experience) our 'applying ourselves' looks different than what the typical (capitalist) school system demands! I work in short bursts of like 10-30 minutes and break doing nothing and do this for Hours, and this extends to working on a project for days and then not doing anything for weeks before picking it up again. The rhythm is chaos and there is no predicting it but to me it's important not to force myself into doing something I don't want to because it literally will not work and will ONLY make me miserable!!
I tried to be a semi-freelance artist in my gap year and early uni years, and had schedules for myself for how much to draw and practice and especially post down to the week and guess what happened? Literally nothing, I didn't follow that schedule at all, I procrastinated and didn't do much and felt incredibly guilty for not being productive or a proper artist, and ended up burning out within a couple years and did basically no art last year, I've only got back into it this year because I've let myself do it because I Want to and not force myself to, it's no longer a Priority task in the sense of 'this has to be done' and now more a priority in the sense of 'i do this because it makes me happy'.
It was interesting reading your post because yes! I resonate! And feel like I've been in that position and have now come to find ways that I can still draw that work for me and mean I enjoy it and don't fight my brain because doing that for my entire childhood (when you're told you're inherently just lazy and need to work harder than oh boy do you run yourself into the ground) made me absolutely miserable and unable to do anything. Part of my getting back into art was accepting the chaotic and strange way I worked and just letting that flow and not fighting it, as Frustrating as it could get sometimes and as unhelpful it was to a 'traditional' model of work that industry demands.
Idk if this is helpful but you mentioned being unsure how to go from where you are after this revelation and I guess all i want to say is: figure out your workflow and Do Not Fight It. ADHD brain is distracting, yes, but it is also the most stubborn bitch ever and fighting it will just make you unhappy and tired. Figure out how you work best in a way that keeps you content and happy and work with it.
Of course there can be discipline aspects there too; I do find pushing myself to get up and pick up the sketchbook when I am feeling lazy is good, there's definitely elements where you can push yourself just to do a little bit more or work a little bit harder - but only to the point it still works for you. Once it gets hard, stop fighting and let yourself flow naturally.
Ajdhjsja idk if this makes sense I've just done a lot of thinking about this over the years and hoped it might be a bit helpful
I feel you man. Schedules are foreign things to me, and trying to make one for myself is both physically and mentally painful. When I was doing my webcomic, holding myself accountable day in and day out to pump out page after page after page made me so ill. Even when I tried to take it slower and make it easy on myself, I would just get laden with guilt. I had to put it down for my own health and figure out what was wrong with me.
I have received the "Don't Fight It" advice from other ADHD friends before, and i'm STILL FIGURING OUT HOW TO APPLY IT TO MYSELF ... like i said, there are always gonna be external factors that impede your ability to do what you love, even without ADHD (living situation, general mental/physical health, etc).
I definitely wanted to post this ask though, because I hope other people can also benefit from this advice. It's definitely helpful, and after reading everyone's responses to that post, I think it's something I should start being more mindful of too. Thank you for sharing your experience!
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aeymii · 3 months
Actually maybe I could share some mental images I have for those Nagi rarepairs?
Nagito and Peko taking great amusement in playfully teasing Fuyuhiko together. His bodyguard/childhood friend and boyfriend turn out to be quite chipper around each other. And will get into some zany misadventures to protect Fuyuhiko from things that they assume are threats. The end results usually leave Fuyuhiko holding his face in his hands in disbelief. But he just can't hold it against the two. Especially when Nagito pecks him on the cheek.
Nagito never imagined he could enter a loving relationship with an Ultimate. But what surprised him even more...is just how comfortable and at peace he feels with the relative normality Mahiru offers. The simple act of doing household chores together feels gratifying to the both of them. Mahiru loves having a partner she can rely on to pitch in. And for Nagito these moments provide a sense of stability and tranquility. It's a mutually caring relationship where each of them are constantly trying to make sure the other isn't fatigued or overworked. Like Nagito will be all "Mahiru-san doesn't have to do any work today!" on her birthday, which she plays along with for a smile. But she'll step in and assists after a few hours when it's clear he's starting to feel a bit tired. And Mahiru is slowly making progress in selling Nagito on the idea that he is an equal partner.
Nagito actually manages to figure out that Imposter is not who they say they are early on. After carefully observing the animation work of "Ryota Mitarai", and realizing that while the stuff "he" does in class is decent, there's a noticeable quality gap between that and the animation brought in from "his" dorm. As well as discovering from older photos that Ryota Mitarai was supposed to be very skinny less than a year before Hope's Peak. It leads to Nagito confronting Imposter, fearing for the safety of the real Ultimate Animator. Only for Nagito to perk up immediately upon learning that he's discovered a secret Ultimate with an incredible talent. He agrees to keep it a secret to a grateful Imposter (who was relieved the confrontation came from a place of concern for Ryota). And that leads to the beginnings of a close relationship, with Nagito eagerly agreeing to help Imposter with their "Nagito Komaeda" impersonation. Which is quite good, although Imposter can't convincingly replicate Nagito's bizarre luck. Which they actually use to make a "See, there is something quite special about you" point to a protesting Nagito.
ASJFYJSJW these are so cute AHHH, I love all of them, the Komazumi is so adorable, the Twokoma is chef's kiss and I love the Kuzukoma one too!! WHY ARE YOU AMAZING AT THIS ANON YOU KNOW WHAT, A good idea deserves some sketches!! 💕💕 Also I tried to draw the others but I got a lil lazy.. but to make up for them I drew something at the end
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I dunno if these guys will eventually get their own blog or not, but I got the idea of a necromancer becoming allies with a warden, then I remembered a character I created in high school, Mezrith, a melanistic deep elf necromancer who was also a vampire and his familiar a white cat he creatively named "Cat". So he's been reborn, and has been adopted into a warden pride.
You can interact with them and ask them questions if you want!
Voryth is actually Zylarath's sire.
Seraphis: Usually fairly lazy, but can be very aggressive and territorial like a normal warden. His colors are more towards greens. He will sometimes try to challenge Ophelion for leadership of the pride, but always fails. The big, powerful old warden can easily kick his ass to the surface and back again any time he tries. This never seems serious, and they always get along just fine after one of these noisy spats
Ophelion: Incredibly old and powerful. Thick in build, tall and muscular. The long bone growths denote his age and power. Ophelion is surprisingly patient, especially with Seraphis. His power is immense. Ophelion can flatten most other wardens simply due to age, experience, and size. His territory is vast and well established, and very healthy. He's a good pride leader, looking after Seraphis and Voryth and keeping them safe. He's sired cubs with both of the smaller wardens, though the pride doesn't have any cubs currently.
Voryth: Fairly chill. They may be where Zylarath got their friendly demeanor from. Voryth does have the natural territorial nature of a warden, but they generally don't really care too much. They leave all that stuff up to Ophelion. They very much look up to the big warden.
Mezrith: A deep elf who grew up in a viciously abusive home, seen as cursed due to a birth mark on his chest (Not shown, he keeps it covered). He was seen as a bane on the family he was born to, and his brother, Triew, was especially nasty to him. He ran away from home and took up studying necromancy when he was around 12 years old. He learned a lot as he grew, but he ended up getting exposed to the blood of a vampire, which caused him to turn. This angered him because it made necromancy MUCH harder. He found notes about wardens, and decided to try to seek out the sculk, to see if he could learn how their sentinels worked. If he could figure out how to harness sculk spores to animate corpses, it would take far less energy and he could get his vengeance. He eventually encountered Ophelion, who sensed that the deep elf was hurting and had been through a lot of pain and strife in his life. The big warden decided to adopt the elf into his pride, despite Mezrith being in the equivalent of his 30's. While he wasn't so sure at first, having a found family that treated him well made him feel a lot better. He ended up deciding against seeking vengeance because he realized it wasn't worth it. His family was cruel and chaotic, they'd have their own downfall given enough time and he would be thriving with his familiar and his new family. He's generally quiet, cranky, is not fond of people at all. He gets along well with the three wardens, though has a special bond with Ophelion.
"Cat": This is not her real name. Cat is a grimalkin, a creature that can be compared to a sort of fae cat. They are shapeshifters, able to take a human form, highly intelligent. They always have split tails and are poly-dactyl. Cat, of course, is not her real name. She posed as a normal cat to give Mezrith comfort when he was with his abusive family, and once he was away from them she revealed her true nature, shaking off the glamour spell that cloaked her. She decided to keep the name "Cat" because she found it amusing just how "creative" Mezrith was at naming. She's spoiled, can be sassy, confident, and not at all afraid of the wardens. Grimalkin are fierce and proud creatures, and incredibly powerful in their own right. She has a special bond with Voryth, often sitting on their shoulder. She is known to sometimes flirt with the warden in her human form, because seeing them get flustered amuses her. She's a bit of a trickster. She loves food.
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19180901 · 2 years
⤵ I think of her so much, it drives me crazy...
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✃ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
✣ . Lloyd x anti-hero!fem!reader.
Reader description:
➟ Y/n is an anti-hero and wanted woman that has a pretty long record of crimes. It’s not big crimes like murdering someone or stuff like that, small crimes that are still considered crimes and are obviously punishable. Nonetheless, she still does good things such as helping people that need assistance, giving back that one old woman her purse that got stolen, yeah. Such a girlboss fr
➟ CW: Relationship moves pretty fast (it's Ninjago, what do you expect? Slowburns?), fights, minor injuries.
F/n = Fake name
There's like 5k+ words idk
A/N: ( Sorry for all the fem readers in my posts! I'll try making more diverse readers in my future works. <3)
I'm not making a part two (this is already long enough). The ending is up to you :)
- <3
8:37 AMㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ87%
+81 75 253 4823
+81 75 253 4823
wdym what
come help us or smth wtf
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤwho tf r u
+81 75 253 4823
don’t tell me you still didn’t save my number you idiot
if we die im gonna tell master wu it’s your fault
You stared at your screen, incredibly confused as you tried to figure out who just texted you and called you by the name of the Master of Fire. But based on what they said, it is most likely one of the famous Ninjas. And that Ninja is probably dying and is gonna die thinking you’re the fire Ninja. You contemplated whether you should tell him you are, in fact, not his friend, saving him and whoever’s with him from whatever is happening to them.
Or you could pretend you were Kai.
One life, you thought with a mischievous smirk visibly displayed on your face. You were bored as fuck so you decided to go with the second option, that is possibly gonna lead to the death of the well-loved heroes of Ninjago. But who cares? Definitely not you. Causing the death of a ninja is gonna look great on your criminal record. Well, if you ever get caught. For some reason, the police was never able to catch you. Dumbasses.
You thought a bit about how Kai would answer this message.
08:39 AMㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ86%
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤOHH yeah right haha sorry i’m just kinda feeling in a silly goofy mood rn
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ dw i’m coming
+81 75 253 4823
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤwhere r u btw
+81 75 253 4823
are you dumb
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤyes i am
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤnow send me the location mf or i’m leaving you to die
+81 75 253 4823
i’m too important to die but ok
(insert location)
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤalrr i’ll be there in like 5 minutes
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤRead at 8:41
You felt bad that he’d be waiting for no one to save him from his doom so with what energy was left in you, you got up and quickly slipped on your criminal outfit. Yes, you had an outfit for your crimes because you gotta look good while doing them. And yes, you were going to save the ninja’s asses even if you felt too lazy to do it. You vaguely brushed out some knots in your hair and went out, getting on your motorcycle. You checked the location again and headed straight for it. It wasn’t very far so you could arrive there pretty soon.
You stopped your bike as you took in the scenery. A huge temple with lots of intricate and symbolic designs all over, with unlit torches on the poles that was holding the roof thingy, whatever it’s called. You wasted no time and carefully entered the decaying place, trying not to move or break anything, scared that the place would crumble down on you or something. The Ninja said that they were in the dungeon. But where the fuck is the dungeon?
You looked around with a sketchy face and noticed stairs going down. Since there was no other place to go, there was no doubt they went down there. Again, you carefully went down, alert of your surroundings. You arrived in some sort of tunnel with lots of torches placed in holes in the wall. You went through the tunnel and, unsurprisingly, there were arrows stuck everywhere on the walls, massive holes on the ground, giant axes that were destroyed displayed on the floor. It was very evident that these were traps activated by someone, most likely the Ninjas.
You rolled your eyes at the thought of them helplessly dodging the arrows and other traps. Unlike them, you made sure not to trigger any more traps and safely got to what seemed like giant doors. Giant doors that were half open. You took a peek inside and, sure enough, on the ceiling, gripping the stone bricks with such force were the Green and Silver Ninja, also known as Lloyd and Nya, trying not to die from the rising lava that was about to fill the room. You tried your best to hold in your laugh as you watched them struggle. After taking your phone and quickly snapping a picture, you looked around for any ways to get them out of here. Then you caught sight of stone slabs on the walls that looked like they would fall any minute. You took out a grappling hook and shot at each of the stone slabs so they would fall on the lava and make some kind of platform for the Ninja to land on.
Lloyd and Nya looked at the door but they couldn’t see their friend. But they thought nothing of it, only thinking about their survival and jumped on the stone platforms created by their “friend”. They quickly reached the door and gasped upon seeing that it was, in fact, not Kai that saved them, but some random person that they did not recognize.
“Who are you??” Yelled Nya angrily. You literally just saved their lives. Why is she mad?
“Oh come on I just saved your asses, be grateful I didn’t leave you there to die, because I definitely could’ve. Now if you don’t want the lava to fill the entire temple and kill you then we better move. I’ll explain when we get out, follow me!” You ran in the tunnel towards the stairs as the two others followed you. They exchanged unsure glances but it was true that the temple was about to be destroyed. The lava was rising quickly, quicker than you thought. The three of you hurried out, and, thank the First Spinjitzu Master that you got out before the lava reached you. All of you jumped out and, as if on cue, the old building blew up, for some reason (probably some hidden explosives). You were all out of breath. The adrenaline rush made you run faster than usual. You made a mental note to never answer texts asking for help.
Lloyd regained his breath and looked at you. “Who are you? How did you know we were here? And where’s kai?” You glanced back at him and let out a slightly dramatized but exasperated sigh. How did he not notice that he texted the wrong number? Even your dumbass would’ve noticed.
“Well, sir Green Ninja, it appears that instead of texting your little ninja friend, you have texted some random number that just happened to be me. And I couldn’t just leave you to die, even if I could, so with great effort, I came here to save your butts. Anyway, a thank you would’ve been appreciated.” You remarked and put your hands on your hips.
Nya looked at Lloyd with an annoyed expression, and upon seeing the sour look on his partner’s face, he sheepishly giggled. Nya sighed and looked back at you. “Thank you for saving us. We owe you a lot.”
“Oh, don’t worry about it. It’s nothing,” you smiled at them. Lloyd looked at you with a perplexed look. Why did you look so familiar? He swears he’s seen you before somewhere. But where? And why?
“Well then, I better get going. I’ll see you around maybe! I hope not…” You greeted the Ninjas and muttered the last part under your breath. As much as you would’ve wanted to see them around, you didn’t want to be caught by the police and spend the rest of your days in prison.
“Yeah, bye!”
Then it clicked. Now he remembers where he’s seen you before. You’re wanted all around Ninjago and they were often tasked with finding and catching you where there have been sightings of you.
"Hey! You're that criminal that's wanted everywhere!" Yelled the Green Ninja at you. You slowly turned your head to look at him and grinned. Then you fully turned around and crossed your arms. “Heh. I thought you would’ve never noticed.” You chuckled. Lloyd and Nya went into a fighting stance and glared at you.
“Oh come on, why the mean face? I just saved you.” You sighed. “I don’t intend to fight you. I’m not completely evil y’know. I do good stuff too.” You rolled your eyes boredly and walked back to your motorcycle and jumped on it. Lloyd was about to follow when the woman beside him stopped him. He looked at her with a confused look and she shook her head. “I think she isn’t lying. If she was completely evil, she wouldn’t have saved us. And besides, not reporting her to the police is the least we could do in return.”
They both looked at you and saw you smiling innocently at them, before you turned on the engine, put on your helmet and left. The green dude sighed and looked at your distancing figure. He decided to trust Nya and let you go. He’ll catch you another day. Or will he?
It’s been, what, 3 days? A week since you saved the Ninjas? You didn’t keep track of time, to be frank. You had nothing to do and life seemed like it was worth nothing. You were laying on your couch watching the new series that just came out, For a tomorrow without tears (i made that up, it's not real pls). Basically it was about a girl who’s life was pretty much shit and she cries everyday because of that. You thought it would be bad but it was actually interesting and now you’re hooked.
You lived in a secret underground basement that was well hidden. It was under Laughy’s Karaoke Club, and the entrance was behind said place. There was a small, unnoticeable button that could only be pressed by you, since it recognizes digital fingerprints. So if anyone else finds the button somehow, it would not work.You were pretty proud of it since you installed the system yourself.
You had nothing to do. How about stealing random kids’ candy? No, you already did that yesterday. Their cries felt so good to hear. I could start a chase with the police. Eh, you didn’t feel like running or doing anything physically demanding. Since when did life get so boring? You had so much to do before you rescued the Ninjas.
You decided to slip on the first outfit that you picked up from the floor and got out of your secret base after taking your time (for once) and tying your hair into something decent. You put on a mask that covers your whole face so you won’t be immediately recognized. Leaving, you made sure no one was around to discover your hidden hideout.
You decided to simply take a stroll around the city, looking for something to do. Some crimes maybe. Or help people. Whatever. It was broad daylight so you didn’t expect to see the Ninjas today. Hopefully they weren’t here. You walked past an alley and heard yells. You didn’t notice until you realized someone was screaming, and walked backwards to check in the alleway. There, cowering in fear, stood two teenage girls surrounded by some thugs that probably wanted their money or something, the usual basically.
You calmly walked into the alley and started to speak. “Damn, thugs stealing kids’ money in a secluded alleyway? Probably the most cliché thing I’ve encountered today.” The men looked at you and glared. “Get her!” Ordered what seemed to be their leader. One of them charged at you and you skillfully dodged him, grabbing his left arm and bending it in a way that’ll leave him trembling and screaming for his mom. He howled in pain and you smirked. The other thugs looked at each other with worried glances. Hesitantly, they also lunged at you. Throwing a kick and punch there, they were both defeated in less than a second. Hah, weak.
The only one left was the leader. He looked at you with such fear anyone would’ve thought you were Garmadon or the Overlord, or something. He took out a dagger and tried to hit you with it. To your fortune, he was too slow. You expected better for a leader. You kicked your leg at his arm and, surprisingly, he dodged it and impaled your thigh with his dagger. You hissed in pain and recoiled your leg. You glared at him and threw punches in his face and when he was taking in the pain in his face, you took the chance and kicked the dagger out of his hand. Swiftly, you took the weapon and went behind him, putting the dagger to his neck.
“Well, well. Didn’t expect you to actually do damage. You’re stronger than I thought, but too weak to be able to defeat me.” The dagger still on his neck, you threw a punch at him from behind and he passed out. You exhaled and looked at the teenage girls, who had bewildered looks on their faces. You looked through the leader and took the bags and purses of the girls. You gave them back their belongings and one of them started to sob into tears of joy and relief, very much to your dismay.
“T-thank you.. sniff for saving u-us! What can we do f-for you in return?” Thanked the sobbing girl. You awkwardly chuckled and waved your hand. “Eh, just stay safe for me, will ya’? Don’t wanna come to your rescue again.” They smiled and bowed to you before going their way. But just as they were turning their backs, a ninja came out of nowhere and looked at the scene. It was the Green Ninja, again, much to your dismay. He looked at the knocked out thugs behind you and looked at you. Then he looked at the girls, then back at you.
“Did you knock out those dudes?” He crossed his arms as he queried. An imaginary drop of sweat slid down your forehead behind your mask and you nervously tittered. His presence made you so uneasy all of a sudden.
“Uh, yeah. Yeah I did.” The girls squealed in excitement and ran out the alleyway, for some reason. You thought they would’ve asked for the celery man’s autograph or something, but no, they straight up ran away. The said man looked at you, then walked in your direction. He stopped in front of you and he crossed his arms, again. “Don’t think I don’t recognize you, F/n." You raised an eyebrow at him then smirked, dramatically taking off your mask. “And here I thought no one would find out I’m me! My, am I in such distress.” You said, even more dramatically and put a hand on your forehead, to make it even more dramatic. He just rolled his eyes, even if you couldn’t see it.
You cleared your throat. “So.... are you gonna.. kidnap me and deliver me to the police or something?” You awkwardly asked and put your hands behind your head as you strayed not too far away. All you did was stare at each other for the past 20 seconds and it was very awkward. The height difference didn’t make things any better.
Then you remembered that the thug stabbed your thigh. And it was bleeding and staining your clothes. You gritted your teeth in pain. Why was it now that you felt the pain? You started to feel slightly lightheaded but played it off (successfully).
“What? No! I’m not gonna kidnap you.” He gushed and looked at you, surprised by your sudden question. “Then what? Am I not supposed to be wanted? You know, this is the moment where you’re supposed to tie my hands up, pick me up on your shoulder, aggressively deposit me at the police station and mysteriously disappear. I actually thought you’d be interesting. I must say, I’m disappointed.” You told him off with a hearty laugh as you turned back to look at him. You started to feel more and more dizzy as the seconds went by. Shit. What if you passed out in front of him? Shit.
He looked down with a perplexed gaze. This was greatly troubling, for sure. What was he supposed to do? Turn you in? You saved these girls before he could even arrive at the scene. But you also saved him. You weren’t evil or mean, like how everyone thinks you are. You may be a criminal, but that’s not what you do 25/8.
That's when he noticed your leg. He gasped. You were bleeding like crazy! How did he not notice this sooner? And why did you seem so calm and nonchalant about it??
"Your- your leg- !" He tried to warn you but you put a finger to his lips. "Yeah, yeah, I know. I'm gonna go back to my place and treat it, don't worry." You reassured him, but he didn't believe you. It has probably been some time that you started bleeding, and at this point you should've passed out from the blood loss.
God, why did he even care? It's not like you're close or anything… But still. Strangely enough, he felt the need to help you. Not because it's probably just common decency, but for something else.
But his thoughts were interrupted when you tried to walk away. "I'm going back so- so uh… yeah. Stay safe out there.. It's not… It's not safe-" You stopped talking when black dots covered your vision, and you felt yourself go limp. You didn't know what happened next because you just passed out (finally).
Lloyd hurriedly caught you before you could hit the floor. Now what was he supposed to do? He can't get you to the hospital because you're gonna go straight to prison after being treated. He doesn't know where you live. He sighed as he realized he had no other choice but to take you back to the Bounty. The others will surely understand his situation, right?
"Pixal, do you copy?" Spoke Lloyd into his mic thingy. I don't know what it's called.
"Loud and clear, Lloyd. What is it?"
"I'm gonna need you to come pick me up… I'm kind of, uh.. stuck." He chuckled, uneasy. "I'll meet you on the roof of the building on-” He checked their location. “-Elemental Avenue, 451."
"On it."
Lloyd shifted so that he could carry you bridal style. He then jumped on the emergency stairs on the side of buildings and made his way on the rooftop. A minute or two passed, and the Bounty arrived. He climbed in and set the woman down, still having an arm below your head.
He looked up and saw Pixal and Nya coming his way. They both gasped at your sight. "What happened?" Panicked Nya, while Pixal rushed to get the medications and bandages needed.
"Long story…" He half-smiled at his teammate then glanced at you. Why did he feel so worried? He shouldn’t be worried. He shouldn’t care. He thought that it was normal since it was his duty to help the citizens of Ninjago, but you. You? You're a criminal! He can't care for you. He would've dropped you off at the hospital normally, but he didn't like the idea of you ending up in prison after being treated.
What. What? Why didn't he like you being in prison? They spend 50% of their time trying to find you and put you in a jail cell and here he was, not liking you being in prison. What the fuck.
The female nindroid came back a minute later with the med kit. It was only now that they realized they had to remove your pants to treat you. Lloyd unconsciously reddened. Nya carried you to a room with Pixal behind her, still carrying the med kit. They left, leaving poor Lloyd alone with his thoughts that grew more and more overwhelming and obvious each passing second.
Once you were in a different room, the Water Ninja set you down on the bed and gently slid down your pants. The gash was quite big. And your pants were full of blood. She made a mental note to wash it for her. Nya backed away and let her friend do the rest.
Said girl cleaned the blood before applying disinfectant on a piece of cotton and wiping your injury. She couldn't just put a band-aid on the cut. It was pretty large and quite deep.pretty damn deep. She will need to stitch it. Pixal took out a medical sew and sutures to stitch your wound.
An hour or two had passed, and the three girls were still in the room. Lloyd grew more and more anxious. He was about to knock on the door when it opened before he had the chance to. Nya shook her head as she chuckled at the celery man. He looked at her with an expectant gaze.
"Don't worry, she's fine. She'll wake up soon." Comforted the woman. Lloyd sighed in relief and crossed his arms.
“Why didn’t you drop her off at the hospital? They would have treated her and taken her to Kryptarium Prison.”
Lloyd flinched. What was he gonna tell her? He doesn’t even know why himself.
The Water Ninja raised an eyebrow at her comrade. Then she sniggered at him in realization. “Oh~ I get it. You have a crush on a criminal that we met only a week ago.” She continued laughing at the poor vegetable dude. The latter blushed and immediately denied.
“What!? No! Never. A crush? On her? Pff-” He tried to reason, but it was futile. Deep down he knew it was true, but he’d never admit it to anyone, or himself. Nya rolled her eyes with a smile and went her way to the control room.
Lloyd took a deep breath, and went into the room where you were in a deep slumber. He stared into your sleeping figure. What if Nya was right? What if he truly did have a crush on you? What is he gonna do? The others can’t know about this. They were gonna bully the fuck out of him. The more he thinks about it, the weirder he feels about you. Not the bad kind of weird. The.. weird kind of weird.
The green-obsessed man had nothing to do for the moment, so he decided to wait for you to wake up. He took a chair and sat down beside you. Before he knew it, he, too, was falling asleep.
You woke up to loud snoring. You looked around, sitting up. Lloyd was sleeping on a chair and he was snoring like a father taking a nap.
Wait, what? What’s Lloyd doing in your room?
Then you realized that you weren’t in your room. You tried to recall what happened.
Oh yeah. You passed out. Shouldn't you be in the hospital, though? What the fuck are you doing in.. wherever you are?
You got up from the bed and hissed. You felt something around your thigh. Someone bandaged your wound. You glanced back at the sleeping man beside you. With much pain and energy, you walked towards him and aggressively shook him. “BITCHASS WAKE UP WHERE AM I?”
Vegetable man jolted back up. He rubbed his eyes from his sleep and glared at you. Then he realized you were standing. With an injured leg. “What- Why are you standing?? You should be in bed!” He pushed you back to bed and scolded you. “I don’t need to stay in bed! Answer my question. Where am I?” You angrily responded from where you seated on the bed. You looked up at him with furrowed eyebrows. Wait, since when did he get so tall? And so intimidating? You gulped but still kept up a confident figure.
The Green man sighed exasperatedly and looked at you in disdain while putting his hands on his hips. “You’re on the Destiny's Bounty. And don’t worry, I’m.. not the one who cleaned your cut.” He reassured you and you could’ve sworn his face was just the slightest bit of red.
Your breath started to hitch seeing him blush. He looked kind of cute like that.
You shook off the thought and stood up again, much to Lloyd’s dismay. “Where are we?”
“On The Bounty. We can drop you off at yours, if you want?”
“And tell you the location of my secret hideout? No thanks. Just drop me off where we are, I’ll find my way back.” You limped towards the door onto the deck. He strode towards your limping figure and put your arm over his shoulder and helped you walk. “Are you sure? What if you get attacked or something? You won’t be able to fight like that.” He tried to convince you but of course, you denied. But the dude persisted and got on your nerves, so you told him to land you off at Laughy’s.
“Alright then.”
He left you to go to the control room. You looked down at the city and were left agape. Ninjago City looked so beautiful at night, especially from this view. You started to think about Lloyd.
“What if you get attacked or something?”
Why does he care? It’s totally not like you weren’t supposed to be rotting in prison.
10 minutes went by and you were still thinking about him. You realized and reddened. God, why were you thinking so much about him? It’s not like you liked him or anything… That would be weird. Wouldn't it?
“...Be careful, alright?” You looked at Lloyd and smiled, before going your way behind the Club. You made sure The Bounty left and you were out of sight and you went back to your base. You pushed the button on the wall with your index finger, and a door opened. You looked around for any sign of people, and went down the stairs leading to your hideout.
Once you were in, you immediately propped yourself onto your bed. Man, today was a long day. So much happened, but at the same time, so little did. You turned around so you would be facing the ceiling. You thought about Lloyd. Why did he say all those things? Did he mean it? Why is he actually kinda...
You turned around once again and screamed into your pillow. What the fuck was up with you? Did he poison you or something? Or used his weird green power thing to corrupt your mind? So many questions, but so little answers.
You fell asleep still thinking about the vegetable man.
The people in the room flinched as a certain blue ninja barged in the room. They shared incredibly confused glances before Kai, the Fire Ninja, looked at his teammate in disbelief and surprise.
“Wait wait, what- wait, WHAT?” He said, absolutely and utterly baffled at the fact that their traumatized little bro is actually in love (ignore harumi, she does not exist. fuck harumi btw) with someone. “Spill it! Who is it?”
“Remember F/n? That criminal the police make us search for but we can’t find her?”
“Don’t tell me he likes her!? ” Cole butted in, equally as bewildered as his friend.
The three of them looked at each other before breaking down in a fit of laughter.
Upon hearing the abnormally loud noise coming from the living room, Lloyd entered the room seeing the Red, Blue and Black Ninjas laughing as if they just saw a cockroach pissing on Zane or something. He raised an eyebrow and stared at them questioningly. What was so funny they were guffawing to their doom?
Kai tried to explain but couldn’t, as every time he opened his mouth only a wheeze came out. Cole, being the calmest in the room (but still howling in laughter), explained the situation to the poor boy.
“You- You like F/n??” He pointed at him before laughing just as hard as his comrades.
Lloyd’s eyes widened impossibly in surprise and waved his hands around as he denied the statement with all his might. “What? No! What- Who told you such nonsense? I don’t like F/n! I don’t.”
“Okay okay, but seriously dude. Her? Come on, There’s like, what? 5 billion people in Ninjago? I know you can do so much better!” Jay teasingly punched Lloyd’s arm.
“What? She’s not that bad… She’s actually nice. And what do you mean I can do so much better??” He glared at the boys before realizing what he just said.
“Haha, you admit it! Don’t worry bro, we got you.”
“What- I don’t like her!” He hid his face in his hands in aggravation, but the burning blush visibly displayed on his face said otherwise. “Why don’t you get it?” He looked up and glared at them. They snickered at him in response.
“Ask her out! I’m sure she’ll say yes.” Cole suggested, but his suggestion was quickly turned down by embarrassed Lloyd.
“Huh? No way! She doesn’t look like the type to be into that stuff anyway..” Said boy looked down and scratched his nape. “And besides, we only met like, 3 times. I can’t just ask her out like that.”
“How about you just tell her you wanted to go out as friends or something?”
“Yeah! And then you become friends, then you become good friends, then you crush on each other, then you’re a couple, then you get married and then you have kids- OW??”
Jay was cut off when Kai punched him on the back of his head. Lloyd groaned and sat down on the couch while slouching.
Then something came to the Master of Earth’s mind. “Do you at least have her number?”
Lloyd thought for a bit. “Actually, yeah. But she didn’t exactly give it to me. Remember that time me and Nya had a mission in Sunsetra’s Temple (i also made that up don’t judge me pls)? We, uh… kinda got stuck in a room with rising lava and I tried to text Kai for help, but somehow I texted some other number that ended up being F/n’s. We thought Kai would come but she came instead and yeah, that’s how I have her number. And also how we met.” The green-wearing boy explained, and leaned back while putting his hands behind his head.
“You’re… fucking stupid.”
“Excuse me?”
“Dude, just go text her! Get out! Shoo shoo! Don’t come back until she says whether she’ll go out with you or not!” Jay, quite literally, kicked Lloyd out of the living room. “Ah… Children grow up so fast.” He said, wiping an imaginary tear out of his eye as if he was in some dramatic k-drama or something. The two other boys in the room facepalmed.
09:12 AMㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ62%
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤHey
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ(Sent at 09:12 PM)
+81 54 553 6978
who is this
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤIt’s Lloyd
+81 54 553 6978
why ar eyou texting me at 9 pm??
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤI have a question
+81 54 553 6978
is it important?
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ It is of the utmost importance, yes
+81 54 553 6978
what’s so important? are you dtrying to distract me so you have the time to trackd my numbef down or smth to find my location and send me to th epolice???
ㅤ ㅤㅤㅤYou know I could’ve done that ages ago?
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤAlso why are you texting like that wtf
+81 54 553 6978
yes but we never know.
and why not smh🖕
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤYou text just like Jay
+81 54 553 6978
is that a compliment or an insult
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ Depends
+81 54 553 6978
well thank you then 😘
anyways what did you want to ask me?
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤOh I forgot about that
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤWell, It’s kind of embarrassing but
ㅤI wanted to ask if we could go out sometimes…
+81 54 553 6978
like a date??
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤIf you want to, I guess
+81 54 553 6978
We spoke like twice in our lifetime so
yes you’re right, that is embarrassin LMAAOA
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤIs that a no?
+81 54 553 6978
no actually
yes lloyd, i’ll go out with you 🤧
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤWow
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤI didn’t think you’d actually say yes
Y/n :)
tbh me neither but i’m giving you a chance bc im just nice like that👍
when and wehre di we meet??
ㅤㅤ ㅤI was thinking about the amusement park?
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤYou seem like the type to go there a lot
Y/n :)
i unfortunately don’t hav the chance to go because I’ll most likely get arrested
but yes you’re right😋
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤOkay then, I’ll meet you there at uhh
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤTuesday at 3:00 PM?
Y/n :)
actually, how about we go somewhere calmer?
i have a mission tuesday morning and i’ll probabaly b etoo drained for an amusement park hahahaj…
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤOh of course, that’s fine :)
ㅤㅤㅤ How about the new café that just opened?
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤIt’s pretty calm there
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤI think
Y/n :)
very cliché but yes i would love that :))
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤAlright, the new café at 3:00 PM?
Y/n :)
yup 👍
see you on tuesday <33
❤️ Liked by Lloyd
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ See you <3
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤ❤️ Liked by Y/n :)
Lloyd grinned at the “<3” you sent and propped himself onto his bed, and tightly hugged his pillow as his thoughts grew to be more and more about you.
One thing he knew for sure was that he most certainly looked forward to your date.
✃ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
A/N: I changed Lloyd's texting style purposely between the chat where he thought Y/n was Kai and when he knew it was Y/n. He texted differently because he thought it would impress Y/n, just a little HC of mine💪💪
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© legoffection. Please do not repost my work on any platforms, plagiarize and heavily edit my work under any condition!
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Hear me out stucky+edibles for the first time = absolutely bloated and gorged Steve and Bucky
First things first, I've never tried weed. I'm not of legal age yet, and I also have control issues 😎 I'm so cool, lmao.
So, I don't really have a desire to try weed, nor is weed isn't something I'm super interested in generally. I do have friends that LOVE weed, though. I have experience by proxy, not personal experience. Idk how accurate anything I write would be
That being said...
I do like intox kink 👀
And I bet weed (and specifically the side effect of the munchies) would amount to an absolute orgy of gluttony for Steve and Bucky.
The boys stoned equals constantly hungry boys. And constant hunger turns into constant feeding, or, at least, constant grazing. Never not doing the motion of hand-to-mouth, packing down. Always making up new combo foods, like the time they order too much domino's and too much McDonald's and decide the only way to solve the problem is to put their burgers and fries on their pizza and stuff it all down together. They're beached after that.
In general, no matter the occurrence of getting high, they end up being so fucking out of it.
Flying like kites yet remaining firmly on the ground, weighed down by all the extra weight they've put on since discovering the incredible world of edibles. They're so lazy, zoning out, and riding out their highs on opposite couches where they can take up all the space they need, just sitting back on their widening asses, pinned under gurgly guts. Arms supporting their dome-like bellies as if they're pregnant. Major food babies.
Also, sometimes, while chomping down edibles, they forget that they're eating edibles (they're just so good! they taste so good!) and so they go in hard on the snacks and end up much higher than they mean to. So, they also end up hungrier than they mean to. Getting higher and hungrier means they order and order and order all different types of takeout, plowing through it, not even recognizing how full they are (or how much money they're spending) until neither of them can move.
They can't sit up over their packed guts that hang out of the bottom of their extremely tight shirts and rip the seams of their sweatpants at the thighs, hips, down their ass, or wherever their extra weight can escape. Blowing up. They can't move around. Not at all 😮‍💨
And things are only going to get tighter from here because takeout is greasy and fattening and sugar and, just, full of all the worst things that taste the best. The worst things that're mouthwatering and that promote bloating. Steve and Bucky think they're round now? Just wait 30 minutes...
They'll be so big that they'll be amazed with themselves, caressing their own bellies, waxing hazy poetic words about how fit to bursting they feel. Heavy and stuck like whales. No! Like that ship that got stuck in that canal. Or, no, not like a ship, that's the wrong shape and not heavy enough. They're round and heavy like the whole planet. Earth. And, God, do you think Earth feels bloated before volcanos erupt? All that pressure. Wait, wait, wait, can you imagine swallowing the whole planet? It'd be so heavy and make you so round. And it'd be hot too, right? Like, the core is lava or whatever.
They're full and high and stupid, and it all makes them conk out into food comas pretty fast. By the time they wake up... it's time to start all over again.
Steve and Bucky waste all of their days high and stuffed. Is it really a waste when it feels so good, though???
Eventually, when they're forced to not eat any edibles for a whole day (and, Jesus, those 24 hours feel WAY longer than they should) for some event they absolutely cannot attend even a little high Steve and Bucky will look down at their bellies falling out of their clothes and pushing solidly into their laps, they'll look at each other and try to figure out where all this fat came from. All this blubber that's so soft and malleable and delectable when their stomachs aren't stretched to the max from having no pauses in their days' worth of eating. Their fat tummies are so cushy under exploring, sober hands. Do we really look like this? How did we not realize? How did we put on so much weight without noticing? Like, we were high, hell yeah, but how were we that high that consistently? And... why does it turn us both on so much?
(I just reread the ask and realized you asked for the first time they try edibles....... I'm so dumb lol. Oops. Not exactly what you wanted and super short, but I hope you enjoyed still ❤️)
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ashes-of-ailell · 1 year
*Cracks knuckles*
Time for propaganda!
Ok so. I love FE 8. Not for the plot (its good though). Not for the gameplay or any mechanics. I love it for these two.
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Franz and Forde. Best siblings in FE history. You cannot change my mind. I have so many feelings about them.
Why do I love them so much you may ask? They are SO wholesome. Forde raised his younger brother after their parents both died when Franz was still very young. He was devastated because he loved his parents. He was still a child/ teen and had all of these new responsibilities. He probably didn't even know what to do. But he figured it out. For his brother. So that he will have a happy childhood. There is nothing more important to Forde than Franz.
And like they know each other better than anyone else. Everyone describes Forde as lazy and carefree. When he isnt. He is canonically a great fighter (even though this does not translate well in the game xD) but he is sleeping or painting on the battlefield. As you do. And no one gets why. It's stupid. It's dangerous. He has no reason to do so. Wrong. He isn't in danger when sleeping because he has a modified saddle so he won't fall off. And he is painting to study the terrain. Bro is smarter than anyone gives him credit for. And apparently Franz is the only one who knows this/ figured it out. Because Forde doesn't take any credit for it. He wants everyone to think he is useless, carefree and clumsy. To make them laugh and lighten up the mood during a war. He doesn't want others to be sad because he knows how horrible it is. And he has always been like that. When their dad was gone because of some missions or whatever and Franz was sad about it he tried to cheer him with his drawings.
What about Franz though you may wonder? He is SUCH a cute little bean. He wants to be a great knight like his brother and Seth. He is better than them gameplay wise. At least by far better than Forde and at least on par with Seth. He is helping everywhere he can. In every last support of his he just so *vague hand gestures* so adorable. Not a single mean cell in this boy's body. He literally recruited Amelia who was fighting for the enemy because he thought she somehow got caught in the battle and wanted to help her get to safety. (Kinda funny conversation btw) And then in their supports proceeds to teach her how to actually fight. They also have a paired ending togetehr. Puppy love at its finest.
ANYWAY I love Franz and Forde so much you can't even imagine. Faerghast made a half an hour long video about Forde btw. Like he such a well written (but sadly irrelevant and growth wise pretty much useless) character.
Here is the link in case youre interested: https://youtu.be/rairchPLY30
Ok enough propaganda. Have a nice day! 🙃
Hi there!!
This was such a delight to read. I can really tell how much you like these characters and it's lovely.
While I haven't played the game these two are from, reading about them has made me genuinely rather interested. It sucks that Forde may not be the best unit wise, which I imagine must limit chances to use him in battle, I'm glad his supports and the like seem to be quite good.
Will definitely have a look at Franz and Amelia's paired ending, it sounds incredibly cute. I'll also try and have a look at the video you linked, it sounds interesting and will allow me to learn more about Forde. They absolutely sound like incredible characters!!
I hope you have a lovely day too!! :3
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candyheartedchy · 2 years
i'm so curious about your ballmastrz oc! is she on a different team? how did she and baby ball meet? was the attraction instant or did it take some time?
So glad you asked because I been thinking about her story for awhile now! Warning, this is going to be a little long.
First thing first, she has ties with Crayzar. In other words, she was adopted by him. He founded her abandoned as a child and took her in to raise her (mostly for kicks) and she kinda grows up to be his assistant/lackey. My sona and him have this strained dynamic due to Crayzar’s god-complex and my sona’s low self esteem issues. But overall Crayzar acts more like a sibling to her then a paternal figure so he mostly pokes fun at her a lot.
One day after getting fend up with her laziness and being a shut in, Crayzar forced my sona onto the Leptons team as a sort of punishment for her. My sona never played sports in her life so she’s fumbling through the whole game to the point where the whole team has to take turns training her for the sake of saving their winning streak.
Funny enough she knew of Baby Ball and the rest of the team through Crayzar, so she was familiar with him from watching the game behind the scenes. So when it was Baby Ball’s turn to train her, they clashed. Baby Ball saw her as a liability due to my sona’s performance on the field, so he was annoyed and mocked her endlessly, calling her ‘thunder thighs’ and stuff like that, upsetting her constantly. Though he tried to flirt her a few times, only for it to go over my sona’s head due to her being oblivious. It wasn’t until one day Baby Ball caught my sona crying due to stress of training one day. They end up having a awkward talk with each other were Baby Ball admits his own self esteem issues, which causes my sona to encourage him, telling him how incredible she always thought he was and how he was just as important to the team as everybody else.
And to everyone’s surprise, Baby Ball suddenly wanted to help her in the game due to both of their mutually understanding with each other. It wasn’t until the other teammates noticed the pair always found excuses to ‘team up’ together out in the game, much to their annoyances, that something was going on between the two. But it took awhile for the pair to admit their feelings for each other due to both of them being stubborn. And of course Crayzar knew the whole time, watching the pair amusingly like insects in a jar.
And that’s all a got right now!
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xluvablz · 23 days
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❀: "midnight whispers"
pairing: emily prentiss x f!reader.
summary: after a long and gruelling case, emily comes home to your welcoming embrace.
warnings: potential laziness on my end...
word count: 784 (short n sweet).
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When Emily enters the house in the early hours of the morning, exhausted from solving a long and tiring case, she tries her best not to wake you. She closes the door gently, but to her dismay, the door creaky on its hinges, stirs you from your peaceful slumber. As Emily sees your abruptly awakened figure, she silently curses the door and immediately feels a pang of guilt.
"Hey… sorry, I tried not to wake you" she says. Her tiredness was apparent in the form of bags under her eyes, and thoughts were clearly distant.
As Emily saw you wake up abruptly she silently cursed the creaky door and immediately felt a pang of guilt.
"It's okay, did things work out?" You groggily wipe your eyes, as your speech slurs. Your voice is raspy, and your words fade out. Emily's lips tug at a smile, and her heart swells knowing she's the only one to see you in such a vulnerable state; she finds it endearing that you still attempt to ask about her work, even in your half asleep state.
"Yeah, everything worked out fine, it was just a very long case" she replies, stepping closer to the bed and sitting down next to you. "Go back to sleep, I know you need it."
"Mhm, not as much as you,"
She chuckles quietly and smiles again, your sleepy words somehow hitting a nerve deep within her.
"Yeah, I know… I guess the case really got to me" she mumbles, realising most of her fatigue was due to missing you so dearly. It’s hard being away all the time.
"Yeah? Talk to me." You open your arms, oversized shirt slipping off your shoulder. Your collar bones glisten in the moonlight; you look ethereal, even in your dishevelled state.
Em looks at your body feeling grateful for the opportunity to be able to witness you at your most natural and uninhibited. She lays in your arms and snuggles up close and burying the side of her face into your chest, feeling at home in your embrace.
"I don't know… I just missed being here. I know it sounds stupid because I go away on these cases all the time but… this case was somehow particularly tough"
Emily feels the stress of the case slowly dissipating with your comforting touch. The steady rise and fall of your chest and the soothing rhythm of your heartbeat makes her feel at ease.
"The case took a lot longer than anticipated, I suppose the unsub's mind games just got to me - more than they usually do" she murmured, her eyes closing as she nuzzles you further, her body slowly relaxing and melting in your arms.
"How so? You have such a thick shell. I guess we all have to let our guard down once in a while" you reply. The tips of your fingers trace along her arms, before reaching her scalp to softly massage. You find comfort in being Emily’s escape.
"Yeah you're right… but the guy was very smart and he knew exactly what would get to me, he used the victims and their children to provoke me into making a mistake, which cost a life. I can deal with being personally targeted by a psycho, but using others as leverage… well, it’s just different" she explained, her voice soft and slightly hoarse from fatigue.
You stay silent, registering her words. Subconsciously your fingers delicately trace shapes on Emily’s cheek. You hum in acknowledgement of her worries, and kiss her head in an attempt to ease her pains. Your touch is warm, and as you caress her skin she lets a deep sigh escape the confines of her lips. Your physical contact and lending ear made Emily feel seen. She knew you were listening intently to her struggles, and always would be. It felt like a weight was being lifted from her shoulders.
Carefully, you break the restful silence, “I wish I could kiss their cruelties from your mind”.
Emily chuckles softly at your words, finding them incredibly sweet.
"You're doing just fine with your embrace and kisses, you know? Your presence alone makes me feel so much better" she states, her voice barely above a whisper.
You smile breathly, feeling her affection wash over you like a gentle wave. “I love you, Em.”
She lifts her head slightly, just enough to look into your eyes, searching for your face in the dim light.
"I love you too, so much" she hushes, her lips curling into a soft, content smile as she speaks. She could stay like this forever, being in your arms felt like the safest thing in the entire world. You think you could, too.
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wahhhh first emily prentiss fic!! now that I think about it, maybe I just have the hots for girls whos names start with an 'e'... hehe.
credits to @cafekitsune for boarders
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deedo2313 · 7 months
Fuck it Friday
So, I've been tagged by the lovely and incredibly talented @thekristen999
From what I've figured how it works, is that you post a part of a wip you are working on and then tag someone else to do the same.
Well why not... I did use to actually write fics (a very long time ago, when I didn’t fully appreciate how much free time I had at my disposal) but haven’t done so in quite a while. Looking through my stuff I do have quite a few wips that never got posted anywhere (and probably never will) like that 7k smutty Spuffy Christmas fic that I've been meaning to finish every year around November/early December... for the past 18 years 😅
I've decided to go with something more recent from a couple of years back, before Infinity War & Endgame and the Russo brothers completely ruined the MCU for me by destroying every single (found) family and making it impossible for me to enjoy any of the other movies without that painful tinge of heartbreak & sorrow and just this profound fury at what is to come (but that is a rant for another time).
Anyway, the fic is called Stuck in the Middle with You and it’s a very self indulgent epic saga following BAMF Darcy Lewis and her two lovers and covert triple agents Jack Rollins and Brock Rumlow from the end of Thor through most the other MCU movies. I did actually spent a couple of months plotting it all out and have written several parts of it in no particular order, but then just never found the time to write down most of it properly, and isn’t it just fascinating how eloquently you can spin a narrative when you're laying half awake in bed for a relaxed lazy morning but when you try to write it down later all you can produce is "there were people and things happened" lol
Also, I've decided I'm too old to feel guilty about my ships and I'm not open to judgement about my choices. If you don't like them, I don’t care.
So to finally cut all that rambling short...
Darcy had timed her arrival just right to be conveniently in front of Secretary Pierce’s office as Captain America strides off in the direction of the elevator. She manages to catch his attention just as he is about to board the lift.
“Captain Rogers,” she calls, hurrying after him, “if you have just a moment, sir, there is an urgent report I need you to read and sign off on.”
She can see the indecision in the confused tilt of his eyebrows as he turns to regard her, but luckily his manners win out once again and he stops just inside the elevator doors.
Darcy angles the tablet she holds out in his direction away from the security cameras. She doesn’t think what she is about to show him would be ligible on the feed, but better safe than sorry.
“It will only take a moment” she tells him and waits as he peruses the message.
Shocked blue eyes fly up to meet hers and she tries to convey as much sincerity and confidence as the situation allows while she covertly nudges the usb stick she had concealed behind the tablet into his hand.
He seems to get his facial expression under control in the next moment and goes through the motions of signing off on a report.
“Thank you Agent - “ he nods at her and she is about let him step back into the elevator when three agents she thinks she recognises from STRIKE Team Beta suddenly crowd close and herd her into the elevator with them calling for the Lobby and the doors close before she has a chance to step back out.
Well shit!
A couple of floors down the doors open again and another handful of operatives she doesn’t recognise and Brock get on.
“Excuse me,” She tries to shuffle to the doors to make her escape, but she’s boxed in by an unmoving veritable wall of muscle.
They seem to be ignoring her on purpose and while the Captain starts to bristle at the obvious disrespect they are showing her she hopes it's because they are just regular assholes who are trying to get under her skin and not because someone got suspicious of her actions in the past couple of weeks and decided not to wait for Project Insight’s launch to get rid of her.
Brock has his back to her and Captain Rogers, but as he assesses the situation out of the corner of his eye she can see the exact moment he notices her. His eyes widen just a fraction and his shoulders grow impossibly even more tense as he suppresses the urge to reach out for her, knowing Sitwell is keeping a close eye on the proceedings through the security feeds.
At the next stop she gets squished even farther back when Jack boards the car with Michaels and Gregson in tow.
He notices her right away, though and his expression shutters from his professional scowl to just blank, his gaze flicking over to Brock and they seem to carry a whole conversation with pointed look and a quirk of eyebrows.
She has resigned herself to not getting off the elevator any time soon and contemplates how to get out of the center where the action will take place.
“Lewis!” Brock’s sharp call interrupts her thoughts, “Do you have the specs ready for me to brief the team on the next mission? The timetable has been moved up.”
“Yes Commander.” she easily plays along and this time the wall of muscle actually parts for her when she moves in his direction. She holds her tablet out for him and Jack steps closer on her other side under the pretense of reading over the mission specs as well.
When the elevator jolts to a sudden stop she is ready and confident in their ability to keep her safe.
Steve had pocketed the usb drive and tried to project a calm exterior while his thoughts were raging in a tumultuous tornado.
Shield infiltrated by Hydra? Bucky alive? How could this even be possible? With Hydra’s influence reaching as far as Pierce, whom could he even still trust? Had Fury known? Was that why he had been killed?
On the other hand what reason would the pretty brunette have for making something so outrageous up? And it would be an explanation for all the things that didn’t add up lately.
As the the elevator filled with only the biggest and burliest agents her warning of this being a set up to quietly bring him into custody at the very least seemed to be true.
She obviously hadn't planned to be trapped right alongside him, though.
He kept a wary eye on his surroundings as the agents got in position around him and felt a lance of concern as her continued attempts to leave the elevator remained unsuccessful.
He was just about to intervene on her behalf when Rumlow called her over.
As he observed the STRIKE Commander and his second, who had stepped closer onto Lewis’ other side, he noticed their rigid postures and the tense glances they shared as they bracketed Lewis between them.
She did say they were on his side and their obvious concern for the low ranked agent that basically screamed helpless civilian seemed to corroborate her story.
They seemed to come to some kind of decision and just as the first fist flew towards his face he saw Rollins herd Lewis into the farthest corner where he surreptitiously passed her one of his shock batons and effectively shielded her from the rest of the elevator and the camera's eye with his considerable bulk.
Soon enough only Rumlow and Rollins were the last ones left standing and Lewis wedged in her corner from where she'd covertly taken out one or two men with the taser and made sure a couple of the others stayed down.
He abandoned his attempt to say something when all three of them threw a quick glance at the cracked but apparently still working security camera above their heads and Rumlow tapped his com unit once to let him know everything would be monitored.
They rolled their shoulders and he had only a short moment of reprieve where Rumlow mouthed “Make it look believable.” at him with his back to the camera before they were both on him.
“Sorry, Cap, it’s nothing personal.”
Since I just got back here after my several years long hiatus, I have no idea whom to tag or who all is even still around, so if you wanna do it, feel yourself tagged <3
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lgbtmi · 2 years
new blorbo in law to learn abt! every question ending in 3 + a b and c for wende!
hehehehehehe wende (any pronouns) time!!! to give a bit of context i'll do a, b and c first and then i'll get into answering further questions abt her (:
A) Why are you excited about this character?
Wende is fucking wild. Combined with the system and the relationship map we've created, there's so much angst, drama, and chaos to uncover that I'm just itching to get in there. Monday shall be the day. The day where we discover how bad Wende's drug use actually is, why the guy she assassinated is back (he's an android but she doesn't know that), and maybe even what is in their future with their changeling partner... Also they're named after a performer I really like and I think that's neat uwu
B) What inspired you to create them?
He kind of just kind of... spawned? I joined some friends for a season of Hillfolk Dramasystem and I rolled the last slot on deciding what my character would be, and thus got to be the first person to connect to all other characters. And when the player who went in front of me decided his character would be a politician, the concept of 'guess Wende is just going to be a refugee on the run for having tried to murder the politician-guy'. And it all went downhill from there. It's hilarious.
C) Did you have trouble figuring out where they fit in their own story?
Not really, to be honest. The point of the Hillfolk system is to create conflicts and relationships between characters and that is the core of the system. Wende's story is bound to change drastically (their drug addiction came from another player's reason why her character couldn't fulfill Wende's want). Her story isn't mine, it's everyone's, as his purpose is to be a vehicle, which is a refreshing take between all the chaos in my brain regarding Vampire :3
So now that that is out of the way: here's questions abt Wende and their answers!! :D
3. How do they put themselves to bed at night (reading, singing, thinking?)
Due to their position on the space ship they're on being... not intended... per se... Wende's night routine is pretty simple. Get into bed, try to move as little as possible, and wait for the sweet sweet darkness to take her for a couple of hours. That final step is harder than one might expect, because their brain is always on some other type of shit and stopping the endless onslaught of thoughts for long enough to actually fall asleep is not something they're specifically good at.
13. What color do they think they look best in? Do they actually look best in that color?
They prefer darker colours because of his profession, but they shine in lighter colours. There's no way Wende is admitting to this, and she'll probably only wear lighter shades when prompted by their partner.
23. How does envy manifest itself in them (they take what they want, they become resentful, etc)? 
Wende is an "I take what I deserve"-type. Did they successfully fail at assassinating their current partner's fwb? Yes. The answer is yes. But hey, a doctor isn't supplying him with the narcotics they need, and that's going to be an absolute issue in the future. She has a gun, after all. And she's not afraid to use it.
 33. Could they be considered lazy? 
Absolutely not. They hate hate hate sitting around and will get incredibly antsy and uncomfortable when not doing anything. This doesn't mean she'll do the things she has to do, he'll push off their chores like the best of them, but they're never not doing anything.
43. If someone asked them to explain their sexuality, how would they do so? 
Very simple. Raised eyebrow, vague hand motion, and maybe then a shrug before trying to fade into the darkness. What's a sexuality and how do you describe it when you're an enigma and your partner is even more of an enigma than you are, y'know?
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luwritesomething · 2 years
ah, love of my life. this man right here got me years ago into learning more about the batfam and now here i am. you can say it’s kind of his fault. anyways,,, no one asked for this but my brain did. 
requests are open! hit that anon button and tell me your idea!
warnings: swearing, hadn’t been proof-read.
damian’s head is a MESS. don’t get me wrong, the guy is a little genius, but imagine the chaos of languages he has -- arab, english, chinese, i’m a hundred percent he knows russian, urdu is nanda parbat’s official language... 
because of this (^^) he just sometimes shuts down and stays silent. he can’t even think.
he loves all animals but he can’t handle insects. jason found out, and damian bribed him with a collectors special edition of classical books. nobody must know his weaknesses.
he writes in cursive, i have no clues but also no doubts.
words are difficult for him, that’s why he talks the way he does -- so professionally, like he is from another age. 
can stand tim (in small amounts) but no longer they will always have an intellectual rivalry -- it’s probably more from damian’s side rather than tim’s.
he still feels like he has to hide that he looks up to dick.
damian searched what fanfiction was. he’s scarred for life now. 
he’s straight up bored of paparazzi. he’ll go lady gaga on their ass and stare at the ones that are hidden in a bush trying to take pictures of him in secret.
also he will go full cole sprouse on the people trying to take pictures on him while he’s walking through gotham (this means he will snap pictures of the civilians before they snap a picture of him. camera duels, that’s the name)
listens to A LOT of music. everything his siblings listen to, he does too. classical music is his favorite, however. (also enjoys jazz).
taking care of his animals and his duties as robin are his favorite activities.
doesn’t understand social media, but still uses it. he’s too stubborn to admit he’s bad handling that.
too lazy to figure out how to cook, but if he tried in the slightest, he would be an amazing cook.
damian is an incredibly fast learner. it amazes the fuck out of bruce how many new things he can learn in just one day. 
he grows to be an actually very kind person, but his snarky remarks and dry humor never disappears.
likes the addams family. what a surprise.
doesn’t get horror/slasher movies. he keeps getting bored and doesn’t react to the jumpscares. jason says he is dead inside, which everyone agreed on.
they don’t know (^^) that damian is making a superhuman effort to not kick someone when the jumpscares occur because this little guy has his senses to the maximum all the time.
can’t be bothered unless someone is being ignorant or trashing about his family. he’s the only one that trashes about his family >:(
texts like a grandpa but at least he knoews what’s happening (most of the times)
like jason, damian has been kicked out of the wayne family chat numerous times.
has an elderly person soul except for when he’s fighting. then he’s a vicious little shit-
plays piano. no, i will not elaborate.
will correct your grammar in a condescending tone of voice.
“don’t patronaze me.” @ everyone.
has general knowledge about a shit ton of things. and since he doesn’t know how to properly socialize (canon) will spill those facts in order to start a conversation during galas.
has threatened the police -- 10/10 will do it again.
damian couldn’t care less about gossip but since he’s a good listener he always ends up knowing the tea about  E V E R Y T H I N G.
cocky bastard. that’s it, that’s all i’m saying.
he has no idea how to handle compliments. it still makes him freeze whenever someone says he’s cute or has pretty eyes.
“no.” (damian’s answer every time someone calls him cute).
believes in soulmates and in love at first sight, not as a superficial concept but as a ‘i’m clicking and mystically attracted to this person rewardless of their looks’.
reads A LOT.
never as much as jason, and also he doesn’t just read like narrative books -- he reads those thick books about how to do things, biographys, and studies about subjects he randomly knows about.
barely sleeps, if he ever does. 
sleep is for the weak™
(^^) proceeds to randomly fall asleep during patrols or family dinners.
acts like a brat but he actually isn’t -- it’s so complicated to explain, i hope someone just gets it.
at 17 he’s taller than dick and almost as tall as jason. suck it, @ everyone who mocked his height.
jon kent is his Best Friend™
(^^) damian told me himself.
he’s very handsome (canon lolz)
no but like, i mean, he will actually be one of those men you think ‘good fucking lord, he’s handsome’
damian thinks selina is cool.
has a lot of anger and frustration inside. it calms him down knowing jason also has problems like those because it makes him feel more... normal.
because normal is something damian would have liked to feel if he hadn’t been conceived to be perfect.
he would love six of crows -- would really like kaz brekker.
secretly enjoys the ya genre, will never admit it out loud.
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