#i got her eyes working ^-^ hope it makes u think of a possessed husky or smthn
asterroses · 2 years
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i want . her .
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archaneanscribe · 3 years
Finally Taking the Trip to Jupiter
Vague spoilers for MGS4. Also xtremely fucking sad fair warning lol
“Snake... Dave?” Hal immediately corrected himself upon entering the room. The veteran’s (finally they could use that term, with there truly being no fights left to fight) request to drop the codenames they had maintained for nearly a decade had been a little sudden, but entirely understandable, “We think we’ve found a place to stay, for the moment. A nice house, close enough to a town that Sunny can go to school in, but far enough ouy most folks will leave us alone.”
David simply nodded- taking a deep breath that would normally be an intake of smoke into his lungs, but he was sincere in his declaration of quitting. Even if it wasn’t for very long, he could do that much for Sunny and Hal, after all this time. The tech wiz stood awkwardly in the doorframe, posture so closed in on himself David would see the gangly nerd he once was before he had started spending more time eating and moving around than seated in front of a computer.
He still did plenty of that, but years on the run had shifted the ratio considerably until just recently.
“Out with it, Hal,” he croaked out in a voice that was becoming increasingly unfamiliar to both of them. This seemed to shock his companion out of his own thoughts, and he finally moved closer.
“Ah, well, you see- what do you want for your last name, Dave? You know I’ll be formalizing Sunny’s adoption, which means we’ll finally be obtaining,” emphasis was put on the word, because in reality it meant forging, “papers for her, and I thought you’d probably be in need of some too. We can use whatever is on your birth certificate, but if you want to pick something out yourself...”
A smile formed under Dave’s mustache.
“I already know what I’m using.”
Hal perked up, “You do? What is it?”
With the same simple, to the point gruffness he would never quite be rid of, the one legendary soldier answered in a single word.
All sounds except the Nomad’s machinery working overtime on her last voyage and David’s unfortunately heavy breathing ceased for an eternally long moment, Hal’s face journeying between every emotion he possessed. Tears pooled at the corners of his eyes, and his attempt to stifle his sniffles failed.
He probably wouldn’t have admitted it at the beginning, but something David had always loved about Hal was his ability to keep crying. No matter the hardships he faced, the traumas, the evils and cruelties he bore witness too, he didn’t run out of tears. His compassion was a well that ran deep, and those tears were just a result of it overflowing.
“Dave...of, of course,” his expression betrayed some amusement past the waterworks, “Do you want me to list you as my brother, or-”
“You know exactly what it’s going to say, Hal.”
They both laughed now, such different sounds than it was just a year ago even. David had been sitting on the edge of the bed, and Hal had been across the room, but that distance closed as Hal kneeled on the floor, placing his hands on David’s knees. It was a gesture that David had previously classified as pitying, but he knew better, now. 
It wasn’t for his comfort at all.
“Thank you, David.”
David had half a mind to ask what it was like to kiss an old man with a mustache, but they didn’t have the time for jokes like that anymore, so he just closed his eyes and enjoyed it.
The eyeroll David had given when Hal told him the name of the town they’d be living in was named Jupiter was so legendary it surpassed his previous exploits with ease. But, despite how silly it was, he couldn’t deny the warmth in his chest. 
They’d gotten their trip to Jupiter, just a little late.
Jupiter, Washington, was as small as a small mountain town got. It didn’t even have an elementary school for Sunny to attend (she was bussed to the neighboring, larger town). Most residents were the descendants of the people who had first lived there, so their new faces stuck out for awhile, but they eventually concluded what was essentially the truth, albeit missing some key details, and moved on- they were just two retirees, hoping to live out what was left of the older one’s life in peace with their orphaned granddaughter, nothing exciting.
Hal laughed at how huffy David had gotten at the granddaughter comments.
For the first month, their time there was peaceful. Content. Happy.
The second month, David starting being able to spend less and less time out of bed.
In the third month, he took Hal aside.
“You should stop sleeping in the same bed as me.”
His husband was a genius, he knew exactly why, but he still asked anyway.
“Don’t make me say it.” 
That he didn’t want Hal to wake up one sunny spring morning cuddling a corpse.
Tears were shed, as they always were, but he complied nonetheless. All of David’s belongings were transferred to the guest bedroom (Hal had tried to convince him to stay in the master bedroom, it was more comfortable, but David was adamant- that was where Hal would be staying in the future, and he didn’t want his ghost lingering in the air whenever he slept).
On the first day of the fourth month, right after sending Sunny off to school, Hal told him they were getting a dog for her.
“She loves those chickens, and I thought she might like another pet.”
“Or is it to replace me?” he asked, morbid mirth nearly buried under the pure gravel that had become his voice, “Seems to fit perfectly.”
Hal’s eyes, sad and weary, seemed to want nothing to do with this conversation, but he participated for his partner’s sake, “How so?”
“It’ll bark at strangers, bite the hand that feeds, and just generally be a pain in your ass.”
Despite himself Hal did laugh, not entirely bitter, “We’ll train it better than that.”
“Don’t train it too well. Won’t remind you enough of me.”
Fifth month, they had a dog. Rex, a joke on two layers- a name so common it was funny, and a reminder of one man’s shame that he’d never quite shake off. Not a husky, because while that would please David, they’d be keeping it long term and that level of energy just wouldn’t suit their needs. Rex was an adolescent Golden Retriever. 
The dog of the American dream.
Almost like he could tell David wouldn’t be around long enough to justify getting attached, Rex mostly ignored him. The feeling was mutual. 
Sunny loved them both dearly, and that was enough.
They had been there half a year, and Sunny made them breakfast. Her specialty, eggs fried to methodical perfection, toast just a little browner than anyone would like, maple sausage microwaved for ten seconds more than the instructions said just to make sure they were thoroughly cooked, and a glass of pulpless orange juice tucked precariously into the crook of her arm as she carried the meal to Uncle Dave’s bedroom.
It was two minutes after Hal watched Sunny depart from the kitchen that he heard a loud crash, glass and ceramic shattering, followed by Rex’s insistent barking and whining. He was on his feet and rushed to the scene, fearing the worst and finding exactly that.
“Oh, Sunny... Sunny...”
“U-Uncle H-Hal,” she barely managed through her cries. Rex, to his credit, ignored the food on the ground and nuzzled at her face, whining, confused and upset by the noises of unparalleled distress his beloved human was emitting. Stifling his own grief, Hal went over to the young girl and pulled her into his arms, holding her tightly.
He didn’t do a great job at holding that grief in after all.
“Sunny, Sunny, Sunny... I’m so sorry... I should have checked up on him when I woke up... It’s okay, Sunny...”
“H-He’s d-d-dead. J-Just,” her stutter was exacerbated by her choking sobs, “J-Just l-like my m-mother.”
The downside of having such a bright child was that you couldn’t shield them from life’s harsh realities that easily. There was no convincing Sunny that Uncle Dave was with the birds in the clouds, or any other such comforting tale. 
He was dead and gone, and she knew that.
The gravestone read:
               David Emmerich
       Beloved father and husband.
All three of those titles were ones he had only worn for six months, but he had worn them with honor.•
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wolfcha1k · 3 years
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Warning, story passage below has blatant sexual references :U Proceed if you are a dirty heathen ~
The night had been wonderful, hot like fire and glowing bright as the sun. It made little sense, darkness had no place in the dwelling of light but Eep had seen enough impossible, wonderful things to call it baloney.
Speaking of which… she stretched out leisurely at full height, arms above her head and toes curling as her legs splayed about. It was a good thing their pallet was roomy, she cast her green eyes around the bed. Shame about the bed frame though, hopefully Hope wouldn't be too upset it'd been broken.
Despite a mild ache in her muscles, she felt amazing. Her blood hummed softly through her veins as she reflected on the night, curious touches turning into more. Eep glanced at the slumbering mass beside her, unceremoniously splayed out in a heap with the torn sheets tangling his legs.
Oh, she'd ruined those too. Maybe Hope would be a little mad. She leaned over him to look at his sleeping face, exhausted with bruises peppering most of his neck and shoulders. One spot in particular was very red and blistered with the distinct shape of teeth marks. Eep wondered if she'd been too rough, he hadn't seemed to mind it but now…
She shrugged the thought off and flopped back down, not wanting to wake her sleeping lover just yet. He would wake when he was ready but in the meantime Eep saw no harm in shimmying herself under his lightly muscled arm. The feeling of his body pressed against hers made her smile, familiar and comforting and home. Instinctively almost she felt Guy suddenly roll over with a pitiful whine, clutching her close so he could properly hold her.
Eep resisted the urge to purr in delight, content with this new arrangement as she took in the moment of the lazy morning. Just him, her and the light filtering in through the window.
"Hey…" Guy suddenly muffled against her ear, husky and raspy as he tried shaking off the sleep. Eep wasn't sure if he was dreaming or actually awake, it was hard sometimes to decipher.
"Hey what?" She greeted back anyway, fondly stroking one of his stripes that streaked his slender shoulders.
" Hey you made me hurt in places I didn't even know existed," he groaned pitifully though didn't sound regretful. He was obviously very stiff and the multiple bruising probably didn't help. "I'm not prey, you know.'
"Yeah but it was good savoring you though," she teased with something of a predatory smile.
"Too soon," he told her with a tired grin, aching all over as he unfurled himself from her warm body. Parts of him protested especially when last night they'd been closer in a way he never could imagine with her. "I need a few days to recover from that."
He sat up, swinging his long legs off to the side of the bed. She gazed at him shamelessly with loving eyes, elbow propping her head up as she rested her palm on her cheek. He was beautiful, unique in his appearance and despite it all she adored every aspect of him to the point she ached in new ways. She felt like she was on a cloud, floating.
It was a new and jarring change, something that made her flustered as well despite all that happened. It was hardly planned to couple, merely comforting Guy after a bad dream that plagued him. Night terrors were common for him at times, last night had been a night with no moon. The darkness triggered memories and scars he never delved deep into with her, he wasn't ready. Those specific phases of the moon seemed to trigger these dreams for him, of what she didn't know.
He'd jerked awake, disoriented and Eep had immediately noted the shift even though she had been asleep. The scent of fear was heavy and so strong it'd been enough for her to scope the room for an actual threat, groggy as she was. She quickly found her senses, sharp as a cat and turned to her bedmate. After seeing Guy curled up with his head on his knees shaking, it was easy enough to put two and two together. Her heart ached for him.
"Guy, it's okay. You're safe, I'm here. It was just a nightmare," she soothed and reached to take him in her arms. His tear stained face touched her neck and his long arms embraced her tightly. She shushed him through his quiet cries, holding him close and he could hear her heartbeat, reminding him she was warm and alive.
One thing suddenly led to another, Guy drawing her closer to him needy and desperate to know this was real. His hands clutched her hips so tight it reminded her he actually had strength under that nimble build of his. She'd touched him tentatively, rubbing the tension from his shoulders and kissing his forehead.
She murmured reassurances until suddenly he'd caught her lips against his with a hunger she never felt before in him. The dream had been awful, was all he had said against her lips, and part of her had a feeling it'd involved her somehow. So she just hugged him tightly and let the tension go. Between a whimper and a groan that sounded like “Don’t leave me” inbetween a nip to her throat, it was a kiss so unlike their other ones. It was something different and soon their only witness had been the sleeping suns once he rolled her over. The sky was good at keeping secrets to themselves.
Things had gotten out of hand and after the rush of passion, they'd tried again more softly the next. Taking the time and patience to love one another without the rush as if The End returned; Eep found gentle touches inspired a different kind of fire that burned under her skin, blazing her heart. It had made her cry and he'd kissed every tear off her face, gentle as he always was. Even if before she had nearly bitten him raw the first, growling like an animal and ravaging him like prey. She was always the forward one in their relationship and Guy never minded that. For once she liked being the vulnerable one, letting him lead.
They had been joined in a way that made her shiver just thinking about it, bonded and the way she loved him felt even fiercer somehow. She hadn't known he could be so possessive, maybe it wasn't the right word, primal and passionate seemed unable to describe the shift she'd felt in him either. She didn't have the talent of words like her husband, he was all poetry and dreams. The moment felt so real again, caged in his arms. His eyes bore into hers, reminding her of the fire that had brought them together. Her name had been like a prayer on his tongue, over and over again until…
"Eep?" That didn't sound like the one in her memory, it lacked the breathlessness, the longing and how he'd held her through it all. Eep jolted, uncharacteristically sheepish despite how bold she'd been moments ago. "Are you alright?"
"I'm good, I was just... reflecting, I guess," Eep confessed as she sat up.
Guy had gazed at her for a long moment with brazen before turning to give her privacy as he fetched her the discarded dress. "Well, I hope it's good thoughts," he told her with a modest little look, back to that awkward young man she was used to.
"Oh, they definitely were," she reassured him, donning her tiger striped dress and stretching once again.
Guy had found his trousers that somehow found themselves draped over the light fixtures. He hopped up and grabbed them, bemused how'd they gotten up there. It made Eep laugh.
"Guess we were too eager and I got a good arm," she joked. "Sorry about um…" She approached him to tenderly touch a bruise.
"You bite worse than Sandy does," he teased back with a pained little groan. Guy approached a mirror in their bedroom on the banister to tend to his unruly hair. "I can't believe I'm even walking."
"I thought it was the woman who had the tougher time," she mused with mirth tinged words, approaching to wrap her arms around his lanky frame. Her chin rested on his shoulder. "I could run laps right now."
"I think you ravished me," he exclaimed, looking at her face in the reflection. It was twisted in suppressed laughter, Eep lightly brushing her nose against a spot that lacked a hickey. Guy leaned away with a little look, pouting. "Hey, I need some skin still you know."
"You look good like that," she grinned and Guy scoffed at her, finally finishing his top knot. "I have a thing for battle scars."
"A battle indeed," he huffed, unable to resist the dumb smile on his face. "I don't know how we'll explain the broken bed frame to Mrs. Betterman, she worked hard on that."
"We can make something up," she quipped, gently kissing his shoulder on a spot she hadn't practically chewed the skin right off. "The sheets we could probably sew back up, you're good at that, you have the hands for it."
His ears burned at the implications she unknowingly put there, or perhaps she did and was just being the sly little minx she was. "Yeah…" He cleared his throat, flustered.
Eep scoffed when she noticed the flush crawling up his neck, "I didn't mean that." Then her reflection smiled back at her from the mirror, unable to resist a good razzing. "But if you're that desperate for an ego stroke, well…"
"No, no, uh… this is good enough." Needing a distraction, he turned to look at her unruly mane of red hair. "You need a good brushing."
"I like it like this though," she teased, blinking up at him under her eyelashes.
He knew where this was going and shrugging her away, he shook his head in amusement. “Enough of that,” he told her playfully, making his way towards the patio after comically hopping along on one foot each as he put each furry boot on. “C’mon, it's early enough still to catch the sunrise.”
Eep always relished their mornings together, even if most of the time she was not at all one to wake early. Her body just couldn’t do it and when she would, she’d grouch and complain until Guy got her some bitter bean juice or ushered her into the showers. This morning though was a different one, Eep smiling softly as she looked out the window. She never felt so restful and satisfied, blissful even. She followed Guy out the door now that she was fully dressed, idly combing her fingers through her hair.
She found Guy standing there under the rays of the sunlight, tinging his caramel skin into an almost golden color. It outlined him and even though she knew every indentation of his body, the sun only highlighted it for her. Feeling her eyes on him, Guy turned to face her with a fond expression on his face. Her body felt warm from the rising sun, perhaps though it was just the raw, unadulterated love on his face that did it. Eep almost shyly plodded to stand beside him.
“It's beautiful this morning,” she remarked, gently leaning her head on his shoulder. Guy mimicked the movement, cushioned by her thick hair.
“Yeah,” he agreed, drawing away a bit just to peer down at her, a sweet little smile making him look charming. “Beautiful.”
Eep flushed, linking her arms through his as she hugged his bicep, muffling her face into his shoulder.
It just made Guy press a gentle kiss on her hairline, chuckling. “Since when do you get flustered, love?”
“When you say sweet things like that,” she quipped, looking up at his happily beaming face. Eep pouted like when Douglas didn’t get the scraps from dinnertime. “It’s not fair.” “What isn’t?”
“You have such a gift with words,” Eep huffed at him, turning to look towards the sun. “I see the sun, but you see sun light. ” She extended her hands out after letting him go, mimicking how Guy would get so animated when telling his stories.
Guy was bemused. “Isn’t that the same thing, Eep? We’re both looking at the sunrise,” he told her affectionately, turning to gaze at the sun as it climbed its way into the sky. It went from a deep orange like embers on a fire into a lazy blue tinged yellow at its belly.
“It’s different than that,” she said with a shake of her head, admiring him with soft eyes.
“I don’t really think so,” Guy insisted, brows furrowed as he let the thought stew in his head. “You see a lot of wonderful things too.” An idea came to him and gently he grabbed her hand in his, tangling his long fingers with hers so they were pressed palm to palm. “I wanna show you something.”
Without another word, he raised their arms up above his head, letting go after so both reached for the sun. Light cascaded down her fingers and down her arm, the faint rays of morning warming her skin like soft butterfly kisses. Guy pressed his shoulder against hers, not looking at her but Eep could easily feel the love with just the contact itself.
She looked at both their hands, nostalgia taking her back to a time that felt like forever ago. Eep dared to finally glance at him, meeting his eyes with a little smile of her own. “I’m glad you got to cross my sky, Guy.”
The words made him grin wider as he nuzzled his head against hers, finally lowering his arm to wrap it around her waist. “And you say you can’t be poetic,” he murmured. "I'm glad you are my Tomorrow too"
They loved each other tenderly for the rest of the morning, merely basking in the light.
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eliaselliot-blog · 7 years
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♔ LOCKWOOD TASK 001 ; character sheet
Full Name: elias anton elliot. Meaning of Name: greek derivation of “jehovah of god”. Nickname: eli, ant. jackass. whichever you will.
Birth Date: january 6th, 1996. Astrological Sign and Details: capricorn. Birth Place: manhattan, ny. Age: 21. Nationality: american. Race: caucasian. Hair Color: black. Hair Style: not too short, slightly messy. Distinct Features of Face: strong jawline, long lashes, thick brows, plush lips. Glasses or Contacts: both. rarely seen in glasses, however. Eye Color: hazel. Skin Tone: slightly tanned, but white. Scars or Distinguishing Marks: a scar that goes down his right shoulder blade. Disabilities: none. Build or Body Type: broad shoulders, muscular arms and torso, toned legs.  Height: 6′ 3″. Weight: well. Speech Patterns: speaks in a low, yet confident tone. tends to deadpan most things, even jokes. isn’t a man who makes his present super known, but is typically around a lot of people at social gatherings and gets along with most despite his sometimes stand-offish demeanor. Tag Words: “no, i won’t paint you.” Gestures: rotates his rings a lot, toys with his bottom lip while he’s thinking, pretty expressive with his brows, combs his hands through his hair subconsciously and then messes it up again to put it back lmfao FAMILY AND CHILDHOOD
Mother: evelyn elliot Father: jacob elliot Mother’s Occupation: ex-model, now just keeps up with the family’s social status Father’s Occupation: partner of a prestigious law firm Family Finances: wealthy gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang Birth Order: what. 1st? Brothers: none. Sisters: sophia elora elliot, 19 Other Close Family: jude hayward, first-cousin Best Friend: Other Friends: Blake, Lana, Imogen, Jude, Frankie, Tripp, Alex, Teddy, Reagan, surprisingly the list goes on Enemies: his DAD. dw he’ll probably find sum1 here soon enough Pets: he got a pup named king Home Life During Childhood: HAHAHA. horrible. Town or City Name(s): manhattan, ny Details of Town(s) or City(s): manhattan is as much of a city as it gets What Did His, Her or Their Bedroom Look Like: somewhat tidy, eli’s always been kinda neat Any Sports or Clubs: couple mma tournaments, art club for middle school and first half of hs Favorite Toy or Game: fifa, amnesia, fleshlight, assassin’s creed etc Schooling: attended a public high school Favorite Subject: art Popular or Loner: god knows how bt popular Important Experiences or Events: being physically and emotionally abused by his father, and using that to better himself successwise and kinda spite his dad  Health Problems: does depression count? borderline alcoholic Religion and beliefs: his family is christian but doesn’t rly believe in his religion, he’s more of a logical thinker personally PERSONAL
Bad Habits: smoking, biting his nails, fidgeting, drinking alone, using certain people for personal gain Good Habits: typically neat and put-together, eats clean, works out religiously, dresses well, maintaining himself physically Best Characteristic: loyal to those he’s close to  Worst Characteristic: being consistently distant Worst Memory: Best Memory: Proud of: how he’s able to accomplish anything he wants to do Embarrassed by: his lack of ability to truly get close to/trust people Driving Style: lmfao did somebody say speed demon Strong Points: incredibly driven, charming when he wants to be, can’t think of any more atm Temperament: typically level headed, a bit of a grump but still playful yano Attitude: can sometimes be cold if someone tries to get too close to him, but typically socializes well despite this Weakness: elias would rather die than tell you what he’s really thinking. if someone actually manages to get him to open up he’d probably be a stuttering and babbling mess Fears: not doing as well as he wants to, because then he’ll feel like he let his family down. also his father still scares him a bit but would never ever admit to it Phobias: the dad 1 Secrets: lol nice TRY Regrets: NO RAGRETS. jk he kinda regrets not taking art more seriously bc now thats kinda gone as an outlet he’s picking up bad alternatives that’ll only hurt him nd his health Feels Vulnerable When: some1 tries to get closer to him Pet Peeves: loud chewing, nail filing, all i cn think of rn Motivation: working for the day he can say he outdid his dad Short Term Goals and Hopes: maintain his 4.0 and get into a good med school Long Term Goals and Hopes: become one of the top surgeons in the country Sexuality: straight unless u another matt daddario cos i mean come on Exercise Routine: nice try honey u cant get abs like these. Day or Night Person: night. absolute nocturnal fiend Introvert or Extrovert: ambivert! mostly introverted but he can also be v charming and social at gatherings etc. something he learned from bein the poster boy of the socialite fam Optimist or Pessimist: he doesnt like 2 complain a lot but i wouldn’t say he’s an optimist either
Music: arctic monkeys, the neighbourhood, the weeknd, muse, daniel caesar, frank ocean, dvsn, tame impala Books: anything khaled hosseini, haruki murakami, and mitch albom Magazines: forbes, if any Foods: cold pizza, sushi, seafood, apples, burgers,  dark chocolate, tiramisu Drinks: craft beer, whiskey and most other alcohol, black coffee, red wine Animals: tiger, wolf, big fan of husky dogs Sports: soccer Favorite Saying: “no." Color: red, black Clothing: urban style with a rich flair. leather, denim, expensive sweaters and  Jewelry: expensive watches, sometimes rings Games: poker, chess, cards against humanity Websites: pornhub uh, vine? TV Shows: sherlock, the office, stranger things Movies: the prestige, shutter island, borat, can’t think of any more Greatest Want: to stay on top of his class, take more time out for art Greatest Need: someone to be patient and understanding with him
Home: live in the beta delta xi house, but his family owns a mansion at home. Household furnishings: his room is rather tidy. numerous black and white murals remain littered across his walls and above his bed rests a shelf filled with his favorite novels and vinyls. Most Cherished Possession:  Neighborhood: manhattan Town or City Name: new york Details of Town or City: very busy, very on-the-go, new york city is a definition in itself. Married Before: heck no Significant Other Before: he’s got a couple of exes that he’d dated due to having extra time on his hands. he’d always get bored rather quickly into the relationship and leave, however. now that eli has much less time on his hands, he no longer looks to date. Children: LOL Relationship with Family: hostile with his father, indifferent but still somewhat caring towards his mother. Car: not yet  Career: full-time student. Salary: n/a Other Income: n/a Dream Career: professional artist. Dream Life: providing for his mother and sister, living in a new mansion with a fresh start. would have someone he could be emotionally intimate with, though the thought of this currently terrifies him. Love Life: eli scratches his head at this foreign term. Sexual Turn Ons: taking control, fighting for dominance, idk he seems like he’d be in2 bondage lmafaodifgbl Sexual Turn Offs: bad head, feet, excessive talking, repressed moans, “you like that?” no. leave my sight.  Hobbies: mma fighting, painting, taking pictures for painting inspirations, if getting drunk alone counts as a hobby hey be my guest Guilty Pleasure: bingeing martha and snoop’s potluck dinner party Talents or Skills: fights well, and can paint. can sex be a talent? Intelligence Level: very book smart, he gets this from his father. though eli has his moments (as does anyone), he is fairly street smart as well — although, he is very standoffish so it’s hard to tell sometimes if he’s being smart or just a closed-off prick.
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hobiboo1 · 8 years
Nothing Romantic about Jealousy (Taehyung one-shot)
Summary: You and Taehyung get into a huge fight.
Genre: Smut, angst, fluff (couldn’t help it)
Word count: 4300
Pairings: Taehyung x Reader
Trigger warnings: Smut, fighting, swear words (maybe? can’t remember.)
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Books had always romanticized jealousy. But right now- right now- with your boyfriend standing in front of you, a permanent snarl on his face that would not falter with anything you said had you certain there was nothing romantic about it. You were also certain that if he had to reach out and pull you into a so-called passionate and possessive kiss you would swat his arm away and slam the door on your way out. In fact, you probably should have left already- maybe things wouldn’t have escalated so quickly, maybe everything you were saying wouldn’t be twisted into something of a villain like nature if you had just talked about this tomorrow. But you could never leave Taehyung- even when he offered zero comfort, you would always prefer him being next to you than somewhere else.
“Please, Taehyung.” Your voice was exhausted and pleading.
“Don’t ‘please’ me, Y/N.” He said coldly and you longed for the gentle Taehyung you were so familiar with- the Taehyung you weren’t worried around.
“Don’t make me do this.” You let your head fall so that you could look at your feet rather than his angry eyes. You wandered if he even heard your quiet voice, which was husky from your sore throat.
His words eventually cut through your confused thoughts. His voice sounded deeper than usual- and not in the way it would get when he was turned on, or when he had been sad, or when he had just gotten back from singing all day- no, it was the tone he’d get when he was angry- and even worse, when he was disappointed, which you’d only heard once before and you tried your best not to think about the memory ever again. “How could you say that? I’m your boyfriend. I’m the man who should take you home. I’m the man who should take care of you. I’m the fucking man who should tuck you in at night. All right? So I’ll ask you one more time to not see him again.”
On one side of the scale in your mind was sadness, on the other was anger- and all of a sudden anger out weighed the pain.
“That’s simply not fair.” You said and your gaze was now burning in such a way that it was on par with his. “He’s my friend and I care about him. He did nothing wrong. In fact, you should be happy someone’s around to help your girlfriend out when she’s drunk seen as you’re never around.” Taehyung’s eyes widened and you immediately regretted what you said.
You knew how Taehyung felt about being so busy- about being away so often. Once you counted that he said ‘I’m sorry’ 22 times when you had face timed him while he was in Busan for work. He would always hold you so tight the night before he would have to go somewhere. He would whisper sweet, comforting things into you hair and send you to sleep with pained murmurs of apologies. And here you were, throwing all his guilt into his face. You were about to take your words back but he got to it first.
“Well it’s not my fault my ‘girlfriend’ is out getting drunk with a bunch of other men while I’m away.” He spat.
You would feel terribly sorry about what you said next, too, but you couldn’t stop yourself, “Well what do you fucking want, Taehyung? For me to sit around waiting for my boyfriend to pay me some attention? For me to live like he’s the only thing I have in my life? For me to be a pathetic mess who has nothing but a man she hardly sees?”
It’s not even like you did just hang around getting drunk with other guys, sure you went out with your friends, and sure some of them were guys. Buy you’ve never even though about cheating on him, everything about him was too fulfilling. And the accusation only felt like a stab to the gut.
His reaction was immediate and obvious. You had never heard your tone so harsh, never mind to him, so you could only imagine how he felt.  But instead of turning things into a pity party, he fought right back,
“Oh, so that’s it. It seems my girlfriend is so desperate she has to flirt with random dudes to feel like someone cares about her.” He laughed condescendingly.
That was it. That was the first time you couldn’t imagine staying around him for another second. You pushed yourself off the wall you didn’t realize you had backed into. You flung Taehyung’s bedroom door open and marched into the living room, not bothering to close the door behind you.
You blushed when you realized both Jimin and Hoseok were lying on the couch. By the way they awkwardly pretended to be totally absorbed by their phones the minute you walked out made it painfully obvious they had heard your and Taehyung’s fight. Head down, you moved straight to the front door, you were too embarrassed to even nod in the direction of the silent boys. A hand grabbed your wrist, as your free hand was about to turn the handle of the door. If the situation didn’t make it obvious that it was Taehyung who was stopping you from leaving, the size of his hand would have given it away. You tried to free yourself from his sturdy grip but your efforts were to no avail and if you hadn’t been avoiding making more of a scene, you would of yelled at him for using his strength to stop you from running away. Instead, you twisted your head to look at him and sent him a silent plea with your eyes to let you go. He ignored it and with no attempt to keep his voice down, he demanded,
“Don’t you walk away.”
You tried to peek over his shoulder to see if either Jimin or Hoseok were watching and sure enough both sets of eyes were on your and Taehyung’s tense position. With all subtlety out the window the half ashamed, half concerned boys jumped over the back of the couch to leave the room. As soon as they were gone you turned to Taehyung with an unwavering fire in your belly. How dare he do this in front of the others, when he knows how much you hate having your privacy exposed?
“Get your fucking hand off me.” You said slowly and sternly. His hand immediately fell from your wrist but his facial expression was still angry and that made you even more irate. How could he be so angry when he basically called you pathetic and laughed?
With your freedom of movement you wasted no time in leaving the dorm. This time he made no attempt to follow you.
As you walked down the street, which had an emptiness only this time of the night could bring, you realized it was not a good idea to cry in the middle of winter. The warm tears that left your eyes would quickly turn to near ice and leave uncomfortably cold trails down your cheeks. You also regretted that you left your jacket in his apartment, but at the time you were so hot with anger you didn’t spare a second thought to the brisk cold. It’s a pity, that was your main winter jacket and you had no intention of going back there anytime soon. You needed your space to calm down, especially after a fight like this, which was by far the biggest one yet. Not even the fight you had after he had drunkenly admitted to finding your boss ‘super sexy’ could top this one. Ha. And he was the one who was jealous.
You were thankful for how empty the subway was as you wouldn’t have been able to stand because your legs felt too wobbly. No one else on the train seemed too bright either, they were mostly all young and you suspected they were heading home before whoever they left the club with woke up. The only older person was a man in a janitor’s uniform who gave you a sympathetic smile after your 5th sigh. You shot him a shy smile and wandered how he would have reacted if he saw how much you were crying while walking here.
To say you slept well that night would be a lie. Regret and pangs of sadness had you tossing and turning- reaching for your phone all through the night. But every time you typed something in your chat with Taehyung you would quickly erase your apology, remembering his harsh words and feeling fresh anger bloom in the pit of your gut. You wandered how he was feeling- if he stayed awake all night, too, or if he slept right through. You were tempted to ask Hoseok how Taehyung was feeling, half because you were worried if he was feeling bad, and half because you were hoping he was feeling bad. You knew Hoseok wouldn’t tell Taehyung you had asked, but you couldn’t bring yourself to drag him into any more awkwardness. It would be too embarrassing the next time you see him.
It was when you were 5 minutes late for work and your entire closet was tossed to your bedroom floor that you remember that you had leant your only other jacket that could stand a chance against the freezing snow outside to your friend. And you simply refused to call Taehyung to ask if you could fetch the one you left at their dorm. Reluctantly, you took Taehyung’s jacket that he left here from the hook behind your bedroom door. Despite your feelings to him at that point you couldn’t help but find comfort in his red jacket, which was too big and would cover your hands from the cold outside. It smelt so strongly of him that you wondered if he sprayed his cologne straight into it. You sighed at yourself- standing there, inhaling the scent of your boyfriend who had practically chewed up your heart and spat it out last night. Not to mention you should be sprinting to work, as you were late because you spent the whole of the previous night thinking about him.
At one point during the day you finally had the chance to check your phone and you were equally hoping and dreading there would be a message from Taehyung. The first thing you noticed amongst many other messages of spams or social networks was Taehyung’s name. Seeing that he sent it 3 hours ago it was safe to read it without looking like you were desperately waiting for it.
Tae <3:
You left your jacket at the dorm.
You were disappointed in the message, normally he would have added something asking if you weren’t cold or telling you to get a hot chocolate to warm up. You groaned and put your phone away without replying.
The day went by so slowly and you kept thinking about how angry you were with yourself for letting someone else affect your day so much. Even when you went out for drinks with your friend for her birthday once you finished work, even after you had chugged down 4 beers, even when you were laughing and being entertained by your tipsy friends- there was a lingering worry in the back of your mind. Why had Taehyung not said anything to you the whole day besides telling you hat you left your jacket? Was he not interested in making up?
Deciding you had too much to drink to walk home, you splurged on a taxi.
“Tough day?” The taxi driver asked, obviously having eyed your gloomy expression through the mirror. Being too distracted by the passing city scenery and colorful lights, you had heard nothing but a faint sound coming from the front of the vehicle.
“I asked if you had a tough day?” He repeated a little louder.
“Oh, well, yeah- a little bit.” You admitted.
“What’s got you upset?” He inquired and you couldn’t help but wander if he was sincere or if he just wanted a good rating. Either way, he was a passing stranger and they were always the perfect people to vent to.
“It’s my boyfriend.” You said, feeling a little embarrassed at how typical you sounded.
“What kind of fool hurt you, huh?” He asked light-heartedly, causing you to smile weakly.
“I don’t think he’s the only fool. I think I might be the bigger fool.” You confessed.
“Well, if there’s one thing I can say,” He said, being prompted to speak faster as the GPS notified you that they were nearly at your apartment building, “is that, as hard as it is, think logically about this. Love can make you feel strange things. It can make you trust someone who only makes you feel small.”
“Yes, thank you. I do try to think about that.” You got out of the taxi, offering a grateful smile to the driver.
Taehyung wasn’t one of those guys who made their girlfriends feel small or stupid or tried to control them. In fact, 90% of the time he makes you feel invincible.
As you walked into your building all your thoughts seemed to click into place, as if they were pages in a whirlwind which had them flying chaotically about and you caught them and lay them down to finally make sense of them. Both you and Taehyung had been unfair, you did say things you shouldn’t have and he showed his jealousy in the wrong way and made possessive demands- when in reality, you were both just feeling insecure, him about being away so often and worrying about you finding comfort with other men, and you were feeling insecure about how little you saw of him and that you were becoming a sad girlfriend who spent all her time pinning after her distracted and successful boyfriend. You both just needed the tender comfort from the other, but all you gave each other were stubborn words fueled by pain that just weren’t communicated properly. Still, you couldn’t help but stress that he’d just given up on you. It really wasn’t like him to wait much more than a few hours before wanting to make up, never mind not saying anything for a whole day after the most serious fight yet. You wanted to call him, but a part of you was worried that you’d humiliate yourself. A part of you worried you were being stupid for thinking the fight was caused by innocent feelings turned bad.  
The elevator’s arrow indicated that it was making it’s way up, meaning you’d have to wait for whoever was in it to get out and then for the elevator to come all the way back down. While you waited, the thought of Taehyung completely shutting you down when you approached him to apologize kept cutting through you, leaving a sting in your chest. As you got into the elevator and waited for it to reach your floor, you padded your fingers along your hip and hummed to the beat of a song to distract yourself. But the song’s rhythm just turned into Taehyung’s part from ‘Forever Young’ and by the time the doors chimed and opened you were just about ready to cry.
Seeing a figure walking in front of you had you jump as you recognized it as Taehyung’s. He just reached your door; his hand was in the air to knock when he heard the elevator’s door open and looked in your direction.
“Y/N?” He asked as if he couldn’t believe it was you.
You tried to hide the nervousness in your step as you walked down the hall to your door and your somewhat pale looking boyfriend. He looked down at his arm and your eyes followed him, noticing he had your jacket. He looked back up at you and he himself looked a lot less than confident.
“I brought this.” He said and handed the jacket to you.
“Thanks.” You said. You hoped he didn’t just come to bring your jacket and waited anxiously for his next words.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t bring it earlier, I had to work. I was, uh, worried you were cold. I wanted to stop by your work with hot chocolate during my break but I… honestly, I wasn’t sure if you’d want to see me.”
“Oh.” You managed to squeak. “Of course I would have wanted to see you.” You said, your tenderness was difficult to hide when you talked to him. Especially seeing how nervous he looked and how easily you could tell he felt sorry just by the way he held himself and the tilt of his lips, which went in the opposite direction you were used to.
“Really?” He seemed genuinely surprised, quirking his head up to look at you. He shook his head; “I wouldn’t have wanted to see me after I was such a jerk.”
He was still facing your door, leaving you facing his side and meaning he had to look to the side to make eye contact. You felt such a strong urge to reach out and comfort him- even if it wasn’t the best thing to do before talking things out. But, even if only for one night and one day, the lack of gentleness between you two had taken its toll and was in such strong contrast to how things were usually that you couldn’t help but lean forward and use your hand to tug him to face you completely. But that’s all you would permit yourself for now and let go of his hand immediately. He seemed to react well to even your smallest touch and he made eye contact again, this time he didn’t look to the side every few seconds.
“I’m really-I’m just so…” He fumbled over his words, “I can’t believe how I got last night. It’s just that I really miss you when I’m away and I feel so bad that I have to work all the time… and I worry that I can’t give you what you deserve. Sometimes… sometimes I wander if you’d be better off with another man. When I heard about how that guy took care of you when you were drunk… it made me so angry… so angry with myself because I couldn’t be there to take care of you. And I took it out on you, even though you’ve done nothing wrong. Even though you’ve been the most patient, loving girlfriend. And what’s worse is that even though I think to myself that you deserve better, I still hold onto you because of how much I love you… and I just feel so guilty.”
Your heart broke at his confession and you became aware you were crying as warm liquid streaked down your face at an alarmingly fast rate. How could he even feel that way? How could he think you deserve better when, to you, he was the most spectacular man in the world. It scared you to think that some nights when you slept in his arms that he could have been awake, looking at the ceiling, thinking about how he should leave you. There was no stopping you from colliding into him and wrapping your arms around him. The possibility of him leaving you had you trembling in his tightening grasp. You couldn’t imagine how he had all these thoughts for so long. How many moments had you shared where you were so happy and content and he was just worrying about you and not being enough for you? How could someone so amazing think such things? Sure, his career made things tough, but you had never once reconsidered your relationship with him because of that.
“Please don’t leave me.” You sobbed into his jacket, you had dropped your jacket to the floor to cling to him with both arms. “I love you and you can’t leave me.”
You were overcome with the fear that him leaving you could be a reality. His hand stroked your hair and he whispered, “I won’t leave you.”
You looked up at him from where your face was buried in his big jacket. Wet mascara had probably caused dark rings around your eyes and you wouldn’t be surprised if your cheeks were red and puffy. Despite how ugly you thought you must have looked in that moment, he leaned down to peck your lips. Your hands clung to the either side of his open jacket and he used his hands on your lower back to lift you onto your toes so that your lips could meet again. This time the kiss wasn’t just a reassuring peck, but it was something more desperate. Taehyung’s lips embraced yours in the same way his hands embraced your body. It was as if your lips were trying to keep the connection that you were both so scared to lose. The feeling of his tongue in pushing against the sensitive parts of your mouth had you trembling- and this time not from pain or fear. You slipped your hands under his jacket and you touched his warm chest. His one hand moved a few centimeters down to cup your butt cheek. It was at that point, after a whispered moan left your mouth, that you realized what you were doing in the middle of the passage.
“Taehyung, let’s go inside.” You said- your words were caught by his eager mouth. He bit your bottom lip one last time before stepping back to let you unlock your door. The whole time you fumbled for your keys and clicked open your door, Taehyung had his hand on your back.
The door ended up being closed by your back, as Taehyung pushed you against it- there was an odd sort of contradiction to his movements. The act of being pushed up against a door could be perceived as rough, but it felt gentle. Taehyung’s body was pressed right up against yours, his hands roamed up and down your sides as he kissed your lips, neck, shoulders and cheeks tenderly. There were two types of warmth flowing through you at that moment- the warmth of being so close and wanted by the man you loved so dearly and the other was the warmth traveling from all areas of your body to your groin region. You clung to his jacket deciding to rather remove it so that you could be closer to his warm chest. It came to you that your own jacket lay carelessly in the passage- but that didn’t matter at all. Not now.
Once his jacket had been removed you had entry to rub your hands eagerly over his hard chest that sent tingles all the way up your arms. The electricity being created between your two bodies let you both know that foreplay was needed. His erection, which pressed into your hip, also told you no foreplay was needed. His lips were removed from yours so that he could concentrate on riding your jeans down. You kicked your shoes off clumsily so that he could take the material completely off of your legs. You undid his button and zip and pulled out his hard member, he looked you in the eyes and hissed seductively as you pumped it a few times. Taehyung clutched your hips and you gave a small jump to wrap your legs around his waist. His dick rubbing against your thigh as he moved you back against the door did wonders to how aroused you were. One hand held you up and the other guided his tip to your entrance. He pushed into you slowly and whispered a sweet, ‘I love you’ into your neck. Feeling how close he was and wanting him to always be that close added to the feeling of him filling you had you gasping.
“Taehyung,” you said breathlessly into his hair as he thrust into you, “I love you, too.”
His hand that wasn’t supporting you caressed and squeezed your ass before settling on the your other hip to hold you steady as he moved into you.
His gravelly groans and your breathy moans were thick in the electric bubble around your two near convulsing bodies.
You could tell he was desperate to cum in you- desperate to show his love for you in a way different from words or apologies- show his need for you in the most primal way.
Your climaxes were like bright bulbs and you were both light deprived moths- fluttering about urgently, trying to reach the burning surface of satisfaction.
Your fingers toyed with the strands of hair that fell down his neck, and amongst the roughness between your thrusting hips, your fingers on his neck and his hand massaging your hip provided a sense of tenderness. And your lips, moving against his, communicated a wordless love.
Even after his hands would move, the sensation of his touch would remain and at this point he had set your whole body ablaze. As caught up in this moment, with him, you were- you couldn’t forget about the intense pleasure in your southern region and you were very quickly approaching your high. His untimely breaths told you it was the same for him.
You thanked the gods for his well-endowed size as it cooed you to your orgasm. You yelled incomprehensible profanities as you came and he bit down on your shoulder as he his cum warmed your insides even more.
He held you there for a few moments before your legs touched the ground shakily. Even then, his arms were wrapped around you tightly as he said once more, “I love you.”
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