#shes so hot im sorry . i need to write her as a romance option just 4 myself
asterroses · 2 years
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i want . her .
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abbeyfangirl · 5 years
dragon age: all characters (companions)
I’ve been in this fandom for a hot minute now and I want to update my opinions on characters :)
Alistair: super sweet dude who literally is not the stereotypicalchantryguyfightme. He’s a great example of healthy masculinity and I totally wish he was bi because I have an entire essay on that— also: he’s a poc! His mum was brown. In game he’s got dark features. if you really want a blond/blue-eyes/white guy, make your warden that. or accept that brown people can be noble and moral. or just draw cailan, idk. just because BioWare whitewashes doesn’t mean you should.
Leliana: someone hug my singing girlfriend before I crush her under with my own hugs. Also: nugs. Yes! Shoes. Yes! She likes how I style my hair? YES!! I honestly think she’s super duper and it pisses me off whenever someone’s like: yeah she enjoys killing people and the Game. ok. and michel de chevin willingly participated in genocidal marches through the alienage he grew up in with his elvhen mum. 
Morrigan: dirty swamp witch that i stan and also have a v big crush on. tiddies. Have a son with a GW so we can raise him with our tiddies out in the forest. she’s also white-passing, as her father was chasind and all people we’ve seen that are chasind are black. therefore, she is biracial. therefore, poc can be goths and don’t shy away from giving morrigan a darker skintone. if the devs had of been thinking, she’d have a darker skintone.
Zevran: Actually is the best romance, I think. Loves consent, therefore I will stan him so hard my skull cracks a little. Also: he is a very brown boy and if he’s white in da4 I’m seriously going to throw all canon out the fucking window. genuinely a good person who needs to be told so. 
Wynne: grandma who only likes my friends who go to church. but also super sweet and I’d rest my head on her bosom (in a platonic way omg ZEVRAN)
Sten: angry quiet boi. the bestest boi. I totally would give him a kitten for a gift and bake him cookies. Thicc softie. I think if I had DA:O and i knew how to use mods i would mod the fuck outta him. sorry.
Sha(y)le: who’s gender? idk her. See also: fuck birds and authority. pound ur ass into the ground you feathery meatbag little shits. fuck songbirds.
Dog: such a good boi. thicc. thinks Alistair is a whiny fuck and is Morrigan’s only friend. love him. he’s the cutest companion. bet.
Ohgren: honestly forgot about him bcc he’s such a shitbag. also: he could’ve been a really cool addiction recovery type but NOPE. probably would have a trump shirt in a modern au and would catcall wlw and hit mlm. no thanks.
Anders: he acts like rlly straight but he’s so gay I can smell it. also he’s rlly cute and fun and I love him so much.
Justice: MAYBE i’M selF CONSCious OF THE twitchING. is the friend that genuinely doesn’t get dick jokes but is ur 110% ride or die.
Nathaniel Howe: honestly is sort of a white knight/neck beard a little, but it’s kind of charming with his whole velanna m’lady?? grump boi. annoying soul patch that I’d mod out SO FAST—
Sigrun: would have ROMANCED the FUCK out of her. why she even entertains the idea of fucking with ohgren makes me realize most of the writers are dumbfucks.png. peppy little emo. 12/10 would die if she kissed my cheek teasingly.
Ohgren: why. why. why. I’d have brought Shayle over. Maybe Zev? Definitely Dog.
Velanna: she was written to be an annoying feminist and you can tell but I deadass am a kindred spirit with her bcc I too am deadpan annoyed with Thedas’ general population too. love her. Would’ve loved to romance her. She’d totally be one of those who’d get all tsundere and be like “n-no i hate you” *kisses the fuckin soul out of you then blushes so hard she’s now a tomato*
Dragon Age II
Anders: fuck the cops. i don’t care. fuck the cops. (vine reference). also: do i hate him for blowing up the chantry that would eventually annul a huge collection of his people? no. read dalishious’s meta on Anders. v intriguing. didn’t they retcon the fuck out of the reported deaths too? like there was like eight Templars and Elthinia in there. Templars killed more “abominations” in a day than Anders in the game canon—
Aveline: initially thought she was fine and then realized she’s shit to my lil brother and I will fucking clap her ginger ass. See also: whorephobia isn’t a joke so fuck off with treating Isabela badly, you tit.
Bethany: sunshine. Literal sunshine. I feel my freckles grow in her presence and i love it. she’s my little baby sister and I’d slam that ogre so fuckin hard before it touched either twin.
Carver: there has to be a mod where both twins survive. I love them both to bits. My babies. carver is my bitter, angry little brother and I can relate because I too am very angry and would totally clap my own ass. hes so genuine and I don’t get the competition between Beth and Carver. Like, both are fuckin stellar in different ways. In this essay I will—
Fenris: honestly, I don’t get the general hate between him and Anders. Fenris’ main arc should’ve been a recovery arc, not drunken moping and revenge. he deserves better. give him a soft sweater instead of his spikes and let him love himself as much as I love him for MAKERS SAKE. like when you really think about their relationship, it could’ve been an eye-opener for fenris and finally some legit sympathy for anders. but we all know that if they had of teamed up that Meredith would’ve been dead before the end of Act 1 so.
Isabela: whorephobia is not a joke. oversexualizing your only appearing brown woman is so poorly written. how about we appreciate her and her lovely bosoms but also let people tease her about her heart of gold? her innate understanding of freedom? instead of just a wave of dick? please?? can we give her some pants for when she fights? can we accept that i fall for rogues who hate themselves?? fuck. also whomever draws her x femHawke x Merrill literally is after my own heart.
Merrill: my fucking babygirl MARRY ME. Fenris could’ve been her older brother type, but NO. she and Isabela should’ve been canonical gfs instead of Isabela/Fenris (no shaming the pairing tho!!). I love how she’s written as neurodivergent. V nice. Sometimes I just look her up and cry because she’s fucking everything. Also: she’s in the Dalish origin and she’s far from being white. Why did they make the most innocent/naïve character really white? hmmmm.
Sebastian: whew that boy. Would totally be that annoying Mormon at your door but you still let him in bcc he’s super sweet. Also: huge ass bible thumper and should get his head slap because you said the maker loved all his children why do you defend a complicit old hag you annoying attractive fuck—
Varric: totally is a bard and the devs couldn’t handle the idea of him being one bcc it might make him look less straight. is the only grey morality person I don’t want to fucking bash in with a fry pan. he sees people and I like that, but you totally know he’s siding with mages every time bcc him and Anders are like besties. I’m sorry. I don’t make the rules. “Professional Younger Brother”.
Tallis: I know nothing about her but she seems okay. I think she was an escaped slave and honestly? Fucking props. Spy on a shitting organization, idk what you’re doing, but your VA was that cool lesbian from SPN so I think ur okay?
Blackwall: Redemption Arc 101. Love him to bits. Sad dad bunwall. good man. actually atoned for his sins by actively becoming a good person. his initial design is 80% hotter im so sorry but so not.
Cassandra: was way browner in the last game. would romance the fuck outta her. I love me a butch lady who melts at my dorky recitation of poetry. BioWare is a coward. also is the worst choice for divine. but not a bad person. could use some more guidance or get her ass whipped by a dalish elf about religion or a circle mage kid whos like “yeah bud i didn’t ask for the templars to whip my ass everyday for existing.”
The Iron Bull: I think the Qunari/Vashoth were a little based off black people (the whole anti blackness thing where ppl are scared of them bcc of whatever reason) and it pisses me off that he had a weird ass dubcon thing with Dorian in banter. It doesn’t make sense— he’s an A+++ dom and would not jump straight in role play without at least checking in at first like wtf BioWare.
Cole: his mother was chasind so he’s like not supposed to be that white? or like biracial? albino? idk. love him to bits tho. He’s neurodivergent and I deadass love him. romancing him? idk. I see why ppl think it’s fuckin nasty but also like as a writer I’d age him the fuck up so fast before my inquisitor even THOUGHT about that. like idk. I’m down with him being a sweet little bro character tho. he’s a babe. love him.
Sera: had the worst fucking writer I’ve ever seen and I willingly read the twilight saga twice by a shit ass racist white lady who okay’d pedophilia. like. Fuck you Kristjanson suck your own dick you fuck. had the worst options in regards to speak to her. has a thicc case of internalized racism that literally most of the fandom just loves to use against her. my lesbian neurodivergent queen. Would write a thousand fix it fics for her. Love her to bits. im gay.
Varric: I haven’t played DA2 so i don’t get why everyone wants to romance him but like. a dwarf romance? yes please. Idk he reminds me of my uncle so I only see him as fun uncle material. Deadass should adopt Cole and Merrill and co parent with Blackwall for Sera. dads? fuck yeah. love me some wholesome, present fathers.
Dorian: is a gay stereotype that I love/hate so much. and he’s also just as bad about being a creep bcc he sexualizes qunari men (in banter). I attribute that to shit writing tho. I want to protect him from all the “omg gay best friend!” people. he’d clearly be that tired gay that wouldn’t give a diddly damn about ur het romance. wanna talk about politics? he’s ur guy/gay.
Solas: “me, an intellectual:”. I don’t hate him, but I’m not about him. He comes off as mysterious and suave (which he totally is) but I deadass would not save him from himself because he’s a racist, exclusionist eggshell. idk. not my cup of tea, but I can totally see the appeal. And he’s interesting, I’ll totally say that. “I think the Dalish are garbage but they made you” is not a compliment. it’s so offensive. and such bait for “quirky girls” which I’m no fan of. Would be Achilles and let Patroclus (Lavellan in his case) die before he realized how his pride is literally a waste of time. If he gets a redemption arc I hope Lavellan gets to slap him before getting him to teach all about ancient Arlathan and show that the Evanuris weren’t all total dicknozzles. (Aka I really have a hard time believing that they’d be slavery cult things. especially since they’ve compared elves to indigenous ppl, Jews and the Romani.)
Vivienne: it’s so racist that they’d make a black woman be pro-slavery. That’s such internalized racism. She could’ve been the cool ass “educate yourself first before you speak, fool” ice lady, but NO. the devs could’ve kept the “Templars are a tool that I proudly can mandate” and the “circles are very good education” and we. Could. Have. Romanced. Her. Like. Fuck. Sake. I just wanna give her a hug and say “love yourself omg!!” and not even in a romantic way. Also: she and morrigan should not have been so antagonistic towards each other. I’d expect them to have great respect for each other, as they both moved up in the world through hardwork and very little help. They could learn different magic from each other too and still maintain that rival respect “oh you” mood. Sidenote: probably the cooler option for Divine. if her approval is high enough she’ll love and be loyal to you forever and i can’t see her agenda being bad. she improves the circles exponentially and tells all the antis to suck her pretty painted toes.
Josephine: an actual disney princess. romanced her my first playthrough. I love her so much. she just makes me so happy. And she’s like: “Integrity, Loyalty, peace. That is what it means to be a GREY WARDEN good fucking person.” she’s the person who would let you hold her hand if you got anxious and she’d be that person who shouldered the whole group project with finesse and poise and would probably lie for everyone as to not be mean. i love josie. her and leliana’s relationship is so cute, too. whether it’s romantic or not: women supporting women.
Leliana: if you leave her hardened you must hate her. why. she becomes so against herself. i like how shes feminine and lighthearted because that’s so powerful-- to remain hopeful when the world is hopeless. (its hard to know when to soften her/harden her so i get it but. google it. she deserves to be happy and sweet again.)
Cullen: uwu war criminal with shit ass “redemption arc” that was actually a half-assed (at BEST) recovery arc. Recovery isn’t linear, it isn’t pretty, and even the broken need to be told they are wrong in order to heal right. Like I’m offended by that bullshit. I’ve had to do some mental health recovery in the past and unlearning lots of toxic ideologies— which I’m still unlearning— and it bothers me that he gets an easy pass because he’s hot. It’s one thing if you like Cullen, it’s another thing if you hold him accountable.
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inactiveblogxoxo · 5 years
whoa i wrote a fic again
crAZY ((sorry i was sick for like two months and then i moved but now im hopefully writing again))
AYWAY: Kiribaku fic
ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18345518
what do you mean
Sum:  Kirishima thinks Bakugou has a girlfriend. Bakugou just wants Kirishima to act like he usually does. Will they ever understand what they mean to each other? ((yes. They will.))
tags:  Bakusquad (My Hero Academia), Movie Nights, Jealous Kirishima Eijirou, Misunderstandings, solved almost immediately, No Angst, straight fluff, Fluff, jirou and bakugou are bffs, im so tired, Not Beta Read, One Shot
full fic in read more
They settled into watching some super old horror. The film was in black and white and from before quirks appeared, but it was bloody and entertaining enough.
Kaminari and Sero sat cuddled up on Sero’s hammock, Ashido rested in a bean bag chair next to the them that she had brought up from her own dorm. Jirou sat on the floor, her back resting against the bean bag. Kirishima and Bakugou shared Sero’s bed, their backs both against the wall and their feet hanging off the side in from of them.
They were twenty minutes into the film and every time Bakugou happened to brush against Kirishima, Kiri would shift further away from him. It was driving Bakugou insane. Kirishima was always throwing an arm around him and pulling him closer, what the fuck did he do? He had been distant all week.
Sunday night he had been tutoring the gaggle of idiots he spends his time with, minus the red head who had been visiting his moms that weekend. Sero and Kaminari left early to binge some anime together, leaving just him and Ashido. Ashido jumped into gossiping, which gathered the attention of Jirou, Hagakure and Uraraka, and soon Bakugou found himself surrounded by them at the once productive table in the common room.
That’s how Kirishima found him when he walked into the dorms with his over night bag over his shoulder.
“Kiri! Welcome back!” Ashido called out to him. Kirishima had smiled and sauntered over.
“Hey, Mina!” He smiled and bent down to hug her. Turning as he stood, he made eye contact with Bakugou and rose an eyebrow at him. “So, what’s going on here?”
“Bakubabe was giving us some hot goss!” Ashido rested her chin in her palm as she smiled.
“I fucking told you not to call me that, raccoon eyes,” Bakugou bristled, his chin tucked to his chest to avoid Kirishima’s gaze.
“And I told you not to call me raccoon eyes, bakulicious.”
“bakulicious” Uraraka snorted under her breath.
Bakugou scoffed and rolled his eyes but said nothing else, he was tired and Kirishima was back. The rest of this night no longer mattered.
“Kiri, how are your moms?” he asked instead, partly out of curiosity, partly to draw the attention away from him.
Kirishima lit up, “oh! They’re great! You should come back with me next time, they asked about you!”
“Oooooo,” Hakagure cooed, “you guys know each other’s parents? Just how close are you?”
Bakugou again rolled his eyes and Kirishima just smiled.
“Wait, have I been so focused on the budding romance of Uraraka and Midoryia-“
“W-What!” Uraraka interrupted with a blush.
“-that I’ve been missing out on the one blossoming right before my eyes?” Ashido continued as if Uraraka said nothing. Bakugou groaned and rested his forehead against the table, figured she would say something completely idiotic.
“Hm, I could see it happening,” Jirou mused. Fuck, he forgot she was there. He lifted his head and found her staring at him with a menacing grin. Fuckkk, he never should have told her anything.
“Right?!” Hakagure gushed, “you guys would be so cute together!”
“Aw, c’mon, guys, stop. We’re just good friends,” Kirishima spoke up for them, hand awkwardly rubbing at the back of his neck.
“Bakushima… no, wait, Kiribaku… no, wait, maybe-“
“What the fuck are you doing, Ashido?” Bakugou interrupted her musing.
“I’m trying to make a cute couple name for you two!” She grinned, “like dekuraka! For Midoryia and Uraraka!”
That seemed to KO Urauraka, who slammed her hands down on her face and floated away while bright red.
“Don’t fucking bother! That’s dumb as shit,” He grumbled, sinking into his chair. He felt Jirou’s eyes on him still and he hated the feeling.
“C’mon, it’s kind of cute,” Jirou twirled one of her ear jacks with a smirk. “Admit it, Katsuki.”
“I’m gonna kill you, Kyouka,” he snarled. How dare she taunt him. How dare she use his first name to do it.
“Uh, anyway, I’m gonna go to bed,” Kirishima coughed awkwardly, gaining all of their attentions.
“Me too,” Bakugou jumped up and followed him towards the elevator.
“Good night, guys!” Kirishima called with a wave. The girls jeered after them and Bakugou flipped them off until the elevator doors closed behind them.
They stood in silence for a while but Bakugou didn’t feel uncomfortable, he was glad to finally have a moment away from the idiotic giggles of Ashido and Hakagure and the knowing stare of Jirou.
“So uh, Kyouka, huh?” Bakugou furrowed his eye brows, what did that mean?
“…What?” He glanced at Kirishima with a blank expression.
“Nothing, I just… Uh, never mind,” Kirishima backtracked and the elevator opened. “Well, good night, dude!” He rushed over to his dorm.
“Hey, Kiri, wait!” But it was too late, Kirishima was already behind the door. Bakugou huffed and jammed his hands in his pockets, trailing his feet to his own dorm.
God damn it, how did he fuck up this time?
Kirishima had avoided him the rest of the week.
Bakugou had purposefully arrived at Sero’s dorm late for their movie night. Ashido, Sero, Kaminari, and Jirou, idiots that they were, had picked up on the tension between the two and had left the only empty space the one next to Kirishima.
It was his usual seat anyway.
But even with the ease of their usual routine, Kirishima was still doing his best to avoid him. He really couldn’t figure it out, he went over everything that happened over and over again in his mind. The teasing had been weird, sure, but he didn’t think it was enough to make Kirishima avoid him. Was he really that sensitive about their relationship? Was he disgusted by the idea of them as a couple? He had tried to stop the girls a couple times, but he hadn’t seemed angry… Awkward, but not so uncomfortable as to cut off their friendship.
He had asked about his trip home and Kirishima had seemed over joyed. He was terrible at faking so he knew it couldn’t have been anything from home that had upset him so much.
So, it was something he did.
Fuck, what did he do? How does he make up for something when he has no idea what went wrong?
He moved his legs to sit criss-cross and when his knee brushed Kirishima’s thigh, the other boy shifted until they were no longer touching.
And that, was the final straw. Bakugou, officially, was losing it.
“Kiri,” he whispered, leaning into Kirishima’s space just so he could be hear over the movie. “What the fuck- uh, I mean… fuck.” He took a deep breath to start again. He had to be calm, he was trying to apologize. “Are you upset with me or something?”
Kirishima started at him, wide eyed with an open jaw. “Wha… What, I mean, why do you say that?”
Bakugou wrung his sweaty hands together in a nervous gesture, “you’re not,” fuck he couldn’t say ‘you’re not trying to cuddle with me during the movie and I’ve tried to initiate it, but you keep pulling away and its making me sad and I don’t know why and I also don’t know why you won’t.’ He couldn’t say ‘you’ve been distant and avoiding me all week and I don’t know why and I’ve missed you.’ He couldn’t say what he was feeling and he couldn’t voice what about Kirishima he missed but damn, he had to say something.
“you’re not acting… like you usually are and I… I feel like I must have done something and I’m…sorry,” the last word he breathed out quieter than the rest. He only wanted Kirishima to hear, it was only for him.
“Oh,” Kiri’s face melted into a soft smile, “it’s fine, Bakugou, it’s me… I’m just, being,” he sighed and shook his head. “I’ll get over it.”
Bakugou grumbled at the answer. He purposefully brushed his leg against Kirishima and Kirishima moved away again.
What was he doing? Clearly Kirishima didn’t want to be near him. He bit his cheek in embarrassment and looked away.
He said it was nothing, he said it was just something he was working through, so then why was he still not acting like normal?
As far as Bakugou could see it, he had three options. 1: Leave this fuckfest of a mental headache and go the fuck to sleep. 2: Ignore Kirishima right back and just watch the movie. 3: Force Kirishima back to normal by taking on his role of the initiator for the night.
He bristled at his options.
He deiced he wasn’t a pussy and tomorrow was Saturday so if it went poorly he could just hide from this gaggle of idiots until it all blew over.
He slummed onto Kirishima’s side. He felt the redhead stiffen but he didn’t push him away. He didn’t look away from the movie and he didn’t move to wrap his arm around him. Usually, the idiot had his arm around Bakugou’s waist and was checking in on him every few minutes. Whispering what he thought about the movie and giving Bakugou a shoulder to sleep on when it got late and Bakugou passed out.
Angry, he gripped Kirishima’s arm and wrapped it around himself. Kirishima stared at him again with panicked eyes but Bakugou only frowned at him.
Kirishima stiffly looked from Bakugou to Jirou and back, “uh, I know that you… but won’t… I mean…” He sighed to steady himself, “Bakugou, if you want to… Then maybe you should sit with Jirou, I don’t mind moving.”
What? “Fucking what?”
“I just mean,” Kirishima bit is lip, “I don’t feel comfortable, like, hanging out the way we used to, now that you have a girlfriend.”
WHAT? Bakugou felt his hands shaking. His palms cackled with excess sweat he couldn’t control.
“Kirishima,” he tightened his grip around the red head’s now hardened arm, “I really need to talk to you. Now.” He pulled at Kirishima’s arm as he stood from the bed, forcing Kirishima to follow behind him as he excited the dorm.
“Hey, where are you guys going?” Kaminari called after them but Jirou and Ashido hushed him.
Bakugou pulled Kirishima down the stairs and pushed his way into the other boy’s dorm. Only once inside did he let go.
Kirishima cast his gaze to the floor and sat down on the edge of his bed. “So, what do you need to talk about?”
Bakugou huffed and sat next to him, “Kirishima, I don’t have a girlfriend. I don’t know why the fuck you think that but I fucking don’t.”
“But,” Kirishima finally met his gaze, confused. “You and Jirou, you guys called each other…”
“Oh,” Bakugou ran a sweaty hand through his hair. That’s what this was about, “she just!” he breathed deep a couple times to calm himself down, he didn’t want to scream all this. “She was just taunting me. She was making fun of me because-“ he cut himself off, embarrassed.
He groaned and fell back against the bed, an arm thrown over his eyes. “Because I told her that I… liked you.”
“You liked me?” He could hear the confusion in the red head’s voice.
“Like, I like you, Kirishima.”
“Oh,” he whispered back then again, a few minutes later, “oh.”
He felt the bed shift and moved his arm to see Kirishima adjusting himself to lean over him. He watched with what he hoped were expressionless eyes, but he still felt his ears get hot.
“You like me,” Kirishima repeated, breath fanning across Bakugou’s face. He felt like if Kirishima had a tail he would be wagging it with the way he was grinning.
“Yes,” Bakugou murmured. His eyes watched Kirishima’s. He licked his lips quickly, suddenly feeling so dry, and watched as Kirishima’s eyes followed the movement.
“I’m going to kiss you now,” Kirishima spoke, eyes drifting back up from Bakugou’s lips for a moment.
Bakugou reached up with his hands to grip at Kirishima’s shirt where it hung lose against him. He closed his eyes as he breathed in deeply to calm his nerves. On the outtake of his breath, he adjusted his neck slightly to get more comfortable. He opened his eyes and found Kirishima’ red eyes watching him closely. His smile was replaced with a fond expression Bakugou was embarrassed to find he liked.
Flushing red, he leaned up and brushed his nose against the bottom of Kirishima’s jaw and whispered: “okay.”
Wasting now time, Kirishima turned his head and crashed his lips to his. He kissed hard as if he was trying to convince himself this wasn’t a dream by adding pain to the kiss.
Bakugou didn’t try to soften it, he met Kirishima’s hard kiss with his own. Their teeth smashed together, nose pressed uncomfortably to each other’s faces. They broke apart and rejoined over and over. Bakugou’s hands drifted from where they fisted at Kirishima’s stomach to wrapping around Kirishima’s neck. He used this leverage to pull himself closer, press harder. Kirishima smiled against his lips, pulling away to plant light kisses all around his face. He left one arm to the side of Bakugou’s head to support himself, the other gripped at Bakugou’s hip. Calloused thumb rubbed small circles into his skin, his hand gripped him tight and pulled him ever closer. Their lips found each other’s again. Kirishima opened his mouth and when Bakugou felt his tongue on his lips he broke away.
Panting, he smiled. Tucking his face into Kirishima’s chest.
“You like me too, then?” he asked.
Kirishima laughed and he could feel the vibrations of it all around him, “I do. So, so much.”
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zoeygreensimblr · 5 years
Starlight (Episode 6)
Tuesday at lunch Tess tells me that we are all heading to Cassandra Goth's house after school to work on our Simplish essays that are due in Friday. I hate going to Cassie's house, it gives me creeps.  Cassie lives in a spacious, three bedroom home in Willow Creek. The house is so ancient  it even has its own  title "Ophelia Villa" and I believe strongly that it's haunted by Cassandra's ancestors, I've often heard conversations between spirits there when no one else has been around. Tess thinks it's Cassie's younger brother, Alexander, playing tricks but you can't fake what I heard there. I vowed that I was never going back there but there I was boarding a bus to Willow Creek on Tuesday afternoon with Tess, Declan, Sam and Cassie.
Cassie's mother, Bella Goth greets us at the door, "I've set out a plate of cookies in the formal dinning room" she announces, Tess and I exchange looks knowing there's no way that Bella baked those cookies herself, she would of had the maid or the live in chef bake them but would never let that slip.
The Goth's are aristocrats, "Old Money" as my mother Ruth tells it and one of the most wealthiest families not only in Willow Creek but throughout the whole state. Cassandra is in no way snobby though, she's probably one of the most down-to-earth people you'd ever meet. She keeps her shoulder length black hair in two pigtails and dresses mainly in dark t-shirts and mini skirts, she's stylish without much effort.
We settle in at the dinning table and open our folders and then it starts, the debrief about our school day.
"Mr Landgraab gave that speech again today" Declan says
"The one about how 'This is the most important year of your life year 12' and that we 'shouldn't waste a minute of it' he loves giving that speech" Tess asks, bursting into fits of laughter.
"Yep, that's the one but he also threw in a second verse today and it went like this, 'the decisions you make this year will effect your futures for years to come' " Declan adds
"Oh no pressure or anything" I say sarcastically and we all laugh.
We get it, year 12 is one of our biggest years in our lives, it's our last year of high school, next year we will either go off to university or enter the work force but the way our teachers and parents talk you would think it's the be all and end all.
"Our Step Dad has been putting the pressure on at home too" I explain "It's like if we haven't completed our homework by 8pm then we will automatically fail and have to work at Chez Llama until we die"
"Doesn't He work at Chez Llama though?" Cassie asks
"He now owns Chez Llama, he bought it about 5 years ago when the old owners retired" Tess explains.
"Well even so, he shouldn't be telling you that these are your only options, go to university or become a waitress at one of the finest restaurants in Forgotten Hollow" Sam says, sounding slightly offended. Sam attends Brighton High School on a sporting scholarship, he's an awesome soccer player but he has to work extremely hard to keep his grades up, if he was to fall below a "B" grade he could lose his scholarship.
"Daddy wants me to study business at University, so I can follow in the family footsteps" Cassie says with gloom in her tone.
"What do you want to do?" I ask her
"Fashion" she announces, "What about you?"
"Don and My mother want me to study medicine but I want to study Veterinary, I love animals" I tell her
"What about you Tess?" Cassie asks
"I'm going to study drama and become a famous actress and no man, not even Don Lothario, is going to tell me I can't" Tess announces with strong conviction.
Tess has always wanted to be an actress, she talks of "moving to Del Sol Valley and getting discovered just walking down the street".
"And what about you Declan? What are you going to do? Play soccer with Sam for the Llamas or..." I ask, Declan doesn't talk much really so I've never heard him talk about future plans.
"Im going to study law" He tells us
"Well that will come in handy for when Tess needs to sue the paparazzi for stalking her" I tell him and everyone laughs.
Tess announces to the group that Declan is joining our personal training sessions, "so I no longer have to feel like a third wheel with Zoey and her sexy boyfriend"
"ZOEY!!!! You didn't even mention you and Angus were together, like it was pretty obvious on Friday night that it was going to happen but as your best friends we do deserves to be updated about major life decisions" Cassie says as she's hugging me.
"Sorry, I didn't think it would really interest anyone" I apologise
"Are you kidding?"Cassie squeals "We have had to sit through Tess and Declan's love fest for the past 3 years and no offence to them but I am in major need of living vicariously through a hot romance because lets face it, Sam here is never going to cotton on that I'm into him"
Sam, head buried deep in his folder, writing his essay, looks up at the mention of his name, "What?" he asks us....he hasn't heard a word
Cassie looks at me "See? Nothing!"
By the end of our study session it was decided that Cassie would also be joining our training group in the hopes that "She could find a muscly clad hot twenty something that would look good on her arm at the year 12 formal".
I rang Angus on the bus ride home to inform him that Cassie would also be joining our group
"Sounds good babe, I'll cook dinner for the group after tomorrows session, that way I can get to know everyone a bit better" He offers and I accept, Im so excited for Angus to get to know my friends
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tempest-ssv · 8 years
Mass Effect Andromeda 10 Hour Review
As promised, here are my thoughts and opinions on the first 10 hours of Andromeda single player and multiplayer. It’s long because I have feelings There is a short non-spoilery Pros/Cons and a bit about multiplayer. Then I go into major spoilers for characters and story. I have a lot things to say guys. 
Edit: So i just realized I never put a “keep reading” sorry bout that
the character creator - I guess I was expecting something along the lines of Inquisitions CC
It was really disappointing, the lack of options really was a let down, I mean there were more options in ME3′s CC than this
but theyre suppose to be releasing a patch to fix the CC and some kind of Black Emporium-esque face editing thin
Thats it, thats my only complaint
Everything else it was so good and so fun I can’t wait for tuesday
Any awkward facial animations were funny and I laughed. They weren’t game breaking or anything and can easily be ignored or missed
The casual outfits look so cool and you can change the color of them
literally everything is so good I love it the game play, the combat, the characters
The multiplayer is so much fun, it really gives you a chance to learn how combat works in game and the different skills you can learn. Also its not like ME3 where the story is affected by multiplayer. I’m not a hundred percent sure but it came across like certain missions you could assign to be taken care of in multiplayer. I may be wrong.
So friends, as someone who loves the Mass Effect series, I promise you this very much is a Mass Effect game. It has the same wonder and exploration of the first game, and the great storylines of the second and third games. Give it a chance friends, you won’t be disappointed. 
**And this is where I go into story and character stuff so if you want to stop reading you can cause I talk about MAJOR STORY SPOILERS. I have thoughts and feelings and I need to write them down**
Okay so in the first 13 minutes video review, I said there were gonna be Daddy Issues but right after that Alec shows legitamite concern about Scott and his coma. He just has to be professional. And from what comes up later it seems like he genuinely loves his children, he’s just bad at being a dad. And how you react to him and what you say affects things in the story
Habitat 7 is terrifying yet so much fun. It really teaches you how to play the game. Everything about it makes you feel like you’re in a whole new galaxy. None of the rules of the Milky Way apply and you’re totally out of your depth here.  At least how I played, I wanted to be peaceful towards the Unknown Aliens (The Kett but we don’t know that yet shush). They shot first. How rude. I wanted to be friends. Theia, my Ryder, even says something along the lines “I didn’t want to fight them”
*MAJOR SPOILER* My dad, my poor dad, he sacrificed himself so I could live. Or to avoid responsibility. But he transferred SAM to me, and made me the new Pathfinder. AND IT NEARLY KILLED ME THANKS DAD. And ooh it seems Cora may be a little salty about Alec making me in charge, but I don’t see it causeing a major problem. 
There’s a mission called “Ryder Family Secerets” so like what the fuck did you do Dad?
Onto the Nexus, and anything that could’ve gone wrong went wrong. Everything is awful. But the Nexus is cool looking af. And all of the people you meet are really well developed. 
THE TEMPEST!!! IS BEAUTIFU!!! SUCH A GOOD SHIP!!! im so in love its so sleek and sexy and unf. You can even jump off of things and take no fall damge its great
*SPOILER* Theres a scene, where Ryder is standing alone on the bridge of the Tempest. And in that moment, you’re truly alone. Both of your parents are dead, your mom died of a terminal illness. Your dad sacrificed himself to save you. Your twin is in a coma and shows no signs of waking up anytime soon. Theia has never felt more alone than in that moment.
Eos, the first planet you go to, is a desert *the good, the bad, the ugly theme plays*. I only got so far before I was story locked and could go no further. But I really want to know whats going to happen. I have an idea, but I need to know.
If you skipped that middle bit, just know the story is really cool and intriguing I can’t wait
Cora: I liked her, I liked her personality, I liked how well rounded she seemed even just in the first 10 hours. She’ll be fun to get to know 
Liam: precious cinnamon roll. He’s a fun character, and is probably going to be the “best friend character” like Garrus was if you didn’t romance him. But i think i’m going to hook up with him his voice is so sexy. 
Vetra: bad. ass. she is so cool. and I can’t wait to get to know her more.
Lexi: I love her. I would die for her. I keep comparing her to Chakwas though, so we’ll see how that goes. - unavaliable for romance, shes into Krogan
Kallo: what a sweetie, very different from Joker. But still loves his ship more than anything. On Eos I jumped on top of the Tempest and he just goes “really Ryder?” i love. 
Suvi: I like her shes funny, but I keep hearing Cait from Fallout 4 everytime she speaks. 
Gil: he’s fuckin great I love him 
PeeBee: I met her on Eos, she’s been studying the Andromeda’s version of the Protheans. Another settler referred to her as “crazy blue” and I see where they’re coming from. Talks fast, but is adorable. 
Drack: another badass, only talked for like a minute but he basically told me to fuck off and leave him alone. I love him.
I don’t know much about the romances, but I flirted with everyone. As sis!ryder: Cora told me she wasn’t into women. Liam seemed into me. Vetra wasn’t overtly flirty back, but she didn’t mind. Suvi likes girls for sure. Gil I flirted with and he was like “nah, you’re not my type. But Liam is hot damn”.  I also flirted with Lexi, but she said no cause it’d be unethical for her to date a patient. I get that. Also she’s into Krogan. Kallo had no flirt option, so idk man
And thats it. Andromeda is going to be a great game. If you’re still worried, I don’t know what to say. Just play the game. It’s going to be so worth it. 
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paige-writes · 8 years
Behind the Mic (chapter 2)
A voltron college!au fic between Shiro and Lira (OC)
Lira felt dead on her feet. Morning classes were always a hassle and made her and just about 98% of the school feel like zombies. Kudos to the rest who actually liked getting up at 7 am.
After walking into her creative writing class, Lira trudged up the steps to the middle section of the seats. The front was where basically everyone got picked to answer questions, and in the back you could barely hear the professor speak, so the middle was the only option in Lira’s case. After choosing a random row, Lira sat down as if a weight was strapped to her shoulders. She laid her head down in her arms in an attempt to get a few extra minutes of sleep before class started, but was soon woken up by someone tapping her shoulder.
Obviously annoyed, Lira turned her head to the side to see this perpetrator, only to bolt upright when she was faced with the same guy she bumped into yesterday. Since when was he in this class!? Okay, calm down Lira. He’s just a good looking guy you were just ogling after he made you fall. No big deal. Just….talk.
“H-Hi.” Okay, you stuttered.
“Hey,” he replied. “Did I wake you?”
“No, n-not at all! I was just resting a bit….” Lira tapped her hands on the table, thinking of what to say next. “So….what’s going on?”
“Oh, nothing. Just wanted to return these.” Lira stared at him confused until he reached into his bag and pulled out the same bag of mini Oreos that she’d dropped yesterday. “You, uh, left them behind, and I didn’t want to throw them away. I figured I’d give them to you since we’re in the same class.” He slid the package to Lira, who hesitantly took it in her hands. He….actually saved them for her. “Thank you,” she said. The guy smiled in response. “I’m Takashi Shirogane, by the way. You can call me Shiro, though.” Lira found herself smiling back. “Lira Evans. Nice to meet you.”
The opening of the classroom door signaled that the teacher was here. She began class by saying that everyone was to write a poem. “Since we have been on the topic of poetry for the past couple of weeks,” she said, “I wanted you all to try your hand at it yourselves.” There was a synced groan from the students that the professor ignored. “Your poems will be due next Friday and everyone will be presenting them.” Another groan from the class, one that Lira heavily emphasized. One thing that was worse than talking to one stranger was talking to multiple of them. She was never good at it; her throat always dried up, her hands would get clammy, and she would stutter tremendously. It was easy to avoid up until now when it was mandatory.This was going to be loads of fun.
Shiro noticed Lira’s look of distress and gave her a pat on the shoulder. “It won’t be that bad,” he assured. Lira sighed. “I hope so.”
“If you need help we could always work on these poems together.”
Lira felt her ears heat up slightly after he said that, because the one thing that romance films have taught her growing up was that working on schoolwork together meant ‘study date’, and study dates didn’t really include a whole lot of studying in those films. Lira instantly shook her head. “I-I think I can do this on my own. Thank you, though.”
The teacher gave the rest of the period to the students so that they could brainstorm their poetic ideas. Most of them sat around and did nothing while the rest got to work. Lira stared at her blank notebook, then to Shiro who was doing the same. He was twirling his pen in his hand, in complete focus. Sighing to herself for what felt like the umpteenth time that morning, Lira reached into her backpack and retrieved a leather-bound photo album and started to look through it for some sort of inspiration. Shiro noticed her movements out of the corner of his eye and switched his gaze to her, then to her album. There were various photos ranging from nature to antiques at a pawn shop and everything in between.
“You’re a photographer?” he asked, pointing to Lira’s album. Lira nodded, then explained how she was an art major in the photography field. “I do draw a little from time to time,“ she said, "but photography is what I’m mostly good at. There’s just so much to capture in one frame. Even a simple photo of a leaf could have a special meaning, although in my opinion the perfect photo is all about angling and precision. You have to hold your camera just right at a certain degree to get a perfect shot, and even after that there’s always the option of the right filter and—” Lira cut herself off when she saw Shiro staring at her, his cheek resting in one of his hands with a smile plastered on his face.
Heat quickly rose to Lira’s pale cheeks. “Oh no,” she said, making Shiro’s smile disappear into a puzzled expression, “I’m sorry, I’m rambling again. God, this always happens!”
“No, no,” Shiro replied, his smile returning. “Don’t be sorry, Lira. You’re passionate about photography, something you love. It’s cute that you like to talk about these things so openly.” Cute? Shiro thought it was cute? Well that was certainly one way to put it.
"I’m….flattered. Usually someone would tell me to stop talking by this point, but you don’t seem to mind at all.” There was a brief silence, both students not knowing how to continue this awkward conversation. It ended up finishing with just that, and the two resorted to writing their poems.
“Bonne après-midi my fellow listeners at Altea University! Welcome back to another daily segment of ‘Advice Corner’. I’m your host, A. It’s that time in the semester again where everyone crams and gathers in the library. Yes, it’s almost time for midterms. Grab your textbooks and your coffee and get studying! And if any of you need to vent or get advice, just send in a call and I’ll listen. Oh, and it looks like we have our first caller. Good afternoon fellow listener. How can I make your day feel A-Okay?”
The line was silent for a second before a male voice broke through.
“Uh, hi A. Man, these midterms are gonna kick my ass. Got any advice on how to not be too stressed?”
“Of course. It’s true that stress can’t be relieved altogether, especially with tests, however there are a few ways to clear your head in these trying times. Go outside for a breather if you feel cramped inside or are in need of a break. Listen to a calming soundtrack made for studying for concentration. Maybe take a hot shower or drink a warm beverage afterwards so that you feel more at ease. I know that when I’m stressed, I always put on my favorite fuzzy pajama pants.”
“Ah, these sound like good ideas. Thank you, A.”
“No problem, mon amie. Glad to help. Okay, next caller!”
Lira stretched in her chair, a strangled noise leaving her throat. Another successful segment, and now it’s back to classes.
As Lira left the office building, she heard her phone vibrate multiple times in her bag. Oh yeah, she’d forgot to silence it before starting the segment. Taking it out while she walked back to campus, she saw that it was yet again a text from Anita, and this time she made a group chat with Pidge included.
Art Nerd (Anita): liraaaaaaa
Pidge(on): llllliiiiiirrraaaaa
Art Nerd(Anita): answer ur phone dammit
Art Nerd (Anita): if ur asleep then wake uuuuuup
Pidge(on): pls dont be dead liraaaaaaa
Not-So-Social (Lira): Guys im fine. Just busy.
Art Nerd (Anita): PRAISE
Not-So-Social (Lira): Yes yes im alive, but what’s with the group chat? Usually you guys don’t make one unless….
Not-So-Social (Lira): oh no
Not-So-Social (Lira): Guys. This better not be what I think it is.
Art Nerd (Anita): sHIT! pidge shes onto us!
Pidge(on): welp. might as well come clean then. lira, the three of us are going out on Saturday. and when i say three, i mean THREE. not three and then one chickens out at the last minute.
Not-So-Social (Lira): Hey!
Art Nerd (Anita): shes not wrong tho. lira, we know u dont like interacting with other people, but at least spend time with us! we feel bad that ur holed up in ur apartment all the time and god knows we dont want u looking like casper the ghost. hell even pidge leaves her computer once in a while, even if i DO have to drag her away.
Art Nerd (Anita): and i mean it both metaphorically and physically
Not-So-Social (Lira): She goes out with you because you’re dating
Art Nerd (Anita): point taken
Pidge(on): COMING BACK TO OUR INITIAL TASK, it’d be nice to have some fun before we all have to hibernate and cram, and it’s not like we’re going to one of those sketchy frat/sor parties. we’ll go somewhere that’s nice and doesn’t leave us smelling like tequila and pot.
Not-So-Social (Lira): I’m pretty sure I don’t have a choice, but not smelling like tequila and pot sounds great in my book. Fine, send me the details when you guys can.
Art Nerd (Anita): YES
Pidge(on): we knew you’d come around. we’re irresistible >:)
Not-So-Social (Lira): I feel like I’m gonna regret this….
**chapter 3 coming soon!**
bonne après-midi (French) - good afternoon
mon amie (French) - my friend
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