#i got fed up with sad boy tim and pit mad Jason
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oifaaa · 10 months ago
hi! I recently got into dc and I really like your characterization of the members and dynamic of the batfam - I was wondering if you had any fics to recommend based on that?
thank you!
Not really I've bookmarked a couple fics that are based off my Aus on my ao3 (you can find a link on my pinned post) but aside from that I don't really know any fics that have charaisations or dynamics similar to mine I kinda went off on my own a while back doesn't help that I've only read 1 batfam fic in the last 6 months (it was one of @dragonpyre you should go check out their fics tho they're good)
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barelyalivebutnotdead · 4 years ago
[The bat-brothers: Dick, Jason, Tim and Damian sitting at the dining table in the Wayne Manor. They all sit in chairs lines up, facing the Fanon version of themselves: 'Perceptions']
Tim: (reluctantly) So, these guys are our 'perceptions'?
Dick: (nodding, slightly uncomfortable) Yeah, Zatanna said she will drop by once she has figured out to fix this without collapsing the multiverse in on itself.
Tim: (gulps and points at Fanon!Tim sitting directly opposite to him) Why do I- I mean, why does he look like that?
[Cut to Fanon!Tim with sunken cheekbones, pale skin, skinny frame and dark, chapped lips. He looks undernourished and his eyes are laden with dark circles from sleep deprivation. He looks like a zombie.]
: readmore:
Tim: (whispering to his brothers to not offend the Fanon versions) He looks like a zombie...
Dick: (speechless)
Damian: (Smirks) That's the vibe you emit, Drake. Face the truth.
Jason: (also speechless, raised eyebrows, regrets life and death decisions that led up to this moment.)
Dick: (has the most optimistic 'wtf' look on his face looking at Fanon!Dick)
[Cut to Fanon!Dick sitting on the chair with a huge, 440-watt smile. He looks like the himbo version of a dog wagging his tail.]
Dick: (in both wonder and bemusement) I swear I can see rainbows and sunshine in his eyes...
[Dick internally wonders where Fanon!Dick got the childlike innocence from, considering his sanity has been crumbling for a long, long time now]
[Cut to Fanon!Tim faceplanting on the table. Jason looks like he regrets coming back to life. Tim is unsure what to do. Damian's eye is twitching from being around the Fanon imbeciles. Dick is this close to giving up on everything.]
Fanon!Jason: Oh no, baby bird! (Worriedly goes to Fanon!Tim and lifts his head)
[Fanon!Damian sits with hands folded and a scowl, in Fanon!Dick's lap, who hold him very dearly]
Jason: What the fuck?
Tim: What the fuck?
[Fanon!Jason lifts Fanon!Tim's head to reveal a... Less than pleasant face]
Fanon!Tim: (in a very scratchy, weak voice) Coff- coughs -fee! (and then THUMPS on the table head-first, again.)
[Fanon!Jason catches ahold of Fanon!Dick by the collar and gets into his face]
Fanon!Jason: You weren't a good brother to me and now you can't even take care of my Timmy?!
[He huffs and leaps for the kitchen to make coffee.]
[Dick facepalms, he cannot see this. Jason flinches in fear of Alfred's swear jar each time he hears Fanon!Jason swear from the kitchen. Tim buried his face into his hands and slumps against the table, he wishes to disappear and never face reality again. Damian is already reaching for his sword.]
Fanon!Damian: (scoffs) Let the imbecile die. A pathetic soul like his deserves a pathetic death like this.
Damian: (he stands on the table wielding the sword to Fanon!Damian's throat, eyes raging green) What the hell did you just say?!
Fanon!Dick and Canon!Dick: Shut up, Damian! (Who said that to which Damian, I'll let you decide)
[Dick and Tim pull Damian back from killing the Fanon!Damian, fearing that killing them would cause something to go wrong in the multiverse]
[Fanon!Jason returns from the kitchen with a tray in which he decorated a large mug of coffee, a flower vase and a bowl of hot soup.]
Dick: (In astonishment and disbelief) Jason?
[Fanon!Jason doesn't answer him. He goes and sits by Fanon!Tim and sets down the mug of coffee. Then, with cooing words, feeds Fanon!Tim the soup, gently.]
Jason: Where's my crowbar.
Dick: (Lets out he most tired sigh and pinches the bridge of his nose, others are unsure whether he is frustrated over Jason's crowbar or the Fanons.)
Tim: (Turns to Damian with an earnest, pained expression) Damian, kill me before this is embedded into my memory forever.
Damian: (takes a breath and turns to Tim, his voice polite, soft and genuine. Vicarious pain and embarassment flashing in his eyes) I hate this too, Drake. Believe me, I really do. But since this hurts you more than it hurts me, (In the same soft, genuine, polite voice but evilly dramatic tone) suffer.
[Dick looks at Fanon!Dick, somehow glowing with childlike happiness.]
Dick: I wonder how he is so happy?
Alfred: Sirs? It is time for Dinner.
[The boys all get up and help in setting the table. Chaos ensues]
Jason: I'll get the plates. Tim? Get the caserols.
[A very 'undead' Tim walks in, dragging his feet and hunching over with slumped shoulders.]
Fanon!Tim: (Groans) Coffeee!
[Despite having met death, Jason backs away from Fanon!Tim for the fear of God knows what. He watches in a moment of sheer patience Jason didn't know he had as Fanon!Tim streches for the coffee jar on the top shelf, knocks it off as he collapses and proceeds to shove the raw coffee grounds into his mouth. Jason slowly backs away from him.]
Jason: (to Tim, visibly shaken up) I'm not going near that Tim, you shouldn't either.
Tim: (Putting down the caseroles a little lazily) Is that what my 'perception' is? A zombie looking Edward Cullen who survives on coffee and (shudders, refering to when Fanon!Jason fed Fanon!Tim soup.) That.
Jason: I'm going to get Zatanna to erase my memory of this event.
Tim: Yeah, call me too.
[Fanon!Damian sits atop of Fanon!Dick's shoulders, carrying a bunch of spoons while Fanon!Dick walks with glasses in his hands, laughing with Damian while he growls in return]
Dick: (thinks, Should I try to be as happy as him? Then looks down to see Damian watching in stoic horror as Fanon!Damian begins acting like a baby.)
Dick: (Opens his mouth to express his thoughts)
Damian: (Looks up at Dick and squints into a mini-bat-glare before Dick has the chance to say something) Grayson, I know what you are thinking. If you ever try to manhandle me like a baby, you will lose an organ.
Fanon!Tim: (Walks by shoving a handful of coffee grounds into his mouth) I hope it's a spleen. We'll have something in common to talk about then.
[Both Damian and Dick are thorougly spooked.]
Fanon!Jason: (Quivering out of anger at Fanon!Tim's broken, sad, lonely tone) Your fault, Dick!
[Dick gulps wondering if the Fanon!UniverseJason ever got out of the pit madness.]
Jason: (In a tone more broken, hopeless and sad tone than Fanon!Tim's) Why...
[Everyone sits for dinner. Alfred serves]
[Fanon!Dick suddenly gets up, walks up to Fanon!Damian and hugs him. Fanon!Damian responds with a bite. The he goes and hugs Fanon!Jason, he responds by shoving Fanon!Dick away, grumbling about how cruel he was to Tim. Finally, he goes to Fanon!Tim and gives him a hug. He is too busy chugging more coffee to respond.)
[Dick, Jason, Tim and Damian are exasperated, to put it simply.]
[Dick slumps onto the table. Jason finally pulls out his crowbar. Tim crumbles upon himself. Damian closes his eyes in an attemp to not lose whatever is left of his sanity.]
Dick, Jason and Damin: (in unison) I wish I had stayed dead than waching this.
Tim: (feels more nightmares of Jason coming to his nights.)
Author's note: Okay, I admit, this may not be as funny as I meant it to be but... I can suck, you know? Besides, this may be terrible but in a universe with the CW's PowerPuff Girls script, it cannot objectively be the worst. And yes, I categorize this as a shitpost.
Sorry for creating this, but I had fun.
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