#i get kinda down and bitter on birthdays tbh
nerdy-talks · 2 years
Mom : So, any plans for your birthday?
Me : I'm just gonna spend time with my 11 boyfriends and my son.
Mom : What?
Me, logging into Obey Me! :
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pixel-bloom · 5 months
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OC Deep Dive Questionnaire Tag
Thanks for the tag @natolesims!!!
1. What uncommon/common fear do they have?
he has extreme anxiety and hates what people might think of him
2. Do they have any pet peeves?
chronic lateness. he hates waiting around for someone.
3. What are 3 items you can find in their bedroom?
"intellectual" books (is what his sisters call them), old figurines, composition books filled with thoughts
4. What do they notice first in a person?
Their voice, he's usually too nervous to look at people straight in the eyes.
5. On a scale of 1 to 10, how high is their pain tolerance?
Maybe a 5. He's no stranger to gym soreness, so he's used to pain here and there.
6. Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure?
Flight! In fact, he'll make a run for it even before pressure starts. Can't be stressed about a situation if you leave it before it gets stressful!
7. Do they come from a big family/are they a family person?
He has a mid-size family; two siblings, some aunts and uncles here and there. He loves his family and considers them his only friends. He's happy with that fact! They're the coolest people he knows--Mom is a lawyer, Dad builds furniture from scratch, sisters are artistic, his aunt is a musician/artist, and his uncles..uh they're kinda freeloaders in the city. Every kid's dream future 😎
8. What animal represents them best?
Hmmm that's a tough one. I'd love to say a grasshopper (haha) but let's go with a cheetah. Yeah I know you're thinking cool and collected, but cheetahs are actually SUPER anxious, expend a lot of energy with a task, and prefer to be alone. Also, he can run hella fast.
9. What is a smell that they dislike?
Burnt pancakes. Yuck.
10. Have they broken any bones?
No, he's pretty cautious. He's definitely gotten cuts and bruises galore though.
11. How would a stranger likely describe them?
Quiet (almost invisible) and soft-spoken. Just a kid that sits in the back of the class. He comes to school, then leaves. People would likely forget he was there.
12. Are they a night owl or a morning bird?
100% a morning bird. His parents are up at the crack of dawn and he's made it habit to get up early.
13. What is a flavor they hate and a flavor they love?
hate - artificial banana
love - matcha. mmmmm bitter.
14. Do they have any hobbies?
He's been told to write things down in notebooks (therapy) but he doesn't necessarily enjoy it--it's just something he does to regulate his emotions. He likes to watch bad movies, read old poetry, and hit the gym.
15. Boom, surprise birthday party!How do they react to surprises?
He hates surprises. If it's just his family, he won't be too upset. He'll put on a happy face and participate in any party things. If there's randos invited, he'll force himself to stay but he'll eventually wander back to his room. His parents have learned to not throw him parties.
16. Do they like to wear jewelry?
Somewhat. His sister is always trying to get him to pierce his face, but he sticks to his grandmother's necklace. He's thought about wearing rings, but he doesn't feel like he fits that vibe.
17. Do they have neat or messy handwriting?
Pretty neat for a teenage boy. Not the best but you could make it out. He tried to learn cursive to copy the script he sees in old poetry books, but got frustrated.
18. What are two emotions they feel the most?
Anxious & Embarrassed.
19. Do they have a favorite fabric?
Flannel. It's comfortable.
20. What kind of accent do they have?
If we were comparing him to everyone else...a normal American accent. Maybe one with a low inflection/tone. tbh only Theo has an accent in my game lmao
I'd love to see an OC deep dive from @payte, @potential-fate, @mosneakers, @sparkiekong, @ashubii, & @nitrozem ✨
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casp1an-sea · 6 months
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I lost the og post but I still wanted to answer sorry to whoever originally posted this if I find you again I’ll reblog :(
Late September 2022
Still the same it’s Azul! though I didn’t expect Rook and Jade to also be up there. I love my boyfriend, husband, and wife <3
No, stuck on Book 6 haven’t tried to progress in months. it’s absolute hell and made me a bit bitter had to close the game for a bit 
Halloween Jade!!!! OMG I LOVE THIS CARD 
The first Birthday Boy Ace (this wasn’t a question but the first SSR I got aside from the free one was Dorm Uniform Azul I don’t even remember when or how I got him)
Depends on my mood but I’m actually pretty lucky so I typically don’t have to spend much 
Azul Duh 
Rook :)
Idk man, not flight or any form of sport. Music class maybe???? I think that was mentioned in a book somewhere. Was it masquerade? Idk 
Prefer not to say 
This is hard prob book 4 atm bc Octa Trio 
Idrk mascarade Azul 
Idk I like a lot of them, Halloween Jade? Halloween Rook? Which I sadly didn’t get :( all his cards are gorgeous. Ceremonial robes Trey is also rly nice 
Eh depends on the day 
Crewel and Sam can’t pick 
Riddle… pls I know I’m short 
Just spent a lot to get Tsum Azul Bc i didn’t want to not get it cause I’ve never missed an Azul card. Guess I’m saving up for the Stitch event whenever it comes
I’m not rly sure tbh The overblot i relate to the most is Azul cause bullying but idk the character in general I most relate too
Gaming. But I’d also just let Jade or Malleus drag me along to there’s every now and then 
Octavinelle hands down 
Idk people say Heartslabyul but I’m denial bc the rules and universal are kinda 😬
Beans Day but like literally any of them with Azul 
I havent read them in a while 
The bloom birthday card Azul and his bedroom with the evening lighting 
No thanks 
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imagibunny · 1 year
what's the valid squad? and what happened?
so uh. long story!!
the valid squad was a discourse turned friend server that i was a mod in back in like. 2017-2018? my memory's kinda fuzzy, i blocked a bunch of it out tbh
but like!! days after my 20th birthday god more or less decided to spam my trauma button and in an unrelated server i was dealing with an infiltration of my abusive ex in a server with irl friends who'd gotten an invite from someone. who. i really don't want to talk about.
back in valid squad however i was getting spammed by other mods because of questionable behavior (basically they thought me and queenie's age gap was weird and accused me of being a straight up pedophile)
however there was something we talked about that i agree was not okay. basically a minor (17 at the time, i was 19) talked about drawing a nsfw image and asked who wanted to see, and i stupidly agreed. (eventually it was shoved under the rug as the other party involved in that incident was revealed to be a proshipper, but nonetheless i'm not proud of my actions back then and it still makes me queasy to think about it)
everything else that was involved in my massive take down however was based on pure speculation and personal bias (i'm fairly certain most of the server mods didn't like me at that point and were basically looking for any reason to get rid of me)
mind you during this whole Mess i was dealing with the valid squad, i was dealing with an even Bigger mess involving two abusers of mine in another server. i had said various times to the other vsquad mods that i was busy dealing with something and i couldn't deal with them but they kept pushing until they eventually kicked me out for lack of response.
in a less than graceful moment on my part, i ended up having a huge panic attack on tumblr and continued arguing with the other mods who sometimes just sent me straight up vile messages (they've been since deleted. not...good for my mental health to keep that garbage around)
eventually it ended with me blocking all of them and going back to therapy
to this day i've only gotten Two apologies from ex server members, and the ringleader of the shitshow dmmed me on twit a while ago trying to explain her side of it (not. an apology which i'm bitter about but yknow)
but!! yeah that's the whole gist of it
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iamjalen-unhinged · 2 years
Before you read: This is a long post about my ex. I promise you I am not posting this for you to read, however if you do, enjoy the ride. If not it's really just to vent and let it go. The following will have grammatical errors, and spelling errors. I don't care, I'm currently high and venting. I might delete this, I'm not really too sure. But here goes...
I got with my ex in 2019, --my last year in college-- and it has been one of the most rocky journeys of my life. I won't get into everything, but to add context to the situation I will talk about some of the bull shit that went down, but please keep in mind, parts of the stories are left out.
First, I was cheated on while I was in another country. Mind you, I was in another country because I was jump starting my marketing career post college. What was supposed to be a happy and glorious moment, and time for me was partly ruined by the fact that I got cheated on. Mind you, the nigga gave the bull shit excuse of "I need to be by myself" and brokeup with me before I even found out about the cheating. It wasn't until a month after that, his friend slipped and told me he cheated on me.
Fast forward end of 2019 going into 2020, my dumb ass starts talking to him again, I went to visit this man a whole hour away from where I live and did so a few times. One time in the mix of partying and drinking, this man calls me the other niggas name in front of all his friends. That shit was wild (I was hysterical that night)
Now you may be thinking, why are you still fucking with this man after all this? but check my technique... it's hard to let someone go bro. Especially because he was the exact opposite of what I had before (you don't even wanna know about that emotionally abusive ass story). On top of that, I was doing off the wall shit too. I just never got caught.
So fast forward again, we've both kinda matured and are in decent places in life (mentally). We decide to be cool, and spend time together and shit like that.
Though this time around, I never put my guard down. Knowing this man and the past shit he put me through, I would never let my guard down with him again. Plus in the back of my head I never thought that us being cool and spending time together would become anything more.At that time I didn't want anything more from him or from anyone, but he brung a good nut and good times. We had also both agreed (he brung up the idea) that we would not fuck other people in fear of STIs and giving it to one another. Fair, right?
Everything was going well up until this past summer. In June, this man comes around and tells me he's going to be celibate (Bull shit). I found out in maybe September that in July (right before my birthday)... Let's just say, he broke the agreement, and exactly what we wanted to avoid, ended up happening.
So here we are in October and now this guy has a whole new situation and tbh it irritates the fuck out of me for several reasons. But I'll only list the main 2.
The first reason is... Why didn't that nigga like me? Like we had great times together and it was nothing I wouldn't have done for him, so why no matter how hard I tried this niggas just did not want me!!! and that alone is such a hard pill to swallow because I internalize it when I know I shouldn't. But I genuinely want to know, why wasn't I good enough?
Second reason, BITCH aint no way you about to prosper with this ugly ass nigga (who has the same name as me) after you did me THAT bold. Like fuck you, I hope you and that nigga rot!
Now granted I left A LOT of shit out, so this post may come off as the "bitter ex" but that's okay, I'm almost at the end process of letting it go.
I myself have a person that interests me, and I actually do like the person. I hope with time we can actually make something out of it. Because at this point, bitch, I deserve to be happy.
Also (you might be mad) I actually still talk to him to this day. I thought about cutting all ties with him and I still can, however, I don't think it's really necessary for me to do all that. I still value the friendship we did actually make, and I do like spending time with him. As long as no feelings are involved, I will be fine. I'm mature enough to do that, I think
If you actually sat and read all of this, I love you and if you want a gift (I don't have anything to offer but nudes) DM me or even like this. Thank you for taking the time. Now back to your regular scheduled programming.
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animeomegas · 2 years
OKOK SO how about Itachi and shikamaru react to their alpha who keeps saying that they don't like children, they find children weird ( think Eugene from the Try Guys) but ironically children or babies in general really like them and just gravitates towards them and said alpha is just really gentle and patient with them and always seem to know how to calm them down depsite their supposed "dislike" for children.
(Haha, I've said before that children are like cats; they flock to the one person who doesn't like them lol. I get kinda nervous around cats, and my best friend has a cat, and apparently, I'm the only friend she tries to sit on lol. Presumably because I'm the only person who doesn't accost the poor thing the second I come in the door.)
I love love love this dynamic with Shika!
Because his alpha is like 'ugh, I hate children' and Shika's like 'same', but then a child cries and both of them are like !!!! Oh dear!!!!
Shika then panics and tries awkwardly patting them on the back, while his alpha picks up the child and soothes them properly while looking vaguely disgusted the whole time.
It's a pretty perfect dynamic in my opinion.
Shikamaru is often around children because many of his friends, including his best friends have children, so he really appreciates that his alpha knows how to interact with them.
But also, I feel like they'd both realise that maybe they aren't the right couple to raise their own pups...
At first, I think they both just put it off. They want to sleep in and relax after missions and play hours long games of shogi with no interruptions.
But Shikaku eventually reminds Shikamaru that they need the next clan leader kind of sharpish and then it gets a bit awkward.
Neither party are interested in staying at home with a pup, and eventually Shikaku gets sick of the awkwardness and brings up that they can always use a ward instead.
So they pick a ward to train from the current Nara clan children, and they spend their time lounging and relaxing and being able to have sex in the living room.
I can just imagine them going to a birthday party for Ino's pup and there are children everywhere, hyped up on sugar, running around wild etc. And it's fun!
But do you know what is also fun?
Returning to a very quiet home, where nothing is broken or sticky, and where they can sleep and recover to their hearts' content.
Itachi (non-massacre):
I'm not sure Itachi would be the right person to mate with an alpha like this.
At first, he sees them comforting a lost child and finding their parents and his heart just melts because this alpha is so amazing with pups and isn't that amazing!!!
Itachi doesn't feel young, but he definitely knows he is and that he wants pups a lot earlier than most, but this makes him feel confident that you might agree with him.
Until you've given the pup to the parents and when they're gone you turn to him and say 'Ugh, the noise of children crying is so grating, like, I feel bad for them of course, but I could never handle living with all the crying!'
Itachi's heart kind of breaks.
He's pretty sad that you aren't compatible because Itachi was lowkey starting to fall in love, but that's fine, they can always be friends.
Itachi (canon):
This would be a decent match up, I guess.
I mean, Itachi can't have pups, so it's good that his alpha isn't a huge fan, he doesn't want to feel like he's taking something away from them.
Although, occasionally he feels a bit bitter than you talk so negatively about pups because it ruins the fantasy of what could have been for him. He's never show it though, and tbh it's only when he's really upset already.
Honestly though? Itachi doesn't interact with children as a missing nin (apart from to murder them whoops), and he can't have his own pups, so his alpha being like this doesn't really matter.
(Thanks for the fun ask!! <3)
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angry-geese · 3 years
Hey l turned 18 today so can l request a gojo x reader were reader is his gf and they celebrate the readers bday together
Of course!! happy kinda late birthday btw!!
Gojo Satoru x reader
Warnings: a bit suggestive, but overall sfw. tooth-rotting fluff. established relationship- its implied that gojo and the reader live together. slight nsfw (nudity, mention of quickies), bathing/washing- sharing a shower, petnames (gojo calls the reader mochi). megumi, tsumiki (they're like,,, 8 and 12 idk tsumikis canon age tbh) and nanami are briefly mentioned. can be interpreted as sorcerer/non sorcerer au. fem reader.
A/n: it came out that gojo was 6'7'' while i was in the middle of writing this and i went feral hes so tall why is he so tall ajhhsdjhjsdh
Word count: a little over 2.8k
jjk masterlist
What wakes you up isn't your phone, or your alarm, but the sound of pots and pans banging around in the kitchen. Enough light streams in through the curtains to signal that it's well into the day. The other side of the bed is cold. Gojo must have gotten up already.
Much to your surprise, the kitchen is empty. Typically, at this hour, the kids would be getting ready for school. Though, with as late as it is, they might have already left for the train station. Classes go until three, but the two of them have clubs for another few hours afterwards. Most days they won't get home until 7. The weekends are about the same. Tsumiki has cram school on Saturdays; Megs’ is still a bit young for that. So Sundays are really their only day off together.
There's a pretty impressive spread of food across the counter. Eggs and bacon; pancakes too, right next to a pitcher of orange juice, and a pot of coffee. Two mugs are set out in front of it. Yours, and the one Tsumiki made for Gojo during an art class. It's a little lopsided, and the bottom is chipped from where it was once accidentally knocked off a counter. She's improved a lot since then, but he holds onto it still, despite her insistence that she’ll make him a much better one.
You find yourself wondering what special occasion has prompted this. But that doesn't stop you from pouring yourself a cup of coffee, and nibbling on a piece of bacon. You take small sips of the thin, bitter liquid. It's much improved with sugar and milk. The warmth of it spreads from the pit of your stomach, out into your fingertips. You could never stomach the stuff plain.
Gojo’s arms find your waist, and tug you close, pulling your body flush to his. His chin rests in the crook of your neck, breath tickling your exposed skin. His lips find the junction where your shoulder and neck meet, placing a kiss there. His much warmer hands find yours, your fingers lacing together. This draws a sharp gasp from you, partly out of surprise. You didn't hear him enter. To be fair, you rarely do. Even when he’s not trying to, he has a habit of sneaking around. Over time you’ve developed a sense for it—for him—and you can guess where he’ll pop up.
"Happy birthday, Mochi," he says, mumbling into your neck.
So that's what prompted this. You let out a small giggle, and squeeze his hand.
“You let me sleep in,” you say.
He pulls away, and you crane your neck to look at him.
“Well, I was going to bring you breakfast,” he says, “but it seems you’re already up,
“I called in a favor with Nanami- he's babysitting Megs and Tsumiki today,
"I thought we'd take a walk downtown in a bit," he says, "check out some shops. Have lunch. How does that sound?"
You nod. His lips find your shoulder again.
“I've gotta shower first,” you say. “Wanna join me?”
And it's as if a switch has been flipped. He's nodding into the crook of your neck, following along as you guide him to the bathroom. Off comes your—his—shirt; a white button-up, that still has the faint scent of his cologne to it. He may not have the biggest frame, but he’s tall enough that his shirts hang well down to your knees, almost like a dress on you.
His glasses have been shoved up into his hair, then are quickly tossed aside as you coax his shirt over his head.
Typically you fight over the temperature of the water. Gojo always insists on keeping it so hot, it makes you wonder how he doesn't boil his skin off. That's gotta be bad for his skin. He complains that you have the shower on too cold, although you seem it a completely normal and sane temperature. The shower in his apartment is big enough to fit both of you, but one of you (usually him, let's face it, you're not going to stand in the cold) ends up outside of the spray of water, shivering.
Long fingers work shampoo into your scalp. His nails are getting long, and feel nice against your head. Then on goes conditioner, which has to sit for a bit. In the meantime you scrub yourself down, making Gojo get your back, and shoulders.
He takes his time working the washcloth over your skin, kneading the muscles of your shoulder under his hands. You let out a few rather undignified sounding groans at this. But, in your defense, it feels nice. If you're giving him any credit, he's always been good with his hands. Those same hands have always had a habit of wandering.
Satoru is possessive by nature; at least when it comes to you. In public he always has to be touching you; a hand on your thigh, arm around your waist, or pressing his body against yours from behind. Everyone just has to know that you’re his.
He pulls you in for a kiss that's just a little too needy. One with a little too much passion behind it. He's the one to lean in- you're always complaining that you have to stand on the tips of your toes to kiss him. His hands wander, groping your plush thighs, and the perfect curves of your hips.
Satoru Gojo has always been pretty hard to read. It was the same when you first met. Everything he does, is seemingly done at random. He has no schedule, and tends to do the opposite of what everyone expects, or even wants him to. Yet things somehow end up in his favor. It's almost like some higher power is looking out for him- if you even believed in that sort of thing.
Dating him really hasn't made him more predictable. If anything, you’re more confused about why he does the things he does. Every action of his has an ulterior motive; not one move of his is unplanned. You just don't know the bigger picture yet.
“We should kill some time…" he says. “A lot of those shops don't open for a bit. You’re not too hungry, are you?”
He could keep you in here all day if you went along with it. Sometimes it's nice. But you can hardly count how many events, or—god forbid—days of work you've been late to because of him.
"No way," you say, "I'm not letting you convince me that you're capable of a quickie."
So you've learned from experience.
He seems to hesitate before looking up at you, flashing a grin. You only shake your head at this.
"I can-"
"No." You say. "I'm not falling for that again. We'll never leave here in time."
You’re already halfway out the shower door as you say this, pulling a towel around yourself. He dries off while you work some product through your still-wet hair.
"There's a dress in there for you," he says, gesturing to your shared room, "get dressed, and I'll dish you up."
Padding across the hall to your shared room, trying not to track too much water along the way, you press open the door. The bed is still unmade, though, you probably won't bother sparing the time to fix it.
Slung over the back of a chair is a dress you haven't seen before. It's not one of yours—it's rare you wear such a thing—a birthday gift. One of them. It's black, and made of a thick enough that you can wear it in the winter with no problem. It hugs your curves quite nicely, without being too revealing. Alongside it is a pair of shoes; cute, but comfortable enough that walking around a lot shouldn't be a problem. Comfort, and functionality kind of come first when you're buying clothes.
Sometimes you find it hard to justify dropping a lot of money on clothes like this. But it's a gift, one you find yourself hard pressed to turn down. Dressing up like this isn't something you find yourself doing every day. But every so often it's nice.
He's always had an eye for nice things like this. Where you’re more practical on this side of things, he doesn't mind some impracticality. Part of it is pride- and deep down he likes seeing you wear things he’s picked out.
It's looking like it'll be cold today, albeit clear, and sunny- at least that's what the weather man said. It's not necessarily snowing outside, but it definitely isn't warm. You’ll take a coat just in case.
Despite the pretty impressive breakfast spread, you don't spend much time eating. It's a matter of waiting for your hair to dry, and then styling it.
Much of your morning—well, early afternoon—is spent walking from shop to shop. Stores that you’ve been meaning to visit for a while, but have never got around to it. Gojo is your designated bag carrier. All along his arms are various, colorful bags, of which he looks tiny standing in the middle of.
Lunch is at a food stand, run by an older couple, tucked away on the corner of your street. They sell quite a few different meals, but you’re here for one thing; their gyoza. Specifically their pork ones, filled with various vegetables, and both fried and steamed. They’re quite literally the size of your fist, and you could eat so many you could make yourself sick. Along with those, you both order a bowl of mushroom udon, and some mochi- Gojo’s pick. Your soup is served alongside lots of tea, in small porcelain cups with ducks painted on them.
The two of you sit at a nearby table, various bags gathered around your feet. Gojo takes plenty of photos, half of which are either blurry, or have you covering your face with your hands. Embarrassing. But he goes on about how he wants to capture the moment, so you can only let him.
By late afternoon, your shoes are starting to hurt your feet, and you’ve hit just about every shop you wanted to. Rip Gojo’s credit card, but, in your defense, he agreed to this. If he really had any complaints, he’d say them. He's never been one to stay quiet in that regard. It's a blessing, and a curse. But Gojo being the way he is, usually can get away with it.
The train ride home is a short, and silent one. With lots of glares from old ladies as your bags take up nearly two seats.
The sun is setting low on the horizon by the time you get home, though it can't be any later than 6. Your apartment is dark, save for a single light on over the kitchen sink, and a soft blue glow from the nightlight in Megumi’s room. The kitchen counter is soon covered in a sea of bags. All different colors and sizes. Gojo helps put things away, trying to minimize the mess before the kids get home.
Satoru flops down on the couch with a grunt, arm stretching across the back of the sofa. A set of strong arms pull you to rest in his lap, tightening around your waist. It's always surprised you how his body can almost completely envelop yours. How his body almost acts as a shield as he curls around you.
His lips ghost across your neck- not in a kiss, but it makes you shudder like it was one. He’s trying to rest his head on your shoulder. “Have I mentioned how pretty you look in this dress…”
“All day, ‘Toru,” you say.
He lets out a soft ‘hm’, fingers lacing together. He’ll tell you it now, and every chance he gets. He thinks you’d look much better in nothing at all, but he keeps that to himself for now.
You kick off your shoes, tucking your knees in close. Your head finds his chest and falls against it. His fingers trace the curve of your spine; a touch that makes goosebumps rise along your skin.
The tv is on, but muted. Not much is on at this hour that isn't the weather, or shows that typically only old people watch.
“There's cake in the fridge,” he says, “if you want some.”
Nanami brought it by this morning when he picked up the kids- asked him to pick it up from the bakery. Another favor. Gojo was certain the noise would have woken you up.
Your head falls into the crook of his neck, and his strong arms tug you closer. The smell of his cologne only makes you bury your nose into his chest.
“Thank you,” you say, “for today. I appreciate it, really.”
This draws a low laugh from him, one that rumbles deep in his chest.
"It's not over yet,” he says, “we could go out for drinks, check out a few different bars tonight…” cause some trouble.
“I think I’ll have to pass on this one,” you say, “but thank you.”
Going out drinking with him rarely ends well. For everyone around him, at least. The last time Nanami tagged along, he blacked out and woke up two districts over missing one of his shoes.
His lips press against yours, then the tip of your nose, then your forehead.
“How about some cake then?” He asks.
And as much as you don't want him to move, you relent. Slowly you pry yourself off of him, moving to sprawl out across the couch. He disappears into the kitchen, returning a moment later with two plates.
Strawberry; vanilla cake, with strawberry filling, and topped with sliced strawberries. You settle back into his lap. Gojo steals bites of fruit off your plate when you aren't paying attention.
Not a moment later, the door opens, and in spills Nanami and the kids. Megumi is the first to stumble over, crawling up onto the couch beside you. He’s eyeing the cake; you make a mental note to bring him a slice when you get up.
“Did you have a fun time at Nanami’s?” You ask, and Megumi nods into your chest.
Tsumiki rambles on about her day. More specifically, about the ducks in the park, and a birdwatching book she bought with her allowance. Megumi is half asleep by the time she’s done. She cuts herself a slice of cake, and gets settled on the couch beside you, soon deeply engrossed in her book.
Nanami waves as he hurries out the door, not wanting to be stuck in conversation with Gojo. You give a wave, and mouth a “thank you” to him.
Gojo’s hand moves to ruffle through Megumi’s hair. His small hands move to rub his eyes. He looks tired. Being at Nanami’s must have really worn him out.
“You wanna help me put him to bed?” You ask. And Gojo nods, mouth still full of cake.
He scoops Megumi into his arms, trying his best not to disturb him. He's always been a pretty heavy sleeper. Megumi has slept through countless things that would have woken any normal person up.
The nightlight in his room provides enough light that turning the overhead on is unnecessary. Off come his shoes, and his schoolbag is set in a chair. He’s tucked in, and you make sure his precious teddy isn't far away. Oh how he’d throw a fit whenever you try to wash it. He's mellowed out the older he’s gotten, but that same stubborn nature still remains.
Satoru can't help but admire the sight in front of him: you hunched over Megumi, carding a hand through his hair. Sleepily his arms find his teddy, and pull it close. You tuck the covers up around his shoulders. The collar of your dress has slipped off of one of your shoulders. The sight is enough to make his chest swell with affection.
Out of everything, he can't get enough of soft, domestic moments like this. Ones that would be boring to anyone looking in from the outside. But he can watch them like a movie. From you brushing your teeth in the morning, to you packing the kid’s lunches. He can act tough all he wants, but the man is completely whipped.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” You ask, upon noticing him staring.
“No reason,” he says, but you know it's a lie.
When you kiss him, he tastes like strawberries. With your thumb, you wipe a smudge of pink frosting off of the corner of his mouth. You lean against his chest, face burying in his shirt, taking in the scent of laundry soap and his cologne. One of his hands moves to stroke through your hair.
“‘Love you,” you mumble into his chest. Along with another, tired sounding ‘thank you’.
“Love you too,” he says.
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shijiujun · 4 years
Lmao sorry it's 2ha anon again........... idk if it's just me but it's kinda making me uneasy knowing that taxian-jun is still in the body of Moran and he "comes out" every three days... Like, it feels like chu wanning doesn't have a peaceful life even when it's supposed to be peaceful? Not only he's still being humiliated and "used(?)" it's even like... he's cheating on moran once every three days WHUT
heya again! hahahaha i’m sure you are not alone in feeling discomfort at parts of the story including this one, and you’re valid in what you think about this, although personally for me i will have to disagree with you on all parts:
(1) in terms of timeline - firstly, mo ran 2.0 IS taxian-jun, this 2.0 version isn’t like a cleaner, more sin-less version of mo ran. he is that very taxian-jun who did those acts to cwn before. the other taxian-jun that materializes is the part of him that didn’t get to have all those second chances with chu wanning, who only remembers being poisoned mentally by the flower, who only remembers pain and tragedy and anger in the majority of his life - when shi mei dies and the control he has over taxian-jun disappears, i assume taxian-jun remembers that he liked shizun in the past before he chose to take the flower, and even when he was at peak madness a part of him still had tenderness and love (even if warped) for cwn, this taxian-jun is mo ran without the second chance of going back in time, but now has his second chance turning up every few days to see cwn. at the end of the day, however, they’re all mo ran. he’s another person, but he’s also the embodiment of mo ran 2.0′s time as 0.5 too (that maybe is a bit sentient right now), but it’s all him.
(2) in terms of what chu wanning feels about this - let’s break this down, you wrote that he’s humiliated and used by txj, and that he’s cheating on mo ran 2.0, and chu wanning doesn’t have a peaceful life. i think honestly this is pretty much a huge misread/misunderstanding about chu wanning.
- on the cheating on mo ran 2.0 point
firstly, with taxian-jun at the end before the portal closes, cwn wanted to die with him, even without knowing that mo ran 2.0 was still present in his consciousness somewhere. he said, “墨宗师也好,踏仙君也好,都是你” - it’s you, be it mo-zongshi, or taxian-jun.
once again, i think people tend to discredit characters like chu wanning a little too much - he has agency. he’s not under some stockholm syndrome-esque situation, he’s not settling for mo ran or taxian-jun (which are the same person, i reiterate), chu wanning made a conscious decision. he knows what his feelings are, and he acted knowing full well how much he loves mo ran in all timelines. he also addresses and acknowledges that there are both of them - he ain’t going like yeah to get mo ran 2.0 i have to tolerate 0.5 once every three days. 
ALSO - the current chu wanning IS ALSO CHU-FEI from 0.5 - he’s got all them memories and that ‘identity’ in a sense, the only difference is that his 0.5 self doesn’t materialize every few days, but this chu wanning is that chu-fei who loves 0.5 mo ran too. 
the only one who has an issue with this is mo ran himself, tbh, and he is getting jealous of himself. 2.0 is jelly of 0.5, 0.5 is jelly of 2.0 - but they’re not different people, they are one and the same, and even then i feel that this jealousy stems not from the cheating part BUT that:
the embodiment of 0.5, the 0.5 that stopped right there after mo ran committed suicide and then was pulled back to life, he’s jealous because this part of him was stuck there, he never had the chance to go back and redo everything with cwn - he’s bitter that all he had then was only pain and anger at cwn leaving him, and being left behind on that note - it’s still mo ran, the same person, but this part of him that was kind of plucked out in time and rematerialized as a separate physical entity probably would have liked to have spent years and years of good times with cwn too 
in the case for 2.0 mo ran, 0.5 is a part of him that he is feels guilty about all the time, he’s not proud of what he did to cwn as 0.5, even though his behaviour can be explained away with the influence of the flower. he’s less 0.5 in terms of behaviour because he’s had years to unlearn that behaviour and kind of shed off that setting of him being like an almighty tyrant ruler, while 0.5 is that tyrant ruler, but not so much a tyrant, and is retired now in a sense, and though 0.5 is nice to cwn now, he’s still that ruler XD that king who commanded and demanded things 
at the end of the day, through the extras, you can tell that both 0.5 and 2.0 live to make cwn happy, even if it’s expressed in different ways
- on the humiliated/used/not peaceful point
in the 0.5 timeline, cwn already knew the truth about the flower and set the timeline reversal thing up - because he loves mo ran. he loves mo ran even like this, even without the prospect of a 1.0 or 2.0 in mind. the chu-fei then made the conscious decision to save him. he loves taxian-jun, but he had to act like he was disgusted and hated him. not excusing what mo ran does to him, that’s an entirely different matter, but cwn also knows that mo ran has been driven to this evil state because of the flower as well. there’s the 0.5 part of cwn in him - this current cwn IS CHU-FEI, the chu-fei that loves 0.5 mo ran 
also i don’t think cwn hates the rough sexy times he has with txj either - i mean, the man was getting all hot about it even before 0.5 materialized in 2.0 timeline through the past visions etc. - sure, is there maybe a type he prefers? of course, but don’t we all XD cwn is fine with both, and even if he does not, he has full right to say no and reject, and i’m sure 0.5 and 2.0 are more than happy to comply
whoever said cwn wanted the peaceful life in that sense? we all have different understandings of what constitutes peaceful - for chu wanning, peaceful means that hut on that mountain, spent with the man he loves, even if they come up in different forms every few days. sure, he definitely would never have expected to have to deal with both, but does chu wanning hate it? i don’t think so
yes, taxian-jun’s antics when he turns up always ends up in trouble more often than not, but cwn is exasperated, BUT FOND, there’s a huge difference. and his antics are harmless - okay yes, he robbed a store to gift what he robbed to cwn for his birthday but? harmless, and 0.5 can still be taught HAHAHA
if i may also quote meatbun, “it’s the same person”. i don’t know how else to put it, it’s the same damn person XD and chu wanning loves him <3
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pizzaapplecheese · 4 years
Donald and Daisy’s relationship in tlottc
this is my opinions on what is going on and their relationship and there will defiantly be spoilers and maybe a bit of bias, anyways on to my review
we first see Daisy and Donald’s relationship in the first episode, we are introduced to Daisy when she called Donald on the phone, she says that she can't wait for their date and that she wants him to hurry because she was waiting for him in a place she felt unsafe in, Donald says he will, but then he got a phone call from his boss asking him why he was late, Donald was confused by that because he thought he has a day off on his birthday (which funny enough was Friday 13 XD) anyways his boss said if he doesn’t come as soon as possible he would have to fire Donald, Donald rushed into his job and was on his last costumer, a kid who refused to get his haircut which got Donald angry and he tried to cut the boy’s hair so hard that he accident shaved it and he got fired, just like his house since he forgot to remove the kettle on the stove, remember Daisy? Donald forgot to tell her that he suddenly busy that day so she thought he stood her up and dumped him, which is understandable.
the first episode was to show how bad Donald’s life is by showing a bunch of misunderstandings, bad-luck, and having zero proper communication, the first episode have him lose his job, girlfriend, and house all in one day which ironically was his birthday, even though her breaking up with Donald was justified we were presented with Donald having so many problems going around in the span of half a day that I felt a little bit annoyed with Daisy suddenly calling him and calling him selfish.
the next time we see daisy was in episode 5 (which I assume was at least a month and a half in their universe), she visits Donald in his new house when April, May, and June told her the Donald was doing better according to Daisy. Donald says that they should go eat in a restaurant so she can meet the “new Donald” Donald recommended the greasy pan, the rust skillet, and the burnt onion (which Panchito says he finds delicious) all of which she was disgusted in, until her nieces says that he was messing around an was actually going to take her to Shake Quackmore (which is a very rich restaurant) and her response was “oh that is so 2.0″ when Donald heard that she liked the idea he stopped panicking on how expensive that is and instead went along just to make her happy, on the date they talked about what Donald was doing after they left, Xandra says he was not allowed to tell her about the three caballeros or else she would be in danger, so he lies to her on what he was doing, she then talks about the reason she dumped Donald which was she said “one of the reasons we broke up is that i could never count on you, you are always leaving me stranded” anyways back with the others, they were in serious trouble with the lava queen thing and they needed Donald to help them so Xandra took Donald and pretty much yelled “DONALD, Panchito and Jose are in trouble” and donald being a good friend that he is tells her that he needs to go because his friends needed him which for some reason she was angry at, when Xandra and Donald left Xandra tells him to not worry and that she was sure that daisy would understand with Donald replying “you don’t know Daisy” after Donald helped his friends he ran back to the restaurant and asked Daisy to forgive him, but Daisy left. Her nieces gave Donald a letter Daisy wrote to him that says “Donald, you are just as angry, undependable, and selfish as you always were. Don’t ever call, email, text, write, video conference, speak time or smoke signal me ever again, however the service her was excellent, 4 stars”.
okay, so the first half was okay, like she was just visiting Donald and seeing how he was doing, which I think was okay. I find it a little strange she was disgusted by Donald’s choice of restaurants until her niece stepped in and recommended a very expensive restaurant but I brushed it off, after that when she talks about the reason she broke up with Donald, if you forgot then this is what she said “one of the reasons we broke up is that i could never count on you, you are always leaving me stranded” which although i know their relationship is based on misunderstandings and confusion i must say if anyone is making you feel like you cant count on them and is always leaving you stranded then leave them you dont need them, relationships are built on trust and if you can’t count on someone on anything then there is no reason to be in a relationship with them, anyways back on topic Donald left because his friends are in trouble which you would expect your partner to understand, but nope Daisy straight up wrote him a letter telling him that he is still angry (which not once have he was ever shown to be angry when she was around) undependable, and selfish which i find strange that he was considered selfish when she and Donald was told by Xandra straight to their faces that Panchto and Jose were in trouble, l am just confused by that, also the fact the Donald knew she was going to react like that kinda urks me if you know what i mean.
In the next episode Donald was upset that Daisy broke up with him again so he pretty much was bitter for the whole episode and easily snapped at his friends like when Panchito ask/sang if anyone got a book and braille Donald yelled “oh shut up” or when Panchito said that Donald was unemployed homeless and single before he met Xandra Donald shoved Panchito’s face on his food, it wasn’t even a light or joking way either, he just shoved his face on it.
honestly, as much as I love Donald he was pretty much an ass, I mean I understand he was upset because he broke up with his girlfriend again but he should seriously calm down.
in episode 7 we see Daisy again and this time she is introducing Donald to her new boyfriend Dapper Duck and when he asks what she was doing (didn’t she just said 2 episodes ago to not communicate with her ever again????) she said this to Donald “well, I was in the neighbourhood for the gala and I thought I should stop by and introduce you to my date new date dapper duck” “we meet after you abandon me at Shake Quackmore” Donald ran off after that because there was a bear he needed to catch for the plot, we see Daisy again when she talks to Dapper about how Donald was acting when she introduced him saying “he usually isn’t that weird” (cue Donald being weird XD).
I honestly see no point in Daisy visiting Donald show her ex her new boyfriend what-so-ever like you broke up with him and the creator made it clear as day that these 2 were not on speaking terms, I see no reason for her to act this way other than being an ass.
in episode 8 we got to see Donald’s magnificent portrait of dapper that I jus-
back on topic episode 9 Daisy calls Donald and tells him that this was his “last chance” and to “not stood me up”, Donald was so excited but there was another mission so the nieces made a plane in which they pretend to be Donald’s body while Donald uses the phone mirror which surprisingly works for some time even if the date felt awkward, but at least we got this funny scene where Jose thought Donald was talking to him when he told Daisy her outfit looks cute on her, back with Daisy who is slow dancing with ‘Donald’ but ultimately the mirror fell off and Daisy gets mad at Donald and says these “Donald Duck what is going on here?!” “what kind of sick joke is this, using my nieces for one of your weird schemes” and when Donald tried to explain she broke the mirror phone and says “Then explain this!” which leads into Donald's temper tantrums that get him Panchito and Jose disqualified.
there is nothing much to say other than the date was awkward and Daisy does not allow explanations (like teachers when you are late to class) and breaks property, like do you know how expensive that could have been?????
in episode 12 Xandra wants Donald to be on 100% focus so she took Donald and Daisy to seek therapy and couple counselling in the Himalayas called the Shang li la, these 2 gets pampered, although Donald was a bit aggressive and shove one of the employees because he they gave him water when he didn’t ask for it? anyways the Shang li la resorts pointed out Donald's anger issues and placed him n a room to face it and he gets beat up by an angry birds egg surprise version of himself that represents his anger issues and realizes all of his problems were caused by his anger, they leave the resort and when they fly out the bathtub that the pet bear was taking a shower from we get the most Hollywood drama-action movie scene ever.
I like how they take couple counselling but these twos relationship made me feel as if it wasn’t really the ‘fix’ they needed, but the whole “where are you going???” “to my destiny” scene made up for that for how over the top it was
we finally see her again in the last episode we see daisy helping the nieces with papers and made a joke about how much she is into puzzles and when Shellgoose loses his presidency they gave them a letter that says that Donald owns the institute, as they walk in the house Daisy and Donald have this conversation in which she says that they would need to work on Donald's wardrobe (and you could kinda see them arguing in the background)
there was nothing really important for me to point tbh
conclusion: I see their relationship as pretty annoying in all honesty, maybe if we saw more on Daisy’s side/point of view or have her not break up with Donald 3 times in 13 episodes then it might have fixed some things, their relationship in this show was a wasted opportunity and they could have done better things with it, I felt confused on why Donald was in love with her and why she keeps popping up for no reason like she doesn’t even check up on how her nieces were doing anytime in this show
Edit: I would like to hear other people's opinions
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asterekmess · 4 years
(I was gonna save this for tomorrow, but FUCK IT) Eyyy, still being salty over here. Pls block the tag ‘rant’ if you don’t wanna see anymore of these. Or maybe ‘anti-scott mccall’ though, tbh, I’m not sure how much fun it would be to follow me if you aren’t anti-scott mccall. I’m pretty vocal abt disliking him.
I wanna talk about the concept of Derek being a ‘creeper’ because of all his wandering around the lacrosse field, at lydia’s party, etc. And by talk about, I mean ramble about incoherently. By which I mean, please know that I’m not trying to insult or fight anybody who makes this joke or uses this concept in fic or whatever. I’m just ranting bc I love this boy and his trauma makes me sad.
ANYWAY. (This is insanely long, so I’m adding a “Read More”)
I just have a lot of feelings about people seeing Derek as a stalker/creeper because he keeps showing up at lacrosse practice and in Scott & Stiles’ rooms, etc. It gets mentioned in loads of fics (I see a lot of “Creeperwolf” which I think is supposed to be an endearment?) (And there’s lots of fics that talk about how ‘you used to be/are really creepy, following us around’ Again, not judging) (Dude it’s even a whole tag on AO3 ‘Creeper Derek Hale’) and it’s joked about a lot in fandom (the vine with the ‘every step you take’ song and the swans on the building comes to mind). I see it a lot, and dude, it hurts me.
Let’s look at Derek’s current mental state and what he’s been dealing with, going all the way back to Paige. (Or, tbh, his birth) Derek is a werewolf. He was born a werewolf, to a family of werewolves. He grew up within the supernatural world, in a whole different culture to humans (honestly, my fury at the lack of werewolf culture/history/worldbuilding is worthy of its own post. Let me know if by some ungodly chance, you actually wanna hear my thoughts on it.) and presumably the number one rule in all of werewolfdom is “Keep the Secret.” Now, Derek’s fuckin’ 14/15 (I put his birthday on Christmas, like most of fandom, and if his house burned down when he was 16, in the spring, and he was dating Kate for a while before, he would’ve dated her when he was 15, and we don’t know how long there was between paige and kate, but let’s give him a summer of mourning. So. 14ish with paige) and he starts dating this human. He’s kinda shit at keeping the secret, implying that either he’s only dated werewolves before, or she’s his first girlfriend ever (also implying that maybe some of the people on his basketball team are werewolves, bc they don’t seem to notice his weird way of talking [pack members maybe? fuck, my heart]) and he’s maybe not as careful as he should be. (More implications arise, and we begin to build our own history. If Derek was never taught not to say dumb shit like ‘i caught a scent’ then was he even in public school before freshman year? Were the Hales all homeschooled before high school to help keep the secret? How soon do wolfy abilites arise? Do they hit with puberty? Fuck, I digress.) He says some dumb shit, and Paige gets suspicious. Of course, he doesn’t know that, and he has some kind of meltdown about her eventually finding out his secret. We hear from Peter (who’s villainized, so we’re not supposed to necessarily believe what he says, but what we see in the flashback doesn’t make a huge amount of sense either so *shrug*) that he enlists Ennis to bite Paige, believing that if she is bitten she won’t spill the secret and she’ll be more inclined to accept that Derek is a werewolf. Now, she fucking dies. Paige dies in Derek’s arms because of this, and he finds out at the last second that she already knew the secret. He feels guilty enough abt getting her killed but now he’s got a whole new batch of guilt from finding out that apparently he’s so bad at keeping the secret of his ENTIRE SPECIES that she found out he was a werewolf. She could’ve exposed them all at any time. He had to be terrified. Next, he’s 15/16 and he meets a gorgeous older woman who presumably showers him in affection, and all the horrors that go with that whole situation (I don’t wanna go into detail, because obviously). But again, whether Derek tells her himself or she just knew or she finds out, whatever it is, Kate knows Derek and his family are werewolves. AND SHE KILLS THEM ALL. Derek has no clue what the fuck is going on. All he knows is he is the only link between Kate and his family, which must mean that it’s his fault she knows about them. Once again, he’s revealed the Big Secret and people Died. He and Laura bolt to NY for six years, where presumably they live in hiding thinking the Argents are coming after them to finish off the Hales. Then Laura gets sent a funky letter and goes back to Beacon Hills. Now, we have a lil more confusion (i’ve got a whole buttload of issues with the timeline, but let’s not get into that now) because he says he came looking for Laura, but later he mentions that he knew she was in Beacon Hills and was searching for...whoever burnt down their house...that whole plotline confuses the shit out of me (derek knew kate did it. he blamed All the argents, but he knew kate was involved. So why was Laura looking for the pendant. and if he didn’t tell her then why was he looking for the pendant?? And what did the pendant have to do with the deer and the spiral?? Halp.) but whatever. He shows up and finds his sister dead, the hunters arrive in town the next day, and suddenly there’s an angry alpha Attacking Humans.
We’re finally in the present. Derek has lost what little family he had left, except for a catatonic uncle. He already has two instances in his past where the worry of keeping werewolves a secret has caused deaths. And now there’s this teenager. No, actually, two teenagers. One who was bitten, and one who shouts out “You’re a werewolf!” in the middle of the preserve, instantly figuring out a centuries-old supernatural secret. Derek is fucking terrified, and things are only getting worse. This kid who got bitten? Derek follows him to see if he’s really a wolf, to find out if he knows what’s happening to him, if he believes the other teen. He finds the kid JUMPING OVER PEOPLE’S HEADS in broad daylight in front of everyone. Derek might’ve had a couple verbal giveaways but this is just ridiculous. Then, even better, the kid goes on a date on the FULL MOON with THE YOUNGEST ARGENT. There’s about a billion reasons to follow Scott to the party. It’s a FULL MOON, for one. HE’S WITH AN ARGENT for another. And of course he can’t just walk into the party. He’s fucking 22 for fuck’s sake. This is a high school party. He’d get arrested. And of course he doesn’t introduce himself to Scott beforehand. He has no way of knowing if this kid is on the Alpha’s side. He’s the Alpha’s Beta, it would make perfect sense for him to be obeying the Alpha. OR since he’s with the Argent, maybe he’s working with them. Maybe he’s a plant of some kind. a hunter pet. Laura was used as bait to catch Derek, why not Scott too? But he sees quickly that Allison has no clue what’s going on, at least with Scott, and he takes her home and steals her jacket to lure Scott into the Preserve where he can’t hurt anyone. Then, when he sees Scott get chased by the hunters, with no Alpha coming running to protect him, he decides “Alright, guess this kid’s my ally. Gotta protect him.” Yeah. He says some weird shit. But the evidence points to Derek not knowing much about bitten wolves. He tells Scott that he doesn’t know how to train a bitten wolf, but he does know how to help Scott recover memories (the memory loss appears to only happen in the early days of shifting, which lends more credibility to the possibility that born wolves don’t start shifting properly until later in life [puberty being the most likely milestone] and he therefore has experience with that, but not with the kind of control Scott needs, that he’s known his whole life). Born a werewolf, he’s never considered the bite anything other than a gift. He also just lost his entire family, so sue him for trying to find some kind of connection between them. (It honestly makes total sense for him to use the term ‘brothers’ bc he KNOWs Scott won’t understand the concept of ‘pack’ yet) So, now that’s decided to help Scott, to protect him, he goes back to the school. SURELY now that Scott knows what he is and how dangerous he is when stressed, he’ll reign himself in during lacrosse, or even just back out of it altogether. There are lives at stake here, be them human, or if Scott exposes the secret, werewolves. SURELY this kid wouldn’t put everyone in danger over a fucking game. But no. Not only does he keep flaunting his abilities, but he SHIFTS ON THE FIELD. If Stiles hadn’t Dragged Scott out of there, the entire supernatural world would be EXPOSED by this ONE KID. Derek passed Terrified about a hundred miles back. He’s gotta be fucking out of his mind with fear. I don’t blame him even a little for threatening Scott. If Scott’s not gonna do the right thing on his own, then threatening him is worth it if people don’t DIE. Then, bc Scott’s a pissy baby and goes to shout at him and be a fuckwad, and Stiles is nosey and neither of them have boundaries (I love Stiles, but fucking seriously, digging up a grave?) Derek gets ARRESTED. He pleads with this lanky teen who is brave enough to climb into the cruiser with a WEREWOLF. Who’s FRiends with a Werewolf. Who figured it out so quickly. He pleads with him to understand how dangerous this is, to stop his friend. And Stiles looks like he’s gonna, but Scott bolts bc of the wolfsbane (Which...listen if I’m being really salty, a deep bitter part of me genuinely wonders if he was that freaked out, or if he overheard Derek beg Stiles not to let Scott play, and Scott ran away from Stiles so he wouldn’t get told no, bc he wanted to play.) and by the time Stiles finds him he’s already dressed for the game. And DEREK WAS RIGHT. Scott DID lose control. He DID shift on the field. At LEAST one human saw him shift, and the coach for the other team knew something was up too. He DID expose them, and he did it further bc Jackson is suspicious now. Now, I’ve reblogged a gifset of it before, the moment when Derek shows up at the lacrosse field and finds Jackson standing in it after Scott’s run off, staring at a glove with a claw hole in it. He is watching his worst nightmare come true. Scott has exposed them and Jackson is going to figure out werewolves, just like Stiles did. He knows right that instant that people are going to die. I’ll reiterate what I said in the tags on that gifset. It’s extremely likely that Derek bit Jackson out of self-preservation. Jackson had been threatening to tell the hunters and the entire world if he didn’t get what he wanted. The safest thing to do was give Jackson the bite so that at least he would be putting himself in danger too if he exposed werewolves. He forced Jackson to have to keep the secret for himself because he knew Jackson wouldn’t do it for anyone else. (And he knew Jackson had some self-preservation, compared to Scott, and wouldn’t want to expose himself.)
Listen, I just. I just get so sad watching Derek sneaking into people’s rooms and standing on the edge of the field and showing up in the locker rooms. He’s trying to help. He’s trying to protect. He wants to be there in case Scott does something stupid (which he does, again and Again) to protect him, even after Scott REFUSED to help him stop a SERIAL KILLER because there wasn’t anything in it for him. Even after Scott fucking blackmails him by leaving him hanging on a grate with wires plugged into his side and his abuser on their way back to hurt him, he still helps him protect Allison (who watched him be tortured and did nothing. [He still has the capacity to acknowledge that it’s not her fault. That she couldn’t save him. He doesn’t blame her for it and he certainly doesn’t want her to die.]) He wants to keep his Betas safe. He stands in the parking lot waiting for them to test Lydia because he doesn’t want them to have to go through with killing her alone (and he only tries to kill her because she DOESN’T pass the test [although I admit it’s a dumb test] and because the kanima is KILLING people. More people have died and I don’t know how the fuck Derek manages to keep standing, let alone having such capacity for empathy and optimism and sarcasm after everything he’s dealt with. He’s constantly being hunted by hunters or humans, or fuck even Scott himself, since every time Scott gets upset he blames Derek for everything (I’m still fucking disgusted that he turned up at Derek’s place and accused him of murdering his own sister.) And STILL he shows up. No matter how many times he’s shoved away and ignored and yelled at. He shows up and he stands on the fringes and he waits for the chance to help.
And what’s creepy about that?
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leavetwn · 4 years
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* AMANDA CAMPANA, NOBINARY + SHE/HER/THEY/THEM  | you know RAMONA GALLO, right? they’re TWENTY-THREE, and they’ve lived in irving for, like, TWENTY-THREE YEARS? well, their spotify wrapped says they listened to CRYING ON THE BATHROOM FLOOR BY MUNA like, a million times this year, which makes sense ‘cause they’ve got that whole COLD PIZZA AS A HANGOVER CURE, TALKING SHIT ABOUT CUSTOMERS IN THE BREAKROOM, LONGING FOR WHAT COULD'VE BEEN,  thing going on. i just checked and their birthday is AUGUST 17TH, so they’re a LEO, which is unsurprising, all things considered. ( claire, 22, est, she/her )
HEY , BESTIES ! happy new year (the way it’s 11:55pm here so barely) !! my name’s claire and i’m 22. i’m livin in the est timezone, and my pronouns are she/her. i’m bringing y’all a mess of a muse 😈 because well  ,,, it’s what i’m best at. if you’re feelin ramona & wanna plot, just go ahead and like this & i’ll hit you up. i usually plot on discord, but if you prefer the tumblr ims, that’s no problem at all. anyway, lemme stop waistin time and get to introducing you to ramona. * tw: mentions of cheating & alcohol. 
𝐈. ━━ ˟ ⊰ ✰ 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐬 .
full name: ramona gallo.  nickname(s): anything your muse wants to call her tbh. age: twenty-three. date of birth: august 17th. zodiac sign: leo. gender/pronouns: non-binary, she/her/they/them. sexual orientation: bisexual. romantic orientation: biromantic. hometown: irving, north carolina. current residence: irving, north carolina. occupation: employee at zoinkies currently,  a lifeguard during the summer. eye color: brown. hair color/style: had long hair up until her breakup then had one of those breakdowns and cut her own hair into a bob and then her own bangs. i bet it was a mess lol so she probably called her friends or went to a salon the very next day to get it fixed. also highlighted the ends red but her natural color is brown. height : 5′5″. clothing style: simple and comfortable. t-shirts, croptops, turtlenecks, all usually paired with either jean shorts or jeans in general. she prefers to feel cozy rather than cute. tattoos: yes. a small one on her wrist. wants more eventually. piercings: both ears peirced & a navel piercing that she did herself against better judgement lol.
𝐈. ━━ ˟ ⊰ ✰ 𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 .
you were born on a scorching hot day in irving , your father says so, anyway. you’re convinced he’s being dramatic. your birth went smoothly; after two previous children, your parents had become disillusioned by childbirth. just another one to add to the bunch, and one that was meant to save a dying marriage. still, they loved you nonetheless. your father, to this day. your mother, until you were ten, and then she up and left without a warning. 
your father keeps food on the table by fixing cars. you spend your days in the hot sun watching him replace parts and continuously try to crank vehicles until they run. he fist pumps every time one does. ‘ how lame, ’ you think, but it’s inspiring how hard he works to take care of three kids. and he does a good job. 
therefore , you spend much of your early life trying to make him proud. you’re smart as a whip, and all your teachers have good things to say about you when it comes to academics. you’re a bit of a troublemaker, though. your father doesn’t mind that too much; he was the same at your age. and he’s proud  —  proud to see you work so hard. 
you spend your teenage years doing much of the same. though , you begin to come home a bit later than usual, and your excuse is that you’ve been at ashley’s or samantha’s, but really all three of you were out partying. you don’t think your father would care (your grades are fine & he wants you to live like a normal teenager) ,  but you still lie about it. why ? well, who knows, maybe you like the adrenaline rush it gives you. like most things, you do them for the thrill. 
you join the swim team. you’re kind of bad , but that’s okay. just like always , you work hard, and you realize that you’re kind of a natural. your father cheers louder than anyone else in the stands. it pushes you to do better. with your good grades and athletics , your guidance counselor tells you you’re a shoo in for a scholarship from whatever university you want. you apply to several. if it’s one thing you hate, its this town. you can’t wait to make it out, and you figure, this might be your only way. 
you’re eighteen, and you’re in love. it’s crazy how love can make you see things differently. suddenly , this town doesn’t seem half bad. all your friends find it cute , and you tell them everything. the things he tells you or the way he makes you feel. it’s a crazy feeling; you never want it to end. 
you throw your cap in the air. finally , high school is over. college is looming. you’ve been accepted to several & received scholarships from at least a few. you lie in bed thinking about it. now, you suddenly don’t want to leave so bad. don’t want to leave him behind. how could someone leave another they love so easily? it makes you hate your mother more.
for the first time, you disappoint your father. you don’t go to college. you don’t give a damn. you want to stay where love is. you’re addicted to the feeling. this lasts for three years. now, you’re twenty-one; you’ve gotten a job at zoinkies, and that keeps you away for most of the day. you randomly decide to visit your boyfriend during a lunch break one day. you find him in bed with someone else. suddenly , you realize love isn’t as addicting as you once thought. what once made the world beautiful now made it hideous. what once made you feel so high had somehow made you feel so low. it was horrible, and you’d realized your mistakes. 
you threw away your future for love. something as rotten and twisted as love. something you swore you’d never let yourself feel again. something that you put away in a locked box with no key. irving was the same place you’d always known it to be. boring, drab, familiar. at least you had your family. that was barely enough to keep you sane, though, and it was hard to feel normal.
you turned to the thing that help. alcohol, partying, any escape at all. you lacked coping skills   —  that much was clear, but you didn’t care. you blamed it on something else entirely. just as your teachers had said, you’re a bit of a troublemaker. you do anything to make yourself feel alive, to make yourself feel free of the hurt. 
it’s two years later now. you’re still not over it in some ways, as regret turns to anger and resentment. you’re bitter. who wouldn’t be? but you feel like you’ve had time to mourn. maybe it’s because you never acknowledged it in the way you should’ve ( it’s still locked away in that box. ) you still have your bad habits. you still work at your stupid job that you hate. you’re lost, but you’ll figure it out. you always do. so, you continue to float , seemingly stuck in the town that you never let go of, and you wonder what comes next. only time will tell.
𝐈. ━━ ˟ ⊰ ✰ 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐨𝐮𝐬 .
still swims but doesn’t have as much time for it. probably not as good, but since she spends the summer lifeguarding, she uses that time to practice & try to get back to where she was. also kinda jaded asf so even if she says she wants to get back into it, she probably won’t lmaoo.
is a horrible driver. how did she get a license ?? not even she knows. def the type to like have a leg up on the dash board, hand out the window, and only one hand on the wheel while speedin idk how she makes it out alive
can take a car apart and put it back together again thanks to her dad. also changes her own tires so let her change your tires. im just sayin 
stays up way too late & would sleep until 2 pm everyday if she didn’t have to work. should probably work on being an adult and going to bed at a normal time but just half the time doesn’t give a fuck so she’s probably sleep deprived a lot. therefore also has a 
character parallels: alice ayres/jane jones (closer, 2004) , clementine (eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, 2004) , fiona gallagher (shameless, 2011-present) , more to be added.
𝐈. ━━ ˟ ⊰ ✰ 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 .
ok but plots really do be making my world go ‘round. 😳 i love em, so literally hmu with anything you’re feeling, and i’ll be down. just wanna plot & write with everyone 💕 but here’s a couple of wanted connections for y’all. i’ll prolly have a most wanted tag sooner or later & i’ma be make a plot page soon.  
* the unholy trinity  — these two are the friends she cherishes most. i’m assuming they’ve been friends since at least early high school , maybe earlier. they went through a lot together. these two were with her through all her relationship troubles. true ride or dies. she’s do absolutely anything for them, and she trusts that they feel the same way. they’re rowdy & wild, do whatever they want, and have a damn good time doin it. also have a gc where they just talk shit and send tiktoks idk just gimme this plsss 🥺
* friends with benefits / one night stands  —  this would probably be the extent of ramona. clearly not over what happened to her the last time 😭, so she’d have plenty of these tbh. she probably wouldn’t think too much about it, but it could be awkward for you muse maybe, etc. 
* unrequited love / crush  —  here’s a toast to the ones who crush on ramona. it would be an absolute tragedy lmaoo. she’s not really mean about it, but she is 100% certain she’s not looking for any type of relationship. could be really dramatic and messy and those are tha best kind. literally this
* former friends / enemies  —  she’s lived here her whole life, so she’s at least got one. these two just don’t get along/no longer get along for whatever reason that can be plotted out. 
* coworkers   — she works zoinkies throughout the year and picks up shifts as a lifeguard during the summer so your muses could know her from that. could delve into a close friend territory too lmao. they probably just sit in break rooms and talk about rude customers or bossy managers lmaooo.
* literally anything your heart desires — a lot could work. we could even just start from nowhere & have them meet for the first time if they’re newer/just to town. 
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more-pokeimagines · 4 years
Could I request a soulmate au where you turn a certain age and you get a string leading you to your soulmate, bedes birthday comes but he doesn't get a string and feels hurt by the world but once the readers birthday comes they get connected to each other and they find each other
Tbh, I love soulmate AUs and this one was so much fun to write, so thank you for sending this in! :) Hope you have fun reading. 
Once in a lifetime – Bede x reader (soulmate!AU)
Living in a world where everybody had a soulmate was great and intimidating at the same time. Great because he knew that there was someone out there who was meant for him and him only. Intimidating because he wasn’t sure if meeting your soulmate was the same thing as falling in love. What if he met his soulmate and they couldn’t stand him? He didn’t grow up with his parents and the carers in the orphanage didn’t talk about their relationships very often, so he had no more than a vague idea about the whole concept of soulmates.
When he was younger, maybe six or seven, Bede had always looked forward to the day he would receive the magical string that was supposed to lead him to his soulmate. He had dreamed of meeting you and he was sure, so sure, that the two of you would be the perfect match.
Most people got the red soulmate string when they turned eighteen, and he had even crossed out the days leading up to his birthday this year.
But nothing had happened. He still didn’t have a clue how he should find you… or if you even existed. He had spend his whole birthday anxiously waiting for the magical cord to appear but as the hours had passed he had become more and more dispirited. And then, at midnight, he had finally started to realize that he wouldn’t get the string to lead him to you.
Two weeks had passed since then, and Bede still felt like the whole world had turned against him. Like his friends darted pitying glances at him whenever they thought he didn’t notice it. As the days went by, he started to distance himself from them more and more. He didn’t want anyone to pity him because he obviously didn’t have a soulmate. Then, he tried his best to forget it but every night he lay awake and stared at the ceiling while he asked himself what he did wrong. Everyone he knew had a soulmate. Why didn’t he have one? Was it because he hadn’t had a happy family when he was younger? Or because he had made quite a few mistakes in the days of his early youth?
With a groan, Bede pulled his blanket over his head. He was tired of wondering why the soulmate string hadn’t appeared but it almost seemed like it was all he could think of since his birthday, even though there were a whole lot of other things he needed to take care of – his college applications, his graduation, his plans for the future. But he could barely focus on studying, especially since he felt like the majority of his classmates were talking about him behind his back. He was the poor guy who didn’t have a soulmate. What a pitiful person he was.
Bede didn’t even know why it bothered him so much. After all, he was used to being alone, so it shouldn’t be a big deal that, apparently, he didn’t have a soulmate. But somehow it was a big deal, no matter how often he told himself that he was perfectly fine on his own. And he hated to feel like this – like he was abnormal and incomplete. He wanted to be like everyone else.
That night, he dreamed about his soulmate again. You were everything he could’ve wished for and you seemed almost too good to be true. When you reached out to touch his face, Bede leaned in to kiss you. Just a few more centimeters and your lips would press together in a long awaited, sweet kiss…
And then, Bede woke up, left with nothing but a bitter pain in his chest.
Eight months later, you sat in your dorm room, staring down at a bunch of birthday cards and a crushed cupcake. You couldn’t help but giggle when you read the kinda awkward birthday wishes from your best friend Hop who had moved to another city for college. He wished you to finally find your soulmate because you were “way too great” to stay alone, and he also encouraged you to send a picture of your soulmate as soon as you had found them.
So far, the magical string that should lead you to the other half of your soul hadn’t appeared but you were positive that it would happen sooner or later. Though you had tried not to get too hyped about meeting your soulmate you were beyond excited. Every time you thought about your first encounter you felt butterflies in your stomach and some kind of impatience you had never experienced before. It was just so thrilling to know that you would meet the one who was meant just for you soon… it was like living your personal fairytale.
In that moment, you felt an unfamiliar tug at your wrist. As you looked down you felt like your heart was skipping a beat. There it was… glowing in the color of fresh red roses, the soulmate string felt almost warm on your skin, and for a few seconds you could only stare at it. Then, you started to smile. Finally!
Your head felt too light for your body for the rest of the day. As you wandered around on the campus to take a look around you tried to keep an eye out for your soulmate too but so far, there had been no sight of them. You knew that the string around your wrist was invisible to everyone who wasn’t your soulmate but you still felt like everyone stared at it. You covered your wrist with your hand but when you felt a tug again you forgot your worries. A thin, glittery cord had unraveled from the string, and it almost felt like a supernatural power tried to pull you into a certain direction. You held your breath and took the first step towards your soulmate.
Bede couldn’t believe his eyes when the soulmate string appeared around his wrist. For a few seconds he even thought that he fell asleep in his dorm and had a dream about finding his soulmate yet again but even as he blinked a few times and pinched himself twice, the cord didn’t disappear. Still, it was hard to believe that he wasn’t hallucinating. After all these months of waiting he had almost accepted the fact that he didn’t have a soulmate. He had convinced himself that he had never asked for a happy end and therefore didn’t need one but as he stared down at his wrist he realized that he had been lying to himself the whole time. He wanted a happy end.
He felt a tug at the string and slowly stood up. It seemed like he wasn’t able to control his actions anymore but he had faith that the cord would finally lead him to his soulmate, so he didn’t try to refuse. Somehow, he knew that he needed to go outside if he wanted to meet you.
His heart was facing. It still was hard to believe that this was really happening.
When he stormed out of the building, he bumped into someone, effectively pushing the person down to the floor.
“Ouch,” you mumbled and rubbed your back. “You’re quite stormy, aren’t you?”
“I’m sorry,” Bede said and reached out to help you stand up. When he noticed the bright red string around your wrist he froze. You followed his gaze, realizing that your soulmate strings were connected, now glowing in a much deeper red as they grew warmer and warmer before they vanished as quickly as they had appeared previously.
Speechless, Bede stared at you. He had no idea what to say but as he looked into your eyes he realized that there was no need for words in this moment. When you smiled at him, he felt like the weight of the whole world was lifted from his shoulders. You were here. You were his soulmate.
He never had to be alone again, and just for that, he took you into his heart without even thinking about it.
Bede didn’t know how things would develop from now on but he was positive that the future would be brighter as long as the two of you were together. 
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chocolate-parfait · 4 years
Matchup for @bigwintter
bigwintter , dear, tumbrl ate your ask away and I can't seem to be able to tag you for whatever reason. I hope you'll be able to see this nonetheless!
I match you up with... William!
You two are the embodiment of the dark academia aesthetic tbh✨
During your first encounter, you mostly keep to yourself, but Will can tell that you two are, in a way, similar to each other. It all starts with casual and sporadic encounters where the general ambiance is “Oh God, I’m talking to THE William Shakespeare”, but all that quickly dissolves through time. The writer instantly takes a liking to you, a normal reaction to your genuine love for literature, but the more he talks to you, the more he realizes there’s something more to it.
Your aura kinda works like a magnet. It’s in your little gestures, the way you carry yourself, completely at ease despite a 200 years-wide gap between your time and your new surroundings. Most of all, he’s genuinely amazed each time you give him deep and psychological insight about a recently published novel or sometimes even a piece he has written himself. Sometimes you stumble a bit and don’t exactly know how to convey your thoughts in a precise way, but this makes him all the more curious(he finds it very cute, actually). He truly wonders how come you’re able to give a fascinatingly knowledgeable answer to whatever topic the two of you are discussing, and this ignites an always increasingly burning fire deep inside of him.
He tries (unless SOMEONE cough Theo cough forcefully kicks him out) to visit the mansion more often, other times he invites you over to his residence to have a nice chat over some tea. If you feel like it, he even plans some rendezvous in the city to show you around. It’s very nice of him and he acts like a total gentleman! But... some problems may arise when he starts showing his overly possessive side.
Since you know your fair share of information when it comes to psychology and all that may come in handy to diagnose someone with being a yandere (and whatever type of mental illness Shakespeare has), you notice the signs early on, so at least you’re not completely caught off guard. As to how to act next... well, that’s pretty much up to you. You can ask Comte for protection for the rest of the month and then go back home, or you can try and talk it out with him if you prefer.
Since this is a matchup, let’s pretend you chose to stay in the past and confront him about it. You go to his house and he’s acting like usual, although there’s a glint in his eyes that sends a shiver down your spine. When you finally bring up his weird behaviors a switch in his mind flips the other way. It’s a really intense moment because as he’s explaining all the reasons why he deemed it necessary to “protect” you from others, he suddenly realizes that at the root of the whole problem there’s only his genuine affection towards you. But would he act the same way with Vincent? No, of course not. Then, there must be something else to his feelings, right? And the word he had written so many times, the main theme of most of his stories, comes crashing down on him. Love.
He doesn’t outright say it, but it’s subtle and you already know about it. Once more, you can decide whether to correspond to his feelings right away or wait a little longer, just know that you’ll be in for a lot of therapy sessions. This man needs three things: affection, a LOT of reassurance, and someone to show him how healthy relationships work. You can provide him with all three, and though he might reject the idea of change (perhaps even in a violent manner), with time and care he’ll come to understand where the boundaries of a relationship lie. Surely, there will be times in which he falls prey to his darkest thoughts, but the progress is admirable.
His recovery aside, he’s truly one of the kindest lovers out there, getting slightly rough only during horny times (he wouldn’t be able to withstand the guilt of having hurt you), and he never misses out on important dates and small details. There is a lot of unspoken understanding between you two, and with just a glance, you can convey everything that words wouldn’t suffice to describe. Regardless, he still loves composing little poems on the spot just for you (he later writes them down in a thick book that he gifts you for your birthday), pressing a soft kiss to your lips when he’s done reciting his small part.
As a couple, you pretty much have all the freedom in the world. Living in a house far from prying eyes and unwelcome visitors, you can enjoy your much-beloved solitude from the rest of the world. Even in the same house, he will eventually come to respect your wish for independence and alone-time. Though there is a lot of work behind it, you and William finally reach an equilibrium that few couples would be able to maintain for long.
Second choice: Dazai
Despite being quite the trickster, an unprovoked Dazai is a person that enjoys quiet spaces and his fair share of alone time. You two could definitely get along pretty well, but getting past the acquaintances-who-have-some-idle-chat-every-now and then phase? That could be slightly harder.
Everyone has their bad days, and depending on the person, some may want to let the whole world know about their feelings, whether others prefer keeping everything inside. Well, Dazai is definitely the second case. Just as usual, he puts on his happy mask and clown nose in the poor attempt of shifting his focus on his surroundings, but ever so often his facade slips off completely. Be it a glance, an unhappy comment or the sudden quietness, you pick up on it quite easily.
There are many strong personalities that leave their lasting impressions in the mansion. For each you could find at least 10 adjectives to describe them without you even being close, but what about Dazai? At first glance, he seems like one of the most dual characters in the vampiric group; one side of him is warm and caring, completely in the norm, but most things he says leave a certain bitter aftertaste. One could describe him as a breeze, but you had noticed that this warm spring breeze could turn into a chilly autumn one in the blink of an eye.
He’s seemingly a superficial man, but many little details convince you otherwise. Spending a whole month in the past with no one to talk to was out of the question, and mystery man here is the tragic hero that had piqued your curiosity the most so... why not give it a try? You would have to approach him first (he reaches out to people mainly when he sees they're struggling with their emotions), and with the right words here and there his fake smile will crumble away. (you don't necessarily need to be an expert speaker, he's a smart one and will understand what you mean)
Of course, he won't be giving in too easily, but he's quick to notice your genuine interest and curiosity towards him. You'll be going back in a month, so even if he let you see a snippet of who he truly was... it wouldn't be such a bad thing, right? Unfortunately for him, all the romance he has ever experienced in his life was tied to his and his partner's mental health, so with you there to help him out with his emotional state, he's quick to fall for you. (these aren't really spoilers,, its just facts about irl dazai but idk how much they decided to keep in his route tbh, I've only read a general summary)
On the other hand, it may take you some time to realize your feelings, and sometimes you wonder whether your initial reason to get close to him was just your love for psychology. With time, that will all become a secondary matter, for thus you'll start seeing him as a true friend, and perhaps something more.
Oftentimes you hang out in his room and have long discussions while sharing some tea and sweets together. Topics may vary from analysis of fictional characters to more philosophical matter, and a couple dumb jokes here and there: other times the room falls in the most comfortable of silences, the atmosphere warm and relaxed.
Dazai definitely doesn't mind your goofy side, he actually enjoys it quite a lot. You, him, and Arthur could team up and become the most annoying trio of the mansion, much to Isaac's dismay. It's very clear to the Englishman though, that you two have something going on, although you don't seem to be aware of it. He will start teasing you and dropping heavy hints until Dazai eventually confronts him about it. 
When it dawns on you, it doesn't take long before you and Dazai confess to each other and become a couple. If you're both mutually interested then why wait? Your straightforward nature plays a big part in this, despite your communication skills. Dazai secretly admires this aspect of yours, and if you question him about it, he will admit it without embarrassment and the fondest of looks.
As partners, you have a very mature relationship, and neither of you has a problem with meeting the other's needs. The Japanese writer will always respect your wishes and opinions, but every now and then, mostly at nighttime, he will crave your touch and comfort. Old habits die hard, and it's not easy to completely let go of one's past, that is why he seeks your warmth. Offer him your lap, pepper his face with delicate kisses, tenderly stroke his hair; whatever you have to offer will be more than enough for him. These are very intimate and romantic moments between the two of you, in which your bond gets stronger and stronger, although through quiet reassurance and support.
He doesn't necessarily mind PDA, but he'd rather you keep your most explicit gestures to the privacy of your rooms. Nevertheless is a man of great calm and patience, and he's a great actor, too; don't be too surprised if he decides to tease you in public. Generally speaking though, he'll stick to basic stuff like hand-holding and such.
You have dates in the most random of places! The termae, the gazebo, on the riverbank or in some obscure neighborhood of the city. He loves strolling around with you, and he'll get so lost in the feeling of your hand in his that once he snaps out of it he doesn't realize where your feet have taken you.
Another activity that you two could end up doing together is drinking. He takes you to his favorite bar, where he orders his favorite drink, cigarette in hand (he smokes only if you're okay with it) while looking impossibly hot. You can order yourself a beer and then you can have whatever discussion you feel like having. He is not one to judge, and will happily comply and talk about all topics. Whether it's a book you've read or something that happened to someone in the mansion, he will quietly listen to you as he sips on his whiskey or brandy or whatever, adding a thoughtful comment here and there.
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oldserah · 4 years
30 questions tag game
Tagged by @xbaebsae
Rules: Answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you are contractually obligated to know better. 
[tbh i really dont think i know 20 blogs to tag / people who havent already done this so im sorry if i do tag u and u have]
Tagging: @dep-yo-tee @deputycolt @refinedstorage @minilev @wewillryesagain @yokobai @clutch-wept
1.      Name/Nickname: Serah, Jesus, Jeebs, Cripple, Sar , Say say [Parents]
2.      Gender: nonBinary
3.      Star sign: Virgo
4.      Height: Apparently 168cm or 5’6 last it was checked [No Im not Bitter]
5.      Time: 6.40pm
6.      Birthday: 22nd September
7.      Favorite Bands: I listen to A large range of music Based on whether I like the song, really cant pin down a fav
8.      Favorite Solo Artist:  See above it’s the same
9.      Song stuck in my head: Fire Drill by Melanie Martines
10.  Last movie: The Addams Family
11.  Last Show: Good Omens
12.  When did I create this blog: about 2016, the Blog before roughly 2012
13.  What do I post: Art, Primarily Far cry 5 but Cyberpunk is likely also going to be common
14.  Last thing googled: Frank Frazetta [an artist my dad likes]
15.  Other blogs: N/a
16.  Do I get asks: Rarely
17.  Why I chose my url: Old became a theme, Serah was because I was into Dragon Age at the time and Serah is kinda like a term for Sir [ish its gender neautral] so it at the time i though it would  be  Oldserah = Oldsir [although everyone pronounces it like Sarah which is -^-] [although googling the meaning of Serah in Da now it means a person of lesser status sooo fitting I guess]
18.  Following: 656 [maybe to many?]
19.  Followers: 330
20.  Average hours of sleep: ranges between 2-6 hours or 6-17 hours
21.  Lucky number: don’t actually have one
22.  Instruments: I don’t play but I did once wish to learn piano / cello as I had played them in music lessons in school curriculum
23.  What am I wearing: Jeans and a Turtle Neck and a long Cardigan  All Black
24.  Dream job: Either a Concept artist or an Asset Designer in the Games Industry [its what im studying for]
25.  Dream trip: Norway, Greece, Italy And Japan.
26.  Favorite food: Blue Steak with Peppercorn Sauce
27.  Nationality: British
28.  Favorite song: I Like to many to have a Fav
29.  Last book read: I started Re Reading / trying to finish ‘The Sword of Shannara Trilogy’ by Terry Brooks, its one book ive had for years yet never finished. [Granted it also 1200 pages so]
30.  Top three fictional universes I’d like to live in: uhhhh I guess Dragon Age, World of Warcraft, Mass effect or Lord of the rings ?????? granted I’d die immediately in all of them but oh well
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oofluc · 4 years
⌠ AXEL AURIANT, 20, CISMALE, HE/HIM ⌡ welcome back to gallagher academy, LUC MONTAGNIER! according to their records, they’re a FIRST year, specializing in AWARENESS TRAINING, BREATH CONTROL, HAND TO HAND COMBAT + KNIFE FIGHTING SKILLS, SWORD TRAINING, PRECISION SHOOTING, FIREARMS & SWAT TRAINING; and they DID go to a spy prep high school. when i see them walking around in the halls, i usually see a flash of ( dried blood on busted knuckles, forced smiles and sweat drenched after training ). when it’s the (virgo)’s birthday on 09/17/1999, they always request their SEARED SCALLOPS from the school’s chefs. looks like they’re well on their way to graduation. ⌿ ooc mochi, 23, she/her, gmt ⍀  
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slight warning to those who saw i originally planned him to be an anxious soft boi … i was wrong also there is a suicide mention & some subtle child abuse maybe... plus it’s kind of long ? and an incoherent mess but whatever !! plotting is welcome either on tumblr or on discord which you can find me at mochi#7066 !! his pinterest is here yes i went overboard with sections esp bc im gonna add more hdjf !! stats here and a full connection page here with most stuff i have so far ! @gallagherintro​
fred jones | scooby doo
stefan salvatore | the vampire diaries
hatsuharu sohma | fruits basket
noatak | avatar: the legend of korra
phillipe montagnier | 54
ameline montagnier | 46
marc montagnier | ✝
luc montagnier | 20
charles montagnier | 18
elias montagnier | 18
the montagnier family was originally located in the south of france until luc’s grandfather moved them to quebec. their empire was in manufacturing all kinds of weaponry and selling them to governments and other spy families and organisations. if you needed something a bit obscure or unique, this was the family you'd come to.
luc grew up in a fairly isolated countryside area in a family of four brothers who he loved for the first few years of his life. first was marc, shy and respectful, luc himself two years behind, and then another two years graced the family with twins; charles and elias who lived by their own rules. marc and luc had always been close, marc was the best big brother possible and luc loved him a lot.
eventually after being pitted and forced to compete against each other for so long, it got quite personal and their bonds started being tested. their mother turned a blind eye to their father's borderline abusive methods when luc overtook his older brother in their father’s tests and training. bruises and broken bones were only natural in training so there wasn't much she could say even if she wanted to.
from as long as he could remember, he'd been firing guns. there was a shooting range on their estate and they went on hunting trips, too. his dad often had him show customers the potential of their weaponry and so he'd always been thrusted into that life whether he wanted a say or not. it’s been clear since he was around fourteen that if anyone was taking over the family business it'd be him, not his older brother, marc.
this definitely caused somewhat of a rift between him and marc, as he'd end up getting much harsher punishments when luc would disarm or ground him.
luckily for luc, he did enjoy fighting and was exceptionally gifted in the life planned out for him. he was always the most determined to gain their father's approval, which definitely showed in their results and how obedient he was in front of the man. when he finally got what he wanted, he didn't quite expect it to mean what it did. it was rare but every now and then he would kill for his dad. whether it was someone who betrayed the family or a potential threat to their business, if his dad told him to, he would, no questions asked. it was during this time he was more excluded from training with his brothers since he would be with his dad instead.
his oldest brother marc was sent to blackthorne once he was eighteen and ended up committing suicide at the end of his second year, with luc set to follow the next year. this news was shocking for the montagnier family as luc's father was bitterly embarrassed and disappointed by his firstborns' death, wanting to cover it up as a murder so it couldn't be tied to the family name with such dishonour. it quickly created a divide as charles and elias defended marc's actions and revealed he'd been struggling with depression for the majority of his life, much like they did, which was all unknown to luc, who, for the first time, felt the repercussions of his father's favouritism. he had a new found rebellion against him that was violent with them going at each other's throats for the foreseeable future. luc ended up avoiding his place at blackthorne in hopes to piss off his dad and becoming more reclusive and bitter as time went on.
he really took his brother's death personally, believing he was a factor in it and wishing he'd been there for him more closely. if anyone so much as mentions marc to him he will be on guard and very easily angered. i think before marc died he was very charismatic, egotistical at times and driven whereas now he’s lost a lot of his energy and is more negative & aloof.
the following year was Rough™. he was no longer his dad's golden boy and the family dynamic shifted a lot with marc's death as luc ended up protecting his younger twin brothers instead of beating them for their dad's favour. he's certain he'd have been disowned had his mother not aligned herself with the kids as well.
i think their family dynamic is kinda like the cha family from sky castle if anyone has seen it !
luc eventually decided to enrol in school late, only to end up at gallagher instead. which... i mean, i think before marc died he was excited about attending blackthorne. so he’s bit ??? uncertain about the girls school.
genuinely i think it comes down to so many factors, whether he’s in a good mood, who’s speaking to him etc but neutrally he’s quite charming, happy to mess about a bit but more or less takes most stuff too seriously. since he’s not around his dad i do think he will explore a lot more and seek out adventure and fun but if he’s got a test or something due the next day then he’ll bail early since he is defo the type to never let his grades or performance be ruined
he’s quite cocky + likes to win no matter what so yes he will ruin a friendship to beat u at monopoly. second place is last place in his head.
at his best he can be confident, alluring, courteous, loyal… at his worst he's aggressive, destructive, apathetic and always says shit he doesn't mean !!!! will he apologize ?? unlikely but he'll try n make it right once he’s calmed down
thinks the best way to deal with things is with his fists, he’s so EASY to snap and start a fight n he’ll.... maybe apologise for it
i think he defo likes to pretend he’s got no problems and so reverts to a social, supportive friend every once in a while. the type to be brutally honest !!
he’s a definite know it all, thinks he’s the dog’s bollocks, gods gift etc !!!!! doesn’t believe in god but still. I kinda see him a bit jocky idk why but more brooding n isolating 70% of the time bc he’s easily pissed off but when he’s having fUNNNNN he’s ok like a solid guy at times just easily angered
very flirty, he's a major ladies man despite actually being GAY. which is a secret. sh. only two people know he’s gay and that’s his current beard girlfriend ellie cavanagh and childhood friend regine ren. more ppl can defo find out in time and i’m sure ppl have speculations ? maybe have seen him hooking up with guys or something when he thought no one was looking etc probs think he’s bi who knows!!! but for now those two are the only people he’s actually spoken to about it!!!! so if anyone else tries he will deny it as he’s very against the idea of coming out so will not discuss it ty pls.
and it’s not that he doesn’t enjoy sleeping with girls, he’ll be having a great time regardless but he just aint abt to love them like that pls understand
still, he is in a current relationship with ellie who is acting as his beard for him. they have ‘ dated ’ before and are off and on a lot, so they probably seem pretty toxic tbh since ellie n him can clash n argue and he defo still hooks up with other girls despite being in a relationship so feel free to kill him for cheating !
wanted connections !!!
going off the last point, maybe some of ellie’s friends who come at him for how he seemingly treats her !!!
i'd love for blackthorne ppl to have known his brother, he'd have been around about 22/23 and a fourth year now if he was still alive so ?? it might help luc with some closure if he could talk about him since it happened at blackthorne
ppl to know the family, some family friends would be amazing !!! i feel regardless of alliances etc their family would have stayed as neutral as possible since they're selling weapons so they want all the customers.
so people that know HIM while he was growing up would be interesting esp those expecting him to have joined blackthorne when he was supposed to 2 years ago, and obvs him probably changing from who they knew him as to a more negative version now
might put a wc for his twin bros as they potentially joined his arrival at gallagher as first years too but who knows. they’d be 18 so if anyone wants a family friend connection that is around that age, maybe they were closer to the twins than luc ??
he sleeps with a lot of girls to kinda ‘make sure’ no one knows he’s gay as he defo doesn't feel comfortable with being out. the guys that he sleeps with he'll always pin it on being too drunk to remember or he'll threaten them if they told etc ?? he's very on edge about it and would only hook up super secretly sooo if anyone’s down for that with him
and then obvs need a lot of ladies he’d wanna sleep with to keep his image
previous ex gfs ?? from prep schools !!!!!!!
some positive influences would be good
bad influences as well bc tho he is a bit of a party guy, he doesn’t drink loads and he doesn’t do drugs !!!!!!!!!!!!!! but…. I mean i bet he could be convinced now he’s away from home so
study / sparring buddies !!
i’d love someone to teach him pop culture n normality !! his childhood was training and competing with his bros so he defo doesn’t watch many movies or tv or play games etc so ? someone making him watch all the harry potters ?? binging parks and rec ?? he’d find it so dumb but who wouldnt enjoy it ??
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shima-draws · 5 years
Okay listen I really really enjoyed The Wonderland/Birthday Wonderland a LOT but there’s definitely like. Huge chunks of stuff that are missing from the plot that I would have loved to see;; SPOILERS AHEAD BEWARE
First of all let me say that this movie definitely would have worked better as a TV series. Why? Because the world itself is MASSIVE. There’s so much worldbuilding shit going on that they only got to touch a little bit of each section, and left so many things open ended. And then there’s the fact of the plot itself that leaves a lot of holes behind and unanswered questions.
Rest is under the cut so ya’ll can avoid spoilers if you so desire:
What the fuck happened with the sweater contest? They make it out to be such an enormous, important part of the plot that literally ends the moment Akane hands the sweater over. We see her protectively guarding it the entire journey to the city, and yet it’s never even touched upon if the sweater wins the contest or not. What happened bruh?? I want to know if it won, a lot of unnecessary screentime went into the development and story of that sweater! Don’t leave me hanging!
“Our world is dying”, Hippocrates says, as the majority of the land is still thriving pretty okay from the looks of it. Aight. There’s lots of gorgeous visuals in this film that are made clear through the gift of water that they’re living--and apparently there isn’t even enough water to go around for humans to drink. At that point literally everything else would be dried up, right? There is literally a giant pond--GIANT! With koi fish right outside the city. They just gotta learn to distribute their water better;; it’s a shitty system tbh lmao I mean there’s plenty to go around. They just don’t bother to try spreading it evenly, which is why some places are flourishing while others are not. They really should have spent more time showing how people are suffering from this rather than showing the remaining gorgeous parts of the land--that would have made the impact of saving that world that much stronger, made the stakes so much higher. If Akane had seen how bad it really got without water, maybe that would have driven her character development earlier on, and made it more significant.
Akane’s change. It felt...really...anti-climatic. Or maybe just rushed. It was a sudden, minor sort of thing that when I realized I was like “Oh, okay, she’s already come to the conclusion that she can be strong on her own, but I wanted to see that?” They didn’t execute it super well. It feels like we’re missing an entire scene where Akane finally breaks through her fear to gain courage and make her own choices. There was definitely a bit of that right before she made her grand speech to Zangu, but there was nothing that prompted it. The whole movie is a coming of age story for her, building up until the moment where she has her great breakthrough and is able to be confident with herself. But...they don’t show that. We don’t get to see that moment. I don’t know why, because it’s the most important thing of the entire film? They really could have handled that better.
I really wish they touched more on Midori’s involvement;; she was so minor I almost didn’t catch the connection between her and the previous Goddess of the Green Wind. I like that Akane feels closer to her because of this, but we never really get anymore information than that. How did Midori end up in Wonderland so many years ago? Was she a reluctant hero type like Akane, or was she determined to save the world? Did she meet Hippocrates way back then, or was it a different alchemist that lead her on an adventure? Was something wrong with the prince at the time which required her presence in order to make sure the drop rain ceremony went well, just like Akane? I don’t know! I want to know!
The ending was SO abrupt and short. Literally right after Akane and Chii get back that’s it bam roll credits movie over! I’m like. Whiplashed by it. I wanted to see how they were affected by the journey (besides Chii immediately going to take a nap which fandjksad MOOD), and how they’ve changed from their adventures. We obviously see a huge change in Akane at the end, but how does this affect her life in her own world? Does she start treating her friends differently? Does she ever make up with the girl she abandoned in order to be in the popular group (which is another huge thing they never came back to). Is she more determined to do things now, to be confident? Is this a change her mother notices? At least show the impact of what they went through;;
Halfway through the movie we’re introduced to a London-type city that’s really...not so fun looking. Dark, gloomy, and depressing, with obvious signs of poverty, where everyone looks angry all the time. It’s a very very clear outlier in the colorful Wonderland. I’d love to have seen more history on this city...why is it so different from the rest of the world, and so dark? Why do all the people seem so unfriendly, when those outside of its walls are generous and kind? How did this city come to be? It’s such an enormous mystery that they never talk about, besides hinting that this was where the prince had ended up once before he became Zangu.
Speaking of the lovely prince. I know we got kicked in the face with his backstory (and that shit hurted, this poor baby who also kinda deserved it but not to THAT degree), but I would have liked to see even more. Maybe I’m biased because he became my favorite character the instant his identity was revealed, idk. (And, to me, he feels way more fleshed out and rounded as a character regarding his development than Akane does, which is another reason why I like him best.) But while we were given his motivations in becoming Zangu, the personality difference between Zangu and his regular princely self is IMMENSE. I really don’t think the prince would have ever committed such acts--he may be a little shit and have a lot of anger issues (which, valid, I mean his parents died and he suddenly has all these huge expectations on his shoulders and he’s. He’s just a kid man, that HAS to be traumatic) but I really don’t think he would ever strike against his own people or openly threaten them. Sure, he’s definitely shown to be prone to angry outbursts, and is fond of pushing everyone who cares about him away, but he’s not purposefully malicious. And as soon as Akane transforms him back, he calms down immediately and becomes immensely selfless and heroic. So: why the enormous change of heart? I think something that could be canon that they never really mentioned is that, when he was transformed into Zangu, he became sort of a puppet. A lifeless doll without any real empathy, and the only emotions he could feel were a burning anger and a desire for revenge to those that wronged him and made him feel pressured to perform the drop rain ceremony. Being trapped inside a body like that probably just made those feelings escalate, resulting in all of the crimes he committed and all of the people he hurt. (And maybe they did touch on this but I just don’t remember since my memory is garbage lol)
Going off of that, I know this is the type of story where we follow the hero characters, and as soon as Chii and Akane made it home that was it, we weren’t allowed another peek into the Wonderland. But...what if we were granted that opportunity? Could we have gotten the chance to see how things changed after they left? Perhaps the prince began a journey traveling to all of the towns and villages he terrorized, and apologizing to the people. Maybe Ron starts to train under Hippocrates just like Pipo. Maybe the rain washed away all of the sorrow in that lonely city, which caused people to start to change it and make it brighter. Change, change, change! I want to see proof of Akane’s help! 
Why the fuck did the other alchemist/sorcerer (I forget his name and there’s no info on him anywhere MDAKMASD I’ll update this when I find out later) do that to the prince?? That was SERIOUSLY fucked up. “Oh yeah, to punish this child for being naughty and angry after his parents died, which is actually perfectly reasonable, let’s turn him into a doll where he can’t MOVE OR SPEAK and let him sit there in absolute torture until I feel like setting him free again, instead of trying to find an alternative way to confront him about his anger issues”. Dude;; No wonder he was so fucking angry and bitter when Ron finally allowed him to speak again. I would be too! Trapping children in naughty doll prison is not the answer!
I’m trying to think of more but I think I covered most of it :’) If ya’ll have anything to add, please do!
Like, overall, the movie was GREAT. It would have been even better if they didn’t shove so much information into it that ended up becoming irrelevant later on. It felt as if they were trying to cram a TV series into a movie, trying to cover all of their bases but failing. There’s just so many things they left open-ended and unanswered;; and you know me, I’m a slut for lore like this so I want to know EVERYTHING. And I only got little bits and pieces of it. I really would kike to know if they just cut out large portions of the movie to fit the time limit and the budget;; because that would make a lot of sense, because it feels as if I was handed a puzzle without all the puzzle pieces.
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