#i gave up on LotR fandom a long time ago for this reason
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tolkien said sam was the chief hero of lord of the rings. also frodo wouldn't have made it out of the shire without him. sam carried frodo on his shoulders in mordor and fought shelob all alone.
tolkien said sam was the chief hero of lord of the rings.
He didn't, apparently. The chief hero quote is a heavily misquoted, perverted phrase LotR fandom has perpetuated without using any critical thinking because it serves their bias. The entire quote, within the context of the letter, means and says something else entirely.
Since we now try to deal with 'ordinary life', springing up ever unquenched under the trample of world policies and events, there are love-stories touched in, or love in different modes, wholly absent from The Hobbit. But the highest love-story, that of Aragorn and Arwen Elrond's daughter is only alluded to as a known thing. It is told elsewhere in a short tale. Of Aragorn and Arwen Undómiel. I think the simple 'rustic' love of Sam and his Rosie (nowhere elaborated) is absolutely essential to the study of his (the chief hero's) character, and to the theme of the relation of ordinary life (breathing, eating, working, begetting) and quests, sacrifice, causes, and the 'longing for Elves', and sheer beauty. But I will say no more, nor defend the theme of mistaken love seen in Eowyn and her first love for Aragorn. But altogether it would hardly amount to the excision of a single long chapter.
People miss the whole context. Here, the theme is that of Love. The characters in question are Sam (rustic, simple love) being compared to Aragorn (higher, nobler love). Tolkien also mentions Éowyn because of her feelings towards Aragorn. It's not a comparison between Frodo and Sam. LotR is a story about the hobbits and all four serve a purpose in the story. They all start out as fairytale heroes but only three return with a gain. Frodo is the tragic hero of the tale.
Furthermore, in many of his letters, Tolkien talks about Frodo as the central character.
Here is a small consignment of 'The Ring': the last two chapters that have been written, and the end of the Fourth Book of that great Romance, in which you will see that, as is all too easy, I have got the hero into such a fix that not even an author will be able to extricate him without labour and difficulty. Lewis was moved almost to tears by the last chapter. All the same, I chiefly want to hear what you think, as for a long time now I have written with you most in mind. (letter #91).
Many people think since Sam is the only one (physically) present there, Tolkien is talking about Sam; but in truth, the one character who is in 'fix' here is Frodo. The main objective of the story is how will Frodo, with Sam's help, go to Mordor and destroy the Ring. Since Sam abandons the idea of destroying the Ring and chooses to follow Frodo's 'dead body', hence endangering the fate of the world, I doubt it has to be about him. We need Frodo to save the world. And we need Sam to save Frodo. Without Frodo, Middle-earth is doomed and the story and the plot cannot go any further than this.
In another letter to David Masson (1955), Tolkien says this:
'Surely how often "quarter" is given is off the point in a book that breathes Mercy from start to finish: in which the central hero is at last divested of all arms, except his will?
(emphasis is mine)
Frodo is the one who divests himself of all arms. And it's his will that's repeatedly talked about throughout the story. The central hero Tolkien talking about here is him.
In The Silmarillion, Frodo is the only character mentioned from the Fellowship. Gandalf is mentioned as Olórin, not Gandalf. Surely, it's a bird-eye view of LotR, but the sentence that was phrased as 'Frodo with the help of his servant destroyed the ring' could also have been said differently with Sam being in focus instead. In the letter #246, JRRT goes in extreme detail regarding Frodo, his heroism, his contribution to the quest, and his relevance in the story thematically. Frodo was the antithesis of Sauron and fought against him singlehandedly. The battle of wills, not any physical battle. In the Field of Cormallen, both Frodo and Sam are honoured, but Frodo is still bestowed with the highest honour for his service (they sang 'Frodo of the Nine Fingers in his honour). Tolkien's words on this:
Frodo deserved all honour because he spent every drop of his power of will and body, and that was just sufficient to bring him to the destined point, and no further. Few others, possibly no others of his time, would have got so far. The Other Power then took over: the Writer of the Story (by which I do not mean myself), 'that one ever-present Person who is never absent and never named' (as one critic has said). (Letter #192)
also frodo wouldn't have made it out of the shire without him.
It's been many years since I read the book, so my memory might betray me, but if I remember it correctly, Sam helped them in the Old Forest because he was the only not under the spell of the tree (Old Man Willow, I suppose). In other instances Frodo took precautions himself. He knew whom to trust. The rest was handled by Merry and Pippin while they left their home and met Strider. Frodo saved his friends from Barrow Wight at the Downs, was the only one to summon courage enough to get back at the Nazgúl while the other three hobbits were terrified. Are you sure you aren't making any overstatements in your comments?
sam carried frodo on his shoulders in mordor and fought shelob all alone.
His contribution in helping Frodo and getting him to Mordor, even on his shoulder, are undeniable. He has a long list of accomplishments, for which he was generously rewarded in the end. But his accomplishments don't make him the 'true hero of LotR', definitely not greater than Frodo.
I can't recall the taste of food, nor the sound of water, nor the touch of grass. I'm naked in the dark. There's nothing — no veil between me and the wheel of fire. I can see him with my waking eyes.
This was Frodo's condition while they were nearing Orodruin. He still didn't give up. No one else, I repeat no one else, was put through these conditions, not even Sam. There comes a time when the Ring physically forces Frodo to put itself on. He resists it and then finds Galadriel's phial. When Sam carries Frodo on his shoulders, he states Frodo hardly weighed more than a hobbit child. It was either Sam was rewarded for his kindness or Frodo had actually lost so much weight that he didn't even weigh more than a child at that time.
'All gave some and some gave all' is a quote I read somewhere. Frodo was the one who gave all he had. He was the kindest, bravest, and most selfless hobbit. Tolkien might have meant Sam to be the chief hero/main character, but that means that for a 'supporting character', Frodo is far more heroic, relevant to the story, because without him, the story wouldn't even exist.
I hope this answer was convincing enough for you, anon. Thanks for reminding me why I grew to dislike LotR fandom so much. Apparently, anything pro Frodo must be responded with "sam is the true hero" and "tolkien said so" without looking at the context of the phrases because it helps you with your own bias.
#frodo#lotr frodo#frodo baggins#tolkien#jrr tolkien#lotr#ask#anon#i don't write for anything other than naruto on this blog but this ask had me do it#i gave up on LotR fandom a long time ago for this reason#and haven't written anything for years#for a fandom that has tons of scholars and the books that inspired modern fantasy literature lotr has some of the dumbest fans#though sometimes exceptions are necessary i guess#anyway if you love frodo we might be best friends already
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Well, if the beginning of the story and journey are angst, I must sorry in advance to you all whoever reading this.
In the beginning, about 20s years+++ ago, my two best friends forever and my younger brother took me to the Middle-Earth.
We all had excellent time together when talking about LotR, both books and films. I had to borrow translated version of LotR books from local library, because they were sold out quickly - though the publishers published them out every month. Eventually, I've got mine with The Hobbit, that time The Hobbit was about to become major motion pictures.
Even there was no Tumblr back then; only communities on webboards and fansites, but I was contentment and enjoy fan-theories on Tolkien Legendariam so much, plus fan fictions and fanarts.
Then, I had been on an anime webboard from 2010-2014, I met many good friends there and they also share their love on Tolkien Legendariam too.
That was good, because I met them regularly in people, hanging out together. But one day, one of them - somebody I used to call good friend - got qaurrelling with me and without reasons, also she is the big fan of Tolkien amongst this small group. I won't describe in details here: just conclusion that she made me despited her and even Tolkien; everytime I saw LotR and any Tolkien Legendariam, I thought of that b*tch and what she had done to me, and I would be in blue for days.
When LotR films got their own 20 years anniversary celebration, altogether with Rings of Power on Amazon Prime appear on my dash, my feed, and my best friend - who weds to English man, accidentally met Robert Aramayo at Cafe and went back home watching Rings of Power abruptly with her husband - she recalls I love Middle-Earth and Tolkien Legendariam so dearly. She talked to me and encouraged me to go back to the things that I love so much.
At first, as I watched TROP first episode, I was forgetting about almost everything about Valinor, Finrod, Primal race before Hobbits, Sindarin and every The Silmarillion's easter egg. I cried. Both with regret and joy.
I finally told my mum and my best friend forever (who is the first that took me to Middle-Earth), that I had abandoned all Tolkien stuffs because of what I've stated at the previous paragraphs before. So, I pick up all my long lost forgotten (but now they're on top of my bookshelf again) books again, and re-reading it with heart full of joy and happiness like the first time. And then, when I could recall everything, I watched TROP again with my wholehearted and without biases, the result is I LOVE THIS ADAPTATION ARDENTLY.
TROP leads me to numerous new horizons of many fan-theories' aspects, and what I had never thought I'm able to feel and have it again in the real mad world; hope.
Every characters, especially with young Elrond, every relationship - even Saurondriel - and every breathtaking scenry are like remedies curing and healing me.
I can reach out to my old self that I had denied for once, and this self of mine is much more happier than ever, even if I don't make much friends in TROP Fandom, but I make one: @letthefairyinyoufly -- and feel that the whole Fandom is my friends who sharing similar but various original thories, positive opinions, marvelous creations - gifs, edits and fanarts - and kind folks with open-hearted, open-minded, and most important one; supporting each others.
I can go back writing fan fictions, drawing fanarts, learning Elvish again, and now in considering making TROP gifs after I gave up year ago. In conclusion is, this Fandom reignites my creative fire in my soul (Yes, to soul level) like I were real apprentice to Cirdan, burns all sorrow and misery away just like Elrond's speech in S01E01 and his steadfast on hope, and be one of the jovial reasons to live again on this insane Earth.
Thousand times of thank yous to 'The Lord of the Rings : The Rings of Power' and beautiful people in this Fandom. Particularly with @letthefairyinyoufly (again) I love you all so much. And I wish we are going to accomplish abundantly forward until we can do all of tributes no more.
And please stay strong and don't give much f*cks and sh*ts to haters and meanies. The Fandom is our delightfulness, happiness and amusement, never ever let them take our source of inspiration away, never. Just let them be oh-so-rightheous-me in their own narrow world. We, members of Fandom, are happy - that's all mattered.
Love you all with my sincerity.
Additional (edit) : This fandom also awakes my love of languages and linguistics again. 🥰
Love Letter to the Fandom
I would like to gush a bit about the Rings of Power fandom, because it's been one of the best things that happened to me in the past two years. :-) ROP is the biggest hyperfixation of my life, and thanks to being in the fandom I met so many nice, smart, funny and incredibly creative people (some of them in person).
We truly are blessed when it comes to creativity: there are so many amazing artists, skillful gif makers, talented fanfiction writers. It's also been a pleasure to read all the great meta and exchange theories, ideas, or simple details from the show that I would never noticed if other wouldn't have pointed it out. Our community has also triggered my own creativity; and most of my stills / videos / fanfics would never exist if it wasn't for discussions with other fans. Let alone ending up where I co-organised two events with the lovely @queenmeriadoc. It has also re-awakened my interest in Tolkien. I have been a fan for 30 years, but had a long hiatus. It's great to be back. :-) THANK YOU so much for making my life brighter!

And cheers for the good times to come!

And if you feel like sharing your positive experiences in the fandom, please do so!
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Ja(*reeees in confusion and how to come up with good qualities*)
2. What’s 3 things your f/o likes about you?
I have....literally no idea- especially on specific F/o’s... I guess for the general it’d be creativity, adventurous, and silly???
11. Free pass to gush about your f/o
Okay so!!! I have many many many *MANY* f/o’s- all from different fandoms and even to a few of my friend’s oc’s!! so it’s hard to list every single one but I am ABSOLUTELY going to list many of them with a little ramble(and the fandom because sO MANY CHARACTERS. (not counting transformers characters, book characters, or Oc’s/ readers for the sake of space)
Dark Crystal(first ofc)
SkekTek: oh do I LOVE this boy!!! His intelligence, his backstory!! I just wish to hold him close, protect him from the world and go on a vacation with him and Sidetic!!!
SkekVar: Originally I wasn’t so fond of him- but his dumb himbo self has grown on me- i remember having a dream a long time ago of the skeksis turning human after saving thra(long plotline) and becoming like teasing partners who playfought a lot. I wantthis still.
SkekGra and Urgoh: They’re just!!!! So sweet!!! I want to snuggle with them, make puppet shows together with them and just enjoy being hermits!!!!
UrVa: Husband material?? yes?? His voice is amazing and i just want to be wrapped in his arms in the forest, learn archery and!!! AAAHSUAIHSA
SkekMal: Scary forest man who shits in the woods with a dark and sexy voice??? sign me tf UP *So many things i’d do with this feral lad*
UrSol: I just....love him so much- I want to snuggle, spoil, tease, and sing with him.
UrTih: I would do ANYTHING to make him blush, embarrass him then snuggle him as he hides his face. UrTih is mY LAD
UrSan: She’s literally a mermaid and she’s so!!! PRETTY I’M SO GAY FOR HER
SkekLi: As a musical/history/folklore nerd. I’d kill to sit by a fire, sing folk songs and tell stories, make up our own plays, and just...enjoy being silly without the worry of being ridiculed.
SkekShod(Sorry shroom-): My??? My love?? I want to give this Skeksis my treasure chest of shiny rocks- I want to hold him close, love and kiss him- if he ever told me he loved me i’d *melt*
Assassin’s Creed
Ezio Auditore: he is *beyond* handsome- and good golly is he just!!! PERFECT. He has so much character development- i just want to learn Italian, follow his adventures and see all the things he has seen!!! (and befriend all of his friends)
Yusuf Tazim: Turkish lad??? Dorky, and just so silly??? yes??? I just....want to run through Istanbul with him---
Altair Ibn La-ahad: Oh boy have I had so mANY DAYDREAMS WITH THIS MAN. I’d kill to have the frenemies to lovers romance with him, aid him in his quests, become his right hand man and just....Share life with him and Maria- being the weird aunt of Darim and Sef
Malik Al-Sayf: SAME HERE WITH MALIK. I just...want to grow up with him and Kadar, learn to be an assassin with them and just- help him through his grief, change the course of time- or if not, be there for Tazim as he grows.
Charles Vane: I have literally no reason to like this man, but I do.
Anne Bonney and Mary Reed: Amazing tough pirate gorls who kick ass and take names- what is there to NOT love?!?!?! (I just want to flirt and love on both of them- and many other NSFW things)
The Hobbit/Lotr
Aragorn: a king and warrior, strong and brave- and just!!! iosjdisada
Boromir: I really feel bad for this lad- he was merely a mortal, and sacrificed so much to regain his honor... I wish I could have saved him- or gave him comfort-
Bofur: He is the life of the party and I want nothing more than to dance on a table with him while singing at the top of our lungs. 10/10 best friends as lovers
Bifur: I want nothing more than to learn Khuzdul, speak with him and just...hold hands as I watch him make such intricate toys, see both that wild side and gentle side.
Nori: I just like his stupid starfish hair and shenanigans okay??? he’s a little shithead thief
Kili: babbi boi....babi
Tauriel: Strong independent woman??? Red hair??? badass?? I don’t care that she wasn’t in the book, I WANT HER HAND IN MARRIAGE
Marble Hornets
Tim Wright: husband?? I would have loved to hold him- before all went to shit- i’d love to be in a poly/open relationship with him, Jay and Brian(brian we’d share, but Jay would be is(As he is CANON GAY AND I’VE NEVER BEEN SO HAPPY BEFORE MY HC WAS RIGHT)
Alex Kralie: Honestly was probably an adorable dork before the sickness got to him- I still love the bad ending @probably-rabid and I roleplayed before-
Arata Kangatari(manga is the best)
Kannagi I just- love his character arc so much!!! even afterwards he’s such a dORK AND I LOVE HIM
Yorunami: Okay look- we both went through so much from our parents- so much trauma. I wish to hold him and help him to let go, to forgive but understand that doesn’t mean he has to excuse behavior.
Isora: He went through so much...so much... he didn’t deserve anything that he got, like at all... the fact he turned evil is not a surprise at all- i would have too...I just wish I could love on him, allow him to know there is love.
Eto: He’s such a good big brother....I just...want to love him... so much
Hannah Anafeloz: She was my first gay crush I can remember(then again I can’t remember too much of my childhood at all so-) and I love her so much-
Claude Faustus: I fucking hate him- and yet I love him sso sosososo much(Legit he is more of a yandere f/o and I rEEEE)
Herman Greenhill: Idc what happened in the manga- Often daydreamed about getting into Weston high and just... having him question his sexuality(As I’d be presenting as male the entire time) and just--- !!!!
Wolfram Gelzer: Big bad guy who learned to love?? Like!!! He is so sweet!!! big scary Germany teddy bear. 10/10 would snuggle. Also I love sullivan so we’d team up to tease the crap out of him
Gregory Violet: emo boi...likes black and cloaks. He is my goth boi and just...I want to draw with him- save him from Bravat along with the others- and other things that are plot related
Lawrence Bluer: Same for him-and I love how he is! I feel like he’d be a blushing nerd sometimes- but also be calm and collected. gOD I JUST WANT TO HOLD HIS HAND AS WE SHARE A BOOK
The Triplets(thompson, timber, and canterbury): I have no reason to love them- yet i do.
Agni: *incoherent screaming and sobbing as I recall what happened* HE DESERVED SO MUCH AND I LOVE HIMMMMMMMMMMMM
Snake: Babbi boi...babbi pt 2- I love him so much- he was my first ever cosplay, tricked my uncle into naming his snake after one of his(Keats). I just want to snuggle this boi.
Joker: sweet boi put into bad situation- I wish I could have saved him and the rest of the circus act-
Jumbo: okay but he is literally like 10ft tall. I want his height. I WANT TO BE CARRIED BY THIS MAN. LET ME BE CARRIED BY MY SUPER TALL HUSBAND OKAY?!?!?!
(I have so so so so SO MANY MORE- but that’s the main ones. Thank you for my TedTalk)
#I can't feel my arms#I want to love all of them#i have so many#Black butler#kuroshitsuji#Assassin's creed#Dark Crystal#the dark crystal age of resistance#The Dark Crystal#Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance#arata kangatari#Marble Hornets#lord of the rings#The Hobbit#I don't even want to write all these characters down
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The Sound (Peter Parker)
Part One: Somebody Else
Pairing: Ex!Peter Parker x Reader
Warning: Cursing, heartbreak, some ffh spoilers (lots tbh)
Summary: Y/n and Peter broke up right before the blip and while both blipped out, Y/n was worried about Peter and realized that the break up was a mistake. But, when they go on the school trip to Europe, Ned breaks the news to Y/n that Peter has moved on and Y/n is determined to get back with Peter before it’s too late.
Author: Dizzy
A/N: This part two of Somebody Else! I decided to keep going with the 1975 as inspiration. y’all really wanted a part two, so I had to deliver! A bit of a plot twist in this one, but it’s alright.
Tagged: @s-ecret--garden @sunnytkm23 @my-current-fandom-is @lotr-th-hp @jackiehollanderr
Masterlist Request Any Of These Peter Parker/Tom Holland Masterlist
“Come on, Y/n, cheer up!” Betty gleamed as she put a hand on yours. “We’re in a ferris wheel at the carnival! This is fun!”
You gave her a small smile and flipped your hand so you could hold hers. You couldn’t help but still feel the lingering remnants of Peter’s lips on yours, the feeling of how he gripped your hips. You had screwed up, again, and who knew if Peter was going to forgive you.
“Betty’s right, Y/n.” Ned smiled, giving you a playful nudge. “Things between you and Peter will get better. Maybe you guys can be friends again another time.”
But you didn’t want to be friends with Peter later, you wanted to be in a relationship with him now. You loved him, he loved you, at this point, what did it matter if he had lied to you? It didn’t.
“Thanks, guys. I think I’m going to get off when the wheel hits the bottom, I need to take a walk to clear my head.”
“That sounds like a good idea.” Betty smiled and gave you an encouraging nod.
You sighed. “I royally screwed up, guys. I just need to talk to him about it.”
You all sat in comfortable silence for the rest of the ride until you reached the bottom and you flagged down the operator to help you off. You told your friends goodbye and thanked them before deciding to take a walk through the carnival.
You shoved your hands in your pockets and kept your head down, the lights around you blinded you. The music rang in your ears as you walked.
You couldn’t help but continue to think about Peter. You missed him and you had so many chances to make things right between you both, but you never did. And now, here you were, walking through a carnival in some place you didn’t know, worrying about all that you had done wrong to mess things up between you two.
You were so lost in your thoughts, you hadn’t noticed when you bumped into someone.
“Oh shit, I’m sorry.” You mumbled, not looking up at the person you bumped into.
“Y/n?” Michelle’s voice made you look up at her. “Do you know where Peter is?”
“I don’t know, Michelle. I gotta go.” You said quickly, pushing past her as she grabbed your arm.
“Y/n, are you okay? You’ve seemed upset this whole trip.”
“I don’t expect you to understand, Michelle. I really need to go th-”
As you were about to finish your sentence, you were cut off by a loud crash as people began to run past you. Michelle had let go of your arm, and you were struggling to run against the current as a large monster appeared high above the crowd.
You stopped in place as you saw him, Peter, swinging on webs and in a suit you didn’t recognize. You wanted to call out to him, but you were in awe and you also couldn’t give away his identity. You watched as he swung around the monster and that hero, Mysterio, all your friends were talking about, came into view.
“This is for my family!” You heard the other hero yell.
You began to panic. You recognized that voice. It couldn’t be real.
“Mysterio!” You yelled, your hands cupping over your mouth, causing Peter to look at you, but not the other hero. “Dad! Dad! DAD!”
Mysterio turned around and you knew he was looking at you.
Your parents had divorced when you were six, your dad moved out and decided to work for Stark, the same man Peter had later begun to work for. Your mom said that your dad became unwell after the divorce and obsessed over off things, which was why, she said, he never came to visit much outside of birthdays and holidays..
“Young lady, get out of here.” Mysterio said to you as Peter swooped down by your side.
“Y/n, get out of here. It isn’t safe. Go.”
“No! Not until daddy dearest cuts the shit!” You exclaimed. “My dad isn’t a hero, Peter. He doesn’t do things like this.”
“We’ll talk about this later, Y/n. Now get the fuck out of here.” His voice was stern and deep and you couldn’t help but follow his directions and run as far away as you could.
As you ran down the long alleyways, you ran into Michelle once more. She wasn’t your first choice in friends to run into. In fact, you two weren’t even friends, but now you needed to be.
“Michelle! Wait up!” You called after her as she turned to look at you and allowed you to catch up to her. “I need your help.”
“What’s going on?”
“I can’t tell you here, we need to get further away from here. I’m worried he might hear us.”
You and Michelle turned the corner and continued walking toward your hotel. You struggled to collect your thoughts as you walked alongside her, stopping once you got a considerable distance away from the scene that was unfolding nearby.
“Okay, Michelle, when I tell you this, you cannot- absolutely cannot- think I am crazy.”
Michelle stared blankly at you for a second before nodding her head.
“Okay, yeah, sure. You’re not crazy.”
“Okay,” You started, grabbing her shoulders tightly, “I think I know who Mysterio really is. I think he’s my dad.”
Michelle began to laugh, causing you to look at her wildly.
“Oh my god, Y/n, you can’t be serious.” She laughed before looking at you and dropping her smile. “Oh wait, you’re very serious.”
“I am!”
“But Mysterio is some sort of alien hero. He’s not from here.”
“Trust me, Michelle, I would recognize my dad’s own voice.”
“But you haven’t seen your dad in two years.”
You gave her a puzzled look. “How’d you know that?”
“I overheard you and Peter talking about it at the decathlon that one time.” Michelle said. “In my opinion, you’re not very good at staying quiet and neither is Peter. And your dad seems like a dick.”
“He is.” You agreed. “I just need to talk to Peter, though.”
“Why do you need to talk to him?”
“No reason.” You said a little too quickly. “I mean, he works for Stark and I think maybe he can help me get this information to someone who can actually do something with it.”
“Well, in that case,” Michelle paused as she pulled something out of her pocket, “tell Peter to give this to somebody. I found it on the ground. Thought it might be a clue.”
“What is it?” You asked as she pushed the object into your hands.
“I have no idea. Maybe Peter or someone else might.”
“Thanks, Michelle.”
“You know my friends call me MJ, Y/n.”
You smiled, though you felt bad for disliking the girl only moments ago for being the subject of Peter’s interest.
“Thanks, MJ.”
“Hey, MJ, would you wanna hang out, go on a walk?” You heard Peter say as you and Michelle walked towards your rooms.
“Thanks, Peter, but I’m really tired. Maybe Y/n would want to go with you?” Michelle asked, pushing you towards Peter.
“But, MJ-” You looked at her.
“You guys have fun. Don’t forget to show him the thing.” Michelle smiled before closing her hotel room door.
“What thing?” Peter asked.
“Why don’t we take a walk and I’ll explain everything?” You replied, taking Peter’s arm in yours and guiding him down the stairs and out of the hotel. “Let’s start with who Mysterio really is.”
“Y/n, Mysterio isn’t your dad, if that’s what you are trying to say. He’s just a guy from another dimension!”
“A guy from another dimension? Peter, what makes you believe that?”
“Well he has some really cool powers and high tech gear. And his people sound pretty interesting!”
“And what makes you think I wouldn’t recognize my own dad’s voice?”
Peter stopped you as you both walked down the middle of a bridge. You stood across from him as he gave you a look you weren’t sure how to read.
“Y/n, you’ve been acting so weird and you’ve been lying to me and doing things to get my attention, how can I believe that your dad is somehow miraculously a hero?”
“I’m not crying wolf, Peter!” You exclaimed, throwing your arms up. “Sure, I did a few tricky things to talk to you, but I still love you, okay? And fuck you, I know my dad! I may not have seen him in a few years, but he does call ever once in a while. I haven’t seen the guy, but I know his voice.”
“You still love me?”
“Stay on topic, Peter!” You groaned. “My dad is not a hero. He is conceited and obsessed with superheroes, I wouldn’t put it past him to do something as crazy as try to be one. And I don’t know if you noticed, but he only looked at me when I called him ‘Dad’.”
“He was fighting an Elemental, that’s why he didn’t respond the first time.”
“But so were you, and you looked at me.”
“That’s because I know when you’re around, cause I can just sense you! And I know what your voice sounds like.”
“That just proves my point! That I know my dad’s voice!”
Peter rolled his eyes. “Fine, let’s say your dad is Mysterio. How’d he develop wicked powers and that costume?”
“I don’t know, but,” You paused to pull out the object Michelle gave you and handed it to Peter. “Michelle found this and gave it to me. I think it’s some sort of projector. I thought you could give it to Nick Fury or someone to figure out what it really is.”
Peter smiled and took it from you before shoving it in his pocket. “Thanks.”
“Hey, have you seen Mysterio out of costume?” You asked, now pulling out your phone.
“Yeah, of course. Why?”
You pulled up a recent picture of you and your dad and held your phone screen out to face Peter. “Is this him?”
Peter’s face went pale as he studied the photo of you and your dad smiling at your 14th birthday party.
“Uh, yea-yeah. That’s him.” He mumbled as you shoved your phone in your pocket.
“I fucking knew it, that asshole. Always having to ruin things for me.” You groaned. “Fuck! We need to go, Peter.”
You grabbed Peter by the arm and began to drag him back towards the hotel.
“Are we going to talk about the fact that you said you still love me?” Peter asked as he took your hand off of him.
“Not unless you love me too, no.”
“Who did you tell?” Nick Fury asked as Peter stumbled backwards. “Who did you tell about this? I know you must’ve told someone.”
“Just Ned and Y/n! I swear!” Peter replied shakily.
Fury began to disappear to reveal Mysterio, aka Quentin and his drones.
“Y/n?” He asked.
“Yeah-yes. Y/n L/n.” Peter winced as Quentin grabbed him by the collar.
“You involved my daughter?!” Quentin hollered. “You got Y/n involved in this mess?!”
“Yes, I did! I did! I didn’t think she’d be in any danger. You are her dad and she’s the one who said you were here, that you were Mysterio.”
Quentin let go of the young boy, allowing him to fall to the ground. He gave Peter an angry and pointed look, his finger like a gun barrel staring Peter in the face.
“You are going to regret this, Parker. EDITH, set up a drone strike for Mr. Parker’s friends.”
“You can’t do that!” Peter cried, moving towards Quentin.
“And what makes you say that?” Quentin challenged.
“Because Y/n could get hurt or worse. And you don’t want that, do you?”
“No, I don’t. But you shouldn’t have involved her.”
“I didn’t mean to! I love her!” Peter exclaimed, realizing the words that came out of his mouth after he has said them.
He still loved you. And now your dad was willing to put you in harms way because of him.
“Get out of my face, kid. I can’t bear to even look at you.”
Peter couldn’t look at himself, either, but as the train hit him, he thought he’d never have to.
There you were, smiling at Peter from across the field. Your cheer uniform seemed as though it was waving at him happily as it swung along to your jumps and various movements.
“Peter!” You cried, turning to the girls you were with, seemingly giving them a quick goodbye before you rushed to the other side of the field and into Peter’s arms. “I’ve missed you!”
“Careful, Y/n.” Peter groaned. “I’m still a bit sore from my Germany trip with Mr. Stark.”
“Worked out too hard in the hotel gym, huh?” You joked, giving Peter a peck on the lips. “I missed you. I can’t wait to hear all about your trip.”
“I love you, bug.”
“I love you too, Petey. Always will.”
“Hello? Peter? Peter, you there? Hello?” Your voice pulled Peter away from his daydream.
“Y/n, Y/n, you were right. Your dad is Mysterio and he’s crazy and mad at me because he knows you know. And that I told you.”
“You told him I knew?!” You cried. “Peter, where are you?”
“I’m-I’m waiting for Happy to come get me. Y/n, you need to listen to me, okay? If anything happens to one of us, I want you to know I love you.”
“I love you, Y/n. I still love you. Just know that. Who cares if I lied about me being Spiderman because I was trying to protect you and keep you safe because I love you and now I am such a fuck up because I’ve put you in harm’s way.”
“I love you too, Peter. I don’t care that you lied anymore. I just need to know that you’re okay right now.”
“I’m in a random town, but I’m okay. I just needed you to know I want you back. I want to get back together when this all blows over.”
“I’d like that, Peter. We’ll figure it out. I promise.”
You could feel Peter fall apart in your arms, his breathing heavy and his voice cracking as he told you what had happened to your father, how he did what he had to do.
“It’s okay, Peter, it’s okay.” You cooed. “I love you.”
Peter, battered and beaten, pulled away from you. Without hesitation, he cupped your face in his hands and kissed you.
#spiderman fanfic#spiderman imagine#tom holland!spiderman#spiderman#spiderman fanfiction#spiderman imagines#peter parker fanfiction#peter parker x reader#peter parker imagine#marvel fanfic#marvel fanfiction#marvel imagines#marvel imagine#tom holland#tom holland fanfic#tom holland imagine#tom holland x reader#part two
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I agree but also I don't? Let me think with my hands here for a bit...
There have always been short-lived fandoms and they tended to be the ones with a limited amount of, well, "content" (by which I mean canon content). Movie fandoms would usually be over and forgotten within a few months - I know this because as A Poor I would generally first see a film when the DVD was cheap enough in the supermarket and as a general rule by the time I saw a film its fandom would be long-dead.
The exception being a franchise like PotC, LotR or Marvel (& etc) where there are multiple films coming out at intervals that revive and feed the fandom with new stuff.
So everyone in the notes saying "Doctor Who" or "Star Trek" or even "Harry Potter" are still active because they're old is naming something with a large amount of canon content (massive, really, in the first two cases - you might never run out of new stuff to watch) and we can't really compare those to a Netflix drop of 6 to 8 episodes of something. Modern TV/streaming seasons are shorter which means we have less to work with when making fanworks.
Gifs... Look, I know gifmakers work hard but at the end of the day they're all giffing the exact same scenes with a faithfullness that fic and fanart don't require. Yeah all the popular (shippy, v often) scenes will be giffed within a few days, and unless the gifset is doing something fancy and artistic with it there's only gonna be so much demand for "the exact same shots as the gifset I reblogged 30 seconds ago except the colouring's a bit different maybe." Fanfic reuses tropes and so on, but two fics about such-and-such scene will never be as similar as two gifsets of that scene, purely because of how much the artist/author is being called upon to invent and add themselves.
In my experience tumblr is not a great platform for fanfic, even if you're just linking to it, because tumblr prefers visual works (which is valid!) and the reblogging and comment functions have never been ideal for discussion anyway. And AO3 is massive and you don't have sign in to drop a comment but in, say, the LiveJournal days you'd be commenting on a fic by someone you followed (most likely) so you knew them a bit and were more likely to feel comfortable talking to them, and there was sometimes a reciprocal transaction at work when they commented on your fic in turn. I may love someone on AO3 but their fanfic is literally the only contact I have with them. I don't know who they are, I have far less personal connection there.
If you go far enough back in fandom (even just to the 2000s) there was nothing we could offer each other but words and that made words our currency and so we wrote a lot of them.
Even fannish meta (now "Discourse" for some reason) isn't ideally-suited to tumblr as compared to LJ - no threaded conversations, no ability to lock to a limited audience, and oh my god the way some tumblr themes will fuck up a post to unreadable within even three or four reblogs with additions.
Add to that we're not "supposed to" add to the OP (like this!) but to use the tags to add our thoughts and as the complaints about "prev tags!!" remind us the tags are lost on a reblog unless you screenshot or copy/paste to add them onto a post yourself. So an utterly amazing insight can be lost so easily in the tags of a post and we're scared of getting told off if we splurge our thoughts in a format that can be preserved and passed along without effort from the next person along.
The ability to time-travel (archiving) is also a bit shit on newer sites, and the real-time focus makes commenting on older posts harder and scarier or even in some cases impossible.
LJ comments showed up in your email and LBR who didn't at least once get into a fannish fight there one night and wake up the next morning to replies on a topic you no longer gave a shit about? But if you *wanted* to keep up a discussion for a 50-comment thread then you could. And anyone joining in later would get neatly threaded within it.
I didn't unfollow on LJ because fannish posts were interspersed with more personal ones (helped by the friends-lock option where you could talk without everyone on the internet overhearing - imagine that!) so when they left My Current Fandom I might keep them cos I felt like I knew them, I'd read their lives and they were funny or whatever. Like there's a "moot" I have on DreamWidth that I don't think we've been in the same fandom together since about 2006... but I also followed along while they struggled with IVF and started a family and so by 2008 she was someone I felt pretty close to as internet relationships go. We had the chance to share our lives and often to have more in common with someone then Current Fandom. Tumblr is different because when I finally grow bored of gifsets of X And Y Do Something Cute In One Of The 12 Episodes Of My Current Show that's kind of the only thing I was sharing with that fandom's tumblr moots and so when I leave a fandom there might be no point still following someone for that sort of thing. And they feel the same way about me, which is fine! We don't have to marry each other to share a fandom for a while!
Short-form content generally doesn't appeal to me and can allow for limited creation or discussion (Tumblr is for gifs, Twitter is not much use for anything but Hot Takes, TikTok is for... I dunno I found it literally unusable so clearly that's not one for me) but I think the loss of long-form text content hosting is more the issue than the latest media/canons themselves. SPN gets a mention in the OP and aren't there about 15 seasons of that? So again it's about the amount of canon content we have to work with as fannish creators. We can only transform a work so many times before we run out of things to say about it and need to find a new one.
Not people saying “Fandom has always been like this” in that vent post I made. No. It hasn’t always been like this. Fandom has NEVER been like this until recently and if you were in fandom pre-tumblr purge, pre-twitter, pre-netflix boom, pre-tiktok….then you would fucking know it was nothing like this.
We still had the drive to create. We still sold prints and charms and made zines…but it was never like this.
The introduction of streaming, binge shows that drop all at once, tiktok and vine RIP i still love u vine but you were the beginning of a particularly ugly era) creating this bite sized, quick paced ‘content’ era of creation and it bled out into fucking everything else.
Fandoms didn’t die down when the show ended or the season was over. You didn’t mass unfollow artist, writers or moots just because they changed fandoms. There wasn’t this need to please the algorithm in order for your posts to get seen by people and enjoyed.
Fandoms used to last YEARS. Star Trek is literally the oldest running fandom out there and you got people in there that could care less about the new stuff and still have been happily prancing through their fucking fifty year old fandom today. Hell, even SPN after all it’s fuckups and shitshows has a dedicated fanbase STILL creating tons of art and fic.
There is no patience anymore. No calm feeling of taking in fandom and friends at a pace that which doesn’t make you stressed and is still fun.
Do I blame fandom for this? Of course not, but people are complacent with it and start changing their vocab to accommodate and end up making the situation so deep it cant be fixed.
We call Art & Fic Content now, completely stripping the value of what it is to a level of consumerism instead of personal entertainment & community bonding.
#fandom#allow me to share my thoughts of yaoi#and the most vintage of memes!#I was there for the fall of LiveJournal... and some day I might be able to live with that#see also the prevalence of US vs UK shows in older media fandom as a whole - 22 eps a year vs 6 a year if you were lucky#hello i am a Fandom Old been here a while take a seat help yourself to a jaffa cake let's chillax a bit together
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Game of Thrones: The Verdict
I really liked it
The last season…sucked
I’m now a little less fed up with the comparisons of Black Sails to GOT. Obviously Black Sails is superior to GOT and also every other show in the world, but the reason they get compared isn’t just that they’re both dark-’n’-edgy shows with lots of sex set in an old-timey world. Well, maybe that is the main reason people compare them, but it’s not the only reason to compare them. They actually have a lot of the same themes. How do you change society? Is it even possible? How much bloodshed is acceptable in the service of a good cause? How does injustice get upheld? How and why does society vilify inconvenient people? What’s the point of stories? I kinda want to do some comparison gifsets one day…
More on this later probably, but I feel like the terrible writing of Daenerys’ arc mirrors the terrible writing of Morgana’s arc on Merlin.
I’m positively reeling from how many main characters were killed off in the last season. I would guess that the first seven seasons averaged maybe…four main character deaths per season? Five? But in the six episodes of season eight, we lose nine main characters: Jaime, Cersei, Daenerys, Jorah, Missandei, Varys, Theon, Melisandre, and the Hound. It’s like the writers had too many characters to deal with and figured the easiest way to deal with having to wrap up so many characters’ arcs was to kill as many as possible.
Watching the finale was super interesting because I had actually seen it already. I watched it when it first aired, despite not having seen the rest of the show except the first couple episodes back in 2011. The thing that stood out to me most the first time was that the finale was a lot happier than I expected. Which I still think is great! It’s great to end on a not-entirely-bleak note! It’s nice that almost every main character who survives gets some kind of comfort in the end. (Basically everyone but Grey Worm. Which is not a great look.) But it doesn’t feel very satisfying when it comes at the end of so much that sucked. Sam announcing that the chronicle of the wars is called “A Song of Ice and Fire”? Taken by itself, that’s cute and fun! But in context, I see why some people rolled their eyes. It only worked in LOTR because all three LOTR movies were actually good. In GOT, it’s an attempt at fanservice that fails because it wasn’t earned.
(You know what attempt fanservice didn’t fail? Podrick becoming a knight. THAT was earned.)
I think the thing is that despite the superficial happiness of most of the surviving characters…it’s just that. Superficial. Thematically, the show is pretty bleak, what with all the characters who don’t get to rise above their struggles and forge their own story (Jaime, Grey Worm, Daenerys, the Hound). How are we supposed to break the wheel if we can’t even break out of our own worst tendencies? :/
Oh, the other thing that stood out to me about the finale when I first watched it was that Bran won the game of thrones when I had assumed he died long ago because I never heard fandom talk about him. It was honestly pretty hilarious to hear Tyrion say that Bran had the best story out of everybody when I couldn’t think of a single thing I’d heard about that story after the first season. I wondered what Tyrion was referring to…and now, having watched the whole show, I’m still wondering. I mean, I know Tyrion was referring to Bran being the Three-Eyed Raven, but…that’s so BORING! Bran, by his own admission, isn’t Bran anymore! Why should I care about a magical seer more than characters who are actually interesting as people? What kind of leadership skills has the 3ER shown, anyway? The thing is, I really liked Bran back when he was himself! But I don’t know him anymore :(
(Also, what on earth was the point of christening him “Bran the Broken”?! If Bran himself used that name, I would get it. It would go back to the advice Tyrion gave Jon back in s1: proudly claim the aspect of your identity that society disparages, such as being a bastard or a dwarf. But, uh, Bran never called himself broken. It’s like D&D wrote the finale and then were like “hmm, this isn’t offensive enough.)
On the positive side, I’ve never seen a show or movie that does battle scenes as well as GOT. Battle scenes can get boring once the excitement of people hacking at each other wears off, but the GOT episodes that were all or mostly battle sequences, like Hardhome and Battle of the Bastards, were some of the most compelling episodes of the show. They didn’t just provide action, they provided plot.
Favorite Character: Jon, followed closely by Sansa. I love characters who are extremely angsty and always want to do the right thing but have a lot of regrets because they live in a world where it’s often nearly impossible to determine what’s right.
Best performance: Alfie Allen, who invented acting in the scene in I think s4 where “Reek” has to “pretend” to be “Theon.”
Overall grade: Yeah there were a lot of things that sucked, but like, still, A-. I know that looks weird given all the negativity in this post, but it’s easier to explain what I disliked than what I liked.
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TMI Book Tag
So, no one tagged me for this, but I saw some booktubers doing it and it looked fun and I wanted to do it.
1) What fictional character has the best style? Aelin Galathynius from Throne of Glass. I always love the descriptions of her dresses.
2)Your book girlfriend/boyfriend/ fictional crush? Um, obviously it’s Rhysand from the A Court of Thorns and Roses series. He is perfection. Honorable mentions are Wolf and Thorne from the Lunar Chronicles, and Jem from Infernal Devices. I love a lot of book men.
3)Ever loved a character but than started hating them? Not really.
4)Biggest/Longest book on your shelf? Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
5)Heaviest book on your shelf? It’s gotta be Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, but I’m not gonna weigh it to check.
6)Do you have any book posters? I have a poster of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows from the midnight release of the book.
7)Do you have any book themed jewelry? I have Alice in Wonderland earrings and a time turner.
8)Book OTP? Feysand is the OTP to end all OTPs. But there’s also Romione, Wolflet, and Carswell.
9)Favorite book series? Harry Potter will always be number 1. But Acotar and the Lunar Chronicles are second and third and must be mentioned.
10)Favorite Book-to-movie soundtrack? Probably LOTR.
11)A book story you miss/wish would continue? The Lunar Chronicles
12)Favorite stand-alone? I don’t really read stand-alones. But I’ve always loved The Phantom Tollbooth.
13)Since when did you read books? I started reading chapter books at about 4.
14)Which Hogwarts house are you in? RAVENCLAW PRIDE
15)Quality you look for in a book? Excellent characters. The plot can be meh if the characters are great. And I also neeeeeed good ships.
16)Favorite book quote "To the stars who listen and the dreams that are answered.” A Court of Mist and Fury
17)Favorite author? J.K. Rowling, obviously. But also Sarah J. Maas.
18)Favorite book cover? I’m in love with the Acowar cover. The An Enchantment of Ravens cover is gorgeous. And I also adore all of the Infernal Devices covers. Hardcover and paperback.
19)Action or Romance? Honestly I need both. I can’t do one without the other. Preferably action with romance.
20)Where do you go when a sad moment happens? Just my bed, probably.
21)How long do you need to finish a book? That depends on so many things. How long the book is, how busy I am, and how good the book is. Basically if the book is fantastic, even if its up to 700 pages long I’ll finish it in about 2 days. In general though it’s more like a week.
22)How long is your mourning period? Depends how good the book was. My mourning period for Harry Potter was like ten years.
23)Least favourite Book? The Giver. I hate that book. Burn it.
24)Turn on in a character? Complexity, wit, and a good heart.
25)Turn off in a character? Shallowness and whining.
26)Reason I started blogging? Fandom
27)Name a scary book? I don’t know that I’ve ever read a book that scared me.
28)Last book that made you cry? Clockwork Princess. And I’m not even done with it yet. It’s gonna be brutal.
29)Last book that you gave 5 stars? Clockwork Prince
30)Any favorite book titles? Strange the Dreamer, Six of Crows, An Enchantment of Ravens.
31)Last book you read? Clockwork Prince
32)Book you’re currently reading? Clockwork Princess
33)Last book adaptation you watched? I watched the Hobbit recently.
34)A book character you always wanted to talk to? Right now it’s Jem from Infernal Devices. He’s just so precious.
35)An author you always wanted to talk to? Sarah J. Maas. I feel like we would get along really well.
36)Favorite Book snack? Popcorn
37)Book world you want to live in? Harry Potter, of course. And also Acotar. Night Court and Velaris, all the way.
38)Book world you DON’T want to live in? Hunger Games. Ew.
39)Last time you smelled a book? Like two seconds ago.
40)Weird insults used in books? I always remember Hermione calling Draco a ‘foul, loathesome, evil little cockroach.’
41)Favorite romance book? I don’t really read purely romantic books. But books with my favorite romances in them would be Acomaf and Scarlet.
42)Do you write? All the stinking time.
43)Favorite magical item? A wand. Of course.
44)Your quidditch position? Spectator. I don’t really care for team sports.
45)Name a song you connect to a book Elastic Heart by Sia always makes me think of Feyre from Acotar.
46)Favorite book related chat up line? 'Read chapter 55 of Acomaf lately?’
47)Have you ever used it? No, of course not.
48)Favorite book fandom? Harry Potter and Acotar (and TOG because that just kind of comes with Acotar)
49)How many books do you own? I counted. It was like 90 I think. If comic books count it would be innumerable.
50)Who do you tag? I tag @missmendelsohn and @killian-morelike-killingme
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The About Me Game?
@cleverblackcat tagged me and I feel obliged to respond simply to drag you all down the hellscape of fandom history. I apologize but also don’t. You have been warned though.
1: Why did you choose your url?
It’s my internet handle and I’ve been using it since at least around 2002. Teenage me apparently caught on that if you’re going to ever go anywhere in fandom, you should build a brand. (Then laziness took hold and it went nowhere.) It honestly started out as a joke of a name where me and several others were “romanizing” our names many eons ago in the days of the SBMB (an acronym I humbly request not to clarify). And by “romanize” I mean literally adding “-us” and other suffixes to the ends of our names.
...Look, we were teenagers. Nothing we did make sense, but we found it entertaining anyway. For some reason, mine stuck despite the fad being incredibly short-lived and moving on. That got combined with another nickname of “the Wee Took/Wee One” (on account of me being rather small, an old nickname from my great grandmother, and the fact that I lived and breathed LotR. THE 2000′S WERE A WEIRD TIME, OKAY???). And the username followed me through fandoms across Livejournal and beyond to this very day. At this point, I don’t think I could ever be anything else.
2: Any side blogs? if you have them, name them and why you have them.
I don’t own them, but I have access to a couple of sideblogs that were rather short-lived and defunct, and are therefore not really worth discussing. They weren’t mine, but I was involved in the two projects while they were happening.
3: How long have you been on tumblr?
I’ve been here since 2010. I’m not sure how to feel about that.
4: Do you have a queue tag?
No, but honestly most of my feed is just queued up posts these days. Aside from any actual content I produce (such as posting fic, art, or any post I compose myself), everything else is queued. I think I used to have a queue tag (something like “queue-la-la”?) but as I started to post less and queue more, I just stopped using it.
5: Why did you start your blog in the first place?
I came over in The Great Migration when fandom finally gave up on Livejournal and scattered to the wind. I had already made the move to Dreamwidth, but it just didn’t feel the same and it was a struggle to try and find people all over again as well as re-cultivate the different fandom communities. Sadly, fandom fractured too much after LJ and nowhere really became the go-to hub. I did see more and more people talking about moving to Tumblr or at least discussing opening accounts in order to secure their usernames. So I made the move over in 2010 because this was where most of my long lost fandom friends had drifted.
6: Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
I’ve gone through several different icons over the years. Seeing as how my blog is currently primarily Dragon Age-focused, I turned a portrait commission of my Warden that Kurosmind did a couple years ago. It’s still one of my favourites and until recently she was my primary protagonist OC. And even if she isn’t anymore, she’s still my favourite. (Sorry, Quinn.)
7: Why did you choose your header?
I had to actually check my header since my desktop layout doesn’t have one. I’m assuming this means the mobile header? Again... until recently, Briana Cousland was my primary protagonist OC. The header is another commissioned work, this one by River-Bird. It’s cute and it’s sweet, and it’s unique.
8: What’s your post with the most notes?
...Clocking in with 3,757 notes it’s...
(I am so so sorry)
It’s the freaking Dandelions at the Olympics post. (Yes, towelsandtea is me... but I don’t use that name anymore.)
9: How many mutuals do you have?
Um... no idea. Is there a way I’m supposed to check this?
10: How many followers do you have?
It hovers just over 500. I’m sure most are defunct blogs from people that have moved on.
11: How many people do you follow?
12: Have you ever made a shitpost?
My entire experience in the NHL fandom was just an endless series of shitposts. And you know what? It was beautiful.
13: How often do you use tumblr each day?
I tend to end up on here out of habit when going through my website/mobile app rotation. But then I also will sometimes go days without looking at it. So I suppose it varies.
14: Did you ever have a fight/argument with another blog once? who won?
I would throw down regularly with Bruins fans. I think looking back on my experiences in fandom, as I got older I tended to take on the roll of bouncer - tried to be welcoming and encouraging to people who just wanted to be enthusiastic about the things they loved with other people who were equally enthusiastic; but the moment someone started shit, I was all over it.
These days I tend to just block blogs. I’m pretty sure I’ve blocked at least 50% of the Dragon Age fandom on this site.
15: How do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
My eyes glaze over and I immediately scroll past.
16: Do you like tag games?
I don’t know what a tag game is. Is it like... this thing? If so then sure, yes.
17: Do you like ask games?
YES! However, I don’t think I’ve worked my way back into the fandom experience on here to be friends with enough people to participate back and forth with ask games. I’d like to though. Hi, fandom, come be my friend.
18.Do you have a crush on a mutual?
I’m not sure, but the person reading this from over your shoulder is pretty cute. ;)
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