#i gave it that name bc i was lazy and joking
malusmagpie · 1 year
Gentle Hands
Pairing: Anakin x Jedi!Reader
Summary: Anakin doesn’t like being touched. Everybody knows they shouldn’t touch him unless it’s absolutely necessary. Until…
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Word count: 6.5K
Trigger warnings: 18+ smut and drinking
A/N: Slow burn baby! It’s Clone Wars era Anakin cuz I’ve been watching Clone Wars a lot but just imagine early ROTS Anakin bc Hayden. Okay? Okay. Also we are so back. Ps, Zeltron spiced wine is an aphrodisiac. Just fyi. No relation to this piece of writing, of course.
It was a regular day. There was a soft buzz of commotion in the Jedi Temple. Nothing loud enough to annoy you but if it was gone you’d notice. Footsteps, voices speaking, the sounds of droids doing their business. It’s what normally woke you up everyday, the relative silence of the night would begin to turn into the early morning sounds of Jedi business. In all honesty, it made you feel excited to wake up. To see what new mission would be brewing, to hear the stories of the most recent expedition. The war had its effect on you and your Master but it never broke your spirit. You were proud to be who you were, to do what you do. You were even prouder to have Master Plo Koon as your teacher. He was the kindest one, at least to your knowledge. The two girls you often hung out with on your off time told you stories of how their Masters were very strict and had little to no empathy once the war had started. You deemed yourself lucky and even more so, grateful.
Your eyes watched the small skylight that was fixed to your ceiling. Being one of the older younglings, and now a Padawan, you got to move to your own living quarters in the main complex of the temple. They all had skylights and balconies whereas the younglings were bunked in big rooms in the lower levels of the temple so they would be harder to get to incase of an ambush.
You watched the thin clouds move across the bright blue sky quickly, telling you the weather was warm with a breeze. Your legs slid off the bed, your body following suit to bring you to a sitting position. The cold marble floor of your apartment was hidden by a single carpet right by your bed and your feet revelled in the feeling of the soft fibres keeping them warm.
The clock read 7:45 and you sighed. You only had 15 minutes to be up and outside before breakfast was served and with a sigh you walked on tiptoe across the cold floor into your bathroom.
With a lazy flare you brushed your teeth and washed your face. Your hair was still damp from the shower you had taken late last night instead of sleeping. You brushed out the damp curls and they turned into soft waves. You decided that was good enough before changing and heading out the door. The second you opened the door you were greeted by your Master.
“Glad to see you awake.” Plo Koon spoke with his arms crossed over his chest. You gave him a half smile as you reached out a joking fist to punch his arm lightly.
“You stalking me now?” You said and the sound of your own voice speaking for the first time today shocked you. It sounded like you just woke up for sure. A small laugh was heard coming from your Master and it brought a smile to your face. “What’s the plan for today, Master?” You asked in hopes to sway him from thinking you’d slept in.
He gave you a shrug. “Only thing I’m planning is breakfast. We’ve been on the go for weeks. You and I both deserve a small break.” He said as he peered into the space behind you. It was a mess. Your hand pulled the door closed with a nervous laugh.
“I could eat.” You replied with a shrug and he turned on his heels and you followed him to the dining hall. The two of you walked until your eyes landed on a taller figure. His dark clothes immediately made him stand out as he spoke to one of the Clones, you believed his name was Rex. With a shaky breath you watched as Plo Koon walked over to him. They spoke about something and you tried to unglue your feet from where he had left you standing. When you finally began to move toward them, Anakin glanced at you. Your breath caught itself in your throat and before you could take another step he nodded to Plo Koon and walked away.
“Your staring doesn’t go unnoticed.” Your Master said simply as he walked past you and it took every ounce of will in your body to move and follow him. As you walked you could have sworn you felt a pair of eyes on you and you whipped your head around to see Anakin talking to somebody you didn’t know, his back was turned to you and his hands were folded behind his back. You rolled your eyes, kicking yourself for being stupid enough to think he’d ever look in your general direction.
It wasn’t as if you two had never spoken. You were the same age, both partaking in the same level of Jedi training under equally fantastic Jedi Masters. Although, your interactions had never exceeded anything beyond polite and courteous conversation due to being in the same room as each other.
As the years went on, he became a bit taller, his hair grew and he chopped off his Padawan braid, his shoulders got broader, and your heart started beating a little faster every time he was around. It didn’t go unnoticed by you. It wasn’t some strange feeling that came out of nowhere. It was very prominent in your head at all times, your growing attraction to the boy. It was almost more aggravating to deal with when you knew it was happening. You’d fight yourself every day on repressing the thoughts that would populate in your minds eye at the sight of him. You’d heard multiple stories of his aversion to people. He didn’t like being touched, he barely even liked talking to strangers. You’d seen somebody try to give him a side hug once after he and Obi-Wan had successfully completed an assignment and the look on his face mixed with his blunt words of rejection made you fear ever coming close enough to touch him. The idea of touching him was reserved for your fantasies now.
The day had gone achingly slow and it felt as though your brain was far away from your body. Your master allowed you to go eat breakfast with your two friends and the three of you chatted and caught up, though you didn’t retain much of what they said. You barely even spoke, assuming a listening role, too busy thinking about the eyes you had sworn you felt on you earlier.
Once you had finished eating you returned to your Master who was sat amongst other amicable Jedi. The two of you walked through the gardens while Plo Koon gave you advice and some of literature to read up on. You nodded your head and made a mental note to visit the archives and pick up whatever he was talking about. He dismissed you, having no further work to give you. It had been three days since your last mission had ended and you thanked your lucky stars you hadn’t gotten a new assignment as you made your way across the long and beautifully decorated hallways of the Jedi Temple. Your eyes scanned the art that hung between every window. You heard quick footsteps behind you and your body turned in an instant, your relief was obvious when you saw the face of your friend who had clearly been wandering around looking for something to do.
“Where are you off to?” She asked as she slowed her pace, nearing you. You met her halfway.
“Just the archives. Master Plo Koon gave me some stuff to check out.” You spoke and she rolled her eyes.
“Just once I wanna hear you say you’re doing something normal.” She laughed and now it was your turn to roll your eyes. The two of you fell into step together as you walked toward the room full of all the information a Jedi could possibly need.
“Jedi’s don’t live a very normal life.” You responded and she simply shrugged her shoulders. She was a bit erratic and always had been an unconventional person. It had always been clear she longed for a normal life but she wasn’t from a good family nor a good place, she knew she was better off here.
“Well you’re not a Jedi yet.” She nudged you gently with a small smile on her face. You turned your body to face her as you walked in front of her with a look of mocked shock on your face. Turning the corner, you began to say something snarky in response but her hand reached out to you and her eyes went wide.
“Y/N watch ou-“ She pursed her lips, cutting herself off when you felt a light thud against your back. You felt hands grip your shoulders gently and you whipped around to see who you had so carelessly walked into. You were faced with a chest at first but with a small upward tilt of your head you saw the curly hair and blue eyes you spent most days thinking about staring directly at you.
Of course it would be him.
Your embarrassment was painted over every aspect of you. Your shoulders slumped and your cheeks reddened. Until you realized that there was no glare, no scowl. He looked down at you with what seemed like a hint of a smile. Your heart almost leaped out of your chest as you backed away from his touch. His hands seemed to attempt to linger on your shoulders before dropping to his sides. With a deep breath you began to apologize and he looked between you and your friend.
“Didn’t see you there, my fault.” He said gently as he slipped by the two of you. “Have a nice evening.” He finished. You looked back at your friend and you couldn’t imagine your facial features were much different from hers. With wide eyes and slightly parted lips you both shook your heads as he walked away.
“Sorry!” You finally blurted out behind him, causing your eyes to squeeze shut. You wished you could curl up inside yourself and die when all you heard in response was his distant chuckle. The two of you watched as he entered a room and closed the door behind him and the second he was gone, your friend began to cackle.
“Sorry.” She mimicked as you stared at her. “Man. I was expecting him to tell you right off.” She continued to speak through her laughs. You didn’t say anything. You shoulders were burning where his hands had been and your stomach felt like it had been tied into knots. Another deep breath eased you into being able to move again.
“He’s so weird.” You said, brushing it off in an attempt to neutralize her. It worked and you desperately tried to change the subject by asking her about herself. The two of you walked and she rambled on about some mission she had just come back from until you got to the archives. When you were done downloading everything onto a small device, you turned to her. “I have to go back to Plo Koon. I forgot to ask him something. I’ll see you tomorrow?” You lied, desperately trying to be alone. She nodded and said something about seeing you tomorrow, you weren’t listening, before leaving you to go find something else to do.
You rushed to your apartment in the Temple, finally letting out a deep sigh when you heard the door of your safe space close behind you. You tossed the small device that held all the information you needed on the small table in the middle of the apartment before sitting on the couch beside it. You felt as though there wasn’t enough air in the apartment for you to breathe in, which made no sense, but you opened your balcony door anyways.
The soft sounds of the fountain in the garden and the bustling of people below you didn’t seem to clear your head. You sighed, feeling as if you might finally be going insane. The thoughts in your head were clambering over one another in order to be heard as you paced the main room. You ran a hand through your hair and tightened your fist at your scalp with another weary sigh. Without a second thought you began to drop all your clothing off your body, leaving them behind you like a small trail to the bathroom. You adjusted the shower to be on the coldest setting and stared at the water, thinking of how water never looked cold or hot; it always just looked like water. Before you let yourself think your way out of it, you stepped in and a loud yelp escaped your mouth.
“Shit!” You yelled as the freezing water unrelentingly pelted against your skin. You cursed under your breath as if you were mad at the water for not realizing you were uncomfortable but you pressed your eyes shut and took heavy, pursed lipped breaths. When you began to feel as if you couldn’t take it anymore, your hand reached out to the faucet and you turned it to a higher heat setting. The sudden heat hitting your body made you feel like you could drop to the ground so you did. You let yourself sit on the floor of the shower and warm up. Your breathing became normal and your heart rate slowed. The thoughts got quieter but they were still there. The feeling of the hot water on your shoulders mimicked a feeling you’d felt earlier and that’s when you stood back up and turned the water off completely.
With legs that felt like jello you dried off and pushed yourself toward your closet and found something to lay down in. You’d sleep early tonight and forget about it all in the morning, you thought. Soft linen pants and an equally soft shirt adorned your frame and you decided a drink wouldn’t kill you. You settled into a spot on your couch with crossed legs, a large glass of wine on the table, and a salty snack you’d been waiting to try in your lap. Your hand reached for the small remote next to you and you watched the screen in front of you flicker to life at the press of a button. You let whatever was on the Holo play, not bothering to find something you enjoy. You just wanted something to distract you.
Hours passed and your eyes were yet to get heavy. There was no level of relaxation that could make you go to bed. You glanced at the clock on the wall and chewed at a piece of skin that had released its hold on your lip. You lifted the glass to your lips and found it to be empty. The bottle was on the table, empty as well. You rolled your eyes and let a breath out from your closed lips causing them to flutter and make a funny noise. You felt seemingly alright for somebody who’d polished a bottle of Zeltron spiced wine, you thought. With a swift motion you stood up and wobbled like a newborn deer.
You might have slightly misread your sobriety level.
It took a few steps to steady yourself but you did it. Your hand reached for your hooded robe on the hook by the front door and you slipped on your boots. The pairing looked silly with your pyjamas and you decided to tie up your robe in a small effort to hide it.
You opened your door slowly and peered around the dimly lit hallways before stepping out completely and closing the door behind you, locking it twice to make sure you did it. Your footsteps seemed so loud no matter how quietly you tried to walk, they echoed off the marble floors and high ceilings. It wasn’t a crime to be out at night but as a Padawan your Master should always know what you’re doing, and Plo Koon was definitely in the dark on your actions.
You wandered through the hallways and noticed how vastly different they looked without the natural light pouring through the ceiling high windows. The paintings almost had an eerie look about them and the dim lighting had the opposite of a warm effect on you. You ignored your paranoia, it was just the wars sick effect on you. You began to hum to clear your thoughts, a tune you remember from your childhood. You didn’t remember much other than your life at the Temple but you held on dearly to the small bits you remembered from before.
Without you even realizing, the hallway you had wandered into seemed to have broken light fixtures and it was completely dark. You slowed your steps and reached into the Force for a brief bit of direction. You felt something in front of you and you felt your heart begin to race. You froze in place and squeezed your eyes shut when you felt it get closer. A small thump made a yelp escape your lips as hands gripped your shoulders tightly. One hand left your shoulders and your eyes widened in fear, your mouth dropped open but no sound escaped.
The loud hum of a lightsaber igniting filled the air just as quickly as the blue light that illuminated the face in front of you. Your look of horror didn’t wash away when you saw who it was.
“Y/N, what the hell are you doing sulking around in the dark?” Anakin spoke in a hushed yet aggressive tone. Your mouth opened and closed but you couldn’t get any words to fall through. He raised an eyebrow, his shoulders dropped and he looked more relaxed now that he knew you were harmless. It seemed he had the same fear as you did, walking through the dark halls. “Have you been drinking?” He asked, his hand never left your shoulder and you turned your head slowly to look at it before looking at him again with a nod.
He laughed. Now it was your turn to raise an eyebrow.
“What’s so funny?” You said, your voice barely audible.
“Nothing. Just the second time today you’ve walked directly into me.” He mused.
“I wasn’t walking.” You shrugged.
“All the same.” He shrugged back, his hand dropped from your shoulder and he made his way next to you, his hand now found a spot on your lower back. “Let’s get you back to your room.”
You shook your head. “I left my room for a reason.”
“And what would that be?” His voice had never been this quiet before, it made you feel safe.
“You ask a lot of questions. Why are you sulking around in the dark?” You built up the courage to speak to him like a normal person. Your drunken mind didn’t even notice that he hadn’t once let his hand fall away from your body since you had bumped into each other.
“I was going to the gardens to think.” He answered and it shocked you, you almost thought he wouldn’t. You looked at him for a moment before shrugging again, giving your head a tilt.
“I was too.” You said with all the certainty you could muster, which wasn’t much. He smiled again, it was rare you saw him laugh or smile and in the last minute or so, you’d seen both. It made your stomach feel warm and it wasn’t just the wines fault.
“Right. Let’s go then.” He played along, guiding you down the dark hallway with his lightsaber. He disengaged it when the exit of the Temple came into your vision. The door was pushed open by him and the hand he had on the small of your back, ushered you out in front of him. You realized his level of touchiness when he rushed over after you to place his hand back on you.
Your heart felt like it was making its way up your throat and you couldn’t breathe, let alone speak. Something in your stomach began to feel warm and your head felt so far from your body you thought you could faint. You didn’t want him to stop touching you so when you both got to a small spot in the garden, surrounded by bushes, you pulled him over by his arm and sat on the soft grass. He looked down at you with the ends of his lips curled and sat crossed-legged across from you. You mimicked his position and inched forward so your knees were touching his. Every single place that was touched by him went fire hot. You’d never felt like this. You weren’t sure if it was the wine or him, either way you would live like this forever if you could.
When he didn’t protest to your knees touching his, you looked at him. “Thought you didn’t like being touched.” Your words came out slightly slurred but you tried your best to hide it by articulating a little better.
“That is circumstantial, Y/N.” He responded, eyeing you. It seemed as though he was trying to read you. You felt judged but not in a bad way. You allowed him to look, even sitting up a bit straighter. Your head tilted again at his response. Your hand absent mindedly fiddled with the grass under you, twirling the blades between your fingers.
“To what?” You asked gently, feeling a quiet in your mind that you hadn’t felt since he had touched you outside the Archives. His eyes watched your hands play with the grass when he spoke.
“You.” He didn’t look at you. Was he nervous or lying? You couldn’t tell and it caused a small laugh to escape your lips. He finally looked at you, his puzzled features were desperately scanning you to figure why you would laugh at him.
“Me? You want me to touch you?” You laughed again. You wouldn’t be surprised if in a few moments you woke up in a cold sweat on your couch. Your nerves were gone, and he was here with you. He was touching you, he was looking into your eyes. It had to be a dream.
“What if I do?” He leaned back on his hands, his long torso extended in the most delicious way and you didn’t bother trying to disguise your staring. There was an intensity in the air that made it feel okay to be like this. You felt like you were heating up more and more by the second and you wondered if he felt the same. You watched his chest, it moved faster than a normal persons would, signalling that was breathing heavily.
“We did a mission together once.” He spoke again, snapping you out of your trance. You looked at him, your head shook as a reaction. That was two years ago, when you were both 20. You went on a mission with three Jedi and three Padawans including yourself, Anakin, Plo Koon, and Obi-Wan. They thought a big mission like that would do better with a larger group.
“I’m aware.” You said nonchalantly. You remembered it but you were shocked that he did too.
“You helped carry me back onto the ship. You got me water and dressed the cut I got on my face.” His hand touched the scar over his eye instinctively as he spoke. You looked away, following your arm down to where your hand was gripping the grass gently.
“It was nothing.” You shrugged.
“It was protocol,” He started, a shrug of his own mimicked yours. “But it felt so intimate. I felt like electricity had run through me every time you touched me. Every time you apologized for accidentally hurting me I felt my heartbeat in my ears.” He looked at you and you prayed he didn’t see you holding your breath. You ripped one piece of grass out of the ground and raised it to tie it into several small knots, the same knots you felt in your stomach. There was no use in pretending his words didn’t affect you the way they did.
“You can always tell me to stop if you want me to shut up.” He whispered as his hand reached to yours, taking the blade of grass from you and replacing it with his own hands.
“There’s no way you’re doing this right now.” Your drunken words came out a little louder than you wanted and you laughed as a response at your own inability to self regulate. You slipped your hands out of his and crossed them over your chest.
“What? You think you’re the only one here capable of feeling things?” He smirked, a joking tone laced in his voice. Your eyes widened and you looked at him.
“You don’t act like it. You’ve never spoken to me for more than a few minutes. You found me drunk and alone at night and suddenly you felt electricity all those months ago? Your heartbeat in your ears?” You laughed. Sober you wouldn’t dare speak to anybody like this. You were kind and curt no matter what the scenario. It felt like you had been possessed by an over-confident, aggressive, and unserious version of yourself. You didn’t mind it when you saw the look on his face. He had been joking but your serious response clearly wasn’t what he had been pining for.
“Would you rather I follow you around like a lost puppy? Or try to talk to you every chance I get? Why would I make my feelings obvious, Y/N?” He asked, his voice was still gentle and it made your arms tingle with the feeling of goosebumps raising.
“Maybe. Maybe I do. I spent years watching you, praying you’d let your eyes linger for long enough to see how highly I feel about you.” Your words probably didn’t make sense, but you felt they did. He got it, you could tell by the way his eyebrows pushed themselves apart from their furrowed position and his eyes adopted a more understanding emotion.
“Why dwell on me being an idiot and not focus on the fact that if you were anybody else you’d have been left alone for the night?” He asked and you rolled your eyes. Was he really that arrogant?
“Because you being an ‘idiot’ made me feel like a bigger idiot and a bit of a creep.” You said bluntly and he laughed.
“If I told you how I felt about you, I’d be the creep.” He chuckled and you raised your chin in curiosity.
“Do tell.” You mused, the serious air leaving almost immediately as leaned back on your own hands with a grin.
“No.” He shook his head with a small grin finding his features as well.
“Please? I’ll tell you if you tell me.” You tried to barter and even though you felt like a young, naive, school girl you enjoyed the aura of the interaction.
“Fine.” He sat up, his knees raised and he draped his arms over them and you followed, sitting in the same position. Your faces were a few feet away on account of how long his legs were but you stared at each other for a moment, stifling giddy laughs and smiles. “At first, I thought you were the most talented Jedi I’d ever seen. You’re smart too. Dedicated.” He started and you smiled.
“I know all of that, Anakin. Get to the good stuff.” You gestured your hand in the air as if saying ‘hurry up’ and he rolled his eyes.
“Patience.” He made a mockingly serious face before going on with his grand revelation. “I like that you’re confident in yourself. Everything I’ve heard about your missions was always positive, the trust your Master has in you is incredible.” He cleared his throat. He was beating around the bush and he knew it. You groaned a bit and he held his hand up. “But you’re also beautiful. I can always tell who’s laughing when I hear you. Even if I’m not looking. I know it’s you. It’s very distinct. If the suns raised every morning just to see your face and head your laugh it wouldn’t surprise me. I can always feel when you’re around, your presence alone is so loud… Warm and.. Inviting. I always think about you and whenever I catch it I beat myself right the hell up.” He shrugged.
You stared at him. That wasn’t what you expected. Not from a man with his reputation. You expected something baseline and boring. Even a bit sexual. He is a man after all but he shocked you for what seemed like the hundredth time that night.
“Why would you beat yourself up?” You asked, skillfully dodging all the soft and mushy stuff he had mentioned. He shrugged.
“Obvious reasons, Y/N.” He said simply and you nodded. “Your turn.” He smiled and you internally screamed at yourself for promising this to him. It was only fair but Maker, it was embarrassing.
“I hate to be the person who says something as easy as ‘I feel the same’…” You trailed off and he leaned forward, like he was eager to hear what you had to say. It made you feel special. “But I do. I might even feel more intensely than you.” You took a deep breath to help yourself get it over with. “I admire you more than you could know. I’ve never known anybody who’s been through so many adversaries and came over them to be as amazing as you. I think of you every day and since earlier, it’s gotten almost unbearable to deal with. I think about you during the day and I dream of you at night. I know it’s not right but I’ve never wanted anything more than I want you. Every aspect of you.”
You didn’t get very far in your confession before Anakin pushed both of your legs down and pulled you toward him. You almost floated toward him and into his lap. Your eyes stared at him wildly as his hand touched the side of your cheek, stroking it gently. “Anakin..” You started and he shook his head.
“Please let me try this. It’s all I can ever think about.” He whispered and you didn’t object. His nose touched yours and your eyes fluttered shut. His breath against your lips made some kind of switch inside of you flip and you pushed your lips against his as your hands grabbed at the fabric on his back before moving up to the nape of his hair. He moaned against you and you let out a heavy breath between your lips. The sound alone made you push him down on his back and you clambered over him.
He held you tightly to his body and rolled the two of you over so he would be over you. Through heavy handed kisses he whispered something but you couldn’t make it out.
“Hm?” You asked, pulling away. He stared at you with an intensity you’d never seen before and it made your blood feel like lava in your veins. You anticipated his response.
“Keep this up and I’m going to have to take some extreme measures.” His voice was gravelly and his breath hit your face with every syllable. You felt your breathing become erratic and sharp. You stared up at him and ran a hand through his hair, his eyes almost closed at the feeling. You pulled him back toward you, engaging him in another longing kiss. You moaned when his tongue slipped between your lips. Your hips moved up toward his instinctually and he pushed them back down with a sound that almost sounded like a growl.
“Don’t.” He whispered.
“Why not?” You responded. The wine had taken its natural affect on you and at this point, having him was all you wanted.
“I want it to be special.” He said as he pulled away from you. He had a level of restraint that he was struggling to maintain and you could feel it.
“You’ll have plenty of do-overs.” You mumbled before pulling him back to you and he gave in. He untied your robe and looked down at your pyjamas that were hiding underneath and a small chuckle escaped him before he began to pull away the clothing on your body. He left your panties on before he pulled his own shirt off. His pants stayed on and you didn’t care. You could stare at his body forever, so you stared with wide and lustful eyes. It was far better than you could ever have imagined and it made you squeeze your legs together.
His hand traced down from your cheek to your chin, across your collarbone and down the side of your body. He hit a spot where you were a bit sensitive and you jerked at the ticklish feeling. He smiled, tracing his finger up and down a few times to see your reaction. You whined in response and he didn’t waste anytime in giving you what you wanted.
His hand felt ginormous between your legs and you sucked in a sharp breath when his fingers danced over your panties. He felt how wet you were and a smirk washed over his face. “I’m not even gonna say it.” He laughed gently as he increased the pressure of his movements against you.
“Say what?” You said, your words mixed into the sound of a moan.
“How wet you are and how much I like it.” He leaned down and began to pepper kisses all over your neck and collarbone. Your eyes rolled back into your head when he slipped your underwear to one side and ran his fingers through your folds. Your back arched and you spread your legs a bit more for him and he smiled against your skin. “Good girl.” He whispered, causing a small whimper to leave you.
Anakin’s fingers worked your throbbing heat gently, starting with one pumping in and out of you at an alarmingly slow pace. You wriggled under him and he used his free hand to hold you still. “Patience.” He repeated his words from earlier. You tried to keep still while he added a second finger and increased his pace, curling them ever so gently. Moans fell from your lips and you tried your best to silence them. You focused on staring up at the stars above you, not even caring that the two of you were doing this outdoors, hidden between a few bushes.
After what seemed like a decade, he pulled his fingers out of you and pressed them against your clit. Your own excitement was all he needed for lubricant. He rubbed it slowly while sucking gently at your neck. “Anakin.” You moaned and he hummed as a response. “Please don’t stop.” You said desperately.
“I like it when you beg.” He whispered as he moved his fingers in quick circular motions against your clit. You felt your entire body jerk up toward him at the new feeling. You’d done this yourself multiple times and it had never felt as good as it did right now. Your eyes squeezed shut as your felt yourself get closer and closer to euphoria. Your hands gripped at his hair, pulling and tugging it, causing a moan to leave his mouth and you felt the feeling come barreling at you like a freight train. You felt your body begin to vibrate and all it took was a few words from him to tip you over the edge. “Cum for me.” He whispered and a yelp left your mouth as you released every bit of tension in your body. You grinded against his fingers and he slowed his movements. You rode it out until you were able to open your eyes. When you did, you saw him staring down at you and your cheeks flushed.
“I’m sorry..” You started and he shook his head.
“Please don’t be. I’ve thought about doing that for months.” He smiled and you returned the expression. Your embarrassment left as quickly as it came and you began to reach for his pants. His hand rested over yours. “Have you ever had sex?” He asked and you shook your head reluctantly. He sighed. “I can’t do that right now. I won’t make that something that happens when you’re drunk, let alone in a field outside the Temple.” He finished and you sighed. A nod followed.
“Okay..” You smiled and he gently pulled your shirt back over your head and began to raise your pants to your waist again. You lifted your hips to help him as he got you dressed before he put his own shirt back on. He grabbed your robe and tied it around you the same way you had done earlier before brushing your hair behind your ear.
“You’re beautiful.” He said and you pushed at his chest lightly. He grasped at his chest as if he’d been shot and fell over onto his back. You laughed at him and he laughed with you. It was nice seeing this side of him, it made him seem like he was just a normal boy. You liked feeling normal.
“I want to take you out. Somewhere nice.” He sat up, his hand rested on your leg. You raised an eyebrow at him.
“Like a date? As if we have the time.” You laughed gently.
“We both have time, while the council decides on what we need to do about this stupid war.” He shrugged and you looked at him, resting your hand over his on your leg.
“Fine. I’ll go on a date with you.” You nodded.
“Don’t sound too excited.” He joked as he stood up, pulling you up with him.
“I’ll try not to.” You smiled at him and your cheeks went bright red when he laced his fingers within your own, holding your hand as he walked you back through the dark hallways to your apartment.
When you finally arrived at your door, you unlocked it and he stepped in with you. You turned back to look at him with confusion.
“I couldn’t find my key. That’s why I was wandering around earlier.” He said sheepishly and you laughed harder than you had in years. It took a few moments for you to compose yourself.
“Oh that’s why you said and did all that? You just needed a place to sleep?” You joked and he rolled his eyes.
“I’d have found a cleaner apartment to do so if that was the case.” He joked back and you giggled.
“You can stay here.” You smiled and showed him the bathroom and the room, even though your apartment was small and you didn’t really need to. He made his way to your couch and you scoffed. “You just made me cum in a field and you’re trying to sleep on my couch? Go to the bed.” You said as you walked into the bathroom and you heard him chuckle behind you.
“You got a point.” He said as he sat on the edge of your bed. He pulled his shirt off and folded it neatly on the floor beside him, ignoring the fact that half your clothes were strewn across the room carelessly. He could fix that later.
The two of you laid down and he held you close as you fell into a deep sleep. You’d never slept that well before and neither had he.
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cheolhub · 1 year
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summary. smoking with your best friend (who you totally don’t have a crush on) is super fun till all you can think about is him… well, doing him, to be more specific.
wc. 6.2k
warnings. recreational marijuana use!!, dubcon (kinda? sex while high), bf2l + idiots to lovers, kinda fluffy!! weed is referred to as ‘green crack’ several times lol, fingering, hehe big d!ck!vernon, mentions of masturbation, unprotected sex, pet names (baby), brief tit worship, naked confessions, vernon is kinda shy, jealous, nervous & rlly likes boobs and reader is v needy lol <3— MINORS DNI 18+
note. havent seen anyone write for vernon in like 3 years so here’s my lowkey cringey, poorly-written, self-indulgent fic that i was supposed to post for his birthday 2 months ago ++ guest appearance from weed dealer!cheol bc yeah :3
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if you had told vernon that his best friend was someone he’d met in a biology lab–one that he was accidentally put into his freshmen year– he’d say you were a liar. nonetheless, it’s true– you’re his best friend and you have been for years now. in your fourth and final year of university, you still sit on the balcony of your apartment with him like you have every other day for the past three.
“happy birthday, vernon,” you smile cheekily, passing him a snack-size ziplock baggie. “i got you an eighth since you’re always begging to smoke my shit.” 
he laughs and gives you a lazy smile, “Y/N, my birthday was over two months ago… plus, you know you didn’t have to get me anything.”
you scoff, rolling your eyes, “hansol vernon chwe, you are my best friend, of course i had to. and… i was waiting for a few of my checks to hit, that's why it’s a belated birthday gift.” you take his hand, placing the bag into it. “now take it and don’t smoke it all in a day, got it?”
he nods, eyes softening, “thank you,” he says. “must’ve cost your broke ass a fortune, though, so next time– don’t get me anything.”
you giggle at the joke that’s actually, not really a joke. “i really don’t think you have any room to speak– who here has a real job?” 
he rolls his eyes, “my job is real, thank you very much.”
you chuckle, shaking your head. “reselling limited edition vinyls for seven times what you bought them for isn’t a job, vernon, that’s called being a dick.” you tell him. “and actually, the prices weren’t too bad. cheol gave me a discount.”
vernon almost visibly clenches at the name of your awfully-sweet dealer. though he can attest, cheol is only ever sweet to you. every time he’s bought from your favorite supplier, he’s been a total asshole and upcharges him for no reason which is one of the basis’ why he’s always smoking your stuff. you always tell him it’s karma for selling records at such a high price, but vernon begs to differ. he knows that cheol just doesn’t like him and he has a gut feeling that it’s because of you. 
“oh yeah? how’d you get him to do that?” he asks, but he’s pretty sure he knows the answer. the answer being cheol has a thing for you.
you bite your lip, looking over your apartment balcony. “mmm, he showed up here while i was… you know…playing around…and…”
vernon knows you well enough to finish your sentence for you. “masturbating?”
“vernon, be modest!” you whine, hiding your face in your hands. “you knew, you didn’t have to say it!” 
he chuckles, “it’s normal, Y/N, we all do it. no need to be embarrassed over it.”
it’s true. everyone does it. but not everyone masturbates thinking about their best friend. he thinks that might just be him. 
“yeah, but you’ve probably never done it thinking you’d be finished before your hot drug dealer shows up at your apartment.” you blush. vernon doesn’t say anything for a while and you’re afraid you’ve made him feel uncomfortable (even though he claims you never have). you bite the insides of your cheeks before uttering, “can you pack a joint or something?”
truthfully, vernon doesn’t mean to be so quiet. he’s just trying to imagine you in that state without letting his dick get hard, though it’s proving to be extremely difficult. you probably looked so pretty in cute short shorts and a shirt that you could see your nipples through. or worse, you were wearing a tank top that was snuggly wrapped around your torso where you could see everything. he wants to be a gentleman, wants to be respectful… but, god, your tits are out of this world.
he hums trying to rid the dirty images in his head, taking your box of goods to grab the grinder and paper cones. “finish your story.” he urges.
you look at him, searching for signs of discomfort, but there is only that stoic look he always wore. with a sigh, you continue, “anyway, i was… you know… and he texted me and said he was here– i was a mess–”
he can imagine.
“–and i think he could tell ‘cuz when i got down to his car i was so disheveled and was about to start crying. i literally looked like i got edged or something,” you mumble, twiddling your thumbs out of embarrassment.
you’re painting a picture for vernon and he has to bite back a groan. 
it’s not the first time you and vernon had talked about sexual things. there had been several conversations on the topic. he knew almost everything about you except for… you know… what you tasted like and how tight you are– his vivid imagination couldn’t give him all of those pleasures. 
“and, vernon, i kid you not, he literally knew. he was all smug and shit,” you groan. “it was kinda humiliating.”
you remember how much wetter you’d gotten the moment you slipped into his car. he was calling you all types of things– all types of pretty pet names–and you’re genuinely surprised it didn’t escalate further because the sexual tension was heavy.
“and then i told him i wanted a quarter– an eighth for me and an eighth for you– and he told me he’d give me a special strain of sativa for half the normal price.”
vernon’s eyes widened, “half the price?”
“that’s what i said!” you exclaim. “pretty sure it’s because he could see my tits… i wasn’t wearing the best outfit …”
of-fucking-course he could see your tits. vernon holds back a groan, seeing as his suspicions about you in a tank top that night was right. instead, he chuckles airly. “now who needs to be modest.”
“stooop, just grind the weed.” you cry. 
vernon does as you ask, muttering, “maybe he laced it.”
“cheol wouldn’t, i’m pretty sure he just likes me.” you humbly reply, shooting daggers at your best friend for even suggesting that. “plus the strain was called ‘green crack’ or something like that… it was from the ‘st. patty’s day special.’”
“saint patrick’s day was like 4 weeks ago.”
“well then he was either trying to get rid of it or my tits must’ve made him feel generous.” you joke, giggling a bit at vernon’s poker face.
vernon is hiding it really well, but he’s filled with so much annoyance. your stupid dealer doesn’t deserve to see you like that. hell, vernon doesn’t even think he deserves to see you like that, but, fuck, he wants to. so badly. seeing you all hot and bothered with your tits on full display would be a dream come true. 
“would you fuck him for free weed?” he asks all of a sudden, making you blush furiously. he knows now that he doesn’t want to hear your answer when your mouth parts in shock. 
“vernon! what kinda girl do you take me for?” you put your hand over your chest as if it’s something you wouldn’t do. you break your facade when he gives you a knowing look, mouth cracking into a grin. “probably, i dunno. he’s kinda scary but i feel like he knows how to please a woman– i can’t say the same about a lot of other men.”
he internally rolls his eyes. cheol doesn’t know you the way he does. vernon could please you, he knows he can. 
he switches the subject back to the packed joint in his hands to keep from spiraling. “wanna spark it?”
you shake your head with a hum, “mmh-mmh, belated birthday boy gets the first few hits.”
he smiles, pulling the joint to his lips taking the lighter, igniting it with the pressure of his thumb. he lets the flame burn carefully through the paper, inhaling a large rush of smoke. he holds it in for a bit before he blows it out– away from your face– creating a white, potent-smelling cloud.
you reminisce while watching him. your balcony is like home to you and vernon. contrary to your neighbor's beliefs, smoking isn’t the only thing you do. you laugh and cry and talk for hours about people you hate and people you love. sometimes, you’ll do homework out here and when vernon is bored at his own place, he’ll come over to yours to keep you company. he provides a comforting presence and never-ending encouragement while reminding you to take breaks.
 it’s where you told him about your puppy crush on soonyoung from your statistics class and it’s where he told you about how he awkwardly lost his virginity to a girl during orientation week. it’s where the two of you are always together– it’s kinda like your place.
and watching him after all these years, you’ve never really realized how attractive your best friend was. well, that’s a lie. you’ve always thought vernon was likely one of the prettiest men to ever walk the earth, but if you truly admitted that, then you’d have to admit to the other things. things like how kind and considerate he is and how he’s boyfriend potential and how you totally don’t have any type of feelings for him whatsoever. it’s not a crush, you constantly have to remind yourself, it’s admiration for your best friend. there’s a difference.
but those admirable traits are things you can’t think about because he doesn’t see you that way. there’s no reason why you should see him that way if it’s not reciprocated. it only makes sense and prevents brutal rejection from the most perfect man on earth, aka your best friend. 
but your not-crush manifests itself sometimes. like when he smiles at you or when he randomly places his headphones over your head and tells you to “listen to this song” or when he spends the night in your bed because he’s too lazy to drive home. it gets harder and harder to hide every day. 
he passes the joint to you with an even lazier grin and you take it, parroting his actions. you let the smoke fill your lungs, hold it there, and exhale, shutting your eyes just as he did. 
and vernon thinks you look like a goddess. how could you make a simple action seem so attractive?
you take your hits, passing the joint back and forth till it suddenly hits you. all at once, you feel your body start to ache, your tummy flipping in anticipation, your mind fogging over leaving your entirety to buzz. you shift a bit and you feel your cunt dampen causing you to let out a sharp exhale.
“you good?” vernon asks, his deep voice filling your ears.
then you look at him. like… actually look at him. his face is a bit tired, his eyes red from the weed coursing his system, and his hair a bit disheveled from running his hand through it too much (this is why he wears the beanies)-- nevertheless, he looks fucking fantastic. 
your usual munchies are replaced with strong, burning sexual desire. just at the sight of your best friend, your pussy is soaking through your panties and your shorts.
“‘sol,” you murmur out the nickname. “do you feel… different?” you ask, eyes fluttering and lips parting.
you’re truly unaware of how seductive you look and how it’s slowly taking years off his life. vernon has been rock hard in his sweats for a solid 15 minutes now. and, yes, he feels extremely different. turned on to say the very least. 
“mmm, a little,” more like a lot. “maybe it’s the strain you got,” he mumbles, implying what he had said earlier was true.
it makes sense that cheol provided you with a strain that feels like you’re smoking a fucking aphrodisiac, but you’re starting to wish you were alone so you could at least do something about it. 
for a split second, you think you might be fine, then you’re hit with yet another wave of arousal, your core pulsing at the ideas that are incessantly popping into your head. ideas of him taking you right now, sitting on his face, sinking onto his cock– it’s too much. 
“vernon,” you say breathily and he freezes, pulling the joint away from his lips. “i… i think…”
you try to think about how to kick him out kindly so you can have some much-needed alone time, but you can’t– you can only think about having alone time with him. alone time that leads to shoving his hand down your pants. 
stop, you tell your hazy brain.
“Y/N, what’s wrong?” he asks, scooting closer to you. 
his scent floods your senses– a mix of weed and his cologne causing sensory overload in your poor brain and aching core. 
he’s internally worried that you’re greening out. though it doesn’t happen as much as it did when you first started smoking, there are rare occasions when you take more than you can handle. 
“c-can… you do me a favor?”
“‘course, anything.”
“vernon… it… i…need your help.” you whimper, leaning into him. “please…feels like ‘m gonna die.”
you’re being dramatic. 
he furrows his brows in confusion, panic becoming apparent on his features. “what hurts, Y/N? how can i help you?”
you take his hand in yours, slowly guiding him to the ache in your body. you gasp when his warm fingers come in contact with your clothed cunt. “here… it hurts here.” you exhale.
vernon has definitely lost it. his hand is between your thighs and your smaller one has moved to tightly wrap around his wrist. you’re a mess– he can feel it. he can feel the warmth radiating from your core, he can feel how you’ve soaked through your panties and how it’s seeped through the thin pair of shorts. he’s holding his breath and he fears he may pass out before getting a chance to touch you like you deserve. 
“y-you’re not in your right mind, Y/N,” he whispers, afraid his voice may betray him. “you smoked too–”
“uh-uh, it’s okay– vernon, it’s okay, i want you… please,” you whimper, grip around his wrist tightening as you buck your hips slightly for more friction. 
you want him. you… want him. 
you’re growing frustrated, “if you won’t… then i-i think you should go ‘cuz i need… i need to be alone.”
vernon takes this as an implication that you need to fuck yourself if he won’t fuck you and he’ll be damned if he’s not the one making you see stars. 
so, he asks one more time, “Y/N… are you sure?”
“yes… yes, ‘m sure. ‘m so sure, please, ‘sol,” you beg, using the nickname that makes him fold every time. 
he doesn’t hold back, putting out the joint in his hand and leaving it in the ashtray. his now-free hand cups your cheek, pulling you in for a kiss. you moan, eagerly allowing his tongue to slip into your mouth as your hands needily fist at his shirt. 
despite having smoked, vernon’s lips are soft. softer than the lips of men you’ve kissed before. and he still tastes good even with the pungent lemony flavor lingering on his tongue– overwhelmingly good. it seems that he’s just as eager and turned on as you are, too, nearly devouring you whole. you can’t help but fall in love with the heated, now-sloppy kiss.
and vernon truly feels like he’s died and gone to heaven. he’s not sure if this is even real or if the weed has him hallucinating… it wouldn’t be the first time, but you biting down on his bottom lip has him coming back to earth and lets him know that you’re real. that you are very much real and very much grinding on his fingers desperately. 
“vernon,” you pant, pulling him closer by the shirt in your grip. “please, more— feels good, but i need more.” your hazy eyes look into his and you see how they’ve darkened.
“fuck, Y/N,” he groans and his voice has you clenching around nothing. “we need to go inside…”
you’re both sure that this might ruin your relationship, but you decide it’ll be a problem for tomorrow. right now, all either of you can think about is getting off on each other. 
that’s why you’re quick to stand on your feet, holding out your hand for him to take. when he stands, grunting, you pull him into your apartment and leave all of your goods on the balcony without a second thought. 
you drag him to your room before attacking him with another kiss and pulling at the ends of his shirt. you’re a bit disoriented, swaying and stumbling over your steps, but when your legs hit the bed and you nearly fall, vernon’s quick to catch you by the waist. 
“careful,” he murmurs, gently laying you on the plush mattress. you scoot to the head of the bed, laying on your back as you wait for him. 
he takes your expectant face as a sign to remove his clothing and he does so quickly, knowing how impatient you are at this very moment. his shirt comes off and then his sweats, leaving him in boxers where his bulge becomes… apparent.
you have to hold your breath at the dizzying sight of his naked torso and the massive tent in his underwear.
you make grabby hands at him, urging him to come take care of you on the bed. he obliges, getting on your bed, hovering over you while his own head spins. he’s truly unsure if this is actually his real life or if he’s having a dream sent from the gods above. 
he decides not to wait any longer, taking control of the situation by placing his lips on your heated neck. his lips trail down, leaving sloppy, wet kisses on your skin, reveling in how you desperately whimper for him though he’s barely doing anything. 
his hands reach for the hem of your loose top– one that might actually be his– pushing it up and tugging it over your head and arms, leaving your chest bare before him. he groans before diving to your tits, wrapping his lips around one of your nipples, sucking and tugging at the bud hungrily. 
you gasp at the sight. you’ve never seen vernon so eager to do anything in the time you’ve known him and now he’s making out with your tits as if it were his last day on earth. 
that’s hot, you think to yourself. so hot– you’re so fucking hot right now.
you can’t see it, but you feel his hand come down to your sleep shorts, digging in past the elastic band of both the satin fabric and your cotton undies. his fingers dip into your lips, running them through your soaked folds. 
“you’re so wet.” he hisses. 
you whine at the contact, apologizing softly, “‘m sorry– can’t help it.” 
his fingers find your hole, circling it before easing two of them inside. “don’t apologize, baby. it’s really hot.” he whispers, the pet name slipping past his lips without completely registering. 
you clench and moan at the domestic name. “fuck, ‘sol,” you whimper. “a-again… call me that again…”
his face burns, whispering out, “you like when i call you ‘baby?’” 
knowing vernon, it was meant to sound like a genuine question, but being in the state you’re in, it sounds so seductive… so enticing that it has your back arching. you nod your head, an even darker blush falling over your already-red cheeks. 
you let out a clipped, “yes.” and he just moans, thrusting his fingers in and out faster, digits stretching your tight, gummy walls out to prepare you for his cock. 
he wonders how you could be so tight because, holy fuck, you’re squeezing around his fingers like you’re trying to trap them in there. 
you whine softly, “vernon, please give me more…”
he definitely just fucking died. 
his cock twitches uncontrollably in his boxers, begging to be set free, but he decides to give you another finger instead. vernon knows he’s… a bit on the bigger side, and judging by how you feel right now, there’s absolutely no way he’ll easily fit inside of you. the last thing he wants to do is hurt you. 
so he slowly pulls his hand out of your shorts and helps you out of them. he throws them to the side and has you spread open. he huffs at the sight before taking three of his fingers back to your hole. he pushes them in gently, groaning at the tighter fit. your moans are bouncing off the walls and vernon looks up to see your mouth hung open with your head thrown back against your pillow. 
he checks on you, throat dry at the sound, sight, and feeling of you. “i-is… are you doing okay?” and when you just whine, he bites the inside of his cheek anxiously. he remembers your fondness for the pet names from a few minutes prior, so he tries again. “baby… does it feel good?”
and he’s not sure what to expect, but when your body jolts and your hand's fist at the sheets, you get even tighter, clenching around his fingers desperately. you really do have an affinity for being called ‘baby.’ 
your brain is jumbled, intoxicated from the weed and his fat fingers stretching your cunt open. “‘m okay… f-feels so good.” you tell him breathily with a whine bubbling in the back of your throat at the feeling of his fingers pushing further into you. “fuck, vernon– it’s so good.”
and it’s true, you don’t think you’ve ever experienced pleasure this intense before, but you remember your senses are heightened by 10 because of the drug. that ‘green crack’ is insane.
he moans at the confirmation, curling his fingers up and fucking your messy cunt, the palm of his hand bumping against your clit with every thrust. he feels a rush of your honeyed arousal soaking his fingers and he swears he might cum before he can even get his cock in you. 
you gasp loudly when you feel his pace quicken, eyes squeezing shut. an array of mewls and high-pitched whines shamelessly slip past your lips. “oh! fuck, i’m close, i’m so close, vernon.” you warn, wet walls clamping around his curled fingers.
he exhales sharply, voice low when he urges you, “cum for me, baby.”
his voice and harsh thrusts are more than enough to throw you over the edge, stomach knots unraveling. you gush all over his big fingers, pussy pulsing as it’s doing its best to push his digits out, but he continues his ministrations to work you through your blinding orgasm.
feeling you cum may have been the best thing life has offered him. 
“fuck, that’s it– are you okay? did that feel good?” he asks breathily, pulling out his fingers, a string of arousal connected to your hole following them out. he bites his lip at the sight, keeping a moan bottled up. he wants to taste you so bad… and the cum on his fingers taunt him. 
you nod your head, still panting, “w-was so good, y-you’re really good… don’t usually cum that fast…”
you shake your head, “t-told you that guys don’t really know what they’re doing most of the time.”
he shakes his head in disapproval, “well… you deserve the best.” 
“... like you?” your heart races and the weed from earlier still lingers like a cloud over your brain. you look at him, the soft light from the moon illuminating his flawless skin. your eyes trail down his torso, eyes landing on the big bulge in his boxers again. 
he chokes, masking the sound with a nervous chuckle, “me? i-i’m not…no.” your eyes widen, realizing you’ve completely misread him, feeling panic flood your body. you quickly shut your legs, arms coming to cover your bare chest. 
he’s quick to notice that you’re starting to spiral, though, so he re-registers what you said and then what he said and his eyes widen, too. his words come out rushed as he attempts to do damage control. “no! not no, as in i don’t see you in that way, but no because you deserve the best and…”
“but… you are the best, ‘sol…” you tell him softly, hugging yourself tighter. “and before you say anything, the weed is wearing off– think you finger-fucked it out of me,” you joke to lighten the mood, but when you see he’s still frozen, you internally cringe at yourself, continuing. “i’m being serious. i’m in my right mind and i’m telling you that you’re the best because you are. you always have been.”
he shudders nervously, “Y/N… don’t.”
you frown at him, turning your head away to look at your window instead, mentally face-palming yourself. “did i make it awkward again?” you ask nervously. you don’t even wait for his response, continuing your anxious ramble. “can you just forget i said anything? and that i made you do this? i…i don’t wanna lose you– i never want to lose you.” you whisper. “you’re my best friend.”
he shakes his head incessantly as if he’s trying to tell you something with the simple action, but you aren’t even looking at him, so he takes a deep, shaky breath. “no, you didn’t make me do anything. i just mean don’t say things like that if you don’t really like me because i…” he trails off and you turn back to look at him, concerned by his sudden halt. “Y/N, i… like you. so much. i have for forever now, but you were always talking about soonyoung or cheol and then there was that whole thing with that pretentious art kid– minghao, i think– i dunno.”
you look at him incredulously, eyes wide and lips parted in genuine shock, “why didn’t you tell me…?”
he sighed, hands coming to rest on your thighs. “it seemed like i never really had a chance… you’re my best friend, too… and i didn’t want to lose you either.”
you sit up, exclaiming, “but you’ve liked me this entire time and i didn’t even know?!”
he gives you a small grin and a shrug, “what can i say? i’m discreet.”
you scoff, sitting in silence for a few seconds before opening your mouth again. with your voice meek, you say.“i wish you would’ve told me.” you inhale sharply, continuing to hug yourself tightly. “i like you, too, you know… i just didn’t think you liked me back so i tried to not like you– which is really hard, by the way, because you’re annoyingly pretty.”
“sorry, i’ll try to stop being so pretty.”
you playfully slap his bare chest, “i actually hate you so much.”
he jokingly sulks, placing a hand over where you hit him. “aw, baby, you just said you liked me.”
you shudder, body naturally leaning into him as your mind gravitates back to your not-so-innocent thoughts. “i do… and i’d like you a little more if you kept calling me that.”
his breath hitches as you get closer and closer, “yeah?”
he whispers against your lips, a cheeky smile on his, “you’re such a baby.”
“you’re so mean,” you hum, letting your lips graze his. “am i not your baby?”
he rests his forehead against yours and looks into your eyes for any sign of playfulness. you seem to be serious so he asks, “is that what you want?” he’s nervous you can hear the way his heart is about to pound out of his chest. 
“duh… idiot.”
“okay, cool.” he says nonchalantly even though he’s internally freaking out. “you’re my baby.”
your heart skips a beat and your cunt dampens again at the title, “okay, cool.” you parrot casually as if your heart wasn’t about to lurch out of your chest. “you can… kiss me. if you want…”
vernon utters a soft ‘right’ before finally closing the gap between the two of you. his lips mold to yours and you know for a fact that there is no one else on earth you’d want to kiss. his big hand comes to cup your cheek and you melt under the touch, mouth opening for him to slip his tongue into. 
naturally, the kiss heats up and before long, you’re whining into his mouth, hand blindly reaching for his clothed cock. he groans the second you find the aching hard-on, nimble hands stroking him through his boxers. 
“Y/N,” he pants breathily in between kisses. “are you… sure you wanna… do this?”
you think it’s sweet that he keeps checking on you, and sure, you’re still a bit fuzzy from the after-effects of the ‘green crack’, but you need him to give you what you want. so you nod, breaking from the kiss to lay back in your original position under him. 
“please fuck me, baby,” you beg in the most sultry voice you can conjure up. when he stays frozen, you pout. “hansol, please.”
he curses, quickly getting his boxers off and revealing the prettiest dick you’ve ever seen. precum beads at the slit of his flushed tip and prominent veins run through the length. he’s so big, surely enough to have you see stars. you’re starting to feel grateful that he prepped you because his dick would have completely ruined you without it.
“‘s big.” you simply state, bottom lip finding sanctum in between your teeth as you gawk at it. 
“you think so?” he gives you a wobbly smile, stomach-churning at the subtle praise. he moves in between your thighs and spreads you out for him. “is it okay?”
you blush, nodding your head, “mhm, don’t worry,” you tell him. “i’ll let you know if i need you to stop.” 
he nods, huffing softly, “do you have any condoms?”
you chuckle breathily. “not for your size… but it’s okay, i’m clean and safe. you don’t need one. you can pull out if it makes you feel better.”
his throat runs dry– fuck, fuck, fuck. he’s fucking you raw?! how the hell is he supposed to last hitting it raw?! you were already tight around three of his fingers and he can’t even imagine how you’d feel wrapped around his cock.
he realizes he hasn’t replied in a few seconds when you say his name softly. he sees you growing restless under him and he apologizes and nods again dumbly. 
he runs his tip through your folds, moaning when he finds you’re just as wet as you were earlier. he aligns himself with your leaky hole, slowly pushing himself inside of you with a groan to find that you’re still so fucking tight.
you’ve found that, despite vernon’s laid-back and chill personality, he’s quite loud in bed. he’s nothing like you expected and you’re pleasantly surprised. 
when his cock slides in between your tight walls, the both of you are instantly a mess, panting and moaning in pleasure. your walls envelop him so snugly that you fear the thick veins that adorn his length will imprint into them.
“fuck, vernon.” you moan, praying the burn in your pussy melts to pleasure soon so he can fuck you the way you want it. the way you need it. . “your cock.”  
he hisses, pushing in past the resistance. “you feel so good, baby, oh my god.” he grunts, head falling back at the way you hug him. “god, i’ve wanted this for so long– wanted you for so long.”
you cry, clenching around his girth because, god, you’ve wanted him, too.
when he finally bottoms out, you both pause to take erratic breaths, positively going feral over each other. he attempts to recollect himself and check up on you again. “are you–”
you don’t even let him finish, nodding your head vigorously. “yes, vernon, just need you to move, please.” you plead. “need you to fuck me– please, need it so fucking bad.”
you’re so needy for him and he knows it’s because of the last bit of weed that looms, but he can’t help but wonder if you’re like this on a normal day. if you’re always begging for a cock to fill you up. not that it would matter– he’d do anything you asked of him. you’re so fucking pretty to him and his brain is constantly yelling at him to cater to every single one of your wishes. the chokehold you have him in is so tight. 
tight like your pretty cunt that’s now gracefully swallowing his cock with every thrust of his hips. your room is full of panting, moans, and the lewd squelch of your wet pussy taking him. it sounds better than any song he’s ever heard and, if he’s being completely transparent, he hopes to experience this for the rest of his life.
vernon unexpectedly comes down, craning his neck to latch his mouth around your nipples again, stimulating you there, too. you’re sure the position is a bit straining, but he doesn’t seem to mind as he moans loudly into your chest. his hand plays with the other nipple, switching every minute to give both of them love and attention all while his cock steadily rams in and out of you. 
your hands tangle in his hair, smothering his face into your tits while he moans and whines some more into them. 
and when he adjusts slightly and his tip hits that spot, the one that makes you crumble in seconds, a sob wracks through your entire body.
“there! shit, baby, right there, please.” you gasp, back arching into him. 
vernon asks breathily, removing his face from the comfortable spot on your chest, “there? that’s it?” 
and you nod, chest rising and falling at a rapid pace as you feel the pressure build-up at the bottom of your tummy. he continues to hit the spongy spot inside of you, bringing you closer and closer. 
his own face is pinched and he can’t stop the soft whines that come out of his mouth. you just feel fucking amazing. 
“a-are you close? i’m not gonna last long.” he pants out. 
and you weakly sob out a reply of ���yes,’ hand moving to toy with your swollen clit. the action immediately has the tightrope inside of you coming undone for the second time in the night. you mewl out his name, clamping around him tightly and coating his cock in slick cum. 
it’s like a chain reaction that has vernon cursing and pulling his dick out of you. he eagerly fists at his cock, jerking himself off till he releases all over your puffy pussy. he’s moaning softly, prettily calling out your name. his heart pounds rapidly and his entire body twitches at the feeling of release. 
his eyes finally open after a few seconds of trying to regulate his breathing. he sees the way your cunt is dressed in white and how you're slowly, but surely, coming down from both of your highs. 
“hey,” he whispers. 
“hi,” you mumble, eyes fluttering open. your hands reach for him and he can’t help but find you so cute. “c’mere.”
he smiles, leaning down to kiss you again. unlike your past few kisses, it’s soft and innocent. loving. he parts after a minute or so, hand moving to sweep the hair out of your face. 
“are you sure you’re alright?” he whispers. “i feel kinda bad…”
“don’t, ‘sol, i wanted it. i’m really happy.” you tell him sincerely. “are you alright?”
he sighs, “i’m really happy, too… i just wish i would’ve taken you out on a date or something before… fucking you.” 
you shake your head, “we did it kinda backwards, but, seriously, i’m just happy you’re here… happy that you’re mine.” he blushes, moving to hide his face in your neck while you giggle. “if you wanna, we can go on a date now?”
“where?” he mumbles into your neck.
“7/11– channie’s working so that means free big gulps and rollers… you know, since some of us can’t afford to eat real food because of their ‘job.’”
vernon scoffs, pulling his face out of your neck and giving you a stern look. “dude, it’s a real job–”
you laugh, effectively cutting him off. “okay, scammer– if it’s a real job, why are you always stealing my fucking weed instead of buying your own?” 
“because weed is scarce these days and your bitch ass dealer hates me– why should i have to pay $20 for a gram when you only pay $5?” he nearly cries. “and, since we’re on the topic, i don’t like him. he’s too friendly with you.” that’s code for “he obviously wants to fuck you.”
“you’re jealous of cheol!”
he groans, rolling his eyes, a tiny pout appearing on his face, “so what if i am?”
you coo, “aw, baby,” hand coming to cup his blushy cheek. “you don’t have to worry about him,” you relay to him, voice laced with sincerity. “you’re the only one i want.”
he goes a little bug-eyed at your words before clearing his throat and nodding. “good. that’s good.” 
you raise an eyebrow, “just good?” 
“no… it’s great…” he mumbles cutely. “you’re also the only one i want.”
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© cheolhub — all rights reserved, please refrain from copying, reposting, modifying or translating my work on any platform.
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cranberryjuice-posts · 7 months
Hi, I always see fanfics where Clarisse protects the reader, but what about a fanfic where the reader protects her?
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- mind your business -
Pairings - Clarisse La Rue x Fem! Reader
Tw - mentions of SOM - not spoilers but mentioned
An - guys I think my chest is colasping 🧍‍♀️ also I have Nike pandas and my friend said “those aren’t creased those are deceased” bc their lowkey turning green😝
An Pt 2 - Tell me Why i just realized Dior is 18 and is turning 19 this year
An Pt 3 - the Pt 2 is Miss Information i got confused I’m sorry 😭😭
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Cheering loudly you jumped happily as you watched your girlfriend clarisse in the chariot race . She was dominating the field per usual, bringing you a sense of happiness.
As the chariots crossed the corner the winner was shown as percy and annabeth. Rolling your eyes at the circumstances you didn’t hesitate to run towards the daughter of ares.
Sneaking up and around the chariots that pulled into the clearing you snuck up to the taller girl. Watching for a moment as she yelled at her siblings you took the opportunity to jump behind clarisse covering her eyes. “Guess who”
Peeling your fingers off her face she turned around, looking you up and down with a critical look. She rolled her eyes before kissing your forehead. “I can’t stand you sometimes” she sighed while picking a piece of pollen off of your hair.
“That’s really how Your Gonna Greet your girlfriend?”
“Ok clarisse” you joked rolling your eyes in response. Stepping up, creasing your shoes you placed a quick kiss on her lips. “Take care of the chariot ok? I need your sister for something” you politely asked the ares kids, stealing clarisse before they would retaliate.
“Where are You taking me” Clarisse complained while You dragged her deeper into the mountains.
“Can You Just be quiet and trust me” looking over your shoulder you raised an eyebrow, testing her patience.
After about five minutes of walking you eventually brought her to a clearing, it was ok the edge of one of the many cliffs at camp but gave a good view of not only the beautiful scenery bellow but also of the camp itself.
Leaning into clarisse you wrapped a lazy arm around her while resting your head on her. “Pretty huh”
She just shrugged her shoulders. “It’s all right” You softly hit her in the side. “It’s not all right It’s beautiful you jerk”
“No.. no I’ve seen prettier” she chuckled.
“Oh yeah? Name three things”
“Ok” Clarisse shifted around some. “Uh for starters the sunset, then my spear and lastly I guess you can count” she laughed as you hit her one more time. “I hate you so much”
“I love you to” she chuckled kissing you once again.
“You did great Today.. your dad would be proud you know” you comfortingly mumbled against her lips. Clarisse relaxed Some sighing once again “let’s just hope he agrees”
Heading towards the dining hall you happily held your girlfriends hand. Walking in the stone building you stopped making clarisse jerk slightly.
“What’s wrong” she asked with a concerned tone. Breaking from her you headed towards the Athena table.
Walking up to it you crossed your arms “do we have a problem”
They all looked around confused, some mumbling. “What are You on about?” Annabeth spoke all while giving you an equally dirty look.
“There’s nothing wrong with bragging about winning but the second any of you have the audacity to first of all say, clarisse didn’t deserve her quest this year or that she was just an extra burden which may I add you— annabeth crashed her quest, only to then also say that she deserved not winning just shows the fucking arrogance of you all” placing your hands on your hips you eyed the entire now silent table with some of the other kids in the dining hall following suit in being quiet. “Keep my girlfriends name out of your pathetic mouths and we won’t have a problem.. understand”
Walking back to clarisse you took her hand into yours once again, kissing her cheek you started to walk towards the ares cabin table with her. “Have I ever told you how hot you are when you act like a bitch”
“Eh you’ve mentioned it once or twice” giving her one more kiss, pecking her lips a few Times you started to chuckle as her siblings complained.
It didn’t matter what anyone said about clarisse. You would Defend her til the day you die.
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yanderehsr · 10 months
Hii! How r u? How was ur dai? About the oc thing...Could I prety please with cherry on top get a platonic platonic Furina, Ei, Nahidaand Venti with a reader that is like a elf? Idk, how to explain it, so I am gonna add a picture to how I wiev it:
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Her name is Eclipsa and has white hair and pointy ears(ofc since she is an elf). And I dont mean like Santa's elfs, I mean the ones from greek and romanian mytology.
About the bakstory: Lets just say that she is the daughter of The Heavenly Principels(lets just call her THP bc I am lazy) (ik it sounds cringe but hear me out😭) and since THP was not all the lovey dovey tipe and probably VERY bad with children (maybe even hate them idk, I really cant see her motherly) she just decided to throe her to Tyvat into the care of the archons untill she was old enough (16 years old) to come to Celestia (bacically be mature since she doesnt want a cryng baby around). Eclipsa is growing, just like Klee slower (there is a theorh that says that Klee is 80 but is also 8 bc she is growing 10 times slower than normal) and everu 100 it adds 1 year rlto her age. Now, lets say that when she was 10(1000) she overheared somebody say that the archons dont actually like her (like parental figures ofc) and that they probably just cang get rid of her. She actually belivd them like a dumb child that she is and ran away (opened a portal to another world and dissapeared without anybody's knoladge). Now, lets just say for the sake of this au to make it more interesting (maybe more cringe but I am having fun ok?😭) that the disaster from Khaenri'ah happened bc the person occ heared it was a khaenriah'n and THP since finding this out was like "OH HELL NAHH" and this iz the reason they destroyd Khaenria'h. THP gave the archons untill Eclipsa was to turn 16 to find her. Well, now, at 15, she randomply (and awkwardly) came back. (Maybe she finally got into her head the ideea of checking Irmansole to see if the archons truly hated her and surprise surprise, ints not true). Now, imagine the characters meeting Occ in their nation. For Venti- at windrise, for Ei in the city (near the statue), for Nahida just at the spirit tree (maybe one of her little friends passed that message for her) and for Furina(back when she was still an archon) she was told from Neuvillette that he sensed Occ's presence(lets just say that higher ups are aware of Eclipsa's existance, including Furina. Perhaps she has read about Oc in one of the books she read to find a solution to Fontaine's profecy).
Also, I imagine ooc to look like this when she was little(I just love this fanart sm😭):
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(One thing to note is that none of theres fanarts are mine, and idk who they are from to credit them. Also te line I made was bc there was some writting on that picture and I didnt want it to be out of the context:>)
About personalit I see her as somebody who is quite the drama queen and loves attention 24/7. She loves pulling pranks all the time and also like annoyng people, but in a joking way. Hoever I see her as somebody who has her moments of understanding and is quite the menance to societity(pretty mhch like how Klee is). About her powers, she is developing since young THP's powers but since she is not even 18, its definetly not as affective.
Anyways, I know it might be a weird request or cringe, and maybe I wrote too much, or gave too little information. Also, I am VERY sorry if you cant undrtstand this request, english is not my first language and I pretty much have dyslexia(not bad one tough, I am still working on correcting mynself :D) and I tried to make sure I made as little mistakes as posible but its hard to spot them when its a big paragraphe, uk? therfor you are always free to ignore thiz request, hopw you have a nice day and good luck writting so many requests. Also, congrats on 1k followrs!! :D
...Did I just read an entire fanfiction XD, I will gladly write this, and thanks for the congrats😆
Hope you'll enjoy😄
Trigger Warning: Yandere, Obsessive behaviour, Possessive behaviour, Kidnapping
Furina: She knows almost nothing about her, Neuvillette doesn't seem to remember anything about her and there are no books about it, hell the only reason she knows about Eclipsa is because Focalors thought of it as important that she knew about The Heavenly Principles daughter if she was going to act as an archon.
Furina's first meeting with Eclipsa is when Neuvillette is showing her around, it was instant love... not the romantic kind, the platonic kind, Eclipsa looked like a doll, so perfect to dress up, so perfect to have around, Furina feels lonely and Eclipsa makes her feel whole again, so she takes what she wants.
Furina dislikes The Heavenly Principles, she would be happy if she was hated by them, her performance is over either way, the profecy is fullfilled, is it really so wrong of her to be selfish... you will see Furina run around Fontaine with Eclipse causing havoc, as long as she is with her she doesn't feel lonely, and now she never will
"Y-you aren't leaving me right, right... ANSWER ME PLEASE... I'm sorry for yelling, I just don't wanna lose a friend so dear, you can understand, right?"
Raiden Ei: The day Eclipsa dissapeared was the day her sister died... not only did she lose her very own sister, she also lost someone she practically viewed as a daughter, she had never felt such horrible pain before, so she shut herself away as to not feel it again.
So many years spent in isolation, all Ei could think about was her sister and Eclipsa, she swore if she could just get them back, she would protect them both with her life, she just wants things to go back to normal, like it used to be.
So many years had passed that Ei nearly didn't recognize Eclipsa, she had so many questions for her, but she didn't say a single one... screw The heavenly Principles, she was going to protect her as best she could, Eclipsa don't even get a chance to talk before she was shut inside the plane of Euthymia.
"So long, you have been away for 500 long years... but that's okay, you're here now, I'll make sure you not come to harm like what happened to Makoto"
Nahida: She doesn't have much knowledge of Eclipsa, she isn't recorded in the Irminsul, all the knowledge Nahida has of her is what her predecessor left for her she didn't forget, she is confused why Eclipsa isn't around... did she dissapear or worse, did she die?
Nahida is confussed when she feels Eclipsa's precence by the Irminsul, it feels familiar but she can't figure out why, of course like the curious 500 year old child she is, she went to figure out what caused such familiarity... Nahida knew who it was the second she laid eyes on her, this is who she is supposed to protect like the Greater Lord she once did.
Nahida asks a lot of questions, why is she here? Why was she gone? Eclipsa is now her favorite subject to learn about, Nahida takes up some kind of little sister role to stay close with her, she needs to know everything, feed her ever-growing curiosity, maybe one day she will introduce Eclipsa to the Wanderer... but that can be later, Nahida wants to be selfish for a bit longer.
"Curious, you being here fills me with a feeling like... like a hole, you fall down it everyday and it just feels so annoying, then suddenly someone has covered it up and I don't feel annoyance anymore... You need to stay with me for a bit longer, I need to figure out why"
Venti: He isn't all that interested in following The Heavenly Principles orders, but he still did as to not occur her wrath... he did not expect to take care of a child, he wasn't the best, he got constantly drunk, never took anything serious, except for protecting Eclipsa from any danger.
It was no surprise that Venti felt such fear and despair when Eclipsa dissapeared, he had lost yet another loved one... why does he still care, it always happens anyways, no relation lasts forever, no matter how much he tries to drown the memory of her in even more alcohol, it doesn't work
That's when Venti notices her precence, after 500 long painful years, is she finally back? Is this his second chance. He meets Eclipsa at windrise, she look just as well as when she dissapeared... He doesn't care what The Heavenly Principles thinks or wants, he will keep Ecilpsa safe and away from her, He will keep that smile on her no matter what.
"It sure has been a while hasn't it, soooo how have you been, hope you missed me for I have missed you"
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pumpkinsy0 · 2 months
Curly??? Pony??? Being goofy guys??? Hcs?? Silly??? = Happy??? Please??? Silly???
curly and pony???? being goofy goobers????? aw yea,,,i can do that,,,,
•i just know the slapbox each other, its not AS violent as those boys in the bathroom whos slaps u can hear 5 classes down, but they def do slapbox, u can never tell who won
•they could def get the other to do something they wanted if they just say their name 3 times, this more so works on pony, curly would do anything pony asked bc 1) why not 2) worst case scenario he gets a cool story to tell and a scar to prove it, curly whips out that “pony” chant and pony iustbrolls his eyes and goes “fineee”
•they both do this thing where if theres soda in the fridge, to prank the other they shake up one of the cans and leave it for the other person to open, and when they do and the soda just goes everywhere u can hear laughter from another room
•once they were having a water balloon fight but curly ran out of water balloons to throw and he was too lazy to refill, so he went into the kitchen and theres this thing in haiti called ti karol???somethin like that, and he left it out earlier bc him and pony was gonna eat it later as a cold treat, but he just took those and chucked them at pony (they were melted already dw ponys fine)
•sometimes curly sneaks into angelas room w pony and ponys just shitting his pants and wants to leave but curlys like “stop being such a wuss man shes not here rn🙎🏿” and keeps on snoopin
•pony and curly would absolutely spend their time on the shepards family computer, im calling it rn
•if u look on ponys classwork u would find huge ass scribble marks erased bc pony scribbled ONE THING on curlys paper and curly always takes it too far and scribbled that paper from top to bottom in retaliation
•curly has a habit of literally biting pony when they kiss and once he literally gave pony a cur on his lip doin that bc and pony was NOT happy w him for a while, but he got over it pretty quick
•curly ALSO has a habit of randomly picking pony up to then proceed and slam him down somewhere (like a couch or somethin) and to get back, pony CANT do that BUT he can shove curly against one of those chain link fences and laugh at curly trying to get his balance before he falls
•they blow smoke in each others faces a LOT, wouldnt b surprised if they joke around and pretend to b like dragons or somethin while doin it too, bonus points if they also blow smoke out their nose
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liliththeimp · 4 months
sum ghosts hc’s :3 pt 1–SFW
Once again back at it with my SAS wife cos my brain is rotting like disintegrating cotton candy so here are some headcannons i made (posted on ao3 but thought they deserved a bit recognition here too lol)
Now these are just some personal hcs ive made or seen that i liked;
the numbered sfw hcs are going to tie into the nsfw hcs, for clarification!!
He loves music, like anything 70’s to 90’s in a sense? Like, sum pink floyd or shinedown (ik but it stuck after an ai chat and i cant fucking let it go-) nu metal, death/black metal, gothic metal, throw in some thrash/groove metal- anything with metal really
Onto my next point, he’s good at guitar, like really good, he has a gibson guitar he named (idfk what he named it, probably after you tho lmao)^1
He’s a straight up asshole, like, blunt calls everyone cunts, he’s just a a British as shoe dude what did you expect. But the funny thing is, if you end up cursing him out like a sailo he will find that as a major turn on ^2
Simple man doesnt like complicated food, just a normal burger and fries and he’ll be grateful. And if you cook good luck he eats like a bear (how else u think he’s bulky???)
He likes winter over any season bc its the opposite of where he’s been, though allergies/sickness do annoy the shit out of him cus he sneeze into his mask and it pisses him off
Likes milkshakes and i won't expand on that.
He’s a big softy for like small gifts, he may not show it but that macaroni necklace he called stupid? He has it on his night stand so it wont get ruined. You got a bracelet you gave him three months ago? He wears it everyday.
Pretty testing and bully-ish, but will just become a stuttering mess when you tame him, the slight blush peeing through his balaclava will give you enough lee way to make him fall in love with you
“blink mf.” 
Stares down new recruits, no exceptions- when he sees you, he ends up staring more
Knows some ASL when he’s not exactly in a talkative mood (not gonna say non-verbal bc, i doesnt fit him? he’s just like middle finger up to say fuck you, thats his sign language lmao)
Pretty big book worm in his free time
Fast learner at anything, i imagine he has a hard time remembering shit bc of his trauma n shit will do that to ya, but if he watched something long enough he can get it down.
Likes some spicy food
Doesn't do video games, he just doesnt think their any fun
OMFG this man- he makes fucking BACON in his GRILLED CHEESE. I argued with him (literally only with a fucking AI bot like some looser but my point still stands;) about how that's an abomination, grilled cheeses are meant for, and paired ONLY with tomato soup, sometimes chicken noodle. but he believes it the most delicious thing, he’s not putting watered down ketchup next to his beautiful creation.
Stubborn and pouts easily, you say something he doesnt realize is a joke he hold onto that grudge. “Why are you so upset right now? What did i do?” He huffed, uncrossing his arms “you didnt hold the door for me and I slammed my face! You didnt even apologize!!” You blinked, lips pressing into a thin line “are you fucking 5.”
his love languages is more quality time than physical touch- but Jesus Christ this man will get clingy af once he trusts you (after he takes off his mask fully 4 the first time, he trusts you with his whole heart- dont break it pwease- hes hes jus a little guy)
Ok really like bully breed dogs, like his favorite.
loves to hold your hand, like if you wrap your hand around two of his fingers specifically, he’ll turn into a blush mess and so so prideful, (like big softy friendly giant who could totally crush you- and he’s like so gentle) ^3
Gives a lot of thought before he compliments you, like studies the way you do things- like, hair clips, clothes, colors, make up, shoes, etc etc, he loves to study your features.
Can cook- like, really good- but ends up ordering takeout or pizza cos he’s lazy
On his trips, like when he get deployed longer than a couple of months, he brings back sand for you from the places he’s been and you have a small shelf full of small files of the sand (unlabeled btw, you just know which is which)
tries not to get angry or lash out or get like, cold or distant with you bc he really cares he’s just scared of fucking up and you leaving once you see how broken he is
Does all those horrible jokes, his voice is slow and gruff and just- gravelly? Like, he talks like the Grimm reaper himself and makes a yo mama joke
Doesn’t know how to ask for attention so he’ll come up behind you and tug a strand of your hair or nudge you- shit he’s thrown pillows at you then stares at you with a straight face “cuddles.”
“Not arguing with a dude with big brown eyes. Like, whatever you say beautiful”
he loves eye contact wen talking about serious shit- like, complimenting you, or saying i love you, he wants you to look him in the face and understand how much he means it….yet you turn into a blushing stuttering mess when he does, and he laughs to himself ^4
Stares at ‘settings’ on his phone to avoid social situations. Argue with the wall.
in the thickest, most unintelligible, uninterpretable British accent possible “YA KNO’ WHAT YOU DIR’Y ‘ITTLE CUNT—”
Incoherent British slang, colonizer alphabet soup if you will.
plays hello kitty island adventure or cooking mama un-ironically
Can’t spell “gynecologist” (geneycologist/ gin-i-colo-gist) or “bologna” (balaonie/ balony)
If there’s ever a baby in the store or something, and the baby is staring at him, he’ll make funny faces (mainly cross his eyes and makes small sounds)
doesn’t think he’ll be a good dad, but still thinks about it- believes he’s not good enough for a family ^5
Anywho continue onto part 2 here for spic stuff you perv >:3
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moriartyluver · 1 year
Hi hi🤭 can I request something where Liam’s noble wife passes out and he takes her to the doctors and after the doctor confirms she’s okay he than says “don’t worry the baby is also okay” and Liam and reader are just shocked because they didn’t know she’s pregnant😋
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Character(s): William James Moriarty x fem! Reader
Prompt: above bc I’m too lazy to write it out^^
Format: oneshot
Genre: comedy
Warnings: pregnancy, female/ afab reader, reader is William’s wife & a noblewoman. Generally quite alright apart from a suggestive joke made.
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“(Name)!” A usually calm, but now panicked voice called out to you before you fell into your lover’s arms.
Your vision went black and the next time your eyes had opened, you were in your bedroom.
Your eyes fluttered open to see your husband beside you, holding your hand as he sat on the side of your bed, drawing circles and hearts on the back of your hand with his thumb as he waited for you to awaken.
Noticing your gaze falling on him, he smiled softly at you, kissing the back of your hand as he told you of how worried he was for you.
“Have you been eating alright or drinking enough water? It’s unlike you to have any health issues that could have resulted in such an outcome..” he said as he helped you sit up on the bed, propping you back up with a pillow and giving you a chaste kiss on the forehead.
“I’m fine..really, love” you reassured as you held his hands in yours “I must have just been tired..that’s all..”
You paused for a while, looking at his melancholic expression. He was usually unreadable, even to you sometimes, but now he seemed to have a mix of both relief and worry painting his pretty features.
“What happened after I fell unconscious, liam?” You asked him gently “I hope I don’t cause you too much trouble..”
“You were unconscious for quite some time..about 4 hours or so,” he said, rubbing his eye. He was tired but sat by your side anyways. “You seemed rather ill so Louis went to fetch the doctor for you while I had Moran help bring you up here. He gave you a quick checkup while you were asleep, and he’s outside now, so we shall wait for the results until he returns.”
“I see..thank you, I really mean it, my dear..” you leaned forward to kiss his cheek, which began to grow pink shortly after. You chuckled as you watched him cough to avoid seeming too flustered.
This affectionate moment between the two of you was cut short though as a man, who you assumed to be the doctor, entered your room.
“Ah,” he said as he noticed you sat up with a smile in bed “it appears you’re awake, lady (name).”
“-I’m really sorry for any trouble I caused, doctor..I’m really grateful for your services,” you told the older male who gave you a kind smile in response.
“Based on the basic check-ups that I carried out, you’ll be fine..just make sure to maintain a healthy and balanced diet, as-well as resting once in a while.” He said as he looked through some pages of his reports “it must be quite difficult to be the only woman in the manor..”
You laughed politely at his comment while liam continued to fidget with your hand. The doctor was packing his equipment away before opening his mouth to speak again.
“Oh, I forgot to mention,” he said as he shut his briefcase “the baby is fine too. Congratulations by the way.”
Both your (eye colour) eyes and your husband’s red ones widened.
“The..the baby..?” You asked. Surely he was mistaken.
“Yes, the baby,” the doctor repeated. He realises based off yours and William’s shocked expressions that you hadn’t known this. “My apologies, did you not know?”
You both shook your heads.
“Well then I suppose that makes me the bearer of good news. Congratulations once again. You both seem like you will be wonderful parents.” He smiled as he left, mentioning something regarding being there to help with anything to do with the pregnancy if necessary before he shut the door.
You and your husband both sat there in silence for a few minutes. That explained the nausea and bloating you were feeling recently, as-well as the sudden hair growth and increase in curvature. You both were adults anyway, sleeping with each other on a regular basis with no form of protection so it wasn’t a completely unrealistic possibility.
“We’re going to be parents..” you both whispered in unison.
The footsteps of your friends and brothers in law could be heard faintly as they walked towards the door of your bedroom.
Your expressions of surprise quickly shifted into ones of joy. You pulled your husband into your arms as you squealed in excitement and hugged him as he hovered over you, careful to not cause you any harm. He kissed your lips, cheeks, forehead and about anywhere else he could reach as he showered you in affection, whispering ‘I love you’ s between kisses whilst you laughed and smiled until your cheeks hurt.
After a few moments of laughter and kisses and soft touches between lovers, Louis, Moran , Fred and Albert had all come into the room to check up on the two of you, anxious to hear about your well-being.
“What did the doctor say?” Louis asked as he entered the room, watching as his brother moved himself away from you and back to your side.
You grinned like an idiot, unable to contain your happiness. “He said I’m fine,” you said, biting the inside of your cheek but eventually giving in and laughing as the other men, apart from your husband, looked at you in surprise
Your husband chimed in with an uncharacteristically soft (although not to you) expression
“he also said the baby will be fine too.”
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neptuniadoesstuff · 2 months
Finally finished this alcoholic old guy named Beef (joke) whom I'm deff not gonna take in hostage-
(Small Warning for main pics: Does contain scars & burns but those are healed so nothing too serious)
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(Danger Man McGhee on the Left, Normie Beef Man on the Right)
So I am kinda feeling better but still kinda meh atm. Anyways some art I wanted my time on & think it's not really good. (This is for a DT btw but I doubt the person I'm having the dt with will approve since kinda just... boring imo..) (Except one of my frends ON SCREb FRIKIN "SIMPS" FOR HIM BCS HE HAS A BEARD-)
Anyways imma tell you some things about this moron:
He's a complete idiot who's a mechanic, but due to him being a idiot he often hurts himself on accident. (Which explains the burns)
He is divorced 6 TIMES! But only has one kid named Jasoer who is the child of his first spouse. (Which makes Jasper his estranged son)
He's a alcoholic & sometimes passes out from drinking a lot. (Btw kids don't drink you'll prob pass out or even die)
He's jealous of Sanchi (my Fallout OC) bcs well... Sanchi is smarter than him also bcs ANGUS IS LITERALLY JUST A STICK WHILE SANCHI CAN LITERALLY SNAP HIM IN HALF IF HE SO WANTS TO!
He gave himself the nickname "Danger Man McGhee" which is the most stupidest name to think of but hey a idiot giving himself a dum nickname is prob like "The floor is made of floor" or smtn.
Despite his stupidity & his very poor taste in men (srsly bro yur first lover literally SCRAPED YUR FRIKIN ARMS FOR SOME MALIOUS REASON), he's a good fighter, however ever since he stopped raiding, he kinda just works on machines & be lazy.
Thats really it tbh. I'm just not really to well mentally so I'm not really well motivated to actually do a thing like actually talk to ppl. (Plz don't ask why its... personal)
Some Extras:
(Warning: Does contain lots & lots of bl00d on one of the extras so beware)
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The Moron w/o his cloth things & GoObLeS (God just smite me down I don't wanna be here anymore).
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McGhee but w/o the goggles which aren't even canon to Fallout or FNV.
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MaN, drawing the bl00d on this one was as hard as me trying to keep my sanity & not try to frikin screech at my mom anytime she won't leave me the frik alone. (Dont... ask... Again personal stuff)
Anyways that's all for the bonuses/extras. I hope you enjoy this, or don't, just don't dictate what ppl like or not, I'm just a random ahh kid on the net who draws for a hobby/living & is very much not sane.
Character was created & designed by me.
Art is mine. (Do not take w/o permission or imma throw u off a cliff)
Program: IbisPaint.
Bubs' TOS: Plz don't repost/steal, trace, or recolor my art WITHOUT MY PERMISSION! If you do, I'll take yur femur and pelvis.. SO, DON'T THINK ABOUT IT! (The PNS on my blog's pinned post clearly means "Please No Steal" plz follow that rule.) If you do post my art on anything like yur blog or somewhere else (With my permission) PLEASE CREDIT ME!
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tea-and-secrets · 3 months
(this is so long i’m sorry lmao)
i hate this one friend of a friend and none of the friends in our circle like him either
so there’s this one girl i’m friends with and we have our own circle of friends, but she’s also friends with this one guy we all went to high school with (actually we all went to high school together), so we hang out with each other sometimes due to that connection. but let me tell you this guy sucks. he sucked in high school and he still sucks now. we’ve tried to gently tell her multiple times that he sucks but she still defends him 😭. he’s one of those egotistical, pretentious film major bros and he once told me that he thinks people who take meds for mental disorders are lazy. anyway, that’s the context, so here are some stories:
so in this story, there’s the guy (Star), our mutual friend (Astor), two other friends in Astor and I’s circle (Mango and Pansy), and me (all of these are fake names btw). Astor, Mango, and Pansy are all professional cosplayers and Star wanted to take pictures of them at this con we all went to to put in his portfolio. on the first day, Astor, Mango, and Pansy were supposed to run a panel, but Astor was running late, so that made Star late as well. we were all stressed about this (i was helping them as well), so when Star got there he was in a bad mood. you do not want to be around Star when he’s in a bad mood. one time when we were playing monopoly, he was losing, so he stomped on the ground and yelled about how the game isn’t fair (yes, like a toddler). after they got there and it was just Mango, Pansy, and i together, they would bring up how Star was lowkey scaring them with how aggressive he was acting. after the panel, Star wanted to take pictures and i was holding his tripod. this tripod was in a flimsy cardboard box with no case and i was in charge of holding it. apparently i was holding it upside down (it was hard to tell which way was up bc this cardboard box was really fucked up), so it slipped out and hit the floor. i felt bad for dropping it, but it was right side up and only fell to the floor like 2 feet, so i wasn’t too worried about it. most of it was still in the box actually. but the room went silent for a moment and Mango and Pansy looked at me with horror. i could tell they were scared that Star was going to blow up at me. he did yell at me a little bit but i knew he was overreacting so i wasn’t too fazed by it. after that, Mango and Pansy came up to me and were like “i thought he was literally going to kill you for that.” i think they were only half-joking
this next (and last) story happened sort of recently and reminded me why i dislike him so much. as i said, Star is a film major and he wants to be a director, but he is NOT a good director. i know this bc i’ve worked with him on projects before, but he thinks he’s big shit. awhile back, Astor asked me if i wanted to do a 48 hour film challenge with her and Star and i said sure. our film was a shit show. Star was supposed to be running it, but kinda gave up halfway through and even said he wanted Astor and i to direct some scenes. Astor and i are NOT directors. he literally just sat on a bench like 30 feet away from where we were filming for the last bit of the shoot. also, he was 30 minutes late TO HIS OWN CALL TIME. he blamed the complete failure of our film on another guy he was friends with that he invited on to do camera work and some editing. and while i agree that he kinda took too much on at once and oversold his abilities, it was just as much Star’s fault bc of his lackluster skill and terrible planning (i also think Star made him do most of the work). but he convinced Astor that it was all that guy’s fault and now they blame him. Astor even said that she never wants to work with that guy again. i am also never working with Star again, so i guess we’re in the same boat
sorry if this didn’t make complete sense, i’m not the best at telling stories lmao. and don’t worry, i don’t see him too often and i tolerate him well enough, so this isn’t a big issue between us or anything
i’ll leave off with this: for the film challenge, we were finally done filming and the sun had gone down. we still had to do voiceover work and pictures for the poster, but Star said he really wanted to go out to eat (he wanted us to be done filming that day so they had the next day to edit).
i said “we should just get something delivered, we don’t have a lot of time left today”
he said “but i want ~rEaL~ food.”
i said “Star, we can either get real food, or have a good film”
we eventually went out to eat that night, so i guess i was right
(there is someone on tumblr who might see this and know who i am based on these stories, so if they’re seeing this, um. hi lmao)
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fluxedbuds · 6 months
apparently y'all Are desperate enough for my Lomadia Oc so uh. hope you're in the mood for [checks notes] ~13 paragraphs, half of which is just description!
allow me to introduce Villom!
She doesn't have an actual name or in-universe nickname, I just call her Villom. Because she was originally a Villain Version of Lomadia from a sci-fi world for some comic idea I totally scrapped bc it sucked. Except for Villom!
So basically what if we put Lomadia in space and gave her every problem and no normal coping mechanisms
The base universe is Completely Impossible sci-fi space stuff, involving solar systems being relatively close together and having tons of habitable planets, with star trek 'convergent evolution' making everybody a Weird Human Basically. Part of these choices is that I. Don't actually like sci-fi lol. I don't think its bad I just can't Get Into It, so I did the lazy version. HOWEVER I do also use the fact that its extremely artificial and story-focused as part of the plot so its FINE There IS also magic, but it’s generally less used, as tech is more accessible and less complicated from a user standpoint. That doesn’t mean it isn’t powerful, if you know what to look for. Thats foreshadowing!
Compared to base Lomadia, Villom is.. very immature. She has trouble identifying and controlling emotions, she's quick to anger and holds grudges. She's also more impulsive and tends towards insults and crude jokes. She's actually pretty fun to hang out with as a result, but responsibility is a role she's crushed into, and it never truly fits. She's trying her best ok
Villom starts out her story as a young adult, training to be a pilot. She does some hero shit, but breaks so many rules in the process and gets kicked out. She’s enraged by this betrayal of what was supposed to be her life, and steals a ship to go rogue and try to pursue her dreams anyways. She doesn’t exactly know what she’s doing, though, and eventually a chase causes her to crash on an unfamiliar planet, where she meets Rythian. He’s steampunk now, don’t question it
Anyways, they end up teaming up, and form the first of her crew. Later additions are Martyn, who is a mouse guy who has So Fucking Many People Who Want Him Dead, and Zoeya! Who ended up separated from Fionn following partially the plot of Mushbury, and works as the ship’s engineer. Their ship (that lasts long enough to get a name…) is called the Ask, and Villom occasionally (and jokingly) calls her crew the Answers. (Its called the Ask because originally I gave the characters nicknames based on Norse mythology for Pretentious Reasons, those might come back later)
So everything’s all fine and poggers for a while, with the Ask’s crew causing mischief and undercutting evil empires across the worlds- and then Villom’s home planet is destroyed. And she sees it happen.
See, one of the tropes of sci-fi that bugs me, is how understated the death of an entire planet tends to go. This is the first step of Villom realizing how truly fucked up the world they live in is- and the first step of her wondering why it has to be this way, and how to stop it.
It only gets worse from here.
No matter how many evil empires they topple, no matter how many massive threats they thwart, there’s always another one. And no matter how fast they are, they can’t stop every world-ending crisis. Villom starts learning magic, wondering if theres some kind of solution there. When she doesn’t find one, she just looks harder. Brushing so close with forces she’s alone in experiencing wears on her, compounding with their futile mission.
The breaking point is when Rythian dies. Raiding an enemy ship goes wrong, they’re outnumbered, they’re trying to retreat. Surrenders are not accepted, there.
It’s another thing she sees happen, another thing she was inches away from but unable to stop. And she can’t take it. She can’t take losing another part of her, another of the few things she could call home in this cold void.
She takes some of the things she learned looking where she shouldn’t- and kills the nearest member of the enemy team, trading a life for a life. And part of her soul as tax, of course. Just a small bit, this time. She never tells him. Pretends it was instead an incredibly close call. He probably knows she’s lying, on some level, but he never says it.
Villom is desperate, now. There’s more and more things she’s hiding from her crew, more and more boundaries of safety she’s pushing. She trades one of her eyes for the ability to see the functions of the world itself- maybe it’s a mistake, there’s some gear stuck, and if she fixes it this infinite loop of wars will stop.
There is no mistake. This is how the universe is intended to function.
She can’t give up. Because if she stops, she’s never going to get up again.
Maybe there’s other worlds where it’s better, where it’s safe. Maybe there’s a way to make this world like them.
Maybe there’s a way to leave.
She’s barely human anymore, even though she looks perfectly fine. Her hair is white, her eye replaced, but that’s all. She’s replaced the things she’s traded away. She’s barely even a part of the world, anymore. Unstuck from the threads of it, floating as a constant point, unchanging and undying, snapping back into place when moved.
A lot of universes are visited by a strange woman with white hair, who never stays. Sometimes she’s a savior, or a tyrant, or merely another passerby.
One of them, somewhere, has to have an answer. The way to break the cycle. And Villom will find it- even if she has to take every one of them apart.
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centipedelightning · 2 years
Date Night
uf!sans x gn reader || sfw || no cw/tw
Red and reader have a cute fancy date night! This is a little writing warmup for me to work on Not Quite Ready. I also want to test out how I'm gonna write Red bc I have a soft spot for him.
Red doesn't like big lavish dates. Sometimes sure, but it's just not his thing. He's topside, he's allowed to be as lazy as one could possibly be. That doesn't mean Red doesn't like to do nice things for you. He's ready to do anything for you. He noticed the two of you haven't gone on a big date in a while and elected to remedy that. That brings us to tonight.
"hey sweetheart," Red said in a tone so jokingly sultry that you couldn't help but laugh, "doin' anything tonight?"
You raise a brow. "I wasn't planning on it, why? Want me for something?"
"heh i always want ya sweetheart, but yeah actually. i left some clothing on your bed and if it so pleases you, i'd like to come pick ya up around 6:00?" The way Red looks at you makes your teeth hurt. He cares about you so much it's dizzying.
"Where are you going that you have to come back and pick me up? You practically live here my love." You're stumped about where your bonefriend could be running off to.
Could Red look at you with any more love and affection? You didn't think so a second ago, but after using that little pet name the sweetness increased by at least 35%. "that's a surprise for later. how about you go get all dressed up for me and you can find out after."
With a skeletal kiss, Red grabs his keys and walks out the front door. He also ignores your slew of protests and questions about tonight. Seeing as his metaphorical lips were sealed, you decide to go check out the clothes left out for you
You got to your room and looked at the neat spread of clothing on your bed. It is much fancier than you were expecting. The clothing is definitely new. You'd complain if it didn't fit you and your style so well. Damn him and his great taste. Judging by how much effort was put into just laying your new outfit out, you assumed tonight is going to be a Big Date night. With that in mind, you check the time. It's nearly 3:45 so you have time to shower.
Shower done! You feel much cleaner now. You even have the time to use your nicer skin products (remember to moisturize kids). The smell of your soaps and lotions have you feeling refreshed and ready for date night. You wander back into your room to get dressed. You think a second time about complaining about Red clearly spending a chunk of change on a set of clothes but decide against it. The quality of the fabric shuts you up right quick.
As you get dressed you consider the possibilities of what Red might have planned for tonight's date. You assume dinner at a nice restaurant judging by the time and dress code, but it's clear he has something else planned. If only he gave you a hint when you were interrogating asking him as he was walking out the door. Oh well.
6:00 pm rolls around and you are dressed and ready. With a knock on the door you greet your loving bonefriend. He leads you to his car still ignoring your questions about you date. You give him one final look trying to get him to spill anything. It doesn't work. Stupid skeleton with a stupid good poker face.
In a solid attempt to change the topic, Red asks about the clothing he picked out. "pretty nice right? damn if you don't look stunning." He lets out a little whistle to go with the comment. How shameless.
"Yeah, I guess they're alright" Red mocks offence at your joke.
"just alright? sweetheart you're breaking my soul here. i know i did perfectly and you should admit it." He takes his eyes off the road to glance at you, trying to catch you to breaking the joke first.
You relent, "Fine. Fine. It's perfect. Like actually perfect. Did you take my measurements while i was asleep or something?"
Red barks out a laugh, "heheh no no sweetheart i just like looking at you," you give a questioning hum, "and i might have looked some of your clothing to make sure everything would fit."
"Weirdo, but you're my weirdo so I won't complain."
You two talk and joke around the rest of the drive to the first part or your date. You were right about the nice restaurant. It's the building alone is intensely lavish. Some would go as far as to say gaudy. Red, the gentleman he is, opened your door and led you to the front foyer. He went up to talk to the host and the both of you were led to the dining room.
While the decor and dress code told you enough, the lack of prices on the menu really solidified that this place is fancy fancy. Sensing your hestiance, Red assured you he's got it covered. He says he's treating you tonight so you can go all out. You wonder if he stole Edge's credit card. No matter, you both order and get the date going.
All in all dinner went perfect. You thought the vegetables could be seasoned more but other than that? Some of the best food you've had in a while. You tried questioning Red about what the rest of Date Night entails but his masterful topic changes gave you the hint that you weren't going to find out until you got there.
But now we are there! Part two is going to see a play from the local theater troupe. You're surprised Red would take you to something like this. Not necessarily that he's into theater, you have been dating a while you know about that, but that he'd take you in person. He said he didn't like being in dark rooms with other people and you can't judge. As you are getting situated in your seats you check in with about it. You don't want your bonefriend pushing himself so far out of his comfort zone just for a date. He reassures you he'll be fine and with that the play begins.
It was surprisingly good! You didn't know this troupe and subsequently didn't know what to expect but they blew it out of the water. It seemed to be a newer show about a roller coaster accident? You weren't sure what it would entail but Red seemed very excited to see it. Every once in a while when you would look over you could see him twitching a little making a physical effort to not sing along. Goofball. When to show concluded and the two of you left, you had a great time discussing your thoughts and theories on the way back to your place. You know Red poured his soul into planning this date and words couldn't describe how much you love him for it.
You found out once you got home that the place he ran off to was a video rental store. Seems your date will be ending with a movie night! Stars you love your skeleton.
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halucynator · 10 months
Omg I really needed more swiftie mutuals <3
Please rant about all things you like, i love rants, gosh we seem to have so many close interests, I am not a writer tho, but I do read, effectively making me a reader which doesn't sound as cool, now that I think about it.
My fav Taylor song at the moment is "Slut!". I cannot get that out of my head. I mean "got lovesick all over my bed", I die a little everytime I hear that.
Fav Olivia song at the moment is logical (kinda like you username aah). I still CANNOT get over "can't take a joke, can't get you off". Like please kill me already.
Fav Sabrina song at the moment is probably "because i liked a boy". (damn who hurt me?)
And fav conan song at the moment, "Lookalike"
Tell me yours?
omg thank you thank you thank youuuu <33
okay so i love a lot of things some of them are pretty questionable but I'm questionable literally ask anyone on the discord server so its fine. anywhoo, i love taylor, maisie, gracie, phoebe, alix page, lucy (dacus not myself I'm not THAT narcissistic), olivia hardy (from wasia project) julien, conan, liv, sab (and @loserdiaz but that's a known fact) and so many other people to the point that even i cant keep track. oh and i love laufey, mitski and lyn lapid just bc.
my current fav by wasia project is petals on the moon but ur so pretty especially live from the studio is so gooddd
anywayss, reading is really cool thats how i got into writing (which is the best thing ever ik /hj) i also really really like reading bc it makes me smart and it's super fun
which is your favourite book series?? mine is lockwood and co as if you couldn't already tell by the amount of times I've mentioned it i also really love agggtm series bc why wouldn't it its so good. I'm sure i love so many more book series but my memory sucks (it does not but I'm lazy so I'll use that as an excuse)
anywhooo, i love scream which is weird bc i watched the first one when i was 10 (i know, who let me do that???) and i... liked it? (I'm very questionable i know) but i also tend to rant about it as if its real life (like WHY DID THEY KILL OF *insert name of dead character* IM SO MAD) and not a movie so I'm a bit annoying sometimes but pls don't tell me that otherwise I'll start crying /j
hmm my favourite taylor song atm would be "is it over now?" or "now that we don't talk" bc at the moment i resonate so well with those songs (ikr my life sounds like a nightmare: it is but it isn't really? idk) at yes i totally agree with the "got lovesick all over my bed statement but" also "love thorns all over this rose" and omg "you're not saying you're in love with me, BUT !! YOURE !! GONNA !! DO !!" like who gave taylor the right to be such a mastermind (funny, right? no? okay.) like the entire song, heck the entire album is so GOOD. HER ENTIRE DISCOGRAPHY IS SO GOOD. (this is totally normal fan behaviour btw)
favourite liv song atm is probably lacy but i love all of the songs all the album (and yes logical is soooo good i mean i have to love it otherwise my url is meaningless) but my favourite lyric from the entire album is probably "we both drew blood but man THOSE CUTS were NEVER EQUAL!!" from the grudge (also one of my top 3) bc that hits DEEP. (bc the cuts were deep, i know I'm so funny /j)
favourite sab song atm is prolly cindy lou who / opposite (been there) / a nonsense christmas. i cheated but i simply cant choose one shes too good. also super funny bc cindy lou who and opposite are like sad vibes and then a nonsense christmas i want you to [redacted] and [redacted] me on the couch while we [redacted] presents (sorry i just think I'm so funny when I'm not but dont tell me that i wanna be a stand up comedian no I'm just kidding I'm not a failure. IM JOKING) (also regarding bc i liked a boy, I agree. who hurt you???)
anyways, my favourite conan song atm is prolly the best known option "heather" BUT i also like "the cut that always bleeds" the entire of kid krow tbh
okay i wrote a lot asdxcasdcvafd sorry
alsooo, you didnt ask this but my favourite gracie abrams song atm is "where do we go now?" and "cedar" (you arent mine) bc its such a heartbreaking song especially when you can relate to it. ooh and i also love camden, painkillers, rockland and long sleeves but they're all pretty depressing so if you don't like sad songs they're prolly not for you.
and THANK YOU for this ask this was so fun send me more sometimes <333
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bakugostiddies · 2 years
Haikyuu Boys (Taylor's Version)
Taylor swift songs that describe your relationship with different Haikyuu Boys bc i love her and them
Content Warnings: just fluff and slightly suggestive content in Kuroo's section :)
A/N: I'm doing a Midnights themed Haikyuu series to let loose the swiftie in me so here are some crumbs before that.
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Lover - Sakusa
"We could leave the Christmas lights up 'til January And this is our place, we make the rules And there's a dazzling haze, a mysterious way about you dear Have I known you 20 seconds or 20 years?"
Every day, sakusa kiyomi falls in love with you a little more. You don’t have the ardor of your first few dates, but the passion you once felt has evolved into something more, something deep and warm. Kiyomi brings you small trinkets on his way back from work with a simple “I thought of you” and cleans your room when you don’t feel like doing it yourself. He kisses you twice every morning before leaving- once on the forehead and once on the tip of your nose. His love is quiet and subtle, but you still feel it in every action, in every word. You, on the other hand, pack his lunch before work and add little notes that say “I love you! Eat well :)” or “have a great day <3” that brighten kyomi’s day. You tie his tie before every event you are invited to and in the aftermath of a big game, you give him massages that leave him relaxed and content. Your love comes out with what you say and the gentle caresses you give him whenever you touch. The two of you hold on to lazy cuddles or slow-dancing in your living room to frank sinatra. It feels comfortable and warm, like you have been together for your whole existence and maybe even before that. It almost feels like destiny. Home for each of you is with the other. 
Dress -Kuroo 
"Say my name and everything just stops I don't want you like a best friend Only bought this dress so you could take it off"
Kuroo is irresistible, and you almost hate him for it. You’ve been friends since before you could form complete sentences and you’ve grown up together, swimming in the neighborhood pool and doing science projects- you are inseparable. You think that the relationship you shared, with his teasing and your protests and your mutual knack for trouble, will never change. But after drunken one party in college, you and kuroo wake up in his room the next morning with your naked limbs tangled together. Inseparable. Now, there’s a magnetism between you, an inevitability of your connections. Now you can’t go a moment without longing for his hands all over you. Now he loses control when you say his name like that (all innocent, like you dont know what you’re doing to his body, like you are daring him to do something dangerous). You spend your days together (and your nights) and most moments in between. He smirks at you and you can’t help your widening smile. When you’ve long given up resistance, you begin to press kisses to the back of his hand and he starts giving you his hoodies even when you don’t ask for them. And when kenma asks kuroo if he loves you, the man doesn’t hesitate in his answer. 
Gold rush - Oikawa
"But I don't like a gold rush, gold rush I don't like anticipating my face in a red flush I don't like that anyone would die to feel your touch"
You try to convince yourself that you hate Oikawa Toru, but you can never manage it. From the minute you meet him, you ignore the butterflies when he shakes your hand and try to frown at his easy smiles and flirtatious whining. But he always finds his way into your mind. You imagine his perfect face in your dreams, his effortless beauty and you resent him for it. Almost. Oikawa is impossible for you to hate. He finds ways to get closer to you, to worm his way under your skin and stay there until you gave in. He gives you flowers and recites bad poetry and asks you out in class. He tells you bad jokes and looks at you in the bleachers each time he scores a point. You both fall hard and fast, but your conversations are easy and so are your silences. It is impossible to hate him; after all, how can you hate him when he's so beautiful, so loving, so inviting? 
Treacherous - Suna 
"And I'll do anything you say If you say it with your hands And I'd be smart to walk away But you're quicksand"
You never thought Suna Rintarou would be the one you fell in love with, but no matter how hard you try, you're drawn to him. Suna looks perpetually bored yet he watches your every move, your laughs and subtle frowns and the way you looked before you cried, memorizing them. You never know where you stand with him- sometimes he draws you in and other times he feels unattainably far away. But you love every moment with him, his soft touches on your lower back, his dark grey eyes pulling you in from across a crowded room, the way he doesn't have to do anything for you to need him with you. He keeps a polaroid of you in his phone case as a memory, a keepsake, a reminder. Suna occupies too much space in your mind, but you take up a good deal of his as well. When you finally kiss him, it feels too right to deny- the danger of commitment, of someday growing apart, of maybe being not so good together pales before your connection. Maybe even in the face of uncertainty, the two of you will stand intertwined, tangled in one another’s subconscious, and irrevocably together. Maybe despite the fear and anxiety and unknowable future, this is all you need. Like he's the blood in your veins. Like you're the breath in his lungs. 
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spiderfunkz · 2 years
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✧.* wounded love.
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— summary : you take care of peter after his late-night patrol.
— pairings : tasm!peter parker x gn!reader
— words : 0.6k
— warnings : fluff, mention of scars and wounds, established relationship, kisses & cuddles, pet names, they're roomates with separate rooms btw, my horrible grammar and writing (my english hasn't been the best lately), lmk if i missed any !! also not proofread bc i'm lazy & i made this on my phone whoopsie
a/n : after all the angst i have put you all through, heres some fluff with peter parker <33 this idea has been in my mind for sooo long but i haven't gotten any motivation to write recently, also I AM SUPER sorry about the lack of activity recently on my account i've been out and focusing on my life outside of this app. but in short, here is two hopeless romantic teenagers in love. ^_^
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the rain danced lightly on your window sill as the water droplets drop from the plants outside your fire escape.
the night was quiet and calming, your record player peter gifted you was on and playing your favorite song as you work on your english essay. yes it was 2 am at that point, but you couldn't sleep without thinking about peter, you needed him to get home safely.
he told you exactly 5 months ago about his 'night shifts', that are actually late night patrols in a spandex suit.
ever since then you've stayed up until he comes home, the med kit sitting on the bathroom counter is always there when you need it.
so of course, you waited patiently while typing mindlessly on the essay. the cup full of tea is now empty as the other one stays there for peter.
your typing was interrupted by the knocking on the window, you turned as the red and blue spandex shined from the moon light.
you rushed to the window, unlocking it for peter to just hop in as you drag a chair for him.
he took his mask off causing his brown curls puff up as he gave you a smile, "hi." peter smiled as you came back with the med kit.
"hi." you respond.
patching him up was always a dread. it was never something you've liked since the beginning, but how could he still look so beautiful? his hair is still perfect, the healed scars are masked with bandages with smiley faces on his chest, a smile stayed on his lips as he ranted about what happened during his patrol.
"and then boom, pew, pew, i webbed him to a wall and the lady thanked me, and it was okay, better than last night at least." peter finished, "no small knives?" you joked as peter shooked his head.
"no, thankfully. i would've started screaming to the point you could hear me from here." — "how about you?" peter asked.
"hm?" — "your night, how was your night." he repeated.
"it was okay," you nodded, "i'm almost finished with my english essay, made some tea, nothing much." you shrugged.
"you know you don't have to stay up for me." peter pressed his forehead against yours, "i know. but, i wanna help. besides i can't sleep." you continued, grabbing the bandage and wrapping the wound and tying it with a bow.
"plus, i can't sleep without hearing your snore from the other room." you laughed as peter sarcastically gasped, "okay, i consider myself offended."
"oh please, you know you snore." you smile as he shook his head.
the laugh quieted down as he caressed your cheek, holding you close.
do you know how pretty you looked? how could one be this pretty? how could you laugh and still look so pretty? peter thought as his mind went on spirals.
"you know it's not nice to stare, parker." you say, snapping him from this thoughts.
"and who said that?" peter chuckled.
silence filled the room again as you put the med kits aside before turning back to peter.
"it's not nice to stare, bub." peter says, quoting you as you laugh.
"you're just too pretty." you stated, tucking his hair behind his ear. "i think you're prettier," peter commented, "and smarter, and your talented, and you can craft, your clever, you have nice sense of fashion, your humour is adorable, and bla bla bla i could go on for hours." peter rambled as you smiled.
you lay your head on his chest, you could hear his heartbeat flutter as he strokes your hair, ranting about, well anything, as you listen.
yep. staying up till 2 am for your boyfriend is 100% worth it.
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la-cocotte-de-paris · 2 years
Rules: answer 20 questions and tag 20 blogs you’d love to get to know better!
Tagged by: @gayvillainerainera (open tag hehe and it looked fun!)
Name: Katie
Pronouns: she/her
Zodiac: leo sun, sagittarius moon, virgo rising
Height: 5'3" (if anyone makes a short joke I will bite you)
Time: 00:59 bby
Nationality: Irish babe
Favorite band: Oh man idk, I do love Måneskin and The 1975, ADORE Florence + The Machine (I never know to list the group as a band or just focus on Florence but I adore the music either way, and if you weren't gonna read it in this category, you'd read it in the next) and La Femme, love me some Cocteau Twins, but I've been getting into Siouxsie and the Banshees, Sisters of Mercy, Type O Negative lately! Also vibe with The Radio Dept. And much more tbh but the list will legit keep going so I'll shut up now hahaha :P
Favorite artist: Outside of the aforementioned, Lana Del Rey. Also love The Weeknd.
When you created your blog: Originally in like 2014 or something?? But my blog got flagged for no damn reason back in like early 2020 so then I set up this one. Still occasionally use the other one, but mainly to reblog specific things/signal boost, given I had a sizeable follower count.
The last thing you googled: Madeira famous drink (the answer I was looking for was poncha)
Lucky number: Not telling!
Other blogs: @mademoiselle-katie (the OG blog that is like an old abandoned saloon which is frequented by ghosts rip; if I like one of your posts, that's the url you see). There are some others but I never really use them. @la-fxmme-damnee was a kinkier one I made but I had to keep logging in and I am lazy so. Not bothered to keep it up unless I get traction there lmao.
Why I chose my url: I felt like a change and was watching an old Edwige film where her character was accused of being a "coquette", and I sorta can behave like a coquette (in the original sense, not the Internet Type™ ) and wanted something a little dark, so added "malefique" bc it felt right. I can indeed be an evil coquette, or a nightmare dressed like a daydream (sorry to use the lyric but like...it is lowkey me lol).
How many people you're following: 1,024
How many followers: 1,122 (on this blog, but the OG has 1,192 and a history blog I seldom use now has 1.5k)
Average hours of sleep: Lord knows, nowadays between 7 and 9 I think.
Instruments: My voice 😌 I used to play violin and piano but gave those up. Did tin whistle in primary school lmao. Sorta harmonica (keep losing the harmonica bc I'm an idiot fml). Have been considering doing harp - for a variety of reasons.
Currently wearing: big, fluffy pyjama top and fluffy pyjama bottoms
Dream trip: GOD SOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!! Various destinations across mainland Europe, but I'd really love to see the Nordic countries and the midnight sun/aurora borealis (depending on time of year). <3 Mexico, Cuba, Thailand and India would also be super cool!!! There are some others too but I've already talked too much :P
Fav food: omg sis I love food way too much, Sicilian olives, hummus, kabanossi, brie cheese, fettucine alfredo, pizza, ratatouille, this ratatouille lasagna recipe my mom makes, blinis, smoked salmon... <3
Fav song: okay i have several atm: Passaccaglia by Ennio Morricone, Dominion by Sisters of Mercy, Christian Woman by Type O Negative, Bela Lugosi's Dead by Bauhaus, Cat People by David Bowie. I have many others including all-time faves but these are current ones.
Three fictional universes I wanna live in: none thank you (that I can currently think of).
I shall tag: @little-miss-scare-all666 @bodhitreebluebird @neednottoneed @sonybuzz42 @bouncing-flowers @jazz-vampire @mirandasinclairs @blackwoodbanshee @cafeomancer @catherinebronte (if you guys wish to, ofc!! no presh if not), and anyone else who'd like to do it! <3 It's great fun!
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al-ghoul · 1 year
azalea, cosmos, and poppy! :)
(for the flower themed asks)
cosmos— what’s the best compliment you’ve ever received? who was it from?
Omg, this is very difficult! I don't recieve many of those generally, and don't tend to believe them when I do. But I once worked at a new place, for about a month before running off, and since I was new I wasn't even talking to anyone, (and it was kind of a job where you don't have the time to talk, you're gotta move fast to meet the quota), but somehow I gave people The Impression in my brief time in there, because I once overheard a colleague threatening someone to send [my name] to them if they don't comply. It was like a joking threat, but the implication was that I was somehow the scariest person in the department. Despite not even doing or saying anything to anyone, I just have That Kind of a Face. It was ten years ago and I still remember it XD
poppy— out of the four seasons, which season of the year is your favorite and why?
Aesthetically speaking, I love all of them, for different reasons. Practically, I prefer summer. I like to be able just go outside without putting on four layers of clothing for half an hour, gets me tired even before I'm out of the house. I like to be not tired, and the summer season is the best for that. I love the green stuff you can sit on, the actual air on my skin, the rustle of leaves, I find summer to be the most sensory pleasing. (But also my favorite season is always the one that is not now.)
azalea— what is the most recent song you listened to? how do you feel about it?
Honestly, any other day my playlist is much more diverse, I swear! XD It's been a week of these two albums exclusively, bc it's gonna be my birthday soon and I'm always getting upset this time of year.
This one gives me vibes of a very lazy summer evening when you have nothing to do but just lay down and breath. It relaxes me.
Translation included.
(if it seems nonsensical and wonky it's not because I don't know english, it's because it's written weirdly in the original, with some words returning google search as only appearing in this song ever - so at times I had to improvise based on the vibe of the word and what other words exist with the same root).
What is dealt, is dealt - Gets rougher in your hands And glows with fibers in the calluses. Vapor freezes at night, - No wonder he scolded me for three days, Remembered his eyes in the salt. And the paths rang loudly in the bridle, The camp was smoking in autumn: Was losing calamity for nothing at the stone walls And the root was coming to life. If only there'd be a day to come back, Wash away the misery with a ravine of years. Shame was getting leaner with the last patch, - Crying tow does not warm with a smile. Slanted eyes lead us, forgiving a quiet footstep, Shallowing in the smell like a squint. The crag crowns the path - commanding to see it And carve names with a promise. Who was asking to come back To trust the taste of dew with your lips, To forget with the last patch To carry elm guides to the Kuban. To hide the face in the woolen coils To bravely take the breathing out of the steppes. Look for the coals of the beginning by the shores. How they've ordered to weave a blade of grass Into your tight braids For nothing, the scar of a crazy cattail Is protected by the heart, pride ruffles tiredly, A swearword is asking for contradicting cheekbones. By the bear paw! To scratch! Rudely!
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