#i forgot what tags this fandom has
nova-rpv · 1 month
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a redraw of the first drawing i posted here to celebrate the fact that ive been in tumblr for more than a whole year posting my shit and havent deleted my blog in panic yippee \:D/ (mushy rant in tags)
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dollypopup · 6 months
I'm sorry, but this is THE most vanilla fandom ever. Oh my goddddd. The entire lot of us freaking out over *checks notes* Colin watching porn. like i have legit seen takes of people being like 'Penelope should know his kinks before he CORRUPTS her' and 'won't anyone think of Penelope's perspective in this!!!' and 'she needs to know and agree to his fetishes'
like I'm SO sorry peeps are pearl clutching over Colin being a kinky little freak (allegedly) but like the man BEEN had a thing for watching and a filthy mouth, sorry not sorry, but I'm kind of loving the idea that he's joining the battle against kink and debauchery on the side of kink and debauchery and frankly I think Penelope would, too
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ratzhatz14 · 9 days
For those who do not like silly AUs then this is not your plate
RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH I realized me and Redzania were basically spamming our followers with reblogs before so uhmmm
I was originally gonna draw Canon Quincy fanart, but decided to make a small art of one of my AUs (I have like 20 for DoodleWorld help me)
So here's a shitpost/shitart of "RoleSwap" or whatever the fuck I called it back then
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I love this game's lore so much I need help
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padfoot-lupin77 · 2 months
Lily: wait, I don’t get it, explain the joke
James: but if I explain it then it’s no longer funny
Lily: I doubt it’s funny anyway so get to explaining
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its-rat-time-babey · 1 year
Figuring out when the fuck Glitch Techs takes place.
Spoiler Alert: Not when you’d think.
Also probably spoilers for Glitch Techs idk.
Alright. Glitch Techs. I watched it, I liked it, I mourned that it was shelved by Netflix and will never get a season 3 or a conclusion to the story it was in the process of setting up, and I thought to myself:
“Hey, when does this show actually take place?”
Because we see technology from the past, present and future all in one timeframe being presented like it’s perfectly normal.
For the present (or at least 2019-2020, when the show was made), we see modern smartphones and VR gaming is a regular thing.
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(Although do keep in mind that Smartphones seem to look more like the older models of Smartphone compared to our modern 2020 ones. This will be important later)
But that’s where the first flaws start showing up.
Starting with the evidence for the past: There’s fast, modern internet and social media exists, which is a point for modern day, but social media doesn’t seem to be a completely universal thing, with only a few characters we see actually using it.
Streaming and Streamers exist, with Mitch being a former streamer and member of a streaming group, but given how little social media is relevant in the show it’s actually arguable how popular or widespread streaming is.
People definitely know about Mitch Williams and the Furious Four, but I’d argue that those people are limited to more hardcore gamers and Hinobi game enthusiasts and not many (or even any) people outside that niche really know or care.
Mitch’s career as a streamer and any fame he has in general is only really noticed by other hardcore gamers like Five, other Glitch Techs and that one kid in the Hinobi tournament (the fact that they’re in the tournament to begin with means that they’re one of the best gamers Hinobi could find) after all. Miko, a hardcore gamer, doesn’t even know Mitch had a streaming career at all until someone else tells her (although she does kinda get a pass because it’s implied that Miko is homeschooled and just doesn’t know much about social media or streaming in general).
So it appears that in the setting of Glitch Techs, social media and streaming exists, but is a rather niche concept, with only a few demographics of people being interested in that sort of thing. High schoolers and older teens for social media, and hardcore gamers and game enthusiasts for streaming. So in that regard it’s a lot like the early 2000s when that kind of thing was just taking off and wasn’t as popular.
There’s also the far more obvious fact that arcades are common and very popular. Not something that you would expect if this show happens in the modern day.
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Even TVs don’t line up with the present day. If you see a TV in glitch techs, it looks more like a TV from the 2010s than the modern day.
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Note the stand and the fact that they’re not wall mounted and too thick to be proper modern TVs.
But on the topic of TVs and video games, this is where our one piece of big future evidence exists, so I’m going to disprove it real quick to make things easier for us.
There is holographic technology easily available and commonplace in gaming equipment.
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And this isn’t just a regular case of Hinobi having advanced, futuristic technology that it only gives to its Glitch Techs (which I’m fully willing to overlook) because these holographic screens aren’t limited to just Glitch Techs. It’s an ordinary part of Hinobi’s commercial technology.
However, It can just be counted as Hinobi being really shady and advanced in terms of technology, especially since it’s only Hinobi technology that has this stuff. Phones, TVs and etc don’t have holographic screens, and there’s a canonical reason for that in the form of plixels, the Hinobi technology that creates all those glitches in the first place.
Plixels are canonically a thing that Hinobi invented to store massive amounts of data in very small spaces, which they use to make their products as advanced and high quality as possible. They’re also somewhat unstable which is what creates glitches, but that’s a whole different topic.
Point is. Plixels are extremely advanced Hinobi technology used in all of their products, and as seen in the show, can be used to create solid objects if used correctly. The holographic screens are just Hinobi Plixels being used for their intended purpose and it makes perfect sense why Hinobi has this technology, and as such doesn’t really provide any evidence of Glitch Techs happening in the future. Hinobi is strange, shady and has very advanced technology for it’s time, so we’re going to ignore most of the super advanced technology they have.
We will not however, ignore their older technology, especially the tech that parallels our own. That stuff is very useful.
Part 2: Actually solving this thing:
Here’s what we have so far for Glitch Tech’s setting:
VR gaming is a perfectly normal thing that matches or even somewhat surpasses modern VR (2020)
Smartphones exist, but visually resemble older smartphones from the early to mid 2010s
TVs resemble early 2010s TVs
The state of Social Media and Streaming seems similar to how it was in the 2000s
Arcades exist and are very popular, which dates things to anywhere from the 1970s to 1990s
Hinobi’s advanced technology fuckery can complicate things, and provides no evidence for any one time
For actually solving this, we need concrete data and that needs some assumptions regarding our world and how it relates to the world of Glitch Techs.
Because we have about three and a half pieces of hard evidence for the time period that Glitch Tech takes place in, and they don’t give completely conclusive dates, just a time frame of a few years that Glitch Techs can happen in and some explanations and rationalizations are needed to explain things that don’t line up.
It also uses the ages of some characters that I got from the wiki (which may not be completely reliable) and some educated guessing.
Those pieces of evidence are:
Ping’s creation and Emilio Nieves
Spec Ops
Phil’s files, Bitt and Bolybius
One crucial part of figuring out the Glitch Techs timeline is the fact that Video Games as a concept were created rather recently compared to our world. Five’s dad, Emilio Nieves was a former employee of Hinobi and was the creator of the first three video games, including this world’s equivalent of Pong, is still alive and according to the wiki is somewhere in his 40s.
Now we just need to figure out how old he was when he made Ping, and we have some pictures that might help.
In the episode “Ping”, we see Emilio Nieves at three different points in his life.
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A young man who appears to be either in or fresh out of college judging by the other people around him that resemble college students.
An older man (that looks the same as before) raising Five that i estimate to be around his 30s considering his current age, Five’s age in the photo and Five’s current age.
Emilio Nieves in his 40s in prison, how he currently is.
Emilio Nieves is somewhere in his 40s, and judging by the pictures and how he was responsible for the first three games, probably made ping fresh out of college, and then made the other two a few years later.
Ping’s real life equivalent, Pong, was made in the year 1972, and if we assume that Ping and Pong share a birth year and Ping really was created when Emilio Nieves was in or fresh out of college, that would put the current year of Glitch Techs in anywhere from 1992 to around 1998, depending on exactly when Ping was made in relation to Emilio Nieves’ time in college (the average college student spends about 4-5 years in college, plus 1 year for time after leaving college).
That’s a pretty big timeframe, but it can be reduced by quite a bit with the help of another equivalent game.
Spec Ops.
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Spec Ops is a game made by Hinobi that was freshly released when Five bought it in “Karate Trainer”. It’s also a very obvious parody of Metal Gear, so if we can figure out exactly what game in the Metal Gear franchise it’s closest to, we can compare its release date to the show.
And I narrowed it down to two games in the franchise. The original Metal Gear from 1998 and Metal Gear 2: Sons Of Liberty from 2001.
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I apologize for the terrible pictures of the Metal Gear Games, I just couldn’t find any good ones.
I can’t figure out exactly which of the two games are closest to what we see in the show and I don’t really believe it’s possible, but this narrows our timeframe to 1998-2001.
Next up: Phil and his secret files.
According to Bitt, Phil has been working as the manager of Hinobi’s Bailley division for 20 years, and it’s implied that he worked as a Glitch Tech for several years before becoming a manager and being given Bitt. According to the wiki, Phil is somewhere in his 40s.
Now, we see Phil in his 20s in “BITT Prime” courtesy of Bitt’s photo album and we see a much younger version of him in Phil’s hidden files at the end of the episode.
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However, you’ll probably notice that these two Phils are not the same. Notice the small beard on File Phil that’s absent on 20-Years-Ago Phil.
But we do still know roughly when this Phil existed because we have a photo close to that.
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I’m not joking here. This is 100% serious. Notice the beard. This is the first appearance of said beard in all of Phil’s photos. Hippie Phil does have the beginnings of a moustache that File Phil lacks, but that still helps figure out when File Phil happens because it dates him to just before the photo was taken, in between Hippie Phil and the photo before it.
Hippie Phil is the 3rd picture in that photo album and assuming that each photo was taken one year apart, that means Hippie Phil happened 17 years ago, and File Phil Happened somewhere between 17 and 18 years ago, which I will simply round down to 17.
Hippies were a thing mostly in the 60s and early 70s, so if we assume that the photo was taken in the early 70s, that would place us around 1987-ish. But there’s a massive problem here: Ping puts us around 1992-1998 and Spec Ops somewhat narrows it down to 1998-2001, but now we have evidence pointing to way earlier than even the oldest possible date of 1992.
Luckily, although HIPPIES were a thing in the 60s and 70s, TIE-DYE specifically was a thing that went in and out of fashion during the 70s, 80s, 90s and even the 2000s. Phil isn’t being a Hippie in that photo, he’s just wearing tie dye, which happened to be in-style when the photo was taken, and I can’t explain the peace signs and stoned expression. Maybe some things are best left unanswered.
But this gives us another problem. Now the timeframe is too wide, spanning nearly 40 years of time. But this too can be solved using a completely different theory involving a certain arcade game that I have a love-hate relationship with:
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Polybius. More specifically it’s in-universe equivalent Bolypius.
Almost nothing is known about Bolypius other than a few hints we’re given sparsely throughout the show, including:
Bolypius is a glitch of some kind that’s incredibly dangerous and important, possibly being intelligent and able to act human
Hinobi has no idea where Bolypius currently is
Miko may be important in locating Bolypius’s current location, for reasons that are unknown but probably linked to her reset immunity
If the show hadn’t been canned by Netflix, we would have had an episode dedicated to Bolypius, named “Bolypius”
An animatic from an unreleased episode exists bringing up “Bolypius Chess” as a very old game in the Glitch Techs universe
Bolypius presumably takes many details from its real urban legend equivalent
Now taking that last fact into consideration, here’s some important, basic details about Polybius:
Polybius was made by the government and caused all sorts of physiological effects on the people that played it
Mysterious men in black would often be seen messing with the machine and taking strange data from it
One day, Polybius just vanished. Taken away by the government never to be seen again.
Taking that into consideration and assuming that Polybius and Bolypius share similarities with each other (which they most likely do), you can assume some things about Bolypius, mainly that it was most likely purposefully created by Hinobi (who take up the role of the government here because it’s Hinobi, of course they do) for whatever reason and like Polybius, just vanished one day, with the difference that Polybius was taken away BY the government and Bolypius escaped FROM the government (or Hinobi in this case).
How does this apply to Phil’s messages to his future self? Well we’ll never know what those messages involve because Netflix is a bitch but judging by Past Phil’s comments about Hinobi wiping the minds of employees, the warning he delivers about “things getting glitchy” in the future and the slow reveal of Bolypius that was supposed to happen if the show didn’t get canned, it’s pretty safe to assume that these messages involve Bolypius in some way.
We also know that this information isn’t a clue to Bolypius’s location because for one, Phil’s mind was wiped at some point after making these videos, and if Hinobi is trying to FIND Bolypius they probably wouldn’t erase the mind of someone who has a clue to their location.
No, the video is definitely talking about Bolypius, but I don’t think it’s about its location or where it went. Past Phil mentions that he took a bunch of files from Hinobi’s development lab, aka the part of Hinobi responsible for making new technology and games, so I think these files aren’t about Bolypius’ location, but rather Bolypius’ CREATION.
Like it’s real equivalent, Bolypius was made by the government (or in this case, the equally shady Hinobi), and Past Phil somehow stole files detailing that process or was possibly even directly involved in the project, but had his mind wiped afterwards. It explains not only why Hinobi would wipe Phil’s mind several times in the past, but also his Phil’s warnings and why he bothered to send his future self a message in the first place.
But more importantly than that big theory that honestly deserves its own post, Polybius has a release date: 1981.
If Bolypius was made in the same year as its real world counterpart and Phil’s message involves Bolypius’ creation like I theorized, the year 1981 lines up with everything else.
It’s 9 years after the invention of Pong/Ping, so Hinobi could be a proper game company with designated Glitch Techs by that time.
That 9 years gives us more than enough time for Phil to have gotten those pictures taken over the course of 3 years.
The 80s were a time where Tie-Dye was in style, lining up with the Tie-Dye Phil picture.
And finally, taking the year 1981 and adding 17 years (the rough amount of time since that last photo was taken) gives us the year 1998, a year that fits with the other bits of evidence perfectly.
Part 3: 1998 Evidence:
1998 specifically lines up with almost all other pieces of evidence I’ve given.
Bolypius’s presumed birthday plus the age of Phil’s messages and photos gets us 1998.
If Emilio Nieves built Ping at the end of his college years or when he was fresh out of college, it’s fully possible for him to make at least 3 other games, have Five, be arrested for hacking and end up in prison by his 40s in 1998. In fact, this is even more likely given that the Ping machine has Hinobi’s logo on it, meaning that Emilio Nieves was a Hinobi employee when he made it. He probably got hired fresh out of college and invented Ping very early in his career, something that is entirely possible because Emilio Nieves is a master programmer.
The year 1998 is the exact year that Metal Gear (1998) came out, perfectly lining it up with the in-universe Spec Ops that came out in the current Glitch Techs year.
Arcades like we see in the show were popular in the 90s, albeit losing popularity at the time, and as even more evidence, the 80s and early 90s were the time when animatronic restaurants were at their most popular, lining up with in-universe things like Joystick Jr’s using animatronics when Five was a kid.
However, there’s still the existence of high speed internet, streaming and social media (in an early 2000s-like state), VR games, smartphones and TVs (which both resemble the 2010s versions of themselves).
Luckily for that, we have an explanation in the form of Hinobi’s high tech tomfuckery. More specifically the impact it would logically have on the rest of the world’s technology and technological advancement.
High speed internet can be explained by the invention of plixels, which are supposed to be an extremely compact and fast form of data storage. The invention of that technology would 100% kickstart the internet into a version that’s a lot closer to the modern version in terms of availability and speed. Even without directly using plixels, their invention would kickstart the invention of other high speed data storage technologies that would also bring the internet up to our modern speeds.
The extremely fast upgrading of the internet courtesy of plixel technology would also probably kickstart things like social media and streaming into becoming a thing way earlier than normal, but we see that it’s still not completely known by everyone.
Hinobi’s advanced technology (at least the stuff it actually sells) could also end up influencing things like smartphones into existing early and speed up the development of TVs from bulky CRTs to the significantly less bulky plasma screens (presumably they’re plasma screens based on their looks) we see in the show. The extremely fast advancement of the internet may also affect the invention of smartphones. They’re not as advanced as the modern stuff we have as they resemble smartphones and TVs from the 2010s, but they’re still more advanced than what you’d normally see in 1998.
VR being common and actually more advanced than 2020 VR is just Hinobi being Hinobi.
So TLDR: Glitch Techs takes place in the year 1998, in a universe where certain technologies were heavily influenced and advanced by roughly a decade or two due to Hinobi’s high tech tomfuckery.
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mediocre-doom · 3 months
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Moon chokes an asshole who punched me
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lucapizzelles · 3 months
I was looking at some family legal documents for something and I found my great grandma's "Alien Registration Form" from the 40's and made me think about what kind of government documents seafolk would have,
would they have seafolk registration forms? That function as IDs/Birth certificates? Would there be some sort of specific mark on their IDs that essentially out them as seafolk? How early would all this be instated? ohh my god
also i read thitcs and that had a similar concept with magical people
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makeyouminemp3 · 11 months
i hate how people can just easily erase and forget and overlook a platonic relationship that had key importance to the show/movie they're apart of, like people talk about them at first, but when the second a romantic relationship is "more important" to talk about, most of the fandom drops it and forgets it when it's convenient for them because apparently it's not as important as romance 😒
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jaguarys · 5 months
Hmmmm thinking about how the portrayal of scientists as unfeeling people who don't care about anything but scientific advancement, even at the cost of humanity, contributes to the demonization of science. Which in turn leads to people being afraid of scientific advancements and a misunderstanding of the many many people who use science to work towards amazing things that will help people. Which in turn leads to people being distrusting of these advancements and works in service of capitalism, traditionalism, eco-fascism, etc. But surely it means absolutely nothing
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i desperately want to read fanfiction but I'm not hyperixated on any media atm this is so sad
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full-pockets · 8 months
I was drafting a story and I missed spelled 'griffin' so badly🙃
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kalashtars · 2 years
BAFFLING to me how many people hate mystery spot. what the fuck are you all talking about. it's one of the absolute classics.
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bistaxx · 1 year
I try to keep things positive on here but todays kinda the exception- I use the tags ‘negative’ or ‘discourse’ on here if you guys want to blacklist those
Also Most of my grief is towards chatters/twt not towards the tumblr fanbase 👍
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trans-estinien · 2 years
Sometimes I feel like doing this with my brain
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#its 12 am and i should probably sleep instead of rambling but#man. its rough having your fav blorbo be a fucking terrible person#cause on one hand you have the villain woobifiers and people who just completely ignore major aspects of a character for a fucking ship#and on the other hand you have people who hate you for enjoying a character. and thinking said character is interesting#and yeah yeah i know not everyone will like me and i should just ignore it and keep on doing what i enjoy but. ugh.#and im also constantly worried that ill fuck up and become a villain woobifier myself#and im also constantly worried that when im writing my cannon blorbos ill fuck up and write something super ooc and people will get mad.#i think fandom was a mistake#but i also wouldn'tve met the besties without fandom so? you know. everything's got two sides#this is such a stupid thing to get all upset over but.#unfortunately i am a horrible man enjoyer this has been consistent my entire life.#and people usually dislike people who like your typical tumblr sexyman type character. which is fair most fans are insufferable#veils if you read this far this isnt abt you it's abt someone else. dont want to like start shit so i wont say names#but i saw. a vauge post from someone i thought was cool and i just. i knew it was directed towards the tags i left on their post#and i felt bad so now im having big anxiety over it. its really stupid i know#i am just going to retreat to my corner and hope to creation that im left alone. im just playing dress up with the blorbos#and like. they're entirely allowed to have their opinion im just. brain is convinced everyone hates me now for no fucking reason.#i gotta. work on this but idk how. therapy fucking failed cause i forgot about it 💀#but. i should sleep. its past 9pm so my brain is not to be trusted.#ok fuck it ill just say it i feel guilty that Emet-Selch is not only my favorite character but also my comfort character.#im not going to stop liking him because that wouldn't be fun. plus others opinions dont really matter i can like whatever characters i want
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jouno-s · 2 months
Millionth post about people not knowing tumblr tagging etiquette
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